Casa System C3200 CMTS Manual

March 26, 2018 | Author: Andres Gregori | Category: Ip Address, I Pv6, Routing, Router (Computing), Command Line Interface



CASA CMTS CASA CMTS VERSION: SEPTEMBER 23, 2013 ........................................................................................................................ 1 (FOR SOFTWARE RELEASES 5.2, 5.4.19, 5.4.21, 6.0.3, 6.1.1, 6.1.2, 6.1.3, AND 1G.1)........................................... 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 3 PREFACE.............................................................................................................................................. 29 PURPOSE OF THE GUIDE .................................................................................................................................. 29 AUDIENCE .................................................................................................................................................... 29 REVISION INFORMATION ................................................................................................................................. 29 CONTENTS ................................................................................................................................................... 35 NOTATION CONVENTIONS ............................................................................................................................... 35 1 CASA CMTS CONFIGURATION OVERVIEW.......................................................................................... 36 SLOT AND PORT NUMBERING ........................................................................................................................... 36 C2200 slot and port numbering ............................................................................................................ 36 C3200 slot and port numbering ............................................................................................................ 38 C10200, C10G, and C100G slot and port numbering ............................................................................ 38 C10G AND C100G REDUNDANCY OPERATIONS................................................................................................... 39 Slot information and cabling on the network side ................................................................................ 39 Slot information on the RF I/O side....................................................................................................... 39 High availability (HA) redundancy commands...................................................................................... 40 Fan, power, and temperature status on the C10G ............................................................................... 44 C10G 8-channel QAM frequency configurations .................................................................................. 45 C10G router redundancy....................................................................................................................... 47 C1G/C1N FEATURES AND CONFIGURATION DIFFERENCES WITH LARGER PLATFORMS .................................................. 47 COMPLETING PRE-CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................... 47 USING THE COMMAND LINE INTERFACE .............................................................................................................. 48 STARTING THE SYSTEM CONFIGURATION ............................................................................................................. 48 Connecting the console ......................................................................................................................... 49 Resetting the console............................................................................................................................ 49 Starting the system ............................................................................................................................... 49 Viewing the loaded software version ................................................................................................... 50 Viewing the system hardware configuration ........................................................................................ 50 Viewing the system running configuration ........................................................................................... 50 CASA CMTS Entering and exiting configuration mode ............................................................................................. 51 Configuring CMTS device contact and location strings......................................................................... 51 Setting security access to the system console ...................................................................................... 51 Setting the console timout .................................................................................................................... 52 Saving the current configuration .......................................................................................................... 53 Resetting the IP address ....................................................................................................................... 54 Restoring factory defaults .................................................................................................................... 54 SAMPLE CONFIGURATION FILES ......................................................................................................................... 55 Basic configuration ............................................................................................................................... 55 General configuration ........................................................................................................................... 57 2 CONFIGURING AND MANAGING THE CMTS FROM THE CLI ................................................................ 60 MANAGING THE SYSTEM ................................................................................................................................. 61 Entering privileged mode ...................................................................................................................... 62 Exiting privileged mode ........................................................................................................................ 62 Changing the privileged mode password ............................................................................................. 63 Resetting the privileged mode password to the default setting ........................................................... 63 Encrypting passwords ........................................................................................................................... 63 Changing the prompt for privileged mode ........................................................................................... 64 Setting up a command alias ................................................................................................................. 64 Showing the configured command alias............................................................................................... 65 MANAGING CONFIGURATIONS AND FILES............................................................................................................ 65 Saving a running configuration to the startup configuration ............................................................... 65 Copying the startup configuration to a file........................................................................................... 66 Restoring a startup configuration from a file in NVRAM ...................................................................... 66 Restoring the startup configuration to the running configuration ....................................................... 66 Copying the running configuration to an external location .................................................................. 67 Copying files over FTP/TFTP.................................................................................................................. 68 Copying files from fdsk2 to destinations over FTP/TFTP ....................................................................... 70 Specifying an MD5 checksum file ......................................................................................................... 71 Displaying fdsk2 directory contents ...................................................................................................... 71 Displaying the running configuration ................................................................................................... 71 Displaying the system startup configuration ........................................................................................ 72 Displaying configuration settings within the current context............................................................... 72 MANAGING NVRAM FILES ............................................................................................................................. 72 Listing files in the directory ................................................................................................................... 72 CASA CMTS Removing a file from the directory ....................................................................................................... 73 Copying a file to a remote host............................................................................................................. 73 UPDATING CASA CMTS SOFTWARE .................................................................................................................. 74 USER MANAGEMENT AND SECURITY CONTROL ..................................................................................................... 74 Assigning commands to user levels ...................................................................................................... 75 SSH support (Release 5.4 and later)...................................................................................................... 76 Enabling and disabling SSH................................................................................................................... 78 Adding Telnet and SSH users ................................................................................................................ 78 Displaying Telnet and SSH users ........................................................................................................... 79 Changing Telnet and SSH user passwords ............................................................................................ 80 Removing Telnet or SSH users .............................................................................................................. 80 Removing a logged-in user ................................................................................................................... 81 Configuring and displaying the Telnet port .......................................................................................... 81 Setting the maximum number of concurrent Telnet session ................................................................ 82 Configuring Telnet and SSH timeout periods ........................................................................................ 82 Rebooting the system ........................................................................................................................... 82 Enabling  a  “save  configuration”  reminder  at  reboot............................................................................ 84 Rebooting a downstream/upstream module ....................................................................................... 85 Displaying the system boot device........................................................................................................ 85 Displaying the system hardware version .............................................................................................. 85 Displaying the system software version ............................................................................................... 86 Setting and displaying the system clock ............................................................................................... 86 Setting and displaying the time zone.................................................................................................... 87 Synchronizing the system clock with an NTP server ............................................................................. 88 Displaying NTP status ........................................................................................................................... 89 Configuring system rate limiting (Rel. 6.0 and later) ............................................................................ 89 Configuring an NTP loopback interface ................................................................................................ 90 Adding and removing IPv4 network route entries ................................................................................ 90 Adding and removing IPv4 host table entries ....................................................................................... 91 Adding and removing IPv6 network route entries ................................................................................ 91 Displaying the IPv4 and IPv6 routing tables ......................................................................................... 92 Displaying IP interface status ............................................................................................................... 92 Displaying alarm states ........................................................................................................................ 93 Displaying system logs .......................................................................................................................... 94 Configuring a log message source IP address....................................................................................... 94 CASA CMTS Configuring lawful intercept ................................................................................................................. 94 Displaying Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol status .................................................................................. 95 Displaying ARP entries .......................................................................................................................... 96 Configuring the ARP request interval ................................................................................................... 97 Configuring ARP packet filtering........................................................................................................... 97 Clearing an entry in the ARP cache ....................................................................................................... 98 Displaying the ARP request interval ..................................................................................................... 98 Enabling and disabling the ARP timeout reset ..................................................................................... 99 Displaying IPv6 information.................................................................................................................. 99 Displaying the ARP timeout reset configuration................................................................................. 100 Displaying CPU usage ......................................................................................................................... 100 Displaying memory usage................................................................................................................... 103 Viewing module statistics ................................................................................................................... 104 Monitoring line card status ................................................................................................................ 107 Monitoring Gigabit Ethernet interfaces.............................................................................................. 107 Clearing interface statistics ................................................................................................................ 108 Displaying the current monitor settings (Rel. 6.0 and later)............................................................... 108 Enabling auto-reboot mode (5.2) ....................................................................................................... 108 Using the ping and ping6 commands ................................................................................................. 109 Testing connectivity with extended ping ............................................................................................ 110 Using the traceroute commands ........................................................................................................ 110 Configuring ICMP packet filtering....................................................................................................... 113 Configuring DHCP packet filtering ...................................................................................................... 114 Displaying all filtering settings in the running configuration ............................................................. 114 Setting channel utilization intervals ................................................................................................... 115 Displaying channel utilization ............................................................................................................. 115 Displaying upstream channel utilization............................................................................................. 117 Displaying downstream channel utilization........................................................................................ 118 Configuring the system monitor (Release 5.4 and later) .................................................................... 119 CONFIGURING THE MANAGEMENT PORT........................................................................................................... 120 Setting the Fast Ethernet port as the management port.................................................................... 120 Obtaining the IP address of the Fast Ethernet port from the DHCP server ......................................... 121 Configuring an IP access group on eth0 (C3200 and C10200 only) .................................................... 121 CONFIGURING GIGABIT ETHERNET (GIGE) PORTS............................................................................................... 122 Enabling/disabling auto-negotiation mode on a Gigabit Ethernet port ............................................. 123 CASA CMTS Assigning or removing a Gigabit Ethernet port IP address ................................................................. 124 Assigning an IP access group to a Gigabit Ethernet port .................................................................... 124 Assigning an IPv6 address to a Gigabit Ethernet port ........................................................................ 125 Assigning a Gigabit Ethernet port to a VLAN ...................................................................................... 126 Enabling/disabling the IGMP client service on a Gigabit Ethernet port ............................................. 126 Configuring the MTU size on a Gigabit Ethernet interface (5.4)......................................................... 127 Displaying the Gigabit Ethernet interface configuration .................................................................... 128 Displaying the 10Gigabit Ethernet interface configuration ................................................................ 129 Displaying the Gigabit Ethernet interface statistics ........................................................................... 130 CONFIGURING LOOPBACK INTERFACES.............................................................................................................. 131 Enabling interface loopback mode ..................................................................................................... 132 Configuring an IPv6 address on a loopback interface ........................................................................ 132 Configuring an IPv4 address on a loopback interface ........................................................................ 133 Assigning an access group to a loopback interface ............................................................................ 133 Configuring a log message source IP address..................................................................................... 134 Configuring a loopback interface as source IP address on FTP/TFTP packets ................................... 134 Setting the source IP address of lawful intercept packets to the loopback IP interface ..................... 135 Configuring trunk interfaces ............................................................................................................... 135 Creating a trunk interface................................................................................................................... 135 Configuring a trunk description .......................................................................................................... 136 Assigning an IP address to a trunk interface ...................................................................................... 137 Enabling/disabling a trunk interface .................................................................................................. 138 Adding a GigE port to a trunk interface .............................................................................................. 138 Enabling IGMP client services on a trunk interface ............................................................................ 139 Applying an IP access group to a trunk interface ............................................................................... 139 Displaying a trunk interface configuration ......................................................................................... 140 Displaying ARP entries from a trunk interface.................................................................................... 141 CONFIGURING DNS ..................................................................................................................................... 142 CONFIGURING DHCP ................................................................................................................................... 142 Using the DHCP insert function........................................................................................................... 143 DHCP and DHCPv6 Leasequery ........................................................................................................... 144 CONFIGURING LINK AGGREGATION CONTROL PROTOCOL (LACP) (5.4) ................................................................. 146 Enabling the LACP global configuration ............................................................................................. 146 Setting LACP port priority ................................................................................................................... 147 Setting the LACP system port priority ................................................................................................. 147 CASA CMTS Displaying LACP group information .................................................................................................... 147 Configuring and displaying LACP port priority on GigE interfaces ...................................................... 148 Configuring and displaying LACP trunk interfaces .............................................................................. 149 Displaying the LACP system ID............................................................................................................ 150 CONFIGURING IS-IS ROUTING PROTOCOL (5.4 ONLY) ........................................................................................ 150 Configuring IPv4 IS-IS under a GigE Port............................................................................................. 150 Configuring IPv6 IS-IS under a GigE port............................................................................................. 151 Configuring an IS-IS circuit type on a GigE interface .......................................................................... 151 Configuring IS-IS point-to-point links .................................................................................................. 152 Configuring the complete sequence number PDU (CSNP) interval ..................................................... 153 Configuring the IS-IS Hello interval ..................................................................................................... 153 Configuring the IS-IS Multiplier for Hello holding time ....................................................................... 154 Enabling padding on IS-IS Hello packets ............................................................................................. 155 Configuring the IS-IS default metric .................................................................................................... 155 Configuring the authentication password for a GigE interface .......................................................... 156 Configuring the IS-IS priority ............................................................................................................... 157 Configuring the IS-IS retransmit-interval ............................................................................................ 157 Configuring IS-IS router area tag ........................................................................................................ 158 Displaying the IS-IS command list ....................................................................................................... 158 Specifying the IS-IS IPv6 address family parameters .......................................................................... 159 Configuring the IS-IS router area authentication password ............................................................... 161 Configuring the IS-IS router authentication key chain ........................................................................ 162 Configuring the IS-IS router authentication mode .............................................................................. 162 Configuring the IS-IS router authentication send-only option ............................................................ 163 Configuring the IS-IS router default route distribution ....................................................................... 164 Configuring the IS-IS router domain authentication password .......................................................... 164 Configuring the IS area types.............................................................................................................. 165 Configuring the IS-IS LSP generation interval ..................................................................................... 166 Configuring the IS-IS LSP lifetime ........................................................................................................ 166 Configuring the IS-IS route redistribution metric style........................................................................ 167 Configuring the network entity title (NET).......................................................................................... 167 Enabling the IS-IS dynamic hostname capability ................................................................................ 168 Configuring IS-IS passive interfaces .................................................................................................... 168 Configuring IS-IS to redistribute route advertisements from other protocols .................................... 169 Setting the IS-IS overload bit............................................................................................................... 170 CASA CMTS Setting the IS-IS shortest path first (SPF) calculations ........................................................................ 171 Setting the IPv4 summary address prefix ........................................................................................... 172 Displaying the IS-IS area configuration............................................................................................... 172 Displaying the IS-IS counter statistics ................................................................................................. 173 Displaying the IS-IS link state database .............................................................................................. 174 Displaying the IS-IS interface statistics ............................................................................................... 175 Displaying the IS-IS neighbor routers.................................................................................................. 176 Displaying the IS-IS topology information .......................................................................................... 176 Displaying the IPv4 and IPv6 IS-IS routing table ................................................................................. 177 CONFIGURING PROTOCOL INDEPENDENT MULTICAST IN SPARSE MODE ................................................................. 177 Enabling PIM-SM on a GigE or loopback interface ............................................................................. 178 Displaying the current PIM-SM interface and neighbor configurations ............................................. 178 Configuring rendezvous point addresses ............................................................................................ 178 Configuring the rendezvous point candidate ...................................................................................... 180 Configuring the bootstrap router candidate....................................................................................... 181 Setting the Shortest Path Tree threshold ............................................................................................ 182 Configuring source-specific multicast ................................................................................................. 183 CONFIGURING THE OSPF ROUTING PROTOCOL ................................................................................................. 183 Entering OSPF configuration mode..................................................................................................... 185 Exiting OSPF configuration mode ....................................................................................................... 185 Enabling OSPF area authentication .................................................................................................... 185 Configuring the OSPF area default cost .............................................................................................. 186 Configuring the OSPF area filter list.................................................................................................... 187 Configuring the OSPF area export list ................................................................................................. 187 Configuring the OSPF area import list ................................................................................................ 188 Configuring the OSPF area NSSA ........................................................................................................ 189 Configuring the OSPF area range ....................................................................................................... 190 Configuring the OSPF area shortcut ................................................................................................... 191 Configuring the OSPF area stub .......................................................................................................... 191 Configuring the OSPF area virtual link ................................................................................................ 192 Configuring the OSPF interface auto cost ........................................................................................... 194 Configuring OSPF-compatible RFC1583 .............................................................................................. 194 Configuring OSPF control-distribution default information ................................................................ 195 Configuring the OSPF default metric .................................................................................................. 196 Configuring the OSPF administrative distance ................................................................................... 197 CASA CMTS Displaying the OSPF command list ..................................................................................................... 197 Configuring the OSPF neighbor router ................................................................................................ 198 Configuring OSPF routing on an IP network ....................................................................................... 199 Configuring the OSPF ABR type .......................................................................................................... 200 Configuring the OSPF route ID ............................................................................................................ 200 Configuring the OSPF passive interface .............................................................................................. 201 Configuring the OSPF distribute list .................................................................................................... 201 Configuring OSPF route redistribution ................................................................................................ 202 Configuring the OSPF refresh parameters .......................................................................................... 203 Configuring the OSPF route ID ............................................................................................................ 204 Configuring the OSPF routing timers .................................................................................................. 204 Configuring IP OSPF authentication.................................................................................................... 205 Configuring the IP OSPF authentication-key ....................................................................................... 206 Configuring the IP OSPF cost .............................................................................................................. 206 Configuring the IP OSPF dead interval ................................................................................................ 207 Configuring the IP OSPF Hello interval................................................................................................ 208 Configuring the IP OSPF message digest key ...................................................................................... 208 Configuring the IP OSPF retransmit interval ....................................................................................... 209 Configuring the IP OSPF transmit delay .............................................................................................. 210 Displaying OSPF general information ................................................................................................. 210 Displaying the OSPF internal routing table entries ............................................................................. 211 Displaying the OSPF database for a specified router .......................................................................... 211 Displaying OSPF interface information ............................................................................................... 211 Displaying OSPF neighbor information ............................................................................................... 212 Displaying the OSPF routing table ...................................................................................................... 212 Displaying IPv4 route information ...................................................................................................... 212 Displaying IPv6 route information ...................................................................................................... 213 Sample OSPF configurations ............................................................................................................... 214 CONFIGURING THE ROUTING INFORMATION PROTOCOL ...................................................................................... 214 Entering RIP configuration mode ........................................................................................................ 215 Exiting RIP configuration mode .......................................................................................................... 215 Configuring the RIP default route ....................................................................................................... 215 Configuring the RIP default metric ..................................................................................................... 216 Configuring the RIP administrative distance ...................................................................................... 217 Configuring the RIP filter list ............................................................................................................... 217 CASA CMTS Displaying the RIP command list ........................................................................................................ 218 Configuring the RIP neighbor router ................................................................................................... 219 Configuring RIP routing on an IP network .......................................................................................... 219 Configuring the RIP offset list ............................................................................................................. 220 Configuring the RIP passive interface ................................................................................................. 221 Redistributing routes over RIP ............................................................................................................ 221 Configuring RIP static routes .............................................................................................................. 222 Configuring the RIP router map .......................................................................................................... 223 Configuring the RIP routing timers ..................................................................................................... 223 Configuring the RIP version ................................................................................................................ 224 Configuring the IP RIP authentication key chain ................................................................................ 224 Configuring an IP RIP authentication string ....................................................................................... 225 Configuring the IP RIP authentication mode ...................................................................................... 226 Displaying RIP routing information..................................................................................................... 226 Displaying RIP status information ...................................................................................................... 227 Displaying IPv4 route information ...................................................................................................... 227 Displaying IPv6 route information ...................................................................................................... 228 CONFIGURING THE BGP ROUTING PROTOCOL (RELEASE 5.4 AND LATER) ............................................................... 229 Enabling BGP routing.......................................................................................................................... 229 Setting the BGP distance .................................................................................................................... 230 BGP decision processing ..................................................................................................................... 231 Enabling BGP networks....................................................................................................................... 232 Configuring BGP routes ...................................................................................................................... 232 Enabling route aggregation ................................................................................................................ 232 Configuring BGP route redistribution ................................................................................................. 233 Defining BGP peers ............................................................................................................................. 234 Defining BGP peer passwords ............................................................................................................. 235 Configuring BGP peers ........................................................................................................................ 236 Peer filtering ....................................................................................................................................... 242 Configuring BGP peer groups.............................................................................................................. 245 Setting the BGP address family........................................................................................................... 246 Specifying the BGP IPv6 address family parameters .......................................................................... 247 Configuring autonomous systems ...................................................................................................... 252 Defining the AS path access list .......................................................................................................... 252 Using the BGP communities attribute ................................................................................................ 253 CASA CMTS Configuring BGP community lists ....................................................................................................... 254 BGP community in route map ............................................................................................................. 255 Using the BGP community attribute ................................................................................................... 255 Displaying access class information (Release 5.4) .............................................................................. 259 Displaying BGP routes......................................................................................................................... 260 Clearing and reestablishing BGP routes ............................................................................................. 261 Enabling capability negotiation .......................................................................................................... 263 Configuring route reflectors................................................................................................................ 264 Verifying BGP routes prior to advertisement ...................................................................................... 265 IP ACCESS CONTROL ..................................................................................................................................... 266 Creating and removing ACLs............................................................................................................... 266 Entering and exiting ACL editing mode............................................................................................... 267 Adding and removing control rules .................................................................................................... 267 Adding remark statements to the ACL ................................................................................................ 269 Displaying a control rule in an ACL ..................................................................................................... 269 Displaying ACL names ......................................................................................................................... 270 Numbering control rules in ACLs......................................................................................................... 270 Applying an ACL to an IP interface (C3200 and C10200 only) ............................................................ 271 Removing the ACL from an IP interface .............................................................................................. 272 Creating and deleting IP access classes .............................................................................................. 272 CONFIGURING ROUTE MAPS ........................................................................................................................... 273 Creating a named and sequenced route-map .................................................................................... 274 Using the route-map match commands ............................................................................................. 274 Matching BGP autonomous system paths.......................................................................................... 275 Matching the BGP community list ...................................................................................................... 275 Matching IPv4 and IPv6 addresses ..................................................................................................... 276 Matching route metrics ...................................................................................................................... 277 Matching route origins ....................................................................................................................... 277 Matching peer routes ......................................................................................................................... 278 Matching route tags ........................................................................................................................... 278 Using the route-map set commands .................................................................................................. 279 Modifying BGP autonomous system paths ......................................................................................... 279 Setting the atomic aggregate ............................................................................................................. 280 Modifying the BGP community attribute............................................................................................ 280 Modifying next-hop IP addresses........................................................................................................ 281 CASA CMTS Setting the BGP local-preference path attribute ................................................................................ 282 Setting the metric for destination routing .......................................................................................... 282 Modifying route origins ...................................................................................................................... 283 Setting the BGP originator-id attribute .............................................................................................. 283 Setting the BGP weight attribute ........................................................................................................ 284 Displaying route-map details .............................................................................................................. 284 CONFIGURING VIRTUAL LOCAL AREA NETWORKS (VLANS) ................................................................................. 284 Configuring a VLAN............................................................................................................................. 285 Configuring a VLAN description .......................................................................................................... 285 Configuring up to six VLANs concurrently (Release 5.4 and later) ...................................................... 286 Configuring VLANs in a range (Release 5.4 and later) ........................................................................ 286 Configuring the MAC address on each VLAN interface....................................................................... 286 Enabling/disabling VLAN Interfaces (5.4) ........................................................................................... 287 Assigning a Gigabit Ethernet port to a VLAN ...................................................................................... 287 Assigning a 10Gigabit Ethernet port to a VLAN.................................................................................. 288 Removing a Gigabit Ethernet port from a VLAN ................................................................................. 288 Removing a 10Gigabit Ethernet port from a VLAN ............................................................................ 289 Assigning an IPv4 address to a VLAN.................................................................................................. 289 Assigning an IPv6 address to a VLAN.................................................................................................. 290 Rate limiting multicast traffic over a VLAN interface ......................................................................... 291 Assign a QAM port to a VLAN ............................................................................................................. 291 Assigning an IP access group to a VLAN interface .............................................................................. 292 Assigning a trunk to a VLAN interface ................................................................................................ 293 Displaying all VLAN configurations ..................................................................................................... 294 Displaying a VLAN interface (Release 5.4) .......................................................................................... 294 Displaying ARP entries from the current VLAN ................................................................................... 295 CONFIGURING L2VPN ................................................................................................................................. 296 Specifying ports/interfaces on the NSI side of the L2VPN VLAN ......................................................... 296 Specifying GigE/trunk interfaces on the L2VPN VLAN ........................................................................ 297 Preventing and permitting station movement and local forwarding ................................................. 297 Displaying the station movement and local forwarding configuration .............................................. 298 Displaying configured L2VPNs ............................................................................................................ 298 Displaying L2VPN statistics on QAM modules .................................................................................... 299 CONFIGURING TACACS (RELEASE 5.4) ........................................................................................................... 299 Configuring the TACACS host IP .......................................................................................................... 299 ................................................................................................... 312 Setting the stream source IP address .......................................................... 305 Displaying the AAA configuration ................... 308 Enabling Group-4-port operation mode .......................................................................................... 301 Using RADIUS/TACACS+ Server for default server group for AAA login authentication .... 306 Enabling RPC mode ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 304 Configuring the RADIUS server ......................................... 306 Enabling manual operation mode ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 317 Stream configuration example ............................. 309 Enabling Group-2-port operation mode ........................................................................ 310 Setting the de-jitter interval ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 318 CONFIGURING DOWNSTREAM QAM PORTS .................. 300 Enabling password authentication at the TACACS+ server..................................................................... 300 Enabling ASCII clear text authentication ...................................................................................................... 300 Disabling the TACACS+ authentication password............. 308 Enabling auto-multiplex mode ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 303 Configuring AAA RADIUS-source loopback interface configuration ............................................................... 311 Entering stream configuration mode.......................... 314 Setting the stream destination UDP port.. 315 Displaying configured streams .................................................................................................................................................................................. 313 Setting the stream source UDP port ........................ 315 Binding a stream to a QAM output channel .................... 316 Displaying unmapped streams .................................................................................................... 303 Configuring AAA accounting for start-stop events ........................................................................................................................................CASA CMTS Configuring a TACACS key ................................................................................................................ 304 Disabling a specified RADIUS server or RADIUS encryption key .......................................................... 306 Modes for mapping input streams to QAM output channels ................................................................................................................................. 301 Configuring AAA authorization ................................................................................. 319 ............................................... 307 Using auto-operation mode................. 303 Command accounting .......................................................................................................... 304 Disabling the AAA RADIUS source ............................................................................................................ 305 STREAM CONFIGURATION AND MANAGEMENT............................................................................................................................................... 302 Enabling accounting ..................................................................... 312 Ending stream configuration mode ................ 301 Configuring the AAA authentication login .................................................... 313 Setting the stream destination IP address ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... 345 Setting the upstream input power level ...................................................... 347 Adjusting the upstream input power level ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 341 Setting the upstream logical channel frequency .......................... 329 Displaying QAM interface configurations ..................................................................... 321 Enabling QAM output channels ........................................................................................................................................... 343 Setting the upstream logical channel width ..... 321 Disabling QAM output channels ........................... 324 Setting the QAM channel annex .................................................................................................................. 327 Setting the QAM interleave level ............................................................................................................................................................................. 322 Setting the QAM port IP address and subnet mask .............................. 332 Multiple upstream logical channels....... 323 Setting the QAM modulation type ........................................................................................................... 325 Setting the QAM frequency ...................................................... 319 Ending QAM interface configuration mode ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 320 Disabling QAM output port ............ 320 Enabling QAM output ports .......................................................................................... 344 Changing the upstream MAP size ....................................... 336 Showing upstream port interface configurations .................................................... 337 Displaying upstream interface status .................................................................................................................................................................................. 326 Setting the QAM output power ............ 335 Entering an upstream logical interface description ................................................................................................................................................................................... dynamic channel width switching................................ 330 Displaying QAM channel counters and utilization rates ........................................................................................... independent power levels 333 Entering the upstream port interface configuration mode ..................... 346 Adjusting the upstream input power threshold .................................................. 322 Setting the QAM port MAC address ....................................................... 335 Disabling upstream ports ......................................... 334 Enabling upstream ports .................... 332 About upstream interface configurations....................................................................................................... 331 Displaying QAM downstream channel sets ............................................................................................... 328 Setting the QAM spectral inversion .......................................................................................................... 348 Setting the upstream map-advance ....................................................................................... 334 Ending an upstream port interface configuration session .................................................................................. 331 CONFIGURING UPSTREAM PORT INTERFACES .............................................................................................................................................................................. 351 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................CASA CMTS Entering QAM interface configuration mode ............................................................ 349 Enabling the upstream logical-channels ............ ........................................................................................................................................................................ 365 Configuring the QoS traffic bandwidth reserve percentage ....................................................................................................... 373 CONFIGURING IP-BUNDLE INTERFACES ............................................... 370 Displaying the upstream channel burst nose........................................................ 381 Configuring the IP RIP authentication key chain ................................................. 384 ..................... 368 Displaying the upstream channel utilization rates .................................................. 362 Enabling/disabling ingress noise cancellation ..................................................................... 358 Setting the upstream channel S-CDMA frame interval ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 372 Displaying voice information on upstream interfaces ................CASA CMTS Disabling the upstream logical-channels ................................................................ 370 Displaying upstream channel sets ............................................................ 383 Displaying the IP bundle interface configuration and statistics ................................................................................................................... 357 Enabling the upstream channel class identifier ......................................................... 375 Adding primary and secondary IPv6 interfaces ............ 376 Specifying the IPv6 local link address ......................................................................................... 360 Specifying multiple secondary profiles to an upstream interface ................................. 351 Setting upstream channel data and ranging backoff values .................................................................... 369 Displaying the upstream channel signal quality ...................................... 377 Displaying the IPv6 local link address .............................................................................. 383 Configuring the IP RIP authentication mode ..........................4) ........................ 364 Setting up voice bandwidth reserve percentage .................................................... 359 Assigning modulation profiles to an upstream interface.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 379 Applying IP bundle interfaces to MAC domains ... 378 Adding a helper-address ......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 375 Remove an IP bundle secondary IP address.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 361 Setting the upstream channel pre-equalization ................... 382 Configuring an IP RIP authentication string ............................................................. 378 Configure IP bundle sub-interfaces (Release 5............................................................................................................................... 366 Applying spectrum rules to upstream channels ............................................................... 380 Classifying CPE devices for DHCP option 60 string matching ...................... 367 Enabling rate limiting . 352 Configuring the ranging hold-off priority bit ................................................................................................................... 356 Setting the upstream channel mini-slot size ...................................................... 374 Adding a secondary IP bundle interface ........................................................................................ 361 Setting the provisioned attribute mask ................................................................................... 373 Adding the primary IP interface.............. ...................................................................................... 400 Enabling a domain interface TFTP proxy .................................CASA CMTS CONFIGURING DOCSIS MAC DOMAINS .......................................................................................................... 386 Creating new domain interfaces ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 392 Disabling MAC domain interfaces ......... 409 Configuring cable modem trap generation and interval ........................................................................... 401 Displaying modem registrations that have bypassed TFTP ......................................................................... 396 Setting the domain sync-interval ............................................................. 389 Binding downstream interfaces ....................................................................... 388 Deleting upstream interface bindings ............... 390 Binding secondary downstream interfaces (5........................ 394 Configuring MAC domain IP bundle interfaces ...... 406 Displaying the router advertisement table ..............2 and earlier)...... 405 Configuring IP-provisioning-mode on a MAC domain interface .................................................................... 390 Deleting downstream interface bindings...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5................ 5............................... 388 Binding upstream interfaces .................... 387 Binding IP-bundle interfaces .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 406 Configuring MAC domain IPv6 router advertisement parameters ................................................... 397 Setting the upstream insertion-interval ................................................................. 404 Configuring channel bonding on MAC domain interface ..................................................... 409 Configuring BPI+ on a MAC domain interface ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 411 .................... 402 Configuring multicast on MAC domain interfaces ............................................................................................... 393 Setting MAC domain interface IPv6 addresses (Rel............................................................................................................. 5.....................2 and earlier) .................................................... 391 Enabling MAC domain interfaces ......... 398 Configuring the MDD interval ...4 only)................ 394 Setting the helper-address (Software Ver...................................................................................................................................................................... 403 Enabling/disabling DHCP authorization on a MAC domain interface .............................................................................................. 404 Enabling MAC domain multicast DSID forwarding .......................................... 399 Enabling a domain interface gateway IP address ........................... 392 Setting MAC domain interface IP addresses ........................2 and earlier) .............................................. 397 Specifying the intial technique for moving cable modems to upstream channels................................. 393 Removing MAC domain interface IPv6 addresses (Rel............................ 385 Displaying domain interface configurations ....................................... 402 Enabling/disabling IP policies on a domain interface ........................................................ 401 Rejecting modem registrations with TFTP enforce ................................................................... 410 Displaying the MAC domain interface configuration............................... ................... 431 Auto-mode MTDMA-type modulation profile configuration ............................ 431 Manual mode MTDMA-type modulation profile configuration......................................................................................................................................... 429 Configuring MTDMA burst types ................ 414 Displaying service groups ................................................................................... 420 Displaying bonding groups ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 427 Configuring TDMA burst types.......................................................................... 417 Displaying MAC domain upstream service group information ..................................... 435 .......................................................................................................................CASA CMTS Displaying MAC domain statistics ...........................................................................4) ............. 423 CONFIGURING MODULATION PROFILES ... 424 Predefined modulation-profile 1 parameters ................... 412 Binding upstream interfaces ............................................................................... 419 Binding downstream interfaces to a bonding group .......... 418 Binding upstream interfaces to a bonding group .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 425 Predefined modulation-profile 3 parameters ................................................................................................ 417 Creating new downstream/upstream bonding groups ......................................................... 421 Setting up the receive channel configuration ......................................... 413 Binding downstream interfaces .. 422 Assigning a receive channel ..................................... 425 Predefined modulation-profile 4 parameters .............. 415 Displaying MAC domain downstream service groups (Release 5............................................................................... 426 Configuring a modulation profile.............................. 422 Displaying the receive channel configuration ...... 424 Predefined modulation-profile 2 parameters .......... 416 Displaying specific MAC domain downstream service groups ............. 435 Upstream burst noise detection and monitoring ....................................................................................... 425 Predefined modulation-profile 5 parameters ................................................................................................................ 417 CONFIGURING BONDING GROUPS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 416 Displaying a specific downstream service group ................................................................... 412 Creating a new service group ............................................................................. 433 Retrieving configured modulation profiles .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 434 Removing modulation profiles ........................................................................................................ 427 Configuring ATDMA burst types ...... 411 CONFIGURING SERVICE GROUPS ........................................................................................ 431 Configuring SCDMA burst types...................................................................................................................................................................................... 421 Assigning a receive module ........................................................................................................................................................ 454 Creating a cable service class ............... 454 CONFIGURING CABLE SERVICE CLASSES ................................................................................ 436 Setting the multicast maximum channel utilization ........................ 453 General multicast sessions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 442 Configuring multicast group encryption .......................................................................................... 441 Assigning a profile to multicast authorization ................................. 442 Configuring a multicast group table ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 447 Creating static multicast sessions .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 438 Enabling/disabling the multicast single security association identifier .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 461 ............................................................................... 447 Displaying multicast group configurations ....... 439 Configuring the default action for a multicast join request ....................................................................................... 441 Displaying multicast authorization sessions ..................... 441 Displaying multicast authorization configurations .....................................CASA CMTS CONFIGURING MULTICAST OPERATIONS ...................................................................................................... 439 Configuring a multicast session rule ............................................................................................................................................................. 444 Configuring a multicast group service class................................................................................................. 438 Configuring a multicast session authorization profile ............................................. 460 Enabling PacketCable operation ................................................................ 444 Configuring multicast group QoS............ 451 Displaying static multicast sessions .............. 452 Managing multicast for IPTV as a limited multicast session ....................... 453 Multicast Listener Discovery (RFC2710).......................................................... 455 Displaying service class parameters ........................... 445 Configuring a default service class for a multicast group ................................................................................................ 454 Specifying the cable service class parameters .......................................................................... 437 Enabling/disabling multicast session authorization ............................................................................................................... 452 Displaying all filtering settings in the running configuration ....... 450 Removing a static multicast session ............................................................................................. 459 CONFIGURING PACKETCABLE .................... 440 Configuring a maximum session number for multicast authorization ..................... 457 Applying service classes to modem configuration files........................................... 448 Configuring redundant downstream multicast .......................................................... 453 Limited multicast sessions ....................................................................................................................... 451 Configuring IGMP packet filtering ......................................................................... 453 How to identify limited multicast sessions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 472 Specifying the RKS server media alive time ..... 474 Displaying upstream or downstream gate information ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 461 Configuring event messages ............. 473 Displaying RKS server information............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 464 Configuring maximum normal calls .................................. 474 Displaying the total gate number ................................................................................................................. 461 Enabling DSCP checking ............................................................................................................................... 463 Configuring the T1 timer.....................................................................1 and later) .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 473 Displaying live gate summary information .......... 6....................................................................... 465 Configuring inactive call aging (Rel................................................................................................................. 462 Configuring an IP address ......................................................... 462 Configuring an FTP user .. 472 Specifying the maximum messages in the batch file . 469 Displaying PCMM multicast............................................. 474 Displaying COPS server information ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 473 Specifying the RKS server maximum gates .................................................. 470 Specifying a retry count for the RKS server ........................................ 475 ................................................................. 466 Displaying Packetcable Multimedia specifications ............................................. 469 Displaying the PacketCable configuration ... 466 Enabling PacketCable Multimedia (PCMM).......................................................................................................................................................... 470 Specifying batch file send mode ........................................................................................................................................... 475 CONFIGURING DSG ................................................................................. 468 Displaying the PCMM policy server ...................................................................................... 463 Configuring the T0 timer....................................................... 471 Specifying the maximum size of the event message batch file .... 468 Assigning dynamic service flows to downstream channels .................................. 467 Setting the cable service flow timeout......................................................................................................................................... 469 Specifying a timeout for the RKS server ............................................................................. 462 Configuring FTP user passwords ....................... 471 Specifying the batch file sending time interval ...................................... 465 Enabling PacketCable admission control preempt voice priority... 466 Enabling Packetcable Multimedia version setup ............................. 464 Configuring maximum emergency calls............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 463 Configuring network layer signaling (NLS) ......................CASA CMTS Displaying event messages ..................................................................................................................................... ..................................... 475 Creating a DSG tunnel-group .................................. 490 Configuring DSG unicast ...................... 489 Displaying DSG timers.. 486 Configuring a DSG client list .............................................. 476 Displaying DSG tunnel groups .......... 483 Assigning a DSG vendor-parameter ID to a downstream channel ........ 491 Using the DSG feature ...................................................................... 490 Displaying DSG statistics........................................................................................................................... 477 Assigning a destination MAC address to a DSG tunnel..................... 483 Setting a DSG timer to a downstream channel........................................ 477 Ending a DSG tunnel-group configuration session .............................................................................. 494 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 484 Assigning DSG DCD ENABLE to a downstream channel .................................................................................... 479 Assigning a classifier to a DSG tunnel .............................................................................................................................................. 482 Displaying DSG channel and tunnel group information................................................................................................. 491 Displaying the DSG running configuration .............................................................................................. 494 Configuring shared secrets to protect the modem configuration file .......CASA CMTS Creating a new DSG tunnel ...............................................................................................4) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 478 Assigning a service-class to a DSG tunnel .. 484 Assigning a DSG channel-list to a downstream channel .......... 481 Associating a downstream channel with a DSG tunnel-group ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................4) .................................................. 487 Displaying DSG client lists ............................................................................................................ 487 Configuring DSG vendor parameters ...................................................................................................................... 476 Associating a DSG tunnel with a tunnel-group ............................... 493 CONFIGURING DOCSIS BPI/BPI+ ...............4) ...... 478 Assigning a client list to a DSG tunnel ....................................................................................................................................................................... 488 Displaying DSG vendor parameters .............................................................................................. 491 Verify DSG DCD message and DSG data forwarding ................................................................................................................................................................................. 485 Setting a DSG time interval on a downstream channel .............................................................................................................. 482 Displaying the downstream DSG configuration (Release 5.......................... 481 Displaying the cable DSG tunnel configuration (Release 5... 480 Displaying the DSG tunnel configuration (Release 5........................................................ 488 Configuring a DSG channel list ............................................................... 489 Configuring DSG timers ................................................................................ 485 Displaying the DSG downstream-table settings ............................................................................. 489 Displaying a DSG channel list............................................... ....................................................................... 514 Specifying a modulation profile SNR...................................................................................................................... 515 Specifying the hop-back threshold......................................................................................................................... 520 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 509 CSM algorithm ..........4 and later) .................................................................... 505 Configuring TFTP proxies ..... 517 Assigning a spectrum rule to an upstream interface .......................... 513 Setting the hopping priority .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 501 Configuring the source address verification rule ..................................................................................... 504 Enabling SAV authorization ......0 only) ................................................................... 506 Displaying the EAE exclusion list .................................. 516 Default SNR threshold for different modulations .............................................................................................. 511 Setting a discrete frequency ...... 518 Assigning modulation profiles to an upstream interface............................................................................................................. 499 Configuring an encryption algorithm................ 496 Displaying the privacy certificate configuration (DOCSIS 3..................................................................................................................CASA CMTS Adding the privacy certificate (DOCSIS 3.. 514 Specifying a modulation profile SNR threshold ............................................................................................................... 505 Displaying config file learning status ..................................................................................................................................................................... 501 Managing revocation certificates ....................................................................................................... 504 Displaying the SAV configuration ........................................................................................... 517 Setting the FEC threshold................................................................. 506 Configuring the EAE exclusion list .............. 498 Enforcing BPI and BPI+ ........................................................... 510 Setting a frequency band ...................................................................................................................................... 504 Enabling configuration file learning ....................................................................0 only) ..0 only) ............................................................... 512 Setting the hopping period .......................... 498 Changing the security association descriptor TLV length ... 507 SOURCE ADDRESS VERIFICATION (SAV) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 506 Displaying the TFTP option setting ...................................................... 513 Setting the channel-width adjustment range ................................................................................................................ 510 Creating spectrum rules................................... 506 Adding cable modems to the EAE exclusion list .................................................................................................................................................... 507 SPECTRUM MANAGEMENT.................................................................................................... 519 Specifying multiple secondary profiles to an upstream interface (Release 5............................................................... 499 Setting the privacy hotlist (DOCSIS 3............................................................................................................................................................................... 510 Exiting spectrum rule mode .......................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 528 Running spectrum analysis across the entire spectrum.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 551 CM frequency and channel relocation ................................................................................ 521 Displaying hopping history .................................................. 525 CSM configuration example........ 564 Sample configuration.................................................................... 524 Displaying CM hopping history ................................... 545 Exclusion lists ............................................ 570 Service group configuration........................................... 550 Restricted cable modems....................................................................................................................................................................... 572 CREATING STATIC CM BONDING GROUPS ............. 574 Adding a static upstream CM bonding group .....................CASA CMTS Setting the monitoring period ......................................................................................................................... 571 Channel bonding example ...................................................................................... 522 Displaying the spectrum noise level................................................................................................................................................................................................... 564 CONFIGURING CHANNEL BONDING OPERATIONS.......................................... 563 Command default values .................................................................................................................................0 ONLY) .. 573 Adding a static downstream CM bonding group ........................................................................................ 544 Restricted load balance groups ..................................................................................................................... 521 Displaying the spectrum map .................. 530 Enabling and disabling load balancing ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 527 Displaying spectrum measurement results.................................................... 525 Frequency hop case study ................................... 574 Setting the provisioned attribute mask in an upstream/downstream bonding group ......................................................................... 523 Enabling CM hopping ................................ 534 General load balancing groups .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 575 ..................................................................... 570 DOCSIS-MAC interface configuration .......................................................................................................................... 527 SPECTRUM MEASUREMENT (DOCSIS 3......................................................................... 537 Load balance execution rules............................................................ 538 Load balancing policies .......................................................................... 524 Considerations when using CSM ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 534 Load balancing basic rules .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 533 Enabling load balancing across MAC domains ........ 562 Command ordering .. 554 Displaying load balancing information .................................................................... 530 CONFIGURING LOAD BALANCING ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ... 580 Showing the service class............................... 588 Deleting the SNMP access table ..................................................... 585 Setting an SNMP traphost ................................................... 578 QoS support in switch fabric and Gigabit Ethernet interfaces ..................................4 AND LATER) ...... 595 ........................................................................................................................ C10G only) ...................................... 590 Deleting the notification table ................................................................ 579 Configuring the service class (DOCSIS 1........................................... 591 Configuring the TargetAddress table .......................................................................................... 586 Configuring SNMP server contact and location strings .................................................................. 5................................ C10200................................................................................................................................. 589 Configuring the community table ...... 594 Configure the ViewTreeFamily table.......................................... 587 Enabling SNMP inform requests ........... 591 Configuring the securityToGroup table................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 576 Setting the DSID re-sequencing wait time in a downstream bonding group .............................................. 593 Deleting the TargetParameter table.......................................................................................................................................................................... 581 CONFIGURING SNMP (ENHANCED FOR REL.......................................................................................................................................... 579 CONFIGURING QOS ............................................................................................................................................................................ 580 QoS class and policy (C3200...................................................................................................................... 586 Configuring the SNMP trap source IP address .............. 587 Setting the SNMP community ..... 595 Configuring the SNMP user table .............................................. 590 Configuring the notification table..CASA CMTS Adding an upstream channel to a bonding group ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 588 Configuring the SNMP access table ......................................................................................... 577 Setting the DSID re-sequencing warning threshold in a downstream bonding group ................................................................................... 592 Deleting the TargetAddress table ................................................... 577 QOS SUPPORT .... 584 Configuring the SNMP engineID .......................................... 585 Enabling SNMP traps .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 594 Deleting the ViewTreeFamily table............... 588 Disabling default SNMP public and private community .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 593 Configuring the TargetParameter table ............................................................ 578 QoS support in DCU modules .............................. 590 Deleting the SNMP community table ..................................................... 578 QoS support in DQM modules ............................ 576 Adding a downstream channel to a bonding group .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1)......................................................... ............................................................ 619 Displaying cable modems by state ..................................................................................................... 601 Displaying IPDR statistics from the running configuration ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 603 Enabling IPDR service types ................................................................................ 619 Cable modem summary information .......................... 606 Enabling and disabling the IPsec service ....................................... 624 Showing the cable modem summary .........CASA CMTS Deleting the SNMP user table .. 622 Showing the cable modem flap-list ......................................................................................................................................................... 600 CONFIGURING IPDR ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 604 Configuring the IPDR acknowledge sequence interval ................................................................................................................................................................. 603 Configuring the IPDR keepalive time interval ...................... 607 Configuring IPsec Phase 2 .............. 620 Configuring the cable modem flap list .................................................................................................4) .............................................. 606 Configuring the IPsec PreKey ............................. 600 Displaying IPDR connections.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 601 Displaying IPDR sessions .................................................................................................................................................... 604 Configuring the IPDR ACK interval ................................................ 607 Configuring IPsec Phase 1 ........................... 608 Displaying IPsec information ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 612 Displaying cable modem CPE devices ........................................................................................... 605 CONFIGURING IPSEC ................................................................................................................................................................ 602 Configuring IPDR collector mastership ................................................ 625 Displaying the cable modem summary (Release 5................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 609 Deleting the IPsec configuration .................................................................................................................................................. 626 .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 610 Displaying the IPsec security policy database....................................................................... 596 Monitoring the SNMP process at the CMTS ................................................ 607 Displaying the IPsec PreKey .......................................................... 611 MANAGING CABLE MODEMS ................................................................................................................... 605 Configuring the IPDR connection to be primary ......... 596 Displaying the SNMP configuration and statistics ....................................................................... 610 Adding an IPsec security policy ............... 604 Configuring the IPDR spectrum measurement interval . 602 Restarting and stopping the IPDR daemon................................................ 605 Configuring the IPDR loopback interface ......................................................................... 612 Displaying cable modem status ................................................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................1 and later) ......................................................................................................................... 641 Adding and modifying cable modem vendor information ............................. 631 Registering DOCSIS 2.... 630 Displaying the cable modem remote-query with a specified MAC address....................... 641 Deleting cable modem vendor information ........................................CASA CMTS Displaying the cable modem on downstream channels ..................................................................... 628 Configuring the remote-query polling interval .................................................................................. 638 Clearing offline cable modems immediately ................................................................................ 631 Setting the cable modem flap-list aging interval ............................................................. 647 Displaying cable modem maintenance ranging information ................................... 6.......................................................................................................................................................2) ..................................................................................... 633 Setting global QoS bandwidth over upstream and downstream interfaces .............................. 642 Displaying vendor OUI information ........................ 642 Setting the default cable modem vendor .................................................................................. 632 Enabling the cable modem flap-list trap (Release 5............................... 629 Configuring the remote-query loopback interface ..................................................................................... 630 Showing the cable modem remote-query with a specified IP address .... 640 Displaying vendor-specific information on cable modems ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 643 Displaying cable modem classifiers ............................................................................ 637 Resetting cable modems and clearing cable modem counters .......................................................................................................... 644 Showing cable modem errors .............................0 bonding modems.............. 639 Displaying cable modem vendors ......................... 648 ............ 636 Adjusting modem upstream power levels (Rel.......................................... 637 Setting the SNR averaging interval ................................................................................ 636 Controlling CMTS upstream power levels (Rel....................... 628 Showing the cable modem remote-query........ 632 Enabling the cable modem flap-list trap (Release 5.............................................................................................................. 6.. 646 Displaying cable modem MAC information ............ 634 Configuring QoS temporary upstream service flows ............................................................... 639 Clearing offline cable modems after aging ....1 and later) ............................................................................ 631 Accelerating cable modem registration................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 635 Enabling Receive Channel Profile (RCP) fragment support ..........................................................................4) ...................................... 635 Enabling cable DSX authorization .......................................... 627 Displaying cable modem physical information ........................................................ 633 Configuring a cable modem deny list .......................................................... 633 Enabling PacketCable admission control preempt voice priority........... 646 Displaying cable modem spoof information ................................................ . 653 Default settings .......................................................................................................... 665 CONFIGURING THE TIME OFFSET TABLE ......................................... 6.......................................................................................................................................... 653 Enabling subscriber management ..............................................................0......................................................... 6.................... 650 Displaying cable modem quality-of-service (QOS) ........................................ 656 Resetting IP addresses of all CPEs behind a CM (Rel................................3 and earlier) ................................................. 6............................3 and earlier) ................. 661 Setting the PAT insertion interval ...................................................................................0.................................. 667 Setting daylight saving time (US only) ......................................... 667 Setting the time offset ...... 662 CONFIGURING DVB-COMPLIANT FEATURES .....0..................................................................................................................................................................... 6............................................................ 666 Setting the time zone ............................ 650 Displaying the cable modem docsis-mac summary ................ 653 Filters ........................................................................ 659 Displaying cable modem information (Rel....... 649 Displaying the cable modem status event report ............................ 664 Setting the channel transport stream ID ........................................... 654 Setting the mode for a CM to learn the CPE IP address without DHCP (Rel....................................................................................................... 662 Enabling SI table generation and insertion....... 659 Removing all IP and TCP-UDP filters ........................................ 653 CM controls (Rel.......................................................................................... 653 SUBSCRIBER MANAGEMENT ............................... 660 Displaying the cable modem control table (Rel.... 651 Enabling/disabling cable modem host authorization .......................................................................................................... 655 Setting maximum IPv4 CPEs behind a CM (Rel..................................... 656 Using the subscriber management default settings .........................................................................................0.......... 656 Displaying the DOCSIS subscriber management defaults ............................ 652 Displaying the cable host authorization .................................................................................3 and earlier) ...................................................... 658 Setting a filter rule ...........................................3 and earlier) ........................................3 and earlier) .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 649 Displaying the cable modem MAC summary ............................. 6.......................................................................0....................0................. 6....... 661 CONFIGURING MPEG COMPLIANT FEATURES .......................... 655 Setting maximum IPv6 CPEs behind a CM (Rel.................................................................. 662 Setting the network ID ...................................0.3 and earlier) ....................................................................... 661 Setting the PMT insertion interval .......... 668 .......................................................................................................................................................CASA CMTS Displaying denied cable modem ...... 6....................................................................................................................................................... 659 Displaying IP filters ..............................................................3 and earlier)......................................................................................................0..........................................................................3 and earlier) ............................................................ 6........................................................................... 660 Displaying CPE information (Rel.............. ........ 673 Specifying the throttle threshold ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 669 Configuring event reporting by unique identifier ........................................................................................................................................CASA CMTS CONFIGURING THE DOCSIS EVENT NOTIFICATION POLICY ...................... 672 Configuring the TRAP/INFORM and SYSLOG throttling and limiting attribute .............................................................................. 673 Specifying the throttle interval ........................................................................................ 670 Configure the event reporting flags for DOCSIS event messages .................................................................................................................... 672 Enabling logging of DOCSIS event messages to a SYSLOG server ........................................................................................... 675 Excluding user messages from the log file by severity level ........... 674 Configuring logging targets and levels ....................................................................................... 676 Displaying the current logging settings ........................................................................................................... 670 Displaying the current priority and flags for cable event logging................ 677 ....................................................................... 674 USING THE LOGGING COMMANDS ....... 669 Displaying the cable event identifiers ...................................................... 668 Enabling DOCSIS cable event reporting .............................. Audience Revision information .CASA CMTS Purpose of the guide . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS Contents Notation conventions x y z x y z . CASA CMTS Slot and port numbering 0 1 2 3 s GigE SFP . CASA CMTS Slot 0 1 2 3 . CASA CMTS RF interface numbering . CASA CMTS C10G and C100G redundancy operations . CASA CMTS Enabling and disabling redundancy on the C10G . CMTS CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy [module list] CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy 0.12 CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy CASA-CMTS(config)# no ha redundancy [<module_slot>] CASA-CMTS(config)# no ha redundancy 2 Reverting to the primary modules after recovery CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy revert .11. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy revert 120 CASA-CMTS(config)# no ha redundancy revert Rebooting of a failed card that is not redundancy-protected CASA-CMTS(config)# ha redundancy reboot CASA-CMTS(config)# no ha redundancy reboot Interactively switching between the active and standby . 7.3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# ha module <module> protect CASA-CMTS# ha module <module> revert Displaying the current high availability settings and log file CASA-CMTS# show ha configuration ha redundancy revert 30 ha redundancy Using software auto-recovery .4.11. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ha software auto-recovery CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-C10G# CASA-C10G# CASA-C10G# CASA-C10G# show show show show no ha software auto-recovery envm envm envm envm [fan | power | temperature] fan [left [0-1]| middle [0-1] | right [0-1]] temperature [module <number> | QAM | SMM | UPS] power CASA-C10G# show envm PEM A (-48V) Input 1 Input 1 FUSE Input 2 Input 2 FUSE Input 3 Input 4 FUSE Input 4 Input 4 FUSE Temperature : : : : : : : : : FAN_Tray Temperature LEFT** MIDDLE** RIGHT** 22C/ 71F 23C/ 73F 23C/ 73F Module 2 6 PEM B (-48V) Input 1 Input 1 FUSE Input 2 Input 2 FUSE Input 3 Input 3 FUSE Input 4 Input 4 FUSE Temperature Present Good Present Good Present Good Present Good 78 F/26 C DC_A/DC_B -48V/ -48V/ -48V/ Temperature 86F/ 30C 89F/ 32C 0V 0V 0V Front/Back Fan RPM 2200/2700 1700/2900 2600/2000 : : : : : : : : : Present Good Present Good Present Good Present Good 80 F/27 C Switch Present ON ON ON YES YES YES Status Normal Normal Type UPS SMM CASA-C10G(config)#show envm temperature Module Temperature Status 1 87F/ 31C Normal Type QAM . CASA CMTS 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 78F/ 89F/ 89F/ 102F/ 105F/ 96F/ 71F/ 26C 32C 32C 39C 41C 36C 22C interface qam 1/4 no spectral inversion on annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 power 450 channel 0 frequency 547000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 563000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 571000000 no channel 3 shutdown channel 4 frequency 579000000 no channel 4 shutdown channel 5 frequency 587000000 no channel 5 shutdown channel 6 frequency 595000000 no channel 6 shutdown channel 7 frequency 603000000 no channel 7 shutdown no shutdown Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal QAM SMM SMM UPS UPS UPS QAM . CASA CMTS C10G-195(config-if-qam 1/4)#channel 0 frequency 470000000 C10G-195(config-if-qam 1/4)#show interface qam 1/4 interface qam 1/4 no spectral inversion on annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 power 450 channel 0 frequency 470000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 478000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 486000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 494000000 no channel 3 shutdown channel 4 frequency 579000000 no channel 4 shutdown channel 5 frequency 587000000 no channel 5 shutdown channel 6 frequency 595000000 no channel 6 shutdown channel 7 frequency 603000000 no channel 7 shutdown no shutdown ! C10G-195(config-if-qam 1/4)# C10G-195(config-if-qam 1/4)#channel 7 frequency 609000000 C10G-195(config-if-qam 1/4)#show interface qam 1/4 interface qam 1/4 no spectral inversion on annex A modulation 256qam interleave 12 power 450 channel 0 frequency 470000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 478000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 486000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 494000000 no channel 3 shutdown channel 4 frequency 585000000 no channel 4 shutdown channel 5 frequency 593000000 no channel 5 shutdown . CASA CMTS channel 6 frequency 601000000 no channel 6 shutdown channel 7 frequency 609000000 no channel 7 shutdown no shutdown C1G/C1N features and configuration differences with larger platforms Completing pre-configuration . CASA CMTS Using the command line interface copy run start copy running-config startup-config CASA-CMTS: alias scm  “show   cable  modem” Starting the system configuration . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# reset-console CASA-CMTS> CASA-CMTS> enable Password: casa CASA-CMTS# . 168.4. ( moly) CFE Boot: Major (xcheng) Boot device: net Target IP: 192.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show version Running Image: SMM Rel 5.gz.4. Ver 19. ( relmgr) flash2: SMM Rel 5. Host IP: 192.2.2. Tue Sep 21 18:12:26 EDT 2010. Ver 50.2 Boot Image: smm. Thu Nov 4 09:23:19 EST 2010.xc54 flash1: SMM Rel 5. Ver 19.8. Minor 1. Build 4 CASA-CMTS# show system verbose CASA-CMTS# show running-config CASA-CMTS#show running-config verbose . Fri Oct 29 12:50:37 EDT 2010. CASA-CMTS#config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)#end CASA-CMTS# Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# device location rack5 CASA-CMTS(config)#  device  contact  “Fred  Gamble  at   978-123-4567” .CASA CMTS (config). CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# secure-console CASA-CMTS(config)# no secure-console string string CASA-CMTS(config)# console-password 2b/~2b CASA-CMTS(config)# console-password encrypted 2b/~2b < > CASA-CMTS(config)# console timeout 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# . You can wait or use 'copy run start unconditional' to save your config anyway. CASA-CMTS#copy running-config startup-config .CASA CMTS One or more modules are not in running state. You might lose part of your startup-config if you save now. 252.255.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)#interface eth 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-eth 0)# < >< > < < > > CASA-CMTS(conf-if-eth 0)#ip address 135.0 CASA-CMTS# del startup-config .2.2 255.2. 168.215 255.255.106 0 gw 192.3.0 ip igmp no shutdown route net igmp client version 2 .2.3.CASA CMTS Sample configuration files hostname CASA-CMTS interface eth 0 ip address 192.0 interface qam 0/0 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/1 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/2 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/3 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface gige 0 ip address 192. 0 cable helper-address 255.7 interface docsis-mac 1 no shutdown ip bundle 1 downstream 1 interface qam 0/0/0 upstream 1 interface upstream 1/0/0 .255.CASA CMTS interface upstream 1/0 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/1 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/2 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/3 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/4 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/5 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/6 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 interface upstream 1/7 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown shutdown channel-utilization-interval 10 interface ip-bundle 1 ip address .2.3.106 255.0 ip igmp no shutdown route net 0.CASA CMTS hostname CASA-CMTS interface eth 0 ip address 192.0 spectrum rule 35 action modulation frequency channel-width channel-width 3200000 1600000 snmp traphost 0 gw 192.196 community public version 2 interface qam 0/0 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/1 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/2 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface qam 0/3 no shutdown no channel 0 shutdown no channel 1 shutdown no channel 2 shutdown no channel 3 shutdown power 580 interface gige 0 ip address 192.215 0 upstream 6 interface upstream 1/5.0 channel-utilization-interval 10 interface upstream 1/0 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/1 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/2 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown .0 interface docsis-mac 1 no shutdown ip bundle 1 downstream 1 interface qam 0/0/0 downstream 2 interface qam 0/0/1 downstream 3 interface qam 0/0/2 downstream 4 interface qam 0/0/3 downstream 5 interface qam 0/1/0 downstream 6 interface qam 0/1/1 downstream 7 interface qam 0/1/2 downstream 8 interface qam 0/1/3 upstream 1 interface upstream 1/0.3.0 upstream 7 interface upstream 1/6.0 secondary cable helper-address 192.255.0 upstream 1/6.0 upstream 1/1.7 service group 1 qam 0/0/0 qam 0/0/1 qam 0/0/2 qam 0/0/3 qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 qam 0/1/3 upstream 1/0.74.0 upstream 1/5.0 upstream 1/ upstream 3 interface upstream 1/2.CASA CMTS interface ip-bundle 1 ip address 192.168.0 upstream 8 interface upstream 1/7.168.1 255.1 255.0 upstream 1/4.0 upstream 4 interface upstream 1/3.255.0 upstream 2 interface upstream 1/1.6.0 upstream 1/3.254.0 ip address 122.0 upstream 5 interface upstream 1/4.0 upstream 1/7. CASA CMTS interface upstream 1/3 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/4 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/5 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/6 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown interface upstream 1/7 no shutdown no logical-channel 0 shutdown . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS Managing the system . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS> CASA-CMTS> enable CASA-CMTS> enable Password: casa CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# exit . CASA CMTS new_password <new_password> CASA-CMTS# password mypassword <new_password> <new_password> CASA-CMTS# reset password mypassword CASA-CMTS(config)# service password-encryption CASA-CMTS# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# hostname host_200 host_200# CASA-CMTS# alias au adduser CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# no alias au CASA-CMTS# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show aliases sh alias  sh  “show” Managing configurations and files . You might lose part of your startup-config if you save now. You can wait or use 'copy run start unconditional' to save your config anyway.CASA CMTS One or more modules are not in running state. . 1 .8.8.CASA CMTS CASA-C10G(config)# copy running-config ftp casa 192.1 Password: ***** CASA-C10G(config)# copy running-config tftp 192.168.231 /tmp/config.168.231 /tmp/config. 192 startup-config fdsk2 Password: ***** CASA-C10G(config)# copy ftp casa startup-config module 6 nvram CASA-C10G(config)# copy ftp casa 192.192 startup-config nvram . CMTS CASA-C10G(config)# copy ftp casa 192. startup-config module 6 nvram CASA-C10G(config)# copy tftp casa 192.CASA CMTS CASA-C10G(config)# copy tftp 192.192 startup-config fdsk2 /tmp/config.1 CASA-C10G(config)# copy tftp casa startup-config nvram . 168.192 /tmp/startup-config CASA-C10G(config)# copy fdsk2 startup-config fdsk2 startup-config.168.8.CASA CMTS CASA-C10G(config)# copy fdsk2 startup-config ftp casa 192.192 /tmp Password: ***** CASA-C10G(config)# copy fdsk2 startup-config tftp 192.8.backup . CASA CMTS CASA-C10G> md5 checksum filename CASA-C10G> total 2079 -rw-r--r--rw-rw-rw-rw-r--r--rw-r--r--rw-r--r-CASA-C10G> dir fdsk2 1 1 1 1 1 root root root root root root 17538 Nov 4 root 23822 Oct 5 root 1035812 Nov 4 root 1048634 Nov 3 root 1209 Oct 28 13:19 16:04 13:30 15:46 15:24 cdb.old reboot_log .log docsislogfile logfile logfile. CASA CMTS CASA-C10G(config-if-gige 6/1)# show this interface gige 6/1 ipv6 address 1000::192/64 mpls mtu 0 auto negotiate no shutdown ip router isis EDGE-IPv6 ipv6 router isis EDGE-IPv6 isis network point-to-point isis circuit-type level-2-only CASA-C10G(config-if-gige 6/1)# Managing NVRAM Files . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# dir Total 9 -rw—r—r-1 root 1 root 8455 Aug 7 13:44 startup-config CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# remove startup-config CASA-CMTS# del startup-config Where: . 2.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# copy nvram startup-config tftp 192.39 startup-config-Casa CASA-CMTS# Updating Casa CMTS software User management and security control .168. CASA CMTS Where: . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#privilege configure all level 2 “interface docsis-mac” CASA-CMTS(config)# privilege exec all level 0 "clear" CASA-CMTS(config)# privilege exec level 2 "clear cable modem reset" CASA-CMTS(config)# privilege exec all level 2 "ping" CASA-CMTS# show ssh server SSH Server Enabled: version 2. port 22 CASA-CMTS# show ssh hostkey fingerprint rsa 2048 fe:61:45:6b:48:3f:9e:19:f3:ce:5d:c8:f6:26:9f:a2 . BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Comment: "2048-bit RSA.END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---C3200_155# CASA-CMTS# show ssh hostkey fingerprint 2048 ee:b7:aa:9f:c0:6c:69:5e:e0:96:ea:36:ff:d5:e9:d4 .END SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---CASA-CMTS# show ssh hostkey dsa ---. converted from OpenSSH by root@C3200_155" AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEArfdT9vRF5UcDc7fyR2Hgt5R xDHqAsIV5AuFxZxZti8 nAdlmcu6pObu1daGQCYRXUQCWHXuy9Ygi1c2tYRMzTCP3I94hC3 ha4RaWZT2MpjfyL+5ml 5NlKX7lBz3yhLQaeHVVkMTQyVMB8kIDABykkKP3v44BMCvbWYdK eA6TbjjADneovdbmdHX tix7XQHDZPhEjYp9PD6tTbCOylp7zzjAcNzZGNG29hH7NECCaS7 jaBEIhe4qPKCTYIg6+E 2AY7koxmxcU8guXV4Zgvku8BJqDyje59+FYZF8N3jWAPIsR1Cp1 Au3ofgtBk2yjQtFcSux SWzCDTWEH+WdeZfUmaxw== ---.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show ssh hostkey dsa ---.BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---Comment: "1024-bit DSA. converted from OpenSSH by root@C3200_155" AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAOFVGDGO85X4Ww4fZyazYXRPnOzj0/0 mMp5FLc7L5ka+W6ksOK 45BSrbVwb4Fk2oCyUJFHUgnfFpSKxSdgVLCeT8VfOSyaLxnLZW7 r2PnLIJnb4ft+sPtBYQ Tf17uIJ/gE+o4AdqAq3KibUOlf9GyxzF8sVr8LYrsiENltaBLuD dAAAAFQDWg6//lFi6BI KUqaC7QjFsc6UXfwAAAIAjgo4/yRUASQi/sk8jL1wjL+kpeBoKi qMtcsT/6MeTyxfequGf TybeNxiI+YXI3xPWQKnYFEFr44EBj0pHXBe09hyHoHIHRFRYB55 JdGJDqk57DXiAS5yFFT NXF2Griv5mPFvuwA2hnHOVJBucrYLfDZL3+YgKBkov65FyYtssm AAAAIEAzhzwHRxVsU+v wgWdTxLnDQEi6//U82ywJdQjVAK6q+daIarwj5I1YIzNFks/cLR j0ZaBSkBtxoqrjNKdXM nQFre0rbbAknFWk2fnt9mrisFKAe/T9O7Y72lqcd5reB54/Uioz E1+WA5+K7oRcdaNKF8V ph7p/2xn7ZeUxQ35ip0= ---. CASA-CMTS# ssh gen-hostkey {dsa | rsa} CASA-CMTS(config)# ssh enable CASA-CMTS(config)# no ssh enable .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# ssh start [port <2000-65535>] CASA-CMTS# ssh stop SSH server stopped. 12.85.CASA CMTS user-name <level> password password CASA-CMTS#  adduser  operator  privilege  9… Enter new password: private Re-enter new password: private CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# show user User Level ----------------------------root 15 metro 15 Supp0rt 10 adrian 10 noct 15 CASA-CMTS# show user current USER TTY TYPE FROM SINCE --------------------------------------------------root pts/0 ssh 135.74 Sun Oct 31 13:47:57 2010 henk pts/1 ssh 135.131 Sun Oct 31 13:57:57 2010 .224.244. .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# user password operator Enter new password: public Re-enter new password: public CASA-CMTS# username <username> CASA-CMTS# deluser operator CASA-CMTS# . 168. [user@gollum]$ CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# telnet port 23 CASA-CMTS (config)# show telnet port telnet port 23 .38 Mon Aug 2 21:28:50 2010 CASA-CMTS# deluser root session pts/1 Connection closed by foreign host.CASA CMTS 1 CASA-CMTS# show user current USER TTY TYPE FROM SINCE ---------------------------------------------------------------------root pts/1 telnet 192.2. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# line vty 12 CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# telnet timeout 60 CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# no telnet timeout . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# system reboot reason “Use  new  release   5.. . System reboot scheduled for Fri Dec 11 22:00:00 2009 Broadcast Message from root@CASA-CMTS (/dev/pts/0) at 11:40 .9” CASA-CMTS#system reboot reason test at 22:00 11 December Broadcast Message from root@CASA-CMTS (/dev/pts/0) at 11:40 ..19.4. 53 seconds) Reboot reason: test Remind: 1 minute before system reboot CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS(config)#system reboot confirm .CASA CMTS System reboot reason: test CASA-CMTS#system reboot cancel Broadcast Message from root@CASA-CMTS (/dev/pts/0) at 10:00 *** ---SHUTDOWN ABORTED--*** CASA-CMTS#show system reboot System reboot scheduled for Fri Dec 11 22:00:00 2010 (in 24 minutes. Module: SMM Major rev 1.1.3 System Time: Sun Apr 12 20:32:40 EST 2009 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#system reboot System configuration has been modified. Minor rev 1 serial_no = SV03B17S0016 CFE version 2. Save [yes/no]? yes Proceed with reload? {confirm | no} [Enter] CASA-CMTS# show bootdev System boot device is: flash1 CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# show system Product: C2200. 1. 14 m. Ver 28. 2 phy chans/port.5 Module 2 QAM Running (4 ports.1.2. 1 log chans/phy chan. ( moly) CFE Boot: Major 2. ( moly) flash2: SMM Rel 5. 49 s 128MHz T1 Clock Module 1 UPS Running (8 ports. scdma map 00) Major rev 3. Ver 26B. Minor rev 0 serial_no = UV30B89S0003 CFE version 2. 0 h. (moly) Boot device: flash2 flash1: SMM Rel 5. Wed Jun 24 16:12:39 EDT 2009. 4 channels/port. Build 3 . docsis enabled) Major rev 4.CASA CMTS System Uptime: 0 d. Ver 28. Fri Jun 5 08:27:11 EDT 2009.3 1 CASA-CMTS#show version Running Image: SMM Rel 5. Minor rev 1 serial_no = QV46B89S0143 CFE version 2.2. Wed Jun 24 16:09:44 EDT 2009. 1 banks/port. Minor 1.2. offset from UTC is -0400 CASA-CMTS(config)# show timezone list .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# system clock 071621082004 Fri Jul 16 21:08:00 UTC 2004 CASA-CMTS# show clock Fri Jul 16 21:08:06 UTC 2004 CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS(config)# system timezone America/New_York CASA-CMTS(config)# show timezone Timezone set to "America/New_York". 168. CASA-CMTS (config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# ntp sync 192.200 1 Nov 10:06:00 ntpdate[10661]:step time server 192.168.200 CASA-CMTS(config)# ntp scheck Restarting  NTP  server… Stopping NTP server: ntpd Starting NTP server: ntpd.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ntp server 192.4.200 offset 0.4.075592 Restarting  NTP  server… Stopping NTP server: ntpd Starting NTP server: ntpd.168.4. CASA-CMTS(config)# ntp source-interface loopback 5 . 1024 0 0.INIT.000 .000 0.140 . 16 - .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ntp status Example C3000-230(config# show ntp status remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter ============================================================================== 203.000 0.248.240. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# system rate limit broadcast 500 CASA-CMTS(config)# system rate limit broadcast 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# ntp source-interface loopback 4 . 10.177 .1 gw 192.2.0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# route net 193.177 CASA-CMTS(config)# no route host 192.0 24 gw 24 gw 192.177 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no route net 193.168.177 CASA-CMTS(config)# route host gw 0 192.0.0 UG 0 0 0 eth0 .168.1234. * 255.0 * U 0 0 0 gige0 UG 0 0 0 eth0 default 192.168.0 U 0 0 0 eth0 10.1 0.0 U 0 0 0 dmac1 10.0 * 255.0.135 255.1234. gw 2001:1234::0 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)#show route Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface 192.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# route net 2001. 3.20.1 10.1 10.36.1 ipbundle2 ipbundle2 IP-Address 192.230 12.230 4000:238:238:238::230 37.CASA CMTS C3000-230(config)#show ip interface brief Example: show ip interface brief C3000-230(config)#show ip interface brief Interface eth 0 loopback0 loopback0 gige 0 gige 0 gige 3 gige 3 vlan 34 vlan 34 vlan 35 vlan 36 vlan 37 vlan 2322 ipbundle1 ipbundle1.34.230 3000::230 33.230 3000:238:238:238::230 35.230 88.230 128:238:238:238::230 10.1 ipbundle1.88.34.1 2000:230:1::1 CASA-CMTS# show alarm Admin Status up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up up Link Status up up up up up down down down down down down down down up up up down down .35.20. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show log [Tue Oct 27 23:53:26 2009]-AL-CLI-1: User user logged in from [Tue Oct 27 23:53:25 2009]-AL-CLI-1: User root logged in from 192.3.168. in boot state [Tue Oct 27 23:45:18 2009]-AL-SYS-1: Module 0 (QAM).1. is up [Tue Oct 27 23:46:15 2009]-AL-SYS-1: Module 1 (UPS).168.32 [Tue Oct 27 23:46:39 2009]-AL-SYS-1: Module 0 (QAM). in boot state [Wed Oct 28 07:45:09 2009]-AL-CLI-1: Reboot reason: Unspecified [Wed Oct 28 07:45:09 2009]-AL-CLI-1: User root Rebooting system CASA-CMTS(config)# logging source-interface loopback <lo_id> . is up [Tue Oct 27 23:45:57 2009]-AL-CLI-1: User root logged in from 192.169 [Tue Oct 27 23:45:19 2009]-AL-SYS-1: Module 1 (UPS). CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# lawful-intercept tid stream-id CASA_CMTS (config)# lawful-intercept sourceinterface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS# show rstp bridge CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show rstp port [<port-id>] CASA-CMTS# show arp Address Age Hardware Addr Interface State Type 00:00:00 00c0.9f24.bfee dynamic ARPA eth 0 00:19:03 000c.f1a6.36e8 dynamic ARPA eth 0 00:14:18 000d.5663.d756 dynamic ARPA eth 0 00:10:00 0050.c231.c013 static ARPA eth 0 00:10:00 0009.5bbd.b87e dynamic ARPA Gige 0 00:00:00 0050.c231.c03b static ARPA Gige 0 00:18:19 0050.c231.c03f static ARPA CATV-MAC 1 00:00:48 0011.1ac8.326e dynamic ARPA CATV-MAC 1 00:00:51 0016.b560.aef8 dynamic ARPA CATV-MAC 1 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# arp request-interval 2000 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable arp filter 5 2 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# clear arp-cache all CASA-CMTS# clear arp-cache CASA(config)# clear arp-cache 192.*.*.* CASA(config)# clear arp-cache 10.223.*.* CASA-CMTS# show arp request-interval CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# arp timeout-cm-reset CASA-CMTS(config)# no arp timeout-cm-reset CASA-CMTS# show ipv6 route | Output modifiers <cr> <ipv6_addr> xxxx:xxxx:...:xxxx <netv6_addr> xxxx:xxxx:...:xxxx/mask_len bgp show ipv6 route bgp connected show ipv6 route connected isis show ipv6 route isis kernel show ipv6 route kernel ospf show ipv6 route ospf rip show ipv6 route rip static show ipv6 route static supernets-only supernets-only CASA-CMTS# show router-advertisement CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show route6 CASA-CMTS# show arp timeout-cm-reset CASA-CMTS# show cpuinfo CASA-CMTS# show cpuinfo module 0 Module 0: cpu model SiByte SB1 V0.3 FPU V0.3 BogoMIPS 532.48 microsecond timers yes tlb_entries 64 11:01pm up 20 min, 0 users, load average: 0.13, 0.07, 0.01 CASA CMTS 44 processes: 43 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 2.3% user, 1.4% system, 0.0% nice, 96.3% idle Mem: 245352K total, 192896K used, 52456K free, 500K buffers CASA-CMTS# Example: show cpuinfo all CASA-CMTS# show cpuinfo all SMM: cpu model SiByte SB1 V0.3 FPU V0.3 BogoMIPS 265.42 microsecond timers yes tlb_entries 64 5:28pm up 1:24, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00 106 processes: 104 sleeping, 1 running, 1 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 0.1% user, 0.7% system, 0.0% nice, 99.2% idle Mem: 231684K total, 137320K used, 94364K free, 1004K buffers Module 0: cpu model SiByte SB1 V0.3 FPU V0.3 BogoMIPS 532.48 microsecond timers yes tlb_entries 64 5:28pm up 1:24, 0 users, load average: 0.02, 0.04, 0.00 44 processes: 43 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 2.2% user, 0.9% system, 0.0% nice, 97.0% idle Mem: 245352K total, 192896K used, 52456K free, 500K buffers Module 1: cpu model SiByte SB1 V0.3 FPU V0.3 BogoMIPS 265.42 microsecond timers yes tlb_entries 64 5:28pm up 1:24, 0 users, load average: 0.21, 0.31, 0.28 45 processes: 44 sleeping, 1 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped CPU states: 4.5% user, 2.2% system, 0.0% nice, 93.3% idle Mem: 245356K total, 140044K used, 105312K free, 504K buffers CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show cpu-process Example: show cpu-process C3000-230# show cpu-process UID root root root root root root root root root root root root root PID 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 86 PPID 0 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 LWP 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 86 C NLWP STIME TTY 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? 0 1 Nov15 ? TIME 00:00:15 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:01 CMD init [3] [kthreadd] [ksoftirqd/0] [events/0] [khelper] [kblockd/0] [kseriod] [casa_help] [pdflush] [pdflush] [kswapd0] [aio/0] CASA-CMTS# show cpu-memory process-list all Example: show cpu-memory process-list module 1 C3000-230#show cpu-memory process-list module 1 Module 1 CPU and Memory information: COMMAND PID USER STIME init 1 root 11:59 kthreadd 2 root 11:59 migration/0 3 root 11:59 ksoftirqd/0 4 root 11:59 migration/1 5 root 11:59 ksoftirqd/1 6 root 11:59 migration/2 7 root 11:59 TIME %CPU %MEM 00:00:11 0.6 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 00:00:00 0.0 0.0 CASA CMTS ksoftirqd/2 migration/3 ksoftirqd/3 migration/4 ksoftirqd/4 migration/5 ksoftirqd/5 migration/6 ksoftirqd/6 migration/7 ksoftirqd/7 migration/8 ksoftirqd/8 migration/9 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 root root root root root root root root root root root root root root 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 11:59 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 00:00:00 CASA-CMTS# show meminfo CASA-CMTS# show meminfo module 0 Module 0: MemTotal: 245352 kB MemFree : 52672 kB CASA-CMTS# 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show meminfo all SMM: MemTotal: 231684 kB MemFree: 94524 kB Module 0: MemTotal: 245352 kB MemFree : 52672 kB Module 1: MemTotal: 245356 kB MemFree : 105528 kB CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS(config)#show controller Example: show controller C3000-230#show controller Upstream module information: Interface upstream 4/0.0/0 information: IfIndex : 5000256 Admin status: UP Operating status: UP Frequency: 20000000 Hz Channel Width: 3200000 Hz Power Level: 0 Modulation profile 2 SNR: 28.2 Statistics: Received 12 broadcasts, 6 multicasts, 340 unicasts 0 discards, 0 errors, 0 unknown protocol CASA CMTS 1247 Unerroreds, 1 Correcteds, 0 Uncorrectables Req Mslots 337935795, Used Req Mslots 1089 Init Mtn Mslots 3805323, Used Init Mtn Mslots 0 Total Mslots 341756450, Ucast Granted Mslots 15268 Downstream module information: Interface QAM 0/0 Admin Status: UP Power level: 450 Channel 0: IfIndex : 3000000 Admin Status : UP Operating Status : UP Frequency : 549000000 Channel Width : 6000000 Modulation : 256QAM Annex: : B Statistics: Broadcast packets : 8064 Multicast packets : 0 Unicast packets : 59 UCD counts : 5363 MAP counts : 2180539 Interface docsis-mac 1 statistics Ifindex: 2000001 Administrated status: UP Operation status: UP Mac address: 0017.1080.5e40 DSA Request : 0/ups; 0/ds DSA Response : 0/ups; 0/ds DSA Acknowledgements : 0/ups; 0/ds DSA Success : 0/ups; 0/ds DSA Fail : 0/ups; 0/ds DSC Request : 0/ups; 0/ds DSC Response : 0/ups; 0/ds DSC Acknowledgements : 0/ups; 0/ds DSC Success : 0/ups; 0/ds DSC Fail : 0/ups; 0/ds DSD Request : 0/ups; 0/ds DSD Response : 0/ups; 0/ds DSD Success : 0/ups; 0/ds DSD Fail : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC Request : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC Response : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC Acknowledgements : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC Success : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC Fail : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC RSP Depart : 0/ups; 0/ds DCC RSP Arrive : 0/ups; 0/ds DBC Request : 0/ups; 0/ds CASA CMTS DBC Response : 0/ups; DBC Acknowledgements : 0/ups; DBC Success : 0/ups; DBC Fail : 0/ups; DBC Partial Service : 0/ups; Last clearing of interface stat: never Interface gige 11 information: IfIndex: 1000083 interface status Administratively DOWN link status DOWN auto-negotiation Enabled interface speed 1000000000 duplex status Full mac address 0017.1000.5e4d Statistics: IfInOctets 0 IfInUcastPkts 0 IfInNUcastPkts 0 IfInNUcastDiscards 0 IfInDiscards 0 IfInErrors 0 IfInUnknownProtos 0 IfOutOctets 0 IfOutUcastPkts 0 IfOutNUcastPkts 0 IfOutErrors 0 IfOutNUcastDiscards 0 IfOutDiscards 0 IpForwDatagrams 0 IpInReceives 0 IpInDiscards 0 v6IfInReceives 0 v6IfInDiscards 0 v6IfInErrors 0 v6IfOutForwDatagrams 0 v6IfOutDiscards 0 Last clearing of interface stat: never SMM xgig interface information: eth interface information: Interface eth 0 information: IfIndex: 1 interface status UP interface speed 100000000 mac address 0017.1000.5e40 Statistics: IfInOctets 28077350 IfInUcastPkts 57667 IfInDiscards 0 IfInErrors 0 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds CASA CMTS IfOutOctets IfOutUcastPkts IfOutErrors IfOutDiscards C3000-230# 2285988 49326 0 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# monitor keepalive CASA-CMTS(config)# no monitor keepalive CASA-CMTS(config)# monitor gige CASA-CMTS(config)# no monitor gige CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# clear interface gige 0 stat CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# show monitor Monitor GIG-E activity : Monitor Keepalive : Monitor Daemon : Disabled Disabled Enabled . 083/0.067 ms 64 bytes from 192.113 (192.8. 64 bytes from 192.168.017 ms 6/10)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# ping6 2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 .113 ping 3 packets transmitted.102 ms 64 bytes from 192.8. 0% packet loss.113: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.113) 56(84) bytes of data. 0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#auto-reboot monitor 192.168.113: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time= time 2000ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan statistics --3 received.168.168.067/0.8.113 PING 192.102/0.177 30 CASA-CMTS# ping 192.168.082 ms --. icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0. 372 ms 64 bytes from 192.8 (192.3.1 : 56(84) bytes of data.361 ms .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#ping "-I 10.3.8) from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.357 ms 64 bytes from 192.168. 64 bytes from 192.1.8: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.3.8: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.8" PING CASA CMTS . 168.168.CASA CMTS C10G-CMTS# traceroute 192.218 ms 1.165 ms (192.195 (192.192  1500” ***** Type Ctrl-C to exit ***** traceroute to ms C10G-CMTS# traceroute help Usage: traceroute [ -dFInrvx ] [ -f first_ttl ] [ -g gateway ] [ -i iface ] [ -m max_ttl ] [ -p port ] [ -q nqueries ] [ -s src_addr ] [ -t tos ] [ -w waittime ] [ -z pausemsecs ] host [ packetlen ] The entire argument list must be with quotation marks Example: traceroute "pluto" C10G-CMTS# traceroute  “192.948 ms 3 192.168.228 ms 2.3.108) 1.111 ms 2.168.168. 30 hops max.3.230).110) 2.195) 1.108 ( ms ( ***** Type Ctrl-C to exit ***** traceroute to 192.904 ms 0.147 ms 2 192. 40 byte pac 1 192.195).168.10.195 (192.168. 30 hops .3. 35.ctn-core1.179 ms 5 208-41-205-1. 1500 byte packets 1 192.Level3.ALTER.195) 25.2.227) 23.130) 104.943 ms traceroute to verizon.Level3.103.NET (152.63.088 ms 0.1 (192.edge2.16.224 ms 17.46.xe-5-03.xe-0-1-3.46.346 ms 19.Level3.34) 103.123.NET (152.46.newyork2.656 ms (4.168.904 ms 22.ALTER.229.122.ALTER.XL3.BR3.NewYork2.138.XL3.63.626 ms 11 ae-2-52.338 ms 19 206.015 ms 102.68.922 ms POS60.482 ms ms 19.NewYork2.526 ms 19.NewYork1.230 (192.69.ALTER.alter.775 ms (155.DFW13.564 ms 0.541 ms ae1-51.236 ms 101.edge2.954 ms 6 ge-2-2-0.XL3.113) 24.130 (206.747 ms .138.c00. 40 byte packets 1 192.63.098 ms (4.255.106) 57.53) 17.234) (208.229) 103.2.ebr2.976 ms 0.209 (209.18.573 ms (4.334 ms * 4.912 ms 19.1) 19.399 ms 12 0.Level3.224 ms 19.069 ms 15 POS7-0.760 ms 18 206.ALTER.668 ms mci-level3xe.928 ms 17 po121.1) 1.168.41.NET (152.NET (204.GW2.69.748 ms 1.897 ms ms 2 192.39).232.893 ms 17.1) 0.Level3.CASA CMTS max.vzlink.400 ms 4 209.1 (192.customer.1 (192.168.68.csw1.767 ms 9 ae-64- 19.ebr4.334 ms 3 192.DFW7.0.568 ms 7 ge-6-5.897 ms 8 vlan69.0.254 ms (206.NewYork1.508 ms (63.ALTER.megapath.101.1) 3.NET (152.16.client.GW2.168.530 ms 103.xe-5-1-3. 30 hops max.863 ms 17.946 ms ms 0.121) 19.970 ms mci-level3xe.308 ms (206.58) 18.724 ms 1.8.647 ms * 10 (4.292 ms 101.438 ms 0.Level3.34) ( (152.26) (4.46.22) 19.1.8.NYC4.131 ms 103.120 ms 14 0.246.34 (206.NET (152.35.ALTER.577 ms 16.18) 114.640 ms 13 0.230) (4.225) 102.209) 4.182) (4.Level3.225.car1.46.168.NewYork1.232.dsl.520 ms 16 verizon-gw.777 ms 101. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable icmp filter 100 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable dhcp filter 100 2 CASA-C3000(config)#show cable filter runningconfig cable arp filter 8 2 cable dhcp filter 100 2 cable icmp filter 0 2 cable igmp filter 4 2 CASA-C3000(config)# . CASA CMTS CMTS(config)# channel-utilization-interval 100 CMTS(config)# show docsis channel utilization Example: Display channel utilization Downstream Operational Utilization Online Secondary Channel Slot/Port/Channel Status Percentage Modems Modems Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/0/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/0/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/0/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/0/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/1/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/1/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/1/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/1/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/2/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/2/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/2/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/2/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/3/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/3/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/3/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/3/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/0/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 . 1 3/4.0 3/1.0 4/3.0 (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (549000000 Hz) (555000000 Hz) (561000000 Hz) (567000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) (20000000 Hz) down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 4/3.0 4/1.0 3/7.0 3/3.1 3/5.1 3/6.1 4/1.0 3/5.0 3/2.1 3/7.1 4/4.1 4/7.1 3/2.0 4/2.0 4/5.0 4/0.1 4/6.0 4/6.1 3/1.CASA CMTS 1/0/1 1/0/2 1/0/3 1/1/0 1/1/1 1/1/2 1/1/3 1/2/0 1/2/1 1/2/2 1/2/3 1/3/0 1/3/1 1/3/2 1/3/3 2/0/0 2/0/1 2/0/2 2/0/3 2/1/0 2/1/1 2/1/2 2/1/3 2/2/0 2/2/1 2/2/2 2/2/3 2/3/0 2/3/1 2/3/2 2/3/3 3/0.1 4/2.0 3/4.1 4/5.0 3/0.0 3/6.1 4/0.1 3/3.0 4/4. 0 5/5.CASA CMTS 4/7.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 .1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/5.0 5/4.1 5/3.0 (32000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/7.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/1.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/3.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/2.1 5/7.0 5/3.0 (18000000 Hz) up 0 1 4 Certification 2/0.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/7.0 5/1.1 5/4.1 5/0.0 5/6.1 5/5.0 (11000000 Hz) up 0 4 3 2/3.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/4.Channel Status Percentage Modems Modems Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------2/0.0 (32000000 Hz) up 2 7 4 2/2.0 5/0.0 (25000000 Hz) up 0 8 3 2/1.1 5/1.1 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 (20000000 Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down down 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMTS(config)# show docsis upstream channel utilization Example: Display upstream channel utilization Upstream Operational Utilization Online Secondary Channel Slot/Port.0 5/2.0 (20000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 2/5.1 (20000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 2/6.1 5/2.1 5/6.0 ( 8000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 docsis 2/6.0 (16000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 2/4.0 5/7. 1 4/1.0 4/1.1 (32600000 (34200000 (35800000 (37400000 Hz) Hz) Hz) Hz) up up up up 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CMTS(config)# show docsis downstream channel utilization Example: Display downstream channel utilization Downstream Operational Utilization Online Secondary Channel Slot/Port/Channel Status Percentage Modems Modems Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------0/0/0 (525000000 Hz) up 0 0 5 testing 0/0/1 (531000000 Hz) up 0 0 5 0/0/2 (537000000 Hz) up 0 0 5 0/0/3 (543000000 Hz) up 0 0 5 0/1/0 (465000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 0/1/1 (471000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 0/1/2 (477000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 0/1/3 (483000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 0/2/0 ( 47000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 Certification 0/2/1 ( 53000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 Rotterdam 5 0/2/2 ( 59000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/2/3 ( 65000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 0/3/0 (549000000 Hz) up 0 0 6 0/3/1 (555000000 Hz) up 4 20 0 0/3/2 (561000000 Hz) up 0 0 6 0/3/3 (567000000 Hz) up 0 0 6 1/0/0 (129000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/0/1 (135000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 1/0/2 (141000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 1/0/3 (147000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 1/1/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/1/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/1/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/1/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/2/0 (549000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/2/1 (555000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/2/2 (561000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/2/3 (567000000 Hz) down 0 0 0 1/3/0 (549000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 testing 1/3/1 (555000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 1/3/2 (561000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 1/3/3 (567000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 casacasa .0 4/0.CASA CMTS 4/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#system monitor cpu enable . CASA CMTS Configuring the management port CASA-CMTS(config)# interface eth 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# ip address 192.211 255.0 Reset to the default: CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# no ip address CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# interface eth 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface eth 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# ip address dhcp CASA-CMTS(config)# interface eth 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth0)# ip access-group my_access_group CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth0)# no ip access-group Configuring Gigabit Ethernet (GigE) ports . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# end CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# <port> CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# auto negotiate CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no auto negotiate . 3.168.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# .100 255.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige)# ip address 192.255.255. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# ip access-group my_access_group CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no ip access-group CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no ipv6 address CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# vlan 256 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no vlan . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# ip igmp CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no ip igmp CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)#igmp client version 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# . 3.0 no ip igmp .auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 1 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 2 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 3 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 4 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode .255.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# mtu 1800 CASA-CMTS# show interface gige interface gige 0 ip address 255. CASA CMTS interface gige 5 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 6 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 7 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 8 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 9 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 10 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface gige 11 no ip igmp auto negotiate no shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode . CASA CMTS CASA-C10G> show interface xgige interface xgige 6/0 ipv6 address 5000:0:130::13/64 mac address 00:17:10:03:60:ca no ip igmp no auto negotiate shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode interface xgige 6/1 ipv6 address 5000:0:130::23/64 mac address 00:17:10:03:60:cb no ip igmp no auto negotiate shutdown no ip pim sparse-mode . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show interface gige 0 stat Interface GIGE 0 statistics interface status UP link status DOWN auto-negotiation Enabled interface speed 1000 duplex status Full SFP vendor FINISAR CORP. SFP Serial Number P6E0JP6 SFP Type 1000BASE-T IfInOctets 0 IfInUcastPkts 0 IfInNUcastPkts 0 IfInDiscards 0 IfInErrors 0 IfInUnknownProtos 0 IfOutOctets 540 IfOutUcastPkts 0 IfOutNUcastPkts 6 IfOutErrors 0 IfOutDiscards 0 IpForwDatagrams 0 IpInReceives 0 IpInDiscards 0 CASA-C10G> show interface xgige 6/0 throughput Interface XGIGE 6/0 throughput IfInOctets 0 bytes/second IfInUcastPkts 0 packets/second IfInNUcastPkts 0 packets/second IfInTotalPkts 0 packets/second IfOutOctets 0 bytes/second IfOutUcastPkts 0 packets/second IfOutNUcastPkts 0 packets/second IfOutTotalPkts 0 packets/second Configuring loopback interfaces . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback 12 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-lo 12)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback 4 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-lo 4)# . 3 255.0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-lo 0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-lo 4)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 CASA-CMTS(config-if-lo 4)# no ipv6 address CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-lo 0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-lo 0)#ip address CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-lo 0)#ip access-group my_access_group CASA-CMTS(config-if-lo 0)# no ip access-group CASA-CMTS(config)# logging source-interface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# ftp-tftp source-interface loopback 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# no ftp-tftp sourceinterface loopback 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# lawful-intercept sourceinterface loopback 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 12 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 12)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no interface trunk 12 CASA-CMTS(config)#interface trunk 12 C3000-230(conf-if-trunk 12)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-trunk 12)#  description  “This   is  a  text  string  within  quotation  marks.” . 3.0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 6/1)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk)# no ipv6 address CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk)# no ip address .255.112 255.255.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 6/1)# ip address 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk num)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk num)# shutdown CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk) 1# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# gige 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# no gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1# ip igmp CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1# no ip igmp CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# ip access-group my_list CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# no ip access-group my_list CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface trunk CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface trunk 1 ! interface trunk 1 gige 4 mode active gige 5 mode active gige 6 mode active . cc4e fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cc4e State Type dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA static ARPA dynamic ARPA static ARPA static ARPA static ARPA .1002.0c9a.CASA CMTS gige 7 mode active gige 8 mode active ip address 192.cc40 eth 6/0 00:00:01 0017.12 eth 7/0 00:00:01 0017.1002.0f8e 192.8.0c9a.8.1002. 192.168.1001.111 eth 7/0 00:08:24 0022.168.168.1 eth 6/0 00:08:40 0022.114 CATV-MAC 1 00:00:01 0017.168.ea41 192.6f8f.5bd8.12 eth 6/0 00:18:01 bc30.8.168.c4c0 192.1002.cc4d fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cc4d CATV-MAC 2 00:00:01 0017.90 eth 6/0 00:00:01 b8ac.8.ea41 192.181f 192.8.0 ip igmp ip access-group telnet_host ! no shutdown! CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 10)# show arp Interface Age Hardware Addr IP Address eth 6/0 00:00:01 0017. 9.0 CASA-CMTS(config)#nameserver source-interface loopback 12 Configuring DHCP .168.CASA CMTS Configuring DNS CASA-CMTS(config)#nameserver 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dhcp-insert downstream-desctype 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# dhcp-insert enterprise-num 20858# CASA-CMTS(config)# dhcp-insert host-name-type 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# dhcp-insert upstream-desc-type 1 . 10.202.9. IP bundle range <----IP secondary address gateway from the IP bundle setting } subnet option log-servers 192.cfg".conf allow leasequery.1.1. next-server 192. <----MAC address of cpe/pc fixed-address 10.1.0 netmask 255. option time-offset -18000. <---.9.10.9. # one year option routers 10.CASA CMTS Related DHCP-insert commands C3200-232(config)# interface docsis-mac 1 C3200-232(conf-if-mac 1)# dhcp-insert downstream-description C3200-232(conf-if-mac 1)# dhcp-insert hostname C3200-232(conf-if-mac 1)# dhcp-insert upstream-description C3200-232(conf-if-mac 1)# /etc/dhcpd.1.9. <----Note this must not be a host IP in the option routers 10. option time-servers 192. filename "cm231. # 5 min max-lease-time 31557600.255.Enables dhcp lease query on the DHCP server host cpe_lab { hardware ethernet 00:14:22:fa:87: { default-lease-time 3000000. .9.9. 1".9.168.10. range 10. option tftp-server-name "192.100 10.10.cfg".CASA CMTS option bootfile-name "cm231.9. <-----IP bundle host range } CASA-CMTS(config)#dhcp leasequery enforce CASA-CMTS(config)#show running-config | i leasequery dhcp leasequery enforce CASA-CMTS(config)#dhcp leasequery message-coding .9.200. 4) CASA-CMTS(config)# lacp system priority 60000 CASA-CMTS(config)# no lacp system priority CASA-CMTS(config)#show lacp system-id .CASA CMTS Configuring Link Aggregation Control Protocol (LACP) (5. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)#lacp port-priority 1 CASA-C2200(config)#lacp system priority 1 CASA-CMTS#show lacp summary . H—Expired Port Trunk Mode State Priority Flag Receive Send gige1 1 active down 1000 ACG 0 0 gige2 1 active down 2000 ACG 0 0 gige3 1 passive down 3000 CG 0 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)#lacp port-priority 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# . F--Distributing. C--Aggregation. G--Defaulted. B--LACP Timeout.CASA CMTS Example: Display LACP summary CASA-CMTS#show lacp summary Flag: A--LACP Activity. D—Synchronization E--Collecting. B--LACP Timeout. D—Synchronization E--Collecting. Port Flag: CG Receive Packets: 0. F--Distributing. Send Packets: 0. C--Aggregation. Illegal Packets: 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 1)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-trunk 1)#gige 1 mode active. H—Expired Gige 3 In_Trunk 1. Oper Key 0x1. CASA-CMTS# show interface trunk 1 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no lacp priority CASA-CMTS# show interface gige 3 lacp status Example: Displaying LACP status CASA-CMTS# show interface gige 3 lacp status Flag: A--LACP Activity. . G--Defaulted.State: down Port Priority 32768. 4 only) CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# .CASA CMTS ! interface trunk 1 gige 1 mode active gige 2 mode active gige 3 mode passive load-balance sdip no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-trunk 1)# no gige 1 CASA-C2200(config)#show lacp system-id System ID: 32768.00:17:10:00:13:67 Configuring IS-IS Routing Protocol (5. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 4)#ip router isis ABC CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 6/4)#no ip router isis ABC CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#ipv6 router isis ABC CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige id)#no ipv6 router isis <string> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis circuit-type level-2-only CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis circuit-type level-2-only CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis network point-topoint CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis network pointto-point . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis csnp-interval 40 level-1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis csnp-interval 40 level-1 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis hellointerval 40 level-2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis hellointerval 40 level-2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis hello-multiplier 5 level-2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis hellomultiplier . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis hello padding CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis hello padding CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis metric 40 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis metric CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis password AAA CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#no isis password AAA CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis priority 2 level-2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)#isis retransmit-interval 10 CASA-CMTS(config)#router isis local CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no router isis local CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# list area-password WORD area-password WORD authenticate snp (send-only|validate) authentication key-chain XXX . .CASA CMTS authentication key-chain XXX (level-1|level-2) authentication mode (md5|txt) authentication mode (md5|txt) (level-1|level-2) domain-password WORD domain-password WORD authenticate snp (send-only|validate) end exit hostname dynamic is-type (level-1|level-1-2|level-2-only) list lsp-gen-interval <1-120> lsp-gen-interval level-1 <1-120> lsp-gen-interval level-2 <1-120> lsp-lifetime <380-65535> lsp-lifetime level-1 <380-65535> lsp-lifetime level-2 <380-65535> metric-style (narrow|transition|wide) net WORD . CASA-CMTS(config)#router isis local CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no router isis local . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS <name> CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# address-family ipv6 unicast CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis-af)# default-information originate CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis-af)# multi-topology transition CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis-af)# summary-prefix 2001:1234::/64 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis-af)# exit-address-family password password . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# area-password abcXyZ CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# area-password abcXyZ authenticate snp validate CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no area-password <name> name CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# authentication keychain charlie CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no authentication keychain CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no authentication keychain charlie . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# authentication mode md5 level-1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no authentication mode txt level-1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# authentication sendonly CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no authentication send-only . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# default-information orginate CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no default-information originate password password CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# domain-password abcXyZ CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# domain-password abcXyZ authenticate snp validate . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# no area-password CASA-CMTS(config)#router isis local CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)is-type level-1# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no is-type level-1 . CASA CMTS seconds CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# lsp-gen-interval level-1 20 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# lsp-gen-interval level-2 10 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no lsp-gen-interval 50 CASA CMTS seconds CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# lsp-lifetime 1300 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no lsp-lifetime CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# metric-style transition CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no metric-style CASA CMTS network-entity-title networkentity-title CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# net 47.0004.0000.0000.1234.5678.2005.00 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no net 47.0004.0000.0000.1234.5678.2005.00 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# hostname dynamic CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no hostname dynamic CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# passive-interface gige4 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# passive-interface loopback0 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#no passive-interface gige4 name name CASA CMTS <name> CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# redistribute static l2 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# set-overload-bit on-startup 10 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#spf-interval-exp 50 500 CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#spf-interval-exp level-1 50 500 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-isis)#spf-interval-exp level-1 50 500 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis area local database detail CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis area local neighbors detail slot 3 CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis area local topology level-1 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis counte Area local: IS-IS Level-1 isisSystemCounterEntry: isisSysStatCorrLSPs: 0 isisSysStatAuthTypeFails: 0 isisSysStatAuthFails: 0 isisSysStatLSPDbaseOloads: 0 isisSysStatManAddrDropFromAreas: 0 isisSysStatAttmptToExMaxSeqNums: 0 isisSysStatSeqNumSkips: 0 isisSysStatOwnLSPPurges: 0 isisSysStatIDFieldLenMismatches: 0 isisSysStatMaxAreaAddrMismatches: 0 isisSysStatPartChanges: CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis database slot 6 Area casa: IS-IS Level-2 Link State Database: LSPID LSP Seq Num LSP Checksum LSP Holdtime ATT/P/OL CASA-C10G.00-00 * 0x0000003E 0x6BAF 65227 0/0/0 CASA CMTS CASA-C3000(config)#show isis interface counter gige1: IS-IS LAN Level-1 isisCircuitCounterEntry: isisCircAdjChanges: 0 isisCircNumAdj: 0 isisCircInitFails: 0 isisCircRejAdjs: 0 isisCircIDFieldLenMismatches: 0 isisCircMaxAreaAddrMismatches: 0 isisCircAuthTypeFails: 0 isisCircAuthFails: 0 isisCircLanDesISChanges: 0 CASA CMTS IS-IS Level-1 isisPacketCounterEntry: isisPacketCountIIHello in/out: 0/0 isisPacketCountLSP in/out: 0/0 isisPacketCountCSNP in/out: 0/0 isisPacketCountPSNP in/out: 0/0 isisPacketCountUnknown in/out: 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis neighbors Area 160_isis: Area chris: Area AAA: CASA-CMTS(config)#show isis topology Area 160_isis: CASA CMTS Area chris: Area AAA: CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip route isis Configuring Protocol Independent Multicast in Sparse Mode CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-gige 1)# ip pim sparse-mode CASA-CMTS# show ip pim interface Address Interface Gige0 Lookback1 Ver v2 v2 Nbr Count 2 1 0 0 DR Prior DR CASA-CMTS# show ip pim neighbor Neighbor Address Interface Uptime/Expires DR Priority 168. expires: 148 CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp-hash 192.1.35. v2 Info source: priority 0. holdtime 150 Uptime: 0:0:44:8.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ip pim rp-address 143.72 RP 76. expires:0 PIMv2 Hash Value (mask 192.3.0/4 RP 192.7. holdtime 1 Uptime: 14677:11:17:52.3.1. static CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp mapping Group(s) 224.0/4. priority 0.1.232 rp address :76. via bootstrap.168. via bootstrap.1. access-list multicastList1 CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp Group(s) 224.232) . v2 Info source: 0.160. Static RP 143.232.160. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ip pim rp-candidate gige1 priority 5 . expires:0 PIMv2 Hash Value (mask 192. Static RP 143.8.232. via bootstrap. holdtime 150 Uptime: 0:0:44:8.72 RP 76. holdtime 1 Uptime: 14677:11:17:52. v2 Info source: 192. priority .1. expires: 148 CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp-hash via bootstrap.232 rp address : RP 192.3.3. static CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp mapping Group(s) 224. priority 0.168.1. v2 Info source: CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim rp Group(s) 224. 3.232 Uptime: length:10 0:0:10:8.168.BSR Priority:0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ip pim bsr-candidate gige1 10 5 CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim bsr-router This system is the Bootstrap Router (BSR) BSR address:192. Hash mask Next bootstrap message in 7 Candidate RP: 1) Holdtime 150 seconds Advertisement interval 60 seconds Next advertisement in 7 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ip pim spt-threshold 1500 CASA-CMTA(config)# ip pim spt-threshold infinity CASA-CMTS(config)#show ip pim spt-threshold ip pim spt-threshold 1500 CASA-CMTS(config)# ip pim ssm default CASA-CMTA(config)# ip pim ssm range acl1 Configuring the OSPF Routing Protocol . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# end no CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# id> <id> . 2 default-cost 35 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 192.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 10 authentication CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 10 authentication CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# <id> <cost> <id> <cost> CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area default-cost 35 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 filter-list prefix area_3 in CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 filterlist prefix area_3 in CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 3 filter-list prefix area_3 in CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 nssa translate-always no-summary CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 3 nssa translate-always no-summary . 3/24 cost 20 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 3 range 192.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 range 192.2.3/24 cost 20 .2.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 SC enable CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 3 SC enable CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 stub CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no area 3 stub CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# router-id> num> num> num> key> key-id> <id> <router-id> num> key> . CASA CMTS num> <num> <num> <num> key> . CASA CMTS key id> key> CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# area 3 virtual-link message-digest-key 3 md5 3fk4j5ry76 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# auto-cost reference-bandwidth 20 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no auto-cost reference-bandwidth 20 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# compatible rfc1583 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# no compatible rfc1583 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# defaultinformation originate metric 50 metric-type 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# default-metric 20 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# distance ospf external 200 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . B.D|<0-4294967295>) range A.D|<0-4294967295>) nssa no-summary area (A.C.C.C.C.B.D/M area (A.B.B.D|<0-4294967295>) nssa (translatecandidate|translate-never|translate-always) area (A.C.D|<0-4294967295>) nssa (translatecandidate|translate-never|translate-always) nosummary area (A.C.CASA CMTS CASA-C3000(config-router-ospf)# list area (A.B.C.B.C.D/M advertise area (A.B.C.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) export-list NAME area (A.D|<0-4294967295>) range A.B.B.C.D|<0-4294967295>) authentication area (A.B.B.C.B.D|<0-4294967295>) range A.D|<0-4294967295>) import-list NAME area (A.D|<0-4294967295>) filter-list prefix WORD (in|out) area (A.D/M advertise cost <0-16777215> CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# .C.D|<0-4294967295>) authentication message-digest area (A.C.B.B.D|<0-4294967295>) nssa area (A.D|<0-4294967295>) default-cost <016777215> area (A.C.C.B. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# neighbor 192.10.1/24 area 2 .0/24 area 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# network 10.20 priority 1 poll-interval 140 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# network 168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# ospf abr-type cisco CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# ospf router-id 192.20 .3. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# passive-interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# distribute-list list1 out static CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# redistribute static CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# refresh timer 100 . 3.168.20 CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# route-id 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# timers spf 60 40 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf authentication message-digest . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf authentication-key neighbor CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf cost 40 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf deadinterval 33 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf hellointerval 26 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf messagedigest-key 12 md5 1007 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf retransmitinterval 10 . 168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip ospf transmitdelay 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip ospf OSPF Routing Process. Checksum Sum 0x0000000 Number of area attached to this router: 1 Area ID: 0.0.0 (Backbone) . Router ID: 192.3.95 Supports only single TOS (TOS0) routes This implementation conforms to RFC2328 RFC1583Compatibility flag is disabled SPF schedule delay 1 secs. Hold time between two SPFs 1 secs Refresh timer 10 secs Number of external LSA 0.0. Checksum Sum0x0000449d Number of summary LSA 1.CASA CMTS Number of interfaces in this area: Total: 1. Checksum Sum0x0000332c Number of ASBP summary LSA 0. Active: 1 Number of fully adjacent neighbors in this area: 2 Area has no authentication SPF algorithm executed 30 times Number of router LSA 3. Checksum Sum0x00000000 Number of NSSA LSA 0. Checksum Sum0x0001c3bf Number of network LSA 1. Checksum Sum0x00000000 CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip ospf border-routers CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip ospf database CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip ospf interface . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip ospf route . bcm3 C>* 127. I – ISIS. * .109.0.0/24 is directly connected.0/24 is directly connected.0/24 is directly connected.0/24 is directly connected. S – static.168.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip route Codes: K – Kernel route.0.168. R – RIP. bcm1 C>* 10. lo C>* 10. > . B – BGP.2. C . eth0 C>* 10. O – OSPF.selected route.3.connected.2.FIB route C>* 10.0/8 is directly connected. bcm26 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipv6 route .66. 0 Configuring the Routing Information Protocol .168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# redistribute connected CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# network 192.237. CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router ospf CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)#network area CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)#network 10.0 . area 0.0/24 area 0.2.0 CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)#network area 0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# end . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)#defaultinformation originate CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# default-metric 10 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# distance 100 CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# . C.D/M|WORD) no default-information originate no default-metric no default-metric <1-16> no distance <1-255> no distance <1-255> A.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# distribute-list prefix area_3 in CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# list default-information originate default-metric <1-16> distance <1-255> distance <1-255> A.D/M WORD no distribute-list WORD (in|out) no distribute-list WORD (in|out) WORD no distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) no distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) WORD no neighbor A.B.D/M distance <1-255> A.C.B.D/M WORD distribute-list WORD (in|out) distribute-list WORD (in|out) WORD distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) distribute-list prefix WORD (in|out) WORD end exit list neighbor A.B.B.D network (A.C.D/M no distance <1-255> A.C.B.B.D .C.B.C.C. 3 CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# network .10.10.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# neighbor 10. 168.4/24 CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# offset-list acl2 out 15 .10.10.3/24 CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# network 192.3.CASA CMTS 10. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# passive interface default CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# . 3/24 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# redistribute static CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# route 192.2.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# route-map test in gige2 CASA-CMTS(config)# router rip CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# timers basic 5 15 15 CASA-CMTS(config-router-rip)# version 2 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip rip authentication key-chain school CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige id)# no ip rip authentication key-chain CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip rip authentication string public CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige id)# no ip rip authentication string . 168. S – static.3.0. (d) – default. B – BGP Sub-codes: (n) – normal.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip rip authentication mode md5 auth-length rfc CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip rip Codes: R – RIP.0/24 1 self 0 Next Hop 0. (s) – static. C – connected. O – OSPF.0 . (r) – redistribute.interface Network Metric From Tag Time C(i) 192.0. (i) . 168. receive any version Interface Send Recv Key-chain Bcm2 2 1 2 Routing for Networks: 192. garbage collect after 120 seconds Outgoing update filter list for all interface in not set Incoming update filter list for all interface in not set Default redistribution metric is 1 Redistributing: Default version control: send version 2.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip rip status Routing  Protocol  is  “rip” Sending updates every 30 seconds with +/-50% next due in 4 seconds Timeout after 180 seconds.0/24 Routing Information Sources: Gateway Badpackets BadRoutes Distance Last Update Distance: (default is 120) .3. 2.selected route.109.0/24 is directly connected. lo C>* 10. I – ISIS. O – OSPF.0/8 is directly connected. B – BGP. R – RIP.0/24 is directly connected. S – static.0/24 is directly connected.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip route Codes: K – Kernel route.connected. bcm26 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipv6 route .66.168.FIB route C>* * .0. eth0 C>* 10. C . bcm1 C>* 10.0/24 is directly connected. > . bcm3 C>* 127.2.3. 4 and later) CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .CASA CMTS Configuring the BGP Routing Protocol (Release 5. B.D CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .C.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# bgp router-id A. 5/24 list5 .4.3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# distance bgp <1255> <1-255> <1-255> CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# distance 5 60. 0/8 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# network 10.0.0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bbp)# aggregateaddress 192.7/24 as-set summary-only CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .168.6. C.B.D CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-ospf)# redistribute static can’t  find  neighbor  A. 0.0.1 remote-as 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# string string .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 10. 0.1.0 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .10.0.1 password CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# no neighbor 64.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 10. 1.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 63.10.0 ebgp-multihop 50 CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#[ no] neighbor peer description <line> CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 . 3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor version 4 CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor 192.4 interface ifname . 3.4 default-originate .3.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192.4 next-hop-self CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#[no] neighbor 192.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#[no] neighbor peer update-source 4 CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 . 3.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192.4 weight 5 .4 send-community CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config)# neighbor 192.3.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192.3.4 maximum-prefix 100 .168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192.4 distribute-list list1 in CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .3.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer prefix-list prefixList1 out CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer filter-list filterList1 in CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor peer route-map <name> [in | out] CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)#neighbor group1 . 4 peer-group peerGroup1 CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# .3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv4 unicast CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS <name> CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# address-family ipv6 unicast CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# exit-address-family CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 activate CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 advertisement-interval 100 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 allowas-in 5 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 attribute-unchanged as-path med next-hop CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 capability orf prefix-list both CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 . CASA CMTS default-originate route-map map1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 distribute-list acl1 in CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 filter-list list1 out CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 maximum-prefix 100 warning-only CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 next-hop-self CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 prefix-list list1 in CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 remove-private-AS CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 route-map map1 in CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 send-community both CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 soft-reconfiguration inbound CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 unsuppress-map map1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# neighbor 2001:1::1:1 weight 600 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# network 2001:1::1:1/64 CASA-CMTS(config-router-af)# redistribute connected RFC1930 . CASA CMTS > CASA-CMTS(config)#ip as-path access-list list1 permit regExpression . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#ip community-list 123 permit internet . 2 remote-as 7675 neighbor 192.168.1 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list 70 permit 7675:70 ip community-list 70 deny ip community-list 80 permit 7675:80 ip community-list 80 deny ip community-list 90 permit 7675:90 ip community-list 90 deny ! route-map RMAP permit 10 match community 70 set local-preference 70 ! route-map RMAP permit 20 match community 80 set local-preference 80 ! route-map RMAP permit 30 match community 90 set local-preference 90 Example 2 router bgp 100 network 10.0/8 neighbor 192.0.CASA CMTS Example 1 router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 100 neighbor route-map RMAP out . route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list standard FILTER deny 1:1 ip community-list standard FILTER permit ! route-map RMAP permit 10 match community FILTER ip community-list standard INTERNET deny 1:1 ip community-list standard INTERNET permit internet Example 5 .CASA CMTS ! ip access-list ! Permit all 10.0 any any route-map RMAP permit 10 match ip address acl set community 7675:80 Example 3 router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 100 neighbor 192.0.1 remote-as 100 neighbor 192.0 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list 1 permit 0:80 0:90 ! route-map RMAP permit in match community 1 Example 4 router bgp 7675 neighbor 192. 1 remote-as 100 neighbor 192.0 any route-map RMAP permit 10 match ip address acl set community 7675:80 Example 7 .0.2 route-map RMAP out ! ip ip access-list acl ! Permit all 10.0.0 255.1 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list 70 permit 7675:70 ip community-list 70 deny ip community-list 80 permit 7675:80 ip community-list 80 deny ip community-list 90 permit 7675:90 ip community-list 90 deny ! route-map RMAP permit 10 match community 70 set local-preference 70 ! route-map RMAP permit 20 match community 80 set local-preference 80 ! route-map RMAP permit 30 match community 90 set local-preference 90 Example 6 router bgp 100 network neighbor 192.0.CASA CMTS router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 7675 neighbor route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list standard DEL permit 100:1 100:2 ! route-map RMAP permit 10 set comm-list DEL delete router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 100 neighbor 192.0.0. 1 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list standard DEL permit 100:1 100:2 ! route-map RMAP permit 10 set comm-list DEL delete .0.0.1 remote-as 100 neighbor 192.1 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list 1 permit 0:80 0:90 ! route-map RMAP permit in match community 1 Example 8 router bgp 7675 neighbor 192.1 route-map RMAP in ! ip community-list standard FILTER deny 1:1 ip community-list standard FILTER permit ! route-map RMAP permit 10 match community FILTER ip community-list standard INTERNET deny 1:1 ip community-list standard INTERNET permit internet Example 9 router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 100 neighbor 192.168.CASA CMTS router bgp 7675 neighbor remote-as 100 neighbor 192.168.168. 188 (8 matches) <string> Where: string <string> Where: string .CASA CMTS Where: type num CASA-CMTS# show interface eth 0 acl-count details 10 deny icmp 192.250 255.255. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show ip bdg attribute-info CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp dampened-paths CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp neighbors CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp paths CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp rsclient . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp scan CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp summary CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp attribute-info CASA-CMTS# show ip bgp dampened-paths . 5.6.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# clear ip bgp external CASA-CMTS# clear ip bgp 60.7 in . 4 dont-capability-negotiate .168.3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# neighbor 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# bgp cluster-id 300 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# [no] neighbor peer route-reflector-client CASA-CMTS(config)# router bgp 1 CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# CASA-CMTS(config-router-bgp)# bgp network importcheck . CASA CMTS IP access control Where: acl_name CASA-CMTS(config)# ip access-list telnet_host CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no ip access-list telnet_host . CASA CMTS Where: acl_name CASA-CMTS(config)# ip access-list telnet_host CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# end CASA-CMTS(config) Where: acl_name CASA-CMTS(config)# ip access-list telnet_host CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# Where: sequence-number . 2.222 CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# Where: sequence-number .168.CASA CMTS <protocol_name> CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# 100 permit telnet 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# no 100 CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# ip access-list telnet_host CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# string CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)#10  remark  “This  is   a  remark.” CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# no 10 Where: . any 20 deny telnet any any .38 255.222 CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# 200 deny telnet any CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# show ip access-list telnet_host 10 permit telnet CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip access-list telnet_host 10 permit telnet 192.19 any 20 deny telnet any any 30 deny icmp 192.255.238 255.255 any CASA-CMTS(config)# show ip access-list ip access-list telnet_host ip access-list ftp_host ip access-list tftp_host CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# 100 permit telnet 192.2.168. 255.255.238 20 permit telnet 192.222 30 deny telnet any any resequence show ip access-list telnet_host any 255.255 any CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# 10 permit telnet 192.255.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# CASA-CMTS(conf-acl telnet_host)# 10 permit telnet any Where: <eth_int> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface eth 0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# . any 255.222 20 deny telnet any any 15 permit telnet show ip access-list telnet_host 255.2.238 15 permit telnet 192. CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# ip access-group telnet_host <port-id> Where: <port-id> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# Where: CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige telnet_host 1)# ip access-group CASA-CMTS(config-if-eth 0)# no ip access-group . CASA CMTS acl_name Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# access-class in tftp_host CASA-CMTS(config)# no access-class in acl_name Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# access-class out tftp_host CASA-CMTS(config)# no access-class out Configuring route maps . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# route-map cmtsNet1 permit 100 CASA-CMTS(config)# no route-map cmtsNet1 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match as-path as10 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match aspath as10 Where: . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match community 70 CASA-CMTS#(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# community no match Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match ip address as2 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# # match ip next-hop as4 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match ip address CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match ip next-hop . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match metric 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match metric Where: . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match origin egp CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match origin egp Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match peer 192.8.7 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match peer local Where: .8.7 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match peer local CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match peer 192.168.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# match tag 57 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no match tag 57 Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1# set as-path prepend 5 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1# no set as-path prepend 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set atomic-aggregate CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set atomic-aggregate . 168.3.CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set community 225:1 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set community Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set ip nexthop 192.0 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set ip next-hop . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1# set localpreference 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1# no set localpreference Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set metric 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set metric . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set origin egp CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set origin egp Where: . 4 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set originator-id Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set weight 100 CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# no set weight Configuring Virtual Local Area Networks (VLANs) .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-route-map cmtsNet1)# set originatorid 192.3.268. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-vlan 2) CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-vlan  10)#  description  “This   is  a  text  string  within  quotation  marks.” . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 300 1000 2000 3000 3500 3600 CASA-CMTS(config)#no interface vlan 300 1000 2000 3000 3500 3600 CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan range 300 400 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 300)# CASA-CMTS(config)#no interface vlan range 300 400 . xxxx.xxxx CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 256 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 256)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 256)# gige 1 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 2) CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 2)#mac address xxxx. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# xgige 6/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 256 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 256)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 256)# no gige 1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# no xgige 6/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# gige 4 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# show this interface vlan 6/10 gige 6/4 no shutdown . 168.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-vlan 10)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# gige 4 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# show this interface vlan 6/10 gige 6/4 no shutdown .100 255.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-vlan 10)# ip address CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-vlan 6/10)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 1)# no ipv6 address CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 2)# rate-limit multicast 1500 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/2 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/2)# vlan 256 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/2)# no vlan CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam)# CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan)# ip access-group my_access_group . 43.67.1 255.0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan)# no ip access-group my_access_group CASA-CMTS(config)#interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 10)# trunk 24 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan)# no trunk 12 Example: Create trunk and add interfaces.255. add trunk to VLAN. CASA-CMTS(config)# interface trunk 12 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 12)# CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 12)#gige 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 12)#gige 4 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-trunk 12)#end CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 10)#trunk 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 10)#ip address 192.0 . vlan 2 interface qam 0/3. vlan 2 interface gige 1. vlan 256 interface gige 2. vlan 2 . vlan 2 interface qam 0/1. vlan 2 interface gige 3. CASA-CMTS(config)#show interface vlan interface vlan 2 no ip igmp interface vlan 300 gige 0 no ip igmp . vlan 256 interface qam 0/2.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface vlan interface gige 0. vlan 2 interface qam 0/0. 5bd8.cc40 192.0c9a.1002.1001.90 eth 6/0 00:00:01 b8ac.12 eth 6/0 00:18:01 bc30.cc4d fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cc4d CATV-MAC 2 00:00:01 0017.114 CATV-MAC 1 00:00:01 0017. fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cc4e State Type dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA dynamic ARPA static ARPA dynamic ARPA static ARPA static ARPA static ARPA .c4c0 192.12 eth 7/0 00:00:01 0017.168.ea41 192.8.ea41 192.113 eth 7/0 00:08:24 0022.5cab 192.92 eth 6/0 00:00:01 0017.168.0f8e 192.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 6/10)# show arp Interface Age Hardware Addr IP Address eth 6/0 00:00:01 0017.168.181f 192.8.1 eth 6/0 00:08:40 0022. CASA CMTS Configuring L2VPN C10G-203(config)#show interface vlan 10 interface vlan 6/10 xgige 6/1 no ip igmp no ip pim sparse-mode no shutdown . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 400 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 400)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface vlan 400 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 400)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# no l2vpn mac-address-movable CASA-CMTS# show l2vpn local-traffic-forwarding no l2vpn mac-address-movable no l2vpn local-traffic-forwarding C10G-203(config)#show l2vpn vlan 10 l2vpn vlan table: vlan_id=10 . 4) CASA-CMTS(config)tacacs-server host 192.1# .168.10.CASA CMTS C10G-203(config)#show l2vpn qam 1 lc: logical=1 phy=1 L2VPN US: ttl=0 drop=0 DS: ttl=0 drop=0 NotDefined pkt=0 id=0 bc_src=0 local: mac_addr_movable 0 traffic_fwd 0 l2vpn_vlan_tbl_prt(): l2vpn_addr_hs_tbl_prt(): Configuring TACACS (Release 5. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config) tacacs-server key abcd CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authentication enable default group radius CASA-CMTS(config)# no aaa authentication enable . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authentication ascii CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authentication login default group tacacsplus . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authentication login radius CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authorization command 1 default local tacacsplus CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa authorization exec default group tacacsplus local . CASA CMTS aaa authorization exec default if-authenticated group tacacsplus CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa accounting commands 4 default start-stop . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# aaa radius-source loopback 4 . ON AAA Authentication method : TACACS+. ON ENABLE.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# radius server host server1 key 123 7 CASA-CMTS(config)# no radius server host server1/123 CASA-CMTS# show aaa ----------------.AAA Configurations ---------------AAA Server IP Address : 192.100.1 (KEY: test) AAA Server Encryption Key : test AAA Authentication : LOGIN.168. LOCAL AAA CMD Authorization : ON : COMMAND 15 TACACSPLUS : OTHER COMMAND LEVEL(S) LOCAL AAA Accounting : COMMAND LEVEL 15 TRIGGERSTARTSTOP : NO COMMAND ACC TRIGGER FOR OTHER LEVEL(S) : EXEC ACC TRIGGER LOGIN-LOGOUT . CASA CMTS Stream configuration and management . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode manual CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode rpc CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode auto CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode group-4-port CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode group-2-port CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS <size> CASA-CMTS(config)# dejitter interval 200 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no dejitter interval CASA-CMTS(config)# <stream-id> <stream-id> CASA-CMTS(config)# stream 123 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS <stream-id> <stream-id> CASA-CMTS(config)# stream 123 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123) ip source address CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# no ip source address CASA-CMTS(config-stream) <stream-id> <stream-id> CASA-CMTS(config)# stream 123 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# . 168.3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123) ip destination address 192.10 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# no ip destination address CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config)# stream 123 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# udp source port 1234 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# no udp source port CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# stream 123 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# <destination-port> CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# udp destination port 4321 CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# no udp destination port CASA-CMTS(config-stream 123)# CASA-CMTS(config)# show stream config 14 configuration for stream 14 ------------------------------------------------- . CASA CMTS ip source address is ip destination address is udp source port is udp destination port is Dejitter buffer is millisecond wildcard wildcard wildcard 3014 400 Show the configuration of all configured streams: CASA-CMTS(config)# show stream config stream configuration: stream 1 ip source address is wildcard ip destination address is wildcard udp source port is wildcard udp destination port is 3001 Dejitter buffer is 400 millisecond stream 2 ip source address is ip destination address is udp source port is udp destination port is Dejitter buffer is millisecond … stream 14 ip source address is ip destination address is udp source port is udp destination port is Dejitter buffer is millisecond CASA-CMTS(config)# wildcard wildcard wildcard 3002 400 wildcard wildcard wildcard 3014 400 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# channel 1 stream 123 program 100 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# channel 0 stream 223 pass-through CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# CASA-C2150(config-if-qam)# no channel 1 stream 123 CASA-C2150(config-if-qam)# . CASA CMTS : CASA-CMTS# show module 0 stream no-mapping Module 0 .Stream with no mapping CASA-CMTS(config)# operation mode group-4 port CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 3)# no shutdown N/A CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam0/0)# ip add a.c.d <mask> .b. CASA CMTS Configuring downstream QAM ports <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/0)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# Enable QAM port 0 on module 0: CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# . CASA CMTS <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# Enable QAM port 0 on module 0: CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# shutdown CASA-CMTS#config CASA-CMTS(config)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 1/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/3)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/3)# no channel 1 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/3)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# channel 2 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# <module>/<port> . 211 255.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# no ip address CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 1/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 1/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 1/2)# ip address 2345.3456 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# Return  to  the  manufacturer’s  built-in MAC address: CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# no mac address CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# modulation 64qam .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# mac address 1234. CASA CMTS <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# annex B CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# annex A symbol rate 6000 channel spacing 7000000 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# channel 1 frequency 555000000 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# power 550 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/2)# <module>/<port> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# interleave 128x8 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# <module>/<port> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# spectral inversion on . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam 0/3)# no spectral inversion on CASA-CMTS(config) show interface qam 2/1 brief CASA-CMTS(config) show interface qam 2/1/0 . CASA CMTS CASA-2200(config)# show docsis downstream channel utilization Downstream Slot/Port/Channel Utilization (%) 2/0/0 2 2/0/1 2 2/0/2 2 2/0/3 2 2/1/0 0 2/1/1 0 2/1/2 0 2/1/3 0 2/2/0 0 2/2/1 0 2/2/2 0 2/2/3 0 2/3/0 0 2/3/1 0 2/3/2 0 2/3/3 0 C10G(config)# show downstream channel set MAC Chan Channel ID Set List 1 1 0/0/0 1 2 0/0/1 1 3 0/0/2 1 4 0/0/3 1 5 0/0/4 1 6 0/0/5 1 7 0/0/6 1 8 0/0/7 . 0/1/10. 0/0/2. 0/0/1.0/1 0. 0/1/12 C10G(config)#show downstream channel set | count-only / Count Line: 72 C10G(config)# Configuring upstream port interfaces C10G-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0/0/3. 0/1/9.0 11/0.0 . 0/0/4 0/1/8 0/1/9 0/1/10 0/1/11 0/1/12 0/1/13 0/1/14 0/1/15 0/1/8. 0/1/11.1)#show upstream upstream channel burst noise rate (events/sec) 11/0.CASA CMTS 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 256 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 256 0/0/0.0 11/0.1/0 0.0/0 0. 0 C10G(config-if-ups 13/0.CASA CMTS 11/0.1/1 0.0 spectrum-rule 35 frequency 5000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit ingress-cancellation 100 logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 6400000 logical-channel 0 profile 4 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 4 logical-channel 1 minislot 8 .0)# show interface upstream 13/0 interface upstream 13/0. CASA CMTS logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown CASA-CMTS#config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 2/6 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/6)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/0)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 2/6 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/6)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 3/7)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 3/7)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 2/6 . 0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/6)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 3/7)# shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 3/7)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)#logical channel 1 description  “This  is  a  sample  string.1 frequency 24000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 4/1.0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 4/0.0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown shutdown .” CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface upstream brief interface upstream 4/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups  11/0.0)#  description  “This   is  a  text  string  within  quotation  marks.” CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS Example: Showing upstream port interface configurations CASA-CMTS# show interface upstream 4 interface upstream 4/0.0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 4/0.1 frequency 24000000 . CASA CMTS : channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 4/0.1 frequency 24000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown . CASA CMTS interface upstream 4/1.0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown shutdown interface upstream 4/1.1 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 . CASA CMTS logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown shutdown CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface upstream 4/0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit . 0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown C3000-230(config)# C3000-230(config)#show interface upstream 4/0 current interface upstream 4/0.0 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 power-level 0 power-adjustment continue 2 power-adjustment threshold 1 voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 0 rate-limit no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 .CASA CMTS no ingress-cancellation logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 0 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown C3000-230(config)#show interface upstream 4/0 brief interface upstream 4/0. 0 Uncorrectables Total Modems On This Upstream Channel: 2 .0 secondary cm Req Mslots 3499886425. 5 multicasts. Used Req Mslots 71064 Init Mtn Mslots 281230167. 0 Corrected. 2472 errors. Used Init Mtn Mslots 0 Total Mslots 3782191073. Ucast Granted Mslots 1074417 Avg upstream channel utilization: 0 Channel utilization interval: 1 Last clearing of interface stat: never .2 active cm.CASA CMTS logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 0 pre-equalization logical-channel 0 power-offset 0 logical-channel 0 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 0 class-id 0x0 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 prov-attr-mask 0x0 logical-channel 1 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 data-backoff automatic logical-channel 1 ranging-backoff 0 4 no logical-channel 1 pre-equalization logical-channel 1 power-offset 0 logical-channel 1 ranging-priority 0x0 logical-channel 1 class-id 0x0 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown C3000-230(config)# C3000-230(config)#show interface upstream 4/0 stat Interface upstream 4/0.0 statistics Admin status: UP Received 12 broadcasts. 0 unknown protocol 87074 Unerrored. 23641 unicasts 0 discards. 0)# .0)# frequency 10000000 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# upstream map-size 6 .0)# channel-width 3200000 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# power-level 10 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# power-adjustment threshold 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 1/0)# power-adjustment continue 5 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# map-advance dynamic 400 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# .0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# no logical-channel 0 shutdown .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/6)# logical-channel 0 shutdown . 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 data-backoff 2 8 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 data-backoff 0 4 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# .0)# logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 4 10 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 ranging-backoff 4 10 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 minislot 64 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# .0)# logical-channel 0 class-id 0xFFFFFFFF CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# . 0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 frame 24 12 64 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# logical-channel 0 profile 3 secondaryprofile 12.0)# logical-channel 0 profile 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.20.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.33 .0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# no logicalchannel 0 pre-equalization CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# .0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 pre-equalization CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# logical-channel 0 prov-attr-mask CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 2/6)#ingress-cancellation 100 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# . 0)#voice-bw-reserve 75 emergency 10 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 3/6)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# . 0)# Related bandwidth reserve parameters .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)#qos bw-reserve 80 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)#spectrum-rule 10 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# rate-limit CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# no rate-limit Example: Displaying the utilization rates of upstream channels C3200-232(config-if-ups 11/0.0#show docsis upstream channel utilization Upstream Operational Utilization Online Secondary Channel Slot/Port.Channel Status Percentage Modems Modems Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------11/0.0 (20000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 11/0.1 (24000000 Hz) up 0 0 0 C3200-232(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show upstream signal-quality upstream port signal noise 11/0.0/1 42.0 11/0.0/1 42.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)#show upstream 11/0.0 signal-quality upstream channel signal noise 11/0.0/0 0.0 11/0.0/1 0.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show upstream burst-noise upstream channel burst noise rate (events/sec) 11/0.0/0 0.0 11/0.0/1 0.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)#show upstream 11/0.0/0 burstnoise Burst Noise Stats for Channel 11/0.0/0: Burst noise event rate: Percentage of Correctable Burst Events: Percentage of Uncorrectable Burst Events: Burst Duration (microseconds) (in dB) ---------------------------------0 to 1 1 to 3 3 to 10 10 to 50 50 to 500 500 to 2000 2000 to 10000 10000 to 50000 > 50000 C3200-232(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# 0.0 0 % 0 % events/second. % of Events Max Power ----------- ----------- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CASA CMTS C10G(config)# show upstream channel set MAC Chan Channel ID Set List 1 1 10/0.0/0 2 1 10/0.1/0 3 1 10/0.2/0 4 1 10/0.3/0 5 1 13/15.0/0 6 1 13/15.1/0 7 1 13/15.2/0 8 1 13/15.3/0 C10G(config)#show upstream channel set | count-only / Count Line: 8 C10G(config)# C10G-CMTS(config-if-ups 5/0.0)#show upstream channel set mac-domain 1 MAC Chan Channel ID Set List 1 1 5/0.0/0 1 2 5/0.1/0 1 256 5/0.0/0, 5/0.1/0 C10G-CMTS(config-if-ups 5/0.0)# CASA CMTS C3200-232(config-if-ups 5/0.0)#show cable voice summary Upstream Slot/Port.Channel Normal Emergency Total 5/0.0 0 0 0 5/0.1 0 0 0 5/1.0 0 0 0 5/1.1 0 0 0 5/2.0 0 0 0 5/2.1 0 0 0 5/3.0 0 0 0 5/3.1 0 0 0 5/4.0 0 0 0 5/4.1 0 0 0 5/5.0 0 0 0 5/5.1 0 0 0 5/6.0 0 0 0 5/6.1 0 0 0 5/7.0 0 0 0 5/7.1 0 0 0 total 0 0 0 Configuring IP-bundle interfaces CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 2 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 2 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# ip address CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1.511 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.511)# ip address secondary CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1.511 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.511)# no ip address secondary CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1.511 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 secondary CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# no ipv6 address CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1.511 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# ipv6 link-local-address fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbcd CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# no ipv6 link-local address CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1.511 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1.155)# show ipv6 link-localaddress mac domain 1 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbcd mac domain 2 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbce mac domain 3 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbcf mac domain 4 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd0 mac domain 5 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd1 mac domain 6 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd2 mac domain 7 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd3 mac domain 8 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd4 mac domain 9 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd5 mac domain 10 fe80::217:10ff:fe02:cbd6 . . . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 2 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# cable helper-address CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 2)# cable helper-ipv6-address 3000::6 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA CMTS interface ip-bundle 1 ip address ip address secondary cable helper-address ip access-group 123 interface ip-bundle 1.1 ip address ip address secondary cable helper-address ip access-group 123 interface ip-bundle 1.2 ip address ip address secondary cable helper-address ip access-group 123 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip bundle 6 1 255.255.0 CASA(ip-bundle 1)# ip address setTopBoxes CASA(ip-bundle 1)# ip address 255.231.6 string .3.3.1 255.CASA CMTS CASA(config)#cpe-class setTopBoxes CASA(conf-cpe-class stb)#dhcp option 60 stbUser1 CASA(config)#cpe-class computers CASA(conf-cpe-class stb1)#dhcp option 60 pcUser1 CASA(conf-cpe-class stb1)#end CASA(config)#interface ip-bundle 1 CASA(ip-bundle 1)# ip address computers CASA(ip-bundle 1)# cable helper-address setTopBoxes CASA(ip-bundle 1)# cable helper-address 192.17 computers CASA(ip-bundle 1)# cable helper-address CASA CMTS string CASA-CMTS(config)# cpe-class computers CASA-CMTS(conf-cpe-class computers)# string CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip bundle 6 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# # ip rip authentication key-chain school CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# no ip rip authentication key-chain . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# ip rip authentication string public CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# no ip rip authentication string CASA-CMTS(config)# interface ip-bundle 1 CASA-CMTS(ip-bundle 1)# . cable helper-ipv6-address 3000::10 CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface ip-bundle 1 stat ip-bundle: upstream bytes: upstream packets: 1 144574 2118 .0 secondary ip address 10.1 255.1 255.0 ip address 10.11.1 secondary ipv6 address 2000:232:1::1/60 ipv6 address 2000:232:2::1/60 secondary cable helper-address 192.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-gige 0)# ip rip authentication mode md5 auth-length rfc CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface ip-bundle ip address CASA CMTS downstream downstream downstream downstream downstream downstream unicast bytes: multicast bytes: total bytes: unicast packets: multicast packets: total packets: 96070 0 96070 446 0 446 CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface ip-bundle throughput ip-bundle: 1 upstream: 0 kbps upstream: 0 packet/second downstream: 0 kbps downstream: 0 packet/second Configuring DOCSIS MAC domains . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show interface docsis-mac interface docsis-mac 1 no shutdown sync-interval 10 insertion-interval 20 ucd-interval 1000 no dhcp-authorization invited-ranging-attempts 16 ip-provisioning-mode ipv4-only no early-authentication-encryption no extended-upstream-frequency-range cm-status event report multicast-dsid-forward downstream channel bonding upstream channel bonding no tftp-proxy . 1/0 upstream 3 interface upstream 1/7.0/0 upstream 2 interface upstream 1/0.1/0 mgmd ipv4 query-interval 125 mgmd ipv4 version 3 mgmd ipv4 max-query-response-time 100 mgmd ipv4 proxy-interface gige 0 mgmd ipv4 robustness 2 mgmd ipv4 last-member-query-interval 10 mgmd ipv4 shutdown mgmd ipv6 query-interval 125 mgmd ipv6 version 2 mgmd ipv6 max-query-response-time 100 mgmd ipv6 proxy-interface gige 0 mgmd ipv6 robustness 2 mgmd ipv6 last-member-query-interval 10 mgmd ipv6 shutdown privacy kek life-time 604800 privacy tek life-time 43200 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# end .0/0 upstream 4 interface upstream 1/7.CASA CMTS no upstream drop classifier no send udc rules no dhcp-giaddr-primary mdd interval 2000 sid-cluster max-requests 0 sid-cluster max-outstanding-bytes 0 sid-cluster max-total-bytes 0 sid-cluster max-time 0 max sid-cluster per-service-flow 2 ip bundle 1 downstream 1 interface qam 2/0/0 downstream 2 interface qam 2/0/1 downstream 3 interface qam 2/0/2 downstream 4 interface qam 2/0/3 upstream 1 interface upstream 1/0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip bundle 6 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream 5 interface upstream 1/1/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no upstream 5 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 3 interface qam 0/2/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 3 interface qam 0/2/1 secondary CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no downstream 3 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# shutdown . 3.168.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip address 192.211 255.255.255. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ipv6 address 2000::1000:1/64 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no ipv6 address . 145 mta CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# helper-address helper-address helper-address end .44 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# 172.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# helper-address 172.144 cable-modem CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# host CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip bundle 1 CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# sync-interval 100 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# end CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)#initial-tech broadcastranging CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# insertion-interval 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# mdd interval 10 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# dhcp-giaddr-primary CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)#tftp-proxy CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)#tftp-enforce CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable modem tftp-bypass MAC Address IP Address US DS MAC Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI Intf Intf Status Sid (dB) Offset CPEs Enb total cm 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no mgmd ipv4 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# mgmd ipv4 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# dhcp-authorization CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no dhcpauthorization CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream channel bonding CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no upstream channel bonding CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# multicast-dsidforward CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip-provisioningmode dual-stack CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA CMTS CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# router-advertisement enable CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# router-advertisement other-config-flag false CASA-CMTS# show router-advertisement router advert table. domain=22 SendAdverts=1 MaxInterval=600 MinInterval=200 ManagedFlag=1 OtherConfigFlag=1 LinkMTU=1500 ReachableTime=0 RetransmitTime=0 CurrHopLimit=64 DefaultLifetime=1800 RowStatus=1 Prefix_flag = 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# privacy tek lifetime 300 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# cm trap CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# cm trap interval 20000 . DSC Acknowledgements : 0/ups. DSA Success : 0/ups. DSC Fail : 0/ups. DSC Success : 0/ups. DSD Request : 0/ups. DSC Response : 0/ups.1000. DsA Fail : 0/ups. DSA Acknowledgements : 0/ups. DSC Request : 0/ups. 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds . DSA Response : 0/ups. DSD Success : 0/ups.2647 DSA Request : 0/ups.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show interface docsis-mac 8 CASA-CMTS# show interface docsis-mac stat Interface docsis-mac 1 statistics Ifindex: 77 Administrated status: UP Operation status: UP Mac address: 0017. DSD Response : 0/ups. 0/ups. 1/ups. 2/ups.CASA CMTS DSD DCC DCC DCC DCC DCC DCC DCC DBC DBC DBC DBC DBC DBC Fail Request Response Acknowledgements Success Fail RSP Depart RSP Arrive Request Response Acknowledgements Success Fail Partial Service : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Configuring service groups 0/ups. 1/ups. 0/ds 1/ds 0/ds 1/ds 1/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds 0/ds . 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. 0/ups. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# service group 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no service group 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# service group 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# upstream 1/1.0 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# no upstream 1/1.0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# qam 0/2/1 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 2)# no qam 0/2/1 . 3 .2 upstream 11/7.1 upstream 11/6.0 upstream 3/1.0 upstream 3/3.0 CASA-CMTS(config)#service group 4 C10G-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 4)#show this service group 4 upstream 11/6.1 upstream 11/7.0 upstream 3/2.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show service group 1 service group 1 qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 qam 0/1/3 upstream 3/0.3 upstream 11/7.0 upstream 11/6.0 upstream 11/7.2 upstream 11/6. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show md-ds-sg docsis-mac 1 service-group 1 qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 qam 0/1/3 docsis-mac 1 service-group 2 qam 0/2/0 qam 0/2/1 qam 0/2/2 qam 0/2/3 CASA-CMTS#show md-ds-sg mac 1 service-group 1 docsis-mac 1 service-group 1 qam 0/2/0 qam 0/2/1 qam 0/2/2 qam 0/2/3 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#show md-ds-sg service-group 1 docsis-mac 1 service-group 1 qam 0/2/0 qam 0/2/1 qam 0/2/2 qam 0/2/3 CASA-CMTS#show md-us-sg mac 1 service-group 1 docsis-mac 1 service-group 1 upstream 1/4/0 upstream 1/5/0 upstream 1/6/0 upstream 1/7/0 Configuring bonding groups . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no bonding-group downstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group upstream macdomain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no bonding-group upstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group upstream macdomain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# . 0/0 CASA-CMTS(bond-us-mac-1group-1)# no upstream 1/1.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(bond-us-mac-1group-1)# upstream 1/1.0/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# qam 0/2/1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-1-group-1)# no qam 0/2/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show bonding-group mac-domain bonding-group downstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 qam 0/1/3 bonding-group upstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 upstream 3/0/0 upstream 3/1/0 upstream 3/2/0 upstream 3/3/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# rcc mac 1 rcp-id 10:00:00:00:01 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-mac 1 rcc 1)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# rcc mac 1 rcp-id 10:00:00:00:01 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-mac 1 rcc 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-mac 1 rcc 1)# rm 1 frequency 549000000 connect 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# rcc mac 1 rcp-id 10:00:00:00:01 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-mac 1 rcc 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-mac 1 rcc 1)# rc 1 downstream 1 primary connect 1 . rc 1 downstream 1 primary connect 1 rc 2 downstream 2 primary connect 1 rc 3 downstream 3 primary connect 1 rc 4 downstream 4 primary connect 1 rm 1 frequency 549000000 connect 0 Configuring modulation profiles .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show rcc mac 1 rcc mac 1 rcp-id 10:00:00:00:01 1 vendor-specific spacing6 rcc-desc spacing=6. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS Auto-mode TDMA-type modulation profile configuration CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation profile 22 tdma qpsk CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# Manual mode TDMA-type modulation profile configuration profile profile . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation-profile 22 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fect> <fec-k> <scramble-seed> <bust-size> <guard-time> <cwlen> <scramble-mode> iuc mod-type diff-encoding preamble-len fec-t fec-k scrambler-seed max-burst-size guard-time code-word-len scrambler-mode Configuring modulation-profile 6 CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# modulation-profile 6 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# request tdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 1 8 fixed on CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# initial tdma qpsk off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# station tdma qpsk off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# short tdma qpsk off 72 6 75 338 6 8 fixed on CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# long tdma qpsk off 80 8 220 338 0 8 fixed on CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# iuc mod-type diff-encoding preamble-len fec-t fec-k scrambler-seed max-burst-size guard-time code-word-len scrambler-mode . CASA CMTS Auto-mode ATDMA-type modulation profile configuration profile mod-type profile mod-type CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation profile 22 atdma qpsk CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# Manual mode ATDMA-type modulation profile configuration CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation profile 22 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fec-t> <fec-k> <scramble-seed> <bust-size> <guard-time> <cw-len> <scramble-mode> <intlv-depth> <intlv-block> <preamble-type> . CASA CMTS iuc mod-type diff-encoding preamble-len fec-t fec-k scrambler-seed max-burst-size guard-time code-word-len scrambler-mode intlv-depth intlv-block preamble-type Configure modulation-profile 7 CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# modulation-profile 7 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# request atdma qpsk 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# initial atdma qpsk 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# station atdma qpsk 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# a-shot atdma 16qam 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# a-long atdma 16qam 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fec-t> = T <fec-k> = k <scrambler-seed> <max-burst-size> <guard-time> <code-word-len> <scrambler-mode> <intlv-depth> <intlv-block> <preamble-type> off 64 0 16 338 1 8 fixed on 1 off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 off 72 6 75 338 6 8 fixed on 1 off 80 8 220 338 0 8 fixed on 1 . CASA CMTS profile mod-type <profile> <mod-type> CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation-profile 22 mtdma qpsk CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation-profile 22 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fec-t> <fec-k> <scramble-seed> <bust-size> <guard-time> <cw-len> <scramble-mode> <intlv-depth> <intlv-block> <preamble-type> <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fec-t> = T <fec-k> = k <scrambler-seed> <max-burst-size> <guard-time> <code-word-len> <scrambler-mode> <intlv-depth> <intlv-block> <preamble-type> Configuring modulation-profile 8 CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# modulation-profile 8 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# request mtdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 1 8 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# initial mtdma qpsk off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# station mtdma qpsk off 128 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# shot mtdma 16qam off 72 6 75 338 6 8 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# long mtdma 16qam off 80 8 220 338 0 8 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# a-shot mtdma 16qam off 72 6 75 338 6 8 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# a-long mtdma 16qam off 80 8 220 338 0 8 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS <iuc> <mod-type> <diff-encoding> <preamble-len> <fec-t> = T <fec-k> = k <scrambler-seed> <max-burst-size> <guard-time> <code-word-len> <scrambler-mode> <intlv-depth> <intlv-block> <preamble-type> <profile> <mod-type> CASA-CMTS(config)#modulation-profile 22 scdma qpsk CASA-CMTS(config-mod-prof)# . CASA CMTS [<profile>] Example: show modulation-profile. all profiles CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# show modulation-profile modulation-profile 1 request tdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on initial tdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on station tdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on short tdma qpsk off 84 6 75 338 13 8 shortened on long tdma qpsk off 96 8 220 338 0 8 shortened on modulation-profile 2 request tdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on initial tdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on station tdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on short tdma 16qam off 168 6 75 338 7 8 shortened on long tdma 16qam off 192 8 220 338 0 8 shortened on modulation-profile 3 request atdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 initial atdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 station atdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 a-short atdma 64qam off 104 12 75 338 6 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 a-long atdma 64qam off 104 16 220 338 0 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 modulation-profile 4 request mtdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 initial mtdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 station mtdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on 1 1536 qpsk0 short mtdma 16qam off 168 6 75 338 7 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 long mtdma 16qam off 192 8 220 338 0 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 a-short mtdma 64qam off 104 12 75 338 6 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 a-long mtdma 64qam off 104 16 220 338 0 8 shortened on 1 1536 qpsk1 modulation-profile 5 request scdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 1 0 fixed on qpsk0 on 2 1 initial scdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 0 fixed on qpsk0 off 2 station scdma qpsk off 512 5 34 338 0 0 fixed on qpsk0 off 2 a-short scdma 128qam off 64 5 33 338 12 0 shortened on qpsk0 a-long scdma 128qam off 64 10 156 338 0 0 shortened on qpsk0 off 1 off 1 off on 128 1 on on 128 1 on . one profile CASA-CMTS# config CASA-CMTS(config)# show modulation-profile 1 modulation-profile 1 request tdma qpsk off 64 0 16 338 0 16 fixed on initial tdma qpsk off 640 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on station tdma qpsk off 384 5 34 338 0 48 fixed on short tdma qpsk off 84 6 75 338 13 8 shortened on long tdma qpsk off 96 8 220 338 0 8 shortened on <profile> CASA-CMTS(config)# no modulation-profile 7 CASA-CMTS(config)# .CASA CMTS show modulation-profile. 2 10/0.0 10/1.0 10/1.0 10/0.0 C10G-181(config-if-ups 13/0.0/0 burst-noise Burst Noise Stats for Channel 10/0.0/1 119.1/0 0. 98% 2% Max Power (in dB) ----------------0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .1 10/1.0/0 143.5 events/second.0)# show upstream burst-noise upstream channel burst noise rate (events/sec) 10/0.0/1 0.0 10/1.0)#show upstream 10/0.0/0: Burst noise event rate: Percentage of Correctable Burst Events: Percentage of Uncorrectable Burst Events: Burst Duration (microseconds) ----------------------------0 to 1 1 to 3 3 to 10 10 to 50 50 to 500 500 to 2000 2000 to 10000 10000 to 50000 > 50000 % of Events ----------0 65 35 0 0 0 0 0 0 Configuring multicast operations 143.1/0 95.CASA CMTS Examples C10G(config-if-ups 13/0.1/1 0.0/0 0.1/1 131.7 10/0. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast max channel-util 70 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization enable CASA-CMTS(config)# no multicast authorization enable CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast single-said . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization profile my-profile CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization profile my-profile CASA-CMTS(conf-auth-profile my-profile)# . 0.1/24 priority 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization default-action permit .2.1/24 224.100.168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-auth-profile my-profile)# sessionrule 1 accept 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization maxsession-num 5 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization matchprofile my-profile1 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast authorization matchprofile my-profile2 CASA-CMTS(config)#show running-config | include multicast !multicast . ----------------IPV6 Multicast Groups: Number Module Vlan Multicast -----.----------------- Group ----Group ----- CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast group config 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1)# .CASA CMTS multicast authorization enable multicast authorization match-profile my-profile1 multicast authorization default-action permit multicast authorization max-session-num 5 multicast authorization profile 1 multicast group config 1 multicast group config 2 multicast group encryption 1 algorithm cmts multicast group qos 1 IPTV aggregate max-sess 10 app-id 1234 multicast-dsid-forward CASA-CMTS(config)#show igmp client Number Module Vlan Multicast -----. 1/32 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1)# group-address .0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1)# source-address 192.168. CASA CMTS 244.1/32 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1)# 1)# 1)# 1)# 1)# 1)# 1)# tos-low 0 tos-high 0 tos-mask 0 qos-id 13 encryption-id 0 phs-id 0 priority 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast group encryption 1 algorithm cmts .0.0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast group qos 13 mysrvs-class single app-id 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable service class 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable service-class 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# name my_srvs_class CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# min-packet-size 100 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# min-reserve-rate 200 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-concat-burst 123 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-latency 112 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-traffic-burst 10 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-traffic-rate 13 CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast default grp-serviceclass dgsc1 CASA-CMTS(config)#show running-config | include multicast !multicast multicast authorization enable multicast authorization match-profile my-profile1 . 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224.0.CASA CMTS multicast authorization default-action permit multicast authorization max-session-num 5 multicast authorization profile 1 multicast group config 1 multicast group config 2 multicast group encryption 1 algorithm cmts multicast group qos 1 IPTV aggregate max-sess 10 app-id 1234 multicast-dsid-forward CASA-CMTS(config)# cable igmp static-group .0.100 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable igmp static-group source 192. CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224.100 source qam 2/0/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable igmp static-group 224.100.100)# qam 2/0/0 .168.0.1 CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224. 100.100 source 192.100)# CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable igmp static-group 224.1 CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group switch multicast-source . secondary-source 224.0.200 CASA-CMTS(conf-igmp-static-group 224.0. .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable igmp static-group CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable igmp static-group 224.100 CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable igmp static-group source 192. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | include igmp …… cable igmp static-group 224.100.1 qam 2/0/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable igmp filter 10 2 CASA-C3000(config)#show cable filter runningconfig cable arp filter 8 2 cable source-verify leasequery-filter 32 10 cable icmp filter 0 2 cable igmp filter 4 2 CASA-C3000(config)# .0. 1.0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast group config 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1) source-address 0.0/24 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1) qos-id 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1) end CASA-CMTS(config) multicast group qos 1 IPTV aggregate max-sess 10 appid 1 CASA-CMTS(config) application policy 1234 CASA-CMTS(conf-app-policy 1234) limit replication CASA-CMTS(conf-app-policy 1234) max iptv channel <num=0:2> .0.0/0 CASA-CMTS(conf-grp-config 1) group-address 230.0. CASA CMTS Enabling MLD on an interface C3200-232(config)# interface gige 5 C3200-232(config-if-gige 5)# ipv6 mld Configuring cable service classes CASA-CMTS(config)# cable service-class 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# name my_class CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# upstream param . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)#max-traffic-burst 20000000 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)#end CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable service-class Index Name Dir Sched Prio MaxSusRate MaxBurst MinRsvRate 1 test US BE 0 20000000 0 0 . 0xA0 Max Latency: 0 usecs Parameter Presence Bitfield: {0xE08.OR-mask]: 0xE0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable service-class Index Name Dir Sched Prio MaxSusRate MaxBurst MinRsvRate 1 PCMM-US US BE 0 0 24480 0 2 PCMM-DS DS BE 0 512000 3044 0 3 DefD3Down US BE 0 0 3044 0 CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable service-class 1 verbose Index: 1 Name: UP_UGS Direction: Upstream/Downstream Traffic Priority: 0 Maximum Sustained Rate: 0 bits/sec Max Burst: 1522 bytes Minimum Reserved Rate: 0 bits/sec Minimum Packet Size 100 bytes Admitted QoS Timeout 200 seconds Active QoS Timeout 30 seconds Scheduling Type: Unsolicited Grant Service Request/Transmission Policy: 0x1FF Unsolicited Grant Size: 100 bytes Nominal Grant Interval: 20000 usecs Tolerated Grant Jitter: 4000 usecs Grants per Interval: 1 IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask. 0xBCC000} . CASA CMTS Example: Service class configuration CASA-CMTS(config)#cable service-class 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# name PCMM-US CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-traffic-burst 24480 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# min-packet-size 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# max-concat-burst 24480 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# req-trans-policy 0x0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# tos-overwrite 0xFF 0x0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# app-id 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)#cable service-class 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# name PCMM-DS CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# max-traffic-rate 512000 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# min-packet-size 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# req-trans-policy 0x0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# tos-overwrite 0xFF 0x0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# downstream CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# app-id 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)#cable service-class 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)# name DefD3Down CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)# min-packet-size 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)# req-trans-policy 0x0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)# tos-overwrite 0xFF 0x0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)# app-id 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class 3)#end CASA-CMTS(config)#end CASA-CMTS#show cable service-class Index 1 2 3 Name Dir PCMM-US US PCMM-DS DS DefD3Down Sched BE BE US Configuring PacketCable Prio 0 0 BE MaxSusRate 0 512000 0 MaxBurst 24480 3044 3044 MinRsvRate 0 0 0 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable log CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable dscp check . 1.1 CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable ftp newuser abcd .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable elemid 9996 CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable myaddress 1.1. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable ftp user password mypswd CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable t0 15 CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable t1 10 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# interface loopback CASA-CMTS(config)# alpha packetcable nls cpd packetcable nls source10 packetcable nsl agid 124 key CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable max normal call 5 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable max emerg call 100 CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable inactive call aging 4 minimum traffic 50 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#cable admission-control preempt priority-voice CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable multimedia CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable multimedia t1 100 . 8d6a GateID: 0x40002 PCMM gate state: AUTH Direction: upstream Type: multicast PCMM service-flow: 0 PCMM T1 timer: 200s PCMM T2 timer: 0s PCMM T3 timer: 60s PCMM T4 timer: 0s PCMM classify count: 1 PCMM traffic profile type: 1 PCMM traffic profile: Flow Spec PCMM envelope type: 1 PCMM Time Usage Limit: 0s PCMM Time Usage: 0s PCMM Volume Usage Limit: 0 Kbytes PCMM Volume Usage: 0 Kbytes casa-CMTS(config)#show pcmm gateid 5 spec casa-CMTS(config)#show pcmm gateid 1 traffic spec .f2fe.CASA CMTS casa-CMTS(config)#pcmm mmversion major 1 minor 10 casa-CMTS(config)# casa-CMTS(config)#no pcmm mmversion major 1 minor 10 casa-CMTS(config)#show pcmm gateid 1 clsfy spec Cable Modem: 0015. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable service-flow activetimeout 100 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable dynamic service-flow primary . CASA CMTS casa-CMTS(config)#show pcmm ps server IP Port PSID casa-CMTS(config)#show pcmm multicast GateID SubscriberID Multicast-Session SharedResourceID CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable global **********PacketCable Global********** PacketCable: enable Element ID: 9999 MyIPaddr: Gate ID Used: 0 Max Gate: 8000 COPS Server Listen Port: 2126 RKS_Receive_Port: 1813 PCMM Listen Port : 3918 PCMM version: 2.0 T0 Timer: 30 T1 Timer: 200 Max Batch File Size: 65535 Batch File Send Mode: UDP Batch File Send Time: 1 . CASA CMTS Batch File Ftp User: casa Normal Calls: 0 Emerg Calls: 0 Max Normal Calls: 1000 Max Emerg Calls: 1000 RKS tries: 3 Media Alive: 00:00 inactive call aging: 2 inactive call mini traffic: 30 no cable admission-control preempt priority-voice ************************************** CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks timeout 9 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks timeout CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks retry 6 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks retry . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks batchfile sendmode udp CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks batchfile sendmode CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks batchfile time 120 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks batchfile time . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks batchfile max size 4096 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks batchfile max size CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable rks batchfile max msg 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable rks batchfile max msg . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable media alive time 10:30 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable media alive CASA-CMTS(config)# packetcable max gate 1000 CASA-CMTS(config)# no packetcable max gate CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable rks server . 168.237.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable gate GateID SubID State U_stream D_stream RKSIP 1 10.2.200 committed enable enable 192.0.155 CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable gateid 1 uspec CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable commit gate . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show packetcable cms server Configuring DSG CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel-group 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel-group 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# group 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# no group 3 CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg tunnel-group 2 channel 1 qam x/y/z rule-priority 20 vendorparam-id 1 ucid-list 1 channel 2 qam x/y/z rule-priority 30 vendorparam-id 500 ucid-list 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp-2)# end . 2345.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-id)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# dst-address 1234.3456 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-id)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# client-list 123 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# no client-list 123 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-id)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# service-class private-class CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# no service-class private-class . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-id)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel 2 . 1/24 224.0.1/24 224.100 indcd 6666 6667 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# no classifier 1 20 indcd 6666 6667 CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg tunnel 2 client-list 123 service-class private-class classifier 1 20 indcd CASA-CMTS# show cable dsg tunnel 1 cfrs cfr cfr cfr destination ip source ip srcPre d_port d_port id state pri address address length start end .168.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-2)# classifier 1 20 192.168. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg tunnel-group 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp-2)# channel 1 qam x/y/z rule-priority 20 vendor-param-id 1 ucidlist 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp-2)# no channel 1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show dsg downstream dcd ds dcd dcd num of dcd num of dcd num of i/f state Tx sent change cnt fragment 0/1/0 dis off 0 0 0/1/1 dis off 0 0 0/1/2 dis off 0 0 0/1/3 dis off 0 0 0 0 0 0 CASA-CMTS(config)#show dsg downstream 1 tunnel 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# channel 0 dsg timer-id 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/1 CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# channel 0 dsg vendorparam-id 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# channel 0 dsg channellist 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-qam-id)# no channel 0 dsg channellist 3 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/1 CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# channel 0 dsg dcd-enable CASA-CMTS(conf-qam-id)# no channel 0 dsg dcdenable CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# channel 0 dsg interval 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-qam 0/1)# no channel 0 dsg interval 5 CASA-CMTS(config)#show interface qam 2/0 interface qam 2/0 no spectral inversion on annex B modulation 256qam interleave 128x1 power 510 channel 0 frequency 549000000 channel 0 dsg channel-list 3 channel 0 dsg timer-id 1 channel 0 dsg vendor-param-id 2 channel 0 dsg interval 5 channel 0 dsg dcd-enable no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 561000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 567000000 no channel 3 shutdown no shutdown! . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg client-list 1 client 1 idtype broadcast id-value 2048 vendor-param-id 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg client-list 1 client 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg client-list 1 . 1 dsg vendor-param-id 1 vendor 1 oui 01:02:03 value abc .CASA CMTS dsg client-list 1 client 1 id-type broadcast idvalue 2048 vendor-param-id 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg vendor-param-id 1 vendor 1 oui 01:02:03 value abc CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg vendor-param-id 1 vendor 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg vendor-param. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg channel-list 1 channel 1 frequency 526000000 CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg channel-list 1 channel 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg channel-list 1 dsg channel-list 1 channel 1 frequency 526000000 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg timer-id 1 t1 20 t2 30 t3 40 t4 50 CASA-CMTS(config)# no dsg timer-id 1 CASA-CMTS(config)#show dsg timer 1 dsg timer-id 1 t1 20 t2 30 t3 40 t4 50 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg unicast-port 1 . 100.0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg statistics dcd CASA-CMTS(config)# show dsg running-config dsg tunnel-group 1 channel 2 qam 0/1/0 rule-priority 1 dsg tunnel 1 group 1 dst-address 0010.5e00.4 dsg client-list 1 client 1 id-type broadcast id-value 1 vendor-param-id 1 dsg vendor-param-id 1 vendor 1 oui 00:11:22 value 1 dsg channel-list 1 channel 1 frequency 640000 dsg timer-id 1 t1 1 t2 2 t3 3 t4 4 dsg server-redundancy enable dsg unicast port : 8888 .1123 classifier 20 20 224. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#igmp client version 3 CASA-CMTS(config)#interface gige 0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-gige0)#ip igmp CASA-CMTS(config)#interface docsis-mac 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac3)# mgmd ipv4 version 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac3)# no mgmd ipv4 shutdown CASA-CMTS(config)# multicast default grpservice-class-name xyz CASA-CMTS(conf-service-class1)# name <string> CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel-group <grpid> CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel-grp1)# dsg channel <chan id> qam <x/y/z> rule-priority <pri> [vendor-param-id <vpid>] [ucid-list <string>] dsg tunnel-group channel 1 20 channel 2 20 channel 3 11 channel 4 11 1 qam 0/0/0 rule-priority qam 0/0/1 rule-priority qam 0/0/2 rule-priority qam 0/0/3 rule-priority CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg tunnel <id CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel 1)# dst-address xxxx.xxxx.xxxxx CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel 1)# service-class <name> . 1.6/32 239.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-dsg-tunnel 1)# client-list <cls id> classifier <cls id> <priority> <src ipv4 addr>/<prefixlen> <group addr> [indcd .9 indcd CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg vendor-param-id 1 vendor 1 oui 1:1:0 value cj_vid CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg channel-list 1 channel 1 frequency 567000000 dsg channellist 1 channel 2 frequency 573000000 dsg channel-list 1 channel 3 frequency 579000000 CASA-CMTS(config)# dsg timer-id 1 t1 20 t2 30 t3 40 t4 50 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 channel-list 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 timer-id 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 vendor-param-id 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 interval 5 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-qam 0/0)# channel 0 dcd-enable CASA-CMTS# show dsg statistics [dcd | traffic] dsg dsg dsg dsg dsg .3.3333 classifier 1 10 192.8 indcd classifier 2 11 0.] dsg tunnel 1 group 1 client-list 1 dst-address 1111.100.2222. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show multicast replication Configuring DOCSIS BPI/BPI+ . CASA CMTS <mic_string> <mic_string> CASA-CMTS(config)# shared-secret 0 DOCSIS CASA-CMTS(config)# shared-secret DOCSIS CASA-CMTS(config)# no shared-secret CASA-CMTS(config)# no shared-secret extend CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i secret shared-secret 7 d6ab86abb7242b65 . CASA CMTS <mic_string> <mic_string> CASA-CMTS(config)# shared-secondary-secret 1 0 DOCSIS CASA-CMTS(config)# no shared-secondary-secret 1 CASA-CMTS(config)# no shared-secondary-secret 2 extend CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i secret shared-secondary-secret 1 7 d6ab86abb7242b65 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable privacy add-certificate manufacturer 35c146353431a541463b41337343938333373142 FEF03A8BC7A441313134749A0A592C9C66831412 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable privacy add-certificate root “00908300 00300501 308202A1 3082020A A0030201 02020800 90830000 00000130 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010105 05003081 92310B30 09060355 04061302 4A503110 300E0603 55040A13 07546F73 68696261 310F300D 06035504 0B130644 4F435349 53312730 25060355 040B131E 312D312D 31205368 69626175 7261204D 696E6174 6F2D6B75 20546F6B 796F3137 30350603 55040313 2E546F73 68696261 20436162 6C65204D 6F64656D 20526F6F 74204365 72746966 69636174 65204175 74686F72 69747930 1E170D30 30303331 38303830 3030305A 170D3230 30333138 30383030 30305A30 8192310B 30090603 55040613 024A5031 10300E06 0355040A 1307546F 73686962 61310F30 0D060355 040B1306 444F4353 49533127 30250603 55040B13 1E312D31 2D312053 68696261 75726120 4D696E61 746F2D6B 7520546F 6B796F31 37303506 03550403” . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show cable privacy manufacturer-certlist Cable Manufacturer certificate chain: <certificate dump> CASA-CMTS# show cable privacy root-cert-list Cable Root certificate chain: <certificate dump> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# cable privacy bpi-enforce CASA-CMTS# cable privacy bpi-plus-enforce CASA-CMTS# cable sa-des-tlvlen-2 CASA-CMTS# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# privacy hotlist cm 00C08345de51 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# privacy hotlist manufacturer 1eabdef39b3f171c2e89c6df1143e40b21e4a1b29acc2d906 4a30263167eb001053e419c8742842ab74778f07328f5c842 768e3136b1068117a1f9f5c8493c606996fa4d6b362ee87ff 403f85c41cfae80d5cc123515c3fe3f1e26f2bef2195f92b2 5b63516961ebce0e89c9b6277ad98cdf414e0203a031cfb44 54738e986af1ba42a0355bf7f21ba34f0567780a800172fa9 bd99bcad4afb8909026083ac9a0d638298b8873e3e4c8a6e5 1d057aa366e53c9917886fc0ac5a31848ca57eae79cdd7d8e fb2b0e4e100143fcd126f59acb5891fcba76e497472d08111 d84472cbb4a4c6b1d90203010001a326302430120603551d1 30101ff040830060101ff020100300e0603551d0f0101ff04 0403020106300d06092a864886f70d0101050500038201010 09cbca0b3ee06d0ac1198291eef1bde42040cbfb442f72492 44866d3e1385365454449ced03b6da62218d0baa59c332ae7 9288aaba988d457161670eb77ebfd8eb4b7a545f1c8a9cbf6 a52b7e2b8d65ad1369ac831ecdc3aec0cc2b24d199f971b0c 9add78d6a75cc0e1b04d4c005dcae67543d205be2f39c0651 50a756555d965cb941d8b5eb92afbc8c0ac9ee880c989f53d 0c5f8408a5ca679b0e65b198e33791ca347e30eb373a82243 ac63ac8440faa83e1486a59ec991352f4d31e434551a258f6 f60564c88e9d91e22917be8557a63472bb8bd2cc8bd0ba36a b826db3e6fc8a572a6c2fbff6c736df5cb970a900b4f6ba4f 5a7e53e38b87325c08934ef CASA-CMTS(config)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable privacy 40-bit-des alg1 alg2 alg3 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec encrypt-alg-priority aes128CbcMode des40CbcMode des56CbcMode . CASA CMTS Choosing a revocation certificate management method CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec cert-revocation-method crl Setting a CRL method URL address <url_string> CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec cert-revocation-list url .com Setting an OCSP client URL address <url_string> CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec ocsp protocol-url http://www.cert. no cable sec ocsp signature-bypass .com cable sec cert-revocation-list refresh-interval 10 Displaying the OCSP configuration CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec ocsp cable sec ocsp protocol-url http://www.CASA CMTS Setting an OCSP client signature CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec ocsp signaturebypass Displaying the revocation certificate configuration CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec cert— revocation-method cable sec cert-revocation-method ocsp Displaying the CRL configuration CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec cert-revocationlist cable sec cert-revocation-list url http://www. 150.1/24 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec sav-cfg-list ipv6Exp 1 ipv6 2001:180::1/64 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec sav-auth-enable CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable sec sav-authenable .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec sav-cfg-list OneSubNet 1 10.3. 150.1/24 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec config-file-learning CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable sec config-filelearning CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec tftp-option both .3.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec sav-cfg-list cable sec sav-cfg-list Ipv6Exp 1 ipv6 2001:180:0:0:0:0:0:1/64 cable sec sav-cfg-list OneSubNet 1 10. f2fe.c904 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec config-filelearning no cable sec config-file-learning CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec tftp-option cable sec tftp-options both <list_id> <list_id> CASA-CMTS(config)# cable sec eae-exclusion 1 0015. QosParamSetType 7.ffff.f2fe.b764 CASA-CMTS(config)# show cable sec eae-exclusion cable sec eae-exclusion 1 0015. .CASA CMTS <list_id> <mac_addr> <list_id> <mac_addr> CASA-CMTS(config)#cable sec eae-exclusion 1 0050. } MaxCPE 16. GenericTLV TlvCode 7 TlvLength 8 TlvValue 0x01066d65726c696e.ffff Source Address Verification (SAV) Main { NetworkAccess 1. VendorSpecific { VendorIdentifier 0xffffff.c904 ffff. UsServiceFlow { UsServiceFlowRef 1.f112. 7.f2fe.8.1.168. } DsServiceFlow { DsServiceFlowRef 2. */ /* CmtsMic 0dc1e7ce52cb806a57f13d9eea9c4db8.CASA CMTS SchedulingType 2.23 > . } /* CmMic 49b9d8d459f9a9119f43188372a00422.c904 67. QosParamSetType 7. */ /*EndOfDataMkr*/ CMTS(config)#cable sec sav-cfg-list merlin 1 192.77/32 CASA-CMTS(config)# cable host authorization 0015. 168.CASA CMTS > CASA-CMTS(config)#cable sec sav-cfg-list host1 1 192.9.0/24 Spectrum management . CASA CMTS <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# . CASA CMTS <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(config-spec-rule 2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# . CASA CMTS freq1 freq2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# frequency band 14000000 20000000 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# frequency band 30000000 60000000 Remove frequency band 30-33 MHz from a spectrum group: defined CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# frequency band 14000000 20000000 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# frequency band 30000000 60000000 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# no frequency band 30000000 33000000 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# show running-config … spectrum rule 2 frequency band 14000000 20000000 frequency band 33000000 60000000 … <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# <freq> freq CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# frequency 34000000 . CASA CMTS <time> <time> CASA-CMTS(config)# hop period 100 <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# action modulation frequency channel-width . CASA CMTS <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# channel-width 3200000 1600000 <id> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# profile 3 snr-threshold 130 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# profile 4 snr-threshold 200 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# no profile 3 CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# profile 3 snr-threshold 0 <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# profile 1 snr-threshold 100 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#show spectrum snr-threshold-default Default SNR threshold per modulation type (tenth dB): Modulation Conservative Addressive QPSK: 130 100 8QAM: 190 160 16QAM: 220 190 32QAM: 250 220 64QAM: 280 250 128QAM: 310 290 <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# correctable-fec threshold 5 . 0)# .CASA CMTS <id> CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 2 CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# CASA-CMTS(conf-spec-rule 2)# uncorrectable-fec threshold 0 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 0)#spectrum-rule 10 CASA-CMTS(config)# interface upstream 11/0 .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0. 33 .0)# logical-channel 0 profile 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 1/2)# logical-channel 0 profile 3 secondaryprofile 12.0)# CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 11/0.20. CASA CMTS Set monitoring polling-period to 100 seconds: CASA-CMTS(config)# cable monitor-period 100 CASA-CMTS# show spectrum hop-history upstream 1/4 Port Action Time Code From To Reason 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 22:12:26 2009 C 800000 1600000 SNR 283 (220) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 22:11:26 2009 C 1600000 800000 SNR 243 (220) cFEC 0 (3) uFEC 3 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:34:26 2009 C 3200000 1600000 SNR 210 (220) cFEC 90 (3) uFEC 0 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:33:56 2009 C 800000 3200000 SNR 281 (220) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:32:56 2009 M 12 22 SNR 285 (220) cFEC 0 (3) uFEC 20 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:32:26 2009 C 1600000 800000 SNR 252 (250) cFEC 6 (3) uFEC 6 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:31:56 2009 C 800000 1600000 SNR 288 (250) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:31:26 2009 C 1600000 800000 SNR 254 (250) cFEC 5 (3) uFEC 0 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:30:56 2009 C 3200000 1600000 SNR 218 (250) cFEC 113 (3) uFEC 0 (1) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:30:26 2009 C 800000 3200000 SNR 285 (250) 1/4/0 Mon Oct 26 21:29:56 2009 C 1600000 800000 SNR 247 (250) cFEC 38 (3) uFEC 0 (1) . 20000000] .0 band 0: [18000000. 61600000] . 25400000] band 2: [28600000.narrower than current chan-width 3200000 band 1: [22000000.. 40000000] band 3: [58400000.CASA CMTS 1/4/0 1600000 1/4/0 800000 1/4/0 1600000 1/4/0 800000 1/4/0 1600000 1/4/0 6400000 1/4/0 12 1/4/0 10 1/4/0 800000 1/4/0 3 1/4/0 6400000 1/4/0 17000000 Mon Oct 26 21:29:26 2009 C 800000 SNR 282 (250) Mon Oct 26 21:28:26 2009 C 1600000 SNR 258 (250) cFEC 4 (3) uFEC 0 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:27:56 2009 C 800000 SNR 281 (250) Mon Oct 26 21:26:56 2009 C 1600000 SNR 253 (250) cFEC 13 (3) uFEC 0 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:26:26 2009 C 6400000 SNR 192 (250) cFEC 100 (3) uFEC 19 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:25:56 2009 C 800000 SNR 288 (250) Mon Oct 26 21:20:26 2009 M 10 SNR 283 (250) cFEC 0 (3) uFEC 25 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:19:56 2009 M 3 SNR 286 (290) cFEC 0 (3) uFEC 3 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:18:26 2009 C 6400000 SNR 211 (280) cFEC 202 (3) uFEC 0 (1) Mon Oct 26 21:17:25 2009 M 0 Configuration change Mon Oct 26 21:17:25 2009 C 0 Configuration change Mon Oct 26 21:17:25 2009 F 0 Configuration change CASA-CMTS(config)# show spectrum-map upstream 1/2 Spectrum Map for interface 1 /2.. 1 21000000: -42.5 11400000: 0.1 11400000: -42.2 49800000: 9.8 30600000: 6.1 8200000: -42.8 24200000: 7.1 33800000: -42.1 27400000: -42.1 49800000: -42.1 43400000: -42.1 24200000: -42.1 17800000: -42.5 56200000: 9.1 40200000: -35.1 14600000: -42.1 56200000: -42.0 37000000: 7.0 at channel-width 6400000 .1 62600000: -42.0 17800000: 7.1 37000000: -42.1 46600000: -42.1 59400000: -42.0 43400000: 17.5 62600000: 6.1 30600000: -42.1 CASA-CMTS(config)# width 6400000 raw FREQUENCY show spectrum upstream 2/0 chan- NOISE-LEVEL (dB) 5000000: 9.CASA CMTS chan_width CASA-CMTS(config)# show spectrum upstream 2/0 raw FREQUENCY NOISE-LEVEL at channel-width 3200000 (dBmV) 5000000: -42.1 53000000: -42. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 1)# CASA-CMTS(conf-rule CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 3 CASA-CMTS(conf-rule CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 1)# correctablefec threshold 5 1)# uncorrectablefec threshold 1)# cm-hop 1)# interface ups 1/0 CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 1)# no cm-hop CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum rule 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-rule 1)# show cm-hop log . CASA CMTS . 38400000] band 2: [41600000. 42000000] [Wed Dec 2 21:26:18 2009]-DE-CSM-FSM-1: 30000000 to 27600000 CASA-CMTS#show spectrum hop-history Port Action Time 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 21:26:18 2009 cFEC 2 (3) uFEC 30 (1) 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 21:20:29 2009 change 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 20:58:46 2009 cFEC 0 (3) uFEC 29 (1) 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 20:54:16 2009 change 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 20:31:14 2009 cFEC 1 (3) uFEC 29 (1) 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 20:29:33 2009 Configuration 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 17:08:59 2009 cFEC 1 (3) uFEC 28 (1) 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 16:41:45 2009 change 8/1/0 Wed Dec 2 16:41:45 2009 H -> R on 8/1/0. 32800000] band 1: [36000000. freq hop upstream 8/1 Code From F 30000000 To 27600000 Reason SNR 80 (280) F 0 30000000 Configuration F 30000000 29600000 SNR 131 (280) F 0 30000000 Configuration F 30000000 29600000 SNR 100 (280) F 29600000 30000000 Back to F 30000000 29600000 SNR 106 (280) M 0 10 Configuration C 0 3200000 Configuration .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show spectrum-map upstream 8/1 Spectrum Map for interface 8/1/0 band 0: [28000000. 42000000] spectrum rule 2 frequency band 26000000 42000000 action frequency CASA-CMTS(config-if-ups 8/1)#show spectrum-map upstream 8/1 Spectrum Map for interface 8/1/0 band 0: [26000000. 32800000] band 1: [36000000. 38400000] band 2: [41600000.. 33 spectrum rule 20 frequency 60000000 frequency band 5500000 40000000 frequency band 46000000 51200000 channel-width 6400000 800000 action frequency channel-width modulation correctable-fec threshold 3 uncorrectable-fec threshold 0 profile 10 snr-threshold 300 profile 20 snr-threshold 260 interface upstream 2/0. logical-channel 0 profile 10 secondary-profile 20 Spectrum measurement (DOCSIS 3.22.30.CASA CMTS change 8/1/0 change Wed Dec 2 16:41:45 2009 F 0 30000000 Configuration spectrum rule 1 channel-width 6400000 800000 action modulation channel-width correctable-fec threshold 3 uncorrectable-fec threshold 1 profile 3 snr-threshold 280 profile 12 snr-threshold 250 profile 22 snr-threshold 220 profile 30 snr-threshold 190 profile 33 snr-threshold 150 interface upstream 1/0 spectrum-rule 1 … logical-channel 0 profile 3 secondary-profile 12.0 only) .0 spectrum-rule 20 …. CASA CMTS <x/y> CASA-CMTS(config)# show spectrum-meas upstream 2/0 Displaying spectrum measurement results for upstream interface 2/0 CASA-CMTS(config)# show spectrum-meas upstream 2/0 2/0 (0) Spectrum MEAS data (in Hz): chan cnter freq: 8000000 frequency span: 10240000 number of bins: 513 resolution bw: 20000 bin spacing: 20000 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 . CASA CMTS F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F7 4C F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F7 4C F8 DA F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 F4 F2 . Configuring load balancing .CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# show spectrum-meas upstream 2/0 Spectrum analysis across the entire spectrum CASA-CMTS(config)# spectrum analysis full-spectrum CASA-CMTS# show spectrum-meas upstream 1/0 1/0 (0) Spectrum MEAS data (in Hz): chan cnter freq: 40960000 frequency span: 81920000 number of bins: 1024 resolution bw: 80000 bin spacing: 80000 FC 66 FE C0 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6 52 F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  52  F6  ………………. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance enable CASA-CMTS(config)# no load-balance enable Disabling upstream load balancing . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance enable across-mac CASA-CMTS(config)# no load-balance enable across-mac Entering the general load balance group default CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group default-settings CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# . CASA CMTS Entering the general load balance group CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group macdomain 1 service-group FN_A CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-mac-1-sg-FN_A)# Enabling the load balance function on a MAC-SG general group CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group default-settings CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# enable CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# no enable Specifying the technique for moving cable modems . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group default-settings CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)#initial-tech broadcast-ranging Specifying the policy for load balancing execution CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group default-settings CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# policy-id 2 Entering a basic rule configuration CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance basic-rule 1 Enabling a basic rule CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance basic-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-balance basic-rule 1)# enable CASA-CMTS(load-balance basic-rule 1)# no enable Specifying a time period on a basic rule to disable a load balance function . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# <t-end> CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)#suspend-load-balance from 12:00:00 to 15:00:00 CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 . CASA CMTS Specifying a minimum time Interval between each load balance calculation CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# interval 200 Specifying a minimum time interval between upstream load balance calculations CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# upstream-interval 30 Specifying the minimum time interval to move the same modem CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# cable modem rebalance-interval 200 CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 1)# cable modem retryinterval first 35000 second 87000 Specifying a method for load balance calculations CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rul 5)#method utilization . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rul 5)#method modem Specifying a method for upstream load balance calculations CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rul 5)# upstream-method utilization CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rul 5)#method modem Specifying a utilization method for upstream load balance calculations CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance execution-rule 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exe-rule 5)# upstreamthreshold load350 enforce 50 minimum 50 dynamic minimum 50 CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance policy 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-policy 5)# Adding a basic rule CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance policy 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-policy 5)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-policy 5)# rule basic 10 Adding an execution rule CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance policy 5 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-policy 5)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-policy 5)# rule execution 10 Entering the load balance restricted group . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# Specifying the MAC domain on a restricted group CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-group-2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-2)# docsis-mac 1 Enabling load balancing on a restricted group CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# enable Adding the service type ID to a restricted group CASA-CMTS#config CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# . 123 Intf 11/0.1.2e06.220.caa3.146 10.220.5c30 0025.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# service-type-id “load  balance” CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# Displaying cable modem information by service-type-id CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem service-type-id C10G-RC220#show cable modem service-type-id MAC Address Type_ID(C/P) IP Address US DS MAC Prim Service- 0005. 0.5e77.220.0 10.0/0 11/7.0/0 11/0.9a60.2495.70ec 0026.43b3 C10G-RC220# 10.220.0/0 11/0.137 10.1.0/0 11/0.d5c4 0017.0/0 Intf 2/0/7 2/0/6 2/0/4* 1/7/7 2/0/7* Status init(o) online(pt) online(pt) offline online(pt) Sid 19 3 4 0 1 Adding an upstream channel to a restricted group -/-/-/-/-/- .b89c 0026. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# upstream 5/0.0/1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# Adding a downstream channel to a restricted group . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-group group-id 2 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-group-2)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-group-2)# docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-mac-id-group-1)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# qam 1/1/0 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict 2)# Adding a CM to an exclusion list . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance exclusion list CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exclusion-list)# CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance exclusion list CASA-CMTS(load-bal-exclusion-list)# mac addr 0014.0000.0000 Entering the restricted CM configuration .0000 mask ffff.0000. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-cm 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# Entering the CM MAC address CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-cm 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# mask CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)mac addr 0011.e3b1 # Adding a service type ID .e6bb. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-cm 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# service-typeid  “load  balance” CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# Adding a reference to a restricted load balance group CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance restricted-cm 1 CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# id CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# load-balance-group 3 restricted- CASA-CMTS(load-bal-restrict-cm 1)# restricted-load-balance-group no . CASA CMTS Changing upstream and downstream channels with the DCC method CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem 0015.c904 dcc change-frequency 593000000 upstream 200 initialtech reinitialize-mac .f2fe. f2fe.CASA CMTS Changing a downstream channel with the DCC method CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem 0015.c904 dcc change-frequency 593000000 initial-tech periodranging . CASA CMTS Changing an upstream channel with the DCC method CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem 0015.f2fe.c904 dcc upstream 200 initial-tech broadcast-ranging . CASA CMTS Changing the CM to another CMTS with the DCC method CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem 0015.f2fe.c904 dcc change-frequency 593 initial-tech reinitializemac Setting the upstream channel frequency difference limit on the DCC when the initial technique is direct CASA-CMTS(config)# load-balance general-group default-settings CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# initial-tech direct frequency-limit 40 Changing an upstream channel with the UCC method CASA-CMTS(load-bal-general-default)# cable modem 0001.0002.0003 ucc upstream 100 Changing  a  bonded  CM’s  upstream  and  downstream  with  the  DBC  method . CASA CMTS C3000-230(config)#cable modem 0001.0003 dbc rcp-id 01:FE:EA:00:04 rcc-id 200 upstream-list 1 initial-tech period-ranging Changing  a  bonded  CM’s  downstream  channel  with  the  DBC  method .0002. CASA CMTS C3000-230(config)#cable modem 0001.0003 dbc upstream-list 1 initial-tech period-ranging Sending DBC request messages to cable modems .0002.0003 dbc downstream-list 1 initial-tech period-ranging Changing a bonded CM’s  upstream channel via the DBC method C3000-230(config)#cable modem 0001.0002. CASA CMTS CASA(config)#cable partial-service dbc Configuring CableLabs Engineering Change Notice 770 CASA(config)#cable ecn 770 . f2fe.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show load-balance dynamic show load-balance dynamic Mac address Mac-id upstream-channel downstream-channel initial_tech cmd status type time 0015.c643 0 2 -1 dcc WaitToSendMsg RGLB 2008-04-06 23:28:41 ----------------------------------------------------------------------total: 2.c643 0 3 -1 dcc WaitToSendMsg GLB 2008-04-06 23:25:17 0015.f2fe. success:0. other:2 . CASA CMTS Clearing all load-balance logs CASA-CMTS# clear load-balance log . 1 255.248.240 255.CASA CMTS Default values for general load-balance group default enable initial-tech-none no policy-id Default values for general/restricted load-balance group Default values for load-balance basic rule no enable Default values for load-balance execution rule interval 10 method modem threshold load 10 enforce 0 minimum 10 CASA-CMTS# show run ! ! CASA-CMTS system running configuration ! hostname "sada" ! password casa ! ! interface eth 0 ip address 192.0 ! interface ip-bundle 1 ip address cable helper-address ipv6 address 2001:50:1::3/64 no shutdown ! interface gige 1 shutdown ! interface gige 2 .8 ! ! interface gige 0 ip address CASA CMTS shutdown ! interface gige 3 shutdown ! ! cable sec tftp-options none no cable sec config-file-learning cable sec cert-revocation-list url cable sec ocsp protocol-url ! ! interface qam 0/0 interleave 128x1 power 540 channel 0 frequency 669000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 675000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 681000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 687000000 no channel 3 shutdown no shutdown interface qam 0/1 interleave 128x1 power 540 channel 0 frequency 549000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 561000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 567000000 no channel 3 shutdown no shutdown interface qam 0/2 interleave 128x1 channel 0 frequency channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency channel 3 shutdown shutdown 549000000 555000000 561000000 567000000 interface qam 0/3 interleave 128x1 power 450 channel 0 frequency 549000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown . CASA CMTS channel 2 frequency 561000000 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 567000000 no channel 3 shutdown shutdown ! igmp client version 2 ! service group FN_A qam 0/0/0 qam 0/0/1 qam 0/0/2 qam 0/0/3 upstream 1/0 upstream 1/1 service group FN_B qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 qam 0/1/3 upstream 1/2 upstream 1/3 upstream map size 5 interface docsis-mac 1 no shutdown no dhcp-authorization no early-authentication-encryption no multicast-dsid-forward no tftp-proxy ip bundle 1 downstream 1 interface qam 0/0/0 downstream 2 interface qam 0/0/1 downstream 3 interface qam 0/0/2 downstream 4 interface qam 0/0/3 downstream 5 interface qam 0/1/0 downstream 6 interface qam 0/1/1 downstream 7 interface qam 0/1/2 downstream 8 interface qam 0/1/3 upstream 1 interface upstream 1/0/0 upstream 2 interface upstream 1/1/0 upstream 3 interface upstream 1/2/0 upstream 4 interface upstream 1/3/0 ! ! channel-utilization-interval 0 interface upstream 1/0 frequency 8000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 logical-channel 0 pre-equalization . CASA CMTS no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 5 logical-channel 1 frame 16 8 128 no logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/1 frequency 12000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 5 logical-channel 1 frame 16 8 128 no logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/2 frequency 16000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 5 logical-channel 1 frame 16 8 128 no logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/3 frequency 20000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 5 logical-channel 1 frame 16 8 128 no logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/4 frequency 24000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/5 frequency 28000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown . CASA CMTS logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/6 frequency 32000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown interface upstream 1/7 frequency 36000000 channel-width 3200000 logical-channel 0 profile 2 logical-channel 0 minislot 2 no logical-channel 0 shutdown logical-channel 1 profile 2 logical-channel 1 minislot 2 logical-channel 1 shutdown no shutdown ! ! ! load balance commands ! load-balance enable load-balance basic-rule 1 enable suspend-load-balance from 13:00:00 to 20:00:00 load-balance basic-rule 2 enable suspend-load-balance from 13:00:00 to 23:00:00 load-balance basic-rule 3 enable suspend-load-balance from 20:00:00 to 01:00:00 load-balance execution-rule 1 enable method modem threshold load 10 enforce 30 minimum 35 load-balance policy 1 rule basic 1 rule basic 3 rule execution 1 . CASA CMTS load-balance general-group default-settings initial-tech unicast-ranging load-balance general-group mac-domain 1 service-group FN_A enable initial-tech direct policy-id 1 load-balance general-group mac-domain 1 service-group FN_B no enable initial-tech direct policy-id 1 load-balance restricted-group group-id 10 enable docsis-mac 1 initial-tech broadcast-ranging policy-id 1 service-type-id restict1 qam 0/1/0 qam 0/1/1 qam 0/1/2 upstream 1/2 upstream 1/3 load-balance restricted-cm 1 mac addr 0018.0000.5678 service-type-id restict1 restricted-load-balance-group 10 load-balance restricted-cm 2 mac addr 0019.0123.0000.0000 mask ffff.0000 service-type-id restict1 restricted-load-balance-group 10 bonding-group downstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 prov-attr-mask 0x00ff reseq wait-time 1000 reseq warn-thrshld 1200 qam 0/0/0 qam 0/0/1 qam 0/0/2 qam 0/0/3 bonding-group upstream mac-domain 1 group-id 1 prov-attr-mask 0x00ff upstream 1/0/0 upstream 1/1/0 ! ! ! end of config . CASA CMTS Configuring channel bonding operations Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# service group 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/0/0 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)#no qam 0/0/0 . 1 Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)#downstream 1 interface qam 0/0/0 . Cphysical channel index 0 or 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# upstream 3/0.C X-slot number.phy_channel> Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# upstream ? X/Y. Y-port number.CASA CMTS <slot/port.1 CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# show service group CASA-CMTS(conf-svc-grp 1)# no upstream 3/0. CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# upstream 1 interface upstream ? X/Y.C/Z X .port (0-7). Y . C upstream physical channel(0-1).upstream logical channel(0-1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# upstream 1 interface upstream 4/1.slot. Z .0/0 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# show interface docsismac 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)#no upstream 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# CASA-CMTS(config)# service group 1 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/0/1 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/0/2 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/1/0 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/1/1 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/1/2 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/1/3 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/2/0 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/2/1 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/2/2 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/2/3 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/3/0 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/3/1 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/3/2 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# qam 0/3/3 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/0 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/1 . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/2 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/3 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/4 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/5 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/6 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# upstream 1/7 CASA-CMTS(config-svc-grp 1)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# no dhcp-authorization CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# no early-authentication-encryption CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# no tftp-proxy CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# ip address 255.255.1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 1 interface qam 0/0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 2 interface qam 0/0/1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 3 interface qam 0/0/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 4 interface qam 0/0/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 5 interface qam 0/1/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 6 interface qam 0/1/1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 7 interface qam 0/1/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# downstream 8 interface qam 0/1/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# upstream 1 interface upstream 1/0/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# upstream 2 interface upstream 1/1/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# upstream 3 interface upstream 1/2/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# upstream 4 interface upstream 1/3/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no shutdown CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no dhcp-authorization CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no early-authentication-encryption CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# no tftp-proxy CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# ip address 10.0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# cable helper-address 192.131.6 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 1 interface qam 0/2/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 2 interface qam 0/2/1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 3 interface qam 0/2/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 4 interface qam 0/2/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 5 interface qam 0/3/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 6 interface qam 0/3/1 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 7 interface qam 0/3/2 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# downstream 8 interface qam 0/3/3 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream 1 interface upstream 1/4/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream 2 interface upstream 1/5/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream 3 interface upstream 1/6/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# upstream 4 interface upstream 1/7/0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 2)# end CASA-CMTS(config)# Creating static CM bonding groups .0 CASA-CMTS(config-if-mac 1)# cable helper-address 192.255. CASA CMTS dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-7-group-1)# dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group upstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-us-mac-7-group-1)# . CASA CMTS dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group upstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-us-mac-7-group-1)# mask Where: dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-7-group-1)# mask Where: . CASA CMTS dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group upstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-us-mac-7-group-1)# Where: dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-7-group-1)# x/y/z Where: . CASA CMTS dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-7-group-1)# value Where: dmn_id grp_id Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# bonding-group downstream macdomain 7 group-id 1 CASA-CMTS(bond-ds-mac-7-group-1)# Where: . CASA CMTS QoS support . CASA CMTS Configuring QoS . CASA CMTS class-index Where: class-index CASA-CMTS(config)# cable service-class 100 sclass-index Where: CASA-CMTS# show cable service-class Index Name Dir Sched Prio . OR-mask]: Max Latency: Parameter Presence Bitfield: 0xBCC000} 1 UP_UGS 0 0 1522 0 100 bytes 30 30 0x1FF 100 bytes 20000 4000 1 0xE0.CASA CMTS MaxSusRate MaxBurst 1 UP_UGS 1522 0 2 UP_UGSAD 1522 0 3 UP_RTPS 2000 64000 4 UP_BE 2000 0 5 DOWN_BE 3000 0 MinRsvRate US/DS UGS 0 0 US/DS UGS_AD 0 0 US/DS RTPS 0 128000 US/DS BE 5 128000 US/DS BE 5 1000000 CASA-CMTS# show cable service-class 1 verbose Index: Name: Direction: Upstream/Downstream Traffic Priority: Maximum Sustained Rate: bits/sec Max Burst: bytes Minimum Reserved Rate: bits/sec Minimum Packet Size Admitted QoS Timeout seconds Active QoS Timeout seconds Scheduling Type: Unsolicited Grant Service Request/Transmission Policy: Unsolicited Grant Size: Nominal Grant Interval: usecs Tolerated Grant Jitter: usecs Grants per Interval: IP ToS Overwrite [AND-mask. .0xA0 0 usecs {0xE08. CASA CMTS Where: Where: Where: Where: . CASA CMTS Where: Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# interface gige 5 Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-if-gige 5)#service-policy policy1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-gige 5)# Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# service-policy policy1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# . 4 and later) . 5.CASA CMTS Where: Where: CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 1)#service-policy policy1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-vlan 1)# Configuring SNMP (Enhanced for Rel. CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# snmp engineid 112233445566778899001112 CASA-CMTS(config)# no snmp engineid Where: CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp trap version 2 CASA-CMTS (config)# no snmp trap version 2 CMTS#config)#show running-config | i syslog no snmp trap version 1 . 6.10 community public version 1 Where: CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp-server location bostonOffice CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp-server  contact  “Fred   Gamble at 978-123-4567” .CASA CMTS Where: <version> <communitystring> CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp traphost 192.168. CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp trap-source loopback 6 Where: CASA-CMTS (config)# snmp inform version 2 CASA-CMTS (config)# CASA-CMTS (config)# no snmp inform version 2 CASA-CMTS (config)# CMTS#config)#show running-config  |  i  “no snmp inform” no snmp inform version 2 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# snmp community local ro CASA-CMTS(config)# show snmp community Community name: local Community Index: local Community SecurityName: rotesting Community StorageType: 3 Community Status: active CASA-CMTS(config)# no snmp comm-tbl public CASA-CMTS(config)# show snmp community roup context read write Where: group notify . CASA CMTS context read write notify Where: <group>: <context> : . CASA CMTS Where: comm_index comm_name sec_name context_id context_name tag comm_index Where: comm_index Where: name tag . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#snmp notify InformV2cSNMPv2cNotifyTagList InformV2cSNMPv2cNotifyTagList inform n on-volatile CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp name Where: sec_name group_name Where: sec_name group_name . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#snmp security snmpv1 rotesting rotesting non-volatile CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp time_out_num tgt_addr retry_num tag_list td_addr param mask_value <num> Where: tgt_addr td_addr time_out_num retry_num tag_list param mask_value <num> CASA-CMTS(config)# snmp tgt-addr anywhere snmpUDPDomain 500 1 anywhereTag none non-volatile 255.8.0:162 500 CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp .168. CASA CMTS addr Where: addr param sec_name Where: param sec_name CASA-CMTS(config)# snmp tgt-param InformV3SNMPv3Notify 3 snmpv2c noAuthNoPrivUser no-auth non-volatile CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp . 4.9 252 exclude non-volatile CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp .1.CASA CMTS param Where: param view subtree mask Where: view subtree mask CASA-CMTS(config)# snmp tree-family docsisManagerView CASA CMTS view subtree Where: view subtree engine_id auth_pswd target_string Where: engine_id user_name auth_pswd priv_pswd user_name priv_pswd . CASA CMTS target_string CASA-CMTS(config)#snmp user AuthPrivMD5User user1 md5 1 zYtNm no-priv 1 .non-volatile anyWhereTag CASA-CMTS(config) show snmp <engine_id user_name Where: engine_id user_name Example: show snmp CASA-CMTS (config)# show snmp SNMP community information Community Community Community Community Community name: Index: SecurityName: StorageType: Status: private private rwtesting 3 active . 0.222 Security model: SNMPv2c Security Name : rotesting SNMP agent statistics snmpInPkts: 11 snmpOutPkts: 2 snmpInBadVersions: 0 snmpInBadCommunityNames: 9 snmpInBadCommunityUses: 0 snmpInASNParseErrs: 0 snmpInTooBigs: 0 snmpInNoSuchNames: 0 snmpInBadValues: 0 snmpInReadOnlys: 0 snmpInGenErrs: 0 snmpInTotalReqVars: 1 snmpInTotalSetVars: 0 snmpInGetRequests: 0 snmpInGetNexts: 1 snmpInSetRequests: 0 snmpInGetResponses: 0 snmpInTraps: 0 snmpOutTooBigs: 0 snmpOutNoSuchNames: 0 snmpOutBadValues: 0 snmpOutGenErrs: 0 snmpOutGetRequests: 0 .168.CASA CMTS Community Community Community Community Community name: Index: SecurityName: StorageType: Status: public public rotesting 3 active Community Community Community Community Community name: Index: SecurityName: StorageType: Status: rotesting rocablelabs rotesting 3 active Community Community Community Community Community name: Index: SecurityName: StorageType: Status: rwtesting rwcablelabs rwtesting 3 active Community Community Community Community Community name: Index: SecurityName: StorageType: Status: testcom testcom rotesting 3 active SNMP server hosts Host address : 192. no-priv .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .tapuser md5 .AuthPrivSHAUser sha ..non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .AuthNoPrivSHAUser sha .noAuthNoPrivUser no-auth .non-volatile active tapUserTagList snmp user .root no-auth .rotesting no-auth ..non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .no-priv .AuthNoPrivMD5User md5 .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .AuthPrivMD5User md5 .no-priv .no-priv .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .no-priv .rwtesting no-auth .no-priv .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp user .no-priv .non-volatile active anywhereTag snmp security snmpv1 rotesting rotesting non-volatile active snmp security snmpv1 rwtesting rwtesting non-volatile active snmp security snmpv2c rotesting rwtesting non-volatile active snmp security snmpv2c rwtesting rwtesting non-volatile active snmp security usm root root non-volatile active snmp security usm tapuser tapUserGroup non-volatile active snmp security usm AuthPrivMD5User AuthPrivMD5User non-volatile active snmp security usm AuthPrivSHAUser AuthPrivSHAUser non-volatile active snmp security usm noAuthNoPrivUser noAuthNoPrivUser non-volatile active snmp security usm AuthNoPrivMD5User AuthNoPrivMD5User non-volatile active snmp security usm AuthNoPrivSHAUser AuthNoPrivSHAUser non-volatile active snmp access root usm no-auth exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp access rotesting snmpv1 no-auth exact docsisManagerView docsisManagerView non-volatile active snmp access rotesting snmpv2c no-auth exact docsisManagerView docsisManagerView non-volatile active snmp access rwtesting snmpv1 no-auth exact docsisManagerView docsisManagerView docsisManagerView non-volatile active snmp access rwtesting snmpv2c no-auth exact docsisManagerView docsisManagerView docsisManagerView non-volatile active snmp access tapUserGroup usm auth-no-priv exact TapView TapView TapView non-volatile active snmp access AuthPrivMD5User usm auth-priv exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp access AuthPrivSHAUser usm auth-priv exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp access noAuthNoPrivUser usm no-auth exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp access AuthNoPrivMD5User usm auth-no-priv exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active .CASA CMTS snmpOutGetNexts: snmpOutSetRequests: snmpOutGetResponses: snmpOutTraps: snmpEnableAuthenTraps: snmpSilentDrops: snmpProxyDrops: 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 snmp user . included nonvolatile active snmp tree-family TapView non-volatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.6.included non-volatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.4491. .1.1.6.excluded non-volatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 500 1 V1SNMPv1TrapsTagList V1SNMPv1Traps other active snmp tgt-param InformV2cSNMPv2cNotify 1 2 rotesting 1 non-volatile active snmp tgt-param InformV3SNMPv3Notify 3 3 noAuthNoPrivUser 1 non-volatile active snmp tgt-param TrapV1SNMPv1Traps 0 1 rotesting 1 non-volatile active snmp tgt-param TrapV2cSNMPv2cTraps 1 2 rotesting 1 non-volatile active snmp tgt-param TrapV2cSNMPv3Traps 3 3 noAuthNoPrivUser 1 non-volatile active snmp tgt-param tapUserTrapTag 3 3 tapuser 2 non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView 1.included non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView 1.10.excluded nonvolatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.1 .2 . . CMTS snmp access AuthNoPrivSHAUser usm auth-no-priv exact SNMPv3View SNMPv3View SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp notify InformV2cSNMPv2cNotifyTagList InformV2cSNMPv2cNotifyTagList inform non-volatile active snmp notify InformV3SNMPv3NotifyTagList InformV3SNMPv3NotifyTagList inform non-volatile active snmp notify TrapV1SNMPv1TrapsTagList TrapV1SNMPv1TrapsTagList trap nonvolatile active snmp notify TrapV2cSNMPv2cTrapsTagList TrapV2cSNMPv2cTrapsTagList trap non-volatile active snmp notify TrapV2cSNMPv3TrapsTagList TrapV2cSNMPv3TrapsTagList trap non-volatile active snmp notify tapUserTrapTagList tapUserTrapTagList trap non-volatile active snmp tgt-addr V1SNMPv1Traps snmpUDPDomain 192.3.2 . nonvolatile active snmp tree-family TapView .6.6.20858.20858.9.excluded non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView 1.4491. non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView . . . . nonvolatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.6.19 .included nonvolatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.399 . non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView non-volatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View non-volatile active snmp tree-family SNMPv3View 1.399 .394 .1 .3.395 .4.6.included non-volatile active snmp tree-family TapView 1.4491.9.0.4.excluded nonvolatile active . .1 .excluded non1.2.excluded non1.20858. non1.1.6.excluded non1. .6.included non-volatile . .6.19 .4491. . CMTS snmp tree-family docsisManagerView active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView non-volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView excluded non-volatile active snmp tree-family docsisManagerView excluded non-volatile active 1.excluded non1.9.2 - CASA-CMTS(config)#software-health-check snmpd CASA-CMTS(config)# no software-health-check snmpd Configuring IPDR . CASA-CMTS(config)#show ipdr session Example: show ipdr session C3000-230(config)#show ipdr session Session: 1 Session Name : DOCSIS-SAMIS-TYPE-1 .CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#show ipdr connection DISPLAYING CONNECTION INFORMATION OF THE IPDR COLLECTORS No IPDR Collector is connected at current time. 5.5.1 17 (seconds) Other N/A TIME INTERVAL TRUE CASA-CMTS(config)#show running-config | include ipdr CASA-CMTS# ipdr stop CASA-CMTS# ipdr restart .xsd 3.xsd 3.1 60 (seconds) Other N/A TIME INTERVAL TRUE Session: 2 Session Name : Schema Name : Schema version : Collection Interval: Streaming status : Collector IpAddr : Session Type : Session enabled : DOCSIS-SAMIS-TYPE-2 DOCSIS-SAMIS-TYPE-2_3.1-A.CASA CMTS Schema Name : Schema version : Collection Interval: Streaming status : Collector IpAddr : Session Type : Session enabled : DOCSIS-SAMIS-TYPE-1_3. CASA CMTS Where: Where: . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# ipdr enable all CASA-CMTS(config)# Where: Where: Where: . CASA CMTS Where: Where: Where: CASA-CMTS(config# ipdr source-interface loopback 10 . CASA CMTS Configuring IPsec CASA-CMTS# ipsec start CASA-CMTS# ipsec stop CASA-CMTS# show ipsec info IKE status: running Phase I: Phase II: . 2.125 PACKETCABLE CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipsec prekey 192.125 PACKETCABLE CASA-CMTS(config)# no ipsec CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# ipsec 192.125 PACKETCABLE CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipsec prekey 192.125 prekey CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# ipsec PACKETCABLE policy_name ip_addr lifetime dhgroup <encry-algorith> <auth-algorith> <use-prekey> <mode> Where: policy_name .168.2. 170.1 60 1 3des md5 psk aggressive CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipsec info IKE status: running phase I: policy name : test IP address : 10.1.1 exchange mode: aggressive lifetime : 60 proposal : encryption : tripple DES hash : MD5 auth-method: pre-shared key dh-group : 1 group policy_name src_ip_addr dst_ip_addr lifetime <encry-algorith> <auth-algorith> Where: policy_name dst_ip_addr <group> <lifetime> .170.1.CASA CMTS ip_addr lifetime <dhgroup>: <encryalgorith>: <auth-algorith>: <use-prekey>: <mode>: CASA-CMTS(config)# ipsec phase1 test 10. 170.170.1 ipsec info test 0 60 des md5 deflate CASA-CMTS(config)# show IKE status: running phase II: policy name : IP address source : IP address remote : lifetime : encryption : hash : compression-method: test 10.1 aggressive 60 encryption : hash : auth-method: dh-group : phase II: policy name : IP address source : IP address remote : lifetime : encryption : hash : compression-method: triple DES MD5 pre-shared key 1 test 60 des MD5 deflate .2.CASA CMTS <encryalgorith> <auth-algorith> CASA-CMTS(config)# ipsec phase2 10.170.1 60 des MD5 deflate CASA-CMTS# show ipsec info IKE status: running phase I: policy name : IP address : exchange mode: lifetime : proposal : test 10. 125 lifetime : 5 encryption : 3des hash : SHA local local_port_num remote_ip_addr remote_port_num Where: local_ip_addr port_num remote_ip_addr .125server IP address source : CMTS Where: phase_num policy_name CASA-CMTS(config)# no ipsec phase1 CASA-CMTS# show ipsec info IKE status: running phase I: phase II: policy name : 192.2.247 IP address remote : 192. 2.168.125 192.247 192.125 esp mode=transport spi=4055512964(0xf1ba3784) reqid=0(0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc e87c92e6 f13102d3 50840db3 d3f42dc9 5efce445 efe14f97 A: hmac-sha1 784a8db4 0386eede 8423adc9 281ddcf5 1fd49c84 seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Jun 30 14:11:09 2008 current: Jun 30 14:11:12 2008 diff: 3(s) hard: 300(s) soft: 240(s) .247 esp mode=transport spi=52611555(0x0322c9e3) reqid=0(0x00000000) E: 3des-cbc 55ae1807 339b4a01 01a8f8a9 9c988f29 7f9cf461 d343cd21 A: hmac-sha1 bb6f05b7 06c68b44 15bab266 3ff302d1 09d4d374 seq=0x00000000 replay=4 flags=0x00000000 state=mature created: Jun 30 14:11:09 2008 current: Jun 30 14:11:12 2008 diff: 3(s) hard: 300(s) soft: 240(s) last: Jun 30 14:11:09 2008 hard: 0(s) soft: 0(s) current: 128(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 2 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=1 pid=924 refcnt=0 CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show ipsec spd IPsec SPD configuration: remote ip address: 192.247 protocol : any direction : in ipsec mode : ESP local ip address : remote ip address: protocol : direction : ipsec mode : any out ESP CASA-CMTS(config)# show ipsec spd detail 192.125 local ip address : 192. CASA CMTS last: Jun 30 14:11:09 2008 hard: soft: 0(s) current: 240(bytes) hard: 0(bytes) soft: 0(bytes) allocated: 2 hard: 0 soft: 0 sadb_seq=0 pid=924 refcnt=0 0(s) Managing cable modems Where: . 0 2079 0 no online cm 2 .8078.f2fe.1.0.6cb9.1.99 3/0/0 online 4 -0.1950 MAC Address IP Address US DS Intf Intf 0011.1950 10.237.102 3/2/0 0/1/2 online cm 1 .0. offline cm 1 .1.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show cable modem MAC Address IP Address US MAC Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI Intf Status Sid (dB) Offset CPEs Enb 0011.190.0 3/0/0 init(rc) 6 0. ranging cm 1 DS Intf 0/1/2 0/1/1 0/1/0* 0/1/3 Example: show cable modem command CASA-CMTS# show cable modem 0011. ranging cm 0 MAC Status online Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI Sid (dB) Offset CPEs Enb 5 0.0 0 0 no 0011.ffbb 10.1950 0. offline cm 0 .0 1906 1 yes .cef5 0.0 1971 0 no 0014.8078.5 1989 1 no 0015.0.0 3/2/0 offline 0 0.e6bb.8078.98 3/3/0 online 3 0.0.e3b1 10.190. CASA CMTS . b764 verbose MAC Address :0026.43b3 .CASA CMTS Example: show sample cable modem verbose CASA-CMTS# show cable modem 0050.f112.5e77. 1. MODEL: EPC3212>>z<AC> .1039 bytes Total DS Throughput :0 kbits/sec. 0 h. Concat=Y. 0/1/1.0 exhausted Total US Flows :1 Total DS Flows :1 Total US Data :128 packets. BOOTR: 2.CASA CMTS IP Address :10. 58 m.9074 bytes Total US Throughput :0 kbits/sec.1P=N. SW_REV: epc3212-E10-5-v302r12901-100121cZIG.0 packets/sec Upstream Dropped Packets :0 Active Classifiers :0 DSA/DSX messages :permit all Total Time Online :0 d. 1/1/0. 0/1/3 Unusable channel list : Timing Offset :2030 Initial Timing Offset :2026 Received Power :0 dBmV MAC Version :DOC3.0 2-PORT EMTA <<HW_REV: 1. VENDOR: Cisco.0 HCSes Stn Mtn Failures :0 aborts.0 Qos Provisioned Mode :DOC1. 1/5/0 Downstream Channel Set :0/1/0. 0/1/2.0 packets/sec Total DS Data :6 packets.0 Mode :Y Initial Ranging Message :B-INIT-RNG-REQ Registration Request Message :REG-REQ-MP Phy Operating Mode :atdma Capabilities :{Frag=Y.0.248.1 Enable DOCSIS2.3.1Q=N} Number of CPE IPs :0 CFG Max-CPE :16 Errors :0 CRCs.0_R1.103 Prim Sid :8 MAC Domain :1 Upstream Channel Set :1/0/0. Priv=BPI} Optional Filtering Support :{802. 802. 1/4/0. PHS=Y. 39 s sysDescr :Cisco EPC3212 DOCSIS 3. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS . 021d cpe CPE IP Address Method CPE MAC Address Address CM MAC Address 10.190.143 static 0064.bfb9.190.0102.7 0050.1.CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS# show cable modem 0050.bfb9.1.0101 10.021d Example: Show cable modems by state CM IP . 0/0 0024.0.0.bfb9.d18e.0 3/0.0.2 Exhaust Count 0015.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show cable modem init MAC Address IP Address US Intf 0005.bf1a 0 0050.ca6d.1 42.1 Prim Previous Online Sid State Time 6 online Tue May 12 08:56:31 2009 7 online Tue May 12 08:56:30 2009 BPI Enb no no .021d 0 SNR 42.b1cf 0.0 3/2.0 3/0/0 0.f2fe.0 Timing Offset 2487 2245 Num CPEs 0 0 CASA-CMTS# show cable modem online Interface Rx RX MAC Address SM Power 3/0/0 0.2 0.0/0 total cm 2 DS Intf 0/1/0 0/0/2 MAC Status init(i) init(d) Prim Sid 402 401 RxPwr (dB) -0.0.0120 0. CASA CMTS . CASA CMTS Setting the flap list insertion time . CASA CMTS CASA (config)# cable flap-list insertion-time 5 CASA(config)# cable flap-list insertion-time default CASA(config)# no cable flap-list insertion-time Setting the flap list power adjust threshold CASA(config)# cable flap-list power-adjust threshold 5 CASA(config)# cable flap-list power-adjust threshold default CASA(config)# no cable flap-list power-adjust threshold Configuring the flap list miss threshold CASA(config)# cable flap-list miss threshold 5 CASA(config)# cable flap-list miss threshold default CASA(config)# no cable flap-list miss threshold Configuring flap list aging CASA(config)# cable flap-list aging 120 . ****.****.**** mask ****.****.**** CASA> show cable flap-list ****.**** CASA> show cable flap-list upstream x/y CASA> show cable flap-list upstream x/y/z CASA> show cable flap-list downstream x/y/z CASA> show cable flap-list sort-time CASA> show cable flap-list downstream x/y/z sort-time CASA> show cable flap-list sort-int .CASA CMTS CASA(config)# cable flap-list aging default Configuring the flap list check interval CASA(config)# cable flap-list check-interval 20 CASA(config)# cable flap-list check-interval default CASA> show cable flap-list CASA> show cable flap-list ****. 16:39:28 2009-08-24.****.6%) 0 0 0 init(r2) Where: CASA-CMTS# show cable modem summary Upstream Interface 1/0/0 1/0/1 1/1/0 1/1/1 1/2/0 1/2/1 1/3/0 Total Modems 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 Active Modems 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 Registered Modems 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 States .9%) 0 0 0 init(r2) 1210 175 (12.20:20:35 2009-08-25.4%) 0 0 0 online 1291 342 (20.**** detail Start Time Offline Time -2009-08-23.18:53:52 Hit Miss(%) CRC P-Adj ARP-TO 1938 768 (28.CASA CMTS CASA> show cable flap-list downstream x/y/z sort-int CASA> show cable flap-list sort-flap CASA> show cable flap-list downstream x/y/z sort-flap CASA> show cable flap-list sort-mac CASA> show cable flap-list downstream x/y/z sort-mac CASA> show cable flap-list ****.21:51:20 2009-08-24.15:28:56 2009-08-25. 0/0 0 0 0 1/7.0/0 0 0 0 1/5.1/0 0 0 0 1/4.0/0 0 0 0 1/6.CASA CMTS 1/3/1 0 0 0 CASA-CMTS# show cable modem summary total CASA#show ca mo summary total Upstream Total Active Registered Interface Modems Modems Modems 1/0.0/0 0 0 0 1/2.0/0 0 0 0 1/1.1/0 0 0 0 1/2.1/0 0 WC-02323 Active Modems 0 0 Registered Secondary Modems 0 0 0 0 Modems Offline 0 0 Modems .0/0 0 0 0 1/4.0/0 0 0 0 1/3.0/0 0 WC-02322 1/0.1/0 0 0 0 1/5.1/0 1 1 1 1/1.0/0 0 0 0 1/0.1/0 0 0 0 1/3.1/0 0 0 0 1/7.1/0 0 0 0 Total: 1 1 1 Secondary Modems 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Offline Channel Modems Description 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Where: CASA-CMTS# show cable modem summary tot Upstream Total Description Interface Modems 1/0.1/0 0 0 0 1/6. 9160 10.98a4 2/0/0 0015.0/0 2/0/0 0015.170.27 1/0.f2fe.170.f2fe.1/0 2/0/0 0015. Timing Offset 2404 2404 2405 2404 2405 2405 Num CPEs 0 0 0 0 0 0 BPI Enb no no no no no no .23 1/7.f2fe.1.1.31 1/0.0 0.0/0 WC-02324 Total: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 : X/Y/Z Where: x y z CASA-CMTS>show cable modem downstream summary Downstream Total Active Registered Interface Modems Modems Modems 2/0/0 6 6 6 2/0/1 6 6 6 2/0/2 7 6 6 2/0/3 7 7 7 2/1/0 0 0 0 2/1/1 0 0 0 2/1/2 0 0 0 2/1/3 0 0 0 2/2/0 0 0 0 2/2/1 0 0 0 2/2/2 0 0 0 2/2/3 0 0 0 2/3/0 0 0 0 2/3/1 0 0 0 2/3/2 0 0 0 2/3/3 0 0 0 CASA-CMTS#show cable modem downstream 2/0/0 MAC Address IP Address US DS Intf Intf 0015.1.5 0.10 1/0.9 1/7.5 1.9ad5 10.f2fe.0/0 2/0/0 0015.1/0 2/0/0 MAC Status online online online online online online Prim Sid 282 269 288 279 274 257 RxPwr (dB) 0.0 0.7 -0.ce86 10.ba88 10.f2fe.CASA CMTS 1/1.0/0 2/0/0 0015.f2fe.22 1/0.1.9ad8 10. 3d2a 11/0.4 Timing Offset - MicroReflec (dBc) - : Where: < e> x/y Where: x/y/z DSPwr (dB) - DSSNR Mode (dB) tdma tdma .199d.5 0.4de7.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#show cable modem phy MAC Address US IF 0018.0/0 c446.0/0 DS IF Sid 1/0/0 1/0/0 1 5 USPwr(dB) TX RX -0.7 USSNR (dB) 30.8 27.fee8 11/0. 2 42.9 36.1.160.CASA CMTS x y z x/y x/y/z Where: x y z CASA-CMTS>show cable modem remote-query MAC Address IP Address S/N US DS TX Time Micro(dB) Modem Ratio Power Power Offset Reflection State 0015.5 2435 7 online Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem remote-query 1000 .c643 10.4 5.f2fe. 4 0015.* remote-query MAC Address IP Address S/N US DS Ratio Power Power 0015.1.1.f2fe.1 CASA-C2200(config)#show cable modem 0015.CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# cable modem remote-query loopback 10 Where: mac_addr x y z CASA-C2200(config)#cable modem remote-query 30 CASA-C2200(config)#show cable modem 0015.9247 10.* remote-query MAC Address IP Address S/N US DS Ratio Power Power 0015.1 38.1 38.baac 10.4 3.1 3.baac 10.4 3.f2fe.160.6 41.223 37.160.1 TX Time Micro(dB) Offset Reflection 2434 11 2436 9 upstream 1/1/0 TX Time Micro(dB) Offset Reflection 2436 9 Modem State online online Modem State online .223 39.f2fe. 160.1.2 42.CASA CMTS Where: ip_addr mask CASA-CMTS# show cable modem 10.f2fe.255.4 5.1.5 2435 7 online Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# cable flap-list aging 15 CASA-CMTS(config)#cable event priority warning 0x00 0x00 CASA-CMTS(config)#cable event priority notice 0x00 0x00 CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable event notification-policy priority flash-log mem-log traps syslog ------------------------------------------------emergency yes no yes yes alert yes no yes yes .255.c643 10.9 mask 255.255 remote-query MAC Address IP Address S/N US DS TX Time Micro(dB) Modem Ratio Power Power Offset Reflection State 0015.9 36.160. CASA CMTS critical error warning notice informational debug yes yes no no yes yes no no no no no no yes yes no no yes yes yes yes no no yes yes CASA-CMTS(config)#cable event priority warning <hex> CASA-CMTS(config)#cable event priority notice <hex> CASA-CMTS(config)# cable tcc us-bonding disable CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable tcc us-bonding disable Where: . f2fe.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#cable flap-list trap enabled CASA-CMTS(config)#cable flap-list trap CASA-CMTS(config)#no cable flap-list trap Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#cable modem deny 0015.cef2 CASA-CMTS(config)#cable admission-control preempt priority-voice . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#cable qos bw-reserve 80 upstream . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#cable qos temp-us-sf classname Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#cable dsx authorization CASA-CMTS(config)#no cable dsx authorization . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#cable mdd rcp fragment support CASA-CMTS(config)#no cable mdd fragment support Where: CASA-CMTS#cable mdd extended tx-power support 0 CASA-CMTS#cable mdd extended tx-power 1 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#cable upstream hi-power 3 Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#cable upstream snr-interval 60 . CASA CMTS > > Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#clear cable modem 015.5050 9 1582 0011.5655 0 0 DS Packets DS 3 0 406 0 .e360.cef2 CASA-CMTS# show cable modem counters MAC Address US Packets US Bytes Bytes 0004.f2fe.bd02. 6cb9.6cb9.dcf9 0 0 0 CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# clear cable modem offline > 0 0 927 0 0 0 DS 406 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .6cb9.e9a0.dcf9 0 0 0 CASA-CMTS# CASA-CMTS# clear cable modem 0014.8ab2 0 0 0 0017.e360.8ab2 0 0 0 0017.ff9f counters CASA-CMTS# show cable modem counters MAC Address US Packets US Bytes DS Packets Bytes 0004.5655 0 0 0 0011.9a5f.6c0f 0 0 0 0013.bd02.115d.ff9f 9 1495 4 0015.CASA CMTS 0011.ce88.e62b.b8c6 44 4480 0 0016.e62b.25a2 0 0 0 0014.ce88.115d.5050 9 1582 3 0011.25a2 0 0 0 0014.6c0f 0 0 0 0013.b8c6 44 4480 0 0016.e9a0.ff9f 0 0 0 0015.9a5f. 3ace.4 42.f2fe.1 40.1 45.03:02:34 2010-11-13.0 0.03:02:30 2010-11-13.0 882 .f2fe.1 SM Exh.1 39.1 35.43fe 3/4/0 1/0/0 0 no Motorola 0013.5 0.03:02:35 2010-11-13.9a7e 0015.1/0 0/0.0 0.0/0 0/0.1/0 0/0.03:02:30 2010-11-13.03:02:35 2010-11-13.2 0.5e77.5e77.2 0.0/0 0/0.1/0 0/2.5664 0015.c609 0022.7163.0 0.0e41.4463 0026.f2fe.03:02:34 2010-11-13.ba58 0015.Cnt 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 CASA-CMTS# show cable modem vendor summary Vendor OUI Cable Modem Total Registered Unregistered Offline ZDT 00:15:f2 1 1 0 0 Motorola 00:20:40 28 28 0 0 CASA-CMTS# show cable modem vendor Vendor MAC Address US DS Num BPI Intf Intf CPEs Enb Motorola 0011.03:02:32 2010-11-13.4 40.d9b9 0026.03:02:27 2010-11-13.ceb9 0022.1/0 1/3/3 1/2/2 1/3/2 1/2/3 1/3/0 1/3/1 1/2/1 1/3/0 1/3/0 1/2/1 61 57 67 62 52 51 50 54 60 58 online online online online online online online online online online Rx RX Power SNR 2010-11-13.0 40.1/0 0/0.0/0 0/3.446c 0/3.c643 0015.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# cable modem offline aging 10 CASA(config)# show cable modem offline MAC Address US Intf DS Intf Prim Previous Offline Sid State Time 0008.5 -0.0/0 0/3.0f92 3/4/0 1/0/0 0 no MAC Prim RxPwr Timing State Sid (db) Offset online 2 -2.f2fe.0 -0.0/0 0/3.802c.102b.0 0.03:02:29 2010-11-13.6 42.4 39.f2fe.b9fb 0015.0 889 online 9 -2.1 45.03:02:30 -0. 7 838 0013.5 876 0013.f2fe.f8e6 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 63 -1.ef86 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 62 -1.7176.716c.716c.2 850 0013.7 878 0013.7176.f33e 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 19 -1.7163.7178.3ea2 3/0/0 1/0/0 online 1 -3.2 840 0013.7 895 0013.f2fe.CASA CMTS Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no Motorola 0 no 0013.0812 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 25 -1.72a6 3/0/0 1/0/0 online 7 -2.e0de 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 61 -1.5 885 0013.7163.c904 vendor Vendor MAC Address US DS MAC Intf Intf State ZDT 0015.7 2180 0 no .c904 1/6/0 0/2/0 online < Where: >< > Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI Sid (db) Offset CPEs Enb 10 1.6980 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 24 -1.d8f4 3/4/0 1/0/0 online 5 -2.0 871 0013.2 877 Where: < > < CASA-CMTS#show cable modem 0015.7176.716d. CASA CMTS < < > > CASA-CMTS# cable modem vendor 00:00:00 ABC Where: < > CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable modem vendor 0:00:00 Where: CASA-CMTS#show cable modem vendor all system default cm vendor database: cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:1a "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:80 "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:12:25 "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:13:71 "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:14:e8 "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:18:c0 "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:1a:ad "Motorola" . CASA CMTS cable modem cable modem cable modem cable modem cable modem cable modem cable modem cable modem user config cable modem cable modem vendor 00:1b:dd vendor 00:0f:21 vendor 00:11:e6 vendor 00:14:f8 vendor 00:16:92 vendor 00:18:68 vendor 00:19:47 vendor 00:1c:ea cm vendor: vendor 00:26:5e vendor 00:20:40 "Motorola" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Sci Atl" "Ubee" "Moto" CASA-CMTS# show cable modem vendor summary Vendor OUI Cable Modem Total Registered Unregistered Offline ZDT 00:15:f2 1 1 0 0 Motorola 00:20:40 28 28 0 0 vendor_id Where: vendor_id CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem vendor default cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:1a "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:80 "Motorola" CASA-CMTS(config)#cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f ABC CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem vendor all system default cm vendor database: cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:1a "Motorola" user config cm vendor: cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f "ABC" CASA-CMTS(config)#default cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem vendor all system default cm vendor database: cable modem vendor 00:0f:9f "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:1a "Motorola" cable modem vendor 00:11:80 "Motorola” . 0000.255.00.0000 0000.0000 0000.0.b764 3 514 Upstream 20 Active 0x00 0x00 0x00 17 0.255.0.f112.0000.255 0 65535 0 65535 0000.0 255.0.255 0.255.CASA CMTS < Where: CASA-CMTS# show cable modem CM Mac Address: Classifier ID: ServiceFlow ID: Direction: Rule Priority: Activation State: IP classifiers: ToS: Protocol: Source Address: Source Mask: Destination Address: Destination Mask: Source Port Start: Source Port End: Destination Port Start: Destination Port End: LLC classifiers: Destination Mac Address: Destination Mac Mask: Source Mac Mask: Ether Type: User Priority Low: User Priority High: Vlan ID: Bit Map: CM Interface Mask: Classifier ID: ServiceFlow ID: Direction: Rule Priority: Activation State: IP classifiers: 0050.0 255.b764 classifiers 0050.0000.00 2 639 Upstream 10 Active .0000 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xb 0x00.f112.255.00.0. 255 0 65535 0 65535 Classifier ID: ServiceFlow ID: Direction: Rule Priority: Activation State: IP classifiers: ToS: Protocol: Source Address: Source Mask: Destination Address: Destination Mask: Source Port Start: Source Port End: Destination Port Start: Destination Port End: LLC classifiers: Destination Mac Address: Destination Mac Mask: Source Mac Mask: Ether Type: User Priority Low: User Priority High: Vlan ID: Bit Map: 5 641 Down 20 Active Classifier ID: ServiceFlow ID: Direction: Rule Priority: Activation State: IP classifiers: ToS: Protocol: Source Address: 4 767 Down 10 Active 0000.0000.0 255.255.0000 0000.0000. 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xb 0x00.CASA CMTS ToS: Protocol: Source Address: Source Mask: Destination Address: Destination Mask: Source Port Start: Source Port End: Destination Port Start: Destination Port End: LLC classifiers: Destination Mac Address: Destination Mac Mask: Source Mac Mask: Ether Type: User Priority Low: User Priority High: Vlan ID: Bit Map: CM Interface Mask: 0x00 0x00 0x00 256 0.255 0.0 0x00 .255 255.00 0x00 0x00 0x00 17 255.0000 0000.255.00.255 0 65535 0 65535 0000.0000 0000.255.0 255.0000 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xb 0x00 0x00 256 0.0000 0000.0.0000.255.255.0. 0000.CASA CMTS Source Mask: Destination Address: Destination Mask: Source Port Start: Source Port End: Destination Port Start: Destination Port End: LLC classifiers: Destination Mac Address: Destination Mac Mask: Source Mac Mask: Ether Type: User Priority Low: User Priority High: Vlan ID: Bit Map: 255.0.0000 0x00 0x0 0x0 0x0 0xb Where: C2800#show cable modem errors MAC Address US Intf DS Intf 0008.255 0 65535 0 65535 0000.f2fe.0000 0000.0000.b764 1/3/0 0/0/1 >|< CRC 0 0 0 HCS 0 0 0 .0.255.0000 0000.f112.255.0d55.bea2 1/3/0 0/0/3 0050.0 255.255.0000.255 0.255.da42 1/3/0 0/0/1 0015. d65c online 22 DOC3.446e online 21 DOC3.5e77.1 YES YES 0 1 0026.0 DOC1.1 YES YES 0 1 0005.CASA CMTS Where: CASA-C3000(config)#show cable modem upstream 4/1.0 DOC1.5e77.0188 online 6 DOC1.0 DOC1.43ba online 27 DOC3.0 DOC1.0 DOC1.0 DOC1.3af2 online 9 DOC2.1 YES YES 0 1 0012.700a online 10 DOC2.5e77.1/0 mac MAC Address MAC Prim Ver QoS Frag Concat Priv DS US State Sid Prov Saids Sids 0004.1 YES YES 0 1 0026.1 DOC1.c99f.1 DOC1.1 YES YES 0 1 0026.5c69.43ce online 24 DOC3.1 YES YES 0 1 000e.1 YES YES 0 1 0011.caa3.1 YES YES 0 1 CASA-C3000(config)# > | < Where: PHS YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI YES BPI .bd04.c1d8 online 17 DOC1.8054. cef2 1/2/0 0/1/1 3 30.f2fe.cee6 1/0/0 0/1/1 1 30.f2fe.c763 1/0/0 0/1/0 2 30.8078.7192.16:15:58 0015.f2fe.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#show cable modem rogue MAC Address Vendor US Intf Ds Intf 0011.5b04 3/2/0 0/0/0 ba052c3991df6a933fa2c857f9654104 Spoof Count Dynamic Secret 4 5 Where: CASA-CMTS#show cable modem maintenance MAC Address US Intf Ds Intf Prim Time Sid 0015.16:16:00 0015.16:16:02 SM Fail Active- Count 42 Count 0 2009-06- 43 0 2009-06- 44 0 2009-06- .1950 3/0/0 0/0/0 ba052c3991df6a933fa2c857f9654104 0013. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS# show cable modem deny CASA-CMTS# show cable modem mac downstream summary Mac Version QoS Provision Mode Interface Total DOC3.0 Register DOC2.1 DOC1.0 DOC1.0 DOC1.1 DOC1.0 DOC2.0 0/0/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/0/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/1/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2/0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0/2/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/2/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3/0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3/1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0/3/3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total: 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# interface docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS(conf-if-mac 1)# Where: Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# show interface docsis-mac 1 cable cm-status report event-list 5 cable cm-status event 1 max-timer 1500 maxnumber 35 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem qos CASA-CMTS> show cable modem qos Sfid Dir Curr Sid State Sched Prio MaxSusRate MaxBrst MinRsvRate Throughput Type (kbps) (kbps) (kbps) Mac Addr : 0012.b329 383 US act 1 BE 0 0 3044 0 0 511 DS act N/A UNDEF 0 0 3044 0 0 CASA-C3000> show cable modem qos | count-only "us act" Sfid Dir Curr State Count Line: 9854 Sid Sched Type Prio MaxSusRate MaxBrst MinRsvRate Throughput (kbps) (kbps) (kbps) .c99f.700a Mac Addr : 0050.f112. 0.CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable modem docsis-mac 1 CASA-CMTS> show cable modem docsis-mac 1 MAC Address IP Address US DS MAC Prim RxPwr Timing Num BPI Intf Intf Status Sid (dB) Offset CPEs Enb 0012.0 5/1.2 2391 0 no 0 CASA-C3000> CASA-CMTS> show cable modem docsis-mac 1 | count-only online MAC Address Timing Num IP Address US DS MAC Prim RxPwr Intf Intf Status Sid BPI Offset CPEs Enb Count Line: 515 Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# cable host authorization (dB) no .0.f112.b329 10.0/0 0/0/0 init(r2) 206 6.0.145 5/1.1/0 0/0/1 offline 0 0.38d3.0 0 0050.1.700a 0.0/0* 0/0/0* online(pt) 1 0.0 2442 0 yes c0cb.6e74 0.0.c99f.230.0 5/1. 10.CASA CMTS 0015.8d6a 10.f2fe.160.1.f2fe.8d6a 10.40 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)#show cable host authorization cable host authorization 0015.f2fe.40 Subscriber management .1.40 CASA-CMTS(config)# CASA-CMTS(config)# no cable host authorization 0015. baac 10. ranging cm 0 DS Intf 2/0/1* 2/0/0 2/0/2 2/0/3 2/0/2* MAC Status online online online online online Prim Sid 40 36 37 39 38 RxPwr (dB) 0.1.1.caa3.9247 10.250 1/1/0* 0015.c984 10.2 0.250 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 4 ir=1 0 0 10.251 1/3/0 0026.1.252 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 6 ir=1 0 0 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 4 ir=1 0 0 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 4 ir=1 0 0 10.160.241 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 4 ir=1 0 0 10.0 Timing Offset 2443 2432 2437 1674 2392 Num CPEs 0 0 0 0 0 CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 10.250 0005caa3c38c cm_id=1 cid=1 cm_tbl_idx= 18 cm_id=1 cid= 1 psid=40 v=3 0005caa3c38c tek=02af3668 CASA-C2200(config)#show docsis submgt cm 1 module 2 Submgt Active = 1 Submgt Learnable = 1 Submgt Max IP = 10 BPI Enb yes yes yes yes yes .223 1/2/0 0020.160.160.5e77.f2fe.241 1/2/0 0015.43aa 10.251 00204058c984 cm_id=4 cid=3 cm_tbl_idx= 17 cm_id=4 cid= 3 psid=39 v=0 00204058c984 tek=00000000 CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 10.160.251 | i cm_id nx=0 ty= 1 lc= 2 mc=0000 pcnt= 10 ir=1 0 0 10.160.252 1/1/0* online cm 5 . CMTS cm_id cm_id Where: <cm_id> CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 active true Example: Enabling subscriber management CASA-CMTS# show cable modem MAC Address IP Address US Intf 0005.241 0015f2fe9247 cm_id=6 cid=0 cm_tbl_idx= 14 cm_id=6 cid= 0 psid=36 v=0 0015f2fe9247 tek=02af36e8 CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 10.1.0 00265e7743aa cm_id=5 cid=2 cm_tbl_idx= 16 cm_id=5 cid= 2 psid=38 v=3 00265e7743aa tek=02af3628 CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 10.223 0015f2febaac cm_id=3 cid=2 cm_tbl_idx= 15 cm_id=3 cid= 2 psid=37 v=0 0015f2febaac tek=02af36a8 CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 0005caa3c38c cm_id=1 cid=1 cm_tbl_idx= 18 cm_id=1 cid= 1 psid=40 v=3 0005caa3c38c tek=02af3668 CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 active true CASA-C2200#show qos ds cm qam 2 ip address 10.160.5 0.1.160. offline cm 0 .2 0.160.1. CASA CMTS Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Downstream Upstream Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Filter Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry Entry 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 = = = = = = = = = = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 learnable true Where: num CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 max-cpe-ip 10 . CASA CMTS Where: num CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 max-cpe-ipv6-prefix 10 Where: CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt submgt default default default default default default default default default default active [on|off] learnable [on|off] max-ip <0-1023> max-ipv6-prefix <0-1023> cm-filter-downstream <0-65535> cm-filter-upstream <0-65535> cpe-filter-downstream <0-65535> cpe-filter-upstream <0-65535> mta-filter-downstream <0-65535> mta-filter-upstream <0-65535> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis CASA-CMTS(config)#docsis submgt submgt submgt submgt default default default default Where <option> is one of the following: stb-filter-downstream <0-65535> stb-filter-upstream <0-65535> ps-filter-downstream <0-65535> ps-filter-upstream <0-65535> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS (config) #show docsis submgt default docsis submgt default active on docsis submgt default max-ip 16 docsis submgt default max-ipv6-prefix 16 docsis submgt default learnable on docsis submgt default cm-filter-downstream 0 docsis submgt default cm-filter-upstream 0 docsis submgt default cpe-filter-downstream 0 docsis submgt default cpe-filter-upstream 0 docsis submgt default ps-filter-downstream 0 docsis submgt default ps-filter-upstream 0 docsis submgt default mta-filter-downstream 0 docsis submgt default mta-filter-upstream 0 docsis submgt default stb-filter-downstream 0 docsis submgt default stb-filter-upstream 0 . 255.0 10.0.CASA CMTS < > < > Where: Where: CASA-CMTS#show docsis submgt ip-filter Group Index Accept Src Ip Mask Dst Ip Mask TOShi TOSMask Hit Cnt 1 1 1 10 0 255 0 0 UIP TOSlo 255.0 0.0.255 .200. CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS# show docsis submgt cm 1 module 2 Submgt Active = 0 Submgt Learnable = 1 Submgt Max IP = 16 Downstream Filter Entry 0 = 0 Upstream Filter Entry 0 = 0 Downstream Filter Entry 1 = 0 Upstream Filter Entry 1 = 0 Downstream Filter Entry 2 = 0 Upstream Filter Entry 2 = 0 Downstream Filter Entry 3 = 0 Upstream Filter Entry 3 = 0 Downstream Filter Entry 4 = 0 Upstream Filter Entry 4 = 0 Where: CASA-CMTS# show docsis submgt cm-control cm 1 cm=1 maxCpe IPv4=16 IPv6=16 active=false learnable=true reset=0 numOfCpeIp=0 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS#show docsis submgt cm-cpe-ip cm 3 Configuring MPEG Compliant Features Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# pat interval 500 CASA-CMTS# show running-config | i pat pat interval 500 . CASA CMTS Where: CASA-CMTS(config)# pmt interval 500 CASA-CMTS# show running-config | i pmt pmt interval 500 Configuring DVB-compliant features . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator eit CASA-CMTS(config)# no si generator eit CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i generator CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator nit CASA-CMTS(config)# no si generator nit CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i generator CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator sdt CASA-CMTS(config)# no si generator sdt CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i generator . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tdt CASA-CMTS(config)# no si generator tdt CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i generator CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tdt CASA-CMTS(config)# no si generator tdt CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i generator Where: <x/y> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/4 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# Where: ch-id> net-id> . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# channel 2 network id 16 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# show interface qam 2/0 brief interface qam 2/0 interleave 128x1 channel 0 frequency 549000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 561000000 channel 2 transport stream id 500 channel 2 network id 16 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 567000000 no channel 3 shutdown no shutdown Where: <x/y> CASA-CMTS(config)# interface qam 0/4 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# . CASA CMTS Where: ch-id> net-id> CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# channel 2 transport stream id 500 CASA-CMTS(config-if-qam)# show interface qam 2/0 brief interface qam 2/0 interleave 128x1 channel 0 frequency 549000000 no channel 0 shutdown channel 1 frequency 555000000 no channel 1 shutdown channel 2 frequency 561000000 channel 2 transport stream id 500 channel 2 network id 16 no channel 2 shutdown channel 3 frequency 567000000 no channel 3 shutdown no shutdown Configuring the Time Offset Table . 30. 45 tot tot tot tot country-code cet region-id 0 offset-hours 5 offset-minutes 30 dst begin month 4 week 1 time 2 dst end month 10 week 5 time 2 .CASA CMTS Where: string 0-60 CASA-CMTS# show timezone list CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tot country-code cet region-id 0 CASA-CMTS(config)#show running-config | i tot si si si si generator generator generator generator Where: -12 to 13 0. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tot offset-hours 5 offset-minutes 30 CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i tot Where: 1-12 1-5> 0-3> CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tot dst begin month 4 week 1 time 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# si generator tot dst end month 10 week 5 time 2 CASA-CMTS(config)# show running-config | i tot Configuring the DOCSIS event notification policy . .CASA CMTS CASA-C10G(config)# cable event CASA-C10G(config)# no cable event Where: CASA-C10G(config)# no cable event 83020203 CASA-C10G(config)# show cable event runningconfig . . cable event 83020103 cable event 83020200 cable event 83020201 cable event 83020202 no cable event 83020203 Where: . . .CASA CMTS cable event 83020103 cable event 83020200 cable event 83020201 cable event 83020202 no cable event 83020203 Where: CASA-C10G(config)# show cable event runningconfig . CASA CMTS flags . CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS#config)#show cable event notificationpolicy priority flash-log mem-log traps syslog ------------------------------------------------emergency yes no no no alert yes no no no critical yes no yes yes error yes no yes yes warning no yes yes yes notice no yes yes yes informational no no no no debug no no no no ip_address> Where: CMTS#config)#show running-config | i syslog !syslog server for DOCSIS events: cable event syslog-server 192.163 .168.0. CASA CMTS Where: CMTS#config)#show running-config | i throttleadminStatus cable event throttle-adminStatus stopAtThreshold <num> Where: num . CASA CMTS <num> Where: num CMTS#config)#show running-config | i throttlethreshold cable event throttle-threshold 1000 Using the logging commands . CASA CMTS . 168.CASA CMTS <level> Where: level CASA-CMTS(config)# logging system notifications CASA-CMTS(config)#logging host 192.8.123 CASA-CMTS(config)#logging host 192.145 CASA-CMTS(config)#logging syslog alerts .168.8. CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#user log exclusion-list CASA-CMTS(user-log-exclusive-list)# <name> <level> Where: <name> <level> CASA-CMTS(user-log-exclusive-list)# user test1 alert CASA-CMTS(user-log-exclusive-list)# user test1 error . 145 .8.CASA CMTS CASA-CMTS(config)#show logging all /dev/console : notifications system log level : notifications non-volatile log level : warnings volatile log level : errors syslog level : warnings syslog host: 192.168. 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