
April 29, 2018 | Author: Alexandra Galan | Category: Inflammation, Osteoporosis, Cholesterol, Atherosclerosis, Medical Specialties



See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Phytochemistry, pharmacology and medicinal properties of Carthamus tinctorius L Article in Chinese Journal of Integrative Medicine · February 2013 DOI: 10.1007/s11655-013-1354-5 · Source: PubMed CITATIONS READS 46 952 2 authors, including: Jinous Asgarpanah Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran 110 PUBLICATIONS 458 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Biosorbents for Heavy Metal Removal View project Investigation on Endemic medicinal Plants View project All content following this page was uploaded by Jinous Asgarpanah on 07 November 2014. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. and Spain. It is increasingly important crop in some parts of the world grown for the red/orange pigment in the flower petals including Turkey and Iran due to the rich content and which is used for coloring rice and bread. 1-acetoxytetralin and heneicosane were identified as the major components for C . annual. phytochemistry. pharmacology Carthamus tinctorius L. Due to the easy collection of the plant and being widespread and also remarkable biological Tehran North Branch. Jinous Asgarpanah1 and Nastaran Kazemivash2 ABSTRACT Carthamus tinctorius L. C . self. used for coloring and United States in 1925 from the Mediterranean region.(2) (70%) and monounsaturated oleic acid (10%) with small amounts of stearic acid. After synthetic aniline dyes took over this market in high amount of polyunsaturated fatty acid linoleic acid the 1800's the crop was grown as an oilseed. Asterales that contains about 22. tinctorius has recently been shown to have antioxidant. Carthamidin. chemical and pharmacological aspects of C . having thick pericarp.(5) C . 2. Iran. diploid (2n =24) herbaceous crop sided. and smooth seeds DOI: 10. tinctorius extracts and oil are important in drug development with numerous pharmacological activities in the world. KEYWORDS Carthamus tinctorius . Carthamus species probably ideal plant for rain-fed cropping systems. herbaceous annual possessing several branches. C . and was introduced into also grown for its flowers. safflor yellow A. safflamin C and luteolin are the main constituents which are reported from this plant. Medicine Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013 with each terminating into a globular structure called 1. which prehistoric crop. Iran Correspondence to: Dr.000 years ago. isocarthamidin. Asteraceae. Iran and Egypt almost from This plant is cultivated mainly for its seed. which is used as edible oil. This review presents comprehensive analyzed information on the botanical. is commonly known as Safflower. Stem and branches are encompassed Department. Safflower is Islamic Azad University. E-mail: asgarpanah@iaups. anti-inflammatory and antidiabetic activities. analgesic.(3) originate from Southern Asia and is known to have been cultivated in China. Tehran. The deep root system in safflower helps to extract the It belongs to Asteraceae family in the order of water and a nutrient from much deeper layers of soil. flavoring foods and making dyes. and thus makes it an than 1. Tehran. Jinous Asgarpanah.(4) It contains a cloth. Tel: 0098-22640051. and tertiary. Each branch produces a that thrives in hot and dry climates and is believed to globular flower capitulum which is enclosed by tightly have been domesticated somewhere in the Fertile attached bracts. Faculty of Biosciences. tinctorius flowers essential oil.(1) elongates to 2–3 m in soils with adequate depth. France. During middle ages it was cultivated is used as edible oil and as birdseed. tinctorius . Department of Pharmacognosy. It has become an C . For a long time C . this plant has become both food and medicine in many parts of the world. secondary. They may be with or without as Safflower or false saffron is a thistle like. safflower yellow are the main constituents in the flower of C . Safflower has a taproot system that Crescent region over 4. It produces white. India. and for dyeing high nutritional value of its edible oil. Pharmacology and Medicinal Properties of Carthamus tinctorius L. commonly known (fruits) called achenes. Caryophyllene. Carthamin.Chin J Integr Med 2013 Feb. Islamic Azad University. tinctorius has been used in traditional medicines as a purgative. shiny. It is a useful plant in painful menstrual problems. p-allyltoluene.750 genera and more compared to other crop plants. Pharmaceutical Sciences Branch. hydroxysafflor yellow A. which are ©The Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western categorized as primary. mainly grown under dry land conditions as an oilseed Fax: 0098-22602059. Safflower. with leaves having numerous spines. antipyretic and an antidote to poisoning. This plant is cultivated mainly for its seed. post-partum hemorrhage and osteoporosis.19(2):153-159 • 153 • REVIEW Phytochemistry. tinctorius . tinctorius has been known as "Golrang" in Iran.620 species.1007/s11655-013-1354-5 . analgesic. pappus (tufts of hair present on the seed) and are four compatible. tinctorius is described as a bushy. Biology capitulum. This crop was in Italy. we prompted to provide the safflamin C and safflamin A. cardiovascular disease. safflor yellow A. phenylethanoid glycosides. Since review and systemic analysis of chemistry.9% to 17%.(8) Its dye is mainly used as a coloring agent.(10) caffeoyltryptamine) belonging to serotonin-derived phenyl propenoid amides have also been found A number of chemical constituents such as in C . α-amyrin. N-[2- with trauma. tinctorius extracts had a number (5-ydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]-p-coumaramide.(1) of safflower seeds showed that crude protein ranged from 14. and is a modern technique (trans-N-caffeoylserotonin) and safflomide (trans-N- for environmental clean-up. melanin production inhibition. is extensively applied to treat cardiovascular diseases fatty acids. (19) A new coumaroylspermidine flavonoids. tinctorius 24-methylenecycloartanol. for novel pharmacological and clinical applications. have not been reported. chalcones pharmacology and clinical properties of C . N-.(8) Analysis clinically. tinctorius and the commonly known ones are has been developed as an intravenous injection. and swelling associated Seven antioxidative serotonin derivatives. 5'-dihydroxy-4. kaempferol. isocarthamidin.• 154 • Chin J Integr Med 2013 Feb.N'-[2.2'-(5.2% There are records that it is used for reducing and extractable lipids from 25% to 40%. fatty elucidated as N(1). and most of ferulamide.5-dihydroxy-4. which flavonoids. elicited central depressant and inhibition of tumor dye and safflower yellow are the main constituents in promotion in mouse skin carcinogenesis(15) effects.(17) properties of safflower for menstrual problems. In China. antihypertension. (9) Modern pharmacological studies (5-hydroxy-1H-indol-3-yl)ethyl]-ferulamide.(18) Serotomide plants to detoxify pollutants. a flavonoid type sheet.3'yl)diferulamide. tirucalla-7. cerebrovascular and gynecological More than 200 compounds have been isolated diseases. Many clinical linoleic acid (63%–72%). phenylethanoid glycosides.(21) blood flow. quercetin.(20) parts of the plant. The flavone luteolin and its glucopyranoside .(13) anticonvulsant.4'-bi-1H-indol-3. The aim of this paper is to introduce C . additional pharmaceutical applications of C . cardiotropic. N-[[3'[2-(p-comaramido) neuroprotection.(16) Oil content ailments from the neurotropic. the flower of C . such as anticoagulantion.N(5)-(Z)-N(10)-(E)-tri-p- acids and steroids have been isolated from different coumaroylspermidine also identified in this plant. antioxidation. Heliaol. tinctorius from C . of the seeds is similar to that of olive and includes hemopoietic.(8) Safflower 3. ethyl]-5. oleic acid (16%–25%) and and laboratory studies support the use of the medicine linolenic acid (1%–6%). and diaphoretic systems.2'-(5.(8) From current pharmaceutical studies.24-dienol and have revealed antioxidant.2% to 9.(1) The flowers also contains carthamidin.4'-bi-1H-indol-3-yl]ethyl] immunosuppression and antitumor activity. tinctorius are an important medicinal material in prescriptions used Chemical Composition for cardiovascular.(14) increase of peripheral isolated from the flowers. tinctorius . lupeol. tinctorius .3'-yl) vasodilation. D-glucosyloxy)-1H-indol-3-yl]-ethyl] ferumaramide Phytoremediation is the biotechnological application of were isolated from the oil of safflower. N-[2- demonstrated that C . β-amyrin. total sugar from 3. coumarins.4'-1H-indol- the effects are related to its water extract.5'-dihydroxy-4. tinctorius antipyretic and an antidote to poisoning. of biological activities. cycloartenol. tinctorius including hydroxysafflor yellow A.(22-24) currently available information on traditional and local Some acetylenic glucosides namely carthamoside A1 knowledge. analgesic. pain.(6) It is a useful as a potent medicinal plant by highlighting its plant for painful menstrual problems. ethno biological and ethno medicinal issues. (11) anti-inflammatory. steroids and polysaccharides.N-[2. diethyl]-di-pcomaramide. whooping cough and chronic bronchitis. N-[2[5-(beta-D-glucosyloxy)-1H- may probably be employed as a potent phytoremediator indol-3-ylethyl]-p-comatamide and N-[2-[5-(beta- of mercury (Hg) and selenium (Se) from polluted soils.(25) identification of pharmacologically important molecules and pharmacological studies on this useful plant. coumarins. increase in the beating amplitude of cultured myocardial cell Flavonoid glycosides. the water extract of C . N.(7) The flowers of C . post-partum traditional applications as well as the recent findings hemorrhage. (12) dammaradienol are triterpene alcohol constituents analgesic. and Carthamoside A2 are also reported. rheumatism and sciatica. 6-hydroxykaempferol and its glycosides.19(2):153-159 Safflower is a very good purgative. inhibition of platelet aggregation. carthamin. and safflomin-A. 33) As a result. tinctorius flowers essential oil. .0 mg/kg. such as whole blood viscosity. This compound also inhibited inhibitory aggregation rate of HSYA was 41. tinctorius possess central analgesic coronal of C. interleukin thrombosis formation by HSYA at the doses of 1. p-allyltoluene. tinctorius . The central inhibition deformability and aggregation of erythrocyte. Followed researches effective compounds. cotton ball granuloma in rats. be responsible for anti-inflammatory action.(13. which may to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis. and formation of HSYA. side effects of morphine and related drugs. palmitic acid.Chin J Integr Med 2013 Feb. tinctormine.(41) (H0-1) induction. The results show that MEC induces HO-1 expression via Nrf2 translocation and inhibits C.40) 1-acetoxytetralin and heneicosane were identified as the major constituents of C .6% and 54. Blood formaldehyde-induced foot swelling. but no induced by barbital of chloralin mice was markedly significant effect of HSYA on hematocrit was found. i. tinctorius (MEC) involves in heme oxygenase-1 and blood rheological changes in rats.0 (IL)-1b and granulocyte/macrophage colony stimulating and 6.(32.(30) Caryophyllene. which is prone to form thrombosis. For example. plasma viscosity. linoleic luteolin-7-O-(6''-O-acetyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside acid. histamine. tinctorius . respectively. myristic acid.e. The flavone luteolin and its glucopyranoside O-(6''-O-acetyl)-beta-D-glucopyranoside accompany such as luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and with lauric acid. Inhibitory activities of HSYA were observed on adenosine The intraperitoneal injection of safflow yellow A diphosphate (ADP)-induced platelets aggregation at doses of 50–100 mg/kg in mice showed sustained in a dose-dependent manner.5.(28) Nicotiflorin is a natural flavonoid extracted from Flowers of C .19(2):153-159 • 155 • luteolin 7-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and luteolin-7. rheological parameters were markedly improved by stimulated capillary permeability. Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Properties cerebral ischemia is characterized by the state of Although a number of steroidal or non-steroidal hypercoagulability and hyperviscosity in circulation.(37) involved in its inhibitory effects on thrombosis formation and platelet aggregation as well as its beneficial action Anti-inflammatory action of methanol extract of on regulation of prostacyclin/thromboxane (PGI2/TXA2) C . The coramine-induced The underlying mechanisms exerted by HSYA might be convulsions and death were markedly reduced.8%. tinctorius flowers markedly extended to the side-effects of chemical drugs. Many cells and mediators are have shown that HSYA dose dependently improved involved in proceeding inflammation. Tinctorius in Phytotherapies damage followed by thrombotic block.3%. Generally. at 30 min after the onset of ischemia factor (GMCSF)] and inflammatory mediators. and the maximum analgesic action.(29) Eleven novel secondary activity (500 mg/kg) and potentially may lead to the alkane-1. the low micromolar range. C . the neurological deficit scores and reduced the cerebral macrophages are representative inflammatory cells infarct area and it bore a similarity in potency of the involved in acute or chronic inflammatory responses therapeutic effects on focal cerebral ischemia to by over-production of pro-inflammatory cytokines [for nimodipine as the standard drug.(41) Studies have researchers are changing their focus to natural demonstrated that Hydroxysafflor yellow A (HSYA) products to develop new anti-inflammatory agents due contained in C . tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α. coagulation time in mice. which raises the possibility the search for other alternatives seems necessary and that it might exert therapeutic actives on cerebral beneficial. tinctorius is commonly used in Chinese medicine nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) activity.(12) Blood stasis.(39) was isolated from the plant together with safflor yellow B. enhanced by safflor yellow A.(34-36) were 20. arachiidic acid and oleic acid were found in C . tinctorius are an open door for new and ischemia induced by thrombosis. have been reported to exert anti-inflammatory effects tinctorius flowers. anti-inflammatory drugs have been developed. 3. The inhibition rates of example.(26) Luteolin and its glucopyranosides in vitro and in vivo (38) and several works have shown have been also found in the leaves. tinctorius flowers inhibited NF-κB activity at concentrations in A new quinochalcone C-glycosides.(31) Anticoagulant Effects The brain is susceptible to ischemia-induced Potential of C . the decrease of blood flow velocity.(27) that these compounds which are rich in C . 43.2%.3-diols were isolated from the dried flower development of morphine-like substances devoid of the petals of C . without substantial effect on the uterus.(2) reduction. correcting bone loss damages induced by reactive free radicals generated due to ovariectomy and increasing intestinal calcium in atherosclerosis. tinctorius were resulting from estrogen deficiency. It was demonstrated evaluated by determining its effect on 2. beneficial effect of safflower seeds may be mediated.(2) Alzheimer's disease.43-45) Safflower seed oil has high linoleic acid level.(11) Also.2-diphenyl-1.(2) Safflower seed inflammatory activities. and is antioxidative characteristics. (11) Total phenolic content from ovariectomy induced osteoporosis in rats. ischemic heart disease. post menopause. calcium deficiency and the prevention of hemorheological disorders-associated immobilization as well as endocrinological and nutritional diseases in at risk patients. hypolipidemic. So Osteoporosis can result from such conditions this natural food coloring agent could be a great value in as senility. DPPH scavenging showed positive changes compared to the vehicle effect was 96.5 μmol/g. magnesium and potassium.140.(46.19(2):153-159 indicates hemorheological abnormalities. It was demonstrate that these have been shown the effects of carthamins yellow serotonin derivatives were absorbed into circulation and contained in safflower flowers on blood stasis. by the stimulating effect of polyphenolic were identified as the major phenolic and active compounds on proliferation of osteoblasts. plasma viscosity through their strong antioxidative activity.43-46.32 g/100 g for methanolic and aqueous extracts respectively.49) powder effectively prevented reduction of cortical bone width and bone loss in the established osteoporotic rat Antioxidative capacities of C . antiaging and anti.(54) Ethanol extract of safflower seeds inhibited low Phytoestrogen rich safflower seeds demonstrated a density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation induced in vitro by an protective effect on bone loss caused by estrogen azo-containing free-radical initiator V70 or copper ions. Parkinson's disease and even in aging process.12 and 1. when present at low concentrations compared osteoporosis. that the safflower seed powder effectively inhibited picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging and ferric bone loss associated with estrogen deficiency in rats. consequently linked effective in preventing the osteoporotic process caused to anticancer.48.(34. (34. Estrogen deficiency and calcium deficiency An antioxidant is defined as any substance are reported to be additive factors in the genesis of that.(51) murine osteoblastic cells of the MC3T3-E1 line cultured on modified Eagle's minimum essential medium.(53) the flowers was determined as 2. Hematocrit and platelet aggregation were Effects on Osteoporosis reduced while the prothrombin time was delayed.(42) changes. Results attenuate atherosclerotic lesion development possibly have demonstrated that this compound significantly because of the inhibition of oxidized LDL formation decreased the whole blood viscosity. significantly delays or prevents oxidation of that substrate.• 156 • Chin J Integr Med 2013 Feb. aqueous extract of the flowers a dose of 1 mL/kg to ovariectomized rats for 30 days exhibited high antioxidant activity. Antioxidants are of interest to biologists and clinicians which possesses anti-inflammatory activity in bone by because they help to protect the human body against moderating prostanoid formation. Increased bone loss in postmenopausal osteoporosis is suggested to result from estrogen Antioxidant Activity deficiency. The Two serotonin derivatives.47) There are many evidences that Safflower seed powder contains many minerals natural products and their derivatives have efficient especially calcium.(2) to those of an oxidizable substrate. oral administration of safflower seed oil at In both assays. The 50% inhibitory concentration treated ovariectomized control rats.(52) and erythrocyte aggregation index which were increased in blood stasis. and N-feruloylserotonin and their glucoside derivatives at least in part. by bilateral ovariectomy in rat model. N-(p-coumaroyl) serotonin. Studies constituents of the extract. Safflower seeds (IC50) value for Ferric reduction assay was determined have shown a possible role in the improvement of as 1.65%.(55) .(50) The aqueous extract of safflower seed significantly As the flowers contained high phenolic compounds accelerated rates of osteoblast differentiation in the including it confirmed that they have an important role experimental group as compared to the control group in in antioxidant activities. deficiency. cancer. absorption. HHI dose-dependently reduced dichloromethane extracts of the seeds for a week the hypercalcemia induced in mice by IL-1b and partly exhibited decreased body weight. aspartate hypolipidemic agent. These compounds showed a potent inhibitory activity. reference drugs acarbose and 1-deoxynojirimycin cholesterol fed rats. Herbimycin A (HERB) and HHI supplementation of safflower seeds is effective reduced cyclooxygenase (COX-2) mRNA levels as in improving the atherogenic risk factors in high- well as prostaglandin E (PGE2) production induced cholesterolemia. Further.(61) .8 μmol/L while that of the cholesterol concentration in high-fat and high.(57) inhibitors. elevated. showing that the protective cholesterol and total cholesterol/high density lipoprotein effect on bone was exerted via the inhibition of bone (HDL)-cholesterol and a significant induction in HDL- resorption. kinase inhibitors.5 μmol/L and 278. a significant reduction in total young ovariectomized rats. These results are helpful for the proper extracts of the seeds significantly lowered the plasma use of safflower seed as a traditional medicine for cholesterol and triglyceride concentrations.(58) by IL-1b. similar to the standard silymarin lipid components. The the treatment of diabetes. Considering these effects on these the toxic effect of CCl4.19(2):153-159 • 157 • On processing bone metabolism. The osteoblast and stimulated physiological activation hepatic acylcoenzyme A cholesterol acyltransferase substance. tinctorius leaves. TNF-α. HHI inhibited in vitro and in vivo bone resorption by inhibition of phosphorylation Animals treated with 2%-cholesterol diet and of peptide substrates. After treatment prevented bone loss and microarchitectural changes in for 14 and 30 days. it can be assumed as a potential in the levels of liver function serum markers. total bilirubin atherosclerosis or hyperlipidemic conditions. which will be a great advantage aminotransferase (AST).(60) and increase in the protein synthesis. The flower aqueous extract can at 300 mg/kg and the constituent dehydroabietylamine reverse the metabolic disorders occurring in alloxan isolated from C. TNF-α and IL-6.(56) Antidiabetic Effects Hepatoprotective Activity Safflower is useful for treatment of diabetes and It has been shown that both methanolic extract its complications. including seed powder. IL-1b. The protection against the injurious effects of it has an ability to restore the protein breakdown and carbon tetrachloride may be due to the inhibitory enhance the glycogenesis process in the liver of effects on cytochrome P450 resulting in the hindrance diabetic rats.0 μmol/L. Safflower seed preparations were evaluated as 907. thus the insulin level would be silymarin (100 mg/kg). significantly reduced induced diabetes. IL-6 on PGE2 production is rats treated with the dichloromethane extract.2 μmol/L and 99. The hepatic functional foods for diabetes.(59) transduction of COX-2 in mouse calvarial osteoblasts. The percentage of protection was greater in dehydroabietylamine at C . ethanol extract and aqueous respectively. Therefore. IC 50 values were calculated as Powdered safflower seed lowered the plasma 47. Safflower enhances the secretion of insulin from the beta cells of the islets of Langerhans. moreover. These results indicate that the synergy cholesterol were observed in the hypercholesterolemic between IL-b. PGE2 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-coenzyme A (HMG- accelerated production of IL-1b in fetal mouse CoA) reductase activities were significantly high. it could serve to hepatic total cholesterol and hepatic triglyceride develop medicinal preparations as supplements and contents were significantly lowered.(60) of the formation of hepatotoxic free radicals. alanine aminotransferase both in diabetic condition as well as the associated (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The novel class of Src tyrosine (ACAT) activities were significantly low.(57) Serotonin derivatives such as N-p-coumaroyl The rats treated with methanolic extract and serotonin and N-feruloyl serotonin isolated from dehydroabietylamine along with toxicant showed signs C . due to an enhanced gene expression of COX-2 and The dichloromethane extract can reduce the total that tyrosine kinase (s) are involved in the signal cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol of hyperlipidemic rats.Chin J Integr Med 2013 Feb. tinctorius flowers regenerates and restorates 50 mg/kg which is comparable to the reference drug of Langerhan islets. tinctorius seeds were active as α-glucosidase of protection against the toxicants. Cho YS. Madaan N. Shoyakugaku Zasshi 1989. Ha YM. Yasukaw K. Kido T. Barbosa-Filho JM. Zhang HL. pharmacokinetics and 9. In: Anonymous. it is 12. Onodera J.10:68-73. New acetylenic glucoside from injection using highperformance liquid chromatography. P u n j a n o n T . Takido M. Wang YH. 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