Caregiving for Grades 7 to 10

May 22, 2018 | Author: Yeshua Yesha | Category: Competence (Human Resources), Occupational Safety And Health, Curriculum, Caregiver, Learning



K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUMSENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) GRADE 7/8 (Exploratory) Course Description: This curriculum guide is an exploratory course in Caregiving which leads to National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers four common competencies that a Grade 7/8 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1) use of tools, equipment; and paraphernalia 2) maintain tools, equipment and paraphernalia 3) perform mensuration and calculation; and 4) practicing Occupational Health and Safety Procedures (OHSP) The preliminaries of this exploratory course include the following: 1) discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities. CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE Introduction The learner demonstrates The learner independently 1. Explain key concepts in caregiving 1. Key concepts in caregiving understanding of key concepts demonstrates common 2. Discuss the relevance of the course 2. Relevance of the course and theories in caregiving. competencies in caregiving as 3. Explore on opportunities for 3. Career opportunities prescribed in the TESDA Training caregiving as a career Regulation. PERSONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES - PECs (PC) 1. Assessment of Personal The learner demonstrates The learner recognizes his/her LO 1. Recognize PECs needed in TLE_HEPECS7/8- Entrepreneurial Competencies understanding of one’s PECs. PECs and prepares an activity Caregiving. 0k-1 and Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis a plan that aligns with that of a practicing practitioner/entrepreneur in 1.1 Assess one’s PECs: characteristics, entrepreneur/employee Caregiving. attributes, lifestyle, skills, and a. Characteristics traits b. Traits 1.2 Compare one’s PECS with that of a c. Lifestyle practitioner /entrepreneur d. Skills 2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a practitioner ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET (EM) 1. SWOT Analysis The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. Generate a business idea TLE_HECGEM7/8- a. Key concepts on understanding of the creates a business idea based on that relates with a career choice 0k-1 environment & market environment and market in the analysis of environment and in Caregiving b. Differentiation of products, Caregiving. market in Caregiving. 1. Discuss SWOT analysis services, customers and K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 1 of 26 K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE their buying habits 2. Generate a business idea based on c. Competitors in the market the SWOT analysis LESSON 1: USE TOOLS, EQUIPMENT, AND PARAPHERNALIA (UT) 1. Types and functions of The learner demonstrates The learner independently uses LO 1. Identify caregiving tools, TLE_HEUTCG7/8- caregiving tools and equipment understanding on the use of tools, equipment and equipment, and paraphernalia 0a-b-1 2. Classification of caregiving tools, equipment and paraphernalia in caregiving. applicable to a specific job tools, equipment, and paraphernalia in caregiving. 1.1 Classify equipment, tools, and paraphernalia paraphernalia according to types, and functions 1.2 Determine equipment, tools and paraphernalia based on the specified task 3. Proper usage of tools, LO 2. Use caregiving tools, TLE_HECGUT7/8- equipment and paraphernalia equipment and 0c-d-2 paraphernalia Use equipment, tools and paraphernalia based on the task requirement LESSON 2: MAINTAIN TOOLS, EQUIPMENT AND PARAPHERNALIA (MT) 1. Procedures in maintaining The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. Perform aftercare activities TLE_HECGMT7/8- tools, equipment and understanding in maintaining maintains tools, equipment and for tools, equipment and 0e-f-3 paraphernalia tools, equipment and paraphernalia in caregiving. paraphernalia 2. Care of tools, equipment and paraphernalia in caregiving. 1.1 Clean tools, equipment and paraphernalia paraphernalia after use 1.2 Store tools, equipment and paraphernalia in the appropriate area 1.3 Check tools, equipment and paraphernalia regularly for orderliness/tidiness 1.4 Carry out routine maintenance as per Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 2 of 26 Psychological hazards 2.1 Identify hazards and risks 0h-5 a. Ergonomic hazards e. indicators in the workplace c.2 Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) in accordance with OHS procedures and practices 2. Conversions calculations in caregiving caregiving ratio. fractions and 4. Evaluate and control TLE_HECGOS7/8-0i- 4. proportion. Perform simple calculations TLE_HECGPM7/8- 2. 1.4 Calculate pediatric dosages LESSON 4: PRACTICE OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY PROCEDURES (OS) 1. Chemical hazards safety procedures in caregiving. Identify hazards and risks TLE_HECGOS7/8- Homes or day care understanding on the practice practices occupational health and 1. rectal and pediatric conversion dosages 1. Safety measures LO 2.2 Compute oral dosages 1.2 Determine hazard and risks b. Biological hazards 1. Oral. Control measures 2.3 Determine rectal dosages 1. Ratio and proportion The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. Electrical safety hazards and risks j-6 5. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE LESSON 3: PERFORM MENSURATION AND CALCULATIONS (PM) 1.1 Follow Occupational Health and waste management Safety (OHS) procedures in dealing with and for controlling hazards and risks 2.3 Determine the effects of hazards d. Fractions understanding in performing performs calculations in 1.3 Establish organizational protocol in providing appropriate assistance in workplace emergencies K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 3 of 26 . Physical hazards of occupational health and safety procedures in caregiving.1 Perform computations involving 0g-4 3. Effects of hazards in the workplace 3. Common hazards in nursing The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. 2. bedroom. Assess Personal TLE_HEPECS9- Competencies Personal Entrepreneurial specific strategies to improve Entrepreneurial Competencies Ik-1 a.2 Evaluate one’s PECs Skills (PECs) BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET (EM) 1. Core concepts and principles in caregiving concepts and principles in caregiving and demonstrates 2. identifying business opportunities 2. CAREGIVING. Explain core concepts and Introduction understanding of core develops the skills in principle in caregiving 1. The learner analyzes how LO 2. linen and fabric. toilets. 5) maintain healthy and safe environment. Assessment of Personal Competencies and 1. the core competencies in the course 3. Three Clusters of PECs (Achievement.3 Generate business ideas and identify business opportunities K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 4 of 26 .1 Explain how different factors Opportunities influence the business 2. consists of common and core competencies that a Grade 9 learner must achieve namely: 1) to implement and monitor infection control policies and procedures. Career opportunities caregiving as prescribed in 3. Power Clusters) dimensions and ‘strong’ areas of their PECs. bathrooms and kitchen ). 2) effectively respond to difficult/challenging behavior. 6 clean living room dining room. CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE The learner demonstrates The learner independently 1. The learner relates influence the business environment experience in generating environment business ideas or 2. Discuss the relevance of 2.1 Explain dimensions/clusters of Planning. PECs and the different b. 3) apply basic first aid. characteristic traits per cluster 2. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) GRADE 9 (Specialization) Course Description: Prerequisite: Grade 7/8 Caregiving This is a TLE Home Economics mini course.and 7 wash and iron clothes. Understand the business TLE_HECGEM9- Environment understanding of the factor influence the environment and business ideas Ik-2 2. 4) maintain high standard of patient services.PECs (PC) 1. Explain on opportunities for TESDA Training Regulation. Spotting and Identifying Business different factors that business environment. Relevance of the course caregiving. Characteristics characteristics. Dimensions of Personal Entrepreneurial The learner comprehends The learner recommends LO 1. Competencies – its ‘weak’ areas and sustain 1. Factors included in the Business The learner demonstrates 1. caregiving as a career CONCEPT REVIEW PERSONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES .2 Explain procedures for identifying business generating business ideas or opportunities. 2 Explain the importance of infection control policies and procedures 1. infection control. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD QUARTER 1 LESSON 1: IMPLEMENT AND MONITOR INFECTION CONTROL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES (IC) 1. procedures. infection 3. hazard and infection risk understanding in implements and monitors the work group about the Ia-1 assessment implementing and infection control policies and organization’s infection control 2. 1. Definition of infection. policy. Monitoring procedure in infection control control.2 Identify hazards and outcomes of infection risk assessment 2.3 Identify infection control monitoring policies and procedures 2. Infection control policies and procedures and monitoring infection control procedures. Hazards and the outcomes of Infection risk organization’s infection Ib-2 assessment control policies and 3.4 Show examples of infection control monitoring forms 1.3 Give examples of infection control policies and procedures. The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1.1 Define infection. Application of Infection control monitoring procedures into work policies and procedures in workplace practices 2. policies and procedures its importance policies and procedures. procedures. hazard and infection risk assessment 1.4 Apply infection control monitoring policies and procedures at the workplace K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 5 of 26 .5 Explain monitoring procedures in infection control. Integrate the TLE_HECGIC9- 2.1 Explain industry code of practice 2. Industry codes of practice LO 2. Provide information to TLE_HECGIC9- policy. 1. 1. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 4. behaviors behaviors challenging behaviors. Designated personnel for the infection LO 3. Monitor infection TLE_HECGIC9-Ic-3 control information control performance and 5. Apply responses TLE_HECGDB9-Ie-5 behaviors 2. Case study on infection cases into practice 3. Strategies in dealing with challenging LO 2. Selection of strategies in dealing with to difficult/challenging challenging behaviors behavior 5.2 Describe proper record keeping of infection control risks and incidents 3. List/example of institutional policies and 2.3 Use records/information reports to improve or indicate training needs 3.1 Assess capability to respond 4.4 Explain institutional policy and procedures in dealing with difficult or challenging K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 6 of 26 .2 Identify difficult or challenging behaviors using examples and case scenario 3.1 Define difficult/challenging 2. Aggregate infection control information implement improvement 6. How to identify difficult and challenging The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. Plan responses TLE_HECGDB9-Id-4 situation understanding in responds to difficult or 1. Planned responses to difficult or challenging responding to difficult or challenging behaviors.2 List strategies in dealing procedures in dealing with with difficult/challenging difficult/challenging behaviors behavior 2.1 Recognize designated infection control monitoring personnel 3. 1.3 Give examples of institutional policies and procedures in dealing with difficult/challenging behaviors 2.4 Conduct studies on infection cases LESSON 2: RESPOND EFFECTIVELY TO DIFFICULT/CHALLENGING BEHAVIOR (DB) 1. 3 Select appropriate debriefing mechanisms for the staff involved after the incident 3.5 Select appropriate strategy/strategies in dealing with difficult/challenging behaviors 2. How to assess incidents LO 3.4 Write comprehensive documentation regarding the difficult/challenging behavior incident 3. Report and review TLE_HECGDB9-If-6 7.5 Conduct research on difficult/challenging behavior K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 7 of 26 . K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE behaviors 2. Debriefing mechanism for staff involved in incidents incidents 3.2 Assess incidents for suggestions to properly handle the difficult/challenging behavior incident 3.1 Relay incidents according to institutional policies and procedures 3.6 Use effective communication when dealing with difficult/challenging behavior 6. Communicate details of TLE_HECGBA9- 12. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD Lesson 3: APPLY BASIC FIRST AID (BA) 1. first aid Ig-7 3. Application of first aid management to techniques Ih-8 casualties 2. management. Reporting complete information details of the incident Iij-9 incident 3. Appropriate first aid for casualties LO 2. physical hazard.1 Define first aid.7 Assess casualty’s physical condition following workplace procedures 8. Personal and Environmental Risks basic first aid procedures.5 Control physical hazards following the Occupational Health and Safety Procedures 1.6 Take casualty’s vital signs 1.1 Request medical assistance using communication media K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 8 of 26 . Communication System 1.2 Discuss first aid principles 6.4 Monitor casualty’s physical condition following first aid principles and workplace procedures 2.1 Identify appropriate first aid 10. Vital Signs 1. Apply basic first aid TLE_HECGBA9- 9.5 Document/record casualty’s condition in reference to organizational procedures 11.3 Apply first aid management to the casualty 2. How to request medical assistance LO 3. Physical Hazards understanding in applying applies basic first aid 1. Assess the situation TLE_HECGBA9- 2. Casualty’s Condition risks and vital signs 5. Monitoring and recording casualties management for the casualty condition 2.2 Keep the casualty calm and comfortable 2.4 Identify physical hazards to self 8. Equipment and Resources 1. 4. procedures.3 Demonstrate vital signs taking 7. First Aid Management The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. First Aid Principles and casualty’s health and safety 1. communication of patient services. Communication and modes of maintaining high standard patient services.1 Define patient/s.2 Describe the characteristics of a patient/s 1. communication.8 Resolve conflicts immediately by directly or by referral to the appropriate personnel for positive outcomes K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 9 of 26 . Definition and characteristics of the patient The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1.2 Relay accurate details of the casualty’s condition to emergency services/relieving personnel 3. 1. and privacy 1. Communicate TLE_HECGMS9- 2.5 Identify effective communication strategies and techniques to achieve best patient service outcomes 1.6 Employ established organizational policy to address complaints of patients 1.3 Identify the health care providers and their role in caring for the patient 1. Health care providers understanding in maintains high standard of appropriately with patients IIa-10 3. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 3.7 Utilize an interpreter service as required 1.4 Discuss different modes of communication 1. confidentiality.3 Report complete details/information of the incident LESSON 4: MAINTAIN HIGH STANDARD OF PATIENT SERVICES (MS) 1. 3 Recognize patient rights and responsibilities at all times 2. Respect for differences LO 3.3 Demonstrate courtesy and respect in all interactions with patients. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 4. Establishing rapport and good interpersonal LO 2. Establish and maintain TLE_HECGMS9- relationship with patient good interpersonal relationship IIb-11 5.5 Cite case studies on providing patient services K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 10 of 26 .4 Ask assistance in caring and managing patients with challenging behaviors in accordance with established procedures. Act in a respectful manner TLE_HECGMS9- at all times IIc-12 3.2 Exhibit genuine courtesy to the patient. family and other health care providers 3.5 Monitor and evaluate effectiveness of interpersonal relationship with patient to ensure best patient service outcomes.2 Maintain confidentiality and privacy of patients at all times 3. Rights and responsibilities of patients with patients 2. 6. visitors. family and visitors at all times 2.1 Establish rapport and good interpersonal relationship with the patient to ensure best patient service outcome 2.1 Observe and respect individual differences 3.4 Identify patients’ concerns and needs 2. 3. 7 Observed personal hygiene/health procedures K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 11 of 26 .1 Define cleaning and cleaning c.2 Perform self evaluation. Tools and equipment needed maintaining healthy and environment. tools and equipment 1.3 Use appropriate cleaning agents. 1.2 Identify tools and equipments d. Legal requirements and regulations safe environment. Proper disposal of waste materials needed to maintain clean and e. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 3. Cleaning and cleaning agents definition understanding in maintains healthy and safe hygienic environment IIe-f-14 b.1 Set criteria to evaluate performance in order to maintain a high standard of patient service 4. lighting and heating/cooling adequately 1. Safety storage of cleaning materials and hygienic environment equipments 1. gather patient’s feedback and supervisor’s assessment regularly to maintain/improve high standard of patient service 4.3 Performance monitoring QUARTER 2 LESSON 1: MAINTAIN A HEALTHY AND SAFE ENVIRONMENT (SE) Maintain a clean and hygienic environment The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. Maintain a clean and TLE_HECGSE9- a.6 Demonstrate ability to provide a clean environment for children 1.5 Maintain ventilation. Evaluate own work to TLE_HECGMS9- maintain a high standard of IId-13 patient service 4.6 Confidentiality and privacy of patients LO 4.4 Follow infection control procedures 1. agents regarding supervision 1. 5 Identify potential risks and environment safe for play hazards in the environment f. Area inspection for hazards 2.7 Discuss and practice with clients and games for children the emergencies and evacuation h. Rules to observe to make the children 2. Risk reduction/strategies in caring for and procedures on safety children 2.4 Implement rules for safe play e.6 Explain to clients potential risk reduction strategies in taking care of and hazard found in the children environment g. i.8 Discuss organizational policies j.8 Enumerate legal requirements and regulations regarding supervision of clean and hygienic environment 1.1 Demonstrate ability to provide a b. toys 2. Providing a safe environment and risk 2. Age appropriate tools.2 Implement environment observations in caring for children protection policy d.10 Provide recordings on maintaining cleanliness in workplace Organizational procedures implemented for LO 2.9 Show proper disposal of waste materials 1. equipments. Provide a safe TLE_HECGSE9- safety environment IIg-h-15 a.10 Conduct institutional lay-out safety check 2. Considerations when dealing and caring clean and safe environment for for children children c. equipment.12 Check and maintain K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 12 of 26 . toys and games appropriate to the age of the child 2.11 Provide tools. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 1. Identifying emergency and fire exits 2. Hazards in caring for children procedures. Kinds of contact to formulate 2.9 Implement environment protection policy 2.3 Explain rules for safe play children 2. Potential risk to consider in dealing with 2. bathroom.13 Implement strategies in checking the area for hazards and find ways for risks reduction 1. bedroom. Hazards and potential hazards in the hazards in the environment environment 3.7 Maintain direct contact with individuals/group QUARTER 3 LESSON 1: CLEAN LIVING ROOM. TOILETS. Different areas where dirt and dust can 1.4 Identify hazards and potential 5. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD equipment to ensure safety 2. manufacturer’s specifications bathroom. and kitchen) following kitchen standard operating procedures 1. DINING ROOM.2 Demonstrate procedures in 3.5 Discuss emergency and 6. removing dirt/stain in according to safety procedures and living room. Identification of potential risks in the safe play environment for prevention 3. bathroom. bathroom. Maintaining direct contact with 3. Emergencies and evacuation procedures are evacuation procedures discussed and practiced with clients. and according to safety procedures and kitchen manufacturer’s specifications 1. Procedures and techniques procedures in cleaning living in cleaning floor types and surface textures room. Clean living room. TLE_HECGCL9- in cleaning and polishing rooms (living room. Proper storage of cleaning equipments 1.4 Discuss procedures and techniques in cleaning floor K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 13 of 26 . bedroom.1 Discuss the principles and 2. LO 1. and IIIa-d-17 bedroom. BATHROOMS AND KITCHEN (CL) 1.3 Model and implement rules for 4. Supervise the safety of clients TLE_HECGSE9- for safety 3. bedroom. and kitchen 4. Rules for safe play regulations for safety 3. Review legal requirements and regulations LO 3.6 Practice emergency and evacuation procedures 3. Procedures and techniques . 3. Method of removing suitable dirt/stain cleaning.2 Explain rules for safe play individuals/group 3. BEDROOMS.1 Review legal requirements and Ii-j-16 2.3 Perform correctly the procedure easily accumulate in cleaning 5. 3 Demonstrate cleaning of 5. Procedures in bed making 2. LINEN AND FABRIC (CF) 1. Cleaning bed mattresses according to LO 2. Check and sort clothes.6 Demonstrate washing and cleaning of accessories in accordance with SOPs and techniques QUARTER 4 LESSON 1. Procedures in Cleaning. Types/Uses/Functions of Cleaning LO3. TLE_HECGCF9- 2. Proper handling of soiled linens and needed in bed making pillowcases according to standard operating 2. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD types and surface textures 1. Principles in washing clothes LO 1. Types and Characteristics of Floors ceilings and walls in accordance 6. lavatory and toilet bowls in accordance with SOPs and techniques 3. Method of identifying and removing Stains. Dirt and Grease materials 3. Safety Precaution in using chemicals and with standard operating tools in cleaning procedures and techniques 3. Stain Removal Techniques 3.5 Demonstrate scrubbing and disinfection of bath tub.2 Identify procedures in bed procedures making 3. Make up beds and cots TLE_HECGCL9- standard operating procedures 2.4 Demonstrate wiping of window edges and sills in accordance with SOPs 3.3 Demonstrate proper procedure of bed making including centering the linen and making miters 1. Clean toilet and bathroom TLE_HECGCL9- Equipment.WASH AND IRON CLOTHES. Disinfecting and gloves for safe protection Sanitizing Rooms (Toilet and Bathroom) 3. 4. equipments/supplies and Mud. Standard procedures in washing clothes linens and fabric Iva-b-20 K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 14 of 26 .1 Identify different materials IIIe-f-18 2.2 Enumerate use of face mask.1 Identify cleaning IIIg-j-19 2. Supplies and Materials 3. Kinds of stain 2. Types of laundry method LO 3. Safety Precaution in using stain removing 2. Types and Characteristics of Clothes. Kinds of solutions in removing specific type 2.6 Apply proper care of fabric 1.3 Select appropriate laundry 5.2 Identify different types of of stain solution to remove stain 4.5 Demonstrates sort soiled clothes. Types and Uses of Washing Machines and 3.1 Define stain.2 Identify types and uses of Specific Relevance to Laundry Operations washing machines and dryers.7 Prioritize sorted items according to the cleaning process required and the urgency of the item 1.3 Identify different types and Preparing Washing Machine characteristics of linen 1. linen and fabric according to the labeling codes and washing instructions K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 15 of 26 . Hygiene. Equipment needed in performing laundry method. Linen 1. linen and fabrics according to texture. and stain removing IVc-d-21 3. color. 1.1 Identify principles in washing Labels) clothes 4. Remove stains TLE_HECGCF9- 2. 3. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 3.4 Read different language label (fabric and garment labels) 1. Definition of terms LO 2. Perform laundry TLE_HECGCF9- 2. size and defects 1. Language Label (Fabric and Garments 1. Health and Safety Issues of 3.4 Demonstrate washing of clothes.4 Identify ways to store all stain removing agents and chemicals following safety procedures. Maintenance of Laundry Area 3. Standard Procedures in Checking and 1. Proper storage of stain removing agents and chemicals or agents chemicals 2.1 Identify different types of IVg-h-22 Dryers laundry methods 3. 4.2 Enumerate standard procedures and Fabric in washing clothes 5.3 Demonstrate proper ways to agents and chemicals remove stains using appropriate 5. Basics of Pressing 5.6 Demonstrate proper stain. Types and Use of Hangers LO4. linen and fabric based on procedures 3. Ironing Boards and K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 16 of 26 .9 Show proper cleaning of washing area in accordance with safety and health procedures 3. linen and fabric 4. dirt and unpleasant odor removal from clothing.3 Demonstrate proper removal of dried clothes.7 Demonstrate proper sun- drying/machine drying of washed clothes.2 Demonstrate different folding methods and techniques 4. LO 5. Procedures in storing equipment and 4.1 Identify types and uses of materials hangers 4.4 Perform actual folding using different methods and techniques 1.5 Use laundry equipment in accordance with manufacturer’s instruction 3. linen and TLE_HECGCF9- 2. linen and fabric as per instructions 3.8 Identify ways to free dried clothes. Types and Uses of Irons.1 Define ironing clothes 3.10 Perform after care of equipment after use in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions 1. Iron clothes. Dry clothes. linen and fabric from unpleasant odor and static cling 3. linens and TLE_HECGCF9- linens and fabrics fabrics IVi-j-24 2. Folding Method and Techniques fabric IVi-j-23 3. Standard procedures for ironing clothes. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD 3. linens. placing in a hanger and storing in designated cabinets the ironed clothes.2 Identify standard procedures for a.7 Demonstrate proper folding. materials and 5.4 Identify types and uses of ironing boards. and paraphernalia fabrics b. Care of equipment. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) PERFORMANCE CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE STANDARD Ironing Accessories 5. Procedures in storing materials and ironing clothes.3 Enumerate basics of pressing paraphernalia 5.5 Discuss safety precautions in ironing fabric 5.8 Demonstrate proper storage of ironing equipment and materials in the appropriate area following safety procedures K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 17 of 26 . and ironing accessories 5. linens and fabrics as per instructions 5.6 Performs ironing in accordance to the standard procedures 5. Explain on opportunities for caregiving prescribed in TESDA caregiving as a career Training Regulation.5 Apply creativity and Innovative techniques to K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 18 of 26 .2 Align one’s PECs according to d.1 Identify what is of “Value” to 3.Unique Selling 1. 1. Discuss the relevance of the 2. Application of PECs to the chosen business/career choice business/career ENVIRONMENT AND MARKET (EM) 1. Key concepts of developing a understanding of creates a business vicinity map service in Caregiving 1 product environment and market in reflective of potential 1. CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 1. Innovation town/municipality. goal and objective in caregiving 1. Traits 1. Enumerate general areas of FOS PERSONAL ENTREPRENEURIAL COMPETENCIES . Characteristics one’s PECs in Caregiving.4 Create ones mission. strengthens/ further develops 1. skills and attitude to provide health care. This course is designed to develop knowledge. The course covers food preparation (hot and cold meals) in relation to caregiving as prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation. in Caregiving. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) GRADE 10 (Specialization) Course Description: Prerequisite: Grade 9 Caregiving This is a TLE Home Economics course. Assessment of Personal Competencies and The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. the core competencies in 3.1 Identify areas for a. Lifestyle 1.3 Explain what makes a product .2 Identify the customer to sell to . Core principle and concept in caregiving understanding of core develops the skills in food 2. Analysis of PECs in relation to a practitioner ensures success of his/her 3. development b. improvement. Attributes and growth c. Develop a product/ TLE_HECGEM10-Ik- 2. consists of core competencies that a learner must achieve. Relevance of the course concepts and principle in processing and demonstrates course 3.3 Create a plan of action that 2.PECs (PC) 1.Proposition (USP) unique and competitive 1. Explain core and principle Introduction The learner demonstrates The learner independently concepts in caregiving 1. locality/town. 4. Product Development The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. CAREGIVING. Career opportunities caregiving. Finding Value Caregiving in one’s Caregiving market within the the customer 4. Develop and strengthen TLE_HECGPECS10- Skills (PECs) vis-à-vis a practicing understanding of one’s PECs creates a plan of action that PECs needed in Caregiving Ik-1 entrepreneur/employee in a province. Skills his/her business/career choice e. 2. Prepare a range of TLE_HECGCM10- appetizers the understanding in prepares cold meals appetizers Ia-d-1 a.2 Identify ingredients according 3.2 Enumerate recognizable brands in the town/province 3.4 Generate a clear appealing product brand QUARTER 1 LESSON 1: PREPARE COLD MEALS -APPETIZERS. Key concepts of Selecting based on the criteria and 2 a. Business Idea techniques set b. Methods of preparing appetizers 1. and 1. SALAD AND DESSERTS. equipment. Select a business idea TLE_HECGEM10-Ik- 2. Variety of ingredients in preparing The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. utensils needed in K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 19 of 26 . Techniques steps in selecting a business idea 2. Selecting Business Idea LO 2. Tools. Preparing Canape’s (appetizers.1 Enumerate various criteria and c. Criteria 2. SANDWICHES. dessert). sandwiches.6 Employ a Unique Selling Proposition (USP) to the product/service 1. appetizers sandwiches. and c.1 Discuss principles and b.2 Apply the criteria/steps in selecting a viable business idea 2.7 Prepare a flyers to advertise a new product 1.1 Identify the benefits of having a good brand 3. Develop a brand for the TLE_HECGEM10-Ik- product 3 3. Preparing Finger foods dessert. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE develop marketable product 1. Preparing D’oeuvres preparing cold meals (appetizers. procedures in the preparing and dessert).(CM) 1. sandwiches.3 Enumerate the criteria for developing a brand 3.3 Determine a business idea based on the criteria/techniques set Branding LO 3. 4 Compute for selling price of 9.1 Identify ingredients according g-2 2. condiments and 8.3 Present salads and desserts 7. Presentation of prepared salads and techniques desserts 3. utensils needed in preparing salads and desserts 3. Principles and techniques in storing condiments and service wares appetizers 1. Standard serving portion 1. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE preparing appetizers to the given recipe 4.4 Present appetizers attractively 7. utensils needed in to the given recipe preparing sandwiches 2. equipment. Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food sandwiches Handling 2.3 Prepare variety of appetizers 5. Presentation of prepared sandwiches attractively using suitable 7. Prepare sandwiches TLE_HECGCM10-Ie- sandwiches 2. Variety of ingredients in preparing salads LO 3. Tools.1 Identify ingredients according 3.5 Compute for selling price per 9. Presentation appetizers using suitable garnishes.3 Present sandwiches 6.2 Prepare variety of salads and 5. Prepare varieties of sandwiches techniques 5. Prepare salads and desserts 3. Varieties of hot and cold sandwiches based on appropriate 4. Safe Food Handling based on appropriate techniques 6. Safety and hygienic practices in storing order of appetizer and appetizers nutritive content of food 1. Methods of preparing salads and desserts desserts based on appropriate 6. Standard serving portion garnishes. equipment. Variety of ingredients in preparing LO 2. Methods of preparing sandwiches 2. 8. Prepare salads and TLE_HECGCM10- and desserts desserts Ih-j-3 2. Safety and hygienic practices in storing service wares sandwiches 2.5 Store sandwiches hygienically at the appropriate temperature 1. Varieties salads and desserts to the given recipe 4.6 Store appetizers hygienically at the appropriate temperature 1. Food and Safety Hazard 1. Standard serving portion attractively using suitable K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 20 of 26 . Tools.2 Prepare variety of sandwiches 3. 5 Store salads and desserts hygienically at the appropriate temperature QUARTER 2 LESSON 1: PREPARE HOT MEALS -EGG DISHES.1 Discuss principles and IIa-e-4 2. Prepare pasta grain and TLE_HECGHP10- grain and farinaceous dishes farinaceous dishes IIf-j-5 2. Safety and hygienic practices in storing egg 1. Varieties of egg dishes Prepare varieties farinaceous dishes). Tools. PASTA GRAIN AND FARINACEOUS DISHES. pasta grain and procedure in the preparing preparing egg dishes dishes. Variety of ingredients in preparing egg The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1.(HP) 1. Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food 3. Prepare varieties of pasta grain and on appropriate techniques farinaceous dishes 2. Prepare egg dishes TLE_HECGHP10- dishes the understanding in prepares hot meals (egg 1. utensils needed in preparing pasta grain and farinaceous 2.4 Compute for selling price of Handling prepared salad and dessert and nutritive contents 3.4 Present egg dishes attractively dishes using suitable garnishes. Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food condiments and service wares Handling compute for selling price of egg dishes and nutrient contents 1.3 Present pasta grain and K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 21 of 26 . Variety of ingredients in preparing pasta LO 2. equipment.5 Store egg dishes hygienically at the appropriate temperature 1.3 Prepare variety of egg dishes Presentation of prepared egg dishes based on appropriate 5. Varieties of pasta grain and farinaceous 2. 7. Tools. Standard serving portion techniques 6. utensils needed in preparing hot meals (egg dishes.2 Identify ingredients according of sandwiches to the given recipe 4.1 Identify ingredients according dishes to the given recipe 3. condiments and salads and desserts service wares 9. Safety and hygienic practices in storing garnishes. pasta grain and farinaceous dishes). 1. egg dishes 3. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 8.2 Prepare variety of pasta grain dishes and farinaceous dishes based 4. Methods of preparing egg dishes 1. equipment. Presentation of prepared seafood dishes dishes based on appropriate 7. and poultry dishes). SAUCES. sauces and garnishes to the given recipe 4.2 Identify ingredients according 4.5 compute for selling price of nutrient contents 1. Tools. garnishes procedure in the preparing preparing seafood dishes (seafood dishes. Safety and hygienic practices in storing contents pasta grain and farinaceous dishes Food 2. 10. Variety of ingredients in preparing The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. condiments and Handling service wares 1. soup. Tools.1 Identify ingredients according 3. soup. garnishes and 1. Varieties of seafood dishes sauces. LO 2.1 Discuss principles and IIIa-d-6 2. Safety and hygienic practices in storing 1. SOUP. sauces and 2. GARNISHES. seafood dishes 3. utensils needed in preparing hot meals dishes. Methods of preparing seafood dishes 1. Prepare varieties of soup.4 Present seafood dishes seafood dishes attractively using suitable 9.6 Store seafood dishes hygienically at the proper temperature 1. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 5. Varieties of soup. Standard serving portion pasta dishes and nutrient 12. Standard serving portion techniques 8. garnishes sauces and garnishes based 5.(SS) 1. Prepare soup.5 Store pasta grain and and Safety Hazard Safe Food Handling farinaceous dishes hygienically at the proper temperature QUARTER 3 LESSON 1: PREPARE HOT MEALS -SEAFOOD DISHES. sauces TLE_HECGSS10- sauces and garnishes and garnishes IIIe-g-7 2.3 Prepare variety of seafood 6. Prepare varieties of seafood dishes poultry dishes). equipment. sauces. Methods of preparing pasta grain and farinaceous dishes attractively farinaceous dishes using suitable garnishes. sauces and K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 22 of 26 . Presentation of prepared pasta grain and condiments and service wares farinaceous dishes 2. Methods of preparing sandwiches on appropriate techniques 2. utensils needed in preparing soup.3 Present soup. POULTRY DISHES. Variety of ingredients in preparing soup. Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food garnishes. Prepare seafood dishes TLE_HECGSS10- seafood dishes the understanding in prepares hot meals (seafood 1.4 Compute for selling price of 11.2 Prepare variety of soup. sauces and garnishes 2. equipment. to the given recipe 5. Prepare poultry dishes TLE_HECGSS10- dishes IIIh-j-8 2. condiments 7.1 Discuss principles and preparing vegetable dishes (vegetable and meat procedures in the preparing 3. Presentation of prepared soup. Tools.3 Present poultry dishes 3. Methods of preparing vegetable dishes to the given recipe 6.3 Prepare variety of vegetable 7. Safety and hygienic practices in storing techniques vegetable dishes 1. condiments and service wares K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 23 of 26 .4 Present vegetable dishes 9.1 Identify ingredients according preparing poultry dishes Varieties of to the given recipe poultry dishes Prepare varieties of poultry 3. utensils needed in preparing hot meals and meat dishes). Prepare vegetable TLE_HECGVD10- vegetable dishes the understanding in prepares hot meals (vegetable dishes Iva-e-9 2. sauces and Handling garnishes hygienically at the proper temperature 1. equipment.4 Store poultry dishes hygienically at the proper temperature QUARTER 4 LESSON 1: PREPARE HOT MEALS -VEGETABLE DISHES AND MEAT DISHES. Safety and hygienic practices in storing 2.2 Prepare variety of poultry dishes Methods of preparing poultry dishes based on appropriate dishes Presentation of prepared poultry techniques dishes Standard serving portion 3. Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food attractively using suitable Handling garnishes.(VD) 1. Prepare varieties of vegetable dishes 1. vegetable dishes 4. Tools. sauces garnishes attractively using and garnishes suitable garnishes. Safety and hygienic practices in storing attractively using suitable poultry dishes Food and Safety Hazard garnishes.4 Compute for selling price for sandwiches order and nutrient contents 9. 1. Variety of ingredients in preparing poultry LO 3.2 Identify ingredients according 5. equipment. Standard serving portion dishes based on appropriate 8.5 Store soup. Standard serving portion and service wares 8. Presentation of prepared vegetable dishes 1. utensils needed in 3. condiments and service wares Safe Food Handling 3. Variety of ingredients in preparing The learner demonstrates The learner independently LO 1. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 6. Varieties of vegetable dishes dishes). Food and Safety Hazard Safe Food 2. condiments and service wares meat dishes Food and Safety Hazard Safe 2. equipment. Standard serving portion 2. Prepare meat dishes TLE_HECGVD10- dishes IVf-j-10 2.4 attractively using suitable 5. Variety of ingredients in preparing meat LO 2. Varieties of hot and cold meat dishes 2.5 Compute for selling price per Food Handling order and nutritive content 2.6 Store meat dishes hygienically at the proper temperature K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 24 of 26 .2 Prepare variety of meat dishes Prepare varieties of meat dishes Methods based on appropriate of preparing meat dishes Presentation of techniques prepared meat dishes 2.1 Identify ingredients according preparing meat dishes to the given recipe 3.5 Compute for selling price per order and nutrient content 1. utensils needed in 2.3 Present meat dishes 4. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) CONTENT CONTENT STANDARD PERFORMANCE STANDARD LEARNING COMPETENCIES CODE 1. Safety and hygienic practices in storing garnishes.6 Store vegetable dishes hygienically at the proper temperature 1. Tools. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) Code Book Legend Sample: TLE_HECGVD10-IVf-j-10 LEGEND SAMPLE Technology and Livelihood Education_Home Learning Area and Strand/ Subject or Economics Specialization Caregiving TLE_HE First Entry CG 10 Grade Level Grade 10 Domain/Content/ Uppercase Letter/s Component/ Topic Vegetable Dishes and Meat Dishes VD - Roman Numeral *Zero if no specific quarter Quarter Fourth Quarter IV Lowercase Letter/s *Put a hyphen (-) in between letters to indicate Week Weeks Six to Ten f-j more than a specific week - Arabic Number Competency Prepare meat dishes 10 K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 25 of 26 . Bedrooms. K to 12 BASIC EDUCATION CURRICULUM SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL TECHNICAL-VOCATIONAL-LIVELIHOOD TRACK HOME ECONOMICS – CAREGIVING (CG) Code Book Legend DOMAIN/ COMPONENT CODE Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies PECS Environment and Market EM Use Tools. Poultry Dishes SS Prepare Hot Meals -Vegetable Dishes and Meat Dishes VD K to 12 TLE-Home Economics – Caregiving Curriculum Guide December 2013 * LO – Learning Outcome Page 26 of 26 . Equipment and Paraphernalia MT Perform Mensurations and Calculations PM Practice Occupational and Safety Procedures OS Implement and Monitor Infection Control Policies and Procedures IC Respond Effectively To Difficult/Challenging Behavior DB Apply Basic First Aid BA Maintain High Standard of Patient Services MS Maintain a Healthy and Safe Environment SE Clean Living Room. Garnishes. Toilets. Linen and Fabric CF Prepare Cold Meals -Appetizers. Sauces. Soup. Salad and Desserts CM Prepare Hot Meals -Egg Dishes. Equipment and Paraphernalia UT Maintain Tools. Dining Room. Sandwiches. Bathrooms and Kitchen CL Wash and Iron Clothes. Pasta Grain and Farinaceous Dishes HP Prepare Hot Meals -Seafood Dishes.
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