Career Guide APSIA

March 23, 2018 | Author: María Francisca Aguilera Bournas | Category: Corporate Social Responsibility, Venture Capital, Tech Start Ups, Bonds (Finance), Securities (Finance)



ASSO OCIATION N OF PROF FESSIONA AL SCHOO OLS OF INTERNATIONAL AFF FAIRSIn ntern nati iona al Ca aree ers Guid G de: O Opti ions s in t the F Fiel ld APSIA A Career D Directors Winter 2012 w www.apsia.o org APSIA International Careers Guide: Summaries of the Field Winter 2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUE AREAS: BANKING & FINANCE_____________________________________________________________ 5 COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC RELATIONS________________________________________ 9 CONSULTING: MANAGEMENT, STRATEGIC, & DEVELOPMENT FOR NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS________________________________________________________________ 12 CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY____________________________________________16 ENERGY_______________________________________________________________________ 23 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY ____________________________________________ 27 FOUNDATIONS__________________________________________________________________32 GLOBAL HEALTH ______________________________________________________________ 38 GOVERNMENT RELATIONS, LOBBYING & CAMPAIGNING _________________________ 42 HUMAN RESOURCES ___________________________________________________________ 45 HUMAN RIGHTS _______________________________________________________________ 49 HUMANITARIAN AID AND RELIEF ______________________________________________ 53 INTELLIGENCE_________________________________________________________________ 57 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ____________________________________________________ 59 INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT _______________________________________________ 63 INTERNATIONAL EDUCATION __________________________________________________ 69 INTERNATIONAL LAW __________________________________________________________ 72 INTERNATIONAL SECURITY & DEFENSE ________________________________________ 76 MARKETING & SALES __________________________________________________________ 80 MICROFINANCE: DEVELOPMENT FINANCE______________________________________ 84 NONPROFIT MANAGEMENT ____________________________________________________ 87 NON PROLIFERATION___________________________________________________________ 90 PEACE AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION ____________________________________________ 92 POLITICAL RISK ANALYSIS _____________________________________________________ 96 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY ______________________________________________________ 99 THINK TANKS AND ACADEMIA__________________________________________________102 TRADE _______________________________________________________________________ 105 2 INSTITUTIONAL ENTITIES: CAPITOL HILL _________________________________________________________________109 EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS ______________________________________________113 MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS _____________________________________________115 US FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ___________________________________________________119 US STATE / LOCAL GOVERNMENT ______________________________________________124 SALARY SURVEYS______________________________________________________________126 EUROPEAN UNION INSTITUTIONS MULTINATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS NON-PROFIT SECTOR PRIVATE SECTOR U.S. GOVERNMENT SECTOR 3 In nterna ationa al Ca areers Guid de: ISSU UE AR REAS S 4 . profit tability. bus siness financ ce.C CAREER O OPPORTUN NITIES IN BANKING G & FINAN NCE Description of f the Field Fina ance and ban nking offer many caree er opportuni ities for people who wa ant to work in i global fin nancial mark kets and serves as a bridge betw ween capital l-raising ent tities and cap pital-produc cing investo ors. The missio on of a Corp porate Finan nce departme ent is to help its clients form and develop sou und financia al strategies s to meet the eir goals by serving as a advisors and d by raising or managin ng ds. expand m manufacturin ng capacities. It is s an umbrell la term for a rang ge of activiti ies: underw nd macro-ec conomics. the integ gration of ba anking activ vities. money and a financia al markets.The a areas consid dered as Cor rporate Fina ance cover a wide range e of financia al services inclu uding Corpo orate Struct ture Finance e. errat tic currency fluctuations. 5 . future projections. areer in ban nking and fin nance norma ally requires a solid bac ckground in n business-re elated cours ses such as A ca acco ounting. s an nd micro. Mergers a and Acquisit tions. The glob balization o of bank ks. pe ension fund.Inve estment bank king isn't on ne specific service s or fu unction. For those w without prev vious experie ence in finance.Asset t manageme ent compani ies manage t o their clien nts to achiev ve specific Asse fina ancial object tives within guidelines under which h the investment pool is organized d. and th he growth of emerging markets are e ongoing trends. or o possibly divest them mselves of a division. such as a mergers a and acquisiti ion advice. hed dge fund. an nd quantitati ive anal lysts. Initial l Public Off ferings (IPO Os). statistics. The pool m might take t the form m of a mutua al fund. ndustry is tra aditionally b broken dow wn into the fo following areas: The financial in the money of et Managem ment . it may be difficult to enter the e field of fi inance. indu ustry niche. buy-side and sell-sid de research analysts. pay down n debt. and deriv vative produ ucts. fund buy back their o own stock. In n addi ition. a and could inv vest in a ran nge of finan ncial vehi icles includi ing equities. fixed-inco ome securitie es. Graduates workin ng within ass set man nagement fir rms can wor rk as portfolio manager rs. p providing fi inancial adv visory serv vices. Corp rporate Fina ance . Demonstr rable expe erience that includes ec conomic ana alysis and an n understanding of econ nomic mark kets and fina ancial trends is also o valued by e employers. Internationaliza ation means greater exp posure to int terest rate m movements. sellin ng. Busines sses may nee ed to raise c cash to buy a another firm m. Private Plac cements. and managi ing assets. n non-profit in nstitutions. a and individu uals. and d Real Estat te Finance. economic d difficulties in n developed d and deve eloping cou untries. The most recen nt recession h has increase ed the comp petition in th he financial sector. gov vernments. I Investment b banks offer these servic ces to com mpanies. and stock k and bond m market volat tility. A su ummer inter rnship at a bank can pr rovide valua able experie ence that ma ay help stud dents enter th he financial l services industry. and d perform a number of similar s tasks. or institutio onal fund. and trad ding securitie es (stocks an nd bonds). Inve estment Ban nking. candid dates should d be able to understand financial st tatements an nd analyze a corporation’s growth pote ential. energy. including but not limited to.This department raises funds for the development of public projects. Many hedge fund employees have previous experience in the financial services industry. and insurance companies. Investment banks help states and their agencies and authorities. or in business or finance. The private equity career market is highly competitive and values previous experience in finance or business. mutual funds.). Jobs and job availability are subject to the unpredictable elements of the market.Hedge Funds . commodities. or reacting to financial news or trends is of interest to potential employers. Any demonstrated experience which requires economic analysis. currencies. fixed income (bonds). The High Yield Group manages high-risk bond issues with high interest rates (normally above 10%).” The Sales department’s main responsibility is to maintain positive client relationships. In addition.A hedge fund is a private investment fund that trades and invests in various assets such as securities. A summer associate position is often a requisite for those seeking full-time banking positions. understanding of economic markets. biotechnology. Venture capital firms look to hire individuals with technological or industry expertise and experience working for a tech start-up company. and. typically wealthy individuals. especially in more difficult financial periods. Venture Capital . and counties to raise large capital through the issuance of federal tax-exempt securities. Contact alumni from your school who are working with firms in which you have an interest and begin building your networking infrastructure. schools. Public Finance . hospitals. Also. Networking. is essential for anyone interested in entering this competitive field. with recruiting for full-time positions in early fall and recruiting for summer positions beginning in late fall. derivatives. etc. corporate and municipal bonds. and commodities. Career Paths and Salary Structure Internships are one of the most efficient ways to gain the experience necessary to enter the field. Other key functions include the sale of existing securities in the firm’s inventory and the distribution of the firm’s initial public offering. Private Equity . Many banks offer a summer associate program. This group usually has its own set of specialized sales representatives and traders.Venture capital firms raise funds from institutional investors and high net worth individuals to invest in start-up firms in specific industries (internet. Other . Sales and Trading . Recruiting for full-time positions begins in early fall.This group serves a variety of institutions. many traders are dedicated to the firm’s own “house account.Private equity firms invest money into privately owned companies.Corporate banking also includes the Research Departments where equity (stocks). Traders execute trades in equities. and derivatives on behalf of its clients. Hiring can be as fierce as the market. and other negotiable instruments are analyzed. at times. mass transit systems. Private Client Services cater to individuals of high net worth and Commercial banking typically caters to individuals and small to mid-size businesses. such as within the alternative investment arms of investment banks. currency. including pension plans. invest and hold ownership positions in publicly traded firms. municipalities. and power plants. Every job seeker in finance and banking should be aware of the risk factor in this sector. so patience and perseverance are necessary. In addition. airports. These bonds finance institutions. portfolio and money management often falls under the responsibility of the Research Department. 6 . department. Bonuses are determined at the end of each year and are based on the performance of Wall Street. locating the buyers or sellers who are willing to accept the securities transactions their clients or brokers want to make. and both language and cultural fluency combined with business skills is an invaluable combination for entry into the financial industries. especially as you attain higher levels of seniority.http://www. and your personal contribution to them. Demand Opportunities in investment banking are not the same as they were a few years ago. or reaction to financial news or trends. or risk management. money and financial markets. profitability. In addition. preferably in business administration. Source: WetFeet Library Career & Industries Overview: Investment  Citigroup . A solid framework of public policy. Sample Employers  Bank of America Securities . finance. and cash flows. No matter who actually places a buy or sell order. The incomes of employees in these firms rise and fall with the global economic tides. Your take-home pay from year to year can go through swings of more than 100 percent. where only the most experienced applicants will get the job. economics.citigroup. Base salaries tend to be relatively moderate at the entry level and bonuses are discretionary. even for nonprofessional staff.db. generally New York–based. With online and self-service brokerages. and Sales and Trading Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field A bachelor's degree in  Credit Suisse . candidates should be able to analyze a corporation’s growth potential. understanding of economic markets. but most are willing to pay qualified professionals to guide them. investors can self-direct their own investment  Deutsche Bank – http://www. financial modeling. almost always consist of a base salary plus a fiscal year-end bonus. Potential employers are interested in any demonstrated experience that requires economic analysis. mathematics/statistics or business administration is the minimum academic background for financial managers. This is a market driven by the economy and in downtimes it becomes even more competitive to enter this lucrative field. business finance. statistics. They must be able to read and understand annual reports. valuation analysis. Asset  Barclays Capital . But expect to face rigorous competition for securities sales agent positions. many employers increasingly seek graduates with a master's degree.Salaries at investment banks.http://www.https://www. brokerage houses (sometimes called wirehouses) continue to recruit trainees for number-crunching analyst positions and more sales-oriented marketing and brokerage support jobs. competition has become fierce. income statements. there will always be a need for securities traders who work behind the scenes. 7 .bofasecurities. future projections. international business. economics. The largest. international An internship with a bank will improve your chances and grant you the necessary experience to attract recruiters. In addition. what is in demand is closely tied to a firm’s strategy.barcap.http://www. as well as the performances of your firm. many brokerage houses have access to research and historical data that would take the average investor months to track down. balance sheets. micro. However. Regarding opportunities in asset management. industry niche.and macroeconomics is recommended. etc. A solid background in business-related courses such as accounting.  Business Week Publications Careers in Investment Banking. 2008.http://www. Vault. Wiley. 2002 Keep up to date with financial trends and look for potential job opportunities in the following:  American Banker .http://money.efinancialcareers. Morgan Stanley .com/  The Financial Times.societegenerale. by K. The Business of Investment Banking: A Comprehensive Overview.         Goldman Sachs . 2002 Vault Career Guide to Finance  The Economist .lazard.vault.http://www.shtml  Fortune .com/  WetFeet .http://www.  The Wall Street Journal .  Institutional Investor .com/ Lazard .com/ Nomura . 6th  Forbes . Thomas Liaw. 2008 Edition. by Tom Lott. WetFeet.http://www. Vault Career Guide to Advanced Finance and Quantitative Interviews. .  Vault . 2008. Macquarie Group.http://www.http://www.http://www.http://www.forbes.www.http://www.http://online. Vault Career Guide to Investment Societe General. 2008 Vault Career Guide to Finance Interviews Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Careers in Finance .http://www.P Morgan Chase & Co.http://www. 8 .com/ UBS.htm  eFinancialCareers.  Wall Street Journal Online Careers Houlihan Lokey . s assignmen nts differ fro om an advert tising assign nment in tha at the PR fir rm utilizes f free opportu unities Public relations m media expo sure. in par rt by studyin ng the attitud des and opin nions of var rious comm munities or m markets. since en ntry level job bs often util lize similar skills. assembli ing press kit ts. direc ct mail. mmunication n with all of f its stakehol lders. Dem mand Emp ployment in n the industr ry is projecte ed to grow 22% 2 betwee en 2004 and d 2014. even n with this projection for fa faster than av verage grow wth. organizat tions. dissem minating or c creating new wsworthy pu ublicity of i interest to ra adio. PR speci ialists identi ify problem ms and make efforts to im mprove rela ations betwe een a prod clien nt and its pu ublic. Cam mpus activiti ies promotin ng universit ty-wide even nts and help ping with fu und raising campaigns c m well wi may in you poin nts. in sup pport of orga anizational goals and ob com s specialists build. main ntain. and pr romote the r reputation a and image of f individual ls. and event ts. Whil le some clie ents have bo oth publ lic relations s and advertising strateg gies in place e. plann ning events. non-profit t organizatio ons rely hea avily on PR specialists to prom mote their is ssues and ev vents becaus se they often n have limit ted advertising budgets s. preparing n news release es. tool for commu Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Typ pical entry in nto the field d is through internships at PR agenc cies or PR departments d s within corp porations. since ex xperience co ounts heav vily in this i industry. . . compet tition for ent try-level job bs will be st tiff as the fie eld draws an n ndance of ap pplicants.CA AREER OPPORTUNI ITIES IN C COMMUNI ICATIONS S & PUBLIC C RELATI IONS f Field Description of ns (PR) toda ay is a highly y sophistica ated disciplin ne that enta ails the mana agement of an organiza ation's Public Relation bjectives. For examp ple. Public relations ducts. How wever. issues s. the m The prominence of the Inte ernet as a pr rimary sourc ce of inform mation about t an organiz zation or ent terprise requ uires mmunication ns specialists be tech sa avvy and kn nowledgeable about the e myriad use es of the we eb as a that PR and com unicating wi ith the publi ic and reach hing targeted d audiences. televis sion. and d lobbying ac ctivities. . organizing mai ilings. These activities include writ ting for the campus new wspaper. drafting artic cles and talk king points. abun 9 . and the e press for inste ead of produ ucing ads or r commercia als and purc chasing med dia time or s space. In n addition to o internship experience. T This expe erience is hi ighly valuab ble in landin ng a position n in public r relations aft ter graduatio on. anyone int terested in full-time fu emp ployment in n PR mus st have stron ng writing a and editing skills s for an array of for rmats. Amnest ty International is an organiza ation that re eaches a larg ge number o of people thr rough a com mbination of f news relea ases to media. http://www. Language fluency (including speaking comfortably both in formal and casual situations.horngroup.burson-marsteller.porternovelli. Sample Group of Employers Wherever there is a 10 .com/ Grayling .gibbs-soell.http://fleishmanhillard.http://www.http://www. A few recognizable names in PR include:                            Weber Shandwick Worldwide . Gibbs & Soell . television or radio Ogilvy .http://www.http://www.edelman. PR specialists are expected to have strong The Rogers Group . while data Porter Novelli Hill and Knowlton . there will be ample opportunities for public relations. Detroit.psbpr. Gouverneur. initiative.mslpr.sustainabilitypractice. government office.webershandwick. and editing Schwartz Communications . Los Angeles.schwartzcomm.hillandknowlton.http://www. Cooper Katz and Company .com/ APCO Worldwide .golinharris. Solomon McCown & Company .net/about. critical thinking skills and the ability to communicate effectively are Ketchum .http://www.grayling. and a willingness to stay after normal hours in order to meet tight deadlines. Padilla Speer Beardsley . Horn Group . Chicago.ogilvypr.http://www.http://www. Burson-Marsteller . to speak comfortably with upper level management and media personalities.www.http://www.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field The qualities needed to be successful in PR work include the ability to work in a news room environment. private enterprise. and Washington DC abound with PR activities. spreadsheet knowledge and an understanding of visual design are highly Bliss. Cubitt Jacobs & Prosek .com/ CRT/Tanaka .com/ Golin Harris International .com/ Stanton Communications .com/ Brodeur . or non-profit Publicis USA . Lippe Taylor .http://www. writing. Larger cities have a higher demand for PR specialists. Experience working in digital and social media is a necessity.http://www.solomonmccown.blisspr.http://www.rogerspr. New York.html MWW Group .com/ Fleishman-Hillard . but also in a foreign language) is increasingly Manning Selvage and Lee . and Associates .http://www.publicis-usa.http://www. Edelman .http://www. to react promptly when faced with sudden changes in events.cooperkatz.http://www. Page Society .http://www.http://www.http://www.prssa.http://www.http://www.instituteforpr.Resources for Additional Information Associations  Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) .  International Public Relations Association .com/prnewser/  PRSSA JobCenter Resourcess .  O'Dwyer's PR Firms Database .  Jobweb article on PR Careers  PRNewser .org/  National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) .org/  Council of Communication Management .com/  Public Affairs Council  Sales and Marketing Executives International .com  Vault .http://www.  International Association of Business Communicators .jobweb.www.prnewsonline.prsa. Internet Resources  Careers in Public Relations (PRSA) .iabc.womcom.http://www.  Association for Women in Communication  PR Week .com  Institute for Public Relations .http://www.prfirms.http://www.  Public Relations Student Society Of America (PRSSA) .com/  Council of Public Relations Firms .ccmconnection.vault.prsa.  PRNews  Wetfeet – 11 .  Council of Public Relations Firms: Career Center .org  Arthur W. and improv ve the Man gene eral health o of their clien nts no matte er what the i industry. analyze d data. prepar re reports. which w conse equently bre eak down in nto "billable e hours. you may y spend thre ee to four da ays at the cl lient’s site. while ot thers will wo ork with a w wide array o of clients fro om various sectors. entry-le evel position ns traditiona ally include e: Analysts/R /Research A Associates: These T positi ions are typi ically filled by undergra aduates.. manageme ent (which in ncludes ope erations and business or rganization) ). an nd present f findings. but als so for their objectivity.A. reer Paths Car Whi ile different t firms have different tit tles for the same s positio ons. Companies s hire consul ltants not on nly for their r problem so olving abili ities. Mor re typically. It is not unu usual for a c consultant to o fly l the project out every Sunda ay night and d fly home e every Friday y night until t is finished d. and inv volves long hours. and J J. Ph. stimulati ing." In general. Beginnin ng at the asso ociate It is possible fo leve el.. and system ms type desi ign. the mana agement con nsultant will often assu ume a strat tegic planni ing role for t the organiza ation The po ossibilities. If you are working g on a man nagement ca ase. cons sultants cond duct researc ch. the e work envir ronment is f fastpace ed. o Typ pically. devise strategies. M. as spend ding time e with client ts on the pre emises is an n essential part of the co onsultant's r responsibilit ties. after a few w years with one consult ting compan ny. Th he three mai in The type and am es of cases are a strategy. .B. In this situatio on. a manag gement cons sultant may choose to le eave the f firm and wo ork for one of o his or her r clients. les ss frequently ya man nagement co onsultant wi ill become in nvolved in the t actual im mplementati ion of the pl lan. Some man nagement co onsultants w will focus on n one industr ry. graduat tes. ar re not limite ed to this on ne function. . an individ dual can wo ork up to ma anager.CA AREER OPP PORTUNIT TIES IN CONSULTIN NG: MANA AGEMENT T. Associate es/Senior As ssociates: These positio ons can be fi filled by M. man naging director. while str rategy consu ultants resea arch and dev velop strate egies for a attaining the e long-term goals of the e company. Travel is an nother impo ortant aspec ct of a manag gement con nsultant's pro ofessional li ife. Man nagement co onsultants te end to work k in teams of f three to four individua als with one e person assuming the lead dership role. Management consultants help clients s solve spec cific prob blems that a are usually f focused on the t short-ter rm.D.A A. mount of wo ork depend on the kind d of project t the consulta ants are work king on. 12 . vice pre esident to pa artner and/o or principal. .D. Wor rkweeks of b between fift fty to sevent ty-five hours s are not un nusual. or a managem ment consul ltant to devo ote an entire e career to o one company y. however. Profits s are derived d from fees s to clients. STRATE EGIC & DE EVELOPM MENT R NON-PR ROFIT ORG GANIZATI IONS FOR f the Field Description of nagement co onsultants are a professio onals who ar re trained to o solve prob blems. leadership and team skills developed from extracurricular activities.this is truly an evaluation of the applicant’s thought process and ability to analyze. all while being a team player. Apply to a consulting firm earlier rather than later in the academic year. The "case" interview is highly structured. and other specialty areas or with some specialized experience. The interviewee should be prepared to demonstrate quantitative skills and highlight leadership skills. Besides outstanding academic records. creative thinkers.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Most consulting firms tend to hire people with advanced degrees. firms want people who are problem solvers. business. Academic excellence. and alumni contacts can be very helpful when trying to get hired by a management consulting firm. such as law. and always keep in mind that personal. two to three rounds of interviews will be held. professional. and creativity through the stories and examples that he or she decides to discuss. Communication and interpersonal skills are paramount. and who have a keen understanding of and interest in business. Is the interviewee engaging and enthusiastic? Does he or she have the poise and sophistication to impress and persuade a client? The interviewers will be asking themselves whether or not they would feel comfortable having you present in front of a client. The "fit" interview is generally a discussion about the candidate's background and experience. The applicant will be presented with a business problem and asked to provide a strategy and possible solution in 20-25 minutes. This part of the interview process offers the applicant an opportunity to demonstrate important characteristics such as leadership. good communicators. The interviewer is looking to see how the applicant analyzes a problem and how he or she attempts to solve the problem. Interested candidates should inquire about each firm's deadlines and forward resumes and cover letters accordingly. 13 . and private sector experience derived from internships are important in the consideration process. The traditional time-line starts with information sessions in the early fall and interviews beginning as early as October and concluding as late as April. Depending on which firm a candidate is applying to. One interview will usually be a "fit" interview and the other a "case" interview. Recruitment teams are comprised of line staff from varying levels that rotate on and off recruitment duty. The first interviews are with one or two members of the recruitment team. innovation. Mock case interviews are strongly encouraged for Master’s degree candidates. The interviewer is not looking for technical expertise -. The following qualities are essential for consultants:          Excellent oral and written communication skills Strong analytical abilities (including quantitative methods) Attention to detail and deadlines Proven leadership capabilities High energy and enthusiasm Ability to work in teams Excitement about consulting Success on the “airplane test” — would a colleague want to sit next to you on a long overseas flight? Interpersonal skills Application and Interview Procedures The recruitment staff in the top management consultant firms play a major role in the application process. available through the Office of Career Services at Harvard College (617) 495-2595. . by Burgee Press.vau  Solve a Case: McKinsey and Company tips http://www. but also by the number of talented persons who decide to work in consulting. Future Challenges of the Profession The management consulting industry’s challenges reflect the challenges that are facing today’s leading businesses. to observe his/her thought process.asp  Booz Allen & Hamilton .org/  Bain & Co. The case question is designed to test a candidate’s ability to think logically.boozallen.aspx Sample Group of Employers  The Bridgespan Group . The consulting industry has continued to thrive over the past  Mercer .jpcanon. candidates should read:  The Ace Your Case series.  William Kent International and – ultimately – to determine if the candidate would be a good addition to the consulting firm.wkint. Specialized skills such as foreign language fluency and technical knowledge are increasingly important. and hypothesize logically and creatively. the relative cost of a management consultant rises. by Wet Feet Press .The Case Question The most important part of the interview is the case question.  LEK Consulting . regardless of the cyclical nature of the economy.http://www.lek. Canon Associates . it is essential to build contacts by contacting alumni from your school who are working with firms in which you are interested in order to build your networking infrastructure.P.http://www.  The Harvard College Guide to Case Questions.http://www. Consultants must be able to effectively synthesize large quantities of foreign data. When a client company's budget The growth of the industry will be driven not just by client demand.htm  Ernst & Young . the ability to approach problems from a global perspective will be useful.  McKinsey & Co. Also.bookStore$vault.bain. it is therefore essential for a successful firm or consultant to add noticeable value to their client’s operations and bottom line.bridgespan. (Carland & Farber).com/Browse/Ace-Your-Case/AceYour-Case%C2%AE--Consulting-Interviews.http://shop. to assess poise and communication skills under pressure. to determine tolerance for ambiguity and data overload.vault. published by the Wharton MBA Consulting Club.wetfeet. 14 .  Boston Consulting Group .  Vault Guide to the Case Interview  The Wharton MBA Case Interview Study Guide.  Case in Point: Complete Case Interview Preparation (2009). as the market becomes increasingly international.http://www.mercer. structure an approach to a given client issue.htm  Monitor Consulting .com  Deloitte .http://www.portlet. For more information on case studies. . Both big and small businesses are looking for new ways to increase profits and decrease  J. careerjournal. 15 .icmci. by Thomas J. Association of Management Consulting Firms.2005 U.http://www. Publications The Harvard Business Review publishes a pamphlet on management consulting firms. Operating Ratios for Management Consulting Firms -.htm  Vault “Consulting” .http://www. Waterman.http://www. In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America’s Best Run Companies. 2004.amcf. Collins.http://www. by Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. The Harvard Business School Guide to Careers in Management Consulting.Y. Peters and Robert H. 2001. New Internet Resources  Careers in Business .prsa. N.www.Resources for Additional Information Associations  Association of Management Consulting Firms .com  Wall Street “Career Journal” online .org/amcf/  Public Relations Society of America .www. (has salary information)  Wet Feet .org  International Council of Management Consulting Institutes (ICMCI) . Nationa al governme ents have e also starte ed building C CSR departm ments. and d the market tplace into c core busi iness strateg gies. thin nk tanks.C CAREER O OPPORTUN NITIES IN N CORPOR RATE SOCI IAL RESPO ONSIBILIT TY f the Field Description of orporate Soc cial Respons sibility” eme erged in the e 1990s as th he new big idea i in the b business wo orld and sinc ce “Co then n has develo oped into a f field with su ubstantial an nd diverse career oppor rtunities. blic Sector Pub The public sect tor CSR care eer options can be foun nd mainly in n national go overnment a agencies and d internation nal anizations.” “rep putation ma anagement. Both the World W Bank and World Bank B Institu ute have e their own initiatives in CSR. CSR i involves int tegrating the e issues of th he workplac ce. the G Global Com mpact.” ” or “environ nmental risk k. en nvironmenta al. com mpliance. Internationa ally. Th he term “cor rporate socia al resp ponsibility” (CSR) has b been coined d to define h how compan nies behave in social. inve estors who put p money in nto compan nies with exe emplary rec cords. corp porate governance and private sect tor developm ment. T Through the UN there is s the Interna ational Labo or Organiza ation. There are now n CSR po ositions in in nternational organizatio ons such as the t UN’s In nternational Labor orga Organization an nd the Worl ld Bank via the Busines ss Partners f for Develop pment progra am. The B British gove ernment has s even gone as far as in nstituting a Minister for r Corporate Social Resp ponsibility. firms that invest i in the future e or training g of their r employees s. CSR departments d s are often lo ocated in pla aces such h as the pub blic affairs/re elations. vate Sector Priv The first place t to find CSR R-related pos sitions is wi ithin compa anies. both th he UN and the t World B Bank have e become ve ery involved d in promoting CSR.” Opportunities are al lso appearin ng in the larg ge acco ounting and consulting firms. and d academic institutions s engaging in n learn ning and/or advocacy w within the C CSR arena. and some initiatives within t the UNDP. and the U UNDP. the D DFID and Fo oreign Offic ce in the UK K. many y of which a are trying to o compete w with the nich he CSR cons sulting firm ms and offe ering their ow wn CSR client services s. Care eer opportun nities in CSR reflect the diversity o of the field a and incorpo orate the priv vate. and emplo oyers intere ested in mutu ually benefi icial relation nships with local comm munities. public c. T These inclu ude groups such as the Business B for r Social 16 . and ethic cal cont texts. ind dustry assoc ciations. and non-p profit sect tors. The growt th of interes st in socially y responsibl le investing (SRI) has a also led t to opportun nities workin ng for comp panies which h screen firm ms on CSR i issues and produce p stoc ck indices an nd soci ially-conscio ous mutual funds. nprofit Secto or Non There are a wid de variety of f NGOs. often n in their int ternational developmen d nt branches such as USA AID in th he US. the comm munity. S SRI jobs can n be found e either within n larger investme ent houses or o in indepen ndent boutiq que firms. or legal divis sions and kn nown alterna atively as “h human right ts prog grams. Driving g this emerg ging field ar re the custom mers who ch hoose produ ucts with go ood reputatio on. As with w strategic c CSR cons sultancies. Responsibility. designing government policy. the large consulting and accounting firms are now offering their own CSR-related services. Job opportunities in CSR have expanded as a result. The spotlight is widening: companies as diverse as Hershey’s and Hewlett Packard are looking very carefully at their wider responsibilities. Ben and Jerry’s. footwear and apparel companies were forced to address the problem of sweatshops in their supply chains. This was in part due to the particular nature of their products. Alternatively. The demand for people with an interest or experience in the CSR field is growing quickly as communications improve and demand for increased transparency and accountability in the corporate sector increases. Following the growth in interest of CSR among these companies. and Stonyfield Farms. there is a large degree of movement. BP. both in socially responsible niche markets and in mainstream markets. These groups promote and examine the use of CSR concepts within the private and public spheres. recognition of the important positive role that the corporate sector can play in the communities it touches has encouraged companies themselves to become involved. and ExxonMobil were the earliest to address CSR issues and hire CSR professionals. Nike in particular was called out for their poor working conditions in developing countries and have now turned that crisis around through their CSR efforts and are ranked as one of the best examples of a corporate citizen. more developed in Europe than it is in the US. but eventually move into the public sector. one might go on to work for a niche consulting company providing CSR client services. Ernst and Young’s environmental and sustainability services. spurred on by governments and non-profit organizations. as they see the business benefits of CSR over adverse publicity. In addition. In the 1980s. Between these extremes are corporate positions and those within international institutions such as the World Bank and the UN. due to the considerable impact so many MNCs have on developing world communities. working in the compliance department of a firm such as Levi Strauss. 17 . Career paths are not predetermined. The governments of some countries require companies to assess and monitor their wider social. however. The large natural resource extraction companies such as Shell. especially compared to more structured career paths such as management consulting. One could start in big business. There is some debate. Demand Consumers are demanding more information on everything from where and how their goods are produced to the environmental record of the companies they invest in. Career Paths and Entry Salaries There is no such thing as a typical career path in CSR. although the American market is growing rapidly. KPMG’s sustainability and advisory services and social auditing services. and ethical performances. It should also be noted that the commitment to CSR and hence supply of related jobs is. at present. among CSR experts on the extent of customers’ CSR demands. In addition. and PwC’s reputation assurance practice. there are companies. environmental. which have put CSR performance at the center of their brand image. such as Timberland. Little’s environment and risk services. Entry salaries vary as much as career paths and could range from the lower end of working for a CSR non-profit to better remunerated positions working in the legal department of a corporation. These include Arthur D. Even the large development consulting companies such as Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI) whose clients are usually government agencies are getting involved. Both the Dow Jones and FTSE produce specialist indices to provide investors with information on which companies score highly on CSR-related concerns. Climate Counts and Ceres. org/  Ceres .com/corporate/ 18 .accountability.http://www.  Boston  Development Alternatives  The Corporate Citizenship Company .com/  Stanford University’s Center for Social Innovation Associations  Business for Social Responsibility (BSR)  International Business Leaders’ Forum (IBLF) . coursework.  Human Rights Business Institute (Denmark) .com/ Corporations  Exxon Mobil .strquality. it is important to demonstrate a long-term interest in the subject and to be conversant on the current CSR debates.http://www. Social Enterprise Initiative . transferable skills and knowledge are valued instead. The CSR community is still relatively small.http://www.  LUCITÀ .http://www. internships.http://www. For example. Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative  The Women's Network for a Sustainable Future (WNSF) .http://www. or a scientific degree or background required to work in environmental CSR.  WSP Group . Since the field itself is relatively new.http://www.wspgroup. or a variety of other activities.http://www.  Net Impact .hbs.http://www. direct experience in the sector is less important than it might be in other  Fresh Marketing . In addition to content knowledge.ceres.fsg-impact.  Kennedy School of  Harvard Business School. it can be much easier to network and become familiar with current issues than in more established MSCI ESG Research http://www.bsr. Interest can be shown through extra-curricular involvement in CSR societies and conferences (such as Net Impact).org/  Sustainability Recruiting by Ellen Weinreb .com/  Foundation Strategy Group .  SustainAbility .iblf. Center for Corporate Citizenship . Consultancies  AccountAbility .http://www.http://www. Berkeley’s Center for Responsible Business  PricewaterhouseCoopers .http://www. . Sample Group of Employers Academia and Research  University of  Alternative Consulting  STR Responsible Sourcing .netimpact.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field There are no prerequisite qualifications to enter this field. a law degree might be necessary for certain human rights amnesty.http://www.  The World Bank .com/ Nonprofits  Verite The Gap .org/   Amnesty International .com Timberland .jhtml Cisco Systems . Procter & Gamble (P&G) .gapinc.verite.calvertgroup.jsp Starbucks Coffee Company . There is certainly a backlash in some quarters: Nestlé withdrew some of its commitments and Nike has fought to defend some statements it made back in 1996 about its working Reebok International .com/ Home Depot . Despite these Polo Ralph Lauren Corp .acumenfund. .  Rainforest Alliance .            Hewlett Packard .http://www.  CSR Europe .com Future Challenges of the Profession Along with the increasing interest in and development of the field of CSR there are some challenges as Patagonia – Socially Responsible Investing  AccountAbility .  The Conservation Company .com/home/index. during an economic downturn.jsp International Organizations  The United Nations .org  Pax World Funds And like Human Resources and Marketing departments. GE .http://www. and to make standards more uniform and accepted in specific sectors.http://www. 19 .org Law Firms  Baker McKenzie . Like every emerging field.paxworld. Nike – http://www. and people with CSR-related skills and experience are therefore likely to be increasingly sought  Climate Counts – http://climatecounts. honoring CSR commitments are more difficult for some firms. there is also much work to be done to make the CSR field itself more rigorous. some people have tried to downplay its importance and labeled it a trend which may go out of  Ethical Investment Research Services (EIRIS)  Calvert Group .accountability.http://www.http://www. In addition. to find ways to gather qualitative and quantitative information more efficiently and easily.  Acumen Fund . the CSR movement has gained enough momentum such that it would be hard to reverse. org . as well as links to CSR job and internship listings at private and non-profit firms worldwide.cfm .  Idealist.http://www. 20 . and more.  CSR International: An Incubator for CSR 2. or .net . based) working in the field of corporate social responsibility http://www.Provides business information about corporate social. its job listings are from organizations’ member companies in the private. It provides CSR job listings in the US and Europe at private and non-profit financial.http://www.http://www.Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Association of Strategic Alliance Professionals .csrwire.cfm.csreurope.  Ethical Corporation . and environmental Users can search for jobs by .com) a listserv that circulates job postings in this field.  Net Impact .  Sustainability Recruiting by Ellen Weinreb .htm .http://www. state.  CSRwire .goodmoney.bcccc.http://www.  Good Money .ed. environmental issues.A corporate responsibility newswire service.  The University of Edinburgh: CSR Chicks is a network of professional women (  CSR Europe job postings in CSR.Job and internship listings in economic development.Helps companies achieve success and demonstrate respect for ethical values.0 Solutions . serves those who manage strategic alliances in the modern enterprise. the firm posts private-sector corporate responsibility job announcements on its website.  Boston College's Center for Corporate Citizenship .  Business Ethics Magazine .com/  Business for Social Responsibility .netimpact.http://www. . and public .html .A non-profit organization that helps companies combine corporate social responsibility and business practice. human .Students interested in CSR jobs can also subscribe to (csr-chickssubscribe@yahoogroups. social services.A useful list of links for CSR jobs.http://www.  CSR Hub – http://www.Provides investment handbooks on companies with socially responsible and/or (csr-blokes-subscribe@yahoogroups.  Oxford HR . 2006. 2004. by Shirley Sagawa. Saving the Corporate Soul and (Who Knows?) Maybe Your Own: Eight Principles for Creating and Preserving Wealth and Well-Being for You and Your Company Without Selling Out. 21 . by Gary Erickson. Corporate Social Responsibility as an International Strategy.A NYCbased forum for professionals working with corporate responsibility and sustainability issues to build a community based on 2008.oxfordhr. In Pursuit of the Common Good.0 and the New DNA of Business. Back Bay Books. by David Batstone. by Paul Newman and A. emergency relief.  3BL Media – Oxford University – A consultancy that helps agencies recruit for management and specialist posts in the areas of development aid.http://www. Wiley Press (2011) The Cathedral Within: Transforming Your Life by Giving Something Back. information and idea exchange. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas. by Paul Hawken. Hotchner.E. by David Bornstein.html . Talese. Harvard Business School Press. Shore. by Ira A. Physica-Verlag (2008) Corporate Social Responsibility: Doing the Most Good for Your Company and Your Cause by Philip Kotler and Nancy Lee.. 2003. by William H. 2004.startingbloc. Nan A.www. et al. Amory Lovins. 2008. Career Press.3blmedia. discussion. environmental conservation. Raising the Bar: Integrity and Passion in Life and Business: The Story of Clif Bar Inc. Common Good: Creating Value through Business and Social Sector Partnerships. Currency Publishers. Jossey-Bass. Jackson and Jane Nelson. Wiley Press (2004) Harvard Business Review on Corporate Social Responsibility. Profits with Principles: Seven Strategies for Delivering Value with Values.sustainabilitypractice. and ethical business.http://www. by Christina Keinert. Harvard Business School Press. Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution. et al. 2004. by Marc Benioff and Karen Southwick. 2000. Jossey-Bass. 2002. 2003.  Sustainability Practice Network (SPN) . by Wayne Visser. Random House.  Starting Bloc .com Publications Common Interest. Compassionate Capitalism: How Corporations Can Make Doing Good an Integral Part of Doing Well. The Age of Responsibility: CSR The Fortune at the Bottom of the Pyramid: Eradicating Poverty through Profits. What Matters Most: How a Small Group of Pioneers is Teaching Social Responsibility to Big Business. by C. and Why Big Business is Listening. 2009. by Jeffrey Hollender and Stephen Fenichell.K. Wharton School Publishing. 2006. 22 . Basic Books. Prahalad. region nal conflict and nationa al secu urity. an nd the envi ironment regulation can n increase competitiven ness. and d renewable e ener rgy technolo ogies. a and technol logy  Und derstanding n natural gas storage. Career path hs in regu ulatory analy ysis. natu ural gas and oil. T There is also o grow wing concer rn around th he relationsh hip between n acquiring e energy resou urces. exp perience. The f focus on der regulation an nd the priva atization of e energy has i increased th hroughout th he wor rld. Prof fessional wo ork in the en nergy indust try involves s:  Ana alyzing energy policy tr rends  Prog gram measu urement. eva aluating. cru ude oil and associated commoditie c es quiring or de eveloping po ower plants for the com mpetitive ma arket  Acq reer Paths Car Som me career pa aths in the en nergy field m may require e an enginee ering or business backg ground. eco onomics. An inter rnship also places an es ssential foot t in the door r that can he elp with emp ployment pr rospects and d advancem ment with hin energy c companies. and policy resea arch often d do not requir re a technical back kground. bu ut knowledg ge of the ene ergy field an nd an unders standing of finance. but many m oppo ortunities ex xist for thos se with a wid der scope of transferable skills. an nd training. e energy tradin ng. capital in nvestment. Multilat teral partner rships exam mining the im mpact on the e environme ent and sustainable dev velopment ha ave resu ulted in polic cy recomme endations an nd expanded d markets fo or renewable energy alt ternatives. 23 . behavi ior change. dev velopment.CAR REER OPPO ORTUNITIES IN EN NERGY Description of f the Field The energy indu ustry encom mpasses a va ariety of pro oducts and s services rela ated to the sa afe and relia able delivery y of ctricity. regulatory and a policy a analysis. eva aluation and d verification n  Exam mining poli icies and tre ends impacti ing energy m markets  Dev veloping. Knowl ledge of par rticular regio ons and lang guages can also be m marketable s skills in the energy field d. pro oduction and d transporta ation  Mar rketing and t trading physical and fin nancial ener rgy products s including natural gas. elec dem mand forecas sting. produ uct developm ment. policy m making. Gaining internship experience e t that is releva ant to the ar rea of interest prov vides exposu ure to techn nical aspects s while furth her developi ing analytical and comm munication skills. It exam mines issues s of energy procuremen p nt. . power. econom mic modelin ng. an nd operating g energy infr rastructure p projects  Mar rketing energy efficienc cy programs s  Dev veloping com mmunity ou utreach relate ed to projec cts or plants  Asse essing envir ronmental and a regulatory complian nce  Integ grating ener rgy management servic ces  Adv vocating new w approache es toward en nergy manag gement. and planning positions. economic and demand research. Graduates can still find growing opportunities in marketing. international energy policy formation. and arranging international collaboration between utilities or other energy entities. In research and consulting organizations that serve the federal government. Willingness to travel can be an advantage. Experience in one sector can lead to career opportunities in another. there is some demand for science and technology specialists. marketing. planning for transmission. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field  Excellent writing skills  Quantitative analysis 24 . Depending on the company’s market. tend to invest in the development of career employees and promote from within. management. gas companies and investor owned electric utilities. Other opportunities exist in consulting companies which typically advise foreign governments on establishing regulation. In the nonprofit sector. regulatory or policy analysis. which can range from local to global. knowledge of the regional customer segments and regulatory structures can be a very important asset for employers. Environmental impact and increased attention to energy conservation continue to provide new and challenging opportunities for graduates with an interest in technology and policy issues for private industry and governments. law. In the private sector there is also an increased focus on corporate responsibility as it relates to sustainable development. Demand The demand continues for candidates with business backgrounds as a result of consumer utility industry deregulation. Opportunities exist for recent graduates and other entry-level positions in areas such as economic. especially for those with expertise in alternative energy and technology transfer. public affairs. all professionals are expected to participate in a wider range of activities than what is true of large for-profit companies. Though private sector employers have tended to hire graduates with engineering or technical backgrounds. Due to their relatively small size. especially large oil. the environment. The career path within a federal government agency such as the Department of Energy will be similar to other policy positions in the government. A combined interest in energy. language abilities. and development is also a growing area for nonprofits and international organizations with programs or whole divisions examining implications for sustainable development. positions focus on general research of energy trends. With larger nonprofits as the exception. and business development. training. These firms frequently hire graduates to fill positions in regulatory relations. and restructuring distribution companies. including the occasional administrative task. Openings can also arise in strategic planning or external relations departments for candidates with congressional or federal experience. and a growing demand for current sources of energy from developing countries. policy analysis. product and service development. advancement often comes from moving to another organization. opportunities exist for graduates with experience in specific geographic regions. along with gaining specific experience in project or program management important for long-term career advancement.Private Sector Many private sector employers. advancements in alternative energy sources. Public and Nonprofit Sectors A person entering the public or nonprofit sectors as a research or policy assistant might expect to progress to analyst or technical consultant and eventually into project or program management. finance and energy procurement. org/  American Gas Association  Exxon Mobil .  Chevron Corporation .org  US Energy Association .com/  Nexant Energy Consulting .net/about.html ExxonMobil  Exelon Corporation .sustainabilitypractice.http://www.http://www3.  PACE Global Energy Services  PA Consulting Group . .aga.iie.  Alliance to Save Energy .org/Pages/default. D.asp /  Energy Security Analysis Inc.  Pepco (Washington.  Natural Resources Defense Council –  Shell  Con Edison (New York)  Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group .aspx/  Environmental Defense Fund –  Pacific Gas & Electric Company –  Institute of International Education .com/  Duke Energy .mirant.aspx  Natsource .php  Mirant .com/ Nonprofit Organizations  Academy for Educational Development .  International Resources Group  Evolution Markets .http://www.http://www.irgltd.aes.http://www.  Winrock International .org/  Edison Electric Institute .awea.winrock.http://www.http://www.paconsulting.http://www.C) .com/  Business Council for Sustainable Energy .esai.eei.coned.usea.  BP .http://www. 25 .com/  Southern California Edison – http://www.http://www.http://www.sce.  American Wind Energy Association .         Principles of energy and market regulation Background in regulatory economics Ability to collect and synthesize information Ability to write business plans Client management skills Understanding of policy process Specialized regional knowledge Language skills Engineering and/or private industry experience is a plus Sample Group of Employers Private Sector  AES http://www. com/  World Bank Energy Sector Management Assistance Program .eere. 26 .org/ Internet Resources  Energy Careers .  US Energy Association .  International Petroleum Industry Environmental Conservation Association (IPIECA)  International Energy Agency –  Sustainable Business.usea.http://www.aspx Vault Guide to the Top Energy & Oil/Gas  Energy & Power Career Guide .org  International Hydropower Association .com/  Europia. by Aman Singh Das.awea.  International Emissions Trading  US Department of Energy .org/energy/ Publications Plunkett’s Energy Industry Almanac.shtml  USAID . published annually Resources for Additional Information Energy Associations  American Petroleum Institute .energy.epa.  State Utility Commissions .http://www. 2009 http://www.html  Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy http://www1. Oil Marketing and Refining Industry .com http://www.epri.html  Environmental Career Opportunities .  Professional Energy Jobs .api.http://www.iaee.vault.bookStore$vault.http://www.http://www.  UNDP Energy for Sustainable Development .sustainablebusiness.  House Committee on Energy and Commerce .  Nuclear Energy Institute .  US Environmental Protection Agency .house.ieta.http://energycommerce.http://www.http://www.http://www.cfm  International Association for Energy Economics  European Commission on Energy Research  Gas Technology Institute .  Electric Power Research Institute .org/  American Wind Energy Association .gastechnology.consumeraction.hydropower.khake.usaid.ipieca. incl luding intern national env vironmental l policy. waste management m t cannot be addressed a w simply with land dfill policies s. nonprof fit and non-g government tal organiza ations. al governme ent is the lar rgest single employer in n the enviro onmental car reer world. wetla ands protect tion and res storation. but must i incorporate smart grow wth. In mu uch of the w world. security y. an nd the creation of marke ets to turn n waste into a useful com mmodity. envi ironmental e education an nd Care advo ocacy. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Entr ry level posi itions in international e environment tal policy ca an be found in governm ment. natural l resource management m t.S. and econ nomic strate egy along with w tradition nal environm mental fields of agricult ture. Population and economic g growth pressures are creating comp plex environ nmental pro oblems that directly d imp pact a of hu uman societ ty. recycling. basic environmen ntal manage ement such as water reso ources. is now all aspects expa anding to in ncorporate e education. Cha allenges for today’s inte ernational en nvironmenta al policy an nalysts inclu ude: controll ling global c climate chan nge. To oday’s envir ronmental m managers and d policy ma akers focused on p pollution pr revention an nd the integr ration of env vironmental l considerat tions into ec conomic and d are f soci ial decision making. private e industry. and helpin ng the priva ate sector fin nd ways to i incorporate environmen ntal conc cerns into business plan nning. in ncluding the e Forest Serv vice. and en ntrepreneuri ial developm ment in envi ironmental prod ducts and se ervices. an nd environm mental health h are also ve ery importan nt developm ments as economic pro ogress puts stress on ex xisting syste ems. emission n capture. Ove Earl ly efforts we ere targeted d at conserva ation and pr reservation. Fo ood and Dru ug 27 . en nvironmenta al policy ana alysts have tracked the general env vironmental movement. re egulatory co ompliance a and enforcem ment. ma any federal a agencies pur rsue interna ational envi ironmental a activities. eer-related a activities wi ithin this fie eld include p policy and scientific s res search. once the cutting edge of env vironmental issues. Fish an nd Wildlife Service. federa Env vironmental Protection Agency A is th he agency tr raditionally associated with enviro onmental policy develop pment in th he U. c creating env vironmental lly and econ nomically su ustainable d developmen nt. Sustainab ble develop pment. techn nical assistan nce to government agen ncies for pla anning and man nagement. For examp ple. eventually g growing int to the pollut tion regulati ion and mitigation f focus of the e 1970s thro ough the mid d-1990s. go overnance and a democra acy. W While the The U. poverty y reduction.CAREER OPPORTU UNITIES IN N ENV VIRONME ENTAL SUS STAINABI ILITY Description of f Field er the past 100 years.S. .. inter rnational or rganizations s. cons sidering env vironmental l regulations s in treaties and trade ag greements. regul latory and le egislative design. public heal lth. and resear rch. pollution abatem ment and co onservation. improve performance through waste reduction and energy efficiency. incorporate environmental concerns into business strategies. and social consequences of environmental policy decisions. Employment opportunities within nonprofit. or prior experience in a domestic setting that is transferable to an international issue. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field In most cases a graduate degree is essential for success in the international environmental field. International organizations also hire contractors through personal and professional connections. Programs in public policy. According to a survey by the Environmental Careers Organization.Administration. such as with the Peace Corps. Nonprofit organizations look for staff with management. environmental management. Traditional businesses seek qualified managers to work in environmental compliance programs. networking is therefore important to determine the appropriate contractors for specific policy areas. Expertise in regional politics and economics are helpful in understanding the economic. and fundraising skills. Environmental consulting firms provide technical assistance to both domestic and foreign government agencies as they work on environmental problems and solutions. Some institutions offer joint degrees. In addition to educational credentials. allowing students to get skills in both policy analysis and environmental science. nonprofit boards are showing more willingness to reward hard work with increased compensation in order to maintain organizational stability.the largest environmental nonprofit group. jobs in the field are very competitive as many students are interested in international environmental careers. While starting salaries are not unusually high. public health. While salaries are sometimes lower in nonprofits than in government or private organizations. a demonstrated commitment to environmental issues is critical to success in this field. analytical. An environmental science or water engineering background is also valuable in those positions in which specialized knowledge is important. non-governmental. Coursework in nonprofit management or social entrepreneurship is important for a career in nonprofit and nongovernmental organizations. Demand While the need for understanding global environmental issues is great. 28 . and the State Department. shown through both volunteer and paid experiences. and approximately half of those employees are with The Nature Conservancy . the 30 best-known environmental nonprofit organizations employ less than 5. or law can provide some of the necessary skills. international relations. passion and commitment will not be sufficient for a career in environmental advocacy. like rural water distribution. Even nonprofit and non-governmental organizations receive a glut of applications for program positions. and international organizations are highly competitive and not as numerous as within the other sectors mentioned. political.000 employees. Prior international experience. USAID. The private sector has both traditional businesses and consulting firms involved with environmental sustainability. Positions in the federal government are being privatized to increase flexibility. is critical to a successful career search. They need both administrative managers to write and manage the contract proposals and technical experts to provide the research for various tasks in an awarded contract. One program that provides entry into the federal government and work with such agencies is the Presidential Management Fellowship. income is often complemented with supplements for staff that regularly travel overseas. Starting as a contract employee with a consulting firm might provide an entry point into environmental consulting. While these experiences also provide essential networking opportunities. and develop sustainable strategies. communications. Multidisciplinary education and experience are also important for international environmental  North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation .cec. Nonprofit and Non-Governmental Organizations  Audubon International .  Friends of the Earth .iied. In  Environmental Resources Management  Development  World Resources Institute .icfconsulting.foe.wri.http://www. foreign language skills and overseas field experience are desirable to potential  The Nature Conservancy  ICF Consulting Group.http://www.http://www.http://www.http://www.  United Nations Environment Program . The ability to incorporate other disciplines into the solutions for environmental problems is International Organizations  European Union .http://www. negotiation.http://www.  United Nations Development Program  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development . 29 .  Worldwide Fund for Nature .http://www. Sample Group of Employers Private Sector  Chemonics International.undp.http://www.http://europa. Inc. Inc.  International Institute of Environment and Development .org  Conservation International .org  World Trade Organization . the ability to translate science into policy will be highly  United Nations Industrial Development Organization .oecd.wto. GIS and information technology skills are also valuable.unido.iisd.  World Conservation Union . http://www.  World Bank Group .org  International Institute for Sustainable Development .org/  World Wildlife Fund .org  Research Triangle Institute . as most jobs will require more than one type of skill. As in all international careers.http://www.panda.audubonintl.http://nature.dai.http://www.http://www. organizations such as the World Bank require a second language.  Natural Resources Defense Council . and management.iucn.http://www. The field has now expanded beyond strictly environmental issues to also include economics.conservation. Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs  Environmental Grantmakers Association  Green Dream Jobs .http://www. Federal Government  Agency for International Development .gov  Forest Service .org 30 .http://www.state. creating and enforcing those agreements will be a key to the success of future  Department of Defense  Department of Energy .com  EnvironmentalCareer.http://energycommerce.php  Environmental Careers Organization .internationaljobs. Food and Drug Administration –  The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe .http://www.usaid.S.  Defense Environmental Network and Information Exchange – https://www.  Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources . Many environmental problems will require multilateral  OneWorld .gov/  Foreign Agricultural Service .house.  Environmental Organization Web Directory .oneworld.http://www.http://www.ega.www.fed.senate.environmentalcareer. Nutrition and Forestry .gov/oia/homepage.epa. environmental issues have become more integrated into the thinking of all development issues.fda. .gov/environment/  Department of Agriculture .org  Environmental Career Opportunities .http://www.  SustainUs  Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works .http://www.devnetjobs. Taking that awareness and translating it into global action is the next  Idealist .gov/intl/  Fish and Wildlife Service .  House Committee on Resources .  International Career Employment Weekly .gov/g/oes/  Environmental Protection Agency Office of International Affairs .com  Environmental Yellow Pages .osd. Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  DevNetJobs.http://www.htm  Department of the Interior International Affairs .usda.http://www.rec.http://epw. Future Challenges of the Profession Through the hard work of many dedicated individuals.senate.doi.doe.  Green Directory  Senate Committee on  Department of State.sustainus.http://www.idealist.http://www.senate.  House Committee on Energy and Commerce .  Department of Health and Human particularly in countries where local officials are not accustomed to taking the lead in solving environmental problems. Conservation Directory 2004: The Guide to Worldwide Environmental Organizations. The ECO Guide to Careers that Make a Difference..Publications Careers in the Environment (VGM Professional Careers Series). by National Wildlife Federation. 2007. 2010. McGrawHill/Contemporary Books. 2004 Saving the Earth as a Career: Advice on Becoming a Conservation Professional by Malcolm L. McGraw-Hill. Great Jobs for Environmental Studies Majors (Great Jobs Series) by Julie DeGalan. and Aram Calhoun. The Environmental Careers Organization. 2004. Hunter Jr. 2008. David Lindenmayer. Wiley-Blackwell. by Giselle Weybrecht. Island Press. 3rd Edition. 2007. by Michael Fasulo and Paul Walker. 31 . 2nd Edition. The Sustainable MBA: The Manager’s Guide to Green Business. Wiley. an indiv vidual. i institutions. M Medecins S Sans Frontie eres. to hu undreds of s smaller foun ndations. individuals. this w was a 61 pe ercent increa ase from 10 0 years earli ier. MacArthu ur.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES S IN FOUND DATIONS scription of the Fie eld Des A fo oundation is s a non-gov vernmental entity that is i establishe ed as a non n-profit corp poration or a charitable e trust. or individu uals for scie entific. In 2009. each with annua al budgets e exceeding $ $500 million n.9 billion b in 20 009. or othe er charitable e purposes. In contrast. there Acc were e nearly 75. . a g grant-makin ng public ch harity (some etimes referred to as a "public fou undation") derives d its s support from m diverse so ources. Foundat tion giving was $42. and Hew wlett founda ations. 32 . with ar round 88 pe ercent of fou undations gi iving contrib buting to development d t causes wo orldwide. cul ltural. or a corporatio on. fro om “mega-c charities” su uch as the G Gates. whi ich may inc clude founda ations. Gr rowth in ‘pr rivate aid’ is i seen at al ll levels. Oxfam.595 grant-m making foun ndations in t the United S States. nsnational nongovernm n mental organ nizations such as CARE E. and d governmen nt agencies (Foundation Center). Ford d. cording to th he Foundatio on Center th he United States S is the largest sour rce of found dations givin ng. This s (broad) de efinition of f foundation encompasse es two foun ndation types: private fo oundations a and grant-m making publ lic charities s. educ cational. and Sa ave the Tran Chil ldren. An exam mple of a private found dation is the e Ford Foun ndation. distribute e more deve elopment ai id than the entire Unit ted Nations system. religi ious. Rockefeller. with h a principa al purpose o of making grants g to unr related orga anizations. A private e foundation n derives it ts money fr rom a family. Qualifications needed to enter the field may vary depending on the position and/or position level that is advertised. and eventually making a switch to either the Management career track or the Technical Specialist career track.D. Small foundations might have a more fluid organizational structure. they should consider the option of starting as a program associate. however. and a graduate degree (either at Masters or Ph. rationalize their career paths to make career options in foundations more attractive to international professionals and. be creative thinkers. people who go into foundation work must be able to write clearly and succinctly. For those who intend to enter the career foundation path at the beginning of their careers. In general. particularly to mid-career professionals who might be interesting in a career change. 33 . with less well-defined boundaries between career tracks and/or job descriptions/titles and/or tasks. They should be comfortable with making qualitative judgments. Other qualifications include field experience. have a global perspective on ideas and issues. and the career paths of their employees might be equally fluid. over the past decade the majority of the (large) foundations has undergone significant restructuring to systematize their programs and portfolios. fluency in foreign languages.Career Paths and Entry Salaries Career paths in foundations might not be as standardized as those in other fields. and master critical analysis. and/or prior to having acquired significant work experience. level). and diplomacy both individually and as part of a complex team involve leading the planning and operational aspects of the foundations. and implement large-scale.Management Track The ‘management track’ refers to career opportunities in foundations pertaining to the management of the foundations’ portfolios programs. ability to establish and sustain relationships with media leaders. these duties are part of the day-to-day operations conducted to run the foundations. and management. and in particular large ones. Technical/Specialist Track Positions in the technical/specialist track vary depending on the sector and specialty for which foundations are advertising openings. develop. self-starter and flexibility to work in fast-paced and changing environment. complex grant making and programs from the ground-up. and ability to build long-term relationships to ensure the financial sustainability of foundations programs and initiatives. portfolio management. including oversight of strategic and financial planning and reporting. and understanding of the media business. Suitable candidates for these positions have had several relevant jobs (generally between three and five). and have changed their occupational area at least once before entering the foundation field. and attending board meetings. efficiency. strong analytic skills and the ability to think strategically and programmatically. however. design. strategic development or other related field. Qualifications for these positions generally include: ability to build. Qualifications for these types of jobs include: experience in. demonstrated ability to work with flexibility. iii) Program Officers Level . process improvement and supervision. Requirements for these type of positions generally include: 6-8 years of professional experience in program development. iv) Communications Officer/Strategist – jobs involve helping drive the social media and online marketing strategy for foundation. The management track is generally split into various sub-tracks: i) CEO Level ii) Director/Executive Director Level . consulting. have a dedicated a career track that focus exclusively on fund-raising and business development. generally with an emphasis on substantial increased engagement within the social media sphere. ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously in a demanding and fast-paced environment. Business Development Track involve duties that may resemble those of the directors’ level. providing advice and guidance to grantees. ability to identify and explore the latest developments and innovations in the media space. and ability to travel. Candidates for these types of jobs should be familiar with identifying critical priorities for foundation work with individual companies or across individual or multiple stakeholders. Professional experience acquired before the application to a particular foundation job needs to be immediately relevant to the technical field to which the candidate is applying. including digital and traditional media. 34 . the Aga Khan Development George Gund Foundation .org/ Kellogg Foundation .http://www. have made an effort to increase transparency regarding their. assignment travel. entry-level salaries for candidates with a graduate William and Flora Hewlett Foundation .http://www. and in general the foundation sector.commonwealthfund. with many foundations preferring to hire referred-only candidates. however.hewlett. over the past five.freemanfoundation. and vacation days etc. recruitment practices tend to remain opaque.http://www. fringe benefits vary depending on the size of the foundation.000 .http://www. These constraints make entering and/or transferring into the foundations field relatively complex and laborious.000 gross plus benefits. almost regardless of where the position is located.100. (Ref to existing information from the Clinton Global Initiative. and the Ford Foundation --.wkkf.clintonfoundation. Demand Professional opportunities in the foundation field are not years large foundations – i. the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Publicly available information regarding salary structures and scales remain scarce. these opportunities are not always and/or generally openly Annie E.http://www. range between US$ 70. home leave.http://www. and one to three years of experience. Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation .aecf. and often tied to funding availability. while connections made through fund raising.e. Arthur Vining Davis Foundations . the Gates Foundation. or connecting with a mentor (including professors and alumni) who may serve as a consultant to the foundation or on the board. Knowing someone on the staff or board.http://www.gundfdn. or serving on a committee that reviews proposals can also provide a way into the foundation world. Fringe benefits for local hires are based on the local labor laws of that Freeman Foundation . International staff are eligible for the basic benefits related to Medical/Dental and Life Insurance. Ford Foundation . Volunteers or community activists who have been grantees of the foundation may become known to the foundation staff. and eligibility for them is dependent on the employment Commonwealth Fund .Salaries Salaries in the foundations field vary widely depending on job levels. and type and size of the foundations.gatesfoundation.wkkf.avdf. however. Foundations provide fringe benefits in addition to the base salary.fordfoundation. International SOS Insurance. Kettering Foundation . consulting. Casey Foundation .http://www. Sample Group of Employers               Aga Khan Development Network .org/ Google Foundation .org/ Carnegie Corporation of New York .org/ 35 .http://www. salary scales and structures. are all helpful ways in which to break into the field. completing an internship or project with a Clinton Foundation . (Anecdotal evidence available suggests that).http://www. and the Rockefeller Foundation). private donors need to intensify efforts to better gauge their own effectiveness.http://www. Starr Foundation .org/ Rockefeller Foundation . which include foundations. and the poor they claim to serve. private aid programs mix several objectives – providing fair wages. with new delivery mechanisms and new players becoming important parts of the aid system. Sloan Foundation . Official funding is increasingly being channeled through specialized agencies and/or not-for profit organizations dedicated to particular Open Society Institute and Soros Foundation Network-New York . changing mindsets – in a way that reflects the preferences (and zeal) of their founders. and local governments. and Catherine T. This may be Andrew Mott Foundation .org Future Challenges of the Profession As foundations are asked to take on many of the tasks formerly assumed by federal. instead of through traditional agencies.starrfoundation. the focus of private donors must shift to programs that can be replicated and enlarged.http://www. Mellon Foundation . and define regulations that force a certain degree of transparency. The history of private global philanthropy is filled with plenty of ‘success stories’ with little follow-up.tonyblairfaithfoundation.rbf.http://www.mellon.http:// www. minimizing environmental impacts.hluce. as well as individual David and Lucille Packard Foundation . This is particularly true for the field of development. The availability of resources would be less of a constraint for private-aid givers if they could demonstrate their ability to reduce poverty and improve public services for the poor.macfound.moore.http://www.tcf.aspx Pew Charitable Trust .                Henry Luce Foundation .http://www.http://www.mott.http://www. Information. where the nature of development assistance is changing rapidly.moibrahimfoundation. trade associations and other bodies monitor market Robert Wood Johnson Foundation .org/home. and planning are becoming harder as more players deliver aid. NGOs and other Tony Blair Faith Foundation . government.sloan.pewtrusts. That is the minimum level of accountability they owe the countries in which they operate. 36 .rockefellerfoundation. In well-functioning markets.soros. state.rwjf. As a result.http://www. MacArthur Foundation . foundations may need to consider creative ventures and risk-taking in cooperation or partnership with other Alfred P.http://www. Traditional donors have long claimed that they can ‘scale up’ programs more effectively than private-aid Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation . Rockefeller Brothers Fund .packard.http://www.http://www. The Century Foundation .www. A raft of new players has emerged from the private sector.http://www. In addition. John D. set standards. but it often produces short-term projects. and nonprofit Mo Ibrahim Foundation . Private-aid givers need to do more to provide good statistical data on their activities so as to permit others to identify key gaps and overlaps. they are likely to struggle with the greater demands on their resources. but this is because they have been entrusted with far more resources. coordination. http://www.handsnet.idealist.http://philanthropy.http://fconline. http://www. A membership organization for donors. 16th  Council on Foundations. trustees. New York NY 10003.Resources for Additional Information Associations  Association of Small  HandsNet .org/  The Foundation  National Council of Nonprofit Organizations  Nonprofit Oyster  Nonprofit Professionals Advisory Group   Independent Sector . The Europa International Foundation Directory 2010: 13thEdition by Routledge.  The Chronicle of Philanthropy . 37 .http://www. The NonProfit Times Philanthropy News Network The Foundation Directory.foundationcenter.http://www. Phone: (212) 620-4230 or (800) 424-9836.smallfoundations. Internet Resources  Association of Small Foundations . Web address:  Foundations On-Line .smallfoundations. The Foundation Center  Idealist Nonprofit . 79 Fifth Ave.  Opportunity Knocks  Orion Grassroots Network  Professionals for Nonprofits Publications Chronicle of Philanthropy: The nonprofit news source . A nonprofit membership association of grant-making foundations and corporations with a mission to promote responsible and effective philanthropy by assisting existing and future grant-makers. and employees of consultants of foundations with a mission to enhance the power of small foundations.cof. ethnicity an nd cultu ure.CAREER OPPORTU UNITIES IN GLOBA AL HEALTH H Description of f the Field Glob bal Health r relates to he ealth issues and a concern ns that transcend nation nal borders. or wor rking towards the finan ncial sustain nability of a project. Coop peration acr ross countrie es is essenti ial to addr ressing thos se health pro oblems that transcend b borders. and a focu us on a spec cific health-related topi ic. and tracking budget ts and finan nces. skills in pro oblem solv ving and ma anagement. politic cal economy y and soci iology.wikip pedia. It is s difficult to o obtain idea al jobs in hi igh-impact a areas withou ut at least fiv ve years of experience or mor re. (http p://en. it focuse es on determ minants and distribution d of health in n inter rnational co ontexts. It refer rs to health problems th hat are best addr ressed by co ooperative a actions and s solutions— —solutions th hat involve more m than on ne country. class. economic cs. countries can learn fr rom one ano other’s expe eriences. work pla ans and bud dgets to furth her a researc ch and/or im mplementati ion agenda. a cand didate needs s at least a graduate g deg gree in a rela ated field. populatio on. From m different d disciplinary y perspective es. This includes h helping othe er countries address thei ir part ticular health h care crises s. A pers son intereste ed in this wo ork needs to o have: expe erience man naging peop ple. Because global heal lth problems s can move across natio onal borders s. hosting governm ment relation ues/global-h health/matte ers/) Car reer Paths a and Necessa ary Qualifi ications Poli icy careers i in global hea alth are foun nd where re esearch. mana aging progra ams. tech hnology. epidemio iki/Global_h health) Glob bal health re efers to heal lth problem ms that transc cend nationa al borders— —problems s such as infec ctious and in nsectborn ne diseases t that can spr read from on ne country to t another. The ter rm stresses the common nality of health issues a and which r require a col llective (par rtnership-ba ased) actio on. S/he w writes repo orts and may y make tech hnical decisi ions. health or n nutrition. o or supplemen nting your r related degr ree with som me health-rel ework and p practical expe erience. (http://ww ww. To g gain an entry y-level posi ition. Jobs in th he areas in w which one w wants to focu us.o org/Pages/Gl lobalvsInt. bot th in how w diseases sp pread and in n how they c can be treate ed and contr rolled. so o it’s worth c considering getting a de egree in glo obal or lated course publ lic health. such a as managing g staff. e experience living l overs seas. resources. (http://g globalhealtheducation.families susa. gram manag gers in globa al health are e usually ba ased in-coun ntry and ove ersee the day y-to-day ope erations of a Prog prog gram. Other t types of more advanced d wor rk might include runnin ng the missio on activities s of a small or large org ganization. government an nd society intersect. A recent graduate g wi ill likel ly start out by b backstop pping a miss sion and sup pporting cou untry progra ams. race. program m developm ment. a are a good p place to start t. or region n. a couple yea ars of field d experience e. 38 . It I also includ des health p problems tha at are of suc ch mag gnitude that they have a global poli itical and ec conomic imp pact. whether r health-relat ted or not.a aspx) It is a research fie eld at the in ntersection o of med dical and soc cial science disciplines-including d demography y. and competence in n at least tw wo languages s. p providing te echnical expe ertise. Ma any posi itions requir re a degree in i medicine e. and assisting in writing proposals. USAID tends to contract with other agencies than hire people directly due to structural constraints on hiring. visiting programs during implementation to track progress.or short-term assignments. 2) Emergency relief and rehabilitation (MSF or ICRC.: John Snow. economics and social or behavioral sciences. monitoring and evaluation.Technical advisors help create programs by drafting proposals and developing program designs. (source: http://news. These organizations offer fewer internship opportunities than others. reproductive and child health. working from a design created by a technical expert and translating it into non-expert language.: CDC. monitoring and evaluating programs. such as research assistant. including implementation science.g. governmental agencies and policy groups. For both categories.: World Bank.  Faith-Based Organizations (e. WVI) 39 . specialization in a particular subject or practice. Contract work is a good way to get your foot in the door. and an ability to coordinate communications and managing business activities. UNICEF) Qualifications: A postgraduate degree in public health. but doesn’t need expertise in the topic. business. full-time positions to work on long.change. or training and Types of Organizations to Work For  International. economics and social or behavioral sciences is helpful. DHHS. teaching and research experience. The American Academy of Family Physicians and the American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene compile lists of international positions. often require specialization in a policy or a technical field. familiarity with a specific population or subject matter. such as HIV/AIDS. Program developers and proposal managers write proposals and applications for funding. USAID. Some have an employee nationality quota. Opportunities depend on funding. think tanks. or research analyst. business.g. WHO. Entry-level positions. logistics and supply chains. embassies) Qualifications: a postgraduate degree in public health. research organizations. To secure such a position. which can make finding a position as a US citizen difficult due to overrepresentation. program assistant. These organizations offer more internships and entry-level positions. and experience working across cultures. it is helpful to have: strong writing and communication skills to persuasively convey technical aspects to a mixed audience of experts and non-specialists.: Church World Service. Medical staff are often hired on a short-term. for example) to assist with humanitarian disasters. an understanding of the technical concepts of the project. FHI360) These organizations have been growing rapidly as governments have been using more contractors to provide both expertise and manpower.  Not-for-Profit Non-Governmental Service Organizations There are 2 categories: 1) Specialized service providers filling specific medical needs. but also to deal with the bureaucracy and inefficiencies of working at such a large organization.  Academic Institutions Offers job security.g.  For-Profit and Not-for-Profit Consultant Organizations (e.g. Other types of work in global health include research positions at academic institutions. grant writing and fundraising skills. permanent positions are mostly for those working on policy and operations. basis. including management. as-need. S/he needs to have enough knowledge of the subject to write about it. finance and accounting. and include travel. A technical advisor usually has: a medical or public health degree. The salaries are higher and expect to travel quite a bit. malaria.  Bilateral Governmental Organizations (e. They offer generally well-paid. or Multilateral Organizations (e. org/  American Refugee Committee . and deficits. policies. There is an upward trend in sending funding directly to countries in need. monitoring. However.For many. Asia. and cancer research. rather than an emergency. or the  Partners in Health .doctorswithoutborders. there has been a downward trend in funding for global health projects and initiatives. malaria prevention. with the exception of short-term contractors.aspx  Global Health Council . HIV/AIDS awareness.concernusa.globalhealth.http://www. they expect their staff to be member of the faith. Future Challenges of the Profession Much like the evolving nature of the viruses they confront. such as USAID’s Family Planning/HIV Integration  CEDPA .org/  Save the Children .http://www.http://www. The recent financial crisis. the future challenges in global health are difficult to predict. Demand The demand for qualified individuals is on the rise especially in impoverished countries in Africa. professionals.  CONCERN Worldwide US Inc.http://www. The HIV crisis has been a huge challenge that has been going on for a number of years and as it transitions to a chronic issue. Pay is often lower and most initiatives center on relief or clinical work.pih.http://www.http://www. and the Middle East.http://www.  Gates Foundation .projecthope. and may administer fiscal resources for health education programs. and environments. Sample Group of Employers  Africare . The ability to work on certain issues depends on funding trends and availability.christianchildrensfund. there will always be a need for outside agencies due to the periodic mismanagement of funds by less stable 40 .org/  American Red Cross International .http://www. and control are on the top of everyone’s lists along with avian flu. rather than through outside agencies which are seeing less support for their work. public health professionals must collect and analyze data to identify community needs prior to planning.redcross.gatesfoundation. New programs and initiatives are constantly being created through various organizations.http://www.http://www. whether it is to start vision testing or an HIV/AIDS prevention program. makes sending money overseas easy to criticize. Destitution and malnutrition are also chronic challenges in the areas where these fields are most needed. the international demand for public health professionals is ever-present and will not diminish. implementing. The integration of various types of health programs is gaining maintain. much of the HIV landscape will start to dismantle and funding will become issue. Also.  Project HOPE . (Source:  Mercy Corps .mercycorps. and evaluating programs designed to encourage healthy lifestyles.  Christian Children’s Fund .org/  CARE . prevention.  Bread for the World .org/  Doctors Without Borders . There is a need to and improve individual and community health by assisting those populations in adopting healthy behaviors. This research may serve as a resource for other individuals. Overall. by Ruth Levine. UNAIDS . Jones & Bartlett Publishers. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 2005.cgdev. Org: http://www.usaid.  Center for Global Health Policy: http://www.http://globalhealth.http://www.  101 Careers in Public Health.  Finding Work in Global Health.http://www. Global Health Policy .int/en/ Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Public Health Association .aspx  Families USA:  Kaiser Family Foundation. 2007.  Center for Strategic & International Studies: http://csis.whatispublichealth. by Richard Skolnik.  Public Health: Career Choices That Make a Difference. Bernard  Washington Global Health Alliance: http://www. Springer Publishing Company. 41 .  Essentials of Global Health./  Foreign Policy Association . by Beth  What is Public Health? http://www.  World Health Organization (WHO) . MD MPH. by Garth Osborn & Patricia Ohmans.http://www. 2010. US Global Health Policy . Jones & Bartlett  Center for Disease Control and Prevention .wghalliance. Internet Resources  International Nutrition Foundation: http://www. Publications  Case Studies in Global Health. Health Advocates  Explore Health  Duke Global Health Institute:  Center for Global  The American Society for Nutrition . 2006. a co ompany wit th internatio onal trade co oncerns. One possible career r path may in nclude start ting a resear rch assistant t. bo oth internati ional and do omestic. legislation n. mand Dem The lobbying in ndustry is hi ighly compe etitive. and d research assistant or associate. gradua ates will typically be egin in the r research are ea or in roles s that suppo ort more sen nior staff. without su uch experie ence. . with that pers son eventual lly become an analyst o or manager w within a lob bbying organ nization. This i is done through the LDA L (Lobb bying Disclo osure Act) a and FARA (Foreign Ag gents Registr ration Act). pical entry-le evel job title es include is ssues analys st. an nd then mov ving to work k for the s staff of an e elected offic cial or gover rnment agen ncy. as the ese position ns are influen nced by the ebb and flo ow of politic cs and the cu urrent opportunities avai ilable in the governmen nt. AND CA AMPAIGN NING Description of f Field Gov vernment rel lations. also o known as lobbying. tha at draws peo ople to the fi ield. som metimes kno own as the “ “revolving d door. Mov ving in and out of gove ernment. indu ustries. interest t groups. There are few perman nently estab blished caree er paths in lobb bying. DC C. respon nsible for in nfluencing th he Congress sional Branc ch on legislative affairs. Governm ment. spec cific compan nies. People may y simply rep present them mselves on stated issues s as well. L LOBBYING. or negot tiations on b behalf of gov vernments. regulation ns. There is a w wide range o of issues. Their activi ities involve e monitoring g legislative e and exec cutive activi ities to influ uence policy y. with hout experie ence or conta acts graduat tes must be willing to s start at e level. a Typ Sala aries vary ba ased on experience and d professiona al contacts. lobbying g is regulated d by law.” usual lly increases s a person’s mar rketability in n both the pu ublic and pr rivate sector r. or a an advocacy y group wor rking on hum man 42 . the entry A fo oreign gover rnment. or governm mental agen ncies. In Was shington. La ast. reer Paths Car Mos st of those s seeking care eers in lobby ying begin w with volunte eer work on political ca ampaigns for r elected pu ublic offic cials. or r constituenc cies.S. research analyst. In addition. there is a subdivisio on cons with hin the Exec cutive Branc ch Legislativ ve Offices t that represen nts various d departments s and agencies of the Executive Bran nch of the U U. keeping in mind that private secto or companies typically pay more m than no on-profit and d public inte erest organiz zations. St tate Houses s. or in l legislative st taffs on Cap pitol Hill. l co onsists of in ndividuals an nd organiza ations engag ged in promo oting the i interests of their emplo oyers or clien nts to the go overnment. gra aduates can often o move into the mid d-level of or rganizations s.CA AREER OP PPORTUNI ITIES IN GOVERNM G MENT REL LATIONS. calling for the disclosu ure by lobby yists of orga anizations o or clients tha at they repre esent. lob bbying may also be carr ried out by PACs P (Political Action Committees) that repre esent specifi fic stituencies. After acquiring su uch expe erience. Public Interest Organizations  Children’s Defense Fund .rights may all call for representation by a  Patton Boggs LLP .com/ Law Firms  Arnold & Porter LLP . Political Parties  Democratic National Committee .http://www.edelman.nfib. high energy.childrensdefense.burson-marsteller. law firms.pattonboggs. they also provide information to elected officials and staff that may be useful in the decision process.bradycampaign. political action committees. are essential as well.citizen. as is the ability to compromise. corporate lobbying agents. trade and professional Future Challenges of the Profession As issues facing government become more numerous and  The Brady Campaign .com/  Edelman Public Relations . Vacancies are rarely posted since many positions are filled by networking and referral. Employers consist of public relations consultants.http://www. A graduate degree in law or in public affairs/public policy is often helpful for advancement in the field.http://www.http://www.democrats. In addition. internships. and a willingness to work long hours are also important.http://www.http://www. . Sample Group of Employers According to the Washington Post. flexibility. Students interested in lobbying careers must network and should consider volunteering on political campaigns or interning with a government agency.http://www. both written and oral. excellent people Strong communications  Republican National Committee . and experience in analyzing issues and understanding government processes can be  Weber Shandwick Worldwide . lobbyists increasingly become more important and  Public Citizen .webershandwick.http://www.http://www.arnoldporter. While lobbyists serve as advocates for the interests of their employers or clients. The contacts developed through volunteer Trade & Professional Organizations  National Federation of Independent Business Inc. Qualifications Necessary to Enter Field Government experience is a highly regarded qualification. Those seeking to work in government relations must also have a comprehensive understanding of organizational structure and legislative procedures. the number of registered lobbyists in Washington has more than doubled since 2000 to more than 34. 43 . public interest organizations. A sample listing follows: Public Relations Consultants  Burson-Marsteller . and political parties.http://www. Sheridan.clpi. Columbia Books in  Center for Policy Alternatives . Washington Representatives: Fall 2009. but lobbying at the state level as well as lobbying foreign governments and agencies is growing. Sheridan.http://www. 44 Publications National Trade and Professional Associations of the United  Center for Lobbying in the Public Interest .http://www. 2009. et al.  Political Advocacy Groups http://www. et al..wsu. by Valerie S. Internet Resources  The Advocacy Institute .stateaction.vancouver. 2009.A directory of United States Lobbyists  Yahoo Directory of Government Lobbying Firms http://dir. Columbia Books Inc. Resources for Additional Information Associations  American League of Lobbyists (ALL) . It should be noted that currently regulations restrict the lobbying activities of former US government officials. DC is the most visible.advocacyinstitute. by Valerie . C CAREER O OPPORTUN NITIES IN HUMAN R RESOURC CES Description of f the Field Every organizat tion wants t to attract. enhancing prod ductivity and quality of f work. an nd monitors s performanc ce evaluatio on programs s. Human n resources. and hiri ing new staf ff in acco ordance with h policies es stablished b by top mana agement. human res sources prof fessionals performed th he administr rative function of an orga anization. How wever. compensa ation. and d retain the most m qualifi ied employe ees and matc ch them to j jobs which they are best suit ted. training and who deve elopment. Traini ing is widely y accepted as a a method d of improving employee moral le. obje ectives. and b building loy yalty to the firm. Although some jobs in the huma an resources s field requir re only limi ited cont tact with people outside e the human n resources o office. Today's human n resources professiona als manage t these cutives rega task ks. in ge eneral a hum man resource es generalist t will admin nister variou us human re esources plan ns and proc cedures for a all personne el. Hum man Resour rces Genera alist The responsibil lities of hum man resource es generalis sts can vary widely. 2012). pre epares and m maintains em mployee han ndbook and policies and d procedure es manual. deali ing with peo ople is an im mportant par rt of the job (Bur reau of Labor Statistics s. talent managemen nt and talent t acquisition n (recruiting g). incre easingly. an nd labor rela ations manag gers and spe ecialists pro ovide for w this connection. howe ever most of ften a human n resources gene eralist repor rts to the Director of Hu uman Resou urces Dire ector of Human Resou urces The Director of f Human Re esources ma ay oversee se everal depar rtments. vide training g and develo opment opp portunities to o improve th hose skills. adm ministers com mpensation program. participates s in the deve elopment of f department t goals. divers sity managem ment. m motivate. dep pending on o organization nal needs. Oth her factors 45 . In the past t. li imit job turn nover. The struct ture of the h human reso ources depar rtment will d determine th he direct rep porting struc cture. but this i is only one o of the reaso ons for its gr rowing impo ortance. training. In an n effort to e enhance mor rale and pro oductivity. bene efits. human n resources professiona als also help p organizatio ons effectiv vely use emp ployee skills s. and d systems. the ey consult with w top exec arding strate egic plannin ng. ma anagement r recognizes t that training g offers a wa ay of develo oping skills. ining Mana agers Trai Trai ining manag gers speciali ize in develo oping and c conducting t training. or o employee relations. assists in n the develop pment and i implementation of personnel polici ies and proc cedures. benef fits. Incre easingly. . They hav ve moved fr rom behi ind-the-scen nes staff wo ork to leadin ng the organ nization in su uggesting an nd changing g policies. Ar reas of speci ialty within the human resources fu unction include: orga anizational a and employ yee developm ment (trainin ng). but. employ yee relations s. and h help organiz zations incre ease perform mance and improve results. in nvestigates emp ployee relati ions issues. eac ch headed by an experie enced mana ager o most likely y specializes in one per rsonnel activ vity such as recruitmen nt. su uch as handl ling employ yee benefits questions o or recruiting g. and increase employee es' satisfactio on prov with h their jobs a and working g conditions s. interviewi ing. compensa ation. edu ucation and employee d developmen nt prog grams. including 11 percent in administrative and support services. and electronic learning. and the growing number of jobs in fields that constantly generate new knowledge. or have some other type of human resources-related experience. interview applicants. and labor relations specialists. and 9 percent in finance and insurance firms. Training Specialists Training specialists plan. Career Paths The duties given to entry-level workers will vary depending on whether they have a degree in human resource management. These programs are designed to develop both current and potential executives to replace those retiring. Trainers also lead programs to assist employees with transitions due to mergers and acquisitions. videos and other computer-aided instructional technologies. organize. In addition. have completed an internship. clients may either be referred to employer relations representatives or receive job placement assistance. 9 percent in professional. advances in learning theory have provided insights into how adults learn and how training can use such insights more effectively. or administer employee benefits. recruitment. working as consultants to public and private employers. After training. 46 . A possible career path may see one then advance to a managerial position. classroom training. Trainers conduct orientation sessions and arrange on-the-job training for new employees. Depending on the size. They also periodically evaluate training effectiveness. The following table shows the distribution of jobs by occupational specialty: Training and development specialists Employment. goals. and job analysis specialists 216.include the complexity of the work environment. apprenticeship training. They first assess the training needs of clients and then guide them through the most appropriate training method. trainers may differ considerably in their responsibilities and in the methods they use. trainers may confer with managers and supervisors or conduct surveys. training. overseeing a major element of the personnel program-compensation or training. all others Human resources managers Compensation. training. About 12. 9 percent in manufacturing.100 121. and technical services. schools in which shop conditions are duplicated for trainees prior to putting them on the shop floor. multimedia programs. training specialists function as case managers. the rapid pace of organizational and technological change. In order to identify and assess training needs within the organization. and placement specialists Human resources. scientific. In government-supported training programs. conferences. and direct a wide range of training activities. Entry-level workers often enter formal or on-the-job training programs in which they learn how to classify jobs. Planning and program development is an important part of the training specialist's job. The private sector accounted for more than 8 out of 10 salaried jobs.900 224.600 207.900 specialists were self-employed. Demand Human resources. Training methods include on-the-job training. They then are assigned to specific areas in the personnel department to gain experience. which may involve interactive Internet-based training. They help rank-and-file workers maintain and improve their job skills and possibly prepare development programs among employees in lower level positions. 9 percent in health care and social assistance. and workshops for jobs requiring greater skill. satellite training.900 Human resources. and labor relations managers and specialists were employed in virtually every industry.900 jobs in 2008. simulators. training. benefits. distance learning. as well as technological changes. and labor relations managers and specialists held about 904. and nature of the organization.600 63. congenial personality. human resources and training managers and specialists must speak and write effectively.http://www.  Society for Human Resource Management .http://www.  BP .who.http://www.americanstaffing.bp. Publications Careers in Human Resources. employers usually seek college graduates. Human resources professionals must be able to cope with conflicting points of .ibm. or in business administration with a concentration in human resources management is highly recommended for those seeking general and top management The diversity of the workforce requires that human resources professionals work with or supervise people with various cultural backgrounds.  Institute for International Education .com/  Pricewaterhouse Coopers . levels of education. In addition. and a  Microsoft .  American Staffing Association . Sample Group of Employers Private Sector  IBM . and  International Association for Human Resources Information Management .jobs4hr.http://www.http://www.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field The human resources field demands a wide range of personal qualities and skills.shrm.http://www.http://www.diversityinc.amanet.wetfeet. The educational backgrounds of human resources professionals vary  Mercer .com .org/home/ Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Management Association .com/ Nonprofit Organizations  Spring Institute . .org/  World Health Organization . function under  American Society for Training and Development . In addition. For entry-level jobs.http://www.cfm?site_id=1612 – look for Human Resource careers opportunities  Jobs4HR.shrm. A master's degree in human  WetFeet.Human Resources Industry Guide  Workforce Management .com/  Oracle . Certification eligibility is based on a person’s years of human resources Internet Resources  DiversityInc . and demonstrate discretion. Wetfeet Press.spring-institute.ihrim.http://www. some human resources professionals will become certified as a Professional in Human Resources (PHR) or Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR). level of education and successfully passing a certification exam.  Society for Human Resource Management (shrm) http://jobs. 47 . labor relations.http://www. integrity.http://www.http://www. The HR Answer Book: An Indispensable Guide for Managers and Human Resources Professionals.S. 2004 U. Publications. American Management Association. Bureau of Labor Statistics.htm 48 .gov/oco/ocos021. Vault Inc.bls.Vault Guide to Careers in Human Resources. Retrieved from http://www. 2005. Department of Labor. writing rep ports on hum man rights c conditions. and non-governmen ntal organiza ations focus sed on the alleviation of human suf ffering and t the protectio on and prom motion of hu uman rights s. advocacy. hea alth care pro ofessionals. tech Alth hough the field is relativ vely competitive to ent ter. and com mmunity orga anizer.CAREER R OPPORT TUNTIES I IN HUMAN N RIGHTS S Description of f Field The internation nal human ri ights field is s comprised d of a broad spectrum of f governmen ntal. a and research h. res searcher. In ad ddition. itions for ca andidates wi ith a relevan nt master’s d degree are most m frequen ntly in the c capacity of m monitoring. and ci ivil. journalists s. Activities s inclu ude research h focusing o on preventin ng and endin ng human ri ights abuses s throughou ut the world. The fiel ld of human n rights over rlaps with k key issue are eas of peace e and securit ty. admi inistrative. rese earch associa ate. humanitari ian assistanc ce. and lega al advocate. senior-l level employ yees can ha ave a 49 . ther refore. financ cial analysts. vanced posit tions can inc clude positi ions such as executive d director. cultural. the var riety of care eer opportun nities in hum man rights has broadene ed to include e gras ssroots/comm munity orga anizers. resear rch. hum man rights pr rofessionals s provide advi isory and ed ducational services. or traini ing. including di irect service e. reg gional monit tor. writer/r reporter. med dia specialis sts. socia al. political. policy dev velopment. developm ment. Possible e positions i include assistant projec ct coor rdinator. assistance in institution bui ilding. li itigation. policy analysis for r national an nd internatio onal institut tions. rese earchers. Over th he past 25 ye ears. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries The field of hum man rights i is broad and d multidiscip plinary. developm ment associat te. grant wr riters. Depending g on the size e and type o of organizati ion. analy yst. . law. Organ nizations use e a variety o of disciplines in their Wor appr roach to soc cial justice. intergo overnmental l. and d promoting hum man rights pr ractices in s social and po olitical struc ctures. The energy behin nd human rights work is nous grassro often found in l local/indigen oots groups s. Careers ad ddress the fu ull spectrum m of human rights: econ nomic. there are e many entry y-level oppo ortunities fo or job seeker rs with h a Bachelor r’s degree in nterested in this area of f social justi ice. enga aging in adv vocacy to pu ublicize and d curtail hum man rights v violations. rk in human n rights can be challeng ging and inte ense. conducting g on-site inv vestigations s. and human n rights mon nitors. and economic e development t monitoring g. monitoring g hum man rights de evelopment t. pro oject admini istrator. lob bbying. Posi repo orting. Support fo or these grou ups can be p provided in the form of f hnical assista ance. communicatio ons assistant t. there e is no direc ct or specific c career path h to follo ow. and econ nomic and social s affairs s. and leg gal counsel. . seni ior program m Adv director. refu ugee assista ance. and a organiza ational effor rts and can i include title es such as pr rogram man nager. . educa ators. org/  Human Rights First . it is crucial to have a desire to make a  International Rescue Committee . Experience living and working abroad.http://cejil. There are opportunities in other fields which might overlap with human rights such as governmental 50 .igc.http://www.http://www. knowledge. and/or grassroots  Global Exchange . in some  International Refugee Rights Initiative .org  Human Rights Watch . flexibility. The jobs that do exist can be found primarily with non-governmental organizations or. with the federal government.amnesty.hrw. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.cartercenter. foreign language proficiency. a career in human rights requires keen dedication and commitment to social justice. i. and the Covenant on Economic. Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women.globalexchange.derechos. It is also helpful. law.apc. There are also short-term positions for those on leave from other jobs who might want to lend their expertise to the human rights arena. and women’s issues. analytical thinking.http://www.http://www. Due to the intensity of human rights work. all candidates should possess excellent oral and written communication  Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre . is highly recommended.ictj. Social and Cultural Rights.salary anywhere from the low-$30. if not critical. groups. Regardless of the individual requirements of human rights organizations. teachers. A law degree or a background in an overlapping field is often required for senior-level employment. writing.  Center for Justice and International Law .org/  International Center for Transitional Justice .http://www. medicine. legal cases.http://www.  The Carter Center . in addition to having the ability to work collaboratively with other agencies. and lobbying. and cultures Sample Group of Employers  Amnesty International . especially in a developing  Freedom House .http://www. Convention to Eliminate all Forms of Racial Discrimination. public speaking. or complex international treaties typically require an advanced degree in law. and experience. social workers. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field The skills required to work in the human rights field vary depending on the organization and type of work. Domestic careers in human rights include work with refugees who have emigrated to the  Derechos Human Rights . to be familiar with primary human rights documents and declarations such as the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.  Center for Economic and Social Rights .humanrightsfirst. In addition to skills.http://www. and a willingness to carry out a wide range of responsibilities with limited resources. Demand Paid positions in the human rights field are increasing. and doctors.000s to over $100.internal-displacement.http://www. Internships with human rights organizations are one way to gain valuable experience while also providing professional contacts in the human rights community.freedomhouse. cross-cultural skills. Human rights advocates must be skilled in research. internships lead directly or indirectly to full-time jobs.000.theirc. Those working in policy development. but are still very restricted for young professionals.http://www.http://www.cesr. In many cases.http://www. or something  Institute for Global Communication . civil rights.refugee-rights.  AlertNet . The challenges ahead are dealing with the intractable problems of poverty and the lack of health care in both the developed and lesser developed  Relief Web Oxfam International .org/Default.usaid. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) .http://www.pdhre.oneworld.http://conflicttransformation. Living and/or traveling abroad can be both exciting and challenging.un. women’s rights.hrweb. There are challenges inherent to the nature of international human rights work that affect those working in the field.http://www1.umn. human rights in nations’ foreign policies.http://shr. Problems of ethnic conflicts.huridocs. For positions requiring extensive travel.http://www.http://www.http://www1.         National Network for Immigrant & Refugee Rights .htm  Alliance for Conflict Transformation .http://www.http://us.alertnet. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (UNHCHR) .html  Human Rights Resource Center .org/ Physicians for Human Rights .umn. Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  AAAS Science and Human Rights Program .php  Human Rights Information and Documentation System International . Both the difficulty of enforcing human rights standards and the inadequate resources given to the United Nations to address peacekeeping in war-torn nations contribute to the problems of the human rights and related issues will increasingly be areas of major concern in the human rights United Nations Organizations . it can be hard to maintain family relationships or enjoy regular personal activities.  Action Without Borders (Idealist) .edu/humanrts/ 51 .aspx  Human Rights Internet .  Human Rights Organizations and Resources .shtm  Human Rights Education Associates .awid.  The People’s Movement for Human Rights-National Center for Human Rights Education http://www. as aid is being tied to issues of democracy and Future Challenges of the Profession The magnitude of human rights challenges today far exceeds the capacity of global organizations and institutions to address them.hrea.  OneWorld.reliefweb. there is a link between international development initiatives and human Women’s Human Rights .http://www.http://www. Employees may be separated from familiar surroundings and relationships for long periods of time and may be living in conditions far inferior to what they are used to in the United Witness for Peace .hri. .int/  University of Minnesota Human Rights Library .org US Agency for International Development (USAID) . causes and problems of refugee flows. Johns Hopkins University Press http://muse. The United Nations Chronicle and the Human Rights Internet. UN Department of Public Information. Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute.ishr.31. 2007. by Mark Goodale and Sally Engle The Practice of Human Rights: Tracking Law Between the Global and the Local.Publications Human Rights Organizations and Periodicals Directory. International Service for Human Rights . Harvard Law School . The Human Rights Quarterly.http://www. published annually. Cambridge University Press. The Human Rights Monitor. 52 .jhu.html The Harvard Human Rights Journal. Hum manitarian relief is an extraordinari ily complex x subject inv volving man ny actors. Car reer Paths Am multitude of organization ns – non-pr rofits. earthquake es. extreme w weather con nditions also o greatly har rm the globa al poor.g. and othe er deadly di iseases. as well w as AIDS S. which h seek to res spond simul ltaneously to o natural dis sasters (e. and international organizat tions –provi ide hum manitarian as ssistance int ternationally y. onc ce the imm mediate disaster is under r control. sin nce the hum manitarian ai id organizat tions already y know loca al conditions.g. and a intergov vernmental organizations (IGOs) s such as Unit ted Nations agen ncies. India a. n nongove ernmental o organization ns (NGOs). dents should d keep in mi ind the fact that many h humanitaria an groups are e not operat ting solely under u emerg gency Stud cond ditions. A re egion with d drought or f flood cond ditions will be unable to o effectively y grow crop ps and often ntimes the st tarving citiz zens will eve en resort to eating their r seed stock ks – hurting the next yea ar’s planting g season and d reinforcin ng the cycle of poverty and sufferin ng. . tsunamis s.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES IN HUMA ANITARIAN N AID AND D RELIEF F Description of f the Field The less develo oped parts of our world are plagued d by famine. Dem mand The environmen nt where hu umanitarian action takes s place is ev volving rapi idly and con ntinually pos ses new oth in llenges to th he humanita arian commu unity. In additi ion to health h and soci ial dilemmas. CHF Internationa al. With suc ch a variety and breadth h of organiz zations invol lved. Sta arting salarie es can be lo ower for pos sitions in the e hum manitarian fi ield than for r positions in n the interna ational deve elopment fie eld. malar ria. hurricanes s) and/ /or complex x emergencies (e. Whi ile the West tern world o only reads ab bout or sees s these horri ific humanit tarian situat tions on TV. w when combi ined with weak w educati ion syst tems. gover rnment. malnutritio on. There e is increasin ng human vulnerability v y in crisis sit tuations – bo chal natu ural disasters (200 milli ion affected in 2003) an nd in comple ex emergen ncies (45 mil llion in need d of life-sav ving assistance in 20 003). and prov vide food an nd med dical supplie es. 53 . and poor itation. for-pr rofits. and Merc cy Corps ar re only three e examples of o NGOs ca arrying out b both hum manitarian an nd developm ment work in the Third World. in ncluding gov vernments. So a stud dent starting g out with a humanitaria an NGO O may be ab ble to take a advantage of o developm ment opportu unities down nstream. there i is no pres set career pa ath in the hu umanitarian aid and reli ief field. TB. or civil war. The ese problems s frequently y overlap. they are ever ryday reality y for many m millions of our fellow h human bein ngs. O Often they will w have an advantage over o non-hu umanitarian groups. sani part ticularly in t the poorest regions r of A Africa. poor wa ater quality. These e actors brin ng life-savin ng skills and d tech hnologies to re-establish h basic servi ices such as s water and sanitation. these e problems b become eve en more diff ficult to solv ve. Int ternational R Relief and Dev velopment (I IRD). The ese days ma any humanit tarian group ps also comp pete for foll low-on deve elopment ac ctivities. s set up schoo ols. war r and other v violent conf flicts). and South h America. corrup ption. hhi.  Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund Deutschland  UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) .doctorswithoutborders.  Himalayan HealthCare.http://www.http://www.http://www. public  AmeriCares .  Global Aids Alliance .http://www. and inadequate emergency preparedness.  Project HOPE . or conflict resolution is strongly recommended to effectively and permanently solve issues which arise when disaster occurs.fxb.http://www. and material damage. Inc.  Aed .africare. .V .http://www.php3?show=5100005900162  Association François-Xavier Bagnoud last decade has seen a marked increase in the occurrence of natural disasters along with exposure to greater levels of loss of life.  Save the Children .org/  Direct Relief International .org/  Alpha Charitable Foundation . personal diplomacy. (http://ochaonline.un. Sample Group of Employers  Adventist Development and Relief Agency International [ADRA] .org/  USAID .org/  Nishkam Sikh Welfare Council . or other natural disaster  UN OCHA (United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs  Doctors without Borders .  Global Development Center . and others.alphainc.http://www. a dedication to making the world a better place to  Healing Hands  Amy Biehl Foundation .Satellife .http://www.healthnet. grant There is clearly a high demand for professionals to respond to such crises.htm  CARE . policy analysts. hurricane.http://www.adra.projecthope.amybiehl.globalaidsalliance.http://www. and a desire to serve others by doing good works are all necessary qualifications to enter this  Brotherhood of Blessed Gérard  Christian Friends of Korea .internationalmedicalcorps.http://www.un.unhcr. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field A master’s degree in public administration or in international development.http://www.http://www. .http://www.  Catholic Relief Services . The lives of millions of people are at risk each time an earthquake. and basic 54 .directrelief. particularly in poor countries with less developed  Church World Service . An expertise in one of the key technical areas including food security.http://www.bbg. logistics.savethechildren.http://crs. Other necessary qualifications for some positions include two or three years of experience in the developing world and the requisite foreign language  World Vision .org/  The Program for Appropriate Technology in Health (PATH)  International Medical Corps (IMC) . there are growing numbers of opportunities for administrators.http://www. high population densities. Inc. nutrition.  Vida . fund raisers.http://www. teachers. program  Africare .himalayan-healthcare.http://www. Candidates must also demonstrate business acumen.usaid.htm  American Red Cross . is a project of Action Without Borders and contains job listings in economic .A tool to assist job-seekers in their search for international employment at organizations such as the UN. with more than 160 members operating in every developing country. United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near . relief and reconstruction.  International Career Employment Weekly .choicehumanitarian. the challenges to overcoming poverty and disease are also viewed as dynamic and ongoing.interaction.peacecorps.undp.lists most of its jobs and internships in the organization's . Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  The Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) . 55 . the office within USAID that is responsible for providing non-food humanitarian assistance in response to international crises and disasters.http://www.globalcorps. and consultancy  Dakshinayan . International Criminal Court.S.  Global Volunteer Network .  Job Vacancies . and  Cross-Cultural Solutions .http://www.jobspublichealth.  Relief. Users can search for jobs and internships by country.http://us.  UNDP . although some jobs are listed on their website. World Bank.unitedway.relief.  Public Health Jobs Worldwide .http://jobs.UN Development Programme employment website. environment. .offers job and internship listings at non-profit and international organizations dedicated to harnessing the democratic potential of the Internet to promote human rights and sustainable .http://www. human rights.gc.htm supports sustainable development in developing countries and this site includes information on employment at CIDA and its related organizations.crossculturalsolutions. In addition.  Interaction . state. and extreme weather a gateway to job listings in international development.html  Peace Corps . such as the SARS . environment. that continue to bring new social and public health issues to affected countries.Volunteer Organizations  Center for Humanitarian Outreach and Intercultural Exchange . Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA).org the largest alliance of and Future Challenges of the Profession There are always new issues in public health that must be dealt with.  DevNetJobs. and disaster relief professionals with organizations looking for these individuals. the recent H1N1outbreaks.http://www. . it allows users to access the Idealist.identifies international development jobs and internships in all sectors of the market around the world. . information technology for development.  GlobalCorps .devnetjobs.internationaljobs.  Idealist. International Labour Organization.  OneWorld International Foundation .provides information on and links to humanitarian aid websites. and World Health Organization. social services.-based international development and humanitarian nongovernmental  United Way .intjobs. The organization helps recruit for The Office of site to search for humanitarian jobs .www.http://www.matches development.acdi-cida. . like those that caused the 2005 Tsunami. Food First Books.http://www. by Marjorie Eberts & Margaret Gisler. How to Live Your Dream of Volunteering Overseas by Joseph Collins.http://www. 12th Ed. Publications Alternatives to the Peace Corps: A Guide of Global Volunteer . World Volunteers: The World Guide to Humanitarian and Development Volunteering. McGraw-Hill. 2006.features a list of vacancies and internships. 56 ..state.  USAID .  US Department of State .int/rw/dbc. health. 2008. conflict by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. .lists the categories of State Department employees and how to apply for these positions. Universe. it provides international job listings at nonprofits dedicated to humanitarian relief.www. 3rd Ed.reliefweb. Careers for Good Samaritans and Other Humanitarian Types. and more. 2001. Fabio Ausenda. et al. Penguin. by Caitlin Hachmyer.usaid.nsf/doc100?openForm . ReliefWeb . as length hy applicati ion procedur res include interviews. . dem mand has plate eaued do to budget cuts s. These p professiona als translate foreign lang guage docum ments. howe ever. Qua alifications Necessary to Enter th he Field analysts mu Tho ose wanting to become intelligence i ust have the e ability to think t and an nalyze inform mation both h strat tegically and dynamica ally. Each IC agency will have h its own n applicatio on multiple tests. provide policy mak kers informa ation to assis st them with h determinin ng national security strat tegies in relation to par rticular coun nties.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES IN INTEL LLIGENCE E f the Field Description of A ca areer in inte elligence inv volves the co ollecting. those e with unde ergraduate exam degr rees will ent ter with a G GS-7 level. and develo oping. T Those in in ntelligence a address key challenges by explorin ng advanced d research an nd developm ment. mand Dem The size and em mphasis of r recruitment of intelligen nce agencies varies each year. deve elop new w intelligenc ce technolog gy. reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Car haracteristic Whi ile there is n no single car reer templat te in intellig gence. and m more. and/or polygraphs s. Indi ividual Intel lligence Com mmunity ag gencies will have their o own particular demands s and needs. there are some ch cs common throughout t the Intelligence Co ommunity. that on ne must be a able to shift t focus and acquire new w expertise if world eve ents and nat tional securi ity demand it. However r. Spe ecific career r paths will depend on t the particula ar intelligen nce agency o one works fo for. i minations. and a some ha ave a trial pe eriod for new employee es. eval luating. focusi ing on disru uptive tech hnology leap ps. an nd distribution of inform mation used d for strategi ic and tacti ical national security de ecision mak king. In many cases. Intelligence professionals mus st be able to squeeze the e most comp prehension poss sible from fr fragmented i information n and be will ling to work k on the toug ghest and le east rewardi ing problem ms if ther re are nation nal security r reasons to d do so. s security che ecks. Typically. as well l as the posi ition in that agency. However. w while gradua ate degree h holders start t at a GS-9 l level. making it important to ch heck the vari ious IC mem mber sites. for e every field o officer empl loyed there is a large ne etwork of es ssential support staff. and d promoting innovation in intelligen nce activitie es. an nalyzing. Gen nerally. H w working in a joint enviro onment with h multiple IC C agencies i is becoming g incr reasingly com mmon. Th he nature of the field req quires. one wi ill rem main in the sa ame agency y throughout t one’s caree er. E Entering the field can pr rove dauntin ng. Not eve ery person i in the Intelli igence Com mmunity (IC) wor rks out in the e field. design so oftware and d hardware. there are g growing opp portunities i in intelligen nce in the pr rivate sector r. a bachelor’s or o graduate 57 . and adva ance in posit tion and pay y according to increasin ng expe erience and expertise. Candi idates with o overseas ex xperience. w write report ts for the pre esident. ana alyze the con nduct of other o countri ies. integratin ng the Intell ligence Com mmunity Science and T Technology enterprises. David Atlee 2010. as the United States confronts a greater diversity of threats and challenges. (Carland & Faber. and integrity.http://www.http://www. Center for the Study of The defining characteristic of the  Intelligence Careers .com/ Publications American Intelligence Journal. (Segal & Kocher.html  Defense Intelligence Agency .gov/  US Drug Enforcement Administration.dhs. US national security challenges will be shaped by the dramatic advances in telecommunications.http://www. Office of National Security Intelligence” more is required from the intelligence community than ever before. trustworthiness. 1984 Studies in Intelligence. National Military Intelligence Association Careers in Secret Operations: How to Be a Federal Intelligence Officer.http://www. which evaluates the candidate’s reliability.http://www. military experience is required or highly  National Security Agency . One must also be able to pass a security clearance. In addition.https://www. Careers .mil/careers  Department of Homeland Security .cia. 146) Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Association of Former Intelligence  Go Army .shtm  Federal Bureau of Investigation.htm  US Intelligence . Sample Group of Employers  Central Intelligence Agency .html Future Challenges of the Profession As detailed by Volko Ruhnke in “Careers in International in international affairs or other related fields. University Publications of  Office of the Director of National Intelligence .http://www. fluency in foreign languages (especially non-European languages).http://www. and the consequences of crises within traditional cultures. 80) In many situations.www. requires global intelligence and an ability to translate original material (rather than conversional ability) are desired.  US Navy . new centers of economic growth.justice.clearedconnections.http://www. Journal of the American Intelligence Professional. technology. Directorate of Intelligence . 58 .intelligencecareers.htm  Cleared Connections . co ompensation n prac ctices are dic ctated by th he industry standards s in the local markets. Car reer Paths Mos st graduate students s are e career chan ngers (i. but t employers still typical lly consider these applicants for “e entryel” positions s where a gr raduate degr ree is expect ual experien nce is limite ed. They often have man ny useful tra ansferable sk kill sets. With lar rger. all ty ypes of busi inesses are n now conduc cting operat tions across onal borders and throug ghout the w world. but actu year rs are often spent learni ing the func ctional area i in greater de epth as well l as the indu ustry. financial l institutions s. there are some im mportant distinctions to keep in min nd. and d strategic pl lanning. Sa ao Paulo an nd Dubai. Whe esta ablished com mpanies. consultin ng firms. th hey are not r returning to o the same jo ob function they left). and d manufactu urers of both h goods and d services ca ater to an in nternational clientele. often o the be est way for a student to begin an in nternational l business ca areer is to st tart by work king for a co ompany in h his/her home country th hat has inter rnational op perations an nd then trans sfer within that t compan ny once he/s she has reach hed a manag gerial level. Con nsequently. Mu ultinational c companies (companies ( doing busin ness in more e than one coun ntry) are now headquar rtered aroun nd the globe. f finance. employers e t typically see ek candidate es who alrea ady have wo ork authoriz zation for th he country w where they y want to wo ork and prio or knowledg ge of the bus siness practi ices in that l location.CAR REER OPPO ORTUNITI IES IN INT TERNATIO ONAL BUS SINESS Description of f the Field The world has b become a gl lobal marke etplace. This s can be a di ifferent situ uation with s smaller orga anizations th hat are looki ing to expan nd internatio onally and d do not yet have h (or wa ant) fully aut tonomous d domestic bus siness opera ations in a sp pecific coun ntry or regio on. such h as: market ting. s Opportunit ties for o overseas “ex xpatriate” ty ype position ns tend to be e available o once an indi ividual reach hes a senior r manageme ent role and has a h history of su uccess within n the corpor ration. However. e business world Mos oper rations. law natio firm ms. . with larger r concentrat tions in plac ces like the U US. Japan. Con nsequently. The first t three to fiv ve leve ted. typical lly the stude ent thinks of f that work a as “inte ernational”. st entry-leve el jobs in the w have a functional l focus. In addition.e. Multin national cor rporations. If a than his/her stud dent seeks w work in a cou untry other t r home coun ntry. . wh hat is “intern national” to the job seek ker might be e “domestic c” to the com mpany. joint venture es. en referring g to “internat tional” busi iness. most emplo oyers treat the t work in each countr ry as a “dom mestic opera ation” with prim marily local managers a and local em mployees fro om that coun ntry. As ex xpertise 59 . UK. Ho ong Kon ng. sales. With t the large inc crease in glo obal busines ss educ cation over the last twe enty years. m not b by “global standards”. th here is far le ess need to hire “expatr riates” for p positions req quiring a gra aduate degr ree when eq qually skille ed staff can be b sourced locally l in th he countries where they y are doing b business. These com mpanies are potentially p i interested in n hiring “int ternational” students for their regio onal busines ss expertise and the t type of work k on which the student would be working w wou uld relate sp pecifically to o his/her home country y or region. The knowledge and passion come from research and networking to understand the industries and business issues that interest a student. are competing not only with each other. the collapse of organizations such as Lehman Brothers and Enron. In addition. employers look for the candidate who best demonstrates his/her mastery of those functional skill sets. consulting. It is not uncommon for someone pursuing senior leadership roles to make two or three lateral moves within an organization. the world economic slowdown starting in 2007. along with corporate scandals. and education/training. the increased interdependency of national economies. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Knowledge of a foreign language. the expansion of developing nations. These programs are a great way for a career changer to begin his/her international business career. cultural sensitivity. airlines. most of whom have significantly more experience. Students completing a graduate degree in International Relations have a wealth of experience and expertise to offer corporations. Completion of these programs typically results in faster advancement to more senior leadership roles. and the internationalization of formerly domestic issues such as population and pollution. in the early years of his/her career to gain the cross-functional expertise necessary for senior leadership roles. new graduates. Consequently. the world has become a global marketplace where the transfer of goods and services is not hampered by national borders. and international experience are important credentials. energy. Consequently. area studies. especially when competing against an MBA for the same position (who may also speak three languages and have lived overseas). As referenced earlier. government and development with technical skills. so do the opportunities to expand responsibility and learn additional functional areas. often lasting one to three years. micro. statistics. but also with those who have lost their jobs. Some large corporations do have formalized leadership training programs. they look for candidates who a) can demonstrate a knowledge and passion for their specific business AND b) can demonstrate how he/she has the appropriate skill sets to excel in the specific position for which the candidate is applying. so has the supply of globally educated graduate business students. money and financial markets. These programs typically have multiple rotations in different functional and geographic areas in addition to formalized leadership skills development. Due to the explosion of students graduating with the traditional “MBA” degree (more than 200. telecommunications. and it drives all of their decision making. because entry-level positions are functionally focused.increases. The skill sets and business acumen can be developed through course work in accounting.and macroeconomics and 60 . and the continued threat of international terrorism have led to dramatic cuts in the financial. business finance. whether with MBAs or graduate degrees in International Relations. Although more opportunities have become available. Corporations are forprofit entities which means increasing profit and shareholder equity are their primary focus.000 per year). These factors have created a demand for employees in business. but competition for these limited opportunities is fierce. This fact makes it more difficult for people who are changing careers and wish to enter the field with no prior experience. it has become the de-facto standard in many corporations as the “license to practice business”. trade. but beginning a career in international business requires knowledge of an industry and the ability to demonstrate mastery of the skill sets relevant to the functional area where the student is targeting. suspect accounting practices. foreign language facility. Demand Due to the vast improvements in communication technology. and tourism sectors. experience. however it does often require strong persuasion skills to clearly show the unique value the IR/IA degree can offer an employer. or industry. com  Otis Elevator Company .com  Cargill .cigna. Companies also value management and leadership skills so it is important for candidates to speak confidently about the transferable skill sets they may have developed in these areas from previous work  Diageo . international trade.   WetFeet .http://www. and language  Dole Fruit Company . and international trade and finance. competition will be high as an increasingly educated global workforce vies for international positions around the world with foreign nationals. . financing  Reebok International .com  Hoover’s .http://www.http://www.http://www.  Eli Lilly International Corporation .http://www.http://www. Internships are also an excellent way to gain both industry knowledge and functional Inc.  Hitachi. negotiation and government regulation will increase the need for personnel with specialized expertise in international business  US Chamber of Commerce .gillette. international  Johnson & Johnson .com/  CIGNA Corporation .  Thomas & Betts .http://www.hoovers. Although opportunities will increase. as well as look for opportunities to expand these skills while pursuing a graduate degree such as club leadership roles. in addition to the traditional IR areas such as public  Vault .reebok.chubb.http://www.  Unisys Corporation .com/  Chubb & Sons . As goods cross national borders with greater ease.diageo.pepsico.http://www.http://www.dole. .com  Philip Morris Companies  Pepsi-Cola International . there will be an increased need for professionals who can service an international clientele in terms of understanding international business and marketing.http://www.htm   MBA Jungle . Future Challenges of the Profession As the world becomes more of a global village and trade barriers are  American International Group .com  The Gillette Company .http://www.http://www.http://mbajungle.http://www. and  Procter & Gamble .http://www. 61 . Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Careers in Business .wetfeet.otis.vault. .com/en/cms/Home/default. Sample Group of Employers  American Express .http://www. The Harvard Business School Guide to Careers in Management Consulting. 2005 62 .. Grey House Publishing. Grey House Publishing. 20th edition. 2002. 2003. Borden. Management Consulting: A Complete Guide to the Industry. Second Edition. 20th edition. 2008 Directory of Foreign Firms Operating in the United States. Conaway & G. Kennedy Information. . Sugata Biswas and Daryl Twitchell. World Trade Academy. Ltd. 3rd Edition. Vault Career Guide to Venture Capital. Bow.. 2009 Edition. Uniworld Business Publishers. Kaganovich & J. O. Plunkett Research. Plunkett. 2009. Kiss.Publications The Directory of Executive & Professional Recruiters 2009-2010. The Directory of Business Information Resources. 2009. Morrison. T. or Shake Hands: How to Do Business in Sixty Countries. W. Jack W. 2004. HBS Publishing. 2001. Plunkett’s Energy Industry Almanac. John Wiley & Sons Inc. 2006. The Directory of American Firms Operating in Foreign Countries. International Business & Trade Directories. Currier. public adm ministration. would do just a as well. These are e Environme ental Sustain nability. a and the a active partic cipation of c civil society y and indepe endent medi ia.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES IN INTER RNATIONA AL DEVEL LOPMENT T Description of f the Field The goal of inte ernational d development t is to alleviate poverty in developi ing countrie es. Car reer Paths a and Qualifi ications There are two essential e cre edentials pre eparatory to a career in internationa al developm ment. The other o is pr rior work ex xperience in n a developin ng country. Su uch internships can go a long w way towards s establishin ng students’ work credentials in dev veloping cou untries. pu ublic health h. Int ternships can n also be a springboar rd to long-te erm employm ment follow wing graduat tion. are ea studies (e e. but any overseas o emp ployer. Econ nomic develo opment rang ges from m the creatio on of sound macro-econ nomic and f fiscal policy y to the foste ering of sma all and medi ium enterpr rise to the i introduction n or expansi ion of micro ofinance. political. such h as an NGO O or for-profit firm. aders will no ote that whil le internatio onal develop pment includ des many se ectors as des scribed abov ve. Politic cal developm ment focuse es on the cre eation and f fostering of democratic gove ernance. a numbe er of Rea sect tors are brok ken out sepa arately in thi is guide und der their ow wn headings – to provide e more deta ail on desired d qual lifications a and potential l employers s.. Ea ach of these areas is inte errelated and interdepen ndent. and Peace e and Confli ict Resolutio on. The Peace Cor rps would b be an exce ellent choice e. and th he social saf fety net. business a administrati ion. inc cluding tran nsparent fina ancial system ms. e energy. Inte ernational Ed ducation.). or even law. a and sanitation for economic growt th through th he provision n of technica al assistance and a access to ca apital. modern electoral/po olitical proc cesses. Unfortunately. M Microfinance e. Humanitar rian and Relief. etc. Students ca an Grad arra ange for an o overseas inte ernship duri ing the sum mmer betwee en their first t and second d year of gra aduate schoo ol. It a also involve es identifyin ng and creat ting the nece essary infra astructure. tran nsportation. h educa ation.g. One is s a master’s degr ree: it can be b in internat tional relations/internat tional devel lopment. economics s. the ru ule of law. Glo obal Health h. In most cases. Ara ab stud dies. 63 . st tudy abroad d carries much less weight with h employers s. compared d to overseas s work expe erience. Ente erprising gra aduates som metimes can work in a second s overseas interns ship before g graduation. Social de evelopment focuses on the improve ement of health. a and social ar renas. International de evelopment is inherentl ly a global issue and necessarily a highly h mult tidisciplinary y field. Strategie es for improvement in nclude inves stment in th he economic c. duate studen nts have ano other option n for acquiri ing work ex xperience in a developin ng country. ideally for at least two o years. the graduate g sch hool will pa ay for a sign nificant chun nk of the stu udent’s expe enses while abroad. Th he importance of previous p ove erseas work k experience e in a develo oping countr ry cannot be e over-emph hasized for grad duate studen nts seeking t to break into o the develo opment field d. Latin A America. and frequently work in the fields of political party development. NGOs such as the National Democratic Institute. education. Arabic and Farsi are perhaps the two most highly sought languages. which typically require specialized skill sets and several years of related development experience. to name but a few. child nutrition. education (AMIDEAST). the World Bank Young Professionals Program (YPP). democracy and governance. Many professionals travel as much as 40 percent of the time. given the interdisciplinary nature of the field. an MBA may be applied in the development field through the private sector. and children's health (e. candidates should consider which aspect of development best matches their interests (ex.. public international organizations (PIOs) or with implementing partners in the non-profit and private sectors. as well as lesser known languages such as Swahili and Indonesian. joint degrees or consecutive training in related disciplines such as law and economics or health and economics. International Republican Institute. Other Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field For individuals with significant work experience.g. small and medium 64 . Hiring for contract positions is decentralized. gain exposure to other sectors and reflect on policy issues. In addition. Spanish.) are oriented towards both community/civil society development and humanitarian relief and therefore offer more opportunities for grassroots work experience. These centralized recruitment programs are extremely competitive. Sound training in economics and public administration. Posted vacancies are also published on the website of each organization. etc. hire between 20 to 40 candidates each year.Language skills are highly prized by international development recruiters. Catholic Relief Services. Save the Children and UNICEF). For the moment. US government agencies such as USAID offer a broad range of work possibilities: e. community development. As such. Furthermore. which gives those who network effectively the advantage in finding these often unpublished opportunities. health. political development. electoral reform. The field is characterized by fluidity and high travel demands. A significant proportion of development professionals will work in at least two of the three sectors (public. International Rescue Committee. agricultural policy. Foundations and policy institutes that conduct research and advocacy to influence development policy are also potential employers. education. Formalized management training programs include the IFC Global Transaction Team Program (GTT). and the UNDP Leadership Development Programme (LEAD). and nonprofit) over the course of their careers.g. Most recent graduates have more success breaking into the field on a short-term contract basis.. are valuable. including policy monitoring and evaluation may be broadly applied. There are even more specialized fields such as media development (ex.). and Russian will always be valuable. it is important to consider family issues prior to entering the field. which. Internews). private. private sector development. on average. and micro-finance) or regional specialization (consisting of language skills. environment. Employers typically hire new candidates based on the candidate's strong skill set in a particular sector (including things such as political party training. etc. there are different paths to employment. and IFES are more focused on democracy and governance. For master’s degree candidates interested in working for a PIO. and finance. or area studies). banking. Candidates with a master's degree may consider employment in government agencies of their home country. Sample Group of Employers While there is high fluidity between organizations in the development world. with thousands of applications submitted for each program. Many of the international NGOs (Mercy Corps. and voter education. agriculture. But French. regional work experience. a graduate degree offers the chance to fine-tune skills. com/ • The Pragma Corporation .gov/ For-Profit Development Firms • Abt Associates Inc .iadb.erm.http://www. .jsi.http://www. So far the MCC has hired an impressive number of graduate students. Inc.http://www. International Relief & Development (IRD) and World Learning are expected to have similarly diverse fields of expertise.http://ec. conflict resolution.http://www.europa.http://www.imf.cardno.afdb. It forms partnerships with some of the world’s poorest countries.http://www.http://www.http://urc-chs.nathaninc.enterprise • EuropeAid . depending on the focus of the project. • The United Nations Development Programme .abtassociates.state. created by Congress in 2004.usaid.http://www. The Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC) is the newest US government foreign aid agency.http://www. microenterprise/ • Nathan Associates United States Government • United States Agency for International Development (USAID) . .org/ • International Finance Corporation .http://www. and investments in their • AECOM .http://www.htm • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development .com/ • Chemonics – International .com • John • World Food Programme .com/emergingmarkets/ • Environmental Resources Management .com • University Research Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) • Accion International .http://www. 65 • Department of State . • The United Nations .com/ • Tetra Tech ARD .com/ • Cardno Emerging Markets Division .irgltd.http://www.http://www. USAID hires entry level Foreign Service Officers through the USAID website (not through the State Department’s Foreign Service Test) and junior-level Civil Service employees through the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program.http://www. . both as interns and as follow-on full-time employees. • International Monetary Fund .org/ • Asian Development Bank .http://www. economic freedom.http://ardinc. Chemonics. • Millenium Challenge Corporation . Employees of USAID-supported contractors and NGOs such as • Development Alternatives Inc. but only those committed to good governance.worldbank. and humanitarian assistance.adb.ifc.htm • Inter-American Development Bank .org/ • UNICEF .pragmacorp.mcc. • International Resources Group – http:www. Public International Organizations (PIOs) • African Development Bank • The World Bank . asp Population Services International .org/ Pact .http://www.gatesfoundation.http://www. National Democratic Institute Women’s Environmental and Development Organization .org/ Partners of the Americas .chfinternational. Oxfam America .http://www. Resources for Additional Information Associations • • • • Association of Women in Development .org/ • Worldwatch Institute .http://www. Mercy Corps .org International Foundation for Election Systems . Save the Children .http://www. CHF International .http://www. World Wildlife Fund .org/ • Environmental Defense Fund .org/ International Relief & Development .org/ Catholic Relief Services Oxfam International .org/ • The Rockefeller Foundation .http://www. CARE USA .rockefellerfoundation.carnegieendowment.iri. • Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .org/ • Center for Strategic and International Studies . • Earthwatch Institute .org/en/index.heritage. Future Challenges of the Profession The flow of funds to development is governed principally by the policy priorities of governments in industrialized societies and the willingness to fund those priorities. Society for International Development .org/ 66 .http://www. • Heritage Foundation .org International Republican Institute .org/ Asia Foundation .http://www.http://www.fordfoundation.msh. there continues to be a significant shift in emphasis from direct delivery of services in the field to capacity building and sustainability through collaboration with local implementing partners in developing World Learning .org/Pages/home. InterAction .worldwildlife.ndi.interaction. Management Sciences for Health .http://www.ird.psi.awid. Among NGOs in industrialized countries.aspx • Brookings .mercycorps.• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ashoka .http://www.oxfam.edf.http://www.cfm • Ford Foundation .bicusa.http://www.aspx • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation . Policy Institutes • Bank Information Center .http://www.earthwatch. org/p/site/m/jobs/ . and consultancy assignments. donor .net/jobs . containing job and internship listings in economic development.devdir.internationaljobs.cfm/ .cfm?lang=en . • International Job Center .interaction.Offers job and internship listings at non-profit and international organizations dedicated to harnessing the democratic potential of the Internet to promote human rights and sustainable .idealist. education.Lists public administration jobs and internships in the public. and more.500 volunteer organizations in Latin America.aspanet.htm . and private sectors searchable by state.A project of Action without Borders.microfinancegateway. • OneWorld International Foundation .An international organization committed to achieving gender equality. 67 . • Directory of Development Orgs . and more. sustainable development.Source of information and global jobs and internships in microfinance.avuedigitalservices.Internet Resources • Inter-American Development Bank Job Listings http://www. • Idealist . • The American Society for Public Administration http://www. information technology for -Online directory of development organizations which contains over 65. and . relief and reconstruction. environment.http://www. • The Association for Women's Rights in Development . .www.An alliance of international development and humanitarian nongovernmental organizations. containing both job descriptions and contact information.Provides a list of 1.Run by the Community Career Center.000 listings by country and is a reference for development . the site allows users to search for nonprofit jobs and internships regionally in the US and internationally. • Development Net . • The Microfinance Gateway .A federal employment service to find and apply for federal jobs and internships. • The Foreign Policy Association .A gateway to job listings in international development. • Nonprofitjobs.https://www. Users can search for jobs by country. and women's humanitarian relief. researchers. an on-line gathering place for non-profit employers and management /. • Avue Central .http://www. • InterAction .http://www. environment.http://www. nonprofit. .tripod.nonprofitjobs.Lists international development jobs and internships in all sectors of the market around the world.Provides job and internship listings on its website and in a weekly email newsletter from industries such as development.oneworld. and .http://devnetjobs.iadb. The website features job listings around the world in these fields.awid. human rights. state. social services. environment. and Development. World Bank Publications. by Eric Kocher and Nina Segal Perseus. Dept Of State . and trends . • U. 68 .. issues. by Sherry Mueller and Mark Overmann. . 2010. based non-profit jobs in fields such as economic development.http://www. Finance and Growth. 2009.A lists the categories of State department employees and how to apply for these positions.http://www.Lists U. 2008. education.http://www. World Bank Publications. 2007. Monday Developments Magazine. World Development Report 2010: Development and Climate Change.S.Lists vacancies and internships at the organization. Basic Books. World Bank Publications. International Jobs. 6th Ed. Working World: Careers in International Education.S. 2003. InterAction's monthly magazine on international humanitarian developments. World Development Report 2009: Reshaping Economic Geography. A Worldwatch Institute report on Transforming Cultures: From Consumerism to Sustainability World Development Indicators 2010. World Bank Publishing.state. Where They Are and How To Get Them. World Development Report 2008: Agriculture and Development. Publications Global Economic Prospects 2010: Crisis.usaid. State of the World 2010. Georgetown University Press. World Bank Publications. Human Development Report 2009: Overcoming Barriers: Human Mobility and Development. Exchange. 2010.• Philanthropy Jobs . . • USAID . Palgrave Macmillan. healthcare and social services. Alternately y. the comp petition rema ains inten nse. 69 . in a addition to f foreign lang guage skills.CARE EER OPPOR RTUNITIE ES IN INTE ERNATION NAL EDUC CATION Description of f the Field International ed ducation enc compasses a wide range e of careers including te eaching. tech International ed ducation pro ofessionals w work in coll leges. In additio on. capacit ty building. training. cur rriculum de evelopment. gove ernmental a agencies. hum man rights. an nd the prom motion of international u understandin ng. the dem mand for inte ernational ed ducation pro ofessionals has increase ed as well. foundation ns. In order to o advance. one might start with h a Peace Co orps or English as a Sec cond Langu uage (ESL) teaching t exp perience abr road and seg gue into working fo or education n capacity bu uilding prog grams. . and priva ate firms. Car reer Paths Care eer paths in the field of f internation nal education n are varied d. non ngove ernmental/n nonprofit org ganizations. due to the popu ularity of in nternational l careers as a whole. excha ange. b and d other deve elopment fie elds have be een enhance ed. efforts t to increase e educational and training g programs in the areas s of health. O On the other r hand. unive ersities. For example. Those w with interna ational educ cation experi ience as a st tudent or w with general internationa al work expe erience. di iverse and interesting r responsibilit ties. and occ casional ove erseas travel l). d democracy building. Consequ uently. are usually y most in dem mand. One might also gain n additional experience by working g in several functional f a areas in the field. hnical assista ance. The ere are nume erous organi izations dea aling with va arious aspec cts of expe inter rnational ex xchange. on ne might wo ork within a an internatio onal exchang ge organiza ation assistin ng with the c coordination n of high h school exc changes. o one might w work in a prog gression of positions p wi ithin a particular organi ization or sw witch to sim milar work in n another or rganization. and d the appeal l of working g in internat tional educa ation (intercultural envi ironment. w which coul ld lead to th he position o of overseein ng an Interna ational Cent ter or Educa ation Abroad Program. alm most every c college now w has offices s that assist i internationa al students and a offer stu udy abro oad program ms. bu ut also qualifying thems selves for management m positions in nvolving a variety v of fu unctional are eas. permitti ing not only y flexibility in job poss sibilities. . f Intern national educ cation prof fessionals be enefit from developing a diversity of experien nce. mand Dem International ex xchange in e education an nd capacity building pro ograms in d development t and human n rights hav ve erienced dra amatic grow wth in recent t years. and d then work k at a college e study abro oad office an nd/or intern national stud dent office.  US Department of Education  Business Council for International Understanding . Work experience in some aspect of international education/exchange often  Rotary International .org/  Council on International Educational Exchange (CIEE) .http://www.http://www.html  The Asia Society . Knowledge of foreign educational systems or US immigration rules and regulations. The case for ranking international education and exchange high on the list of institutional and national priorities must be made through continuous advocacy for internationalization. Program or project management experience.uic. sometimes required. International study and/or work experience preferred (not just travel).org/  Youth for Understanding .usaid.ciee.  International Research and Exchanges Board (IREX) .ifesh. Sample Groups of Employers Associations/Foundations/Government Agencies/Private Business  American Council on International Intercultural Education .com/  Ford Foundation .bciu. particularly among universities and  Creative Associates International .org/  Jet Program  American Institute for Foreign Study (AIFS) .http://www.  Institute of International Education (IIE) .yfu.http://www.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Required qualifications vary depending on the particular position.iie.  American Field Service . Strong oral/written communication skills and interpersonal skills.  Council for International Exchange of Scholars .org/ Future Challenges of the Profession While the importance of international education has its share of advocates.aed.state.  International Foundation for Education and Self Help . 70 .http://www.http://www.http://www.aifs.theasa. but most may be expected to include some or all of the following:         Master’s degree preferred in most  US Department of State .edu/usia/  US Agency for International Development .http://www. Universities and Colleges/ International Exchange Organizations/Nonprofits  Academy for Educational Development . Experience with ethnically and culturally diverse populations.http://www.  US Information Agency  World Learning .  American Studies Association -http://www. the dollars to expand and enhance programs are often not forthcoming. Proficiency in a foreign language is helpful and often required. interaction.  International Educator .org/ SIETAR USA: Society for Intercultural Education.internationaljobs. Training and Research http://www.nafsa. Georgetown University Press.In addition. Resources for Additional Information Associations  Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange .org/ Internet Resources  Chronicle of Higher Education-http://chronicle.tieonline.http://www. international student visa regulations and processes could also create challenges for international exchange programs. challenges constantly arise from various developments in regions throughout the world. Publications International Exchange Locator: A Resource Directory for Educational and Cultural Exchange.  NAFSA: Association of International Educators . by Sherry Muller and Mark Overmann.sietarinternational. as well as impact the feasibility of educational capacity building programs in post-conflict areas or developing  Monday Developments Magazine . Alliance for International Educational and Cultural Exchange. For example.alliance-exchange.  Transitions Abroad .nafsa. Working World: Careers in International Education. Moreover.http://www. Instability in a country or region might disrupt programs or cause participants to be  SIETAR International: Society for Intercultural Education. 2008. 71 . Training and Research http://sietareu.http://www. Training and Research -http://www.http://www.transitionsabroad.  NAFSA Job Registry . and  SIETAR Europa: Society for Intercultural Education. the current concern regarding acts of terrorism directed towards Americans might impact both student interest and parents' willingness to send their children  International Jobs Center. T There are ty ypically two branches w within the fie eld of such inter rnational law w. howeve er. Othe er lawyers w work on beh half of the government. . securi ities regulati ions. lawy yers are expe ected to hit t the ground r running. rganizations s and nonpro ofits offer a wide variet ty of options s for an inte ernational la awyer. t as mo ost of the wo ork done by y law firms has h mov ved in-house e. O On the other r hand. and a nonprof fit groups. While the gover rnment cann not offer all the perks an nd comforts s of a privat te firm.C. but each d division eithe er has a lega al division i in-house or a General Cou unsel Office. ha ave the large est number of internatio onal law firm ms. Each co ompany has s its own n bureaucrat tic ladder within the leg gal departme ent for youn ng lawyers t to climb and d as a first a and second-y year attor rney one ca an expect to work very l long hours o on long-term m cases. Corporati ions are mor re prone to h hire a lawye er well versed in domes stic issues li ike antitrust t law. These International or orga anizations ty ypically do n not offer so olid legal tra aining. The United d Nations Le egal Office is i deeply inv volved in le egal 72 . ther re are quite a number of f firms in sm maller cities. f New York Y City an nd Washing gton D. Once O there. federal ernment. cont tacts. econ nomic development. g The federa al governmen nt’s largest employers of lawyers a are the D Department ts of State an nd Defense. Salaries for gove ernment law wyers are als so lower tha an those in t the private s sector. an nd the envi ironment ten nd to go into o private int ternational l law. Th he Unit ted Nations Legal Coun nsel’s Office and the le egal departm ments of the World Bank k and Intern national Mon netary Fund d have the m most active legal shops. co orporate cou unsel. Lawyers a at the State D Department will have ti imely policy y-making work w and the e opportunity y to advi ise policy m makers. Corp porate lawy yers are the most m active internationa al lawyers today. gove Priv vate law firm ms handle m most internat tional business transact tions. thos se interested d in practicin ng law for p private organ nizations an nd nonprofit ts on a wide e range of is ssues includ ding international busin ness. althou ugh the degr ree varies on n the special lty of the firm. a yo oung gove ernment atto orney is like ely to be giv ven a high a amount of re esponsibility y early in hi is or her car reer. or trad demarks and d then train t them for int ternational l law. human n rights.CA AREER OP PPORTUN NTIES IN IN NTERNAT TIONAL LA AW f the Field Description of aw is an inte erdisciplina ary academic c field for st tudents who o are interes sted in cross s-border issu ues International La h as internat tional business and hum man rights. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries The available career paths for an intern national law wyer can be further brok ken down in nto law firm ms. international orga anizations. a an attorney may choose e not to re eturn to the United Stat tes and still be able to a achieve partn nership. Public in nternational law is for students inte erested in po olicy making g and the ev valuation coun ntries’ adhe erence to international a agreements p performed b by governm ments and int tergovernme ental orga anizations. Law firms s with foreig gn offices us sually send mid-level asso ociates overs seas based o on the attorn ney’s skills and languag ge ability. As globalization brings the private and public sectors closer together. Overseas experience allows immersion in a foreign culture and helps to develop the understanding and patience required to work in an international environment. The most common foreign languages required by organizations include French. as well as those with language skills. a strong interest in practicing law in an international setting. The outlook for international law suggests growth. competition for these jobs is generally high due to the large number of law school graduates and the current economic climate forcing some firms to cut back on hiring. “Of the two degrees. the long-term outlook for lawyers is that employment will grow about as quickly as the average for jobs overall through 2012. law graduates are using their specialized training to secure jobs in related fields. research and writing skills. Catholic Relief Services. Increasingly. These skills combined with a background in law and international affairs will provide a solid foundation on which to build an international legal career. It is advisable for an attorney to begin his or her career in the private sector and then move into an international or nonprofit organization. it is essential for one to first hone legal knowledge and skills though internships and clerkships. overseas experience. and CARE. as this area of law is expected to grow even faster than other divisions. A master’s degree in international affairs or a related filed should supplement legal education by providing insight into the international legal world and providing exposure to jobs as they arise within one’s firm.problems arising from the administration of UN operations. Increasingly. and securing a summer position in an international law firm are further ways to expand credentials. While a J. the demand for international lawyers has risen. and Spanish. working for an international law journal. 73 . Participation in the Jessup Moot Court competition. cultural awareness. Japanese. To practice international law. and an international degree cannot guarantee work that is global in nature.D. Legal positions in the private nonprofit field include organizations such as Amnesty International USA. Russian. larger organizations are establishing offices in foreign countries to handle international issues. Demand According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. you will find the former of paramount importance in the job hunt”. However. and overseas experience. The World Bank and IMF attorneys can be assigned to leading operations or participate in the settlement of investment disputes between countries. law and international affairs. the combination will prove helpful when such jobs develop within an organization. German. and knowledge of the basic differences in the world’s legal systems as well as their political and cultural contexts. Other skills that are highly recommended include foreign languages. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field According to International Jobs author Kocher Segal. Developing countries need lawyers to assist in their legal transformations and organizations like the United Nations need lawyers to interpret their charters and international law. This development has created a niche for lawyers with a master’s degree in international affairs. a lawyer will gain experience exclusively in domestic law until a client involved in an international project requires their domestic expertise.http://www. The international legal field is constantly redefining itself by adding new areas to the practice.goodwinprocter. LLP .org/ Intergovernmental Organizations  International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda . LLP .http://www.  Woodrow Wilson International Center .94.http://www.un.53/  International Monetary Fund .imf. The international law career field is unsystematic at best and preparing oneself to meet its demands is challenging because there is no international law career ladder to climb or road to follow.Sample Group of Employers Private Firms  Baker and McKenzie Another challenge of the profession is to stay motivated when facing the lack of international work at the beginning of one’s career or the required length of time it takes to develop a career. LLP .com/  Sullivan and  Gibson.sullcrom.http://www.http://www.http://www.http://69.http://www. LLP . 74 .bakermckenzie. LLC .cgsh.  World Bank . and Wardwell.aspx  Debevoise & Dunn &  Dewey &   Amnesty International .amnesty.htm Constitutional Court of South Africa . making it difficult for attorneys to describe themselves all-inclusive international  White & Case .com/ Nonprofits  American Civil Liberties Union .constitutionalcourt.  Cleary Gottlieb .deweyleboeuf. .http://www.aclu.http://europa.http://gibsondunn. LLP . As a rule.http://www.http://www.debevoise.htm Future Challenges of the Profession The demand for international lawyers with expertise in international relations and cross-border transactions will continue to grow as the legal industry  Court of Justice of the European Union .  Davis Polk.htm  The United Nations .org/  World Policy Institute .aspx  Goodwin Procter. World Bank.. law students. A Joint Project of Harvard Law School & Yale Law – A project of Action Without Boarders which contains job and internship listings in economic /  International Chamber of Commerce . Internet Resources  International Jobs . – A tool to assist job seekers interested in international employment as organizations such as the UN..Website affiliated with the University of Chicago Law School that provides a collection of links to other job sites where users can search for law positions. Abrams.  Law Crossing .abanet.http://www. legal  International Law Students Association .com – Legal employment and internship board and career resource for  International Bar Association .  American Bar Association. International Law . Harcourt Legal and Professional Publications.asil. paralegals.iaba. social services.  American Bar Association. Researching Careers in International Law .idealist. by Lisa L. and other legal professionals.Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Bar Association . 4th  International Municipal Lawyers Association . Central and Eastern European Law Initiative http://www. human rights.lawcrossing.http://www. environment.  Idealist . International Labour Organization.http://www.ibanet.abanet. International Criminal Court. 2008.imla.uchicago. International Public Interest Law: A Guide to Opportunities in the United States and Abroad.http://www.iccwbo.www.http://www. 75 . American Bar Association.  American Society of International Law .ilsa. by Sali A. Swartz . etc. The Official Guide to Legal Specialties: An Insider’s Guide to Every Major Practice  Inter-American Bar Association . 2002.intljobs.html . etc. Publications Careers in International Law: 3rd Ed.http://www.lib. case of fficers statio oned oversea as gather int telligence an nd then rela ay the inform mation to an nalysts who o interpret th he data for t their reports s. Stra ategic intelli igence agent ts keep track k of world e events. ta actical intell ligence. and N NGOs. incl luding addit tional pay a adjustments. defe ense contrac ctors. reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Car Entr ry-level emp ployees gen nerally are assigned to g gather inform mation.000s at t Step 1 to the t mid $50. Those e with advan nced degrees s are hired a at the GS-9 grade with t the step dep pending on expe erience. and d counter-int telligence.000s at Ste ep 10. and voting g statistics. .gov/oca/1 10tables/pdf f/gs. The Departmen itary. military. the gr ross nationa al product. they can instead qua alify for anal lyst position ns. . Wit th previous e experience and training g. Advance ement may include i post tings requiri ing more responsibility y and assig gnments to foreign cou untries. Further r advancement leads to management positions s.opm 76 . watc ch foreign le eaders caref fully. b but opportun nities also ex xist with thi ink tanks. military s status. or nonprofit. http://www.pdf . Tac ctical intelligence consi ists of dete ermining wh hich groups hold power r and lookin ng at foreign n policy. and government l leaders can then use in decision ma aking. and fo oreign econo omic affairs.CA AREER OP PPORTUN NITIES IN I INTERNA ATIONAL S SECURITY Y & DEFEN NSE Description of f the Field The internation nal security f field has org ganizations in every sec ctor. n T The goal l of many in ntelligence s service prov viders is to produce p repo orts consisti ing of evalu uated inform mation and fore ecasts that po olitical. private. . The g government t is the largest l employer of inte ernational security prof fessionals. T There are thr ree cate egories of in ntelligence o operations: s strategic inte elligence. Counter-intelligence e consists of f keeping va aluable infor rmation awa ay influ from m the enemy y and preven nting subver rsion and sa abotage. and stu udy a foreig gn coun ntry’s politi ics. Economic facto ors include t trade agreem ments. including a arms contro ol and disarm mament. pub blic opinion n. and s scientific ad dvances. nt of Defens se Internatio onal Security y Affairs Di ivision deve elops defens se positions in political. and send ding secret m messages. The e GS-9 salar ry ranges fro om the low $40. a and possible e famines. as well as cryp ptographic technicians who w are exp perts in codi ing. can be foun nd at: m. decodin ng. There are specialized officers kno own as tech hnical analys sts. be it go overnment. all a of which can uence dome estic and for reign policie es. Inter rnational sec curity specialists are pr romoted and d given assig gnments acco ording to the e needs of th he governm ment. Its functions in nclude the mili nego otiating and d monitoring g of agreeme ents with fo oreign gover rnments con ncerning mil litary facilit ties and the status of th he armed fo orces. economy y. In th he governm ment.Update ed GS Pay Scale infor rmation. http://www. and excellent  Navy .ice. and private entities to ensure the most effective  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) .gov/  Department of Homeland Security .http://www.  Department of State . DHS is responsible for assessing the vulnerabilities of the country’s critical infrastructure and cyber security threats and will take the lead in evaluating these vulnerabilities and coordinating with other  Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) .mil/INV/DCIS/  Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) . as well as the ability to respond quickly when such threats do materialize.http://www. local. while for those wanting to work in the Department of  Boeing .  General Dynamics .com  United Technologies  Northrup-Grumman . the Presidential Management Fellowship is often the only way to enter as a civilian.http://www. and East Central European studies are  Department of Energy .gov  Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS) . Studies in military technology.http://www.http://www. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field An advanced degree is recommended for those entering the international security and defense field.  Lockheed-Martin .com/  Textron –  National Security Agency .gov  Army .http://www.lockheedmartin.http://www. Experience gained through an internship will make one more Government Agencies  Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) . Chinese studies.utc. Other important qualifications include the ability to speak and read a foreign language.northropgrumman.  Air Force .http://www.http://www. and deter threats to the nation whenever possible. and written communication skills. US foreign policy. international economics. Russian studies.boeing.fbi.http://www.  Marines .http://www. People with specialized skills or backgrounds in the languages and customs of countries in which the US faces security challenges will continue to be in high demand. computer  TRW .Demand Intelligence operations are closely linked to the world political 77 .generaldynamics. state.  Raytheon . The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) merged several intelligence-related federal agencies into one agency that has the capability to anticipate.trw. Sample Group of Employers Private Sector  BAE Systems .http://www.http://www.usmc. Non-Government Organizations  Center for Defense Information (CDI) .  Center for Strategic and International .saic. International Security Affairs Division Coast Guard .  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .georgetown. Formerly known as the American Society for Industrial Security.    Department of Treasury .org/  The Brookings Institute . Suite 200 Resources for Additional Information Associations Association of Former Intelligence Officers 6723 Whittier Ave.asp Department of Defense.http://www. This website is about the pursuit of "information intelligence" . Resource for security professionals. Inc. ASIS International is an international Women In International Security Center for Peace and Security Studies Edmund A. Lower Level  International Security Group.internationalsecurity.intelligencecareers. DC 20007 Tel: 202-687-3366 Fax: 202-687-3233 http://wiis.  Intelligence Careers .org/  SAIC . NW. This is not an IT-recruiting website.http://www.http://www.uscg.armscontrolcenter. A good starting point for information intelligence professionals to find career Internet Resources  ASIS International .ustreas.brookings.shtm National Geospatial Intelligence Agency .com/ afio@afio. Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown University 3600 N that balance the need for world knowledge with the ability to use technology to achieve action.http://www.. VA 22101-4533 Tel: 703-790-0320 http://www. Visitors to this site can read the latest issue of Security Management.uscg.defense.http://www.http://www. 78  Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation . (ISG) .http://www. http://www. train.securitymanagement. and retain talented individuals so as to be best equipped to maintain security and stability. to the effects of global poverty on terrorist Check out education and training opportunities. Members can also access the association’s extensive career center. The jobs are open for all to review and one can register to receive announcements of new jobs as they are Resource for security and law enforcement professionals. Future Challenges of the Profession The international security field faces a range of challenges. 79 .com/ Resource for those interested in the law enforcement area of the security field. They also have training resources. learn about professional certification.lawenforcementjobs. or get information on scholarship and grant programs from the association. from the increasing dependence on the Internet and its vulnerability to outside attack. but also a concerted effort to recruit. books. Job listings require a paid subscription. but much of the resource information is free including great research links to additional online security and law enforcement resources. and a calendar of training sessions being offered by various organizations and agencies.http://securityjobs.  Security Management Online .  Security Jobs Network . Law Enforcement Jobs .http://www. These issues not only will require further integration and cooperation between international security institutions. busi iness firms. Adv vertising. comp petitors. promoti ions.CA AREER OPP PORTUNIT TIES IN M MARKETIN NG AND SA ALES Description of f the Field The objective o of any firm i is to market and sell its products or r services pr rofitably. Th hey assign s sales territor ries. retailers. In collab boration with sales. and d channels) a and the 4Ps (product. and estab blish trainin ng prog grams for th he sales repr resentatives. sales. . marketing. Mar rketing man nagers work with advert tising and pr romotion m managers to promote p the e firm's prod ducts and se ervices and to attract po otential user rs. They ana alyze sales st tatistics gath hered by the eir staff ffs to determ mine sales po otential and inventory r requirements s and monit tor the prefe erences of cu ustomers. and promotion) ). marketi ing strategy. prom motion. mul lti-product f firms. and d other mana agers. With h the help o of subordina ates. prom motions. Tact tical market ting include es the tasks t to achieve th his strategy. Managers advise the s sales represe entatives on n ways to im mprove their r sales perf formance. or the gen neral public. an execu utive vice pres sident direct ts overall ad dvertising. the owner r or ef executive officer mig ght assume a all advertisin ng. t they identif fy potential m markets—fo for example. Sale es managers s maintain contact with dealers and d distributor rs. as they co onstitute the foundation of marketin ng. . wholesalers s. pric cing. Sale es managers s direct the f firm's sales p program. In l large chie firm ms. and sales po olicies. Mar rketing man nagers develop the firm''s detailed m marketing st trategy. (O Occupational Outlook H Handbook) 80 . Such info ormation is v vital in orde er to develop p products a and maximiz ze profits. . cording to th he Occupatio on Outlook Handbook. they o oversee regional and loc cal sales ma anagers and their staffs. and sal les responsi ibilities. It t is important to rem member the e 3Cs (customers. includin ng prod duct develop pment mana agers and m market research manage ers. government t. In n large. Those dist tinctions dep pend upon whether w a fi irm is marke eting to ano other busi iness (business to busin ness marketi ing) or whet ther they are e advertisin ng a service (services ma arketing). . . Marketing managers d develop pric cing strat tegy with an n eye toward ds maximizing the firm m's share of t the market a and its profi its while ens suring that t the firm m's customer rs are satisfi ied. they det termine the demand for r products an nd serv vices offered d by the firm m and its com mpetitors. there are se everal ways to achieve these goals. set goa als. market ting. they mon nitor trends that indicate e the need f for new prod ducts and se ervices and oversee o product develo opment. In addition. and d sales man nagers coord dinate the market resear rch. pro oduct develo opment. Strategic Acc mar rketing involves plannin ng the way a firm will h handle the m marketing of f its product t or service by targeting g their appr ropriate aud dience or cli ientele. adve ertising. p price. . p promotions. po ositioning. ma arketing. In n small firms s. which may offer num merous prod ducts and se ervices natio onally or eve en worldwid de. and pro oduct develo opment. such as distr ributing flie ers or makin ng cold calls s. or philosophy.Career Paths and Entry Salaries A wide range of educational backgrounds are suitable for entry into advertising. as well as the publishing and information industries. (http://stats. Most advertising. but many employers prefer those with experience in related occupations plus a broad liberal arts background. organizational communication. health care and social assistance.S. journalism. promotion. Most public relations managers were employed in serviceproviding industries. promotion may occur more quickly. combined with a master's degree in business administration. marketing. In highly technical industries. such as the professional. buyers. promotions. promotions. Such firms also encourage employee participation in seminars and conferences. scientific. economics. some employers prefer a bachelor's or master's degree in business administration with an emphasis on marketing. however. and technical services industries.900 175. and leadership are emphasized for promotion. For example. A smaller proportion consisted of advertising and promotions managers working in the professional.htm) 81 . These managers were found in virtually every industry. advancement can be accelerated by participation in management training programs conducted by many large firms. Requirements. most were employed in either the wholesale and retail trade or finance and insurance industries. new employees are preferred with a bachelor's degree in engineering or science. and technical services. accounting. marketing. is acceptable for most entry level positions. marketing communication. In large firms. Demand Advertising. The following table shows the distribution of jobs by occupational specialty: Sales managers Marketing managers Public relations managers Advertising and promotions managers 346.600 Sales managers held nearly half of the total number of jobs.600 56. and educational services. market research. scientific. and statistics are advantageous. sales.000 jobs in the U. Within this division. advancement to a management position usually comes slowly. Many firms also provide their employees with continuing education opportunities. purchasing agents.700 44.bls. psychology. marketing. the professional. telemarketing and direct sales. among other subjects. scientific. Courses include brand and product management. Although experience. advertising specialists. numerous marketing and related associations sponsor national or local management training programs. either in-house or at local colleges and mathematics. sales management evaluation. finance and insurance. Marketing managers held more than one-fourth of the total. many managers are former sales representatives. Many firms pay all or part of the cost for those who successfully complete courses. and sales management positions are filled by promoting experienced staff or related professional or technical personnel. and promotion management positions. and sales managerial jobs. in 2008. A bachelor's degree in sociology. and data processing systems procedures and management. and technical services industries employed almost one-third of marketing managers. In collaboration with colleges and universities. finance. In small firms. For marketing. Courses in business law. international marketing. product or brand specialists. which includes advertising and related services. promotions. often provided by professional societies. such as computer and electronics manufacturing. literature. and promotion specialists. anthropology. interactive marketing. ability. depend upon the particular job. where the number of positions is limited. and sales managers held about 646. good judgment. and exceptional ability to establish and maintain effective personal relationships with supervisory and professional staff members and client firms. Future Challenges of the Profession Advertising. and publications.http://www. . projected employment growth varies by industry. such as computer systems design and related services. and the public is  Hanover  Most major companies have their own marketing departments. According to the 2006 Occupation Outlook. promotions.the-dma. with other managers. Internet Resources  Careers in Marketing .com/  Nielson Media Research Company . public relations.http://www. employment of advertising. and sales managers should be and sales manager jobs are highly coveted and will be sought by other managers or highly experienced professional and technical personnel. Inc.hanoverdirect. as businesses increasingly hire contractors for these services instead of additional full-time staff. able to manage stress.http://en-us. While this results in keen competition.action-research.http://www. marketing.http://www.  Direct Marketing Association (DMA) has been the leading source of news and information for direct marketers since 1917. employment is projected to grow much faster than average in scientific. Managers also need tact.wetfeet.WOMCOM. creative. flexible.Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Persons interested in becoming  Wetfeet Careers in Marketing . both orally and in writing.marketingpower. The ability to communicate persuasively. and strong communication skills should have the best job opportunities. and decisive. public relations. a decline in employment is expected in many manufacturing industries. marketing. and in advertising and related services. and related services. Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Marketing Association (AMA) provides professional development services for marketing professionals such as special interest groups.aspx 82 . In contrast. college graduates with related experience.nielsen. and sales managers is expected to increase faster than the average for all occupations through 2014.http://www.  Association for Women in Communications (AWC) recognizes the complex relationships that exist across the communications disciplines. promotions. a high level of creativity. However. . It also has a reference center focusing on marketing issues . Those who have new media and interactive marketing skills will be particularly sought Sample Group of Employers  Action Marketing Research . For example. staff.http://www.http://www. highly  Business Marketing Association . spurred by intense domestic and global competition in products and services offered to consumers.http://www. . All of their resources can aid professional development and knowledge of the latest research and trends in the marketing industry.Publications AMA Publishing Group publishes some of the top marketing books as well as eight business magazines and scholarly journals. 83 . po olicy. especially y in Eastern n ope and sele ect countries such as In ndia. financial skills. netwo ork of microfinance m e organizatio ons. Morocc co. e and network king in mor re trad ditional finan ncial institut tions are qu uite importan nt. such as g group lendin ng or other forms of co ollateral not ployed by th he formal fin nancial secto or. or inve estors. sm moothing co onsumption n. . sav vings. and ente erprises can change sign nificantly ov ver time. and rem mittances. . and manag ging risk. and shou uld be sough ht out either r before seek king microfi inance oppo ortunities or developed through a position p or in nternship ab broad working for a microfinan nce provide er. microfinan nce does not t have e as structur red a hiring process or h hierarchy as s many othe er finance ca areers and th hose seeking g a ca areer in micr rofinance w will have to create c their o own career p paths in a si imilar fashio on to the NGO O and socia al sectors. and bec cause of the e industry’s focus on the e poor. marke et analysis. micr rofinance in nstitutions often use non-tr raditional m methodologie es. leading to a wide e variety of f oppo ortunities w within the fie eld for a ran nge of differ rent interests s. and Pak kistan. Th he skills req quired for a career in m microfinance will depend d greatly on n the r role you are e interested in. The e serv vices provided by micro ofinance institutions (M MFIs) includ de loans. or rese earch aspects of microfi inance. pref ferably thro ough work on o microfina ance-specific projects. micro ofinance insti itutions wor rldwide had d an estimate ed $68 billio on in total assets. h households.C CAREER O OPPORTUN NITIES IN MICROFI INANCE AND A DEVELO OPMENT F FINANCE f Field Description of crofinance is s a term for a variety of f financial se ervices that target low-income clie ents. Entry sala aries are typ pically lowe er than simil lar positions s in more main nstream fina ancial caree ers. Mi icroloans ar re given for a variety of f purposes. However. experience. Mic part ticularly wom men who ha ave meager incomes an nd lack access to formal l financial services. a comp pared to $26 billion five e year r prior. As of the end of 2 2010. For thos se interested d in the deve elopment. insura ance. emp reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Car The microfinan nce moveme ent has grow wn rapidly in n the past de ecade. Nicaragu ua. Due to thes se varied nee eds. it is important to o build thos se particular r skills. career isis recover 84 . Howe ever. For those interested d in working g with a fina ancial institu ution. b but at the ve ery least in a areas of economic or com mmunity dev velopment. As M MFIs grow t to meet glob bal demand in the post financial cri ry. i including m microenterpri ise deve elopment. esp pecially for those who live in pove erty. The diversity y of products and servic ces offe ered by MFI Is reflects th he fact that t the financial l needs of in ndividuals. 2011 Euro saw w the industry y recover an nd move tow ward stable growth—M MFIs current tly operate in over 100 coun ntries and se erve approx ximately 100 0 million cli ients. mand Dem The microfinan nce industry suffered a d downturn du uring the fin nancial crisi is. mixmarket. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field The ideal candidate will have at least several years of marketing. quantitative. One growing niche within this sector is new product types and channels such as mobile phone based banking / www.ifc.worldbank.citigroup. Successful candidates are expected to provide strategic and operational leadership by working closely with a range of partner organizations. and analytical  Finca International – www.afi-global.Org – www.microcreditsummit. and extended indebtedness of consumers in several leading microfinance markets are all issues raised by those wary of microfinance. In addition.grameenfoundation. an MBA is often preferred for those entering the field on the banking or investment side of microfinance.opportunities will increase for those financial professionals with social science knowledge. One must have a passion for building businesses and a commitment to delivering great products even with limited resources. and other teams internally) – www.microplace. and housing. Such complications include the increase in competition between MFIs. (Center for the Study of Financial Innovation) Recent impact evaluation studies have also called into question the poverty-alleviating potential of credit-focused microfinance  World Bank (International Finance  Grameen Foundation – www. as well as possessing excellent communicative. the global recession’s impact on MFIs.iamfi. the danger of liquidity drying Associations  Alliance for Financial Inclusion –  Microcredit Summit Campaign – www.villagebanking. and the use of microfinance as a tool to address other development challenges such as green energy.wam-international. credit risks.microcapital. inappropriate donor  Micro Place – www.microfinancegateway.  International Association of Microfinance Investors – www. Sample Group of Employers  Accion USA – www. local language  CGAP – Challenges of the Profession The success of microfinance brings with it new challenges and situations. crop index  Citi Microfinance – www. Financial Inclusion Practice Group. preferably in financial services. and institutional inefficiencies. and delivery experience.aspx  Women Advocating Microfinance (WAM) – www. (Brigham Young University) In addition.cgap. issues with regulation. and cultural 85 .org/  MicroCapital.  Microfinance Information Exchange – www.html  The Microfinance Association – www. limited management capacity. Resources for Additional Information  CGAP Microfinance Gateway – http://www. as MFIs become more established and climate changes.microfinanceassociation.  Global Career Coaching, Careers in Microfinancing & Microcredit –  Grameen Foundation, Career –  International Association of Microfinance Investors –  MicroCapital Society, Events –  Net Impact, Microfinance –  University of Washington, Microfinance Resources – Publications Due Diligence: An impertinent inquiry into microfinance, by David Roodman, Brookings Institution, 2012. How to Change the World: Social Entrepreneurs and the Power of New Ideas, Oxford University Press, 2007. The Sustainable MBA: The 2010-2011 Guide to Business Schools That are Making a Difference, by The Aspen Institute Center for Business Education, BookSurge Publishing, 2009. Microfinance for Bankers and Investors: Understanding the Opportunities and Challenges of the Market at the Bottom of the Pyramid, 1st Ed., by Elisabeth Rhyne, McGraw-Hill, 2009. Portfolios of the Poor: How the world’s poor live on $2 a day, by Daryl Collins, et. al, Princeton University Press, 2009. Social Entrepreneurship: What Everyone Needs to Know, by David Bornstein, Oxford University Press, 2010. 86 CARE EER OPPO ORTUNITI IES IN NON NPROFIT MANAGE EMENT Description of f Field There are nearly y 1.6 millio on nonprofit (voluntary, , community y-based, fun nctional, or charitable) i institutions in the ited States a alone. Nonpr rofit institut tions play an n important t role in com mmunity life e and form a an integral p part of Uni the economic, p political, an nd social sph heres of the country. Th he nonprofit t organizatio on’s primary y goal is to advance, advoc cate, or purs sue a cause c central to th he organizati ion’s existen nce and mis ssion. These e missions c can ge from wom men’s rights s in the United States to o overseas relief r and de evelopment assistance. Workdays i in rang non nprofit organ nizations are e often long g, with finan ncial compen nsation not always matching effort t or resp ponsibility. F Furthermore e, many non nprofits face e a continua al crisis of re esources. sity, and act tivity of non nprofit organ nizations ha ave grown d dramatically y over the pa ast decade as a a The size, divers ult of govern nment effort ts to privatiz ze services and program ms. This sec ctor employ s approxima ately 13.5 m million resu peop ple, expend ds $668 billion in annua al personnel costs, and p provides 5.5 5 percent of f the nation’s GDP or $7 751 billi ion in outpu ut. (Indepen ndent Sector r, http://inde ependentsec Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries The nonprofit s sector offers s multiple em mployment options for master’s de egree gradua ates. Exam mples of job b titles for t those enteri ing the nonp profit manag gement field d include: as ssistant dire ector of fund draising, pro ogram analy yst, prog gram directo or, program m officer, ma arketing/rese earch associ iate, directo or, communi ity outreach h coordinato or, fina ance director r, director o of informatio on systems, and directo or of public relations. It t is even pos ssible to be h hired as a an executive e director of f a small org ganization. Entry-level E s salaries rang ge from the low to mid d $30,000s to o the high h $40,000s, depending on the size of the organ nizational bu udget, the number n of st taff member rs, and the dive ersity of qua alifications. Foll lowing the entry e level, o one may ass sume positio ons of incre easing respo onsibility in functional a areas, program or serv vice delivery y, and/or gen neral manag gement. Prim mary job fun nctions can include wo orking with a board of directors, public c and comm munity group ps, fundraising, media, clients, and d other nonp profit organi izations. Ca areer adva ancement de epends on th he size and mission of each nonpro ofit, as well as one’s de edication to the organization. There are unlim mited opport tunities to ju ump from th he nonprofit t sector to th he private an nd public/go overnment tors because e of the cont tinuous inter raction of in nstitutions in n these area as. Potential career outc comes includ de sect seni ior executive director, program p ma anager, gove ernment affa airs, and equ uivalent pos sitions in the e private and publ lic sectors. nprofit empl loyment by sector inclu udes: 41.9% for health s services, 21.9% for edu ucation/resea arch, 18.3% % for Non soci ial and legal l services, 1 11.8% for re eligious orga anizations, 3 3.9% for civ vic, social, a and fraterna al organizations, 1.9% % for arts an nd culture, a and 0.3% fo or foundations (The Fou undation Ce enter, http:// /foundationc . 87 Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field  Master’s degree in public administration, public affairs, international affairs, business administration, or a specialized degree in nonprofit management.  Strong interest in the issues related to the mission of the particular nonprofit organization.  Professional or volunteer experience with related nonprofit organizations.  Excellent oral and written communication skills.  Experience in motivating, training, and supervising others.  Ability to work creatively with limited human and financial resources.  For international nonprofit organizations, overseas experience and proficiency in a foreign language. Sample Group of Employers  Academy for Educational Development -  American Red Cross -  CARE -  Center for Justice and International Law (CEJIL) -  Easter Seals -  Ford Foundation -  For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology (FIRST) -  International Rescue Committee -  Meridian International Center -  NAFSA – Association of International Educators -  Population Action International -  Soros Foundation -  The United Way -  World Vision - Demand & Opportunities Nonprofit management is an expanding and dynamic career field characterized by the growth of new organizations and new social venture programs developed to improve the human condition. Furthermore, the outsourcing of previously government managed programs to the nonprofit sector continues to serve as a catalyst for new positions. Finally, there continues to be considerable turnover in the nonprofit world based on the upward mobility and financial challenges of the profession. Future Challenges of the Profession The nonprofit sector is a major structural and economic force in the United States and abroad. Nonprofit organizations continue to face challenges of mission definition, governance, funding and financial viability, tax status, operations, program management and program delivery, effectiveness, and accountability. In this volatile economy, new challenges are increased commercial pressures and competition from the private sector, as well as pushback on advocacy activities and scrutiny of funding. Changing demographics and technological advances also play a role in the impact and efficacy of nonprofit programs and services. 88 Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Association of Grant Professionals -  American Society for Public Administration -  Association of Fundraising Professionals -  Association of Professional Researchers for Advancement -  Independent Sector -  National Association of Planning Councils - Internet Resources  Alliance for Nonprofit Management -  Chronicle of Philanthropy -  Community Career Center -  Feminist Majority Foundation -  Foundation Center -  -  Institute for Global Communications -  National Center on Nonprofit Enterprise -  Network for Good -  Non-Profit Career Network -  Non-Profit Oyster -  Opportunity Knocks -  Professionals for Nonprofits – Publications Career Opportunities in the Nonprofit Sector by Jennifer Bobrow Burns and Timothy P. Shriver, Checkmark Books, 2006. Change Your Career: Transitioning to the Nonprofit Sector by Laura Gassner Otting, Kaplan Publishing, 2007. How to Manage an Effective Nonprofit Organization: From Writing and Managing Grants to Fundraising, Board Development, and Strategic Planning by Michael A. Sand, Career Pr Inc, 2005. Jobs That Matter: Find a Stable, Fulfilling Career in Public Service by Heather Krasna, Jist Works, 2010. Making a Living While Making a Difference by Melissa Everett, New Society Publishers, 2007. The Nonprofit Career Guide: How to Land a Job That Makes a Difference by Shelly Cryer, Fieldstone Alliance, 2008. Nonprofits Job Finder: Where the Jobs Are in Charities and Nonprofits by Daniel Lauber and Jennifer Atkin, Planning/Communications, 2010. 89 or mul ltinational o organization n that works in nonproli iferation. A typical car reer path h includes w working in an n entry leve el position in n one of the ese organiza ations and working w your r way up ov ver time e. . N Nuclear nonp proliferation n experts in g general will l also contin nue to be ne eeded. mand Dem There is a dema and for prof fessionals w well-educated d in nuclear r science and d engineerin ng. s strong mmunication ns skills. as new w llenges such h as the eme ergence of new n prolifera ating states and the add ded threat of f terrorists a acquiring nu uclear chal wea apons will re equire new and a revised strategies. See curre ent GS pay l levels for th he federal go overnment for f an idea of o expected salary.C CAREER O OPPORTUN NITIES IN NONPROL LIFERATI ION Des scription of the Fie eld Non nproliferatio on profession nals work to o reduce or end the dev velopment of o nuclear w weapons and respond to pote ential conflict. nong government tal organiza ation. Qualification ns Necessa ary to En nter the Fi ield Public policy m makers and researchers r n need to have an underst tanding of p political con nflict. 90 . Those in n the field p promote the safe use of nuclear scie ence and wo ork to insure e it is not be eing used d for militar ry purposes. and d an ability t to understan nd different approaches s to problem m solving an nd cultural com diffe ferences. nuclea ar history. Car reer Paths and Ent try Salari ies A ca areer in non nproliferatio on may begin n by getting g an internsh hip or fellow wship with a governmen ntal agency. othe er hiring orga anizations will w vary dep pending on s sector. many pe eople in the field will be retiring by 2013. armscontrol. http://www. job Future Challenges of the Profession Nonproliferation professionals face challenges of new technology and the increasing threat of non-state actors. US Nuclear Regulatory Commission.Sample Group of Employers        American Nuclear 91 .  Friends Committee on National Legislation. http://www. http://jstreet.georgetown. Brazilian–Argentine Agency for Accounting and Control of Nuclear Materials.  Women in International Security. http://www. Jobs  Nuclear Threat International Atomic Energy Agency. European Nuclear Publications Arms Control Today. http://nnsa. Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  James Martin Center for Nonproliferation  Council for a Livable World.iaea.euronuclear. http://www. Quaker Associations  Arms Control Association. http://www.  Web page for pro-Isreas and pro-peace American citizens with job http://www.htm  National Nuclear Security Administration Nuclear Energy Institute.nti.armscontrol. Student Internships. http://blog. http://www.livableworld. US Department of Energy. Office of Nonproliferation and International Security Annual  International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear  World Nuclear Association.php  Job posts in arms control. What disti inguishes th his field from m others.000s to mid $30. pu ublic relations liaison. In different leve setti ings." and d other simil lar variation ns. Peac ce and Worl ld Security S Studies) Care eer-related a activities wi ithin this fie eld include p policy resea arch. ho owever. and glo obal els. polit tical science e. research a assistant." "justi ice and reco onciliation s studies. and many v volunteer op pportunities s can lead d to full-time e employme ent. a and regional l mon nitor. program d design and m management t. 92 . but are not limited to: analys st. An unde erstanding a and knowled dge of histo ory and how w it applies to o a conflict situation as s well as stro ong cross-cu ultural inter raction skill ls are valuab ble assets in n the field. prog gram associate/assistant t. commun nity service e. M Many applie ed inno conf flict resoluti ion skills ca an be acquir red in a dom mestic setting g and then t transferred t to the intern national aren na (wit th a knowled dge of impo ortant cultur ral and envir ronmental d differences). c . as the demand for There are theref ovative and more effect tive means t to resolve co onflicts betw ween nation ns and peopl les grows. legislat tive lobbyin ng. education n coordinato or." "pea ace and wor rld order stu udies. petit tioning and protest acti ion. this fie eld of study is known v variously as "peace and conflict stu udies. law and other o discipli ines in analy yzing the ca auses of war r and system mic oppressi ion. Acquiring A es ssential skill ls in the pea ace and conf flict resoluti ion field d can be init tiated throug gh involvem ment and con ncern with the t social is ssues affecti ing most com mmunities. and exam mines ideolo ogy. and q qualification ns. Function nal titles include. Dem mand The unpreceden nted change es in the wor rld commun nity have no ot prevented d conflict fro om continuin ng unabated d. It enc compasses th he study of economic.000s at the entry level depending on the size of the orga anizational b budget. public ed ducation. and techno ology as the ey relate to conflict c and d change. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Entr ry level posi itions in the e peace and conflict reso olution field d are diversi ified and of ften highly competitive. expl loring proce esses by which conflict and change e can be cha anneled to m maximize jus stice while m minimizing violence. p political. soci iology. staf ff size. Klare." "peac ce and secur rity studies. fore many opportunitie o es for peace and conflict resolution professiona als. This s field has n no direct or specified s ca areer path. training an nd facilitation. culture e. nation nal. and social sys stems at the local. Sala ary levels ra ange from th he $20. and intercultura al diplomacy y.CAREER OPPORTU UNITIES IN N PEACE AND A CONFLICT RE ESOLUTIO ON Description of f the Field Peac ce and Conf flict Resolut tion studies is an interd disciplinary academic fi ield that dra aws from an nthropology. . is a concern wi ith the moda alities of pea ace and the methods of f peac cemaking. (Michael T. . org/ 93 .  Institute for World Affairs .org/  Catholic Relief Services  American-Mideast Education & Training Services .http://www.html  Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy .afsc. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field A strong commitment to social issues and an interest in international relations are necessary to build a career in international conflict resolution.ips-dc.http://www.cwps.fmcs.http://www.imtd. as well as experience in a multicultural section of a local community or city is highly recommended.As an interdisciplinary field.ceip. conflict resolution positions can be found in a variety of organizations not traditionally viewed as peace-advocating institutions. Overseas field  Carnegie Council on Ethics & International Affairs .ac.ulst.incore. The shared sense of a common purpose being pursued for a socially conscious cause will sometimes create a less than structured environment.http://www.http://www. which is important in receiving an offer for a professional job. The enthusiastic involvement with public interest organizations as an intern and/or volunteer will help to develop a network.http://www. especially in a developing country. The creation of the World Bank’s Post-Conflict Unit and the Federal Mediation & Conciliation Service shows that governmental and multilateral organizations are also recognizing the importance of this growing field. Sample Group of Employers  Alliance for International Conflict Resolution .org/  CARE. A graduate level degree is almost essential to progress in the field because of the functional expertise it  The Institute for International Mediation and Conflict Resolution http://www. foreign language proficiency will make one more competitive.http://www. paid professional positions in this field are difficult to obtain unless one has relevant experience and the corresponding education and training.http://www. For example.  Carter Center . However.http://www.fundforpeace. Inc.http://www. aspiring peace and conflict resolution professionals must be  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .org/  Amnesty International  Chemonics  Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service .  INCORE . teaching and training skills acquired through education or work can also be considered.cartercenter. .http://www. The methods utilized in evaluating and analyzing conflict and in resolving such situations or potential situations are often learned through a combination of experience and higher education. Due to the international nature of the  Center for War/Peace Studies .amideast. One’s educational background should emphasize research and analytical  American Friends Service Committee . development organizations like CARE and CRS (Catholic Relief Services) are increasingly recognizing the important interconnections between development and conflict resolution. In  Institute for Policy Studies .iwa.http://www.  The Fund for Peace .org/  American Civil Liberties Union .  International Alert . crisisgroup.worldpolicy. Peace Vox .sfcg. many organizations have difficulty reconciling the funder’s. and charitable Sister Cities International TransAfrica .org Future Challenges of the Profession Practical Woodrow Wilson International Center . and regional expertise all have value.http://www. Institute of Peace).nationalpeace. US Department of State Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations. This is especially true in the field of international conflict resolution. Furthermore.http://www.peacebrigades.http://www.peacemakers. This link between development assistance and conflict resolution implies an increase in opportunities with development organizations.                    International Crisis Group .org/ The United Nations . membership dues. Office of the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization .org/ Peace Makers Trust .gov/g/cso/ US Institute of Peace .org/ International Institute for Sustained Dialogue Joan B. Mercy Corps .http://www. Funding is always a major challenge for any internationally focused organization.wilsoncenter.http://www. Kroc Institute for Peace & Justice .mercycorps. and change from within can be especially difficult. Search for Common Ground .http://www. Non-Violence International .http://www. The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation . or contributor’s desire for tangible results with the intangible nature of their US Agency for International Development Office of Conflict Management and Mitigation – http://www. innovative fundraising ideas and a commitment to procuring new revenue sources will be useful for those looking to address the future challenges of the field.http://www.hewlett. Quantifying the results of projects which aim to reduce future conflict by focusing on communication. donor’s. as organizations struggle to obtain funds from governmental National Democratic Institute National Peace Foundation .sandiego. The inability to gather adequate resources from the global community to resolve conflict situations will continue to frustrate the hope for a defining commitment to a new world order. Therefore. The rights of nations to self-determination and the recognition of states based on democracy and a corresponding rule of law cannot succeed without international development initiatives.http://www. 94 . Sustainable development combined with democracy and the rule of law in struggling countries will only flourish with cooperation in the international arena to improve economic relationships.http://www.cfm World Policy Institute . but it is the combination of the knowledge from these three aspects of the field that will be necessary in order to impact today's complex and volatile world (U.peacevox. theoretical insight.state.usaid. Peace Brigades International . org/  A Peace Maker .org/  Peace and Justice Studies Association .be/pol/ipra/  National Conference on Peacemaking and Conflict Resolution . Food First Books.apeacemaker. PeaceNet .  American Political Science Association Conflict Processes Section http://www. by Jame Gow. by Oliver Ramsbotham. NOLO. by Caitlin Hachmyer. JosseyBass. Polity.apeacemaker. et al.http://www. 2008. 2nd  International Peace Research Association .. by Peter Lovenheim.http://soc.http://www. Paul Van Tongeren.cfm  American Sociological Association Peace. L. 2002. et al.peacewarconflict. Contemporary Conflict Resolution.kuleuven. 2005. 12th Ed.http://www. Ethics and Justice: International Security in a Post-9/11 World. War. War & Social Conflict Section http://www..http://www. People Building Peace II: Successful Stories Of Civil Society.Resources for Additional Information Associations  Association for Conflict Resolution .org/index. Becoming a Mediator: An Insider's Guide to Exploring Careers in Mediation. Becoming A Mediator: Your Guide To Career Opportunities.http://www. by Peter Lovenheim. Publications Alternatives to the Peace Corps: A Guide to Global Volunteer  Peace and Collaborative Development Network .acresolution. 2005.igc. Rienner Publishers. 2010..apsanet. Internet Resources  Institute for Global Communications. 95 . politica al risk analy ysis examine es social con nditions suc ch as crime l levels – the num mber of recen nt kidnappin ngs. it has se een a dram matic increa ase in impor rtance only i in the past 2 25 years. len nding institu utions. Specifi ic problems include gov vernment in nstability. and online e sites speci ializing in th he sale of po olitical risk info ormation. e energy firms s. cu urrency inco onvertibility y. fixed incom me. especially y if they will l strengthen n one’s accounting and f financial sk kills or offe er some insig ght into the political pro ocess. legal syste ems. R Requirement ts appear to be more fle exible for e employmen nt with small ler compani ies. reer Paths Car Internships are strongly rec commended d. smaller fina ancial compa anies. tod day’s analysts may find d employme ent with inte ernational or rganizations s. A Analysts ma ay also be asked to pr rescribe risk k manageme ent solution ns and offer recommend dations to cl lients hoping g to invest i in a specific c area of th he world. and forward their fin ndings to tho ose making investment decisions. ose employe ed in rating a agencies. particula arly those th hat are Inter rnet-based. for exa ample – and land rights issues when n evaluating g the level o of risk assoc ciated with h any invest tment. or r events occu urring in the e country or r emerging m market in which w expe they y have inves sted. conditions. and organization ns such as the t State De epartment m may be Tho requ uired to mak ke in-depth e economic an nalysis and would be classified as specialists. often at a doctora al level. and expropriation. Analysts with w more ge eneral know wledge abou ut countries s. polit tical risk ana alysts gathe er informatio on on an are ea or a coun ntry. More eover. 96 .CAR REER OPPO ORTUNITI IES IN POL LITICAL R RISK ANA ALYSIS Description of f the Field tical risk” re efers to the p possibility that t investor rs will lose money m or m make less mo oney than The term “polit ected due to o political de ecisions. rating g services. and equities. Th he equity de epartment su upports equi ity research h analysts by y forecasting g key econo omic variabl les and may require e advanced economic s skills. In addit tion. Th hree departm ments within n most large e banks perf form politica al risk analy ysis: credit. and bu usiness pract tices may find employm ment with sm maller consu ulting com mpanies that gather and analyze info formation an nd then sell their finding gs to others. prior experience is becomin ng increasing gly importan nt in find ding employ yment in cert tain organiz zations. ile the politi ical risk div visions of lar rge consulti ing and insu urance comp panies have traditionally y been most t Whi invo olved with th his field. A Although pol litical risk an nalysis has b been develo oping as a fi ield since th he 17th centu ury. determi ine the caus ses and sources of Typ any related risk ks. nationaliz zation. pically. such h as the Wo orld Bank. P. political science. monetary economics. Companies look for well-informed people who may be described as intelligent risk takers.With expanding markets and levels of foreign direct investment increasing. international relations.chubb.  Fitch Ratings  Maplecroft .The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency www. Although concentrating in an area study will certainly be  OPIC .http://www.www. Morgan .  Kroll Associates .net/  Aon Corporation . while business-related classes will help those pursuing a more specialized track. understand a country’s balance of The ability to decipher a balance  Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu . Sample Group of Employers International/Governmental Organizations  World Bank/MIGA . Specific classes include the following: Private Sector  American International Group.jsp  Bloomberg Financial News . or law enforcement. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Political risk analysts typically hold degrees in business. trade and political science. private sector project finance.bpamoco.www. the increasing number and types of firms practicing political risk analysis ensure that this field will be attractive to many different types of   Control Risks Group .www.http://www.http://www.eurasiagroup.aon.http://www. forecasts for jobs in this field seem strong. corporate finance.http://www. Excellent research.oecd. economics or related areas but may also have backgrounds in  Marsh – The latter will be most useful for entry-level  Eurasia Group –  Business Monitor International .com  Medley Global Advisors . Representation of investigative journalists and former intelligence agents is particularly high in online companies specializing in political risk information. Successful analysts excel at adapting their knowledge to new and uncertain  OECD . Banking experience is always beneficial and may be required for those students hoping to work in a financial company. many analyst positions will focus on more than one area of the world. 97 . and decision making abilities as well as good communicative and writing skills are necessary to succeed in this field.cfm  J.  BPAmoco .com .http://www. journalism. it is recommended that students interested in pursuing a career in political risk analysis take classes in finance. and country risk Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development http://www. .  Andreae & Associates . international monetary system.miga. Therefore. or offer insight into the politics of a particular region will be very useful.  Chubb . analysis.www. Additionally.The Overseas Private Investment Corporation . html Standard & Poor's .http://www.rundtsintelligence. J.sovereignbermuda. The Fat Tail: The Power of Political Knowledge for Strategic Investing (Oxford University Press: New York.berneunion. Smith Brandon International .com/  Risk World – Stratfor .  Society for Risk Analysis .standardandpoors.apiw.asp  Berneunion .com  PRS Group .com/ S.http://www.http://www. Professional Associations  Association of Professional Insurance Women .http://www.prsgroup.sra.  Marvin Zonis .globalriskaffairs. Rundt & Associates .org. Profound Online Business Services Resources for Additional Information Books  Ian Bremmer and Preston Keat.zurich.          Moody's Investors Services .profound. 98 .com Morgan Stanley Dean Witter .http://www.http://www. 2009) Zurich .com Sovereign Risk Insurance Internet Resources  Global Risk Affairs .www. .www.http://www.  Global Association of Risk Professionals .com/ Oxford Analytica .stratfor. legisl lative analys st. as w well as publ lic health an nd environm mental hazar rds. later becoming b pr roject directo or or senior r professiona al staff. executiv ve director. Salar ries may be higher for c candidates with w technic cal or scienti ific undergr raduate or gr raduate deg grees or si ignificant w work experie ence in the field. Dem mand Public sector em mployers ha ave tradition nally hired m more science e and techno ology policy y graduates than any ot ther ployer. A person entering the e field as a research r or p policy assis stant might e expect to prog gress to anal lyst or techn nical consul ltant. . labo or. or r indu ustry. analysis. 2001 becau use of the ne eed for scien nce emp and technology y experts wo orking in nat tional securi ity policy. sen nior executiv ve-level pol licy making g positions in n federal ag gencies often n requ uire scientifi fic or technic cal credentia als. th he more a PhD is neede ed. whereas s senior con ngressional committee c p policy making positions s are less demanding g of technica al qualificati ions and mo ore demandi ing of politi ical skills. government g . or vice pres sident. an nd policy res search requi ire different t kinds of sk kills and Care capa abilities as w well as diffe erent types o of training a and work sty yles. techno ology. It is conce erned with th he ways in which w citize ens and prof fessionals in n industry. program or o policy an nalyst. In the inter rnational are ena.CARE EER OPPO ORTUNITIE ES IN SCIE ENCE AND D TECHNO OLOGY f the Field Description of ence. as w well as prom mote and ma anage scient tific and technologic cal systems that serve a as potential s solutions. s social values. T The same ma ay be said o of policy managem ment careers s. and ec conomic pro oblems. Continu uing growth in demand at the state level – whe ere there is a also a need d for scienti ific and tech hnical policy y expertise — is contingent on the ability of st tates to over rcome prese ent fisca al cutbacks. and d ultim mately adva ancing to po olicy making g positions s such as assis stant secreta ary. d For example. a Ph hD is usually y required fo for movemen nt to senior levels. career r paths leadi ing to simila ar posi itions may differ. academia a. human he ealth. eer paths in policy mak king. no onprofit thin nk tanks. With h some excep ptions. or r in federal agencies. f on Cap pitol Hill. Fede eral agency d demands ha ave increase ed since Sep ptember 11. and generally th he clos ser the positi ion is to aca ademia or hi igh-level thi ink tanks. Car reer Paths Recent graduate es with scie ence policy d degrees wor rk in researc ch. and p public policy y is a maturi ing field foc cused on the e interaction ns among sc cientific Scie deve elopments. or manage ement with s such positions as rese earch analys st. there is s a need for science and d technology y policy spe ecialists to assist a 99 . t technologic cal change. or the mo ore specific environmen ntal protecti ion spec cialist. policy analysis. and non-p profit organi izations und derstand these interactio ons and app ply their und derstanding t to solv ve social. . and governmental ac ctivities at both internat tional and dom mestic levels s. en nvironmenta al. computer c an nd telecomm munications issues. In addi ition. PhD.http://egsc.  Department of State .state.http://www.gtp1.lockheedmartin.battelle.  Effective reporting and communicating skills.  National Academy of Sciences .  American Association for the Advancement of Science . public health issues.aaas.cia.  House Committee on Science .gov  Department of Energy  NASA .  Knowledge of the policy environment and the significant issues affecting or external relations departments for candidates with extensive congressional or federal experience.with bilateral negotiations.  National Imagery and Mapping Agency .  Strong background in  ANSER Corporation . verbal and written.  Department of Commerce  Federal Bureau of Investigation .org/  Battelle Memorial Institute .http://www.cfm  Environmental Protection Agency .http://www.http://www.usaid. research.aps.nasa. strategic  General Accounting Office .http://www. Private sector employers have tended to hire science and technology graduates with engineering or technical backgrounds and excellent analytical  Global Technology Partners .doc.http://www. MS. In research and consulting organizations that serve the federal government there is a growing demand for science and technology specialists.doi.  A technical degree (e.http://www. the conversion of defense industries.http://www. Sample Group of Employers  Agency for International Development . especially diplomacy when working with diverse groups.  Central Intelligence Agency .edf. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field  Analytical skills.  Substantive knowledge of a specialized area such as  Lockheed Martin . This is especially true for those with expertise in the environment.usda.http://www.http://www. or the  Congressional Research Service .  Political and persuasive skills.http://science. both qualitative and quantitative. agreements.  American Physical Society .gov  Department of Interior . and grants management.  Department of Agriculture . defense. or BS in physics or engineering) is required for positions in some science & technology 100 .http://www.  Center for Strategic and International Studies .  Department of Defense ..http://www. and technology transfer.  Good teamwork and networking talents.  Information management  Environmental Defense . Openings also occur in regulatory.g.dod. especially around issues such as genetic engineering and its effect on international trade and health policies.doe. http://www. RAND Corporation Future Challenges of the Profession There is an increasing awareness of the economic. Pew Initiatives .org/ Internet Resources AAAS Guide to Graduate Education in Science and Engineering and Public Policy http://www. Stockholm Environment Institute . There is an increasing need to build bridges and integrate diverse national and international institutions linking governments and universities with the private sector and with newly emerging businesses and research organizations. National Science Foundation  International Association of Science and Technology for Development . as well as other technological areas. and global climate Rockwell International . Resources for Additional Information Associations  American Association for the Advancement of Science . (SAIC) .se/ Tellus Institute Union of Concerned Scientists .              National Institutes of Health .sei.aaas. political.nsf. World Bank . enhancing the scientific literacy of the public is paramount to making better political and societal decisions about science and technology. Northrop Grumman Corporation .  National Academy of Sciences . their common problems.http://www.http://www.nas.http://www. Science Applications International Corporation.http://www. cloning.http://www. In addition.acs.htm 101 .  American Chemical Society .org  American Physical Society . SRI International . biological weapons development.raytheon.ucsusa.http://www.pewtrusts.aaas. and to agree on solutions and ways to pay for them. Winrock International . and industry recognize their common  Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management . citizens. genetic  Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology .winrock.worldbank.saic.http://www. Inc.http://www. Expertise in science.http://www. and social consequences of decisions in the science and technology policy field in areas such as computers and telecommunication Raytheon Company . and public policy will be essential to help nations. . reer Paths Car The types of po ositions avai ilable vary c considerably y between o organization ns and are ve ery much de ependent up pon one’ ’s level of e education. includin ng co ommunicatio ons and pub blication wo ork. m meetings. Manages a range of pr rogram supp port functio ons. so it i is common to see those e in junior le evel position ns leaving a after two or three years to pursue h higher educ cation and professional p l opportuniti ies in acade emia. and may se erve on gove ernment task forces. DC and thr roughout the country. l lectures. Re esearch Ass sociate – De evelops and d implements research p plans. a and internat tional visits. Think tank ks. many y organizati ions employ y interns and d individuals with BA a and MA deg grees for a range of administrativ ve positions. Think tank schola ars testify be efore congre essional com mmittees. co onferences. and en ndowments. which h usually req quire an MA A or PhD and spec cialized exp pertise. prepar res funding proposals. while oth hers may res semble private sector co onsulting or rganizations s or academ mic insti itutions. and prese ents finding gs to various s audiences. 102 . m many think tanks t and re esearch orga anizations fo ocus on fore eign In Washington. a analyzes da ata. Adv vancement in nto senior p positions usu ually require es education n at the PhD D level and/o or extensive e specialized d expe ertise. pri ivate busine esses. These organizations are often n supported by contracts s from the g government. . and d policy foru ums. sub bmit articles s to major n newspapers. m many researc ch institutes s produce m major publica ations or org ganize prof fessional con nferences. Rese earch organ nizations var ry in perspective and fo ocus: some m may be view wed more as s advocacy groups g whic ch prom mote a particular agend da. handles s correspond dence.CAREE ER OPPOR RTUNITIE ES IN THIN NK TANKS S AND ACA ADEMIA f Field Description of W . an nd synthesiz zes. a d drafts docum ments. policy and inter rnational iss sues. In n addition to o research-related positions. govern nment. Re esearch Ass sistant – Pro ovides resea arch support t to fellows and senior associates. publishe es. Entry-leve el positions for individu uals with MA A degrees in nclude: Pr rogram Man nager/Assis stant – Coor rdinates and d handles logistics for m major progra am events. and provides p general admin nistrative sup upport. priva ate corporat tions. in the mo ost tradition nal sense. In a addition to t their researc ch efforts. ar re seen as no onpart tisan organiz zations that employ inte erdisciplina ary approach hes to findin ng long-term m solutions t to policy-rel lated issu ues. and co onsulting fir rms. mana ages da atabase reco ords. foun ndations.  RAND .http://motherjones. some think tanks have already broadened their range of expertise and diversified their focus.http://www.http://www. Others. and synthesis of  Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs .edu/  Carnegie Endowment for International Peace .org/en/index. but they also frequently have had prior occasion to demonstrate their specialized knowledge. public interests. Future Challenges of the Profession Some professionals in the field predict that the information explosion caused by the Internet is increasing the demand for expert analysis. Most think tanks and research institutes do have formal internship programs and many look first to current and former interns to fill new positions.worldwatch.wilsoncenter. express concern that limited funding sources may hinder think tanks in the fulfillment of their mission to provide objective policyrelevant knowledge. Not only are interns in a position to hear about openings before they are advertised  Economic Policy Institute .foodfirst.eastwestcenter.asp?bFlash=True  The Heritage Foundation .org/  Institute for Food and Development Policy (Food First) . skills. One must be able to write concise briefing reports as well as longer. Responding to the world’s changing political and economic situations and to the interests of the public. are  Council on Foreign Relations .htm  Foundation for National Progress .http://www. interpretation.  National Bureau of Asian Research .http://www.http://www.cartercenter.html  The Carter Center . Strong communication skills.http://www.stanford. and dedication. both written and  National Center of Policy Analysis .nbr.http://www. as is comfort in addressing an audience of  East-West Center  Worldwatch Institute .rand.heritage.ncpa.cceia.http://www. Competitive candidates will also be able to demonstrate proficiency in foreign languages.http://www.php  Committee for Economic Development .org/  Nautilus Institute for Security and Sustainable Development . and experience in the field is generally required for substantive research positions.Demand In response to changing world affairs.http://www-hoover.  The American Council for Capital Formation .http://www. Entry-level positions remain highly competitive and success in securing a post requires planning and at the MA or PhD  Woodrow Wilson International Center . academic works. 103 . Sample Group of Employers  Brookings Institution .com/  World Economic Forum .http://www. and budgetary constraints.http://www. Stanford University .  Center for Strategic and International Studies .ced.http://www. Presentation skills are also important. Many positions require solid quantitative skills and knowledge of statistical packages. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Higher education.  Institute for International Economics . many foreign policy research organizations are re-examining their  Hoover Institute. funding.brookings. however.nautilus. php?title=Think_tanks Publications A Capitol Idea: Think Tanks And US Foreign Policy. by Donald E. Think Tanks Traditions: Policy Analysis Across Nations. by Diane Stone and Andrew Denham.http://www. Gale Publishing.carnegieendowment. International Research Centers Directory.html Links to Research and Educational Institutes on the CATO Institute website http://www.cato. Do Think Tanks Matter?: Assessing the Impact of Public Policy Institute. McGillQueen’s University Press. Abelson. 2009.cfm?fa=employment  National Institute for Research Advancement’s index of research organizations by country  . 2006.sourcewatch. 2005.Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Carnegie Endowment employment opportunities http://www. Think Tanks.http://www. Cambridge University Press. Gale Publishing. 2008. 2006. Research Centers Directory. and Politics of  Index and description of a selection of think tanks on the Source Watch website . 2004. 2005. Careers in International Affairs. Public Policy.McGill-Queen’s University Press. Edited by Maria Pinto Carland and Candance Faber. Georgetown University Press. by Donald E. 104 .org/index. by Andrew Rich. Manchester University CA AREER OP PPORTUNI ITIES IN TRADE T Des scription of the Fie eld Trad de policy is becoming a an importan nt issue to m more busines sses in the U United States s as the barr riers to trade e and capi ital moveme ent decline a and foreign markets be ecome increa asingly inter rconnected with US ma arkets. With h the grow wth of regio onal trade bl locks and in ncreased me embership in n internation nal trade org ganizations such as the Wor rld Trade O Organization n, the impact t of US and foreign trad de policy on n the success of busines sses in the United U Stat tes will cont tinue to incr rease. Trade e policy dire ectly affects virtually al ll industries. Trad de policy an nd promotio on include a variety of a activities suc ch as analyz zing markets, increasing g attendance e at trad de events, id dentifying ag gents and di istributors, a and disseminating infor rmation on export e finan ncing. Addit tional activ vities includ de represent ting busines ss interests t to foreign go overnment o officials, na ational gover rnment agen ncies, international or rganizations s, and trade missions; id dentifying jo oint venture e partners; re esearching d developmen nt proj jects; and un nderstanding g foreign standards, tes sting, and ce ertification r requirement ts. Car reer Paths roject coord Entr ry-level title es include pr dinator, rese earch assista ant, governm ment relation ns assistant, , economic anal lyst, public relations sp pecialist, and d trade polic cy associate e. Professionals in the f field empha asize that experience is key to both m monetary an nd profession nal advance ement. mmunication n between b businesses an nd the gove ernment is cr policies dire ectly Com ritical, given that US government p affe ect a compan ny's internat tional busin ness. Govern nment polici ies and legis slation can a affect intern national tariffs, non n-tariff trade e barriers, ex xport financ cing, export licensing an nd control requirements s, counter-tr rade, and tech hnology tran nsfer. Therefore, people e who have held positio ons in the pu ublic sector have experi ience critica al to a firm m's internatio onal activiti ies. Export p promotion a at the Depar rtment of Co ommerce, ex xport licensing at the St tate Dep partment, an nd trade fina ance at the D Department of the Treas sury are but t a few exam mples of pub blic sector w work that t would be c considered d desirable. Th he legislativ ve branch al lso provides s a setting fo or graduates s seeking to develop knowle edge valuab ble to global l corporation ns. One who o understands both how w government works an nd how w to influenc ce policy to the busines ss sector's ad dvantage is a particular rly attractive e candidate. In th he private se ector, gradu uates will sp pend a considerable amo ount of time e monitoring g governme ent activities s to iden ntify policie es that could d affect their r organizatio on and then trying to in nfluence tho ose policies. Again, a so olid und derstanding of o government procedu ures and an i intimate kno owledge of key issues s surrounding g one’s busin ness or in ndustry is essential, as is the ability y to research h and analyze market tr rends and po olitical deve elopments, b both nati ionally and i internationa ally. Inside k knowledge o of the feder ral government would b be a great as sset to any busi iness seekin ng to influen nce trade po olicy. 105 Recommended Qualifications to Enter the Field            Superior oral and written communication skills, especially in persuasion Ability to speak and present publicly Knowledge of the government process Intimate knowledge of current trade policy and regulations Functional expertise in areas such as international finance, political risk management, economics, strategic planning, or marketing Foreign area expertise Demonstrated foreign language proficiency Flexibility and ability to learn new concepts quickly Excellent quantitative and qualitative skills Strong economics background Demonstrated research and analysis in the field Sample Group of Employers and Resources for Additional Information Associations  CATO Institute, Trade and Immigration -  Eldis Trade Policy Resource Guide -  Federation of International Trade Associations -  Global Public Policy Institute -  Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy -  International Chamber of Commerce -  International Gender and Trade Network -  National Federation of Independent Business -  National Foreign Trade Council -  Trade Analysis and Information System -  US Chamber of Commerce -  US Council for International Business -  US Small Business Association -  Washington International Trade Association -  Women in International Trade -  World Trade Point Federation - Career Resources  The Federation of International Associations - Federal Government  Department of Commerce -  Department of State Trade Policy and Programs -  Department of the Treasury -  Export-Import Bank of the United States -  Foreign Agricultural Service, US Department of Agriculture -  Office of the US Trade Representative -  Overseas Private Investment Corporation -  Trade Information Center -  US Commercial Service -  US International Trade Commission - 106  US Trade and Development Agency - International Organizations  International Monetary Fund, Trade -  UN United Nations Environment Programme Division of Technology, Industry, and Economics. Economics and Trade Branch -  UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and Development -  Trade, World Bank,,menuPK:176760~pagePK:14901 8~piPK:149093~theSitePK:239071,00.html  World Trade Organization - Private Sector  AT&T -  –  The Boeing Company –  Eastman Kodak -  ExxonMobil -  IBM -  Johnson & Johnson -  Motorola -  Northrop Grumman Corporation -  Philip Morris Companies, Inc. -  Pepsi-Cola International -  Procter & Gamble -  Starbucks Coffee Company – Future Challenges of the Profession Some of the issues facing trade policy professionals in the future include the United States’ global trade deficit, especially with China, and what the effects will be with the American market increasingly saving rather than spending its earnings. The United States would face additional challenges as new free trade agreements develop with Colombia, South Korea, and others. In addition, the spread of the Internet throughout the world, with improved speeds in developed nations and Internet-accessible mobile phones in emerging markets, will continue to present new opportunities and challenges for those in the trade policy field. 107 Inter rnatio onal C Career rs Gu uide: Institut tional l Entit ties 108 . an nd nonprofit organizatio ons. is ju ust after an e election. W With election ns every two o years and with only a ent Senators s with 25 ye ears or more e of service. thin nk tanks. draft bills s. and a arranging for r expert test timony. and pr romote the public p Ombudsm image (an nd future elections) of their t represe entatives. reer Paths Car There is no pre-defined typ pical career path on Cap pitol Hill. prep paring backg ground repo orts. 109 . and d serving as the liaison between Co ongress and the administr ration on po olicy matters s. preparing p ba ackground Committ reports. All congression nal offices n need the adm ministrative support per rsonnel as w well as publ lic relations s staff who m may respond d to constitu uent issues a and/or prom mote the elec cted officer’ ’s public im mage. As turno over is so com mmon on the e Hill. Many cong gressional st taffers use th heir congres ssional posit tions as step pping wor ston nes to the ex xecutive bran nch. han ndle general l administra ation. an inte ernship with h a Member of Congress provides a an excellent t ortunity to b build contac cts and show w interest in n public serv vice. oppor rtunities for r promotion on both per rsonal and c committee st taffs are ava ailable. very few st taffers are a able to spend d an entire c career fraction of curre rking for one e member o of congress. w with network king often th he key to se ecuring a position. an nd tee staff who o support th he legislative e process by y drafting le egislation. w working in th he legislative area. in ncluding: Research h and subjec ct specialist ts who cond duct legislative research h. and follow w upcoming legislatio on. Man ny APSIA g graduates seek positions s as issue sp pecialists. Employ yment on the e Hill gene erally refers s to position ns available in one of th he 535 Cong gressional of ffices (100 in i the Senat te and 435 in n the Hou use of Repre esentatives) or among th he 300 com mmittees and d subcommit ttees. . Most committees s are divided d into majo ority and m minority staff fs that perfo orm several functions. as m many opening gs are highly y competitiv ve cons and are not alw ways advertis sed. men who re espond to co onstituent in nquiries. Con ngressional s staffers perf form a varie ety of differe ent function ns. partic cularly oppo with h a Represen ntative. follo owing legisla ation. so there are a opportun nities for individuals with w vary ying interest ts and capab bilities. drafting g bills. private e sector. In addit tion. A good d time to loo ok for a position. arranging a fo or expert test timony. cond ducting rese earch. Staff sizes s vary siderably. The high turnov ver rate prov vides numer rous opportu unities for e enterprising job seekers s.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES ON CAPIT TOL HILL L Description of f Field Cap pitol Hill off fers a wide r range of exc citing and de emanding employment t opportuniti ies. http://www.http://www.senate. distributing messages and mail to staffers. helps draft legislation. Oral communication and interpersonal skills are also important in handling constituent problems. giving while campaign staffers may fill some positions. updates the Member on the status of bills in Congress.http://thomas. as can a Capitol Hill internship. and dealing with the 110 . In some offices. etc.internationalrelations. which involves routing incoming calls. meeting with lobbyists and interest groups. organizing radio and TV spots. and  Senate Foreign Relations Committee .gov/  Library of Congress . Sample Group of Employers  Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe . Thomas .http://www.  Congressional Research Service . Legislative Assistant – Briefs the Member on a number of issues. Strong written communication skills are essential. newly elected representatives need to staff the Washington office quickly. Press Secretary/Communications Director – Acts as the key link between the Member of Congress and the  House Committee on Foreign Affairs .loc. and it is important to be able to write concisely and precisely. Inquiries directed to the offices of one’s own representatives (particularly if one shares their party affiliation) can be helpful.csce. Legislative Director – Heads the legislative staff. including other Hill staffers and  Senate Select Committee on Intelligence . and addresses constituent inquiries. Legislative Assistants may handle five or six different writes position papers. both in Washington and in the area represented by the Senator or Representative’s home state or district. commitment. Most congressional staffers will readily admit that networking is frequently the key to securing a position on the Hill. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Entry-level positions require a Bachelor’s degree while a master’s is necessary for advancement. and maintains close contact with a number of constituencies. Legislative Correspondent – Drafts responses to a member's mail and deals with a range of constituent requests and inquiries concerning legislation and national policy. Substantive knowledge in areas relevant to a Member's committee work and a demonstrated understanding of the legislative process can be helpful in securing a position. Individuals in this position generally have at least ten years’ experience working in Congress.loc. handling constituent requests.http://foreign. Administrative Assistant/Chief of Staff – Oversees the operation of the entire office.http://intelligence.html  Library of Congress. Post-election is a good time to look for a job on the House side.Some of the more common entry-level positions include: Receptionist/Staff Assistant – Serves as the main point of contact for the office. Demand Entry-level positions are highly competitive and many jobs on Capitol Hill are not advertised. The pace of most congressional offices requires high energy. He/she directs publicity by issuing press releases. com http://www.shtml Job Line .opm.brubach. as the profession will require more productivity from fewer resources.(202) 226-4504 Office of Personnel Management’s web site .Challenges of the Profession As the country addresses the national deficit and economic situation by beginning to cut 111 . Publishes an annual survey of House of Representatives' staff job descriptions and salaries. Box 34949 Bethesda. DC 20002 Phone: (202) 546-0100 Fax: (202) 547-0936 E-mail: cmf@cmfweb. 20510 Phone: (202) 224-9167 http://www.O. those working on Capitol Hill will face compensation issues as well as the usual long and unpredictable work hours. Resources for Additional Information Placement Offices House of Representatives Human Resources Office 102 Ford House Office Building Suite 300 Washington. Senate Placement Office Hart Senate Office Building.http://www. Room SH-142 Washington.htm Congressional Management Foundation 513 Capitol Court Roll Call 1255 22nd Street MD 20827 Phone: 1-800-315-9777 Fax (434) 984-2331 Email jobs@brubach. DC 20515 Submitting a resume on line . Washington DC 20037 Phone: (202)419-8500 http://www. D. Innovation and creativity will be key. constituent Opportunities in Public Affairs – Stellengebote Brubach Enterprises http://www.C.W.cmfweb. and strenuous workloads. S. 10th edition..Publications Congressional Quarterly's Washington Information Directory. Congressional Management Foundation http://www.leadershipdirectories.php?Itemid=&id=116&option=com_content&task=view Congressional Yellow 112 . Brookhaven Press. Damp. by Dennis V. Leadership Directories Inc. 2008. published annually http://library.leadershipdirectories. What's Available & How to Get One. Government Jobs: Where They Leadership Directories Congressional Staff Directory in Congress: The Staff Perspective. published annually http://www.cmfweb.html Government Affairs Yellow Book. published annually The Book of U. The EC a also maintai ins rosters of o experts fro om which st taff are freq quently selec cted for sho orter cont tracts. portunities f for internships (stagiaire e) are open to non-EU nationals n as s well as EU U nationals. writing min nutes of mee etings. Notic ce of the ope en examinat tion is publi ished on the e EC websit te: http://eur ropa. T The stage Opp e and is a w prog gram offers an excellen nt experience well-respecte ed credentia al. The Commissio on consists o of 36 Direct torates-Gen neral and spe ecialized ser rvices.g. financial a and hnical co-op peration proj jects or prog grams.CA AREER OP PPORTUNI ITIES WIT TH EUROP PEAN UNIO ON (EU) IN NSTITUTI IONS Description of f the Field The European C Commission n fulfills thr ree main fun nctions:  Initiatin ng Community policy an nd represen nting the gen neral interes sts of the Eu uropean Union. who is s equivalent t in rank to t the top civil l servant in a governme ent ministry. Entrance th hrough open n examinatio on is offe ered annually y. exam mining state aid or infrin ngement cas ses. Three to five f months s in Brussels s also affo ords potentia al opportuni ities for netw working. assessin ng economic c. as a well as young univer rsity gradua ates from no on-EU coun ntries (abou ut 80 from co ountries see eking to join n the EU. each h headed by a Directorneral. At this t web site e you may v view or print p a broch hure entitled d “Careers at t the EU Ins stitutions” w with up-to-d date informa ation on exam minations a and care eer paths. e. The type of w work given to t trainees i is equivalen nt to that giv ven to junior r executive-grade offici ials.  Acting a as the guard dian of EU treaties t to en nsure that E European leg gislation is applied a correctly. B The European C Commission n offers two o five-month h periods of f in-service t training for young univ versity gradu uates who o are nationa als of EU m member state es (about450 0 trainees). ab bout70 from m all other co ountries). The Direct tors-Genera al Gen repo ort to a Com mmissioner a and each Co ommissioner r has the po olitical and operational o r responsibili ity for one o or mor re Directorat tes-General l. as many majo or European and interna ational instit tutions are head dquartered o or maintain offices in Brussels. . Th hese training periods involve e work exper rience in on ne of the Commission’s s departments and begin n on March 1st and Octo ober 1st e each year. Full ly associated d with the in nter-governm mental parts s of the Trea aty on Euro opean Union n. i including po olice and jud dicial coope eration in cr riminal matt ters. Noti ice is also p placed in nat tional newsp papers and journals j in t the member r states.  Managin ng policies and negotia ating interna ational trade e and cooper ration agree ements. The work of the Com mmission is c coordinated by its Secre etariat-Gene eral. etc.h htm. The Commissio on has impo ortant respon nsibilities fo or aid and de evelopment t programs i in developin ng countries s. Car reer Path Full l-time emplo oyment is op pen to citize ens of EU member m countries only. The e Commissi ion tech 113 .eu/epso o/index_en. the Comm mission cove ers a com mmon foreig gn and secur rity policy. cond ducting research on a pa articular top pic. europa.http://ec.htm  Committee of the Regions . Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Candidates must hold a Master’s degree or PhD. .eu/  European Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) . Candidates must justify the relations between their studies and the DG they want to work in.europarl.000 to7. when many Europeans take extended vacations.ombudsman. Once the Commission departments have made their final selection of trainees.europa.000 applications for each training period for the approximately 600 places available.regularly receives between 5. The names of those selected appear on a list (the “Blue Book”) which is then circulated to all Commission departments for the final recruitment  Council of the European Union  European Parliament . Candidates whose names are included in the Blue Book receive written confirmation of this from the Traineeships Office. Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  Careers at the EU  European Commission Directorates . They must have an extensive knowledge of the European Union.htm  European Data Protection Supervisor .eu/ 114 . the successful candidates will receive a contract from the Traineeships  Court of Justice . Challenges of the Profession As the stage program is the recognized mode for internships.htm  European Ombudsman .eu/epso/index_en.http://www.http://europa.http://www. As trainees work in a multilingual environment. The age limit for the stage program is 30 years. Members of the European Parliament may also be interested in accepting an intern. Other opportunities for internships and stagiaire should be considered.europa.europa.htm  Publications Office . The NATO Parliamentary Assembly offers an excellent program in international security policy for young graduates.europa.http://www.http://www.General and services .eu/EDPSWEB/  European Economic and Social Committee . US students will find it is quite challenging to arrange a summer internship with the EC. (  European Commission . Most trainees are paid a grant and their travel expenses within certain limits .europa.http://eca. Candidate may only be recruited as a trainee if his or her name is in the Blue Book. View or print a brochure with up-to-date information on examinations and career paths.eesc.edps. The US Mission to NATO and the Mission to the EU offer year-round internships through the internship program run by the Department of State. Students should also bear in mind that the summer weeks are a quiet period.http://europa.htm) All applications are examined by nationality by selection groups made up of Commission officials of that nationality. they must be fluent in at least two European languages and have some knowledge of a third language (French and English are required).europa.htm  Court of Auditors . with the first selection made on the basis of academic strength (GPA). also reimbursed.europa.europa. i in addition t to field expe erience and strong fore eign languag ge ability.CAREER R OPPORTU UNITIES IN I MULTIN NATIONA AL ORGAN NIZATIONS Description of f Field Mul ltinational o organization ns. inc tering living g standards and human rights.O Organization ns need adm ministrative e experts with h advanced degrees and d a second languag ge. e This agency no ormally requ uires at least t a master’s degree and d foreign lan nguage proficiency. budge et. Those e wanting to o join a mult tinational or rganization must recogn nize the ma any challeng ges of the fie eld. main ntaining inter rnational pe eace and sec curity. Field experience and working g knowledge e of French or Spanish are often re equired. Those em mployed in this field ar re usually specialists in person nnel. and t trade econom mists for the O Organizatio on for Econo omic Cooperation and Developmen D nt (OECD). social sc ciences.Thi is field requ uires an adva anced degre ee in busines ss. and food experts. prom moting social l progress. with the U United Nati ions as the la argest and most m influen ntial. pes of profe essional pos sitions for w which international or rganizations often recr ruit: Typ  Admini istrative . developm ment econom mists for the U UN Develop pment Progr ram (UNDP P). forestry y.    115 .An advanced d degree in the e social scie ences with a major in de emography is usually required d.g g. and mana agement ana alysis. the UN Con nference on n Trade and a Develop pment (UNC CTAD). a and develop ping friendly y relations b between nati ions. or e economics.The Food F and Ag griculture Or rganization (FAO) has a demand for f agricultu ure.  Agricul lture/Forestry . and t the World T Trade Organ nization (WT WTO)). . International or rganizations s work throu ughout the w world and em mploy people with dive erse backgro ounds and w work histo ories. rural d developmen nt specialists s. an nimal produ uction specialists. A An advanced d degree and d specialize ed work ex xperience relevant to the organizati ion are almo ost always r required (e. Typica al vacancies s are for agro onomists. and agricu ultural econ nomists. finance. with its pro ofessionals cluding bett wor rking in a wi ide range of f careers. Develop pment . procuremen nt. Econom mics . accoun nting. This s is a very di iverse field. labor eco onomists for r the Interna ational Labo or Organiza ation (ILO). Mid-leve el positions are often fil lled internal lly. a agricultural economists for the Foo od and Agric culture Org ganization (F FAO). patholog Demogr raphy . plant gists/genetic cists. w with specializ zation in fin nance or dev velopment e economics. but also the gre eat work ach hievable thro ough cooper ration betwe een countrie es and peoples. are tasked with the e man ny responsib bilities that n no country c can address alone.This i is one of the e fields most sought after by IOs.. such as in patent and copyright law. Statistics – The UN Secretariat. and others wanting to provide clinical opportunities are available in the field offices of specialized (and refugeerelated) agencies. Few vacancies occur for persons whose main experience has been in U. and networking experience. Public Health – World Health Organization (WHO). Teaching – Vacancies. Engineering . the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO). and the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) seek statisticians with strong quantitative and modeling skills. Language skills may also be desired. radio. An MD or public health degree. and refugee fields. microwave. are limited. nurses. developing country experience. (http://www.g.Opportunities for international relations specialists or political scientists. desktop. the UN development agencies. e. as opposed to teaching. with slow turnover. Public Information . field experience. sanitary engineers. Vacancies arise more frequently for positions relative to the specialization of the organization. There are few openings for doctors. publications. Applicants generally must have a degree in computer science. labor and international law. Computer. Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) often involve designing. or penal law. Applicants for posts in the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). They call for an advanced degree and substantial experience in the field of education. commercial.Organizations need qualified computer specialists with server. as well as agencies such as the World Food Program (WFP).S. and telephone switching. An advanced degree. and the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) regularly recruit for health professionals such as epidemiologists. and candidates greatly outnumber the positions available.The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). International media experience related to the work of the agency is desirable. dentists. and a minimum of three years' experience on large-scale computer systems. network planning. such as those in the UN Educational. are required to have an advanced degree in electrical engineering or electronics and substantial practical experience in the telecommunications field. and coordinating educational programs. The Global Fund (TGF). and others have a need for engineers. and television. at either the headquarters in Geneva or in the field. civil. and in the immigration. film. as well as language skills. the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)..Vacancies in this field are limited and competition is keen. Legal – General administrative legal staffs are relatively small. developing. administrative. statistics. promoting. and health educators. economics or accounting.htm)          116 . with no other field of expertise. Political/International Affairs . radio relay. the World Health Organization (WHO). Telecommunications – Positions in this field are limited. These posts usually call for substantial experience in the fields of information media – press. and a second language (often French or Arabic) are typically required. Social Welfare . the International Labor Organization (ILO). human rights. Information Systems. French or Spanish language proficiency is often required. Electronic Data Processing (EDP) . and language skills (usually French) normally are required. Future Challenges of the Profession In addition to the global challenges that the United Nations faces.shtml) Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field Most employees of the United Nations and other international organizations are experts in their respective fields and have extensive technical experience. relevant. Chinese.Career Paths and Entry Salaries There are few clearly marked career paths in the United Nations. It should be noted that there rarely are suitable openings for students or recent college graduates who lack pertinent experience or language skills. English. broader perspectives and challenging work. Russian. The organization plays a supporting role putting effective systems in place to enhance and support one’s career decisions. including service in difficult locations. with special efforts being made to hire qualified women. as well as including a defined benefit package pension plan. The large majority of professional and senior positions require an advanced degree. in part. nuclear proliferation. French. Geographic mobility is yet another way for one to positively affect one’s career in the UN. Appointments to translator or interpreter posts require passing a qualifying examination. and committing to humanitarian assistance.un. where one plays the leading role. and specialized work experience. they also provide valuable experience. A key part of this core will be the staff required to meet the demands of urgent peacekeeping and special political missions. Sample Group of Employers  International Monetary Fund (IMF)  Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)  United Nations (UN)  World Bank  World Trade Organization (WTO) 117 . (Carland and Faber. The diversity of occupations and multidisciplinary mandates means that one may not only change functions. usually French or Spanish. Salaries are higher at other international organizations. time and effort. despite lengthy hiring procedures and more lucrative opportunities elsewhere. with earnings from both the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development earning nearly 30 percent more than the UN. Competition is including global warming. Career progression to the senior levels relies. Experienced staff who are able to be deployed rapidly and work effectively under pressure in unfamiliar circumstances will be in constant demand. supplemented by others who will join and leave the organization for shorter periods of time when needed. ( 161) Demand The future United Nations workforce will have a core of career international civil servants performing longterm functions. One’s career path is a reflection of one’s aspirations and decisions about one’s professional development. Qualified professionals will need to be recruited and retained. its international organizations must also address staffing issues. departments but even organizations or fields of work. and Spanish) and a strong working knowledge of another.aspx?viewtype=BG) UN salaries and benefit are comparable to those of the US Civil Service. (http://careers.un. While such shifts require learning. a significant number of years of recent. and fluency in at least one of the official UN languages (Arabic. some field experience in developing countries. on evidence of mobility. Citizens: Employment Opportunities in the UN and Other Organizations  International Jobs .  OECD Careers . Academic Foundation.http://www. by Murari R.http://www. Realities and Career Prospects.oecd.who.html  UN Jobs 118 . United Nations Publications. for Additional Information Internet Resources  For  World Health Organization .int/employment/en/ Publications United Nations International Civil Service: Perceptions. Banerjee.S.http://unjobs. Sharma and Ajit M. with over 1. 119 . a as one then h has to pass a an extensive e back kground che eck and mor re candidate es pass than there are po ositions to fill. The only means of en ntry into the e Foreign Se ervice is via a the examin nation cess which i involves thr ree stages: th he Foreign S Service Offi ficer Test (FSOT). It is s responsibl le for: emp  Protecting the envir ronment. s  Ensurin ng the safety y of the natio on’s food su upply.  Regulat ting worker health and safety. It ca an take over r a year to be b plac ced followin ng successfu ul completio on of the ora al examinati ion phase. Pla acement can n take s. Federal j job seekers are encoura aged to expl lore a wide variety v of ag gencies that t may be in nvolved wit th internatio onal policym making. and illegal drug use. f Knowin ng a foreign language. ing within th he federal government is decentralized. d hom melessness. which function ns as the fed deral gove ernment’s h human resou urce division n. regulates hiring practices and pr rovides vaca ancy inform mation for the e entir re federal go overnment. perso onal narrativ ve short essay proc writ ting. Each a agency man nages its ow wn hiring and d is best viewed Hiri as a separate em mployer. if this is a career path h students ar re considerin ng seriously y.  Oversee eing air traff fic control o operations. it is necessa ary to conta act the huma an resource office for each agency to obtain deta ailed inform mation about its particula ar career op pportunities. Wh hile the US Office of Pe ersonnel Ma anagement (OPM). they should aim to tak ke the writte en up to two years mination du uring the spr ring before o or during th heir first yea ar of a two-y year master’ ’s program.  Fighting g ongoing battles against poverty. FSOs spend the majo ority of their r time outsid de the US.8 million n civilian ployees. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries There are two main m public sector track ks to consider: Foreign Service and d Civil Service. eign Service e Officers (F FSOs) repre esent the Un nited States a as they stren ngthen peac ce. with occasi ional statesi ide rotations s.CARE EER OPPOR RTUNITIE ES IN THE E US FEDER RAL GOV VERNMENT T Description of f the Field The US Federal l Governme ent is the lar rgest employ yer in the U United States s. disease. as alm most every f federal depa artment and agency mai intains an inter rnational af ffairs divisio on. International af ffairs positio ons in gover rnment do n not just exist t in agencies s such as the e Departme ent of State a and the A Agency for International Developm ment. and protec ct American ns throughou ut the world d. but failure at an ny stage requ uires one to o begin with h the FSOT a year after originally taking it. The Oral exam Asse essment is o offered at di ifferent time es throughou ut the ensui ing fall and winter. and the e Oral Asses ssment.  Conducting a globa al war again nst terrorism m.  Forging g internation nal partnersh hips in an er ra of globali ization. Suc ccessful pass sage of one section allo ows a candid date to take the next sec ction. promote US busines ss Fore inter rests abroad d. Civil Service positions can be gained through the competitive hiring process (i. which places US and foreign nationals in internships within the DC federal community. Applications for the Rosenthal Fellowship are normally due in mid February. for example. Korean. This will make them considerably more marketable when it comes time for their full-time search. Mandarin. they are extremely valuable. which is a two-year.e. provided that the internship was successful. Internships are available along both tracks. and many internships not requiring clearance may even have spring deadlines. etc. and Russian. DIA and many other internship applications are due on this date to allow for ample time in which to perform the necessary security clearance required of these positions. Treasury. Farsi. or in embassies abroad. Students should be aware of the Rosenthal Fellowship. A combination of three factors can help potential employees understand where they fall in the GS scale: education. The State Department. insider connections and recommendations can weigh heavily on the hiring decision and some agencies even see their internship program as a direct feeder for future full-time offers (OMB. There are also agency-specific fellowship programs which can lead to entry-level positions. Fed). This is called a locality pay rate. Under this system. jobs are ranked according to level of responsibility and difficulty. The application process for the Presidential Management Fellowship Program starts in the early fall of a student’s final year of graduate study. fast-track program for graduate students. Anyone even considering work with the US government that requires a security clearance is strongly encouraged to complete a summer internship that gains them a basic clearance. among others) or Super Critical Needs Language (Arabic. and are assigned corresponding grades and salaries. CIA. the internship experience can greatly increase the chances of an intern’s employment within the same agency. College graduates with a four-year degree typically enter the system at GS-5 or GS-7. visit http://www. Salaries can also rise quickly once employees have gained experience working in the government. Most white collar federal jobs fall under the General Schedule or GS pay scale.asp 120 . Though an appropriate position opening cannot be guaranteed for all returning interns within their respective agencies. including Capitol Hill.) can mean the difference between successfully getting hired or not for those with low Oral Assessment passing scores.opm. Hiring for full-time civil service positions happens throughout the year as positions become open. experience. CIA. PhD graduates typically enter at GS-11 or higher. In the federal system. depending upon their number of years of work experience. November 1st is a key government-wide deadline for many internships. the employee’s place of living affects the amount he or she is paid because pay is adjusted for cost of living. There are some specific internships that have a later application deadline. government positions posted on and other sites) or through application to the Presidential Management Fellowship Program. one can rise from GS-7 to GS-11 in two years which is nearly a 50% increase in pay.especially a Critical Needs (Cantonese. To access the General Schedule and view locality pay rates. For some hard-to-fill positions agencies may be able to offer a special pay rate that allows them to offer more attractive salaries for selected occupations. and location. Despite a rigid civil service competitive process. Master’s level graduates usually enter at a GS-9 or there may be room for negotiation along the steps within that GS level that depend on these three factors. Even if a candidate falls solidly into a specific GS level. There is currently a notable backlog of security clearances and because of the time and expense they incur. since the State Department internship offers placements either within the State Department bureaus in DC. 467. DC. but political changes can influence staffing levels. not just a career in itself. Immediately after an election is an especially opportune time to search for positions. and will require increased hiring at all levels over the next five years. Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field While careers with the federal government vary widely depending on the agency. GS-9 makes a starting salary of $51. the following selection of skills will be an essential asset to any federal job:          Superior written and oral communication skills. along with knowledge of foreign languages (Arabic. The NSPS system makes use of broader pay bands and bases annual pay raises in part on performance ratings – it would therefore potentially allow for more rapid movement up the pay scale and would more directly reward those individuals who achieve high performance on the job. Proven commitment to public service. GS-12 makes a starting salary of $74. The government has also begun to bolster the ranks of its human resources capabilities to be able to handle the increase in applications. Demand Federal employment is generally not affected by cyclical fluctuations in the economy as are other private sector industries.The 2010 pay scale in Washington. as new congressional members or a new White House administration will need fresh staff. working for the federal government can be a great career builder. Each presidential administration may have different public policy priorities that result in greater levels of federal employment in some programs and reductions in others. is as follows: GS-7 makes a starting salary of $42. This will leave a large vacuum in mid to upper level management that will need to be filled. Hiring is also increased at the end of September – the end of the government’s fiscal year. GS-11 makes a starting salary of $62. The government has already begun an advertising campaign to try to bring in new talent. and is under pressure to revamp its Presidential Fellowship Program to attract future leadership.9 million employees. and Farsi are the current critically needed languages). The US government is gradually moving from the General Schedule (GS) payment schedule to a new National Security Personnel System (NSPS). so start informational interviewing in August to get ahead of the competition. for example. Ability to work in a team environment. Strong work ethic and dedication. Demonstrated leadership skills. A notable portion of the federal workforce (44% of its 1. Proven research and analytical abilities. including 60% of its senior managers) is expected to retire by 2010. Chinese. For international offices within particular agencies. 121 . The new pay banding system is first being implemented in the Department of Defense and select agencies. Last. Any remaining funds are often used to fill vacancies.630. it is important to note that since the federal government offers opportunities in just about every field and at all levels. Prior work experience.872. Excellent research and data analysis skills. often specific regional or technical expertise is necessary.209. gov  National Security Council . Over the next few  Federal Research  Student Jobs . and Federal Government.http://www.  Department of State .gov  Monster Public Service .http://www.shtm  Department of Housing and Urban Development Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  USA JOBS .  US Agency for International Development . by Lily Whiteman.  Department of Justice .http://career-advice. Publications Government Job Finder: Where the Jobs Are in  Federal Reserve System .gov/  General Accounting Office . in theory.doc.http://www.http://www.  Congressional Research Service .Future Challenges Today the federal government takes human capital planning and workforce development very seriously  Department of Defense .  Department of Transportation .gov  Department of Labor .cbo.  Central Intelligence Agency .  Department of Homeland Security .  US Trade Representative . 2008.whitehouse.USAJOBS.epa.http://www. State.http://www.fedworld. as potential sizable retirements take place.loc.gao. it will be a major challenge for federal agencies to recruit new employees and retain valuable ones.http://www.http://www.http://www.fedjobs. Sample Group of Employers  Department of Agriculture .gov  Department of Commerce .http://www.dhs.  Department of the Treasury .com/  FedWorld .  Office of Management and Budget .hud. How to Land a Top-Paying Federal Job. .gov  Department of Health and Human Services .gov  Department of the Interior  AvueCentral .  Department of Energy . 2009. 122 . by Daniel Lauber and Jennifer  Environmental Protection Agency .  Export-Import Bank . AMACOM.  Congressional Budget Office .http://www.whitehouse. it recognizes that people are its most important resource.http://www. S. Embassy: How the Foreign Service Works for America. 2004. brochure published by the Partnership for Public Service. http://www. Troutman.makingthedifference. K.pdf The Student’s Federal Career Guide: 10 Steps to Find and Win Top Government Jobs and Internships. American Foreign Service Association. 123 . 2009. Kraemer Troutman & E. White & Blue Jobs. Finding a Great Job in the Federal Government.Inside a Red. covering is ssues such a as local econ nomic devel lopment. coun nties. Positions vary by state e and locality y. Furt thermore. municipa alities. ing. howev ver. As A a result. Full-tim me. but as a po oint of refere ence. is. New Y York state e employees h have a startin ng sala ary from the high $30. and d trade prom motion. Car reer Paths a and Entry S Salaries Stat te and local government ts place a gr reat deal of importance e on internsh hips. As a result. knowle edge. En ntry sala aries will var ry by state a and locality. These prog grams provi ide students with the sk kills. As such. state. wit th health ser rvices as the e second mo ost numerou us. such as the t Californ nia State Sen nate Fellows Program. curren ntly 75 perc cent of all state s and loc cal jobs are i in entities su uch as town ns. limited term. tou urism. th here is a deg gree of move ement betw ween federal. offer so ome unique opportunitie es for inter rnational int teraction. This lim miting Hiri facto or is somew what offset b by the antici ipated growth in retirem ments among g state and local l govern nment emp ployees.000s. as we ell as paid d. however. with inter rnational conc cerns a relat tively new a aspect. inter rnational sh hipping. affected d by the fina ancial health h of the stat te.CAREER R OPPORT TUNITIES IN STATE E AND LOC CAL GOVE ERNMENT T Description of f Field There are a wid de range of p positions in state and lo ocal governm ment. there e is a growin ng need for financial sp pecialists in na wide e range of s state governm ment areas. If a neces ssary skill l is lacking. especial lly in state g government ts. 50 percen nt of all jobs are in th he education n sector. and ne etworking co onnections t that will hel lp with entry y into state e and local g government t. of cou urse. 124 . internship ps are availa able for master’s studen nts. . Dem mand Mos st hiring dem mands in sta ate and loca al governments are met by residents s of that stat te or locality y. and l local govern nments. while of ften allowin ng employee es to bypass the more de emanding characteristic cs of interna ational prof fessions. ng trend of state and lo ocal governm ments gettin ng involved with interna ational affai irs.00 00s to the m mid $50. there is no o pre-set car reer path. t there is no single descri iption of the e field. suc ch as workin ng far away y from home e. but in general m most states h have agencie es that their are a analogous to o institution ns at the nati ional level. as the ey oversee m many of the laws that af ffect r citizens. State e and local g government ts do. Su uch position ns incorpora ate internati ional develo opment activ vities with lo ocal econom mic issu ues. and sch hool district ts. Due e to the broa ad nature of the field an nd the variet ty of positions available e. . a agencies wil ll seek outside their region for emp ployees. . in a addition to mov vement betw ween govern nment positi ions and priv vate industr ry via their government g tal relations offices. There has been an increasin Man ny have thei ir own foreign policies. and Politics. 2006.. marketing assistance. In addition to stretched resources. are very active in this area Qualifications Necessary to Enter the Field A bachelor’s degree is the minimum required to begin employment. but a master’s degree will make one more competitive.cfm Publications Government Job Finder. a solid grasp of functional skills. and trade shows. revolving loan and loan guarantee programs. al. individual agencies are often understaffed. with one major international program focusing on export promotion. Resources for Additional Information Internet Resources  America Job . and creativity will be vital traits for those entering this profession. Planning/Communications. Area economic development agencies and chambers of State and Local Government .http://www. Flexibility. by Daniel Mandelker  Govtjobs. State legislatures are also hiring financial analysts. Previous experience working with the federal government is viewed favorably. as many of the skills and competencies learned there translate directly into related positions in the state and local sector. other programs promote foreign direct investment (FDI) in the state or particular locality.statelocalgov. 2006 125 .http://www. one should have relevant internship or work experience.Likewise in the economic development sector.htm  Govjobs. State and Local Government in a Federal System: Sixth Edition. In  Bureau of Labor Statistics. such as market development. and other departments within state governments often provide important assistance to groups with export relationships with the state. While there is a need for personnel that are focused on international aspects. by Margaret Robertson Ferguson.americajob. ABC-CLIO. budgetary concerns will restrict employment. 2006. departments of commerce. In .  State and Local Government on the Net . export education. Opportunities in Government Careers. 2001.govjobs. a growing number of states are establishing venture capital funds. Future Challenges of the Profession State and local government professionals will continue to work in a field restricted by increasingly tighter budgets. The Executive Branch of State Government: People.govtjobs. McGraw-Hill. including some public utilities.http://www. by Daniel . and other financing strategies. trade missions. Bender & Company. State development agencies. by Neale Baxter.http://www. Inter rnatio onal C Career rs Gu uide: Sala ary Su urveys s 126 . ht ttp://www.htm m Jobstar .non nprofitstaffi ing.salary y.htm le .http://www w.sala PayScal le .http:/ //www.aspx SalaryE Expert . .htm m  Wall Str reet Journal l .htm Salary.payscal ttp:// s-%281%29 om/ Vaul.c com .com m/ Wall Str reet Journal l .w wsj.http: ://www.htt tp:// CareerB Econom mic Research h Institute (E ERI) .http:/ //www.Sal lary Sur rveys Eur ropean Un nion Insti itutions: For Europe Suisse .co om/index.or rg/tools/sala ary/ Builder .w wsj.or rg/tools/sala ary/sal-surv.http:// / ls.http:// /www.g vate Secto or: Priv          Bureau of Labor St tatistics .htm m Jobstar .http p:// PayScal n Profit Sector: S Non             Bureau of Labor St tatistics . .http://ww ls.http://ww ww.http p://www.http p://www.jobstar.http p://www.http://www w.c com/ 127 .ch h/ om/ tml  l'Union Syndicale S ultinationa al Organiz zations: Mu  GlassDo oor.g glassdoor. SalaryE Expert .vault.g om/index.sala GlassDo reerbuilder.http://w www.erier GlassDo Professi ionals for N Non-Profits ( (PNP) .http://ww om .com/ Econom mic Research h Institute (E ERI) .gov/oco/ CareerB Builder .salary om/ Vaul.F.payscal .loh ttp://www.htt tp:// .http://ww ww.wag geaccess.c com .c com/ WageAc ccess .erier om .http://www. .http://www. SalaryExpert .http://www.http://www. Office of Personnel Management .opm.wageaccess.htm PayScale .com/ Wall Street Journal .asp 128 .http://www. WageAccess . Government Sector:            Bureau of Labor Statistics . .jobstar.careerbuilder.htm Jobstar .salary. .com/ WageAccess .com/  Wall Street Journal .http://www.vault. CareerBuilder .
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