CardIQ Xpress Pro Quickstep Guide Rev1Ver1

March 22, 2018 | Author: ngchiho | Category: Ejection Fraction, Heart, Medical Imaging, Ct Scan, Heart Valve



GE HealthcarePublications Direction elib DOC0296904 Rev 1 Ver 1 CardIQ XpressTM Pro Quick Step Guide © 2007 General Electric Company. All rights reserved. Operating Documentation 1 GE Healthcare Table of Contents Introduction.........................................................................................................................................................3 Product Description.........................................................................................................................................3 CardIQ Xpress™ Pro Feature List ................................................................................................................................. 4 Pre-Requisites....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Caution Statements.........................................................................................................................................5 Geometric Accuracy .......................................................................................................................................................... 5 Vessel Quantification and Tracking ............................................................................................................................ 5 Vessel Quantification and Tracking ............................................................................................................................ 6 Saving and Filming Images ............................................................................................................................................ 7 Volume Viewer Tips .........................................................................................................................................8 Volume Viewer Shortcuts .............................................................................................................................9 CardIQ Tools ................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 CardIQ XpressTM Pro Protocols ................................................................................................................ 10 Launching CardIQ XpressTM Pro.............................................................................................................. 13 CardIQ XpressTM Pro Workflow................................................................................................................ 15 Step 1: Angiographic View Selection........................................................................................................................15 Step 2: Vessels to Analyze .............................................................................................................................................16 Step 3: AVA Tools: Edit/Measure.................................................................................................................................16 Step 4: Add Measurements...........................................................................................................................................17 Step 5: Report (option 1).................................................................................................................................................18 Step 5: Report (option 2).................................................................................................................................................18 Step 1: Automatic Vessel Selection...........................................................................................................................19 Tree VR Protocol Step 1 .............................................................................................................................. 19 Cardiac Transparency................................................................................................................................. 20 Ejection Fraction - Left Ventricle ............................................................................................................ 21 Cardiac Reformat .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Create a “Beating Heart” Movie.............................................................................................................. 25 2D Cardiac Review........................................................................................................................................ 26 Card Review 1.....................................................................................................................................................................26 Card Review 2.....................................................................................................................................................................27 Card Review 3.....................................................................................................................................................................27 Oblique Review...................................................................................................................................................................28 Quick AVA .......................................................................................................................................................... 29 2 GE Healthcare Introduction As with any medical imaging process, only qualified personnel should use this equipment. You must be aware of the limitations of the basic imaging modality and of ensuing image processing. This includes understanding the limitations of the initial series acquisition, imageprocessing technology used, and image display methods. This Support and Quickstep Guide together with the Operator Manual are Training materials available on line on the workstation. Users need to review operating procedures on a regular basis, paying special attention to Caution statements. Keep this training guide as well as the operator manual available while using the CardIQ Xpress Pro software. This manual is designed as a Quick Step Guide only. It should be used in conjunction with the CardIQ Xpress Pro Operators Manual, and Volume Share 2 Operators Manual, as it is not cover all aspects or features of the CardIQ Xpress software. This guide is sectioned into individual chapters to describe the workflow and provide instructions for the use of the features in CardIQ Xpress Pro. There is no correct order in which you should use these protocols If you want to benefit from additional training, please contact your GE Healthcare User Services representative for assistance. Product Description Cardiovascular CT imaging using multi-slice CT technology is a new and exciting clinical application which may make significant impacts to cardiovascular disease management as a non-invasive imaging technique. Multi-slice detector CT, which has been quickly adopted by the clinical community, has the advantage of being easy-to-use, reliable and accessible, in comparison to other invasive or non-invasive cardiac imaging techniques. One of the critical components for an effective cardiac CT application is a fully integrated post-processing and analysis tool tailored for cardiac imaging. The CardIQ Xpress™ Pro option is designed to provide an easy-to-use and time-effective means for cardiovascular image manipulation. CardIQ Xpress™ Pro option is an integrated post processing image analysis software dedicated for the application of cardiovascular imaging on Volume Share 2 (AW) platform. This software option can be used to effectively display, reformat and analyze 2D or 3D cardiac CT images for qualitative or quantitative assessment of heart anatomy and coronary artery vessels from single or multiple cardiac phase image data sets. Potential clinical applications include: coronary artery calcification assessment, imaging of cardiac morphology, coronary artery imaging and assessment, bypass graft patency, post intervention follow-up and functional assessment. 3 Volume and Angle Calculation Plaque Identification Color Identification Semi-automated Curved Planar Reformats VR Vessel Tree with automatic vessel detection VR Heart & Heart Graft Protocols Reformat Protocols Automated Cardiac Reformat Protocols Cardiac Transparency Protocol Multi-Phase Registration Beating & Rotating VR Heart Output (JPEG/MPEG – Data Export) One Touch Cath Angles Ejection Fraction Protocol Angiographic View Improved Movie Tool Report Generation Tool Pre-Requisites DICOM image data sets Volume Share 2 Volume Viewer 3 4 . Diameter.GE Healthcare CardIQ Xpress™ Pro Feature List • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Quick AVA Dynamic AVA Vessel Database Phase Drop for multi-phase datasets Vessel Analysis Protocols Single & multi-phase Vessel Tracking Combined RT and LT Side Vessel Tracking Customizable Screen Layouts Dual and Single Reference Measurements for Stenosis Assessment Length. GE Healthcare Caution Statements This Chapter reviews the most important information for the safe operation of the VesselIQ Xpress software. Use the correlated 2D views to verify findings. 5 . The distance. Geometric Accuracy The Lumen and 3D views that are displayed and created using the CardIQ Xpress™ Pro software should be used for orientation purposes only. When creating the Lumen view within CardIQ Xpress™ Pro. Please review this documentation before using the software. The 3D views. and may not include all vascular anatomy. it is necessary to change the three dimensional centerline into a straight line. can be clipped to clearly show the vessel being analyzed among the surrounding tissue. angle and area measurements created in this software are only accurate if all the segments used to create the measurement are longer than the inter-slice distance of the data set being used. This transformation results in a degree of geometric distortion of the anatomic features displayed in this view. NOT for diagnostic purposes. 20% for vessels with a diameter greater than 20 voxels.10% for vessels with a diameter between 10 and 20 voxels. It should be +/. “Measurement Accuracy” in the Volume Viewer 3 user guide.40% for vessels with a diameter between 10 and 20 voxels.20% for vessels with a diameter and a length greater than 20 voxels.5% for vessels with a diameter greater than 20 voxels. Accuracy of cross sectional area measurements should be +/.GE Healthcare Vessel Quantification and Tracking The accuracy of vessel quantification and tracking is highly dependant on.40% for vessels with a diameter and a length between 10 and 20 voxels. It is the responsibility of the user to verify the results of the tracking and quantification of the lumen segments before using the data for diagnosis. Accuracy of cross sectional distance measurements should be +/. In case of incorrect tracking or quantification. image quality. inter-slice distance. image resolution. and contrast enhancement. 6 . the user must use the provided edit centerline and edit section tools to make any corrections necessary. Accuracy should be better than +/. To access the accuracy of the measurements performed with the Volume Viewer 3 application. pathology. Accuracy of volume measurements should be +/.10 degrees for angle measurements. It should be +/. please review the section titled. It should be +/. artifacts. always verify that the archived images are correct by reviewing them in the viewer. Before archiving images used for diagnosis. The user should always examine and verify that the computed centerline tracking is accurate otherwise the user if necessary correct the result either by modifying the centerline via the edit centerline tool. Saving and Filming Images After archiving/saving images and before leaving the application. the automatic centerline algorithm may not always follow the true path of the vessel lumen. verify that the image orientation annotation and the patient information is displayed correctly. 7 .) In exams with very tortuous vessels.GE Healthcare Vessel Quantification and Tracking (cont. and/or severe pathology. or add intermediate tracking points and repeating the centerline detection process. g. or middle click and drag to change DFOV or image location. right-click. double click on the viewport to enlarge it and display it as full screen. Rest the cursor over a button and a tool tip appears describing the button function. • • • • • When mouse mode is set to Page/Rotate. To remove a measurement or annotation from a viewport. Right-click over red annotation to see if there is a pull-down menu. To change the cursor shape. 8 . Create a Trace. Place the mouse cursor over DFOV or image location and left-click. right-click on the annotation and select Delete or drag and drop it outside of the viewport. Watch the progress bar at the bottom of the desktop. Right-click to see short-cut pathways for several features. Hide Reference Image. click. b) Set preferences in General tab. Save Image. etc. the trace tool or always hide reference image complete the following steps: a) Open the [Display] tab and select [Display options]. Zoom or Roam.GE Healthcare Volume Viewer Tips • • • • • • Arrows next to buttons indicate a drop down menu. c) Click again on [Display options] or click [X] to close the window. Place the cursor over red RAS coordinates. It shows the task progress when loading data or images. Typically click [Next] and [Back] to navigate through the wizard panels. Delete Trace. Click the arrow to open and close these menus. and drag to roam the image. e. 3D color – box area with color-coding Report Cursor – click on report cursor and then click on anatomy of interest to obtain RAS coordinates and HU values • • 9 . tap the C key again to turn 3D cursor back on. S – Tap the S key to save the image in the viewport where your mouse cursor is placed.GE Healthcare Volume Viewer Shortcuts H – In vessel analysis tap the H key to hide the green contour lines around the tracked vessel. CardIQ Tools • • • MPR 3D – controls thickness of MIP. C – Tap the C key to hide the 3D cursor. F2 .Tapping the F2 key will update the filmer to the identical layout of the screen and film all images on the screen. MinIP and VR 2D images AutoSelect – use add / remove structure. add / remove vessels to edit a 3D volume Quick AVA – single click and two click methods for depositing points onto a vessel and obtaining a centerline tracking from any protocol. F1 – Tap the F1 key to film the image in the viewport where your mouse cursor is placed. 3 Heart VR: VR Image of the heart automatically segmented from the surrounding thorax structures. 10 . 4 2D Cardiac Review: Use this protocol to perform a 2D analysis of the coronary arteries and mediastinum. 90 degrees from one another. Use the Review Steps area to step through and review optimal angles for each artery.GE Healthcare CardIQ XpressTM Pro Protocols CardIQ Xpress Pro Protocols Description 1 Angiographic View: Provides tracking for both Left and Right coronary arteries from an angiographic view image 2 Tree VR: This protocol generates a VR model of the coronary arterial tree and continues with vessel analysis for left and right circulation. Left and Right monitors are set to large oblique views. anomalous vessels or significantly diseased or tortuous vessels. 2 chambers long axis and 4 chambers long axis views. place measurement points. When loading a multi-phase data use this protocol to view chambers in a phase cine loop. 6 Left Coronary Analysis: Use this protocol to analyze the Left Coronary Artery Circulation. short axis. Phase Registration: Reformat protocol that supports multi-phase datasets and allows a user to do phase registration. A step by step guide is used to define the arteries to analyze. 11 .GE Healthcare CardIQ Xpress Pro Protocols Description 5 Cardiac Reformat: This protocol automatically generates axial. and identify plaque. place measurement points. 8 Coronary Analysis: Use this protocol to analyze a single coronary artery. and identify plaque. A step-by-step guide is used to define the arteries to analyze. Optimal when imaging By-pass Grafts. 7 Right Coronary Analysis: Use this protocol to analyze the Right Coronary Artery Circulation. This may be especially helpful for displaying anomalous vessels. End Diastole. This protocol is ideal for patients who have had by-pass surgery. 11 Cardiac: VR Image of the heart in surrounding bony thorax. and Stroke Volume for the left ventricle. 12 Heart Graft: Creates a VR image of the heart. 10 Cardiac Transparency: Use this protocol to display the Coronary Artery Tree along with the chambers in a transparent mode. 12 . It also is ideal for full-gated chest acquisitions.GE Healthcare CardIQ Xpress Pro Protocols Description 9 Ejection Fraction: Use this protocol to calculate Ejection Fraction along with End Systole. If you still do not see CardIQ Xpress listed. and choose from the list of installed applications. 2 You have two options to launch the application: • Select the volume viewer tab or • Select CardIQ Xpress from the Applications area located on the left panel. please contact your GE Field Engineer or GE Sales Representative to ensure this application should be installed.GE Healthcare Launching CardIQ XpressTM Pro Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 Select the exam and series to be analyzed from the browser. 13 . click on the More button. 2 (cont.) If CardIQ Xpress is not listed in the applications area. 4 To further filter the protocols (if needed). You will see the CardIQ protocols displayed on the screen. 14 .GE Healthcare Step What you select How or Why you select it 3 To find the Vessel Analysis protocols either. • Select the anatomic area of interest by clicking on the body part. simply click on the protocol icon you want with the left mouse. or • Select the appropriate anatomic tab. 5 To launch a protocol. select the filter “CardIQ” from the list of filters located at the top of the screen. In addition. etc). The user should read the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide in addition to this quickstep guide. we have used the Angiographic view protocol) 1 (cont. as this document will not cover all features. This will be added to the Reporting Tool software which can generate a separate document as the report. the user may send the angiographic view directly to the Cardiac Report by using the “Sent to Report” button. The workflow for the protocols is basically the same. The guide will contain both the instructions on how to perform each step and the necessary controls (buttons. or vessel that was removed during the segmentation process. (Refer to the CardIQ Xpress Pro User Guide for detailed instructions) Click the [next] button to proceed 15 .) Step 1: Angiographic View Selection Step 1.GE Healthcare CardIQ XpressTM Pro Workflow Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 The Cardiac Vessel Analysis protocols are built with a step-by-step guide. The tools available on this panel are the Auto Select tools that allow the user to grow or add back into the 3D MiP model any structure. (For this example. This will generate six separate views angled in predefined positions to simulate cath views. however some protocols will vary in the number of steps. enables the user to make any necessary edits to the 3D MiP image that is automatically segmented by the software. menus. then place your point. click on the check mark in the box corresponding to the vessel. When placing the points. Then redeposit the point in the desired location. The views will be displayed based on the default layout for the protocol. To skip a vessel. the screens update to display the curved.2 GE Healthcare Step 2: Vessels to Analyze Place the “Start of section” point first in order to track a branch. At this step. simply left click the next vessel on the list. deposit points in all the vessels of interest. produces better tracking results. place the point in the distal portion as far as you want the vessel to be tracked 3 Step 3: AVA Tools: Edit/Measure At Step 2. Hints: • Placing the point in the center of the • contrast enhanced lumen on the 2D views. lumen. (Refer to the CardIQ Xpress ProTM User Guide for Viewport control instructions) The user should verify that the software has: • • Identified the vessel correctly Quantified the vessel cross-section at each location of interest correctly 16 . oblique. reviewing x-section and longitudinal views. To undo a deposited point. the user should review each branch of interest by rotating around the curved view. Next. than placing the point on the 3D views. x-sectional. and segmented Volume Rendering views for each branch traced. (Refer to the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide for more detailed descriptions & instructions) 17 . there is a number of tools & measurement options: • • • • • • • • • • AVA Preferences Help Save State Advanced Views Edit (Centerline and Section) Color Identification Stenosis Aneurysm Register Reporting (Refer to the CardIQ Xpress ProTM User Guide for detailed descriptions and instructions) Click the [Next] button to proceed once all desired measurements have been done 4 Step 4: Add Measurements At this step. These measurements will be added to the final report at the end of the protocol.) On the wizard panel at step 3.GE Healthcare 3 (cont. click on the measurement button then follow the instructions on the panel. To add a measurement. To modify or delete manual measurements that have been added. the user may add additional measurements that are not included in Step 4. click on the [Modify Previous Measurements] button. Step 5: Report (option 2) The second option to export the report is to use the Reporting Tool Software available within the CardIQ XpressTM Pro Software.GE Healthcare 4 (cont.) To remove a measurement. This will remove the measurement from the final Vessel Analysis report at the end of the protocol. then click on the [Remove] button. At any time during the analysis. You can view each page by clicking on the forward & backward arrows. (Refer to the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide for detailed descriptions & instructions) When all modifications are done. click on the [Select Output] tab to export and/or save the report. the user can click on the [Back] button to return to a previous step and make any necessary corrections or additions. When done. This will open another panel allowing the user to type in a new name. The report length will vary depending on the number of measurements generated. sent to PACS. A user may also change the name of a measurement by clicking on the [Modify] button. (Refer to the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide for more detailed information on Reporting) 18 . This will generate a “dictated” type report that can be printed. click on the [Close] button to return to Step 4 panel. or saved to CD. Click the [Next] button to proceed 5 Step 5: Report (option 1) The last step is to view the report that is displayed in tabular form. select the measurement to be deleted. 19 . This protocol starts with the software automatically segmenting the Aortic Root. except for Step 1 of the Tree VR protocol. Simply place your 3D cursor on one of the coronary vessels. you will have a complete VR Model of the Coronary Artery circulation. If the software fails to “Grow” in the vessel. then the user will use the Auto Select feature to “GROW” in the coronary vessels.GE Healthcare Tree VR Protocol Step 1 Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 Step 1: Automatic Vessel Selection All of the vessel analysis protocols workflow is the same. click on the [Auto Select] button to manually grow in the vessel. Once you have all the vessels “Grown” in. then click on the [Display Vessel] button. The software will automatically “Grow” in the vessel selected. vessels.GE Healthcare Cardiac Transparency Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 Once you have your Vessel Tree created. myocardium. Using the Cardiac Transparency protocol allows the user to create many different volume rendered images of the heart and the various structures. or myocardium. and the bones will be added back to the Vessel Tree model. Click [Next] to continue The software performs auto segmentation and the chambers. Click on the “Cardiac Transparency” located in the Review Steps area of the left panel. Objects can also be turned off by clicking on the icon of the eye beside the object’s name. Use the slider bars to control the transparency of the chambers. (Refer to the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide for more detailed instructions) 20 . you can then create a Cardiac Transparency model of the entire circulation and heart chambers. select the Ejection Fraction Functional analysis protocol. Click the [Card] button to stop the movie loop. 3 Click on [Adjust Long Axis] or [Adjust Short Axis] if adjustments to the orientations are needed. End Systolic and End Diastolic Volumes.Left Ventricle Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 From the CardIQ protocol page. 2 After loading the desired phases. short axis and vertical long axis views. This protocol will provide calculations for Left Ventricle Ejection Fraction. located on the review control bar.GE Healthcare Ejection Fraction . To put the heart into a beating motion click the [Card] button and the Cine button. to perform a phase cine loop. Stroke Volume. 21 . the heart will be automatically orientated into a four chamber long axis. Click [Next] to continue. Typically angling through the apex of the right ventricle will result in a good four-chamber view. identify end systole and click [Store Phase]. 6 Use the arrow keys to page through the phases. Click [Next] to continue. Continue paging through the phases using the arrows until you identify End Diastole. You will then see the selected phase recorded in the End Systole row. First.GE Healthcare 4 Clicking the [Adjust Long Axis] button will display the oblique line on the Sagittal image. Hint: use the images provided on the wizard panel to help you to make necessary corrections. 22 . Click [Store Phase] again to store the selected phase in the end diastole row. Position the solid yellow line perpendicular to the septum to produce a short axis view in the lower right viewport. The four-chamber view is displayed in the upper right viewport. 5 Clicking the [Adjust Short Axis] button will display the oblique line on the fourchamber view. Remove Structure and Scalpel tools located on the wizard panel. position the 3D cursor in the mid portion of the Mitral Valve for this phase and click [Store Position]. The image will automatically switch to the end systolic phase. 8 The left ventricle at ES and ED will be segmented. When satisfied with the contour of the ventricle at ES and ED. Click [Next] to continue. 9 The following calculations are displayed at this step: • • • • Ejection Fraction Stroke Volume End Systolic Volume End Diastolic Volume Click [Send to Report] to add this information to the report or right mouse click and select [Save Image] to save individual images or click [Save Screen] to save all images. The contour lines maybe edited by using the Add Structure.GE Healthcare 7 Position the 3D cursor in the mid portion of the Mitral Valve and click [Store Position]. 23 . Click [Next] to see the results. A volume rendered image of the left ventricle is displayed along with the contour lines on the four chamber and short axis views. 24 Note: Auto launch into CardIQ Function is not available through the Direct Connect feature. select output then choose how you want to export the series of images generated: • • • • • • Film Save Film & Save Filmer Images Filmer Movie Function (will not show up unless CardIQ Function is installed. .GE Healthcare Cardiac Reformat Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 Cardiac Reformat automatically generates • • • • Sagittal View Four chamber long axis view Short axis view Vertical long axis view (Vertical long axis view is behind the wizard panel). If using Direct Connect CardIQ Function must be launched from the patient list screen. Follow the same steps as described in the Ejection Fraction chapter to adjust the angles of these views if needed. 2 Create Batch: To create batch reformats of any view: • Short Axis Long Axis Vertical Long Axis • • Click the corresponding batch button Position the batch lines on the view Then select output mode Output: On the Modify Batch screen. but rather choppy. Output: Select output then choose how you want to export the series of images generated: • • • • • Film Save Film & Save Filmer Images Filmer Movie If you choose to save the movie. This can be a 3D model or a 2D image. • First make sure view is in the RED viewport • Second click on the [Add a new step] Button TWICE (you should see the same image in Step 1 & Step 2 • • On the Wizard Panel. a pop-up window will open allowing the user to name the movie. If you do not have all phases. First. “Beating Heart” movie file. 25 . you must capture the image that you want to see in motion twice. the cine loop will not display smoothly. you must load all 10 phases of the R-to-R interval.GE Healthcare Create a “Beating Heart” Movie Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 In order to create a moving. This file will then be located on the browser in the patients series area. 2 Capture Images: To create a movie. click on the [Movie] button located on the left panel under the Film/Save tab. set the number of heart cycles to 2 Click on [Preview] or Select Output preference and apply. The Left Monitor displays the chambers and great vessels. 26 . you will find a protocol that leads you through a 2D review of the coronary arteries. If vessel tracking is needed then Coronary Analysis and Quick AVA are readily available. Scroll up and down through the dataset to review. 2 Use the Review Steps as a guide to step through 3 different layouts optimized for the coronary anatomy. 3 Card Review 1 Sets the orientation for both the left and right screens to angles to best demonstrate the greater structures of the heart and mediastinum. Oblique Review is designed to easily obtain a x-sectional view of a lesion without creating a centerline.GE Healthcare 2D Cardiac Review Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 On the Cardiac protocol page. Hint: Double clicking on the viewport will make scrolling easier. 5 Card Review 2 The Left Monitor will demonstrate the proximal coronary arteries and the chambers of the heart with a LAO Caudal View. 27 . Again. Double click to isolate the right monitor and page through the dataset. 7 Card Review 3 The Left Monitor provides a short axis view to best demonstrate the right coronary artery. 6 The Right Monitor provides an LAO Cranial View for the LAD and the diagonals. double click to isolate the left monitor will make it easier to scroll through the dataset. Double click to isolate the left monitor and page through the dataset.GE Healthcare 4 The Right Monitor displays the chambers of the heart and the descending aorta. 28 .GE Healthcare 8 The Right Monitor provides an RAO Caudal View of the LCX. align the solid yellow line along the orientation of the vessel. position the oblique tool over the vessel of interest. This will generate a x-sectional view of the vessel at that location. 9 Oblique Review This layout provides an easy way to create x-sectional images without generating a centerline. PDA and PLB. Using the axial image. Next click on the oblique view in the top left viewport and position the solid yellow line of the oblique tool to be perpendicular to the vessel. Double click to isolate the right monitor and page through the dataset. Two Click Quick AVA: A Two-click Quick AVA requires just two clicks anywhere in the vessel of interest. then click in the vessel of interest on any view.GE Healthcare Quick AVA Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 Quick AVA provides you with the capability to quickly perform quantitative analysis of a lesion from any 3D. This means that you no longer have to start in a Vessel Analysis protocol in order have full Vessel Analysis capabilities. Reformat. The software will automatically track the vessel in both directions proportionally to the diameter of the vessel. 2 Single Click Quick AVA: A Single or one-click Quick AVA requires just a single click anywhere in the vessel of interest. The Quick AVA buttons are available on the Segment or My Tools palette in Volume Viewer 3 located on the left panel. 29 . and start over. or Vessel Analysis protocol by a single click or two clicks. From any Volume Viewer 3 protocol. it will erase all tracked vessels. and an End point. The software will prompt you to deposit two points. a Start point. click the one-click Quick AVA button. click the two-click Quick AVA button. In between these two points. the software will track the vessel and calculate the centerline. Warning: If Quick AVA is launched within a Vessel Analysis protocol after vessel tracking has been performed. From any Volume Viewer 3 protocol. The tracked vessel will be renamed from “V1” to the name you selected from the list. the vessel name will be Vessel 1. Click [Start New] to track another vessel. you will open the main Wizard Guide Panel and have access to all the features within any Vessel Analysis protocol. (Refer to the CardIQ XpressTM Pro User Guide for more information on the Vessel Name Database) 2 After tracking a vessel with Quick AVA. the left panel will update displaying six buttons. You can also access this database to configure your protocols making it easier and faster. annotated “V1”. 30 . Click [Delete Traces] to erase any previously tracked vessel. To open any Vessel Analysis protocol panel click on the following buttons: • • • • Vessels to Analyze AVA Tools: Edit/Measure Add Measurements Report By clicking on any of these buttons. Right click on the “Red” V1 annotation to access the build in Vessel Database.GE Healthcare Step What you select How or Why you select it 1 When the vessel has been tracked and displayed. and choose a name from the list. This vessel database is available anytime within Vessel Analysis. then move your mouse to the anatomy of interest.
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