Captiva 5.3 Tutorial



CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocumentPage 1 of 97 Step by step guide to learn Captiva / InputAccel 5.3 Table of Contents 1 Introduction.............................................................................................................................4 1.1 Purpose ..............................................................................................................................4 1.2 Scope .................................................................................................................................4 1.3 A Brief Introduction to Captiva InputAccel..............................................................................4 1.4 Architecture of Captiva InputAccel System......................................................................................4 2 Setting up the System .............................................................................................................6 2.1 Installation of software .........................................................................................................6 2.2 Licensing Captiva InputAccel Server.................................................................................7 ..................................................................10 2.3 Creating and compiling and installing a Process 2.4 Configuring the Process.....................................................................................................15 2.5 Configuration of Validation Environment .......................................................................................48 54 2.6 Configuration of OCR module ...................................................................................................... 3 Using the System ..................................................................................................................59 3.1 Process-Flow Diagram.......................................................................................................60 3.2 Batch Preparation ..............................................................................................................61 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 2 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3.3 Using the Scan module ...................................................................................................... ...............................................................................66 4.2 Reading Barcodes .............................................................................................................81 3.5 Using the Multi module.......................................................................................................67 4.3 Using OCR-Captured Data................................................................................................. 3.6 Using the Index module...................................................................................................... 4.4 Image Quality Assurance while Indexing .............................................................................84 3.7 Using the Export module ....................................................................................................73 4.5 Validating Indexed Data .....................................................................................................87 3.8 Using the Rescan module ..................................................................................................75 4.6 Creating a Folder-Hierarchy in Documentum .......................................................................87 3.9 Viewing Log Files ..............................................................................................................77 4.7 Deleting Batches Automatically...........................................................................................88 3.10 Using Scansoft OCR ........................................................................................................79 4.8 Creating Log Files .............................................................................................................88 4 Different Requirement Scenarios.............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.9 Creating User Restrictions on Batches ................................................................................ 4.1 Segregation of pages .........................................................................................................80 4.10 Error handling..................................................................................................................91 5 Debugging a Batch ......................................................................................................................93 6 Monitoring a Batch.......................................................................................................................95 7 Error Messages............................................................................................................................ 8 Glossary.......................................................................................................................................97 3.4 Using the Image Enhancement module 62 83 68 89 96 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 3 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Document is to help the reader start using Captiva InputAccel to make workflows to scan, process and export documents. This Document will make the user familiar with the different modules used in the Captiva workflow and guide them as to how to use these modules. 1.2 Scope This Document is to be used as a User-Guide for anyone who wishes to start working with Page 3 of 97 Captiva InputAccel. 1.3 A Brief Introduction to Captiva InputAccel Captiva InputAccel is an EMC 2 product just like Documentum and is, in fact, a part of the Documentum solution package. It is a Scanning solution which is integrated with a number of Content Management solutions such as Documentum, Filenet, CMIP, CSSAP, IBM Content Manager, etc. Captiva InputAccel implements a workflow, in which the first step is Data capture. Data capture is achieved either directly through a Scanner or through files imported from a local or network directory. ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 A number of modules. when arranged in a particular sequence makes up an InputAccel workflow.html 10/09/2013 . a module which facilitates export of the scanned images to some database or file system comes into play. At this point. The Captiva system comprises of a Sever and a Client. Page 4 of 97 Captiva InputAccel Client Fig1. Basic Architecture of Captiva InputAccel System ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. At a particular point in the workflow. The Server and the Client can be installed on the same machine as well as on different machines. the InputAccel Server establishes a connection with the corresponding Database Server and exports the Data to the specific database.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 4 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation The workflow starts with Data Capture which is accomplished Captiva InputAccel Destination Database through a Scanner which is attached to the Client machine or through file import from a Server Server network Windows file system. The client again comprises of a number of modules (which can be defined as functionalities within InputAccel).4 Architecture of Captiva InputAccel System The Architecture of the Captiva InputAccel System is very simple. The only requirement is that they have to be on the same network. Debugging a batch.1 Installation of software For Installation of Captiva InputAccel Server and Client. Page 5 of 97 2. Installation Licensing Creating. 5. Configuring the process. 3. Nearly all the steps are such that you just have to click on a “Next” tab. Monitoring a batch. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Running the Process. you will get two options of set-up – Custom and Complete . There are just a few points you will need to keep in mind during installation and these areDuring installation of Captiva InputAccel Server. 4. 2. compiling and installing a process.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 5 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 2 Setting up the System The entire process of making a Captiva InputAccel system ready to run according to our requirements can be summarized according to the following steps – 1.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 . refer to the Installation Guide available with Captiva InputAccel Capture package. Some other peripheral functions are – 1. Select Complete to install all the available features. 4. For more detailed information. The form will be received by Captiva Licensing and the user will immediately receive an email notification of the receipt of his Activation Key request.html 10/09/2013 . proper license and activation files. If the user does not already have the activation key with him. Please keep in mind that you should install the Process Developer module Server to create your customized IPP (InputAccel ProcessLicensing Captiva InputAccel Flow Project) files. you will get four options of set-up – Typical. If you have a scanner already installed on your system. of processDuring followed for the latest version of Captiva InputAccel Server . On selecting the Activation File. In this case. select the option “Install Demonstration Licenses”. The instructions given here regarding licensing of Captiva InputAccel Server refer to the installation of Captiva InputAccel Client. the Captiva Server has tothe be Scanner licensed with the system later on and select the correct Scanner Driver. 3. A pre-requisite for the installation of Captiva InputAccel Capture is the installation of Documentum Desktop Client 5.version 5. Following are the steps to license the Captiva InputAccel Server. 2. (The Activation file is a . On receiving the Activation Key. 1. which is a . A pop-up will appear telling the reader that he is using a demonstration license which is valid for 31 days and he will have to activate an activation file for the full Page 6 of 97 license. Next. the user will enter the Activation Key by opening the Administrator module and the Activation file will be activated. Scanning only and Custom. We will install the full license later on after installation.3 a and Scanners to choose from. 7. the user will then select an Activation file to Indexing only. otherwise select available with Captiva InputAccel Server installation. The user will fill up this form and submit it.2.caf file which is provided along with the license file. 5. 6. The user will receive the Activation key by 72 hours at the maximum (The time required actually has never been observed to exceed 24 hours).CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 6 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 2. the user will open the Supervisor module.emccaptiva. select Custom and select all the modules you require.5 or later version on your system.lic file). open the Administrator module. In the above pop-up. please refer to the “Installation and Licensing Guide” then chose that particular make and model of scanner from the list. you will be provided with listabove. (Screen-shot is not available because replication of this scenario requires uninstallation of the existing license). After both Captiva InputAccel Server the have “No Scanner File Import OnlyInputAccel ” option. he can click on a link below which will provide him with an online form. You can install on the and Client been installed. the user will receive a prompt for an Activation Key. Go to License Import from File ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. While installing the Captiva InputAccel Server. After installation of InputAccel Server and Client is complete.2 During installation of Captiva InputAccel Client. html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 7 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 7 of 97 Fig2. Importing a license File ENGT010_20 User Documentation The licenses will be imported from the file and loaded on the InputAccel Server.lic file provided by Captiva Licensing.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 8 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation The user will select the .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. Page 8 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig3.html 10/09/2013 . License Codes User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. we follow a process (you can call it a workflow). Both processes work equally fine. There are a number of processes which are pre-installed on the InputAccel Server as a part of the installation procedure. 1. 2. License Codes User Documentation 2.html 10/09/2013 . please refer to the Process Developer Guide. Go to File New Process.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 9 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig3. Here. we will discuss how to create a process from scratch. So we will need to create our own process.3 Creating and compiling and installing a Process While working in Captiva InputAccel. For further details. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. In order to create and compile this process. Given below are the steps to create and compile a new Process. But these pre-installed processes are never sufficient to fulfill our specific requirements. Select the MDF’s that you wish to include in your process. Page 9 of 97 3. Open the Process Developer Module from the Start Menu. we use a module provided by Captiva InputAccel – “Process Developer”.net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. We can create our own process from scratch or we can make changes to an existing process.emccaptiva. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 10 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 4. you can now proceed to include code in your IPP file. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Fig4. After saving it. Next define a Name and Trigger level for each instance that you are including in your process. Selecting MDF’s Fig5. Adding an Instance Page 10 of 97 5. Now save the IPP file with some name.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva. The interface where you will enter your code will look something like this. Now. Once the basic code has been written. we wish tocode perform some Module. The code in the Finish Event Handler is processed after the module has completed its function.IAS_RECORD_0) p.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 11 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 6.Scan.html 10/09/2013 . we will have to add code in its Finish Event handler. The code will be something like this: Private Sub Scan_Finish(ByVal p As But ifFig6. 7. The basic code that you have to include in each instance is the code which will route the scanned/processed images from that instance to the next instance in the workflow. go to File and save your compiled IAP file (InputAccel Process-Flow Project file). This code is written in the Finish Event Handler of that instance and it is written in VBA (Visual Basic for Applications). save the IPP file.InputImage = p. Make Page IAP11 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.OutputImage End Sub We normally do not need to add any code in the Export Finish Event handler because it is Basic of an IPP error handling in the Export the last step in our workflow.emccaptiva. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. and from Supervisor module. The screen-shots below show how installation of a process is done in these three different ways. from Administrator module.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 . This can be done in three ways – from Process Developer.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 12 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 8. Page 12 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. The next step is to install the compiled IAP file. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 13 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig7. Installing a process from Administrator module ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 .emccaptiva. Installing a process from Process Developer module Page 13 of 97 Fig8. Installing a process from Supervisor module ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 14 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 14 of 97 Fig9. 10. The hierarchy to which documents will be exported in Documentum is – Cabinet (any name) Hub code SBU code Lateral name Contract type Policy name (Registration No_ Serial No) Covernote and/or Annexure.html 10/09/2013 . After validating the Covernote number is correct.emccaptiva. Improve quality of scanned if required.4 Configuring the Process Before we start processing our documents. we have to configure or setup the process or the 3. Export the scanned images to a specific repository. Documentum hierarchies which will be based on the properties of the records which have been collected from the AS400 database. 2. There might be cases where it would not occur. which will keep track which records have been scanned and successfully exported to Documentum repository. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. 8. Verify the successful export of records. from the Covernote page will be validated against a table in an AS400 database. we need certainif separators which will identify the starting collect other data in the table corresponding to the Covernote Number and store point of a new document or new folder. Validate captured data. Werecords will detect text 1. Capture Scan documents into the Captiva InputAccel System. This process straighten out workflow. made up of one or two documents. Type as 39properties as the folder separator. For splitting of documents. 9. Let us the take a sample processimages – Motor_Policy_001 . Barcode them of our records. To split the scanned pages into 6. Thiswill process will perform skewed images. Split the documents into folders and documents. we use the simple concept that that the first page of each folder is to be one document. In this case.– the following functions 4. data from the Covernote page of each record. The are a inbarcode a specific on the top of documents the Covernote (we into will call it the Covernote Number) and is store it pattern. while the rest of the pages (if there are any) make 5. To do this. Log files will be generated. Automatically get data. The Hub Code field is optional. which is to be named Covernote. Each record again as a property of the record . which The Barcode which is captured up the other document is to betext named Accenture . The images will be exported to of the pages make up another document. while the rest 7. we use a barcode. we will associate the Page 15 of 97 properties of the records with Documentum we will folders and documents. If export of a record fails due to some reason.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 15 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 2. the record will be sent back for correction. The first page makes up the first document. The are page arranged a number of records. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 16 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation The configuration of the process to perform these functions will be done as described hence.html 10/09/2013 . Select your process from the Administrator module by using this pathView all Processes Motor_Policy_001 Page 16 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Following sections will describe how to configure each module Scan Module Here define the levels you want to display in your node tree during scanning. Page 17 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Selecting process for Motor-Policies in Administrator module In the right-Hand window.html 10/09/2013 . Levels identify the organization of pages and documents in a record.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 17 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 10. you can see the sequence of modules for this emccaptiva. rotation of pages etc. Selecting the Levels of the Node Tree scanned along with required documents. Page 18 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 18 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now select the Event Actions for configuring actions for scanner.html 10/09/2013 . Event Actions helps you configure various actions to be performed during scan process like removal of Blank page(s) Fig 11. html 10/09/2013 . Page 19 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Incompatible driver may result in malfunctioning of the process. Configuring the Scanner Event actions. Choose the particular driver that comes with you scanner installation . User Documentation Select “Scanner driver” to select appropriate scanner driver installed on machine to be used by Captiva and select the type of Scanner installed.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 19 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 12. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 20 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 13. Selecting Scanner Model ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Page 20 of 97 Fig 14.html 10/09/2013 . Selecting the Scanner Driver Select No Scanner File Import Only if you do not have a Scanner installed on your system. paper size and dithering options. Page 21 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.Simplex/Duplex.emccaptiva. Configure Mode. Scan mode.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 21 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Selecting Driver and clicking OK will prompt Scanner property sheet for configuration. Otherwise.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 22 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 15. Values for Scanner Settings Configuration ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. fill them as required. Configuring Scanner Settings User Documentation Use the values given in the table to fill in the options for Scanner settings for the purposes of this Property Duplex Turnover OutputImage IA value Mode Resolution Page Size Dither Brightness Contrast Motor Policy Scanning False False OutputImage Black and White 200 A4 None Auto Auto Non-Motor Policy Scanning True False OutputImage Black and White 200 A4 Page 22 of 97 None Auto Auto Table 1. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. Select the options as depicted in screenshot attached below.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 23 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Next click on the Index tab. Saving Index settings for Scan module.html 10/09/2013 .emccaptiva. Check the Do not index radio button and select Level as “0-Page” Page 23 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 16. User Documentation http://www. User Documentation Next go to the Auto Batch Creation tab and give a batch name Page 24 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 16. For more information regarding the naming schema. Saving Index settings for Scan module.html 10/09/2013 .seconds Page 24 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. The name of the batch will appear asNewProcess_ITGI_08_date/month/year-hours.minutes. The extension @(Now) seen below ensures that all the batches have a unique name. refer to the Scan help document. This schema will be followed for the naming of all the batches based on this process.emccaptiva. IA module will enable the detection and capture of Barcodes from various documents scanned. First select a sample image and select the “Barcode Detection” filter from the (Filter Insert Barcode Detection) option Page 25 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 .emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 25 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 17. Specifying the Batch name schema Image Enhancement module Now setup the Image Enhancement module by double-clicking on the ImageEnhance instance. The batches will have Barcode printed on the Covernote document that need to be captured and its value should be stored in index parameter for validation and html 10/09/2013 . Configuring properties for Barcode detection ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Fig 18. Enabling Barcode Detection Page 26 of 97 Fig 19.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 26 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now select the properties of this filter and set them up in the following Page 27 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation This filter will straighten out skewed images.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 27 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Another filter we need to select is the “Deskew” filter. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 28 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 20. Next we have to configure the properties of this filter in the way shown below.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 . Enabling Deskewing of images. ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 28 of 97 Fig 21. Configuring properties of Deskew filter. Level2_Title0) being passed in the Validation Key for the first field.. The first three fields will be Editable. The function name in the Validate key field will be different for each field and will be named according to which function is called for validation of each field value.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 29 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Index You can see a variable @(SplitPolicy. while the rest of the fields will be Non-Editable i. Create 7 Edit type fields and configure them as shown. This variable passes the Barcode text to the Validation function.html 10/09/2013 .e. the Editable checkbox will be cleared. Page 29 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. emccaptiva. Field name Covernote no Level Fig 22.ClassforValidation MyFunction04 Aux ProjecforValidation.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 30 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Use the values given in the table to configure the Indexing Fields.ClassforValidation MyFunction02 Page 30 of 97 Aux ProjecforValidation.Level2_Title0) Aux ProjecforValidation.ClassforValidation MyFunction01 Aux ProjecforValidation. Configuring settings for Indexing Fields Type Editable AutoValidate Key Validate Edit True True Aux ProjecforValidation.ClassforValidation MyFunction0 @(SplitPolicy.ClassforValidation MyFunction03 Aux ProjecforValidation.ClassforValidation MyFunction05 2 Registration no 2 Edit True True Serial no 2 Edit True True Contract type 2 Edit False True Lateral name 2 Edit False True Branch name 2 Edit False True Hub name ENGT010_20 2 Edit False Aux User Documentation True http://www.html 10/09/2013 . The significance of these boxes is that checking any of them cancels the Indexing of the current record and sends it to Rescan for replacement or removal. Settings for Indexing Fields for Motor_Policy Batch. Page 31 of 97 Fig 24.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 31 of 97 ENGT010_20 ProjecforValidation.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.ClassforValidation User Documentation MyFunction06 Table 23. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. We shall check one or more check boxes from the list shown below. Next we need to select the Quality Assurance check boxes from the Setup tab on the top left hand corner. Selecting Quality Assurance check boxes to be displayed. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. There might be a case where we can have an SBU without having a Hub. In the Docbase option.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 32 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Export Module We have used four instances of Documentum Server Export – two for exporting the Covernotes (ExpCov & EXpCovHub) and the other two for exporting the Annexures (ExpAnx & ExpAnxHub). First setup the ExpCov instance. These two instances are included to handle this special case. where we might want to store the documents in a different folder structure in Documentum. Page 32 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. First you have to login to the desired Docbase (Documentum Repository). select the shown option if you intend to export to a single Docbase. Otherwise select the desired Docbase. The two instances ExpCovHub and ExpAnxHub are to handle a special case. Selecting the Documentum repository to be used Page 33 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 33 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation To enable to export of documents in required folder hierarchy in Documentum. configure the Objects options as described below. Fig 25. First create a list of following objects.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. This object is a must. In this case. The first object is the dm_cabinet object.html 10/09/2013 . everything is stored inside a cabinet. the name of the cabinet is “ITGI_Demonstration”. we name a cabinet to which we wish to send our documents. Set the mapping for each Object. because in a Documentum Repository.Mapping identifies how the Levels created during scan stage will correspond to Documentum object during Creating a list of objects to specify the Folder Structure. In its properties. Page 34 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 34 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 26. html 10/09/2013 . Page 35 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Naming the Cabinet to which we want to export.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 35 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 27. html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 36 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 28. Naming the folder for Hub. ENGT010_20 User Documentation Naming the folder for Branch. Page 36 of 97 Fig 29. ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 37 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 37 of 97 Fig 30.emccaptiva. Naming the folder for Lateral. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 . Naming the folder for Contract Type.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 38 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 38 of 97 Fig 31.emccaptiva. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 39 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 39 of 97 Fig 32. Passing attribute values for the Policy folder. ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 40 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 40 of 97 Fig 33. Passing attribute values for the Documents inside a Policy. ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 41 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Next, Configure the Content option as shown. Page 41 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 42 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 34. Page 42 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Selecting the type of content to be exported.html 10/09/2013 . Now configure the Versions option. Page 43 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 43 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 35.html 10/09/2013 . Configuring the version of documents to be exported. Now go to the Errors CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 44 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 36. For setting up the ExpAnx instance.html 10/09/2013 Configuring the Error-Handling options. The only difference is in the settings for the itgi_document object ExpCov Page 44 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. follow the steps described in the setup of the instance. The setup of ExpCovHub differs only slightly from the setup of ExpCov . Configuration of itgi_document in ExportAnnexure instance.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 45 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 37. While specifying the list of objects making up the folder structure.emccaptiva.Level2_Index6. Page 45 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.Level2_Index5 instead of Index. we need to include only three dm_folder objects instead of four.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. The values to be passed to the object_name attributes of the objects will start from Index. Level 2_Index5 Index.Level 2_Index1 Index.emccaptiva.Level2_Index 2) (Index.Level2_Index5 Index.Level2_Index2 Index.Level2_Index4 Page 46 of 97 dm_folder object_name Index.Level2_Index 2) (Index.Level 2_Index3 (Index.Level2_Index5 Index.Level2_Index4 Index.Leve l2_Index1) _ (Index. ExpAnx (Values) ExpCovHub (Values) ExpAnxHub (Values) User-. 2_Index6 dm_folder object_name Index.Level2_Index 1)_ (Index.Level 2_Index4 Index.Level2_Index2 http://www.Level2_Index6 Index.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 46 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Consult the given table to map the attributes of the l2_Index2) Index.Level2_Index3 Index.Level between ExpAnx and ExpAnxHub. Object name dmcabinet Attributes object_name ExpCov (Values) User-defined Fig 38.Level2_Index5 dm_folder object_name Index.Level2_Index1 Index. Selecting the objects for ExpCovHub instance.Level2_Index3 itgi_policy object_name (Index.Level User2_Index2 Documentation Index.html 10/09/2013 .Level2_Index3 Index.Level2_Index4 Index.Level2_Index1)_ (Index.Level2_Index2 Index. User-defined User-defined defined The differences between the setup of ExpCov and ExpCovHub are also applicable as the dm_folder differences object_name Index.Level2_Index 1)_ (Index.Level2_Index2) regnumber Index.Level2_Index1 Index.Level2_Index1 serialnumbe ENGT010_20 r Index. in your system from the following path Start (ODBC) Settings Control Panel Administrative Tools Data Sources Page 47 of 97 You will see the following window.Level 2_Index3 Annexure. discuss how to create a Motor_Policy DSN for ODBC connection. we require the creation of a DSN for count ODBC connection of count vel1_Pagec P400 Server with Captiva.Level2_Index3 Index.Level1_Page SplitDoc. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. ount First let us 2.tif 2.emccaptiva.Level2_Index3 Index.dll ) to enable the different Indexing fields to call their respective pagecount SplitDoc. Click on the second tab System DSN. Besides.tif New_Annexure.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 47 of 97 ENGT010_20 r User2_Index2 Documentation contracttype Index. Go to Data Sources Table Object Attributes for Process Export instances.Le SplitDoc.ti f ANX validation functions. we require the registration of a custom-made DLL (ProjecforValidation.Level2_Index3 itgi_docum ent object_name Covernote.tif New_Covernote.Level1_Page SplitDoc.html 10/09/2013 .5 Configuration of Validation Environment doctype COV COV ANX instrumentty PL PL PL PL For validation of the data entered (either manually or automatically) during Indexing with pe the data contained in the P400 database. html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 48 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation In the window that appears. Fig 39. Adding a DSN ENGT010_20 User Documentation click on the Add button. Selecting the type of DSN Page 48 of 97 Fig 40. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. Page 49 of 97 Fig 41. From this list. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. select the highlighted option – Client Access ODBC Driver and click on Finish.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 49 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation A list appears in a window. Specifying the ODBC Driver . CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 50 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation In the window that appears.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva. Page 50 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. under the General option give a name for your DSN (In this case P400) in the Data Source name field. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 51 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 42. Check the single option available here . Now come to the Translation option . Naming the DSN. Page 51 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 . The location is given below – C:\WINNT\system32 . Before Open the System32 folder and paste the DLL here. – ProjecforValidation. Click OK to finish the creation of your Click on this option and the DLL will be registered and be ready for use during Validation.dll Now lets come to the registration of the DLL registration.html 10/09/2013 . the DLL has to be placed in a specific location. The rest of the options can be left untouched. Page 52 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Specifying the type of translation. You will see an option Register DLL Server.dll file in this folder and right click on it. Now go to the ProjecforValidation.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 52 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 43.emccaptiva. emccaptiva. we will discuss how to setup the Scansoft OCR module.html 10/09/2013 . On this screen. Page 53 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Select the tab “Document Recognition”. 2. select the language you want to recognize as shown below. Registering the DLL is relevant to us. For both Full-page OCR and Zone-based OCR.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 53 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Configuration of OCR module Here. Performing OCR only on certain pre-defined zones and capturing only the data which Fig 44. most of the steps are Performing OCR on the entire image and capturing all the available data in it. The Scansoft OCR module can be setup to detect text in images in two ways – 1. First open the OCR module in Setup mode. Even though this module is not a part of our sample process. still this is a very important and oft-used module. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 54 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Then select the Zone Definitiontab and click on the Set up Zones button.html 10/09/2013 Fig 45. Selecting language Page 54 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. html 10/09/2013 . Page 55 of 97 Fig 47. specify the image for which you wish to do OCR. Setting up zones In the “Sample Image” Selecting a sample image ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 55 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 46.emccaptiva. In case we wish to perform OCR on the entire page. Creating a zone ENGT010_20 User Documentation Page 56 of 97 Fig 48. we will select the Full-page zone option.html 10/09/2013 .emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 56 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now we create a zone on which we wish to perform OCR as shown below in the figure. 10/09/2013 . Page 57 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 57 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now click on the IAValues tab and select the options shown – “Return Recognized text in IAValue” and “As ANSI Characters”. This will ensure that the recognized text is stored some variables of InputAccel. we will again use a sample process. So they can be kept running continuously in the background. Specifying the zone properties 3 Using the System To observe the process of running a system.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 58 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 49. The Page 58 of 97 modules which the user will have to run manually are – the Scan module.emccaptiva. the Index module and the Rescan module (if it is required at all). the Image Enhancement. Multi and Export modules do not need any input from the user. We will use the same process with which we observed the configuration of a process Motor_Policy_001. To run this process. ENGT010_20 User Documentation the sequence of the modules which we have to run is something like this – Scan Image Enhancement Multi Index Rescan(Conditional) Export Of these modules. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 59 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.1 Process-Flow Diagram Batch Preparation for Scanning Scanning with Scan module Barcode Detection with Image Enhance Failed Policy separation with Multi Rescanning with 59 of 97 Rescan Page module Validation of Covernote no with P400 Database Passed QC of images and Automatic Population Failed Passed ENGT010_20 No User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. which have been registered through P400.The staples have to be removed from the pages to enable feeding into the Export module Passed Defiling: . Batch-Preparation Template: . Extreme care must be taken to ensure that the Barcodes printed on the pages are not damaged in any way and are Detectable by the system.The customer records will be taken out from the cartons. Page 60 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Documentum Repository Policy Export with Destapling: .The batches must follow the predefined template. The single-page Covernote (a page with a barcode on top) will always be the first page of each record.emccaptiva. Otherwise. Batch Preparation will be done in the following steps. Yes scanner.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 60 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3.html 10/09/2013 . the whole system might fail. A number of records placed in this way make up a The records are to be placed one on top of the other. will come the other pages of the record. After the Covernote.2 Validation of Policy name with Batch Preparation Documentum repository Failed Do you want to bypass Export Validation? Batches would be made from the Policies. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 .3 Using the Scan module Use the following steps to run the Scan module in Production mode.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 61 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. The following window will open. Click on the shortcut for the Scan module on your desktop. Page 61 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 62 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 50.html 10/09/2013 . Opening a New Batch Click on the New Batch tab and select the required process from the process Selecting the Process. Page 62 of 97 Fig 51. net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 63 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now place the Batch you have prepared in the feeder tray of the scanner and click on the Scan Pages tab. Page 63 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Scanning the pages.emccaptiva. Page 64 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. After all the pages have been scanned. In this way you scan as many batches at time as you wish. Your scanned pages will be saved in the server.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 64 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 52. click on the Close Batch tab. html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 65 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 53.emccaptiva.4 Using the Image Enhancement module First open the Image Enhancement module by from your Start Page 65 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Closing the Batch 3. you would want to Run All Batches . which are ready for the module. You can click on the Run All Batches tab to run all the queued batches.5 Using the Multi module Fig 54.html 10/09/2013 . In the normal scenario. Image Enhancement It will perform its functions automatically in the background. do not have to to doselect anything in this module.emccaptiva. Page 66 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. process. Or you and can click the Run You Single Batch tab a particular batch to Open the Multi module keep on it running. Just remember not to close will bethe done down module. Using Image Enhancement module.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 66 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 67 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. Open the Index module by clicking on its shortcut. Page 67 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. The following window will appear.html 10/09/2013 .6 Using the Index module Fig 55. Multi module Opening the Index module. Page 68 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. too. You would normally want to Run All Batches to process all pending batches on the server. In this case.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 68 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 10/09/2013 .emccaptiva. The following window will appear in front of you. you can click either on the Run All Batches or Run Single Batch tab as per your requirements. if you press Enter. then. the serial number field. the covernote number will be populated in the first field and the focus will move on to the next field. keep on pressing enter to view each page individually or directly move on to the next policy by clicking on the Accept Task button. Opening a Motor Policy Batch for Indexing..CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 69 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 57. the first field will remain empty. Now if you press Enter. manually type in the registration number and the serial number. In case the covernote number is not present. Press Enter again and the registration number too will be populated from the P400 database. the registration number. the first field. Now the focus will be on the third field.emccaptiva.e. Page 69 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. the focus will be on the Covernote field i.html 10/09/2013 . After the validation is complete. The validation will be now performed on the basis of the registration number and the serial number. When the focus moves to the second field. all the remaining fields will be populated automatically. If the covernote number is there in the barcode text. Now if the data in the fields does not match the data in the P400 server.html 10/09/2013 . Within the Policy.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 70 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 58. Automatic population of tab. The next Policy appears in the window. Indexing Fields. Press Enter to select OK and click on the Cancel Task This will cancel the indexing of the Policy. Or you can navigate the pages within the policy by clicking on the Next or Page 70 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. the next Policy will appear for Indexing.emccaptiva. you can move on to the next page by pressing Enter. When you open the Batch again. the following message box will appear. emccaptiva. Page 71 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 71 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Image Quality Assurance If within the Policy. And continue your Indexing. If at any time. you find any of the pages unacceptable. you want to move on to the next Policy. Continue with the validation of the other policies of the batch in this 10/09/2013 . click on the Accept Task tab. click on any of the Image Quality buttons on the left-hand side of the window. 7 Using the Export module The procedure for using the Export module is the same for both Motor and Non-Motor Policies. Page 72 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Once again. First open the Export module from the shortcut. Performing Image Quality Control. 3. Select whichever suits you .emccaptiva. you have the Run All Batches and Run Single Batch you will observe the following window. You will have to log in to the Documentum repository or repositories that you are using. After logging into the repository or repositories.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 72 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 59. exportation Fig 60. Page 73 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 . Opening the Export module. You will observe the progress of exportation in this way.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 73 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation After selecting the Batch or Batches. Exportation in progress. you have the Run All Batches and Run Single Batch options in the following window. which are rejected during Indexing by checking any of the boxes for Image Quality. Once again.emccaptiva. are sent to Rescan module for either replacement or removal.8 Using the Rescan module The images.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 74 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 61. First open the Rescan module by clicking on its shortcut.html 10/09/2013 . Page 74 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. To delete the highlighted page. which were rejected during Image Quality Control. local directory. The replaced pages will be then inserted back into the workflow at the Image Enhancement stage. close the batch. are shown highlighted as shown. After replacing or deleting all the highlighted pages. right click on the thumbnail of the image and select the Delete option as shown. To scan another page in its place. place the required page in the Feeder tray and click on the Scan Pages button. To replace the image with an image imported from your Fig 62. Page 75 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.html 10/09/2013 . Opening the Rescan module.emccaptiva. click on Import and select the required page.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 75 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation The open Administrator module. View All Batches From this window. Deleting an image from a batch.html 10/09/2013 .CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 76 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. delete the batches that you have processed. Page 76 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Open the Batches window from Fig 63.9 Viewing Log Files After you have finished processing a batch or batches. Deleting processed batches. This file will contain the information of the names of the Policies and their export result.txt. The export result will be there for all your Documentum Server Export instances.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 77 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation As soon as you delete the batches. Fig 64.html 10/09/2013 . “0” signifies successful export while “-1” signifies failure in logs are created in your C:\ drive in a text file named Batchlog. You can open this file to view details of your batches created and deleted. Page 77 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva. The Scansoft OCR module is a module which runs automatically and does not need any user input. All the batches queued up in this module will be run automatically. because it is a very important module and is used very often.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 78 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 65. Open the module. Page 78 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.10 Using Scansoft OCR We will check out how to use the Scansoft OCR module though it is not part of our sample process. Log file of deleted Batches.emccaptiva. go to Run click on All Batches.html 10/09/2013 . we configure the Scan module such that it can recognize the start of a new Document or Folder or some other structure. In both the cases.html 10/09/2013 .e. In this case. We use separator pages to fulfill this purpose. Running Scansoft OCR It is very often required that the scanned pages need to be segregated into documents. The configuration of Scan module to perform segregation on the basis of Blank page and Software patch code is shown in the figure below.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 79 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 7 Different Requirement Scenarios Now we will discuss some common requirement scenarios which the Captiva InputAccel Developer has to handle very frequently. the separator pages i.emccaptiva. and Kodak T). Kodak 3. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. the Blank Pages and the Software Patch Code pages of Type T will be deleted from the batch (Since the Discard Page button is checked). we have configured the Scan module to create a new document every time a blank page is encountered and a new folder everytime a Software Patch Code of type Page 79 of 97 “Kodak T” is encountered (There are three types of Patch Codes – Kodak 2. There ae a niumber of types of separator pages. The ones most commonly used are “Blank Page” and “Software Patch Code”.1 Segregation of pages Fig 66. folders or other levels before they are exported to some Database. For this. we use the Image Enhancement module to detect barcodes and the Multi Fig 67 module to perform some action on the basis of barcode Through Scan module configuration. First. which is not always possible. All we have to do is insert a Barcode Detection filter and configure the properties Page 80 of 97 of this filter.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 80 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 4. 2. So we will concentrate on the second method. In this method.html 10/09/2013 .2 Reading Barcodes Barcodes can be read and utilized in two ways – 1. combined with an action performed by the Multi module. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Through Image Enhancement module configuration. The first method requires the Scanner being used must have a Barcode detection hardware attached to it.emccaptiva. configure the Image Enhancement module to detect barcodes in the way shown below. we have to write code in our IPP file which will trigger the Multi module to perform ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 81 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Fig 68 Page 81 of 97 Fig 69 Next.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body. Level0_ZoneValue(n)_RecText as String.emccaptiva.Multi. the recognized text is available to us in these variables. Suppose our requirement states that if there is a barcode on any page. Else Private Sub ImageEnhance_Finish ( ByVal p as IASlib. we have to write code in our IPP file which will trigger the Multi module to perform ENGT010_20 User Documentation some action on the basis of barcodes detected.Ready = 1 + 16 ‘ Barcodes detected on a page ‘ triggering Multi with value “1” means that you ‘ are triggering Multi to create a new Document 4.Multi. Level0_NumZoneValue as Long.html 10/09/2013 . The code in the Finish Event handler of the Image Enhancement instance will be something like this. We can then access these variables in our IPP and code our process to perform any required action on the basis of the values of these variables. Once OCR has been performed.IAS_RECORD_0) p.Ready = 8 ‘ 8 – hold nodes without performing any action If p.Output – This variable stores the number of zones Page that82 of 97 have been created for OCR. Here the value of n varies from 1 (for the first zone) to the number of zones > 0 then ‘ the numbarcodes variable stores the number of End If End Sub p.3 Using OCR-Captured Data ‘ 16 – delete the node The text that we capture in OCR zones is stored in InputAccel Variables defined in the Softscan OCR module definition file. we need to create a new document and delete the page with the barcode.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 82 of 97 Next. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.Output – These variables store the values of the text recognized in each zone. emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 .net/captiva_5_3_tutorial/body.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 83 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 4.4 Image Quality Assurance while Indexing To perform Image Quality while Indexing. Go to Setup Quality Assurance Page 83 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. we use the Index and the Rescan module in conjunction with each other. This is how you configure the Index module to enable Image Quality Assurance. emccaptiva. he can send this image to the Rescan module to be replaced or rescanned.html 10/09/2013 . in the window that pops up.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 84 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Now. ENGT010_20 User Documentation select one or more boxes. Also check the “Bypass validation if any QA boxes are checked at runtime” as shown below. If the user finds during Indexing that the image which he is indexing is a wrong image or a poorly scanned. we first have to write code in our IPP file which will define an action to take if the user checks any of the boxes while indexing a page. Fig 70 Page 84 of 97 Fig 71 However before doing this. DoubleFeed Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ". We write the code in the Finish_Event Handler of Index instance.InputImage = The code will look something like this.IAS_RECORD_0 ‘ send image to Rescan module Dim strRescanReason As String pPage.Index. Private Sub Index_Finish(ByVal p2 As IASLib. Double feed" End If If pPage.Pages Else strRescanReason = "" pPage. Public Function CheckIndexFlags(pPage As IASLib. Noisy image" ENGT010_20 User Documentation End If Page 85 of 97 http://www.Noise Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ".Index.Index.InputImage ‘ Cancel the indexing of that page pPage.IAS_RECORD_2) ‘ Lets assume that Index has Been triggered at Level 2 If strRescanReason <> "" Then Dim pPage As the IASLib.Sort.emccaptiva.Index.html 10/09/2013 .Ready =8 strRescanReason = CheckIndexFlags(pPage) ‘ The End IfCheckIndexlags() function checks if any of the checkboxes of Image Quality ‘Assurance have been checked Next pPage Now we will describe the function CheckIndexFlags() in Common Constants in the Module folder of our IPP project.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 85 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation The first step in this Quality control is writing of code.Ready = 0 For Each pPage In p2.Rescan. Delete" End If If pPage. Bent corner" End If If pPage.Index.IAS_RECORD_0) As String Dim strRescanReason As String If pPage.BentCorner Then strRescanReason = ".Delete Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ".Index.Tree. Index.Index. so that initially all the checkboxes for Quality Assurance are unchecked. While running the Index module. we will configure the Index module as already shown.TooLight Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ". if the user checks any of the check-boxes for any of the pages. after the process has been compiled and installed.Noise = 0 strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ".Index.IAS_RECORD_0 If pPage.TooLight = 0 End Function pPage. Too dark" Private Sub Index_Prepare(ByVal p2 As IASLib.Index.Index.WrongImage = 0 pPage. If pPage.Pages End If pPage. 4.BentCorner = 0 If pPage.DoubleFeed = 0 pPage.Skewed Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & " The user will then open the Rescan module and replace or rescan the highlighted documents as required. Or we might be http://www.Index.emccaptiva.Index. Our coding part is over with this step.TooDark Then strRescanReason = strRescanReason & ".IAS_RECORD_2) End If Dim pPage As IASLib.Index.Index.html 10/09/2013 . these pages will be sent to the Rescan instance. Wrong image" pPage.TooDark = 0 CheckIndexFlags = strRescanReason pPage.WrongImage Then pPage. we will include a Rescan instance in our process and write code in it so that the images which are sent for rescanning are routed to an appropriate instance.Skewed =0 End If pPage. Too light" For Each pPage In p2.5 Validating Indexed Data One of the very frequent requirements is that the values entered into one or more Indexing ENGT010_20 User Documentation fields should be validated with some database or some other data source.Index.Tree. Now.Index.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 86 of 97 ENGT010_20 End If User Documentation If pPage. Skewed" End If Next we will write some code in the Prepare Event Handler of Index.ThumbMarks = 0 Next pPage End Sub Page 86 of 97 After this. If we use our customized DLL’s for validation.8 Creating Log Files ENGT010_20 User Documentation Creation of Log files is done solely through code.6 Creating a Folder-Hierarchy in Documentum We the Documentum hierarchy to which we wish to export the Scanned images 4. Log files can be created at any point in a http://www.e. Suppose the instance of Multi has been named “DeleteBatch”. we will use an instance of the Multi module in our process.7 specify Deleting Batches Automatically while configuring the EMC Documentum Server Export module. sub-folders and document can be customized dll. Or we might be required to add some specific validations such as Length. we enter validating statements in the Validate Key field of that Indexing field. stored in InputAccel variables. Server to prevent unnecessary loading of the Server. if we are using predefined validation DLL’s of captiva InputAccel. we had populated the object_name attributes of the different objects either from hardcoded values or from values entered by the user in Indexing fields. Otherwise. Cabinet.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 87 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation fields should be validated with some database or some other data picked up in a number of ways. In the process how the data will entered was validated against a we The sample first thing to do Motor_001 is to create . In this case. To delete any node. then we will use the Aux function to call the Now the names of the objects i. all the will be stored in a fixed different Validating Functions and their syntax can be checked out in the Index Help location. Let us assume that the EMC Documentum Server Export instance had been triggered at level-7. etc. need to include our hierarchy. we use the Multi module. In order top do this. Then the code to delete batches after export is this – Private Sub ExportDocumentum_Finish (ByVal pRoot as IASLib. 4. Or we might be required to populate the fields automatically from some data source.DeleteBatch. An has already of discussed the configuration of the sample process – We example often have a been requirement deletingin batches automatically from the Captiva InputAccel Motor_001 . In the sample process shown.IAS_RECORD_7) pRoot.emccaptiva. and trigger Page 87 of 97 it at Level-7 to enable it to delete a batch. in which case. Type of data entered. The objects are placed in descending order in this list. awe listsaw of objects which specify the object-types which table in a P400 in database. Or we can populate the object_name attribute of different objects with values Document. folders.Ready = 16 End Sub 4.html 10/09/2013 . We can hardcode their values in the value field for the then the syntax of our validating statement will be specific for pages each Validating Function. The object_name attribute for each object. A sample piece of code is given below – 4. say we have two users – “dop” and “dop1”.txt" pages can Index only the batches that he himself has scanned. we select as many instances of Index module as there are users which we have to restrict. "Batch created at " & Now include in our process.9 Creating User Restrictions on Batches Dim StrFileName as String Suppose we have a requirement that a user who logs in to the InputAccel Server and scans strFileName = "C:\InputAccelLogs\BatchCreationLog.emccaptiva.BatchCreatLog. Open strFileName For Append As #1 To enable this Page 88 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Creation of Log files is done solely through code. "New batch: " starts & pRoot. Here. Log files can be created at any point in a process just by writing the code for log-file creation and writing at that point in the IPP. While selecting the MDF’s to Print #1. Close #1 While selecting MDF’s to include in our process. we will use the concept of Departments. we will assign these instances to specific departments. " restricted such"that they can index only those batches which they themselves had scanned.NameofBatch of enabling user-restrictions from the coding stage. In our Print #1. the process Print #1.html 10/09/2013 . Page 88 of 97 Fig 72 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. Assign each instance of Index to a specific Department. "" requirement scenario. These users have to be Print #1. Page 89 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.OutputImage End Select Fig 73 will be available for Indexing only As a result of this. This can be done by creating a shortcut of the Index module and passing these parameters in the target field of the shortcut. Our coding part is completed with this. The code will look something like this – provide the Username.InputImage = p.InputImage = Select Case Username Case "dop": p.IndexSD1. the Department name.Scan. we need to add some code which will check the username with which scanning has been done and then on the basis of the username. will make appropriate Index instance.IndexSD. route the we images to thehim Now. password and in addition.emccaptiva. the images scanned by user “dop” through the “IndexSD” instance. Now in our IPP. when running the process.html 10/09/2013 .OutputImage Case "dop1": p. when a user logs in to the Index module.Scan.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 89 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation Dim Username As String Username = p. he can view separate that particular 1 node and route directly to the end ofNow. Sometimes we might face errors during Export due to errors during Indexing.html 10/09/2013 . This and index those batches which he code himself scanned.Tree. To remedy this. The willhas look something like this – If p1. or the indexing fields might be wrongly filled up with the same indexing field values as some other document. For example. 1. The user can sometimes face problems during Indexing if there is a Level-1 node in the 74 batch which does not contain any pages in it. the user might include a “/” or a “\” symbol in an indexing field which has been mapped to the object_name attribute of some object-type. we will This will ensure that the Level user “dop” logs in with it the Department “SD”. has toonly be done through code.NumChildren(0) = 0 then ‘ this will check if the document has 0 pages in it Page 90 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 4. There is a variable defined for the EMC Documentum server Export module – ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. which would mean that we are trying to export the same document to the same location more than once. or he might leave an indexing field blank which had been mapped to the name of the Cabinet.HoldBatch.emccaptiva.Ready = 8 ‘ this is the stage where all the Level-1 nodes are collected into a Page 90 of 97 batch Else End If 2. our process.10 Error handling There can be a number of error scenarios and these are not always possible to foresee. Listed below are a few common error scenarios and their solutions. Fig The user repeatedly sees a blank page with a red cross across it while indexing any document in the batch. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 91 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation ExportResult.html 10/09/2013 . pPage. we add a line in our Multi theyou OutputImage variable gives an node unidentified error.emccaptiva. to any other instance. this can be done only if that particular instance has a requirement of being 3. then we will send the exported node back to the Inde module so that the user can correct the entries. which will ensure If p2. Another common errorUsing is when try to access a higher level inside an instance triggered at a lower level node. Often it is seen that an instance is wrongly triggered. This is especially true of instances of the Multi module.Export.InputImage = pPage. To remedy this. We will handle these errors on the basis of this value. which will be written in the Finish Event handler of Export as shown below.Multi. You can access a lower-level node inside a higher level node p. A very only important thing remember is that while routing images from an Index instance triggered once in the to process. 4.Retriesleft =0 End If However. this variable takes a value “-1”.Index.IAS_RECORD_1 P1.InputImage but the reverse is not= true. we always use the “InputImage” variable rather than the “OutputImage” variable. Index.ExportDoc.InputImage p2. If the variable ExportResult has a value “-1”.Ready = 1 pPage.ExportDoc. If any error is encountered during export. otherwise its value is “0”.Index.Level1_Index0 = “Process” Page 91 of 97 End Sub This code will give an error because you are trying to access a Level1 node from inside an instance triggered at Level0. p. This will be done through code.ExportResult = the -1 Then that it is triggered only once in process. ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www.Index. 5.IAS_RECORD_0) Dim p1 as IASLib.InputImage For example – Private Sub Index_Finish(ByVal p as IASLib. html 10/09/2013 . Create a new batch from Administrator module as shown below Page 92 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation http://www. 1.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 92 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 5 Debugging a Batch Following are the steps involved in debugging a emccaptiva.html 10/09/2013 . From Process Developer module. openFig the code for this Page 93 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 76 User Documentation http://www.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 93 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 75 3. CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 94 of 97 ENGT010_20 Fig 76 User Documentation 4. Now insert breakpoints wherever u need them. Page 94 of 97 Fig 77 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. Now Open this batch from the Scan module and run the batch. When the the point where 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 95 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 3. Now Open this batch from the Scan module and run the batch. When the the point where u had added breakpoints comes up, the control will move to the break point. You can then debug the code, using the “F8” key to move from line to line. In the Batch List Window, double click on the batch name. We will see a window which will show us the progress of the batch. 6 Monitoring a Batch We can use the Administrator module or the Supervisor to monitor the progress of a batch. In fact, the Administrator and the Supervisor modules can be used for all administration and monitoring work. Read the user guides of Administrator and Supervisor to learn about all their functions. To monitor a batch from Administrator module, we first go to the Batch List Window from View Or View All batches All Processes and then double-clicking on the specific process. Page 95 of 97 Fig 78 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 10/09/2013 CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 96 of 97 ENGT010_20 User Documentation 7 Error Messages The various Error Messages that you might encounter while running InputAccel are listed in a document named Error Messages. This document can be accessed from the Start Menu and will give you all the information regarding possible errors in InputAccel. 8 Glossary Abbreviation DMS P400 DLL IPP IAP VB 6.0 MDF Description Document Management System Polisy 400 Dynamically-Linked Libraries InputAccel Process-Flow Project InputAccel Process Visual Basic version 6.0 Module Definition File Page 96 of 97 10/09/2013 emccaptiva.CaptivaInputAccelKnowledgeTransferDocument Page 97 of 97 Page 97 of 97 10/09/2013 .
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