Capital Cost Estimation for NZ 2004

March 18, 2018 | Author: Yang Gul Lee | Category: Index (Economics), Power Law, Capital (Economics), Inventory, Catalysis



Process CapitalCost Estimation for New Zealand 2004 R.W. Bouman S.B. Jesen M.L. Wake W.B. Earl (Editor) Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand Published by the Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand Inc. PO Box 28 139 Christchurch New Zealand © Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand, 2005 Bouman, R W, Jesen, S B, Wake, M L; Earl, W B(Editor) Process Capital Cost Estimation for New Zealand 2004 ISBN 0-473-10257-9 Paperback ISBN 0-473-10258-7 CDRom The information in this book is given in good faith and any views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of their organisations. The authors have attempted to compile accurate capital cost estimation data and summarise key cost estimating methods. Since they have no control over its use or misuse, neither the authors, the firms who so generously supplied data nor SCENZ accept any legal liability for the methods or data presented in this publication. ii Acknowledgments The management committee of the Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand and the editor are very grateful to all who provided assistance with the production of this publication. This help is greatly appreciated. We are particularly indebted to the authors, Reuben Bouman, Scott Jesen and Maria Wake for their efforts and to David Holmes for his work on many of the graphs and Selwyn Jebson for helpful suggestions at the outset. Especial thanks go to the equipment suppliers, consultancy companies and end users who contributed information used in this project. Preface This publication is designed for chemical and process engineers and will allow ‘study accuracy’ cost estimations to be performed based on New Zealand derived cost data. Cost data plots for common pieces of process equipment and capital cost estimation methodologies relevant to New Zealand industry are provided herein. The last capital cost estimation booklet relevant to the New Zealand process industry was produced ten years ago by Jebson and Fincham (1994) on behalf of The Chemical Engineering Group, a subsidiary of IChemE and IPENZ. The Chemical Engineering Group has now evolved into the Society of Chemical Engineers New Zealand (SCENZ). The capital cost estimation data presented in this publication was collected from New Zealand equipment suppliers, consultancy firms and end users over the period January 2004 to March 2005. Contrary to earlier editions of this publication, suppliers of information have not been listed, since many provided data only on the basis that they were not named. Since the 1994 publication the growth of the ‘global market’ has seen the quantity of process equipment imported into New Zealand increase significantly. Overseas cost data therefore provides a valid representation of the costs associated with many types of process equipment used in New Zealand and this includes a significant amount of cost data from an American publication, Ulrich (2004). This data has been used with permission of John Wiley & Sons Inc. iii Contents 1 NOMENCLATURE ..................................................................................................................................... 1 2 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 2 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS ............................................................................................... 4 3.1 Methods Used in Capital Cost Estimation............................................................................................ 4 3.2 Limitations ........................................................................................................................................... 5 3.3 Deriving Composite Costs ................................................................................................................... 6 3.4 Scaling Factors.................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5 Factorial Method.................................................................................................................................. 8 3.6 Definitive/Detailed Method................................................................................................................. 14 4 INFLATION............................................................................................................................................... 15 5 UNCERTAINTY........................................................................................................................................ 17 6 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT ............................................................................................................. 18 6.1 Working Capital ................................................................................................................................. 18 6.2 Commissioning.................................................................................................................................. 18 7 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE ........................................................................................ 20 7.1 Total Equipment x One Factor (Lang Factor Method)........................................................................ 20 7.2 Main Plant Item Costs x Several Sub Factors ................................................................................... 21 8 COST DATA............................................................................................................................................. 22 8.1 Information on Cost Data Charts ....................................................................................................... 22 8.2 Index to Cost Data Charts ................................................................................................................. 23 9 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................................... 65 10 APPENDICES....................................................................................................................................... 66 1 ECONOMIC NOMENCLATURE 1 1 Nomenclature a power factor (size or capacity exponent) C total equipment erected cost c total installed cost of MPI in carbon steel cx total installed cost of MPI in exotic material Ca cost of the item at time a Cb cost of the item at time b CFC fixed capital investment CFi fixed capital investment for an innovative process CTC total capital investment Cr known reference cost of a plant or equipment Sr CS cost of the plant or equipment at size S F indirect costs factor fc installation subfactor for civil work FC contingency factor for technical uncertainty fel installation subfactor for electrical work fer installation subfactor for main plant item erection fi installation subfactor for instruments FL Lang Factor appropriate to process being costed fl installation subfactor for lagging fm material factor fp installation subfactor for piping, ducting & chutes including erection fsb installation subfactor for structures and buildings Ia relevant index at time a Ib relevant index at time b MPIC main plant item cost in carbon steel MPICx main plant item cost in exotic material S size of plant or equipment Sr reference size of plant or equipment 2 INTRODUCTION 2 2 Introduction The fixed capital investment in any project has a large influence on profitability as this capital must ultimately be repaid. Since profitability is a key consideration in any project, knowledge of the fixed capital investment required is an essential part for any process development. The ‘fixed’ capital is so called because money invested in this way cannot easily be converted back into cash. This publication focuses on capital cost estimation, and does not cover operating costs although these can be more important than capital costs in many cases in determining profitability. It is also important to remember the uncertainty when talking about a cost estimate. Capital cost estimation comes in many forms depending on the accuracy required, resources available, and the details known. Five levels of capital cost estimation were first suggested by the American Association of Cost Engineers in 1958. These levels have been widely accepted, and are shown in Table 2.1 along with their accuracy and cost. Table 2.1 Type of Capital Cost Estimation, Accuracy and Cost Estimation Type Probable Range of Accuracy Cost of Estimation [% of project expenditure] Order of Magnitude ± 30 to ± 50% 0 to 0.1% Study ± 20 to ± 30% 0.1 to 0.2% Preliminary ± 10 to ± 25% 0.4 to 0.8% Definitive ± 5 to ± 15% 1 to 3% Detailed ± 2 to ± 5% 5 to 10% Since detailed cost estimation is expensive, cost estimation is usually a stepwise process. This starts with an order of magnitude or study estimate, and progresses if the numbers continue to look economically attractive. Ulrich (1984) states: “After a flow sheet and a preliminary technical package have been prepared, the next logical and chronological step is to determine the price of a chemical plant”. Thus, the major focus of this publication is ‘study’ cost estimates, although methods for order of magnitude and preliminary estimation are also briefly discussed. 2 INTRODUCTION 3 Information required for a study estimate includes: • Preliminary sizing of equipment • Plant location • Preliminary process flow diagrams (PFD) • Process plant materials of construction • Approximate sizes and types of buildings and structures. • Initial estimates for quantities of utilities required • Preliminary flow sheet for piping requirements • Preliminary motor and pump list On this list, ‘preliminary sizing of equipment’ is the most crucial; as the other points are often only included as factors and only approximations are needed to estimate these. Peters et al (2003, p 237) provide a more detailed description of the requirements at each of the estimating stages. Some key recent texts in capital cost estimation are: • Gerrard (2000) • Ulrich (2004) • Peters et al (2003) 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 4 3 Capital Cost Estimating Methods 3.1 Methods Used in Capital Cost Estimation There are many different methods of capital cost estimation. Table 3.1 briefly describes some of the more common methodologies. Table 3.1 Methods Used in Capital Cost Estimation Method Name Reference Description Step Counting • Gerrard (2000) pg 21-31 • Wilson (1971) “This approach to obtaining order-of-magnitude capital cost estimates is based on establishing a model which relates basic process parameters, such as capacity or throughput, temperature, pressure, and MOC, to total erected cost. This also takes into account the number of main plant items or the number of functional units involved.” Gerrard (2000) Fuzzy Matching • Petley & Edwards (1995) This method uses the fact that “Plants with similar specifications (capacities, process conditions, etc.) have similar costs, therefore … using the capital cost of the existing plant that is ‘most like the proposed plant’ as an estimate of the cost of the new plant. [They] have developed fuzzy matching, a method based on fuzzy logic, which finds the ‘most like’ plant from a database of existing plants by quantifying the closeness of their specifications.” Petley & Edwards (1995) Power Law Estimating or Scaling • Gerrard (2000) pg 31-38 • Peters et al (2003) pg 254-5 “Power law methods permit cost estimates to be made rapidly by extrapolating cost data from one scale to another. Thus the total cost of a proposed plant can be derived from historical data by using: • The total cost of a similar (reference) plant; • A comparatively simple breakdown of the costs of a similar plant; • Costs for parts of related plants that can be assembled to represent the proposed plant.” Gerrard (2000) Factorial Estimating • Gerrard (2000) pg 38-47 • Peters et al (2003) pg 244-9 Requires determination of the delivered equipment cost; these are most commonly found using power law estimation or a data book such as this one. Then a factor is, or several factors are, applied to account for many extra costs. Factors can either be applied to individual equipment items or the sum of all of them. Figure 2 summarises the types of factorial methods, and section 3.3 has several lists of factors that can be used. Computer Estimating • Gerrard (2000) pg 49 Computer cost estimation is a convenient way to combine some or all of the above cost estimation techniques into a user friendly package. Such computer packages contain internal databases of historical plant costs, power law correlations, and factorials. The program evaluates an entered plant design and returns the most feasible cost estimation based on the given data. 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 5 3.2 Limitations The accuracy of a particular capital cost estimate is limited by the applicability of the cost data to the scenario being evaluated. Some issues to be aware of which may affect the accuracy of the estimate are listed below. • Date: As all data is to some extent historical, it is important to know how old it is. Indices can be used to update the value; however, indices are always approximations. Indices are discussed in section 2. • Location: The location of the equipment is likely to affect price. Equipment could be: free on board (FOB) at a major port, delivered or ex-works. • Ancillaries: The inclusion of items like control systems and pumping will also affect the price. These items are necessary for the unit to operate and could well be included in the quoted price if packaged together. It is important to know what is included so as to avoid costing something twice or not at all. For example, if a control system is included in the equipment price the purchase cost should not be adjusted with an instrumentation factor. • Duplication and Omission: An item may be costed twice in separate places or omitted altogether. • Extremes: Some equipment may be required to withstand extreme conditions, such as temperature or pressure. This will often add extra cost to that item not included in a standard price. Figure 3.1 shows factors that can be applied to increase the cost of a pressure vessel. Pressure factors are often quoted with the price data, while adjustment for extreme temperature and corrosion are often made in the material of construction. 1 10 1 10 100 1000 Pressure [barg] P r e s s u r e F a c t o r , F p Figure 3.1 Pressure factor for increasing the cost of a pressure vessel at a range of pressures 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 6 • Materials of Construction (MOC): Various MOC are used in the process industry ranging from aluminium though steel to zirconium. By far the most common MOC for process plants are carbon steel and stainless steel (usually 304 & 316). Most equipment is priced using these MOC. If a different MOC is required, factors can again be used to adjust the price. A MOC factor for a particular material may vary depending on the type of equipment. Breuer & Brennan (1994) list a number of useful factors from various sources. • Size Range: Many cost data plots are valid for a specific size range only. If extending above the stated size range it should be assumed that multiple units would be required. Conversely, below the minimum size, costs are not likely to decrease markedly and any unit will be similar in cost regardless of size. • Currency: Many of the texts referenced in this publication are American and thus use $US. A graph and corresponding data for New Zealand exchange rates to major industrial currencies can be found in Appendix A3. The owner of the publication is encouraged to keep this information up to date. Exchange rates which are updated daily can be found on the Reserve Bank of New Zealand website. Appendix A4 describes how to access exchange rate data on this website. 3.3 Deriving Composite Costs If price data for an item cannot be found, one can break the item down into its parts and cost each one separately. For example, distillation columns are often priced by separately pricing the trays and a pressure vessel; likewise a reactor can be a combination of a tank and a mixer. 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 7 3.4 Scaling Factors Scaling factors are usually related through a power law relationship. The scaling factor rule, sometimes also known as the power law, six-tenths or two-thirds rule, states that the ratio of the cost of two equivalent pieces of equipment, equals the ratio of the sizes raised to the power of a, where a is often about 6 /10 or 2 /3 (thus the name), especially for vessels. For some plant however, this may range from 0.3 to 1.0. This is shown by equation 1; where CS is the cost of the plant or equipment to be estimated at the size, S. Cr is the known reference cost of a plant or equipment at the known reference size, Sr. a r r S S S C C         = (1) This rule can be used to estimate the cost of a whole plant or individual items of processing equipment. Order- of-magnitude estimates for various types of processing plants can be made using equation 1 in conjunction with Table 3.2 Peters et al (2003, p243) and Coulson et al (1999, p258) also give similar tables for individual items of processing equipment. Table 3.2 Power Law Estimation for Various Types of Processing Plants Plant Size, Sr Plant Size Limits, S Fixed Capital, Cr Power factor, a Product or Process Process Remarks [10 3 t.yr -1 ] [10 3 t.yr -1 ] [10 6 NZ$] Acetic Acid CH3OH and CO – catalytic 10 3 - 30 7.3 0.68 Acetone Propylene - copper chloride catalyst 100 30 - 300 36 0.45 Ammonia Steam reforming 100 30 - 300 27 0.53 Ammonium Nitrate Ammonia and nitric acid 100 30 - 300 5.6 0.65 Butanol Propylene, CO and H2O – catalytic 50 17 - 150 44.9 0.4 Chlorine Electrolysis of NaCl 50 17 - 150 31.5 0.45 Ethylene Refinery gases 50 17 - 150 14.6 0.83 Ethylene Oxide Ethylene – catalytic 50 17 - 150 56.2 0.78 Formaldehyde (37%) Methanol – catalytic 10 3 - 30 18 0.55 Glycol Ethylene and chlorine 5 2 - 15 16.9 0.75 Hydrofluoric Acid Hydrogen fluoride and H2O 10 3 - 30 9 0.68 Methanol CO2, natural gas and steam 60 20 - 180 14.6 0.6 Nitric Acid (conc.) Ammonia – catalytic 100 30 - 300 7.3 0.6 Phosphoric Acid Calcium phosphate and H2SO4 5 2 - 15 3.7 0.6 Polyethylene (high den.) Ethylene – catalytic 5 2 - 15 18 0.65 Propylene Refinery gases 10 3 - 30 3.6 0.7 Sulfuric Acid Sulfur – catalytic 100 30 - 300 3.6 0.65 Urea Ammonia and CO2 60 20 - 180 8.8 0.7 Data has been adapted from Peters et al (2003) so that it is applicable to New Zealand in 2004. One advantage of the power law method is seen when the suitable capacity parameter is plotted versus cost on log-log graph paper. The line obtained from the relationship expressed in equation 1 is straight with slope a. 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 8 This is the form of graphical cost-capacity correlations found in many standard sources, and it is the form of data presentation used later in this publication. These plots have several advantages over an equation, such as: 1. The limits of applicability can easily be defined by the length of the curve. 2. Changes in slope, which may occur over a wide capacity range, can be shown. 3. Costs can be read directly from the chart without computation. When using the power law to cost individual items, one must be aware that knowing the purchase cost of all the items, each of a specific capacity, is not the final answer to the capital cost estimate. Equipment must be transported to the plant site, placed on foundations, and installed with piping, electrical connections, instrumentation, housing and insulation, as required. Thus, the installed cost of equipment is usually several times greater than the purchase cost. A preliminary estimate of the total installed cost can be obtained by applying ‘factors’ to the total equipment cost which account for the unknown costs associated with installation. This is the idea behind the factorial method. 3.5 Factorial Method Factorial methods are used to amplify the total equipment cost (also know as the sum of the Main Plant Item Costs, MPIC) to what is known as the total fixed capital investment. This amplification factor is typically 2.5 to 5.5 times the sum of the total equipment cost. All factorial methods start with the prices of the Main Plant Items (MPIs) as a base, either averaged, totalled, or operated on individually and then summed. These can usually be found by scaling using the scaling factors (section 3.4) with some relevant reference data, or graphical data such as found is this publication. Although factorial methods yield more accurate estimates than power law methods, there is a large variation in accuracy between different factorial methods, ranging from ±20% to ±50%. The accuracy achieved depends on whether one factor or many are used, and whether the factors are applied to the sum of the MPIs or each individual MPI. Figure 3.2 summarises the options and their respective accuracies. Figure 3.2 Accuracy Relationship of Four Factorial Methods Increasing Accuracy I n c r e a s i n g A c c u r a c y Starting Point Total Equipment Cost Individual Equipment Costs Multiply by one factor made up of many sub-factors for various categories Multiply by one factor depending on type F a c t o r i a l M e t h o d 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 9 3.5.1 Total Equipment x One Factor C MPI F C L ∑ × = (2) Lang (1947 & 1948) was the first to propose the use of a factor that when multiplied by the total equipment cost gives an estimated value to the fixed capital investment required. Lang factors vary markedly depending on the nature of the process. For example, in a paper mill, which contains expensive, precise, high-speed machinery, a larger fraction of the cost is invested in the original equipment. Installation is relatively less expensive, thus the Lang factor is small. In an oil refinery, process vessels and equipment themselves are somewhat simpler, but installation of piping, insulation and instruments is more expensive, creating a larger Lang factor. To account for this variability, Peters et al (2003) suggest the overall Lang multiplication factors shown in Table 3.3. Table 3.3 Lang Factors for Various Types of Plant Lang Factors Plant Type 4.0 solids processing plant (e.g. cement plant) 4.3 solid-fluid processing plant (e.g. fertilizer plant) 5.0 fluid processing plant (e.g. oil refinery) 3.5.2 Total Equipment × Several Sub Factors ( ) C MPI f f C b a ∑ × + + + = ... 1 (3) For a processing plant, fixed capital investment can be broken down into many categories. To achieve an extra level of accuracy over the Lang factors, these categories can be assigned individual factors, according to what is known. The direct and indirect costs typically include the categories listed below. Direct costs • Purchased equipment • Installation • Instrumentation and controls • Piping • Electrical • Buildings • Site preparation • Service facilities • Land (if purchase is required) 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 10 Indirect costs • Engineering and supervision • Construction expenses • Contractors’ fees, Overheads • Contingency, Insurance Direct costs are those for which something tangible is produced, while indirect costs are necessary, but do not produce any physical results. Peters et al (2003, Table 6-1) describe these categories in greater detail. Factors for these categories as a percentage of the total fixed capital investment are also given by Peters et al (2003, Table 6-3). To convert these into the type of factors used in equation (3), divide the percentage to be used for a category, by the percentage to be used for the purchased equipment. Perry (1997, Table 9-44) also details these categories. Table 3.4 gives a number of factors for different types of processing plant based on data presented by Perry (1997, Table 9-51). Table 3.4 Lang factors for Various Plant Installations and Plant Types Grass-roots plants Battery-limit installations Details Solids processing Solid-fluid processing Fluid processing Solids processing Solid-fluid processing Fluid processing Equipment (delivered) 1 1 1 1 1 1 Equipment, Installation 0.19-0.23 0.39-0.43 0.76 0.45 0.39 0.27-0.47 Piping 0.07-0.23 0.30-0.39 0.33 0.16 0.31 0.66-1.20 Structural foundations - - 0.28 - - 0-0.13 Electrical 0.13-0.25 0.08-0.17 0.09 0.1 0.1 0.09-0.11 Instruments 0.03-0.12 0.13 0.13 0.09 0.13 - Battery-limits building and service 0.33-0.50 0.26-0.35 0.45 0.25 0.39 0.18-0.34 Excavation and site preparation 0.03-0.18 0.08-0.22 - 0.13 0.1 0.1 Auxilliaries 0.14-0.30 0.48-0.55 Included 0.4 0.55 0.7 Total physical plant 2.37 2.97 3.04 2.58 2.97 3.5 Field expense 0.10-0.12 0.35-0.43 - 0.39 0.34 0.41 Engineering - 0.35-0.43 0.41 0.33 0.32 0.33 Direct plant costs 2.48 3.73 3.45 3.3 3.63 4.24 Contractor's fees, overhead, profit 0.30-0.33 0.09-0.17 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.21 Contingency 0.26 0.39 0.36 0.34 0.36 0.42 Total fixed-capital investment 3.06 4.27 3.98 3.81 4.17 4.87 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 11 3.5.3 Main Plant Item Costs × One Factor ∑ × × = i i i MPIC f F C (4) Another factorial method of approximately equal accuracy to that mentioned previously is to treat each MPI separately, with one installation factor per MPI. This method is less common. However, it does account for variations in costs associated with installing different types of MPI. Some factors are shown in Table 3.5. Table 3.5 Lang Factors for Various Types of Equipment Lang Factors Equipment 2.24 Furnace/boiler 3.37 Shell and tube heat exchanger 2.46 Air-cooled heat exchanger 4.20 Vertical vessel 3.24 Horizontal vessel 3.47 Pump and driver 3.24 Compressor and driver 1.41 Tanks Once these have been applied, factors for the indirect costs are applied to the sum, seen as F in equation 4. 3.5.4 Main Plant Item Costs × Several Sub Factors ( ) ∑ × + + + × = i i b a MPIC f f F C i i ... 1 (5) To achieve even greater accuracy in estimation, the engineering activities necessary to install a specific MPI can be assessed separately. Factors for erection, piping, instruments, electrical, civil, structures and lagging are applied to each individual MPI. Typical values for these factors are shown in Table 3.6. Indirect costs are accounted for by applying a factor F, which represents overhead costs and contingency allowance. 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 12 Table 3.6 Sub-Factors for individual main plant items Lang Factor Scenario Value of Individual Main Plant Item (Vessels, furnaces, machines, drives and materials handling equipment) Standardised to carbon steel basis NZ$ (Dec 2003) > $960K $320K to $960K $130K to $320K $64K to $130K $19K to $64K $9.6K to $19K < $9.6K Main plant items (delivered) 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Much of site erection included in purchase cost of equipment such as large tanks 0.013 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.075 0.09 0.25 Average erection 0.05 0.08 0.1 0.11 0.13 0.15 0.38 Equipment involving some site fabrication such as large pumps requiring lining up and serpentine coolers 0.08 0.1 0.13 0.15 0.18 0.2 0.48 Main plant items erection (fer) Equipment involving much site fabrication or fitting such as large distillation columns and furnaces 0.3 0.38 0.4 0.56 0.67 0.77 1.13 Ducting and chutes 0.03 0.05 0.1 0.18 0.28 0.43 0.59 Small bore piping or service piping only 0.06 0.13 0.26 0.43 0.69 1.04 1.4 Average bore piping and service piping such as predominantly liquid piping 0.16 0.26 0.4 0.66 0.98 1.4 1.76 Large bore piping and service piping such as predominantly gas and vapour piping or Average bore piping with complex system such as much manifolding and recirculation 0.2 0.33 0.49 0.78 1.11 1.58 1.94 Piping, ducting and chutes including erection (fp) Large bore piping with complex system such as much manifolding and recirculation 0.25 0.41 0.61 0.96 1.38 1.96 2.43 Local instruments only 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.13 0.24 0.43 0.75 - one controller and instruments 0.09 0.13 0.22 0.34 0.49 0.65 1 - two controllers and instruments 0.13 0.2 0.33 0.45 0.6 0.79 1.14 Instrument (fi) - three or more controllers and instruments 0.18 0.33 0.43 0.6 0.77 0.96 1.38 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 13 Table 3.6 Continued… Lang Factor Scenario Value of Individual Main Plant and Item (Vessels, furnaces, machines and drives and materials handling equipment) Standardised to carbon steel basis NZ$ (Dec 2003) > $960K $320K to $960K $130K to $320K $64K to $130K $19K to $64K $9.6K to $19K < $9.6K Lighting only 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.06 0.1 0.13 0.19 Lighting and power for ancillary drives such as conveyors, stirred vessels and air coolers 0.1 0.14 0.2 0.26 0.34 0.41 0.6 Lighting and power excluding transformers and switchgear – e.g. equipment off site – or machine drives such as pumps, compressors and crushers 0.13 0.18 0.25 0.33 0.43 0.51 0.63 Electrical (fel) Lighting and power including transformers and switchgear for machine main drives such as pumps, compressors and crushers 0.19 0.25 0.34 0.46 0.6 0.74 1 Average civil work, including plant and structure foundations, floors and services 0.08 0.1 0.14 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.35 Above average civil work, complicated machine blocks, special floor protection, elevator pits in floors and considerable services. 0.15 0.21 0.31 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.85 Civil (fc) Multiply civil factor by 1.3 to allow for piling plant and structure foundations Negligible structural work and buildings 0.012 0.025 0.025 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.08 Open air plant at ground level with some pipe bridges and minor buildings 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.14 0.17 0.21 0.26 Open air plant within a structure 0.14 0.24 0.31 0.41 0.5 0.59 0.74 Plant in a simple covered building 0.19 0.29 0.39 0.48 0.56 0.69 0.85 Structures and buildings (fsb) Plant in an elaborate building or a major structure within a building 0.35 0.48 0.63 0.76 0.9 1.06 1.38 Lagging for service pipes only 0.012 0.03 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.15 0.23 Average amount of hot lagging on pipes and vessels 0.03 0.04 0.08 0.14 0.21 0.31 0.38 Above average amount of hot lagging on pipes and vessels 0.04 0.06 0.1 0.17 0.26 0.35 0.4 Lagging (fl) Cold lagging on pipes and vessels 0.06 0.1 0.15 0.25 0.31 0.41 0.56 3 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING METHODS 14 3.6 Definitive/Detailed Method A definitive cost estimate is a detailed cost analysis of all aspects of a plant. Such an estimate is performed as a final step to show project commitment to a client and is often a final step prior to approval to begin construction. A definitive/detailed cost estimate should return a project cost accurate to within 10% for a definitive estimate and within 5% for a detailed estimate. This is a costly and labour intensive process. To generate a definitive estimate, up to 3% of the total project cost will have been invested in the design and costing. For a final detailed estimation, over 5% of the total project cost may have been spent on the design and costing. This estimate requires substantial detail of the project to be known. By this stage detailed plant and utility drawings should be completed. Details on the site, including layout, roads, rail lines, and buildings should be finalised. Full details on piping, instrumentation, electrical requirements, insulation and painting should be established. Costs of construction and detailed construction planning must also be performed. The cost estimate is based on all aspects of the project. All suppliers and service providers are known and the cost estimate is a collaboration of supplier prices for the required materials and components. The equipment costs are broken down into shopping list form with individual items and quantities and their quoted costs from the appropriate suppliers shown. All other non- material costs such as engineering, management and construction are included in this cost list to give a total project cost. 4 INFLATION 15 4 Inflation Preliminary capital cost estimates are, by necessity, prepared from historical price data. Thus, corrective indices are needed to adjust historical prices for inflation (or, in rare instances, deflation) to reflect the pricing at the date at which the cost estimate will apply. Indices are generally applied used equation 6. Ca is the cost of the item at time a, and Cb is the cost of the item at time b. Similarly Ia is the relevant index at time a, and Ib is the relevant index at time b. b a b a I I C C = (6) Statistics New Zealand keeps a large number of indices monitoring a large number of goods and services. The index most relevant to users of this publication is the Capital Goods Price Index (CGPI), and in particular the sub-index called the Plant, Machinery and Equipment Index (PMEI). At the time of publishing the most recent PMEI was 988 for the December 2004 quarter. The base quarter for the CGPI, in which all indices were 1000, was September 1999. The PMEI is further divided into 32 subcategories, each with their own indices. 960 980 1000 1020 1040 1060 1080 1100 1120 1140 1160 1180 1200 1220 1240 1260 Sep-98 Sep-99 Sep-00 Sep-01 Sep-02 Sep-03 Sep-04 Sep-05 Sep-06 Sep-07 Sep-08 Date I n d e x Plant, machinery and equipment Metal tanks, reservoirs and containers Steam generators Machinery for mining, quarrying and construction Machinery for food, beverage and tobacco processing Electric motors, generators and transformers Figure 4.1 New Zealand Plant, Machinery & Equipment Cost Indices 4 INFLATION 16 If possible, the appropriate subcategory indices should be used, as the values are likely to be more applicable to the item being inflated. For example, if the PMEI was used to inflate the cost of a metal tank the index being used takes into account changes in the price of furniture and computer machinery. However, if the subcategory ‘metal tanks, reservoirs, and containers’ is used, the only contributors are ‘milking holding tanks’ and ‘gas cylinders’. Appendix A1 lists actual indices from the CGPI. If the construction cost of the building to house the plant equipment is significant, when compared with the equipment, then consideration of construction cost indices should be made. The CGPI sub-index non- residential building index can help here. The CGPI also includes subcategories monitoring pipeline work and site improvements. To maintain currency of the index, the reader is encouraged to add to the plot in Figure 4.1 and table in Appendix A1 in this publication as the data becomes available. For the purposes of preliminary cost estimates, escalation by the cost index is considered reliable for time jumps of ten years or less. Care must be taken to check that in the intervening time the base of the index and subcategory weightings have not been altered. The easiest way to find this data is to go to the Statistics New Zealand website. Appendix A2 describes how to find this data. The Statistics New Zealand website includes information on weighting and use of their indices. 5 UNCERTAINTY 17 5 Uncertainty Although Lang Factors of 3 to 5 are typically found using the techniques discussed in this booklet, some engineers use values as large as 8 or 9 for certain projects. Despite the requirement for accuracy, these engineers would seem to be very aware that management cheerfully accepts economic surprises in only one direction - actual costs that are less than predicted. Thus, safety or contingency factors (Fc) are introduced to provide a cushion. A contingency factor of 1.15 is often applied to the estimated fixed capital investment. If several innovative or technologically new process steps are proposed for a project, then a higher contingency factor is recommended. Figure 5.1 suggests a range of factors depending on the number of innovative steps, indicated by the grid area. Unfortunately, one danger of these factors is that a viable project will be squelched because of excessively conservative predictions. Number of Innovative Steps Figure 5.1 Contingency Margins for Prospective Plants Containing Innovative Process Steps If a project has one or more such unproven process steps, the capital cost estimated by preceding techniques is multiplied by the appropriate factor or factors from Figure 3.1. Within acceptable limits of a preliminary estimate, the techniques for estimation detailed in section 7 should be sufficient with no additional contingency margin if the process steps are commercially established. An innovative step is defined as a process sequence that has not been employed successfully by those associated with the prospective project. Inaccessible information held by competitors who will not share their experience and data does not constitute successful commercial operation in this sense. The soundness and accuracy of these safety factors can certainly be improved with experience. Meanwhile, these numbers provide theoretically defensible values as a starting point. 6 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT 18 6 Total Capital Investment In addition to the fixed capital invested in a project, additional capital must be invested to get the plant operating. This additional capital investment (working capital) provides funds for expenses such as raw materials and wages until income is received from product sales. It also covers the costs of commissioning the plant. 6.1 Working Capital Working capital is the additional capital that must be invested into a project to cover the costs of raw materials required to begin production, wages and salaries for staff, and purchased services such as electricity and water supplies. The value of working capital usually incorporates: • 1 to 3 months of wages and salaries and purchased services • Half the total storage capacity of raw materials and finished products stored on site • 1 to 3 months of fuel requirements for the site The working capital is around 15% of the fixed capital investment but is often larger for small projects and smaller for large ones. The value of working capital can vary widely, depending on the type of plant. Plants keeping large inventories of raw materials and product will generally have a higher working capital than low inventory processes. The value of working capital must be increased with inflation and other plant changes such as increases in production capacity. The working capital invested in a project is usually completely recovered in the final year of operation for the project. 6.2 Commissioning The commissioning of a plant can be broken down into 4 steps: • Pre-Commissioning. This step involves an overall check to ensure that the system is complete and ready to operate. This usually involves an overall system inspection, cleaning, and pressure and leak testing. • Mechanical Commissioning. This is a check of the mechanical aspects of a plant such as pumps, agitators and valves. This ensures that valves work, pumps operate correctly and all associated electrical equipment operates correctly. • Process Commissioning. This commissioning stage ensures that all process instrumentation and control systems function correctly. It tests that the plant functions correctly as a whole. • Start-up. The plant is fed the appropriate process materials, production is started and the system is brought up to full operation. The costs involved in plant commissioning include both fixed and variable costs. Fixed costs associated with the commissioning of a plant are maintenance and supervisory staff and general plant overheads. Variable costs associated with commissioning are raw materials, utilities, and other additional test materials that may only be used at start-up. The initial start-up stage may be inefficient or not produce a saleable product, which will also increase variable costs. Commissioning is often supervised by a specialist engineering 6 TOTAL CAPITAL INVESTMENT 19 commissioning team. Such supervision is expensive and adds another variable cost to the commissioning process. The construction contractor may also supply training for permanent staff and operators, which is usually included as another variable commissioning cost. Commissioning times can vary from a couple of days to months depending on the plant type and experience of commissioning staff. This can make estimation of the commissioning costs very difficult to do accurately. Commissioning costs generally vary between 1% and 10% of the total fixed capital investment. The actual commissioning cost varies depending on the plant size, complexity and originality. An accurate estimate of this cost is best attained by analysis of the commissioning costs for other similar plants. 7 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 20 7 Capital Cost Estimating Procedure 7.1 Total Equipment cost × One Factor (Lang Factor Method) C MPI F C L ∑ × = 1. List each of the main plant items and the associated capacity and determine the main plant item cost (MPIC) using the Cost Data Plots (Section 8) or the SCENZ Cost Data CD. Main Plant Item Description Capacity Main Plant Item Cost Eg Dosing pump (Diaphragm) 5 m 3 /hr $10,000 ΣMPIC 2. Sum all of the main plant item costs to obtain the total main plant item cost ΣMPIC. 3. Adjust the ΣMPIC using PMEI inflation indices (refer to Appendix A1) to reflect the pricing at which the cost estimate will apply. b a b a I I C C = 4. Multiply the ‘adjusted’ total main plant item cost ΣMPIC by a Lang Factor (Table 3.6) appropriate to the type of plant being assessed to yield the preliminary fixed capital investment. C MPI F C L FC ∑ × = 5. If there are any innovative steps in the proposed project, multiply the preliminary fixed capital investment by the appropriate contingency factor (Figure 5.1) to yield the final estimate of the fixed capital investment required. TC C FC C F C i × = Note: Some of the plots in this publication present the ‘installed’ cost of the equipment items rather than the ‘purchase’ cost MPIC. Where the installed cost is presented, the cost of these items should be summed separately and have an alternative Lang factor applied which is smaller in magnitude than the usual factor. 7 CAPITAL COST ESTIMATING PROCEDURE 21 7.2 Main Plant Item Costs x Several Sub Factors ( ) ∑ × + + + × = i i b a MPIC f f F C i i ... 1 The following method is taken from Gerrard (2000). 1. List all of the main plant items (MPI) For every MPI 2. Estimate its size or rating 3. Estimate its purchase cost (MPIC) 4. Specify its material factor 5. Convert MPICx to carbon steel basis 6. Convert MPI carbon steel basis estimated cost to $(January 2000) (date at which installation subfactors apply) using PMEI inflation indices (refer to Appendix A1) b a b a I I C C = 7. Select appropriate sub-factors for equipment installation from Table 3.6. 8. Calculate its installed cost using either ( ) ( ) [ ] l sb c el i er p f f f f f f f MPIC c + + + + + + + = 1 or ( ) ( ) [ ] m l sb c el i er p x x f f f f f f f f MPIC c / 1 + + + + + + + = 9. Calculate total equipment erected cost using ∑ ∑ + = x c c C 10. Adjust C from $(January 2000) to current $, using PMEI inflation indices (refer to Appendix A1). 11. To obtain the fixed capital investment (CFC) add 15% for engineering design and supervision and 10% for management overheads. An amount for contingency can be added here too (eg for innovative steps). 12. To obtain total capital investment (CTC), add 5% for commissioning costs and 15 % for working capital provision. 8 COST DATA 22 8 Cost Data 8.1 Information on Cost Data Charts Purchase costs (and in some cases installed costs) for process equipment commonly used in New Zealand are illustrated in the following section of this publication. The graphs are organised according to generic categories of equipment. Table 8.1 serves as an index to the graphs. It contains the figure and page numbers to aid in locating a particular item. The data are plotted on logarithmic coordinates with the data tending to fall in straight lines of slopes equal to the size exponent defined by the scaling factor rule (see section 3.4). In keeping with modern engineering practice all figures are presented in SI units and all costs are in New Zealand dollars. All prices are based on a Capital Goods Price Index (Plant, Machinery and Equipment Group Index) = 988 (December 2004). A full description of the exact nature of the items costed in each plot is provided following the figure number, located immediately below the plot. Special note must be taken of the messages contained in the description, as they will be crucial in decisions of applicability of the plot to the item presented for costing. A regression analysis of each line plotted on the graphs is provided below the appropriate figure. It contains a regression equation, which can be used as an alternative to reading a value off the plots, with the restriction that the same units for the capacity parameter as those in the graph are used. It is also important to ensure that the applicability of the relationship is not jeopardised by attempting to apply a capacity value beyond that indicated by the range of the line on the plot. The R-squared values and degrees of freedom are presented for the New Zealand data sets to give an indication of the size of the data set and the quality of the regression equation. The cost data plots in this publication provide a valid means of making preliminary design estimates. Extrapolation of the data beyond the limits of the ranges presented is not recommended. The cost data plots should not be employed for the purpose of estimates beyond the preliminary design stage. 8 COST DATA 23 8.2 Index to Cost Data Charts Table 8.1 Index to Cost Data Charts Equipment Figure Page Blowers & Compressors Figure 8.1 25 Boilers Hot Water Figure 8.2 26 Steam Figure 8.3 27 Conveyors Auger & Apron Figure 8.4 28 Bucket & Belt Figure 8.5 29 Pneumatic Figure 8.6 30 Dryers Freeze Figure 8.7 31 Spray Figure 8.8 32 Electric Motors & Drives Electric Motors Figure 8.9 33 Variable Speed Drives (1-phase) Figure 8.10 34 Variable Speed Drives (3-phase) Figure 8.11 35 Evaporators Falling Film Figure 8.12 36 Fans Figure 8.13 37 Heat Exchangers Plate – Brazed (Small) Figure 8.14 38 Plate – Brazed (Large) Figure 8.15 39 Plate - Gasketed Figure 8.16 40 Shell and Tube Figure 8.17 41 Industrial Ovens Figure 8.18 42 Ion Exchangers Figure 8.19 43 Membrane Equipment Figure 8.20 44 Mixers Agitators Figure 8.21 45 Heavy Duty Mixing Figure 8.22 46 Process Vessels Horizontal process vessels Figure 8.23 47 Vertical process vessels Figure 8.24 48 Pumps Centrifugal, Reciprocating & Progressive Figure 8.25 49 Dosing Figure 8.26 50 Vacuum Figure 8.27 51 8 COST DATA 24 Equipment Figure Page Refrigeration Units Figure 8.28 52 Separators Centrifuges Figure 8.29 53 Clarifiers & Thickeners Figure 8.30 54 Classifiers Figure 8.31 55 Cyclones Figure 8.32 56 Decanters Figure 8.33 57 Liquid Filters Figure 8.34 58 Vibrating Screens Figure 8.35 59 Size Reduction Equipment Crushers Figure 8.36 60 Mills Figure 8.37 61 Storage Vessels Liquid Storage Tanks Figure 8.38 62 Tower Packing Figure 8.39 63 Water Cooling Towers Figure 8.40 64 8 COST DATA 25 Blowers & Compressors PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.1 Purchased equipment costs of blowers and compressors. Cost of drives are excluded. Note that where , ws = shaft work and ei = efficiency. Blower / Compressor Type Equation Reciprocal Diaphragm MPIC = 1.96 x 10 3 wf + 11.5 x 10 3 Reciprocal Piston MPIC = 0.944 wf 2 + 1.37 x 10 3 wf + 9.75 x 10 3 Centrifugal (turbo) and Axial MPIC = 962 wf + 14.0 x 10 3 Twin Lobe, Rotary Screw, Sliding Vane MPIC = 4.63 x 10 3 wf 0.676 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 10 100 1,000 10,000 Fluid Power w f [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Reciprocal Piston Reciprocal Diaphragm Centrifugal (turbo) & Axial Twin Lobe, Rotary Screw, Sliding Vane s i p p f w vdp m w & & & ε = = ∫ 2 1 8 COST DATA 26 Boilers Hot Water PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.2 Purchased equipment costs for hot water boilers. The regression equations for coal, diesel, electric, oil/gas and LPG fired hot water boilers are: Hot Water Boiler Type Equation R 2 df Electric MPIC = 334 Q 0.813 0.994 1 Oil/Gas MPIC = 52.4 Q + 4.99 x 10 3 1.00 1 Coal MPIC = 42.0 Q + 24.9 x 10 3 0.991 2 Diesel MPIC = 19.9 Q + 5.66 x 10 3 0.988 2 LPG MPIC = 21.1 Q + 7.38 x 10 3 0.982 2 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 10 100 1,000 10,000 Heating Duty Q [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Coal Oil/Gas Electric Diesel LPG 8 COST DATA 27 Boilers Steam PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.3 Purchased equipment costs for field erected water-tube steam boilers. Coal fired boiler data is for an operating pressure of 4MPa gauge. Oil and gas fired boiler data is for an operating pressure of 2MPa gauge. The regression equations for coal and oil or gas fired boilers are: Boiler Fuel Equation R 2 df Coal MPIC = 10.0 Q 1.25 0.995 3 Oil / Gas MPIC = 532 Q 0.805 Data Source: NZ (Coal Fired) US - Ulrich (2004) (Oil & Gas) 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1,000,000,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 Heating Duty Q [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Coal Oil and Gas 8 COST DATA 28 Conveyors Auger & Apron PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.4 Purchase costs for auger and apron conveyors. Motor drives are not included. The regression equations for auger and apron conveyors are: Conveyor Type Auger Diameter / Apron Width Equation Auger D = 0.15 MPIC = 2.99 x 10 3 d 0.658 Auger D = 0.30 MPIC = 2.33 x 10 3 d 0.522 Auger D = 0.46 MPIC = 1.93 x 10 3 d 0.418 Apron W = 0.50 MPIC = 2.56 x 10 3 d 0.674 Apron W = 1.00 MPIC = 3.78 x 10 3 d 0.650 Apron W = 1.50 MPIC = 4.67 x 10 3 d 0.663 Apron W = 2.0 MPIC = 4.80 x 10 3 d 0.654 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 Conveying Distance d [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Auger Diameter Apron Width 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.46 0.15 0.30 Apron Width [m] Auger Diameter [m] 8 COST DATA 29 Conveyors Belt & Bucket PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.5 Purchased equipment costs for belt and bucket conveyors. Motor drives are not included. Conveyor Type Bucket / Belt Width Equation Bucket W = 0.15 MPIC = 4.49 x 10 3 d 0.386 Bucket W = 0.30 MPIC = 5.22 x 10 3 d 0.440 Bucket W = 0.50 MPIC = 6.69 x 10 3 d 0.405 Belt W = 0.50 MPIC = 2.78 x 10 3 d 0.764 Belt W = 1.00 MPIC = 3.71 x 10 3 d 0.764 Belt W = 1.50 MPIC = 4.22 x 10 3 d 0.767 Belt W = 2.0 MPIC = 4.94 x 10 3 d 0.772 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 1 10 100 Conveying Distance d [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Belt Width [m] Bucket Width 0.50 0.30 0.15 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 8 COST DATA 30 Conveyors Pneumatic PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.6 Purchased equipment costs for pneumatic conveyors. Drives are included. Solid Mass Flow Rate Equation 0.2 kg/s MPIC = 9.41 x 10 3 d 0.259 0.5 kg/s MPIC = 18.6 x 10 3 d 0.218 1 kg/s MPIC = 26.7 x 10 3 d 0.239 2.0 kg/s MPIC = 40.1 x 10 3 d 0.248 5.0 kg/s MPIC = 69.9 x 10 3 d 0.241 10 kg/s MPIC = 104 x 10 3 d 0.245 20 kg/s MPIC = 141 x 10 3 d 0.289 50 kg/s MPIC = 267 x 10 3 d 0.249 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 1 10 100 Conveying Distance d [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 50 0.5 0.2 1 2 5 10 20 Solid Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) 8 COST DATA 31 Dryers Freeze Dryers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.7 Purchased equipment cost for freeze dryers. Equation R 2 df Freeze Dryer MPIC = 16.2 x 10 3 m 0.564 0.999 1 Data Source: NZ 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 10 100 1,000 10,000 Ice Condenser Capacity m [kg ice] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 32 Dryers Spray Dryers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.8 Purchased equipment cost and installed cost* for spray driers. Note * signifies installed cost but this does not include piping, valves or instrumentation. The regression equations for purchased and installed costs of spray dryers are: Spray Dryer Status Equation R 2 df Purchase Cost MPIC = 3.00 x 10 6 mw 0.653 0.977 3 Installed Cost cx = 8.00 x 10 6 mw 0.505 0.968 2 Data Source: NZ 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1 10 100 Water Evaporation Rate m w [tonne/hr] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 I n s t a l l e d C o s t * c x [ N Z $ ] Uninstalled Installed 8 COST DATA 33 Electric Motors & Drives Electric Motors PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.9 Purchased equipment costs for 3 phase, 4 pole (1800 rpm) electric motors with foot mountings. The regression equations for electric motors are: Enclosure Type Equation R 2 df Totally Enclosed (IP54 / IP55) MPIC = 80.4 P + 166 0.988 38 Explosion Proof MPIC = 185 P + 718 0.999 4 Data Origin: NZ 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 0 1 10 100 1,000 Motor Rating P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Explosion Proof Totally Enclosed 8 COST DATA 34 Electric Motors & Drives Variable Speed Drives (1-phase) PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.10 Purchased equipment costs for variable speed drives suitable to control single phase motors of the indicated shaft powers. The regression equations for single phase variable speed drives are: Application Equation R 2 df Simple Machine & Automation MPIC = 239 P + 387 0.995 2 Complex Machines & Coordinated Multi-Drive MPIC = 232 P + 440 0.998 2 Data Source: NZ 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 Typical Motor Rating P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Complex Machines & Coordinated Multi-Drive Applications Simple Machine & Automation Applications 8 COST DATA 35 Electric Motors & Drives Variable Speed Drives (3-phase) PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.11 Purchased equipment costs for variable speed drives suitable to control three phase motors of the indicated shaft powers. The regression equations for three phase variable speed drives are: Application Equation R 2 df Simple Machine & Automation MPIC = 170 P + 606 0.979 3 Complex Machines & Coordinated Multi-Drive MPIC = 202 P + 712 0.993 6 HVAC / Centrifugal Fan & Pump MPIC = 128 P + 1.05 x 10 3 0.991 9 Data Source: NZ 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.1 1 10 100 Typical Motor Rating P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Complex Machines & Coordinated Multi-Drive Applications Simple Machine & Automation Applications HVAC / Centrifugal Fan & Pump Applications 8 COST DATA 36 Evaporators Falling Film PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.12 Purchased equipment cost for falling film evaporator. The regression equation for falling film evaporators is: Evaporator Type Equation R 2 df Falling Film MPIC = 632 x 10 3 mw 0.597 0.989 2 Data Source: NZ 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 1 10 100 1,000 Water Evaporation m w [tonne/hr] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 37 Fans PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.13 Purchased equipment costs of axial and centrifugal fans. Costs of electric motor drives are included. Costs should be multiplied by appropriate pressure factor. (Figure 3.1) The regression equations for centrifugal and axial fans are: Fan Type Equation Centrifugal Radial MPIC = 771 v + 2.40 x 10 3 Axial Vane MPIC = 388 v + 981 Axial Tube MPIC = 255 v + 667 Table 8.2 Correction Factors for Fan Operating Pressure Pressure [kPa gauge] Fp - Centrifugal Fp - Axial 1 1.00 1.00 2 1.15 1.15 4 1.30 1.30 8 1.45 - 16 1.60 - Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0 1 10 100 1,000 Gas Flow v [m 3 /s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Axial - Vane Axial - Tube Centrifugal - Radial 8 COST DATA 38 Heat Exchangers Plate – Brazed (Small) PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.14 Purchased equipment costs for small brazed plate heat exchangers. Costs based on copper brazing and cover plates, connections and plates fabricated from stainless steel AISI 316. The regression equations for small brazed plate heat exchangers are: Heat Exchanger Type Flow Capacity Equation R 2 df Plate - Brazed (Small) Up to 3.6 m 3 /hr MPIC = 578 A + 114 1.00 2 Plate - Brazed (Small) Up to 8.1 m 3 /hr MPIC = 412 A + 274 0.997 18 Plate - Brazed (Small) Up to 12.7 m 3 /hr MPIC = 272 A + 247 0.997 12 Data Source: NZ 100 1,000 10,000 0.1 1 10 Heat Transfer Area A [m 2 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Up to 3.6 m 3 /hr Up to 8.1 m 3 /hr Up to 12.7 m 3 /hr 8 COST DATA 39 Heat Exchangers Plate – Brazed (Large) PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.15 Purchased equipment costs for large brazed plate heat exchangers. Costs based on copper brazing and cover plates, connections and plates fabricated from stainless steel AISI 316. The regression equations for large brazed plate heat exchangers are: Heat Exchanger Type Flow Capacity Equation R 2 df Plate - Brazed (Large) Up to 39 m 3 /hr MPIC = 301 A + 578 1.00 36 Plate - Brazed (Large) Up to 102 m 3 /hr MPIC = 162 A + 2.15 x 10 3 1.00 8 Plate - Brazed (Large) Up to 140 m 3 /hr MPIC = 189 A + 3.17 x 10 3 1.00 9 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 Heat Transfer Area A [m 2 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Up to 39 m 3 /hr Up to 102 m 3 /hr Up to 140 m 3 /hr 8 COST DATA 40 Heat Exchangers Plate - Gasketed PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.16 Purchased equipment costs for gasketed plate heat exchangers. Costs based on nitrile gaskets, mild steel cover plates, carbon steel nozzles and stainless steel AISI 316 plates. Apply material factor of 1.1 to obtain costs for EPDM gaskets. The regression equations for gasketed plate heat exchangers are: Heat Exchanger Type Flow & Rating Equation R 2 df Plate - Gasket Up to 4 kg/sec MPIC = 574 A + 1.15 x 10 3 1.00 7 50-250 kW Plate - Gasket Up to 16 kg/sec MPIC = 207 A + 1.36 x 10 3 0.994 10 300-800 kW Plate - Gasket Up to 50 kg/sec MPIC = 270 A + 2.54 x 10 3 0.964 38 0.7-3.0 MW Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.1 1 10 100 Heat Transfer Area A [m 2 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z D ] Up to 4 kg/sec 50-250 kW Up to 16 kg/sec 300-800 kW Up to 50 kg/sec 0.7-3.0 MW 8 COST DATA 41 Heat Exchangers Shell & Tube PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.17 Purchased equipment costs for shell and tube and double-pipe heat exchangers. Material factors for exotic materials can be found in Ulrich (2004, Figures 5.36, p 443). Pressure factors specific to shell and tube heat exchangers can be found in Ulrich (2004, Figure 5.37, p 444). The regression equations for shell and tube heat exchangers are: Heat Exchanger Type Shell & Tube Type Equation Shell & Tube Double Pipe MPIC = 2.88 x 10 3 A 0.539 Shell & Tube Fixed Tube Sheet & U-Tube MPIC = 1.53 x 10 3 A 0.566 Shell & Tube Floating Head MPIC = 1.77 x 10 3 A 0.578 Shell & Tube Kettle Reboiler MPIC = 3.47 x 10 3 A 0.508 Shell & Tube Scraped Wall MPIC = 7.90 x 10 3 A 0.964 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) Other Notes: Data from Ulrich (2004) linearised for presentation on log-log plot 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0 1 10 100 1,000 Exchanger Surface Area A [m 2 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Double Pipe Kettle Reboiler Fixed Tube Sheet & U-Tube Floating Head Scraped Wall 8 COST DATA 42 Industrial Ovens PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.18 Purchased equipment costs for industrial ovens. The regression equations for industrial ovens are: Maximum Internal Temperature Equation Industrial Ovens Tmax = 2000 °C MPIC = 31.6 x 10 3 V 0.662 Industrial Ovens Tmax = 1500 °C MPIC = 21.6 x 10 3 V 0.663 Industrial Ovens Tmax = 1000 °C MPIC = 10.1 x 10 3 V 0.644 Industrial Ovens Tmax = 500 °C MPIC = 3.00 x 10 3 V 0.653 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Oven Internal Volume V [m 3 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 2000 Maximum Internal Temperature (°C) 1500 1000 500 8 COST DATA 43 Ion Exchangers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.19 Purchase cost of complete unit, including auxiliary brine tank and controls, valves and piping. The regression equation for ion exchange units is: Equation R 2 df Ion Exchange Units MPIC = 254 V 0.658 0.999 1 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 10 100 Volume of Resin Bed V [L] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 44 Membrane Equipment Ultrafiltration Plant PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.20 Installed equipment cost for ultrafiltration plants. Note * signifies installed cost but this does not include piping, valves or instrumentation. The regression equation for installed* ultrafiltration plants is: Spiral Membrane Plant Type Equation R 2 df Ultrafiltration MPIC = 15.2 x 10 3 v 0.947 0.998 1 Data Source: NZ 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 100,000,000 10 100 1,000 Volmetric Flow v [m 3 /hr] I n s t a l l e d C o s t * c [ N Z $ ] Ultrafiltration 8 COST DATA 45 Mixers Agitators & Inline Mixers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.21 Purchased equipment costs for agitators and inline mixers. Cost of agitators includes motor, speed reducer and impeller ready for installation in a vessel. Stuffing box seals are suitable at pressure up to 10 bar (gauge). Mechanical seals are suitable for toxic or critical fluids at pressure up to 80 bar (gauge). The regression equations for agitators and inline mixers are: Mixer Type Equation Agitator Helical or Anchor MPIC = 2.20 x 10 3 P + 21.5 x 10 3 Agitator Mechanical Seal MPIC = 1.70 x 10 3 P + 14.5 x 10 3 Agitator Stuffing Box MPIC = 1.50 x 10 3 P + 6.65 x 10 3 Agitator Open Tank MPIC = 1.13 x 10 3 P + 3.91 x 10 3 Mixer Inline MPIC = 7.03 x 10 3 P 0.467 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) $1,000 $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 1 10 100 1000 Power Consumption P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Inline Mixer Agitator- Helical or Anchor Agitator - Mechanical Seal Agitator - Stuffing Box Agitator - Open Tank 8 COST DATA 46 Mixers Heavy Duty Mixers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.22 Purchased equipment costs (including drives) for heavy-duty mixers of doughs, pastes and powders. The regression equations for agitators and inline mixers are: Heavy Duty Mixer Type Equation Rotor MPIC = 28.9 x 10 3 P 0.406 Extruder MPIC = 295 P + 59.5 x 10 3 Muller MPIC = 7.60 x 10 3 P 0.681 Roll MPIC = 2.97 x 10 3 P 0.630 Kneader MPIC = 208 P + 51.8 x 10 3 Ribbon MPIC = 3.22 x 10 3 P 0.504 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Power Consumption P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Rotor Ribbon Roll Kneader Muller Extruder 8 COST DATA 47 Process Vessels Horizontal Vessels PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.23 Purchased equipment costs for horizontally oriented process vessels. Costs are for carbon steel construction and internal pressure less than 4 bar (gauge). The regression equations for horizontally oriented process vessels are: Vessel Orientation Vessel Diameter Equation Horizontal D = 0.3 m MPIC = 1.14 x 10 3 L 0.701 Horizontal D = 0.5 m MPIC = 1.76 x 10 3 L 0.701 Horizontal D = 1.0 m MPIC = 3.71 x 10 3 L 0.667 Horizontal D = 1.5 m MPIC = 5.21 x 10 3 L 0.680 Horizontal D = 2.0 m MPIC = 5.92 x 10 3 L 0.767 Horizontal D = 2.5 m MPIC = 6.33 x 10 3 L 0.803 Horizontal D = 3.0 m MPIC = 6.56 x 10 3 L 0.887 Horizontal D = 4.0 m MPIC = 8.87 x 10 3 L 0.855 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) Other Notes: Data from Ulrich (2004) linearised for presentation on log-log plot 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 1 10 100 Length L [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 1.0 0.3 0.5 1.0m 2.0 2.5 3.0 4.0 1.5 Length [m] 8 COST DATA 48 Process Vessels Vertical Process Vessels PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.24 Purchased equipment costs for vertically oriented process vessels. Costs are for carbon steel construction and internal pressure less than 4 bar (gauge). The regression equations for vertically oriented process vessels are: Vessel Orientation Vessel Diameter Equation Vertical Vessel D = 0.3 m MPIC = 2.64 x 10 3 h 0.985 Vertical Vessel D = 0.5 m MPIC = 3.26 x 10 3 h 0.950 Vertical Vessel D = 1.0 m MPIC = 4.72 x 10 3 h 0.895 Vertical Vessel D = 1.5 m MPIC = 5.79 x 10 3 h 0.928 Vertical Vessel D = 2.0 m MPIC = 8.80 x 10 3 h 0.847 Vertical Vessel D = 2.5 m MPIC = 12.5 x 10 3 h 0784 Vertical Vessel D = 3.0 m MPIC = 10.9 x 10 3 h 0.870 Vertical Vessel D = 4.0 m MPIC = 17.6 x 10 3 h 0.774 Data Origin: US - Ulrich (2004) linearised for presentation on log-log plot 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 1 10 100 Height h [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Internal diameter [m] 4.0 0.3 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 8 COST DATA 49 Pumps Centrifugal, Positive Displacement & Progressive Cavity Pumps PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.25 Purchased equipment costs and installed* costs for centrifugal, positive displacement and progressive cavity pumps. * signifies installed cost but this does not include piping, valves and instrumentation. The regression equations for centrifugal, positive displacement and progressive cavity pumps are: Pump Type Equation R 2 df Centrifugal - Installed cx = 111 v + 3.71 x 10 3 0.996 2 Centrifugal - Uninstalled MPICx = 127 v + 1.72 x 10 3 0.994 1 Positive Displacement cx = 548 v + 13.0 x 10 3 0.994 1 Progressive Cavity cx = 4.22 x 10 3 v 0.379 0.894 1 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 0 1 10 100 1,000 Volumetric Flow v [m 3 /hr] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C x [ N Z $ ] 1,000 10,000 100,000 I n s t a l l e d C o s t * c x [ N Z $ ] Progressive Cavity Centrifugal Centrifugal (Installed) Positive Displacement 0.1 8 COST DATA 50 Pumps Dosing Pumps PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.26 Purchased equipment cost for stainless steel piston, plastic diaphragm and mono-peristaltic pumps. Dosing Pump Type Equation R 2 df Piston - Stainless Steel MPICx = 458 v + 6.79 x 10 3 0.994 2 Mono / Peristaltic MPICx = 615 v + 3.81 x 10 3 0.997 2 Diaphragm MPICx = 1.24 x 10 3 v 0.603 0.914 6 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.1 1 10 100 Volumetric Flow v [m 3 /hr] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C x [ N Z $ ] Piston Diaphragm Mono / Perstaltic 8 COST DATA 51 Pumps Vacuum Pumps PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.27 Installed cost* for rotary vane and liquid ring vacuum pumps. • signifies installed cost but cost of piping piping, valves and instrumentation is not included. The regression equations for vacuum pumps are: Vacuum Pump Type Equation R 2 df Rotary Vane c = 375 v + 20.4 x 10 3 0.964 1 Liquid Ring c = 1.30 x 10 3 v 0.687 0.995 1 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 1,000 Volumetric Flow v [m 3 /hr] I n s t a l l e d C o s t * c [ N Z $ ] Rotory Vane Liquid Ring 8 COST DATA 52 Refrigeration Units PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.28 Purchase costs for air-cooled mechanical refrigeration units, complete except for the absorptive heat exchanger. The regression equations for air-cooled mechanical refrigeration units are: Coolant Temperature Equation Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant > +5°C MPIC = 1.01 x 10 3 q 0.846 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -5°C MPIC = 2.61 x 10 3 q 0.806 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -15°C MPIC = 7.19 x 10 3 q 0.715 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -25°C MPIC = 19.1 x 10 3 q 0.633 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -35°C MPIC = 61.7 x 10 3 q 0.524 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -45°C MPIC = 177 x 10 3 q 0.445 Refrigeration Unit Tcoolant = -55°C MPIC = 424 x 10 3 q 0.418 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) Other Notes: Data from Ulrich (2004) linearised for presentation on log-log plot 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Rate of Heat Absorbtion q [kJ/s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] -5°C -25°C -35°C -45°C -15°C -55°C Coolant Temperature [°C] ≥ +5°C 8 COST DATA 53 Separators Centrifuges & Liquid Cyclones PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.29 Purchased equipment costs for tubular and sedimentation centrifuges and liquid cyclones. The regression equations for tubular and sedimentation centrifuges and liquid cyclones are: Separator Type Equation Tubular Centrifuges MPIC = 15.0 x 10 6 v 0.603 Sedimentation Centrifuges MPIC = 949 x 10 3 v 0.286 Liquid Cyclones MPIC = 30.8 x 10 3 v 0.490 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 Volumetric Feed Rate v [m 3 /s] P u c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Tubular Centrifuge s Sedimentation Centrifuges Liquid Cyclones 8 COST DATA 54 Separators Clarifiers & Thickeners PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.30 Purchased equipment cost for clarifiers and thickeners. The regression equation for clarifiers and thickeners is: Separator Type Equation Clarifiers & Thickeners MPIC = 13.0 x 10 3 D 1.09 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 1 10 100 1,000 Diameter D [m] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 55 Separators Classifiers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.31 Purchased equipment costs for air and rake/spiral classifiers. The regression equations for air and rake/spiral classifiers are: Classifier Type Equation Air MPIC = 73.7 x 10 3 m 0.502 Rake & Spiral MPIC = 2.77 x 10 3 m 1.33 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 1 10 100 Solids Feed Rate m [kg/s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Air Rake & Spiral 8 COST DATA 56 Separators Cyclones PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.32 Purchased equipment costs for cyclones. The regression equation for cyclones is: Separator Type Equation R 2 df Cyclone MPIC = 2.33 x 10 3 v 0.912 0.990 9 Data Source: NZ 1,000 10,000 100,000 0.1 1 10 100 Flow v [m 3 /s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 57 Separators Decanters PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.33 Purchased equipment costs for decanters (helical-conveyor, scroll & solid bowl). The regression equation for decanters is: Separator Type Equation Decanter (helical conveyor, scroll, solid bowl) MPIC = 260 x 10 3 m 0.363 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) $10,000 $100,000 $1,000,000 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 Dry Solids Feed Rate m [kg/s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 58 Separators Liquid Filters PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.34 Purchased equipment costs for liquid filters (complete with auxiliaries such as feed pumps, in- process storage, precoat tanks, vacuum and compressed air systems). The regression equations for liquid filters are: Liquid Filter Type Equation Simple Cartridge & Liquid/Solid Bag Filters MPIC = 717 A + 958 Automated Cartridge & Liquid/Solid Bag Filters MPIC = 5.18 x 10 3 A 0.323 Filter Press (simple plate & frame) MPIC = 2.91 x 10 3 A 0.720 Filter Press (automated, enclosed, continuous) MPIC = 2.23 x 10 3 A + 7.90 x 10 3 Shell & Leaf MPIC = 1.37 x 10 3 A + 7.71 x 10 3 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Nominal Filter Area A [m 2 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Simple Cartridge & Liquid/Solid Bag Filters Automated Cartridge & Liquid/Solid Bag Filters Shell & Leaf Filter Press (automated, enclosed, continuous) Filter Press (simple plate & frame) 8 COST DATA 59 Separators Vibratory Screens PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.35 Purchased equipment costs for vibratory screens. The regression equation for vibratory screens is: Separator Type Equation Vibratory Screens MPIC = 924 P 0.547 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1 10 100 Power Consumption P [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] 8 COST DATA 60 Size Reduction Equipment Crushers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.36 Purchased equipment costs for crushers including electric motor drives. The regression equation for crushers is: Crusher Type Capacity Range Equation Jaw 1 - 60 kg/s MPIC = 22.6 x 10 3 m 0.611 Jaw 60 - 1000 kg/s MPIC = 3.41 x 10 3 m 1.07 Roll 1 - 130 kg/s MPIC = 17.0 x 10 3 m 0.630 Impact 10 - 400 kg/s MPIC = 1.06 x 10 3 m 1.18 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 Capacity m [kg/s] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Jaw Roll Impact 8 COST DATA 61 Size Reduction Equipment Mills PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.37 Purchased equipment costs for mills, including electric motor drives. The regression equations for mills are: Mill Type Equation Stirred or Vibrating Ball MPIC = 201 P + 16.3 x 10 3 Roll Press MPIC = -0.257 P 2 + 356 P + 3.96 x 10 3 Rod & Ball MPIC = -0.00626 P 2 + 87.7 P + 9.22 x 10 3 Hammer (high speed) MPIC = 109 P + 1.19 x 10 3 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Power Consumption [kW] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ ] Rod & Ball Mills Roll Press High Speed Hammer Mills Stirred or Vibrating Ball Mills 8 COST DATA 62 Storage Vessels Liquid Storage Tanks PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.38 Purchased equipment costs for liquid storage tanks. Further cost data on storage vessels can be found in Ulrich (2004, Figure 5.61 – pg 457) The regression equations for liquid storage tanks are: Tank Type Equation R 2 df Stainless Steel MPICx = 2.48 x 10 3 V 0.597 0.995 5 Polyethylene MPICx = 358 V 0.609 0.969 8 Fibre Reinforced Plastic MPICx = 960 V + 7.00 x 10 3 0.985 2 Timber MPICx = 555 V 0.795 0.993 9 Data Source: NZ 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 Tank Volume V [m 3 ] P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C x [ N Z $ ] Stainless Steel Polyethylene FRP Timber 8 COST DATA 63 Tower Packing PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.39 Purchase cost (per cubic metre) for polypropylene, mild steel and stainless steel tower packing. Packing Material (mm) Equation Mild Steel (38x31) MPIC = 2.42 x 10 3 / m 3 Polyproplyene (65x40) MPIC x = 680 / m 3 Stainless Steel (38x31) MPIC x = 4.65 x 10 3 / m 3 Data Source: NZ 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 5,000 Mild Steel Polypropylene Stainless Steel Packing Material P u r c h a s e C o s t M P I C [ N Z $ / m 3 ] 8 COST DATA 64 Water Cooling Towers PMEI = 988 (December 2004) Figure 8.40 Installed equipment cost for cooling towers. Price includes delivery, erection, foundation, basin, pumps and drives. Inlet water temperature of 45°C, outlet temperature of 30°C and 25°C wet bulb temperature. Equation Water Cooling Towers c = 842 x 10 3 q 0.679 Data Source: US - Ulrich (2004) 10,000 100,000 1,000,000 10,000,000 0.01 0.1 1 10 Cooling Water Capacity q [m 3 /s] I n s t a l l e d C o s t c [ N Z $ ] 9 REFERENCES 65 9 References Jebson, R. S., Fincham, A., 1994, Process Capital Cost Estimation for New Zealand 1994 (The Chemical Engineering Group, NZ) Gerrard, A. M., 2000, Guide to Capital Cost Estimating, 4 th edition (IChemE, UK) Brennan, D. J., 1998, Process Industry Economics, (IChemE, UK) Ulrich, G. D., 1984, A Guide to Chemical Engineering Process Design and Economics, (John Wiley & Sons, Inc, NY) Peters, M. S., & Timmerhaus, K. D., 2003, Plant Design and Economics for Chemical Engineers, 6 th Edition, (McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York) (TP155.5.P482) Lang, H. J., 1948, Simplified approach to preliminary cost estimates, Chemical Engineering, vol. 55, no. 6, pgs 112-3 Brennan, D. J., & Golonka, K.A., 2002, New factors for capital cost estimation in evolving process designs, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, vol. 80, no.6, pgs 579-86 Green, D. W., & Maloney, J. O., (2003) Perry’s Chemical Engineering Handbook, (McGraw Hill Book Company, New York) Breuer, P.L, & Brennan, D.J., (1994) Capital Cost Estimation of Process Equipment, The Institution of Engineers, Australia APPENDICES 66 10 Appendices A1 PLANT, MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT INDICES .................................................................................... I A2 ACCESSING CURRENT & HISTORICAL INDICES DATA................................................................... II A3 HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES FOR NEW ZEALAND................................................................... III A4 ACCESSING CURRENT & HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES............................................................ V A1 PLANT, MACHINERY & EQUIPMENT INDICES I A1 Plant, Machinery & Equipment Indices 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 ASSET TYPE Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Mar Jun Sep Dec Plant, machinery & equipment 1015 1020 1039 1082 1072 1076 1076 1078 1076 1074 1068 1060 1041 1034 1022 1014 1009 1008 1000 998 Glass & glass products 949 953 964 970 970 936 936 961 962 928 928 965 969 970 970 970 970 970 972 952 Furniture 998 993 984 996 997 1006 1013 1016 1025 1033 1038 1048 1060 1060 1058 1026 1031 1040 1044 1051 Other manufactured articles 1005 1017 1024 1060 1070 1077 1080 1084 1090 1106 1109 1120 1112 1111 1110 1107 1107 1107 1111 1115 Structural metal products 1003 1010 992 1011 1023 1034 1042 1043 1043 1059 1059 1057 1063 1035 1035 1061 1064 1100 1174 1174 Metal tanks, reservoirs & containers 1028 1131 1152 1164 1166 1167 1149 1143 1143 1165 1109 1099 1111 1123 1122 1122 1120 1117 1129 1157 Steam generators 970 970 973 999 1023 1023 1023 1023 1023 1030 1026 1026 1045 1048 1048 1058 1041 1076 1119 1180 Other fabricated metal products 1009 1014 1031 1050 1052 1082 1050 1051 1048 1060 1069 1069 1067 1065 1060 1058 1055 1068 1071 1093 Engines & turbines 1001 1004 1029 1056 1053 1060 1069 1074 1077 1070 1061 1062 1041 998 972 975 971 966 971 970 Pumping & compressing equipment 1004 1009 1008 1038 1041 1045 1048 1056 1063 1072 1065 1062 1061 1087 1077 1079 1090 1078 1074 1070 Ovens & furnace burners 1000 1000 1040 1056 1056 1102 1095 1040 1040 1048 1046 1054 1058 1061 1063 1077 1077 1074 1016 1022 Lifting & handling equipment 1051 1085 1109 1169 1131 1128 1120 1126 1100 1075 1098 1053 1016 1004 1008 982 973 1001 986 1002 Other general purpose machinery 1010 1020 1032 1053 1059 1066 1072 1077 1087 1094 1094 1098 1097 1079 1096 1098 1094 1095 1083 1085 Agricultural & forestry equipment 1006 1009 1021 1033 1037 1044 1061 1072 1074 1077 1079 1077 1079 1079 1069 1068 1063 1062 1061 1059 Machine tools 1015 1021 1045 1066 1074 1081 1089 1091 1092 1090 1100 1099 1083 1076 1074 1066 1065 1056 1061 1060 Machinery for mining, quarrying & construction 1031 1043 1094 1176 1144 1145 1149 1150 1137 1137 1124 1098 1057 1044 1015 1007 983 991 987 987 Machinery for food, beverage & tobacco processing 1012 1016 1045 1064 1074 1102 1133 1152 1163 1162 1146 1148 1142 1169 1169 1167 1166 1168 1151 1150 Machinery for textile, apparel & leather production 1039 1046 1081 1173 1155 1146 1144 1144 1136 1117 1117 1096 1084 1019 1020 1002 972 979 967 967 Domestic appliances 1002 1010 1052 1074 1092 1112 1144 1148 1115 1109 1113 1124 1089 1087 1076 1080 1077 1073 1085 1085 Other special purpose machinery 1052 1055 1135 1242 1229 1224 1237 1231 1223 1214 1231 1210 1162 1157 1154 1148 1134 1154 1140 1137 Office & accounting machinery 999 1011 1032 1038 1039 1047 1053 1058 1060 1058 1060 1060 1050 1050 1006 1003 983 972 968 971 Computer machinery 1000 999 1008 1074 1008 1008 980 970 961 934 870 836 785 764 727 709 682 632 609 594 Electric motors, generators & transformers 1011 1020 1020 1030 1036 1055 1056 1057 1051 1064 1062 1062 1061 1060 1042 1041 1041 1054 1040 1044 Electricity distribution & control apparatus 1001 1000 971 982 961 971 972 981 1003 993 1017 1035 1038 1029 1022 1024 1013 1056 1055 1058 Insulated wire & cable; optical fibre cables 1027 1029 1090 1161 1220 1210 1206 1201 1243 1226 1258 1237 1189 1191 1175 1174 1202 1273 1280 1313 Accumulators, primary cells & primary batteries 988 989 980 1010 1003 1015 1019 1019 1042 1052 1052 1048 1049 1049 1049 1042 1024 1031 1031 1051 Other electrical equipment 1016 1014 1001 1042 1027 1037 1006 1031 1028 1070 1075 1072 1065 1077 1051 1051 1081 1092 1086 1084 Television & radio transmitters & apparatus 1007 995 972 994 1004 1011 1006 998 999 994 995 997 977 949 943 935 930 934 912 897 Medical & surgical equipment 1004 1034 1069 1127 1140 1139 1141 1153 1156 1157 1165 1164 1166 1171 1169 1169 1168 1155 1158 1155 Measuring, testing & navigating instruments 1025 1039 1077 1105 1103 1090 1105 1107 1108 1086 1084 1084 1074 1074 1029 1027 1032 1038 1033 1031 Optical instruments & photographic equipment 1026 1033 1044 1126 1137 1138 1128 1126 1098 1093 1091 1080 1065 1056 1064 1032 1023 1029 1029 1026 Bodies for motor vehicles & trailers 1004 1010 1043 1071 1110 1098 1111 1135 1153 1154 1154 1167 1178 1184 1188 1188 1188 1196 1225 1226 Other plant, machinery & equipment 1026 1041 1050 1084 1085 1078 1075 1074 1072 1091 1091 1099 1096 1082 1081 1086 1094 1088 1090 1093 A2 ACCESSING CURRENT & HISTORICAL INDICES DATA II A2 Accessing Current & Historical Indices Data Current and historical indices can be gathered from the New Zealand department of statistics. The easiest way to do this is via their website at From the web site, use the following: 1. Click on the ‘Economy’ link; then 2. Click on the ‘Inflation (CPI)’ link; then 3. Click on the ‘Capital Goods Price Index - Information Releases’ link; then 4. Click on the link to the date you require (probably the most recent) and select ‘Downloadable Excel table(s)’. A3 HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES FOR NEW ZEALAND III A3 Historical Exchange Rates for the New Zealand Dollar Figure 10.1 Historical New Zealand Exchange Rates Figure 10.1 New Zealand Dollar - Historical Exchange Rates $0.20 $0.25 $0.30 $0.35 $0.40 $0.45 $0.50 $0.55 $0.60 $0.65 $0.70 Sep 98 Dec 98 Mar 99 Jun 99 Sep 99 Dec 99 Mar 00 Jun 00 Sep 00 Dec 00 Mar 01 Jun 01 Sep 01 Dec 01 Mar 02 Jun 02 Sep 02 Dec 02 Mar 03 Jun 03 Sep 03 Dec 03 Mar 04 May 04 Date U S A , U K & E u r o E x c h a n g e R a t e ( 1 N Z $ = ) $0.70 $0.75 $0.80 $0.85 $0.90 $0.95 A u s t . E x c h a n g e R a t e ( 1 N Z $ = ) USA UK Euro Aust. c A3 HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES FOR NEW ZEALAND IV Table 10.1 Historical Exchange Rates for New Zealand This table reads: 1.00 NZ$ = … Date US$ UK£ AUS$ Jap¥ Euro€ GER Mar '94 0.5718 0.3852 0.8005 60.00 - 0.9800 Jun '94 0.5919 0.3882 0.8101 60.12 - 0.9533 Sep '94 0.6044 0.3850 0.8170 59.86 - 0.9367 Dec '94 0.6329 0.4023 0.8276 62.81 - 0.9767 Mar '95 0.6495 0.4074 0.8787 58.97 - 0.9267 Jun '95 0.6706 0.4209 0.9254 57.37 - 0.9400 Sep '95 0.6575 0.4192 0.8758 64.79 - 0.9467 Dec '95 0.6546 0.4234 0.8810 67.48 - 0.9400 Mar '96 0.6794 0.4449 0.8814 72.23 - 1.0067 Jun '96 0.6838 0.4451 0.8625 73.96 - 1.0400 Sep '96 0.6951 0.4443 0.8807 76.41 - 1.0467 Dec '96 0.7060 0.4247 0.8925 80.94 - 1.1000 Mar '97 0.6938 0.4281 0.8916 85.77 - 1.1767 Jun '97 0.6806 0.4126 0.8990 79.12 - 1.1833 Sep '97 0.6384 0.3960 0.8757 76.56 - 1.1467 Dec '97 0.5982 0.3600 0.8910 76.55 - 1.0600 Mar '98 0.5695 0.3437 0.8557 73.35 - 1.0367 Jun '98 0.5225 0.3177 0.8465 72.43 - 0.9333 Sep '98 0.5096 0.3052 0.8515 67.98 - 0.8733 Dec '98 0.5319 0.3203 0.8458 62.19 0.4653 0.8850 Mar '99 0.5394 0.3331 0.8465 63.95 0.4932 - Jun '99 0.5374 0.3369 0.8163 64.94 0.5139 - Sep '99 0.5214 0.3202 0.8038 56.82 0.4917 - Dec '99 0.5117 0.3147 0.7924 53.35 0.5012 - Mar '00 0.4930 0.3102 0.8055 52.81 0.5105 - Jun '00 0.4673 0.3095 0.7962 50.19 0.5016 - Sep '00 0.4221 0.2892 0.7600 45.49 0.4807 - Dec '00 0.4239 0.2911 0.7830 47.78 0.4729 - Mar '01 0.4205 0.2911 0.8193 50.61 0.4630 - Jun '01 0.4152 0.2935 0.8040 51.02 0.4809 - Sep '01 0.4215 0.2905 0.8234 50.80 0.4651 - Dec '01 0.4189 0.2915 0.8116 53.36 0.4715 - Mar '02 0.4311 0.3016 0.8222 56.84 0.4913 - Jun '02 0.4771 0.3183 0.8557 58.50 0.4999 - Sep '02 0.4714 0.3042 0.8633 57.17 0.4811 - Dec '02 0.5156 0.3238 0.9055 62.24 0.5017 - Mar '03 0.5528 0.3480 0.9189 65.96 0.5116 - Jun '03 0.5810 0.3552 0.8834 68.61 0.5037 - Sep '03 0.5890 0.3622 0.8815 67.42 0.5186 - Dec '03 0.6490 0.3702 0.8754 69.96 0.5323 - Mar '04 0.6650 0.3625 0.8775 71.51 0.5404 - - - - - - - - - A4 ACCESSING CURRENT & HISTORICAL EXCHANGE RATES V A4 Accessing Current & Historical Exchange Rates Current exchange rates can be gathered from the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. The easiest way to do this is via their website at The desired web page is: Alternatively, from, use the following: 1. Click on the ‘Statistics’ link; then 2. Click on the ‘B1 Exchange rates’ link.
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