CAP 747 - Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness

May 22, 2018 | Author: mmineiro | Category: Aerospace Engineering, Aviation, Aeronautics, Aircraft, Aerospace



Safety Regulation GroupCAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Safety Regulation Group CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 29 February 2012 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness © Civil Aviation Authority 2012 All rights reserved. Copies of this publication may be reproduced for personal use, or for use within a company or organisation, but may not otherwise be reproduced for publication. To use or reference CAA publications for any other purpose, for example within training material for students, please contact the CAA at the address below for formal agreement. ISBN-13: 978 0 11792 649 3 First Edition June 2004 Issue 2, 28 September 2004 Issue 3, 30 November 2009 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2010/04 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2010/05 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2010/06 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/01 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/02 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/03 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/04 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/05 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2011/06 Issue 3, incorporating amendments to 2012/01 Enquiries regarding the content of this publication should be addressed to: Airworthiness Strategy and Policy, Safety Regulation Group, Civil Aviation Authority, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR. CAA publications are available in electronic and printed formats. To obtain complete copies and amendments, refer to, where you may also register for e-mail notification of amendments. Published by TSO (The Stationery Office) on behalf of the UK Civil Aviation Authority. Printed copy available from: TSO, PO Box 29, Norwich NR3 1GN Telephone orders/General enquiries: 0844 477 7300 Fax orders: 0870 600 5533 E-mail: [email protected] Textphone: 0870 240 3701 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Amendment Record Amendment Number 2012/01 Amendment Date 29 February 2012 Incorporated by CAA Incorporated on 29 February 2012 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Amendment Number Amendment Date Incorporated by Incorporated on CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness List of Effective Pages Section Part Page iii iv v vi vii Contents Foreword Foreword Foreword Foreword Foreword Revision History Revision History Revision History Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 1 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Date 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 31 March 2010 26 February 2010 31 March 2010 30 June 2010 31 October 2011 29 February 2012 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 29 February 2012 30 November 2009 30 June 2011 29 February 2012 31 March 2011 30 November 2009 30 June 2010 31 March 2011 30 November 2010 30 November 2010 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 31 August 2011 29 February 2012 30 June 2010 31 March 2011 30 November 2010 31 March 2011 31 March 2011 31 October 2011 31 October 2011 31 March 2011 30 June 2010 Section Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 1 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Section 2 Part Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 2 Part 3 Part 3 Part 3 Part 3 Part 3 Introduction Contents Contents Contents Contents Part 1, AESL Part 1, ARV Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Auster Part 1, Av. 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GR No. 25 Section 2. 11 Section 2. GR No. Part 3. GR No. GR No. GR No. Part 3. 18 Section 2. Part 4. 4 Section 2. GR No. Part 3. 14 Section 2. GC No. GC No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section Part Page 5 6 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 Date 30 November 2010 30 November 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 31 March 2010 31 March 2010 31 March 2010 31 March 2010 Section Part Page 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date 31 March 2010 31 March 2010 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 Section 2. 2 Section 2. 5 Section 2. 3 Section 2. 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GR No. Part 3. Part 3. GR No. Part 4. GR No. Part 4. 24 Section 2. GC No. 23 Section 2. Part 3. Part 3. 17 Section 2. Part 3. GC No. GR No. 5 Section 2. 5 29 February 2012 Page vi . GR No. Part 4. Part 3. 10 Section 2. 8 Section 2. 1 Section 2. GR No. 13 Section 2. 9 Section 2. Part 3. Part 4. Part 3. 4 Section 2. 24 Section 2. Part 4. GR No. Part 4. Part 4. 22 Section 2. 23 Section 2. 3 Section 2. Part 3. Part 4. GC No. Part 3. Part 3. 2 Section 2. GR No. Part 3. GC No. 2 Section 2. GC No. GC No. Part 3. 2 Section 2. 20 Section 2. GR No. GR No. GC No. Part 3. 6 Section 2. GC No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section Part Page 12 13 14 15 16 17 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Date 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 26 February 2010 21 February 2011 21 February 2011 30 November 2009 31 May 2011 30 November 2009 30 November 2009 30 November 2010 21 February 2011 21 February 2011 21 February 2011 21 February 2011 30 November 2009 29 February 2012 29 February 2012 30 November 2009 Section Part Page Date Section 2. 5 Section 2. 5 Section 2. Part 4. 5 Section 2. 6 Section 2. 5 Section 2. 6 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 Appendix 1 29 February 2012 Page vii . GC No. GC No. GC No. 6 Section 2. Part 4. GC No. Part 4. GC No. Part 4. GC No. Part 4. GC No. 5 Section 2. Part 4. Part 4. Part 4. GC No. Part 4. 6 Section 2. GC No. 5 Section 2. GC No. Part 4. Part 4. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . their Classification. Contents Part 1 Airworthiness Directives and Mandatory Information Issued by the CAA Aircraft Engines Propellers Equipment Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Requirements applicable to State/public service aircraft Generic Requirements (GRs) Generic Concessions (GCs) Appendix 1 Requirements Removed CAA Airworthiness Directives and Mandatory Requirements removed from CAP 747 30 November 2009 Contents Page 1 . and States of Design Sources of Data Section 2 Mandatory Information Introduction Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Contents List of Effective Pages Foreword Revision History Section 1 Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 General Information Introduction and Guide to Use Lists of Products. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . police aircraft). Part 3 of this CAP 747 identifies the sources of these mandatory requirements. CAA and EASA requirements. NOTE: EASA has not yet implemented requirements that are related to operations. This publication also identifies the sources for other requirements made mandatory for UK-registered aircraft subject to European legislation.3 26 February 2010 Foreword Page 1 . pending their replacement by EASA requirements.1 2. (an aircraft that is subject to national airworthiness regulations). Section 1. it will exercise those powers to ensure the effective implementation of any such requirements based on SARPs. 3. each aircraft type is categorised as either: • an “EASA aircraft”. For both EASA and non-EASA aircraft. 3.3 3 3. propellers and equipment as applicable) may be mandatory. (pursuant to Article 19 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 as amended). in particular. (e. All other aircraft are “EASA aircraft” regardless of their State of Design or State of Manufacture. require the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to ensure that it acts consistently with the obligations placed on the UK under the Convention on International Civil Aviation (Chicago Convention) of December 1944. individual aircraft that are operated for certain “State” purposes as set out in Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No. military aircraft. and requirements notified by the State of Design of the aircraft.2 Aircraft that fall within the categories set out in Annex II to Regulation 216/2008 are “non-EASA aircraft” types. issued by the Department for Transport (DfT). In addition. (and its engines. 216/2008 are subject to national regulations. It is the policy of the CAA to have reference to this document when exercising the discretionary powers referred to above and. 2 ICAO Compliance Statement to CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness The Civil Aviation Authority (Chicago Convention) Directions 2007. (an aircraft that is subject to European airworthiness regulations).g. This document is published in support of the CAA's discretionary powers contained in the Air Navigation Order and includes requirements based on certain International Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) contained in Annexes to the Chicago Convention. Aircraft operations remain subject to national requirements at present. Operations-related requirements may be included in CAP 747 where this is considered to be the pragmatic means to give notification of them.1 Classification of Products Under European legislation.2 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Foreword 1 Introduction This CAP 747 is the means by which airworthiness requirements made mandatory by the CAA are notified. 2. or • a “Non-EASA aircraft”. with or without explanatory material. Words purporting the masculine gender include the feminine. Following de-modification. The interpretation of the Requirements against a background of current aeronautical knowledge is essential. and the National Aviation Authority (NAA) of the State of Design. 6 6. An Airworthiness Directive is a document issued or adopted by the Authority of the State of Registry of an aircraft which mandates the actions to be performed to restore an acceptable level of safety to an aircraft when an unsafe condition has been identified. a review and re-issue of the continued airworthiness instructions must be carried out and a Certificate of Release to Service obtained.3 6.5 6. Failure to do so could expose the aircraft to safety hazards and may invalidate the Certificate of Airworthiness.1 Generic Concessions A number of concessions are set out in Section 2.2 Status This CAP 747 is the means by which airworthiness requirements made mandatory by the CAA are notified. Mandatory clauses are denoted by the use of “shall” or “must”. but is no longer mandatory. Part 4 of this CAP 747. c) any data from the Type Certificate Holder that has previously been made mandatory by the CAA. “readily visible”. It is implicit in requirements expressed qualitatively (e.2 6. imply that all steps deemed necessary will be taken.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 4.6 7 7.1 Notification of Requirements Aircraft on the UK Register are required by law to comply with applicable Airworthiness Directives (ADs) issued by the UK CAA. etc. “prevent” and “shall be designed”. Some requirements previously made mandatory for UK-registered aircraft were withdrawn on 28 September 2003. when European regulations came into force. “should” or “may” are used in the text to introduce permissive or recommended clauses.) that the CAA will adjudicate in cases where doubt exists. Imperatives such as “ensure”.1 Interpretation The Requirements. 5 5.1 4. b) any de-modification of an aircraft is performed by approved organisations or licensed aircraft engineers in accordance with approved airworthiness documentation. should still be considered for inclusion in the maintenance programme. Aircraft owners and operators should ensure that: a) any retained modifications installed in order to comply with previous additional UK requirements continue to be maintained in accordance with all applicable approved data and service information.g. These may be used by UK-registered aircraft subject to the limitations and conditions specified. “adequately tested”. should not be regarded as constituting text book material.4 6. 26 February 2010 Foreword Page 2 . on the basis of the knowledge and techniques available at the time. EASA. 6. should register with the CAA's free publications subscription service at Existing Subscribers should ensure this new category is added to their subscription. All EADs for affected UK-registered aircraft are published by the CAA on its website at www.5 8 8. Subscribers will then be notified every time a new EAD is published on the CAA website.easa.4 7. The CAA is responsible for notifying other ICAO Contracting States of CAA ADs for UK Products not subject to European regulations. In order for NAAs of ICAO Contracting States to receive UK Emergency ADs in a timely manner they must also subscribe to the above service. EASA or NAA will issue an Emergency Airworthiness Directive (EAD).2. 7.caa. These are available from the CAA website at www. and any CAA Airworthiness Directives or mandatory requirements applicable to the Products.1 Responsibilities of Owners/Operators and Individuals/Organisations Carrying Out Maintenance and Overhaul In order to ensure compliance with all applicable mandatory requirements. the CAA.caa. to ICAO Contracting States. EADs will be available for download from the CAA website for a period of two months from the date of publication and will then be removed. NOTE: When an individual or organisation maintains or overhauls Products. CAA ADs are published in CAP 7.easa.2 7. To receive notification when a new EAD is published owners/ operators/ maintenance organisations etc.3 7.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 7. Emergency ADs Where urgency dictates that a short timescale is required to address an unsafe condition. Parts and Appliances which they maintain or > Publications > Subscriptions and choose the 'Safety Critical Information' category.europa. other ADs may be obtained from EASA or the originating NAA as applicable. In addition.2 7. EADs issued by the CAA will have been incorporated into CAP 747 before they are removed. other EADs may be obtained from EASA or the originating NAA as applicable.1 Non-Emergency ADs EASA is responsible for distributing EASA ADs for aircraft subject to European regulations.2 7.3.3 7.caa. You may register for e-mail notification at: http://ad.3 7. Parts and Appliances for an owner/operator whose aircraft is not registered in the United Kingdom.2 31 March 2010 Foreword Page 3 . These ADs are available from the EASA website at the owners and operators of aircraft must ensure that they are aware of the content of any Airworthiness Directives issued by the National Aviation Authority of the State of Design and EASA and of any applicable CAA Airworthiness Directives or mandatory the individual/organisation must make arrangements with that owner/ operator to receive any Airworthiness Directives issued or adopted by the Civil Aviation Authority of the State of Registry. organisations or individuals undertaking maintenance and overhaul must ensure that they are in receipt of Airworthiness Directives issued by the National Aviation Authority of the State of Design and EASA. b) The pilot must have sufficient technical knowledge and have received specific training to provide that person with the competence to accomplish the inspection which may also require the use of simple visual inspection aids.3 10 10. c) The specific training must be provided by an appropriately licenced aircraft maintenance engineer or organisation approved by the CAA for that purpose. a Part-145 organisation may issue a limited certification authorisation to the aircraft commander and/or the flight engineer on the basis of the flight crew licence held. in exercise of its powers under Article 31(1) (c) of the Air Navigation Order 2009 as amended. When certifying an inspection in accordance with paragraph 9.2.2.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 9 9.1.2. 9. hereby authorises a pilot as a person competent to issue a Certificate of Release to Service in respect of a mandatory inspection required by an Airworthiness Directive where the inspection recurs at periods not exceeding 24 hours elapsed time.3 9. to the Flight Manual or Performance Schedule.2.1 Repetitive Inspection Non-Commercial Air Transport Where an Airworthiness Directive requires an inspection to be carried out at intervals not exceeding 24 hours (elapsed time) the CAA may invoke the authorisation given under paragraph 9.30(j)(3): for compliance with a repetitive pre-flight mandatory action.1 When certifying an inspection in accordance with paragraph 9.2 above cannot be used.2 the certifying signature will be that of the person authorised by the Part-145 organisation and the relevant authorisation reference shall be recorded. Annex II (Part 145). where the Airworthiness Directive states specifically that the flight crew may carry out the action. 9. 2042/2003.2 9.1 Mandatory Changes to Flight Manuals or Performance Schedules Where an Airworthiness Directive introduces a change to an aircraft Flight Manual or Performance Schedule.1. The authorisation of 9. In accordance with 145. NOTE: Where permission has been given to utilise an Operations Manual in lieu of the Flight Manual. 26 February 2010 Foreword Page 4 .1 9.2 9. the Owner/Operator of the affected aircraft must ensure that the change is made by attaching the Airworthiness Directive or the documents that it specifies. subject to the following conditions: a) The pilot must hold a Group or Type rated licence applicable to the type quoted in the inspection.1.2 9. In such cases.1. for inspection by the pilot in command. the text of the Airworthiness Directive will prescribe the authorisation.1. the Owner/Operator must ensure that the information specified in the Airworthiness Directive is embodied in the Operations Manual within the specified compliance time. The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA).1. Commercial Air Transport All maintenance-related certifications for aircraft operated for Commercial Air Transport must be made by persons authorised in accordance with Regulation (EC) No.2 below.2 the certifying signature will be that of the pilot followed by his licence number. A request for an AMOC should be made using an EASA Form 42. to the satisfaction of the CAA. Extensions of this nature are intended to be used in exceptional circumstances that could not reasonably have been foreseen by the owner. 31 March 2010 Foreword Page 5 .1 Airworthiness Directive Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) EASA Aircraft Any application to satisfy an Airworthiness Directive by means of an 'alternative means of compliance' will be assessed by EASA on a case by case basis and will normally need to be supported by the organisation responsible for the type design.1 12. part or appliance.1 Extension of Airworthiness Directive Compliance Timescale Aircraft owners. The applicant must demonstrate. an equivalent level of safety. Each page is identified by the date of issue or date at which it is amended.2 13 Accuracy of Information The information presented in CAP 747 is the best available on the date that each amendment is approved for publication and printing. the affected pages are identified by the date of re-issue. 2004/03/CF and 2004/04/CF allow automatic acceptance of certain AMOCs issued by the airworthiness authorities of Canada. operators and contracted maintenance organisations must assess all Airworthiness Directives relating to relevant aircraft types and initiate early requisition and/or provision of aircraft parts and/or maintenance resources to meet the Airworthiness Directive compliance timescales. The text of these decisions may be obtained from the Agency website at www.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 11 11.europa. This is typically seven working days before the date of publication of the amendment. where that country is the State of Design for the product.1. 11.2 12.2 12 Non-EASA Aircraft Any application to satisfy an Airworthiness Directive by means of an 'alternative means of compliance' will be assessed by the CAA on a case by case basis and will normally need to be supported by the organisation responsible for the type design. The applicant. EASA decisions 2004/02/CF. The applicant must demonstrate. to the satisfaction of the CAA.1. Where text has overflowed. 14 Amendments Amendments to CAP 747 are published as required. The remaining pages retain their existing dates and are therefore not re-supplied. operator or contracted maintenance organisation. normally supported by the organisation responsible for the type design.easa. 12. must demonstrate. Any application to extend an Airworthiness Directive compliance timescale will be assessed by the CAA on a case-by-case basis. an equivalent level of safety. an equivalent level of safety. to the satisfaction of the Agency. Brazil and the United States of America. Material differences from the previous issue are marked with marginal lines. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 5 and 7 (both previously cancelled). Customs or similar services in Section 2. 23.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Revision History Initial Issue June 2004 The initial issue of CAP 747 was brought about by the coming into force of European legislation. Issue 3. the inclusion of AD G-2005-0030 as this is currently unavailable elsewhere. 30 June 2010 Revision History Page 1 . Police. • replace in its entirety GR No. amdt 2010/01 January 2010 CAP 747 is amended to update the EAD Subscription link in the Foreword and to correct errors incorporated at Issue 3. including: • the removal of previously cancelled ADs. Issue 3. Issue 2 September 2004 The purpose of Issue 2 was to provide a single point of reference for all mandatory information for continuing airworthiness. as applicable to civil aircraft registered in the UK. amdt 2010/04 June 2010 March 2010 CAP 747 is amended to revise the Lists of Products. amdt 2010/03 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. • the removal from Section 2 Part 3 of GR Nos. amdt 2010/02 February 2010 CAP 747 is amended to update the references to the ANO 2009 and incorporate some editorial corrections. Therefore all ADs issued by EASA have been removed and are available on the EASA website. Issue 3. and States of Design. and a correction to the names in the footers in Section 2. their Classification. • remove CAA AD 003-10-2001 which has been cancelled and superseded by EASA AD 2010-0023. including airworthiness directives. Issue 3. Part 2. following an update by EASA. Issue 3 November 2009 The purpose of Issue 3 was to provide all mandatory information for continuing airworthiness as issued by the CAA in one CAP. Part 1. and • the inclusion of – Aircraft engaged in Military. creating the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the consequent need for the CAA to declare its intention to retain certain requirements for UK registered aircraft. Issue 3. amdt 2011/03 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. 3. • update the Dutch NAA contact details. • remove CAA AD 2854 pre 80. Issue 3. 6 and Schedule 2 to GC No. amdt 2011/01 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. 6. • correct a typographical error in Schedule 2 to GC No. amdt 2011/04 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. • add CAA AD 2854 pre 80 to Appendix 1 Requirements Removed. Issue 3. • update Part 2 Requirements applicable to State/public service aircraft. • correct an error in Appendix 1. amdt 2011/02 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. • revise GR No. amdt 2010/06 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. • update some of the Foreign NAAs’ website addresses. Issue 3. Issue 3. October 2011 August 2011 June 2011 May 2011 March 2011 31 October 2011 Revision History Page 2 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Issue 3. amdt 2011/05 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. and which negates the need for the inclusion of CAA AD 2854 pre 80. Appendix 1 to GC No. 3. Issue 3. amdt 2010/05 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. amdt 2011/06 CAP 747 has been amended to: • update the product list. • revise GC No. 6. Issue 3. 6. September 2010 November 2010 February 2011 • insert CAA AD 001-07-78 which should have been included in the original issue of Issue 3. • revise GR No. 29 February 2012 Revision History Page 3 . • remove CAA AD 004-05-91 which has been cancelled and superseded by FAA AD 93-06-06. • update the NAA contact details for New Zealand. • insert new GR. No 25. amdt 2012/01 CAP 747 has been amended to: February 2012 • update Figure 3 reference to Mandatory Permit Directives under General Information.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Issue 3. • update Appendix 1 to include the cancellation of AD 004-05-91 and to correct an entry. • update the product list. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1. These individual aircraft are not identified in CAP 747 because their status may change depending upon the purpose of a particular flight. the Regulation also stipulates that certain aircraft are subject to national regulations. However.1 General Information Introduction and Guide to Use Classification of aircraft as “EASA Aircraft” and “Non-EASA Aircraft” Under Regulation (EC) No. Non-EASA aircraft are not subject to regulation of airworthiness by EASA. • “Non-EASA aircraft” are aircraft that are within the categories of Annex II of Regulation (EC) No. • “EASA aircraft” are those aircraft that are subject to regulation of airworthiness by EASA under Regulation (EC) No.3 The list of aircraft given in Section 1. but are subject to national regulations. 30 November 2009 Section 1 Part 1 Page 1 . 216/2008. even if other aircraft of the same type (that are not engaged in such activities) are subject to regulation by EASA (reference Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No. Individual aircraft engaged in certain State or public services are subject to national airworthiness regulations.2 1. For further guidance see CAP 562 (CAAIP) Leaflet 11-5. 216/2008 (reference Article 4 of the Regulation). Part 2 of this CAP 747 is annotated to show which aircraft types are “EASA aircraft” and which are “non-EASA aircraft”. 216/2008 the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has responsibility for the airworthiness standards applicable to the majority of the civil aircraft registered in the Member States of the European Union.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section 1 Part 1 1 1. 216/2008). CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2 Guide to identifying the Applicable Requirements Locate your product in the alphabetical list in Section 1. There are separate lists for aircraft. Part 2. propellers and APUs Is your product listed as “EASA”? Yes Go to Figure 2 No Is your product listed as “Annex II” or ”Not Transferred”? Yes Go to Figure 3 No Contact the CAA regarding the classification of your product Figure 1 How to determine the applicable requirements for your product 30 November 2009 Section 1 Part 1 Page 2 . engines. A contact list is available in Section 1 Part 3 and on the CAA website Yes See CAP 476 for applicable Airworthiness Directives issued by the CAA before 28/09/2004 See Section 2. police. Part 1 for any applicable Mandatory Requirements See the EASA website for applicable Airworthiness Directives issued by EASA Generic Concessions and Generic Requirements may apply. See Section 2 Parts 3 and 4 Is the aircraft engaged in military. customs or similar services? Yes Add any requirements notified in Section 2. Part 2 No End Figure 2 How to locate mandatory requirements for an EASA product 30 November 2009 Section 1 Part 1 Page 3 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Was the product designed in the UK? No Contact the National Aviation Authority of the State of Design for applicable requirements. Part 3 and on the CAA website Yes See Section 2. Part 1 for any applicable Mandatory Requirements issued by the CAA Is the aircraft operating on a Permit to Fly? Yes See CAP 661 and the CAA website for applicable Mandatory Permit Directives No Generic Concessions and Generic Requirements may apply.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Was the product designed in the UK? No Contact the National Aviation Authority of the State of Design for applicable requirements. police. See Section 2 Parts 3 and 4 Is the aircraft engaged in military. Part 2 No End Figure 3 How to locate mandatory requirements for a non-EASA (Annex II) product 29 February 2012 Section 1 Part 1 Page 4 . customs or similar services? Yes Add any requirements notified in Section 2. A contact list is available in Section 1. 3. propeller. the advice of the CAA shall be obtained.1 3. part or appliance installed in a non-EASA aircraft shall comply with the mandatory requirements for non-EASA aircraft that are applicable to the product. part or appliance. the installer shall ensure that the mandatory requirements applicable to the receiving aircraft are complied with. part or appliance. propeller. Where a product. part or appliance is transferred from one aircraft to another. A product. propellers. parts and appliances installed in “EASA Aircraft” and “Non-EASA Aircraft” Where an EASA Airworthiness Directive is in force for any engine. part or appliance. unless the CAA notifies otherwise. it shall be complied with regardless of whether the engine.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 Applicability of Mandatory Requirements to engines.4 30 November 2009 Section 1 Part 1 Page 5 .2 3. Where a product. part or appliance is installed in an EASA aircraft or a non-EASA aircraft. part or appliance is installed in a non-EASA aircraft and there is a conflict between EASA Airworthiness Directives and other Airworthiness Directives or mandatory requirements applicable to the product.3 3. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1 Aircraft Large Aeroplanes Product Name A300/310/300-600 A300-600ST A318/A319/320/321 A330-200 A330-300 A340-200/300/500/600 A380-841/842/861 Aerospatiale SN601 Corvette BAC 1-11 Nord 262A AN-24 AN-24B AN-26 AN-26B AN-28 AN-72-100 AN-72-100D AN-74 AN-74-200 AN-74-TK100 ATR 42/72 ATL 98 Carvair ATP BAe 146 & RJ Series HS.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Part 2 Lists of Products.351 SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS SAS EASA.015 EASA.748 Jetstream (HP-137) Jetstream 3100 Jetstream 3102 s/n 614 Jetstream 3200 Jetstream 4101 TC number EU TC 145 EASA.A. Aircraft classified as Annex II (non-EASA) aircraft.351 EASA.A.A.110 TC 147 (withdrawn) EASA.A.182 EASA.IM. their Classification.084 EASA.A.397 BA4 EASA. “N” and “A” are used in the last column to signify: E N A Aircraft classified as EASA aircraft.191 EASA.A.189 State of Design France E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E A E E Table 1.004 EASA.014 (Restricted TC) EASA.A.1 Manufacturer/ TC Holder Airbus Antonov Ukraine ATR Aviation Traders BAE Systems (Operations) Limited France UK UK 30 June 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 1 . and States of Design NOTE: In the following Tables the abbreviations “E”.A.A.064 EASA.A.A.A.191 EASA.188 (withdrawn) TC 31 (withdrawn) SAS SAS EASA.A.192 EASA.A.A.004 EASA.A. Aircraft notified by EASA as 'not transferred' and which remain subject to regulation under National Procedures.IM. IM.033 EASA.IM. 01-82/8 Spain EASA.A.080 EASA.A.191 BA11 [No TC] E/N/A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Boeing (Including McDonnell Douglas/ Douglas) Bombardier (Including Canadair and de Havilland Canada) Canada Bombardier Short Brothers.IM.A.A.003 FAA 4A25 FAA A6WE JAA/25/91-001 EASA.1 Large Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name B-17G B707 100/200 B707 300/400 B717 Series B727 Series B737 Classic Series B737 NG Series B747 Series B757 200 B757 300 B767 Series B777 Series DC8 DC9/MD80 Series DC10/MD11 MD90 Series BD100-1A10 BD-700 Series CL-215/415 Series CL-600 Series DHC-7 Series DHC-8 200/300/400 SD3-30 and 3-60 Short Skyvan SC7 170 146-301 ARA 500 Series 550 Series 560 Series 650 Series 680 Series 750 Series PBY-5A 28-5ACF Catalina C-212 CN 235/295 Falcon 7X Falcon 10 Falcon 2000 & Falcon 2000EX Fan Jet Falcon Mystere-Falcon Mystere-Falcon 50/900 & Falcon 900EX 328-100 328-300 TC number EU State of Design USA FAA 4A21 FAA 4A26 EASA.A.096 Germany Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH (328.IM.A.A.A.A.A.IM.196 FAA A2NM JAA/25/98-019 EASA.173 EASA.009 CANADA A-86 EASA.096 EASA.A.120 EASA.IM.IM.207 EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1. PLC Bristol British Aerospace Cessna UK UK UK USA EASA. Dassault Aviation USA DGAC-E Nr.211 EASA.A.A.IM. Support) 29 February 2012 Section 1 Part 2 Page 2 .211 FAA A3WE EASA.A.IM.008 France 103 France 103bls EASA.207 EASA. S.A.IM.062 EASA.A.120 EASA.IM.023 CANADA A-120 EASA.IM.A.A.A.207 FAA A9NM EASA.155 France EASA.IM.186 EASA.A.IM.035 EASA.A.IM.A.A.IM.097 Consolidated Construcciones Aeronauticas. IM.IM. F27 (F27 Mk 100. 3000. (Maryland Air Industries) Fokker Services B.037 EASA.A.036 EASA.A. 0604) F100.071 FAA 7A1 EASA. 700) F28 (F28 Mk 1000. 2000.A.A.085 FAA A16SW EASA.001 EASA.1 Large Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name DC-3C-R-1830-90C DC-6 Series EMB120 Series EMB121 Series ERJ135/145 Series ERJ170-100/200 ERJ190-100 Canberra Series F-27 Series TC number EU State of Design USA USA Brazil E/N/A A A E E E E E A E E E E E USA Israel E E E E E E E E N N E E E E E E E E E N E E N N E E N Manufacturer/ TC Holder Douglas Embraer EA-8505-07 EA-7905-04 EASA. F70 (F28 Mk 0100.A.069 Indonesia Israel USA USA USA USA Poland Sweden Russia SAS SAS Russia 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 3 .A.A.A.IM. 500.IM.A.032 EASA. MU-300 Ltd (Including Beech) MU300-10 PZL AN-28 Saab Aircraft AB Saab 340 A/B Saab 2000 Tupolev TU-134M TU-154B2 Tu-154M Yakovlev Yak-40 YAK-42D UK USA Netherlands USA Russia JAA/25/95-012 FAA A2SW EASA.068 EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.172 English Electric Fairchild Industries Inc.V.037 EASA.IM. 600. 0070) Gulfstream Aerospace G II/III Series Corp GIV/GV Series Gulfstream Aerospace 1125/Astra/G100 LP (GALP) G150 Galaxy/G200 Hawker Beechcraft 125 All Series/Hawker Corporation (Including B400 Series Raytheon and BAe) 4000 Ilyushin IL-18 IL-62 IPTN CN235 Series Israel Aircraft Industries 1121/23/24/24A Series Learjet 45 Series All Series except 45 Lockheed L188 Series L1011 Series Lockheed-Georgia Co Hercules L382G Mitsubishi Heavy Ind. 0502.228 EASA. 400.IM.A.A.070 ISRAEL A51L EASA.IM.013 EASA.070 EASA.IM.A.A.IM.020 FAA A10CE FAA 4A22 FAA A23WE FAA A1SO FAA A14SW FAA A16SW EASA. 200. 300.A.036 EASA. 4000) F50 (F27 Mk 050.A.IM.A. 7KCAB Airtourer 115 (modified) AT200/300/400/400A Series AT-401/402/500 Series AT600/800 Series L-200 Series L410 A Turbolet L410 M Turbolet L410 Turbolet L410 UVP-E L410 UVP-E9 L410-UVP-E20 L410 UVP Turbolet L420 Z 37 Series (Except Z 37T) TC number EU State of Design Czech Republic E/N/A A A A A E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A Manufacturer/ TC Holder Aero Aero Aero Vodochody Aeronca EASA.021 EASA.026 EASA.A.A.A.060 A-761/A-796 A-728 A-396 A-396 A-676/688 A-751 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 Poland Czech Republic USA Aeronca/American Champion/ Bellanca/ Champion USA A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 A-759 New Zealand USA A A A A A A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E AESL Air Tractor Aircraft Industries FAA A9SW FAA A17SW FAA A19SW EASA.A.445 Czech Republic 30 November 2009 Section 1 Part 2 Page 4 .026 EASA. 7ECA with Lycoming O-235K2C/Sensenich Prop. 7GCBC with Lycoming O-320A2B/Sensenich Prop.A.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes Product Name 145 C104 L-29 Delfin L-39 Albatros Series AT-3 R100 Ae 270 11 65 Series 100 C3 K O-58B 7AC 7ACA 7BCM 7ECA with Continental O-200A/McCauley Prop. 7GCBC with Lycoming O-320A2B/McCauley Prop.A.A. 7ECA with Lycoming O-235C1/McCauley Prop.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A. 7ECA with Lycoming O-235C1/Sensenich Prop.026 EASA. 7GCAA with Lycoming O-320A2B/Sensenich Prop.026 EASA.A.A.043 EASA.A.A.026 EASA.026 EASA.026 EASA. (pre 1981) 7FC 7GCAA with Lycoming O-320A2B/McCauley Prop.026 EASA. 086 EASA.527 TBA BA BAC BAC (1935) Ltd. UK UK UK 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 5 .A.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name F260 F260B F260C F260D F260E F260F S205-18F S205-18R S205-20F S205-20R S205-22R S208 S208A SF260TP A-2 HR200 Series R2000 Series 7ECA with Lycoming O-235K2C/Sensenich prop (1995 and on) 7GCAA with Lycoming O-235B2B/Sensenich prop 7GCAA with Superior O-360A3A2/MT prop 7GCBC with Lycoming O-235B2B/Sensenich prop 7GCBC with Superior O-360A3A2/ Sensenich prop Bellanca 8GCBC/8KCAB II An-2 AT 01 Active II ARV1 Super 2 (Factory Built Only) All Series FL3 Falco F8L 504K 643 Cadet Series 652A Anson T21 Avian Series C19 Series 2 Triplane Replica Tutor Eagle 2 Swallow 2 167 Strikemaster Series Drone TC number EU A132 A132 A132 A132 A132 A132 A131 A131 A131 A131 A131 A131 A131 A132 EASA.086 FAA A-759 State of Design Italy E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Alenia Aermacchi Alon Alpha Design Concepts American Champion Aircraft Corp (Including Bellanca) USA New Zealand USA FAA A-759 FAA A-759 FAA A-759 FAA A-759 FAA A21CE UK Russia Germany UK UK UK Italy Italy UK E E E E E A A E A E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A ANEC Antonov Aquila Technische Entwicklungen Arrow ARV Aviation Auster Avia Aviamilano/ Aeromere Avro EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.IM.IM. 2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Islander Series: Trislander Series: Marabu A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.A.IM.A.109 Airedale B121 Pup Series B206 Series E3 D5 Series 180 35.503 FAA 3A16 FAA A14CE FAA A14CE FAA A24CE EASA.A.277 EASA. Barfuss Beagle Beagle Auster Beech A-777 UK USA (A-777 Models) USA USA Beech (Including Raytheon and Hawker Beechcraft) FAA A1CE FAA A1CE FAA A1CE FAA 3A15 FAA 3A15 FAA 3A15 FAA 5A4 FAA 3A16 FAA A23CE/3A16 FAA A12CE FAA 3A20 FAA 3A20 FAA A29CE FAA A30CE FAA 3A20/ EASA.IM.61 Terrier Series A.2 Series 1 XI 75 Stearman Series TC number EU BA8 BA6 State of Design UK Switzerland UK SAS. G35 D17S Expeditor Series 19A Sport Series 23 Musketeer Series 24 Sierra Series 33 Debonair Series 35 Bonanza Series 36 Bonanza Series 50 Twin Bonanza Series 55 Baron Series 58 Baron Series 60 Duke Series 65 Queen Air Series 70 Queen Air Series 76 Duchess Series 77 Skipper Series 90 King Air Series 95 Travel Air Series 99 Series 100 King Air Series 200 King Air Series B200 King Air Series 300 King Air Series B300 King Air Series 1900 Airliner Series P-39Q Airacobra P-63 Kingcobra Model 14 Series 17 Series CP 301 Smaragd 1912 Monoplane B.277 TC-21 A-773 FAA A18CE 564/SA Bell Bellanca Bellanca Aircraft Corp Binder-Aviatick GmbH Blackburn Bleriot Boeing USA USA USA Germany UK France USA A-743 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 6 .IM.A.IM.IM.277 EASA.A.277 EASA.082 E/N/A E E A A A E A A A A A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A A E A A A A A Manufacturer/ TC Holder B-N Aircraft Ltd. A.IM.225 EASA.226 FAA A7CE FAA A28CE EASA.A.IM.225 EASA.502 EASA.IM.IM.A.IM.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.IV T Boxkite Replica Fighter F2B M1C Monoplane Replica BU131 Jungmann BU133 Jungmeister Series BU181 Bestmann (including Heliopolis Gomhouria MK6) Harvard Series 1-131E Series ATL Series DR 220/221 DR 250 DR 253 DR 300 Series DR 400 Series HR 100 Series R 1180 Series R 3000 Series 208 Caravan Series 425 441 500 501 Series 510 551 Series 525 Series Twin piston engine aircraft 310 320 321 335 336 337 340 401/402 404 411/414/421 T303 Single piston engine aircraft 120 Series 140 Series 150 Series FRA/FA/F150 Series 152 Series FA/F152 Series C-165 170 Series FAA A-768 FAA 5A2/A-768 FAA 3A19 FAA A13EU FAA 3A19 FAA A13EU FAA A-799 USA A A E E E E A A FAA 3A10 FAA 3A25 FAA 3A11 FAA 3A25 FAA A2CE FAA A6CE FAA 3A25 FAA A7CE FAA A25CE FAA A7CE FAA A34CE E E E E E E E E E E E TC number EU State of Design UK E/N/A A A A A A A A A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Bristol Bucker LBA 717/SA LBA 582/SA LBA 716/SA A-80 Germany Canadian Car & Foundry CASA CEAPR Canada Germany France Cessna TC 178 TC 111 TC 100 TC 115 TC 121 TC 121 TC 131 TC 131 TC 172 EASA.A.IM.A.207 EASA.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Bolingbroke MK.078 USA 30 November 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 7 . 007 EASA.) Cessna (incl.IM.A.IM.A.007 USA UK UK USA UK UK USA FAA A12SO USA UK UK USA USA A A A A A A A A A E A Czech Sport Aircraft Dart Czech Republic UK 30 November 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 8 .516 USA State of Design E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E A E E E A A A E E A A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Cessna (contd.IM. Columbia/Lancair aircraft) Chance-Vought Chilton Chrislea Cirrus Civilian CMC Commander Premier Aircraft Company (CPAC) Commonwealth Comper Crofton Auster Culver Curtiss EASA.052 FAA 3A13 A42EU FAA 3A24 FAA A9CE FAA A-790 FAA A4CE EASA.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name 172R+S 172RG 172 Series F172 Series FR172 Series 175 Series 177RG F177RG 177 Series 180 Series 182S+T/T182T 182 Series FR/F182 Series 185 Series 188 Series 190/195 Series 206 Series 206H/T206H 207 Series 210 Series 305C Columbia 300 (LC40-550FG) C350 (LC42-550FG) C400 (LC41-550FG) FG-1D Corsair DW1 Series CH3 Super Ace Series 2 SR-20 SR-22 Coupe 02 Leopard 001/002 Prototypes Rockwell Commander 112/114 Series CA 18 MK 22 (Mustang P51D) CLA7 Swift CLA7 Swift Replica J1-A LCA Cadet C-2 Robin (Modified) H-75A-1 Hawk P-40 Series Travel Air 12Q SportCruiser (Factory Built only) Kitten TC number EU EASA.A.IM.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.IM.053 FAA A16CE FAA 3A21 FAA A00003SE FAA A00003SE EASA.A.A.051 FAA 3A17 FAA 3A12 FAA A4EU FAA A18EU FAA 3A17 FAA A20CE FAA A26EU FAA A13CE FAA 5A6 EASA.IM. 2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name DH9 DH51 DH53 Hummingbird DH60G DH60M/GM/GMW DH60GIII DH60X DH71 Tiger Moth DH80A Puss Moth DH82A (Aust) Tiger Moth DH82A Tiger Moth DH82B Queen Bee DH83 Fox Moth Series DH84 Dragon DH85 Leopard Moth DH87B Hornet Moth DH88 Comet Racer DH89A Rapide Series DH90A Dragonfly DH94 Moth Minor DH100 Vampire Series DH104 Dove Series DH110 Sea Vixen FAW MK2 DH112 Venom Series DH114 Sea Heron C MK1 DH115 Vampire Series DHC-1 Chipmunk Mk21 DHC-1 Chipmunk Mk22 + 22A DHC-1 Chipmunk Mk23 DHC-1A-1 Chipmunk DHC-2 Beaver 1 DHC-2 MkIII Turbo Beaver DHC-3 Otter DHC-6 Twin Otter Series D-FR 172 E/F Monoplane Monoplane DA-40 Diamond DA-42M DA-42 Twinstar DV 20 Diamond DA20 Do 27 Seastar CD 2 Skyraider AD4-NA TC number EU State of Design UK E/N/A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E A E E A A E E E E E A E A Manufacturer/ TC Holder de Havilland AAN 27543 Iss 2 AAN 29290 Iss 1 AAN 28474 Iss 2 AAN 28787 Iss 2 (G-EBWD only) AAN 28870 Iss 1 AAN 22556 Iss 9 AAN 24808 Iss 4 AAN 28148 Iss 1 AAN 24160 Iss 3 AAN 27522 Iss 4 AAN 25002 Iss 2 AAN 23636 Iss 1 (G-AEDU only) AAN 29291 Iss 1 AAN 23020 Iss 2 AAN 1399 Iss 1 UK AAN 4383 Add4 Iss 6 AAN 10239 A-19 Canada A-22 A-22 A-27 A-82 SAS France France UK EASA.223 Canada LBA 514/SA SAS Germany Germany USA de Havilland Canada de Havilland Canada (Viking Air) Decourt Deperdussin Desoutter Diamond Aircraft Industries Diamond Aircraft Industries Inc Dornier Dornier Luftfahrt GmbH Douglas 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 9 .005 EASA.A.A.A.IM.022 Austria EASA.A.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.439 EASA.513 EASA. A.010 EASA.369 EASA.157 EASA.A.370 EASA.010 EA-7202-13 EASA.029 UK USA Czech Republic Germany EASA.057 TC 190 TC 13 TC 22 TC 13 TC 13 TC 22 SAS.369 EASA.011 USA FAA A5SW USA 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 10 .091 SAS.A.A.A.A.IM.A.62 Condor Series CAP 10 Series CAP 20 Series CAP 21 CAP 230 Series BO 207/207FT BO 208 Series BO 209 Series SIAT 223A1 SIAT 223K1 SIAT 223V PZL-101 Gawron PZL-102 B Kos PZL-104 Wilga Series PZL-106 AS Kruk PZL-106 BR/BS & BSA Kruk PZL-110 Koliber Series PZL-111 Koliber PZL Kruk A/AR GA-7 MS 880 Series MS 890 Series Rallye 100 Series Rallye 150 Series Rallye 235 Series ST10 Diplomate TB 9 TB 10 TB 20 TB 21 TB 200 TBM 700 TBM 850 EP9 Prospector EMB 110 Series EMB-500 EMB-505 Wren 415 Series EV-97 VLA EA 230 EA-300 EA-400 24R-46A Argus Series M62 Cornell Swearingen Series TC number EU State of Design UK EASA.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name D.A.059 SAS.369 LBA 643 LBA 644 LBA 680 LBA 679 LBA 679 LBA 679 SAS.IM.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.A.060 EASA.A.A.31 Turbulent D.A.084 EASA.A.A.A.362 EASA.061 SAS.158 E/N/A A A E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E A A E A E E A A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Druine/Rollason Dyn’ Aviation EADS Deutschland GmbH Military Air Sys Germany EADS PZL Poland EADS SOCATA France Edgar Percival Embraer UK Brazil English Electric Ercoupe Evektor Extra Flugzeugbau GmbH Fairchild Fairchild Swearingen Corp (M7 Aerospace LP) EASA.049 TC 165 TC 165 TC 165 TC 165 TC 165 EASA.A.A. 075 LBA 2066 LBA 2066 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 11 .067 SAS.074 SAS.A.A.053 EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.364 EASA.A.074 Flugzeugbau W.IM.052 SAS.A.042 CG-1B Swift Airtourer Series Gladiator Meteor NF11 Plus D Special N24A Nomad 2T-1A G115 Series G120A Series G520 EGRETT G520T USA New Zealand UK USA Australia USA Germany A A A A A E A E E E E 73-1 EASA.A.050 TC number EU State of Design UK Switzerland Switzerland Germany Italy Germany Canada UK E/N/A A A A E E A A A A E E E A A A A A A A A A A E E E E E A E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Fairey Federal Aircraft Factory FFA Altenrhein AG FFT Gyroflug Fiat Fieisler Fleet FLS Aerospace Ltd LBA 725/SA SAS.073 SAS.A.A.A.A.A.075 SAS. Uetz Focke-Wulfe Focke-Wulfe/Flug + Werk Fokker Fokker Folland Forney Foster-Wikner Fournier/ Aerostructure Fuji Heavy Industries Ltd Gardan Garland-Bianchi/ Fairtravel General Avia Gippsland Aeronautics (Pty) Ltd/GA8 Airvan (Pty) Ltd Globe Glos-Air Gloster Gould-Taylorcraft Government Aircraft Factories Great Lakes Grob-Werke Switzerland Germany LBA 726/SA Germany Germany Netherlands UK USA UK France Japan France UK Italy Australia TC 76 TC 187 JAPAN 22-6 JAPAN 20-10 SAS.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Battle Gannet Series C3605 Schlepp AS202 Series SC01 Series CR42 G46-3B F156 Series Model 80 Canuck Club Sprint OA7 Optica Series Sprint 160 (except S/N 001) U3M Pelikan U4M Pelikan FW189A-1 FW44J Steiglitz FW190 Series DR1 Replica S11-1 Gnat T MK 1 F-1A Wicko GM-1 RF 6B Series RF 47 Fuji FA200-180 Fuji FA200-160 GY80 Linnet 1/2 F20 F22 Series GA8 Airvan SAS. 079 EASA.IM.A.200 FAA 3A18 TC 191 TCDS 3 TCDS 21 TCDS 17 USA USA India Spain Germany UK Italy Poland USA France France E A A A E A E E E E E A A A A A 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 12 . and Tiger aircraft) Gulfstream G100 Series Aerospace Corp Gulfstream American GA-7/Cougar Aviation (Gulfstream Aerospace) Hawker Audax Cygnet Replica Demon Fury Mk1 Fury/Sea Fury Series Hind Hunter Series Hurricane Series Nimrod Series Tomtit Hawker Beechcraft Beech 390 Corp (Raytheon Aircraft) Helio/Alliance H-295 Helton Lark 95 Hindustan HAL-26 Push Pak Hispano HA1112M1L Hoffmann H40 Hunting P84 Jet Provost Series Iniziative Industriali Sky Arrow 650 Series Italiane Sky Arrow 710 Instytut Lotnictwa I-23 Interceptor Aircraft Aero Commander 200D Corporation Issoire Aviation APM 20 Jodel D14 D112 D117 D119 D120 FAA A16NM FAA A17SO USA USA E E UK EASA. American Aviation. True Flight Holdings LLC.A.079 EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name F6F-3 Hellcat F7F-3 Tigercat F8F-2P Bearcat FM2 Wildcat G-164 Ag-Cat Series TBM-3R Avenger AA-1 Series AA-5 Series AG-5B TC number EU State of Design USA LTC-23 FAA 1A16 FAA A11EA FAA A16EA FAA A16EA USA E/N/A A A A A E A E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Grumman Grumman American (incl.A.A.073 USA A A A A A A A A A A E FAA 1A8 LBA 1083 EASA. Gulfstream American. A.018 EASA.018 EASA. LVG CVI Maule Aircraft M-4 Series Corporation M-5 Series M-6-235 M-7 Series MX-7 Series MXT-7-180 Max Holste MH1521 Series Menavia/Piel/Scintex CP 301 A/B Emeraude CP 1310/1320/1330/Super Emeraude CP 1315 Super Emeraude Messerschmitt BF108 BF109 Series Miles M2L Hawk Six M2W Hawk M3A Falcon M5 Sparrowhawk M11A Whitney Straight M14A Magister/Hawk Trainer 3 M17 Monarch M28 Mercury M38 Messenger Series M65 Gemini 1A Mitsubishi Heavy MU-2B (USA) Ind.A.IM.A.A.IM.018 TCS 47 & 57 TCDS 18/28 TCDS 75 TCDS 75 LBA 572/SA France France Germany UK FAA A2PC/A10SW USA 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 13 .A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name TC number EU TCDS 3 TCDS 21 TCDS 20 TCDS 81/TC 27 TC 23 TC 23 TCDS 34 TCDS 34 TCDS 34/TC 6 TCDS 34/TC 6 Germany Hungary Germany USA FAA 1A13 FAA 1A13 Argentina FAA A5CE A-694 USA USA USA Germany USA State of Design E/N/A A A A A A A A A A A A E A A A E E N N E A A A E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Jodel (contd.IM.018 EASA.018 EASA.IM.018 EASA.IM. Ltd LBA 710/SA LBA 573/SA EASA.IM.A.) D127 D128 D140 D150 D1120 D1190 DR100 DR105 DR1050 DR1051 Junkers JU87/R4 KFT G-92 Klemm KI 35 L25-1A Lake Aircraft Corp LA-4-180 Lake LA-4-200 Buccaneer LA-250 Renegade Latinoamericana de PA-25-235 Aviacion (Lavia) SA PA-25-260 Learjet Lear 23 Lockheed T-33 Silver Star 3 Luscombe Aircraft Luscombe 8 Series Corp. IM.A.733 Alcyon MS.055 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 14 .A.028 EASA.A.315E D2 MS.266 FAA A6SW State of Design USA USA France E/N/A A E E A A A A A A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E A A E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Monocoupe Mooney Aircraft Corp Morane Saulnier Moravan Aeroplanes EASA. North American Orlican Werke Pacific Aerospace Parnall Partenavia/Vulcanair Scout 17/23 Replica AT-16 Harvard IIB 1002 TCDS 45 1101 TCS 89 N3202-B1 NC 854 S NC 856 Norvigie NC 858 S NAC-1/2 Series 180 Freelance NDN-1 Firecracker NDN-1 Turbo Firecracker F86A Sabre P-51 Mustang Series T-6 Harvard Texan Series A-2-575 T28A Trojan L40 Meta Sokol PAC.081 UK USA Czech Republic New Zealand UK Italy SAS.A.353 Czech Republic Nanchang NAS Naval Aircraft Factory Nieuport Noorduyn Nord A-2-569 China UK USA France Canada France Norman Aeroplane Co.750XL ELF II P57 Fachiro II P64 Oscar P66 EASA.A.A.027 EASA.A.317 MS.353 EASA.028 EASA.A.443 EASA.A.108 EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.353 EASA.A.760 N Replica Zlin 37T Zlin 42 Series Zlin 43 Series Zlin 50 Series Zlin 126 Series Zlin 137T Zlin 142 Series Zlin 143 Series Zlin 226 Series Zlin 242L Zlin 326 Series Zlin 526 Series Zlin 726 Series CJ-6A Tiger Moth N3N-3 TC number EU EASA.A.027 EASA.A.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name 90A M20 Series M22 MS.505 Criquet MS.230 MS.A.353 EASA.IM.A.A.054 SAS.A.A.353 EASA.443 EASA.027 EASA. A.A.A.384 EASA.384 EASA.089 USA Pilatus Piper Aircraft Corp 1A2 1A2 1A2 1A2 1A2 A-691 A-780 A-797 A-800 1A1 A-805 1A2 1A2 1A4 1A6 1A10 FAA 1A10 FAA 1A10 FAA 1A15 FAA TC Cancelled US – Build A/C Accepted by EASA FAA 2A13 USA 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 15 .384 EASA.384 EASA.059 Switzerland F 56-10 EASA.A.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Mew Gull P10 Vega Gull P40 Prentice 1 P56 Provost T1 P57 Sea Prince T1 P66 Pembroke C MK1 Proctor Series FW P149D P166 P166B P166C P166DL3 P180 P2 Series PC-6 Series PC-12 Series J2 J3C J3C (Modified) J3C-65 J3C-65 (Modified) J3C-90 J3F-50 J4A J4E J5A L18C L21A (Modified) L21B L21B (Modified) L4H L4J PA-11 PA-12 PA-14 PA-15 PA-16 PA-17 PA-18 PA-19 PA-20 PA-22 PA-23-160 Apache PA-23-235 PA-23-250 PA-24 PA-25 PA-28 Series TC number EU State of Design UK E/N/A A A A A A A A A E E E E E A E E A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Percival Piaggio Aero Industries Italy EASA.A.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1. ) Polikarpov Porterfield Putzer Elster PZL Mielec LBA 584/SA EASA.109 France Germany USA UK UK UK Germany EASA.360 EASA.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name PA-30 PA-31-300/325/350 PA-31P & 31T Series PA-32 PA-34 PA-34-220T (Seneca V) PA-36 PA-38 PA-39 and 40 PA-42 PA-42-720R PA-44 PA-46 PA-60 PO-2 CP50/65 B M18 Dromader M20 03 M26 Iskierka 175 8125 Cloudster 8500 F406 Caravan II Remos GX P-47 Thunderbolt Series Redwing BETA SE5A Do 28 Series Do 128-6 Dornier 228 Series Do 28G-92 TC number EU FAA A1EA FAA A20SO FAA A8EA FAA A3SO FAA A7SO EASA.A.A.360 EASA.077 FAA A17WE Russia USA Germany Poland State of Design E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A A E E E A A A E E A A A A E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Piper Aircraft Corp (Cont.080 TCDS 8 TCS 7 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 16 .A.Mk1 903 S91 LBA 1082 Germany USA Sweden Romania Germany UK UK France E A A A E E A A A A A EASA.A.232 EASA.A.090 FAA A9SO/A10SO FAA A18SO FAA A1EA FAA A23SO FAA A32SO EASA.A.A.057 Rearwin USA Reims Aviation Remos Aircraft Republic/Curtiss Robinson Rollason Royal Aircraft Factory RUAG Aerospace GmbH RUAG Aerospace GmbH / Gomolzig Flugzeug-und GmbH Ruschmeyer Luftfahrttechnik Ryan Saab SCCASA Scheibe-Flugzeubau Scottish Aviation Short Brothers SIPA EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.113 SAS.03343 Germany R90-230RG PT-22 ST3KR 91D Safir IAR-46 Series SF 23 Series Bulldog Series Twin Pioneer 3 S312 Tucano T.056 SAS.IM.A.359 EASA.A.IM.A.A.064 EASA.S.IM. 185 FAA A-791 A4SW Italy USA USA 31 August 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 17 .031 Russia Canada USA Tecnam Thorp (AD Aerospace Inc) Thrush Aircraft Inc.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.A.A.A.A.294 FAA A22NM FAA A8SO FAA A8SO 154-2 DGAC-F TCDS 6 EASA. A-1B Husky Aviat A-1C Husky Pitts S-1 Series Pitts S-2 Series CA-25 Series Stampe SV4 Series T67A T67B T67C T67M T67M200 T67M260 T67M260-T3A T67M MKII P-2 KRAGUJ M1C SK1 Camel Replica Dove Pup Triplane Replica Martlet Arrow RS 180 Super Aero 45 108 HW-75 V-77 Reliant Su-26 Su-26M Su-26M2 Su-29 Su-31 Su-31M OMF-100-160 65 Series BC12D F-19 Series F-21 Series F-22 Series Plus D P-92J and JS P2002-JF P2006T T-211 (Factory Built only) S2R Series TC number EU EASA.390 EASA.IM.390 EASA.1M.A.2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Aviat A-1.390 EASA.A.094 SAS EASA.006 EASA.390 State of Design USA E/N/A E E E E E A E E E E E E E E A A A A A A A A A E A A A A E E E E E E E A A A A A A E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Sky International Inc (Including Pitts/ Aviat/Christen) Skyfox Aviation SNCAN Slingsby Aviation Australia Belgium UK Soko Sokol Somers Kendall Sopwith Yugoslavia Czech Republic UK UK Southern Spartan Sportavia Puetzer (EIS GmbH) SPP Stinson LBA 1014 UK UK Germany Poland USA Sukhoi Symphony Aircraft Taylorcraft A-774 SAS SAS SAS SAS.A.390 EASA.390 EASA.A.A.390 EASA. (Including Ayres) SO/A-340 EASA.390 EASA.A.A.093 SAS.A. A-1A. A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.IM.A.A.055 SAS. 40.385 EASA.019 EASA. 41 Series WA 51 WA 52 WA 80 WA 81 D-4 Fascination Lysander IIIA XA42 Yak-1 Yak-3U Yak-12 Yak-18 (But NOT -18T) Yak-18T Yak-50 Yak-52 Yak-54 Yak-55 Yak-55M Yak C.048 USA France WD Aircraft Gmbh Westland Xtreme Air Gmbh Yakovlev TC 51 TC 51 EASA.A.507 Germany UK Germany Russia SAS.047 SAS.A.385 A358 Australia Italy Waco WACO Classic Aircraft Wassmer/Issoire USA EASA.A095 SAS SAS SAS JAA/VLA/99-002 Canada Zenair 29 February 2012 Section 1 Part 2 Page 18 .2 Light / Commuter / Very Light Aeroplanes (Continued) Product Name Jackaroo Belfair Trainer 1 680 Series 690 Series 695 Series Aero Commander 500 Rockwell 700 2150 Series Kachina Seafire Series Spitfire Series Walrus MK1 Airtourer Series P68 Series AP68TP Series F600A/SF600 UPF-7 YKS-7 WACO YMF Series Cerva CE 43/44 WA 4.A.A.11 CH2000 Series TC number EU State of Design UK Belgium FAA 2A4 FAA 2A4 FAA 2A4 FAA 6A1 FAA A12SW FAA 4A19 USA E/N/A A A A E E E E E E A A A A E E E A A E E E A A A A E A E A A A A E A A E E E A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Thruxton Tipsy Twin Commander Aircraft Corp Varga (Augustair) Vickers-Supermarine USA UK Victa Vulcanair SpA EASA. 044 EASA.A.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes Product Name AMT-100 AMT-200 AMT-200S RF-5 AJ-1 Serrania L-13 Blanik Series L-23 Super-Blanik L-33 Solo Mu 13 AS-12 ASH 25 ASH 25E ASH 25M ASH 26 ASH 26E ASK-13 ASK 14 ASK 16 ASK 16 B ASK 18 ASK 18B ASK-21 ASK 23 ASW-12 ASW 12 BV ASW-15 ASW-15B ASW-17 ASW 19 ASW-19B ASW 20 ASW 20 B ASW 20 BL ASW 20 C ASW 20 CL ASW 20 L ASW 20 TOP ASW 22 ASW 22 B ASW 22 BE ASW 22 BL ASW 22 BLE ASW 22 BLE 50 R ASW 22 M ASW 24 ASW 24 B ASW 24 E ASW 27 ASW-28 TC number EU EP-8602 EP-8602 EP-8602 DGAC-E 73 EASA.A.A. Spain Czech Republic Germany Germany Akaflieg Munchen Alexander Schleicher GmbH 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 19 .220 EASA.045 LBA 259 LBA 364 LBA 858 LBA 858 LBA 383 LBA 883 LBA 267 LBA 684 LBA 758 LBA 758 LBA 307 LBA 307 EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.s. L.017 State of Design Brazil E/N/A E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Aeromot Aeronautica de Jaen (Aerojaen S.024 EASA.A.A.221 LBA 353 LBA 259 LBA 259 LBA 272 LBA 272 LBA 282 LBA 308 LBA 308 LBA 314 LBA 314 LBA 314 LBA 314 LBA 314 LBA 314 LBA 851 LBA 351 LBA 351 LBA 834 LBA 351 LBA 834 LBA 834 LBA 834 LBA 366 LBA 366 LBA 859 EASA.) Aircraft Industries a.A. Antares International S.A.A.451 SAS.o.A.l.R.A.312 BG 143 BG 163 BG 198 EASA.448 ENAC A 154 (SAS.0. Auto-Aero Auto-Aero Budapest Ungarn Aviacom PL Sp.005 SAS.) Allstar PZL-Glider Sp.A.A.449 SAS SAS FAA G56EU EASA.001) SAS State of Design E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E N E E E E A E A A A E A E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Alexander Schleicher GmbH (contd.034 LBA 211 LBA 216 LBA 216 LBA 216 LBA 239 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 205 LBA 164 EASA.Z.A. Poland AMS-Flight d.o.004 SAS.006 SAS.o.z.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.0. Aviastroitel Barry Aviation Birmingham Guild Bogumil Bereœ Breguet Slovenia Italy Hungary Hungary Poland Russia USA UK Poland France EASA.A.A.o.A.r.007 TC 171 TC 171 TC 171 TC 171 TC179 TC 188 UK France Carden/Abbott-Baynes CARMAM Centrair France 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 20 .3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name ASW-28-18E K-7 K-8 K-8B K 8C K 10 A Ka 6 Ka 6/0 Ka-6 B Ka-6 BR Ka 6 BR-Pe Ka-6 C Ka-6 CR Ka-6 CR-PE Ka-6 E Rhönlerche II SZD-48-3 Jantar Standard 3 SZD-50-3 Puchacz SZD-51-1 Junior SZD-55-1 SZD-59 Carat A Caproni Calif A2 Series Gòbè R-26S R 26 SU "Gòbè" B1-PW5 AC-4a/ME7 AC-4c KR-03A Puchatek BG-135 SZD-56 Diana 900 901-7 904 Series 905 Series Scud Series JP 15 Series M100 S M200 Series 101 101A 101AP 101P 210B SNC 34C TC number EU EASA.041 EASA. 066 (SF 3/82) EASA.A.065 (SF 3/82) EASA.233 EASA.233 EASA.A.067 EASA.095 EASA.453 EASA.A.A.A.A.A.A.454 EASA.A.A.A.A.095 EASA.095 EASA.065 (SF 3/82) LBA 207 LBA 252 LBA 850 LBA 329 LBA 218 LBA 218 State of Design Romania E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Germany UK Germany E E A E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Constructii Aeronautice (IAR) DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Germany Diamond Aircraft Industries Austria EADS Deutschland FS 24 Phönix Series GmbH Military Air Sys Phoebus Series Edgley EA9 Optimist Eichelsdoerfer Kiwi Flugzeugbau Mistral c SB 5 B SB 5 E 30 November 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 21 .A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.A.095 EASA.A.A.138 EASA.233 EASA.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name IS28B2 IS-28M Series IS-29 Series IS32A S30 DG-100 Series DG-200 Series DG-300 Series DG-400 DG-500 Elan Orion DG-500 Elan Trainer DG-500M DG-500MB DG-500/20 Elan DG-500/22 Elan DG-600 DG-600/18 DG-600/18M DG-600M DG-800A DG-800B & C DG-808 S DG-1000 Series LS1 Series LS3 Series LS4 Series LS6 Series LS7 Series LS8 Series LS9 Series H-36 Dimona HK-36 Super Dimona HK 36 TC HK 36 TS HK 36 TTC HK 36 TTC-ECO (Restricted Category) HK-36-TTS TC number EU EASA.A.067 EASA.A.A.065 (SF 3/82) EASA.A.065 (SF 3/82) EASA.A.233 EASA.A.A.067 EASA.233 LBA 370 LBA 370 LBA 866 LBA 866 EASA.A.453 LBA 301 LBA 323 LBA 359 LBA 826 EASA.A.452 EASA.095 EASA.A.233 EASA.047 EASA.065 (SF 3/82) EASA.A.453 EASA.065 (SF 3/82) EASA.A.072 EASA. A.r.241 EASA.241 EASA.241 EASA.5 Diamant 18 HBV Diamant Kranich Series Olympia Meise Weihe RF 3 RF 4 RF 8 RF 9 RF 10 BS 1 Club Libelle 205 Glasflügel 304 Glasflügel 604 H 30 GFK H-301 Libelle H-301B Libelle Hornet Hornet C Kestrel Mosquito Mosquito B Standard Libelle Standard Libelle 201B Standard Libelle 203 Astir CS 77 Astir CS JEANS Astir CS Top Series Club Astir II G102 Astir CS TC number EU SAS.A.A.A.250 LBA 856 EASA.A.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name PIK-20 PIK-20B PIK-20D PIK-20E Fournier RF5 RF-4D RF5B “Sperber” SFS 31 DG 303 Elan Olympia Series PIK-16 Vasama AIR 100/102 L13 Vivat Series ST CIRRUS G/81 AV22 AV36/361 Diamant 16.A.241 EASA.A.085 LBA 695 LBA 666 LBA 695 LBA 755 State of Design Finland E/N/A E E E E E E E E N A A A E N A A E E E A A A E E A E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Eiriavion Oy EIS Aircraft GmbH Germany Elan Flight Ltd.250 Germany Switzerland EASA.046 Germany Fournier Aerostructure France Glasfaser-Flugzeug Service GmbH Grob-Werke Germany 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 22 .o.A.241 EASA.A.A.A.A.241 EASA.A.241 EASA. s.A.241 EASA.A.250 EASA.023 SAS.A. Fabrika Aviona i Jadrilica ´Jastreb´ Vr Fauvel FFA Flugzeugwerke Altenrhein AG Focke Wulfe Slovenia UK Finland France Czech Republic Slovenia France 10 124-165 10 124 180 513-100 LBA 111 LBA 68 TC 28 TC 28 TC 167 EASA.241 EASA. Begunje .241 EASA.241 LBA 213 EASA.A.A.250 EASA.241 EASA.A.024 SAS.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.241 EASA.A.241 EASA.A.Slovenia Elliot’s ERI Aviation Ets Roche EVEKTOR spol.023 SAS.A. 433 SF6/84 SF6/84 EASA.434 EASA.) Grunau HB-Flugtechnik Heine Dittmar HPH spol. 78B Siren Pik 20 E2F.A.A.A.A.o.306 EASA.A.A.A.A.A. 26P WA 28.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.011 SAS SAS.250 EASA.A.433 EASA.018 LBA 818 EASA.250 EASA.250 EASA.A.250 EASA.250 EASA.434 EASA.250 LBA 278 EASA.433 EASA.s r.A.434 EASA.A. Pik 30 WA 20 WA 21 WA 22.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name G102 Club Astir III & IIIB G102 Standard Astir III G103 C "Twin III" G103 C Twin III SL G103 Twin II G103 Twin II Acro G103 Twin III Acro G103 Twin Astir G109 G109B Speed Astir II Speed Astir II B Standard Astir II Standard Cirrus G Twin Astir Trainer Baby Series HB 21 HB 21 V1 HB 21 V2 HB 21/2400 HB 21/2400B HB 23/2400 HB 23/2400 Scanliner HB 23/2400 SP HB 23/2400 V2 HB-3AR HB-3BR Condor 4 Glasflügel 304 Series AMP 30 Series APM 20 D77 E75.A.250 EASA.030 EASA.A.A.A.A. 28EF. Issoire Aviation Germany Czech Republic France SAS.A.250 EASA. 22A WA 23 WA 26CM.434 EASA.250 EASA.252 TC number EU EASA.A.A.250 LBA 817 LBA 817 EASA.A.250 EASA.434 EASA.250 EASA.A.306 Germany Austria State of Design E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E A A E A A A E E E A E E E A A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Grob-Werke (contd.092 France Germany Germany France Czech Republic Germany Jean Pottier Korff & Co.A.016 SAS.A.A.A.A. 78.A.A. 28E.015 SAS. Lange Flugzeugbau GmbH Loavia Lunak M&D Flugzeugbau Produktions 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 23 .433 EASA. 28F WA 30 Kit Club 15-34 Taifun 17E Series E1 Antares LA LF-107 AVO 68 Series “Samburo” EASA. A.A.A.A.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name MDM-1P Fox-P Swift S-1 Moswey III Elfe PM3 AN Series Elfe S-2 Elfe S-3 Elfe S-4 Elfe S-4A 902 904 905 906 Mg19 Series B4-PC11 Ls8-tpw Rhonsperber Bergfalke SF 25 Series SF-26A SF-27 Series SF 28 A “Tandem-Falke” SF 30 A "Club Spatz" Spatz Specht Sperber Zugvogel Series SF-34 SF 34 B SF 36 A SF 36 R Arcus T Cirrus/Cirrus VTC Discus-2a Discus-2b Discus-2T Discus A Discus B Discus-bM Discus-bT Duo Discus Duo Discus T Go3 Mimimoa Hutter 17 Janus Janus B Janus C Janus Ce Janus CM Janus CT TC number EU EASA.A.025 EASA.A.A.025 SAS.A.A.105 SAS.103 EASA.038 S-38-04 S39-05 SAS.A.026 EASA.099 EASA.A.A.025 SAS.102 EASA.A.049 EASA.A.074 LBA 59 LBA 67 LBA 295 LBA 295 LBA 295 LBA 295 LBA 809 LBA 809 Austria Switzerland Germany Germany Germany Germany Germany 31 October 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 24 .A.050 EASA.A.A041 SAS.106 EASA.A.A.049 EASA.532 LBA 265 EASA.050 Nord/SNCAN France Oberlechner Pilatus Rolladen Schneider Scheibe Scheibe-Aircraft GmbH Scheibe-Flugzeugbau Schempp-Hirth Flugzeugbau GmbH EASA.039 EASA.049 EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.026 SAS.101 EASA.A.107 EASA.A.A.A041 TCDS 139 TCDS 44 TCDS 30 TCDS 91 SF15/92 S 43-02 State of Design Poland Switzerland Switzerland Switzerland E/N/A E E A A E A E E E E E E E A E A A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Marganski Edward Bielsko-Biala-Po Moswey-Werke Neukom Neukom A.A041 SAS.100 EASA.104 EASA.098 EASA.A.050 EASA.A.049 EASA. 301 EASA.301 EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.442 – CZ 90-01 LBA 140/203 LBA 154 LBA 50 M39-06 SAS.063 EASA.A.5 Nimbus-3D Nimbus-3DM Nimbus-3DT Nimbus-3T Nimbus-4 Nimbus-4D Nimbus-4DM Nimbus-4DT Nimbus-4M Nimbus-4T SHK-1 Standard Austria Standard Austria-S Standard Austria-SH Standard Austria-SH-1 Ventus a Ventus a/16.301 LBA 349 EASA.A.021 State of Design E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A A A A E A E A Manufacturer/ TC Holder Schempp-Hirth Flugzeugbau GmbH (contd.A.A.6 Ventus bT Ventus c Ventus cM Ventus cT Ventus 2A Ventus 2B Ventus-2c Ventus-2cM Ventus-2cT VSO 10 Standard Cirrus G Discus CS Ka2 Series Ka3 Series Rhonbussard Viking Elfe Top Series Harbinger C30 S C34 TC number EU LBA 328 LBA 328 LBA 328 LBA 286 LBA 286 LBA 286 LBA 798 LBA 286 LBA 286 LBA 373 LBA 847 LBA 847 LBA 831 LBA 380 LBA 380 EASA.301 LBA 349 LBA 349 LBA 349 EASA.A. s r.6 Ventus b Ventus b/16.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name Mini-Nimbus B Mini-Nimbus C Mini-Nimbus HS-7 Nimbus 2 Nimbus 2B Nimbus-2C Nimbus 2M Nimbus-3 Nimbus-3/24.063 EASA.A.063 LBA 258 LBA 230 LBA 235 LBA 235 LBA 235 LBA 349 LBA 349 LBA 349 LBA 349 EASA.A.) Schempp-Hirth KG Schempp-Hirth výroba letadel spol.A.063 EASA.A.A. Schleicher Yugoslavia Czech Republic Germany Scott Segelflugzeugbau Shenstone Siren Bertin UK Germany UK France 31 October 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 25 .301 EASA. KG Swales Technoflug GmbH 01/03 EASA.088 11/TL/60 BG-036/2 13/TL/60 BG-013/1 EASA.A.51 Dart T.319 7/TL/61 BG-32/2 BG-117/1 BG-054/2 BG-071/2 BG-086/1 BG-098/1 BG-110/2 BX-104/1 EASA.A.A.446 EASA.3 Sailplanes / Powered Sailplanes (Continued) Product Name Kestrel 22 All models up to and including T50 T.087 SAS.65 Series C800 LAK 12 LAK 17 Series LAK 19A H 101 “Salto” S-10 Series SD3 CARAT Piccolo Piccolo B FK 3 Aero VMA 200 Milan Lo100 ASH 25 EB ASH 25 EB 28 PW-5 Smyk PW-6 SZD-9bis 1D SZD-9bis 1E SZD-22 C Mucha-Standard SZD-24-4A Foka SZD-24 C Foka SZD-25 A Lis SZD-30 (A) Pirat SZD-30C Pirat SZD-32A Foka 5 SZD-36 A Cobra 15 SZD-38A Jantar 1 SZD-41A Jantar Standard SZD-42 Series SZD-45A Ogar SZD-48 Series SZD-52 Krokus 24 Kranjanek TC number EU State of Design UK E/N/A A A E E E A E E A E E E E E A E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A Manufacturer/ TC Holder Slingsby SAS.A.A.023 EASA.A.054 EASA.012 LBA 213 EASA.083 EASA.61 Series T.A.054 EASA.A.088 SAS.53B T.089 SNCAN Sportine Aviacija Start + flug Stemme GmbH & Co.087 EASA.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.A.441 Germany France Germany Germany Poland Zlin Czech Republic 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 26 .59D T59 Kestrel 19 S/no SSK/JP/054 T.054 France Lithuania Germany Germany UK Germany VFW-Fokker GmbH Speyer Victor Minié Voigt Alfred Walter Binder Motorenbau GmbH Zaklad Szybowcowy Jezów LBA 880 LBA 845 LBA 845 LBA 268 SAS.A. 004 EASA.BA.BA.019 EASA.BA.SAS.BA.BA.o AB2 AB2a AB 3 AB8 Aerotechnic AB AV 2 BB BB-S UK Russia France Russia Poland Germany Germany France Austria Belgium Czech Republic 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 27 .BA.008 EASA.BA.BA.Annonay Chaize CS Series Air Concept Chaize JZ Series Chaize JZX Series Ballonservice and Schön Series Technik Ballons Libert Libert L Type Libert L 12 Type Libert LC Type Balóny Kubícek spol.BA.108 EASA. (Raven) Aerophile 5500 (Aero 30) Cell RX-6 RX-7 RX-8 RX-9 RXS-8 S-49A S-52A S-53A S-55A S-57A S-60A S-66A S-71A S-77A W100LB Airtour All Models A/S Dirizhalstroy DS-AT8 Association Aéronautique HG Series Nord de la Fr Augur AL-30 Aviotex BC-1 Series Ballonbau Woerner FK-5500/STU FK-STU/280 FKP-STU K-STU NL-STU Ballonfabrik Augsburg K-800/1-Ri K-Ri Series Ballons Chaize .4 Balloons Product Name TC number EU DGAC 192 FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE FAA A15CE – SAS.BA.s.019 EASA.006 EASA.r.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.002 EASA.019 EASA.003 EASA.011 EASA.BA.BA.015 EASA.002 – SAS.001 EASA.017 State of Design France USA E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E N E E N E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Aerophile Aerostar Intl.BA.015 TC 182 TC 182 BA 009-ACG EASA.BA.001 EASA.009 LBA 8013 EASA.BA.001 EASA.BA.BA.BA. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.4 Balloons (Continued) Product Name TOMI AX-6, AX-7, AX-8, AX-9 HG 900 MAB A Type C Type Cameron GP Type Cameron H Type Cameron TR Type Cameron V Type Cameron Z Type Colt A Type Colt “Bullet” Type GB1000 N Type O Type R Type S-31 Sky Balloons 16 Series Sky Balloons 24 Series Sky Balloons 28 Series Special Shapes Thunder “Bolt” Type Thunder A Type Thunder AX Series S1 Thunder AX Series S2 Thunder AX3 Sky Chariot Thunder Z Type V-20 Refer to EASA for applicable types Colt 56C HG Series All Models L Series Apoly1 44000 AX7-77 AX7-77b AX8-88 AX8-88b AX8-105 AX9-118 70TA 80TA B 105 VL Series TC number EU SAS.BA.013 SAS.BA.003 SAS.BA.008 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 – EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 BB25 – BB20 BB5 BB19 EASA.BA.012 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 EASA.BA.013 – – State of Design Hungary France UK UK E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E A E E E E E E E E A E A E A E A E A E E E E E E A A E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Banyanszati Aknamelytö Vallalat Boiteux Brighton Cameron Balloons Cameron (US) Colt Balloons Dechamps Dragon Balloons Durondeau Flying Pictures Head Balloons USA UK France UK Belgium UK USA SAS.BA.005 SAS.BA.011 FAA A29SO FAA A29SO FAA A29SO FAA A29SO FAA A29SO FAA A29SO Interavia Kavanagh Leys Russia VL501 SAS.BA.006 Australia France 21 February 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 28 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.4 Balloons (Continued) Product Name G Series Balloons Lindstrand A Type Lindstrand A Type Cloudhopper Lindstrand B Type Lindstrand C Type Lindstrand L Type Lindstrand S Type Lindstrand Special Shape Type Lindstrand X Type M Series Balloons 203T High Flyer LBL 203P AX-7 AX-10 MM Series AX-6 AX-7 AX-8 N-22 MA Series Firefly Series Sup-Air Series Fire balloons G Special Shapes 0-5 F Series H Series M Series N Series S Series T Series V Series Z Series Ultramagic V-14 K Series All Models RSz Series All Models MGZ 2-2,S TC number EU BB10 EASA.BA.021 EASA.BA.501 EASA.BA.502 EASA.BA.503 EASA.BA.504 EASA.BA.505 State of Design UK E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E A E E E A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons Ltd EASA.BA.120 EASA.BA.506 BB11 EASA.BA.005 BB23 Lindstrand Technologies Ltd Mecsek Montgollfière Moderne SCB UK Hungary 73/146 France Hungary SEKPOL SIGA-Pilatre de Rozier Sundance Balloons Sup-Air Theo Schroeder fire balloons Thunder Balloons Ultramagic TC 186 FAA A14SO EASA.BA.022 EASA.BA.016 EASA.BA.010 EASA.BA.517 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 EASA.BA.014 SAS.BA.009 SAS.BA.012 Poland France USA Hungary Germany UK Spain Ultramagic SA Van den Bemden Viking Balloons AB Wegry Western Balloons Zodiac 173/173 Spain Belgium Sweden Hungary UK France 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 29 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.5 Airships Product Name ABC 60 Series AT-10 AS Series D Series DG-14 Skystar AS 105 GD (Hot Air Airship) Skyship 600 HS 110 LBL GT110 AS-33 PL 4360A WDL I WDL IB Aeros 40B LZN 07-100 TC number EU FAA AS1NM SAS.BA.019 BAS7 BAS8 BAS5 BAS3 EASA.AS.002 FAA AS1EU EASA.BA.512 State of Design USA UK UK E/N/A E E E E E E E E E A A E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder American Blimp Corp ATG Ltd Cameron Balloons GEFA-Flug Global Skyship Industries Lindstrand Balloons Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons Ltd Thunder Balloons WDL Germany USA UK UK UK Germany Worldwide Aeros Corp Zeppelin LBA 9002 LBA 9003 LBA 9004 FAA S00007LA EASA.AS.001 USA Germany 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 30 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.6 Rotorcraft Product Name A109/A119 AB-102 AB-139/AW-139 AB-204 B Series AB-205 A1 AB-206 A, B AB-212 AB-412 AB-412EP AS-61N AS-61N1 EH 101-300 EH 101-500/510 47 Series Silvercraft SH-4 206 Series 407 Series 427 Series Bell 222/230/430 Series Bell 429 Bell 204/205 Bell 212/412 Bell 214B B-2 Enstrom 280/480/F28 Series S64F BO105 BO 105 Series EC135 Series EC635 Series MBB-BK 117 Series AS332/EC225/SA330 Series AS350/EC130 Series AS355 Series AS365/366/EC155/SA365/366 Series EC120B SA315/316/319 Series SA318 Series SA341/342 Series SA360C Cabri G2 UH 12 Series TC number EU EASA.R.005 A 97 (withdrawn) EASA.R.006 A111/A129/A135/ A137 A150 A372 A 157 A 157 A 157 A 270 A 270 EASA.R.012 EASA.R.013 SAS.R.001 H-92 H-92 JAA/27/02-004 H-88 EASA.IM.R.506 FAA H1SW FAA H4SW FAA H6SW FAA 2H2 FAA H1CE EASA.IM.R.003 H-94 EASA.R.011 EASA.R.009 EASA.R.009 EASA.R.010 EASA.R.002 EASA.R.008 EASA.R.146 TC 159 EASA.R.508 EASA.R.123 EASA.R.124 TC 136 TC 153 (withdrawn) EASA.R.145 State of Design Italy E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E France USA E A Manufacturer/ TC Holder AGUSTA Agusta/Bell/Westland Antares International Bell Helicopter Textron Canada Ltd USA Italy Canada Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc Brantly Helicopter Corp Enstrom Helicopter Corporation Erickson Eurocopter Canada Eurocopter Deutschland (MBB Germany) Eurocopter France (Aerospatiale) USA USA USA USA Canada Germany France Helicopters Guimbal Hiller Helicopters 31 October 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 31 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 1.6 Rotorcraft (Continued) Product Name SA316B Alouette III Kaman K-1200 Ka-26 Ka-32 MD369 Series MD500 Series MD600 Series MD900 P-BO105 R22 Series R44 Series Skeeter 12 269 Series TC number EU State of Design Romania USA Russia USA E/N/A A E E E E E E E E E E A E Manufacturer/ TC Holder ICA Brasov Kaman Kamov MD Helicopters Philippine Aerospace Dev. Corp. (PADC) Robinson Helicopter Company SARO Schweizer Aircraft Corporation (Hughes) S.E.I. FAA TR7BO SAS SAS FAA H3WE FAA H3WE FAA H3WE JAA/27/96-001 Nr. 1 EASA.IM.R.120 EASA.IM.R.121 FAA 4H12 Philippines USA UK USA Sikorsky Sud Aviation Westland WSK PZL Œwidnik AMD-500N NH-300C NH-500D S-55T S-58 Series S-61 A/D/E/V S-61 L/NM/N/R S-76 Series S-92 SE313/3130 Alouette II Gazelle AH.MK1 Gazelle HT.MK2 Gazelle HT.MK3 Scout AH1 Wasp HAS1 Wasp MK1B Whirlwind HAR MK.10 PZL Kania PZL SW-4 PZL W-3A PZL W-3AS ENAC A206 ENAC A176 ENAC A206 – FAA 1H11 FAA H2EA FAA 1H15 FAA H1NE EASA.IM.R.001 Italy USA France UK EASA.R.501 EASA.R.100 EASA.R.007 EASA.R.007 Poland E E E E E E E E E A A A A A A A A E E E E Table 1.7 Unmanned Aerial Vehicles over 150 kg operating mass Product Name TC number EU State of Design E/N/A Manufacturer/ TC Holder None at present. 31 October 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 32 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2 Engines Turbine Engines Product Name AR 318-02 CT7-6 (under license to GE) 738 Series CFM56-2/-3 Series CFM56-5 Series CFM56-5B/-5C Series CFM56-7B Series GP7200 Series CF6-6 Series CF6-50 Series CF6-80 CF6-80A Series CF6-80C Series CF6-80E Series CF34-1 Series CF34-3 Series CF34-8 Series CF34-10 Series CF700 Series CJ610 Series CT7-2A and 6 Series CT7-8 Series CT58 Series GE90 Series ALF 502 Series AS907 ATF-3-6/6A LF 507 Series LTS 101 Series T5311/13/17-5508 TFE 731 Series TPE 331 Series TC number EU MO 99 MO 100 JAA/E/94-007 EASA.E.066 EASA.E.067 EASA.E.003 EASA.E.004 EASA.IM.E.026 FAA E23EA FAA E23EA FAA E13NE FAA E13NE FAA E13NE EASA.IM.E.007 FAA E15NE FAA E15NE JAA/E/00-023 EASA.IM.E.021 FAA E7EA FAA 1E16 FAA E8NE EASA.IM.E.010 FAA 1E3 EASA.IM.E.002 FAA A6NE JAA/E/02-025 FAA E7WE FAA A6NE EASA.IM.E.228 FAA A1EA EASA.IM.E.011/ E6WE FAA E4WE/ E3WE/E2WE FAA E31NE FAA E40NE TC 11 EASA.IM.E.106 FAA E9NE & E2EA FAA E3NE & E20EA JAA/E/02-028 JAA/E/94-008 EASA.IM.E.043 EASA.IM.E.020 State of Design Italy USA France E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E USA France USA E E E E E E E E E E Table 2.1 Manufacturer/ TC Holder Alfa Romeo CFE Company CFM International Engine Alliance GE Aircraft Engines (GE) USA USA Honeywell International Inc. USA International Aero Engines AG Microturbo Pratt & Whitney V2500-A1 V2500 Series TRS 18-1-202 JFTD12A Series JT8 Series JT9 Series PW2000 Series PW4000 Series PW4100 Series PW6000 Series 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 33 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.1 Turbine Engines (Continued) Product Name JT15D Series PT6A-41 Series PT6A-67 Series PT6B-36 & 37 Series PT6C-67 PT6T Series PW118 Series PW119 Series PW12X Series PW150 Series PW206 Series PW207 Series PW305 Series PW306 Series PW307 Series PW308 Series PW530/535 PW545 PW610F A PW615 Series 250 Series 501 Series AE2100 Series AE3007 Series BR700-710 Series BR700-715 Series Dart Series Spey Series Tay Series RB211-22B Series RB211-524B/-C/-D Series RB211-524G Series RB211-524H Series RB211-535 Series RB211 Trent 500 Series RB211 Trent 700 Series RB211 Trent 800 Series RB211 Trent 900 Series RB211 Trent 1000 Series Viper MK 500 Series Viper MK 600 Series RTM 322-01 Series TC number EU EASA.IM.E.077 EASA.IM.E.078 EASA.IM.E.008 EASA.IM.E.039 EASA.IM.E.022 E-10 EASA.IM.E.041 EASA.IM.E.041 EASA.IM.E.041 JAA/E/98-019 EASA.IM.E.017 EASA.IM.E.017 E-22 EASA.IM.E.051 EASA.IM.E.035 EASA.IM.E.057 EASA.IM.E.048 EASA.IM.E.013 EASA.IM.E.028 EASA.IM.E.025 JAA/E/99-021 FAA E-282 EASA.IM.E.040 JAA/E/96-017 EASA.E.018 EASA.E.023 EASA.E.065 EASA.E.064 EASA.E.063 CAA UK 1039 CAA UK 1043 CAA UK 1046 CAA UK 1048 CAA UK 1044/ 1049 EASA.E.060 EASA.E.042 CAA UK 1051 EASA.E.012 EASA.E.036 CAA UK 1025/33 CAA UK 1038 EASA.E.009 State of Design Canada E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Pratt & Whitney Canada Rolls Royce Allison USA Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co.KG Germany Rolls-Royce plc UK UK Rolls-Royce Turbomeca UK/France 30 June 2010 Section 1 Part 2 Page 34 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.1 Turbine Engines (Continued) Product Name Ardiden 1 Series Arriel 1 Series Arriel 2 Series Arrius 1 Arrius 2 Series Artouste II Series Artouste III Series Astazou II Series Astazou III A Astazou XIV & XVI Series Astazou XVIIIA Bastan VI-C1 Makila 1 Series Makila 2a TM 333 Series Turmo IVA Turmo IVC Walter M601 FJ44 Series TC number EU EASA.E.037 EASA.E.073 EASA.E.001 EASA.E.080 EASA.E.029 EASA.E.137 EASA.E.091 EASA.E.139 EASA.E.071 EASA.E.075 TC M2 (withdrawn) [No TC] EASA.E.072 EASA.E.006 EASA.E.030 TC M8 (withdrawn) EASA.E.074 EASA.E.070 EASA.IM.E.016 State of Design France E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Turbomeca Walter a.s. Williams Czech Republic USA Table 2.2 Non-Turbine Engines Product Name Rotax 275 Series Rotax 501 & 505 Series Rotax 535 Series Rotax 912 Series Rotax 914 Series R-1820 R-3350 R-988TC AE50R Series TC number EU EASA.E.210 EASA.E.208 EASA.E.209 EASA.E.121 EASA.E.122 E-219 E-272 E-287 TW 055 EASA.E.086 EASA.E.087 EASA.E.088 LBA 4601 TW 4/82 EASA.E.015 EASA.E.082 EASA.E.083 EASA.E.084 State of Design Austria E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder BRP Rotax Curtiss Wright USA Diamond Aircraft Industries Franklin SP z.o.o Austria Poland Franklin 2A Series Franklin 4A Series Franklin 6A Series Grob Luft und Raumfahrt Grob 2500 Series HB Flugtechnic VW-HB-2400G & G/2 Lange EA 42 Limbach Flugmotoren L 1700 L 2000 L 2400 Germany Austria Germany Germany 31 May 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 35 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.2 Non-Turbine Engines (Continued) Product Name M 132 Series M 137 Series M 332 Series M 337 Series M 462 Series Walter Mikron III Series 678/4 PFM3200 Series PFM3200T R985 Series R1340 Series R1830 Series R2800 Series S2100 S2489 S2500 SMA 305-230 Solo 560 Solo 2350 Solo 2489 Solo 2625 IO-240 Series IO-360 Series IO-550 Series All Models TAE 110 Series TAE 125-01 TAE Centurion Series M 208 Series Walter Minor 4-III Series Walter Minor 6-III Series AI-14R Series ASz 62IR Series GTD-350 Series PZL-10S/TWD10B Series PZL-10W Series TC number EU 96-03 96-02 98-06 & 92-08 98-04 & 94-06 66-04 92-05 LBA 4502 LBA 4602 LBA 4609 EASA.E.12 EASA.E.143/142 FAA TC 5E-4 FAA TC 5E-8 LBA 4608 LBA 4613 LBA 4580 EASA.E.076 LBA 4565 LBA 4603 LBA 4613 LBA 4600 EASA.IM.E.169 EASA.IM.E.005 EASA.IM.E.100 Various LBA 4628 EASA.E.055 EASA.E.014 04-03 04-01 04-01 CB-125 EASA.E.140 CC-038 CC-45/90 CC-190 State of Design Czech Republic E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder LOM Praha Parma-Technik Porsche K.-G, DR Ing h.c.F. Pratt & Whitney Czech Republic Germany USA Sauer Flugmotorenbau GmbH Societe Motorisation Aeronautique Solo Kleinmotoren GmbH Germany France Germany Teledyne Continental Motors Textron Lycoming Thielert Aircraft Engines USA USA Germany W-Motor Service s.r.o. Czech Republic Poland Poland WSK PZL-Kalisz S.A. WSK PZL-Rzeszow S.A. Table 2.3 Propellers Product Name Elprop 3 Series GT-2/173 Series AS2F1 AM-F3 TC number EU EASA.P.009 Z-DB-03/03 EASA.P.004 SVN-PR-03/02 State of Design Czech Republic Poland Germany Slovenia E/N/A E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Aero Sp Aero Sp. Alexander Schleicher GmbH AMS-Flight 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 36 P.500 EASA.o.3 Propellers (Continued) Product Name AVIA AV-723 Series AVIA AV-842-1 AVIA AV-844-1 V 210 V 310 V 410 Series V 500 Series V 503 Series V 506 V 508 Series V 510 Series V 520 BM Series (G1 Variant) DG-P001-1 Series R184 R193 R209 R212/R251 R306 R321 R324 R333 R334 R339 R341 R350 R352 R354 R375 R381 R389 R390 R391 R408 R410 HELICE EVRA Series TOP All Models All Models GT-2/166 Series All All Marks HC-J3Y EASA.P.P.P.E.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.P. Binder Motorenbau GmBH DG Flugzeugbau GmbH Dowty Propellers (GE Aviation Systems) Germany Germany UK EVRA Fischer Flottrop Manufacturing Co Great American Propeller GT-Eliche Hamilton Sundstrand Corporation Hartzell Propeller Inc France Germany USA USA Italy USA USA EASA.024 EASA.P.108 TC number EU EASA.025 EASA.P.010 EASA.P.P.187 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 37 .IM.022 EASA.P.110/025 State of Design Czech Republic E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Avia Propellers s.030 EASA.P.P.002 UK CAA 110 EASA.P.026 EASA.r.P.110 LBA 32.029 EASA.003 EASA.023 EASA.087 EASA.028 EASA.P.P.027 EASA.P.005 EASA.011 [No TC] UK CAA 104 [No TC] UK CAA 107 [No TC] [No TC] [No TC] UK CAA 108 UK CAA 115 UK CAA 102 UK CAA 102 UK CAA 111 UK CAA 105 UK CAA 103 UK CAA 109 UK CAA 114 UK CAA 112 UK CAA 113 EASA.P. 120/3 LBA 32.P.006 LBA 32.130/19 LBA 32.130/90 LBA 32.001 EASA.007 EASA.130/15 LBA 32.110/2 LBA 32. Germany USA Germany Sensenich Propeller Sensenich Wood Propellor Co Inc Sonex Ltd USA USA USA 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 38 .130/65 EASA.P.P.130/17 LBA 32.013 EASA. -6( ) MTV-1 Series MTV-3 Series MTV-6 Series MTV-7 Series MTV-9 Series MTV-11 Series MTV-12 Series MTV-14 Series MTV-15 Series MTV-16 Series MTV-17 Series MTV-18 Series MTV-20 MTV-21 MTV-22 MTV-24 MTV-25 Series MTV-27 Series All Marks All Marks Prince TC number EU LBA 32.130/82 LBA 32.130/88 LBA 32.130/97 EASA.-3( ).130/13 LBA 32.3 Propellers (Continued) Product Name Dorn 72 HO Series HO4 Series HO-E315 Series HO-V42/48 HO-V62 Series HO-V72 Series HO-V92 Series HO-V113 Series HO-V123 Series HO-V233 Series HO-V245 Series HO-V343 Series HO-V352 Series HO-V373 Series HOCO F-LM2 Series HOCO HMES Series V12/70 Series V 231 Series V 341 V 541 V 546 LF-P42 All Models MT( )( )( )-1. Czech Republic Lange McCauley Propeller MT-Propeller Co.130/56 LBA 32.P.130/16 LBA 32.-2( ).015 EASA.P.-4( ).130/84 LBA 32.094 LBA 32.P.110/1 LBA 32.110/11 LBA 32.130/58 LBA 32.110/3 LBA 32.P.098 EASA.130/83 LBA 32.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.130/75 LBA 32.130/11 LBA 32.104 State of Design Germany E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Hoffmann Propeller LOM Praha.P. s.017 EASA.P.P.130/54 EASA.008 LBA 32.130/2 92-09 96-01 98-05 01-02 EASA.p.110/5 LBA 32.130/68 LBA 32.130/86 LBA 32.130/53 LBA 32.130/96 LBA 32. 210.AW-2 Series Okecie US 122 000 Series (EADS PZL) US 132 000 Series US 133 000 Series US 135 000 Series Manufacturer/ TC Holder Technoflug Leichtflugzeugbau GmbH Czech Republic Poland Table 2.110/18 LBA 32.s. V 218 Series V 230 Series V 237 Series WSK PZL Warszawa.110/14 LBA 32.110/23 81-03 96-04 97-01 DB-122 DB-118 DB-115 DB-141 DB-128 State of Design Germany E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E KS KS-118-3 KS-132-2 KS-F2 KS-F3 VZLU a.DTA/M France lettre M3507 DGAC/SFACT lettre 53038 SFACT/TC EASA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Table 2.110/19 LBA 32.110/15 LBA 32.3 Propellers (Continued) Product Name TC number EU LBA 32. USA Microturbo PBS Velka Bites Pratt & Whitney Canada Safir 5K/G MI PW901 Series PW980A lettre 4188 .4 Auxiliary Power Units Product Name APS 2100 Series APS 2300 Series APS 3200 Series T-62T Series 131 Series 331 Series GTCP 36 Series GTCP 85 Series GTCP 331 Series GTCP 660 Series RE 100 Series RE 220 Series TSCP 700 Series Saphir 2 Series Saphir 4 Series Saphir 20 Series TC number EU State of Design USA E/N/A E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E E Manufacturer/ TC Holder Hamilton Sundstrand Corp Honeywell International Inc.1023 Czech (S-10-03) Republic AP-01 Canada 31 March 2011 Section 1 Part 2 Page 39 . INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . br Canada – TC Canada Communication Group – Publishing Ottawa Canada K1A 0S9 Phone: +1 819 956 4802 Fax: +1 819 994 1498 http://wwwapps3. The following services have been notified to the CAA in accordance with ICAO Annex 8 Part II Chapter Brazil . 1 Contact details for National Aviation Authorities Argentina .austrocontrol.dna. The contact details for the relevant data sources are given 50 – Vilas das Acácias (Prédio do CTA-IFI) 12228-901 – São José dos Campos – SP Brazil Fax: +55 (12) 3941-4766 E-mail: [email protected]/en/content/lfa/Luftfahrzeuge/Lufttuechtigkeit_und_Zertifi zierung/b_LTA/lta.htm Australia – CASA Airservices Australia Publications Centre PO Box 1986 Carlton South VIC 3053 Australia Fax: +61 3 9347 4407 Austria – ACG Austro Control GmbH (ACG) Osterreichische Gesellschaft für Zivilluftfahrt Abteilung FL Schnirchgasse 11 1030 Vienna Austria Phone: +43 5 1703 1610 Fax: +43 5 1703 1666 http://www.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Part 3 Sources of Data This CAP 747 makes reference to data published by ICAO Member Km 5½ (X5010JMN) Córdoba Phone: +351 433 3955 Fax: +351 433 3945 E-mail: [email protected]?rand= 30 September 2010 Section 1 Part 3 Page 1 .ar/dnaportal/reglamentacion/ads/ National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC) Aeronautical Products Certification Branch (GGCP) Praça Mal. Owners/operators must obtain the data from the issuing organisation.DCA Dirección de Certificación Aeronáutica – División Dificultades en Servicio Avenida Fuerza Aérea. To ensure continuous and timely receipt of mandatory Continuing Airworthiness Information it is necessary to subscribe to a service from the relevant State of Design.gc.Eduardo Gomes. but does not republish that information.anac. France DGAC Bureau Veritas – Aéronautique Espace Base de donnée et Publications techniques BP 55 31702 Blagnac Cedex France Phone: +33 5 61 16 72 61 Fax: +33 5 61 16 72 85 E-mail: http://www.lba.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA Civil Aviation Authority of the Czech Republic Airworthiness Division Ruzyne Airport 160 08 Prague 6 Czech Republic E-mail: [email protected]/en/[email protected] Finland – FCAA Civil Aviation Administration Flight Safety Authority Technical Division PO Box 50 01531 Vantaa Finland Fax: +358 9 82772499 or 358 9 82772496 E-mail: [email protected]?stranka=193&menu=182&mm=117 EASA Airworthiness Directives Certification Directorate EASA Postfach 10 12 53 D-50452 Koeln Germany Phone: +49 (0)221 8999 0000 (Switchboard) E-mail: [email protected]/dokumente/ad/html/ 30 September 2010 Section 1 Part 3 Page 2 .php Germany – LBA Firma Eisenschmidt GmbH Postfach 11 07 61 D-60042 Frankfurt/Main Germany Phone: +49 69 671392 Fax: +49 69 671892 http://www.bureauveritas. Italy Phone: +39 06 44185361 Fax: +39 06 44185420 E-mail: a. 70100 http://en.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Indonesia – DAC Directorate of Airworthiness Certification Karya Building Floor 22nd Ministry of Transportation JI Medan Merdeka Barat No. Engineering Section Airworthiness Division Engineering Department Civil Aviation Bureau Ministry of www.mlit.html Lithuania – CAA Rodunios kelias 2 LT-02188 Vilnius Lithuania Phone: + 370 5 273 90 38 Fax: + 370 5 273 92 37 E-mail: [email protected] . Japan 100-8918 Phone: +81 3 5253 8735 Fax: +81 3 5253 1661 Japan – CAB Chief.rupa.php 30 September 2010 Section 1 Part 3 Page 3 . Infrastructure and Transport 2-1-3. 8 Jakarta 10110 Indonesia Phone: +62 21 350 6664 Fax: +62 21 350 6663 E-mail: [email protected] Israel – CAA Civil Aviation Authority PO Box 8 Ben Gurion Airport Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Italy – ENAC ENAC Dipartimento Sicurezza Area Regolamentazione Sicurezza Servizio Manutenzione e Produzione Via di Villa Ricotti 42 00161 aspx New Zealand – CAANZ Physical address Postal address Level 15 PO Box 3555 55 Featherston Street Wellington Wellington 6140 6011 New Zealand New Zealand Phone: +64 4 560 9400 Fax: +64 4 569 2024 Email: [email protected] http://[email protected] Serbia Phone: +381 11 311 73 47 Fax: +381 11 311 75 79 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.php 29 February 2012 Section 1 Part 3 Page 4 Poland – CAO Civil Aviation Office Urz¹d Lotnictwa Cywilnego 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Netherlands – CAA-NL Aircraft registry PO Box 575 2130 AN Hoofddorp The Netherlands Phone: +31 88 489 00 00 Fax: +31 70 456 30 06 E-mail: info. ¯elazna 59 00-848 Warszawa E-mail: [email protected] Polish ADs are provided to foreign operators by the manufacturers of the products. Cod 71950 Bucuresti (Otopeni Int’l Airport) Romania Phone: +401 203 2729 Fax: +401 203 2763 Serbia – CAD Civil Aviation Directorate Omladinskih Brigada1 11070 New http://www.5 Sector 1.govt. Operators of UK Registered Polish aircraft should contact the appropriate organisations to be added to their mailing lists. Romania – CAA Autoritatea Aeronautica Civila Romana Soseaua Bucuresti – Ploiesti Km. airworthinessdirectivespublished. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Spain – DGAC Direccion General de Aviacion Civil Subdireccion General del Control de Transporte Aereo directivaser Area de Inspeccion y Seguridad en Vuelo Paseo de la Castellana 67 28071 Madrid Spain Attn: AERONAVES/CERTIFICACION/DIRECTIVAS_AERONAVEGABILIDAD/ Sweden – LFV Swedish Civil Aviation Administration SE-601 79 Norrkoping Sweden Phone: +46 11 192000 Fax: +46 11 192680 http://www. AFS-610 PO Box 26460 Oklahoma José Antonio Basáñez E-mail: [email protected] OK 73125 Phone: (405) 954-4103 Fax: (405) 954-4104 Phone: +34 91 597 88 59 Fax: +34 91 597 85 84 www.html?lang=en United Kingdom – CAA United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority Policy and Standards Department Safety Regulation Group Aviation House Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR Telephone: +44 (0) 1293 573150 or 573238 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 573993 E-mail: 30 September 2010 Section 1 Part 3 Page 5 .htm Switzerland – FOCA Federal Office for Civil Aviation Type Certification (MZ) Airworthiness Directives Maulbeerstrasse 9 CH-3003 Berne 8 Switzerland Phone: +41 31 325 9780 Fax: +41 31 322 5918 United States of America – FAA Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness Programs [email protected]. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . depending upon the particular circumstance. 2042/2003 Annex I (Part M). Those items that were cancelled or superseded have not been included. For each Airworthiness Directive or other mandatory requirement published in CAP 747. Due to the details of the scope of European and UK legislation. Applied to non-EASA aircraft under the UK Air Navigation Order. propeller and equipment. 216/2008. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Introduction Page 1 . that relevant legislation is indicated by annotating the entry according to the following key: Regulation Requirement (1) (2) (3) Requirement applied to EASA aircraft and notified under Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No. (Generic requirements that may apply to any number of products are provided in Section 2. mandatory requirements may be applied by the CAA under European regulations. Maintenance or Operations related requirements applied under the UK Air Navigation Order or Commission Regulation (EC) No. Part 3).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section 2 Introduction 1 Mandatory Information This Section of CAP 747 provides the airworthiness directives and mandatory information issued by the CAA for specific types of aircraft. engine. national regulations or both. with the information presented in alphabetical order of each type. 2 NOTE: Only those Mandatory requirements that are currently applicable have been transferred from CAP 476 Mandatory Modifications and Inspections Summary (UK aircraft). INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . DH83.206 Series 1 and 2 Aircraft (1) Bell 206 Series Helicopters (1) Bell 212 Series Helicopters (1) Boeing 727 Series 100. DH80. Part 1 Aircraft Airworthiness Directives and Mandatory Information Issued by the CAA (2) AESL. Applied to non-EASA aircraft under the UK Air Navigation Order. Contents Key: (1) (2) (3) Requirement applied to EASA aircraft and notified under Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No. DH87. 4 and 5 Variants 'J' and 'D' Series and Taylorcraft Plus 'C' and 'D' Aircraft (2) Auster 6A and Beagle A. 2042/2003 Annex I (Part M). 100C and 200 (1) Boeing 737-200 and -200 Adv Series (1) Boeing 737-300.121 Series Aircraft (2) Beagle B. Glos Air Airtourer and Victa Airtourer Series and Airtourers Modified to AESL-T3 Standard 1 (2) ARV Aviation ARV 1 Super 2 Aircraft (2) Auster 3. Maintenance or Operations related requirements applied under the UK Air Navigation Order or Commission Regulation (EC) No.61 Series Aircraft (2) Aviation Traders ATL98 Carvair (2) Avro Anson and Avro 19 (2) Beagle A. Contents Page 1 . 400 and 500 Series (1) Boeing 737-300 Pemco Freighter/QC STC Conversion (1) Boeing 747 Series Aircraft (1) Boeing 757 Series Aircraft (1) Boeing 767 Series Aircraft (1) Boeing (Douglas) DC8 Series 50 (1) Boeing (Douglas) DC8-63 and 63F (1) Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-9 Series (1) Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-10 Series (1) Bombardier (De Havilland Canada) DHC-7 (1) Cessna Series Aircraft (2) De Havilland DHC–1 Chipmunk Series Aircraft (2) De Havilland DH60. DH94 and Queen Bee Series Aircraft (2) De Havilland DH89 Rapide Series Aircraft (2) De Havilland DH104 Dove Series Aircraft (2) DH 104 Riley Dove Series 1 and 2 1 1 7 1 1 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 1 1 1 5 1 12 29 January 2010 Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section 2. 216/2008. DH82.109 Aircraft (2) Beagle B. DH85. Contents Page 2 .28 Series Aircraft (2) Douglas DC-3 and Dakota (2) Jodel Series Aircraft (1) Learjet 35A/36A (1) Lockheed L–188 Series Aircraft (2) Luscombe Series Aircraft (2) Miles M14a Hawk Trainer III (Magister) (2) Miles M38 Messenger (2) Miles M65 Gemini (2) Percival Prentice (2) Percival Proctor and Vega Gull (2) Rollason Druine Condor (1) Scheibe Series Motor Gliders (2) All Scottish Aviation Bulldog Aircraft (2) Scottish Aviation Bulldog Series 100 and 120 Aircraft (2) Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer (1) Sikorsky S61 Series Helicopters (2) SNCAN Stampe et Renard and Aerospatiale Stampe SV4 Series Aircraft (2) Trago Mills SAH 1 Series Aircraft (2) Westland Bell 47 Series Helicopters 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 1 1 1 1 Engines (2) Alvis Leonides Engines (2) Rolls Royce (Bristol Siddeley) Cheetah Engines (2) Rolls Royce (De Havilland) Cirrus Engines (2) Cirrus Minor II and IIA (2) Cirrus Major II and III (2) Cirrus Engine Inspections (2) Rolls Royce Continental Engines (2) Rolls Royce Gem Series Engines (2) Rolls Royce (De Havilland) Gipsy Engines Gipsy Major 1 (All Series) and Major 10 Mark 1 Gipsy Queen 30 Series Gipsy Queen 70 Series Gipsy Engine Inspections (2) Rolls Royce Gnome Engines (2) Rolls Royce Tyne Engines (2) Rolls Royce Viper Engines 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 31 March 2010 Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DH114 Heron Series Aircraft (1) Dornier Do. 16 GR No. 11 GR No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Propellers (2) British Aerospace Dynamics Group Britannia Propellers and Equipment Heron Hydromatic Propellers and Equipment Pembroke. 13 GR No. 17 Generic Requirements Minimum Space for Seated Passengers Access to and Opening of Type III and Type IV Emergency Exits Electrical Generation Systems – Aircraft Not Exceeding 5. 14 GR No. Linen and Synthetic Fabric-Covered Aircraft Helicopter Emergency Escape Facilities Painting of Aircraft Maintenance of Cockpit and Cabin Combustion Heaters and their associated Exhaust Systems Flame Resistant Furnishing Materials Improved Flammability Test Standards for Cabin Interior Materials Light Aircraft Maintenance Programme (EASA Aircraft) and Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule (Non-EASA Aircraft – Annex II) Tyre Bursts In Flight – Inflation Media Maintenance Requirements for Variable Pitch Propellers Installed on Aircraft Holding a UK Certificate of Airworthiness 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 January 2010 Section 2. 6 GR No. 3 GR No. 4 GR No. Prince and President Propellers and Equipment Pioneer (Twin and Single) Propellers and Equipment Vanguard Propeller and Equipment CL44 Propeller and Equipment (2) Dowty Aerospace Propellers (2) Fairey Reed Fixed Pitch Metal Propellers (2) Permali Group – Horden Richmond Wooden Fixed Pitch Propellers 1 3 7 8 9 11 13 1 1 1 Equipment (2) Cameron Balloons Ltd – Fuel Cylinders with CB-0824-0001 Liquid Valve Fitted (2) Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons – Replacement of Defective Fuel Hoses (2) Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd – Camera System Installation (2) Installation of Helicopter Health and Usage Monitoring Systems 1 3 5 7 Part 2 Requirements applicable to State/public service aircraft (1) MD 900 (902 configuration) Part 3 GR No. 8 GR No. 15 GR No. 2 GR No.700 kg Maximum Authorised Weight Electrical Generation Systems – Bus-Bar Low Voltage Warning Single-Engined Aircraft With a UK Certificate of Airworthiness Cotton. Contents Page 3 . 9 GR No. 10 GR No. 20 GR No. 1 GC No. 5 GC No. 21 GR No. 23 GR No. 19 GR No. Contents Page 4 . Components and Materials Light Aircraft Piston Engine Overhaul Periods 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Part 4 GC No. 22 GR No. 24 Electrical Power Supplies for Aircraft Radio Systems Emergency Power Supply for Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Bank and Pitch Indicators (Artificial Horizons) Fire Precautions – Aircraft Toilets Cargo Containment Galley Equipment Personnel Certification for Non-Destructive Testing of Aircraft. 2 GC No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. Engines. 18 GR No. 3 GC No. 4 GC No. 6 Generic Concessions (GCs) Airworthiness Concessions in Respect of Foreign Built Aircraft Use of Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) in Certain Light Aircraft Use of Filling Station Forecourt Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) in Certain Light Aircraft Use of Filling Station Forecourt Unleaded Motor Gasoline in Microlight Aeroplanes Use of Filling Station Forecourt Unleaded Motor Gasoline in Certain Light Aircraft Flight in UK Air Space of Foreign Registered Home-Built Aircraft 1 1 1 1 1 1 29 January 2010 Section 2. Repeat inspection of the tailplane support brackets must be carried out at intervals not exceeding 12 months. Compliance is initially required not later than 10 flying hours or three months whichever is the sooner from the effective date of this Directive which is 24 August 2001. 15 within 25 flight hours from 30 April 1981. 150 and Super 150 aircraft. 150.2 020–03–81 Description Inspection of upper and lower cut outs on control column torque tube assembly. 1. Glos Air and AESL Airtourers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Victa. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Repeat Inspection at intervals of 100 flight hours or 1 year whichever is the soonest. in accordance with the AESL Airtourer 100. Inspect in accordance with Glos Air Service Bulletin No. Glos Air Airtourer and Victa Airtourer Series and Airtourers Modified to AESL-T3 Standard 1 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Part 1 Airworthiness Directives and Mandatory Information Issued by the CAA Aircraft (2) AESL. AESL Page 1 . Brackets with corrosion which exceeds the limits stated in chapter 50 paragraph 2 (c) of the Maintenance and Repair Manual. If corrosion is blended out the depth must be recorded in the aircraft log book. super 150 and T6 Maintenance and Repair Manual dated June 1970 chapter 50 ‘Repair Manual – General Repair Procedures’. must be replaced with Part Nos. Victa Airtourer 100 and 115 aircraft and GlosAirtourer 115.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 002–08–2001 Description Inspection of tailplane support brackets for corrosion. 115. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to AESL Airtourer T3 aircraft. Clean and visually inspect the left and right tailplane support brackets for corrosion. 20031/1 or 20031/2 or an alternative approved part. Any corrosion detected must be removed and the area re-protected. before further flight. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) ARV Aviation ARV 1 Super 2 Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 010–08–86 Associated Material: Maintenance Manual Description: Mandatory Fatigue Lives Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The fatigue lives listed in Chapter 4 of the Maintenance Manual are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register. 001. CAA AD No: 025-05-87 Associated Material: ARV-SB-002 Description: Hewland AE75C Aero Engine – Loctiting carburetor bellmouth screws and wirelocking carburetor heat box retaining screws Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 007-03-89 Associated Material: ARV-SB-012 Description: Cracks under the bearing sleeve on noseleg downtube Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Constructors Nos. 005K. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 017. 019 and 021. 006K. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 007K. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 009K. CAA AD No: 001-11-87 Associated Material: ARV-SB-008 Description: Hewland AE75C Engine – Propeller shaft Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft fitted with Hewland AE75C engine gearboxes. ARV Page 1 . CAA AD No: 015-11-87 Associated Material: ARV-SB-007 Description: Damage to rudder pedals Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft up to and including Constructors No 024. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 011. 004K. 012. 013. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . now superseded by BS 7F1 is an alternative fabric to DTD 575). 138 (Strengthened fabric attachments) and Mod. Constructors Nos. Mod. 142 Description: To change the specification of rear undercarriage and lift strut fittings from 3S3 to DTD-124A. 5. but if mainplanes and/or ailerons are to be re-covered. J4252) is an alternative to this modification. 144 Description: Introduction of 5/8" diameter rudder mass balance arm. Mod. 5. On all other variants. 4 and 5 Variants 'J' and 'D' Series and Taylorcraft Plus 'C' and 'D' Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2463 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Auster 3. Beagle Service Bulletin No. 167 (Fabric to DTD 540. (Use of DTD 540 fabric. 154 Description: Introduction of wing fabric DTD 575. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to the first sixty-one Mark 3 aircraft only. 5. CAA AD No: 2465 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 3. CAA AD No: 2466 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Mod 154 must be embodied in accordance with the relevant fabric covering drawings. 135 Description: To introduce strengthened flap shaft levers and flap torque tube levers. using specially woven tape of greater strength with 3" pitch stringing. superseded by BS 7F1) are alternatives. 159 (Introduction of rudder mass balance weight to Part No. 251– 264 inclusive and 266–296 inclusive. 5C and Taylorcraft Plus Model 'C' and 'D' only. Service Bulletin RFS/73/2 refer. Auster Page 1 . 4. 5D and Taylorcraft Plus Model ‘C’ and ‘D’ mainplanes only. 53 (Auster Series) and R F Saywell Ltd. 5C and 5D aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4. 5C. 233–248 inclusive. CAA AD No: 2464 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 3. the modification is incorporated into the build standard. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 4. 164 Description: Introduction of redesigned engine mounting to Drawings Nos. 2555 Description: To introduce safety tube in tailplane attachment tube. DFF 18 Mark 3 and DFF 19 Mark 3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2467 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4 and 5. 1381 Description: Introduction of redesigned engine mounting to Drawings Nos. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement CAA AD No: 2472 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. EJF 106 Issue 'K' by addition of wrapper plate at rear bearer foot attachment. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks J5F. CAA AD No: 2469 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Mod. 1838 Description: Introduction of starter isolation switch. CAA AD No: 2468 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 118 (Mountings to Drawings Nos. 2601 Description: To introduce throttle lever in mild steel. CAA AD No: 2471 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. DFF 18 and 19 Mark 2) is an alternative to this modification. 118 (Mountings to Drawings Nos. Auster Page 2 . Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4 and 5. J5G and J5H. DFF 18 Mark 3 and DFF 19 Mark 3. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Auster aircraft with electric starter motors. 1670 Description: To introduce improved engine mounting to Drawing No. DFF 18 and 19 Mark 2) is an alternative to this modification. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mark 5J1 CAA AD No: 2470 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 5D. J5F. J5G. 2899 and 2902 Description: Introduction of flexible mounted whip aerial. Auster Service Bulletin Issue No. J5B. 5. Applicable to Auster types Mark 4. 5J4. J5B and J5P. 5J1B. CAA AD No: 2477 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. J5Q. J5V. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Auster types 5J1. J1N. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Only applicable to aircraft cleared for flight in icing conditions. 3663 Description: Strengthened Actuator Lever Assemblies on Flap Control Torque Shaft. CAA AD No: 2475 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2473 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. J5R. J5L. Not applicable to aircraft fitted with belled mouth guide tubes at elevator trailing edge. J1U. Auster Page 3 . CAA AD No: 2474 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod Nos. 5J5. 2898. J5H. 41 refers. CAA AD No: 2476 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. J5P. 5J1. 41 refers. J1N. Auster Service Bulletin No. 5C. 5J1B. 36 refers. 2737 Description: To introduce cap nut at engine fuel pipe banjo connection to facilitate locking. 3234 Description: Introduction of retaining pin for forward tailplane attachment safety tube. 3285 Description: Radius on trimmer guide tubes. J5K. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Auster 5J2 aircraft and to Auster Mark 4 and 5 fitted with Pesco type Vacuum Pumps and Electric Starters. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Auster Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 1 April 1961. 5J2. 5J5. Service Bulletin RFS/73/ 2 refer. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Model C. Inspect for signs of fracture of the leading edge tube in the vicinity of the saddle washers at periods not exceeding 300 flight hours. J5H. D5. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Model ‘D’ Mark 3. Model D. J1N. J5K. 53 (Auster Series) and RF Saywells Ltd. J5V. D5. J1S. 4179 Description: Replacement of toxic type fire extinguishers. 4073 Description: Introduction of Cockpit Placard and Loading Chart. Beagle Service Bulletin (Auster Series) No. J1S. D6. J5F. 5. A182 Description: Fuel and Oil Vent Restriction for AC lightweight diaphragm Fuel Pumps. J8L. J5. J1. Should have been embodied by 30 September 1965. Auster Page 4 . J5P. D6/180 and 6A. 3252 or 3413 embodied. J5H. 5. This modification is applicable to all mainplanes of aircraft of the above types in which incorrect taping and/or stringing materials have been used during the last recovering of the components. CAA AD No: 2480 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to mark 4. D4. J5B. D6/180. D6/160. CAA AD No: 2482 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 32 Description: Inspection of the tailplane front attachments. J5Q. J5F. 52 (Auster Series) refers. 5D. Compliance required by 1 September 1964. J5R. J1U. NOTE: This inspection is not necessary if the saddle washers are welded to the tube (instead of brazed) or if the aircraft has Modifications No. J5G. J5V. 5D. NOTE: This modification is an acceptable alternative to Auster Mod. CAA AD No: 2481 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 5J1B. J5P. CAA AD No: 2479 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. D6. J1U and J5V. 4. J5B. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 5J1. J1. J2. J5G. Mark 3. J1N. J4. 55 refers. J2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2478 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. J5K. 138 referred to in connection with Mod. 154. 4069 Description: Introduction of additional stringing. J1N. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to D5/160. D6/160. Beagle Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all variants except Taylorcraft Plus C and Auster J1U. J5. D5/180. Beagle Service Bulletin No. J5L. J1B. J5L. 5C. 5C. J5Q. J4. J5R. J1U. The inspections of rudder cables detailed in this bulletin are mandatory. 50. Inspect for signs of failure at periods not exceeding 100 flight hours (Auster J5F. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all variants except Taylorcraft Plus C and Auster J1U. JA 2393X and JA 2394X may remain in service up to a maximum of 1200 flight hours. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Rudder cables Part Nos. Compliance is required at intervals not exceeding 1000 flight hours. In all other cases cables Part Nos. This inspection need not be carried out if Modifications No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Models as detailed in Service Bulletin. J5L and J8L Aiglet Trainers) or 300 flight hours (Taylorcraft Plus D and all other variants other than J5F. 2D34C53–X/74E and B2D34C53–X/7. J5L and J8L). Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2483 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 30 Description: Inspection of the tailplane attachment stubs. Auster Page 5 . NOTE: Reference should be made to Auster Service Bulletin No. CAA AD No: 2485 PRE 80 Revision 1 Associated Material: Beagle SB 54 Description: Inspection of the engine mounting attachment bolts. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft fitted with Propeller Models 2D36C14–X/78KM. 3252 or 3413 together with 2555 and 3234 are embodied. Inspect the engine mounting attachment bolts in accordance with the Service Bulletin. JA 2393X and JA 2394X when installed over small (13/4") diameter pulleys at the change of direction some 12" rearward from the rudder bar must be renewed at periods not exceeding 200 flight hours. CAA AD No: 2484 PRE 80 Associated Material: Description: Life limitation of rudder control cables. NOTE: This AD revision removes the 5 year repeat requirement of the Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2486 PRE 80 Associated Material: HS/Auster SB 1 Description: Propeller operating restriction placard. from the rear seat load at zero fuel. J5P. This Directive hereby authorises the Operator to make an entry in the aircraft Log Book. (2) Erase all that part of the original loading limitation line.e. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance is required prior to the next flight on which it is intended to carry passengers on the rear bench seat. Auster Page 6 . J5R. If the existing loading chart should differ significantly from this illustration. Mk5C. J5V. D5 and D6 which are fitted with a forward fuselage fuel tank. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft fitted with Bendix mechanical brakes. as follows: (1) Draw a line. J1N. Mk5. J5G. J5K. parallel to the base line of the chart. i. J5Q. INSPECT in accordance with Service Bulletin at next 50 hour inspection and thereafter at each 100 flight hour or Annual Inspection whichever is the sooner. quoting the AD number. Mk5D. J5B. J5F. and continue this horizontal line to intersect with the right-hand slope of the loading limitation line. advice must be obtained from the CAA prior to amendment. NOTE: The following sketch illustrates an amended loading chart. J5.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2487 PRE 80 Associated Material: Description: Rear seat loading limitations amendment. but in any case not later than 30 September 1976. and this entry must be made when the loading chart has been amended in accordance with these instructions. Amend the loading limitation chart which is displayed in a plastic holder on the rear cabin bulkhead. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Auster Models Mk4. NOTE: This requirement was previously issued under CAA Letter Reference 9/92/LTO/1 dated 16 August 1976. CAA AD No: 015–11–80 Associated Material: R F Saywell SB RFS/AUS/3 Description: Inspection of Bendix brake back plates. J5L. which lies above the new line (drawn in accordance with 1). J1. J5H. J1S. J1B. the intersection of the loading limitation line with the left-hand vertical axis of the chart. CAA AD No: 2490 PRE 80 Associated Material: Description: Life limitation of rudder control cables. A9 and 54 attachment bolts. Compliance is required at intervals not exceeding 1000 flight hours.61 Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2488 PRE 80 Associated Material: Description: Inspection of the tailplane front attachments. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Auster 6A and Beagle A.61 Series 1 and Revision 1 Nos. A9 and 54 Description: Inspection of the engine mounting attachment bolts. NOTE: Reference should be made to Auster Service Bulletin No. The inspection of rudder cables detailed in this bulletin are mandatory. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Inspect for signs of failure at periods not exceeding 300 flight hours. In all other cases cables Part No. CAA AD No: 2489 PRE 80 Associated Material: Description: Inspection of the tailplane attachment stubs. JA 2393X and JA 2394X when installed over small (13/4") diameter pulleys at the change of direction some 12" rearward from the rudder bar must be renewed at periods not exceeding 200 flight hours. This inspection need not be carried out if Modification No. 3252 or 3413 together with 2555 and 3234 are embodied.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Auster 6A and Beagle A. JA 2393X and JA 2349X may remain in service up to a maximum of 1200 flight hours. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Rudder cables Part Nos. Inspect the engine mounting attachment bolts in accordance with the Service Bulletins. NOTE: This inspection is not necessary if the saddle washers are welded to the tube (instead of brazed) or if the aircraft has Modification No. NOTE: This AD revision removes the 5 year repeat requirement of the Service Bulletins. 50. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Inspect for signs of fracture of the leading edge tube in the vicinity of the saddle washers at periods not exceeding 300 flight hours. Auster Page 7 . 3252 or 3413 embodied. CAA AD No: 2491 PRE 80 Revision 1 Associated Material: Beagle SB Nos. 2 aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. A14 and 58 Description: Replacement of toxic type fire extinguishers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2492 PRE 80 Associated Material: Beagle SB Nos. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to models as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 015–11–80 Associated Material: R F Saywell Ltd SB No. Auster Page 8 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. RFS/AUS/3 Description: Inspection of Bendix brake back plates. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft fitted with Bendix mechanical brakes. Should have been complied with by 30 September 1965. INSPECT in accordance with Service Bulletin at next 50 hour inspection and thereafter at each 100 flight hour or Annual Inspection whichever is the sooner. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft S/N 10528/ATL 98/1. Compliance required at next Check 1 as referred to in Carvair Service Bulletin. 10338/ATL 98/4. Av. Compliance required at each Check 1 inspection until embodiment of Modification No. 10365/ATL 98/5. 98/5104. 10311/ATL 98/2. 7480/ATL 98/6. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. 10273/ATL 98/7. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft detailed in Carvair Service Bulletin. Modification 98/5258 refers. CAA AD No: 2604 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/2 Description: Inspection of nose door upper pivot support structure. Compliance required as detailed in Carvair Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2606 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/13 Description: Strengthening of upper boom – Fin spar frame (Station X953). 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Should have been embodied by 29 February 1964. 98/5155 refers. Compliance required as detailed in Carvair Service Bulletin. 18339/ATL 98/3. CAA AD No: 2605 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/10 Description: Inspection of Bendix (Eclipse Pioneer) type 9054 fuel flow transmitters. CAA AD No: 2607 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/20 Description: Operation of emergency brake system controls.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Aviation Traders ATL98 Carvair UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2603 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/1 Description: Inspection of emergency air brake valve. Carvair Modification No. Traders Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2609 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/24 Description: Inspection of fin rear stub spar boom and fin rear shear saddle. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Modification 98/5301 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required by 7 March 1974 and then at intervals of one year. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Av.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2608 PRE 80 Associated Material: CSB/22 Description: Flying Controls – Replacement of bolt attaching aileron operating rod assembly to bell crank at wing station 485. Compliance required as detailed in Carvair Service Bulletin. Traders Page 2 . Avro Page 1 . CAA AD No: 1497 PRE 80 Associated Material: 121 Description: Guard for rudder bar torque tubes. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To prevent loose items falling into the spur gears and locking the rudder control. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement This changes the end hinge from steel to brass. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To improve the 'rip-off' strip method of operating exits. CAA AD No: 1499 PRE 80 Associated Material: 173 Description: Strengthening of aileron hinge.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Avro Anson and Avro 19 UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1496 PRE 80 Associated Material: 108 Description: Tailplane wire bracing. CAA AD No: 1498 PRE 80 Associated Material: 122 Description: Introduction of petrol trap in boost gauge lines. CAA AD No: 1500 PRE 80 Associated Material: 265 Description: Pilot’s Emergency Exit. with wooden tailplane. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To prevent boost gauges being damaged by petrol. See Note 2. Switches to Mod No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Introduce brackets to support oil cock and thermometer pocket. 669. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Introduced to prevent dirt reaching the pump relief valve. CAA AD No: 1504 PRE 80 Associated Material: 661 Description: Strengthened wing (retrospective). Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Introduces strengthened underside wing panels between spars (diagonal plywood). Applicable to hand operated flaps only on Anson Marks 1. Applicable to Anson Marks 1. 657 is not embodied. No. CAA AD No: 1502 PRE 80 Associated Material: 308 Description: To reposition oil tank cock and thermometer pocket. Applicable where Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Mandatory only for aircraft with AUW of 9540 lb. 10 and 11. 844. Applicable to Anson Marks 1. 10 and 11. 10 and 11. 855 are an approved alternative to those of Mod No. To be introduced in conjunction with Mod. No. CAA AD No: 1503 PRE 80 Associated Material: 654 Description: Strengthened tailwheel rocker beam. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 only. Avro Page 2 . 695. CAA AD No: 1505 PRE 80 Associated Material: 669 Description: To introduce engine fire warning.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1501 PRE 80 Associated Material: 289 Description: Combined filter and non-return valve in flap hydraulic circuit. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be embodied in conjunction with Mod No. Applicable to Anson Mark 11 and Avro 19 Series I. 661 when Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Mandatory to aircraft embodying Mod. Avro Page 3 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Introduces woodscrews in joints of plywood webs to top and bottom booms. No. Applicable to Anson Marks 1. CAA AD No: 1508 PRE 80 Associated Material: 709 Description: To strengthen rear seat attachment between spars. No. Introduces internal block and stiffeners in floor between spars. tyres and brakes. 10 and 11 and Avro 19 Series 1 and II. 657 is not incorporated.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1506 PRE 80 Associated Material: 687 Description: To introduce strengthened wheels. No. CAA AD No: 1510 PRE 80 Associated Material: 725 Description: To lower accumulators charging pressure from 200 lb/in2 to 165–170 lb/ in2. To be embodied in conjunction with Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Anson Marks 1. No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Avro 19 Series I with wooden wing. CAA AD No: 1507 PRE 80 Associated Material: 695 Description: To strengthen the glued joints of mainplane spars. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to wooden wing aircraft only. 637 Heywood compressor. 682 (direct flap linkage). 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. See Notes 1 and 2. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I only. Embody in conjunction with Mod. CAA AD No: 1509 PRE 80 Associated Material: 716 Description: General Improvements to drainage. 10 and 11. 10. 11 and Avro 19 Series I and II CAA AD No: 1514 PRE 80 Associated Material: 759 Description: To introduce strengthened oil cooler support clip. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Avro Page 4 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1511 PRE 80 Associated Material: 732 Description: Improvements to passenger seat locking. 10 and 11. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. 825 and 899. CAA AD No: 1512 PRE 80 Associated Material: 744 Description: To change position of ‘Press to Speak’ switch. Only applicable if Vickers Potts oil cooler is fitted. Applicable to Anson Marks 1. CAA AD No: 1513 PRE 80 Associated Material: 750 Description: To introduce wire locking of AGS couplings. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Changed from right to left. Applicable to Anson Mark 11 and Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Eyebolt in torque increased from 3/8" to 7/16". Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Anson Marks 1. CAA AD No: 1515 PRE 80 Associated Material: 762 Description: Introduction of strengthened eye-bolts for main undercarriage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all seats having spring loaded vertical locking plungers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be embodied In conjunction with Mod Nos. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. 733 (improvements to Heywood compressor drainage). Avro Page 5 . CAA AD No: 1519 PRE 80 Associated Material: 782 Description: Marking of cowl fasteners to indicate locked position. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. CAA AD No: 1520 PRE 80 Associated Material: 795 Description: To prevent chafing of feathering feed pipe. CAA AD No: 1521 PRE 80 Associated Material: 797 Description: To record correct main undercarriage pressure in main oleo leg. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Obviate chafing by wheel in nacelle. CAA AD No: 1518 PRE 80 Associated Material: 777 Description: To eliminate compass interference. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement This modification also makes provisions for Bristol Siddeley Engine Mod. Nos. No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1516 PRE 80 Associated Material: 773 Description: To cancel Mod. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Mandatory only when wiper is fitted. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. E832 or E856 and is only mandatory if either of these engine modifications is embodied. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement This calls for pressure of 620 lb/in2 instead of i485 lb/in2. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. CAA AD No: 1517 PRE 80 Associated Material: 775 Description: Improvements to safety device on undercarriage retraction control. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement When embodied the flame switch cable is clipped to oil dilution valve attachment lug. Mod No. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 758 is an acceptable alternative. Avro Page 6 . No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1522 PRE 80 Associated Material: 825 Description: To strengthen oil cooler support clip. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only if Mod. 759 and 899. 687 is embodied. Nos. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Mandatory when smoking is permitted. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. Nos. 759 and 825. 9 Description: To fit ashtrays. CAA AD No: 1524 PRE 80 Associated Material: 873 Description: To change the material of the bolts securing the fork to the brake flange from mild steel to high tensile steel. Only applicable if Vickers Potts oil cooler is fitted. Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. CAA AD No: 1523 PRE 80 Associated Material: 844 Description: Re-routing of flame switch cable on port and starboard bulkheads to prevent chafing. CAA AD No: 1525 PRE 80 Associated Material: 899 Description: To introduce a new oil cooler support bracket. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be embodied in conjunction with Mod. Applicable only if Vickers Potts oil cooler is fitted. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be embodied in conjunction with Mod. CAA AD No: 1526 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. 33 Description: To prevent aileron cable chafing voltage regulator leads. 49 Description: To introduce Marconi constant speed trailing aerial winch in lieu of AM type. No. 56 Description: To introduce improved cabin escape hatch. 774 is an acceptable alternative. 53 Description: To introduce re-designed forward cabin escape hatch and to delete rear cabin escape hatch. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Avro Page 7 . CAA AD No: 1529 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. Mod. CAA AD No: 1531 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. 32 Description: Labels to meet ARB Requirements.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1527 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. CAA AD No: 1530 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Certain operators have already modified their aircraft to their own schemes. These alternatives are still approved and acceptable. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to metal wing aircraft only. CAA AD No: 1528 PRE 80 Associated Material: Civil Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Anson Mark 11 and Avro 19 Series I and II. Applicable to Anson Mark 1 and 10. Applicable to Avro 19 Series II only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Avro 19 Series I and II. S.S. No.B.S. centre section front spar. CAA AD No: 1534 PRE 80 Associated Material: T.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1532 PRE 80 Associated Material: T.B. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 90 Description: Inspection of Main Undercarriage Radius Rod Attachment at Rear Spar. CAA AD No: 1536 PRE 80 Associated Material: T. Port and Starboard. Avro Page 8 . No. No. etc. No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been carried out by 1 September 1963. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical Service Bulletin.B. 80.S. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical Service Bulletin. No. 87 Description: Inspection of Aileron Operating Levers.S. CAA AD No: 1535 PRE 80 Associated Material: T. CAA AD No: 1533 PRE 80 Associated Material: T. 76. 88 Description: Inspection of spar boom joints. 84 Description: Inspection of Trailing Edge Ribs No. No.B. No.B. 85 Description: Cracking of Top Support Brackets for Undercarriage Jack Channels. Re-inspection required at each 5 or 600 hours. 89. 20. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1538 PRE 80 Associated Material: T. No.S. 657 standard do not incorporate the woodscrews referred to in the note against Mod.S.B. The presence of the woodscrews can be checked at any point on the spars. E729 changes the cowling brackets to the cylinder head. 92 Description: Pilots’ escape hatch – difficulty in removing. and in cases where Mod. 657 embraces the design provisions of Mod. Avro Page 9 . It is essential that the woodscrews be fitted. No. it may not be possible to keep within engine temperature limitations unless the following modifications are embodied. No. 621 – Introduction of Oxford Type cowling. No. No. These two modifications are acceptable in place of Mod. 143 (Strengthening of spar booms) and RAAF Order No. 91 Description: Locking Handle.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1537 PRE 80 Associated Material: T. 695. No. No. Certain Australian 'Anson' aircraft have been modified to RAAF Mod. No. 40 (Modification to wing covering under fuel tank base). 458 – Introduction of seven element oil cooler. Bristol Siddeley Mod. 2nd Pilot’s Control Column Fouling at Floorboard Cut Out. 695. 657 is logged as embodied but no woodscrews are present. No.B. 695. No. Mod. 621. 661 and 695. NOTE 2: NOTE 3: 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required within the next 50 flying hours. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: NOTE 1: 1539 PRE 80 Mod. No. but some wings to Mod. and must be embodied in conjunction with Mod. No. they must be fitted in accordance with Mod. Mod. If the aircraft is operated in the tropics. No. No. and in any case not later than 28 days from receipt of this bulletin. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Beagle Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 1 January 1964. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 30 September 1965. Beagle Page 1 .118 Description: Introduction of increased strength door hinge bearings. A14 Description: Replacement of toxic type fire extinguishers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Beagle A. CAA AD No: 2424 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod A. CAA AD No: 2426 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB No. A. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 1 January 1964. Modification No. A. Beagle Service Bulletin No.5 and Supplement refer.105 Description: Introduction of cooling duct for starboard magneto. A. A. lightweight diaphragm fuel pumps. CAA AD No: 2423 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod A.5 refers.10 refers.182 Description: Fuel and Oil vent restriction requirement for A. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 1 September 1964. 4179 refers. Beagle Service Bulletin No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Beagle Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied by 1 March 1964.140 Description: Introduction of revised door catch.C.109 Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2422 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod A. CAA AD No: 2425 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod A.5 refers. [email protected] series aeroplanes. Beagle Aircraft (1969) Limited. Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 830090 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 830085 Email: info@dhsupport. Building 213. Cracked Rudder Torque Tube Assemblies must be replaced before further flight. CB2 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. used Rudder Torque Assemblies held as spares must be inspected in accordance with de Havilland Support Ltd Service Bulletin B121/65.caa. loss of directional control through both the Rudder and Nosewheel Steering may occur. RH6 0YR. In the event of such failures. Effective Date: 31 October 2005 Compliance/Action: Within 100 hours Time In Service (TIS) since the last inspection performed in accordance with AD 2060 PRE 80 (Scottish Aviation Limited Service Bulletin B121/65 Issue 1).co. The torque tube assemblies are subject to repetitive inspection in accordance Airworthiness Directive 2060 PRE 80. Aviation House. The TCH has also received reports of loose rivets attaching the inboard Anchor Assembly to the Starboard Torque Tube. Type Approval Holders Name: DE HAVILLAND SUPPORT LIMITED Type Certificate Data Sheet No: BA 1 Superseded/ Revised ADs: 2060 Pre 80 Type/Model Designation(s): BEAGLE B.121 (ALL VARIANTS) ATA 27 – RUDDER TORQUE TUBE ASSEMBLIES . Civil Aviation Authority. Reason: The Type Certificate Holder (TCH) has received several reports of failed Rudder torque tube assemblies. Remarks: Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Certification and Approvals Department. West Sussex. United Kingdom. This Airworthiness Directive supersedes AD 2060 PRE 80 and mandates revised detailed repetitive inspection of the torque tube assemblies. Reference Publications: de Havilland Support Limited Service Bulletin B121/65. Safety Regulation Group. In accordance with Article 9(7)(b) of the Air Navigation Order 2000 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. Issue 2 may be obtained from de Havilland Support Limited. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. inspect the Rudder Torque Tube Assemblies in accordance with de Havilland Support Ltd Service Bulletin B121/65. Gatwick Airport South. Telephone: +44 (0) 1293 573945 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 573976 E-mail: department. From the effective date of this AD. and thereafter at intervals not exceeding 100 hours TIS.121 Series Aircraft United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2005-0030 Issue Date: 12 October 2005 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the Primary Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). Duxford Airfield.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Beagle B. Beagle Page 2 .INSPECTION Manufacturer(s): Beagle Aircraft Limited. The recent failures occurred in service after the inspections required by AD 2060 PRE 80 had been performed. Issue 2 or later approved revision prior to installation. Issue 2 or later approved revision. England. Applicability: All Model Beagle B. CAA AD No: 2584 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–3 Description: Propellers – Inspection of end fitting at propeller governor and embodiment of Mod. Compliance required within 200 flight hours. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 2 aircraft. Should have been embodied by 1 December 1966. 887 . Beagle Page 3 . Compliance required within 25 flight hours. CAA AD No: 2587 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–31 Description: Fuel – Replacement of voltage limiting resistors in fuel boost pump circuit. Compliance required within 50 flight hours. CAA AD No: 2586 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–28 Description: Propellers – Inspection of propeller attachments. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 aircraft.206 Series 1 and 2 Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2583 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–1 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of rudder mass balance horn and replacement of rudder incorporating Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft fitted with McCauley propellers Part No. 593. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft incorporating Beagle Mod. 780. 440. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Beagle B. 3AF34C86/90LF–0. Should have been embodied by 1 August 1966. CAA AD No: 2585 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–27 Description: Landing Gear – Inspection of main and nose undercarriage legs and embodiment of Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 aircraft. 102–1. CAA AD No: 2590 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–51 Description: Placards – Installation of engine operating limitation placards. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The limitations listed in the Service Bulletin are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register. CAA AD No: 2591 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–52 Description: Propellers – Improvement of propeller attachment. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft fitted with McCauley propellers as listed in McCauley Service Bulletin No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2588 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–42 Description: Placards – Replacement of electrical transfer switch label. CAA AD No: 2589 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–48 Description: Ice and Rain – Lifing of aerofoil de-icing air reservoir. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Should have been embodied by 31 January 1973. CAA AD No: 2592 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–54 Description: Mandatory Life Limitations. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. Compliance required at next propeller overhaul or during any major disassembly of the propeller. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 2 aircraft. Should have been embodied by 31 October 1974. CAA AD No: 2593 PRE 80 Associated Material: B206–55 Description: Exhaust – Inspection of exhaust system bellow assemblies. Beagle Page 4 . CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2594 PRE 80 Associated Material: CAA Airworthiness Notice No. 82. GR No. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Airworthiness Notice. 4) Description: Electrical Generation System – Warning of loss of generated electrical power. Beagle Page 5 . Part 3. (Now CAP 747 Section 2. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . b) Verify presence of spacer clamp Part No. Inspect them for presence of fuel boost pump umbrella check valve Part No. procure a new valve and install it in accordance with the Parker Aerospace Product Reference Memo Number: 50. determine the Part No. Compliance is required not later than 3 months from the effective date of this Directive. Bell 206A and 206B helicopters with Serial Nos. existing on the top of the body pump (Refer to figure 1 in Parker Aerospace Product Reference Memo Number: 50). Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Bell 206A and 206B helicopters equipped with fuel boost pumps Part No.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 001–02–2002 Description Inspection of fuel boost pumps and internal fuel cell hoses for correct configuration. 2212 to 3566 which have not complied with Bell Technical Bulletin 206-82-75. a) From the logbook. prior to 2212 and Bell 206A and 206B helicopters with Serial Nos. Part II: Inspection of Fuel System Tubes. if applicable. AB206B and AB206B III helicopters on this subject. If valve is missing. inspect internal fuel cell hoses as follows: a) Verify internal fuel cell hoses for presence of anti-chafing covering. Return helicopter to flight configuration. c) In accordance with the applicable Maintenance Manual paragraph 12. Bell Page 1 . replace internal fuel cell hoses and/or install spacer clamp. Bell 206A and 206B helicopters with Serial Nos. Bell 206A and 206B helicopters equipped with fuel boost pumps Part No. c) If required. b) If fuel boost pump 206-062-681 is installed. proceed with Part II of this Directive. 206-062-681 must comply with Part I of this Directive. MS21919 as shown in figure 28-2 item 65 and 66 of applicable illustrated Parts Breakdown Manual. 2212 to 3566 which have not complied with Bell Technical Bulletin 206-82-75 must comply with Part II of this Directive. otherwise if fuel boost pump has a different Part No. drain fuel system.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Bell (1) Bell 206 Series Helicopters 1 1. Requirement: Part I: Inspection of Fuel Boost Pump 206-062-681. With reference to the applicable Illustrated Parts Breakdown Manual chapter 28 figure 28-2. NOTE: ENAC (the Italian Aviation Authority) have issued AD 2000-356 applicable to Agusta Bell AB206A. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. proceed with the next step c). remove the two fuel boost pumps. which is 1 March 2002. d) In accordance with the applicable Maintenance Manual paragraph 28. of fuel boost pump installed. E6-34-1. 206-062-681. prior to 2212 and Bell 206A and 206B helicopters with Serial Nos. 1 Additional Airworthiness Directives 001–06–99 Applicable to Bell 212 helicopters Serial Nos. 212–076–004–All (HR Part No. 41000570) that has been repaired or overhauled. Failure of the servo actuator could cause loss of control and possible loss of the helicopter. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Bell 212 Series Helicopters 1 1. Bell Page 2 . 30501 through 31311 and 35001 through 35102 fitted with servo actuator Part No. Inspect the servo actuator for unauthorized actuating lever assemblies in accordance with Alert Service Bulletin 212–98–103. Compliance is required prior to the issue of a UK Certificate of Airworthiness from the effective date of this Directive which is 5 July 1999. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Boeing (1) Boeing 727 Series 100. Boeing Page 1 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. The independence of these systems shall not be violated by the comparator.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Comparator Warning Indicator Comparator warning indicators are required for the two main attitude indicators and the comparison is to be made at the instrument presentation. 100C and 200 1 1. Boeing Page 2 .1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Comparator Warning Indicator Comparator warning indicators are required for the two main attitude indicators and the comparison is to be made at the instrument presentation.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 737-200 and -200 Adv Series 1 1. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. The independence of these systems shall not be violated by the comparator. g. flashing). Boeing Page 3 .1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Attitude Comparator (EFIS Equipped Aircraft) The optional attitude comparator and an acceptable associated warning are required for compliance with BCAR Chapter D6-10. 400 and 500 Series 1 1. The comparator warning must be provided with positive attention getting qualities (e.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 737-300. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance to CS 25.605. For existing converted aircraft compliance to the above may be accomplished by embodiment of PEMCO Service Bulletin SB737-29-0011. must be shown by the provision of adequate instructions for the maintenance manual.1.1. must be shown in respect of dormant failures within the main deck cargo door which could result in door opening in flight or pressurisation of the aircraft with the door not properly closed. Boeing Page 4 . the following additional requirements apply. modified and affected structure of the fuselage and door. must be shown for the new. must be shown to ensure correct application of the applicable inertias in both the passenger and cargo roles.783 and 1309. Compliance to CS 25.1 1. doors and door system integrity. damage tolerance.1.1 1.561 and 787. emergency landing condition and stowage compartments. latched and locked.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 737-300 Pemco Freighter/QC STC Conversion 1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions For Aircraft converted with the PEMCO main deck cargo door approved in FAA STC SA2969SO using PEMCO document MDL 2373 rev G or earlier.3 1.1.519.1 Systems Compliance to CS 25. For new conversions of aircraft PEMCO MDL 2373 at rev H or later satisfies the above. 1.2.2 1. jacking.307.4 1. Compliance to CS 25. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. For new conversions of aircraft PEMCO MDL 2373 at rev K or later satisfies the above. must be shown by the provision of adequate instructions for maintenance and inspection.571.5 Structures Compliance to CS 25. For existing converted aircraft compliance to the above may be accomplished by embodiment of PEMCO Service Bulletin SB737-52-0033. must be shown for the new modified and affected structure of the fuselage and door.2 1.1. fabrication methods. 1. proof of strength. Compliance to CS 25. 1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Attitude Comparison (BOEING 747-400 SERIES) To comply with CS 25.1303(b)(5) the attitude comparator warning must give an immediately effective warning (e. Boeing Page 5 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. a warning on or immediately adjacent to the PFD) that is not inhibited during any flight phase.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 747 Series Aircraft 1 1.g. 1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Applicable to Boeing 757 Series. as subsequently endorsed by the guidance material to CS 25. Either a comparator warning indicator shall be installed or it shall be established that the probability of any self-monitoring system allowing dangerously incorrect information to be displayed without a clear warning shall be extremely remote. Attitude Display Systems The attitude display system shall comply with the requirements of BCAR Chapter D610.1303(b)(5). 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Boeing Page 6 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 757 Series Aircraft 1 1. Either a comparator warning indicator shall be installed.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing 767 Series Aircraft 1 1.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Attitude Display Systems The attitude display system shall comply with the requirements of BCAR Chapter D610. Boeing Page 7 .1303(b)(5). 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. as subsequently endorsed by the guidance material to CS 25. or it shall be established that the probability of any self-monitoring system allowing dangerously incorrect information to be displayed without a clear warning shall be extremely remote. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing (Douglas) DC8 Series 50 1 1.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Flap Selector A gated flap selector is required in accordance with Issue 4 of BCAR. Boeing Page 8 .1 and Appendix paragraph 3. Chapter D4-8. paragraph 3. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.1. Boeing Page 9 . paragraph 3.1. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing (Douglas) DC8-63 and 63F 1 1.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Flap Selector A gated flap selector is required in accordance with Issue 4 of BCAR. Chapter D4-8.1 and Appendix paragraph 3. The independence of these systems shall not be violated by the comparator.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Applicable to McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Series 10 and 30.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-9 Series 1 1. Comparator Warning Indicator Comparator warning indicators are required for the two main attitude indicators and the comparison is to be made at the instrument presentation. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Annunciation must be adjacent to each pilot’s ADI. Boeing Page 10 . Compliance with this requirement for the series 30 may therefore be required for import into other JAA countries. it is included in the JAA commonly agreed Type Certification Basis. for both the series 10 and 30. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. *Although not a UK Additional Requirement for the series 30 aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Boeing (McDonnell Douglas) DC-10 Series 1 1.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Comparator Warning Indicator (Series 10 Only)* Comparator warning indicators are required for the two independent vertical gyro systems. The independence of these systems shall not be violated by the comparator. Boeing Page 11 . INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Comparator Warning Indicator Comparator warning indicators are required for the two vertical gyro systems and the comparison is to be made at the instrument presentation.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 De Havilland (1) Bombardier (De Havilland Canada) DHC-7 1 1. The independence of these systems shall not be violated by the comparator. Annunciation must be adjacent to each pilot’s ADI. Bombardier Page 1 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Cessna Page 1 . 2 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Cessna (1) Cessna Series Aircraft 1 1. Repeat inspection at intervals not exceeding 12 months or 600 flight hours whichever is the sooner. Rectify as necessary. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.1 1. NAS 464P4–26 or AN4–25A (as applicable) and bushes Part No. Revision 2 became effective on 8 November 1999.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Applicable to 525 Citation Jet.1. Remove and inspect bolts Part No.1 Additional Airworthiness Directives 008–01–89 REV 2 Applicable to 300 and 400 series aircraft fitted with electrically operated landing gear. S133–4P32 or 0841225–4 (as applicable) in the left and right main landing gear retraction linkage assemblies for evidence of corrosion. lubricate with grease and re-assemble. a warning of any unlocked condition of the door mechanism must be provided to the flight crew. Compliance is required at the next scheduled check from the effective date of this Directive which is 1 February 1989. Passenger Door Lock Warning In order to comply with CS 23.783(e)(3). seizure and/or overloading in shear. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DHC–1 Chipmunk Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary NOTES: 1 The following list does not cover the conversion of the military mark T10 aircraft to the civil mark 22 or 22A. 01223 830085) for full details of the modification required to convert ex-military Chipmunk aircraft to the required civil standard. 2 CAA AD No: 2794 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 01223 830090. 111. H181 Description: Introduction of improved method of mounting fuel filter. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See DH Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. CAA AD No: 2796 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 111. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See DH Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. DHC-1 Page 1 . 117. As these modifications were not incorporated in RAF Chipmunk aircraft and experience has shown that fuel has not as a consequence entered the fuselage those modifications are no longer classified as mandatory. Applicable also to Canadian built machines on the UK register. Modification H210 and that part of H212 concerned with sealing the Horseshoe deflector plate were originally introduced to prevent fuel entering the fuselage via the access door in the fuselage underside. CAA AD No: 2795 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. Duxford Airfield CB2 4QR (Tel No. Similarly Modification H217 was not incorporated in RAF Chipmunk aircraft and as a result of satisfactory operational experience is no longer classified as mandatory. Fax No. H207 Description: Introduction of balanced type vents. That part of modification H212 requiring sealing of the vent fairing has been incorporated in RAF Chipmunk aircraft and the mandatory classification still applies. Application should be made to De Havilland Support Ltd. H188 Description: Introduction of fuel feed pipe in tungum in lieu of aluminium between the fuel cock and fuel filter. Building 213. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See DH Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. 20. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. DHC-1 Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 10. Applicable also to Canadian built machines on the UK register. H212 Part A Description: Sealing of the Vent fairing to prevent possible entry of fuel draining from vent pipes into fuselage after flying inverted. 171. 21. H209 Description: Introduction of flexibly mounted aerial.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2797 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 22 and 22A. H323 Description: Introduction of 'Aerobatics and Spins Prohibited' label in cockpits. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Mandatory only if cleared for the Performance of Aerobatics. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. Mandatory for aircraft which do not have modification H231 embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See DH Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. H259 Description: Cockpit Fire Extinguisher – To make provision for and introduce fire extinguisher 27N/299 in lieu of 27N/12 and bracket 27N/149 in lieu of 27N/13. H231 Description: Provision of Anti Spinning Strakes. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2799 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. CAA AD No: 2801 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 106. CAA AD No: 2798 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. CAA AD No: 2800 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2802 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod No. 171. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. H324 Description: Introduction of 'Spin Recovery' advisory label in cockpits. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (C1) No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The limitations listed in the Technical News Sheet are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register. CAA AD No: 2803 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 131 Description: Engine throttle and mixture control rods. CAA AD No: 2806 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 161 Description: Description: Description:Wing to fuselage attachment links. DHC-1 Page 3 . CAA AD No: 2805 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 154 Description: Fuselage assembly. Mandatory for aircraft which have modification H231embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 2804 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 138 Description: Mandatory Life Limitations. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. DHC-1 Page 4 . CAA AD No: 007–09–85 Associated Material: TNS 175 Description: English production Chipmunk – Fuselage centre-section tie bar. CAA AD No: 021–08–91 Associated Material: TNS 186 Description: English production Chipmunk – Tail unit assembly. CAA AD No: 009–09–85 Associated Material: TNS 180 Description: English production Chipmunk – Engine mounting frame attachment points in front fuselage.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2807 PRE 80 REV 1 Associated Material: TNS 165 Description: English production Chipmunk – Wing assembly – Undercarriage mounting casting. CAA AD No: 005–05–90 Associated Material: TNS 183 Description: English production Chipmunk – Fuselage rear News bulkhead. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement English production Chipmunk – Main undercarriage – Examination of shock absorber strut plunger tube. CAA AD No: 001–06–93 Associated Material: TNS 189 Description: Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 001–03–95 Associated Material: TNS 184 Description: English production Chipmunk – Flap operating system – Cable failure. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Technical News Sheet re-classified as Information therefore AD is cancelled. CAA AD No: 014–11–97 Associated Material: TNS 176 Description: English production Chipmunk– Airframe – Tail unit assembly. CAA AD No: 004–02–95 Associated Material: TNS 194 Description: English production Chipmunk – Main undercarriage – Examination of Piston tube. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 003–08–94 Associated Material: TNS 190 Description: English production Chipmunk – Engine mounting frames – Examination of mounting frame joints. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. DHC-1 Page 5 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 007–03–97 Associated Material: TNS 201 Description: Introduction of isolation switch to aircraft fitted with electric start. CAA AD No: 006–03–97 Associated Material: TNS 200 Description: Re-classification of existing modifications to Mandatory status. Certification@caa. Type Approval Holder’s Name: de Havilland Support Limited TCDS: Supersedure: Not applicable Not applicable Type/Model Designation(s): DHC-1 Chipmunk (All Marks) ATA 27 Flap Operating System – Latch Plate – Bogus Parts de Havilland Aircraft Co. Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification 1. Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 830090 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 830085 Email: info@dhsupport. Ltd Manufacturer(s): Applicability: English-built DHC-1 Chipmunk (all marks) fitted with flap operating system Latch Plate Part No. 31 January 2009 Compliance required as detailed in Chipmunk TNS CT(C1) No. Building 213. Tel: +44 (0)1293 573726 Fax: +44 (0)1293 573976 Reason: Effective Date: Compliance/Action: Reference Publications: Remarks: Email: Department. United Kingdom. Investigation has shown that the part in question had not been manufactured in accordance with the applicable de Havilland of the installed Latch Plate is unknown. Aviation House. Cambridgeshire. de Havilland Support Limited Chipmunk Technical News Sheet CT(C1) No. This AD was posted as PAD 1891 for consultation on 18 December 2008 with a comment period until 17 January 2009. CB22 4QR. RH6 0YR. Civil Aviation Authority. C1-CF-1489 failing in service. Gatwick Airport South. This has resulted in rapid wear and failure of the part. England. 2. DHC-1 Page 6 .uk 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. West Sussex. a one-off inspection has been introduced to detect any bogus Latch Plate that may have been installed. 208 at the next scheduled maintenance inspection after the affective date of this AD. In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. or is currently held in stores. To minimise the risk of uncommanded flap retraction. Duxford Airfield. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. 208 may be obtained from de Havilland Support Limited.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2009-0001 Issue Date: 22 January 2009 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the Primary Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). A report has been received of a flap operating system Latch Plate supplied under Part No. or where the Part No. C1-CF-1489. Safety Regulation Group. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DH60. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82 aircraft. 134 (See TNS 5) Description: To seal the aileron gear box and improve inspection facilities. No. CAA AD No: 2734 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 19 Description: Inspection of pins attaching universal joint to undercarriage compression leg. 138 (See TNS 5) Description: To prevent splitting of aileron control box side members. DH 60-94 Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82 aircraft. Compliance required before issue or renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness. DH82. DH85. No. DH80. Compliance required before issue or renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness. Compliance required before issue or renewal of a Certificate of Airworthiness. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. DH94 and Queen Bee Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2731 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. CAA AD No: 2733 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82 aircraft. Should have been complied with by 15 April 1962. DH83. CAA AD No: 2732 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. No. 125 (See TNS 5) Description: Introduction of aileron sprocket chain guides and reduction of floor stop slot length. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82 aircraft. DH87. CAA AD No: 002–10–97 Associated Material: TNS 28 Description: Datum bolts. DH60X. CAA AD No: 006–10–97 Associated Material: TNS 29 Description: Fuselage – Lateral tie rods – Fracture at wing joint fittings. then a further C of A Test Flight may be required. DH83 and DH94 series aircraft. Aircraft not fitted with strakes: On initial issue of C of A or if strakes are removed. DH 60-94 Page 2 . 1 2 Aircraft fitted with anti-spin strakes are cleared for normal erect spinning and aerobatics in all C of A Categories. Note: This revision supersedes and cancels Airworthiness Information Leaflet AD/IL/0139. Effective from the issue date of this Directive revision which is 12 April 2001. CAA AD No: 007–03–99 Associated Material: TNS 33 Description: Cockpit safety harness installation – Integrity and lifing. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH60 and DH82 aircraft. DH82. DH60M. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet.g. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. wing change. if the aircraft is subject to a major rebuild e. DH82A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: Associated Material: – Description: 002–04–83 Revision 1 Installation of anti-spinning strakes. DH82A. Queen Bee. DH82. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH60. Queen Bee and DH83 Moth aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH60. aerobatics and spinning not permitted unless a check flight has been completed by CAA Flight Department. In addition. DH60G. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82 aircraft. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. DH 60-94 Page 3 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 008–03–99 Associated Material: TNS 34 Description: Introduction of locking device for fuel on/off cock operating lever. DH82A Tiger Moth and Queen Bee aircraft. DH82A and Queen Bee aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH60 all variants. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to DH82. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 002–10–2000 Associated Material: TNS 37 Description: Introduction of increased strength seat harness transverse cable. DH82. 2. de Havilland Support Limited Technical News Sheet CT(MOTH) No 4 lists the TNS which are common to the DH82A Tiger Moth and the Thruxton Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification Fax: +44 (0)1293 573976 Reference Publications: Remarks: 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. RH6 0YR. In the future. new ADs affecting the Jackaroo as well as Tiger Moth will be shown by appropriate reference in the applicability section. This AD was posted as PAD 1896 for consultation on 24 March 2009 with a comment period until 22 April 2009. Civil Aviation Authority. and which the CAA has classified as Mandatory for application to the DH82A Tiger Moth. Safety Regulation Group. are also to be applied as Mandatory to the Thruxton Jackaroo. Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 830090 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 830085 Email: info@dhsupport. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. Duxford Airfield. DH 60-94 Page 4 . Technical News Sheets common to the DH82A Tiger Moth and the Thruxton Jackaroo. Tel: +44 (0)1293 573726 Email: department. Effective Date: Compliance/Action: 1 May 2009 Within 3 months from the effective date of this AD. Gatwick Airport South. Type Approval Holder’s Name: de Havilland Support Limited TCDS: Supersedure: ATA 12-00 N/A None Type/Model Designation(s): Thruxton Jackaroo (Modified DH82A) SERVICING .certification@caa. United Kingdom. In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom.GENERAL Jackaroo Aircraft Limited. England. 3. Cambridgeshire. Thruxton Jackaroo (Modified DH82A) aircraft Manufacturer(s): Applicability: Reason: To clarify mandatory modification and inspection requirements. CB22 4QR. West Sussex. It may be obtained from de Havilland Support Limited. Building 213. Aviation House.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2009-0002 Issue Date: 24 April 2009 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the Primary Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). E–5–4 is an acceptable alternative. No. 1152. 5 (Dominie Mod. CAA AD No: 2736 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DH89 Rapide Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2735 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod. 69) Description: Introduction of fuel drain pipe from induction manifold. 10 Description: Introduction of fuse in negative lead to radio. CAA AD No: 2738 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2737 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod. 1(Dominie Mod. 63) Description: Anti-vibration strut on mainplane bracing –improved attachment of clip. 9 Description: Introduction of Battery Master Switch. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement BEA Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement As an alternative to this modification a cockpit notice must be fitted. 2(Dominie Mod. 65) Description: Introduction of a screen on the windscreen wiper to eliminate compass interference. CAA AD No: 2739 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be embodied with Gipsy Mod. restricting the use of the wiper to the period during take off and landing. DH 60-94 Page 5 . 15 Description: To introduce bracing for rear diagonal struts and strengthened undercarriage radius rods. DH 60-94 Page 6 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2740 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rapide Mod. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable immediately on Rapide Series 4 or Rapide Series 5 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2370 PRE 80 Associated Material: 538 Description: Fuselage – To introduce strengthened bottom boom for centre section spar. NOTE: The installation covered by modification 862 and 1090 are acceptable alternatives. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2368 PRE 80 Associated Material: 381 Description: Fire Protection – Re-positioning of crash operated inertia switch. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DH104 Dove Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2367 PRE 80 Associated Material: 253 Description: Electrical Power – To introduce two pole wiring for lights and immersed fuel pumps. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2369 PRE 80 Associated Material: 524 Description: Power Plant – To introduce mild steel engine mounting pick-up fittings in lieu of alclad. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. DH104 Page 1 . Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. and tighter limits in bearing hole. CAA AD No: 2371 PRE 80 Associated Material: 574 Description: Fuselage – To introduce ice shield for ADF and VHF whip aerials. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 2 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 2 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2372 PRE 80 Associated Material: 651 Description: Fuselage – To introduce flexibly mounted VHF whip aerials when mounted on the canopy. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2373 PRE 80 Associated Material: 652 Description: Fuselage – To introduce flexibly mounted VHF whip aerial when mounted on the cabin roof. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. DH104 Page 2 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series airacraft. CAA AD No: 2376 PRE 80 Associated Material: 686 Description: Wings – To introduce new wing root attachment bolts and shims in wing root joints. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2375 PRE 80 Associated Material: 655 Description: Electrical Power – To provide supply for fire extinguisher circuit from battery side of ground-flight switch. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2374 PRE 80 Associated Material: 653 Description: Fuselage – To introduce flexibly mounted ADF whip aerial when mounted on the canopy. CAA AD No: 2382 PRE 80 Associated Material: 868 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of revised locking lever on main undercarriage. steel bottom boom for centre section spar. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2380 PRE 80 Associated Material: 780 Description: Wings – To introduce H.T. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. steel pins for locking stud on aileron differential pulley spindle. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft with Modifications 651 or 652 or 653 embodied. CAA AD No: 2378 PRE 80 Associated Material: 765 Description: Flight Controls – To introduce H. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2377 PRE 80 Associated Material: 753 Description: Fuselage – To introduce smaller washer on flexibly mounted whip aerials. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet.T. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2379 PRE 80 Associated Material: 779 Description: Fuselage – To introduce H. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet.T steel bottom boom section in wing main spar. CAA AD No: 2381 PRE 80 Associated Material: 786 Description: Fuselage – To introduce improvements to whip aerial installation. DH104 Page 3 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2387 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1067 Description: Fuselage – Introduction of Aluminium Copper Alloy DTD 298 Castings in lieu of Magnesium Alloy DTD 289. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2384 PRE 80 Associated Material: 967 Description: Flight Controls – Aileron lever – To introduce a forging in lieu of a casting. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2386 PRE 80 Associated Material: 982 Description: Flight Controls – Introduction of modified locking to flap datum hinge. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2383 PRE 80 Associated Material: 879 Description: Instruments – Oil pressure and temperature gauges – To change attitude in instrument panel. NOTE: Not required when Modification 990 or 1231 are embodied. TNS 151 refers. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2385 PRE 80 Associated Material: 978 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of revised locking lever and jack attachment lever on nose undercarriage. DH104 Page 4 . Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. 19287–05. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 19287–05. CAA AD No: 2392 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 119 Description: Fuselage – Centre section lower spar boom and wing lower spar boom – Safe lives. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft fitted with AL. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2389 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1261 Description: Auto-Pilot – To introduce modified elevator servo Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. DH104 Page 5 . 5. 4U567 in lieu of adjusting screw Part No.3 auto-pilot. CAA AD No: 2391 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1723 Description: Landing Gear – To introduce adjusting screw Part No. 2. 19355–0 incorporating Sperry pressure relief valve Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 4U493 on nose and main undercarriage radius rod assemblies. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2390 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1298 Description: Wings – To introduce improved protective treatment on wing lower main joint.1A or AL. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. 7 and 8 aircraft fitted with AL30 auto-pilot. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. TNS 231 refers. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. 6.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2388 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1260 Description: Auto-Pilot – To introduce modified elevator servo Part No. 19356–0 incorporating Sperry pressure relief valve Part No. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2394 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 134 Description: Wings – Inspection of main spar joints. CAA AD No: 2396 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 163 Description: Fire Protection – Inspection of power plant fire extinguisher system spray pipes. 04465 which have not had Modification 870 embodied. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2397 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 168 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing to fuselage lower main root joint. Compliance required as detailed in TSN. CAA AD No: 2395 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 158 Description: Engine Oil – Recalibration of oil tank dipstick. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft up to and including Serial No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2393 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 125 Description: Wings – Inspection of main spar booms. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft fitted with an oil tank on which Modification PP173 is embodied. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft fitted Gipsy Queen 70 Series engines. DH104 Page 6 . Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. DH104 Page 7 . CAA AD No: 2399 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 178 Description: Wings – Inspection of lower root joint fittings. CAA AD No: 2402 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 190 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of engine mounting frames. CAA AD No: 2403 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 195 Description: Fire Protection – Inspection of fire extinguisher system air intake nozzle. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2401 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 187 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of elevator and rudder trim tab connecting rod assembly eye ends. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2398 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 171 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of aileron cables in the control column. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detialed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2400 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 186 Description: Electrical Power – Inspection of main earth post. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft and spare bottles held in stores. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2409 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 219 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of rudder control pedal reversal lever. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance requiredas detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2405 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 214 Description: Pneumatic – Inspection of emergency air bottles. CAA AD No: 2406 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 216 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. DH104 Page 8 . CAA AD No: 2408 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 218 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2404 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 196 Description: Fire Protection – Inspection of engine fire extinguisher system. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2407 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 217 Description: Wings – Inspection of lower front main attachment fittings. Part 3. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance requiredas detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. NOTE: Compliance is accepted as providing an equivalent level of safety to the requirements of Airworthiness Notice No.) CAA AD No: 2414 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 228 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of left-hand engine mounting frame.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2410 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 222 Description: Doors – Inspection of emergency escape hatches. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. GR No. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. 82. CAA AD No: 2412 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 226 Description: Nacelles/Pylons – Inspection of engine mounting pick-up positions. Section 2. CAA AD No: 2413 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 227 Description: Electrical Power – Loss of generated power. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.4. CAA AD No: 2411 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 223 Description: Pneumatic – Replacement of main air reservoir assemblies. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. (Now CAP 747. CAA AD No: 2415 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 229 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of engine mounting stay struts. DH104 Page 9 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 to Series 8 aircraft and their variants.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2416 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 230 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of centre section spar lower boom drag bracing member. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft (Pre-Modification 779). CAA AD No: 2418 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 237 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of centre section main spar top boom. CAA AD No: 2420 PRE 80 Associated Material: Associated Material:TNS 240 Description: Structure – Aircraft life extension. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2419 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 238 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of centre section main spar top boom (PreModification 779). Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2417 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 232 Description: Landing Gear – Inspection of nose undercarriage inner casing. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. DH104 Page 10 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 002–11–88 Associated Material: TNS 246 Description: Flight Controls – Flap jack to flap attachment pin. DH104 Page 11 . CAA AD No: 008–05–87 Associated Material: TNS 245 Description: Wings – Aileron mass balance weight assemblies – Internal corrosion. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2421 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 244 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of engine mounting frame front engine support spigots. 65–3 Description: The pneumatic compressor drives must be to the standards of Installation Drawing R. 146.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) DH 104 Riley Dove Series 1 and 2 UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2741 PRE 80 Associated Material: Riley Aeronautics Corporation Service Letter No.00459. CAA AD No: 2742 PRE 80 Associated Material: Sir Robert McAlpine Riley Dove Service Bulletin No. CAA AD No: 2743 PRE 80 Associated Material: 253 Description: To introduce two-pole wiring for cabin lights and immersed fuel pumps in order to prevent compass deviation when these two services are in use. 780. 104–2. The installation covered by Modifications 862 and 1090 is an acceptable alternative. NOTE: The spar life must be calculated in accordance with the formula specified in Service Bulletin 104–2. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2744 PRE 80 Associated Material: 381 Description: Re-positioning of crash-operated inertia switch. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all DH 104 Riley Dove 1 and 2. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all DH 104 Riley Dove Series 1 and 2. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. Should have been embodied on receipt of Riley Service Letter 65–3 dated 29 December 1965. DH104 Page 12 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Description: Fatigue Life Limitation of wing Spars after conversion and incorporation of Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - * Denotes if applicable 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2749 PRE 80 Associated Material: *653 Description: To introduce flexibly mounted ADF Whip Aerial when mounted on the canopy. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2748 PRE 80 Associated Material: *652 Description: To introduce flexibly mounted VHF Whip Aerial when mounted on the cabin roof. DH104 Page 13 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement - CAA AD No: 2747 PRE 80 Associated Material: *651 Description: To introduce flexibly mounted VHF Whip Aerials when mounted on the canopy. 4. CAA AD No: 2746 PRE 80 Associated Material: *574 Description: To introduce Ice Shield on VHF and ADF Whip Aerials.4699 made of Mild Steel Plate.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: Associated Material: 2745 PRE 80 Associated Material: Associated Material:524 Description: To introduce Engine Mounting Pick-up Fittings Parts Nos.W.4697 and 4. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet Series CT (104) No.2. 65. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. CAA AD No: 2752 PRE 80 Associated Material: 765 Description: To introduce HTS pins for locking stud on Aileron Differential Pulley Spindle.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2750 PRE 80 Associated Material: 655 Description: To provide supply for fire extinguisher circuit from battery side of ground-flight switch. 199. * Denotes if applicable 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. CAA AD No: 2754 PRE 80 Associated Material: 780 Description: To introduce high tensile steel section in the wing main spar bottom boom. 109. CAA AD No: 2753 PRE 80 Associated Material: 779 Description: To introduce steel centre section bottom boom Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No.114. 199. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement CAA AD No: 2751 PRE 80 Associated Material: *753 Description: To introduce smaller washer on flexibly mounted Whip Aerials. DH104 Page 14 . 1A. AL. No. 1960. * Denotes if applicable 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Mod.30. DH104 Page 15 . 19355 – O incorporating Sperry Pressure Relief Valve Pt. 164 refers. Tech. CAA AD No: 2758 PRE 80 Associated Material: *1261 Description: To introduce modified elevator Servo Pt. 155. News Sheet CT (104) No.30.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2755 PRE 80 Associated Material: *786 Description: To introduce improvements to flexibly mounted Whip Aerials. 04463 should have been embodied by 1 April 1959. 19287–05. 1A. CAA AD No: 2757 PRE 80 Associated Material: *1260 Description: To introduce modified elevator Servo Pt. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement See Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. AL. No. Should have been embodied by 30 April. 04463 to 04477 inclusive should have been embodied by 30 September 1959. 978: Should be embodied by 1 March 1971. 868: (a) Aircraft prior to Serial No. Pt. Should have been embodied by 30 April. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet CT (104) No. CAA AD No: 2756 PRE 80 Associated Material: 868 and 978 Description: Main and Nose undercarriage locking and Jack attachment levers. 109. 19356 – O incorporating Sperry Pressure Relief Valve.3 or AL. 1960. No. 164 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft fitted with Sperry Pilot Aids AL.3 or AL. News Sheet CT (104) No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft fitted with Sperry Pilot Aids AL. (b)Aircraft Serial Nos. Mod. No. Tech. 19287–07 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. News Sheet CT (104) No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Tech. Applicable only to aircraft up to and including Serial No. CAA AD No: 2761 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 134 Description: Wings – Inspection of main spar joints. 168. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. 04465 which have not had Modification 870 embodied. CAA AD No: 2760 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 125 Description: Wings – Inspection of main spar booms. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2759 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1298 Description: Wing Lower Main Spar Root Joints – To introduce improved protective treatment. CAA AD No: 2763 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 171 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of aileron cables in the control column. * Denotes if applicable 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. DH104 Page 16 . CAA AD No: 2762 PRE 80 Associated Material: *TNS 164 Description: Auto-Pilot – Limitations of use. CAA AD No: 2768 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 214 Description: Pneumatic – Inspection of emergency air bottles. CAA AD No: 2767 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 187 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of elevator and rudder trim tab connecting rod assembly eye ends.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2764 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 178 Description: Wings – Inspection of lower root joint fittings. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2766 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 186 Description: Electrical Power – Inspection of main earth post. DH104 Page 17 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2765 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 151 Description: Flight Controls – Aileron lever – To introduce a forging in lieu of a casting. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2769 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 216 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. DH104 Page 18 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2770 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 217 Description: Wings – Inspection of lower front main attachment fittings. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2772 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 219 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of rudder control pedal reversal lever. CAA AD No: 2771 PRE 80 Associated Material: TNS 218 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1954. Should have been embodied by 31 January 1955. CAA AD No: 2617 PRE 80 Associated Material: 213 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of strengthened nosewheel shock absorber. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1957. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1954. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1955. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1B and 2 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2616 PRE 80 Associated Material: 103 Description: Communications – Introduction of flexibly mounted VHF whip aerial when mounted on cabin roof.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) De Havilland DH114 Heron Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2614 PRE 80 Associated Material: 57 Description: Communications – Introduction of a weak link in the fixed aerial wire. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2615 PRE 80 Associated Material: 86 Description: Communications – Introduction of flexiibly mounted VHF and ADF whip aerials when mounted on canopy. DH114 Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 aircraft. CAA AD No: 2618 PRE 80 Associated Material: 250 Description: Pneumatic – Introduction of modified flap selector valve. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2620 PRE 80 Associated Material: 311 Description: Fuel – Introduction of shortened retaining cable on fuel tank filler caps. CAA AD No: 2622 PRE 80 Associated Material: 342 Description: Vacuum – Introduction of guard for A. Should have been embodied by 31 October 1954. Should have been embodied by 30 June 1954. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. NOTE: Modification 352 is alternative to Modification 350 and is not applicable if Modification 219 is embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft unless Modification 219 is embodied. drain taps in forward luggage compartment.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2619 PRE 80 Associated Material: 286 Description: Flight Controls – Reinforcement of spar of inner flaps. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft unless Modification 219 is embodied. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Should have been embodied by 30 June 1954. CAA AD No: 2623 PRE 80 Associated Material: 365 Description: Fuselage – Reinforcing of rear false spar to fuselage side. Should have been embodied by 1 June 1954. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1954.I. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. DH114 Page 2 . CAA AD No: 2621 PRE 80 Associated Material: 350 Description: Fuel – Introduction of modified wing tank filler neck packing plate to improve sealing efficiency.S. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been embodied by 31 October 1955. F2. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1956.T. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. CAA AD No: 2626 PRE 80 Associated Material: 485 Description: Wings – Introduction of safety device on wing leading edge toggle fasteners. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1954.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2624 PRE 80 Associated Material: 373 Description: Communications – Introduction of smaller washer on flexibly mounted whip aerials. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft.S. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2627 PRE 80 Associated Material: 492 Description: Fuselage – Introduction of H. CAA AD No: 2628 PRE 80 Associated Material: 514 Description: Communications – Introduction of improvements to flexibly mounted whip aerials. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft fitted with whip aerials. CAA AD No: 2625 PRE 80 Associated Material: 475 Description: Flight Controls – Introduction of H.T. steel bottom boom for centre section spar. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been embodied by 31 October 1955. pin for locking stud on aileron differential pulley spindle. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft with whip aerials fitted. DH114 Page 3 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 1 aircraft without Modification 203 embodied. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1955. W4. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. DH114 Page 4 . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. W3. CAA AD No: 2633 PRE 80 Associated Material: 758 Description: Flight Controls – Introduction of reinforcing plate to elevator main spar at root rib.T. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. W4. CAA AD No: 2630 PRE 80 Associated Material: 527 Description: Wings – Reinforcing of bottom skin aft of wheel well. CAA AD No: 2632 PRE 80 Associated Material: 753 Description: Flight Controls – Improvement to rudder leading edge. steel bottom boom section. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2629 PRE 80 Associated Material: 520 Description: Wings – Introduction of H. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. Should have been embodied by 31 March 1956. NOTE: Modification 524 covers this work for aircraft Serial No. 10903. CAA AD No: 2631 PRE 80 Associated Material: 662 Description: Wings – Replacement of existing cast aileron operating lever with a forged lever. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 2 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft.4. Should have been embodied by 30 June 1957. DH114 Page 5 . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. CAA AD No: 2637 PRE 80 Associated Material: 887 or 919 Description: Flight Controls – Introduction of modified rudder trim tab connecting rod. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2636 PRE 80 Associated Material: 811 Description: Wings – Introduction of stronger toggle fastener access doors and limiting chains. CAA AD No: 2638 PRE 80 Associated Material: 931 Description: Wings – Introduction of packing plate between steel position of the wing spar boom and the wing skin reinforcing plate.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2634 PRE 80 Associated Material: 760 or929 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of strengthened nose leg inner casing. Introduction of non-linear rudder tab. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft prior to Serial No. CAA AD No: 2635 PRE 80 Associated Material: 810 Description: Wings – Provision for stop plates for toggle fasteners at wing leading edges. W.311 is fitted concurrently. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1956. Acceptable to Series 2 aircraft as an alternative to Modification 887 provided that fork Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft with Modification 469 or Modifications 469 and 815 or 154 embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Introduction of strengthened nose leg inner casing incorporating an improved method of locating towing bobbins. U1. 14083. Should have been embodied by 30 November 1956. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1956. 14TR. U. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CF. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No.1121 for attachment of flap jack shackles in wing. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. 4W. CAA AD No: 2641 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1320 Description: Propellers – Introduction of propeller feathering unit type PFD 3001 in lieu of PFD 2205.2U.229. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft with Modification 220 embodied. CAA AD No: 2642 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1498 Description: Wings – Introduction of special bolt Part No.5835 in lieu of special bolt Part No. CAA AD No: 2640 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1303 Description: Flight Controls – Introduction of an improved method of locking bolts at flap hinge rib 7 .7.631 in lieu of mild steel bolt 14.T.16. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. W.S. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. DH114 Page 6 . 14W.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2639 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1093 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of revised locking lever and jack attachment lever. jack attachment bolts 14–2U.8.13. CAA AD No: 2643 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1536 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of H. U. U16. Should have been complied with by 31 August 1960.10 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of eye end on trim tab connecting rod. CAA AD No: 2647 PRE 80 Associated Material: CF . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. U15. Part ‘A’ should have been embodied by 31 December 1970 for aircraft post Modification 608. CAA AD No: 2648 PRE 80 Associated Material: CF . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. CAA AD No: 2645 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1609 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of a damper ram with improved damping characteristics for main undercarriage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. CAA AD No: 2646 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1610 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of nose undercarriage radius rod adjusting screw in an improved material. U12. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2644 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1592 Description: Landing Gear – Introduction of a down lock operating lever and upper stabiliser casting in an improved material. Repeat inspection on any occasion when aileron cables in the control column have been disturbed. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No. DH114 Page 7 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet No.6 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of aileron cables in the control column. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2652 PRE 80 Associated Material: E. Associated Material: CF.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2649 PRE 80 Associated Material: CF . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.14 Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. DH114 Page 8 . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet.13 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly. CAA AD No: Description: 2650 PRE 80 Flight Controls – Inspection of flap datum hinge assembly.2 Description: Fuselage – Safe life of fuselage centre section lower spar boom. CAA AD No: 2651 PRE 80 Associated Material: CF .8 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of engine mounting stay struts. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2653 PRE 80 Associated Material: E.15 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of rudder control pedal reversal lever. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft.3 Description: Power Plant – Inspection of engine mounting frames. CAA AD No: 2654 PRE 80 Associated Material: F . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: Description: 2659 PRE 80 Fuselage – Inspection of centre section main spar top boom. CAA AD No: 2658 PRE 80 Associated Material: F18 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of centre section spar lower boom drag bracing member.15 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of fin attachment brackets. CAA AD No: 2657 PRE 80 Associated Material: F17 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of fuselage keel frame at wing rear spar pick up position. Associated Material: F19 Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. DH114 Page 9 . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2655 PRE 80 Associated Material: F . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft without Modification 492 embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2656 PRE 80 Associated Material: F16 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of emergency escape hatches. CAA AD No: 2660 PRE 80 Associated Material: F20 Description: Fuselage – Inspection of centre section main spar bottom boom. Note: Compliance is accepted as providing an equivalent level of safety to the requirements of Airworthiness Notice No.) 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2664 PRE 80 Associated Material: M11 Description: Structures – Aircraft life extension. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. (Now CAP 747. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. DH114 Page 10 . GR No. CAA AD No: 2662 PRE 80 Associated Material: M6 Description: Fire Protection – Inspection of engine fire extinguisher system air intake nozzle. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 2665 PRE 80 Associated Material: N4 Description: Electrical Power – Inspection of main earth posts. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Section 2. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. 82. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. 4. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 2663 PRE 80 Associated Material: M9 Description: Structure – Aircraft life extension. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1B aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2661 PRE 80 Associated Material: F21 Description: Fuselage – Replacement of tailplane upper pick-up eyebolt in bulkhead 7 . CAA AD No: 2666 PRE 80 Associated Material: N6 Description: Electrical Power – Loss of generated electrical power. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. Part 3. Should have been complied with by 1 March 1971. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft. CAA AD No: 2669 PRE 80 Associated Material: U13 Description: Landing Gear – Replacement of nose undercarriage locking lever and jack attachment lever. Should have been complied with by 1 June 1972. CAA AD No: 2671 PRE 80 Associated Material: U16 Description: Landing Gear – Replacement of nose undercarriage radius rod adjusting screw. CAA AD No: 2668 PRE 80 Associated Material: S7 Description: Pneumatic – Replacement of main air reservoirs. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been complied with by 31 December 1970. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been complied with by September 1973. DH114 Page 11 . CAA AD No: 2670 PRE 80 Associated Material: U15 Description: Landing Gear – Modification to main undercarriage damper ram. Should have been complied with by 30 April 1974. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 2672 PRE 80 Associated Material: U17 Description: Landing Gear – Inspection of nose undercarriage inner casing. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 2 aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2667 PRE 80 Associated Material: S6 Description: Pneumatic – Replacement of emergency air bottles. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft without Modification 662 embodied. DH114 Page 12 . 14WA-199. Should have been complied with by 31 December 1961. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Should have been complied with by31 May 1970. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. CAA AD No: 2677 PRE 80 Associated Material: W10 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing rear false spar web.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2673 PRE 80 Associated Material: W3 Description: Wings – Replacement of aileron lever Part No. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft which have not had Modification 1454 embodied. CAA AD No: 2674 PRE 80 Associated Material: W4 Description: Wings – Safe life of wing lower spar boom. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2675 PRE 80 Associated Material: W6 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing spar booms. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Series Nos up to and including 14093 and Serial Nos 14098 which have not had Modification 843 embodied. CAA AD No: 2676 PRE 80 Associated Material: W9 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing to fuselage lower main root joints. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Aircraft. CAA AD No: 009–05–87 Associated Material: W19 Description: Wings – Aileron mass balance weight assemblies – Internal corrosion. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 2679 PRE 80 Associated Material: W16 Description: Wings – Replacement of bolts at flap hinge bracket and inspection of fork joints and reinforcing brackets. CAA AD No: 2680 PRE 80 Associated Material: W17 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing to fuselage front lower attachment fittings.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2678 PRE 80 Associated Material: W15 Description: Wings – Inspection of wing strap for engine mounting pick up. DH114 Page 13 . Compliance required as detailed in Technical News Sheet. CAA AD No: 001–11–88 Associated Material: CF–20 Description: Flight Controls – Flap jack to flap attachment pin. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 10)Airspeed indicator range arc revised. 7) Rigging specification for elevator tabs.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 0877 PRE 78 Description Before the CAA can recommend issue of Certificate of Airworthiness the following Dornier modifications must be embodied. 8) Control column stop spaced for ‘elevator down’. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Dornier Do. 2) Trailing edge strips on lift flaps.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Dornier (1) Dornier Do. 1) Maximum ’tail heavy’ tailplane setting from 10·5° reduced to 9°. 3) Quadrant on lower elevator lever. Dornier Page 1 . 4) Extension brackets on elevator control bell crank on frame 3. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 5) Elevator control cable extension.28 Series Aircraft 1 1. 9) Speed limitation placard revised.28B–1 Series aircraft. 6) Elevator tab rod linked at fuselage frame 18. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. CAA AD No: 2841 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1097 Description: To strengthen wing root fillet ribs and attachments. CAA AD No: 2842 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1099 Description: To obviate failure of the flap operating shaft. Modification may be detected by an extra thickness of metal (20 SWG) between the fillet and the wing skin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Douglas DC-3 and Dakota UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2840 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1095 Description: To move ground supply relay to new position and introduction of a warning lamp on the port doorway side member at Stn 86. CAA AD No: 2844 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1107 Description: To improve the fuel tank filler neck seal. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. CAA AD No: 2843 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1106 Description: Improved universal joint in the fuel selector valve control. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Douglas Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. S359 Airtech Mod. P12757 BEAC Mod. P12755 or P22218. S359 Airtech Mod. P12575 BEAC Mod. S371 Airtech Mod. are acceptable alternatives: BOAC Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. BEAC Mod. P–35–2 Skyways Mod.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2845 PRE 80 Associated Material: S688 Description: To provide six additional 2 BA nuts and bolts on access panel. AT103. P–1–4 Skyways Mod. AT101 CAA AD No: 2848 PRE 80 Associated Material: S607 Description: Fireproofing of firewall. adjacent to exhaust pipe expansion joint. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. The following Mods are acceptable alternatives: BOAC Mod. CAA AD No: 2849 PRE 80 Associated Material: S617 Description: Flameproofing of fast feathering circuits. The following Mods. The following Mods are acceptable alternatives: BOAC Mod. Douglas Page 2 . CAA AD No: 2847 PRE 80 Associated Material: S599 Description: Introduction of flameproof hose. AT103. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. P–35–2 Skyways Mod. CAA AD No: 2846 PRE 80 Associated Material: S694 Description: Introduction of Starter Relay Failure Warning Lights. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. Airtech Mod. all Dakota aircraft should now have been examined to ascertain that no rubber hose and clip type joints occurred in the fuel system pipe lines in the wheel bay including the vapour vent return line. Airtech Mod. U–4–5 Skyways Mod. Douglas Page 3 . 239 Description: Modification of the engine hydraulic pump selection system. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. AT104. 21 February 2011 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2855 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of fuel vapour return lines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. P22082 BEAC Mod. are acceptable alternatives: BOAC Mod. An alternative modification acceptable to the CAA may be embodied. CAA AD No: 2851 PRE 80 Associated Material: S646 or S652 Description: Installation of fire warning light. The following modifications are acceptable as alternatives: Transair TRA/M/109 or British Airways BEA No. CAA AD No: 2852 PRE 80 Associated Material: S760 Description: Provision of flexible sleeving inside engine electrical conduits to prevent chafing. CAA AD No: 2853 PRE 80 Associated Material: Douglas Service Bulletin DC3 No. AT105. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Modification Leaflet. P22082 BEAC Mod. S331. The following Mods. The following Mods. E–32–4 Skyways Mod. are acceptable alternatives: BOAC Mod. Any such hose and clip joints in the wheel bay should have been eliminated by the substitution of all metal joints. H–4–21. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Following a fire in the air believed to have been caused by a leaking rubber hose joint in the fuel vapour return line situated adjacent to electrical equipment.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2850 PRE 80 Associated Material: S622 Description: Installation of fire extinguisher system. S331. if installed must be made inoperative by positively locking the intake door in the closed position and rivetting a blanking plate over the control lever quadrant to prevent inadvertent operation. d) Propeller blades 6477A–0 and interchangeable blades 6277–0 must not be used with hub 23E50 if rigid type reduction gears are installed. Dakota 6 are similar to Dakota aircraft having R1830–90D or 90C engines. At conversion from military to civil use the outer wing and centre section lower surface attachment angles and doublers must be changed to the standards of AD66– 18–2 irrespective of the total hours flown by the aircraft. and quicker undercarriage retraction. Goodyear single disc brakes. Also Paddle blade type propeller Hamilton 23E50–473–6519–18. c) All these engines must have installed a reduction gear of 16. (b) Dakota 4 Aircraft must be fitted with Pratt and Whitney S3C4G. e) Propeller blades 6153–18.9. 6229–18 and 6429–18 may be used with propeller hub 23E50 and a Placard is required ‘Avoid continuous operation between 1900 and 2050 rev/min’. 82. See also Item 18. S4C4G. If rigid type reduction gears are fitted an additional placard is required – ‘Avoid continuous operation between 1500 and 1650 rev/min and avoid take-off operation between 2450 and 2700 rev/min’. See also FAA Aircraft Data Sheet A669 for other propeller blade and hub combinations and limitations. the 2 speed supercharger gear controls must be positively locked for operation in low gear only. undercarriage doors. in accordance with Douglas Drawing 5115226 or equivalent Forward facing filtered air intakes are not approved by the FAA. –67. R1830–49. –57 – . –43A. A vacuum gauge must be installed in the instrument vacuum system. This should be done by a tiebar on the rear cover of the engine. –90C or 90D engines. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 21 February 2011 Section 2 Part 1. Reduction gear nameplates or housings must be marked ‘16/9’ to denote the gear ratio and ‘R’ to indicate rigid or ‘D’ to indicate non-rigid (spline coupled).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2856 PRE 80 Associated Material: CAA Letter ACC/1214 dated 14–4–67 Description / Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Before the CAA will issue or renew Certificates of Airworthiness for Dakota (Douglas C47) aircraft the following requirements must be fulfilled: 1 (a) Dakota 3 Aircraft must be fitted with Pratt and Whitney S1C3G. All aircraft must be fitted with oil cooler air exit shutters unless the aircraft has been otherwise modified to an approved scheme. 6353–18. 2 On Dakota 4 Aircraft installed with Pratt and Whitney S4C4G or R1830–90C engines. Dakota 5 Aircraft are fitted with R1830–94 engines and are certified in the Private Category only. R1830– 43. and a note at the supercharger control in the cockpit. –92 or –96 engines. Engine log books must also be annotated but only overhaul organisations may mark the gear housings. Approval is granted only in certain aerial work circumstances to use this control. The non-ram air intake system. Douglas Page 4 . A satisfactory windscreen wiper must be installed. the disconnection of the engine controls in the power plant bay. external marking must be easily visible from the ground. (i) Emergency lighting in the passenger compartment. to operate in the following manner. Several types of fire warning lights may be fitted in the cockpit if a hinged night hood is fitted or if a rotary dimmer switch is fitted.040 must be reworked to Douglas Service Bulletin No. 215 Supplement No. The undercarriage must be in accordance with Douglas Service Bulletin No. and placarded accordingly: FORWARD AFT – – RAM AIR HOT AIR 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 21 February 2011 Section 2 Part 1. ii) Method of illumination of the leading edges of the mainplanes for ice observation at night. these must be wire locked in ‘day’ position using fusewire. must be provided. if necessary.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 10 11 To comply with current Air Navigation Order. When AN4/7A and AN4/10A bolts are used for mainplane attachments they must be torque loaded to 135 to 150 in/lb. v) First Aid Kits and manuals. Early type wing tips having stringers in the top surface of 1/2 x 7/16 x. The Radio Station must comply with CAA requirements. should be fire resistant (ARB Specification No. The only British equivalent bolts are A25–4E. 7) usually two points will be sufficient. 242 as supplemented by Douglas Service Bulletin No. –5E and –6E and these must be torque loaded to 130 to 135 in/lb. iv) Torches. etc. iii) Flashing navigation lights to be fitted giving the correct angular range of light. x) Spare electrical fuses to 10% of each value or 3. The seating layout must be approved by the Authority and suitable cabin fire extinguishers must be provided. flight and navigation instrumentation must be checked for compliance. 8). vii)Exits and Emergency Exits must be marked. ix) Break-in points must be marked on the fuselage (ARB Specification No. The selector mechanism for the carburettor ‘Hot Air’ supply must be rearranged. The later types have stringers of 7/8 x 1/2 x. vi) Means of indicating to the passengers that seat belts must be fastened and smoking prohibited. the following must be provided for Transport Category (Passenger) Standard.051 and these are satisfactory. upholstery. The cabin lining. American and British bolts must not be mixed on any one aircraft and similar type stiff nuts must be used being assembled dry. usually three inertia and manual control lights will be sufficient depending on the interior layout. viii)The aircraft. Douglas Page 5 . Oil hoppers should be removed from oil tanks to an approved modification. whichever is most. 261 and tyres of 12 ply rating or over must be fitted. 1 of 30–11–43 and Douglas Service Letter of 19–10–43. xi) Safety harness for the pilots installed to an approved scheme. Redhill. Replace any defective link rods. Remove material from rib cut out to achieve minimum clearance. Check that the link rods clear the rib cut out through which they pass by at least on-quarter inch. Steps 1 to 4 of the inspection should be accomplished at any time the flap rigging is adjusted. With flaps up check that with flap hydraulic jack bottomed. Douglas Page 6 . Operators are to perform the following inspection: 1 2 3 4 Remove all panels to gain access to flap jack and parallelogram linkage. quoting this CAA Emergency AD number. Critical Points are with flaps up and three quarters down. 5 If defective rods are found as a result of this inspection Operators are requested to advise the Safety Data Unit. 21 February 2011 Section 2 Part 1. or sign of rubbing or chafing. Within 50 flight hours of the receipt of this CAA Emergency Airworthiness Directive. Inspect link rods for bow. Operate the flaps slowly up and down stopping at each setting.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 001-07-78 Associated Material: N/A Description: Flap Operating Systems Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Dakota DC3/C47 aircraft. this will involve de-rivetting of stiffener angles. CAA. including panel flap recess covering aft end of linkage. that the flap trailing edge is lightly contacting the buffer pads on the wing. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Jodel aircraft fitted with all-moving tailplane (stabilator) in particular Models DR150. NOTE: This Directive has been amended to show in full the content of CAA Special Inspection JO/EN/1 Revision A. Revision 1 became effective on 5 January 1998. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Inspect the inboard and outboard stabilator bearing attachment plates for corrosion in accordance with the following procedure: a) Remove stabilator. c) If corrosion is evident replace all plates by anodised aluminium replacement plates supplied by Apex Aircraft or new steel plates to be obtained from Airworld UK Ltd. removing paint finish as necessary. Compliance is required not later than 10 flight hours from the effective date of this Directive which is 6 July 1979.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Jodel Series Aircraft 1 1. e) The periodic inspection required by paragraph d) is not required if the plates have been replaced by steel plates in accordance with paragraph c). d) If plates are uncorroded. Jodel Page 1 . b) Remove bearing attachment plates located each side of top longerons and inspect for corrosion.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 010–06–79 Rev 2 Description Stabilator Attachment – Inspection for corrosion. DR1050M and DR1051MM. re-install plates and re-inspect at periods not exceeding 3 years elapsed time or at the next C of A renewal if more convenient. Revision 2 became effective on 28 September 2004. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . paragraphs 1.1 and 3.2 Flap Gates A flap gate must be introduced at the discontinued approach climb setting and must comply with the requirements of BCAR Chapter D4-8. Learjet Page 1 .1. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.3.12. The independence of the main attitude indicators shall not be violated by the comparator. 1.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Comparator Warning Indicator Comparator warning indicators are required for the two main attitude indicators and the comparison is to be made at the instrument presentation. Alternatively selfcontained standby instruments may be located in close proximity to each main horizon indicator.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Learjet (1) Learjet 35A/36A 1 1. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 3. The warning system shall be designed such that any termination failure (e. Modify all aircraft which have been fitted with a main cabin cargo door for which the initial opening movement is not inward or which could hazard the aircraft if open in flight. 81. It must not be possible to position the mechanical means in the retaining position if the latch is not in the fully latched position. Associated aircraft Flight Manual Instructions must require engine shutdown as soon as possible following such an indication. 1. Compliance is required not later than 29 February 2000.857. or following a single unsuccessful burn-off should a Fuzz Burn-off system be fitted. a Reduction Gear Assembly cockpit magnetic chip detection system. Smoke Detectors Smoke detector systems installed in Class E Cargo compartments must be in compliance with CS 25.855 and 25.3 Standby Artificial Horizon As a result of the accident and incident record. fully closed and fully latched. either an acceptable artificial horizon comparator or. Lockheed Page 1 . are not all retained in the fully latched (or locked) position.1 of Airworthiness Notice No. 1. A warning must also be generated if the mechanical retention means required under 1) above. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Lockheed L–188 Series Aircraft 1 1. by embodiment of: 1) a) independent mechanical locks to secure the latches in the fully latched position.1 Additional Requirements and Special Conditions Applicable to L188 Electra. a standby artificial horizon must be fitted. or b) individual positive mechanical means to retain each latch in the fully latched position.1 Additional Airworthiness Directives 002–05–99 Applicable to L–188A and L–188C aircraft all Serial numbers. acceptable to the CAA. If a standby artificial horizon is installed it must comply with the specification detailed in 2. cable chafe or earth loss) will result in a fail-safe warning being generated. 2) a red visual warning which signals to the appropriate crewmember if the cargo door is not fully closed.2 Loss of Propeller As a result of the accident and incident record.g. latched and locked or if locks are not installed. 2 2. must be fitted. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 8A. Compliance is required with FAA AD 96–24–17R1 as amended and expanded by this Directive. 8D. if applicable. Inspect the wings. not later than 12 months from the effective date of this Directive. If any indications of corrosion are found.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Luscombe (2) Luscombe Series Aircraft 1 1. Inspect the horizontal tailplane externally for signs of corrosion.1 Additional Airworthiness Directives 003–08–2001 Applicable to Luscombe 8. (and if necessary modify in accordance with the manufacturer’s approved data). The inspection required by this Directive must be repeated at intervals not exceeding 12 months. inspect the wing spars and. or Part (a) of FAA AD 96–24–17R1 for metal-covered wings. The alternative inspection procedures defined by the Appendix to FAA AD 96–24– 17R1 are NOT an acceptable means of compliance with this Directive as applied to UK-registered aircraft. Such replacement or repair must be approved under the applicable UK airworthiness procedures. and other available access points. investigate further by dis-assembly as necessary. and replace or repair all affected parts. Luscombe Page 1 . Using these. Remove any readily detachable tailplane fairings and inspect the internal structure of the tailplane for corrosion to the extent permitted by the available access. or deformation of the skin panels. to ensure that the access provisions are in accordance with: Luscombe Drawings 082138 and SK082138 for fabric-covered wings. 8E. which is 10 September 2001. 8C. including loose or damaged rivets. 8F and T–8F aircraft. Inspect the fittings mounted on the spars for any indication of corrosion between the mating surfaces or of the fasteners. the metal wing skins for corrosion. 8B. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2786 PRE 80 Associated Material: 26 Description: To prevent control fouling between seat and elevator control. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2785 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14 Description: Introduction of anti-spinning strakes. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Not applicable when Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2787 PRE 80 Associated Material: 35 Description: Introduction of steel sleeves on the throttle rods.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Miles M14a Hawk Trainer III (Magister) UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2783 PRE 80 Associated Material: 2 Description: Introduction of fork end in lieu of eye end for flap ram attachment. 116 (deletion of wheel spats and undercarriage oleo leg fairings) is embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2788 PRE 80 Associated Material: 36 Description: Introduction of improved attachment of spats. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2784 PRE 80 Associated Material: 12 Description: Strengthening of parallel motion link assembly on the rudder bar. No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Miles M14A Page 1 . CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2789 PRE 80 Associated Material: 45 Description: Positive fixing of control column rudder grip. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2791 PRE 80 Associated Material: 58 Description: Introduction of markings on fuel cock handle. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2792 PRE 80 Associated Material: 108 Description: Strengthening of rudder pedals. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2793 PRE 80 Associated Material: 468 Description: Introduction of modification to fuel cock to prevent ‘all tanks on’ being selected. Miles M14A Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2790 PRE 80 Associated Material: 53 Description: Introduction of high aspect ratio rudder. CAA AD No: 2707 PRE 80 Associated Material: 134 Description: To introduce laminated safety glass or Perspex in cabin doors. Essential only when Mod. 3. 2A. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 104 (to introduce a footstep into the flap) is embodied. 2A. 3. 351. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. CAA AD No: 2709 PRE 80 Associated Material: 240B Description: To introduce an endless chain to operate the flap jack and an additional support. 3. 4. 4. 4A and 5. 4A and 5. No. 2A. Miles M38 Page 1 . 2A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Miles M38 Messenger UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2706 PRE 80 Associated Material: 72 Description: To fireproof all necessary pipes forward of the fireproof bulkhead. CAA AD No: 2708 PRE 80 Associated Material: 153A Description: To introduce improvements in the venting and draining of fuel tanks. Complementary to Mod. 4. Not applicable to aircraft equipped with bucket type seats. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. 3. 4A and 5. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. No. 2A and 3 only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. 4A and 5. 4. CAA AD No: 2710 PRE 80 Associated Material: 313 Description: To strengthen the lift flap bell crank levers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. Complementary to Mod. 2A and 3 only. 2A. CAA AD No: 2712 PRE 80 Associated Material: 363 Description: To reinforce the rear windows. 240B. 3 and 4. Miles M38 Page 2 . Part B – To fit a leather sleeve. 2A. 3 and 4. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. Essential for aircraft with 12 volt electrical system only. 2A and 3 only. CAA AD No: 2713 PRE 80 Associated Material: 368 Part A –To provide a guard for the aileron torque shaft (forward end). 3 and 4. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. Essential for Part A or Part B only to be fitted. Description: CAA AD No: 2714 PRE 80 Associated Material: 405A Description: To prevent crossing of battery connection. Part B – To fit external metal frame. Not applicable to aircraft equipped with bucket type seats. No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2711 PRE 80 Associated Material: 351 Description: To provide a guard on the flap operating chain pulley under the front seat. CAA AD No: 2715 PRE 80 Associated Material: 406 Description: To prevent crossing of battery connections. Not applicable to three seater aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 2A. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. Part A – To reinforce the window. Essential for aircraft with 24 volt electrical system only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 2. Essential for Part A or Part B only to be fitted. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Marks.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2716 PRE 80 Associated Material: 431 Description: To delete the cabin door jettison gear. Miles M38 Page 3 . CAA AD No: 2719 PRE 80 Associated Material: 465 Description: Replacement of plastic rudder bar parallel motion links by metal. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2717 PRE 80 Associated Material: 434 Description: To reinforce the tailplane front false spar attachments to the tailplane root ribs. Service Instruction Messenger/14. To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Marks. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4A and 5. Service Instruction Messenger/13. Service Instruction Messenger/7. CAA AD No: 2721 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1/13 Description: To reposition the fuel drain pipe in the engine bay. To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Marks. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mark 4A. To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. and alterations to vent and drain pipes. CAA AD No: 2720 PRE 80 Associated Material: 467 Description: Drilling of fuel tank filler caps. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Marks. CAA AD No: 2718 PRE 80 Associated Material: 462 Description: Introduction of starter isolation switch. CAA AD No: 2723 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1/40 Description: To strengthen Rib 4 at undercarriage attachment. Any one of the following approved Modification is acceptable: Simpson’s Aeroservices Mod. Simpson’s Aeroservices Mod. CAA AD No: 2726 PRE 80 Associated Material: R&W 036 Description: Introduction of strengthened fork ends to flap jacks. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4A and 5. SA/M 21 – replacement for original faulty square thread fork ends. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4A and 5.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2722 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1/24 Description: To increase the size of the cable connections at the trim tabs. SA/M 20 – replacement for original faulty Acme thread fork ends. CAA AD No: 2725 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1/80 Description: Screws for attachment of elevator hinge block. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mark 4A. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Marks 4A and 5. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Western Manufacturing (Reading) Limited Service Instruction Messenger/17. Miles M38 Page 4 . CAA AD No: 2724 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1/71 Description: To strengthen the nose cowl leg. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. No: 3838262) on the rear face of Frame 7 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2727 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection and rework of the flap jack mounting (Pt. Service Instruction Messenger/8. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. Service Instruction Messenger/18 refers. Service Instruction Messenger/16. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Ltd. Service Instruction Messenger/15. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Western Manufacturing (Reading) Ltd. CAA AD No: 2728 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of vent and drain connections on fuel tanks at periods of flying time not exceeding 150 hours. CAA AD No: 2730 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of Aileron Outer Hinge Bearing Housing. Miles M38 Page 5 . CAA AD No: 2729 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of rudder bar pedals to ensure correct assembly and prevent fouling. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 104 (to introduce a footstep into the flap) is embodied. CAA AD No: 2685 PRE 80 Associated Material: 343 Description: Provision for positive locking of bolts at rear engine to the engine bearer. CAA AD No: 2684 PRE 80 Associated Material: 328 Description: Introduction of copper contacts in lieu of beryllium copper to prevent fusing of starter switch contacts. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited. Service Instruction Gemini/15. 351. No. Not applicable to aircraft equipped with bucket type seats. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Complementary to Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2682 PRE 80 Associated Material: 240B Description: To introduce an endless chain to operate the flap jack and an additional support. CAA AD No: 2683 PRE 80 Associated Material: 313 Description: To strengthen the lift flap bell crank levers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Miles M65 Gemini UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2681 PRE 80 Associated Material: 153 Description: To improve the venting and draining of fuel tanks. No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Not applicable to Mark 3A or 3B. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Essential only when Mod. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Miles M65 Page 1 . 240B. CAA AD No: 2689 PRE 80 Associated Material: 405 Description: To prevent crossing of battery connections. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Essential for Part A or Part B only to be fitted.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2686 PRE 80 Associated Material: 351 Description: To provide a guard on the flap control chain pulley under the front seats. Miles M65 Page 2 . Part A – To reinforce the windows. CAA AD No: 2687 PRE 80 Associated Material: 363 Description: To reinforce the rear windows. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2690 PRE 80 Associated Material: 432B Description: To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited. Part B – To fit external metal frame. No. Part B – To fit leather sleeve. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To reinforce the engine nacelle structure at the front support brackets. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Essential for Part A or Part B only to be fitted. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Complementary to Mod. CAA AD No: 2688 PRE 80 Associated Material: 368 Description: Part A – To provide a guard for the aileron torque shaft. Service Instruction Gemini/9. Not applicable to aircraft equipped with bucket type seats. CAA AD No: 2692 PRE 80 Associated Material: 438 Description: To prevent fouling of operative cable attachment clamps on the starter switches. No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2695 PRE 80 Associated Material: R and W 047 Description: Introduction of redesigned connecting bar on undercarriage switches. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited. CAA AD No: 2693 PRE 80 Associated Material: 446 Description: Introduction of modified engine mounting rear foot. Service Instruction Gemini/24 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited. Miles M65 Page 3 . Not applicable when Mod. Rotax D5506 Dual Pole Switch is an acceptable alternative. CAA AD No: 2694 PRE 80 Associated Material: 461 Description: Introduction of undercarriage retraction switches.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2691 PRE 80 Associated Material: 434 Description: To reinforce the tailplane front false spar attachments to the tailplane root ribs. No. Service Instruction Gemini/10. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Supersedes Mod. 383. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Western Manufacturing (Reading) Limited. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Not applicable to Mark 3A or 3B. Service Instruction Gemini/14. 358 (to reposition starter switches and move starter plug) is embodied. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2696 PRE 80 Associated Material: 462 Description: Introduction of starter isolation switch. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement: - CAA AD No: 2697 PRE 80 Associated Material: 465 Description: Replacement of plastic rudder bar parallel motion links by metal. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/17. CAA AD No: 2698 PRE 80 Associated Material: 467 Description: Drilling of fuel tank filler caps, and alterations to vent and drain pipes. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/18. CAA AD No: 2699 PRE 80 Associated Material: 476 Description: Introduction of six 1/4" diameter bolts (three each side of nacelle) in lieu of 2 BA bolts securing the rear nacelle/wing attachment brackets. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/20. CAA AD No: 2700 PRE 80 Associated Material: R & W 936 Description: Introduction of strengthened fork end to flap jacks. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Western Manufacturing (Reading) Limited Service Instruction Gemini/23. Any one of the following approved modifications is acceptable: Simpson’s Aeroservices Mod. SA/M 20 – replacement for original faulty Acme thread fork ends. Simpson’s Aeroservices Mod. SA/M 21 – replacement for original faulty square thread fork ends. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Miles M65 Page 4 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2701 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection and rework of the flap jack mounting (Part No. 3838262) on the rear face of Frame 7 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/12. CAA AD No: 2702 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of vent and drain connections on fuel tanks at periods of flying time not exceeding 150 hours. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/19. CAA AD No: 2703 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of rudder bar pedals to ensure correct assembly and prevent fouling. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement To be carried out in accordance with Handley Page (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/21. CAA AD No: 2704 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of AIleron Outer Hinge Bearing Housing. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Western Manufacturing (Reading) Limited, Service Instruction Gemini/27 refers. CAA AD No: 2705 PRE 80 Associated Material: Airworthiness Notice No. 82 (Now CAP 747 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. , 4) Description: Electrical Generation System – Warning of loss of generated electrical power. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required as detailed in Airworthiness Notice. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Miles M65 Page 5 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Percival Prentice UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1470 PRE 80 Associated Material: ATEL SB/1 Description: Ultrasonic crack detection of Hymatic type B13 air bottles. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Civil Prentice aircraft. Compliance required within three months of receipt of Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Perc. Prentice Page 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Percival Proctor and Vega Gull UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1471 PRE 80 Associated Material: 130 Description: Strengthened attachment ribs to aileron false spar. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull aircraft. This modification need only be embodied if the attachment of the ribs to the false spar is defective. CAA AD No: 1472 PRE 80 Associated Material: 199 Description: Strengthened attachment airscoop baffle. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull aircraft. CAA AD No: 1473 PRE 80 Associated Material: 210 Description: Drain holes in rear fuselage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull aircraft. CAA AD No: 1474 PRE 80 Associated Material: 215 Description: Wire reinforced control column gaiter. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull aircraft. CAA AD No: 1475 PRE 80 Associated Material: 218 Description: Introduction of additional manifold drain. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull aircraft. Complementary to DH Mod. No. G1152 which must be embodied at the same time. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Perc. Proctor Page 1 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1476 PRE 80 Associated Material: 590 Description: Strengthened attachment ribs to aileron false spar. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. This modification need only be embodied if the attachment of the ribs to the false spar is defective. CAA AD No: 1477 PRE 80 Associated Material: 659 Description: Strengthened attachment airscoop baffle. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. CAA AD No: 1478 PRE 80 Associated Material: 676 Description: Drain holes in rear fuselage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. CAA AD No: 1479 PRE 80 Associated Material: 685 Description: Wire reinforced control column gaiter. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. CAA AD No: 1480 PRE 80 Associated Material: 687 Description: Introduction of gauze filter to fuel tanks having serial numbers prefixed by the letters GSM. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I, Mark II and Mark III and Vega Gull aircraft. CAA AD No: 1481 PRE 80 Associated Material: 689 Description: Introduction of additional manifold drain. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. Complementary to DH Mod. No. G1152, which must be embodied at the same time. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Perc. Proctor Page 2 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1482 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1141 Description: Introduction of gauze filter to fuel tanks having serial numbers prefixed by the letters GSM. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. CAA AD No: 1483 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1143 Description: Introduction of additional manifold drain. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. Complementary to DH Mod. No. G1152 which must be embodied at the same time. CAA AD No: 1484 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1171 Description: Introduction to Battery Master switch. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Proctor and Vega Gull aircraft in accordance with Notice to Licensed Aircraft Engineers and to Owners of Civil Aircraft No. 33. CAA AD No: 1485 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1175 Description: Introduction of new type fuel tank vent. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. CAA AD No: 1486 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1204 Description: Locking bottom pin, front spar wing attachment joint. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. Modification need only be embodied if, owing to wear in the locking mechanism, the lower main attachment pin can be withdrawn from the front spar rear attachment plates while in the locked position. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Perc. Proctor Page 3 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1487 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1205 Description: Locking top pin, front spar attachment. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. This modification need only be embodied if, owing to manufacturing discrepancies, the wing gap between the centre section nose and the outer plane is too large to ensure that the top pin cannot rotate and partly withdraw. CAA AD No: 1488 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1206 Description: Flying control pulleys in rear fuselage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. CAA AD No: 1489 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1207 Description: Cabin door jettisoning label. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark I, Mark II, Mark III, Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. CAA AD No: 1490 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1255 Description: Reinforcement of centre plane spars. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft. CAA AD No: 1491 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1228 Description: Strengthening of the attachment of the elevator lever to the rocking tube. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Proctor Mark II and Mark III aircraft. To be carried out in accordance with Percival Aircraft Limited, Civil Technical Instruction No. 3. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Perc. Proctor Page 4 Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable only to Proctor Mark IV and Mark V aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1492 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1229 Description: Strengthening of the attachment of the elevator lever to the rocking tube. Civil Technical Instruction No. Perc. Civil Technical Instruction No. 2. etc. 13 refers. To be carried out in accordance with Percival Aircraft Ltd. CAA AD No: 1495 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Inspection of laminated spar booms. CAA AD No: 1493 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1236 Description: Introduction of strengthening aileron mass balance arm. Compliance required by 1 November 1961. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable all Proctor aircraft. To be carried out in accordance with Percival Aircraft Limited. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Marks. Proctor Page 5 . 2. CAA AD No: 1494 PRE 80 Associated Material: C1246 Description: Maximum permissible speed – Introduction of cockpit data plate. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Proctor Mark I and Vega Gull. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 4. Hunting Aircraft Civil Technical Instruction No. To be carried out in accordance with Civil Technical Instruction No. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2461 PRE 80 Associated Material: RAE/TNS/D62/12 Description: Inspection for heavy landing damage. Compliance required as detailed in TNS.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rollason Druine Condor UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2460 PRE 80 Associated Material: RAE/TNS/D62/3 Description: Securing of loose seat cushions. Rollason Page 1 . Compliance required every 50 flying hours. RAE/TNS/D62/10 also refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all aircraft. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1 Before further flight after receipt of this Directive: NOTE:Aircraft inspected to CAA AD 003–06–82 or Slingsby TI 103/T61 will be deemed to be in compliance with this paragraph.1 a) With the main rigging pin pulled fully upwards by means of the Tee handle.1 a) inspection.1 a) or 1. and rectified. Compliance is required as detailed below. 1. b) If difficulty is encountered in establishing paragraph 1. Should no plain untapered shank be visible protruding below the port bottom boom lug fitting the aircraft shall not fly until the cause has been established. At Each Rigging: NOTE:Aircraft inspected to CAA AD 003–06–82 or Slingsby TI 103/T61 will be deemed to be in compliance with this paragraph.3 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.1 a) or 1. Any damage likely to have a detrimental effect upon the airworthiness of the aircraft is found. 1. Extreme care must be exercised when aligning the fittings to ensure that the lugs are not splayed during mainplane rigging. 1.1 b) and the redundant hole made unusable. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to SF25 and SF28 Series motor gliders and Slingsby T61A.1 b). Additional safety pin hole exists. such that the safety pin is hard against the lower face of the top boom lug fitting establish that the plain untapered portion of main pin shank protrudes below the port bottom boom lug fitting.1 a).2 3. B. following inspection to 1. and rectified.3 2 2.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 001–07–82 Description Inspection of wing centre joint and additional limitations.1 b). Establish whether more than one safety pin hole exists in the main pin. Scheibe Page 1 . Inform Slingsby Aviation if: Plain portion of pin does not protrude.2 3 3.2 Should no plain untapered shank be visible protruding below the port bottom boom lug fitting the aircraft shall not fly until the cause has been established. If more than one safety pin hole exists the aircraft must not be flown until the correct hole has been established by compliance with inspection to paragraph 1. C and D motor gliders. 2.1 3.1 Accomplish the inspection contained in paragraph 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Scheibe Series Motor Gliders 1 1. due to poor access the wings must be removed and port wing inspected in accordance with paragraph 1. 1 shall be installed in full view of the pilot(s) if any of the conditions contained in be fitted in this event. 4.1. 4. Loops. 4.3 Main pin with more than one safety locking pin hole or where the safety locking pin hole exceeds .1.125" diameter. 653B–51–514.2 Main pin with bottom end radius greater than 3 mm. Spins or winch launches are prohibited on aircraft fitted with: 4.2 and 3.4 Safety locking pins made from less than 12 SWG (.104") piano wire (spring steel). Chandelles.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 4. Scheibe Page 2 .3 and 4.3 and it is strongly recommended that an accelerometer red-lined at +3.1 Main pin No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.1 Additional Flight Limitations: Turns steeper than 60° angle of bank. 4. paragraphs 3.1.2 A placard prohibiting manoeuvres stated in paragraph are not met.1 permits aerobatic manoeuvres the aircraft shall be placarded in accordance with Airworthiness Notice No 51. 4. Issue 1.2 or 4. If compliance under 4. To minimise the risk of catastrophic failure of MLG radius arms in service. a repetitive NDT inspection requirement has now been introduced which is applicable to all series and models of Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft. Duxford Airfield. Aviation House. Effective Date: 16 July 2008 Compliance/Action: Compliance required as detailed in Bulldog Service Bulletin BDG/100/172. England. Gatwick Airport South.MAIN LANDING GEAR RADIUS ARMS – NDT INSPECTION Manufacturer(s): Scottish Aviation Ltd Applicability: All Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft which have accumulated 5000 flying hours or greater. CB2 4QR. Aviation Page 1 . United Kingdom.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) All Scottish Aviation Bulldog Aircraft United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2008-0004 Issue Date: 20 February 2008 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the National Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). Reason: Fatigue cracks have been found in main landing gear (MLG) radius arms of Scottish Aviation Bulldog aircraft during NDT inspection. West Sussex. RH6 0YR. Type Approval Holders Name: DE HAVILLAND SUPPORT LIMITED Type Certificate Data Sheet No: BA7 Superseded AD: None Type/Model Designation(s): ALL SCOTTISH AVIATION BULLDOG AIRCRAFT ATA 32 . Building 213. Scott. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of [email protected] Remarks: Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification Department. Telephone: +44 (0) 1223 830090 Fax: +44 (0) 1223 830085 Email: info@dhsupport. Telephone: +44 (0)1293 573292 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 573976 Email: department. In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. Reference Publications: de Havilland Support Limited Bulldog Service Bulletin BDG/100/172 may be obtained from de Havilland Support Limited. Safety Regulation Group. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2366 PRE 80 Associated Material: BDG/100/96 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Bendix Fuel Injector System with Bellows type body seal. Scott. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 004–07–81 Associated Material: SB 100/103 Description: Wings – Inspection of undercarriage attachment lugs – Port and Starboard – Main spar centre section. Should have been accomplished by 30 April 1974. CAA AD No: 006–07–84 Associated Material: BDG/100/127 Description: Fuselage – Cracking of angle diaphragm and flange at tailplane spar attachment. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 100 Models 101 and 104. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 200 aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Scottish Aviation Bulldog Series 100 and 120 Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2365 PRE 80 Associated Material: BDG/100/27 Description: Equipment/Furnishings – Modification No.BH 72 to pilot’s and co-pilot’s seat back locating plungers. Aviation Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Avco Lycoming Service Bulletin No 428. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. CAA AD No: 009–04–87 Associated Material: BDG/100/153 Description: Flight Controls – Control rod end fittings – Security of attachment. Scott. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. CAA AD No: 002–11–91 Associated Material: BDG/100/162 Description: Flight Controls – Corrosion of elevator torque tubes. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 100 and 120 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in SB. CAA AD No: 028–04–90 Associated Material: BDG/100/156 Description: Flight Controls – Inspection of handgrip fitting on control column. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Cancelled and superseded by AD 003–12–96. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in SB.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 006–01–85 Associated Material: BDG/100/143 Description: Flight Controls – Pilot’s rudder torque tubes – Failure at lever hub weld. Aviation Page 3 . CAA AD No: 004–10–95 Associated Material: BDG/100/167 Description: Landing Gear – Brake system – Foot brake controls – To inspect the brake torque-tube assemblies. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. CAA AD No: 006–12–94 Associated Material: BDG/100/165 Description: Mainplanes – Notification of life limitation for main-spar joint. Compliance required as detailed in SB. CAA AD No: 003–12–96 Associated Material: BDG/100/170 Description: Notification of life limitation of aircraft. Aviation Page 4 . Scott. Compliance required as detailed in SB. 253 to 277. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. CAA AD No: 002–06–2001 Associated Material: BDG/121/1 Description: Conversion of Bulldog T Mk I aircraft to civil aircraft Model 121. 303 to 337 and 341 to 363. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Bulldog aircraft without modification no BH193 embodied. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Compliance required as detailed in SB. CAA AD 004–07–2001 refer) has been embodied no longer have to comply with the mandatory inspections called for by SB BDG–100–92. Aircraft on which Bulldog modification no BH193 (SB BDG–100– 166. CAA AD No: 003–08–96 Associated Material: BDG/100/123 Description: Engine mounting cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. CAA AD No: 002–08–96 Associated Material: BDG/100/92 Description: Fuselage/Mainplane – Cracking at or near bolt holes of mainplane to fuselage lower joint plate assemblies. 240 to 249. 285 to 297.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 001–08–96 Associated Material: BDG/100/28 Description: Canopy jettison cable assembly (Pre Mod BH 76). Compliance required as detailed in SB. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series 100 and 120 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Bulldog T Mk I aircraft constructors numbers 199 to 223. 230 to 238. Aviation Page 5 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Bulldog aircraft with the exception of constructors number BH/120/201.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 004–07–2001 Associated Material: BDG/100/166 Description: Wings – Introduction of strengthening to the centre section of the main spar. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Scott. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Scott.20. 717924 in lieu of gland Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Wings – Introduction of lift strut incorporating Applicable to all Series aircraft.SA.B3. 717918 in piston-operated shuttle valve Part No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.243. CAA AD No: 2428 PRE 80 Associated Material: C285 Description: Hydraulic Power – Introduction of strengthened gland Part No. Should have been embodied by 30 September 1959. Aviation Page 6 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement This modification has been embodied in all aircraft during construction. 7179. SA. Should have been embodied by 30 September 1959. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Compliance required before completion of 750 landings. CAA AD No: 2430 PRE 80 Associated Material: C319 Description: Wings – Introduction of stabilising strut Part No. CAA AD No: 2429 PRE 80 Associated Material: C311 Description: Wings – Introduction of lift strut incorporating multi-bolt attachments for stabilising strut.B3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Scottish Aviation Twin Pioneer UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2427 PRE 80 Associated Material: C162 Description: Re-design of wing bracing strut internal ‘Vee’ brace in outer wing.20.334 in lieu of Part No. CAA AD No: 2435 PRE 80 Associated Material: C403 Description: Introduction of slat jack. 14341 refers. 504 and 505. 517 and 519. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Should have been embodied by 31 August 1959. on control console assembly Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2431 PRE 80 Associated Material: C324 Description: Introduction of tube insert type throttle and CSU wrapped boxes in console and replacement of Teleflex transmission cable DS380 with brittle tested transmission cable DS380. 507. Aviation Page 7 . Should have been embodied by 31 August 1959. 14298 refers. CAA AD No: 2434 PRE 80 Associated Material: C347 Description: Introduction of Cadmium plating on special bolts on undercarriage ‘Vee’ brace and trunnion at top of Oleo leg.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Serial No. 501. 502. 513. 508. CAA AD No: 2432 PRE 80 Associated Material: C334 Description: Introduction of Cadmium plating on lift strut steel fittings and incorporation of Ferrobestos bushes at bolted joints. 507 and subsequent. 4694. (Electro-Hydraulics Mod. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. CAA AD No: 2433 PRE 80 Associated Material: C344 Description: Replacement of 380 Wrapped Box Assembly and Teleflex transmission cable for the throttle and CSU control. Scott. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 4477 in lieu of Part No. Electro-Hydraulics Part No. EH/95/Mod 7 refers. (Teleflex Mod.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Serial No. E41560. (TeleflexMod. No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Serial Nos. EH/95/Mod 9 refers. (Electro-Hydraulics Mod. Should have been embodied by 31 December 1959. CAA AD No: 2440 PRE 80 Associated Material: C719 Description: Introduction of Washer Part No.40. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.40. No.B7 .42 in lieu of Part Nos. SA.B3.40. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. Aviation Page 8 .) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Serial Nos. 507 and subsequent. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 14338 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.40.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2436 PRE 80 Associated Material: C441 Description: Replacement of throttle and CSU control box and wheel assembly and the replacement of Teleflex transmission cable with Teleflex brittletested transmission cable.26 and SA.40 and SA.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft Serial No. (Teleflex Mod. CAA AD No: 2438 PRE 80 Associated Material: C598 Description: Introduction of Shackles (between undercarriage and fuselage) Part Nos. 4476. CAA AD No: 2437 PRE 80 Associated Material: C580 Description: Introduction of strengthened flap jack Part No. Compliance required not later than 1200 flight hours.B7 .4464 in lieu of Part No. Scott. CAA AD No: 2439 PRE 80 Associated Material: C680 Description: Introduction of Ice Guard on CSU Swivel Assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 3 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in modification leaflet. SA. as detailed in modification leaflet. SP 18G to elevator connection on port control column.27 .B3. Should have been embodied by 31 July 1959. CAA AD No: 2444 PRE 80 Associated Material: C808 Description: Replacement of all axle bracket and sliding tube assemblies of undercarriage Part No. CAA AD No: 2445 PRE 80 Associated Material: C860 Description: Introduction of an inspection hole in the control column. Should have been embodied by 1 December 1960. Serial Nos. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. 1–36 inclusive. CAA AD No: 2442 PRE 80 Associated Material: C735 Description: Introduction of 2" wide protection strips on lift strut replacing . Compliance required at next engine change or check 4 inspection or on embodiment of repair scheme SA.03. Should have been embodied by 31 March 1960.863. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to undercarriage units as detailed. CAA AD No: 2443 PRE 80 Associated Material: C759 Description: Introduction of Bearing Plate fireproof Bulkhead at Engine Mount Fittings. Scott. Should have been embodied 31 March 1959. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2441 PRE 80 Associated Material: C729 Description: Introduction of Brake Unit AH51417 in lieu of AH50743. Aviation Page 9 . Should have been embodied by 30 January 1960.2 and 3 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1.B3. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft.2 and 3 aircraft. 2 and 3 aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.85" wide strips. 1705. ) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. CAA AD No: 2447 PRE 80 Associated Material: C960 Description: Introduction of Mills Equipment Modification ME/2 on Passenger Seat Belts Type ME/1789. Scott. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. 2 and 3 aircraft. CAA AD No: 2448 PRE 80 Associated Material: C965 Description: Introduction of PTFE covered strips and washers on wing lift strut in way of stabilizer strut fitting. 2 and 3 aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Should have been embodied by 1 June 1964. 3776. CAA AD No: 2450 PRE 80 Associated Material: C988 Description: Installation of fair leads in way of aileron cables under cockpit floor. Should have been embodied by 1 June 1962. Aviation Page 10 . Should have been embodied by 1 March 1962. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. Should have been embodied by 15 June 1964. CAA AD No: 2449 PRE 80 Associated Material: C979 Description: Cockpit Windows – Introduction of filler strips manufactured in PVC in lieu of neoprene. 2 and 3 aircraft. 2 and 3 aircraft. (Dunlop Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2446 PRE 80 Associated Material: C928 Description: Introduction of main wheel AH 51805 in lieu of AH 50742. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1. 2 and 3 aircraft. Should have been embodied by 1 August 1961. CAA AD No: 2455 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 36 Description: Rework of lap straps to increase safety standard. Should have been embodied by 1 August 1965. CAA AD No: 2453 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 26 Description: Inspection of heat exchange unit intensifier tube. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 2 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2456 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 42 Description: Inspection of wing attachment main lift strut. main landing gear and tailplane. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The limitations listed in the Technical News Sheet are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 1 and 3 aircraft. Aviation Page 11 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 2452 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 22 Description: Inspection and life limitation of bolted attachments of wings. CAA AD No: 2454 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 33 Description: Mandatory Life Limitations.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2451 PRE 80 Associated Material: C989 Description: Automatic Pilot – Introduction of Emergency Cut-out Control. Scott. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2457 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 45 Description: Inspection and repair of nacelle longeron at engine mount attachment. 4) Description: Electrical Generation System – Warning of loss of generated electrical power. Aviation Page 12 . CAA AD No: 2459 PRE 80 Associated Material: Airworthiness Notice No. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. GR No. Compliance required as detailed in TNS. CAA AD No: 2458 PRE 80 Associated Material: Scottish Aviation TNS 50 Description: Improved method of adjustment for excessive clearance of flap pushpull rods to drive sprockets. Compliance required as detailed in Airworthiness Notice. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. 82 (Now CAP 747. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Scott. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Series aircraft. Part 3. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 1 Additional Airworthiness Directives 002–12–2002 REV 1 Applicable to Sikorsky S–61L. 3049T42P01 or Part No. R1309P111. Wire lock detectors following installation. Once the cause has been established. 3018T72P01. Remote wiring and plug breaks to the ECD and the aircraft may be installed in order to facilitate insitu continuity testing of the ECD. the engine to MGB drive train will be removed as part of the process. by means of a suitable continuity check at each daily inspection and after each engine shutdown at a place where S61 maintenance facilities or appropriately authorised personnel are available. Revision 1 became effective on 28 January 2003. remove the ECD plug. Replace defective parts. Inspect the electrical chip detector on both engines for debris. investigate the cause. The time between checks must not exceed 8 (eight) flying hours. then store for further examination by GE. Therefore: i) Prior to re-installation carry out visual inspections for condition and serviceability of the IDS. Compliance is required not later than 31 January 2003. ii) Carry out a visual inspection of the MGB input drive assembly for damage and/ or oil leaks. EMRSA. Replacement of the MGB with a serviceable unit or repairing it in accordance with the appropriate service manuals is acceptable. Gimbal Ring. Any such modification must be CAA approved. 2) During replacement of the engine. N and NM helicopters. examine the debris on the plug in order to determine its source. rectify in accordance with the appropriate service manuals. 1) Replace the engine with a serviceable unit. If there is evidence of damage or oil leaks. Lord Mounts. Thomas Coupling. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. plus O-ring Part No. T Bolts/nuts and Splined Coupling. NOTE: An alternative means of compliance with this Directive may be accepted by the CAA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) Sikorsky S61 Series Helicopters 1 1. Modify the port and starboard General Electric (GE) CT58 series engines by replacing the magnetic chip detectors located on the engine’s power turbine accessory drives with electrical chip detectors (ECD) Part No. Sikorsky Page 1 . Should the ECD check indicate that metal is present. The original Directive became effective on 17 December 2002. If the debris is uncharacteristic of normal operating experience and cannot be discounted as originating from a bearing then the following actions must be carried out before further flight. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 05 with rolled 10 mm x 1.06 and whose threads can be seen to be in good undamaged condition over the whole of their lengths. If washers are used under the nuts. replacement of the tie–rods required by this Directive is to be performed. Stampe Page 1 . Compliance is required before further flight for aircraft with tie–rods that have flown in excess of 100 hours.1 CAA Additional Airworthiness Directives 011–03–88 Rev 1 Description Replacement life of lower mainplane centre section tie–rods.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1 Stampe (2) SNCAN Stampe et Renard and Aerospatiale Stampe SV4 Series Aircraft 1 1. spring washers must not be used. SV4A–S. c) Tie–rods that cannot be identified positively as a) or b) above.1500. b) Tie–rods positively identified as being in compliance with: i) Rollason Aircraft and Engines Ltd Modification WAR 210 issue 1 (3/8” BSF rolled threads).1500. Aircraft may be flown for a positioning flight to a place where the inspection and. if the threads can be seen to be in good undamaged condition over the whole of their lengths. may remain in service for a total life of 500 flying hours. Inspect the aircraft to identify the type of tie–rods fitted. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. SV4A–S. Tie–rods manufactured to Aerospatiale/Stampe drawings by Bruntons Aero Products come into this category. or whose lives cannot be determined.5 mm threads and equipped with nuts Part No. Replacement tie–rods must be fitted in accordance with a) to d) below: a) Tie–rods positively identified as being to the standard required by Aerospatiale Service Bulletin Stampe No 1: Part No. remain in service for a total life of 100 flying hours. must be replaced before further flight.5 mm cut threads) may. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Stampe SV4 Series aircraft. if necessary. d) Tie–rods must be installed and tightened in accordance with the instructions in Aerospatiale Service Bulletin Stampe No 1. ii) Rollason Aircraft and Engines Ltd Modification WAR 210 issue 2 (10 mm x 1. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Trago Mills Page 1 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The limitations listed in Section 2 of the Maintenance Manual are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Trago Mills SAH 1 Series Aircraft UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 004-01-86 Associated Material: Maintenance Manual Description: Mandatory Life Limitations. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Westland Bell 47G–4A. CAA AD No: 2295 PRE 80 Associated Material: CAA letter refs 9/31/RWE 608 dated 28–10–76 and 9–11–76 Description: 1 Inspection of Tail Rotor Drive Gear Assembly Part No 47–620–568–1 for backlash and end float. All Westland Bell 47G–3B1. 9/31/RWE608 dated 15–4–77 Description: 1 Inspection of tail rotor gear box drive shaft Part No 47–645–216–5. CAA AD No: 2294 PRE 80 Associated Material: SIC47G–4A–23–1 Description: Tail rotor blade – Introduction of improved blade. Westland Page 1 . whichever occurs first. To be carried out by 15 June 1977. 2 Inspection of main rotor gimbal ring pillowblock pin Part No 47–120– 141–2. CAA AD No: 2296 PRE 80 Associated Material: CAA letter ref. To be carried out by 15 May 1977. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Westland Bell 47G–3B1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Westland Bell 47G-4A. Compliance as detailed in SIC. Inspection to be carried out daily. 3 Inspection of main rotor head pitch control support and swash plate assembly link plate Part No 47–150–252–1. Compliance as detailed in SIC. or at the next 600 hours flying inspection.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Westland Bell 47 Series Helicopters UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2293 PRE 80 Associated Material: SIC47G–4A–22–1 Description: Main rotor – Gimbal ring – limitation of service life. Note: These above inspections apply to ex-military Agusta Bell 47G–3B1. To be carried out within 100 hours flying from 1 November 1976. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement All Westland Bell 47G–3B1 which have not complied with Bell Service Bulletin 47–76–2 or Agusta Technical Bulletin 47–120. All Westland Bell 47G–3B1. To be carried out at 25 flying hour intervals. 2 Replacement of Bearings Part No 47–620– 556–1. CAA AD No: 039–04–83 Associated Material: Maintenance and Overhaul Instructions Description: Mandatory Life Limitations Applicability – Compliance – Requirement The limitations listed in the Maintenance & Overhaul Instructions are mandatory for aircraft on the United Kingdom Register. Westland Page 2 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2297 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: – Applicability – Compliance – Requirement All FAA or RAI Airworthiness Directives and CAA Additional Directives applicable to Bell and Agusta Bell 47 Series are also applicable to Westland Bell 47 Series. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. as appropriate. Compliance required before flight. CAA AD No: 1468 PRE 80 Associated Material: 60 Description: Strengthened clutch cover. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Alvis Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Leonides Major 755/1 engines in Westland S55 Series 2 helicopter. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 524/1. Compliance required before flight. Compliance required before flight. type SUX 801. CAA AD No: 1469 PRE 80 Associated Material: Leonides Major 114 SU Mod 1172 Description: Introduction of fuel injection pump. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Series 501 and 502.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Engines (2) Alvis Leonides Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1467 PRE 80 Associated Material: 57 Description: Restricted boost gauge connection. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . CAA AD No: 1458 PRE 80 Associated Material: E722 Description: Improved air intake heater muff. 744 and 745 embodied. Compliance required before flight. RRCheetah Page 1 . Compliance required before flight. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 9. 15 and 19 with Claudel Hobson type AV70M or ME carburettors. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to type 10 only. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to type 9 with Modifications E740. Compliance required before flight. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 9. 19. 15 and 19 installed in Anson aircraft only.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce (Bristol Siddeley) Cheetah Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1457 PRE 80 Associated Material: E792 Description: Auxiliary drive shaft oil hole deleted. E793 and E800 are fitted. Not applicable when Mods. CAA AD No: 1461 PRE 80 Associated Material: E786 Description: Deletion of slow running pressure balance duct. 10. Compliance required before flight. CAA AD No: 1459 PRE 80 Associated Material: E763 Description: Strengthened air intake heater muff clamping straps. CAA AD No: 1460 PRE 80 Associated Material: E769 Description: Alteration of jet sizes when air cleaner cowlings installed. 15 and 17. Compliance required before flight. 10. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 9. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1462 PRE 80 Associated Material: E809 Description: Protective gauze screens for hot and cold air intake. RRCheetah Page 2 . CAA AD No: 1465 PRE 80 Associated Material: E834 Description: Higher range main jet and deletion of power valve cam. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 15. CAA AD No: 1463 PRE 80 Associated Material: E820 Description: New Magneto timing (port 19° BTDC) (stbd. 10. 21° BTDC). 19. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to type 15 with Claudel Hobson carburettor type AV70MG fitted. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 15 and 17. Compliance required before flight. 17. Compliance required before flight. CAA AD No: 1464 PRE 80 Associated Material: E832 Description: Increased capacity auxiliary rear scavenge pump. 9. Compliance required before flight. 10 and 19 (only if Heywood Compressor is fitted). Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to types 9. 15 and 17. Compliance required before flight. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service instruction J20 and J20A refers. CAA AD No: 1747 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1243 Description: Introduction of steel distance pieces on cylinder holding down studs. Service instruction J10 refers. CAA AD No: 1749 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1609 Description: Carburettor enrichment valve diaphragm in improved material. Length of propeller spinner reduced. Description: Diameter of propeller front plate increased. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable when wooden propellers are fitted. Compliance required before flight. Compliance required before flight. Compliance required before flight. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service instruction J30 refers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce (De Havilland) Cirrus Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary (2) Cirrus Minor II and IIA CAA AD No: 1746 PRE 80 Associated Material: 687 688 and 689 . RR Cirrus Page 1 . Diameter of propeller hub sleeve flange increased. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service instruction J22/G5 refers. CAA AD No: 1748 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1288 Description: Conversion of Rotax vacuum pump from type M0105 to M0106. Compliance required before flight. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to piston type oil pumps prior to Part No. main body port dimensions revised. piston diameter revised. CAA AD No: 1754 PRE 80 Associated Material: 912 Description: Piston type oil pump. CAA AD No: 1751 PRE 80 Associated Material: 710 or 2032 Description: Simms vernier magneto coupling in softer material. GC 1601/12. RR Cirrus Page 2 . CAA AD No: 1752 PRE 80 Associated Material: 734 Description: Piston type oil pump.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Cirrus Major II and III CAA AD No: 1750 PRE 80 Associated Material: 446/447 Description: Serrated type propeller hub and front plate introduced.) Service instruction G2 refers. Compliance required before flight. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service instruction G1 refers. GC 1601/12. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required before flight. CAA AD No: 1753 PRE 80 Associated Material: 885 Description: Piston type oil pump. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to piston type oil pumps prior to Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.) Service instruction G2 refers. rotor diameter revised. (GC 1601/12 and later stroke number incorporate these Mods. Compliance required before flight. Compliance required before flight. (GC 1601/12 and later stroke number incorporate these Mods. bush oil slot depth increased. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement CAA AD No: 1756 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1289 Description: Conversion to Rotax vacuum pump from type M0105 to M0106. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service instruction J22/G5 refers. RR Cirrus Page 3 . Compliance required before flight.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Cirrus Major II and III continued CAA AD No: 1755 PRE 80 Associated Material: 923 Description: Piston type oil pump. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor II and IIA. Service instruction J14 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor II and IIA. Service instruction F7/J35 refers. CAA AD No: 1759 PRE 80 Associated Material: 3 Description: Crankshaft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. II and IIA. Inspection of lower diaphragm washer every 50 hours or three months whichever is the longer until Mod 1645 Part 1 or 1668 Part 1 embodied.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Cirrus Engine Inspections CAA AD No: 1757 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1 Description: Die cast cylinder head Part No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor II and IIA. Service instruction J27 refers. CAA AD No: 1758 PRE 80 Associated Material: 2 Description: Amal type 120 fuel pump. CAA AD No: 1761 PRE 80 Associated Material: 5 Description: Zenith carburettor main discharge assembly inspection. Service instruction J19 and 19A refers. Inspection for cracks every 10 hours. CAA AD No: 1760 PRE 80 Associated Material: 4 Description: Zenith carburettor type FAIHB blanking plug. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor II and IIA. Inspection for fatigue crack. Service instruction J17 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor I. RR Cirrus Page 4 . JD201. Service instruction G2 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Major II and III. RR Cirrus Page 5 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Cirrus Engine Inspections continued CAA AD No: 1762 PRE 80 Associated Material: 6 Description: Crankshaft. Check of cam shaft thread not later than 100 hours from 6 July 1957 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Major II and III. Service instruction G8 refers. Inspection of front end with approved penetrant detector every 200 hrs and after shock loading. CAA AD No: 1763 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7 Description: Piston type oil pump GC1601. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Major II and III. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. II. Major II and III. CAA AD No: 1766 PRE 80 Associated Material: 10 Description: Amal type 136/AD/2 fuel pump. Internal examination every 150 hours or 12 months whichever is the sooner. 2014 embodied. Inspection for wear/damage on piston and rotor every 300 hours. CAA AD No: 1765 PRE 80 Associated Material: 9 Description: Amal type 136 fuel pump. CAA AD No: 1764 PRE 80 Associated Material: 8 Description: Hobson carburettor type AI48GM1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Major II and III. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Minor I. IIA. Service instruction F1/G13/J36 refers. Service instruction G10 refers. Inspection for external cracks in main body every 10 hours until Mod. Service instruction G11 refers. 23. 2 3 4 5 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. RR Cirrus Page 6 . Ensure that the spring behind the inner concave pad in the socket is serviceable.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft fitted with Cirrus Minor or Cirrus Major engines. Ensure that the control rods do not foul any adjacent structure or mechanism throughout their full range of movement. 1 Inspect all ball and socket joints type EA 767/3 and ensure that there is at least 1/16" clearance between the socket and the lever arm to which the threaded portion of the ball joint is attached. which is now cancelled. (Note: This subject was previously covered by CAA Airworthiness Notice No. With the controls assembled.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Cirrus Engine Inspections continued CAA AD No: 1767 PRE 80 Associated Material: 11 Description: Cirrus Engine Controls – 50 hour inspection – Ball and Socket joints type EA 767/3. then slacken off until the next split pin hole in the socket is in line with the slot in the adjustment pad. Lock in the approved manner with 1/16" split pin. inspect as detailed in paragraphs 1 to 5 inclusive. Ensure that the screwed end of the control rod is safely in the socket. Under no circumstances should the adjustment pad be slackened more than 1/4 of a turn. but does not protrude into the socket housing. screw up the adjusting pad in each socket until the ball joint is clamped tight. Not exceeding 50 flight hours. CAA AD No: 0002 PRE 80 Associated Material: FAA AD 72–6–5 Description: Inspect and safety wire throttle arm on Marvel Schebler carburettors. If negative incorporate Marvel Schebler Service Bulletin 12–60 not later than the next 25 hour inspection and record compliance in the engine log book. 0–240 and 0–300 engines in addition to Teledyne Continental engines. If affirmative record this fact in the engine log book. 0–200 and 0–300 series engines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applies to C90. RR Continental Page 1 . 12–60 Description: Additional cotter pin safety on the accelerator pump link. CAA AD No: 0003 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T200 Description: Oil pump drive gear backlash check and replacement. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to 0–200 and 0–300 series engines identified in the Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 0–200 and 0–300 series engines. CAA AD No: 0004 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T244/1 Description: Exhaust valve guide – Inspection for correct fitment. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applies to all C90. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applies to Rolls-Royce Continental C90.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce Continental Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 0001 PRE 80 Associated Material: Marvel Schebler SB No. 0–200. The Civil Aviation Authority requires compliance with this Bulletin as follows: At the next 25 hour inspection after receipt of this publication determine whether the carburettor accelerator pump link has a cotter pin fitted at each end. 635930 – Separation from intake manifold elbows. BA.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 0006 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T363 Description: Crankcase – Identification. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. B. J. CAA AD No: 0007 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T375/1 Description: Flexible elbow TCM. D. L and M. TSIO–520–B. Compliance as detailed in Service Bulletin. L and N. RR Continental Page 2 . F and H. Compliance as detailed in Service Bulletin. C. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to 0–240 engines and any crankshafts held as spares before fitment. D. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to TSIO–520–J. D. H. inspection and replacement. C. CAA AD No: 002–07–80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T416 Description: Crankshaft inspection. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to 0–240–A and E Model engines. K. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to IO–520A. CAA AD No: 0009 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T408 Description: Compliance with Slick Bulletin 1–80. Part No. E. K. CAA AD No: 0008 PRE 80 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce SB T398 Description: Aircraft/Engine certification. TSIO–520–N series engines. E. GTSIO–520–C. G. J. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all models with Slick Models listed installed. F. I. Cvr 1 Description: AC Fuel Pump Screen restriction.I. 0–200. INSPECT in accordance with Continental Aircraft Engine Service Bulletin M. Engines subject to the repetitive inspections detailed in Service Bulletin T416/1 Section 8 will not be permitted to operate after 31 December 1982 unless a new crankshaft is fitted. J. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to C90. G.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 005–06–81 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce S. 50R001 to 50R505 inclusive.L. K and TSIO–360C.L. 40695 or 631391 installed.I.81–8. RR Continental Page 3 . 40585. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to 0–240 Series engines. D. 0–240 and 0–300 Series engines with AC Fuel Pumps Part No. CAA AD No: 012–09–81 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce S. D Series engines manufactured by RollsRoyce Motors Ltd and identified by Serial Nos. Cvr 3 Description: Crankshaft Inspection. H. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to IO–360C.L. CAA AD No: 001–03–82 Associated Material: Rolls-Royce S. Cvr 2 Description: Oil pump drive gear nut. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce Gem Series Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 006–08–92 Associated Material: SB 73–24 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Hydromechanical fuel flow control unit – Inspection for fuel leakage and replacement of packing (sealing ring) and back-up retaining ring. RR Gem Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gem Mk 530 and 531 engines fitted on Westland 30 helicopters. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . MNSG2654 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required in accordance with Technical News Sheet GQ30 No. 2690 and TNS. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Sulphinuz treatment of crankshaft. 70–3. Gipsy Queen 70 Series CAA AD No: 1771 PRE 80 Associated Material: G1920 Description: Replacement of Klingerit joint washers by those of copper sheet. MNSG1920 refers. Compliance required before flight. Gipsy Queen 30 Series CAA AD No: 1769 PRE 80 Associated Material: G2654 Description: Rotax starter type CO257 . 2495.G15 Description: Modified crankshaft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Queen 70. 11 (Major 10 Mark 1). Should have been embodied by 1 January 1962. CAA AD No: 1770 PRE 80 Associated Material: G2925 Description: Shot peening of crankshaft where Mod. RR Gipsy Page 1 . 8 (Major I) Technical News Sheet GM10 No. 70–4. 2036(R267) or 2162 (R364) already embodied. 70–2. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Queen 30 Mark 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce (De Havilland) Gipsy Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary Gipsy Major 1 (All Series) and Major 10 Mark 1 CAA AD No: 1768 PRE 80 Associated Material: 424. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required in accordance with Technical News Sheet G No. 70. Crankshaft bearing locating sleeve. 70 refers. Technical News Sheet G No. then. 11 refers. 2036 (R267) or 2162 (R364). CH47979 and slow running jet plug Part No. Technical News Sheet GQ30 No. 105 refers. or At any time rough running from an otherwise unexplained cause is experienced.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Gipsy Engine Inspections CAA AD No: 1772 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1 Description: Crankshaft. Inspection of front end for cracks until Mod. CAA AD No: 1774 PRE 80 Associated Material: 3 Description: Carburettor power jet Part No. 2925 embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Queen 30 Series. 2601 embodied. Inspection for distortion until Mod. 77 and Gipsy major engines TNS GM 10 N. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Major 1 Series and Major 10 Mark 1. Annually. RR Gipsy Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Queen 70 Series. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Queen 30 Series embodying Mod. Technical News Sheet GQ70 No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to early type Gipsy engines TNS G No. CAA AD No: 1773 PRE 80 Associated Material: 2 Description: Crankshaft. CAA AD No: 1775 PRE 80 Associated Material: 4 Description: Propeller shaft – Cracking. 63 refers. Technical News Sheet GQ30 No. Inspection of front end for cracks. This requires a pressure test to be made at the following intervals: 1 2 3 Within 60 days of receipt of the inspection procedure. An inspection procedure has been devised and published by the engine manufacturer. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 47. 8 and GM10 No. CH69704. CAA AD No: 1776 PRE 80 Associated Material: 5 Description: Pressure testing of induction manifold heater box. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Six IA and Six II engines. Compliance required as detailed in Hants and Sussex Modification News Sheet 3014 Issue 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Gipsy Engine Inspections continued CAA AD No: 009–11–83 Associated Material: Gipsy Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gipsy Queen 2. 3. Compliance required as detailed in H&S Aviation Modification News sheet G4030 not later than 31 December 1989. 3A Six I. G4030 Description: Fuel Pipe – Fire resisting. RR Gipsy Page 3 . CAA AD No: 007–06–89 Associated Material: Gipsy Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gipsy Queen Series 70 engines. 3014 Issue 2 and LTO 579 Description: Fuel Control Unit – Introduction of new Boost Capsule. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 72–251. 73–150. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied in accordance with Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required in accordance with Service Bulletin No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied in accordance with Service Bulletin No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce Gnome Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1777 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1115 Description: Engine – Reduction gearbox – Rear High speed shaft gear – bore chamfer reduced. 72–221. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied in accordance with Service Bulletin No. RR Gnome Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Should have been embodied in accordance with Service Bulletin No. CAA AD No: 1781 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1974 Description: Engine – Stage 1 and 2 turbine Wheels – increase fillet radii at base of cooling-air plate spigot recesses. 72–10. CAA AD No: 1780 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1754 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – improved over-speed trip governor. CAA AD No: 1778 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1243 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Thermister – Introduction of rubber sealing compound. 73–8. CAA AD No: 1779 PRE 80 Associated Material: 1677 or 1244 Part 1 Description: Engine – Reduction gearbox – Oil feed pipe with flanged sleeve introduced. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1782 PRE 80 Associated Material: 2121 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Computer – design change. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1785 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 73–A229 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – fuel pump and flow control unit – blockage of hydro-mechanical governor filter. RR Gnome Page 2 . CAA AD No: 1783 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 72–A271 Description: Engine – Power turbine and exhaust – wire-locking of exhaust clamp. CAA AD No: 1784 PRE 80 CAA AD No: Description: SB 73–179 Serviceability check of fuel pipe assembly Part No. CAA AD No: 009–01–82 Associated Material: 72–A426 Description: Engine – Compressor Spool – Inspect. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome MK 510 and 610 engines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome engines as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicability and compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. 565817 or 565878. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome H1000 Mark 501. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicability and compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin 73–A223. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance as detailed in Service Bulletin. Oil return pipe damage. RR Gnome Page 3 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome engines as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 002–01–87 Associated Material: 72–A474 Description: Engine – Coupling gearbox oil cooler. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome engines as detailed in Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 005–05–83 Associated Material: 72–A386 Description: Engine – Combustion chamber fuel and burner manifold – Inspection for evidence of fretting. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Gnome engines as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 008–11–85 Associated Material: 72–A465 Description: Engine – Power turbine wheel and shaft in Rex 448 material – Inspect. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . RR Tyne Page 1 . CAA AD No: 2222 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–480 Description: Engine – Pipes and fittings – Introduction of two-piece HP cooling air manifold with butt welded flanges – Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 512 engines. 1118. CAA AD No: 2225 PRE 80 Associated Material: ASB Ty 79–A18 Description: Oil System – HP turbine bearing scavenge oil temperature. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin not later than 30 June 1978. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2223 PRE 80 Associated Material: ASB Ty A–72–438 Description: Engine – Cooling Air Pipes – Cracking of High Pressure Cooling Air Manifold. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 506 engines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515 engines. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce Tyne Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2221 PRE 80 Associated Material: ASB Ty A–72–438 Description: Engine – Cooling Air Pipes – Cracking of High Pressure Cooling Air Manifold. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2224 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–480 Description: Engine – Pipes and fittings – introduction of two-piece HP cooling air manifold with butt welded flanges – Mod. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin not later than 30 June 1978. 1118. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 506 engines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 512 engines. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 2227 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–480 Description: Engine – Pipes and fittings – Introduction of two-piece HP cooling air manifold with butt welded flanges – Mod.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2226 PRE 80 Associated Material: ASB Ty A–72–438 Description: Engine – Cooling Air Pipes – Cracking of High Pressure Cooling Air Manifold. RR Tyne Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515 engines. CAA AD No: 017–04–82 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–480 Description: Engine – Pipes and fittings – Introduction of two-piece HP cooling air manifold with butt welded flanges – Mod. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin not later than 30 June 1978. 1118. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515 engines. 1118. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 027–04–89 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–745 Description: Engine – Reduction gear – Control of propeller shaft lives. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515/101W engines. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 506 and 512 engines. CAA AD No: 026–04–89 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–744 Description: Engine – Reduction gear – Control of propeller shaft lives. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515/101W engines. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 028–08–89 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–746 Description: Engine – Reduction gear – Control of propeller shaft lives. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 506. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 515 and 515/101W engines. RR Tyne Page 3 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Tyne 515 engines. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 001–03–90 Associated Material: SB Ty 72–751 Description: Engine – Incorrect hexagon nuts have been installed during assembly. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Compliance as detailed in Service Bulletin. CV 7136) Description: Engine – Compressor – Introduction of lengthened compressor casing centre section joint flange. CAA AD No: 0042 PRE 80 Associated Material: 73–10 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – high pressure fuel pump. Compliance required by 31 March 1971. Compliance as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 0041 PRE 80 Associated Material: 72–A69 Description: Engine – Introduction of inner exhaust cone with improved front diaphragm weld.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Rolls Royce Viper Engines UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 0040 PRE 80 Associated Material: CV 3370 (Pre-Mod. RR Viper Page 1 . CAA AD No: 0043 PRE 80 Associated Material: 73–A13 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Servo to EPC tube unit – clearance between tube unit and HP cock operating rod. CAA AD No: 0044 PRE 80 Associated Material: 73–A15 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – HP fuel pump to automate thrust limiter – alignment check. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520 and 521. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Therefore the AD has been cancelled. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin has been cancelled and the information incorporated in the Time Limits Section of Maintenance and Overhaul Manuals. CAA AD No: 0047 PRE 80 Associated Material: 75–A31 Description: Air – Compressor – Blow-off valve – valve seizure. CAA AD No: 0049 PRE 80 Associated Material: 73–A101 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Inspection of fuel pump blanking plugs and connections. CAA AD No: 0048 PRE 80 Associated Material: 75–A32 Description: Air – Blow-off Valve – revised operating limit. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 0045 PRE 80 (CV 4323) Associated Material: 73–A17 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Fuel tubes – Introduction of a modified flexible fuel tube. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. 521 and 522. Compliance required not later than 30 June 1979. Compliance required not later than 30 November. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 521 and 522 Compliance required within 28 days from receipt of this Bulletin and at intervals not exceeding 300 hours thereafter. CAA AD No: 0046 PRE 80 Associated Material: 73–A98 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Servo to EPC tube unit – Clearance between tube unit and HP cock operating rod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 521 and 522. Compliance required not later than 31 December. 1975. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 521 and 522. RR Viper Page 2 . 1978. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520. CAA AD No: 049–09–89 Associated Material: 72–A154 Description: Engine – Compressor – Reduction of cyclic life of stages 5 and 6 compressor disc. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin has been cancelled and the information incorporated in the Time Limits Section of Maintenance and Overhaul Manuals. 521 and 522. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Therefore the AD has been cancelled. RR Viper Page 3 . CAA AD No: 010–10–80 Associated Material: 72–A338 Description: Engine – Exhaust cone assembly – Inspection of cap nuts and stay pins. 521 and 522. CAA AD No: 012–10–88 Associated Material: 75–A11 Description: Air – Blow-off valve – Revised operating limit. CAA AD No: 050–09–89 Associated Material: 72–A372 Description: Engine – Compressor – Reduction of cyclic life of stages 5 and 6 compressor disc. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin has been cancelled and the information incorporated in the Time Limits Section of Maintenance and Overhaul Manuals. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 020–06–80 Associated Material: 73–A19 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Fuel Pump – Inspection of fuel pump blanking plugs and connections. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520. Therefore the AD has been cancelled. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 011–05–90 Associated Material: 72–A243 Description: Engine – Lubrication – Check for correct seating of oil tank and oil pump drain valves. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 015–04–90 Associated Material: 79–A4 Description: Engine – Oil – Check for correct seating of oil tank drain valve. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. CAA AD No: 003–07–90 Associated Material: 72–A249 Description: Engine – Centre section – Inspection for pulled inserts. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520. RR Viper Page 4 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. 521 and 522. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 520. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 030–04–90 Associated Material: 72–A381 Description: Engine – Lubrication – Check for correct seating of oil tank and oil pump drain valves. 521 and 522. CAA AD No: 002–07–90 Associated Material: 72–A388 Description: Engine – Centre section – Inspection for pulled inserts. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 021–02–91 Associated Material: 72–A233 Description: Engine – Compressor – Reduction of cyclic life of stages 5 and 6 compressor disc.184 Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 522. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 020–02–91 Associated Material: 73–A52 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Fuel pump – Inspection of fuel pump blanking plugs and connections.183 and MGBB.181 and 182. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirementt Applicable to Viper Mks 520 and 521. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 003–02–96 Associated Material: 73–A115 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Introduction of fuel pump types MGBB. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. RR Viper Page 5 . Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 004–02–96 Associated Material: 73–A118 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Introduction of fuel pump types MGBB. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 004–07–90 Associated Material: 72–A173 Description: Engine – Centre section – Inspection for pulled inserts. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mks 520/521 and 522.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 008–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A121 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Joint washer replacement – Augmentor and by-pass valve assembly to BFCU body. CAA AD No: 011–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A120 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – BFCU – Inspection of Augmentor and bypass valve assembly joint washer. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601. CAA AD No: 010–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A36 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Joint washer replacement – Augmentor and by-pass valve assembly to BFCU body. RR Viper Page 6 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 009–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A35 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – BFCU – Inspection of Augmentor and bypass valve assembly joint washer. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mks 520/521 and 522. CAA AD No: 012–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A68 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – BFCU – Inspection of Augmentor and bypass valve assembly joint washer Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 013–11–97 Associated Material: 73–A69 Description: Engine Fuel and Control – Joint washer replacement – Augmentor and by-pass valve assembly to BFCU body. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 601–22. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viper Mk 526. RR Viper Page 7 . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 004–01–2001 Associated Material: 72–A184 Description: Engine – 1st stage turbine rotor blades – New life limits. CAA AD No: 003–06–99 Associated Material: 72–A176 Description: Engine – Compressor – Zero stage compressor stator vane cracking. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 86 refers. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 February 1965. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. CAA AD No: 2166 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25697 Description: Propeller Types PD 70/212/1 (Prentice) PD 136/212/1 (Heron) PD 170/212/1 (Heron) PD 175/212/1 (Heron) Front cone seat machine finished in situ. Compliance required immediately. CAA AD No: 2165 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7204 Description: Constant Speed Units PAX 16 (Heron) PAX 16/B (Heron) Introduction of improved relief valve. 30. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. BAe Dynamics Page 1 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. and changes propeller types to /2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Propellers (2) British Aerospace Dynamics Group UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary Bracket Propellers and Equipment CAA AD No: 2164 PRE 80 Associated Material: 5226 Description: Propeller Types PD 136/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 170/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 175/ 212/1/2 (Heron) Introduction of stronger counterweight bracket. 81 refers. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 November 1962. 75 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Propeller Types 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. 88 refers. No action required if Modification 7204 Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. CAA AD No: 2170 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: PD 136/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 170/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 175/ 212/1/2 (Heron) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Publication 2BCS Revision 28 refers. Description: Propeller Types CAA AD No: 2168 PRE 80 Associated Material: 29104 Description: PD 136/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 170/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 175/ 212/1/2 (Heron) Improved assembly standard of barrel support blocks. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 April 1968. BAe Dynamics Page 2 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. 75 embodied. Inspection and alteration of relief valve cap.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2167 PRE 80 Associated Material: 29027 PD 36/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 170/ 212/1/2 (Heron) PD 175/ 212/1/2 (Heron) Simplified method of locking the oil transfer tube which cannot interfere with the tightening of the propeller. Inspections CAA AD No: 2169 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Constant Speed Units PAX 16 (Heron) PAX 16/B (Heron). Propeller Types Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 2BCS Series No. 87 refers. 30 refers. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 November 1967. BAe Dynamics Page 3 . 538.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2171 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Propeller Type PD 70/ 212/1/2 (Prentice) Periodic checks to be carried out. See also Technical News Sheet Britannia No. CAA AD No: 2174 PRE 80 Associated Material: 10584 Description: Controller Type PAY 81404 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300) Introduction of re-designed shuttle valve bush. CAA AD No: 2173 PRE 80 Associated Material: 8383 Description: Synch switch units PQ 1088/1/2 (Britannia 300) PQ 1095/1/2 (Britannia 100) 'All propellers increase/decrease.) Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 January 1960. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Publication 2BCS Revision 28 refers. 309 refers. 54.' Switch to be changed for new type. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet No. IMPORTANT NOTE: Part of this Modification has been superseded by Modification 26243 (See Modification News Sheet No. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Britannia Propellers and Equipment CAA AD No: 2172 PRE 80 Associated Material: 6739 Description: Controller Type PAY 81406/B (Britannia 300) PAY 81407/B (Britannia 300) Conversion to Types PAY 81408 & PAY 81409. 300 refers. Compliance required not later than 1 April 1960. Compliance required not later than 1 June 1959. 93 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. after 1 April 1960. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. BAe Dynamics Page 4 . 487). This Modification has been superseded by Modification 24038 (see Modification News Sheet Britannia No. 429 refers. 342 refers. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 January 1960. Reintroduction of bolts to secure shield to Governor carrier. 464 refers. Introduction of an improved Piston Relief Valve to avoid high fluctuating pressures in the pitch change mechanism. Introduction of filter to pressure setting valve. CAA AD No: 2178 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14606 Description: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/466/3 (Britannia 100).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2175 PRE 80 Associated Material: 11445 Description: IMPORTANT NOTE: Controller Types PAY 81404 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300). Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 July 1962. CAA AD No: 2179 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14771 Description: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/466/3 (Britannia 100). Compliance required not later than first overhaul CAA AD No: 2177 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14064 Description: Controller Types PAY 81406 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300). 309 refers. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2176 PRE 80 Associated Material: 11513 Description: Controller Types PAY 81406 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300). 376 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 April 1960. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 December 1962. Cadmium Plate rear of barrel. 515 refers. IMPORTANT NOTE: These repair Schemes have been superseded by Repair Scheme P753 (Modification No. Governor weights and legs brazed and riveted for additional security.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2180 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14877 14952. Introduction of blend radius on internal step of piston. 427. Compliance required not later than 1 August 1964. CAA AD No: 2183 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25264 Description: Actuator Control Box Type PQ 1089/–/1 (Britannia 300). Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 November 1963. 487 refers. Revision 4. CAA AD No: 2182 PRE 80 Associated Material: 24276 Description: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/466/3 (Britannia 100). refers. 24195 and 24196 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet No. BAe Dynamics Page 5 . Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 July 1965. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 August 1963. CAA AD No: 2181 PRE 80 Associated Material: 24038 Description: Controller Types PAY 81406 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300). Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Improved running conditions for idler shaft. 62. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. 522 refers. 500 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 December 1964. Positive location of Selsyn Generator control arms. CAA AD No: 2184 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25606 Description: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/466/3 (Britannia 100). Removal of plating from spider radius resulting from embodiment of Repair Schemes P165 and/or P173. Description: Controller Types PAY 81406 to PAY 81409 (Britannia 100 and 300). 29946) see Technical News Sheet No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Publication 5200 Revision 25 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Technical News Sheet Britannia No. ‘All propellers increase/decrease’ switch life limited to 1800 hours unless Modification 26243 embodied.241). but is included for information because it supersedes part of Modification 8383 (Modification News Sheet Britannia No. IMPORTANT NOTE: This modification is not mandatory. 54 Revision 2 refers. CAA AD No: 2187 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/466/3 (Britannia 100). Periodic checks to be carried out. Compliance required by 31 December 1971. BAe Dynamics Page 6 . ‘All propellers increase/decrease’ switch with improved spring. or during repair. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. 632. assembly type: PFD 6306. 538 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Britannia No. CAA AD No: 2186 PRE 80 Associated Material: 29683 Description: Pump Unit. Introduction of bleed valve associated with Rolls-Royce Bristol Siddeley Proteus engine Modification No. CAA AD No: 2188 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Synch switch units PQ 1088/2 (Britannia 300) PQ 1095/2 (Britannia 100). 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2185 PRE 80 Associated Material: 26243 Description: Synch switch units PQ 1088/2 (Britannia 300) PQ 1095/2 (Britannia 100). Feathering. 586 refers. Compliance recommended at first overhaul after 1 August 1966. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required before 1 February 1974. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Technical News Sheet Britannia No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Heron No. CAA AD No: 2192 PRE 80 Associated Material: 8913 Description: Feathering Unit Type PFD 2205. Heron Hydromatic Propellers and Equipment CAA AD No: 2191 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7484 Description: Spinner Type PPS 2129501. Repair Scheme P556 superseded by P753A. Compliance required not later than 31 December 1973. Compliance required not later than 1 July 1963. 24 refers. P753B or P753C. CAA AD No: Associated Material: Description: 2190 PRE 80 Synch Switch Unit PQ1088/2 (Britannia 300) – check security of ‘All propellers increase/ decrease’ switch dolly. OR 2 Modification 29953 (MNS BRIT 592) or Modification 29954 (MNS BRIT 894) embodied. Compliance required immediately. See also Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Conversion to Type PFD 3001 by reversal of drive gear. 62 refers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2189 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: IMPORTANT NOTE: Propeller Types PD 208/466/2 (Britannia 300) PD 208/446/3 (Britannia 100). 32. 63 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Technical News Sheet Britannia No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Heron No. Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Strengthened backplate unit and improved lock body. BAe Dynamics Page 7 . 26 refers. 34. No action is required if: 1 Propellers overhauled by Hawker Siddeley Dynamics since 30 November 1970. BAe Dynamics Page 8 . 34 refers. No action required if Modification 8913 Modification News Sheet No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 December 1957. 257 refers. Pembroke. Inspections CAA AD No: 2194 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Feathering Unit Type PFD 2205.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2193 PRE 80 Associated Material: 14724 Description: Constant Speed Unit Type PAY 208. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Heron No. Compliance required immediately. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 December 1961. Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. 28 refers. Conversion to Type PFD 3001 by embodiment of Modification 8913. Repair scheme to obviate leakage between constant speed units and engine. 31. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. 26 embodied. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Prince and President Propellers and Equipment CAA AD No: 2195 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7290 Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 30404 (Prince) PAY 30404 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (President) Introduces new coupling and drive gear having improved splines. Inspections CAA AD No: 2197 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 30404 (Prince) PAY 30404 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (President) Periodic check to be carried out if Modification 7290 not embodied. No action required if Modification 7290 Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. Pioneer (Twin and Single) Propellers and Equipment CAA AD No: 2198 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7290 Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 30405(Single). 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 December 1957. 31. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. 257 embodied. 31 refers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2196 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7627 Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 30404 (Prince) PAY 30404 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (Pembroke) PAY 30405 (President) Strengthened spring for change over valve. 257 refers. 269 refers. BAe Dynamics Page 9 . Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 May 1959. Introduces new coupling and drive gear having improved splines. Introduces new drive shaft and couplings having improved splines. CAA AD No: 2201 PRE 80 Associated Material: 9205 Description: IMPORTANT NOTE: Propeller Type PD 205/323/1 (Twin). Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Compliance required not later than 1 July 1969. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Twin Pioneer No. Strengthened spring for changeover valve.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2199 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7500 Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 31202 (Twin). Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Twin Pioneer No. 35. Compliance recommended at first overhaul after March 1959. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet Twin Pioneer No 17 refers. CAA AD No: 2200 PRE 80 Associated Material: 7627 Description: Constant Speed Unit Type PAY 30405 (Single). or during repair. 37 refers. 35. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2202 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25717 Description: Propeller Types PD 205/323/1 (Twin) PD 237/323/1 (Twin) Increased clearance between piston and dome shell. 18 refers. Compliance recommended at first overhaul after 1 December 1968. 269 refers. This Modification is not mandatory but is included for information because its embodiment satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. Satisfies Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. BAe Dynamics Page 10 . Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 May 1959. Improved tab washer. 31. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. Compliance required not later than 20 May 1961. 35 refers. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 February 1973. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–465 refers. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Strengthened material for third oil line R/V housing. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Special Propeller Technical Instruction No. 18 embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin A61–45C and A61–57C refer. BAe Dynamics Page 11 . CAA AD No: 2206 PRE 80 Associated Material: 13610 or 18305 Description: Controller Types PAY 85004 (Van 951 and 953) PAY 85201 (Van 952). 257 (Single) embodied or Modification 7500 Modification News Sheet Twin Pioneer No. 17 (Twin) embodied. Vanguard Propeller and Equipment CAA AD No: 2205 PRE 80 Associated Material: 13501 Description: Controller Type PAY 85004 (Van 951 and 953) PAY 85201 (Van 952). CAA AD No: Associated Material: Description: 2204 PRE 80 Propeller Type PD 205/323/1 (Twin). No action required if Modification News Sheet Twin Pioneer No. Periodic check to be carried out if Modification 9205 not embodied. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Special Propeller Technical Instruction No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Inspections CAA AD No: 2203 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Constant Speed Unit Types PAY 30405 (Single) PAY 31202 (Twin) Periodic check to be carried out if Modification 7290 (Single) and Modification 7500 (Twin) not embodied. Strengthened end plate for fine pitch resistor valve. 31 refers. No action required if Modification 7290 Modification News Sheet 3HFB Series No. Modification 29946 must then be incorporated before further service. Cadmium plate rear of barrel. P753B or P753C. BAe Dynamics Page 12 . *Note 2 Spiders to this standard are not affected by the completion date of 31 December 1976. Improved governor leg drop-limiting stops. Compliance required not later than 31 December 1976. CAA AD No: 2210 PRE 80 Associated Material: 29946 Description: Propeller type PD223/466/3 repair scheme P556 superseded by P753A. IMPORTANT NOTE: Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin Vanguard 61–473 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–135C refers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2207 PRE 80 Associated Material: 18374 Description: Propeller Type PD 223/466/3. 2 stop piston. Improved No. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 March 1965. Removal of plating from spider radius. No action is required if: 1 Propellers overhauled by Hawker Siddeley Dynamics since 31 December 1973 or 2 Modification 30352 (SB 61–477) embodied or 3 *New spider Part No. 7P73690 with repair scheme P658 embodied fitted at last overhaul. Compliance required not later than 1 February 1962. *Note 1 Spiders to this standard are acceptable for one overhaul life only. CAA AD No: 2208 PRE 80 Associated Material: 18608 Description: Controller Types PAY 85004 (Van 951 and 953) PAY 85201 (Van 952). Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 February 1963. CAA AD No: 2209 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25615 Description: Propeller Type PD 223/466/3. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin Vanguard 61–254 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–165C refers. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 February 1963. CAA AD No: 2212 PRE 80 Associated Material: 30854 Description: Propeller type PD 223/446/3. Compliance required not later than first overhaul after 1 April 1971. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin Vanguard 61–450 refers.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2211 PRE 80 Associated Material: 30039 Description: Propeller Type PD 223/466/3. Compliance required not later than 20 May 1961. Strengthened distributor housing. Improved assembly technique of distributor housing bolts. Compliance within next 500 hours time in-service from 10 April 1976 but not later than 10 October 1976. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–165C refers. Controller Types CAA AD No: 2214 PRE 80 Associated Material: 18374 Description: Propeller Type PD 228/476/3. BAe Dynamics Page 13 . CL44 Propeller and Equipment CAA AD No: 2213 PRE 80 Associated Material: 13610 or 18305 Description: PAY 85400 (CL44) PAY 85401 (CL44) PAY 85402 (CL44) Strengthened endplate for fine pitch restrictor valve. Cadmium plate rear of barrel. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin Vanguard 61–489 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin A61–45C and A61–57C refers. Compliance required not later than 1 February 1962.500 total life. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–378 Revision 1 refers. To be embodied concurrently with Mod 30854. CAA AD No: 2216 PRE 80 Associated Material: 25946 Description: Propeller Type PD 228/476/3 (CL44). BAe Dynamics Page 14 . 29 February 2012 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 2218 PRE 80 Associated Material: 30854 Description: Propeller Type PD 228/476/3. To be embodied concurrently with 30236. Improved governor leg drop-limiting stops. Improved assembly technique of distribution housing bolts. Compliance required not later than 31 December 1976. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–135C refers. Strengthened distribution housing. CAA AD No: 2217 PRE 80 Associated Material: 30236 Description: Propeller Type PD228/476/3. Compliance required not later than 31 December 1976.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 2215 PRE 80 Associated Material: 18608 Description: Controller Type PAY 85402 (CL44). Introduction of Repair Scheme P643 to improve the fatigue strength of the barrel. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin 61–387 refers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Service Bulletin CL44 61–198. Compliance required not later than 10. Should have been embodied not later than 1 January 1968. Argosy Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 1157 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–887 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – inspection for cracking. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R186/4–30–4/16 or R186/4–30–4/16/1 propellers fitted to Hawker Siddeley AW650. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily limited to Hawker Siddeley 748 Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required within 600 hours flying from the date of ASB. No. CAA AD No: 1175 PRE 80 Associated Material: ASB 61–A734 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – Inspection for cracking. CAA AD No: 1152 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–604 Description: Propellers – Hub group – strengthened hub driving centre introduced. Dowty Aerosp Page 1 . Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propeller types (c) R212/4–30–4/22 and 22/1 fitted to Hawker Siddeley AW650 Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Hawker Siddeley AW 650 Argosy Series aircraft. 3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Dowty Aerospace Propellers UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 1145 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–524 Description: Propellers – Assembly of hub and driving centre – revised hub driving centre. Mod. (C) VP 2388 Rev. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 1196 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–A740 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – Inspection for cracking. in accordance with Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 2 . whichever is the shorter period. CAA AD No: 1188 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–266E Description: Propellers – Propeller blade RA 25899 – The removal of blade corrosion and subsequent protection. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. Compliance required at next overhaul after 5000 hours or 5 years. in accordance with Service Bulletin. Compliance required not later than at the completion of 7500 hours or 5 years. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1187 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–266C Description: Propellers – Propeller blade RA 25907 – The removal of blade corrosion and subsequent protection. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 1195 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–A733 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – Inspection for cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1192 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–542–6 Description: Propellers – Blade group – ultimate life of blades RA 25899. whichever is the shorter period. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. refers. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 3 . and Handley Page Herald Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 and Gulfstream Series aircraft. Service Bulletin 61–573A and 61–573B. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Hawker Siddeley AW650 Argosy and 748 Series. CAA AD No: 1227 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–857 Description: Propellers – Inspection of hub driving centres for incorrect machining to Mod. Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series aircraft. as applicable. in accordance with Service Bulletin. (c) VP 2381 standard. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propeller type R175/4-30-4/13E fitted to Hawker Siddeley AW650 Argosy. First inspection should have been accomplished by 1 August 1968. CAA AD No: 1209 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61-633 Description: Propellers – Hub and hub driving centre assemblies – cracks in hub driving centre. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1213 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–858 Description: Propellers – Inspection of hub driving centres. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Gulfstream Series aircraft. CAA AD No: 1223 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–542–18 Description: Propellers – Hub group – ultimate life of hub and driving centre assemblies (30 root single and double-lock propellers). No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1202 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61-909 Description: Propellers – Hub and driving centre – Inspection of hubs for cracks in front wall. Fokker/Fairchild F27 and FH227 Series. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Dowty Aerosp Page 4 . Service Bulletin also referenced in the Hawker Siddeley/De Havilland 121 Trident entry under AD 007–07–80. CAA AD No: 1233 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Handley Page Herald Series Aircraft. GU 497 Description: Controller Unit (except TCA) Type CU/25AE converted to CU/25AE/1. CAA AD No: 1231 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 29–112 Description: Hydraulic Power – Ram air turbine – Blade torque check and extension of calendar life. Retrospective not later than Aircraft Check 1 (130 hours maximum) on all units not to Mod.CU/48E. Complementary to Vickers Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Ram air turbine RAT 5/1 and 5/2 fitted to Trident aircraft.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1229 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–900 Description: Propellers – Hub and driving centre – Inspection of hubs for cracks. GU 524 Description: Controller Unit Types CU/25AE/1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Vickers Viscount Series aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Vickers Viscount Series aircraft. Additional earth lead to solenoid assembly. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Locating prongs of spring housing removed and guide cone with blending radius added to bore. CU/48E/1 and CU/55E/1. GU 517 standard. Type CU/48E converted to CU/48E/1. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Incorporated in all units from February 1955. D908. CAA AD No: 1232 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. Plugs and retaining spring added to unused portion of drain oilway. CAA AD No: 1236 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–157 Description: Propellers – Introduction of pre-primer for propeller blades. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Vickers Viscount Series aircraft. FP 83 Description: Feathering Pumps RFP/9E and RFP/18E. FP 64) or improved type soldered pins (Mod. Addition of breather to gear chamber by means of drilling in BTH motor flange. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Dart engine propeller types as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin.050 in (Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Vickers Viscount Series aircraft. Dowty Aerosp Page 5 . CAA AD No: 1239 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–564 Description: Propellers – New operating cylinder introduced – Modification No. Crimping of lead connection (Mod. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in SB. CAA AD No: 1235 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. VP 2480. Embodied on all new units from January 1957 and classified as mandatory for retrospective embodiment at next overhaul following that date. Retrospective at next overhaul. Compliance required as detailed in SB. Embodiment on all production aircraft from January 1957. FP 79) and plug adaptor face machined back 0. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1234 PRE 80 Associated Material: Mod. FP 82) on BTH motors. FP 98 Description: Feathering Pumps – RFP/9E and RFP/18E. Compliance required as detailed in SB. CAA AD No: 1237 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–185 Description: Propellers – Pitchlock group lock support sleeve revised. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viscount 700 and 800 Series aircraft excluding V701 and V802. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viscount 806 – Dart 520. RA 25842. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Vickers Viking Series Aircraft. Propeller Blade Part No. V785 and V798 operated by Alitalia for which separate Bulletins have been issued in the 61–266B1 etc Series. CAA AD No: 1242 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–266F Description: Propellers – Propeller blade RA 25890 – The removal of blade corrosion and subsequent protection. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all types of blade bearings fitted to Dowty Rotol propeller blades. 4 and 12 Blade No. (c) R147/4–20–4/20E. V724 and V757 operated by Air Canada and V745. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. (c) R148/4–20–4/21E (c) R148/4–20–4/22E. Propeller Types: (c) R129/4–20–4/11E (c) R129/4–20–4/16E. (c) R139/4–20–4/17E (c) R139/4–20–4/19E. Propeller Blade Part No. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Viscount 806X – Dart Propeller type No. Propeller Types: (c) R130/4–20–4/12E (c) R141/4–20–4/18E. Compliance required as per Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1241 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–266B Description: Propellers – Propeller blades RA 25840 and RA 25842 – The removal of blade corrosion and subsequent protection. CAA AD No: 1245 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–380 Description: Propellers – Blade bearings – Overhaul. RA 25840. Compliance required as per Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1252 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 18B Description: Propellers – R44/456/2. RA 10370–1. RA 25890. Inspection of blade root. (c) R178/4–20–4/32. Viscount 802 – Dart 510. (c) R240/4–20–4/32. Propeller type No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. (c) R155/4–20–4/25E (c) R155/4–20–4/26E. Propeller Blade Part No. Dowty Aerosp Page 6 . Compliance required as detailed in SB. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS-11 Series aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1258 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–711 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – Inspection for cracking at overhaul. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1259 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–A753 Description: Propellers – Eyebolt and operating link group– seizure through Cadmium plating. (c) VP 2416 or (c) VP 2677 Standard in blade bearing bottom (cf) races. CAA AD No: 1255 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–542–8 Description: Propellers – Blade group – ultimate life of case hardened rollers to Mod No. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS-11 Series aircraft. 30 root and 40 root propeller types fitted to Dart engined aircraft. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1257 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB A61–654 Description: Propellers – Operating pins – Inspection for fatigue cracking. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 7 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS-11 Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Dowty Rotol 20 root.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1254 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–470 Description: Propellers – Blade bearing assemblies – ultimate life introduced for specific races. CAA AD No: 1264 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–890 Description: Propellers – Hub group – Inspection of hub arms. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. 40 root size blade bearings – ultimate life of case hardened rollers to Mod No. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1265 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–906 Description: Propellers – Pitch lock support sleeve – Inspection for cracking. CAA AD No: 1263 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–888 Description: Propellers – Excessive blade corrosion.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1260 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–754 Description: Propellers – Eyebolt and operating link group – De-embrittlement of incorrectly Cadmium plated operating links.5/2 propellers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Convair 600 and 640 Series aircraft. 30 root and 40 root propeller types fitted to Dart engined aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS–11 Series aircraft fitted with R209/4–40–4. Dowty Aerosp Page 8 . (c) VP 2416 or (c) VP 2677 standard in blade bearing bottom (cf) races. link pins and eyebolts/ eyebolt forks. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to all Dowty Rotol 20 root. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1268 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–542–9 Description: Propellers – Blade group – All No. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 9 . CAA AD No: 1270 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–A862 Description: Propellers – Inspection of blades. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 1271 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–873 Description: Propellers – Pitch lock assembly – Inspection of pitch lock piston for cracks. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS–11 and Convair 600 and 640 Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Rockwell Thrush Commander Models S2–R and S2–R3S and Grumman Ag-Cat Models G164A. CAA AD No: 049–12–80 Associated Material: SB 61–934 Description: Propellers – Operating restriction. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS-11 and Convair 600 and 640 Series aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Propellers and Aircraft types as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 1272 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–714 Description: Propellers – Blade group – New locking segments introduced for blade bearing retaining bolts. G164B and G164C aircraft fitted with Pezetel PZL–3S engines. Compliance requires incorporation at the next overhaul of all propellers from 1 January 1972.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 1269 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB 61–581 Description: Propellers – Locking of blade groups in hub group – checking for security. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Mitsubishi YS–11 and Convair 600 and 640 Series aircraft.Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 012–10–81 Associated Material: SB 61–843 Description: Propellers – Inspection of operating pins. G164B and G164C aircraft fitted with Pezetel PZL–3S engines. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 002–12–81 Associated Material: SB 61–542–3 Description: Propellers – Hub group – Ultimate life of hub and driving centre assembly.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 017–02–81 Associated Material: SB 61–941 Description: Propellers – Propeller to engine indexing. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to but not necessarily restricted to Rockwell Thrush Commander Models S2–R and S2–RS3 and Grumman Ag-Cat G164A. Dowty Aerosp Page 10 . Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propeller type R187/4–30–4/18 fitted to Handley Page Herald aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Rockwell Thrush Commander Models S2–R and S2–R3S and Grumman Ag-Cat Models G164A. G164B and G164C aircraft fitted with Pezetel PZL–3S engine. CAA AD No: 003–06–81 Associated Material: SB 61–A945 Description: Propellers – Pre Take-off inspection for blade leading edge damage. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 003–12–81 Associated Material: SB 61–542–17 Description: Propellers – Hub group – Ultimate life of hub and driving centre assembly. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viscount 700/800 Series. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Viscount 810 Series. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 11 . CAA AD No: 012–09–87 Associated Material: SB 61–954 Description: Propellers – Introduction of new propeller type – Mod No. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13 and R354/4–123–F/20 propellers fitted to SAAB SF 340 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers as detailed in Service Bulletin fitted to HS748 and Argosy aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propeller Types R193/4–30–4/50 and 61 installed on F. CAA AD No: 011–07–87 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–A21 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. (c) VP3008.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 013–05–84 Associated Material: SB 61–882 Description: Propellers – Inspection of hub and driving centre assemblies which have possibly been incorrectly cadmium plated. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to aircraft and hovercraft as detailed in Service Bulletin.27 and FH227 aircraft. CAA AD No: 011–10–86 Associated Material: SB 61–1042 Description: Propellers – Pitch lock group – Cracking of cylinder cover. CAA AD No: 012–10–86 Associated Material: SB 61–1043 Description: Propellers – Propeller hubs – Inspection of the buttress threads in hub ports for cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 12 . Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 696001006 fitted to Fokker F27 Mk 050 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers as detailed in Service Bulletin fitted to HS748 and Argosy aircraft. CAA AD No: 014–09–87 Associated Material: SB 61–1044 Description: Propellers – Propeller blades associated with up-rated Dart engined aircraft – Limitation on number of take-offs at high power. CAA AD No: 006–03–88 Associated Material: SB 61–1053 Description: Propellers – Propeller hubs – Inspection of the front wall/snout radius areas for cracking. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 015–09–87 Associated Material: SB 61–1048 Description: Propellers – Introduction of new propeller type – Mod No. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 013–09–87 Associated Material: SB 61–961 Description: Propellers – Blade group – Temporary marking of blades for ultimate life identification relative to up-rated Dart engines. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to Beta Tubes Unit (R352/6–123–F/1 and –F/2) propellers Part No. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. (c) VP3190 Revision 2. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–10–87 Associated Material: SB F50–61–12 Description: Propellers – Replacement of beta tubes to monitor condition. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Alert Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 013–06–88 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–33 Description: Propellers – Introduction of new hub assemblies – Mod No (c) VP3299.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 007–03–88 Associated Material: SB 61–1054 Description: Propellers – Introduction of scheduled hub contact switch brushes – Inspection and replacement. Dowty Aerosp Page 13 . Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13 propellers fitted to SAAB SF 340 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 010–11–88 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–A42 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers and aircraft as detailed in Service Bulletin. R354/4–123–F/20 and R375/4–123–F/21 propellers fitted to SAAB SF340 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R352/6–123–F/1 and R352/6–123–F/2 propellers fitted to Fokker F27 Mk. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13 and R354/4–123–F/20 and R375/4–123–F/21 propellers fitted to SAAB SF340 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin not later than 31 December 1989. CAA AD No: 003–11–88 Associated Material: SB 61–A1021 Description: Propellers – Failure of beta tube. CAA AD No: 023–05–89 Associated Material: SB F50–61–50 Description: Propellers – Inspection of propellers if an overtorque condition has occurred. 050 aircraft. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. CAA AD No: 009–03–92 Associated Material: SB 61–1091 Description: Propellers – Pitch lock assembly – Inspection of lock supports at overhaul. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R352/6–123–F/1 propellers fitted to Fokker F27 Mk 050 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 008–09–90 Associated Material: SB F50–61–67 Description: Propellers – Replacement of propeller operating cylinder retaining bolts.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 027–05–89 Associated Material: SB F50–61–53 Description: Propellers – Inspection of propeller operating cylinder retaining bolts. 050 aircraft. 660715606 and 660715708 fitted to Fokker F27 Mk 050 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers as detailed in Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R352/6–123–F/1 propellers fitted to Fokker F27 Mk. CAA AD No: 012–11–91 Associated Material: SB F50–61–93 Description: Propellers – Inspection of propeller operating cylinder retaining bolts. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R352/6–123–F/1 propellers post R352/6–123–F/2 propellers fitted to Fokker F27 Mk050 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. Dowty Aerosp Page 14 . CAA AD No: 014–03–91 Associated Material: SB F50–61–79 Description: Propellers – Operating cylinder – Ultimate life. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R352/6–123–F/1 propellers operating cylinder Part Nos. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 006–01–94 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–75 Description: Propellers – Inspection of counterweight arms for forging folds. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13, R354/4–123–F/20, R375/4–123–F/21, R389/4–123–F/25, R389/4–123–F/26 and R390/4–123–F/27 propellers fitted to SAAB 340A and 340B aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–10–94 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–82 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13, R354/4–123–F/20 and R375/4–123–F/21 propellers fitted to SAAB 340A and 340B aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 004–11–94 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–6 Description: Propellers – Pitch control unit – New spool and sleeve sub-assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to pitch control units Part No. 697013004 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–12–94 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–11 Description: Propellers – Inspection of blade retention bearings. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 006–09–95 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–21 Description: Propellers – Overspeed governor – Inspection of weight carrier subassembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to overspeed governor units Part No. 697012002 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 15 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 005–10–95 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–22 Description: Propellers – Cylinder – Adjust preload of cap screws. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 003–03–96 Associated Material: SB F50–61–151 Description: Propellers – Pitch control unit – Inspection of servo valve. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to pitch control units Part Nos. 663007003, 663007004 and 663007005 fitted to Fokker F.27 Mk. 050 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 002–11–96 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–88 Description: Propellers – Blade pitch seizure. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R354/4–123–F/13, R354/4–123–F/20, R375/4–123–F/21, R389/4–123–F/25, R389/4–123–F/26 and R390/4–123–F/27 propellers fitted to SAAB 340A and 340B aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 008–07–97 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–47 Description: Propellers – Overspeed governor – Increased torque and loctite added to solenoid valve attachment cap screws. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to overspeed governor units Part No. 697012002 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 006–08–97 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–31 Description: Propellers – Pitch control unit (PCU) – New servo valve strainer plate. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to pitch control units Part No. 697013004 pre Serial No. DAP 0136 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 16 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 004–09–97 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–46 Description: Propellers – Pitch control unit (PCU) – Time to unfeather propeller checks to ensure safe operation. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to pitch control units Part Nos. 697013004 and 697013005 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft if the engine uses Mobiljet Oil 254 now or in the last 500 flying hours. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 004–12–97 Associated Material: SB C130J–61–7 Description: Propellers – Inspect propeller blades to NDT21. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R391/6–132–F/3 propellers fitted to Lockheed 382J (C–130J) aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–12–97 CAA AD No: Description: SB C130J–61–9 Propellers – New seal kit. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R391/6–132–F/3 propellers fitted to Lockheed 382J (C–130J) aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–09–98 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–67 Description: Propellers – Overspeed governor – New weights and carrier assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to overspeed governor units Part Nos. 697012002 and 697012003 pre Serial No. DAP0161 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 007–09–98 Associated Material: SB C130J–61–26 Description: Propellers – Overspeed governor – New weights and carrier assembly. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to overspeed governor units Part Nos. 697052002 and 697052003 pre Serial No. DAP0216 fitted to Lockheed 382J (C130J) aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 17 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 006–04–99 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–73 Description: Propellers – Inspection of counterweight arm assembly for damage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 003–05–99 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–75 Description: Propellers – Inspection of de-iced blade assembly for damage. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–06–99 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–26 Description: Propellers – New cylinder, piston and cover. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 006–10–99 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–95 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R389/4–123–F/25, –F/26 and –F/27 propellers fitted to SAAB 340A and 340B aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 005–04–2000 Associated Material: SB SF340–61–96 Description: Propellers – Loose hub through bolts. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to propellers as detailed in Service Bulletin fitted to SAAB 340A and 340B aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 18 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 003–09–2000 Associated Material: SB D8400–61–23 Description: Propellers – Propeller electronic controller – Unit removal. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R408/6–123–F/17 propellers fitted to De Havilland Dash 8 Series 400, 401 and 402 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 001–11–2000 Associated Material: SB C130J–61–55 Description: Propellers – Examine propeller blade root outer sleeves. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R391/6–132–F/3 de-iced blade assemblies fitted to Lockheed 382J (C–130J) aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 002–10–2002 Associated Material: SB S2000–61–90 Description: Propellers – Pitch control unit – Inspection of servo valve. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R381/6–123–F/5 propellers with pitch control unit Part No. 697013005 fitted to SAAB 2000 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 009–05–2002 Associated Material: 61–1124 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R333/4–82–F/12 propellers fitted to Jetstream 3100 and 3200 aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. CAA AD No: 010–05–2002 Associated Material: 61–1125 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R321/4–82–F/8 propellers fitted to Merlin IVC/Metro III aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 19 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness CAA AD No: 011–05–2002 Associated Material: 61–1126 Description: Propellers – Hub wall cracking. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Applicable to R324/4–82–F/9 propellers fitted to Merlin IIIC aircraft. Compliance required as detailed in Service Bulletin. 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 20 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority EMERGENCY AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2008-0003 Issue Date: 15 January 2008 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the National Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. Type Approval Holders Name: DOWTY PROPELLERS Type Certificate Data Sheet No: EASA TCDS P.002 Superseded/ Revised ADs: None Type/Model Designation(s): R408/6-123-F/17 ATA 61– PROPELLER ELECTRONIC CONTROLLER - UNIT REMOVAL Manufacturer(s): Dowty Propellers Applicability: Propeller Electronic Controller Part No. 699018002 Serial Nos :- 1488,1489, 1490, 1494, 1495, 1496, 1498, 1499, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1508, 1509, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1518, 1519, 1520, 1521, 1522, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1531, 1532, 1537, 1538, 1541, 1542, 1543, 1544, 1549, 1550, 1567, 1569, 1570, 1571, 1572, 1573, 1574, 1581 Reason: The TC holder has identified that, due to a production problem, there is an increased potential for failure of input/output circuit boards fitted to Propeller Electronic Controllers with the above unit serial numbers. Failure could lead to uncommanded propeller speed changes or loss of the autofeather function. Effective Date: 18 January 2008 Compliance/Action: Remove from service Propeller Electronic Controller units identified above as follows:1) If two affected units are installed on one aircraft, remove one unit from service within 7 days of the effective date of this AD. The other unit is to be removed in accordance with paragraph 2) below. 2) All units identified above must be removed from service within 1200 flight hours or 6 months of the effective date of this AD, whichever limit is reached first. 3) Replace with a serviceable unit Part no 699018002 in accordance with the relevant Aircraft Maintenance Manual. 4) Once removed, do not refit affected units until the input/output circuit board has been replaced by an organisation approved for the task, in accordance with Alert Service Bulletin D8400-61-A77. Reference Publications: Dowty Propellers Alert Service Bulletin D8400-61-A77 may be obtained from Dowty Propellers, Anson Business Park, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester, GL2 9QN. Phone: +44(0)1452 716000 Fax: +44(0)1452 716001. Remarks: Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification Department, Safety Regulation Group, Aviation House, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR, United Kingdom. Phone: +44(0) 1293 573292 FAX: +44(0)1293 573976. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Dowty Aerosp Page 21 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Fairey Reed Fixed Pitch Metal Propellers UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2220 PRE 80 Associated Material: SB FRP .001.1 Description: Instructions for the strip and examination of all Fairey Reed fixed pitch metal propellers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Compliance required at periods not exceeding each 300 hours of flying time. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1, Fairey Reed Page 1 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Permali Page 1 . or HR 1812 or HR 1813.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Permali Group – Horden Richmond Wooden Fixed Pitch Propellers UK National Airworthiness Directives previously published in CAP 476 – Mandatory Aircraft Modifications and Inspections Summary CAA AD No: 2219 PRE 80 Associated Material: – Description: Permali Group – Horden Richmond wooden fixed pitch propellers. Applicability – Compliance – Requirement Any propellers which have protecting sheathing in accordance with Modification SK504 must be withdrawn from service within a period not to exceed 50 hours flying since embodiment of this type of sheathing. The affected propellers have the letter 'M' after the drawing number stamped on the side of the boss. Subsequently these propellers should be resheathed by the manufacturer in accordance with Modification HR 1811. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. In some circumstances this could result in serious injury. (2) (3) (4) Note : 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Equipment Page 1 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Equipment (2) Cameron Balloons Ltd – Fuel Cylinders with CB-0824-0001 Liquid Valve Fitted United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority EMERGENCY AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2008-0002 Issue Date: 14 January 2008 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the National Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). Type Approval Holders Name: CAMERON BALLOONS LIMITED (CBL) Type/Model Designation(s): CBL FUEL CYLINDERS WHICH HAVE A CB-0824-0001 LIQUID VALVE FITTED. 17 provides information on how to identify the affected valves. which is installed in a multi cylinder balloon. Reason: Defective inlet self seal valves have been identified. On a hopper balloon this failure would result in an uncontrolled descent. inspect the balloons’ cylinder to identify whether the Cylinder Liquid Valve is from the affected batch of valves. CBL Service Bulletin No. Other cylinders from the affected batch. Effective Date: 16 January 2008 Compliance/Action: The following measures are mandatory from the effective date of this AD: (1) Before further flight. Before using a cylinder that is from the affected batch in a single cylinder balloon. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. It is recommended the self-seal valve is also replaced on cylinders from the affected batch which are used on multi cylinder balloons.cylinder balloons. may remain in service. This should be done in accordance with CBL Service Bulletin 16. which are used on multi. Type Certificate Data Sheet No: All Cameron Balloons Superseded/ Revised ADs: None ATA 28 – INLET SELF-SEAL VALVES Manufacturer: Cameron Balloons Limited (CBL) Applicability: All gas cylinders supplied by CBL balloons which have a CB-0824-0001 Rego Type Cylinder Liquid Valve fitted which is date stamped between 12/05 and 08/06. Any cylinder from the affected batch. if it is to be used on a hopper balloon. Detachment of a seal inside the valve could result in partial or complete blockage of the burner supply. must be modified in accordance with CBL Service Bulletins 16 and 17 before flight. replace the self-seal valve in accordance with CBL Service Bulletins 16 and 17. BS3 4NH. United Kingdom. Tel: +44 (0)117 9637216 Fax +44 (0)117 9661168 Email: enquiries@cameronballoons. Equipment Page 2 . RH6 0YR. Bristol. United Kingdom. Safety Regulation Group. Gatwick Airport South. St John's Street. Aviation House. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. may be obtained from Cameron Balloons Remarks: Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification Department. Phone: +44(0) 1293 573292 FAX: +44(0)1293 573976. West Sussex.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Reference Publications: Cameron Balloons Service Bulletins 16 and 17 rev 0 or later approved revision. BA503.see LHAB SB No. replace any defective hose with a serviceable hose. (2) (3) and (4) Note For hoses from the affected batch. Replace any defective hose with a serviceable hose. Equipment Page 3 . replace the hose with a serviceable one. BA505. LHAB Service Bulletin (SB) No 11 supersedes the earlier SBs and revises the applicability as required. For hoses from the affected batch.11.FUEL HOSES . Hoses removed as defective should be made unusable. BA504.REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE HOSES Manufacturer(s): Flexquip Applicability: Lindstrand supplied burner hoses manufactured by Flexquip as identified in LHAB Service Bulletin (SB) No. BA506. could hazard the balloon and occupants. Type Approval Holders Name: LINDSTRAND HOT AIR BALLOONS LTD (LHAB) Type/Model Designation(s): ALL LINDSTRAND HOT AIR BALLOONS Type Certificate Data Sheet No: EASA BA501. For hoses from the affected batch. A significant leak. 11. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. BA120 and BA021 Superseded AD: G-2003-0010 ATA 28 . repeat the inspection and test identified in LHAB SB No.11. Reason: Defective burner hoses have been identified which might develop a leak. 1/2 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. carry out the inspection and test identified in LHAB SB No.11. In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. Effective Date: 12 January 2008 Compliance/Action: The following measures are mandatory from the effective date of this AD: (1) Before further flight inspect any balloon burners to determine whether it has a hose from the affected batch . BA502. Since the issue of AD G-2003-0010 there have been occurrences of hose failure in batches not identified in the earlier bulletins. if it was ignited. at or before the next annual inspection.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons – Replacement of Defective Fuel Hoses United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority EMERGENCY AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2008-0001 Issue Date: 9 January 2008 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the National Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). at an interval of not more than ten flight hours. Fax: +44 1691 671122. Maesbury Road. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. United Kingdom. Gatwick Airport South. SY10 8ZZ. Aviation House. Oswestry. RH6 0YR.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Reference Publications: LHAB Service Bulletin No 11. Shropshire. Remarks: Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Aircraft Certification Department. Tel: +44 1691 671717. Phone: +44 (0)1293 573292 Fax: +44 (0) 1293 573976. Equipment Page 4 . Safety Regulation Group. may be obtained from Lindstrand Hot Air Balloons Ltd. West Sussex. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of Registry. Reason: MAG(E) have been made aware that. In accordance with Article 9(7)(b) of the Air Navigation Order 2000 as amended the following action required by Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1.RE-WORK OF THE TAIL ROTOR AND CYCLIC CONTROL CUT-OUTS OF THE FLOOR MOUNTED PLATFORM PANEL Manufacturer(s): Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd (MAG(E)) Applicability: Eurocopter Model AS350 and AS355 helicopters. certificated in any category that have been modified in accordance with MAG(E) modification 350-1521 or 350-1680. inspect helicopters which have MAG(E) modification 350-1521 or 350-1680 installed for continued short term acceptability in accordance with paragraph 2A of MAG(E) SB-A25-001. clearance between the Mounting Panel cut-outs and the primary controls was inadequate. which do not have the specified clearance. Effective Date: Upon receipt from 18 September 2003. Installation of Camera platform. modify the Panel Part Number 350-1521-103 in accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS given in paragraph 2 of MAG(E) SB-A25-001. in one case. Compliance/Action: a. Panels with Part Number 350-1521-103 held in store or those which have been removed in accordance with paragraph (a) must before next installation or within 30 days of the effective date of this AD whichever is sooner. b. This could potentially result in restriction or jamming of the pedals or cyclic control. Type Approval Holders Name: MANN AVIATION GROUP (ENGINEERING) LTD Type Certificate Data Sheet No: None Type/Model Designation(s): CAMERA SYSTEM INSTALLATION ATA 25 . Platform panels bearing part number 350-1521-103. Equipment Page 5 . must be removed from service immediately. c.CAMERA SYSTEM INSTALLATION . be modified in accordance with the INSTRUCTIONS given in paragraph 2 of MAG(E) SB-A25-001. within 30 days of the effective date of this AD.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (2) Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd – Camera System Installation United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2003-0008 Issue Date: 17 September 2003 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the Primary Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Design) for the affected product(s). Required before further flight from the effective date of this AD. For Panels inspected in accordance with paragraph (a) that have remained installed. Equipment Page 6 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Reference Publications: MAG(E) Service Bulletin. Phone : +44 (0) 1276 857888 Fax: +44 (0) 1276 857810 E-mail: engineering@alanmann. Woking. United Kingdom.williams@srg. United Kingdom. RH6 0YR. Chobham. Fairoaks Airport. Gatwick Airport South. Safety Regulation Group. Aircraft Certification Section. Civil Aviation Remarks: Enquires regarding this AD should be referred to Mr N Williams. Phone: +44 (0)1293 573292 Fax: +44 (0)1293 573976 E-mail: may be obtained from: Mann Aviation Group (Engineering) Ltd. SB-A25-001 Issue 1.caa. 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part GU24 8HX. Aviation House. West Note: This Directive was issued as an Emergency AD on 17 September 2003. which have a maximum approved seating configuration of more than nine passengers. Compliance with 2) is required not later than 12 months from the effective date of this Directive. for helicopters currently fitted with CAA approved health monitoring system installations.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Additional Airworthiness Directives 001-05-99 (2) Installation of Helicopter Health and Usage Monitoring Systems Applicable to helicopters operated for the purposes of Public Transport. which is 7 June 1999. Equipment Page 7 . NOTE: Approval for the installation of the health monitoring systems referred to in 1) above has been granted under the following Airworthiness Approval Note (AAN) references: Eurocopter AS332 Series AAN 19335 AAN 21700 AAN 21919 AAN 22775 AAN 21013 AAN 21699 AAN 21921 AAN 25870 AAN 22637 AAN 22372 AAN 25221 AAN 26209 AAN 22371 AAN 22370 Sikorsky S61 Series Eurocopter SA365 Series Sikorsky S76 Series Bell 212 Series Bell 214 Series 30 November 2009 Section 2 Part 1. Comply with the following requirements: 1) Install a health monitoring system approved for the type. 2) Implement procedures acceptable to the CAA covering all aspects of data collection. Compliance with 1) and 2) is required not later than 24 months from the effective date of this Directive for all other applicable helicopters. analysis and determination of serviceability. This Directive is not applicable to helicopters certificated to BCAR 29 (AS332 L2) and CS 29 (currently EH101 310/510). CAA Publication CAP 693 is an acceptable means for compliance with this Directive. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . as amended by Regulation (EC) No. customs. Maintenance/Operations related and applied under EASA Part M or the UK ANO. 216/2008. 1108/2009. coastguard or similar activities or services and any engine. b) Any aircraft engaged in the service of a Chief Officer of Police. even if other aircraft of the same type. are subject to regulation by EASA. coastguard duties. police. Where there is doubt over the status of any particular aircraft with respect to Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No. 2.1 1. customs. c) Any aircraft engaged in the service of HM Revenue and Customs. search and rescue. specifies that any individual aircraft carrying out military. firefighting. firefighting. clarification should be sought from the CAA. border/immigration control.1 2. The United Kingdom’s interpretation is that the UK aircraft excluded from EU legislation by Article 1(2) of Regulation (EC) No. are: a) Any aircraft engaged in the service of the UK Ministry of Defence. propeller. search and rescue. fisheries patrol. firefighting.2 31 October 2011 Section 2 Part 2 Page 1 . firefighting. coastguard or similar activities or services” Article 1 of Regulation (EC) No. Applied under UK ANO for non-EASA aircraft. Part 1 of CAP 747. 216/2008. police. 216/2008. 1108/ 2009. that are not carrying out such activities. or to safeguard national security. and d) Any aircraft (whether or not in the service of the UK Government) engaged to undertake search and rescue. 216/2008 for EASA aircraft. search and rescue. This Section 2 Part 2 contains the further requirements applied by the CAA under the Air Navigation Order to aircraft carrying out military. 1. as amended by Regulation (EC) No. firefighting. part or appliance installed in that aircraft. police. police. coastguard or similar activities or services". coastguard or similar activities or services remains subject to national regulation. search and rescue.2 2 Compliance with Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness in accordance with the Air Navigation Order The categories of requirements that must be complied with by aircraft registered in the UK and "carrying out military.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Part 2 Key: (1) (2) (3) 1 Aerospatiale Requirements applicable to State/public service aircraft Notified under Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No. are specified in Section 1. customs. customs. 1 Classification of aircraft as “carrying out military. which references this Section 2 Part 2. Reason: Effective Date: Compliance/Action: Reference Publications: Remarks: Tel: +44 (0)1293 573802 Email: ad. FAA AD 2008-22-53 may be obtained from the FAA website. AUTOPILOT OFF”. Aircraft Certification 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness (1) MD 900 (902 configuration) United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority EMERGENCY AIRWORTHINESS DIRECTIVE AD No: G-2008-0005R1 Issue Date: 24 October 2008 This AD is issued by the UK CAA as the National Aviation Authority (ICAO Annex 8 Authority of State of Registry) for the affected product(s). Aviation House. (MDHI) TCDS: Supersedure: ATA Manufacturer(s): Applicability: (FAA) H19NM N/A PLACARDS MD Helicopters Inc. United Kingdom. Safety Regulation Group. 24 October 2008 The wording of the final sentence of the placard specified in paragraph (c) of FAA Emergency Airworthiness Directive Fax: +44 (0)1293 573993 29 January 2010 Section 2 Part 2 Page 2 . AUTOPILOT OFF” can be altered to “ONLY (DAY OR NIGHT) VMC FLIGHT IS PERMITTED. MDHI Service Bulletin SB900-110 may be obtained from mdhelicopters. Type/Model Designation(s): MD900 (902 configuration) All MD900 (902 configuration) helicopters and in accordance with the operating rules Variation of the terms of FAA AD 2008-22-53 and MDHI SB900-110 (by clarification of the intended operational limitation) to allow continued Night VMC operation for the UK MD900 Police fleet and to allow ‘Special VFR’ operation. RH6 0YR. In accordance with Article 10 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 as amended the following action required by this Airworthiness Directive (AD) is mandatory for applicable aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. Enquiries regarding this Airworthiness Directive should be referred to Civil Aviation Authority. West Sussex. Type Approval Holder’s Name: MD Helicopters Inc. “VFR FLIGHT ONLY. Gatwick Airport South.unit@caa. No person may operate an aircraft to which an AD applies except in accordance with the requirements of that AD unless otherwise agreed with the Authority of the State of 700 kg Maximum Authorised Weight Electrical Generation Systems – Bus-Bar Low Voltage Warning Single-Engined Aircraft With a UK Certificate of Airworthiness Cotton. Maintenance/Operations related and applied under EASA Part M or the UK ANO. Linen and Synthetic Fabric-Covered Aircraft Helicopter Emergency Escape Facilities Painting of Aircraft Maintenance of Cockpit and Cabin Combustion Heaters and their associated Exhaust Systems Flame Resistant Furnishing Materials Improved Flammability Test Standards for Cabin Interior Materials Light Aircraft Maintenance Programme (EASA Aircraft) and Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule (Non-EASA Aircraft – Annex II) Tyre Bursts In Flight – Inflation Media Maintenance Requirements for Variable Pitch Propellers Installed on Aircraft Holding a UK Certificate of Airworthiness Electrical Power Supplies for Aircraft Radio Systems Emergency Power Supply for Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Bank and Pitch Indicators (Artificial Horizons) Fire Precautions – Aircraft Toilets Cargo Containment Galley Equipment Maintenance Personnel Certification for NonDestructive Testing of Aircraft. 216/2008 for EASA aircraft. Part 3 notifies Generic Requirements.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Part 3 Generic Requirements (GRs) This Section 2. including those which were published previously as Airworthiness Notices in CAP 455. Engines. Table 1 GR No. 2 3 4 6 Current Generic Requirements Title * Basis of EASA Non EASA Applicability Aircraft Aircraft Applicability Minimum Space for Seated Passengers Access to and Opening of Type III and Type IV Emergency Exits Electrical Generation Systems – Aircraft Not Exceeding 5. These Generic Requirements are listed below with their applicability. 29 February 2012 Section 2 Part 3 Page 1 . Applied under UK ANO for non-EASA aircraft. Components and Materials Light Aircraft Piston Engine Overhaul Periods Aerobatic Smoke Systems 1 2 3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 3 3 1 and 2 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Yes No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1 and 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 2 3 3 3 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 * Notified under Article 14(1) of Regulation (EC) No. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . is the minimum distance and the vertically projected distance between the seat and any seat or fixed structure immediately ahead of the occupant. Issue 2. 2 Page 1 . (namely the anthropometric data for the 5th percentile female to the 95th percentile male). GR No.785 or BCAR D4-4. these are specified on the General Arrangement drawing. particularly with respect to the more modern. affecting the ease with which the occupant can stand up and move from the seat to the main cabin aisle. trunk and leg strike areas of the seat in front. To formalise the minimum acceptable seating standards the normal design extremes used for certification purposes for all occupied zones. 64. have been taken into account. 2. high technology seat designs. operated for the purposes of Commercial Air Transport and configured to carry 20 or more passengers.5 30 November 2009 Section 2. GR No. The approval procedure for such controlled items is defined in Part 21 Subparts E and K (or in BCAR Sections A or B. when agreed with the seat manufacturer. As part of that approval each seat type shall be approved as required by CS 25. 2 Generic Requirements Minimum Space for Seated Passengers (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. whether the seating being considered is placed adjacent to seats of the same or different types. quickly vacate the seat and enter the aisle in an emergency. Use of these three dimensions as the criteria for the determination of the acceptability of any seating configuration is considered to provide a realistic minimum standard that can be uniformly adopted. if necessary. Part 3. In this regard the critical dimension for the seated occupant is the buttockknee length. 29 October 2001. on the Declaration of Design and Performance (DDP) or specifically highlighted in a letter of approval.2.3 2.4 2. The CAA has been asked to re-assess the use of seats at a pitch less than has generally been requested in the past.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all UK registered aeroplanes over 5. These Requirements are not intended to supersede or replace existing occupant protection criteria prescribed in CS 25. This minimum pitch is defined taking into account head. or other typical interior structures. Of particular concern is the effect that such lower seat pitches can have on the seat occupancy and the ease of egress from these seats. 2 2.2 2. and yet still to be satisfied that the various general criteria above are being achieved. At the initial evaluation of a seat an assessment of the limiting conditions of use is made and.1 Introduction The layout of cabin interiors must be approved under modification approval procedures.785 or BCAR Section D.1. Chapter D4-4 paragraph 2. the ability to occupy the seat and.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section 2. Part 3. Chapter A4-8 or B4-8 where applicable). Additionally.700 kg MTWA. Included in these limitations is a minimum seat pitch at which approval for installation on an aeroplane has been granted. (Figure 1.2) Dimension A datum point height above mean squab height B 25 inches (Ref.2 4 4. Dimension B.1) 3 inches (Ref. para 4. shall be 3 inches. Part 3.) The minimum distance between a seat and the seat or other fixed structure in front.1 and 5. Para 5. (Figure 1.1 (Ref.2) B (Ref.) The minimum vertically projected distance between seat rows or between a seat and any fixed structure forward of the seat. Dimension A. (Figure 1. over the full seat place width ‘X’. 4. Dimension C.1 b)) Y = ½X (Ref. GR No.2 and 4.3 Requirements The minimum distance between the back support cushion of a seat and the back of the seat or other fixed structure in front. (See Figure 1.) 30 November 2009 Section 2. Para 4.2) Figure 1 Minimum Dimensions required by paragraphs 4.1. 2 Page 2 . para 5. Para 4. shall be 26 inches. all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above and which are being subject to the provision of a new (not previously approved) or amended seating configuration. Para 5.1 Compliance With effect from 1 April 1989. shall be 7 inches.1) A B B A 12 inches A X Y Range for dimension A datum point (Ref.1 Additional Information The measurements required for the demonstration of compliance with the requirement given in paragraph 4. With effect from 1 January 1992 all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above shall comply with this Generic Requirement.3 5 5.) C (Ref.3) (Ref.1 4.2 4. para 4. 3.1 above are as follows: a) from a datum point in the centre of the seat back at a height of 3 inches above the mean uncompressed seat squab height to the seat or other fixed structure in front made in both vertical and horizontal arcs up to a limiting height of 25 inches above the carpeted floor level.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3. shall comply with this Generic Requirement. Para 4. the appropriate BCAR Section A or Section B major modification procedure. All measurements shall be made with the seats in the upright (take-off and landing) position. GR No.3 5. such normally provided material shall be in place during the measurements. necessary to achieve compliance with this Generic Requirement shall be the subject of Part 21 Subpart E procedures. 5. for non-EASA aircraft. Where a magazine rack is provided for the normal stowage of the cabin safety leaflet.3 above shall be measured between the forward edge of the seat squab cushion or the most forward extremity of the armrests and the most aft part of the seat or fixed structure in front.5 5.2 The full width of the forward edges of the seat squab cushion and the seat armrests shall be used as the datum points for the measurements of the minimum distance required by paragraph 4. their installation or any modification to adjacent fixed structures.6 5.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness b) from any point on the seat back within the centre one half ‘Y’ of the seat place width at a height of 3 inches above the mean uncompressed seat squab height to the seat or other fixed structure within the central 12 inch region in front made in vertical and horizontal arcs up to a limiting height of 25 inches above the carpeted floor level. Part 3.2 above. any fold down or other type of meal table attached to either seat or fixed structure should be in its normal stowed (take-off and landing) position for all measurements. The vertically projected distance required by paragraph 4. or. 5. sick bag and in-flight reading material provided by the operator. No alleviation to these requirements will be granted on the basis of deformable soft furnishings.7 30 November 2009 Section 2. All modifications to seats. From these points the measurement of the distance shall be made in both horizontal and vertical unlimited arcs. 2 Page 3 . Similarly.4 5. Chapters A2-5/B2-5. and the armrests shall be down. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Tests have demonstrated that.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No.6. Following further reviews it has been decided to extend the applicability of this Requirement to include Type IV exits (Issue 2) and to specify the requirements for face-to-face seating configurations.4 2. are required by this Requirement to be repeated on the backs of all seats on the seat row immediately forward of the exits. even though they are not formally classified as such. Whilst such information is provided in the Cabin Safety Leaflet.1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all UK registered aeroplanes over 5700 kg MTWA. will of necessity be on a relatively long timescale.5 30 November 2009 Section 2. become a major escape route. seat pitches down to approximately 30 inches have little or no effect on the rate of exit egress. Such new regulations. In the interim. 1.1 Introduction From a review of accidents. whilst only small improvements can be made in exit egress rates. 3 Page 1 . Current Requirements governing the access to Type III and Type IV emergency exits do not quote specific dimensions for the minimum width of access to such exits between adjacent seat rows. this Requirement has been issued to ensure effective opening. Accordingly. 16 March 1989.2 2. GR No. Exits considered to be equivalent to Type IV exits are referred to as Type IV exits in this Requirement. in certain circumstances. operating instructions. Part 3. where rapid evacuation of the aeroplane was a critical factor governing passenger survival. 79. although only rated for a relatively small number of passengers. For the purpose of this Requirement. immediate action can be taken that will provide greater space adjacent to the exit and thereby facilitate the more rapid opening of such exits and reduce the time taken for the initiation of passenger egress. The CAA believes that Type III and Type IV emergency exits need to be made more effective and is seeking international adoption of radical improvements in access to and ease of opening of such exits. Issue 1 of Airworthiness Notice No. could. exits that are smaller in size than Type III emergency exits (including elliptical exits) shall be deemed to be Type IV emergency exits. 79 stated that it appeared that mid-cabin Type III emergency exits. operated for the purposes of Commercial Air Transport and configured to carry 20 or more passengers and equipped with Type III emergency exits and/or Type IV emergency exits or their equivalent. The major constraint on the location of seats relative to such exits is the need to ensure that the seats do not impede the removal and disposal of the exit hatches.3 2.2 2 2. except as referred to in paragraph 5. it is also essential that passengers seated adjacent to the exits are readily able to determine the correct method of opening and disposal of exits in an emergency. To realise the full potential of improved exit access.) 1 1. the CAA has established that. with typical economy class seats. Issue 3. 2. handling and disposal of the hatch and to define the additional minimum access requirements for Type III and Type IV emergency exits. if adopted. comparable to those contained in such Leaflets. 3 Access to and Opening of Type III and Type IV Emergency Exits (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. each Type III and Type IV emergency exit. shall not be less than half the exit hatch width including any trim.813(c) (1) or BCAR Section D. with effect from 1 May 1989 all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above having face-to-face seats forming the access route to these exits shall comply with this Generic Requirement.1. it is nevertheless considered necessary to ensure that the seat design is such that a person’s foot. the access shall be of sufficient width and be located fore and aft so that no part of any seat which is beneath the exit extends beyond the exit centre line and the access width between seat rows vertically projected.7 3 3. Part 3.2 for Type III exits or either paragraph 4. whichever is the greater (see Figure 1). all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above that are subject to the provision of a new or amended seating configuration. GR No. may not become trapped.2 Seats may only be located beyond the centre line of a Type III exit provided there is a space immediately adjacent to the exit which projects inboard from the exit a distance no less than the width of a passenger seat and the seats are so arranged as to provide two access routes between seat rows from the cabin aisle to the exit. In addition. Whilst the revised seating arrangements required by this Requirement should minimise the likelihood of passengers either kneeling or standing on seats to reach the exit. shall comply with this Generic Requirement.1. say. paragraph 4. and in addition paragraph 4.1.3 4 4. having all forward facing or all aft facing seats adjacent to these exits. 2.2 3. With effect from 1 April 1989.1.1. NOTE: The outboard armrest must not protrude across the exit aperture nor impede the removal of the exit hatch.1 4. having all forward facing or all aft facing seats adjacent to these exits. shall comply with this Generic Requirement.4 for Type IV exits where conventional seating arrangements are installed. shall have access space meeting the requirements specified in either paragraph 4. 30 November 2009 Section 2. in addition to meeting the current requirements of CS 25. With effect from 1 December 1987 all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above with Type IV emergency exits.1 or or 4. an orderly approach to the exit from the aisle. Where all forward facing or all aft facing seats are arranged such that there is a single access route between seat rows from the aisle to a Type III exit.5 when face-to-face seating is installed. 3 Page 2 . it is important that passengers are encouraged to approach the exit from the cabin aisle via an access route that is sensibly normal to the exit.1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2. Chapter D4-3.1 Compliance With effect from 1 July 1986 all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above with Type III emergency exits. shall comply with this Generic Requirement. or 10 inches.6 To encourage a smooth passenger flow through the relatively small Type III and Type IV emergency exits. the CAA has decided that the seat backs of those seat rows immediately forward and aft of the exit access route from the aisle shall be restricted in both recline and break forward not only to maintain the minimum access width but also to maintain the seat back in an essentially upright attitude. To achieve. 3. Alternative routes such as can be created by climbing over seat backs which have been pushed forward should be discouraged. 4.1 Requirements To facilitate rapid opening and disposal.5(d) as applicable. where possible. 3 Minimum Access Space Required by Paragraph 4.5 30 November 2009 Section 2. 2 of this Requirement).6 of this Requirement. (See paragraph 5.1 need not apply (see paragraph 5.) 4. NOTES 1 Some incursion into the projection area of the emergency exit hatch. Figure 1 4. the minimum access width referred to in paragraph 4. 3 Page 3 . then the projected exit aperture shall not be obstructed from the exit to the aisle (see Figure 2 and paragraph 5.1. the minimum permitted distance between any parts of the seat rows shall be 16 inches vertically projected and the minimum permitted distance between the plane of the seat backs on either side of the access route shall be 52 inches measured on the mid-lines of each seat place at a height of 3 inches above the seat cushions.1. including its trim. (See Figure 3 and paragraph 5. GR No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness NOTE: Where more than one access route from the cabin aisle to a Type III exit is provided. may be acceptable so long as it can be shown that the incursion does not impair the rapid removal of the exit hatch.4 of this Requirement).1 Where all forward facing or all aft facing seats are arranged such that there is a single access route from the aisle to a Type IV emergency exit. Part 3.4 Seats may only be located in line with a Type IV exit such that the seat back is within the projected exit aperture provided there is a space immediately adjacent to the exit.1. The outboard armrest must not protrude across the exit aperture nor impede the removal of the exit hatch.) Where face-to-face seating is provided adjacent to the emergency exit.4 of this Requirement. TYPE III EMERGENCY EXIT OUTLINE TRIM OUTLINE Outboard arm rest cut back if necessary TYPE III Equal to ½ exit width or 10 inches whichever is the greater. Such a space shall project inboard from the exit a distance no less than the width of a passenger seat and be so arranged as to provide two access routes between seat rows from the cabin aisle to the exit. including any trim. GR No.3 TYPE III EMERGENCY EXIT OUTLINE TRIM OUTLINE 52 inches minimum Outboard arm rest cut back if necessary 3 inches 16 inches minimum Figure 3 Minimum Access Required by Paragraph 4.1. TYPE IV EMERGENCY EXIT OUTLINE TRIM OUTLINE TYPE IV Figure 2 Minimum Access Required by Paragraph 4.5 30 November 2009 Section 2. Part 3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4.1.2 Instruction Placards.9 of this Requirement). clearly indicating the method of opening and disposal of each Type III and Type IV emergency exit (additional to existing opening instructions at the exit). 3 Page 4 . shall be located in a prominent position and clearly visible to the occupant of each seat which forms the access route from the cabin aisle to the exit (see paragraphs 5.6 and 5. some projection of the seat cushion above the lower sill height may be permitted. provided that this projection does not impede the rapid opening of the exit.1 Additional Information When measuring the minimum access width between seat rows leading to Type III emergency exits. provided that the minimum access to the exit required by paragraph 4. GR No. seat pans (if able to tip up) are to be down and seat backs must be in the upright (take-off and landing) position. without overlapping the projected opening of the exit. The seat back.) 4.3 The seat back of each seat which forms the boundary of the access route to each Type III and Type IV emergency exit shall be restricted in its movement (break forward and recline. where fitted) so as to maintain the minimum access to the exit required by paragraph 4.1 4.1 is maintained. Where a particular emergency exit is larger than the defined measurements of BCAR and EASA CS. and any permanent deformation should not significantly impede access to the exit. 3 Page 5 . and ensure that the seat back is in an essentially upright position. when superimposed on the actual emergency exit. Part 3. The seat back shall be capable of maintaining the essentially upright position under loads of up to 150 lbf which should be applied horizontally.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4.4 The interior surface of each exit hatch shall be free of any significant projection that might inhibit or otherwise delay the exit opening. it is permissible when establishing compliance with paragraph 4. except that. for Type III emergency exits only. Such configurations will be the subject of individual evaluation.2 5. 3 dated 30 November 2009) meet the new requirements and continue to be acceptable.3. 4. 5.3.5 5 5. at the structurally most critical point. when under load.3.8 of this Requirement. The seat manufacturer or organisation responsible for any necessary seat modifications should declare such deformation data to enable an assessment to be made of its significance in the specific seating layout. should remain upright within 20 degrees rearward and 10 degrees forward relative to a plane normal to the cabin floor. Permanent deformation should be kept to a minimum particularly where access dimensions are close to the minima specified in this Requirement. falls within the boundary of the actual emergency exit aperture. The seat pan and lower back rest suspension of all seats bounding the access route(s) from the cabin aisle to the emergency exit shall be free from any gaps that might entrap a foot or other part of a person standing or kneeling on the seat.2 4.3 30 November 2010 Section 2.) NOTE: The seat backs of aisle seats need not be maintained in the essentially upright position where this would facilitate improved access to the escape routes.3 and 5. If this results in a vertical overlap between seat squab and lower sill it shall be shown that the resulting interference will not restrict the removal and disposal of the exit hatch. The past practice of mounting stub armrests on the exit shall be discontinued. (See paragraph 5.1. (See paragraphs 5.7. No alleviation to these requirements will be granted on the basis of deformable soft furnishings. to assume the required minimum exit size and the maximum step-up and step-down limitations of BCAR or EASA CS provided that this required minimum exit size. in each direction of travel. no remedial action is therefore required). (Seats complying with the previous standard (GR No. mounted on either side of the exit and visible to the occupants of the affected seat rows would be acceptable.3 of this Requirement. It is a requirement that fold-up meal tables are correctly stowed for take-off and landing. If. the instruction placards. Where tables are retained for use at seats adjacent to the access route. particular seat back meal tables are no longer used. The Instruction Placards required by paragraph 4. For the more conventional forward facing seating layout. placards. Any gap of greater than one inch into which a hand or foot may enter is considered to be unacceptable.2 together with the associated Cabin Safety Leaflet should be submitted to the CAA Operations Inspectorate for agreement prior to the modification being submitted to the CAA Safety Regulation Group. and egress rate through. hand or arm in such a way as to delay or hamper free movement of passengers to the exit. it is recommended that. Part 3. comparable with that contained in the Cabin Safety Leaflet. Where such seating is not symmetrical about the exit centre line it may be necessary to locate an additional placard on the exit itself.9 30 November 2010 Section 2.7 5. or to their installation. the latches shall be sufficiently reliable and adequately protected against inadvertent release. necessary to achieve compliance with this Generic Requirement shall be the subject of the appropriate major modification approval procedure.6 5.4 For seating configurations where there is a dual access route to a Type III exit. 5. their location and shape should be evaluated subjectively to assess the likely hazard.9 of this Requirement. again at approximately eye level to the seated occupant. wherever practicable.5 5. a pictorial instruction placard. The assessment of potential entrapment should be made both with and without the seat cushions in place. Where gaps are unavoidable. to ensure good visibility to the seated passengers. from the cabin aisle. the exit. indicating the correct method of opening and disposal of the exit hatch. 3 Page 6 . Small reductions in this access may be considered where there is evidence to demonstrate that the features of the specific configuration can achieve equivalent ease of access to. however. this feature should be retained but limited in travel only to an extent necessary to ensure compliance with paragraph 4. should be used. or a single or dual access route to a Type IV exit.) Where break forward facilities are provided on seat backs in seat rows bounding access routes. a vertically projected access width of at least 6 inches should be provided. they must either be removed from the seat. or their function inhibited to ensure that they cannot inadvertently obstruct the access to the exit.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 5. All modifications to seats. having increased the seat pitch. Ideally the seat upholstery and seat suspension should be free of any gaps into which it would be possible to place a foot. Wherever possible. (See paragraph 5. GR No. Where face-to-face seating makes such a location ineffective. should be fixed at approximately eye level to the seated occupant on each seat immediately forward of the access route either on the upper seat back itself or on the outer face of the stowed meal table (where fitted).8 5. the CAA will. adequate power will be available for a period of not less than 30 minutes following the failure. or with a CAA or EASA approved alternative (as appropriate) providing an equivalent level of airworthiness.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No.g. Issue 2. to give indication of. is required. This Generic Requirement is for the retrospective modification of certain aircraft to ensure that a clear and unmistakable warning of loss of generated electrical power is given. VMC day only) that the loss of generated electrical power would not significantly prejudice safe flight. on application. have shown certain inadequacies in the standard of failure warnings and indications provided. Clear visual warning shall be provided.5 of this Requirement.1 Requirement For all multi-engined aircraft. 2.2. the maximum authorised weight of which does not exceed 5. 2. waive this Generic Requirement where it is satisfied that compliance would not be justified in the circumstances of a particular case. a flashing light). either: a) reduction of the generating system voltage to a level where the battery commences to support any part of the main electrical load of the aircraft. Part 3. This includes an assumed period of not less than 10 minutes from operation of the warning specified in paragraph 2. Where it can be shown that an aircraft is fitted with such limited electrical and radio equipment. or b) loss of the output of each engine driven generator at the main distribution point or busbars. the maximum authorised weight of which does not exceed 5. Experience has shown that the loss of generated electrical power can remain undetected for a significant period of time. for completion of the appropriate drills.2 2. 4 Electrical Generation Systems – Aircraft Not Exceeding 5. or is certificated to operate under such limited conditions (e. 2. within the pilot’s normal line of sight. For the purpose of calculations it shall be assumed that the electrical load conditions at the time of failure warning are those appropriate to normal cruising flight at night (see paragraph 3).2 2 2. This delay period may be reduced to not less than five minutes if the warning system is provided with attention getting characteristics (e.1 Introduction Investigations into accidents and incidents involving total loss of generated electrical power to aircraft. 82. (see paragraph 3.1 2.g. compliance with paragraphs 2. 1. to support those services essential to the continued safe flight and landing of the aircraft. and to preserve or provide sufficient electrical energy to operate essential services for an adequate period of time in the event of such a loss occurring.1. 29 October 2001.700 kg.) 1 1.3 The battery capacity shall be such that. 30 November 2009 Section 2.700 kg. resulting in the serious depletion of the available battery capacity and reduced duration of supplies to essential services under these conditions.4 and 2.700 kg Maximum Authorised Weight (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No.1). GR No. in the event of a complete loss of generated electrical power.2. 4 Page 1 .3. appropriate to the load of the listed services. together with a statement of the battery endurance under specified load conditions. is not extended beyond a battery terminal voltage of 21·5 volts on a 24 volt system. the calculation of the duration of battery supply should normally be based on the following assumptions: a) Only 75% of the ‘name plate’ rating of the battery is available (this is to take into consideration loss of capacity with age.4.e. 3.5. (this is to ensure that the voltage 30 November 2009 Section 2. taken into account in accordance with paragraph 3. b) shall be provided with means of indicating that the power supply to the instrument is operating correctly. the pilot from his normal position.5 Precise drills covering crew action in the event of electrical generation system failures and malfunctions shall be included in the appropriate aircraft manual(s).1 The instrument(s) with which the requirement of paragraph 2. Utilisation on the basis of a total of 15 minutes reception plus 3 minutes transmission in the 30 minute period would be an acceptable interpretation.4 Where all gyroscopic attitude reference instruments. In such cases the air driven instrument(s) will be accepted as providing the emergency attitude information provided that the requirements of paragraph 2. 4 Page 2 . will function adequately for the prescribed period. c) Essential cockpit lighting. 3 3. bank and pitch indicator(s) and turn and slip indicator(s).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2.4). and usable by.3.1. at least one of these instruments shall continue to operate without crew action for the prescribed 30 minute period. b) The voltage/time discharge characteristic of the battery.1. GR No. i.1 In order to ensure that the essential services.1 are met. b) Essential Radio Communication. NOTE: For the purpose of calculations it will normally be accepted that intermittent use of a single VHF communication equipment satisfies this requirement. e) Any other services essential for the continued safe flight and landing of the particular aircraft. d) Pitot Head Heater (applicable only to those aircraft certificated for flight in icing conditions). pro rata for 12 volt systems. Certain aircraft are equipped with both electrically operated and air driven attitude reference instruments. are dependent on electrical power for their operation. NOTES 1 2 For certain aircraft types a turn and slip indicator may not be acceptable as the sole remaining attitude reference instrument.4. 2. and: a) shall be so located on the instrument panel that it will be visible to. f) Those services that cannot readily be shed when carrying out the drills required under paragraph 2. Part 3. the following loads should be taken into account: a) Attitude information (where applicable in accordance with paragraph 2.4 will be met shall be clearly designated. 2. and a realistic state of charge).1 Additional Information When ascertaining that the installed aircraft battery capacity is adequate for compliance with paragraph 2. 1. 30 November 2009 Section 2. Chapters A2-5 and B2-5. Part 3. 3. 4 Page 3 . NOTE: Only where compliance with this Requirement cannot be shown within the criteria of paragraphs 3.1 and 3. batteries to particular aircraft.1.2 Applications for the approval of modifications necessary to ensure compliance with this Generic Requirement should be made in the manner specified in BCAR Sections A and B.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness available throughout the prescribed period is adequate for the satisfactory operation of the services). or Part 21 as appropriate. GR No. or larger capacity. will consideration have to be given to the fitment of additional. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Guidance shall be given in the appropriate aircraft manual(s) on any actions to be taken by the pilot should the warning operate. a number of incidents and accidents have continued to occur on single-engined aircraft equipped with electrically operated systems. Part 3. have now been developed and fitted to single-engined aircraft. Issue 1.1.) 1 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No.3 30 November 2009 Section 2. Issue 3.2. Compliance was required by 1 January 1988. 6 Page 1 . or with an approved alternative.2 2. 1. this Requirement was published as Airworthiness Notice 88.) 2.4 2 2. This will be by the introduction. A clear and unmistakable red visual warning shall be provided. Where an aircraft is equipped to operate under day VMC conditions only and the loss of the generated electrical power could not prejudice safe flight and landing. (See also paragraph 3. Investigations have shown that a general misunderstanding exists as to the categories of single engined aircraft (depending upon the level of equipment installed) that have to be equipped with low voltage warning devices. 88) equipped with an engine driven electrical generating system.1 Requirements For all single-engined aircraft with a UK Certificate of Airworthiness (not already modified to meet the requirements of Issue 1 of Airworthiness Notice No. 82) was introduced in June 1973. 29 October 2001. greater reliance is being placed on the integrity of the electrical power supplies for such aircraft. it was considered inappropriate to impose the whole or part of those requirements on single-engined aircraft.1. to give indication of the reduction of the voltage at the aircraft bus-bar to a level where the battery commences to support all or part of the electrical load of the aircraft. within the pilot’s normal scan of vision. GR No.1 Introduction When Generic Requirement No. is required not later than 31 December 1992. The purpose of this Requirement is to extend and clarify the need for a clear and unmistakable warning of the loss of generated electrical power (to the main bus-bar) as detailed in paragraph 2. where necessary. Since that time.1 2.2 1. providing an equivalent level of airworthiness. the requirements of this GR are considered to be satisfied without the provision of a specific warning. 6 Electrical Generation Systems – Bus-Bar Low Voltage Warning Single-Engined Aircraft With a UK Certificate of Airworthiness (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. compliance with paragraphs 2. or next annual check whichever is the latest. in December 1986. This required certain single-engined aircraft to be equipped with low voltage warning devices to give indication to the pilot of when the aircraft’s battery commences to support all or part of the electrical load of the aircraft. 4 (as Airworthiness Notice No.1. systems which were once fitted only in the more complicated twin-engined general aviation aircraft.3. of retrospective modifications. Since that time.2 and 2. Thus. As a result of the above.3 1. 88. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3. GR No.4 30 November 2009 Section 2. 6 Page 2 . when making this estimate. Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures (CAAIP) Leaflet 11-10. subject to the prompt completion of any drills. This duration need only be a reasonable estimate and not necessarily calculated by a detailed electrical load analysis. Owners and operators may.2 3.1 Additional Information The recommended voltage levels for operating the warning required under paragraph 2. on application. 3.2 of this Requirement are 25 volts to 25·5 volts for a nominal 24 volt dc system and 12·5 volts to 13 volts for a nominal 12 volt dc system. submit proposals for their own means of compliance and should refer to the guidelines laid down in CAP 562. Owners and operators are recommended to contact the aircraft manufacturer or main agent for information regarding suitable means of compliance with this Requirement. only 75% of the battery nameplate capacity should be considered as available because of loss of battery efficiency during service. Part 3. The battery duration should be sufficient to make a safe landing and should be not less than 30 minutes. However.3 3. the aircraft must be inspected to detect any hidden damage or distortion. ground loops and collisions. slackness. wrinkling or discoloration of the covering material is investigated and the cause established. However. regular cleaning. Details of the incident. Issue 8. 20 March 2000. utilisation and type of operation for which the aircraft has been employed. their associated Airworthiness Review Certificate (ARC) applicable to aircraft. Linen and Synthetic Fabric-Covered Aircraft (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. contamination. these being detailed in the Manufacturer’s Airworthiness data or where appropriate CAAIP Leaflet 2-8. Following incidents such as heavy landings. exposure to high humidity. the manufacturer’s inspection recommendations should be used. refer to CAA CAP 562 – Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures (CAAIP) and/or consult a specialist organisation. 8 Cotton. Damage will be reduced by using proper ground handling techniques and equipment.3.1 2. ultra violet light. such as: age. 8 Page 1 . It is therefore important that during routine inspections. that have fabric covering. high “g” loadings. or. or other Aviation Approved fabrics produced from polyester or glass fibre.1 Structural Damage and Deterioration Removal of the fabric covering of some older types of aircraft has revealed cases of unsuspected structural damage and deterioration. Planned periodic inspections of aircraft coverings. In the absence of specific guidance. structural elements and their attachments are essential in preventing damage and deterioration from going unnoticed. 2 2. the improved longevity of synthetic materials often means that internal structures are inspected much less frequently and deterioration can go undetected. incorporation of adequate and correctly placed drain holes. The airworthiness of covering fabrics should be assessed using a method acceptable to the CAA. inspections/repairs carried out should always be entered in the aircraft log book. excluding Microlights. Part 3.4 3 3. 2. This may involve removal of the covering material or provision of access openings and may include inspections using NDT techniques.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. The type of covering material used will also need to be ascertained as natural materials are much more susceptible to adverse climatic conditions than synthetic materials.2 30 November 2009 Section 2.3 2. 3. GR No. where appropriate. The use of good maintenance practices.1 Fabric Coverings Many factors can influence the life and condition of covering fabrics. 20.2 2. Wherever possible. and storage of the aircraft in a dry hangar will retard deterioration.) 1 Introduction This Generic Requirement applies to the issue or renewal of Airworthiness Certificates. Experience has shown that structures can appear undamaged until manually loaded during a physical check. Fabric coverings may be manufactured from natural materials such as linen or cotton. any sign of distortion. 4.1 4.1 Certification Requirements Certificates of Airworthiness Certificates of Airworthiness and/or associated ARC will only be issued and may only be recommended for renewal in respect of used aircraft if the requirements of paragraphs 4.3 Cotton and linen fabrics may be replaced with synthetic materials providing they are of a type manufactured and approved for aeronautical use in their country of origin and acceptable (see 3. Certified evidence must be produced to show that an internal inspection sufficient to establish continued structural integrity has been carried out within the period specified in the applicable Maintenance Schedule. Application must be in accordance with the applicable procedures with control surfaces re-balanced to the original limits specified.2 and 4. inspections carried out. Replacement materials must also be appropriate for the intended purpose having properties no less than the original fabric in terms of strength and durability. Failing this ability.1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness NOTE: With suitable training and experience an engineer can usually assess the condition of fabric covering by its appearance. NOTE: Care must be exercised when tautening synthetic fabric using the application of heat. subject to the requirements of paragraph 3. either from an appropriately approved design organisation or through the CAA or EASA as appropriate. may be used when the organisation is satisfied that the material meets the required specification and has appropriate traceability. Lightly built wooden structures covered with these materials can become distorted or crushed during the shrinking process. GR No. tension and reaction to thumb pressure. The application of non-tautening dope should be also considered in these cases.5 4 4. The depth of the inspection must be relative to the age of the aircraft. 3.2 4. 3. inspection history.3 have been complied with. a suitable type of fabric tester should be used.1.3 26 February 2010 Section 2.4 The use of a replacement fabric must be covered by an approved modification. Fabric is classified as a material rather than as a part/component and. This should be determined by the certifying person using data from the organisation responsible for Type Design.4 below) as an alternative covering material. Access holes may have to be cut to facilitate inspections and these reinforced in accordance with the manufacturers requirements (refer to covering schedule). All material must be accompanied by documentation clearly relating to the particular material and containing a conformity to specification statement plus both the manufacturing and supplier source.1. Part 3. Log book entries must be made in sufficient detail to provide an accurate record indicating the extent of the access.1. Rib stringing and other materials must have a compatible life expectancy to the replacement covering. 3. known usage. persons specifically Authorised for the purpose or personnel operating under the approval granted to a Maintenance Organisation. The tester and its method of operation are described in CAAIP Leaflet 2-8. storage conditions/hangarage and the elapsed time since the last full inspection.1. 8 Page 2 . and any recovering required since the last structural inspection including reference to the applicable modification approval. Certification of the inspections and work carried out must be made by an appropriately Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineer. a maintenance programme agreed by the CAA and the guidance material contained in CAAIP. 4. repairs and overhauls performed. and British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) A3-7 Issue and Renewal of Permits to Fly. Access holes may have to be cut to facilitate inspections and these reinforced in accordance with the design requirements (refer to covering schedule).2.1 Permits to Fly Permits to Fly and/or associated ARC will only be issued and may only be recommended for renewal in respect of used aircraft if the requirements of paragraph 4. 4. Log book entries must be made in sufficient detail to provide an accurate record indicating the extent of the access. Thereafter. all fabric covered aircraft must be internally inspected to establish and suitably record their structural integrity. known usage. GR No.2 have been complied with.50. Techniques and Practices 5.2. 4. inspection history.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness NOTE: CAP 562 Leaflet 15-2 describes the certification responsibilities of UK Licensed Aircraft Maintenance Engineers in relation to Articles 25 and 26 and 28 to 31 of the Air Navigation (2009) Order (as amended) and Part 145A.2. 8 Page 3 .1 Guidance Guidance material relating to fabric covered aircraft may be found in a number of publications which include: CAAIP Leaflet 2-8 CAAIP Leaflet 2-9 CAAIP Leaflet 6-1 CAAIP Leaflet 6-2 CAAIP Leaflet 6-5 FAA AC 43. Part 3.2. storage conditions/hangarage and the elapsed time since the last full inspection.2 Attention is drawn to CAAIP Leaflet 6-11 which refers to deterioration in wooden structures and in glued joints in aircraft.13 Fabric Covering Doping Inspection of Wooden Structures Inspection of Metal Aircraft Structures Rigging checks on Aircraft Acceptable Methods.2 4.2 4. repairs and overhauls performed and any re-covering required since the last structural inspection including reference to the applicable modification approval. At initial issue or the first annual inspection (as applicable) after the 1st October 1999.3 5 5. inspections carried out. This must be certified by persons specifically authorised by the CAA or an organisation approved by the CAA to issue a Flight Release Certificate in order to qualify for issue or renewal of the Permit to Fly. 26 February 2010 Section 2. The depth of the inspection must be relative to the age of the aircraft. inspections must be performed at a frequency not exceeding 3 years. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 27.1 Applicability This Generic Requirment is applicable to those UK registered helicopters required to carry the equipment specified in the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) Schedule 4 paragraph 4(13) (d) (v) (cc) and being operated: a) for the carriage of passengers or cargo to or from vessels or installations used in connection with oil or gas exploration or exploitation. equivalent requirements agreed with the CAA may be acceptable. 9 Helicopter Emergency Escape Facilities (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. or b) for the transfer of personnel to or from vessels or lighthouses. shall be marked and illuminated to comply with BCAR 29. Additionally.1411(d) (3). This Generic Requirement is necessary to ensure that the applicability of the relevant requirements is drawn to the attention of all concerned. 9 Page 1 .2 3 Compliance Compliance is required prior to operating any helicopter defined in paragraph 1 above. 29 October 2001. flotation and trim are required to be evaluated. NOTE: Guidance on the interpretation of this requirement is in paragraph 1 of CAAIP Leaflet 11-18.) 1 1. Following this review the CAA issued a Direction to Operators requiring action on certain aspects of survival systems.1 All liferaft installations shall comply with the requirements of BCAR 29.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 4.1 Introduction In 1985. but are used only on rare occasions where action needs to be taken as a matter of urgency on a number of different aircraft types. GR No. which require liferaft installations to be suitable for use in all sea conditions in which helicopter ditching. Issue 3. 2 2. 4 Requirements NOTE: For all references to BCAR requirements. a programme of review and improvement of helicopter post-ditching escape facilities was carried out jointly by the CAA and the operators concerned with offshore helicopter operation. which requires exit marking to remain adequate if the helicopter capsizes after ditching and the cabin becomes submerged. 2.2 26 February 2010 Section 2. and d) in a dedicated offshore Search and Rescue role. All Emergency Exits. 4. to retrospectively apply recently introduced airworthiness requirements. Directions issued to specific operators are not a usual means of promulgating such requirements. Part 3.811(a). this Generic Requirement also applies to helicopters being operated: c) over the sea or tidal estuaries in association with pollution monitoring. including crew Emergency Exits. or allowing door sills to deteriorate to a point where sharp edges become a hazard.1 Additional Information CAA Specification No. Particular care should also be taken during routine maintenance to ensure that additional hazards are not introduced by.1 5.5 5.2. Examples of projections which need to be considered are aerials.1 5. Operators and maintenance organisations are reminded that wherever a modification or alteration is made to a helicopter within the boundaries specified. due to projections on the exterior of a helicopter. The same considerations apply in respect of emergency flotation equipment. Operators should therefore.3 5. 4. This can be provided in part by design of the liferaft. ensure that the established common approach to the maintenance of on board flotation equipment is continued. 2 requires helicopter liferafts to have a high level of damage tolerance.2 5. leaving inspection panels with sharp corners proud of the surrounding fuselage surface. and that all relevant approved maintenance schedules should be amended to ensure that such protection remains effective.2 are intended as a guide. As part of the overall assessment of flotation equipment and its operation brought about by the issue of the Direction.3 All non-jettisonable doors of Ditching Emergency Exits shall comply with BCAR 29. 9 Page 2 .6 30 November 2009 Section 2.4 5 5. NOTE: This means that all openings such as windows of a suitable size shall be made openable from inside the helicopter. 5. for example.4 5. Further advice on interpretation of this requirement is contained in paragraph 2 of CAAIP Leaflet 11-18.1. should be modified or suitably protected to minimise the likelihood of their causing damage to a deployed liferaft. guttering and any projection sharper than a three dimensional right angled corner. the maintenance aspects of the various systems were examined. All openings in passenger compartments agreed by the CAA as suitable for the purpose of underwater escape shall be equipped so as to be openable in an emergency. consideration should be given to affording such protection as may be required to prevent the modification or alteration causing damage to a deployed liferaft. This resulted in a rationalisation of all the relevant approved maintenance schedules to ensure a common approach to the maintenance of flotation systems across different operators fleets. but action is also necessary to minimise the chances of liferaft damage while the liferaft is on the water adjacent to the helicopter. Part 3. overboard vents.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4. While the boundaries specified in paragraph 5. It is recommended that all projections likely to cause damage in a zone delineated by boundaries which are approximately 1·22 m (4 ft) above and 0·61 m (2 ft) below the established static water line. which requires such doors to have means of securing them in the open position so they do not interfere with occupants egress in all sea conditions up to the maximum required to be evaluated for ditching and flotation. unprotected split pin tails. GR No.809(i). the total area which should be considered should also take into account the likely behaviour of the liferaft after deployment in all sea states up to the maximum in which the helicopter is capable of remaining upright. When a CRS is judged to be necessary. if misused. 2 Introduction Experience has shown that a greater degree of control has to be exercised over the painting of aircraft exteriors. Part 3. 10 Page 1 . 3. Issue 5. cause damage to aircraft structures. e.3 30 November 2009 Section 2. The briefing should emphasise the awareness with respect to the correct use and application of sharp instruments. knives and scrapers etc. the signatory to the CRS will take responsibility for the whole process and should. assess the extent of the work to establish the need to: a) Carry out on-site supervision including stage inspections. 38. and make a decision as to the need for a Certificate of Release to Service (CRS). f) Make provision to rectify any corrosion detected following paint removal.g. Owners and Operators should consult their Approved Maintenance Organisation prior to making such a decision. c) Ensure that any task carried out is adequately defined by documented process specification containing sufficient information to control the procedure. e) Anticipate potential problems resulting from partial restoration which could mean additional paint weight in significant areas and the need for balancing of control surfaces. particularly where significant problems could be concealed by subsequent work processes. b) Brief the work force to avoid any airworthiness hazard.1 3. 3 3. taking into account the aircraft manufacturer’s published requirements and precautions in addition to the content of paragraph 6. including the aircraft manufacturers’ published data and the paint manufacturers’ instructions are provided.2 Compliance All aircraft defined in paragraph 1 which are to have their external finish substantially altered. 10 Painting of Aircraft (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all UK registered aircraft issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness.. The Owner.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. The term painting in this context embraces the associated processes of stripping and such terms as refinishing and refurbishing. 28 September 2004. h) Determine the basic weight and corresponding centre of gravity position. particularly presurised airframes. Operator or the Approved Maintenance Organisation must assess the proposed task for its airworthiness implication. d) Ensure that all necessary guidance material. therefore. shall comply with this Generic Requirement. GR No. g) Ensure the restoration of corrosion inhibiting compounds where washing or use of solvents or other paint removal techniques may have removed them in areas adjacent to those being repainted. which can. 5. due to inadequate protection and/or the retention of these products in crevices.2 5. which could be better accomplished following the paint removal. such as: • reduction in fastener head size by uncontrolled use of power tools and abrasive media. 4 Requirement When the need for a Certificate of Release to Service has been judged necessary under paragraph 3 of this Generic Requirement. failure to renew them. Any other signatory would require direct CAA authorisation. then a Certificate of Release to Service must be issued upon completion of the process (see paragraph 6). specialist painting organisations will not be entitled to issue any certification in respect of the airworthiness status of an aircraft following painting.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness NOTE: It may benefit the owner to anticipate any scheduled structural inspections including Non-Destructive Inspections. •use of incorrect tools and equipment to remove paint and aerodynamic sealant from lap and butt joints. b) Damage to transparencies. e. has authority to issue a CRS for the satisfactory completion of the external finish. and • use of incorrect chemical paint strippers. 5 or 7. 5 5. for an aircraft which has been externally painted or had some significant change to its finish. c) Inadvertent deletion of placards and markings. 26 February 2010 Section 2. Paragraphs 4. Therefore.3 6 6. A licensed aircraft engineer holding the relevant Category 'A' LWTR for the class of aircraft. mandatory door markings and break in zone identification. unless the organisation holds an appropriate CAA Organisation Approval. • surface scratching by use of paint scrapers. or would need to be an authorised inspector within an organisation such as the British Gliding Association.1 Certification of Release to Service The CAA will not grant specific Approval for painting of aircraft. • degrading of composite or plastic surfaces by abuse of particle blasting techniques.g. • aluminium surface contamination by steel wool particles. such as paint removal and subsequent polishing. or failure to comply with the required specification for. with any Type Rating in the appropriate sub-paragraph of CAP 562 Leaflet 15-3.1 Additional Information Examples of likely damage and hazards that must be avoided include: a) Damage caused during preparation work which could adversely affect the structural integrity of the aircraft. Registration Marks. composites and sealants by solvent and paint removers. GR No. Part 3. 10 Page 2 . or overcoating an existing finish. 6. 30 November 2009 Section 2. paint or particle blast material. i) Overly aggressive paint stripping which could damage the sealant around air data ports/orifices on RVSM compliant aircraft (air flow over these areas is critical for the height keeping capability of the aircraft). f) Painting in areas involving critical orifices or mandatory markings. antennas and composite materials used in Primary and Secondary structure. l) Jamming of flight control and landing gear mechanisms by preparation treatments and paint. Part 3. d) Extensive polishing of bare metal finish using abrasive polishes where skin thickness or fastener head dimensions are critical.2 Examples of finishing work that would require the issue of a CRS: a) Complete repainting from bare metal or fabric. drains and other openings by debris. special procedures which ensure proper adhesion and protection from the effects of ultra-violet light. b) Reversion from paint finish to polished metal. j) For fabric coverings. 2) The above list of examples is not intended to be exhaustive. f) Uncontrolled variations to aircraft basic weight. e) Finishing of radomes. Aggressive removal of the old finish may cause fabric damage. although there is no legal requirement for the issue of a Certificate of Release to Service. particularly where polishing is to be a repetitive requirement. h) Inadequate knowledge of the manufacturers’ finishing schemes for antennas and radomes. 10 Page 3 . The advice published by the manufacturer of synthetic fabric would have to be made available and complied with in full as well as that of the aircraft manufacturer.3 It is recommended that aircraft issued with a Permit to Fly should be subject to the same principles of compliance with this Generic Requirement. g) Any alteration to the finish of Helicopter main rotor and tail rotor blades or any other critical parts. e) Loss of correct mass balance moments on flight control surfaces. Notes 1) It is not intended that the requirement for the issue of a CRS should include minor repairs to surface finish where airworthiness implications are minimal. g) Variation to surface profile and aerodynamic smoothness at critical points such as surface leading edges. The exposed fabric should be assessed for its serviceability prior to refinishing. GR No. by the uncontrolled use of fillers or excessive paint thickness. 6.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness d) Blockage of vents. masking tape and residues of paint remover. the possible ingress of water into fuel tanks through vent apertures or past filler cap seals when using high pressure hoses for washing down. c) Repainting or reversion to bare metal on flying control surfaces or supercritical lifting surfaces. k) The effects of excessive paint thickness on the application of non-destructive testing techniques using eddy current and ultrasonic methods. 10 Page 4 .4 Operators and maintenance organisations are reminded that the use of self adhesive decals as an alternative to painting may totally preclude both visual and eddy current inspections. 30 November 2009 Section 2. Operators and maintenance organisations need to address the impact on structural inspection tasks when using such decals and ensure that the aircraft maintenance programme requires their removal at the appropriate time.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 6. Part 3. GR No. Safety Regulation Group.) 1 1. 11 Maintenance of Cockpit and Cabin Combustion Heaters and their associated Exhaust Systems (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. it must be assumed that heater hours are equal to aircraft flying hours. or some percentage of flying hours that has been agreed with the CAA. NOTE: Carbon monoxide (CO). In addition to compliance with the provisions of the approved Maintenance Schedule and appropriate instructions. and restored to the extent necessary to ensure continued safe operation. Gatwick.3 2 Servicing and Overhaul The requirements of this paragraph 2 are applicable to all aircraft whether maintained to an approved Maintenance Schedule or not.3). odourless and tasteless. Combustion chambers shall. 41. Issue 9. b) The hot air outlet ducting adjacent to the heater shall be inspected for exhaust contamination and the appropriate action shall be taken where there is any evidence of contamination. those of the aircraft manufacturer shall be assumed to be overriding. 2. 29 October 2001. whichever is the sooner (but see paragraph 2. is a product of incomplete combustion and is found in varying degrees in all smoke and fumes from burning carbonaceous substances. 41 referred to investigations of a fatal accident to a large transport aircraft which had revealed that the flight crew may have been suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning brought about by the gas escaping from combustion heaters or their associated exhaust systems. 1. Therefore it is imperative that only nozzles of the type quoted by the manufacturer are fitted and that servicing. compliance shall (unless already accomplished in the course of aircraft maintenance) also be shown with a) and b). 30 November 2009 Section 2. 1. a) Combustion heaters and their exhaust systems shall be completely dismantled and inspected. in addition. GR No. at intervals not exceeding 500 heater operating hours or two years. 11 Page 1 . This Generic Requirement accommodates revisions related to ICAO definitions. overhaul and inspection standards of combustion heaters and their associated exhaust systems are maintained at a high level. be pressure tested.2 2.2 Fitment of oversize nozzles to combustion heaters will increase the concentration of carbon monoxide in the exhaust gases and may cause operating difficulties with the heater.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 2. If the instructions in the aircraft manufacturer’s manual differ from those in the equipment manufacturer’s manual. servicing. Part 3. a poisonous gas. overhaul and inspection of combustion heaters and their associated exhaust systems shall be in accordance with the instructions contained in the appropriate manuals produced by the aircraft manufacturer and the equipment manufacturer.1 Except where otherwise agreed by the CAA.1 Introduction The previous issues of Airworthiness Notice No. It is colourless.3 Unless equipment which records heater operating hours is installed. Applications for the agreement of a flying hour percentage should be made to the CAA. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3.2 Maintenance Schedule Amendment Appropriate amendments must be submitted by all holders of CAA Approved Maintenance Schedules affected by these revised requirements. Part 3. 11 Page 2 . 30 November 2009 Section 2.1 3. Whilst the use of such detectors may be an aid to the detection of carbon monoxide contamination in aircraft. their use is not considered to be a satisfactory substitute for the procedure detailed in this Generic Requirement. Proprietary carbon monoxide detectors are available. GR No. are often sprayed from aerosol containers in aircraft cabins. 1. 3 3. 13 Flame Resistant Furnishing Materials (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.853. These standards may not be identical to either BCAR or JAR but are considered to provide acceptable levels of safety in relation to the particular aircraft types. 58. 27. or in compliance with the current or UK equivalent requirements. seat covers become contaminated with perspiration which leaves a deposit of body salts. Suitable methods of flame resistance testing of aircraft furnishing materials are described in Appendix F to JAR-25.1 Requirements for Maintenance of Fire Resistance Continuance of the flame resistance properties of furnishing materials may depend upon their use in service and the methods used in their cleaning. Issue 7.2 1. c) During service. etc. However. G4-3 and Joint Aviation Requirements (JAR) 23.) 1 1. which are either at least equal to those of the materials used in the original design as accepted for UK certification. in order to provide the necessary flame resistant properties. K4-3.. laundering or proprietary finishing processes which enhance durability and minimise soiling. GR No. impairing the flame resistance properties of the materials. these deposits may accumulate. are used.3 2 Requirements for Initial Acceptance of Materials Wherever possible only inherently flame resistant materials shall be used. may also be used provided that (since all materials may at some time be dry-cleaned or washed) the material is shown to be flame resistant when tested both before and after being subjected to three representative cleaning processes. Experience has shown that: a) The proprietary flame retardant processes often applied to furnishing materials during or after manufacture. may be destroyed or seriously impaired where incorrect dry cleaning. Some imported foreign constructed aircraft are accepted for UK certification through compliance with the airworthiness standards of the country of manufacture.853 and 29.853. The accumulation of these agents may also affect the long term flame resistant properties of the furnishing materials. 30 November 2009 Section 2. may have the effect of inhibiting the properties of both processes. applied either during or after manufacture.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 25.853. materials which meet the requirements by the use of a flame retardant process. Materials used when carrying out repairs or modifications to an aircraft cabin furnishings are also required to have flame resistant properties.. d) Disinfectants. 2 April 2004. 13 Page 1 .1 Introduction The detailed requirements for compartment design safety precautions for aircraft designed in the United Kingdom are prescribed in British Civil Airworthiness Requirements (BCAR) Chapters D4-3. etc. b) The application of one flame retardant process on top of another of a different type. Part 3. Part 3.2 of this Generic Requirement.1 and 1. GR No. 13 Page 2 . therefore. Where such processes have been applied. the flame retardant processes applied. there is a need to prove the continued acceptability of a particular material or process in service. 30 November 2009 Section 2. they need to have a knowledge of the material type.2 Operators and maintenance Organisations are reminded.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3. if any. further flame resistance tests must be conducted in accordance with requirements identified in paragraphs 1. therefore. the effects of time in service on the flame resistance properties. and. that they must have adequate control over the cleaning of aircraft furnishing materials. It is not acceptable to place reliance on unsubstantiated claims concerning the continuance of flame resistant properties of a material after durability or additional flame retarded processes have been applied. For this. the recommended cleaning or proprietary finishing processing methods. and the method of re-application of such a process. where this is necessary. Cabin interior material flammability.4 2. This new test standard sets a limit for the heat release rate and smoke emission from cabin materials when exposed to a source of radiant heat. to require the same standards for those aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1. 24594 has been further revised and now amends FAR Parts 25 and 121 at Amendments 25-66 and 121-198 respectively. 61. galleys. partitions.6 30 November 2009 Section 2. FAA Docket No. in an attempt to quantify the hazards and to define meaningful test methods and airworthiness standards. As a result of an extended comment period. Part 3. In due course the CAA may consider it necessary to propose dates by which all aircraft shall be in compliance. 14 Page 1 . The CAA is in full agreement with the new FAA flammability and smoke emission test standards introduced by FAR Amendments 25-61 and 121-189 as amended by 25-66 and 121-198 and intends. aircraft already in service may continue without incorporating materials that comply with the new flammability and smoke emission test standards until such a time as the cabin interior is substantially renewed. 2 2. involving full scale fire tests. particularly in the USA. Recent FAA research work. 14 Improved Flammability Test Standards for Cabin Interior Materials (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. Using the modified Ohio State University (OSU) rate of heat release apparatus for Heat Release Rate.e. materials with higher ignition temperatures. 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. The FAA (Docket No. ceilings. As a result they have placed great emphasis on the introduction of fire-hardened materials into aircraft (i. GR No. Over the past twenty years there has been extensive research carried out.5 2. 2 April 2004. by this Generic Requirement. stowages. 24594) had amended FAR Part 25 and 121 (Amendments 25-61 and 121-189 respectively) to require a new flammability test standard for cabin sidewalls.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all UK registered aeroplanes over 5700 kg MTWA. Issue 4. Under the provision of this Generic Requirement.3 2.1 Introduction Analysis of aircraft accidents in which cabin fire has been a major factor has indicated to both the FAA and the CAA that currently approved cabin interior materials should meet more severe flammability test standards to reduce the risk of an uncontrolled in-flight cabin fire and extend the survival time in a ground fire emergency. used for the purpose of Public Transport and certificated to carry 20 or more passengers. Similar amendments have now been incorporated in JAR-25 at Change 13.2 2. The modified NBS smoke chamber is used for smoke emission testing. testing has been adopted by the FAA because of its good correlation with full-scale fire tests. reduced heat release rates and lower content of thermally unstable components). has established a significant correlation between flammability characteristics and both smoke and toxic emissions. and of a type for which a Type Certificate was issued (whether in the UK or elsewhere) on or after 1 January 1958. etc. smoke and toxic emissions are some of the critical factors which affect cabin occupant survivability. whether this is done at one refurbishment or progressively over a period of time as part of a planned cabin interior renewal programme.853.1 3. which are either newly manufactured or are the subject of a substantially complete cabin interior renewal. e. acceptable reasons for such non-compliance and a thorough and accurate analysis of each component. all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above. ceiling panels and/or overhead stowages. shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 4. all aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 above. 14 Page 2 . partitions.2 5 5. Such dispensations will be limited to aircraft which are newly manufactured or the subject of a substantially complete cabin interior renewal before 20 August 1991. and the outer surfaces of galleys. 3. except that the total heat release over the first two minutes of sample exposure shall not exceed 100 kilowatt-minutes per square metre. partitions. paragraph 6. However. cabin interior ceiling and wall panels (other than lighting lenses). GR No. paragraph 6.2 4 4. Part 3.853.2 3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3. shall satisfy the test standards of Part IV of Appendix F of JAR-25. and the peak heat release rate shall not exceed 100 kilowatts per square metre. A request for such a dispensation must include full details of the steps being taken to achieve compliance. but prior to 20 August 1990.1 Compliance With effect from 20 August 1988.1 Additional Information For the purpose of this Generic Requirement.2 of this Generic Requirement. has been used to cover the renewal of all sidewall panels. where these components are newly manufactured the CAA strongly recommends that they should meet the appropriate requirements of this Generic Requirement. 5.2 30 November 2009 Section 2. In addition to meeting the existing flammability test standards contained in BCAR Chapter D4-3. provided that special circumstances exist which makes compliance impractical. shall satisfy the test standards of Part IV and V of Appendix F of JAR-25.2. With effect from 20 August 1990. individual sidewall or ceiling panels or overhead stowage doors. and the outer surfaces of galleys. cabin interior ceiling and wall panels (other than lighting lenses). which are either newly manufactured or are the subject of a substantially complete cabin interior renewal. large cabinets and stowage compartments (other than underseat stowage compartments and compartments for stowing small items such as magazines and maps).g.1 or JAR 25. shall comply with the requirements of paragraph 4.1 or JAR 25. 4. The CAA may be prepared to grant a dispensation for specific components of the cabin interior which do not meet the applicable flammability and smoke emission requirements. the term 'substantially complete cabin interior renewal'. The requirements of this Generic Requirement are not applicable to individual cabin interior components which are refurbished or have to be replaced due to unserviceability. large cabinets and stowage compartments (other than underseat stowage compartments and compartments for stowing small items such as magazines and maps).1 of this Generic Requirement.1 Requirements In addition to meeting the existing flammability test standards contained in BCAR Chapter D4-3.2. However.853. these requirements would be applicable to large surface panels of passenger service units. curtains. arm rests and parts of the passenger service units but see ACJ 25. floor panels and floor coverings. and other small cabin items such as door and window mouldings. 14 Page 3 . If there is any uncertainty as to the applicability of this Generic Requirement the CAA should be consulted for clarification.3 The requirements of this Generic Requirement are not normally applicable to the internal structures of galleys and overhead stowages.4 30 November 2009 Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 5. transparent or translucent components such as lenses used in interior lights. Part 3. GR No. window shades. illuminated signs and window anti-scratch panels. seat trays. 5. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . Part 3.1 Revocation of Approval The CAA.2 2.1 2. 15 Light Aircraft Maintenance Programme (EASA Aircraft) and Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule (Non-EASA Aircraft – Annex II) (Formerly issued as GR No. 23 October 2003) 1 Purpose The purpose of this generic requirement is: a) to notify stakeholders of the implementation of the CAA approved Light Aircraft Maintenance Programme (LAMP) for EASA light aircraft and to recognise the continuing applicability of the Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule (LAMS) to ICAO compliant. dated 10 October 2008. piston engine aeroplanes not exceeding 2730 kg MTOM. b) to recognise the approved status of the LAMP at Issue 1 amendment 2. Amendment 2/2008 of the LAMP was published in October 2008 to update EC regulation references. c) to recognise the continuing approved status of the LAMS at Issue 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. for aircraft not used for licensed commercial air transport. 2 2. in relation to EASA-compliant. Annex II. the following LAMPs: a) CAP 766: CAA/LAMP/A/2007 Issue 1 Amendment 2. pursuant to article 25(1) of the Air Navigation Order (ANO) 2009. and b) CAP 767: CAA/LAMP/H/2007 Issue 1 Amendment 2. non-EASA aircraft.3 2. 63. 26 February 2010 Section 2. in relation to EASA-compliant. This approval took effect on 10 October 2008. single piston engine helicopters not exceeding 2730 kg MTOM. and Commission Regulation (EC) No. The end of derogations initiated the implementation of the Part M requirements to this aircraft category. regulated by EASA under Regulation (EC) No. The LAMP addresses the scheduled maintenance requirements for piston engine aeroplanes and single piston engine helicopters not exceeding 2730 kg MTOM. 2042/2003. 2042/2003. 15 Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule. hereby revokes the approval granted pursuant to Article 25(1) of the Order. 2.1 2. dated 10 October 2008. 2. in exercise of its powers under Article 228(1) and (2) of the ANO 2009 (the Order). GR No. in respect of CAA/LAMS/A/1999 Issue 2 and LAMS CAA/LAMS/H/1999 Issue 2 (the Approved Schedules) as applicable to EASA aircraft.1. Grant of Approval The CAA hereby approves. 30 May 2008 and previous to that as Airworthiness Notice No. 15 Page 1 . 216/2008.1 EASA Aircraft Introduction The issue of the LAMP was required to address the effects of the end of derogations in the EU Commission Regulation (EC) No. in the weight category not exceeding 2730 kg Maximum Take-Off Mass (MTOM). caa. Alternative maintenance schedules to the LAMS and LAMPs will continue to be approved in accordance with Part M. or British Civil Airworthiness Requirements Chapter A/B7-5 for non-EASA aircraft. 15 Page 2 .1 4 4. to Annex II aircraft only. and to avoid ambiguity with previous editions. now (EC) No 216/2008.2 3.tso. piston engined aeroplanes not exceeding 2730 kg Application for CAA approval of an EASA maintenance programme should be made to the supervising CAA Regional Office on Form AD981M. Reference should be made to CAP 562 (CAAIP) Leaflet 14-9.3 NOTE: All references to legislation are to legislation as amended. 4. This approval came into force on 1 May 2005. Part 3. GR No. and b) CAP 412: CAA/LAMS/H/1999 Issue 2 in relation to ICAO-compliant. It also included clarification of crossreferences to the ANO. Annex II.1. 3. Annex bookshop or downloaded from the CAA website at www. The fifth edition of the Light Aircraft Maintenance Schedule was published in April 2005 to account for the implementation of the European Council Regulation (EC) No 1592/2002.302 for EASA Aircraft. the fifth edition changed the approval references to CAA/LAMS/A/1999 Issue 2 and CAA/LAMS/H/ 1999 Issue 2.1 3.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3. Grant of Approval The CAA hereby approves. the following light aircraft maintenance schedules: a) CAP 411: CAA/LAMS/A/1999 Issue 2 in relation to ICAO-compliant.2 Additional Information Copies of the LAMPs and LAMS may be purchased from TSO at www.2.1 and Commission Regulation (EC) No 2042/2003. piston engined helicopters not exceeding 2730 kg Non-EASA Aircraft – Annex II Introduction The introduction of the LAMP for EASA aircraft has thereby revised the applicability of LAMS. pursuant to Article 25(1) of the ANO 2009. 26 February 2010 Section 2. or other suitable inert gas. Other potential benefits may accrue from the use of Nitrogen as it will tend to reduce wheel corrosion.2 and TSS Standard 5-6 paragraph 9.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. etc. such that a rapid release of pressure takes place. internal tyre temperature and differential pressure are combined. possibly caused by a dragging brake. scuffing. Laboratory material and tyre burst testing indicates that the risk of auto-ignition can be reduced by using an inert gas for tyre inflation and servicing. GR No. To ensure compliance with this requirement suitable inflation and servicing procedures must be adopted in consultation with the airframe constructor.1 Introduction JAR 25. A tyre inflated with air and subjected to excessive heating. 16 Page 1 . tyre fatigue and the risk of fire when fusible plugs melt due to brake overheating. require equipment to be protected from the effects of tyre burst.2 30 November 2009 Section 2. At airfields where suitable inert gases are not normally available it is acceptable to use air for inflation or servicing provided that a suitable entry is made in the Technical Log and that the tyre is re-inflated or serviced in accordance with the agreed procedure at the earliest opportunity or within 25 flight hours. Such a chemical reaction in the presence of the oxygen in the contained air may result in a tyre explosion in a landing gear bay and/or an in-flight fire since it appears that the protection normally afforded by conventional pressure relief devices in the wheel would be incapable of responding adequately to the rapid increases in temperature and gas pressure associated with auto-ignition.4 2. 70. Issue 2.5 3 3. Part 3. 16 September 1988.2 2. In addition the CAA requires the operational hazards due to tyre bursting in flight be minimised.1 Compliance With effect from 1 April 1988. A fatal accident involving cabin decompression and fire has highlighted another mode of tyre failure in flight where a tyre may fail explosively without any significant prior degradation. can experience a chemical reaction resulting in release of volatile gases..3 2. 16 Tyre Bursts In Flight – Inflation Media (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. whichever is the sooner. 2 2. 3. all braked wheels of retractable landing gear units on aeroplanes defined in paragraph 1 will be required to have tyres inflated with Nitrogen. and maintained such as to limit the Oxygen content of the compressed gases to not greater than 5% by volume.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all UK registered aeroplanes with a Maximum Take-off Weight Authorised (MTWA) exceeding 5700 kg.729(f). NOTE: For American registered aeroplanes the FAA have published Airworthiness Directive 87-08-09. The majority of in-flight tyre bursts have been attributed to the tyre carcass being weakened by foreign object damage. Such failures are usually experienced when the gear has been retracted for some time and the effects of brake heat transfer. BCAR Chapter D4-5 paragraph 1. with retractable landing gear. which requires that not more than 5% Oxygen by volume is contained in tyres inflated and mounted on braked wheels of particular aeroplane types. 2. powders and rubber dust are excluded as far as practicable from within the inflation volume. GR No. solvents. 16 Page 2 . 30 November 2009 Section 2. tyre and wheel assemblies should be maintained such that greases.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 Additional Information In addition to compliance with the requirement of paragraph 3 above. Part 3. The purpose of this Generic Requirement is to prescribe mandatory action to ensure that these propellers are maintained in a satisfactory condition. in its paragraph 3. 75 have allowed periodic hub and blade inspections to be carried out in place of a full overhaul for low utilisation propellers.3 1.2. the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) or by the CAA.1 a) and 3. This Generic Requirement.) 1 1.1 Introduction The information contained in this Generic Requirement is deemed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) to comprise Instructions for Continued Airworthiness in accordance with European Commission (EC) Regulation 2042/2003 Annex 1 (Part M). 1.2 1. For the purposes of compliance with an AD which specifies requirements as a function of overhaul. 75.2.1 b) must be complied with.3. 216/2008 Article 4 (4).2.2 3. Propellers with no manufacturer recommended calendar overhaul limitation For propellers where no calendar overhaul interval is recommended by the Manufacturer paragraphs 3.302 Maintenance Programmes.1 30 November 2009 Section 2. 3 3. Part 3. A list of these aircraft may be found on the CAA Web site: www. For most propeller types the propeller manufacturer will publish their recommended overhaul periods and any necessary overhaul / inspection instructions. 3. the bare blade inspection required by paragraph 17 Page 1 . by requiring periodic inspection. M. GR Previous issues of Airworthiness Notice No. This Generic Requirement is also applicable to aircraft categorised as Annex 2 products in accordance with Regulation (EC) No. will take precedence over this Generic Requirement. 2 April 2004. 17 Maintenance Requirements for Variable Pitch Propellers Installed on Aircraft Holding a UK Certificate of Airworthiness (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.caa. phases out this alternative maintenance policy.2 shall be deemed as an overhaul. The operator should observe these recommendations at the periods specified by the manufacturer unless an alternative is agreed by CAA and stated in the Approved Maintenance Programme.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. Issue 11.1 Compliance Any overriding mandatory requirements in respect of particular propellers issued either by the Airworthiness Authority of the country of design of a propeller. there are a number of propeller types for which the manufacturer has not published overhaul lives in terms of hours or calendar period.2.4 2 Applicability The requirements of this Generic Requirement are applicable to variable pitch propellers. variable pitch propellers which have been locked and to ground adjustable propellers. However. For modular propellers the calendar periods referred to in this Generic Requirement shall apply to propeller hubs and blades individually. 2 (6 year bare blade inspection) of this Generic Requirement. the composite blades should be subject to overhaul at a period not exceeding 6 years in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. The 3 year inspection of paragraph 4.2 4. overhaul the propeller in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.2. Propellers with a manufacturer recommended calendar overhaul limitation Propellers which are currently maintained in accordance with paragraphs 4.1.2. in accordance with this Generic Requirement. or inspected in accordance with paragraph 4. in the absence of any manufacturer’s overhaul periods in terms of calendar time. Part 3.3 3.2. 30 November 2009 Section 2.2.2 of this Generic Requirement. 3.3 On reaching the manufacturer’s recommended flight hour TBO period the propeller must be overhauled.2.2. 17 Page 2 . a) Dismantling of the propeller sufficiently to gain access to the blade root bearing assemblies.2 of this Generic Requirement. may remain in service until the next scheduled inspection.1 Propeller Inspections The inspection of propellers required by Tables 1 or 2 shall be undertaken by an organisation approved by the CAA or the EASA for the purpose.2. the propeller must either be overhauled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.2 3. of this Generic Requirement.1. a) At 3 years since inspection defined in paragraph 4.2. The inspections and re-work shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and as a minimum shall include: Hub/blade inspection. 3. 3. b) On reaching 6 years since inspection defined in paragraph 4.1 need not be carried out.1 4.5 4 4. Periods of storage in excess of 2 years or subsequent to the initial installation shall be counted as if the propeller were installed.1 3.1 (3 year inspection) and 4. the propeller must be overhauled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. After this time the propeller shall continue to be overhauled in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions at the manufacturer’s recommended period unless varied by the Approved Maintenance Programme.2 of this Generic Requirement.2.2. The applicability and compliance requirements of this Generic Requirement are summarised in Tables 1 and 2 of the Appendix to this Generic Requirement. Where the specific manufacturer has provided information on this topic within their instructions then this should be followed.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness a) At 3 years since new or overhaul or the inspection defined in paragraph 4. GR No. complete the hub/blade inspection specified in paragraph 4.3. b) At 6 years since new or overhaul or the inspection defined in paragraph 4. at which point the following will apply.2.4 The periods of operation or elapsed calendar time prescribed in the appendix to this Generic Requirement shall be calculated from the date of the initial installation of the propeller on an aircraft following manufacture or complete overhaul of the propeller and may be preceded by a period of storage of up to 2 years which has been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. For propellers with composite blades.2 of this Generic Requirement.2. b) Removal of all paint and erosion protection.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness b) Thorough cleaning of the blade root assemblies in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. shall be inserted in the Propeller Log Book. together with replacement of any disturbed seals. c) Examination for pitting. a detailed examination for corrosion around their edges shall be carried out. blade roots. e) All NDI required for overhaul of the propeller shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.2. Part 3. the boots/overshoes shall be removed to permit a full inspection of the masked areas.2 Bare blade inspection. Any corrosion shall be removed and the blades reprotected. corrosion. All of the blade surfaces shall be examined for damage. and. In cases where de-icer boots/overshoes are removed. in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. In cases where de-icer boots or overshoes are installed on the blades. e) Checking the track of the propeller after refitting. c) Removal of all blade root bushings and plugs. fretting. and to establish that any vibration is within acceptance limits. if any evidence is found. 17 Page 3 . In addition to the hub/blade inspection ref. 4. a) Removal of all de-icing boots or overshoes and fairings.1. 30 November 2009 Section 2. f) Full dimensional inspection of all blades. replacement parts shall be installed using the facilities prescribed and under conditions and procedures specified. and the presence of corrosion. delamination (where applicable). cracking and other damage of the hub. bearings. Any corrosion shall be removed and the blades re-protected and prepared for the reinstallation of the blade fittings. 5 Record of Accomplishment A comprehensive record of the inspection and work done in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Generic Requirement shall be retained and an entry. then functioning throughout its operational range by means of an engine run to verify correct performance. d) Non Destructive Inspection of the hub and blade roots shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions except where it can be verified that Non Destructive Inspection of the hub and blade roots has been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions within the last 4 years. and housing. making a reference to this record. removing the paint finish as necessary. GR No. d) Inspection of the complete blade surface for the presence of corrosion.2. 4. in the relevant manufacturer’s Overhaul Manual. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GR No. 17 (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.75 Appendix 1, Issue 3, 2 April 2004.) Propellers shall be maintained in accordance with (a) of the appropriate following Table, unless no calendar overhaul period is published by the propeller manufacturer. In this case they shall be maintained in accordance with (b): Table 1: Propellers fitted to Aircraft with MTOM of 5700 kg or above (a) Overhaul period Whichever occurs first of operating hours or calendar period as published by the propeller manufacturer unless varied by the Approved Maintenance Programme. Operating hours as published by the propeller manufacturer or on condition where no life has been published subject to (i) and (ii) below. Inspect at 3 years since new or overhaul or period inspection (ii) below; repeat at 1 year intervals. Not to exceed 6 years since new, overhaul or last bare blade inspection. (b) Overhaul period (i) Hub/ blade inspection period (ii) Bare blade inspection period Table 2: Propellers fitted to Aircraft with MTOM below 5700 kg (a) Overhaul period Whichever occurs first of operating hours or calendar period as published by the propeller manufacturer unless varied by the Approved Maintenance Programme. Operating hours as published by the propeller manufacturer or on condition where no calendar life has been published subject to (i) and (ii) below. Inspect at 3 years since new or overhaul or inspection (ii) below (but may be phased to next annual check or Certificate of Airworthiness Renewal provided period does not exceed 4 years). Not to exceed 6 years since new, overhaul or last bare blade inspection. (b) Overhaul period (i) Hub/ blade inspection period (ii) Bare blade inspection period NOTE: Hub/blade inspections and bare blade inspections are to be in accordance with the procedures of paragraph 4 of this GR. 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 17 Page 4 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 18 Electrical Power Supplies for Aircraft Radio Systems (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 76, Issue 4, 29 October 2001.) 1 1.1 Introduction Previous Issues of Airworthiness Notice No. 76 (now GR No. 18) drew attention to the dangers of operation of aircraft in which the entire radio installation was supplied via a single electrical feeder circuit, and stated that Certificates of Airworthiness would not be issued or renewed in respect of aircraft certificated in the Transport Category with such systems. Issue 4 of Airworthiness Notice No. 76 took account of the withdrawal of the General Purpose Category Certificate of Airworthiness and, following consultation with industry, extended the applicability of the Requirements to include multi-engine aircraft in any Category. Interpretative material has been added to give guidance on the extent of the assessment to be made. At first issue, this Generic Requirement reproduces Airworthiness Notice No. 76 at Issue 4 with changes made necessary by the implementation of EU legislation. It is not intended that aircraft, for which compliance with the requirements of paragraph 2 of previous Issues of Airworthiness Notice No. 76 has been established, should be re-examined. 1.2 1.3 2 Requirement The electrical feeder arrangements shall be such that: a) Where more than one radio system is installed, no likely single failure (e.g. a fuse or a relay) will result in the loss of all radio systems. NOTE:It is strongly recommended that such a failure should only result in the loss of one radio system. b) Where duplicate radio systems, or radio systems which can duplicate a function, are installed, no likely single failure (e.g. a fuse or a relay) will result in the loss of both systems. 3 Interpretation In examining electrical feeder arrangements to establish compliance with paragraph 2, the examination for likely single failures should include: a) the mechanical and electrical aspects of the supply circuit, including the return path of the electrical supply; b) the location within the electrical circuit of fuses, circuit breakers and power switching relays, their physical location in the aircraft and the manner in which they are interconnected; and c) panels for integrated control of radio systems, audio integration systems, and dimmer control equipment for electronic displays. 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 18 Page 1 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 Implementation Aircraft used for the purposes of public transport of passengers or cargo must comply with the requirements of paragraph 2. Multi-engined aircraft used for any purpose must comply with the requirements of paragraph 2. The CAA will consider applications for a waiver to this Generic Requirement in respect of multi-engined aircraft that is not used for the purposes of public transport, when it can be satisfied that the aircraft is fitted with such limited radio equipment, or is restricted to operations under such limited conditions, that the loss of the electrical supply to all radio equipment would not significantly affect the safety of the aircraft during its permitted normal operation. 5 Recommendation It is strongly recommended that all single-engined aircraft (in addition to those for which compliance is required) should comply with the requirements of this Generic Requirement. 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 18 Page 2 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 19 Emergency Power Supply for Electrically Operated Gyroscopic Bank and Pitch Indicators (Artificial Horizons) (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 81, Issue 2, 4 April 1997.) 1 1.1 Introduction Studies of those aircraft accidents and incidents in recent years which have involved total loss, or interruption, of generated electrical supplies on public transport aircraft, indicate that a major factor in the ability of the crew to maintain safe flight is the continuation of presentation to the pilot of reliable aircraft attitude information. Two fatal accidents since 1968 have been attributed to failure of power supplies resulting in the loss of horizon information for flight in blind conditions. Incidents have also occurred which could have been catastrophic if the crew had been totally dependent on horizon instrument, rather than visual, information. All public transport aircraft operated on the United Kingdom Register the safety of which depends on electrical services, are equipped with some form of standby or emergency electrical power supply. On many aircraft these emergency supplies are provided by batteries of sufficient capacity to maintain essential services for a flight time sufficient to reach an airfield and make a landing. However, on a number of aircraft types the adequacy and duration of these supplies is critically dependent on crew response time in recognising the emergency, and in completing particular drills to isolate the battery supply to prevent it being discharged into loads on the main electrical system. It is considered that the ability of the crew to cope with a major interruption of electrical supplies would be improved if they had knowledge that continuity of horizon information was not totally dependent on their prompt and correct execution of emergency drills. The purpose of this Generic Requirement is to require the retrospective modification of certain classes of aircraft to ensure that continuity of horizon information is maintained. Aircraft types fitted with air driven gyroscopic bank and pitch indicators are exempt from the requirements of this Generic Requirement. 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 Requirement Compliance with paragraphs 2.2 and 2.3 of this Generic Requirement, or with an approved alternative providing an equivalent level of safety, is required as soon as practical but not later than 1st January 1974, for: a) aircraft operated for the purposes of public transport and certificated for the carriage of more than 19 persons over the age of three years; and b) aircraft the maximum authorised weight of which exceeds 15,900 kg. 2.1.1 Where it can be shown that an aircraft detailed in 2.1 a) or b) will be permanently removed from service prior to the 1st January 1975, the CAA may, on application, waive the requirements of this Generic Requirement where it is satisfied that compliance would not be justified in the circumstances of the particular case. Compliance will also be required for newly constructed aircraft the maximum authorised weight of which exceeds 5700 kg, for which a UK Certificate of Airworthiness is first issued on or after 1st January 1974, where such an aircraft is operated for the purposes of public transport. 2.1.2 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 19 Page 1 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2.2 Where it cannot be shown that in the event of a total failure of the main electrical generating system, an adequate supply will be available automatically to a suitable bank and pitch indicator for a minimum period of 30 minutes, assuming that no special crew action is taken for 10 minutes, then a separate emergency supply, independent of the aircraft electrical generating system, which will automatically supply such an instrument, and its associated lighting, for a minimum period of 30 minutes, shall be provided. Where the emergency supply is provided by a separate battery it is permissible for this battery to be (trickle) charged from the main electrical generating system, provided that the installation is such that the battery cannot discharge back into the main system. The instrument supplied in accordance with paragraph 2.2 shall be a) the third instrument (standby horizon) where this is provided, or failing such provision, b) the bank and pitch indicator fitted to the Captain’s flight instrument panel. 2.2.1 2.3 2.3.1 Where the third instrument is fitted it shall: a) Operate independently of any other attitude indicating system. b) Be so located on the instrument panel that it will be visible to, and usable by, both pilots from their normal positions. c) Be compatible in presentation with the main attitude indicating system. d) Be fitted with a failure warning device. Alternatively a means of indicating that the power supply to the instrument is operating correctly shall be provided. 2.3.2 Where the instrument on the Captain’s flight instrument panel is utilised: a) The circuitry to the instrument shall be modified, as necessary, so that transfer to the emergency source of supply is automatically effected in the event of failure of the main supply. b) The requirements of paragraph 2.3.1d) shall be met. 3 3.1 Additional Information Representations have been made to CAA that under conditions of widespread adverse weather, or heavy traffic density at airports, a period of 30 minutes may be a less than desirable time for flight to a suitable airfield and landing, and clearly this period by itself is inadequate for long range aircraft. The basis of UK certification of all long range, and of certain short/medium range, aircraft types is that after a period of interruption of electrical supplies it will be possible for the crew to re-establish sufficient normal, or emergency, generated power to support all necessary essential services, including the instrument covered by this Generic Requirement, for the remainder of the flight. The prescribed period of 30 minutes is considered to be adequate to allow for appropriate crew action for this class of aircraft. For those shorter range aircraft that are totally dependent on battery power to support all essential services to the completion of the flight, a period of 30 minutes assuming a crew delay time of 10 minutes, is the mandatory minimum endurance of the emergency supply for the horizon instrument prescribed in this Generic Requirement. 3.1.1 3.1.2 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 19 Page 2 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness It is, however, strongly recommended that in circumstances where the crew do take prompt and correct actions in response to warning indications of the interruption of all generated electrical power, the aircraft installation should include adequate battery capacity to provide a 60 minute supply for both the subject instrument and the other services essential to complete the flight and make a landing. 3.2 A number of aircraft types already comply with the requirements of this Generic Requirement, or incorporate other special features which have been considered and accepted by the CAA as providing an equivalent level of safety. In the case of aircraft types, of UK construction, which do not comply, discussions have been held with the Aircraft Constructors. Owners and Operators of such aircraft are, therefore, recommended to contact the Constructor concerned for information regarding suitable modifications. 3.3 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 19 Page 3 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 20 Fire Precautions – Aircraft Toilets (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 83, Issue 5, 22 March 2002.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all aircraft over 5700 kg operating for the purposes of public transport. 2 2.1 Introduction In view of the history of in-flight fires which have occurred in the toilet compartments of large transport category aeroplanes, a survey has been conducted to re-appraise the fire precautions on the various types of aircraft used by UK operators. The results of this survey have shown that in some instances the design of receptacles (e.g. towel dispensers, waste containers), provided within toilet areas for the carriage of flammable materials and in particular flammable waste, does not comply with the current interpretation of published airworthiness requirements. In other instances the receptacles are not sufficiently robust to withstand the effects of wear and deterioration in service. The survey also showed that, regardless of notices prohibiting smoking in toilets, smoking does occur, and that, even when ashtrays are provided, they are often not used, and cigarette ends are deposited in other receptacles. The purpose of this Generic Requirement is to publish requirements aimed at reducing the probability of persons smoking in toilet compartments and at minimising the potential fire hazard caused by persistent smokers. 2.2 2.3 3 3.1 Background When Airworthiness Notice No. 83 was first issued on 22 August 1974, the CAA required that an inspection be completed on toilet receptacles within one calendar month from the date of issue with repeat inspections at 1000 hourly intervals, however, as a result of a further survey it was concluded that some aircraft toilets had been allowed to deteriorate and were therefore out of compliance. In order to re-establish the effectiveness of the Notice, Letters to Operators (Nos. 554 and 554A) dated 11 July 1983 and 21 July 1983 respectively, were issued, which revised the inspection periods. 3.2 4 4.1 4.1.1 Requirements Inspection At intervals not exceeding 72 hours elapsed time, or at such other intervals as may be agreed with the CAA on the basis of available data, the following inspection shall be performed: a) All receptacles shall be inspected to ascertain that all entry flaps or doors still operate, fit, seal and latch correctly, ashtrays are fitted, notices installed and receptacle stowage compartment is clean with all debris removed. b) Any defects revealed by the inspection of a) are corrected. 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 20 Page 1 CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4.1.2 4.2 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 This inspection shall be included in the Maintenance Schedules using the normal procedure. Prohibition of Smoking in Toilet Compartments Smoking shall not be permitted in toilet compartments. No Smoking placards and ashtrays are required both inside and outside these compartments. The No Smoking placards shall be displayed so as to be prominent to, and the ashtrays shall be obviously and conveniently placed for, those about to enter and those within these compartments. Re-Assessment Except where agreement has been obtained from the CAA that compliance would not be justified in the circumstances of a particular case, the design of all receptacles provided in the toilet compartments of aircraft over 5700 kg, operated for the purposes of public transport, shall be re-assessed against paragraph 5 of this Generic Requirement, and proposals shall be made, by the operators of such aircraft to the CAA for the incorporation of modifications necessary to show compliance, including a date (to be agreed by the CAA). The operator should consult the aircraft manufacturer regarding such modifications. In the case of British manufactured aircraft, the CAA is discussing with the aircraft manufacturers suitable modifications to ensure compliance with paragraph 5 of this Generic Requirement. 4.3 4.3.1 4.3.2 5 5.1 Interpretation of Requirements BCAR Section D, Chapter D4-3 paragraph 6.4.1 states that all receptacles for used towels, papers and waste shall be constructed of materials resistant to fire. The receptacles shall incorporate covers or other provisions for containing fires if started in the receptacle. Similar wording is provided in JAR 25.853(h) and CS 25.853(h). For compliance to be shown, such receptacles (but see 5.4 for towel dispensers) shall be constructed of materials which are flame resistant1, and which in addition, will retain sufficient mechanical properties as to contain such a fire as may develop by burning of materials such as paper towels, as may be within the receptacle. (It should be noted that although a thermoplastic material may be flame resistant it would not necessarily retain adequate mechanical properties in the case of a fire.) The receptacle shall be completely enclosed with the exception of a self-closing entry flap or door, which itself shall be rigid, and when closed, form as airtight a seal as is practicable. Entry flaps or doors shall be designed so that they remain self-closing even after exposure to a fire within the receptacle. It is, however, permissible for receptacles to be open topped provided that they are mounted in a cabinet which itself complies with 5.2. In this instance, the door of the cabinet shall be of a robust construction and such as to ensure an adequate seal and to withstand misuse in service. Such cabinets shall not contain other flammable materials, potential fire sources (e.g. electrical apparatus) or apertures which would either allow air to feed a fire or permit a fire to spread beyond the cabinet (e.g. through apertures provided for services). 5.2 5.3 1. Suitable methods for flame resistance testing are contained in JAR-25 Appendix F . 30 November 2009 Section 2, Part 3, GR No. 20 Page 2 g. which could be expected to start in another container. etc. In such instances they shall be so designed and positioned within the compartment to ensure that: a) the likelihood of the depositing of cigarette ends. e. 20 Page 3 . either the entry flap or door of a waste container or an ashtray provided in the compartment. a paper towel dispenser must not be positioned adjacent to. Part 3. or immediately above. cannot readily be designed to meet the above requirements. for example. into them is minimised.4 It is accepted that some receptacles. paper towel dispensers..CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 5. GR No. 30 November 2009 Section 2. and b) a fire. cannot readily spread to them. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 561. A survey of containers (such as pens and horseboxes) show that usually the restraint of the animals depends on the containers themselves and that these are not always of adequate design and construction to enable the requirements to be met. Issue 4. Chapter K4-3.3 3 3. 2. Part 3. shall comply with a) or b) as appropriate: a) With effect from 30th June. 30 November 2009 Section 2.561. JAR 27. as appropriate. or to nullify any of the escape facilities. the compartment and the means provided for restraint of the cargo shall also comply with the emergency alighting conditions of JAR 23. The appropriate JAR and BCAR require that cargo compartments and the means provided for the restraint of the cargo shall have sufficient strength to restrain the cargo under flight and ground conditions to prescribed acceleration factors. and shall be approved by the CAA. Chapter K3-8 or Chapter G3-8 as appropriate. BCAR Chapter D3-8. ground and emergency alighting loads.561. JAR 23. 92. JAR 25. Revision 10 will be accepted as being in compliance with JAR/BCAR but only for installation in those locations where compliance with the emergency alighting conditions is not required.787.1 Introduction In view of the increase in the carriage of livestock. unless the compartment and cargo are so located that in the event of the cargo breaking loose in emergency alighting conditions it is unlikely to cause injury to the occupants of the aircraft. paragraph 2.787. NOTE:Containers which comply with the requirements of the National Aerospace Standard NAS 3610. damage fuel tanks or lines. JAR 29.787. in which the securing of the cargo to the aircraft structure is dependent upon the strength of the container. paragraph 3. or ii) the flight and ground loads. 1982. 21 Page 1 . JAR 27. JAR 29. CAA has reviewed the means of restraint being used for this and other cargo and the ways in which compliance has been established with BCAR Section D. 2 2.561.787.2 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. 25 October 2002. all newly manufactured containers and their means of installation into aircraft shall comply with the appropriate strength requirements of the appropriate JAR or BCAR for either: i) the flight.1 Requirements Containers. Chapter G-3. In addition. Section K. 21 Cargo Containment (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to the approval of containers used in aircraft for the transportation of cargo. paragraph 2 or Section G. Chapter D4-3. whether built into the aircraft or as self-contained units intended for transfer from one aircraft to another. GR No. depending on their intended location in the aircraft. JAR 25. it and its installation will be considered to be a modification to the aircraft. Chapter A/B2-5. in the case of livestock. It will not cover the safeguarding of the cargo or. 4. bulkheads. 3. Chapter A/B2-5.2 Operators shall make adequate provision for care and maintenance of containers under their control and shall. its welfare. flight crew and other persons present on the flight. all containers and their means of installation shall be approved as in a) above by CAA.1 Additional Information CAA approval will be limited to the airworthiness features of the container with regard to the aircraft.199) will be accepted on the basis of having been manufactured to procedures equivalent to those referenced in paragraph 4. as appropriate. Chapter A/B4-8. It is strongly recommended that. These procedures will be examined by the CAA as part of the assessment of operators maintenance procedures for the issue or variation of an Air Operator’s Certificate. under the Modification Approval procedure of BCAR Sections A or B.4 5.2. and no reliance is placed on the strength of the container. where appropriate. Part 3. The manner of installation into any particular aircraft will need to be certificated as being in compliance with the appropriate requirements and with the associated Declaration of Design and Performance. as appropriate.3 4 4.1 5 5. as appropriate or JAR21 Subpart K or Sub-subpart N-K. These instructions shall be included in the operator’s loading manual or similar document. Organisations responsible for the design of a container and its installation shall provide adequate instructions for its assembly.5 30 November 2009 Section 2. NOTE: A container produced in compliance with JAR-TSO C90c or FAA TSO C90c (FAR 37. GR No. The approval procedure shall be in accordance with the Accessory Approval procedure of BCAR Sections A or B.2 4.1 Procedure When a container is designed for use only in a particular type of aircraft. or JAR-21 Subpart E or Sub-subpart N-E.3 should also contain advice as regards tolerable damage and any resulting load limitations. in view of the mishandling to which such equipment may be subjected. or JAR-21 Subpart E or Sub-subpart N-E. 5. 3. formulate and adopt procedures for ensuring that containers to be used on their aircraft are of an approved type and in an acceptable condition. Operators are reminded that they are responsible for safeguarding the aircraft structure and equipment against the effects of corrosive liquids and any other materials which could cause damage or malfunction. The approval procedure shall be in accordance with the modification approval procedures of BCAR Sections A or B. Where restraint of the cargo and container is provided by approved nets. 21 Page 2 . installation and maintenance. 1984. as appropriate. then such containers will not be subject to the above requirements. etc. It is recommended that containers should be sufficiently robust and simple that assembly and/or installation into the aircraft would not constitute work necessitating the signing of a Certificate of Release to Service.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness b) With effect from 1st January. A container designed for use on various types of aircraft will be considered as an accessory.2 5.2.3 5. the instructions provided in accordance with paragraph 3. 1 and to emphasise that these requirements constitute the basis for certification of galley equipment. paragraph 2. 29 October 2001. paragraph 7. whether or not in compliance with Article 37. Article 38(5) requires that: “All equipment installed or carried in an aircraft.3(d) and approved under one of the procedures of BCAR Chapter A4-8. Similar requirements are also applicable to galley equipment installed in aircraft certificated to other BCAR and JAR codes. GR No.) 1 Applicability This Generic Requirement is applicable to all galley equipment installed or carried for use on aircraft. water boilers.. 4 4. and control panels dedicated to individual equipment. 2 2. This Requirement also defines the procedures which apply to the certification of galley equipment. refrigerators. The Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended). This Requirement is issued to rectify the situation in paragraph 2. galley inserts including ovens. and that as a result in certain instances safety has been prejudiced. catering trolleys and their means of physical restraint in the passenger area.1 Introduction It has become increasingly apparent that some designers and installers of galley equipment installed or carried in aircraft have not recognised the need to satisfy relevant requirements of JAR-25 or of BCAR. Issue 4. or when such equipment fitted to an aircraft is modified. installation and stowage aspects of any galley equipment which is included in the Type Design for which the Type Certificate is issued.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. in accordance with BCAR Chapter A2-5. classified as 'Controlled Items' of equipment as defined in BCAR Chapter A4-8. the applicable requirements stated in JAR 25. paragraph 2. For the purpose of this Requirement.1. Part 3. as appropriate. 22 Page 1 .5.789 and 25X1499 or in BCAR Section D (D6-1. 99. 2.” So far as type certification of aeroplanes is concerned.1 Procedure Trolleys and items of galley equipment which require electrical power are. etc. 22 Galley Equipment (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.2 2. not only when they form part of the aircraft Type Design but also.4 3 Compliance With effect from 1 January 1985 all equipment used in all galley installations is required to satisfy the requirements stated herein. paragraph 5. ‘galley equipment’ includes service carts. unless otherwise specifically agreed by the CAA. must be installed or stowed and maintained and adjusted so as not to be a source of danger in itself or to impair the airworthiness of the aircraft or the proper functioning of any equipment or services necessary for the safety of the aircraft.3 2. coffee makers. 26 February 2010 Section 2. paragraph 2 and D613.3) cover the design. when they are fitted in an aircraft already issued with a Certificate of Airworthiness. The design of the trolley should be such that the loads imposed on the aircraft floor. The design of all galley equipment shall minimise the risk of personal injury to the user. 5. 4. and JAR 25.3 5. designed for use in standard galleys on a variety of aircraft types.351 inclusive. such as BCAR Chapter D6-13. and to structure adjacent to the restraint means provided by the galley or similar stowage.471 to 25X519. D3-2.5 5. In the case of aircraft certificated against JAR-25..2 Catering boxes and equipment not requiring electrical power are classified as 'Uncontrolled Items' and are assessed under the procedures detailed in BCAR Chapter A4-8. the equivalent paragraph post amendment 25-72 is 25. 4. therefore. D35 or JAR 25. including their hinges and catches. GR No.7 30 November 2009 Section 2. Catering trolleys. are considered to be common user items and as such are certificated under the accessory procedures of BCAR Chapter A4-8.1 Interpretation of Applicable Requirements The design of galley inserts shall comply with the intent of JAR 25X1499 and its associated ACJ or BCAR Chapter D6-13.3 5 5.4 5. to door hinges.785-1A (Flight Attendant Seat and Torso Restraint System Installations) paragraph 7b provides an acceptable means of compliance with FAR 25. general requirements for all electrical equipment in respect of electrical and magnetic interference. a) It is strongly recommended that duplicated catches are provided for means of retention for items which are habitually operated during flight. apply. do not exceed any floor loading limitations. It is necessary.8. the total structure of the trolley must also be shown to be in compliance with the strength requirements taking into account means of retention of the trolley in the aircraft. This AC calls for additional restraint devices (dual latching or equivalent) for such equipment. as applicable. Doors. must be of strength compatible with the placarded contents weight. vessels containing heated liquids over 45°C shall have closely fitting integral lids.785-1A is expected to be adopted by the JAA as an acceptable means of compliance with the identical JAR-25 requirements. there is currently no published advisory material but AC 25.785(j) (pre-amendment 25-72. paragraph 6. The local attachment factor of 1·33 applies. as required by JAR 25X1360 or BCAR Chapter D6-13.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4. as applicable and shall comply with JAR 25. This also applies to the doors of catering trolleys. or similar compartments.561. paragraph 4. of catering boxes.789.2 5. NOTE: In respect of galley equipment which is located in the vicinity of flight attendant seats. In particular. unless use of the box is restricted to stowage in completely enclosed galley. etc.785(h)(4)).6 5.7. paragraph 6.3 and the related Appendix No. to allow for failure of one of the catches. FAA Advisory Circular AC 25.331 to 25. in addition to the relevant prescribed acceleration forces. catches and restraint means which form part of the equipment structure. but in their case. Additionally. D3-3. flight and ground cases of BCAR Chapters D3-8. Part 3. 22 Page 2 . The use of open hotplates and open cooking utensils such as frying pans is not permitted. JAR 25. Galley equipment and its installation shall have adequate strength to comply with the emergency alighting. for an appropriately approved Organisation to accept responsibility as to the suitability and quality of such equipment. paragraph 7. 853(e) or BCAR Chapter D4-3. In the absence of evidence justifying an equivalent minimum braking force then the braking mechanism must be qualified by loading the trolley to its maximum loaded weight and ensuring that the braking mechanism holds the trolley on an incline plane of 7·5°. 5. capable of withstanding the loads associated with the flight cases. Trolleys shall carry placarded instructions: a) that they must be stored and secured during take-off. and that under design loads the item will not deform in such a manner so as to free itself from the means of restraint.4.11 5. Part 3. they shall comply with the fire containment requirements of JAR 25.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness b) Where retention of a unit into its stowage compartment is by turn catch. The trolleys must embody a brake system if they are to be removed from their stowage in flight. 5. 22 Page 3 . weight.9 5. must not exceed the placarded maximum content weight of the compartment where stowed. operating the catch should not release more than one unit. GR No. paragraph 6. Where the basis of type certification of the aircraft requires the provision of means of trolley restraint.13 30 November 2009 Section 2. in the passenger cabin. Such methods of restraint should be engineered so that it can be used by one person and so that its use will be likely to occur by virtue of its simplicity of operation. and means of restraint are compatible with the stowage facility provided. turbulent weather and landing.10 5. or the combined gross weight of the unit and any other galley insert when stowed together. b) that the gross weight of the unit. and c) that when removed from their stowage they must not be left unattended. Account must be taken of the individual and total electrical power demand of galley equipment and an electrical load analysis must be included in design documentation.12 The installation of all galley equipment shall be such that the size.8 Where catering trolleys have a facility for the collection of waste. 5. the trolleys shall be provided with attachment means compatible with the anchorage points provided in the aircraft. as applicable. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . The UK NANDTB has published guidance material on the applicable training and qualification required for NDI and NDT methods and techniques ref. 23 Page 1 .2 1. W4 4AL. Components and Materials (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. Authorisation (of NDT personnel)/Personnel Approval: The authority of persons to perform NDT on behalf of an employer based on a written statement issued by the Approved Organisation on the recommendation of the Nominated Level 3 attesting to the individual’s competence as specified within the certificate. Engines. Issue 7. 94. they do not require qualification per EN4179. 1. 1 1. The term NDT is used throughout this Generic Requirement to include. 18 March 1999. 23 Personnel Certification for Non-Destructive Testing of Aircraft. 31 March 2010 Section 2. NOTES: 1) EN4179 (Aerospace Series – Qualification and Approval of Personnel for NonDestructive Testing).5 2) All references to Standards within this Requirement are to be taken as referring to the latest issue and are available from the British Standards Institute.3 1.1 General This Generic Requirement advises the CAA’s requirements for the qualification of Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) personnel. GR No. All examinations shall be conducted by personnel or organisations under the general control of a National Aerospace NDT Board. 389 Chiswick High Road.) Please Note: Marginal Lines have not been used as this GR has been completely re-written. Part 3. liquid penetrant. skill. 2 Definitions Aerospace Sector: A particular section of industry or technology where specialised NDT practices are used requiring specific aerospace product related knowledge. eddy current. is not considered by the CAA as NDT and whilst relevant personnel engaged in NDI require appropriate training. This Generic Requirement reflects the transition to EASA requirements and details the changes that have resulted from the establishment of a UK National Aerospace NDT Board (UK NANDTB). Non Destructive Inspection (NDI) as defined by Part-145. London. Personnel may qualify in accordance with The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BINDT) PCN/AERO scheme and may be issued an EN4179 authorisation by the organisation subject to any additional job-specific training and examination as determined by the Nominated Level 3 person.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. but not be limited to. Such additional examinations should also be under the control of the UK NANDT Board. ultrasonic.4 1. which shall be in accordance with the European Standard EN4179 (Notes 1 and 2) and the Approved Organisation’s written practice/procedures for the authorisation of NDT personnel. magnetic particle. equipment or training. NANDTB 18. radiographic and other recognised methods as identified in EN4179 and shall be applicable to all NDT methods used by Approved Organisations. as opposed to EN4179. training. 3 3.35. following an established standard. All Form 1 certifying staff shall be referenced in the MOE with sample signatures/stamp No. issued by the Approved Organisation see Part 145. NDT Procedure: A written description of all essential parameters and precautions to be observed when applying an NDT technique to a specific test.2 31 March 2010 Section 2. 3. NANDTB 12. specific and practical knowledge of the candidate. knowledge and experience necessary to perform the applicable NDT method. 94 issue 7 may continue to carry out certification as they have protected rights through Article 4 of EU regulation 2042 /2003 and through policy set by the UK NANDTB ref. NDT Instruction: A written description of the precise steps to be followed in testing to an established standard. GR No. The employer or UK NANDTB may define specific techniques within a method.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Authorisation (of Certifying Staff): The authority of NDT personnel to certify the completion of tasks in accordance with approved design data via an EASA Form 1. National Aerospace NDT Board (NANDTB): An independent organisation representing a nation’s aerospace industry chartered by the participating prime organisations and recognised by the national regulatory authorities to provide or support NDT qualification services and examinations in accordance with EN4179.1 subject to the Nominated Level 3 person determining and detailing in the organisation’s written practice or qualification procedure whether any additional job specific training and/or examination is required covering the products to be tested and the NDT process and equipment used by the organisation. Authorisation (of NDT procedures): The act of signifying approval of NDT procedures by a Level 3 authorised in the method. Written Practice: The procedure that describes an employer's requirements and methodology for controlling and administrating the NDT personnel qualification and authorisation/approval process. which demonstrates the general. etc. Qualification Examination: An examination administered by an independent certifying body.1 Protected Rights Organisations who have NDT personnel qualified in accordance with the BINDT (British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing) PCN/GEN Scheme and Airworthiness Notice No. code. European Parts Approval (EPA) Authorisations or European Technical Standard Orders (ETSO) Authorisations. Supplementary Type Certificates. 23 Page 2 . NDT Method: One of the disciplines of non-destructive testing (e. e. code or specification.A. Qualification: The proven ability of NDT personnel to meet the requirements of a given specification in terms of physical requirements.g. An Organisation may also issue a NDT certification to personnel qualified in accordance with para 3. radiography. ultrasonic immersion or ultrasonic testing of composites. NDT Technique: A category within an NDT method. Type Certificate: For the purposes of this Generic Requirement.) within which different techniques may exist.g. or by a body authorised within the employer’s EN4179 compliant written practice. PCN. Part 3. e. Type Certificate includes Type Certificates.g. ultrasonic. specification or NDT procedure. for the technical supervision of NDT. then additional personnel necessary to provide coverage shall be named in the exposition or quality manual and shall hold NDT Level 3 certification issued under those schemes detailed in 5.3 4.1 Nominated Level 3 Approved Organisations shall nominate in writing. Part M subpart F and Part 21 organisations using an EASA Form 4 and BCAR organisations using an AD458. supported with evidence of independent qualification.1 Procedures for the Qualification of NDT Personnel All Approved Organisations involved in any aspect of NDT shall develop and maintain procedures for the qualification and authorisation of their NDT personnel in accordance with EN4179. With effect from the publication date of this Generic Requirement. Such Authorisations are to be granted in accordance with the Organisation’s Quality Procedures and be subject to audit. GR No. such organisations have until 01 April 2011 to obtain accreditation from BINDT. The CAA recognises the following independent qualifications as appropriate for the position of Nominated Level 3: • EN4179 Level 3 as administered by a BINDT accredited Outside Agency • PCN/GEN (Appendix A) Level 3 (Note 3) • PCN/AERO Level 3 • ASNT Level 3 Such an individual must also demonstrate evidence of specific knowledge and experience appropriate to the Organisation’s scope of work. Part 145.2 5. training and examination of all NDT personnel working in UK based Organisations must be under the control of the UK NANDTB. examination and certification of NDT personnel should be subject to independent audit and review. The procedures/ written practice should normally be published as a separate document and crossreferenced in the appropriate exposition.2 4. NOTE: The UK NANDTB has accepted that the PCN/GEN Appendix A (Aerospace Sector) certificates issued after 20th November 2004 satisfy the qualification criteria of EN4179 until 31st March 2011. The Organisation’s procedures and written practice as defined by EN4179 shall be approved by the Nominated Level 3.2 above. 5. 31 March 2010 Section 2. and any change in this position advised to the CAA. Part 3. In all cases the Organisation’s procedures for the training. This individual will hold NDT qualification at NDT Level 3 in the Aerospace Sector and will be referred to as the Nominated Level 3. Where an Organisation uses its internal expertise and resources to operate and maintain an EN4179 based scheme. after which only certificates issued under PCN/AERO (which superseded PCN/GEN Appendix A on 1st April 2006) will be recognised by the Board as satisfying the qualification requirements of EN4179.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 4. an individual responsible to the Accountable Manager.4 5 5. NDT Personnel Certification does not relieve an Organisation of its responsibility to authorise staff to perform and certify work. 23 Page 3 . 4. This position shall be identified within the Organisation’s Exposition. manual or quality management system as applicable.3 Where the Nominated Level 3 is not qualified in all NDT methods used by the Organisation. Normally. b) Identify any additional Level 3 personnel necessary to provide adequate day-to-day coverage depending on the size/facilities of the Organisation. technique. However. As a nominated individual. d) Review the Organisation’s written practice on a regular basis to ensure that any changes in the regulations. 6. where an inspection task is determined by the Nominated Level 3 to have clearly defined acceptability and rejection criteria requiring no interpretation. Part 3. company procedures. then these must be used except where change is permitted and authorised as defined in section 7 of this Generic Requirement. then the NDT method. The CAA will also need to be satisfied that an externally contracted Level 3 can commit to provide sufficient man-hours to cover the technical supervision of NDT. 23 Page 4 . structure or component. Where NDT procedures and part specific instructions are specified by the organisation responsible for the design and/ or manufacture of the aircraft. provided written agreement exists between the individual and the Organisation setting out the individual’s responsibilities within the Organisation. f) Ensure that regular independent technical audits (both system and product) are carried out or supported by appropriately qualified personnel in order to ensure compliance with the organisation’s written practices / procedures and this requirement and to ensure that the acceptable standard of inspection is achieved.5 5. These audits shall form part of the approved organisation’s internal quality management system. material.3 31 March 2010 Section 2.2 6. e) Ensure that NDT procedures are reviewed on a regular basis. then certification may be carried out by an authorised NDT Level 1 as detailed within the written practice. for which the responsible design/manufacturing organisation has not specified part specific NDT procedures. GR No. procedure and instruction shall be prepared in accordance with section 7 of this Requirement and approved by a Level 3 holder qualified in the applicable method.6 6 6. The Terms of Reference for the Nominated Level 3 to discharge his/her responsibilities shall include: a) Identify any additional NDT qualified Level 3 personnel necessary for coverage when the Nominated Level 3 is not qualified in all NDT methods used by the Organisation.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 5. applicable standards and the Organisation itself are reflected. training records. certification of inspections will be made by authorised persons who hold NDT Level 2 or Level 3 NDT qualification.4 The CAA may accept person’s external to the Organisation as the Nominated Level 3. the Nominated Level 3 must be provided with the necessary co-operation (access to facilities.1 Inspections and Certification of Inspections NDT inspections shall be carried out by personnel approved in accordance with the Organisation’s written practice or procedures. Where non-mandatory inspections are to be undertaken. c) Approve the Organisation’s NDT procedures and written practice for the Training and Qualification of NDT personnel as meeting this requirement and EN4179 as appropriate. audits and inspection reports etc) to allow that person to carry out their function under the Approval. 5. 2 31 March 2010 Section 2.A.1 Suppliers and Sub Contractors A Part-145 Maintenance Organisation who have been granted the privilege within their scope of work to utilises sub-contractors where NDT processes are employed.139 b)1) and GM No. GR No.5 8 8.2 7. See Part 145. procedures and instructions.g.75 (b) and the associated AMC and guidance material. Design and Production Organisations utilising suppliers and sub-contractors where NDT processes are employed shall detail within their written practice how the Approved Organisation ensures that training and authorisation of NDT personnel in such suppliers or sub-contractors is controlled. alternately be able to provide evidence that they have successfully completed an appropriate Level 2 practical examination and have maintained continuity in the application of practical testing as defined in the referenced standards and detailed in the written practice before the issuance of an authorisation. The term certification as defined by EN4179 is used to denote ‘operating authorisation/approval’ and does not automatically permit an individual who meets the requirements of EN4179 to certify inspections as per Part-145 and Part M.5 7 7. or. Co-ordination between the Level 3 holder and responsible Type Design Organisation must be maintained to ensure that the selected NDT inspection provides an appropriate level of defect sensitivity and probability of detection to the intended application. 2 to 21A. Approved Repair Drawings etc. selection of equipment model.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 6. 8. Where the continued airworthiness data published by the Type Certificate holder permits changes (e. 6.) then such changes must be authorised in writing by a Level 3 qualified in the appropriate method. probe type etc. constitute airworthiness data. The procedure for the control of all NDT techniques. NDT Instructions prepared by a Level 2 holder shall be approved by a Level 3 holder qualified in the applicable method. Any other change to the Type Certificate Holder’s airworthiness data requires the written agreement of the Type Certificate holder responsible for the design of the product/structure before such a change is implemented. 23 Page 5 .139(a) and to BCAR A8-1 Appendix 2 'Surveillance of Sub-Contractors' and BCAR A8-21 as appropriate. shall detail within their exposition and written practice how the Organisation ensures that the training and authorisation of NDT personnel is controlled. Part 3. An organisation must authorise a suitably qualified person before that person can certify NDT inspections. Service Bulletins. procedures and instructions.3 7.4 7. including their preparation and authorisation shall be detailed in the Organisation’s Exposition 7. published and specified by the Type Certificate holder in NDT Manuals. Organisations are referred to Part 21A.1 NDT Techniques and Instructions and their Approval NDT techniques.4 Where a Level 3 is required to carry out and certify an NDT inspection he/she must either hold current Level 2 NDT qualification in the relevant method(s). The UK NANDTB has accepted that the PCN/GEN Appendix A (Aerospace Sector) certificates issued after 20th November 2004 satisfy the qualification criteria of EN4179 until 31st March 2011. after which only certificates issued under PCN/AERO (which superseded PCN/GEN Appendix A on 1st April 2006) will be recognised by the Board as satisfying the qualification requirements of The UK NANDTB Board will also provide a mechanism for maintaining an overview of EN4179 and PCN/AERO qualification examinations. d) having the authority to set up working groups and committees.4 31 March 2010 Section 2. Part 3. certification and authorisation of NDT personnel.1 National Aerospace NDT Board The UK NANDTB is responsible for but not limited to: a) the control and support of the implementation of applicable standards covering qualification.bindt. 9. c) maintaining an overview of the implementation of its policy and approving the methods and levels of any charges in connection thereof.2 9.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 9 9. 9. establish their terms of reference and set out the procedures whereby they report to the Board. The UK NANDTB policies and procedures can be found on the following web site: http://www. GR No. 23 Page 6 .html. e) advising industry and regulatory authorities on training and qualification applicable to new and emerging NDT technologies not covered by EN4179. b) the formulation of necessary qualification policy framework. M. 24 Page 1 . Under the provisions of this Generic Requirement.1. All such recommendations. as appropriate. the definitions of ‘Public Transport’.1.1.A. The propeller and its associated equipment are excluded except for those components that are part of the engine type design. 24 Light Aircraft Piston Engine Overhaul Periods (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.1. Continuation in service shall be subject to compliance with paragraph 3. CAA policy in respect of extensions to the recommended overhaul periods (operating time and calendar time) for piston engines used in light aircraft is set out in this Generic Requirement.2 on the basis of the effect on airworthiness only. Unless satisfied that the engine remains in an airworthy condition.) 1 Article 25 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) and Part M. whether stated in terms of operating time or calendar time. Unless otherwise stated. The instructions for continuing airworthiness requirements relating to overhaul of light aircraft piston engines are normally defined as the engine manufacturers’ recommended overhaul periods.1. where these have been promulgated under a system approved by the airworthiness authority responsible for the engine.1 to 3. be maintained in accordance with a CAA approved maintenance schedule for non EASA aircraft or a maintenance programme for EASA aircraft respectively. Aircraft Owners/Operators must make their own decisions on these other aspects. Issue 19. NOTE: a) ‘Light aircraft piston engine’ in this context means either: i) a piston engine installed in an aircraft. The economics of operation is not the responsibility of the CAA. although this may have been considered by the manufacturer in establishing the recommended overhaul periods. ‘Aerial Work’ and ‘Private flight’ shall be those of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended).302 require that aircraft registered in the United Kingdom. b) For the purpose of this Generic Requirement 'engine' is as defined in the European Aviation Safety Agency’s publication “CS-Definitions” and includes the components and equipment necessary for satisfactory functioning and control.1 and 3. Part 3.1 26 February 2010 Section 2. 2 It is emphasised that the CAA has taken the decision to allow extension of recommended overhaul periods as defined in 3. as qualified by paragraphs 3. including recommendations by the manufacturer for reduced overhaul periods with particular types of operation or particular service bulletin/modification configurations. 21 March 2005. 35.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. engines that have reached the operating time or calendar time limitation of a recommended overhaul period may 3 3. for which a certificate of airworthiness is in force.2. engines may be operated to the overhaul periods which have been recommended by the manufacturer and promulgated under a system approved by the airworthiness authority responsible for the engine. constitute a recommended overhaul period for the purposes of this Generic Requirement. Subpart C. GR No.1 3. or ii) a piston engine of 400 hp (298 kW) or less. the Owner/Operator should have the engine overhauled. the Maximum Take Off Weight of which does not exceed 2730 kg.1. c) For the purpose of this Generic Requirement. whichever occurs first. subject to compliance with a). b) Compliance being shown with the appropriate limitations specified in Appendix No. to this Generic Requirement. whichever occurs first. or in an aircraft whilst previously registered in another Member State for a period of 200 hours immediately prior to completion of the engine manufacturer's recommended overhaul period. 3. may continue in service indefinitely. subject to compliance with a).2 Engines that have complied with paragraphs 3.2 In the event that the inspection referred to in paragraphs 3. c) The engine must have been installed and operated in a UK-registered aircraft.1 and 3.1. A log book entry should also be made to restrict engine usage during this extension period to flying for the purposes of Private Flight only. whichever occurs first. 24 Page 2 . b). where an engine manufacturer's recommended overhaul limit has already been exceeded.2 results in rejection. engines will only qualify under this requirement where it can be demonstrated that the previous continued in service operation was in accordance with maintenance programme instructions issued by the Competent Authority of the exporting Member State. and subsequently being inspected and re-assessed at 100 hour or yearly intervals. a thorough engineering investigation must be carried out to establish the maintenance actions required to return the engine to an airworthy condition.1. Part 3. and subsequently at 100 hour or yearly intervals. shall be subject to further assessment to determine GR 24 eligibility.1.1. be inspected by a Part145 Maintenance Organisation appropriately approved for the purpose. b). shall. d) For engines on aircraft transferring to the UK from operation on another Member State's register.1. 4 30 November 2009 Section 2. The inspections referred to in paragraphs 3. e) The engine being inspected in accordance with paragraph 4 in order to assess its condition immediately prior to the increase. Under such circumstances. 3 and shall be carried out by persons or Organisations as follows: a) Engines installed in aircraft that are used for the purposes of Public Transport or Aerial Work by an EU-OPS.1 and 3. JAR-OPS or CAP 360 Operator under an Air Operators Certificate. c) and d). a) The engine being installed in an aircraft which is not used for the purposes of Public Transport or Aerial Work.1. c) The engine being inspected in accordance with paragraph 4 in order to assess its condition before exceeding 120% of the recommended operating time or calendar time. a) Compliance being shown with the appropriate limitations specified in Appendix No. f) The data obtained during the inspections of paragraph 4 being entered in the engine log book. c). and have completed 120% of the recommended operating time or calendar time.1. GR No. whichever occurs first.2 to assess the condition of engines shall be in accordance with Appendix No. to this Generic Requirement.1 paragraph 5. b) Compliance being shown with any applicable Airworthiness Directive which requires compliance at engine overhaul.1.1 and 3. 1 paragraph 5. unless otherwise agreed by CAA. 3. d) and e). d) The data obtained during the inspections of paragraph 4 being entered in the engine log book.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness continue in service for a further period of operation not exceeding 20% of the recommended operating time or calendar time. in order to comply with paragraph 3.1. whichever occurs first. 2.1. the requirements of paragraph 3 are presented in tabular form in Appendix No. and if this is not obtainable. and the compliance with mandatory bulletins/modifications/inspections shall be completed at the specified times.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness b) All other engines. 2. In the case of engines not incorporating all the service bulletins/modifications or parts that would enable it to qualify for any manufacturer’s recommended overhaul period as defined in paragraph 3. a specific statement of acceptability in writing must be sought from the engine manufacturer. 24 Page 3 . The CAA need not be consulted in a case where the only question is that an engine manufacturer’s documents restrict recommended overhaul periods to engines embodying only parts specified by the engine manufacturer. 6 7 30 November 2009 Section 2. Part 3. GR No.1. The CAA will not require such restrictions to be applied provided that all parts are acceptable under Leaflet 1-12 of CAAIP (CAP 562) for non-EASA aircraft or in accordance with Part M Subpart E for EASA aircraft. an application must be made to the CAA.1 of this Generic Requirement. 5 In no case shall any mandatory restrictions be exceeded. in order to comply with paragraph 3. shall be inspected by an appropriately licensed aircraft maintenance engineer or an Organisation specifically approved for the purpose. or in the case of engine types not included in the manufacturers’ bulletins. For clarity.1 and 3. and there has been no adverse experience relating to the use of such parts. crankshafts fitted to engines on aircraft used for the purposes of Public Transport or Aerial Work must be fully inspected in accordance with the relevant overhaul manual workshop instructions at intervals not exceeding 20 years. Issue 9.1. Although it is possible to identify engine degradation in many areas of the engine. Rolls-Royce (de Havilland) Gipsy Engines – With effect from 1 January 2011.1 Rolls-Royce (de Havilland) Gipsy Major Engines . (i. Appendix 1. For the above reasons.3 30 November 2009 Section 2. crankshaft cracking. In accordance with Rolls-Royce Technical News Sheet G15. 24 Page 4 . if operating hours limits requiring overhaul are not achieved within this period.2 of this Generic Requirement may not be applied unless adequate in service reliability has been demonstrated. Any limits identified are reflected in paragraph 5 below.1 and 3.Prior to running beyond 120% of the manufacturer’s recommended overhaul period. 35. GR No. engines must not exceed an overhaul period of 1000 hours unless Modification 2495 is embodied. Those engine types that are not eligible to make use of the provisions of this Generic Requirement are detailed in paragraph 5. 24 (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. the overhaul period extensions defined in 3.2 5.g.) 1 The concept of allowing engines to run beyond the manufacturer’s recommended overhaul period depends upon it being possible to assess the condition of the engine by prescribed inspections carried out at defined intervals. It is not intended to provide a freedom to run until the engine fails. counterweight wear) for which predictive checks would not be effective without engine disassembly. The CAA has sought the advice of the manufacturers of the majority of the piston engines currently used in light aircraft to try to identify those engine components which service experience has shown to have running time limits beyond which it would not be reasonable to operate. there are some potential failure modes (e. 2 3 4 5 Limitations The provisions of this Generic Requirement are applicable to all light aircraft piston engines except where listed below: 5. Part 3. particularly in relation to failures which cannot be prevented by on-wing inspection.1. engines other than Major 10 and earlier marks incorporating Modification 2385 (splined propeller attachment) must have the taper portion of the crankshaft “Sulfinuz” treated by Modification 2690 or appropriate alternative. The provisions of this Generic Requirement are not applicable to: a) Societe de Motorisations Aeronautique – All types b) Rotax – All types c) Thielert Centurion Engines – All types d) Mid-West Engines – All types 5. 21 March 2005.e. The following engine types have yet to accumulate sufficient service experience to demonstrate acceptable reliability when operating at the manufacturer’s recommended overhaul period. components the failure of which are not susceptible to prior detection but which would result in either an unacceptably high failure rate or a hazardous failure).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GR No. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 2 to GR No. Appendix 2. Part 3. Extensions not exceeding 20% of Recommended Overhaul Period (operating time and calendar time) Extensions in excess of 20% of Recommended Overhaul Period NOTE: This Table is intended for easy reference only. whichever occurs first. 21 March 2005.) Light Aircraft Piston Engine Overhaul Periods Aircraft not used for the purposes of Public Transport or Aerial Work (i. for detail the main text of this Generic Requirement applies. The engine must have been installed and operated in a UK or EU Member State registered aircraft for a period of 200 hours prior to completion of the engine manufacturer's recommended overhaul period. (In some circumstances. GR No. Compliance with all applicable Airworthiness Directives required to be incorporated at engine overhaul. 24 (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No. Engines may continue in service indefinitely subject to: a) Compliance with Appendix 1 to this Generic Requirement. Inspections in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Generic Requirement at completion of recommended overhaul period (operating time or calendar time) and then at 100 hour or yearly intervals. b) Further inspection in accordance with paragraph 4 of this Generic Requirement at 120% and then at 100 hour or yearly intervals. provided the engine conforms to appropriate service bulletin/modification configuration and types of operation. defined in operating time and calendar time (if applicable). 24 Page 5 . 30 November 2009 Section 2. 35. (Otherwise see paragraph 6 of this Generic Requirement) Acceptable subject to: Compliance with Appendix 1 paragraph 5 to this Generic Requirement.e. CAA may consider applications for extension for a limited period to address an urgent operational need). Issue 7. No further extension (In exceptional circumstances. whichever occurs first. aircraft imported from outside the EU which have not exceeded the manufacturer's recommended overhaul period but which have less than 200 hours remaining could be considered for extension with suitable technical justification to the CAA). used for Private flight only) Aircraft used for the purposes of Public Transport or Aerial Work Within Recommended Overhaul Period Manufacturer’s recommended overhaul period. 35. A cylinder compression check is a method of determining.1 to 3. GR No. Internal Condition. pistons. Compression Check. 24 (Previously Issued as Airworthiness Notice No.1 External Condition. bearings and other moving parts. the length of flights. Since the oil consumption of an engine may have increased towards the end of its normal overhaul period. Many of these factors are outside the province of the maintenance engineer. 3. Part 3.) Light Aircraft Piston Engine Maintenance Requirements For Operation Beyond Manufacturers’ Recommended Overhaul Periods 1 This appendix gives guidance on the procedures which are necessary for a light aircraft piston engine to be accepted as being in a condition that will allow operation beyond the recommended overhaul period under the terms of this Generic Requirement. 2 2. These checks may be sufficient to show that serious wear or breakdown has taken place and that the engine is unacceptable for further service.3 3. Conditions of operation are also relevant. Significant information concerning the internal condition of an engine may be obtained from an examination of the oil filters and magnetic plugs. or poor valve sealing could. one of the methods of 3. for metal particle contamination. This should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. which would make it unacceptable for further use. particularly during starting. A piston engine that has reached the end of its normal overhaul period may be expected to have suffered some wear to cylinders.4 30 November 2009 Section 2. an accurate check of the consumption over the last 10 flying hours would show whether it is likely to exceed the maximum recommended by the constructor. without major disassembly. if the overhaul period were to be extended. 21 March 2005. 3.4. 24 Page 6 . the techniques used in engine handling. the quality of the fuel and oil used in the engine and the conditions under which the aircraft is housed when not in use. Many factors affect the wear that takes place in an engine. Appendix 3. The inspections and tests that may be necessary to assess the condition of an engine in compliance with this Generic Requirement are detailed in the following paragraphs. In the absence of any published recommendations for a particular engine type.4. the standard of sealing provided by the valves and piston rings. but an engine that has been carefully operated and maintained may still be in a condition suitable for a further period of service. excessive play in the propeller shaft. result in a significant loss of power. Issue 1. and additional inspections may also be specified.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 3 to GR No. the atmospheric conditions during flight and on the ground.2 3. The most important of these include: the efficiency of the air intake filter.1 2. and the type of flying undertaken. but meticulous compliance with the approved Maintenance Schedule and any instructions provided in the form of service bulletins or constructor’s recommendations will undoubtedly help to prolong the life of an engine.3 should be used. in addition to increasing oil consumption. valves.2 3 Inspection and Maintenance A number of items included in the normal scheduled maintenance of an engine may be repeated to determine the condition of an engine at the end of its normal overhaul period. The engine should be examined externally for obvious defects such as a cracked crankcase. overheating and corrosion. Piston ring or cylinder wear. Oil Consumption. 4. it is usually recommended that the differential pressure test is carried out as soon as possible after running the engine. changes in humidity do not produce large changes of power and are ignored for the purpose of establishing a reference engine speed or subsequently checking engine power.CAP 562 Leaflet 7-5 Piston Engine Overhaul – Correcting Engine Test Results). The majority of light aeroplane piston engines are air-cooled and rely on an adequate flow of air for proper cooling of the cylinders. In this test a regulated air supply (normally 560kPa (80 lbf/in2)) is applied to each cylinder in turn and a pressure gauge used to record the actual air pressure in the cylinder. which will give a more accurate result. If this is not possible.4. 3. be as brief as possible. as they will significantly affect the results obtained. a defective component may be located. but may not accurately show a similar partial loss of compression on all the cylinders of an engine. Cooling can be assisted by facing the aircraft into wind. An alternative method.1 On engines with a small number of cylinders. and ground runs should. One set of plugs should be removed immediately after an engine run. but high wind conditions must be avoided when making power checks. The check should normally be made shortly after running the engine while a film of oil remains on the rubbing surfaces. by means of graphs supplied by the engine constructor (or those contained in Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures . Before running the engine at high power the normal operating temperatures should be obtained (not the minimum temperatures specified for operation) and during the test careful watch should be kept on oil and cylinder temperatures to prevent the appropriate limitations being exceeded.3 4 Power Output of Aeroplane Engines The power developed by an aeroplane engine after initial installation is established in the form of a reference engine speed. This condition can only be obtained during flight. As with the previous tests. is to fit a pressure gauge (reading up to 1400 kPa (200 lbf/in2)) in place of one sparking plug in each cylinder in turn and note the reading as the piston passes through top dead centre (TDC) on the compression stroke. and the compression tester fitted to each cylinder in turn while rotating the engine by means of the starter motor. a simple compression check may be carried out by rotating the engine by hand and noting the resistance to rotational as each cylinder passes through its compression stroke. A further method of checking engine compression is the differential pressure test. This method may be used to determine serious loss of compression on a single cylinder or the difference between the compressions of individual cylinders. to assist sealing and prevent scoring the working parts. By listening for escaping air at the carburettor intake. cylinder pressure will usually be less than supply pressure and the difference will be an indication of the condition of the piston rings and valves. 3. The effectiveness of combustion charge sealing can be judged by assessment of the graph records obtained. GR No. Part 3. corrected. Since some leakage will normally occur.1 Power Checks. the constructor may recommend that oil is introduced into each cylinder and the engine turned through a number of revolutions before making the test. exhaust and crankcase breather. Power checks should be corrected in the same way. which is recorded in the appropriate log book so that a comparison can be made during subsequent power checks.2 Another method of carrying out a direct compression test is by the use of a proprietary type of compression tester equipped with a means of recording cylinder pressure on a graph card.4.4. The reference engine speed is the observed engine speed obtained using specified power settings and conditions. to the figure which would be obtained at standard sea-level atmospheric temperature and pressure. 30 November 2009 Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3. 24 Page 7 . therefore. therefore.1. are all operations that may result in smoother running and improve engine power. resetting of tappets or magneto contact breaker points. However engine power may usually be considered satisfactory if the corrected speed obtained during a power check is within 3% of the reference speed.1 Normally-aspirated engines are tested at full throttle and. if this is not available. If it is not possible to assess power deterioration by means of a power check (e. the propeller is usually governed to a constant speed at high power settings and small changes in power will not affect engine speed. or other adjustments to the ignition or carburetion systems. checked by establishing a reference speed at prescribed power settings. then throttle back to the manifold pressure prescribed by the constructor and observe the engine speed obtained.2 4. Although normally-aspirated engines are often fitted with variable-pitch propellers. a) Since a supercharged engine is run at a specified manifold pressure regardless of the atmospheric pressure. consequently. With supercharged engines. the engine speed obtained at full throttle is usually less than the governed speed and the propeller remains in fully fine pitch.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4. it may be possible to rectify this by carrying out certain normal servicing operations or by replacement of components or equipment. 4. however. open up to maximum take-off manifold pressure. so that only a temperature correction is necessary.1. no correction is made for humidity.4 5 Power Output of Helicopter Engines The power developed by the engine of a single-engined helicopter is considered to be adequately checked during normal operations. The power of a supercharged engine is. where a controllable-pitch propeller is fitted.g. c) The correction factor to be applied to the observed engine speed of a supercharged engine may be obtained from graphs supplied by the engine constructor. It is thus not considered necessary to check the power output of a helicopter engine separately specifically for the purpose of complying with this Generic Requirement. 4. the corrected engine speed is seldom exactly equal to the reference speed even if engine condition is unchanged. The observed full throttle speed multiplied by the correction factor will give the corrected speed. Part 3. any loss of power should be readily apparent. with fully fine pitch selected. decrease power until a fall in engine speed occurs (denoting that the propeller blades are on their fine pitch stops). The replacement of sparking plugs. due to fitting a different propeller). This correction factor may be obtained from a graph supplied by the engine constructor or.1.3 Although the engine speed obtained during a check of engine power is corrected as necessary for atmospheric temperature and pressure. from the graph shown in Civil Aircraft Airworthiness Information and Procedures (CAP 562) Leaflet 7-5 Piston Engine Overhaul – Correcting Engine Test Results (Figure 1). corrections must be made for both temperature and pressure variations from the standard atmosphere. 6 Power Loss If the power check (paragraph 4) or normal engine operation reveal an unacceptable loss of power or rough running. GR No. The changes in barometric pressure affecting engine power are considered to be balanced by changes in propeller load. 30 November 2009 Section 2. a rate-of-climb flight test should be carried out. b) The procedure is to run the engine until normal operating temperatures are obtained.1. ambient wind conditions or instrument errors and. 24 Page 8 . 8 Log Book Entries A record of the checks made. 30 November 2009 Section 2. in accordance with the approved Maintenance Schedule. 9 Maintenance Schedule and Programme Amendments The aircraft maintenance schedule/programme should reflect the maintenance requirements required and their periodicity.1. and any rectification or servicing work. Part 3. Unless carried out previously (paragraph 6) these operations should be completed before the engine is returned to service.2 of this Generic Requirement). 24 Page 9 . to operate the aircraft engine beyond its recommended overhaul period as detailed in this Generic Requirement.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 7 Servicing If the engine proves to be suitable for further service. must be entered and certified in the engine log book before the engine is cleared to service for its recommended or extended life under the provision of this Generic Requirement. a number of servicing operations will normally be due. GR No. The log book entry made should also specify any restriction on further use (see paragraph 3. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GR No. including the manoeuvre. fluid and structural loads that it may be subjected to in operation. 29 February 2012 Section 2. 2. These aircraft are known collectively as 'non-EASA' aircraft. The aircraft must remain within the existing weight and centre of gravity limits.5 Lines fittings and components The lines. Any vent system shall be vented to the exterior of the aircraft. GR No. strapped in and in full flying kit. 2.4 Smoke Fluid Tank Design and Installation Each tank shall withstand without failure the vibration. Guidance Material: The stressing submission need only cover additionally installed parts associated with the smoke system. 2. 2. Conservative load factor stressing assumptions may be made which may obviate the need to establish specific load factors.3 Cockpit The cockpit controls shall be located such that the pilot. 216/2008. when seated. Guidance Material: The filler neck may be fitted with a restrictor to ensure that a normal AVGAS refuelling nozzle cannot be inserted. 25 Page 1 . Guidance Material: A CAA pilot may carry out a cockpit assessment to assess qualitatively the air quality in the cockpit. inertia. 2 2.2 Strength The smoke system shall be stressed to withstand the same load cases to which the aircraft was designed. The system shall be configured in such a way that the possibility of accidental filling with AVGAS or any other inappropriate fuel is unlikely. 25 1 Aerobatic Smoke Systems Applicability The following requirements apply to smoke systems fitted to aircraft defined in Regulation (EC) No. has full and unrestricted movement of each control. Article 1 paragraph 2 ('State aircraft') and Annex II to that Regulation. The cockpit shall have adequate ventilation. A suitable placard may be accepted in lieu of an undersized filler neck. Part 3. gust and emergency alighting cases. Each conventional metal tank shall be pressure tested to 3. 2. fittings and components shall conform to good engineering practice and be compatible with the fluids to be used.1 Requirements Weight The definition of empty weight for the aircraft shall include the weight of the smoke system but exclude that of the fluid.5 psi. The smoke fluid tank filler connection shall be electrically bonded to the aircraft structure.6 Smoke fluid The smoke fluid specifications are to be established for the system. GR No. it must be shown that the flow of smoke fluid can be stopped to prevent further smoke fluid reaching the exhaust system.7 Miscellaneous markings and placards The smoke tank filler connection shall be placarded with the approved smoke fluid specification and the usable capacity of the tank. 29 February 2012 Section 2. Unless it can be shown that there is no possibility of a fire under normal or failure conditions. System controls should be appropriately placarded. 2. Part 3. In order to minimise the probability of an unsafe operation.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2. prepared in accordance with BCAR Section K Chapter K7-5.1121(b) with respect to the smoke fluid line that introduces the smoke fluid into the exhaust system. Where no flight manual exists for the aircraft a limitation requiring the use of the supplement must be added to the Conditions on either the Certificate of Airworthiness or Permit to Fly. (Contact Certification Department for copies if required. 2. this placard also conveying any operating limitations.9 Flight Manual Supplement The Applicant shall provide a Supplement.) A copy of the supplement must be inserted at the back of the specific approved flight manual applicable to the modified aircraft. 25 Page 2 .8 Fire Safety Particular attention must be given to the requirements of CS 23. it must be demonstrated that under the critical operating conditions. there is no risk of uncontrolled ignition of the injected smoke fluid either within or external to the exhaust system. Appendix 5. 74. or to require that the measures are revoked. for large aeroplanes with more than 50 million hours of satisfactory service experience. Such aircraft are required to meet all applicable requirements. this period may be increased.e.1 Aeroplanes with a Proven and Satisfactory Record Definition Aeroplanes which. However. are considered the responsibility of the State in which they are registered and by whom they are operated. It is not applicable to concessions against requirements applied by EASA. 1 Page 1 . i. This Concession summarises the criteria which will normally be applied by the CAA in determining whether or not. in a particular case. under the control of the lessor operator.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Section 2. NOTES: 1) 'Dry lease' refers to those aircraft under operational control of a UK operator (i.1 of Regulation 216/2008. 1 concerns concessions against these notified items only. but required in service before all necessary modifications can be embodied. 6 months). 2. 1 Generic Concessions (GCs) Airworthiness Concessions in Respect of Foreign Built Aircraft (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. a concession should be granted. for which the lead time on parts procurement may render compliance difficult. 2) Aircraft on 'wet lease'. Issue 6.g. 21 March 2005. it will normally be possible to consider granting concessions against certain CAP 747 requirements for up to 6 months and. This Generic Concession No. The requirements notified in Section 2 are the measures that the CAA has applied in the UK in addition to the standards applied by EASA. Part 4. the CAA will give consideration to granting concessions against compliance with individual requirements notified in Section 2 of this CAP 747. Part 4.) 1 Introduction From time to time UK operators find it necessary to apply to the CAA for concessions to cover the non-compliance of certain foreign built aircraft with the applicable requirements notified in Section 2 of this CAP 747. The reasons why applications for concessions are made include: a) Aircraft being purchased and placed on the UK Register at short notice. Having regard to the record of the type. subject to the criteria set out in Appendix 2 of this Concession. 2 2. subject to a direction under Article 249 of the ANO 2009).2 Policy on Concessions The aeroplane must normally be of a kind Type Certificated in the European Union (EU) and in principle be in compliance with the requirements of this CAP 747. 26 February 2010 Section 2. 12 months or more). according to their class.g. c) Aircraft being dry leased on a short term basis (e. These measures have been notified to the European Commission in accordance with Article 14. b) Aircraft being dry leased (see Note 1) on a relatively long term basis (e. satisfy the criteria in Appendix 1 are considered to have a proven and satisfactory record.e. GC No. GC No. Following a review the Commission will decide whether to apply the notified measures throughout the European Union (EU). CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 3 3. 1 Page 2 . Part 4. GC No. and helicopters.2 Policy on Concessions The aircraft must normally be of a kind Type Certificated in the EU and in principle be in compliance with the Requirements of this CAP 747. exceed 6 months in duration.1 Aeroplanes other than Well Proven Types and Helicopters Definition Aeroplanes other than those meeting the criteria of Appendix 1. Where concessions are granted in respect of CAP 747 requirements they will be of limited duration and will not. 30 November 2009 Section 2. 3. under normal circumstances. Requests for concessions will be expected to be clearly justified in the light of the considerations in Appendix 2. 74. Appendix 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. 99 DHC-6 Embraer Bandeirante Boeing 727 Boeing 737 Boeing 747 Douglas DC-9/MD-80 Douglas DC10/MD 11 20 million 30 November 2009 Section 2. 1 Page 3 . Issue 3. 1 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 5 November 1993. Part 4. GC No.) Aeroplanes Considered to have a Proven and Satisfactory Record MTWA kg Not Exceeding 5700 Exceeding 5700 Minimum Service Experience – Hours 2 million Average Fatal Accident Rate Appreciably less than 10 per million hours Not exceeding 1 per million hours Examples Beech 90. and this period may be extended where service experience exceeds 50 million hours. The operator’s obligations to comply with operational requirements may constrain the scope of any Concession.) Criteria Applied by CAA When Considering Concessions Against UK Certification Requirements 1 2 Concessions will be considered for up to six months on any one aircraft. flight deck layout. GC No. Amongst other items: a) Aircraft Performance Information – comply with UK standards in important respects. 1 Page 4 . Issue 3. 3 30 November 2009 Section 2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 2 to GC No. 21 March 2005. Part 4. account will be taken of the accident record with respect to the Additional Requirement or other requirement in question. 74. In considering whether a concession should be granted. instrumentation. Appendix 2. flight management systems and warnings – differences within a fleet to be acceptable may require dedicated crews and relevant training. b) Handling. 1 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. the following precautions are to be taken: a) Use only freshly obtained supplies. 30 November 2009 Section 2. 29 March 2006. 3. 2 Use of Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) in Certain Light Aircraft (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. if present. provided the limitations* are observed.2 Because of likely differences between MOGAS and AVGAS.) 1 Introduction Because of the growing difficulties experienced in obtaining Aviation Gasoline (Avgas). (See paragraph 2.1 General It should be noted that although CAA is satisfied that the listed aircraft/engines may be operated with adequate safety on MOGAS. accelerated deterioration of the engine or airframe components. Fuel obtained direct from a filling station forecourt may be acceptable in accordance with the provisions of Generic Concession No. (See Appendix. CAUTION: BS 7800:2000 (unleaded) MOGAS or MOGAS of any standard other than BS 4040 is not permitted by either this Concession No. c) As carburettor icing is more likely when using MOGAS. Accordingly. CAA will give consideration to individual applications in respect of aircraft not listed in the Schedule.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GC No. 98. 2 2.3). GC No. In such aircraft any adverse effects of using MOGAS are likely to be minimal and. the CAA has issued an Exemption. This should include: • making sure. CAA takes no responsibility for infringement of manufacturer’s warranty. It has been agreed to permit the use of MOGAS in certain single-engined aircraft using low compression ratio unsupercharged engines. b) If the aircraft has been standing for 24 hours or longer. during the pre-take-off checks. 3. check fuel for water. or the aircraft has been standing in continuous direct sunshine. 2. particularly in small quantities. or any other long term deleterious effects. • intermittent selection of hot air in flight whether or not the symptoms of loss of power are experienced. CAA were asked to consider permitting the use of motor gasoline in general aviation aircraft. that a good RPM drop is obtained when hot air is selected. particular attention should be paid to the use of carburettor hot air. and the ready availability of Motor Gasoline (MOGAS). from compliance with the fuel specifications and associated limitations set out in the Official Manuals forming part of the Certificate of Airworthiness. NOTE: * With regard to the limitation on fuel temperature. it may be assumed that the temperature of the fuel in the tank prior to the commencement of the flight is less than 20°C unless the ambient temperature has been in excess of this temperature for some hours. Issue 13. Schedule 1). Part 4. are likely to become apparent over a sufficiently long period to enable them to be controlled satisfactorily by normal maintenance procedures. avoid long storage in the aircraft fuel tank. in the terms set out in the Appendix to this Concession. 2 or Generic Concession No. 2 Page 1 . and block records must be transferred at appropriate intervals into the engine log book(s). 3 Recording Use of MOGAS All operating times with fuel containing 25% or more of MOGAS must be recorded in the airframe log book. or test evidence should be provided establishing that the engine has an adequate margin from detonation under the most adverse operating conditions. 2 Page 2 . NOTE: Where composite materials. together with a copy of the relevant page of the manual.g. c) Non-metallic pipes. or testing of the system should be carried out to a schedule agreed by the CAA. the CAA will require evidence that these materials are compatible with MOGAS. pay particular attention to non-metallic fuel pipes and seals for signs of leaks or deterioration. a) The engine should have been either type certificated for operation with minimum grade fuel of 80 MON or less. etc. e. e) After any prolonged period of heat soak at low fuel flow (e. GC No. are used in the construction of fuel tanks. Gatwick. hot day ground idling) establish the ability to maintain full power before commencing a take-off. in the fuel system should be unlikely to be seriously affected by MOGAS. e) Any specific prohibition of the use of MOGAS in the aeroplane or engine manuals should be brought to the attention of the CAA. to show freedom from vapour locks. The applicant should either provide authenticated information substantiating compliance or apply for a Major Modification for which the appropriate charges will be made. seals. Aviation House. The CAA will need to be satisfied on the following aspects. 30 November 2009 Section 2.. 2.g. fibre glass.3 Applications (which must be with the owner’s written consent) for use of MOGAS in aircraft not listed in the Appendix. d) There should be no doubts regarding the efficacy of the protection against carburettor icing. should be made to CAA. Schedule 1. b) There should either be positive pressure throughout the fuel system under all normal operating conditions.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness d) In the course of the daily check and other routine inspections. Part 4. Safety Regulation Group. the aircraft shall be deemed for the purpose of this Exemption to be using Motor Gasoline. Appendix 1. from the provisions of Article 16(1) of the said Order to the extent necessary to enable it to fly using four star Motor Gasoline to BSI specification BS 4040: 2001. that the proportion of Motor Gasoline in the aircraft’s fuel is less than 25%. Issue 2. on a particular flight. d) In respect of every flight pursuant to this Exemption. b) No flight shall be made pursuant to this Exemption unless either: i) the temperature of the fuel in the tank prior to the commencement of the flight may reasonably be assumed to be less than 20°C and the aircraft is flown below a pressure altitude of 6000 ft. Unless it is known. This Exemption is subject to the following conditions: a) No Motor Gasoline fuel shall be used for flight unless it has been proven to comply with BS 4040: 2001 and Schedule 2 of this Concession No 2. hereby exempts the aircraft set out in Schedule 1 hereto. with engines as listed therein. 2 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. there shall be endorsed in the aircraft log book maintained in respect of the aircraft. 2 R.) Air Navigation Order 2009 Exemption 1 The Civil Aviation Authority. This Exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. a statement that the flight was undertaken pursuant to this Exemption. 2 Page 3 . Block records must be transferred to the engine log book at appropriate intervals. 3 4 The Exemption dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked. 98. or ii) the written permission of the CAA has been obtained to operate to different limitations and that the terms of the permission are complied with. 29 March 2006. GC No. Elgy For the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 Section 2. c) No flight shall be made pursuant to this Exemption unless the limitations pursuant to sub-paragraph b) above due to the use of Motor Gasoline are set out on a placard which is affixed in a conspicuous position in the flight crew compartment of the aircraft. in exercise of its powers under Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. Part 4. ........... 2 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No....... O-320 Gipsy Major 1 or 1F Cirrus Minor 2 Gipsy Major 1 Continental C75 Cirrus Minor 1 Continental O-200-A Gipsy Major 10 (All variants of Mk.....Andreasson BA4B ................Auster D5/JSA ....Auster J5P ...Aeronca 7AC .......................................Auster D4/108 ............... 2 Gipsy Major 10 Mk..........Auster 5 .............................................. 2 Gipsy Major 1 Lycoming O-320-B Lycoming O-320-A Lycoming AEIO-360-B Continental A65-8 DH Gipsy Major 10 Mk....... 2 Page 4 ...... 98....Auster 4 ......................ENGINE Continental A65 JAP 100 J99 JAP 100 J99 Continental C85 Continental C85 Continental A65 or A75 Continental A65 Continental A75 Continental C-145 Continental C85 Continental O-200-A Le Blond 90 Gipsy Major 1 Lycoming O-290 Lycoming O-290-3..Aeronca 11CC ...........Avions Mudry CAP 10B ....................Aeronca 7FC ................. Schedule 1....... AIRCRAFT Adam Loisir ................................Arrow Sport A2 .......Auster 5J1 Autocrat .......CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 1 to GC No...Auster 5J4 .Auster 5J2 Arrow ........Auster 3 .......Aeronca L16 .. 2..................................................................................................Aeronca 7BCM .. Part 4........................Aeronca 100 ............. Issue 3...............Auster 5J1B Aiglet .................Beagle A61 Series 2.............Auster J5F Aiglet Trainer ........Auster J5Q Alpine .......... GC No......................Auster J5V .....) The following aircraft may use four star Motor Gasoline to BSI specification BS 4040: 2001 in accordance with Generic Concession No......................................................Aeronca 15AC .........Auster J5B Autocrat .............................Auster J5L .................... Cirrus Minor 1 Gipsy Major 1C or 1F Gipsy Major 1 Gipsy Major 1 or 1F Blackburn Cirrus Major 3 Gipsy Major 10 Mk....... 29 March 2006.....................Aeronca C3 ........Auster 5D ................................................................................ 1-1 Lycoming O-360-A 30 November 2009 Section 2...............Auster 6A .......Beagle A109 Airedale .. 1) Lycoming O-235-C Continental A75.....Auster J5G .............Baby Lakes ......... Cirrus Minor 1 Continental A75..........................Auster D5/J2 .....Auster 5J4/100 ...........................Auster J1N ..........................Aeronca 11 AC .................................Auster D6-180 .................. .................Bell 47G4-A .................................. Continental C85 Continental C85 Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-240-A Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O-235-L Continental O-300-A Continental O-300-A Continental O-300-C or -D Continental O-300-C or -D Continental O-300-C or -D Continental O-300-D Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-320-D 30 November 2009 Section 2....Cessna F150L .......... 1 and Mk....................... 2) VW Continental O-200-A Pobjoy.........Cessna 172A .............................Cessna FRA-150L ......................Brooklands Mosquito ..... 2 Page 5 ....................................................... GC No..Cessna 152 .............Cessna FA150K .....Bensen B8 ................Cessna 150M ..............Cessna 172E ....- ENGINE (Continued)Lycoming O-360-A Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-320-A Gipsy Major 10 (All variants of Mk.........Cessna 150E ..........................................................Brochet M B84 .....................................................CEA DR221 ...Campbell Cricket ........Cassutt Racer 111 M .........................Cessna F150 .............................Beagle Pup B121/ 2 .........................Cessna 172M ....................Cadet Motor Glider .....Cessna F152 ..................Cessna 170B ..............................Cessna 172H .............. Part 4.................................CEA DR250/160 .Benes Sokol ..Cessna 172P ...................Cessna 172 ..........Cessna F150H ...........................................................................Beagle Terrier A61 .......................................................Bellanca Citabria ....Bellanca 8GCBC ................................................................Cessna F150M ..............................................Cessna 172B .....BA Swallow ........................Bellanca 7ACA .......................................Cessna F150K ...............Cessna 120 ..Boeing Stearman A75N1 ............................Cessna 150 .............Bell 47G-2 ................................Bell 47J-2A ........ Cateract Lycoming VO-435-A1D Lycoming VO-540-B Lycoming VO-540-B Lycoming O-320-A Continental C-85 Lycoming O-360-C Walter Minor Continental W670 6A Continental A65 VW VW VW Continental C90 Lycoming O-235-C Lycoming O-320-D Continental C90...........Cessna 140 ..........CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Beagle Auster D5-180 .Beagle Pup 100 .................Bolkow Junior ............. Niagara..... ............... Pobjoy R DH.............................. Cateract VW Continental C90 Lycoming O-145A Walter Mikron.......Colibri MB2 ...Druine Condor ...............Cessna F172M ....... 1C or 1F Gipsy Minor Pratt & Whitney R985-AN1 Continental C90.DH C1 Chipmunk 22 (Lycoming) ...Cosmic Wind ......................... Part 4......................................................DH 82A Tiger Moth ..Evans VP-2 ..........Eakins Airbuggy ......DH 87 Hornet Moth .......... Biplane ...............DH 8OA Puss Moth .....Comper Swift CL7 ....................Cessna F172L ....DH Moth Minor ......... 2 Page 6 ...DH 82A ................ 6OG.................Cessna F172H ........Cessna 195 .......Cessna 180 .....................................E..............Druine Turbi . GC No................................................... Lycoming O-145-A2 Lycoming O-360-C Continental C90 Pobjoy R.........Cessna 175 ...................DH C1 Chipmunk 22 & 22A ...............................Cessna 182G ..............DH 85 Leopard Moth ................Druine Condor D62B ... O-200-A Rolls-Royce O-240-A Rolls-Royce O-240-A Walter Mikron III VW Continental A65......... A.- ENGINE (Continued)Continental O-300-D Continental O-300-D Continental O-300-D Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-320-E Continental GO-300 Lycoming O-320-E Continental O-470-J or -L Continental O-470-R Jacobs 755S Walter Mikron................DH C1 Chipmunk 21 ...Cessna F172F ..................Druine D5 Turbi ...... Gipsy Moth ......................Coates Swalsong .......... Walter Mikron II Continental C75 VW VW VW.....Druine Turbulent ............................................Currie Wot ............DH 82A (Aust) Tiger Moth ............................................................................. Continental A65 30 November 2009 Section 2. Curtis Wright Gipsy 1 Gipsy Major 1 or 1C Gipsy Major 1 Gipsy Major 1 or 1C Gipsy Major 1F Gipsy Major 10 Mk 2 Gipsy Major 10 Mk 2 Lycoming O-360-A Gipsy Major 1 Gipsy Major 1 Gipsy Major 1 or 1C Gipsy Major 1...Evans VP-1 ....Chilton DW1 ....Druine Condor D62C .....DHC-2 Beaver ...................................CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Cessna F172E ..........................Cessna 177 .................... Niagara................................. Gipsy 1...Christen A1 Husky ......DH 83 Fox Moth ..... A...................................................................DH 82A Seaplane ......................................DH 6OM...... ..........Great Lakes ..* Jodel DR1050 ...............Kittiwake 1 Kittiwake 2 KZ 8 Luscombe 8A...................... initial climb and landing......................... initial climb and landing....................Jodel D117 117A ...........................Fournier RF-5 .....Fred Series 2 ..........Fournier RF-3 ..Fournier RF-4 .. Jodel DR1051 ..NOTE: ENGINE (Continued)VW Continental O-200-A Continental A75 Warner Scarab VW VW Limbach 1700E Continental O-200-A VW VW Warner Scarab Lycoming O-320-D Lycoming VO-540-B Lycoming HIO-360-A Lycoming O-290 Continental O-200-A VW Continental C90 Continental A65 Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental C90 Lycoming O-360-A Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Potez 4E20A Lycoming O-290-D................Fokker DV111 Replica ........................................................Fournier RF6B-100 ..NOTE: * Front fuel tank must be used for take-off................. Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Gipsy Major 1 Continental A65 Continental C85 Continental C90 JAP J99...........................Luton Minor 111 ...........Jurca Sirocco ...... Continental C90 Lycoming O-290-D Lycoming O-290-D..........Luscombe 8F ............... Lycoming O-145-A .......................Fournier SFS 31 Milan .....................Luton Minor ....Jurca Tempete ......................Jodel D112 .........CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Falconair F9 ...................................Luscombe 8E ............... VW............. Part 4...............................* Jodel D140A ......................Jodel D120 ....Issacs Fury ........................................Falconair F11 ............................Hughes 269A Helicopter ..............................................................Fokker E111 Replica . 92 .Hiller UH-12E ................... Jodel 150 ................Jodel D9.................... Continental O-200-A * Front fuel tank must be used for take-off.........................Jodel D119 .................................... GC No....................- 30 November 2009 Section 2..Issacs Spitfire ....... 2 Page 7 ..................Jodel D11 ........................Gulfstream GA7 ........ ......Piper PA18-135 ...........................Minicab GY30 ......Piper PA22-160 ..................................Minicab JB-01 .....................................Morane Saulnier MS 892A ...............Piper PA18 Cub ................ O-320-A Lycoming O-290-D.Morane Saulnier 100 ST . Piper J2........Piper PA16 ....................................* Piel Emeraude CP 301C ............... GY201 ...........Manning Flanders ............ 858S ...Nord NC 854..........Piper PA28-180 ...Piper PA19 ............................................ Continental C90 Continental A65 Continental C90 Continental O-200-A or C90 Continental O-200-A Continental C90 Continental A65..........Piper PA20 .....* Piel Emeraude CP 301B ........................................Piper PA15 ..Morane N Replica ........Piper PA28-151 ...... Continental C90 Continental A65 Lycoming O-290 Lycoming O-145-A Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-235-C Lycoming O-290-D Continental A65 Continental C85 Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming O-290........Piper PA22-150 . Continental C90...............................Piper PA12 ...... initial climb and landing......Piper PA17 ...............Midget Mustang ............ Continental O-200-A Continental C75 Continental A65 Continental C90 Continental C90................. GC No...Morane Saulnier MS 893A .............CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Luton Major LA5 ........ 2 Page 8 .Piper PA28R-180 ... J3C 65..........Minicab GY20............Piper PA18 ......NOTE: ENGINE (Continued)Walter Mikron.......................................Piper PA22-108 ........................................................Piper J4A ............................. C85................ L4A C85............................................Piper PA22-135 ............................................Piper PA17 ....... C90 Continental C90 Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming O-360-A Continental O-200-A Continental A65....Morane Saulnier MS 893E ...- 30 November 2009 Section 2..Piper PA16 ................. Continental O-200-A Continental C85...............Piper PA28-160 ............... Part 4... C90 ......................Pazmany PL4A .........* Piel Emeraude CP 301B ....... O-320-A Lycoming O-360-A Continental C90 Lycoming O-290 Lycoming O-235-C Lycoming O-290 Lycoming O-320-A Lycoming O-320-B Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-320-B Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming IO-360-B * Front fuel tank must be used for take-off..............................Piper PA28-140 ...............................Piper PA15 ..................................Piper PA18-150 .. 854S......* Piel Emeraude CP 301A . ................................................................................................Piper PA38-112 ........Rearwin Cloudster .........Rallye 885 ...............Rand KR2 .................Rutan Varieze .....................Stampe SV4 ....................................................Sopwith Tabloid . Part 4.... GC No.....................................................................Sopwith Dove ............................................Rallye R2100 ....Robin 1180TD Aiglon ............Replica SE5A ................ 11 .............Scintex CP1310 ..................CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Piper PA28R-200 .......................................................Stampe SV4A ..... C85 Lycoming O-320-D or O-320-E Lycoming O-360-A VW Le Rhone Le Rhone Continental C90 Cirrus Hermes 2 Renault 4PO5 Gipsy Major 10 Mk 1 Renault 4PO3 30 November 2009 Section 2...........Robin R2112 Alpha .........Sopwith Pup .Sparton Arrow ........ 903 .......................................................... 902.....Socata TB10 ......Shield Xyla .............................................Rallye MS880B ............Pitts S1D ............ 901..............................Rallye 100ST .....Sonerai 1............Piper PA28-181 .............................Rallye TB9 .....................Rallye MS883 .......................Replica WAR Sea Fury Robin HR200/100 .........................Pitts S1C ......................Stampe SV4C ..Robin 2100A .......Rallye 180T .............................Scheibe SF3A/C .... 2 Page 9 .....Rallye 110ST ....................Sipa 91.....................Replica SE5A ................Rallye 885 .......Rallye 150ST ..............Rollason Beta ......Rallye ST150 ........- ENGINE (Continued)Lycoming IO-360-C Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O-320-A Lycoming O-360-A Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-235-C Continental O-235-C Continental O-300-A Lycoming O-235-H Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming O-320-E Lycoming O-320-D Volkswagen Royce 7G Continental C90 Continental O-200-A Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-235-H Lycoming O-360-A Lycoming O-235-H Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O-320-A Continental C90 Continental O-200-A Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental O-200 Continental A65 Continental C90........................Robinson R22 Helicopter ........................................................Scintex CP 301-C2 ...............................Socata TB9 .......... ........... JAP 100 Continental C85.....21 ......Turner TSW ............... C90.............Lycoming O-320-E3D 30 November 2009 Section 2.Lycoming O-320-E Gulfstream American AA5B ... 2 Page 10 .......................Stolp Starlet ...........................Tipsy Belfair ..............................19 Taylorcraft F .....Stolp V Star SA900 ...Taylorcraft F ................................................- ENGINE (Continued)Continental A75 Continental C90 Continental O-200-A Continental C90 Continental C90...Taylorcraft BC-12D ............................... Cirrus Minor 1 Continental A65 Continental O-200-A Lycoming O-235-L VW............Tipsy Trainer .......... Mk2..............................Volmer Sportsman ....... Pobjoy Niagara Continental C90.................Lycoming O-235-L2C Gulfstream American AA5A ..............Tipsy Junior .... O-200-A Continental O-200-A Walter Minor 6-III NOTES: 1) In certain aircraft issued with a Permit to Fly the use of MOGAS is already permitted by the appropriate aircraft documents and these aircraft are not affected by this Concession...WAR FW 190 ............................... O-200-A Gipsy Major 1 Walter Mikron Walter Mikron VW Walter Mikron Lycoming O-320-A Continental C90.............Tipsy Nipper Mk1...... T66... GC No...........................Taylor Monoplane ......Taylor Titch .... 2) The following aircraft/engine combinations have been deleted from the list: Grumman American AA1B Trainer ..CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness AIRCRAFT (Continued) Stitts Playboy ....Zlin 526 .......................................Lycoming O-360-A Piper PA28 Warrior ..Taylorcraft Plus D ......Wittman Tailwind .........Storey TSR3 ........................... RA45 Series 3 ............ Part 4.....Thruxton Jackaroo ... Currently there are no companies giving such an undertaking. 1. Grays. Those persons currently holding Authorisation/Approval by the CAA to accept analyses are as follows: SGS United Kingdom Limited. West Thurrock. AI/9201/89 Mr S J Sullivan.1 9/97/260A 30 November 2009 Section 2. West Thurrock. Chief Chemist. 2 Page 11 .1.1 1. Essex. Essex RM16 1ED..CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 2 to GC No. Issue 2. South Wirrall. Fuel meeting BS 4040:2001 specification and with 40% or less aromatics. 98. Cheshire CH65 3EN AI/8947/84 ITS Testing Services (UK) Ltd. Caleb Brett.2 Motor gasoline supplied to an aerodrome installation for use in general aviation aircraft must meet one of the following conditions: It has been obtained from a company which has confirmed that it will give prior warning of any intention to change significantly the constituents of the fuel supplied..1 1. Rossmore Business Park. Riverside Estate. A sample from each delivery (or from the bulk storage from which delivery was made) has been analysed by a competent analyst and the analysis supplied to a person authorised by CAA to accept such analyses. no alcohol or other substitute fuels and no additives other than those recognised for anti-oxidants and anti-knock purposes will normally be acceptable. 734 London Road. Part 4. 2 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. GC No. Schedule 2. 10% or less olefines by volume. Ellesmere Port. 29 March 2006. E W Saybolt & Co. RM20 3NL.. (UK) Ltd.) 1 1.2. Oliver Road. Caleb Brett House. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . the CAA takes no responsibility for infringement of manufacturer’s warranty. check fuel for water. 29 March 2006. defined in this Generic Concession. accelerated deterioration of the engine or airframe components. 3 Use of Filling Station Forecourt Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) in Certain Light Aircraft (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. during the pre-take-off checks. the following precautions are to be taken: a) Test the fuel to ensure it contains NO alcohol. that a good RPM drop is obtained when hot air is selected.) 1. it may be assumed that the temperature of the fuel in the tank prior to the commencement of the flight is less than 20°C unless the ambient temperature has been in excess of this temperature for some hours. GC No. 2. the water volume has increased. (Refer to Generic Concession No. 2. d) As carburettor icing is more likely when using MOGAS. NOTE: * With regard to the limitation on fuel temperature. This restriction is lifted in respect of certain light aircraft classes and categories of Certification of Airworthiness.1 Introduction Generic Concession No. NOTE: A simple method for determining the presence of alcohol in fuel is to thoroughly shake a test cylinder containing 90 ml of the fuel to be tested and 10 ml of water. particular attention should be paid to the use of carburettor hot air/ heating. provided the limitations* are observed. Issue 3. the CAA has issued two Exemptions in the terms set out in Appendices 1 and 2 to this Concession No.) 2 2. CAUTION: BS EN228: 2004 and BS 7800:2000 (unleaded) MOGAS or MOGAS of any standard other than BS 4040 is not permitted by either this Concession No. 2 introduced arrangements permitting the use of motor gasoline (MOGAS). 26 February 2010 Section 2.) 1 1. then alcohol is probably present in the fuel and the fuel is. c) If the aircraft has been standing for 24 hours or longer.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GC No. For pilot selectable systems this should include: • making sure. 3 Page 1 . this Concession contains an Exemption from some of the requirements of Article 217 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) subject to certain conditions. Aircraft which do not satisfy these conditions may be eligible for using MOGAS in accordance with Concession No. Part 4. but excluded the practice of using fuel obtained direct from a filling station forecourt.1 General It should be noted that although the CAA is satisfied that the qualifying aircraft/ engines may be operated with adequate safety on alcohol free filling station forecourt fuel. avoid long storage in the aircraft fuel tank. unsuitable for aviation use. (See Appendix 2 to this Concession. therefore. 4. after settling. or the aircraft has been standing in continuous direct sunshine. 98A. 2 or as a result of Modification action approved by the CAA. or any other long term deleterious effects. Accordingly. 3 or Concession No. If. 3. b) Use only freshly obtained supplies.2 Because of likely differences between filling station forecourt fuel and Avgas.2 To permit the use of BS 4040:2001 MOGAS from filling station forecourts. and block records must be transferred at appropriate intervals into the engine log book(s).CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness • intermittent selection of hot air in flight whether or not the symptoms of loss of power are experienced. GC No. For non selectable systems. 30 November 2009 Section 2. 3 Recording Use of Filling Station Forecourt Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) All operating times with fuel containing 25% or more of MOGAS must be recorded in the airframe log book. 3 Page 2 . hot day ground idling) establish the ability to maintain full power before commencing a take-off.g. pay particular attention to non-metallic fuel pipes and seals for signs of leaks or deterioration. ensure that the carburettor heating is serviceable. Part 4. e) In the course of the daily check and other routine inspections. f) After any prolonged period of heat soak at low fuel flow (e. Part 4. 2 R. Unless it is known on a particular flight that the proportion of Motor Gasoline in the aircraft’s fuel is less than 25%. the aircraft shall be deemed for the purpose of this Exemption to be using Motor Gasoline. This Exemption is subject to the following conditions: a) No Motor Gasoline fuel shall be used for flight unless it complies with BS 4040 : 2001 and contains no alcohols. 98A. Appendix 1. 29 March 2006. 3 Page 3 . 3 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. from the provisions of Article 16(1) of the said Order to the extent necessary to enable it to fly using four star Motor Gasoline to BSI specification BS 4040 : 2001.) Air Navigation Order 2009 Exemption 1 The Civil Aviation Authority. Block records must be transferred to the engine log book at appropriate intervals. GC No. This Exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. Issue 4. 3 4 The Exemption dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked. b) No flight shall be made pursuant to this Exemption unless either: i) the temperature of the fuel in the tank prior to the commencement of the flight may reasonably be assumed to be less than 20°C and the aircraft is flown below a pressure altitude of 6000 ft. or ii) the written permission of the CAA has been obtained to operate to different limitations and that the terms of the permission are complied with. Elgy for the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 Section 2. in exercise of its powers under Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended). c) No flight shall be made pursuant to this Exemption unless the limitations pursuant to sub-paragraph b) above due to the use of Motor Gasoline are set out on a placard which is affixed in a conspicuous position in the flight crew compartment of the aircraft. there shall be endorsed in the aircraft log book maintained in respect of the aircraft a statement that the flight was undertaken pursuant to this Exemption. hereby exempts the aircraft set out in Schedule 1 hereto. d) In respect of every flight pursuant to this Exemption. Gatwick. d) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft. Aircraft Certification Department. Appendix 2. This exemption shall only be relied upon when the following conditions are complied with: a) The person relying on this exemption shall be causing or permitting leaded motor gasoline fuel to be delivered to an aircraft specified in Schedule 1 hereto which fuel complies with specification BS 4040:2001. e) Records detailing the source and dates of fuel procurement and use must be maintained. GC No. a statement that the flight was undertaken in connection with this exemption. the person shall comply with the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). Aviation House. Safety Regulation Group. shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any unsatisfactory engine operation or failure which may be attributed to the use of leaded motor gasoline shall be immediately reported to the CAA. Elgy for the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 Section 2.) Air Navigation Order 2009 Exemption 1 The Civil Aviation Authority. This exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. there is endorsed in the aircraft log book maintained in respect of the aircraft. 98A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 2 to GC No. b) If the said fuel has not been obtained directly from a filling station forecourt pump carrying the appropriate fuel specification markings. Part 4. 2 R. in exercise of its powers under Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) ('the Order') hereby exempts any person from the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). 3 Page 4 . c) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft. 3 4 The exemption dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked. Issue 3. Block records must be transferred to the engine log book at appropriate intervals. shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that for every flight made by that aircraft on which leaded fuel delivered pursuant to this exemption has been consumed. 29 March 2006. 3 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 217(2) and 217(4)(b) of the said Order subject to the following conditions. 2 1. 98A. Schedule 1. 1.3 The aircraft is not operating for the purposes of public transport or aerial work.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 1 to GC No. for which the Aircraft Manuals specifically exclude the use of MOGAS. 2. The aircraft is: • a microlight aeroplane. b) The following types for which experience with Generic Concession No.1 2 Engine/Aircraft combinations falling outside the scope of this Concession include: a) Those combinations. initial climb and landing. or • a powered sailplane.5:1 and is not supercharged. unless listed in Schedule 1 of Generic Concession No. 3 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. The engine/aircraft combination is approved to use: • MOGAS to Specification BS 4040: 2001 or • AVGAS and the engine has a compression ratio not greater than 7. Issue 3. Part 4. 1. 2.) 1 Motor Gasoline to BSI specification BS 4040 : 2001 but which contains NO alcohol may be obtained directly from a filling station forecourt for use in aircraft which meet the following three conditions. 29 March 2006. NOTE: If an aircraft is not listed in Schedule 1 of Generic Concession No. 3 Page 5 . unless prohibited by paragraph 2. GC No. 2. it may be because a request has not been received by the CAA for its inclusion.5:1 is acceptable provided the engine/aircraft combination is listed in Schedule 1 of Generic Concession No. 2 has been unsatisfactory: Grumman American AA1B Trainer – Lycoming O-235-L2C Gulfstream American AA5A – Lycoming O-320-E Gulfstream American AA5B – Lycoming O-360-A Piper PA28 Warrior – Lycoming O-320-E3D + Jodel DR1050 -Continental O-200-A + Jodel D140A -Lycoming O-360-A + Piel Emeraude CP301B : Continental C90 + Piel Emeraude CP301A : Continental O-200-A or C90 + Piel Emeraude CP301B : Continental O-200-A + Piel Emeraude CP1301C : Continental C90 NOTE: + Unless the front fuel tank is used for take-off. or • a single engine light aircraft (below 2730 kg) and listed in Schedule 1 of Generic Concession No. 2. 30 November 2009 Section 2. an engine with a compression ratio greater than 7. or • a gyroplane. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . 1 General The flight and landing characteristics of microlight aeroplanes are designed to be such that an engine failure resulting in partial or total loss of power only. The supplies of this fuel became very limited after the year 2000. e. pending a supply of aviation grade unleaded fuel. 26 February 2010 Section 2. 4 Page 1 . Accordingly. Part 4. having in force a valid Permit to Fly issued by the Authority or conducting flight trials under an appropriate permission (e. 2 2. is not an unacceptable safety risk.2 2.g. MOGAS supplies may not be obtainable in accordance with Article 217 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended). 4 by means of the attached Exemption to Article 217 of the Air Navigation Order. b) The engine/aircraft combination is CAA approved to use unleaded fuel complying with Specification BS EN228:2004 or BS 7070. 98B. Issue 4.g. Consideration has been given to the possibility of using unleaded MOGAS to specification BS EN228:2004 and BS 7070 in aircraft powered by piston engines (including rotary piston engines). GC No. c) Records of fuel supply must be maintained (date. B Conditions) for the purpose of obtaining such a Permit. Accordingly other aircraft may have to use alternative approved fuels.3 3 Conditions for using Unleaded Motor Gasoline obtained from a filling station forecourt a) The aircraft is a microlight aeroplane within the definition of ANO Article 255. Aviation grade unleaded fuel is currently under development and should become commercially available during the next few years. method of storage).) 1 Introduction Generic Concession Nos. quantity purchased. location of purchase. AVGAS when leaded MOGAS is no longer available. However it is a condition of the use of unleaded MOGAS that the user fully accepts that there is an increased risk of engine failure when using fuels obtained from filling station forecourts rather than dedicated aviation fuel installations. 2 and 3 permit the use of leaded Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) to Specification BS 4040. Although some engines are type approved to operate on this fuel.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GC No. 2. this Generic Concession No. 4 Use of Filling Station Forecourt Unleaded Motor Gasoline in Microlight Aeroplanes (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. subject to the conditions stated in this Concession. permits the operation of microlight aeroplanes using unleaded motor gasoline. 29 March 2006. The provisions of this Concession are not applicable to aircraft other than microlight aeroplanes. pay particular attention to non-metallic fuel pipes and seals for signs of leaks or deterioration. 30 November 2009 Section 2. d) During the daily check and other routine inspections. b) Use only freshly obtained supplies. avoid long storage in the aeroplane fuel tank or in containers. c) The fuel must be checked for the presence of water if the aeroplane has been standing for 24 hours or longer. contamination etc. e) The ability to maintain Take-Off power must be verified before the aircraft is committed to completing a take-off.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 Precautions a) The fuel must not be rendered unfit by storage. Part 4. GC No. 4 Page 2 . 29 March 2006. 2 R. Elgy for the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 Section 2. Safety Regulation Group.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. 4 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. the person shall comply with the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). 98B. This exemption shall only be relied upon when the following conditions are complied with: a) The person relying on this exemption shall be causing or permitting unleaded motor gasoline fuel to be delivered to an aircraft specified in Schedule 1 hereto which fuel complies with specification BS EN228:2004. This exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. Block records must be transferred to the engine log book at appropriate intervals. 217(2) and 217(4)(b) of the said Order subject to the following conditions. Part 4. d) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any unsatisfactory engine operation or failure which may be attributed to the use of unleaded motor gasoline shall be immediately reported to the CAA. shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that for every flight made by that aircraft on which unleaded fuel delivered pursuant to this exemption has been consumed. GC No. b) If the said fuel has not been obtained directly from a filling station forecourt pump carrying the appropriate fuel specification markings. f) Records detailing the source and dates of fuel procurement and use must be maintained. Aviation House.) Air Navigation Order 2009 Exemption 1 The Civil Aviation Authority in exercise of its powers under the Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) ('the Order') hereby exempts any person from the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). Gatwick. Appendix 1. Aircraft Certification Department. c) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft. a statement that the flight was undertaken in connection with this exemption. e) No unleaded motor gasoline fuel shall be used for flight unless it complies with specification BS EN228:2004. 4 Page 3 . Issue 4. there is endorsed in the aircraft log book maintained in respect of the aircraft. 3 4 The exemption dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked. 4 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 98B. GC No.) 1 Motor gasoline to specification BS EN228:2004 may be obtained directly from a filling station forecourt for use in aircraft which meet the following conditions: a) The aircraft is a microlight aeroplane within the definition of ANO 2009 (as amended) Article 255 having in force a valid Permit to Fly issued by the Authority. 4 Page 4 . or is conducting flight trials under an appropriate permission for the purposes of obtaining a Permit to Fly as a microlight aeroplane. 26 February 2010 Section 2. 29 March 2006. Part 4.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 1 to GC No. Issue 3. b) The engine/aircraft combination is approved to use unleaded motor gasoline to specification BS EN228:2004. Schedule 1. 2 and 3 permit the use of leaded Motor Gasoline (MOGAS) to Specification BS 4040. 4 provides a similar Exemption for certain Microlight aeroplanes. Although some engines are type approved to operate on this fuel. this Generic Concession No. NOTE: Aircraft which can comply with 3 b). 5. The BS EN228 specification allows the presence of some alcohols without further declaration. The implementation of a European Directive is likely to result in changes to the composition of unleaded MOGAS offered for sale in the EU to include the alcohols permitted by the BS EN228 specification (‘Directive 2003/30/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 May 2003 on the promotion of the use of bio fuels or other renewable fuels for transport’). Consideration has been given to the possibility of using unleaded MOGAS to specification BS EN228:2004 in aircraft powered by piston engines (including rotary piston engines). Issue 4. 26 February 2010 Section 2.) 1 Introduction Generic Concession Nos. 4.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GC No. excluding aircraft contained in the Schedules to Generic Concession No.1 General The provisions of this Generic Concession No. subject to the conditions stated in this Concession. 98C. The supplies of this fuel became very limited after the year 2000. c) Records of fuel supply must be maintained (date. 28 March 2007. by means of the attached Exemption to Article 217 of the Air Navigation Order. 5 are limited to unleaded MOGAS that does not contain alcohol. Accordingly. GC No. accelerated deterioration of the engine or airframe components. method of storage). 5 Page 1 . 2. permits the operation of certain light aircraft using unleaded motor gasoline obtained from a filling station forecourt. b) The engine/aircraft combination is CAA approved to use unleaded fuel complying with Specification BS EN228:2004. subject to the conditions stated in this Concession. (as of 28 March 2007). It should be noted that although the CAA is satisfied that the qualifying aircraft/ engines may be operated with adequate safety on filling station forecourt fuel. location of purchase. MOGAS supplies may not be obtainable in accordance with Article 217 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended). quantity purchased.2 3 Conditions for using Unleaded Motor Gasoline obtained from a filling station forecourt a) The aircraft is a single engine aeroplane or rotorcraft (not exceeding 2730 kg MTOM). (Generic Concession No. 5 Use of Filling Station Forecourt Unleaded Motor Gasoline in Certain Light Aircraft (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. Therefore. are listed in Schedule 2 to this Concession together with the associated modifications required. or any other long term deleterious effects.) 2 2. Part 4. anyone intending to use unleaded MOGAS in an aircraft should remain vigilant in verifying that the fuel does not contain alcohol. the CAA takes no responsibility for infringement of manufacturer’s warranty. b) Only freshly obtained fuels must be used. avoid long storage in the aircraft fuel tank or in containers. e) The ability to maintain Take-Off power must be verified before the aircraft is committed to completing a take-off. GC No. after settling. If. pay particular attention to non metallic fuel pipes and seals for signs of leaks or deterioration.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 4 Precautions a) The fuel must not be rendered unfit by storage. then alcohol is probably present in the fuel and the fuel is. 5 Page 2 . f) The fuel must be tested to ensure that it contains NO ALCOHOL. therefore. contamination etc. 2) A simple method for determining the presence of alcohol in fuel is to shake thoroughly a test cylinder containing 90 ml of the fuel to be tested and 10 ml of water. c) The fuel must be checked for the presence of water if the aircraft has been standing for 24 hours or longer.the water volume has increased. 30 November 2009 Section 2. NOTES: 1) The implementation of Directive 2003/30/EC will make the presence of alcohol more likely. d) During the daily check and other routine inspections. unsuitable for aviation use. Part 4. 98C. e) No unleaded motor gasoline fuel shall be used for flight unless it complies with specification BS EN228:2004. Block records must be transferred to the engine log book at appropriate intervals. 3 4 The exemption to Article 137(1)(a)(iii). 29 March 2006. f) Records detailing the source and dates of fuel procurement and use must be maintained. Issue 3. d) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that any unsatisfactory engine operation or failure which may be attributed to the use of unleaded motor gasoline shall be immediately reported to the CAA. This exemption shall only be relied upon when the following conditions are complied with: a) The person relying on this exemption shall be causing or permitting unleaded motor gasoline fuel to be delivered to an aircraft specified in Schedule 1 hereto which fuel complies with specification BS EN228:2004. This exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. 5 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. c) The person who has caused or permitted the fuel to be delivered to the aircraft shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that for every flight made by that aircraft on which unleaded fuel delivered pursuant to this exemption has been consumed. Aviation House. 2 R. Safety Regulation Group. the person shall comply with the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). 5 Page 3 . Aircraft Certification Department. there is endorsed in the aircraft log book maintained in respect of the aircraft. 217(2) and 217(4)(b) of the said Order subject to the following conditions.) Air Navigation Order 2009 Exemption 1 The Civil Aviation Authority in exercise of its powers under the Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 (as amended) ('the Order') hereby exempts any person from the requirements of Article 217(1)(c). GC No. 137(1)(b) and 137(3)(b) of the Air Navigation Order 2005 dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked. Elgy for the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 26 February 2010 Section 2. a statement that the flight was undertaken in connection with this exemption. Appendix 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. b) If the said fuel has not been obtained directly from a filling station forecourt pump carrying the appropriate fuel specification markings. Gatwick. Part 4. 5 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. excluding aircraft contained in the Schedules to Generic Concession No. Part 4. Schedule 1. Issue 3. 30 November 2009 Section 2. c) The aircraft is a single engine aeroplane or rotorcraft (not exceeding 2730 kg MTWA). GC No. 98C.) 1 Motor gasoline to specification BS EN228:2004 may be obtained directly from a filling station forecourt for use in aircraft which meet the following three conditions: a) The engine/aircraft combination is CAA approved to use unleaded motor gasoline to specification BS EN228:2004. 5 Page 4 . 29 March 2006. 4. b) The aircraft is not operating for the purposes of public transport or aerial work.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 1 to GC No. ) Aircraft and Engine combinations approved by the CAA to use unleaded motor gasoline to specification EN228. The aircraft approved to use unleaded motor gasoline conforming with EN228 under AANs 27743 and 27744 are: Aircraft Make Beech Beech Beech Aircraft Model D17S with P&W R-985 with STC SE1860CE 33 Series with TCM IO-470-K or -J engines with STC SE2016CE 35. Issue 3. Aircraft for which the Type Certificate Holder has shown compliance with the applicable requirements. 35. or SE2016CE as applicable. (e. 29 March 2006. or E225-8 engines with STC SE693GL. Aircraft issued with Permits to Fly on the basis of recommendations made by organisations holding appropriate approvals issued by the CAA. BMAA. 5 Page 5 . and 35R. with TCM E-185 Series. Group 2. PFA. SA2009CE SA2049CE SA2045CE STC Holder Petersen Aviation Petersen Aviation Petersen Aviation Beech SA799GL Experimental Aircraft Association 30 November 2009 Section 2.). may be taken as satisfying paragraph 1(a) of Schedule 1. Part 4. B35. B35. have been approved by the CAA to use fuel conforming with EN228. STC No. C35. and for which compatibility between the fuel system and the fuel has been accepted by the CAA. A35. -8. To satisfy paragraph 1(a) of Schedule 1 the aircraft and their engines must be modified in accordance with the referenced FAA STCs and comply with AANs 27743 and 27744. NOTE: GROUP 1 Any aircraft which has a valid UK Certificate of Airworthiness and has unleaded motor gasoline (EN228) listed as a suitable fuel in the CAA-approved Flight Manual or other approved document. -11. etc. GROUP 2 These aircraft are listed below. 5 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. F35.g. E-225 Series. The approved aircraft are divided into 3 groups: Group 1. Aircraft embodying FAA STC-approved modifications to both the engine and the aircraft. 98C. D35. The approval of these aircraft and their modified engines is given under Airworthiness Approval Notes 27742 and 27744. TCM IO-470-K or -J engines with STC SE3033CE. G35. C35.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 2 to GC No. E35. Schedule 2. may be approved to use unleaded motor gasoline using the modification approval procedures of those organisations. E35. SE2034CE. G35. GC No. F35. up to January 2001. This Schedule 2 lists the aircraft/engine combinations which. where the combination of modifications has been validated by the CAA under Airworthiness Approval Notes 27743 and 27744. and for which approval to use EN228 is specified in the Flight Manual or other approved document. D35. and 35R. Group 3. A35. with TCM E-185-1. Aircraft embodying FAA STC-approved modifications to the engine. B. and 150J through 150M . 7GC. . -C. and 172I. 7EC. A150L. Part 4. -D. 175A. 120. L & M with Lycoming O-320-E2D engine with STC SE1931CE 172. 7BCM. -2H with STC SE693GL 170A. A150K. 7GCBC. 7JC. 140 with TCM C-85-12 or -12F engine with STC SE634GL 140A with TCM C-90-12F engine with STC SE634GL 140A with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM C-90 or C-85 engine with STC SE2031CE or SE2030CE as applicable 150. 170B with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM C145 or O-300 engine with STC SE2006CE 172. SE2036CE. or TCM W670. K. 170A. 152 and A152. SE2035CE. 150A through 150M. M with Lycoming O-320-E2D with STC SE800GL 175. 7AC. 7KC. S7AC. S7CCM. or -E engine with STC SE693GL 177 with Lycoming O-320-E2D engine with STC SE1931CE STC No. 7GCBA and 7GCA with Lycoming or TCM engines with STCs SE1931CE. 75 Series with P&W R-985-. L. 172A through 172H with TCM O-300. 7CCM. 7FC. 172A. 7ECA. or -D with STC SE693GL 172I.aircraft with TCM O-200-A engines with STC SE2031CE. 7GCB.engines with STC SE2006CE. SE2030CE or SE2031CE as applicable. 140 Series with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM C-85 or C-90 Series engines with STC SE2030CE or SE2031CE as applicable 120. O-300-A. F G. P172D with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM GO-300 engine with STC SE2105CE 175. -C. 7DC.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Make Bellanca/ Champion/ Aeronca Aircraft Model 7GCAA. 5 Page 6 . SA1970CE STC Holder Petersen Aviation Boeing SA1934CE Petersen Aviation Cessna SA2100CE Petersen Aviation Cessna Cessna Cessna SA691GL SA692GL SA2096CE Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA2048CE Petersen Aviation Cessna SA633GL Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna Cessna SA762GL SA2019CE Cessna SA1948CE Petersen Aviation Cessna Cessna Cessna SA761GL SA801GL SA2138CE Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA763GL Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA2010CE 30 November 2009 Section 2. P172D with GO-300-A. 170B with TCM C145-2. 150A through 150H. 175C.engines with STCs SE1860CE. D. GC No. 175B.aircraft with TCM O-200-A engines with STC SE634GL 170. & H with TCM . -B. 7HC. 175C. or SE2028CE as applicable. E. 175B. C. K. or low-compression Lycoming O-320 engines with STC SE1931CE 150. -B. SE2029CE. S7EC. S7DC. A150M. 175A. T0-1A. 8F T-8F with TCM . A-75-8J. M-4T with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM O-300 engine with STC SE2006CE M-5-235. 305C. M-4S. L-4H. J3C-50. 305E. 180A through 180H. -K. -J. . -J. 0-1E. A-50-1. J3C-65 L-4. M-6-235. 0-1D. 195. 182A through 182H. L -4J. M-7-235C. M-7-235. 8D. J3C-50S. 8A. 5 Page 7 . 0-1D. M-4C. 8C. -S engines with STC SE1997CE 180. 0-1F with TCM O-470-15 engine with STC SE693GL DHC-2 with P&W R-985 with STC SE1860CE 8. SA803GL SA2001CE STC Holder Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA695GL Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA2000CE Cessna SA694GL Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Petersen Aviation Cessna Cessna SA2013CE SA2421CE Cessna SA2098CE Petersen Aviation Cessna SA2099CE Petersen Aviation Cessna SA759GL Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Cessna SA760GL DHC Luscombe SA1882CE SA730GL Maule SA2097CE Maule SA2963SO Maule Flight Piper SA736GL Experimental Aircraft Association Piper SA775GL Experimental Aircraft Association 30 November 2009 Section 2. A-50-1. . M-7-235A. PA-11S with TCM A-40-4. -8E engines with STC SE634GL J-3 with TCM A-40 engine with STC SE634GL STC No. -S engines with STC SE693GL 188. 182A through 182H. A-65-1. C-85-12. 305E. 305D. 8E. 180J. 180K with TCM O-470-A. C-90-12F with STC SE634GL M-4. 182J through 182N and 182P with TCM O-470-L.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Make Cessna Cessna Aircraft Model 177 with Lycoming O-320-E2D engine with STC SE800GL 180. A-65-1. -L. 0-1F with TCM O-470. PA-11. 305D. -R engines with STC SE693GL 182. J3C-65S. L-4A. MX-7-235C. MX-7-235. -K. T0-1D. -R. Part 4.engines with STC SE2094CE 305A. or Jacobs engines with STCs SE2416CE. -L. 180A through 180H. GC No. 180J with TCM O-470-A. 0-1G with TCM O-470-11 or -11B engine with STC SE693GL 305B.with Lycoming O-540-B4B5 engines modified to STC SE1909CE J3C-40. SE2417CE. 195A. 0-1G with TCM O-470. 195B with TCM engines with STC SE2028CE. 182J through 182N and 182P with TCM O-470-L. M-7-235B. L-4B.engines with STC SE2094CE 305A. 188B with TCM O-470-R engine with STC SE1997CE 190. 305F 0-1A. 305C. 305F 0-1A. . -S engines with STC SE1997CE 182. 0-1E. -R. or SE2418CE 305B. -R. 188A. or O-320-() engines with STC SE1931CE. PA-17 with TCM A-65-8 or -8F engines with STC SE634GL PA-18. PA-14 with gravity feed to carburettor and Lycoming O-235-() engines with STC SE2035CE. PA-18AS-150. PA-18S-125. 5 Page 8 . PA-18S-150. PA-18-150. J4A. J3L-65S with TCM engines with STC SE634GL J-3C-65. PA-18A-150. O-290-(). PA-11S with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM A-65-(). or SE2036CE. PA-16S with gravity feed to carburettor and Lycoming O-235-() engines with STC SE2035CE. J3L J3L -S. O-235-(). PA-11. J3F-65S with TCM engines with STC SE634GL J3L. PA-18-105. C-85-(). PA-22-150 and PA-22S-150 with Lycoming O-320-A2A. J4A-S with TCM A-50-1. PA-18-125. O-290-() with STC SE1931CE. PA-12S with Lycoming O-235-(). SE2035CE. PA-18AS-135. O-290-(). O-320-() engines with STC SE1931CE. PA-22-108. L-4E with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM A-75-() engines with STC SE2030CE PA-12. or with TCM C-90 engines with STC SE2031CE. GC No. J3F-65. L-4E. A-65-1 engines with STC SE634GL J4E. or SE2031CE J4. PA-16. SE2035CE. PA-18A-135. -65. or SE2036CE. PA-18S-105. PA-18S. PA-22-135. PA-20 with Lycoming O-320 engine with STC SE1931CE PA-22. with Lycoming O-235-(). J3F-60S. C-75-(). PA-22S-135. SA832GL STC Holder Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Piper Piper SA833GL SA2080CE Piper Piper Piper SA737GL SA738GL SA2146CE Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Piper SA2147CE Petersen Aviation Piper SA2075CE Petersen Aviation Piper SA2083CE Petersen Aviation Piper SA2082CE Petersen Aviation Piper Piper SA766GL SA1961CE Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Piper Piper SA2012CE SA1949CE Petersen Aviation Petersen Aviation 30 November 2009 Section 2. SE2030CE. PA-18A. PA-19S. with TCM A-75-9 engine with STC SE634GL J4E. PA-18S-135. J4A-S with gravity feed to carburettor and TCM A-65-() engines with STC SE2029CE J4E. PA-18-135. PA-19. -A2B. J3F-60. and C-90-() engines with STCs SE2029CE. J3C-65S. SE2035CE. J3F-50S. or SE2036CE as applicable STC No. Part 4.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Make Piper Aircraft Model J3F-50. or low-compression Lycoming O-320 engines with STC SE1931CE F172D. BC12D-4-85. -E2A. -5E-1. K. GC No. O-200-A engine with STC SE634GL DC-65 (L-2. BCS12D-4-85 with TCM A50-1. -5C.aircraft with TCM O-200-A engines with STC SE2031CE.engines with STC SE2006CE.with gravity feed and Lycoming R-680-() radial engines with STCs SE2409CE. BC12-D1. -5C. 5 Page 9 . BC12D-85. . BC12-65(L -2H). C85-8F -12F engines . -7 -8. F G. -5A. BCS12-65. or SE2414CE as applicable L-5B. B4B5 with STC SE1909CE 150G. -E3D engines with STC SE800GL PA-28-140. BC-65. -5B. and with Lycoming O-320-E2D engine with STC SE1931CE F182P with TCM O-300. O-300. BCS12D-85. SR-5. SE2413CE. M with TCM . and with Lycoming O-320-E2D engine with STC SE1931CE R22 with Lycoming O-320-A2B or A2C with STC SE1931CE 108. . L. -A2B. -5E. FA150K. 108-1. L. -5E. L-2B. -151 with Lycoming O-320-A2B. B1B5. with STC SE634GL 19 and F19 with TCM C-85-12. -E2D. -12F or . K. Part 4. BCS12-D. -E3D engines with STC SE1931CE PA-28-235 with Lycoming O-540-B2B5. BCS12-D1. H. L-12. SA1932CE STC Holder Petersen Aviation Piper SA802GL Experimental Aircraft Association Petersen Aviation Piper SA1963CE Piper Reims Cessna SA1964CE SA00216WI Petersen Aviation Petersen Aviation Reims Cessna SA00215WI Petersen Aviation Reims Cessna SA00214WI Petersen Aviation Robinson Stinson SH2011CE SA2128CE Howard Fuller Petersen Aviation Stinson SA00002WI Petersen Aviation Stinson SA2396CE Petersen Aviation Taylorcraft SA768GL Experimental Aircraft Association Taylorcraft Taylorcraft SA769GL SA770GL Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association 30 November 2009 Section 2. L. . M. -5D. -5G. -151 with Lycoming O-320-E2A. L-2C). -150. L-2M) with TCM A-65-8 engine with STC SE634GL STC No. BCS. J. E. 108-3 with gravity feed to carburettor and Franklin 6A4-() engines with STC SE2127CE.engines with STC SE2006CE. DCO-65 (L-2A. 108-2. H. -150. BCS-65. A-65-1. BC12-D.with gravity feed and Lycoming O-435-() engines with STC SE2278CE BC. .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Make Piper Aircraft Model PA-25 and PA-25-235 with Lycoming O-540-B Series engine with STC SE1909CE PA-28-140. STC No.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. A-2A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL .Association Aeronca 11 AC Aeronca 7FC Aeronca 15AC Aeronca 11CC Continental A65 Continental A75 Continental C–145 Continental C85 30 November 2009 Section 2.Association SE2006CE . C75-12.A. SA2085CE STC Holder Petersen Aviation Taylorcraft SA2076CE Petersen Aviation Taylorcraft SA2086CE Petersen Aviation Univair/Erco/ Alon/Forney/ Mooney Univair/ Erco/ Alon/ Forney/ Mooney SA798GL Experimental Aircraft Association Experimental Aircraft Association SA821GL GROUP 3 These aircraft are listed below. BC12-D. L-2C). BCS-65. BC12D-85. A-2. 5 Page 10 . BCS1265.Petersen Aviation SE693GL . BC12-D1.E. L-2M) with TCM A-65-8 engine with STC SE2029CE 415-D.A.Association SE2030CE . -12F C. BC12-65(L-2H). -12F or O-200-A engine with . 90-12F -16F engines with STC SE634GL .E. GC No. BCS12-D1. SE2029CE or SE2030CE 19 and F19 with TCM C-85-12. . BC12D-4-85. 415-C. E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Make Taylorcraft Aircraft Model BC-65.Association SE2029CE .A. -12F engines with STC SE634GL . To satisfy paragraph 1(a) of Schedule 1 the aircraft must be modified in accordance with the referenced FAA STCs and comply with AANs 27742 and 27744.Association SE2029CE . Part 4.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. . M10 with TCM C75-12. The aircraft approved to use unleaded motor gasoline conforming with EN228 under AANs 27742 and 27744 are : Aircraft Type Adam Loisir Aeronca L16 Aeronca 7BCM Aeronca 7AC Engine Type Continental A65 Continental C85 Continental C85 Continental A65 or A75 Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2029CE .Association SE2030CE . BCS12D-85. A-65-1.Petersen Aviation SE634GL . L-2B.A. DCO-65 (L-2A.A. C85-8F -12F engines with STC .A.Petersen Aviation SE2030CE . F-1. STC SE2030CE or SE2031CE DC-65 (L-2.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. 415CD with TCM A-65-8.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. F-1A. -12F C85-12. G. BCS12D-4-85 with TCM A-50-1. -7 -8. BCS12-D.E.Association SE2030CE .Association SE2030CE . A.A.Association SE2030CE .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type Andreasson BA4B Auster 4 Auster 5 Engine Type Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–290 Lycoming O–290–3.E.Association SE1931CE .A.A.Association Auster 5J2 Arrow Auster 5J4/100 Auster D4/108 Auster D5/J2 Auster D5/JSA Auster D6 –180 Baby Lakes Beagle Pup 100 Beagle Pup B121/2 Bolkow Junior Bellanca Citabria Bellanca 7ACA Boeing Stearman A75N1 Brochet M B84 Cassutt Racer 111 M CEA DR221 Cessna 120 Cessna 140 Cessna 150 Cessna 150E 30 November 2009 Section 2.Petersen Aviation SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2030CE .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2030CE . O– 320 Continental C75 Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–235–C Continental A75 Continental A75 Lycoming O–320–A Continental A65–8 Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–320–A Continental O–200-A Lycoming O–320–A Continental C–85 Continental W670 6A Continental A65 Continental C90 Lycoming O–235–C Continental C90.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2035CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation. GC No.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. 5 Page 11 .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .E.A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .A. Part 4.Association SE2030CE .A.A.A.A.A.Association SE1931CE . Continental C85 Continental C85 Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Association SE1931CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE2030CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL . SE2030CE .E.A.Association SE2036CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A.A.E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE1931CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2036CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2028CE .Association SE2035CE .Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. Association SE2006CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A.E.A.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .A.E.A.A.E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A. GC No.E.E.E.Association SE1931CE .Association SE2031CE .A.Association SE2006CE .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type Cessna 150M Cessna F150 Cessna F150H Cessna F150K Cessna F150L Cessna F150M Cessna FA150K Cessna 152 Cessna F152 Cessna 170B Cessna 172 Cessna 172A Cessna 172B Cessna 172E Cessna 172H Cessna 172M Cessna F172E Cessna F172F Cessna F172H Cessna F172L Cessna F172M Cessna 175 Cessna 177 Engine Type Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Continental O–200–A Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O-235-L Continental O–300–A Continental O–300–A Continental O–300–C or –D Continental O–300–C or –D Continental O–300–C or –D Continental O–300–D Lycoming O–320–E Continental O–300–D Continental O–300–D Continental O–300–D Lycoming O–320–E Lycoming O–320–E Continental GO–300 Lycoming O–320–E Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2031CE .A. 5 Page 12 .Association SE1931CE .Association SE790GL .E.A.Association SE2105CE .Petersen Aviation SE693GL .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2006CE .Petersen Aviation SE693GL .Petersen Aviation SE693GL .Association SE2006CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .E.A.Association SE2006CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .Association SE2006CE .A.A.E.Association 30 November 2009 Section 2.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A.A.Association SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .E. Part 4.A.A.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2006CE .Association SE790GL .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.E.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .A.A.Association SE1931CE .Petersen Aviation SE693GL .A.Association SE2031CE .Association SE2006CE .E.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .E.Association SE2006CE .E.Association SE1931CE .Association SE2031CE .E.A.E.Petersen Aviation SE693GL . A.A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2029CE .Association SE2031CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE1860CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE . O–200A Continental A65 Continental C75 Continental A65 Continental O–200-A Warner Scarab Continental A75 Continental O–200–A Warner Scarab Lycoming O–290 Continental O–200-A Continental C90 Continental A65 Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental O–200–A Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE1997CE .Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. 5 Page 13 .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2466CE .Petersen Aviation SE2036CE .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .A.A.A.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE693GL .Association SE2591CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE1997CE .Association SE2031CE . Part 4.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2591CE .Petersen Aviation SE693GL . GC No.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .Biplane Evans VP –2 Falconair F11 Fokker DVIII Fokker E111 Replica Fournier RF6B –100 Great Lakes Issacs Fury Issacs Spitfire Jodel D11 Jodel D112 Jodel D117 117A Jodel D119 Jodel D120 Jodel 150 Engine Type Continental O–470–J or L Continental O–470–R Lycoming O–145–A2 Continental C90 Continental C90 Lycoming O–145-A Pratt &Whitney R985– AN1 Continental C90.A.A.Association SE2031CE .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type Cessna 180 Cessna 182G Chilton DW1 Coates Swalsong Cosmic Wind Currie Wot DHC –2 Beaver Druine Condor Druine Turbi E.A.A.A.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE2030CE .Association SE2030CE .A.Association SE2031CE .A.E.E.Association SE2466CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.A.Association SE2029CE .Association 30 November 2009 Section 2.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE . SE2031CE . 5 Page 14 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type *Jodel DR1050 Jurca Tempete Engine Type Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–290–D.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2036CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2036CE .A.A.854S.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2466CE .Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A. C90 Manning Flanders Minicab GY20. Continental C90 Continental A65 Continental C90 30 November 2009 Section 2. Continental O–200-A Continental C75 Continental A65 Continental C90 Continental C85.A.Association SE2030CE . GY201 Minicab GY30.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association Jurca Sirocco Kittiwake 1 Kittiwake 2 Luscombe 8A Luscombe 8E Luscombe 8F Luton Minor Luton Minor 111 Luton Major LA5 Continental O–200-A Continental A65 Continental C85 Continental C90 Lycoming O-145-A Continental O–200-A Continental C90.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. Continental O–200-A Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE .Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2030CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A. GC No.Association SE2036CE .858S Pazmany PL4A *Piel Emeraude CP 301B Continental C90 Lycoming O–320–E Continental O–200–A Continental A65.Petersen Aviation SE1931CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2029CE .Association SE800GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. JB –01 Midget Mustang Morane N Replica Morane Saulnier MS 892A Morane Saulnier 100ST Nord NC 854.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Association SE2031CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.A.Petersen Aviation.Association SE2030CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE . Part 4.Association SE2029CE .Association SE2031CE .A. Continental C90 Lycoming O–290–D Lycoming O–290–D.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.E.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE . Association SE790GL .Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.E.A.Association SE2036CE .Petersen Aviation SE2036CE .Association SE2030CE .E.E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2035CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL . O–320–A Lycoming O–290–D.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE1931CE .A.Association SE2029CE . 5 Page 15 .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.A.Petersen Aviation SE2036CE .Association SE2035CE .A.E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. O–320–A Continental C90 Lycoming O–290 Lycoming O–235–C Lycoming O–290 Lycoming O–320–A Lycoming O–320–E Lycoming O–320–E Lycoming O–235-L Piper PA18–135 Piper PA19 Piper PA20 Piper PA22 –108 Piper PA22 –135 Piper PA22 –150 Piper PA28 –140 Piper PA28 –151 Piper PA38 –112 30 November 2009 Section 2.Association SE1931CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Association SE2031CE .Association SE2036CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .Association SE2036CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A. Part 4.Petersen Aviation SE1931CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.A.A. C90 Engine Type Continental O–200–A or C90 Continental O–200–A Continental C90 Continental A65.Association SE2029CE .Association SE1931CE . GC No. J3C–65.Association SE2031CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE2030CE . Continental C90 Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL E.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type *Piel Emeraude CP 301A *Piel Emeraude CP 301B *Piel Emeraude CP 301C Piper J2.Association SE2031CE . L4A–C85.A.Association SE1931CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE . C85.A.A.Association SE2466CE .A.Association SE2029CE .A.A.Association Piper J4A Piper PA12 Piper PA15 Piper PA15 Piper PA16 Piper PA16 Piper PA17 Piper PA17 Piper PA18 Cub Continental A65 Lycoming O–290 Lycoming O–145-A Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–235–C Lycoming O–290–D Continental A65 Continental C85 Lycoming O–290.E.E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2036CE .A. A.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A.Association SE2031CE . C85 Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE1931CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE2030CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.A.Association SE1931CE .E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. 901.Association SE1931CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE .A.Association SE2031CE . 902.A.E.Association Socata TB9 Sopwith Tabloid Stitts Playboy Lycoming O–320–E Continental C90 Continental A75 30 November 2009 Section 2.Association SE2031CE .A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE .A. GC No.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE790GL .A.Petersen Aviation SE2035CE .Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Association SE2035CE .A.Association SE2030CE .Association SE1931CE .Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. Part 4.A.E.Association SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE .A.Association SE1931CE .A.A.A. 5 Page 16 .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .Petersen Aviation SE693GL .E.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.E.A.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type Pitts S1C Rallye MS880B Rallye MS883 Rallye 885 Rallye 885 Rallye 100ST Rallye 150ST Rallye ST150 Replica SE5A Replica SE5A Replica WAR Sea Fury Robin R2112 Alpha Robinson R22 Helicopter Rollason Beta Rutan Varieze Scheibe SF3A/C Scintex CP 301 –C2 Scintex CP1310 Shield Xyla Sipa 91.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL .A.E.A.Association SE2031CE . 903 Engine Type Lycoming O–320–A Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–235–C Lycoming O–235–C Continental O–300–A Continental O–200–A Lycoming O–320–E Lycoming O–320–E Continental C90 Continental O-200-A Continental O–200-A Lycoming O-235-L Lycoming O–320–A Continental C90 Continental O–200-A Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental O–200 Continental A65 Continental C90.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE2006CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. 0–200-A Lycoming O–320–A Continental C90 Continental C90.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E. Part 4.Association SE2031CE .Association Turner TSW Volmer Sportsman Wittman Tailwind WAR FW 190 * Front fuel tank must be used for take-off. 5 Page 17 .Association SE1931CE .A.Association SE2031CE .Association SE2031CE . GC No.Petersen Aviation SE2031CE .A.E.Association SE2029CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A. 30 November 2009 Section 2.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.Association SE2031CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.Petersen Aviation SE800GL . O– 200–A Continental O–200-A Engine STC(s) (as applicable) SE2031CE . initial climb and landing.Association SE790GL .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Aircraft Type Stolp Starlet Stolp V Star SA900 Storey TSR3 Taylorcraft Plus D Taylorcraft BC–12D Taylorcraft F .Association SE2031CE . C90.Association SE2030CE .Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.21 Taylor Titch Engine Type Continental C90 Continental O–200–A Continental C90 Continental C90 Continental A65 Continental O–200–A Lycoming O-235-L Continental C85.Association SE2031CE .19 Taylorcraft F .A.A.A.Petersen Aviation SE634GL E.A.E.A.A. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . As a result of these changes the exemption issued by the CAA could be a mechanism for importing into the UK a foreign registered home-built aircraft that has not been shown to comply with UK safety requirements. Since the exemption was issued European Union legislative changes have removed certain constraints on aircraft ownership. The conditions of the exemption require that.) 1 Article 16 of the United Kingdom Air Navigation Order 2009 prohibits the flight of foreign registered home-built aircraft in UK airspace. b) obtain an acknowledgement from the CAA. The CAA may grant exemptions from Article 16 of the Order and so allow foreign registered home-built aircraft to fly in UK airspace.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness GC No. has been issued as Appendix 1 to this GC. A paper copy of the acknowledgement must be kept available for inspection when the aircraft is in the UK. To address these issues a new exemption. with revised conditions. the owner of the aircraft shall: a) send to the CAA the information specified in Schedule 1 to the exemption. 6 Page 1 . In June 1980 the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) recommended that Member States should allow home-built aircraft holding a (non-ICAO) Permit to Fly or equivalent document issued by another ECAC State to fly in their country without any restrictions other than those stated on the Permit to Fly or equivalent document. and c) ensure that the documents specified in Schedule 2 to the exemption are available for inspection on demand by the CAA when the aircraft is in the UK. Part 4. Issue 5. 52. The CAA implemented this recommendation on behalf of the United Kingdom by issuing an Exemption within Issue 1 of CAP 455 Airworthiness Notice No. The CAA considers that the intent of the ECAC agreement was to permit over flight and short-term visits only. 52 from compliance with the appropriate provisions of the Air Navigation Order relating to Certificates of Airworthiness. This Generic Concession (GC) provides such an exemption and explains what is required of the owners of aircraft who wish to make use of it. GC No. 26 February 2010 Section 2. The information should be submitted by e-mail to: [email protected] NOTE: This e-mail address should not be used for any other purpose 2 3 4 An acknowledgement will be sent by e-mail. 31 October 2008. which Article 16 requires. 6 Flight in UK Air Space of Foreign Registered Home-Built Aircraft (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. This is because a home-built aircraft cannot hold an ICAO Certificate of Airworthiness (issued to comply with the Convention on International Civil Aviation dated 7 December 1944). The CAA also has concerns over the level of airworthiness regulation that the States of Registry would be able to exercise during prolonged periods of operation in other States. 5 A Form for sending the required information to the CAA is given as Schedule 1 to this GC. before flying a foreign home-built aircraft in UK airspace. co. Aviation House Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR UNITED KINGDOM Fax: + 44 1293 57 3860 E-Mail: aanda@caa. GC No. Where there is a need for the home-built aircraft to be in the UK for a period of more than 28 days. As such the exemption allows a maximum period of 28 days for the intended stay. 21 February 2011 Section 2. Application for such individual exemptions must be made to the Applications and Approvals Department at the above address. Part 4. not to accommodate aircraft that are intended to be based or resident in the UK.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 6 Contact details for enquiries: Applications and Approvals Department 2E. Such aircraft would be required to transfer onto the UK 7 The intent of this exemption is to allow home-built aircraft that are registered in an ECAC Member State to enter or overfly UK airspace without the need to apply for an individual exemption. unless otherwise agreed by the CAA as an individual exemption. It is to facilitate short-term visits. 6 Page 2 . 8 Any person flying a foreign registered home-built aircraft in the UK without complying with the terms of the exemption at Appendix 1 (or obtaining an alternative exemption from the CAA) may be flying in breach of Article 16 of the Air Navigation Order 2009 and be liable to prosecution. a specific exemption will be required. b) The aircraft shall not be flown for the purpose of public transport or aerial work. 52. e) The aircraft shall not remain in the United Kingdom pursuant to this exemption for a period of more than 28 days in any one visit. f) Prior to each visit to the UK. 6 Page 3 . without the prior permission of the CAA. the Civil Aviation Authority. Appendix 1. the aircraft owner shall provide to the CAA the information specified in Schedule 1 to this exemption. 6 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. limitations and restrictions applicable under the Permit to Fly or equivalent document issued by the State of Registry shall be observed. g) The owner of the aircraft shall ensure that the documents specified in Schedule 2 to this exemption are available for inspection by the CAA on demand when the aircraft is in the UK. 3 4 The exemption to Article 8 of the Air Navigation Order 2005 dated 29 March 2006 is hereby revoked This exemption shall have effect from the date hereof until revoked. subject to paragraph 2. hereby exempts. J Nicholas for the Civil Aviation Authority and the United Kingdom Dated 26 February 2010 21 February 2011 Section 2. in exercise of its powers under Article 242 of the Air Navigation Order 2009.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 to GC No. c) The aircraft shall be flown only in accordance with daytime Visual Flight Rules. Part 4. 29 March 2006. any home-built aircraft registered in a Member State of the European Civil Aviation Conference from the provisions of Article 16 of the said Order to the extent necessary to enable the aircraft to fly in accordance with the Permit to Fly or equivalent document issued by the State of Registry of the aircraft.) Air Navigation Order (2009) Exemption 1 Exemption for Foreign Registered Home-built Aircraft In order to facilitate over flight and visits to the UK by foreign registered home-built aircraft. town or settlement. d) The conditions. GC No. 2 Conditions of Exemption This exemption is granted subject to the following conditions: a) The aircraft shall not be flown over any assembly of persons or over any congested area of a city. Issue 4. GC No. Schedule 1. 30 November 2009 Section 2. Aviation House Gatwick Airport South West Sussex RH6 0YR UNITED KINGDOM Aircraft Registration Aircraft Type Intended date of entry to the UK Intended date of exit from the UK Name of Aircraft owner Address of Aircraft owner E-mail: an52exemption@caa.) Prior to each visit by a foreign registered home-built aircraft to the UK under the terms of the exemption provided with this GC the owner of the aircraft shall forward to the CAA the information specified in this Schedule 1 as set out below: Information required for foreign registered home-built aircraft exemption To: UK CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY Applications and Approvals Department Date of issue of Permit to Fly or equivalent document (as issued by the State of Registry) The date on which the Permit to Fly or equivalent document becomes invalid. 6 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. Part 4.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 1 to GC No. Issue 3. Important Note: The Permit or equivalent document must be valid for the full period of the visit. 6 Page 4 . 31 October 2008. • A valid Permit to Fly. GC No. Schedule 2. or equivalent document. Part 4.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Schedule 2 to GC No. 6 Page 5 . • A valid insurance certificate or document as appropriate. 6 (Previously issued as Airworthiness Notice No. 29 March 2006. Issue 1. as set out below. 52. for the aircraft issued by the State of Registry. 31 May 2011 Section 2. are available for inspection by the CAA on demand: • A valid registration document from the ECAC Member State.) Documents to be made available for inspection by the CAA Whenever a foreign registered home-built aircraft is visiting the UK under the terms of the exemption provided with this GC the owner of the aircraft shall ensure that the documents specified in this Schedule 2. and • A copy of the CAA's acknowledgement of having received the data specified in Schedule 1 to this GC. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK . propellers and equipment. Requirement or Concession was superseded or cancelled. engines. The date in the last column of the table is the date of the amendment to CAP 747 that each AAD.1 Requirements removed from Section 2. Separate tables are used for aircraft. Each table is arranged in alphabetical order of manufacturer. Part 1 Aircraft Type/Model Agusta A109 Agusta Bell 47 Agusta Bell 206 Agusta Bell 206 Agusta Bell 206 Apex Aircraft (Avions Pierre Robin) Apex Aircraft (Avions Pierre Robin) Apex Aircraft (Avions Pierre Robin) Apex Aircraft (Avions Pierre Robin) Apex Aircraft (Avions Pierre Robin) Ayres S2R Series BAe 146 BAe 146 Superseded/Cancelled by and date Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled June 2007 001-10-97 Rev 2 May 2005 002-02-87 Rev 3 May 2005 2005-0028 December 2005 2005-0027 December 2005 Cancelled June 2007 G-2005-0020 6 July 2005 G-2005-0020 6 July 2005 AAD Number 27-04-83 008-05-85 002-01-97 Rev 1 001-02-96 Rev 1 026-04-83 001-10-97 Rev 2 001-10-97 Rev 1 002-02-87 Rev 2 002-02-87 Rev 3 028-06-83 Rev 1 001-01-85 002-09-1984 009-12-1987 30 November 2009 Appendix 1 Page 1 .CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness Appendix 1 Requirements Removed CAA Airworthiness Directives and Mandatory Requirements removed from CAP 747 The requirements removed from this CAP are listed below. NOTE: The removal of the EASA ADs at Issue 3 of this publication is not recorded. 1 1. 3100 and 3200 BAe HP137 Jetstream Mk1. Jetstream Series 200.1 Aircraft (Continued) BAe 146-100. 200 and 300 Series Aircraft and Avro 146-RJ70.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. 3100 and 3200 G-2005-0002 12 January 2005 G-2004-0031 January 2005 G-2005-0018 6 July 2005 G-2005-0015 13 July 2005 Cancelled March 2006 2007-0058 01 March 2007 2007-0270 October 2007 2007-0271 October 2007 2007-0270 R1 November 2007 2007-0305 20 December 2007 2008-0092 May 2008 2008-0168 02 September 2008 2009-0070 April 2009 2009-0197 September 2009 G-2005-0031 October 2005 2007-0251 September 2007 Cancelled 28 November 2008 Cancelled 28 November 2008 G-2004-0029 20 December 2004 G-2005-0011 19 April 2005 G-2005-0012 20 April 2005 G-2006-0003 February 2006 007-06-2003 G-2004-0007 002-05-2001 008-04-83 Revision 1 002-09-96 003-07-95 044-09-89 G-2005-0015 G-2007-0270 015-10-98 G-2005-0019 015-08-91 G-2005-0002 002-06-2000 G-2004-0020 G-2005-0031 047-09-1989 021-04-1991 003-11-2002 006-11-2000 003-06-2003 006-02-2003 30 November 2009 Appendix 1 Page 2 . Jetstream Series 200. 3100 and 3200 BAe HP137 Jetstream Mk1. 3100 and 3200 BAe HP137 Jetstream Mk1. Jetstream Series 200. Jetstream Series 200. RJ85 and RJ100 BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe 146 and Avro 146-RJ BAe ATP Series Aircraft BAe ATP Series Aircraft BAe ATP Series Aircraft BAe ATP Series Aircraft BAe HP137 Jetstream Mk1. Jetstream Series 200. 3100 and 3200 BAe HP137 Jetstream Mark 1. Jetstream Series 200.121 Pup Aircraft Beech 60 Beech 200 Series Beech Series Bell 206 Bell 206 Bell 206 Bell 212 Bell 212 Bell 222 Boeing 747 Series Bolkow (Daimler Chrysler) 209 2009-0135 June 2009 2006-0087 April 2006 2006-0343 November 2006 2007-0074 March 2007 G-2005-0022 17 August 2005 G-2004-0023 22 September 2004 2007-0056 01 March 2007 G-2005-0005 February 2005 2006-0088 April 2006 2006-0131 May 2006 G-2005-0030 12 October 2005 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 2006-0173 June 2006 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled October 2005 G-2004-0029 G-2005-0011 G-2005-0010 G-2004-0024 002-05-97 007-04-2002 005-03-97 G-2004-0023 G-2005-0005 G-2004-0003 2060 PRE 80 006-11-79 007-11-79 Rev 3 085-11-78 Rev 1 002-01-97 Rev 1 001-02-96 Rev 1 0937 PRE 78 002-08-2000 003-07-87 023-04-83 017-06-80 011-12-82 30 November 2010 Appendix 1 Page 3 . 3100 and 3200 BAe Jetstream Series 3200 BAe Jetstream 4100 BAe Jetstream 4100 BAe Jetstream 4100 BAe Jetstream 4100 BAe Jetstream 4100 BAe Jetstream 4100 Beagle B.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1.1 Aircraft (Continued) BAe HP137 Jetstream Mk1. Jetstream Series 200. 3100 and 3200 BAe HP137 Jetstream Mark 1. DH83. BN2A. BN2B. and BN2T-4S Islander Series Britten-Norman: BN2. BN2T-4R. DH 80.1 Aircraft (Continued) Bombardier (De Havilland Canada) DHC-6 Twin Offer Bombardier (De Havilland Canada) DHC-7 Brantly (Hynes) Series Britten-Norman: BN2. DH 83. BN2B. DH 85. DH87A and DH87B De Havilland Support Ltd: DH84. DH90 De Havilland DH 60. BN2A. DH 87 DH 94 and Queen Bee . DH85. and BN2T-4S Islander Series. BN2T. BN2T-4R. DH 82. Douglas DC3 and Dakota Embraer Bandeirante EMB-110 Series Embraer Bandeirante EMB-110 Series Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 2006-0170 June 2006 G-2004-0014 R1 August 2005 2006-0143 June 2006 002-04-2002 R1 February 2005 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 2005-0031 December 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled September 2007 Cancelled September 2007 Cancelled February 2009 Refer to CAA AD 001/07/78 2007-0123 May 2007 Cancelled June 2007 012-12-82 001-11-81 0467 PRE 78 G-2004-0014 G-2005-0034 002-04-2002 042-09-89 Rev 1 012-08-78 Rev 3 003-11-79 004-11-79 Rev 1 002-04-2002 R1 005-11-79 Rev 1 004-09-90 002-02-2002 002-06-93 Rev 1 011-01-83 G-2005-0025 G-2005-0033 002-03-98 2854 Pre 80 001-08-97 Rev1 008-11-79 Rev 5 21 February 2011 Appendix 1 Page 4 . DH89A (all series). BN2T.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. BN2A-MkIII Trislander Series Cessna Cessna 300/400 Series Cessna 300/400 Series Cessna 404 Cessna 414A Cessna 421C Cessna 421C Cessna 425 Cessna 425 and 441 Christen Industries (Pitts) S-1 and S-2 Series Aircraft Dassault Falcon De Havilland Support Ltd: DH60 (all variants). CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. Enstrom 480B Eurocopter Deutschland BO 105 Eurocopter France AS 332 Eurocopter France AS 350 Eurocopter France AS 350 Eurocopter France AS 355 Eurocopter France AS 355 Eurocopter France SA 315B Eurocopter France SA 330 Puma Eurocopter France SA 341 Eurocopter France SA 365 Eurocopter France SE 3130.1 Aircraft (Continued) Embraer Bandeirante EMB-110 Series Enstrom Series Entsrom Series Enstrom F28 and 280 Enstrom F28A and 280 Enstrom 480. SE 313B. SA 313 B/C Eurocopter France SE 316 / SA 319 Alouette FFA AS 202 Bravo Series Gulfstream Aerospace 112 and 114 Gulfstream Aerospace G-159 Gulfstream American AA-1 Series and Gulfstream Aerospace AA-5 Series Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled June 2007 2006-0292 October 2006 2006-0172 R1 July 2006 2006-0290 October 2006 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 EASA AD 2010-0023 March 2010 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled December 2005 Cancelled June 2007 2005-0036 January 2006 010-02-81 Rev 3 002-03-85 Rev 1 002-11-86 007-12-83 Rev 1 001-07-85 G-2003-0002 010-12-82 012-04-82 002-10-2001 Rev 2 012-11-82 011-04-82 003-10-2001 Rev 2 009-11-82 010-11-82 011-11-82 013-11-82 008-11-82 034-06-83 005-12-90 017-03-90 Rev 1 006-09-87 0527 PRE 78 Rev 2 21 February 2011 Appendix 1 Page 5 . SA 3180. BN-2B and BN2T Islander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2.1 Aircraft (Continued) Hughes (Schweizer) 269 Series MD Helicopters Inc. BN-2A. BN-2A. BN-2B and BN2T Islander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2. BN-2B and BN2T Islander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2A Mk III Trislander Series Piper PA-28 and PA-32 Piper PA-28 and PA-32 Piper PA-28 and PA-32 Piper PA 31P Piper PA 31 and 31-325 Piper PA 31-350 Piper PA 36-375 PZL-104 Wilga Raytheon HS 125 and Hawker Series Raytheon HS 125 and Hawker Series Robinson R22 Series Robinson R44 Series 2006-0171 June 2006 G-2008-0005 R1 December 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled July 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 2005-0032 December 2005 2005-0034 January 2006 2005-0035 January 2006 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled June 2007 Cancelled October 2005 2006-0063 March 2006 2006-0062 March 2006 2006-0167 June 2006 2006-0166 June 2006 002-02-2000 Rev 1 G-2008-0005 008-11-93 010-07-80 010-10-91 0634 PRE 80 006-11-92 012-07-80 013-07-80 0665 PRE 80 001-08-98 001-05-2000 002-06-99 002-02-79 001-02-79 091-11-78 Rev 1 012-03-81 009-04-84 014-08-90 1609 PRE 80 002-10-94 003-10-94 Rev 1 21 February 2011 Appendix 1 Page 6 . (MDH): MD900 (902 configuration) Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. BN-2A. BN-2A. BN-2B and BN2T Islander Series Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2. CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. SD3-60. January 2007 2007-0107 April 2007 Cancelled June 2007 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 2009-0013 February 2009 G-2005-0004 18 January 2005 Combined with AESL and Glos Air Airtourer page June 2005 009-06-2003 0434 PRE 80 G-2004-0021 R1 Short Brothers SD3-30. SD3-Sherpa and SD3-60 Sherpa G-2004-0032 G-2005-0021 G-2004-0005 G-2005-0013 003-03-83 004-03-94 005-05-87 006-02-96 007-08-96 012-01-97 013-11-85 014-01-93 015-03-94 001-12-2002 002-08-2001 Short Brothers SD3-60 Short Brothers SD3-60 Short Brothers SD3-60 Short Brothers SD3-60 Socata TB Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Slingsby T67 Series Victa Airtourer 100 and 115 21 February 2011 Appendix 1 Page 7 .1 Aircraft (Continued) Short Brothers plc: DC3-60 Short Brothers plc: SC7 Skyvan Series 3. 3A and 3M G-2005-0013 24 May 2005 2006-0190 31 July 2006 2006-0198 July 2006 G-2005-0013 June 2005 G-2006-0001 January 2006 G-2004-0005 Cor. 527B.2 Engines Type/Model General Electric Engines Pratt & Whitney Engines Pratt & Whitney Engines Pratt & Whitney Engines Rolls-Royce Avon . 527B. 525B. . 527 527B.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. 527 527B and . 531B. 531B Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 524C. 531B. 525B. 532R-B and 533R Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 532R-B and 533R Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 525B. January 2005 G-2005-0003 24 January 2005 G-2003-0011 1 October 2003 G-2005-0008 8 March 2005 AAD Number 001-02-99 004-10-97 002-01-98 Rev 1 003-06-95 0238 PRE 80 0239 PRE 80 0244 PRE 80 0245 PRE 80 0241 PRE 80 0242 PRE 80 0240 PRE 80 0237 PRE 80 0243 PRE 80 003-12-99 008-03-97 G-2003-0006 004-01-2000 005-07-1995 006-04-2002 30 November 2009 Appendix 1 Page 8 .All Marks Rolls-Royce Avon . 525B and 525C. 525C. 525B. 524C. 531B. 531B. 524C. 525C. 524C. 527B. 532R-B and 533R Rolls-Royce RB211 Rolls-Royce RB211 Rolls-Royce RB211-22B Rolls-Royce RB211-22B Rolls-Royce RB211-524 Rolls-Royce RB211-524 Superseded/Cancelled by and date 2004-0007 February 2005 2008-0008 R1 February 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 Cancelled 1 December 2004 G-2004-0027 19 November 2004 2009-0219-CN 19 October 2009 G-2003-0006 Cor. 532R-B and 533R Rolls-Royce Avon 531B.Compliance required as called for in Alert Service Bulletin Av 72-381 Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 532R-B and 533R Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 532R-B and 533R (Caravelle installations) Rolls-Royce Avon 524B. 531B. 525B and 525C (Comet installations) and Avon 527B. 772B-60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. 772-60. 892B and 895 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875-17 877-17 884-17 . 17 892. -535E4.2 Engines (Continued) Rolls Royce RB211-524 Rolls-Royce RB211-524. 772B60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. . 895 . . 772B60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. -535C Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 500 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 500 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 500 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 500 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. 772-60. 892B. 772-60. 877 884. 884B.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1. 892. Rolls-Royce Tay 650 Rolls-Royce Tay 650-15 Rolls-Royce Tyne 522 G-2006-0002 Cor. . 884B-17 892-17 892B-17 895-17 . Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875. . October 2005 G-2005-0007 R1 Cor. . 772B60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875-17 877-17 884-17 . 772B60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 768-60. 895 . . 877 884. . 884B-17 892-17 892B-17 and 895-17 . January 2006 2009-0103 May 2009 G-2004-0010 8 April 2004 G-2004-0016 29 June 2004 G-2004-0008 29 April 2004 Cancelled 30 June 2004 2006-0239 9 August 2006 2007-0003 January 2007 G-2005-0016 R1 October 2005 2005-0024 October 2005 2007-0206 August 2007 2006-0355 December 2006 G-2004-0030 January 2005 2009-0071 April 2009 Cancelled 22 March 2005 Cancelled 8 December 2004 Cancelled September 2009 G-2006-0002 G-2005-0028 G-2005-0007 G-2005-0029 G-2005-0007 R1 G-2005-0029 G-2003-0014 G-2003-0016 001-02-2001 and G-2003-0015 001-05-2003 002-08-2002 002-01-2003 G-2005-0016 G-2005-0016 R1 G-2004-0010 G-2004-0016 G-2004-0015 G-2004-0009 004-07-99 001-01-2002 025-04-89 29 February 2012 Appendix 1 Page 9 . 772-60. 772-60. 884B-17 892-17 892B-17 895-17 . 884B. 877 884. . Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875. February 2006 G-2005-0028 R1 October 2005 G-2005-0007 R1 July 2005 G-2005-0029 Cor. . Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875-17 877-17 884-17 . 772B-60 Rolls-Royce RB211 Trent 875. . 17 892. 892B. . 772-60. . -F/26 and -F/27 Dowty Propellers: R408/6-123-F/17 Superseded by / Cancelled and date FAA AD 93-06-06 February 2012 G-2005-0027 8 September 2005 2009-0147 July 2009 2009-0005 30 January 2009 2007-0208-CN 8 August 2007 AD Number 004-05-91 003-11-2001 G-2005-0027 006-10-99 007-05-2000 1. Piper aircraft no. TB201-TB-W.135) Superseded by / Cancelled and date Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled October 2005 Cancelled April 2008 Cancelled April 2008 2006-0269 September 2006 ANO 2005 Amdt 1/2007 April 2007 G-2008-0001 January 2008 2006-0265 September 2006 2006-0274 September 2006 AAD Number 009-07-80 005-02-2000 Rev 2 Cory Connectors P/N CAMA 11W1P 005-12-85 Fairey Hydraulics applicable to all Pilatus BrittenNorman BN-2A.2 Engines (Continued) Teledyne Continental Motors Engines 2004-0006 February 2005 004-06-2000 Rev 1 1.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 1.3 Propellers Type/Model British Aerospace/Hamilton Standard Propellers: 6/5500/F-1. S1824-1 or S2160-1 005-03-86 001-01-2003 001-05-99 G-2003-0010 002-12-99 Rev 2 001-09-96 29 February 2012 Appendix 1 Page 10 .170) Fairey Hydraulics applicable to all Pilatus BrittenNorman BN-2A Mark III Series Trislander (SB. B206 . 47664-07 Grumman Part No. and Cessna Part No. fitted to BAe. TA201TBW. BN-2B and BN-2T Series aircraft (SB.ATP aircraft Dowty Propellers: R334/4-82-F/13 Dowty Propellers: R334/4-82-F/13 Dowty Propellers: R389/4-123-F/25.173) Honeywell MST 67A Mode ‘S’ transponders Installation of Helicopter Health and Usage Monitoring System Lindstrand Balloons Ltd: Fuel Hoses Mode ‘C’ or Mode ‘S’ transponder system(s) using Gilham code altitude input Switches.4 Equipment Type/Model AP Precision Hydraulics applicable to all Pilatus Britten-Norman BN-2 and BN-2A aircraft (SB. Carling Part No. 500 lb) Airborne ILS (Localiser) VOR and VHF Communications Receivers Improved FM Broadcast Interference Immunity Standards Continuing Structural Integrity of Aeroplanes Operated for the Purposes of Public Transport Fuel Tank Safety Review Date of Cancellation September 2005 October 2005 June 2007 August 2005 4 Requirements removed from Section 2. Part 3 Cancelled Generic Requirements GR No. Part 4 Cancelled Generic Concessions None at present. 1 5 7 12 Title Unprotected Starter Circuits In Aircraft Not Exceeding 5700 kg (12. 30 November 2009 Appendix 1 Page 11 . 3 Requirements removed from Section 2. Part 2 None at present.CAP 747 Mandatory Requirements for Airworthiness 2 Requirements removed from Section 2. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK .
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