Canon iR1018-1019-1022-1023 Series Portable Manual
Portable ManualiR1018/1019/1022/1023 Series Sep 22 2006 Application This manual has been issued by Canon Inc. for qualified persons to learn technical theory, installation, maintenance, and repair of products. This manual covers all localities where the products are sold. For this reason, there may be information in this manual that does not apply to your locality. Corrections This manual may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors due to improvements or changes in products. When changes occur in applicable products or in the contents of this manual, Canon will release technical information as the need arises. In the event of major changes in the contents of this manual over a long or short period, Canon will issue a new edition of this manual. The following paragraph does not apply to any countries where such provisions are inconsistent with local law. Trademarks The product names and company names used in this manual are the registered trademarks of the individual companies. Copyright This manual is copyrighted with all rights reserved. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, reproduced or translated into another language, in whole or in part, without the written consent of Canon Inc. COPYRIGHT © 2001 CANON INC. Printed in Japan Caution Use of this manual should be strictly supervised to avoid disclosure of confidential information. Introduction Symbols Used This documentation uses the following symbols to indicate special information: Symbol Description Indicates an item of a non-specific nature, possibly classified as Note, Caution, or Warning. Indicates an item requiring care to avoid electric shocks. Indicates an item requiring care to avoid combustion (fire). Indicates an item prohibiting disassembly to avoid electric shocks or problems. Indicates an item requiring disconnection of the power plug from the electric outlet. Indicates an item intended to provide notes assisting the understanding of the topic in question. Memo Indicates an item of reference assisting the understanding of the topic in question. REF. Provides a description of a service mode. Provides a description of the nature of an error indication. 2. and major changes will be communicated in the form of Service Information bulletins. which results in supplying the machine with power. Therefore. '1'is used to indicate that the voltage level of a given signal is "High".(The voltage value. the operations of the microprocessors used in the machines are not discussed: they are explained in terms of from sensors to the input of the DC controller PCB and from the output of the DC controller PCB to the loads.) In addition. while '0' is used to indicate "Low". differs from circuit to circuit. In practically all cases. In the diagrams. the asterisk (*) as in "DRMD*" indicates that the DRMD signal goes on when '0'. the arrow indicates the direction of the electric signal. closing the front door." . the internal mechanisms of a microprocessor cannot be checked in the field. In the digital circuits. however. represents the path of mechanical drive. where a signal name accompanies the symbol . The descriptions in this Service Manual are subject to change without notice for product improvement or other purposes. All service persons are expected to have a good understanding of the contents of this Service Manual and all relevant Service Information bulletins and be able to identify and isolate faults in the machine.Introduction The following rules apply throughout this Service Manual: 1. The expression "turn on the power" means flipping on the power switch. and closing the delivery unit door. Each chapter contains sections explaining the purpose of specific functions and the relationship between electrical and mechanical systems with reference to the timing of operation. . .......................1COMMON SETTINGS ....................................2Jam Codes (ADF) ............................4 2........................................1 Fax System Service Mode .........................15 4........1Procedure after Replacing the Image Processor PCB ............1 1..........................................................................................2COPY SETTINGS........................................................1....................................................................1Jam Codes (Main body)...........................................................................................................................................................................2...........................................11 4...........................7 3..........1 User Mode Items............................8 3............................................4ADDRESS BOOK SET..........3 2..4 Chapter 3 Error Code 3..2Procedure after Replacing the Copyboard Glass (if equipped with SEND functions) ............................................................................................................................................................3....................................................3........................................................................................11 4.............................1 1.........19 ..................................1.2.....................11 4.........................4 2....................2............................1 1..............................................................................................................1Image parallelism adjustment ..................6TIMER SETTINGS ..........7ADJUST..............................................................................3TX/RX SETTINGS ........................................................1 1.........................12 4......................................14 4............1..........1Periodeical Service Items .....................................................1Error Code Details .............................14 4................2 Durables and Consumables..1 Periodically Replaced Parts ..........................4 2.....................................1Procedure after Replacing the CS .....................8 3.........................................................................................................................................................................................................2 Jam Code...........................................................................1..........1Periodically Replaced Parts ...............Contents Contents Chapter 1 Maintenance and Inspection 1.1 Image Adjustments......................................................................15 4.............................................2...3 2.........................................................1 1.................15 Chapter 5 Service Mode 5................5PRINTER SETTINGS .......................................................7 3.............................................9SYSTEM SETTINGS ...3 Scheduled Servicing Basic Procedure ...........................................1 Error Code Details ....................................................................................................................................................................................................1...........................................................................................................1......3 Electrical Components .......................................................................1........................................8REPORT SETTINGS ................................3....2.............................................2 Scanning System ........................................................................................................................................................4 2......................................................... ...1...........................................................1..................................................................1..................1.....12 4.......................................................2Actions to Take before All Clearing (Backing up the User Data) ...................1 Chapter 2 Standards and Adjustments 2....................................8 Chapter 4 User Mode Items 4......................................................................................4 2..........................................................................1.......................................................................................................................1Durables ............./CLEANING.................................................................................................................................... ....... 21 5....... 25 5.................................................... 20 5...................6 <033: Vertical scan magnification correction>............................................1............. 31 .................1... 19 5.......................4....... 25 5.....1 Outline......................................... 25 5.............................2.............................. 26 5..1................005 NL equalizer> ....................... 29 5...3............2 SSSW-SW01 ...............3 SSSW-SW03 ...............................................................1.........1. 26 5.......3.................21 low-speed flag preamble identification length>.......4 <006: NCC pause length (post-ID code)>.................................................................1............................15 <027: V.......................1....... 30 5............................................................1............4 <031: Vertical scan start position adjustment> ............................1.........1................... 19 5............................................................................4 <No......................3.............3 <026:Distance from the standby position of CIS to the shading start point> ................ 26 5... 19 5...5 <010: line connection identification length>.........3..................................................3.................................................1........................................................1....2...............................4............. 30 5............ 23 5............................................................1.................................8 <035: ................30 T1 timer (for reception)> .........................1................................4...................11 SSSW-SW34 ...................1 Numerical Parameter Composition ....1.........7 <013: T............3.....) .................. 24 5.... 29 5.............1.................................... 26 5......................1..........................................1.....1...1... 23 5...1..................1.................................1........................................................... 31 5......4 SSSW-SW04 ...........2.............1................................1...................7 SSSW-SW13 ............................................010 Frequency of the pseudo CI signal>........................... 26 5.....1......................................................................................................................................4 Scanner Function Settings (SCANNER).............. 25 5.............2 <002: RTN transmission condition (1)><003: RTN transmission condition (2)><004: RTN transmission condition (3)>..... 24 5....................................................................7 <034: Horizontal scan magnification correction> ..1...................9 SSSW-SW28 .....................................................1.......... 26 5..................................................4.................................. 20 5.................1......................34 modulation speed upper limit> ....................................3 Numeric Parameter Settings (NUMERIC Param.. 22 5....4..................1.............................................3......................... 24 5.............1..........................................................008 V......................................................... 26 5..........1....................1................1.......1..............8 SSSW-SW14 .......................................... 24 5.......4............................6 <011: T.........3...............34 data speed upper limit> ...........................2 <024:CIS scan position during ADF scanning> .........................3....................1............................1 Numeric Parameter Functional configuration ........4...................................................Contents 5...................................................................... 26 5.................3.3............... 30 5.....................................................................3............ 26 5.......10 SSSW-SW30 ........................12 <023: CNG detention level for fax/tel switchover> ....................1...........................1.036:Reader motor speed change> ................. 22 5.........................................1................13 <024: pseudo RBT transmission level at time of fax/tel switchover> ........................................1..................................3... 26 5........................9 <016: time length to first response at time of fax/tel switchover> .............1.............................1......................................................... 25 5..................1..................1...............1.......11 <020: pseudo CI signal pattern ON time length><021: pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (short)><022: pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (long)> ...................................................1...1................................................................ 26 5......... 19 5..................1............................. 21 5.........................................................3...........1............ 26 5..........................5 SSSW-SW05 .........2...........................................1.........30 EOL timer>................................... 24 5...........1...........................8 <015: hooking detection time>.2................3 <No..... 31 5........ 30 5..............................3...............................007 ATT transmission level> .....16 <056 .............................6 <No.006 telephone line monitor> ..................................1............. 24 5..........2 <No.............................................................3 <005: NCC pause length (pre-ID code)> ..........4.......................2 Menu Switch Settings (MENU).......2................................................................................................1...... 25 5............................009 V...................................1 Menu Switch Composition ..........................3.................061: Count type select >.................6 SSSW-SW12 ..........................1 Service Soft Switch Settings (SSSW) ...1.........................10 <017: pseudo RBT signal pattern ON time length><018: pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (short)><019: pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (long)> ....5 <No...........................5 <032: Horizontal scan start position adjustment>...............................................7 <No.....................................14 <025: Answering machine connection function signal detection time>.......2..........1......................1..........................1........ 24 5......... ..................13 Test Mode (TEST MODE)................................................4....................................4................1 D-RAM Test<(1) D-RAM TEST> ...................44 5............................6 Registration of Accessories (ACC) ...............................................5 Error Log List ............................1 Counters...............................1...17 <054: Pickup motor speed correction (when the ADF is used) > .....1..........................................................4..............4....5................1...............5......43 5...............1.2 Scan Test ((2) SCAN TEST).............44 5...................................3 Print Test ((3) PRINT TEST)..........31 5.....................1....1.................................32 5..........1..........................1..........................................19 <194: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR misidentification-ready>.........1...............1............................................4..........................................10 Data Initialization Mode (CLEAR) ......................8......1....18 <193: ADF special standard-sized paper: LGL misidentification-ready>...............................8 Report Output (REPORT) .....1 Accessory Registration ........1................................8.36 5...32 5........40 5...4........................10 <042: Horizontal scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> ...........................1...........1...................................1....................9....................4.......................4 Counter List ..............34 5................1.................31 5...................................................................................44 5....................1................1..........................................2 Numeric Parameter Settings (NUMERIC Param............................................1......................40 5....45 5............44 5............8...8............1...............................................................31 5.........45 5...36 5.......................10....................38 5................................................6......................................................................1......................................................................1......................................................38 5.1 Service Soft Switch Settings ..................................................1.....36 5..21 <213: XYZ correction value (X) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions)..................32 5...............................................1 Clear.......................1..........12 <044: Horizontal scan end position correction (superfine:scanning on ADF)>.....32 5........................................................................................1 Error Display ......31 5.........................................1.........................................................12 Display of ROM Information (ROM) ...................................45 5....31 5.....................31 5....................................................................................) ............................4.11 <043: Horizontal scan end position correction ((copy:scanning on ADF)> .........31 5..............32 5..................1...11....9 <041: Vertical scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> 31 5.......1...........................................32 5...13.......13..3 System Dump List......31 5..........1.....2 System Data List..................................Contents 5...................................1...................1........38 5............4......1.................11 Error Display (ERROR DISPLAY) ...........................................................................................13 <045: Horizontal scan end position correction (fine:scanning on ADF)>................2 Clearing Counters.....................................................4.......................7 Service Label.........................................................12..................1.........................................................................4 MODEM Test ((4) MODEM TEST) .........................................................................................1..........1......8.................9 Download (DOWNLOAD) ..................................................................46 5...........................................1...............13..5 Printer Function Settings (PRINTER) .....................45 5.4.............................................................13..........................................................................4................13..................1......1...........................................42 5....4...................1 ROM display .........15 <047: Vertical scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> 31 5....................................4.......................5 FUNCTION TEST <(6) FUNCTION TEST> ......................48 ................................................20 <195: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR_R misidentification-ready> .............16 <048: Horizontal scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> ..44 5............23 <215: XYZ correction value (Z) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions) .1.............44 5..8...................................36 5.........................................1........................32 5....................1...............................8........1...............................6 Spec List...........1 Download .......................................................................14 <046: Horizontal scan end position correction (standard:scanning on ADF)> .................................1...........7......44 5............................................................38 5....................................................................................................1.........7.................................4......................................................................7 Display of Counter Information (COUNTER) ....................1............................1...............22 <214: XYZ correction value (Y) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions)...36 5......................................44 5.......................................................................1 Report Output ..... .. 62 7................................................................................ 52 Chapter 6 Outline of Components 6.................... 69 7.................1.....1..........................4..................1List of PCBs ........................................................................................................................................2Functional Block Diagram.............1Functional Construction .......................................4....3 Product Specifications......1................................................... 54 6........................................ Heaters....................................7Relay PCB.................................................................... 64 7...........................................................1..................................................................... 62 7..................................................................3Fax Specifications ....................................4 PCBs ..................................................................1 Clutch/Solenoid ..1........................1.................................................................................................... 62 7.........................................................2Overview of Service Support Tool.............1........................2ADF Specifications......................................6 Roller cleaning mode ((0) ROLLER CLEAN).............................. 62 7.............................................................................................3.............................. 55 6..............................1......2.................. 60 7............ 68 7............................................................................................. 55 6........................................................ 53 6................................................1 Construction ....2 System Construction ...............................4DC Controller PCB.....................................................1System Configuration ............................. 73 8. 59 7............................................................. 67 7............................... 62 7.......................................... 62 7.............................................1 Upgrading.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 70 Chapter 8 Upgrading 8..............................................12Modem PCB (if equipped with fax functions).............................................................. and Others .................................................................................................................4 Function List.....2 Sensor.4......... 70 7................................................................................................................................................2........................1List of Lamps.........................................3 Lamps.............................2Print Speed (iR1022/1022A/1022F/1022i/1022iF/1022J/1022N/iR1023/1023N/1023iF).3.....................4......... 53 6.........................................................................................................................................11Modular Jack PCB (if equipped with fax functions) ........................................5Analog Processor PCB ..........Contents 5.................................. 57 Chapter 7 System Construction 7............................. 60 7.....................9NCU PCB (if equipped with fax functions) ..........................6Power Supply PCB .............................. 57 6.................................1List of Clutches/Solenoids/Motors/Fans .....................................................................................13........................................................1.......... 64 7............1...........................................................1............................ and Others ....3Image Processor PCB....................3Types of Paper ..................................................... 73 ....................1...................................................10Network PCB (if equipped with network functions)................................................................. 54 6............................................................... 62 7.......................................................................................................................... 59 7........................................................................................... 62 7...............1List of Sensors ..................3.....................................................................................1Product Specifications.......................................3...................1.................................... 67 7.......................................................1Print Speed (iR1018/iR1018J/1019/iR1019J)) .............1......................................................... Heaters................................................. 73 8.............. 69 7........................................................................ 68 7............................................................................................................................................................................1.....................1..1Overview of Upgrade...................................... 61 7.............8Control Panel PCB............. 1 Durables / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The machine does not have durables.1.1 Periodically Replaced Parts / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The machine does not have parts that require periodical replacement. 0013-1260 1.3.1 Periodeical Service Items / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The machine does not have periodecal service items.3 Scheduled Servicing Basic Procedure 1.2 Durables and Consumables 1. 0013-1262 1 . 0013-1259 1.1 Periodically Replaced Parts 1.2.Chapter 1 Chapter 1 Maintenance and Inspection 1. . Change the spring hooking positions in reference to the table below. load it in the ADF.1 Image Adjustments 2. Test Sheet 10mm 10mm 0014-5881 -1 0 +1 Rear -1 0 +1 (feeding direction) 10mm F-2-1 2) Compare the lines at the end of the test chart with those on the copy for parallelism. and make a copy of it. increase the setting value. B F-2-4 -If the B-side image (at the back of the host machine) is short (shrunken).) 5 -1 1 -If the A-side image (at the front of the host machine) is short (shrunken). the spring position "0"at the back of the host machine and the spring position "-1"at the front of the host machine are not shown in this document because they are the same as the spring position "+1"at the back of the host machine and the spring position "0t the front of the host machine respectively. There are five types of spring hooking positions. 0.1. (One step = Approx.6 mm) T-2-1 Settings Spring positions at the back of host machine +1 +1 0 -1 -1 Spring positions at the front of host machine -1 0 0 0 1 Correction of image A (The A-side extends. A (feeding direction) B F-2-5 3 .) 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 5 Correction of image B (The B-side extends. reduce the setting value. For example. Standard: A-B within ±1.1 Image parallelism adjustment / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 1) Create a test chart. (They are adjustable in five steps. 0.Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Standards and Adjustments 2.7 mm Test Sheet A 10mm Front F-2-3 Rear side (feeding direction) 1) Check the current hooking positions of the left and right springs of the registration roller.6 mm) T-2-2 Settings Spring Spring positions positions at at the front of the back of host machine host machine +1 +1 0 -1 -1 0 0 0 B Front side F-2-2 <Adjustment method> This machine allows parallelism between the leading and trailing edges of the image to be adjusted by changing the positions where the front and rear springs of the registration unit are hooked. Measure dimensions A and B at the end of the copy and adjust the amount of skew (the range shown in the table) to within the spec. A (feeding direction) MEMO: Parallelism varies depending on the difference in the spring pressure between the front and rear springs. One step = Approx. Correction value (X): Service mode>#SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC>No.Input the all value printed on the service label affixed to the rear cover. . 9) Open My Computer on the PC to check that the "Removal Disk" icon is displayed.3.215 Also. 5) Press the following keys to display "SW003".1 Procedure after Replacing the Image Processor PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1270 If you have replaced the image processor PCB with a new one. and then press the OK. Perform the following procedure: Clean the platen guide of the DADF and the document glass of the host machine.213 Correction value (Y): Service mode>#SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC>No. 5) Press the [3] key to display "SHEET POS ADJ". and then press the OK. Additional functions key > 2 key > 8 key > Additional functions key 3) Select "#SYSTEM" using the arrow key. 3) Press [OK]." # > 0 key > 3 key Message: #SYSTEM SW003 00001000 6) Position the cursor at Bit-6 (second from left) using the arrow key. the contact sensor output is compensated and parameters are set automatically. Several seconds later. 2 key. and Additional functions key on the operation panel. automatic adjustment of the reading position finishes and "OK" appears. Z) of the standard white plate which are indicated on the back of the new copyboard glass in the service mode. If Bit-6 is not set to "1". 8) Turn off the main power switch. "OK" is displayed. *1: if equiped with PCL functions. 4 . 6) Press [OK]. . 2) Press the arrow key on the touch panel to display "TEST MODE". 4) Press the [2] key to display "SCAN TEST". Sequentially press the Additional functions key. Make the following adjustments: . Have them on hand. Message: #SYSTEM SW004 00000000 8) Press the Reset key to exit the service mode.2. 9) Turn off the main power switch. press the Reset key to exit the service mode. 15) Disconnect the USB cable from this machine. Check that "SW003" changes to "SW004". enter the correction values (X.3 Electrical Components 2.Using the service support tool. 4) Select "#SYSTEM SW" using the arrow key. "NG" appears. Exporting user data" to make sure that the user data has been loaded into the machine properly. 5) Press the [1] key to display "SHADING". 11) Open My Computer on the PC to check that the "Removable Disk" icon is displayed. 3) Press [OK]. 12) Disconnect the USB cable from the machine. 10) Start the PC and connect it to this machine with a USB cable. Message: #SYSTEM SW004 00000000 7) Press the Reset key to exit the service mode. .abk and user_data. # > 0 key > 3 key Message: #SYSTEM SW003 00001000 5) Check that Bit-6 (second from left) is set to set to "1". and then retry auto adjustment. a.Chapter 2 2. and Additional functions key on the operation panel.2 Scanning System 2. After completion of automatic adjustment. 8 key. Sequentially press the Additional functions key. 8 key.dat) onto the Desktop.Correction of output between CIS channels 1) Enter the service mode. 11) Write the user data (address_book. 6) Press [OK]. position the cursor at this bit using the arrow key and then press the 1 key.3. 13) Turn off the main power switch of the machine. and then turn it on again. 3) Press [OK]. Message: #SYSTEM SW003 01001000 7) Press the OK key.Read position adjustment (Stream reading: Only when the ADF is installed) 1) Enter the service mode. 820686679349 correcton va l u e ( X ) correcton va l u e ( Y ) F-2-6 correcton va l u e ( Z ) 2. 14) Perform steps 1) to 4) again to reset Bit-6 of "SW003" to "0". 16) Check the user data list output as described in "a. download the latest firmware (System/Boot/ PCL*1) and language files. 2 key. and then press the OK. 13) Close the window on the Desktop. 5) Press the following keys to display "SW003. 2.Performing the all-clear operation in the service mode (#CLEAR > ALL) erases/initializes the user data such as address data and user mode settings. and then copy the user data (address_book. 2) Press the arrow key on the touch panel to display "TEST MODE". b. rewrite the values on the service label. If automatic adjustment fails.1 Procedure after Replacing the CS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1269 2.2 Actions to Take before All Clearing (Backing up the User Data) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1271 After replacing the contact sensor (CS). repeat the above procedure starting with step 1. Be sure to back up the user data with the data export function before starting the all-clear operation. 4) Press the [2] key to display "SCAN TEST". 15) Press the OK key. and then load the user data with tbe data import function.abk and user_data.2. Sequentially press the Additional functions key. a PC and a USB cable are required. 14) Turn off the main power switch of this machine. and then press the 1 key. 6) Press [OK]. Exporting user data 1) Output a user data list in the following user mode.214 Correction value (Z): Service mode>#SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC>No.dat) copied onto the Desktop as described in "a.2 Procedure after Replacing the Copyboard Glass (if equipped with SEND functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-9587 After replacing the copyboard glass. 12) Double-click the "Removable Disk" icon. After completion of automatic adjustment. Check that "SW003" changes to "SW004". 4) Press the [2] key to display "SCAN TEST". Exporting user data" over the removable disk. 4) Select "#SYSTEM SW" using the arrow key. Importing user data 1) Press the flowing keys to enter the service mode. perform the following operations: . "OK" is displayed. After completion of the above procedure. Additional functions key > Report Setting > Plint List > User Data List 2) Press the following keys to enter the service mode. 2 key. The optical system starts scanning. After completion of the above procedure. When "SW003" changes to "SW004". and then press the OK. If the "Removable Disk" icon is not displayed. Additional functions key > 2 key > 8 key > Additional functions key 2) Select "#SYSTEM" using the arrow key. 5) Press the [1] key to display "SHADING". Y. and Additional functions key on the operation panel. the contact sensor output is compensated and parameters are set automatically. Message: #SYSTEM SW003 01001000 6) Press the OK key. 8 key. and then turn it on again.To export and import user data. 2) Press the arrow key on the touch panel to display "TEST MODE". . go through the following steps to perform inter-channel output correction: 1) Enter the service mode. Chapter 2 5 . . detection of normal connection to the optional cassette. E100 0000 BD detection PCB failure The BD detection PCB is faulty. .Replace the DC controller PCB.Check the connector of the waster toner full sensor. . . 0001 Abnormally high temperature (detected by sub thermistor) The sub thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature (300 deg C) during temperature control.Check the connector of the fixing film unit.Replace the PCL PCB.Check the connector of the main motor.Replace the DC controller PCB.Replace the DC controller PCB. . .Chapter 3 Chapter 3 Error Code 3. The target temperature is not reached during temperature control. .Replace the fixing film unit. E196 0001 Flash ROM write/read error The write/read of Flash ROM in the image processor PCB is faulty. .Replace the DC controller PCB.Check the connectors of the optional cassette PCB and DC controller PCB.Replace the fixing film unit.Check the fixing film connector. . Replace the drum unit . .Replace the DC controller PCB. 7 .1 Error Code Details / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-3-1 Display Code E000 Detail Code 0000 Main Cause/Symptom Startup error The temperature detected by the main or sub thermistor does not rise to the specified value during startup control.1.Replace the DC controller PCB. .Check the connectors of the DC controller PCB and image image processor PCB was detected. .Check the connector of the fixing film unit.Check the connector of the BD detection PCB.Replace the DC controller PCB. 0002 PCL ROM write/read error The write/read of PCL ROM in the image processor PCB is faulty.Replace the DC controller PCB for normal connection. . .Check the connector of the fixing film unit. Waster toner full detection sensor is faulty.Check the connector of the fixing film unit. The waste toner full state was detected continuously for five or . it does not reach the specified value during initial rotation. .Replace the fixing film unit. . . . . E003 0000 Abnormally low temperature (detected by main thermistor) After the temperature detected by the main thermistor has reached the specified value.Replace the main motor. . . .Replace the fixing film unit. E010 0000 Main motor failure The main motor is faulty. 0001 Abnormally low temperature (detected by sub thermistor) After the temperature detected by the sub thermistor has reached the specified value. more seconds while the main motor was turning.1 Error Code Details 3. . . and start of communication.Replace the image processor PCB.Replace the laser scanner unit. .Check the connector of the fixing film unit.Replace the image processor PCB. .Replace the DC controller PCB.Replace the DC controller PCB.Replace the waste toner full sensor. . Countermeasure 0013-1429 E019 0000 0001 Waste toner full detection The waste toner full state was detected.Replace the fixing film unit. E001 0000 Abnormally high temperature (detected by main thermistor) The main thermistor detected an abnormally high temperature . . processor PCB. . it does not reach the specified value during initial rotation.Replace the DC controller PCB.Replace the optional cassette PCB for normal connection. . E716 0000 Erroneous communication with optional cassette Disconnection of the optional cassette was detected after power-on. . E197 0000 Printer engine communication error Erroneous communication between the DC controller PCB and . . E002 0000 Low temperature during temperature control. .Replace the image processor PCB. (235 deg C) during temperature control.Replace the fixing film unit. Check the connectors of the serial PCB and coin vendor for normal connection. . SR11.Disconnection from the card reader has been detected since communication started after confirmation of normal connection to the card reader (after power-on).Disconnection from the coin vendor has been detected since communication started after confirmation of normal connection to the coin vendor (after power-on). 0013-1433 0208 010c 0210 Pickup Stationary Jam Delivery Sensor Delay Jam Delivery Sensor Stationary Jam SR11 SR5 SR5 0214 021c 1118 Stationary jam in machine Wound Paper Jam at Fuser Door open jam SR5. SR2003.Check the connectors of the image processor PCB and LAN PCB for normal connection. . .Replace the image processor PCB. . .Check the connectors of the DC controller PCB and image processor PCB for normal connection.Replace the card reader for normal connection.) .Check the connectors of the image processor PCB and modem.A serial communication error has occurred.Replace the serial PCB. SR9. . .Replace the image processor PCB. After the registration sensor (SR11) has detected the trailing edge of paper. the delivery sensor (SR5) does not detect the leading edge of paper within a specific period of time. the registration sensor (SR11) does not detect the leading edge of paper within a specific period of time. The delivery sensor (SR5) has detected absence of paper within the prescribed time after it detected presence of paper.Replace the fixing film unit. . . . .The delivery sensor cannot detect absence of paper within the specified time after turning off of the registration clutch.A serial communication error has occurred.Replace the LAN PCB.The heater does not turn on. . .2 Jam Codes (ADF) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-3-3 Code 0000 0007 Name Unknown jam Initial stationary Sensor No. 0001 Erroneous communication with coin vendor (serial communication) . . 3. .Check the connector of the fixing film unit.Check the connection between the image processor PCB and serial PCB.The delivery sensor cannot detect absence of paper within the specified time after the sensor detected the leading edge of paper. Or after the duplex drive solenoid (SL1) is on. .2. . . (The serial communication error cannot be recovered.) . the registration sensor (SR11) does not detect the leading edge of paper within a specific period of time.Replace the DC controller PCB. . . SR11 Description After execution of a pickup retry. E805 0000 Fan failure The fan is faulty.2.Replace the image processor PCB.Replace the power supply PCB. SR2002.Replace the DC controller PCB. SR11 SR5.Replace the DC controller PCB or image processor PCB. SR2004 Description Other errors Paper is detected in the transport path before the ADF starts initial operation. . . .2 Jam Code 3.Replace the fan.Check the coin vendor. After the registration sensor (SR11) has detected the leading edge of paper. E808 0000 Fixing drive circuit failure . Erroneous communication between controller and printer Cannot communicate with the printer at startup.Check the fan connector. The door was opened when there was printing paper in the transport path. SW2 3. . .Chapter 3 Display Code E719 Detail Code 0000 Main Cause/Symptom Countermeasure Erroneous communication with card reader (serial communication) . After the registration sensor (SR11) has detected the leading edge of paper. E730 E733 0000 0000 inside error of the image processor PCB (PDL system error) The inside of the image processor PCB is faulty. 0013-1435 8 . . the registration sensor (SR11) does not detect the trailing edge of paper within a specific period of time.Replace the fixing drive motor. (The serial communication error cannot be recovered. . E739 0000 Erroneous communication between controller and network board The installed network board is incompatible.1 Jam Codes (Main body) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-3-2 Code 0104 Name Pickup Delay Jam Sensor No. .Check the power supply of the printer (Check whether initialization is performed at startup).Replace the modem PCB.A fixing drive motor failure was detected.Check the connectors of the card reader and image processor PCB.Replace the image processor PCB. E736 0000 CCU communication error The installed modem PCB is incompatible. .Replace the image processor PCB. the delivery sensor (SR5) does not detect the trailing edge of paper within a specific period of time. SR9 SR5. In case the internal software signal "Delivery Sensor OFF" set in the system cannot be detected. and the leading edge of paper is detected and paper is fed the prescribed distance . The Document set sensor has been held off since start of pickup. The registration sensor has been held off since paper pickup started. The trailing edge of paper is not detected when the paper has been fed by the predetermined distance since detection of it by the document edge sensor. when the leading edge of paper is detected by the document edge sensor and fed the prescribed distance. and after the paper's trailing edge is detected.) Delivery delay jam Sensor No. 000d Delivery stationary jam SR2002 0010 Pickup NG SR2003 9 . SR2002 SR2002 SR2001 SR2002 Description The document edge sensor does not detect paper when the paper has been fed by the predetermined distance since reception of a pickup request.Chapter 3 Code 0008 0009 000a 000c Name Document edge sensor delay jam Document edge sensor stationary jam Paper absence (Pull out the document. In case the internal software signal "Delivery Sensor ON" set in the system cannot be detected. when the paper feed request is received and the paper is fed the prescribed distance. . OFF). OFICIO. COLOR. ON 11. INIT. RECYCLED.1 User Mode Items 4. COMMON SET. FOLIO. PORTUGUESE DISPLAY(*). ON 1 to 9 (5(*)) COPY: DRAWER 1 (ON(*). ON 0013-7738 11 . 4. A4. 3.1. TONER SAVER MODE 5. OFF. FREESIZE. HEAVY PAPER 3.1. OFF). DO NOT DISPLAY OFF(*). ON) OTHER: DRAWER 1 (ON(*). COM10. FAX(*). OFF). ON) PRINTER: DRAWER 1 (ON(*). SPANISH. HEAVY PAPER 1. REG. refer to the User's Guide. ON (volume 1(*) to 3) 4. OFF) RECEIVE: DRAWER 1 (ON(*). HIGH OFF(*). 3HOLE PUNCH PAPER DRAWER 2: PLAIN PAPER(*). SELECT PAPER TYPE (PLAIN PAPER. OFF). HEAVY PAPER 2. STACK BYPASS (OFF(*). DRAWER 2 (ON(*). ON (volume 1(*) to 3) RX JOB DONE TONE: ERROR ONLY (volume 1(*) to 3). ENERGY IN SLEEP 10. ON: PAPER SIZE (LTR. OFF. TRANSPARENCY. DRAWER 2 DRAWER 1: PLAIN PAPER(*). DRAWER 1 (SPEED PRIORITY(*). DEFAULT SETTINGS 2. SMTR. LABELS. PRINT SIDE). SCAN INITIAL FUNCTION(*). STACK BYPASS (OFF(*). A5R. SELECTED FUNCTION ENTRY TONE: ON (volume 1(*) to 3). ADF DIRTY ERROR 14. BRAZILOFICIO. ON (volume 1(*) to 3) SCAN DONE TONE: ERROR ONLY (volume 1(*) to 3). RECYCLED.2 COPY SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. LGL). HEAVY PAPER 1. PRINTER DENSITY 6. ON) 7. *: indicates factory settings. COLOR. DL. Menus and defaults may vary depending on the destination. COLOR. OFF. STACK BYPASS (OFF(*). HEAVY PAPER 1. ISO-B5.Chapter 4 Chapter 4 User Mode Items 4. BOND. OFF). MEXICO-OFICIO. DRAWER 2 (ON(*). PAPER FEED SWITCH 12. BOND. RECYCLED. DRAWER 2 (SPEED PRIORITY(*). OFF TX JOB DONE TONE: ERROR ONLY (volume 1(*) to 3). OFF ERROR TONE: ON (volume 1(*) to 3). ENVELOPE) STACK BYPASS (SPEED PRIORITY(*). MONARCH. FLSP. EXECUTIV. BYPASS STD SET LOW(*). AUTO DRAWER SELCT OFF(*). G-LTR. ISO-C5. OFF). Additional Functions 1. OFF. AUTO CLEAR SET. For details. DRAWER 2 (ON(*). PAPER TYPE DRAWER 1. 3HOLE PUNCH PAPER. IMAGE DIR PRIORTY Available Settings OFF(*). PRINT SIDE) ENGLISH(*). DISPLAY LANGUAGE 13. PRINT SIDE). OFF). DRAWER 2 (ON(*). AUDIBLE TONES Available Settings COPY. SELECT PAPER TYPE 8. FRENCH. ON (volume 1(*) to 3) PRINT DONE TONE: ERROR ONLY (volume 1(*) to 3). BOND. 3HOLE PUNCH PAPER 9. B5.1 COMMON SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-7737 MEMO: User modes of the USA model (Copy + Print + Scan + Fax + ADF + Network + PCL) are described. LOW LATIO RETRY TIMES (0-5(3*)) SCANNIING DENSITY (1-9(5*)) STANDARD SETTINGS: DENSITY (STANDARD(*). ON.3 TX/RX SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. TIFF(B&W). MM/INCH ENTRY 6. CTRL (0 . DRPD. Manual FAX/TEL OPT. ON) SEND SETTINGS: TX FILE NAME (max.120 characters). 122% A5->B5. 2 > 2-SIDED. OFF MANUAL/AUTO: OFF(*). 2 > 1-SIDED FRAME ERASE: OFF(*).PRIN RX TO MEMORY(*). IMAGE QUALITY (200X200DPI(*). 100X100DPI. DK. 1 to 9 (5(*)) A.3 (1(*))) 2. TEXT(*). 200X100DPI). ON (F/T RING TIME (1-99SEC) *: indicates factory settings.129% STMT->LTR. LT). GAMMA1. OFF(*) 3.3 (1(*))). / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-7740 12 . FRAME ERASE. ROTARY PULSE OFFHOOK ALARM: ON(*).141% A5->A4. HIGH) TX TERMINAL ID: PRINTING POSITION (OUTSIDE IMAGE(*). 5) ZOOM RATIO: PRESET RATIO (DIRECT 100%(*). 70% A4->A5. GAMMA1. DISCONNECT DRPD:SELECT FAX: DOUBLE RING(*). 73% 11X17->LGL. BINDING HOLE PAPER SELECT: AUTO(*). MANUAL (-LT .24 characters). ORG. SUBJECT (max. FAXTEL. 81% B5->A5. OFF PAUSE TIME: 1 to 15 (2(*)) SEC. REDUCE DIRECTION: VERTICAL ONLY. INCHES(*) mm. MANUAL COPIES: 1(*) to 99 AUTO COLLATE: OFF(*).CONT. BOOK FRAME ERASE. OFF TIME OUT: ON.TX SETTINGS ECM TX: ON(*).TX SETTINGS SETTING Available Settings UNIT NAME DATA COMPRESSION: NORMAL(*). 50% MIN. TEL) COLOR TX GAMMA: :GAMMA 1.DK+: 9 steps. DIRECT TX (OFF(*). 64%.USER SETTINGS UNIT TELEPHONE # TEL LINE TYPE: TOUCH TONE(*). REPLY TO (max. RECEIVE REDUCTION: ON (RX REDUCTION: AUTO. OFF 0013-7739 3. PHOTO).RX SETTINGS ECM RX: ON(*). DRAWER 1.Chapter 4 Additional Functions 2. 115% B5->A4. 600X600DPI. OFF(*) DIALING LINE CHCK: ON. SET: RING START TIME (0-30 (6*)). HIGH RATIO. GAMMA2. ORIGINAL TYPE ( TEXT/PHOTO(*). 150X150DPI.RX SETTINGS TWO-SIDED PRINT: OFF. IMAGE PRIORITY INIT STADARD SET: OFF. SHARPNESS 4. 400X400DPI. FIXED REDUCTION(90%. COPY SET. DRAWER 2 3. 86% A4->B5). F/T RING TIME: (15-300 (15*)). 95%. STANDARD SETTINGS Available Settings IMAGE QUALITY: TEXT/PHOTO. 200X400DPI.140 characters) . DIVIDE INTO PAGES (OFF(*). KEEP PRINTING TING 2.2. JPEG). 97%. AB.. ON *: indicates factory settings. 4. 300X300DPI. COLLATE TWO-SIDED: OFF(*). 78% LGL->LTR. NORMAL RING INCOMING RING: OFF(*)..40 characters). LOW. INCHES(*) OFF(*). F/T SWITCH ACTION: RECEIVE(*). ON). HORIZ & VERTICAL).1.8(*).COMMON 1.4 SHARPNESS (1-7(4*)) COLOR TX SCAN SET: SPEED PRIORITY(*). SHORT-SHORT-LONG. 200% MAX. ON 2.4 ADDRESS BOOK SET. INIT. 1 > 2-SIDED. 75%). INSIDE IMAGE). ANSMODE. TELEPHONE # MARK (FAX(*). PHOTO DENSITY: AUTO(*). ON (RING COUNT (1-99TIMES) REMOTE RX: ON(*) (REMOTE RX ID (0-99(25*))).FAX SETTING 1. OFF VOLUME CONTROL: MONITOR VOL. REDIAL INTERVAL. OFF RX MODE: FAXONLY(*). MESSAGE TEXT (max. TX ERROR REDIAL)(*). PAPER SIZE GROUP 5.0. 4. CALLING VOLUME (0 .1. IMAGE FORMAT (PDF(*). PDF(COMPACT). OTHER RING TYPR. E-MAIL PRIORITY (NORMAL(*). 121% LGL>11x17. TEXT. AUTO REDIAL: ON (REDIAL TIMES. PDF (COMPACT). 16 characters max. 120 digits PDF(*). JPEG OFF(*). ON 200x200dpi(*). 16 characters max. INTERNATIONAL (DOMESTIC(*). STANDARD OFF(*). 4800bps). 100x100 dpi. 24 characters max. 400x400 dpi. 24 characters max. INTERNATIONAL (DOMESTIC(*). ULTRA FINE. 150x150 dpi. 16 characters max. 200x400dpi. 600x600 dpi. 150x150 dpi. 300x 300dpi. PHOTO. 200x100dpi TEXT/PHOTO(*). 16 characters max. 150x150 dpi. ON 200x200dpi(*). 24 characters max. ON (ECM (ON(*). 120 digits OFF(*). TEXT. TEXT. 24 characters E-MAIL NAME E-MAIL ADDRESS IMAGE FORMAT DIVIDE INTO PAGES IMAGEQUALITY ORIGINAL TYPE IFAX NAME I-FAX ADDRESS DIVIDE INTO PAGES IMAGEQUALITY ORIGINAL TYPE FTP NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD IMAGE FORMAT DIVIDE INTO PAGES IMAGEQUALITY ORIGINAL TYPE SMB NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD IMAGE FORMAT DIVIDE INTO PAGES IMAGEQUALITY ORIGINAL TYPE 2. PHOTO max. PDF (COMPACT). 120 digits FINE. 1-TOUCH SPD DIAL FAX NAME TEL NUMBER ENTRY OPTIONAL SETTING E-MAIL IFAX FTP NAME E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME I-FAX ADDRESS NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD SMB NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD 13 . OFF). 9600bps. ON 200x200dpi(*). TIFF (B&W). TEXT. TIFF (B&W). 400x400 dpi.Chapter 4 T-4-1 Additional Functions 1. 400x400 dpi. 200x400dpi. 120 digits max. 100x100 dpi. 4800bps). 16 characters max. 600x600 dpi. LONG DISTANCE 2. 24 characters PDF(*). 200x100dpi TEXT/PHOTO(*). LONG DISTANCE 3) max. 300x 300dpi. SUPER FINE. 14400bps. PHOTO max. 16 characters max. 16 characters max. 120 digits OFF(*). 200x100dpi TEXT/PHOTO(*). TIFF (B&W). 14400bps. 100x100 dpi. PDF (COMPACT). 16 characters max. 600x600 dpi. 120 digits max. PHOTO max. TX SPEED (33600bps(*). 120 digits max. 16 characters max. TX SPEED (33600bps(*). PHOTO max. 120 digits max. 200x100dpi TEXT/PHOTO(*). 24 characters max. 120 digits max. 600x600 dpi. LONG DISTANCE 2. TEXT. 120 digits max. 16 characters max. LONG DISTANCE 3) max. 24 characters PDF(*). LONG DISTANCE 1. OFF). 150x150 dpi. 300x 300dpi. JPEG OFF(*). 200x400dpi. JPEG OFF(*). LONG DISTANCE 1. ON 200x200dpi(*). 9600bps. 300x 300dpi. 120 digits max. 120 digits max. 120 digits max. ON (ECM (ON(*). 120 digits max.FAVORITES BUTTONS FAX NAME TEL NUMBER ENTRY IMAGEQUALITY OPTIONAL SETTING Available Settings max. 24 characters max. 200x400dpi. 100x100 dpi. 400x400 dpi. ERROR TIME OUT 8. PRINTER SET 10. STMT.00 to 999. DL.CODED SPD DIAL FAX NAME TEL NUMBER ENTRY IMAGEQUALITY OPTIONAL SETTING Available Settings max. X DIMENSION. 16 characters max. OFF DENSITY: 1 to 9 (5(*)) TONER SAVER: OFF(*). INIT. OFF OFF(*). PC852. PC850. INCHES (-01. ISO69. ON IMAGE REFINEMENT: ON(*). SHORT EDGE MARGIN: mm (-50. ENVELOPE 1(*) to 999 OFF(*).44 to 99. 24 characters max. ISO-B5. PCL SETTINGS** ON (1 to 300(15*)SEC). ISOL2. VNMATH. PC775 CUSTOM PAPER: OFF(*). ISOL1.Chapter 4 Additional Functions 3. RECYCLED. WINL1. YES ENLARGE A4: OFF(*). RESET PRINTER OFF(*).1. PSMATH. TX SPEED (33600bps(*). PRINT QUALITY *: indicates factory settings. PIFONT. 120 digits max. ISOL5.1. PHOTO.00 INCHES(*)) 7. 24 characters max. A5.90 INCHES. 120 digits max. 16 characters max. HEAVY PAPER 2. ISOL6. B5. ON 6. PC8DN. PSTEXT. LABELS. ISO4. TIME ZONE SETTING Time Zone Settings: GMT -12:00 to GMT +12:00 Available Settings 0013-7742 14 . COLLATE OFF(*). COLLATE 9. 4. 9600bps. PAGE LAYOUT BINDING: LONG EDGE(*). EXECUTIV. ON ORIENTATION: PORTRAIT(*). 120 digits max. 120 digits FINE(*).00 cpi(*)) FORM LINES: 5 to 128 lines (60 lines(*)) SYMBOL SET: PC8(*). 16 characters max. LONG DISTANCE 3) max. STANDARD OFF. OFF). DESKTOP. COPIES 4. ISO15. 0. COLOR.6 TIMER SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. Y DIMENSION) APPEND CR TO LF: NO(*). ISO6.90 INCHES to 01. ISO11. WIN30. DEFAULT PAPERSIZE 2. LGL PLAIN PAPER(*). 120 digits max. MONARCH. PC8TK. LEGAL. COM10. 120 digits max.0 mm(*)). ON 0013-7741 3. 24 characters max. BOND. ON (ECM (ON(*). WINL2. ROMAN8. 14400bps. 16 characters max. 3 HOLE PUNCH PAPER. GROUP DIAL SELECT ADD/TEL NO NAME *: indicates factory settings. INTERNATIONAL (DOMESTIC(*). 00. PC1004. DATE&TIME SETTING 2. MATH8. 4.75 point (12. ISO21. DEFAULT PAPERTYPE Available Settings LTR(*).00 point(*)) PITCH: 0. ISO60. 16 characters E-MAIL IFAX FTP NAME E-MAIL ADDRESS NAME I-FAX ADDRESS NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD SMB NAME HOST NAME FILE PATH LOGIN NAME PASSWORD 4. 120 digits max. A4. VNINTL. TRANSPARENCY.0 mm to +50. HEAVY PAPER 1. 2-SIDED PRINTING 5.0 mm.99 cpi (10. 4800bps). 24 characters max. WINL5. ISO17. WINBALT. MCTEXT. HEAVY PAPER 3. SUPER FINE. ULTRA FINE. 16 characters max. LANDSCAPE FONT NUMBER: 0(*) to 120 POINT SIZE: 4. ON (UNIT OF MEASURE. MSPUBL. LONG DISTANCE 1. ON 11.5 PRINTER SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. VNUS. LONG DISTANCE 2. Chapter 4 Additional Functions 3. DATE TYPE SELECT 4. AUTO SLEEP TIME 5. AUTO CLEAR TIME 6. DAYLIGHT SV. TIME Available Settings DD/MM YYYY, YYYY MM/DD, MM/DD/ YYYY(*) ON (3 - 30 (3(*)) MIN. in one-minute increments), OFF ON (1 - 9 (2(*)) MIN. in one-minute increments), OFF ON: START DATE/TIME (MONTH, WEEK, DAY), END DATE/TIME (MONTH, WEEK, DAY), OFF(*) *: indicates factory settings. 4.1.7 ADJUST./CLEANING / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. TRANS. ROLR CLEAN 2. FIX. UNIT CLEANING 3. FEEDER CLEANING 4. SPECIAL MODE M 5. SPECIAL MODE N 6. SPECIAL MODE P 7. SPECIAL MODE Q 8. SPECIAL MODE R 9.SPECIAL MODE S 10. CONT PRINT MODE 11. BACK EDGE MODE 12.LARGE PAPER MODE 13. AUTO ADF DRTY ADJ 14. MAINTENANCE CODE Available Settings Press [OK] to start cleaning. START CLEANING, CLEAN PAPER PRT Set 5 sheets in the optional feeder and press [OK]. MID(*), LOW, HIGH Not functional in this model OFF(*), ON OFF(*), ON OFF(*), ON OFF(*), SPEED PRIORITY OFF(*), ON OFF(*), ON OFF(*), ON OFF, ON(*) Not functional in this model 0013-7743 *: indicates factory settings. 4.1.8 REPORT SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. SETTINGS Available Settings TX REPORT: PRINT ERROR ONLY(*), OUTPUT YES, OUTPUT NO RX REPORT: OUTPUT NO(*), PRINT ERROR ONLY, OUTPUT YES ACTIVITY REPORT: AUTO PRINT, OFF(ON(*)), TX/RX SEPARATE (OFF(*), ON) 2. LIST PRINT ACTIVITY REPORT SPEED DIAL LIST: 1-TOUCH LIST, CODED DIAL LIST, GROUP DIAL LIST ADD BOOK DETAILS: 1-TOUCH LIST, CODED DIAL LIST USER DATA LIST 0013-7744 *: indicates factory settings. 4.1.9 SYSTEM SETTINGS / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Additional Functions 1. DEVICE INFO 2. NETWORK SETTINGS Available Settings DEVICE NAME, LOCATION TCP/IP SETTINGS: IP ADDRESS AUTO. (OFF(*), ON(*); DHCP, BOOTP, RARP), IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, GATEWAY ADDRESS, USE LPD (ON(*); PORT NO., OFF), RAW SETTINGS (ON(*); PORT NO., USE BIDIRECTIONAL, OFF), USE HTTP (ON(*); PORT NO., OFF), SET IP ADD RANGE (OFF(*), ON), RX MAC ADD SET. (OFF(*), ON) SNMP SETTINGS: USE SNMP (ON(*): PORT NO., OFF), COMMUNITY NAME 1, COMMUNITY NAME 2, SNMP WRITABLE 1 (ON(*), OFF), SNMP WRITABLE 2 (ON, OFF(*)) DEDICATED PORT: ON(*), OFF ETHERNET DRIVER: AUTO DETECT (AUTO(*), MANUAL), DUPLEX (HALF DUPLEX(*), FULL DUPLEX), ETHERNET TYPE (10 BASE-T(*), 100 BASE-TX) VIEW IP ADDRESS: IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, GATEWAY ADDRESS STARTUP TIME SET.: 0(*) to 300 SEC. 3. COMMUNICATIONS TX START SPEED: 2400 to 33600(*) bps RX START SPEED: 2400 to 33600(*) bps MEMORY LOCK SETTI: OFF(*), ON (PASSWORD, REPORT PRINT, MEMORY RX TIME) 4. REMOTE UI 5. ACCESS TO DEST. ON(*), OFF RESTRICT NEW ADD. : OFF(*), ON FAX DRIVER TX: OFF, ON(*) 0013-7745 15 Chapter 4 Additional Functions 6. CHECKING THE LOG 7. USE DEVICE USB Available Settings ON, OFF(*) OFF, ON(*) Additional Functions 1. SYS. MANAGER INFO 2. DEVICE INFO 3. MANAGE DEPT. ID Available Settings SYS. MANAGER ID, SYSTEM PASSWORD, SYSTEM MANAGER DEVICE NAME, LOCATION OFF(*), ON; REGISTER DEPT. ID (PASSWORD, PAGE LIMIT SET., ERASE), PAGE TOTALS (VIEW PAGE TOTALS, CLEAR ALL TOTAL, PRINT LIST), PDL JOBS W/OUT ID (ON(*), OFF) OFF(*), ON TCP/IP SETTINGS: IP ADDRESS AUTO. (OFF(*), ON; DHCP, BOOTP, RARP), IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, GATEWAY ADDRESS, DNS SETTINGS (PRIMARY SERVER, SECONDARY SERVER, HOST NAME, DOMAIN NAME, DNS DYNA. UPDATE), CINFIGURE WINS (WINS RESOKUTION, WINS SERVER), USE LPD (ON(*), OFF), RAW SETTINGS (ON(*); USE BIDIRECTIONAL, OFF),USE PASV MODE (OFF, ON), FTP EXTENSION (OFF, ON), USE HTTP (ON(*), OFF), PORT NO., SET IP ADD RANGE (OFF(*), ON), RX MAC ADD SET. (OFF(*), ON) SMB SETTINGS: USE SMB CLIENT (OFF, ON; SERVER, WORKGROUP, COMMENT, LM ANNOUNCE) SNMP SETTINGS: USE SNMP (ON(*), OFF), COMMUNITY NAME 1, COMMUNITY NAME 2, SNMP WRITABLE 1 (ON(*), OFF), SNMP WRITABLE 2 (ON, OFF(*)) DEDICATED PORT: ON(*), OFF ETHERNET DRIVER: AUTO DETECT (AUTO(*), MANUAL; DUPLEX (HALF DUPLEX(*), FULL DUPLEX), ETHERNET TYPE (10 BASE-T(*), 100 BASE-TX) VIEW IP ADDRESS: IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, GATEWAY ADDRESS E-MAIL/I-FAX: SMTP RX (OFF, ON), SMTP SERVER, POP (OFF, ON), POP BEFORE SEND (OFF,ON), E-MAIL ADDRESS, POP SREVER, POP ADDRESS, POP PASSWORD, POP INTERVAl STARTUP TIME SET.: 0(*) to 300 SEC. 4. MANAGE USER ID 5. NETWORK SETTINGS 6. COMMUNICATIONS E-MAIL/I-FAX: MAX TX DATA SIZE, DIVIDED OVER MAX FAX SETTINGS: TX START SPEED (2400 to 33600(*) bps), RX START SPEED (2400 to 33600(*) bps) MEMORY LOCK: OFF(*), ON (PASSWORD, REPORT PRINT, MEMORY RX TIME) 7. REMOTE UI 8. ACCESS TO DEST. 9. CHECKING THE LOG 10. USE DEVICE USB ON(*), OFF RESTRICT NEW ADD. : OFF(*), ON FAX DRIVER TX: OFF(*), ON ON(*), OFF OFF(*), ON *: indicates factory settings. 16 Chapter 4 17 3.Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Service Mode Detailed Discussions of Bit 7 0013-1308 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to enable/disable transmission of a 1080-Hz tonal signal before transmission of the CED signal. they are set as initial settings. 19 .2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0013-1306 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Selects whether or not service error codes are output.1.1.3. Bi t7 Bi t6 Bi t5 Bi t4 Bi t3 Bi t2 Bi t1 Bi t0 #SSSW 001 0 0 0 F-5-1 0 0 0 0 0 Do not change service data identified as "not used".1.2 SSSW-SW01 5. Each bit has a value of either 0 or List of Functions 0013-1305 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-1 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function service error code not used not used not used not used not used not used not used 1 output 0 not output - 5. When output is selected. service error codes is report. Bit Switch Composition 0013-1304 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The items registered and set by each of these switches comprise 8-bit switches. Select 'transmit' if errors occur frequently because of an echo when reception is from overseas.1.1 Service Soft Switch Settings (SSSW) 5. 5.1 Outline 5.2.1 List of Functions 0013-1307 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-2 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used not used not used not used not used not used not used tonal signal before CED signal transmission 1 transmit 0 do not transmit 5.1. The figure below shows which numbers are assigned to which bits.3 SSSW-SW03 5.1.1 Fax System Service Mode 5. ##0765. ##0201 Be sure to change bit 4 before changing this bit.1. change this bit. 5.1. ##0200. only high-speed signals (images) will be received after transmission of the CFR signal. If the condition of the line is not good and.1. ##0775. select "Transmitted" for the CED signal. 5. If the other fax does not transmit even when you start manual reception.4. ##0759. ##0778.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1310 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to select the number of last flag sequences for a protocol signal (transmission speed at 300 bps).4. In manual transmitting to a fax with the FAX/TEL switching mode. ##0755.1. Memo: Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of transmission ##0100. ##0783. ##0760. ##0753.##0770. ##0780.1. if errors still occur.' 5.6 Detailed Discussions of Bit 7 0013-1314 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Selects whether or not to transmit CED signals during manual reception.1. ##0769. therefore. Select '2' if the other party fails to receive the protocol signal properly.1.1. ##0754.3 Detailed Discussions of Bit 3 0013-1311 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to select an appropriate reception mode after transmission of the CFR signal. at the same time.4. select "Transmitted" for the CNG signal.4. ##0763 ##0764. ##0201.5. ##0750. ##0114.4.4 Detailed Discussions of Bit 4 0013-1312 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to select the time length during which low-speed signals are ignored after transmission of the CFR signal.4 SSSW-SW04 5. ##0790 5.1. 5. If errors occur frequently at time of reception because of the condition of the line.1.5 Detailed Discussions of Bit 6 0013-1313 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Selects whether or not to transmit CNG signal during manual transmission.1. ##0785. selects 'do not receive' for 'ECM reception.5 SSSW-SW05 5. if there are frequent errors due to failure to switch to fax mode. the reception of image signals is difficult.' Memo: Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of reception because of line condition ##0107.1.1 List of Functions 0013-1309 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-3 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used not used the number of final flag sequences of protocol signals Reception mode after CFR signal transmission 1 2 high speed 0 1 high speed/low speed 700 ms Transmitted Transmitted the length of the period of ignoring low speed signals after 1500 ms CFR output not used CNG signal for manual transmission CED signal for manual reception Not transmitted Not transmitted 5. ##0107. ##0758. ##0280.1. ##0773. ##0768. ##0114.1. ##0101. ##0281. select 'high speed' for reception mode and. select '1500 ms.1.1.1 List of Functions 0013-1315 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 20 .1.Chapter 5 Memo: Any of the following error code may be indicated because of an echo at time of reception ##0005. ##0106. When 'high speed' is selected.1.4. ##0788 5. 7. T-5-6 Time-Out Length for Transmission/Reception 8 min 16 min 32 min 64 min Time-Out Length for Transmission (in text mode) 8 min 16 min 32 min 64 min Time-Out Length for Reception 8 min 16 min 32 min 64 min Bit7 0 0 0 0 Bit7 Bit6 * * * * Bit6 Bit5 * * * * T-5-7 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0 Bit4 * * * * Bit3 * * * * Bit2 * * * * Bit1 0 0 1 1 Bit0 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 Bit7 1 1 1 1 * * * * Bit6 * * * * * * * * T-5-8 Bit5 0 0 1 1 * * * * Bit4 0 1 0 1 * * * * Bit3 * * * * * * * * Bit2 * * * * 0 0 1 1 Bit1 * * * * 0 1 0 1 Bit0 * * * * 5.1 List of Functions 0013-1318 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-5 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function Time-out period for one page upon transmission Time-out period for one page upon transmission not used not used Time-out period for one page upon reception Time-out period for one page upon reception not used Respective page timer settings for transmission and for reception 1 1 1 1 1 enable 0 0 0 0 0 do not enable The machine will stop the ongoing communication if the transmission/reception of a single original page takes 32 min or more.1.1 List of Functions 0013-1319 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 21 .1.1. Scanning direction in conversion follows the Bit 2 setting of SW14.1. Scanning direction in conversion follows the Bit 2 setting of SW14.1.5. refer to the tables that follow.1. the time-out length for a single page for all modes will depend on the setting of bit 0 and bit To use the timer for a purpose other than this function.6. 5.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 1 0013-1316 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to enable/disable millimeter/inch conversion in sub scanning direction for images read in text mode. and select an appropriate time length. Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1317 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to enable/disable millimeter/inch conversion in sub scanning direction for images read in text/photo mode while bit 1 is set to '1'. When 'do not enable' is selected using bit 7.Chapter 5 T-5-4 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used Conversion from mm to inch (text mode) Conversion from mm to inch (text/photo mode) not used not used not used not used not used 1 convert convert 0 do not convert do not convert - 5. 5.7 SSSW-SW13 5.6 SSSW-SW12 5.1. 8 protocol late start Called party V.8 protocol is inhibited at calling and the V.1. 22 .9.3 Detailed Discussions of Bit 4 0013-1323 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to specify whether to declare or not declare an inch-configuration resolution to the other machine for G3 communication: if 'declare' is selected. 5. Scanning direction in conversion follows the Bit 2 setting of SW14.Chapter 5 T-5-9 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used not used 1 0 do not convert - Convert "inch" into "mm" when transmitting the received convert image data not used not used not used not used not used - 5.8.8 protocol Caller V.1.1.8. the machine will indicate that it reads and records at an inch-configuration resolution using the DIS.1 List of Functions 0013-1324 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-11 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function Caller V. 5.1.34 reception fallback V.1. If NO is selected.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0013-1325 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to use the V.7.9 SSSW-SW28 5. The setting is valid only when bit 1 of SW05 of #SSSW is set to '1'.1.8.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1322 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to specify whether to convert or not convert an inch-configuration resolution into a millimeter-configuration resolution for image read in G3 transmission: either in sub scanning direction only or in both main and sub scanning directions. protocol late start V.8 protocol when calling. or DTC signal.1.21 protocol is used. the V.1.1.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1320 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / It converts "inch" into "mm" when transmitting the received image data.1. 5.34 transmission fallback not used not used 1 NO NO NO NO Prohibited Prohibited 0 YES YES YES YES Not prohibited Not prohibited - protocol Called party V.1. DCS.8 SSSW-SW14 5.1 List of Functions 0013-1321 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-10 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used not used direction of scanning for inch/mm conversion not used inch-configuration resolution declaration not used not used not used 1 both main and sub scanning directions declare 0 sub scanning direction only do not declare - 5.1. 8 protocol when called.11.8 protocol is not used even if the DIS that specifies the V. If the time since line seizure is less than 3.1. the CI signal is not transmitted and the V.21 protocol is used. the receiver does not fall back. tone is detected for 3.1. By default. If 'Prohibit' is selected.1.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0013-1332 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / When "Detect with the new method" is selected.3 Detailed Discussions of Bit 1 0013-1326 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to use the V.5 seconds before call origination in order to discriminate between dial tone and voice.1.8 protocol in DIS signal for reception. The V.8 protocol cannot be used because it is not declared in DIS signal. teh transmitter does not fall back. seconds.1. existing method.4 Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1327 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / If ANSam signal is not received during transmission. The V.34 transmission. late start is not executed during manual reception regardless of this setting.1.5 seconds or longer. call origination takes place immediately.10. call origination takes place after waiting for 1 second. If 'Prohibit' is selected. 5.Chapter 5 5.1. If dial tone is detected and the time since line seizure is 3. - 5.8 protocol in DIS signal. 5.8 protocol is received. select whether to use the V.1. the V8 protocol is inhibited when called and the V.11 SSSW-SW34 5. (If the time since line seizure reaches 3. 5.9.7 Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0013-1330 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether the transmitter falls beck during V.6 Detailed Discussions of Bit 4 0013-1329 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether the receiver falls back during V.9. "Detect with a new method" is assigned for this SW.1.8 late start is not executed during manual transmission regardless of this setting. 5.1. If NO is selected. If NO is selected.8 protocol when the other fax machine declares the V. 5.34 reception.1 List of Functions 0013-7930 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-13 Bit 0 1 Function Display the waste toner full warning Switch the waste toner full warning Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used 1 YES Drum replacement required message displayed on an operator call 0 NO E019 displayed on an service call - 2 3 4 5 6 23 .1 List of Functions 0013-1331 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-12 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used New dial tone detection method Not used Not used 1 0 - Detect with the new Detect with the method. call origination takes place immediately.9.10.10 SSSW-SW30 5. the V.5 Detailed Discussions of Bit 3 0013-1328 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to declare the V. If NO is selected.5 seconds during the 1-second waiting period.1.1.9. 3 Detailed Discussions of Bit 1 0013-7932 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to display the waste toner full warning as a drum replacement required message or as E019 displayed on an operator call. ##102. SERVICEMAN [1]: generate the monitor sound of the telephone line using the speaker from the start of communication to the end of it.8 kbps.2 <No. a waste toner full warning is displayed. ##774.2 Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0013-7931 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / You can select whether a waste toner full warning is to be displayed. ##789 Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of reception because of the line condition: ##103. ##107.6 kbps.1. (It means close to 8) Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of transmission because of the line condition: ##100.2. 2:SERVICEMAN2. 9:12. ##770. 10:9. 5:2400 0:33. ## Menu Switch Settings (MENU) 5.1 Menu Switch Composition / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-14 No.3 <No.5 <No. ##750. 4:24. ##793 5. Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of transmission because of the line condition: ##100. ##201.006 telephone line monitor> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to s the telephone line monitor function: DIAL: generate the monitor sound of the telephone line using the speaker from the start of transmission to DIS.1.4 kbps 0:50 Hz.2.2 kbps. If errors occur often during communication because of the condition of the line. ##752. 1:25 Hz.0 kbps. ##765. 1:3200. SERVICEMAN [2]: generate the monitor sound of the telephone line2 (Option).2. ##784. 005 006 007 008 009 Function NL equalizer telephone line monitor transmission level (ATT) V.6 <No. ##283. ##789 Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of transmission because of the line condition: ##103. ##790.11.8 kbps. 5.4 kbps. ##281. ##101. 3:2800. 0013-1335 5. Raise the transmission level if errors occur frequently at time of communication because of the condition of the line. ##764. ##104. 2:3000. ##793 0013-1336 5.1. 3:26. 1:SERVICEMAN1. 7:16. 0013-1337 5. When "1" is selected. ##754. ##779. ##762. 5:21. a waste toner full warning is not displayed.6 kbps.34 primary channel.8 kbps.1. ##772.6K bps in increments of 2400 bps.11. ##775. 11:7.1. 4:2743. ##787.34 modulation speed upper limit> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set an upper limit to the modulation speed (baud rate) for the V.34 data speed upper limit> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1338 Use it to set an upper limit to the data transmission speed for the V. 6:19. 12:4.009 V. ##759. ##283.2 kbps.4 kbps. ##784. 2:28. ##765. ##757. When "0" is selected.4K and 33. ##114. ##282.1. ##750. 0: OFF 0:DIAL. ##282. ##107. ##755.4 <No. 13:2. enable (ON) the NL equalizer.2.6K bps). ##755.2. ##102. ##782.2 kbps. ##769. ##280.005 NL equalizer> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to enable-disable the NL equalizer. OFF: do not generate the monitor sound of the telephone line using the speaker.Chapter 5 Bit 7 Function Not used 1 0 - 5.1. ##779.4K to 13: 33.1. Select 0 to display E019 on an service call. ##760. 3:OFF from 0 to 15 (ex: 15= -15 dBm) 0:3429. 1:31. Select 1 to display a rum replacement required message on an operator call. ##774. ##281. 2:17 Hz 0013-1334 0013-1333 010 Frequency of pseudoring signal 5. (0: 2.6 kbps.2.1. ##201. ##201. ##106. ##777.0 kbps. ##284. 5. ##780.34 modulation speed upper limit V34 data speed upper limit Range of settings 1: ON. 8:14. ##201.34 primary channel between 2.008 V. ##785.007 ATT transmission level> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the transmission level (ATT). ##767. ##101. 24 . Raise these parameters for more lenient conditions if errors occur frequently at time of reception because of transmission of the RTN signal. 0013-1342 5. *2: for instance. ##0107.3. *1: transmission error occurring cover several lines.1.3 Numeric Parameter Settings (NUMERIC Param. 25 . the RTN signal will be transmitted after receiving the protocol signal of the transmitting party. RTN signal transmission condition (2) affects the standard value (*2) of burst errors (*1).30T1 timer (for reception) T. RTN signal condition (3) affects the number of errors not reaching the standard value of burst errors.1. 002 003 004 005 006 010 011 013 015 016 017 018 019 020 021 022 023 024 025 027 056 057 058 059 060 061 Item RTN transmission condition(1) RTN transmission condition (2) RTN transmission condition (3) NCC pause time length (pre-ID code) NCC pause time length (post-ID code) line condition identification time length T.3.3.Chapter 5 5.1.30 EOL timer hooking detection time length time length to first response at time of fax/tel switchover pseudo RBT signal pattern ON time length pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (short) pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (long) pseudo CI signal pattern ON time length pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (short) pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (long) CNG detection level at time of fax/tel switchover pseudo RBT transmission level at time of fax/tel switchover Answering machine connection function signal detection time preamble detection time length for V21 low-speed flag display the type of soft counter 1 Display the type of soft counter 2 Display the type of soft counter 3 Display the type of soft counter 4 Display the type of soft counter 5 Display the type of soft counter 6 0 to 999 0 to 7 10 to 20 0 to 20 (120/230V) 0 to 999 20 (x 10ms) 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 0 to 999 Range of settings 1% to 99% 2 to 99 item 1 to 99 lines 1 to 60 sec 1 to 60 sec 0 to 9999 (10 msec) 0 to 9999 (10 msec) 500 to 3000 (10 msec) 0 to 999 0 to 9 0 to 999 0 to 999 0013-1340 5.3 <005: NCC pause length (pre-ID code)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the length of the pause automatically entered between access code and ID code when the NCC (New Common Carrier) line is used for dialing. 5. Higher parameters restrict the transmission of the RTN signal.2. Memo: Any of the following error codes may be indicated at time of reception because of RTN signal transmission ##0104. 0013-1339 5. ##0201 RTN signal transmission condition (1) affects the ratio of error lines to the total number of lines per single page of received images.1. Some types of external telephones do not ring when the fax/tel switch-over function is ON.1. If any of these lines is detected while an image signal is being received. change the pseudo CI signal.1.010 Frequency of the pseudo CI signal> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / You may select a frequency for the pseudo CI signal. if '15' is set. a single burst error will represent an error occurring continuously cover 15 lines.3.1 Numerical Parameter Composition / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-15 No.2 <002: RTN transmission condition (1)><003: RTN transmission condition (2)><004: RTN transmission condition (3)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1341 Use it to set RTN signal transmission conditions.7 <No.) 5. To sound the ring.4 <006: NCC pause length (post-ID code)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1343 Use it to set the length of the pause automatically entered between ID code and telephone number of the other party when the NCC (New Common Carrier) line is used for dialing. ##0114. 1.21 low-speed flag preamble identification length> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1354 Use it to detect the time of detection after which command analysis is started after detecting V. raise this parameter to increase the signal detection time.1.14 <025: Answering machine connection function signal detection time> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1353 Sets the signal detection time for the answering machine connection function operation.1.11 <020: pseudo CI signal pattern ON time length><021: pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (short)><022: pseudo CI signal pattern OFF time length (long)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the pseudo CI signal pattern transmitted at time of a fax/tel switchover. 5.g.15 <027: V. 0013-1348 5. No.3.5 <010: line connection identification length> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1344 Use it to set the time for identifying the line connection. 0013-1351 5.57: Use it to change the type of soft counter 2* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user. ##0018 The line condition identification time is between when the dial signal is transmitted and when the line condition is cut for the transmitting party.3. count type will not be indicated. EOL timer> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Set it so that the 1-line transmission time is longer for reception to prevent reception errors caused by a long data length per line (e.9 <016: time length to first response at time of fax/tel switchover> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Allows setting of the time from seizing the line till pseudo RBT is sent.1. When the answering machine connection function is operating.10 <017: pseudo RBT signal pattern ON time length><018: pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (short)><019: pseudo RBT signal pattern OFF time length (long)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the pattern of the pseudo RBT signal transmitted at time of a fax/tel switchover. Memo: Any of the following error codes may be indicated because of the condition of the line ##0005.061: Count type select > / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to confirm the count type indicated on the Counter Check screen.3.Chapter 5 5. 0013-1347 5. 5.21 low-speed command preambles continuously for a specific period of time.3. No.3. No. which appears in response to a press on the Counter key.1.3. No. When '0' is selected..7 <013: T. while it is between when the DIS signal is transmitted and when the line is cut for the receiving party.1. 0013-1349 5. <Soft Counter Specifications> The soft counters are classified a follows in terms of input numbers: 100s: total 200s: copy 0013-7933 26 .1.61: Use it to change the type of soft counter 6* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user. if the function does not operate normally because the fax does not detect CNG signal sent from the line. Raise this parameter if errors occur frequently at time of communication because of the condition of the line. computer FAX).1.3.56: Use it to change the type of soft counter 1* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user. 0013-1346 5.60: Use it to change the type of soft counter 5* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user.58: Use it to change the type of soft counter 3* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user.6 <011: T.12 <023: CNG detention level for fax/tel switchover> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the CNG detention level for a fax/tel switchover.1.1.3. 5.13 <024: pseudo RBT transmission level at time of fax/tel switchover> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to set the pseudo transmission level for a fax/tel switchover. 0013-1352 5. 0013-1345 5. No.1. 0013-1350 5.30 T1 timer (for reception)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Set the T1 timer for the receiver (wait time after DIS transmission starts until a significant signal is received). No.59: Use it to change the type of soft counter 4* of the control panel to suit the needs of the user. *:The default type settings of soft counter is different from models. when the Fax/ Tel switching function is operating.8 <015: hooking detection time> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Allows setting of the hooking detection time.16 <056 . L:large size (larger than A4/LTR) . To make a change so that B4 papers (for scan) will be counted as large-size. . use service mode: make the following selections.1:Count sheets of all sizes by one. .S:small size (A4/LTR or smaller) MEMO: To make a change so that B4 papers (for print) will be counted as large-size. use service mode: make the following selections. on cou nter chec k scre en 101 Total1 102 Total2 103 Total (L) 104 Total (S) 108 Total (Bk1) 109 Total (Bk2) 112 Total (Bk/L) 113 Total (Bk/S) 114 Total1 (2-sided) 115 Total2 (2-sided) 116 L (2-sided) 117 S (2-sided) 126 TotalA1 127 TotalA2 128 TotalA (L) 129 TotalA (S) 132 TotalA (Bk1) 133 TotalA (Bk2) 136 TotalA (Bk/L) 137 TotalA (Bk/S) 138 TotalA1 (2-sided) 139 TotalA2 (2-sided) 140 L A (2-sided) 141 S A (2-sided) 150 TotalB1 151 TotalB2 152 TotalB (L) 153 TotalB (S) 156 TotalB (Bk1) 157 TotalB (Bk2) 160 TotalB (Bk/L) 161 TotalB (Bk/S) 162 TotalB1 (2-sided) 163 TotalB2 (2-sided) 164 LB (2-sided) 165 SB (2-sided) 201 Copy(Total1) 202 Copy(Total2) 203 Copy(L) 204 Copy(S) 205 CopyA (Total1) 206 CopyA (Total2) 207 CopyA (L) 208 CopyA (S) 209 Local copy(Total1) 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Print system Bk 1-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 1-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 27 .Bk:black mono .C:full color .Chapter 5 300s: print 400s: copy + print 500s: scan 700s: received file print 800s: report pint 900s: transmitted scan Guide to the Table . Seri Counter type al No. and change bit 0 to '1': #SSSW>SW33.2:Count sheets of the large size by two. and change bit 2 to '1': #SSSW>SW33. Chapter 5 Seri Counter type al No. on cou nter chec k scre en 210 Local copy(Total2) 211 Local copy(L) 212 Local copy(S) 221 Copy(Bk1) 222 Copy(Bk2) 227 Copy(Bk/L) 228 Copy(Bk/S) 237 Copy(Bk/L/2-sided) 238 Copy(Bk/S/2-sided) 249 CopyA (Bk1) 250 CopyA (Bk2) 255 CopyA (Bk/L) 256 CopyA (Bk/S) 265 CopyA (Bk/L/2-sided) 266 CopyA (Bk/S/2-sided) 277 Local copy(Bk1) 278 Local copy(Bk2) 283 Local copy(Bk/L) 284 Local copy(Bk/S) 293 Local copy(Bk/L/2-sided) 294 Local copy(Bk/S/2-sided) 301 Print (Total1) 302 Print (Total2) 303 Print (L) 304 Print (S) 305 PrintA (Total1) 306 PrintA (Total2) 307 PrintA (L) 308 PrintA (S) 313 Print (Bk1) 314 Print (Bk2) 319 Print (Bk/L) 320 Print (Bk/S) 329 Print (Bk/L 330 Print (Bk/S/2-sided) 331 PDL print (Total1) 332 PDL print (Total2) 333 PDL print (L) 334 PDL print (S) 339 PDL print (Bk1) 340 PDL print (Bk2) 345 PDL print (Bk/L) 346 PDL print (Bk/S) 355 PDL print (Bk/L/2-sided) 356 PDL print (Bk/S) 403 Copy+Print (Bk/L) 404 Copy+Print (Bk/S) 405 Copy+Print (Bk2) 406 Copy+Print (Bk1) 411 Copy+Print (L) 412 Copy+Print (S) 413 Copy+Print (2) 414 Copy+Print (1) 421 Copy+Print (Bk/L) 422 Copy+Print (Bk/S) 701 Recieved print (Total1) 702 Recieved print (Total2) 703 Recieved print (L) 704 Recieved print (S) 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 Print system Bk 1-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 1-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print 2 1 1 1 1 1 28 . Chapter 5 Seri Counter type al No.1mm 6-48 one unit=0. Not used Vertical scan start position adjustment Horizontal scan start position adjustment 0 115 0-70 50-150 one unit=0. on cou nter chec k scre en 709 Recieved print (Bk1) 710 Recieved print (Bk2) 715 Recieved print (Bk/L) 716 Recieved print (Bk/S) 725 Recieved print (Bk/L/2sided) 726 Recieved print (Bk/S/2sided) 801 Report print (Total1) 802 Report print (Total2) 803 Report print (L) 804 Report print (S) 809 Report print (Bk1) 810 Report print (Bk2) 815 Report print (Bk/L) 816 Report print (Bk/S) 825 Report print (Bk/L) 826 Report print (Bk/S) 1 1 1 1 Print system Bk 1-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 1-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided L Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Bk 2-sided S Local PDL copy print FAX print Repo rt print Serial No. Not used Distance from the standby position of CIS to the 22 shading start point.1mm 390 300-450 one unit=0.1 Numeric Parameter Functional configuration / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / No.023: 024: 025: 026: 027: .1.030: 031: 032: Function Not used CIS scan position during ADF scanning.1mm Default Setting range Unit 0013-1355 29 . 001: .1mm one unit=0.1.4. on counter check screen Counter type Scan system Bk 1-sided L Total Escan mail scan FileS hare DBsc an Email FileS hare DB scan Bk 1-sided S FileS hare DB BoxF scan Bk 2-sided L FileS Ehare mail FileS DB scan hare DB scan Bk 2-sided S ETotal FileS mail scan hare FileS DB hare scan DB BOX scan ETotal Total Email scan scan mail FileS scan hare DB Box 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 501 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 915 916 917 918 921 922 929 930 945 946 Scan (Total1) Bk scan (Total1) Bk scan (Total2) Bk scan (L) Bk scan (S) C scanTotal (1) C scanTotal (2) C scan (L) C scan (S) Transmission scan total2 (C) Transmission scan total2 (Bk) Transmission scan total3 (C) Transmission scanTotal3 (Bk) Transmission scanTotal5 (C) Transmission scanTotal5 (Bk) Transmission scanTotal6 (C) Transmission scanTotal6 (Bk) Transmission scan/E-mail (C) Transmission scan/E-mail (Bk) 1 1 2 1 5.4 Scanner Function Settings (SCANNER) 5. 040: 041: 042: 043: 044: 045: 046: 047: 048: 049: .053: 054: 055: . The larger the adjustment value.4.1% one unit=0.1mm one unit=0. change the setting value to the original one.4. 0013-1358 5.1.1. 0013-1359 30 . the narrower the left-side margin of the image becomes.4 <031: Vertical scan start position adjustment> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the position at which vertical scanning of a book starts.036: 037: .Chapter 5 No.1mm one unit=0.1.1% 0 : LEGAL 1 : FOOLSCAP 2 : M_OFFICIO 3 : A_FOOLSCAP 4 : FOLIO 5 : G_LEGAL 6 : A_OFFICIO 7 : B_OFFICIO 0 : LTR 1 : G_LTR 2 : A_LTR 0 : LTR_R 1 : FOOLSCAP 2 : OFFICIO 3 : E_OFFICIO 4 : G_LTR_R 5 : A_LTR_R 1-9999 1-9999 1-9999 194: ADF special paper. standardized size: LTR_R misidentification-ready 0 195: 0 196: .1mm one unit=0. 5. Normally.1mm one unit=0.3 <026:Distance from the standby position of CIS to the shading start point> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / White shading can be adjusted finely.350: Not used XYZ correction value of (X) of standard white plate (equipped with SEND functions) XYZ correction value of (Y) of standard white plate (equipped with SEND functions) XYZ correction value of (Z) of standard white plate (equipped with SEND functions) Not used 8273 8737 9427 If any operation error occurs after changing the setting value.5 <032: Horizontal scan start position adjustment> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a book starts. one unit=0.212: 213: 214: 215: 216: . the narrower the top margin in the image becomes. 0013-1356 5.2 <024:CIS scan position during ADF scanning> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / This value is used when automatic scan position adjustment (TESTMODE>"2"SCAN TEST>"3"SHEET POS ADJ) fails. do not change the setting value. standardized size: LTR misidentification-ready ADF special paper. change the setting value to the original one.1% Default 32 32 555 Setting range 0-32 0-32 Unit one unit=0. The larger the adjustment value. 0013-1357 5. standardized size: LGL misidentification-ready 0 32 0-32 one unit=0.1mm one unit=0.1% Vertical scan magnification correction (scanning 32 on ADF) Horizontal scan magnification correction (scanning on ADF) Not used Pickup motor speed correction (when the ADF is 32 used) Not used ADF special paper. If any operation error occurs after changing the setting value.1% one unit=0. 033: 034: 035: .192: 193: Function Vertical scan magnification correction Horizontal scan magnification correction Reader motor speed adjustment Not used Vertical scan start position adjustment (scanning 0 on ADF) Horizontal scan start position adjustment (scanning on ADF) Horizontal scan end position correction (copy:scanning on ADF) Horizontal scan end position correction (superfine:scanning on ADF) Horizontal scan end position correction (fine:scanning on ADF) Horizontal scan end position correction (standard:scanning on ADF) 219 75 75 75 75 0-70 170-270 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-200 0-32 0-32 one unit=0. Chapter 5 5. Do not change the adjustment value extremely.8 <035: . the more the image stretches in the horizontal scanning direction. 0013-1361 5. the more the image stretches in the vertical scanning direction. 5.1.10 <042: Horizontal scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1364 Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a document fed from the ADF starts.6 <033: Vertical scan magnification correction> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Correct the magnification of vertical scanning of a book. 5. The larger the adjustment value. The larger the adjustment value. the narrower the left-side margin of the image becomes. 5. The larger the adjustment value.1.4.4. 0013-1362 5.1. <048: Horizontal scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1371 Correct the magnification of horizontal scanning of a document fed from the ADF.1.14 <046: Horizontal scan end position correction (standard:scanning on ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1369 Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a FAX document set to the standard scan resolution ends. enter factory defaults at image processor PCB replacement.1. the more the image ruduces in the horizontal scanning direction. 5. Do not change the adjustment value extremely.9 <041: Vertical scan start position adjustment (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1363 Adjust the position at which vertical scanning of a document fed from the ADF starts.4.13 <045: Horizontal scan end position correction (fine:scanning on ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1367 Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a FAX document scanned in fine mode ends. The larger the adjustment value. The larger the adjustment value.4. If you have adjusted the ADF feed motor speed by selecting SCAN NUMERIC>48. 0013-1360 5. If you changed the adjustment value in this mode. The larger the adjustment value. The larger the adjustment value.4.1.1. the narrower the bottom margin of the image becomes.4. the adjustment value selected for SCAN NUMERIC>54 must also be incremented/decremented by the same amount.036:Reader motor speed change> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Though no market adjustment work needs to be carried out.4.11 <043: Horizontal scan end position correction ((copy:scanning on ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1365 Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a document being copied ends (when scanning on a document fed from ADF). the ADF pickup motor speed must also be incremented/decremented by the same amount.7 <034: Horizontal scan magnification correction> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Correct the magnification of horizontal scanning of a book. 5. The larger the adjustment value.4.1.4. 5. the narrower the bottom margin of the image becomes. This menu is used to adjust the ADF feed motor speed.18 <193: ADF special standard-sized paper: LGL misidentification-ready> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Set to use special standard-sized paper that is not otherwise identifiable to the ADF (because it is misidentified as "LEGAL").1. The smaller the adjustment value. The larger the adjustment value.17 <054: Pickup motor speed correction (when the ADF is used) > / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1372 This menu is used to adjust the ADF pickup motor speed. the narrower the bottom margin of the image becomes.12 <044: Horizontal scan end position correction (superfine:scanning on ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1366 Adjust the position at which horizontal scanning of a FAX document scanned in superfine mode ends. the narrower the bottom margin of the image becomes.15 <047: Vertical scan magnification correction (when scanning on a document fed from ADF)> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1370 Correct the magnification of vertical scanning of a document fed from the ADF. the more the image stretches in the vertical scanning direction. 5. 0013-1373 31 . the narrower the top margin of the image becomes.1.1.4. enter values indicated on the service label.1.23 <215: XYZ correction value (Z) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-8783 If you replaced the image processor PCB.1. 820686679349 correcton va l u e ( X ) correcton va l u e ( Y ) F-5-3 correcton va l u e ( Z ) 5.21 <213: XYZ correction value (X) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-8781 If you replaced the image processor PCB.1.1.20 <195: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR_R misidentification-ready> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Set to use special standard-sized paper that is not otherwise identifiable to the ADF (because it is misidentified as "LTRR"). 0: LTR_R 1: FOOLSCAP 2: OFFICIO 3: E_OFFICIO 4: G_LTR_R 5: A_LTR_R 0013-1375 5.1. If you have replaced the document glass.1.4.1 SSSW-SW05 List of Functions 0013-1379 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 32 . enter values indicated on the new document glass and write the values on the service label. 0: LTR 1: G_LTR 2: A_LTR 0013-1374 5.1.5 Printer Function Settings (PRINTER) 5.Chapter 5 0: LEGAL 1: FOOLSCAP 2: M_OFFICIO 3: A_FOOLSCAP 4: FOLIO 5: G_LEGAL 6: A_OFFICIO 7: B_OFFICIO 5. enter values indicated on the service label. enter values indicated on the service label. 820686679349 correcton va l u e ( X ) correcton va l u e ( Y ) F-5-2 correcton va l u e ( Z ) 5.19 <194: ADF special standard-sized paper: LTR misidentification-ready> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Set to use special standard-sized paper that is not otherwise identifiable to the ADF (because it is misidentified as "LTR").22 <214: XYZ correction value (Y) of standard white plate> (equipped with SEND functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-8782 If you replaced the image processor PCB. enter values indicated on the new document glass and write the values on the service label. Service Soft Switch Settings 5.4. If you have replaced the document glass.1. enter values indicated on the new document glass and write the values on the service label.5. 820686679349 correcton va l u e ( X ) correcton va l u e ( Y ) F-5-4 correcton va l u e ( Z ) 5.4. If you have replaced the document glass.1. Detailed Discussions of Bit 5 0013-1385 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to enable or disable silent mode.2 SSSW-SW14 List of Functions 0013-1381 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-18 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function Transfer bias pressure reduction mode Not used Black belt addition mode Not used Flicker reduction mode Silent mode Not used Pre-rotation extension mode 1 Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable 0 Disable Disable Disable Disable Disable Detailed Discussions of Bit 0 0013-1382 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to enable or disable transfer bias pressure reduction mode. Select "Enable" to avoid image defects (black spots) produced by transfer bias leaks occurring in a low-pressure region. such as one at a high altitude.1. If the user uses paper that causes fixed toner on paper to be fused and adhered to drum. printing will be on the B4 recording paper. Implementation of this mode would degrade the throughput. 5.1. Detailed Discussions of Bit 4 0013-1384 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to enable or disable flicker reduction mode. if B5 horizontal recording paper and A4 recording paper are set and a B4 image is received. T-5-17 place: do not place: if B4 recording paper and A4 recording paper are set and an A4 extra-long image (*) is received. Select "Enable" to modify the registration loop amount and thus reduce noises or squeaks the registration rollers produce after picking paper from the individual paper inlets. Detailed Discussions of Bit 7 0013-1386 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 33 . Detailed Discussions of Bit 2 0013-1383 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether to enable or disable black belt addition mode. *: Image B4 or shorter and that cannot be printed by division and on A4 recording paper. selecting "Yes" will clean the drum by forming a black band on the drum surface during the reverse rotation which is performed after printing on 50 sheets. This setting regulates the transfer bias to keep it from exceeding a predetermined level during printing. printing will be by division and on B5 horizontal recording paper. Select "Enable" and enter a count to modify fusing temperature control to cancel fluorescent flicking during printing.Chapter 5 T-5-16 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function not used not used not used not used not used not used not used priority on recording in sub scanning direction 1 place 0 do not place Detailed Discussions of Bit 7 0013-1380 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to enable/disable placement of priority on recording in sub scanning direction.5. the wider the top margin of the image becomes.Chapter 5 Select whether the pre-rotation is to be extended. 5.1 Numeric Parameter Functional configuration 0013-1389 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / No.2 <031: Top registration adjustment (manual feed tray)> 0013-1390 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the top registration margin of paper picked from a manual feed tray.50: 51: 52: 53: 54: 55: 56: Function Not used Top registration adjustment (manual feed tray) Top registration adjustment (cassette) Top registration adjustment (duplex unit) Left-end registration adjustment (manual feed tray) Left-end registration adjustment (cassette) Left-end registration adjustment (option cassette) Not used Left-end registration adjustment (duplex unit) Target fixing temperature adjustment (multi) Target fixing temperature adjustment (cassette) Target fixing temperature adjustment (option cassette) Not used Two-sided curl reform mode Not used Adjustment of margin at leading edge of copy Adjustment of margin at trailing edge of copy Adjustment of margin at right edge of copy Adjustment of margin at left edge of copy 0 50 0 0 0 to 9999.2.) 5.1 mm 0 to 200. one unit = 5 deg C 0 to 9999.2. one unit = 0. 01: .1. one unit = 0.1 mm 0 to 200.30: 31: 32: 33: 34: 35: 36: 37: . one unit = 0. one unit = 0.1. 5.1. the wider the top margin of the image becomes.5.5. The larger the adjustment value. one unit = 5 deg C 0 to 9999. 5. During the extended period. one unit = 5 deg C 3 0 to 6.38: 39: 40: 41: 42: 43: . one unit = 0.1 mm 0 to 200.1 mm 0 to 100. The larger the adjustment value.2. one unit = 5 deg C 100 2 2 2 0 to 200. selecting "Set" extends the pre-rotation by five turns. one unit = 5 deg C 50 50 50 100 100 100 0 to 100.1.3 SSSW-SW15 List of Function 0013-1387 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-5-19 Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Function Not used Not used Not used IFAX Permission of split recording of text data Not used Not used Not used Not used 1 Enable 0 Disable - Detailed Discussions of Bit 3 0013-1388 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Select whether split recording is to be enabled when text data such as a header and body text is recorded.5.1 mm 0 to 100. one unit = 5 deg C 0 to 4. If white streaks appear in the image in the H/H environment. the charge Vpp is increased to prevent white streaks from occurring.1.1 mm 0 to 4. one unit = 5 deg C 0 to 9999. one unit = 5 deg C 0 to 4.1 mm Default Setting range 5. In this case. one unit = 34 . a page may be split in the middle of a character string. one unit = 0.4 <033: Top registration adjustment (duplex unit)> 0013-1396 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the top registration margin of paper picked from a duplex unit.3 <032: Top registration adjustment (cassette)> 0013-1391 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the top registration margin of paper picked from cassettes. The larger the adjustment value. Selecting "Set" may split text data when a small paper size such as A5 is selected. the wider the top margin of the image becomes.2 Numeric Parameter Settings (NUMERIC Param. 2.9 <040: Target fixing temperature adjustment (manual feed tray)> 0013-1401 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Lower the fixing temperature from the target temperature setting to reduce the chances of fixing offsets and curled or stuck delivered sheets occurring with paper picked from a manual feed tray.5. 5. 5. 35 . the wider the left-end margin of the image becomes.1.1. the wider the left-end margin of the image becomes. The larger the adjustment value.1. Increasing the value makes the margin at the trailing edge larger.5.2.5. The larger the adjustment value.1.2. the wider the left-end margin of the image becomes.5. Increasing the value makes the margin at the left edge larger. The higher the value.1. the higher will be the second-side target temperature.5. thus reducing curling of the delivered paper.Chapter 5 5.2.10 <041: Target fixing temperature adjustment (cassette 1)> 0013-1402 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Lower the fixing temperature from the target temperature setting to reduce the chances of fixing offsets and curled or stuck delivered sheets occurring with paper picked from cassette 1. 5. Increasing the value makes the margin at the leading edge larger. The larger the adjustment value.1.5 <034: Left-end registration adjustment (manual feed tray)> 0013-1397 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the left-end registration margin of paper picked from a manual feed tray.1.5. 5.14 <054: Margin adjustment at the trailing edge of the copy> 0013-1406 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the margin at the trailing edge of the copy.2.1.11 <042: Target fixing temperature adjustment (cassette 2)> 0013-1403 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Lower the fixing temperature from the target temperature setting to reduce the chances of fixing offsets and curled or stuck delivered sheets occurring with paper picked from cassette 2. <051: Target 2-sided temperature adjustment> 0013-1404 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / This mode is used to adjust the target temperature for printing the second-side in double-sided printing. 5.5. The lower the value.8 <039: Left-end registration adjustment (duplex unit)> 0013-1400 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the left-end registration margin of paper picked from a duplex unit.13 <053: Margin adjustment at the leading edge of the copy> 0013-1405 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the margin at the leading edge of the copy. Increasing the value makes the margin at the right edge larger. 5. 5.15 <055: Margin adjustment at the right edge of the copy> 0013-1407 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the margin at the right edge of the copy.6 <035: Left-end registration adjustment (cassette 1)> 0013-1398 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the left-end registration margin of paper picked from cassette 1. the lower will be the second side target temperature.2.2.1. thus increasing the fusing capacity.5.1.16 <056: Margin adjustment at the left edge of the copy> 0013-1408 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the margin at the left edge of the copy. <036: Left-end registration adjustment (cassette 2)> 0013-1399 / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Adjust the left-end registration margin of paper picked from cassette 2. the wider the left-end margin of the image becomes. The larger the adjustment value. 5. Maintenance/parts counter all clear Execute service mode > CLEAR > COUNTER to clear all maintenance/parts counters.1. 0: Do not support. 36 . 1: Support. Item #ACC CARD Explanation Card reader installation setting Enter a card number to use. .) *1:1. which can be used to gain rough measures of when to replace supplies. 0013-7948 CC-SPSW COIN CONTROL 5. T-5-20 Maintenance counter list Item TOTAL (Total counter) Counter SERVICE1 SERVICE2 TTL COPY PDL-PRT FAX-PRT REP-PRT 2-SIDE SCAN PICK-UP (Paper pickup counter) C1 C2 C3 C4 MF 2-SIDE FEEDER (Feeder related counters) JAM (Jam counters) FEED DFOP-CNT TTL FEEDER SORTER 2-SIDE MF C1 C2 C3 C4 MISC (Other required counter) Parts counter list Item DRBL-1 (Unit supplies) Counter PT-DRM Explanation Drum unit rotation count Service life 26. When a card number is entered.000 0013-1410 Explanation Service total counter 1 Service total counter 2 Total counter Total copy counter PDL print counter Fax print counter Report print counter Double-sided copy/print counter Scan counter Cassette 1 jam counter Cassette 2 jam counter Not used Not used Manual feed tray pickup total counter Double-sided paper pickup total counter Feeder pickup total counter ADF open/close hinge counter Unit total jam count Feeder total jam count Not used Duplex unit jam counter Manual feed tray jam counter Cassette 1 jam counter Cassette 2 jam counter Not used Not used Not used T-5-21 WST-TNR (0 to 9999.1 Counters / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1409 This copier is furnished with a maintenance/supplies counter set (DRBL-1).Password associated with the card Control card I/F support setting Set whether to support the control card I/F (CC-V) or not.000 cards if option ROM is mounted. The counter set increments by one on counting each sheet of small-sized paper (up to A4/LTR) and by two on counting each sheet of large-sized paper (larger than A4/LTR). beginning from the input card number.7 Display of Counter Information (COUNTER) 5.Chapter 5 5.1.1. the following kinds of management information are initialized: .6 Registration of Accessories (ACC) 5.Card name (department ID).1.7. One hundred cards are registered with the department ID beginning from the input card number in sequence. 1: Enable printing with a card mounted in position.1 Accessory Registration / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The table below gives summary description of the accessories available. 0: Enable printing without a card mounted. 0: Control card use 1: Coin vendor use Set the PDL printer output control where the control card I/F (CC-V) is supported.2 Clearing Counters / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / . Coin vendor change Set the control card set display appearing on the operator station for vendor use. Chapter 5 . 37 .Counter clear on parts replacement Press the numeric keypad key 0 after displaying the counter for a part just replaced. and the counter will be cleared individually. print speed. ROM. SYSTEM. memory size. PRINT.. ROM indication.. MENU.8. SCAN. start date) System dump list output Transmission count. start date) Service mode service soft switch output (SSSW. NCU. SCAN. PRINT.8 Report Output (REPORT) 5. record chart count. NUMERIC Param. SYSTEM.1.8. error count and other outputs Counter output Jam and error history output Type setting. 06/30/2005 12:00 FAX ****************************** *** SYSTEM DATA LIST *** ****************************** #SSSW SW01 SW02 SW03 SW04 SW05 SW06 SW07 SW08 SW09 SW10 SW11 SW12 SW13 SW14 SW15 SW16 SW17 SW18 SW19 SW20 SW21 SW22 SW23 SW24 SW25 SW26 SW27 SW28 SW29 SW30 SW31 SW32 SW33 SW34 SW35 SW36 SW37 SW38 SW39 SW40 SW41 SW42 SW43 SW44 SW45 SW46 SW47 SW48 SW49 SW50 #MENU 01: 02: 03: 04: 05: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------00000000 10000000 00000000 10000000 00000000 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000011 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00011000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00100000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 0 0 0 0 0 001 0013-1412 F-5-5 5.1 Report Output / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The table below lists the kinds of reports that are supported. MENU.Chapter 5 5.1. both successful and error.3 System Dump List / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / . ROM. reception count. SPECIAL.System Dump List Use it to check the history of communications. SPECIAL. 0013-1413 38 .1.8. NCU. Item SERVICE DATA LIST SYSTEM DATA LIST Explanation Service mode service soft switch output (SSSW.2 System Data List / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Use it to check the settings associated with the service soft switch and service parameters.1. adjustment data and other outputs Output of an entry format for the service label affixed to the rear cover as shipped 0013-1411 SYSTEM DUMP LIST COUNTER REPORT ERROR LOG LIST SPEC LIST SERVICE LABEL 5. NUMERIC Param. Super Fine. *3: RX. *4: Total number of pages transmitted and received for each modem speed *5: Total number of pages transmitted/received in connection with different modem speeds (Standard. *2: Total number of pages transmitted/received according to original size. Fine.Chapter 5 [1] [3] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] F-5-6 *1: TX. Ultra Fine). number of total pages transmission. *6: Total number of pages transmitted and received for each coding method *7: Total number of pages transmitted and received in each mode *8: Total number of pages printed/scanned *9: Total number of occurrences for error code 39 . number of total pages reception. 2003 09/02 TUE 12:00 FAX #000 START TIME OTHER PARTY MAKER CODE MACHINE CODE RCV V. 34] 0 00 00 00 01110111 01011111 00000001 00000100 01000010 00011111 00000001 00000100 CFR 00100011 00000001 10101001 00000001 ( bit 00000000 00000000 ( bit 00100001 00000001 00000001 00000001 ( bit 00000000 00000000 ( bit MCF PIX-288 PPS-NUL MCF PIX-288 PPS-EOP DCN PIX-288 PPS-NUL MCF PIX-288 PPS-NUL 56 ) 96 ) 56 ) 96 ) 00000100 00000001 00000000 00000001 Rx : NSF CSI DIS Tx : Rx : MCF Tx : PIX-288 PPS-NUL NSS TSI DCS MCF #3 OLDEST START TIME OTHER PARTY MAKER CODE MACHINE CODE RCV V.) 0013-1414 5. manufacturer code. TX. telephone number sent by the other party. date and time (in 24-hr notation). *4: MAKER CODE.8. or DTC that has been transmitted. (For more detailed information about the maintenance/supplies counter output. *7: bit 1 through bit 96 of DIS. 34] 0 00 00 00 F-5-7 *1: service error code.Chapter 5 T-5-22 Indication sample ##280 1 ##280 number of errors 7 ##281 number of errors 3 ##282 number of errors 0 0 It provides error information on the 3 most recent communications. procedural signal received. *8: RX.1. execute service mode > Display counter information > Counters.8 FRAME SYMBOL RATE DATA RATE TX LVL REDUCTION ERR ABCODE ERR SECTXB ERR SECRXB Rx : ( bit ( bit Tx : ( bit ( bit 1) 57 ) 1) 57 ) 09/02 10:00 12345678 10001000 0100001 00000000 E0 81 85 D4 90 7E 00 00 3429 baud 28800 bps [V. or DTC that has been received. DCS. DCS.8 FRAME SYMBOL RATE DATA RATE TX LVL REDUCTION ERR ABCODE ERR SECTXB ERR SECRXB #000 09/02 09:00 12345678 10001000 0100001 00000000 E0 81 85 D4 90 7E 00 00 3429 baud 28800 bps [V. 34] 0 00 00 00 01110111 01011111 00000001 00000100 01000010 00011111 00000001 00000100 00100011 00000001 10101001 00000001 ( bit 00000000 00000000 ( bit 00100001 00000001 00000001 00000001 ( bit 00000000 00000000 ( bit 56 ) 96 ) 56 ) 96 ) 001 *1 *2 *3 *4 *5 #1 LATEST *6 *7 00000100 00000001 00000000 00000001 *8 *8 Rx : NSF CSI DIS Tx : Rx : MCF Tx : #2 START TIME OTHER PARTY MAKER CODE MACHINE CODE RCV V. 5. *6: bit 1 through bit 96 of DIS.8 FRAME SYMBOL RATE DATA RATE TX LVL REDUCTION ERR ABCODE ERR SECTXB ERR SECRXB Rx : ( bit ( bit Tx : ( bit ( bit 1) 57 ) 1) 57 ) PIX-288 PPS-NUL #000 NSS TSI DCS CFR PIX-288 PPS-NUL MCF PIX-288 PPS-NUL MCF PIX-288 PPS-NUL MCF PIX-288 PPS-EOP MCF DCN 09/02 09:30 12345678 10001000 0100001 00000000 E0 81 85 D4 90 7E 00 00 3429 baud 28800 bps [V.8. *3: OTHER PARTY. *5: MACHINE CODE. procedural signal transmitted.1.4 Counter List / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Explanation: Maintenance/supplies counter output.5 Error Log List / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1415 40 . *2: START TIME. model code. the more recently it has occurred. 4: ADF 0: Host machine.Chapter 5 07/12/2005 13:07 FAX *************************************** *** JAM/ERR LOG REPORT *** *************************************** 001 [1] [2] [3] JAM [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] 01 04/12 12:17 20:03 4 1 0012 000026 1 A4 20 04/12 12:17 20:03 4 1 0012 000026 1 A4 [1] [2] [3] ERR [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] 01 04/12 12:17 15:36 3 0010 0000 000691 20 04/12 12:17 15:36 3 0010 0000 000691 F-5-8 Jam history description (JAM) Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Number Jam date Jam time Jam recovery time Location Occurrence category Jam code Host machine 3: Host machine. Date of jam occurrence Error history description (ERR) Item [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Number Error date Error time Error recovery time Location 3: Main unit Explanation The larger the number of an error. Date of error occurrence 41 . 1: Cassette 1.) Deliver delay jam Delivery stationary jam Pickup NG Explanation The larger the number of a jam. the more recently it has occurred. 2: Cassette 2 Jam cause Pickup delay jam Pickup stationary jam Delivery sensor delay jam Delivery sensor stationary jam Stationary jam in machine Wound paper jam at fuser Door open jam Unknown jam Initial stationary Document edge sensor delay jam Document edge sensor stationary jam Paper absence (Pull out the document. 1: ADF Code 0104 0208 010c 0210 0214 021c 1118 ADF 0000 0007 0008 0009 000a 000c 000d 0010 [8] [9] [10] Total counter display Pickup stage position Paper size 0: Manual feed tray. see the "Error Code" Chapter.) 5. A 22cpm 128MB WLaa-03-13 WLaa-03-13 WLaa-03-13 0509 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 OFF ON ON ON ON OFF OFF OFF ON 0 : NONE ON / OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF OFF / OFF OFF / OFF OFF / OFF OFF / OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF ON / OFF BFDxxxxx 20000016 0 : NONE 000688 000685 000000 000000 000000 0022 0000 0115 0032 0032 0000 0219 0075 0075 0075 0075 0032 0032 0032 0000 0000 0000 0050 0050 0050 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 0100 16MB OFF ON OFF 0051J9AE904 00 00 85 51 60 1C OFF 2 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] F-5-9 [1] Type setting [2] Print speed [3] Memory size [4] ROM version (MAIN/BOOT/ECONT/option cassette/duplex unit/finisher) [5] Activation function ON/OFF [6] Soft ID information [7] Total counter (TOTAL/COPY/FAX/PDL/REPORT record counts) [8] Adjustment data (factory scan/record adjustment values) 42 . ENGINE CODE SIZE TYPE TOTAL TTL COPY FAX-PRT PDL-PRT RPT-PRT READ ADJ PRM 026: 031: 032: 033: 034: 041: 042: 043: 044: 045: 046: 047: 048: 054: 213: 214: 215: WRITE ADJ PRM 031: 032: 033: 034: 035: 036: 037: 038:[ 039: OPTYION ROM USB MEMORY DELIVERY FULL SENSOR 1 DELIVERY FULL SENSOR 2 USB SERIAL No.Chapter 5 Error history description (ERR) Item [6] [7] [8] Error code Detail code Total counter display Explanation Error code (4-digit code.) Detail code of the error code (4-digit code.1. for a definition of the code. see the "Error Code" Chapter. S. for a definition of the code. MAC ADDRESS BACKUP BATTERY LUGIA _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ U.6 Spec List / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1416 07/12/2005 13:07 FAX 001 ***************************** *** SPEC REPORT *** ***************************** TYPE LBP SPEED TOTAL MEMORY MAIN OPTION BOOT ECONT OPT-CAS 1 OPT-CAS 2 OPT-CAS 3 OPT-DUP OPT-FIN ACTIBAT FUNCTION BDL-IMAGE (1200) FAX NETWORK PCL PC-SCAN BW-SEND CL-SEND PAF BDL-IMAGE (600) SOFT-ID PRM TYPE OPTION/ENABLE SW BIT 00: BDL-IMAGE (1200) BIT 01: FAX BIT 02: NETWORK BIT 03: PCL BIT 04: PC-SCAN BIT 05: BW-SEND BIT 06: CL-SEND BIT 07: PAF BIT 08: BDSS BIT 09: BDL-IMAGE (600) BIT 10: COUNTER BODY No.8. 1. 2 paper full sensor sensor availability [12] USB serial number [13] MAC address [14] Backup battery availability [15] Anlog purocessor PCB version 5. #PRINT>#PRINT NUMERIC FACTORY 1 50 031 50 032 50 033 100 034 100 035 100 036 100 037 100 038 100 039 #SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC FACTORY 1 026 031 032 033 034 041 042 043 044 045 046 047 048 054 213 214 215 F-5-10 0013-1417 2 3 2 3 #SCAN>#SCAN NUMERIC body No:BFDxxxxx 43 .Chapter 5 [9] Option ROM availability [10] USB memory availability [11] No.7 Service Label / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Enter the value given in the service label affixed to the rear cover when it has been replaced with a new one. 1/No.8. 1.1 Error Display / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The error and detailed code which have happened now are shown. and the counter setting/registration data in the system dump list. Clears the alarm history. parts counter and mode-specific counters. (This mode is used when the USB memory error is damaged.1 Clear / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Group TEL & USER DATA Item Explanation Clears all user-registered and -set areas of telephone registration data and user data.9 Download (DOWNLOAD) 5. 0013-1419 SERVICE DATA COUNTER TYPE SOFT-CNT HST 5. Not used Format the USB memory. Clear the error (error code) history.9.1. Not used Clears card reader errors.10 Data Initialization Mode (CLEAR) 5.1. T-5-23 Item MAIN MAIN2 ECONT OPROM Explanation Displays the version number of the ROM (SYSTEM) mounted on the image processor PCB.12 Display of ROM Information (ROM) 5.1. Clears the system administrator's password. Initializes the counter (numerator) in the system dump list.1. see the "Upgrading" section): Main unit . (Telephone registration refers to the registration of codes on one-touch dialing.12. abbreviated dialing. and group dialing.11. 0013-1420 44 .) Not used Clears user and service data (except for some scan parameters and print parameters). Displays the version of the ROM (BOOT) mounted on the image processor PCB.) Clears the system dump list.Flash ROM (system + boot) mounted on the image processor PCB . Displays the version number of the ROM mounted on the DC controller PCB. except for counters and clear dates. Not used ACTIVITY ACCOUNT JAM ERR ALARM CARD ERR PWD FILE SYSTEM FORMAT USB MEMORY LICENSE DRIVE ALL E355 E719 Initializes the activity report Clears print histories. Clears the maintenance counter. Initializes user data and service data to suit specified destination settings. 0013-8006 5. The error code is displayed on the upper sida and a detailed code is displayed on the lower side. Clears the jam history.10. Displays the version number of the option ROM. Clears department management information held in the controller before the card reader is demounted.1 Download / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1418 The following parts of this unit can be upgraded by executing download mode using the service support tool (SST) (for more information.Chapter 5 5. except for the print count.1 ROM display / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The table below lists the items of ROM display mode that are supported.1.1.11 Error Display (ERROR DISPLAY) 5.ROM mounted on the PCL board 5.1. Numeric keypad key 1 Corrects the LED output of the contact sensor and sets its parameters automatically.13.1. D-RAM [1] .5 mm inside of the roller from the reference position Pos C: About 1. 3 and 4 during the CCD test to carry out the individual tests described below. Numeric keypad key 2 Checks to see if data can be correctly read from all areas of D-RAM (SDRAM). Pos A: Reference read position Pos B: About 0. If an error occurs making this check. Numeric keypad key 4 Detects trash at reader scan positions A/B/C. with an error appearing on the touch panel (LCD). Other test patterns are reserved for factory/development purposes.3 Print Test ((3) PRINT TEST) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1424 Print test ((3) PRINT TEST) Press the numeric keypad key 3 on the test mode menu to select the print test.0 mm inside of the roller from the reference position 0013-1423 5.13. Press numeric keypad keys 1 and 2 during the D-DRAM test to carry out the individual tests described below.13 Test Mode (TEST MODE) 5. press the stop key.2 Scan Test ((2) SCAN TEST) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Scan test ((2) SCAN TEST) Press the numeric keypad key 2 on the test mode menu to select the CCD test.1.13. Press numeric keypad keys 1.1. the test is aborted. 45 . (AGC adjustment) Numeric keypad key 3 Adjusts the document scan position (only on models with the ADF feature installed). the test is aborted. Numeric keypad key 2 (2) BLACK: All-black output Numeric keypad key 4 (4) ENDURANCE: Black belt output To cancel test printing.1. Press numeric keypad keys 2 and 4 during the print test to generate test patterns as described below. If an error occurs making this check. Adjusts the position of the contact sensor for scanning documents fed from the ADF automatically. with an error appearing on the touch panel (LCD). Numeric keypad key 1 Checks to see if data can be correctly written to and read from all areas of D-RAM (SDRAM).1 D-RAM Test<(1) D-RAM TEST> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / D-RAM Test((1) D-RAM) Press the numeric keypad key 1 on the test mode menu to select the D-DRAM test.[2] TEST 30208KB 0013-1421 D-RAM TEST 30208KB D-RAM TEST 30208KB complete (no error) WRT= 33CC RD= 33EC ADR= BF840201 D-RAM TEST 30208KB D-RAM TEST 30208KB complete (error) F-5-11 5. Two kinds of service test patterns are available.Chapter 5 5. signals of the following frequencies from the modem are transmitted using the telephone line terminal and the speaker. The modem sends V. Use it to make sure that the print pattern does not have contraction/ elongation of an image or dirt/black line. 46 . The modem sends G3 signals from the modular jack and the speaker. you cannot use the touch panel (LCD) to check a fault on a single relay.e.1. 8 V. The modem tests check whether signals are sent correctly from the modem by comparing the sound of the signals from the speaker with the sounds from a normal modem. Frequency Test A press on '2' on the keypad from the MODEM test menu selects the frequency test.13. for this reason. '2' on the keypad is used for 230V machine.Chapter 5 Use it to make sure that the print pattern does not have white lines or uneven image.4 MODEM Test ((4) MODEM TEST) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1425 MODEM test((4) MODEM TEST) These tests test modem and NCU transmission and reception.. the presence/absence as detected). The reception signal is generated by the speaker. In this test. Numeric keypad key 1 The input key and relay are shown below: [1] [2] RELAY TEST1 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF [3] [4] [5] [6] F-5-13 Numeric keypad key 2 The input key and relay are shown below: [1] [2] RELAY TEST2 OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] F-5-14 The touch panel (LCD) is turned on or off in relation to the transmission of the relay operation signal as is operated on the keypad. Keypad 1 2 4 5 6 Type Relay test Frequency test G3 signal transmission test DTMF signal reception test Tonal signal reception test Description Use it to turn on/off a selected relay to execute a switch-over test The modem sends tonal signals from the modular jack and the speaker.s F-5-12 5.34 G3 signal transmission test Relay Test Press '1'or '2' on the keypad on the Modem test menu to select relay test mode. Use it to monitor a specific frequency and the DTMF signal received from the telephone line terminal by causing them to be indicated on the LCD (i. End this test by pressing the Stop key. Use it to generate the DTMF signal coming from the modem using the telephone line terminal and the speaker.34 G3 signals from the modular jack and the speaker. Use the keypad to operate the various relays of the NCU. To select a different frequency. Tonal signal reception test MODEM TEST OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF changes from '0' to '1' in response to detection of a signal of 462 25 Hz. G3 Signal Transmission Test A press on '4' on the keypad from the MODEM test menu selects the G3 signal transmission test. The Baud rate can be changed with the keypad. 25 Hz. Tonal/DTMF Signal Reception Test A press on '6' on the keypad from the MODEM test menu selects the tonal signal/DTMF signal reception 0 test. the following DTMF signals from the modem are transmitted using the telephone line terminal and the speaker. The number pressed on the keypad selects a specific DTMF signal. Keypad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Transmission speed 300bps 2400bps 4800bps 7200bps 9600bps TC7200bps TC9600bps 12000bps 14400bps MEMO: The output level of individual signals is in keeping with the setting made in service mode. DTMF Signal Transmission Test A press on '5' on the MODEM test menu selects the DTMF signal transmission test. use the keypad.34 G3 signals below are sent from the modem using the modular jack and the speaker by pressing the start key. F-5-15 V. the following G3 signals from the modem are transmitted using the telephone line terminal and the speaker. changes from '0' to '1' in response to detection of a signal of 2100 DTMF signal reception test MODEM TEST OFF OFF OFF 5 The received DTMF signals are indicated starting from the right using the 2nd character of the display. and the Speed can be changed with the left/right arrow key. MEMO: The output level of individual signals is in keeping with the setting made in service mode. the tonal signal/DTMF signal received from the telephone line terminal can be checked to find out if it was detected by the modem. In this signal. To select a different transmission speed.34 G3 Signal Transmission Test A press on '8' on the keypad from the MODEM test menu selectes the V. The V. In the test. changes from '0' to '1' in response to detection of a signal of 1100 30 Hz.34 G3 signal transmission test.Chapter 5 use the keypad. Keypad 0 1 2 3 4 5 Left/right arrow key Baud rate 3429baud 3200baud 3000baud 2800baud 2743baud 2400baud Transmission speed 2400bps 47 . In this test. Keypad 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Frequency 462Hz 1100Hz 1300Hz 1500Hz 1650Hz 1850Hz 2100Hz MEMO: The frequency and the output level of individual frequencies are in keeping with the output level set in service mode. Chapter 5 Left/right arrow key Transmission speed 4800bps 7200bps 9600bps < 12000bps 14400bps 16800bps 19200bps 21600bps > 24000bps 26400bps 28800bps 31200bps 33600bps 5. LCD indications change as the associated sensors turn on and off.13. T-5-24 Keypad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Item G3 signal transmission test Not used Sensor test ADF test Book test Speaker test Operation panel test Lamp test Line signal reception test Sensor actuation test ADF operation test Host machine operation test Speaker operation test LCD. 0013-1426 G3 signal transmission test (6-1: G3 480 bps Tx) Press numeric keypad key 1 on the FUNCTION TEST menu to select the G3 signal transmission test. This test transmits 4800-bps G3 signals from the telephone line connection terminal and speaker.1. 48 . Sensor test (6-3: SENSOR) This mode is used to verify the status of the unit sensors from LCD indications. LED and control key operation test Contact sensor illumination test NCU board signal sensor and frequency counter operation test Explanation Transmits 4800-bps G3 signals to a telephone line and speaker. Press numeric keypad key 3 on the FUNCTION TEST menu to select the sensor test.5 FUNCTION TEST <(6) FUNCTION TEST> / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Function test ((6) FUNCTION TEST) Press the numeric keypad key 6 on the test mode menu to select the function test. Press numeric keypad keys 1 and 3 to 9 during the function test to enter the menus listed below. OP1 0000 OP3 0000 OP2 0000 OP1: Not used OP2: Not used OP3: Not used Press numeric keypad key 3 DS ON DES of HPS ON BCVS of DS: ADF original set sensor (SR2001): On/Paper presence. 0/ Document absence Not used MULTI:Manual paper sensor (SR12): 0/Document presence.[8] Press numeric keypad key 1. 1: LATCH Indications change from 0 to 1 as the sensors turn on. 1/Document absence 2ND-DEL 0 0: Not used Not used Press numeric keypad key 2. Of/Paper absence BCVS: Not used F-5-16 49 . SENSOR NORMAL [0] . 1/Document absence FULL: Delivery full sensor (SR10): 0/Document presence. Press numeric keypad key 0. TONER 0 FULL 0 2ND-DEL 0 0 TONER: Waste toner full detection sensor (SR6): 0/Document presence.[1] CAS 0000 LOCK 0 CAS 0000: Not used LOCK 0: Not used Press numeric keypad key 1. 1/Document absence DEL 0 0: Delivery sensor (SR5): 1/ Document presence. Indications change from 1 to 0 as the sensors turn off. 1/Document absence Press numeric keypad key 1. SWITCH CHECK [0] . Indications do not change back from 1 to 0 once the sensors turn on from the off state. 1/Document absence OP2 0 0: Not used OP3 0 0: Not used PATH 0 0: Not used Press numeric keypad key 2 Press numeric keypad key 0. SENSOR CHECK 0:NORMAL 1:LATCH Select a sensor mode. 1/Document absence REG:Registration sensor (SR11): 0/Document presence. Of/Paper absence DES: ADF document edge snsor (SR2002): On/Paper presence. 0: NORMAL Indications change from 0 to 1 as the sensors turn on.[2] CAS 0 DEL 0 0 REG 0 MULTI 0 Press numeric keypad key 1. SENSOR LATCH [0] . Press numeric keypad key 0.Chapter 5 6-3:SENOR [1] . OP1 0 0 OP3 0 0 OP1 0 0: OP2 0 0 PATH 0 0 Not used Option casstte paper sensor (SR6) : 0/Document presence.[2] CAS:Cassette paper sensor (SR9): 0/Document presence. Of/Paper absence HP: CS HP sensor (SR401): On/Paper presence. Functions that can be verified from this menu are listed below. in varying sound volumes. Press numeric keypad key 4 on the FUNCTION TEST menu to select the ADF feed test. REF xxx ANT xxx |ANT . the maximum. enter a transfer speed between 500 and 2000 (mm/s) from the numeric keypad and verify the transfer speed. SPEAKER VOL[*] :MIN [#]:MAX Signal tone volume adjustment. Signal output from the speaker is thus verified. #. WID1 of LEN1 of WID2 of LEN2 of WID1: Not used WID2: Not used LEN1: Not used LEN2: Not used F-5-17 ADF feed test (ADF FEED TEST) ADF operation verification mode. The volume is adjustable level by level using the start key. Press numeric keypad key 6 on the FUNCTION TEST menu to select the speaker test. the speaker generates tonal signals at 100 Hz intervals. * denotes the minimum. Book feed test (6-5: BOOK FEED TEST) Performs a book feed operation with a specified magnification and in a specified size. LAST of REG of EXIT of CVR of LAST: Not used EXIT: Not used REG: Not used CVR: Not used Press numeric keypad key 8. SPEAKER FREQ TEST Press the start key to change the transmission frequency Press numeric keypad key 2. [1] NCR Sts 12345678 DPT MGN OK RDY 1234 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [4] Can status OK: Normal scan ERR: Scan error NG: Nonstandard error (No indication): No card [5] Equipment status IN: Initialization in progress RDY: Ready [6] Card reader version indication Four-digit number [1] Card reader and card availability indication Card available: Eight-digit card ID No card: Card None No card reader available: NCR None [2] Card type and card reader status indication DPT: Department card PRC: Unit pricing card MAX: Upper limit setting card ERS: Erased card SRV: Service card (No indication): No card [3] Card type MGN: Magnetic card OPT: Optical card Press numeric keypad key 7. Place a document on the document platen and press the start key to transfer the document at the speed matched to the scan resolution setting. Speaker test (6-6: SPEAKER) Speaker operation verification mode. In this test. Press numeric keypad key 7 on the FUNCTION TEST menu to select the OPERATION PANEL test menu.Chapter 5 Press numeric keypad key 4. In this test. F-5-18 Operation panel test (6-7: OPERATION PANEL) Operation panel operation verification mode. Select between the ON and OFF states with the left and right cursor keys to select between singlesided document feed (OFF) and double-sided document feed (ON). BSCT on BDOC[A3 ] BDSS3-0 [of of of of] BSCT: Not used BDOC: Not used BDSS3-0 [of of of of]: Not used Press numeric keypad key 6.LEF| xxx REF: Toner reference voltage (A/D value) ANT: Toner antenna voltage (A/D value) ANT .LEF: Differential voltage (A/D value) Press numeric keypad key 5. 6-6: SPEAKER FREQ [1] VOL [2] Press numeric keypad key 1. 50 . from 200 Hz to 5 kHz. .Chapter 5 . The test succeeds if the characters appearing in the LCD are erased when the corresponding keys are pressed. the test succeeds if the characters appearing in the LCD are erased when the corresponding keys are pressed. Press the start key once again to produce a total black display. turning on all lamps on the operation panel. As in (1). 51 .LCD test Start the OPERATION PANEL test by pressing the start key. Operation key test (1) correspondence diagram [M] [O] [N] [F] [K] [C] LCD [I] [H] [L] [G] [Q] [A] [B] [P] [J] [D] [E] F-5-19 Operation key test (2) correspondence diagram [7] [6] [8] [3] [5] [4] [1] [0] [2] 01: [A] 02: [B] 03: [C] 04: [D] 05: [E] 06: [F] 07: [G] 08: [H] 09: [I] 10: [J] 11: [K] 12: [L] F-5-20 The flow of operation panel testing is shown below.Operation key test Press the start key after the LCD lamp test to select operation key test (1). . When the entire character display is erased. displaying all-H characters.LED lamp test Press the start key after the LCD test to select the LCD lamp test. operation key test (2) launches (only on models with the FAX feature installed). The LCD test is carried out first. while menu 3 detects the CNG signal. indicating the received frequency.6 Roller cleaning mode ((0) ROLLER CLEAN) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Roller cleaning mode ((0) ROLLER CLEAN) Press numeric keypad key 0 in test mode to select roller cleaning mode. Press the stop key to exit this mode. When the CNG signal is detected on the telephone line connection terminal. the LCD display changes from OFF to ON. All-black display Press the start key. from left to right. All-LED illumination LED lamp test Press the start key. In this test.1. Line signal reception test (9: LINE DETECT) Press numeric keypad key 9 on the FACULTY menu to select the line signal reception test. The LCD displays. F-5-21 Press the one-touch dialing keys associated with characters on display to erase the characters. Numeric keypad key 3 turns off the CML relay to detect CNG. Press numeric keypad keys 1 and 2 during this test to enter the following menus: Numeric keypad key 1 Press the start key clean the ADF pickup/feed rollers by idling. 0013-1428 52 . All-H character display Press the start key. Numeric keypad key 2 turns on the CML relay to detect CNG. CNG and FED detection. Press the stop key to exit this mode. the LCD display changes from OFF to ON. The LCD displays the status of CML. press the stop key to exit the test. CNG and FED detection. verify the successful operations of the NCU signal sensor and the frequency counter. indicating the received frequency. 012345678 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR Operation key test (2) After erasing all characters on display. from left to right. from left to right. CI. Test menu 1 Press numeric keypad key 1 on the LINE DETECT menu to select test menu 1. Numeric keypad key 2 Press the start key clean the unit transfer rollers by idling. indicating the received frequency. with ON/OFF indications. 0123456789*#ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTU Operation key test (1) Press the keys associated with characters on display to erase the characters. the LCD display changes from OFF to ON. CI frequency.Chapter 5 6-7 : OPERATION LCD test PANEL Press the start key. Menu 1 detects the CI state. with ON/OFF indications. Test menu 2 Press numeric keypad key 2 on the LINE DETECT menu to select test menu 2. When CI is detected on the telephone line connection terminal. hook port and FC with indications of 1:ON and 0:OFF. The LCD also displays the on-hook or off-hook state of an external telephone set as detected. Test menu 3 Press numeric keypad key 3 on the LINE DETECT menu to select test menu 3. 5. The LCD displays the status of CML. When the CNG signal is detected on the telephone line connection terminal.13. 1 Clutch/Solenoid 6. J205 (Relay PCB) J204 (Relay PCB) J207 (Relay PCB) J203 (Relay PCB) J110 (DC controller PCB) J105 (DC controller PCB) J410 (Analog processor PCB) J206 (Relay PCB) E805 E010 Error 0013-1282 Drives the duplex pickup roller.1. Supplies a drive to each rollers. Drives the registration roller. Part No. FK2-1413 FM2-5271 FK2-1383 FK2-1386 M401 FM1 SL1 CL1 M1 M2 SL5 SL2 F-6-1 <ADF> T-6-2 Symbol SL2001 SL2002 SL2003 M2001 Name Pickup solenoid Registaration solenoid Roller release solenoid ADF motor Function Drives the pickup roller. Part No. Cools fixing unit. Drives the laser scanner. FK2-1393 FK2-1393 FK2-1392 FM2-8208 Connection jack No. FK2-1411 Supplies a drive to each rollers. Drives the contact sensor. FK2-1413 Drives the manual pickup roller. FK2-1409 Drives the cassette pickup roller. J411 (Analog processor PCB) J411 (Analog processor PCB) J411 (Analog processor PCB) J400 (Analog processor PCB) Error 53 . FK2-1401 Connection jack No. Releases the delivery roller.Chapter 6 Chapter 6 Outline of Components 6.1 List of Clutches/Solenoids/Motors/Fans / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / <Main body> T-6-1 Symbol CL1 SL1 SL2 SL5 M1 M2 M401 FM1 Name Registration clutch Duplex pickup solenoid Cassette pickup solenoid Manual pickup solenoid Main motor Polygon motor Reader motor Heat discharge fan Function Drives the registration roller. Part No. Detects opening/closing of the front cover.2. 0210. Detects delivery. Detects registration paper. WG8-5776 WG8-5776 WG8-5776 WG8-5776 WG8-5776 Connection jack No. Part No. WC4-5236 WC4-5236 J202 (Relay PCB) J112 (DC controller PCB) J112 (DC controller PCB) SR6 SR10 SR401 SR12 SR5 SR9 SW3 SW2 SR11 F-6-3 <ADF> T-6-4 Symbol SR2001 Name Document set sensor Function Detects presence/absence of paper. Detects presence/absence of cassette paper. J412 (Analog processor PCB) J107 (DC controller PCB) J208 (Relay PCB) J208 (Relay PCB) J202 (Relay PCB) 0104. 0208. J406 (Analog processor PCB) Error 000a 54 . Detects the delivery paper full status. WG8-5696 Connection jack No. 0214 1118 1118 010c.Chapter 6 SL2003 M2001 SL2001 SL2002 F-6-2 6.2 Sensor 6. WG8-5776 Detects opening/closing of the left door. 0214. 0210. 010c.1 List of Sensors / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / <Main body> T-6-3 Symbol SR401 SR5 SR9 SR10 SR11 Name CS HP sensor Delivery sensor Cassette paper sensor Delivery full sensor Registration sensor Function Detects the CS home position. 021c Jam code 0013-1283 SR12 SW2 SW3 Manual feed paper sensor Interlock switch Interlock switch Detects presence/absence of manually fed paper. Detects registration paper. Detects the fixing heater temperature. Detects paper after separation. J406 (Analog processor PCB) J406 (Analog processor PCB) J406 (Analog processor PCB) Error 0007.1 List of Lamps. E003 0013-1285 TH2 Fixing sub thermistor TP1 Temperature fuse Cuts off the heater power supply Fixing unit (100V:FM2line when an abnormal 5297. 230V:FM2-5298) Speaker FK2-1378 SP1 Speaker J1203 (modem PCB) 55 . 120V:FM2-5278. 230V:FM2-5298) J15 (power supply PCB) Connection Jack No. Fixing unit (120V:FM29045. Heaters.3. E001. 0008. Heaters. WG8-5696 WG8-5696 WG8-5696 Connection jack No. 0010 0007 SR2001 SR2004 SR2002 SR2003 F-6-4 6. and Others 6. Parts No. 120V:FM2-5278. temperature is detected. Part No. Detects the fixing heater temperature. J15 (power supply PCB) Error E000. 0009 0007. and Others / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / <Main body> T-6-5 Symbol H1 TH1 Name Fixing heater Fixing main thermistor Function Used as the heater for fixing.Chapter 6 Symbol SR2002 SR2003 SR2004 Name Document edge sensor Registration sensor Separation rear sensor Function Detects edge of paper.3 Lamps. 230V:FM2-9046) Fixing unit (100V:FM25297. E002. 120V:FM2-5278. 230V:FM2-5298) Fixing unit (100V:FM25297. 56 .Chapter 6 SP1 TH2 TH1 TP H1 F-6-5 <ADF> There are no parts applicable to ADF. FM2-9009 (iR1022F for TWN). FM2-9002 (iR1022iF). FM2-6080(for USA) 16MB: FM2-5045(except USA). FM2-9017 (iR1022A for EURO). FM2-6083(for USA) Operation panel PCB Controls the operation panel [12] [13] [14] Humidity sensor RAM DIMM (Option ROM PCB PCL) Humidity detection temporarily retains image data PCL functiion control 57 . FM2-9007 (iR1022). FM2-9008 (iR1022F for KOR).4. FM2-9005 (iR1022i for EURO). 12MB: FM2-5044(except USA). FM2-9003 (iR1022iF for CHN). FM2-9020 (iR1022J for CHN) FH7-7611 FM2-4055 (128MB) FM2-4056 (256MB) FM2-5056(except USA). FM2-9016 (iR1023A for USA). FM2-9018 (iR1019J for USA/iR1018J). FM2-6081(for USA) iR1018/1019 120V: FM2-8364 iR1018/1019 230V: FM2-8365 iR1022/1023 120V: FM2-8366 iR1022/1023 230V: FM2-8367 FM2-8363 120V: FK2-1372 230V: FK2-1373 FM2-4918 FM2-5271 FM2-3947 Two lot type: FM2-5050 (iR1022F. FM2-9013 (iR1022 for CHN). FM2-9006 (iR1022F for EURO). iR1022iF for EURO) FM2-5047 (with SEND functions) FM2-4057 (w/o SEND functions) 0013-1284 Image processor PCB Processes output image data DC controller PCB Controls the printer unit/option [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] Analog processor PCB Power supply PCB Relay PCB CS drive. FM2-9010 (iR1023 for USA). FM2-9019 (iR1018J for EURO). iR1022iF except for EURO) Three lot type: FM2-5051 (iR1022F.4 PCBs 6.1 List of PCBs / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / <Main body> T-6-6 Symb Name ol [1] [2] Function Part No.Chapter 6 6. FM2-9015 (iR1022 for TWN). FM2-9012 (iR1018 for AUS). processes analog image data Printer power supply Relay of drive system DC load Laser driver PCB/BD Laser drive/laser beam detection detection PCB NCU PCB Modular jack PCB Modem PCB LAN PCB Controls the line switching operation Fax line interface Control the fax Network interface/printer function FM2-5048 control FM2-9000 (iR1023iF for USA). FM2-9014 (iR1022 for KOR). FM2-9001 (iR1022iF for EURO). FM2-9011 (iR1018 for EURO). Chapter 6 [10] [1] [9] [14] [13] [8] [7] [2] [3] [6] [4] [5] [12] [11] [13] F-6-6 <ADF> There is no circuit board in ADF. 58 . 1 Construction 7. Printer communication system Network PCB*1 Fax communication system Modem PCB*2 Mojular jack PCB*2 Image reading/ processing system Original CS unit Analog processor PCB Pickup/feeding system Fixing unit Image formation Cleaner Aassembly system Transfer charging roller 0013-1074 NCU PCB*2 Image processor PCB DC controller PCB Control panel Control System Delivery tray Power supply PCB Laser driver PCB Laser scanner assembly Laser exposure system Drum Developing assembly Multi feeder tray Casstte Casstte (Option) *1 : If equipped with printer functions.1 Functional Construction / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The machine may be divided into the following 7 functional blocks. *2 : If equipped with fax functions. F-7-1 59 .1.Chapter 7 Chapter 7 System Construction 7. 1. smoothing. VDO2. and is retained for about 1 hr even after the power is removed by the work of the super capacitor mounted on the modem PCB.g. . key sound. Sensor Detection It detects the state of each sensor of the reader unit and the ADF. MEMO: The volume of the line monitor or the sound of the key sound or the error sound is adjusted in user mode. VDO2*). Also.It uses a horizontal sync signal (BD0*) as a trigger to send image signals (VD0. .1. Image Processing Control Block . VDO2*). VDO2. *3 : If equipped with PCL functions. Memory Storage Image data is stored in SDRAM.) It turns on/off or control the volume of the error sound. thereby converting it to 600x600-dpi image signals (VD0.It subjects the digital image data from the analog processor PCB to enlargement/reduction processing. *4 : If equipped with SEND functions. user data. VD01*.It converts the analog image data from fax communication into 600x600-dpi image signals (VD0. VDO2. Speaker Control (if equipped with fax functions.. *2 : If equipped with network functions. Smoothing The 600 x 600-dpi image data from the PC is converted into image data equivalent of 1200 x 600 dpi.function The image processor PCB has the following functions. VD01*. service data) are held by flash ROM. and other image processing. and line monitor sound generated by the speaker. Construction 60 Transmission .2 Functional Block Diagram / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1075 SR2003 To Power supply PCB J10/J11 SR2004 J2006 J2005 M2001 SL2002 SR2001 SR2002 SL2003 SL2001 SR401 M401 SL SL SL M M J2008 J2007 J2004J2003J2001J2002 J451 Contact snsor J460 PC Speaker*1 Telephone line Reception J1201 J1202 J1800 J1921 J1924 J1922 LAN I/F J406 J411 J410 J412 J409 J408 J1203 J401/ J402 Analog processor PCB J404 J403 Network PCB*2 J1300 Modem PCB*1 Mojular jack PCB*1 J1200 J1701 Control panel J318 J309 J317 J312 J308 J312 Image processor PCB J301 J304 J313 NCU PCB*1 J314 J1940 J1500 J1500 J103 J1923 Card reader*5 CL1 CL J205 SL1 SL J204 SL5 SL J203 SL2 SL J207 FM1 J201 SR9 J33 SR10 J39 SR12 J36 SR11 J35 J202 J208 Coin vendor*5 Option ROM*3 US memory*4 J104 J13 J12 J209 J201 J111 DC controller PCB J106 J109 J114 J112 J107 J108 J113 J110 J103 J105 J102 J14 J27 J38 J900 Relay PCB SR6 J2 J29 M1 J30 J31 SW2 SW3 SR5 J903 J902 SL Main motor Scanner unit Power supply PCB To analog processor PCB J401/402 Humidity sensor SR1 SL3 Cassette unit (Option) J10/J11 J16 TH101 TP1 TH102 H1 *1 : If equipped with fax functions. The system software and various data (e.) The SEND function uses a network to send image scanned by the reader unit to an external device. VD01*. VDO2*) to the laser unit. it sends LED and LCD signals to the control panel PCB. *5 : Option F-7-2 J15 Fixing unit 7.Chapter 7 7.3 Image Processor PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 1. ESS Control It controls the ESS function used to reduce the power consumption while the machine isin standby state. SEND Function (if equipped with SEND functions. 0013-1076 2. Control Panel Control Block The control panel control block receives the state of control keys while sending/receiving data in serial communication with the control IC of the control panel PCB. Using the service support tool. it stops the power to the heater. the laser beam detection signal (BDI*) from the laser scanner unit is detected. VD01*. with printer functions> Image processor PCB DDR-SDRAM (128MB) Flash ROM (16MB) CPU <w/o SEND functions.Chapter 7 The image processor comes in different ROM types/sizes and RAM sizes according to models. thereby monitoring the drive assembly. Also. the horizontal sync signal (BD*) is monitored for frequency of output. and the horizontal sync signal (BD0*) is sent to the image processor PCB. developing cylinder of the cartridge. and fan. If an error is detected in the temperature of the heater. High-Voltage Control Block The high-voltage control block controls the high voltage for the primary charging roller.4 DC Controller PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1077 Fixing Heater Control Block The fixing heater control block monitors the temperature reading of the thermistor to ensure that the temperature of the heater reaches a specific level. the laser beam detection signal (BDI*) from the laser scanner unit is detected to monitor the rotation of the scanner motor. VD02.1. transfer charging roller. <with SEND functions. and fixing film. Horizontal Sync Signal Control When the laser beam reaches the horizontal print start position. VD02*) from the image processor PCB. 61 . Also. with printer functions> Image processor PCB DDR-SDRAM (256MB) Flash ROM (16MB) USB MEMORY (128MB) PCL ROM (16MB) CPU <w/o SEND functions. The firmware stored in the flash ROM may be either SYSTEM or BOOT. thereby communicating the state of the printer block to the image processor PCB. Scanner Motor Control The scanner motor is controlled so that the horizontal resolution of the print image is 600 dpi. the CPU on the DC controller PCB measures the voltage level of the cartridge detection signal (CRGSNS) a specific number of times to check the presence/absence of the drum unit when an AC bias is applied to the primary charging roller. Also. Image Processor PCB Interface block The image processor PCB interface block sends the horizontal sync signal (BD0*) to the image processor PCB. Drive Control Block The drive control block controls the main motor. w/o printer functions> Image processor PCB DDR-SDRAM (64MB) Flash ROM (12MB) CPU F-7-3 7. it controls the intensity of the laser diode (auto power control) for each line of print data. Drum Unit Detection Mechanism In wait state. pickup solenoid. the following 3 types of firmware may be upgraded: SYSTEM and BOOT stored in the flash ROM and the firmware stored ion PCL ROM. Sensor Detection It detects the state of the sensors in the pickup assemblies and the printer block. It also returns a state signal in response to a command signal (serial) from the image processor PCB. Laser Control Block The laser control block controls the drive of the laser diode of the laser scanner unit according to the image signals (VD01. 8 Control Panel PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Key Detection and LCD/LED Drive The keys are monitored. 7. based on the comparison of the developing bias output and the antenna output inside the cartridge) occurring when the developing AC bias is detected during normal rotation to monitor the toner level inside the cartridge. Also. +3.9 NCU PCB (if equipped with fax functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1082 2-Line/4-Line Conversion Circuit Signals from a 2-line telephone line are converted into 4-line signals (transmission signals and reception signals). LCD Function The LCD is controlled according to the display signals from the image processor PCB. 7.5 Analog Processor PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Image Processing Control Block The analog image data read by the contact sensor is converted into digital image data and sent to the ASIC of the image processor PCB. and the signals from the fax are communicated to the telephone line. In light of this.3VDC.1. +5VRDC.10 Network PCB (if equipped with network functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1083 The communications with the PC are controlled.1. 0013-1078 7. and only the audio signals are converted into voltages suited to the modem level. 7. The image data from the PC is converted into print data for the machine. and the LCD and LEDs are driven.1. 0013-1080 7.1. +3. Serial Communication Control The state of the control keys is monitored based on serial communications with the image processor PCB. LCD and LED drive data are received. the DC component is cut by the capacitor. Drive Control Block The drive control mechanism acts on the reader motor and the ADF motor by the motor drive IC of the analog processor PCB.3VRDC.1. Dial Pulse Generation Circuit The dial pulse generation circuit generates dial pulses by turning on and off the relay inside it according to the control signals from the image processor PCB. +5 VDC. and is sent to the image processor PCB.12 Modem PCB (if equipped with fax functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1085 62 .1.7 Relay PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / The signals from the sensors/solenoids/clutches are sent to the DC controller PCB through the relay PCB. It then sends the dial signals to the telephone line by way of the modular jack PCB.Chapter 7 Toner Level Detection Mechanism While the machine is in wait state. Off-Hook Detection Circuit An off-hook state is detected with reference to the direct current flowing into the circuit. 7. occurring when the telephone connected to the telephone terminal of the modular jack PCB is off the hook. 0013-1081 7.6 Power Supply PCB / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / Switching Regulator The following is generated using power from the power outlet for loads: +24DC.11 Modular Jack PCB (if equipped with fax functions) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1084 The signals from the 2 modular jacks (for telephone line and telephone connection) are communicated to the line voltage conversion circuit of the NCU PCB.1. the toner level detection signal (ADDTNR. 0013-1079 7.1. Line Voltage Conversion Circuit The primary side of the NCU PCB is controlled using a line voltage of +48 VDC. the transmission signals from the image processor PCB are prevented from entering the reception circuit. V21. for reception. 63 . increases the voltage of the super capacitor to generate a backup voltage for SDRAM.34.17.Chapter 7 F-7-4 MPU (IC1) Processes JBIG coding/decoding. PATCH (IC40) controls the various boards (NCU. MODEM IC (IC1) For transmission. V29. or V. Super Capacitor Backs up the transmission/reception image data stored in SDRAM. V27ter. speaker). demodulates data received from the line according to ITU-T V. modulates data received from MPU according to ITU-T V.29. DC/DC When the main power is off (e.g. V. on the other hand. or V. SDRAM Controls coding/decoding of image data for transmission/reception.27ter. and controls SDRAM. V. V..17. in the event of power failure).34. controls combinations over lines.21. and stores data for the MPU work area and transmission/reception data. Chapter 7 7.1 System Configuration / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / .Pickup/ Other Accessories [1] [2] 0013-1039 [3] [4] [5] F-7-5 T-7-1 [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] Main body (ADF type) Main body (copyboard type) Cassette Feeding Module-N1 Hand Set CT-25 Card Reader-E1 + Card Reader Attachment-D2 64 .2.2 System Construction 7. Chapter 7 .Boards [2] [3] [1] F-7-6 T-7-2 [1] [2] [3] NW IF Adapter iN-E11 PCL Printer Kit-M1 Serial Interface Board-A1 65 . Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option.Chapter 7 . Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option.Adapter iNM1 E11 Cassette Feeding Module-N1 Card Serial Reader-E1 + Interface Card Reader Board-A1 AttachmentD1 Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. - Copy/Printer/Scanner iR1018 iR1018 iR1018 iR1023 iR1022 iR1022 iR1022 iR1022 Copy/Printer/Scanner/ iR1023N ADF iR1022A iR1022A Copy/Printer/Scanner/ iR1022F Fax/ADF iR1022F iR1022F iR1022F iR1022F iR1022F Copy/Printer/Scanner/ iR1022i Send/PCL iR1022i Copy/Printer/Scanner/ iR1023iF Fax/ADF/Send iR1022iF iR1022iF iR1022iF Copy/Printer/Scanner/ iR1022iF Fax/ADF/Send/PCL iR1022iF 66 . Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option.Option conversion table T-7-3 Function Model name Product code PCL NW IF Printer Kit. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Hand Set CT-25 Copy iR1019J iR1018J iR1018J iR1022J 0460B001AA 0460B002AB 0460B007AB 0460B003AA 0747B003AA 0461B002AB 0461B007AB 0461B004AA 0748B001AA 0748B002AA 0748B003AA 0748B004AA 0748B005AA 0463B001AA 0463B002AB 0463B003AB 0464B002AB 0464B008AB 0464B003AA 0464B004AA 0464B007AA 0464B006AA 0482B001AB 0482B002AB 0483B003AA 0483B001AA 0483B002AA 0483B005AA 0484B001AB 0484B002AB Option Option Option Standard Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Option Standard Standard Option Option Option Option Standard Standard Option Option Option Standard Standard Option Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Standard Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. Option. OHP) 50 sheets (post card) 1 to 99 sheets 5.500.70. Heavy paper 1 500 sheets (80 g/m2) 100 sheets (plain paper: 80g/m2) 80 sheets (heavy paper: 91 to 105g/m2) 50 sheets (heavy paper: 106 to 128g/m2) 40 sheets (label) 10 sheets (envelope. 16MB model) 16. 1:2. 1:0.3. Heavy paper 3 (106 to 128 g/m2). colored paper. 1:2. 1:0. Monarch.41. ISOB5. colored paper (64 to 80 g/m2). 3-D object (2 kg max. DL. 1:2. 3hole punch paper.000.) indirect electrostatic by laser light by roller contact 1-component toner projection by transfer roller by curvature + static eliminator Cassette: 1 cassette Multifeeder: 1 feeder claw + retard dual processing by cleaning blade SURF (on-demand) magnetic negative toner yes Sheet.5 sec or less (ROM: 12MB.500. Bond (75g/m2).000) AB series: 4R4E (1:1. 1:1. OHP) 50 sheets (post card) 100 sheets (plain paper: 80g/m2) 80 sheets (heavy paper: 91 to 105g/m2) 50 sheets (heavy paper: 106 to 128g/m2) 40 sheets (label) 10 sheets (envelope.500.41. envelopes (COM10.0 mm Warm-up time First print time Cassette paper size Multifeeder paper size Cassette paper type Multifeeder tray paper type Duplex paper type Cassette capacity Multifeeder tray capacity Delivery tray stack Continuous reproduction Image margin (leading edge) 67 . 1:0. ISO-C5) Plain paper. fixed reading desktop LED CCD (Contact sensor) OPC drum (24-mm dia.64. 1:0. Heavy paper 2 (91 to 105 g/m2). recycled paper (64 to 80 g/m2).Chapter 7 7. recycled paper.000.29. Heavy paper 1 (81 to 90 g/m2) Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2).1 Product Specifications / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1042 Copyboard Body Light source type Lens type Photosensitive medium Reproduction method Exposure method Charging method Development method Transfer method Separation method Pickup method Cassette pickup method Multifeeder pickup method Drum cleaning method Fixing method Toner type Auto Clear Original type Maximum original size Reproduction ratio stream reading. 1:0. 1:1.81. transparency.70. recycled paper (64 to 80 g/m2).3 Product Specifications 7.000) 50% to 200% (1% increments)*1 *1 except for MF6531 13.) LGL (356 X 216mm) A series: 2R2E (1:1.000. 1:1. colored paper (64 to 80 g/m2). 1:0. Heavy paper 1 (81 to 90 g/m2) . sec or less (ROM: 32MB model) Book: 8 sec or less ADF: 12 sec or less For JP/KOR/EU/ASIA/OCE: A4 (Fix) For USA/CA/LA: LGL/LTR/OFICIO/BOFI/M-OFI/FOOLSCAP (by user chage) For CHN: 16K/A4 (by user chage) Width: 76 to 216 mm Length: 127 to 356 mm Weight: 56 to 128 g/m2 Plain paper (64 to 80 g/m2). 1:0.000) INCH series: 3R2E (1:1. labels. 1:0. 1:0.0 -/+2. book. 1:0. 230V/ approx. 230V/ approx.035ppm or less (after endurance test) Copyboard model: 520 mm (W) X 457mm (D) X 380mm (H) ADF standard model: 520 mm (W) X 457mm (D) X 453mm (H) With optional cassette unit: 520 mm (W) X 457mm (D) X 581mm (H) ADF model: Approx.18.7 Wh Energy save stanby: 120V/ approx. LTRR.1kg Copy board model: Approx.Chapter 7 Image margin (trailing edge) Image margin (left/right) Image mode Auto power off Energy save mode 5.0 mm left: 2.0 -/+2. B5R.01ppm or less (initial) 0.3dB dB or less (reference) (LTR/19cpm):65.0 atm Copying (A4/22cpm):66.0 mm right: 0. 230V (50/60Hz) Operating environment (temperature range) Operating environment (humidity range) Operating environment (atmospheric pressure) Noise Power supply rating Power consumption (maximum) 120V: Approx.65 Wh (reference only.4. auto ON after fax reception/print data reception) 15 to 30 deg C 10 to 80% 0.5 -/+2.7 dB or less (reference) (LTR/23cpm):67.432 Wh.2 ADF Specifications / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1043 Original orientation Original position Original processing mode Original reading Stack Face-up Center reference . if equipped with full option) 0.3. 230V/ approx. 954 kW (max.0kg Ozone Dimensions Weight 7. photo) yes yes (manually ON/OFF.Single-sided document processing .4.59 Wh. auto OFF after specific time. SMTR) *2: large size (LGL) Same types of paper can be mixed. 748 kW (max.5mm or more Yes (text. 24.6 to 1.65 dB or less (reference) 120V (50/60Hz).05 dB or less (reference) (A4/18cpm):65.) Power consumption Continuous printing: 120V/ approx. A5R.19. Mixed original sizes Original AE detection Original size recognition Stamp Operating environment 7.3 Fax Specifications / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1044 Applicable lines Transmission method Subscriber telephone line (PSTN) G3 / ECM 68 .Double-sided document processing Stream reading small size *1: 50 sheets or less large size*2: 25 sheets or less *1: small size (A4R.) 230V: Approx. no no no Same as that of host machine.2 Wh. text/photo.417 Wh Standby: 120V/ approx.3. B6. 22. 2) 13(8.6Kbps.8Kbps. Number of reservations: 64 max.6Kbps) <G3 procedure signal> ITU-T V.8Kbps. MR.2) 18 19 13(8. 28. 19. 31.17 (TC7. 16.8Kbps) ITU-T V.3.4 Function List 7. TC9.6Kbps. TC7. 19.34 (2.2 (300bps) ITU-T V. 12Kbps. colored paper.2) 14(4.3.Chapter 7 Modulation method <G3 image signal> ITU-T V.8Kbps.3.6Kbps.3.34 (300bps) 33.2) 10(4. 4.4Kbps. Image memory type: SDRAM Storage method: JBIG Backup battery: rechargeable capacitor Backup length: 1 hr (approx.3.2Kbps. 16.4 lines/mm Possible (9 settings) 256 gradations 600 dpi x 600 dpi Fixed reduction (75%. heavy paper 1 B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Heavy paper 2.4Kbps. 95%.8Kbps.2Kbps. 24Kbps.2) 6(4.2) 6(8. MMR.4Kbps. 4.6Kbps) ITU-T V.4Kbps.2Kbps.6Kbps.3. 14.85 lines/mm Fine: 8 dots/mm x 7.2Kbps.3.4 lines/mm Ultra Fine: 16 dots/mm x 15. 31.2) 6(4.4Kbps.4.3.2) 6(4. no pseudo CI transmission) No ID input method ID: 2 characters (default: 25) One-touch dialing: 200 (common with speed dial key) Speed dialing: 200 (common with one-touch dial key) No Number of addresses: 199 max.2) 10(4.8Kbps.2Kbps. 26. 9.1 Print Speed (iR1018/iR1018J/1019/iR1019J)) / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-7-4 Type Plain paper.2Kbps.2) 6(4.) Transmission speed Coding Error correction Modem IC Scanning line density Scanning density adjustment Half tone Printing resolution Reduction for reception FAX/TEL switching Answering machine connection Remote reception Auto dialing Delayed transmission Broadcast transmission Dual access Image data backup 7.2) 6(4. labels A4R B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Heavy paper 3 A4R B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Transparency A4R LTRR Single-sided Cassette feed 18 18 19 Manual feed 18 13(8.2) 18 14(4.2) Two-sided Cassette feed 7 5 7 Manual feed 7 5 7 0013-1045 69 . 14.4Kbps) ITU-T V.27 ter (2.2) 6(4.2Kbps. 24Kbps.8Kbps.2Kbps. V. A4R recycled paper.3.3. 4.3. 90%. 33. 9.6Kbps. 97%) Auto reduction (70 to 100%) Yes (no voice response.4Kbps. 7. 2. 7.7 lines/mm Super Fine: 8 dots/mm x 15.3. 6(4.2) 6(4.21 No.3. MH ITU-T ECM method CONEXANT FM336 Plus Standard: 8 dots/mm x 3.4Kbps w/ auto fall-back mechanism JBIG.3. TC9. 14. 12Kbps. 9.6Kbps. 12Kbps.2Kbps.6Kbps.29 (7. 21. 26. 21. heavy paper 1 B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Heavy paper 2.2) 18 14(4.The copy speed may become down when the copies make continuously one minutes or more with the narrow width paper.3.3.2) 14(4. . LTR.2) 6(4.2) 6(4.The copy speed may become down when the copies make continuously one minutes or more with the narrow width paper.Chapter 7 Type Envelopes. A4R recycled paper.2) 18 23 13(8.(): The speed may change by the state of a fixing unit.3.3. User Mode: Additional Functions > Adjust/Cleaning > Spesial Mode S> ON 7.2) 6(8.3. the manual feed tray. . or from the cassette unit.3. The slowdown is reduced with the following user mode.2) 6(4.2) 6(4. . 6(4.2) 6(4.3.2) 6(4.2) 6(4.(): The speed may change by the state of a fixing unit.3.2) 13(8.3. .2) 6(4.3.3. labels A4R B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Heavy paper 3 A4R B5R A5R LGL LTRR STMTR Transparency Envelopes.3.2) Two-sided Cassette feed 6 5 6 Manual feed 6 5 6 0013-7801 Supplement: . . User Mode: Additional Functions > Adjust/Cleaning > Spesial Mode S> ON 6(4.The above copy speed does not change if magnification is changed.3.2) 6(4. the manual feed tray.2) 10( 6(4.4.3. 100 sheets 64 to 90 g/m2 by pickup inlet 70 .3 Types of Paper / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-7-6 Cassette Size (W X L) A4 (For JP/KOR/EU/ASIA/OCE) LGL/LTR/OFICIO/BOFI/M-OFI/ FOOLSCAP (for USA/CA/LA) 16K/A4(for CHN) 64 to 90 g/m2 Max.2) 6(4. or from the cassette unit.4.2 Print Speed (iR1022/1022A/1022F/1022i/1022iF/1022J/1022N/iR1023/1023N/1023iF) / / / / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / T-7-5 Type Plain paper.The above copy speed does not change if magnification is changed. postcard Monarch COM10 ISO-B5 ISO-C5 DL Post card Single-sided Cassette feed Manual feed 6(4. LGL 0013-1046 Weight Quantity 56 to 128 g/m2 Max.3.2) Two-sided Cassette feed Manual feed - Supplement: .2) 6(4.2) 6(4.3.3.The above copy speed does not change irrespective of whether paper is supplied from the cassette.3.2) 6(4.2) 6(4. .The above copy speed does not change irrespective of whether paper is supplied from the cassette. postcard A4R LTRR Monarch COM10 ISO-B5 ISO-C5 DL Post card Single-sided Cassette feed 22 18 23 Manual feed 22 13(8.3. 500 sheets Manual feed tray 76 x 127 to 216 x 356 mm Duplex A4.2) 6( 10(4.2) 6(4. The slowdown is reduced with the following user mode. colored paper. Chapter 7 Cassette Paper type Plain paper (80 g/m2) Recycled paper Colored paper Heavy paper 1 Heavy paper 2 Heavy paper 3 Bond 3hole punch paper Transparency Labels Envelopes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes No No No Manual feed tray Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Duplex Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No 71 . Chapter 7 72 . Chapter 8 Chapter 8 Upgrading 8. make sure to first update Boot.1 Overview of Upgrade iR1018 0013-1286 This machine and options can be upgraded by downloading system software programs from the personal computer (hereafter called as the PC) in which a service support tool (hereafter called SST) has been loaded.1. When updating the version of Boot (boot program) and System (main controller) at the same time.1 Upgrading 8. If you start by updating System. the unit may not start up. Remarks Download the system software for PCL board following the same procedure described in "Downloading the System". System software programs and upgrade tools are listed in the following table: T-8-1 Type Main unit System software type Boot (boot program) System (main controller) PCL Upgrade tool SST Yes Yes Yes 16MB ROM PCB Main controller also controls the reader. select "#DOWNLOAD" in the service mode to place the main unit in the download mode. 8.1.2 Overview of Service Support Tool / / / / iR1018 / iR1018J / / iR1022A / iR1022F / iR1022i / iR1022iF / 0013-1287 Main unit Image processor PCB CPU J303 PC Flash ROM USB cable SST PCL ROM Flash ROM System software F-8-1 When using the SST. 73 . . Sep 22 2006 .
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