can I get that in native?

May 28, 2018 | Author: Natasa Sudelija | Category: Advertising, Brand, Publishing, Journalism, Marketing



EVERYTHING YOU’VE ALWAYS WANTED TO KNOW ABOUTNATIVE ADVERTISING * can BUT DIDN’T KNOW WHERE TO ASK I get that in native? most awarded native studio Isti san #bezsrama Skini se Videostar contents 4 introduction 5 what is native advertising? 14 advertorial vs native advertising what does native 7 advertising offers who writes this you (advertisers)? 17 stuff, anyway? what do readers 18 but what does this (dis)like? native look like? 8 and you might be what do we need doing it... 28 from you? content marketing vs 11 native advertising 30 native glossary introduction At the OMMA conference in New York on 29th September 2011, Fred Wilson introduced the term “native monetization”, explaining the monetization of ads that look exactly like the platform on which they are published. From there, native simply exploded, and Sponsored stories, Promoted tweets, Powered by, Promoted by, and other versions have been popping up on all digital platforms. Content is not just the king; it’s much more than that. Content is the present and the future, whether in text or video format. So pay attention! 5 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? what is native advertising? An adman, a client, and a publisher walk into a room and start talking about native advertising… This could be the beginning of a good joke or just a faithful description of any advertising conference. Every one of them would answer this question differently, but they would all agree that it’s content whose look and style don’t differ from other content published on the same medium. Who creates content? Everyone. Who does it best – and why? The publisher. Because he knows exactly what his readers love. He knows which headline and photo will attract the readers, the optimal text length for a specific format, and what a video needs to be like in order to attract 100,000 views. Above all, he knows how to distribute that content, using all available channels. „There is no need for advertisements to look like advertisements. If you make them look like editorial pages, you will attract 50% more readers” — David Ogilvy, 1971. 7 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? what does native advertising offer you (advertisers)? brand awareness engagement purchase intent what do readers (dis)like? and you might be doing it... • They dislike deceit: if you deceive them, they will remember • They dislike when products they don’t want are pushed on them • They dislike interruptions while consuming content 9 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? trust vs deceit The readers’ trust is equally important to the publisher and the brand. Nobody wants to “deceive” the consumer. That is why properly labelling native content is a very important point in this whole story. If the content is not labeled – we’re looking at covert advertising. Not only is it punishable, it’s dishonest towards the very same consumers you’re hoping will buy your product tomorrow and stay loyal to your brand. Powered by, Promoted by, or Sponsored by, accompanied by the client’s name (logo), has to be included anywhere, at the top, in the middle, or at the bottom of the native content – but it MUST be included! Research has shown that consumers prefer seeing these labels at the top or in the middle of the content, and that transparent labelling creates a feeling of connection between the reader and the brand.* * stories people want to read and watch Native doesn’t force or persuade. Native offers an experience, tells a story, and offers content readers will want to read and watch. Native connects you with your target audience in the best possible way. me, me, me If the name of the brand or product pops up repeatedly in the text or video, the reader will certainly remember it – but this often triggers a negative reaction. Readers perceive such content as being less interesting, less honest and less fun. Quite the opposite, less branding creates a better perception of the brand and publisher, making them appear more attractive, authentic, and positive.* Remember: Trust comes first. Labelling is crucial. Less is more. * 11 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? content marketing vs native advertising You’ve probably heard (if not articulated) one of these two terms: content advertising or native marketing. Both are incorrect. Content marketing is the promotion of products or services through some form of content published by companies on their own platforms. Putting it simply – it’s not a paid advert. Here’s an excellent example of content marketing. per aspera ad astra In the year 1900, brothers Ándre and Édouard Michelin published the Michelin Guide. 11 years earlier, they’d founded a company that sold tyres, and they wanted to increase their sales. 13 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? This was an especially tough task for two reasons; the total number of vehicles in France during that time was 2,200, and tyres – then and now – are not a sexy product to sell. Their plan was simple – they would publish a guide with hotel recommendations, locations of petrol sellers (back then, it was sold in pharmacies), and mechanics. It was simple math. More vehicles + more driving = more tyres sold. You know the rest. Specialized editions of the guide for every region of France and for the rest of Europe soon followed, rating restaurants with the today famous one, two, or three stars, the loss of which brought tears even in the eyes of the great Gordon Ramsay. advertorial vs native advertising One thing is certain – advertorial and native are both paid ads. So, you want to promote your product or service, and you’ve decided on some form of content… Solve this simple test. 15 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? Now… circle either N or A. You can choose only one answer. The content is produced by: N: You / an agency A: The publisher of the platform on which you want to advertise You wish to provide your target with: N: All information about your product A: Content your target will want to read, which is connected to your product / service The most important thing is: N: Emphasis on your product / service A: Engagement, brand / product awareness, intent to purchase Message you wish to convey to readers: N: me me me me! A: you & me If you chose mostly A, you’re looking for native. Your goal is to promote your product through an interesting and useful content. You provide the brief and the publisher comes up with the concept and strategy. If you chose mostly N, you want advertorial. You’re aiming for a text that’s entirely about your product. You run the show: you decide what goes in the title, pick the best photo, and the visual style of the content. Who’s writing it? Doesn’t matter. If your points are evenly split, you don’t know what you want. You should contact a publisher in your closest vicinity or send an email to [email protected]. 17 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? who writes this stuff, anyway? The single largest concern voiced by analysts was that the emergence of native would jeopardize the institution of the newsroom. They predicted the collapse of journalism as we know it. Everyone was up in arms because they couldn’t come to terms with the idea that a journalist could one day objectively speak about the collapse of a company, and praise that same company’s products the next. Their concern was fully justified. It is crucial for these two entities to remain separate to ensure that everybody does what they do best. Newsroom journalists have a duty to serve their readers objectively and impartially, to encourage discussion, and to speak about issues others try to hide. Native content producers create fun, informative, and relevant content that readers are connecting with and sharing on their social media. We solve advertisers’ problems: how to promote products and at the same time give readers content they want to read. but what does this native look like? 19 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? In 2015, an American research studied whether readers differentiate between native and editorial content. Native content was clearly labelled as Promoted, Powered, or Sponsored by. Consumers were given 12 different types of content, a mix of editorial and native. Only 8% of subjects noticed a difference, realizing that they were looking at a sponsored advertising message. Since the content itself was of a good quality, they didn’t mind the fact that it promoted some product or service. - Journal of Advertising This is how it looks like on a few examples… 21 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? Content that doesn’t differ by its visual and writing style from an editorial content Client: VIP Goal: Promotion of portable modems Target: Landlords of coastal apartments Solution: How are you preparing for the tourist season? See the latest news in everything from interior decorating to marketing. Format: Article 22 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? Content SHUTTERSTOCK 24CONTENTHAUS that’s explicitly labelled as a paid advert Client: Tele2 Goal: Promotion of a VLASNIK STE PODUZEĆA? OVI ONLINE new business mobile TEČAJEVI MOGU VAM POMOĆI Nije lako imati vlastiti biznis i uspješno voditi firmu i znati se oglašavati. Zato plan možete iskoristiti prednosti online tečajeva koji će vam u tome pomoći Target: Small and Kada su u pitanju mali poduzetnici, znanje i snalaženje najvažnije su od- korištenje Quickbooks Pro 2016 računovodstvenog softvera za mala po- like za uspješno vođenje posla. U svijetu punom online mogućnosti  niti duzeća. Uz tečaj ćete naučiti voditi financije poduzeća u Quickbooks pro- jedan poduzetnik ne može si dopustiti loše vođenje bilo kojeg segmenta gramu, baratati inventarom i proizvodima te izrađivati procjene financija. u poslovanju. Uz razne online tečajeve možete naučiti baš sve - od toga Usto ćete svladati rad s tablicama računa te unošenje i plaćanje računa. medium enterprises kako pokrenuti posao, voditi financije ili se uspješno oglašavati. Jedini je nedostatak to što ne postoji online stranica s tečajevima ili savjetima pri- Cijena je 100 eura, što se možda čini puno ali za taj novac dobivate cjelo- životni pristup materijalima koje možete pogledati u bilo kojem trenutku. lagođenima našem tržištu i na hrvatskom jeziku, pa se morate osloniti na S obzirom na to da je  tečaj namijenjen korištenju  Quickbooks Pro 2016 Solution: Want one strane. programa, zahtjeva da taj program imate instaliran na računalu jer nije namijenjen njegovoj online verziji. to upgrade your OPEN2STUDY Australsko sveučilište RMIT u Melbourneu na svojoj stranici nudi online te- GOOGLE DIGITAL GARAGE čaj za poduzetništvo i vođenje obiteljskog posla. Tečaj se sastoji od videa, Svi oni koji žele steći digitalno znanje i vještine za prezentiranje i oglašava- business? We provide kvizova i jednog zadatka, a zahtjeva učenje od dva do četiri sata tjedno. nje svoje tvrtke trebali bi proučiti Google Digitalnu garažu. Uz nju ćete nau- Oni koji krenu na ovaj tečaj naučit će sve o psihologiji i osobinama dobrog čiti kako se promovirati putem interneta, privući korisnike i kupce te maksi- poduzetnika, poslovnoj etici i menadžmentu te komunikaciji u poslovanju. malno iskoristiti društvene mreže za skretanje pažnje na sebe. Stranica će several practical Tečaj vas obučava i za izradu poslovnog plana i strategija te ulozi mar- vam omogućiti da upoznate svoje korisnike putem web analitike i naučit ketinga, a obuhvaća i teme vezane za obiteljski posao. Veliki će vas kako se oglašavati putem interneta. Tečaj je potpuno je plus što je tečaj potpuno besplatan, međutim po njegovu besplatan, ali nedostatak je to što verzija za Hrvatsku nema 5.8 MILIJUNA suggestions. završetku ne dobivate nikakav relevantan certifikat. mogućnost izdavanja certifikata, dok britanska ima. Bilo da AMERIKANACA ste mali ili srednji poduzetnik neki od ovih tečajeva sigurno UDEMY će vam dobro doći. U znanje uvijek tre- SLUŠA NEKI POWERED BY Format: 1/1 article Ova stranica nudi tečaj za vođenje financija namijenjen pr- ba ulagati, posebno ako time možete venstveno malim poduzetnicima. Tečaj je orijentiran na ONLINE TEČAJ unaprijediti svoje poslovanje. Content providing useful information Client: Henkel Goal: Promotion of new Somat capsules Target: Women Solution: How to prepare a meal and wash dishes at the same time? Italian eco-activist Lisa Casali has a solution. Format: Long form Content readers can Client: Coca-Cola Goal: Connect with the target connect with audience through interesting and fun content Target: Teens and millennials Solution: Influencers + YouTube + target-relevant content = success Format: Video series Guarantee: 100.000 views Result: > 300.000 views per episode 25 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? Client: Coca-Cola Goal: Connect with the target audience and launch the YT scene in Croatia Target: Teens and millennials Solution: The first YouTube talent show in the region! Format: Video series Guarantee: 100.000 views Resultvv: > 200.000 views per episode 27 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? Educational content Client: Pliva Goal: To educate women about the contraceptive pill Target: Women of ages 18 to 39 Solution: How can we expect to discuss the pill without talking about sex, sexual education, and sexual health? Format: #brandstory Pageviews: 72.200 Time Spent: 3:37 min Page Scroll Depth: 13,44% what do we need from you? 29 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? brief …together with communication and trust. native glossary Bounce Rate – the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page. Pageview – the total number of times a page is viewed Page Scroll Depth – measures how far users are scrolling your page Time Spent – the average amount of time a user spends on the page YouTube View – the total number of times a video is seen (30 seconds counts as one view) 31 / CAN I GET THAT IN NATIVE? CTR - is the ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page Full Page Branding – when published content is surrounded by client’s banners on all available ad zones on the page Standard page – stands for 1800 characters with spaces (this may vary from country to country) Powered by – one of the variations that stands for native content The world’s most awarded native studio with more than 400 published pieces of native content and 11 awards won at a world-renowned conference for native advertising. [email protected] Written by: Nataša Šudelija, Published by: 24sata d.o.o. Year: 2018.
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