camphor processing

June 8, 2018 | Author: Shubhankar Singh | Category: Distillation, Stainless Steel, Steel, Chemistry, Materials



Chapter 1INTRODUCTION 1.1 General Camphor is a waxy, white or transparent solid with a strong, aromatic odour having the chemical formulaC10H16O. It is found in wood and of the of camphor laurel (Cinnamomumcamphora), a giant of a large evergreen tree found in Asia (particularly in Borneo and Taiwan) also Dryobalanopsaromatica, the Bornean forests. It also occurs in some other related trees in the laurel family, notably Ocoteausambarensis. Dried rosemary leaves (Rosmarinusofficinalis), in the mint family, contain up to 20% camphor. It can also be synthetically produced from oil of turpentine. It is used for its scent, as an ingredient in cooking (mainly in India), as an embalming fluid, for medicinal purposes, and in religious ceremonies. A major source of camphor in Asia is camphor basil. The word camphor derives from the French word camphre, itself from MedievalLatincamfora, from Arabickafur, from Sanskrit, karpuura. Barus was the name of an early port on a city named "Sibolga" (located in the western coast of Sumatra island - North Sumatra Province, Republic of Indonesia]. At that time, this city was initially built prior to the Indian Bataknese trade of camphor and spices. Foreign traders such as; Dravidian - Indian, East Asian and Middle east traders would call "kapurbarus" to buy the extract/dried ooze of camphor tree from the local tribesman (Bataknese), in [Bataknese language "Gorga" It is also known as kapur Barus. Until now, the local tribesman and Indonesian in general refer to naphthalene balls 1 and moth balls as kapur Barus. For the local tribesman the use of camphor are ranging from deodorant, wood - cloth finishing veneer coat, traditional ritual and non-edible preservatives as the camphor tree itself natively found on that region. The tree itself in Indonesian language called as "Kamfer" also known for it's resistance. Camphor is readily absorbed through the skin and produces a feeling of cooling similar to that of menthol and act as local anesthetic, however it is poisonous when ingested and can cause seizures, mental confusion, irritability and neuromuscular hyperactivity. 1.2 Chemical constituents of Camphor laurel Camphor laurel contains volatile chemical compounds in all plant parts, and the wood and leaves are steam distilled for the essential oils. Camphor laurel has six different chemical variants called chemotypes, which are camphor, linalool, 1,8cineole, nerolidol, safrole, or borneol. In China field workers avoid mixing chemotypes of fake when harvesting laurel oil" the is by their in odour. China The to (or cineole fraction camphor used manufacture "Eucalyptus chemical variants chemotypes) seem dependent upon the country of origin of the tree. The tree is native to China, Japan, and Taiwan. It has been introduced to the other countries where it has been found, and the chemical variants are identifiable by country. i.e., Cinnamomumcamphora grown in Taiwan and Japan, (often commonly called "Ho Wood") is normally very high in Linalool, often between 80 and 85%. In India and Sri Lanka the high camphor variety/chemotype remains dominant. The Cinnamomumcamphora grown in Madagascar, on the other hand, is high in 1,8 Cineole 2 (averaging between 40 and 50%. The essential oil from the Madagascar trees is commercially known as Ravintsara. 1.3 Company Profile Camphor & Allied Products Ltd incorporated in 1961 is India’s largest manufacturers of variety of terpene chemicals and other speciality synthetic aroma camphor, in chemicals. Its terpineols, and vast several array of vast pine product oils, range includes finding from resins, chemicals astrolide, dihydromyrcenol, applications other industries ranging flavours&fragrances, pharmaceuticals, soaps & cosmetics, rubber &tyre, paints & varnishes and many more. It is a pioneer in the field of terpene chemistry in India since 1964, having established the first synthetic camphor plant with technology from DuPont of USA. The plant of the company is located finished at Bareilly products in West Uttar and Pradesh, 250 km the from New Delhi. It handles a volume of 20,000 tons of raw materials and annually incorporates latest technology and equipment. The operations company such carries as out all conceivable chemical oxidation, fractionation, esterification, saponification, hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, peroxidation, pyrolysis, etc. in the plant using equipment and technology that is constantly updated with time to keep pace with the latest advancements in chemistry and chemical engineering practices. Its grades), resins vast and product many range pine includes oils, processes 3 synthetic are camphor by (all well- terpineols, Isobornyl acetate, terpene more. All monitored trained technical personnel with the help of latest instrumentation and quality control. The company is also having a state-of-the-art manufacturing facility that was set value up at Nandesari, Baroda in 1999, to manufacture high fragrance chemicals and fragrance chemical intermediates based on in-house technology. Products manufactured at this plant are of international standard and are well accepted in markets abroad and at home. 1.3.1 Product Range Fragrance Chemicals 1. Amberone It is a pale yellow viscous liquid & amber odour. 2.Astromeran It is colourless to pale yellow colour&woody, spicy, floral odour. 3.Astrone It is clear liquid colourless to pale yellow, woody, balsamic, floral, pine odour. 4.Astrolide It is colourless liquid. Clean, powerful, long lasting musk odour (Galaxolide equivalent). 5. Capinone It is colourless woody odour. to pale yellow liquid, rich, sweet and 4 6.Dihydroterpineol It has piney, woody odour. 7.Dihydroterpinyl Acetate It is citrus fresh & has pine needle odour. 8. Fenchone It is a pale yellow liquid.Strongcamphoraceousodour. 9.Isoborneol It is white crystalline powder.Pineycamphoraceousodour. 10. Isobornyl Acetate It is colourlessliquid.Pine needle camphoraceousodour. 11.Ketone 101 It is pale yellow liquid. Sweet, earthy, woody and slightly camphoraceousodour patchouli oil. 12.Terpineol It is pale yellow to colourlessliquid.Sweet, piney, pleasant, lilac character. 13.Terpinyl Acetate It is colourless liquid - fresh bergamot Lavender odour. 14.Citwanene It is having pleasant citrus 15.Isolongifolene Colourless to pale yellow liquid.Characteristicodour. 5 with tobacco suggestion, reminiscent of character with woody back note. 1.3 Industrial Chemicals 1. Characteristic penetrating odour. lilac odour. . Characteristic terpenic odour. 2.3.2 Pharmaceutical Products 1.1.Cerpineolbp It is colourless liquid and has sweet. pleasant.Longifolene It is colourless to pale yellow liquid. used as anticeptic. 3.Camphor It is white crystalline material.Capolene 6 odour.1. woody odour. 1.Camphene It is starting material for sandalwood type aroma chemicals.16.Camphor oil It has colourless to pale yellowcolour&Camphoraceous 6.AlphaCampholenic Aldehyde It is light pale yellow clear liquid sweet.Camphor EP/USP/BP/DAB/JP It is a white granular powder& it isanti-infective and antipruritic 2. 5.AlphaPinene Epoxide It is clear colourlessliquid.3. 4. Tackifier. 14.Dipentene It is a colourless to pale yellow liquid.It is colourless to pale yellow liquid 7. floral odour. piney.Sodium acetate trihydrate It is a colourless or white crystalline powder.Capolyte CP Resin It is a tackifyingagents.Para cymene It is a polymerisation initiator for synthetic rubber 11.Pine oils It is colourless to pale yellow liquid & have Sweet.Pinenehydroperoxide It is a polymerisation initiator for synthetic rubber 12. 7 . 10. 15. 9.Distilled turpentine It is pale yellow liquid & used as solvent in paint and lacquer industry. pleasant. 8. 13.Pine tars It is a dark brown viscous liquid.Phenol It is orange coloured liquid. 4 Objective The main objective of the project is to gain knowledge about the manufacturing process of camphor using turpentine oil and to know about the camphor. industrial and pharmaceutical uses of ---***--- 8 .1. In distillation. the phase involved are liquid and vapour or gas (vapour phase is created by supplying heat to liquid ) and mass is transferred from both the phase to one another.1 Flash Distillation Flash distillation consists of vaporizing a definite fraction of a liquid in such a way that the evolved vapour is 9 . and not a chemical reaction. Distillation is a method of separating mixtures based on differences in volatilities of components in a boiling liquid mixture. Basically.1.2. by vaporization from liquid phase. The unit operation is also termed as fractional distillation or fractionation. or a physical separation process.2 Types of distillation 2.1 Distillation Distillation is an unit operation in which constituents of liquid mixture (solution) are separated using thermal energy. Distillation is a unit operation.1 Basic Definition 2.1.Chapter 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2. the difference in vapour pressure of different constituents at the same temperature is responsible for such operation. With this technique it is possible to separate liquid mixture into its components in almost pure form and this fact has made distillation perhaps the most important of all mass transfer operation. 2.1. this results in separation into different constituents of the feed. It may be illustrated by the fractionation of crude oil. while at same time gives the effect of a partial vacuum distillation of crude. product and destruction of furnance tubes by 10 . separating the vapour from liquid and condensing the liquid 2. Thus it results in loss of valuable plugging. decomposition and coking occurs in the furnance tubes in which oil is reboiled. the which to decompose steam allows column operate at atmospheric pressure. where the last trace of lighter constituents in the still bottoms are separated by the introduction of steam in the column and all side streams are drawn off the column are stripped with steam to remove same amount of volatile constituents could without the restoring oil. fraction which above could 600 for not degree their be boiled readily are available to heat source or which are unstable at their atm boiling point.1. vacuum.2.2 Steam Distillation Steam distillation generally treated as a simple evaporation without fractionation and is generally handled as a batch operation. The to high temperature.1.e.3 Vacuum Distillation In vacuum distillation feed is charged into the colum which is under atmospheric pressure equilibrium with the residual liquid. 2.2. Thus celcius subjected because vacuum this distillation separation above temperature. Vacuum distillation is used to separate components of high boiling points. 11 .1.2.Distillation column Source-www. 4.1. dill. 2. It is sometimes colloquially known as turps.6 Camphene Camphene is bicyclic monoterpene. It is also a major constituent of hop aroma and flavor. cypress oil. but not water. basil. mainly the monoterpenes alpha-pinene and beta-pinene. and wood turpentine) is a fluid obtained by the distillation of resin obtained from live trees. of turpentine. It is composed of terpenes.1. Both enantiomers are known in nature.3. neroli. It occurs naturally in rosemary. mainly pines.1. 2. parsley. and rose. soluble in alcohol. It is an alkenes and it contains a reactive four-membered ring. industrially catalytic isomerization common alpha-pinene. 2.5. one of two isomers of pinene. Camphene is used in the preparation of fragrances and as a food 12 . minor and constituent valerian.2. It is nearly insoluble in water. It is but a very soluble in of It the common many is organic essential produced more solvents. It is found in the oils of many species of many coniferous trees. Beta Pinene Beta-Pinene (β-pinene) is a colorless liquid.1. Turpentine (also called spirit of turpentine. ginger oil. citronella oil. oils such It as by volatilizes readily at room temperature and has a pungent smell. notably the pine. It is also found in the essential oil of rosemary. camphor oil. It has a woody-green pine-like smell. The racemic mixture is present in some oils such as eucalyptus oil. yarrow. oil of Turpentine turpentine. Alpha Pinene α-Pinene is an organic compound of the terpene class. toilet water.ointments and balms.2 Uses of Products 2.Camphor water. bath preparation.2.antiseptics.camphorated tincture of opium. Its mid-19th century use as a fuel for lamps was limited by its explosiveness.additive for flavoring. gums.3 Terpeneol It is used in solvents for resins. other products.2. 2. flysprays. in halers .and mid antiseptics. 2.5.soaps disinfectents. oils. Mutual solvents for cellulose esters and ethers .1 Camphor oil It is used in the preparation medicines. It is also used as denaturing fat for soap manufacture.Terpine hydrate It is used in medicine as well as in veterinary.2. 2.2 Isobornyl acetate It finds its use in compounding pine needle odours. 13 ofinsectisides . In medicine it is used as raw material for pharmaceuticals firms. and of medicinal pharmaceutical preparations such as vitacamphor.and many other technical preparation as a deodrant and in . theatre sprays.4 Natural camphor Camphor is the basic raw material for the manufacture of celluloid .and as medicine. soaps and in manufacture of synthetic camphor.2.Camphor as such used as an ingridient of ammoniated camphor liniments. anesthetic. antioxidents. soaps. 2. waxes.counter irritants.2. Pinetar Orefloatation. tarsoaps preservatives. chewinggums.ointments. It is used in manufacture of cordage.and quenching oil.asphaltic compositions. and as bacterial inhibitor in wet processing cotton.finds use in paints and varnishes. rubber and . of varnishes. 14 .insulation varnishes.6.2. preservatives.and cough 2.3.4.marine manufacture rubber gooda as a tackyfyingagent.3 ST Slab type 70% camphor and 30%ib.Menthol Used in perfumes.2.2 BQ Best quality 2.detergent. 2. mouthwash.3.2. 2. 2. In veterinary it is used as expectorant in chronic bronchitis. and rayon.3. general used in paints.9.Caprez resin Caprez resin is an adhesive.8.3 Camphor quality 2.Pine oil Pine oil is an excellent resin solvent.rubs.In medicine it is used as expectorant for cough.It is widely used as a medicinal tape in medicinal industries. 2. as a flavour in toothpastes.3.2.7.It roofing is also compositions.IPIndian pharmaceutical(96%). dispersant. incosmetics for cooling sensations and in pharmaceutical industries as pain balms.Also used in bubble gum industry.1 GF Granulated flakes 2.It is used in textile industry as a penitrant. syrups. 3.2. ---***--- 15 .USPUnited state pharmaceutical.5. 347-351 °F 2.990 g cm−3 175-177 °C. 448-450 K.Solubility in diethyl ether~ 12. Exact mass 4.Solubility in acetone~ 10.Physical Appearance 8.1° 11.Solubility in ethanol~log P 14.Chiral rotation Source.1: Properties of Camphor PROPERTY NAME 1.2gdm-3 2500 g dm−3 2000 g dm− 2000gdm-3 1000 g dm−3 1000 g dm−3 4 mmHg (at 70 °C) [α]D+44.Solubility in water 9. 477 K.www. Molar mass 3.120115134 g mol−1AppearanceWhite.Table 2. Melting point ---***--16 . translucent crystals 0. Molecular formula VALUE WITH UNITS C10H16O 152. Boiling point 204 °C.Solubility in acetic acid~ 1.23 g mol−1 152. 399 °F 7. Density 5.Vapor pressure 15.wikipedia.Solubility in chloroform~ 13. also known as “Synthetic Camphor”. mass Unfortunately. camphene can be converted directly into synthetic camphor by oxidizing it with ozone.2. The production of synthetic camphor begin with the distillation of turpentine to yield α-pinene. The α-pinene is carefully dried and treated dry hydrochloric acid to produce bornyl chloride. process production. The entire process of camphor production from natural camphor wood is given below in the figure. 3. However for production purpose synthetic camphor production from turpentine oil is generally used. 17 . synthetic Camphor is produced from α-pinene oil which is a main ingredient of turpentine oil.1 Small scale production In small batches.Chapter-3 Process description 3.2. 3. and additional steps are taken when large quantities of synthetic camphor are required.2 Large scale production For large scale production.1 Manufacturing process Of natural camphor Camphor can be naturally manufactured from natural camphor wood steam distillation process.2 Manufacturing process of Synthetic Camphor 3. potassium permanganate or any this other readily does available not lend oxidizing itself to agent. Camphor wood is subjected to a steam distillation unit to obtain camphor. oxygen. 18 .1 Manufacturing of natural camphor After isoborneol has been purified. Turpentine oil on Fractional Distillation yield alpha pinene along with few side products. Mixture or turpentine oil is obtained by steam distillation of oleogum from pine trees.3 Specification of α-Pinene Molecular Formula. 3. Wood turpentine 2. cresol. For large scale production of synthetic camphor. About 90% of turpentine get converted into alpha pinene. aniline and alkali.3.1)-2-heptane Melting Point. it is oxidized by nitric acid and sulphuric acid to finally producing “synthetic Camphor”.The patented resultant solid is then converted by by several the chemical process into camphene removing hydrochloric acid with phenol.156 degree celcius 3.C10H16 IUPAC NAME. The isobornyl acetate is subsequently separated and treated with alcoholic sodium hydroxide to produce isoborneol. production 5% beta pinene is and remaining raw get converted for into Turpentine basic material camphor 19 . Gum turpentine 3.1 Sources of α-Pinene 1.4 Production process description 1.-65 degree celcius Boiling Point.2. camphene.6-Trimethyl bicycle(3. the glacial acetic acid. 8% into careen.3.6. Sulphate turpentine 3. Isomerisation Alpha Pinene TiO2 Catalyst 3. Pure Camphene of is then treated to with acetic acid in the to Pure Camphene + TarpeneD + Cr Tricyclo Camphene presence CXC-120 Catalyst undergo Esterification produce isoborneol acetate (IBA). Crude Tricyclo Camphene is then sent to distillation unit where it undergo fractional distillation to produce Pure camphene along with side products. 20 .85-90% Alpha Pinene 8-10% Carene Turpentine Oil 3-5% Beta Pinene 1-2% Camphene 2. Alpha Pinene oil obtained by fractional distillation of turpentine oil undergo isomerisation reaction in the presence of Titanium dioxide to produce crude camphene tricycle camphene. Fractional distillation Cr camphene Depentene 4. 21 .2 Camphor production flowsheet Source-www.Fig. IBA is further distilled to produce pure IBA. 3.After the isoborneol is purified. including pine oil and turpentine. It is a very important substance with many applications as a solvent.5 Turpentine production and processing Turpentine is an oil obtained from pine trees. It is also used as the starting material to manufacture variety of other products.Itis done to obtain total conversion. Turpentine is initially separated from wood chips after they have been "cooked" in the kraft paper-making process.Esterification Pure camphene IBA + (Acetic Acid + Unreacted Camphene) 5. and is different from the mineral turpentine that can be bought in the supermarket. resins and varnishes. For total conversion the ratio of IBA:NAOH should be 1:0. The reaction is as follows (160-170 C) C10H17COOCH3 +NaOH C10H18O +CH3COONa 7-8 KG/cm2 The product formed is known as isoborneol. it is oxidised in presence of nitric acid and sulphuric acid into the final synthetic camphor. IBA IBA+(acetic acid +camphene) 6. in the pharmaceutical industry and in the production ofoils. It is 22 .22 .The next step in camphor manufacture is saponification. and ß-pinene. disinfectant and deodorant.It is a mixture of α. This turpentine is then distilled into "heads" (volatile compounds with no commercial value). with a density of 0. 3.Saponification 2. 3.Washing 3. both because of its volatility and because it has a low flash point.6. 1. ß-pinene is sold as is and α-pinene is further processed to make pine oil by reacting it with phosphoric acid. 23 . solvent. dipentene.6 Properties of turpentine oil 1. and α . as turpentine is much lighter than water. and ß-pinene is used to produce camphor and insecticides.Dewatering These processes are explained in details now. 2. less valuable. methyl mercaptan and dimethyl sulphide) inorganics associated handling refined turpentine.g. is produced as a by-product of this process.1 Operations in camphor manufacture Basically camphor manufacture takes place in three steps.separated off as a which separate out mixture of water and turpentine when left to separate in a vapours. Of these. tank. Pine oil is used as a solvent.and ß-pinene (30 and 60% respectively) and other monoterpenes of the general formula C10H16 and various impurities and such as small quantities with of unpleasantCST and smelling sulphurous compounds(e.85g cm-3. A further.CST is a volatile amber liquid. 3.The processes used in each of the steps include: 1.Charging raw materials For the manufacture of camphor the raw material turpentine oil is charged first. The isoborneol formed is dehydrogenated at a temperature of 220-225 c to form camphor with the elimination of H2. Camphor refining & distillation Camphor refining takes place in 4 steps.Cooling 3.Dehydrogenation Dehydrogenation is the process of removal of bulk hydrogen from the raw material. residue.Removal of camphor oil.After that pinene is carefully dried.Stripping of hydreogenated benzene.Reactions 2. 4.the objective of this is to yield pinene.Transfer and flushing 2.These are as follows: 1.The process include charging the catalyst and then cooling and subsequently filtering it. 2.Reclaimingof the camphor from.Distillation of camphor from camphor +hbs mixture. This process is done in following way: 24 the . 4. 3.Inert gas is also purged into it. 1. Camphor reclaiming Camphor reclaiming is a process to obtain the maximum amount of camphor and to minimize the waste. Evaporation of camphor through steam distillation. vanes of this filter requires the solution and make benzene ( with impurities of IBA ) pass through the filter and get collected.Isomerisation C10H16 reaction( batch process) C10H16 + Mixed tarpene The mixed tarpene is a mixture of dipentane and pentane. 5. Camphor is separated from dipentene and pentene D by fractional distillation. Filter allow the benzene to pass thorough benzene vanes. IB From R-904a is taken in this filter and it is washed with benzene.Nutschefilter. 5. 3.Cooling of water + benzene camphor solution.Draining of pitch. 5. ---***--- 25 .1. 2.Condensation of water + camphor vapours in benzene. Removal of water. 4. 1 Specification A process design starts with the development of a process flow sheet for the development of such process flow diagram material balance calculation across each unit is necessary. the total mass of a system whether it undergo unit process or unit operation remain unchanged. Now the question comes. we immediately face the question of how much product can be produced from the available raw materials or how much the certain raw material need to be processed to meet a particular demand. When we deal the material balance. separating Physical process chemical mostly process involve mixing process process reaction occurring in the reactor. why do we need material balance.Chapter-4 MATERIAL BALANCE 4. it can neither be created nor destroyed. reach and they on pertain and to physical with and chemical reaction or or process and which are often referred to as material balance without chemical that chemical involve respectively. There material balance follow the law of conservation of mass. Such considerations are of extremely important because the flow of material involved. A material balance is a careful accounting of this materials flow and is the first and essential step in the analysis of chemical process. 26 . to determine size and cost of reactor & number of unit etc. According to law of conservation of mass. Thus we are referring to flow of the raw materials and of product or waste materials out of process. Although we usually have the idea of the overall process. It is here that one begin to get a feeling for overall size of the process since one is now dealing with the masses or volumes of material involved. 23gm/mol 136gm/mol 154. it can be used to check performance against design.25gm/mol . Assumption made during material balance 1.Material material determine the balance is are of the over raw basis the of process required design. Material balance are also useful for study of plant operation and trouble shooting.87g cm−3 1.1 Calculation Material Formula Density Mol. No material is accounted for heating the process material that will be calculated in energy balance. 3. to check instrument celebration and to locate source of material loss.2 calculation Table 4.54g cm−3 Initial Basis = 1 ton of turpentine oil 27 . Final product is considered as hundred percent pure as per specification 4. and A balance taken complete process will the quantities material product produced.wt Camphor Turpentine oil Isoborneol acetate C10H16O.990 g cm−3 C10H16 C10H18O 152. Balance over individual process unit set the process steam flow and composition. No material loss is considered 2. 493 . Amount it in material balance calculation.90 ton α-pinene (90%) + side product(10%) Side product formed = .5 .1 Since the amount of additive are very small(in kg) hence we neglected 2.1 ton 28 .053 .1. of α-pinene oil formed from turpentine oil(since conversion is 90%) Turpentine oil α-pinene formed = 1*0. Camphor production initial raw material Raw material are added in following proportion in manufacturing of Camphor Material Weight(in ton) Turpentine oil Wood Furnance oil Natural gas Steam 1 3.9 = . e Camphene Careen.9 ton) 1 ton turpentine oil + steam Side product i. Pure Camphene Production Yeild of different product from crude camphene are as follows    Pure Camphene Dipentine Pine oil 55% 10% 30% 29 .betapinene (.9ton) Crude Camphene 4. TiO2 Alpha pinene(.Alpha pinene oil (.1 ton) 3 Alpha pinene oil obtained from fractional distillation is kept in a batch reactor for about 2 hour and small amount of titanium dioxide is added as catalyst. this led to isomerization of alpha pinene to crude camphene with no loss of reactant. 9 =.099 ton Unreacted camphene = .495 tons 5.1485 ton Unreacted acetic acid Pure camphene Acetic acid IBAReactor Isoborneol acetate Unreacted camphene 30 . Other residue 5% Crude camphene Dipentine(10%)+ pine oil Pure camphene(55%)+ Residue(terpine& hydrate) Since the yield of pure camphene is 55%. Isoberneol acetate formation tank Percentage yield of IBA is 70% Acetic acid taken= .231 ton Unreacted acetic acid = . so amount of pure camphene produced = .231 =.33-.33 ton Isoberneol acetate formed = .433 ton Reacted acetic acid = .55*0. so the amount of Isoberneol formed is same as IBA produced i.3465 ton Caustic soda (NaOH) taken = .22 Since the conversion is 100%.3465 ton %Conversion of camphor = . Amount of camphor formed = 0. Dehydogenation Reactor (Camphor) Isoborneol produced is dehydrogenated to give Camphor Hydrogen Isoborneol Dehydrogenation Tower Camphor Since isoborneol is totally convert into hydrogen and camphor. Saponification reactor( Isoborneol formation) To ensure total conversion IBA: NaOH :: 1:0. so the amount of camphor produced is same as that of isoborneol formed.07623 ton 7.6.e 0.3465/1*100 = 34% ---***--- 31 . The purpose of the process design number required theoretical stages. first the step in distillation sequences. column performance. The determine feed. 2) Sequences that result in a more equal-molar division of the feed between distillate and bottoms products should be favored.Chapter-5 GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATION 5. On the other hand. a tower process design followed by a mechanical design. which may constrain the work.1 A General design is normally is to divided calculate into the two main of steps. column which design is on to the separation depends relative volatility and concentration of each component in the 32 . economics of the design and other parameters. Many distillation factors column have such to as be the considered safety in and designing a environmental requirements. few design rules for distillation column are as follows: 1) Direct sequences that remove the components one by one in the distillate are generally favored. the mechanical design focuses on the tower internals and heat exchanger arrangements. 3) Separations where the relative volatility of two adjacent components is close to unity should be performed in the absence of other components. column diameter and tower height. ie. reserve such a separation until the last column in the sequence. the steps included in distillation calculations are summarized into the following:     Performing a material balance for the column Determining temperature) Calculating the minimum number of theoretical stages using the Fenske equation Calculating the minimum reflux rate using the Underwood equations the tower operating pressure (and/or 5) Determining the operating reflux rate and number of theoretical stages 6) Selection of column internals (tray or packings) 7) Calculating the tower diameter and height The theoretical explanation and sample calculations of each step above are discussed in detail in later sections. In general. α = P2/P1 33 .2 Other factors Some general design rules (from Cheresources. 5. stages. engineering calculations follow determine theoretical operating parameters and tower dimensions.4) Separations be involving until number high-specified last of in the recovery sequence. medium temperature. 2. fractions Once the should to reserved the separation sequence is decided.e. For Ideal mixtures (low pressure. and non- polar). Distillation is usually the most economical method of separating that should be considered are as follows: 1. relative volatility is the ratio of vapor pressures i. remove components one by one as overhead products.9 m) in diameter.  When the concentration in the feed varies widely but the relative volatilities do not. 4. Tower Sequencing    Easiest separation first – least trays and reflux When neither relative volatility nor feed concentrations vary widely. 11) Limit tower heights to 175 ft (53 m) due to wind load and foundation considerations.2 m) should be added to the top for vapor release and 6 ft (1. 34 . When the adjacent ordered components in the feed vary widely in relative volatility. sequence the splits in order of decreasing volatility. 4 ft (1. Economically optimum reflux ratio is about 120% to 150% of the minimum reflux ratio. 5. 12) The Length/Diameter ratio of a tower should be no more than 30 and preferably below 20. 9) Reflux drums are almost always horizontally mounted and designed for a 5 min holdup at half of the drum's capacity. remove the components in the order of decreasing concentration in the feed. Tower operating pressure is determined most often by the temperature of the available cooling medium in the condenser or by the maximum allowable reboiler temperature. 7) A safety factor of at least 10% above the number of stages by the best method is advisable.3. 10) For towers that are at least 3 ft (0.8 m) should be added to the bottom to account for the liquid level and reboiler return. The economically optimum number of stages is about 200% of the minimum value. 8) A safety factor of at least 25% about the reflux should be utilized for the reflux pumps. 6. Trays can be divided into many categories. such as baffle trays. 4) Liquid loading. 2) Fouling potential.5 D2 for pressure distillation Q = 0.3 Selection of Column Internals The selection of column internals has a big impact on the column performance and the maintenance cost of a distillation tower. trays should be selected if: 1) The compounds contain solids or foulants 2) There are many internal transitions 3) Liquid loads are high 4) There is a lack of experience in the service 5) Vessel wall needs periodic inspection 6) There are multiple liquid phases 35 . 3) Liquid to vapor density ratio. According to some rules of thumb. dual flow trays. There are several choices of column internals and the two major categories are trays and packing.13) A rough estimate of reboiler duty as a function of tower diameter is given by: Q = 0. multiple downcomer trays and system limit trays. conventional trays. and 5) Most importantly the life cycle cost. 5. high capacity trays. Q : Energy in Million Btu/hr D : Tower diameter in feet.3 D2 for atmospheric distillation Q = 0. The choice of which to utilize depends on the following 1) Pressure.15 D2 for vacuum distillation Where. This parameter shall be checked only for the side downcomer.6 m/s) at moderate pressures. Tray spacing should common be from 18 to is 24 inches. for a tower diameter below 4 feet. The rules of thumb for selecting packing are: 1) The compounds are temperature sensitive 2) Pressure drop is important (vacuum service) 3) Liquid loads are low 4) Towers are small in diameter 5) Highly corrosive service (use plastic or carbon) 6) The system is foaming 7) The ratio of tower diameter to random packing is greater than 10 Some design guidelines should be considered when designing a tray tower.6. a tray spacing of 18 inches is adequate as the column wall can be reached from the man way. such as follows: 1) Constriction factor The constriction factor should not be less than 0. for a tower diameter of 4 feet and above. 2) Tray spacing Overall column heights depend on tray spacing. the most tray spacing 24 access maintenance. conventional structured packing.On the other hand. packing divisions include grid packing.) 3) Peak tray efficiencies Iy usually occur at linear vapor velocities of 2 ft/s (0. or 6 ft/s (1. 36 . inches with to accessibility allow easy in mind for (Generally.8 m/s) under vacuum conditions. capacity structured packing. However. and high random packing. picket fencing may be required. At high weir loadings. The disk typically rises 3/16 to 7/16 in above the tray deck and 10 % open area of fully open valves. 37 .25 to 0. trays will have high pressure drop. 9) Weir loading The maximum recommended weir loading is 13 gpm/inch. For vacuum operation is recommended 0.4) A typical pressure drop : Pressure drop per tray is 0.5 in to reduce the pressure drop. diameter holes each with a lifting cap.1 psi (0. 7) Valve trays Valve tray typically has 1. 12. Maximum efficiency is 0. 5) Tray efficiencies: For aqueous solutions these are usually in the range of 60-90% while gas absorption and stripping typically have efficiencies closer to 10-20% 6) Sieve tray holes The generally vary are 0.5 in and 8%. At lower weir loading. high froth height and potential downcomer limitations.25 to 0. Max Dry pressure drop in height of hot liquid less than 16% of tray spacing.50 in.5 in and 2 in. That large holes are recommended for fouling and corrosive services and a spray regime.007 bar). diameter with the total hole area being about 10% of the total active tray area. 8) Weir height The most common weir heights are 2 to 3 in and the weir length is typically 75% of the tray diameter.14 caps/square foot of tray is a good benchmark. 5 in. The packed tower design concepts are listed below: 1) Packed towers almost always have lower pressure drop compared to tray towers. 13) Open area Open area typically 0. 2) Packing is often retrofitted into existing tray towers to increase capacity or separation.15.04 to 0. 12)Flow path length The flow path length is measured from the downcomer exit to the outlet weir. the maximum velocity needs to be lowenough to prevent downcomer flooding.10) Downcomer clearance It is recommended 1. 38 .7 ft/s. At high liquid loading the clearance can be increased up to the weir height to minimize the head loss and the jetting. the residence time needs to be long enough to allow adequate vapor-liquid disengagement. At low liquid loading the clearance can be reduced to secure a proper distribution of the liquid on the active area. lower values may result hydraulic limitation and mass transfer efficiency reduced while higher value result less the tray efficiency. The minimum residence time is 3 s and the best residence time is 5 s. Minimum size is typically 16 to 18 inches.1-0. but lower than 1 in are not recommended. High flow path length will enhance the efficiency while the low flow path length will increase weir load. 11) Downcomer velocity: and residence time velocities is range from 0. 7) For redistribution.6 m3/min) or more.5 cm) packing. 8) Packed columns should operate near 70% flooding. 10) Packing support is used to carry the weight of the wet packing while allowing free passage of the gas and liquid. use 1 in (2. Gas inlets are provided above the level where the liquid flows from the bed.3.56 m) for 1 in pall rings and 2.2 m3/min).90 m) for 2 in pall rings. there should be 8-12 streams per sq. For small diameter columns.6 m). 6) Liquid distributor should be placed every 5-10 tower diameters (along the length) for pall rings and every 20 ft (6.8 ft (0.1.5 m) for other types of random packing.0 ft (0. foot of tower area for towers larger than three feet in diameter.76-0. 9) Height Equivalent to Theoretical Stage (HETS) for vaporliquid contacting is 1.4-0. 11) Liquid distributor is used to maintaining a uniform flow of liquid throughout the column. use 2 in (5 cm) packing. 4) Ratio of tower diameter to packing diameter should usually be at least 15 5) Due to the possibility of deformation. They should be even more numerous in smaller towers. a 39 .3) For gas flow rates of 500 ft3/min (14. for gas flows of 2000 ft3/min (56. plastic packing should be limited to an unsupported depth of 10-15 ft (3-4 m) while metal packing can withstand 20-25 ft (6-7.5-3. ----***---- 40 .central open feed pipe or one fitted with a spray nozzle may well be adequate. 12)Liquid redistributors Redistributors are used to collect liquid that has migrated to the column walls and redistribute it evenly over the packing and also out any maldistribution. its availability.impact strength.malleability.hardness.1.tensile process engineer to select the proper material efficiency for process equipment and its supporting structure.fabrication technique. This will be the materials that gives the lowest cost over the working life of the plant allowing for maintenance and replacement.toughness strength characteristic etc.Other factors such as product contamination & process safety must also be considered.While selecting the material economic consideration also play a major role.The selection of materials for specific application depends upon the process requirement.The cost of materials. fatigue.mechanical properties of materials such as knowledge brittleness. The most economically materials that satisfies both process & mechanical requirement should be selected. 6.Chapter-6 MATERIALS OF CONSTRUCTION While designing a chemical plants material of construction of various units must be properly selected.The different properties of materials are classified as.The permits the of material strength.purity of product. creep.The process engineer should have a general idea of the materials that are compatible with the process. ductility .the materialsfor construction have to be established.All these factors mostly varies with materials and its properties.Once the type of equipment is selected.cost & strength or properties has to be specifically considered. Properties 41 . Fracture resistance 4. In the Camphor plant the maximum temperature attained 42 .Corrosion resistance depends & upon may precise greatly corrosive influence environment the resistance where of a concentration.Strength.1.As in meter stream is passed through jacket therefore care it cause be high corrosion during stresses.Therefore selection.Tensile strength 2. Fatigue resistance 5. Ductility-brittleness 6. 6.Toughness.6.aeration flow velocity. The mechanical properties vary with thermal properties.purity level.heat transfer temperature particular material. Creep resistance 6.heat capacity.4 Temperature This is an important as the aspect may while be selecting or low material which of will respective should taken construction temp high defiantlyshows its influence on the mechanical properties of the materials.1.1. melting point etc.1.Usually corrosion rate is measured in terms of thickness reduction or weight loss.Stillness-Elastic modulus 3.2 Thermal properties These includes thermal conductivity. 6.3 Corrosion resistance This is the most important aspects that plays prominent role in the selection of materials of construction.1Mechanical properties 1. 8 Machinability The ease with which material may be machined or fabricated plays an important role upon the cost of the equipment. 6. 6. It itself depends upon number of factor. electrical resistance.which is shown in cost estimation.. magnetic resistance etc.7 Availability Materials of construction should be available in standard sizes and may be in the form plate section or tube.1.welding.1.2 Cost This is the most important criteria which has to be looked. 6.The more cost rating compares the relative cost of various materials as given by.5 Special properties Special properties required are thermal conductivities.1.e.1. 6.forming. 150-250 C.6 Fabrication These properties govern the case of fabrication i. casing. CR = Cρ/Fs C = Cost per unit mass(Rs/kg) ρ = Density Fs = Design stress(N/mm2) 43 . The materials of construction for these equipment should be proportionally chosen taking into accounts the mechanical properties at such a high temperature. chromium contents are between 11-18%.Feritic stainless steel-It has carbon content less than 0. ii. process vessels.It carbon hardenability.chromium between cladding 12-18%.It is resistant to water. Austentic stainless steel 1. nitric acid.So referring literature it is found that no special materials of construction are necessary & stainless steel is used only in those parts which are in contact with the product. Stainless steel can be considered as: i.It is useful for handling strong oxidizing acids has good corrosion resistance. sulphuric acid really requires the large experience.It cannot be heat treated.the reactor are made from stainless steel. Martensitic stainless contents is issued steel-It are as has carbon to content has steel upto good for 1.2%. For the manufacturing of chemicals.its tensile and impact strength is poor.e. 2.The appropriate values of relative cost(CR) for the following materials are:Carbon Steel Aluminum Stainless Steel Copper 01 18 06 27 Seeing all these factor we can say the for selection of materials. Feritic stainless steel Martensitic stainless steel iii.steam & mild corrosive 44 .2%. It is also good for handling sulphuricacids.Austenitic moly denum upto temperature of 3 0 C not good enough for has good resist to pitting corrosion. 316.3.All these steels are corroding media.3 Lining of chemical processequipment The purpose of lining is to provide protection to the costly metal equipment against chemical action.Nickel allows it to retain microstructure high strength.309SS. iron is reducing toxic environment & severe susceptible to stress corrosion cracking.310 Useful for general corrosion Useful for high temp operation Of preheater.good containing ductility & corrosion contains 3.high above and in alkaline solution. limestone etc. It also prevents wear & tear of the metal from highly abrasive material such as quarter.347 resistance. its Austenitic austenitic stainless steel-In at addition impact steel to carbon & chromium.316L Good corrosion resistance 6.vessel liners & Welding rods.organicacids.5-22% nickel.304L. 308. Lining also helps to present contamination 45 of the liquid being . specially in mining industry. Some of the stainless steel used application are as follows: Type Application 304. camphor should be stored in epoxy lined silos ----***--- 46 . In Camphor units. of strength In of composite structure. rubber. cheaper material and corrosion resistant properties of material which may either lack in strength or may be costly beneficially utilized. glass are well known in chemical process industries.processed adopting specially the in food & pharmaceutical advantage industries. titanium. Mild steel lined with lead. plastic. power & fuel. Sufficient raw material supply. Soil condition and bearing quality of site. 5. 4. Availability of labour. Location with respect to market for products.Political atmosphere.Chapter-7 PLANT LOCATION AND PLANT LAYOUT The success proper as the location selection for of of plant a up is of as important Selection plant to of its an process. 7.Local community consideration. 47 . 3. 1. 8. It is necessary that overall outlook s taken into account and all selection factor while selecting a suitable location of the proposed plant. 10. Availability of suitable land & sufficient land. Good transport facilities. 6. Suitable topography and weather condition. any appropriate location setting is quite necessary so as to run the plant under profitable condition. Uninterrupted supply of utilities like water. 2. 11. Effluent disposal facilities. 9. In this chapter a brief discussion regarding the principle factor leading to selection of location are summarized as follows. plant and away is raw so and all the above factors while Bareilly. The liquid pollution and maintains strict vigil all the time to protect environment and people. dehydrogenation. Camphor & Allied product limited are pioneers in the field of turpentine chemistry in India.e The The just in Vadodara. saponification.process and plant services within the factory so as to achieve the greatest 48 . in the plant using equipment and technology that is constantly updated with time to keep pace with the latest advancements in chemistry and chemical engineering practices. resins vast product range Pine includes is synthetic free Camphor of air (all and Terpineols. of 28°23'46"N railway and 79°22'57"E. Pradesh.m. hydrogenation. Bareilly products 1 k. There Gujarat with from tons are and two plant operating Uttar in Indiai. 7.000 raw materials finished products annually incorporates the latest technology and equipment. station is materials can be easily transported by road and rail network Bareilly transportation can be easily done. many Oils. oxidation. etc. having established the first synthetic camphor plant with technology from Dupontof USA in 1964. Terpene and more. pyrolysis.1 Plant layout Plant layout is the method of locating machines. 250 km from New Delhi on NH-24 coordinate here. esterification. plant Isobornyl totally acetate. located in West Uttar Pradesh.For the safe and economic working of a plant it is of great importance to take into account selecting the site. It carry out all conceivable chemical operations such as fractionation. It handles a volume of 20. Their grades). peroxidation. 2. The objectives to be attained as . Avoidance of unnecessary and costly charges once a layout is made. Poor layout 49 plant layout. 6. A complete layout project represents the master plan for physically integrating the factor of production which are required on the premises.possible ease of output of high is quality performed at at lowest the possible point of cost of manufacturing. 4. Safety. Improvements in production process & methods. 5. Incorporation of safety into the physical plant as part of the layout & organization. Plant layouts ideally involve the allocation of space and the arrangement of the equipment in such a way that overall operating costs are minimized. Avoidance bottlenecks. It aims at discovering an optimum plan by which operation greatest convenience. 8. Management can obtain the desired objectives through an efficient follows. 7. 1. Better product control & supervision. Minimizing of useful areas. parts and products. 3. Maximum productivity from plant building and equipments can be obtained only when these facilities are so integrated to provide smooth flow of materials. Economics in material and product handling. Smooth flow is a result of a good plant layout. petroleum. The volume of work to be handled.3 Types of layout There are two different types of layout depending upon the type of manufacturing they are: 1. The demand for such product is relatively inelastic 50 . 2. 7. 5. 7. 4. 8. The assembly relationship between the component parts and sub Assemblies of each products. sugar industries and industries which produces assembled products for consumer. The operation needed on each part sub assembly and final assembly. The condition necessary for manufacturing processs of operation. Material handling equipment that may be required. 7. 2. The characteristics and requirements of auxiliary services.results in high to materials mention handling only a cost few & of excessive the space requirements consequent inefficiencies. Line of product layout. Functional or process layout.2 Factor influencing plant layout 1. 3. The products to be manufactured including their components parts and sub assemblies of each products. The line layout has been found to be suitable for continues process industries for example chemical. 4. Hence the product layout process suitable manufacture of camphor. 3. 7. Easy control and supervision. 2. More room should be provided near the raw material and product storage to allow easy loading and unloading operations. 51 . The equipments and machines us in such factor are therefore generally arranged in a straight line or in sequence in which they are used. Ensuring smooth production flow. Maximum productivity. Absence of back traffic and congestion. Machines in such factories are generally arranged according to functions. canteen should be given due importance. The general need which must considered while laying out a plant are: 1. One important factor to kept in is adequate space for future expansion to meet the changing demands.4 Selection of a layout It line or is necessary for the manufacturingprocess to be most to arrange for different equipment in a certain typical sequence. dumping yard section. The functional layout is more suitable for those which carry out for job order production. Again not only the processing block like boiler house. In such factories no two job are similar and so line layout is out of questions.and they can be manufactured in stock. The machines performing the same process are grouped together in department. In this way a number of departments are set up each of which is responsible for a specific process and not a product as in the line layout. Due consideration must also be given to technical requirements. The given figure the complete plant layout for manufacture of camphor in which all above aspects have been considered. Should consider expansion and growth potential of enterprise. raw materials and products. 6. antipollution and other legal provision. The layout should security equipments consideration should be given to waste disposal arrangement and waste effect treatment. The not on layout danger should the be such that of the man movement and of man and and materials should be in minimum possible time. The cost of construction can be minimized by adopting a layout that gives the shortest run of construction pipe between equipments. Adequate space must be provided for man. Flexibility in operation. ---***--- 52 . machines.5. waste disposal. such measure are of two type. During processing the materials are likely to undergo fire hazards. Various types of hazard are either due to the nature and properties of the materials or due to side reactions. All operating personnel in the plant should study and get themselves well acquainted and well versed in various hazardous situations. Modern some technology has been since quite successful & in developing are failure mode chemicals. electrical hazards etc. public lives and to the environment. mechanical hazards. All manufacturing processes are to some extent hazardous but in chemical process there are addition hazard associated with the process. the process has to operate under component failure. all the precision in design inspection & equipment reviews.Chapter-8 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT ISSUES Inspite of all skill of operation. utility imperfection & human error. Attempt must be made to provide design having maximum protection for plant personal and minimum chance of occurring of any accident. In every process industry a wide variety of preventive & protective safety measure must be provided. chemical hazards. In consequence each item may cause damage to the equipment. However this effort has also introduced additional problems manufacturing handling frequently found to be inadequate to deal with the question of hazards. The designer must be aware of those hazards & ensure the application of sound engineering practices so that the risk are reduced a to acceptable plant levels. 53 . plants. Automatic control 54 . Hot surface should be insulated uninterrupted water control fire in case of emergency. The properties of flammable materials must be studied &no where in process the temperature should be allowed to reach 30% auto ignition temperature or above flash point. necessary and equipment like heater.2. at to These normal dissent catches crawl fire along easilyeven the ground temperature. if the situation gets out of control(curative). lubricants.1. this prevents build up of static electricity and the possibility of starting of spark. Fire alarm system are must to control fire. loss of life and property. 8.1 Hazards 8. oils. these substance camphor can must be handled with care.1 Fire Hazard Fire can be due to inflammable fuel like petroleum product. container and tanks are connected to ground electricity whenever flammable material is being transferred. damage and production discontinuity. The objective is to minimize the chance of personnel injury. So allied air. 8. so flammable product.1. All flammable container are kept closed when not in operation. The vapour of flammable substance is heavier than vapour flames & spark and then flashed back to the source. supply furnances should be should there be to protected against accidental explosion. wood etc. All drums. Measure which will limit the extent of damage. so we must require necessary means to control fire.2 Mechanical Hazards All the machinery & tools must be well protected in accordance with the instruction laid down in Indian factory act for safeguarding against mechanical hazards. piping & steel work should be done. Guarding or avoiding sharp ends. Insulation of electrical tools.4 Chemical Hazards These may be due to persons coming in the contact with the corrosive chemical directly or indirectly. it should be stored to safe places and arrangement should be made to ensure 100% safety. During handling of hazardous chemicals.1. There should be proper wiring and insulation.3. Electrical Hazards All the electrical appliance should be installed accordingly to Indian electricity act for safeguarding against electrical hazards. 8. 3. it should be 55 . High voltage equipment should be properly covered. Proper insulation of valves is of utmost importance Preventive measure should be taken against shock and burns. Inhalation of harmful fumes should be checked. Some of the safety measure are: 1. 2. These may be due to process leaks or through vents. Use anti spark tools in explosive and inflammable safety switches and capacitor should be used. 8. Process relief jets in steam jackets or chambers. 4. alarms should be provided correct structural design of the vessels. Periodic checking should be done be maintenance department. normal safety equipment such as gloves & chemical splash goggles should be worn. Storing of chemicals should be as minimum as possible. In case of exposure to eyes.1. Autoignition Range 3.flushed with water and physician should be contacted immediately.2 Reactors 1.4 atm design pressure should be taken to 10-25% excess of operating If pressure and all equipment beyond should follow standard codes. segregation of reactive materials drainage plant lines fire all equipment. distillation column for camphor. allied product working under 4. Some of basic preventive and protective measure that should be taken in in from consideration process spill and areadequate and supply of water for of and & protection over pressure relief device. water from grounding nozzles electrical equipment.1 Materials 1. Careful attention should be given any welded equipments.2. Prolong contact with solution should be avoided.2. Heat of combustion 4. Corrosion 8. reactor pressure goes operating pressure then rupture disc should be there to release excess pressure The check list for safety is following 8. Toxicity 5. Heat of reaction 56 . Flash Point 2. 8. insulation of hot surface.2 Safety measure in equipment design The design of reactor. proper building and layout above advanced instruments control facilities. safe location of auxiliary electrical gear fighting adequate sprinkler head. Stability 4. Mechanical control system ( in case of failure) If fire takes place one of following should be onsite 1. For handling of chemical rubber hand gloves. Ear plugs to be used in high noise pollution areas. 57 . Dry sand 8. Fail safe 2.2. DCP-Dry chemical cylinder 2. Side reaction 3. hand gloves & fire suits in case of high temperature zone 2. CO2 extinguisher 5. 3. Training is given to operation people in HAZOP. Alarms 5. Foam extinguisher 4. Personnel safety is adapted to carry out periodic training program on safety mock drills and class room training. 6. Safety shower are provided at various places. Pressure Control 8. Back up system 3. nose masks & goggles should be provided. 5.3 Personnel safety 1.3 Control system 1. face asbestos shield.2. 4. Inert purging blanketing 6. Automatic operation of valves 4. Water extinguisher 3. Temperature 5. Hard hats. Eighty meter wide green belt has been developed around the factory and the township to keep the environment clean. Rules & Regulations covered under Environmental Protection Act. Fire extinguisher are placed at various locations & fire hydrant fighting. The is quality of liquid effluent and is at from the factory control by monitored The high continuously air quality samplers remains much lower than the norms prescribed by the Uttar pollution board. 8. viii) Recycle and reuse of the wastes generated 58 . These are: i) Air emission quality and quantity ii) Effluent quality and quantity iii) Hazardous waste generation iv)Non hazardous waste generation v) Consumption & conservation of Natural resources. constantly monitored providing volume different locations around the factory campus. vi) Ensure compliances with National Environmental Quality vii)Standards. A number of trees have been planted in the plant area to check the pollution level inside plant and to control its adverse effect. zero effluent technology for camphor and allied products plants have been selected discharge Pradesh at the outset. which have a substantial environmental impact.4. is available throughout the plant for fire 8. 1986.4 Environment Management To keep pace with the stringent environmental regulations and to maintain ecological balance.1 Methodology for environment protection Environment protection starts with identification of all the activities.7. 4. Bareilly Camphor & allied product ltd. Environment management system at Camphor & allied product ltd. has sound environmental management system comprising of following features:i) Afforestation ii)Zero Effluent Technology iii)Social Forestry iv) Monitoring of ambient air and stack emissions v)Development of all-round awareness regarding environmental issues vi) ISO-14001:2004 (EMS) Accreditation ---***--- 59 .2.ix) Ammonia odor in the plant x) Noise 8.
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