CAM Master Training_cr

June 16, 2018 | Author: Nicu Gee | Category: Library (Computing), Databases, File Format, Computer File, Input/Output



The ZUKEN logo and CI mark are registered trademarks of Zuken, Inc.CR-5000, System Designer, Board Designer, PWS, Package Synthesizer and Lightning are trademarks or registered trademarks of Zuken, Inc. The other company names and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of each company. ◆This manual was prepared as an educational text. For details on specific product features, refer Documentation”. to “Online ◆The contents of this manual are subject to change without notice. ◆Copying the contents of this manual without permission from Zuken Inc. is prohibited by law. © 2007 ZUKEN Incorporated. Contents Preface Welcome to the World of CAM Chapter 1 Using CAM Design Tools 1. Overview of the Lesson ................................................................................................1-1 Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 1. CAM Data Output..........................................................................................................2-1 Photo data output...........................................................................................................................2-2 Drill data output ..............................................................................................................................2-3 Manufacturing panel database .......................................................................................................2-4 2. CAM Data Verification Functions ..................................................................................2-5 Photo data check program (zphck) ................................................................................................2-7 Drill data check program (zdrck) ....................................................................................................2-8 CAM Check Tool (phdiff) ................................................................................................................2-9 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Starting the Board Producer..........................................................................................3-1 Starting the Board Producer ...........................................................................................................3-2 Board the Producer root menu .......................................................................................................3-3 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data ............................................................................3-6 Starting the manufacturing panel design tool .................................................................................3-7 Manufacturing panel design tool ....................................................................................................3-9 Creating a manufacturing panel database....................................................................................3-11 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library.....................................................................4-1 Manufacturing rule library...............................................................................................................4-1 Activating the manufacturing rule edit tool......................................................................................4-4 * Manufacturing rule editor resources.............................................................................................4-5 * Manufacturing rule library sample file ..........................................................................................4-6 Defining panel specifications ......................................................................................................... 4-8 * Using an existing set of manufacturing rules ............................................................................. 4-12 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data............................................................................5-1 Manufacturing panel design tool editor .......................................................................................... 5-1 Opening the manufacturing panel database .................................................................................. 5-3 Inputting multiple copies of identical board data ............................................................................ 5-4 * Inputting boards varying in technology (Technology connectors) ................................................ 5-8 Changing the display of subboards (Simplified)........................................................................... 5-10 Inputting holes ............................................................................................................................. 5-11 Inputting alignment marks............................................................................................................ 5-12 * Panel attributes ......................................................................................................................... 5-14 Generating areas outside subboards in batch ............................................................................. 5-15 Inputting manufacturing data output reference points.................................................................. 5-17 Generating a hole drawing........................................................................................................... 5-19 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data ............................................................................5-24 Executing Area MRC ................................................................................................................... 5-25 * Online MRC............................................................................................................................... 5-30 * MRC target layers ..................................................................................................................... 5-30 Executing Check Aperture Violation............................................................................................. 5-31 Executing a Check Hole Tool-Code Violation .............................................................................. 5-34 Ref-Des Check (Reference Overlap Violation Check) ................................................................. 5-36 3. Generating a CAM Information List.............................................................................5-38 What is the CAM information list output program (camlist)? ........................................................ 5-38 Generating a CAM information list............................................................................................... 5-42 4. Updating the Panel Database Technology ..................................................................5-46 Updating panel database technology........................................................................................... 5-46 * Forced deletion of layer data ..................................................................................................... 5-48 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing ..........................................5-49 Printing Manufacturing Panel Data .............................................................................................. 5-49 Saving as a template ................................................................................................................... 5-51 Board Data and Manufacturing Panel Data ................................................................................. 5-55 * Editing subboards...................................................................................................................... 5-55 * Manufacturing panel data history management......................................................................... 5-56 * Changing the subboards file path.............................................................................................. 5-57 * Recovering a file that has been lost .......................................................................................... 5-58 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data ..................................................................................................6-1 What is the photo tool? ..................................................................................................................6-1 Activating the photo tool .................................................................................................................6-4 Photo parameter file .......................................................................................................................6-5 * Photo machine name ...................................................................................................................6-6 * Coordinate Reference Point/Manufacturing Reference Point and Origin ...................................6-14 * Photo Data Output Data List ......................................................................................................6-16 Executing the photo tool...............................................................................................................6-21 * Executing the photo tool by entering a command (batch) ..........................................................6-24 2. Verifying Photo Data ...................................................................................................6-26 What is the photo data check program (zphck)? ..........................................................................6-26 Verifying photo data by drawing (draw mode)............................................................................6-30 * Execute plotting from Photo tool ................................................................................................6-36 Generating a list (list mode) .........................................................................................................6-37 Generating a summary list (sum mode) .......................................................................................6-41 Adding photo data to the panel database (add mode)..................................................................6-44 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap ......................................................6-49 What is CAM check tool (phdiff)? .................................................................................................6-49 Editor of the CAM check tool........................................................................................................6-56 Executing the CAM Check Tool....................................................................................................6-58 * Executing the CAM check tool by command input (batch).........................................................6-66 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data ....................................................................................................7-1 What is the drill tool?......................................................................................................................7-1 Starting the drill output tool.............................................................................................................7-5 Drill parameter file ..........................................................................................................................7-6 * Drill machine name ......................................................................................................................7-8 * Drill data output data list ............................................................................................................7-20 Executing the drill output tool .......................................................................................................7-25 * Executing the drill output tool by entering a command (batch) ..................................................7-28 2. Verifying Drill Data ......................................................................................................7-30 What is the drill data check program (zdrck)? ..............................................................................7-30 Verifying drill data by drawing (draw mode)...................................................................................7-34 * Execute plotting from Drill tool ...................................................................................................7-40 Generating a list (list mode) .........................................................................................................7-41 Generating a summary list (sum mode) .......................................................................................7-45 Importing Drill Data to the Panel Database (add mode) ...............................................................7-48 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) ..........................................7-52 What is the CAM check tool (phdiff)?........................................................................................... 7-52 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines............................................................................8-1 Registering a photo machine ......................................................................................................... 8-2 Registering a drill machine ............................................................................................................ 8-4 2. NCFs.............................................................................................................................8-7 NCFs ............................................................................................................................................. 8-7 NC format sample file for photo data ............................................................................................. 8-9 NC format sample file for drill data .............................................................................................. 8-10 3. Setting NCFs...............................................................................................................8-11 NCF definition item list for photo machine ................................................................................... 8-11 Drill machine NC definition item list ............................................................................................. 8-14 Major photo and drill machine NCF definition items .................................................................... 8-16 Setting NCF ................................................................................................................................. 8-19 Block orders................................................................................................................................. 8-20 * What is a macro command?...................................................................................................... 8-20 * Modals....................................................................................................................................... 8-26 * NC functions.............................................................................................................................. 8-27 Setting a block order.................................................................................................................... 8-28 4. Setting Tables .............................................................................................................8-32 Aperture table .............................................................................................................................. 8-32 Setting an aperture table ............................................................................................................. 8-32 * Associating an aperture table and alternate mode .................................................................... 8-38 Tool tables ................................................................................................................................... 8-40 Setting a tool table ....................................................................................................................... 8-40 5. Registering Machine Information ................................................................................8-42 Registering Machine Information ................................................................................................. 8-42 * Assigning aperture selections automatically.............................................................................. 8-45 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings ...............................................................................8-46 * Manufacturing rule library (MRDB) and manufacturing rule database (MRL) ............................ 8-47 Changing the character code (photo output tool)......................................................................... 8-51 Changing the EOB code or record format (photo output tool)...................................................... 8-56 Changing the block order (photo tool) ......................................................................................... 8-59 Changing the modal (photo tool) ................................................................................................. 8-62 Changing the tool code assignment (drill tool)............................................................................. 8-65 Appendix 1. PHOTO Machine NCF ................................................................................................. A-1 2. Drill Machine NCF...................................................................................................... A-13 Preface Welcome to the world of the CAM The Master Training <CAM> is designed to provide you with basic knowledge and operations required to output CAM through a series of steps that include inputting board data designed by using the Board Designer or Board Producer to the Manufacturing Panel Database and outputting CAM data. The aim is to attain a level where you can help operators. You will learn the flow of board design. Beginner’s Training Beginner’s Training <PCB Design> Simple operations for PCB design Master Training Library Master Training <Component Library> Registration and management of libraries The aim is to attain the knowledge necessary to be an operator. Board Design Master Training <PCB Design> Detailed operation for PCB design Master Training <PCB Design Library> Registration and management of PCB design libraries Master Training <CAM> Operation for manufacturing panel design through CAM output Master Training <Engineering Change/Operation> Operation and knowledge related to engineering design change/operation Users engaged only in library design and management should study up through Library but we also recommend reading Board Design. Users only engaged in board design are expected to mainly study Board Design but are recommended to previously read and try out Library. Preface Preface - 1 1. Overview of the Lesson Master Training <CAM> offers you insight into the concept of CAM, from creating a manufacturing panel database to generating CAM data. With CR-5000, CAM data output performed from a manufacturing panel database, into which board data generated with Board Designer and Board Producer has been entered. Chapter 1 Using CAM Design Tools 1-1 1. Overview of the Lesson The workflow of Master Training <CAM> is outlined below. Creating a manufacturing panel database Creating panel database Copy required information from the manufacturing rule library, technology library, design rule library, and footprint library to create a panel database. Reference Refer to “Chapter 3, 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data”. Manufacturing panel design tool Inputting multiboard cutting and manufacturing data Input board designed with the Board Designer and manufacturing reference points. Reference Refer to “Chapter 5, 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data”. Executing a manufacturing rule check Execute Area MRC and Check Aperture Violation to locate possible bottlenecks in the manufacturing process. Reference Refer to “Chapter 5, 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data”. 1-2 Chapter 1 Using CAM Design Tools 1. Overview of the Lesson Photo tool Outputting photo data Generate photo data from the panel database designed with the manufacturing panel design tool. Reference Refer to “Chapter 6, 1. Outputting Photo Data”. Drill tool Outputting drill data Generate drill data from the panel database designed with the manufacturing panel design tool. Reference Refer to “Chapter 7, 1. Generating Drill Data”. Essentially, this process is a continuation from that explained on the preceding page, but an understanding of the [Manufacturing rule library] is a prerequisite to handling the [Manufacturing panel database], [Photo tool], and [Drill tool]. Master Training <CAM> involves a conceptual understanding of the [Manufacturing rule library]. Manufacturing rule library Registering a manufacturing rule library Learn about the panel specifications governing the entry of multiboard cutting and manufacturing data, and how to register various manufacturers' photo machines and drill machines. Reference Refer to “Chapter 4. Manufacturing Rule Library” and “Chapter 8. Registering Manufacturing Machines”. Chapter 1 Using CAM Design Tools 1-3 1. CAM Data Output Processing data, or CAM data, can be generated on the basis of the board data generated by the Board Designer and Board Producer. The following two kinds of CAM data can be generated: Photo data (Block copy preparation data) Drill data (Drill processing data) Photo data Photo data is data that drives the photo plotter to produce conductive patterns and block copies, such as silks. Drill data Drill data is data that drives the drill machine to drill holes into which insert-mounted components are mounted. A manufacturing panel database is created with the Board Producer first, then board data that is subject to processing is entered into the manufacturing panel database before CAM data can be generated from it. An NC format file (NCF) is needed at CAM data output. An NCF is a format file that defines a data format (including an operation code) that is intelligible to the photo plotter and the drill machine in creating NC data. CAM data, when generated, is transferred to the individual processing machines. Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2-1 1. CAM Data Output Photo data output Using (photo tool) for Board Producer, photo data that is intelligible to the photo plotter can be generated on the basis of the board data designed with Board Designer and Board Producer and entered into the manufacturing panel database. Using this photo output tool, information on coordinate location and width information on components that make up the objects entered into the board data is generated, converted to a data format that is intelligible to the photo plotter. Photo data is made up of a control code that initializes or terminates the photo plotter itself, and a control code and coordinates that are used to plot a graphic pattern. Note the photo data above. [D02 Xxx Yxx], for example, represents a control code and coordinates. Photo data does not have the concept of an object compared to that entered into board data, such as pad, line, or component. All objects are broken down into the following three elements: Stream data: Data that is plotted while being exposed to light. Flash data: Data that is plotted on momentary exposure to light. Polygon data: Data that is plotted with outline and filled. When the photo data described above is submitted to the photo plotter, it will produce block copies as those shown below. 2-2 Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 1. CAM Data Output Drill data output Using (drill tool) for the Board Producer, drill data that is intelligible to the drill machine can be generated on the basis of the board data designed with the Board Designer and Board Producer and entered into the manufacturing panel database. Using this drill tool, information on coordinate location and hole diameter information on holes in the hole data padstack entered into the board data is generated, converted to a data format that is intelligible to the drill machine. Drill data is made up of a control code that initializes or terminates the drill machine itself, and a control code and coordinates that are used to drill holes with a tool (drill blade). Note the drill data above. [G81 Xxx Yxx], for example, represents a control code and coordinates. When the drill data described above is submitted to the drill machine, it will drill holes in the board as shown below. Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2-3 1. CAM Data Output Manufacturing panel database A database, called “Manufacturing panel database” was mentioned in [ Photo data output] and [ Drill data output]. When photo data or drill data is generated, it is not directly generated from the PC board database, but the board data is entered into the manufacturing panel database, from which CAM data is generated. The flow of CAM data output is illustrated below. The manufacturing panel database is generated from the panel tool for Board Producer. The panel tool permits multiboard cutting from all kinds of board data, from board data sharing the same technology to that varying in technology, and input of a manufacturing data output reference point. 2-4 Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2. CAM Data Verification Functions Board Producer provides four functions to verify CAM data generated by the photo tool or drill tool before it can be submitted to the photo plotter or drill machine, as follows: 1. Draw function 2. List function 3. Sum function 4. Add function [1. Draw] The Draw function is used to plot photo data or drill data on a plotter for verification. [2. List] The List function is used to list photo data or drill data in ASCII code for verification. Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2-5 2. CAM Data Verification Functions [3. Sum] The Sum function is used to sum up the control codes (operation codes) used in photo data or drill data and list them by code. [4. Add] The Add function is used to import photo data to an existing PC board database or to the manufacturing panel database. These verification functions can be implemented by executing the following programs: Photo data check program (zphck) Drill data check program (zdrck) Photo data check program Executes the photo tool and verifies the resultant photo data. Drill data check program Executes the drill tool and verifies the resultant drill data. 2-6 Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2. CAM Data Verification Functions Photo data check program (zphck) The photo data check program reads the photo data generated by the photo tool and draws, summarizes, lists, and adds the resultant photo data. Executing the photo data check program enables you to verify the actual block-copy image that is created by the photo plotter or check for data omissions. Photo data can be plotted together with the source panel database as specified at program startup so that the design data and photo data can be easily checked for consistency. Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2-7 2. CAM Data Verification Functions Drill data check program (zdrck) The drill data check program reads the drill data generated by the drill tool and draws, summarizes, and lists the resultant drill data. Executing the drill data check program enables you to verify actual images of the drills that are produced by a drill machine or check for data omissions. Drill data can be plotted together with the source panel database as specified at program startup so that the design data and drill data can be easily checked for consistency. 2-8 Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2. CAM Data Verification Functions CAM Check Tool (phdiff) This tool converts the photo/drill data and the data for the panel (PNL) /PC board (PCB) database into a bitmap and compares both data shapes to check that they are the same. You can check for non-matching data on the coordinates list dialog. Error location Chapter 2 Generating CAM Data 2-9 1. Starting the Board Producer The CAM data output and CAM data verification functions introduced in Chapter 2 are all implemented by using Board Producer. Board Producer provides the following six tools: Manufacturing panel design tool Photo tool Drill tool CAM Check tool Manufacturing rule edit tool Technology update tool The relationships between these tools and the workflow of board design are illustrated below. Board design Board design Edit manufacturing rules Manufacturing panel design Manufacturing rule edit tool Generate a panel database Panel entry Manufacturing checks Manufacturing panel tool Update technologies (*1) (*1)The technology update tool is used as needed. Technology update tool CAM data output Photo tool and Drill tool CAM data check CAM check tool In this workflow, Training <CAM> covers Edit manufacturing rules to CAM data check . Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3-1 1. Starting the Board Producer Starting the Board Producer Lesson Start the Board Producer. 1. Click Programs, CR-5000 Board Designer 10.0, and CAD File Manager in that order. Click Manufacture Panel Data in the CAD File Manager filter. Click The Design File Manager, which is the root menu of Board Producer, starts. Manufacturing panel tool Photo tool Drill tool CAM check tool Manufacturing rule edit tool Technology update tool Plot Tool UNIX 1. Click (Board Producer) on the CR-5000 root menu. Click 3-2 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Starting the Board Producer Board Producer root menu The root menu of Board Producer, the CAD File Manager provides various functions, such as [Copy file] and [Move file], in addition to initiating the Board Producer tools. Let's take a look at what the CAD File Manager does. Component names Menu bar Directory specification text field Set name Icon box Tool box File list canvas Filtering File list canvas The name of the current directory is displayed on the file list canvas, along with the names of the files and sets present in the directory. Pixmap types Object database ASCII file Binary file Executable file Special marks provide a visual recognition of the current status of the directory, sets, and files displayed on the canvas. Data before generation of printed circuit board data Printed circuit board data Manufacturing panel data Self-locked (Open) Locked by others (Unable to open) No permission to write Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3-3 1. Starting the Board Producer Filtering Filtering allows different files and sets to be displayed on the file list canvas. Type All files Ordinary files Circuit design data All the files and directories are displayed. Files and directories that begin with a "." and files that end with a "~" are not displayed. Files related to circuit design (System Designer) are displayed. Those that begin with a "." and files that end with a "#" are not displayed. Files with the following suffixes are displayed: .pcb, .rul, .ndf, .ruf, .eco, .bif, .mig, .mic, .msf, and .ccf Files with the underlined suffixes are displayed as set board data. ex/[Board] ex.ndf ex.pcb ex.ruf ex.rul Manufacturing panel data Files with the following suffixes are displayed: .pnl, .mrl, .phd, and .drd. Files with the underlined suffixes are displayed as set manufacturing panel data. sample/[Panel] sample.pnl sample.mrl ex/[Board] Optional files Those files that match the name specified by filtering and all directories are displayed. Note: Wildcard characters, such as "*" and "?", can be used in the filters. Printed circuit board data 3-4 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Starting the Board Producer CAD File Manager commands Each menu bar contains the following function commands: Action (Activate a tool) Font Editor Font Manager Document Designer Gerber In*1 BGA-F Wizard*1 BGA-F Translator*1 Tidy Design all CAM Check Tool Library Sercher Library Viewer Terminal Editor (vi editor)* Arbitrary Command... Scheme Execution Trash box Execute a find*2 Execute a find and a command*2 Customizeing... *1 These are optional software *2 These are not shown for Windows version. Add a bookmark Edit bookmarks Move to a bookmark Move to the previous work directory Advance the history Move to the parent directory Move to the home directory Move to the directory in effect when last exited Display the history of directories visited so far Create a directory file or manufacturing panel file Start a tool with a selected file Delete a file or directory Copy a file or directory Rename a file or directory Change file or directory names Change file or directory attributes Remove a locked file Display the name of the user of a locked file Exit tool Search for a file or directory Turn on or off a tool activation confirm dialog box Display or hide the tool box Display or hide the hierarchy Display or hide the Design Relation Specify the display tool box type Increase or decrease the display font size Resequence lists Display additional information Move to a trash box or delete immediately Refresh Icon box Among the commands available on the menu bar, those that are commonly used are represented by icons. Move/ back Move/ up View/ Reload Delete file Move file File/ properties Move/ forward Move to Home Copy file Rename/ Tool/ file Trash box Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3-5 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data The CAM data output workflow is as follows. CAM data output workflow As shown above, CAM data is output from the manufacturing panel database (.pnl). The manufacturing panel database is created by panel tool referencing the following databases. Reference library Design rule library Technology library Footprint library Manufacturing rule library Reference Refer to “Chapter 4. Manufacturing Rule Library” for details on the manufacturing rule library. 3-6 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Starting the Manufacturing panel design tool Start the Panel Tool using the sample data (sample.pnl). C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample.pnl Lesson 1. Specify [sample/[Panel]] from the file list canvas on the CAD File Manager, and click the panel tool icon The dialog is displayed. Click OK . Click Check C:\home\lesson2\pnl Click [Panel Tool] When the manufacturing panel database already exists, activate the Panel Tool by the above-mentioned procedure and open the panel data. ! Caution When the confirmation dialog is displayed, click OK. 2. Close the Panel Tool. Click File from the menu bar and Exit . Click The confirmation dialog is displayed. Click No. Click Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3-7 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Activate the Panel Tool and create a new manufacturing database. Lesson 1. Since the [/sample/[panel]] on the CAD File Manager is highlighted, click the white area on the file list canvas to select nothing. Click File → New Open → Manufacturing Panel Data Click from the menu bar. Click ! Caution When the list is highlighted in green on the file list canvas, [Open] is listed in gray. Click the white area on the file list canvas to select nothing. Click Input “sample2” as the new base name and click OK . The panel tool and the file creation dialog are displayed. As shown above, specify a library file name, panel size, and so on, on the file creation dialog and create a manufacturing panel database. Click Cancel on the file creation dialog. Click Click File from the menu bar and Exit. Click 3-8 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Manufacturing panel design tool The manufacturing panel design tool has these three main functions. Creating a new manufacturing panel database Designing manufacturing panel data (Multiboard cutting, entering reference points) Executing MRC, and aperture violation and hole tool-code violation checks Creating a new manufacturing panel database Creates a manufacturing panel database, which is the basis of CAM data generation. RUL TCH FTP MRDB Manufacturing Panel Design Tool New PNL MRL Designing manufacturing panel data Multiboard cutting is carried out on the newly created manufacturing panel database and reference points are entered on each manufacturing machine. PNL MRL Alignment mark [PC board database] CAM reference point [Manufacturing panel database] Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3-9 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Executing MRC, aperture violation, and hole tool-code violation checks Check the clearances between PC boards and whether aperture data that the manufacturing machine does not have exists based on manufacturing machine information. 3 - 10 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Creating a manufacturing panel database There are two ways to create a manufacturing panel database. Create from MRDB (Manufacturing rule library) Copy from templates Create from MRDB (Manufacturing rule library) Copy necessary information from the created manufacturing rule library beforehand and create a new manufacturing panel database file. Necessary information for each manufacturing panel database should be specified when creating a new one. Copy from templates Save information created from MRDB as templates. Manufacturing panel database can be created without setting information, since necessary information is copied from existing templates. In this Master Training <CAM>, create a new manufacturing database using “ Create from MRDB”. Reference Refer to P5-51 “ Saving as a template” for “ Copy from templates”. Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3 - 11 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Lesson 1. Before creating the manufacturing database file, define the parts library name in the resource file. In this lesson, edit the local library resource file by using editor as follows. <Library resource> C:\home\lesson2\cr5000\ue\library.rsc Footprint library information is essential when copying the manufacturing library to create the manufacturing panel database. Part{ “C:\\home\\lesson2\\cdb\\cdb2.prt” } Package{ “C:\\home\\lesson2\\cdb\\cdb2.pkg” } Footprint{ “C:\\home\\lesson2\\cdb\\cdb2.ftp” } Change the description in the resource file as shown left. "C" is the drive name. Replace the drive name when installing the training data to the other drive. UNIX Part{ “/home/lesson2/cdb/cdb2.prt” } Package{ “/home/lesson2/cdb/cdb2.pkg” } Fotprint{ “/home/lesson2/cdb/cdb2.ftp” } Change the description in the resource file as shown left. Lines headed by a sharp sign (#) are treated as comments on the parameter file and are not referenced from the program. Note When “Master Training <PCB Design>” has been completed, the parts library file name has already been set in the resource file. 3 - 12 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data Lesson 1. Click File Manager. New Open Manufacture Panel Data from the menu bar in the CAD File Input “sample2” as the new base name and click OK . Click The Panel Tool and the file creation dialog are displayed. Click Click From MRDB on the file creation dialog. The file creation dialog is shown below. [1] Specify a new panel database file name and comment [2] Specify library file names to refer to [3] Generation mode [4] Specify generation rules of panel database file Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3 - 13 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data [1] Specify a new panel database file name and comment Name: Comment: Specify a new panel database file name to create Specify comment on a panel database file (Option) [2] Specify library file names to refer to The technology name, manufacturing condition and footprint, which are specified in “[4] Specify generation rules for panel database file” are copied from these library file to a panel database file. [3] Generation mode Specify how to create a panel database file. [4] Specify generation rules for panel database file Specify panel size, panel database technology, manufacturing rules and design rules. (a) (a) Parameter for panel size Panel origin, panel board design origin X, Y Panel board size Y Corner shape: Panel board size X Select from the followings. Round: Specify a radius by number Chamfer: Specify X Y by number 3 - 14 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data (d) (e) (b) (c) (g) (b) Specify technology name Specify technology name for the panel database file to be generated. (c) Specify manufacturing rule Manufacturing rule: MRC layers: Specify manufacturing condition of panel database file to create. Specify target layers to execute MRC (Manufacturing rule check) on the panel tool editor. (f) (d) Specify design rule Specify pen width and grid information for designing manufacturing panel data. (e) Specify parameter resource Specify the parameter file, which has initial settings for each command and display conditions for panel tool. (f) Specify manufacturing machine information Specify information for the manufacturing machine. This information will be the CAM data output condition and will be refer to when checking aperture violation. (Multiple selection) (g) Copy manufacturing library All pad, padstack, and footprint with the panel design attribute set to ON will be copied to manufacturing library at footprint library registration when the field is ON. Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3 - 15 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Create a panel database file [sample2.pnl] to meet the following conditions. [File] Name: C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl Comment: Training C:\home\lesson2\tch/lay.tch C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb C:\home\lesson2\cdb\cdb2.ftp [Libraries] Technology library: Manufacturing rule library: Footprint library: [Creation Condition] [Panel Size] [Panel Origin] [Corner Shape] [Technology Name] [Manufacturing Rule] [MRC Target Layer] [Design Rule] [Parameter source file] [Manufacturing Machines] Create from an MRDB X = 275 Y = 230 X=0 Y=0 Rectangular star-4 PanelSpec. All layers C:\home\lesson2\rule.rul\star-4.rul Master parameter.rsc Photo PHOTO1 Drill DRILL1 ) [Copy a Manufacturing Library] ON ( 3. Specify [File]. Click The name is already set as shown left. Click comment and type “training”. 4. Specify [Libraries]. Click the technology library list shown left and specify icon the technology library as shown above. In the same way, specify the manufacturing rule and footprint library. 3 - 16 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. Specify [Generation Mode]. Click From MRDB. Click 6. Specify the panel size. Either type in or set the values shown in the previous page in a (computer dialog box). Click Click to display the pull-down . menu, and select 7. Specify the technology name. Click to display the Click pull-down menu, and select star-4. 8. Specify manufacturing rules and the MRC target layer. to display the Click Click pull-down menu, and select Panel Spec. The highlighted (gray) layers are the target layers. (The layer names will toggle between white and gray each time you click them.) 9. Specify design rules. Click technology library list icon shown left, and specify the following. C:\home\lesson2\rule.rul\star-4.rul 10. Specify the parameter source file. Click technology library list icon shown left, and specify the following. [CR5000 Install directory]\zue\info\parameter.rsc Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 3 - 17 2. Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 11. Specify the manufacturing machine and copy the mode for the manufacturing library. Click Photo: PHOTO1 from the manufacturing machine list, then press control key and click Drill: DRILL1 to highlight. Click Click Ctrl + Click Copy a Manufacturing Library check box. (The check box will toggle each time you click it.) Specify the values shown left. Click OK to create [sample2.pnl]. Click Panel size is displayed in the manufacturing panel design editor. Click File → Save from the menu bar in the editor. Click Click Yes in the confirmation dialog. Click Click File on the menu bar, and then click Exit . The exit dialog with the message “Save current data before exit?” appears. Click No to exit the Panel Tool. Click 3 - 18 Chapter 3 Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library A number of libraries are referenced in the course of creating a manufacturing panel database. One of them, the manufacturing rule library is a library specific to a panel database. Chapter 4 focuses on the manufacturing rule library. Manufacturing rule library The following three kinds of data are registered in the manufacturing rule library: 1. Panel design specifications 2. Photo machine information 3. Drill machine information [1. Panel design specifications] Panel design specifications establish clearances between subboards and also between the panel and subboards at multiboard cutting, and other MRC (manufacturing rule check) values. Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4-1 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library [2. Photo machine information] As photo machine information, the following two kinds of photo plotter information are registered to produce block copies: NC format Aperture table NC format A definition used to edit data into a format that is intelligible to the processing photo plotter. Aperture table A table that defines the correspondence between D-codes (photo plotter apertures) and the apertures (width and shape) used in the manufacturing panel database. 4-2 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library [3. Drill machine information] Register information about the drill machine used for drilling holes. The following two kinds of information are registered: NC format Tool table NC format A definition used to edit data into a format that is intelligible to the drill machine. Tool table A table that defines the correspondence between T-codes (tool codes) and the hole diameters. Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4-3 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library Activating the manufacturing rule editor To register a manufacturing rule library, activate the Manufacturing Rule Editor from PCB Design/Manufacture Common Tool. Lesson Activate the Manufacturing Rule Editor. 1. From the Start menu, click Programs CR-5000 Board Designer 10.0 PCB Design Common Environment. UNIX 1. Click (PCB Design/Manufacture Common Tool) on the CR-5000 root menu. Click 2. From the PCB Design/Manufacture Common Tool, click Edit Manufacture Rule to activate the Manufacturing Condition Edit Tool. Click Switch the registration menus by clicking one of the three radio buttons. 4-4 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library * Manufacturing Rule Editor resources The first step in activating the Manufacturing Rule Editor following the installation of Board Producer is to set resource files. C:\HOME\cr5000\ue\library.rsc (local) C:\CR5_PROJECT_ROOT\zue\info\library.rsc (project) C:\ZUEROOT\info\library.rsc (master) ! Caution When two or more files exit, priority is in the order of master file, project file, and then local file. Enter the file path name for the manufacturing rule library to register or edit the resource files described above. UNIX File path naming convention Each file name must end with ".mrdb" as a suffix. The file path name entered in the manufacturing rule section of library.rsc is displayed to the right of Edit Manufacturing Condition Library. If the manufacturing rule library specified in a resource file does not exist, a new manufacturing rule library is created. Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4-5 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library * Manufacturing rule library sample file A sample master file is available from ZUKEN Corporation. Sample master file [CR5000 installed directory]\data\Bdsample\BD\mrdb\mrdb-sample.mrdb The sample master file contains the following: Panel specifications sample Photo machine information ZUKEN_photo GERBER PENTAX MUTOH SCREEN RS274X JOKER Drill machine information ZUKEN_drill G81hit GRhit M05hit Gerber Pentax Mutoh Dainippon Screen Mfg. Extended Gerber Aperture-independent output Drill with coordinates of G81 or later Drill with coordinates + EOB Drill with M05 Reference Copy the sample master file with the [ozcp] command as needed. For the [ozcp] command, refer to online help "Batch Program Help." 4-6 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library Lesson A sample manufacturing rule library containing training data has been copied under the file name [pro.mrdb]. Let's look at the individual information items. Click Panel Specifications, then the panel specification name PanelSpec. Information has been set as panel specifications as shown in the left. Click Register Photo Machine, then the photo machine name PENTAX. The NC format and the aperture table that are used for data output by the PENTAX machine are reversed. [Register Photo Machine] is organized into two editors and two dialog boxes, which will be described at large in Chapter 8. Click Register Drill Machine, then the drill machine name G81hit. The NC format and the tool table that are used for data output by the G81hit machine are reversed. [Register Drill Machine], as well as [Register Photo Machine], will be detailed in Chapter 8, [Registering Manufacturing Machines]. Click Click Click Click Click Click Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4-7 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library Defining panel specifications Register new panel specifications. A panel specifications setup window is shown below. [2] [1] [3] [4] [1] Clearance Set the clearances that are referenced during manufacturing rule checking. Child Board to Child Board: Child Board to Panel Outline: Child Board to Symbol Mark: Child Board to Resist: Child Board to Metal Mask: Child Board to Conductor: Guide Hole Margin: Panel End: Clearance between the board outlines of two subboards. Clearance between the board outline of a subboard and the panel outline. Clearance between the board outline of a subboard and the symbol mark. Clearance between the board outline of a subboard and the resist. Clearance between the board outline of a subboard and the metal mask. Clearance between the board outline of a subboard and the conductor. Clearance between the hole on the panel and all the data, except for the resist. Clearance between the left and right edges of the panel and all the data, except for the resist. [2] Mfg machine Height Limit If the presence of a component that exceeds a given height in the manufacturing process following its mounting is likely to cause interfere in the implementation of the process, set that height as a limitation. Side A (Side facing up in the manufacturing process): Side B (Side facing down in the manufacturing process): Maximum height of a component that can be mounted on the surface. Maximum height of a component that can be mounted on the back. [3] Component Keepout Area Clearance Specify the boundary on the face and back that the manufacturing machine height limitations are in effect, as a distances from the top and end of each side of the panel. 4-8 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library [4] Carrier Rail Clearance The area at the top and bottom of the panel in which components cannot be mounted by the carrier rail. Lesson Define the following panel specification. [Panel Specification Name] [Clearance] PanelSpec.lesson Child Board to Child Board: Child Board to Panel Outline: Child Board to Symbol Mark: Child Board to Resist: Child Board to Metal Mask: Child Board to Conductor: Guide Hole Margin: Panel End Margin: Side A: Side B: Side A: Side B: 5 20 20 6 6 4 6 2 2 0 2 0.4 2 [Mfg machine Height Limit] [Component keepout Area Clearances] [Carrier Rail Clearance] 1. Set the panel specification name. Type "PanelSpec.lesson" in the panel specification name list and click Add . PanelSpec.lesson is added in the panel specification name list. Click Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4-9 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library Deleting and changing a panel specification name Deleting a panel specification name 1. Click the panel specification name to delete to highlight it. Click 2. Click Delete . Click The panel specification name thus clicked is deleted from the panel specification name list, along with the relevant information. Changing a panel specification name 1. Click the panel specification name to change and type a new name in the field below. 2. Click Rename . Click Click 2. Set various clearances. Click anywhere in the clearance fields and type in the clearances or input them from the computer dialog box. Set the clearances as shown left. 4 - 10 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library 3. Set the manufacturing machine height limitations. Type in a limitation of 20 for both Side A and Side B or input these limitations from 4. Set component keepout area clearances. Type in a clearance of 6 for both Side A and Side B or input them from . . 5. Set a carrier rail clearance. Type in a clearance of 5 or input it from . 6. Save the input information and exit the Manufacturing Rule Editor. The dialog box will appear as shown left. Click Click OK . 7. Exit the PCB design common environment tool. Click File Exit from the menu bar. Click Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 4 - 11 1. Registering a Manufacturing Rule Library * Using an existing set of manufacturing rules You can read an existing set of manufacturing rules and register it as a new set. The manufacturing rules can be loaded from the manufacturing rule library that is used in the current session of interaction or from any manufacturing rule library. (Loading procedure) 1. From the menu bar, click Function Copy Manufacturing Condition. Copy dialog for manufacture rule is displayed. 2. Specify the copy mode from the list. Click 3. Select the manufacturing rule library to copy from. 4. From the list of manufacture rule, specify the library name to copy the rule from. Click 5. Destination of the copied condition file may be selected from the list or input manually. 6. Click OK and condition file will be copied on to the editor. 4 - 12 Chapter 4 Manufacturing Rule Library 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Design manufacturing panel data by using the manufacturing panel database created in Chapter 3, “Preparing Manufacturing Panel Data,” so that CAM data can be generated on the basis of the panel thus designed. Manufacturing panel design tool editor Activate the panel tool. Open a file named [sample2.pnl]. Lesson 1. Click [sample2/[panel]] from the CAD File Manager, then (panel tool). Click The editor that is opened by the manufacturing panel design is described on the pages that follow. ! Caution An area is input into the board shape layer according to the values entered at new panel database creation. The panel sizes can be modified by editing this area. If the data is saved as a template, the values of the panel board sizes X and Y that have been entered into the Create a New Panel Database dialog box are assumed. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5-1 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data The editor looks quite similar in its layout to the artwork tool, but contains commands specific to the panel tool on the menu bar and the icon bar. 1. Menu bar 11. Scale 2. Toolbar 3. Viewer 9. Assist menu 6. Canvas 4. Panel menu 10. Manufacturing panel origin 8. Dialog 5. Edit mode indicator 7. Message area 1. Menu bar Contains panel tool commands. 2. Toolbar Contains a choice of the most commonly used commands. 3. Viewer Controls the display of the canvas. 4. Panel menu Displays parameters and options available at command selection. 5. Edit mode indicator Turns on or off the input/display grids, same point, in-component, and online MRC, defines active layers and so on. 6. Canvas A work area in which objects are displayed or edited. 7. Message area Displays messages indicating errors, the progress status of an action, and so on. 8. Dialog A display window dedicated to specifying detailed parameters and the like. 9. Assist menu A menu of adjectives to modify the command being executed and command ends. Hold the right mouse button on the canvas to open a menu tailored to the executing command. 10. Manufacturing panel origin Indicates the origin or the coordinate location (0, 0) of the panel tool. 11. Scale A scale of coordinate values that is displayed in the frame of the canvas. The scale can be displayed or hidden, along with the origin mark, at your option. 5-2 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Opening the manufacturing panel database Though [sample2.pnl] is already open, there are four ways to open a file: 1. Click the set name, then to activate the file 2. Double-click the set name to activate the file 3. Click the set name and click File on the menu bar, then Open 4. Click the set name and click Action on the menu bar, then Panel 1. Click the set name, then Click to activate the file. Click 2. Double-click the set name to activate the file. Confirm dialog box Double-Click Click 3. Click the set name and click File on the menu bar, then Open. Click Confirm dialog box Click Click 4. Click the set name and click Action on the menu bar, then Panel. Confirm dialog box Click Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5-3 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Inputting multiple copies of identical board data Input the board data [ex.pcb] into the panel data [sample2.pnl]. There are two ways to enter board data as follows: 1. Use the Insert Board command 2. Use Step & Repeat 1. Use the Insert Board command. The Insert Board command enters data on one board at a time. Lesson Use the Insert Board command to enter [ex.pcb]. C:\home\lesson2\pcb\ex.pcb 1. Click Input on the menu bar, then Board. The following menu will open in the panel menu area: Name of the node at which board data to add exists (default: local node) Name of the board to add Rotates at angles in increments of 90°. Angle at board addition: 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° Adds board data reversed. (Option) 2. Set the board name “ex.pcb”. (list icon) to open the Click Select File dialog box, and select [ex.pcb]. Click Click Click Click OK. 5-4 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Click Coordinates on the assist menu. Enter Absolute as Value Type and X=15 and Y=10 as Coordinates in the Enter Coordinates dialog box and click OK. Click Command End on the assist menu. Click Repeat the above steps to above to enter data on each additional board as needed. You can also enter board data by clicking the entry position directly, instead of entering its coordinates. 4. Before executing Step & Repeat, choose (undo) to erase the board data. Click Click toolbar. (undo) on the Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5-5 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Use Step & Repeat. Step & Repeat sets parameters to enter multiple copies of board data simultaneously. Lesson As with the Add Board command, enter four copies of the board data [ex.pcb] simultaneously. 1. Click Utilities on the menu bar, then Step & Repeat. Name of the node at which board data to add exists (default: local node) Name of the board to add Angle at board addition: 0°, 90°, 180° or 270° Set the individual values referring to the panel menu diagram 2. Set the individual values as follows: [Board Name] C:\home\lesson2\pcb\ex.pcb [Angle] 0 degree Placed Board Count Number of boards placed in the X-axis direction: 2 Number of boards placed in the Y-axis direction: 2 Board Spacing A: 15 B: 10 C: 10 D: 10 5-6 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data The Step & Repeat window will look as shown left. 3. Click Coordinate on the assist menu. Choose [Absolute] as [Digit Type] and enter X=0 and Y=0 as [Coordinates] in the Enter Coordinates dialog box and click OK. Click Command End on the assist menu. Click 4. Four copies of identical board data have been entered simultaneously as shown below. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5-7 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data * Inputting boards varying in technology (Technology connectors) When the technology defined in the panel database and the technology defined in the PC board database to be entered differ, technology matching is required. The system layers, such as the board shape layer and the hole layer, and the outermost conductive layers, have a one-to-one correspondence between these technologies. Inner wiring layers and user-defined layers, however, cannot be allocated at the user's discretion. This means that the correspondence between their connections must be established by using technology connectors. The Technology Connector dialog box opens when the technology defined in the panel database and the technology defined in the PC board database to be entered differ at board data entry or Step & Repeat execution. 5-8 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Technology Connector dialog box Panel database name Name of the technology defined in the panel database Layer name of the specified layer Attributes of the specified layer Panel database Subboard PC board database name Subboard technology name Layer name of the specified layer Attributes of the specified layer List of the subboard layer names that are not connected to the technology defined in the panel database PC board database Layer with an unmodifiable combination Layer with a modifiable combination <<Operation example>> 1. Verify information on the individual layers in the connection status display. Point to the layer name and click Layer Attribute on the assist menu. Click You can verify the layer name and type. 2. Connect wiring layer 3 in ex.pcb to wiring layer 3 in test.pnl (conductor type: full surface). Click Click writing layer 3 from the list of the subboard layer names that are not connected and click Connect on the assist menu of writing layer 4 in test.pnl. Click ! Caution Layers can only be connected to each other if they have the same type of layer type. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5-9 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Changing the display of subboards (Simplified) Let's now change how subboards are displayed. Two modes of subboard display are available as follows: Simplify ··········Only the shapes of the placed boards are displayed. Completely ······· All the board data objects are displayed. Lesson Display subboards in simplified mode. 1. Click Environment on the menu bar, then Option. Option dialog box is displayed. Click Click Click on pulldown menu and select Simple. Then click OK. [Detail] [Simple] 5 - 10 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Inputting holes The panel tool, like the artwork tool, supports the input of various kinds of objects. Lesson Input a round hole having a diameter of 5.0 mm using absolute coordinates. 1. Click (Input Hole) on the tool bar. (Round hole input parameters) Diameter (Real number, from 0.00001 to 19900.0) Hole type setting (Set one of the type numbers 0 to 64) * Drill type setting: Normal/Check hole/Test coupon* Set the type of hole to input. Set parameter for hole input. (Parameters vary by type of hole) (Oblong hole input parameters) Width (Real number, from 0.00001 to 19900.0) Length (Real number, from 0.00001 to 19900.0) Input angle (Real number, from 0 to 360) Hole type setting (Set one of the type numbers 0 to 64) * (Rectangular hole input parameters) Width Height Corner R Entry angle (Real number, from 0 to 360) * The hole type and the drill type are attributes that are referenced by the drill output tool of Board Producer. 2. Input a hole. Set diameter of Round hole just like dialog in the left Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 11 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Click Coordinates on the assist menu. Input the following values into the Enter Coordinates dialog box: (7,10) (7,115) (7,220) The coordinates will be input as shown left. Inputting alignment marks Input an alignment mark that has been registered as a footprint into the panel database. Lesson 1. Input the alignment mark, named [PMARK4], which has been registered as a footprint into the panel database. Click Utilities on the menu bar, then Component Toolbox. Click (Add Component) in Click the [Component Toolbox] dialog box. 5 - 12 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Click to open the Click ComponentSelect dialog box. In the Name List, click PMARK4, then OK. Click Click Check online MRC OFF in the Edit mode indicator. Click ! Caution When the online MRC is checked, data cannot be input except to the panel. Refer to “Executing Area MRC” on page 5-25. As with the round hole, use Coordinates to enter the following coordinates: (-15,115) (290,115) 2. Quit [Add Component] and close the [Component Toolbox] dialog box. To quit [Add Component], click Command End on the assist menu. Click on the [Component Toolbox] dialog box to quit. Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 13 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data * Panel attributes Before you can enter footprints, padstacks, or pads into the panel database, you must have these footprints, padstacks, or pads copied from the CDB beforehand. (Copying components from the CDB) Click Utilities on the menu bar, then Copy Component from CDB. Use the Update [Component from the CDB dialog box] shown below. Information to copy Type [*] and press to see the list. Name of the part library to copy from Name of the package library to copy from Name of the foot print library file to copy from Click the name of the component to copy. Footprints, padstacks, and pads that are input into the panel database can be assigned panel attributes when they are registered in the CDB, in order to be copied into a panel database as it is created. (Creating a new panel database using panel attributes) 1. At footprint registration, click Attributes on the menu bar of the footprint editor, then Use for Panel. Click 2. Check Copy footprints with panel attribute in the file creation dialog box at panel database creation to let the manufacturing library to be copied automatically. 5 - 14 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Generating areas outside subboards in batch Input areas outside subboards to prevent possible warping during the manufacturing process. Areas having a specified clearance are generated in the conductive layers from the board data and objects that have been entered into the panel database. Lesson Generate areas outside boards in batch. 1. Click Utilities on the menu bar, then Generate Outer Area. The following menu will open in the panel menu area: Generates an area across the panel Specify the conductive layer in which the area is generated Outline width of the area generated: Real number from 0.0 to 19900.0 Fill width of area generated: Real number from 0.0 to 19900.0 Painting angle ! Caution Pitch ≦ Pen width Default manufacturing rules Subboard clearance Panel end clearance Guide hole clearance Clearance from any other pattern Slit or do not slit the generated area. If this option is ON, click Set ... to proceed to detailed settings. Whether there is any layer to be cut out, other than the layer in which an area is generated. If this option is ON, click Set... to proceed to detailed settings. ! Caution The clearances that are specified in this dialog box are those that have been set in [Other]. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 15 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Set the following parameters: [Area Generation Layer] [Attributes] [Clearances] [Slit] [Other Board Cutoff] Layers 1 and 4 Outline Width 1.000 Paint. Width 1.000 Subboard 2.5 G-Hole 1 Off Off Paint. Angle Pnl. End 2.5 Other 0.5 45 If area generation layers 1 and 4 in the panel menu are highlighted, they have been selected. The layer names will toggle between white and gray each time you click them. * No area can be generated in a power plane layer, though. Type the relevant values directly, or click the individual items to open an Enter Real Number dialog box to enter the values. Set the values as shown at left. 3. Generate areas on all panels. Click All Panels on the panel menu. Click Areas will be generated as shown at left. Click Command End on the assist menu to quit [Generate Outer Area]. 5 - 16 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Inputting manufacturing data output reference points Input reference points for generating manufacturing data. Lesson Input a reference point for both the phone machine and the drill machine. First, so that you can refer to the reference points that are input, set the display of layer settings to on. From the menu bar, click View → Layer Settings, then set Visible(Main) to on for CAM Reference Point in the dialog. 1. Click (Add CAM Reference Point) on the tool bar. The following menu will open in the panel menu area: Choose between a photo machine and a drill machine Select from the manufacturing machine information copied into the panel database 2. Input a photo machine reference point. [Manufacturing Machine] [Reference Point Coordinates] PHOTO1 [-25,0] Set Photo: as the machine type and PHOTO1 as the manufacturing machine. Click Coordinates on the assist menu. Choose Absolute and enter X=-25 and Y=0. Then click OK. Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 17 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Enter a drill machine reference point. [Manufacturing Machine] [Reference Point Coordinates] DRILL1 (-5,-5) Set Drill: as the machine type and DRILL1 as the manufacturing machine. Click Coordinates on the assist menu. Making sure that Absolute has been chosen, enter X=-5 and Y=-5. Then click OK. Click 4. The values will be entered as shown below. Drill machine Photo machine 5. Click (Query Data) to reference the drill machine reference point, and you can verify the machine type, machine name, and coordinate settings as shown below. Reference Refer to P6-14 “*Reference Point/Manufacturing Reference Point and Origin” for manufacturing reference point and coordinates conversion operation. 5 - 18 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Generating a hole drawing A hole drawing is a function that generates characters or pads on holes on a panel or subboard. The layers into which text or pads have been input serve as active layers at board diagram execution. Lesson Create a hole drawing for [sample2.pnl]. 1. Change the active layer to Mark. 2. Click Utilities on the editor from the menu bar, then Hole Drawing. The Hole Drawing dialog box shown on the left will open. 3. Set the following parameter values to generate a character string: Generation layer Target Hole shape Hole diameter from-to Plating attribute Hole type Drill type Generated text Symbol type Mark Round hole Round hole 0.7 2.0 2 0 All All All All All All Normal Normal lower left 1 zafont zkfont 1 1 H0.7 H2.0 Character string Character string Character size Character angle Reference point Font ASCII font Chinese character font Offset X Offset Y List generation Reference point X 0 Reference point Y -10 List width 200 List Height 25 Column settings Hole shape Hole diameter from-to Plating attribute Drill type Generated text Total Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 19 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Start setting Symbol Generation dialog box. Select Append Row on the assist menu. Click Append Row dialog box is displayed. Click Round Hole and click OK. Click Once you choose a Round Hole as the hole type, the irrelevant fields are grayed out. Set the hole diameter. Click the Hole Diameter field. Input “0.7” by typing or by using calculater dialog box. Set from-to. in the from-to field and Click select All from the pull down menu. Click Set the plating attribute. in the Plating field and Click select All from the pull down menu. Click 5 - 20 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Set the hole type. in the Hole Type field Click and select All from the pull down menu. Click Set the drill type. in the Hole Type field Click and select All from the pull down menu. Click Set the generated text. Click the Gen. Text field. Type “H0.7”. Click String will be displayed in the Symbol Type field. Likewise, set the following values: Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 21 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data Set parameters for Generated text Click Click on the character Size and select 2 from the pull-down menu. Set parameters for Text positioning Type X=1 and Y=1 from the keyboard or in the calculator dialog box. List parameters Click Turn Create List button ON. Set the following values from the keyboard or the calculator dialog box. Reference point X = 0 Y = -10 List size Width = 200 Height = 25 List column Hole shape Hole diameter from-to Plating attribute Hole type Drill type Generated text Total Click Set Columns to set the list columns as shown left. 5 - 22 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 4. Execute the hole drawing function. The screen should look as shown at left. Click Start Gen. in the symbol generation dialog box. Click The text and the list will be generated in the active layer. Note To confirm hole figure on the subboards, open Option dialog box by selecting Environment in the menu bar and click Option. In the dialog, set Detail for Disp. subborad. Further, a symbol generation list will be generated, indicating the number of symbols generated. Click Close to close the reference window. Click 5. Close the hole drawing function. Click Close to close the hole drawing function. Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 23 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data In Section 1, [Designing Manufacturing Panel Data], we designed panel data by entering board data, reference points and so on. In Section 2, we will check the objects entered in Section 1 for possible errors during the manufacturing process. Four kinds of checks are involved: MRC (Manufacturing rule check) Check Aperture Violation Check Hole Tool-Code Violation Ref-Des Check (Reference Overlap Violation Check) MRC (Manufacturing rule check) A check is carried out on the clearances that have been set in the manufacturing rule panel specifications for nonconformance. Two ways to carry out an MRC are: Area MRC ·········· which is performed on a specified area of an open file. Online MRC ······· which is performed when an edit command is carried out (when Data End or Command End is selected). [Area MRC] [Online MRC] Check Aperture Violation A photo simulation needs to be performed on a specified layer on the basis of the photo machine specifications that have been set at panel database creation to check for apertures in violation of the manufacturing rules. Check Hole Tool-Code Violation A drill simulation needs to be performed on the basis of the drill machine specifications that have been set at panel database creation to check for tools in violation of the manufacturing rules. Ref-Des Check (Reference Overlap Violation Check) When subboards with different file paths are placed on a panel, this checks that references do not overlap components placed in the board. 5 - 24 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Executing Area MRC Area MRC checks the objects input into [sample2.pnl] for violations of any manufacturing rules. If a violation is located, a leader or auto zoom will point to the error as shown below. The area MRC involves 16 points to check as follows: 1. Carrier rail clearance Clearance between the rail in which panel boards are carried and the components placed in the panel database file and the board. 2. Guide hole clearance Clearance between the guide hole (or a hole with the normal drill attribute) input into the panel database file and any other figure. 3. Panel end Clearance between the panel shape and in the panel database file and any other figure. 4. Figures in placed boards A check as to whether the boards placed in the panel database file do not overlap with other figures. 5. Panel front-side components (Component keepout area) Clearance between the front-side component keepout area and components. 6. Panel front-side components (Manufacturing height limit) Clearance between the front-side height limit area and components. 7. Panel rear-side components (Component keepout area) Clearance between the rear-side component keepout area and components. 8. Panel rear-side components (Manufacturing height limit) Clearance between the rear-side height limit area and components. 9. Clearance from the board shape (Symbol mark) Clearance between the board shape and the figures in the symbol mark layer. 10. Clearance from the board shape (Resist) Clearance between the board shape and the figures in the resist layer. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 25 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data 11. Clearance from the board shape (Metal mask) Clearance between the board shape and the figures in the metal mask layer. 12. Clearance from the board shape (Wire) Clearance between the board shape and the figures in the conductive layer. 13. Clearance from the board shape (Board) Clearance between the board shape and the board shape of another board. 14. Clearance from the board shape (Panel shape) Clearance between the board shape and the panel shape of the corresponding board placed in the panel database file. 15. MRC between objects Clearance between the figures placed in the panel database file and the figures in the placed board. 16. Dimension check Checks whether there is an object whose information completely matches the reference object information when inputting at the reference point coordinates for dimensions. Perform a check on the entire panel or on a specified area by selecting the essential checks from these 16. The values used by checks from 1 to 14 are set in Manufacturing Rule Editor. Click Module on the menu bar, then Manufacturing Rule to open the Manufacturing Rule Editor dialog box. The values used by checks from 15 to 16 are set in Set MRC Condition dialog box. Click Check on the menu bar, then Set MRC Condition to open the Set MRC Condition dialog box. 5 - 26 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data There are two ways to execute the Area MRC and Check Aperture Violation: Execute from the menu bar Execute from the Utilities Icon dialog box Executing from the menu bar Click Check on the menu bar, then Area MRC or Check Aperture Violation. Click Executing from the Utilities Icon dialog box Click Utilities on the menu bar, then Utilities Toolbox to open the Utilities Toolbox dialog. Generate Outer Surfaces Step & Repeat Area MRC Check Hole Tool-Code Violation Check Aperture Violation Hole Drawings Click the icon representing the check you want to execute. on the dialog. To close the Utilities Toolbox dialog box, click Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 27 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Lesson Execute an MRC on all items that require a check. Display subboards in full mode. Click Environment on the menu bar, then Option and select Detail for Disp. Subboard. 1. Click Check on the menu bar, then AreaMRC. The following menu will open in the panel menu area: Click Set an online MRC, the points to check with Area MRC, and the targeted layers. Click to perform an MRC on all panels. Click Set MRC Condition.... Each check box represents following. Selected Unselected Chech box will toggle between and Click Ctrl Click when it is clicked. Unselect Mark layer in the MRC Layer and click OK. 2. Click Check All on the panel menu. A Confirm dialog box will open. If no errors have been detected, a Confirm dialog box like that shown at right will open. 3. Check the errors. Click Yes in the Confirm dialog box. Click The location of an error will be displayed on the editor screen as shown at left, and a Zoom in on Errors dialog box will open. 5 - 28 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data 4. Having confirmed the location of the error, click Clear and Quit. Since the location of the error has been zoomed in, click all the panels. (Display All) to display Note The presence of data outside the shape of a panel would be recognized as an error by Area MRC. In this case, the error message will be displayed: "Cannot allow clearance to panel end". Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 29 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data * Online MRC The online MRC checks in real-time if you click Data End or Command End at edit command execution. To use an online MRC, it is necessary to turn ON the MRC check box beforehand. Click As with the area MRC, the values of the points to check during the online MRC are referenced from the manufacturing rule panel specifications. Click Module on the menu bar, then Manufacturing Rule to verify the values of the points to check during the online MRC. * MRC target layers In executing Area MRC or online MRC, you can select the layers to be the object of the check or select those to be excluded from the check. Click Check on the menu bar, then Set MRC Condition to open the Set MRC Target Condition dialog box shown at right. The MRC target layers are grayed in the dialog box. The layer names will toggle between white and gray each time you click them. You may also specify MRC target layers at panel database creation or in the Create New File dialog box. Those layer names that appear grayed are MRC target layers. The layer names will toggle between white and gray each time you click them. 5 - 30 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Executing Check Aperture Violation Before generating photo data, it is necessary to perform a photo simulation on a specified layer on the basis of the photo machine specifications to check for apertures in violation of the manufacturing rules. Check Aperture Violation Lesson 1. Click MRC on the menu bar, then Check Aperture Violation. The Check Aperture Violation dialog box shown at left will open. Check Aperture Violation dialog box [1] Photo Machine Select the name of the photo machine to use for executing Check Aperture Violation. Choose the photo machine name from a machine name pulldown menu. [1] ! Caution You can select a photo machine from the photo specifications selected from the manufacturing machines in the Create New File dialog box when creating a new manufacturing panel database. When copy is not specified in the Creating New File dialog box, select from the photo specification placed in the manufacturing rule library. [2] [2] Layers To be Checked Select the layers to be the object of Check Aperture Violation. ON: Check OFF: Do not check By right clicking the item names in the data layer or the document layer, you can set All Layers ON/OFF from the assist menu. Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 31 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Set the machine name PHOTO1. Click PHOTO1 in the machine name pulldown menu. Click Note Since only the photo machine name PHOTO1 has been selected at panel database creation in this lesson, only one machine name appears in the list. 3. Set Symbol-A layer as “Layer To be Check”. Click the Data Layer field of the Symbol-A layer to turn it ON. Click 4. Execute Check Aperture Violation. Click Execute in the Check Aperture Violation dialog box to open an Execute dialog box. Click 5. The execution result is displayed in a simulation result dialog box. After verifying the simulation result, click Close in the simulation result dialog box. Click 5 - 32 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Simulation result dialog box Figures that can be normally processed pursuant to the photo machine specifications that have been set by the machine name as a result of Check Aperture Violation will be marked in white. Problem features, such as those with an aperture diameter that cannot be plotted with that phone machine will appear in red. (1) Redisplay Display All Zoom Enlarge Reduce Pan (2) Pan Up Pan Down Pan Left Pan Right (1) Click (3) (2) The number of normal figures and that of violating figures are displayed. (3) Double-click an error to flag it. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 33 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Executing a Check Hole Tool-Code Violation Before generating drill data, it is necessary to perform a drill simulation on a specified layer based on the drill machine specifications that do the same process for the Check Aperture Violation, to check for tools in violation of the manufacturing rules. Check Hole Tool-Code Violation Lesson 1. Click Check on the menu bar, then Check Hole Tool-Code Violation. The Check Hole Tool-Code Violation dialog box shown at left will open. 2. Set the machine name DRILL1. Click DRILL1 in the machine name pulldown menu. Click Note Since only the drill machine name DRILL1 has been selected at panel database creation in this lesson, only one machine name appears in the list. 3. Execute Check Hole Tool-Code Violation. Click Execute in the Check Hole Tool-Code Violation dialog box. Click 5 - 34 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data 4. The execution result is displayed in a simulation result dialog box. Having verified the simulation result, click Close in the simulation result dialog box. Click Interrupting the process of Check Aperture Violation and Check Tool-Code Violation It may take sometime to check when it is performed on large PC Board or on several layers. In case this happens, it is possible to cancel process and perfrom check again with different setting, such as reduce check layers or narrow down area. To cancel the process, type the follwoing key stroke when the dialog at the right is shown on the display. (Windows) (UNIX) Ctrl + Break Shift + Break Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 35 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data Ref-Des Check (Reference Overlap Violation Check) When different kinds of subboards are placed on the same panel, check if reference designators do not overlap components placed on different subboards. Lesson [Sample2.pnl] has four PC board data [ex.pcb]. To confirm the error message from ref-des overlap violation check, change one of the PC board attributes in the PC board data. 1. Click Attributes on the menu bar, then Change Attribute. Click the subboard shown in the upper left. Displays the subboard file path. The file path can be changed to other subboards with the same technology. 2. Click (File selector) on the PC board attribute setting dialog, specify the file path [C:\home\lesson2\pcb\exchk.pcb] from the list. Click Click Click 3. Confirm that the [exchck.pcb] is shown in the file path on the PC board attribute setting dialog, then click OK to close the dialog. 5 - 36 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 2. Verifying Manufacturing Panel Data 4. Click View Ref-Des from the menu bar to display reference designators among the subboards. Click 5. Click Check on the menu bar, then Ref-Des Check to execute Check Reference Overlaid Violation. Click 6. The execution result is displayed in the Query window. After verifying the simulation result, click Close in the Query window. Click Since the error massage from Checking ref-des overlap violation is confirmed, change the subboard upper left to [ex.pcb]. 7. Click Attributes on the menu bar, then Change Attribute. Click the subboard shown to the upper left. 8. Click the file path list icon (File selector) on the PC board attribute setting dialog, specify the file path [[C:\home\lesson2\pcb\exchk.pcb] from the list. 9. Confirm that the [ex.pcb] is shown in the file path on the PC board attribute setting dialog, then click OK to close the dialog. ! Caution The check is performed only when different subboards are placed on the panel. same, it will not perform check. When all the subboards are 10. Save the currently opened file and exit the Panel Tool. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 37 3. Generating a CAM Information List What is the CAM information list output program (camlist)? The CAM information list output program (camlist) generates a listing of component placement information, PC board information, mounting point information, and so forth from PC board database(PCB) or manufacturing panel database(PNL). The CAM information list output program (camlist) comes up with the following 13 kinds of listing: Component information: Information about components (or about the components on subboards if the panel database is the target) Information about parts Information about packages Information about footprints Summary list of padstacks keyed by the from stack and the to stack Summary list of pads by layer Summary list of objects by layer List of stock codes set on parts Information about PC boards, including the number of conductive layers and the technology name Path, coordinates, input method, etc. of PC boards which are input in the panel database. Summary list of holes keyed by the from stack and the to stack Information about technologies, including layer names and layer attributes List of the coordinates of mounting points for components calculated from the foot print settings Part information: Package information: Footprint information: Padstack information: Pad information: Number of objects: Stock code list: PC board information: PC board coordinates information Hole information: Technology information: Mounting point information: 5 - 38 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Generating a CAM Information List The CAM information list output program is executed by entering a command in the following format: C:\> camlist.exe UNIX [parameter-set] [parameter-set] <xx> There are two ways to specify parameter-set as follows: 1. Specify parameters with optional parameters 2. Specify parameters with a parameter file [1. Specify parameters with optional parameters] To execute the CAM information list output program with optional parameters, enter a command in the following format: C:\> camlist.exe [option] pcb-name/pnl-name Other options available are as follows: -o -e -w -m comp -m part -m package -m footprint -m padstack -m pad -m object -m stockinfo -m brdcommon -m brdcoord -m hole -m technology -m mountpoint -p: origin -p: rotate -p: scale -p: offset -p: lang -p: header -p: mkparam -p -V Reference : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Output destination specification Error Output destination specification Warning Output destination specification Component information output Part information output Package information output Footprint information output Padstack information output Pad information output Object summary output Stock code list output PC board information output PC board coordinates information output Hole information output Technology information output Mounting point information Coordinate calculation reference point specification Rotation angle specification Scale value specification Offset value specification Output language specification Output header specification Automatic parameter file creation specification Parameter file specification Version number display specification Refer to “Batch Program Help” for usage of option parameters. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 39 3. Generating a CAM Information List [2. Specify parameters with a parameter file] Execute the CAM information list output program with parameter file specified. This parameter file should have all the necessary optional parameters (introduced on the previous page) defined in right format. C:\> camlist.exe -p parameter-file-name Set the relevant PC board/panel database name in the parameter file as well. camlist parameter file Use the vi editor or MS-WordPad to create and edit a parameter file. In addition, executing the following command will create a parameter file. By making necessary modifications to items, you can create and use a parameter file tailored to your needs. <<Creating a parameter file>> C:\> camlist.exe ! Caution -p:mkparam parameter-file-name pcb-name/pnl-name As execution of the above command, parameter file [.clp] will be created. This document focuses on operations using a parameter file. 5 - 40 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Generating a CAM Information List Parameter-set specifies the PC board data (pcb) or panel data (pnl) used to execute the CAM information list output program and also which of the 13 kinds of listing will be generated. The conversion of coordinates, as for offsets, scaling, and rotation, can also be specified with parameters. You can specify the following items when executing the CAM information list output program: 1. Program name (mandatory) 2. Board/panel database name (mandatory) 3. Units specification 4. Effective decimals displayed 5. Coordinate conversion 6. List format setting 7. Output language 8. Coordinate representation 9. Angle representation 10. Header ouput 11. Output comonent selection 12. Component output item setup 13. Part output item setup 14. Package output item setup 15. Footprint output item setup 16. Padstack output 17. Pad summary list output 18. Object summary output 19. Stock code list output 20. Board information output 21. Board coordinate information output 22. Hole information output 23. Technology information output 24. Mounting point information output 25. Output file name 26. Error file name 27. Warning file name [Program: "camlist.exe"] [PCB_Name] [Unit] [Precision] [Origin] [Rotate] [Scale] [Offset] [ListParam 2] [Language] [Coordinate] [AmgleMode] [Header] [CompSelect 2] [Component] [Comp_prop] [Part] [Part_prop] [Package] [Pkg_prop] [Footprint] [Foot_prop] [Padstack] [Pad] [Object] [StockInfo] [BrdCommon] [BrdCoord] [Hole] [Hole_Type 2] [Technology] [MountPoint] [Output] [Error] [Warning] These items are specified in a parameter file or as optional parameters. ! Caution If the program is executed using option parameters, there are some limitations and items which cannot be specified. For details, refer to [Batch Programs] in the Online Help. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 41 3. Generating a CAM Information List Generating a CAM information list Generate a CAM information list from the manufacturing panel data designed with the panel tool. Lesson Execute the CAM information list output program to generate component and hole information: [Part information] Output items 1: Name 4: Type 5: Component level 7: Logic polarity flag 9: Solder method 13: Number of pins 14: Number of stock codes Output all component attributes of part. [Hole information] [Padstack information] [Target panel database] [Parameter file name] [Output file name] [List format] Output summary list only. Generate. C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl camprm.clp camlist.cld Display titles. Display line numbers. Generate a separator automatically. For all other parameters, use their defaults defined in the parameter file. 5 - 42 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Generating a CAM Information List 1. Create a parameter file using the optional parameter. C:\> cd C:\home\lesson2\pnl Using the terminal emulator(DOS window), move to the work directory /home/lesson2/pnl. camprm A parameter file is generated automatically. C:\> camlist.exe -p:mkparam sample2.pnl Panel data name Reference Parameter file name Refer to P5-40 “Creating a parameter file”. The parameter file created has “.clp” as its suffix. 2. Set up the parameter file, camprm.clp, to meet the conditions specified on the preceding page. Use the vi editor or MS-WordPad to create and edit a parameter file. Open [camprm.clp] with text editor. Lines led by a sharp sign (#) are treated as comments on the parameter file and are not referenced from the program. The [program name], [database-file-name], and [Unit] have already been set. Program: "camlist.exe" PCB_Name: "sapmle2.pnl" Unit: "mm" Delete the sections from [Origin] to [Offset]. Precision: ”3” Confirm that file is set just as shown in the left. Panel database name that has been specified at parameter file creation Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 43 3. Generating a CAM Information List Delete sections from [Origin] to [Offset]. Do not change the [List format setting], [Output language], [Coordinate], and [AngleMode] sections. List Param 2 { Confirm that file is set just as shown in the left. Title “on” Number “on” ListForm “default:,” Coordinate: "Aside :0,0:x" AngleMode: "1:default" Delete [Header], [CompSelect 2], and [Component] sections. Set items in the [Part] section. Part: “1:4:5:7:9:13:14/ON” Part_prop: “ALL” Delete [Package] and [Footprint] sections. There is no change in [Padstack] section. Padstack: “ON” Delete [Pad] to [StockInfo] sections. There is no change in [Hole Summary List] section. Hole: “ON/OFF” Delete [Technology] and [Mounting Point] sections. The numbers listed on the left are output numbers. For details, refer to [Batch Programs] in the online help. Confirm that file is set just as shown in the left. Confirm that file is set just as shown in the left. Set [camlist.cld] in the [Output file name] section. Output: “camlist.cld” Set [camlist.cld] in the [Output] section. Set the standard output device in both [Error] and [Warning] sections. Error: “-“ Confirm that file is set just as shown Warning: “-“ in the left. 5 - 44 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 3. Generating a CAM Information List The result will look as shown at left. Save and exit the text editor. 3. Execute the CAM information list output program using the parameter file, camprm.clp set in 2. Enter a command in the format C:\> camlist.exe -p camprm shown in the left. 4. Open the output CAM information list, [camlist.cld], by using a text editor. After confirming the list, exit the text editor. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 45 4. Updating the Panel Database Technology Updating panel database technology You can update information on the technology implemented in the panel data that has been generated. Use (technology update tool) to update technologies. If cases like modifications those illustrated in Cases 1 and 2 below arise in a panel database having the technology information shown below, use the technology update tool. (Case 1) A modification has been made to the technology implemented in an existing panel database. (Case 2) The technology implemented in an existing panel database needs to be replaced with another technology to keep up with a change in the number of layers. ! Caution Updating the technology implemented in a panel database is to update both the technology information on that database and the layer mapping between the technology layer for the board database that has already been input and that of the new panel database. Technology information on the board database that has already been input is not updated. 5 - 46 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 4. Updating the Panel Database Technology Technology update flow The technology update flow is described below. 1. Click the set name of the panel database in which the technology is to be updated from the CAD File Manager, then (technology update tool). Click 2. Set the panel technology name after being updated. (Case 1) The message “The number of conductive layers won’t change. Only updating layer mapping will be done” is displayed. (Case 2 [Adding layers]) The message “Select ‘Set Layer to Add’ from menubar to add conductor layers” is displayed. Click Set on the menu bar, then Specify Layer to Add.... Click (1) (2) (1) Click the number of the layer after which the additional layers are to be added. (2) Enter the layer number to add. Press RETURN and click OK. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 47 4. Updating the Panel Database Technology (Case 2 [Deleting layers]) The message “Select ‘Set layer to Delete’ from menubar to delete conductor layers.”is displayed. Click Set on the menu bar, then Specify Layer to Delete.... Click (1) Click the layer to delete to highlighted it. (To cancel its highlighting, click it again.) Then, click OK. * Forced deletion of layer data You have the option of forcing or canceling the deletion of layers from a panel database when the layers to delete contain data. Click Set on the menu bar, then Delete Layer Data Forcibly, [On] or [Off]. On: ········ Delete layer data forcibly. Off: ········ Do not delete layer data forcibly. 5 - 48 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Printing manufacturing panel data You can print or plot manufacturing data being designed or already completed design by Board Producer. It is also possible to preview its printout on the screen. Lesson Let’s plot panel data on the screen to practice simulating drawing. Use following data for plotting: <PNL>file-name C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl 1. Select Manufacturing panel update tool form CAD File Manager, then open “sample2.pnl” file. 2. Set the Disp.Mode as follows: (1) Click View on the menu bar, then click Layer Settings. Layer 1: ········Nowidth Layer 4: ········Painted 3. Set the Print parameter as follows: (1) (3) Click File in the menu bar, then click Print. (1) Output target X-Window (2) (2) Coordinate Conversion Scale ············ Automatic Offset············ Automatic (3) Property Paper size ··· A4 Orientation··· Landscape Click OK. Click Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 49 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing PropertySetSave dialog box will appear. Label “property2” and click OK. Click 4. Click OK in the Print dialog box and it will start plotting. Click Click on OK. An Execute dialog box opens. As it is said in the dialog box, press the Break key (for Windows, press Ctrl + Break) to cancel the process. The data will be plotted in the Plot window. 5. Close the Plot window. Click File on the Plot window menu bar, then Quit. Click Reference There is a way to output data image other than hard copy image, introduced in the lesson above. Refer to “Master Training <PCB Design>” for more information. 5 - 50 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Saving as a template Uniform sets of panel database information (panel board size, panel origin, and CAM reference points) can be saved to a panel database for use as templates at a later time. Lesson Create a prototype panel database and save it as a template. 1. Click File on the panel tool menu bar, then New Open Manufacture Panel Data. A Confirm dialog box will open. Click Click Yes to save “sample2”. Let’s now create [template.pnl] to meet the same conditions as [sample2.pnl]. [File] Name: C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ Comment: panel template C:\home\lesson2\tch\lay.tch C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb C:\home\lesson2\cdb\cdb2.ftp [Libraries] Technology library: Manufacturing rule library: Footprint library: [Create Mode] [Panel Size] [Panel Origin] [Corner Style] [Technology Name] [Manufacturing Rule] [MRC Target Layer] [Design Rule] [Parameter source file] [Manufacturing Machines] [Copy a Manufacturing Library] Create from an MRDB X = 275 Y = 230 X=0 Y=0 Right Angle star-4 PanelSpec. All layers C:\home\lesson2\rule.rul\star-4.rul Master parameter.rsc Photo PHOTO1 Drill DRILL1 ON Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 51 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Label “template” for New Base Name and click OK. Click Type "panel template" as a comment. Set other item just as shown in the left and click OK. Click Reference Refer to P3-11 “ Creating a manufacturing panel database” for setting information Enter the photo and drill machine CAM reference point at the following coordinates: Coordinates [5, 5] See “ Inputting manufacturing data output reference points” on page 5-17. Reference Refer to P5-17 “ Inputting manufacturing data output reference points” on how to set CAM reference point. 2. Save the resulting file as a template. Click File on the menu bar, then Save as Template. 5 - 52 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Click the Name field and type “template1”. Click OK. Click The file has now been saved as a template. The template file is saved in the directory defined in the Panel Template section in the resource [library.rsc]. In this lesson, the template has been set to the following path: C:\home\lesson2\pnl\template Lesson Using this template, create a new panel database. 1. Click File on the menu bar, then New. Save the edited version of data. Click Click Yes. A new file creation dialog box will open. Set template2.pnl as a file name. Click From Template as a generation mode. Then, click template1 to highlight it. Click Click Click OK. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 53 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Same size and the same CAM reference points as [template.pnl] will appear. 2. Save [template2.pnl]and exit from the panel tool. Click File on the menu bar, then Exit. Click Click Yes in the Exit Tool dialog box. Click 5 - 54 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing Board Data and Manufacturing Panel Data Multiboard cutting has been carried out with the panel tool. However, multiboard cutting only works in a master board <.pnl> and subboards <.pcb>. Two or higher levels of nesting are not supported. [Level 1] * Editing subboards [Level 2] Because board data stored in a panel database is handled in files, the board database is not accessible to the panel database for editing. If a need arises to edit the board database, this can be done by either activating the Board Designer tools or by activating the artwork tool from the manufacturing panel design tool. Double-Click Double-Click [Manufacturing panel design tool] [Artwork tool] [1] Double-click board data on the editor screen. Click Yes in the Confirm dialog box shown at right. Click [2] Activate the artwork tool or any tool from the module as required in the circumstances to edit the board database. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 55 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing The panel data can be displayed when editing the panel data by the artwork tool or other tools. Click Utilities from the menu bar of the Placement/Wiring Tool, and then click View Panel Data. Specify Panel Name and Board ID from the panel menu and click (Load). Click After panel data is loaded, panel data will remain even after tool is changed to other module such as Artwork Tool. [3] When editing is completed, exit by saving the edited version of the board database. [4] The panel database reflects the editing completed. ! Caution You cannot edit with the panel tool while the Artwork Tool is being executed. * Manufacturing panel data history management If board data stored in a panel database has been updated, the Confirm dialog box shown below will appear when you open the panel database. Click Click OK and start editing. Note Time history can be updated without re-entering the board data. [1] Click Attributes from the menu bar on the manufacturing panel tool, and then click Change Attribute. Specify the displayed board. [2] Select the "Update time history" check box on the Board attribute setting dialog box. Click OK. Click 5 - 56 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing * Changing the subboards file path If you want to change board data stored in a panel database to the same position but on a different board, you can do this without entering the board data by updating the board file path. [1] Click Attributes from the menu bar on the manufacturing panel design tool, and then click Change Attribute. Select the board that you want to change. [2] The present file path name is displayed in "File path" on the Board attribute setting dialog box. Specify the board file path name from the file path list icon (File selector). Click [3] Click OK to change the board file path. ! Caution The file path name cannot be changed to boards exceeding the number of wiring layers. Note About Locked files If the panel tool should suddenly terminate while designing panel data, a locked file <.lk> and a backup file <.bk> would be left in the same directory as for the board data. You would be unable to open the panel database as long as these two files exist. Click the panel database pointed to by the pix mark from the CAD File Manager, and click File on the menu bar, then Unlock and Delete lock file. Click Click This operation will erase only the locked file and backup file in the panel database and not those existing in the board database for the panel database. Perform Delete lock file on the board database in the panel database as well. Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 5 - 57 5. After Completion of Manufacturing Panel Data Designing * Recovering a file that has been lost The Recover Lost File dialog box shown below will appear when you open the manufacturing panel database if the original data in a board database <.pcb> entered in the panel database has been moved or a lock file has been created to prevent the board database from opening. [To recover the file] [1] Set the board name as [New PC Board Name]. Double-click anywhere within the field to open the Select File dialog box. Double-Click [2] Treatment: resume Click anywhere within the field to toggle between [resume] and [ignore]. Click [3] Click OK . [To ignore] [1] Treatment: ignore Click anywhere within the field to toggle between [resume] and [ignore]. Click [2] Click OK. Even if you ignore recovery, it does not mean that the board database information is deleted from the panel database. Because the board data displayed on the panel is not found, the window will appear as shown below. If you click anywhere on the board data with the query command, the original board file path and other relevant information will be displayed. 5 - 58 Chapter 5 Designing Manufacturing Panel Data 1. Outputting Photo Data What is the photo tool? The photo tool generates data for block copies (photo films) from the manufacturing panel data created in Chapter 5, which are to be produced by a photo plotter. [Manufacturing panel data] What is photo data? Photo data is the data that is converted into a format that can be read by a photo plotter. It consists of a listing of information on the coordinate location and width of data stored in a manufacturing panel library <.pnl>, such as lines, lands, areas, and text data. In addition to such pictorial information, the photo data also covers a description of the control codes needed to start up and shut down the photo plotter. [The photo tool] can output photo data for specific applications by specifying conditions such as PNL (PCB) layers to be output. By using the photo plotter you can plot high-precision block copies, such as conductive patterns, resist patterns, and silk-screened patterns with the photo data. The format of the photo data that can be received differs slightly depending on the photo plotter installed at your (or your customer's) site. Thus, photo data that meets the specifications of the machine used should be output. In this situation, you must generate an NC format (NCF) file that defines the format that photo data is to be output in and an aperture table that defines the correspondence between widths and shapes, and the D-codes supported by the photo plotter. Reference Refer to “Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines” for NCF and aperture table. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6-1 1. Outputting Photo Data With the photo tool, output layers and output formats are specified in units of film on the basis of a single set of panel data. Flow of photo tool Reference Refer to P6-16 “Photo Data Output Data List” for data list. Target data to be output in the Photo Tool is objects on the specified output target layers. Figure Object Pad Line Area Example figure Figure Object Leader (*1) Length dimension line (*1) Angle dimension line (*1) Linear dimension line (*1) Example figure Mesh Plane Hole Area Padstack Only the pad in the padstack is generated. Pad Text Hole Component symbol Rectangle Round Oblong 6-2 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data ! Caution The pad in a padstack is handled as an object (such as a line or area) at pad registration. *1 The leader, and the length, angle, and diameter/radius dimension lines are objects of a drawing layer and are not generated unless a drawing layer is set as an output layer. Note Output photo data does not have a concept of objects (such as line or area), but the output noun always assumes either of the following two kinds of elements: "Land" and "In-via land" Flash data Data that is plotted when the photo plotter shutter opens at a given point (momentary exposure). All other nouns other than the above, such as "line" are handled in the same way as "line." Stream data Data that is plotted as the photo plotter moves with its shutter open (moving exposure). Line Area (Areas are like a collection of lines.) Polygon data Data that only has outline and its inside filled out. Flash data and stream data are generated as photo data in that order. The individual objects are generated in sequence, beginning with the one having the smallest width. Also, difference between Stream data and Polygon data depends on setting in NCF in the photo machine. Reference Refer to Appendix-1 “Photo Machine NCF” for Stream mode and Polygon mode. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6-3 1. Outputting Photo Data Activating the photo tool Lesson Click a file set [sample2/[panel]] on the CAD File Manager file canvas, and then click (photo tool). Click Click Click Then, the Photo Tool will open. In the Photo Tool, shown above, specify information such as the specification of the output manufacturing machine (in Photo Machine) and the file names of the output destinations. 6-4 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data Photo parameter file In the Photo Tool, you can specify settings such as the settings for the film, for example the output layer and coordinate conversion, and the manufacturing machine. The following items of information can be set in this dialog box: 1. PC Board/Panel Database Name 2. Reference Parameter File Name 3. Photo Machine 4. Output Film (Output Layer, Mirror, Output Figure) 5. Coordinates Conversion (Rotate, scale, offset, reference point, clipping) 6. Specify Output Destination 7. Photo Output Execution Here is an introduction to the Photo Tool. [1. PC Board/Panel Database Name] Specify the name of the PC board database or panel database that is subject to photo data output. Normally, the panel database name that has been selected by the CAD File Manager is set. [2. Reference Parameter File Name] When reading an existing parameter file, set its file name. [3. Photo Machine] Specify the name of the photo machine for which photo data is to be generated. Select a photo machine name from the manufacturing rule database that has been set as Ref. MRL File in the dialog box. ! Caution The default for the Ref. MRL File is the manufacturing rule database name that corresponds with the panel database to be output. However, you can also reference the manufacturing rule database name for other panel database. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6-5 1. Outputting Photo Data * Photo machine name Select a photo machine name from among <Manufacturing Machines> specified in the Create New File dialog box at panel database creation. Then, why is it necessary to specify a manufacturing machine name? This is because information about the specified photo machine is copied from the manufacturing rule library into the panel database by using the photo machine name as a key. Information on manufacturing machine is copied on to mrl file. Since information about a photo machine has thus been copied into the panel database, data that meets the specifications of that photo machine can be output by simply setting the photo machine name at photo data output. Then, what kind of information is defined as photo machine name-specific information (photo machine specifications)? The photo machine specifications have the following two kinds of information defined for each individual machine: 1. NC format file 2. Aperture table [1. NC format (NCF) file] An NCF file defines the control codes needed to drive the photo machine and a data format. [2. Aperture table] An aperture table defines the correspondence between the widths (sizes) and the D-codes for the machine. Reference Refer to “5. Registering machine information” in Chapter 8 on Page8-42. 6-6 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data [4. Output Film (Output Layer, Mirror, Output Figure)] Set a combination of output layers and an output format for each film. Add a film name Copy an existing film Delete an existing film Rename an existing film Set a film output format Append Film Adds a new film. Click Append Film to open the New Film dialog box. <<To set>> (1) Type a film name, then click Append Film or press RETURN. (2) When the addition is completed, click Close. Copy Film Copy an exising film. Click Append Film to open the New Film dialog box. <<To copy>> (1) Click on a film name to copy and highlight it. (single film at a time) (2) Click on Copy Film. (3) Type a film name, then click Copy Film or press RETURN. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6-7 1. Outputting Photo Data Delete Film Deletes an existing film. <<To delete>> (1) Click the name of the film to delete in the film list box to highlight it (more than one film can be selected). (2) Click Delete Film. Rename Film Rename an existing film. <<To rename>> (1) Click the name of the film to rename in the film list box and highlight it (one film at a time). (2) Click on Rename Film. (3) Type a film name, then click Rename Film or press RETURN. 6-8 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data Film-Settings Specify film-specific output layers and output formats. (2) (1) (3) (4) (5) Click Film-Settings to open the Film Settings dialog box shown left. (1) Film The names of the films that have been registered by carrying out Append Film are displayed. Using switches the order of films. (2) Output Layer Specify the output layer associated with each film name. For the specified layers, set Mirror mode and Posi/Nega mode. <Specify output layer> Put check mark on for the layer to output. <Specify Mirror mode> The following mirror output modes are available. <Specify Posi/Nega mode> Select Positive or Negative mode for output layer. Normal·········Process positive and negative layer just as specified in the Posi/Nega attribute. Reverse ········Process positive data as negative and negative data as positive. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6-9 1. Outputting Photo Data [Disp Output Layer Only] When set to "ON" only lists layers that have been set for each film. [Display Document Layer] When set to "ON" document layers for each data layer are also listed. They can be specified as output layers for photo output. (Example) Data layer name: BOARD Document layer name: [doc]BOARD (3) Output Figure Object Specify output figure objects on specified output layers. Output figure objects are as follows. Text Area Pad Padstack (Edited) Round Area Mesh Plane Pad (Edited) Dimension Square Line Component Symbol Padstack Leader Slot In addition, "in-component," "Out of component," or "all" can be selected. ! Caution "Pad (Edited)" or "Padstack (Edited)" is the pad or padstack that is edited on the PC board by the post-wiring process, pad edit, or padstack edit commands. (4) Output Figure Specify the kind of output figures. Posi: Figures existing on positive layers and mixed layers, and connected and unconnected pad shapes at padstack registration. Nega: Mesh figures and thermal and clearance pad shapes at padstack registration. 6 - 10 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data (5) Negative Area Specify to output a photo from a negative-positive mixed layer as negative data only. Select a layer where the reference data for the negative area is stored. Specify a pen width for the negative area to be generated. Specify an offset value when offsetting the base area outside. Specify whether to process text or not. Specify the mirroring mode Reference For details about generating negative areas, refer to the Online Help. <<To set>> (1) Click the name of a film to set. (2) (1) (3) (4) (5) (2) Click the layer name to be output. Click mirror cell. A list is displayed. Posi/Nega cell will toggle between Normal and Reverse. Select this as required. (3) Click figure object from the output figure object. (Highlighted: Output, White: No output) Select output target from the pull-down menu. (4) Select output figure object. (5) Select in case of using negative area generation function. Repeat the procedure above from (1) for each additional film to set. When the setup is complete, click Close. [5.Output Directory] Specify the output destination directory for photo data and data list. Output file name of photo data and data list Photo data Data list : : film-name.phf Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 11 1. Outputting Photo Data [6. Coordinates Conversion] The following kinds of coordinate conversions can be performed on the output photo data: Rotate Scale Offset Reference Point Clipping Unit Click Coordinate Option-Settings in the Photo Tool to open the Option Settings dialog box shown on the left. Rotate Generates rotated photo data. Scale Generates scaled photo data. Offset Generates offset photo data. 6 - 12 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data Clipping To generate only a selected area, turn on [Specify Clipping], then specify the output area. Turn ON the Specify Clipping check box. End Point (X,Y) Start Point (X,Y) Unit Specify the units to use for referring to items where units are necessary when outputting photos. Select a unit from among the following three choices: mm inch mil micron The following items reference the unit specification: · Reference point X, Y · Offset X, Y · Clipping start point X,Y · Clipping end point X, Y Coordinates Reference Point Specify a reference point for a coordinates conversion operation (rotate, scale, offset, or mirror). Click Specify Reference Point. After all settings are finished, click Close to close the dialog. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 13 1. Outputting Photo Data * Coordinate Reference Point/Manufacturing Reference Point and Origin At coordinate conversion, "Coordinate reference point" and "Manufacturing reference point" have the following priority when set: Coordinate reference point > Manufacturing reference point > Origin Priority High The manufacturing reference point is used when the coordinate reference point is not set. coordinate reference point nor manufacturing reference point is set, the origin is used. Low If neither the Example Coordinate conversion for 90-degree rotation at output 6 - 14 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data [7. Output File Settings] Specify to where photo data, error messages, and warning messages will be directed. Click Options on the menu bar, then (1) Set Output Files to open the Set Output Files dialog box shown left. (2) (1) Specify message file output destination Specify output destinations and file names of the error message and the warning message. The following extensions are added to the error file and the warning file. Error list Warning list Note : XX.err : XX.wrn “-” indicates standard output. (2) Specify data list Data list is output when outputting photo data. Specify output format (unit and language) for the data list. Output data list name is “film-name.phl.” Data list for photo : film-name.phl Reference Refer to next page for data list. When the entire setup is complete, click Close to close the dialog box. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 15 1. Outputting Photo Data * Photo Data Output Data List 6 - 16 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data [8. Photo Output Execution] Photo data is generated on the basis of the parameters that have been set with the photo tool. At photo data output, select one or more output file names from a list for execution. 《To execute》 (1) Click the name of the film to generate to highlight it. (Click the highlighted film name again to cancel its choice.) (2) Click Execute-Photo. Click Ctrl + Click This ends the introduction to the Photo Tool. Saving and recalling the parameter file [To save] Click File on the menu bar, then Save Parameter File. You can save these parameter settings to an ASCII file and recall them in the parameter file dialog box as needed. Set the name of the file to save the parameters to (no need to attach suffix <.php>) The file, when saved, is suffixed with <.php>. ! Caution Executing Save Parameter File after opening the existing parameter file overwrites the parameter file currently open. To save the file under another name, execute Save Parameter File As.... [To read] Click File on the menu bar, then Read Parameter File . Click the parameter file to open in the file list. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 17 1. Outputting Photo Data Lesson Generate photo data to meet the following set of conditions: [Input Files] PC board/panel database: Reference parameter file: [Photo Machine Name] Photo machine: Ref. MRL file: [Film name] Output Layer: Output Figure Noun: Output Figure: [Data List] [Output Files] Output destination directory: Error file: Warning file: [Save Parameter File] C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl None PHOTO1 /home/lesson2/pnl/sample2.mrl Symbol-A Symbol-A layer All data except holes All positive data Language: Language used in the current environment Unit:mm C:\home\lesson2\pnl C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listE.err C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listW.wrn C:\users\lesson2\pnl\phprm.php 1. The Photo Tool should already be open. If it is not, click on CAD File Manager. (Photo Tool) in the Fill out the Photo tool dialog box shown left. 2. Set the PC board/panel database name. Click File on the menu bar, then Open to open the Select File dialog box. Choose C:\users\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl 3. Set the photo machine. Click Choose PHOTO1 from the pull-down menu. 6 - 18 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data 4. Define the film. Click Append Film. Click Type “Symbol-A” and click Append Film. Click Close. Click Set Film. Click Click Symbol-A as Film. (It has already been highlighted since no other film name is available.) Click Symbol-A as Output Layer ( Set Off for the Mirror mode. to ON). Set Normal for the Posi/Nega column. Select from “Text” to “Leader” as output figure noun. Click Select All as target. As Output Figure, select the following: Posi-Flash Posi-Stream Posi-Polygon When the setup is complete, click Close. 5. Set the output directory. The Output Directory is already set to C:\home\lesson2\pnl. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 19 1. Outputting Photo Data 6. Set the output error file and warning file. Click Options on the menu bar, then Output File Settings. Click the list icon to open a Select File dialog box. The File Selector appears. Then change the current directory to C:\home\lesson2\pnl. Type “listE” in the File Name field. Click Click OK. Likewise, set a warning file. C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listW The Set Output Files dialog box should Click appear as shown left. Click Close. 7. Save the parameter file. Click File on the menu bar, then Save Parameter File. Change the current directory to C:\home\lesson2\pnl. Type “phprm” in the File Name field. Click OK. Click ! Caution The parameter file, when saved, will be suffixed with <.php> automatically. 6 - 20 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data Executing the photo tool Execute photo output using the parameter file that has been set in the preceding Lesson 1. The Edit Photo Parameter File dialog box is already open. Click File on the menu bar, then Click Read Parameter File .... The Confirmation dialog box will open. Click Yes. Click The Select File dialog box will open. Click phprm.php, then OK. Click Click 2. Execute the photo tool. Click “Symbol-A” in the film list. Click Click Execute-Photo. Click Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 21 1. Outputting Photo Data Click OK in the Confirm dialog box. Click Click OK in the dialog box shown left. Click 3. Close the Edit Photo Parameter File dialog box. Click File on the menu bar, then Exit. Click Click Yes in the dialog box shown left. 4. Check the output files. Change the current directory to C:\home\lesson2\pnl from the CAD File Manager. Click-select Regular files for filtering. The following four file names will appear on the file list canvas: Symbol-A.pnl listE.err listW.wrn (Photo data) (Output data list) (Error List) (Warning list) Click 1 ! Caution The output error file and warning file are suffixed with <.err> and <.wrn>, respectively. 6 - 22 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data 5. Check the output data list. Double-click Symbol-A.phl on the CAD File Manager. Double-Click A window will open, allowing you to view the contents of the output data list. 6. Click-select Manufacturing panel data from the filter for the CAD File Manager to list only the files relating to manufacturing data. Click Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 23 1. Outputting Photo Data * Executing the photo tool by entering a command (batch) In Master Training <CAM>, photo data has been generated by using an editor (menu) from the photo tool, but you may also execute the photo tool by entering a command. PC C:\>zphoto.exe UNIX [parameter-set] [parameter-set] <xx> There are also two alternative ways to execute the photo tool by entering a command: 1. Specify photo parameters with optional parameters 2. Specify photo parameters with an optional parameter file [1. Specify photo parameters with optional parameters] Specify the items entered in the Edit Photo Parameter File dialog box with the following optional parameters: Format C:\>zphoto.exe –o –e –w -p:mspec -p:table -p:layer -p:noun -p:figure -p:clip -p:origin -p:rotate -p:scale -p:offset -p:negasurf -p:list -p:mkparam –p –V –h Example panel-data-file-name : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : [optional-parameter-set] Output destination specification Error output destination specification Warning output destination specification Photo machine name specification Aperture table specification Output layer specification Output noun specification Output figure specification Clipping specification Origin layer specification Rotation specification Scaling specification Offset (placement point) specification Text process specification on Negative area generation Output data list file name Automatic parameter file creation specification Parameter file specification Version number indication specification Output usage Using the photo machine name [GERBER] in the manufacturing rule database [C:\home\lesson2\pnl\lesson.mrl] transfer the silk layer for Conductive Layer 1 from the panel database [expnl.pnl] to the file []. C:\> zphoto.exe expnl -o photod -p:layer WIR1-S Output layer Panel database name Output file name -p:mspec GERBER:C:\home\lesson2\pnl\lesson Manufacturing rule to be referenced 6 - 24 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Outputting Photo Data [2. Specify photo parameters with an optional parameter file] Create a photo parameter file in a prescribed format using the vi editor beforehand. You can also enter detailed parameter settings through the Edit Photo Parameter File dialog box and save them. Format C:\>zphoto.exe -p parameter-file-name Example Execute the photo tool using the photo parameter file “phprm.php.” C:\>zphoto.exe -p phprm Reference For details about option parameters and the parameter file, refer to [Batch Programs] in the Online Help. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 25 2. Verifying Photo Data What is the photo data check program (zphck)? The photo data check program (zphck) represents photo data originally generated by the photo output tool in an easy-to-view list format or draws it on a plotter or on the screen. It provides the following four functions: 1. Draw function 2. List function 3. Sum function 4. Add function 6 - 26 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data The photo data check program is executed by entering the following command: PC C:\>zphck.exe <xx> [parameter-set] [parameter-set] UNIX There are two alternative ways to specify a parameter set: 1. Specify parameters with optional parameters 2. Specify parameters with an optional parameter file [1. Specify parameters with optional parameters] In executing the photo data check program with optional parameters, specify the optional parameters in the following format: C:\>zphck.exe photo-data-file-name -m processing-mode [options] [-m processing-mode]: Specify one of the four processing modes for the photo data check program to execute. draw: list: sum: add: Draw mode List mode Sum mode Add mode Other options available are listed below. –o –e –w -p:mspec -p:table -p:ftype -p:ftype_unit -p:ftype_format -p:ftype_inc_abs -p:ftype_suppress -p:plotter -p:draw -p:zphoto -p:axis -p:list_mode -p:layer -p:copmpare -p:paper -p:clip -p:origin -p:rotate -p:scale -p:offset -p:list -p:mkparam –p –V –h : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Output destination specification Error output destination specification Warning output destination specification Manufacturing rule database specification Aperture table file reference specification Format type specification NC data unit specification NC data coordinates representation specification NC data coordinates system specification NC data zero suppression specification Output plotter specification (draw mode) Draw mode specification (draw mode) Photo output parameter specification (draw mode) Coordinate axis drawing specification (draw mode) Data list output mode specification (list mode) Data input layer specification (add mode) Pad shape comparison mode Paper size specification Clipping specification Origin specification Rotation specification Scaling specification Offset (placement point) specification Processing list file name Automatic parameter file creation specification Parameter file specification Version number indication specification Output usage Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 27 2. Verifying Photo Data [2. Specify parameters with an optional parameter file] Specify all the option parameters you want to apply, introduced in the previous page, in a parameter file in right format. The program will refer to parameter file when executing. C:\>zphck.exe -p parameter-file-name Set a photo file name and a processing mode in the parameter file as well. parameter file The parameter file above can be created and edited using the vi editor or WordPad. Executing the command shown below will create a parameter file so that you can customize the file to suit your need. << Creating a parameter file >> C:\>zphck.exe photo-data-file-name -p:mkparam created-parameter-file-name This document focuses on operations using a parameter file. 6 - 28 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data The "parameter-set" specifies the photo data on which the photo data check program is executed, and also which of the four verification functions will be executed. In executing the photo data check program, you can as well specify the conversion of coordinates for mirroring, rotation, and scaling by the parameter. You can specify the following items when executing the photo data check program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Program name Comment Processing mode Photo data file name (mandatory) Output file name Error file name Warning file name Output plotter Paper size Draw mode Data list output mode Input layer specification Pad shape compare mode Reference manufacturing rule database name and drill name Aperture table file reference specification Format type specification for automatic analyses Unit Coordinate conversion [Program:"zphck.exe"] [Comment] [ProcMode] [Input] [Output] [Error] [Warning] [Plotter] [Paper] [DrawMode] [ListMode] [Layer] [Compare] [Mspec] [Table] d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d,l,s,a d d d ,l , , ,a , , ,a d, , ,a d d, , ,a d, , ,a d d, , ,a d, , ,a d, , ,a d, , ,a d, , ,a d d d,l,s,a [AutoNCAnaliza] [Unit] [Clip] [Origin] [Mirror] [Rotate] [Scale] [Offset] 19. Photo output parameter specification (Superimposed drawing) [Zphoto] 20. Coordinate axis drawing [Axis] 21. Processing list file name [List] d: l: s: a: Draw mode List mode Sum mode Add mode Note Each characters, “d”, “l”, “s”, and “a” represents mode that supports each prameters. These items are specified in a parameter file or as option parameters. ! Caution In case of executing the program by using option parameters, they are items that cannot be specified and there are some limitations. For details about option parameters, refer to [Batch Programs] in the Online Help. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 29 2. Verifying Photo Data Verifying photo data by drawing (draw mode) Executing the photo data check program in the draw mode allows photo data to be drawn on a plotter or on the screen. Further, you can reference the panel database source photo data and the photo output parameter file used at photo tool execution to superimpose the panel data and photo data onto each other. [draw] mode Since drawing is carried out on the basis of output photo data, you can visually check the drawing for missing data, deformation or any other defects before it is moved to a photo plotter. 6 - 30 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data As in drawing panel data and hole drawings, the draw mode of the photo data check program is divided into two processing parts: preprocessor and postprocessor. Preprocessor: The preprocessor converts photo data into intermediate data to meet a given set of conditions, such as whether the data will be scaled and whether only a particular area will be drawn. Postprocessor: The postprocessor receives the intermediate data from the preprocessor and converts it into a format that it is intelligible to the plotter before transferring it. Different data formats are intelligible to different plotter models. The postprocessor must therefore suit your plotter model. Flow of Draw mode Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 31 2. Verifying Photo Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and execute the photo data check program in draw mode. Direct the output data to the disk as intermediate data. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Output plotter] [Paper size] [Draw mode] [Reference manufacturing rule database name] [Photo name] [Photo data file name] [Drawing offset] [Photo output parameter] [Coordinate axis drawing] [Intermediate data name] phck1.pcp Draw Plotter label name omitted Format type CR5000 A3, landscape Width, pen number 1, pallet number 1 C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb PHOTO1 C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ X = 25, Y = 10 phprm.php, width, pen number 2 Pen number 3 phck1.pld 1. Using optional parameters, create the parameter file. C:\>cd C:\home\lesson2\pnl Move directory from the terminal emulator (DOS window) to C:\home\lesson2\pn. A parameter file is created automatically. [phck1.pcp] is created in the current directory. C:\>zphck.exe Symbol-A -p : mkparam Photo data name phck1 Parameter file name Reference Refer to P6-28 “<<Creating a parameter file>>”. The parameter file created is suffixed with [.pcp]. 6 - 32 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data 2. Set up the parameter file, [phck1.pcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the editor to edit the parameter file. Use the editor to open [phck1.pcp]. Open the file as shown left. Lines started with a sharp sign (#) are treated as comments on the parameter file and are not referenced from the program. Set the draw mode as the processing mode. ProcMode: “draw” Set “draw” in the ProcMode section. “” has already been set as a photo data file name. Input: “” Check “” in the Input section. To transfer intermediate data to a file, set “phck1” as the output file name. Output: “phck1” Note Set “phck1” in the Output section. The output intermediate file is suffixed with [.pld]. Omit the output plotter label, and set “CR5000” as the format type name. Plotter: “:CR5000” Set “:CR5000” in the Plotter section. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 33 2. Verifying Photo Data Set A3 as a paper size and landscape as the paper orientation. Paper: “A3/L” Set “A3/L” in the Paper section. Set width and pen number 1 as the draw mode. DrawMode: “width:1/1” Set “width:1/1” in the DrawMode section. Set “C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” as the reference manufacturing rule database name and “PHOTO1” as the photo name. MSpec: “PHOTO1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” Remove the “#” at the beginning of the MSpec section. Set “PHOTO1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” Define the section for the format type specification for automatic analyses as the comment. #AutoNCAnalize 2 { #} Start the AutoNCAnalyze section with a “#”. Because the reference manufacturing rule database and automatic analyses cannot be specified at the same time, in this lesson, the AutoNCAnalyze section is prefixed with a “#” to define it as the comment. Set X=25 and Y=10 as the offset specification. Offset: 25, 10 Set “phprm.php”, width, pen number 2 as the photo output parameter specification (superimposed drawing). Zphoto:“phprm.php:width:2” Remove the “#” at the beginning of Zphoto. Set “phprm.php:width:2”. Set pen number 3 as the coordinate axis drawing. Axis:3 Remove the “#” at the beginning of Axis. Set pen number 3. When the setup is complete, close [phck1.pcp]. Save the edited version of the file and quit the editor. 6 - 34 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data 3. Execute the photo data check program using the parameter file, [phck1.pcp] set in Step 2. C:\>zphck.exe -p phck1 Enter a command in the format shown left. 4. Verify the output intermediate data file, “phck1.pld” on the screen by simulation drawing. <<Windows>> C:\>xwindview.bat phck1.pld <<UNIX>> <xx> -r phck1.pld To draw intermediate data for simulation as in this lesson, enter commands in the following formats: <<When using Windows>> C:\>xwindview.bat <<When using UNIX>> <xx> intermediate-data -r intermediate-data Using xwindview.bat, verify the printer/plotter output image of the data.Enter a command in the format shown left. 5. A drawing image of the intermediate data is displayed in the plot window. After checking the simulation, close the plot window. Click Click File on the menu bar, then Exit. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 35 2. Verifying Photo Data * Execute plotting from Photo tool “Draw” mode of photo data check program can be executed from Photo tool. From the menu bar, click Print Plot Out Photo Data. Click ! Caution To execute plotting photo data, the parameter for photo output must be set in advance. When outputting photo data, click on Save Parameter File from File from the menu bar. <<Photo tool - Plot dialog>> (1) (2) (4) (3) (1) Specify output destination [Output] or [Plotter] (2) Specify paper size [Paper] (3) Specify plotting film Specify photo data to be plotted and drawing shape. (How to select) Click the target plot NC data name. ( ············· Selected, ··········· Not selected) [Draw Axis] When set to "ON" axis is plotted with the specified pen no. [Plotting With Board] When set to "ON" the original panel data is plotted over the photo data. (4) Coordinate Option-Setting Specify the following coordinate conversion. Mirror Rotate Scale Offset Reference Point Clip Unit 6 - 36 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data Generating a list (list mode) The photo data as generated by the photo tool would be meaningless to us in its present form. Hence, it becomes necessary to execute the photo data check program in the list mode to convert the photo data to ASCII code and direct it to a given file in a format that is intelligible to us. Called a dump list, this list is used to verify output photo data at large. [Before execution] [After execution] The execution flow of the photo data check program in the list mode is shown below. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 37 2. Verifying Photo Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and execute the photo data check program to generate a list. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Data list output mode] [Photo data file name] [Output file name] phck2.pcp List Block size of 512 bytes (formatted) C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ phck2.txt 1. Using optional parameters, create the parameter file. C:\>zphck.exe Symbol-A -p:mkparam phck2 Reference Refer to “<<Creating a parameter file>>” on page 6-28. 2. Set up the parameter file, [phck2.pcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the editor to open [phck2.pcp]. Set the list mode as the processing mode. ProcMode: “list” Set “list” in the ProcMode section. “” has already been set as the photo data file name. Input: “” Set “phck2.txt” as the output file. Output: “phck2” Note Check “” in the Input section. Set “phck2” in the Output section. The output list file is suffixed with [.txt]. Set “formatted” as the data list output mode. ListMode: “formatted” Set “formatted” in the ListMode section. 6 - 38 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data The result should appear as shown left. Save the edited file and exit the editor. This parameter file has been generated from the parameter file originally created with the optional parameter -p:mkparam, with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. ! Caution 3. Execute the photo data check program to generate the dump list. C:\>zphck.exeh –p phck2 4. The dump list, [phck2.txt], is transferred to the current directory. Open the file in WordPad and check its contents. UNIX If you are using the UNIX version, check the file using the more command. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 39 2. Verifying Photo Data 6 - 40 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data Generating a summary list (sum mode) Executing the photo data check program in the sum mode allows the D-codes, G-codes, and other codes used in the photo data on disk to be summarized by type and listed. [Photo data] [Summary list] The execution flow of the photo data check program in the sum mode is shown below. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 41 2. Verifying Photo Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and execute the photo data check program to generate the summary list. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Photo data file name] [Output file name] phck3.pcp sum C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ phck3.txt 1. Using optional parameters, create the parameter file. C:\>zphck.exe Symbol-A -p:mkparam phck3 Reference Refer to P6-28 “<<Creating a parameter file>>”. 2. Set up the parameter file, [phck3.pcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the editor to open [phck3.pcp]. Set the sum mode as the processing mode. ProcMode: “sum” Set “sum” in the ProcMode section. “” has already been set as the photo data file name. Input: “” Set “phck3.txt” as the output file. Output: “phck3” Note Check “” in the Input section. Set “phck3” in the Output section. The output list file is suffixed with [.txt] 6 - 42 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data The result should appear as shown on the left. Save the file and exit the editor. ! Caution This parameter file has been generated from the parameter file originally created with the optional parameter -p:mkparam, with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. 3. Execute the photo data check program to generate the summary list. C:\>zphck.exe -p phck3 4. The summary list, [phck3.txt], is transferred to the current directory. Open the file in WordPad and check its contents UNIX If you are using the UNIX version, check the file using the more command. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 43 2. Verifying Photo Data Adding photo data to the panel database (add mode) Executing the photo data check program in the add mode allows photo data to be added to a specified panel database as pictorial data. You can view the data thus added through a the panel design tool dialog box to visually check it for missing data, deformation or any other defect and thus verify its correctness. Panel database: sample2.pnl [add mode] Panel database: template.pnl You can view the data thus added through the panel design tool dialog box to visually check it for missing data, deformation or any other defect and thus verify its correctness. 6 - 44 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data Photo data as generated can be broken down into the following elements according to its object: Flash data Stream data Polygon data As the output photo data is input into a specified layer, the object type (resist data, silk-screen data, or metal mask data) depends on the layer attribute of the specified layer. Flash data The input object differs depending on whether the flash data is input into a data layer or drawing layer. Data layer ·············Added as a pad. Drawing layer········Added as an area. When flash data is input to the data layer, the D code for flash data is used as the pad name. If the same name pad already exists, the name is added with “-” and numbered sequentially from one. (Example) D10 D10-1 When already exists Stream data The aperture table is referenced from the manufacturing rule database that is referenced from the D-code in the photo data to locate a pen having the corresponding round or rectangular shape, that is then input as a line. Note If the D-code does not correspond or an aperture table does not exist, a pen width of 0 is assumed. Polygon data Shape data that is assumed to be polygon data according to the NC format for the photo machine in the referenced manufacturing rule database is added as area data. In most instances, polygon data is added with a pen width of 0. For polygon data with pen shape information in a D-code, the pen shape is determined in the same way as for stream data. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 45 2. Verifying Photo Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and perform photo data check program in add mode. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Photo data file name] [Input panel database name] [Input layer] [Compare] [Reference manufacturing rule database name] [Photo name] phck4.pcp add C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ C:\home\lesson2\pnl\template.pnl Data layer for the symbol mark layer associated with wiring layer 1 (WIR1-S) on C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb PHOTO1 1. Using optional parameters, create the parameter file. C:\>zphck.exe Symbol-A -p:mkparam phck4 Reference Refer to P6-28 “<<Creating a parameter file>>”. 2. Set up the parameter file, [phck4.pcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the editor to open [phck4.pcp]. Set the add mode as the processing mode. ProcMode: “Add” Set “Add” in the ProcMode section. “” has already been set as the photo data file name. Input: “” Check “” in the Input section. Set the input panel database name “template.pnl” as the output file name. Output: “template.pnl” Set “template.pnl” in the Output section. Set the data layer of WIR1-S as the input layer. Layer: “Wir2-S:data” Set the pad shape compare mode “on”. Compare: “on” Set “on” in the Compare section. Remove the “#” at the beginning of the Layer section to set. 6 - 46 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 2. Verifying Photo Data Set “C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” as the reference manufacturing rule database name and “PHOTO1” as the photo name. MSpec: “PHOTO1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” Remove the “#” at the beginning of the MSpec section. Set “PHOTO1: C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb” Define the section for the format type specification for automatic analyses as the comment. #AutoNCAnalize #} ! Caution 2 { Start the AutoNCAnalyze section with a “#”. Because the reference manufacturing rule database and automatic analyses cannot be specified at the same time, in this lesson, the AutoNCAnalyze section is prefixed with “#” to define it as the comment. Leave [Origin], [Mirror], [Rotate], [Scale], and [Offset] unchanged this time. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 47 2. Verifying Photo Data The result should look as shown on the left. Exit the editor. ! Caution This parameter file has been generated from the parameter file originally created with the optional parameter -p:mkparam, with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. 3. Execute the photo data check program to add the photo data to the panel database. C:\>zphck.exe -p phck4 4. Click [template/[panel]] from the CAD File Manager, then design tool). (manufacturing panel After verifying the input data, exit the manufacturing panel design tool. 6 - 48 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap What is CAM check tool (phdiff)? The CAM check tool converts the photo data and panel (PNL) /PC board (PCB) database to the bitmap and compares both data shapes on the screen. It compares them in the following three ways. 1. 2. 3. 4. Comparing photo data to PC board/panel data (with parameter in photo output) Comparing photo data to PC board/panel data (without parameter in photo output) Comparing photo data to photo data Comparing PC board/panel data to PC board/panel data You can specify the following two ways when executing the check. 1. 2. 3. Single data check function Automatic check function Batch Automatic check function Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 49 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) On CAD File Manager, click on (CAM check tool). S Reference Refer to P6-66 [*Executing the CAM check tool by command input (batch)] for command input execution. Each of four operations for CAM check tool mentioned in P6-49 is described below. [1.Comparing photo data to PC board/panel data(with parameter in photo output) ] (1) From the menu bar on CAM check tool, click New Comparison from File. Click (2) From the Processing select menu, click [Comparison between Photo Data and PCB/Panel Data]. Click Click Next>. Click 6 - 50 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) (3) From the Processing select menu, click [Saving the parameters used when executing the photo output]. Click Next>. Click Click (4) Set the parameter file used in photo output. Click Next>. Click The parameter used in photo output appears. Click Next>. Click (5) When multiple film names are registered in the parameter for photo data output, specify whether to compare only the specified film in (4) or all film. Click Finished. Click Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 51 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) (6) On the editor of CAM check tool, the photo data converted to bitmap and the PC board/panel data are displayed. Refer to P6-56, [Editor of the CAM check tool], for more information on the editor. [ 2. Comparing photo data to PC board/panel data(without parameter in photo output)] (1) From the menu bar in the CAM Check Tool, click File New Comparison. Click (2) From the Processing select menu, click [Comparison between Photo Data and PCB/Panel Data]. Click Next>. Click Click (3) From the Processing select menu, click [Save only photo data]. Click Next>. Click 6 - 52 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) (4) Set the photo data to be compared. Click Next>. Click (5) Set the information to analyze the photo data and the information on PC board/panel data to be compared. Photo machine name referred to at photo output Manufacturing rule database name referred to at photo output Photo data name specified in (4) PC board/panel database name to be compared Specify the Layer, Noun, and Figure targeted for comparison and negative surface and coordinate conversion. Click After the setting, click Finished. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 53 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) [3. Comparing photo data to photo data] (1) From the menu bar in the CAM Check Tool, click File New Comparison. Click (2) From the Processing select menu, click [Comparison between Photo Data]. Click Next>. Click Click (3) Select the photo data name to be analyzed and that to be compared. Photo machine name referred to at photo data output Manufacturing rule database name referred to at photo data output When selecting Another machine, specify the photo machine name and manufacture rule database name referred to when outputting the photo data to be compared. After the setting, click Finished. Click 6 - 54 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) [4. Comparing PC board/panel data to PC board/panel data] (1) From the menu bar on the CAM check tool, click New Comparison from File. Click (2) From the Processing select menu, click [Comparison between PCB/Panel Data and PCB/Panel Data]. Click Next>. Click Click (3) Select the PCB/Panel data name to be analyzed and that to be compared. Click Next>. Click (4) Specify layer to be compared. Click Next>. Click (5) Set items to analyze PCB/Panel data. Click After the setting, click Finished. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 55 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Editor of the CAM check tool The editor of CAM check tool is shown below. The commands related to the view are available on the tool bar. 1.Menu bar 2.Tool bar 6.Film name 4.Sub canvas A 3.Main canvas 5.Sub canvas B 1. Menu bar The commands for the CAM check tool can be found here. 2. Tool bar Frequently used commands are placed as icons. When you move the cursor onto the icon, the tooltips are shown. 3. Main canvas Display the overlapped bitmap figures displayed on the sub canvases A and B. Click on (Reverse the overlap) and reverse the overlapped data to display. 4. Sub canvas A Display bitmap figure of data for analysis. 5. Sub canvas B Display bitmap figure of data to be compared. 6. Film name The film name are displayed when executing with the parameter file in photo output. When all the multiple films are compared, switch the display using this pull-down menu. 6 - 56 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Menu bar Each command on the menu bar is as follows. New Comparison Print Exit Delete all error information Bitmap Check Bitmap Automatic Check Drill Data Check Batch Bitmap Automatic Check Batch Drill Data Check Reverse the Overlap Display sub-canvas Synchronize sub-canvas Display the grid when the automatic check is performed Display error mark Display error information Display the cursor coordinates Display Processing Status Tool bar Commands related to the view are available on the tool bar. Reverse the Overlay Last Display Status Redraw Display All Display All Data Panning Zoom In Zoom Zoom Out Pan Up, Down, Left, and Right Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 57 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Executing the CAM Check Tool The procedure to load the analysis data and the data to be compared as bitmap on the CAM check tool has been described in the preceding pages. How to compare two data on this tool is described below. You can compare them in the following three ways. 1.Single check function 2.Automatic check function 3.Batch Automatic check function 1. Single check function Check in the current displayed status. This function is used during visual check and when reconfirming error points. <<Operation>> From the menu bar, click Bitmap Check from Check . Errors are displayed on the dialog. 6 - 58 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) 2. Automatic check function Check the entire area where data exists in the specified precision. In automatic check, the smallest aperture size used in the target photo data becomes the initial value. A difference of more than half of the size is recognized as an error. Divided data areas are checked in order. <<Operation>> (1) From the menu bar, click Bitmap Automatic Check from Check. The dialog to set check precision appears. As described above, the initial value of the check precision is the smallest aperture size used in the target photo data. Check precision can be changed. The number of grids changes according to the check precision value. (2) Click Execute Automatic Check. Check divided areas in order. ! Caution Because the CAM check tool verifies the displayed figures, an unnecessary error may occur in the following cases. Do not do the following. In case of using Windows operating system 1. Change window size from original size.. In case of using Unix operating system 1. Change window size from original size.. 2. Make an icon of the CAM check tool while executing the tool. 3. Screen saver starts up while executing the tool. 4. The editor window is out of the display screen. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 59 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) 3. Batch Bitmap Automatic Check function Batch Bitmap Automatic Check will perform check on all combinations of data found. For each combination of data, specify precision of check. Detail of the check is as same as the Automatic check function. <<Operation>> (1) From the menu bar, click Batch Bitmap Automatic Check from Check. The dialog to set check target and check precision appears. The initial value of the check precision is set to the smallest aperture size used in the target photo data. Check precision can be changed. The number of grids changes Check precision can be changed. The number of grids changes according to the check precision value. (2) Click Execute Automatic Check Check all combinations in order. 6 - 60 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Error dialog Click the error coordinates. The error position will be enlarged on the sub windows A and B. Click By clicking Check on the menu bar of the error total dialog, you can perform the following follow-up checks. Bitmap Check Recheck at the position selected from the error coordinates. Re-check all errors To save the error positions to a file, click File Save from the menu bar. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 61 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Lesson Output the photo data for conductive layer1 under the following conditions. Compare it with the original panel database. [Input File] PC board/panel database Parameter file referred to [Photo machine name] Photo machine Manufacture Rule [Film name] Output layer Output figure noun Output figure [Data list] [Output file] Output directory [Save parameter file] C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl Nothing specified PHOTO1 C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.mrl Conductive1 Only data layer for WIR1 layer All data except hole All positive data Language Unit Current environment language mm C:\home\lesson2\pnl C:\home\lesson2\pnl\phdiff.pfp 1. Output photo data under the conditions above. Set the output parameters as shown on the left, and click Execute-Photo. 6 - 62 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) 2. Save the parameter under the name “phdiff.php”. After saving the parameter file, exit the “Photo tool”. 3. Start the CAM check tool. Compare under the following conditions. Photo data PC board/panel data Photo parameter C:\home\lesson2\pnl\ C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl C:\home\lesson2\pnl\phdiff.php Click on (CAM check tool). 4. Click New from File on the menu bar. Click [Comparison between Photo Data and PCB/Panel Data]. Click Next. Click Next. Click Click [Saving the parameters used when executing the photo output]. Click Next. Click Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 63 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) Set the reference parameter file to C:\home\lesson2\pnl\phdiff.php. Click Next>. Click The contents of the parameters in photo output are shown on the dialog. (When comparing one of multiple films, specify the film name in this step.) Click Next>. Click Click [Compare only selected films]. Click Finished. Click 5. Reverse the display top-to-bottom on the main canvas. (Reverse the Click overlap) on the tool bar. 6 - 64 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) 6. Execute “Bitmap automatic check”. From the menu bar, click Bitmap Automatic Check from Comparison Processing. Change the check precision to “0.5” and click Execute Automatic Check. Click The check is started. After the check is finished, the error dialog appears. No error occurred. From the menu bar on the error dialog, click Close from File. From the menu bar, click Display the grid when the automatic check is performed from View. The grids on the CAM check tool are not displayed. From the menu bar of the editor on CAM check tool, click Exit from File to exit the tool. Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 6 - 65 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap (phdiff) * Executing the CAM check tool by command input (batch) The CAM check tool can be executed by command input as described in the preceding pages. PC C:\> phdiff.bat [parameter-set] UNIX <XX> [parameter-set] The following optional parameters can be specified in command input. -m -p:zphoto -p:film -p:precision -p:minipen -p:checklevel -p:textspread -p:zdrill -p:step -p:samepoint -p:lockfile -p:quit -p:noquit -error -help Reference :Specify automatic check mode :Specify photo output parameter file :Specify film name :Specify check precision :Specify minimum check precision :Specify check level :Specify text – line translation :Specify drill output parameter :Specify check step name :Specify same point tolerance error :Specify lock file :Specify force termination :Specify not to exit automatically :Specify error file output :Output usage Refer to [Batch Programs] in the online help. Example Check the areas divided by grids in order, referring to the parameter file “phdiff.php” used in photo output. C:\>phdiff.bat -m check -p:zphoto phdiff.php Automatic check mode ! Caution Photo output parameter file When executing automatic check, be sure to use [-m] option. 6 - 66 Chapter 6 Creating Photo Data 1. Generating Drill Data What is the drill tool? The drill tool outputs data (hereafter called drill data) for mounting insert-mounted components or drilling for via-holes from the manufacturing panel data output in Chapter 5. What is drill data? Drill data is manufacturing panel data converted to a data format that can be read into a drill machine. Drill data is composed of a listing of the information on the round holes (such as in-via holes) and slot holes entered in panel data (PNL) or PC board data (PCB) and includes the coordination location and size of these holes. In addition to such pictorial information, the drill data also covers a description of the control codes needed to start up and shut down the drill machine. Drill data can be transferred to media, such as magnetic tape, that are then submitted to a drill machine to drill PC boards. To be able to output drill data that meets the format specifications of the particular drill machine installed at your (or your customer's) site, it is necessary to create an NC format (NCF) file that defines in what format drill data should be output. In addition, a tool table that defines the correspondence between the drill NC formats and T-codes must be created. Reference Refer to P8-1 “Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines” for details on an NC format and tool table. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7-1 1. Generating Drill Data Drill output tool workflow Reference Refer to P7-20 “*Drill data output data list” for information on the data list. The drill tool outputs data concerning: Holes in padstacks containing components Isolated holes These possible output holes can be narrowed down on the basis of certain specifications as described below. Holes in padstacks containing components Specify combinations of the upper and lower wiring layers in the padstacks with <From-To>. Specify output holes by hole diameter and hole kind. Specify output holes by the plating attribute: plated or nonplated. Isolated holes Specify output holes by hole diameter and hole kind. If drill data is output under the conditions illustrated at left: a. All through holes: [Hatched data only] b. All holes in layers 1 to 3: [Painted data] 7-2 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Where data on holes in padstacks (except for those in components) and isolated holes is to be output, a function is available that outputs those holes with certain attributes, such as test coupon and check hole. Test coupons A test coupon is a test hole used to test the processing status of PC boards in the manufacturing process. A test coupon is output outside a PC board and is cut, as needed, to test the drilling conditions of the drilling tool. The timing at which test coupon holes are output in the drill data and the number of such test coupons produced can be specified with parameters at [drill data output] execution. Reference Refer to page 7-6 “ Drill parameter file”. Example Output data on five test coupons for each 1,000 holes output. Check holes A check hole is a hole used to check the drill cutter for breakage during drilling operation. Normally, a check hole is produced at a specific position at the end of a drilling operation using one tool. The timing at which check hole data is output in the drill data and the number of check holes produced is limited; that is, only one check hole is produced just before the tool is exchanged. Test coupon and check hole data is not output automatically, but it must be input with the artwork tool or panel tool before drill output is executed. Example Enter an isolated hole as a check hole P1 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7-3 1. Generating Drill Data Example Enter a padstack as a test coupon. P1,P2 . . ,Pn Click (reference command) to open request windows like those shown below. [Check hole] [Test coupon] 7-4 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Starting the drill output tool Lesson Click (drill tool) from the CAD File Manager. Click Click The Drill Tool will start. In the Drill Tool, shown above, specify information such as the specification of the output manufacturing machine (in Specify Drill Machine) and the file names of the output destinations. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7-5 1. Generating Drill Data Drill parameter file In the Drill Tool, you can specify details such as output hole diameters, output destinations, and coordinate conversion. The following items can be set in the dialog. 1. Input file name (include drill machine name) 2. Reference parameter file name 3. Specify drill machine 4. Output step <specifying output hole diameter/specify hole type/specify slot hole> 5. Output directory for drill data 6. Coordinate conversion <Reference Point/Rotate/Scale/Offset/Mirror/Clipping > 7. Drill data option 8. Output destination 9. Drill output execution Here is an introduction to the Drill Tool. [1. PC board/Panel database name] Specify the PC board database or panel database for drill output. The panel database name selected on CAD File Manager is set by default. <<To change>> Click or select File on the menu bar, then click Open. [2. Reference parameter file name] When the existing parameter file is referred to, set this item. When loading the existing parameter file, set the file. name. <<To change the setting>> Click or select File on the menu bar, then click Read Parameter File.... 7-6 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data [3. Specify Drill machine] Specify the name of the drill machine that will output drill data. Specify Assign tool code for [Use the tool described in the tool table] or [Assign automatically.] Select the drill machine name from the Manufacturing Rule Database set in Reference MRL. <<To change>> Select the drill machine name from the pull-down menu. ! Caution The default for the Reference MRL file is the Manufacturing Rule Database name that corresponds with the panel database to be output. However, you can also refer to the Manufacturing Rule Database names for other panel databases. Assign Tool code is set to one of the following two modes. Auto Assign Manual Automatically assign the number of hole types used. Assign according to the tool table, which is set in the drill machine information for the Manufacturing rule database specified in the drill machine name. <<When Auto Assign>> (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) Assign in ascending or descending order of the hole diameter. (2) In addition to the setting above, you can specify whether to "considered hole type" for the same diameter. (3) You can also specify whether to specify "Distinguish Round Hole from Slot(Square) Hole" for that with the same diameter. (4) You can specify whether to assign tool code with consideration given to same diameter with plating attribute. <<When referring table>> Output a tool code in which the hole diameter (type and usage) described in the tool table and the hole diameter (type and usage) for hole data on the panel /PC board database are assigned. When a tool code related to the output target hole does not exist, output an error message to the output destination. Output in the order described in the tool table. Note When specifying Auto Assign, assign automatically according to the tool code format for the NC format set in the drill machine name that is referred to at drill data output. Reference Refer to P8-14 “ Edit Tool Code dialog box”. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7-7 1. Generating Drill Data * Drill machine name Select a drill machine name from among <Manufacturing Machines> specified in the Create New File dialog box at panel database creation as in the case of selecting a photo machine name. The names of the manufacturing machines specified in the Create New File dialog box serve as keywords for copying manufacturing machine information from the manufacturing rule library into the panel database. Manufacturing rules Manufacturing machine information is copied to mrl. Since information on a drill machine has thus been copied into the panel database, data can be output to meet the specifications of that drill machine by simply setting the drill machine name at drill data output. What kind of information is defined as being controlled by drill machine (drill machine specifications)? The drill machine specifications have the following two kinds of information defined for each individual machine: 1. NC format (NCF) file 2. Tool table (Optional) [1.NC format (NCF) file] An NCF file defines the control codes needed to drive the drill machine and a data format. [2.Tool table] A tool table defines the correspondence between the hole diameters and tool codes for the drill machine. Reference Refer to P8-42 “5. Registering Machine Information”. 7-8 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data [4. Output step] Specify the hole for each drill step using the input layer, diameter, and kind. Append a drill step name Copy an existing drill step Delete an existing drill step Rename an existing drill step Set the output hole for each drill step Append Step Append a new step. Click Append Step and the append step dialog appears. <<To set>> 1. Type in Step name. Then, click Append Step or press the Return key. 2. After appending, click Close. Copy Step Copy an existing drill step. Click Copy Step and the Copy step dialog appears. <<To set>> 1. Select drill step name from Step List and highlight it. (Single step at a time) 2. Click Copy Step. 3. Type new drill step name and click Copy Step or type Return. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7-9 1. Generating Drill Data Delete Step Delete existing drill steps. <<To delete>> 1. From the Output Step list, click drill step names and highlight them. (Multiple step names can be specified.) 2. Click Delete Step. Rename Step Rename an existing drill step. Click Rename Step and the Rename step dialog appears. <<To set>> 1. Select drill step name from Step List and highlight it. (Single step at a time) 2. Click Rename Step. 3. Type new drill step name and click Rename Step or type Return. 7 - 10 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Step-Settings Specify the output target hole for each drill step. Click Step-Settings and the Step Settings dialog appears. (1) (2) (1) Step Step names registered in Append Step are listed. (2) Set the drill hole Specify the output hole in the following items. Through state of layer•••Select the output target hole data by specifying the through state of the hole (through/from-to). All hole Through hole From-to hole Cover hole When select “From-to hole” or “Cover hole”, select the output target hole in the following list. [From-to hole] The combinations of hole layers used on the PC board/panel database are listed. [Cover hole] The list above shows the combinations for a 4-layer board. For example, when [WIR(1)-WIR(2)] is selected, the holes that include selected layers are listed as output targets: Holes from 1-2 layer Holes from 1-3 layer Holes from 1-4 layer Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 11 1. Generating Drill Data Diameter/Type ················ Select the output target hole data by selecting the hole diameter and the hole type. All Specified When selecting "Specified" select the combination of the hole diameter and kind to be output in the following list. The hole diameters and kinds used on the PC board / panel database are listed. Diameter Type Input hole diameter to be output. (All = all hole diameter) Input the type number from 0 to 64. (All = all type numbers) Diameter Type Shape ·························· On Board Producer, Slot holes and Square holes can be output as well as Round holes. Select the output hole shape. Round hole Slot hole Square hole When selecting [Slot] or [Square] specify the setting for output the specified hole. Drill Order Alternate Sequential 3 points Center point Output on three points Output center point only Moving ratio ····················· Moving ratio to the drill diameter (default = 0.5) Range 0.0 < Moving Ratio < 1.0 Odd Drill Hits···················· Hit count calculated (default) Even number is rounded up to odd number Limit Count for Alternate... The maximum value when the drill order is set to Alternate ! Caution If the number of drill hits exceeds the maximum, the drill hit method will change to Sequential. 7 - 12 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Plating •••••••••••••• Select output hole by selecting hole plating. All Plating Non Plating The plating attribute is specified at padstack registration. It cannot be specified by (Add Hole). clicking It will be input as a hole with no plating. <<To set>> Click 1. Click the drill step name to be set. 2. Select the target hole from the pull down menu. Specify [From-To], [Dia./Hole Type] and [Slot Hole], and [Square Hole] as required. Repeat step 1. and 2. for each process. After the settings are completed, click Close. [5. Output directory] Specify the output directory for drill data. <<To set>> 1. 2. Click the list icon and the file selection dialog shown on the left appears. Move to the output directory. Press the Return key or click OK. The output file name will be set. The output file for drill data is called [Drill-step-name.drd]. Drill Data・・・・Drill-step-name.drd Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 13 1. Generating Drill Data [6. Coordinate conversion] The following coordinate conversion can be processed for output data. Mirror Rotate Scale Offset Reference point Clipping Unit Mirror Mirror the entire drill data to output. <<To set>> Specify from the pull-down menu. Rotate Rotate in four angles 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270°, to output. <<To set>> Specify from the pull-down menu. 0(Output drill data without rotation) 90(Output drill data rotated 90° counterclockwise) 180(Output drill data rotated 180° counterclockwise) 270(Output drill data rotated 270° counterclockwise) 7 - 14 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Scale Scale the data to output. (Specify a real positive number value other than zero.) <<To set>> Set the scale value from the or the keyboard. Offset Offset the entire drill data in X direction and Y direction to output. <<To set>> Set each offset value by using the (Input a real number to X and Y.) or from the keyboard. Reference Point Set reference point for rotation, scale, offset, and mirror. <<To set>> Set Specify Reference Point to ON. Set each value by using the keyboard. ! Caution or from the When omitting a reference point When machine base point has been set for drill machine name on the panel database, the machine base point becomes the reference point. Reference Refer to P6-14 “* Coordinate Reference Point /Manufacturing Reference Point and Origin” for reference point and coordinates conversion. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 15 1. Generating Drill Data Clipping When outputting the specified area, set Specify Clipping to ON and specify the target area. <<To set>> Set each value by using the or from the keyboard. Unit Specify the unit used by the items on the drill parameter file editor. The following four units are available. mm inch mil micron <<To set>> Select one of the four units. The following items refer to the specified unit. Hole diameter Clipping Offset X, Y Reference Point X, Y After all settings are finished, click Close to close the coordinate conversion dialog. [7. Drill data option] Specify the following items at drill data output on the drill data option. Specified Sort Method Specified Test Coupon Caution Same Point From the menu bar on the drill tool dialog, click Options Drill Option Settings. The dialog shown on the left appears. 7 - 16 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Specified Sort Method Specify sorting of holes in order for each tool (tool code) to process the output drill data efficiently. Set Specified Sort to ON Select the sort method. The following three methods are available for sorting. X band: Band sort (Divide in the X direction) Y band: Band sort (Divide in the Y direction) N sort: .N (ear) sort <<X band or Y band sort>> Specify a band width (dividing width). <<To set>> Set each value from the or the keyboard. Band sort Divide hole data on a given tool at a specified pitch in the X-axis or Y-axis direction to output holes in the area in a constant direction. N sort Among the hole data on a given tool, output the hole closest to the origin first, and then proceed to output holes closer to it. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 17 1. Generating Drill Data Test Coupon Specify the timing at which test coupons are output and the number of test coupons to be output. Specify whether to output a test coupon after outputting general holes output. Specify the number of test coupons to be output. <<Operation>> Set each value from the Example or the keyboard. Output three test coupons for every 500 normal holes output. Caution Same Point <<Skip Same Point or not>> When multiple hole data of one tool have the same coordinates, it is possible to specify whether to outputs only the first data and omits output of the rest, or to output all hole data. ········ Output drill data for the same coordinate every time. ········ Output drill data for the same coordiante for first time only. <<Caution Same Point or not>> Specify whether to output warning for the hole data on same coordinate or not. When [Skip Same Point] is turned ON, warning message will be issued to announce that rest of the hole data was skipped. When [Skip Same Point] is turned OFF, warning message will be issued to announce that all data for holel data on same coordinate is output. The warning message will also contain information on the coordinates, tool numbers, and hole diameters of the same coordinate hole data. ··········· Do not output warning messages ··········· Output warning messages 7 - 18 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data [8. Set output files] Specify the output destinations for the error message file and the warning message file. From the menu bar, click Options Set Output Files. The output file dialog shown on the left appears. (1) (2) (1) Specify the output destination for message files Specify the output destination for the error message file and the warning message file. The following extensions are added to both the error and warning message files. Error message file Warning message file :XX.err :XX.wrn (2) Specify the data list In drill data output, a data list is output. Specify the output format (unit and language) for the data list. The data list is called "Drill-step-name.drl". Drill data list :Drill-step-name.drl That completes the explanation on the drill parameter editor. As with the photo parameter, a set parameter is saved as an ASCII file, and loaded on the editor as required. Reference Refer to P6-17 "Saving and recalling the parameter file". Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 19 1. Generating Drill Data * Drill data output data list An example of a drill data output data list is shown below. 7 - 20 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Lesson Output drill data to meet the following set of conditions: [Input File] PC board/panel database: Reference parameter [Drill machine name] Drill machine Reference Manufacturing Rule Tool Code [Output drill step name] Drill Step name Output target hole C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.pnl nothing DRILL1 C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample2.mrl Manual drill1 All holes, regardless of input layers All holes, regardless of hole diameters and hole kinds Only circle holes All holes, regardless of plating Language Unit Default mm [Output Data List] [Output Files] Drill data output file: Error message output file: Warning message output file: [Drill data option] Sorting method Test coupon Specified Same Point [Save Parameter File] C:\home\lesson2\pnl C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listEd.err C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listWd.wrn N sort Do not output Skip Same Point/Caution Same Point C:\home\lesson2\pnl\drprm.drp Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 21 1. Generating Drill Data 1. The Drill Tool should already be open. If it is not, click [sample2] on the CAD File Manager to flip it, and click on (Drill Tool) to start the tool. Set each item on the drill parameter editor shown left. 2. Set PC board/panel database name. Check and see if it is set as shown in the left. If it is not set the same, and select click following file name on the select dialog: C:\home\lesson2\pnl\sample 3. Set the drill machine and tool code. Click Select DRILL1 from the pull-down menu. Click Manual. 4. Define drill step. Click Append Step. Enter [drill1] from the keyboard. Click Append Step. Click Close. Click 7 - 22 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Click Step-Settings. Click Click drill1 for step. (As there is only one drill step name, it is already highlighted.) Set as shown on the left: Layer : All Diameter/Type : All Shape : Round Plating : All After the setting is finished, click Close. Click 5. Set the output directory. The output directory C:\home\lesson2\pnl has already set. Set the error file. From the menu bar, click Options Set Output Files. then the select Click the dialog appears. Check and see if directory is C:\home\lesson2\pnl on the select dialog. Select the file name field to "listEd" from the keyboard. Click Click OK . Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 23 1. Generating Drill Data Set the warning file in the same way. Set C:\home\lesson2\pnl\listWd as shown in the left. Click Close. 6. Set drill data options. From the menu bar, click Options Drill Option-Settings. Set the parameters as shown left. Sort: N sort Test Coupon: Do not output Skip Same Point Click Close. 7. Save the parameter. From the menu bar, click File Save Parameter File . Move to the directory C:\home\lesson2\pnl Set the file name "drprm". Click OK. ! Caution The extension ".drp" is automatically added to the saved parameter file name. 7 - 24 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data Executing the drill output tool Let's execute drill output using the parameter file that has been set in "Drill parameter file". Lesson 1. The Edit Drill Parameter File dialog box is already open. Click File. for Ref. Parameter Click Yes in the confirmation dialog. The file selection dialog is displayed. Click drprm.drp and then OK. Click Click Click "drprm.drp", then OK. 2. Execute the drill output tool. From the output drill step list, click drill1. Click Click Click Execute-Drill. On the confirmation dialog, click OK. Click Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 25 1. Generating Drill Data On the dialog as shown left, click OK. Click 3. Exit the parameter edit dialog. From the menu bar, click File Exit. In the dialog shown on the left,, click No. Click 4. Confirm the output file. On CAD File Manager, move to the directory C:\home\lesson2\pnl Click Regular File from the filter. The following four file names appear on the file list canvas. drill1.drd (Drill data) drill1.drl (Output data list) listEd.err (Error list) listWd.wrn (Warning list) Click ! Caution The extension ".err" is automatically added to the saved error list file name and ".wrn" to the saved warning list file name. 7 - 26 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data 5. Check the error list. Double-click drill1.drl on the file list canvas. Click A window will open, allowing you to view the contents of the output data list using the more command in the editor window. 6. Reset filtering to Manufacturing panel data. The CAD File Manager will list Manufacturing data only. Click Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 27 1. Generating Drill Data * Executing the drill output tool by entering a command (batch) You can also execute the drill output tool by entering a command as with the photo output tool. C:\>zdrill.exe UNIX PC [parameter-set] [parameter-set] <xx> Again, there are two alternative ways to execute the drill output tool by entering a command, as follows: 1. Specify drill parameters with optional parameters 2. Specify drill parameters with an optional parameter file [1. Specify drill parameters with optional parameters] Specify the items entered in the Edit Drill Parameter File dialog box with the following optional parameters: Format C:\>zdrill.exe panel-data-file-name [optional-parameter-set] -o -e -w -p:mspec -p:layer -p:hole -p:plate -p:rndhole -p:oblong -p:sqrhole -p:clipt -p:assign -p:origin -p:mirror -p:rotate -p:scale -p:offset -p:sort -p:caution -p:coupon -p:list -p:mkparam -p -V -h Example : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : NC data output destination specification Error output destination specification Warning output destination specification Output drill machine name Output data layer specification Output hole diameter and kind specification Output plating specification Output round hole specification Output slot hole specification Output square hole specification Output clipping specification Assign tool code specification Origin specification Mirror specification Rotation specification Scaling specification Offset specification Sorting specification Caution display specification Test coupon generation timing specification Data list output mode specification Automatic parameter file creation specification Parameter file specification Version number indication specification Display usage Using the drill machine name [G81hit] in the manufacturing rule database [C:\home\lesson2\pnl\lesson.mrl], transfer all the holes in all the layers from the panel database [expnl.pnl] to the file [drilld.drd]. C:\> zdrill.exe expnl -o drilld -p:layer ALL -p:hole ALL Panel database name Output file name Output layer Output hole diameter and kind selection and specification -p:mspec G81hit:/home/lesson2/pnl/lesson Reference MRL file 7 - 28 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Generating Drill Data [2. Specify drill parameters with an optional parameter file] Create a drill parameter file in a prescribed format using the vi editor beforehand. You can also enter detailed parameter settings through the Edit Drill Parameter File dialog box and save them. PC Format C:\>zdrill.exe -p parameter-file-name Format UNIX <xx> -p parameter-file-name Example Execute the drill output tool using the drill parameter file “drprm.drp”. C:\>zdrill.exe -p drprm ↓ Reference For details about option parameters and the parameter file, refer to [Batch Programs] in the Online Help. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 29 2. Verifying Drill Data What is the drill data check program (zdrck)? The drill data check program (zdrck) represents drill data originally output by the drill output tool in an easy-to-view list format or draws it on a plotter or on the screen. It provides the following four functions: 1. Draw function 2. List function 3. Sum function 4. Add function 7 - 30 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data The drill data check program is executed by entering a command as follows: C:\>zdrck.exe UNIX [parameter-set] [parameter-set] <xx> There are two alternative ways to specify a parameter set, as follows: 1. Specify parameters with optional parameters 2. Specify parameters with an optional parameter file [1. Specify parameters with optional parameters] In executing the drill data check program with optional parameters, specify the optional parameters in the following format: C:\>zdrck.exe drill-data-file-name -m processing-mode [options] [-m processing-mode]: Specify one of the four processing modes for the drill data check program. draw : Draw mode list : List mode sum : Sum mode add : Add mode Other options available are listed below. -o -e -w -p:mspec -p:table -p:plotter -p:paper -p:draw -p:ftype_unit -p:ftype_format -p:ftype_inc_abs -p:ftype_suppress -p:clip -p:layer -p:compare -p:origin -p:mirror -p:rotate -p:scale -p:offset -p:zdrill -p:tcode -p:symbol -p:toolpath -p:plotlayer -p:drawhole -p:axis -p:list -p:list_mode -p:mkparam -p -V -h : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Output destination specification Error output destination specification Warning output destination specification Manufacturing rule database specification Tool table definition file reference Output plotter specification Paper size specification Draw mode specification NC data unit specification NC data coordinates representation specification NC data coordinates system specification NC data zero suppression type specification Clipping specification Input layer specification Pad shape compare mode specification Origin specification Mirror specification Rotation specification Scaling specification Offset (placement point) specification Drill output parameter specification Tool code attribute specification Symbol path plot specification Tool path plot specification PC board plot specification Plot target hole specification Coordinate axis drawing specification Process list file name Data list output mode specification Automatic parameter file creation specification Parameter file specification Version number indication specification Output usage Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 31 2. Verifying Drill Data [2. Specify parameters with an optional parameter file] Define all the optional parameters listed on the preceding page in a prescribed format in a parameter file. In this way, the drill data check program can be executed by referencing that file. C:\>zdrck.exe -p parameter-file-name Set a drill file name and a processing mode in the parameter file as well. zdrck parameter file A parameter file can be created and edited using the vi editor or similar editor. Executing the command shown below will create a parameter file so that you can make necessary modifications to suit your needs. <<Creating a parameter file>> C:\>zdrck.exe drill-data-file-name -p:mkparam created-parameter-file-name In this document, specifying parameters with an optional parameter file will be mainly explained. 7 - 32 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data The parameter-set specifies the drill data that executes the drill data check program is executed, and also which of the four verification functions will be executed. In executing the drill data check program, you can specify coordinate conversion such as mirroring, rotation, and scaling. You can specify the following items when executing the drill data check program: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Program name Comment Processing mode Photo data file name (mandatory) Output file name Error file name Warning file Output plotter Paper size Draw mode Tool code attribute specification Symbol plot specification Tool path plot specification PC board plot spcecification Plot target hole specification Data list output mode Input layer specification Pad shape compare mode Reference manufacturing rule database name and drill name Local tool table reference specification Format type specification for automatic analyses Unit Coordinate conversion [Program: "zdrck.exe"] [Comment] [ProcMode] [Input] [Output] [Error] [Warning] [Plotter] [Paper] [DrawMode] [ToolCode] [Symbol] [ToolPath] [PlotLayer] [DrawHole] [ListMode] [Layer] [Compare] [Mspec] [Table] [AutoNCAnaliza] [Unit] [Clip] [Origin] [Mirror] [Rotate] [Scale] [Offset] [Zdrill] [Axis] [List] d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, l, s, a d, d, d, d, d, d, d, d, ,l ,,,a ,,,a d, , , a d, , , a d, , , a d, , , a d, d, , , a d, , , a d, , , a d, , , a d, , , a d, d, d, l, s, a 24. Drill output parameter specification (Superimposed drawing) 25. Coordinate axis drawing 26. Processing list file name Note Each characters, “d”, “l”, “s”, and “a” represents mode that supports each prameters. d: l: s: a: Draw mode List mode Sum mode Add mode These items are specified in a parameter file or as optional parameters. In case of executing the program by using option parameters, ther are items that can’t be specified and there are some limitations. Refer to "Batch Programs" in the online help for details. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 33 2. Verifying Drill Data Verifying drill data by drawing (draw mode) Executing the drill data check program in the draw mode allows drill data to be drawn on a plotter or on the screen. Further, you can reference the panel database source drill data and the drill output parameter file used at drill output tool execution to superimpose the panel data and drill data onto each other. [draw mode] Since drawing is carried out on the basis of output drill data, you can visually check the drawing for missing data, deformation or any other defect before it is moved to a drill machine. 7 - 34 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data As in drawing panel data and hole drawings, the draw mode of the drill data check program is divided into two parts of processing: preprocessor and postprocessor. Pre-processor: The preprocessor converts drill data into intermediate data to meet a given set of conditions, such as whether the data will be scaled and whether only a particular area will be drawn. The postprocessor receives the intermediate data from the preprocessor and converts it into a format that it is intelligible to the plotter before transferring it. Different data formats are intelligible to different plotter models. The postprocessor must therefore suit your plotter model. Post-processor: Draw mode workflow Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 35 2. Verifying Drill Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and execute the drill data check program in draw mode. Direct the output data to disk as intermediate data. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Output plotter] drck1.dcp draw Plotter label name omitted Format type CR5000 [Paper size] A3, landscape [Draw mode] Width, pen number 1, pallet number 1 [Reference manufacturing rule database name] C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb [Drill name] DRILL1 [Drill data file name] C:\home\lesson2\pnl\drill1.drd [Intermediate data name] drck1.pld 1. Using optional parameters create a parameter file. C:\>cd C:\home\lesson2\pnl drill1 -p:mkparam Drill data name Parameter file name Move from the UNIX window (DOS window) to C:\home\lesson2\pnl drck1 A parameter file is created automatically. "drck1.dcp" is created in the current directory. C:\>zdrck.exe Reference Refer to P7-32 "<<Creating a parameter file>>". The output parameter file is suffixed with [.dcp]. 7 - 36 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data 2. Set up the parameter file, "drck1.dcp", to meet the specifications above. Use the vi editor to make edit to the parameter file. Using the editor, open [drck1.dcp]. The program name has already been set. Set the draw mode as the processing mode. Set "draw" in the ProcMode section. ProcMode: "draw" "drill1.drd" has already been set as the drill data file name. Check “drill1.drd” in the Input section. Input: "drill1.drd" To transfer intermediate data to a file, set "drck1" as the output file name. Set "drck1" in the Output section. Output: "drck1" Note The output intermediate file is suffixed with ".pld". Omit the output plotter label, and set "CR5000" as the format type name. Set "CR5000" in the Plotter section. Plotter: "CR5000" Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 37 2. Verifying Drill Data Set A3 as a paper size and landscape as the paper orientation. Set "A3/L" in the Paper section. Paper: "A3/L" Set width and pen number 1 as the draw mode. Set "tone:1/1" in the DrawMode section DrawMode: "tone:1/1" Set "C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb" as the reference manufacturing rule database name and "DRILL1" as the drill name. Remove the “#” at the beginning of the MSpec section. Set "DRILL1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb". MSpec: "DRILL1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb" Since a local tool table is not referenced, make sure that it is off. Table: "off" ! Caution Since drill1.drd (drill data) has been output with [Assign Tools] set to [ manual], the Mspec tool table is referenced, instead of a local tool table. Define the section for the format type specification for automatic analyses as the comment. Start the AutoNCAnalyze section with “#”. Save “drck1.dcp” when setting is finished. Then close the file. #AutoNCAnalize 2 { #} 7 - 38 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data 3. Execute the drill data check program using the parameter file, "drck1.dcp" set in Step 2. C:\>zdrck.exe -p drck1 Enter a command in the format shown at left. 4. Verify the output intermediate data file, "drck1.pld" on the screen by simulation drawing. <<Windows>> C:\>xwindview.bat <<UNIX>> <xx> drck1.pld -r drck1.pld Using xwindview, verify the printer/plotter output image of the data. Enter a command in the format shown at left. To draw intermediate data for simulation as in this lesson, enter commands in the following formats: <<Windows>> C:\>xwindview.bat <<UNIX>> <xx> -r intermediate-data intermediate-data 5. Having verified a drawing image of the intermediate data in the plot window, close the plot window. Click File on the menu bar, then Quit. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 39 2. Verifying Drill Data * Execute plotting from Drill tool "draw" mode of photo data check program can be executed from Drill tool. From the menu bar, click Print Plot Out Drill Data. Click ! Caution To plot drill data, the parameter for drill output must be set in advance. When outputting drill data, click File Save Parameter File from the menu bar. <<Drill tool - Plot dialog>> (2) (1) (4) (3) (1) Specify output destination [Output] or [Plotter] (2) Specify paper size [Paper] (3) Specify plotting Specify drill data to be plotted and drawing shape. (How to select)Click the plot targeted NC data name. (Blue:…selected White:…not selected) [ Draw Axis] [Axis] When set to ON ( ), axis is plotted with the specified pen number. Detail setting such as Plot Holes, Symbol/Tool path, and etc, is conducted from Plot Detail Settings. (4) Coordinate Option-Setting Specify the following coordinate conversion. Mirror Offset Unit Rotate Origin Scale Clip 7 - 40 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data Generating a list (list mode) The drill data as output by the drill output tool would be meaningless to us in its present form. Hence, it becomes necessary to execute the drill data check program in the list mode to convert the drill data to ASCII code and direct it to a given file in a format that is intelligible to us. Called a dump list, this list is used to verify output drill data at large. [Before execution] [After execution] The flow of execution of the drill data check program in the list mode is shown below. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 41 2. Verifying Drill Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below to output a list. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Data list output mode] [Drill data file name] [Output file name] drck2.dcp List Block size of 512 bytes (formated) C:\home\lesson2\pnl\drill1.drd drck2.txt 1. Using optional parameters create the parameter file. C:\>zdrck.exe drill1 -p:mkparam Drill data name drck2 "drck2.dcp" is created in the current directory. Parameter file name Reference Refer to P7-32 "<<Creating a parameter file>>". 2. Set up the parameter file, [drck2.dcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the editor to open [drck2.dcp]. Set the list mode as the processing mode. Set "list" in the ProcMode section. ProcMode: "list" "drill1.drd" has already been set as the drill data file name. Check "drill1.drd" in the Input section. Input: "drill1.drd" Set "drck2" as the output file name. Output: "drck2" Set "drck2" in the Output section. Note The output list file is suffixed with <.txt>. Set "formated" as a data list output mode. Set "formated" in the ListMode section. ListMode: "formated" 7 - 42 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data The result should look as shown left. Quit the editor. ! Caution This parameter file has been created with the optional parameter -p:mkparam, with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. 3. Execute the drill data check program to output a dump list. C:\>zdrck.exe -p drck2 4. A dump list, [drck2.txt], is transferred to the current directory. Open the file in WordPad and check its contents. UNIX If you are using the Unix version, check the file using the more command. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 43 2. Verifying Drill Data 7 - 44 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data Generating a summary list (sum mode) Executing the drill data check program in the sum mode allows the D-codes, G-codes, and other codes used in the drill data on disk to be summarized by type and listed. [Drill data] [Summary list] The flow of execution of the drill data check program in the sum mode is shown below. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 45 2. Verifying Drill Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below to output a summary list. [Parameter file name] [Processing mode] [Drill data file name] [Output file name] drck3.dcp sum C:\home\lesson2\pnl\drill1.drd drck3.txt 1. Using optional parameters create the parameter file. C:\>zphck.exe drill1 -p:mkparam drck3 Reference Refer to P7-32 "<<Creating a parameter file>>". 2. Set up the parameter file, [drck3.dcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the text editor to open [drck3.dcp]. Set the sum mode as the processing mode. Set "sum" in the ProcMode section. ProcMode: "sum" "drill1.drd" has already been set as the drill data file name. Check "drill1.drd" in the Input section. Input: "drill1.drd" Set "dck3" as the output file name. Output: "drck3" Note The output summary list file is suffixed with [.txt]. Set "drck3" in the Output section. 7 - 46 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data The result should look as shown left. Quit the editor. This parameter file has been created with the optional parameter -p:mkparam, with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. ! Caution 3. Execute the drill data check program to output a summary list. C:\>zdrck.exe -p drck3 4. A summary list, [drck3.txt], is transferred to the current directory. Open the file in WordPad and check its contents UNIX If you are using the Unix version, check the file using the more command. Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 47 2. Verifying Drill Data Importing Drill Data to the Panel Database (add mode) By setting the process mode to "add" in drill data check program, the drill data can be imported to the panel database as figure data. Panel database: sample2.pnl [add mode] Panel database: template.pnl The imported data can be viewed on the panel database tool editor. By using a query command on the tool, you can confirm details such as whether data is missing or deformed data exists. 7 - 48 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data Lesson Create a parameter file containing the parameters defined below and input to the manufacturing panel database. [Parameter file name] drck4.dcp [Processing mode] add [Reference manufacturing rule database name] C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb [Drill name] DRILL1 [Drill data file name] C:\home\lesson2\pnl\drill1.drd [Input Panel database name] C:\home\lesson2\pnl\template.pnl [Input layer] Mark layer [Pad shape compare mode] on [Specifying local tool table] off 1. Using optional parameters create the parameter file. C:\>zphck.exe drill1 -p:mkparam drck4 Reference Refer to P7-32 "<<Creating a parameter file>>" . 2. Set up the parameter file, [drck4.dcp], to meet the specifications above. Use the text editor to open [drck4.dcp]. Set the draw mode as the processing mode. ProcMode:" add" Set "add" in the ProcMode section. "drill1.drd" has already been set as the drill data file name. Input: "drill1.drd" Check "drill1.drd" in the Input section. Set the panel database name to input to the output file name as "template.pnl" Output: "template.pnl" Set the Output section to "template.pnl" Set input layer to data layer "Mark" Layer: "Mark:data" Delete the header "#" in the Layer section, and set "mark: data." Set pad shape compare mode to "on" Set pad shape compare mode to "on." Compare : "on" Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 49 2. Verifying Drill Data Set "C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb" as a reference manufacturing rule database name and "DRILL1" as a drill name. Remove the “#” at the beginning of the MSpec section. Set "DRILL1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro. mrdb" MSpec: "DRILL1:C:\home\lesson2\mrdb\pro.mrdb" Since a local tool table is not referenced, make sure that it is “off”. Table: "off" . Define the section for format type specification for automatic analyses as the comment. Start the AutoNCAnalyze section with “#” #AutoNCAnalize 2 { #} ! Caution Because the reference manufacturing rule database to be referred to and automatic analyses cannot be specified at the same time, in this lesson, AutoNCAnalize section is prefixed with "#" to define it as the comment. [Origin], [Mirror], [Rotate], [Scale], and [Offset] are not changed in this lesson. 7 - 50 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 2. Verifying Drill Data The file is shown on the left. Exit the editor. ! Caution This parameter file has been with the option parameter "p:mkparam" with certain parameters customized to meet the specified set of requirements and with parameter file comment lines removed. 3. Execute the drill data check program to input the drill data on the panel database. C:\>zphck.exe -p drck4 (Panel tool). Set the active layer to the Mark layer. Set the visible layer to only the Mark layer. After confirming the input data, exit Panel tool. 4. Click[template/[panel]]on CAD File Manager. Click Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 7 - 51 3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap What is the CAM check tool (phdiff)? This tool converts the drill data (or photo data) and panel (PNL) /PC board (PCB) database to the bitmap and compares both data shapes on the screen. It compares them in the following three ways. 1. Comparing drill data to PC board/panel data (with parameter in drill output) 2. Comparing drill data to PC board/panel data (without parameter in drill output) 3. Comparing drill data to drill data 4. Comparing PC board/panel data to PC board/panel data Comparing the figure data verifies the data that is placed in the different position, or exists only one side or overlapped, or the reference point is different, will be detected to errors. Reference Refer to P6-49 "3. Verifying Photo Data by Converting to the Bitmap" for details on how to execute the CAM check tool and an explanation on the editor. 7 - 52 Chapter 7 Creating Drill Data 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines You have copied specification data to the manufacturing rule database corresponding to the panel database from the manufacturing rule library after selecting panel specifications, photo machine data, and drill machine data required in creating a panel for manufacturing panel database creation. The photo and drill specifications are called “manufacturing machine data”, and this must be copied to the manufacturing rule library in advance. This chapter describes manufacturing machine data. [For Photo Machine] [For Drill Machine] Reference Refer to Chapter 4 “Manufacturing Rule Library” for “Panel Specification”. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8-1 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines Registering a photo machine Register photo machine information according to the type of the photo plotter that is used to produce block-copy films. Activate the Manufacturing Rule Editor from Design Rule & Technology to register photo machine information. When the Manufacturing Rule Editor is started, the Register Photo Machine menu is displayed. Lesson 1. Click Programs CR-5000 Board Designer Rev. 10.0 PCB Design Common Environment from the start menu. 1. Click UNIX (Design Rule & Technology) on the CR-5000 root menu. Click 2. Click Edit Manufacturing Rules from Design Rule & Technology to activate the Manufacturing Rule Editor. Click 3. Click Register Photo Machine from the Manufacturing Rule Editor. Click 8-2 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines Two types of data have been registered for photo machine information. (1) (2) (1) NC format The NC format is defined to output data in a format intelligible to the photo plotter for manufacturing. (2) Aperture table The aperture table is the table that defines the relationship between D codes (photo plotter apertures) and apertures used in the manufacturing panel database (widths and shapes). D21 Shape: Round Width: 0.3mm Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8-3 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines Lesson Check each combination of an NC format and the corresponding aperture table in the photo machine information. 1. Click PHOTO1 in the Photo Machine Name list. [photo1.ncf] and [photo1.tbl] are highlighted as shown left. Click 2. Likewise, click PENTAX. This time, [pentax.ncf] and [pentax.tbl] are highlighted. Click As you have seen so far, each photo machine name is associated with a combination of an NC format and the corresponding aperture table. Reference Refer to P8-11 “3. Setting NCFs” for information on the NC format. Refer to P8-32 “4. Setting Tables” for information on the aperture table. Registering a drill machine Register information about drill machines used to drill PC boards using manufacturing rule edit tool in the same way you have registered photo machine information. Lesson Open the Register Drill Machine menu. 1. Click Register Drill Machine from the Edit Manufacturing Rule menu. Click 8-4 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines Two sets of drill machine information have been registered. (1) (2) (1) NC format NC formats are defined to present data in a format that would be intelligible to a drill machine. (2) Tool table Tool tables define the correspondence between the T-codes (tool codes) and the hole diameter. T 03 Diameter: 0.2 mm Kind number: 0 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8-5 1. Registering Manufacturing Machines Lesson Check each combination of NC format and the corresponding tool table in the drill machine information. 1. Click G81hit in the Drill Machine Name field. Click [G81hit.ncf] and [kind_1-5.tbl] will be reversed as shown to the left. 2. Likewise, click M05hit. This time, [M05hit.ncf] [allKind.tbl] are reversed. Click and As you have seen so far, each drill machine name is associated with a combination of an NC format and the corresponding tool table. Reference Refer to P8-11 “3. Setting NCFs” for information on the NC format. Refer to P8-32 “4. Setting Tables” for information on the aperture table. 8-6 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 2. NCFs NCFs The ultimate goal of designing a PC board database and a manufacturing panel database with the Board Designer and Board Producer is to transfer on relevant data to the actual board manufacturing machines, such as a photo plotter and a drill machine. Since, however, the PC board database and the manufacturing panel database are unintelligible to the manufacturing machines in their present form, they need to be converted to data (photo data and drill data) that can be loaded with the aid of the [Photo tool] and the [Drill tool]. An “NC format” is a description of the rules that govern this conversion process, defining, for example, in which character code the output data should be represented and how the coordinates should be expressed. Each different manufacturing machine uses a different NC format because the NC format has different rules depending on the machine. Different formats of photo data can be generated from the same panel database by changing the NC format referenced to execute the [Photo tool] and the [Drill tool]. NC formats must be registered to meet the specifications of the machines used at the customer's site. The following sample formats are available from ZUKEN Corporation: Use File name ZUKEN_photo.ncf gerber.ncf pentax.ncf Gerber Pentax Mutoh Format Photo machine mutou.ncf screen.ncf RS274X.ncf joker.ncf ZUKEN_drill.ncf G81hit.ncf Dainippon Screen Mfg Extended Gerber Aperture-independent output Drill with coordinates of G81 or later Drill with coordinates and EOB Drill with M05 Excellon Drill machine CRhit.ncf M05hit.ncf Excellon.ncf Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8-7 2. NCFs The sample formats introduced on the preceding page are stored in the following sample master file: Sample master file [CR5000 installed Directory]\data\BDsample\BD\mrdb\mrdb-sample.mrdb Copy the sample master file using [ozcp] as needed. The path names to the copy of the master file must be written in the following resources: %HOME%\cr5000\ue\library.rsc (master) %CR5_PROJECT_ROOT%\zue\info\library.rsc (project) %ZUEROOT%\info\library.rsc (local) PC ManufactureRule{ # # } (Windows -> UNIX) (Windows -> Windows) Ex "node 1:/master/lib/ManufactureRule.mrdb" Ex "N:\\master\\lib\\ManufactureRule.mrdb" "C:\\home\\lesson2\\mrdb\\pro.mrdb" UNIX Reference Refer to P4-5 “*Manufacturing Rule Editor resources” for resource files. Basic NC format creation procedure (1) Prepare the specifications pertaining to the manufacturing machine (photo plotter or drill machine) to be used. (2) Copy an appropriate NC format from the sample master file available from ZUKEN. (3) Using an editor (menu), edit the copy of the NC format to meet the machine specifications. 8-8 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 2. NCFs NC format sample file for photo data The photo data NC format sample file <gerber.ncf> is shown below. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8-9 2. NCFs NC format sample file for drill data The drill data NC format sample file <G81hit.ncf> is shown below. 8 - 10 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs NCF definition item list for photo machine All the definition items for the NC format introduced in the photo machine NC format sample file are introduced below. As can be seen from the sample file, each NC format is made up of four menus (setup windows) as follows: Edit Photo Data NCF menu Edit Aperture Code dialog box Edit Block Order menu Edit Sequential Number dialog box Edit Photo Data NCF menu Set the following items in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu: Comment Extended Format Type Unit Record Format Record Length Character Code Coordinate Format Rounding Unit Coordinate Omit Coordinates Zero Suppression Incremental, Absolute Yes, No Non-suppression, leading zero suppression, trailing zero suppression, both-zero suppression, leading zero swap space, trailing zero swap space, both-zero swap space Address and 0, Address and as many 0's as All Digits, Address Only +, Space, No Output Round, Rectangular, Round Thermal, Odd, Doughnut, Oblong, Square Thermal Normal Stream, Stream including Width 0, Polygonal Outline, Polygon with Width 0 in Stream Expand as Stream, Polygonal Outline, Polygon with Cutout, Polygon with Negative Cutout, Outline output by LP parameter Full Circle, 1/2, 1/4, Minor Segment Incremental, Absolute, Incremental Absolute Coordinates, Arc Radius Set the value to be referenced when a segment arc is output as a straight line or an arc, which is almost a full circle, is output in segments. Tolerance specification in the Minor-Segment Arc Output mode Independent of Tool Selection, Close Shutter, or Open Shutter Nothing specified, Gerber RS-274X mm, inch, mil Full Storage, Non-Full Storage An integer not less than 1 ASCII, EBCDIC, ISO, EIA, ASCII + even parity, ASCII + odd parity Zero Form Plus Code Flash Shape Stream Mode Polygon Mode Arc Output Mode Arc Center Representation Arc Length for Correcting Segment Resolution Shutter Status during Tool Exchange Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 11 3. Setting NCFs Edit Aperture Code dialog box Format definitions of the D codes for assigning Select Aperture codes automatically. Click Function on the menu bar, then Aperture Code Format to open the Edit Aperture Code dialog box. Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Address Character, Number of Code Number Digits Omit, Do Not Omit Reference Refer to P8-45 “*Assigning aperture selections automatically” for automatic allocation of aperture selection codes. Edit Block Order menu Definitions of codes, block orders, and modals. Click Function on the menu bar, then Edit Block Order to open the Edit Block Order menu. [Code definitions] EOB code EOR code ETB code Pad code Feed code Null code Open Shutter code Close Shutter code Flash code Linear interpolation code Arc Interpolation <Clockwise> code Arc Interpolation <Counterclockwise> code Program Stop code Optional stop code Reset code Rewind code Sequential number X Coordinate Y Coordinate I Coordinate J Coordinate Select aperture [EOB] [EOR] [ETB] [PAD] [FEED] [NULL] [OPEN] [CLOSE] [FLASH] [LINE] [CW] [CCW] [PS] [OS] [PSR] [PSW] [NO] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [TOOL] 8 - 12 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs [Block Order] Program Start Select Aperture Move Draw Flash Arc (Clockwise) Arc (Counterclockwise) Polygon Start Polygon End Program Stop Reference Refer to P8-20 “Block orders” for the block order. [Modals] Definitions of code groups. Reference Refer to P8-26 “*Modals” for modals. Edit Sequential Number dialog box Format definitions of the sequential numbers of block orders. Click Function on the Edit Block Order menu, then Sequential No. to open the Edit Sequential Number dialog box. Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Address Character, Number of Code Number Digits Omit, Do Not Omit Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 13 3. Setting NCFs Drill machine NC definition item list All the definition items for the NC format introduced in the drill machine NC format sample file are introduced below. In the same way as the photo machine NC format, each NC format is made up of four menus (setup windows) as follows: Edit Drill Data NCF menu Edit Tool Code dialog box Edit Block Order menu Edit Sequential Number dialog box Edit Drill Data NCF menu Set the following items in the Edit Drill Data NCF menu: Comment Extended Format Type Unit Record format Record length Character code Coordinate Format Rounding Unit Coordinate Omit Coordinates Zero Suppression Not extended, Excellon mm, inch, mil Full Storage, Non-Full Storage Integer not less than 1 ASCII, EBCDIC, ISO, EIA, ASCII + even parity, ASCII + odd parity Incremental, Absolute Yes, No Non-suppression, leading zero suppression, trailing zero suppression, both-zero suppression, leading zero swap space, trailing zero swap space, both-zero swap space Address and 0, Address and as many 0's as All Digits, Address Only +, Space, No Output Clear, Save Zero Form Plus Code Coordinates during Tool Exchange Edit Tool Code dialog box Definitions of tool code formats for assigning drill tool codes automatically. Click Function on the menu bar of the drill data NCF editor, then Tool Code Format to open the Edit Tool Code dialog box. Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Omit, Do Not Omit Address Character, Number of Code Number Digits 8 - 14 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Edit Block Order menu Definitions of codes, block orders, and modals. Click Function on the menu bar, then Edit Block Order to open the Edit Block Order menu EOB Code [EOB] EOR Code [EOR] ETB Code [ETB] Pad Code [PAD] Feed Code [FEED] Null Code [NULL] Drill Hit Code [HIT] Cancel Code [CANCEL] Program Stop Code [PS] Optional Stop Code [OS] Reset Code [PSR] Rewind Code [PSW] Sequential Number [NO] X Coordinate [X] Y Coordinate [Y] I Coordinate [I] J Coordinate [J] Select Tool [TOOL] [Block Order Definition] Program Start Select Tool Drill Hit Reset Tool Program Stop Reference Refer to P8-20 “Block orders” for the block order. [Modal Definition] A definition of code groups. Reference Refer to P8-26 “Modals” for modals. Edit Sequential Number dialog box Format definitions of the sequential numbers of block orders. Click Function on the Edit Block Order menu, then Sequential No. to open the Edit Sequential Number dialog box. Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Address Character, Number of Code Number Digits Omit, Do Not Omit Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 15 3. Setting NCFs Major photo and drill machine NCF definition items Major items in the [Photo machine NCF definition item list] and [Drill machine NCF definition item list] from page 8-11 are described below. Read these descriptions while checking the actual coding formats in the sample NC formats for photo and drill machines given on pages 8-9 to 8-10. Reference Refer to “Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF” and “Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF” for all definition items including items described in this section. Unit mm inch mil Record Format Specify the unit of output data. Determine the unit according to whether the manufacturing machine is a millimeter-, inch-, or mil-based (regardless of the unit set in the panel database <PNL>). Each instruction that drives a machine is called a block. A block is delimited by an end-of-block (EOB) code. Specify whether a record boundary is allowed within a block (instruction). When an [ * ] (asterisk) is specified as an EOB code Full Storage (Filling) A block fully spanning the rd record boundary. Nonfull storage Each block is terminated so as not to cross a record boundary, with one ETB code being placed to fill the vacant record positions (each having the Record Length specified below); with the vacant positions up to the record boundary padded with pad codes. Reference EOB code, ETB code, and pad code are defined in [Block orders]. Refer to P8-20 “Block orders” for block orders. Record Length Specify the byte length of data that the manufacturing machine can read at a time. Example If a value of 256 is specified 8 - 16 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Character Code Specify the kind of code that is output as NC data or that can be read by the NC machine. ASCII: EBCDIC: EIA: ISO: ASCII + Odd parity ASCII + Even parity No parity (default) No parity Odd parity Even parity Coordinate Format Specify the number of integer digits, the presence or absence of a decimal point, and the number of fractional digits in the output coordinates. Coordinate Representation Specify whether the coordinates output as NC data are represented in relation to the coordinate location of the preceding data (relative coordinate representation) or as absolute coordinates from the origin (absolute coordinate representation). Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 17 3. Setting NCFs Arc Center Representation Arcs and circles are represented by their start point, center point, and end point or by their start and end points as well as radius. Define the way the coordinates of the center point are represented. ! Caution If 1/4 is specified for Arc Output Mode, specify “Incremental Absolute Coordinates” for Arc Center Representation. 8 - 18 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Setting NCF This section describes how to use the Edit NCF menus. Lesson Using the manufacturing rule edit tool, click Register Photo Machine. Click PHOTO1 in the Photo Machine Name list, then [Register Format]. The contents of “photo1.ncf” will be displayed in the menu window as shown below. G38GG (1) Comment Type a comment directly. Kanji and Hiragana, as well as alphanumeric characters, can be used. (2) Extended format type, etc. If a pull-down menu is available for an item, click (3) Unit, etc. To select a radio button, click it for l. (4) Record length, etc. For items requiring the entry of integers or real numbers, type the values in a calculator dialog box or from the keyboard. Work with the Edit Aperture Code dialog box the same way, which is opened by clicking Function on the menu bar, then Aperture Code Format. to select from that menu. Set the Edit Aperture Code dialog box as needed. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 19 3. Setting NCFs Block orders Click Function on the Edit NCF menu for photo or drill data, then Block Order to open the Edit Block Order menu. [Photo Data Block Order] [Drill Data block Order] The Edit Block Order menu is broadly divided into three setup items: Code definition Block order definition Modal definition Code definition Defines various codes, such as an EOB code and an EOR code. Block order definition Defines a listing of codes that controls the behavior of a machine. Program start: Format of instruction for startup of the machine. Move: Format of instruction for moving the machine without exposure. Draw: Format of instruction for moving the machine linearly with exposure. Instructions are thus composed into a block order, which is defined with macros and ASCII character strings. Modal definition Defines groups of conflicting control codes. Reference Refer to P8-26 “Modals” for modals. * What is a macro command? A macro is a special variable represented by a specific character string,such as [EOB] or [EOR] as introduced in [NCF definition item list for photo machine], [NCF definition item list for drill machine], and [Edit Block Order menu]. Macros are used for the following purposes: (1) To explicitly declare the timing at which momentarily varying values are output (such as coordinates and a Select Tool code). (2) To explicitly declare the timing at which long character strings are output (such as feed codes and labels). (3) To explicitly declare the timing at which noncharacter codes are output (such as LF and CR). Macros appearing in a program are replaced with codes as set in [Code definition] when the program is executed. Macros in the panel database (PNL) are replaced with coordinates from the PC board database (PCB). 8 - 20 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Typical information defined on these three setup items is described below. [Various codes] Specify one character to delimit an instruction (block) that moves the NC machine. Specify an EOB code as EOB code an ASCII character, octal number, or hexadecimal number. (End Of Block) Select with ASCII characters Select with Octal codes Select with Hexadecimal codes Control codes that cannot be represented in characters, such as CR (carriage return) and LF (line feed), cannot be specified as an ASCII character. When representing an EOB code as an octal or hexadecimal code, adhere to the coding scheme specified by Character Code. Note Click the list icon to open a Select Code dialog box. with ASCII characters in NC character codes. Check the octal and hexadecimal codes that are associated EOR code (End Of Record) Specify one character to mark the end of data output to the paper tape (PT). An EOR code is necessary because the record length is variable. Specify an EOR code in the same way as an EOB code. Sometimes, the transmission of a certain number of occurrences of a given code is prescribed at the end of each operation or at the beginning of each break. This code is called a feed code. Specify one character as a feed code in the same way as an EOB code. Specify one character for each in the same way as an EOB code. Feed code Pad code and ETB code Reference Refer to P8-16 “Record Format” for Pad code and ETB code. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 21 3. Setting NCFs [Block order definition] Create instructions for macros and ASCII characters set in a block order. Analyze the block order referenced to the photo output tool. The photo output tool analyzes block orders in the following sequence: ! Caution Polygon Start and Polygon End are used only with Extended Gerber. 8 - 22 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Example Block order for a given plotter Program Start Select Aperture Move Draw Flash Arc (Clockwise) Arc (Counterclockwise) Polygon Start Polygon End Program Stop [EOB] D10 [EOB] [TOOL] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [OPEN] [EOB] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] [FLASH] [EOB] [CW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [OPEN] [EOB] [CCW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [OPEN] [EOB] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] [PS] [EOB] Take a closer look at the block order above in the sequence shown on the preceding page Program Start [EOB]D10[EOB] Program Start Starts up the photo plotter. [EOB] D10: A macro command that outputs an EOB code as defined in [code definition]. Selects the initial tool. Since this character string is not a macro command, it is directed to photo data in its present form. Required control codes can be determined from the relevant NC machine function specifications. Select Aperture [TOOL][EOB] Select Aperture [TOOL] Changes the tool (aperture). A macro command that outputs a Select Tool code as defined in the aperture table. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 23 3. Setting NCFs Flash [X][Y][CLOSE][EOB][FLASH][EOB] Flash [X] [Y]: [CLOSE]: [FLASH]: Flash instructions. A macro command that outputs the X-axis and Y-axis coordinates of data. A macro command that outputs a Close Shutter code (as defined in CLOSE in [code definition]). A macro command that outputs a Flash code (as defined in FLASH in [code definition]). If the Select Tool code (turret) for the next batch of flash data (land) differs, change the tool again with Select Aperture, then Flash to flash. Stream data is output after all batches of flash data have been output. All data other than lands and in-via lands is output as stream data. A MOVE operation takes place whenever stream data is output. Move [LINE][X][Y][CLOSE][EOB] Move Moves the aperture (pen) to the start point of stream data with the shutter closed. [LINE]: A macro command that outputs linear interpolation (as defined in Linear Interpolation [LINE] in [Code]). [X],[Y]: A macro command that outputs the coordinates of the end point (a) of the move. [CLOSE]: A macro command that outputs a Close Shutter code (as defined in Close [CLOSE] in [Code]). 8 - 24 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Draw [LINE][X][Y][OPEN][EOB] Draw [X] [Y]: [OPEN]: Draws a straight line in a linear move with the aperture shutter open. A macro command that outputs the coordinates of the end point of the move. A macro command that outputs an Open Shutter code (as defined in Open [OPEN] in [Code]). Arc (Clockwise) [CW][X][Y][I][J][OPEN][EOB] Arc (Counterclockwise) [CCW][X][Y][I][J][OPEN][EOB] Arc (Clockwise) Clockwise circle or arc Arc (Counterclockwise) Counter-clockwise circle an arc [CW]: A macro command that outputs an Arc (Clockwise) code (as defined in Arc Interpolation [CW] in [Code]). [CCW]: A macro command that outputs an Arc (Counterclockwise) code (as defined in Arc Interpolation [CCW] in [Code]). [X] [Y]: A macro command that outputs the coordinates of the end point of the arc. [I] [J]: A macro command that outputs the coordinates of the center of the arc (as defined in "arc center representation"). a → b: b → c: d → e: e → g: Draw Draws a straight line with the shutter open. Arc (Clockwise) Draws a clockwise arc. [X] and [Y] denotes the coordinates of d, while [I] and [J] denote the coordinates of c. Move Moves the aperture with the shutter closed. Arc (Counterclockwise) Draws a counterclockwise arc. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 25 3. Setting NCFs Program Stop [X][Y][CLOSE][EOB][PS][EOB] Program Stop [X] [Y]: [PS]: Shuts down the photo plotter. A macro command that outputs the coordinates used to effect a return to the origin. A macro command that outputs a Program Stop code (as defined in Program Stop [PS] in [Code]). The photo machine outputs the contents of Program Stop at the completion of generation of all the data. * Modals [ Modal ] [OPEN] [LINE] [ Modal ] Group [CW] [CCW] 1 [LINE] 2 [OPEN] [CLOSE] 3 4 5 [CLOSE] [CW] [OCW] Defines a group of conflicting control codes, such as Open Shutter and Close Shutter. Once a code in a group is output, the output can be omitted until the conflicting code is encountered. Write conflicting codes in a group in the same row. Up to eight groups can be defined, each containing up to eight control codes. Each code Why a modal needs to be defined? If NC data is output as directed by a block order, an Open Shutter code could be output when the photo plotter aperture shutter is already open. A modal definition prevents such redundant data output. ! Caution Consult the relevant NC machine function specifications for the codes that can be omitted. 8 - 26 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs * NC functions (1) Sequence number A sequence number indicates the relative location of a block (instruction) on an NC table. A block is headed by its sequence number. The sequence number indicator of the NC machine tells you which block is now being executed. You can also call a desired block by its sequence number. (2) Setup function (G-function) This function notifies an NC machine of the control action mode in advance by means of a word consisting of address G followed by a two-digit number. Some codes are listed below. G00 G01 G02 G03 G80 G91 G90 G91 Locate Linear interpolation Arc interpolation (clockwise) Arc interpolation (counterclockwise) Drill hit Cancel Set Drill hit Absolute coordinate mode Relative coordinate mode (3) Auxiliary function (M-function) This is an auxiliary on/off function supported by an NC machine. It is specified with a word consisting of address M followed by a two-digit number. Some codes are listed below. Note that the same M-code may have different functions on different machines. M00 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M30 M48 Program stop Optional stop End of program Clockwise spindle rotation Counterclockwise spindle rotation Spindle stop End of tape Program header Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 27 3. Setting NCFs Setting a block order Instructions on using the Edit Block Order menu are given below. Lesson Open the Edit Block Order menu first. Work through the lesson while viewing the block order "photo1.ncf" already registered. Begin by setting up codes. 1. Click the format name "photo1.ncf" in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu. Click Click Function on the menu bar, then Block Order. The block order [photo1.ncf] will be displayed as shown in the left. 2. Use (list icon) to set from EOB through FEED. Click (list icon) for EOB. The Select Code dialog box like that shown in the left will open. 8 - 28 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs Move the scroll down to the bottom to see an asterisk * in the leftmost column. Even when you set an asterisk * , the code to select varies depending on the character code in the Edit NCF menu. Click Click the Click * , then OK. 3. Input the FEED and NULL count specifications from from the keyboard. (calculator icon) or directly Click Click (calculator icon) to open a calculator dialog box. Click "10", then OK. Click Do not change the value for NULL. 4. Input OPEN through REWIND (PSW) directly from the keyboard. Click the field to input to. Use Back Space to erase the existing value. Type "D01". 5. Click Function on the menu bar, then Sequential No. to open the Edit Sequential Number dialog box and input a sequential number [NO]. The sequential number [NO] of N0001 shown has been referenced from the address character and the number of code number digits that have been set in the dialog box. Reference Refer to P8-19 [Setting NCF] for setting instructions. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 29 3. Setting NCFs 《Setting a block order》 Lesson A block order defines a listing of codes that controls the behavior of a machine. This list is defined using macros and ASCII character strings. Erase [Program Start] that has already been set and set the following code in its place: Program Start [EOB]G54D10[EOB] 1. Erase the existing value. Click Click the Program Start code field. Use Back Space to erase the value. 2. Set the code above. Set EOB. Click the code EOB to input the macro name [EOB]. Click in the cell. Click Click in the cell for direct input from the keyboard. Set [G54]. Type "G54." Subsequently, set "D10 [EOB] " ! Caution The macro names of macros, such as [EOB], can be input by clicking the corresponding buttons, but may also be typed from the keyboard. When typing a macro name from the keyboard, be sure to input it in a 1-byte character string. 8 - 30 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 3. Setting NCFs 《Setting a modal》Modals are set as a group of conflicting control codes. Lesson Register the following control codes in a group: Open Shutter D01 Close Shutter D02 1. Click-the mode button Input to the right of Modal. Click 2. Set a group. Click the leftmost cell in the second row to enclose it in a red frame (active state). Click Click Click the code Open [OPEN]. Click Then, click the cell to its right. Click the code Close [CLOSE]. You may also set the model by typing "D01" and "D02" directly without using macros. If you want to exclude a code defined in a modal, enclose it with quotation marks ("") when setting the block order. [CLOSE]D02[LINE][EOB][X][Y][EOB]"D02"[EOB] Modal 3. 4. Exclude Example Click Cancel in the Edit Block Order menu to close the menu. Click Cancel in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu to close the menu. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 31 4. Setting Tables Aperture table An aperture table defines the allocation of the photo plotter apertures (D codes) for the object widths, flash attribute, and the positive and negative attributes input into the PC board database or panel database. It also defines whether to output objects having a width that is not defined in the aperture table. Photo plotter image 0.2 0.4 D code D10 D11 D12 D21 D22 D23 Type Stream Stream Stream Flash Flash Flash Posi/Nega Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Width 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.3 0.4 Setting an aperture table Let's create a new aperture table. Lesson 1. Click Register Photo Machine in the Edit Manufacturing Rule menu, then the photo machine name PHOTO1. Click Register Aperture Table Click Click The Register Aperture Table menu shown at left will open. ! Caution Before clicking Register Aperture Table, highlight the aperture table list by clicking it, and the highlighted xx.tbl information will be displayed in the Register Aperture Table menu. 8 - 32 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 4. Setting Tables 2. Create lessonA.tbl. Type “lessonA.tbl” in the field under the Table Name list. Click Click Add . Use of the table file suffix <.tbl> is recommended to facilitate the identification of table information for management purposes. A new table is created as shown left. Information on the table with the highlighted name is reversed will be displayed in the Register Aperture Table menu. Register Aperture Table menu The Register Aperture Table menu is described below. (1) (2) (5) (4) (3) (3) (1) Comment Set a comment on the aperture table. (2) Alternate Aperture Processing Select out of the following four processes to be carried out if an aperture not defined in the aperture table is found: Yes No Auto Add Substitute an aperture in the aperture table. Do not substitute. Assign a D code to that aperture automatically. Add a D code generated by Auto allocation to the table. (3) Aperture Table Defines the correspondence between D codes and the associated sizes, types, and the positive or negative attributes by shape. (4) List Mode Makes modifications to the way the aperture table is displayed, such as switching its display from one shape to another and sorting the table information in D code order. (5) Recode Reassigns the existing D codes to meet parameter specifications. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 33 4. Setting Tables Lesson Register the following kinds of information in the table: [Comment]: Training [Alternate Aperture Processing]: Yes Shape Round Round Round Round Square Square 1. Input a comment. Click D code D10 D11 D20 D21 D30 D31 Type Flash Flash Stream Stream Flash Flash Positive/Negative Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Positive Diameter/Width 0. 1 0. 2 0. 1 0. 2 0. 1 0. 2 Click the Comment field and type “Training”. 2. Set [Yes] for Alternate Aperture Processing. Click On. Click 3. Set the aperture table. Choose Round from the shape pull-down menu. Point to anywhere in the aperture table, and right-click to see an assist menu. Click Line Add in the assist menu. One row will be added as shown at left. Type “D10” for the D code and press RETURN. 8 - 34 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 4. Setting Tables Though the Type field has in already been input, click right side of Flash and pull down menu will appear. Select Flash from the dialog. Positive/Negative field will toggle between Positive and Negative is clicked. every time Select Positive. In the Diameter field, type “0.1”, or click to input value from the calculator dialog box. Repeat the procedure above until you reach [D21]. 4. Set a square aperture table. Set Square as the shape from the List Mode. Set the aperture table in the same way as you have set the round aperture table in Step 3. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 35 4. Setting Tables Note Assist menu for the Aperture table. The following commands are provided other than Line Add command in the Aperture table assist menu. Change(*1) ···············Change the value already set. Positive(*2) ···············Change the selected value to [Positive]. Negative(*2)··············Change the selected value to [Negative]. Cut ····························Deletes and buffers a selected row. Copy ·························Buffers a selected row. Paste·························Inserts a buffered row above a selected row. Line Delete ···············Delete the selected row. Line Insert·················Add a row above the selected row. Ascending Sort ·········Refer to selected column and sort rows from greater value in the top to lower value in the bottom. Descending Sort ·······Refer to selected column and sort rows from lower value in the top to greater value in the bottom. *1 *2 This command will appear when [D code], [Type], or [Diameter] is being selected. This command will appear when [Positive] or [Negative] is being selected. 8 - 36 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 4. Setting Tables Reassigning D codes You can reassign D codes that have already been entered in a batch by using parameters. The individual values have the following meanings: D010 Initial Value: Address character Number of code Zero Suppress: number digits Recode: Example: R10 After execution R11 R12 R13 The first value to assign. 010 Do not Omit 10 Omit Recode button 5. Save the aperture table file and close the Register Aperture Table menu. Click OK . Click Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 37 4. Setting Tables * Associating an aperture table and alternate mode Two ways to associate an aperture table are introduced: Basic association of an aperture table Alternate aperture table [ Method for basic aperture association] When data on a single line is available in the PC board database or panel database, the aperture table in the manufacturing rule database is searched for an aperture of a size corresponding to the pen width of that line, and photo data is cleated using the [D code] written in the table. Each aperture in the aperture table is set for flash, stream or polygon (laser photo area drawing) attribute. CR5000 organizes the aperture table by objects, such as pad, wiring pattern, and character. The aperture table is searched for the D codes associated with such objects in the following manner: Object Pad with flash attribute Aperture table Search flash apertures for one with matching shape and size, and associate it with a D code. Expand the pad into component objects (such as surfaces and lines) and search through the stream table for an aperture corresponding to the pen width, then associate it with a D code. Search the stream table for an aperture corresponding to the pen width, then associate it with a D code. Search the stream table for an aperture corresponding to the pen width, then associate it with a D code. Search the stream table for an aperture corresponding to the pen width, then associate it with a D code. Search the stream table for an aperture corresponding to the pen width, then associate it with a D code. Pad without flash attribute All lines containing a wiring pattern All surfaces containing a surface pattern Character and component symbols Dimension line 8 - 38 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 4. Setting Tables Method for a fixed aperture type association The association of a fixed aperture type is essentially similar to the method for basic aperture association described on the preceding page, except that a limited selection of apertures are searched for one having the corresponding size. [ alternate aperture] If a corresponding aperture is not found, an [alternate aperture] may be specified to search a limited number of apertures for an alternate aperture having the pen with the largest pen width available but not exceeding the pen width having the shape in error for input using the pen as many times as needed. Reference For details on searching for apertures and other laser functions, referto the online documentation. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 39 4. Setting Tables Tool tables A tool table defines the drill machine tool code assignments in association with the hole diameters and types input in the PC board database or panel database. Tool code T07 T08 T09 T20 T21 T22 Hole diameter 0.7 0.8 0.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 Type number All All All All All All Setting a tool table Let's check the Register Tool Table menu while viewing an existing tool table. Lesson 1. Click Register Drill Machine from the Edit Manufacturing Rule menu. Click allKind.tbl in the Tool Table list to hightlight it. Click Click Register Tool Table. Click Information about [allKind.tbl] will be displayed in the Register Tool Table menu. 8 - 40 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 4. Setting Tables Tool Table Editor The Tool Table Editor menu is described below. (1) (3) (2) (4) (1) Comment Set a comment on the tool table. (2) Tool Table Defines the correspondence between T codes and the associated hole diameters and type numbers by general hole and oblong hole. Tool Code Hole diameter Type Number Plate Attribute Select from ALL, or 0 to 64. Select from Undefined, Plated, or Unplated. (3) List Mode Makes modifications to the way the list table is displayed, such as toggling its display between general holes and oblong holes and sorting the table information in tool code or hole diameter order. (4) Recode Reassigns the existing tool codes to meet parameter specifications. Reference Refer to P8-32 “ Setting an aperture table” for operations. 2. Close the Register Tool Table menu. Click Cancel. Click Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 41 5. Registering Machine Information Registering Machine Information An NC format and an aperture or tool table pair is set for each photo or drill machine name. Photo machine name: PHOTO1 Using an NC format and an aperture or tool table that have already been registered, let's try to register the relevant machine. Register information on the following photo machine: Lesson {Photo Machine Name}: [NC Format]: [Aperture Table]: LESSON_photo gerber.ncf gerber.tbl 1. The manufacturing rule edit rule should already be running. If not, click Edit Manufacturing Rule from PCB Design/Manufacture Common Tool. Click Click Register Photo Machine. 8 - 42 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 5. Registering Machine Information 2. Add the photo machine name [LESSON_photo]. Click the field under the photo machine name. Type “LESSON_photo”. Click Click Click Add. [LESSON_photo] is added in the Photo Machine Name list. 3. Set the NC format [gerber.ncf] and the aperture table [gerber.tbl] for the photo machine name [LESSON_photo]. Click LESSON_photo in the Photo Machine Name list. Click gerber.ncf in the Format list. Click Click Click Click gerber.tbl in the Aperture Table list. 4. Register the information. Click Apply. Click Note The information input can also be saved by clicking OK. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 43 5. Registering Machine Information Then, register information on the following drill machine: [Drill Machine Name]: [NC Format]: [Aperture Table]: LESSON_drill G81hit.ncf allKind.tbl Lesson 1. Click Register Drill Machine from the Edit Manufacturing Rule menu. Click Register Drill Machine. Click 2. As with the photo machine name, add the drill machine name [LESSON_drill]. Add the drill machine name [LESSON_drill]. 3. Set the NC format [G81hit.ncf] and the aperture table [alKind.tbl] for the drill machine name [LESSON_drill]. Click [LESSON_drill] from the Drill Machine Name list. Click Click Click Click [G81hit.ncf] in the Format list. Click [allKind.tbl] in the Tool Table list. 4. Set the NC format [G81hit.ncf] and the aperture table [alKind.tbl] for the drill machine name [LESSON_drill]. Click Click OK to save the information input and close the Edit Manufacturing Rule menu. 8 - 44 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 5. Registering Machine Information * Assigning aperture selections automatically The drill output tool specifies tool assignment in a parameter file, while the photo output tool assigns an aperture automatically only if an NC format has been set for the photo machine name assigned at execution time. Not assigned An aperture is assigned automatically at this time on the basis of the aperture code format set in the NC format. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 45 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings This section describes, by way of lessons, how NC data will vary following changes to the definition of the associated NC format. NC formats with varying definitions are available. Execute the photo output tool or drill output tool by referencing these NC formats, and check the resulting output data in comparison with the following reference NC data and the NC formats used at its output: The NC format “photo1.ncf” with the photo machine name “PHOTO” is used. DRILL.drd: The NC format “drill1.ncf” with the drill machine name “DRILL” is used. In all the lessons, the output panel data base <PN> is “sample.pnl.” [Photo Output Tool] section Use [photo2.ncf] with the photo machine name [PHOTO2] if the character code has been changed (p8-51) Use [photo3.ncf] with the photo machine name [PHOTO3] if the EOB code or record format has been changed (p.8-56) Use [photo4.ncf] with the photo machine name [PHOTO4] if the block order has been changed (p.8-59) Use [photo5.ncf] with the photo machine name [PHOTO5] if the modal has been changed (p.8-62) [Drill Output Tool] section Use [drill2.ncf] with the drill machine name [DRILL2] if the tool code assignment has been changed (p.8-65) The lessons will focus on the above five examples. The following basic procedures are common for all of these lessons: 1. 2. 3. Check location changes made to the NC format. Execute the photo output tool or drill output tool. List the output NC data by executing the photo data check program (zphck) and the drill data check program (zdrck) to ensure that the output NC data conforms to the new definition of the NC format. 8 - 46 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings * Manufacturing rule library (MRDB) and manufacturing rule database (MRL) Chapter 8 has highlighted the creation of a manufacturing rule library (MRDB) to store manufacturing machine information by using Edit Manufacturing Rule from PCB Design/Manufacture Common Tool. You can also add and edit photo machine and drill machine names in the manufacturing rule database (MRL) corresponding with the panel database. (Manufacturing Rule Edit Tool) in the CAD File Manager with Board Use the Producer filter to edit the manufacturing rule database (MRL). Click Information added to a manufacturing rule library (MRDB) can also be utilized in creating another database, but information added to a manufacturing rule database (MRL), except for certain information, can only be used in operations, such as an MRC, that are performed on the panel library that it corresponds with. The manufacturing rule library (MRL) that corresponds with another panel library can be referenced temporarily when photo data or drill data output is executed. In this lesson, the manufacturing rule library [sample.mrl], is edited on the basis of the panel library [sample.pnl]. Since [sample2] and [sample] have been set up to meet the same set of manufacturing rules, the NC format and table information that have been introduced in the preceding lessons are used to output reference NC data. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 47 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Lesson Create reference NC data. Start the Board Producer. 1. Create reference NC data by using [sample.pnl]. Click [sample/[panel]] on the CAD File Manager file canvas to activate tool). (photo Click Click Click Click OK. 2. Output photo data to meet the following set of defined conditions: Items to be defined Output design data: Photo machine name: Photo data output directory: Film name: Output layer: Output figure: Output Figure Noun: List file name: “sample.pnl” “PHOTO1” “C:\home\lesson2\pnl” “PHOTO” Data layer only of Symbol-A (component-side silk); mirror off, Positive/Negative normal. All positive data All data except hole objects C:\home\lesson2\pnl\photo.phl (default) Reference Refer to P6-5 “ Photo parameter file“ for setting operations. Set the Photo Output Tool dialog box as shown left. Remember to complete the output layer setting. 8 - 48 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 3. Execute the [Photo output tool]. Click Execute-Photo. Click Click OK in the Confirm dialog box. Click OK in the exit dialog box. Click 4. Quit the [Photo output tool]. You do not need to save the parameters in the file. 5. Create a dump list of the output photo data, []. Execute following command from terminal emulator (DOS window). C:\> C:\home\lesson2\pnl PHOTO -m list -p:mspec PHOTO1:sample Photo machine name specification C:\> zphck.exe List output specification -p:list_mode formated Generated in a record length of 512 bytes -o PHOTO Output destination dump list file name A dump list, [PHOTO.txt], is output. Lesson Create reference NC data to meet the following set of defined conditions: Items to be defined Output panel database: Drill machine name: Drill data output directory: Tool code assignment: Output Drill Step Name Output Hole “sample.pnl” “DRILL1” “C:\home\lesson2\pnl” Table reference DRILL Layer Diameter/Hole Type Shape Plating All All Round hole All Reference Refer to P7-6 “Drill parameter file” for setting operations. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 49 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 1. Activate (drill tool) from the CAD File Manager. Click Click Click OK . Set the dialog box as shown left. Remember to complete the output data layer and output hole diameter settings. 2. Execute the [Drill tool]. Click Execute-Drill. Click Click OK in the Confirm dialog box. Click 3. Quit the [Drill tool]. You do not need to save the parameter file. Reference data has now been created. 8 - 50 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Changing the character code (photo output tool) Output data by changing the Character Code in the NC format. Photo machine name: PHOTO1 photo1.ncf Character code Lesson Photo machine name: PHOTO2 photo2.ncf ASCII EBCDIC 1. Activate the manufacturing rule edit tool from the CAD File Manager and click Register Photo Machine. Click Click 2. Display the NC formats from [photo1.ncf] and [photo2.ncf] in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu to check their Character Code. Click the photo machine name PHOTO2. See that [photo2.ncf] [photo1.tbl] are set. and Click Click Register Format to check Character Code. ASCII is set. Click Having checked the [character Code], click Cancel in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu. Click Cancel in the manufacturing rule edit tool window. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 51 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 3. Click (photo tool). Click Click Click OK. 4. Set the photo tool execution menu. Items to be defined Output Layer Data: Photo machine name: Photo data output file name: Film name: Output layer: Output figure: Output Figure Noun: List file name: sample.pnl PHOTO2 C:\home\lesson2\pnl photo2 Data layer only of Symbol-A (component-side silk) , mirror off , Positive/Negative normal All positive data All data except hole objects C:\home\lesson2\pnl\photo2.phl (default) 5. Execute the photo tool. Having finished setting the required parameters, run the [Photo output tool]. Click Execute-Photo. Keep the photo tool running to prepare for the next lesson. Two files, [], and [photo2.phl], have been output. Click Click 8 - 52 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 6. Compare the output data file, [], with [] by executing the photo data check program <list mode> to collect their dump lists. Reference Refer to P6-37 “ Generating a list” for the photo data check program <list mode>. Since a dump list for [] has already been created as [PHOTO.txt] in page 8-49, we will only execute [photo2.txt] for now. C:\ zphck.exe photo2 -m list -p:mspec PHOTO2:sample Photo machine name specification List output specification -p:list_mode formated Output in a record length of 512 bytes -o photo2 Output destination dump list file name Now that dump lists of both photo data files are available, display them in separate WordPad windows or UNIX windows. Character code: EBCDIC Character code: ASCII [PHOTO.txt] [photo2.txt] Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 53 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings The dump lists of both photo data files are found to be completely identical despite the difference in their character code. Note Why use zphck? If you use the WordPad to view, you will end up seeing the following; Thus, data output in a character code other than ASCII would appear garbled on the screen if you use WordPad to view its listing. This is because the ZUKEN system is designed to represent characters in ASCII code. If a line feed code has not been output even though ASCII code has been specified, the resulting listing would be hard to read. Hence, the photo data check program “zphck <list mode>” is executed in the list mode to convert NC data originally generated in a specific code to ASCII to represent it in an easier to view list format. 8 - 54 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 7. Compare the output list file, “”, with “photo1.ph1”. You have already checked it in the photo data, however, also check it in the list file. You can view these list files as they are since they have been output in ASCII code. [PHOTO.phl] [photo2.phl] Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 55 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Changing the EOB code or record format (photo output tool) Execute the photo output tool by changing the Record Format and EOB code . Photo machine name: PHOTO1 photo1.ncf Full Storage = Solid output Use an asterisk (*). Photo machine name: PHOTO3 photo3.ncf Nonfull storage Use a percent sign (%). Record format EOB code Lesson 1. Check Record Format and EOB Code in [photo1.ncf] and [photo3.ncf]. [photo1.ncf] Reference [photo3.ncf] Refer to P8-16 “ Major photo and drill machine NCF definition items” for NCE definition items. When the check is complete, quit the manufacturing rule edit tool. 2. Set the [Output Photo Data] execution menu. Conditions to be modified are as follows: Output design data: Photo machine name: Photo data output file name: Film name: Output object layer: Output object graphic: Output object noun: List file name: “sample.pnl” “PHOTO3” “C:\home\lesson2\pnl” “photo3” Symbol-A (component-side silk) data layer only Mirror OFF, Positive/Negative normal All positive data All except hole objects “C:\home\lesson2\pnl\photo3.phl” (default) 8 - 56 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 3. Execute the [Photo Tool]. Having finished setting the required parameters, execute the [Photo Tool]. Click Execute-Photo. Keep the photo output tool running to prepare for the next lesson. Click Click Two files, [], and [photo3.phl], have been output. 4. Compare the output data file, [], with [] by executing the photo data check program (zphck) to collect their dump lists. (A dump list of [] has already been created as [PHOTO.txt].) Reference Refer to P6-37 " Generating a list". C:\ zphck.exe photo3 -m list -p:mspec PHOTO3:sample Photo machine name specification List output specification -p:list_mode formated Output in a record length of 512 bytes -o photo3 Output destination dump list file name Now that dump lists of both photo data files are available, display them in separate WordPad windows or UNIX windows. [PHOTO.txt] [photo3.txt] Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 57 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Since the Record Format has also been changed, note the difference as well. D01% One ETB code ????????????? 13 pad codes Reference Refer to P8-16 “ Major photo and drill machine NCF definition items” for NCE definition items. 8 - 58 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Changing the block order (photo tool) Execute the photo tool by changing the sequences of macro commands in the block order [Move], [Draw], [Flash], [Arc Interpolation (Clockwise)], [Arc Interpolation (Counterclockwise)], [Select Tool], and [Program Stop] in the NC formats. Lesson 1. Check the block orders of [photo1.ncf] and [photo4.ncf]. [photo1.ncf Block Order] Program Start Select Aperture Move Draw Flash Arc (Clockwise) Arc (Counterclockwise) Polygon Start Polygon End Program Stop [EOB]G54D10[EOB] G54[TOOL] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [OPEN] [EOB] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB]G55[FLASH] [EOB] [CW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [OPEN] [EOB] [CCW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [OPEN] [EOB] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] [PS] [EOB] [photo4.ncf Block Order] Program Start Select Aperture Move Draw Flash Arc (Clockwise) Arc (Counterclockwise) Polygon Start Polygon End Program Stop [EOB]G54D10[EOB] [CLOSE] [EOB] [TOOL] [EOB] [CLOSE] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [EOB] [OPEN] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [EOB] [CLOSE] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [EOB] [FLASH] [EOB] [OPEN] [EOB] [CW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [EOB] [OPEN] [EOB] [CCW] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [EOB] [CLOSE] [EOB] [X] [Y] [EOB] [PS] [EOB] Both block orders begin with [Program Start] but differ in their sequences of macro commands between [Select Aperture] and [Program Stop]. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 59 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 2. Set the photo tool execution menu. Only the following items require modifications: Output design data: Photo machine name: Photo data output file name: Film name: Output object layer: Output object graphic: Output object noun: List file name: sample.pnl PHOTO4 C:\home\lesson2\pnl photo4 Symbol-A (component-side silk) data layer only Mirror OFF, Positive/Negative normal All positive data All except hole objects C:\home\lesson2\pnl\photo4.phl (default) 3. Execute the photo output tool. Having finished setting the required parameters, execute the photo tool. Click Execute-Photo . Click Click Two files, [], and [photo4.phl] have been output. Keep the photo output tool running to prepare for the next lesson. 4. Compare the output data file, [], with [] by executing the photo data check program (zphck) to collect their dump lists. (A dump list of “” has already been created as [PHOTO.txt].) Reference Refer to P6-37 “ Generating a list”. C:\> zphck.exe photo4 -m list -p:mspec PHOTO4:sample Photo machine specification name List output specification -p:list_mode formated Output in a record length of 512 bytes -o photo4 Output destination dump list file name 8 - 60 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Now that dump lists of both photo data files are available, display them in separate WordPad windows or UNIX windows. [PHOTO.txt] Block No.1 *G54D10* G54D10* G01X8268Y29134D02* X8328Y28589D01* X48218Y8833D01* Select Aperture Program Start Move Move in photo1.ncf [LINE] [X] [Y] [CLOSE] [EOB] Draw [photo4.txt] Block No.1 *G54D10* D02*D30* D02*G01X48288Y8763* D01*G01X48265Y8794* D01*G01X48218Y8833* Select Aperture Program Start Move Move in photo4.ncf [CLOSE] [EOB] [LINE] [X] [Y] [EOB] Draw Thus, different sequences of macro commands will produce different listings of output codes in the photo data. Assemble macro commands (instructions) in a sequence acceptable to your machine. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 61 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Changing the modal (photo tool) Only one modal (block order #M) has been defined in the NCF used in the lessons so far. This time, execute the continuous photo tool using an NCF that contains a modal definition to see how the modal definition is reflected in the output data. Reference Refer to P8-26 “* Modals” for modals. Lesson 1. Check the block orders of [photo1.ncf] and [photo5.ncf]. 1 2 3 4 5 [photo1.ncf block order] [LINE] [CW] [CCW] 1 2 3 4 5 [LINE] [OPEN] [CW] [CLOSE] [CCW] [photo5.ncf block order] Add 2. Set the photo tool execution menu. Only the following items require modifications: Output design data: Photo machine name: Photo data output file name: Film name: Output object layer: Output object graphic: Output object noun: List file name: sample.pnl PHOTO5 C:\home\lesson2\pnl photo5 Symbol-A (component-side silk) data layer only Mirror OFF, Positive/Negative normal All positive data All except hole objects C:\home\lesson2\pnl\photo5.phl (default) 8 - 62 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 3. Execute the photo tool. After finishing setting the required parameters, execute the photo tool. Click Execute-Photo. Two files, [], and [photo5.phl] have been output. Click Click Keep the photo output tool running to prepare for the next lesson. 4. Compare the output data file, [], with [] by executing the photo data check program ( to collect their dump lists. (A dump list of [] has already been created as [PHOTO.txt].) Reference Refer to P6-37 “ Generating a list”. C:\> zphck.exe photo5 -m list-p :mspec PHOTO5:sample Photo machine name specification List output specification -p:list_mode formated Output in a record length of 512 bytes -o photo5 Output destination dump list file name Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 63 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Now that dump lists of both photo data files are available, display them in separate WordPad windows or UNIX windows. [photo5.txt] Codes defined in modals can be omitted, reducing the output data amount. Codes, such as those marked as D02, are associated with both PHOTO.txt and photo5.txt. 8 - 64 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings Changing the tool code assignment (drill tool) The Tool Code Format and the parameter file for the drill tool are the keys to defining an NC format for the drill output tool. In this lesson, you will learn the differences between the two assignment modes (fix and auto). Make changes to the Tool Code Format in the NC format and drill output tool execution parameters to execute the drill output tool. Drill machine name: DRILL1 Drill machine name: DRILL2 drill1.ncf Tool code format Format definition drill2.ncf Omitted Tool assignment (parameter file) Table reference Auto assignment Reference Refer to P7-7 "3. Specify Drill machine" for the tool code format. Lesson 1. The list file, [drill.drd], which serves as a basis of comparison, has been generated using manually assigned parameters. Remember the “Drill Output Parameter File” and check drill.drd, for example using WordPad. ~ The tool selection codes and hole diameters in the output drill data have been output as defined in the tool table for the drill machine [DRILL1]. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 65 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 2. Activate the design rule edit tool from the CAD File Manager and click Register Drill Machine. Click DRILL2, machine name. Click Click Register Format. Click Click Function on Edit Drill Data NCF menu bar, then Tool Code Format to check the tool code format. 3. Click (drill tool). Click Click Click OK. 8 - 66 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 4. Set the [Output Drill Data] execution menu. Items to be defined Output panel database: Drill machine name: Tool assignment: sample.pnl DRILL2 Auto Output Sequence Classification Drill process name Output directory of drill data Drill output Hole drill2 C:\home\lesson2\pnl Layer Diameter/Hole Type Shape Plating the order from the smaller hole diameter Classify Round hole square hole All All Round hole All 5. Execute the drill tool. Having finished setting the required parameters, execute the drill tool. Click Execute-Drill. Click The [Output Drill Data] execution menu has finished. Click Click Two files, [drill2.drd] and [drill2.drl], have been output. Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 8 - 67 6. Using Varied NC Format Settings 6. Check the contents of the output list file, [drill2.drl]. If you are using Windows, check it with WordPad or other tools. As a result of “Auto tool assignment”, a tool selection code has been assigned automatically according to the “drill2.ncf” tool code format each time the output hole diameter changed. Compare this list with [drill.drl] output lists shown on page 8-65. With “Auto tool assignment, the same sequence of tool codes is repeated if the number of types of hole diameters exceeds the maximum (number of tools per pod) defined in the tool code format. T01 through T06 are repeated. 8 - 68 Chapter 8 Registering Manufacturing Machines 1. Photo Machine NCF This section introduces you to all of the definition items in the photo machine NCF. It begins by listing the definition items, then proceeds to describe each in detail. Reference Refer to P8-20 “ Block orders” For NCF block orders. The table below lists the items that are set in the Edit Photo Data NCF menu. Comment Extended Format Type Unit Record Format Record Length Character Code Coordinate Format Rounding Unit Coordinate Representation Omit Coordinates Zero Suppression Zero Form Plus Code Flash Shape Stream Mode Polygon Mode Arc Output Mode Arc Center Representation Segment Resolution Paint Overlap Shutter Status during Tool Nothing specified, Gerber RS-274X mm, inch, mil Full Storage, Non-Full Storage An integer not less than 1 ASCII, EBCDIC, ISO, EIA, ASCII + even parity, ASCII + odd parity Incremental, Absolute Yes, no Non-suppression, leading zero suppression, trailing zero suppression, both-zero suppression, leading zero swap space, trailing zero swap space, both-zero swap space Address and 0, Address and as many 0’s as All Digits, Address Only +, Space, No Output Round, Rectangular, Round Thermal, Odd, Doughnut, Oblong, Square Thermal Normal Stream, Stream including Width 0, Polygonal Outline, Polygon with Width 0 in Stream Expand as Stream, Polygonal Outline, Polygon with Cutout, Polygon with Negative Cutout Full Circle, 1/2, 1/4, Minor Segment Incremental, Absolute, Incremental Absolute Coordinates, Arc Radius Tolerance specification in the minor-segment arc output mode Overlap specification at painting Independent of Tool Selection, Open Shutter, or Exchange Close Shutter Appendix A-1 1. Photo Machine NCF Comment You can enter a comment of 80 characters or less for the NCF. The comment is written to the list that is output by the [Photo output tool]. If laser photo-specific information is to be output, in addition to normal photo data, specify the format type of that data. At present, only RS-274 (Gerber System Corporation) is supported. Extended Format Type Unit mm, inch, mil Record Format Specify the unit of output data. Determine the unit according to whether the manufacturing machine is a millimeter-, inch-, or mil-based (regardless of the unit set in the panel database <PNL>). Each instruction that drives a machine is called a block. A block is delimited by an end-of-block (EOB) code. Specify whether a record boundary is allowed within a block (instruction). If an * (asterisk) is specified as an EOB code Full Storage (Filling) A block fully spanning the record boundary Non-full storage Each block is terminated so as not to cross a record boundary, with one ETB code being placed to fill the vacant record positions (each having the Record Length specified below); vacant positions up to the record boundary are padded with pad codes. Reference EOB code, ETB code, and Pad code are defined in [Block orders]. Refer to P8-20 “ Block orders” for NCF block orders. Record Length Specify the byte length of data that the manufacturing machine can read at a time. Example If a value of [256] is specified: A-2 Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF Character Code Specify the kind of code that is output as NC data or that can be read by the NC machine. ASCII EBCDIC EIA ISO ASCII + Even parity ASCII + Odd parity : : : : No parity (default) No parity Even parity Odd parity Coordinate Format Specify the number of integer digits, the presence or absence of a decimal point, and the number of fractional digits in the output coordinates. Rounding Unit If this item is not specified, coordinates are rounded at the decimal place next to the number of fractional digits specified in the Coordinate Format. With three integer digits and three fractional digits, for example, coordinates are rounded at the fourth decimal place. If you want coordinates rounded in any other way, specify a value between 0.00001 and 0.5. Example With three integer digits, a decimal point, and three fractional digits, if a value of 0.05 is specified for rounding, then, the value of 123.470 would be rounded to 123.450 (---123.400 123.450 123.500---). The value of 987.888 would be rounded to 987.900 (---987.800 987.850 987.900 987.950---). Appendix A-3 1. Photo Machine NCF Coordinate Representation Specify whether the coordinates that are output as NC data are represented in relation to the coordinate location of the preceding data (relative coordinate representation) or as absolute coordinates from the origin (absolute coordinate representation). Omit Coordinates Specify whether the value of an X-axis or Y-axis coordinate should be output when it is equal to the preceding coordinate value. Yes No (If the values of both the X-axis and Y-axis coordinates are equal to the preceding values, the entire MOVE or DRAW instruction is not output.) A-4 Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF Zero Suppression Specifies how to suppress unnecessary zeros in a coordinate value. · 00nn.nn00 (Non-suppression) Zeros are not suppressed. Examples: 0007200 →0007200 0023.450→0023.450 · nn.nn00 (Leading zero suppression) The leading zeros in a coordinate value are suppressed. Examples: 0007200→7200 0023.450→23.450 · 00nn.nn (Trailing zero suppression) The trailing zeros in a coordinate value are suppressed. Examples: 0007200→00072 0023.450→0023.45 · nn.nn (Both-zero suppression) Both the leading and trailing zeros in a coordinate value are suppressed. (Note that the both-zero suppression is available only when “Decimal Point” is set to “Exist.”) Examples: 0023.450→23.45 · _nn.nn (Leading zero swap space) The leading zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. Examples: 0007200→__7200 0023.450→__23.450 · nn.nn_ (Trailing zero swap space) The trailing zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. Examples: 0007200→0072__ 0023.450→0023.45_ · _nn.nn_ (Both-zero swap space) Both leading and trailing zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. (This function works only where a decimal point is present.) Example: 0023.450→__23.45_ A coordinate value of 0 would follow the zero data format (Zero Form). ! Caution The menu uses under bar ( _ ) instead of space to show it distinctly. Appendix A-5 1. Photo Machine NCF Zero Form Specify how a coordinate value of 0 is handled. Address and 0 (if a decimal point is present, address and 0.0) Address and as many 0's as All Digits Address Only Plus Code Specify how the coordinate data "+" is handled. + Space No Output Flash Shape Pads with the flash attribute attached to them by the pad shape editor are associated with flash D codes in the aperture table. However, click off the shape of a pad that is to be expanded into a stream or polygon, rather than a flash, even if it has the flash attribute attached to it. Round Rectangular Round Thermal Odd Doughnut Oblong Square Thermal Output as flash data Expand and output as stream data ! Caution When performing parametric input for around, thermal, or square pad, the pad is output as polygon. A pad input as an area is output as a stream. A-6 Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF Stream Mode Define how data that would normally be output as a stream, such as line data, is output. Normal Stream Stream including Width 0 Polygonal Outline Polygon with Width 0 in Stream Define how data that would normally be output as a stream fill, such as area data, is output. Expand as Stream Polygonal Outline Polygon with Cutout Polygon with Negative Cutout Outline output by LP parameter Fill with streams. Split the area in the cutout and output the outline as a polygon. Output the outline and cutout as a polygon with the pen width taken into account. Output the outline as a positive aperture and the cutout as a negative aperture. Output the data by using %LPD% and %LCP%, which is parameter of RS274X. Polygon Mode Arc Output Mode Specify the method of interpolating arcs. Full Circle 1/2 1/4 Minor Segment Appendix A-7 1. Photo Machine NCF Arc Center Representation Arcs and circles are represented by their start point, center point, and end point or by their start and end points and radius. Define how the center point coordinates are represented. ! Caution If [Incremental Absolute Coordinates] has been specified for Arc Center Representation, specify 1/4 for Arc Output Mode. Arc Length for Correction This is reference value for adjusting minute arc and almost-full circle, which cause output error in photo output. Range of value : 0.0 to 20000.0 Caution : This section is valid when Arc Output Mode is set to [Full Circle], [1/2], and [1/4]. Straight line for minute arc When minute arc is shorter than specified value, the Photo tool will output arc using straight line. (However, the tool will not straighten arc when Output Mode is set to Full-circle.) Dividing almost-full circle arc This process is valid when Output Mode is set to [Full Circle]. The Photo tool will divide almost-full circle into two sections when the following conditions are met: 1. An angle of the arc is equal to or more than 270 degrees and less than 360 degrees. 2. Length of the arc is shorter than the value specified for [Arc Length Correction]. A-8 Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF Segment Resolution Specify the tolerance for interpolating arcs in the Minor-Segment Arc Output mode. Range: Positive real number Caution: If the tolerance is extremely large in relation to the radius of the arc, the arc is split at a maximum angle of 45 degrees. Fill Overlap Set the stream overlap value or teardrop fill overlap value for filling area data with streams or for filling line data with alternate apertures. ! Caution Theoretically, the rounding unit for coordinates may be used as an overlap value. Allowing for mechanical positioning accuracy or laser photo raster accuracy, however, a value about 10 times the rounding unit for coordinates is recommended. If an area fill pen width is too small to meet this overlap value, an overlap of 0 is output (in which case a warning is issued). Shutter Status during Tool Exchange Set the shutter status following an aperture change in the middle of a line. Independent of Tool Selection Open Shutter Close Shutter Appendix A-9 1. Photo Machine NCF Aperture code format This is a format definition of D codes to assign aperture selection codes automatically. Click Function on the menu bar, then Aperture Code Format to open the Edit Aperture Code dialog box. The following items can be specified: Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Address Character, Number of code number digits Omit, Do Not Omit Format Example Specify the address of the aperture code and its number of digits. Address character = D, code number digits = 3 D000 Caution: The address character is one uppercase letter. Initial Value Example Specify the initial value of the code number. If Initial Value = 1 under the condition in the example above: D001 Specify the increment of the code number. If Increment = 1 under the condition in the example above: D001 D002 D003 Set the maximum value of the aperture table. Specify whether zeros in the code number should be suppressed or not when it is short of the specified number of digits. Omit Do Not Omit Increment Example Maximum Value Zero Suppression A - 10 Appendix 1. Photo Machine NCF Block order This is a definition for codes, block orders, and modals. Click Function on the menu bar, then Block Order to open the Edit Block Order menu. [Code definitions] EOB Code EOR Code ETB Code Pad Code Feed Code Null Code Open Shutter Code Close Shutter Code Flash Code Linear Interpolation Code Arc Interpolation <Clockwise> Code Arc Interpolation <Counterclockwise> Code Program Stop Code Optional Stop Code Reset Code Rewind Code Sequential Number X Coordinate Y Coordinate I Coordinate J Coordinate Select Aperture [Block Order Definition] Program Start Select Aperture Move Draw Flash Arc (Clockwise) Arc (Counterclockwise) Polygon Start Polygon End Program Stop [Modal Definition] A definition of code groups. [EOB] [EOR] [ETB] [PAD] [FEED] [NULL] [OPEN] [CLOSE] [FLASH] [LINE] [CW] [CCW] [PS] [OS] [PSR] [PSW] [NO] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [TOOL] Appendix A - 11 1. Photo Machine NCF Sequential number This is a format definition for the sequential number of a block order. Click Function on the Edit Block Order menu, then Sequential No. to open the Edit Sequential Number dialog box. The following items can be specified: Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Address Character, Number of code number digits Omit, Do Not Omit Format Specify the address of the aperture code and its number of digits. Example Address character = N, code number digits = 3 N000 Specify the initial value of the code number. Initial Value Example If Initial Value = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: N001 Specify the increment of the code number. Increment Example If Increment = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: N001 N002 N003 Set the maximum value of the aperture table. Specify whether zeros in the code number should be suppressed or not when it is short of the specified number of digits. Omit Do Not Omit Maximum Value Zero Suppression A - 12 Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF This section introduces you to all the definition items in the drill machine NCF. It begins by listing the definition items, then proceeds to describe each in detail. Reference Refer to P8-20 “ Block orders” for NCF block orders. The table below lists the items that are set in the Edit Drill Data NCF menu. Comment Extended format type Unit Record Format Record Length Character Code Coordinate Format Rounding Unit Coordinate Representation Omit Coordinates Zero Suppression None, Excellon mm, inch, mil Full Storage, Non-Full Storage An integer not less than 1 ASCII, EBCDIC, ISO, EIA, ASCII + even parity, ASCII + odd parity Incremental, Absolute Yes, no Non-suppression, leading zero suppression, Trailing zero suppression, both-zero suppression, leading zero swap space, trailing zero swap space, both-zero swap space Address and 0, Address and as many 0’s as All Digits, Address Only Zero Form Plus Code Coordinates during Tool Exchange +, Space, No Output Clear, Save Appendix A - 13 2. Drill Machine NCF Comment You can enter a comment of 80 characters or less for the NCF. The comment is written to the list that is output by the drill output tool. Extended format type Specify information such as tool diameter, unit, and/or suppression mode in the header section of NC data with using format called Excellon drill format. Unit mm, inch, mil Specify the unit of output data. Determine the unit according to whether the manufacturing machine is a millimeter-, inch-, or mil-based (regardless of the unit set in the panel database <PNL>). Record Format Each instruction that drives a machine is called a block. A block is delimited by an end-of-block (EOB) code. Specify whether a record boundary is allowed within a block (instruction). If an [*] (asterisk) is specified as an EOB code Full Storage (Filling) A block fully spanning the record boundary. Nonfull storage Each block is terminated so as not to cross a record boundary, with one ETB code being placed to fill the vacant record positions (each having the Record Length specified below); vacant positions up to the record boundary are padded with pad codes. Reference EOB code, ETB code, and Pad code are defined in [Block orders]. Refer to P8-20 “ Block orders” for NCF block orders. A - 14 Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF Record Length Specify the byte length of data that the manufacturing machine can read at a time. Example If a value of 256 is specified: Character Code Specify the kind of code that is output as NC data or that can be read by the NC machine. ASCII: No parity (default) EBCDIC: No parity EIA: Even parity ISO: Odd parity ASCII + Even parity ASCII + Odd parity Coordinate Format Specify the number of integer digits, the presence or absence of a decimal point, and the number of fractional digits in the output coordinates. Appendix A - 15 2. Drill Machine NCF Rounding Unit If this item is not specified, coordinates are rounded at the decimal place next to the to the number of fractional digits specified in the Coordinate Format. With three integer digits and three fractional digits, coordinates are rounded at the fourth decimal place. If you want coordinates rounded in any other way, specify a value between 0.00001 and 0.5. Example With three integer digits, a decimal point, and three fractional digits, if a value of 0.05 is specified for rounding, then, the value of 123.470 would be rounded to 123.450 (---123.400 123.450 123.500---). The value of 987.888 would be rounded to 987.900 (---987.800 987.850 987.900 987.95---...). Coordinate Representation Specify whether the coordinates that are output as NC data are represented in relation to the coordinate location of the preceding data (relative coordinate representation) or as absolute coordinates from the origin (absolute coordinate representation). Omit Coordinates Specify whether the value of an X-axis or Y-axis coordinate should be output when it is equal to the preceding coordinate value. Yes No (If the values of both the X-axis and Y-axis coordinates are equal to the preceding values, the entire [MOVE] or [DRAW] instruction is not be output.) A - 16 Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF Zero Suppression Specifies how to suppress unnecessary zeros in a coordinate value. ・ 00nn.nn00 (Non-suppression) Zeros are not suppressed. Examples: 0007200 → 0007200 0023.450 → 0023.450 ・ nn.nn00 (Leading zero suppression) The leading zeros in a coordinate value are suppressed. Examples: 0007200 → 7200 0023.450 → 23.450 ・ 00nn.nn (Trailing zero suppression) The trailing zeros in a coordinate value are suppressed. Examples: 0007200 → 00072 0023.450 → 0023.45 ・ _nn.nn (Leading zero swap space) The leading zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. Examples: 0007200 → __7200 0023.450 → __23.450 ・ nn.nn_ (Trailing zero swap space) The trailing zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. Examples: 0007200 → 0072__ 0023.450 → 0023.45_ ・ _nn.nn_ (Both-zero swap space) Both leading and trailing zeros in a coordinate value are replaced with spaces. (This function works only where a decimal point is present.) Example: 0023.450 → __23.45_ A coordinate value of 0 would follow the zero data format (Zero Form). ! Caution The menu uses under bar ( _ ) instead of space to show it distinctly. Appendix A - 17 2. Drill Machine NCF Zero Form Specify how a coordinate value of 0 is handled. Address and 0 (if a decimal point is present, address and 0.0) Address and as many 0’s as All Digits Address Only Plus Code Specify how the plus sign appearing in coordinate values is handled. + Space No Output Coordinates during Tool Exchange Specify whether the coordinates in effect immediately before the exchange of the tool are retained and used as relative values with respect to the coordinates that are hit by the new tool or are output as relative values with respect to the absolute origin. Clear Save Relative values with respect to the absolute origin (return to the origin). Relative values with respect to the coordinates that are hit by the new tool (no return to the origin). A - 18 Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF Tool code format This is a format definition of T codes to assign drill tool codes automatically. Click Function on the menu bar, then Tool Code Format to open the Tool Code Format dialog box. The following items can be specified: Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Format Example Address Character, Number of code number digits Omit, Do Not Omit Specify the address of the tool code and its number of digits. Address character = D, code number digits = 3 T000 Specify the initial value of the code number. Example Initial Value If Initial Value = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: T001 Specify the increment of the code number. Increment Example If Increment = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: T001 T002 T003 Set the number of tools available per pod. Specify whether zeros in the code number should be suppressed or not when it is short of the specified number of digits. Omit Do Not Omit Maximum Value Zero Suppression Appendix A - 19 2. Drill Machine NCF Block order This is a definition of codes, block orders, and modals. Click Function on the menu bar, then Block Order to open the Edit Block Order menu. [Code definitions] EOB Code EOR Code ETB Code Pad Code Feed Code Null Code Drill Hit Code Cancel Code Program Stop Code Optional Stop Code Reset Code Rewind Code Sequential Number X Coordinate Y Coordinate I Coordinate J Coordinate Select Tool [Block Order Definition] Program Start Select Tool Drill Hit Reset Tool Program Stop [Modal Definition] This is a definition of code groups. [EOB] [EOR] [ETB] [PAD] [FEED] [NULL] [HIT] [CANCEL] [PS] [OS] [PSR] [PSW] [NO] [X] [Y] [I] [J] [TOOL] A - 20 Appendix 2. Drill Machine NCF Sequential number This is a format definition for the sequential number of a block order. Click Function on the Edit Block Order menu, then Sequential No. to open the Edit Sequential Number dialog box. The following items can be specified: Format Initial Value Increment Maximum Value Zero Suppression Format Example Address Character, Number of code number digits Omit, Do Not Omit Specify the address of the tool code and its number of digits. Address character = N, code number digits = 3 N000 Specify the initial value of the code number. Example Initial Value If Initial Value = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: N001 Specify the increment of the code number. Increment Example If Increment = 1 is specified under the condition in the example above: N001 N002 N003 Set the number of tools available per pod. Specify whether zeros in the code number should be suppressed or not when it is short of the specified number of digits. Omit Do Not Omit Maximum Value Zero Suppression Appendix A - 21 Zuken Inc. Master Training <CAM> Serial ID C2G1001E
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