Calarts Syllabus

March 27, 2018 | Author: Kathir Avan | Category: Homework, Animation, Arts (General), Leisure



Fall 2009Beginning Story Development (FC155A01/02) CLASS SYLLABUS INTRODUCTION Welcome to the “Beginning Story Development” course at California Institute of the Arts for the Character Animation Program. This course, being a required class for first year BFA-1 Character Animation students, and has been designed specifically for the department. Intent of this course is to strengthen your skills in story development, characterization, and visual storytelling for the Animation Media. I’d like to keep everything simple and applicable with what’s expected in the professional industry. Using a fine mixture of technical information and analytical problem solving, we’ll learn how to tell clear visual character based stories. Also, I’d like to take this moment to extend a congratulations to you all for being accepted into our world renowned Animation School. I look forward to an exciting and informative year. If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact me. Chong Suk Lee Storyboard Artist / Writer Walt Disney Television Animation telephone: (818) 621-4691 email: [email protected] COURSE DESCRIPTION This course will focus mainly on story & character development for the animation. The primary goal is to teach the artistry of storyboarding. Training will begin with basic character posing & layout design principles. Then move into details of animation techniques in storyboarding. Ranging from clear character acting, interaction, staging, camera direction, camera movement, composition, gag writing, story structure, cinematography, editing, and concept development. Also, emphasis will be made on presentation and knowledge of technical details as a professional animation artist. The second part of the course, is to provide my tutelage for the students on the creation and execution of their first year character animation film. Including the development of a professional portfolio. Lastly, to provide mentorship to any students, who are interested. GOAL First semester will primarily focus on lectures and weekly assignments. In the process learning clear storytelling, with details in the technical aspects of storyboarding. Second semester will be spent more as a one on one artist development for the student’s film and a professional portfolio. Beginning Animation Story Development / Storyboarding - Character Animation BFA-1 1 Sometimes I may arrive a bit late. but not to the point to annoy your fellow classmates. Notes and suggestions given to your work should be applied. HOMEWORK & ASSIGNMENTS Each week you will pitch your assignments and/or homework to the class. You’re paying a large sum of money to go to this school. So be vocal. your work will be evaluated by me and your fellow students. for immediate tutelage.chongtoons. we’ll break up the time as following: 1) Attendance 2) Lecture 3) Break 4) Assignment Review ONLINE BLOG (Beta Version) I’m going to try something new this year. To access blog & download pdf’s of the handouts you’ll need a login and password. And even take on debates. If you fail to complete the total of 3 in-class assignments or 3 homework. GRADING Is based on your in-class assignment & homework. thus the presentation aspect is very important to the course. if your views differ. It’ll be greatly appreciated. suggestion. Communicate your point of view. At the end of the semester.Fall 2009 Beginning Story Development (FC155A01/02) ATTENDANCE Attendance will be taken every class. Your improvement on your work. Please feel free to ask questions when you have them. you will be asked to bring all the work you’ve accomplished throughout the course for the final review. PARTICIPATION Story Artists generally have to pitch their storyboards in front of an audience. and turned in at the end of semester. positive and negative. by making the handouts available on a weekly blog: http://www. login: password: Beg. Story Development / Animation Storyboarding .com Please post any comments. The completed assignments will be perfect addition to your professional portfolio. you are encouraged to revise your assignments in class. I encourage you to make the best of its resources. Afterwards. Also. your active participation in the class discussing and reviewing sessions will benefit your grade. I encourage everyone to take an active participation in the class in the review sessions. & feedback on the blog. Also. based on applying what you’ve learned is a major of your grade. you will receive an incomplete for the class. if I’m running late. CLASS HOURS Wednesday 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM. In class. If you miss more than 3 classes. you will not get credit for the course.CalArts Character Animation BFA-1 2 . Pitching and communication is a very important part of cinema storytelling. due to my commute after work from the studios. So please give me the courtesy and stick around for a while. No Class Review Work in Progress Portfolio Development (Films Due on Monday 4/26) Portfolio Development & Resume Portfolio Review & Mentorship (Producer’s Show 5/13) Last Day of Spring Semester . 4 Nov.Character Acting (Posing. 21 Apr.Fall 2009 Beginning Story Development (FC155A01/02) CLASS SCHEDULE . 3 Feb.Character Designs. 14 Apr. 27 Feb. Compositions & Spacing) Storyboarding Basics . & Gesture Sketch. Basic Perspective for Characters and Backgrounds.Continuity (Editing. Construction. Expressions. 24 & Mar. Staging.Silhouettes. & Juxtaposition) Storyboarding Basics . 14 Oct. Conceptual Art. & Pantomime) and Staging (Setting the scene). & Cutting) Storyboarding Basics . Character Design Basics 2 . Inter-cutting. Screen Direction.CalArts Character Animation BFA-1 3 . 2 Dec.Review Nov. 30 Oct.Character Interaction (Action then Reaction) Storyboarding Basics . & Storyboard Labeling) Story Writing . Character Design Basics 1 . 28 Nov. Poses. 16 CLASS SCHEDULE . Terminologies. & Thumbnail Storyboards.Camera Shots (Shots. 16 Sept.“Visions of Light: The Art of Cinematography” (Thanksgiving Week) Editing . 25 Dec. 21 Oct. 24 Mar. 20 Jan. Storyboarding Basics .“The Cutting Edge: The Magic of Movie Editing” Student Film Development .FALL 2009 Sept.Apr.SPRING 2010 Jan.Mentorship Beg. 23 Sept. & Interactions. 10 & 17 Feb. 11 Introduction to Animation Storyboarding. & Shapes. 28 May 5 & May 12 May 19 Student Film Storyboard (Pitch 1) Student Film Storyboard (Pitch 2) Student Film Storyboard (Final) Storyboarding from Script (in class) Storyboarding from Outline (in class) Show Development (Group Project) Spring Break .Camera Moves & Perspective (Camera Movement Physics. Storyboarding Basics . Size Variations. Animation Process. 18 Nov. Line of Action.Thumbnail Process (Shot Analysis. Angles. 31 . Story Development / Animation Storyboarding . 7 Oct. 9 Dec. Camera Direction. 3 Mar.Process of Story Writing for Animation Production Cinematography . 10 & 17 Mar.Expressions. Last Day of Fall Semester .
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