CAIIB Retail Banking Sample Questions by Murugan(1).pdf

April 2, 2018 | Author: Manish Kumar Masram | Category: Debit Card, Securitization, Banks, Loans, Debits And Credits


Description Facebook Groups - JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS - CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING At which stage of product life cycle the product is likely to see drop in volumes and in profits? om a. saturation stage. b. decline stage. c. introduction stage. d. a & c es t Marketing Mix refers to …… .c Ans - b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. kt a. Product & Price b. Promotion & Place c. People & Process & Physical evidence d. All the above. m DRTs are governed by provisions of the …… oc Ans - d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ca i ib a. RBI Act b. SARFAESI Act c. RDB Act d. BR Act iib Ans - c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. .ja The terms and conditions for repossession as per the recovery policy should contain the following provisions …… w w w a. notice period before taking possession b. circumstances under which the notice period can be waived c. the procedure for taking possession of the security d. a provision regarding final chance to be given to the borrower for repayment of loan before the sale/auction of the property Ans - d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 Facebook Groups - JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS - CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING What are the advantages of retail banking? om a. Risk is less as client base is large b. Income is relatively more as spreads are more c. Stable model with less volatility d. a and b .c Ans - d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. es t Recovery of loans through Lok Adalats can be resorted to by banks upto a limit of …… kt a. Rs.2 lacs b. Rs.5 lacs c. Rs. 10 lacs d. Rs.20 lacs oc Ans - c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. m Bank's representatives authorized to represent the Bank in collection or/and security repossession would contact the borrower before …… ca i ib a. 1800 hrs b. 1900 hrs c. 2000 hrs d. 2100 hrs iib Ans - b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. .ja Public sector banks in India follow the model of …… w a. Departmental approach b. Strategic Business Unit approach c. Integrated approach d. all the above w w Ans - a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 Facebook Groups - JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS - CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Which of the following is not a fundamental ingredient of an effective marketing mix in Retail Banking? om a. Product and Price b. Product and profit c. Place and People d. Process and Physical evidence es t Returns are more in …… .c Ans - b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. kt a. para banking b. corporate banking c. retail banking d. all the above m Securitisation Process involves the following : oc Ans - c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ca i ib a. The lender first selects the assets they want to securitise. b. The issuer (Special Purpose Vehicle) makes payment to the lender for the loans securitised. c. The assets are converted into a pool of securities by the issuer for the purpose of issuing Pass Through Certificate (PTC) and the PTCs are sold to other investors who are willing to invest. d. All the above. iib Ans - d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. .ja According to the factors of service quality – Empathy means w a. Helping the customer b. extend prompt service c. understanding the service expectations from customers point of view d. all the above w w Ans - c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. [email protected], [email protected], 09994452442 09994452442 . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING To consider the loan amount under housing loan scheme which of the following statements are true? a. c. 1. w w w Ans . 1. e m oc An Individual took a Loan of Rs. Regular income from all sources can be considered to arrive at total eligible loan amount. rupee will double in nine years if the rate of interest is …… % p.. The maximum amount of Interest which he can claim as a deduction would be… ca i ib a.000 towards Interest during FY. etc. the property is held in single name and the spouse stands as a guarantor the borrower's son or daughter who has a steady income c.00 Lacs for purchasing a flat for self-occupation on 30/03/1999 & paid Rs. 6% iib By applying Rule 72. The form which serves as a data base for cross selling of different products in banks a. the salary is routed through Bank account and joins as a co-borrower d. 9 % c.000 d. d. ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com.c ……………………………………………….20. The property is jointly held with the spouse and the spouse is co-borrower b.c om a..d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. in case the house/flat being purchased is proposed to be rented e. d c. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. b. 2006-07...www.jaiibcaiibmocktest. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 1. Rs. a.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. 18% b.00. cess.. expected rental less taxes.ja a.000 Ans . 30... d b. 8% d. account opening form www. 15. Facebook Groups .. All the above kt Ans . Rs.000 c.20.000 b.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS murugan0501@gmail. es t . a. a... Rs.a. EMI Reset is applicable in case of .com. KYC form c. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans . 09994452442 . b. Transactions of credits c.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Internet Banking c. w w For reverse mortgage loans the age of the applicant should be above a. 60 yrs www. Both A & B murugan0501@gmail. 55 yrs c.ja iib a. Fixed loan ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. Letter of Credit services All the above ca i Ans . es t . 50 yrs b.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Mobile Banking d.c Through Internet Banking customer can not avail the facility of the transactions of …… om b. ATMs b. credit card form d. Funds Transfer oc Electronic Channels in retail banking refers to …… kt Ans – c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Transactions of debits b. none w Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. a. Floating rate borrowers Facebook Groups . [email protected]. none of these ib m a.CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected]. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. iib a.a www. es t .com Facebook Groups .c Balance Enquiry b. 12 yrs d.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Funds Transfer d.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. The branch tangibilizes the intelligible nature of banking service d.ja Ans .com. ib Ans . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING d.jaiibcaiibmocktest. Products and services are directly explained to the customers. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Both A & C Ans .b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All the above. Through Mobile Banking customer can’t avail the facility of …… kt Ans .b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com murugan0501@gmail. Letter of Credit services c.www.jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 . 65 yrs om Ans . 10 yrs b. decline stage c.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. At which stage of product life cycle the customer develop a tendency of indifference to the product? w w w a. 20 yrs ca i The maximum period for Reverse mortgage loan is …… . b. Personnel at the branch relate with the customer for their transactions ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 15 yrs c. Transactions of credits The branch is the primary direct channel that drives Retail Banking by the following reasons:- m oc a. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. maturity stage b. saturation stage d. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. it is valid for how many months? m Ans .JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . All the above. Ram working as a Gazetted Officer in a Government Department having 20 years left over service was recently transferred to Chennai.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Integrated approach c. it is valid for three months d. Developing appropriate products to satisfy their needs c. Identifying the customers' needs b.jaiibcaiibmocktest. Setting business development goals and making plans to meet them murugan0501@gmail. ib Which of following concepts point out for a well laid strategy for Retail Banking focusing on Customers? iib ca i a. [email protected]. Yes. Facebook Groups .d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Assessing the present and future needs of customers c. No. www.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Which of the business modules is Management by Objectives process? w w w a. He approached a branch and requested that he is in pursuit of a good house or apartment in Chennai for immediate purchase and he requires in principle sanction. We cannot accede to such request it is valid for six months kt es t Mr.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Yes. .c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….ja Ans . B & C Ans . it is valid for one month c.jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 .com. Strategic Business Unit approach b. Identifying the most profitable markets now and in the future om Bank Marketing refers to …… oc a.www. All the above . Whether the Bank accepts to his request? If so. Departmental approach d. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING a. Providing them with efficient delivery channels for availing the products d.c Ans . Rs. Banking facilities to individual customers. 75.ja Husband & Wife jointly raise a loan in April 2005 for constructing a house for Both the above kt a. They have been paying the housing loan installments on 50:50 Basis from their respective Incomes. 1. 50. they paid Interest of Rs.50. www. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. om Default in repayment in Credit Cards and Personal Loan segments is mainly due to …… oc Ans . Anyone of the above d.c Ans . Selling products/services to new customers. .com. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Rs. b. Selling additional products/services to the existing customers.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….00. Banking facilities to large size businesses iib Ans murugan0501@gmail. Both i and ii are true. Only i is true d.000 Ans . 3.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….000 d. During FY 2006-07.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. The maximum interest which each of them can claim as deduction is …… w w w a. es t Cross Selling refers to …… . 1.000 b. c. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING a. m Which one is not a characteristic of retail banking? ca i ib a. Banking facilities to small size businesses c.000 c.www.000. Genuine Defaults due to reasons beyond the borrowers' control b. Willful defaults where the default is intentional c. 09994452442 .c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .com Facebook Groups .com. Rs.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. b. Banking facilities to medium size businesses d.jaiibcaiibmocktest. The construction was completed in July 2006. 1970 1950 Proper placing of various service facilities enhances internal communication effectiveness c. New Delhi and Mumbai have …… benches in Debt Recovery Tribunal ca i ib a. kt Demat refers to …… a. 09994452442 .c om a. . The comfortable and congenial work environment results in high employee motivation d. process of converting physical shares (share certificates) into an electronic form b. [email protected]. All the above w w Ans . 3 murugan0501@gmail. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. the shares are held in a Demat account c.ja A good branch ambience will result in the following advantages for the bank …… w a. 4 d. All the above oc Ans .www.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . www.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. identical and fungible assets after demat d. 2 b.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1980 es t Ans – b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. The shares will become interchangeable. 5 iib Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. 1960 c. Once converted. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Banking in the Indian scenario was identified with lending to business and corporate clients for working capital and project financing before …… . Promotes efficiency and smooth flow of services which result in time benefits Facebook Groups .CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] m ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. 2 c. Rs. 2006-07. Transfer of funds between accounts . Only housing loans d.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. All the above kt a.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . w w w a. 4 es t Each Debt Recovery Tribunal has …… Recovery Officers .ja An individual took a loan of Rs. towards Interest & around Rs. 3 d.000 80CCC. All retail loans b. Rs. 09994452442 . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. or 80CCD. 1. ca i ib a. om The facilities available for mobile banking customers are …… oc Ans . 1.000 towards principal during F.00 Lakhs for purchasing a plot of land during F.50.c Ans .same bank and other banks c.10. 57.10. . Retail loans other than housing loans c. Rs. He has not made any other contribution under Sections 80C. 1 Facebook Groups . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING a. Option to pay utility bills d.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 0 Ans . 57. He will be able to claim deduction of …… towards Interest.000 c. Rs. 2005-06 & has paid around Rs. 1.Y.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. None of the above m Asset backed securitisation (ABS) is backed by …… iib Ans .000 murugan0501@gmail. Facility for using banking facility from anywhere b.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. What are the disadvantages of retail banking? w . All the above w w Ans . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. length of credit history c.c om a. 30 % Delinquencies relatively higher in unsecured retail loans like Personal Loans and Credit Card Receivables d. 40 % oc Ans . 35 % d. es t In the credit information report weightage given to payment history is …… . Both b and c.jaiibcaiibmocktest. 18 months b. m The Moratorium period in case of housing loan will be ca i ib a. 09994452442 .com murugan0501@gmail. iib Ans . b. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Cost of servicing will be relatively high. payment history b. www. Upto 18 months after the disbursal of Ist disbursement of loan c.jaiibcaiibmocktest. Both B & c kt CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .com. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING In the credit information report maximum weightage is given to Ans . amount owed d.ja a. Huge clientele requires more efforts for monitoring and tracking.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com Facebook Groups .a ……………………………………………………………………………………………….d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25 % b. Two months after the completion of construction. c.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….www. c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All of the above om Which types of the following risks to the customers as well as to banks are carried by the ATMs? oc kt a.jaiibcaiibmocktest.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….ja Which of the following country doesn’t come under Europe – eurozone? w a. Netherlands d.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. A Point of Sale terminal is predominantly used for payment for sale transactions only but not for purchases transactions. Integrated Approach [email protected] CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Departmental Approach c. Negative publicity due to break downs c. Strategic Business Unit (SBU) Approach b. Cash out situation which reflect in the efficiency of the banks d. es t The Point of Sale (POS) terminals do not represent which of the following …… . Sweden [email protected]. Net Settlement when the transfer of funds actually takes place.www. Anyone of the above iib Ans . www. c. Facebook Groups .com. Austria b. The business model followed by Banks for retail banking are ca i ib a. ATM is a double edged sword increasing the chances of fraudulent withdrawals b. [email protected] a. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans . Ireland w w Ans . b. m Ans . Point of Sale is simply an electronic transaction terminal used in an electronic Point of Sale system. Transfer of funds to any third party d. 09994452442 . com [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Option to pay utility bills and Transfer of funds between accounts of same bank and other banks c. Setting business development goals and making plans to meet them d. Communication happens directly with the bank staff and customer d. Facebook Groups [email protected]. m The branch is the primary direct channel that drives Retail Banking by the following reasons …… ca i ib a. Which of the following facility a Mobile Banking customer cannot use? w . A good branch ambience enhances the feel good factor c. Identifying the most profitable markets now and in the future b. None of the above om Which of the following dimensions do not relate to Marketing in Retail Banking? kt a. All the above iib Ans .com. 09994452442 . Internet Banking and Mobile Banking d.ja a.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….c a. Facilities of withdrawing cash anywhere anytime d. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans .d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. es t The channels through which Retail Banking services are offered are? .d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. Physical Channels b. The branch tangibilizes the intelligible nature of banking service b.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Balance Enquiries and facility for shopping and paying through mobile w w Ans . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. All the above oc Ans . Branch and Extension Counters c.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . assessing the present and future needs of customers c. Facility for using banking facility from anywhere b. Easy and most acceptable delivery channel Facebook Groups . Cost effective solution as compared to ATMs kt a. Any one of the w w Ans . www. Vertically Organised Model where functionality is provided across all products. Credit Cards & Mobile Banking d.ja a. [email protected] Ans . Loan Accounts c. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Which of the following is not a benefit and use of Mobile Banking? om a. oc Ans .com.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .jaiibcaiibmocktest. It is a tool to attract of the old generation clients c. Recurring Deposit Account b.www. Process models in retail banking are structured as w . b. d. Savings Accounts b. Term Deposit Account c. 09994452442 .b ……………………………………………………………………………………………… DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Current Deposit Account es t Which of the following is not a Retail Deposit Products? . All the above m Commitments to customers under BCSBI cover …… iib Ans .c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Predominantly Horizontally Organised Model with some modularization within a product oriented feed admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. c. ib ca i a.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. Lesser transaction costs as compared to other channels d. CC/OD account facility to a corporate office d. Horizontally Organised Model where individual process platform supports one product [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. c Ans . discount brokerages and mutual funds Ans – c www. Corporate Internet Banking c. Retail loans other than housing loans c. Movement of retail financial services to electronic delivery including insurance. ib ca i a. 09994452442 .c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. going murugan0501@gmail. [email protected] DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. None of the above es t Mortgage Backed Securitisation (MBS) is backed by …… . Payment Gateway services b.jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Para banking refers to …… om a. Mainly housing loans d. Distribution of non life insurance policies c. oc Ans . The product for retail banking has been broadly rejected by the customers d.ja Which of following is not an observation of Ernest T. Distribution of mutual fund schemes d.jaiibcaiibmocktest. Electronic retail banking and new types of electronic retail payments c. Supply Chain Management m Which of the following are not related to Internet Banking Services? iib Ans . . All the above kt Distribution of life insurance policies CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Letter of Credit d. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. would have great implications? w w w ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Internet Commerce b.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com Facebook Groups . Parkins from USA that the Internet Banking. All retail loans b. Regular Premium Individual Policies Group Insurance Policies d. New competitive strategies adopted by competitor banks d. One Life insurer b. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 3 months Facebook Groups . Commoditization of banking products [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Single Premium Individual Policies c.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Banks can distribute the products of …… w a. One Life Insurer and One Non Life insurer d. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING What changes were observed by Ernest T. Anyone of the above w w Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. Parkins from USA in Internet Banking? om [email protected]. . 1 month b.ja As a Corporate Agent . es t According to the BCSBI codes bank has to inform the customer classifying his account as DORMANT / INOPERATIVE before …… oc kt a. 09994452442 . Reduction of Geographic Barriers b. All the above iib Ans .JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .www. www.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All of the above .c Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. 2 months d. One Non Life (general) insurer c. Banks distribute the following types of products in life and non life insurance business …… ca i ib a. on becoming dormant m Ans .CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Rs. 1. Rs.50.000 d. 09994452442 .jaiibcaiibmocktest.000 b.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Five d.c Ans . es t Mr.jaiibcaiibmocktest. No Limit Ans .ja The maximum number of Mutual Funds that can be distributed by Banks as a Corporate Agent is …… w w w a. The maximum amount of Interest which he can claim as a deduction would be… oc kt a. One b.000 c. .com.a ……………………………………………………………………………………………….000 c. Interest A/c b.000 iib Ans .00. [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 30. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 20. 1. murugan0501@gmail. 1.000 b. 1.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Exchange A/c 30.00. 1.000 towards Interest during FY. Current A/c .00 Lacs for purchasing a flat for self-occupation on 30/03/2000 & paid Rs. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Prepayments charges collected by branches should be credited to which account? om a.000 d. 1961? ca i a. Two c.000 m Ans . www. Commission A/c c.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com Facebook Groups . ib What is the maximum amount that can be claimed as a deduction under 80C of the IT Act. 2007-08. Rs.50. 1.80. Rs. Rs. Ravi took a Loan of Rs.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .com.www. Rs. Rs. need b.ja Asset classes/receivables like Car PTC c. 09994452442 .c Ans . es t Claims with regard to Deceased depositors should be settled within a period of kt a. Electronic Bill Presented for Payment. c.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. www. 15 days from receipt of claim d.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. ABS w w Ans ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest.. SPV b. 15 days c. 10 days b. Electronic Bill Passed for Payment. Electronic Bill Presented for Passing. Credit Card Receivables and Mortgage Loans like Home Loans.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. d..CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] Facebook Groups .. Electronic Bill Presentment and 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING EBPP in Internet Banking stands for . none of the above m Recovery Officer of Debt Recovery Tribunal …… be a judicial Officer iib Ans . ..jaiibcaiibmocktest. ? om a.www.. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. C & production of proof of death and other documents to banks satisfaction oc Ans .com. CDO need not murugan0501@gmail. .. b. ib ca i a. are grouped together and securitized in …… w a. either a or b d. d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. 132 b. 152 d. 15 b. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING BCSBI codes are …… .jaiibcaiibmocktest.ja a. 142 c.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . m EFMA conducted a study on global Retail Banking market covering …… Banks.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. issued by GOI b.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 1986 ca i ib a. Voluntary codes 25 d. 162 Ans .com murugan0501@gmail. 2006 oc Ans . 09994452442 . .d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. voluntary codes by bankers Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. Codes given by customers d. es t EFMA conducted a study on global Retail Banking market in …… kt a. Deutsche Bank AG www. 2002 d. Which one is not one among the Europe’s large private 20 c. the "Big Five"? a. 1992 c. 30 iib EFMA conducted a study on global Retail Banking market covering banks in …… Countries. w w w Ans .CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] om a. [email protected] Facebook Groups . com Facebook Groups .b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Neither a not b kt Ans .. ? a. Personal Data Assistant.. b. . B2C approach b. es t ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Bundesbank AG c. Personal Data Attendant. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. [email protected] CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .ja a.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. w w PDA in Internet Banking stands for . Landesbanken d. a. d. Changed their focus with some strategic changes.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. B2B approach c.. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING om b. when not able to achieve the business objectives.www.c Corporate banking is a …… oc Head institutions of public sector banks in Europe are known as …… ib m a. Continued with their business in spite of not being profitable. None of the above w Ans .. b. HypoVereinsbank AG d.. Either a or b d. Sparkassen b. which entered in retail banking activities. Bundesbank c. www. Commerzbank AG Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. Moved out of the business.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. None of the above ca i Ans . iib Foreign banks cited in the topic..jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 .com murugan0501@gmail. . Specialised Marketing Personnel c. Small Business Unit b. 09994452442 .jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. kt Ans .JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . es t a.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. View of Balance and last few transactions b. Direct Selling Associates (DSAs) d. w w Human interventions in the delivery of services are …… a. telephone bills. Personal Digital Analyzer. Strategic Banking Unit w Ans . Sophisticated Business Unit d.Staff of the Branch. SBU in Internet Banking stands? . Transfer of funds between accounts within the bank c. oc Which of the following important human interventions are not available in physical channel in Service Delivery? ca i Ans . b. Direct Selling Associates (DSAs) www. Strategic Business Unit c.jaiibcaiibmocktest. Internal Facebook Groups . Personal Digital Assistants d. Specialized Market Personnel c.Staff of the Branch b.CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] Which of the following services are not offered for Internet Banking customers? om [email protected]. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Internal Customer .c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Utility Payment facility payment of insurance premium. None of the above ib m a. energy bills d. Net Banking and Mobile iib a.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. b. 1. realtime account balanced) b. Financial transactions (securities trading. iib Which of the following customer services are offered online? .. All the above. funds transfers.000 b. 10. . or 80CCD. Rs. Facebook Groups . 1. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Internet Service Punching.Y.000 c.000 d.50.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Vertically Organised Model Lakhs for purchasing a plot of land during F.. Rs.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….10. Account management (bill payments. 57. Internet Service Providers. 09994452442 .000 towards Interest & around Rs.ja a. 1.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Internal Security Provider. m ISP in Internet Banking stands for .. Horizontally Organised Model b. ib a.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. He will be able to claim deduction of ……towards admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 80CCC. w w The implementation models followed by banks for retail banking are a.c An individual took a loan of Rs. d. 57. 0 oc Ans . All the above. kt es t a. om Ans . Internal Security Procedure.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING d.. ? ca i Ans .com [email protected] DISCUSSION [email protected] towards principal during applying for products on-line) c. 2005-06 & has paid around Rs. w Ans .10..jaiibcaiibmocktest. Account monitoring (electronic statements.Y. 2006-07. foreign currency transactions) d. Rs. He has not made any other contribution under Sections 80C. 09994452442 . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING c. Bank of Baroda kt Ans .com. es t .com murugan0501@gmail. State Bank of India c. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. oc Parent documents for housing loans should be provided for ca i Ans .com Facebook Groups .www. Andhra Bank b.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Bank of Baroda w Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. Predominantly Horizontally/Vertically Organised Model d. Standard Chartered Bank b.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Citibank d. Bank of Baroda and Andhra Bank c.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. State Bank of India and Andhra Bank b. 20 yrs.jaiibcaiibmocktest.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . w w Who were the two of the early players in the credit card business in the PSB space? a. State Bank of India and Bank of Baroda www.c Which is one of the pioneers in introducing consumer banking models with hybrid liability and asset products specifically targeted at the personal segment? m ib a. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. a.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. None of the above. 30yrs. c. b. State Bank of India d. Which bank created waves in the early 1980s with their credit card products? . 25 yrs.ja iib a. Anyone of the above om Ans – d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Standard Chartered Bank c. his income level. Facility of Internet Banking c. Post sales service follow up for customer satisfaction ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 09994452442 [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. None of the above kt Ans . Education Loans w Ans . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING d. Customer Empathy c. a. his needs. w w Electronic Channels in retail banking refers to …… a. Classification based approach d.c In which approach strategies are designed based on the type of branch viz.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .ja iib a. Urban and Metro? oc The requirements for delivering effective service to the customers are …… ib m a. Semi Urban. Auto Loans c.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. his financial Tie ups are not entered into by banks for bulk sale of the following assets …… . Rural.jaiibcaiibmocktest. CC/OD Accounts d. Home Loans b. Segmented Approach b. Bank of India and Andhra Bank om Ans . Understanding the customer.c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected]. Facility of ATMs his requirements of financial products and his life stage Facebook Groups . Facility of Mobile Banking www. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. es t . Geography based approach c. All the above ca i Ans . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Term Deposit Accounts d. All three oc Liability products are offered to retail banking customers basically under? ib Ans . Consumer Durable Loans c. Savings Accounts b.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. es t . [email protected] Facebook Groups . ca i What are the standard retail asset products offered by banks? iib a. France om d.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All the above.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans murugan0501@gmail. All three .Non-eurozone? kt Ans .CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected]. w Retail Banking is a …… w w a. Switzerland b. B2B approach c. m 09994452442 .c a. Current Accounts c. Slovakia d. Neither a not b www.ja Ans . [email protected]. Either a or b d.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . Housing Loans b. B2C approach Which of the following country doesn’t come under Europe . Car Loans d. Poland c. [email protected] bank and other banks .jaiibcaiibmocktest. Need to increase operational efficiencies and to derive more value from employees b. maturity stage c.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. through [email protected]. promote good and fair banking practices by setting minimum standards increase transparency in services b. 09994452442 . Depositing Cash d.www. om At which stage of product life cycle the product is likely to break even and start earning profits? kt Why CRM ? es t Ans . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans . growth stage d. All the above m Ans . Easy operations . to achieve higher operating standards c. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. ib Which of the following facilities is not available for mobile banking customers? iib ca i a.a ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com. promote a fair and cordial relationship between the customer and their bank d. Transfer of funds between accounts .com Facebook Groups . All the above Ans . Delivery Channel Efficacy and application of technology d.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….c a. . Facility for using banking facility from anywhere DISCUSSION [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. www. Increasing Competition in retail banking c.ja Ans .instructions carried out by self c. development stage oc a.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . encourage market forces.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Banking Codes and Standards of India is aimed at the following …… w w w a.jaiibcaiibmocktest. introductory stage b. Both A & B oc Ans . Anyone of the above . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING om The technology models adopted by banks are …… a. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. In house model d. Special quotes for high value deposits and retail assets ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. 21 yrs d. 18 yrs Facebook Groups .com.c Ans . m What is the minimum age limit for applying for credit card? ca i ib a. All the above w w w Ans . Stand alone pricing for different products and services b. Partially outsourced model c.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….jaiibcaiibmocktest. iib Price structuring for products and services is attempted by banks in the following ways murugan0501@gmail. 20 yrs c. Fully outsourced model b. [email protected]. the bank of the customer c. the inspecting officer d.ja a. Bank's representatives authorized to represent the Bank in collection or/and security repossession would contact the borrower after …… ……………………………………………………………………………………………….JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . The customer b. es t In the BCSBI code the words ‘ you’ and ‘we’ refers to kt a.CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 09994452442 . Bundled pricing/Holistic pricing based on total relationship d. no age limit Ans . Certificate course for Direct Recovery Agents by IIBF has minimum …… hours of training.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 0800 hrs d. 75 c.www.jaiibcaiibmocktest.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….50 lacs is referred to as ib m a. All the above w Ans . 125 oc Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. 10 lacs to Rs. iib According to Maslow's Need Hierarchy Theory.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 100 d.ja a.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………… murugan0501@gmail. kt es t Facebook Groups . The customer segment whose income level is between Rs. Physiological Needs b. All the above ca i Ans . 09994452442 .CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] Ans . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Safety Needs c. 0600 hrs b. Social Needs d.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . w w Customers' expectations of service quality mainly depend on the following : a. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Mass Affluent b. 0900 hrs . 0700 hrs Reliability www. Super Affluent c. 50 Assurance b. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING om a. needs may be broadly classified as . HNW d. d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….ja a. Responsiveness d. All the above om Ans . Customers are different Both Statement 1 and 2 are false w w w Ans . Principal murugan0501@gmail. Statement 1 is true b. [email protected]. which is the second stage in the product life Either a or b d. the future value of present cash flows b. . 09994452442 .In the introduction' stage of a product. [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Facebook Groups . the present value of future cash flows c.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Both Statement 1 and 2 are true d. The factors which are to be taken into account for calculation of Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) are… a. Each customer will have different sets of need for financial services d. a. Statement 2 is true c. None of the above kt Ans . the sales volumes remains stagnant.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . marketing and servicing it. All are true ca i ib Ans .c Compounding is used to determine oc State whether the following is true …… m es t . Needs of the customers are different c. iib Statement 1 . Statement 2 .In the 'growth' stage.a ……………………………………………………………………………………………….CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. the sales volume will be low and revenue from the products will not be sufficient to cover the cost of producing. adding value in addition to features d.the core product w w Credit Scoring Models are based on the following details of applicants: a. All the above. None of the above oc The Presiding Officer of Debt Recovery Tribunal is generally a judge of the rank of …… ca i Ans . 4 d.c Chennai and Kolkata have …… benches of Debt Recovery Tribunal m ib a. 3 c. Family Size b. Dist.ja iib a. 09994452442 .CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected] Facebook Groups .c ……………………………………………………………………………………………….www. of years of repayment c. Product architecture consists of the following component/s .com murugan0501@gmail. a. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING om b. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Occupation/Business www. Rate of Interest d.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. High Court Judge c. & Sessions Judge d. es t . 5 kt Ans .com. The Augmented Product. Supreme Court Judge b.jaiibcaiibmocktest. No.d ……………………………………………………………………………………………….d ……………………………………………………………………………………………… All the above w Ans . Income Levels c. 2 b. The Generic Product . Ans .adding additional features c.jaiibcaiibmocktest. The Expected Product . [email protected] CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . c Ans . All the above Ans . All the above kt Home Loans are sanctioned by Banks for the following purposes …… m oc a. Purchase/Construction of House/Flat b. Monthly/Annual Income in case of business c.www.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. a. Additions to the existing house d. Identity Theft d.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Personal Loans are sanctioned by banks based on …… w w w admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Ans .d Facebook Groups . ca i Auto Loans are given by banks for the following purposes …… iib a. Purchase of land and construction c. Purchase of Used Car c. 09994452442 . Confusion of names b. om d. Number of years of service/in business d. Salary in case of employees Human Input Error c. All the above .CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. es t The most common mistakes in credit score will be due to the following.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All the above ib Ans .com. Purchase of Two Wheelers d.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………….com [email protected]. Purchase of New Car b.ja Ans .jaiibcaiibmocktest. All the above . Payments made for purchases/usage will be debited subsequently after a certain period d. Do the valuation/legal opinion wherever necessary d. www.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Payments for purchases are directly debited into the account b.ja ……………………………………………………………………………………………… Facebook Groups . Facility for payment of purchases b. Reward Points for usage of cards. Process retail loans c.www. Release the loan either at their end or advise sanction to branches kt a. Facility to withdraw cash from ATMs upto a fixed limit c. Silver Card 09994452442 . All the above iib Ans . Both i and ii are true w w Ans . Platinum Card d. Source retail asset business b. The characteristics of Debit Cards are w .d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. ca i ib murugan0501@gmail. Gold Card c. Cash Withdrawals through ATMs are debited to the account immediately c.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. All the above es t Types of credit cards issued by banks in general are .JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . [email protected] DISCUSSION [email protected] Ans . om Retail Loan Processing Centres of banks are designed to m The features available in all types of cards are oc Ans . d. [email protected]. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING a. (a) and (b) above c. the future value of present cash flows b..CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. Ans . Instruments which create any right in an immovable property of a value of more than one hundred admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest.. Either a or b d. (a) above b.. Discounting c. Credit Cards c. None of the above ca i ib a.. None of the above oc Ans .com. Compounding b. Either a or b d. 09994452442 . m The documents relating to the following transactions of immovable properties are required to be compulsorily registered : .com murugan0501@gmail.. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Payment Default Risk (chances of failure to pay the card dues) is embedded in om a... kt a. None of the above www. all of the above d. w The process of converting future sums into their present equivalents is known as …… w w a. the present value of future cash flows c. Gift b. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Lease of immovable property where period is more than one year c.www..JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .com.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………..c ……………………………………………….c Ans .b ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Only ii es t Discounting is used to determine . Debit Cards Facebook Groups .com.ja iib a..jaiibcaiibmocktest. Both i and ii d. 000 towards Interest during FY.. Purchase of land/plot c. 15.jaiibcaiibmocktest.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS . ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Facebook Groups . Ravi took a Loan of Rs.jaiibcaiibmocktest. www. Additions to the existing house d.50.000 c. Basic level internet banking services b. The maximum amount of Interest which he can claim as a deduction would be… es t a.b ………………………………………………. . 90. Purchase/Construction of House/Flat b.00 Lacs for purchasing another house on 30/03/2001 & paid 2007-08. 70.. murugan0501@gmail. 1. Rs. Rs.000 kt Ans – c oc Deduction can be claimed only in respect of one property of the borrower as per his choice. iib Website of a bank permits its customers to submit their instructions and application for different services etc but do not permit any fund based transaction on their account.b ………………………………………………………………………………………………..000 towards Interest during FY. Purchase of land and construction m Home Loans are not sanctioned by Banks for the following purposes …… Ans .60.000 d. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. ………………………………………………………………………………………………... None of these w w Ans . 09994452442 .000 b.c Mr. ca i ib a..ja a. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest.. 90.. Fully transactional website d. 60.CAIIB DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. This is…… w .00 Lacs for purchasing a flat for self-occupation on 30/03/2000 & paid Rs. Simple transaction website c. He had also taken a Loan of Rs. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING om Ans . Reputation risk d. 7 www. es t Minimum amount due (MAD) is calculated at what % of the total current dues of the credit card.JAIIB CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .com Facebook Groups . 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING Following types of account are not permitted under Internet banking om a. 5 b. Any of these . 10 oc Ans . All of these m Service delivery is generally more personalised and caring in which of the following category of banks … iib Ans . Internet banking risk b.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Strategic risk c. If a bank is not able to respond to a situation in time in internet banking... this is called …… w . admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. Foreign banks d. 8 d.ja a. Jointly operated accounts b. Joint account in E/s c.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………..CAIIB DISCUSSION [email protected]. Operational risk w w Ans .com. Private banks c..www. Public sector banks b.b ……………………………………………………………………………………………….c Ans .com.a ………………………………………………………………………………………………. 09994452442 . ib ca i a. Proprietorship accounts murugan0501@gmail. kt a.jaiibcaiibmocktest. admin@jaiibcaiibmocktest. CIBIL c. 09994452442 RETAIL BANKING In a simple registered mortgage the deed of mortgage is to be registered within …… months of its date of execution The first Credit Bureau in the world? oc kt a.c ………………………………………………………………………………………………. Dun & Bradstreet information services www.c om [email protected] DISCUSSION murugan0501@gmail. [email protected] CAIIB STUDY MATERIALS .ja iib ca i ib m Ans . 6 d. 1 b.jaiibcaiibmocktest. 3 c.d ………………………………………………………………………………………………. [email protected] Facebook Groups . b. 4 es t Ans . TransUnion international inc. 09994452442 . High Mark credit information services w w w .
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