Caesar II Tutorial



SECTION 7Tutorial A This section provides a step-by step tutorial describing the piping system input. This tutorial also includes descriptions of various output reports. In This Section System Overview ........................................................................... 113 Reviewing Static Results ............................................................... 134 Conclusions ................................................................................... 147 System Overview This tutorial presents the flexibility and stress analysis of a piping system using CAESAR II. This process includes: § Creation and entry of the pipe stress model. § Analysis and evaluation of the results. § Re-design of the system. The system chosen for this purpose exercises common modeling situations as illustrated in the figure below. This system illustrates part of a refining process that moves crude from the bottom pump to a steam stripper unit. The end-suction top-discharge pump has a 10-inch suction nozzle and an 8-inch discharge nozzle. The 8-inch line runs through a check valve with a 6-inch bypass to a spring hanger support. It then runs over a hard support before entering the vertical vessel. CAESAR II Applications Guide 113 Tutorial A The boundaries of this system are the pump discharge nozzle and the vessel nozzle. The pump support (or base) point and the vessel foundation are also acceptable choices. The pump nozzle is a satisfactory boundary because the movement of that point (as the pump heats up in operation) is certain and easily calculated from the thermal strain between the pump nozzle and the base point. The vessel nozzle is an adequate boundary because of the known thermal growth of the vessel and the greater stiffness of the vessel with respect to the 8-inch pipe. You can take an opposite approach by running the model all the way to an immovable point, such as the vessel foundation. The check valve sits on top of the welding tee for the 6-inch bypass piping. The 6-inch line runs through a gate valve before reentering the 8-inch line through a second welding tee above the check valve. The total weight and length of this valve assembly is unknown at this time. Because of this, the valve lengths and weights are pulled from the CAESAR II generic database. The spring hanger above this valve assembly is quite sensitive to the weights used here. The difference between the actual installed valve weights and modeled weights should be used to adjust the spring pre-load. Verify that the hot load on the spring is toward the center of the manufacturers-recommended spring working range to allow errors in load estimation. If there is any appreciable change in these weights, the system should be reanalyzed. The hanger is included at the top of the vertical run to carry the deadweight and absorb its thermal growth. The hanger is attached to the elbow and in line with the vertical pipe at the near end of the elbow. Near is a term associated with the path used to define the elbow. By coding up the vertical leg and then the horizontal leg, the weld point on the vertical run of the elbow is the near end and the horizontal run weld point is the far end. The other end of the hanger is attached to some available structure above this point. Because of the vertical thermal growth of the hanger attachment point, a simple rod hanger is not acceptable. The analysis is set to force CAESAR II to select a variable or constant support hanger at this point. The software selects a variable spring support. For that reason, specify the Anvil table for its selection. The horizontal piping rests on an unspecified support at the far end of the next elbow. This support, modeled as a rigid, nonlinear restraint acting on the pipe centerline, allows the piping to grow upward but prevents downward motion. In cases where a more accurate model for supporting structures is required, include structural steel in the model and analysis. Preparing the Drawing The following figure shows the drawing used to construct the model. Notice the node numbers. These labels are assigned in the following situations: § A change in geometry, such as a pipe diameter or wall thickness. § A change in direction, such as a change in materials or temperature or pressure operating conditions. § The application of boundary conditions such as restraints, point loads, and displacements. § Any other location for which you want output. 114 CAESAR II Applications Guide Tutorial A For this tutorial, the progression is incremented by fives, starting with node 5 at the pump nozzle. These nodes are the basis through which the piping stress isometric is tabulated for the analysis. The bypass piping uses the same progression, but starts with node 600. In reviewing the results, the 600 series indicates 6-inch pipe. The elbows are shown squared with the node assigned to the intersection. The elbows are defined so that output is available for the near, mid, and far points of the bend (at 0, 45, and 90-degrees). The hanger is sized at the near point (node 28) of the first elbow. Other information required for the model is collected on this drawing before the analysis is started. Most of the data should be readily available, but some research may be required. Items such as pump nozzle deflections and valve data details can slow down the input session if not noted on the drawing. The next figure shows the dimensions for this system. CAESAR II Applications Guide 115 The Review Current Units dialog box displays if the file is new and did not previously exist in the data directory. If the job is new. The CAESAR II Configuration Editor dialog box displays. . Click the Geometry Directives category. The default nodal increment is 10. CAESAR II presents the list of input units that are used. Note the data directory in which to store the file. exit the Classic Piping Input dialog box. Click Input > Piping from the main menu to start the input session. This model uses an increment of 5 between node numbers. 116 CAESAR II Applications Guide . Set the numeric increment between nodes. 5. Click File > New. If this is the case.Tutorial A Generating CAESAR II Input 1. Click Save and Exit to save this change and return to the main menu. if a job named Tutor already exists on the computer. 3. You can click Browse to navigate to another folder in which to store your CAESAR II data files if necessary. Otherwise. and then select 5 in the Auto Node Number Increment list. and type Tutor as the file name in the New Job Name Specification dialog box. so you must change this. Click Tools > Configure/Setup from the main menu. the Classic Piping Input dialog box opens with the first piping element active. Return to the main menu to pick an unused job name. 2. 4. Type 8 in the Diameter box to specify the nominal pipe size of 8 inches. When you leave this cell. the DY box to specify the element length of 2 feet. or Down Arrow key to move to the To box. Use the graphics view to review the work that you have completed. click the Database Definitions category and select English in the Units File Name list.) symbol indicates feet. 12. Type 10 in the To field if necessary. click Edit > Insert to reset it. Use the Tab. The dash ( . To fix errors. the actual outer diameter (OD) replaces the nominal value. Type the Mill Tol% and corrosion allowance next. You can use the Tab key. If it does not read 5. the S is replaced by the actual wall thickness. the arrow keys. When you leave this cell. navigate to the appropriate element using PgUp and change the entry. or the mouse to navigate the dialog box. 10. The From box should read 5 if the node increment is set to 5 in the CAESAR II Configuration Editor dialog box. and then select Tools > Configure Setup. CAESAR II Applications Guide 117 . If the English units are shown. click OK to continue. CAESAR II automatically generates the From and To nodes when you start a new element. Type 2. Node 10 marks the centerline intersection of the 8-inch main line with the 6-inch by-pass. 8. click Cancel. If not. clear the box and type 5. The cursor is initially positioned in the From box. 7. If the Units File Label box on the Review Current Units dialog box does not show English units. Type S in the Wt/Sch box. 9. 11. Fractions are allowed in the Mill Tol% cell. Next.Tutorial A 6. type 0. For node 5. Omit the units in these entries because CAESAR II already has the units information.046 for the DZ anchor displacement. Type 600 in the Temp 1 box and 30 in the Pressure 1 box.Tutorial A 13. 14. 118 CAESAR II Applications Guide . These two numbers are calculated as the thermal growth of the pump discharge nozzle from the base support point. 15. At the top of the second column. The completed first column of data displays in the following figure.077 for the DY anchor displacement and 0. double-click the Displacements check box to display the Displacement Auxiliary Data tab. Material properties are read in automatically from the CAESAR II material database. the other materials in the list also fill in the allowable stress values as found in the database.000 psi (do not use commas). Poisson’s Ratio. node 5 would be free to move in these four directions. Type 20000 in the SC box to specify the cold allowable stress of 20. Type 0 for the other four degrees of freedom. However.Tutorial A 16. These values are not extracted from the database for generic materials as used in this example. You can use exponential format in these boxes to simplify data entry and reduce mistakes. 20. The figure below shows the displacements. The material number is also referenced to pick up the coefficient of expansion for the specified temperatures.300 psi. CAESAR II Applications Guide 119 . and Pipe Density. 17. The cold and hot allowable stresses (Sc and Sh) as defined by the piping code are entered for the type of piping material to analyze. The first 21 materials are generic and do not have allowable stress values associated with them in the database. The software fills in values for ambient Elastic Modulus. Specify the pipe material by selecting (1 )Low Carbon Steel from the Material list. 18. Without the entry of zero (or any other definition of these boundaries). Type 17300 in the SH1 box to specify the hot allowable stress of 17. Double-click the Allowable Stress check box to activate the Allowable Stress Auxiliary Data tab. 19. Tutorial A 21. Node 10 is the intersection of the 8-inch and 6-inch lines. This intersection is constructed using an 8 x 6 welding tee. For CAESAR II to include this stress intensification factor in the stress calculation. The default code is defined in the CAESAR II Configuration Editor dialog box. 120 CAESAR II Applications Guide . Double-click the SIFs and Tees check box to display the SIFs and Tees Auxiliary Data tab. Piping codes recognize the reduced strength of this piping component by increasing the calculated stress at this point in the system. the node must be identified as a welding tee. 22. 23.3 from the Code list if it is not already selected by default. Specify node 10 as the intersection node. The material property and allowable stress entries are shown in the following figure. Select B31. Press ALT-C.Tutorial A 24.5/1728 in the Insulation Density box. 25. No additional input is required.3 in this case).0067. 28. type 11. CAESAR II assumes a density for calcium silicate. CAESAR II automatically converts that selection to the density value for that particular type of insulation. select Edit > Continue. Type 3 in the Insul Thk box. CAESAR II converts the value to 0. CAESAR II Applications Guide on the Navigation Tools 121 . 27. CAESAR II calculates the SIFs at this intersection according to the piping code selected (B31. Optionally. Select 3 . or click Continue toolbar to define the next length of pipe. CAESAR II converts the value to the proper units.8SG in the Fluid Density box to indicate 80% of the deadweight of water. With an insulation thickness specified. Type 0. 26. and select Calcium Silicate from the list in the Insulation Density box. For the purposes of this tutorial.Welding from the Type list. Also. Type 7 in the DY box to finish the description of the second element. 29. The length of this element is 7-inches in the Y direction. or temperature. for lack of better data and for convenience. Uniform Loads and Wind also carry forward without selecting the check box. 122 CAESAR II Applications Guide . The next element (15-20) is the flanged check valve. You only need to the add element length and any new boundary conditions or changes from the previous element. enabling the Rigid box and then typing the Rigid Weight in the Auxiliary Data area. this data could be specified directly by typing the length in the DY box. even though the check box on subsequent elements is cleared. If the length and weight of this rigid element were known. This second element runs from the intersection point to the beginning of the check valve.Tutorial A The To node of the previous element now appears as the From node. None of the other check boxes in the input carry forward. Here. You only need to change the distributed data when the values change. all the distributed data values (the information that carries on from one pipe to the next) remain. This element includes the flanged valve and the mating flanges as these piping components are stiffer than the attached pipe. This short run finishes out the welding tee and is bounded by nodes 10 and 15 as entered by CAESAR II. Do not select this box unless you have a change in material. Allowable Stress data carries forward. code. the CAESAR II CADWorx Valve/Flange database is accessed to automatically generate this input. and the weight displays in the Rigid Auxiliary Data area. This construction point at node 30 is not actually a node on the piping system. The Valve and Flange Database: <database name> dialog box displays. 33. The next figure shows the definition of this element 20 . If the following dialog box does not appear. The dimension of 10 ft. The bypass piping rejoins the main line through a second welding tee. and click OK. in the +Y direction and weighs 470 pounds.25 and the specification of the welding tee at 25. 31. Select Check from the Rigid Type list.75 in. 32. CAESAR II Applications Guide 123 . this rigid element includes the added length and weight of the mating flanges. Node 28 is listed in the auxiliary data box at angle 0 and the elbow midpoint is listed as node 29. Click Model > Valve. 3. A 150 psi class flanged check valve is entered between nodes 15 and 20. When FLG is selected in the End Type list. The next node is located at the intersection of the vertical pipe centerline and the horizontal pipe centerline above it. CAESAR II makes three entries on the dialog box. The rigid element runs 2 ft. Select the Bend check box to specify the elbow. or click Valve/Flange Database on the Input Tools toolbar.Tutorial A 30. which connects the vertical and horizontal runs. refer to the "Configuration and Environment" section of the CAESAR II User's Guide. The bend specification automatically generates additional nodes around this elbow locating the near weld point and the bend midpoint (designated by the letter M). 2 in. runs from node 25 to node 30. the element length. Rigid is selected. Any additional input specified at 30 and all output for node 30 is located at the far weld point of the elbow. The run of pipe to the intersection of the main line and bypass centerlines is 7 inches (half of the total length of the 8-inches x 6-inches welding tee). which sits on top the check valve. the default settings are used with no additional hanger design data. should display node 28 in the Node box. Here. a long radius elbow (1. The hanger to be sized at this elbow is placed at node 28 in line with the vertical run of pipe. The Allow Short Range Springs box should not be checked. Additionally. 34. To specify the hanger sizing information. The Hanger Auxiliary Data tab. By default. double-click the Hanger check box. a short-range spring is not permitted at this point as the mid-range spring is probably cheaper.5 times the nominal pipe size) is added at the change in pipe direction. the hanger is chosen from the table 1 – ANVIL hanger catalog.Tutorial A These added nodes appear as output points and they may also be used to locate restraints. For this first pass through the analysis. Press F1 on any of these boxes for more information. 124 CAESAR II Applications Guide . like that shown in the next figure. You can also change the bend radius. Tutorial A 35. but it cannot prevent the pipe from moving upward. This non-linear restraint (a restraint whose stiffness is a function of load or displacement rather than remaining constant) is specified as a +Y type. With no stiffness specified with this restraint. Press F1 for more information about these restraint parameters. There is also a support at the far weld point of this bend. 37. This means that under any practical load. The +Y indicates that the restraint supplies a positive Y (upward) load to the pipe. the pipe does not push the restraint down. This far end of the bend is node 35 in the model so the restraint is specified at node 35. If there was a guide restraining lateral motion of node 35. Here. This support does not allow the pipe to move downward. Most designers interpret the +Y as indicating the pipe is free to move in the +Y direction. an X restraint would also be defined here as the second restraint. The distance is the distance between the intersections of the pipe centerlines. Except for the anchor designation. 36. Double-click the Bend check box to generate the long radius elbow at 35 with the two extra nodes. not the physical length of the straight piece of pipe between the elbows. Up to four restraints can be specified in this auxiliary data tab. is in the X direction. The piping system continues on to the elbow at node 35. CAESAR II Applications Guide 125 . a restraint is a vector. -12 ft. The X run of pipe finishes off the elbow at 30 by creating a 90-degree turn. CAESAR II sets this to a very stiff (rigid) restraint. 45. The input processor automatically shifts the previous To Node to the current From Node. 43. This characteristic of flanged elbows is addressed by the piping codes through a modification of the flexibility factor and stress intensification for the elbow. is measured from the 8-inch centerline to the centerline of the vertical 6-inch line.Tutorial A 38. 40. The thermal growth of the vessel at this point is calculated and entered as displacements of node 40. As with the pump connection at node 5. The 6-inch piping continues up to node 610. 41. Change the To node to 605 because the 600 series of node numbers indicates 6-inch pipe. 46. Select 1 -Single Flange from the Type drop list in the Bend Auxiliary Data tab. Type S in the Wt/Sch box. The welding tee nodes of 10 and 25 are completely defined as reducing tees when these 6-inch piping elements are modeled. The distance between the horizontal centerline (nodes 10 to 610) and the bottom of the valve is 9 inch in the Y direction. Add a new element. which reduces the bending flexibility of the elbow. CAESAR II automatically generates a long radius elbow for this 6-inch line. which marks the beginning of the gate valve. 39. The model now returns to the 6-inch by-pass piping around the 8-inch check valve above the pump. This elbow is flanged on one end. The figure below shows the changes required to start the 6-inch line. Change the From node to 10 because the model is no longer continuing from node 40. The input locations of nodes 605 and 610 are coincident. node 40 is a satisfactory boundary for this model. The DX length of -2 ft. Type 6 in the Diameter box. This 9-inch specification puts node 610 at the far end of the bend defined on the previous element. 42. 126 CAESAR II Applications Guide . Specify an elbow at node 605 by double-clicking the Bend check box. 44. The flange acts like a stiffening ring. which would produce a zero-length element. the pipe runs in the Z direction for 18-feet where it terminates at the intersection with the vessel wall. From the second elbow. Tutorial A CAESAR II inserts a length for this element 605-610 equal to 5% of the bend radius. the value is 0.) 48. Select the 150 psi flanged gate valve (default). and click OK. the deadweight and length of the attached flanges should be included in this analysis. This is the length required to bring the pipe up level with the intersection at node 25.750 in. (Select NOFLG in the End Type list if you do not want these included. CAESAR II returns from the database with rigid Y run. which can be changed in the CAESAR II configuration. This 5% default value. flanged gate valve running from 610 to 615. Click Distance on the Input Tools toolbar or select Edit > Distance to find the distance from 615 to 620.45 in. check valve. As with the 8-in. In this case. prevents the generation of a zero length element. long. 47. weighing 225 pounds. The next element is the 6-inch 150-psi class. CAESAR II Applications Guide 127 . Use the Valve/Flange database (with the Valve/Flange Database command) for this rigid element. 17. Specify a bend here because the next element connects the current element to the intersection at node 25. Input Review Two options are available on any input screen to review the data: Plot and List. Loop CAESAR II calculates this dimension and displays it in the appropriate DX. While the input can be checked by paging through each input screen. Create the element and type 25 for the To node. By default. and DZ fields. and DZ boxes. so type this distance in the DY box for 615 to 620. in the X-direction. 52. For the element running from 620 to 25. If you do not have this information. click Auto Hide in the upper right corner of the dialog box. To collapse the dialog box. you know from the previous Distance command that it is 2 ft. DX displays a value of 2 ft.. The Y value of the distance between nodes 615 and 25 provides the dimension for the element from 615 to 620. 50. these commands are useful in confirming or editing the entire model. DY.Tutorial A 49. 128 CAESAR II Applications Guide . The size of this plot area can be increased if the Classic Piping Input dialog box is collapsed. The close loop on element 620 to 25 fills in the distances for DX. The Y-distance in this case between 615 and 25 is 15-inches. a plot of the model displays to the right of the Classic Piping Input dialog box. DY. Click Close Loop . 51. you can use the Close command (Edit > Close Loop). as shown in the following figure. You can use the toolbar buttons and menu commands to perform various functions. and then use the arrow keys to rotate the plot. and then clicking Operators > Pan from the pop-up menu provides an alternative method of panning the plot. Use these different items to become familiar with them. The volume plot of the current piping system displays. There are toolbar buttons and menu items to alter the pan view and to display element and restraint information on the plot. The plus sign (+) zooms in and the minus sign (-) zooms out.Tutorial A To display the Classic Piping Input dialog box and the model side by side. click the Classic Piping Input tab in the upper left corner of the dialog box and then click Auto Hide . press N or click Node Numbers on the Plot Tools toolbar. To print a copy of the display click File > Print or click Print CAESAR II Applications Guide on the Standard toolbar. Click Orbit . The model then follows the cursor. To display the node numbers. Clicking the right mouse button. click Reset on the Reset toolbar or click View > Reset. 129 . The following figure shows the tutor model with the node numbers displayed. Scrolling the mouse zooms the model and or mouse to pan the plot after clicking Pan pressing the center mouse button pans the plot. You can also use the arrow keys . To reset the plot to the default. The volume plot shown below is especially useful for larger models because it uses less of the computer's resources. The V key toggles different views.Tutorial A Because the graphics are included in the input processor. 130 CAESAR II Applications Guide . the graphic must be clicked to set the focus before printing. Hold the Shift key while clicking on a second row of data to highlight all rows in between the two. The Element list is shown in the following figure. Clicking on the row number to the left of a line of data highlights the entire row. Ending the Input Session If the input session is interrupted before all of the data is collected.c2 format. To see the displacements specified in the model. The input processor can be re-entered later to continue the model creation. Input data can also be saved through the input exit processor. which is accessed through the File > Exit command. Click List . when you close the piping input module the input file and the corresponding intermediate files are compressed in . . After exiting and saving the input or running the Error Checker data for this model under the filename Tutor. However. click Displacements or Options > Displacements. Different types of data sets are available by choosing the appropriate tab along the bottom of the dialog box. save the model input before exiting the input processor. click File > Save. Use the scroll bar along the bottom of the list to view more element data such as temperatures and pressures. To save the current input. or Edit > List to quickly review and edit different categories of data in the job. CAESAR II Applications Guide 131 ._a.Tutorial A The illustration below shows a view down the Z-axis with a zoom and pan to show the pipe valves. This volume plot shows the nodes and identifies the tees. CAESAR II interrupts the input session and prompts you to save your work 30 minutes after the last save. CAESAR II saves binary All input files are composed of the job name with the added suffix _a. Sustained stresses can be 132 CAESAR II Applications Guide .Tutorial A CAESAR II checks the job for errors and lists a variety of notes and warnings. the input process is complete and control is returned to the CAESAR II piping input. warning. Two notes are regarding the hanger in the model. The software must size one hanger and certain analyses are required to perform this hanger sizing. The operating condition for this analysis consists of the deadweight of the pipe. CAESAR II creates load sets to analyze the operating conditions of the piping system and the installed conditions of the piping system. For the piping code used here. Sustained stresses include deadweight. and the third one is the center of gravity report. The analysis may proceed with notes and warnings. 3. but fatal errors must be corrected before continuing. size the hanger before the standard structural and stress analyses are performed. 2. Click Edit > Edit Static Load Cases. and pressure. This hanger sizing algorithm requires two analyses before the standard three cases are analyzed. or click Edit Static Load Cases on the CAESAR II Tools toolbar to display the load case editor. With the scratch files created. The installed condition includes the deadweight and hanger pre-load. In addition to these structural analyses. This tutorial should generate three notes during the error checking. If no fatal errors are found. and the pre-load on the just selected hanger at node 28. and notes are presented in a grid format. After error checking the model. CAESAR II builds the intermediate (scratch) files for the static analysis. certain stress conditions must be addressed. All the error. the design temperature and pressure. Performing the Static Analysis 1. The five recommended load cases are shown below. CAESAR II begins with a standard set of load cases based upon the piping code selected and the loads defined in input. For the job Tutor. Click Recommend. review the load cases. its contents and insulation. pre-loads. the sustained and expansion stresses must be calculated. Fatigue (FAT) stress cases are provided only when specifically required by the active piping code (TD/12. By default. This case develops the displacement range of the system in its growth from the installed position to the operating position. At the completion of this CAESAR II Applications Guide 133 . this change in position cannot be determined by analyzing thermal loads alone. 4. and stresses. To proceed with the analysis. This case is not a third. it is a product of the operating and installed structural analyses already performed. and installed) before exiting the dialog box. Case 3 is the operating Hanger Load case. With the installed case structural analysis also serving as the sustained case stress analysis. This spring and its proper pre-load are installed in the model for the remaining analyses. operating. Case 5 (L3-L4) is an algebraic combination of two basic load cases. which compose the operating load case. When this is done.3 stress analysis case. no additional load case must be added to calculate the sustained stresses. and the deflections of all points in the system. It is identical to case 2 but has the sized hanger pre-load included in the category (H). and storing the equation (matrix) data for the system and the basic load cases. With these two numbers—the load carried by the hanger and the amount of travel it must accommodate— CAESAR II enters the Anvil catalog and selects the appropriate spring. has no impact on the structural loads on the piping. Instead. the CAESAR II Solution Module displays. All the load categories. Case 1 calculates the deadweight carried by the proposed spring at node 28. Case 3 is a structural analysis case and not a B31. Because of system non-linearity. complete analysis of the system. and pressure set 1. moments. for example). The refining piping code does not recognize pipe stress in the operating condition as a test for system failure and does not establish a limit for this state of stress. By eliminating the (assumed) thermal effects (D1+T1). Case 2 also calculates only one number. the analysis is of the cold system. At this point. are used for this analysis. By including pressure (P1). This analysis produces the operating forces and moments on the supports. and stresses throughout the system. or click Run the Analysis . the recommended load cases are exactly what you want to analyze. These are deadweight. Case 4 is both a structural and stress case. This displacement range is used for the calculation of the system’s expansion stresses. CAESAR II constructs a third load case to calculate the expansion stress (range). The displacement results of cases 3 and 4 are used with the element stiffness matrices to calculate the forces. thermal set 1. Likewise. This new displacement set is similarly used to calculate forces. sorting. the solution dialog box is replaced with messages concerning the post processing of this data.Tutorial A taken from the installed condition analysis if the pressure loads are included. The difference in system displacements between these two cases is the displacements stress range from which the expansion stresses are calculated. The difference between these two sets of displacements is used to establish the displacement range of the piping system as defined in load case 5. The displacements of case 4 are subtracted from the displacements of case 3 to produce these results. This process may be terminated at any time by clicking Cancel. the vertical travel of the proposed spring. in most cases. For most systems. Expansion stresses reflect the change in system position from its installed position to its operating position. this case also has the necessary components to be used to report the system’s sustained stresses. CAESAR II analyzes the basic loads (hanger design. CAESAR II includes the pressure term in the installed case because pressure. The third class of stress in piping – occasional stresses (as opposed to expansion and sustained) – is not included in the recommended analyses and must be specified by you. moments. The software continues with the data processing by building. click File > Analyze. displacements. 134 CAESAR II Applications Guide ._P file._p and the CAESAR II output processor dialog box displays so that output for this job may be reviewed. all the results are loaded into the binary data file Tutor. Instead. click Output > Statics from the main menu to display the output from the TUTOR. The .Tutorial A step. the Static Output Processor dialog box displays._p file can only be examined through the output processor. The analysis need not be rerun to review these results at a later time. Reviewing Static Results Whether entering the output processor directly from the static analysis or through the main menu. and then click Graphical Output . CAESAR II Applications Guide 135 . As in other CAESAR II dialog boxes.Tutorial A Usually. support and equipment loads. Checking deflections and restraint loads in the operating and installed cases should quickly uncover any major problems with the system layout or input. If the output verifies the model. and any other useful data found in the output. both the toolbar buttons and menu items may be used to select display options. If there are unusual results. the results can be used to collect pipe stresses. Selecting the (OPE) load case. the first look at output is to verify that the piping model is responding as expected. A view of the operating displacements of this piping system displays. This information is useful in documenting a good piping design or troubleshooting an inadequate one. 1. re-examine the input for correctness. The highest (first) sustained stress listed is at node 40 (nozzle to vessel connection) with a value of 1591 psi. The element containing this node is highlighted. the Element Viewer can be displayed by clicking on the toolbar. select Show > Displacement > Deflected Shape. and click Show > Stress > Stress > Code to display the code-defined stresses throughout the system. 5. The node number is shown in parenthesis following the stress value. 7.Tutorial A 2. This information displays in the next figure. Press Enter to list the stresses one at a time starting with the highest. The stress symbols appear on the screen and locate the highest stress points in the system. 6. 136 CAESAR II Applications Guide . The plot shows the centerline plot along with a normalized deflected shape of the system in the operating condition. Reset the plot. 4. From the menu. Click Show > Stress > Maximum to list the stress values on the plot. When you are finished viewing the plotted output for the operating case. 3. Click Show > Stress > Overstress and verify that there are no over-stressed points in the system. change the case to Sustained in the drop list on the left of the second toolbar. For a quick review of the stresses as well as the displacements and restraint loads. § The expected hot load for the proposed support at node 28 (1209 lb. Then. The restraint loads at nodes 5 and 40 are compared to the pump and vessel load limits. Both analyses provide no load case reports in the output processor. 10. This selection is based on the values found in the first two analyses.). click View Reports . and select only the operating load case (OPE) Displacements and Restraint Summary by holding down the Ctrl key. Return to the Output Menu. § The thermal growth of node 28 (0.750 in. B-268 Size 10 spring selected at node 28. Return to the output processor menu by clicking Window > <view>. 9.Tutorial A 8. click Hanger Table with Text from the General Computed Results column in the main output processor.). For a quick look at the selected hanger data. The software reports the Anvil Fig. Note the different output tabs at the bottom of the screen. CAESAR II Applications Guide 137 . and highlight the sustained and expansion cases (4 and 5) and stresses. To archive the static analysis electronically. The first time you click Save.Tutorial A 11. Tutor._p to a CD. 18. and select the sustained case (SUS) to examine the installed condition of the piping system._a and Tutor. Return to the Output Menu. and Stresses highlighted. can be copied with the CAESAR II input and output files Tutor. In the table that follows the summary. Use the above instructions substituting Save for Print. These results can be sent to the printer or to a file rather then sent to the screen. 16. 15. 17. along with the configuration file (Caesar. click File > Print. The resulting data file. 138 CAESAR II Applications Guide . 12.otl) provide a complete record of the analysis and should be stored with the drawing and any listings. the report can be sent to a data file rather than to the printer. An input echo is available through the output processor.out. the software prompts you for a filename. Select the operating and sustained load cases and displacements and restraint summary reports. Click Add to service this request. Both the operating and sustained cases can be reviewed together by having both 3 and 4 highlighted at the same time. 20. To send a specific output to the printer. The last column lists the ratio of actual stress to allowable stress in terms of percentage. 13. 5. Return to the Output Menu. Click More>> in the Static Output Processor to access the wizard. Type the following two lines for the report header: CAESAR II TUTORIAL BOTTOMS PUMP TO STEAM STRIPPER 14. This completes a typical output report after reviewing the reports order. Add the sustained and expansion stress reports by having only load cases 4. Click Add again. Click Finish. and the time sequencing file (Tutor. Each stress report begins with a summary stating that the code stresses are below their allowable stress. These nodes are listed in pairs with their associated element.cfg). Use the output wizard to create a book of reports in a specific order and then send them to an output device. Start the report with the hanger table by selecting it and clicking [Add]. a title line for the hardcopy can be generated through Options-Title Lines on the Output Menu. A complete input listing can start the printed report or output file created by this processor. and then click Generate TOC. Turn off 3 and turn on 4. 19. if needed. Select the output device. Segments of the output reports are included at the end of this section. Before creating the report. These files. or use the appropriate output choice on the wizard screen. the stresses display for each node in the system. (Stresses in the operating condition are not used in B31. The load on the restraint was 1209 lbf. Notes. Node 28 moved 0. in the +Y direction in this analysis.Tutorial A Static Analysis Output Listing The following figure is a CAESAR II tutorial output report: The output listed in the example includes significant output only. § § § CAESAR II Applications Guide 139 . are included with each report.750 in.3 analyses) The hot load of 1209 lbf. The following reports are included in this output: § Complete Hanger Report § Operating Case Displacement Report § Installed (Sustained) Case Displacement Report § Operating & Installed Restraint Summary § Sustained Stress Summary and Stress Report § Expansion Stress Summary and Stress Report. A 1209 lbf. +Y load replaced the rigid Y restraint at 28 and then an operating case was analyzed (load case 2). which discuss the results. was calculated in the initial weight run (load case 1) with a rigid Y restraint installed at node 28. This cold load is also within the working range of the size 10 spring so CAESAR II selects it.750)(260) or 195 lbf. in its working range. The size 10 spring has the hot load of 1209 lbf.750 inches between the cold to hot position. The cold load on the size 10 spring is 1222+195 or 1404 lbf. this increases the spring load by (. § 140 The deflections of nodes 5 and 40 were entered as input. CAESAR II Applications Guide .Tutorial A CAESAR II entered the Anvil hanger table with these two values and selected an appropriate mid-range spring. This mid-range spring (short range springs were excluded) has a spring rate of 260 lbf. Assuming that node 28 moves 0./in. 750 in. in the Y direction with the spring installed.Tutorial A § Node 28 again moves up 0. CAESAR II Applications Guide 141 . When the imposed displacements are not included in the analysis. 142 CAESAR II Applications Guide . Loads for node 40 can be used to check the vessel stresses due to the nozzle loads. the node is fixed with zero movement in each of the defined directions. The loads at node 5 are the nozzle loads and can be used without sign change to check the API 610 allowable loads. The spring carries the designed load of 1209 pounds in the operation condition.Tutorial A Look at the zero position of nodes 5 and 40. This restraint report lists the piping forces and moments on the restraint. The loads at 28 show the operating load and the actual installation load (with contents) for the selected spring. It does not list the restraint loads on the piping. As the piping moves to the hot position. Refer back to the displacement reports to confirm that the Y displacement is 0.0 in the installed (sustained) condition and +Y in the operating condition. the restraint is active.Tutorial A The +Y restraint at node 35 shows it is nonlinear nature. it disengages from the support. In the cold condition. CAESAR II Applications Guide 143 . The sustained stress closest to its allowable limit is at the vessel node 40.Tutorial A The summary shows that the sustained stresses throughout the system are below their allowable values. 144 CAESAR II Applications Guide . 00 for all three listings: 25 to 28. note the application of the tee and bend stress intensification factors. Bend SIFs are applied only on the bend side of the node compare node 28 on 25-28 and 28-29. and 25 to 620. 20 to 25. The tee at 25 has SIFs other than 1. CAESAR II Applications Guide 145 . No stresses are listed for rigid elements as no valid moment of inertia is provided for these elements.Tutorial A For the previous stress detail report. 146 CAESAR II Applications Guide .Tutorial A The summary shows that the expansion stresses throughout the system are below their allowable values. The expansion stress closest to its allowable limit occurs along the header at the node 10 tee. For more information. The pump loads at node 5 may be compared to the API (American Petroleum Institute) Standard 610 (Seventh Edition. Mandatory Design Based on Stress Analysis". which takes credit for "unused" stress in the sustained case. These local stresses can then be compared to allowable stress values established in "ASME Section VIII Division 2 Appendix 4. see Tutorial B (on page 231). These verifications are done in Tutorial B. too. Equipment loads must still be checked to ensure a safe and effective design. CAESAR II Applications Guide 147 . Because the loads on these boundary conditions are related to the piping system layout. February 1989). The nozzle loads. A quick review of the system displacements does not reveal any interference problems from pipe expansion. compare the bend side of 30 with the straight side of 30. Conclusions The review of piping stresses shows that the piping has adequate wall thickness and support to keep within the sustained allowable stress. can be compared to the allowed maximum limits. Centrifugal Pumps for General Refinery Service.Tutorial A For the previous stress detail report. The nozzle loads can be translated into local stresses using Welding Research Council Bulletins 107 or 297 . The SIF doubles the calculated stress. Also note the changing allowable stress. This is the result of applying an allowable stress. the piping system cannot be properly approved until these load limits are also verified.Local Stresses in Cylindrical Shells Due to External Loadings on Nozzles (WRC 107) or it's Supplement (WRC 297). as well as enough flexibility to remain below the expansion allowable stress limit.
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