CADKEY 19 Functions

March 23, 2018 | Author: public17000 | Category: Ellipse, Rotation, Cartesian Coordinate System, Auto Cad, Geometry



CADKEY 19Product Enhancements This document highlights all the new functionality in CADKEY 19, DRAFTPAK® 19, CADKEY PARAMETRICS 19, and the CDEs Smart Layout, File Manager, Dimension Wizard, PlotDate, CKTools and PlotFast for Windows. ® This information is also included in the "What's New" section of the help files for each product. CADKEY Corporation 33 Boston Post Rd. West Marlborough, MA 01752 USA PH (508) 229-2020 FX (508) 229-2121 Copyright and Trademark Notice CADKEY® 19 ©Copyright 2000 CADKEY Corporation All Rights Reserved CADKEY Corporation 33 Boston Post Road West Marlborough MA, 01752 USA Tel : (508) 229-2020 Fax: (508) 229-2121 This documentation may not be reproduced in any form, for any purpose, unless it complies with the terms presented in the CADKEY Corporation Software License Agreement. CADKEY Corporation and the program authors have no liability or responsibility to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to liability, loss or damage caused, or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this software, including but not limited to, any interruption of service, loss of business or anticipatory profits or consequential damages resulting from the use or operation of this software. Updates will be made to this documentation periodically and incorporated in future editions. CADKEY® is a registered trademark of CADKEY Corporation. ACIS® is a registered trademark of SPATIAL TECHNOLOGY INC. Microsoft®, MS-DOS®, and Windows™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corp. Wintab™ is a trademark of LCS/Telegraphics. SOFT ENGINE™ is a trademark of Vibrant Graphics, Inc. OpenGL™ is a trademark of Silicon Graphics, Inc. MS-DOS® is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. Pentium™ is a trademark of Intel, Corp. DXF™ is a trademark of Autodesk, Inc. Portions copyright OpenDWG Alliance. All rights reserved. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Final November, 2000 Table of Contents Introduction..........................................................................................................................1 CADKEY Core Enhancements .............................................................................................2 Zoom ...................................................................................................................................3 Zoom In ...................................................................................................................3 Zoom Out ................................................................................................................3 Rotate Part ...........................................................................................................................4 Rotate Part Dynamic.................................................................................................4 Rotate Up.................................................................................................................4 Rotate Down ............................................................................................................5 Rotate Left ...............................................................................................................5 Rotate Right.............................................................................................................5 Rotate Clockwise .....................................................................................................5 Rotate Counterclockwise ..........................................................................................5 Pan ......................................................................................................................................6 Pan Window.............................................................................................................6 Pan Up.....................................................................................................................6 Pan Down ................................................................................................................7 Pan Left ...................................................................................................................7 Pan Right .................................................................................................................7 Arc.......................................................................................................................................8 Arc by Offset ...........................................................................................................8 Point ..................................................................................................................................10 Mid-Point...............................................................................................................10 Ellipse................................................................................................................................11 Ellipse by Outer Axes.............................................................................................11 Ellipse by Inner Axes .............................................................................................12 Rectangle ...........................................................................................................................13 Using Corners and Rounded Corners.......................................................................14 Using Width/Height and Rounded Width/Height .....................................................14 Using Anchor and Rounded Anchor........................................................................14 DWG/DXF AutoCAD 2000 Support...................................................................................16 Supported Versions ................................................................................................16 Solid Enhancements ...........................................................................................................18 Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid...................................................................................19 Variable Radius Edge Blending ..............................................................................20 Body Warping Commands..................................................................................................27 Twist .....................................................................................................................27 Stretch ...................................................................................................................29 Create Shell from Solid ......................................................................................................33 Shelling Inward/Outward........................................................................................33 Multi-Offset Shelling..............................................................................................34 ............................................................Introduction Use of Multiple Profiles........................................................................52 M/L Copy .................................78 O-LINES........................................................................44 Multiple Loops..................70 Reassociate Dimension.................49 Smart Layout................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................72 Application Menu Functions.....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................54 Save Part File...........................................43 Features ...........................................63 Automatic Dimensioning .....................................................................................................................................................................................................81 MIDPOINT...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................40 Creating a Structural Shape............51 Load Pattern.........76 Create Tools..79 PARARC ................................................................................................................................................................62 Dimension Wizard..................................................................41 Spring .......................................................................................................................................................59 About...............................................................................................................................................................................................................71 Info............................................................................................................................................................................................................................72 CKTools ..................................................................79 BOLTCIRC............................................................................................................................................................71 Help.............................................................................................................................................................50 Modify Layout ..........................................................................................................................................................37 DRAFT-PAK Enhancements ...........................50 Create Layout....................................................78 PARLINE ..............................................42 Parametrics Enhancements .................................................................................................................52 Setting ........................................................................................................................................................54 Open Part File ...............................................................................................................................48 CADKEY CDEs Added....................................................................................55 Search Part File ....................................................................77 LINANGLE .............................................63 Configuration Settings.........................................................................................71 PlotDate...........................................................................44 Draft ...............................................................................................................................53 Part File Manager....................64 Dimension Merge................................................................................................................................................78 TANANG ...................................................................................................................................................53 About.......................................39 Feature Setup ..........................................................................................................................79 ALONGAX..........................................82 2 CADKEY 19 ...........................................................................................................................53 Help.................................................62 Help......................77 L-COORDS ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... ........................................Zoom In P-COORDS....................................................................................................................105 SAMEAS..........................................................................99 PTRIM....................83 CUBIC..........................104 MASK ..................................................................................................................................................................83 PARSPL ..............................84 Detail Tools ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................102 TUBES ........................................................................................................................104 HOLESIZE ......................................................................................105 SCROLL.....................................................................................................................103 Utility Tools..........................................................................116 Plotting in PlotFast ...............................................................................106 D-LAST...............116 Enhancements 3 ..............................................................102 OFFSET ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................110 PlotFast Configurations ...................................................................................................................................................96 TABLES............................................................................................................................................................................100 JOIN ...............................................104 CLEAR..............................................................................................................................................105 SHOW ....................99 MOVEND..............................................................................................................................................85 BALLOONS ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................113 Drag and Drop Capabilities...............................................................................................94 NOTEPATH .......................................................................................................................107 PlotFast for Windows ............................................111 PlotFast Dialog Box .........................................101 ALIGN .................................................................93 COORDS...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................97 Modify Tools .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................95 SETTEXT..........................................................................................................................................92 CNTRLINE............................................................100 ARCEDIT......................................................101 EXPLODE ......................................................105 PAN.................................104 COUNT .....................................................................108 Generic Driver Installation..............................................................................................................................................................................97 VALIDATE ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................108 Install and Setup..........99 KINK...................................................95 NOTES..................................................................................................................................83 SPIRALS .106 V-COORDS...............85 ACTDIM ................ . and CK Tools. Part File Manager. See the README. Solids.Introduction CADKEY 19 incorporates changes to the core product.TXT file on the root directory of the CADKEY 19 CD (also copied to the root directory of CADKEY once it is installed on your hard drive) for any last minute updates to this documentation. Parametrics and DRAFT-PAK. . CADKEY 19 also contains some additional CDE utilities such as Smart Layout. PlotDate. PlotFast for Windows. Dimension Wizard. Data Exchange n Support for AutoCAD 2000 files 2 CADKEY 19 .CADKEY Core Enhancements CADKEY Core Enhancements View Control Functions n n n Zoom Pan Rotate New Creation functions n Create Ellipse Function Group n n n n n Create Ellipse by outer axes Create Ellipse by inner axes Create Arc by Offset Create Mid-Point Rectangle by Lines function is enhanced to have two new components: n n Rounded rectangle. Anchored rectangle. 909090%). Zoom Out Zoom Out multiplies the scale by (1 / 1. the following options appear: Zoom In Zoom In multiplies the scale by 110%. Zoom options change only the appearance of the part. not the part data. When you choose Zoom from the View Menu.10 =90. Enhancements 3 .Zoom In Zoom Controls the display scale. This guarantees that hitting Zoom In and then Zoom Out will return you to the same scale. You can continue to dynamically move the part until you choose ACCEPT. Choose Rotate Part>Rotate Part Dynamic from the Menu bar or click the icon (left) on the toolbar. Choose ACCEPT to accept the defined view. 2. Note that you are actually rotating the viewpoint. not the actual orientation of the model in world space. Multiple click and drag operations can be performed while rotating the part.Rotate Part Rotate Part Rotate Part Dynamic Dynamically rotates your part in the active viewport. Click on the screen with the left mouse button and drag to dynamically move the part with the cursor. Indicate a rotation center point for the part using the standard Position Menu options. 1. Release the mouse button when the part is in the position you want. 5. 3. Rotate Up This function rotates the viewport up along a horizontal axis through the center of the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked. 4 CADKEY 19 . 4. Rotate Right This function rotates the viewport right along a vertical axis through the center of the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked.Rotate Down Rotate Down This function rotates the viewport down along a horizontal axis through the center of the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked. Rotate Counterclockwise This function rotates the viewport counterclockwise perpendicular to the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked. Rotate Left This function rotates the viewport left along a vertical axis through the center of the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked. Enhancements 5 . Rotate Clockwise This function rotates the viewport clockwise perpendicular to the view by 10 degrees each time the function is invoked. Move the cursor until the part is in the area of the highlighted viewport you want. The highlighted viewport remains on screen for further panning. The part moves to the indicated position. Click the left mouse button once. A highlighted rectangle or square matching the selected viewport appears on screen. choose the viewport to pan. Your cursor is the center of the highlighted viewport.Pan Pan Pan Window Redefines the center of a viewport. 3. Pan is modal or repetitive which means that while selecting entities you can continuously pan to get a better view of your part. 5. Pan Up When panning up the object moves up the screen by 5% each time you invoke the function. This option does not alter coordinate data. Choose Pan from the View Menu. 4. The highlighted viewport moves dynamically with cursor movements. 2. Choose [Esc] to stop panning. 1. If working with multiple viewports. 6 CADKEY 19 . Pan Right When panning right the object moves to the right of the screen by 5% each time you invoke the function. Enhancements 7 . Pan Left When panning left the object moves to the left of the screen by 5% each time you invoke the function.Pan Down Pan Down When panning down the object moves down the screen by 5% each time you invoke the function. The radius of the new arc can be determined in two ways. The Arc options appear. In 3D construction mode. an error will be given. Arc created by distance 8 CADKEY 19 . choose Arc from the Create Menu. It projects the edge point to the plane and creates the arc in the plane. The new arc will have the same start and end angle as the original arc (or circle). Start and end arc angles can be negative or positive. Arc by Offset This allows you to create an arc (or circle) offset from a selected arc. The first is by giving a distance. CADKEY measures positive angles counterclockwise from the start to the end angle. and choosing a side of the arc to offset by that distance. If you choose a distance that is greater than the radius of the arc.Arc Arc To create an arc. CADKEY creates the arc and projects the center and edge points to the current construction plane. In 2D construction mode. and then choose the “inner” side of the arc. The second is by choosing a point that the new arc will pass through. CADKEY locates a plane that is parallel to the current construction plane and that passes through the center point. and no arc will be created. Arc created by point Enhancements 9 .Arc by Offset Note that the through-point selection does not have to be one that lies between the start and end angle of the arc. Point Point Choose Point from the Create Menu. After changing this setting. any two points form a line. 10 CADKEY 19 . you should regenerate your drawing to update the point size display. the mid-point will be placed on the CPlane and depth currently set. this function will create a new point that is halfway between them. The mid-point is the center of this line. This is not true when 2D construction is employed. When 2D construction is used. The Point options appear: The display size of points is dependant on the Graphics Marker setting in the Display tab of the "Default Options" dialog box (accessible by selecting Tools. In 3D construction. Mid-Point Given two positions. Options from the Menu bar). 2. 3. 5. Ellipse by Outer Axes Enhancements 11 . Select Ellipse by Outer Axes from the Ellipse submenu. Ellipse by Outer Axes Creates an elliptical arc by selecting three points that represent the major axes of a rectangle.Ellipse by Outer Axes Ellipse An ellipse is a set of points within a plane where the sum of the distance between one fixed point to any two other fixed points is constant. CADKEY projects the origin to the current construction plane. You will then be prompted for the start angle (default 0 degrees) and end angle (default 360 degrees) of the ellipse. at the current depth. Indicate the origin of the ellipse using one of the Position Menu options. 1. Indicate the minor axis point. An ellipse is then created that is bounded by that rectangle. 4. The two new additions are Ellipse by Outer Axes and Ellipse by Inner Axes. and creates the elliptical arc in the current construction view. There are three ways to create an ellipse: by Values and Outer or Inner Axes. Indicate the major axis point. The minor axis is the absolute distance from the origin point to the Y axis point. The major axis is the absolute distance from the origin point to the X axis point. Ellipse by Outer Axes 12 CADKEY 19 . The major axis is the absolute distance from the origin point to the X axis point. Select Ellipse by Inner Axes from the Ellipse submenu. at the current depth. 2. Indicate the origin of the ellipse using one of the Position Menu options. Then select two points that represent the position and magnitude of the minor axis. The minor axis is the absolute distance from the origin point to the Y axis point. You will then be prompted for the start angle (default 0 degrees) and end angle (default 360 degrees) of the ellipse. and creates the elliptical arc in the current construction view. 3. An ellipse is created that is centered on the intersection of the two axes. Indicate the minor axis point. 1. CADKEY projects the origin to the current construction plane. and oriented with the major axis. Indicate the major axis point. 4.Ellipse Ellipse by Inner Axes Creates an elliptical arc by selecting two points that represent the position and magnitude of the major axis. 5. Creates a rectangle with filleted corners with specified values for the width and height and an indicated position for the lower-left corner. Choose Rectangle from the Create options. or with indicated positions for two corners of the rectangle. 2. The current depth must stay the same once you designate a position. Anchor .Creates a rectangle with specified values for the width and height. This option creates a rectangle with specified values for the width and height and an indicated position for the anchor point of the rectangle. and an indicated position for the lower-left corner. Now you have the option of 9 placement points to anchor the rectangle. Choose the rectangle creation type: n n n Corners . Rounded Rectangle by Width/Height . Rounded Rectangle by Corners. CADKEY creates the rectangle and projects the reference point to the current construction plane.Previously when creating rectangles they were automatically anchored by the lower-left corner. Width/Height . To make a rectangle of lines follow these steps: 1. When creating rectangles keep these things in mind: n n n The line rectangle has four separate line entities. CADKEY does not fill the corners of a line rectangle when you select line widths greater than one.Creates a rectangle with indicated positions for two opposite corners. You can create three different types of rectangles: Line Polyline Polygon In 2D construction mode.Creates a rectangle with indicated positions for two opposite corners with filleted corners.Ellipse by Inner Axes Rectangle Creates a rectangle with entered values for the width and height. Select each entity to make changes to the whole rectangle. CADKEY creates the rectangle in the plane that is parallel to the construction plane and passes through the indicated reference position. In 3D construction mode. n n Enhancements 13 . Using Width/Height and Rounded Width/Height 1. it is outlined in the current color. Choose one of the Anchoring methods available: 14 CADKEY 19 . 4. choose OutLine or Filled to create an outlined or filled rectangle. 3. 2. 5. If using RWd/Ht enter the fillet radius for the corners.Rectangle n Rounded Rectangle Anchor . If you outline the rectangle. If you outline the rectangle. choose a color to fill the rectangle from the “Color Selection” dialog box. choose Outline or Filled to create an outlined or filled rectangle. When you create a Polygon Rectangle (by Wid/Ht only). Choose Corners or RCorner from the rectangle options. choose a color to fill the rectangle from the “Color Selection” dialog box. The Rounded Corners options do not apply to polyline and polygon rectangles. 6. When you create a Polygon Rectangle. indicate a position for the lower-left corner of the rectangle. Using Corners and Rounded Corners 1. Choose Anchor or RAnchor from the rectangle options. 4. A rubberband box connects to the cursor to dynamically display the shape of the rectangle as you create it. left click to indicate a position for one corner of the rectangle. CADKEY always creates the rectangle in the current construction plane. only line rectangles. Choose Wid/Ht or RWd/Ht from the rectangle options. 6. Using your mouse. 5.Creates a rectangle with filleted corners with specified values for the width and height and an indicated position for the anchor point of the rectangle. When filling. CADKEY creates the rectangle. Using your left mouse button. When filling. Click and drag your mouse to indicate a position for the diagonally opposite corner of the rectangle. 3. Enter the width and height of the rectangle. it is outlined in the current color. 2. 2. Using Anchor and Rounded Anchor 1. If using RCorner enter the fillet radius for the corners. Using Anchor and Rounded Anchor n n n n n n n n n 3. 4. 5. UprLft (Upper Left) - Places the rectangle by the upper left corner. CntLft (Center Left) - Places the rectangle by the center point of the left line. LwrLft (Lower Left) - Places the rectangle by the lower left corner. UprCnt (Upper Center) - Places the rectangle by the upper center point of the top line. CntCnt (Center Center) - Places the rectangle by the center of the rectangle itself. LwrCnt (Lower Center) - Places the rectangle by the lower center point of the bottom line. UptRgt (Upper Right) - Places the rectangle by the upper right corner. CntRgt (Center Right) - Places the rectangle by the center point of the right line. LwrRgt (Lower Right) - Places the rectangle by the lower right corner. If using RAnchor enter the fillet radius for the corners. Enter the width and height of the rectangle. Using your left mouse button, indicate a position for the specified anchor of the rectangle. Enhancements 15 DWG/DXF AutoCAD 2000 Support DWG/DXF AutoCAD 2000 Support Supported Versions The DWG/DXF translator supports the following versions of CADKEY and AutoCAD: n n n You can import drawings created with AutoCAD Release 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 2000 into CADKEY 19. You can export CADKEY part files into AutoCAD Release 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 2000. You can import AutoCAD DWG or DXF files, work with them in CADKEY as AutoCAD entities and then export them to AutoCAD. Supported Entities The following additional AutoCAD entity types are now supported in CADKEY. AutoCAD Entity Dimension Imported into CADKEY as: The translator supports linear, circular (radial and diametric), aligned, and ordinate dimensions. It skips associated blocks. The translator supports all attached attributes, as well as some special characters in the text, such as +/-, °, and the radius or diameter symbol. It defaults as converting the AutoCAD dimension entity into a CADKEY Gendim collective. Spline Entity CADKEY Spline entity. Entities Not Supported The following additional AutoCAD entity types are not supported in CADKEY. Entity Type Solid 3D Body AutoCAD Entity Name AD_ENT_SOLID3D AD_ENT_BODY 16 CADKEY 19 Supported Versions When importing DWG and DXF files, a progress message window is now provided for monitoring the translation process. Enhancements 17 Solid Enhancements Solid Enhancements Blending Enhancements n Blend Interference Checking Variable Radius Enhancements n Constant Width Blend n n Rotated Ellipse Constant Radius Body Warping Commands category added n n n Bend Twist Stretch Shelling n n n Multi-offset shelling Shelling inward/outward Create Lip Multiple Profiles 18 CADKEY 19 . It can be enabled/disabled in the dialog separately for each blend option.Supported Versions Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid Solid blending is currently separated by blend functionality into four categories available through a tabbed dialog. if interference checking is not enabled if a blend is placed in such a way that the blend face will partially intersect a protrusion/hole. The options are: n Vertex Blending n Constant Radius Edge Blending n Variable Radius Edge Blending n Face Blends The four categories of blending are covered in the following sections. If the blend completely covers the area taken up by the protrusion/hole. A blend interference checkbox appears on all the tabs. Enabling this checkbox prevents self-intersections from occurring and allows the blend to complete properly. Before Blend Enhancements 19 . Interference checking is performing additional calculations in the background so note that when it is enabled the blending process will be slower than blending without interference checking. Allow for blend interference checking enables CADKEY to check for features that might interfere with the path of the blend surface and allows the blend to complete properly despite the interference. An interference such as a hole. All four blend types support Blend interference checking. Enabling blend interference checking allows the blend to blend around the protrusion/hole. then that protrusion/hole will be deleted. For example. protrusion or other geometric feature normally would cause the blend to fail or to complete but cause a self-intersecting solid. then the protrusion/hole is inappropriately blended. In CADKEY 19 there have been additional options added to the Variable Radius Edge Blending. If the blend interference checking is enabled. the protruding section is swallowed by the blend. the blend and the protrusion are properly trimmed to each other. Some of the options in this tab are for the benefit of designers who want non-exact methods of changing the shape of blends. But with interference checking on. Blend an outer edge by 1. Variable Radius Edge Blending This option blends the edges of a solid with a variable radius.0. 20 CADKEY 19 .2.Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid Blend with interference checking turned off Blend with interference checking turned on In the example above with interference checking turned off. Create a 10 x 5 x 2 block and shell it by a thickness of . the result is a self-intersecting body. To get a better understanding of how blend interference checking affects your models try this example. then this intersection will be detected and blended appropriately. See details to follow. There are six types of variable radius blending as listed below. They will be useful for designing parts for which the shape is mostly aesthetic. constant width and rotated ellipse are discussed in detail below. The three new options constant radius. The blend radius is computed as a linear taper from starting value to ending value of the edge sequence to be blended. As it approaches zero. You will need to adjust the numbers until you achieve the results you want. There is no way to get an exact desired shape. but whose cross section could be non-circular through the use of thumb weights. Constant Width . The cross sectional shapes may be varied from circular (the default) to a non-circular spline shape. Enhancements 21 . Your thumb "pulls or stretches" the blend cross section and flattens it out. Entering thumb weight values less than 1.0 produces a circular cross section.The blend radius is computed as a function of a smooth curve joining a sequence of points whose radii are provided at certain points along the edge to be blended. The cross sectional shape options are available for all Variable Radius Edge Blends except Rotated Ellipses.Variable Radius Edge Blending n n n n n Constant Radius . Thumb weight values affect the shape of the cross section. the blend flattens out. the cross section tends to a sharp corner. The value along the Y axis represents the radius. 2D Spline Function .000. Thumb weighted geometry is constructed of splines. Rotated Ellipse . n Thumb weights are entirely for aesthetics. while the value along the X axis represents the length along the edge to be blended. Point/Radius Pairs .000) and lowest (1e-9) thumb weight values indicate the maximum stretching or squeezing of the cross sectional shape.0 has the reverse effect. When working with thumb weights there will be a lot of trial and error. the blend tends to bunch up and when the values are reduced below 1. Think of it this way.This blend allows you to enter a width that specifies the distance between the edges of the blend. Note this differs from other blend types that are composed of arcs. When entering thumb weight values keep in mind that as the thumb weight value approaches infinity. Start and End .The blend radius is computed as a function of a 2D curve lying on the X-Y plane centered about the origin.0.0.This option creates a blend that has a constant radius. When the thumb weight values are increased from 1. it tends towards a pure chamfer. The highest (1.This option will create a blend whose cross section is elliptical. Put your thumbs on the edge of the blend and apply some pressure to "squeeze or push" the blend cross section. The default value of 1. only an approximate shape can be obtained. Preview blends are computed and drawn quickly in the CADKEY rubberband color.4 Three checkboxes appear at the bottom of the dialog for all options: When you wish Solids to also blend connected edges that continue smoothly (no abrupt change in tangent) from the selected edges. you may use immediate mode commands to dynamically pan. Allow for blend interference checking enables CADKEY to check for features that might interfere with the path of the blend surface and allows the blend to complete properly despite the interference.0 Thumb weights = 0. protrusions or other geometric features normally would cause the blend to fail or to complete but cause a self-intersecting solid. zoom and rotate the model in order to view the preview surfaces from any angle. select the Blend along smooth edges checkbox. Interference's such as holes. Preview the blend allows you to preview the proposed blend surface geometry prior to applying the changes to the model. When previewing the blend. Blend preview surfaces are approximations of the actual resulting blend surfaces so they may not be drawn as precisely as the final outcome.Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid Thumb weights = 4. Enabling this checkbox prevents self-intersections from occurring and allows the blend to complete properly. 22 CADKEY 19 . Variable Radius Edge Blending Three checkboxes appear at the bottom of the dialog for all options: When you wish Solids to also blend connected edges that continue smoothly (no abrupt change in tangent) from the selected edges. Blend preview surfaces are approximations of the actual resulting blend surfaces so they may not be drawn as precisely as the final outcome. select the Blend along smooth edges checkbox. Enhancements 23 . When previewing the blend. Preview the blend allows you to preview the proposed blend surface geometry prior to applying the changes to the model. zoom and rotate the model in order to view the preview surfaces from any angle. Preview blends are computed and drawn quickly in the CADKEY rubberband color. Constant Radius This blend allows for the radius to be constant with a circular cross section or have a constant radius but at the same time have a non-circular cross section through the use of thumb weights. Allow for blend interference checking enables CADKEY to check for features that might interfere with the path of the blend surface and allows the blend to complete properly despite the interference. you may use immediate mode commands to dynamically pan. It allows for the width or the distance between the edges of the blend surface to remain at a constant width. The radius values are calculated to maintain the desired width. Constant Width With this blend you can specify a width which will specify the distance between the edges of the blend. when the edge of the solid is blended with a constant 2 inch radius blend. This will not happen with a variable radius constant width blend. The width of a constant radius blend changes if the two faces are not perpendicular and the blended edge is not perpendicular to the next edge.Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid Note that this constant radius blend is not exactly the same as doing a normal constant radius blend. If you want a pure circular constant radius blend then use the Constant Radius Blend tab in the dialog box. In the examples below. 24 CADKEY 19 . the width of the blend varies with the angle of the faces in contrast with the 2 inch constant width blend. Variable Radius Edge Blending Before Blend 2 inch constant radius blend 2 inch constant width blend Rotated Ellipse This option will create a blend whose cross section is elliptical. as measured from the normal of one of the two faces adjacent to the blend edge. The angle from normal will specify the rotation of the ellipse. The surface normals are displayed at the mid point of the edge. and you are prompted to select the direction vector for the ellipse major axis. The major and minor axis values you enter in the dialog will determine the shape of the ellipse. Enhancements 25 . Any angle specified is measured from this vector. Blend Edges and Vertexes of a Solid Surface normals are displayed The edge is blended with an elliptical blend 26 CADKEY 19 Twist Body Warping Commands The body warping commands consist of bend, twist and stretch functions. New in this version are twist and stretch. All of these functions allow you to manipulate your solid bodies. Each one is discussed in detail in its own section. Bend Twist Stretch Twist This function provides the capability to twist solids, sheet bodies and wireframe entities. This is ideal for modeling parts that are manufactured in a flat condition then twisted into final shape. The region of twist is defined by two points, which you must indicate. These two points define a line that serves two purposes. First, it defines the axis about which the twisting occurs. Secondly, it defines the extents of the twist region. Perpendicular planes at each end of the line are intersected with the body being twisted, and only the area between the planes will be modified. There are several options available in the “Twist a Body” dialog box to assist you in the creation of a twist. The options are: Twist angle - Enter the angle of the twist. There is no limit to the angle of twist. A positive twist angle indicates the direction of the twist, but you may specify a negative angle if you want to twist in the opposite direction. The two points selected to define the axis of twist also indicate the direction of the "Z" axis. Use the right-hand rule to determine the positive direction of twist. Type of entities to twist - Choose to twist solid/sheet bodies or wireframes. Enhancements 27 Body Warping Commands Desired continuity between twisted and untwisted sections - You can control the degree of continuity (smoothness) between the non-twisted and twisted portions of the body. Three choices of continuity are available: n n n G0 Positional - This ensures that the edge at the end of the untwisted section and the edge at the beginning of the twist meet. G1 Tangential - This ensures that the edge at the end of the untwisted section is tangent to the edge at the beginning of the twist. G2 Curvature - This ensures that the curvature at the end of the untwisted section is the same as the curvature at the beginning of the twist. This option is one level of continuity higher than tangent continuity. Curvature continuity uses a 5th degree polynomial as compared to the 3rd degree (cubic) used for tangential continuity. This more naturally approximates what a real part would do when it deforms. Once you've made your selections in the dialog box click OK to close the dialog. Keep in mind that when twisting, one part stays fixed in place, while the other side of the part rotates along with the twist. The part of the body (if any) before the starting point of the twist axis is the side that remains fixed as long as the entire body is within the twist region. If the entire body is within the twist region then there is no part of the body before the starting point. The part of the body (if any) after the twist's ending point will be rotated about the axis by the amount of the twist angle. To perform the twist: 1. 2. 3. You are first prompted to select the body to twist. Next indicate the start point of the twist axis using one of the Position Menu options. Then indicate the end point of the twist axis. The twist is performed. Part before twisting 28 CADKEY 19 sheets and wireframe entities can all be stretched and squeezed. Think of it as holding the body with both hands. If you hold your right hand fixed then pull to the left with your left hand. Law surfaces are one of the many "spline" surface types in ACIS. Stretch may also be applied to the left and right sides independently. then you create a different shape that most likely requires a law surface to be built. but the right end does not. Stretch will create law surfaces when the geometry of the stretch requires it. The twist region starts at the centerline of the first hole and ends at the tip. Each hand is located at the ends of the stretch axis. The stretch command is very much like a Local Operation in the editing effects that it provides. and also to compress or squeeze a part together in a similar manner. It just gets longer and the analytic cylinder is preserved with no need for a law surface. But if you use a stretch axis that runs at an angle to the centerline. This means that in a left end stretch. this is a left hand stretch (zero stretch to the right and positive stretch to the left). The left side of the stretch is defined where the first point is indicated. You can stretch to the left only. Stretch The stretch command provides the capability to stretch a part along an axis for a given distance. You must indicate two points that define the stretch region. Enhancements 29 . Law surfaces would be created anytime the stretch was done in such a way that the geometry was no longer a simple definition. if you stretch a cylinder using the centerline of the cylinder as the stretch axis.Stretch After 275 degree twist. then the geometry of the cylinder doesn't really change. right only or some combination of both and the amount stretched left to right can differ. You can think of the body as being clamped at these two planes and then stretched to the left or right sides as desired." For example. Solids. A law surface can be identified by using the Verify>Entity Info>Examine a Face function. Select the face to verify and a dialog box will come up stating "This face type is: lawsurspline. Perpendicular planes at each end of the line are intersected with the body and only that region between the planes will be modified. the left end moves. but it will also maintain simple analytic geometry whenever possible. When negative values are entered the body is squeezed. Next indicate the start point of the stretch region using one of the Position Menu options. The options are: Stretch to the left . When positive values are entered the body is stretched.Enter a value to stretch or squeeze the right side of the body. When negative values are entered the body is squeezed. Then indicate the end point of the stretch region. Once you've made your selections in the dialog box click OK to close the dialog. 3. When positive values are entered the body is stretched. then the body will be stretched for a total of 2 inches.Enter a value to stretch or squeeze the left side of the body. For example.Body Warping Commands There are options available in the “Stretch a Body” dialog box to assist you in the creation of a stretched or squeezed body. The value you enter will indicate how far the body will be stretched to the right. Types of entities to stretch . You are first prompted to select the body to stretch. 2. The value you enter will indicate how far the body will be stretched to the left. one inch to the left and one inch to the right.Choose to stretch solid/sheet bodies or wireframe entities. The only region of the body that will be affected by the stretch is defined by the part of the body contained within two planes perpendicular to each end of the stretch axis. Stretch to the right . 30 CADKEY 19 . To perform a stretch: 1. if the left stretch value is one and the right stretch value is one. The stretch or squeeze is performed. Stretch Manifold part before stretching Manifold after stretching 3 inches Enhancements 31 . Body Warping Commands Collar part before stretch Collar part after stretching 1 inch up in Z direction Collar after squeezing .25 inches down in Z direction 32 CADKEY 19 . enable this checkbox (4). Note that only positive values can be entered for the shell thickness in the dialog box.This checkbox is only available when you have selected to leave faces open. Enable the checkbox to Select the faces to be opened in the dialog box. To leave at least one face open when creating the shell. the wall will be shelled outward at the offset value you specify.If this checkbox is enabled. Create lip around opened faces . The lip width and thickness can be specified separately. Enhancements 33 . measured perpendicular to the open faces.Shelling Inward/Outward Create Shell from Solid Use this local edit function to transform a solid body into a body which represents the walls of the original body with at least one face left open. The lip width is measured along the bottom or overhang of the lip. Select faces to be opened . the shell will be a closed body with an internal void. the wall will be shelled inward at the offset value you specify. you will be prompted in the Conversation bar for the faces to leave open. This option will create a 'lip' around the open faces of the shell. Shelling Inward/Outward Shelling inward and outward at the same time is possible. The lip thickness is the “height” of the lip. The options available in the dialog box are: Shell Inward .If this checkbox is enabled. If this box is disabled.If this checkbox is enabled. Shell Outward . should have the same offset value. and a negative value indicates an outward offset. This is because the offsetting algorithm will probably fail to re-intersect the offset faces. When specifying specific offset values.05. allowing for different wall thickness in the shelled part. you will be prompted to indicate a face. those faces which are smoothly connected to one another (e. 34 CADKEY 19 . blended faces). A positive value indicates an inward offset. You will prompted to select each face and enter a thickness in the Conversation bar. This will be enabled when the Select faces for specific offsets checkbox is enabled. Inward and outward offsets may be specified for different faces by entering negative and positive values. Faces are offset the default amount (.375 and offsetting the inner faces outward to create the lip around the open faces with a wall thickness of . Faces that join with sharp intersections are good candidates for multi-offset shelling because they will reliably intersect.Create Shell from Solid The oil pan above was created using a shell hollowed inward at an offset of . Multi-Offset Shelling Individual faces may have different offset values applied to them. When shelling a part. respectively. then enter an offset value on the prompt line.g. When applying different offset values for individual faces.2) if they are not specified explicitly in the dialog box. you can hit [Esc] to interrupt the operation. Enhancements 35 .Multi-Offset Shelling Before shelling After shelling .1 inches creating a lip around the opened top and side faces.2 inches inward and offsetting inward faces outward . Create Shell from Solid A different view of the same part 36 CADKEY 19 . If "n" such non-intersecting closed profiles are selected. Non intersecting profiles that do not satisfy the above two conditions will result in one body with multiple lumps. you will be allowed to select the individual curves that comprise the closed planar profile. The following rules apply: n n n n n All curves must be lines. or splines. conics. Revolves and Planar Boundary Surfaces now support the use of multiple profiles. arcs. The order of selection is unimportant. The following sections have been added to the existing documentation. The entire set must lie on a plane Multiple closed co-planar profiles may be chosen in one operation. Profiles that are intended to be holes within a larger outer profile are automatically detected and cut away. The entire set must represent closed curves. one body with "n" lumps will be created. After clicking OK in the dialog box. When choosing multiple profiles keep in mind that: n n n Overlapping and intersecting profiles are automatically trimmed to one another. Case 1: Overlapping profiles are trimmed to one another Case 2: Profiles intended to be holes in a larger profile are cut away Enhancements 37 .Multi-Offset Shelling Use of Multiple Profiles Extrusions. Sweeps. Use of Multiple Profiles Case 3: Non intersecting profiles result in one body with multiple lumps. 38 CADKEY 19 . Multi-Offset Shelling DRAFT-PAK Enhancements Feature Setup n CADKEY XForm>Copy operations will now maintain DRAFT-PAK Feature data (hole type and size) used by Autolabel and Tabular Dimension functions. Structural Shapes n Structural shapes dialog fields now default to values previously entered in a session for each type of shape Springs n Springs with square ends can now be created as a solid. Enhancements 39 . Features not created as collectives have no copious data thus they can not be autolabeled. The changes you make to the configuration will be reflected in the Preview windows of the feature dialog boxes as you create features. drilled. Cut. The Setup options give you greater flexibility when creating features. allowing you to customize the features to your drafting standards. n Use Collectives . CADKEY XForm>Copy operations will now maintain DRAFT-PAK Feature data (hole type and size) used by Autolabel and Tabular Dimension functions. Features created as collectives will keep their copious data with them. For example. a blind.Check this check box if you want the feature geometry to be made into a collective. Thus XForm>Copied and Moved features are able to be autolabeled. The hole list chart will reflect this. Copy and Pasted features will not keep their copious data. XForm>Copied hole's actual depth will be written into the hole list chart instead of being listed as THRU. 40 CADKEY 19 . This behavior affects XForming only. Thus the following section has been added under Use Collectives.Feature Setup Feature Setup Select the Feature Setup icon from the Feature Menu or click on the SETUP button in any feature dialog box to bring up the “Feature Setup” dialog box. Feature collectives will not be named. The "Structural Shapes" dialog box will default to previous user settings. The “Structural Shape” dialog box will appear. The shape you are creating will be displayed in the Preview section of the dialog box. the values for that type will default to the most recent user entered values. whether using backup or invoking the function after using the function previously. When you change the type of the structural shape.Multi-Offset Shelling Creating a Structural Shape Select the Struct icon from the Mech Menu. Enhancements 41 . Wire 3D and Solid) Squared (Side. 42 CADKEY 19 .Spring Spring Select the Spring icon from the Mech Menu. The “Spring” dialog box will appear. Your selections will be displayed in the Preview window. Wire 3D and Solid) Plain and Ground (Side view only) Squared and Ground (Side view only) Note that springs with square ends can now be created as solids. The choices are: n n n n Plain (Side. Select the End Conditions for the spring. Enter the information about the spring in this dialog box. Multi-Offset Shelling Parametrics Enhancements Additional Feature Option n Draft Feature Sketch Improvement n Multiple loop profiles Enhancements 43 . from the Parametrics pull down menu or from the Features right click Context Sensitive Menu the "Draft Properties" dialog box will appear. When you choose the Draft function from the Application Button Window. This operation is also referred to as taper. 44 CADKEY 19 . or with respect to a reference plane. You can add draft with respect to an edge on the face.Features Features Draft Use this function to add draft to faces of a body. The behavior of the SELECT. Click the SELECT button to choose an edge(s) on the solid in the currently active viewport. ADD and DELETE buttons are the same as described above for face selection. K components of the vector. The Faces field contains the name(s) of the face(s) selected.Keeps current list and allows selection of additional items. click the SELECT button to choose a face on the solid in the currently active viewport. For example if there are 4 faces selected to add Draft to. The SELECT. Parametric plane entities may either be selected by geometry or from a list of the existing planes listed in a dialog. use the Draft Plane option on the draft faces dialog box. Use the DELETE button to delete a currently selected item in the list. ADD and DELETE keys are described below: Select .Deletes currently selected item in the list. Enhancements 45 . Use the ADD button to allow selection of additional edges.Draft The Angle field should be used to enter the value of the draft angle. Add . Use the SELECT button to select the parametric plane entity. The name(s) of that edge(s) will then appear in the display list. The Edges of the faces field contains the name(s) of the edge(s) selected. Use the SELECT button to select a vector entity created with Solids. If you have not already selected a face(s) to draft.Discards previous list and allows complete re-selection of items. The name of that face will then appear in the display list. You can add draft to faces primarily by two methods: n With respect to a draft or reference plane If you prefer to define the draft angle with respect to a parametric plane entity. there must be 4 edges selected. You must make sure that each edge in the Edges of the Faces field corresponds to each face in the “Faces” field. J. Draft can be performed on multiple faces. Use the DELETE button to delete a currently selected item in the list. Use the ADD button to allow selection of additional faces to add draft to. n With respect to an edge on the face selected If you use the Edge of a face option. you will need to select the edges that the faces will draft about and a draft reference vector. Delete . Face #1 in the “Faces” field will attempt to Draft about Edge #1 in the “Edges of the Faces” field. Note that when selecting faces you can hold down the [Ctrl] key on the keyboard to select multiple faces. Face#2 about Edge #2 and so on. The Draft Reference Vector fields contain the I. edges. It fills in gaps that are not visible from a specified direction. K components of the vector. J. 46 CADKEY 19 . and the relationship between each pair of faces as they intersect to form the edges of the model is also left unchanged. and vertexes after the edit as before. there has been no change to the topology of the model.Features Before After While the taper in the example above has caused a lot of change to the shape of this solid body. Shadow Draft This local edit function provides draft to curved faces in a mold. Use the SELECT button to select a vector entity created with Solids. There remains the same number of faces. The Shadow Draft – Mold Extraction Vector fields contain the I. shows the model before the draft is performed on the spherical face. and tori and makes a cone or plane for the draft surface rather than a spline.1) was used as the mold extraction factor. Some faces may be swallowed up in the process.shows the model after the spherical face is tapered at an angle of 35 degrees. The draft angle was 30 degrees.Draft The purpose of this operation is to remove face regions with normals perpendicular to the draft direction. The mold extraction direction is very important as it determines the direction on which to base the angled silhouette curve. It introduces new ruled faces in order to remove regions from the nominated faces where the draft is thought of as being in shadow from a beam of light traveling with the draft direction and angle. Enhancements 47 . a draft needs to be added to the spherical face. The vector (0. After . For the example below.0. It detects special geometry cases on spheres. also known as an iso-cline curve. An incorrect direction vector will not produce the desired result. Before . cones. The special silhouette curve is calculated and ruled faces are added into the model and surrounding faces are extended and re-intersected with the new ruled faces. If the loops do not intersect with each other but some loops are contained in other loops. 48 CADKEY 19 . If the loops intersect with each other. Parametrics will generate multiple lumps for the 3D operation. Parametrics will trim the appropriate entities to form a single outer loop before any 3D operations are performed. If the loops do not intersect with each other and no loop is contained in any other loop.Multiple Loops Multiple Loops Parametrics will support multiple loops in a single sketch. Parametrics will generate a body with holes in the shapes of those inner loops. Draft CADKEY CDEs Added New CDEs added to CADKEY 19 n n n n n n Smart Layout Part File Manager Dimension Wizard PlotDate CKTools PlotFast for Windows Enhancements 49 . The CKLayout. The layout name can be a maximum of 20 characters. it can be accessed from the Application drop down menu or via Accelerator Keys (if assigned). Or you can add it to your autoload list in Tools>Options>Startup. The different paper sizes can be accessed via the drop down menu.Smart Layout Smart Layout Smart Layout is a CDE based application that runs within CADKEY. In this dialog box you can enter the following information: Layout Name . Description field . The paper size options cover the American standard sizes A-E. This switch is disabled by default. The selected paper dimensions in both inches and millimeters are displayed in the windows below the drop down. Paper Size . Once loaded. you can set your paper size to be A.Allows you to add more detailed information about the layout. This CDE (CKLayout. the international sizes A4-A0 and Key-in for a user-defined paper size. The description field will accept a maximum of 40 characters. Save Settings .Stores a variety of standard paper sizes. To change the settings and not save them. For example. If the Save Settings checkbox is enabled then these settings will remain each time you create a new layout. make sure to disable the checkbox.This checkbox can be enabled (4) to save settings so each layout you create will have these same characteristics. The Smart Layout functions will then appear in the Application Menu Window.cde) will run within CADKEY 19 and will provide the ability to automatically generate a layout in DLM (Drawing Layout Mode). n n n n n n n Create Layout Modify Layout Load Pattern M/L Copy Setting About Help Create Layout When the Create Layout button is selected the "Smart Layout" Dialog box appears. The first window is the height (X direction) and the second is the width (Y direction). with 2 instances in the upper position.Name the layout.CDE can be loaded through the CDE Load function in the Application drop down menu. An error message will appear if you try to give the layout a name that already exists. with a specific pattern loaded. 50 CADKEY 19 . Execute in Layout mode. the fields become active and you can type in a scale.The Instances section is where you are able to configure/manipulate how the layout is going to look as far as the instance view placement.0.Is a checkbox that when enabled (4) will automatically load a pattern file into the layout with the base position at 0. The Conversation bar will display a message stating "Model mode now. The file name below the Load Pattern switch will display the name of the Pattern file being loaded.Modify Layout Load Pattern . Twelve edit fields exist that will display the numbered views (instances) and the order in which the instances will be placed. If Auto is disabled.The scale area displays the scale of the instances." if the icon is selected while in model mode. If Auto is enabled (4) the scale ratio is grayed out and the scale is determined by the paper size that has been selected. Modify Layout This function only works in Layout mode. which when enabled (4) will automatically add the isometric view to all the predefined options. Instances . From the drop down box you can select from seventeen (17) predefined options for instance view placement. Enhancements 51 . An Add Isometric checkbox is present. Modelize and Instance radio buttons determine if the layout is going to be modelized or created as associated instances. Scale . These fields can be edited if the predefined selections are not adequate. The CADKEY Position Menu appears and you are prompted to select a base position to place the new geometry. If KEY-IN has been selected the fields will no longer be grayed out to accept user input for the paper size. It will only work with Layout specific geometry or modelized geometry when in Layout mode. M/L Copy M/L Copy allows for copying geometry from Layout mode to Model mode or visa versa. Load Pattern Load Pattern will initiate the standard "Pattern Load" dialog box from CADKEY.Smart Layout When this function is selected the "Modify Layout" dialog box appears. Pattern files are like libraries of frequently-used information that you can retrieve and reuse in many parts. In this dialog you can change the paper size and the scale of the layout. Scale allows you to select a ratio from the drop down menu or you can select KEY-IN to type in an actual scale factor for display of the part. Paper allows you to change the paper size. The fields that reflect the paper size are grayed out and will change when a new paper size is selected from the drop down menu. this is reflected in the adjustment of the paper boundary box. A pattern file can contain geometric or dimensioning entities. Select the geometry that you want to copy. When the function is selected the CADKEY Selection Menu appears. 52 CADKEY 19 . This will allow you to load a pattern file into your layout. Once the base position is selected the CADKEY window will change from Layout to Model mode or Model to Layout mode. The Position Menu appears and you are prompted to select a base position. depending on the mode in which the function was initiated. This function works both in Model mode and Layout mode. Setting Setting The Setting function opens a dialog box that allows you to set the level that the border (pattern file) will be placed on. About About displays the version number and the copyright date of the product. Enhancements 53 . Help Accesses the help file. The dimension height and note height are also set here. This will be helpful in identifying the part to open. The item name is completely customizable. n n n n n Open Part File Save Part File Search Part File About Help Open Part File The Open Part File command helps you open the appropriate part file by checking the property data and an image of the part file. if one exists. revision number. 54 CADKEY 19 . A file can contain title. Once loaded. Or you can add it to your autoload list in Tools>Options>Startup. The maximum characters for an item name is 16. and material to be saved with the part file. When creating the property data keep these specifications in mind. it can be accessed from the Application drop down menu or via Accelerator Keys (if assigned). This allows you to add detailed information such as scale. description and a preview bitmap. The maximum characters for property data is 128. Property data is userdefined information that is added to the part file.CDE can be loaded through the CDE Load function in the Application drop down menu. The Part File Manager functions listed below will then appear in the Application Menu Window.Part File Manager Part File Manager The CKFILEMGR. especially if there are numerous versions of the same part. paper size. The maximum number of items is 64. Part File Manager manages and searches part files based on property information. This is done when saving the part file. To open the selected part file. Note that an image file must be created manually for a preview of the part file to exist. the Search Part File command can be invoked. Mouse click in the viewport and an image will be created and appear in the preview window of the dialog box which reappears. Calling the Search function from the "Open" dialog box By pressing the SEARCH button. When the button is depressed. Pressing the CAPTURE button can create an initial image or an updated image if one already exists. Enhancements 55 . the dialog box disappears and you are prompted to indicate the viewport that contains the image to capture. See the Search Part File command section for details. if they exist. Save Part File The Save Part File function allows you to input part file property information and preview images when saving the part file. See the Save Part File section for more details. press the OPEN button. If a part image file exists in the directory. the corresponding property data and image are displayed.Save Part File When the part file name is selected by highlighting it. it is displayed in the Preview window located in the upper right of the dialog. to do this highlight the property item and press the CAPTURE NOTE button.Part File Manager Note the size of the image file could be very large if you indicate a large window viewport. Note entities in the part file can be used to populate the property data fields. Mouse click on the note entity and you are returned to the dialog box. The note text will appear in the description of the selected item. the dialog box disappears and lets you indicate the note in your part file. F2 key or double click on the title. Once this button is pressed. 56 CADKEY 19 . Editing the Property Data Fields To edit the part file property information highlight that property item and press the EDIT button. Keep in mind that this is a one-time copy and will need to be recaptured if you change the note in CADKEY and want that change reflected in the property data. Reducing the size of the image file helps improve the performance of the Part File Search function. CSV file located in the CK19/NOT directory can be edited to change the property fields.Save Part File When you have finished in the "Save" dialog box. The PROFIELD. Note if the BMP file is not in the same directory as the PRT file. save the part file by pressing the SAVE button or the SAVE AS button.CSV File You can also reconfigure the property information that is gathered. all of the text is separated by commas as shown below: Enhancements 57 .BMP extension in the same directory as the part file. the preview will not be available. This file is a comma delimited text file that can be opened in a text editor such as Notepad. The image is saved with the same file name as the part file but with a . Reconfiguring the Property Information by Editing the PROFIELD. When opened in Notepad. STRING. type. To edit this file in a program other than Notepad. 0. STRING. Numbers and symbols can also be used but commas and quotation marks can not. 32. STRING. STRING. 32. 58 CADKEY 19 . "SCALE" paper. "PRODUCT" unitname. 1. 1. STRING. 128. 0. 0. Text over 16 characters will not display properly or not display at all. desc. 1. 0. Once you've made your changes you can convert the table back to text by and save the file as a text file with a . STRING. The “length” and “desc” columns should contain a number. STRING. both upper and lower case can be used. Zero can be used in both columns. The “caption” column must have text no longer than 16 characters. "PROCESS" quantity. The title caption must be enclosed in "quotation marks" in the CSV file. the text must be enclosed in quotes. 0. the text in the caption column is the text that is displayed as the Title in the "Save Part File" dialog box. It is recommended that field names be unique. "PARTS" pcode. When editing the existing file. "CODE" material. STRING.length. "UNIT" pname. The only columns that should be edited are Column 1 and Column 5. 0. n n Each line from line 2 down is the property data used by Part File Manager. As noted above. STRING. "NAME" scale. Column 5: (Field caption) This string is used as each the title of the file property data. 128. The exact text of this column is not important. a vertical bar will be displayed after the caption text. Although the caption text is in all capital. the added lines must be in the same format as the existing lines and separated by commas. 128. The first. 32. STRING. Each line consists of 5 columns. caption name. "APPROVED" revision. If the file is to be customized with additional title captions.Do not remove this line. "PAPER" projection. This line indicates the meaning of each column.desc. 128. length. 128. n n Column 1: (Field name) String data saved with property data as copious. keep the following in mind: n First line "field. "PROJECTION" approved. 128. 0. STRING. 1. 32. 128. STRING. or upper case.caption" . 128. "REVISION" date2. 128. "DATE" product.CSV extension. "QTY" When editing this file. The file can contain up to 64 items. The “type” column must contain the text STRING.Part File Manager field. 1. Columns 2 . or “field” column. 32.type. "MATERIAL" process. STRING. 0. characters by default.4 should not be edited and should exist as they do in the default file. copy the information out of Notepad and into Microsoft Word. 1. If the trailing quotation mark is missing. Make sure you do not save it as a DOC file. must contain at least one character of text. STRING. Then convert the text to a table by the commas. use the File>Open Folder command from the Menu bar. Condition2 is valid only when Compound conditions are selected. To contain subfolders. Search results can be copied to the Windows clipboard in text data format with tab spacing. To change the start folder. the search conditions set apply to every part file. you are brought to the Image tab automatically. The Edit>Copy result command does this when one or more file(s) are found. choose File>Save As from the program Menu bar. By default. Be sure to save the file in the CK19/NOT directory. The CLEAR button will change the search condition back to the defaults at any time. Enhancements 59 . Search Part File The Search Part File function searches part files by search word(s) in the part property data. If an image files exists for those files. "Or" or "And". and input a search word in the Query field. Condition Tab Specify the folder to start the search in. select Name. enable (4) the Sub Folder checkbox. To set search condition(s).Search Part File To save the edited PROFIELD. The number of files found is displayed in the status bar (Hit: n files).CSV file. If you click the file in the file list. they are displayed in the Image and Browse tab. Press the START button to begin searching. Condition. simply open Excel and select Edit>Paste and the search results will be pasted into the spreadsheet as shown below. Image Tab The Image tab in the dialog will display the image and property information of the file you selected on the Condition tab. A checkmark (4) will appear if the view is on and will disappear when the display is off. if these items are available. can be turned on and off by choosing View>Property from the Menu bar. for example. 60 CADKEY 19 . The property information display. To bring this information into Excel.Part File Manager Some spreadsheet or database software (such as Excel) can use this data. Double clicking on the image or right clicking and selecting Open with CADKEY from the Context Sensitive Menu will open the part file. to the right of the image preview. Double clicking on the image or right clicking and selecting Open with CADKEY from the Context Sensitive Menu will open the part file. You can print the images by choosing File>Print from the Menu bar. Enhancements 61 .Search Part File Browse Tab All images available for file list are displayed in the browse tab. Part File Manager About A dialog box with the product information and the version number will be displayed. Help Accesses the help file. 62 CADKEY 19 . Go to the Config icon to set your configuration properties. Enhancements 63 . The Dimension Wizard Menu (shown below) will appear in the Application Menu Window.CDE to your autoload list at the bottom of the dialog box. See the Dimensioning Wizard Tutorial 2 for an example of creating ordinate linear dimensions and tabular hole dimensions. You can automatically generate dimensions in either Model mode or Layout mode. If you want to add this CDE to your autoload list go to Tools>Options>Startup and add the DIMWIZ. Automatic Dimensioning Before using this function you need to either create a configuration setting or use a previously created CDW configuration setting file. If you invoke this function and no setting information is found an error message will appear asking you to run the configuration function. From the Application Menu on the Menu bar select CDE Load to load the DIMWIZ.CDE. Once you have the CDE loaded either manually or through autoload. select Dimension Wizard from the drop down Application Menu on the Menu bar.Automatic Dimensioning Dimension Wizard CADKEY Dimension Wizard is a CDE (CADKEY Dynamic Extension) that provides you with a set of tools to help you quickly generate dimensions on a drawing. See the Dimension Wizard Tutorial to help get you started using this dimensioning tool. Configuration Settings When you select the Config icon the "CADKEY Dimension Wizard Configuration" dialog box will appear. you will be able to control the way Dimension Wizard will automatically generate the dimensions in your drawing.Dimension Wizard The Automatic Dimension (AutoDim) function automatically creates dimensions based on the configuration settings you've selected in the "CADKEY Dimension Wizard Configuration" dialog box. set new criteria or load an existing Configuration file. 64 CADKEY 19 . If the checkbox is disabled. Vertical Dimension Vertical Dimension: When this checkbox is enabled. pressing AutoDim will create vertical dimensions. you will not be able to change any of the settings in this area. You can use the defaults. With the settings available in this dialog box. Auto Dim will operate in both Model mode and Layout mode. Bottom indicates the text will be placed a Distance from the selectable EndEnt farthest on the bottom of the part.This is the distance of the dimension from the part. These dimensions will conform to CADKEY's Linear dimension and Ordinate dimensions. Thus no dimension under this value will be generated. If Both is selected the part is virtually divided into two parts based on the center and dimensions are created on the top and the bottom of the part. Tolerance . Type . Left indicates that the text will be placed the Distance from the selectable EndEnt farthest on the left of the part. Horizontal Dimension Horizontal Dimension . Distance . AutoDim will dimension from the selectable EndEnt farthest to the left. moving rightward. pressing AutoDim will create horizontal dimensions. then from the second lowest to the third lowest and so on until all selectable EndEnts are dimensioned.When this checkbox is enabled. to the next selectable EndEnt. It will keep moving to the right until all selectable EndEnts are dimensioned. When Serial dimensions are selected an overall dimension is also created. If the checkbox is disabled. Enhancements 65 . n n n Top indicates that the text will placed a Distance from the selectable EndEnt farthest on the top of the part.Determine on which side of the part the dimensions will be created. respectively.Configuration Settings AutoDim will dimension from the lowest selectable EndEnt to the second lowest selectable EndEnt.Determines what side of the part the dimension text will be placed. then you will not be able to change any settings in this area.Vertical dimensions will ignore any EndEnt that creates a dimension less than the tolerance setting. If Both is selected the part is virtually divided in two parts based on the center and the dimensions are created on the right and the left of the part. Position . Position .Indicates whether AutoDim will create Serial dimensions or Ordinate dimensions. n n n Right indicates that the text will be placed the Distance from the selectable EndEnt farthest on the right of the part. Distance . Include Centers . then you will not be able to change any of the settings in this area. When Serial dimensions are selected an overall dimension is also created. Tolerance . 66 CADKEY 19 . then any horizontal or vertical dimension will add the centers of all arcs to the list of selectable points.This determines the distance of the dimension text from the circle.When the arc checkbox is enabled.This indicates the distance of the dimension from the arc.This is the distance of the dimension from the part. Distance . D will create Diametric dimensions.Dimension Wizard Type . Include Centers is only selectable if horizontal and vertical dimensions are enabled.If the Include Centers checkbox is enabled. These dimensions will conform to CADKEY's Linear dimension and Ordinate dimensions. no dimension under this value will be generated. Arc Dimension Arcs . Distance .Indicates the type of dimension you wish to create. pressing AutoDim will create dimensions for all selectable circles. If the checkbox is disabled. pressing AutoDim will create dimensions for all selectable arcs. Circle Dimension Circles . Type . If the arc checkbox is disabled.When the circle checkbox is enabled.Indicates whether AutoDim will create Serial dimensions or Ordinate dimensions.Horizontal dimension will ignore any EndEnt that creates a dimension less than the tolerance setting. then you will not be able to change any of the settings in this area. The anchor point of the dimension text will be placed at the midpoint of the angle. Choosing none will not create any arc dimensions (though Include Centers can still be active allowing you to include the center of the arcs in linear dimensions). respectively. R will create Radial dimensions. Thus. The dimension text will be placed at an angle of 45 degrees. Circle Table Table Type . You can indicate how many digits before the decimal point and how many after it will be used. Choosing none will not create any circle dimensions (though Include Centers can still be active allowing you to include the center of the circles in linear dimensions). Include Centers .Indicates how many digits the system will reserve to represent the X coordinate and allots the appropriate space. The first number corresponds to the number of spaces allotted for the whole number portion of the coordinate and the second number corresponds to the number of spaces for the decimal value of the coordinate. or not sorted at all. the Z values of the circle center will be added to the table (If table mode is selected).Allows you to have the table sorted by Diameter/Radius of the circles. Format Table . The first number corresponds to the number of spaces allotted for the whole number portion of the coordinate and the second number corresponds to the number of spaces for the decimal value of the coordinate. Include Z . Sort Type . You can indicate how many digits before the decimal point and how many after it will be used. R will create Radial dimensions.If this checkbox is enabled. Enhancements 67 .Indicates whether you want to create a table that lists the Radii or the Diameter of the selected circles. Include Centers is only selectable if horizontal and vertical dimensions are enabled. Format X Values .If the Include Centers checkbox is enabled. D will create Diametric dimensions.Configuration Settings Type . allotting the appropriate space. Table will generate a table of all the circles (see the Circle Table topic for more details). Format Y Values . If Table is not active then this checkbox will not be selectable. then any horizontal or vertical dimension will add the centers of all circles to the list of selectable points.This section lets you determine what the table will look like. Sort By .Indicates the type of dimension you wish to create. The table order will depend entirely on the order in which the circles were selected.If a sort is selected you can indicate if it should be in Ascending or Descending order. the X or Y coordinates.Indicates how many digits the system will reserve to represent the Y coordinate. It determines how the X and Y coordinate values are determined in the table. The first number corresponds to the number of spaces allotted for the whole number portion of the coordinate and the second number corresponds to the number of spaces for the decimal value of the coordinate. If the Distance from Part checkbox in disabled. “YMax” refers to the largest Y-Coordinate in the Table. The first number corresponds to the number of spaces allotted for the whole number portion of the coordinate and the second number corresponds to the number of spaces for the decimal value of the coordinate. Half of this number will be placed before the data in a column and half will be placed after the data in each column putting the appropriate white space in the table. and “YMin” refers to the smallest Y-Coordinate in the Table. a point will be created on the selected origin. Spaces between Column . You can indicate how many digits before the decimal point and how many after it will be used. You can indicate how many digits before the decimal point and how many after it will be used.Indicates how many digits the system will reserve to represent the Z coordinate if include Z is selected. the table will automatically be positioned at the indicated distance from the part. the table will be positioned on the right of the top right position of the part else from the bottom right position. If the table is top to bottom.If this checkbox is enabled. allotting the appropriate space. The information below further explains the placement of the table: Table Type Top to Bottom Bottom to Top X Coordinate of Table XMax + “Distance from part” XMax + “Distance from part” Y Coordinate of Table YMax YMin Table Anchor Point Upper Left corner Lower Left corner Where “XMax” refers to the largest X-Coordinate in the Table.Dimension Wizard Format Z Values .Indicates how many digits the system will reserve to represent the Radius/Diameter value of each circle. Distance from Part .Indicates how many digits the system will reserve to represent the associated number of each circle in the table. Format N . You are able to select between: n n n n n Absolute: the CADKEY origin will be used LL: the origin is positioned on the lower left position of the part UL: the origin is positioned on the upper left position of the part LR: the origin is positioned on the lower right position of the part UR: the origin is positioned on the upper right position of the part 68 CADKEY 19 .If this checkbox is enabled. Format R/D Values . then the Table will be placed as follows: Table Type Top to Bottom Bottom to Top X Coordinate of Table XMax XMax Y Coordinate of Table YMax YMin Table Anchor Point Upper Left corner Lower Left corner Origin .Indicates how many spaces will be left between each column. to bottom to top. then vertical dimensions will also create an overall dimension that measures the total height of the selected geometry. the table is created as being read from the top to bottom. When this checkbox is enabled. while XMax refers to the largest Absolute X-Coordinate (etc. Table as Collective . Horizontal dimensions will create a dimension that measures the total width of the selected geometry. Dimension Generation Mode The Dimension Generation Mode allows you to control the selection method for the dimension generation. The differences are specified below: Model Mode n Manual Selection . going level by level. The Create Overall Dim checkbox allows you to have an overall dimension automatically created on your model. On each level CADKEY Dimension Wizard will create the dimensions for the entities on that level (i.Configuration Settings n Origin Type Absolute LL Part LR Part UL Part UR Part User User: You will be prompted for the origin position X Coord measured from Y Coord measured from Z Coord measured from 0 XMin XMax XMin XMax Universal Selection Menu 0 YMin YMin YMax YMax Universal Selection Menu 0 0 0 0 0 Universal Selection Menu XMin refers to the smallest Absolute X coordinate.If enabled. Enhancements 69 .CADKEY will act on all the geometry in the part file and process it on the basis of its level. Only Overall in LM allows you to have Auto Dimension capability to create only overall dimensions on non-active instances when in Layout mode. all the entities for the table and for the reference numbers will be collected as a unique entity. a collective. This influences the automatic positioning of the table.CADKEY will ask you to select the entities to be dimensioned. Bottom to Top Table . This method will act in differently between model and layout mode.e.).If this checkbox is enabled. Dimensions will be created on the currently active level in the current default color. n Automatic by level . Will act as “automatic”. Dimension Merge This function allows you to merge dimensions together. The configuration settings are saved in a .Dimension Wizard CADKEY will recognize different parts on different levels). It only works on linear vertical and horizontal dimensions. If a CDW file is loaded. n Automatic . On all the other instances CADKEY will generate only the overall dimensions.Will act as “automatic”. Instances with view 7 (isometric) or view 8 (axonometric) will be ignored.CADKEY will ask you to select the instance of the actual layout to be processed.CDW file. n Automatic by color . Automatic . If they are not the same an error message will appear. No color mask will be applied. This function will delete the two original dimensions and create a new dimension indicating the overall dimension between the two unique points. the dialog box will close and discard any changes made since the last time the dialog was opened or the SAVE button was pressed. The LOAD button will access a standard File Open dialog set to mask on CDW files that have previously been configured and saved. All the entities of the instance will be processed. 70 CADKEY 19 . The two dimensions must be of the same type (both horizontal or both vertical). No data is saved and the configuration settings will resort back to the default data.CDW depending on the actual unit settings set in CADKEY. No level mask will be applied.CADKEY will act on all geometry selecting and processing them by color. The SAVE button allows you to save the settings made in the dialog. Automatic by color . Dimensions will be created on the currently active level in the current default color. The dimensions will be created on the currently active level in the color of the geometry being dimensioned. n Layout Mode n Manual Selection . To use this function you need to select two dimensions with one common point. If you select CANCEL. n n Dialog Box Buttons When OK is selected the dialog will close and the configuration settings are saved in a file called DEFENG.CADKEY will dimension all visible entities. either English or Metric. Automatic by level . The dimension will be created on the relative level and they will be created in the current default color. then its settings will replace the current settings in the Configuration dialog.In automatic mode CADKEY will process all the entities of the active instance. It combines two dimensions into one dimension.CDW or DEFMET. 0.Reassociate Dimension The text of the new dimension is auto centered maintaining the same X coordinate (for vertical) or Y coordinate (for horizontal) so that the dimensions will still be aligned.0 to 2. if Dim1 goes from 0. you receive an error message. If one dimension is enclosed by the other dimension. Either way will bring you back to the state that existed before you performed the merge. Or you can recall the dimensions first then delete the new dimension.0. then the enclosed dimension will simply be deleted. If the two chosen dimensions do not share a common point.KBD). So if the two selected dimensions are different heights. they will take the position of the first selected dimension. Select a dimension then. The dimension will maintain all the attributes of the original dimension. [Ctrl] [Q] (CKWIN.0 and Dim2 goes from 0. The text position is not changed. Then recall the dimensions you selected initially by press [Ctrl] [U] twice or using the RECALL>LAST function from the Edit Menu. the newly created dimension.0.0 to 1. How to UNDO If you selected the wrong dimension you can go back and recall the last two dimensions and then delete the new dimension that the Merge function created. Info A dialog box with the product information and the version number will be displayed. You can do this by single deleting.0 then merging the two dimensions will simply delete Dim1. Help Accesses the help file. depending on the dimension type the system will ask you for the two new positions (for linear) or for the arc to associate the dimension to (for radial/diametric). then an error message will be displayed. Only linear and radial/diametric dimensions are supported. If you try to use Reassociate Dimensions while in Model Mode. Reassociate Dimension This function will reassociate a disassociated dimension to the model.0. Enhancements 71 . For example. This function only works in Layout Mode. The new dimension will take the attributes of the first selected dimension. The second uses CADL and CDE commands.PlotDate PlotDate PlotDate is a CDE based application that runs within CADKEY. for example. it can be accessed from the Application drop down menu. to set up various configurations through CADKEY CADL programs. Reset Resets all the configuration values to their defaults: n n n n n n n Enabled: True Location: Top Center Font: Size: Weight: Color: Format: Arial 12 Normal black %#c (ex: Wednesday. Application Menu Functions Enable Disable Toggle These functions turn the timestamp printing on and off. There are two customization interfaces to PlotDate. 1998 09:37:03) 72 CADKEY 19 . This CDE (PLOTDATE. This second interface can be used. Conversation bar and dialog. Or you can add it to your autoload list in Tools>Options>Startup. The PLOTDATE. including the startup macro. March 11. The first uses the CADKEY Application Menu. The PlotDate functions will then appear in the Application Menu Window.CDE can be loaded through the CDE Load function in the Application drop down menu.CDE) will run within CADKEY 19 and will provide usercustomizable date and time stamping of printouts from CADKEY. Once loaded. Point Size. for the location of the timestamp. If the string. the timestamp will not appear. the %%s option can be used to include the filename and path. Enhancements 73 . Set Location Prompts the user. once expanded with the date and time.Application Menu Functions Set Format Prompts the user to enter the format to be used for the date and time. The current location of the timestamp is given as the default. In addition to these options. and Style of the time stamp. using a conversation bar menu. The current format is given as the default. is too long to fit in the printable area of the paper. The options for the format are described in more detail in the format codes section of the CADL/CDE topic. The possible values are: n n n n n n Top Left Top Center Top Right Bottom Left Bottom Center Bottom Right Set Font Displays a "Font" dialog box to allow selection of the Font. New lines are not allowed in the format string. This is done in the standard "Save As" dialog box (shown below). You will be prompted for the pixels in the Conversation bar as shown below.PlotDate Set Font Color Displays a "Color" dialog box to allow selection of the color for the time stamp. Set Left/Right Offset Set Top/Bottom Offset Prompts the user for an offset in pixels. Save Settings Writes the current configuration to a CADL file. 74 CADKEY 19 . This will offset the timestamp from the top/bottom or left/right of the printable area. This file can be executed to load and customize PlotDate. Setting this CADL program as a startup macro will automatically load and configure PlotDate whenever you start CADKEY. to prevent it from overwriting the border. for example. Application Menu Functions About Displays the About PlotDate dialog. Enhancements 75 . Help Brings up the help file. CKTools CKTools CK Tools is a set of over 40 complied CADL programs which supplement CADKEY's toolset with user specific tools and wish list items such as: n n n n n n n n n Create ortho-lines , i.e. horizontal and vertical line "Explode " polylines, polygons, X-Hatching and dimensions Move just one end of a line or arc Edit arcs by end, edge, or between Show and Hide levels by selecting entities on those levels Step through only those levels which have entities Create lines tangent to an arc at a specified angle Validate dimensions against the geometry they reference Verify coordinate positions in any of 5 coordinate systems, in any unit, and from any datum 76 CADKEY 19 LINANGLE Create Tools LINANGLE Generates a line angled to another line, but unlike the CADKEY® function, allows you to specify its length or trim it to another line. The specified angle and trim are those which are projected into the current CPLANE. 1. 2. 3. 4. Enter the angle of the new line. Select the reference circle, arc or line near the end desired (lines only). If a line, indicate the starting position of the new line. If a line, indicate a trimming entity or specify the length of the new line by pressing ACCEPT twice (the default length is the length of the reference line). Enhancements 77 Create Tools L-COORDS L-Coords allows you to keyin line strings using any one of a number of coordinate systems including XY, XYZ, Polar, Clyndr (cylindrical), and Sphere (spherical). 1. 2. Select the desired coordinate system, i.e., XY, XYZ, Polar, Clyndr (cylindrical), or Sphere (spherical). Select the origin option, i.e., Fixed or Delta. Using a Fixed origin, all lines will be created referenced to a fixed origin. Using a Delta origin, the points or lines are created referenced to the last reference position. Indicate the origin (i.e., datum), then keyin coordinates according to the prompts given. 3. O-LINES Creates orthogonal lines, i.e., horizontal or vertical lines. Will also create an orthogonal line of a specified length (Length). 1. Select option, Position or Length. 2A. If Position, select Auto, Horiztl, or Verticl. Horiztl and Verticl position the line as indicated, starting at the first position selected. Auto will lock the line horizontally or vertically depending on the angle, i.e., if greater than 45 the line will snap vertically. 2B. If Length, select Horiztl or Verticl, then specify length of line, then place line using the Position Menu options. PARLINE Creates a parallel line string of a specified width, e.g., walls. 1. 2. 3. Enter a width. Using the Position Menu options, digitize a first position. Continue digitizing and press ACCEPT when finished; then ESC. 78 CADKEY 19 Then. have the same sweep angle and center. etc. indicate a reference arc. Select Arc Ang or Lin Ang. Then. A straight segment will always be created between the first and second positions. enter a width. enter an offset distance and indicate a reference arc. A String option creates parallel arc paths. If At Dist. tires. ALONGAX ALONGAX creates circles along an arbitrary axis. each being joined with a specified number of radial join arcs. o-rings. Continue digitizing positions to generate new parallel segments which are tangent with the preceding segment. digitize a first and second position. Continue digitizing positions or press F10 to select a new reference entity. or by windowing around (Profile/Points) a number of point entities. either a line or an arc axis." that is.TANANG TANANG This utility will create a line of a specified angle. Lin Ang will create a line of a specified angle on the arc. but a radius as determined by the Thru Pt or At Dist options. The program will generate circles concentric with the line axis and passing through each one of the point entities. PARARC Creates arcs which are "parallel. Enhancements 79 . using the Position Menu. If an arc axis. Or a second line (Profile/Taper) can be used to generate the edge of the circles along the axis. In this manner. e. tangent to a selected arc or circle. "roads". If a line axis.g. § § § If Thru Pt. the defined circles can be placed anywhere along the axis (Place). Arc Ang will create a line tangent at a specified angle on the arc. can be generated. the generated arcs/circles are swept along the arc axis. Continue by selecting a new reference entity. If String. indicate a position that the "parallel arc" should pass through. using the Position Menu. Then digitize the desired side of the reference arc. Profile/Line and Profile/Points. ArcAxis Select the type of axis along which to generate the arc/circles. If Length is chosen there are two additional options: w/Axis and w/Taper. enter the appropriate size. If Circle is chosen. the radius and location are determine by the projected distance from the indicated position onto the axis. If Profile/Line. and each generated arc/circle is created concentric with the axis and through the profile line. Edge. If w/Axis is used the length of the segments is measured along the axis line that you’ve chosen. 80 CADKEY 19 . The number of segments (Numseg) or segment distance (Length) is then specified. the radii are determined with a second profile line. If LinAxis: Determine the circle's Z direction vector. Radius. If Line. If 2Pts. Radius and Diametr. the axis of the referenced circle is used. the end of the line selected is the end nearest the origin along the Z axis and you are presented with three additional options: Edge. then indicate the circle's position with the Position Menu. If Place.Create Tools LinAxis. If Edge you are presented with additional options: Place. Diametr If Radius or Diametr. the first point is the point nearest the origin along the Z axis. If w/Taper is used the length of the segments is measured along the profile line that you’ve chosen. 1.BOLTCIRC If Profile/Points the radii are determined by windowing around a number of point entities. Enter the number of holes. the number of join segments. Enter a hole diameter of greater then .001 and less than 20. 2. If ArcAxis: Enter the radius of the circles to be generated or press F10 (backup) to specify an arc by its start and end angle. Enhancements 81 .000 units. The starting angle of the first hole can be specified. Each subsequent hole is equally spaced. in a similar manner. Then select the arc axis or press ACCEPT to specify either the number of sweep segments (Numseg) or the sweep angle of each segment (SegAng). Each generated arc/circle is created concentric with the axis vector and through each point. and then. as well. BOLTCIRC Generates any number of holes of specified diameter on a specified bolt circle diameter. The centerline for the bolt circle diameter is optionally created. Create Tools 3. Select the option 2 Pts or Arc. If 2 Pts. 2B. Enter the start angle of the first hole. select an arc or circle. select the 1st reference position then the 2nd reference position using the Position Menu options. 82 CADKEY 19 . Indicate bolt circle center.000 units. Enter a bolt circle diameter greater than . If Arc. 4.001 and less then 20. 2A. MIDPOINT Creates a point entity at the "midpoint" of an arc (Arc) or at the linear "midpoint" of two indicated reference positions (2 Pts). 5. 1. . enter offset distance. Once the spline is accepted or rejected. 2B. Clyndr (cylindrical). continue defining knot points.. and Sphere (spherical). Also you may back out each node one by one with the F10 key. Options n n Disp Pts: If on. CUBIC Creates a 3D CUBIC or CLSD spline. the "thru position" should be in close proximity to the selection point on the spline.e. A temporary spline will be displayed.e. P-Coords will create Points from any datum (Fixed) or in a Delta fashion. For another end condition. Using a Delta origin. Offset is projected in the plane of definition for a 2D spline and in CPLANE 1 for a 3D spline. indicate whether you want to delete the points used to define the spline. datum). If At Dist. 2.e. However. Using a Fixed origin. You may also press F10 at this time to continue defining knot points or continue pressing F10 to redefine previous knot points. XY. When finished. press ACCEPT. The end conditions are Natural. indicate the first knot (i. Pts/Seg: Sets the number of calculated nodes for each node of the reference spline. 3. then select spline and indicate side. If Thru Pt. 1. edit the spline with CADKEY®'s EDIT>SPLINE function. You may accept the spline or reject it. the node points of the reference spline and the calculated nodes of the offset spline are displayed with temporary markers. Using the Position Menu.e. or optionally at a specified number segments between each node point of reference spline. then key in coordinates according to the prompts given.. each node point is marked with a point entity. Indicate the origin (i. Increase for more accurate offsets. Select the origin option. offset 2D or 3D spline. This allows you to zoom without losing track of your last node point. 4.. Fixed or Delta. 2. 1.. the points are created referenced to the last reference position. Select At Dist or Thru Pt. node) point and then each subsequent knot point. using the Position Menu. i. Polar. This is done by calculating the offset at each node point of the reference spline. i.P-COORDS P-COORDS Using any one of the following coordinate systems. PARSPL Creates a parallel.e. Press F10 to delete previous knot points or. The offset distance is calculated from this position and the selection point on the spline. 2A. all points will be created referenced to a fixed origin. XYZ. i. 1. The points can optionally be deleted once the spline is complete. select spline then indicate offset position with Position Menu. Enhancements 83 . 4..e. Enter a radial pitch.e. 3. i. 5. The spiral will start at the inside diameter and spiral until it grows to the outside diameter. 2. if you want a spiral of archimedes rather than a helical spiral. Enter an inside diameter and then an outside diameter... Length/Turn along the current CPLANE z-axis. i.Create Tools SPIRALS This utility creates a spiral of archimedes (i. Choose either a clockwise (CW) or a counter-clockwise (CCW) spiral. a helixal spiral. 1. Enter 0. the distance between scroll loops. 84 CADKEY 19 . The spirals are created in the current CPLANE.e. a scroll) or if a helixal lead is specified. Indicate with the Position Menu options the center of the spiral. Enter the helical lead. ACTDIM is not intended to be a replacement for CADKEY®'s dimensioning features but an auxiliary feature set. like regular dimensions.). a box move. On the other hand. Generic dimensions are like regular CADKEY® dimensions in that they are associative on themselves.e.ACTDIM Detail Tools ACTDIM ACTDIM is a dimensioning program using a form of CADKEY® dimensions called generic dimensions. They are not associated with the geometry they dimension (i. thereby allowing dimensions with multiple leaders and/or broken witness lines. they are one entity. many things can be done with generic dimensions that regular dimensions can't do such as multiple leader lines. They appear only in the view from which they were created. but generic dimensions will transform (i. TRANS-A. Because Generic dimensions can have up to nine line segments and each of these segments can be specified independently. which stretches selected entities. and arrow elements. CADKEY®'s DETAIL>CHANGE or DETAIL>UPDATE effects generic dimensions' text string only. generic dimension give up some of the flexibility that regular dimensions have such as DETAIL>CHANGE>TXTPOS. 2DROT. Generic dimensions differ from regular dimensions in a number of ways: § § § § Up to nine line segments can be used. Also. SCALE. broken witness lines and isomeric dimensions. not the witness. will not stretch generic dimensions).. Finally. they are view dependent.. etc. Enhancements 85 .e. leader. They are selectable on any of their elements. an entry of 0 tells ACTDIMS to use the system setting as it finds it upon execution. will only stay active for the current dimension. The Break option. NEW. text will align with the dimension's leaders (linear dimensions only). i." only the options that are relevant to the function are displayed. Two exceptions to this are Witness and Leader options. Select Side or Center from the Justfy menu to turn justification on. and pen#.. i. the toggle is "on. But to store the attributes for automatic setting when executing ACTDIMS.e." When on. it will indicate whether or not the selected option is TEMPORARY or permanent. enter 0 thru 15 Dimension Level #." it will stay off until another dimension type is selected. a return to ACTDIM's Main Menu. ACTDIMS will follow suit. When using Side. the option is asterisked.. When options are set "on the fly. At any time while in ACTDIMS you can change these system attributes using CADKEY®'s immediate modes or Status Menu. When asterisked. pay attention to the prompt line.g. i. Vertical dimensions will read from the right side of the page. these system attributes are stored (so as to be restored when exiting ACTDIM). enter 0 thru 8 Dimension Color #.. you must set the parameters using the Options menu: (Where appropriate. When ACTDIM is executed.) Pen Color Level Dimension Pen #. When using Center. the text will center between the witness lines (linear dimensions only). the justification options Center and Side are ignored. When using the "on the fly" method. JUSTIFICATION (Justfy*) When justification is on. enter 0 thru 256 86 CADKEY 19 . If any attempt is made to place the text outside of the witness lines. level. When a witness line or a leader line is turned "off. Temporary options are usually only good for the current function. T-Switch found in the Tolrnc menus will temporarily switch the tolerance values for the dimension currently being placed. you must attempt to place the text between the witness lines for these options to work. on the other hand.. e. the text will align nearest the side selected.e.Detail Tools ACTDIM'S options can be set with Modify>Options or "on the fly" by pressing ACCEPT or [Enter] when indicated in the prompt line (usually when the text position is requested). These system parameters are then set to the values stored with ACTDIMS. TEXT ATTRIBUTES (Attrib) ACTDIM's automatically sets the system attributes color.e. TEXT OPTIONS ALIGNMENT (Align*) Align is a toggle option. just dimensions (Dimn). otherwise. just dimensions (Dimn).ACTDIM The following options are not stored with ACTDIM but can be set using ACTDIMS' Options menu.) If CADKEY® commands. This must be a numeric entry. they will not. tolerancing will be accounted for. unlike DimStr. Font Aspect Height Text Font. then indicate whether it applies to just Notes. LEAD & TAG TEXT (LeadTxt & TagTxt) All of ACTDIMS' linear and radial dimensions may contain lead (prefix) or tag (suffix) text. prior to v 3.01 thru 100. the location of the dimension text relative to the pick point is a function of these options. then indicate whether it applies to just Note.. lead zeros will be displayed.0.5. DIMENSION STRING (DimStr) Use this option to enter any text string to be used in the dimension. i. ARROW OPTIONS Arrow options cannot be set using CADKEY®'s Status Menu or immediate modes. (These font options are identical to older CADKEY® versions. or both. There are advantages to using ACTDIM to set these options rather than CADKEY®'s own commands. the Font Menu gives you a menu of defined font selections rather than requiring you to define the font with parameters such as slant and fill. TEXT PLACEMENT (TextPlc) When placing the text.0 Text Height. For instance.g. When asterisked. tolerancing will not be accounted for. TagTxt or LeadTxt). ACTIM will follow suit. Enhancements 87 .0005 thru 10000.. Also. enter the text or press F1 to clear the current text.e. The asterisks indicate the current settings. DIMENSION VALUE (DimVal) Use this option to enter the dimension's value. the Status Menu. dimensions. these options must be set using ACTDIM. By using this option. are used to modify these functions. you can optionally apply the new setting to either notes. or to Both.e.. These settings are unique to ACTDIM and are not affected by the similar CADKEY® functions. e. select desired font from the menu. LEAD ZEROS (LdZero*) A toggle option. unlike DimVal. By using this option. After selecting the desired option (i. enter . when setting font and text height with ACTDIM. This is a temporary setting. ARROW DIRECTION (In/Out) An asterisk denotes current selection. or to Both. enter . Text Aspect Ratio. LIMIT TOLERANCING Using the SetLim menu.. a return to the ACTDIM's Main Menu). The P-Switch option permanently swaps the positive and negative values.) Selecting Reset will clear all temporary settings. Automatic margins will be a function of the dimension height. Off is active until a new dimension type is selected (i. TOLERANCING Using the Set +/. the current dimension only).. you may opt to have the tolerance displayed as a single + tolerance by turning on DoubleUp (denoted by an asterisk). enter the first or second limit in the current base units. Selecting Broken will tell ACTDIM to prompt you for a break location for the appropriate witness line after placing the text. PRECISION Use to set the displayed number of significant digits in the dimension.) changes the corresponding witness line margin temporarily (i. otherwise. Both. the T-Switch option will switch the limits for the current dimension only. enter the positive tolerance or the negative tolerance. 88 CADKEY 19 . All entered values are in CADKEY®'s current base units. When using the "on the fly" Options menu. Bottom. select the option dealing with the desired witness line. Enter inches regardless of the current base units. only the permanent (NEW) witness margins can be set. SETTING MARGINS Selecting Margins from the Witness menu will permanently change the witness line margin (the gap between the witness line and the corresponding dimension reference location). Select Both from the witness menu to affect the setting of both witness lines. Tools ARROW STYLE (Style) Style1 (Open) or Style2 (Filled). The PSwitch option permanently swaps the first and second limits. i. An asterisk denotes current selection. Selecting Margins from the specific witness line menu (i. When using the "on the fly" Options menu. DISPLAY OPTIONS Select Off to turn off the appropriate witness line. or select Normal to turn it on (current selection denoted by an asterisk). Top or Bottom and Right or Left." since they are temporary settings. If the magnitudes of the positive and negative tolerances are equal. the T-Switch option will switch the tolerances for the current dimension only. Enter 0 to turn on automatic margins.e. etc. (The option reads differently depending on the slope of the leaders.e.e.e. WITNESS OPTIONS If Witness is selected from the Modify/Options menu. All other options will appear when accessed "on the fly. The break option is active only for the current dimension.. (The option reads differently depending on the slope of the leaders.) Selecting Reset will clear all temporary settings.e. i. a second menu will be displayed asking for the text format.. ACTDIM uses the appropriate conversion regardless of the status of CADKEY®'s current base units.) changes the corresponding leader line margin temporarily (i. An asterisk denotes the current setting.. the edge nearest the side of the arc/circle selected is used. If dimensioning to an arc/circle. LINEAR DIMENSIONS HORIZONTAL (Horiztl) 1.e. Selecting Margins from the specific leader line menu (i. the current dimension only). or label is "OK" before it is actually added to the database. VERIFY DIMENSIONS A toggle option. only the permanent (NEW) leader margins can be set. the option is asterisked. Bottom. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. (It may already Exist. Top or Bottom and Right or Left. note. Automatic margins will be a function of the dimension height. Enhancements 89 .. both the dimension and the tolerance are affected by any of the Units options with the exception of Scale. If a centerline." since they are temporary settings.. Also.) When dimensioning to an edge. Select Both from the Leader menu to affect the setting of both leader lines. or Ft-In.ACTDIM LEADER OPTIONS If selected from the Modify/Options. select the option dealing with the desired leader line. otherwise. If a Scale value other than 1 is entered. indicate whether it is an Edge or Cntrlin dimension by answering the prompt. Fraction. i.e.. Top.e. When asterisked. DISPLAY OPTIONS Select Off to turn off the appropriate leader line or Normal to turn it on (current selection denoted by an asterisk). UNITS If Inches or Feet are selected. Selecting an option other than Decimal will display the Roundoff menu. Indicate the 1st reference position using CADKEY®'s Position Menu. Decimal. Scale affects only the dimension value. All other options appear when accessed "on the fly. again an asterisk denotes the current setting.e. SETTING MARGINS Selecting Margins from the Leader Menu will permanently change the leader line margin (the gap between the leader line and the text). If you would like to dimension to an arc or circle. you will be given the option to Create the centerline. Both. etc. Enter inches regardless of the current base units. Enter 0 to turn on automatic margins. you will be asked to verify that each dimension. not the tolerance value. a return to the main menu). Off is active until a new dimension type is selected (i. A margin less than ½ the dimension height will not be used. i. (It may already Exist. If you choose No..) If dimensioning to an arc/circle. If you would like to dimension to an arc or circle. or ACCEPT or [Enter] for options.) Indicate the 2nd reference position in the same manner. 90 CADKEY 19 . Indicate the 1st reference position using CADKEY®'s Position Menu. Indicate the text position. (See Options. 3. If dimensioning to an arc/circle.) If you try to locate the text outside of the witness lines and align is on. If a centerline. If you opt for a typical tag. If centerline to centerline dimensioning has been selected and the centerlines are on the same vertical. 2. 3. (See Options. If you choose No. OFFSETS (Offsets) 1. you will be asked for a tag location. then indicate the text position. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] to define the slope with two reference locations. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for options. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. you will be asked for a 2nd leader position. Indicate the 2nd reference position in the same manner. (See Options. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for options. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. If you opt Yes. you will be asked for a 2nd leader position. If centerline to centerline dimensioning has been selected and the centerlines are at the same elevation. Indicate the 1st reference position using CADKEY®'s Position Menu. you will be asked if you want to link the two centerlines. If you would like to dimension to an arc or circle. VERTICAL (Verticl) 1. (See Miscellaneous. If you would like to dimension to an arc or circle. 3. select the appropriate centerline created by More/Cntrlin. indicate whether it is an Edge or Cntrlin dimension by answering the prompt. you will be given the option to Create the centerline. press ACCEPT. Indicate the 1st reference position using CADKEY®'s Position Menu.) If dimensioning to an arc/circle.) If you try to locate the text outside of the witness lines. select the appropriate centerline created by More/Cntrlin. then indicate the text position. you must first use the More/Cntrlin option.) Multiple centerlines are not supported for offset dimensions. If you opt Yes or align is off. you will be asked if you want to link the two centerlines. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. Indicate the 2nd reference position in the same manner. Indicate the 2nd reference position in the same manner. (See Miscellaneous. 2.Detail Tools 2. Indicate the text position. you will be asked for a tag location. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for options. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. (See Options. Indicate a line that defines the reference slope.) Multiple leader lines are not supported for parallel dimensions. a function of the text height. If you would like a typical tag. 2.e. you must first use the More/Cntrlin option. PARALLEL (Paralel) 1. then indicate the text position. (See Options. If both the text and the start point are inside the text location. Select the reference arc or circle. (A tag is the horizontal extension from the text. In the latter case. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for tag and/or leader options. (See Options. (See Options. Indicate the start point of the arrow. Unlike the previous two options in which the tag is a fixed length (proportional to the text height). a leader identifying a phantom center (zigzag) will be generated. the leader is generated so that it starts at the center. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for options. the arrow will always be radial with the center of the reference arc/circle and will terminate on the arc periphery.) 2. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for tag and/or leader options. Text outside radius Pressing when the arrow start prompt is displayed will display the following options.ACTDIM RADIAL DIMENSIONS RADIUS 1. the arrow will always be radial with the center of the reference arc/circle and will terminate on the arc periphery. In the former case. Select the reference arc or circle.) 2. Place Select this option to place the tag. unless there isn't any room or if the leader would pass through the center. a simple arrow is generated between the text and the arc periphery. The displayed options will be a function of whether the text is inside or outside the radius of the reference arc or circle. When placing the arrow start point without the following options.) Text inside radius (ToCenter) Press ACCEPT or [Enter] when the arrow start prompt is displayed to generate a radial arrow which starts at the center of the reference arc/circle. The arrow will point toward the center or away from the center. DIAMETER 1. The first three options generate a tag and an arrow that is radial with the center of the reference arc/circle and terminates on the periphery of the arc. depending on the status of the Arrows/Direct option. this option allows you to make the tag any length. or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for options. and terminates on the periphery of the reference arc/circle. passes through the text.) Left or Right Select these options for left or right leaders. When placing the arrow start point without the following options. The displayed options will be a function of whether the text is inside or outside the radius of the reference arc or circle. Indicate the start point of the arrow. Enhancements 91 . then indicate the text position. Detail Tools Text outside radius Pressing ACCEPT or [Enter] when the arrow start prompt is displayed will display the following options. Select Auto to have ACTDIM attempt to set the correct slant angle.e. also found in the Verify menu. 1. Hexagon. until it looks correct. select CPLANE from ACTDIM's root menu while in the drawing layout mode.e. Several options are not operable when dimensioning in a CPLANE. provided that the CPLANE's projection is not more than 31 degrees in the current view. The dimension is always created planar and at the perceived "depth" of the first reference location.) "ISO" DIMENSIONS Linear dimensions and radial dimensions will work in the current CPLANE. BALLOONS Creates five different balloon types. you have two options. (A tag is the horizontal extension from the text. If you press [Enter] prior to indicating the balloon position. triangle. Place Select this option to place the tag. This option will not be available while in the model mode. If this still does not create the appropriate slant angle. then manually adjust the slant angle with Tilt+ or Tilt-. i. Unlike the previous two options. a menu of attribute options will appear. Turn Verify "on. Font. ACTDIM will create the correct witness and leader projections and determine the correct projected value in the CPLANE for the selected dimension type. 92 CADKEY 19 . Since CADKEY® disables CPLANE's while in the drawing layout mode. this option allows you to make the tag any length. in which the tag is a fixed length (proportional to the text height). Circle. square.. Indicate the balloon text location.tolerancing (unless it can be displayed with DoubleUp). and target. when dimensioning in another CPLANE after having used Tilt. 2. hexagon." if it isn't already. and Size. notably those options which require two lines of text such as +/. Pen#. i. which is radial with the center of the reference arc/circle and terminates on the periphery of the arc. Square.. This slant will then be used for all subsequent dimensions. The first three options generate a tag and an arrow. If the text does not look correct. and limit tolerancing. depending on the status of the Arrows/Direct option. Enter the desired balloon # (the previously used number plus 1 is displayed as the default). The arrows will point toward the center or away from the center. or press F2 to enter a desired text string. ACTDIM attempts to make the text appear in the CPLANE by adjusting its slant angle. (See Options. and select the option called Flip. circle. Triangle. i.e. or Target. Select the type of balloon..) Left or Right Select these options for right or left leaders. enter 0 for Pen#. Auto).) If Size/Txt is not 0 and Size/Bal is 0 (i..e. If both are 0 (i. in the current system units. Press ACCEPT and then indicate the arrow location.. If Size/Txt is 0 (i. VerOnly creates only the vertical centerline. Enhancements 93 . the text height will be a function of the balloon radius. make sure Arrow is showing in the Conversation bar as in the graphic above. then select CADKEY from the Font menu. CNTRLINE This option creates centerlines for any arc or circle. HorOnly creates only the horizontal centerline. VerOnly. When you decide which one you want.. Click on the button to scroll through the various types. 3. and 0 again for the Size/Txt and Size/Bal options.CNTRLINE Balloon Attribute Options If you want the balloon attributes to follow the current CADKEY® attributes for dimensions. Arrow. i. the balloon text height will be the current dimension text height and the balloon radius will be a function of the text height.No leader will be generated and you will be asked to enter a note string. Auto) and Size/Bal is not 0. n n n n Note . (These are the defaults. which defines the center point size.e. Balloon Leader Options Pressing ACCEPT or selecting None when the following options are displayed will resume without a selection of one of the tag options. Auto). the balloon radius (Size/Bal) will be a function of the text height (Size/Txt).These leader types are all contained in the same button on the Conversation bar.Select this option to generate a two-segment leader that does not necessarily form a horizontal tag line.Select these options for left or right leaders. OPTIONS Display (Hor/Ver. Arrow/Bullet/Slash/Point . Indicate the arrow position using the Position Menu options or press [Enter] for leader options. Press [Enter] if you don't require a note string. JogIt . Point Diameter (Pt Dia) Enter the diameter.e. HorOnly) Hor/Ver creates both the horizontal and vertical centerlines. Left or Right .e. The centerlines are always created in the construction plane of the arc or circle. Select the arc or circle or press ACCEPT or [Enter] to display the centerline options. Finally. Units. the coordinate text is placed in the table. then indicate a reference position using the Position Menu. Table 1. Press ACCEPT when finished to create the ruled table lines. If any of the other Selection Menu options are selected. As you do so. Clyndr (cylindrical). 2. 3. See previous step. (Arrow applies only to the Single selection option.e. Text. F10 (BACKUP) will remove rows. Label 1.. Indicate each reference position using the Position Menu. Text.e. The options presented.e. 94 CADKEY 19 . If Single is selected from the Selection Menu. 4. Centerline Rotation (Rotate) Enter the centerline rotation angle by selecting Angle from the menu. i. i. the program will only look for point entities. Units. If Single was used. Select coordinate system. and Precisn. Window. i. or Right. then indicate the position of the coordinate text position after indicating the reference position.e. Left. Polar.. (See ACTDIM) Indicate the datum (i.g. enclose the text in parentheses. Most of the options presented. 3. 1. are described elsewhere in this manual. The slope can be referenced from an existing line or defined with two reference positions.. or select Paralel from the menu to align the centerlines with an existing slope. origin). Using any of these coordinate systems. XYZ. (See ACTDIM) Arrow1/2 selects the arrow style for the leader where Arrow1 is the open arrow style and Arrow2 is the filled arrow style. When parentheses are used.) Select an option from the Selection Menu or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for a menu of options. one by one.e. without a leader. If you make a mistake. None. Indicate an origin (i.. Indicate the table position or press ACCEPT or [Enter] for a menu of options. and Sphere (spherical). an asterisk will denote Refrnc. datum.. and Precisn. COORDS Coords is a multi-purpose utility making use of any of a number of coordinate systems including XY.. 2.e.5 is the default. i.. Coords will generate Labels or Tables of coordinate dimensions from a datum. from the table.) Refrnc will make the label a reference label. e. are described elsewhere in this help file. 4. select the leader option. then automatically place the coordinate values near each point entity.Detail Tools Centerline Size (Ratio) Enter the ratio of the centerline (L) to the arc or circle radius (R). you may press ACCEPT or [Enter] for a list of options. finally. NOTES Provides several unique features including the creation of "ISO" notes (i. finally. etc. i. font. e.. enter the text string. Prior to placing the text. Scroll For Scroll notes. such as font and text height. and start angle. text height. (See "ISO" DIMENSIONS in the ACTDIM section) Join This option allows you to join several notes into one. etc.NOTEPATH NOTEPATH Provides tools for the generation of notes on an arc.. enter the text string and the skew angle. Spacing controls the spacing between each character and is a function of the current note height.e. etc. starting radius (i. Note 1. Use CADKEY®'s Status Menu to adjust text attributes. Press [Enter] prior to placing the text to set text options such as font. or skewed path. It is a function of the text height. the outside or largest radius). The text aspect is adjusted in order to fit the text in the specified sweep angle.e. 2. scroll. Enter the text string or press F1 to clear the current text string. Pitch sets the scroll pitch. Align will align each character with the skew angle. 180 degrees. Select each note (not exceeding 937 total characters) then indicate a text position for the new note. an arc radius along which the text will be placed. Use CADKEY®'s Status Menu to change the text attributes. such as color.g. such as font. in order to have an opportunity to adjust the note perspective. you may press ACCEPT or [Enter] for a list of options. As well as several note editing tools including the alignment and ordering of existing notes using Order and Align and the joining or breaking up of existing notes with Join and Break. e.6 x text height. a start angle and a sweep angle. text height. indicate the scroll center position. Spacing adjusts the spacing between characters. indicate the arc center position.g. line spacing. a pitch of 1.e. the distance between scroll loops. You will then be asked if you want to delete the original notes. then indicate the text position. Prior to placing the text. Make sure Verify is "on" when placing text in CPLANES other than the view plane.. The new note will have the current system attributes.. text height. Rotate For Rotate notes. Skew For Skew notes. It is also a factor of the current text height.6 means 1. those that appear to lay in the current CPLANE).. Enhancements 95 . enter the text string. The reference note is automatically deleted. etc. (i.e. This option. (Same as CADKEY®'s function. i. in combination with Join. i. i. When setting font (OldFont). enter a spacing factor to be used for spacing the notes then indicate a text position.e.e.. a vertical axis). or all the notes it finds in a Window.e. with an indicated vertical axis. Aspect Enter the new system text aspect ratio. BldBox. use CADKEY®'s CTRL-U (EDIT>RECALL>LAST). Select each note in the order desired.. regardless of the current system units. your options are as they were in versions of CADKEY® previous to v 3. Points. Box. and font. 2. aspect. You can also set the current text height and aspect according to a specified point size and pitch.) 96 CADKEY 19 .e. break) a note of multiple lines into an individual note for each line.. then re-assemble the note in the desired order using Join.. Align Align will align notes selected singularly with Single.. To do so. Slant. When setting text height you can set it with any units desired regardless of the current system units mode. Differs from CADKEY®'s functions in many ways: n When setting text height or font you will have the option to set both the note and dimension parameters. n n n Height 1.e. and move in the horizontal so that they are all evenly aligned on the indicated X coordinate (i. Break the note first. The notes will maintain their vertical position. NoteDimn) or just note (NoteOnly) or just dimension (DimnOnly) parameters. SETTEXT Sets text attributes such as text height. can be used to reorder lines within a single note. Order Use this option to order or re-order a number of note entities.. Each note will be moved and placed in a top-down fashion in the order selected. their Y coordinate.Detail Tools Break Use this option to parse (i. Enter the new text height in the current system units or select F1 to enter the text height in any unit. If you need to recall it.5. Select NoteDimn if you want to change both the note and dimension text height or select NoteOnly or DimnOnly. The notes created for each line will have the same attributes as the reference note. 500000. Enter the desired pitch. VALIDATE Dimension values created by ACTDIM and CADKEY®'s own regular dimensions can be changed from those represented by the actual geometry they depict.e... Entering a new pitch will change only the current aspect ratio. After selecting the dimension. Select the desired font style. is unbounded. each row or each column was defined with either Each or MarkOff. Both the row and column definitions can be defined independently with one of several options. OldFont 1. Select NoteDimn if you want to change both the note and dimension font or select NoteOnly or DimnOnly. I/A=1. When indicating the table position. If the rows are unbounded. That is. Use the Verify option to see the actual dimension vs. 2. i. 2. then indicated the bottom border (row) position. Act=0. Box.500000. based on the current system note height and text aspect ratio for All rows/columns or Each row/column (up to 10 maximum).e. i. 120 pnts/in). then indicate the opposing diagonal corner of the table.e. This will be true regardless of the current system units. rows or columns. BldSlt. the number of rows or columns is unlimited. If both the rows and columns are unbounded. Enter the desired point size.e. then the table size in that dimension. the indicated dimension. based on the current note height and aspect ratio. indicate the top left corner. MarkOff sets the row or column spacing by indicating each location with the Position Menu (up to 10 maximum). OpnSlt..000000 Enhancements 97 .. OpnBox. NumChar sets the row or column spacing in number of characters. BldBox. the prompt line will look similar to the following: CDKVAL: Ind=0. i. i. indicate any one corner of the table. I-A=0. RowSeg/ColSeg allows you to specify the number of rows/columns or height/width of each row/column. if NumSegs or All was specified for either Height/Width or NumChars. The default size is what the current note height is in points (i.TABLES Points 1. Validate verifies both ACTDIM dimensions and CADKEY® dimensions against the actual geometry. The default pitch is what the current pitch is.e. If the columns are unbounded then indicate the right border (column) position. TABLES Ruled tables are created with this option. Height/Width sets the row or column spacing in current base units for All rows/columns or Each row/column (up to 10 maximum).000000. For bounded tables. the number of characters per unit length. Slant. Value dimensions are either unmodified dimensions or dimensions modified with the DimVal option (both ACTDIM and CADKEY® have this option) or modified by scaling. the HiLite option will highlight these dimensions in red.000000.. e.. i. I/A is the ratio of the indicated and actual value. and dimensions which cannot be validated are highlighted gray. 98 CADKEY 19 . When the difference between the indicated and actual value exceeds these tolerance values. i. Validate will validate either type of dimension against the actual value. dimensions which are not "OK".. and hence are also highlighted gray. I/A = 2. The Hilite option will validate any number of dimensions selected with the Selection Menu. created by ACTDIM (ACT) or by CADKEY®(CDK). I/A = 25. the indicated and actual values are not within a specified tolerance. the first number it finds in the dimension. The last value in the prompt line is the difference between the indicated and actual dimension. and whether the dimension is a "value" (VAL) or a string (STR). Use this to determine whether the problem is a scaling problem. A string dimension has been created in ACTDIM with the DimStr option or has been edited in CADKEY® with the EDIT TX option..Detail Tools The first word in the prompt line refers to the dimension type. are highlighted red. Check the I/A value reported by Verify to determine if this is required. its origin.40000. Following the dimension type is the indicated (Ind) value and the actual (Act) value. and AngTol will set the tolerance value for angular dimensions. e.e.e.e. Select Scale to offset the actual value by some scale factor. and they are often used to denote dimension values. Dimensions which are "OK" are highlighted green. since Validate only checks the upper value. The latter may be the case with 3rd Dimension's Dual dimensions. CADKEY®'s ordinate dimensions are not currently supported.g.. i. Press [Enter] just prior to selecting a dimension when using Verify.g. An options menu can be displayed when using either the Verify or the HiLite options. or when the Selection Menu is displayed when using HiLite. DimTol will set the tolerance value for linear and radial dimensions. Notes and labels are also highlighted gray because these cannot be validated. or a units problem. To orthoganally snap segments. The movement of the vertex can be snapped orthogonally. F7) to use the current view plane.PTRIM Modify Tools PTRIM This utility is a more functional CADKEY® POSITN trim. Verticl. then dynamically drag "kink" vertex. Using this utility a notch could easily be created. Place the "kink" vertex w/ the Position Menu. Then indicate the trim position using the Position Menu options. 3. Press [Enter] again to leave the vertex "as is". Choose the desired type of trim.. i. Select line to "kink". allow you to dynamically move the "kink" vertex. but also to the horizontal (Horiztl) and vertical (Verticl) projections as well.e. horizontally or vertically. 2. 3. V for vertical.e.e. 2. PTRIM works in the current CPLANE. Unlike CADKEY®'s POSITN trim. 1. 1. i. i. PTRIM will trim not only to the perpendicular (Perpend) projection. KINK KINK will break a line.. Horiztl. and s to switch segment. Select the line to trim. Set the desired CPLANE with CADKEY®'s ALT-K or turn off the CPLANE (ALT-K. Perpend. and unlike CADKEY®.. press H for horizontal. Enhancements 99 . 100 CADKEY 19 .g. Select the arc or circle to modify (circles can only be modified By Rad or By Edge). In all cases the arc or circle can only be modified within the arc's plane of definition. Press ACCEPT or [Enter] to leave the arc\circle "as is" or press [Enter] again to locate it precisely using the Position Menu. 1. the original arc/circle can be recovered using CTRL-U (undelete).. If a dynamic option.Modify Tools MOVEND Moves the end of a line to another specified location. which is by dynamically dragging the edge or radius of the arc. 4. or press F10 to select another line. 3. 2. By End. the position is projected back onto the plane. By Rad changes the selected arc/circle to the specified new radius. dynamically drag the arc/circle. e. using the Position Menu. then. locate the end of the line at another location. Once an arc or circle has been modified using ArcEdit. By Edge. Select the desired option. if you try to move an arc's endpoint to a point not in the plane of the arc. Only arcs can be modified By End or Between. Continue. and Between are dynamic options. By End allows you to pick up the end of an arc and place it elsewhere and Between swings an arc between it's endpoints. 2. ARCEDIT Specifies new radius or dynamically modifies arcs and circles. Both arcs and circles can be modified By Edge. 1. Select the desired end of a line. Please note: Explode does not work on Angular Dimensions. level. All elements of an exploded entity retain the attributes of the original dimension. and notes. polylines. select another arc having the same center and radius. arrows. Exploding dimensions may be useful in transferring data into other CAD systems. group#. However. If a line. and X-HATCHING into line segments or dimensions into dimensional elements such as lines. Enhancements 101 . If an arc was selected in the first step. including color. Select a line or an arc to join. EXPLODE "Explodes" polygons. 1. be sure to select it near the end to join with another line.Create a backup file before exploding large groups of dimensions. Exploded dimensions cannot be re-assembled.JOIN JOIN This utility will join any two lines or any two arcs having the same radius and center. select another line near the end to join with the first line. and subgroup#. WARNING . the current system font will be used for note elements. This is useful for removing vertices or for joining lines and arcs that have been X-FORM'd w/ MIRROR. If a line was selected in the first step. 2. pen#. i. or Join. or w/ Draft. 3.e.. use the Selection Menu to select any number of CADKEY®'s dimensions or labels.Modify Tools 1. The offset profile is always projected to the current CPLANE. OFFSET Creates the parallel offset of a chain selected profile. or X-HATCH to "explode. Thru Pt. i. 4A. and two consecutive arcs are not currently supported. you will use the Selection Menu to indicate a position that the offset profile should pass through. 102 CADKEY 19 . At Dist. 1. Select the transform option. select a single polygon. The offset profile will be created at the same depth as the reference profile if CONST is set to 3D. w/ Draft specifies the offset with a draft angle and depth. Select Align to change vector alignment in database or select Display to display the alignment only. 2. 2. Move. At Dist. This function is useful to prep data for post processes. or w/ Draft.e.e. 1. Copy. The offset can be specified with Thru Pt. The profile can only contain lines and arcs. Chain select the profile path to offset. If 2D. i. Chain select the string to Align or Display. Select Geom or Detail If Geom... The string can contain arcs (lines and arcs only). an arc must be connected to a line on either side. the offset profile will be created at the current depth. 2. Always select the offset position near the first entity in the chain. 3. Select offset option. or any number of balloons and dimensions created with the CKTools’ UTILITIES." If Detail. polyline. If Thru Pt. ALIGN Displays and/or aligns the database vector directions of lines in a chained string. Choose either Radius or Diamter. then fillet the vertices along the string with the desired bend radii. Enhancements 103 . then specify either accordingly. then press ACCEPT or [Enter]. 3A. TUBES will create a 3D tubular shell (i. This option is independent of the CONST switch. the default segments are 1 segment for each axial element and 8 join segments. then indicate the chaining direction. TUBES Given a centerline. If 2D. Use Chain to select a centerline previously created as described above. Indicate whether you want to delete the centerline after generating the tube. Use Single to create a tube about an individual line. 4C. the offset profile will be created at the current depth.TUBES 4B. you may press [Enter] to specify the segment options for the tube.. you create a centerline with a line string. 3B. Left and right are relative to the direction of chaining. 1. 4. you will indicate which side by specifying Left or Right. specify the draft angle and the distance.e. If you don't. Select the first element along the centerline.e. or circle. i. As you walk along the direction of chaining is the offset to fall to your left or right.. 2D/3D. If w/ Draft. arc. It is suggested that prior to using TUBES. If At Dist. The offset profile will be created at the same depth as the reference profile if CONST is set to 3D. 2. a pipe) along the centerline. While the Chain\Single menu is displayed. 5" and 1". or another CADL program. Use this program if you are ever prompted with a message similar to the following: "Can't make variable X1. If Changed. This program will clear all register variables. a macro.. Can be used to change pen. whether defined by you.Utility Tools Utility Tools CLEAR The CKTools' Utilities only clear the variables defined by the utility itself. If other programs do not clear their own variables." COUNT Counts the number of entities selected with the Selection Menu. color and level all of the holes between . Use property masking (CTRL-M) to count specific types of entities.. several attributes can be changed. e. Select the entities to count using the Selection Menu. HOLESIZE HiLites or changes attributes of arcs/circles within a specified size range. 104 CADKEY 19 . If HiLited.. the specified arcs/circles will be indicated by a temporary intensified white color..g. the number of conics. Select whether the specified range of arcs/circles are to be Changed or just HiLited. Can be useful for CNC postprocessors that require all holes of a given punch size be on a unique level. for example. The program will only change selected arcs/circles within the range. there may not be enough remaining for the utility you are trying to use. press the LEFT. indicate a basepoint. To clear all selection flags. no other action is required.. SAMEAS Sets the system parameters (Ent->Sys) color. Using the Position Menu options. the dimension height and the text aspect are set accordingly. That is. If multi-viewports are on. When applying the current system parameters to a particular entity (Sys ->Ent). Selection flags are not saved. pressing the RIGHT arrow on the cursor control keypad pans to the right one full viewport width. i. and pen number to correspond with the attributes of a selected reference entity. Enhancements 105 . or continue digitizing. i. Press F10 to indicate another basepoint. PAN is very useful with multiple viewports. SCROLL Pans by paging. If Set. The system attributes conform to those of the selected reference entity and all new entities created will have those attributes. line width. you will use the Selection Menu options to select the entities to change. Setting the selection flag of an entity.e. 1. PG-UP and PG-DWN zooms.. 1. 1. The Clear option will also clear flags that were previously set or inadvertently set by CADKEY®or other CADL programs. pressing UP pans up one viewport height. Using the cursor control keypad. the entity that has the attributes you want to use as reference. 3. press ACCEPT or [Enter]. 2. RIGHT. To return to the "home" position. select entities to mask. or DOWN arrows to scroll the viewport..MASK MASK Sets the "selection flag" of specified entities or clears the "selection flags" of all entities. digitize the viewport to scroll. makes that entity no longer selectable (i. 2.e.e. 1. For Ent->Sys. you can pan any other viewport to that basepoint simply by digitizing in the desired viewport. line type. if the reference entity is a note or label. level. saving and loading a file should clear the selection flags. UP. no reference entity is required. Cursor digitize in the same viewport or any other viewport. For Ent->Sys. PAN Allows pans by basepoints. and so forth. or does the same for selected entities (Ent->Ents). the text height and aspect are also set. For Sys->Ent use the Selection Menu options to select the entities you want to change to the current system attributes. it is masked). 2.doubles or halves the current scroll distance. indicate a reference entity. 2. Pressing + or . use the Selection Menu to select the entities to have the same attributes as the reference entity. For Ent ->Sys and Ent ->Ent. press HOME. and if a dimension. select Clear. whether set by this program or otherwise. By selecting a basepoint in any viewport. When finished. For Ent>Ents. . press ESC or F10. several entities were singularly deleted then some of the original copy may be effected as well. then display each level one by one. Also searches entire part file for levels that contain entities. e. Choose MultCopy to delete or move a known number of copies of something. After selecting entities. then restores previous visibility. If this entity has not already been deleted and it is visible on the screen. After selecting entities. then set the current display list accordingly. D-LAST Deletes entities.halves the current scroll width and + doubles the current scroll height. Indicate whether the entities are to be Deleted or moved (MoveTo) to another level.. Restore will restore the level visibility when the program was entered. 3A.. e. This utility does not work properly if the SoftEngine/CK video display list is turned on. Select Restore to reset the previous display list.g. press [Enter]. The latter option. 1. . EntLevs HideLev allows the user to select entity(ies) for which level(s) will be turned off. Press [Enter] again to continue to the next one or press [Ctrl] – [Enter] to delete or move it. Select OneByOne to delete or move entities in a singular fashion.g. if desired. Allows you to easily delete or move entities just created or to delete or move multiple copies. All levels are then turned off except those levels on which the entities reside. SHOW Turns on or off the level(s) of selected entity(ies). select the first entity to delete (or move). displaying each level one by one. or moves entities to another level. EachLev will search the entire part for levels on which entities reside. Select Restore to reset the previous display list or exit from the program to leave the current display list in effect. 106 CADKEY 19 . or press [Enter] to start with the last entity in the database.. The levels on which the selected entities reside will be turned off. press + or . The entity's ID# about to be deleted will be displayed in the prompt line. it will begin flashing. backwards through the database. 2. or exit from the program to leave the current display list.Utility Tools 4. ShowLev allows the user to select entity(ies) for which level(s) will be displayed. If OneByOne. EntLevs will search the entire part for levels on which entities reside.g. This only works if there is an exact multiple of copies.. a pattern file placed more than once. works by deleting or moving entities to another level until 1 copy remains of the total number of copies you indicate. To change the scroll width. 3 copies of a border pattern. If an entity is not flashing continue to press [Enter] until one does. MultCopy. To terminate the display sequence. EachLev.e. ShowLev. If there aren't. This option is only displayed when the level list has been changed with the other options in this program. e. HideLev. i. press [Enter]. The values indicated on the prompt line are also stored in the indicated CADKEY® variables. XY. These options will apply conversion factors and format the verification prompts accordingly. A Fixed origin will not change with each position verification. starting with the last one in the selection list. i. This may be useful if you need to use these numbers elsewhere in CADKEY® or use them in CADKEY®'s on line calculator. XV = 1. V-COORDS Using any of the following coordinate systems. The program will begin deleting (or moving) entities. Enhancements 107 .. Select the origin option. until only one copy remains. For example. V-Coords will verify positions from any specified datum. including the original copy. or Sphere (spherical). If MultCopy. Units and Precsn. XYZ. Clyndr (cylindrical). if the prompt line displayed is as follows: 3..e. A Delta origin will change with each position verification. 2. so that the next position verified will be referenced from the last position verified. Fixed or Delta. i. 1.e.00 Then the indicated values are stored in the variables XV and YV. Select the entire set of copies with the Selection Menu. enter the total number of copies. Polar.00 YV = 2. Indicate a reference position using the Selection Menu. Pressing ACCEPT or [Enter] at this point will present a menu of options. Choose the coordinate system to use.V-COORDS 3B. Choose NEXT to continue. 108 CADKEY 19 . See the Generic Driver Installation section for details. Installing Locally To install PlotFast locally follow the steps below. Select the program manager group. Assigning different plot configurations with ease. 3. This utility is useful for CADKEY users who: n n n Have older vector plotters and/or plotters that aren’t supported in Windows. When the installation is done. Custom fonts created in DOS versions will work in PlotFast for Windows as long as you make sure to copy the SFNT files to corresponding PFNT files for plotting. Some of the advanced capabilities of PlotFast for Windows are: n n Batch plotting of . 5.exe program. Limitations of PlotFast for Windows are: n n Truetype fonts do not work in PlotFast for Windows. Use the BROWSE button to select a different location than the default. Choose NEXT to continue. Choose your destination location. Be aware that the utilities in PlotFast are not Windows drivers.PlotFast for Windows PlotFast for Windows PlotFast for Windows is an offline utility that works with the CADKEY Uniplot format (. The PlotFast installation welcome screen appears. 6.PLT files. Are familiar with the DOS PlotFast utility. Choose NEXT to perform the installation.PLT). click FINISH to close the dialog box. Install and Setup PlotFast can be run locally on your machine or on a network. Need vector HPGL output for desktop publishing. It is recommended to install a Generic /Text Only driver for each plotter connected to a local serial port. PlotFast will only run with Uniplot files (PLT) from CADKEY. 2. When complete choose NEXT to continue. 4. 1. Run the setup. You are now ready to install PlotFast. Uninstalling PlotFast PlotFast can be uninstalled by opening the PlotFast program group in the Windows Start Menu.exe. click FINISH to close the dialog box.Install and Setup Installing on a Network To install PlotFast on a network follow the steps below. There will be prompts to remove shared Windows components. PlotFast will not use the port until the tablet driver is reset to another port or uninstalled. the name for the Windows Start Menu group can be chosen. Click NEXT > NEXT. and the PlotFast Windows registry sub-keys. accept the default installation folder or click BROWSE to select another folder. The PlotFast installation program can be copied to a network file server directory and installed from client workstations. The uninstall program will automatically remove the PlotFast program files. edit the folder name in the Browse dialog. Enhancements 109 . Double-click on the setup executable program. The DOS prompt must be closed before plotting to the port can resume. In the next dialog box. Click NEXT. PlotFast can also be uninstalled from the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel. Click OK when you are done. Windows thread or process. In the next dialog box. shared files. Accidentally plotting to a port that a serial mouse is connected to can also cause this problem. locate the PlotFast installation program in the shared server directory. When installing to another folder. Using Windows Explorer. When Setup opens. Accept the default or choose another group name. 1. Click “Uninstall PlotFast”. setup. 4. An example of a device conflict is if the plotter is connected to a port that a tablet driver is set to. 3. Click “No to All”. click NEXT. PlotFast will give a "Plotter output error" when plotting to that port. Plotter output errors will result. 2. 1. 2. 5. 6. If the MODE command is used from a DOS prompt within Windows on a port that PlotFast uses. This is a documented Windows issue and it is described in Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q130402. Be aware that PlotFast can not share a port with any other device. When the installation is done. If you have Windows 95/98 or later: 1. Scroll the left pane to "Generic" and select it. Select a descriptive name for the driver and click Next. 2. Select a descriptive name for the driver and click NEXT. The driver will spool the plot job and send it to the connected plotter port. 8. The next window may prompt you for the Windows NT installation CD. Click Next. you must have administrator permissions to the computer. 3. 8. Custom paper sizes can be defined by scrolling to the end of the paper size selection list and choosing CUSTOM. Right click on the driver and click on Properties. In the next window. In the next window. F5 on the keyboard may be pressed to update the Printers applet list to make the driver icon visible. scroll through the list of printers in the left pane until “Generic” is visible and click on it. configure it if necessary. Select "No" for printing a test page and click Finish. Insert the CD in your CD drive and if necessary use the Browse button to locate the \i386 folder on the CD.PlotFast for Windows Generic Driver Installation It is recommended to install a Generic /Text Only driver for any local port. 5. 9. Click on Start > Settings > Printers > Add Printer > Next > make sure that “Local printer” is selected > Next. make sure "Not shared" is selected and click Next. 7. When the driver installs. 5. 2. 6. 1. and click Next. and plotting at the highest serial communications speed that the plotter will allow. In the next window. The next window will present you with a list of printers. clients that are running PlotFast can send plots to the generic driver. Click on Start > Settings > Printers > Add Printer > select My Computer > Next. Select NO for printing a test page and click Finish. 6. Select the serial port that the plotter is connected to. Click “Configure Port…” to set the port communications parameters if necessary and click NEXT. 9. select a port for the plotter. This will enable spooling multiple plots to the plotter. “Generic/Text Only” will be highlighted in the right pane. 3. A generic driver can also be installed on a server for a plotter that has no driver. Click on the Paper tab and set the default paper size option. 110 CADKEY 19 . 4. Click OK to complete the installation. Click OK when the driver has been configured. In the right pane click on "Generic / Text Only" and then OK. 7. When the driver is shared to the network. 4. If you have Windows NT4 or later: To install the driver in Windows NT4. The error does not need to be acknowledged. 11. If the plot file was called CLIP. there will be an error from Windows that it can not write to the port and that the device is not ready. Click on the Device Settings tab and select the default paper size. PlotFast Configurations PlotFast has flexible configuration options. PlotFast by default will use the PLCONFIG. Other configurations can be loaded via the LOAD CONFIG button. The configuration files are backward compatible with the DOS version.PLT.PlotFast Configurations 10. This establishes the relationship between the PLT file and the custom configuration file. right-click on the icon in the Printers applet and select Properties from the menu. Choose Use Custom Config and the “Open” dialog box will appear for you to select the .DAT file to associate with this PLT file. Click OK when done.DAT file found in the same directory as the executable. Configuration files can be associated with an individual plot file by highlighting the file name in the dialog box and right clicking to bring up the context menu. Enhancements 111 . and saved via the SAVE CONFIG button in the “PlotFast” dialog box.DAT will be created. Allowing you to easily assign different configurations to different plots. then a temporary configuration file named CLIP. Windows will continue to attempt plotting to the port until the plotter is on-line. if a plotter is not ready after PlotFast sends the file. Under Windows NT4. When the driver is installed. DAT from the highlighted plot file. The icon that appears will be based on what configuration files you have associated with that file. However. When a new plot file is selected and the current configuration has not been saved. Remove custom config Use to remove a CUSTOM. Use default config Will use the default configuration PLCONFIG. Remove selected Will remove the files that are highlighted.DAT. When files are viewed in PlotFast. 112 CADKEY 19 .DAT file. from the context menu you can also choose to use the default configuration even for plot files where a custom configuration has been saved. This permanently removes the CUSTOM. When you make changes to the configuration detail section of the “PlotFast” dialog box a message box will appear asking you to save or not to save the old configuration in the following cases: § § § When you exit PlotFast and have not saved the configuration changes. The context menu contains the following options: Plot selected Will only plot the files that are highlighted.PlotFast for Windows This will automatically set this plot file to plot using the selected custom . When loading a new profile after modifying the current profile. Use custom config Will use a custom configuration that you have saved and associated with a particular file (as described above). one of three icons will appear in front of the file name.DAT file from the selected plot file. the dialog box appears in its condensed form as shown above. and so on. where to send the file. how they should be plotted. and it is being used. Enhancements 113 . Red Paper with ‘S’ There is a custom configuration available. When you first execute PlotFast. See also Drag and Drop capabilities. the DETAILS button will serve to detract from the dialog box to hide this information. Plain Paper with ‘S’ There is a custom configuration available. Once the dialog box is expanded. The DETAILS button expands the dialog box to reveal all of the detailed information on the right side (see below). PlotFast Dialog Box The “PlotFast” dialog box is the controller of the PlotFast utility. Here you set up which files you want to plot. Each item in the dialog box is discussed in detail below. but the default is being used. and the default is being used.PlotFast Dialog Box Plain Paper There is no custom configuration available. feet. Remove – Highlight the plot file name in the list and press the REMOVE button to delete this file from your list. Your choices are inches. LPT3. LPT1.DAT file that you wish to load for plotting. Help – Brings up the on-line help file on PlotFast. Exit – Closes the “PlotFast” dialog box. and meters. LPT2. Otherwise these selection boxes are grayed out.PLT files to add to your list.DAT. COM2.PlotFast for Windows Plotter This is a drop down menu that displays various plotter types for you to choose from. Whichever configuration you load will become the default configuration for that session. COM3. Or you can let CADKEY automatically determine the scale by activating the checkbox to the right Automatic Plot Scale. Load Config – Brings up the “Open” dialog box for you to choose the plotter configuration . COM4. which if checked (active) will not allow changes to be saved to the file. 114 CADKEY 19 . yards. Paper Size X and Y – These default to the size of the paper type chosen above. Plot Scale – Use Plot Scale to scale your part to the paper size without distorting the part.DAT as the default click Load Config and choose PLCONFIG. This will plot all files in the selection list. Plot Files This section lists plot files names you want to plot. Paper – Drop down menu to choose paper type. LPT4 and FILE. Plot – When you have made all of your selections press this button to plot your image. You can rename the configuration file in this dialog box if you choose or just click SAVE. There is also an Open as a read-only checkbox in this dialog box. Communication Port – Use Port to send the plot to a specified output port or file. They are grayed out unless the paper type chosen is user defined. and Stop Bits. A drop down menu gives you the following choices: COM1. Add – Brings up the “Open” dialog box for you to choose . millimeters. Save Config – Brings up the “Save As” dialog box for you to save the configuration file that you currently have loaded. To reload the PLCONFIG. centimeters. Parity. If you choose to print to a COM port you can also choose the Baud. Data Bits. Units – This allows you to choose the measurement method to display the paper size. You can enter a minimum curve tolerance of 1. Saves the analysis time that On uses to sort the pens. Activates sorting and analyzes the figure for a Pen# assignment. when activated. Pen Sort – Determines the method of pen sorting for the plotter. When you do not use pen sorting. Curve Tol – This determines how PlotFast segments curve entities. On or Optimize. Pen Velocity – Sets the plotter pen speed in centimeters per second. depending on the plotter. The plot rotation angle determines the angle at which PlotFast plots your drawing. Rotation – Sets a plot rotation angle in degrees.PlotFast Dialog Box Before plotting make sure you set the configuration on your plotter to match the paper size and plot scale selections chosen in this dialog box. Enhancements 115 . X and Y Offset – Sets values to compensate for any offset the plotter may add. Clip Limits Defines a maximum plotting area.0. Assign Pens – This is where you set your pen assignments. 200 is the highest recommended curve tolerance. On Optimize Prompt for pen change – This checkbox. prompts you when the pen needs to be changed. Some manuals call them soft clip limits. Indicates the width of pen movement used in filling operations. To set the clip limits. Your choices are Off. Pen Width – Sets the plotter pen width. Then it selects the next pen and plots entities with this pen color. The start and end points of dashed or broken lines always end in a full segment. Pen sorting reduces pen selection time. Off Deactivates sorting. Copies – Enter the number of copies to be plotted. PlotFast calculates offset values from either the center or lower left corner. refer to the setup section of your plotter manual. PlotFast draws all entities in order of their pen assignment. This process is repeated until all entities are drawn. Pen assignments set specific pens numbers to specific colors in the CADKEY palette. the plotter draws each entity as it’s encountered and selects a new pen each time a pen number changes. This determines how quickly the pens move when they plot your file. A higher value generates a smoother curve but may take longer to plot. It selects the first entity and plots all entities that have the same pen assignment. complete dash. Plotting in PlotFast There are a few different methods of plotting when using PlotFast for Windows. if there is no custom config it will plot using the PLCONFIG. drag and drop them in the Plot Files list in the dialog box to be plotted. Drag and Drop Capabilities While in the “PlotFast” dialog box. enter the minimum and maximum x and y values for the clip limits. If a custom config has been assigned to the file it will plot using the custom configuration.PLT files in Windows Explorer. If you have trouble with autoscale plotting. Double Click to Plot From Windows Explorer double click on a .DAT. set the soft clip limits to the hard clip limits.PlotFast for Windows To set the clip limits. 116 CADKEY 19 . Otherwise.PLT file and it will automatically plot using the default settings in the “PlotFast” dialog box. you can click on . 11. Click OK and then on End Capture. they must be individually selected by double clicking from the plot file selection list. we will use LPT3 to plot to a CalComp plotter on the server Techprint from PlotFast. If you have Windows 95/98: 1. 7. Click on the down arrow to open the Device list. 4. it will have to be typed in. 12. 3. If your computer has only one LPT port LPT two through four are logical LPT ports that do not physically exist but can be used by Windows to redirect output. The Windows version determines how this is checked and changed. There should be nine LPT ports listed.. Computer thru a Network to Device Plotting to a shared network plotter is also possible in PlotFast.. pick which files you want to plot. Click on an unused port and then on the down arrow to open the Path: list. Click OK twice to close the printer properties.Plotting in PlotFast If plot files need to be plotted in a certain order. 8. Right-click on any printer and click on Properties from the menu. 2. 4. Click on the Details tab and then Capture Printer Port.. 9. The LPT port to be used must not be in use by other shared devices. it is not being used. Computer to Local Device When your plotter is directly hooked to your computer plotting with PlotFast for Windows is very easy. You can use the ports available in the list just like a local printer. If LPT3 is not listed in the drop down list. In our examples below. Click on the Details tab and on the down arrow for "Print to the following port:". If the printer share name is not in the list. Next. 5. PlotFast supports LPT ports one through four. LPT1 is the physical local port that a printer or plotter is cabled to. Select LPT3 and then click OK. First choose your setup options in the “PlotFast” dialog box. If it is listed. Select the name of the printer you are reassigning. 6. Then plot your file by pressing the PLOT button in the dialog box. Click on Start > Settings > Printers.. Click on the down arrow for "Print to the following port:". note which device is using the port. 1. Decide on a configuration file for the plot. Right-click on the printer using LPT3 and click on Properties from the menu. 2. 10. 3. Enhancements 117 . The LPT port must now be redirected to the network share for the plotter. 6. Right-click on any printer and click on Properties from the menu. 5. If the redirection is successful. click Cancel to close the Properties. select LPT3 as the port to plot to. Type in a new port name followed by a colon > click OK and OK again in the next dialog box > click Close. If there are none. [share name] is the network path to the plotter on the server. 118 CADKEY 19 . 2." Plotfast can now plot to a network connection. Using the example information above. In our example it is LPT3. LPT3 is now available for PlotFast. If one is not available. you will get a prompt that says "The command was completed successfully. Click on Start > Settings > Printers. Windows NT4: 1. To do this. 3.PlotFast for Windows 13. In our example it is \techprint\\calcomp. 4. 7. the command to redirect LPT3 would be: net use lpt3 \\techprint\calcomp Note that the placement of the backslashes in the [share name] is important. rightclick on the printer using it and click on Properties from the menu. In PlotFast. Click the checkbox next to the new port to reassign the printer and click OK to close the Properties dialog. Select the new port assignment and then click OK. The plot will now be spooled at the print server for the plotter. Click on the Ports tab. Click on the Ports tab and choose another port for the printer. There should now be an additional LPT port in the list. click on Add Port… > select "Local Port" > click New Port > under "Enter a port name:". LPT3 is now available for PlotFast. open a MS-DOS or command prompt in Windows and type the following: net use [port] [share name] [port] is the LPT port that is being redirected. If a printer is using LPT3. Note any printers using LPT3.
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