CA SDM 14.1 - Technical Reference - TecRef - EnU



CA ServiceManagement - 14.1 Technical Reference Date: 02-Aug-2016 CA Service Management - 14.1 This Documentation, which includes embedded help systems and electronically distributed materials, (hereinafter referred to as the “Documentation”) is for your informational purposes only and is subject to change or withdrawal by CA at any time. This Documentation is proprietary information of CA and may not be copied, transferred, reproduced, disclosed, modified or duplicated, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of CA. If you are a licensed user of the software product(s) addressed in the Documentation, you may print or otherwise make available a reasonable number of copies of the Documentation for internal use by you and your employees in connection with that software, provided that all CA copyright notices and legends are affixed to each reproduced copy. The right to print or otherwise make available copies of the Documentation is limited to the period during which the applicable license for such software remains in full force and effect. Should the license terminate for any reason, it is your responsibility to certify in writing to CA that all copies and partial copies of the Documentation have been returned to CA or destroyed. TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CA PROVIDES THIS DOCUMENTATION “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT WILL CA BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE, DIRECT OR INDIRECT, FROM THE USE OF THIS DOCUMENTATION, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST PROFITS, LOST INVESTMENT, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, GOODWILL, OR LOST DATA, EVEN IF CA IS EXPRESSLY ADVISED IN ADVANCE OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH LOSS OR DAMAGE. The use of any software product referenced in the Documentation is governed by the applicable license agreement and such license agreement is not modified in any way by the terms of this notice. The manufacturer of this Documentation is CA. Provided with “Restricted Rights.” Use, duplication or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in FAR Sections 12.212, 52.227-14, and 52.227-19(c)(1) - (2) and DFARS Section 252.227-7014(b)(3), as applicable, or their successors. Copyright © 2016 CA. All rights reserved. All trademarks, trade names, service marks, and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies. 02-Aug-2016 3/403 Table of Contents CA SDM Text API Interface ....................................................................... 18 Overview of Text API ................................................................................................................................. 18 Command Line Interface ..................................................................................................................... 19 CA Network and Systems Management Interface .............................................................................. 19 Input Format ........................................................................................................................................ 19 How the Text API Uses Keywords ...................................................................................................... 20 Keyword Input Conventions ................................................................................................................ 22 Format an Email Message To Update a Ticket ................................................................................... 23 Start and End Email Message Delimiters ............................................................................................ 23 How the Text API Uses Artifacts ......................................................................................................... 24 How to Set Up Notification Replies to Update Tickets ........................................................................ 24 How to Set Up a Reply to an Incident Notification Example ...................................................... 25 How an End User Updates a Ticket Example ............................................................................ 26 Keyword Conversion Methods ............................................................................................................ 27 The Configuration File ............................................................................... 30 Options ...................................................................................................................................................... 30 Defaults ..................................................................................................................................................... 31 Ignore Incoming ......................................................................................................................................... 31 Example Input ........................................................................................................................................... 32 View Field Descriptions ............................................................................. 33 View_Act_Log ........................................................................................................................................... 34 View_Audit_Assignee ......................................................................................................................... 35 View_Audit_Group .............................................................................................................................. 35 View_Audit_Priority ............................................................................................................................. 35 View_Audit_Status .............................................................................................................................. 36 View_Change_Act_Log ............................................................................................................................. 36 View_Change ...................................................................................................................................... 37 View_Change_to_Assets .................................................................................................................... 41 View_Change_to_Change_Act_Log ................................................................................................... 42 View_Change_to_Change_WF ........................................................................................................... 43 View_Change_to_Properties ............................................................................................................... 44 View_Change_to_Request .................................................................................................................. 45 Technical Reference 4 View_Contact_Full .................................................................................................................................... 48 View_Contact_to_Environment ........................................................................................................... 50 View_Group ............................................................................................................................................... 51 View_Group_to_Contact ..................................................................................................................... 51 View_Issue ................................................................................................................................................ 52 View_Issue_Act_Log ........................................................................................................................... 55 View_Issue_to_Assets ........................................................................................................................ 56 View_Issue_to_Issue_Act_Log ........................................................................................................... 57 View_Issue_to_Issue_WF ................................................................................................................... 58 View_Issue_to_Properties ................................................................................................................... 59 View_Request ........................................................................................................................................... 60 View_Request_to_Act_Log ................................................................................................................. 64 View_Request_to_Properties .............................................................................................................. 64 View_Request_to_Request_WF ......................................................................................................... 65 View_Request_to_Request_WF ......................................................................................................... 66 RFC 2251 LDAP Result Codes ................................................................. 67 LDAP Return Codes .................................................................................................................................. 67 LDAP Server Return Codes ...................................................................................................................... 67 LDAP Client Return Codes ........................................................................................................................ 71 LDAP-Associated RFC Standards ............................................................................................................ 72 ............................................................................................................................................................ 74 pdm_configure--Open the Configuration Window ..................................... 75 pdm_key_refresh--Refresh Cached Key Information ................................ 76 pdm_lexutil--Modify CA SDM Lexicons ..................................................... 77 pdm_listconn--List Active Connections ..................................................... 78 pdm_logfile--Change stdlog Cutover Size ................................................. 81 Technical Reference 5 pdm_task--Set Environment Variables ...................................................... 82 pdm_uconv--Convert Local Charset to UTF-8 .......................................... 83 pdm_webstat--Return Web Usage Statistics ............................................. 86 pdm_mail Utility--Send Email Information ................................................. 89 CA SDM PDM Database Commands ........................................................ 91 pdm_restore--Restore a Database ............................................................................................................ 93 pdm_load--Add, Update, and Delete Database Records .......................................................................... 94 CA SDM PDM Daemon Commands ................................................................................................... 95 pdm_halt--Terminate Daemons or Stop Services ..................................................................................... 95 pdm_init--Start Daemons .......................................................................................................................... 96 pdm_d_refresh--Start Failed Daemons ..................................................................................................... 97 pdm_status--Show Status of Daemons or Processes ............................................................................... 97 uniconv--Start UNIX CA NSM Event Converter Daemon .......................................................................... 98 CA SDM PDM Server Commands ...................................................................................................... 98 pdm_proctor_init--Start Proctor on Secondary Servers ............................................................................ 99 pdm_server_control Utility--Identify Servers ............................................................................................. 99 pdm_rest_util--Manage the CA SDM RESTful Web Services Application .............................................. 100 Undeploy the REST Web Services Application ....................................................................................... 100 pdm_k_reindex -- Knowledge Re-Index Utility .................................................................................. 101 When to Use pdm_k_reindex .................................................................................................................. 102 Re-Index Tracking ................................................................................................................................... 103 Import and Re-Indexing ........................................................................................................................... 103 Index and De-Index Queue Settings for Batch and Instant Processing .................................................. 104 PDM-Discovered Asset Commands .................................................................................................. 105 pdm_discupd -- Discovered Asset Update .............................................................................................. 105 pdm_discimp -- Discovered Asset Import ................................................................................................ 105 pdm_text_cmd--Text API Command Line Interface ................................................................................ 107 Input Examples ................................................................................................................................. 109 pdm_log4j_config Utility--Modify the log4j properties File ....................................................................... 110 Utility Usage Examples ........................................................................................................................... 111 Modify the Log File Refresh Interval Manually .................................................................................. 113 Technical Reference 6 Modify the jsrvr.log Appender ........................................................................................................... 113 Modify the jstd.log Appender ............................................................................................................. 114 CA SDM Report Command ..................................................................... 115 rpt_srv--Generate Reports ...................................................................................................................... 115 report--Generate Reports ........................................................................................................................ 116 CA SDM Form Groups ............................................................................ 118 Customer Forms Group ........................................................................................................................... 118 Employee Forms Group .......................................................................................................................... 119 Analyst Forms Group .............................................................................................................................. 120 Contents of the Samples Directory .......................................................... 149 How to Modify the Message Catalog ....................................................................................................... 149 call_mgt ................................................................................................................................................... 149 data ......................................................................................................................................................... 150 macro_lock .............................................................................................................................................. 150 multi-tenancy ........................................................................................................................................... 150 pdmconf ................................................................................................................................................... 151 reporting .................................................................................................................................................. 151 sdk ........................................................................................................................................................... 151 views ....................................................................................................................................................... 152 Load Supplemental Content - sd_content.dat ......................................................................................... 152 Schema Files Syntax ............................................................................... 153 TABLE Statement .................................................................................................................................... 153 TABLE_INFO Statement ......................................................................................................................... 156 Mapping Statement ................................................................................................................................. 157 Object Definition Syntax .......................................................................... 159 Directories ............................................................................................................................................... 159 Types of Statements ............................................................................................................................... 159 MODIFY Statement ................................................................................................................................. 160 MODIFY FACTORY Statement ............................................................................................................... 161 Technical Reference 7 OBJECT Statement ................................................................................................................................. 161 STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement ................................................. 164 Syntax (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) .................................................................................. 164 Optional Statements (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) ............................................................. 164 Example (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) ............................................................................... 165 FACTORY Optional Statement ............................................................... 167 Syntax (FACTORY Optional Statement) ................................................................................................. 167 Arguments (FACTORY Optional Statement) ........................................................................................... 167 Optional Statements (FACTORY Optional Statement) ........................................................................... 167 Example (FACTORY Optional Statement) .............................................................................................. 169 ATTRIBUTES Optional Statement .......................................................................................................... 169 Where Clauses ........................................................................................ 173 IN Clause ................................................................................................................................................. 174 Lists ......................................................................................................................................................... 176 Attribute Data Types ................................................................................ 179 Integer ..................................................................................................................................................... 179 String ....................................................................................................................................................... 180 Duration ................................................................................................................................................... 180 Date ......................................................................................................................................................... 180 SREL ....................................................................................................................................................... 180 List (QREL/BREL) ................................................................................................................................... 181 LREL ....................................................................................................................................................... 181 UNKNOWN ............................................................................................................................................. 181 UUID ........................................................................................................................................................ 181 Web Services Methods ........................................................................... 182 Web Services Method Summary ............................................................................................................. 182 XML Object Returns ................................................................................................................................ 192 Technical Reference 8 .................................................. 198 REST Limitations ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 210 REST Secret Key Authentication ................. 200 Working with BLRELs ........................................................................................ 208 REST Java Sample Code ................................................................... 213 BREL.......................... 205 Known Status Codes ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 199 REST_OPERATIONS Syntax Examples ................................................................................................... 216 Example Mark a Resource Inactive ................................................... 212 External CA EEM Artifact Authentication ........................................................... 198 REST and Object Access ........................................................................................................ 199 REST_OPERATIONS Keyword .............................. 214 Example Create a Change Order With an Attachment ........................................... 212 REST Basic Authentication ................................ 218 Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources .......................................................................................... 216 Example Obtain a BOPSID Token ......................................................... 213 CRUD Operations on Tickets .... 206 Additional REST Support when Requesting Data Formats ........................................................... 208 CA SDM Role Authorization ..................................................................................... 218 Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources Using a Where Clause .................................................................................................................................. 200 WHERE Clause Resource Search ................................................................................................................. 213 Managing Attachments for Tickets ............................................ 202 Search Result Sorting .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 204 Code Matching Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 203 Example Request Returns a Specific Number of Records .................. 219 Technical Reference 9 ........................................... QREL.................................................................................................................................................................. 195 Sample URI Paths for CRUD Operations .................................................................................................... 210 CA SDM Authentication Scheme ........................................................................................................................................................... 214 CA SDM Resource Examples ..................................................... 215 Example Delete a Resource ................................... 216 Example Delete an Access Key ................. 203 HTTP Status and Error Codes ..................................................................................... 217 Example Obtain an Access Key ................................ 214 Example Create a Resource ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... and BLREL Processing ......................................................................................................................................... 210 REST BOPSID Authentication ......................... 201 Valid URI Path Patterns .......................................................................... 205 Atom Feeds ......................................................................... 198 rest_access resource ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 203 Search Result Navigation .......................REST HTTP Methods .......................................................................................................................................... 197 REST Considerations .......................... 209 Build and Execute the Sample Programs ................ ...................................................................................... 233 createFolder ...................................................................................................... 230 Web Services Knowledge Attachment Methods ..................................................................................... 221 Example Update a Resource ........................................................................... 238 createObject .............................................................................. 242 Web Services Knowledge Management ............... 235 getAttmntList ............................................. 230 attachURLLinkToTicket ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 236 getAttmntInfo ....................... 234 getFolderList ....................................................................................................................................................................... 232 getKDListPerAttmnt ................................................................................................................................................................ 233 isAttmntLinkedKD .. 226 Example Delete a BLREL Record ............................................................................................................................................................................... 232 attachURLLink ........................... 225 Example Update a BLREL Record ...................................................................................................................... 220 Example Retrieve a Subresource ................................................................................................................................................... 241 updateObject ........................................................ 236 getRepositoryInfo .......................... 228 removeAttachment ................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 237 Web Services Miscellaneous Methods .......... 231 attmntFolderLinkCount .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 233 getAttmntListPerKD ............. 222 Example Retrieve a List of LREL Records Associated with a Group .......................................... 240 serverStatus ......... 228 createAttachment ............................................. 224 Example Create a BLREL Record .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Example Retrieve a Specific Resource ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 238 callServerMethod ...... 221 Example Get a BLREL Record ............................................ 235 getFolderInfo ............................................................ 231 createAttmnt ........................................................................................................................ 244 Technical Reference 10 ................................................................................................................................................................... 227 Web Services Attachment-Related Methods ................................ ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 245 faq ............................................................ 270 getArtifact ................................... 265 getDecisionTrees ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 271 LREL Methods ....................................................... 263 getCategory Method ......................................................................................................................................................... 266 getDocument ...................................... 261 getTemplateList ............ 268 getConfigurationMode ................................................................................................ 269 getObjectTypeInformation .......................................................................................... 266 getDocumentsByIDs ....................................................................................................... 248 createDocument ...................................... 256 deleteComment .......................................... 247 doSelectKD ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 257 rateDocument ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 272 getLrelLength ............................. 255 Use the Knowledge Management Web Services ..................................................................................... 262 getWorkflowTemplateList ...................................................................................................... 261 getDocumentTypes .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 260 getPriorities .... 269 getObjectValues ................................................................................................................. 264 getPermissionGroups ......................... 258 getQuestionsAsked ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 257 updateRating ........................................................................................................................................................................... 246 search ......................................... 267 getBopsid .................................................................................................. 264 getComments ...................... 249 modifyDocument ........................................................................................... 252 deleteDocument ...............................Table Types ..... 255 addComment ......................................................................................................................................................................... 258 getBookmarks ....................................... 273 Technical Reference 11 .................................................................................................................................. 255 Access the Knowledge Management Web Services .................................................................................................................................. 244 Knowledge Management General Methods ....................................................................................... 273 getLrelValues .......................................................................................................... 260 getStatuses ...................................................................................................................................................... 259 addBookmark .................... 260 deleteBookmark ........................................................................................ ................................................................................. 284 getPendingChangeTaskListForContact ................................. 292 createChangeOrder ...........................createLrelRelationships .................................................... 290 Web Services Business Methods ............................................ 282 freeListHandles ............................................................... 289 addAssetLog ........... 287 getAssetExtensionInformation .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 296 escalate ............................ 283 getRelatedList ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 287 createAsset .............................................................................................................. 274 removeLrelRelationships ................................... 289 createAssetParentChildRelationship ............ 283 getRelatedListValues ................................................. 275 dbmonitor_nxd--Database Monitoring Daemon .............................................................. 299 logComment ................................................................. 277 List/Query Methods .................................... 281 getListValues ........................ 298 getPropertyInfoForCategory ............................................................ 300 notifyContacts Method .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 301 Technical Reference 12 ................................................................................................ 294 createActivityLog ................................................................................................ 279 doSelect ............................................................................................................... 285 getNotificationsForContact .................................... 291 createRequest ......................... 279 doQuery ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 297 changeStatus .................................................... 285 getPendingIssueTaskListForContact .................................................................. 286 Asset Management Methods .......................................................................................................... 291 createIssue ........................................................................................................................................................... 295 transfer ............................................................................................. ................................................................................................................... 322 loginServiceManaged Method ............................................................................... 309 addMemberToGroup ......................... 320 getAccessTypeForContact ........... 305 createQuickTicket ................................................... 309 getGroupMemberListValues .................... 317 getValidTaskTransitions ..................................................................clearNotification ............................................................................... 310 Contact Management Methods ................................................... 316 getTaskListValues ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 303 detachChangeFromRequest .................................................. 314 getPolicyInfo ......................................................................................................................................... 312 impersonate ............................................. 320 getContact .......................... 313 logout ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 319 getHandleForUserid .................................. 324 Implement loginServiceManaged in Java ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 304 createTicket Method .............................................................................................................. 301 attachChangeToRequest Method ........................................................................................................................................................................... 307 Group Management Methods ............................................................... 309 removeMemberFromGroup .................................................................................. 312 loginService ........................................... 318 getDependentAttrControls ......................................... 314 loginWithArtifact ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 306 closeTicket ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 324 Technical Reference 13 ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 312 login ............................................................... 317 getValidTransitions .............. 321 findContacts ..................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 352 Technical Reference 14 .......................................................................................................................................................................Generate Stub Classes with WSDL2Java ............... 351 WScript COM Object Methods ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 326 Using the Automated Tasks Editor ............................................................................. 343 Static Content Management ............................. 342 Local File System/Registry Access .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 337 Example Text Input Box as an HTML Component ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 338 Example End-User Input Handling ............................................................................... 329 Edit an Automated Task ............................................................................................................... 331 Automated Task Elements ....................................................... 342 Return Objects from Library Functions .............................................................. 329 Upload an Automated Task ................................................................................................................................................................... 334 Step Object Reference ............ 340 Script Library Management ................................................ 331 How Analysts Receive Data ....... 336 Global Functions .......................................................... 337 Automated Task Step Templates ................................ 344 Functions ................................ 334 Logger Object Reference ........................... 332 Example Default CSS Styles ................................................................................................................ 337 User Interface Steps ....... 333 Task Object Reference ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 330 How an Automated Task Runs ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 343 Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Support ................. 346 WScript ........ 344 Functions and WScript Usage .......................... 344 Functions COM Object Methods ................................................................................ .................................................................................................................................................... 353 EBR_FULLTEXT Table ................................. 368 Table to SQL Name and Object .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 357 EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE Table ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 362 ES_RESPONSES Object ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 363 ES_SESSIONS Object ....................... 355 EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM Table .................................................................................................................................................... 391 Technical Reference 15 .......................... 353 EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM Table ................................................................................................................................................................. 357 EBR_INDEX_ADM Table .... 365 BSVC--func_access_role Object ........... 366 Table and Object Cross-References .......................... 358 EBR_SYNONYMS Table ............................................................................................................................... 364 BSVC--func_access Object ................................. 368 SQL Name to Table and Object .......EBR_DICTIONARY Table ............................................................................ 354 EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM Table ............ 383 CA SDM Object List Table for Multi-Tenancy ................................................................................................................................................................................ 360 ES_CONSTANTS Object .................................................................. 376 Object to Table and SQL Name ............................................................................................................................ 354 EBR_FULLTEXT_SD Table .............................................. 359 EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM Table ................. 362 ES_NODES Object ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 359 bop_sinfo--Display System Information ....................... 356 EBR_INDEX Table ................................................................................................................................................... 366 func_access_type Object ........................................................................................................................................ 365 BSVC--func_access_level Object .............. 1 Technical Reference This section lists all the CA Service Desk Manager commands: CA SDM Text API Interface (see page 18) The Configuration File (see page 30) View Field Descriptions (see page 33) RFC 2251 LDAP Result Codes (see page 67) pdm_configure--Open the Configuration Window (see page 75) pdm_key_refresh--Refresh Cached Key Information (see page 76) pdm_lexutil--Modify CA SDM Lexicons (see page 77) pdm_listconn--List Active Connections (see page 78) pdm_logfile--Change stdlog Cutover Size (see page 81) pdm_task--Set Environment Variables (see page 82) pdm_uconv--Convert Local Charset to UTF-8 (see page 83) pdm_webstat--Return Web Usage Statistics (see page 86) pdm_mail Utility--Send Email Information (see page 89) CA SDM PDM Database Commands (see page 91) CA SDM Report Command (see page 115) CA SDM Form Groups (see page 118) Contents of the Samples Directory (see page 149) Schema Files Syntax (see page 153) Object Definition Syntax (see page 159) STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement (see page 164) FACTORY Optional Statement (see page 167) Where Clauses (see page 173) Attribute Data Types (see page 179) Web Services Methods (see page 182) REST HTTP Methods (see page 195) Web Services Attachment-Related Methods (see page 228) Web Services Knowledge Attachment Methods (see page 231) Web Services Miscellaneous Methods (see page 238) Web Services Knowledge Management (see page 244) getCategory Method (see page 264) LREL Methods (see page 272) dbmonitor_nxd--Database Monitoring Daemon (see page 277) List/Query Methods (see page 279) Asset Management Methods (see page 287) Web Services Business Methods (see page 291) notifyContacts Method (see page 301) attachChangeToRequest Method (see page 303) createTicket Method (see page 305) Group Management Methods (see page 309) 02-Aug-2016 16/403 .14. CA Service Management . CA Service Management .14.1 Group Management Methods (see page 309) Contact Management Methods (see page 312) getPolicyInfo (see page 316) loginServiceManaged Method (see page 324) Using the Automated Tasks Editor (see page 329) How an Automated Task Runs (see page 331) Automated Task Elements (see page 332) Script Library Management (see page 342) Functions COM Object Methods (see page 346) WScript COM Object Methods (see page 352) EBR_DICTIONARY Table (see page 353) EBR_FULLTEXT Table (see page 354) EBR_INDEX Table (see page 357) EBR_SYNONYMS Table (see page 359) bop_sinfo--Display System Information (see page 360) ES_CONSTANTS Object (see page 362) BSVC--func_access Object (see page 365) Table and Object Cross-References (see page 368) 02-Aug-2016 17/403 . 1 CA SDM Text API Interface This article contains the following topics: Overview of Text API (see page 18) Command Line Interface (see page 19) CA Network and Systems Management Interface (see page 19) Input Format (see page 19) How the Text API Uses Keywords (see page 20) Keyword Input Conventions (see page 22) Format an Email Message To Update a Ticket (see page 23) Start and End Email Message Delimiters (see page 23) How the Text API Uses Artifacts (see page 24) How to Set Up Notification Replies to Update Tickets (see page 24) How to Set Up a Reply to an Incident Notification Example (see page 25) How an End User Updates a Ticket Example (see page 26) Keyword Conversion Methods (see page 27) Overview of Text API The Text API is an interface that lets you use text-based input to create and update objects in the CA SDM database. contacts. Important! CA SDM requires that all input be in UTF-8 format.14. and assets. The pdm_unconv utility (see page 83) lets you convert data from a local charset to UTF-8 and from UTF-8 to a local charset. CA Service Management . such as issues. or data can be corrupted. requests. Using the Text API. You can access the Text API by using the following interfaces: Command line Email CA NSM Note: You can use web services as the alternative to the Text API for cross-application integration. you can assign values to most fields that are accessible to users. 02-Aug-2016 18/403 . Note: When passing the parameters from command prompt. CA Network and Systems Management Interface When CA NSM and CA SDM are integrated and you are creating requests from CA NSM events. email and AHD. The keyword LOG_AGENT is added to the end of the input to set the log_agent for the request. You can then specify information such as the table to process and the operation to perform by using parameters to the pdm_text_cmd command. or directly from STDIN.1 Command Line Interface Use the pdm_text_cmd command to activate the Text API command line interface.cfg file for all additional fields that are passed from CA NSM Alert Management Systems to CA SDM. input is typically specified in a text file passed to the pdm_text_cmd command. The basic format for input is as follows: 02-Aug-2016 19/403 . Important! You cannot use single or double quotation marks as parameters for the bop_cmd and pdm_text_nxd commands. Input Format Input to the Text API is specified in the following ways: In the command-line interface. You specify a regular expression to find the target object identifiers. The input to the Text API is passed to the pdm_text_cmd command in the form of an input file. In the email interface. Note: You need to update the Text_API. You format the Text API input in the same way no matter which interface you use.DLL.14. The CA SDM writer process (tngwriter) defines its own replacement parameters for changing the text before sending it to the Text API. CA Service Management . use Ctrl+Z in Windows and Ctrl+D in POSIX. This file is used for integrations with web services. input is specified in the text of the email. the user_parms parameter in writer rule definitions is passed to the Text API. . and two closing parentheses )) follow the command. then the commented-out Text API ticket ID command is made into a separate log comment. Leading percentage signs (%) in Text API ticket ID commands are converted to two opening parentheses ((. How the Text API Uses Keywords You can use two types of keywords as input to the Text API. All ticket ID artifacts that match the filter. the first one encountered is used. If the previous command is a log comment (%LOG=…) or update description (%DESCRIPTION=…). The ticket ID artifacts identified through the mailbox rule filters appear as -((. Incoming messages that are sent HTML-only. applicable or otherwise. applied or otherwise. the Text API uses the last occurrence only. CA Service Management .. lose their message body. if a Text API ticket ID command appears in the message either at the beginning of the message or in between two other Text API commands.))-. which is identified using the mailbox rule filter string. it is appended to that command. all comments are posted. a ticket ID artifact. regardless of which appears first. because multiple occurrences of other commands conflict with each other. Note: The log comment is the only Text API command that can appear multiple times in one message and still have each occurrence applied. For any other commands. and not necessarily in any particular order.1 The basic format for input is as follows: %keyword=value or %PROPERTY={{property_label}}value The normal behavior of Text API commands has the following exceptions. and Text API ticket ID commands within the message. valid or otherwise. 02-Aug-2016 20/403 . In addition. where the last-appearing of two or more conflicting commands takes precedence: When a message contains multiple valid ticket ID artifacts matching the mailbox rule filter string. or multiple Text API ticket ID commands. If the message matches any mailbox rule filters with an empty message body. are commented out before the message is posted. overrides any Text API ticket ID command. Also. without a plain-text version included. a ticket can be created with an empty Description.14. Multiple log comment commands post separate log comment messages to the ticket. or with the quoted message subject as the entirety of the ticket description. When a message contains multiple log comment Text API commands. it is converted into a log comment. although the order in which they appear in the ticket activity log can vary. rather than becoming a separate log comment. If a Text API ticket ID command appears after another Text API command with a log comment (%LOG=…). CA Service Management . It is also used as the log_agent for the ticket. FROM_PE Used by the command line interface to define the log_agent for an operation (for RSID example.cfg: UPDATE_DESC_IS_LOG If this option is set to YES. For example. This keyword is assumed if ON input is sent to the Text API without an explicit keyword. ATTACHM Used internally by the email interface to add email attachments to a ticket. to allow Text API access to fields that you have added when customizing your database schema).This type is a group of keywords that are related directly to the fields for the various tables that you can update. ERRIDE Note: FROM_EMAIL is set automatically by the Mail Eater with the sender address of the message. the value is used to create a log comment. If the value is set to NO.cfg file -. This keyword is applied automatically by the Mail Eater when the message does not begin with a keyword but does contain a ticket ID artifact or keyword. most of the fields on the Issue Detail form are defined the [KEYWORDS] section.14. and change orders). The value is matched to a ca_contact record persistent_id. You can define additional keywords (for example. The value is matched to a contact’s User ID. 02-Aug-2016 21/403 . when a ca_contact record does not have a User ID). issues. You can change how the DESCRIPTION keyword is handled for updates using the following entry in the [OPTIONS] section of text_api. For example. FROM_EM Used by the email interface to match against the Email Address field in the ca_contact AILFROM_ record.cfg file lists all keywords. FROM_EMAIL is EMAIL_OV ignored. The value specified is the item name. You can specify this keyword multiple times. you can set values for fields in the record that you are updating or creating. regardless of the contents of the text_api. This ERID keyword is passed automatically by pdm_text_cmd if the -u parameter is specified. which must already exist. If both are supplied. FROM_US Used only in the command line interface to define the log_agent for an operation. The following special keywords are always defined as follows.1 Definitions in the [KEYWORDS] section of the text_api. because a ticket can have multiple items attached to it. the following line sets the priority of the issue to 5: %PRIORITY=5 The [KEYWORDS] section of the text_api. ENT DESCRIPTI Specifies the value to use for the ticket’s description field. Using these keywords.cfg file: Keyword Description ASSET Used to attaches an item to a ticket (valid for requests. This keyword is passed automatically by pdm_text_cmd if the -p parameter is specified. the value overwrites the existing description field. change orders. otherwise. SEARCH Used only in the command-line interface and the CA NSM interface to supply a list of keywords for use in a query to update multiple tickets for an asset. Do not use any intervening spaces within the keyword between the percent sign and the keyword. If the first nonempty line of the input does not have a percent sign at the start of the line. The values supplied are the same as the SEARCH keyword. The percent sign must be in column position one. The value is NT matched to a contact record’s ID field. all data after the equal sign is assumed to be the value. The SEARCH keyword is automatically set by the CA NSM interface. Specify keyword values as you would for the corresponding field in the web interface. issues. change orders. and issues). Keywords are not case sensitive. the order in which you specify the keyword/value pairs is unimportant. Do not quote values. The CONTACT_TYPE keyword is defined in text_api. and contacts). Unlike other keywords. For example. the last keyword is used. the PROPERTY keyword syntax must include the property label. CA Service Management . the contents of the message up to the first Keyword is posted as a log comment. Keyword Input Conventions The following conventions apply to keyword input formatting: Prefix every keyword (including PROPERTY) with a percent (%) sign. Note: Whether the value is case sensitive depends on your underlying DBMS.14. This keyword is applied automatically by the Mail Eater when the message does not begin with a keyword but does contain either a ticket ID artifact or keyword.1 Keyword Description LOG Used to create a log entry (valid for requests. you use %CONTACT_TYPE=Analyst. If the input includes duplicate keywords. The value is a list of keywords used in the search. which are followed by an equal sign and a value. or between the keyword and the equal (=) sign. If %LOG= is set. PROPERTY Used to set the value of a property (valid only for requests. to specify an Analyst contact type. or a DESCRIPTION keyword. the contents of the message up to the first Keyword is posted as a ticket description. even though in the database this value is stored as an integer. either %DESCRIPTION= or %LOG= is used as the prefix for the incoming data. depending on whether a ticket ID artifact or keyword was found. LOG_AGE Used by the CA NSM interface to define the log_agent for an operation. 02-Aug-2016 22/403 . as follows: PROPERTY={{property_label}}value You must specify the property_label exactly as it appears in the database. cfg so that it converts the specified value (see page 27) to match the stored value. SEARCH_E Used only in the CA NSM interface to override the SEARCH keyword supplied by the CA XPLICIT NSM interface. If %DESCRIPTION is set. particularly when creating a ticket. The person must be defined in the ca_contact table unless the Allow Anonymous option is specified in the applicable mailbox rule. CA Service Management .14. To format an email message to create or update a ticket. you can use the following delimiters: start-request and end-request. Example: Use start-request and end-request Delimiters "start-request" message_body "end-request" 02-Aug-2016 23/403 . From Specifies the person sending the email. MIME encoding) that can cause the email interface to malfunction. If your email interface adds information. depending on the type of ticket to create or update a ticket. Body Specifies the message body of the email using the Text API. REQUEST_ID. Start and End Email Message Delimiters Some email interfaces add information to the beginning or end of mail messages (for example. You can specify the keyword ISSUE_ID. The email interface ignores information that is specified prior to start-request and subsequent to end-request. or CHANGE_ID. Subject Matches keywords in a mailbox rule filter string. Note: The From address is typically part of your email program configuration. Note: The Mail Eater does not support emails in the RTF or HTML-only formats.1 You can extend string data across multiple lines. Attachments Attaches documents and other files to the email to send attachments to the Text API. and it is not typically set on a per-message basis. use the following fields: To Specifies the mailbox name assigned to the CA SDM contact set up for the privileged user. Format an Email Message To Update a Ticket A user can format an email message to create or update a ticket. To set up notification replies to update tickets. forward- slash (/). or equals (=) sign. Because the artifact must be unique in the email and easy to find. plus sign (+). or that a character within the value of the artifact can be misinterpreted as the character which follows the value. You can set up mail to use the Text API so that users (contacts) can update tickets by replying to email notifications. Mail Eater submits the tagged message to the Text API. because these characters can appear within an artifact. For example. CA Service Management . so finding Incident:1234 translates to %INCIDENT_ID=1234 for the Text API. 2. applies the text. Set the notification method that the contact uses to pdm_mail . such as the creation of a ticket. you can make the artifact more distinctive such as %Incident:{{object_id}}%.14. Mailbox rules let you identify artifacts and values that the Text API uses. number. you can define the rule for incidents as Incident:{{object_id}}. such as the command line and email.T reply_email_address or pdm_mail . Depending on the actions performed. When the contact clicks reply on an email that address is filled in from the From or Reply-To address of the message to which they are replying. 1234 is the ref_num for the Incident.F reply_email_address. comma. a notification email message is also sent separately to indicate certain specific events. -F sets the From address. -T sets the Reply-To address. Mail Eater does the following: 1. How to Set Up Notification Replies to Update Tickets The Text API daemon (pdm_text_nxd) creates and updates tickets with information from external interfaces. The reply_email_address specifies the incoming address for the mailbox. Note: Some mail programs do not or cannot honor a Reply-To address. The text of the reply is added as a log comment activity to the ticket. commands. Otherwise. 3. The Text API processes the email. Follow the {{object_id}} keyword with a character which is not a letter. do the following: 1. which is used as the reply address if a separate one is not specified. or both which it contains to the appropriate ticket.1 How the Text API Uses Artifacts The Text API processes the subject or body of email notifications. it is possible that characters which follow the artifact can be misinterpreted as part of the value of the artifact. and generates an automatic response email indicating whether the email message it received was successfully applied. Translates the artifact to a Text API token (such as %INCIDENT_ID=1234). Finds the artifact within an email (such as Incident:1234) that maps to the appropriate ticket or other object supported by the Text API. 02-Aug-2016 24/403 . with either a log comment. Create or update a notification phrase that matches the rule. and commands in the message. are appended to the message. the relevant ticket ID keyword and value denoted by the placeholder. To set up a reply to an incident notification. Create or update a mailbox rule using a Text API keyword. a ticket is created with a description and other parameters in accordance with the text. The user-defined artifacts in the mailbox rule filters replace the following Text API keywords: Object Text API Keyword Identifier Incident %INCIDENT_ID Ref_num Problem %PROBLEM_ID Ref_num Request %REQUEST_ID Ref_num Chg_ref_num %CHANGE_ID Chg_ref_num Issue %ISSUE_ID Ref_num 1. Create or update a message template that uses the notification phrase. How to Set Up a Reply to an Incident Notification Example This example shows how to set up a reply to an incident notification.YES Action -. a new description. 2.14. the following actions occur: 1. If a matching ticket ID artifact is found. the corresponding ticket is updated.Incident 02-Aug-2016 25/403 .%Incident:{{object_id}}% Ignore Case -.Body contains Filter String -. do the following: 1. CA Service Management . Update the mailbox rule that you created in Step 2 to specify the message template that you created or updated in Step 4. If a matching ticket ID artifact is not found. if any. After the user receives the notification and replies to it. or other values in accordance with the text. When the filter string is found. 3. keywords.Update Object Action Object -. 3. keywords. Create a mailbox rule using the following fields and values: Filter -.1 2. 2. and commands in the message. just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself).mailbox rule name How an End User Updates a Ticket Example The following example demonstrates how an end user (John Smith) replies to an email notification to update an incident ticket. prefix. Phrase -. CA Service Management .phrase} 4. Create or update a message template that uses the notification phrase as follows: Notification Message Body This is a simple notification.1 2.14. and such a context change is not valid when already acting within that context. The {{object_id}} placeholder within the filter string denotes the object identifier.ref_num}% Note: In auto-reply text of the mailbox rule. 1..type.. This prefix applies a context which the mailbox rule text is already in.Comment that embeds the reply for an Incident/Problem/Request. The Body or Subject of the email includes the object identifier.IncidentReply Active -. Update the mailbox rule that you created in Step 1 to specify the message template that you created in Step 3. John Smith replies to the notification as follows: This is my response.sym}. %Incident:1234% 2. Create a notification phrase that includes the rule as follows: Symbol -.In order to add a comment to your @{call_req_id. 3.Active Description -.Incident Reply Code -. @{notification_phrase[IncidentURL1]. as follows: Message Template -. omit the call_req_id. A notification is sent to John Smith and includes the following instructions: In order to add a comment to your incident. 02-Aug-2016 26/403 . just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself): %Incident:{call_req_id. In order to add a comment to your incident. September 18.cfg have an associated method to convert the value specified to a value that is appropriate for storage in the database. The bold text shows values added by the Mail Eater. just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself). In order to add a comment to your incident. September %INCIDENT_ID=1234 6. %INCIDENT_ID=1234 5. 02-Aug-2016 27/403 .1 3. CA Service Management . The Text API add a log comment for Incident 1234.. just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself). From: Service Desk Sent: Wednesday.. 2009 10:22 AM To: Smith. From: Service Desk Sent: Wednesday.14. just reply to this email or include the line below (on a line by itself). %Incident:-((.smith@company. The Mail Eater processes rules in order and finds the %Incident:1234% artifact: This is my response. Keyword Conversion Methods Many of the keywords defined in text_api. 2009 10:22 AM To: Smith. John Subject: Simple Notification This is a simple notification. From: Service Desk Sent: Wednesday.. %Incident:1234% 4. The following text shows the data that is sent to the Text API. The Mail Eater receives the following text version of the John Smith's email: This is my response... John Subject: Simple Notification This is a simple notification. %LOG=This is my response. September 18. This feature lets users specify values just as they would in the web interface without having any knowledge of the underlying implementation.. In order to add a comment to your incident. The Mail Eater adds the Text API keywords and the {{object_id}} value to an %INCIDENT_ID= statement and leaves a marker where the {{object_id}} value was found..))-% %FROM_EMAIL=john. 2009 10:22 AM To: Smith. John Subject: Simple Notification This is a simple notification.. 14. If you need to define additional keywords (for example. including ISSUE.CONTACT_TYPE. to allow Text API access to fields that you have added when customizing your database schema). PRIORITY and CONTACT.1 The configuration file has several examples of this type of keyword definition. you can use one of the following predefined methods: Method Output Type lookup_actbool INTEGER lookup_asset_by_name UUID lookup_asset_by_persid UUID lookup_chg_category STRING lookup_chg_status STRING lookup_cnt_by_email UUID lookup_cnt_by_last_first_middle UUID lookup_cnt_by_logonid UUID lookup_cnt_by_persid UUID lookup_cnt_meth INTEGER lookup_cnt_type INTEGER lookup_company UUID lookup_cr_status STRING lookup_cr_template STRING lookup_domain INTEGER lookup_grc INTEGER lookup_group UUID lookup_impact INTEGER lookup_iss_category STRING lookup_iss_status STRING lookup_loc UUID lookup_mfr_model UUID lookup_nr_family INTEGER lookup_org UUID lookup_person_contacting INTEGER lookup_position INTEGER lookup_priority INTEGER lookup_prob_category STRING lookup_product INTEGER lookup_resource_status INTEGER lookup_service_lvl STRING lookup_severity INTEGER 02-Aug-2016 28/403 . CA Service Management . such as Administrator. another might be last name. The incoming value. For UUID. you might develop a method to convert a user ID to a ca_contact table reference. STRING or UUID) as its output. 02-Aug-2016 29/403 . For example. and the method would return the ca_contact table id for the user ID of Administrator. assignee can have several different keyword mappings to define how to set its value based on different input values. The manner in which you define keywords in the configuration file offers you the advantage of defining multiple keyword mappings to the same field. and still another might be the actual ca_contact id (for example. depending on the value being specified.1 Method Output Type lookup_state INTEGER lookup_timezone STRING lookup_type_of_contact INTEGER lookup_urgency INTEGER lookup_workshift STRING If the value you need to convert is not addressed by any of these predefined methods. Each keyword maps to a different conversion method. except the last one. One input might be user ID. return a “(uuid) NULL”. including different conversion methods. 793ED69B4E87A545BD8E911834D829FC). The method should take a STRING value as its input and return a value (either INTEGER. CA Service Management .14. you need to write a customized method. middle name. Return a value of -1 (or “-1”) to denote that the value cannot be determined and is therefore. For example. which does not need to be converted. not set. first name. would be passed to the method. The text_api. Attribute definitions are of the following form: keyword=value None of the keywords are case-sensitive.cfg for any additional fields that are passed to CA SDM. Be aware that although you can remove table names from the VALID_TABLE_LIST.cfg file is located in the following directory: UNIX -. Note: You can view and modify the text_api. which fields allow linefeeds to be retained. whereas all values (except in the [OPTIONS] section) are case-sensitive. there are options to determine the incoming date format. and as a mechanism for configuring the Text API.1 The Configuration File This article contains the following topics: Options (see page 30) Defaults (see page 31) Ignore Incoming (see page 31) Example Input (see page 32) The text_api.cfg file using any text editor.14. with particular attributes defined within each section. requests. you cannot add table names to this list. For example: C:\Program Files\CA\Service Desk\site The configuration file is divided into sections. if you do not want to support Text API access to those tables. Options The [OPTIONS] section of the text_api. For example. and whether to allow issues. Important! If you are integrating with the CA NSM Alert Management Systems component. CA Service Management .$NX_ROOT/site Windows -. such as keywords. 02-Aug-2016 30/403 . or change orders to be updated using the email interface. although the default configuration file works for most installations without modification.cfg file defines processing options that may differ from one site to another. you must update text_api. You use this file both as a reference to find certain predefined values. All options in this section are configurable.cfg file defines the keywords that are related directly to the fields of the various tables that you can update.installation-directory\site. PRIORITY 02-Aug-2016 31/403 ..cfg file. The IGNORE sections work well when used in conjunction with the corresponding [.PROPERTY={{property_label}}value The property_label must be defined as a property in your database.1 Defaults Use the [XX_DEFAULTS] section provided in the text_api. which in turn.keyword=value The keyword must be defined either in the [KEYWORDS] section or as properties in your database. the table_name must be one of the values defined by VALID_TABLE_LIST in the [OPTIONS] section. use one of the following formats: table_name. [EMAIL_DEFAULTS] for the email interface and [CMD_DEFAULTS] for the command line interface). provides you with more security for such times as letting customers use the email interface.cfg so that it performs a lookup to convert the value you specify to match the corresponding value that is stored in the database.cfg file for each interface using the Text API (for example._IGNORE_INCOMING] sections in the text_api. if you want to prevent email interface users from setting the priority of an issue. In both formats. which is the underlying database value for the priority symbol 1. The [XX_DEFAULTS] section defines the default values for fields and properties that are required in case the user does not supply them directly. For example: ISSUE. one for each interface that uses the Text API (for example [TNG_IGNORE_INCOMING] for the CA NSM interface and [EXT_IGNORE_INCOMING] for the external interface used by other CA products).PRIORITY=1 The PRIORITY keyword is defined in text_api... value 1 is converted to 5. XX refers to the interface type.. Here.14. such as Issue._DEFAULTS] sections because you can prevent the user from setting a particular value and supply a default value at the same time. This feature lets users specify the value just as they would in the web interface. To set default values. or Contact. Any method associated with the keyword is automatically applied to the value. Ignore Incoming There are several [.PRIORITY=2 [EMAIL_IGNORE_INCOMING] ISSUE. Request. except no “=value” is specified). These sections define fields and properties that are ignored in the input (the format is the same as described in Defaults. table_name. For example. CA Service Management . such as CMD or EMAIL. This feature lets you prevent users from setting certain values. you could set the following values: [EMAIL_DEFAULTS] ISSUE. the literal % DESCRIPTION= is added to the beginning of the message.DESCRIPTION is included in the list of fields for the LINEFEEDS_ALLOWED entry in the [OPTIONS] section of text_api. the value None is converted to 0. because the first line is missing a %keyword in the first column. and all issues created by the email interface are automatically assigned a priority of 2.PC %PROPERTY={{Current CPU}}266 mhz %PROPERTY={{Current Harddrive}}1 gig %PROPERTY={{Requested Upgrade}}4 gig harddrive The specified values are used to set the description and priority fields for the ticket. This addition sets the description field to “This entire text goes to the description field” (with the line break intact. Matching the following labels sets the three property values: Current CPU Current Hard drive Requested Upgrade 02-Aug-2016 32/403 .cfg so that it performs a lookup to convert the value you specify to match the corresponding value that is stored in the database. similar to the previous example (notice that keyword case is unimportant). which is the underlying database value for the priority symbol 1. and the category field for the ticket is set appropriately.PC is searched. because ISSUE. This entire text goes into the description field %PRIORITY=None Example: First Line Includes a Keyword In this example. cfg). Example Input The following examples show input that you can use in the body of an email message or in a file serving as input to the command-line interface.14. %description=This is my description %priority=None %CATEGORY=Upgrade.1 In this case. any priority that the user specifies in the email message body is ignored. Example: First Line Does Not Include a Keyword In this example. Here. This feature lets users specify the value as they would in the web interface. the PRIORITY keyword is defined in text_api. The value of Upgrade. CA Service Management . 14. 02-Aug-2016 33/403 . Options Manager. CA Service Management .1 View Field Descriptions This article contains the following topics: View_Act_Log (see page 34) View_Audit_Assignee (see page 35) View_Audit_Group (see page 35) View_Audit_Priority (see page 35) View_Audit_Status (see page 36) View_Change_Act_Log (see page 36) View_Change (see page 37) View_Change_to_Assets (see page 41) View_Change_to_Change_Act_Log (see page 42) View_Change_to_Change_WF (see page 43) View_Change_to_Properties (see page 44) View_Change_to_Request (see page 45) View_Contact_Full (see page 48) View_Contact_to_Environment (see page 50) View_Group (see page 51) View_Group_to_Contact (see page 51) View_Issue (see page 52) View_Issue_Act_Log (see page 55) View_Issue_to_Assets (see page 56) View_Issue_to_Issue_Act_Log (see page 57) View_Issue_to_Issue_WF (see page 58) View_Issue_to_Properties (see page 59) View_Request (see page 60) View_Request_to_Act_Log (see page 64) View_Request_to_Properties (see page 64) View_Request_to_Request_WF (see page 65) View_Request_to_Request_WF You can use the field description information in the basic and advanced views that are supplied with CA SDM. pdmtime refers to date/time fields that are in GMT format (the number of elapsed seconds since 1/1/1970). Audit Log. to see data in the advanced views. The terms change request and change order are used interchangeably. The following points apply to many of the tables: You must turn on audit logging. found in Administration. The activity log table (act_log) was joined with the activity type table (act_type) and the contact table (ca_contact) to give the actual activity type of each activity log entry. system_tim act_log. internal act_log.action_desc: The text description of automated action. Field Remarks id act_log.call_req_id: Pointer to call request persid to which this activity belongs. 20 seconds. time_stamp act_log. For example.persid. etc. e analyst act_log.type: The text pointer to a record in the activity type table. tname analyst_mi View_Contact_Full.analyst: The uuid pointer to the contact uuid to get the analyst who performed the activity. persid act_log.14.first_name: The analyst's first name. CA Service Management .middle_name: The analyst's middle name.type = act_type.time_spent: The duration of time spent on this activity.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the act_log table. which indicates if this log entry is intended for all to see or just for internal use. call_req_id = call_req. t time_spent act_log. type act_log. preceeded by the object identifier (alg for act_log) and a colon.knowledge_session: An identifier for a particular session of a particular user. Extracted fields from the joins that might be useful are located at the end of this list.contact_uuid. type = act_type.code. 80 = 1 minute.knowledge_tool: An indicator of the knowledge management tool used for the _tool search. _session knowledge act_log.time_stamp: User modifiable date/time of activity (pdmtime). activity_typ act_type.analyst = name ca_contact. act_log.code. and the analyst who performed the activity.last_mod_dt: The last modify date/time (pdmtime). act_log.description: The text description of this activity. such as NLS_FAQ or EXPERT. derived from act_log. action_desc The unique identifier for this record in the act_log table.last_name: The analyst's last name. last_mod_d act_log.contact_uuid.internal: An integer flag (1 or 0). which can be modified by the user. call_req_id act_log.symActivity: The type derived from act_log. For example.1 View_Act_Log The following is a basic view of the request activity log table. act_log.system_time: The date/time of record creation (pdmtime). analyst_firs View_Contact_Full.analyst = ca_contact. stored as the total number of seconds. which cannot be modified by the user. Activity type and the analyst’s full name are also listed in the view. description act_log. knowledge act_log. e analyst_last View_Contact_Full. ddlename 02-Aug-2016 34/403 . from_val audit_log. This view lists the following fields for both requests and change orders. Field Remarks audobj_uniqu do not have the duration of the null group listed in this and then from null assignee back to a particular assignee.1 View_Audit_Assignee The following is an advanced view of the audit log where assignee is tracked. This view shows the duration of time between priority changes for every request and change order.attr_from_time: The beginning time an assignee was assigned (pdmtime). This view shows the duration of time between assignee changes for every request and change or eid the call_req.attr_from_time: The ending time the same assignee was assigned (pdmtime). to_time audit_log. from_time audit_log. Requests or change orders that are changed from a particular assignee to a null assignee. to_time audit_log. Requests or change orders that are changed from a particular group to null group.attr_from_time: The ending time same group was assigned (pdmtime).attr_after_val: The ‘changed from’ group value. View_Audit_Priority The following is an advanced view of the audit log where priority is tracked. This view lists the following fields for both requests and change orders. from_val audit_log. to_val audit_log. CA Service Management . and then from null group back to a particular group.14.audobj_uniqueid: The audit log object unique id which represents chg.attr_after_val: The ‘changed from’ assignee value. do not have the duration of the null assignee listed in this view. Field Remarks audobj_uniqu audit_log. View_Audit_Group The following is an advanced view of the audit log where group is tracked. There may be more than one entry for each audobj_uniqueid (request or change order).audobj_uniqueid: The audit log object unique id representing the chg. There may be more than one entry for each audobj_uniqueid (request or change order). There may be more than one entry for each audobj_uniqueid (request or change order).attr_after_val: The ‘changed to’ group value. 02-Aug-2016 35/403 . to_val audit_log. This view lists the following fields for both requests and change orders. This view shows the duration of time between group changes for every request and change order. from_time audit_log.attr_after_val: The ‘changed to’ assignee value.attr_from_time: The beginning time group was assigned (pdmtime).id or eid call_req. audobj_uniqueid: The audit object unique The unique identifier for this record in the chgalg table.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the chgalg table. change_id chgalg.attr_from_time: The beginning time priority was in a particular state (pdmtime). such as the actual activity type description and full name of the analyst who performed the activity.attr_after_val: The ‘changed from’ value of priority.audobj_uniqueid: The audit object unique id. t 02-Aug-2016 36/403 .attr_from_time: The ending time priority was in the same state (pdmtime). from_time audit_log. which represents a request queid = chgalg. to_val audit_log.change_id: The pointer to the change order id to which this activity belongs. Field Remarks id chgalg.last_mod_dt: The last modify date/time (pdmtime). This view shows the duration of time between status changes for every request and change order. from_time audit_log. chgalg. View_Change_Act_Log The following is a basic view of all change order activity logs. This is a view of the change request activity log table (chgalg) joined with the activity type table (act_type) and the contact table (ca_contact) to give more meaningful data. View_Audit_Status The following is an advanced view of the audit log where status is tracked. persid Field Remarks audobj_uni audit_log. This view lists the following fields for both requests and change or change order chg. from_val audit_log. to_time audit_log. CA Service Management .id last_mod_d chgalg. There may be more than one entry for each audobj_uniqueid (request or change order). to_val audit_log.attr_after_val: The ‘changed to’ value of ueid or change order chg.attr_after_val: The ‘changed to’ value of priority. preceded by the object identifier (chgalg for chgalg) and a colon.attr_after_time: The beginning time status was in a particular state (pdmtime).1 Field Remarks audobj_uniq audit_log.attr_after_val: The ‘changed from’ value of priority. from_val audit_log.attr_after_time: The ending time status was in the same state (pdmtime). to_time audit_log. represents a request call_req.14. type = act_type.chgalg. the affected end user’s full name. analyst_last View_Contact_Full. the requester’s full name. which is used by analysts and m customers to refer to a particular change order. stored as the total number of seconds.contact_uuid description chgalg.knowledge_session: An identifier for a particular session of a particular user. derived from chgalg.last_name: The analyst's last name.1 Field Remarks time_spent chgalg. type chgalg. the assignee’s full name.analyst: The uuid pointer to the contact uuid to get the analyst who performed the activity.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the chg table.type: The text pointer to a record in the activity type table.contact_uuid.internal: The integer flag (1 or 0). category.code. chg_ref_nu chg. priority. which indicates if this log entry is intended for all to see or just for internal use.sym: The activity type referenced by chgalg. organizations. ddlename activity_typ act_type. 20 seconds. analyst_firs View_Contact_Full. action_desc chgalg. preceded by the object identifier (chg for table chg) and a colon.middle_name: The middle name of the analyst. e analyst chgalg. For example.analyst = name ca_contact.chg_ref_num: The change order reference number. Here.type = act_type.action_desc: The text description of the automated action.14. and so on. such as NLS_FAQ or EXPERT. and so on.system_time: The date/time of record creation (pdmtime).first_name: The first name of the analyst. description 02-Aug-2016 37/403 .knowledge_tool: An indicator of the knowledge management tool used for the _tool search. knowledge chgalg. listing the status. _session knowledge chgalg.time_stamp: The user modifiable date/time of activity (pdmtime).chgalg.time_spent: The duration of time spent on this activity. which cannot be modified by the user. system_tim The unique identifier for this record in the chg table. Field Remarks id chg. persid chg. time_stamp chgalg.description: The text description of this activity. the group name and ID. code internal chgalg.analyst = ca_contact. tname analyst_mi View_Contact_Full. CA Service Management . e View_Change The following is a basic view of all change orders. the change request table (chg) was joined with many other tables to give some more meaningful data about the change order. which can be modified by the user. 80 = 1 minute. close_date chg.status = chgstat.status: The unique identifier of a change order status.affected_contact = ca_contact.1 Field Remarks chg. organization_uuid.contact_uuid.actual_total_time: The actual total time (pdmtime) it took to complete this change.requestor = ca_contact. contact_uuid. organization chg.requrestor: The pointer to the contact uuid.close_date: The date the change order was set to inactive (pdmtime).chg. active_flag chg. as dictated by an analyst or customer.code priority chg.rootcause: A pointer to a record in the rootcause table. last_mod_d chg.contact_uuid.assignee = ca_contact.contact_uuid requestor chg.chg.resolve_date: The date the change order was set to a status configured to indicate e the change was resolved (pdmtime).enum need_by chg.category = chgcat.log_agent: A binary unique identifier referencing the ca_contact table.organization: The pointer to internal organization uuid.last_mod_by: The pointer to the contact uuid who was the last contact to modify y this change order.priority = pri.contact_uuid affected_co CA Service Management .priority: The pointer to priority enum.assignee: The pointer to the contact uuid who is currently assigned to the change order.14.group_id = ca_contact.category: The pointer to the change category code to get the category into which this change falls. open_date chg.contact_uuid category chg.need_by: The date which indicates when the affected_end_user needs to have the change completed (pdmtime). start_date chg. chg.est_total_time: The estimated total time (pdmtime) it will take to complete this me change.est_comp_date: The estimated completion date (pdmtime) for this Change Order. _time log_agent chg. referencing the person who was the change's original creator.affected_contact: The pointer to the contact uuid.description: The long description of a change order.open_date: The change order creation date (pdmtime). actual_total chg.active_flag: The integer flag to determine whether this change record is active or not (1 or 0).chg.organization = ca_organization. which represents the organization to whom this change order belongs. t last_mod_b chg.group_id: The pointer to contact uuid.code. est_total_ti chg. which represents the group currently assigned to the change order.last_mod_dt: The last modified date (pdmtime).chg. status chg. rootcause chg. resolve_dat chg.chg. group_id chg.chg. which represents the priority into which this change falls.chg. which is a pointer to the chgstat table. which represents the person who ordered the change.rootcause = rootcause. assignee chg. which represents the affected ntact contact for this change order.chg.chg.start_date: The date the first task goes to a pending status (pdmtime). 02-Aug-2016 38/403 . which represents the original situation which required this change order to be executed.chg.log_agent = ca_contact.chg.last_mod_by = ca_contact. justification: A text field which allows a requestor to document the reason(s) this change is required.1 Field Remarks est_comp_d ate actual_com chg. service_nu chg. ame template_name = chg_template.call_back_date:A date/time field (pdmtime).support_lev = srv_desc. backout_pla chg. support_lev chg. impact chg. which indicates a future date/time the ate requestor is to be contacted.actual_cost: The actual cost to implement this change order. ict_viol created_via chg. p_date est_cost chg. string4 This is a user-definable text field.sla_violation: The integer to count the number of times slas attached to this n "change has been violated".parent = chg. 02-Aug-2016 39/403 . service_dat chg. a_viol macro_pred chg.code template_n chg.call_back_date. CA Service Management . string6 This is a user-definable text field.actual_comp_date:The actual completion date (pdmtime) of this change order.created_via = interface.14.backout_plan: A text field that allows an analyst to document a backout plan for n this change. actual_cost chg.created_via: A pointer to a record in the interface table.5) Neugent related technology field.enum parent chg. chg. string3 This is a user-definable text field.impact: A pointer to an impact table record. indicating ag whether or not to notify the analyst at the chg. which allows creation of a hierarchy of change orders.call_back_flag: A boolean indicator displayed as a checkbox to the user. string1 This is a user-definable text field. string2 This is a user-definable text effort chg.chg.chg.5) Neugent related technology field.service_date: The Date/ Time (pdmtime) that an outside vendor is expected to e spend to service this change order.chg.impact = impact. string5 This is a user-definable text field.parent: A pointer to another change request id.template_name sla_violatio chg.support_lev: A pointer to a service desc record. which indicates from which interface the change order originated.chg. which indicates the scope of resources that this change affects.effort: A text field which explains the plan for implementing this change call_back_d chg. which automates some constraints for which this change must be completed.macro_predict_viol: (r5. justification chg.service_num: The text field to document an outside vendor's service or purchase m order number. predicted_sl chg.predicted_sla_viol: (r5. call_back_fl chg.est_cost: The estimated cost of this change order.template_name: The name of and pointer to a change order template. priority = pri. CA Service Management . chg.contact_uuid tname assignee_fir ca_contact.actions: A big text field for documenting actions.sym: The description of the priority as seen by a user. which indicates a general ntact categorization of the affected_end_user's perspective of the change order.middle_name: The requestor's middle name.category = me chgcat.first_name: The assignee's first name.chg.affected_end_user d_user_mid = ca_contact.middle_name: The assignee's middle name. which indicates the product that is affected by this change.chg.last_name: The requestor's last name.organization_uuid assignee_las ca_contact.contact_uuid dlename requester_l ca_contact.contact_uuid name affected_en ca_contact.org_name: The name of an organization as viewed by a user.requestor = ca_contact.chg.status = chgstat. and is selected by the person creating the change order. type_of_contact = toc.type_of_contact: A pointer to a record in the toc table.assignee = ca_contact.affected_end_user = d_user_last ca_contact.reporting_method = repmeth.last_name: The affected end user's last name.reporting_method: A pointer to a record in the repmeth table. _name organization = ca_organization.chg. stname contact_uuid assignee_mi ca_contact.chg.requestor = ca_contact.chg.product = product.chg.code e priority_nu pri.1 Field Remarks product chg. ddlename contact_uuid groupID 02-Aug-2016 40/403 .last_name: The assignee's last name.requestor = person_con reporting_m chg. which classifies the ethod origination of the change order.chg. astname contact_uuid requester_fi ca_contact.chg.requestor = ca_organization. type_of_co chg.chg.person_contacting = perscon.org_name: The name of the Requester's organization as seen by users.first_name: The requestor's first name.chg.product: A pointer to a record in the product table.middle_name: The affected end user's middle name. middlenam contact_uuid e business ca_organization.contact_uuid name affected_en actions chg.chg.code organization ca_organization.chg. chg.first_name: The affected end user's first name.affected_end_user = d_user_first ca_contact.chg. which indicates the tacting role of the affected_end_user or requestor.assignee = ca_contact. rstname contact_uuid requester_ ca_contact.sym: The name of the Change Category as viewed by a user.person_contacting: A pointer to a record in the perscon table.sym: The description of the status as seen by a user.chg.enum m category_na status_nam chgstat.chg.14.organization_uuid affected_en ca_contact.assignee = ca_contact. id asset_n ca_owned_resource.code impact_nu impact.sym: The Person Contacting description as seen by users.contact_uuid group_nam ca_contact. ame 02-Aug-2016 41/403 .id asset_f ca_resource_family.resource_class = ca_resource_class.sym: The description of the impact as seen by users.resource_class = person_con AND A short description of the class to which an asset belongs.chg.chg.sym: The Type Of Contact description as seen by users. Field Remarks View_C All fields listed in the View_Change view defined earlier in this document.sym: The Reporting method description as seen by e = ca_contact.impact = impact.product = product.contact_uuid service_typ m type_of_co toc. * assetID ca_owned_resource. The change request table (chg) is indirectly joined with the network resource table (ca_owned_resource) to get a list of each change order’s View_Change_to_Assets The following list of fields is a basic view of change orders and their assets.chg.chg.enum m product_sy product.chg.chg. hange. amily ca_owned_resource.chg.chg.serial_number: The serial number for an asset record.last_name: The name of the group assigned to this change order. ass ca_owned_resource.sym: The product description as seen by users.group_id = ca_contact. CA Service Management .family_id = ca_resource_family.resource_name: The network name by which this asset is known. This view may not list all change orders.sym: The name of the service type applied to this change order.1 Field Remarks ca_contact. particularly those that have no assets.contact_uuid: A binary representation of the internal id used for the group assigned to this change order. od_sym reporting_method = repmeth.14. unchanging unique identifier for an asset ntact_sym rpting_meth repmeth. e support_lev = srv_desc.person_contacting tacting_sym = The family of assets to which this asset belongs.type_of_contact = toc. erial_n um asset_cl ca_resource_class. asset_s ca_owned_resource.own_resource_uuid: The binary field which serves as the internal. chgalg_last chgalg.1 View_Change_to_Change_Act_Log The following is a basic view of all change orders and the activity logs that go with them. This view joins the View_Change view with the Change Order Activity Log (chgalg) to give detailed information about change orders and their activity logs.time_spent: The duration of time spent on this activity. knowledge chgalg.contact_uuid 02-Aug-2016 42/403 .chgalg. CA Service Management .internal: The integer flag (1 or 0).last_mod_dt: The last modify date/time (pdmtime). 20 seconds.14. For example.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the chgalg table. e analyst chgalg. Field Remarks View_Chan This shows all fields listed in the View_Change view defined earlier in this document.analyst = ca_contact.knowledge_session: This is an identifier for a particular session of a particular _session user. chgalg_ana chgalg.knowledge_tool: This is an indicator of the knowledge management tool used for _tool the search. which can be modified by the cription user.analyst: The uuid pointer to contact uuid to get the analyst who performed the activity. chgalg.type = act_type. preceded by the sid object identifier (chgalg for chgalg) and a colon. chgalg_per chgalg.change_id = chgalg. type chgalg.analyst: This is the uuid pointer to contact uuid to get the analyst who performed lyst_id the activity. stored as the total number of seconds. action_des chgalg.chgalg. code internal chgalg. p system_tim The unique identifier for this record in the chgalg table. time_stam chgalg.system_time: The date/time of record creation (pdmtime).description: The text description of this activity. change_id chgalg. _mod_dt time_spent chgalg.change_id: This is a pointer to change the order id to which this activity belongs.* chgalg_id chgalg.contact_uuid chgalg_des chgalg. which indicates if this log entry is intended for all to see or just for internal use. 80 = 1 minute. ge. such as NLS_FAQ or EXPERT.time_stamp: The user modifiable date/time of activity (pdmtime). and so on.type: The text pointer to a record in the activity type table.analyst = ca_contact. which cannot be modified c by the user.action_desc: The text description of automated action. knowledge chgalg. wf_template: This is an identifier. It specifies whether this record is to be displayed to the user.task = tskty. which references a tskstat record that indicates the current us status of this workflow task.status = tskstat.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the wf done_b del wf. wf_per wf. which references a record in the ca_contact y This is an identifier.contact_uuid 02-Aug-2016 43/403 . which is used to identify the type of record (for type example. which references a record in the ca_contact table.done_by: This is the UUID (binary) identifier. preceded by the object sid identifier (wf for wf) and a colon. chg) to which this workflow task is attached. which indicates whether this task belongs to a group.date_created: This is the Date/timestampe this workflow task was created (pdmtime). * wf_id wf.own_resource_uuid creator task wf. wf_stat wf.group_task: This is a Boolean. which indicates the order this particular workflow task ce record should be displayed and executed by CA SDM (for example. contact_uuid date_cr eated wf_assi wf.asset = ca_owned_resource. Field Remarks View_C This shows all fields listed in the View_Change view defined earlier in this document.code group_ wf. which references a record in the ca_owned_resource table.task: This is an identifier. which references the type of task this record represents. CA Service Management .object_id: This is the unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which this id workflow task is attached. object_ particularly when there are no workflow tasks assigned.done_by = ca_contact. which references from which template this workflow plate task record was created.sequence: This is an integer.1 View_Change_to_Change_WF This view is a result of the View_Change view joined with the Workflow task table (wf) to give a basic view of change orders and their workflow tasks. This may not list all change orders. It indicates the person who created this workflow task. It indicates the person who completed or approved this workflow task. task asset wf.wf_template = This is a UUID (binary) identifier.creator = ca_contact. Ascending).creator: This is a UUID (binary) identifier. It indicates the person who is currently assigned to this workflow This is the factory which references a record in the ca_contact gnee The unique identifier for a record in the wf table. hange.code wf_tem wf.del: This is a boolean sequen wf.14.assignee = ca_contact.assignee: This is the UUID (binary) identifier. object_ wf.object_id = chg. object_id: This is the unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which this id property is attached.completion_dat: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) when this workflow task was tion_da completed.description: This is the description of the workflow task.cost: This is the actual cost required to complete this workflow task. ation comple wf. preceded by the object rsid identifier (prp for prp) and a colon.14. hange. object_ prp. prp_pe prp.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the wf table. which is used to identify the type of record (for type example.contact_uuid View_Change_to_Properties This view is a result of the View_Change view joined with the Properties table (prp) to give a basic view of change orders and their assigned This is an integer unique identifier for the property record. which indicates the last person to make changes to this workflow task. te actual_ wf. cription wf_last wf.last_mod_by: This is the UUID (binary) unique identifier referencing a record in the _mod_ contact table.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) when this workflow task was last changed. _mod_ dt wf_last wf.est_cost: This is the estimated cost of this workflow task. _date est_dur wf. _cost cost wf.object_id = chg.actual_duration: This is the actual amount of time it took to complete this workflow task.est_comp_date: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) when users believe this task will be _comp completed. particularly when there are no properties assigned.1 Field Remarks wf_star wf_start_date: This is the timestamp when the workflow task moved into an active status t_date (pdmtime). duratio n wf_est wf.est_duration: This is the estimated duration for this workflow task.object_type: This is the factory 02-Aug-2016 44/403 . chg) to which this property record is attached. This may not list all change orders. Field Remarks View_C This shows all fields listed in the View_Change view defined earlier in this document. by last_mod_by = ca_contact. wf_des wf. * prp_id prp. CA Service Management . object_ prp. wf_est wf. cr_statu call_req. Ascending).value: This is the value entered by the user in response to the prp_description and which is used by analysts and m customers to refer to a particular Request. preceded by d the object identifier (cr for table call_req) and a colon.1 Field Remarks sequen prp.description: This is a text field.value d before the record is saved.last_mod_by: This is a binary This is the unique identifier for this record in the call_req table. * cr_id call_req. hange. propert prp.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) when this property was last modified.prp. View_Change_to_Request The following is a basic view of change orders that have assigned requests only.label: This is a short description of what should be placed in the prp.value field.status = cr_stat. cr_sum call_req.code 02-Aug-2016 45/403 . n label prp. which references a record in the prptpl table. sample prp.status: This is a unique identifier referencing a record in the cr_stat table.last_mod_by = ca_contact. prp_de prp. This view is a result of the View_Change view joined with the request table (call_req) to give details about the change order and its associated request.ref_num: This is the Request reference number. which displays example values to guide the user in typing the most useful value in prp.sample: This is a text field. which explains what kind of value should be entered in scriptio prp. It represents the person who last modified this record.value. as dictated by an analyst or ription customer. by contact_uuid require prp. CA Service Management . cr_desc call_req.value. It s indicates the status of this request:call_req. which references a record in the ca_contact t_mod_ table.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the call_req table. ref_nu This is an identifier.code value prp. t_mod_ dt prp_las prp. Field Remarks View_C This shows all fields listed in the View_Change view defined earlier in this document. label fields. prp_las prp. mary cr_persi call_req.sequence: This is an integer that indicates the order for which this particular property ce record should be displayed by CA SDM (for example.description: This is the long description of a request.14.prp.required: This is a Boolean indicating whether this property must have a prp. It represents y the template from which this property was created.summary: This is a brief description of the request for quick reference. It ct indicates the scope this request is affecting.call_req.call_req. It represents the group currently assigned to the request.1 Field Remarks cr_activ call_req.contact_uuid cr_assig call_req.persid solution call_req.call_req.call_req.solution: This is a pointer to call solution to get solution.category = prob_ctg. CA Service Management . affected call_req.close_date: This is the Timstamp for when the request was set to inactive _date (pdmtime).open_date: This is the Request creation timestamp (pdmtime). cr_log_ call_req.contact_uuid custom call_req..impact: This is an integer unique identifier referencing a row in the impact table.affected_rc: This is a binary unique identifier referencing a row in the _rc ca_owned_resource table.call_req.call_req.own_resource_uuid.solution = crsol.impact = impact.support_lev: This is a pointer to a service desc record. _date cr_last_ call_req.time_spent_sum: This is the derived total of all act_log records' time_spent fields.active_flag: This is the Integer flag used to determine whether this request record is e_flag active (1 or 0).assignee = ca_contact.group_id = ca_contact.log_agent = ca_contact.last_mod_dt: This is the last modified timestamp (pdmtime). It ity indicates how analysts will prioritize the work associated with this request. ent_su stored in seconds (i.enum severity 02-Aug-2016 46/403 . m cr_open call_req. It documents the user's feeling of urgency for having this request resolved.14.customer = ca_contact.enum cr_prior call_req. It gory represents the category to which this request belongs.priority: This is an integer unique identifier referencing a record in the pri table. contact_uuid charge_ charge_back_id: This is a text field available for use as an indicator of accounting jargon for back_id expensing this request to the appropriate cost center.call_req. code cr_cate call_req. persid cr_impa call_req.group_id: This is a binary unique identifier referencing a record in the ca_contact p_id table.priority = pri.urgency: This is an integer unique identifier referencing a row in the urgncy table. It agent references the person who was the request's original creator.e.contact_uuid cr_grou call_req. affected_rc = ca_owned_resource. 80 = 1 minute 20 seconds).call_req.call_req.urgency = urgncy. It represents the asset to which this request applies.call_req.enum urgency call_req. mod_dt cr_close call_req.assignee: This is a binary unique identifier referencing a record in the ca_contact nee table.customer: This is a binary unique identifier referencing a record in the ca_contact er table.call_req.log_agent: This is a binary unique identifier referencing the ca_contact table. time_sp call_req.support_lev = srv_desc. which automates some ort_lev constraints under which this request must be completed. It represents the person currently assigned to the request. cr_supp call_req. It represents the affected end user for this request.category: This is a unique identifier referencing a record in the prob_ctg table. sla_violation: This is an integer. which counts number of times slas attached to this iolation request have been violated. It indicates the ITIL type of this request. ref last_act This is the id of the last activity. g2 cr_strin This is a user-definable string. et cr_pare call_req. _id cr_ttick This is a pointer to a trouble ticket to get the associated ticket.14. cr_predi call_req. back_fla indicating whether to notify the analyst at the call_req. CA Service Management .call_back_date: This is a timestamp field (pdmtime).severity = sevrty.enum extern_ This specifies an associated ticket. which indicates this request is designated for plate_n and can be chosen from a list as a template for other similar requests. which facilitates creation nt of a hierarchy of change orders.template ame = call_req. g3 cr_strin This is a user-definable string.severity: This is an integer unique identifier referencing a row in the severity table. g6 change 02-Aug-2016 47/403 . oken type call_req.parent: This is a persid pointer to another request persid.created_via: This is an integer pointer to a record in the interface table. te cr_call_ cr_call_ call_req.1 Field Remarks call_req.call_req.call_back_flag: This is a Boolean indicator displayed as a checkbox to the user. which indicates a future date back_da /time the affected_end_user is to be contacted.call_back_date.persid cr_tem call_req. g5 cr_strin This is a user-definable string.call_req. g event_t call_req.type: This is a text field referencing a record in the crt table.code cr_strin This is a user-definable string.persid cr_sla_v call_req. g1 cr_strin This is a user-definable string. It indicates the severity of the consequences of this unresolved request.predicted_sla_viol: (r5.cr_template. It indicates ed_via from which interface the change order originated.call_req. cted_sla _viol cr_creat call_req.call_req. g4 cr_strin This is a user-definable string.type = crt.template_name: This is a text value.parent = call_req.event_token: This is used by CA NSM for message matching.5) Neugent related technology field.created_via = interface. fax_number: The contact's facsimile number.floor_location: A contact's floor number. me pri_pho ca_contact. me first_na ca_contact. srv_desc. organization names. This view lists all fields in the ca_contact table. often informal name for this contact. _name alias ca_contact. number email_a ca_contact. location name. plus referenced fields such as short descriptions for contact type. last_na ca_contact. ne_nu mber alt_pho ca_contact. middle_name: The middle name of this contact. _phone pager_ ca_contact.ca_contact.first_name: This contact's formal first name.last_name: This contact's surname.14. ddress locatio ca_contact. referencing a row in the chg table.pri_phone_number: The contact's primary phone number. This view has already been joined with the ca_location. CA Service Management .change = chg.contact_uuid: A binary-unique identifier for each ca_contact record.call_req.change: This is an integer unique identifier. View_Contact_Full The following of fields is a basic view of all contacts. mber mobile ca_contact. and ca_contact_type tables to get the actual names and symbols for some of the fields in the ca_contact table.mobile_phone: The contact's mobile phone number. ne_nu mber fax_nu ca_contact.alias: The alternate. which indicates the contact's static location.1 Field Remarks call_req. It indicates the change order that was created as a result of this request. ca_organization. cation 02-Aug-2016 48/403 . Field Remark contact ca_contact.email_address: The contact's email address. _uuid middle ca_contact. and service type for each contact.alt_phone_number: The contact's alternate phone number. location_uuid floor_lo ca_contact. id.location_uuid = ca_location. The actual names and symbols are located at the end of this view’s field list.location_uuid: A binary-unique identifier referencing a record in the ca_location n_uuid table.pager_number: The number for issuing a page to the contact's page. last_update_user: The userid of the contact who last updated this contact record.department: An integer-unique identifier. which references a row in organiz the ca_organization table.last_update_user = job_fun ction 02-Aug-2016 49/403 . referencing a row in the ment ca_resource_department table. n_user creation_user = ca_contact.1 Field Remark pager_ ca_contact.creation_date: A timestamp (pdmtime).comment: A freeform text comment field for analysts to document important nt facts that influence the handling of this particular contact. ifier job_titl ca_contact.version number: The internal version indicator. date_us ca_contact.ca_contact. It indicates this contact's administrative organization.contact_type = ca_contact_type.organizaiton_uuid: A binary-unique identifier which references a row in the ation_u ca_organization table.company_uuid organiz ca_contact.room_location: The contact's specific room on the floor at the static location. indicating the date and time this contact n_date was created. It e indicates the standardized job title for this contact.ca_contact.pager_email_address: A contact's email address for their pager.userid creatio ca_contact. It indicates this contact's affiliation with a company. ate version ca_contact.company_uuid: A binary-unique identifier.14. usually an entity used by human e_ident resources to uniquely identify this contact.ca_contact. It indicates this contact's working organization. uid organizaiton_uuid = inactive ca_contact.ca_contact.inactive: A boolean indicator of the state of this record.ca_contact. determining its inclusion or exclusion from standard searches within service comme ca_contact. ation_u admin_organization_uuid = ca_organization. which references the ca_job_title table.admin_organization_uuid: A binary-unique identifier.creation_user: The userid of the contact who created this record. compa ca_contact. indicating the date and time this date_d record was last modified.job_title: An integer-unique identifier.ca_contact.last_update_date: A timestamp (pdmtime).job_title = ca_job_title. which references a row in the ny_uui ca_company table.organization_uuid admin_ ca_contact. department = ca_resource_department. referring to a row in the _type ca_contact_type table.alternate_identifier: A user-defined identifier. last_up ca_contact. CA Service Management . d company_uuid = ca_company.organization_uuid uid alternat ca_contact.userid er last_up ca_contact. which indicates the general function of this contact within the service desk application. that indicates the contact's department. _numb er depart ca_contact.contact_type: An unique integer-identifier. ocation contact ca_contact. email_a ddress room_l ca_contact. creatio ca_contact. CA Service Management .supervisor_contact_uuid = ca_contact.state = ca_state_province.contact_type. supervi ca_contact.org_name: A short description of this contact's organization name. but is also joined with the owned resource table (ca_owned_resource) to get a list of all assets associated with a contact. ca_contact. cost_center = ca_cost_center. It indicates a standardized general description of the contact's job function. 02-Aug-2016 50/403 . service A short description of this contact's ca_contact.1 Field Remark ca_contact. organizations and location of each contact. n_nam e organiz ca_organization. time contact ca_contact_type.mail_stop: Mail Stop. This view may be joined with the View_Contact_Full view to get the contact type.userid: The user identifier this contact will use for logging into service desk. referencing a row in the ca_state_provice ym table.ca_contact.14.ca_contact. It indicates this contact's primary cost center. _registr ation delete_ ca_contact. this view may be joined with the individual tables to get that same information. that creates a hierarchy of contacts to indicate the reporting structure of tact_uu each contact. Province. that indicates the State.org_name: A short description of this contact's ca_contact. admin_ ca_organization.location_uuid AND ca_location. Or. which references the ca_job_function table.cost_center: An integer-unique identifier.contact_uuid id exclude ca_contact.c_service_type = userid ca_contact. job_function = ca_job_function.supervisor_contact_uuid: A binary-unique identifier.ca_contact. _type contact_uuid = usp_contact. op cost_ce ca_contact. referencing a row in the sor_con ca_contact table. or other artificially defined geographic region.contact_uuid AND usp_contact. ation organizaiton_uuid. which references the nter ca_resource_cost_center View_Contact_to_Environment The following list of fields is a basic view of contacts and their environment (assets). _type_ name locatio mail_st ca_contact.exclude registration: An internal flag.state: An integer-unique identifier. organiz ca_contact.delete_time: A timestamp indicating when the inactive flag was set to 1.code state_s ca_location.ca_contact.sym: A short description of this contact's usp_contact. This view is a view of the contact table (ca_contact).location_uuid = ca_location.job_function: An integer-unique identifier.admin_organization_uuid ation service A short description of this contact's static location. You may want to join this view with other CA SDM tables to get more meaningful data for reporting. as follows. All fields in View_Group are listed. For example. The following example shows how joining tables works.location_uuid -> ca_location. The Group_Member manager flag is also listed. including the names of its members. asset_na ca_owned_resource. as well as the first. The field defined in the parentheses. It also includes managers. middle and last name from the ca_contact table.contact_type -> ca_contact_type. and how reporting fields are extracted. not the actual members. The field from one table (on the right) is joined (->) with a field from another table (on the left). is what you may want to use in your reports if the previous tables are joined with the View_Group view: View_Group. 02-Aug-2016 51/403 . Here. CA Service Management .own_resource_uuid: A binary-unique identifier for an asset in the d ca_owned_resource table.admin_organization_uuid -> ca_organization(2). you can join it with the Location (ca_location) table to find the name and address for the group’s location. This view is used to find information on a particular group.location_name) View_Group. org_name) View_Group_to_Contact The following list of fields is a basic view of all group contacts (members). Contact type id = 2308.organization_uuid (ca_organization.* asset_uui ca_owned_resource.org_name) View_Group. which is for group types.organization_uuid (ca_organization (2).14. me View_Group The following list of fields is a basic view of the contact table.sym) View_Group. you need to understand the differences in joins for the database. Most of the information in this view pertains to the group (ca_contact_type.1) a manager. but lists only group contacts. To join properly between tables and views. t. Field Remarks ca_contact. View_Group is joined with the Group_Member table.organization_uuid -> ca_organization. which means that the member is either (yes .0) not a manager. or (no . and then joined with the ca_contact table. You can also join this view with the Organization (ca_organization) table to get the functional and administrative organization names for the group.resource_name: The designated network name of this asset.* The ca_contact fields that are defined in the View_Contact_Full view definition.1 Field Remarks ca_contac The ca_contact fields that are defined in the View_Contact_Full view definition.location_uuid (ca_location. The group member manager flag is 1 or 0. open_date: The issue creation date (pdmtime). the issue table is joined with many other tables to give some more meaningful data about the issue. CA Service Management .14. and so on.1 Field Remarks View_Group.rootcause = rootcause. last_mod_by issue.active_flag: The integer flag used to determine whether this issue is active (1 or 0).persid: The unique identifier for this record in the issue table.actual_total_time actual: The total time (pdmtime) it took to complete this issue.issue.issue. organizations.* The View_Group fields that are defined in the View_Group definition. Field Remarks id issue.first_name: The formal first name of the group member. which is a pointer to the issstat table. listing the status. time 02-Aug-2016 52/403 .id: The unique identifier for this record in the issue table. member_lastname ca_contact. preceded by the object identifier (iss for table issue) and a colon. member_firstname ca_contact.description: The long description of an issue as dictated by an analyst or customer. which represents the original situation that required this issue to be logged.last_mod_by = ca_contact. actual_total_ issue.status: The unique identifier of an issue status.start_date: The date the first task goes to a pending status (pdmtime). status issue. rootcause issue. persid issue. open_date issue. which is used by analysts and m customers to refer to a particular issue. resolve_date issue.resolve_date: The date the issue was set to a status configured to indicate the issue was resolved (pdmtime). member_middlename est_total_ti issue.status = issstat. priority.close_date: The date the issue was set to inactive (pdmtime).last_name: The surname of the group member. the requester’s full name. the group name and ID.iss_ref_num: The Issue reference number.last_mod_dt: The last modified date (pdmtime). the assignee’s full name.middle_name: The middle name of the group member.issue. grpmem_manager_flag ca_contact.code active_flag issue. last_mod_dt issue. category.contact_uuid close_date issue. View_Issue The following is a basic view of all issues.est_total_time: The estimated total time (pdmtime) it will take to complete this me issue.last_mod_by: The pointer to the contact uuid. start_date issue. Here. which indicates the last contact to modify this issue. description issue. issue_ref_nu issue.rootcause: A pointer to a record in the rootcause table.manager_flag: The Group Member Manager (1 or 0) indicator. category: A pointer to the issue category code to reference the category into which this issue falls.est_comp_date: The estimated completion date (pdmtime) for this Issue. impact issue. organization_uuid group_id issue.issue. 02-Aug-2016 53/403 .assignee: A pointer to the contact uuid who is currently assigned to the change order.actual_cost: The actual cost to implement this issue. which represents the organization to whom this issue belongs.est_cost: The estimated cost of this issue.parent = issue.issue. backout_pla effort issue.enum need_by issue.actual_comp_date: The actual completion date (pdmtime) of this issue.organization = ca_organization.issue.support_lev: A pointer to a service desc record.issue.issue. actual_cost issue.group_id = ca_contact.template_name sla_violation issue.issue. issue.5) Neugent related technology field.code priority issue. est_comp_d issue. which represents the person who asked this issue to be logged.issue.parent: A pointer to another issue id.requestor = ca_contact. which allows a requester to document the reason(s) this issue is required.category = isscat.issue.justification: A text field.need_by: The date.template_name: The name of and pointer to an issue template. which indicates when the affected_end_user needs to have the issue completed (pdmtime).contact_uuid requestor issue.issue. which represents the group currently assigned to the issue.support_lev = srv_desc.organization: A pointer to the internal organization uuid.contact_uuid organization issue. which indicates the scope of resources that this issue affects. justification issue. CA Service Management .affected_contact: A pointer to the contact uuid.predicted_sla_viol: (r5.14. support_lev issue.requrestor: A pointer to the contact uuid. _date est_cost issue.contact_uuid affected_con issue.enum parent issue.log_agent = ca_contact.contact_uuid assignee issue. code template_na issue. which automates some constraints under which this issue must be completed.contact_uuid category issue. which allows creation of a hierarchy of issues.effort: A text field which explains the plan for implementing this issue. this references the ca_contact table.priority: A pointer to priority enum.log_agent: A binary-unique identifier.1 Field Remarks log_agent issue.issue.backout_plan: A text field that allows an analyst to document a backout plan for n this issue.sla_violation: The integer to count the number of times slas attached to this issue have been violated.issue.impact = impact. me template_name = iss_template. which represents the priority into which this issue falls.affected_contact = ca_contact.priority = pri. which represents the affected tact contact for this issue.impact: A pointer to an impact table record.assignee = ca_contact.issue. ate actual_comp issue. which in turn references the person who was the issue's original creator.group_id: A pointer to the contact uuid. reporting_method = reporting_m issue.call_back_flag: A boolean indicator displayed as a checkbox to the user.affected_end_user = _user_lastna ca_contact.person_contacting: A pointer to a record in the perscon actions issue.priority = pri.created_via: A pointer to a record in the interface table.first_name: The affected End User's first name.person_contacting = person_cont issue.enum category_na isscat. which indicates the product that is affected by this issue.14. ct_viol created_via issue. call_back_fla issue.sym: The description of the priority as seen by a user.contact_uuid me ca_contact.issue.created_via = interface. service_date issue.org_name: The name of an organization as viewed by a user.service_date: The Date/ Time (pdmtime) that an outside vendor is expected to service this issue. which indicates the acting role of the affected_end_user or requester. which classifies ethod the origination of the issue.code priority_num pri.type_of_contact: A pointer to a record in the toc table. me code organization ca_organization.issue.issue.product = product. to g indicate whether to notify the analyst at the status_name issstat.macro_predict_viol: (r5. which indicates a future date/time te the requester is to be contacted.contact_uuid 02-Aug-2016 54/403 . type_of_contact = toc.issue. string3 This is a user-definable text field.issue. product issue. which indicates a general tact categorization of the affected_end_user's perspective of the issue. _name organization = ca_organization.last_name: The affected End User's last name. type_of_con issue. string5 This is a user-definable text field.issue.issue.1 Field Remarks predicted_sl a_viol macro_predi issue.reporting_method: A pointer to a record in the repmeth table.status = issstat. CA Service Management . string4 This is a user-definable text field.call_back_date.category = isscat.5) Neugent related technology call_back_da issue.actions: A big text field for documenting actions.call_back_date: A date/time field (pdmtime).sym: The description of the status as seen by a user.affected_end_user = ca_contact. and is selected by the person creating the issue. string2 This is a user-definable text field.issue.issue.sym: The name of the issue category as viewed by a user. service_num issue.service_num: The text field to document an outside vendor's service or purchase order number.issue. This indicates from which interface the issue originated.issue. string6 This is a user-definable text field.organization_uuid affected_end ca_contact. string1 This is a user-definable text field.product: A pointer to a record in the product table. last_name: The assignee's last name. tact_sym id rpting_meth repmeth.rootcause = rootcause. 02-Aug-2016 55/403 .first_name: The assignee's first name.contact_uuid: A binary representation of the internal id used for the group assigned to this issue.sym: The Person Contacting description as seen by users.issue.middle_name: The assignee's middle name. _user_middl affected_end_user = ca_contact. ddlename contact_uuid groupID View_Group. m View_Issue_Act_Log The following is a basic view of all issue activity logs.group_id = issue.contact_uuid group_name View_Group.issue. persid issalg. name contact_uuid assignee_firs ca_contact.sym: The product description as seen by users.issue.1 Field Remarks affected_end _user_firstna me affected_end ca_contact. od_sym reporting_method = person_cont perscon.issue. This is a view of the issue activity log table (issalg) joined with the activity type table (act_type) and the contact table (ca_contact) to give more meaningful data. enum product_sym product.impact = impact.sym: The Reporting method description as seen by type_of_con toc.code impact_num impact.assignee = ca_contact.sym: issue.contact_uuid ename assignee_last ca_contact.issue.support_lev = srv_desc.sym: The description of the impact as seen by users.product = product.assignee = ca_contact.issue.issue.sym: The Type Of Contact description as seen by users.14. preceded by the object identifier (issalg for issalg) and a colon. such as the actual activity type and full name of the analyst who performed the created_via_ The unique identifier for this record in the issalg table.issue.issue. CA Service Management = ca_contact.last_name: The name of the group assigned to this issue. Field Remarks id issalg.created_via = interface.middle_name: The affected End User's middle name. tname contact_uuid assignee_mi ca_contact. sym rootcause_sy rootcause.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the issalg table.issue.assignee = ca_contact.sym: The name of the service type applied to this issue. acting_sym person_contacting = perscon.contact_uuid service_type srv_desc.type_of_contact = toc. action_des issalg. knowledge issalg.knowledge_session: An identifier for a particular session of a particular user.14.issue_id: The pointer to issue id to which this activity belongs. analyst_fir View_Contact_Full.middle_name: The middle name of the analyst.issalg.issue_id = issalg.* 02-Aug-2016 56/403 . and so on.issalg.description: The text description of this activity. stored as the total number t of seconds.1 issue_id issalg.analyst = tname ca_contact.sym: The activity type referenced by issalg. analyst_las View_Contact_Full. _session knowledge issalg. The issue table (issue) is indirectly joined with the owned resource table (ca_owned_resource). CA Service Management .time_stamp: The user modifiable date/time of activity (pdmtime). which cannot be c modified by the user.action_desc: The text description of the automated action. pe View_Issue_to_Assets The following list of fields is a basic view of issues and their assets. ddlename activity_ty act_type.time_spent: The duration of time spent on this activity. which can be modified by the user. id last_mod_ issalg. code internal issalg. e. Field Remarks View_Issu The View_Issue view which defines all fields listed in the View_Issue view. me analyst issalg.issalg.type = act_type.code.analyst = ca_contact.first_name: The analyst's first name. which indicates if this log entry is intended for all to see or just for internal use. type issalg.contact_uuid.system_time: The date/time of record creation (pdmtime). For example.contact_uuid description issalg. p system_ti issalg.last_mod_dt: The last modify date/time (pdmtime).analyst: A binary-unique identifier referring to the contact uuid to get the analyst who performed the activity. and other asset-related tables. derived from issalg.type: The text pointer to a record in the activity type table. particularly those that have no assets. 80 = 1 minute.type = act_type. time_stam issalg. stname analyst_mi View_Contact_Full. 20 seconds. dt time_spen issalg.internal: The integer flag (1 or 0). to get a list of each issue’s assets.last_name: The Analyst's last name. such as NLS_FAQ or EXPERT. This may not list all issues.knowledge_tool: An indicator of the knowledge management tool used for the _tool search. Actual data is at the end of the fields list.action_desc: The text description of the automated action.serial_number: The serial number for an asset record.1 Field Remarks assetID ca_owned_resource. al_num asset_clas ca_resource_class.14.resource_class = ca_resource_class.last_mod_dt: The last modify date/time (pdmtime). stored as the total number t of seconds. Field Remarks View_Issu Please refer to the View_Issue view defined earlier in this document.contact_uuid issalg_des issalg. which cannot be c modified by the asset_nam The family of assets to which this asset belongs. 20 seconds.description: The text description of this activity.persid: The unique identifier for this record in the issalg table.time_spent: The duration of time spent on this activity. which can be modified by the user.time_stamp: The user modifiable date/time of activity (pdmtime). e View_Issue_to_Issue_Act_Log The following is a basic view of all issues and the activity logs that go with them. issalg_pers issalg.resource_class = ca_resource_class. ly ca_owned_resource.issalg. s ca_owned_resource.analyst = ca_contact.* issalg_id The unique identifier for this record in the issalg table. p system_ti issalg. unchanging unique identifier for an asset asset_fami A short description of the class to which an asset belongs. This view joins the View_Issue view with the View_Issue_Act_Log view to give detailed information about issues and their activity logs. type issalg. id issalg_last issalg. cription action_des issalg.system_time: The date/time of record creation (pdmtime).resource_name: The network name by which this asset is known. me analyst issalg.type = act_type. 80 = 1 minute.type: The text pointer to a record in the activity type table.issue_id = issalg. time_stam issalg. CA Service Management .issue_id: The pointer to issue id to which this activity belongs. family_id = ca_resource_family. preceded by the id object identifier (issalg for issalg) and a colon.own_resource_uuid: The binary field which serves as the internal. _mod_dt time_spen issalg. e. For example. code 02-Aug-2016 57/403 . asset_seri AND ca_resource_class.analyst: The unique binary pointer to the contact uuid to get the analyst who performed the activity. issue_id issalg.issalg. wf_per isswf. It indicates the person who created this workflow task.isswf.own_resource_uuid creator isswf. wf_id isswf. This may not list all issues.internal: The integer flag (1 or 0).task: This is an identifier. contact_uuid 02-Aug-2016 58/403 .object_type: This is the factory name. del This is a unique identifier for a record in the isswf table.code wf_tem isswf.wf_template: This is an task isswf.creator = ca_contact.isswf.asset = ca_owned_resource. Field Remarks View_Is Please refer to the View_Issue definition earlier in this document for a description of each sue.14. object_ isswf. which indicates whether this task belongs to a group. task asset isswf.isswf.issalg.isswf. which references a record in the ca_contact table.asset: This is a unique binary identifier.1 internal issalg.code group_ isswf. _session knowledge issalg. It indicates the current us status of this workflow task.isswf.* field.wf_template = wftpl.status = tskstat. which is used to identify the type of record (for type example.knowledge_tool: An indicator of the knowledge management tool used for the _tool search. task = tskty.group_task: This is a boolean.del: This is a boolean indicator of whether this record is to be displayed to the user.isswf. particularly if there are no workflow tasks assigned to them. Ascending). CA Service Management . which references a tskstat record. which references from which template this workflow plate task record was created.sequence: This is an integer that indicates the order for which this particular workflow ce task record should be displayed and executed by CA SDM (for sequen isswf. preceded by the sid object identifier (isswf) and a colon. iss) to which this workflow task is attached.knowledge_session: An identifier for a particular session of a particular user. which indicates if this log entry is intended for all to see or just for internal use. such as NLS_FAQ or EXPERT.contact_uuid View_Issue_to_Issue_WF This view is a result of the View_Issue view joined with the workflow task table (isswf) to give a basic view of issues and their workflow tasks. object_ isswf. wf_stat isswf.analyst = ca_contact.creator: This is a unique binary identifier. and so on. which references a record in the ca_owned_resource table. knowledge issalg.status: This is an identifier. which references the type of task this record represents.object_id = issue.analyst: The unique binary pointer to the contact uuid to get the analyst who yst_id performed the activity.object_id: This is a unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which this id workflow task is attached. issalg_anal issalg.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the isswf table. isswf. by last_mod_by = ca_contact.done_by: This is a unique binary identifier. cription wf_last isswf.done_by = ca_contact. Field Remarks View_I Please refer to the View_Issue definition earlier in this document. n wf_est isswf. wf_assi isswf. wf_des isswf.actual_duration: This is the actual amount of time it took to complete this workflow duratio task.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when this workflow task was _mod_ last changed. CA Service Management .est_comp_date: This is a timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when users believe this task _comp will be completed.cost: This is the actual cost required to complete this workflow task. _date est_dur isswf. dt wf_last isswf. It indicates the person who is currently assigned to this workflow task. This may not list all issues.est_duration: This is the estimated duration for this workflow task.contact_uuid wf_star wf_start_date: This is the timestamp when the workflow task moved into an active status t_date (pdmtime). It indicates the person who completed or approved this workflow task. It indicates the last person to make changes to this workflow task.1 Field Remarks date_cr isswf.last_mod_by: This is the unique binary identifier. which references a record in the ca_contact gnee table.date_created: This is the date/timestamp that this workflow task was created eated (pdmtime). particularly if there are no properties assigned to them. ation comple isswf. te actual_ isswf.description: This is a description of the workflow task. which references a record in the _mod_ contact table. 02-Aug-2016 59/403 .14. for a description of each ssue.completion_date: This is a timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when this workflow task tion_da was completed. which references a record in the ca_contact y table. wf_est isswf.isswf.assignee: This is a unique binary identifier.isswf.contact_uuid View_Issue_to_Properties This view is a result of the View_Issue view joined with the issue properties table (issprp) to give a basic view of issues and their assigned properties.contact_uuid done_b isswf.est_cost: This is the estimated cost of this workflow task _cost cost isswf.* field.assignee = ca_contact. label: This is a short description of what should be placed in the This is an integer-unique identifier for the property record. owning issprp. category. CA Service Management . The extracted fields that are a result of the joined tables are listed at the end of this fields list. Field Remarks id call_req.14.ref_num: This is a Request reference This is the unique identifier for this record in the call_req table.issprp. There is some additional information about the request listed.value: This is a value entered by the user in response to the prp_description and issprp. summary call_req. as dictated by an analyst or n customer. descriptio call_req. ref_num call_req. _dt prp_las issprp. 02-Aug-2016 60/403 .description: This is a text field. prp_las issprp. It represents the person who last modified this record.sequence: This is an integer that indicates the order for which this particular property ce record should be displayed by CA SDM (for example. label fields. preceded by the rsid object identifier (prp) and a colon.persid prp_de issprp. such as the request service type.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the prp table. the Request table has been joined with other CA SDM tables to give you more specific information.description: This is the long description of a request.last_mod_by = _by ca_contact.value. prp_pe issprp.1 Field Remarks prp_id issprp.owning_iss: This is a unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which this _iss property is attached. as well.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when this property was last t_mod modified. Ascending). severity. which displays example values to guide the user in entering the most useful value in issprp. urgency. indicating whether this property must have a issprp. which is used by analysts and customers to refer to a particular Request. Here. and priority. preceded by the object identifier (cr for table call_req) and a colon. value issprp.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the call_req table.required: This is a boolean. which explains the type of value that should be entered scriptio in issprp. label issprp.sample: This is a text field.object_id = issue. sequen issprp.value d before the record is saved.contact_uuid require issprp.last_mod_by: This is a binary identifier. which references a record in the ca_contact t_mod table. n View_Request The following is a basic view of all requests. persid call_req.summary: This is a brief description of the request for quick reference.value field. All fields from the Request (call_req) table are selected. sample issprp. log_agent: This is a binary-unique identifier. e time_spe call_req.contact_uuid group_id call_req.affected_rc: This is a binary-unique identifier. priority = pri.impact: This is an integer-unique identifier.contact_uuid charge_b charge_back_id: This is a text field available for use as an indicator of accounting jargon ack_id for expensing this request to the appropriate cost center.close_date: This is the timstamp when the request was set to inactive (pdmtime). affected_ call_req.own_resource_uuid. referencing the ca_contact table. 80 = 1 minute 20 seconds).category = prob_ctg. referencing a record in the ca_contact table. which automates some ev constraints under which this request must be completed. code.customer: This is a binary-unique identifier.status: This is a unique identifier referencing a record in the cr_stat table.contact_uuid customer call_req.call_req.call_req. referencing a row in the impact table.call_req. It represents the person currently assigned to the request. support_l call_req.category: This is a unique identifier.contact_uuid assignee call_req. It represents the group currently assigned to the request.open_date: This is the Request creation timestamp (pdmtime).code active_fla call_req. _dt close_dat call_req.customer = ca_contact.support_lev = srv_desc. referencing a row in the rc ca_owned_resource table.priority: This is an integer-unique identifier.solution: This is a pointer to call solution to get solution.group_id: This is a binary-unique identifier.assignee = ca_contact.impact = impact. referencing a record in the pri table. It references the person who was the request's original creator. e resolve_d This is the date for when the request was resolved (pdmtime). persid impact call_req. It represents the category to which this request belongs. It indicates the impact scope of the request.call_req.solution = crsol.persid solution call_req.group_id = ca_contact. category call_req. affected_rc = ca_owned_resource.14.enum 02-Aug-2016 61/403 .e.active_flag: This is an integer flag to determine whether this request record is g active (1 or 0). It indicates how analysts will prioritize the work associated with this request. priority call_req.log_agent = ca_contact. referencing a record in the prob_ctg table.last_mod_dt: This is the last modified timestamp (pdmtime).support_lev: This is a pointer to a service desc record.1 Field Remarks status call_req.call_req.time_spent_sum: This is the derived total of all of the act_log records' time_spent nt_sum fields.call_req. ate rootcause This is a pointer to the rootcause. It represents the affected end user for this request. It represents the asset to which this request applies. referencing a record in the ca_contact table.call_req. stored in seconds (i. log_agent call_req. last_mod call_req.status = cr_stat.assignee: This is a binary-unique identifier. referencing a record in the ca_contact table. open_dat call_req. CA Service Management .call_req. It indicates the status of this request.call_req. CA Service Management .call_req.call_back_date. edicted_v iolation created_v call_req. en sched_tok call_req. which facilitates creation of a hierarchy of change orders.call_req. 02-Aug-2016 62/403 . string2 This is a user-definable string. _flag indicating whether to notify the analyst at the call_req.created_via: This is an integer pointer to a record in the interface table that ia indicates from which interface the change order originated. template = call_req.enum extern_re This is an external reference to an associated ticket. urgency = urgncy. _sla_viol macro_pr This indicates that the request has been predicted by neugents to likely violate SLA. en type call_req.enum severity call_req. predicted This specifies that a request has been predicted by neugents to likely violate SLA.urgency: This is an integer-unique identifier.call_back_date: This is a timestamp field (pdmtime).id call_back call_req. referencing a row in the severity table.call_back_flag: This is a boolean indicator.persid sla_violati call_req.type = crt. referencing a row in the urgency table. d cr_tticket This is a pointer to the trouble ticket to get the associated ticket.event_token: This is used by CA NSM for message matching.call_req. event_tok call_req.severity: This is an integer-unique identifier.sla_violation: This is an integer.persid template_ call_req. f last_act_i This identifies the id of the last activity.sched_token: This is used by CA NSM for message matching.template_name: This is a text value. call_back call_req.code string1 This is a user-definable string.type: This is a text field referencing a record in the crt table. string4 This is a user-definable string. which counts the number of times that slas on attached to this request have been violated. displayed as a checkbox to the user. string5 This is a user-definable string.cr_template. string3 This is a user-definable string.1 Field Remarks urgency call_req.call_req. severity = sevrty.parent: This is a ersid pointer to another request persid. It indicates the user's feeling of urgency for having this request resolved. which indicates this request is designated for name and can be chosen from a list as a template for other similar requests.call_req. parent call_req.14. It indicates the ITIL type for this request. string6 This is a user-definable string.created_via = interface. It indicates the severity of the consequences of this unresolved request. which indicates a future date _date /time that the affected_end_user is to be contacted.parent = call_req. service_ty srv_desc. me GroupID View_Group.middle_name: This is the actual middle name of the Affected End User.middle_name: This is the actual Assignee middle name.assignee = firstname ca_contact.resource_name: This is the actual Asset name.sym: This is the actual status.sym: This is the actual Request Area (problem category). lastname contact_uuid assignee_ ca_contact.sym: This is the actual Impact number.call_req. status_na asset ca_owned_resource.category = name prob_ctg.enum num urgency_ urgncy. referencing a row in the chg table.1 Field Remarks problem This is an ITIL problem.first_name: This is the actual first name of the Affected End User.14.contact_uuid e customer ca_contact.call_req.call_req. _firstnam customer. CA Service Management .call_req. me priority_n pri.affected_rc = ca_owned_resource.ca_contact. It indicates the change order that was created as a result of this request.impact = impact.call_req.severity = sevrty.last_name: This is the actual Group name. _middlen customer = ca_contact.contact_uuid assignee_ ca_contact.support_lev = srv_desc.last_name: This is the actual Assignee last name.contact_uuid: This is the actual Group key ID.call_req.sym: This indicates the actual Urgency number.contact_uuid e customer ca_contact.sym: This is the actual Severity number.urgency = urgncy.code pe severity_ sevrty.own_resource_uuid impact_n impact.sym: This indicates the actual Service Type.call_req.change = chg.first_name: This is the actual Assignee first um assignee_ ca_contact.call_req.assignee = ca_contact. priority change call_req.sym: This is the actual Priority number.last_name: This is the actual last name of the Affected End User.call_req.call_req.call_req.assignee = middlena ca_contact.enum num category_ prob_ctg.call_req.contact_uuid me customer ca_contact.change: This is an integer-unique identifier.contact_uuid ame group_na View_Group. um 02-Aug-2016 63/403 .call_req. _lastnam customer = ca_contact. incident_ This is an ITIL incident priority. It represents the person who last modified this record.value. _dt crprp_la cr_prp.last_mod_by: This is a binary identifier. Please refer to the fields defined in the View_Act_Log section earlier in this * document.sequence: This is an integer that indicates the order for which this particular e property record should be displayed by CA SDM (for example. crprp_la cr_prp.1 View_Request_to_Act_Log The following is a basic view of all requests with their activity logs.last_mod_by = _by ca_contact. d value before the record is saved. equest. The View_Request view is joined with the View_Act_Log view to give more detailed information about each activity per request. owning cr_prp. label cr_prp. Field Remarks View_R Please refer to the fields defined in the View_Request section of this document.14.value field. Ascending).cr_prp.label: This is a short description of what should be placed in the cr_prp. Field Remarks View_Request. sequenc cr_prp.object_id = call_req.cr_prp.owning_cr: This is the unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which _cr this property is attached.persid crprp_d cr_prp.sample: This is a text field. crprp_p cr_prp. on 02-Aug-2016 64/403 .label fields. sample cr_prp. This view lists everything from the call request (call_req) table and the request property (cr_prp) This is an integer-unique identifier for the property record. * crprp_id cr_prp. value cr_prp. which displays example values to guide the user in entering the most useful value in cr_prp. indicating whether this property must have a cr_prp.description: This is a text field.value: This is a value entered by the user in response to the prp_description and cr_prp.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the cr_prp table. View_Request_to_Properties The following is a basic view of call requests and their properties.value. which explains the type of value that should be escripti entered in cr_prp. Please refer to the field defined in the View_Request section earlier in this * document.contact_uuid require cr_prp.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) identifying when this property was st_mod last modified. View_Act_Log. which references a record in the ca_contact st_mod table. preceded by the ersid object identifier (cr_prp) and a colon.required: This is the boolean. CA Service Management . date_created: This is the date/timestamp that this workflow task was created eated (pdmtime). preceded by the sid object identifier (crwf) and a colon. It indicates the person who is currently assigned to this workflow task.object_id: This is a unique identifier used to identify the specific record to which this id workflow task is attached. It indicates the current us status of this workflow task.creator = ca_contact. contact_uuid date_cr crwf. * wf_id crwf.assignee = ca_contact. del crwf. This may not list all requests. Ascending).id task crwf.14. Find the patch and the download details from CA Support Online. CA Service Management . object_ crwf.crwf. which references a record in the ca_contact table. which indicates whether this task belongs to a group.wf_template = wftpl.assignee: This is a unique binary identifier. wf_stat crwf.01. Field Remarks View_R Please refer to the View_Request definition earlier in this document for a description of each equest.crwf. This view is a result of the View_Request view joined with the workflow task table (crwf) to give a basic view of requests and their workflow This is a unique identifier for a record in the crwf table.contact_uuid done_b y 02-Aug-2016 65/403 . object_ crwf.object_type: This is the factory name. task creator crwf.crwf.code wf_tem crwf.task: This is an identifier.crwf. which references a record in the ca_contact gnee table.group_task: This is a boolean. cr) to which this workflow task is attached.code group_ crwf.1.del: This is a boolean indicator of whether this record is to be displayed to the user. which references the type of task this record represents. which references from which template this workflow plate task record was created.wf_template: This is an identifier. particularly if there are no workflow tasks assigned to them.creator: This is a unique binary sequen crwf. field.status = tskstat. which references a tskstat record. which is used to identify the type of record (for type example. task = tskty.status: This is an It indicates the person who created this workflow task.sequence: This is an integer that indicates the order for which this particular workflow ce task record should be displayed and executed by CA SDM (for example.object_id = issue.1 View_Request_to_Request_WF Note: This feature will only be available if you apply a patch for CA Service Management Release 14. wf_per crwf. wf_assi crwf.persid: This is a unique identifier for this record in the crwf table. cription wf_last crwf.1 Field Remarks isswf.est_comp_date: This is a timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when users believe this task _comp will be completed.actual_duration: This is the actual amount of time it took to complete this workflow duratio task.crwf.last_mod_by: This is the unique binary identifier.last_mod_dt: This is the timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when this workflow task was _mod_ last changed.completion_date: This is a timestamp (pdmtime) indicating when this workflow task tion_da was completed.done_by = ca_contact.est_duration: This is the estimated duration for this workflow task. n wf_est crwf.isswf. wf_est crwf. which references a record in the ca_contact table. dt wf_last crwf. It indicates the last person to make changes to this workflow task. te actual_ crwf. ation comple crwf. wf_des crwf. CA Service Management .contact_uuid wf_star wf_start_date: This is the timestamp when the workflow task moved into an active status t_date (pdmtime).est_cost: This is the estimated cost of this workflow task _cost cost crwf.done_by: This is a unique binary identifier. which references a record in the _mod_ contact table.cost: This is the actual cost required to complete this workflow task.contact_uuid View_Request_to_Request_WF 02-Aug-2016 66/403 .description: This is a description of the workflow task. It indicates the person who completed or approved this workflow task. _date est_dur crwf. by last_mod_by = ca_contact.14. 0x0 2 LDAP_PROTOCOL_ERROR 2 Indicates that the server has received an invalid or malformed request from the client. 7 02-Aug-2016 67/403 . Indicates that the results of a compare operation are false.1 RFC 2251 LDAP Result Codes This article contains the following topics: LDAP Return Codes (see page 67) LDAP Server Return Codes (see page 67) LDAP Client Return Codes (see page 71) LDAP-Associated RFC Standards (see page 72) (see page 74) LDAP Return Codes LDAP has a set of operation result codes that may be generated by the LDAP server in response to various LDAP requests. It does not indicate that the client has sent an erroneous message. 0x0 6 LDAP_COMPARE_TRUE 6 Does not indicate an error condition. The server is unable to respond with a more specific error and is also unable to properly respond to a request.14. Incomplete results are returned. On search operations. the size limit specified by the client or the server has been exceeded. These codes indicate the status of the protocol operation and are categorized by server or client return code categories. incomplete results are returned. CA Service Management . 0x0 1 LDAP_OPERATIONS_ERROR 1 Indicates an internal error occurred. LDAP Server Return Codes The following table lists the server return codes: Hex Decimal Description 0x0 0 LDAP_SUCCESS 0 Indicates the requested client operation completed successfully. Indicates that the results of a compare operation are true. 0x0 5 LDAP_COMPARE_FALSE 5 Does not indicate an error condition. 0x0 4 LDAP_SIZELIMIT_EXCEEDED 4 Indicates that in a search operation. 0x0 3 LDAP_TIMELIMIT_EXCEEDED 3 Indicates that the operation's time limit specified by either the client or the server has been exceeded. the LDAP server accepts only strong authentication. that requires strong authentication. 0x0 14 LDAP_SASL_BIND_IN_PROGRESS E Does not indicate an error condition. 0x0 8 LDAP_STRONG_AUTH_REQUIRED 8 Indicates one of the following: In bind requests. or modify DN operation violates constraints placed on the attribute.1 Hex Decimal Description 0x0 LDAP_AUTH_METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED 7 Indicates that during a bind operation the client requested an authentication method not supported by the LDAP server. the client requested an operation.14. which provides session confidentiality. The constraint can be one of size or content (string only. 0x0 11 LDAP_ADMINLIMIT_EXCEEDED B Indicates that an LDAP server limit set by an administrative authority has been exceeded. indicates that the server does not hold the target entry of the request. but that the servers in the referral field may. but indicates that the server is ready for the next step in the process. 0x1 19 LDAP_CONSTRAINT_VIOLATION 3 Indicates that the attribute value specified in a modify. In a client request. add. F 0x1 16 LDAP_NO_SUCH_ATTRIBUTE 0 Indicates that the attribute specified in the modify or compare operation does not exist in the entry. 0x0 13 LDAP_CONFIDENTIALITY_REQUIRED D Indicates that the session is not protected by a protocol. CA Service Management . 0x0 15 Not used. 0x1 17 LDAP_UNDEFINED_TYPE 1 Indicates that the attribute specified in the modify or add operation does not exist in the LDAP server's schema. such as Transport Layer Security (TLS). 0x1 18 LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_MATCHING 2 Indicates that the matching rule specified in the search filter does not match a rule defined for the attribute's syntax. 9 0x0 10 LDAP_REFERRAL A Does not indicate an error condition. Either the server does not support the control or the control is not appropriate for the operation type. 0x0 9 Reserved. no binary). the LDAP server discovers the security protecting the communication between the client and server has unexpectedly failed or been compromised. 20 02-Aug-2016 68/403 . The client must send the server the same SASL mechanism to continue the process. In an unsolicited notice of disconnection. 0x0 12 LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRITICAL_EXTENSION C Indicates that the LDAP server was unable to satisfy a request because one or more critical extensions were not available. In LDAPv3. such as delete. 0x3 48 LDAP_INAPPROPRIATE_AUTH 0 Indicates that during a bind operation. either the client does not have access rights to read the aliased object's name or dereferencing is not allowed.14. the client is attempting to use an authentication method that the client cannot use correctly. CA Service Management . The password is incorrect because it has expired. but is reserved for this constant. the server may be able to process it then. This code is not returned on the following operations: Search operations that find the search base but cannot find any entries that match the search filter.1 Hex Decimal Description 0x1 LDAP_TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS 4 Indicates that the attribute value specified in a modify or add operation already exists as a value for that attribute. For example. or modify operation is an unrecognized or invalid syntax for the attribute. 52 02-Aug-2016 69/403 . but the LDAP server's structure rules do not permit the operation. or some other similar reason. 0x3 49 LDAP_INVALID_CREDENTIALS 1 Indicates that during a bind operation. 37-47 Not used. (This code is not currently in the LDAP specifications. the server returns the following: LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM 0x2 35 LDAP_IS_LEAF 3 Indicates that the specified operation cannot be performed on a leaf entry. However.) 0x2 36 LDAP_ALIAS_DEREF_PROBLEM 4 Indicates that during a search operation. 0x1 21 LDAP_INVALID_SYNTAX 5 Indicates that the attribute value specified in an add. 22-31 Not used. Bind operations 0x2 33 LDAP_ALIAS_PROBLEM 1 Indicates that an error occurred when an alias was dereferenced. either of the following causes this error: The client returns simple credentials when strong credentials are required. 0x3 51 LDAP_BUSY 3 Indicates that the LDAP server is too busy to process the client request at this time. intruder detection has locked the account. if the DN syntax is correct. but if the client waits and resubmits the request. The client returns a DN and a password for a simple bind when the entry does not have a password defined. one of the following occurred: The client passed either an incorrect DN or password. 0x2 32 LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT 0 Indicates that the target object cannot be found. 0x2 34 LDAP_INVALID_DN_SYNTAX 2 Indicates that the syntax of the DN is incorrect. compare. 0x3 50 LDAP_INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS 2 Indicates that the caller does not have sufficient rights to perform the requested operation. CA Service Management . For example.1 Hex Decimal Description 0x3 LDAP_UNAVAILABLE 4 Indicates that the LDAP server cannot process the client's bind request. 0x4 66 LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_NONLEAF 2 Indicates that the requested operation is permitted only on leaf entries. The modify operation tries to remove a required attribute without removing the auxiliary class that defines the attribute.14. 0x4 70 LDAP_RESULTS_TOO_LARGE 6 Reserved for CLDAP. The add or modify operation tries to add an entry with a value for an attribute which the class definition does not contain. The RDN for the entry uses a forbidden attribute type. The client request a modify DN operation on a parent entry. the following types of request return this error: The add or modify operation tries to add an entry without a value for a required attribute. 0x4 64 LDAP_NAMING_VIOLATION 0 Indicates that the add or modify DN operation violates the schema's structure rules. and is thus unable to complete this request. Password restrictions prevent the action. 0x4 67 LDAP_NOT_ALLOWED_ON_RDN 3 Indicates that the modify operation attempted to remove an attribute value that forms the entry's relative distinguished name. For example. 0x4 69 LDAP_NO_OBJECT_CLASS_MODS 5 Indicates that the modify operation attempted to modify the structure rules of an object class. 0x4 68 LDAP_ALREADY_EXISTS 4 Indicates that the add operation attempted to add an entry that already exists. modify. 0x3 54 LDAP_LOOP_DETECT 6 Indicates that the client discovered an alias or referral loop. usually because it is shutting down. Connection restrictions prevent the action. For example: The request places the entry subordinate to an alias. 02-Aug-2016 70/403 . The request places the entry subordinate to a container that is forbidden by the containment rules. This error is returned for the following reasons: The add entry request violates the server's structure rules. the following types of requests return this error: The client requests a delete operation on a parent entry. 0x3 53 LDAP_UNWILLING_TO_PERFORM 5 Indicates that the LDAP server cannot process the request because of server-defined restrictions. 55-63 Not used. as required. 0x4 65 LDAP_OBJECT_CLASS_VIOLATION 1 Indicates that the add. The modify attribute request specifies attributes that users cannot modify. or that the modify operation attempted to rename an entry with the name of an entry that already exists. or modify DN operation violates the object class rules for the entry. 72-79 Not used. 0x5 86 LDAP_AUTH_UNKNOWN 6 Indicates that the ldap_bind or ldap_bind_s function was called with an unknown authentication method.14.1 Hex Decimal Description 0x4 71 LDAP_AFFECTS_MULTIPLE_DSAS 7 Indicates that the modify DN operation moves the entry from one LDAP server to another and thus requires more than one LDAP server. This is the default value for NDS error codes which do not map to other LDAP error codes. 0x5 85 LDAP_TIMEOUT 5 Indicates that the time limit of the LDAP client was exceeded while waiting for a result. 0B 91 02-Aug-2016 71/403 . Either the LDAP server is down. 0x5 87 LDAP_FILTER_ERROR 7 Indicates that the ldap_search function was called with an invalid search filter. CA Service Management . 0x5 89 LDAP_PARAM_ERROR 9 Indicates that an LDAP function was called with an invalid parameter value (for example. 0x5 84 LDAP_DECODING_ERROR 4 Indicates that the LDAP client encountered errors when decoding an LDAP response from the LDAP server. 0x5 80 LDAP_OTHER 0 Indicates an unknown error condition. LDAP Client Return Codes The following table lists the client return codes: Hex Decimal Description 0x5 81 LDAP_SERVER_DOWN 1 Indicates that the LDAP libraries cannot establish an initial connection with the LDAP server. 0x5 83 LDAP_ENCODING_ERROR 3 Indicates that the LDAP client encountered errors when encoding an LDAP request intended for the LDAP server. This is usually a failed dynamic memory allocation error. or the specified host name or port number is incorrect. 0x5 88 LDAP_USER_CANCELLED 8 Indicates that the user cancelled the LDAP operation. 0x5 90 LDAP_NO_MEMORY: A Indicates that a dynamic memory allocation function failed when calling an LDAP function. the ID parameter is NULL). 0x5 82 LDAP_LOCAL_ERROR 2 Indicates that the LDAP client has an error. 14. suppose the following conditions: The hop limit is two.500 Schema 1275 Replication Requirements to provide an Internet Directory using X. if the LDAP client is established as an LDAPv2 client. LDAP-Associated RFC Standards The following table describes the LDAP-associated RFC standards available for your use: RFC Description 1274 The COSINE and Internet X.500 String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes 1558 A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters 02-Aug-2016 72/403 . The referral is to server D which can be contacted only through server B (1 hop) which contacts server C (2 hops) which contacts server D (3 hops) With these conditions.500 Directory Service 1488 The X. the libraries set this error code when the client requests LDAPv3 functionality. this happens when following referrals. The hop limit determines how many servers the client can hop through to retrieve data.1 Hex Decimal Description LDAP_CONNECT_ERROR Indicates that the LDAP client has lost either its connection or cannot establish a connection to the LDAP server.500 Protocol 1309 Technical Overview of Directory Services Using the X.500 Protocol 1430 A Strategic Plan for Deploying an Internet X. For example. 0x5 95 LDAP_MORE_RESULTS_TO_RETURN F Indicates that more results are chained in the result message. 0x5 93 LDAP_CONTROL_NOT_FOUND D Indicates that the client requested a control that the libraries cannot find in the list of supported controls sent by the LDAP server. the hop limit is exceeded and the LDAP libraries set this code. 0x6 97 LDAP_REFERRAL_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 1 Indicates that the referral exceeds the hop limit. 0x6 96 LDAP_CLIENT_LOOP 0 Indicates the LDAP libraries detected a loop. no result code is included in the server's response.500 1276 Replication and Distributed Operations extensions to provide an Internet Directory using X. 0x5 94 LDAP_NO_RESULTS_RETURNED E Indicates that the LDAP server sent no results. Usually.500 1308 Executive Introduction to Directory Services Using the X. The libraries set this code when the call to the ldap_parse_result function reveals that additional result codes are available. For example. When the ldap_parse_result function is called. 0x5 92 LDAP_NOT_SUPPORTED C Indicates that the client does not support the requested functionality. CA Service Management . 500/LDAP Directory to support MIXER address mapping 2218 A Common Schema for the Internet White Pages Service 2247 Using Domains in LDAP/X.14. the Index Mesh 2696 LDAP Control Extension for Simple Paged Results Manipulation 2713 Schema for Representing Java(tm) Objects in an LDAP Directory 2714 Schema for Representing CORBA Object References in an LDAP Directory 2739 Calendar Attributes for vCard and LDAP 2798 Definition of the inetOrgPerson LDAP Object Class 2820 Access Control Requirements for LDAP 02-Aug-2016 73/403 .509 Public Key Infrastructure LDAPv2 Schema 2589 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extensions for Dynamic Directory Services 2596 Use of Language Codes in LDAP 2649 An LDAP Control and Schema for Holding Operation Signatures 2657 RFC 2657 .LDAPv2 2587 Internet X. CA Service Management .500 Directory 2294 Representing the O/R Address hierarchy in the X.500 Directory Pilots 1777 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol v2 1778 The String Representation of Standard Attribute Syntaxes 1779 A String Representation of Distinguished Names 1804 Schema Publishing in X.1 RFC Description 1617 Naming and Structuring Guidelines for X. a transformation format of ISO 10646 2293 Representing Tables and Subtrees in the X.500 Directory Information Tree 2307 An Approach for Using LDAP as a Network Information Service 2377 Naming Plan for Internet Directory-Enabled Applications 2531 Content Feature Schema for Internet Fax 2559 Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure Operational Protocols .LDAPv2 Client vs.500 Distinguished Names 2251 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3) 2252 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Attribute Syntax Definitions 2253 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): UTF-8 String Representation of Distinguished Names 2254 The String Representation of LDAP Search Filters 2255 The LDAP URL Format 2256 A Summary of the X.500(96) User Schema for use with LDAPv3 2279 UTF-8. a transformation format of Unicode and ISO 10646 2164 Use of an X.500 Directory 1823 The LDAP Application Program Interface 1959 An LDAP URL Format 1960 A String Representation of LDAP Search Filters 2044 UTF -8. Technical Specification 2879 Content Feature Schema for Internet Fax (V2) 2891 LDAP Control Extension for Server Side Sorting of Search Results 3045 Storing Vendor Information in the LDAP root DSE 3062 LDAP Password Modify Extended Operation 3112 LDAP Authentication Password Schema 3296 Named Subordinate References in Lightweight Directory Access Protocol Directories 3377 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Technical Specification 3384 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (version 3) Replication Requirements 02-Aug-2016 74/403 . CA Service Management .1 RFC Description 2829 Authentication Methods for LDAP 2830 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (v3): Extension for Transport Layer Security 2849 The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) .14. You must be the privileged user or root to run pdm_configure. Use this window to set the CA SDM configuration after installing CA SDM.14. depending on your CA SDM configuration: Conventional: Primary or secondary server Advanced availability: Application or background server Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_configure Restrictions pdm_configure can be run on any CA SDM server or a CA SDM Linux client. Following are the possible reasons to change the CA SDM configuration: Changing the database type or server Reload default data Change passwords for the CA SDM system accounts Rebuild schema files to incorporate changes Reconfigure the following server. CA Service Management . or to change the CA SDM configuration after CA SDM is running.1 pdm_configure--Open the Configuration Window pdm_configure opens a window containing the CA SDM configuration window. 02-Aug-2016 75/403 . 02-Aug-2016 76/403 .". For example. You should not attempt to change the key control without specific instructions from CA Technical Support. this utility can be executed instead of stopping and restarting the system to force CA SDM to use the new keyid base value. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_key_refresh Important! On UNIX...14. If key control information is updated. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments .1 pdm_key_refresh--Refresh Cached Key Information The pdm_key_refresh utility refreshes cached key information from the key control table in the database. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Important! Changing the key control table may cause data corruption. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. CA Service Management . . Default: userdict. Important! On UNIX. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities.". to add or delete words for the spell check dictionary.1 pdm_lexutil--Modify CA SDM Lexicons The pdm_lexutil utility allows you to modify Service Desk lexicons. CA Service Management . -l Lexicon name. 02-Aug-2016 77/403 . -f File or lexicon containing list of words to be added or deleted..tlx wordlist Words to be added or deleted. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_lexutil -a | -d [-f] [-l] wordlist -a Add words. -d Delete words. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility.14. For example. 14.s -c] [ . The utility displays two lines for each server: (n secs) server alias (node|sproc) willingness willingness count connected clients (use pdm_listconn -c -s to list clients by server) n is the number of seconds it took for the server to respond." node is the IP address of the client’s node. CA Service Management . Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_listconn [-c] [-s] [ . time is the connection time.. 02-Aug-2016 78/403 ." or "web engine.]] The default command has the following format if no parameters are specified: pdm_listconn -s -t 2 -c Lists connections by client.34|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0 connected to CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) at 02/19/1999 10:44:16 -s Lists connections by server (default). For example: (0 secs) vbop client 141. client_type is "vbop. The utility displays two lines for each client: (n secs) client_type node|cproc connected to alias (sproc) at time n is the number of seconds it took for the client to respond. sproc is the server’s slump procname. node is the IP address of the server’s node.211.t nn] [proc1 [proc2. cproc is the client’s slump procname. alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with.1 pdm_listconn--List Active Connections The pdm_listconn utility can be used to list active connections for both clients and servers." "animator daemon.202.. sproc is the server’s slump procname. CA Service Management . alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with. including client detail for each server. cproc is the client’s slump procname.34|vbop2 connected 02/19/1999 10:53:16 vbop client" node is the IP address of the client’s node. For example: (0 secs) server CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) willingness 98 2 connected clients: vbop client 141. client_type is "vbop. sproc is the server’s slump procname. willingness is the server’s willingness to accept new clients (0 . node is the IP address of the server’s node. count is the number of connected clients." or "web engine.100).14.202.202. For example: (0 secs) server CMD40120 on anthill (domsrvr) willingness 98 2 connected clients (use pdm_listconn -c -s to list clients by server) vbop client 141.100).34|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0 connected 02/19/1999 10:44:17 02-Aug-2016 79/403 .211. time is the connection time.34|vbop2 connected 02/19/1999 10:53:16 vbop client 141." "animator daemon.1 alias is the alias of the server the client is connected with.202. willingness is the server’s willingness to accept new clients (0 . count is the number of connected clients.34|vbop-0x40120000:anthill:0 connected 02/19/1999 10:44:17 -s -c Lists connections by server.211. The utility displays several lines for each server: (n secs) server alias (node|sproc) willingness willingness count connected clients: client_type node|cproc connected time where: n is the number of seconds it took for the server to respond. ". separated by spaces.. For example. CA Service Management . The utility displays client or server information from them.14.1 -t nn Specifies a timeout interval in seconds. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . 02-Aug-2016 80/403 . Important! On UNIX. as appropriate.. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. Default: 2 proc1 Specifies one or more slump procnames. Because pdm_listconn receives information from an unknown number of clients and servers. it terminates when the specified timeout interval elapses after the last message received. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. On UNIX. The cutover can occur after a specified number of bytes are written.000 bytes. -b bytes Specifies the number of bytes written before cutover occurs. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities.".. Restrictions You can run pdm_load while CA SDM is active. -q Runs pdm_logfile in quiet mode. It is best to run pdm_load when no one is using CA SDM.. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. On Windows. the settings are retained with each pdm_halt and pdm_init. but performance can become very slow. issue the following command: pdm_logfile -f STD -b 500000 -L Creates a listing of current cutovers.14. CA Service Management . this value is reset with each pdm_init. 02-Aug-2016 81/403 . input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . Important! On UNIX.1 pdm_logfile--Change stdlog Cutover Size pdm_logfile lets you change your stdlog. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_logfile [-L|-h] or pdm_logfile [-g -h] [-b bytes] Example To change your stdlog. For example.x cutover size.x files to cutover at 500. For example. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_task command command Specifies a command that does not have a wrapper and. 02-Aug-2016 82/403 . therefore. because all environment variables are set by the application. the pdm_task command must precede the report command on the same command line only when the command is invoked through a script or the command line. does not automatically set environment variables. If you issue the report command from a menu. CA Service Management . Note: Reports cannot be generated from the command line on a client.14. See report--Generate Reports (see page 116) for more information about issuing pdm_task with a command.1 pdm_task--Set Environment Variables Applies to UNIX only The pdm_task utility sets environment variables for commands that do not have wrappers. you do not need to include pdm_task. ] -h Opens the help menu.. -V Prints the program version. CA Service Management . --default-code Lists only the default encoding.. -L Lists all available transliterators. -x Runs the progress through transliteration. 02-Aug-2016 83/403 . -v Displays the progress information of the utility. The most common usage of this utility is to convert from a local charset to UTF-8 and from UTF-8 to a local charset. -c Omits invalid characters from the output. --to-callback callback Uses callback on destination encoding.14. -s Uses silent operation and suppresses messages.1 pdm_uconv--Convert Local Charset to UTF-8 The pdm_uconv utility assists you in converting data from previous releases of CA SDM or integrations with other CA Technologies products. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_uconv -h [-V] [-s] [-v] [-l | --list-code | --default-code | -L] [--cannon] [-x] [--to-callback | -c] [--from-callback | -i] [-- fallback | --no-fallback] [-b] [-f] [--t] [--add-signature] [--remove-signature] [-o] [file .txt(5) format. --cannon Prints the list in cnvrtrs. The following are valid: --list-code Lists only the given encoding. -l Lists all available encoding. txt > outputfile.txt From UTF-8 to local charset pdm_uconv -f utf-8 inputfile. -f Sets theoriginal encoding.txt > outputfile. --no-fallback Does not use fallback mapping.txt From specific charset (iso-2022-jp) to UTF-8 pdm_uconv -f iso-2022-jp -t utf-8 inputfile. --remove-signature Removes U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM) -o Writes output to file.txt > outputfile.txt From UTF-8 to specific charset pdm_uconv -f utf-8 -t iso-2022-jp inputfile. CA Service Management . -t Sets the destination encoding. -i Ignores invalid sequences in the input.txt The pdm_uconv utility has the following are valid callbacks: substitute skip 02-Aug-2016 84/403 . --add-signature Adds U+FEFF Unicode signature character (BOM).s.14. -b Specifies the block size.txt > outputfile. Default: 4096 --fallback Uses fallback mapping.1 --from-callback callback Uses callback on original encoding. Examples: From local charset to UTF-8 pdm_uconv -t utf-8 inputfile. --callback callback Uses callback on both encoding. 14.1 stop escape escape-icu escape-java escape-c escape-xml escape-xml-hex escape-xml-dec escape-unicode 02-Aug-2016 85/403 . CA Service Management . Use raw text mode if you want to use the resulting data in a spreadsheet or other type of report.1 pdm_webstat--Return Web Usage Statistics Use pdm_webstat to return CA SDM session and user statistics for one or more web engine processes. and current active sessions. however. it usually means that the session has not logged on yet. If a session is displayed without a user ID.168. without titles and other formatting. The pdm_webstat command shows cumulative sessions. For example.20 ========================================= Report from Webengine: web:local:1 02-Aug-2016 86/403 . most sessions at a time. the following syntax: pdm_webstat -r shows the following output: 10/11/2005 10:31:49 web:local:0 12 4 2 10/11/2005 10:31:49 web:local:1 9 2 2 -d Specifies detailed output that displays user sessions.16 usery@192. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_webstat [-r] [-d | -D] [-i] [-t timeout] [-p webengine process] [-n] [-h] -r Specifies raw text mode. Within the output for a single web engine process there are no line breaks. the output for each web engine process always starts on a new line.14.1. Raw text mode displays data in exactly the same order as when you use pdm_webstat without the -r option. For example.1. The -d option lists all current sessions in the form of userid@IPaddress. CA Service Management . the following syntax: pdm_webstat -d shows the following output: PDM_Webstat: Invoked at 10/11/2005 10:27:31 ========================================= Report from Webengine: web:local:0 ========================================= Cumulative sessions so far = 12 Most sessions at a time = 4 Currently active sessions = 2 @192.168. It can also provide information about the individual users. 14 [email protected] 5 . The pdm_webstat command outputs its report in the format requested by other arguments.8 -D Provides more detailed output for debugging purposes.1.20 SessionStat 5 ========================================== Report from Webengine: web:local:1 ========================================== Cumulative sessions so far = 7 Most sessions at a time = 2 Currently active sessions = 2 SrvcPlus@192. When the -i argument is specified.1.r shows the following output: 09/21/2007 16:27:25 web:local 14 10 6 09/21/2007 16:27:30 web:local 17 10 9 09/21/2007 16:27:35 web:local 18 10 10 09/21/2007 16:27:41 web:local 21 13 13 -t timeout 02-Aug-2016 87/403 . and outputs the report again.168.1. With . It adds internal information about each session to the detailed output.14 SessionStat 7 userx@192. This option should be specified only when specifically requested by CA support. pdm_webstat terminates only when explicitly cancelled.8 SessionStat 13 -i Specifies an interval in seconds between successive reports.16 SessionStat 1 userx@192. the following syntax: pdm_webstat .1.14.168.p web:local . the following syntax: pdm_webstat -D shows the following output: PDM_Webstat: Invoked at 10/11/2007 10:28:10 ========================================== Report from Webengine: web:local:0 ========================================== Cumulative sessions so far = 12 Most sessions at a time = 4 Currently active sessions = 2 @192.168. For example. pdm_webstat runs continuously.1. waits for the interval specified. normally with Ctrl+C.168.1.1 ========================================= Cumulative sessions so far = 7 Most sessions at a time = 2 Currently active sessions = 2 [email protected]. For example.168.168. CA Service Management . ". -n Suppresses the normal log entry for each reported web engine. if you do not specify any parameters. a time-out or no active web engine processes). CA Service Management . and a nonzero value if errors occur (for example. For example. By default. Example: pdm_webstat Output When No Parameters Are Specified The following example shows the output of pdm_webstat when it is executed with no parameters: PDM_Webstat: Invoked at 10/11/2007 10:26:42 ========================================= Report from Webengine: web:local:0 ========================================= Cumulative sessions so far = 12 Most sessions at a time = 4 Currently active sessions = 2 ========================================= Report from Webengine: web:local:1 ========================================= Cumulative sessions so far = 7 Most sessions at a time = 2 Currently active sessions = 2 Important! On UNIX. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments .14. all web engine processes are reported.. a log entry summarizing each web engine is created. Note: By default.. This parameter causes pdm_webstat to wait for a number of seconds for a response before terminating.1 Specifies a time-out value in seconds. pdm_webstat returns zero if the command completes successfully. pdm_webstat displays summary data for all running processes. 02-Aug-2016 88/403 . The default is 30 seconds. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. By default. The process name (also called slump-name) is the same name that would be viewed in an slstat output and always starts with "web:". -p webengine_process Specifies the process name of the web engine for which you want to report. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. The following parameters are used for STDIN email behavior only: -e Specifies the email address (for recipient). -s Specifies the subject for the email. Only the plain text version of the notification is used (no HTML). but not to both. -q Disables the display prompt for STDIN. -H Specifies the header charset. -N Specifies the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Notify option. the utility is invoked as follows: pdm_mail [-i [-s subject] [-e email_address] [-q]] [-p] [-M] [-F] [-T] [-B] [-H] [-N] [-R] [-h] -i Uses STDIN instead of NTF variables. For email. then the default behavior of using the NX_NTF_xxxx variable to pass parameters is in effect. The pdm_mail utility can also be used for commands. If no parameters are used.14. -p Utilizes pager logic. This might be useful for pagers that do not support the UTF-8. -B Specifies the body charset. -R Specifies the Delivery Status Notification (DSN) Return option. CA Service Management . -h 02-Aug-2016 89/403 .1 pdm_mail Utility--Send Email Information The pdm_mail utility is used in notifications to send emails by sending email information to the pdm_mail_nxd process. This option includes using the pager email address instead of the regular email address. -M Uses plain text only (no MIME) in body. -F Specifies the From address of the email. -T Specifies the Reply-To address of the email. This might be useful for pagers that do not support the UTF-8. CA Service Management . Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example.".14. send_q (-c only) Sends local mail queue to remote mail server. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities.. Important! On UNIX. trace Turns tracing on or off. The counter is not reset. report_interval Changes the report interval to a specified value (in seconds).1 -h Displays help on the utility. 02-Aug-2016 90/403 . the utility is invoked as follows: Command to mail server pdm_mail -c option [parameter] Command to mail eater pdm_mail -x option [parameter] check_interval (-x only) Changes the check mail interval to a specified value (in seconds). For commands. report_now Forces a report to the logs. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments .. log Appender (see page 114) pdm_replace--Replace a Database Table pdm_replace deletes a table in a CA SDM database and replaces it with a table from a temporary file you specify with the -f option.1 CA SDM PDM Database Commands This article contains the following topics: pdm_restore--Restore a Database (see page 93) pdm_load--Add.14.Discovered Asset Import (see page 105) pdm_text_cmd--Text API Command Line Interface (see page 107) Input Examples (see page 109) pdm_log4j_config Utility--Modify the log4j properties File (see page 110) Utility Usage Examples (see page 111) Modify the Log File Refresh Interval Manually (see page 113) Modify the jsrvr.Knowledge Re-Index Utility (see page 101) When to Use pdm_k_reindex (see page 102) Re-Index Tracking (see page 103) Import and Re-Indexing (see page 103) Index and De-Index Queue Settings for Batch and Instant Processing (see page 104) PDM-Discovered Asset Commands (see page 105) pdm_discupd -. 02-Aug-2016 91/403 . pdm_replace first shuts down the daemons (UNIX) or services (Windows).log Appender (see page 113) Modify the jstd. CA Service Management . Note: As part of its processing. Back up your table before running pdm_replace.Discovered Asset Update (see page 105) pdm_discimp -. and Delete Database Records (see page 94) CA SDM PDM Daemon Commands (see page 95) pdm_halt--Terminate Daemons or Stop Services (see page 95) pdm_init--Start Daemons (see page 96) pdm_d_refresh--Start Failed Daemons (see page 97) pdm_status--Show Status of Daemons or Processes (see page 97) uniconv--Start UNIX CA NSM Event Converter Daemon (see page 98) CA SDM PDM Server Commands (see page 98) pdm_proctor_init--Start Proctor on Secondary Servers (see page 99) pdm_server_control Utility--Identify Servers (see page 99) pdm_rest_util--Manage the CA SDM RESTful Web Services Application (see page 100) Undeploy the REST Web Services Application (see page 100) pdm_k_reindex -. Update. the data from the input file is the only data that is in that table after running pdm_replace. however. . . . "value1N" } { "value21". "valueN2". Do not run pdm_replace when users are logged in to CA SDM. Only the privileged user or root can run pdm_replace.dat. "value2N" } . { "valueN1". "valueNN" } 02-Aug-2016 92/403 . Restrictions pdm_replace can be run only on the following servers. . . "value12". . depending on your CA SDM configuration: Conventional: Primary server Advanced availability: Background server Important! Ensure that you have stopped all application and standby servers before running this command on the background server. which is the same file format used by pdm_userload. . For example. Important! Be sure to name your input file with a name different from the table name you are attempting to replace. . after you execute the pdm_replace command to point to the input file (ca_contacts. .dat). You can create an input file for pdm_replace using pdm_extract. . -f filename Specifies an ASCII file with the following format: TABLE table_name fieldname1 fieldname2 . .14. . you cannot use the output of pdm_backup as input to pdm_replace. . CA Service Management . "value22". . it deletes the file after execution because it has the same name as the table. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_replace [-v] -f filename -v Specifies verbose mode.1 pdm_replace accepts a text file as input. fieldnameN { "value11". if you are replacing a table named ca_contacts and you name the input file ca_contacts. The data from the input file is the only data that will be in the CA SDM database after running pdm_restore. Do not run pdm_restore when users are logged in to CA SDM. pdm_restore first shuts down the daemons (UNIX) or services (Windows). 02-Aug-2016 93/403 . Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_restore [-d] [-g] [-n] [-w] [-v] . -d Specifies that only database data is restored. pdm_restore--Restore a Database pdm_restore stops CA SDM and then deletes all records from a CA SDM database and replaces them with records from a file you specify with the -f option. however. or otherwise formatted for pdm_restore. Important! Use pdm_restore only with a full database backup created by pdm_backup. Only the privileged user or root can run pdm_restore. CA Service Management . because your current database is deleted and replaced by the backup file. Note: As part of its processing. run the pdm_restore command only on the background server. The following restrictions are applicable if you are using the advanced availability configuration: If you are restoring the database. pdm_backup and pdm_restore are not recommended when other backup and restoration tools are available. background.1 This format is the same file format used by pdm_userload. and standby) before you run the pdm_restore command. and pdm_restore can restore this data also. Ensure that you have stopped all servers (application. you cannot use the output of pdm_backup as input to pdm_replace. You can create an input file for pdm_replace using pdm_extract. The input file must be created using pdm_extract or pdm_backup. pdm_backup can back up non-database data.14.f filename Restrictions pdm_restore can be run only on a CA SDM server. .1 -g Specifies that only non-database data be restored. . -f filename Specifies an input file that contains a full backup created by pdm_backup. NX. As long as you assign a unique prefix or suffix using awk or another text processor. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_load [-c] [-h] [-m] [-r] [-u] [-v] . .cfg is restored if restoring non-database data. CA SDM views this number as a string of characters not as a sequential number. By default. -v Specifies verbose mode. pdm_load--Add. and Delete Database Records Important! Using pdm_load can be destructive so always back up your database before you perform a pdm_load. fieldnameN 02-Aug-2016 94/403 .cfg is not restored. up to a maximum of 112 attributes.env can affect unintended databases.env is restored if restoring non-database data.env file not be restored unless the restore is to the same server the backup came from. and thus cannot guarantee that it will assign a unique number to the uploaded tickets. CA Service Management .f filename The input file entries follow this format: TABLE table_name fieldname1 fieldname2 . your ticket number should include a unique prefix or suffix in its string. you can upload tickets without CA SDM writing over previously assigned numbers.14. We recommend that the NX. Only windows (forms) and other non-database data are restored. web. pdm_load updates a CA SDM database using an input file you specify. Update. Whenever you upload tickets (such as requests or issues).env is not restored. By default. -n Specifies that NX. and use pdm_userload unless instructed to use pdm_load. Restoring an incorrect NX. -w Specifies that web. . . "valueN2".1 { "value11". press Ctrl+C to stop pdm_halt. -f filename Specifies an input ASCII file. "value2N" } . but does not make the updates. -u Updates existing records. . The pdm_halt utility usually takes about 30 seconds to complete. Important! Make a backup copy of the database before running pdm_load with this option. Specify when you are using pdm_load to add or delete a large number of records. you must restore the CA SDM database with this backup copy if you want to recover any deleted records. . "value12". as listed in the CA SDM database schema file. . . "value22". and try again. . If it hangs for more than two minutes. -r Removes database records that match input records. . . "value1N" } { "value21".sch (UNIX) or installation-directory\site\sch\schema. which is located in $NX_ROOT/site/sch/schema. Syntax 02-Aug-2016 95/403 . { "valueN1". -c Checks the input file against the database and reports on the updates that would be made.14. sch (Windows). $NX_ROOT or installation-directory is the directory where you installed CA SDM. . After old database records are removed. . This option suppresses all client notifications of updates and sends a cache refresh message for a table when pdm_load finishes processing the table. CA SDM PDM Daemon Commands pdm_halt--Terminate Daemons or Stop Services pdm_halt cleanly terminates all CA SDM daemons (UNIX) or the System Server Service (Windows) on the system from which pdm_halt is executed. but does not insert new records into the database. -m Specifies mass update. CA Service Management . "valueNN" } table_name is the name of the table to be loaded. some are applicable only to certain operating systems. Note: Use pdm_d_refresh to start daemons that failed to start the first time after remedying the problem that caused them not to start initially. pdm_init--Start Daemons Applies to UNIX only pdm_init starts all CA SDM automatic processes on the system from which pdm_init is executed.14. These automatic processes are called daemons and run continually in the background while you work. Restrictions pdm_halt can be run on a CA SDM server or a CA SDM UNIX client.1 Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_halt [-w] [-a] [time] -w Waits for the daemons to stop. -a Stops all proctors defined in the pdm_startup file. Syntax pdm_init Restrictions pdm_init can be run on a CA SDM server or a CA SDM UNIX client. You must be the privileged user to run pdm_halt. 02-Aug-2016 96/403 . Not all of the daemons are started. In most cases you do not need to terminate the daemons running to start ones that initially failed. [time] Specifies the number of seconds to wait until the command executes. You must be the privileged user to run pdm_init. CA Service Management . input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. Output is displayed in this format: DAEMON STATUS HOST PID SLUMP CONNECT TIME ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Agent anthill Running anthill 455 Tue Feb 17 17:55:12 Ddict_rd (ddictrd) Completed anthill Data Dictionary (ddictbuild) Completed anthill .". the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. For example. User Validation (boplgin) Running anthill 456 Tue Feb 17 17:55:21 Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_status 02-Aug-2016 97/403 ..14.1 pdm_d_refresh--Start Failed Daemons The pdm_d_refresh command line utility is used primarily for remote daemon configurations. pdm_status--Show Status of Daemons or Processes pdm_status shows the status of all CA SDM daemons (UNIX) or processes (Windows) on the system from which the command is executed. the daemon manager tries to start all stopped daemons. CA Service Management .". Then... Running this utility flags all daemons as able to run and resets the restart counter.. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_d_refresh Important! On UNIX. It tells the daemon manager to try to start daemons that have failed to start ten times and that the daemon manager has flagged as "not runnable. Your site must be integrated with CA NSM to use this utility. -h &opnode Specifies the node name of the machine on which you are executing uniconv (required). -t &'time' Specifies the system time. CA SDM PDM Server Commands 02-Aug-2016 98/403 . you can use uniconv to send generic event data to filter daemons in CA SDM. uniconv is used in a message action in CA NSM Event Management.14. -e &'text' Specifies the full text of the message (required). -d &datem Specifies the system date in mm/dd/yy format. CA Service Management .h &opnode .e &'text' [-n & nodeid] [-u &userid] [-d &datem] [-t &' time'] Restrictions uniconv must be run from $NX_ROOT/bin on UNIX.1 uniconv--Start UNIX CA NSM Event Converter Daemon Applies to UNIX only When CA SDM is integrated with CA NSM. Syntax This command has the following format: uniconv . -u &userid Specifies the login ID of the person who originated the message. -n &nodeid Specifies the node name from which the message originated (required). -t Displays the type of this CA SDM advance availability Server. If the server is not running. This option cannot be used for a background or a standby server. the local server is notified to quiesce. use pdm_halt on the secondary server to stop this proctor. -q interval [-s server_name] Notifies a local or remote application server to quiesce in a specified time interval. it is started but no failover is performed. After all daemons have been stopped from the primary server. To start a failover.1 pdm_proctor_init--Start Proctor on Secondary Servers Applies to UNIX only Use pdm_proctor_init to start the proctor on secondary servers. When using this option without a server_name. 02-Aug-2016 99/403 . This interval is the number of seconds before the server shutdowns. All secondary servers should be started prior to starting the daemons from the primary server.14. CA Service Management . -b Notifies a local standby server to become the background server. Note: Do not use pdm_proctor_init on the primary server. run the command again. The standby server must be running. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_proctor_init pdm_server_control Utility--Identify Servers The pdm_server_utility commands identify the server as background or standby in an advance availability configuration. Execute the following command from the command prompt: pdm_server_control -h | -b | -q interval [-s server_name] | -t | -c [-server_name] -h Displays the help page. 02-Aug-2016 100/403 . CA Service Management . You can run it manually if you require the utility. Important! If you undeploy the REST application with this utility. Open a command prompt.bat for Windows or . This REST web services utility deploys the REST services web application. and deploys all Majic factories./pdm_rest_util. compiles. Execute the following command: pdm_rest_util -undeploy The REST Web Services application is undeployed. This command has the following formats and options: pdm_rest_util . you want to perform CA SDM maintenance and prefer to undeploy REST during this operation. 2. pdm_rest_util--Manage the CA SDM RESTful Web Services Application CA SDM uses this utility automatically. such as after an unexpected error occurs.h | [-deploy] | [-undeploy] -h Prints command-line help.14. We recommend that you use the CA SDM configuration to disable REST for UNIX) lets you invoke the utility. A batch file in the NX_ROOT\bin directory (pdm_rest_util.1 -c [-s server_name] Notifies a local or remote application server to cancel the previous quiesce the request. Undeploy the REST Web Services Application You can undeploy the REST Web Services application with the pdm_rest_util utility. This utility deploys the REST application to the dedicated REST Tomcat instance. Follow these steps: 1. REST can redeploy automatically when CA SDM restarts. For example. -undeploy Undeploys REST Web Services on the local server. -deploy Generates. depending upon the size of your database.1 pdm_k_reindex -. Note: Reindexing the documents in the knowledge base can be a time-consuming operation. -v Defines the verbose mode. We recommend that you run the Knowledge Reindex utility after all the changes have been added. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . For example..D". -D Defines the debug mode.exe. such as printing to the stdlog file.Knowledge Re-Index Utility The Knowledge reindex utility. -i Does not create table indexes in the reindex table after reindexing. pdm_k_reindex. 2. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. For advanced availability configuration.14. such as " . you cannot execute the knowledge re-index utility during failover. such as printing to the command window. Enter the following command at the command prompt to run the knowledge reindex: For example: pdm_k_reindex The following options are available with this command. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility.. Open the command prompt. Note: Parameters with a dash as a prefix. must precede other parameters that do not have this prefix. is located under the Knowledge Management installation directory.". Important! On UNIX. The other option is as follow: 02-Aug-2016 101/403 . Follow these steps: 1. CA Service Management . +i Creates the indexes of the reindexed table only. When to Use pdm_k_reindex Run the pdm_k_reindex utility when one or more of the following search settings were changed: Noise words Synonyms Special terms Language Remove Similar Words Remove Noise Words Valid Character Range Recognize Special Terms An appropriate message appears on Knowledge node of Administration tab when a change occurs. sometimes statistics are required to be provided more often. The documents are reindexed in the knowledge base. However. 02-Aug-2016 102/403 . Use the following parameter: pdm_k_reindex -i sdtout:10 In this case.1 File:reindex. CA Service Management . sdtout Defines the frequency of statistic appearing in the command window. Note: A “+” prefix denotes only this parameter applies. The old indexes are dropped before reindexing. By default the knowledge reindex utility provides statistics into the command window for every 1000 documents processed. +t Switches the names of search and reindex tables only. statistics display in the command window for every ten documents.14.txt Documents are reindexed to the specified file. which is the search table after reindexing. the re-index utility (pdm_k_reindex. the pdm_kit utility imports the documents into the database. based on the current rate and the remaining number of documents. you can view the status of the process in the Re-Index Tracking section in the lower half of the page. Time Remaining Specifies the estimated amount of time remaining for the process. Special Terms. calculated by the number of words minus the number of noise words. Synonyms or Parse Settings and you do not re-index. After pdm_kit is completed. you are prompted the next time you access the Knowledge node of the Administration tab. Failures # Represents the number of failed documents (maximum=100). assuming document indexing or re-indexing has not been disabled using the command-line options.1 Re-Index Tracking While the re-index is running. The status and output of the re-indexing operation is automatically written to the "EBR_REINDEX.exe is invoked from the command line. Average Size (Words) Specifies the size of the current documents. When the maximum number of failures is reached. Note: If changes have been made to Noise Words. Import and Re-Indexing When pdm_kit. per second. Time from Start Indicates the duration of the re-index process since start.14.exe) is automatically invoked. CA Service Management . the administrator is prompted to either continue or cancel the process. Changes will take effect only after the Knowledge Re-index utility is run. 02-Aug-2016 103/403 .LOG" in the $NX_ROOT\log directory. Rate (Docs/Sec) Specifies the number of documents processed. Each field is described as follows: Document # Specifies the number of documents already processed. The recommended batch maximum size is between 2-12 MB (per the EBR_MAX_INDEX_BATCH_SIZE parameter of the NX. that batch executions have ten second intervals.env file and the average document size). If the average size of your document (including attachments) is approximately 0.env @EBR_MAX_INDEX_BATCH_SIZE=25 @NX_EBR_INDEX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT=10 @NX_EBR_REINDEX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT=10 @NX_EBR_INDEX_QUEUE_ONLINE=No @NX_EBR_NON_KD_INDEX_QUEUE_ONLINE=No This setting means that one batch processes 25 documents. the wait interval between two batches is ten seconds. CA Service Management .1 Index and De-Index Queue Settings for Batch and Instant Processing Indexing and De-Indexing both run a batch process to include a predefined number of documents at one run. If the average size of your document (including attachments) is approximately 0. 02-Aug-2016 104/403 . The number of documents you can process is limited. and when in reindex. the limit depends on the size of the documents and the linked attachments.1 MB. and when in reindex. Repositories on the Administration tab and editing the repository to set the File Limit Size (KB).14. If more documents are included in the batch. Imagine and format elements are not calculated. keep the default setting in NX. These batch processes are used for performance optimization. the wait interval between two batches is one second. The document size is calculated based on the pure text and its attachments. system performance increases.5 MB. that batch executions have ten second intervals.env: @EBR_MAX_INDEX_BATCH_SIZE=128 @NX_EBR_INDEX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT=10 @NX_EBR_REINDEX_QUEUE_TIMEOUT=1 @NX_EBR_INDEX_QUEUE_ONLINE=Yes @NX_EBR_NON_KD_INDEX_QUEUE_ONLINE=Yes This setting means that one batch processes 128 documents. keep the default setting in NX. Note: You can limit the size of attachments by navigating to Attachments Library. using various parameters. Syntax pdm_discimp [-l label] [-s serial number] [-t asset tag] [-n hostname] [-d dns name] [-m mac address] [-c asset class] [-v] [-r] [-o object manager] Asset selection criteria (use % for wild card): l 02-Aug-2016 105/403 . pdm_discimp -. Syntax pdm_discupd [-t] [-v] [-d domsrvr] Where t Test v Verbose/diagnostic mode. CA Service Management . d Object manager (domsrvr) to use for processing. This program will query the ca_logical_asset.1 PDM-Discovered Asset Commands pdm_discupd -. Use this to search the MDB for assets that were registered by other software products and register them as CA SDM assets. and ca_logical_asset_property tables.". Logic is similar to Discovered Assets dialog that can be launched from Asset Search/List web form.Discovered Asset Update Batch update of non-CA SDM Discovered Assets. That is an interactive and batch process... For example. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments . Important! On UNIX. so they can be used in CA SDM. and attempt to register new CA SDM Assets from the discovered values. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. ca_asset. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. Use this utility to update assets that were imported by the pdm_discimp command.Discovered Asset Import Batch registration of non-CA SDM Discovered Assets.14. The first query retrieves the rows from a join between the ca_logical_asset and ca_asset tables that match label. Then for each resulting row. otherwise runs in simulate mode. The asset from the first query is chosen for registration if the second query results in rows being returned. serial number. Other options: c Asset class to assign when registering new owned assets defaults to Discovered Hardware. h Displays this information. 02-Aug-2016 106/403 . v Verbose/diagnostic mode. Asset property selection criteria (use % for wild card): d Match this dns name. It is important to understand this as it could affect performance.1 l Match this asset label. two queries are performed to select the appropriate records to process. s Match this serial number. n Match this hostname. tag and hostname. o Object manager (domsrvr) to use for processing. CA Service Management . r Register assets. Because of the structure of the MDB and CA SDM architecture limitations. the value found for the host name or DNS Name will be used as the Asset Label. t Match this asset tag. Note: If processing results in a blank Asset Label.14. m Match this mac address. a query is performed against ca_logical_asset_property to match dns_name and mac_address. Assets must have at least a Label and Asset Class to be registered for use in CA SDM. 14. assets.. change orders. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. which you can use to create and update various objects such as requests.p from_persid} [-o operation] [-f input file] [-T timeout] [-h] -t table (Required) Specifies the table to process. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments .1 Important! On UNIX. -u from_userid | -p from_persid 02-Aug-2016 107/403 . CA Service Management . issues. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_text_cmd .cfg file for a complete list of valid table names. The table name can be one of the following values (not case sensitive): Asset Contact Change Issue Request Note: See the [OPTIONS] section of the text_api..". Important! You cannot use a single or double quote as the parameter of the pdm_text_nxd or bop_cmd commands.t table {-u from_userid . pdm_text_cmd--Text API Command Line Interface Use the pdm_text_cmd command for the Text API. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. For example. and contacts. Note: The value that you specify with this option is appended to the end of the input for the pdm_text_cmd command using the appropriate keyword. -p from_persid Identifies the contact using the unique object identifier for the contact record. from_persid must be of the form cnt:xxxx. %FROM_USERID or % FROM_PERSID. xxxx is the persistent ID of the object.14. see the file text_api. The Text API uses the following basic format for input: %keyword=value You can issue multiple commands within the input by separating the command request by at least five percent signs (%%%%%). UPDATE | UPD -. -o operation Specifies the operation to perform.Creates an object if not found or updates an existing object if found. The operation must be one of the following values (not case sensitive): NEW -. commands are used from STDIN. This value is the default if no operation is specified. does nothing. which is a text file containing valid Text API commands.Creates an object.1 -u from_userid | -p from_persid (One option required) Identifies the contact for this operation: -u from_userid Identifies the contact using the User ID value. Note: For more information about valid keywords and about formatting input to the Text API. Both UPDATE and UPDATE_ONLY require the %SEARCH keyword in the command input. otherwise.Updates object if found. UPDATE_ONLY | UPDO -.cfg. -T timeout 02-Aug-2016 108/403 . If you omit this parameter. CA Service Management . You can perform only one operation transaction with each invocation of pdm_text_cmd. -f input_file Specifies the full path of the file to process. Input Examples pdm_text_cmd is the command line interface for the Text API that you can use to create and update various objects such as requests. %PRIORITY=3 To process this file.txt.". change orders. issue the following command: pdm_text_cmd -t Issue . pdm_text_cmd returns zero if the command completes successfully without warnings or errors or one if the command completes successfully. CA Service Management . and contacts. Important! On UNIX. use Ctrl+Z in Windows and Ctrl+D in POSIX. issues. the LIBPATH must be set before running several CA SDM utilities. input "pdm_task pdm_clean_attachments .1 Specifies the number of seconds to wait for a response from the server before timing out. assuming its full path is c:\update.14. Use pdm_task to set the LIBPATH before running a utility. For example. issue the following command: 02-Aug-2016 109/403 .. Note: pdm_text_cmd shows the text-based replies received back from the Text API. The default is 30 seconds. assets. assuming its full path is c:\input.u user01 -f c:\input. Example: Use an Input File to Create an Issue The following example demonstrates how to use a pdm_text_cmd input file to create an issue: %DESCRIPTION=This is my Test. which include success or error messages. but with warnings.txt Example: Use an Input File to Update an Issue The following example demonstrates an input file to update issue 123 to a priority of 2: %SEARCH=ISSUE_ID %ISSUE_ID=123 %PRIORITY=2 To process this file.. Note: When passing the parameters from command prompt. Any other return value indicates that an error occurred.txt. and the original text sent using the API for processing. Execute the utility batch script that is based on your environment. %DESCRIPTION=This is Test 1. %PRIORITY=2 %%%%% %DESCRIPTION=This is Test 3. SDM_RPC.txt Example: Use an Input File to Create Multiple Requests The following example demonstrates creating multiple requests with one input file. Rest. For Windows. assuming its full path is c:\testdata. For UNIX. REST. execute the pdm_log4j_config. %PRIORITY=3 %%%%% %DESCRIPTION=This is Test 2. or Viz. This command has the following format: pdm_log4j_config . execute pdm_log4j_config from the command line. -d Displays the current log4j. This command can be helpful creating test data on a test system. Enter one of the following values: SDM_WEB. -a Completes all changes to log4j. and CMDB Visualizer. web configuration. -n 02-Aug-2016 110/403 . Note: Use the mandatory option along with the other globally.f <component> [-a | -n <name>] [-l <log level>] [I <max # of log files>] [-s <max size of log files>] [-t <log level threshold>] -f Specifies the log4j configuration of CA SDM or the component of CA SDM that you want to change. issue the following command: pdm_text_cmd -t Request .14. -h Displays help for the utility.1 pdm_text_cmd -t Issue -o UPDATE_ONLY .f <component> -d pdm_log4j_config -h pdm_log4j_config .txt.txt pdm_log4j_config Utility--Modify the log4j properties File The pdm_log4j_config. Support Automation. utility lets you configure the log4j properties file of CA SDM. %PRIORITY=None To process this file.u user01-f c:\testdata. CA Service Management .sh file. SA.u user01 -f c:\update. f SA -a -l DEBUG Modify the log verbosity level for a specific logger class or package name in the CA SDM log4j properties file by using the -l and -n variables. or a complete package name. 02-Aug-2016 111/403 . -s Specifies the max file size that you want to set. Specify a specific class name. such as file of Visualizer to Rolling File Appender before you execute the command with this parameter. set all of the loggers configured in Support Automation to a level of DEBUG: pdm_log4j_config . set the maximum number of files for all appenders to -l Specifies the log level that you want to set.f SDM_RPC -n pdm_rpc -l DEBUG pdm_log4j_config .14. For example. -I. Important! Change the appender in the -s.f SDM_RPC -n com. and -t parameters. For example. specify the -a or -n option. CA Service Management . Utility Usage Examples The following list provides examples of using the pdm_log4j_config utility: Modify the log verbosity level for all loggers configured in the properties file by using the -l and -a variables. MaxFileSize generates logs in the same file.ServicePlus. Note: For the -l.pdm_rpc -l DEBUG Modify the maximum number of log files to create for all the appenders (MaxBackupIndex property) by using the -i and -a variables in the log4j properties file of REST. such as com. ServicePlus. If you do not change the appender. -i Specifies the max file number index that you want to set. set the logger for the pdm_rpc package to DEBUG using one of the following code samples: pdm_log4j_config .1 -n Specifies that you only want to modify a specific class or package name. -t Specifies the log level threshold. For example. For example. set the maximum size of files for bop_logging to 7 MB. For example. -s.f REST -d Important! Use -l. pdm_log4j_config .1 pdm_log4j_config . set the log level threshold to WARN. pdm_log4j_config .f REST -a -i 9 Modify the maximum number of log files configured in the CA SDM log4j properties file to create for an appender for a specific class or set of classes (MaxBackupIndex property) by using the -i and -n variables. Do not use both the options. pdm_log4j_config .f SDM_WEB -n bop_logging -s 7MB Modify the log level threshold for all the appenders configured in the Support Automation log4j properties file (Threshold property) by using the -t and -a variables. set the maximum size of files for all appenders to 9 MB. 02-Aug-2016 112/403 .f SA -a -t DEBUG Note: The -t parameter log level threshold overrides the -l parameter log level. For example. set the maximum number of files for bop_logging to 7. CA Service Management . The -f option is mandatory. -i. For example. and -t variables together with one of the -a or -n options.f SDM_WEB -n bop_logging -t WARN Execute the following command to view the current logger and appender configuration of the REST log4j properties file: pdm_log4j_config . pdm_log4j_config . If you modify the log level and the threshold level. The -h and -d options are mutually exclusive to any other option.14.f SDM_WEB -n bop_logging -i 7 Modify the maximum size of each log file configured in the REST log4j properties file to create for any appender (MaxFileSize property) by using the -s and -a variables. set the log level threshold to DEBUG.f REST -a -s 9MB Modify the maximum size of each log file configured in the CA SDM log4j properties file to create for an appender for a specific class or set of classes (MaxFileSize property) by using the -s and -n variables. Modify the log level threshold for an appender for a specific class or set of classes (Threshold property) configured in the CA SDM log4j properties file by using the -t and -n variables. the DEBUG logs from the servlet do not appear in the file. pdm_log4j_config . For example. jsrvrlog file for changes. 4. Open the NX. CA Service Management . Open the following directory on the CA SDM server: NX_ROOT 2. servlets such as file to the following threshold: log4j. and pdm_report log INFO level messages to the jsrvr.logger. Confirm that the DEBUG log messages of UploadServlet appear. PDM_RPC. pdmweb. the refresh interval is set to 60 seconds.14.1 Modify the Log File Refresh Interval Manually Administrators can modify how often CA SDM monitors the log4j. Save the NX. the value defaults to 60 seconds. 02-Aug-2016 113/403 . Support and REST use log4j for logging. Modify the jsrvr. Open the jsrvr.ServicePlus. Follow these steps: 1.Threshold=debug 2.log file. CMDB Visualizer.log Appender By default.log appender to log any messages under the INFO level. Follow these steps: 1.appender. Modify the level in the log4j. Modify the log level of UploadServlet: log4j. Modify the NX_LOG4J_REFRESH_INTERVAL variable with a value in milliseconds. By default.log file.uploadservlet=debug.env file. CA SDM components including SDM Servlets. You change the threshold level of the jsrvr. 3. Note: If you enter a negative or nonnumeric value.env file for editing. UploadServlet. 1 Note: If you modify the log level without modifying the threshold level. Not all servlets have explicit loggers attached. pdm_report. such as pdm_rpc by changing the log level of that specific application. which are part of the pdmweb and confirm that the log entries appear. For example.log Appender All logs from nonwebapp applications dump into the file does include pdmweb. BOServlet.log file separately. Open the log4j.14. To see DEBUG logs from these servlets. the DEBUG logs from the servlet do not appear in the file. Modify the following log level: log4j.pdm_rpc=debug 2.logger. modify the pdmweb log level. CA Service Management . pdm_export. 02-Aug-2016 114/403 .ca. Modify the jstd. and pdm_cache. You can display logs for any of these applications. Follow these steps: 1. -p pagelength Sets the page length. Enter pdm_task with the report command on the same command line only when the report is invoked through a script or the command line. -F ffstring Sets the optional form-feed string. CA Service Management . The default page length is 66. you must include pdm_task.1 CA SDM Report Command This article contains the following topics: rpt_srv--Generate Reports (see page 115) report--Generate Reports (see page 116) rpt_srv--Generate Reports Valid for Windows only The report program lets you generate a report from the command line on the server. To issue the report command at the command line or in a script. -f Uses form feeds between pages. The default output is UTF-8. Syntax This command has the following format: rpt_srv . you do not need to include pdm_task.14. you would run "-C iso-2022-jp" Example: To encode to the operating system's native charset. 02-Aug-2016 115/403 . Example: To convert the output to JIS. -C Changes encoding from UTF-8 to another charset. If you issue the report command from a menu. use "DEFAULT" or "NATIVE". -e Echoes compiled script (for debugging purposes). because all environment variables are set by the application. The pdm_task command sets up environment variables for commands that do not have a wrapper.m [-h] [-e] [-f] [-F ffstring] [-p pagelength] [-C] [-B] filename [ command line arguments] -m Signifies that the report is manually being run from the command line. If this is not installed. CA Service Management . you must enter a command line argument for each parameter in the report template. enter the null string. It allows editors that support UTF-8 to maintain the UTF-8 integrity of the file. The pdm_task command sets up environment variables for commands that do not have a wrapper. If the argument is empty.rpt Smith Jane L In the next example.1 -B Suppresses the Byte Order Mark if the variable NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK is set.rpt Smith Jane " report--Generate Reports Applies to UNIX only The report program lets you generate a report from the command line on the server. include the complete file path name. Jane Smith does not have a middle initial: rpt_srv . If you issue the report command from a menu. filename Specifies the report template. Note: This is only needed for non-ASCII data. enter the following command: rpt_srv . you must include pdm_task. 02-Aug-2016 116/403 . because all environment variables are set by the application. The report template requires these three parameters to generate the Affected Contacts Report. the following command supplies the command line arguments Smith. If you are not running the report command from the directory in which the template file is located. the default behavior omits the Byte Order Mark (BOM). If the report is designed to accept command line arguments. For example.14. The command sends the output as standard output (stdout).m c:\reports\affected. Syntax This command has the following format: pdm_task report [-h] [-e] [-f] [-F ffstring] [-p pagelength] filename [ command line arguments] -e Echoes compiled script (for debugging purposes). and L. Jane. you do not need to include pdm_task. command line arguments Specifies parameters received by the report template. The NX_ADD_UTF8_BYTE_ORDER_MARK option is a signature into a file. set it to "1" or "Yes". To issue the report command at the command line or in a script. If installed. For example.m c:\reports\affected. Enter pdm_task with the report command on the same command line only when the report is invoked through a script or the command line. rpt In the next example. The report template requires these three parameters to generate the Affected Contacts Report. -f Uses form feeds between pages. you must enter a command line argument for each parameter in the report template. include the complete file path name. The default page length is 66. Jane. -p pagelength Sets the page length.14. For example. the following command supplies the command line arguments Smith. enter the null string. and L.1 Echoes compiled script (for debugging purposes). Jane Smith does not have a middle initial: pdm_task report /opt/CAisd/samples/sdk/reports/affected. filename The report template. command line arguments Specifies parameters received by the report template. -F ffstring Sets the optional form-feed string. If you are not running the report command from the directory in which the template file is located. enter: pdm_task report /opt/CAisd/samples/sdk/reports/affected. If the argument is empty. CA Service Management . The command sends the output as standard output (stdout).rpt Smith Jane " 02-Aug-2016 117/403 . If the report is designed to accept command line arguments. For example. htmpl std_footer_site.htmpl list_iss.htmpl detail_iss.htmpl bin_form_np.htmpl list_KD. CA Service Management .htmpl detail_KD.htmpl menu_frames.htmpl iss_lr.htmpl list_isscat.htmpl std_body.htmpl home.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 118/403 .htmpl chg_lr.htmpl std_body_site.1 CA SDM Form Groups This article contains the following topics: Customer Forms Group (see page 118) Employee Forms Group (see page 119) Analyst Forms Group (see page 120) Customer Forms Group The following web forms are included in the Customer forms groups: about.htmpl cr_lr.htmpl detail_issalg.htmpl generic.htmpl std_footer.htmpl issue_status_change.14. htmpl std_head.htmpl change_status_change.htmpl detail_chg.htmpl iss_lr.htmpl bin_form_np.htmpl std_header.htmpl generic.htmpl detail_cr.htmpl list_chg.htmpl list_in.1 std_footer_site.htmpl chg_lr.14.htmpl detail_in.htmpl list_chgcat.htmpl Employee Forms Group The following web forms are included in the Employee forms groups: about.htmpl cr_lr.htmpl detail_KD. CA Service Management .htmpl home.htmpl detail_alg.htmpl list_KD.htmpl buttons.htmpl std_head_site.htmpl detail_chgalg.htmpl list_cr.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 119/403 . htmpl attmnt_content_tab.htmpl std_header.htmpl acctyp_web_auth_tab.htmpl std_head.htmpl Analyst Forms Group The following web forms are included in the Analyst forms groups: A about.htmpl request_status_change.htmpl acctyp_role_tab.htmpl acctyp_wsp_tab.htmpl list_pcat_in.htmpl std_body.htmpl show_error.htmpl admin_main_role.htmpl std_body_site.1 list_pcat.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 120/403 .htmpl admin_empty.htmpl list_pcat_cr.htmpl attmnt_fields.htmpl std_footer_site.htmpl std_head_site.htmpl admin_tree.htmpl std_footer.htmpl admin_tab_dflt.htmpl menu_frames. CA Service Management .14. 1 attmnt_permissions_tab.htmpl aty_kd_ntfr_tab.htmpl aty_iss_svy_tab.htmpl bin_form_np.htmpl aty_cr_ntfr_tab.htmpl aty_mgs_ntfr_tab.htmpl aty_iss_ntfr_tab.htmpl att_mgs_event.htmpl chg_causedreq_tab.htmpl cancel_empty.14.htmpl att_stype_event.htmpl chgcat_prptpl_tab.htmpl bhvtpl_trans_info_tab.htmpl aty_chg_ntfr_tab.htmpl category_permissions_tab.htmpl chg_accumulate.htmpl C cancel.htmpl B bhvtpl_todo_tab.htmpl aty_kdComment_ntfr_tab.htmpl aty_chg_svy_tab.htmpl category_content_tab.htmpl chgcat_wftpl_tab.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 121/403 .htmpl aty_cr_svy_tab.htmpl attmnt_upload_popup. CA Service Management .htmpl chgcat_auto_assignment_tab. htmpl cia_sync_stat.htmpl cnt_addr_tab.htmpl cnt_env_tab. CA Service Management .htmpl cnt_role_tab.htmpl cia_nr_tab.htmpl chg_relchg_tab.htmpl cia_export_bmhier.htmpl chg_relreq_tab.1 chg_close_all_child.htmpl cnt_rem_tab.htmpl cia_export_nr.htmpl cnote_tracker.htmpl cnt_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl cia_pwd_tab.htmpl chg_lr.htmpl chg_expedite.htmpl cr_lr.htmpl cnt_grp_tab.htmpl cnt_org_tab.htmpl cia_bmhier_tab.htmpl cr_detach_chg.htmpl D 02-Aug-2016 122/403 .htmpl cr_relreq_tab.htmpl cr_attach_chg.14.htmpl cnt_notif_tab.htmpl cr_close_all_child.htmpl cnt_mem_tab. htmpl detail_bhvtpl.htmpl detail_chg.htmpl detail_bmrep.1 dcon_constraint_tab.htmpl detail_attmnt_folder.htmpl detail_bmcls.htmpl detail_BU_TRANS.14.htmpl detail_chgalg.htmpl detail_attmnt_error.htmpl detail_ca_cmpny.template detail_acctyp.htmpl detail.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 123/403 .htmpl detail_attmnt_ro. CA Service Management .htmpl detail_asset.htmpl detail_aty.htmpl detail_attr_alias.htmpl detail_ADMIN_TREE.htmpl detail_act_type_assoc.htmpl detail_chgcat.htmpl detail_bmhier.htmpl detail_alg.htmpl detail_audlog.htmpl detail_attmnt_edit.htmpl dcon_sql_tab.htmpl detail_atev.htmpl detail_atomic_cond.htmpl detail_arcpur_rule. htmpl detail_CI_DOC_TEMPLATES.htmpl detail_doc_rep.htmpl detail_CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE.htmpl detail_dmn.htmpl detail_dcon.htmpl detail_crsq.htmpl detail_cr_prptpl.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 124/403 .htmpl detail_cnt.htmpl detail_ctp. CA Service Management .14.htmpl detail_EBR_LOG.htmpl detail_cnote.htmpl detail_chgtype.htmpl detail_dept.htmpl detail_EBR_ACRONYMS.htmpl detail_CI_STATUSES.htmpl detail_CI_ACTIONS.htmpl detail_EBR_NOISE_WORDS.htmpl detail_cost_cntr.htmpl detail_DOC_VERSIONS.htmpl detail_cr.htmpl detail_ctab.htmpl detail_crs.htmpl detail_cmth.htmpl detail_country.htmpl detail_ctimer.htmpl detail_CI_WF_TEMPLATES.1 detail_chgstat. 1 detail_EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM.htmpl detail_hier_edit.htmpl detail_hier_ro.htmpl detail_g_org.htmpl detail_fmgrp.htmpl detail_imp.htmpl detail_issstat.htmpl detail_g_loc.14. CA Service Management .htmpl detail_grc.htmpl detail_g_tblmap.htmpl detail_evt.htmpl detail_event_log.htmpl detail_iss.htmpl detail_g_cnt.htmpl detail_KCAT.htmpl detail_issalg.htmpl detail_ical_event_template.htmpl detail_g_qname.htmpl detail_iss_wf.htmpl detail_kc.htmpl detail_g_srvrs.htmpl detail_isscat.htmpl detail_g_prod.htmpl detail_in.htmpl detail_help_set.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 125/403 .htmpl detail_g_tblrule.htmpl detail_KD. CA Service Management .htmpl detail_ldap_group.htmpl detail_KD_QA.htmpl detail_KD_TASK.1 detail_KD_FILE.htmpl detail_KT_ACT_CONTENT.htmpl detail_KT_BLC.htmpl detail_KD_TASK_retire.htmpl detail_KEIT_TEMPLATES.htmpl detail_mgsalg.htmpl detail_macro_type.htmpl detail_macro.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 126/403 .htmpl detail_KD_template.htmpl detail_KD_TASK_cancel_rework.htmpl detail_mfrmod.htmpl detail_ldap.htmpl detail_NOTIFICATION.htmpl detail_LONG_TEXTS.htmpl detail_no_contract_sdsc.14.htmpl detail_menu_bar.htmpl detail_lr_ro.htmpl detail_loc.htmpl detail_KT_FILE_TYPE.htmpl detail_mgsstat.htmpl detail_KD_SAVE_AS.htmpl detail_menu_tree_name.htmpl detail_mgs.htmpl detail_KT_FLG_TYPE. htmpl detail_rc.htmpl detail_ntfl.htmpl detail_pr.14.htmpl detail_pri. CA Service Management .htmpl detail_position.htmpl detail_prod.htmpl detail_prpval.htmpl detail_O_COMMENTS.htmpl detail_QUERY_POLICY.htmpl detail_org.htmpl detail_ntfr.htmpl detail_nr_com.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 127/403 .htmpl detail_prpval_rule.htmpl detail_perscnt.1 detail_nr.htmpl detail_options.htmpl detail_projex.htmpl detail_O_EVENTS.htmpl detail_prefs.htmpl detail_response.htmpl detail_nrf.htmpl detail_prp_edit.htmpl detail_role.htmpl detail_pcat.htmpl detail_role_go_form.htmpl detail_prptpl.htmpl detail_ntfm. CA Service Management - 14.1 detail_rptmeth.htmpl detail_rrf.htmpl detail_rss.htmpl detail_sapolicy.htmpl detail_saprobtyp.htmpl detail_sdsc.htmpl detail_sdsc_map.htmpl detail_seq.htmpl detail_sev.htmpl detail_site.htmpl detail_slatpl.htmpl detail_srvr_aliases.htmpl detail_srvr_zones.htmpl detail_state.htmpl detail_svc_contract.htmpl detail_svy_atpl.htmpl detail_svy_qtpl.htmpl detail_svy_tpl.htmpl detail_tab.htmpl detail_tenant.htmpl detail_tenant_group.htmpl detail_tskstat.htmpl detail_tskty.htmpl detail_tspan.htmpl detail_typecnt.htmpl detail_tz.htmpl detail_urg.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 128/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 detail_USP_PREFERENCES.htmpl detail_usp_servers.htmpl detail_vpt.htmpl detail_web_form.htmpl detail_wf.htmpl detail_wftpl.htmpl detail_wrkshft.htmpl dmn_dcon_tab.htmpl edit_prop_dyn.htmpl ed_image_pane.htmpl evt_action_info.htmpl evt_config_info.htmpl G generic.htmpl get_comment.htmpl g_profile_browser.htmpl g_profile_browser2.htmpl g_profile_browser3.htmpl g_profile_browser_frameset.htmpl g_profile_jump.htmpl g_profile_scratchpad.htmpl H hierload_admin_tree.htmpl hierload_KCAT.htmpl hiersel_admin_tree.htmpl hiersel_KCAT.htmpl hourglass.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 129/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 html_editor_create_change_order.htmpl html_editor_create_ticket.htmpl html_editor_frames.htmpl html_editor_insert_image.htmpl html_editor_insert_link.htmpl html_editor_insert_table.htmpl html_editor_tabs.htmpl html_editor_toolbar.htmpl I insert_iss_wf.htmpl insert_wf.htmpl in_relreq_tab.htmpl isscat_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl isscat_prptpl_tab.htmpl isscat_wftpl_tab.htmpl issue_status_change.htmpl iss_accumulate.htmpl iss_close_all_child.htmpl iss_custfld_tab.htmpl iss_expedite.htmpl iss_lr.htmpl iss_reliss_tab.htmpl iss_resol_tab.htmpl K kd_action_forward.htmpl kd_action_publish.htmpl kd_action_reject.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 130/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 kd_action_unpublish.htmpl kd_action_unretire.htmpl kd_attachments_tab.htmpl kd_attributes_tab.htmpl kd_categories_tab.htmpl kd_content_tab.htmpl kd_file_prop_tab.htmpl kd_permissions_tab.htmpl kd_qa_attributes_tab.htmpl kd_qa_content_tab.htmpl keit_tmpl_export_fields_tab.htmpl keit_tmpl_export_filter_tab.htmpl keit_tmpl_import_settings_tab.htmpl keit_tmpl_name_tab.htmpl kt_admin_attachments.htmpl kt_admin_automated_policies.htmpl kt_admin_document_settings.htmpl kt_admin_faq_options.htmpl kt_admin_general_settings.htmpl kt_admin_integration.htmpl kt_admin_knowledge.htmpl kt_admin_parse_settings.htmpl kt_admin_report_card.htmpl kt_admin_search_config_cr.htmpl kt_admin_search_config_iss.htmpl kt_admin_search_options.htmpl kt_admin_survey_settings.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 131/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 kt_admin_survey_settings.htmpl kt_admin_workflow_settings.htmpl kt_architect.htmpl kt_architect2.htmpl kt_architect3.htmpl kt_architect_delete_KCAT.htmpl kt_architect_delete_KD.htmpl kt_architect_frameset.htmpl kt_architect_init.htmpl kt_architect_javascript.htmpl kt_architect_KCATs.htmpl kt_architect_KCAT_path.htmpl kt_architect_KDs.htmpl kt_dtbuilder.htmpl kt_dtbuilder2.htmpl kt_dtbuilder3.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_frameset.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_node.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_prompt_window.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_save_dialog_window.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_save_tree_form.htmpl kt_dtbuilder_tree.htmpl kt_email_document.htmpl kt_faq_tree.htmpl kt_main.htmpl kt_main2.htmpl kt_main3.htmpl kt_main_role.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 132/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 kt_main_role.htmpl kt_permissions.htmpl L list.template list_acctyp.htmpl list_act_type_assoc.htmpl list_alg.htmpl list_all_fmgrp.htmpl list_all_lr.htmpl list_architect_KDs.htmpl list_architect_KDs_Pref.htmpl list_arcpur_hist.htmpl list_arcpur_rule.htmpl list_atev.htmpl list_atomic_cond.htmpl list_attmnt.htmpl list_attr_alias.htmpl list_aty.htmpl list_audlog.htmpl list_bmcls.htmpl list_bmhier.htmpl list_bmrep.htmpl list_bm_task.htmpl list_bool.htmpl list_ca_cmpny.htmpl list_ca_logical_asset.htmpl list_chg.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 133/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 list_chgalg.htmpl list_chgcat.htmpl list_chgsched.htmpl list_chgsched_config.htmpl list_chgstat.htmpl list_chgtype.htmpl list_CI_ACTIONS.htmpl list_CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE.htmpl list_CI_DOC_TEMPLATES.htmpl list_CI_STATUSES.htmpl list_CI_WF_TEMPLATES.htmpl list_cmth.htmpl list_cnote.htmpl list_cnt.htmpl list_cost_cntr.htmpl list_country.htmpl list_cr.htmpl list_crs.htmpl list_crsq.htmpl list_crs_cr.htmpl list_crs_in.htmpl list_crs_pr.htmpl list_crt.htmpl list_cr_kt.htmpl list_ctab.htmpl list_ctimer.htmpl list_ctp.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 134/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 list_dcon.htmpl list_dept.htmpl list_dmn.htmpl list_DOC_VERSIONS.htmpl list_EBR_ACRONYMS.htmpl list_EBR_LOG.htmpl list_EBR_NOISE_WORDS.htmpl list_EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM.htmpl list_event_log.htmpl list_evt.htmpl list_evtdly.htmpl list_grc.htmpl list_grpmem.htmpl list_g_chg_queue.htmpl list_g_cnt.htmpl list_g_cr_queue.htmpl list_g_iss_queue.htmpl list_g_loc.htmpl list_g_org.htmpl list_g_prod.htmpl list_g_qname.htmpl list_g_srvrs.htmpl list_g_tblmap.htmpl list_g_tblrule.htmpl list_g_tenant.htmpl list_help_item.htmpl list_help_set.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 135/403 htmpl list_KEIT_IMPORT_PACKAGES.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 136/403 .htmpl list_kc.htmpl list_kd_INDEX_DOC_LINKS.htmpl list_KEIT_TEMPLATES.htmpl list_imp.htmpl list_iss_kt.14.htmpl list_KT_BLC.htmpl list_KCAT_tree.htmpl list_isscat.htmpl list_KCAT_QA.htmpl list_KEIT_export_transactions.1 list_ical_event_template.htmpl list_kd_CI_DOC_LINKS.htmpl list_iss.htmpl list_KT_ACT_CONTENT.htmpl list_KD_FILE.htmpl list_issstat.htmpl list_kdsched.htmpl list_issalg.htmpl list_KEIT_import_transactions. CA Service Management .htmpl list_iss_wf.htmpl list_in.htmpl list_KD.htmpl list_KD_ATTMNT.htmpl list_KCAT_LINKED.htmpl list_kdsched_config.htmpl list_KD_QA. htmpl list_ntfm.htmpl list_nrf.htmpl list_nr.htmpl list_loc.htmpl list_options.htmpl list_lr.14.htmpl list_NOTIFICATION. CA Service Management .htmpl list_menu_bar.htmpl list_KT_FREE_TEXT.htmpl list_ntfr.htmpl list_macro.htmpl list_KT_LIFE_CYCLE_REP.htmpl list_no_contract_sdsc.htmpl list_KT_FLG_TYPE.htmpl list_mgsalg.htmpl list_mfrmod.htmpl list_mgsstat.1 list_KT_FILE_TYPE.htmpl list_OA_TABLES.htmpl list_mgs.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 137/403 .htmpl list_nr_com.htmpl list_macro_type.htmpl list_LONG_TEXTS.htmpl list_ldap_group.htmpl list_ntfl.htmpl list_menu_tree_name.htmpl list_ldap. htmpl list_prod.htmpl list_QUERY_POLICY_ACTIONS.htmpl list_pcat_cr.htmpl list_pcat.14.htmpl list_role.htmpl list_sapolicy.htmpl list_prod_list.htmpl list_sdsc. CA Service Management .htmpl list_pri.htmpl list_position.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 138/403 .htmpl list_pcat_in.htmpl list_perscnt.htmpl list_rptmeth.htmpl list_rel_cat.htmpl list_rc.htmpl list_O_EVENTS.htmpl list_prpval.htmpl list_prpval_rule.htmpl list_role_tab.1 list_org.htmpl list_QUERY_POLICY.htmpl list_pcat_pr.htmpl list_saprobtyp.htmpl list_rss.htmpl list_pr.htmpl list_response.htmpl list_rrf. CA Service Management .htmpl list_web_form.htmpl list_svy_qtpl.htmpl list_showgrp.htmpl list_site.htmpl list_tab.htmpl list_svc_contract.htmpl list_wrkshft.htmpl list_tspan.htmpl list_srvr_zones.htmpl list_srvr_aliases.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 139/403 .htmpl list_tskstat.htmpl list_svy_tpl.htmpl list_usp_servers.1 list_sdsc_map.htmpl list_vpt.htmpl list_tenant_group.htmpl list_svy_atpl.htmpl list_seq.htmpl list_typecnt.htmpl list_tskty.htmpl list_tenant.htmpl list_wf.htmpl load_properties.htmpl list_urg.htmpl list_state.14.htmpl list_sev.htmpl list_tz. htmpl menubar_sd.htmpl mactyp_valscript_tab.htmpl loc_address_tab.template menubar_admin.htmpl log_reader.1 load_wait.htmpl mapped_contracts_tab.htmpl macro_ntfl_tab.htmpl menubar_html_editor.htmpl log_sol_4itil.htmpl log_reader_fs.htmpl log_reader_banner.14.htmpl menubar_no.htmpl macro_rrf_tab.htmpl menubar_sd_chg_manager. CA Service Management .htmpl menubar.htmpl M macro_atomic_cond_tab.htmpl mactyp_exescript_tab.htmpl macro_cnt_tab.htmpl menubar_chg_sched.htmpl macro_ctp_tab.htmpl menubar_sd_cust_mgr.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 140/403 .htmpl loc_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl menubar_dtbuilder.htmpl menubar_kt.htmpl menubar_architect. htmpl menubar_sd_l1_analyst.14.htmpl multiframe_reports_cust_mgr.htmpl multiframe_reports_inc_mgr.htmpl menu_frames.htmpl menubar_sd_know_analyst.htmpl menu_tree_editor2.htmpl mgs_rem_tab.htmpl mgs_ctp_tab.htmpl mgs_ini_tab.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 141/403 .htmpl menubar_sd_know_manager. CA Service Management .template multiframe_reports_admin.htmpl mgs_cnt_tab.htmpl multiframe.htmpl menubar_sd_hd_manager.1 menubar_sd_cust_rep.htmpl multiframe_reports_know_analyst.htmpl multiframe_reports_know_mgr.htmpl multiframe_reports_sd_mgr.htmpl multiframe_reports_chg_manager.htmpl menubar_sd_vendor_analyst.htmpl menu_tree_editor3.htmpl multiframe_reports_prb_mgr.htmpl mgs_ntfl_tab.htmpl menubar_sd_prb_manager.htmpl menubar_sd_inc_manager.htmpl menu_tree_editor.htmpl menubar_sd_l2_analyst. htmpl nr_iss_tab.htmpl ntfr_cnt_tab.htmpl nr_prb_tab.htmpl nosession.htmpl nr_serv_tab.htmpl nr_bm_tab.htmpl nr_inc_tab.htmpl ntfr_ntfl_tab.htmpl ntfr_aty_tab.htmpl nr_req_tab.htmpl nr_reqitil_tab.htmpl nr_log_tab.htmpl ntfr_ctp_tab.htmpl nr_loc_tab.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 142/403 .htmpl nf.htmpl nr_contact_tab.14.htmpl org_address_tab.htmpl nr_projex_tab.htmpl nr_chg_tab.htmpl nr_inv_tab. CA Service Management .htmpl nr_org_tab.1 N new_lr.htmpl nr_rel_tab.htmpl ntfl_ntfr_tab.htmpl O order_status_change. htmpl pcat_wftpl_tab.htmpl profile_historg_iss.htmpl profile_histcnt_in.1 org_env_tab.htmpl profile_historg_pr.htmpl pr_attinc_tab.htmpl profile_historg_cr.htmpl profile_infocnt.htmpl profile_historg_in.htmpl pcat_prptpl_tab.htmpl profile_histcnt_iss.htmpl P pcat_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl power_user_tips.htmpl profile_infoorg.htmpl profile_envcnt.htmpl profile_histcnt_cr.htmpl profile_envorg.htmpl profile_menu.14.htmpl profile_qtemplate. CA Service Management .htmpl profile_histcnt_pr.htmpl profile_browser3.htmpl profile_historg_chg.htmpl profile_browser_frameset.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 143/403 .htmpl profile_browser2.htmpl profile_browser.htmpl profile_histcnt_chg. htmpl sdsc_iss_wf_slatpl_tab.htmpl sdsc_cr_slatpl_tab.htmpl reports.htmpl sdsc_chg_wf_slatpl_tab.htmpl screen_reader_usage.htmpl role_goform_tab.htmpl scratchpad.htmpl sdsc_iss_slatpl_tab.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 144/403 .htmpl role_auth_tab.1 pr_relreq_tab.htmpl saprobtyp_dh_tab.htmpl role_kt_docs_tab.htmpl role_web_interface_tab.htmpl S sapolicy_ac_tab.htmpl sdsc_map_cnt_tab.htmpl role_kt_ct_tab.htmpl role_fnacc_tab.htmpl sdsc_map_grp_tab.htmpl saprobtyp_rd_tab.14.htmpl.tpl request_status_change.htmpl sapolicy_pt_tab. CA Service Management .htmpl sdsc_chg_slatpl_tab.htmpl role_webform_tab.htmpl R reports.htmpl scoreboard. htmpl search_child_KCATs_filter.htmpl std_head.template tenant_address_tab.htmpl suggest_knowledge_isscat.htmpl tenant_groups_tab.1 sdsc_map_nr_tab.htmpl suggest_knowledge_list_pcat.14.htmpl std_body.htmpl show_main_detail.htmpl sdsc_map_urg_tab.htmpl std_footer.htmpl show_error.htmpl std_head_site.htmpl sd_kt_admin.htmpl std_footer_site.htmpl U 02-Aug-2016 145/403 .htmpl T tab_detail.htmpl tskty_tskstat_tab.htmpl sd_main_role.htmpl std_body_site.htmpl sugggest_knowledge_search_options.htmpl suggest_knowledge_pcat.htmpl suggest_knowledge_list_isscat.htmpl sdsc_map_pri_tab.htmpl tenant_group_members_tab. CA Service Management .htmpl sd_main. htmpl update_lrel_webform.htmpl update_lrel_role.htmpl update_lrel_goform.htmpl update_lrel_chgcat.htmpl update_lrel_iss.htmpl update_lrel_org.htmpl update_lrel_pr.htmpl update_lrel_tenant_group.htmpl update_lrel_macro.htmpl update_lrel_help_content. CA Service Management .htmpl update_lrel_chg.htmpl update_lrel_wrkshft.1 update_lrel_bmrep.htmpl update_lrel_cnt.htmpl update_lrel_in.14.htmpl update_lrel_tskstat.htmpl update_lrel_tab.htmpl update_lrel_ctp.htmpl update_lrel_loc.htmpl update_lrel_tenant.htmpl upd_chg_sched.htmpl update_lrel_ntfr.htmpl update_lrel_cr.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 146/403 .htmpl update_lrel_ntfl.htmpl update_lrel_isscat.htmpl update_lrel_nr.htmpl update_lrel_pcat. htmpl 02-Aug-2016 147/403 .htmpl xfer_esc_cr. CA Service Management .htmpl wrkshft_schedule_tab.14.htmpl usq_update_select.htmpl wftpl_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl usq_update_fin.htmpl usq_update.htmpl W wfdef.htmpl V v30_date_helper.1 upload_file.htmpl usq_update_control.htmpl upload_success.htmpl xx_candp_tab.htmpl xx_nr_tab.htmpl workitems.htmpl wspmain.htmpl wrkshft_auto_assignment_tab.htmpl xfer_esc_iss.htmpl working.htmpl xx_attmnt_tab.htmpl X xfer_esc_chg.htmpl usq_update_tree.htmpl xx_prop_tab.htmpl wftpl_bhvtpl_tab.htmpl xx_solnalg_tab. 14.1 xx_stype_tab.htmpl xx_template_tab.htmpl xx_wf_tab.htmpl 02-Aug-2016 148/403 . CA Service Management . CA Service Management . Example: bop_cmd -d domsrvr -u nsm -f gencr. and how to modify it if necessary.14. 2. complete the following steps: 1.xml that is located in $nx_root\bin. The file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/interp. modify. You must use the -u parameter to execute gencr. Add. or add and modify messages in the XML message files from the previous step.txt file to learn the syntax. Be sure to read the gencr_readme. you should create it. however no Request Form will display on the server when created. gencr. None of the files in the samples directory are executable as originally shipped. How to Modify the Message Catalog To modify the message catalog. call_mgt Contains samples for customization in request management. These files are grouped into various subdirectories.dat (see page 152) You can modify several files in the $NX_ROOT/samples directory for use with various external interfaces.sd_content.frg "gencr( 'My Description' )" 02-Aug-2016 149/403 .xml and place it in the $nx_root\msg_catalog directory.frg This file can be used in conjunction with bop_cmd to create requests from a command line.frg with the bob_cmd utility. Refer to the format of pdm. 3. Create a customized copy of pdm. All notifications and activity log entries will occur.1 Contents of the Samples Directory This article contains the following topics: How to Modify the Message Catalog (see page 149) call_mgt (see page 149) data (see page 150) macro_lock (see page 150) multi-tenancy (see page 150) pdmconf (see page 151) reporting (see page 151) sdk (see page 151) views (see page 152) Load Supplemental Content . if the directory does not exist. This data directory also includes sample data for Knowledge Management. assignee and group to the request notification list. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic after it has been changed for the site-adapted fields.txt This file contains instructions on how to use the gencr. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic after it has been changed for the site-adapted fields.mod This file can be used to enable activity logging of site-adapted fields in requests. multi-tenancy This directory contains sample files for administering multi-tenancy. data This directory contains files depicting the Logical Data Model for most database tables in CA SDM. 02-Aug-2016 150/403 .mod This file can be used to enable activity logging of site-adapted fields in change orders. macro_lock This file contains a spel fragment that can be run using a bop_cmd to turn off locks that are being held by macros. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic after it has been changed for the site-adapted fields. assignee and group to the request notification list when they are changed.spl (UNIX only) This file can be used to add the request’s log agent. gencr_readme.mod This file can be used to enable activity logging of site-adapted fields in issues. Notify_replace. chg_site.frg file. Notify_add. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic after the appropriate changes have been made.1 iss_site.spl (UNIX only) This file can be used to add the request’s log agent.14. cr_site.spl This file may be modified to change the mapping of attributes when creating a change order from a request. CA Service Management .mod This file can be used to enable audit logging of site-adapted fields. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic after it has been changed for the site-adapted fields. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic. This file should be placed in $NX_ROOT/site/mods/majic. chg_site. audlog_site. doc and PKI_loginServiceManaged_PERL_steps. found in the following directory: $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc README_files All of these files are used by pdm_edit. reporting This directory contains documentation and samples for configuring offline reporting.xml. to create startup files for a primary server and secondary servers that are configured to run a variety of daemons.tpl pdm_edit.tpl pdm_edit_usage_notes.doc further explains what is available. CA Service Management .doc explain how to configure ServiceDesk for digital certificate logins in the following directory: $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc\java\test1_pki The following lists PERL and JAVA samples.i.tpl pdm_startup.tpl pdm_startup.1 pdmconf web.htm alias_install. examples.14. sdk This directory contains a sample file for making CA SDM SOAP web service calls. and locations: PERL samples $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc\perl\test1_pki Example: loginServiceManaged() web service call 02-Aug-2016 151/403 .bat web. CA Service Management . multi-tenancy administration.14.f sd_content. go to $NX_ROOT/data and run the following command: pdm_load .1 JAVA samples $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc\java\test1_pki Example: loginServiceManaged() and getBopsid() web service call $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc\java\test2_basic Example: Combined CreateRequest() and CreateChangeOrder() web service call views This directory contains database scripts uses for migration.dat 02-Aug-2016 152/403 .sd_content. Load Supplemental Content . This data file contains Change Category and Root Cause records.dat.dat Supplemental content for CA SDM is available in sd_content. and other processes. To load the data from a command window. CA Service Management .]} Arguments 02-Aug-2016 153/403 .1 Schema Files Syntax This article contains the following topics: TABLE Statement (see page 153) TABLE_INFO Statement (see page 156) Mapping Statement (see page 157) The CA SDM database schema is defined in multiple . TABLE Statement Defines the logical tables in the CA SDM database schema and the logical columns (fields) in those tables.sch files you may create are merged together into a single file called $NX_ROOT/site /ddict. and mapping statements. (UNIX) or installation-directory/site/ddict. Then add your changes to your . [.sch. This is the only way to preserve your modifications when you upgrade to a new The Mapping Statement (see page 157) is illustrated at the end of this chapter. Any changes you make to these files will be lost when upgrading to a new release or when certain patches are applied. Note: If you define a new table. you must create a file in the $NX_ROOT/site/mods (UNIX) or installation-directory /site/mods (Windows) directory with the file suffix . followed by an example that combines the TABLE. and your changes will then be merged with delivered schema during configuration. Syntax TABLE table_name {field value_type field_attributes. Note: Do not modify any . sch file.sch files in the $NX_ROOT/site (UNIX) or installation-directory /site (Windows) directory. If you want to make schema changes.. you must define a mapping statement for that table.action?pageId=103915346) prior to making any changes to these files.14.sch files in the $NX_ROOT/site (UNIX) or installation-directory/site (Windows) directory. these .sch (Windows).sch files along with any customized . These logical tables and columns are then mapped to the physical tables and columns used by your database management system in a mapping statement that follows the TABLE statement. Review Using the Web Screen Painter (https://docops. During configuration. is not specified. This is used if the default primary key. 1970.sch files and use the same name.) If changing an existing column.” (This avoids possible conflict with existing and future CA SDM column names. NOT_NU Indicates that the field must contain a value.14.sch files and use the same name. ER LOCAL The number of seconds since January 1. REF Indicates that the field references another table. field names must not end with the characters “_f. Must be specified if the field is the primary key in the table. Valid values are: Value Description STRIN A string that is nn characters long. for example: mm/dd/yy hh:mm:ss. you can specify any name beginning with a lowercase letter z.) If changing an existing table. You must identify each column by name. G nn INTEG A 32-bit number. field_attributes A description of the field. ble_nam e S_KEY 02-Aug-2016 154/403 . find the table in one of the . If adding a database table. table_name The name of the database table. You must have one TABLE statement for each logical table in the schema. for example. Must be specified if the field is the primary key LL in the table. DURA A period of time. id or desc. you can specify any name beginning with a lowercase letter z. CA Service Management . Call_Req. however. Must be uppercase. Valid values are: Value Description KEY Identifies this field as the primary key to be used for identifying records to be updated with pdm_load.1 TABLE Introduces the TABLE statement. find the column in one of the . Optional if the field is not the primary key. If adding a table or adding a column to an existing table. Optional whether the field is the primary other_ta key or not. measured in seconds. value_type The field’s data type. id. CA SDM automatically reformats this data type _TIME to the designated date format. (This avoids possible conflict with existing and future CA SDM table names. TION REAL A floating point number UUID A 16 byte binary value. field The name of a logical column in the table. for example. The macro uniq indicates that values are required and must be unique: #include :. The macro nn indicates that a value is required in the del field. CA Service Management . you must add in #include statement to include the file that defines the macro including the path name (usually relative to your schema file). // key id 02-Aug-2016 155/403 .. Must be specified if the field is the primary key in the table. UNIQUE Indicates that the values in the field must be unique.mac" TABLE Severity { id INTEGER uniq KEY.mac" The following are some of the macros defined in . Macros are synonyms that will be converted during configuration to the value the macro represents. Example of an include statement: #include ". Optional if the field is not the primary key.. You can use macros for either data types or attributes. The include statement must be defined prior to using the macro./schema./schema.14.1 Value Description Optionally identifies this field as the secondary key to be used for identifying records to be updated with pdm_load. If you wish to use macros. Data Type Equivalent nn NOT_NULL uniq UNIQUE NOT_NULL ADDR_LINE STRING 30 EMAILADDR STRING 120 ENT_DESC STRING 40 ENT_NAME STRING 30 OSI_NAME STRING 80 OSI_TYPE_STRING STRING 60 USERID STRING 85 PHONENUM STRING 32 SYMBOL STRING 12 HIER_SYM STRING 60 LONG_SYM STRING 30 COMMENT STRING 1000 LONG_STR STRING 500 LONG_DESC STRING 240 BOOL INTEGER Examples This TABLE statement in the database schema defines severities.mac files located in the $ NX_ROOT/site (UNIX) or installation-directory/site (Windows) directory. you can have only one TABLE_INFO for each TABLE statement. but if specified.] [INDEX ndx_props field1 [field2 . The extent to which these instructions are followed depends on the database management system. Syntax TABLE_INFO table_name { [STORAGE storage_mtd Field . This reference allows users to double-click the Resolution Code field on the Request Detail window to display the values in the Resolution_Code table: TABLE Call_Req {zres_code INTEGER REF Resolution_Code. E HASH Indicates to use the hash table storage method. CA Service Management . // non-OSI specified column } This modified TABLE statement makes the Priority field on the Request Detail window required: TABLE Call_Req {priority INTEGER NOT_NULL. Valid values are listed as follows.] . The TABLE_INFO statement is optional. HEAP Indicates to use the heap storage method.} Arguments TABLE_INFO Introduces the TABLE_INFO statement.14.1=gone sym SYMBOL uniq S_KEY. Must be uppercase. but note that some database management systems ignore these values: Value Description BTRE Indicates to use the balanced tree storage method..} This TABLE statement adds a resolution code field to the Call_Req table.} TABLE_INFO Statement This instructs your database management system how to store and index data in the logical tables. STORAGE storage_mtd Identifies the storage method.1 del INTEGER nn.]. and it must follow the TABLE statement. field 02-Aug-2016 156/403 ... The content of the field is numeric and references the Resolution_Code table. table_name The name of the database table in the TABLE statement. If no instructions are provided. the database management system follows its own storage and indexing instructions. // 0=present. // type symbol desc ENT_DESC.. This is valid only if the field is the primary key. This statement follows each TABLE statement in a.] Identifies the column or columns that are to be indexed according to the specified index properties (INDEX ndx_props). It also indicates that values must be unique: TABLE_INFO Contact_Type { STORAGE HASH id.sch file. Must be specified the same way as the name of the column in the TABLE statement. PRIMARY Indicates to use this index as the default sort order for the table. . Must be specified as p1. CA Service Management . You must define it when you define a new table.] . Syntax p1 logical_table_name -> CURR_PROV physical_table_name [{logical_field -> physical_field . and to sort the table in descending order according to the values in the sym field. Must be specified the same way as the name of the columns in the TABLE statement.. field1 [field2 . INDEX SORT DESCENDING PRIMARY UNIQUE sym.. only SORT DESCENDING need DESCENDING be specified. Examples This TABLE_INFO statement instructs the database management system to use a hash table to store values in the id field in the Contact_Type table. therefore.14. CLUSTER Identifies this as a clustering index. ASCENDING | Data is sorted in ascending order by default. Valid values are: Value Description SORT Indicates whether to sort the data in the fields in ascending or descending order. UNIQUE Indicates that values in the index must be unique.} Mapping Statement Defines the correspondence between the logical tables and columns in the CA SDM database schema and the physical tables and columns used by your database management system. . Arguments p1 Introduces the mapping statement.1 field Identifies the column that is to be stored according to the specified storage method (STORAGE storage_mtd). INDEX ndx_props Identifies one or more properties for an index that consists of the fields specified. logical_table_name 02-Aug-2016 157/403 . mapping (p1). for example. physical_field The name of the column used by your database management system. and TABLE_INFO statements define a zManufacturer table: TABLE zManufacturer { id INTEGER uniq KEY. // manufacturer description } p1 zManufacturer -> CURR_PROV man // maps logical table "zManufacturer" { // to physical table "man" desc -> nx_desc. man. nx_desc. physical_table_name The name of the table used by your database management system. logical_field The name of the column in the CA SDM database schema.14. for example. // 0=present. for example. Must be the same as field in the TABLE statement. Omit this when the logical columns and physical columns have identical names. // maps logical column "desc" } // to physical column "nx_desc" TABLE_INFO zManufacturer { STORAGE HASH id. zManufacturer.1=gone sym HIER_SYM uniq S_KEY. Omit this when the logical columns and physical columns have identical names. // key id del INTEGER nn. CURR_PROV A required keyword. Examples This example illustrates how TABLE.} 02-Aug-2016 158/403 . CA Service Management . INDEX SORT ASCENDING PRIMARY UNIQUE sym. the semicolon follows physical_table_name.1 logical_table_name The name of the database table in the TABLE statement. Short names improve performance and are required by some database management systems. desc. When omitted. When omitted. the semicolon follows physical_table_name. for example. // manufacturer name desc ENT_DESC. 14. These objects are defined in a metalanguage named Majic. These files should not be changed because changes will be (Windows) overwritten by new releases of CA SDM. thus customizing these objects to meet your needs. (UNIX) or site\mods\majic (Windows) Types of Statements The following Majic statements are used in screen painter and database customization procedures. site/mods/majic Contains the .maj files that have been used to create windows defined in the or bopcfg\majic database. You can use Majic statements to create new objects and modify existing objects.mod files you use to customize windows. Statement Description OBJECT Defines a business object MODIFY Changes existing object attributes MODIFY FACTORY Changes existing factories 02-Aug-2016 159/403 . CA Service Management . Directories The Majic files are organized in two directories: Directory Description bopcfg/majic (UNIX) Contains the .1 Object Definition Syntax This article contains the following topics: Directories (see page 159) Types of Statements (see page 159) MODIFY Statement (see page 160) MODIFY FACTORY Statement (see page 161) OBJECT Statement (see page 161) Many of the components of CA SDM consist of business objects. 1 MODIFY Statement Changes the way attributes are defined on OBJECT statements. There are two valid options for this keyword: REQUIRED Indicates that the attribute is required. Example The following example changes the salary attribute in the emp object so that it is now a required attribute: MODIFY emp salary REQUIRED. att_name Identifies the attribute being modified.14. status_type Modifies the properties of the attribute to allow or prohibit null values. CA Service Management . NOT_REQUIRED Indicates that the attribute is not required.]| [ON_DB_INIT DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . 02-Aug-2016 160/403 . Syntax MODIFY obj_name att_name [status_type. ON Statements See ON Statements for a description of these statements.] Arguments obj_name Identifies the object whose attribute is being modified. MODIFY statements are read after OBJECT statements.]| [ON_CI DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . MODIFY emp address2 NOT_REQUIRED. Example The following example changes the address2 attribute in the emp object so that is now not required.] [ON_NEW DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . ] [FETCH fetch_att . MODIFY statements are read after OBJECT statements. For example: FUNCTION_GROUP "admin" . OBJECT Statement Defines a business object.] [STANDARD_LISTS { [SORT_BY index_att . Syntax MODIFY FACTORY fac_name { [FUNCTION_GROUP name . The parameters determine whether the lists are master lists or restricted lists.] [MLIST ON|OFF. whether the objects included in the list must meet specified conditions. if included on the original OBJECT statement. Optional Statements At least one of these optional statements must be specified.] }. Arguments fac_name Identifies the factory.] [DISPLAY_NAME name . DISPLAY_NAME "Call Request" .1 MODIFY FACTORY Statement Changes the way factories are defined on OBJECT statements. STANDARD_LISTS Creates lists of objects that are kept in a cache.] [WHERE string . CA Service Management . DISPLAY_NAME name Defines an external name for the table.14.] } . FUNCTION_GROUP name Indicates which security access groups are permitted to access the object.] [RLIST ON|OFF. Syntax OBJECT obj_name { 02-Aug-2016 161/403 . and how the lists can be sorted. Refer STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statements for a description of the syntax. cnt for contact or cr for request). The ATTRIBUTES statement defines attributes named sym. Both can be specified.] [ON_CI DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . delete_flag. ATTRIBUTES [table_name] { } Defines the properties of the object. The FACTORY statement creates a master list of objects. the type of lists produced.] [FACTORY [fac_name]{ [REL_ATTR name . Example This example defines an object named ctp. FACTORY [fac_name] { } Defines access to the object.] [COMMON_NAME name . and description whose values are stored in the Contact_Type table in the database. the security group that can access it. } . a common name. sorted by values in the field that corresponds to the sym attribute.] }. delete_flag del INTEGER { ON_NEW DEFAULT 0 . and how those lists can be sorted. The ATTRIBUTES Optional Statement describes its syntax.] } . and specifies that the id attribute will represent ctp when it is referenced by an SREL: OBJECT ctp { ATTRIBUTES Contact_Type { sym STRING REQUIRED .] [WHERE string .]}. The FACTORY Optional Statement describes its syntax. like its relation attribute.1 [ATTRIBUTES [table_name]{ att_name [field_name] value_type [access_type[status_type]][DISPLAY_NAME string][{ [ON_NEW DEFAULT|SET value|NOW .] [STANDARD_LISTS { [SORT_BY index_att .] [FETCH fetch_att .] [FUNCTION_GROUP name . 02-Aug-2016 162/403 .] [DISPLAY_NAME name .14.] [RLIST ON|OFF. Arguments obj_name The object’s name (for example.] [MLIST ON|OFF.]} . Optional Statements Either ATTRIBUTES or FACTORY must be specified.]}. CA Service Management . Most attributes map to a field (column) in a database table.] [ON_DB_INIT DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . }. REL_ATTR id .1 description desc STRING . } . 02-Aug-2016 163/403 . FACTORY { STANDARD_LISTS {SORT_BY "sym"} . CA Service Management .14. }. This example specifies that the restricted list contain only records that were not deleted: WHERE "delete_flag = 0" .] [RLIST ON|OFF. For example: SORT_BY "sym. For example: FETCH "description" . that must be met for an object to be included in a restricted list.1 STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement This article contains the following topics: Syntax (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) (see page 164) Optional Statements (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) (see page 164) Example (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) (see page 165) The optional statement on the FACTORY statement that defines the object’s standard lists. the list is sorted by the first attribute. WHERE string Specifies a condition. If specified. besides those used to sort the list. code" . FETCH fetch_att Specifies additional attributes to keep in the cache.] } . by default. in SQL format and surrounded by quotes. a master list is produced. CA Service Management . Syntax (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) STANDARD_LISTS { [SORT_BY index_att .] [FETCH fetch_att . Optional Statements (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) At least one of these optional statements must be specified: SORT_BY index_att Defines the attributes that can be used to sort the standard lists. 02-Aug-2016 164/403 .] [MLIST ON|OFF. When displayed in a list or select window. They must be enclosed in quotes and separated by commas. a restricted list is produced.14. If specified. Attributes must be enclosed in quotes and separated by commas.] [WHERE string . 1 MLIST ON|OFF Indicates whether to produce a master list. using one of the following values: Value Description ON Produces a master list (default if SORT_BY is specified) OFF Does not produce a master list (default if SORT_BY is not specified or has no value defined) Note: CA SDM web engine only uses the MLIST to populate the data in the web forms. using one of the following values: Value Description ON Produces a restricted list (default if WHERE is specified) OFF Does not produce a restricted list (default if WHERE is not specified or has no value defined. Both lists contain the values defined for the sym. FETCH "description" . Example (STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement) This example provides both a master list and a restricted list. 02-Aug-2016 165/403 . CA Service Management . code. RLIST ON|OFF Indicates whether to also produce a restricted list. The restricted list contains only records that were not deleted: STANDARD_LISTS { SORT_BY "sym. The records in the list can be sorted according to the values in the sym and code attributes.code" . Important! MLIST OFF must be specified if you specify RLIST OFF. WHERE "delete_flag = 0" . }. MLIST is created on the domsrvr cache. They are usually used in select windows.14.) Note: RLISTs can speed up access and display but they use memory. and description attributes. which includes only the objects that meet the criteria in the WHERE clause. which includes all objects. To create the dropdown list in a web interface form. 02-Aug-2016 166/403 . CA Service Management .14. you need to customize the statement.1 The STANDARD_LISTS statement alone does not necessarily create entries that are listed in a dropdown field. CA Service Management . Syntax (FACTORY Optional Statement) FACTORY [fac_name]{ [REL_ATTR name .] [WHERE string .] [FETCH fetch_att . like its relation attribute.] [RLIST ON|OFF. a common name. Specify this only if it is different from the name of the object.1 FACTORY Optional Statement This article contains the following topics: Syntax (FACTORY Optional Statement) (see page 167) Arguments (FACTORY Optional Statement) (see page 167) Optional Statements (FACTORY Optional Statement) (see page 167) Example (FACTORY Optional Statement) (see page 169) ATTRIBUTES Optional Statement (see page 169) Defines access to the object. the object is treated according to default specifications. the security group that can access it.] [COMMON_NAME name . For example.] [MLIST ON|OFF. Optional Statements (FACTORY Optional Statement) At least one of these optional statements must be specified: 02-Aug-2016 167/403 .] }.14. the type of lists produced. agt.] [DISPLAY_NAME name . Arguments (FACTORY Optional Statement) fac_name The name of the factory that initiates the object. and how those lists can be sorted. cst.] [FUNCTION_GROUP name . the cnt object has four factories: cnt.] [STANDARD_LISTS { [SORT_BY index_att . If omitted. grp.] } . CA Service Management . In the first example.combo_name. DISPLAY_NAME name Defines an external name for the table. and what additional attributes are stored. REL_ATTR name. The parameters determine whether the lists are master lists or restricted lists. For example: FUNCTION_GROUP "admin" . whether the objects included in the list must meet specified conditions. Here is an example: REL_ATTR id . where srel_name matches the "named" SREL name attr1 is mapped to by the first attribute in the "named" SREL attribute list. 02-Aug-2016 168/403 . how the lists can be sorted. attr2 is mapped to by the second attribute in the "named" SREL attribute list. The second example allows you to specify a tag as cr.customer instead of cr.attr2. as well as when the tag does not specify a complete attribute. the value for sym appears on the window instead of the value for the REL_ATTR.1 REL_ATTR name Identifies the attribute that will represent this object when it is referenced (used as an SREL) by another object. srel_name (attr1. COMMON_NAME combo_name .customer. COMMON_NAME sym . Refer STANDARD_LISTS Optional Statement (see page 164) for the description of the syntax.14. FUNCTION_GROUP name Indicates which security access group is permitted to access the object.…) Identifies the attributes that will represent this object when it is referenced (used as an “named” SREL) by another object. COMMON_NAME name Defines the attribute to be displayed in drop-down lists or when the user double-clicks a field. DISPLAY_NAME "Call Request" . STANDARD_LISTS { } Creates lists of objects that are kept in a cache and can be displayed on list or select windows. REL_ATTR code .] [ON_DB_INIT DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . A master list is produced. DERIVED nor a field name is specified. CA Service Management . String constants within a derived expression may contain references to environment variables in the one of the forms: ${var} 02-Aug-2016 169/403 .code"} .14. The derived attribute's value is the concatenation of the values of its constituent values. and should be declared prior to the derived variable.] [ON_CI DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . A variable declared as DERIVED is constructed only when its value is retrieved. field_name The name of the field in the database table or LOCAL if the attribute does not map to a field or DERIVED (derived-expr) if the attribute is derived from other attributes. If neither LOCAL. they cannot be xRELs). Only users in the admin security group can accessed it: FACTORY { STANDARD_LISTS {SORT_BY "sym. it is sorted according to the values in the sym attribute by default. If the table name is not specified.]}. COMMON_NAME sym .1 Example (FACTORY Optional Statement) This example defines access to the object. When first displayed. When referenced by another object. att_name The name of the attribute. this object is represented by the code attribute. the name of the field is assumed to be the same as the name of the attribute. Each attribute usually maps to a field (column) in the database table. ATTRIBUTES Optional Statement The optional statement on the OBJECT statement that defines the properties of the object. All attributes in a derived value must be simple values (that is.] Arguments table_name The name of the table in the database that stores the values associated with the attributes in the object. When displayed in a window. FUNCTION_GROUP "admin" . It can be sorted according to the values in the object’s sym and code attributes. The operand of DERIVED contains a list of attribute names and string constants separated by spaces. }. the obj_name in the OBJECT statement is used. the value for sym appears instead of the value for code.]. Syntax ATTRIBUTES [table_name]{ att_name [field_name] value_type [access_type[status_type][DISPLAY_NAME string]]{ [ON_NEW DEFAULT|SET value|NOW . obj2_name must be specified to identify the object that the attribute refers to. ) } If STRING is specified. … ) to two or more attributes in the referenced table that uniquely identify a row in the referenced table. which uniquely identifies a row in another table (ob2_name). before the object is saved 02-Aug-2016 170/403 .14. CA Service Management .. srel_name specifies a "named" SREL. the size can be specified in an integer following STRING. The #replacement operand defaults to null if not specified. If no size is specified. a "named" is a type of MAJIC OBJECT attribute that represents a single relation. Valid values are: Value Description CONST Cannot be changed PRIVATE Read-only PUBLIC Read/write access (the default) WRITE_NEW Can be written only when the object is created. however a "named" SREL maps two or more attributes ( name. and replaced wherever it appears in the environment variable's value. The #pattern operand is optional. UUID is 16 bytes of binary data that is used as a unique identifier for certain database records. They behave in same way as standard attributes. the value in the database is used. A hotlink for a derived attribute fires whenever any of the attributes from which it is built changes.. A "simple" SREL attribute normally maps to the "id" field in another table. . value_type Identifies the data type of the attribute’s value as: INTEGER DOUBLE STRING [length] DURATION UUID DATE SREL obj2_name SREL { ob2_name_name srel_name ( name. SREL refers the attribute to another object. Because # is a fixed delimeter. access_type Defines access to the attribute. name2. Like a "simple" SREL.1 ${var} ${var#pattern} ${var#pattern#replacement} Such specifications are replaced with the value of the environment variable at domsrvr startup time. There are no restrictions on the use of derived attributes in other messages. name2. the pattern cannot contain a # symbol. it is treated as a regular expression. If provided. If SREL is specified. DATE. and tell when to set the value of some of the attributes to the current date and time. NOW Specify this if the attribute is of type DATE. For example. ON_CI DEFAULT|SET value|NOW Indicates to set the value of an attribute when the attribute is being checked into the database. an attribute named last_mod is defined. indicate that the attribute is required. its value is set to the current date and time when the attribute is checked into the database.14. Example This example defines attributes with names like start_date whose values are stored in fields like nlh_start in the Notify_Log_Header table in the database. STRING. ON_NEW DEFAULT|SET value|NOW Indicates to set the value of an attribute when the object is being created for the first time: Value Description DEFAUL Changes a null current value to value or NOW.1 status_type Indicates the status of the attribute as: REQUIRED NOT_REQUIRED (the default) DISPLAY_NAME string Specifies a string to be used in place of the attribute name in messages concerning this attribute. or SREL. Optional parameters define access to some of the attributes. T SET Changes any current value to value or NOW. See the description of each parameter for ON_NEW. An attribute named contact is also defined. such as"required attribute missing" ON Statements Use one of these only when value_type is INTEGER. CA Service Management . ON_DB_INIT DEFAULT|SET value|NOW Indicates to set the value of an attribute when the attribute is being instantiated from the database. 90 is the value set as a default when the object is created: ON_NEW DEFAULT 90 . In the following example. The field names are followed by each attribute’s data type. it sets the attribute to the current date and time. depending on the data type of the attribute. its value is a single relation stored in database field nlh_c_addressee. The object referred to is cnt: ATTRIBUTES Notify_Log_Header { 02-Aug-2016 171/403 . value Specifies a numeric value or a string value. See the description of each parameter for ON_NEW. last_mod DATE {ON_CI SET NOW . activity_notify nlh_transition INTEGER WRITE_NEW . 02-Aug-2016 172/403 . msg_hdr nlh_hdr STRING 20 WRITE_NEW . pri_event nlh_pri INTEGER WRITE_NEW .} .} . CA Service Management .1 start_date nlh_start DATE WRITE_NEW {ON_NEW DEFAULT NOW. notify_method nlh_cm_method INTEGER WRITE_NEW . ack_time nlh_ack_time DURATION .} . msg_text nlh_msg STRING WRITE_NEW . }. msg_ack nlh_user_ack STRING . end_date nlh_end DATE {ON_NEW DEFAULT NOW . contact nlh_c_addressee SREL cnt WRITE_NEW . status nlh_status INTEGER REQUIRED .14. notify_type nlh_type INTEGER WRITE_NEW . For example: creation_date > 38473489389 02-Aug-2016 173/403 . are treated as integers.1 Where Clauses This article contains the following topics: IN Clause (see page 174) Lists (see page 176) Several Web Services methods. requir e the Where clauses for searching by CA SDM and Knowledge Management. OR. For example. CA SDM supports only a subset of the standard SQL parameters for where clauses. >. <> Note: Parenthesis is used for grouping. <=. such as doSelect() and doQuery(). Explicit and duration. !=. String value must be enclosed in quotes. and GROUP BY elements are not supported by CA SDM. a where clause to find contacts (the ‘cnt’ object) by last name: last_name = 'Jones' or last_name LIKE 'Jone%' The second example finds all contacts with names beginning with ‘Jone’. and NOT LIKE and IS NULL IN Wildcard characters ‘%’ and ‘_’ for string matches All comparison operators: <. and are listed as follows: Logical operators AND. for example. while the first just finds the Jones’. A Where clause is the string appearing after the ‘WHERE’ keyword in an SQL statement. ‘Jones’. The column names denote the object attribute names. >=. CA Service Management . CA SDM data types.14. EXISTS. An object’s ID is either an integer or a UUID. if you know that the handle for a particular contact is cnt:913B485771E1B347968E530276916387.]] ) SREL_attr_name. returns all Requests assigned to contacts with a specific last name. as in the following example: rootcause. Extract the ID portion and use “<attributeName>.last_name like 'Martin%' Dot-notation is very helpful in forming the where clauses. but you must ensure that the query is an efficient one.]] ) 02-Aug-2016 174/403 . value2 [.id = 1234 If the ID attribute of an object is a UUID type. For example..attr] IN ( value1 [.. IN Clause The IN clause requires some special explanation. simply use it as such. The ID attribute of an object can be easily obtained from the object’s handle. you can form the query as: assignee.. This string is the <id> part of an object handle.persistent_id = 'rc:1234' For more information about handles.1 Note: You must use the attribute names at the object Level. a query against the Request (‘cr’) object. If it is an integer. For example. you must format it as: U'<uuid>' The string representation of a UUID is enclosed in single quotes and prefixed with capital ‘U’.. The query in the example assignee. see Default Handles (https://docops.. For example. An object’s handle is a string of the form “<objectName>:<id>”.com/display/CASM1401 /Web+Services+Management). To ensure indexes are used to their best advantage when searching through SRELs.[subq_SELECT_attr]LIST_name. make use of the ID attributes of the CA SDM objects. “rc:1234”. The two syntactic forms are: SREL_attr_name.last_name like 'Martin%' can be inefficient if the contact’s last_name attribute is not indexed in the DBMS.subq_WHERE_attr[. to search for Requests with the rootcause pointing to a Root Cause object with handle. as illustrated by the following example: assignee. CA Service Management . the Where clause is: rootcause. Dot-notation is allowed in the Where clause to search through SREL (foreign key)” in the Where clause.14. Do not use the actual DBMS column names.. [. All tables in CA SDM have an index on the ID attribute.subq_WHERE_attr IN (value1. where <id> is the value of the ID attribute found in every CA SDM object.value2 [.id = U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916387' Do not form the Where clauses by querying the ‘persistent_id’ which itself may be another SREL pointer. pointing to the cnt object. ‘pcat’ is the object name pointed to by cr. FROM cr WHERE cr.assignee IN (SELECT member from grpmem WHERE group = U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916387') You can specify multiple foreign keys for matching multiple objects by providing a comma-separated list: assignee. for example. the clause is as follows: assignee. which is represented by SREL_attr_name. For IN (U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916387') The first part of the clause.1 The left side of the clause must begin with an SREL-type attribute of the table being queried. forms the first part of the where clause for the IN sub query. For example.14.[member]group_list. CA Service Management . 02-Aug-2016 175/403 .[member]group_list. the following query results in a Cartesian product and is very inefficient: assignee.last_name IN 'MIS%' OR group.last_name IN 'MIS%' This query does not create a Cartesian product. to find all requests assigned to an analyst in a specific group.category IN (SELECT persistent_id FROM pcat WHERE sym LIKE 'Soft%' OR sym = 'Email') In the previous sub query . a query against the request (‘cr’) object may be coded as follows: category.. group_list. Next.last_name IN ('Account Center') One use of IN is to avoid Cartesian products. The second form of the IN clause can search through BREL lists.[member]group_list. FROM cr WHERE cr. U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916300') You cannot extend the dot notation for this use of the IN clause. in fact. assignee... group.category. subq_WHERE_attr is an attribute of the foreign object. ‘U’913B485771E1B347968E530276916387is the foreign key value to match on group. which is an attribute of the cnt object. it creates no joins at all. The last part. the query can be coded as follows: assignee. is a list of cnt objects that represent groups to which a contact belongs. This translates to the following pseudo-SQL statement: SELECT . the following is not valid: assignee.last_name LIKE 'MIS%' OR IN ('Soft%'. For IN (U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916387'. is an SREL (foreign key) of the cr object.last_name LIKE 'MIS%' Using IN. 'Email') This translates to the following pseudo-SQL: SELECT .. The sub query return is specified by [member]. lists of contacts. it is important to free lists. The CA SDM server maintains the list. consuming system resources. list handles are not persistent across sessions. and so on. Lists are zero-based so the first element is at index = 0. list of organizations. CA Service Management . Lists are especially useful when dealing with a large collection of objects (for example. Unlike object handles. such as doSelect(). the same partition can be written as follows. A list is simply a collection of same-type objects. Integer Index Several methods require an integer index into a list. represented by a unique integer handle. for example. Therefore. List Handles A request for a list returns an integer handle representing the list of same-type objects. all the contacts in the system) because you can retrieve information about items in a range of the list. When a client is finished with a list. The following describes more details about lists: Lists are homogenous List may only contain objects of a single type. No other information is sent to the client. “NOT IN”. Using IN. Similarly.last_name LIKE 'Smith' to: assignee = U'913B485771E1B347968E530276916387' This avoids the join with some loss in clarity.last_name IN 'Smith' The ‘NOT’ keyword cannot be in conjunction with IN. free the list handle. Lists Some Web Services methods return lists. for example. The client may query the list for specific information about its rows. assignee. If the expected number of list rows is small. retrieve information. with the clarity of the first version and almost the same efficiency as the second version: assignee. you should avoid joins by converting queries. The disadvantage is that you must make more method calls to obtain a list handle.14. the update is not reflected in the list. and finally. 02-Aug-2016 176/403 .1 Note: The parentheses that normally enclose the list of values on the right side of IN can be omitted if there is only one value in the list. the handle must be released with freeListHandles(). if a list object is obtained for all contacts and another contact is added to the system. Lists are Static For example. use methods that do not involve list handles. Another list handle must be obtained to get the most current data. but the most notable is doSelect(). Several methods are provided. the number of logs can range from a few to several dozen. For some operations. The doSelect() method can retrieve all the contact data in one call. This affects all CA SDM Web Services methods that return lists of objects. CA SDM limits the number of rows returned to 250.14. but the reply will be delayed and will negatively impact overall system performance while it assembles and returns a very large data set. is one of performance and convenience. such as doSelect(). Examples of methods that return data sets instead of list references include the following: doSelect() getRelatedListValues() getLrelValues() getTaskListValues() getValidTaskTransitions() As previously stated.1 As previously mentioned. and then releasing the list. It is probably faster to request the data all at once instead of requesting a list reference. CA Service Management . as it returns requested information about a set of data without the overhead of list handles. however. will return a list reference very quickly. in this case. an issue has a list of Activity Logs. lists are excessive. For example. The decision to use list handles versus methods. 02-Aug-2016 177/403 . To protect against this. suppose your application does processing on all 15.000 Contacts in your system. including the following: doSelect() doSelectKD() getGroupMemberListValues() getListValues() getPropertyInfoForCategory() getRelatedListValues() getTaskListValues() getValidTaskTransitions() This limit applies even if you request one of these methods to retrieve more than 250 rows. For example. Depending on the installation. A good practice to follow is to use list references if the data set exceeds 250 items. using list handles is most useful for larger sets of data that may be queried multiple times. querying it for data. The doQuery() method. queries that return a large number of rows can severely impact the performance of the server. Sometimes it does not make sense to use list handles. Ranges of data can be queried from the list to improve response times from the server. 02-Aug-2016 178/403 . you should obtain a handle to the list of results and use getListValues() to retrieve chunks of 250 or fewer rows each. This strategy helps keep the server from becoming slow while serving huge amounts of data.14.1 To retrieve large numbers of rows. CA Service Management . 02-Aug-2016 179/403 .1 Attribute Data Types This article contains the following topics: Integer (see page 179) String (see page 180) Duration (see page 180) Date (see page 180) SREL (see page 180) List (QREL/BREL) (see page 181) LREL (see page 181) UNKNOWN (see page 181) UUID (see page 181) Each attribute of an object is of a specific type that has meaning to the CA SDM application. as illustrated by the following table: Data Type Value Integer 2001 String 2002 Duration 2003 Date 2004 SREL 2005 UNKNOWN 2006 List (QREL/BREL) 2007 Lrel (many-to-many) 2008 UUID 2009 Integer The Integer data type represents a 32-bit signed integer. or integer. such as string. Null an integer attribute by passing the empty string. CA Service Management . These enumeration values are returned in various web methods. The CA SDM uses an enumeration to identify each data type. Knowing the attribute type is essential to correctly retrieving and updating attribute values. date.14. Date The Date data type represents a date value. When retrieving date values. CA Service Management . 02-Aug-2016 180/403 . Negative values are not permitted. It is a foreign key to another table in a database.first_name Dot-notation can only be used to retrieve attribute values. To make a duration attribute null. use the following: organization. use a UTC value to set a date. This is stored as a UNIX-like UTC value in the database (the number of seconds since 1-1-1970). such as using getObjectValues(). to specify the name of a Contact’s organization from the context of the Contact. Most CA SDM Web Services methods permit dot-notation to retrieve information about objects to which an SREL points. where the maximum length is defined by the database storage allocated for a particular string attribute. “90” represents one minute and 30 the integer UTC is returned. or in a Where You may expand to an arbitrary number of levels as shown in the following example: organization. If you attempt to set a string attribute to a value that exceeds its length. use an integer representing the number of seconds for the duration. For example.14. which is a pointer to another object. For example. SREL The SREL data type represents an SREL (Single RELation). You cannot use dot-notation to set values. To set a duration type. pass the empty string. Null a date attribute by passing the empty string. an Issue object has a pointer attribute to a Contact representing the Assignee. the value is truncated and an error message is written to the CA SDM log. Negative values are not permitted. Similarly. For example.1 String The String data type represents a character string. Duration The Duration data type is an integer representing time duration in seconds. “I” instead of “crt: 182” and “P” instead of “crt:181”. For example. List (QREL/BREL) An object can have a list attribute that represents a one-to-many relationship. a contact ID). as the REL_ATTR of the crt object (Request Type) is its code attribute.for references and queries to lists defined in an object. For more information about lists. UUID A UUID is a 128-bit integer (16 bytes) or a 32-byte character that can be used across all computers and networks wherever a unique identifier is required. you can pass the persistent id of the object to which you want to point. To set an SREL attribute to null. The CA SDM system handles list collections as abstract data types. Such an identifier has a very low probability of being duplicated (for example. such as with updateObject(). use getRelatedList() and getRelatedListValues(). LREL The LREL data type represents a many-to-many relationship between two object types. The CA SDM Web Services provides special functions for interacting with LRELs. UNKNOWN The Unknown data type represents an unknown data type. In order to simplify this action. see CA SDM Lists in this chapter. pass the empty string (“”). 02-Aug-2016 181/403 . An LREL has two names. one for each side of the relationship. this release of CA SDM has been enhanced so that the REL_ATTR (foreign key) value may be used to set an SREL.14. Incident or Problem. The cr’s type attribute can be set to “R” instead of “crt:180”. The Web Services provides several methods to interact with lists -. the values “R”. CA Service Management . These are defined in majic files with the QREL or BREL keywords. A list exists at the object level -.1 To set an SREL attribute. “I” and “P” can be used to set the type attribute of a cr object to specify that the ticket is a Request. UUIDs are used mostly with primary does not take any additional storage in the DBMS. String entry to an asset. description) attachURLLink int Attaches a URL link (int sid. description. attmntFolderLinkCount int Returns the (int sid. logText) addBookmark String Adds a bookmark (int sid. addComment String Adds a comment to (int sid. String attmntName. CA Service Management . addMemberToGroup void Adds a contact to a (int sid. Each method explains the parameters. int docId.1 Web Services Methods This article contains the following topics: Web Services Method Summary (see page 182) XML Object Returns (see page 192) This section provides the details for using the Web Services methods. String contactId) ect] document. String requestHandle. String existing change changeHandle. String [UDSObj a knowledge username. String to a knowledge description) document. String methodName. String order to a request.14. String comment. and returns. String email. String contactHandle. int folderId) number of attachment links for a folder. String factoryName. String groupHandle) group. String creator. String assetHandle. ArrayOfString changeAttrVals. attachChangeToRequest String Attaches a new or (int sid. int docId) [UDSObj to a knowledge ect] document. callServerMethod String Invokes any (int sid. String [ServerR arbitrary server- formatList. int docId. String contactHandle. ArrayOfString parameters) eturn] side method. 02-Aug-2016 182/403 . String contactId. String url. Web Services Method Summary The following table provides a summary of web services methods in the product: Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] addAssetLog void Adds a new log (int sid. esult configuration item StringHolder createAssetResult. String creator.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] changeStatus String Performs an (int sid. String clearBy) notification message. String description. newAssetHandle. String lrObject. String [UDSObj update status description. String objectHandle. String repositoryHandle.14. String newStatusHandle) ect activity on a ticket. String fileName) server and attaches it to a ticket. CA Service Management . ArrayOfString attributes. (Handle only)] clearNotification int Clears a (int sid. String childHandle) parent-child relationship. boolean ect ticket. String objectHandle. String [UDSObj log entry for a description. String ticketHandle) [UDSObj the ticket to ect Closed. closeTicket String Sets the status of (int sid. ArrayOfString attrVals. String repositoryHandle. StringHolder newExtensionHandle. StringHolder [UDSObject] (asset). internal) (Handle only)] createAsset void createAssetR Creates a (int sid. String creator. (Handle only)] createActivityLog String Creates an activity (int sid. String newChangeH Creates a Change [UDSObj andle Order ticket. newAssetHan StringHolder newExtensionName) dle newExtension Handle newExtension Name createAssetParentChildRelationship String Creates an asset (int sid. String description. String objectHandle. String parentHandle. the back-end String description. int timeSpent. createAttachment String Uploads a file to (int sid. createAttmnt String Uploads a file to (int sid. String logType. ect] newChangeN umber 02-Aug-2016 183/403 . int the back-end objectHandle. int folderId. String fileName) server and attaches it to a knowledge document. String template. StringHolder newChangeNumber) createDocument String Creates a (int sid. many-to-many ArrayOfString addObjectHandles) relationships. String template. CA Service Management .1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] createChangeOrder (int sid. createFolder String Creates a folder in (int sid. String contextObject. createRequest String newRequestH Creates a Request (int sid. ArrayOfString attrVals. ect] newIssueNu ArrayOfString attributes. 02-Aug-2016 184/403 . tionData void Creates Workflow Task. String [UDSObj ndle based on the rules userid. String objectType. StringHolder returnUserDa Policy and the returnApplicationData) ta given Problem returnApplica Type. String creatorHandle. String duplication_id. StringHolder [UDSObject] createObjectResult. String template. [UDSObj andle ticket. ect] newRequestN ArrayOfString attributes. ArrayOfString attrVals. [UDSObj dle ticket. StringHolder newRequestNumber) createTicket String newTicketHa Creates a ticket (int sid. ArrayOfString propertyValues. String creatorHandle. StringHolder newIssueHandle. mber StringHolder newIssueNumber) createLrelRelationships void Adds one or more (int sid. createObject void createObject Creates any CA (int sid. ArrayOfString kdAttributes) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] document. (empty)] mber Service Aware StringHolder returnUserData. [UDSObj an attachment String description. createIssue String newIssueHan Creates an Issue (int sid. int parentFolderId. ArrayOfString attributes. ArrayOfString propertyValues. StringHolder ect] newTicketNu preferred newTicketNumber) mber document type of the given end user. String creatorHandle. StringHolder ect newTicketNu defined in the newTicketHandle. Result SDM object. StringHolder newChangeHandle.14. [UDSObj ndle based on the StringHolder newTicketHandle. ArrayOfString attrVals. int repId. int folderType. String description. String asset. String folderName) ect] repository. StringHolder newTicketNumber. ArrayOfString attributes. ArrayOfString attrVals. String lrelName. String problem_type. String description. String customerHandle. StringHolder newHandle) newHandle createQuickTicket String newTicketHa Creates a ticket (int sid. ArrayOfString propertyValues. StringHolder umber newRequestHandle. boolean setGroup. boolean setPriority. boolean setAssignee. String workFlowHandle. type. String creator. String whereClause. String [UDSObject] taskType.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] createWorkFlowTask createWorkFl (int sid. escalate String Performs an (int sid. String contactId. doQuery ListResul Performs a SQL-like (int sid. int commentId) for a knowledge document. String sortBy. StringHolder newHandle createWorkFlowTaskResult. String objectHandle) workflow task from its associated ticket. String order from a description) request. String creator. String whereClause. deleteWorkFlowTask void Removes a (int sid. [UDSObj select on the int maxRows. int docId) bookmark from a knowledge document. int skip) ectList] knowledge document object. listLengt h] doSelect String Performs a SQL-like (int sid. StringHolder newHandle) deleteBookmark int Deletes a (int sid. String objectType. String only)] newOrganizationHandle. int docId) document for deletion. String objectHandle. deleteDocument int Flags a knowledge (int sid. newAssigneeHandle. String requestHandle. owTaskResult String creatorHandle. String whereClause) t select on the [listHand specified object le. String ect a ticket. String (Handle newGroupHandle. ArrayOfString attributes. int [UDSObj select on the maxRows. detachChangeFromRequest String Detaches a change (int sid. String [UDSObj escalate activity on description. ArrayOfString attrVals. String selectedWorkFlow.14. String objectHandle. CA Service Management . boolean desc. String objectType. ArrayOfString attributes. ArrayOfString attributes) ectList] specified object type. boolean setOrganization. String newPriorityHandle) 02-Aug-2016 185/403 . deleteComment int Deletes a comment (int sid. doSelectKD String Performs a SQL-like (int sid. int docId) [UDSObj attachments for a ectList] given knowledge document. String [UDSObj search on propertyList. CA Service Management . boolean descending. getAccessTypeForContact String Returns a handle (int sid. String accessType. ArrayOfString attributes. foResult information for an StringHolder getAssetExtInfoResult. String ectList] knowledge whereClause. int folderId. String contactId) [UDSObj bookmarks for a ectList] given contact. getAssetExtensionInformation void getAssetExtIn Returns extension (int sid. String assetHandle. int resultSize. firstName.14. String password) for appending to URLs. String categoryIds. getBookmarks String Retrieves (int sid. getAttmntListPerKD String Returns a list of (int sid. int repId) [UDSObj attachments under ectList] a given attachment folder.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] faq String Performs a faq (int sid. String lastName. String contact. String sortBy. 02-Aug-2016 186/403 . String contact) appending to URLs. ArrayOfInt handles) side resources for lists and invalidates the list handles. String contactHandle) for the Access Type of a contact. getArtifact String Returns an artifact (int sid. StringHolder [UDSObject] asset. String userName. getAttmntList String Returns a list of (int sid. String email. findContacts String Retrieves a list of (int sid. int ectList] inactiveFlag) freeListHandles void Frees the server- (int sid. extensionHandle. int attmntId) [UDSObj attributes for an ectList] attachment. StringHolder extensionName) extensionHan dle extensionNa me getAttmntInfo String Returns the (int sid. int maxDocIDs) documents. String [UDSObj contacts. getBopsid String Returns a token for (int sid. CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] getCategory String Retrieves (int sid, int catId, boolean getCategoryPaths) [UDSObj information for a ectList] knowledge category. getComments String Retrieves all (int sid, String docIds) [UDSObj comments from ectList] the list of knowledge documents. getConfigurationMode String Returns (int sid) confirmation if CA SDM is running in ITIL mode. getContact String Retrieves (int sid, String contactId) [UDSObj information for a ect] given contact. getDecisionTrees String Retrieves all (int sid, String propertyList, String sortBy, boolean [UDSObj Decision Tree descending) ectList] knowledge documents. getDependentAttrControls String Returns a list of (int sid, String handle, ArrayOfString attrVals) [UDSObj locked and ectList] required attributes for the Status object. getDocument String Retrieves (int sid, int docId, String propertyList, boolean [UDSObj information for a relatedDoc, boolean getAttmnt, boolean getHistory, ect] knowledge boolean getComment, boolean getNotiList) document. getDocumentsByIDs String Retrieves (int sid, String docIds, String propertyList, String sortBy, [UDSObj information for one boolean descending) ectList] or more knowledge documents. getDocumentTypes String Returns a list of all (int sid) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] document types. getFolderInfo String Retrieves (int sid, int folderId) [UDSObj information for a ect] given attachment folder. getFolderList (int sid, int parentFolderId, int repId) 02-Aug-2016 187/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] String Returns a list of [UDSObj folders under a ectList] given parent folder. getGroupMemberListValues String Queries the group (int sid, String whereClause, int numToFetch, [UDSObj of the system and ArrayOfString attributes) ectList] member relationship. getHandleForUserid String Returns the (int sid, String userID) persistent handle for a contact. getKDListPerAttmnt String Returns a list of (int sid, int attmntId) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] documents with reference to a given attachment. getListValues String Returns attribute (int sid, int listHandle, int startIndex, int endIndex, [UDSObj values for a range ArrayOfString attributeNames) ectList] of objects in a list. getLrelLength int Returns the (int sid, String contextObject, String lrelName) number of objects on one side of a many-to-many relationship. getLrelValues String Returns attribute (int sid, String contextObject, String lrelName, int [UDSObj values for a range startIndex, int endIndex, ArrayOfString attributes) ectList] of objects in a many-to-many relationship. getNotificationsForContact ListResul Returns a list (int sid, String contactHandle, int queryStatus) t handle of [listHand notifications (lr le, objects) for a given listLengt contact. h] getObjectTypeInformation String Returns a list of all (int sid, String factory) [UDSObj attribute names for ect a given object. (special)] getObjectValues String Returns the (int sid, String objectHandle, ArrayOfString attributes) [UDSObj attribute values for ect] a given object handle. 02-Aug-2016 188/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] getPendingChangeTaskListForContact ListResul Returns all the (int sid, String contactHandle) t pending change [listHand order workflow le, tasks assigned to a listLengt given contact. h] getPendingIssueTaskListForContact ListResul Returns all the (int sid, String contactHandle) t pending issue [listHand workflow tasks le, assigned to a listLengt contact. h] getPermissionGroups String Retrieves info for a (int sid, int groupId) [UDSObj permission group. ectList] getPolicyInfo String Returns (int sid) [SAPolicy information about ] the access policy for the current session. getPriorities String Retrieves all the (int sid) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] priorities. getPropertyInfoForCategory String Retrieves property (int sid, String categoryHandle, ArrayOfString attributes) [UDSObj information for a ectList] given category. getQuestionsAsked String Retrieves historical (int sid, int resultSize, boolean descending) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] document search text. getRelatedList ListResul Returns a list (int sid, String objectHandle, String listName) t handle for a list [listHand (QREL or BREL) of le, an object. listLengt h] getRelatedListValues void getRelatedLis Returns values for (int sid, String objectHandle, String listName, int tValuesResult lists of an object. numToFetch, ArrayOfString attributes, StringHolder [UDSObjectLis getRelatedListValuesResult, IntHolder numRowsFound) t] numRowsFou nd (IntHolder) 02-Aug-2016 189/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] getRepositoryInfo String Returns (int sid, int repositoryId) [UDSObj information of a ect] repository. getStatuses String Retrieves all the (int sid) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] statuses. getTaskListValues String Returns values for (int sid, String objectHandle, ArrayOfString attributes) [UDSObj tasks associated ectList] with a given issue or change order. getTemplateList String Retrieves all the (int sid) [UDSObj document ectList] templates. getValidTaskTransitions String Returns all possible (int sid, String taskHandle, ArrayOfString attributes) [UDSObj status transitions ectList] for a particular task. Returns all possible status transitions for a particular String Returns all possible task. [UDSObj status transitions ectList] for a particular ticket. getWorkflowTemplateList String Retrieves all the (int sid) [UDSObj knowledge ectList] workflow templates. getWorkFlowTemplates String Returns all the (int sid, String objectHandle, ArrayOfString attributes) [UDSObj workflow ectList] templates associated with the category of a change order or issue. impersonate int Invalidates the old (int sid, String userid) session and returns a new session ID for the new user. isAttmntLinkedKD int Returns the (int sid, int attmntId) number of attachment links to all knowledge documents. void 02-Aug-2016 190/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] logComment Performs a log (int sid, String ticketHandle, String comment, int comment activity internalFlag) on a ticket. login int Authenticates a (String username, String password) user and returns a unique session ID. loginService int Authenticates a (String username, String password, String policy) user and returns a unique session ID. loginServiceManaged String Performs user (String policy, String encrypted_policy) authentication for PKI configurations and returns a session ID. loginWithArtifact int Authenticates a (String userid, String artifact) user with artifact and returns a unique session ID. logout void Invalidates and (int sid) frees a session ID. modifyDocument String Updates a (int sid, int docId, ArrayOfString kdAttributes) [UDSObj knowledge ect] document. notifyContacts String Sends a notification (int sid, String creator, String contextObject, String [UDSObj to one or more messageTitle, String messageBody, int notifyLevel, ect contacts. ArrayOfString notifyees, boolean internal) (Handle only)] rateDocument String Rates a particular (int sid, int docId, int rating, int multiplier, String [UDSObj knowledge ticketPerId, boolean onTicketAccept, boolean ectList] document. solveUserProblem, boolean isDefault) removeAttachment int Removes an (int sid, String attHandle) attachment from a ticket. removeLrelRelationships void Removes one or (int sid, String contextObject, String lrelName, more many-to- ArrayOfString removeObjectHandles) many relationships. removeMemberFromGroup void Removes a contact (int sid, String contactHandle, String groupHandle) from a group. 02-Aug-2016 191/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Method Name (Input Parameters) Return Output Description Type Parameters [XML (Type: Root StringHolder) Element] [XML Root Element] search String Searches for (int sid, String problem, int resultSize, String properties, [UDSObj knowledge String sortBy, boolean descending, boolean ectList document relatedCategories, int searchType, int matchType, int (nested)] solutions. searchField, String categoryPath, String whereClause, int maxDocIDs) serverStatus int Returns the status (int sid) (up or down) of the CA SDM server. transfer String Performs a transfer (int sid, String creator, String objectHandle, String [UDSObj activity on a ticket. description, boolean setAssignee, String ect newAssigneeHandle, boolean setGroup, String (Handle newGroupHandle, boolean setOrganization, String only)] newOrganizationHandle) updateObject String Updates one or (int sid, String objectHandle, ArrayOfString attrVals, [UDSObj more attributes for ArrayOfString attributes) ect] a given object. updateRating String Updates an existing (int sid, int buId, int rate) [UDSObj rating of a ect] knowledge document. loginWithArtifact int Authenticates a (String userid, String artifact) user with artifact and returns a unique session ID. getArtifact String Returns an artifact (int sid, String contact, String password) for appending to URLs. XML Object Returns Many of the Web Services methods return an XML representation of CA SDM objects. The Web Services uses a standard XML structure beginning with the following root element: <UDSObject> The format of the XML representation is described in the following table: 02-Aug-2016 192/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 XML Element Type Description <UDSObject> N/A Identifies the root node. <Handle> Strin Identifies the object’s handle. g <Attributes> Sequ Identifies the attribute values. This holds zero or more elements for the ence object’s attribute values. <attrName0 DataType Strin Identifies the AttrName0, which is an object attribute name as defined = “typeEnum"> g in the CA SDM majic (.maj) or mod (.mod) file. This name may use dot-notation depending on the web method used. The element’s value is the attribute’s value. An empty element indicates a null/empty value for this object’s attribute. The DataType attribute is an integer indicating the attribute’s data type in the CA SDM environment. For example, a call to getObjectValues() can return information illustrated by the following: <UDSObject> <Handle>cnt:555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75</Handle> <Attributes> <Attribute DataType="2003"> <AttrName>first_name</AttrName> <AttrValue>first name</AttrValue> <DisplayValue>Yaakov</DisplayValue> </Attribute> <Attribute DataType="2005"> <AttrName>organization</AttrName> <AttrValue>342</AttrValue> <DisplayValue>Accounting Crew</DisplayValue> </Attribute> </Attributes> <Lists> <List name="mylist1"> <UDSObject>...</UDSObject> <UDSObject>...</UDSObject> </List> </Lists> </UDSObject> Some methods, such as doSelect(), return a sequence of <UDSObject> elements contained inside a <UDSObjectList> element. The <Lists> section holds zero or more <List> nodes. A <List> node holds zero or more <UDSObject> nodes. <List> elements are generally returned only when a specific request for list values is made. When you want to return a list of values related to a specific object, you should use the getRelatedListValues method. If a request is made just for a list with no attribute name, such as actlog, then the entire <UDSObject> is returned in the <List> section. 02-Aug-2016 193/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Specialized methods, like getDocument(), can of course be different. When a request is made for an attribute, the database value is returned. For SREL attributes, this may not be so useful. Requesting the assignee attribute of a Request returns an integer because the Contact REL_ATTR (foreign key) is its ID. For CA Service Desk Manager r11.0, the return data for attributes includes elements for the DBMS and common name value of SREL references. 02-Aug-2016 194/403 14. and BLREL Processing (see page 213) Managing Attachments for Tickets (see page 214) CA SDM Resource Examples (see page 214) Example Create a Change Order With an Attachment (see page 214) Example Create a Resource (see page 215) Example Delete a Resource (see page 216) Example Delete an Access Key (see page 216) Example Mark a Resource Inactive (see page 216) Example Obtain a BOPSID Token (see page 217) Example Obtain an Access Key (see page 218) Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources (see page 218) Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources Using a Where Clause (see page 219) 02-Aug-2016 195/403 . CA Service Management . QREL.1 REST HTTP Methods This article contains the following topics: Sample URI Paths for CRUD Operations (see page 197) REST Considerations (see page 198) REST Limitations (see page 198) REST and Object Access (see page 198) rest_access resource (see page 199) REST_OPERATIONS Keyword (see page 199) REST_OPERATIONS Syntax Examples (see page 200) Working with BLRELs (see page 200) WHERE Clause Resource Search (see page 201) Valid URI Path Patterns (see page 202) Search Result Sorting (see page 203) Search Result Navigation (see page 203) Example Request Returns a Specific Number of Records (see page 203) HTTP Status and Error Codes (see page 204) Code Matching Limitations (see page 205) Known Status Codes (see page 205) Atom Feeds (see page 206) Additional REST Support when Requesting Data Formats (see page 208) CA SDM Role Authorization (see page 208) REST Java Sample Code (see page 209) Build and Execute the Sample Programs (see page 210) CA SDM Authentication Scheme (see page 210) REST Secret Key Authentication (see page 210) REST BOPSID Authentication (see page 212) REST Basic Authentication (see page 212) External CA EEM Artifact Authentication (see page 213) CRUD Operations on Tickets (see page 213) BREL. 1 Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources Using a Where Clause (see page 219) Example Retrieve a Specific Resource (see page 220) Example Retrieve a Subresource (see page 221) Example Update a Resource (see page 221) Example Get a BLREL Record (see page 222) Example Retrieve a List of LREL Records Associated with a Group (see page 224) Example Create a BLREL Record (see page 225) Example Update a BLREL Record (see page 226) Example Delete a BLREL Record (see page 227) The REST API supports the following HTTP methods to manipulate resources: POST (CREATE) creates a resource. Note: The pdm_rest_util command line utility lets you manually generate.env to change this setting. the product automatically regenerates and redeploys the corresponding Plain Old Java Objects (POJOs) into the REST Tomcat webapps directory. CA SDM Release 12. After you update Majic object definitions and recycle CA SDM. Each method works in the same manner on all CA SDM resources. available with most programming languages. By default. CA SDM disables the REST sample mobile user interface and exposes all Majic factories through REST 02-Aug-2016 196/403 . Important! Requests for attributes that do not respond indicate a null attribute value. REST Web Services provide a scalable configuration and better flexibility to our users by letting you connect to a dedicated domsrvr on the local server. PUT (UPDATE) updates an existing resource. and deploy Java code that REST web services require. compile. You require an HTTP client library. DELETE deletes the resource. Modify your client code accordingly because REST does not display null attribute values in responses. CA Service Management . Refer to this basic set of methods as CRUD. Send an HTTP request to the server for the resource that you want to manipulate.14. You can edit NX.9 provides the NX_REST_WEBSERVICE_DOMSRVR variable to domsrvr. GET (READ) returns a representation of a resource. Control the object attributes to be returned by using HTTP headers. Use the HTML client library to complete the following tasks: Access and modify associated (or related) resources using a multilevel URI path. /resources/ Element URL N/A Retrieves a Updates the addressed Deletes the For example: representation of member of the member of the does not exist.14. 02-Aug-2016 197/403 . CA Service Management . Important! The REST API does not support Majic attributes of type DOUBLE. Assigns a new other details of For example: entry URL automatically the collection http://mywe and returns it by the members.1 CA SDM disables the REST sample mobile user interface and exposes all Majic factories through REST Web Services by default. REST returns the HTTP-404 error code. collection. bsite. the /resources collection. The following table shows how the REST API uses HTTP methods on resources. creates it. If you do not use upper case. /item1 Sample URI Paths for CRUD Operations The following table shows sample URI paths for CRUD operations: CRUD Operation HTTP Method Noun Sample URI Path CREATE Post URI /caisd-rest/chg READ (Multiple) GET Collection URI /caisd-rest/chg Read (Multiple with Filter) GET Collection URI /caisd-rest/chg?WC=status%3D6001 Read (Single ID) GET Entry URI /caisd-rest/chg/400001 Read (Single COMMON_NAME) GET Entry URI /caisd-rest/chg/COMMON_NAME-21 Read (Single REL_ATTR) GET Entry URI /caisd-rest/chgstat/REL_ATTR-OP Update PUT Entry URI /caisd-rest/chg/40001 Delete DELETE Entry URI /caisd-rest/grpmem/400001 Important! COMMON_NAME and REL_ATTR are case-sensitive. addressed http://mywe the addressed and when the member member of bsite. Resource CREATE READ UPDATE DELETE Collection Creates an entry in the Lists the URLs and N/A N/A URL collection. all objects allow the CREATE. This behavior lets clients reconcile the representation that they sent to the server with the actual representation that they created. Majic statements let you create objects and modify existing objects. You can refine object access to perform the following tasks: 02-Aug-2016 198/403 . workload_chg QREL attributes are available. change_tasks QREL wf DYNAMIC { WHERE "assignee = ? AND status. These values are based on business object logic that attribute triggers. but CA SDM can add or modify attribute values internally. REST and Object Access Many CA SDM components consist of objects. and UPDATE operations. A metalanguage named Majic defines these objects. all objects are accessible through REST. or both set.allow_task_update = 1 " . The result causes the POST operation to return the actual representation that it created to the client. QREL or LREL attribute that contains a dotted attribute in its relationship query. For GET operations. By default. DOMSET chg_list. The REST_OPERATIONS keyword specifies the operations that you can perform on an object. PARAM_NAMES { id } . } . SPEL code. CA Service Management . } . PARAM_NAMES { id } . READ. You can customize the exposure of the CA SDM objects through REST to determine the following: Objects accessible through REST Permitted operations for each object After you install CA SDM.allow_task_update) in its WHERE clause. You do not need to use the REST_OPERATIONS keyword for the default setup. methods. as indicated in the REST_OPERATIONS list in their object definition. enter %20 instead of a space in the WHERE clause. DOMSET wf_list . REST does not expose any BREL. The change_tasks QREL is unavailable because it contains a dotted attribute (status. For example. In this example. so you can customize these objects to meet your business requirements. the chg object in base. Some default objects also permit the DELETE operation.maj contains the following QREL attributes: workload_chg QREL chg DYNAMIC { WHERE "assignee = ? and active = 1" .14.1 REST Considerations Consider the following information about REST methods: POST operations create a resource from the provided representation. REST Limitations The REST API does not support dotted attribute name references in its resource queries or attributes. REST_OPERATIONS Keyword The Majic keyword. uses a parenthesized list of tokens. GET Retrieves REST access information (except for secret key). access_key. and DELETE operations. REST_OPERATIONS. CA SDM allows overrides by using the following Majic MODIFY statement: MODIFY FACTORY cr { REST_OPERATIONS "READ. The REST_OPERATIONS keyword has the following syntax: REST_OPERATIONS "[<OP>]. It is an administrative table and contains the list of users allowed through the REST API. These tokens let you specify the REST operations that are permitted for an object. You use an object definition and a MODIFY clause to customize the keyword. PUT Does not allow updates to secret_key. The following list shows the deviations from the default behavior: POST Creates a REST access object and returns access key. Remove an object from REST entirely by specifying NONE in the REST_OPERATIONS list. secret key and expiration date as part of default values.1 Override the REST_OPERATIONS list by using a Majic MODIFY statement to remove or add operations.[<OP>] | NONE". DELETE Deletes the REST access object. READ.14. CA Service Management . Note: You cannot add the DELETE operation to any default object. rest_access resource The rest_access resource contains REST API access information for the authenticated users. This keyword produces the following statements: REST_OPERATIONS "CREATE. UPDATE. UPDATE". 02-Aug-2016 199/403 . OP Specifies the CREATE. READ. REST_OPERATIONS "NONE". except for the DELETE operation. and contact due to the Majic WRITE_NEW property. At run time. UPDATE DELETE". . REST_OPERATIONS Syntax Examples The following example modifies the cr object to limit the operations to READ and UPDATE. }. MODIFY FACTORY cr { REST_OPERATIONS "READ UPDATE". and chg. Important! CA SDM sets the default value for a REST_OPERATIONS property as “CREATE READ UPDATE” for most Objects. This name helps distinguish BLRELs from the classic BREL attributes which are only a two-factory relationship. An example of this three-factory relationship is the group and members relationship.” For example. BLREL attributes were known as LREL attributes in previous releases of CA SDM.. The following example removes announcements from REST completely: MODIFY FACTORY cnote { REST_OPERATIONS "NONE". The NONE operation is standalone and not allowed with the CREATE READ UPDATE combination in the MODIFY statement. } 02-Aug-2016 200/403 . CA SDM sets the default REST_OPERATIONS value to “CREATE READ UPDATE DELETE.1 }. both BLREL attributes are frequently part of the same object. These attributes are part of a three-factory relationship. } . rest_access and KCAT. For example. This relationship consists of a grp object. Any attempt to create or delete the object returns an error of HTTP error code 405 Method Not Allowed. Note: You cannot use DELETE in a MODIFY statement. member_list BREL grpmem group DYNAMIC { LREL member. and the LREL table object that the grpmem object represents. }. The following example shows how CA SDM defines BLREL attributes in Majic files. iss. Working with BLRELs The BLREL keyword refers to Majic attributes that point to an LREL table. two BLREL attributes always point to a common LREL table. group_list BREL grpmem member DYNAMIC { LREL group. but they have changed to BREL attributes. } .14. a cnt object. OBJECT cnt { . but not always. For some object. In this three-factory relationship. CA Service Management . In the group/member relationship. cr. the equals sign. Important! Use REL_ATTR values in the WC parameter when you reference SREL attributes such as priority. The WC parameter is part of the URI instead of a message header to allow bookmarking. For example. not the Majic query notation. WHERE Clause Resource Search REST Web Services let you use a WC (WHERE clause) query for the GET request. where groups can have many members. and members can be part of many groups.1 You can always view the attributes of an object by executing the bop_sinfo command on an active system: bop_sinfo -d grpmem The LREL table record creates an association between records of two other tables. The WC query parameter only applies to Collection GET requests. all records return up to the page size and maximum size limits. enter % 3D instead of =. CA Service Management . the grpmem record is the LREL table that creates this association. Example: Search for Contact Records with a Last Name that Equals ServiceDesk http://<host>:<REST port>/caisd-rest/cnt?WC=last_name%3D'ServiceDesk' Example: Search for Priority 2 Incidents /in?WC=priority%3D4 The 4 value in the example specifies the REL_ATTR value for the Priority 2 record. It is a many- to-many relationship. Example: Search for Incidents that Contain test% in the Summary Field /in?WC=summary%20LIKE%20'test%25' 02-Aug-2016 201/403 . REST only supports the SQL query notation. you cannot use a dotted attribute notation. For example.14. For the group /member relationship. If you do not add a WC parameter to the URL. Consider the following information: Use percent-encoding for all requests before you send them to the server. PUT updates the object. /caisd-rest/<factory>/<object id>/<attribute name (QREL)> Example: /caisd-rest/chg/400001/workflow GET returns a collection of objects of the type the QREL points to. /caisd-rest/<factory>/<object id> Example: /caisd-rest/cr/400001 GET returns details for one object. The following list shows the exposed methods: /caisd-rest/<factory> Example: /caisd-rest/cr GET searches for objects and returns a collection of objects. depending on the URI path level and the resource.14. /caisd-rest/crs/5200 /caisd-rest/<object>/<object id>/<attribute name (BREL)> Example: /caisd-rest/chg/400001/act_log GET returns a collection of objects of the type the BREL points to. CA Service Management . same as going directly to the SREL object if you know the ID. If allowed. /caisd-rest/<factory>/<object id>/<attribute name (SREL)> Example: /caisd-rest/chg/400001/status GET returns Details for the SREL attribute object. POST creates an object and returns the object that you created. For example. DELETE removes the object.1 Valid URI Path Patterns Not all resource paths and subresource paths expose all four HTTP methods. /caisd-rest/<factory>/<object id>/<attribute name (BLREL)> Example: /caisd-rest/chg/400001/attachments GET returns a collection of objects of the type the BLREL points to (the LREL record). 02-Aug-2016 202/403 . included as part of the URI. REST defaults to 1. You can specify a list of attributes as the sort order.14. Use the rest_webservice_list_page_length and rest_webservice_list_max_length options to configure the page length and maximum number of records to display. Search Result Navigation Provide ATOM links to improve navigating search and list results. the Collection GET result contains up to 25 records. enter %20 instead of spaces. REL_ATTR. or specify DESC for descending order. Example Request Returns a Specific Number of Records In this example. Note: If you do not provide the X-Obj-Attrs header. the SORT parameter provides that same support that the DBMS provides for the ORDER BY clause. All object attributes specified in the SORT parameter add to the X-Obj-Attrs list of object attributes automatically. The ATOM links appear only for available records for that purpose.1 Search Result Sorting CA SDM Web Services let you sort search results by using the SORT query parameter. By default. severity ASC Consider the following information: You must encode all requests before sending them to the server. For example. the DBMS uses id ASC by default. id. This behavior only applies to collection GET requests. This behavior helps ensure that the attributes selected for sorting are part of the response. The SORT parameter is part of the URI instead of a message header to allow for bookmarking. If the user does not provide size. and COMMON_Name list by default. You can also specify ASC for ascending order. the DBMS may use ASC automatically. REST does not provide the previous link if the current page contains the first record in the list. CA Service Management . you request a return of 10 records: 02-Aug-2016 203/403 . Users can also provide their own list return size with the size parameter. For default behavior. These links take the user to the previous or next step when more records become available. if you omit ASC or DESC. If you do not provide a SORT parameter in the URI. For example. as they always appear as part of the response. If you do not provide start. Similarly. such as the example: GET http://<host>:<REST-port>/caisd-rest/<fac name> GET http://myserver:8080/caisd-rest/cr?SORT=priority DESC. REST defaults to the value of rest_webservice_list_page_length. REST only provides the next and all links when you have more available records. 1 http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt?start=11&size=10 If this result set contained 50 records. Standard HTTP error response code numbers range from 400 to 599. 02-Aug-2016 204/403 . HTTP Status and Error Codes Every HTTP response contains an HTTP status code. 409 GET (collection) 200. 400. Instead.14. 401. performance degrades. Successful HTTP response code numbers range from 200 to 399. the server responds with a 405 Method Not Allowed response code. the API does not try to determine the validity of the ID initially. 409 POST 201. the API returns the 409 Conflict code. If the API returns a 404 Not Found code in this situation. the API tries to run the update and delete queries directly. 401. the following links appear: <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt?start=1&size=10" rel="previous"/> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt?start=21&size=10" rel="next"/> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/chg?start=1&size=50" rel="all"/> Note: When the result set contains more than the maximum number allowed. 409 DELETE 204. CA Service Management . 404. The following list shows the successful and error code numbers that the REST API returns for each of the HTTP methods. In addition. 409 Note: For the PUT and DELETE operations. If the HTTP request requests an unsupported media type (Accept header). GET (single) 200. 401 PUT 200. If the HTTP request contains an unsupported HTTP method for a valid URI. 400. 400. the server responds with a 404 Not Found response code. 400. 401. 400. 404. 401. If an error occurs. the all link does not appear. the server responds with a 406 Not Acceptable response code. the following error messages return under the following cases: If the HTTP request contains an invalid or inaccessible URI address. A request for a resource that does not exist in CA SDM returns a 404 Not Found error code. but most backend process errors return a generic 400 Bad Request code. A request for an unaccessible resource due to Authentication Failure or Function Access security return a 401 Unauthorized error code. All others use error code 400. 204 No Content Indicates an empty response body. Other codes may exist from the web server or the CXF framework.14. Various syntax or internal Web Server errors can return a 500 internal error. not all CA SDM errors match to an HTTP error code. 200 OK Indicates a successful return. such as when using a nonunique COMMON_NAME value returns a 409 Conflict error code.1 If the HTTP request sends an unsupported media type (Content-Type header). 304 Not Modified Indicates that the record did not update. The following error messages match the corresponding HTTP error code. but it depends on the type of error. A message summarizes the error. 02-Aug-2016 205/403 . Known Status Codes The following list describes the known status codes that the API returns. Code Matching Limitations Because of a limited number of available HTTP codes. 201 Created Indicates a new record. the server responds with a 415 Unsupported Media Type response code. CA Service Management . Matching errors return the corresponding HTTP error codes whenever possible. 400 Bad Request Indicates that an error occurred due to a user or backend server issue. A request for a resource that returns multiple matches. 406 Not Acceptable Indicates an unsupported requested format. CA Service Management . This implementation supports all query parameters that REST Web Services support. start. The following sample displays these query parameters: GET /caisd-rest/cnt?size=2&EntryTitle=userid&EntrySummary=notes HTTP/1. 500 Internal Server Error Indicates an error on the server or CXF framework.14. 415 Unsupported Media Type Indicates that the provided format is not supported. which let you specify a mapping between the Atom entry Title and Summary elements to Majic attributes.1 Accept: application/atom+xml The following sample displays the Atom response: <?xml version="1.1 401 Unauthorized Indicates a function Access error or any authentication failure. and size query parameters. such as the WC. EntryTitle and EntrySummary. REST uses the COMMON_NAME as the default title and summary values. 409 Conflict Indicates that multiple records were found for the given identifier. Atom Feeds CA SDM supports Atom feeds through the collection GET URI path because Atom feeds represent a list of records. EntryTitle=<Majic attribute name> EntrySummary=<Majic attribute name> Note: If you do not specify these parameters. 404 Not Found Indicates that a record is not found. This implementation supports two additional query parameters. 405 Method Not Allowed Indicates an unsupported HTTP method.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 02-Aug-2016 206/403 . size=2" rel="next"/> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt?start=1&amp. CA Service Management .000Z</updated> <summary type="text">Username used by Visualizer for accessing CA Service Desk Manager using Web Services</summary> <content type="application/xml"> <cnt id="U'17DEA1027C7C3746B6F25DB6604EEE23'" REL_ATTR=" U'17DEA1027C7C3746B6F25DB6604EEE23'" COMMON_NAME="System_CMDB_Visualizer_User" xmlns=""> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'17DEA1027C7C3746B6F25DB6604EEE23'" rel="self"/> </cnt> </content> </entry> </feed> 02-Aug-2016 207/403 .000Z</updated> <summary type="text"> User for Asset Management Integration</summary> <content type="application/xml"> <cnt id="U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" REL_ATTR=" U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" COMMON_NAME="System_AM_User" xmlns=""> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" rel="self"/> </cnt> </content> </entry> <entry> <author> <name>CA Service Desk Manager</name> </author> <title type="text">cavizuser</title> <id>http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt/U'17DEA1027C7C3746B6F25DB6604EEE23'</id> <updated>1970-01-01T00:00:00.301Z</updated> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt?start=3&amp.size=12" rel="all"/> <link href="http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt" rel="self"/> <entry> <author> <name>CA Service Desk Manager</name> </author> <title type="text">System_AM_User</title> <id>http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt/U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'</id> <updated>1970-01-01T00:00:00.1 <feed xmlns=""> <author> <name>CA Service Desk Manager</name> </author> <title type="text">REST API Atom feed</title> <id>http://myserver:8050/caisd-rest/cnt</id> <updated>2012-01-17T17:56:04.14. You can only associate one role to this field.1 Example 2: GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001?_type=xml HTTP/1.1 GET /caisd-rest/chg. If this lookup field is empty. REST Web Services supports the same list of Attached Roles that are part of the Web Client interface.feed HTTP/1. and this field is the default role for the user.14. Example 1: GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001. CA SDM Role Authorization As with SOAP Web Services. part of the REST Web Services Access Key creation (login operation) includes verifying the user has authorization to access REST Web Services. The _type= query parameter supersedes all parameters.xml HTTP/1.1 GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001?_type=json HTTP/1.1 02-Aug-2016 208/403 . the Web Service and API Role lookup field controls this verification in the Access Type detail form.1 Additional REST Support when Requesting Data Formats REST Web Services also supports other ways of specifying the representation format using the URI. the one in the URI takes precedence over the Accept header. In addition. a new lookup field named REST Web Service API Role controls the verification for REST.1 GET /caisd-rest/chg?_type=atom HTTP/1. the representation returns in the XML format by default.json HTTP/1. CA Service Management . The Web Services work similarly specifying the representation format in the Accept HTTP header.1 GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001. In SOAP. In REST. If a representation format is not specified in any way. the users belonging to this Access Type do not have access to CA SDM through the REST Web Services interface. A REST user can select a different role from the list of Attached Roles (including the roles in its Contact record) by passing in an additional message header as part of the request. Example: Use the Administrator role for the request POST /caisd-rest/cnt HTTP/1.1 Consider the following information: If the representation format is specified on the URI and through the “Accept” header. The same can be used for any other object in CA SDM. CA Service Management . test4_xrels 02-Aug-2016 209/403 . Demonstrates how to get an Access Key using a username/password through the Basic Authentication scheme. Demonstrates how to create a new Change Order ticket with an attachment document all in one Demonstrates how to make a REST API request (get a list of Contacts) using the Secret Demonstrates how to attach a document to an existing Change Order ticket. All requests using this scheme are verified against the Secret Key.14. This token can be obtained from other applications that use CA EEM as their authentication server. 21 Apr 2011 19:37:58 +0000 X-Role: 10002 REST Java Sample Code CA SDM provides REST Java sample code in the NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\rest\java Demonstrates how to get an Access Key using an CA EEM artifact/token. test2_auths SampleBOPSIDAuth. similar to SOAP web service samples. These sample files let you build custom Java client code in your environment. Demonstrates how to get an Access Key using a BOPSID token. This directory contains instructions for compiling and executing the sample programs in the README.txt file. Update and Delete) on Incident tickets. Each Java file documents additional instructions and sample input parameters. SampleAttachFileToResource. This CA SDM token can be obtained from other CA SDM Interfaces such as SOAP Web Services. Demonstrates how to get an Access Key and a Secret Key using a username/password through the CA SDM custom authentication Demonstrates how to perform simple CRUD operations (Create.1 Host: hostname Date: Mon. The following directories in \rest\java provide the following samples: test1_basic SampleBasicAuth. test3_attachments SampleNewResourceWithAttachment. SampleCRUDOperations. It uses the Secret Key obtained from the CA SDM custom authentication operation to encrypt a configurable amount of data. txt (Windows) or rest_java_test. a new Log Comment activity is added to an existing Change Order. verified user. secure HMAC mechanism. CA Service Management . In this sample. Edit the copied file and verify that the first three SET variables are correct for your CA SDM Demonstrates how to create a new record for a BREL attribute.bat. SampleCreateBRELResource. Also. each request must provide information about the identity of the request sender.txt extension.children are retrieved.txt (UNIX) to the subdirectory where the sample program exists. This directory also contains instructions about how to compile and execute the sample programs. Copy rest_java_test. 2. Rename the copied file by removing the .1 SampleGetQRELDetails. The same approach works for creating a new record for BLREL attributes. To complete this authentication successfully. This authentication lets CA SDM verify the identity of a user and also verifies that the request came from a registered. Follow these steps: 1. REST Web Services support the following security authentication schemes: REST Secret Key Authentication (see page 210) that uses SSL and HMAC for login REST BOPSID Authentication (see page 212) that validates CA SDM BOPSIDs REST Basic Authentication (see page 212) that uses clear text encoded username and password External (CA EEM) Artifact Authentication (see page 213) that uses a CA EEM artifact token REST Secret Key Authentication REST Secret Key authentication uses a custom. In this sample. 02-Aug-2016 210/403 . In addition. details for chg. Build and Execute the Sample Programs You can build and execute the sample Java programs to test them in your environment. The same approach works for BREL and BLREL attributes. edit the Java file that you want to run and verify that the configurable variables are set for your CA SDM Demonstrates how to retrieve details on a QREL read the comments at the top of the page. CA SDM Authentication Scheme CA SDM provides sample code in the NX_ROOT/samples/sdk/rest/java directory.14. 3. 4. Access Key The Access Key is an assigned value to CA SDM clients after a successful login authentication. use the same fields exactly in the same order as specified the fields for the STRING_TO_SIGN_FIELDS option. the product assigns a Secret Key and Access Key to the client. HmacSHA256. To add these fields set the following NX variable in NX. 02-Aug-2016 211/403 . and HmacMD5 valid HMAC algorithms. If the signature that CA SDM generates matches the signature that the Client sent. and the Access Key to CA SDM. a Keyed- Hash based Message Authentication Code (HMAC). By default. REQUEST_URI. because an Access Key is sent as a request parameter. However. This function calculates the request signature. 4. To protect users from impersonation. You can also use other header fields to compute the signature. A possibility exists that anyone could use the Access Key by sending a request to CA SDM.14. 2. HmacSHA512. this authentication requires a Secret Key. For every subsequent HTTP request.x-obj-attrs. NX_STRING_TO_SIGN_FIELDS provides the header fields.env file: @NX_STRING_TO_SIGN_FIELDS=date. 3. CA SDM considers the request as authentic. and content-type. x-obj-attrs. the client uses the Secret Key. the Access Key is not secret. CA Service Management . such as date. REQUEST_METHOD. CA SDM uses the Access Key to look up the Secret Key from the persistence store. 5. the client must provide additional information that CA SDM can use to verify the identity. CA SDM generates the 40-character Secret Key during the REST Access Key creation automatically. Requests use the Access Key to identify the client responsible for the request.1 HMAC_ALGORITHM supports the HmacSHA1.content-type Note: When you compute the signature on the Client side. CA SDM uses the request data and the Secret Key to generate the signature using the same hash algorithm that the client used. The client obtains the Access Key and Secret Key through the REST URI (POST /caisd-rest /rest_access) by providing user credentials using the basic authentication style over SSL. HmacSHA384. CA SDM discards the request and returns an error response. The client sends the request data. Otherwise. the signature. 6. REST uses the CA SDM session ID as the Access Key. As a result. Secret Key After you log in to CA SDM successfully. The following steps describe the authentication process: 1. and the NX_HMAC_ALGORITHM variable provides the hash function. and QUERY_STRING (if present) are used to compute the signature. the application can request a BOPSID from boplgin. REST Basic Authentication The basic authentication scheme assumes that the credentials of a client contain a username and password. POST /caisd-rest/rest_access HTTP/1. The following example shows the HTTP message header for passing the BOPSID token: POST /caisd-rest/rest_access HTTP/1. Boplgin returns the userid and session when it receives the BOPSID. 21 Apr 2012 19:37:58 +0000 Authorization: Basic QWRtaW46Zm9vYmFy REST decodes credentials using base64 and compares them against the username/password and validates the credentials through boplgin. If you are concerned about using basic authentication scheme. 21 Apr 2012 19:37:58 +0000 X-BOPSID: <BOPSID token> Note: To obtain a BOPSID token through REST Web Services. you can disable it by setting the Options Manager option NX_REST_WEBSERVICE_DISABLE_BASIC_AUTH to Yes. 02-Aug-2016 212/403 . such as the following example: WWW-Authenticate: Basic realm="<USDK> 12.1 Host: hostname Date: Mon. Boplgin also cancels the BOPSID if it does not receive a verification request within 5 minutes of token creation. they can access CA SDM from a different interface by using a BOPSID token. If the user sends the BOPSID instead of the username and password. This challenge consists of the "Basic" token and a name- value pair that specifies the name of the protected realm.1 REST BOPSID Authentication After a user logs in to CA SDM through one interface. the server sends back a 401 response that contains an authentication challenge. The Authentication header of the client follow- up request should contain the "Basic" token and the base64-encoded group of the username. the server provides access to the requested resource. If this validation succeeds.14. and a colon. The BOPSID token provides a way for the invoked application to authenticate the user without requiring a login. where the password is a secret known only to the client and server. If the incoming request does not contain the client credentials. CA SDM uses the the boplgin method validate_bopsid().1 Host: hostname Date: Mon. After CA SDM authenticates a user. you send a POST request (see page 217) to /caisd-rest/bopsid. the client (such as a browser) prompts for the username and password associated with that realm. password. such as Single Sign-On. This single-use token identifies the user and session. CA Service Management .9" After receiving the 401 response from the server. CA Service Management - 14.1 Important! Basic authentication is not as secure as the Secret Key method. However, you can use Basic authentication over an SSL connection for increased security. External CA EEM Artifact Authentication You can use CA EEM Artifact Authentication for REST requests. Clients send the CA EEM Artifact with the username using predefined customer headers (X-ExtAuthArtifact, X-UserName). When this header entry appears in an incoming request, the security interceptor performs the login validation by sending a VALIDATE_ARTIFACT message to boplgin. The following example shows how to use the CA EEM Artifact: POST /caisd-rest/rest_access HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2012 19:37:58 +0000 X-ExtAuthArtifact: <EEM Artifact token> X-UserName: <username> CRUD Operations on Tickets The REST API provides sample Java code (see page 209) for the user to work with tickets through the REST API. These files contain the following operations: Create a Change Order with hard-coded sample data. Update a recent Change Order with a status update. Create an Incident and display the Incident number on the console. Get a list of Incident numbers using a where clause and display on the console. BREL, QREL, and BLREL Processing The REST API provides the sample Java code (see page 209) for the user to work with tickets through the REST API with BREL and QREL attributes. The BREL, QREL, and BLREL attributes only support the Get operation. The files contain the following operations: Create BREL using the documented, multistep process. For example, add activity logs to a Change Order. For QREL, create multiple Change Orders as children to a Change Order. For BLREL, add multiple CIs to a Change Order. Get a list of attributes that returns the URI for a BREL, QREL, or BLREL attribute, and display them on the console. Get the collection of the BREL, QREL, or BLREL attribute with the URI and display it on the console. For example, /caisd-rest/chg/40001/act_log. 02-Aug-2016 213/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Managing Attachments for Tickets The REST API provides the sample Java code (see page 209) for the user to work with tickets through the REST API. The files contain the following operations: Create an Incident. Create an attachment. Add the attachment to the Incident (2 step). Create an Incident with the attachment (1 step). Delete the attachment from the Incident. CA SDM Resource Examples Examples demonstrate how REST API uses basic Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) HTTP operations on CA SDM objects. Use the examples to understand how each REST operation works in the same manner on all CA SDM objects. Note: For readability, the examples do not show all HTTP message headers -- only the relevant information. Example Create a Change Order With an Attachment This REST API example provides a complex use case: create a change order ticket and an attachment. Note: MIME types application/xml and text/xml are often used interchangeably. We recommend that you use application/xml. All text/*-MIME types have an us-ascii character set unless otherwise explicitly specified in the HTTP headers. In effect, any encoding defined in the XML prolog (for example, <?xml version=”1.0” encoding=”UTF-8”?>) is ignored. The following example shows the request: POST /caisd-rest/chg/? repositoryId=1002&AttachmentId=att1&serverName=HOSTNAME&mimeType=doc&description=Desc HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: multipart/form-data X-AccessKey: 51461077 User-Agent: Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.0.1 02-Aug-2016 214/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Host: hostname:8050 Content-Length: 1045 --Vschb1Sy2JD93ODUnWVAkRxp3IoXIMgXd Content-Disposition: form-data; name="chg" Content-Type: application/xml; charset=US-ASCII Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit <chg><description>Attachments Testing</description><status COMMON_NAME="RFC" REL_ATTR="RFC" id="40020"><link rel="self" href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest /chgstat/40020"/></status><summary>Attachment test</summary><requestor COMMON_NAME=" ServiceDesk" REL_ATTR="U'279B25DD051D0A47B54880D86700397F'" id=" U'279B25DD051D0A47B54880D86700397F'"><link rel="self" href="http://hostname:8050 /caisd-rest/cnt/U'279B25DD051D0A47B54880D86700397F'"/></requestor></chg> --Vschb1Sy2JD93ODUnWVAkRxp3IoXIMgXd Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Test.txt"; filename="Test.txt" Content-Type: application/octet-stream; charset=ISO-8859-1 Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Location: http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400202 <chg id="400202" REL_ATTR="400202" COMMON_NAME="1047"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400202" rel="self"/> </chg> Example Create a Resource This REST API example demonstrates how to create a resource. In this example, the REST API creates a change order ticket. The following example shows the request: POST /caisd-rest/chg HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 X-Obj-Attrs: chg_ref_num <chg> <summary>Created via REST API</summary> <requestor REL_ATTR="U'793ED69B4E87A545BD8E911834D829FC'"/> </chg> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Location: http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400001 02-Aug-2016 215/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chg id="400003" REL_ATTR="400003" COMMON_NAME="23"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400003" rel="self"/> <chg_ref_num>23</chg_ref_num> </chg> Example Delete a Resource This REST API example demonstrates how to delete a resource. Note: Not all objects are available for deletion. Most objects only support updating the delete_flag to true or false, or status equal to active or inactive. You perform these actions using an UPDATE request rather than a DELETE request. The following example shows the request: DELETE /caisd-rest/grpmem/400001 HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 0 Example Delete an Access Key This REST API example demonstrates how to delete a CA SDM access key. The following example shows the request: DELETE /caisd-rest/rest_access/1201703106 HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 0 Example Mark a Resource Inactive This REST API example demonstrates how to mark a resource as inactive. 02-Aug-2016 216/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Note: Most CA SDM objects only support marking them inactive and not actually deleting them. The following example shows the request: PUT /caisd-rest/loc/U'0502D608F9122B48B7C9DAB9E0457F94' HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 X-Obj-Attrs: delete_flag <loc id="U'0502D608F9122B48B7C9DAB9E0457F94'"> <delete_flag COMMON_NAME="Inactive"/> </loc> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <loc id="U'0502D608F9122B48B7C9DAB9E0457F94'" REL_ATTR="U'0502D608F9122B48B7C9DAB9E0457F94'" COMMON_NAME="Stadium 1"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/loc/U'0502D608F9122B48B7C9DAB9E0457F94'" rel="self"/> <delete_flag id="4552" REL_ATTR="1" COMMON_NAME="Inactive"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/actbool/4552" rel="self"/> </delete_flag> </loc> Example Obtain a BOPSID Token A BOPSID token is single use authentication token that provides a single sign-on capability. This REST API example demonstrates how to obtain a BOPSID token to use for logging in to the web client. The following example shows the request: POST /caisd-rest/bopsid HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/xml <bopsid/> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 201 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 02-Aug-2016 217/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 <bopsid> <bopsid_val>987982618</bopsid_val> </bopsid> Example Obtain an Access Key This REST API example demonstrates how to obtain an access key (login) for userid ServiceDesk. Perform this operation using SSL to avoid risking an unauthorized user stealing your secret key. Keep the force_unique_userid Options Manager option enabled at all times. When you disable this option, and multiple contact records with the same login ID exist, problems with data partitions, multi- tenancy, security, and other functions can occur. The following example shows the request: POST /caisd-rest/rest_access HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ== <rest_access/> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rest_access id="400001" REL_ATTR="400001" COMMON_NAME="770921656"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/rest_access/400001" rel="self"/> <access_key>770921656</access_key> <expiration_date>1335276895</expiration_date> </rest_access> Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources This REST API example demonstrates how to retrieve a collection of resources. In this example, the REST API retrieves a collection of all change order ticket objects. Note: The root node (for example, collection_chg) also has other link elements such as previous, next, and all for navigating lists. The following example shows the request: GET /caisd-rest/chg HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml The following example shows the response: 02-Aug-2016 218/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection_chg> <chg id="400001" REL_ATTR="400001" COMMON_NAME="21"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400001" rel="self"/> </chg> <chg id="400002" REL_ATTR="400002" COMMON_NAME="22"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400002" rel="self"/> </chg> </collection_chg> Example Retrieve a Collection of Resources Using a Where Clause This REST API example demonstrates how to retrieve a collection of resources using a where clause. In this example, the REST API retrieves a collection of all request (cr) ticket objects with the Closed status. Note: BREL queries are supported. The following examples show the request: GET /caisd-rest/cr?WC=status%3D'cl' GET /caisd-rest/cr?WC=status%3D'op'%20and%20active%3D0 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml X-Obj-Attrs: ref_num, priority The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection_cr COUNT="3" TOTAL_COUNT="3"> <cr id="2903" REL_ATTR="cr:2903" COMMON_NAME="AM:12"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cr/2903" rel="self"/> <priority id="502" REL_ATTR="3" COMMON_NAME="3"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/pri/502" rel="self"/> 02-Aug-2016 219/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 </priority> <ref_num>AM:12</ref_num> </cr> <cr id="2907" REL_ATTR="cr:2907" COMMON_NAME="AM:14"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cr/2907" rel="self"/> <priority id="502" REL_ATTR="3" COMMON_NAME="3"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/pri/502" rel="self"/> </priority> <ref_num>AM:14</ref_num> </cr> <cr id="3105" REL_ATTR="cr:3105" COMMON_NAME="UAPM:13"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cr/3105" rel="self"/> <priority id="502" REL_ATTR="3" COMMON_NAME="3"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/pri/502" rel="self"/> </priority> <ref_num>UAPM:13</ref_num> </cr> </collection_cr> Example Retrieve a Specific Resource This REST API example demonstrates how to retrieve a specific resource using ID, COMMON_NAME, or REL_ATTR. In this example, the REST API retrieves details about the unique change order ticket object ID 400001. The following example shows the request when you use ID: GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001 HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: application/xml X-Obj-Attrs: chg_ref_num, summary, requestor, status The following example shows the request when you use COMMON_NAME: GET /caisd-rest/chg/COMMON_NAME-32 HTTP/1.1 The following example shows the request when you use REL_ATTR: GET /caisd-rest/chg/REL_ATTR-chg:400001 HTTP/1.1 The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml;charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chg id="400001" REL_ATTR="400001" COMMON_NAME="21"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400001" 02-Aug-2016 220/403 The following example shows the request: GET /caisd-rest/chg/400001/status HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Content-Type: application/xml.charset=UTF-8 X-Obj-Attrs: chg_ref_num. The following example shows the request: PUT /caisd-rest/chg/400003 HTTP/1. sym. CA Service Management . summary <chg id="400003"> <summary>Summary updated via REST API</summary> 02-Aug-2016 221/403 .charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1. the REST API updates the summary field for the change order ticket ID 400003.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chgstat id="40020" REL_ATTR="RFC" COMMON_NAME="RFC"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chgstat/40020" rel="self"/> <code>RFC</code> <description>Request for Change is in draft form</description> <sym>RFC</sym> </chgstat> Example Update a Resource This REST API example demonstrates how to update a resource.1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml X-Obj-Attrs: code. description HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml.1 rel="self"/> <chg_ref_num>21</chg_ref_num> <requestor id="U'793ED69B4E87A545BD8E911834D829FC'" REL_ATTR="U'793ED69B4E87A545BD8E911834D829FC'" COMMON_NAME="System_AHD_generated"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'793ED69B4E87A545BD8E911834D829FC'" rel="self"/> </requestor> <status id="40020" REL_ATTR="RFC" COMMON_NAME="RFC"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chgstat/40020" rel="self"/> </status> <summary>Testing</summary> Example Retrieve a Subresource This REST API example demonstrates how to retrieve a subresource. In this example.14. 0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <chg id="400003" REL_ATTR="400003" COMMON_NAME="23"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/chg/400003" rel="self"/> <chg_ref_num>23</chg_ref_num> <summary>Summary updated via REST API</summary> </chg> Example Get a BLREL Record This example shows how to retrieve a BLREL record: The following example shows the request: GET /caisd-rest/grpmem HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection_grpmem COUNT="3" START="1" TOTAL_COUNT="3"> <grpmem id="400001" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400001" COMMON_NAME="400001"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grpmem/400001" rel="self"/> <group id="U'CFCC2DC94B3A66448C085B07E7286CAA'" REL_ATTR=" U'CFCC2DC94B3A66448C085B07E7286CAA'" COMMON_NAME="Unicef"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grp /U'CFCC2DC94B3A66448C085B07E7286CAA'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'3F05B7450203AD449BFB8088D991A03E'" REL_ATTR=" U'3F05B7450203AD449BFB8088D991A03E'" COMMON_NAME="System_SD_User"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'3F05B7450203AD449BFB8088D991A03E'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400001</persistent_id> 02-Aug-2016 222/403 . CA Service Management .1 Host: localhost Accept: application/xml X-Obj-Attrs: * The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 </chg> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.14.charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml. CA Service Management .14.1 <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> <grpmem id="400002" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400002" COMMON_NAME="400002"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grpmem/400002" rel="self"/> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" REL_ATTR=" U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" COMMON_NAME="System_MA_User"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400002</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> <grpmem id="400003" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400003" COMMON_NAME="400003"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grpmem/400003" rel="self"/> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" REL_ATTR=" U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" COMMON_NAME="System_AM_User"> <link href="http://localhost:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400003</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> </collection_grpmem> This sample returns three grpmem records that represent the following associations: Group Unicef <-> Member System_SD_User Group Apache <-> Member System_MA_User 02-Aug-2016 223/403 . 1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml X-Obj-Attrs: * The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 Group Apache <-> Member System_AM_User Example Retrieve a List of LREL Records Associated with a Group The following example returns two grpmem records associated with the Group Apache whose REL_ATTR value is U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <collection_grpmem COUNT="2" START="1" TOTAL_COUNT="2"> <grpmem id="400002" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400002" COMMON_NAME="400002"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/grpmem/400002" rel="self"/> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" REL_ATTR=" U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" COMMON_NAME="System_MA_User"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'FCF9A8AC6381AA4386C9B10EE382E10B'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400002</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> <grpmem id="400003" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400003" COMMON_NAME="400003"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/grpmem/400003" 02-Aug-2016 224/403 .14.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml. CA Service Management . Note that Group Apache <-> Member System_MA_User Group Apache <-> Member System_AM_User The WHERE clause (WC) query parameter does not support dotted notation. The following example shows the request: GET /caisd-rest/grpmem?WC=group%3DU%2755E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216%27 HTTP/1.charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1. CA Service Management .0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grpmem id="400005" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400005" COMMON_NAME="400005"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/grpmem/400005" rel="self"/> 02-Aug-2016 225/403 .charset=UTF-8 X-Obj-Attrs: * <grpmem> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'"/> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'"/> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> </grpmem> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1.1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml Content-Type: application/xml. Group Apache <-> Member System_SA_User The following example shows the request: POST /caisd-rest/grpmem HTTP/1.1 201 Created Content-Type: application/xml.1 rel="self"/> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" REL_ATTR=" U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" COMMON_NAME="System_AM_User"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest/cnt /U'16226C765005B94E957E0F477DEF1B1C'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400003</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> </collection_grpmem> Example Create a BLREL Record The following example adds an existing contact System_SA_User as a member of group Apache.14. It uses the COMMON_NAME value of each of those records. The following example shows the request: PUT /caisd-rest/grpmem/400005 HTTP/1.1 Host: hostname Accept: application/xml Content-Type: application/xml.1 <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>0</manager_flag> <member id="U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" REL_ATTR=" U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" COMMON_NAME="System_SA_User"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/cnt /U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400005</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> Example Update a BLREL Record The following example updates the relationship of the added record and sets member System_SA_User as a Manager.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <grpmem id="400005" REL_ATTR="grpmem:400005" COMMON_NAME="400005"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/grpmem/400005" rel="self"/> <group id="U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" REL_ATTR=" U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" COMMON_NAME="Apache"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/grp /U'55E3CCE805756B4F8084D63E05E6C216'" rel="self"/> </group> <manager_flag>1</manager_flag> 02-Aug-2016 226/403 .charset=UTF-8 <?xml version="1. CA Service Management .14.1 200 OK Content-Type: application/xml.charset=UTF-8 X-Obj-Attrs: * <grpmem> <manager_flag>1</manager_flag> </grpmem> The following example shows the response: HTTP/1. It does physically remove the grpmem record. CA Service Management .1 Host: hostname The following example shows the response: HTTP/1.1 204 No Content Content-Type: application/xml. The following example shows the request: DELETE /caisd-rest/grpmem/400002 HTTP/1.14. It only removes the association between them. This example does not delete the member record or the group record.charset=UTF-8 Content-Length: 0 02-Aug-2016 227/403 .1 <member id="U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" REL_ATTR=" U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" COMMON_NAME="System_SA_User"> <link href="http://hostname:8050/caisd-rest3/cnt /U'E70DFE4817614C06BE9E5991A96A6015'" rel="self"/> </member> <notify_flag>1</notify_flag> <persistent_id>grpmem:400005</persistent_id> <producer_id>grpmem</producer_id> </grpmem> Example Delete a BLREL Record The following example removes member System_MA_User from group Apache. 14. In addition. to which this dle NG attachment is attached. The attachment object has all the information for accessing the newly uploaded file in the repository. however.1 Web Services Attachment-Related Methods This article contains the following topics: createAttachment (see page 228) removeAttachment (see page 230) attachURLLinkToTicket (see page 230) This section describes the Web Services attachment-related methods. Only file attachments are handled by these methods. CA Service Management . Your SOAP implementation must support DIME in order to use these methods. n NG fileName STRI Identifies the full path of the file to be uploaded. or issue. Handle NG objectHan STRI Identifies the object handle of a call request. Returns createAttachment has the following returns: 02-Aug-2016 228/403 . such as CreateObject(). link type attachments are handled by generic methods. you must manage the attachment ID that is returned because the attachment is not associated to a ticket when NULL is passed in. descriptio STRI Identifies the description for the attachment object. createAttachment The following parameters apply to the createAttachment method: Parameter Data Description Type SID INTE Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. An attachment object is then created and attached to a ticket object specified by the objectHandle. An uploaded file is stored in a document repository specified by the repositoryHandle. NG Description Uploads a file to the back-end server. change order. GER repository STRI Identifies the object handle of a document repository. file uploads through Web Services employ the Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME) protocol. This parameter can be NULL. Attachments.RequestSoapContext Dim dimeAttach As New DimeAttachment("image/gif". You may receive this error when calling the web service method when there are no attached files in the received SOAP message. you receive this error. "doc_rep:1002". Call. 02-Aug-2016 229/403 .NET code to attach a file using DIME support before calling the createAttachment() web service method. which is the out-of-the-box default setting._setProperty(Call. Example: Visual Basic . even when the web services policy setting for attachments is set to -1(unlimited). "c:\test. CA SDM. and attach the file to be uploaded manually using DIME support before calling the createAttachment() method.14. Could not perform the operation. DataHandler dhandler = new DataHandler(fds). policy limit exceeded Symptom: When using the createAttachment() web service method to attach a document to an existing request or incident.Add(dimeAttach) strResult = objCA SDM_WS. You can refer to the examples on how to support DIME from the $NX_ROOT\samples\sdk\websvc\java\test3_attachments directory.txt") Note: For information about the DIME attachment methods used in the previous sample code. You must attach at least one file to the SOAP message before calling the createAttachment() web service method. TypeFormat. "cr:400001".1 Parameter Type Description <Handle> STRING Identifies the object handle of the newly created attachment object. "c:\test.txt") reqContext. Example: Java This code example illustrates sample Java code to attach a file using DIME support before calling the createAttachment() web service method. CA Service Management .MediaType. For programs written in other languages. see your documentation for the SOAP implementation that supports DIME. CA SDM.addAttachment(dhandler). FileDataSource fds = new FileDataSource(filename). Solution: Set your SOAP implementation to support Direct Internet Message Encapsulation (DIME).createAttachment(sid. Dim reqContext As SoapContext = objCA SDM_WS. see the Microsoft website.ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT_DIME).NET This code example illustrates sample Visual Basic . "my desc".ATTACHMENT_ENCAPSULATION_FORMAT. com". "http://www. "cr:400001". attmntName String Identifies the name of the attachment.14. CA Service Management . filename). URL String Indicates the URL to attach to the ticket. Example: CA SDM. "CA Technologies Website"). description. objHandle. docId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the ticket. 02-Aug-2016 230/403 .ca. attachURLLinkToTicket The following parameters apply to the attachURLLinkToTicket method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Description String Indicates the description of the attachment.1 String handle = CA". Description Removes an attachment from a ticket object.createAttachment(sid. Returns Nothing. "ca. The attached file is then removed from the repository.attachURLLinkToTicket(sid. removeAttachment The following parameters apply to the removeAttachment method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the SID of the current login session. repHandle. attHandle String Identifies the object handle of an attachment to be removed. Description Attaches a URL link to a ticket. An attachment object is then created and attached to a document object specified by the objectHandle. The attachment object has all the information for accessing the newly uploaded file in the repository. createAttmnt The following parameters apply to the createAttmnt method: Parameter Data Description Type SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. fileName String Identifies the name of the full path of the file to be uploaded. repositoryHa String Identifies the object handle of a document repository.14. Description Uploads a file to the back-end server. objectHandle Int Identifies the object handle of a Knowledge document to which this attachment is attached. Returns 02-Aug-2016 231/403 . ndle folderId Integer Identifies the folder handle ID. CA Service Management .1 Web Services Knowledge Attachment Methods This article contains the following topics: createAttmnt (see page 231) attmntFolderLinkCount (see page 232) attachURLLink (see page 232) getKDListPerAttmnt (see page 233) getAttmntListPerKD (see page 233) isAttmntLinkedKD (see page 233) createFolder (see page 234) getFolderList (see page 235) getFolderInfo (see page 235) getAttmntList (see page 236) getAttmntInfo (see page 236) getRepositoryInfo (see page 237) This section describes the Web Services Knowledge attachment methods. description String Identifies the description for the attachment object. An uploaded file is stored in a document repository specified by the repositoryHandle. Description Attaches a URL link to a Knowledge document. Description String Indicates the description of the attachment. For additional information. 02-Aug-2016 232/403 . folderId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the folder Description Describes the number of attachment links under a specific folder to be attached. CA Service Management . URL String Indicates the URL to attach to the Knowledge document.1 Returns The following: Parameter Type Description <Handle> String Identifies the object handle of the newly created attachment object. Returns Returns the number of attachments found under the specific folder. attachURLLink The following parameters apply to the attachURLLink method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. attmntFolderLinkCount The following parameters apply to the attmntFolderLinkCount method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. attmntName String Identifies the name of the attachment. docId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the Knowledge document. see Error Codes.14. Returns Returns error codes only for individual errors. attmntId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment. Description Returns a list of Knowledge documents with reference to a given attachment. Description A list of attachments with reference to a given Knowledge document. getAttmntListPerKD The following parameters apply to the getAttmntListPerKD method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObject> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing the Knowledge document with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the Knowledge document. CA Service Management . Returns A <UDSObject> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing the attachment with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment isAttmntLinkedKD The following parameters apply to the AttmntLinkedKD method: 02-Aug-2016 233/403 .1 getKDListPerAttmnt The following parameters apply to the getKDListPerAttmnt method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.14. docId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the Knowledge document. repId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the repository. folder_type Integer Identifies the type of folder created. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description repository SREL Identifies the repository name. 02-Aug-2016 234/403 . folder_name String Identifies the name of the folder. attmntId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment. description String Identifies the description of the folder. folderName String Identifies the name of the folder. because their files are private and cannot be shared with other Knowledge Documents. QA or Knowledge Files. and returns the number of links found.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObject> describing the folder created. Note: Folder types other then 0 are hidden folders and can be viewed only by navigating to Attachments Library on the Administration tab. folderType Integer Identifies the type of folder to be created. Returns Any number of links found. description String Identifies the description of the folder. CA Service Management . parentFolderId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the parent folder (zero if no parent). createFolder The following parameters apply to createFolder method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. parent_id SREL Identifies the unique ID of the parent folder. These folders are automatically created by the system during upload and should not be created by the user or Web Services. Description Creates a new folder in the Service Desk repository that is accessed through the Attachments Library.14. Description Checks if an attachment is linked to any Knowledge document. description String Identifies the description of the folder. folder_type Integer Identifies the type of folder created. parentFolderId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the parent folder (0 if no parent). getFolderInfo The following parameters apply to the getFolderInfo method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObject> describing the attachment folder. CA Service Management .14. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: 02-Aug-2016 235/403 .1 getFolderList The following parameters apply to getFolderList method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description repository SREL Identifies the repository name. parent_id SREL Identifies the unique ID of the parent folder. folder_name String Identifies the name of the folder. Description Returns the attributes of a folder. repId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the repository. Description Returns a list of folders under a given parent folder Returns A <UDSObjectList> with zero or more <UDSObject> describing the attachment folder. folderId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment folder. 1 XML Element Value Type Description repository SREL Identifies the repository name. folder_name String Identifies the name of the attachment folder. parent_id SREL Identifies the unique ID of the parent attachment folder. This parameter is required only when the ger folder ID is zero. description String Identifies the description of the attachment folder. CA Service Management . folder_name String Identifies the name of the folder. Returns A <UDSObjectList> with zero or more <UDSObject> describing the attachment. ger repId Inte Identifies the unique ID of the repository. description String Identifies the description of the folder. getAttmntList The following parameters apply to the getAttmntList method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. folder_type Integer Identifies the type of folder created. getAttmntInfo The following parameters apply to the getAttmntInfo method: 02-Aug-2016 236/403 . parent_id SREL Identifies the unique ID of the parent folder. ger folderId Inte Identifies the unique ID of the attachment folder. Description Returns a list of attachments under a given attachment folder. folder_type Integer Identifies the type of attachment folder. which indicates the root folder. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description repository SREL Identifies the repository name.14. getRepositoryInfo The following parameters apply to the getRepositoryInfo method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. folder_type Integer Identifies the type of attachment folder. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description repository SREL Identifies the repository name. Description Returns the attributes of an attachment. Returns A <UDSObject> describing the repository. description String Identifies the description of the attachment.14. attmntId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment folder. parent_id SREL Identifies the unique ID of the parent attachment folder. with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment. repositoryId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the repository. folder_id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the attachment folder.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. attmnt_name String Identifies the name of the attachment. Description Returns the attributes of a repository. Returns A <UDSObject> describing the attachment. folder_name String Identifies the name of the attachment folder. repository SREL Identifies the unique ID of the repository. CA Service Management . 02-Aug-2016 237/403 . file_name String Identifies the name of the file. description String Identifies the description of the attachment folder. null For example.1 Web Services Miscellaneous Methods This article contains the following topics: callServerMethod (see page 238) createObject (see page 240) serverStatus (see page 241) updateObject (see page 242) This section describes the Web Services Miscellaneous methods. suppose a spell method is defined as follows: 02-Aug-2016 238/403 . ger methodNa Strin Identifies the name of the method to call. It is related to the Parameter() description in this table). The character codes are as follows: 0 S -. Only factory methods can be called and the caller must be logged in with full administrative rights.integer (covers dates and duration) 0 N -. parameter Strin Indicates zero or more parameter values for the method. These are methods defined in the proprietary “spell” scripting language. CA Service Management .string 0 I -. me g factoryNa Strin Identifies the factory name of the object type containing the method. The format list is a series of zero or more characters that indicate (in order) the data types of the parameters to follow.14. me g formatList Strin Identifies the format list. callServerMethod The following parameters apply to the callServerMethod method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. a series of characters describing the intended data types g for the incoming parameters. s g[] Description Use this method to invoke an arbitrary server-side method. SESSION_TYPE Defines a small integer id indicating the type of session that generated the BOPSID. string in_three). where x is an integer starting at zero g and increments for each return element. string in_two. This method is intended for CA Development and services for customizations only. Returns Each return message component in its own XML element. // somehow gets populated with the BOPSID value String [] stuff = new String [] { bopsid }. "api". "cnt:<uuid>". "a string". This is not an error and any other parameters are also returned. It is of the form. "check_bopsid". "another one"]).callServerMethod (sid. "I". This is invoked with callServerMethod as follows: String bopsid. “OBJECT”. [3. which contains zero or more <ParamX> elements for turn> return values. The elements are ordered in the return order from the server using the following format: <ServerReturn> <Paramx> This call does not support object reference returns.1 cr::DoStuff(int in_one. "cr". CA Service Management .14. "ISS". it is not recommended for most sites. Invoke it with the following: callServerMethod("DoStuff". the return data is the string. the return value is a small XML structure of the following form: <ServerReturn> <Param0>CONTACT_PERSID</Param0> <Param1>SESSION_TYPE</Param1> <Param2>SESSION_ID</Param2> </ServerReturn> CONTACT_PERSID Defines the unique persistent id of the validated/trusted contact. If an object reference is returned by the spell method. If the BOPSID validation fails. The elements are all string representations of the value. String ret = usd. a SOAP Fault is returned. <Paramx> Strin Indicates zero or more for the return values. If validation succeeds. stuff). This is typically not used by integrators 02-Aug-2016 239/403 . You can validate BOPSIDs using check_bopsid. XML Type Description Element <ServerRe N/A Indicates the outer element. r newHandl String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. r Description Creates a CA SDM object. log into CA Support Automation bypassing the login screen. attributes String Identifies a sequence of attribute names from the new object for which to return [] values. attrVals Describes the array of name-value pairs used to initialize the new object. createObject The following parameters apply to the createObject method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. the following pseudo-code shows how to create a contact and return a <UDSObject> element with values for all its attributes: String [4] attrVals. Note: If the BOPSID validation returns a success. createObj String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. Dot-notation is permitted. This is useful to maintain a user's logical session within CA SDM. See the XML ectResult Holde Element Return list below for details. ObjectType Identifies the name for an object type (factory). 02-Aug-2016 240/403 . See the XML e Holde Element Return list below for details. CA Service Management . else the CA Support Automation Login screen will be displayed. Dotted-names are not permitted. Note: Dotted names are not permitted. This is the id of the session that generated the BOPSID. For example. It may or may not be set. all attribute values are returned. If this field is empty.1 SESSION_ID Defines an optional session id.14. er ObjectTyp String Identifies the type of object to create (the majic factory name). The caller is responsible for setting any required fields in the attrVals parameter. especially if the user is "passed" back to CA SDM by another BOPSID. e attrVals String Identifies a sequence of name-value pairs used to set the initial attribute values for [] the new issue. Returns A <UDSObject> element containing the new objects handle.1 attrVals[0] = "first_name". XML Element Type Description <createObjectRe N/A Identifies the standard UDSObject element containing the handle and sult> requested attribute values. along with attribute values specified in the attributes parameter. and Problems. createObjectReturn. requests. "cnt". Calling this method periodically is a good way to keep a SID active. attrVals.14. Incidents. <newHandle> Strin Identifies the new objects handle. This comment also applies if you are using the ITIL methodology -.use the appropriate methods to create Configuration Items. g serverStatus The following parameter applies to the serverStatus method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. // attribute name attrVals[1] = "Edgar". issues. newHandle). attrVals[3] = "Martin". string [0] emptyArray. attrVals[2] = "last_name". Note: This method executes rapidly on the server. CreateObject(sid. or change orders. all attribute values are returned. Returns The following values apply: 02-Aug-2016 241/403 . emptyArray. whether it is up and ready or shut down. List and LREL types are also returned. Note: Do not use this method for new assets. Use the specialized createXXX() methods for those object types. CA Service Management . Description Returns the status of the CA SDM server. but as empty elements. that is. If the attributes parameter is empty. Description Updates one or more attributes for the specified object. to update a request with a new assignee. the second is the actual value. ger objectHan Strin Identifies the handle of a CA SDM object to update. all attribute values are returned. "My new description" [4] .1 The following values apply: 1 -. the caller passes a single-dimensional array of attribute name-value pairs. To update an attribute that is a Pointer type (for example.Indicates the Service Desk server is not available Note: Any non-zero return code indicates that the server is unavailable. "cnt:555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75" (a contact Handle) [2] . For Integer. "pri:38903" (a priority Handle) If the update fails for any reason. If this field is empty. and Duration types. "description" [3] . the array would appear as follows: [0] . 02-Aug-2016 242/403 . dle g attrVals Strin Identifies the name-value pairs for the update. "assignee" [1] . description and priority. Dot-notation is permitted. pass the string representation of an integer. "priority" [5] . 0 -. Dotted-names are not permitted. To set values for the object. The first half of the pair is an attribute name. the entire operation aborts and no changes occur. such as 1010. Date. For example.14. g[] attributes Strin Identifies the sequence of attribute names from the object for which to return g[] values. CA Service Management . zero or 1.Indicates the Service Desk server it is running XML Element Type Description <ServerStatus> Integer Identifies the value associated with the server status. the customer field on a request) a handle must be used for the value. updateObject The following parameters apply to the updateObject method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. 1 If the update fails for any reason.14. Note: When updating a task. Returns A <UDSObject> element containing the updated object’s handle. If the attributes parameter is empty. the entire operation aborts and no changes occur. List and LREL types are also returned (see page 192). 02-Aug-2016 243/403 . CA Service Management . set the status value last in the attribute array. along with attribute values specified in the attributes parameter. all of the attribute values are returned. but as empty elements. Table Types Some of the more important tables are described as follows: Table Description Type skelet Stores all information pertaining to documents with each row representing one document. 02-Aug-2016 244/403 . on Field names from this table can be used when passing the PropertyList and SortBy parameters to methods such as FAQ() and Search().1 Web Services Knowledge Management This article contains the following topics: Table Types (see page 244) Knowledge Management General Methods (see page 245) faq (see page 246) search (see page 247) doSelectKD (see page 248) createDocument (see page 249) modifyDocument (see page 252) deleteDocument (see page 255) Use the Knowledge Management Web Services (see page 255) Access the Knowledge Management Web Services (see page 255) addComment (see page 256) deleteComment (see page 257) rateDocument (see page 257) updateRating (see page 258) getQuestionsAsked (see page 258) getBookmarks (see page 259) addBookmark (see page 260) deleteBookmark (see page 260) getStatuses (see page 260) getPriorities (see page 261) getDocumentTypes (see page 261) getTemplateList (see page 262) getWorkflowTemplateList (see page 263) To use the Web Services Knowledge Management. The field names are case-sensitive so make sure you pass them just as they are in the database. it is helpful if you are familiar with the database structure. CA Service Management . Stores all information pertaining to categories with each row representing one category.14. 14. Valid Knowledge document sorting properties (when available) are as follows: RELEVANCE AUTHOR_ID BU_RESULT CREATION_DATE DOC_TYPE_ID EXPIRATION_DATE HITS id MODIFY_DATE OWNER_ID PRIORITY_ID ACCEPTED_HITS ASSET_ID SD_ASSET_ID ASSIGNEE_ID PRODUCT_ID START_DATE STATUS_ID SUBJECT_EXPERT_ID 02-Aug-2016 245/403 . CA Service Management .1 Table Description Type o_ind exes Knowledge Management General Methods This section describes Knowledge Management general methods. The maximum number of 100 IDs is returned. There is a <UDSObject> node with all the given properties for the first n documents that the method finds where n equals the resultSize parameter. set up a paging mechanism where the user can click on ‘Top’. these methods only retrieve detailed information on a user-defined set of documents. ‘Next’. "1. CA Service Management . if you specify a resultSize of 10 and a maxDocIds of 50. which is controlled through the resultSize parameter.14. ger categoryId Strin Identifies the category ID used to perform the faq. The default is BU_RESULT. Using this method. 2. Documents are retrieved based on the category ID that is passed. To improve performance. Multiple g sort fields are not supported. meaning that the faq rating sorts it. then 10 have their detailed information retrieved and 40 have just their IDs returned. Any documents residing in that category or in any sub-category are returned. propertyLi Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of database fields from which you want to st g retrieve information. resultSize Inte Identifies the number of documents for which you want to retrieve detailed ger information. The default is 10.1 faq The following parameters apply to the faq method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with the following sections: <UDSObject> node from the <UDSObject> Node Description section of this chapter. for example. you can for example. you can use the getDocumentsByIDs() method. Detailed information for these documents can be accessed later using the getDocumentsByIDs() method. only their IDs return. s g Note: Multiple ids are supported. se g maxDocId Inte Identifies the maximum amount of document IDs to be returned (the default is 100). Use 1 for the ‘Root’ category. if there are 100 matching documents in the database. The remaining 50 are not returned at all. it always sorts the results. When you need to retrieve the next set of information. ‘Previous’. s ger For example. descendin Bool Identifies an indicator available for sorting the results in descending order. g ean whereClau Strin Use this to add your own ‘SQL where clause’ for filtering the results of the search. regardless of the propertyList parameter: id DOC_TYPE_ID BU_RESULT sortBy Strin Identifies the database field that you want to use for sorting the results. The rest of the documents return their IDs only. Description Use to perform a faq search. 3”. When id is used as a secondary sort. and ‘Bottom’ links. The following fields are always returned. For the rest of the documents. 02-Aug-2016 246/403 . g ean relatedCat Bool Returns a list of all related categories for the documents found. searchFiel Inte Represents the binary combination of fields in which to search: d ger Title = 1 Summary = 2 Problem = 4 Resolution = 8 02-Aug-2016 247/403 . propertyLi Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of database fields from which you want to st g retrieve information. if the resultSize parameter is 10. egories ean searchTyp Inte Type of search to perform: e ger 1 = Natural Language Search (NLS) 2 = Knowledge Management search matchTyp Inte Represents the type of match: e ger 0 = OR type match 1 = AND type match 2 = Exact match Note: If NLS is selected for the searchType parameter.14. The default is RELEVANCE. and the method finds 100 documents. regardless of the propertyList parameter: id DOC_TYPE_ID sortBy Strin Identifies the database field that you want to use for sorting the results. ger problem Strin Identifies the problem description to which you want to find solutions. the maxDocIDs parameter is 50.1 For example. The following fields are always returned. search The following parameters apply to the search method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. see the faq method. For a valid sort property. Multiple g sort fields are not supported. g resultSize Inte Identifies the number of documents for which you want to retrieve detailed ger information. it always sorts the results. The remaining documents have their IDs returned only. The default is 10. descendin Bool Identifies an indicator you can use for sorting the results in descending order. then only the OR and AND matchTypes are valid. If you want to retrieve detailed ID <AttrName> information for documents numbering 11-20. Detailed information for these documents can be accessed later using the getDocumentsByIDs() method. then there are 10 <UDSObject> with <Attributes> nodes in the first<UDSObject> section with detail attribute information from propertyList parameter and 40 <UDSObject> nodes with only ID <Attributes> in the following section. When id is a secondary sort. you have to make a call to the getDocumentsByIDs() method and pass it those IDs from <AttrValue>. CA Service Management . categoryP Strin Limits the results of the search to a specific category or categories. and ‘Bottom’ links. to search all fields. For example. Any documents matching the description of the problem or a similar description. you can for example. For example. specify 15 (1+2+4+8). If the getRelatedCategories parameter is set to True. are returned. To improve performance.14. if you specify a resultSize of 10 and a maxDocIds of 50. whereClau Strin Use this to add your own ‘SQL where clause’ for filtering the results of the search. To search in Summary and Problem only. There will be a <UDSObject> node with all the given properties for the first n documents that the method finds. these methods only retrieve detailed information on a user-defined set of documents. and 40 have just their IDs returned. specify 6 (2+4). and the method finds 100 documents.1 Parameter Type Description For example. where n equals the resultSize parameter. if there are 100 matching documents in the database. 1-3-5. ‘Next’. as shown by the following example: 1-70 doSelectKD The following parameters apply to the doSelectKD method: 02-Aug-2016 248/403 . Using this method. then there are 10 <UDSObject> nodes with all the properties requested in the <Attributes> section and 40 <UDSObject> with only the ID property in the <Attributes> section. The remaining 50 are not returned at all. the searchFields parameter is ignored because NLS searches can only search the Problem field. When you need to retrieve the next set of information. you can use the getDocumentsByIDs() method. 1-4-8 to limit the search to categories 5 and 8 (and their sub-categories). then 10 have their detailed information retrieved. The rest of the documents return their ids only. Description Searches for solutions to a problem. se g maxDocId Inte Represents the maximum amount of document IDs allowed to be returned. Each <INDEX_DOC_LINKS> node contains the relational ID of the category. If you want to retrieve detailed <UDSObject> information for documents 11-20. CA Service Management . Note: The default is to search Problem. You need to ath g specify the full ID path to the category and separate multiple categories with commas. If you set the searchType parameter to NLS. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with the following sections: <UDSObject> node from the <UDSObject> Node Description section of this chapter. set up a paging mechanism. if the resultSize parameter is 10. which is controlled through the resultSize parameter. The default is 100. where the user can click on ‘Top’. you need to make a call to the getDocumentsByIDs() method and pass it those IDs. ‘Previous’. the <UDSObjectList> node is included in the <Attributes> section for related categories. Documents are retrieved based on the problem that is passed. the maxDocIds parameter is 50. For s ger example. ger Note: Regardless of the integer specified. The default is BU_RESULT. meaning that the faq rating sorts it. skip Inte Identifies the number of knowledge documents to skip from the beginning. The following format applies: <UDSObjectList> <UDSObject> <Handle> <Attributes> <AttributeName0> <AttributeName1> XML Type Description Element <UDSObject Sequen Contains a <Handle> element and an <Attributes> sequence. ger whereClau Strin (Optional) Identifies the where clause for the query.1 Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.14. attributes Strin Identifies the attribute list from which to fetch values. Specify -1 to return all rows. These attributes cannot be defined as LOCAL in the majic definition file. > ce <UDSObject Signifies the outer element. which contains a sequence of <UDSObject (see List> page 192)> elements. desc Bool Identifies the indicator available for sorting the results in descending order. When id is used as the secondary sort. maxRows Inte Indicates the maximum number of rows to return. Enter ger zero (0) to return all documents. they have no database storage. CA SDM will return a maximum of 250 rows per call. Description Performs an SQL-like select on a Knowledge Document table. Supply one or more attributes you want fetched from the objects that match the supplied where clause. Dotted-attributes are g[] permitted. If this field is blank. se g sortBy Strin Identifies the database field that you want to use for sorting the results. createDocument The following parameters apply to the createDocument method: 02-Aug-2016 249/403 . CA Service Management . all value-based attributes are returned. Use True ean for descending and False for ascending the document order. Multiple g sort fields are not supported. LOCAL attributes are temporal. Returns A sequence of <UDSObject> elements. it always sorts the results. CA Service Management . which must be parsed to the method in string format in the attrVals string array. This can contain html. ON g STATUS_I Inte Identifies the status ID for the document. F_ID g TITLE Strin Identifies the title of the document. Y g PROBLEM Strin Identifies the problem of the document. Leave blank to specify no expiration date. ng) START_D Date Identifies the date the document becomes active and is used in conjunction with ATE (Stri Expiration_Date."Summary text". commonly used attribute values for a document. _ID ger CREATIO Date Identifies the date and time the document was created. Use 1 for the Root categor _INDEX ger y. The default is 20 (Normal)."Title text" As part of the createDocument method. ng) 02-Aug-2016 250/403 . USER_DE Strin Identifies any ID that you would like to use to represent the document. Leave blank to assign current N_DATE (Stri date. "TITLE". g kdAttribut Strin Identifies an array of name-value pairs used to set the initial attribute values for the es g[] new Knowledge document. g RESOLUTI Strin Identifies the resolution of the document. EXPIRATI Date Identifies the date the document expires. Data in the Type column reflect the actual type. the following table reflects examples of valid. and it is used in conjunction with ON_DATE (Stri Start_Date.1 Parameter Type Description SID Strin Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ng) MODIFY_ Date Identifies the date and time the document was last modified. The default is 10 (Draft). g SUMMAR Strin Identifies the summary of the document. Attribute Type Description Value PRIMARY Inte Identifies the category ID in which to create the document.14. Leave blank to assign DATE (Stri the current date. Leave blank to specify no start date and the document will be active ng) as long as the expiration date has not been reached. as illustrated by the following: "SUMMARY". D ger PRIORITY Inte Identifies the priority ID for the document. DOC_TYP Inte Identifies the ID for the type of document that this document will be. _ID D SD_ASSE UUI Identifies the asset ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. NS Set to True if you want to inherit permissions. NCY_ID ger AUTHOR_ UUI Identifies the unique ID of the contact who authored this document.1 Attribute Type Description Value PUBLISHE Date Identifies the date and time the document was published. you can set this field to zero and use the Author parameter instead. g READ_GR Strin Identifies the dash-separated list of group IDs that have read permission for this OUP_LIST g document (for example: 1-3-4). CAUSE_I ger D SD_PRIO Inte Identifies the priority ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. OWNER_I UUI Identifies the unique ID of the contact who owns this document. this parameter is ng) ignored. Leave blank to assign D_DATE (Stri current date if the status is Published. CA Service Management . CT_ID ger SD_URGE Inte Identifies the urgency ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. Use A to assign permission to everyone. RITY_ID ger SD_SEVE Inte Identifies the severity ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. WRITE_G Strin Identifies the dash-separated list of group IDs that have write permission for this ROUP_LIS g document (for example: 1-3-4). D D SUBJECT_ UUI Identifies the unique ID of the contact who is the subject expert for this document. If the author is ID D not an internal contact. a regular E_ID ger document or a tree document. and then ReadPermissions and the WritePermissions parameters will be ignored. T INHERITP Bool Indicates the status of the flag to inherit permissions from the category in which the ERMISSIO ean document is being created. UCT_ID ger ASSIGNEE UUI Identifies the unique assignee ID from CA SDM to which this document is assigned. SD_PROD Inte Identifies the product ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. ger 02-Aug-2016 251/403 .14. If the status is not Published. Use A to assign permission to everyone. T_ID D SD_ROOT Inte Identifies the root cause ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. HITS Inte Identifies the number of times that the document has been viewed. RITY_ID ger SD_IMPA Inte Identifies the impact ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. The default is a regular document. EXPERT_I D D NOTES Strin Identifies the notes for the document. which must be parsed to the method in string format in the attrVals string array. for example.14. and “Title text”. the following table reflects examples of valid. Data in the Type column reflect the actual type. As part of the modifyDocument method. 1 g CUSTOM Strin Specifies a custom field. ” es g[] Summary text”. “SUMMARY”. modifyDocument The following parameters apply to the modifyDocument method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. PLATE ger CUSTOM Strin Specifies a custom field. _NUM2 ble Description Creates a new document. Returns A <UDSObject> node describing the Knowledge Document created. 3 g CUSTOM Strin Specifies a custom field. _NUM1 ble CUSTOM Dou Specifies a numeric custom field. er docId Integ Identifies the unique ID of the document you want to modify. MPLATE_ ger ID WF_TEM Inte Identifies the ID for the workflow template you want to assign to this document. 2 g CUSTOM Strin Specifies a custom field. CA Service Management . 4 g CUSTOM Strin Specifies a custom field. commonly used attribute values for a document. 02-Aug-2016 252/403 . 5 g CUSTOM Dou Specifies a numeric custom field. “TITLE”. er kdAttribut Strin Specifies the name-value pairs for the update.1 Attribute Type Description Value DOC_TE Inte Identifies the ID for the template you want to assign to this document. If you leave the modify date blank. _ID g TITLE Strin Indicates the title of the document. D ger START_DA Date Indicates the date that the document becomes active. you can set this filed to zero (0) and use the Author parameter instead. NCY_ID ger AUTHOR_I UUI Identifies the unique ID of the contact who authored this document. Leave blank to specify no expiration date. The default is 20 (Normal). T_ID ger SD_URGE Inte Specifies the urgency ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. TY_ID ger SD_SEVERI Inte Indicates the severity ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. _ID D SD_ASSET UUI Indicates the asset ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. You must pass in the existing MODIFY_DATE of the document. The default is 10 (Draft). ON g STATUS_I Inte Indicates the status ID for the document.1 Parameter Type Description MODIFY_ (Stri Indicates a special field used for "record locking" purposes to make sure that DATE ng) someone else is not updating the document at the same time that you are. CAUSE_ID ger SD_PRIORI Inte Indicates the priority ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. g SUMMAR Strin Indicates the summary of the document. CA Service Management . USER_DEF Strin Specifies any ID that you want to use to represent the document. Identifies the unique ID of the contact who owns this document. Leave blank to specify no start date and the ng) document becomes active as long as the expiration date is not exceeded. 02-Aug-2016 253/403 . This can contain html. _ID D SD_ROOT Inte Indicates the root cause ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. TY_ID ger SD_IMPAC Inte Indicates the impact ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document.14. If the author is D D not an internal contact. which is also used in TE (Stri conjunction with ExpirationDate. g RESOLUTI Strin Indicates the resolution of the document. D ger PRIORTY_I Inte Indicates the priority ID for the document. ng) SD_PROD Inte Indicates the product ID from CA SDM with which to associate this document. which is used in conjunction with N_DATE (Stri StartDate. Y g PROBLEM Strin Indicates the problem of the document. UCT_ID ger ASSIGNEE UUI Indicates the unique ID from CA SDM to which this document is assigned. EXPIRATIO Date Indicates the date that the document expires. you receive an error that another user has updated the document. 14. a regular _ID ger document or a tree document. T_TO_ID ger matching its approval process. LATE ger WF_ACTIO Strin Identifies the action for the workflow you want to assign to this document. CUSTOM1 Strin Indicates a custom field. The default is a regular document. g CUSTOM3 Strin Indicates a custom field. wf_unpublish lets the document become unpublished. g CUSTOM5 Strin Indicates a custom field. CA Service Management . If set to N True. EXPERT_I D D NOTES Strin Indicates notes for the document. the ReadPermissions and WritePermissions parameters are ignored. UM1 ble Indicates a numeric custom field.1 Parameter Type Description OWNER_I UUI D D SUBJECT_ UUI Indicates the unique ID of the contact who is the subject expert for this document. Set to True if you want to inherit ERMISSIO ean permissions from the category in which the document is being created. g CUSTOM2 Strin Indicates a custom field. PLATE_ID ger WF_TEMP Inte Identifies the ID for the workflow template you want to assign to this document. Use A to assign permission to everyone. 02-Aug-2016 254/403 . For N g example. WF_COM Strin Identifies the comment for the workflow you want to assign to this document. WRITE_GR Strin Indicates the dash-separated list of group IDs that have write permission for this OUP_LIST g document (for example: 1-3-4). For MENT g example. ACT_ID D WF_REJEC Inte Identifies the task id for the workflow you want to assign to this document. g READ_GR Strin Indicates the dash-separated list of group ids that have read permission for this OUP_LIST g document (for example: 1-3-4). HITS Inte Indicates the number of times that the document has been viewed. Use A to assign permission to everyone. WF_CONT UUI Identifies the user id for the workflow you want to assign to this document. unpublish. g CUSTOM4 Strin Indicates a custom field. ger DOC_TEM Inte Identifies the ID for the template you want to assign to this document. DOC_TYPE Inte Identifies the ID for the type of document that this document is to become. Task ids are stored in the CI_ACTIONS table. INHERIT_P Bool Indicates the status of the inherit permissions flag. g CUSTOMN Dou Indicates a numeric custom field. Returns Returns error codes only when there are individual errors. Access the Knowledge Management Web Services The Knowledge Management Web Services uses Apache Axis implementation of standards set forth by the W3C. consult your platform vendor or Microsoft's knowledge base. docId Integer Identifies the unique ID of the document you want to delete.1 Parameter Type Description CUSTOMN Dou UM2 ble Description Modifies a document. The Knowledge Management Windows Service permanently deletes the document. For example. see Login and Error Codes. For additional information. Returns A <UDSObject> node describing the Knowledge Document modified. CA Service Management . but vendor implementations vary. If you experience any issues using the Web Services with a different technology. For additional information. deleteDocument The following parameters apply to the deleteDocument method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.NET both provide tools for generating proxy classes from a WSDL service description. Description Flags a document for deletion. 02-Aug-2016 255/403 .14. a client on any type of platform should be able to access the services. Use the Knowledge Management Web Services The login process and any error codes that may display for the Knowledge Management Web Services are the same as those found for the CA SDM Web Services. Java and . see Error Codes. Ideally. CA Service Management . EMAIL_ADDRESS String Identifies the email address of the person who submitted the comment. COMMENT_TIMESTA Date Identifies the date and time the comment was added. Use zero (0) if you are not using this parameter. if supplied. Leave blank if g you want the user name retrieved from the database based on the user id parameter. MP 02-Aug-2016 256/403 . Leave blank g if you want the email address retrieved from the database based on the user ID parameter. Description Adds a comment to a particular document.14. contactId Strin Indicates the ID of the person submitting the comment. g docId Inte Identifies the document ID for the comment you want to add. ger comment Strin Identifies the comment to add. the associated email and user name are retrieved and placed in the email and user name fields. Contact ID is UUID in string format. Returns A <UDSObject> node with the following<Attributes> child nodes describing the comment most recently added: XML Element Value Data Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique identifier for the comment most recently added. username Strin Indicates the user name of the person who submitted the comment.1 addComment The following parameters apply to the addComment method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. DOC_ID Integer Identifies the document ID for the comment most recently added. If this contact ID exists in g the database. USER_NAME String Identifies the user name of the person who submitted the comment. COMMENT_TEXT String Identifies the text for the comment recently added. ger email Strin Indicates the email address of the person who submitted the comment. the email and user name parameters are used instead. If this ID does not exist. USER_ID Integer Identifies the ID of the person who submitted the comment. isDefault Bool Indicates a default rating status. it acts as if you called the method 3 times. 02-Aug-2016 257/403 . if you submit 3. ccept ean solveUser Bool Identifies whether this document solved the user's problem. ger docId Inte Identifies the document ID to rate.1 deleteComment The following parameters apply to the deleteComment method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. d g onTicketA Bool Identifies whether the document was accepted as a solution for the ticket. If you are setting the rating just because the user ean viewed the document and not because he actually rated it. This parameter can be used to simulate many ger ratings at once. where 0 is the worst and 4 ger is the best). multiplier Inte Identifies the multiplier parameter.14. Three ratings with the value you supplied in the rating parameter is added to the database. CA Service Management . Description Deletes a comment. set this to True. commentId Integer Identifies the unique ID for the comment you want to delete. Returns Returns error codes only for individual errors. Description Rates a particular document. For additional information. It signifies how the user Problem ean responded to the question "Did this document solve your problem?" on the Solution Survey. ger rating Inte Identifies the rating to give the document (a scale of 0-4. Use the default of 1 for a single rating and any other number for multiples. ticketPerI Strin Identifies the persistent ID of a ticket related to this Knowledge document. This is used for reporting reasons. rateDocument The following parameters apply to the rateDocument method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. For example. see Error Codes. er INDEX_ID Integ Identifies the category ID.1 Rates a particular document. This ID is returned by the er rateDocument() method. updateRating The following parameters apply to the updateRating method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. DOC_ID Integ Identifies the document ID. G g HIT_NO_V Integ Identifies the rating set because a user viewed the document and not actually rated OTE er it. rate Integ Identifies the new rating to apply to the document (a scale of 0 -. er buID Integ Identifies the unique ID of the rating you want to modify. where 0 is the er worst and 4 is the best). Returns A <UDSObject> node describing BU_TRANS with the updated rating attribute. er BU_RATIN Strin Identifies the rating given to the document. or vice versa.4. Description Updates one of the ratings of a particular document. getQuestionsAsked The following parameters apply to the getQuestionsAsked method: 02-Aug-2016 258/403 . Returns A <UDSObject> node with the following <Attributes> children nodes describing the rating BU_TRANS : XML Data Description Element Type Value id Integ Identifies the unique identifier for the rating most recently added. Use this with the er updateRating() method if you want to modify the rating at a later time. CA Service Management .14. BOOKMARK_TITLE String Identifies the bookmark title from the document. 02-Aug-2016 259/403 . g contactId Strin Identifies the unique ID of the contact for which you want to retrieve bookmarks. Description Retrieves bookmarks for a particular contact.14.1 Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. getBookmarks The following parameters apply to the getBookmarks method: Parameter Type Description SID Strin Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. resultSize Integer Identifies the number of searched text for which you want to retrieve detailed information. id Integer Identifies the bookmark ID USER_ID String Identifies the user ID for the owner of this bookmark. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing EBR_LOG with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Data Type Description id Integer Indicates the unique identifier of the question asked. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing CI_BOOKMARKS with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Name Type Description DOCUMENT_ID Integer Identifies the unique ID of the document. SEARCH_TEXT Integer Indicates the search text of the question asked. Descendin Boolea Indicates an option available for sorting the results in descending order of the g n ASKED_DATE. CA Service Management . Description Retrieves historical Knowledge document search text. g Contact ID is UUID in string format. ger contactId Strin Identifies the unique ID of the contact for which you want to delete a bookmark. g Contact ID is UUID in string format.14. Description 02-Aug-2016 260/403 . For additional information. Returns A <UDSObject> node describing the newly created bookmark. ger contactId Strin Identifies the unique ID of the contact for which you want to retrieve bookmarks. ger Description Deletes a bookmark for a particular contact. docId Inte Identifies the document ID you want to bookmark. getStatuses The following parameter applies to the getStatuses method: Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. g Contact ID is UUID in string format docId Inte Identifies the document ID of the bookmark you want to remove. deleteBookmark The following parameters apply to the deleteBookmark method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 addBookmark The following parameters apply to the addBookmark method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ger Description Adds a bookmark for a particular contact. CA Service Management . Returns Returns error codes only for individual errors. see Error Codes. getPriorities The following parameter applies to the getPriorities method: Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. SCRIPTION PREDEFINE Integ Indicates whether the status is predefined by the Knowledge Management D er system. meaning that it cannot be deleted. CA Service Management . Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing CI_PRIORITIES with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Values Data Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the priority.14. Description Retrieves the list of priorities. er STATUS String Identifies the name for the status.1 Retrieves the list of statuses. STATUS_OR Integ Describes the order by which the status should appear in the Workflow task list. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing CI_STATUSES with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Data Description Element Type Values id Integ Identifies the unique ID of the status. STATUS_DE String Identifies the description for the status. getDocumentTypes The following parameter applies to the getDocumentTypes method: 02-Aug-2016 261/403 . DER er Workflows can only be created when they follow this order. PRIORITY String Identifies the name for the priority. Description Retrieves the list of document types. er TEMPLATE_NA Strin Identifies the name for the document template. getTemplateList The following parameter applies to the getTemplateList method: Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. DOC_TYPE_TXT String Identifies the name for the document type.1 Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing CI_DOC_TYPES with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Values Data Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the document type. 02-Aug-2016 262/403 . Description Retrieves the list of document templates Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing CI_DOC_TEMPLATES with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Type Description Value id Integ Identifies the unique ID of the document type. ME g IS_PREDEFINE Integ Indicates whether the template is predefined by the Knowledge Management D er system and cannot be deleted. IS_DEFAULT Integ Indicates whether the template is the default that will be assigned to new er documents. CA Service Management .14. r WF_NAME String Identifies the name for the workflow template. WF_DESCRIPTION String Identifies the description for the workflow template. Description Retrieves the list of workflow templates.14. CA Service Management . Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing WF_TEMPLATE with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id Intege Identifies the unique ID of the workflow template. IS_DEFAULT Intege Indicates that the default template is to be assigned to new documents. r 02-Aug-2016 263/403 .1 getWorkflowTemplateList The following parameter applies to the getWorkflowTemplateList method: Parameter Type Description SID String Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. It returns category ryPaths ean information and the full text category path for each category. ger getCatego Bool Indicates the path for which to get category information. Description Retrieves information for a category. getPermissionGroups The following parameters apply to the getPermissionGroups method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 getCategory Method This article contains the following topics: getPermissionGroups (see page 264) getComments (see page 265) getDecisionTrees (see page 266) getDocument (see page 266) getDocumentsByIDs (see page 267) getBopsid (see page 268) getConfigurationMode (see page 269) getObjectValues (see page 269) getObjectTypeInformation (see page 270) getArtifact (see page 271) The following parameters apply to the getCategory method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. including a listing of all of its child categories. er groupID Integ Returns only the group with this ID. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with an <UDSObject> node describing the category requested. CA Service Management . Note: This groupID relates to a knowledge category. ger categoryId Inte Identifies the category ID in which to create the document.14. and differs from the groupID for contacts. 02-Aug-2016 264/403 . Pass zero (0) when you do not want to use this er parameter. GRP_LIST String Displays a field containing the entire group list. getComments The following parameters apply to the getComments method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. for example.400002". COMMENT_TEXT String Identifies the text for the comment recently added. 02-Aug-2016 265/403 . separated by commas. Description Gets all the comments from documents. docIds String Identifies the document IDs for all the comments you want to retrieve. CA Service Management .14. USER_NAME String Identifies the user name of the person who submitted the comment. USER_ID Integer Identifies the ID of the person who submitted the comment. EMAIL_ADDRESS String Identifies the email address of the person who submitted the comment. Returns A <UDSObject> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing Permission Group with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique ID of the group. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing O_COMMENTS with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Data Type Description id Integer Identifies the unique identifier for the comment most recently added. Note: Use commas to separate. Date Identifies the date and time the comment was added. DOC_ID Integer Identifies the document IDs for the comment recently added. GRP_LIST_KEY String Shows a list of the IDs of CA SDM groups.1 Description Retrieves the list of Permission Groups. "400001. CA Service Management . id as a secondary sort always sorts the results. descendin Bool Identifies an indicator available for sorting the results in descending order. g ean Description Retrieves all Decision Trees. regardless of the propertyList parameter: id DOC_TYPE_ID BU_RESULT sortBy Strin Identifies the database field that you want to use for sorting the results. ger docId Inte Identifies the document ID to retrieve. Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with the following sections: <UDSObject> nodes with requested <Attributes> nodes getDocument The following parameters apply to the getDocument method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. If you specify another field. The default g is id. ger 02-Aug-2016 266/403 .14. ger propertyLi Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of database fields for which you want to retrieve st g information.1 XML Element Value Data Type Description COMMENT_TIMESTA MP getDecisionTrees The following parameters apply to the getDecisionTrees method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Decision trees are Knowledge Documents that provide users with resolutions after answering specific questions on the document. Multiple sort fields are not supported. The following fields are always returned. relatedDo Bool Indicates whether to retrieve a list of documents that are related to this document. The following fields are always returned. descendin Bool Identifies an indicator available for sorting the results in descending order. Leave blank to retrieve all fields. as described in the <UDSObject> Node Description. If you specify another field. ger docIds Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of document IDs to retrieve. c ean getAttmnt Bool Indicates whether to retrieve the list of attachments and URL links for the ean document.14. g ean Description Retrieves information on one or more documents by passing the document IDs for which you want to 02-Aug-2016 267/403 . with requested <Attributes> provided by the propertList parameter. id as a secondary sort always sorts the results. but multiple sort fields are not supported. CA Service Management . getHistory Bool Indicates whether you want to retrieve the complete history for the document. t ean Description Retrieves information for a document. regardless of the propertyList parameter: id DOC_TYPE_ID BU_RESULT sort By Strin Identifies the database field that you want to use for sorting the results. getDocumentsByIDs The following parameters apply to the getDocumentsByIDs method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 Parameter Type Description propertyLi Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of database fields from which you want to st g retrieve information. Returns A <UDSObject> node. The default g is id. g propertyLi Strin Identifies the comma-separated list of database fields for which you want to retrieve st g information. ean getComm Bool Indicates whether you want to retrieve all comments for the document. ent ean getNotiLis Bool Indicates whether you want to retrieve the email notification list for the document. . Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with the following section: <UDSObject> nodes with requested <Attributes> nodes describing Knowledge Document You should pass the IDs into the getDocumentsByIDs() docIds parameter in this same format. a detail view of a given ticket). To launch the Web Interface in the context of a given user (for example. When you need to retrieve the next set of information. In order to improve performance.14. these methods only retrieve detailed information on a user-defined set of documents. Failure to provide a BOPSID token may result in an interactive login challenge when attempting to launch the Web Interface in the chosen context (such as.1 Retrieves information on one or more documents by passing the document IDs for which you want to retrieve information. the BOPSID of the current login must have equal or greater access rights than the name of the user entered. and Bottom links. The URL may look similar to the following: http://host/CAisd/pdmweb. Note: To prevent unauthorized elevation of privileges. The rest of the documents return their IDs only. The getBopsid method allows the BOPSID to be generated in the context of the user provided by the Name parameter. This is usually used after calling the faq() or search() methods. You must use the BOPSID to launch the Web Interface within 30 seconds of it being generated. CA Service Management . which may be used to launch the Web Interface in the context of a given user without a login challenge. 02-Aug-2016 268/403 . you can use the getDocumentsByIDs() method. If the Name parameter is not provided. where the user can click on Top. not the CA SDM contact name. you can set up a paging mechanism. contact String Identifies the name of the user associated with the returned BOPSID. Description Facilitate the building of Web Interface URLs. a calling application must first construct a Web Interface URL. Previous. which includes a BOPSID token (a web-interface security token). getBopsid The following parameters apply to the getBopsid method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.. it uses the user associated with the current Web Interface BOPSID. Note: This is the system login name. For example. an analyst).exe?BOPSID=nnnnn+OP=xxxx. Returns A BOPSID based on the name of the user entered. Next. and not for LREL/BREL/QREL type attributes. Empty/null attributes are returned as empty strings. dle g attributes Strin Identifies the names of attributes to fetch. getObjectValues The following parameters apply to the getObjectValues method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Note: Dot-names for attributes are only supported for SREL type attributes.1 Note: The BOPSID of the current login must have equal or greater access rights than the name of the user entered. an empty string is returned. Returns A string "itil" if the installation is in ITIL mode. Description This method returns the attribute values of an object. If this field is empty. all the attributes for g[] the object are returned. Otherwise. getConfigurationMode The following parameters apply to the getConfigurationMode method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the SID of the current login session. Returns A <UDSObject (see page 192)> element. The caller passes one or more attribute names to fetch the object and dotted-names are permitted. 02-Aug-2016 269/403 . er objectHan Strin Identifies the handle of a CA SDM object to query. CA Service Management . Description This method returns a string indicating if the CA SDM installation is in the ITIL mode.14. All values are returned as a string. er factory Strin Identifies the object type (known as ‘factory’) to query. The attribute information can change only after modifications are performed on the CA SDM server and the service is recycled. It is not written unless it is a Llist.1 XML Element Type Description <UDSObject> N/A Contains a <Handle> element and zero or more <AttributeNameX> elements. Callers should cache the type information requested per object type to avoid multiple. String. and so on. ence <attrName DataType=”dataType” Emp Indicates an element with a name matching an object Size=”storageSize” Required=” tyEle attribute name. Lrel or Pointer type. or Pointer type data type. This is the majic name of g the object. The element has several attributes: Boolean” Factory=”factoryName”> men DataTypeSignifies the integer representation of the data t type. along with type information for each attribute.14. Pointer. Date. <Attributes> Sequ Indicates zero or more elements for each attribute. redundant (and expensive) calls. getObjectTypeInformation The following parameters apply to the getObjectTypeInformation method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. FactoryRepresents the Type name of the object if the attribute is a List. Returns The following: XML Element Type Description <UDSObject> N/A Indicates the root node. 02-Aug-2016 270/403 . for example: “cr” = Request Description A list of all attribute names for a given object type. List. Information returned for the attribute’s type includes the Integer. SizeRepresents the maximum size needed to store this attribute in a string. RequiredRepresents the flag status of True if this attribute must be set for the object to back store. if the attribute is required for back-storing its storage space requirements (if appropriate). Lrel. CA Service Management . Description Facilitates the building of Web Interface URLs. You can use the ARTIFACT to launch the Web Interface only once.exe?USERNAME=xxxxx+ARTIFACT=nnnnn+OP=xxxx. 02-Aug-2016 271/403 . which may be used to launch the Web Interface in the context of a given user without a login challenge. a calling application must first construct a Web Interface URL. Note: Service Desk needs to be integrated with CA EEM to perform this operation. The URL may look similar to the following: http://host/CAisd/pdmweb.14. Failure to provide a CA EEM ARTIFACT token may result in an interactive login challenge when attempting to launch the Web Interface in the chosen context (such as. a detail view of a given ticket). Returns An CA EEM ARTIFACT based on the name of the user entered. r contact String Identifies the name of the user associated with the returned ARTIFACT.. password String Identifies the password.. CA Service Management . Note: This is the system login name. an analyst).1 getArtifact The following parameters apply to the getArtifact method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. To launch the Web Interface in the context of a given user (for example. The getArtifact method allows the CA EEM ARTIFACT to be generated in the context of the user provided by the contact parameter. not the contact name for CA Service Desk Manager.. which includes an CA EEM ARTIFACT token (a web-interface security token). The chgnr attribute is a list of all change orders for a configuration item. Note: When working with group object management. "asset") You use the sid parameter for the Service ID from a login method.maj: asset BREL lrel_asset_chgnr chg {LREL nr. you can discover how many configuration items are associated with a change order. You declare the relationship using the BREL attribute to define relationships in majic files. In your code. the BREL or LREL attribute describe many-to-many relationships.1 LREL Methods This article contains the following topics: getLrelLength (see page 273) getLrelValues (see page 273) createLrelRelationships (see page 274) removeLrelRelationships (see page 275) LREL methods supply information about object relationships. with the existing web service client code. LREL flag is an attribute that describes a set of owned resources. the LREL attribute remains backward compatible with previous releases.}. The optional. call getLrelLength() with the following parameters: getLrelLength(sid. You declare each relationship in a . "asset" is a list of all associated configuration items. CA Service Management . The BREL attribute for the change order named. Objects with relationships have a left- hand side (lhs) and right-hand side (rhs) definition to describe many-to-many relationships. the following statement declares a many-to-many relationship for the Change Order (chg) object in change. However. The corresponding majic definition of the Configuration Item (nr) includes the following: chgnr BREL lrel_asset_chgnr nr {LREL chg.maj file and then your code uses the LREL methods. Some examples of many-to-many relationships include the following: Issues and configuration items Contacts and configuration items Task types and status codes When working with LREL methods. For example. The ChangeHandle parameter is a 02-Aug-2016 272/403 .}. The BREL attribute replaces the LREL attribute to define many-to-many relationships. such as CreateLrelRelationship().14. you can use the special web methods to define a member that belongs to a group. ChangeHandle. getLrelLength The following parameters apply to the getLrelLength method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. The ChangeHandle parameter is a string handle to a particular change order. getLrelValues(sid. Similarly. contextObject String Identifies the object on one side of the LREL. Returns The following: XML Element Type Description <Length> Integer Specifies the number of objects. The getLrelValues() method provides the relationships in the attrs array. Use the name.14. the following statement describes how to get the names of all configuration items that are related to a change order: String attrs[] = {"name"}. LrelName Specifies it as the name of the side of the relationship identified by ObjHandle. attrs). CA Service Management . Description Returns the number of objects on one side of a many-to-many relationship: contextObject Specifies it as a handle to an object on one side of the LREL relationship. 0. "asset". getLrelValues The following parameters apply to the getLrelValues method: 02-Aug-2016 273/403 .1 You use the sid parameter for the Service ID from a login method. -1. see the Data Element Dictionary and Objects and Attributes. LrelName String Identifies the LrelName. Note: For more information about LREL tables and objects. ChangeHandle. The start and end index parameters are there to help throttle a large number of items. ect LrelName String Identifies the Lrel Name. <UDSObject (see page 192Sequen Contains a <Handle> element and zero or more <AttributeNameX> 192)> ce elements.1 Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Remember that items involved in an LREL relationship have no specific ordering. which contains a sequence of <UDSObject> elements. Use the name. Specify -1 to fetch all rows r from startIndex. r endIndex Intege Identifies the Last “list” position from which to fetch. startIndex Intege Identifies the position in the “list” from which to begin fetching. 02-Aug-2016 274/403 .14. In fact. createLrelRelationships The following parameters apply to the createLrelRelationships method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. r contextObj String Identifies the object on one side of the LREL. CA Service Management . The format is as follows: < UDSObjectList > <UDSObject> <Handle> <AttributeName0> <AttributeName1> Returns This method has the following returns: XML Element Type Description <UDSObjectList> Array Specifies the outer element. as defined in this document. [] Description Returns attribute values for a range of objects in an LREL relationship. attributes String Identifies an array of one or more attribute names for which to fetch values. it is not really a “list”. 02-Aug-2016 275/403 . and "nr:655A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75" and "nr:755A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75" are Asset handles. ContactHandle.1 Parameter Type Description contextObject String Identifies the object on one side of the LREL. "nr:755A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75"]) ContactHandle is a string handle to a contact. contextObject is one side of the LREL relationship. The caller passes one or more object handles for the other side. the entire operation is canceled. If an invalid object handle is passed. contextObject is one side of the LREL relation. removeObjectHa String Identifies the handles of objects to remove from the other side of the LREL ndles [] relationships.14. If a relationship already exists between the two objects. r contextObject String Identifies the object on one side of the LREL. If an invalid object handle is passed. Description Removes one or more many-to-many relationships. The following example shows how to add several assets to a contact’s environment: createLrelRelationships(sid. LrelName String Identifies the Lrel Name as seen by contextObject. CA Service Management . Returns Nothing. "cenv". removeLrelRelationships The following parameters apply to the removeLrelRelationships method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ["nr:655A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75". the entire operation is canceled. no change is made and the system continues to process the addObjectHandles array. LrelName String Identifies the Lrel Name (as seen by contextObject). es [] Description Adds one or more many-to-many relationships. The caller passes one or more object handles for the other side. It is not an error if no relationship existed between the two objects. addObectHandl String Identifies the handles of objects for the other side of the LREL relationships. CA Service Management . see createLrelRelationships() in this chapter.14.1 For a usage example. 02-Aug-2016 276/403 . Returns Nothing. If a start request is invoked for a table that is already started. The daemon takes the appropriate action and returns a message to the user indicating the action taken. determines what was changed externally and then sends CHANGE notifications to the bpvirtdb_nxd server. in cases where mass updates are made externally a storm of CHANGE notifications are broadcast which leads to many database queries from various CA SDM processes which significantly impacts CA SDM's performance. a log message is also written to stdlog. The bpvirtdb_nxd server notifies all domsrvr servers of the change. Each request is sent to the dbmonitor_nxd daemon. which causes each domsrvr to update its cache of specific database objects and then notify all other processes that subscribe for changes in the specified tables. In order to eliminate this impact on CA SDM performance. If a stop request is made for a table that is already stopped. The main function of dbmonitor_nxd is to generate CHANGE notifications for changes in specified tables that did not occur through CA SDM. <tables> Specifies a table name or a comma delimited list of table names that must match one or more of the tables specified in the NX_DBMONITOR_TABLES environment variable. CA Service Management . Note: When the Monitor is paused for a table. Syntax This command has the following format: dbmonitor_nxd -c <command> -t <tables> <command> Enter start or stop. The Monitor supports a command line interface that allows the user to start and stop the monitoring of specified tables. This mechanism works well for the occasional external change in tables that are monitored. In order to perform this function. 02-Aug-2016 277/403 . the monitor periodically queries the database.1 dbmonitor_nxd--Database Monitoring Daemon The Database Monitoring daemon (dbmonitor_nxd) provides a mechanism to allow CA SDM cache of specific database tables to be refreshed when changes are made externally from CA SDM.14. If monitoring is successfully stopped or started for a table. no action is taken. no action is taken. However. dbmonitor_nxd has been updated for this release of the product. all CA SDM processes that cache data from these tables may become out of date and no provision is made to update this cache. CA Service Management .1 For example.14. In the BOPLGIN case this will have little consequence because the essential Contact attributes cached in BOPLGIN are taken from the usp_contact table and not the ca_contact table. 02-Aug-2016 278/403 . Note: When the Monitor is paused for a table. BOPLGIN caches Contact records (from the ca_contact and usp_contact tables) and this cache would not be updated if the Monitor was paused for the ca_contact table during the time external updates were loaded into the database. Web Users will not be able to see changes in the table while viewing a detail form that were made externally while the Monitor was paused. Downloading values for all 10. For more information.1 List/Query Methods This article contains the following topics: doSelect (see page 279) doQuery (see page 281) getListValues (see page 282) freeListHandles (see page 283) getRelatedList (see page 283) getRelatedListValues (see page 284) getPendingChangeTaskListForContact (see page 285) getPendingIssueTaskListForContact (see page 285) getNotificationsForContact (see page 286) Two paradigms are available for working with lists. The primary drawback to using a list handle is the extra method calls it requires. however. These methods are especially useful when working with very large lists. One paradigm uses a list handle for referring to and making queries on a server-side list and the other simply performs a SQL-like select.000 Contacts. use the methods that return list handles. If you need to maintain reference to a static list. your application may need to perform operations using the entire table of 10. For example. Note: CA SDM restricts the amount of data that can be returned from any one list. as indicated by the following: One to get the handle A second (or third) to retrieve values A final call to free the list You need to balance the amount of remote method calls versus the expected amount of data returned. With a list handle. you can select a range of rows upon which to query. CA Service Management . doSelect The following parameters apply to the doSelect method: 02-Aug-2016 279/403 .14.000 at once could result in an unacceptable performance lag (this condition is actually prevented by the system -.see Where Clauses). At least two or three calls are necessary. see Where Clauses. XML Element Type Description <UDSObject (see N/A Specifies the standard UDSObject element containing the handle and page 192)> requested attribute values. attributes Strin Identifies the attribute list for which to fetch values. CA SDM will return a maximum of 250 rows per call. "last_name LIKE 'J%'". The following format applies: <UDSObjectList> <UDSObject> <Handle> <Attributes> <AttributeNameA> <AttributeValueA0> <AttributeValueA1> <AttributeNameB> <AttributeValueB0> . LOCAL attributes are temporal. myArray) The return could be the following: 02-Aug-2016 280/403 . "first_name"] doSelect(mySID.14. 2.. Returns A sequence of <UDSObject> elements.. ger Note: Regardless of the integer specified. ger objectTyp Strin Identifies the object type (factory) to query. nce For example. all value-based attributes are returned. Specify -1 to return all rows. If this field is blank. CA Service Management . if the method used is the following: String[] myArray = ["last_name". Supply one or more attributes you want fetched from the objects that match the supplied where clause. e g whereClau Strin (Optional) Identifies the where clause for the query. These attributes cannot be defined as LOCAL in the majic definition file. Description Performs an SQL-like select on a specified object table.1 Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. se g maxRows Inte Indicates the maximum number of rows to return. Dotted-attributes are g[] permitted. "cnt". they have no database storage. <UDSObjectList> Seque Contains a <Handle> element and an <Attributes> sequence. see Where Clauses. where each row represents a CA SDM object that matched the supplied where clause. CA Service Management .1 <UDSObjectList> <UDSObject> <Handle>cnt:555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75</Handle> <Attributes> <AttributeName>last_name</AttributeName> <AttributeValue>Johnson</AttributeValue> <AttributeName>first_name</AttributeName> <AttributeValue>Carol</AttributeValue> </Attributes> </UDSObject> <UDSObject> <Handle>cnt:555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E76</Handle> <Attributes> <AttributeName>last_name</AttributeName> <AttributeValue>Jones</AttributeValue> <AttributeName>first_name</AttributeName> <AttributeValue>Ron</AttributeValue> </Attributes> </UDSObject> </UDSObjectList> doQuery The following parameters apply to the doQuery method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Note: For more information about where clauses. The caller can fetch values for the list rows using getListValues (). Description Performs an SQL-like select for the specified object type. The caller is responsible for freeing the list with freeListHandles(). Important! The object list is stored on the CA SDM server and consumes system resources. ObjectType String Identifies the object type (factory) to query. and they 02-Aug-2016 281/403 . resulting in memory leaks and can cause system failure.14. meaning the objects are all the same type. Leaving a list in memory may increase memory for the process beyond the 2GB limit. It also returns a list handle that points to a list of the rows returned from the query. Lists created with this function are homogenous. WhereClause String (Optional) Identifies the where clause for the query. Specify -1 to fetch all rows er from StartIndex. er EndIndex Integ Identifies the last list position from which to fetch. Web Services will return a maximum of 250 rows per call. AttributeNa String Identifies an array of one or more attribute names for which you want to fetch mes [] values. Note: Regardless of the integer specified. <listLength> Integer Identifies the length of the list generated. For example: < UDSObjectList > <UDSObject> <Handle> <Attributes> <AttributeName0> <AttributeName1> Returns This method has the following returns: 02-Aug-2016 282/403 .1 Lists created with this function are homogenous. XML Element Type Description <listHandle> Integer Identifies the list handle. getListValues The following parameters apply to the getListValues method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. CA Service Management . meaning the list never changes even if a data change to an object excludes it from the initial where clause. and they are static.14. Description Returns attribute values for a range of objects in a list. meaning the objects are all the same type. er StartIndex Integ Identifies the position in the list from which to begin fetching. Returns A list handle that must be freed with freeListHandle(). er ListHandle Integ Identifies the list handle obtained with a previous call. 14. Returns Nothing. Description Returns a list handle for list (QREL or BREL) attribute of an object. getRelatedList The following parameters apply to the getRelatedList method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ListName String Identifies a list-type attribute name of the object. 192)> freeListHandles The following parameters apply to the freeListHandles method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Description Frees the server-side resources for a list and invalidates the list handles. refer to the object schema (majic) documentation or use getObjectTypeInformation(). CA Service Management . which is a list of its child requests. This method should be called whenever a list reference is no longer needed. Returns The following: 02-Aug-2016 283/403 . For example. the request object has a related list named “children”. which contains a sequence of ce <UDSObject> elements. The Request’s Activity Log (“act_log” or “act_log_all”) is another example. ObjectHandle String Identifies the object handle. Handles Integer[] Identifies an array of list handles to free. To retrieve information about an object’s list attributes. <UDSObject (see page 192N/A Contains a <Handle> element and <Attributes> sequence.1 XML Element Type Description <UDSObjectList> Sequen Identifies the outer Element. the request object has a related list named “children”. Dotted names are permitted. Use the LREL methods to query LREL types. objectHandle String Identifies the object handle. Returns 02-Aug-2016 284/403 . listName String Identifies a list-type attribute name for the object.14. that is a list of its child requests. Cannot be zero Specify -1 to return all rows Note: Regardless of the integer specified. An alternative method is to use getObjectTypeInformation(). numToFetch Integer Signifies the maximum number of rows to return. getRelatedListVal String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. <listLength> Integer Identifies the length of the list generated. Holder Description Returns values for lists related to a specific object. uesResult Holder numRowsFound Integer Identifies the Integer Holder object for capturing returned data. getRelatedListValues The following parameters apply to the getRelatedListValues method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. CA Service Management . The lists must be defined as a QREL or BREL. The return format is similar to getListValues(). Web Services can return a maximum of 250 rows per call. as indicated by the following: <numRowsFound> < UDSObjectList > <UDSObject> <Handle> <AttributeName0> <AttributeName1> You can retrieve information for object list attributes using object schema (majic). This method is a list handle-free alternative to getRelatedList(). attributes String[] Identifies an array of one or more attribute names for which to fetch values.1 The following: XML Element Type Description <listHandle> Integer Identifies the list handle. For example. that contains a sequence of dListValue <UDSObject> elements. contactHandle String Identifies the contact handle. getPendingIssueTaskListForContact The following parameters apply to the getPendingIssueTaskListForContact method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 Returns This method has the following returns: XML Type Description Element <getRelate N/A Identifies the outer element. Returns The following: XML Element Type Description <listHandle> Integer Identifies the list handle. Description 02-Aug-2016 285/403 . Description Returns a list handle representing all the “pending” change order workflow tasks assigned to a contact. A “pending” task is an active workflow task with a status that permits task updates. CA Service Management .14. <listLength> Integer Identifies the length of the list generated. getPendingChangeTaskListForContact The following parameters apply to the getPendingChangeTaskListForContact method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. contactHandle String Identifies the contact handle. Each <UDSObject (see page 192)> element contains a sResult> <Handle> element and zero or more <AttributeNameX> elements. sFound> ger Note: The total number of rows is not necessarily the number of rows returned. <numRow Inte Indicates the total number of rows in the queried list. <UDSObjectList>. for example.Fetch non-cleared notifications (those with a status value of less than 7) 1 -. queryStatus Integer (Optional) Identifies the target of the notifications.Fetch all notifications 0 -. Returns The following: XML Element Type Description <listHandle> Integer Identifies the list handle. <listLength> Integer Identifies the length of list generated. <listLength> Integer Identifies the length of the list generated. contactHandle String Identifies the contact handle. The possible queryStatus values are as follows: -1 -. 02-Aug-2016 286/403 . A “pending” task is an active task with a status that permits task updates.Fetch cleared notifications (those with a status value of 7. which is useful for returning. only non-cleared messages. You can query on a specific status for the notifications with the queryStatus field. 8 or 9) Returns The following: XML Element Type Description <listHandle> Integer Identifies the list handle.1 Description Returns a list handle representing all the “pending” Issue tasks assigned to a contact. Description Returns a list of notifications (‘lr’ objects) for a contact.14. getNotificationsForContact The following parameters apply to the getNotificationsForContact method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. CA Service Management . CA SDM Web Services ships two predefined extensions. read the text executed by the following command: /bopcfg/majic/assetx. when createAsset() is called. CA Service Management .1 Asset Management Methods This article contains the following topics: createAsset (see page 287) getAssetExtensionInformation (see page 289) addAssetLog (see page 289) createAssetParentChildRelationship (see page 290) It is possible for a client site to enhance the asset object using extensions. remember that Asset and Configuration Item are interchangeable in this context. query the ‘extension_name’ attribute of the asset’s family (for example.maj The asset’s family attribute determines if the asset has an extension. To determine if an asset has an extension. createAsset The following parameters apply to the createAsset method: 02-Aug-2016 287/403 . Asset extensions are separate tables that hold extra attribute information for an asset. we recommend that you only use createAsset() to create asset objects.14. use the following method: getAssetExtensionInformation() Update an extension object like you would any other object by using the following method: updateObject() We do not recommend that you create your own extension objects. Computer and Software. Note: If you are using the ITIL methodology. query it like any other object by using the following method: getObjectValues() To get the handle for a particular extension object. The extension table is linked to a particular asset by using the asset ID as a foreign key.extension_name”). To retrieve values from an extension object. “family. if needed. One is created for you. Setting the Class attribute generally sets the family at asset creation time. For more information. Because of this automatic creation. <newAssetHandl Strin Identifies the new request’s handle. If no extension was ame> g created. If you intend to create an asset with an extension. If no extension was andle> g created. le Holder newExtension String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. Name Holder Description Describes the recommend method for creating an asset. attributes String Identifies the String Holder object for caputring returned data. List and LREL types are also returned. be sure to set the Asset Class attribute in the attrVals section. CA Service Management . all attribute values are returned (see page 192). this field is empty.14.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns A <UDSObject> element containing the handle for the new object. Holder createAssetRe String Identifies the name for the new asset’s extension. If no extension was sult created. 02-Aug-2016 288/403 . If the attributes parameter is empty. this field is empty. but as empty elements. Handle Holder newExtension String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. use this method to create a Configuration Item. e> g <newExtensionH Strin Identifies the handle for the new Asset’s extension. newAssetHand String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. <newExtensionN Strin Identifies the name for the new asset’s extension. this field is empty. attrVals String Identifies the array of name-value pairs used to set the initial attribute values for the new asset. with attribute values specified in the attributes parameter. XML Element Type Description <createAssetRes N/A Identifies the standard <UDSObject> element containing the handle and ult> requested attribute values. Note: If you are using the ITIL methodology. If this value is empty.extension_name” property. all attributes are returned. le attributes String Identifies the standard array of attributes from the asset extension object from [] which to request values. <extensionName> String Identifies the name for the assets extension. If the asset does not have an extension.14. addAssetLog The following parameters apply to the addAssetLog method: 02-Aug-2016 289/403 . This property is empty if the asset does not have an extension. Returns The following elements return (see page 192)with empty values when the asset does not have an extension: XML Element Type Description <getAssetExtInfoResult> String Identifies all the attribute values for the extension. tInfoResul Holder t extension String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. r assetHand String Identifies the asset to query. Handle Holder extension String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data.1 getAssetExtensionInformation The following parameters apply to the getAssetExtensionInformation method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Name Holder Description Returns extension information for an asset. <extensionHandle> String Identifies the extensions handle. CA Service Management . getAssetEx String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. An asset has an extension if a value exists for its “family. nothing is returned. Description Adds a new log entry for an asset. child_hier and parent_hier. Returns Handle of the new hier (Assignment) object. childHandle String Identifies the asset handle for the child. Returns Nothing. logText String Identifies the text for the new asset log. Description Makes assetParent a parent of assetHandle. Web Services creates a separate object (the hier object. assetHandle String Identifies the asset handle. in the Asset (nr) object.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. createAssetParentChildRelationship The following parameters apply to the createAssetParentChildRelationship method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. contactHandle String (Required) Identifies the handle of the contact used for the log’s author. which is the Assignment table) for parent-child relationships between assets. CA Service Management . The log’s author is the user associated with the SID.14. These are stored in related lists. parentHandle String Identifies the asset handle for the parent. 02-Aug-2016 290/403 . Note: Dotted names are not permitted. Dot-notation is permitted.1 Web Services Business Methods This article contains the following topics: createIssue (see page 291) createRequest (see page 292) createChangeOrder (see page 294) createActivityLog (see page 295) transfer (see page 296) escalate (see page 297) changeStatus (see page 298) getPropertyInfoForCategory (see page 299) logComment (see page 300) This section describes the Web Services Business methods. propertyV String (Optional) Identifies the array of values for any properties that are attached to the alues [] new issue. See the XML Number Holde Element Return list below for details. createIssue The following parameters apply to the createIssue method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. attrVals String Identifies the array of name-value pairs that is used to set the initial attribute [] values for the new issue. CA Service Management . See the XML Handle Holde Element Return list below for details. attributes String Identifies the sequence of attribute names from the new object for which to return [] values. r newIssue String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. If this field is empty. er creatorHa String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the creation of the issue (the ndle log agent). r Description 02-Aug-2016 291/403 . Pass an empty string to specify the default CA SDM user.14. all attribute values are returned. template String (Optional) Identifies the handle of an issue template (iss_tpl object) from which to create the issue. newIssue String Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. 1 Creates a CA SDM Issue (iss) object. XML Element Type Description <UDSObject> N/A Identifies the standard UDSObject element containing the handle and requested attribute values. dle> g <newIssueNum Strin Identifies the new issue’s number (its “ref_num” attribute). propertyV String Identifies the array of values for any properties that are attached to the new alues [] request. but as empty elements. attributes String Specifies the sequence of attribute names from the new object for which to return [] values. Returns Returns the new object handle. See the XML stHandle Holder Element Return list below for details. Pass an empty string to specify the default CA SDM user. attrVals String Identifies an array of name-value pairs that is used to set the initial attribute [] values for the new request. see createRequest(). newReque String Specifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. r creatorHa String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the creation of the request ndle (the log agent). For more information about creating an Issue object with properties. Note: You must use this function to create a Issue. <newIssueHan Strin Identifies the new issue’s handle. template String (Optional) Identifies the handle of the request template (cr_tpl) from which to create the request. Dot-notation is permitted. do not use createObject(). 02-Aug-2016 292/403 . Note: Dotted names are not permitted. List and LREL types are also returned. If this field is empty. CA Service Management . ber> g createRequest The following parameters apply to the createRequest method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.14. along with all of its attribute values. all value-based attribute values are returned. If you do not want to rely on the default property values. may appear as follows: ["40 GB". Create a value array for each of the properties returned. Assemble the attrVals array and call the create method. Properties are stored in the ‘properties’ list for a Request. 2.14. propertyValues is a list of values for each Property object that will be attached to the new Request. You may override the default by supplying values for any properties that will be attached when the Request is created. All properties created from the CA SDM Web Services interface will have a default value (for more information. if the sequences and symbols of the properties are as follows: 100 . see Categories and Properties). CPU 300 . You must supply this information before the Request is created. This function returns the properties in order of their ‘sequence’ attribute.1 Parameter Type Description newReque String Specifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. Description Creates a CA SDM Request (cr) object. You must use this function to create a Request. This is identified by the propertyValues parameter for the create operation. pass an empty string for propertyValues. Retrieve a list of Categories/Areas. you can retrieve the list of properties using getRelatedListValues() after createRequest() returns. do not use createObject(). Hard Drive Size 200 . Depending upon the application. Use getPropertyInfoForCategory() to get a list of properties for a specific Category. 4. which is the expected order of the propertyValues array. which is important because a Request will not save until all of its Properties marked “required” have a value. CA Service Management . since this 02-Aug-2016 293/403 . Call getPropertyInfoForCategory() and examine the list of properties for the category of the new Request/Issue/Change. depending on the programming language. "256"] getPropertyInfoForCategory() indicates which Properties are marked required. See the XML stNumber Holder Element Return list below for details.7 Ghz". If you do not set the Request category or do not want to set any Property values. Memory The propertyValues array. The Properties that are attached are determined by the new Request’s ‘category’ attribute value. For example. 3. it may be faster to at least cache the list of Categories. the following is the suggested order for creating a new Request (or Issue or Change Order): 1. "Pentium 4 1. As an alternative to the previous procedure. The object name for Request Area is ‘pcat’. since createRequest() attempts to back-store the object you most recently create. you need to set the ‘type’ attribute in the attrVals array to define whether you are creating an Incident or a Problem ticket.14. this method creates a Request. 02-Aug-2016 294/403 . see ITIL Methodology (https://docops. g <newRequestNumber> Strin Identifies the new request’s number (its “ref_num” attribute).ca. attributes String Specifies the sequence of attribute names from the new object for which to return [] values. XML Element Type Description <UDSObject (see page N/A Identifies the standard UDSObject element containing the handle and 192)> requested attribute values. since this data does not change often at many client sites. all value-based attribute values are returned. List and LREL types are also returned. For more information about ITIL procedures. Note: By default. If this field is empty. r creatorHa String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the creation of the change ndle order (the log agent). <newRequestHandle> Strin Identifies the new request handle. g createChangeOrder The following parameters apply to the createChangeOrder method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging Returns Returns the new objects handle with all of its attribute values. but as empty elements. template String (Optional) Identifies the handle of the change template (chg_tpl object) from which to create the change order. If you are using the ITIL methodology. CA Service Management .1 Depending upon the application. attrVals String Identifies an array of name-value pairs that is used to set the initial attribute [] values for the change order. Pass an empty string to specify the default CA SDM user. Note: Dotted names are not permitted. it may be faster to at least cache the list of Categories. propertyV String (Optional) Identifies the array of values for any properties that are attached to the alues [] new change order. Dot-notation is permitted. mber> g createActivityLog The following parameters apply to the createActivityLog method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. issue. List and LREL types are also returned (see page 192).1 Parameter Type Description newChang String Specifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. XML Element Type Description <UDSObject> N/A Identifies the standard UDSObject element containing the handle and request attribute values. TimeSpent Integ Sets the Time Spent field for the activity log. <newChangeHan Strin Identifies the new change order handle. You must use this function to create a change order (see page 292). eNumber Holde r Description Creates a CA SDM Change Order (chg) object.see the following Description. descriptio String Identifies the description for the activity. do not use createObject(). er Pass zero for the default. objectHan String Identifies the handle for a request. but as empty elements. er creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. eHandle Holde r newChang String Specifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. n LogType String Identifies the type of log to create -. which is the duration of the activity. or change order. dle> g <newChangeNu Strin Identifies the new change order number (its ‘chg_ref_num’ attribute).14. 02-Aug-2016 295/403 . Any other object type is dle rejected. CA Service Management . which will appear in the activity log. Returns The new object handle with all of its attribute values. Internal Boole Identifies the values that apply: an True = Internal-only activity False = Non-internal activity that can be viewed by everyone. setOrganization Boole Update the organization.Log Comment/Research/Callback” on a Change/Request/Issue detail in the CA SDM interface. r creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. To access the code values. This method corresponds to. description String Identifies the description for the activity. or change order. The most common codes are as follows: “CB” (Callback) “RS” (Research) “LOG” (Log Comment) The CA SDM Administrative Client also shows the code values. objectHandle String Identifies the handle for a request.14. if the an value is true. transfer The following parameters apply to the transfer method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. dle setGroup Boole Updates the group field. setAssignee Boole Used to update the assignee field with the value in newAssignee. if the value is true. issue or change order. Any other object type is rejected. LogType is the code attribute for the activity type of the new log. if true. which will appear in the activity log. Returns The handle to the activity log object created. newAssigneeHan String Identifies the new assignee for the object. CA Service Management .1 Description Creates an activity log for a specified request. XML Element Type Description <LogHandle> String Identifies the handle for the new activity log. select from the Main Menu Administration. “Activities . an 02-Aug-2016 296/403 . an newGroupHandle String Identifies the new group for the object. then select Notification. Activity Notifications. issue. Transfer” command in the CA SDM interface. even if a value is passed for that field. which will appear in the activity log. This method generates an activity log and optionally sets a new assignee. XML Type Description Element <LogHandle> Strin Identifies the handle for the new activity log (zero or more of these can be g returned). if setAssignee is passed as false. This method corresponds to the “Activities -. group. then transfer will not attempt to update the field. setAssignee Boole Updates the assignee field. If the companion parameter is false. or organization. The assignee. Request or Change Order. if true. escalate The following parameters apply to the escalate method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. issue. description String Identifies the description for the activity. Any other object type is rejected. objectHandle String Identifies the handle for a request. For example. CA Service Management . transfer will not update the assignee even if newAssignee specifies a value. Returns One or more handles to the activity log objects created. If the setXXXX parameter is true. if true.14. 02-Aug-2016 297/403 . Pass the empty string to set a field to empty/null.1 Parameter Type Description newOrgnizationH String (Issues and Change Orders only) Identifies the new organization for the andle object. or change order. The returns are under a parent element named <Logs>. an newAssigneeHan String Identifies the handle of the new assignee for the object. group or organization is not updated unless one or more of the corresponding setAssignee/setGroup/setOrganization parameters is set to true. dle setGroup Updates the group field with the value in newGroupHandle. r creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. then the field is updated. Description Performs a transfer activity on an Issue. Request or Change Order. an newPriority String Identifies the handle of the new priority for the object. or organization is not updated unless one or more of the corresponding setAssignee/setGroup/setOrganization parameters is set to true. priority and/or organization. If the setXXXX parameter is true. if setAssignee is passed as false. It corresponds to the “Activities -. then the field is updated. if true. CA Service Management . group. if true.Escalate” command in the CA SDM interface. Description Performs an escalate activity on an Issue. even if a value is passed for that field. The assignee. Returns One or more handles to the activity log objects created. then escalate will not attempt to update the field. This method generates an activity log and optionally sets a new assignee. For example. group. Pass the empty string to set a field to empty/null. newOrgnizationH String (Issues and Change Orders only) Identifies the handle of the new andle organization for the object. Note: Organization is not used for Requests. changeStatus The following parameters apply to the changeStatus method: 02-Aug-2016 298/403 . setPriorityHandle Boole Updates the priority field with the value specified in newPriority.1 Parameter Type Description Boole an newGroupHandl String Identifies the handle of the new group for the object.14. If the companion parameter is false. e setOrganization Boole Sets the organization field with the value specified in the an newOrganizationHandle. XML Type Description Element <LogHandle> Strin Identifies the handle for the new activity log (zero or more of these can be g returned). escalate will not update the assignee even if newAssignee specifies a value. or change order. It corresponds to the “Activites -. issue. all value-based attributes are fetched. CA Service Management . This method generates an activity log and optionally sets the status value. If this is empty.Update Status” command in the CA SDM interface. or change order. XML Type Description Element <LogHandle> Strin Identifies the handle for the new activity log (zero or more of these can be g returned). ndle Description Performs a status change activity on an issue.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.14. Returns The handle to the activity log object created. newStatusHa String Identifies the handle of the status for the object. andle g attributes Strin Identifies the names of one or more attributes from the property template object g[] for which to fetch values. Any other object type is rejected. This method is used to help pre-populate Request/Issue/Change Order properties on insert operations with user-defined data. er creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. Description Information about Properties for the specified category. description String Identifies the description for the activity. getPropertyInfoForCategory The following parameters apply to the getPropertyInfoForCategory method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. which will appear in the activity log. 02-Aug-2016 299/403 . request. objectHandle String Identifies the handle for a request. ger categoryH Strin Identifies a category handle. Returns A <UDSObject> element containing a sequence of <UDSObject> elements. Both types are nearly identical. 02-Aug-2016 300/403 . The suggested attributes to fetch are ‘sequence’. It is a simplified version of createActivityLog(). Description Attaches a ‘Log Comment’ activity log to a ticket. this method queries either the ‘prptpl’ or the ‘cr_prptpl’ object types. le Comment String Identifies the comment text. CA Service Management . r ticketHand String Identifies the handle of the ticket where the activity log should be added. Returns Nothing. ‘label’. logComment The following parameters apply to the logComment method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.14. in the order of the ‘sequence’ attribute. internal_fl String Identifies the internal flag.1 Depending on the category. ‘description’ and ‘required’. Set to True if the new activity log should be marked as ag internal. Set to True to flag for an internal-only ean notification. ody g notifyLeve Integ Indicates the notification level. issue. and change orders. Returns The following is returned: XML Element Type Description <LogHandle> String Identifies the handle for new activity log.14.1 notifyContacts Method This article contains the following topics: clearNotification (see page 301) The following parameters apply to the notifyContacts method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. l er notifyees Strin Identifies the array of contact handles to notify. er creator Strin Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. Any other object type is rejected. which guarantees that the message is sent only to those who can view internal logs. Description Sends a notification to one or more contacts. The following applies: ject g It is the context for the notification. Specify an integer from 1 (Low) to 4 (Emergency). issues. tle g messageB Strin Identifies the body of the notification message. g[] Internal Bool Indicates internal-only notification. g contextOb Strin Identifies the handle for a request. This is equivalent to the Manual Notify activity on requests. clearNotification The following parameters apply to the clearNotification method: 02-Aug-2016 301/403 . or change order. An activity log is added to the object to record the notification. messageTi Strin Identifies the title of the notification message. CA Service Management . and the resulting activity log is flagged as internal. clearBy String Identifies the name of the contact responsible for the clear operation.1 Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. CA Service Management . 02-Aug-2016 302/403 .14. Description Clears a notification message. lrObject String Identifies the handle to a Notify Log Header (lr) object. Returns The new status of the notification message. the following error is returned: UDS_CREATION_ERROR Note: This method works exactly the same for the ITIL methodology -. In this case. Description.New Change Request” or “Activities -. and Priority (you can see this effect in the CA SDM interface). If this is blank. To create a new change order. It corresponds with “Activities -.Attach to Existing Request” on a Request detail in the CA SDM interface. requestHan String Identifies the request to which you attach the change. description String (Optional) Identifies the description of the activity. To attach an existing change order. Returns 02-Aug-2016 303/403 . pass the empty string in changeHandle. specify a handle in the changeHandle parameter. description is used on the request’s activity log. The system will create a new change order with values initialized from the request. dle changeHan String Identifies the handle of the change to add. You can override these or set additional values with changeAttrVals.14.simply verify that you are passing the appropriate handle of an ITIL Incident or Problem to the method. description is used on the new change order’s activity log. If the request already has an attached change order. changeAttrVals is ignored. CA Service Management . er creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. If a new change order is created. a new change order is dle created. If an existing change is attached. changeAttr String Identifies the attribute-value pairs used to initialize a new change order if the Vals [] changeHandle is blank.1 attachChangeToRequest Method This article contains the following topics: detachChangeFromRequest (see page 304) The following parameters apply to the attachChangeToRequest method: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Affected End User. including the change’s Requestor. Description Attaches a new or existing change order to a request. which is a name-value array similar to what is passed for createObject(). Description Detaches a change order from a request. Returns The handle of the request’s activity log marking the event. There is no effect if the request did not have an attached change. requestHandle String Identifies the handle of a request. created or attached. This method corresponds with “Activities -. Description String (Optional) Identifies the description of the activity.14. 02-Aug-2016 304/403 .Detach Change Order” on the CA SDM client. creator String Identifies the handle of the contact responsible for the activity. detachChangeFromRequest The following parameters apply to the detachChangeFromRequest method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 Returns The following is returned: XML Element Type Description <changeHandle> String Identifies the handle for the change order. The change order is not deleted from the system. CA Service Management . 1 createTicket Method This article contains the following topics: createQuickTicket (see page 306) closeTicket (see page 307) The following parameters apply to the createTicket method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ger Descriptio Strin (Optional) Identifies the description of the ticket. Hold er returnApp Strin Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. If duplicate handling is on. the proxy contact defined in the access policy is used and the ticket is still created. If this is blank or contains a bad value. the default problem type is used. ta Hold er Description 02-Aug-2016 305/403 . CA Service Management . Userid Strin (Optional) Specifies the user ID of the end user for the new ticket. this string is inspected after other duplicate handling criteria match to determine whether this is a unique or duplicate call to this method. See the XML Element Number g Return list on this page for details. See the XML Element rData g Return list on this page for details. See the XML Element licationDa g Return list on this page for details. See the XML Element Handle g Return list on this page for details.14. If this is blank or g the supplied user ID is not found. newTicket Strin Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. Hold er returnUse Strin Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. g Duplicatio Strin (Optional) Allows callers to assist the duplication handling routines used for nID g classifying tickets as being unique or different. Hold er newTicket Strin Identifies the String Holder object for capturing returned data. n g problem_t Strin Specifies the code (not the persistent ID) for an existing problem type for the policy ype g under which a Web Services application is running. Asset Strin (Optional) Identifies the handle of an asset to be attached to the ticket. You can set this value in the Application Data ionData Return field on the Returned Data tab of the Problem Type Detail window. customerHa String Identifies the customer handle used to create the ticket. and additional returned data. <return Strin Identifies the user-specified data for the problem type intended for use within the Applicat g application code. The supplied description is copied in and the user is set from the access policy proxy contact.14. XML Type Description Element <UDSOb N/A Returns the XML element so that it is consistent with the returns of these other ject> methods: createRequest() createChange() createIssue() The body of this tag is empty. and the user-specified return data defined in the problem type that is used to create the ticket. If input problem_type does not exist. ndle description String (Optional) Identifies the description of the ticket. <newTic Strin Identifies the new ticket handle. ketHan g dle> <newTic Strin Identifies the new ticket number (its “ref_num” or “chg_ref_num” attribute). or for log entries. The Problem Type specifies the type of ticket created by a Request/Change/Issue template. newTicketH String String Holder object for capturing returned data. > createQuickTicket The following parameters apply to the createQuickTicket method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. See the XML Element Return andle Holder list on this page for details. Returns Returns the new ticket handle. the policy default problem type is used. especially for actions.1 Creates a ticket based on the rules defined in both the Service Aware Policy and the specified Problem Type. 02-Aug-2016 306/403 . The problem type also defines how to handle duplicate ticket creation. ticket number. ketNum g ber> <return Strin Identifies the user-specified data for the problem type intended for display to the end UserDat g user. CA Service Management . You can set this value in the User Data Return field on the a> Returned Data tab of the Problem Type Detail window. ketNum g ber> closeTicket The following parameters apply to the closeTicket method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. and the XML element is returned so it is consistent with the returns of these methods: createRequest() createChange() createIssue() <newTic Strin Identifies the new ticket handle. Description Creates a ticket based on the preferred document type of the user represented by customerHandle.1 newTicketN String String Holder object for capturing returned data. Incident. The contact represented by customerHandle is used to set the end user/customer field of the new ticket. The ticket description is set to the input description value.14. if the document type is Request. Contact access rights are determined by an Access Type record. and so on. See the XML Element Return umber Holder list on this page for details. ketHan g dle> <newTic Strin Identifies the new ticket number (its “ref_num” or “chg_ref_num” attribute). and a brief representation of the new ticket in <UDSObject> format. a Request is created. this method will create an Issue. CA Service Management . which also sets the contact preferred document type (Request. Problem. dle Description 02-Aug-2016 307/403 . ticketHan String Identifies the ticket to close. If a contact document type is Issue. ticket number. XML Type Description Element <UDSOb N/A Returns a partial set of attributes because it is a high-level method designed to simplify ject> the process. which can be used in the Close n activity log. Returns Returns the new ticket handle. r descriptio String (Optional) Identifies the description of the ticket. Their values come from the following methods. Issue or Change Order). 02-Aug-2016 308/403 . Returns The handle to the activity log object created. XML Element Type Description <LogHandle> String Specifies the handle for new activity log (0 or more of these can be returned). CA Service Management .14.1 Sets the status of the ticket to “Closed” and adds an activity log with the input description. It provides the same return as the changeStatus() method. ContactHandle String Identifies the handle of the contact to add as a member. CA Service Management . GroupHandle String Identifies the group to which you will add the contact. Nothing happens if the contact is not a member. GroupHandle String Identifies the group from which you will remove the contact.14. Description Removes a contact from a group. ContactHandle String Identifies the handle of the contact to remove. removeMemberFromGroup The following parameters apply to the remove MemberFromGroup method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. 02-Aug-2016 309/403 . Nothing happens if the contact is already a member.1 Group Management Methods This article contains the following topics: addMemberToGroup (see page 309) removeMemberFromGroup (see page 309) getGroupMemberListValues (see page 310) This section explains the Web Services Group Management Methods. addMemberToGroup The following parameters apply to the addMemberToGroup method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns Nothing. Description Adds a contact to a group. Returns Nothing. id = U'555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75' It is important to note that this method can retrieve values from all members and groups. which in itself is a Contact object. attributes String Identifies the array of attribute names for which to retrieve values. [] Description Functions similarly to getListValues(). to find all Contacts with a last name beginning with ‘B’ and in a group with the name. getGroupMemberListValues The following parameters apply to the getGroupMemberListValues method: Parameter Type Description SID Intege Identifies the session retrieved from logging in.1 Nothing. r whereClau String Identifies the SQL where clause. you must use dot-notation to form a query as normal. respectively. except that it queries the system’s group and member relationships.14. the following would retrieve values from a specific group: group. se numToFet Intege Determines the maximum number of records to return. To simply get information about all the members of a specific group or member. The attribute names are ‘member’ and ‘group’. For example. “Seattle”. This cannot be zero (0). CA Service Management . you would use the following: member. ch r Use ‘1’ to return all. The system uses a special ‘Group Member’ (grpmem) object for each group/member relationship. Because these are pointers.last_name LIKE 'B%' AND group. illustrated by the following: member.last_name = 'Seattle' You may also use handles as normal. just specify a handle in the where clause. one to a Contact and the other to a = U'555A043EDDB36D4F97524F2496B35E75' The following concepts are important to remember: grpmem object contains two pointer attributes. not just a single group. The CA SDM system administers grpmem objects behind the scenes (you do not manipulate them directly). one is to member and the other is to group grpmem object exists for each group/member relationship 02-Aug-2016 310/403 . The grpmem object simply contains two pointers. For example.last_name LIKE 'A%' AND group. and they are essential for certain queries. 14.persistent_id” XML Type Description Element <UDSObj N/A Identifies the outer element. use one of the following in the attributes parameter described in the table. ‘member. Each object is really a grpmem object. see Where Clauses. CA Service Management . Therefore. Note: For an example of efficient querying of groups and members. all your attribute names should be of the form. To fetch values from the member. Returns Automatically returns no handles. the attribute values you want to fetch in attributes must use dot-notation from the grpmem object.persistent_id” “group. The <Handle> element in the return is always empty. “member.last_name' To fetch values from the group.ATTRNAME’. which contains an array of <UDSObject (see page 192)> ectList> elements. thereby returning an object representing a relationship between two contacts.ATTRNAME’. 02-Aug-2016 311/403 . To request the member or group handle for each row. use ‘group.1 The grpmem method actually queries the grpmem object table. as illustrated by the following example: 'member. Description Login validates a user with CA SDM login validation and returns a unique session ID that is required for most other web method calls. The default access policy will be applied to control and manage all subsequent accesses after a successful call of this function. the contact’s Access Type specifies the validation method. login The following parameters apply to the login method: Parameter Type Description username String Identifies the user ID.1 Contact Management Methods This article contains the following topics: login (see page 312) loginService (see page 312) impersonate (see page 313) logout (see page 314) loginWithArtifact (see page 314) This section explains the Web Services Contact Management methods. This key should be freed with logout().14. All function group security and data partition are enforced for the login user. The username/password is validated exactly the same as the CA SDM Web client. The login user (not proxy contact specified in the default policy) is then responsible for subsequent web service activities. Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description <SID> Integer Identifies the unique SID to use for all other Web Services calls. CA Service Management . password String Identifies the password. loginService The following parameters apply to the loginService method: 02-Aug-2016 312/403 . A SID may expire if it is not used before a time out elapses. CA Service Management . All function group security and data partitions are enforced for the login user. Description Lets an administrator switch the user responsible for all web services activities in a current web services session without additional user authentication. it may be empty. A new web services session starts while the old session ends.14. A new SID is then returned. This key should be freed with logout(). the new user is given the responsibility for all subsequent 02-Aug-2016 313/403 . Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Specifies the unique SID to use for all other Web Services calls. username String (Required) Identifies the user name of the user being impersonated.1 Parameter Type Description username Strin Identifies the user ID. Invoking this method is allowed only if the current web services session is started by using the PKI access authentication scheme and the access policy is defined to allow impersonation. A SID may expire if it is not used before a timeout elapses. The Access Type of the user to be impersonated is checked against the Access Type of the proxy user of the policy used in the current web services session. which must be in plain text. If the access_level of the new user’s access type is less than or equal to the grant_level of the proxy user’s access type. The authentication is performed as described in login(). User authentication is performed on the username and password while access control is applied based on the policy specified. In addition. g policy Strin (Required) Identifies the policy code. this method will replace the current user with the new user. Description Lets users log in with a conventional username/password authentication scheme where if valid. Although it is g required. the system returns a unique session ID. The login user (not the proxy contact specified in the policy) is responsible for subsequent web service activities. Empty policy will allow default policy to be applied automatically. impersonate The following parameters apply to the impersonate method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. g password Strin Identifies the password. Description Performs the user authentication by the provided CA EEM Artifact and opens a session with the back- end server. 02-Aug-2016 314/403 . the new user is given the responsibility for all subsequent activities initiated in this new session. logout The following parameter applies to the logout method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. CA Service Management .1 new SID is then returned. The returned session ID (SID) can be used for subsequent web services method invocations. loginService(). Returns Nothing. The Artifact can be used only once for authentication. Description Invalidates a SID obtained from login(). loginWithArtifact The following parameters apply to the loginWithArtifact method: Parameter Type Description userid String Identifies the user ID. Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the unique SID to use for all other Web Services calls. The function group security and data partition are enforced for the new user. In addition. The Artifact can be acquired directly from CA EEM or can be obtained by the getArtifact method.14. Note: Service Desk needs to be integrated with CA EEM to perform this operation. and loginServiceManaged(). artifact String Identifies the Artifact obtained from CA EEM. 1 The SID should be freed with logout(). A SID may expire if it is not used before a timeout elapses. 02-Aug-2016 315/403 . It is in g plain text format. Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description SID Strin Identifies the unique session ID (SID) to use for all other Web Services calls. CA Service Management .14. 1 getPolicyInfo This article contains the following topics: getTaskListValues (see page 317) getValidTaskTransitions (see page 317) getValidTransitions (see page 318) getDependentAttrControls (see page 319) getHandleForUserid (see page 320) getAccessTypeForContact (see page 320) getContact (see page 321) findContacts (see page 322) The following parameters apply to the getPolicyInfo method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Returns The following XML string: XML Type Description Element <SAPolicy> N/A Identifies the detailed information of this access policy and its related problem types. Description Returns information about the access policy that is controlling and managing the current CA SDM Web Services session. The content of <SAPolicy> is shown as follows: <SAPolicy> <Name> name of policy </Name> <Code> policy code </Code> <ContactName> policy proxy contact's combo name </ContactName> <ContactHandle> handle of policy's contact </ContactHandle> <Access> <TicketCreation> limitation </TicketCreation> <ObjectCreation> limitation </ObjectCreation> <ObjectUpdate> limitation </ObjectUpdate> <Attachments> limitation </Attachments> <Queries> limitation </Queries> <Knowledge> limitation </Knowledge> </Access> 02-Aug-2016 316/403 .14. CA Service Management . 14.1 <ProblemTypes> (zero or more <ProblemType> elements) <ProblemType> <Code>code of a problem type </Code> <Status>active or inactive </Status> </ProblemType> </ProblemTypes> </SAPolicy> getTaskListValues The following parameters apply to the getTaskListValues method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Each jectList> <UDSObject> node represents a Task. dle g attributes Strin Identifies the sequence of attribute names for which to fetch values. getValidTaskTransitions The following parameters apply to the getValidTaskTransitions method: 02-Aug-2016 317/403 . ger objectHan Strin Identifies the object handle for an issue or change order. The same list could be obtained using doSelect(). Note: This is a convenience method. CA Service Management . The nodes are ordered by the Task’s ‘sequence’ attribute. If this is blank.contains zero or more <UDSObject (see page 192)> elements. Dotted- g attributes are permitted. all attributes are fetched. Description Returns values for all the tasks associated with the specified issue or change order. Returns This method has the following returns: XML Type Description Element <UDSOb N/A Outer element -. such as the current status of the task. If this field is g[] empty. CA Service Management .14.1 Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Note: taskHandle can be a task owned by either a change order or an issue. getValidTransitions The getValidTransitions method lets you list the transitions for a ticket. If a ticket handle is provided. 02-Aug-2016 318/403 . the method g retrieves the valid transitions for the current status of the ticket. Description Returns all of the possible values for the ‘status’ attribute of a particular task. “chg” for Change Order and “iss” for Issue. e g attributes Strin Identifies the names of attributes to fetch from the ‘tskstat’ object. “in” for ory g Incident. and restrictions set by the administrator. The objects returned are Task Status (‘tskstat’) objects used for both types of tasks. ticketFact Strin Identifies the factory of the ticket. Returns This method has the following returns: XML Type Description Element <UDSObj N/A Identifies the outer element. “pr” for Problem. all value-based attributes are returned. ger handle Strin Identifies the handle for a ticket or status. The Status codes to which a task may be set depend upon several factors. The following parameters apply: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. ger taskHandl Strin Identifies the handle to a Workflow task (for an issue or change order). Valid values are only “cr” for Request. Returns zero or more Status objects to which a task can be set. which contains zero or more <UDSObject (see page 192) ectList> > elements with the requested attribute values. If zero objects are returned. er handle Strin Identifies the handle for a ticket. If zero objects are 02-Aug-2016 319/403 . At this time. Returns zero or more request/incident/problem/change/issue transition objects. getDependentAttrControls The getDependentAttrControls method lets you list the locked and required attributes for the Status record (either the ticket’s current status or any status record). Otherwise. g attrVals Strin Identifies the name-value pairs of a ticket attribute for this method to get its g dependent attribute controls. Administrators can configure attribute restrictions. there are no transitions on the status of the ticket. Enter the attrVals parameter syntax as follows: Specify the word "status" for the first item. specify the code of the status record. Returns zero or more attribute control objects depending on the values specified. Administrators can configure valid status transitions for all ticket types. The following parameters apply: Parameter Type Description SID Integ Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. WIP. Returns This method has the following return: XML Type Description Element <UDSObjectL N/A Identifies the outer element. for example. you can request the dependent attributes for any status record by using the attrVals parameter.14. the only attribute supported is the Status attribute. the method returns the dependent attributes for the current status of the ticket (assuming that a valid handle is used). Description Returns all of the possible dependent attribute controls for the Status field of a ticket.1 Description Returns all of the possible transition values for the status of a ticket. depending on the values passed for handle and ticketFactory. CA Service Management . which contains zero or more <UDSObject (see page 192 ist> 192)> elements. If the attrVals parameter is passed as empty. For the second item. Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description <Handle> String Identifies the contact’s handle. there are no attribute restrictions on the object. If zero objects are returned. which contains zero or more <UDSObject (see page 192 ist> 192)> elements. getHandleForUserid The following parameters apply to the getHandleForUserid method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. 02-Aug-2016 320/403 . CA Service Management .1 Returns zero or more attribute control objects depending on the values specified. ContactHandle String Identifies the contact handle upon which to query. getAccessTypeForContact The following parameters apply to the getAccessTypeForContact method: Parameter Type Description SID Integer Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. Description Returns a handle for the Access Type for a Contact. Description Returns the persistent handle for a Contact represented by userID. Returns The following: XML Type Description Element <UDSObjectL N/A Identifies the outer element.14. userID String Identifies the user ID upon which to query. Returns A <UDSObject> node with a <UDSObject> node describing a contact with some of the following child <Attributes> nodes: XML Element Value Type Description contactid String Specifies a unique ID of the contact. middle_name String Specifies the middle name of the contact. location String Indicates the location of the contact. organization String Identifies the organization of the contact. This method returns the Access Type directly assigned to a Contact (that is. userid String Indicates the user name of the contact. g contactId Strin Identifies the unique ID of the contact to retrieve. first_name String Specifies the first name of the contact. Returns A string handle for an Access Type object.1 Every Contact is assigned an Access Type object. last_name String Indicates the last name of the contact. Description Retrieves information on all contacts. therefore. a single Access Type is marked as the default for Contacts who do not have an object specifically assigned. 02-Aug-2016 321/403 . contactId is UUID in string format. To accommodate this. such as getObjectValues() or getListValues().14. dept String Identifies the department of the contact. Note the access_type field on a Contact is not required. email_address String Identifies the email address of the contact. which defines a Contact’s permissions and security. Typical value methods. phone_number String Indicates the phone number of the contact. these are not the accurate methods for retrieving the Contact’s Access. pemail_address String Signifies the alternate email address of the contact. may not return the correct Access type. contactId is UUID in string g format. the information to which the access_type field points in the Contact record) or it returns the default. CA Service Management . getContact The following parameter applies to the getContact method: Parameter Type Description SID Strin Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. You can do wildcard searches by using g the percent (%) sign.Service Desk Staff 10020 . country String Indicates the country of the contact. specify Smi%. ger userName Strin Returns only the contacts with this user name.Administration 10004 . city String Identifies the city of the contact. You can do wildcard searches by g using the percent (%) sign. address1 String Specifies the address of the contact. Specify the following: g ger 0 for active . firstName Strin Returns only the contacts with this first name. state String Identifies the state of the contact. You can specify multiple roles by e g separating them with commas. You can do wildcard searches by g using the percent (%) sign.Vendor Staff inactiveFla Inte Returns only the contacts that are inactive or active.IT Staff 10013 .1 XML Element Value Type Description alt_phone String Indicates the alternate phone number of the contact.Active 1 -. address2 String Specifies the alternate address of the contact. Specify the following: 10002 . For example.Service Desk Management 10008 . accessTyp Strin Returns only the contacts with this access type. CA Service Management .Knowledge Management 10014 .Process Management 10010 . to search for all contacts where the User Name begins with Smi.999 for all other for inactive 02-Aug-2016 322/403 .Customer 10005 .Employee 10009 . zip String Indicates the ZIP code of the contact. You can do wildcard searches by using g the percent (%) sign.14.Inactive findContacts The following parameters apply to the findContacts method: Parameter Type Description SID Inte Identifies the session retrieved from logging in. delete_flag Integer Indicates whether the contact is active: 0 -. lastName Strin Returns only the contacts with this last name. email Strin Returns only the contacts with this email address. Active 1 . last_name String Identifies the last name of the contact. delete_flag Integer Indicates whether the contact is active or inactive: 0 .1 Description Retrieves the list of contacts. userid String Specifies the user name of the contact. CA Service Management .14. first_name String Identifies the first name of the contact.Inactive 02-Aug-2016 323/403 . Returns A <UDSObjectList> node with zero or more <UDSObject> nodes describing contacts with the following <Attributes> child nodes: XML Element Value Type Description id UUID Specifies the unique ID of the contact. access_type Integer Specifies the Role ID of the contact. A SID may expire if it is not used before a timeout elapses. The getBopsid() web services method call allows you to obtain a token that is linked to a specific user. decrypting the encrypted policy code. matching decrypted content with the policy code. opening a session with a back-end server. 02-Aug-2016 324/403 . the login process completes using the CA SDM Certificate and then performs two common web services calls. It is in g plain text format. Proxy contact specified in the policy is responsible for all subsequent web service activities initiated. The returned session ID (SID) can be used for subsequent web services method invocations. which must be must be in plain text. g encrypted Strin (Required) Identifies the digital signature of the policy code. Implement loginServiceManaged in Java The following shows how to generate Certificates and then use these generated Certificates to access the CA SDM web services.14. finding the policyholder’s public key associated with the policy. Description Performs the user authentication by locating the policy through the plain text policy code. In the following example.1 loginServiceManaged Method This article contains the following topics: Implement loginServiceManaged in Java (see page 324) Generate Stub Classes with WSDL2Java (see page 326) The following parameters apply to the loginServiceManaged method: Parameter Type Description policy Strin (Required) Identifies the policy. encrypted with the _policy g policyholder’s private key. The SID should be freed with logout(). All function group security and data partition are enforced for the proxy contact defined in the policy. This allows seamless integration to be enabled between different applications. CA Service Management . It is in BASE64 text format. and finally. and it is necessary to perform proper conversion from the binary format. This token can be used to login to the CA SDM web interface as the linked user without being prompted for a password. Returns The following is returned: Parameter Type Description SID Strin Identifies the unique session ID (SID) to use for all other Web Services calls. It is also important to note that the encrypted_policy parameter is in the BASE64 text format. p12 (from the directory where command pdm_pki is executed). DEFAULT. Note: This command will also add the Certificate's public key to the field pub_key field (public_key attribute) in the sapolicy table/object. Note: The Directory field identifies the location of the Certificate file. Find the file in the following location: $NX_ROOT/samples/sdk/websvc/java/test1_pki 2.4 version of the AXIS tool. 3. Copy DEFAULT. so it must be used promptly. see the Generating Stub Classes with AXIS Tool WSDL2Java section from the PKI_loginServiceManaged_JAVA_steps file. Start the CA SDM service. Important! There is a known issue when using the 1. Run pdm_pki -p DEFAULT. Select SOAP Web Services Policy. Modify the 02-Aug-2016 325/403 . CA Service Management . Policies on the Administration tab. Complete the Proxy Contact field (in this example. This policy will have the password equal to the policy name (in this case DEFAULT).htm Complete the appropriate fields.jsp and the HTML file called pkilogin. The SOAP Web Services Access Policy List page opens. Click DEFAULT. 4. For more information.1 Important! The generated BOPSID token expires after 30 seconds. Generate the stub classes with AIXS Tool WSDL2Java. For more information. Log into CA SDM 5.p12 is created in the current directory. The SOAP Web Services Access Policy Detail page opens. http://localhost:8080/axis /pkilogin.14. Follow these steps: 1. see the Release Notes. ServiceDesk) and confirm that the DEFAULT policy record Has Key field displays "Yes. 7. Open the HTML form (from the axis directory). 6.htm (from the $NX_ROOT/samples/sdk /websvc/java/test1_pki directory) to the following directory: $NX_ROOT/bopcfg/www/CATALINA_BASE/webapps/axis 9." 8. For example. the JSP file called pkilogin. jar.1 Note: The Directory field identifies the location of the Certificate file. make note of its location because you will need to reference it in a batch file. Run the dir /x command.exe. local_policy." 3. CA Service Management . Go to http://www. In the "developerWorks : Java technology : Security" document. Open a command prompt and navigate to the "<drive>:\program files\CA" directory. Note: If you do not locate javac.exe on all of the server's local drives." Generate Stub Classes with WSDL2Java You can generate the stub classes for the CA SDM web services. Search for javac. (http://www. 9. To generate stub classes with WSDL2Java the short name is "SERVIC~1.sun. For example. Build a batch file called build_wsdl. you may need to replace a pair of security policy files within your JAVA_HOME. The short form of the CA SDM directory appears.14. 10. Modify the path to the correct location. and search for Java J2SE SDK to download.exe?BOPSID=<BOPSID value> Note: In order to use the loginServiceManaged method for a Java client program running on AIX. If you locate the file.jar and US_export_policy. follow the link to "IBM SDK Policy files".com) and search for "developerworks java technology security information AIX". Important! Click this immediately! The BOPSID has a limited life token of about 30 seconds. Click the BOPSID URL. Download the unrestricted policy files. The directory appears. The format of a URL using a BOPSID is as follows: http://<server name>:CA Portal/CAisd/pdmweb.bat and place it in the following directory: 02-Aug-2016 326/403 . Use these files to replace the original files in your JAVA_HOME/lib/security directory. This may require a go to Http://java. Click Log me in! The results page opens. 2. %USD_TOMCAT%/jaxrpc.4.exe" @REM Update this to the path to the USD <USDK> <rellevel> NX_ROOT/java/lib location @SET USD_TOMCAT=%USD_SHORT_PATH%java/lib @SET CP=%USD_TOMCAT%/ %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\ListResult.env file use the @NX_JRE_INSTALL_DUR @REM variable to derive this info @SET JAVA_PATH=C:\Program Files(x86)\CA\SC\JRE\1.0 Java Web Services classes ::# ::# Usage: build_wsdl ::################################################################# @REM Update this with the PATH to USD NX_ROOT location @SET USD_SHORT_PATH=C:\Progra~1/CA/Servic~1/ @REM Update this with the PATH to the JDK javac.%USD_TOMCAT%/xml-apis. you should recycle tomcat with the following ::# commands or by recycling Service Desk: ::# pdm_tomcat_nxd -c STOP ::# pdm_tomcat_nxd -c START ::################################################################## @SET CP=".0 USD Stub classes ::# Use it to create the required USD Unicenter Service Desk Version 11.1 4. jar.\classes..exe compiler @REM (this is used in the 2nd part of this file) @SET JAVAC_EXE="C:\j2sdk1.%USD_TOMCAT%/saaj.jar.%USD_TOMCAT%/commons- logging.%USD_TOMCAT%/wsdl4j.jar. Build a batch file called build_wsdl.wsdl. java 02-Aug-2016 327/403 .jar. ::################################################################## ::# This next section compiles the Service Desk stub code ::# Once complete.exe" @cd WEB-INF\classes %JAVA_EXE% -cp %CP% org. java %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\USD_WebServiceSoap.jar @REM Please specify the path to java.WSDL2Java http://localhost:8080/axis/services /USD_Unicenter Service Desk Version 11. updating the bold items as appropriate: @echo off ::################################################################## ::# Simple bat file to Build Unicenter Service Desk Version 11.% USD_TOMCAT%/axis-ant.2_13\bin\javac.jar.apache.jar.%USD_TOMCAT%/xercesImpl.bat and place it in the following directory: $NX_ROOT\bopcfg\www\CATALINA_BASE\webapps\axis %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\ArrayOfString.\.%USD_TOMCAT%/log4j-1.0_30 @SET JAVA_EXE="%JAVA_PATH%\bin\java. CA Service Management %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\USD_WebService. Use the following code for the batch file.%USD_TOMCAT%/commons-discovery.2.axis..14.exe file below @REM You can obtain this by reviewing the %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\USD_WebServiceLocator.%CP%" @SET STUBS_DIR=classes\com\ca\www\UnicenterServicePlus\ServiceDesk @cd WEB-INF %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR%\ArrayOfInt.0_WebService?wsdl @cd . java @cd .14. CA Service Management .1 %JAVAC_EXE% -classpath %CP% -deprecation -d classes %STUBS_DIR% \USD_WebServiceSoapSoapBindingStub. Recycle Tomcat as follows: pdm_tomcat_nxd -c STOP pdm_tomcat_nxd -c START 02-Aug-2016 328/403 .. the stub classes are in place and compiled. After running the batch file from the command prompt. To edit an automated task 02-Aug-2016 329/403 . CA Service Management . You can create automated tasks by customizing default templates and components.1 Using the Automated Tasks Editor This article contains the following topics: Edit an Automated Task (see page 329) Upload an Automated Task (see page 330) You can author. but if any errors occur. The automated task framework implements three objects used by the automated task author: Task. Send emails to end users or to an external system using the CA SDM mail daemon. Customize an automated task by editing the step template properties in a property sheet. the application displays the line of code reporting the error. fail. The editor provides dialogs to edit the basic automated task settings. or not setting it at all. You can do the following with automated tasks: Create and customize steps based on automated task step templates provided by CA Technologies. and allow analysts to modify and upload public or tenant-specific scripts. debug. or by editing the code directly.14. You can edit these step properties in the Automated Task Editor for each supported locale separately. An Administrator can run reports that show whether automated tasks were successful or not. The editor uses web services to access automated tasks depending on provided credentials during CA SDM authentication. Any content that is newer in the version than the existing content on the server is imported into the database and made available to administrators of that tenant. An Administrator can permit analysts to access the server with the Automated Task Editor. GetProperty() which returns the correct localized version of the specified property based on the localization ID of the customer running the automated task. security settings. The automated task execution state field filters the report. Modifying these defaults requires minimal or no coding. Edit an Automated Task You can download automated tasks from the server and edit them in the Automated Task Editor. CA SDM provides the Functions. The values of these properties are accessed from automated task step script code using Step. The definition of success varies considerably depending on what the automated task is trying to do. test. The code editor supports syntax highlighting and automatic code completion functionality while typing.SetExecutionState() function call that enables the task to declare its execution state as being success. and dependencies on libraries and static content items. and upload automated tasks in your support environment using the Automated Tasks Editor. Localize automated tasks by declaring all strings to localize as automated task step properties. Step. and Logger. 2. or make the task public. Open the Automated Task Editor. The Support Automation Task Editor uploads the task to the server. To upload an automated task 1. The Support Automation Task Editor appears. Upload an Automated Task You can upload automated tasks that you created in the application. The download creates a text file on the computer of the task author that contains the dependent content. When you select a task. The Support Automation Task Editor downloads the task to the client and opens it in the application. 2. Open the Automated Task Editor. 3. select the Upload Automated Task icon. The Open Automated Task from Server pane appears. On the toolbar. 02-Aug-2016 330/403 .1 To edit an automated task 1. 4. CA Service Management . 4. Note: If you are a privileged user in a multi-tenancy environment. select the Upload Automated Task icon. Select the automated task that you want to download. Click Open Task. The Support Automation Task Editor appears. 3. you can edit public or tenant-specific automated tasks. Note: If you are a privileged user in a multi-tenancy environment. such as libraries and static content. Select the automated task you want to upload. On the toolbar. Select the classification where you want to upload the task. all dependent content automatically uploads. select the appropriate tenant when uploading the automated task.14. Note: When running an automated task in the Automated Task Editor. Support Automation allows one such text field of any length to be stored for each execution of an automated task. 2. 2. The server initiates each step in turn at the relevant client. 4. the client sends the persisted data state back to the server so the server can send this data to whichever client is executing the next step. You can store data in one step and access it in a subsequent step as follows: 1. Both the end user and the analyst receive the entire assembled automated task. interface-related. In such a case. The framework exists so that you can do complex things with automated tasks. How Analysts Receive Data You can have an automated task gather data and store it in the Support Automation database associated to the specific task execution. Use the framework to assemble the script code to execute together with the step code in the automated task definition. The framework includes two objects (Task and Step).SetAcquiredData() to store data (text). CA Service Management . using simple code. including setting up and accessing the user interface. The data can be picked up by a post session integration that can use the data or pass it to an external system. associated with a task execution. rather than complex code that would otherwise be necessary. and any dependent library code. The following process describes what happens when you execute an automated task: 1. typically you construct this data as an XML fragment. At the end of the step. 4. 3. The server assembles and distributes the code to the end-user environments. You can use these objects to interact with the framework and control how automated tasks execute.14. 3. The server sends the initial state of this data storage to the client with the instruction to execute a step.1 How an Automated Task Runs This article contains the following topics: How Analysts Receive Data (see page 331) CA SDM provides a framework which is a block of script code responsible for the code that deals with presenting user interfaces and retrieving user input from user interface steps. An analyst user interface step can gather input from the analyst and store it. 02-Aug-2016 331/403 . the editor acts as both server and client. The end-user user interface step can access the data that was supplied by the analyst. Use Functions. such as images or CSS files. Automated tasks predefine routines with specific actions on the end-user computer without the need for the analyst or end user to do the process. diagnosing problems. The XSDF file contains all automated task settings. dimensions of the step windows.1 Automated Task Elements This article contains the following topics: Example Default CSS Styles (see page 333) Task Object Reference (see page 334) Step Object Reference (see page 334) Logger Object Reference (see page 336) Global Functions (see page 337) Automated Task Step Templates (see page 337) User Interface Steps (see page 337) Example Text Input Box as an HTML Component (see page 338) Example End-User Input Handling (see page 340) You create automated tasks by defining steps in an automated process.14. You can author steps by selecting automated task step templates and modify them to fit your needs. Task Steps Specifies the executed code for each step. 02-Aug-2016 332/403 . description. the full script code of that library is written to the XSDF file. dependencies. Script libraries can also be saved on their own to XSDF files for distribution between systems. If the automated task is dependent on a particular library. CA Service Management . security settings. Common routines include gathering telemetry information. and implementing resolutions. not only the dependency information. HTML headers and footers. The same is true for dependent static content. unless a later version of the same dependent library exists in the target environment. registry privileges. XSDF Files Specifies automated task definitions saved to an XML schema in XSDF files (XML Script Definition Format). Dependencies Specifies the libraries and static content items that the task depends on. An automated task consists of the following elements: Task Settings Specifies the title. and so on. Security Settings Specifies the appropriate security settings to run the automated task on an end-user computer. such as read/write permissions. and a CSS style sheet applied to the end-user interface. and step code information. Dependencies are also imported when XSDF files are loaded into the Automated Task Editor or imported into CA SDM. border-bottom: 1px solid green.1 The editor lets you define CSS styles for all automated task elements. CA Service Management . font-size: 16pt. font-size: 9pt. } #buttons { background-color: #eee. Example Default CSS Styles The following CSS styles are defined by default. You can control the appearance by using CSS Styles. border-top: 1px solid green. text-align: right. } #buttons input { font-family: Verdana. font-size: 10pt. #header { padding: 2px 8px. padding: 2px 8px. font-weight: bold.14. padding: 2px 8px. border-bottom: 2px solid green. } #title { background-color: #eee. } #content { padding: 8px. padding: 2px 8px. The name of this style can usually be set through automated task step template properties for steps that use these HTML components. font-size: 12pt. 02-Aug-2016 333/403 . This declaration allows all elements of the components to be styled through CSS. } The supplied HTML components declare a CSS Style for an HTML DIV that encloses the component. } #footer { border-top: 2px solid green. Note: If you use a custom CSS file. font-weight: bold. you can override the default values. HeaderHtml The HTML placed in the header section of the UI window. The specified value can be JavaScript m(key.14.. Height The height. FooterHtml The HTML placed in the footer section of the UI window. in pixels. primitive type (number. string) or an object or an array of objects. of the UI window. These values can be stored in one step and dDataIte accessed in another using GetNamedDataItem(). value) only primitive types can be stored. Task. edDataIt em(key) SetName Stores the value against the specified key. ElementI d() GetPage Returns the HTML DOM object corresponding to the specified ID. NextStepIndex The index (0-based) of the next step to be executed.] 02-Aug-2016 334/403 . Step Object Reference The step object is directly referenced as Step [e. In VBScript. in pixels.End(). CA Service Management . GetNext Returns a unique identifier that can be used for HTML DOM objects.g.End(). GetNam Returns the value previously stored with the specified key..g. BodyEle mentByI d(id) Replace Returns a copy of the specified string with all instances of stored data items in the format DataIte ${key} replaced by their stored values. Step. ms (string) CloseIE Closes the UI window if it is open.1 Task Object Reference The task object is directly referenced as Task [e. of the UI window. Window( ) Properties Property Description Title The title of the automated task. boolean.] Methods Task Description End() Ends the Task immediately. Width The width. The next step will be invoked.EventData. False to hide it. false otherwise. Any data passed as tag will be eventHandler. False to hide it. propertyKey. CA Service Management . Defaults to "Next". tag) IsUIStep() Returns true if the current step is a UI step. value) RegisterEventHa Registers the specified event handler as the function to be invoked when the IE ndler(controlId.displayed in the UI header section. utton Visibl e Previ The label for the "Previous" button.Add() Adds a string or HTML component to the UI content. Controls. If no (propertyKey) value exists for the current localization." Butto nLabe l True to show the "Finish" button. localization ID. the value of the property in the default localization will be returned. utton Label NextB True to show the "Next" button. 02-Aug-2016 335/403 . window's raiseUIEvent(controlId) function is called. Properties Prope Description rty Title The title of the step . False to hide it. ousB utton Visibl e Finish The label for the "Finish" button. SetProperty Sets the value of the specified property to the specified value for the specified (localizationID.1 Methods Step Object Description End() Ends the step immediately. Defaults to "Previous. made available when the event handler is dispatched as Step. Defaults to "Finish. GetProperty Returns the value of the specified property key for the current localization." ousB utton Label Previ True to show the "Previous" button. Strings are automatically converted to Label HTML components.14. NextB The label for the "Next" button. or Verbose.Level = TraceLevels. (msg) Verbose Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Verbose. or Verbose. Info. Debug.Framework. Framework. or (msg) Verbose.Info Trace.EventData when the handler is dispatched. Info. The data stored as the "tag" when the event handler was registered will be available as Step. Error(msg) Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Error. Warning. Debug. Debug Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Debug or Verbose. or Verbose.1 Finish Butto nVisib le Event When a UI event is raised (by calling raiseUIEvent() from HTML within the IE window) the Data event handler function previously registered with RegisterEvenHandler() is invoked. 02-Aug-2016 336/403 .Error("An error has occurred") Methods Logger Description Object Fatal(msg) Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Fatal. Info. Info(msg) Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Info. Logger Object Reference The Logger object is accessed as Trace. (msg) Properties Prope Description rty Level The current trace level. Warning.14. Set to one of the values in the TraceLevels enumeration (None. CA Service Management . Fatal. Debug. or Verbose). Debug. Warning. Error. Info. Error.Framework. Debug. Warning Log the specified message if the current trace level is set at Warning. Example: Trace. You can customize the behavior of the automated task step template by changing the values of automated task step properties in the property sheet.Returns the value stored against the specified key. a handler must be implemented for it. For steps that define properties.14. Arrays in JavaScript are BArray different objects to VBScript arrays so it is necessary to convert between them.NextButtonVisible. You can add the actual user interface controls to the page body using HTML components. or end-user interface templates.Stores the value for the specified key. analyst interface. CA Technologies provides automated task step templates. If a button is shown. Steps are end-user action steps or user interface steps that show either to the end user or analyst. You can modify these values using the property sheet. Array(array) CreateHashM Returns an object that can be used as a hashmap for storing arbitrary data (key/value ap() pairs). GetAllKeys() . both action and user interface. and Step. The automated task step templates are either end-user action. The OnLoad function sets up the user interface. The returned object implements the following methods: Get(key) . Step. When you set these properties to True. Function Description AnyArrayToV Converts any array (VBScript or JavaScript) to a VBArray. User Interface Steps All user interface steps must implement an OnLoad function called by the framework before the step is displayed. Set(key. FinishButtonVisible. CA Service Management . You can control the visibility of the buttons on the step footer using Step. (array) AnyArrayToJS Converts any array to JavaScript array.value) .1 Global Functions The following global functions are used in Support Automation procedures. 02-Aug-2016 337/403 . The step object exposes several properties and methods that you can use to set up the user interface. you are prompted to provide values for these properties when the step is first created from the template.PreviousButtonVisible. it makes the button appear. to form the building blocks of tasks and enable you to create functional automated tasks with minimal coding. but the intent is to minimize the amount of coding you do. You can accomplish more extensive customization by editing the code directly. Automated Task Step Templates Automated task step templates are the script code for a given automated task step that can also define automated task step properties.Returns an array of the keys. PromptText.GetNextElementId(). An HTML component is a script object that implements a method called GetHtml. Here. this. this.length>0) { inputHtml += "<SPAN class ='PromptText'>" + this. These script objects render in HTML. If you want to prompt the customer or technician to supply a user name for example. } inputHtml += "<INPUT type = text class = 'InputText' id = '"+textboxId+ "' size = '"+this.1 Example Text Input Box as an HTML Component The step object has a controls array that is populated with a series of HTML components. // privileged methods // (For example. CA Service Management .InputMaxLength+"'></INPUT>" + 02-Aug-2016 338/403 .CssClass = "UIInputBox". publicly accessible with access to private props) this. is the implementation of that MakeInputBox() method call used in the previous example: function InputBox() { // public properties this. if(this. but you can also create custom HTML components. // private member props var textboxId = Task. for example.InputSize+ "' maxlength='"+this. HTML components let you write complex user interfaces without extensive HTML knowledge. each HTML component in its controls array renders itself and adds the returned HTML fragment to the HTML body of the page. you can create and configure commonly used controls with minimal coding.InputMaxLength =50. Using an HTML component. the user interface page is constructed in an OnLoad function as follows: Function OnLoad Dim myInputBox Set myInputBox = UI. Example: Text Input box as an HTML Component An example of an HTML component is a text input box.GetHtml = function () { var inputHtml = "<DIV class = '" + this.Controls. and when the framework renders a user interface page.PromptText + "</SPAN>\n" + "<BR>\n".14.CssClass + "'>\n".MakeInputBox() myInputBox. this.PromptText = "Please enter your name:" Step.PromptText = "". The following example combines a label called PromptText and an HTML input box.InputSize = 50.Add(myInputBox) End Function CA Technologies supplies samples. The HTML coding is abstracted from you by these HTML components so that creating user interface pages is simplified. The last line of the function constructs an instance of the InputBox class and returns it. because in JavaScript functions are objects.GetPageBodyElementById(textboxId). "Could not read textbox value"). } } } return new InputBox(). In JavaScript the function keyword declares the class.Error. } else { throw new Exception (Severity. In the example above. Object definitions differ in JavaScript and VBScript. but the internet can provide examples and tutorials on this subject. You can write your own HTML entirely for a particular automated task.MakeRawHtmlContainer(myHtml) Step. return inputHtml.Controls. The Framework calls GetHtml when rendering user interface steps.Add(myRawHtmlContainer) End Function 02-Aug-2016 339/403 .1 "<BR><BR>\n" + "</DIV>\n". GetHtml and GetUserInput. Both languages let the class have public and private member variables and methods. myHtml myHtml = "<H1>Hello <B>World</B></H1>" Set myRawHtmlContainer = UI.value. CA Service Management . A full description of how object syntax is handled in the two languages is beyond the scope of this chapter. the code declares the InputBox class with some public and private properties and two public methods. "Could not read textbox value". In such a case.GetUserInput = function() { var textBox = Task. This automated task library function defines a constructor for an object of type InputBox. The InputBox control also exposes GetUserInput which you can use to access the value that the end user enters into the text box. you have two choices: Write a new HTML component for the case you require. Each HTML component can expose different methods for configuring it and accessing any user input values. or construct the HTML code in a string variable and wrap it in a special HTML component called RawHTMLContainer as follows: Function OnLoad Dim myRawHtmlContainer. if (textBox) { return textBox.14. the class keyword is used to declare a class. In VBScript. } this. currentStep-1 for PreviousButtonHandler. Because the NextButtonHandler has to access the HTML component that was created in the OnLoad. logs stores it for use in a later step Controls the sequence of step execution Example: End-User Input Handling HTML components that wrap input controls. Return False from the handler to refresh the current step. In this case. CA Service Management . You can handle the Next button being clicked by supplying a NextButtonHandler. the declaration (Dim statement) of this variable is placed outside these functions. expose methods to access the values supplied by the end user. You implement a function named NextButtonHandler to handle the clicking of the Next button. such as the InputBox component.14. Set Step.PromptText = "Please enter your name:" Step.Controls. You implement handler functions to handle end-user input. such as Next. or Finish. The handler performs the following actions: Retrieves input data from HTML components on the page Validates the end-user input If end-user input is invalid. Previous. You can use the PreviousButtonHandler and FinishButtonHandler functions to handle the Previous and Finish buttons. end the automated task for FinishButtonHandler). the GeUserInput() function is exposed. display an error message and refresh the page If end-user input is valid. You can control the next step that the framework presents as follows: Return True from the handler to present the default next step (currentStep+1 for NextButtonHandler. the entire step code would look as follows: Dim myInputBox Function OnLoad Set myInputBox = UI. Thus.Add(myInputBox) End Function Function NextButtonHandler Dim userInputValue ' Retrieve the data supplied by the user 02-Aug-2016 340/403 . in many cases it is necessary to handle end-user input when the user clicks one of the footer buttons.MakeInputBox() myInputBox.1 Example End-User Input Handling After the user interface page displays.NextStepIndex to the step index (1 based) to skip or repeat steps. 14.LogMessage "User name set to: " & userInputValue ' Store the data Task. CA Service Management .GetUserInput() ' Validate the data If Len(userInputValue) = 0 Then ' Show error message Functions. userInputValue ' Proceed to next step NextButtonHandler=True End If End Function 02-Aug-2016 341/403 .SetNamedDataItem "UserName".ShowMessage "You must supply a name" ' Re-present current step NextButtonHandler=False Else ' Log the data Functions.1 userInputValue = myInputBox. 02-Aug-2016 342/403 . you define classes by declaring a function that is actually the constructor for the class. CA Service Management . You create class definitions using one of the following techniques: Constructing the class definition code in a string and executing it with ExecuteGlobal. Returning an object requires you to declare a class and instantiate an instance of that class. Calling a second function and returning whatever it returns. Script libraries let you do the following: Create libraries and functions Provide descriptions of the Function arguments Export and Import from XSDF files or directly from the Support Automation server Define the function name. End the function. The automatic code completion feature of the Automated Task Editor provides a function description text and argument descriptions when you edit automated task step script code. Support Automation provides the concept of script library to package such reusable code. In JavaScript. description. You can create your own libraries. class definitions are not permitted inside functions. The Automated Task Editor displays defined JavaScript and VBScript libraries on the left pane.14. and script text Return Objects from Library Functions You can return an instance of an object from a library function. Class declarations are done differently in JavaScript and VBScript. you can declare a class inside a function definition. These libraries contain functions written in JavaScript or VBScript that automated tasks can call. you can provide the code that forms the implementation of a given function. Declare the class. then the second function. In JavaScript. Public properties and methods are added to the class using the this keyword. such as for library functions that manufacture HTML Components. arguments. however. You use script libraries to help you reuse and maintain code.1 Script Library Management This article contains the following topics: Return Objects from Library Functions (see page 342) Local File System/Registry Access (see page 343) Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Support (see page 343) Static Content Management (see page 344) Functions and WScript Usage (see page 344) Functions (see page 344) You can use the same script functionality that gathers specific data or impacts certain changes on a remote machine in many various automated tasks. In VBScript. You declare private properties by using the var keyword. Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) Support Automated tasks support Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI). networks. without being subject to the action of script blocker programs. applications. You can use the functionality in the CA SDM Functions COM component to implement any file system or registry activity for external environments (customers at home or on the public Internet) when the organization that is providing support does not control the end-user computer configuration. you can use WMI to query and set information about desktop systems. The CA SDM functions library contains functions for interacting with the file system and registry that enable much the same functionality that the Windows components expose. and assumed that script blockers are not present.1 Local File System/Registry Access Many automated tasks require reading or modifying the file system or registry. WMI lets you access and modify the operating system." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _ & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colRunningServices = objWMIService. and other enterprise components. strComputer = ".State Next 02-Aug-2016 343/403 . By using industry standards. Some antivirus programs implement script blocker utilities that interfere with those COM components. WMI is based upon SQL-style queries that allow an automated task to query information from the operating system and then.DisplayName & VbTab & objService. The standard WSH components are used when you write automated tasks for an internal corporate environment where the end-user computer state is known. to manipulate that data. Example: Script fragment that enumerates the currently configured Operating System Services. CA Service Management .ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Service") For Each objService in colRunningServices Wscript. a component of the Windows operating system that provides management information and control in an enterprise environment. WMI is a powerful system and is often the preferred method for automated tasks to carry out their purposes. The Windows Script Host (WSH) provides some scriptable COM components (such as FileSystemObject) to enable scripts to read or modify the file system or registry. using objects. it is not desirable to have script blockers interfere with the activities of analysts who are trusted and trying to repair a problem.14.Echo objService. Clearly. often flagging any script that tries to instantiate the relevant component as being malicious. 14. The Automated Task Editor provides a toolbar button that brings up the Static Content Items dialog. Static content is stored in the Support Automation database on the server. You can do the following: Import static content and associate it to automated tasks.GetStaticContentItemRef() returns the URL to that servlet. which allows you to select the desired item. Note: Status content has a limit of 50 KB per item.1 Static Content Management Automated tasks can present a user interface that requires you to use images or CSS files to appear correctly. Functions The functions component is a collection of procedure calls that are used for the following: Accessing the local file system and or registry without triggering antivirus script blocker programs Accessing the Support Automation server functionality such as: Writing session log entries Storing automated task acquired data 02-Aug-2016 344/403 . The static content automatically deploys to the server when the dependent automated task deploys. edit. and upload to the Support Automation server. A servlet provides access to these images based on their ID. Functions and WScript Usage The framework provides two scriptable COM components that are accessible to all automated tasks running in CA SDM. you associate the automated task and it is saved in the XSDF with the task. delete. Select an image or text file to import and assign a globally unique identifier (GUID). Add. This static content (images and CSS files) is associated with the automated task definition as the task is dependent on them. which takes the ID as a parameter. CA Service Management . When you click OK. When you assign the static content item. The Functions library call Functions.GetStaticContentItemRef() call is automatically inserted into the code with the relevant ID. the Functions. These COM components are Functions and WScript. Use the Automated Task Editor to assign static content items to automated tasks. CA Service Management - 14.1 Setting automated task execution state Sending email Escalating between products Executing custom server routines 02-Aug-2016 345/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 Functions COM Object Methods This article contains the following topics: WScript (see page 351) The following Functions COM Object Methods are available for use in Support Automation automated tasks. Function Description B64Encode (BSTR data, VARIANT Base64 encodes the specified data. *varResult) B64Decode (BSTR data, VARIANT Decodes the specified data. *varResult) CheckIfServerExists (BSTR URL, USHORT Makes a request on the specified server to determine if port, VARIANT *varResult) it is accepting connections. Eof (LONG fileno, VARIANT *varResult) Determines if there is unread data in the specified text file EscalateToLive (VARIANT *varResult) Escalates the customers session from Self-Serve to Live Session ExecuteRC (BSTR MethodName, BSTR Executes a RuleConduit call on the server allowing ParamStr, int ParamCount, VARIANT arbitrary server methods to be executed. *varResult) ExecuteWaitAndCaptureStream (BSTR Executes the specified command and waits for the strProg, int nStream, VARIANT *varResult) process to exit, capturing the output from the process execution. FileAddAttributes (BSTR szFilePath, LONG Call to add attributes (Read-Only, Compressed, Archived, dwAttr, VARIANT *bvarResult) etc…) to a file without changing attributes already there. FileCloseTextFile (LONG fileno) Closes a text file previously opened with FileCreateTextFile or FileOpenTextFile. FileCopyTo (BSTR szSourceFilePath, BSTR Call FileCopyTo to copy a file from one place to another. szDestFilePath, VARIANT_BOOL bcanOverwrite, VARIANT *bvarResult) FileCreateTextFile (BSTR szFilePath, BOOL Creates a new text file in the specified location returning overwrite, VARIANT *varResult) a handle that can be used to interact with the file. FileDelete (BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT Call to permanently delete a file. *bvarResult) FileExecute (BSTR szCommand, VARIANT Call to execute a file. *bvarResult) FileExecuteAndWait (BSTR szCommand, Call to execute a file and wait for it to exit. LONG dwMilliseconds, VARIANT *bvarResult) FileExists (BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT Checks whether a file exists or not. *bvarResult) 02-Aug-2016 346/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 FileGetAttributes (BSTR szFilePath, Call to retrieve the attributes (Read-only, archive, VARIANT *dwvarResult) compressed, etc…) of a file. FileGetDirectoryContents (BSTR Returns the selected contents of the specified directory. pathName, BOOL showFiles, BOOL showDirs, VARIANT *varResult) FileGetDrives (VARIANT *varResult) Call to get a list of drives mounted. FileGetDriveType (BSTR driveName, Returns the type of the specified drive. VARIANT *varResult) FileGetInfo (BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT Call to get the size and date information for a file. *varResult) FileGetINISectionContents (BSTR filename, Gets a pipe delimited list of the contents of the specified BSTR sectionName, VARIANT *varResult) INI section. FileGetINIValue (BSTR fileName, BSTR Gets the value of the specified item in the INI file. sectionName, BSTR keyName, BSTR defaultValue, VARIANT *varResult) FileGetInternetFile (BSTR szURL, BSTR Call to download a file from the internet. szFilePath, VARIANT *bvarResult) FileGetSize (BSTR szPath, VARIANT Gets the size of a file in bytes. *varResult) FileGetVersion (BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT Retrieves the version number of a file. *szvarResult) FileGetVolumeInfo (BSTR Gets the information for a drive. szVolumeRootPath, VARIANT *varResult) FileMakeDir (BSTR szDirPath, VARIANT Creates a directory. *bvarResult) FileMoveTo (BSTR szSourceFilePath, BSTR Moves a file from one place to another. szDestFilePath, VARIANT_BOOL bcanOverwrite, VARIANT *bvarResult) FileOpenTextFile (BSTR szFilePath, BSTR Opens the specified text file returning a handle that can szMode, VARIANT *varResult) be used to interact with the file. FileReadLine (LONG fileno, VARIANT Reads a line of text from the text file. *varResult) FileRecycle (BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT Recycles a file. Recycling places the file in the recycle bin *bvarResult) and removes it from its original folder. FileRenameTo (BSTR szSourceFilePath, Call FileRenameTo to change the name of a file. BSTR szDestFilePath, VARIANT_BOOL bcanOverwrite, VARIANT *bvarResult) FileSetAttributes (BSTR szFilePath, LONG Sets the attributes (Read-only, archived, compressed, dwAttr, VARIANT *bvarResult) etc…) of a file. FileSetINIData (BSTR filename, BSTR Sets the data for the specified key in the INI file. sectionName, BSTR keyName, BSTR data, VARIANT *varResult) FileWriteLine (LONG fileno, BSTR value, Writes a line of text into the text file. VARIANT *varResult) Gets the caption for the specified child window. 02-Aug-2016 347/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 GetChildWindowCaption (int index, VARIANT *varResult) GetChildWindowHandle (int index, Gets the handle for the specified child window. VARIANT *varResult) GetChildWindowProcessName (int index, Gets the name of the process that owns the specified VARIANT *varResult) child window. GetChildWindows (int hwnd, VARIANT Enumerates the windows that are children of the *varResult) specified window storing the results for future querying, returning the count. GetExecutionEnvironment (VARIANT Gets a string indicating where the script is being *varResult) executed. GetLocalization (VARIANT *varResult) Gets the localization of the current user. GetRootUrl (VARIANT *result) Return the Server Root URL. GetStaticContentUrl (VARIANT *result) Return the Server Static Content URL. GetStaticItemURL (BSTR itemGuid, Retrieves the root URL of the given static content item. VARIANT *varResult) GetSupportDeskOpen (VARIANT Gets the hours of operation status of the support desk. *varResult) GetWindowCaption (int index, VARIANT Gets the caption for the specified window. *varResult) GetWindowHandle (int index, VARIANT Gets the handle for the specified window. *varResult) GetWindowProcessName (int index, Gets the name of the process that owns the specified VARIANT *varResult) window. GetWindows (VARIANT *varResult) Enumerates the system top level window handles, stores the results for future calls and returns the count. HttpGet (BSTR szUrl, VARIANT *varResult) Makes a request on the specified URL and returns the results. HttpPost (BSTR szUrl, BSTR szBody) Posts the specified request body to the specified URL. InternetCheckConnection (VARIANT Determines if the customer machine appears to have a *varResult) working internet connection. LogMessage (BSTR szMessage) Adds a message to the session log for the script execution. OutlookGetPSTContents (BSTR szPSTPath, Gets the contents of the specified Outlook PST file. VARIANT *varResult) PromptUser (LONG Timeout, BOOL Prompts the user with given message. DefaultResult, BSTR Message, VARIANT *varResult) ReadLine (LONG fileno, VARIANT Reads a line of text from the text file. (deprecated, use *varResult) FileReadLine instead). RegCopyKey (BSTR szSourceRoot, BSTR Copies the entire contents of one key to another. szSourceKey, BSTR szDestRoot, BSTR szDestKey, VARIANT_BOOL bCanOverwrite, VARIANT *varResult) 02-Aug-2016 348/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 RegCopyValue (BSTR szSourceRoot, BSTR Copy the contents of one key/value to another. The user szSourceKey, BSTR szSourceValue, BSTR must have the ability to query keys for the root szDestRoot, BSTR szDestKey, BSTR specified. szDestValue, VARIANT *bvarResult) RegCreateKey (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Creates a key entry in the user's registry. szKeyPath, VARIANT *bvarResult) RegDeleteKey (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Removes a key from the registry. The user must have the szKeyPath, VARIANT *bvarResult) ability to remove keys from the root specified. RegDeleteValue (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Removes a key value from the registry. The user must szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, VARIANT have the ability to query keys for the root specified. *bvarResult) RegGetDWORD (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Retrieves the a DWORD value from a specified key in the szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, VARIANT registry. The user must have the ability to query keys for *dwvarResult) the root specified. RegGetString (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Retrieves a string value from a registry key. The user szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, VARIANT must have the ability to query keys for the root *szvarResult) specified. RegGetSubkeyByIndex (BSTR szRoot, BSTR Retrieves the name of a subkey based on its index. The szKey, LONG idxSubkey, VARIANT user must have the ability to query keys for the root *varResult) specified. RegGetSubkeysCount (BSTR szRoot, BSTR Gets the number of keys underneath any given key. The szKey, VARIANT *varResult) user must have the ability to query keys for the root specified. RegGetValueByIndex (BSTR szRoot, BSTR Retrieves a key value given its index. The user must have szKey, LONG idxValue, VARIANT the ability to query keys for the root specified. *varResult) RegGetValuesCount (BSTR szRoot, BSTR Gets the number of values for a given key. The user must szKey, VARIANT *varResult) have the ability to query keys for the root specified. RegGetValueType (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Finds out the type of value for a given Registry key. The szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, VARIANT user must have the ability to query keys for the root *dwvarResult) specified. RegKeyExists (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Queries a key from the registry. The user must have the szKeyPath, VARIANT *bvarResult) ability to query keys from the root specified. RegMoveKey (BSTR szSourceRoot, BSTR Moves the entire contents of one key to another. szSourceKey, BSTR szDestRoot, BSTR szDestKey, VARIANT_BOOL bCanOverwrite, VARIANT *varResult) RegMoveValue (BSTR szSourceRoot, BSTR Moves the contents of one key value to another. The szSourceKey, BSTR szSourceValue, BSTR user must have the ability to query keys for the root szDestRoot, BSTR szDestKey, BSTR specified and write to the destination. szDestValue, VARIANT *bvarResult) RegRenameValue (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Changes the name of a registry value. Note: The user szKeyPath, BSTR szOldValueName, BSTR must have the ability to query keys for the root szNewValueName, VARIANT *bvarResult) specified. RegRestoreKeyFromFile (BSTR szRootPath, Restores the entire contents of a key from a file into the BSTR szKeyPath, BSTR szFilePath, VARIANT registry. The user must have the ability to query and *bvarResult) write keys for the root specified. 02-Aug-2016 349/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 RegSaveKeyToFile (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Saves the entire contents of a key from the registry into szKeyPath, BSTR szFileName, VARIANT a file. This file may then be restored using *bvarResult) RegRestoreKeyFromFile. The user must have the ability to query keys from the root specified. RegSetDWORD (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Sets a DWORD value in the registry. The user must have szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, LONG the ability to query keys for the root specified. dwValue, VARIANT *bvarResult) RegSetString (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Sets a string value for a key in the registry. The user szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, BSTR must have the ability to query keys for the root szValue, VARIANT *bvarResult) specified. RegValueExists (BSTR szRootPath, BSTR Checks for the existence of a key/value pair in the szKeyPath, BSTR szValueName, VARIANT registry. The user must have the ability to query keys for *bvarResult) the root specified. RunCommandAsImpersonatedUser (BSTR Runs an application with the same credentials the script bapp, BSTR bargs, VARIANT_BOOL block, has (deprecated). Returns 0 on success. LONG timeout, VARIANT *varResult) RunCommandAsUser (BSTR domain, BSTR Runs an application as another user. Returns 0 on user, BSTR password, BSTR app, BSTR args, success. VARIANT_BOOL block, LONG timout, VARIANT *varResult) SaveLog (BSTR fileName) Saves the session log. SendEmail (BSTR toAddress, BSTR Sends an email via CA Service Desk Manager mail emailSubject, BSTR emailBody) daemon. SetAcquiredData (BSTR data) Save a chunk of script specific character data on the server for later use. SetScriptSuccess (BOOL bSuccess, VARIANT Indicates whether the script executed successfully from *varResult) the script's point of view. ShowFileBrowseDlg (BSTR browseType, Shows the standard windows file browse dialog and BSTR fileExt, VARIANT *varResult) returns the selected file. ShowMessage (BSTR szMessage) Displays the message to the user in a message box. Sleep (LONG time) Causes the execution thread to sleep. TransferToQueue (BSTR queueID, BSTR Sets the customer's current queue, this is the queue that queueName) the customer will enter if escalated to live. UtilAttachDll (BSTR szDllPath, BSTR Loads a dll into the process space so that functions may szHTTPLocation, VARIANT *varResult) be called from it. UtilCloseTask (BSTR szProcName, VARIANT Closes a running task. *bvarResult) UtilDetachDll (LONG idDll, VARIANT Unloads a DLL from memory. *varResult) UtilEndProcess (BSTR szProcName, Terminates the process with the specified name. VARIANT *bvarResult) UtilExitWindows (LONG lAction, Exits windows either by log off, restart, or shutdown. VARIANT_BOOL bForce, VARIANT_BOOL bRelogin) Executes a function from a loaded DLL. 02-Aug-2016 350/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 UtilExternalMethodCall (LONG idDll, BSTR szFuncName, LONG lFuncType, BSTR szParams, VARIANT *varResult) UtilGetComputerName (VARIANT Gets the current computer name. *varResult) UtilGetEnvironmentVariable (BSTR Gets the value of a defined environment variable. szVarName, VARIANT *varResult) UtilGetOSVersion (VARIANT *varResult) Gets the OS version. UtilGetProcessByIndex (LONG idxProcess, Retrieves process information for the specified process. VARIANT *varResult) UtilGetProcesses (VARIANT *varResult) Gets a list of all processes running on the customer machine. UtilGetProcessesCount (VARIANT Gets the number of processes currently running on the *varResult) customer machine. UtilGetProcessMemory (LONG processID, Gets the amount of memory used by the specified VARIANT *varResult) process. UtilGetRunningTask (LONG idxWnd, Gets information related to a task running on the VARIANT *varResult) customer machine. UtilGetRunningTasksCount should be called first to determine the number of tasks available. UtilGetRunningTasksCount (VARIANT Gets a count of the tasks running on the customer *varResult) machine. UtilGetSystemDir (VARIANT *varResult) Gets the windows system directory. UtilGetSystemMetrics (LONG nIndex, Gets the value of the specified system metric. VARIANT *varResult) UtilGetUserName (VARIANT *varResult) Gets the current user's logon name. UtilGetWindowsDir (VARIANT *varResult) Gets the directory for windows. UtilGlobalMemoryStatus (VARIANT Gets information on global memory availability. *varResult) WScript Many public domain script examples are available from sources such as Microsoft TechNet ScriptCenter, which are typically aimed at a system administrator audience, but are often useful for use in automated tasks. They often assume that the existence of an object called WScript, which Microsoft provides as part of their command-line script execution engine, but not part of the Windows Script Host in itself. CA SDM implements a simple version of the WScript object providing the Echo, Sleep, GetObject, and CreateObject methods, providing compatibility for the most commonly used WScript methods. WScript.Echo(), which usually writes to the command line, is implemented in CA SDM to write to the automated task log, and thus WScript.Echo() is synonymous with Functions.LogMessage(). 02-Aug-2016 351/403 CA Service Management - 14.1 WScript COM Object Methods The following WScript COM Object Methods are available for use in Support Automation automated tasks. Object Method Description CreateObject Creates an instance of the specified COM object. (objDescription) Echo(msg) Logs the specified message. Equivalent to Functions.LogMessage(msg). GetObject Used to get an instance of an object from a string reference to it. (objDescription) Quit() Ends the executing task immediately. Sleep(time) Pauses execution for the specified number of milliseconds. Equivalent to Functions.Sleep(time). 02-Aug-2016 352/403 EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM Object -.1 EBR_DICTIONARY Table This article contains the following topic: EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM Table (see page 353) SQL Name -.14.EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM Field Data Type Reference Remarks id INTEGER UNIQUE KEY WORD_ID INTEGER WORD STRING 50 NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_TYPE INTEGER WORD_TOTAL_COUNT INTEGER DF INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER last_mod_dt LOCAL_TIME 02-Aug-2016 353/403 . CA Service Management .EBR_DICTIONARY Object -.EBR_DICTIONARY Field Data Type Reference Remarks id INTEGER UNIQUE KEY WORD_ID INTEGER WORD STRING 50 NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_TYPE INTEGER WORD_TOTAL_COUNT INTEGER DF INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER last_mod_dt LOCAL_TIME EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM Table SQL Name -. EBR_FULLTEXT Field Data Type Reference Remarks DOC_TYPE INTEGER ENTITY_ID INTEGER FULL_WORD STRING 50 FULL_WORD_ REVERSE STRING 50 ID INTEGER NOT_NULL KEY Unique (to the table) Numeric ID PERMISSION_INDEX_ID INTEGER PRODUCT STRING 50 SHORT_WORD STRING 50 TABLE_ID INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ INTEGER RESOLUTION WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ TITLE INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_TYPE INTEGER EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_FULLTEXT Object -. SQL Name -.EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM Object -.1 EBR_FULLTEXT Table This topic contains the following topics: EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM Table (see page 354) EBR_FULLTEXT_SD Table (see page 355) EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM Table (see page 356) Program control table used by Knowledge Management. SQL Name -. CA Service Management .EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM 02-Aug-2016 354/403 .14. CA Service Management . SQL Name -.EBR_FULLTEXT_SD Field Data Type Reference Remarks ENTITY_ID INTEGER FULL_WORD INTEGER ID INTEGER NOT_NULL KEY Unique (to the table) Numeric ID SHORT_WORD STRING 50 TABLE_ID INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER INTEGER 02-Aug-2016 355/403 .EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM Field Data Type Reference Remarks DOC_TYPE INTEGER ENTITY_ID INTEGER FULL_WORD STRING 50 FULL_WORD_ REVERSE STRING 50 ID INTEGER NOT_NULL KEY Unique (to the table) Numeric ID PERMISSION_ INDEX_ID INTEGER PRODUCT STRING 50 SHORT_WORD STRING 50 TABLE_ID INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ INTEGER RESOLUTION WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ TITLE INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_TYPE INTEGER EBR_FULLTEXT_SD Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_FULLTEXT_SD Object -.14.1 Object -. CA Service Management . SQL Name -.EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM Object -.1 Field Data Type Reference Remarks WORD_COUNT_ RESOLUTION WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ TITLE INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_TYPE INTEGER EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM Field Data Type Reference Remarks ENTITY_ID INTEGER FULL_WORD INTEGER ID INTEGER NOT_NULL KEY Unique (to the table) Numeric ID SHORT_WORD STRING 50 TABLE_ID INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ INTEGER RESOLUTION WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_TITLE INTEGER WORD_IDF INTEGER WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_TYPE INTEGER 02-Aug-2016 356/403 .14. 1 EBR_INDEX Table This article contains the following topics: EBR_INDEX_ADM Table (see page 357) EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE Table (see page 358) Program control table used by Knowledge Management. SQL Name -. SQL Name -.EBR_INDEX_ADM Field Data Type Reference Remarks id INTEGER UNIQUE KEY 02-Aug-2016 357/403 .EBR_INDEX Object -.14.EBR_INDEX Field Data Type Reference Remarks id INTEGER UNIQUE KEY ENTITY_ID INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_ID INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_TYPE INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ TITLE INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ RESOLUTION INTEGER EBR_INDEX_ADM Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_INDEX_ADM Object -. CA Service Management . EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE Object -. CA Service Management . SQL Name -.1 Field Data Type Reference Remarks ENTITY_ID INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_ID INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_TYPE INTEGER NOT_NULL S_KEY WORD_ORDER INTEGER WORD_COUNT INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ TITLE INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ SUMMARY INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ PROBLEM INTEGER WORD_COUNT_ RESOLUTION INTEGER EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE Field Data Type Reference Remarks ACTION INTEGER ACTION_DATE DATE ID INTEGER NOT_NULL KEY Unique (to the table) Numeric ID INDEXED INTEGER OBJ_PERSID STRING 30 Persistent ID (SystemObjectName:id) PRIORITY INTEGER TEXT STRING 32768 TEXT STRING 32768 02-Aug-2016 358/403 .14. SQL Name -.EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM Object -.1 EBR_SYNONYMS Table This article contains the following topics: EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM Table (see page 359) Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_SYNONYMS Object -.14. 02-Aug-2016 359/403 . SQL Name -. CA Service Management .EBR_SYNONYMS Field Data Type Reference Remarks ID INTEGER NOT_NULL Unique (to the table) Numeric ID KEY KEYWORD1 STRING 50 KEYWORD2 STRING 50 LAST_MOD_ LOCAL_TIME Indicates the timestamp of when this record was last DT modified. EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM Table Program control table used by Knowledge Management.EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM Field Data Type Reference Remarks ID INTEGER NOT_NULL Unique (to the table) Numeric ID KEY KEYWORD1 STRING 50 KEYWORD2 STRING 50 LAST_MOD_ LOCAL_TIME Indicates the timestamp of when this record was last DT modified. -t Displays triggers on the object. -f Displays factory information. -m Displays methods used by the object. -d Displays database object information.1 bop_sinfo--Display System Information The bop_sinfo utility displays information about a single Majic-defined object. object The name of the object to query -h Displays help on the utility. CA Service Management . -l Displays the domset list.14. -p Displays the producer information. Syntax This command has the following format: bop_sinfo [-s server] [-p] [-l] [-d] [f] [-q] [-t] [-m] [-a] object [-h] -s server Specifies the server to query. -a Displays attribute details. You can run this utility on the objects listed under Technical Reference (see page 16). including the name and type of all attributes. Example: Display System Information for the dmn object bop_sinfo -d dmn Factory dmn Attributes id INTEGER 02-Aug-2016 360/403 . -q Displays the schema name of the associated table. including the rel_attr and common_name. id 02-Aug-2016 361/403 . CA Service Management .1 producer_id LOCAL STRING(20) persistent_id STRING(30) sym STRING(60) REQUIRED delete_flag SREL -> audit_userid LOCAL SREL -> cnt.14.enum REQUIRED desc STRING(40) tables BREL <.dom_id {dom_id = ?} last_mod DATE last_mod_by SREL -> cnt.dcon. REL_ATTR: id 4. REL_ATTR: id 4. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags Comments COMMENTS STRING id ID INTEGER REQUIRED KEY Last Modified Date LAST_MOD_DT LOCAL_TIME Name NAME STRING Property ID PROPERTYID INTEGER Property Value PROPVALUE INTEGER ES_NODES Object The object details are as follows: 1. Common Name: NAME 5. Factories: default 3.14. CA Service Management . Associated Table: ES_CONSTANTS 2. Factories: default 3. Function Group: 6. Common Name: NODE_SHORT_DESC 5. Associated Table: ES_NODES 2. Function Group: 6. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE 02-Aug-2016 362/403 .1 ES_CONSTANTS Object This article contains the following topics: ES_NODES Object (see page 362) ES_RESPONSES Object (see page 363) ES_SESSIONS Object (see page 364) The object details are as follows: 1. 14. Factories: default 3. Common Name: RESPONSE_LINK_TEXT 02-Aug-2016 363/403 . CA Service Management . Associated Table: ES_RESPONSES 2. REL_ATTR: id 4.1 Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags DISPLAYED_TEXT DISPLAYED_TEXT STRING id ID INTEGER REQUIRED KEY last_mod_dt LAST_MOD_DT LOCAL_TIME LINK_ID LINK_ID INTEGER ES_NODES id NODE_ID NODE_ID INTEGER NODE_SHORT_ DESC NODE_SHORT_ DESC STRING NODE_TYPE NODE_TYPE INTEGER PARENT_NODE_ID PARENT_NODE_ID INTEGER QUERY_RESP_ NUMBER QUERY_RESP_ NUMBER INTEGER QUERY_RESP_ TYPE QUERY_RESP_ TYPE STRING RESPLINKID1 RESPLINKID1 INTEGER RESPLINKID2 RESPLINKID2 INTEGER RESPLINKID3 RESPLINKID3 INTEGER RESPLINKID4 RESPLINKID4 INTEGER RESPLINKID5 RESPLINKID5 INTEGER RESPLINKID6 RESPLINKID6 INTEGER RESPLINKID7 RESPLINKID7 INTEGER RESPONSE1 RESPONSE1 STRING RESPONSE2 RESPONSE2 STRING RESPONSE3 RESPONSE3 STRING RESPONSE4 RESPONSE4 STRING RESPONSE5 RESPONSE5 STRING RESPONSE6 RESPONSE6 STRING RESPONSE7 RESPONSE7 STRING ROOT_ID ROOT_ID INTEGER ES_NODES id TREE_ID TREE_ID INTEGER SKELETONS id ES_RESPONSES Object The object details are as follows: 1. Associated Table: ES_SESSIONS 2.14. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags id ID INTEGER REQUIRED KEY last_mod_dt LAST_MOD_ DT LOCAL_TIME PARENT_ NODE_ID PARENT_ NODE_ID INTEGER ES_NODES id RESPONSE_LINK_ID RESPONSE_ LINK_ID INTEGER ES_NODES id RESPONSE_ LINK_ORDER RESPONSE_ LINK_ORDER INTEGER RESPONSE_ LINK_TEXT RESPONSE_ LINK_TEXT STRING ES_SESSIONS Object The object details are as follows: 1. Common Name: RESPONSE_LINK_TEXT 5. REL_ATTR: id 4. Function Group: reference 6.1 4. Factories: default 3. Function Group: 6. Common Name: EXTERNAL_ID 5. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags COMMENT_TEXT COMMENT_TEXT STRING EVALUATION EVALUATION INTEGER EXTERNAL_ID EXTERNAL_ID STRING id ID INTEGER REQUIRED KEY last_mod_dt LAST_MOD_DT LOCAL_TIME PATH_IDS PATH_IDS STRING PATH_QAS PATH_QAS STRING SESSION_ID SESSION_ID INTEGER TREE_ID TREE_ID INTEGER ES_NODES id 02-Aug-2016 364/403 . CA Service Management . Function Group: security 6.14. Factories: default 3. REL_ATTR: code 4. REL_ATTR: id 4.1 BSVC--func_access Object This article contains the following topics: BSVC--func_access_level Object (see page 365) BSVC--func_access_role Object (see page 366) func_access_type Object (see page 366) The object details are as follows: 1. Associated Table: usp_functional_access 2. CA Service Management . Function Group: security 6. Common Name: sym 5. Factories: default 3. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags code code STRING 30 REQUIRED UNIQUE type type SREL func_access_type. Common Name: sym 5. Associated Table: usp_functional_access_level BSVC--func_access_level Object The object details are as follows: 1. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE 02-Aug-2016 365/403 .id REQUIRED sym sym STRING 60 REQUIRED description description STRING 1000 last_mod_dt last_mod_dt DATE last_mod_by last_mod_by UUID cnt. id func_access_type Object The object details are as follows: description description STRING 1000 last_mod_dt last_mod_dt DATE last_mod_by last_mod_by UUID cnt. Associated Table: usp_functional_access_role 2. Function Group: security func_access func_access SREL REQUIRED sym sym STRING 60 REQUIRED description description STRING 1000 last_mod_dt last_mod_dt DATE last_mod_by last_mod_by UUID cnt. CA Service Management .code role role SREL role. Associated Table: usp_functional_access_type 2. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags access_level access_level INTEGER REQUIRED type type SREL func_access_type. Common Name: sym 5. Factories: default 3. Factories: default 02-Aug-2016 366/403 . REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags access_level access_level SREL func_access_level. REL_ATTR: id 4.1 BSVC--func_access_role Object The object details are as follows: 1. 14. CA Service Management .id description description STRING 1000 last_mod_dt last_mod_dt DATE last_mod_by last_mod_by UUID cnt. Common Name: sym 5.1 3. REST Operations: CREATE READ UPDATE Attribute DB Field Data Type SREL References Flags sym sym STRING 60 default_access default_access SREL func_access_level. REL_ATTR: id 02-Aug-2016 367/403 . Function Group: security 6. The chapter “Objects and Attributes” lists the object definitions. The chapter “Data Element Dictionary” lists a complete definition of the tables in the schema.14. SQL names. and object names. CA Service Management . Table to SQL Name and Object This table provides a cross-reference of each table in the database schema to its corresponding SQL and object names: Table SQL Name (AKA) Object Access_Levels acc_lvls acc_lvls Access_Type_v2 acctyp_v2 acctyp Act_Log act_log alg Act_Type act_type aty Act_Type_Assoc atyp_asc act_type_assoc Active_Boolean_Table actbool actbool Active_Reverse_Boolean_Table actrbool actrbool admin_tree admin_tree ADMIN_TREE Am_Asset_Map am_map am_asset_map Animator anima ANI Archive_Purge_History arcpur_hist arcpur_hist Archive_Purge_Rule arcpur_rule arcpur_rule Asset_Assignment hier hier Atomic_Condition atomic_cond atomic_cond Attached_Events att_evt atev Attached_SLA attached_sla attached_sla Attachment attmnt attmnt attmnt_folder attmnt_folder attmnt_folder Attribute_Name atn Audit_Log audit_log audlog 02-Aug-2016 368/403 .1 Table and Object Cross-References This article contains the following topics: Table to SQL Name and Object (see page 368) SQL Name to Table and Object (see page 376) Object to Table and SQL Name (see page 383) CA SDM Object List Table for Multi-Tenancy (see page 391) This chapter provides several tables that allow you to easily cross-reference table names. 1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object Behavior_Template bhvtpl bhvtpl Boolean_Table bool_tab bool Bop_Workshift bpwshft wrkshft BU_TRANS BU_TRANS BU_TRANS Business_Management busmgt bmhier Business_Management_Class buscls bmcls Business_Management_Repository busrep bmrep Business_Management_Status busstat bms ca_asset_type ca_asset_type ca_company ca_company ca_cmpny ca_company_type ca_company_type vpt ca_contact ca_contact cnt ca_contact_type ca_contact_type ctp ca_country ca_country country ca_job_function ca_job_function job_func ca_job_title ca_job_title position ca_location ca_location loc ca_model_def ca_model_def mfrmod ca_organization ca_organization org ca_owned_resource ca_owned_resource nr ca_resource_class ca_resource_class grc ca_resource_cost_center ca_resource_cost_center cost_cntr ca_resource_department ca_resource_department dept ca_resource_family ca_resource_family nrf ca_resource_gl_code ca_resource_gl_code gl_code ca_resource_operating_system ca_resource_operating_system opsys ca_resource_status ca_resource_status rss ca_schema_info ca_schema_info ca_site ca_site site ca_state_province ca_state_province state ca_tenant ca_tenant tenant ca_tenant_group ca_tenant_group tenant_group ca_tenant_group_member ca_tenant_group_member tenant_group_member Call_Req call_req cr Call_Req_Type crt crt Call_Solution crsol crsol 02-Aug-2016 369/403 . CA Service Management .14. 1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object Change_Act_Log chgalg chgalg Change_Category chgcat chgcat Change_Request chg chg Change_Status chgstat chgstat Chg_Template chg_template chg_tpl CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES Column_Name cn Contact_Method ct_mth cmth Controlled_Table ctab ctab Cr_Call_Timers crctmr ctimer Cr_Status cr_stat crs Cr_Stored_Queries crsq crsq Cr_Template cr_template cr_tpl D_PAINTER D_PAINTER Delegation_Server dlgtsrv dlgsrvr Document_Repository doc_rep doc_rep Domain dmn dmn Domain_Constraint dcon dcon Domain_Constraint_Type dcon_typ dcon_typ EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS 02-Aug-2016 370/403 .14. CA Service Management . CA Service Management .1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS Event_Delay evt_dly evtdly Event_Delay_Type evtdlytp evtdlytp event_log event_log event_log event_type event_type event_type Events evt evt ext_appl ext_appl External_Entity_Map xent_map ext_entity_map Form_Group frmgrp fmgrp Global_Change_Extension g_chg_ext g_chg_ext Global_Change_Queue g_chg_queue g_chg_queue Global_Contact g_contact g_cnt Global_Issue_Extension g_iss_ext g_iss_ext Global_Issue_Queue g_iss_queue g_iss_queue Global_Location g_loc g_loc Global_Organization g_org g_org Global_Product g_product g_prod Global_Queue_Names g_queue_names g_qname Global_Request_Extension g_req_ext g_cr_ext Global_Request_Queue g_req_queue g_cr_queue Global_Servers g_srvr g_srvrs Global_Table_Map g_tbl_map g_tblmap Global_Table_Rule g_tbl_rule g_tblrule Group_Member grpmem grpmem Impact impact imp 02-Aug-2016 371/403 .14. 14. CA Service Management .1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS Interface interface intfc Iss_Template iss_template iss_tpl Issue issue iss Issue_Act_Log issalg issalg Issue_Category isscat isscat Issue_Property issprp iss_prp Issue_Status issstat issstat Issue_Workflow_Task isswf iss_wf KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT kdlinks kdlinks kdlinks Key_Control kc Knowledge_Keywords km_kword kwrd KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS Managed_Survey managed_survey mgs Mgs_Act_Log mgsalg mgsalg Mgs_Status mgsstat mgsstat Note_Board cnote cnote NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION Notification_Urgency noturg noturg Notify_Log_Header not_log lr Notify_Object_Attr ntfl ntfl NR_Comment nr_com nr_com Object_Promotion object_promotion object_promotion O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS O_INDEXES O_INDEXES KCAT Options options options Promo_Hist promo_hist promo_hist P_GROUPS P_GROUPS P_GROUPS Pcat_Loc pcat_loc pcat_loc Person_Contacting perscon perscnt Priority pri pri Prob_Category prob_ctg pcat Product product prod 02-Aug-2016 372/403 . 14. CA Service Management .1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object Property prp prp Property_Template prptpl prptpl Queued_Notify not_que notque Quick_Template_Types quick_tpl_types quick_tpl_types Remote_Ref rem_ref rrf Reporting_Method repmeth rptmeth Req_Property cr_prp cr_prp Req_Property_Template cr_prptpl cr_prptpl Response response response Reverse_Boolean_Table rbooltab rev_bool Rootcause rootcause rc Rpt_Meth rptmth rptm SA_Policy sapolicy sapolicy SA_Prob_Type saprobtyp saprobtyp Sequence_Control seqctl seq Server_Aliases srvr_aliases srvr_aliases Server_Zones srvr_zones srvr_zones Service_Contract svc_contract svc_contract Service_Desc srv_desc sdsc session_log session_log session_log session_type session_type session_type Severity sevrty sev SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ SKELETONS SKELETONS KD SLA_Contract_Map sdsc_map sdsc_map SLA_Template slatpl slatpl Spell_Macro splmac macro Spell_Macro_Type splmactp macro_type SQL_Script sql_tab Survey survey survey Survey_Answer survey_answer svy_ans Survey_Answer_Template survey_atpl svy_atpl Survey_Question survey_question svy_ques Survey_Question_Template survey_qtpl svy_qtpl Survey_Stats survey_statistics svystat Survey_Template survey_tpl svy_tpl 02-Aug-2016 373/403 . 14.1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object Survey_Tracking survey_tracking svytrk Table_Name tn target_tgttpls_srvtypes target_tgttpls_srvtypes tgt_tgttpls_srvtypes target_time target_time tgt_time target_time_tpl target_time_tpl tgt_time_tpl Task_Status tskstat tskstat Task_Type tskty tskty Timespan tspan tspan Timezone tz tz Transition_Points nottrn True_False_Table True_False_Table true_false Type_Of_Contact toc typecnt Urgency urgncy urg User_Query usq usq usp_caextwf_instances usp_caextwf_instances caextwf_inst usp_caextwf_start_forms usp_caextwf_start_forms caextwf_sfrm usp_ci_window usp_ci_window ci_window usp_contact usp_contact cnt usp_functional_access usp_functional_access func_access usp_functional_access_level usp_functional_access_level func_access_level usp_functional_access_role usp_functional_access_role func_access_role usp_functional_access_type usp_functional_access_type func_access_type usp_kpi usp_kpi kc usp_kpi_data usp_kpi_data kcd usp_lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_chgnr lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_changes lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_issues lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_attachments_requests lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_aty_events lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_cenv_cntref usp_lrel_cenv_cntref lrel_cenv_cntref 02-Aug-2016 374/403 . CA Service Management . 14. CA Service Management .1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object usp_lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_false_action_act_f lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_false_bhv_false lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_cntl_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_oenv_orgref lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_chgcat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_isscat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_pcat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc usp_lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_action_act_t lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_bhv_true usp_lrel_true_bhv_true lrel_true_bhv_true usp_kpi_ticket_data usp_kpi_ticket_data ktd usp_organization usp_organization org usp_owned_resource usp_owned_resource nr usp_pri_cal usp_pri_cal USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES Workflow_Task wf wf Workflow_Task_Template wftpl wftpl 02-Aug-2016 375/403 . CA Service Management .14.1 Table SQL Name (AKA) Object wspcol wspcol wspcol wsptbl wsptbl wsptbl Request_Workflow_Task crwf cr_wf SQL Name to Table and Object This table provides a cross-reference of the SQL name of each table in the database schema to its corresponding table and object names: SQL Name (AKA) Table Object acc_lvls Access_Levels acc_lvls acctyp_v2 Access_Type_v2 acctyp act_log Act_Log alg act_type Act_Type aty actbool Active_Boolean_Table actbool actrbool Active_Reverse_Boolean_Table actrbool admin_tree admin_tree ADMIN_TREE am_map Am_Asset_Map am_asset_map anima Animator ANI arcpur_hist Archive_Purge_History arcpur_hist arcpur_rule Archive_Purge_Rule arcpur_rule atn Attribute_Name atomic_cond Atomic_Condition atomic_cond att_evt Attached_Events atev attached_sla Attached_SLA attached_sla attmnt Attachment attmnt attmnt_folder attmnt_folder attmnt_folder atyp_asc Act_Type_Assoc act_type_assoc audit_log Audit_Log audlog bhvtpl Behavior_Template bhvtpl bool_tab Boolean_Table bool bpwshft Bop_Workshift wrkshft BU_TRANS BU_TRANS BU_TRANS buscls Business_Management_Class bmcls busmgt Business_Management bmhier busrep Business_Management_Repository bmrep busstat Business_Management_Status bms 02-Aug-2016 376/403 . 14. CA Service Management .1 ca_asset_type ca_asset_type ca_company ca_company ca_cmpny ca_company_type ca_company_type vpt ca_contact ca_contact cnt ca_contact_type ca_contact_type ctp ca_country ca_country country ca_job_function ca_job_function job_func ca_job_title ca_job_title position ca_location ca_location loc ca_model_def ca_model_def mfrmod ca_organization ca_organization org ca_owned_resource ca_owned_resource nr ca_resource_class ca_resource_class grc ca_resource_cost_center ca_resource_cost_center cost_cntr ca_resource_department ca_resource_department dept ca_resource_family ca_resource_family nrf ca_resource_gl_code ca_resource_gl_code gl_code ca_resource_operating_system ca_resource_operating_system opsys ca_resource_status ca_resource_status rss ca_schema_info ca_schema_info ca_site ca_site site ca_state_province ca_state_province state ca_tenant ca_tenant tenant ca_tenant_group ca_tenant_group tenant_group ca_tenant_group_member ca_tenant_group_member tenant_group_member call_req Call_Req cr chg Change_Request chg chg_template Chg_Template chg_tpl chgalg Change_Act_Log chgalg chgcat Change_Category chgcat chgstat Change_Status chgstat CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES 02-Aug-2016 377/403 . 1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES cn Column_Name cnote Note_Board cnote cr_prp Req_Property cr_prp cr_prptpl Req_Property_Template cr_prptpl cr_stat Cr_Status crs cr_template Cr_Template cr_tpl crctmr Cr_Call_Timers ctimer crsol Call_Solution crsol crsq Cr_Stored_Queries crsq crt Call_Req_Type crt ct_mth Contact_Method cmth ctab Controlled_Table ctab D_PAINTER D_PAINTER dcon Domain_Constraint dcon dcon_typ Domain_Constraint_Type dcon_typ dlgtsrv Delegation_Server dlgsrvr dmn Domain dmn doc_rep Document_Repository doc_rep EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS 02-Aug-2016 378/403 . CA Service Management .14. 1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS event_log event_log event_log event_type event_type event_type evt Events evt evt_dly Event_Delay evtdly evtdlytp Event_Delay_Type evtdlytp ext_appl ext_appl frmgrp Form_Group fmgrp g_chg_ext Global_Change_Extension g_chg_ext g_chg_queue Global_Change_Queue g_chg_queue g_contact Global_Contact g_cnt g_iss_ext Global_Issue_Extension g_iss_ext g_iss_queue Global_Issue_Queue g_iss_queue g_loc Global_Location g_loc g_org Global_Organization g_org g_product Global_Product g_prod g_queue_names Global_Queue_Names g_qname g_req_ext Global_Request_Extension g_cr_ext g_req_queue Global_Request_Queue g_cr_queue g_srvr Global_Servers g_srvrs g_tbl_map Global_Table_Map g_tblmap g_tbl_rule Global_Table_Rule g_tblrule grpmem Group_Member grpmem hier Asset_Assignment hier impact Impact imp INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS interface Interface intfc iss_template Iss_Template iss_tpl issalg Issue_Act_Log issalg isscat Issue_Category isscat 02-Aug-2016 379/403 .14. CA Service Management . CA Service Management .1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object issprp Issue_Property iss_prp issstat Issue_Status issstat issue Issue iss isswf Issue_Workflow_Task iss_wf kc Key_Control KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT kdlinks kdlinks kdlinks km_kword Knowledge_Keywords kwrd KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS managed_survey Managed_Survey mgs mgsalg Mgs_Act_Log mgsalg mgsstat Mgs_Status mgsstat not_log Notify_Log_Header lr not_que Queued_Notify notque NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION nottrn Transition_Points noturg Notification_Urgency noturg nr_com NR_Comment nr_com ntfl Notify_Object_Attr ntfl O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS O_INDEXES O_INDEXES KCAT object_promotion Object_Promotion object_promotion options Options options P_GROUPS P_GROUPS P_GROUPS pcat_loc Pcat_Loc pcat_loc perscon Person_Contacting perscnt pri Priority pri promo_hist Promo_Hist promo_hist prob_ctg Prob_Category pcat product Product prod prp Property prp prptpl Property_Template prptpl quick_tpl_types Quick_Template_Types quick_tpl_types rbooltab Reverse_Boolean_Table rev_bool 02-Aug-2016 380/403 .14. 1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object rem_ref Remote_Ref rrf repmeth Reporting_Method rptmeth response Response response rootcause Rootcause rc rptmth Rpt_Meth rptm sapolicy SA_Policy sapolicy saprobtyp SA_Prob_Type saprobtyp sdsc_map SLA_Contract_Map sdsc_map seqctl Sequence_Control seq session_log session_log session_log session_type session_type session_type sevrty Severity sev SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ SKELETONS SKELETONS KD slatpl SLA_Template slatpl splmac Spell_Macro macro splmactp Spell_Macro_Type macro_type sql_tab SQL_Script srv_desc Service_Desc sdsc srvr_aliases Server_Aliases srvr_aliases srvr_zones Server_Zones srvr_zones survey Survey survey survey_answer Survey_Answer svy_ans survey_atpl Survey_Answer_Template svy_atpl survey_qtpl Survey_Question_Template svy_qtpl survey_question Survey_Question svy_ques survey_statistics Survey_Stats svystat survey_tpl Survey_Template svy_tpl survey_tracking Survey_Tracking svytrk svc_contract Service_Contract svc_contract tn Table_Name toc Type_Of_Contact typecnt tskstat Task_Status tskstat tskty Task_Type tskty tspan Timespan tspan tz Timezone tz 02-Aug-2016 381/403 .14. CA Service Management . CA Service Management .1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object urgncy Urgency urg usp_caextwf_instances usp_caextwf_instances caextwf_inst usp_caextwf_start_forms usp_caextwf_start_forms caextwf_sfrm usp_ci_window usp_ci_window ci_window usp_contact usp_contact cnt usp_functional_access usp_functional_access func_access usp_functional_access_level usp_functional_access_level func_access_level usp_functional_access_role usp_functional_access_role func_access_role usp_functional_access_type usp_functional_access_type func_access_type usp_kpi usp_kpi kc usp_kpi_data usp_kpi_data kcd usp_kpi_ticket_data usp_kpi_ticket_data ktd usp_lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_chgnr lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_changes lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_issues lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_attachments_requests lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_aty_events lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_cenv_cntref usp_lrel_cenv_cntref lrel_cenv_cntref usp_lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_false_action_act_f lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_false_bhv_false lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrlist lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl 02-Aug-2016 382/403 .14. 14.1 SQL Name (AKA) Table Object usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_oenv_orgref lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_sch_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_pcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc usp_lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_action_act_t lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_bhv_true usp_lrel_true_bhv_true lrel_true_bhv_true usp_organization usp_organization org usp_pri_cal usp_pri_cal usp_owned_resource usp_owned_resource nr USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES usq User_Query usq wf Workflow_Task wf wftpl Workflow_Task_Template wftpl wspcol wspcol wspcol wsptbl wsptbl wsptbl xent_map External_Entity_Map ext_entity_map crwf Request_Workflow_Task cr_wf Object to Table and SQL Name This table provides a cross-reference of each object to its corresponding table and SQL name in the database schema: Object Table SQL Name (AKA) acc_lvls Access_Levels acc_lvls acctyp Access_Type_v2 acctyp_v2 02-Aug-2016 383/403 . CA Service Management . 1 act_type_assoc Act_Type_Assoc atyp_asc actbool Active_Boolean_Table actbool actrbool Active_Reverse_Boolean_Table actrbool ADMIN_TREE admin_tree admin_tree alg Act_Log act_log am_asset_map Am_Asset_Map am_map ANI Animator anima arcpur_hist Archive_Purge_History arcpur_hist arcpur_rule Archive_Purge_Rule arcpur_rule atev Attached_Events att_evt atomic_cond Atomic_Condition atomic_cond attached_sla Attached_SLA attached_sla attmnt Attachment attmnt attmnt_folder attmnt_folder attmnt_folder aty Act_Type act_type audlog Audit_Log audit_log bhvtpl Behavior_Template bhvtpl bmcls Business_Management_Class buscls bmhier Business_Management busmgt bmrep Business_Management_Repository busrep bms Business_Management_Status busstat bool Boolean_Table bool_tab BU_TRANS BU_TRANS BU_TRANS ca_cmpny ca_company ca_company caextwf_inst usp_caextwf_instances usp_caextwf_instances caextwf_sfrm usp_caextwf_start_forms usp_caextwf_start_forms chg Change_Request chg chg_tpl Chg_Template chg_template chgalg Change_Act_Log chgalg chgcat Change_Category chgcat chgstat Change_Status chgstat CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_BOOKMARKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_LINKS CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES CI_DOC_TEMPLATES 02-Aug-2016 384/403 .14. CA Service Management . 1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_DOC_TYPES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_PRIORITIES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_STATUSES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES CI_WF_TEMPLATES ci_window usp_ci_window usp_ci_window cmth Contact_Method ct_mth cnote Note_Board cnote cnt ca_contact ca_contact cnt usp_contact usp_contact cost_cntr ca_resource_cost_center ca_resource_cost_center country ca_country ca_country cr Call_Req call_req cr_prp Req_Property cr_prp cr_prptpl Req_Property_Template cr_prptpl cr_tpl Cr_Template cr_template crs Cr_Status cr_stat crsol Call_Solution crsol crsq Cr_Stored_Queries crsq crt Call_Req_Type crt ctab Controlled_Table ctab ctimer Cr_Call_Timers crctmr ctp ca_contact_type ca_contact_type dblocks dcon Domain_Constraint dcon dcon_typ Domain_Constraint_Type dcon_typ dept ca_resource_department ca_resource_department dlgsrvr Delegation_Server dlgtsrv dmn Domain dmn doc_rep Document_Repository doc_rep EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_ACRONYMS EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_FULLTEXT_SD_ADM EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_INDEXING_QUEUE EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS EBR_KEYWORDS 02-Aug-2016 385/403 .14. CA Service Management . 1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_LOG EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS EBR_METRICS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_NOISE_WORDS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PATTERNS EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PREFIXES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_PROPERTIES EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUBSTITS EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SUFFIXES EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_CONSTANTS ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_NODES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_RESPONSES ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS ES_SESSIONS event_log event_log event_log event_type event_type event_type evt Events evt evtdly Event_Delay evt_dly evtdlytp Event_Delay_Type evtdlytp ext_entity_map External_Entity_Map xent_map fmgrp Form_Group frmgrp func_access usp_functional_access usp_functional_access func_access_level usp_functional_access_level usp_functional_access_level func_access_role usp_functional_access_role usp_functional_access_role func_access_type usp_functional_access_type usp_functional_access_type g_chg_ext Global_Change_Extension g_chg_ext g_chg_queue Global_Change_Queue g_chg_queue g_cnt Global_Contact g_contact g_cr_ext Global_Request_Extension g_req_ext g_cr_queue Global_Request_Queue g_req_queue g_iss_ext Global_Issue_Extension g_iss_ext g_iss_queue Global_Issue_Queue g_iss_queue g_loc Global_Location g_loc g_org Global_Organization g_org g_prod Global_Product g_product g_qname Global_Queue_Names g_queue_names 02-Aug-2016 386/403 .14. CA Service Management . 14.1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) g_srvrs Global_Servers g_srvr g_tblmap Global_Table_Map g_tbl_map g_tblrule Global_Table_Rule g_tbl_rule gl_code ca_resource_gl_code ca_resource_gl_code grc ca_resource_class ca_resource_class grpmem Group_Member grpmem hier Asset_Assignment hier imp Impact impact INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS INDEX_DOC_LINKS intfc Interface interface iss Issue issue iss_prp Issue_Property issprp iss_tpl Iss_Template iss_template iss_wf Issue_Workflow_Task isswf issalg Issue_Act_Log issalg isscat Issue_Category isscat issstat Issue_Status issstat job_func ca_job_function ca_job_function kc usp_kpi usp_kpi KCAT O_INDEXES O_INDEXES kcd usp_kpi_data usp_kpi_data KD SKELETONS SKELETONS KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT KD_ATTMNT kdlinks kdlinks kdlinks KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD KT_REPORT_CARD ktd usp_kpi_ticket_data usp_kpi_ticket_data kwrd Knowledge_Keywords km_kword loc ca_location ca_location LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS LONG_TEXTS lr Notify_Log_Header not_log lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_chgnr usp_lrel_asset_chgnr lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr usp_lrel_asset_issnr lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_cntlist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ctplist_macro_ntf lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf usp_lrel_att_ntflist_macro_ntf lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_changes usp_lrel_attachments_changes 02-Aug-2016 387/403 . CA Service Management . 14.1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_issues usp_lrel_attachments_issues lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_attachments_requests usp_lrel_attachments_requests lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_aty_events usp_lrel_aty_events lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets usp_lrel_bm_reps_assets lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers usp_lrel_bm_reps_bmhiers lrel_cenv_cntref usp_lrel_cenv_cntref usp_lrel_cenv_cntref lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_cntlist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ctplist_mgs_ntf lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf usp_lrel_dist_ntflist_mgs_ntf lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_false_action_act_f usp_lrel_false_action_act_f lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_false_bhv_false usp_lrel_false_bhv_false lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref usp_lrel_kwrds_crsolref lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntchgntf lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntissntf lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf usp_lrel_notify_list_cntntf lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_cntlist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ctplist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl usp_lrel_ntfr_macrolist_att_ntfrl lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrlist usp_lrel_ntfr_ntflist_att_ntfrl lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_oenv_orgref usp_lrel_oenv_orgref lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes usp_lrel_status_codes_tsktypes lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_isscat lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_pcat lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl usp_lrel_svc_grps_svc_wftpl lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_chgcat lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_groups lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_isscat lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat usp_lrel_svc_locs_svc_pcat lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_chgcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_chgcat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_isscat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_isscat_svc lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_schedules_pcat_svc usp_lrel_svc_sch_pcat_svc lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_action_act_t usp_lrel_true_action_act_t lrel_true_bhv_true usp_lrel_true_bhv_true usp_lrel_true_bhv_true macro Spell_Macro splmac macro_type Spell_Macro_Type splmactp 02-Aug-2016 388/403 . CA Service Management . CA Service Management .14.1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) mfrmod ca_model_def ca_model_def mgs Managed_Survey managed_survey mgsalg Mgs_Act_Log mgsalg mgsstat Mgs_Status mgsstat NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION NOTIFICATION notque Queued_Notify not_que noturg Notification_Urgency noturg nr ca_owned_resource ca_owned_resource nr usp_owned_resource usp_owned_resource nr_com NR_Comment nr_com nrf ca_resource_family ca_resource_family ntfl Notify_Object_Attr ntfl O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_COMMENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS O_EVENTS object_promotion Object_Promotion object_promotion opsys ca_resource_operating_system ca_resource_operating_system options Options options org ca_organization ca_organization org usp_organization usp_organization P_GROUPS P_GROUPS P_GROUPS pcat Prob_Category prob_ctg pcat_loc Pcat_Loc pcat_loc perscnt Person_Contacting perscon position ca_job_title ca_job_title pri Priority pri promo_hist Promo_Hist promo_hist prod Product product prp Property prp prptpl Property_Template prptpl quick_tpl_types Quick_Template_Types quick_tpl_types rc Rootcause rootcause response Response response rev_bool Reverse_Boolean_Table rbooltab rptm Rpt_Meth rptmth rptmeth Reporting_Method repmeth rrf Remote_Ref rem_ref 02-Aug-2016 389/403 . 1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) rss ca_resource_status ca_resource_status sapolicy SA_Policy sapolicy saprobtyp SA_Prob_Type saprobtyp sdsc Service_Desc srv_desc sdsc_map SLA_Contract_Map sdsc_map seq Sequence_Control seqctl session_log session_log session_log session_type session_type session_type sev Severity sevrty SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ SHOW_OBJ site ca_site ca_site slatpl SLA_Template slatpl srvr_aliases Server_Aliases srvr_aliases srvr_zones Server_Zones srvr_zones state ca_state_province ca_state_province survey Survey survey svc_contract Service_Contract svc_contract svy_ans Survey_Answer survey_answer svy_atpl Survey_Answer_Template survey_atpl svy_qtpl Survey_Question_Template survey_qtpl svy_ques Survey_Question survey_question svy_tpl Survey_Template survey_tpl svystat Survey_Stats survey_statistics svytrk Survey_Tracking survey_tracking target_tgttpls_srvtypes target_tgttpls_srvtypes tgt_tgttpls_srvtypes target_time target_time tgt_time target_time_tpl target_time_tpl tgt_time_tpl tenant ca_tenant ca_tenant tenant_group ca_tenant_group ca_tenant_group tenant_group_member ca_tenant_group_member ca_tenant_group_member True_False_Table True_False_Table true_false tskstat Task_Status tskstat tskty Task_Type tskty tspan Timespan tspan typecnt Type_Of_Contact toc tz Timezone tz 02-Aug-2016 390/403 . CA Service Management .14. regardless of tenant. CA Service Management . if it is optional or required.14.1 Object Table SQL Name (AKA) urg Urgency urgncy USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PREFERENCES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES USP_PROPERTIES usq User_Query usq vpt ca_company_type ca_company_type wf Workflow_Task wf wftpl Workflow_Task_Template wftpl wrkshft Bop_Workshift bpwshft wspcol wspcol wspcol wsptbl wsptbl wsptbl Attribute_Name atn ca_asset_type ca_asset_type ca_schema_info ca_schema_info Column_Name cn D_PAINTER D_PAINTER ext_appl ext_appl Key_Control kc Transition_Points nottrn SQL_Script sql_tab Table_Name tn cr_wf Request_Workflow_Task crwf CA SDM Object List Table for Multi-Tenancy The following table lists all CA SDM objects and indicates whether each object has a tenant attribute. Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy acc_lvls enum Access Level No acctyp id Access Type No acctyp_role id Access Type Role No act_type_assoc code Activity Type Association Optional 02-Aug-2016 391/403 . Note: The Rel_attr must be unique. and if so. 1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy actbool enum Active Boolean No actlog_prod_list sym actlog_prod_list No actrbool enum Active Reverse Boolean No ADMIN_TREE id Administration Tree No agt id Analyst contacts Require d alg persistent_id Request Activity Log Require d all_fmgrp id all_fmgrp No all_lr persistent_id all_lr Require d am_asset_map persistent_id AM Asset Map No ANI persistent_id Animator Optional api persistent_id api No app_extx id app_extx Optional app_inhx id app_inhx Optional arcpur_hist persistent_id Archive Purge History No arcpur_rule persistent_id Archive Purge Rule No arg_history persistent_id arg_history No asset id asset No assetx_prod_list sym assetx_prod_list No atev persistent_id Attached Event Require d atomic_cond id Atomic Condition Optional attached_sla id Attached Service Type Require d attmnt id Attachment Optional attmnt_folder id Attachments Folder Optional attmnt_lrel persistent_id Attachment LREL No attr_alias id Attribute Alias No aty code Activity Type Optional audlog persistent_id Audit Log Require d bhvtpl id Behavior Template Optional bhvtpl_wftpl id bhvtpl_wftpl Optional bm_task id bm_task Optional bmcls id Business Management Class No bmhier id Business Management Hierarchy Optional 02-Aug-2016 392/403 . CA Service Management .14. 14. CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy bmlrel persistent_id Business Management LREL No bmrep id Business Management Repository No bms status_no Business Management Status No bool enum Boolean No BU_TRANS id Bubble Up Transaction Optional ca_application_registration id ca_application_registration No ca_asset id Asset No ca_asset_source id Asset Source No ca_asset_source_unrestricted id ca_asset_source_ unrestricted No ca_asset_subschema id Asset Subschema No ca_asset_type id Asset Type No ca_cmpny id Company Optional ca_logical_assst id Logical Asset No ca_logical_asset_property id Logical Asset Property No chg id chg Require d chg_tpl template_name Change Template Require d chgalg id Change Order Activity Log Require d chgaty code chgaty Optional chgcat code Change Category Optional chgcat_grp persistent_id Change Category Group LREL No chgcat_loc persistent_id Change Category Location LREL No chgcat_workshift persistent_id Change Category Workshift LREL No chgstat code Change Status Optional chgtype id Change Type No CI_ACTIONS id Knowledge Workflow Task Optional CI_ACTIONS_ALTERNATE id Alternate Knowledge Workflow Task Optional CI_BOOKMARKS id Knowledge Document Bookmark Optional CI_DOC_LINKS id Knowledge Document Link Optional CI_DOC_TEMPLATES id Knowledge Document Template Optional CI_DOC_TYPES id Knowledge Document Type No ci_mdr_idmap id ci_mdr_idmap Optional ci_mdr_provider id ci_mdr_provider Optional CI_PRIORITIES id Approval Process Template Optional ci_rel_type id ci_rel_type No 02-Aug-2016 393/403 . CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy CI_STATUSES id Knowledge Status No CI_WF_TEMPLATES id Knowledge Workflow Template No cmth id Contact Method No cnote persistent_id Announcement Optional cnt id Contact Require d cnt_role id Contact Role Require d cntx id cntx Optional conx id conx Optional cost_cntr id Cost Center Optional country id Country No cr persistent_id Request Require d cr_prp id Request Property Require d cr_prptpl id Request Property Template Optional cr_tpl template_name Request Template Require d craty code craty Optional crs code Request Status Optional crs_cr code crs_cr Optional crs_in code crs_in Optional crs_pr code crs_pr Optional crsol persistent_id Request Solution No crsq code Stored Query Optional crt code Request Type No cst id Customer contacts Require d ctab id Controlled Table No ctimer persistent_id Request Timer No ctp id Contact Type No dat_basx id dat_basx Optional dcon id Data Partition Constraint No dcon_typ enum Data Partition Constraint Type No dept id Department Optional dlgsrvr id Delegation Server No dmn id Data Partition No 02-Aug-2016 394/403 .14. 1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy doc_rep persistent_id Attachments Repository Optional DOC_VERSIONS id Document Version Optional docx id docx Optional EBR_ACRONYMS id EBR Acronym No EBR_DICTIONARY id EBR Dictionary No EBR_DICTIONARY_ADM id EBR Dictionary Alternate No EBR_FULLTEXT id EBR Knowledge Document Index No EBR_FULLTEXT_ADM id EBR Knowledge Document Index No Alternate EBR_KS id Knowledge Source No EBR_KS_ACCESS id Knowledge Source Access No EBR_KS_INDEXING_QUEUE id Knowledge Source Indexing Queue No EBR_LOG id EBR Log No EBR_METRICS id EBR Metric No EBR_NOISE_WORDS id EBR Noise Word No EBR_PATTERNS id EBR Pattern No EBR_PREFIXES id EBR Prefix No EBR_PROPERTIES id EBR Property No EBR_SUBSTITS id EBR Substitution No EBR_SUFFIXES id EBR Suffix No EBR_SYNONYMS id EBR Synonym No EBR_SYNONYMS_ADM id EBR Synonyms Alternate No edit_macros persistent_id edit_macros No entservx id entservx Optional enttx id enttx Optional ES_CONSTANTS id ES_CONSTANTS No ES_NODES id Decision Tree Node Optional ES_RESPONSES id ES_RESPONSES Optional ES_SESSIONS id ES_SESSIONS Optional event_log id Event Log No event_prod_list sym event_prod_list No event_type id Event Type No evt persistent_id Event Optional evtdly persistent_id Event Delay Optional evtdlytp enum Event Delay Type No ext_entity_map persistent_id External Entity Map No fac_acx id fac_acx Optional 02-Aug-2016 395/403 .14. CA Service Management . 14. CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy fac_firex id fac_firex Optional fac_furnx id fac_furnx Optional fac_othx id fac_othx Optional fac_upsx id fac_upsx Optional fmgrp id Form Group No g_chg_ext id Global Change Extension Require d g_chg_queue id Global Change Queue No g_cnt id Global Contact No g_cr_ext id Global Request Extension Require d g_cr_queue id Global Request Queue No g_iss_ext id Global Issue Extension Require d g_iss_queue id Global Issue Queue No g_loc id g_loc No g_org id Global Organization No g_prod id Global Product No g_qname id Global Queue No g_srvrs remote_sys_id Global Server No g_tblmap id Global Table Map No g_tblrule id Global Table Rule No g_tenant id Global Tenant No gl_code id Resource Code No grc id Resource Class No grp id Group Contacts Require d grpmem persistent_id Group Member Require d har_lparx id har_lparx Optional har_maix id har_maix Optional har_monx id har_monx Optional har_othx id har_othx Optional har_prix id har_prix Optional har_serx id har_serx Optional har_stox id har_stox Optional har_virx id har_virx Optional har_worx id har_worx Optional 02-Aug-2016 396/403 . CA Service Management .14.1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy help_content name help_content No help_item id help_item No help_lookup id help_lookup No help_set id help_set No hier id Asset Relation Optional ical_alarm id iCalendar Alarm No ical_event_prod_list sym ical_event_prod_list No ical_event_template id iCalendar Event No imp enum Impact No in persistent_id Incident Require d INDEX_DOC_LINKS id Knowledge Category-Document Link Optional interface_type id interface_type No intfc id interface No invidex id invidex Optional invothx id invothx Optional invprjx id invprjx Optional iss persistent_id iss Require d iss_prp id Issue Property Require d iss_tpl template_name Issue Template Require d iss_wf id Issue Workflow Task Require d issalg id Issue Activity Log Require d issaty code issaty Optional isscat code Issue Category Optional isscat_grp persistent_id Issue Category Group LREL No isscat_loc persistent_id Issue Category Location LREL No isscat_workshift persistent_id Issue Category Workshift LREL No issstat code Issue Status Optional job_func id Job Function Optional kc id KPI Optional KCAT id Knowledge Category Optional kcd id KPI Data Optional KD id Knowledge Document Optional 02-Aug-2016 397/403 . 14. CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy KD_ALL id KD_ALL Optional KD_ATTMNT id Document-Attachment Link Optional KD_FILE id KD_FILE Optional KD_QA id KD_QA Optional KD_SAVE_AS persistent_id KD_SAVE_AS No KD_TASK persistent_id KD_TASK Optional kdaty code kdaty Optional kdlinks persistent_id Document-Ticket Link Optional KEIT_IMPORT_PACKAGES id Knowledge Import Packages No KEIT_TEMPLATES id Knowledge Export/Import Template Optional KEIT_TRANSACTION_ id Knowledge Transaction Statuses No STATUSES KEIT_TRANSACTIONS id Knowledge Import Transactions Optional kmlrel persistent_id Knowledge LREL No KT_ACT_CONTENT id Action Content Optional KT_BLC id Recommended Document Optional KT_BLC_TYPE id KT_BLC_TYPE No KT_FILE_TYPE id File Type No KT_FLG_STATUS id Flag Status No KT_FLG_TYPE id Comment Type Optional KT_FREE_TEXT persistent_id Free Text No KT_KCAT_NTF id Category Notification Optional KT_LIFE_CYCLE_REP id KT Life Cycle Report Optional KT_QA_RESP_TYPE id Forum Response Type No KT_QA_STATUS id Forum Status No KT_REPORT_CARD id Knowledge Report Card No KT_STATUS_ROLE id Status Role No ktd id KPI Ticket Data Require d kwrd id Keyword No ldap id LDAP No ldap_group id LDAP Group No loc id Location Optional locx id locx Optional LONG_TEXTS id Forum Reply Optional lr persistent_id Notification Log Require d 02-Aug-2016 398/403 . 1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy macro persistent_id Macro Optional macro_prod_list sym macro_prod_list No macro_type code Macro Type No menu_bar id Menu Bar No menu_tree id Menu Tree Node No menu_tree_name id Menu Tree No menu_tree_res id Menu Tree Resource No mfrmod id Model Definition Optional mgs id Managed Survey Optional mgsalg id Managed Survey Activity Log Optional mgsaty code mgsaty Optional mgsstat code Managed Survey Status No MSysConf Config MSysConf No net_brix id net_brix Optional net_clux id net_clux Optional net_conx id net_clux Optional net_frox id net_frox Optional net_gatx id net_gatx Optional net_hubx id net_hubx Optional net_nicx id net_nicx Optional net_othx id net_othx Optional net_perx id net_perx Optional net_porx id net_porx Optional net_rgrpx id net_rgrpx Optional net_roux id net_roux Optional net_rsrcx id net_rsrcx Optional no_contract_sdsc code no_contract_sdsc Optional node_prod_list sym node_prod_list No NOTIFICATION id Notification Optional notque persistent_id Queued Notification No noturg enum Notification Urgency No nr id Configuration Item Optional nr_com id Asset comment Optional nrf id Resource Family No ntfl id Notification Log No ntfm persistent_id Notification Message Template Optional 02-Aug-2016 399/403 . CA Service Management .14. 1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy ntfm_prod_list sym ntfm_prod_list No ntfr id Notification Rule Optional ntfr_prod_list sym ntfr_prod_list No O_COMMENTS id Knowledge Document Comment Optional O_EVENTS id Document History Optional OA_COLUMNS COLUMN_NAME OA_COLUMNS No OA_FKEYS PKCOLUMN_NAM OA_FKEYS No E OA_INFO INFO_NAME OA_INFO No OA_STATISTICS COLUMN_NAME OA_STATISTICS No OA_TABLES TABLE_NAME OA_TABLES No OA_TYPES TYPE_NAME OA_TYPES No object_notify_prod_list sym object_notify_prod_list No opsys id Operating System Optional opsysx id opsysx Optional options persistent_id Option No org id Organization Require d orgx id orgx Optional P_GROUPS id KT Permission Group Optional pcat persistent_id Request Area Optional pcat_cr persistent_id pcat_cr Optional pcat_in persistent_id pcat_in Optional pcat_loc persistent_id Request Area Location LREL No pcat_pr persistent_id pcat_pr Optional pcat_workshift persistent_id Request Area Workshift LREL No perscnt id Person Contacting Optional position id Position Optional pr persistent_id Problem Require d pri enum Priority No prio_service_type id Priority Service Type Require d prod id Product Optional prod_list sym Object Name No projex id projex_detail Optional prp id Property Require d 02-Aug-2016 400/403 .14. CA Service Management . 14. CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy prptpl id Property Template Optional prptpl_chgcat id prptpl_chgcat Optional prptpl_isscat id prptpl_isscat Optional prpval id Property Value No prpval_rule id Property Validation Rule No prpval_type id Property Validation Type No QUERY_POLICY id Query Policy Optional QUERY_POLICY_ACTIONS id Query Policy Actions Optional quick_tpl_types enum Quick Template Type No rc id Root Cause Optional response id Personalized Response Optional rev_bool enum Reverse Boolean No role id Role No role_go_form id Role Go Form No role_tab id Role Tab No role_web_form id Role Web Form No rptm persistent_id Report Method No rptmeth id Reporting Method No rrf code Remote Reference No rss id Resource Status No sapolicy id Web Services Access Policy Optional saprobtyp id Web Services Error Type Optional sd_chg_map persistent_id sd_chg_map No sd_cr_map persistent_id sd_cr_map No sdsc code Service Type Optional sdsc_map id Service Type Map Require d secx id secx Optional seq id Sequence Optional serx id serx Optional session_log id Session Log No session_type id Session Type No sev enum Severity No SHOW_OBJ id Show Object No site id Site Optional slatpl id SLA Template Require d 02-Aug-2016 401/403 . CA Service Management .14.1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy slax id slax Optional sqchg code sqchg Optional sqcr code sqcr Optional sqiss code sqiss Optional srvr_aliases id Server Alias No srvr_zones id Server Zone No state id State No stored_query_prod_list sym stored_query_prod_list No survey id Survey Optional svc_contract id Service Contract Require d svy_ans id Survey Answer Optional svy_atpl id Survey Answer Template Optional svy_qtpl id Survey Question Template Optional svy_ques id Survey Question Optional svy_tpl id Survey Template Optional svystat id Survey Statistic Optional svytrk id Survey Tracking Require d tab id Tab No tel_cirx id tel_cirx Optional tel_othx id tel_othx Optional tel_radx id tel_radx Optional tel_voix id tel_voix Optional tel_wirx id tel_wirx Optional tenant id Tenant Require d tenant_group id Tenant Group No tenant_group_member persistent_id Tenant Group Member Require d text_api persistent_id text_api No tgm_groups persistent_id Tenant Groups Require d tgm_members persistent_id Tenant Group Members Require d tkt persistent_id tkt Require d tskstat code Task Status Optional 02-Aug-2016 402/403 . CA Service Management .1 Object Rel_Attr Description Tenancy tskty code Task Type Optional tspan sym Time Span No ttv_slas id ttv_slas Require d typecnt id Reason No tz code Time Zone No urg enum Urgency No url persistent_id URL No USP_PREFERENCES id Preference No USP_PROPERTIES id Property Optional usp_servers id usp_servers No usq id User Stored Query Optional vis_configuration persistent_id vis_configuration Optional vis_graph_metadata persistent_id vis_graph_metadata Optional vis_object_store_criteria persistent_id vis_object_store_criteria Optional vis_object_store_master persistent_id vis_object_store_master Optional vpt id Company Type No web_form id Web Form No web_form_pref id Web Form Preference Require d wf id Workflow Task Require d wftpl id Workflow Task Template Optional wftpl_chgcat id wftpl_chgcat Optional wftpl_isscat id wftpl_isscat Optional workflow_prod_list sym workflow_prod_list No wrkshft persistent_id Workflow Template Workshift LREL No wspcol id Web Screen Painter Column No wspdomset id wspdomset No wsptbl id Web Screen Painter Table No cr_wf id Request Workflow Task Require d 02-Aug-2016 403/403 .14.
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