c07a10 Tft Management User Manual

May 28, 2018 | Author: oicfbd | Category: Switch, Software, Technology, Computing, System Software



solariudine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual IT Systems Indian Airports FIDS TFT Management User Manual Revision Issue Date A 14 October 2009 Page 1 of 20 solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 2 Introduction....................................................................................................................... 3 TFT MANAGER APPLICATION ........................................................................................ 4 2.1 GROUPS ..................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 ADD GROUP ....................................................................................................... 6 2.1.2 DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................... 7 2.1.3 DELETE GROUP ................................................................................................. 8 2.2 DEVICES..................................................................................................................... 9 2.3 TIMES ....................................................................................................................... 11 2.3.1 GLOBAL DEFINITION ....................................................................................... 12 2.3.2 GROUP TIMES .................................................................................................. 14 2.3.3 DEVICE TIMES .................................................................................................. 15 2.4 LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION ................................................................................ 16 2.5 EMERGENCY ........................................................................................................... 19 2.5.1 - Force immediate switch on for all TFT devices (and disable time rules) ........ 19 2.5.2 - Re-enable time rules ........................................................................................ 19 2.5.3 - Re-start server application (*) .......................................................................... 19 Page 2 of 20 D. in order to safeguard the lifetime of each device. (Information Display System).S.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 1 Introduction The aim of this document is to provide the guidelines to use the Solari application named “TFT MANAGER”. The goal of TFT MANAGER application is to build and manage the time rules necessary to switch-off and switch-on the lamps of all the TFT devices installed in an I. Page 3 of 20 . FIG. obviously. login. Example : http://lbsrv/tftmanager/ Starting the TFT MANAGER application the main window printed in FIG. It’s enough to open the browser and point the URL /tftmanager (relative to the lbserver).1 will be displayed.1 : MAIN WINDOW At the top of the screen the BUTTON BAR with the following buttons will appear: GROUPS DEVICES TIMES LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION EMERGENCY Page 4 of 20 .solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2 TFT MANAGER APPLICATION The first operation to do for using TFT Manager Application is. solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2.2 : GROUPS FORM Pressing GROUPS button the form printed in FIG. all the check-in TFT devices belonging to the group CHECK-IN etc.2).2 will be displayed. What is a group ? A group is a logical subdivision for one or more TFT devices with the same switch on-off time rules. Page 5 of 20 . For example in an airport application we can consider all gate TFT devices belonging to the group GATES.3.1 GROUPS FIG. using the GROUP NAME combo box. The user has the possibility to create. delete or modify groups. Splitting the TFT devices in different groups can be helpful because the application is designed to define a single switch on-off time rule that can be automatically assigned to all TFT devices belonging to the same group (see chapter 2. 1 ADD GROUP FIG. Page 6 of 20 .3 will be displayed.3 : ADD GROUP Pressing ADD GROUP button the form printed in FIG. To add a new group the fields Group Name and Description must be both meaningful. Press CONFIRM to apply the insertion of the new group or EXIT to abort the operation.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. otherwise an error message will be displayed.1. Page 7 of 20 . Press CONFIRM to apply the description update or EXIT to abort the operation.4 will be displayed.1.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. Group Name field is protected: the user can only modify the description.4 : MODIFY DESCRIPTION Pressing MODIFY DESCRIPTION button the form printed in FIG.2 DESCRIPTION FIG. 3 DELETE GROUP FIG. Press CONFIRM operation.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2.5 will be displayed.1. to apply the deletion of the selected group or EXIT to abort the Page 8 of 20 .5 : DELETE GROUP Pressing DELETE GROUP button the form printed in FIG. SWITCH OFF . LED devices. 1 STEP The user must define all TFT devices.6 : DEVICES FORM Pressing DEVICES button the form printed in FIG. checking the column CHECK IF TFT. FLAP devices. The fields: .WEEKLY FREQUENCY .ENA / DIS cannot be modified with this function and could be empty.2 DEVICES FIG.6 will be displayed. 2nd STEP The user can create the relationship between TFT and GROUP.SWITCH ON . Getting data (automatically) from the SYSTEM CONFIGURATOR. using the GROUP combo box. st Page 9 of 20 .solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. the complete list of all system devices (TFTs. In this way all other devices will not be handled by the application. etc) will be displayed (columns: DEVICE and DESCRIPTION). 6/A : DEVICES FORM – ONLY TFT CONTROLLERS Pressing DISPLAY ALL DEVICES button is necessary to obtain the complete list of all devices.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual Press SAVE to apply all the updates or EXIT to abort the operation. Remember to press SAVE to apply all the updates. Pressing on CHECK ALL AS TFT button all devices will be checked as TFT. If ENA / DIS flag is 0 the switch on-off time rules are not handled !!! If in the peripheral system configuration the number of TFT devices is greater than the number of other devices the button CHECK ALL AS TFT can be helpful. P.S. FIG. Page 10 of 20 . The function of DISPLAY ONLY TFT button is to have a complete list of TFT devices only (remember: tft device means controller with flag CHECK IF TFT enabled). 7 : TIMES FORM Pressing TIMES button the form printed in FIG.7 will be displayed.GROUP TIMES .solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2.DEVICE TIMES Page 11 of 20 . Through this function the user can define the switch on-off time rules using: .3 TIMES FIG.GLOBAL DEFINITION . 8 will be displayed.1 GLOBAL DEFINITION FIG.3. automatically. FIELD Switch OFF Time Switch ON Time Weekly Frequency DESCRIPTION TFT lamps switch-off time TFT lamps switch-on time Days of week in which the time-rules If all days are DISABLED the time-rules are NOT are valid HANDLED NOTES Time rules ENA/DIS Flag to ENABLE or DISABLE time-rules If flag is DISABLED the time-rules are NOT HANDLED Pressing ASSIGN THE DISPLAYED TIME RULES TO ALL TFT DEVICES button is possible to assign. Page 12 of 20 .8 : GLOBAL DEFINITION Pressing GLOBAL DEFINITION button the form printed in FIG. The below table describes the meaning of each field. the defined time rules to all devices checked as TFT.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. Page 13 of 20 .9 : GLOBAL DEFINITION .CONFIRMATION As displayed in FIG.9 a confirmation button must be pressed. Press EXIT to abort the operation.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual FIG. As displayed in FIG.2 GROUP TIMES FIG.3.10 : GROUP TIMES Pressing GROUP TIMES button the form printed in FIG.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2.10 will be displayed. Pressing ASSIGN THE DISPLAYED TIME RULES TO ALL TFT DEVICES BELONGING TO THE SELECTED GROUP button is possible to assign. Page 14 of 20 . After the selection of the GROUP (using the combo box GROUP NAME) the time-rules fields will be displayed. automatically.1. For the meaning of each field refer to the table in section 2.9 a confirmation button must be pressed. Pressing EXIT button the operation will be aborted.3. the defined time rules to all devices related to the selected group. 3 DEVICE TIMES FIG. overwriting (only for that device) global or group definitions (if present). Pressing EXIT button the operation will be aborted.3. Page 15 of 20 . Pressing CONFIRM button is possible to assign the defined time rules to the selected devices. For the meaning of each field refer to the table in section 2.11 : DEVICE TIMES Pressing DEVICE TIMES button the form printed in FIG.3.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. After the selection of the DEVICE (using the combo box DEVICE NAME) the time-rules fields will be displayed.1.11 will be displayed. 13 will be displayed.12 : LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION FORM Pressing LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION displayed.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2. Page 16 of 20 . button the form printed in FIG. global time definition and group time definition WILL NOT BE DELETED. Pressing EXIT button the operation will be aborted. Pressing PROCEED button the form displayed in FIG. All groups.4 LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION FIG.12 will be As shown in the alarm box message this procedure can be very dangerous. because will delete all the device time-rules previously defined and all the relationship between device and group. st If in the peripheral system configuration the number of TFT devices is greater than the number of other devices the button CHECK ALL AS TFT can be helpful.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual FIG.13 : AFTER “LOAD NEW CONFIGURATION” For all the devices the fields: CHECK IF TFT GROUP SWITCH OFF SWITCH ON WEEKLY FREQUENCY ENA / DIS have been deleted.in case of heavy modification of the system devices configuration (adding or removing a lot of TFT devices). Remember! This function must be used: .the 1 time (after the installation) . Page 17 of 20 . 14 all devices have been checked as TFT.14 : AFTER CHECK ALL AS TFT As displayed in FIG. Now all different devices (not TFT) can be de-selected.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual FIG. Remember! SAVE button must be pressed to save the configuration !!! Page 18 of 20 . Page 19 of 20 . for each TFT device.1 .Re-enable time rules Stop the emergency action and re-enable. This function. The switch on-off time rules defined for each device will be disabled.5.Re-start server application (*) Force a restart of the server application tfthan. the related time-rules. handles the 3 following possibilities: 2. EMERGENCY FIG. 2.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual 2.3 .15 : EMERGENCY FORM Pressing EMERGENCY button the form printed in FIG.15 will be displayed.2 . useful in case of emergency conditions.Force immediate switch on for all TFT devices (and disable time rules) Send to all devices checked as TFT the command in order to SWITCH ON IMMEDIATELY the lamps. (*) After pressing PROCEED button wait some seconds before to see de return message. Page 20 of 20 . while pressing EXIT button the selected operation will be aborted.solari udine Rev A FIDS TFT Management User Manual Pressing PROCEED button the selected operation will be performed.
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