C04 BB ConfigGuide en De

March 30, 2018 | Author: Sridhar Saptharisi | Category: Customer Relationship Management, User Interface, Hypertext Transfer Protocol, Ibm System I, Sap Se



SAP CRM 7.00 December 2010 English CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) Building Block Configuration Guide SAP AG Dietmar-Hopp-Allee 16 69190 Walldorf Germany SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) - Configuration Guide Copyright © 2010 SAP AG. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or for any purpose without the express permission of SAP AG. The information contained herein may be changed without prior notice. Some software products marketed by SAP AG and its distributors contain proprietary software components of other software vendors. Microsoft, Windows, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 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Business Objects and the Business Objects logo, BusinessObjects, Crystal Reports, Crystal Decisions, Web Intelligence, Xcelsius, and other Business Objects products and services mentioned herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of SAP France in the United States and in other countries. All other product and service names mentioned are the trademarks of their respective companies. Data contained in this document serves informational purposes only. National product specifications may vary. These materials are subject to change without notice. These materials are provided by SAP AG and its affiliated companies ("SAP Group") for informational purposes only, without representation or warranty of any kind, and SAP Group shall not be liable for errors or omissions with respect to the materials. The only warranties for SAP Group products and services are those that are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services, if any. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. © SAP AG Page 2 of 50 SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) - Configuration Guide Icons Icon Meaning Caution Example Note or Tip Recommendation Syntax Typographic Conventions Type Style Example text Description Words or characters that appear on the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons as well as menu names, paths and options. Cross-references to other documentation. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Emphasized words or phrases in body text, titles of graphics and tables. Names of elements in the system. These include report names, program names, transaction codes, table names, and individual key words of a programming language, when surrounded by body text, for example, SELECT and INCLUDE. Screen output. This includes file and directory names and their paths, messages, source code, names of variables and parameters as well as names of installation, upgrade and database tools. Keys on the keyboard, for example, function keys (such as F2) or the ENTER key. Exact user entry. These are words or characters that you enter in the system exactly as they appear in the documentation. Variable user entry. Pointed brackets indicate that you replace these words and characters with appropriate entries. Example text EXAMPLE TEXT Example text <Example text> © SAP AG Page 3 of 50 SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) - Configuration Guide Contents 1 Purpose..................................................................................................................................6 2 Preparation.............................................................................................................................6 2.1 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................6 2.2 Restrictions......................................................................................................................6 3 CRM WebClient UI ................................................................................................................7 3.1 CRM WebClient Configuration Scope of SAP BP CRM..................................................7 4 Prerequisites for CRM WebClient Usage...............................................................................8 4.1 Check System Settings....................................................................................................8 4.2 HTTP Services................................................................................................................8 4.2.1 Activating HTTP Services in CRM............................................................................8 4.2.2 Checking HTTP Services in ERP............................................................................10 5 Business Role Configuration................................................................................................10 5.1 Creating Role Configuration Keys.................................................................................11 5.2 Defining Navigation Bar Profiles....................................................................................12 5.3 CRM WebClient UI Business Roles...............................................................................14 5.3.1 Uploading PFCG Roles...........................................................................................14 5.3.2 Defining Business Roles.........................................................................................15 6 Profile Setup.........................................................................................................................18 6.1 Deactivating Work Centers............................................................................................18 6.2 Include/Exclude Logical Links........................................................................................19 6.2.1 Including/Excluding Logical Links for a Business Role............................................19 6.3 Deactivating Visible Direct Group Links.........................................................................20 6.4 Include/Launch Transactions.........................................................................................21 6.4.1 Including SAP GUI Transactions.............................................................................21 Prerequisites for SAP GUI Transactions..........................................................21 Defining RFC Destinations for Method Calls...........................................21 Defining Transaction Launcher...............................................................22 Setting TSTC to Synchronous (CRM).....................................................24 Setting TSTC to Synchronous (ERP)......................................................24 Procedure to Include SAP GUI Transactions (Optional)...................................25 Configuring Transaction Launcher..........................................................25 Creating Logical Link for Transaction......................................................26 Assigning Link to Work Center................................................................27 6.4.2 Including URL Transactions (Optional)...................................................................28 Prerequisites for URL Transactions (Example).................................................28 Procedure to Include URL Transactions...........................................................28 © SAP AG Page 4 of 50 SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) - Configuration Guide Configuring Transaction Launcher..........................................................28 Creating Logical Link for Transaction......................................................29 Assigning Link to Work Center................................................................31 7 Creating Users for WebClient UI..........................................................................................31 7.1 Creating System Users..................................................................................................31 7.2 Adapting System Users.................................................................................................33 8 Authorization Setup..............................................................................................................33 8.1 Installing the Profile Generator......................................................................................34 8.2 Authorization Profile......................................................................................................34 8.2.1 Generating Authorizations Profiles..........................................................................35 8.2.2 Assigning PFCG Roles to Users.............................................................................35 9 Entering the CRM WebClient UI...........................................................................................37 10 Personalization of CRM WebClient UI (Optional)...............................................................39 10.1 Changing Layout.........................................................................................................39 10.2 Personalize Settings....................................................................................................39 10.3 Deactivating Work Center Link Groups........................................................................40 10.4 Shortcuts.....................................................................................................................40 10.4.1 Defining Shortcuts.................................................................................................40 10.4.2 Enabling Shortcuts................................................................................................41 10.5 Personalize Table Views.............................................................................................41 10.6 Personalize Overview Pages.......................................................................................42 11 UI Configuration using BSP Component Workbench.........................................................42 11.1 Adding Fields to Master Data Entry Screens ..............................................................42 11.1.1 Maintaining Entry Screen for Employees..............................................................42 11.1.2 Maintaining Entry Screen for Corporate Accounts................................................43 11.1.3 Maintaining Entry Screen for Contact Persons.....................................................44 11.2 Field Deactivation on Views (Optional)........................................................................45 11.2.1 Identifying Component..........................................................................................45 11.2.2 Starting Component Workbench...........................................................................46 11.3 Integrate Add-Ins into Homepage (Optional)...............................................................47 11.3.1 Creating New Component and View.....................................................................47 11.3.2 Integrate the View into your Homepage................................................................48 Get the Right Component...............................................................................48 Assigning the View to a Component...............................................................48 11.3.3 Adding Functionality..............................................................................................49 © SAP AG Page 5 of 50 SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . please have a look at the document Quick Guide to Installing SAP Best Practices for CRM. © SAP AG Page 6 of 50 . No guarantee is given for correctness and completeness of these roles. The Business Roles and PFCG roles are only intended to be used as a template for the Best Practices scenario scope. 2 Preparation 2.Configuration Guide CRM WebClient User Interface (WebClient UI) Configuration Guide 1 Purpose This configuration guide provides the information you need to set up the configuration of this building block manually. The building block CRM WebClient contains all necessary steps which are basic for the configuration of any WebClient UI.2 Restrictions SAP Best Practices provides predefined Business Roles for CRM WebClient configuration and predefined PFCG roles for setting up an authorization concept. The roles and the assigned authorizations have to be validated and adapted to the specific customer requirements in order to be used in a production system. 2.1 Prerequisites Before starting with the installation of this building block. 1 CRM WebClient Configuration Scope of SAP BP CRM The CRM WebClient UI consists of the following main UI elements: The UI elements can be adapted very flexible to the needs of the end users. tools for configuration and scope of SAP Best Practices configuration. views etc. work center link group. navigation bar) UI configuration tool Easy Enhancement Workbench BSP Component Workbench Authorization Role Maintenance (PFCG) SAP BP CRM Scope Exemplarily Yes Exemplarily No No Exemplarily © SAP AG Page 7 of 50 . Define Authorization Tool Personalization Customizing (business role.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . add. Task Allow defined UI adaptations for end users Visibility of work centers. remove.Configuration Guide 3 CRM WebClient UI 3. The following table describes CRM WebClient UI configuration tasks. rename fields Create customer-specific fields Enhance components. logical links Adaptation of Overview Pages: Position. 3.sap. 4.com. you check the activation status of several services which are used by the CRM WebClient UI. CRM UI Deep Dive Workshops • 4 Prerequisites for CRM WebClient Usage 4.service. you need to activate it. Navigate to the service default_host > sap > bc > bsp > sap. Please check this note in addition to the services listed below. © SAP AG Page 8 of 50 .0  CRM WebClient UI SAP Application Help: http://help. In case a service is not activated yet. SAP CRM 7.0 -> Application Help SAP Customer Relationship Management  Components and Functions  Basic Functions  UI Framework and Configuration SAP CRM trainings: CR580 SAP CRM User Interface. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SICF SAP NetWeaver  Application Server  Internet Communication Framework  Configure and Activate HTTP Services Individually 2.2.1 Check System Settings Please consider the following SAP Notes to prepare the WebClient usage: • • • • 1144511: System parameters required for CRM WebClient 1244321: Activation of detailed CRM WebClient error analysis during the development phase 824554: ICM timeout errors 790727: Publishing all ITS-objects at the same time 4. Activating HTTP Services in CRM Procedure 1.2 HTTP Services 4. SAP Note 1115493 provides the latest information about mandatory HTTP services for the CRM WebClient UI. Activate this service and all services assigned to this node by choosing Service/Host  Activate from the menu. On screen Maintain Services choose Execute (F8).1 Use In this step.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . SAP Business Suite  SAP Customer Relationship Management  SAP CRM 7.Configuration Guide Further information sources regarding WebClient UI configuration: • • Installation Guides on the SAP Service Marketplace: www.sap.com/crm-inst. you need to create an external alias with contentserver as target element. This is necessary in order to view attachments in the WebClient UI. when you choose the Trg Element tab.Configuration Guide 5. use SAP Note 606745 for background information purposes only.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose Save (Ctrl+S). for example address lists which are generated during campaign management. On the Maintain external alias screen. Repeat this activation procedure for service default_host > sap > crm. However. On the Maintain external aliases screen mark the entry default_host. © SAP AG Page 9 of 50 . make the following entries: Field External Alias Description 1 Tab Logon Data Procedure Client User Password Security Requirement Tab Trg Element Follow the path default_host  sap  bc mark the entry contentserver and doubleclick it 11. solution 1. Required with Logon Data <Enter the client you are working in> RFCUSER WELCOME Standard Entry /sap/bc/contentserver /default_host/sap/bc/contentserver If you receive a system short dump. 7. Choose Create New External Alias (F5). 10. For further information. 8. The steps described below contain all the necessary configuration steps. 9. please refer to SAP Note 606745. Choose External Aliases. 6. In addition activate the following services: • • • • • • • • • • default_host > sap > public > bc > icons default_host > sap > public > bc > ur default_host > sap > webcuif default_host > sap > public > bsp > sap > public > bc default_host > sap > public > bsp > sap > htmlb default_host > sap > public > bc default_host > sap > public > myssocntl default_host > sap > public > bsp > sap > system default_host > sap > bc > gui > sap > its (using the filter criterion its for the service in step 3 in order to call CRM SAPGUI transactions from the CRM WebClient) default_host > sap > bc > contentserver (not using a filter criterion) After you have activated the contentserver service. please refer to SAP Note 1042052. Configuration Guide 4. Navigate to the service default_host > sap > bc > gui > sap > its.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . In case a service is not activated yet. screens. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP ERP IMG menu SICF SAP NetWeaver  Application Server  Internet Communication Framework  Configure and Activate HTTP Services Individually 2. you need to activate it. This chapter tells you how to set up authorization roles and business roles for the different users of the CRM WEBCLIENT UI. 3.2 Use Checking HTTP Services in ERP In this step. SAP Note 517484 provides the latest information about mandatory HTTP services. Procedure 1. 5 Business Role Configuration Use To set up the WEBCLIENT UI for the users of the system you need SAP users. If necessary activate this service and all services assigned to this node by choosing Service/Host  Activate from the menu. Please check this note in addition to the services listed below. authorization roles and business roles.2. Using different business roles enables you to tailor the system for its users individually in terms of profiles. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). On screen Maintain Services choose Execute (F8). Business Role assignments © SAP AG Page 10 of 50 . set of functionalities and authorizations. you check the activation status of several services which are used by the ERP. 5. 4. For instance. e. This role configuration key is also assigned to the business role to identify the configuration that is to be used for this role. The determination of the Business Role evaluates the path User  Employee  Position/Organizational Unit. the assignment within the Organizational Model will not be taken into account. direct link groups and logical links Assignment of adapted UI views (e. Access the activity using the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Define Role Configuration Key 2.g. Thus. Procedure 1. a view can be configured for a specific configuration key. e. The assignment of Business Roles to Positions in the Organizational model will take place in the building block CRM Organizational Model. Choose New Entries (F5). For testing purposes. a Business Role can be assigned directly to the user. work center link groups. links that appear in the navigation bar or used reporting framework (SAP BI or Interactive Reporting).g. 5. Business role determination for users: • • • • The Business Role is assigned to an Organizational Unit / Position in the Organizational Model and the User/Business Partner (Employee) is assigned to a Position. Role Config Key BP_POW_USR Description BP Power User © SAP AG Page 11 of 50 . the role configuration key provides the possibility of a role-dependent view configuration. In this case. where fields are removed or renamed compared to the original. add/move/rename field) by using the UI configuration tool Assignment of specific technical settings.g. required for Interaction Center functionality Role Configuration Key o • Technical Profile o • • Layout Profile Function Profile o Assignment of additional functional areas.Configuration Guide The following profiles are assigned to the business role: • Navigation Bar Profile o • Assignment of work centers.g. Organizational Model has not been configured. In the user maintenance (transaction SU01) assign Parameter ID CRM_UI_PROFILE with Parameter Value <Business Role Key> on the Parameters tab to the user.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .1 Creating Role Configuration Keys Use The role configuration key is a unique identifier used in the configuration of views for the WEBCLIENT UI. e. SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose Save (Ctrl+S) and select a customizing request if necessary. (F6). Choose Enter and confirm the information message. Choose Enter. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_NBLINKS Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Define Navigation Bar Profile 2. For SAP Best Practices for CRM we need to define a new navigation bar profile for business role BP_POWERUSER. 5.2 Defining Navigation Bar Profiles Use Work Centers are the first-level navigation entries in the navigation bar of the CRM WebClient UI. Highlight standard navigation bar profile SLS-PRO and choose Copy As. Maintain the following data and press Enter: Nav Bar Profile BP_POWER_USER Description BP Power User 4. Choose copy all and confirm all confirmation messages (keep Enter pressed). All relevant Work Centers which you need for a certain role are defined in the Navigation Bar Profile which is assigned to this role. disregard the warning message and then choose Save (Ctrl+S). Every first-level menu item has an individual work center page. In the Navigation Bar Profile you can add or delete Work Centers. Procedure 1.. 5. 6. 3. It contains a set of shortcuts and access to all work center related SAP CRM components. © SAP AG Page 12 of 50 .Configuration Guide BP_MKT_MAN BP_MKT_EMP BP_SLS_MAN BP_SLS_EMP BP_SRV_MAN BP_SRV_EMP BP_SRV_TEC BP_IC_MAN BP_ICA_MKT BP_ICA_SLS BP_ICA_SRV BP Marketing Manager BP Marketing Employee BP Sales Manager BP Sales Employee BP Service Manager BP Service Employee BP Service Technician BP Interaction Center Manager BP IC Agent Marketing BP IC Agent Sales BP IC Agent Service 3.. 14. Delete all others. Choose New Entries (F5) and select the relevant additional work centers using the input help and enter its future position in the navigation bar. For profile BP_POWER_USER assign the following work centers. 11. Work Center CT-WORKLST MD-ALL MKT-ALL POW-REPORT REPORT_SCH SLS-ADMIN SLS-HOME Position 20 30 40 70 80 50 10 © SAP AG Page 13 of 50 . 13. 8. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) and select a customizing request if necessary. Choose Save (Ctrl+S) and select a customizing request if necessary. Highlight WorkCenter POW-REPORT. double-click on Assign Groups in the left-hand Dialog Structure and assign the following groups. 10.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose copy all and confirm all confirmation messages (keep Enter pressed). Group ID ANA-RPT-SR MKT-ACC-RP MKT-CPG-RP MKT-ELM-RP MKT-FIN-RP MKT-LEA-RP MKT-TPM-RP SLS-ACC-RE SLS-ACT-RE SLS-LEA-RE SLS-MAR-RE SLS-OPP-RE SLS-PLA-RE SLS-PRD-RE SLS-SLS-RE SLS-TPM-RP Position 5 80 90 100 110 120 130 10 20 30 70 40 80 50 60 70 12. Double-click on Define Work Center in the left-hand Dialog Structure and highlight work center SLS-REPORT and choose Copy As… (F6). Delete all others. Highlight the new profile and double-click on view Assign Work Centers in the left-hand Dialog Structure. Maintain the following data and press Enter: WorkCenter POW-REPORT Title Reports for Power Users Description Reports for Power Users 9. 15.Configuration Guide 7. 1 Use Uploading PFCG Roles Use this activity to set up authorization roles. and content of the CRM WebClient UI. C:\Roles). to a local directory: C:\Roles). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu PFCG Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Role  Define Authorization Role 3. Copying business roles and assigning them to the relevant positions (see section Assigning Business Roles to Position) enables you to tighten or widen content available in WebClient UI. to take up roles and to change the navigation. 5. In case you want to assign additional links to your Work Center Link Groups: Double-click on view Define Work Center Link Groups in the left-hand Dialog Structure and highlight the corresponding Group ID. 5.Configuration Guide Position 60 16. Result A new navigation bar profile with extended work center assignments has been created for business role BP_POWER_USER..3 CRM WebClient UI Business Roles Use The purpose of this activity is to copy a standard WebClient UI business role and to assign a new authorization role to it. Enter the Logical Link ID and choose Save (Ctrl+S).g. which is attached to the collective note of this SAP Best Practices version (see the BP CRM Quick Guide for detailed information on current version and relevant collective SAP note). The business roles will be adapted to the Best Practices scenario scope. The WebClient UI business role is designed to centralize the authorizations.ZIP. navigations. Save your entries and choose Back (F3). © SAP AG Page 14 of 50 . Procedure 1. From the menu choose Role  Upload and upload the following composite role from your local directory (e. 17. Download and unzip the authorization roles from the relevant SAP note to your local PC directory (for example. Double-click on view Assign Links (the one below Define Work Center Link Groups) and choose New Entries (F5).SAP Best Practices Work Center SRV-CONTR CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Prerequisites All authorization roles being necessary for SAP Best Practices for CRM have been predefined and are provided as file BP_CRM_Roles_<current version>.3. 2. 3. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG Menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework -> Business Roles  Define Business Role 2. When copying choose copy all and fill in the fields as follows (for all other fields the default values have to be taken): Role to Copy MARKETING PRO Business Role BP_MKT_MAN Description BP Marketing Manager Role Config Key BP_MKT_MAN PFCG Role ID BP_MKT_ MANAGER © SAP AG Page 15 of 50 .2 Use Defining Business Roles Use this activity to set up business roles.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Procedure 1. Role ID BP_CRM_COMPOSITE_ROLE Name SAP Best Practices for CRM . Copy the business roles one by one as shown in the following table’s Role to Copy column by selecting each role separately and choosing the button Copy As … (F6).Composite Role This composite role contains the following relevant single roles: Role ID BP_POWERUSER BP_MKT_MANAGER BP_MKT_EMPLOYEE BP_SLS_MANAGER BP_SLS_EMPLOYEE BP_SRV_MANAGER BP_SRV_EMPLOYEE BP_SRV_TECHNICIAN BP_IC_MANAGER BP_ICAGENT_MKT BP_ICAGENT_SLS BP_ICAGENT_SRV BP_CRM_ECO_ISE_WU_B2B Name BP CRM UIU Power User BP CRM UIU Marketing Manager BP CRM UIU Marketing Employee BP CRM UIU Sales Manager BP CRM UIU Sales Employee BP CRM UIU Service Manager BP CRM UIU Service Employee BP CRM UIU Service Technician BP CRM UIU Interaction Center Manager BP CRM UIU Interaction Center Agent Marketing BP CRM UIU Interaction Center Agent Sales BP CRM UIU Interaction Center Agent Service BP Additional Authorizations for SAP_CRM_ECO_ISE_WU_B2B 5.Configuration Guide Make sure that in field Encoding on the role selection screen Open you choose the value Unicode(UTF-16BE). Choose New Entries to create a new role and enter the following entries. 6. Choose New Entries and enter the following entries: Function Profile ID CRMUI_MPLAYOUT CRMUI_NAVBAR REPORTING_PROF TRANSINBOX Profile Value DEFAULT BP_POWER_USER DEFAULT SALESPRO © SAP AG Page 16 of 50 . disregard all the warning messages and then choose Save (Ctrl+S). disregard all the warning messages and then choose Save (Ctrl+S). 4. Select the Business Role BP_POWERUSER and choose Assign Function Profile. Choose then Enter.Configuration Guide Business Role BP_MKT_EMPL BP_SLS_MAN BP_SLS_EMPL BP_SRV_MAN BP_SRV_EMPL BP_SRV_TECH BP_IC_MAN BP_ICA_MKT BP_ICA_SLS BP_ICA_SRV Description BP Marketing Employee BP Sales Manager BP Sales Employee BP Service Manager BP Service Employee BP Service Technician BP IC Manager BP IC Agent Marketing BP IC Agent Sales BP IC Agent Service Role Config Key BP_MKT_EMP BP_SLS_MAN BP_SLS_EMP BP_SRV_MAN BP_SRV_EMP BP_SRV_TEC BP_IC_MAN BP_ICA_MKT BP_ICA_SLS BP_ICA_SRV PFCG Role ID BP_MKT_ EMPLOYEE BP_SLS_ MANAGER BP_SLS_ EMPLOYEE BP_SRV_ MANAGER BP_SRV_ EMPLOYEE BP_SRV_ TECHNICIAN BP_IC_ MANAGER BP_ICAGENT _MKT BP_ICAGENT _SLS BP_ICAGENT _SRV 3. Choose Enter. Field Name Business Role Profile Type Description Role Config Key Nav Bar Profile Layout Profile Technical Profile PFCG Role ID Field Entry BP_POWERUSER CRM WebClient Business Role BP Power User BP_POW_USR BP_POWER_USER CRM_UIU_MASTER DEFAULT BP_POWERUSER 5.SAP Best Practices Role to Copy MARKETING PRO SALESPRO SALESPRO SERVICEPRO SERVICEPRO SERVICEPRO IC_MANAGER IC_AGENT IC_AGENT IC_AGENT CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . SAP Best Practices 7. CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . © SAP AG Page 17 of 50 .Configuration Guide Result The assignment of Business Roles to positions in the organizational model will take place in the building block CRM Organizational Model. Save your entries. it is possible to tailor the same view differently for users of different business roles. In order to make available only the content for a user that is required for the user’s business needs. different components of the WebClient UI can be activated or deactivated specifically for a role. For further reference of the names of the individual screen elements see the following picture. Procedure 1. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code CRMC_UI_PROFILE © SAP AG Page 18 of 50 . Work Centers can easily be deactivated for all users using a Business Role.1 Deactivating Work Centers Use Work Centers are the first-level navigation entries in the navigation bar of the CRM WebClient UI.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .Configuration Guide 6 Profile Setup Purpose The purpose of this activity is to extend or limit the content of the WebClient UI for a particular business role. Every first-level menu item has an individual work center page. As all business roles use unique role configuration keys. It contains a set of shortcuts and access to all work center related SAP CRM components. the views used in more than one business role may need to be configured role-dependent in order to facilitate the business needs of the users. Furthermore. WebClient UI screen areas 6. Procedure Complete the following steps to extend the contents of the business roles: 1. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). Double-click on Adjust Work Center Group Links in the left-hand dialog structure. Those logical links available for a role can individually be made visible or not visible in the business role as second level entries in the navigation bar (in the menu) and can be made visible or not visible as links in the work center pages.SAP Best Practices SAP CRM IMG menu CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Select the Business Role you want to adjust.2 Include/Exclude Logical Links Use Logical links are used to navigate to different parts within the CRM WebClient application. Please see document C04_CRM_WebClient_Navigation_Bar_Profile. 5. 4. links can be grouped into work center link groups and assigned to work centers. Double-click on Adjust Work Centers in the left-hand Dialog Structure. 3. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 6.Configuration Guide Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2. In order to deactivate a Work Center flag the corresponding Inactive checkbox. Set the visibility of the links by flagging the column In Menu to make a link available as second level entry in the navigation bar and/or the column Visible to make a link available in the work center. To make logical links available for a business role. Adding new links to a business role requires the links to be added to work center link groups and work centers or to be assigned to the business role via direct link groups. 4.2. 3. Choose a Business Role. which themselves are assigned to the business role via a navigation bar profile in which it is contained.xls in order to identify the relevant work centers for the SAP Best Practices business roles. © SAP AG Page 19 of 50 .1 Use Including/Excluding Logical Links for a Business Role Use this activity to set logical links to visible in the business roles either as second level entries in the navigation bar (in the menu) and/or as links in the work center pages. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2. 6. The purpose of this activity is to define the visibility of individual logical links available for a business role via work center link groups. Configuration Guide Please see document C04_CRM_WebClient_Business_Roles. links can be grouped into direct link groups and be assigned to a navigation bar profile. 3. is provided in the file C04_CRM_WebClient_Business_Roles. 1. Apply the steps described above for each business role to manually configure WebClient UI should there be any differences after completing this guide. Logical Link ID SLS-QUT-CR Visible Logical Link Title Quotation Result You deactivated the direct link Quotation on the WebClient UI for business role BP_SLS_MAN. 6. © SAP AG Page 20 of 50 . Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2. the direct link Quotation will be deactivated for the business role BP_SLS_MAN.xls in order to identify the relevant work center group links for the SAP Best Practices business roles.xls. Select Business Role BP_SLS_MAN. Procedure Complete the following steps to limit the content of BP_SLS_MAN. Double-click Visible Direct Group Links. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). Group ID SLS-CREATE 4.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Those direct links available for a role can individually be made visible or not visible in the business role in the navigation bar. which itself is assigned to the business role. which will be the result when all settings within this guide have been made. A complete list with all settings for the Visible Work Center Group Links grouped by business roles. As an example.3 Deactivating Visible Direct Group Links Use To make logical links available for a business role in the navigation bar. Result You adjusted the business roles with new content. The following SAP Notes have to be considered when using the transaction launcher for calling SAP GUI transactions.1 Including SAP GUI Transactions Skip the complete section including all its sub-sections. that supports synchronous calls is required and will also be defined in this activity. The screens for BOR based launch transactions are launched through the ITS (Internet Transaction Server) service. SAP Note # 1021222 System Target system (ERP. 6.1 Use © SAP AG Defining RFC Destinations for Method Calls Page 21 of 50 . If you intend to include certain CRM SAPGUI Transactions for an SAP CRM standalone implementation.1 Use Prerequisites for SAP GUI Transactions An RFC connection the SAP ERP system is required. To launch a GUI transaction.Configuration Guide 6. This requires the RFC destination to the target system to be assigned for synchronous calling dialog methods in the target system. 6. The access to business transactions from the CRM WebClient UI is administered in the transaction launcher. a BOR object type with a method EXECUTE that supports synchronous calls is required.4.4. you can of course use these sections as a how-to description.4. in case SAP CRM is implemented as standalone solution without SAP ERP integration.4 Include/Launch Transactions Use SAP GUI based and URL transactions can be included in the WebClient UI. They describe how to include ERP SAPGUI Transactions. which is defined in the transaction launcher. To launch an SAP GUI transaction a BOR object type with a method EXECUTE. BW) Target system (ERP.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . BW) Source (CRM) Component CRM-IC-ABO Description Display problems for SAPGUI transactions via ITS (CCMP_RABOX) Launch Transaction to ERP or R/3 system dumps on logon Display problems for SAPGUI transactions via ITS 1029777 888931 CA-GTF-IC-ABO CRM-IC-ABO 6.1. which are used in the integrated SAP Best Practices for CRM scenarios.1. This connection has already been created in the building block CRM Connectivity. The transaction launcher can be used to launch URL’s and BSP / BOR transactions from other systems.1. e. As the screens for BOR based launch transactions are launched through the ITS (Internet Transaction Server) service. which sets the access to business transactions from the CRM WebClient UI. Field Name CRM system Mapped Logsys <Logical system> Enter the logical system defined for the connected CRM system used in the previous step (for example. the URL to the ITS service needs to be assigned to the logical system associated with the target system. e.4. typically <ERP system ID>CLNT<client>. Choose the logical system corresponding to the target system from the tree and choose button Standard dialog destination to assign the standard RFC destination for dialog calls for the ERP system. CRMCLNT213) Field Entry Details © SAP AG Page 22 of 50 . where the transaction is called. RS5CLNT213 RFC destination for dialog calls 3. Field Name Receiver/server Field Entry <logical system> (Name as defined previously. 6.1. 3. Procedure 1.g. Create two new entries (for the relevant CRM and ERP system) with the following values.. typically <ERP system ID>CLNT<client>.Configuration Guide Assign the RFC destination to the target system for synchronous calling dialog methods in the target system.1.g. RS5CLNT213) <RFC destination> <Name as defined previously>. Procedure 1.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Define logical system and assign ITS URL (if it has not been defined yet) Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu CRMS_IC_CROSS_SYS Interaction Center → Interaction Center WebClient → Administration → System Parameters → Define Transaction Launcher Logical Systems and URLs 2.2 Use Defining Transaction Launcher Use this activity to define the logical system and the URL’s for the transaction launcher. Save your settings. Delete all existing entries in this table. Access the activity to assign the RFC destination for synchronous method call using the following transaction: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG Menu BD97 SAP NetWeaver  Application Server  IDoc Interface / Application Link Enabling (ALE)  Communication  Determine RFC Destinations for Method Calls 2. The port can be determined as follows: • • • • Call transaction SMICM in the ERP or CRM system. 213) Points to the system where the launch transactions are executed (see note 888931): Enter logical system defined for the connected ERP system used in the previous step (for example. Choose Goto  Services. 213) Points to the system where the launch transactions are executed (see note 888931): ITS Client <ITS client> URL of ITS ERP system Mapped Logsys <URL> <Logical system> Logical system <Logical system> ITS Client <ITS client> URL of ITS <URL> How to get the URL of ITS: <http://<host>:<port>/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/!?~transaction=IC_LTXE& ~okcode=ICEXECUTE> For example. From the Active Services list choose the port for the HTTP service.corp:8077/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui/!? ~transaction=IC_LTXE&~okcode=ICEXECUTE For calls to the ERP system use the parameter value IC_LTXE as stated above. CRMCLNT213) The ITS client is the system client where the launch transactions are executed (for example. ERPCLNT213) The ITS client is the system client where the launch transactions are executed (for example. ERPCLNT213) Select logical system defined for the connected ERP system used in the previous step (for example. Result © SAP AG Page 23 of 50 .wdf. http://uscirs5. Alternatively the server and port of the ITS can be found as follows: • • • Call transaction SE80. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).Configuration Guide Field Entry <Logical system> Details Select the logical system defined for the connected CRM system used in the previous step (for example.SAP Best Practices Field Name Logical system CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .sap. • • The host name can be derived from the message server of the underlying ERP or CRM system. Choose tab Internet Transaction Server. 4. Choose Utilities  Settings. For calls to the CRM system use the parameter value IC_LTX in the URL. 6. Access the activity using the following navigation option: Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu SWO1 Architecture and Technology → ABAP Workbench → SAP Business Workflow -> Definition Tools -> Application Integration → Business Object Builder 2.4. Open the folder Methods and select method Transaction. 6. Enter TSTC as Object/Interface Type. Set the checkbox Synchronous on tab General.1. 5. 3. 7.3 Use Setting TSTC to Synchronous (CRM) This step sets the method EXECUTE of the BOR object type TSTC (transaction) to support synchronous calls. Choose Continue (Enter). 6.4 Use Setting TSTC to Synchronous (ERP) This step sets the method EXECUTE of the BOR object type TSTC (transaction) to support synchronous calls. which sets the access to business transactions from the CRM WebClient UI. Enter TSTC as Object/Interface Type. Choose Change and confirm the information message. Execute with double-click. © SAP AG Page 24 of 50 . Generate the object by choosing Generate (Ctrl+F3). Access the activity using the following navigation option: Transaction code SAP ERP GUI menu SWO1 Tools → ABAP Workbench → Development → Business Object Builder 2. Set the checkbox Synchronous on tab General.Execute with double-click.1. 4. Procedure 1. 6. Generate the object by choosing Generate (Ctrl+F3). Procedure 1. have been defined for the CRM and the ERP system.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose Continue (Enter).4. 3. Open the folder Methods and select method Transaction.Configuration Guide Logical system and the URLs for the transaction launcher.1. 7. Choose Change and confirm the information message. 4.1. 5. enter directly): Field Name Screen Entries Launch Trans.1.2.4. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_ACTIONWZ Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Transaction Launcher -> Configure Transaction Launcher 2. a transaction launcher needs to be configured. ID Component Set Description Class Name Stateful Raise Veto Screen Further Technical Details Transaction Type Logical System BOR Object Type Method Name A – BOR Transaction <Logical system for ERP defined for the transaction launcher in the previous step> (e. Transaction MMBE Source System ERP Field Entry Stock Overview Procedure 1. RS5CLNT213)> TSTC EXECUTE YBP_ERP_TX_MMBE ALL ERP Transaction MMBE <give an own name for the class which does not exist already in the system> Field Entry Screen 1 – Introduction (Continue) Screen Technical Details © SAP AG Page 25 of 50 .2 Use Procedure to Include SAP GUI Transactions (Optional) The following sections describe via an example how to include an ERP transaction into the WebClient. Enter the following data in the steps of the Wizard (if not offered by the input help.1.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .g.4.1 Use Configuring Transaction Launcher For each GUI transaction to be called. 6. The following SAP GUI transactions will be made accessible from the CRM WebClient..Configuration Guide 6. A logical link is defined for each transaction assigning the corresponding transaction launcher as parameter. 1.1.4. Procedure Create direct link for the transaction and make it available on the WebClient UI for a specific business role.2.SAP Best Practices Field Name Parameter Value Parameter Screen Complete Choose Complete CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose view Define Logical Links and create a new link with the following details (for necessary title translation choose menu path Goto  Translation): Field Name Logical Link ID Type Target ID Parameter Parameter Class Icon Name (optional) Title (EN) Title (DE) Title (ES) Title (FR) Title (PT) Title (RU) Title (ZH) Title (TR) Title (NL) Stock Overview Bestandsübersicht Resumen de stocks Synthèse des stocks Visão geral de estoques обзор запасов 库存总览 Stoka genel bakış Voorraadoverzicht Field Entry YB-TX-MMBE C Launch Transaction EXECLTX YBP_ERP_TX_MMBE CL_CRM_UI_LTX_NAVBAR_PARAM © SAP AG Page 26 of 50 .2 Use Creating Logical Link for Transaction This activity defines logical links to be used in the CRM WebClient UI.Configuration Guide Field Entry Object Key MMBE <Leave it blank> Screen Transaction Parameters Screen Activity Clipboard Integration 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_NBLINKS Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Define Navigation Bar Profile 2. Select Business Role BP_SLS_MAN.4.SAP Best Practices Field Name Title (IT) Title (CS) Title (PL) Title (DA) Title (FI) Title (JA) Title (NO) Title (SV) Title (HE) Title (KO) Title (HU) Title (RO) Description (EN) 3.3 Use Assigning Link to Work Center To make the logical links available for a business role. Choose Adjust Work Centers Group Links and set the following records to “visible”: Work Center ID SLS-REPORT Group ID SLS-PRD-RE Logical Link ID YB-TX-MMBE In Menu Visible 4. Save your entries. the links are assigned to work center link groups. Select the following Group ID and in view Assign Links assign the new links: Group ID SLS-PRD-RE 6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). Choose view Define Work Center Link Groups. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2. Logical Link ID YB-TX-MMBE Position 6. Procedure 1.Configuration Guide Field Entry Riepilogo stock Přehled zásob Przegląd zapasów Beholdningsoversigt Varastotilanne 在庫状況照会 Beholdningsoversikt Lageröversikt ‫סקירת מלאי‬ 공급업체에 제공한 자재 재고 Készletáttekintés Imagine generală stocuri analogous to <title> 4. Result © SAP AG Page 27 of 50 .2. 5. 3. which themselves are assigned to work centers. Save your entries.1. CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 3. Setup of URL Based Launch Transaction Field Name URL ID Description Request Method Non-BSP URL URL 4. the URL to run has to be defined in the URL repository.4.1 Use Prerequisites for URL Transactions (Example) In order to run URL transactions.4. You can skip this section with all its sub-sections. 6.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Define URL in the URL repository Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu SPRO Customer Relationship Management  Interaction Center WebClient  Basic Functions  Transaction Launcher  Define URLs and Parameters 2. © SAP AG Page 28 of 50 . Choose Maintain and create a new entry.2.Configuration Guide You added a new link to the WebClient UI for holders of business role BP_SLS_MAN with which you can start an ERP transaction.2.2.quote.2. Procedure 1. 6. www.4.com Field Entry Y_STOCK_QUOTES Stock Quotes Get Result You have entered the URL for your Web page.4.2 Use Including URL Transactions (Optional) The following sections describe via an example how to include a Web page into the WebClient. 6. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).1 Use Procedure to Include URL Transactions Configuring Transaction Launcher This activity configures the transaction launcher required to call the URL from the WebClient UI. if you don’t want to integrate any Web page into the CRM WebClient.2 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: © SAP AG Page 29 of 50 . The corresponding transaction launcher for the URL is assigned as parameter. ID>) Set flag only if Web page has to be displayed in a new window Y_STOCK_QUOTES (= URL_ID from section Prerequisites for URL Transactions) ALL Field Entry Screen 1 – Introduction (Continue) 6.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .2 Use Creating Logical Link for Transaction This activity defines a logical link to be used in the CRM WebClient UI. 1. ID Component Set Screen 3 Description Class Name Stateful Raise Veto Screen 4 Transaction Type URL ID Screen 5 Parameter Screen 6 Parameter Screen 7 Choose Complete <Leave is blank> <Leave is blank> B URL Transaction Y_STOCK_QUOTES (= URL_ID from section Prerequisites for URL Transactions) Stock Quotes (= Description from section Prerequisites for URL Transactions) CL_Y_STOCK_QUOTES (= “CL” + <Launch Trans.4.2.2. Procedure Create direct link YB-UR-STOCK and make it available on the WebClient UI under Reporting for business role BP_SLS_MAN.Configuration Guide Procedure 1. Enter the following data: Field Name Screen 2 Launch Trans. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_ACTIONWZ Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Transaction Launcher  Configure Transaction Launcher 2. Select the Group ID listed in the next step and double-click on view Assign Link © SAP AG Page 30 of 50 .SAP Best Practices Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 4. ID from section Configuration Transaction Launcher) CL_CRM_UI_LTX_NAVBAR_PARAM 3. Double-click on view Define Logical Links and create a new link with the following details (for necessary title translation choose menu path Goto  Translation): Field Name Logical Link ID Type Target ID Parameter Parameter Class Icon Name (optional) Title (EN) Title (DE) Title (ES) Title (FR) Title (PT) Title (RU) Title (ZH) Title (TR) Title (NL) Title (IT) Title (CS) Title (PL) Title (DA) Title (FI) Title (JA) Title (NO) Title (SV) Title (HE) Title (KO) Title (HU) Title (RO) Description Stock Quotes (= Description from section Prerequisites for URL Transactions) Aktienkurse Cotizaciones de bolsa Cours de la bourse Cotações de ações котировки акций 股票报价 Hisse senedi Aandelenkoersen Quotazioni di borsa Kurzy akcií Notowania giełdowe Aktiekurser Osakekursseja 株価 Aksjekurser Aktiekurser ‫מחירי מניות‬ 주식 시세 Tőzsdéről Cotaţii bursiere Stock Quotes (analogous to <Title>) Field Entry YB-UR-STOC C Launch Transaction EXECLTX Y_STOCK_QUOTES (= Launch Trans. Double-click on view Define Work Center Link Groups.Configuration Guide CRMC_UI_NBLINKS Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Technical Role Definition  Define Navigation Bar Profile 2. Result You added a new link to the WebClient UI for holders of business role BP_SLS_MAN. Save your entries. If you would like to call a different report. Choose Save (Ctrl+S). 7 Creating Users for WebClient UI 7. Select Business Role BP_SLS_MAN. This link runs the BW Report Incoming Orders (ERP).Configuration Guide 5.2. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2.4. Field Entry SLS-MAR-RE YB-UR-STOC <empty> 6.1 Creating System Users Use These system users are only intended to be used for accessing the CRM system exclusively via the CRM WebClient. Double-click on view Adjust Work Center Group Links and set the following record: Work Center ID SLSREPORT Group ID SLS-MAR-RE Logical Link ID YB-UR-STOC In Menu Visible Logical Link Title Stock Quotes 4. 1.3 Use Assigning Link to Work Center Assign the logical link to a work center link group to make it available for a business role. only the InfoCube and the query variable in the URL have to be changed. 3.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose New Entries and assign the following logical link: Field Name Group ID Logical Link ID Position 6. © SAP AG Page 31 of 50 . Procedure Complete the following steps to extend the content of business role BP_SLS_MAN.2. 4.Configuration Guide For technical reasons. choose one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu SU01 Architecture and Technology  System Administration  User Maintenance  Users 2. These system users will be assigned to employees in the Building Block CRM Organizational Model. To create a new system user. 3. Enter the following data: Field Name Address tab page Last name First name Function E-mail Parameter ID Parameter Value <last name of user> <first name of user> <any description> (optional) <E-mail address> (optional) CRM_UI_PROFILE BP_POWERUSER Entry Parameters tab page (Only for user POWER_USER!) © SAP AG Page 32 of 50 . Procedure Create the following system users: User SALES_DIR SALES_MAN SALES_EMPL MKT_MAN MKT_EMPL SERV_MAN SERV_EMPL SERV_TECH IC_MAN IC_AGENT_MKT IC_AGENT_SAL IC_AGENT_SRV IC_AGENT_SUP POWER_USER Last Name Seller Stone Curtis Richard Lion Reval Lee Carter Lucata Dean Coltman Anderson Best User First Name Peter Jennifer Michael Melanie Richard Ryan Barbara Matthew Angela Michelle Julie Ann Peter Power Function Sales Director Sales Manager Sales Employee Marketing Manager Marketing Employee Service Manager Service Employee Service Technician IC Manager IC Agent Marketing IC Agent Sales IC Agent Service IC Agent Support Configuration User 1.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose Create (F8). The power user holds all the business content available in CRM WebClient UI. As power users are not necessarily assigned in the organizational model. like setting up organizational structure or editing its hierarchy. In the User field. there is a need for a power user. the business role is assigned to the user by directly. enter the system user name. Log on to the CRM system with these users one after another and change the initial password initial to the new password welcome. programs. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).SAP Best Practices Logon data tab page Initial password Repeat password User type Roles tab page Role Profiles tab page Profile 5. For recommendations regarding security for system users please see: http://help. The password for the new system users is still an initial value.sap. and services in SAP systems from unauthorized access. On the basis of the authorization concept. CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .2 Adapting System Users Use With this activity you change the initial password of each of the new system users with the first system logon. the administrator assigns authorizations to the users that determine which actions a user can execute in the SAP system.com  SAP NetWeaver 7. © SAP AG Page 33 of 50 . 8 Authorization Setup Purpose The SAP authorization concept protects transactions.1  System Configuration and Administration  Security Guide Procedure 1. 7. Result The SAP Best Practices Business Process Documentation for the scenarios expects the password welcome for these users.Configuration Guide initial initial Dialog Empty (Assignment takes place in section Authorization Setup) Empty Result The system users are now created in the CRM system. after he or she has logged on to the system and authenticated himself or herself. so that the user can use the appropriate transactions for his or her tasks. The user administrators then assign the corresponding roles using the user master record. The authorizations are combined in an authorization profile that is associated with a role. 3. SAP CRM uses the Business Role concept in the WebClient UI as a central object for controlling the navigation bar. All authorization profiles can be adapted according to the necessary requirements and the authorization concept that has to be realized. Use SAP Best Practices for CRM facilitates the definition of an authorization concept by providing preconfigured business roles with navigation bars and logical links adapted to the SAP Best Practices scenario scope. otherwise proceed with the following step. In addition. 8. Confirm the information message.Configuration Guide To access business objects or execute SAP transactions. Procedure 1. The authorizations represent instances of generic authorization objects and are defined depending on the activity and responsibilities of the employee. The business role is assigned to an organizational unit in the Organizational Model. © SAP AG Page 34 of 50 . a user requires corresponding authorizations. the logical links and the authorizations for users. The business role is assigned to an authorization profile via a PFCG role. 8. or update the customer tables after an upgrade.1 Installing the Profile Generator Use This transaction is used to fill the customer tables of the Profile Generator the first time the Profile Generator is used. 2.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .2 Authorization Profile Use The predefined SAP Best Practices PFCG roles uploaded into the system in section Uploading PFCG Roles already have authorization object assignments suited to the scope of the Best Practices Business Roles. The user is assigned to an organizational unit as well. predefined PFCG roles tailored to the Business Role scope can be used to automatically create the corresponding authorization profiles. Choose action Installing the Profile Generator  Initially Fill the Customer Tables. as business objects or transactions are protected by authorization objects. Access the activity using the following navigation option: Transaction code SU25 If you have used the Profile Generator in an earlier release and want to compare the data with the new SAP defaults after an upgrade choose Information about this transaction for a detailed description. respectively. Choose Back (F3) twice. Choose Save and confirm the default profile name. 8. Repeat these steps for all single roles being listed here: Single value BP_* (all 13 single roles which have been uploaded with composite role BP_CRM_COMPOSITE_ROLE) SAP_CRM_OR_* (all single roles existing) SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_PCC_ERMS_ADMIN Result The profiles of all necessary single authorization roles have been generated. Select option Edit old status and choose Execute.Configuration Guide The authorization profiles provided by SAP Best Practices must not be used in a production system because completeness and correctness can not be guaranteed. 5. 8. If this authorization does not apply to your project. Please see SAP Note 0338537 for some guidelines. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code PFCG 2. In field Role enter single role BP_* (see list of roles below) and choose Change. 6. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu PFCG Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Role  Define Authorization Role © SAP AG Page 35 of 50 .2.2. These profiles are only intended to be used as a starting point for the definition of a customer-specific authorization concept. 3.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .2 Use Assigning PFCG Roles to Users The SAP Best Practices PFCG roles have to be assigned to the users. On tab Authorizations choose button Expert mode for Profile Generation. Procedure 1. Choose button Generate. 7. 4.1 Generating Authorizations Profiles Procedure 1. 8. you should restrict the rights of the user according to your internal authorization guidelines. Repeat these steps for the following assignments of users to roles: System User POWER_USER Role Assignments SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_POWERUSER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_MKT_MANAGER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_MKT_EMPLOYEE SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_SLS_MANAGER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_SLS_MANAGER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_SLS_EMPLOYEE SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_SRV_MANAGER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_SRV_EMPLOYEE SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK BP_SRV_TECHNICIAN SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK SAP_PCC_ERMS_ADMIN SAP_CRM_OR_USER BP_IC_MANAGER SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK BP_ICAGENT_MKT SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK BP_ICAGENT_SLS SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK BP_ICAGENT_SRV MKT_MAN MKT_EMPL SALES_DIR SALES_MAN SALES_EMPL SERV_MAN SERV_EMPL SERV_TECH IC_MAN IC_AGENT_MKT IC_AGENT_SAL IC_AGENT_SRV © SAP AG Page 36 of 50 . Choose Save.Configuration Guide 2. Enter role BP_MKT_EMPLOYEE and choose Change. 6. Choose tab User. Choose Complete Comparison. 8. Enter user MKT_EMPL in field UserID and choose enter. 4. Choose User Comparison.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 3. 7. 5. To change the language for the Internet Explorer: • • • Choose Tools → Internet Options Choose Languages Make sure that the required language is listed on the first position in the Languages list. choose a user. Choose Transaction CRM_UI 2. The URL of the CRM WebClient UI has the following structure (default configuration): http://<Host Name>. POWER_USER with password welcome.SAP Best Practices System User IC_AGENT_SUP CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Choose Goto → Services. 9 Entering the CRM WebClient UI Use The purpose of this activity is to describe how to access the WebClient UI.sap. The port can be determined as follows: 1.<Extension>:<Port Number>/sap/bc/bsp/sap/ crm_ui_frame/default. From the Active Services list choose the port for the HTTP service. On the logon screen.htm For example: http://vmw1234. Procedure Access from SAP GUI: 1. Result © SAP AG Page 37 of 50 . 3.<Domain Name>. The CRM WebClient UI language is automatically determined from the Web Browser settings. Domain Name and Extension can be derived from the message server of the underlying CRM system.g.Configuration Guide Role Assignments SAP_CRM_UIU_FRAMEWORK BP_ICAGENT_SRV In case of authorization problems when running the CRM WebClient please use the document CRM Web UI: Analyzing Authorization Problems attached to SAP Note 1244321 as guidance.wdf. Call transaction SMICM.corp:50010/sap/bc/bsp/sap/crm_ui_frame/default.htm Host Name. Access via URL The CRM WebClient UI can also be accessed using a Uniform Resource Locator (URL). 3. 2. e. SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . © SAP AG Page 38 of 50 .Configuration Guide You have set up access to the CRM WebClient UI and logged on with one of the defined users possessing the assigned business role. © SAP AG Page 39 of 50 . 2. Besides it is possible to change the font size.Configuration Guide 10Personalization of CRM WebClient UI (Optional) 10. Choose Save.2 Personalize Settings Use If the user prefers a different way to display date and time than the general settings. Navigate to the Personalize Layout dialog screen: SAP CRM WebClient menu Personalize  Personalize Layout 3. There are a couple of pre-defined skins which you can choose for the user interface. Log on to the WebClient UI as described in section Entering the CRM WebClient UI with your user and password. Result You adjusted the date and time settings according to your needs. 2. Choose Save. Procedure 1. Change skin and text size according to your preferences. Log on to the WebClient UI as described in section Entering the CRM WebClient UI with your user and password. From the dialog box you can change Time Zone. The values of these fields here correspond with those in transaction SU01. Procedure 1. Navigate to the Personalize Layout dialog screen: SAP CRM WebClient menu Personalize  Personalize Settings 3. Decimal Notation. it is possible to adjust the settings.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Date Format and Time Format. 4. 10. 4.1 Changing Layout Use You can adjust the design of the WebClient UI according to your individual preferences. Result You have assigned a new skin and text size to your WebClient UI. 10. Click the Personalize icon (small rectangle-shaped/pencil icon (depends on your skin)) on the top-right corner of the work center page.3 Deactivating Work Center Link Groups Use Work center link groups within a work center page can be deactivated by the user directly on the WebClient UI. Shift or Esc). 5. Choose Save. Procedure 1. 4. 10. 6. If some of them are not relevant.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Click Back.4 Shortcuts Use Shortcuts help to quickly navigate to or focus on a specific frequently used object. you can use a combination of keys to directly navigate to the target. Result Only the necessary Work Center Link Groups are displayed. 3. 2. Personalization is user-specific. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu CRMC_UI_PROFILE Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  Business Roles  Define Business Role 2.1 Defining Shortcuts Procedure 1. they can be removed by personalization for the logged-on user. 7.4. It is also possible to remove fields from views in other work center pages by personalization. choose the IDs for which you want to enter the shortcuts. Log on to the WebClient UI and navigate to your Work Center Home Page where you want to change the Work Center Link Groups. 3. Instead of clicking several times for navigation. Mark the business role for which you want to define shortcuts. In the shown screen you can decide for each Work Center Link Group in the corresponding dropdown list box to replace it by another one or do not display this Link Group anymore (by selecting the blank entry from the dropdown box). 8. From the input help. Enter the key combination for your shortcuts by choosing the right key from the list and checking the box for the additional key (Alt. Ctrl. Click on New Entries. Click Save.Configuration Guide 10. 4. Double-click on Define Keyboard Shortcuts. © SAP AG Page 40 of 50 . Navigate to the table view which you want to personalize. 7. This accelerates searches and makes the employee’s work more efficient. 5. © SAP AG Page 41 of 50 .2 Enabling Shortcuts Procedure 1.Configuration Guide Result Your defined shortcuts can be used in the WebClient UI. 10. Choose the entry from the list for which you want to create a shortcut and define the combination. Choose Save. Navigate to the Personalize Shortcuts dialog screen: SAP CRM WebClient menu Personalize  Personalize Shortcuts 3. 4. Exchange the columns by highlighting a column and clicking the corresponding arrow. 10. In the upper part of the dialog box it is possible to define how many lines are shown in the result list on one page. Procedure 1. Choose Save. Log on to the WebClient UI as described in section Entering the CRM WebClient UI with your user and password. In the Personalization dialog box you can decide whether columns should be hidden (available columns) or shown (displayed columns). Click the Personalize icon on the top-right corner of the table view. Result You have changed the displayed columns in the table view. 2.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .5 Personalize Table Views Use You can personalize table views in order to display exactly the columns with information you currently need. Log on to the WebClient UI as described in section Entering the CRM WebClient UI with your user and password. Result You added shortcuts for your frequently used objects. 2. Define the width of the displayed columns by changing the percentage in the table displayed columns. 3. 4.4. 6. In the Personalization dialog you can decide whether assignment blocks should be displayed or hidden. Navigate to the overview page which you want to personalize (e.g. 6. 3. In field Component enter value BP_EMPL and choose Display. Procedure 1. You can decide whether columns should be hidden or displayed.6 Personalize Overview Pages Use On the different overview pages you can adjust the displayed assignment blocks as well as the table view within the assignment blocks. 11UI Configuration using BSP Component Workbench 11. Click the Personalize icon on the top-right corner of an Assignment Block. for Corporate Accounts). © SAP AG Page 42 of 50 .Configuration Guide 10. 4. 7. Exchange the assignment blocks by highlighting the entry and clicking on the arrow.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .1 Adding Fields to Master Data Entry Screens 11. 2. Choose Save. Result You have adjusted the overview pages according to your preferences.1. In the upper part of the dialog box it is possible to define how many lines are shown in the result list on one page. 8. Open the User Interface (UI) Configuration Tool. Exchange the columns by highlighting a column and clicking the corresponding arrow. 5. Maintaining Entry Screen for Employees Procedure 1. Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture & Technology  Configuration  Access BSP WD Workbench 2. Choose Save.1 Use The database field Grouping in the view Employee has to be added in the view as this field is hidden in the SAP CRM standard entry screen. Log on to the WebClient UI as described in section Entering the CRM WebClient UI with your user and password. Click the Personalize icon on the top-right corner of the overview page. SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Select tab Configuration. Choose Save.e. Choose Choose Configuration. 14. 4. Now you can decide on which level the adapted view will be visible. Choose Show Available Fields. 9. Choose Copy Configuration and choose YES on the confirmation screen. Choose Edit to switch into Change mode. Choose Choose Configuration and select the single existing SAP standard configuration having Config Key <DEFAULT> and Component Usage <DEFAULT> with double-click. In the Available Fields area. Procedure 1.g. 8. In the application area first highlight the field after which the new field shall be inserted (e. Open this view with double-click. Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture & Technology  Configuration  Access BSP WD Workbench 2. i. select the view Component  Views  BP_Head/AccountDetails. after field Language). 11. 5. You can see the new customer configuration having Config Key BP_POW_USR. Typically the view changes have to be visible on the level of a Business Role.2 Use Maintaining Entry Screen for Corporate Accounts The database field Grouping in the view BP:HEAD/AccountDetails has to be added in the view as this field is a hidden field in the SAP CRM standard. 4. You can repeat these steps with a second new field. 7.1. 3. EMPLOYEE  Nationality. Open the User Interface (UI) Configuration Tool. e. In the field Component enter the value BP_HEAD and choose Display.Configuration Guide 3. © SAP AG Page 43 of 50 . Open this view with double-click. Confirm the logon with your CRM user and password 6. 5. 11. 6. Result If you go back to the Component Structure Browser of component BP_EMPL open the view Component  Views  BP_EMPL/EmployeeDetails with double-click. highlight the field EMPLOYEE  Grouping and then choose the button “+” (Add Field). Key. Select tab Configuration. 10. BP_POW_USR and choose Continue.g. In this case you have to select an existing Role Config. Connect to the host server with your CRM system user and password. In the Component Structure Browser of component BP_EMPL select the view Component  Views  BP_EMPL/EmployeeDetails.. In the Component Structure Browser of component BP_HEAD. Choose button Display <-> Change to switch from Display to Change mode and select a customizing request if necessary. 13. 12. 10. Confirm the Customizing request. Open this view with double-click. © SAP AG Page 44 of 50 . Choose Choose Configuration. Choose Edit to switch to Change mode. 14.3 Use Maintaining Entry Screen for Contact Persons The database field Grouping in the view Contact has to be added in the view as this field is a hidden field in the SAP CRM standard. Confirm the Customizing request. 4.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 8. 11. Open the folder HEADER and highlight the field Grouping. Highlight the field HEADER  Grouping (left side) and highlight the field ID in group General Data (right side). Choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen. Now highlight the currently entered field Grouping in order to place a second field below. 7. select the view Component  Views  BP_CONT/ContactDetails. 12. 11. Choose Save to save your entries. Choose Show Available Fields. 5.1. below which you want to insert the new field (e. Highlight the field HEADER  Grouping and highlight the field ID in group General Data. Object Type BP_ACCOUNT and Object Subtype INDIVIDUAL with double-click. Select tab Configuration. 13. Select tab Configuration. Open the User Interface (UI) Configuration Tool. 15. Choose view BP_CONT/ContactQuickCreateEF with double-click. 6. 8. 9.g. Confirm the logon with your CRM user and password. 11. Choose Save to save your entries. Component Usage <DEFAULT>. Choose Save to save your entries. 12. Transaction code SAP CRM GUI menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture & Technology  Configuration  Access BSP WD Workbench 2. 14. In the field Component enter the value BP_CONT and choose Display. Then choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen. 3. Choose Show Available Fields. Language). Procedure 1. 9. In the Component Structure Browser of component BP_CONT. 16. Choose Show Available Fields and click on the field. 10. 17. In folder HEADER highlight field Search Term 1 and choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen.Configuration Guide 7. Select entry with Config Key <DEFAULT>. 13. Choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen. When working with the WebClient UI you can press F2 to get technical information on the view you’re working with. As an example some changes will be done for the Account Management / Account Search page for business role BP_SALES_MAN. 1. first identify the view and its technical information needed to make the changes in the Component Workbench. 17. Choose Save to save your entries. Log on as Power User (user POWER_USER. Otherwise you can move to the next chapter. Choose Choose Configuration and select the context with the following values with double-click: Component Name: BP_CONT Page: CONTACTQUICKCREATEEF Config Key: <DEFAULT> Component Usage: <DEFAULT> Object Type: BP_CONTACT Object Subtype: CONTACT_CREATION Std. © SAP AG Page 45 of 50 . Language). This can be achieved using the Component Workbench. 19. Conf. Choose Show Available Fields and click on the field below which you want to insert the new field (e. Choose Edit to switch into Change mode.2 Field Deactivation on Views (Optional) Use The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate how a screen can be modified if you have a requirement for it. Fields can be displayed. Open the folder BUILHEADER and highlight the field Grouping. press F2 while positioned in one of the fields. 21. removed or renamed on WebClient UI views. Then choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen. Now highlight the currently entered field Grouping in order to place the second field below. 20.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) .: X 16. The first step to change a screen is to identify which view you want to change. Procedure You can identify the component you’re working with by following the next steps. 18. 22. Confirm the Customizing request. 11. In folder BUILHEADER highlight field Search Term 1 and choose the button “+” (Add Field) on the left hand side of the screen. In order to get the component and view name.2. SAP CRM WebClient menu Account Management  Accounts 2.1 Use Identifying Component In order to change a view.g. Click on any of the search input fields in the view Search criteria. 11. password welcome) and navigate to the account search.Configuration Guide 15. You created a new screen as copy of the original and it is stored under your unique role configuration key for BP_SLS_MAN. 4. 10. Procedure Using the component workbench you can edit views. Choose Display.2. 1.Configuration Guide 4. 5. user SALES_MAN. Enter the following data: Role Config Key Component Usage 7. fill in your logon data. When the Account Management / Account Search page loads.2 Use Starting Component Workbench Use the Component Workbench to make changes to the Account Search for the business role of the sales manager. 9. Choose Copy Configuration and choose Yes to confirm the message Caution: The saved version of the configuration will be copied. rename. Edit the fields. 6. PW welcome) and check the Account Management / Account Search page. BP_SLS_MAN Search Result You edited the Account Management / Account Search page for the users holding the role BP_SLS_MAN. Usage (Searched for): BP_HEAD_SEARCH MainSearch <DEFAULT> Search 11. Select the Browser Component Structure on the left hand side and navigate to Component  Views  BP_HEAD_SEARCH/MainSearch and select the view with double-click. Start the component workbench using the following transaction: Transaction code SAP CRM Menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture and Technology -> Configuration -> Access BSP WD Workbench 2. remove or add some by using the controls provided for you. If asked for a logon to the SAP Web Application Server. Log on to WebClient UI with a user holding the role BP_SLS_MAN (e. Enter BP_HEAD_SEARCH as component. Choose Enter. Choose Save (Ctrl+S).g. Press F2. You can note the following information: Component name View name Role Key (Searched for): Comp. Continue?.SAP Best Practices 3. 3. CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 8. it searches for your Role Configuration Key and loads the edited page automatically. © SAP AG Page 46 of 50 . Choose the Configuration tab. 8. In the field Mapped to Window choose your Window (e. On the next screen enter a name for your view (e. Click Continue. ZIFrame) in the field View. 13. Expand the Windows section. weather forecast) in this component and add them to your homepage. Z_HP_EXT) in the field BSP Application and your view (e. ZWeatherWindow) and click Continue. 11. 9. 12. Choose Save. 18. If prompted choose a package and save. 4. © SAP AG Page 47 of 50 . Z_HP_EXT) and click Create. A wizard is displayed. Click on Runtime Repository Editor. A wizard is displayed.g. On the following screen enter a name for your window (e. Choose Continue. Choose Continue.3. Choose your component (e. ZIFrame).Configuration Guide 11. 19. 20. Do no changes on the following screens and finish the wizard. 3.g.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 21.g.g. In the field Component enter a name for a new component (e. By this it is possible to define access to external add-ins (e. 6. Procedure 1. Z_HP_EXT/ZWeatherWindow) and choose Add View.g.g. Right-click on Component Interface and choose Add Interface View. 10.3 Integrate Add-Ins into Homepage (Optional) Purpose SAP CRM offers you to integrate views of other components into your homepage. Choose Edit. 5.g. 16. 15. 14. In the Browser Component Structure right-click on Windows and choose Create. Right-click on Views and choose Create. 7. Right-click on the name of the window you just added (e. Leave all upcoming screens empty and finish the wizard. 11. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM IMG menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Customer Relationship Management  UI Framework  UI Framework Definition  Configure User Interface 2.g. If prompted choose a package and save. Z_HP_EXT/ZWeatherWindow) and click Continue.1 Use Creating New Component and View In this section you define a new view which can be added to the homepage. Enter a description and a window name and click Continue. 17. Confirm the warning if prompted.g.g. 11.g. 11. Click on Runtime Repository Editor. right-click on ViewArea and choose Add View. Log on to the CRM WebClient with your user (e. Navigate to the ViewArea. Procedure 1. 3. Access the homepage using the following navigation: SAP CRM WebClient menu Home 3.2 Use Integrate the View into your Homepage In this section you map your created view to your homepage. 4.g. WCC_SLS_HOME) as well as the respective view (e.3. Procedure 1.g.Configuration Guide 11. Click Continue.SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . Click on Change.g. Add a component usage by right-click on Component Usages. 7.1 Use Get the Right Component In order to map the view to the right component you first need to find out which is the right component. © SAP AG Page 48 of 50 .2 Use Assigning the View to a Component Assign your view to the component. Z_HP_EXT) and the corresponding Interface View (e. which you looked up in the previous section (e. SALES_EMPL). Z_HP_EXT). Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM Menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture and Technology → Configuration → Access BSP WD Workbench 2. Sales Home). 8. In the field Component enter the name of the component.g.g. Weather.Z_HP_EXT/ZWeatherWindow). 6. In the field BSP Application enter the name of the component which you created in section Create new component and view (e.g. your newly created component as Used Component (e.g. Z_HP_EXT/ZWeatherWindow). 9.2. Weather). Expand the ViewSet which you looked up in the previous section (e. WCC_SLS_HOME) and click Display. A window Technical Data is displayed.3. 10. 4. 5. Press F2. WCC_SLS_HOME/SalesHome). Choose Add Component Usage and enter an ID (e. 2.2. The respective component can be found in the field component (e. In the field View choose the view which you created (e. Click and hold one object in the Work Area on the right-hand side.3. 17. ZIFrame.SAP Best Practices 11. Enter a title for your View. 9.g. Result You have added a (blank) view to your homepage. You should now see your new view in the table Work Center Page Available Assignment Blocks. Expand Views and mark the view. 3. Navigate to the newly created view and click on the Configuration tab in the work area on the right-hand side. 18. Access the activity using one of the following navigation options: Transaction code SAP CRM Menu BSP_WD_CMPWB Architecture and Technology → Configuration → Access BSP WD Workbench 2. 6. Choose Save.htm). 15. 20. CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . 8. For integrating the functionality in the following activity you need to have the code for your intended functionality available. In the field Component enter the name of your new component (e. 19.Configuration Guide 14. 5. If prompted choose the right transport request. Click Save. Click Continue. Mark the respective row and click one of the arrows below to add the view either to the Left Visible Column or the Right Visible Column. Click on Display <-> Change. © SAP AG Page 49 of 50 . Click on Component Structure Browser. Here we show you an example on how to add a JavaScript application like a weather forecast. 13. 7.g. 11. Enter the source code for your add-in.3 Use Adding Functionality Add functionality to your view. On the structure tab of the right-hand side Work Area double-click on the HTML page of your View Layout (e. 16. If prompted. Choose Back.3. Choose Continue. enter your user and password. The source code for functionalities like weather forecast or search engines is not delivered by SAP. 12. Click on Display <-> Change. Click on Save. 4. The following steps depend on the functionality you want to add. Procedure 1. Z_HP_EXT) and click Display. 21. SAP Best Practices CRM WebClient User Interface (C04) . this might be caused by a personalized homepage. © SAP AG Page 50 of 50 . Afterwards the Add-Ins are displayed. Click on the Personalize icon of the respective homepage and click on the button Restore to Default.Configuration Guide Result The Add-In was added to your homepage and can be used. If your Add-In is not displayed on your homepage.
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