Business Flows in Oracle CRM Service



Business Flows in Oracle CRM Service Business Flows in Oracle CRM Service are as follows: 1.Request to Resolution - Tele Service Module a) Dispatch to Debrief (Request to Dispatch)- Field Service Module b) Request to Repair (Request to Depot)- Depot Repair Module 2. Contract to Renewal - Service Contract Module a) Author to Sign Service Contract Flow - Oracle Service Contracts Module b) Quote to Warranty / Extended Warranty Flow - Oracle Quoting & Order Management Modules c) Expiring Contract to Renewal - Oracle Service Contracts Module Request to Resolution Flow: 1.Receive Customer Contact (iSupport, Call, Email) 2.Capture Service Request Information (like Product Serial No. , Problem Description) 3.Verify the entitlements (like Service Contract, SLA‟s) 4.Create Service Request 5.Identify the Solution (Knowledge Base, Depot Repair, and Field Service) 6.Resolve Service Request 7.Maintain Knowledge Base 8.Create Charge Order Dispatch to Debrief Flow: (Request to Dispatch) 1.Receive Customer Contact (iSupport, Call, Email) 2.Capture Service Request Information (like Product Serial No. , Problem Description) 3.Verify the entitlements (like Service Contract, SLA‟s) 4.Create Service Request Ship the Sales Order 12.Record WIP Charges 10.Receive RMA 8.Verify the entitlements (like Service Contract. Email) 2.5.Manage Repair Jobs 9. Call.Execute Field Service Task 8.Enter Service Contract .Schedule Field Service Task 7.Debrief Field Service Task 9.Receive Customer Contact (iSupport.Close Task and Service Request Request to Repair Flow: (Request to Depot) 1.Issue RMA 7.Create Repair Order 6.Close the Service Request Contract to Renewal Business Flow Author to Sign Service Contract Flow (Oracle Service Contracts) 1. SLA‟s) 4. Problem Description) 3.Create Sales Order 11. .Create Service Request 5.Invoice the Customer 13.Capture Service Request Information (like Product Serial No.Create Field Service Task 6.Close the Repair Order 14. Review Contract for QA Compliance 4.Convert Quote to Order 6.Verify Entitlement Expiring Contract to Renewal (Oracle Service Contracts) 1.Negotiate Price. Territory Manager.2.Review Contract for QA compliance 5. Calender.Presentation Transcript 1. o The Oracle Service contracts (SCs) module and the Oracle Install Base (IB) module are very tightly integrated o IB instances represent the products that are owned by customers o The IB is populated from Order Management (OM) when new software license orders are fulfilled o Service contracts must cover IB instances to represent precise customer entitlement o SCs are also populated from OM when new orders are fulfilled Integration Between IB and SC .Identify Contracts for Renewal 2. Oracle Install Base & Service Contracts Overview o Abbreviations:  IB = Install Base  SC = Service Contracts  CRM = Customer Relationship Management  TCA = Trading Community Architecture 2.Convert Opportunity to Quote 4.Approve Contract Renewal 5.Maintain Customer Install Base 8.Sign Contract In addition to the above mentioned modules.Automatic Renewal 3. Resource Manager. Simplified Standard Oracle Out-of-Box Application Flow Order Management Installed Base Service Contracts Accounts Receivable 4. Discounts and Terms 3.Renew Contract Automatically (Or) 1.Determine Service Interest 2. Notes.Sign Contract Quote to Warranty / Extended Warranty Flow (Oracle Quoting & Order Management) 1. Assignment Manager.Identify Contracts for Renewal 2.Determine Order Details 5. Oracle E-Business Suite Integration 3.Define Contract Renewal Triggers 3.Manage Contract Changes 3.Create Extended Warranty 7. Oracle Common Application Components like Task Manager.Approve Contract 6. Knowledge Management will also be taking part in the execution of business flows. iSupport. Oracle Install Base and Service Contracts Overview .Apply Customer Payment Information 4.Notify Parties of Customer Change 6. o Tracks products owned by customers o „ Cradle to grave‟ tracking of products  Tracking starts from the time the product is rcvd in inventory  Auto updates IB at shipment and other inventory transactions  Tracks Updates/Replacements “sold” from OM o Configuration management (bundles) o Managed primarily from Order Management – most users generally only have read-only access to IB o Integration  Service Contracts  Order Management Overview of Oracle Installed Base (IB) 6. various management activities can be performed on the SC  Update : Oracle version control tracks changes made to contracts. (canceling only applies to contracts not yet signed – customer declines renewal)  Terminate : Contract is ended prior to expiration date. Expired contracts are stored and can be retrieved for future reference . o o o o o Different options available: Right to Use (RTU) Maintenance / Right to Support (RTS) Updates Only (no Support. etc.  This not a maintenance activity per say. (option to credit customer) (terminating only applies to contracts that have been signed and usually invoicing for renewal has gone to AR)  Renew : Contract can be renewed at any time for a future period. but a status change occurs automatically after the end date of a contract passes:  Expire: Contract ends. Gold. o Tracks warranties. extended warranties and service agreements o Most software companies only track Service Agreements o Coverage determines entitlements (what is the customer entitled to – support and/or free upgrades) o For some process flows. only updates) Often Separate items for separate coverage levels (Silver.once a SC is created. TeleService  Order Management.  Delete : Contract is removed. Accounts Receivable Overview of Oracle Service Contracts (SC) 7.) Types of Services (Service Inventory Items) 8.  Cancel : Contracts may be cancelled for various reasons. Only contracts not signed can be deleted. 95% of SCs will be created from Order Management (OM) o Actions: Renew and terminate service contracts o Authoring SCs as required (for some clients.5. not often used) o Integration  Installed Base. o Contract Management . It is a centralized repository for an item instance and it‟s tracking details including location. Protections in place to prevent changes. For example. it provides detailed information from . o The status of a contract is a label identifying where the contract stands in its life cycle. ownership. party relationships. active. and throughout the return and repair process.. or another hold type. and effective. product upgrade to a new inventory item):  Any active SC coverages on the old IB instance will “transfer” to the new IB instance  The active SC coverages on the old IB instance will be terminated o When an IB instance is manually terminated:  Any active SC coverages on the IB instance will be terminated. o Expired : The contract was active. It tracks an item from the time it is received in the inventory (INV).Contracts Maintenance 9. account relationship. o Terminated : The contract was active.generally used to sell Maintenance on new product sales  Also possible to sell maintenance on existing products via OM  SC . in projects. Examples of status types include: o Entered : The contract is currently being edited and has never been approved. but is not effective anymore. in work in process (WIP). This status is used when we have not reached the SC start date. but not yet effective. signed. status. use the Hold status when a customer is moving or the contract is in dispute. o Active : The contract is approved. o Canceled : the contract never was active and is not planned to become active o Custom statuses can be added Contract Statuses 10. but was terminated by either party before the contract expired.generally used to renew contracts  Also possible to sell maintenance on existing products via SCs  In SCs it is also possible to author new SCs from scratch Methods of Selling (Billing) Maintenance Oracle 11i Install Base Interview Questions Explain about Oracle Install Base Oracle Install Base is an item instance life cycle tracking application. o (Note: these impacts vary depending on system configuration) IB Transactions Which Impact SC 11. o Signed : The contract is approved. in customer sites. but has the same protection from changes as an approved contract. o When an IB instance is “replaced” by another IB instance (e. Also. o Users have the option of Selling Maintenance in Oracle via two different modules:  OM . etc.g. o Hold : The contract was set on hold from signed. Oracle Install Base is capable of tracking serialized and non-serialized item instances including tangible (manufactured. WIP assembly completion.contracts. agreement. purchased. OM and Inventory modules? Oracle Install Base uses SFM (Service Fulfillment Manager) event queue for communicating transactional updates from Oracle Service. Miscellaneous Receipt. the quantity of the From Location is subtracted and quantity of To Location is increased. What are the APIs in Oracle Install Base? CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_PUB Create_Item_instance Update_Item_Instance Expire_Item_Instance Get_Item_Instance Get_Item_Instance_Details Copy_Item_Instance CSI_INSTANCE_RELATIONSHIP_PUB Create_Relationship Update_Relationship Expire_Relationship Get_Relationships . service requests. shipped) and intangible (Software. location of the item reflects the WIP job number. For Non-Serialized item. What is the background process that updates the transaction from CRM. and repair orders initiated for an item instance and counters associated with the item instance. When does oracle install base instance gets created? Once the item is received into the inventory (thru PO Receipt. Inventory and Order Management. What is a System? A System is a construct that item owners can define to group their items. license. Eg: PCs in a particular department can be grouped under a system. If the item is issued to WIP job. the location of the item instance is updated to reflect the new location. service) items. etc) What happens to the instance during Inventory transfer? For serialized item. Latest. They are Created. Replaced.CSI_SYSTEMS_PUB Create_System Update_System Expire_System Get_Systems What happens to the item instance during sales order shipment? For a serialized item already in inventory. Returned for Repair. . How many seeded item instance statuses are there in Oracle Install Base? There are 16 seeded statuses. Returned for Upgrade. the tracking commences with sales order fulfillment. For an item serialized at order issue. Workflow and Order Transaction Types need to be modified for the intangible (nonshippable) items. the first time shipment transaction causes the creation of new instance with the serial number.e. Return for Replacement. What is the purpose of Install Base Source Transaction Types and Subtypes? Transaction types and subtypes are used to specify the kinds of transactions that the interface program can use. Replaced – No Return. What are the three mandatory inventory setups for an item that needs to be tracked in install base? Synchronize on-hand quantity with Oracle Inventory Setup Inventory serial control at Master Level Setup Oracle Install Base Items in the Item Master i. Spare Part. Repaired. the quantity is subtracted from the instance at the inventory location and a new instance is created with the customer ownership and location. Returned Loaner. Track in install base to be checked in Service tab When the tracking starts for the intangible items in Oracle Install base? As intangible items has no direct interaction with inventory. Upgraded. shipping causes a change of location and ownership for already existing instance. Expired. Updated. For Non-serialized item. The main purpose of the Source Transactions Subtypes window is to specify what kind of update can be done to an Oracle Install Base instance when transactions come from other applications. Replacement. Loaner. Returned for Credit. either creates or updates the IB depending on the nature of transaction. Once the item is received into Inventory. If a serialized item is received into inventory with a quantity of 10.In Depth The fact that this product tracks “life cycle” of an instance. this can be sold to a customer or issued for a specific purpose within the organization. In essence every transaction in inventory has to be synchronized with IB for IB trackable items. IB captures all these attributes as well. owner of the instance is internal party (as you see in this screen shot highlighting Party Name). Companies usually track products that require service or need tracking because of financial value. Technical Details . If it is in inventory or deployed for internal use it is always owned by internal party and if it is deployed outside then the owner is the outside customer who owns it. And all subsequent transactions are not processed until the first error is cleared. there will be 10 separated instances created for each of these serial numbers. Transactions are performed in Inventory to move material. This process of tracking is controlled at the item creation process level using an item attribute called Installed Base Trackable. An inventory transaction can have multiple quantities and hence can have multiple serial numbers. Every transaction performed in Inventory for these items. Spare Parts and Supplies usually do not need any tracking. An instance gets life in IB. An instance is always owned by an owner. we need to understand how an instance takes birth in the first place. it gets created in Inventory into mtl_serial_numbers table immediately). As you might have guessed by now. These transactions are used to synchronize the inventory with IB. making (WIP) or simply migrating from legacy applications to Oracle. lot of products send messages to IB to either create or update. Not all products are required to be tracked in Installed base.Can you create Item Instance manually? Yes Is it possible to change the serial number after creating and saving an item instance? No What is the concurrent program you run to correct and reprocess the failed transaction to update item instance? Install Base Error Correction and Synchronization Program Installed Base and its integration with Inventory . customer (returning). error is created in the csi_txn_errors table for that message. When we say internally owned. If the message cannot be processed successfully. These items can be serial and or lot controlled. So what is created in IB manually is always out of Inventory. against one inventory transaction. Also an instance can be created in Installed Base directly (if the instance has a serial number. an instance can be not only in Inventory but also can be deployed in Project or is sitting in WIP or even In-transit. Likewise as shown in integration diagram. when we receive a product into inventory from supplier (buying). you cannot create an instance that is in inventory manually in IB as what is in Inventory always comes from Inventory to IB and not from IB to Inventory. Only transactions of IB trackable items are published for processing. If the instance is in any of these locations. serial_transaction_id AND b. SELECT instance_party_id FROM csi_i_parties WHERE isntance_id = &instance_id_from_above. mtl_material_transactions b WHERE a.transaction_id = &trx_id_from_above.transaction_id = b.transaction_id = b. mtl_transaction_lot_numbers b. I am taking a simple case of miscellaneous transaction from inventory.transaction_id AND c. SELECT ip_account_id FROM csi_ip_accounts WHERE instance_party_id = &instance_party_id_from_above.transaction_id = &trx_id_from_above UNION SELECT serial_number FROM mtl_unit_transactions a. .Here are some useful SQLs you can use to understand the relationship between inventory and IB. SELECT serial_number FROM mtl_unit_transactions a. SELECT instance_id FROM csi_item_instances_h WHERE transaction_id = &csi_trx_id_from_above. Here is the process flow and technical details of transaction. SELECT transaction_id FROM mtl_material_transactions WHERE transaction_id = &your_transaction_id.transaction_id = c. mtl_material_transactions c WHERE a.transaction_id AND b. SELECT transaction_id FROM csi_transactions WHERE inv_material_transaction_id = &trx_id_from_above.–this is from csi_transactions SELECT serial_number FROM csi_item_instances WHERE instance_id IN (SELECT instance_id FROM csi_item_instances_h WHERE transaction_id = &csi_trx_id_from_above). Repair & Return 2. Repair Types: In addition to the 8 Seeded Repair Types available in 11i.Loaner. Bulk Receiving: This functionality reduces the time and number of clicks for the receiving process. This is due to the enhanced feature of Multi-Org Access Control (MOAC). materials and labor.the system recommends the service code and creates the repair job with needed operations. 1. Charges: Charges can be created and submitted for any operating units across the organization without switching the responsibility. 2 more repair types are added in R12. totally 10 Seeded Repair types are available in Oracle R12. It allows the Repair Technician to just select the diagnostic code for the repair work and from there . High Volume Repair: This functionality reduces the number of clicks needed for a technician to create a repair job.Changes / Enhancements in Oracle Depot Repair R12 from 11i Few changes/enhancements in Oracle R12 Depot Repair are explained below: Support for unexpected flows: Flexible Repair Order Repair Type supports the change in transition from originally intended workflow to new unexpected workflow. Repair and Return 3.Loaner . So. Example: Repair and Return Type can be changed to Exchange Type in course of repair. It just scans the serial Number and that creates repair order and receives the item. 10.Refurbishment 9.Advance Exchange 6.Return only Repair The item is returned only for accountability of credit. Outside Processing (OSP) is created in the Repair Technician portal. Completion of OSP triggers the creation of Purchase Order (PO) with a request to procure service from Third Party. Only RMA is created and No ship line is created for this Repair Type.Exchange 5.Third Party Repair For Third Party Repair execution.Standard 8. API's in Oracle CRM Service Few important API‟s in Oracle CRM Service are as follows Depot Repair: CSD_REPAIRS_PUB Create_Repair_Order Update_Repair_Order Field Service: CSF_DEBRIEF_PUB CREATE_DEBRIEF CREATE_DEBRIEF_LINES UPDATE_DEBRIEF_LINE UPDATE_DEBRIEF Install Base: CSI_DATASTRUCTURES_PUB CSI_ITEM_INSTANCE_PUB Create_Item_instance Update_Item_Instance Expire_Item_Instance Get_Item_Instance Get_Item_Instance_Details Copy_Item_Instance CSI_INSTANCE_RELATIONSHIP_PUB Create_Relationship Update_Relationship Expire_Relationship Get_Relationships CSI_SYSTEMS_PUB Create_System Update_System Expire_System Get_Systems CRM Foundation: Notes: JTF_NOTES_PUB Create_Notes Update_Notes .Replacement 7.4. Resource Manager: JTF_RS_RESOURCE_PUB Create_Resource Update_Resource JTF_RS_GROUPS_PUB Create_Resource_Group Update_Resource_Group JTF_RS_SALESREPS_PUB Create_SalesRep Update_SalesRep Task Manager: JTF_TASKS_PUB Create_Task Update_Task Delete_Task JTF_TASK_ASSIGNMENTS_PUB Create_Task_Assignment Update_Task_Assignment Delete_Task_Assignment JTF_TASK_REFERENCES_PUB Create_References Update_References Delete_References Tele Service: CS_SERVICEREQUEST_PUB Create_ServiceRequest Update_ServiceRequest Update_Status Update_Serverity Update_Urgency Update_Owner Update_Problem Code Link_KB_Statement Link_KB_Solution CS_INCIDENTLINKS_PUB Create_Incident_Link Delete_Incident_Link Update_Incident_Link Charges: CS_Charge_Details_PUB Create_Charge_Details Update_Charge_Details Delete_Charge_Details CS_CHARGE_CREATE_ORDER_PUB SUBMIT_ORDER CS_MULTIORG_PUB GET_ORGID Oracle Apps CRM Service Questions What are the components of CRM Foundation or Oracle Common Application Components? . just to name a few examples. and how are installed base records updated? It is the main repository of all of the service organization‟s customers. or automatically schedule a billing cycle. Profile options can be set at Site. The CRM Resource Manager also permits a user to import resources from other applications. and service contracts. shipped. and maintained by the service provider.Components include Task Manager. What are the three most important things recorded in the installed base? The three most important things are: customers. What is a knowledge base and what purpose does it serve for a service organization and its customers? The knowledge base is a repository of seeded data used by a service organization‟s employees and customers to diagnose and solve problems. and they can be set up to trigger a service contract or warranty expiration date. Contract information is also stored in the installed base. Application. Territory Manager. installed products. Describe how Resource Manager is used by a service organization The CRM Resource Manager can be used as a stand-alone module by a service organization to set up resource roles for each of its service employees and nonemployees. automatically schedule a preventive maintenance service call. Notes. such as the Oracle HRMS module. Business Rule Monitor. What purpose does the installed base serve to a service provider. Installed Base records are created for each product that is sold. Typically. What are concurrent programs and how are they used? A concurrent program is an executable file that runs simultaneously with other concurrent programs and with online operations. Calendar and Assignment Manager. and service contracts. a concurrent program . What are profile options and how are they used in the setup? Profile options are default values that are setup during installation and used to customize software‟s integration points and behavior characteristics. One to One Fulfillment. Escalation Manager. Interaction History. What are service counters and how are they used by a service provider? Service counters are provided in the CRM Foundation. installed products. Responsibility and User Levels. fully utilizing the hardware‟s capacity. Resource Manager. It provides a snapshot of the product‟s configuration each time that it has undergone a maintenance or overhaul procedure. data-intensive task. Technical Support. Projects. or generating a report. processing a batch. Sales Compensation. etc (May be Tangible or Intangible) When the Warranty Contract is created? Warranties are created automatically once the item is shipped to the customer. Sales and Marketing – Operating Unit Inventory.performs a long-running. Cash Management. Field Service. What are Shared Entities in Oracle 11i Apps? Shared entities enable one-time definition of object and are accessed by several products/Modules. Accounts Payables. Few shared entities and the owned applications are Set of Books – General Ledger Items – Inventory Unit of Measure – Inventory Suppliers – Purchasing Customers – Receivables Locations – Human Resource Employee – Human Resource Organization – Human Resource How data are secured (partitioned) in Oracle 11i Applications? General Ledger and Fixed Assets – Set of Books Human Resource – Business Group Order Management. Purchasing. When does the date of warranty become effective? . Service. Manufacturing – Inventory Unit Oracle Service Contract Questions What are the elements of Oracle Service Contract? Header Lines Sub Lines What are the three Line Types available? Service Lines – Eg: For Depot repair. etc Subscription Lines – Eg: For Magazines. such as posting a journal. Accounts Receivables. etc Usage Lines – Eg: For usage of Photo copier within a period. What is the concurrent program you run to create contract automatically from Sales Order? Service Contract Order Capture Integration What is the difference between warranties and extended warranties? Warranties Free Service Associated with serviceable item in BOM Automatically added after an Order is shipped Extended Warranties Chargeable Service Not included in BOM Can be created automatically from order or manually in Oracle Service Contract What are the APIs in Service Contract? OKS_ENTITLEMENTS_PUB – Coverage time. validate contract line. How the Agreements and Lines are supported in Service Contract? Service agreement can have Service and Usage Lines. But administrator can automatically delay the warranty start date when there is delay in installation of the product. contract details. expiration date. Get Business Process Price list OKS_OMINT_PUB – Check for availability of service for particular customer and a product. resolve by time. Warranties can have only Warranty lines Extended Warranties can have only Extended Warranty Lines . Subscription agreement can have Service. preferred engineers. Usage and Subscription Lines.Warranties go into effect on the shipment date. contacts. coverage type. Txn Billing type. reaction time. 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