Business Activity Queries Course 10.0.700

March 26, 2018 | Author: nerz8830 | Category: Database Index, Databases, Sql, Table (Database), Computer Data



Epicor ERPBusiness Activity Queries Course 10.0.700 Disclaimer This document is for informational purposes only and is subject to change without notice. This document and its contents, including the viewpoints, dates and functional content expressed herein are believed to be accurate as of its date of publication. However, Epicor Software Corporation makes no guarantee, representations or warranties with regard to the enclosed information and specifically disclaims any applicable implied warranties, such as fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability, satisfactory quality or reasonable skill and care. As each user of Epicor software is likely to be unique in their requirements in the use of such software and their business processes, users of this document are always advised to discuss the content of this document with their Epicor account manager. All information contained herein is subject to change without notice and changes to this document since printing and other important information about the software product are made or published in release notes, and you are urged to obtain the current release notes for the software product. We welcome user comments and reserve the right to revise this publication and/or make improvements or changes to the products or programs described in this publication at any time, without notice. The usage of any Epicor software shall be pursuant to an Epicor end user license agreement and the performance of any consulting services by Epicor personnel shall be pursuant to Epicor's standard services terms and conditions. Usage of the solution(s) described in this document with other Epicor software or third party products may require the purchase of licenses for such other products. Where any software is expressed to be compliant with local laws or requirements in this document, such compliance is not a warranty and is based solely on Epicor's current understanding of such laws and requirements. All laws and requirements are subject to varying interpretations as well as to change and accordingly Epicor cannot guarantee that the software will be compliant and up to date with such changes. All statements of platform and product compatibility in this document shall be considered individually in relation to the products referred to in the relevant statement, i.e., where any Epicor software is stated to be compatible with one product and also stated to be compatible with another product, it should not be interpreted that such Epicor software is compatible with both of the products running at the same time on the same platform or environment. Additionally platform or product compatibility may require the application of Epicor or third-party updates, patches and/or service packs and Epicor has no responsibility for compatibility issues which may be caused by updates, patches and/or service packs released by third parties after the date of publication of this document. Epicor® is a registered trademark and/or trademark of Epicor Software Corporation in the United States, certain other countries and/or the EU. All other trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. Copyright © Epicor Software Corporation 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior written consent of Epicor Software Corporation. ED872905 90521-10-0103-58310700 10.0.700 Revision: June 08, 2014 5:19 p.m. Total pages: 76 course.ditaval Business Activity Queries Course Contents Contents Business Activity Queries Course..........................................................................................6 Before You Begin....................................................................................................................7 Audience.........................................................................................................................................................7 Prerequisites....................................................................................................................................................7 Environment Setup..........................................................................................................................................8 Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview.........................................................................9 Workshop - Tour the BAQ Designer...............................................................................................................11 Locate an Existing Query.........................................................................................................................11 Review the Query Builder........................................................................................................................11 Updatable BAQ Properties......................................................................................................................12 Analyze a Query.....................................................................................................................................14 Review the Where Used Sheets...............................................................................................................14 Review the BAQ Search Sheet.................................................................................................................14 Application Setup.................................................................................................................16 Field Help Technical Details............................................................................................................................19 Workshop - Use the Field Help................................................................................................................19 Data Dictionary Viewer..................................................................................................................................21 Workshop - Use the Data Dictionary Viewer............................................................................................21 BAQ Application Server Options.....................................................................................................................22 BAQ Design...........................................................................................................................23 The Query Builder..........................................................................................................................................23 Table List................................................................................................................................................24 Table Relations.......................................................................................................................................24 Workshop - Manually Join Tables.....................................................................................................25 Define the Query Tables...........................................................................................................25 Set Table Relations...................................................................................................................26 Select the Columns and Test....................................................................................................26 Workshop - Create a BAQ...............................................................................................................28 Add the BAQ............................................................................................................................28 Select the Tables......................................................................................................................28 Select the Columns..................................................................................................................28 Enter the Sort Order.................................................................................................................29 Analyze and Test the BAQ........................................................................................................29 Selection Criteria....................................................................................................................................31 Display....................................................................................................................................................33 Workshop - Apply Filter and Modify Display Parameters...................................................................34 Define the Part Description Compare Query..............................................................................34 Use Criteria to Filter Open Orders.............................................................................................34 Define the Columns and Test...................................................................................................35 Calculated Field Editor............................................................................................................................37 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 3 ...................64 BAQ Search......................................................................................................................................42 Define the Sales Order Head Query Details........................44 Test the Sales Order BAQ....................48 Define Basic Processing Details.........................................................................................................................................................................39 Analyze and Test the Query..66 Workshop .............................................................................................................................................................Use BAQ Search.......................................................................................................................................44 Create a New Sales Order........................................0.............................50 Test the Order Line BAQ.............................................................................................................51 Workshop ......................51 Using SubQueries......................Contents Business Activity Queries Course Workshop .........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................45 Verify the Updated Orders.........................................................Create a Calculated Field..............................................................49 Create an Expression to Link Details.....................................................54 Select Columns..........................66 View BAQ Search.....................................................43 Use an Expression to Map Fields.................................................................................................................40 Using BAQS to Update the Database............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................55 Select Columns........................................................................................................................................................................................................................68 BAQ Zones.............................................................................................................................................56 Select BAQ Display Columns.............................................................................................................................................................................Combine Result Sets............................70 Export BAQ......................56 Create TopLevel SubQuery......................................41 Workshop ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................38 Use a Date Filter............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................60 Create Invoice View SubQuery.................................................................70 Workshop .........Create a Sales Order Updatable BAQ.....................68 External Business Activity Queries..................................63 Test the BAQ...........................................................................................................................................Create the Sales Order Detail Updatable BAQ..............47 Workshop ............57 Workshop ...............................................58 Create TopLevel BAQ.............................................Use Inner SubQueries....................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................69 BAQ Utilities...........................................................................................................................................53 Create Open Orders SubQuery...............................................58 Create Order View SubQuery..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................67 Cross-Company Queries................................................700 ...............................57 Test the BAQ.........................Export and Import BAQs..........................................................................................42 Create Basic Processing Rules........................38 Create the Labor Summary BAQ...54 Create Closed Orders SubQuery...........70 4 Epicor ERP | 10.............................................................................................................38 Select Columns and Define the LaborHrs Field....49 Enter a New Order Line....66 Create BAQ Search.............................................................................................70 Export and Import the BAQ.48 Create the Sales Order Detail Query...................................................61 Create Query Parameter.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................................Change Author............................................75 Epicor ERP | 10.............74 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................74 Workshop .............................................................................73 Workshop ..........................................................................................................................................................71 Generate ASP................................................................700 5 .............................................................................0...............................................73 Change Author....................................................................................Business Activity Queries Course Contents Import BAQ...........................72 Copy Query...............Copy a Query............................................................. also called FLAT queries. or changing an author. then covers techniques you can use to create simple queries. The course concludes by exploring BAQ Utilities . 6 Epicor ERP | 10. • Construct an advanced BAQ comprised of several SubQueries. the Criteria Wizard. It discusses data location concepts and provides an overview of query building techniques using the Query Builder.700 . These BAQs are comprised of one TopLevel SubQuery. The course continues with discussion of the updatable BAQ functionality . It continues with an introduction to BAQ Designer. The course begins with a discussion on which tools you can use in Epicor ERP Version 10 to locate the table and field. and understand table relations. Both queries can be used as the foundation for reports and dashboards. • Add calculated and aggregated values to a query using the Calculated Field Wizard. or modified for display on a mobile device such as an iPhone®.0. • Design an updatable BAQ to increase team collaboration.xml or ASCII file type. comprised of several SubQueries of different types. or to review specific details of your day-to-day business. and the Calculated Field Wizard. • Create a simple BAQ using the Query Builder and its query-building views. or to a . The next part of the course explains how to create more complex BAQs. • Use the Criteria Wizard to filter the data returned by the BAQ. to obtain the desired information from the application database.additional capabilities such as BAQ export.a powerful mechanism to share and update data details when used as the foundation of a dashboard.Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries Course This course introduces the Business Activity Query (BAQ) Designer data extraction tool. The updatable BAQ creates a powerful tool for team collaboration displayed on the standard Epicor application. This course provides techniques for creating static business activity queries (BAQs) as well as updatable BAQs. • Import or export queries between companies. Upon successful completion of this course. you will be able to: • Use the field level technical help or the data dictionary viewer to locate the table and field criteria for use in a BAQ. 700 7 . and field types. It also describes table linking procedures and requirements as well as join type definitions and specifications. Designed for a hands-on environment.Classic Menu and Modern Shell Menu. It is also important you understand the prerequisite knowledge contained in other valuable courses. • Navigation Course . and the Data Dictionary Viewer functionality. Customization Tools. general navigation principles and techniques available in two user interface modes . contact your Epicor Customer Account Manager at EpicorCAM@epicor. • CFO/Controller • COO/Operations Manager • Production Manager • Account Manager • Sales Representative • System Administrator • IT/Technical Staff Prerequisites To complete the workshops in this course.This course introduces navigational aspects of the Epicor application's user interface. • An understanding of the functionality of the current release of the Epicor application.This course reviews the table and field name identification process using Field Help. • Database Concepts Course .Business Activity Queries Course Before You Begin Before You Begin Read this topic for information you should know in order to successfully complete this course. For more information on the modules available. Workshops focus on each of these modes and guide you through each navigational principle introduced. • Recommended Industry Knowledge: • Fundamental knowledge of relational database concepts such as table relationships. Audience Specific audiences will benefit from this course. Epicor ERP | 10.0. records. the necessary modules must be licensed and operating in your training production environment) and is not periodically refreshed. From the Main menu. Note It is recommended that multiple Epicor demonstration databases are installed. then you will not be able to ship the sales order. unexpected results can occur when completing the course workshops. production environment. From the Main menu. he or she must also download the corresponding Epicor demonstration database from EPICweb > Support > Epicor > Downloads and install it. Contact Support or Systems Consulting for billable assistance. 3. Epicor ERP | 10. select the company Epicor Education (EPIC06). 4. enables you to experience Epicor functionality in action but does not affect data in your live. from the Options menu. but a different user already completed this workshop and the Epicor demonstration database was not restored (refreshed). if a course workshop requires you to ship a sales order that came standard in the Epicor demonstration database. If this is not performed. but Epicor cannot prevent users from manipulating the data in your installation of the Epicor demonstration database.700 . Epicor's education team has written the course workshops to minimize situations like this from occurring. Epicor's education team updates the Epicor demonstration database for each service pack and patch. If you are logged into your training environment as a different user. unexpected results can occur. in which the Epicor demonstration database is found. already defined. Your Epicor training environment. select Change User. Log into the training environment using the credentials manager/manager. 8 2. The Epicor demonstration database comes standard with parts.0. select the Main site. If your system administrator upgrades your Epicor application to a new service pack or patch. • Your system administrator restored (refreshed) the Epicor demonstration database prior to starting this course. customers.Before You Begin Business Activity Queries Course Environment Setup The environment setup steps and potential workshop constraints must be reviewed in order to successfully complete the workshops in this course. sales orders. Verify the following or ask your system administrator to verify for you: • Your Epicor training icon (or web address if you are using Epicor Web Access) points to your Epicor training environment with the Epicor demonstration database installed. much like your live. For example. the database is located on a server and users access the same data. 1. production environment. and so on. Do not complete the course workshops in your live. The following steps must be taken to successfully complete the workshops in this course. • The Epicor demonstration database is at the same service pack and patch as the Epicor application. If the Epicor demonstration database is shared with multiple users (that is. Five sheets are available at the bottom of the Phrase Build sheet. When you construct a BAQ.700 9 . Use this sheet to set up everything from basic queries with a single table to complex joins between multiple tables. You can use queries in various areas including the following: • Dashboards • Business Process Management (BPM) • Epicor Portal Views • Information Worker • Enterprise Search • Service Connect • SharePoint web parts • BAQ Zones • External queries using ODBC connections Epicor ERP | 10. • Use the Table Relations sheet to display and modify the fields that make up the joins between tables and subqueries. change their sequence value and view how data displays in the results set. For example. On this sheet. The exporting capabilities makes the queries available to view and edit in third party applications. You can apply one or more filter criteria to any table in the query. • Use the Function Call Parameters sheet to specify values for the parameters in a Table-Valued Function. These criteria are used to construct the WHERE and HAVING clauses in a SELECT statement. and BAQ reports. quick searches. • The SubQuery List sheet displays all subqueries you create within a BAQ. The BAQ Designer has several components you can use to compile a query: • Use the Query Builder to drag and drop tables onto the design area. all subqueries you create are ordered by the sequence number. Use these sheets to indicate how tables are linked together. You can use custom queries and custom updatable queries as the foundation for dashboards.0. • The SubQuery Options sheet is where define subquery parameters. you can construct an SQL text to only display top 50% of rows from the retrieved results set. You also have the ability to control the SQL results set. If necessary. The Query Builder is composed of the following sheets: • The Phrase Build sheet is where you select the tables and fields you wish to include in the query. You have the ability to create and remove subqueries. You can also create and display a special calculated field you need within the current business activity query. and specify the selection criteria for the query. • Use the SubQuery Criteria to enter criteria for the whole SubQuery. You can add. • Use the Table List sheet to view the list of tables that make up your query and to change their order. use this sheet control what data displays in the SQL output by selecting an appropriate subquery type. modify and delete the join fields within the current query. A Table-Valued Function (TVF) is a user-defined function that returns a table. • The Display Fields sheets define which columns display and in what order they display in the query.Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Use the Business Activity Query Designer (BAQ) to create personalized queries. The table properties display on the left of the design canvas area. define the relation between the tables. • Use the Table Criteria sheet to enter criteria for a table. Use the filter to quickly access the table name. select the connection link and draw a connection between tables. 10 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 .Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Business Activity Queries Course Menu Path Navigate to this program from the Main Menu: • Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > Setup > Business Activity Query Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access. 1. This section is an English translation of the Phrase that was used to build this query. and so on. You then select what columns you want to display in your BAQ and specify other selection criteria. 3. or select the query and click the OK button. zQueries are write protected and you cannot modify them. The BAQ you selected . A SubQuery in general can be made of tables as well as different SubQueries. 2. To make your selection. If the query is not identified as shared. In the Query ID Starts With field.700 11 . Click the Query Builder sheet. Shared queries display in the query search. Menu Path: Executive Analysis > Business Activity Management > Setup > Business Activity Query Important This program is not available in the Epicor Web Access.Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Workshop . Review the Query Builder Use the Query Builder sheets to design a Business Activity Query. You can use a simple table to design your BAQ or you can drag multiple tables and SubQueries onto the canvas and link them. rename. and then modify the query as necessary. where Type=TopLevel and several SubQueries of different types that determine how they correlate with each other. 2. is an example of a flat query as it constructed using the single main SubQuery. Search for and select the zCustContacts. Epicor ERP | 10.0. it is only accessible by the author of the query. View the Query Phrase section. You first select what data you want to display. If one of the application queries provides the information you need. you must copy. enter z.Tour the BAQ Designer This workshop provides a tour of the Business Activity Query (BAQ) Designer using a system query as the foundation. 1. Locate an Existing Query A number of existing BAQs are shipped with the Epicor ERP application. Note Each Business Activity Query can contain one main SubQuery. Verify the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet is in focus.zCustContact. dashboards. Navigate to the Business Activity Query Designer. Use the Phrase Build sheet to design a query using the visual representation of the current SubQuery. 4. double-click the query. It is presented in an SQL statement. Click Query ID and click Search. Those on the list beginning with z are system queries which are used by the application to build reports. View the Active SubQuery field displays SubQuery1. You can move fields up or down and select a descending order of fields. On the Column Select sheet. It is also possible to add multiple tables at the same time. When you create multiple SubQueries. Five sheets are available at the bottom of the Phrase Build sheet. This is a review of the screen. Use these sheets to indicate how tables or SubQueries are linked together. or inside another subquery. You can set up everything from basic queries with a single table to complex joins between multiple tables or SubQueries. they display inside the Editor section of the screen. they become ordered by the sequence number. 5. The tables. 12 Epicor ERP | 10. more details are provided later in the course. display as diagram blocks. and specify the selection criteria for the resulting data set. Initially. The sheet lists the table fields available to select in the SubQuery. Navigate to the Update > General Properties sheet. if you do not wish to use the default ascending order. All selected columns display in the list and can be defined as updatable. Use the Check Syntax button in the lower right to validate the calculated statement. select a table and drag it on the canvas in the center pane. More information on SubQuery functionality is found later in the course. select the calculator button. Updatable BAQ Properties Updatable BAQs are queries that can be edited to populate application data. A subquery is a query that is nested inside a SELECT statement. application database tables display in the table palette in the left pane. 6. 4. as well as a small calculator to check your values. You can perform the same action by double-clicking a table. 8. In this example. define the relation. On the right. As you create calculations. Use the Column Select sheet to select the specific columns (fields) you wish to display in the current SubQuery. Use this sheet to define SubQuery parameters. a single SubQuery displays in the grid.700 . Exit the Calculated Field Editor window.Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Business Activity Queries Course On this sheet. You can also use it to rename the column labels (not the field names). 3. To include a table in your query.0. it is automatically defined as Top Level SubQuery1. Use this sheet to define the base rules for an updatable BAQ. The Calculated Field Editor window displays. Use this sheet to view and manage all SubQueries you use to build the BAQ. of which the query is composed. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. it displays pre-defined functions and mathematical operators available. Navigate to Query Builder > SubQuery List sheet. When you create a new BAQ. Navigate to the Display Fields > Sort Order sheet. Use the Sort Order sheet to arrange the sorting order for fields. It includes a display of all available fields by table for use in side calculations. 1. Navigate to Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet. 7. A subquery can be used anywhere an expression is allowed. you select tables and other SubQueries you wish to include in the current SubQuery. 0. Navigate to the Update > Update Processing sheet. Epicor ERP | 10.700 13 . An updatable BAQ requires further definition to tell the application how to handle the updated criteria. You would use this sheet to generate the method directives which control the update or use Epicor Service Connect to update the target database.Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview 2. Click the Test button to execute the zCustContacts query. delete the query. By default. 1. Click the Analyze button and verify the Syntax is OK message displays. you can interrupt testing by clicking the X button. test its results and the execution takes too long. If the results are different than expected.Displays BAQ reports that use this query as a datasource. there are other buttons specific to updatable BAQs.You can link a business activity query as a parameter to another query. The remaining Where Used sheets to display the following feature-specific information. • Quick Search List . Tip If you want to limit the number of rows returned by the BAQ. this button displays to the right of the Clear Grid button. the query is allowed to return maximum of 10000 records. These are used instead of the Analyze and Test buttons and are discussed later in the course. In the right corner. Navigate to the Where Used > Dashboard List sheet. • Business Activity Query List . 2. The Analyze button runs a final syntax check of the entire query statement. return to the other areas of the Query Builder to make corrections. 1. select a predefined value from the Rows to Return drop-down list or enter a value of your choice. 14 Epicor ERP | 10.700 . Navigate to the BAQ Search sheet. On BAQ execution. The Test button executes the query so you can test the accuracy of the results.0. 2. 4. Review the BAQ Search Sheet Use the BAQ Search sheet to select data in your query that you want to make available to users searching for related data. or create a new query.Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview Business Activity Queries Course Analyze a Query After a query is built use the Analyze sheet to check the syntax (Analyze) and to execute the query (Test) to view results. Use this sheet to see what dashboards incorporate the current query.Displays all quick searches that use the current query. Notice the buttons on this screen. This sheet displays all business activity queries that reference the BAQ in focus. The information on these sheets helps you decide if you should re-design the current query. 3. • Dynamic Report List . View the Query Results grid that displays the query output. Review the Where Used Sheets Use the Where Used sheets to review all the items that use the current query. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. This limitation is only applied on retrieving BAQ results while testing their execution. 1. Tip When you design a query. 2. It requires the use of Like columns. This is a very powerful discussed later in the course. which link the BAQ to the specific field used for the search. click Clear and minimize Business Activity Query Designer.700 15 . Epicor ERP | 10.0.Business Activity Queries Course Business Activity Queries (BAQs) Overview A BAQ search is a feature that allows custom BAQs to become a base search criteria for a specific field. On the Standard toolbar. Inner Joins An inner join. The application uses the Company ID field to store the data for each company separately from the data for other companies. Records from either table that do not have a match in the other table are excluded from the report. you must identify a link between the tables to pull records from both tables. connect the tables so that each quote is matched up with the customer on the quote. Table Relationship If the query pulls data from multiple tables. The report output from an inner join includes all the records in which the linked field value in both tables is an exact match. It is a named path designed within the database using common table fields to quickly locate. Use the Data Dictionary to identify the index name. also known as an equal join. Joining Types Following are the four basic types of joins you can select in BAQ Designer: • Inner Join • Left Outer Join • Right Outer Join • Full Join Important It is crucial a user explicitly determines the correct order of tables in the query to retrieve the expected results. This section covers the process of table and field name identification. In general. or retrieve data. since it is at the top of the Epicor application table hierarchy. store. you must create relationships between tables through a joining process. Table Linking When you use two or more tables in a query. Also included is a discussion of table relationships and joining styles. and the Table Relations from Dictionary Tracker embedded within the BAQ Designer.700 . is the standard type of join. The Epicor application offers tools you can use to locate the table and field data for the query. the Data Dictionary Viewer functionality. select it as the first field to use in a join. path. Since all tables use the Company ID field.Application Setup Business Activity Queries Course Application Setup The first step to create a query is to find the appropriate data. use of the Online Technical Field Help. or index order.0. 16 Epicor ERP | 10. Use indexed fields to establish a relationship or join. Note Always use the Company ID field as the first indexed field. Example If you use the Quote table and the Customer table. an index points to the data location. and to retrieve a row for every customer who has not placed any orders.700 17 .Business Activity Queries Course Application Setup Example The join between the Customer table and the OrderDtl table creates a view that displays customers and orders placed. Epicor ERP | 10. In this case. except that all the rows from the right table are displayed in the result set. Fields that otherwise hold the order information display blank for these customers. it appears to the left of the keyword "join". Left Outer Joins A left outer join retains all of the rows of the "left" table. Use this join to display only matching records between the primary table and the lookup table.0. the view includes only customers who have placed an order. The "left" table is simply the table that comes first in the join statement. therefore. regardless of whether there is a row that matches on the "right" table. Right Outer Joins A right outer join is similar to left outer join. Records for any customers who have not placed an order are excluded. Example Use a left outer join to view all customers and the orders for these customers. regardless of whether or not they have matching values in the left table. Application Setup Business Activity Queries Course Full Join In SQL the Full Outer Join combines the results of both left and right outer joins and returns all (matched or unmatched) rows from the tables on both sides of the join clause.700 .0. 18 Epicor ERP | 10. Fieldname>. Place the cursor in the Description field.Use the Field Help In this workshop. This permission is set in Process Security Maintenance for the bo.This displays the field name as defined by the Epicor application. as it allows you to access documentation for each field.This is the database format for this field and the number of characters to which that field is limited. from the Help menu. • Like .DataDict business object.Business Activity Queries Course Application Setup Field Help Technical Details The Field Help feature is a quick reference tool that provides a brief field description and the technical property reference for selected fields.This displays the table name and the field name. • Format . select Field Help and click a field in the interface. 2. • Technical Details . You can use Field Help as a learning tool. It automatically opens in an undocked position. Workshop . Place the cursor in the Field Help sheet header and click the push pin icon to dock the Field Help window. Note To view technical details. In the Field Help sheet.Fieldname>. The query topic displays where the data comes from. This name is used in all expressions. which means the table to use is the Part table and the field to pull into the query is the Part field. The Field Help provides a Technical Details sheet to display the data dictionary information for a selected field. From the Help menu. Keep in mind that data can reside in multiple tables. The properties that display are helpful when you create a Business Activity Query and discuss the Data Dictionary Viewer.0. the field displays Part. you must have permission to access the corresponding business object. The Field Help sheet contains two menu items: • Field Level Help . To enable Field Help.This displays the database field property which also displays as <Tablename. • DB Field . use the Field Help to find table and field names. • Field Name .The technical details include the data dictionary information for the field. The syntax is always <Tablename.PartNum.The Field Level Help is a text description of the field from the Application Help. In the tree view pane. 3. • EpiBinding . You can also use the Customization feature to locate tables and fields. Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part 1. the Field Help sheet displays. Use technical specifications for a field when building business activity queries (BAQs) and using Business Process Management (BPM) methods and other advanced functions of the Epicor application. select Field Help. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to Part Maintenance. click Technical Details and view the information.700 19 . For example.Use this field to validate a BAQ search and generate Foreign Key Views to indicate the common field between two tables or datasets. The technical details of the Field Help are valuable in understanding the table structure of the database. 4. The table and field combination display in the EpiBinding field of the Technical Details in the format of <table>. 6.Application Setup Business Activity Queries Course You can adjust the Field Help width to see the fields properly. 5.<field>. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Bin Information > Detail sheet and place the cursor in the Bin field.0. Note Data is often stored in multiple places. and table selection depends on the purpose of the query. Exit Part Maintenance. The properties populate with the data in this field. 20 Epicor ERP | 10. This example presented a part's listing with a part bin location. Notice the database field is different. Navigate to the Part > Sites > Warehouses > Primary Bin sheet and place the cursor in the Bin field. 7.700 . BAQ or custom report. as you can view the current database structure and compare it against a previous database version. name (Name). select Product. Epicor ERP | 10. The Data Dictionary Viewer is also helpful during upgrades. 3. enter OrderHed and press Tab. Tables Sheet The Data Dictionary is organized by tables.0. select Alphabetic. 5. Use the Tables sheet to find and select the database table to review. display on this sheet. A table is a set of fields that contains related information. In the Indexes grid. refer to the Technical Details topic in the Field Help. each with a specific purpose. and the tree view. For information regarding the Data Dictionary Viewer properties. Fields Sheet The Fields > Detail sheet displays all values for a selected field. This option sorts fields alphabetically. In the Display Format pane.Use the Data Dictionary Viewer This workshop demonstrates how to use the Data Dictionary Viewer to identify fields and tables. such as format. For the Table Schema Type. and description. Menu Path: System Setup > System Maintenance > Data Dictionary Viewer 1. Example Use the Customer table to store all your customer records. In the Description field. review the table description. Data is often stored in multiple tables. Navigate to the Data Dictionary Viewer. In the Table field. Workshop . The grid includes a brief overview of the tables and helps you determine which table you should use when a field is located in more than one table. label.Business Activity Queries Course Application Setup Data Dictionary Viewer Use the Data Dictionary Viewer to find and review details of each field and table within the database. 2. The OrderHed table records your Order Header records. Information populates in the Tables sheet. This utility may help you identify the fields and tables to use for a customization. and other specific customer details. Use the Search functionality to display tables in a grid format. 4. view the IndexFields column. the Fields sheet.700 21 . Example The customer table includes the identifying code for the customer (CustNum). It helps you better understand the purpose and data values of each field. 700 . restricting situations where a runaway BAQ consumes too many system resources to generate query results. 9. This prevents the query from pulling in an unlimited number of records. you define how long each BAQ is allowed to run. the application server log records which query was called and how long it took this BAQ to gather the data results. 22 Epicor ERP | 10. the application server stops the query and sends the user a time out message. Each time user activity activates a BAQ. Using the BAQ Query Max Result Rows field.0.Application Setup Business Activity Queries Course 6. 7. BAQ Application Server Options Several BAQ related options are found within Application Server Settings accessible from the Epicor Administration Console. Exit the Data Dictionary Viewer. To record BAQ database calls within the application log. When a query attempts to generate results and reaches this time limit. 8. Navigate to the Fields > Detail sheet. Review the information and click Clear. In the Field Name field. select the BAQ Logging check box. select DiscountPercent. By entering a value in this field. For the BAQ Query Timeout field. you can limit the number of rows returned by each Business Activity Query. you can enter how many seconds can elapse before the application server stops the query. only the tables that have relations. You can use the buttons above tables to display: • Connected Only Tables .0. They usually require specifying input parameter values you define on the Function Call Parameters sheet. The Phrase Build sheet is where you design the current SubQuery. in the Filtering field. You can perform the same action by double-clicking on it. Five sheets are available at the bottom of the Phrase Build sheet. select and drag it on the canvas in the center pane. Use these sheets to do the following: • View the list of tables and SubQueries used in the current SubQuery. Epicor ERP | 10. The Query Builder Use the Query Builder sheets to design a Business Activity Query. Table valued functions can be dragged from panel as any ordinary table. • Specify values for the parameters in a Table-Valued Function.700 23 .another SubQuery created within the BAQ can referenced in the current SubQuery. In the left pane. with the table selected on the canvas. • Specify the selection criteria for the tables and SubQueries. It is also possible to make multiple selection by holding the Ctrl button. To easily locate the table you want.these are user-defined functions created in the SQL database that return a table. enter a value. This functionality is only available for use with External BAQs. • Define the relation between the tables and SubQueries. • SubQueries .Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design BAQ Design This section describes the process for creating queries using the Business Activity Query Designer. • Table-valued functions . SubQuery or a Table-valued function in your query. the list of all Epicor ERP tables displays. Example To include a table. described in system tables. • RIGHT OUTER JOIN . Important By default. you may use the Business Objects button to search for and load table(s) within an entity.rows satisfying join criteria from both joined tables are selected as well as all remaining rows from left joined table are being kept along with Nulls instead of actual right joined table values. Example Use an inner join to view all customers and the orders they have placed.only rows satisfying join criteria from both joined tables are selected.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Example To create a query that displays part and bin information. • LEFT OUTER JOIN . Table List The Query Builder > Phrase Build > Table List displays the list of tables and subqueries you place on the canvas for the subquery in focus. This helps narrow the list of available related tables to select from. queries are set up to display Inner Joins. switch between them using the Active SubQuery navigational toolbar found above the Phrase Build tab. The links between loaded tables are displayed automatically. Most queries you create only need this type of join. When you construct a BAQ. The SubQuery List sheet displays all subqueries you create within a BAQ. You have the ability to create and remove subqueries.700 . • FULL OUTER JOIN . and relation between tables is described in the dictionary. You can also create and display a special calculated field you need within the current business activity query. You will not get a match for any customer who has not placed orders. You can add. Table Relations Use the Table Relations sheet to display and modify the fields that make up the joins between tables. You can use the Dictionary button to view and select one of the predefined relations between tables. for example.rows satisfying join criteria from both joined tables are selected as well as all remaining rows both from left joined table and right joined table are being kept along with Nulls instead of values from other table. The SubQuery Options sheet is where define subquery parameters. The following options are available when joining tables: • INNER JOIN . double-click the Erp. When two tables are placed on the canvas. use this sheet control what data displays in the SQL output by selecting an appropriate subquery type. If your BAQ incorporates multiple SubQueries.rows satisfying join criteria from both joined tables are selected as well as all remaining rows from right joined table are being kept along with Nulls instead of actual left joined table values. all subqueries you create are ordered by the sequence number. The query output from an inner join includes all the records in which the table relations values in both tables are an exact match. Records from either table that do not have a match in the other table are not included in the query results. the newly added table always 24 Epicor ERP | 10. change their sequence value and view how data displays in the results set. Tip Instead of selecting tables individually.Part. The Display Fields sheets define which columns display and in what order they display in the query. As tables are placed on the canvas subsequently. the relation is drawn by the BAQ automatically. modify and delete the join fields within the current query. You can also use parenthesis to group SubQueries. Erp.0. which means that data from the first table only displays if it is linked to data within the second table.Part table and select the Connected only check box to filter the list of available tables that contain related information to the Part table. On this sheet. the company ID information is available. The result relation expression displays in the Expression textbox at the bottom. Define the Query Tables Maximize Business Activity Query Designer. As a result. View the list of all available database tables you can use to construct the BAQ. enter com. This BAQ is then available for use in other companies. Selecting this check box activates the sheets under the Update tab. 3. You can select one of the relations and press Replace In Query button.Manually Join Tables This workshop demonstrates creation of a BAQ that requires a manual join of tables. Select the Shared check box. 2. Table selection for the Parts listing include the Company table and the Part table. It does not check relations to all possible tables within the query. 4. For the purposes of this workshop. Within the part table. The Table Relations from Dictionary window that displays when you click the button list all relations with their fields. Cross-Company Indicates whether the selected query is a cross-company query. enter List of Parts. you leave the options described in the table clear. Click New to create a new query. including those whose data is on another database or server using the Multi-Site functionality. You accomplish this task by designing a BAQ using both tables and specifying the relationship between them.700 25 . Notice the remaining BAQ options: Query Type Description Global Indicates whether the BAQ Designer copies the current query to all associated companies. 1. but for a greater company detail. 5. Epicor ERP | 10. a single query brings back all the results across companies. enter XXX_Parts (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. This button is enabled when some predefined relation exists in the dictionary for the selected join connection. and its title contains number of predefined dictionary relations in the parentheses. In this task.0. you will use the company table.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design checks relation with the previous table within the table order. Updatable Indicates whether the current query will be used for data entry. In the Description field. As a result. This value indicates that other users within the current company can use this query. In the Query ID field. Notice all tables beginning with Com display in the table window. 6. Workshop . assume you would like to create a business activity query that displays the list of parts and for each part you would like to attach a detailed company information. fields from Dictionary form will replace fields used in current BAQ relation. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase build sheet. Important The Query ID can contain any value that does not exceed 30 characters in length and must not contain invalid symbols such as (/:\*?<> or space. In the Filtering field that displays above the list of tables. click the Add Connection icon (chain link icon). Save and remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. Tip You can change the order of columns using the up and down arrows. The selected tables display in the Available Columns area to allow field selection. 7.Part table onto the workspace (grid) area. You must first select the tables and then define the join fields. Notice the selected tables are not directly linked. The table join is now defined and columns can be selected for the returned Dataset.0. 10. In the Available Columns area. click the Add Row button.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Note Epicor tables either belong to the application system (ERP) or the tools system (ICE).Part table. click the Erp. From the tables listing. The application schema a particular table belongs to displays as a table name prefix. At the bottom of the screen. The fields move into the Display Column(s) area in the order they were selected. In the Filtering field. select and drag the Erp. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. From the Part field or any expression column.700 . Select the Columns and Test Once the table relations are established. 5. 1. Click Save. If necessary. the Table Relations sheet is automatically selected. 2.Company table onto the design canvas (grid) area. 26 Epicor ERP | 10. The tables are connected with the line. Set Table Relations Table relations are established between two tables at a time.Company table. 1. the fields are selected from the tables and the query can be analyzed and tested. select Company. 9. on the Table Relations sheet toolbar. hold down the mouse and drag a link to the Erp. Notice all tables beginning with Par display in the table window. you can also adjust column names using the Label field. To define the relationship between tables. expand the Part table. 3. The cursor changes to a cross hair. 7. In the design canvas area. Double-click on the PartNum and the PartDescription fields. 6. 4. 2. From the Company field or any expression column. From the tables listing click and drag the Erp. From the toolbar above the design canvas area. 3. enter par. select Company. Click on the Erp.Part Table. 8. Click Save. 10. 7. Epicor ERP | 10. The query is executed and results display in the Query Results grid. Press and hold Ctrl and highlight the following columns Company Name Address1 City State 6. Click the Analyze button. Collapse the Part table and expand the Company table. 8. 9. Click the Test button.700 27 . accept the defaults. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. 5. 11.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design For the purposes of this workshop. Click Save and remain in the Business Activity Query Designer.0. You are now ready to test the query. Verify the Syntax is OK message displays. 4. Click the right arrow to move the selected columns to the list of Display Columns. 3.Part table and drag it on the canvas in the center pane. 5. select the Erp.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Workshop . 4. From the list. Recall when this option is selected. click PartNum. and quantities on hand. 2. 8. In the Description field. In the Available Columns list. This check box indicates that this query is available to all users. 7. Above the list of tables. Click Close to exit the utility. The BAQ you design displays part number details. enter XXX Part and Bin Information. enter XXX_PartStatus (where XXX are your initials). 2. In the Query ID field. 4. 9. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. In the Business Activity Query Designer. Add the BAQ 1.PartBin table to place the table in the center pane. hold Ctrl and select the following columns: 28 Epicor ERP | 10. Use this utility to view the relationships between tables as defined in the system schema dictionary. Select the Columns 1. the palette only displays the tables that have relations. with the table selected on the canvas. enter p. 2. in the filtering field. 3. Click the Connected Tables Only button found above the list of tables. Click the Dictionary button to launch Table Relations from Dictionary utility.700 . expand the Part node. A linking line between tables displays. warehouse and bin locations. Tables used in this workshop are directly linked by the application.0.Create a BAQ This workshop shows you how to create a BAQ that retrieves part and part bin information. click New to create a new query. 3. Notice these tables are sharing Company and PartNum fields. described in system tables. 6. To select multiple columns at once. Select the Shared check box. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. Navigate to the Table Relations sheet. 4. Scroll down and double-click the Erp. In the Available Columns list. Select the Tables 1. In the Available Columns list. 5. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. Click the blue right arrow button to move the columns to the Display Column(s) list. In the Available Columns list. Errors display in the Query Execution Messages pane. 2.700 29 . Analyze reviews the query to check for syntax errors and potential run-time errors. Collapse the PartBin node and click Save. Analyze and Test the BAQ The Analyze function checks the query code to make sure the syntax is correct. Click PartNum. 11. 3. The Test function executes the query and displays the results in the Analyze window. Enter the Sort Order 1. click WarehouseCode. In the Available Columns list. Collapse the Part node. Review the results to verify the query returned the expected data and to trouble shoot any discrepancies in the data. Defining a sort order ensures the data returned by the query displays in a specific way. 2. Click the blue right arrow button to move the column to the Sort By list. expand the PartBin node. Click Save. In this example. the results display in part number sequence.0. 7. 6. Epicor ERP | 10. expand the Part node. 9. Click the Analyze button.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design PartDescription TypeCode 5. 1. Press and hold Ctrl to select the following columns: BinNum OnHandQty LotNum DimCode 10. Similar to a compile. 8. Navigate to the Display Fields > Sort Order sheet. 4. Click the blue right arrow button to move the columns to the Display Column(s) list. Click OK. you can summarize how many parts in total you have in stock as the next step. In the Custom Filter. 5. 4. • Summarize data. In the On Hand column header. 30 Epicor ERP | 10. right-click anywhere in the BAQ Results grid. Important You can place criteria on tables or SubQueries when you design a new BAQ to limit the data it displays. • Copy data from a grid and paste its contents to a third-party application for further analysis. In the Select Summaries window. click the filtering button. From the list. • Apply filters on columns. for example ® ® to Microsoft Excel . 13.0. You can use the context menu to do the following: • Group data together through specific column(s) that you select. select (Custom). To further analyze the BAQ results. 12.700 . specify the following condition: On Hand > Greater than 0 8. In the On Hand column header. 11.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 3. Click the Test button to execute the BAQ. Click Clear and remain in the BAQ Designer. Click Save. the value of how many rows were returned from the database presents the amount of parts having positive on-hand quantities. 10. In the Query Execution Messages pane. Right-click anywhere in the BAQ Results grid and select Show Summaries and Show Grid Filters. This way. select the Sum check box. in the top-right corner. The summarized information of how many parts in total you have in stock displays below the grid. Click OK. You will first apply a filter on the On Hand column to display quantities greater than 0 to exclude parts with negative inventory balances. Data returned by the query displays in the grid. The intention of this task is to parse the data after it was returned by the BAQ. select the Sigma (backward Z character) icon. You will learn how to do it in the workshops that follow. 6. 9. 7. These constants are recognized by the application and populate with the session object details. select specified constant and leave the Value field empty. so to see table's criteria you need to select a table on design surface first. such as equals. • Field Name . The Filter Value Column The Filter Value Column provides the ability to conditionally limit the data coming into the BAQ. • Or . where you can compose an expression that evaluates against the comparison. • BAQ special constants . Important The Epicor database requires all table cells have values. Select the word special to open the constant listing.The Or criteria tells the application to select the record whether criteria one or criteria two is true. the columns allows you to specify criteria. If you want to find rows with unassigned fields.Use this filter limit the query results using a custom expression.Use these columns to enter left or right parenthesis. • LeftP or RightP .Several constants are readily available to use a special characters.Allows you to select logical operations with the conditions.Parameters can be defined and used as filter values.Use the Neg value to indicate a negative value. To specify an empty string. Epicor ERP | 10. BAQ Constants. Use parenthesis to nest selection criteria. use the ISNULL operation. • <Null> . • And Or . Select the word specified to display the Select Parameter window.Select this filter value to call out a specific table and field combination. This operation may be useful in external queries which execute against non-Epicor databases.700 31 . SessionName. • Neg .Use this filter to limit the query data to a specific constant value.field combination can be used as a filter value to limit the query results. • specified parameter . • specified expression . This option should be specified for the first row of the criteria. The expression has a linked field included which provides a value statement when selected. Three options are available: • And . If you want to find rows with an EMPTY string value. The value must be valid in the database.The And criteria tells the application to select the record only when the two criteria are true. and functions that can perform calculations and data type conversions. • specified constant . • Compare Operator .Adds no clause to the criteria string. Any table. such as a State. FirstDayofMonth and so on. Create a combined criteria by linking your criterion with And or Or statements. for the Filter Value. The expression can contain literal values. use a comparison with an empty constant. The columns include the details as explained below. Following are the available fields: • specified table field value . Such as CurrentDate.Several comparison are available. Selection Field Details Query data selection can be limited to one criterion or many. and so on. Select the word specified to open a select table pane which presents the table in the query. Use this window to select or define parameters. Note Table criteria are associated with a table.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Selection Criteria You can control query detail selection using the Table Criteria and SubQuery Criteria sheets. SubQuery criteria are associated with a SubQuery and applied to query result. The only exclusion is for Date type fields. so it does not allow DB NULLS. not equal to.0. The expressions that populate in this column are similar to the directives used in Business Process Management. Select the word specified to open the Specify a value window. Once you select a field name.The fields of the selected table display in this listing for filtering. Click the word specified launch the expression editor. 700 . • selected value(s) of field from specified subquery . Select field from specified to select SubQuery field you want to use in the criterion.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course • current date + specified interval . Select the word specified to open the Select a date window. months. 32 Epicor ERP | 10.Use this option to specify date intervals in days.0. weeks. Select the word selected to switch between ANY or ALL subquery field values.Use this option to compare a field against ANY or ALL fields retrieved from the selected subquery. and years. CustID. You can also configure the display names for each column and create a calculation for a selected field. in dashboards or reports that will use the BAQ as the datasource. By default. Example The default column name taken from the database is Customer. the fields in each table display in schema order. The Display Fields sheet consists of two sub sheets: • Use the Display Fields > Column Select sheet to define the columns that display on your query. and identify where the query is used in the Epicor application. define the remaining query parameters. • The Display > Sort Order sheet displays the selected tables in the order they were selected. You can configure the display name for this column as Customer ID. test the query. Additional sheets analyze the query for syntax. Use the A to Z icon to sort all tables and fields alphabetically. and sort the data. You can use this sheet to set up the order in which the selected columns display in BAQ results and consequently.700 33 . The display names display on the query instead of the default column name. One or more table and field combinations can be used to define the order of the query data display. define column headings labels. These parameters include which fields display as columns.0.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Display Once you identify the query tables in the Phrase Build. Epicor ERP | 10. Use both tables to construct a BAQ.OrderDtl table onto the design canvas (grid). Once you select the field name. the Order Line Description field (OrderDtl. enter XXX_PartCompare (where XXX are your initials).700 . 10. 1. 5. Define the Part Description Compare Query The Part Master table contains part specific details including the part number. click the Add Row button. verify the Table Criteria sheet displays. This states that the field information has to match the selected filter criterion. weight. In the Field column. 3. 34 Epicor ERP | 10. The OrderDtl table used in this workshop has a boolean field for open orders. In the Business Activity Query Designer.Part table on to the design canvas (grid). select OpenLine. At the bottom of the screen. The Sales Order Entry program contains the order information with line details stored in the Order Detail table. The new line displays. From the toolbar above the Criteria sheet header. In the BAQ. 3.OrderDtl table. 9. select the Connected Only Tables icon. You will use the OrderDtl. set up the condition using the compare operator. In the Filtering field enter par then drag the Erp. When users enter a new line in Sales Order Entry and select an existing part. 8.Description). select the A-Z icon. 2. From the toolbar. Select the Shared check box. 4. verify the equal sign (=) defaults.LineDesc) field automatically defaults to part description found in part master table (Part. Below the filtering field. The tables automatically link. you will display both database fields and verify entries are the same.Apply Filter and Modify Display Parameters This workshop explains how to use table criteria to limit BAQ results and change parameters of display columns.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Workshop . 4. and volume.0. 6. description. In the Query ID field. In the Operation column. On the design canvas area. Use Criteria to Filter Open Orders 1. 7.OpenLine field to limit the dataset to open sales orders. The BAQ you create in this workshop displays all open sales order detail lines. 2. enter Part Description Compare Query. select the Erp. This sorts the fields in alphabetical order for easy access. In the Filtering field enter ord then drag the Erp. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. click New to create a new query. In the Description field. 4. BAQ will add quotes by itself. From the field listing select and advance the following to the Display Column(s) area: Epicor ERP | 10. Define the Columns and Test 1.700 35 .Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 11. In the Value field. you do not have to use quotes when specifying a filter value. 2. select specified constant. 3.0. click OK. In the Available Columns area. Click Save. expand the Part table. In the Specify Value window. Tables and fields always sort schematically by default. From the toolbar in the Available Columns. 12. expand the OrderDtl table. This may be useful when troubleshooting a BAQ for potential errors. Click the word specified. the word +criteria displays on a BAQ item. Important When you build criteria. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. The Sort icon places all the details in alphabetical order. 13. enter True. From the field listing select and click the right arrow to advance the following to the Display Column(s) area: Field Name LineDesc OrderLine OrderNum PartNum Request Date 5. 15. Tip When you add a criteria on table or a SubQuery. The word specified displays in blue to indicate a variable or value is required. The Specify Value window displays. click the Sort columns alphabetically (A to Z icon). Remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. This limits the query selection to open orders. From the Filter Value field. 14. Use this visual identifier to quickly allocate filters applied in your BAQ. In the Available Columns area. The selected tables display in the Available Columns area to allow field selection. 6. 16. In the Label field of the Part_PartDescription field. You are now ready to test the query. 9.0. The BAQ should return open orders. Verify the order in focus is not closed. Click Save. Click Save. The query is executed and results display in the Query Results grid. Click Clear and remain in the BAQ Designer. enter Part Number Description. Once complete. exit Sales Order Tracker. In the Label field of the OrderDtl_LineDesc field. Navigate to the Analyze sheet and click the Test button. select Open With > Sales Order Tracker. Verify Order Line Description and Part Number Description fields display the same values. 10. 11. enter Order Line Description. right-click any Order number from the list and from the context menu. 7. 8. To test. 12.700 . 36 Epicor ERP | 10.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Field Name NetVolume NetWeight PartDescription You can change the field names to save confusion on labels such as Desc (OrderDtl) and Description (Part). Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Calculated Field Editor Use the Calculated Field Editor to create user-defined columns based on a calculation of selected fields within the query. You can either create new fields or modify existing ones that came over from a copied query. Example The following is an example of the Calculated Field Editor. The Detail sheet is divided into several sections: • Calculated Field - This section contains the calculated field definition. • Fields - In the tree view, you can select any of the current Display Fields and existing Calculated fields you want to add to the calculation. You can also pull in any fields contained within the Available tables included with the current query. If you have created Parameters and Scalar Functions to use with the BAQ, these options are available for selection as well. • Functions - Use the tree view to find and select the Functions, Operators, and BAQ constants you will use in the current calculated field. A function calculates a value through specified parameters. An operator is a mathematical expression used to evaluate a function. BAQ operators and functions are consistent with SQL naming methodology. A BAQ constant is a query that pulls in specific data contained within the Constants table, like current plant, current date, and so on. Tip For a complete list of available functions, see the Calculated Field topics within the Application Help. • Editor - The Editor pane displays the calculation you create. A warning displays if a table or field is selected that is not in the query. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 37 BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course To the right side of the editor box, use the buttons to quickly enter operators. This section also contains additional symbols and the Check Syntax button. The Check Syntax button verifies the correct syntax of the calculated field. The functions and operators you drop in the editor box or enter through the right side buttons have trailing spaces. If the character field placed before the functions or operators on the screen does not include a space, a leading space is inserted to assist in using the correct syntax. Workshop - Create a Calculated Field A Calculated field can be a mathematical field or a field that is defined using other fields in the database to provide query specific data. This workshop shows how to create a calculated field to display total labor and burden hours for each shop employee. The Employee Basic (EmpBasic) table from the Shop Employee Maintenance provides the employee details. Join this table to the Labor Details (LaborDtl) which holds details from the time and expense entry. Filter results against a specific date and create calculated fields to generate the total labor and burden hours. Create the Labor Summary BAQ 1. In the Business Activity Query Designer, click New to create a new query. 2. In the Query ID field, enter XXX_EmpHours (where XXX are your initials). 3. In the Description field, enter Employee Labor Summary. 4. Select the Shared check box. Use a Date Filter 1. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. 2. In the Filtering field enter Em, then drag the Erp.EmpBasic table onto the design canvas (grid). 3. Click the Connected Only Tables button. 4. From the table listing, drag the Erp.LaborDtl table on to the design canvas (grid). The tables automatically link. The data is to be filtered based on a cutoff payroll date. 5. On the design canvas area, select the Erp.LaborDtl table. 6. At the bottom of the screen, verify the Table Criteria sheet displays. 7. From the toolbar above the Table Criteria sheet header, click the Add Row button. The new line displays. 8. From the Field column, select PayrollDate. 9. In the Operation column, select Greater Than or Equal to (>=). 10. From the Filter Value field, select specified constant. 11. Click the word specified. 38 Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 12. In the Value field, enter 01/01/2008. 13. In the Specify a Value window, click OK. 14. From the toolbar above the Criteria sheet header, click the Add Row button. 15. In the AndOr column, verify And displays. 16. From the Field column, select PayrollDate. 17. In the Operation column, select Less Than or Equal to (<=). 18. From the Filter Value field, select specified constant. 19. Click the word specified. 20. In the Value field, enter 01/01/2013. 21. In the Specify a Value window, click OK. This limits the query details to the selected pay period. Select Columns and Define the LaborHrs Field 1. Navigate to the Display Fields > ColumnSelect sheet. 2. Verify the Sort Columns Alphabetically option is selected. If not, select this option. 3. From the Available Columns, expand the EmpBasic node and move Name into the Display Column(s) area. 4. In the Display Columns grid, for the EmpBasic_Name column, select the Group By check box. 5. Click the Calculator icon. The Calculated field editor window displays. 6. Click New and enter these field values: Data Field Data Value Field Name LaborHrs Data type Decimal Create a calculated field to total each employee's labor hours using the Aggregate function. 7. In the Functions area, expand Aggregate. This expands a listing of aggregations available. Aggregate functions add all values found by the query in a specified column. 8. From the Aggregate listing, double-click Sum(x). Selecting the function displays the function syntax in the Editor field. In this query, the field calculates the total labor hour values linked to each shop employee record. Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 39 LaborHrs ) 10. Verify the Editor displays the following calculation: sum( LaborDtl. 12. To the Syntax is OK message. The calculated field displays in the Display Column(s) section.BurdenHrs ) 13. 3. 4. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. 40 Epicor ERP | 10. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. In the Fields section. Repeat steps 6 through 11 to create the calculated field BurdenHrs. 2. Use the Sum(x) function and select LaborDtl. Remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. Verify the Editor displays the following calculation: sum( LaborDtl. click OK. Analyze and Test the Query 1.700 .BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 9. 14. The label can be modified if desired.BurdenHrs. Click Clear and remain in the BAQ Designer. Click Save. 11. Click the Check Syntax button.0. The query returns the employee listing and displays the total labor and burden hours for each employee. expand the Available tables > LaborDtl node and double-click LaborHrs. Click the Test button to execute the query and return the records. BAQ Update Processing The BAQ interacts with the business object's methods. As users enter data through an updatable BAQ. You define which fields are updatable and then ensure the business object methods are correctly linked to the updatable fields on a BAQ. Business Objects contain the code that interacts with a database. The BAQ begins as a regular query with tables. you could use this functionality to verify the data is being entered correctly. filter criteria. send email alerts. Updatable BAQ Overview These updatable queries have business object methods connected to them to allow you to create.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Using BAQS to Update the Database The true power of the Business Activity Query (BAQ) goes beyond pulling data details from the database. Users enter data through either the dashboard or the mobile device and the new data updates records within the main database. These records then display within the query results. Various actions. you can use the entered data to call a Business Process Management (BPM) directive. edit. by default each updatable BAQ contains at least the following methods: • GetList . Each of these methods can be monitored through Business Process Management (BPM) directives. interrupting the processing when certain conditions are met. • GetNew . various actions run automatically.This method pulls in the existing records from the database table from which the business object interacts. display columns. and calculate data for a specific function within the application. that can be used to design updatable smart client. • Update . you create methods that validate whether the data being entered is correct. • BAQ Advanced User • BPM Advanced User Contact your System Administrator to ensure the correct security levels are assigned to your user id. Each action a business object can take is called a method.700 41 . If your updatable BAQ allows new records.This method refreshes the information within the database with new information a user has entered in the updatable BAQ.This method generates a new record and adds it to the database table. To complete this functionality. Based on the conditions defined in the BPM directive. Use this tool to create updatable BAQs. A business object (also called a BO) houses the methods used to enter. and delete records to update the database. Epicor ERP | 10. or cause other processes to run. can then automatically run in response to the data. such as an iPhone© or a Blackberry©. when users create new methods they activate this method. view. These BAQs can be placed on a smart client dashboard and/or used on a mobile device.0. Security Requirements Updating BAQs is considered an advanced operation and requires the user id to have the following two security permissions. mobile or SharePoint Publisher dashboards. For example. and so on. Business Process Management (BPM) directives can be created to monitor the data entered through an updatable BAQ. These directives can evaluate the data being passed into or out of the database. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. shipping terms and so on.Create a Sales Order Updatable BAQ A Business Activity Query (BAQ) can be updated as a query.The OrderHed table holds the sales order header information such as Bill to and Ship to customer numbers. Order information is stored by the sales order in several different tables. Define the Sales Order Head Query Details Identify the query as updatable when the query definition is created. enter XXX_Orders (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab.The OrderDtl table holds all the line item details. In the Description field. Create the query using the OrderHed and OrderDtl tables to bring in the sales order and order line details. In the Filtering field. Verify these permissions have been granted using the User Account Maintenance program. 3. Expand the OrderHed table to display the fields. Select the Updatable check box. This indicates that users can update the BAQ and activates the sheets under the Update sheet. In the Query ID field. 10.0. Create the first query to allow entry of a sales order with no lines.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Workshop . Note When the Updatable check box is selected. 6. If necessary. Business object methods required to update and add new records through BAQs are database specific. 7. Example The order entry department is looking to update the sales orders as quickly as possible. Create a second query to allow line details to update an existing sales order. Select the Shared check box. 9. click New to create a new query. purchase orders. They are frequently used on dashboards. Each table is explained below: • OrderHed . In the Business Activity Query Designer. • OrderDtl . 42 Epicor ERP | 10.700 . but not releases. enter Sales Order Updatable BAQ. The Shared check box indicates that this query is available to all users. You have been asked to create an updatable BAQ that would allow the addition of new sales orders within the grid. so they cannot be used through the Multi-Site functionality. 11. 4. disable the Connected Only Tables option. 5. Click and drag the OrderHed table to the grid area. Important The following workshops require the user id to have BPM Advanced Developer and BAQ Advanced Developer permissions. 1. 8. or added to a dashboard to create an updatable dashboard. enter Ord. 2. the Global check box becomes disabled. FOB FOB OrderHed. OrderHed. OrderHed. 4.0.700 43 . 6.CustNum Customer Nbr. Selecting this field allows new customer records to be added through this BAQ. Select the BPM Update option. 7.OrderNum Order Nbr. Move the following fields into the Display Column(s) section and change the field labels as noted: Tip For easier field search. 5. From the Query Field List. Click the Check All Fields as Updatable icon (the white checked box icon). Navigate to the Update > General Properties sheet.ShipViaCode Ship Via OrderHed.OpenOrder Open OrderHed.TermsCode Customer Terms OrderHed. Create Basic Processing Rules This workshop defines basic processing rules for the updatable query. Select the Allow Multiple Row Updatable check box. only updates to existing records are allowed.OrderHeld Hold Order OrderHed. clear the Updatable check box for the OrderNum field. 2.BTCustNum Bill To Customer OrderHed.RequestDate Request Date OrderHed. Tip You can also individually select the Updatable check box for specific fields.Company Company OrderHed. If it is not selected. Verify the Allow New Record check box is selected.ShipToCustNum Ship To Customer 13. sort columns alphabetically. Click the Business Object button. 3. 8. Selecting this check box allows updating of multiple customer records on the same BAQ. 1.PONum PO Nbr. Field Value Change Label Value OrderHed.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 12. Epicor ERP | 10. Click Save. Navigate to the Update > Update Processing sheet. OrderHed. 3.BTCustNum. Click Save. highlight the ttResult. click the Expression Editor button. In the Editor pane. 4. 2. highlight ttResults. verify OrderHed is selected. 9. Repeat step 5 for OrderHed.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course The Select Business Object window displays. 3. The Editor pane displays ttResult. The new expression maps the BTCustNum to the OrderHed_CustNum. Clear the Updatable field for the OrderHed_BTCustNum and the OrderHed_ShipToCustNum fields. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. Click the Get List button. From the Dataset fields. Use the Sales Order Tracker to view the updated information in the database.0.700 . 1.CustNum. On the Update > Update Processing sheet. Click Save and exit the Business Object Update Expression window. Navigate to the Update > General Properties sheet. This expressions assumes the two numbers are always the same and may not apply in your environment. 2. 5. The suggested business objects window displays objects that relate to the data in the BAQ. 7. The Business Object Update Expression window displays. 11. From the Dataset fields. 6. 10. 9. In the Editor pane.OrderHed_CustNum. respond Yes. 8. This expression maps the two numbers so that one entry on the CustNum field populates both. you want Customer Number. select OrderHed. Use an expression to populate each field with a single entry.ShipToCustNum. in this case the Sales Order related business object displays. Click Save.OrderHed_BTCustNum and then replace it with ttResult. 44 Epicor ERP | 10. select OrderHed. Use an Expression to Map Fields In this example. 1. Bill to Customer Number and Ship To Customer number be the same. 10.OrderHed_CustNum and do a Ctrl+C to copy it. using Ctrl+V. In the Tables to update pane. Test the Sales Order BAQ Use the Get List method to test the update fields of the Orders BAQ. Select Erp. To the warning message.Sales Order and click OK.OrderHed_CustNum. To the warning message. This workshop provides the steps to enter a new order. Recall Bill To Customer and Ship To Customer fields have been modified using calculated fields that automatically assign customer number values.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 4. The Fields window displays. 2. 10. the following message displays: Query returned 1 row(s). respond Yes. Double-click the row containing order number 5198. The line you modified becomes highlighted. press Tab to move between fields. 7. delete the existing entry and enter any number. To the warning message. Click OK. Remain the Business Activity Query Designer window. Updatable query action fulfilled and reported no e rror. Bill To Customer and Ship To Customer fields display in a different color. Verify the Analyze sheet is opened. Click Get New button. 4.0. It is important to know the minimum requirements of an order. Verify in the Query Execution Messages pane. Create a New Sales Order The Sales Order updatable BAQ was defined to update and to add new records. 5. Data Field Data Value OrderHed_OpenOrder Select OrderHed_Company EPIC06 OrderHed_CustNum 24 OrderHed_PONum Enter any number Epicor ERP | 10. 3. Click the Update button. This visual indicator can help you identify which fields the BAQ affects when the Update method executes. 8. In the OrderHed_PONum field. respond Yes. The required fields of a sales order include: • Customer Number • Bill to Number • Order Date • Terms Code • Ship To Number 1. 9. Enter the following details. Double-click the new row at the bottom of the Query Results window. Notice the Order Number. Each required field is validated before the record is added. 6.700 45 . 5. respond Yes. Minimize the Business Activity Query Designer. 8.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Data Field Data Value OrderHed_OrderHeld Clear OrderHed_RequestDate Today's Date OrderHed_FOB Factory OrderHed_ShipViaCode UPS OrderHed_TermsCode 2/10 6. 46 Epicor ERP | 10. 9. 10.0. 7. respond OK. When the sales order is validated against the database. Click OK and click Update.700 . the refreshed list provides the new sales order number at the bottom of the list. Click Save and refresh the information by clicking the Get List button. Click the Order Nbr column heading to sort orders in descending order. To the warning message. 11. To the warning message. Locate and write down the newly created sales order number ______. Menu Path: Sales Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Tracker Tip The CRM menu path is: Customer Relationship Management > Order Management > General Operations > Order Tracker 1. On the Header section. Click the Sales Order button to browse for and select sales order 5198. 3. Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Order Tracker. Verify the new order and ensure accuracy in the data.700 47 . notice the PO number change made. Click the Sales Order button and to browse for and select the new order number from the Create a New Sales Order workshop.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Verify the Updated Orders Use the Sales order Tracker to verify the changes are updated to the database.0. Exit the Sales Order Tracker and maximize the Business Activity Query Designer. 2. 700 . In the Filtering field. In the Business Activity Query Designer. 8. enter Sales Order Lines Updatable BAQ.0. 5. In addition. In the Query ID field. click New to create a new query. 6. Order Header and Order Lines are both within the Sales Order business object. 7. 4. In the Description field.Create the Sales Order Detail Updatable BAQ An updatable BAQ can update more than one table as long as the two tables are within the Business Object.OrderHed and Erp. Select the Shared and Updatable check boxes. 3. 2. select Erp. 9.OrderDtl tables and move them on the designer canvas. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. Press and hold Ctrl to select the columns. 12. 10. This workshop provides the sales order line details for the sales order added during the workshop Workshop Create a Sales Order Updatable BAQ using a new updatable query. Move the following fields into the Display Column(s) section and change the field labels as follows: To select multiple columns. Expand the OrderHed table to display the fields. Hold Ctrl. press and hold Ctrl to select the columns. Expand the OrderDtl table to display the fields. enter XXX_OrderLines (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 48 Field Value New Label Value Company Company ID OrderNum Order Number OrderLine Order Line PartNum Part Number LineDesc Line Description IUM Unit of Measure Epicor ERP | 10. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. enter Ord.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Workshop . other business objects could be updated by adding a BPM directive to call a Service Connect workflow to perform additional work. Create the Sales Order Detail Query 1. Field Value New Label Value Company Company ID OrderNum Order Number 11. Move the following fields into the Display Column(s) section and change the field labels as follows: To select multiple columns. 7. delete the ttResult. 10. 7.OrderHed_Company entry.SalesOrder object and click OK.OrderNum fields to the OrderDtl to pull data by the order number. 9.OrderHed_OrderNum entry. 3. From the Dataset fields select OrderHed.Company. 4. 8. From the Dataset fields. This step maps the OrderHed. ensure both OrderHed and OrderDtl are selected. In the Editor window.Company field. In the Editor window. Verify the Allow New Record check box is selected. Navigate to the Update > General Properties sheet. double-click OrderDtl_Company. Map the OrderHed. 2. select OrderHed.Company field to the OrderDtl.700 49 . In the Query Result Fields pane. 4. In the Tables to update pane. Create an Expression to Link Details OrderDtl is a child table of the OrderHed table. Click Save. Click the BPM Update option. Both tables are part of the same business object so they can be updated both at once. 5. delete the ttResult. double-click OrderDtl_OrderNum. 5.OrderNum. Click the Check All Fields as Updatable icon (the white checked box icon). In the Suggested business objects section. Navigate to the Update > Update Processing sheet. 6. Click the Expression Editor button. Select the Allow Multiple Row Update check box. From the Query Result Fields list in the middle of the form.Company and OrderHed. The Select Business Object window displays.0. 6. 1. Define Basic Processing Details 1. 2. 3. Epicor ERP | 10.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Field Value New Label Value DocUnitPrice Unit Price OrderQty Quantity 13. The Business Object Update Expression window displays. Click the Business Object button. Click Save. select the Erp. 6. Enter the following details.0.UnitPrice 33. 14.OrderNum field to the OrderDtl. Enter a New Order Line This workshop creates a sales order line for the sales order created in the Workshop . Click Save and then click Get List.LineDesc Cargo Door Latch OrderDtl. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. After mapping these two fields. 10. Click Get New button and respond Yes to the warning message. 13. If necessary. 8. click Yes. 3.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course This step maps the OrderHed. 11. double-click the new row. Clear the Updatable check box for OrderHed_Company and OrderHed_OrderNum. Refresh the list using Get List to retrieve the new record and see the order number.Orderline 1 OrderDtl.OrderNum field. respond Yes to the save query message.00 OrderDtl.Create a Sales Order Updatable BAQ. 1.OrderNum Your Order Number OrderDtl. 5. Click Get List to refresh. 12.UnitQty 3 4. Data Field Data Value OrderDtl.PartNum DCD-800-CDL OrderDtl. Click Save. 7. Click OK and then click Update. Navigate to the Update > General Properties sheet.IUM EA OrderDtl. 9. press Tab to move between fields. Remain in the BAQ Designer. 2. the fields will populate with the OrderDtl data and therefore do not need to be updated.Company EPIC06 OrderDtl. To the warning message.700 . 50 Epicor ERP | 10. At the bottom of the Query Results window. Click Save and exit the Business Object Update Expression window. By default. SubQueries give different advantages for query design. 3. INTERCEPT By default.700 51 . EXISTS ({inner subquery}) • Using common table expressions (CTE). in the Query Results grid. 1. With Union. Each Business Activity Query can contain one main SubQuery. select Open With . Navigate to the Lines > Detail sheet. right-click the Order Number you created.0. Union The UNION command is used to select related information from two tables. each BAQ can contain one main TopLevel SubQuery. > Sales Order Tracker. Test the Order Line BAQ Use the Sales Order Tracker to verify the new order has order line details. Verify the sales order displays the order line values. like UNION. when using the UNION command all selected columns need to be of the same data type.. 4. or inside another SubQuery. On the Analyze sheet. much like the JOIN command. Note Multiple tables can be used in an updatable BAQ as long as the tables all belong to the same business object. a simple query contains only one SubQuery with the following attributes: Field Value Name SubQuery1 Type TopLevel Results Row Set All When designing a new SubQuery. A SubQuery can be used anywhere an expression is allowed. including CTE with recursion and UNION ALL for querying hierarchical data • Using CTE and inner SubQuery in the FROM clause and joins • Using set operations. only distinct values are selected.. EXCEPT. including: • Support of widely used query criteria as IN ({inner subquery}). 2. However. the following types are available for selection: Type Description TopLevel Default value for simple query. the sales order also has one release. UNION ALL. Exit Sales Order Tracker. The tracker opens the record for the sales order you indicated. where Type=TopLevel and several SubQueries of different type to indicate how they correlate with each other. Epicor ERP | 10. From the Context menu. the new order number should display with a single order line. Using SubQueries A SubQuery is a query that is nested inside a SELECT statement.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design When the list refreshes. instead it just pulls all rows from all tables fitting your query specifics and combines them into a table. UPDATE.0. simple. You also have the ability to control the SQL result set by modifying the SELECT keyword. Intercept types can go after TopLevel.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Type Description UnionAll The UNION ALL command is equal to the UNION command. UnionAll. When one or more SubQueries are combined using the above set operators. A CTE is similar to a derived table in that it is not stored as an object and lasts only for the duration of the query. However. This may cause more rows to be returned. specified on the Display Fields > Columns Select sheet should conform to the following rules: • The number and the order of the columns must be the same in all SubQueries. and only if an ORDER BY clause is specified. Top SELECT TOP clause specifies the number of rows or percent of rows to return. Except. InnerSubQuery InnerSubQuery is usually added in the WHERE Clause of the SQL statement as a nested query inside another query. The following options are available for selection in the Result Set Row field: Keyword Description All Default value. • Field aliases of the result record set are taken from the first SubQuery. through implicit conversion. Distinct SELECT DISTINCT specifies that only unique rows can display in the result set.700 . logical building blocks. INSERT. WITH TIES specifies that the query result set includes any additional rows that match the values in the ORDER BY column or columns in the last row returned. CTE A common table expression (CTE) can be thought of as a temporary result set that is defined within the execution scope of a single SELECT. The difference between Union and Union all is that Union all will not eliminate duplicate rows. 52 Epicor ERP | 10. DELETE. Most of the time.. or CTE SubQueries. You can either a number or percent of rows the result set displays. interim CTEs until the final result set is generated. TOP. If a record exists in one query and not in the other..WITH TIES can be specified only in SELECT statements. Except Returns any distinct values from the query to the left of the EXCEPT operand that are not also returned from the right query. their fields. a subquery is used when you know how to search for a value using a SELECT statement. except that UNION ALL selects all values. it only returns the rows selected by all queries. The query can be divided into separate. so one or more SubQueries of Union. it will be omitted from the results. the SELECT ALL command returns all data without restriction. Using a CTE offers the advantages of improved readability and ease in maintenance of complex queries. • The data types must be compatible. but do not know the exact value. Important In BAQ Designer. or CREATE VIEW statement. These simple blocks can then be used to build more complex. SubQueries are concatenated in the sequential order. Intersect Use the INTERSECT command to return the results of two or more select queries. constant.[FirstName] as [EmpBasic_FirstName].[LastName] as [EmpBasic_LastName] from Erp. Please be aware of the following limitations: • Using OFFSET/FETCH requires MS SQL Server 2012 or later. [EmpBasic]. [EmpBasic]. • TOP/DISTINCT TOP cannot be combined with OFFSET and FETCH in the same query expression. Example This BAQ skips first 5 rows from the sorted result set and returns next 10 rows from the employees table. Example This BAQ skips first 5 rows from the sorted result set of all employees and returns the remaining rows.Use Inner SubQueries In this workshop. select [EmpBasic].[EmpID] as [EmpBasic_EmpID]. • ORDER BY clause is mandatory to use OFFSET and FETCH clause. select [EmpBasic]. create the BAQ that counts open.EmpID OFFSET 5 ROWS FETCH NEXT 10 ROWS ON LY The OFFSET/FETCH rowcount expression can be any arithmetic.EmpBasic as EmpBasic order by EmpBasic. DistinctTop SELECT DISTINCT TOP corresponds to using DISTINCT and TOP clauses simultaneously.[FirstName] as [EmpBasic_FirstName]. [EmpBasic].Business Activity Queries Course Keyword BAQ Design Description Important TOP as well as DISTINCT TOP cannot be combined with OFFSET and FETCH in the same query expression. ORDER BY … FETCH. before starting to return rows from the query expression. The Offset and Fetch fields provide you with an option to fetch only a window or page of results from the result set. The query results set contains top unique rows. Argument Description Offset Specifies the number of rows to skip.[LastName] as [EmpBasic_LastName] from Erp. Workshop .EmpBasic as EmpBasic order by EmpBasic. after processing the OFFSET clause.[EmpID] as [EmpBasic_EmpID]. The information Epicor ERP | 10.0.700 53 . closed and total amount of orders per customer. You can never use. • OFFSET and FETCH cannot be combined with TOP/DISTINCT TOP keywords in the same query expression. Create two SubQueries that will count open and closed orders and group them together by customer.EmpID OFFSET 5 ROWS Fetch Specifies the number of rows to return. [EmpBasic]. or parameter expression that will return an integer value. • OFFSET clause is mandatory with FETCH. 11. enter Order Count per Customer. Expand the OrderHed table. verify the equal sign (=) defaults. In the Value field. 7. In the Operation column. Verify the Table Criteria sheet at the bottom is in focus. where XXX are your initials. In the filtering field. enter ord. 5. 6. Select the Shared check box. select specified constant.700 . 2.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course obtained by the Inner SubQueries will be presented by the TopLevel SubQuery you will create at the end of this workshop. Select the Group By check box to indicate you want the group open orders by customer. select the Erp. enter XXX_OrderCount. In the Data Type field. 8. enter CountOpen and press Tab. Create Open Orders SubQuery The first SubQuery you create counts open orders by customer. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. From the list.OrderHed table and drag it on the canvas in the center pane. For the Query ID. Click the Calculator icon. 7. click New to create a new query. In the Business Activity Query Designer. 2. select int (interger). select OpenOrder. 5. The Calculated Field Editor window displays.0. 3. From the toolbar. 13. Double-click CustNum to add the OrderHed_CustNum field to the list of Display Column(s). 6. The Specify Value window displays. 4. For the Field Name. enter True and click OK. 14. 10. From the Filter Value field. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. Select Columns 1. 1. 3. In the Description field. 9. 12. This limits the query selection to open orders. In the Field column. 54 Epicor ERP | 10. Click the word specified. click the Add Row to add new line. 4. expand Aggregate. 10. From the list. On the Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet. 8. 6. 10. 9. In the Specify Table Alias window. select InnerSubQuery. Create Closed Orders SubQuery The Second SubQuery you create counts closed orders by customer. For SubQuery 1 you just created. 9. the field counts the amount of open orders. double-click Count(x). enter * (asterisk). 13. 2. In the Functions area. select the Erp. Epicor ERP | 10. From the Aggregate listing. From the Filter Value field. In the Field column.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 8. select OpenOrder. 11. 14. Verify the Editor pane displays the following: count( * ) 12. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet.0. click NewSubQuery. 5. From the toolbar. Click Save. In this query. select specified constant. in the filtering field. enter ord. 7. Note The BAQ Designer must create the table alias for the OrderHed table since it is already used in the previous SubQuery. 4. Selecting the function displays the function syntax in the Editor field. 11. In the Operation column. This indicates this SubQuery will become a nested query inside the TopLevel BAQ you will create later. 15. click OK. verify the equal sign (=) defaults.OrderHed table and drag it on the canvas in the center pane. Verify the Table Criteria sheet at the bottom is in focus. click the Add Row to add new line. To indicate you want to count all open order records. Navigate to the Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet.700 55 . In the Active SubQuery toolbar. accept the following defaults: Name Type SubQuery2 InnerSubQuery 3. 1. in the Type field. Above the list of tables. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. inside the brackets. 3. 8. This limits the query selection to closed orders. For SubQuery3. Click the Calculator icon. 1. Create TopLevel SubQuery Create the main SubQuery that displays the BAQ results using both inner SubQueries. Add CustNum to add the to the list of Display Column(s). The Specify Value window displays. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. 3. Navigate to the Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet. enter CountClosed and press Tab. 2.Customer table on the canvas in the center pane. click NewSubQuery.700 . 56 Epicor ERP | 10. manually add the calculation that counts all closed orders. Click the word specified. 2. in the Type field. select the Add Connection icon (chain links). Verify the Table Relations sheet at the bottom is selected. count( * ) 9. select TopLevel. Drag both SubQuery1 and SubQuery2 to the center pane. From the toolbar above the canvas. The cursor turns to a cross-hair.0. 5. Above the table listing. 7. In the Editor pane. Search for and add the Erp. Select the Group By check box to indicate you want the group closed orders by customer. 9. 6. If not. enter False and click OK. In the Value field. 4. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. 13. select int (interger). 5. click the SubQueries button to displays the list of available SubQueries. In the Active SubQuery toolbar. select the sheet. Click on the Erp. 10. Select Columns 1. Expand the OrderHed1 table. 6. 4. 7.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 12. then release.Customer table and drag a line to the SubQuery1 table. In the Data Type field. 8. For the Field Name. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. Verify the Editor pane displays the following calculation: SubQuery1. 12. 5. select OrderHed_CustNum. closed and total amount of orders per customer.Customer and SubQuery2 tables.0. From the Customer field or any expression field. select CustNum.700 57 . Expand the Customer table and move the Name field to the list of Display Column(s). 13. 2. In the Editor pane. 7. Double-click Calculated_CountOpen to add the field to the Editor pane. 4. click + (plus). 8. Expand the SubQuery2 and move the Calculated_CountClosed field to the list of Display Column(s). enter Total and press Tab.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 11. 10. Select BAQ Display Columns 1. Click the Calculator icon. Expand the SubQuery1 and move the Calculated_CountOpen field to the list of Display Column(s). 6. 11. 14. Click Test. Double-click Calculated_CountClosed to add the field to the Editor pane. 9. 3.Calculated_CountOpen + SubQuery2. From the SubQuery1 field or any expression field. In the Fields pane. Click Save. 1. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. In the Data Type field. expand Available Tables > SubQuery2. Navigate to the Analyze sheet.Calculated_CountClosed 13. 15. 3. select int (interger). In the Fields pane. 2. expand Available Tables > SubQuery1. Verify the BAQ result looks similar to the following: Epicor ERP | 10.13 to create connection between Erp. For the Field Name. 12. Repeat steps 8 . Click the Add Row button. Test the BAQ Test the BAQ and verify it displays open. • Invoices sent to customers.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 4.Combine Result Sets In this workshop. click New to create a new query. 58 Epicor ERP | 10.700 .0. You accomplish this task by creating a BAQ comprised of three SubQueries and combine their results into one dataset. Create TopLevel BAQ 1. Workshop . • Orders booked in the system. In the Business Activity Query Designer. build a BAQ that displays total value breakdown of sales for a given day. This BAQ will provide information on total values of: • Quotes entered in the sales pipeline. Remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. 6. enter XXX_SalesValue (where XXX are your initials) and press Tab. 5. Place the following tables on the designer canvas: • Erp. Click the Calculator icon to access the Calculated Field Editor window. In the Query ID field. Enter these field values: Field Value FieldName QuoteSum Data Type decimal Label Total Value Epicor ERP | 10.QuoteHed • Erp. Column Name QuoteHed_Company Customer_Name QuoteHed_QuoteNum QuoteHed_EntryDate 9. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. Click Save. 3.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 2. 11. 8. 14. For each of the above columns. In the Description field. enter Total Value of Quotes. Select the Shared check box. 4. Click New again to create another calculated field. 10. Click New and enter these field values: Data Field Data Value FieldName SubQueryName Data Type nvarchar Label Document Type Editor pane Enter 'Quotes' 12. 13.700 59 . select the Group By check box. Move the following columns to the Display Column(s) list. Orders.0. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. Invoices by Date.Customer 7. the table name defaults to Customer1.QuoteAmt ) 17. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. Place the following tables on the designer canvas: • Erp. In the Type field. 18. Column Name OrderHed_Company Customer1_Name OrderHed_OrderNum 60 Epicor ERP | 10. You will first change the name of the TopLevel SubQuery in focus. Since the Customer table is already used in the BAQ definition. In the Functions area. Move the following columns to the Display Column(s) list. 9. 4. 7. select Union. expand the Available tables > QuoteHed node and double-click QuoteAmt. Navigate to the Analyze sheet and click Test. Now you will create a new SubQuery. Move the Calculated_SubQueryName column up and make it the first column in the list. In the following tasks you will add two more SubQueries that retrieve similar data for Orders and Invoices and have all results display in one grid. 6.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 15. In the Name field. Notice the Document Type column indicates all records belong to the Quotes category. In the Name field. 19. click NewSubQuery. Example By default. Create Order View SubQuery 1. Verify the Editor displays the following calculation: sum( QuoteHed. expand Aggregate and double-click Sum(x).Customer 8. 16. In the Active SubQuery toolbar. 5. 10. 3. accept the proposed table alias. Navigate to the Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet. In the Fields section. enter OrderHed.0. 2. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. enter QuoteHed and click Save.OrderHed • Erp. The grid displays the list of quotes and their total amounts.700 . OrderAmt ) 19.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design Column Name OrderHed_OrderDate 11. Epicor ERP | 10.700 61 . Click New again to create another calculated field. 15. 13. expand the Available tables > OrderHed node and double-click OrderAmt. 18. 12. In the Functions area. Create Invoice View SubQuery 1. Enter these field values: Field Value FieldName OrderSum Data Type decimal Label Total Value 17. Click the Calculator icon to access the Calculated Field Editor window. Click Save. 21. select the Group By check box. Verify the Editor displays the following calculation: sum( OrderHed.0. For each of the above columns. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. Navigate to the Query Builder > SubQuery Options sheet. In the Fields section. Note Recall the number and the order of the columns is the same as specified in the TopLevel SubQuery. 20. Click Save. 16. expand Aggregate and double-click Sum(x). Move the Calculated_SubQueryName1 column up and make it the first column in the list. Click New and enter these field values: Data Field Data Value FieldName SubQueryName1 Data Type nvarchar Label Document Type Editor pane Enter 'Orders' 14. 3. 11. 15. 6.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course 2. 8. 4. select Union. Navigate to the Display Fields > Column Select sheet.InvcHead • Erp. 5. 9. select the Group By check box. enter InvcHed. For each of the above columns. Move the following columns to the Display Column(s) list.700 . Click the Calculator icon to access the Calculated Field Editor window. Enter these field values: 62 Field Value FieldName InvoiceSum Data Type decimal Label Total Value Epicor ERP | 10. Accept the proposed Customer table alias. Place the following tables on the designer canvas: • Erp. In the Active SubQuery toolbar. Click New and enter these field values: Data Field Data Value FieldName SubQueryName2 Data Type nvarchar Label Document Type Editor pane Enter 'Invoices' 13. Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. In the Name field. 12. click NewSubQuery. Click Save. Column Name InvcHead_Company Customer2_Name InvcHead_InvoiceNum InvcHead_InvoiceDate 10.0. In the Type field. 14. Click New again to create another calculated field.Customer 7. In the Fields section. To switch between SubQueries. 9. select InvoiceDate.InvcHead table. Create Query Parameter Create a Query Parameter to filter the data using an alternative parameter value you define. you would like to filter results by date. Repeat steps 7 . Navigate to the Query Builder > Phrase Build sheet. select date. Exit the Query Parameters window.InvoiceAmt ) 18. Click the word specified to launch the Select Parameter window. in the design canvas click on the Erp.14 to apply the same filter on OrderHed and QuoteHed SubQueries. With InvcHead SubQuery in focus. Use the below table for reference: Epicor ERP | 10. 13. expand Aggregate and double-click Sum(x). 7. verify the equal sign (=) defaults. enter Date. 8. use the Active SubQuery toolbar. Click Save and exit the Calculated Field Editor. Accept the default values and click Save. 1. Verify the Date parameter you created is highlighted and click Select. 20. At the bottom of the screen. 12. select specified parameter. Move the Calculated_SubQueryName2 column up and make it the first column in the list. In the Parameter Name field. 19. 4. 14.700 63 . 11. 3. 17. 6. From the toolbar. In the Field column. the parameter value displays for input. Verify the Editor displays the following calculation: sum( InvcHead. 15. select Define Parameters. 2. In the Operation column. When you launch the BAQ.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 16. From the Filter Value field. 5. 10. Click Save. click the Add Row button.0. In this example. The Query Parameters window displays. In the Functions area. You now define which BAQ fields you want filter by the date parameter. verify the Table Criteria sheet displays. expand the Available tables > InvcHead node and double-click InvoiceAmt. From the Actions menu. In the Date Type field. 0. You BAQ results are now broken down by Quotes. 2. Orders and Invoices with their total values for a given day. 3. Right-click anywhere in the grid and select Show Group By and Show Summaries. Example 64 Epicor ERP | 10. Once finished. 6. Click the Test to invoke the Parameters window. You can now test the BAQ execution. click Save. To test the BAQ. Test the BAQ 1. select Sum and click OK. Date 02/01/2010 (February 1st) 04/01/2009 (April 1st) 01/02/2009 (January 2nd) 4. 7. In the Total Value header. 5. Sigma icon (∑) . 8.OrderHed OrderDate = @Date parameter Erp. Navigate to the Analyze sheet. you can use the following dates that have sales records in the Demonstration Database.700 . In the Select Summaries window.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Table Field Operator Filter Value Erp.QuoteHed EntryDate = @Date parameter 16. Drag the Document Type column to the pane above the grid. 0. Remain in the Business Activity Query Designer.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design 9. Epicor ERP | 10.700 65 . This feature provides an opportunity to create your own type of search criteria. Enable the query to be become a search mechanism throughout the Epicor application. Since there are no searches based on part description as the record key. Both columns are listed in the Available Like Columns section of the BAQ Search sheet. 66 Epicor ERP | 10. Click Query ID. zAPCheckDtl. Workshop . Note You can not select application queries on the BAQ Search sheet.PartNum and Part. Your own BAQ becomes an option for a part number search. and search for and select the XXX_Parts query (where XXX are your initials). all users can use the BAQ as a unique search mechanism. Create BAQ Search 1. Every Search form has a sheet called BAQ Search.PartNum. Application queries come loaded with the Epicor application and always start with the prefix z. select Part. Click Save.0. 5.PartDescription. navigate to the General sheet. Navigate to the BAQ Search sheet. In Business Activity Query Designer. Click Clear and minimize BAQ Designer. Click the blue arrow button to move the selected column to the BAQ Search "Like" Columns list. 3. 6. 4. Example Your BAQ for parts uses two columns from the Part table: Part. 7. selecting the Part.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Search Use the BAQ Search sheet to select data in your query that you want to make available to users searching for related data.Use BAQ Search This workshop explains how to create a BAQ search using the query created in the previous workshop. For example. These are the columns you selected on the Display sheet. In the Available "Like" Columns list.PartDescription column for the BAQ Search Like Column is not useful.700 . If you select the Shared check box on the Detail sheet of the qiuery. 2. In the Part Search window. 3. The Search Results pane in the search window displays the query information you can use to search for a part. 5. Since the Part Number field was selected as the Like column for searching. In the Part Search window.0. The Part Search window displays. 4. Click the Part button.700 67 .Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design View BAQ Search Navigate to Part Maintenance. navigate to the BAQ sheet. 2. click Cancel. Epicor ERP | 10. Select the XXX_Parts (where XXX are your initials) query and click Search. Menu Path: Material Management > Inventory Management > Setup > Part 1. Exit Part Maintenance. any place you can search for a part has this BAQ listed and available for searching. trackers and so on. in User Account Maintenance.700 .0. • Expose the data to users using the Epicor Everywhere™ Framework tools.NET DB provider available on the server and compose a connection string to access the external database management system. External Business Activity Queries The External Business Activity Query related programs provide an extension to the standard Business Activity Query capability.PcntTolerance field in EPIC03 then all rows returned for AbcCodes from EPIC02 company will contain empty CountFreq field and empty PcntTolerance field for EPIC03 company.BAQ Design Business Activity Queries Course Cross-Company Queries Use this feature to create and run Business Activity Queries (BAQ) against multiple companies within a single Epicor ERP installation. • Build an external Business Activity Query and use it as a datasource for reports. Field Security is also applied in accordance with settings for each company since these may differ. updating and displaying information from an external database using the SQL language. • Set up security restrictions to schema and data coming from an external datasource as required. External BAQs provide the mechanism for retrieving. To enable a Cross-Company query creation for a user. Execution of Cross-Company BAQs is filtered by companies the user has security access to. • Modify external datasource metadata specified in the source database as required. The functionality allows you to run multi-company dashboards with a single BAQ call. select the Allow Creation of Cross Company BAQ check box. dashboards. 68 Epicor ERP | 10.CountFreq field in EPIC02 company and has no access to AbcCode. The process of creating an external BAQ involves the following: • Establish a connection to an external datasource using the ADO . • Enable the external datasource you create in the company you work with. Example If the user has no access to AbcCode. This check box only controls the ability to create and maintain Cross-Company BAQs. After you create or modify the BAQ you will use for the BAQ zone. Use this custom query tool to select and join tables. review the Advanced Embedded Customization course and the Application Help. You then define what columns from the selected tables display in the results. a zone indicator displays on a program interface during Rune Mode. you can then link these queries as BAQ zones. Epicor ERP | 10. When a BAQ zone is linked to a field. Through this functionality.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Design BAQ Zones BAQ (Business Activity Query) zone is an embedded query you can link to a specific field on a program interface. within the linked field. The data that populates this window depends on both the business activity query and current value. You create and modify business activity queries within the BAQ Designer. you then link the BAQ to a specific field by either using Extended Property Maintenance. you can also create calculated fields that run an expression against the query results to return unique values.0. These custom queries display the data you want. For more information on BAQ Zones. it displays as a linked tool tip window. When you activate a BAQ zone. These zone indicators display as arrow buttons next to the field.700 69 . Context Menu Maintenance or embedding the BAQ zone in a customization. if any. Within the Designer. Revert to Saved Use the Revert to Saved option to restore the saved version of the current Business Activity Query. All changes that you made to the current query are removed. use the export and import BAQ functionality to reuse a query in another company. You can save the query within a personal archive directory to provide multiple versions.0. the import functionality lets you pull in BAQs created in previous versions of the Epicor application. These functions provide additional capabilities that pertain to the query currently in focus on the screen. While the BAQ is imported. Import BAQ Use the Import BAQ option to import a query that was previously exported. To export the data generated through the selected query.Export and Import BAQs This workshop demonstrates how to export the PartBin query created in an earlier workshop and then import it into the Epicor application with a new name. use Business Activity Query Export Process. Workshop . The Export BAQ option only exports the query definition. Moreover. 70 Epicor ERP | 10. Export BAQ 1. This program allows you to export query data through either the . When you import the BAQ.BAQ Utilities Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Utilities The Actions menu of the Business Activity Query (BAQ) Designer contains several functions. a Business Activity Query is linked to the company in which they are created. The same query can be exported from one company and imported into another as long as the database structures are the same. The option allows you to rename the Query ID and identify the file name. you can change the query's identifier. Export and Import the BAQ By default. You can import the query back into the Epicor application using the Import BAQ option. Export the BAQ Use the Export BAQ option to export the current Business Activity Query (BAQ). utilizing the ICE 3 framework. navigate to the General sheet. In Business Activity Query Designer. you can check the imported query works properly and perform necessary adjustments in BAQ design as required. and the query reverts back to its previously saved version.700 . This section reviews some of these options for managing BAQs.ASP page. Example Typically.xml or ASCII file formats that you can display on an . You can also indicate that this query should be immediately displayed within the Business Activity Query Designer. its definition is uplifted so you can use the imported BAQ in Epicor ERP Version 10. If the save changes message displays. respond No. enter XXX_Export (where XXX are your initials). 2. In the Export Business Activity Query window. Exit the Import BAQ Window. 10. A message displays in the Export processes message window indicating a successful export. 11. enter XXX_Import (where XXX are your initials). Click Export. Click the XXX_Export (where XXX are your initials) file. In the New Query ID field. In the Import Business Activity Query window. 9. select Export BAQ. 7. In the Export Business Activity Query window. In the Export Business Activity Query window. The Import BAQ window displays. 4. In Business Activity Query Designer. In the Import Business Activity Query window. select Import BAQ. 8. 3. click Save. Notice the query displays within the Business Activity Query Designer with a new name. click Close. or errors that occur. Click Query ID. 6. From the Actions menu. 9. Epicor ERP | 10. 10. search for and select any BAQ you created in this course. Click Clear and remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. navigate to the Desktop folder. from the Actions menu. click Open. click the Import File button.700 71 .Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Utilities 2. 5. In the Import Business Activity Query window. 4. Import BAQ 1. click Import. 3. In the File name field. 6. 8. Click Clear and remain in the Business Activity Query Designer. The Export Business Activity Query window displays. View your Desktop to verify the file exported correctly. 12. Click Export to File. 5. 7.0. Navigate to the Desktop folder. Select the Show in Designer check box. asp – This is the file referenced by your company website. For more information on the . To finish generating the page.0. copy these generated files to the user-defined (UD) directory on your server. updated with current information from your database. To finish creating the . You can display this page on your website. You may also change the name of field columns. Set up a process that automatically updates the data generated through the selected BAQ query. You only need to create these files once.asp page.asp process. • . the Epicor application creates two files within the selected directory: • .BAQ Utilities Business Activity Queries Course Generate ASP Use the Generate ASP option to convert a query to an . refer to the Create an ASP Page topic in Application Help.xsl – This is the file that sorts and displays data results on the . Use this program to both select which query fields you want to display and define the search options you use with this data. name the ASP file and save it within your web deployment directory.700 .asp page. 72 Epicor ERP | 10.asp page. File Types Once you click the Generate ASP button. 1. enter XXX_CustShip (where XXX are your initials). In Business Activity Query Designer. In the Copy To section. In the Copy Query window. Epicor ERP | 10. and search for and select zCustomerShipments.700 73 . Click the Query ID button. 4. 7.0. in the Query ID field. You can edit and customize this duplicate query as you need. select Copy Query. In the Copy Query window. verify the General sheet displays. 2. This allows you to use an existing query as a base for a new query that you need.Copy a Query This workshop demonstrates how to copy a system query. Note System queries (with a z prefix in their IDs) are the default queries required for the Epicor Application to run. Workshop . From the Actions menu. You cannot edit system queries.Business Activity Queries Course BAQ Utilities Copy Query Use the Copy Query option to duplicate the current Business Activity Query. the Copy Query option allows you to duplicate the query. The copied query displays within the Business Activity Query Designer. 3. click OK. however. 5. 6. Remain in the Business Activity Query Designer with XXX_CustShip BAQ in focus. the Copy From section displays the current Query ID and Description. Workshop . you must log in as STyler. The new author is allowed to update the query as needed. From the Actions menu. Click OK. Verify the XXX_CustShip (where XXX are your initials) query is open. Once you change the author. 1. View the red Other Owner. By default. known as the author. No Save message that displays. 74 Epicor ERP | 10. Click the Author button. queries can only be updated by the user who created the query. This message indicates you cannot make changes to the query as it is assigned to a different author. select Change Author. It can also be helpful when a more experienced user within an organization helps a less experienced user with formulas.BAQ Utilities Business Activity Queries Course Change Author Use the Change Author option from the Actions menu command to change the author name of the current Business Activity Query. 4. The Change Author functionality is beneficial when a user leaves the organization or changes roles. filtering. and so on. 3. Exit Business Activity Query Designer. and search for and select Steven Tyler (STyler). 2. the Epicor application uses the new author identifier immediately. To change the current query or to select a different author. You can use the Change Author option to reassign the author of a query to a different user.Change Author This workshop shows how to use the change author functionality. 5.700 .0. The Change Author window displays. 700 75 .Business Activity Queries Course Conclusion Conclusion Congratulations! You have completed the Business Activity Queries course. Epicor ERP | 10.0. Additional information is available at the Education and Documentation areas of the EPICweb Customer Portal.epicor. . go to To create an account. To access this site. you need a Site ID and an EPICweb account.
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