Bujinkan Takagi Yoshin Ryu Densho



TAKAGI YOSHIN RYUJUTAIJUTSU 1 TAKAGI YOSHI RYU JUTAIJUTSU SHODEN NO KATA 1. KASUMI DORI 2. DO GAESHI 3. KARAME DORI 4. KYOTO 5. KATAMUNE DORI 6. KATAMUNE DORI HENKA 7. RYOMUNE DORI 8. OIKAGE DORI 9. KAIGO KUDAKI 10. KAIGO KUDAKI HENKA 11. IKI CHIGAE 12. YUI GYAKU 13. MIDARI GACHI (RAN SHO) 14. TENNAGACHI 15. HIZA GURUMA 16. HIZA GURUMA HENKA SHODEN NO KATA (URA WAZA) 1. ATE KOMI 2. GYAKU DORI 3. MENBU 4. GYAKU DORI 5. RYO ASHI DORI 7. KE KOMI 8. KATA MUNE DORI 9. RYO MUNE DORI 10. RYO ASHI DORI 11. TENGO DORI 12. KAIGO KUDAKI 13. HIKI TAOSHI 14. TSUKI TAOSHI 15. UDE ORI 16. HIKI KOMI 17. NAGASHI 18. KE KOMI 19. UDE ORI 20. ERI JIME CHUDEN NO SABAKI GATA 1. KATAMUNE DORI 2 KEI TOU 5. MIZU NAGARE 10. TATSU OTOSHI OKUDEN NO KATA 1. RYOMUNE DORI 3. HYO TSUI 14. RYUSETSU 11. SUE OTOSHI 11. TAI KUDAKI 12. YOTSUDE 3. KOSHI GURUMA 2. UDE ORI 7. ONI KUDAKI 4. NAGARE DORI 5. YOTSUDE KUZUSHI 4. KASASAGI 13. GYAKU TE NAGE 8. YAMA OTOSHI 6. ATE NAGE 10. RAMPU 15. TEN GAESHI 4. TSUTA KARAME 15.2. KOCHO DORI CHUDEN NO TAI NO KATA 1. SODE GURAMA 8. SOFU 13. KURA ARASHI 7. KIMON NAGE 9. EICHIGO KUZUSHI 12. GYAKU DORI 14. KURUMA GAESHI 3. KOSSHINAGE GAMA 6. RYOTE KAKE 9. KOSHI ORI 6. BAIDO 2. RYOTE KAKE 9. KOSHI NAGARE 7. SEIOIGAMA 5. TANSAI 10. KUMOI GAESHI 8. FUSETSU ERI SHIME GATA 3 . MOGURI NAGE SHODEN NO KATA 1. SUWARI JIME MOGURI GATA 1. GYAKU JIME 3. ITTEKI JIME 5. UDE JIME 4. OSHI JIME / OSAE JIME 7. JIGOKU DORI 3. and grabs Ukes collar with the right hand (Kiai). INAZUME NAGE 7. MOGURI DORI 11. ONI BUSE 6. HON JIME 2. Tori comes up his right foot. GAKURAKU OTOSHI 2. ITAMI JIME 6. GYAKU OSHI JIME / GYAKU OSAE JIME 8. HICHO DORI 5. KISETSU 9. TAMA KUDAKI 4. and Tori are in Seiza. TAI OTOSHI 10. KASUMI DORI Uke. and strikes Uke with a right Ura Shuto 4 . MIZU DORI 8.1. Uke steps up with the right foot. Tori pulls his left hand back. releasing Ukes right hand with a snapping motion. From this Tori comes down to the right knee. are both in seiza. 125 Uke walks towards Tori and does a right Gedan Tsuki. knocking Ukes down forwards O-Gyaku. Tori strikes a Shuto into the calf of the leg he holds. and pulling the right hand. Uke is now on the ground on his front. Tori then barrs the back of Ukes right elbow onto his left knee. Tori checks the hand in Takagi Style. At the same time Tori stands. Toris right hand comes over the top of the arms. and a right Keri to Butsumetsu. Toris left hand then moves to the shoulder. Tori then presses down on the shoulder. Tori then steps forward with the with the left foot. Pin Uke to the ground. bringing Uke to the ground.. to grab the put. tori steps forward with the right foot. Lock with O-Gyaku 5. and does a right Gedan Uke. pulling Uke on to his back. and does a right Zenpo keri. and pulling the left collar grab bring Uke over on to his stomach. KATAMUNE DORI HENKA Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori then drops the right foot. Tori pulls the left hand back. and a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. bringing Uke down to O-Gyaku.to Kasumi. and grabs the right hand. turning Uke over. turns to the right. kicks the back of Ukes right knee. and the left hand goes under Ukes leg. and pulls the wrist. 2. When stood Tori changes the Ura Gyaku to Hon Gyaku. Tori steps back with the left leg. and pulls the hand free (Takagi Style). brings Uke down. 4. and down to the right knee. Uke walks towards Tori. and the right foot. The left hand comes over the top of Ukes right arm to grab the left side of Ukes collar. DO GAESHI Uke and Tori. Tori is in Seiza. With the right foot Tori kicks Uke in the front Butsumetsu. and the left hand goes to the elbow. Toris right hand comes back and grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku. The right hand the grabs Ukes right hand in Ura Gyaku. 6. Tori turns to the right. 5 . KARAME DORI Tori is in Seiza. O-Gyaku 3. Tori steps up[ to the left with the left foot. KYOTO TRNT P. so his knee presses Ukes right knee. The drop in body weight. and Shime waza. with a Jodan Tsuki (Kiai). and takes Ukes right wrist in a open handed right grab. and changes the grip to Hon Gyaku with both hands. Tori then does a right keri to Koe. Toris right hand then grabs Ukes right shoulder. and locking the left elbow with his elbow. Uke comes up on the right foot. and steps up to the left. Tori comes up on his left foot forwards. and holds Ukes leg up off the ground. KATAMUNE DORI Uke grabs Toris left collar with the right hand. and grabs the wrist with the right hand. and at the same time comes up into a standing position. Tori does a right Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Tori side steps. 12. Tori places his Knee on Ukes chest. As the pass. The right hand the drops to the rear of Uke. to break the grip. and pulled. and up again under the arm. and lifts the right hand in the air. and brings the arm up to Ganseki. and strikes with Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. Toris right foot. and the arms down to Ukes hips. and a right keri to Ukes right kaku. OIKAGE DORI Tori is behind Uke. Uke turns to face him (turn right). then forwards slamming the hips back. By turning the left. 11. and doe a left Jodan Uke. and a ryote Shuki to Butsumetsu. Tori does Shikan Ken to the backs of Ukes hands. Tori then steps forward with the right foot. so that Uke falls over backwards. and the right shoulder joint with the right hand. Tori drops his weight on to Ukes knee. Tori left hand grab Ukes right hand and applies pressure to the thumb Kyusho (from underneath). and is swept back. Tori takes hold of Ukes right hand with his right hand. or with a left Fudo Ken to Asagasumi. 8. bring the right hand back and up to his right. Tori bends the body backward to break Ukes balance. YUI GYAKU Uke does a right Ura Shuto to Toris Kasumi. placing it behind Ukes right foot. with the right foot forward. Tori shoves his hips back into Ukes groin. and knocks him off balance. Tori then steps back. Tori then steps back with the right foot. They walk in the same direction.7. The right leg is then hooked behind Ukes right eg. KAIGO KUDAKI Uke grabs Tori from behind in a bear hug. 9. Tori then turns to the left and steps forward with the right foot. Tori strikes vertical to Asagasumi with a right Shikan Ken. Tori lets out a Kiai. He continues with the right foot. is placed behind Ukes right foot. and throws with Seionage. 13. to O-Gyaku. or Ganseki Otoshi. and turns to the right. RYOMUNE DORI Uke does Ryote Mune Dori. Toris right hand goes to Ukes right shoulder. The right hand is brought forward. but does not grip it. KAIGO KUDAKI HENKA Uke grabs Tori in a bear Hug. Tori steps back to the right. and down with the right knee. Tori either strikes with a left Shuki to Butsumetsu. and throws with either Ganseki Nage. IKI CHIGAE Uke and Tori walk towards each other on their right sides. MIDARE GACHI (RAN SHO) 6 . 10. Tori catches the right wrist with the left hand. Tori then throws Uke with Seio Nage. in a Ura Gyaku grip. and presses on the left knee. Tori then twists. and takes hold of it in Omote Gyaku grip. and then catches Uke’s right wrist with his right hand. and bring the right hand to Ukes right hand. pulling on the right arm. at the same time Ura Gyaku is applied. knocking Uke to the ground SHODEN NO KATA (URA WAZA) 1. with Omote Gyaku. with a right Gedan Uke. and takes hold of Ukes right shoulder. Finish with Ude Jime. Lock Uke when he is on the ground. then back with the right foot. and turns anti-clockwise. ATE KOMI Both are in Fudoza. TENNAGACHI Uke does a right Gedan Tsuki.Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. HIZA GURUMA HENKA Tori is in Seiza. 16. Tori steps to the left. 14. and a left Jodan. Tori steps out to the left. NOTE For the arm lock. and Uke walks towards him and kicks with the right foot. and attempts a punch. and grabs the wrist after the Uke. Tori covers the grab with the right hand. and steps back with the right foot. 7 . Tori stretches Ukes right arm. and out. or Gyaku Nage. Tori then does Omote Gyaku to Ukes grabbing hand. HIZA GURUMA Tori is in Seiza. and then brings them over his head. and before the punch can come in strikes with a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face (come up on the left foot as you strike). Tori drops to the left knee. and applies Ura Gyaku Henka. and strikes down with the right hand. and takes Uke down with the Omote Gyaku. and bring the elbow to the body. Uke walks towards him and kicks with a right keri. and catches the right hand with the right hand. and strikes down with the right hand. Tori then steps back with the left foot. Tori steps back on the right. Pull the wrist down. and applies a Hijigyaku (arm lock). tori steps on Ukes right foot. applying Ura Gyaku as he steps in. Tori then Turns to the left and throws with Seio Nage. and sits on the right leg to press Uke down. 15. and down to the right knee. with his left hand. Tori steps forward with the right foot. Tori moves forward on the knees. Tori brings the left hand to his right hand. Tori then stands so he is next to Uke. Tori steps back with the left foot. With his right foot. Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand. and strikes with a right Shako Ken to the face. and with the 8 . Tori places Ukes hand in Ura Gyaku. and a right Gedan Uke. MENBU (Suno Ni) Tori is in Fudoza. Tori then kicks Uke in Butsumetsu with the right foot. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. Tori grabs the foot. Uke then does a right Tsuki. Tori then places the left hand on the outside of Ukes elbow. and sweeps Ukes right leg away with the right leg. Tori then punches Uke in the face. 4. and his backside. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. and as he rises he rotates Ukes right arm downwards. and places the right hand on the ground for support. and walks in a circle in a clockwise direction taking Uke to the floor. RYO ASHI DORI (Suno Ichi) Tori is in Fudoza. MENBU (Suno Ichi) Both are in Fudoza. and takes hold of the inside of Ukes wrist with the left hand. and brings Ukes leg over the arm. Tori comes back to the left. NOTE The right leg is between Ukes calves. and attempts a punch. Uke grabs with the right hand. Tori moves to the left with a right Gedan Uke. 7. Tori wraps his right leg around the legs. Tori drops his balance to the right. and leans forward to cause pain. GYAKU DORI (Suno Ichi) Both are in Fudoza. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. and grabs the wrist with the right hand. and twists it inwards. Tori covers with the right hand. GYAKU DORI (Suno Ichi) Both are in Fudoza. Tori does a right Jodan Uke. Tori moves to the left. 6. Tori then strikes downwards with a right Omote Shuto to the calf. with the soles against the backside. and finishes kneeling on Ukes arm. KE KOMI (Suno Ichi) Both in Seigan. and then grabs Ukes right hand at the wrist with the right hand. Uke does a right Zenpo Keri. and then changes hands. When he is down fold Ukes legs up. Tori does a gedan Uke. and coming up on the left foot. 3. Tori rises up on the outside of Ukes arm and strikes with a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face. This drops Uke. Uke is in Shizen.2. knocking Uke onto his back. Ukes does a right Stomach punch. Uke is in Shizen. 5. does a left Ura Shuto to Ukes face. Uke does a right Tsuki. or Omote Gyaku with the right hand. and does Ganseki Nage. 14. KATA MUNE DORI Uke grabs the lapel with the left hand. 12. Tori takes hold of the right hand with the left hand. Tori covers the hand in Takagi style. and a left kick to the solar plexus. TENGU DORI Uke walks in front of you (you walk in the same direction). Tori places the left hand in front of Ukes legs and the right to the rear. Fudo. KAIGO KUDAKI Uke walks up behind Tori and attempts a full nelson. Tori drops his weight. and does Seio Nage. RYO MUNA DORI Uke does Ryo mune dori. Tori does a Ryote Fudo ken to the backs of the hands. RYO ASHI DORI (Suno Ni) As Uke walks in front of Tori (as in Oikage Dori from Shoden no Kata). Boshi. Uke turns to see what is happening. 9. at the same time stepping back with the right foot from the kick. Tori then does a left Ura Shuto to Kasumi. Tori the turns clockwise to take Uke down. and moves forward 45 degrees to the right. Tori makes a grab for both of the legs. HIKI TAOSHI As Uke walks towards Tori. Tori then strikes with a left Shako ken to the face. Tori creeps up behind Uke. while at the same time he applies a Omote Take Ori. and a right Tsuki. Before the throw Tori strikes with a back fist to the face. NOTE To bring Uke down you can use Yoko Nagare 11. 10. Shuto Nio etc. so that he ends up on Ukes knees. Tori then pulls Uke to the ground.left hand pushes down on Ukes right elbow. TSUKI TAOSHI 9 . and brings the elbows in. and strikes with a Ryote Happa Ken the strikes with a Ken to the middle of the back NOTE For the ken use any of the following. 8. 13. Tori then peels off both arms. Happa. and twist clockwise to throw Ukes face down. and steps back from the kick. and does a right Shako ken to the face. Tori steps in with the right foot. 19. moving Uke to the ground with the flow.Both in Seigan. Uke attacks with a right Jodan Tsuki. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Uke strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. 17. 18. 20. and grabs the wrist. Uke strikes with a right Tsuki. NAGASHI Both are in Seigan. Tori continues his movement (from the Uke). Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke. as he moves into Ihen. and Osoto Nage. UKe strikes with a right Jodan Tsuki. and grabs the wrist at the same time as stepping in and striking with a left Shako ken to Ukes right elbow. as if doing a Tsuki. and grabbing Ukes right with the left hand. Tori steps in and moves his left arm over the top of Ukes right arm. and grabs his own wrist to lock the elbow. UDE ORI (Suno Ichi) Both are in Seigan. Tori then kick Uke in the throat. still holding the arm 16. Tori then takes his right arm over Ukes right arm. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. and takes hold of the wrist. and takes Uke with the flow. Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. and pulling the lapel across his throat. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. and grabs the wrist with the left hand. Tori drops to the left knee to throw Uke. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. and strangle Uke with the left hand by grabbing Ukes right lapel. 15. dragging Uke down. and grabs the wrist. and steps in. Tori then steps behind. Tori then twists clockwise making sure that your left leg is behind Ukes right knee. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. and grabs his own right wrist to bar Ukes arm. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke. and strikes with a right Shako ken to the face. UDE ORI (Suno Ni) Both are in Seigan. Keep the left knee on the spine to aid the strangle. Tori then puts the right knee into the back of Ukes right elbow. Tori steps in and grabs the back of Ukes elbow with the left hand. 10 . HIKI KOMI Both are in Seigan. Tori does a right Osoto Jodan Uke. KE KOMI (Suno Ni) Both are in Seigan. ERI JIME Both are in Seigan. so that Uke spins to the ground. Tori covers Ukes hands. the left hand goes to the elbow.CHUDEN NO SABAKI GATA 1. and secure him. Tori checks with the left hand. Muso Dori etc) to take Uke down. KATAMUNE DORI Uke grabs the right collar. back. Tori then kick with the right foot to the groin. Toris right hand then goes down to Ukes right wrist. 2. RYOMUNE DORI Uke grabs both Mune. as Ukes hand passes in front of the face. Tori then applies a armlock (omote . and bringing the right foot. and steps forward with the right foot. and turning clockwise. and kicks with the right shin to Suzu. and strikes with a right ura Shuto to Ukes Kasumi.Ura Gyaku. 11 . and turns it over to Ura Gyaku. grabbing his own wrist (similar to Oni Kudaki). and puts his right arm under Ukes arm. thrust upwards with the right hand breaking the elbow). and holding the hand in place (the scrolls says :. 6. 5. and a left Jodan Uke. 8. 7. and punches with a right Tsuki. ONI KUDAKI Uke strikes with a right Shikan Ken. goes behind Ukes right foot. Tori steps to the right.3. between Ukes legs. Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand.Tsuki Agaeru. Tori then drops to his right knee. Tori shifts to the left. and then strikes with Boshi Ken. and continues with the pressure to the elbow. with the left hand. and places the right arm under Ukes arm. and grabs just above the Butsumetsu. Tori steps in with the right foot. and Tori are in Fudoza. and a Jodan Tsuki with the right hand. The left hand stays with Ukes right hand. and turns to throw with Seio Nage. Tori covers this with the right hand.. and does a left Jodan Uke. and moves to the right to block with a left Jodan Uke. to the rear of Ukes right foot. and then lifts it to shoulder height. and steps back to the right. 9. Tori shifts to the left. at the same time Tori drops the arm to throw Uke. UDE ORI Both Uke. while pushing up on the elbow. Tori is in Shizen. KIMON NAGE Uke does Ryomune dori. Ukes arm is held high. Then Tori uses Kosshi Nage to throw Uke forwards. and twists it so that the palm is on the outside. Tori then straight away grabs the jacket. Tori then pivots to the left until he has his back against Ukes. Tori secures Ukes left hand to the chest. and pulls Uke to him so that he can strike with Kikaku ken. Tori applies the Oni Kudaki. at Nagare. and leans back. and grabs with both of his hands Ukes jacket at his chest. Tori steps with the right foot. using the right knee to apply pressure to the back of Ukes straightened left elbow. GYAKU TE NAGE Uke steps forward with the right foot. and does Ashi Barai. Tori grabs Ukes arm. and grabs the collar with the right hand. Tori rolls to the left. ATE NAGE (Place the throw) 12 . and steps between Ukes legs. with the right foot. Tori steps in with the right foot. and applies Oni Kudaki to Ukes right arm. and throws Uke over his shoulder. Uke goes up on the right knee. 4. Toris left hand grabs the underneath of Ukes hand. KOSSHINAGE GAMA Uke grabs with the left hand the Mune. Tori steps with the right foot. Tori right foot. SEIOIGAMA Uke punches with the right hand. Tori steps in with the right foot. and does three steps back with the left foot. The final throw is dangerous.Uke grabs Toris lapel with the left hand. KOCHO DORI (Catching a Butterfly) Uke does a left grab. and attempts to throw you with a hip throw. Tori follows with three steps with the right in front. and the left from above. Tori then kicks Ukes supporting leg out. CHUDEN NO TAI NO KATA 1. take great care. and goes down on the right knee. YOTSUDE Uke and Tori stand in a form of Kumi Uchi. Tori turns to the right going under Ukes left arm. and throws Uke. and places the right on the hip for Tomoe Nage. and turns so that he is stood to the side of Uke. On the third steps he slides his left leg between Ukes legs. 10. using your right hand to push his left leg (shin) up and fall over in a whir. and grabs Ukes left shoulder with the left hand. The opponent grabs the front of the belt with his left hand. Tori steps forward to his right. NOTE When they are stood next to each other. KOSHI GURUMA (Hip vehicle) In the scrolls this is described as a standing technique. YOTSUDE KUZUSHI 13 . and throws him. and strikes with a left Fudo Ken to Butsumetsu. and collapse in front of him. You grab the back of the opponents belt with the left hand. move forward. and the back of it with the right hand. Tori take hold of the hand with his right hand in Gyaku Te Take Ori. Tori moves the elbow up then down so that Uke is bent over forwards. Tori then turns to the left. Toris right shoulder is next to Ukes left shoulder. strike his face with your right hand. . putting Ukes elbow over his right shoulder. 2. Uke pulls. Tori then grabs Ukes left elbow with the right hand from underneath. striking under the arm. but with the left hand holding the Obi. 3. and is written as such. and the right on the Mune. onto his back. and does a Yoko Nagare. This flips Uke on to their back NOTE The final movement to the right. and strikes with the right with shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori takes the grabbing hand over his head. 7. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime (over the top of Ukes arms). KOSHI ORI Uke. Tori follows with the three steps. and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. NOTE When bringing the hand over the head switch hands 5. and pushes Uke back in with his left foot. going down on the right knee. RYOTE KAKE (Two hand trap) Uke does Ryote Mune dori. Tori drops his hips. Uke now pulls and takes three steps back with the left foot. KUMOI GAESHI Uke does Ryote Mune Dori.. striking with a left Shikan ken to Men. and does a Yoko Tomoe nage. and steps back with the left foot. and the left shoulder with the right hand. with his left hand. Uke does a right step back. 4. Tori falls on his back left leg doing Tomoe Nage. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders from above. 6. and then drops back with Tomoe Nage. KEI TOU Uke stands behind Tori. Tori puts his right foot in between Ukes legs. Tori grabs Ukes hand with his right hand. and strikes with a right Shikan ken to Suigetsu. Tori grabs Ukes belt with the left hand. and drops back with Tomoe Nage. Tori pulls Ukes right shoulder.Uke does Ryote Mune dori. KOSHI NAGARE Uke does Ryomune dori. tori steps back with the left foot. and pushing up with the right. and pulling down on Ukes left elbow. 9. and grabs his collar with the right hand. Uke comes in and tries to do a Kosshi Nage (with the right hip). MIZU NAGARE (Flowing water) 14 . Tori suddenly pivots to the right. and turns to the left. Tori then drops down the left leg between Ukes legs.. must all be done together to make it work. On the third step stepping to the left. Tori then grabs Ukes belt at the back with the left hand. Uke lands on his back next to Tori. and at the same time pushes up on the underneath of Ukes elbows. 8. Tori has his left hand on the Obi. and then Tori passes under the right arm. applies a Hon Jime. 11. and does a Nagare. KASASAGI (Magpie) Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori brings his hand up to the shoulder. Tori takes hold of the elbows from underneath. and presses the thumbs into the Kyusho. to the outside of the strike. Tori shifts to the left. Tori then quickly does a right keri kaeshi to the outside of Ukes right thigh / calf. Tori grabs both of Ukes shoulders. Tori follows Uke over with the roll. and finishes astride Uke. 15 . Tori strikes with Kikaku Ken to Men or the chest. throwing Uke to his right. Tori steps to the outside of Uke with the right foot. 10. Tori then strikes with a left Shikan Ken to Butsumetsu. and pushes the shoulder to off balance Uke. Uke then does a right kick. Tori then throws with Tomoe nage. and does a exaggerated Omote Gyaku to drop Uke to the ground. Tori then steps with the left foot. finishing with a Shime. To do this Tori lifts Ukes right arm. dropping to the ground. Tori the walks between Ukes legs. NOTE Keep the Shime on while doing the Nage. and pulls with the right hand. RYUSETSU Uke grabs both Mune. Tori flows with the Nage. 14. tilting Ukes Torso. above Hoshi. and to counter this Tori pulls the right hand down. with Tachi Nagare. pulling Uke over the top of him. and steps in with the left foot. and drops to the ground. 12. or Ukemi. and a right Jodan Uke. Pulling the elbows out.Uke does Ryomune Dori. HYO TSUI Uke grabs with Ryote Mune dori. and will land on his face. between Ukes legs. NOTE Before pulling Uke. Tori goes in and under for a Tomoe Nage. By doing this Uke will not be abole to do a Kaiten. on the inside of Ukes arms. and grabs the flesh. TSUTA KARAME Uke does Romune Dori. Tori grabs one shoulder. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime to Ukes shoulder muscles (up). Tori pushes with the left hand. Tori pulls the Butsumetsu. Tori takes hold of the wrist. EICHIGO KUZUSHI Uke grabs Tori with Ryote mune dori. and the opposite Butsumetsu. trap his hand against your chest. with your forearms. 13. and sitting astride him. tori then comes in to throw with a Kosshi Nage. BAIDO Uke does Ryote Mune dori (grab the pressure points in the neck. NAGARE DORI Uke. TEN GAESHI Uke. and slides through Ukes legs to throw with a Tachi Nage. and pushes Ukes left elbow straight up with his right hand (to put off balance again). and kicks with his right foot to Ukes right knee. but kicks Ukes left knee out with the right foot (Uchi Mata) 4. KURUMA GAESHI Uke. Tori attempts to do a Omote Gyaku. Uke then strikes Tori in the neck with the thumb to unbalance him. 2. Uke drops onto one knee same as as the Omote Gyaku). and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. and strikes with the right palm up into Ukes chin. Tori does a right Boshi Ken to Ukes right Uko to push him off balance (step to the right when you do this). OKUDEN NO KATA 1. tori takes a step back to unbalance Uke. Tori follows Uke over and applies a Shime.15. and Tori stand in Kumi uchi. Tori then steps forward. and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori applies a Gyaku Osae Jime. Tori steps forward with the left foot. Uke counters this by stepping to the opposite side of the lock. then grabs the collar. NOTE Keep the Shime on at all times. 16 . Tori places his right foot into Ukes hip for a Tomoe Nage. TATSU OTOSHI Uke does Ryomune Dori. and using his body weight brings Tori down with him. Tori then comes back in with the riht leg. 3. Tori is now standing next to Uke. and arm. Tori checks Ukes right hand with his left hand.and Tori then does a kosshi Nage in the same direction as Uke is off balanced. Toir does a Left Omote Gyaku. KURA ARASHI ( ?? storm) Uke. Tori then falls with Uke. Uke will fall on his back. and grabs it in Omote Gyaku (step back with the left foot). the hand is still in Omote Gyaku. Great care is needed. to Ukes right hand. and goes back. Tori thenstrikes with a right Boshi Ken to Ukes left Uko. and the arm lock is still on (oni Kudaki) NOTE In training release the hands. Tori steps back to the right. and Tori grabs his own Jacket. 9. so as not to break them. 169 Uke does a double hand choke to Toris neck. 10. 6. Tori then suddenly pivots to the right dropping to the right knee. and Uke falls onto his back. SUE OTOSHI 17 . and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. 5. Tori strikes with a left Boshi ken to Ukes throat. and does a Koho kaiten to break Ukes arm. behind Ukes right foot. and walks in this direction also. and down to his right knee. and does a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. and comes back in with a Musha Dori to Ukes left arm. onto his back ontop of of Uke. TANSAI Uke. Tori then applies the Omote Gyaku. YAMA OTOSHI (Mountain drop) Uke. and pushes up with the left hand. and steps back with the left foot. 8. 7. Tori steps back with the right foot to put Uke off balance. and pulls down with the right hand. and goes back. NOTE All these movements are done in one movement. SODE GURAMA (Sleeve ??) Uke. and down to hid right knee. and then grabs the shoulder Tori steps with the right foot. and does Osoto Gake (pull with the Omote Gyaku. and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. and the shoulder). and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. Tori clasps the hands together. uke falls onto his back. Tori drops his hips. Tori then places his right arm over ukes right arm (as in Oni Kudaki). RYOTE KAKE (Two hand trap) TRNT P. and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. and then clasps the hands together. and pushes up on the underside of Ukes elbows. and at the same time strikes with the right hand into Ukes neck with a Boshi Ken. This flips Ukes onto his back. Ukes falls onto his back. Checks checks with the left. Uke falls to his back. Step steps forward a little with the right foot (turn Uke a bit). 18 . TAI KUDAKI (Destroy the body) Uke and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. and steps to the left with Jodan Uke. and the Obi with the left hand. and steps back and down to his right. and then drops to the right knee. and does Gyaku Seio Nage. and grabs the other lapel. Tori steps back with the left foot. and pivots in a clockwise direction. Tioi places Ukes arm on his shoulder (still in Omote Gyaku). Tori then steps back in with the left foot. and grabs Ukes right shoulder with the right hand. Instead of doing a Ganseki nage. and grabs the lapel. GYAKU DORI Uke grabs with his right hand. and does a Koshi Nage. Tori puts his right arm under Ukes left arm. SOFU Uke does Ryote mune dori. Tori steps back with the left foot. Tori steps forward with the right foot. until he is completely with his back to Uke. Tori no pivots to the left. and does a Tomoe Nage. qand does Kosshi Nage to throw Uke. Ukes steps back with the left foot. Tori sticks his left arm under Ukes right arm at the elbow. Tori now goes down with him on his back. 15. He then steps to the right with the right foot. Tori is now standing behind Uke. and Tori then does a Koho Kaiten to break the arm. and push the elbow up). and then the right foot. This is a elbow lock (keep Ukes qarm ptessed against the body.Uke. and pulls behind Ukes right leg. and does a Muso Dori to Ukes right arm. Tori comes back with his right foot. Tori steps forward with the left foot (next to Ukes). 11. and does Muso Dori to Ukes right arm. Tori kicks Uke right knee. and grabs under both armpits (strike first with a Boshi Ken then grab). and stands in a posture similar to that of Ganseki. Tori lets himself fall backwards to the ground. Tori places his foot against the left hip. 13. 12. Uke should fall onto his back. From the kick. Tori then goes down to his left knee. pulling Uke onto his stomach. Ukes right arm is gripped under Ukes throat. and does a left tsuki. FUSETSU Uke does Ryomune Dori. Tori grabs Uke in Hon Jime. At the same time he slams his right foearm into Ukes right throat. Toeri holds Ukes right arm with Omote Gyaku. RAMPU Uke grabs Tori collar with the right hand. to do Seio Nage. so that Tori is almost behind Uke. 14. and Tori are in Kumi Uchi. the arm is locked. Tori drops his body weight. Tori then steps behind Uke. and down to the ground. twisting the knuckles into the sides of the neck. to the outside of Ukes foot. NOTE 19 . Tori then grabs the flesh on both sides of the neck. The palms face towards the body. Tori applies a Ura Oni Kudaki. with the fingers inside the jacket. pulls Uke back. and goes down with Uke. Tori uses his fore arm and elbow to lever Ukes arm up. and steps back with the left foot. 4.ERI SHIME GATA 1. and gripping tight. 2. ITTEKI JIME Uke grabs Toris left lapel. 3. on the lapel. and the left with th eleft hand (the wrists are crossed. GYAKU JIME (Reverse choke) Uke grabs the same as Hon Jime. falling on the arm to break it. HON JIME (Principle choke) Uke grabs the right lapel with the right hand. with the thumbs inside the jacket. The right foot comes to the rear of Toris left foot. then forwards with the left foot. Tori places his left hand hand under Ukes. but the palms face out. and places the left hand on Ukes shoulders . UDE JIME (Arm choke) When Ukes does a right arm grab. Uke applies a scissor action to apply the choke. Tori then places his right hand on Ukes shoulder (Toris arms are crossed). Uke does the scissor action to choke. just above the collar bone. 6. in a downward forwards motion. ITAMI JIME Tori does Ryote Mune Dori. Tori is now standing behind Uke. GYAKU OSHI JIME / GYAKU OSAE JIME Tori applies Gyaku Jime (grab is high). One forearm is at the back of the neck. The forearms are now pushing into the neck. and the right grabs the left. and then walks around Uke. 8. OSHI JIME / OSAE JIME Tori places both hands on the shoulders. 7. 5. When Uke is down roll over him (forwards) to break the neck. Place your head against his when he drops to apply pressure to the back of the neck. Tori then pulls forward while pushing back and inward with the tips of the knuckles on both sides of the neck. Tori can also use his own head to apply pressure. SUWARI JIME Tori grabs the lapel with both hands. in a downward. 20 . with the palms down.Grip the flesh tight to shock Uke into dropping back. the other is in front of the neck. and pulls with the front. Tori pushes with the forearm at the rear of the neck. or upward motion. With the left hand Tori grabs his right elbow. Tori then pushes with the thumbs into the neck. and drives Boshi Kne into the side of the neck. lright Jodan Uke. INAZUME NAGE 7. As Ukes leg is knocked out. 2. Tori pushes down on Ukes arm forcing him into a sitting position. GYAKURAKU OTOSHI Uke grabs Toris lapel with the right hand. HICHO DORI Ukes does a right Jodan Tsuki. and a left gedan Uke. MIZU DORI (Water capture) 8. Tori then pivots to the right. ONI BUSE Uke grabs the lapel with the right hand. and the right shoulder with the left hand. Tori steps forward with the right foot. Using strength the hand is pulled awayk. Tori then grabs the left wrist with the right hand. 5. TAMA KUDAKI 4. also with kiai. or breaking the arm. Tori holds underneath with the left hand. JIGOKU DORI 3. and does Uchi Mata. left Jodan Tsuki. Tori then places the left foot on Ukes right thigh. Tori does a left Jodan Uke. Tori steps in to apply a Muso Dori to Ukes left arm. and the right sleeve with the left hand. and with a sudden and instant move. and strikes with a right Taisho to Uko 6. KISETSU 21 .MOGURI GATA 1. tori then kicks with the right heel to Ukes left thigh. and a left keri. applying the lock. and kicks with the right heel into the back of Ukes calf. Uke then does a right Zenpo Keri. then steps back down to the right knee. Tori responds by checking the grab with the right hand. and does a right Jodan Tsuki. Uke then does a right Jodan tsuki. Uke does a right keri. MOGURI DORI Uke grabs Toris right collar with the left hand. and does a right Chudan Uke. and does a right Jodan Tsuki. MOGURI NAGE Uke grabs the right collar with the left hand. 22 . or a Boshi Ken into Uko (‘‘door of rain’’. Tori kicks wirth the right heelstrike to the back of Ukes left thigh.9. to the outside of the knee. Press with the thumb. pull with the hand. TAI OTOSHI Uke does a right Jodan Tsuki. Tori then moves his left shoulder under Ukes arm and throws with Seio Nage. Tori does Gedan Uke. 10. Tori reaches over Ukes arm with his left hand. Uke pulls the hand away from the collar. Tori shifts again back to the left. Tori checks the grab. Tori shifts to the right 45 degrees to avoid the strike. rear of the Jaw bone). and grabs Ukes right wrist with the right hand. and does a left Jodan Uke. Tori then grabs Ukes right shoulder with the left hand. with Tori doing a left Gedan Uke. Tori changes the left hand grab to the right hand to apply Oni Kudaki on the left arm. 11. Tori shifts 45 degrees to the left. and grabs the collar. Tori the grabs the left hand with his left hand. dropping Uke. and does a left Jodan Uke. and drop to the right knee in a circular motion. Uke does a right keri. Tori then stands and pushes Ukes hand into the air. with the arms over the left shoulder. 4. Uke does Jodan Kiri. and cuts with Jodan Kiri. Tori then jumps back. and the right hand takes hold of the right shoulder. and cuts Uke. until his back is to Uke. Tori then steps forward with the right foot. Tori places both hands on Ukes wrists. Tori’s left hand takes hold of Ukes right wrist. Tori steps forward to the left. ICHIMONJI Tori is in Hira Ichimonji. SOJA DORI (Ken Jiya Dori) Tori is in Hira Ichimonji no kamae. and again takes hold of both elbows.MUTODORI WAZA 1. 23 . to a low Kamae. 2. BI HAKU DORI / HAKU DORI Tori is in Seigan no kamae. Uke has a Katana and is in Daijodan. Tori keeps hold of the sword. Tori steps a little forward with the right foot. Uke is in Daijodan. to put him off balance. and goes under the cut. Tori steps to the left Keeping the Katana to the back. Tori then pivots to the left. TSUKA OTOSHI Tori is in Ichimonji. Tori then turns clockwise pulling down with the right hand. and place the hands on Ukes elbows. Tori strikes with a right Fudo Ken to the stomach. Tori steps forward with the right foot. 3. and strikes with a right Fudo Ken to Ukes right Bicep Uke drops the Katana). Tori then does Ken Nagare (do not move the feet). with the Katana moving back. Tori has his back to Ukes chest. and cuts with Jodan Kiri. and Tori throws Uke. Tori then strikes with a Shikan Ken to the solar plexus. and then dropping to the right knee. Uke is in Daijodan. and drops to the right knee. Uke cuts with Jodan Kiri. Uke is in Daijodan. Tori’s right foot moves to the rear of the left (turning the body sideways). throws Uke. Tori turns clockwise with the right hand taking hold of the handle. and dropping Uke to the ground. and drops the body weight low. and push up. comes back. and does a Jodan Kiri (from behind). Tori has hold of Ukes right hand in Omote Gyaku. Tori steps to the left. and from under the right arm. Uke is in Daijodan. SHISUMI DORI Uke is in Daijodan. During the turn strike with a right Shuki Ken to the face. slightly leaning forward. Finish with a right kick to Butsumetsu. Tori steps back as the first cut comes down. and does Jodan Kiri. Tori steps to the left. With the right hand grab Ukes right hand. This knocks Ukes left arm away. and strikes down (in a sweeping motion) with Shuto. NOTE Be totally aware of the sword at all times in this technique. Tori strikes with a right Fudo ken underneath the arm to Asagasumi. 7. and grabs Ukes arm under the elbow (between the arm. and he lifts it up. and makes a full clockwise circle (Omote Gyaku) until Uke is on his back. and with the right hand.5. Tori places his right hand on Ukes right hand. and cuts with Jodan kiri. followed by a Tsuki. Uke is in Daijodan . and the left with the left hand. 6. Tori then does a Sanshin style kick to the underneath of the right arm (this lifts the arm up). MAWASHI DORI Tori is in a right Ichimonji. Omote Gyaku. to Ukes right Nagare. and the body). and strikes with a left Fudo ken to Ukes left elbow (strike from under the right arm). and then turn to the right. and keep turning until you have your front to Uke. 24 . With the left hand apply Omote Take Ori. and Soto Sabaki (left foot forward). USHIRO DORI Tori has his back to Uke. 25 .
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