
March 19, 2018 | Author: supertrouper123 | Category: Software Bug, Session Initiation Protocol, Booting, Radius, File Transfer Protocol



Net-Net 9200: D6.0.0 Build Notes For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name nnD600m4p4 Build Date 6/30/09 Defect: Defect: Defect: No RTCP passed after resume of call on hold Build Contents & Bug Fixes The SDP attribute 'sendonly' causes media over TCP to stop working whereas it should be ignored. The tSipd task stops, resulting in a SD crash in certain cases when reloading the SIP Session Agent list during dynamic re-config. Defect: No messages or response from Standby SPU console when issuing command 'upgrade resume'. Thus non-ordinary state/MIU combination was not setting the 'resume advisory' message indicating an MIU change. Defect: The logs showed an encoding error when the SD tried to send an ARQ with source info field for a partyNumber out the ingress stack. Defect: If any of the following fields in timezone configuration were 0 (dst-start-month, dst-start-day, dst-end-month, dst-end-day), the timezone name and offset may not be applied correctly as reported by the "show clock" command. Defect: NOTIFY received before 200OK to corresponding SUBSCRIBE is rejected with 481 unknown dialog. Session Key and Subscription keys were not set correctly, resulting in the dialog not being found. Defect: ARP / gateway unreachable with IPSEC phy-cards. A message indicating that the secured tasks have completed init and sent out link up messages for the ports on the IPSEC cards is sent from the NPU CM to ARPM via arpm's Tx Enable message. Defect: Defect: SIP Sockets associated with old config remain open after new config is restored/saved/activated After 2nd MIU ping failure, active calls dropping due to 481/486. The system did not properly handle transitions from OOS to STANDBY. Defect: To safeguard against NPU issues related to QOS startup (during boot) or QOS stats harvesting (if QOS license exists and QOS is enabled), QOS driver should not be started unless the NPU meets minimum requirements defined in ECO-0475. Defect: CPU spike on NPU for several minutes after NPU switchover. Resolved by reducing the number of stale flows after a switchover which in turn reduces the processing necessary after this event. Defect: In registration proxy config, the H323 setup from the CCM is not always forwarded by the NN9200 to the GK. Fixed the code to use the ports configured in the dynamic port range of the h323-stack. Defect: When using session-groups with trunk-groups, Requests will be routed to only one of the session-agent members of the session-group regardless of the sag-recursion configuration. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: System records zero values for Total Seizures, Total Answered Sessions, & Answer/Seizure Ratio under the realm group. In an H323 reg-cache configuration, DRQ messages were not being proxied by the NN9200. In H323 registration-proxy scenario, IRQ messages are not responded to by the NN9200. If a 'double cancel' is issued from the active SPU during an upgrade, the first cancel actually starts the rollback of the standby cards set. If the 'abort' 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 1 of 40 Net-Net SD D6.0.0 Build Information - For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes prompt is left unanswered until the rollback is complete, then answering 'y' to the prompt belatedly causes an SM crash. This was due to recently added code to support the 'abort warning' that was calling an upgrade base method even when no upgrade was in progress. Code flow has been corrected to eliminate this possibility. Defect: Defect: SIP sessions may expire before transactions complete when using the sip-config option set-inv-at-100-resp. SIPT task may get suspended on standby SPU during a save/activate Defect: An incomplete/corrupt VSA was detected during CDR processing, resulting in the recurring log message "bad value type". The VSA is now formatted correctly. Defect: "show status " reports incorrect link status for IPSEC phy-cards. Defect: Out of place prompt after resuming rollback initiated on standby SPU. Rollbacks do not require user confirmation of card resets. However, a framework flag that usually indicates a user response pending should not apply when running a rollback. Thus the flag is now suppressed during a rollback. Defect: SPUs switchover due to tH323GKGW task crash, due to an invalid pointer being referenced. Defect: Emergency alarms if testman flag enabled in system-config. The system was not ignoring the testman config flag, which is ordinarily only set in development. With this delivery the flag will always be interpreted as FALSE, unless a special build is made to include testman. Defect: In a SIP to H323 faststart call scenario, when the H323 side establishes the channels and then sends the CONNECT message, the SD failed to send 200 OK message to the SIP end-point. Defect: No text output for prompt to reset the second cardset, when upgrad resumed from standby before switchover. This state was not accounted for when matching user prompts with upgrade states, due to it being an unusual state from which tor resume. Defect: Defect: Defect: XSession Allocates fail for brief period after switchover. Fixed the way that XServs are queried after a switchover. REGISTER messages are not sent to fallback session-agents within a SAG if the primary SA is out of service. H323 reg-proxy feature does not use unique RAS ports. Fixed the code to use unique ras addresses when the q931 port range is configured. Defect: H.323 stack configuration requires the q931 and dynamic port range to fall on 1k boundaries, whereas the q931 and dynamic ports have to be configured with values between 2000 and 19999. Defect: Maintenance proxy option has been permanently disabled now. Defect: H323-stack may be configured with q931 and dynamic port ranges that may overlap each other. Corrected the code to prevent configurations with ovelapping ports in q931 and dynamic ranges. Defect: A H323 Stack without a stack-name can be configured via the ACLI. Corrected the code so that a stack instance without a name cannot be saved. Defect: H323 stack can be configured to process registration even when the stack is a gateway stack. Corrected the code so that process-registration and isgateway cannot be enabled and saved at the same time. nnD600m4p2 6/11/09 Defect: Defect: Defect: SNMP interfaces assign its own ifIndexes, which are different from the indexes stored in the SM. Support added for virtual interface statistics. A MAC address of "01:02:03:04:05" is being returned in SNMP for ifPhysAddress for ifIndex 19. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 2 of 40 Net-Net SD D6.0.0 Build Information - For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: The Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes last-modified-by attribute for phy-interface is not populated when the object is changed. SNMP lists the active MIU's ifOperStatus as "down". This is incorrect. Active and standby MIU's should have an operating status of "up". Defect: Both MIU physical MAC addresses and PHY physical MAC addresses return a value of for SNMP object ifPhysAddress. The MIU MAC addresses need to return the correct value. PHYs don't have physical MAC addresses (only virtual MAC addresses). The SNMP standard says that if an interface does not have a MAC address, the address should be displayed as an empty string (blank) instead of Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: After repeated NPU switchover, intermittently all transcoding fails The ported unzip source code logic assumes some buffers it allocates on stack are initialized to zero. This was not true. Multiple SSH task crashes causing SPU switchovers. SD rejects OLC with session-ID=0 coming from 'slave' endpoint. The SD will honor the sessionId of "0" coming form a slave. Defect: The first thing that happens in an 'upgrade cancel' is an attempt to read the versions running on all cards to determine which need to be rolled back. However if they are in the process of resetting, they never respond to the version requests (upgrade sync messages), leaving this state to time out and abort. In the states that perform this version validation, if a card register event is recieved for a card from which the UM is awaiting a version query response, it will now reissue the outstanding version request. This ensures that any cards stuck in reset when the cancel order is given actually do respond, allowing the rollback to progress. Defect: Wrong SNMP Trap when a power supply is shut down, due to putting wrong "current state" in environmental monitor group trap. Defect: Recent changes to the handling of telnet ACLI tasks left it so that the name of the slave device still gets cleared from the slot at teardown time, regardless of the type of teardown. Since the ACLIs are now kept around, this data member is never repopulated, so when a shell is called for anytime after the first connection to that slot, it will fail to find the proper device name to talk through in that slot. Defect: Defect: Defect: RDP memory buffer leak. RDP code use same global structure from different tasks. SIPLS and NPU lost peer sync. Defect: The count of flows on the active SD is not incremented when a call with a reinvite is being processed. The problem was brought out by a decrease of bandwidth from 80 to 30 on the reInvite. Defect: Defect: Disabled TCP media with port 0 cannot be enabled again when the SD receives a Re-Invite with a hold request. "VAMP: RDP failed" during 120 hours performance test Defect: When From URI and To URI both get intercepted, the header info, such as Contact IP, SDP info, and etc, are same for both copy of interception. This problem has been fixed in this delivery. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 Media policing can cause failure to respond to ARP requests and GW unreachable alarms. SNPM queries failing when SD's hostname is configured for more than 5 bytes long. Local policy matching is failing when multiple possible matches exist Under certain conditions after reboot, copper phy card may not properly report port link up. Intermittent T.38 FAX failure on switch from non-transcoded Proprietary and Confidential Page 3 of 40 Net-Net SD D6.0.0 Build Information - For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: SD does not respond to STCS message from Cisco Call Manager. The SD will respond to the STCS in IWF call scenarios, if the call is in the appropriate state to do so. Defect: System sends a TCS with g729 fpp 3 instead of 2. Defect: Currently when a rollback times out waiting for a user, it aborts the rollback. The reason for this timer is to allow the user to reconnect to the active MIU for monitoring the upgrade. The user's attendance is nonessential to the rollback operation, which is capable of completing on its own. Since restoration of the system to its pre-upgrade state is desirable, the rollback will now handle this timeout by logging a warning and finishing the rollback. In addition, some defensive code has been added to deal with the belated answering of the abandoned upgrade prompt on MIU0. If this question is answered at a later time in the upgrade, it could have unpredictable effects. Thus a 'y' answer will now be refused and a 'n' answer will be interpreted as a 'cancel' command as usual. In the case of a rollback this will mean a rollback abort warning. Also changed user output in several places, to replace usage of the word 'upgrade' with 'downgrade' or 'rollback' as applicable using a single reusable method. Defect: Defect: When logging in via means other than the console, the output of "show clock" may not reflect the correct timezone The logs showed an encoding error when the SD tried to send an ARQ with source info field for a partyNumber out the ingress stack. Defect: This defect was fixed as a result of the fix to 17751. The timeout and task alarm were a side effect of the state never having been updated as a result of the defect. Newly handled stimuli now keep the state machine rolling properly. Defect: In an H323 faststart to faststart call, if one side initiates a call hold, and the other side subsequently sends a non-empty TCS and MSD, the SD was forwarding the TCS to the other side and not acking the MSD. Defect: In a SIP->H323 call, the SD would sometimes not send an OLC to open a video channel if there was more than one matching video codec. Defect: Dynamic reconfiguration of Session Constraints and response maps no longer possible. There were some improvements done to configuration code which accidentally broke dynamic reconfiguration of these features. Defect: Defect: DSP message dump could result in buffer overflow The SD sends a OLC based on the media-profile configuration. If the OLC mismatches with the one from the TCS, then the OLC will be rejected. Defect: The returned status recvfrom( ) is not checked in spTX. If a socket error occurs, the unvalidated data and buffer length is passed onto sendSdivSPFrame( ). This could result in buffer overflow or denial of service. Defect: spTX sendSdivSPFrame may used uninitialized destination MAC Defect: Offline upgrade reboot prompt times out without notice. The timeout for the state UPGRADE_WAIT_BOOT was set to 30 seconds. All user prompt timers are disabled in online upgrade, but this one was never disabled for offline. Defect: Defect: There were some improvements done to configuration code which broke dynamic reconfiguration of other features. Alarm of "EMERGENCY ALARM ** Task tNPM on x.0.0 with PID xxxxxxxx is Stopped" Defect: Bad code flow in the ACLI command flagged the insufficient-space issue even if the download option was not specified. Corrected the code flow to only worry about space issues if the image is to be copied to flash. Defect: Recent changes that use smImagePusher to check the remote file size result it its being spawned just as the 'keep system in service' prompt is issued. This makes the "Running smImagePusher" output immediately follow the 'in service' prompt, obfuscating the fact that the user is being prompted. Defect: Due to a code flow problem in the command logic, the size check is performed before the file presence check. If it fails, the presence check is never made, resulting in an 'insufficient space' warning. The command will now check for file presence first. If the file is present, the upgrade will not continue. Instead, 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 4 of 40 SIP 180 Ringing retransmission for IWF Call on call generator. active calls dropping due to 481/486. which will overwrite existing configured TOS Defect: For an H323 Slowstart to Faststart call.0 Build Information . SIP messages routed towards a disabled SA Status Defect: Changing certain fields in "authentication-config" and then performing a "done" would cause those changes to take effect in the CLI before doing a "save config" and "activate config" Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Cyclic sipc crashes after upgarde to D600m4. when the slowstart side's incoming channel is connected after the outgoing channel. Tighter checking of URI validity would incorrectly reject some URIs.0. Proprietary and Confidential Page 5 of 40 . We were not returning correctly after failure of the 4th attempt. Defect: Defect: Defect: Temperature alarms do not cause fan speed to increase as a response for cooling the system After 2nd MIU ping failure. Defect: SIP Sockets associated with old config remain open after new config is restored/saved/activated Defect: If there has not been a successful bandwidth allocation for a realm we followed a different code path where a check for the new call's bandwidth was 'less than' rather than 'less than or equal to' the maximum allowed bandwidth. Defect: Defect: Defect: Standby NPU initiates FULL RESYNC every 2 seconds following reset ENUM failing to forward the call properly under certain circumstances.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes the user will be told the file exists.Net-Net SD D6. The session-group must be modified to resolve the reference. or perform the upgrade from the file in flash.0. adding the referenced session-agent through dynamic configuration will not apply. Defect: 630-0034-60 Latest build image does not boot with 11/16/2006 bootloader (image is too big). The system did not properly handle transitions from OOS to STANDBY. QOS driver should not be started unless the NPU meets minimum requirements defined in ECO-0475.0 with PID e06d3310 is Suspended The csp task enables task debugging every time it starts Defect: When a session-group refers to a session-agent that does not exist. a TCS from the Faststart side to restart a hold scenario is not propagated to the Slowstart side. There was a pointer being dereferenced w/o checking if it was NULL. and advised to either remove it (with 'delete image'). The TOS byte was reset in Socket level whenever Request is coming. The registration cache is not properly flagged for Challenged We would allow li-admin. after four authentication failures. Rapid SPU switchovers causes Standby SEM to stop Syncing with Active Defect: To safeguard against NPU issues related to QOS startup (during boot) or QOS stats harvesting (if QOS license exists and QOS is enabled). tBROKER on 2. This results in rejection of a media released call even though it could have been successful. A telURI would sometimes match the wrong local-policy "from-address" or "to-address" field when they contained a hostname. Defect: TCU flowguard causes Xserv to become temporarily unresponsive after switchover Defect: Existing logic checks bandwidth limits before determining media release candidacy. Defect: Defect: Online upgrade and downgrade from D7. While the SD is scrolling through the trusted output it breaks out and prints "failed to send command to npcli" Defect: Standby console ACLI unresponsive during upgrade file copy to FLASH. which simply means append the string at the end. Defect: Within the translation-rules configuration object. the add-index parameter does not allow the "$" as a valid value. Upgrade firmware command stops after loading the standby cards with new firmware. While adding 120. The FTP priority has been set lower than the ACLI to prevent the ACLI from starving for execution time. or that there is a size mismatch. and LEM code. Defect: Typo in upgrade process. nor the version running at the time the dump was created show health history does not stay in chronological order The incorrect netmask is returned for the MIU IP addresses. TaskCheckDump. sent. SM crash during upgrade bootloader operation Defect: Re-leveled log messages in xferClient. This checks for file existence on both SPUs and for size match between the two.0. xferServer.dat files did not include the year in the date. Others are tolerable failures that should only be deemed an 'error' by the calling layer above. to give enough time for the output message to be constructed. Fixed the way that XServs are queried after a switchover. Defect: Upgrade application not prompting user to reconnect to MIU-based-virtual-IP.0 resulted in loss of audio for transcoded calls. Setting the add-index to "$" is the same as setting the value to 999999999. Defect: In correct On-Line Upgrade ACLI help description. Some were ordinary logs that were being output as MINOR for no good reason. Upgrade did not check for flash files.0 Build Information . Introduced a 1-second delay to upgrade code before performing the switchover. I issue the command "show acl trusted". and output to the session. received. Defect: Defect: Issues upgrading firmware on TCMs. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Defect: In correct On-Line Upgrade ACLI help description. Defect: If gateway heartbeats are enabled the system fails to generate a health affecting gateway unreachable alarm (NPU/PHY switchover) when the network processor health check passes. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: PHY2 Switchover to Active Role when SD4 boots. Defect: nnD600m4 4/22/09 XSession Allocates fail for brief period after switchover. "UPGRADE: OS upgrade succesfully commited" instead of "successfully committed". The only change in interface is the messages output upon failure (file missing or file mismatch) : the user is now told on which SPU the file is missing. Added a 'prepare' stage to flash upgrade much like network upgrade.0.000 Trusted ACL entries at a rate of 100 per second. Defect: "Show ACL Trusted" under load fails.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes changes made to improve performance of sipt/sfe socket setup broke during an upgrade. Changed 'tftp' to 'ftp' Certain ENUM response processing cases would fail and leak memory. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 6 of 40 . This has been supported on the SD2 since the feature was first implemented.Net-Net SD D6. This problem was introduced by a recent delivery to ensure the network processor health check does not falsely detect failure under high traffic conditions. logic existed to set the retry value.0. However. Fixed logic to prevent overwriting of the retry-after header with an empty "ERROR: can't convert codec" and "cap2Codecs: media-profile for T.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: ACLI becomes unresponsive for several seconds. Proprietary and Confidential Page 7 of 40 . The CLI was accepting the wrong list of protocols for the access-control transportprotocol field. The ID now remains the same for each record.0 Build Information . Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: CLI sessions unresponsive on SPU during FTP image upload to same SPU. Missing retry-after header in 503 when max-register-burst-rate is exceeded.38 not found" PCMU to PCMA transcoding not working on H. Defect: Empty Retry-After in '503 Server Too Busy' when sipls spikes above 80%. Corrected the parsing of acmeVersionSuffix() to account for the possible insertion of the 'M' designation at the beginning. Fixed an issue where the internal PRACK message generated by H323 was not being sent to SIP. Large files most times un-needed on TCUs making gathered logs huge Defect: When the next-hop of a SIP REGISTER is a session-agent group. The session ID was being modified for each accounting record sent during a call. Defect: Radius acct-session-id not matching in start and stop records. Defect: Defect: Empty Retry-After in '503 Server Too Busy' when sipls spikes above 80%. Defect: With source-routing enabled packets that should be source-routed over the wancom interface may have the wrong destination MAC address and therefore not get to their destination Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 SNMPwalk causes tSnmpd to crash. The SD cleared too much allocated memory. Defect: Upgrade fails to alpha or beta releases. SD rejects OLC with session-ID=0 coming from 'slave' endpoint. Defect: The capability to not display user input (such as passwords) when entered does not exist.Net-Net SD D6. the register constraints configured on the session agents in that group are not enforced. The FTP task priority has been set lower than the ACLI priority.38 FAX failure on switch from transcoded voice Some illegal forms for a SIP message request-URI were not rejected by the SD Some illegal forms for SIP message headers with sip URIs were not rejected by the SD A SIP message with an SDP that does not contain the mandatory Origin line was not rejected by the SD. This problem occurs because the ACLI task is at prioirty level 252 while SM Image Pusher Task is at 200. Defect: value. it was not being used by its calling functions. The ACLI task priority has been raised to fix this issue. The 'ptime' parameter was not properly propagated to MBCD. When registrations constraints were exceeded. Extra carriage line return is being added to every line of upgrade feedback Intermittent T. This resulted in the missing header. The SD will honor the sessionId of "0" coming form a slave. Defect: "ALL" option not available once transport-protocol is changed in ACL.323 calls. The accounting code now properly handles account servers with identical IP addresses and different ports. Defect: All configured radius accounting servers now shown when servers have duplicate IP addresses. The media gateway heartbeat alarm caused a rapid succession of SPU switchovers. causing corruption and NP hang. due to sockets and nat entries were not being properly set up on some of the interfaces.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: CDR . Defect: IPSEC phy-cards do not initialize properly if an SPU failover occurs immediately after bootup. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 8 of 40 .VSA ID 146 and 147 . Problem was brought out by decrease of bandwidth from 80 to 30 on the reInvite. Defect: With a config of over 1000 sip-interfaces. Defect: Error on console-S_dosFsLib_NO_FREE_FILE_DESCRIPTORS. Defect: The root cause of this defect is the same as one of the root causes of problems described in defect 17734. Due to the unusually large number of CAM entries which need to be installed at system start. the file descriptor limit has been increased. there were not enough temporary handles allocated for the number of listen sockets being established and multiple SIPTs were establishing listen sockets for the same interfaces. although it does for trusted sources. Defect: Count of flows on the active is not incremented when a call with ReInvite is being processed.PTime for forward and reverse flow is always set to 20ms. Every new telnet session created 2 new log files. As a result. That has been fixed to allow time for all CAM entries to be installed. the file descriptor limit was reached. some CAM entries were not being installed properly because of a shortcoming in the MBCD to NATM interface. NOTE : the date listed for the bootloader on each core in the output of 'show version hardware' still displays the release _date_ of the last booted bootloader.7. the system was not able to properly process calls. Once the 5th telnet session was opened. The code that added the acme_sag parameter to the Request URI was removed. Defect: Sip-interfaces unreachable due to ARP responses missing. meaning that it will correctly detect the fact that the bootloader has been upgraded. Fixed the code which incremented/decremented the flow count. in the interest of making all information available. Defect: With a very large config.323-to-SIP acme_sag= parameter leaks in Request-URI . Defect: apSysMgmtCallRecordingGroup was moved from apSystemManagementGroups 14 to apSystemManagementGroups 20 Defect: In IWF call from H. The script that the customer was running opened a new telnet session every time the script was run.0 after upgrading the bootloader to 2. Added NPU debug improvements for data path and gateway unreachable failures. Defect: Failed to upgrade OS to D. The SD was hitting the file descriptor limit on the /ramdrv.0. which resulted in some application tasks on the finally active SPU to still be in the standby state. Defect: System fails to process any messages with SIP port mapping enabled and trust-level set to high on a config with over 1000 sip-interfaces. preventing the collector from opening a new file during the next push. Defect: With a very large config (over 5000 realms and sip-manipulations) the CPUs on the TCU were running out of memory. even if it hasn't been booted yet.1. Defect: In a scenario with signaling exhausting max-untrusted-bandwidth. Defect: Using anonymous-priority for emergency services does not work. "show acl summary" provides the number of packet drops but it does not provide any value for "Packets" column. Because of the incorrect state. Defect: Extra packets seen within NPU when pinging non-PHY0 port 0 interfaces Defect: Insufficient NPU debugging existed for diagnosing gateway unreachable and data path errors experienced. the coordination of the config between active and standby SPUs becomes broken.0. namely the improper handling of a media gateway heartbeat failure.0. Upgrade now checks the bootloader which will be used on the next bootup. The request will be allowed if the anonymous-priority in the sip-interface is set to anything other than "none" and checked against the local-policy policy-priority.0 Build Information . In non-transcoding call flows the Ptime value in the accounting records is the default value.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Gateway unreachable due to mis-configured traffic manager. but was still mistakenly set after receiving reinvite/200 with new SDP (address). maybe less) because it was unnecessarily loading the config twice.Net-Net SD D6. Proprietary and Confidential Page 9 of 40 . the media guard timer incorrectly fires following an NPU switchover. Fixed replication of flows to the standby in the mediareleased spiral scenario. Defect: Defect: SA OOS after upgrade online. Defect: the standby SPU goes OOS when booting with a large config (at least 5500 realms and 5500 sip-manipulations. The SD will respond to the STCS in IWF call scenarios. Defect: In spiraled call scenarios. The system will now respond to the STCS properly. mbcd standby flows are not removed after call disconnect.gz. Defect: SD does not respond to STCS message from Cisco Call Manager.ntpd.160. if the call is in the appropriate state to do so. Defect: 630-0034-60 System sends a TCS with g729 fpp 3 instead of 2. on a subsequent reINVITE SIPC would crash causing an SPU failover. Disabled TCP media with port 0 cannot be enabled again when the SD receives a Re-Invite with a hold request. Added additional checks on the forward codes seen at acme frame rx to correct insert or removed the extra header information that allows the internal pcap capture file to be decoded correctly in Wireshark. Defect: Extra header inserted on some ingress & egress NPU frame to pcap captured frames. Moved the internal acme header to the end of the capture buffer to allow the acme header dissector in Wireshark to decode the acme header. because the role assignment timer was not long enough to allow applications to load such a large config. Defect: There were shortcomings replicating flows to the standby when media bandwidth usage changed. Fixed replication of flows to the standby in the media-released spiral scenario. show support-info command in ssh session consumes a high enough CPU to cause switchover SD inappropriately deducting health points for configured memory alarms of 70% Defect: For bootloader upgrade.0 Build Information . Defect: In spiraled call scenarios.65:8009 RDP failed" during 120 hours performance test Defect: In this scenario an endpoint violated RFC 3264 by sending more m lines in the answer than it was offered. Defect: "VAMP:169. This was manifested mostly in media-released spiraled calls.0.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: No Audio after Flash-Hook for registered endpoints. Added retry logic to ensure all SFE Clients (like SIPT and H323GkGw) acquire SFE Server IP address. The crash happened due to the combination of the error above and the presence of mptime attribute in the first m line. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Bootloader upgrade cause SPU switchover when ftp server is not reachable tXfer task crashes when attempting to transfer /ramdrv/logs/dump/500/log. Defect: Defect: Defect: Cannot specify a source path when downloading a file using the 'upgrade OS' or 'upgrade bootloader' commands. Release was set for original multiple system call. the user is incorrectly given a prompt to do an upgrade without downloading the file.254. This happens when there is no room to download the file. tFtp6dAlgT Stops when attempting to access logs via ALViewer after tXfer task stopped Unexpected out of bandwidth issues after NPU switchover System responds to INVITEs with 404 Enum Lookup Failure. The extra MAC address header inserted to signal that the captured frame was an ingress or egress frame prevents Wireshark from correctly decoding packets such as outgoing ICMP responses. Defect: In a SIP->H323 call. h323stack doesn't update the pointer of realm Alarm of "EMERGENCY ALARM ** Task tNPM on x. If a realm got deleted and re-added. resulting in the DB being wiped when it shouldn't.0 Build Information . It now recognizes the disconnect and exits. ftp or SSH server would cease to accept incoming connections There were shortcomings replicating flows to the standby when media bandwidth usage changed. The fix for previous defects introduced an issue with the ability to execute commands recursively. Defect: With very large specific config. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 10 of 40 . the SIP Context and transactions never get cleared. alarms are fired for Register Timeouts. Defect: Telnet requiring save of the configuration before login (Save Changes [y/n]?:). results in unexpected card resets and switchovers leading to loss of active calls.0 with PID xxxxxxxx is Stopped" The command "show h323 registration " crashes the h323rasgk task During an online upgrade to D7. The function used to query the user for a "yes" or "no" response would fail to exit when the user disconnected. Defect: Suspended task does not reboot NPU when restart set to enabled in system-config. Dynamic reconfiguration of H323 no longer possible. The logs showed an encoding error when the SD tried to send an ARQ with source info field for a partyNumber out the ingress stack. SIP 180 Ringing retransmission for IWF Call on call generator.Net-Net SD D6. nnD600m3p3 3/15/09 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: The Contact sent in REGISTER responses and the Request-URI in a subsequent INVITE to a UA behind a NAT does not match the Contact from the original REGISTER request. the reset was denied to keep to keep the health degraded card operational until a card of its type was available to assume the Active role. Fixed the code to send only one 180ringing Defect: The flag which triggers an SNR DB wipe in upgrade SYNC messages was left initialized in a recent code restructuring. the telnet.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Occasionally with configurations with a large number of realms. while the first cardset is being reset. Defect: In cases where ENUM is used for local policy lookups and the SIP transactions times out. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Online OS upgrade allows card/box resets during the upgrade process. Defect: Dynamic reconfiguration of Session Constraints and response maps no longer possible. This was manifested in media-released spiraled calls.0. There were some improvements done to configuration code which accidentally broke dynamic re configuration of these features. As a result.0. causing a memory leak. the SD would sometimes not send an OLC to open a video channel if there was more than one matching video codec. which is equivalent to a number of controlled card resets and switchovers. attempting an upgrade. There were some improvements done to configuration code which accidentally broke dynamic reconfiguration of these features. The check for an available Standby was being made after the Standby had already transitioned to Active. Defect: An INIVTE that contains a P-Asserted-Identity header with multiple URI values in a single header causes the INVITE to be rejected with a "400 Invalid PAsserted-Identity" Defect: The command "show support-info" requires recursive command execution. resulting in an iAcli task crash. which is invalid. this will result in entries failing to be inserted into the ACL table. This key is used to insert. The default values for failover and restart would be disabled for a newly created system-config object. sort and find entries in the ACL table. Copy file to system [y/n]?" . If the realms defined in access-control configuration are not all the same case. SPUs were not resyncing properly because the config version of the replacement SPU was older than the running config. but it is not. However when the dialog-transparency is disabled in the sip-config. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: In CDR. Otherwise. Defect: Reg-cache not synchronized between Active and Standby SPU after SPU replacement. Defect: Defect: nnD600m3p2 3/7/09 Activation of new configuration did not always take into account the addition or removal of objects referenced by other objects. the checksum calculated is a 32 bit checksum and every message forwarding works fine. The code has been fixed to handle this condition properly. In CDR. h323gkgw and sipc use the 32bit checksum to route messages between them and sipt uses a 24bit checksum to route messages to the sipc. A check Proprietary and Confidential Page 11 of 40 . the system will boot from FLASH. As a result. VSA value "Acme-(Calling||Called)-RTP-Packets-Lost_FS1" contains wrong information. When the dialog-transparency is enabled in the sip-config. sipc and h323gkgw use the callid checksum to route the messages between them. Defect: Sipt. A logic error caused the code to treat a "no" answer as though an error occurred.245 OLC with an OLCReject message. resulting in message "insufficient BW"!. Defect: The media packets destined for the QoS FPGAs were being misdirected by the traffic manager. When processing a save / activate from the ACLI. The key generation should be case-insensitive. associated with call flows where the SD rejects an H.Net-Net SD D6. The calculation for the pipe to be used by the QoS traffic was performed incorrectly. Defect: Gateway Heartbeat Alarm results in SPU switchover Defect: Wrong bandwidth allocated when re-INVITE arrives. same TM pipe was being used by 2 separate flows. Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 In a call forking scenario after receiving an error response from one of the call legs. Slow memory leak of about 16K per H323 call. it will boot from the network. Defect: When checking SDP connection lines for distributed media release. Modified the code in h323Gkgw and sipc to use the proper callid checksum (24bit or 32bit) according to the configuration.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: Replacing a running config with a different restored backup config causes calls to fail (even when new config is successfully saved and activated). only the global connection line and not the media-specific lines are examined to determine if media release is applicable. Defect: A race condition prevented port 0 of a PHY card from coming out of reset properly when reset twice. Defect: The ACL key is generated from realm+application+address-mask+transport. Defect: If user chooses 'n' to the upgrade process' prompt: "If the file is copied to the system. the SIP application could potentially dereference a null pointer when modifying ACL entries. Implemented proper calculation of bandwidth for transcoded calls.0 Build Information . VSA value "Acme-Calling-RTP-(Avg||Max)-Jitter_FS1" fields contains wrong information. VSA value "Acme-Calling-Octets_FS1" field contains wrong information. due to function SysmanInterfaceTable::disableMediaNetInterfaces() mistakenly removing the network interfaces from a newly activated configuration when removing the network interfaces from the previously active configuration. This results in the wrong sipc being chosen by sipt.0. destined for 2 separate QoS FPGAs. Defect: FQDN Contact-URI affect Registration Cache Matching operation. the upgrade process would prematurely exit. other call legs may not complete. There was a logic error causing the REGISTER and INVITE to be considered from 2 different endpoints. In CDR. Updated the DNS ALG 'modify' code to mark the DNS sockets for the ALG with the new config version so they are not removed. Element Rules with the same name are being treated as the same object Defect: When checking SDP connection lines for distributed media release. invalid frames are processed and dropped at acme frame rx. only the global connection line and not the media-specific lines are examined to determine if media release is applicable. Reset of first NPU followed by reset of second NPU causes static flows disappear and calls to drop.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date was added to ensure this would no longer happen. These errors did not indicate call failures. just the presence of unsupported codecs. those DNS ALGs stop working. The DNS Sockets associated with the unmodified dns-config do not get updated and they get removed by the post-activation socket cleanup in the DNSRES task. The acme header is not complete on incoming frames (arp response packets).245 message TerminalCapabilitySet (TCS) which contained a CapabilityTable with a Capability for receiveRTPAudioTelephonyEventCapability containing a string for the audioTelephoneEvent field that was longer than 128 bytes. "transrated". but wasn't freed after. Defect: The h323d task crashed when it received an H. If the number of buffers allocated for untrusted queues were very large.0. then RTP audio may only be blocked in one direction. Defect: When a configuration is activated. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 12 of 40 .Net-Net SD D6. but the other side does not reply with the "inactive" attribute. if there are DNS ALGs whose dns-config has not been changed. Defect: Manipulation rules can not be referenced successfully in some ordering cases. and as a result of the dropped frames. this could cause a couple seconds worth of untrusted packets getting held up in TM memory if the untrusted bandwidth allocation is too small. Defect: Defect: Klocwork: Possible semaphore lock in VAPI Klocwork: Possible NULL pointer dereferences in VAPI Defect: Encoding Error messages for IWF calls being reported in the logs. the response incorrectly issued was "activate started" instead of "activate complete. Memory leak introduced by H323 transcoding operation.0 Build Information . Defect: After some time. Memory was utilized when adding codecs. Build Contents & Bug Fixes This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Untrusted queues are not handled properly. The 9200 code has been modified to ignore the unknown codecs similar to the way the 4250 currently does. nnD600m3 2/13/09 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: A common task error utility (acme_dump_memory) crashes when processing a task suspension. Defect: Defect: Adding an static DENY ACL for an IP does not show up in the deny list. When issuing an activate config. Defect: nnD600m3p1 2/27/09 Active and Standby configurations not synchronized after gateway unreachable event. the related entries in the arp table are being marked as invalid due to the arp responses not being forwarded on from frame rx to arpm. Static DENY ACL entries are now properly added and show up on the deny list. The sip codec statistics "transcoded". The end of the h323 stack trace contained: h323Call::checkForRTPAudioUICapabilities memcpy +20 : bcopy () Defect: Defect: Added QoS FPGA memory tuning to improve accuracy of reading QoS stats. Defect: If a call is placed on hold by using an SDP attribute "inactive". and "transparent" do not decrement when sessions terminate. Defect: Telnet to 9200 during the boot-up process may cause the system to hang Defect: Defect: String length of the key identifier is appended in response for the Net Management Control Table and RPH table SNMP queries.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes The sip-option dns-load-balance was not available on the 9200. Telnet to an 9200 during the boot-up process may cause the system to hang Defect: Loss of Untrusted entries and Trusted entries after SPU0 reset/switchover during config change.if endpoints are behind the same NAT and mm-same-ip is disabled media will be released . Defect: Defect: tSipc task crashed when the acme_memory_dump diagnostics utility attempted to capture a 4KB memory page. it also resolved other session issues in this area. returning a malformed response for an snmp ifSpecific request.0 Build Information . Defect: The iwf-config element cannot be deleted with the 'no' not found command. SD sends wrong NAS-ID in radius msg when there is a transition. With this fix the behavior will be: . Defect: Defect: Defect: Acct-Terminate-Cause is populated incorrectly for successful SIP call. The problem was msm-release (multi system media release) feature was not properly implemented for endpoints that are behind a NAT devices. This option has now been added. Defect: SIPT task reporting a failure to allocate port-maps. the challenge counter is not reset causing SIP to modify the ACL trusted state improperly. The log messages are the result of SIPT trying to allocate a port map for a new registered user when the SIP location server task is the only SIP task that should allocate port maps.0. Defect: Fast Start OLC leak in the Progress message in the Slow Start -Fast Start call scenario. Calling & Called party number wasn't decoded properly from SIP. The NAS ID is now updated when a RADIUS packet is re-routed to a different server. Defect: Using multiple account-servers. Defect: There was a problem with dynamic reconfig where sometime Transcoding Policies were not reloaded when needed and other cases where they kept getting reloaded because of an uninitialized variable. The "no" command to delete the iwf-config element returns the error: % command Defect: A SIP de-registration is challenged but on the subsequent success. Due to the significane of this major change. Defect: 630-0034-60 The ACLI times out while processing the "show log level * all" command and after several minutes the prompt comes back without any output from the Proprietary and Confidential Page 13 of 40 . it terminates prematurely after getting up to "ifOutErrors".in all other cases media is not released Defect: ACLI sessions are no longer torn down when a session is terminated.Net-Net SD D6. The load balancer does not define the number of channels per device for the GSM FR and the basic cost is used instead.if endpoints are not behind a NAT and either mm-in-realm or mm-in-network is disabled media is released . Resolved by allowing MBCD to retransmit license request message in the event of an SPU switchover during activate config. 'show version hardware' does not include QOS FPGA register version info Defect: The SD is improperly releasing media with multi-system-media-release when the endpoints cannot talk to each other because of NAT devices between them. A header-rule is executed twice if the header-name is defined with HI_LAST( [^] ) When snmpwalk is executed. mainly where the system was entering a state where it would appear to fail to authenticate a user. caused the number encode error. but rather they are nowre-used. Defect: nnD600m2p2 1/13/09 In an IWF call. if that SPU is made active again the IPSEC enabled phy-cards are reinitialized. Possible NULL pointer reference in DSP connection enable Inconsistent use of feature name within ACLI for SIP-Manipulation Possible memory leaks and missing null checks in VAPI. Although. associated with call flows where the SD rejects an H. For backward compability. the parameter still functions properly for setting.323 stack-pvt is observed in certain call-flows involving progress messages with incorrect OLC information. Copy the ROUTE headers from the original request T. NATM task crash during QoS FPGA access NATM task crash during QoS FPGA access Max-Forwards header not included in ACK request for non-2xx final response. Some tables did not support retrieval of multiple columns in a single snmp After an SPU hard reset.0. config save and config read. Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The encrypted fields 'auth-user' & 'auth-password' should have ENCR-PBE prefix in the XML to indicate that they are encrypted fields. Route-header missing in ACK sip msg.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date command. Retrieval of ipAddrEntry fails when requesting more than one object at a time. Defect: before. Fixed the code to count the session as part of external proxy's SA when the next hop is the home-address of the SIP-NAT. Defect: There was a slow memory leak of about 16K per H323 call. the SD does not acknowledge a 200 OK response to a re-Invite request in a scenario where it has received a 200 OK for an Update just A leak of H. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: There was a character buffer overrun when triggering an SNMP 'invalid' community alarm.38 Fax with Immediate 200 OK does not transcode remove local limitation on getbulk max-repeaters Defect: SD ignores SA constraints and forwards invalid NSEP call. Defect: The SD URI comparison software was considering both of the next hops (enum:abc and enum:abc. Two new encrypted fields ENCR-PBE-auth-user and ENCR-PBE-auth-password were added. Copied the MAX-FORWARDS header from the original request. Fixed the code to count the sessions of priority/nsep calls as part of the session constraints.245 OLC with an OLCReject message. The SD's URI comparison software now takes into consideration the uriparameter key when comparing enum type URIs. the original encrypted fields auth-user and authpassword are retained without ENCR-PBE prefix.0 Build Information . Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: query Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: The realm name is truncated after 11 characters in the output of 'show mbcd realms'.Net-Net SD D6.key=rn) as the same and discarding one of them as a duplicate based on sip/sips URI comparison rules as defined by RFC3261 section. Defect: The ACLI display of the "session-router short-session-window" configuration parameter is incorrect. Defect: 630-0034-60 The configuration parameter "rfc2833-mode" is present under the h323-stack configuration object even though it is not implemented and performs no Proprietary and Confidential Page 14 of 40 . causing traffic to stop. Defect: Error of "session limit reached" reported when only one telnet session is allocated. but transcoding policy is defined. Defect: In a header-rule with an action of 'sip-manip’. Inefficient file copies used by SEM during save config processing Upgrades between the specified versions are now allowed. which was not being included when the options mask was updated. Build Contents & Bug Fixes This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Configuration lock not released on exit from TELNET. nnD600m2 11/19/08 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: When a subsequent PROGRESS message is received. Defect: Last login state shown when session at password prompt. Proprietary and Confidential Page 15 of 40 630-0034-60 . In certain cases the use of host routes could crash the standby SPU on startup The SEM and LEM tasks interfere with application processing while loading the configuration cache during an activation. operating on the 'request-uri' header. Defect: Defect: Potential task crash of tNpFrmTx.. the request URI will be overwritten with the value of the request URI prior to that of the actions taken within the specific sip-manip. This showed up as a leak with "show h323d stackPvtstats" on the egress stack. MBCD was modified to ensure both legs of the call have the same media release state. but when the call negotiates to non-transcoding. Modified mbcd to allow media to be released when transcoding policies are defined. Defect: Media that should be released is steered when transcoding is not used.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date function. A previous fix for another issue introduced a ‘start’ message from the TELNET server code to the ACLI combined with the ACLI instances (RTPs) no longer being destroyed at the end of an ACLI session. Added a check to verify session constrains are set properly when a constraint name is set in the sip-interface The cli command 'show enum server ' results in Not Found error. HMR stored values are referencing stored values from previous messages. The ACLI was using SendToServer to synchronously register for the configuration lock. dropping the offending poll request. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: nnD600m2p1 12/10/08 When transcoding is configured and the call is spiraled. The poll request is resent at a later time and properly consumed. the output of "show users" would show the last "login" state of a session ("user" or "admin") rather than the "login" when the session is reused. uninitialized accounting data structures were accessed. a keep-alive poll from AUTH was received and incorrectly processed. Defect: During telnet.0 Build Information . text prompts for "Password:" were not sent by SD following "Don't Echo/Suppress" commands. but while waiting for the response. the PVT node from the 1st PROGRESS wasn't deleted before creating a new PVT node for the 2nd PROGRESS.0. The configuration lock was actually granted.Net-Net SD D6. The output of 'show users' would not always show all the active sessions. Card that boots to REGISTERTIMEOUT state inhibits assignment of READY state cards to Act/iveStandby Roles While executing authentication functions. Defect: Remote ACLI tasks don't process config reloads until the next user login. This was fixed by using the sequence ID to properly associate the request and response. Due to a recent delivery that prevents ACLI RTPs from being destroyed when a session ends. This code has been removed. leading the user to believe that sessions were available when they were not. A fix was delivered to include the CRMOD option. Init flowguard timer gets disabled before media packet is received for the flow. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Possible buffer overflow when processing EVENT from DSP. Defect: Gateway unreachable alarm reports the corresponding slot # incorrectly by a value of 1. and unreleased semaphores in VAPI. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 16 of 40 . Fixed the code to update the media address properly in a slow start NULL pointer not being checked. CLI prompt returns from "activate config" command before the activation process it completed. Defect: After an alarm condition for gateway unreachable is triggered and then cleared. buffer overflows. Defect: Defect: Defect: The 'clear acl' command crashes NPU with out of range index NN9200 doesn't amend frames-per-packet in H323 fast start OLC when forcing ptime without transcoding. H. Defect: Intermittent inability to telnet to Virtual IP Address.323 H. after a npu switchover. the standby npu/arpm repeatedly sends gateway unreachable clear alarm messages to lcm on 2.323 SS to SIP IWF Call results in one-way media when noReInvite option is set.0 Build Information .323 Intermittent call failures when the next hop is a SAG with SA's in different realm. Defect: SIP to H. Potential NULL pointer dereferences in DSP Request Handling. Defect: Defect: Defect: call. Various race conditions within the VxWorks TELNET code have been fixed as well.245 user input message not being translated to 2833 RTP event or sip INFO. Fixed the code to check to compare the branch id's of the INVITES as well. Defect: T. Transcoding not updated when codecs are the only information that changes as a result of re-negotiation. The slot value is no longer incremented before the gateway alarm message is sent.Net-Net SD D6. ACLI sessions (process) are no longer torn down and restarted.0.0. but rather the ACLI processes are reused. Potential memory leak due to missing null checks. Stand alone requests generated by tSIPC do not get sent to the correct h323GkGw. Fixed code to route messages to the correct h323GkGw instance. Defect: Defect: Potential task crash when using "lock-xserv" command.38 was not added in the TCS message for the transcoding h323 slowstart calls. 2833 doesn't works for H323 FS Defect: H. Functions return a value that is dereferenced without a check for NULL VCORE_BootDevice and VCORE_DestroyConnection do not release the semaphore taken if the request list is empty. The SD was exhausting an internal resource used for tracking 2833 DTMF packets.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes SIP INFO messages were not translated to 2833 DTMF packets for the 2-port GB card. 2833 doesn't work properly for Slow Start to Fast Start.0. This should be named as 'tlsGlobal' instead to match the one in NN4250. Defect: When a transcoding policy results in the addition of a codec to an offer containing an mptime attribute. a new value is added to the mptime list but with an extra space before it. Improper xml parsing when '\' exists in the LRT XML file. media is leaked outside the SD to 127. The interface should be presented as 'down'. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Potential out-of-bound array access and null pointer dereference. nnD600m1p3 10/31/08 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: When a fiber cable is pulled from a PHY (i. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: tSIPC@0. the SD will strip out the ptime from the SDP. (pre mptime implementation Defect: Ptime Stripped by Transcoding When No Codecs Added.0 followed by NPU switchover SPU Recovery state due to iAcli suspended suddenly FPGA handle leak and cross connect table corruption for QoS enabled (collapsed) flows under load. The load balance is not working after 8000 flows. MBCD was modified to ensure all DSP sessions are release when this issue occurs. Defect: Transcoded spiraled call setup failure results in DSP session leak on TCU and over time. Fixed the code to copy over the mptime. Fixed code to remove the space before the first ptime value.1 crash when SIP call routed to H323 SA. QoS context entry list is broken for non-collapsed flow. it should be named as 'tls-global' instead of 'tls-config". 500 Internal errors during a load test of transcoded calls A(g729) ->C (PCMU) Defect: In NN9200. Build Contents & Bug Fixes H323 slowstart to SIP call. mptime Attribute Being Removed When Applying Transcoding Policy.1. configured media port). Resolved by modifying the code to detect transcodable codecs and then check for ptime incompatibilities.0 Build Information . the leak will lead to calls that required a transcoded resource failing with 500 Media Setup failures. it is removed from the show interfaces output.1:666.0. Also.0. the same for the ACLI command. Modified code to skip the IWF next hops when iwf-config is not enabled.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Memory allocation / free issues Large configurations with several thousand elements failed to load completely after a reboot.Net-Net SD D6. Gateway Heartbeat Alarm results in SPU switchover Steering pools failed to load when their configuration object had a network interface reference.e. Defect: Incompatible ptime Offered With Transcoding Policy. RADIUS CDR connect times are wrong RFC 2833 payload type mapping causes packet checksums to be incorrect 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 17 of 40 .0. The issue has been fixed by changing the names back to 'tlsGlobal' and 'tlsglobal'. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Task 'tNpwbNpmRx' crashed on 2. If the ptime of the top-most codec is incompatible with the other codecs in the m-line. Drain the RTP pkts until the media address is updated after OLC exchange. resulting in the incomplete value of the next hop entry.0. the xml element object for TLS configuration is 'tlsConfig'. This condition also causes a large number of exceptions to be generated. Fixed code to route messages to the correct h323GkGw instance. The log level for this entry has be re-leveled to INFO. Thus after an SPU switchover. and all calls were dropped. and to allow older and newer versions to exchange version information with minimal confusion. Defect: SD sending malformed RADIUS packets that are greater than the RFC recommended limit of 4096 bytes. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: nnD600m1p2 10/20/08 Stand alone requests generated by sipc do not get sent to the correct h323GkGw. Defect: System Manager task crashes on removal of PSU Defect: The tNpwbNpmRx task will immediately crash upon boot-up when the NN9200 has TCU cards installed and the system-config parameter -> xcode-pathmonitor is enabled Defect: Version information for a card's bootloaders and CPLDs as well as memory size info was only being stored on the SPU which was active at the time of that card's last boot. Defect: Defect: NN9200 changes the content of the payload in NOTIFY by adding spaces The latch state on Rev2 IPSec cards are inverted when processed by System software. H323 call fails if equal number of m lines are not present in the answer for Transcoding call. normal SIP behavior can potentially be affected that may result in loss of response to any incoming SIP message. this information was usually not available from the SM. the card is flagged to tell the SM to send it to the standby on the next chassis update message for this card. set). Slow path pcap dump not included in npu debug stats collection (dump npu-stats) tXSERV task crash during TCU bootup 2833 doesn't works for H323 FS No SNMP power supply failure trap when disconnecting power. in such a way as to allow older code to upgrade to it. Resolution: When this information is updated (i.0 Build Information . This prevented the newest upgrade code from working when the system was in this condition. Defect: Excessive messaging in log.0.hip due to log entries present when an arp message is received at HIP and there is not an entry in the local table matching the interface:vlan combination retrieved from the message. resulting in these RADIUS accounting packets being silently dropped Defect: There where several commands included in the "show support-info" command that where incorrect and resulting in "command not found" errors 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 18 of 40 . On a full SM resync. Defect: Defect: LID suspended right after SPU0 Switchover to Active Role Task 'tNpwbNpmRx' crashed on 2. Link Down SNMP trap shows the same ifindex when fiber on port0 is disconnected on PHY0 or PHY2 IPSEC packets are dropped after ESP or AH sequence number reaches 2^32.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: When packet-capture is enabled under traffic load.e.0.0 followed by NPU switchover. this flag is set for all cards so that a newly booting or inserted SPU will have the correct information.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: "acmeVersion" is modified to recognize and encode the alpha/beta level in the high order of the verType field. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: The validation of the start-time and end-time attributes in the HDR's collect and group-settings elements is missing several types of invalid values. 0. Call setup will fail if the egress interface is out of range. Link Down events were not being reported correctly via SNMP. These wrongly programmed egress packets can slow down the NPU by exercising the error paths at the packet interval rates. Defect: When "show support-info" command is executed. Defect: Error logging level and console prints slowing down the NPU when invalid frames are received. Defect: HDR has typo mistakes on the 1st row attribute name after comparing with MIB reference guide: 1. the 'switchover' command puts all 3 TCU's in active role. the Acme-SIP-Diversion value extraction in the NN9200 differs from that of the NN4250. Defect: Retrieval of the iwf-config object was failing when EMS would attempt to discover SD4. it trys to execute "show log level * all" command which times out and ACLI is blocked for a few minutes. 9200 is dropping packets when more than 2000 simultaneous calls are placed.which was causing problems when endpoint with the same ID would try to re-register (it would not be able to). Corrected by modifying the code so that the first Diversion header is now used in the accounting record. Proper handling of bursty traffic is implemented to resolve this issue. Defect: When get-bulk request was made to the SNMP Agent on string objects from the proprietary mib (ream name was one of them). Defect: The 'acct-stop-on-challenge' parameter is the sip-config is not displayed. Defect: Incorrect release code in Accounting info for h323 call due to keepAlive timeout.InLastChange should be IfLastChange 2. Useful information will be logged to track the source of these invalid frames. However. it was not reflected in CDR. data was corrupted randomly and final result was wrong.0 Build Information . if the configuration file was greater than 64k. iwf-config is single type object and it was behaving as there where more of them in the configuration. Defect: When running IPSec phy cards and a 256K Fire CAM in the same system running SIP. Defect: In Radius CDRs. even though it is being configured and used by the system. the following alarm occurs: "** EMERGENCY ALARM ** Task tNATM on x.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: RADIUS Accounting-Off request in NN9200 doesn't match that of NN4250.Error should be OutErrors. Acct-Output-Octets. as its missing the Acct-Input-Octets. Defect: NPU Invalid RX Frame Error when packets from DSP routed to invalid egress interface. Acct-Input-Packets.OutErrors should be InErrors 3.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: Registration entries where cleared only from the SipLS and not from the SipT-s . as the code for displaying this parameter is not present.0 with PID xxxxxxxx is Stopped!". Acct-Output-Packets. the Call-ID for egress side should have been generated to be different from the ingress side. Defect: Active and standby cards would not sync up correctly. The issue was the maximum limit on binary buffer size. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 19 of 40 . causing SIP signaling to fail. which was used to store the configuration data read from the file.0. Console prints are removed and logging level is lowered to avoid this issue. With 3 TCUs in a double active (2+1) scenario. where CDR still showed ingress & egress callid to be identical. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Duplicated error entry in "show h323 agentstats" Wrong value of Call-ID in CDR on egress side "Acme-Session-Egress-Call" Non-redundant IPSEC card would cause incorrect deduction to NPU health score. Defect: When SIP-config Dialog Transparency is disabled. X1 IP/port and so on) were not allowed to save. user will not be able to save the config and proper error message will be prompted. g729/g729AnnexA vs g729wAnnexB) Dynamic update of transcoding-policy fails when updating the allow-codecs. Corrected behavior so that error messages are logged for error conditions only. sip-header-orig.0 Build Information .323 often picks the wrong G729 codec (i. The CPU hog will force SPU to switchover. A warning message means configuration is valid and saved but it reminds of results that users may not expect. When a re-INVITE is received from the opposite endpoint than the original INVITE. This defect has been fixed in this patch. Calls could lose RTP after a certain number of calls if 256K CAM is used in the system. Now this sort of configuration changes are allowed to save but error or warning messages will be prompted for user to fix later on.323 transcoding for T. Defect: LI configuration errors for non-critical attributes (such as X1 realm. warning will be given so that users can fix header match in the LI configuration. the session-agent statistics will have incoming and outgoing reversed When doing transcoding.38 fax not working. The NAS-ID now follows the NAS-IP-ADDRESS near the beginning of the packet. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: A lot of [MINOR] errors are recorded in syslog after activate-config.x.x is Stopped" during an attempt to delete a NAT entry on the standby NPU.e. System was not able to display warning messages that came from configuration changes. If nothing is matched. both SPUs will be in RECOVERY state for a long time.0. This patch fixed this problem. Defect: RFC 2833 to/from SIP-INFO DTMF translations are attempted in transcoded calls despite the feature not being supported for transcoding. LITID was not stored and reported correctly in "show li warrants". H. Some of LI config attributes (realm. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: nnD600m1p1 10/1/08 H. At the end. the SD does not check the ingress TCS to ensure it does not pick a codec not supported by the endpoint. As a result the call Defect: When H. sip-header-term and sip-headerredi.323 transcoding takes place. This patch fixed this problem. In order to intercept. Newly standby SIPC was suspending/stopping when cleaning up the Media Session for a timed out SIP session. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: fails. sip-header-match should match against sip-header-orig. operator-id and element-id) were not checked for sanity. LI configuration errors for critical attribute such as X1/X2/X3 name will not be allowed to save and error message is given so that user can fix it right away.Net-Net SD D6. the SD does not convert force-ptime in the transcoding policy to appropriate frame-per-packet in the openLogicalChannel request to force the ptime. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 20 of 40 . Match type was not stored and reported correctly in "show li warrants". Now users will be able to see warnings that may come from configuration changes.323 transcoding fails for FastStart to SlowStart call fails when there is video in the TCS received on the slow-start side. Advanced configuration check now applies to sip-header-match. Alarm of 'Task tNATM on x. H. Now if any of these attributes is not configured.323 transcoding fails for FS-SS call When transcoding with G729 H. SDP manipulation by the enabled feature may disrupt the operation of other transcoding functionality. Need to prevent exiting configuration edit mode with non-configured attributes that don’t have a valid default value.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Xcode debug logging does not include Xserv logs Build Contents & Bug Fixes Hot insertion of PHY card results in UNASSIGNED state Defect: There was a bug in deleting targets in a particular order that could hog CPU in LID. sip-header-term and sip-header-redir. AUTH crashes when configuration changes made to authentication configuration. MBCD will then forward this lru id information on which allows us to free up a trusted entry for new registration(s). The run-time list of servers is now properly managed by the code.0 Build Information . The icid-value parameter in the Acme-Session-ChargingVector header wasn’t being found due to a bug in MsgHeader::find_param. The SNMP "ifSpeed" MIB object shows the wrong link speed: 1Mb/s (1000000) instead of 1000Mb/s (1000000000). In this case. even when there are no physical links. Generally. Defect: A pre-ceiling limit for trusted entries has been added in tNATM when the logic to get the trusted lru is called.’ being found. the interval should start at ping-interval and double at each attempt until it reaches the max of 4 * ping-interval. After the first failure. This can consume many CPU cycles Defect: A SIP header which contains only a tel URI is not being stored properly using a uri-user element manipulation rule Defect: Acme-Session-Charging-Vector is not sent when P-Charging-Vector is present in SIP msg.creating timer' log polluting sipc log at config activate time 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 21 of 40 .38 and G711 Network Processor crash when media policing enabled for transcoded calls Defect: When a SipManipulation is loaded upon a save and activate. Defect: 'Realm::startTimer() . without a header body. Defect: When a P-Charging-Function-Address header is present during establishment of a sip dialog (in the 200 OK) the CDR sent by the SD to RADIUS server does not include the Acme-Session-Charging-Function_Address attribute. but the 1st message contains 2 headers and the 2nd message only contains one. Add a check in MBCD to see if the call is spiraled and transcoding is enabled in the realm.723 transcoding fails in H.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The time interval for sending OPTION messages for session-agent ping is not correct. Socket Options and TCP keep alive not implemented for H323. Defect: G. Fixed the code to encode the G723 OCL's properly. with only those parameters following a ‘. parameters follow a semicolon in the header. For the PCFA and PCV.0. it will recompile all of the regular expressions even if nothing has changed in the manipulation rule. Defect: When two SIP messages are sent consecutively which matches a HMR. the first parameter would always be skipped by find_param. setting the description field in the system-access-list config element fails with invalid error message T. the parameters appear by themselves.323 hairpin peering call. the current trusted lru entry id is passed back to mbcd. if so do not release the media. Added a check in mbcd to ensure TOS marking is only applied to the TCU when the call is a spiral transcoded call. G728 transcoding failed due to problems with DSP firmware Defect: SIP hairpin transcoded calls don't work because of TOS.Net-Net SD D6. Changed Traffic Manager configuration responsible for arp traffic. Session-agents do not come back in-service after unconfiguring session-agent ping. Defect: Defect: The CLI “show interfaces” command always reports the interface status for copper PHYs as “UP”. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Service outage after back-back upgrades.38 Passthrough fax case fails when the answerer responds with codec list of t. When a successful nat flow add is made and the current entry count is above the limit. the HMR will pick up the value from the 1st header rule incorrectly. Defect: Currently if user does not configure realm for X1/X2/X3 agent. which makes user believe realm is mandatory. thus identifying it to older versions properly during an upgrade. Defect: The 'dump-logs-on-failure' parameter of the system-config does not include NPU logs Defect: The release script has been modified to write the maintenance level of this package into the release. SD will occasionally apply the result of number translation to the LRQ but occasionally will not.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Transrating enabled in MBCD at Answer time instead of Offer time as all other forms of transcoding For the same GK-GK call. Fixed code to replicate the IWF information in the dialog. However. Defect: The "dump" command does not include transcoding stats Defect: Potential call failure due to "500 Media Setup failure" sent by the SD after receiving a Re-INVITE. The /ramdrv directory disappeared during sftp session Maximum transcoded session count limited to 7992 Defect: SIP fails to send BYE to H323 when the media guard timer times out.Net-Net SD D6. but still sometimes used. this feature is unfinished and scheduled for future release. We expect CN to be 13.0 may crash when using TCP on networks with high data loss Used Port Maps not properly freed when internal protocol tracing is enabled for SIPLS. Defect: Audio issues with Call Hold and Resume in Spiraled Transcoded call.0. The IWF flag in a sip dialog is not replicated to the standby.1. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 22 of 40 . Codecs that do not match m line's type are treated as valid.cfg file. caused by MBCD reusing a xsession ID after it had already freed the xsession. The tSFE task on 0. Only MediaProfile (if present) settings are applied despite what the SDP negotiates. The root cause of the defeat was in MBCD. If SIP request is an IWF message and with null idClient and idContext. This means target database will not survive after X1 socket is disconnected or SPU switchover. This option was blindly ported from SD2 to SD4. use will be warned of "retain-on-disconnect not supported in this release" and the retention-mode will take the value of "delete-on-disconnect". Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Task msfe was not properly releasing it's sockets. because of the complexity in SD4. and X1 client should attempt to reconnect and reprogram target database into SD3. 19 is antiquated. Resolved by modifying MBCD to walk each linked flow and reset Xclient session ID after they are freed in XClient. Now this message has been changed to a warning "realm is invalid" and user has an option to fix it later on. nnD600m1 9/3/08 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: HDR Push Trap attribute's name is not consistent with the NN4000 series naming convention.0 Build Information . Defect: Currently there is an option "retain-on-disconnect" for x1-agent->retention-mode. exhausting the socket pool and causing EMS to be unable to discover the SBC. will always be routed to H323. With this fix. In our system xcoding applies to both MBCD / NAT flows. Defect: Even though allow * is specified. which is the industry standard. transcoding discards CN codec with pt 19. Defect: When programming transcoding negotiated VAD settings (annexb for G729 and silenceSupp for G711) are ignored. a warning will come out with "Agent must have a realm". thus a change in either flow should entail re-enabling of all flows to make sure latest info is passed to XClient and Cam entry. MBCD did not take into account spiral calls when processing a modify flow request. For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: When a call was placed on hold with "sendonly" SDP.1. The input range is set to only display entries from search index 0 to 200 when a range is not specified: ‘show nat by-index’. SD sends 200 OK back with retry-after header. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: When using the local response mapping feature with cpu-overload errors for registration. problem does not exist in D5.3. SD sends RTP packets from outgoing steering-pool to incoming SP. Defect: Defect: by SD.Net-Net SD D6. Not possible to configure TCP keepAlive parameters for SIP/TCP. There is a mismatch for xml_element_name from object NetworkParameters and in The OID apCombinedSessionAgentStatsEntry (1. Defect: ACLI command ‘show nat by-index’ would execute with no output.0. H.1. Fixed the code to dynamically allocate memory.2. When using the local response mapping feature with cpu-overload errors for registration. ReInvite was rejected when MBCD had a failure deleting a RTCP CAM entry in a complex call scenario. Static h323 array bloating memory. the NAT entry to forward the RTP and RTCP from the sending endpoint to the receiving endpoint was not properly set up. ENUM SAG Match feature was missing CAM driver misinterpreting and displaying the incorrect NAT key read from the Fire CAM. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: The SD was populating the Request-URI and Route headers with Session Agent names that are not valid FQDNs.x Defect: Defect: XML. TCU consumes large static buffers. Defect: SIP Call times out when local-policy route is not found.1.0 Build Information . This problem was recently introduced by changes for D6. A log printout will be generated but everything else will function as though the delete was successful. some of contact headers are removed The Q850 reason is not carried over to h323's cause. Defect: Defect: Major alarm of "All of collector's push receivers are down" even when HDR collector is not configured.4. if so do not release the media. Modified code so that failing to delete a cam entry is no longer treated as an error. and display the first 50 entries found.1. SD send 200 OK back.2.0. Fixed the usage help for sip-status in Q850-SIP and SIP-Q850 configuration elements.6. Defect: The sip-status values were not accepted in Q850-SIP Mapping Elements. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 23 of 40 .0. Dynamic memory allocation is used instead of static memory allocation. Resolved by adding a mechanism to process the Reason header in the responses.245 tcp listening sockets may slowly leak over time Defect: When symmetric latching is enabled. SIP INFO to DTMF translated to wrong digit and duration. Defect: SIP INFO messages received from the terminator of the session may not be translated to RFC 2833 digits correctly based on the rfc2833-mode configuration. Defect: 500 Error returned by NATM (Media Setup Failure) in a transcoded scenario.3.9148. Add a check in MBCD to see if the call is spiraled and transcoding is enabled in the realm.1) is returning "No such Instance" The default load limit for SFE has been changed from 80 to 95. The command has been updated to now search the table up to the max entries. Defect: Acme-Session-Charging-Vector is not sent when P-Charging-Vector is present in SIP msg. causing SIP signaling to fail. resulting in these RADIUS accounting packets being silently dropped Defect: Defect: The CLI 'show interfaces' command always reports the interface status for copper PHYs as 'UP'. Defect: SD sending malformed RADIUS packets that are greater than the RFC recommended limit of 4096 bytes. HMR element uri-phone-number-only won't match if there is a plus-sign ('+') in the match-value Defect: When there are multiple matching local polices for a request that have the same next hop.0. The icid-value parameter in the Acme-Session-ChargingVector header wasn't being found due to a bug in MsgHeader::find_param. Defect: Defect: nnD600p5 10/23/08 Task msfe was not properly releasing it's sockets. Generally. G728 transcoding failed due to problems with DSP firmware Defect: SIP hairpin transcoded calls don't work because of TOS. Defect: Retrieval of the iwf-config object was failing when EMS would attempt to discover SD4. Link Down events were not being reported correctly via SNMP. the 'switchover' command puts all 3 TCU's in active role.1.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes ACLI and SNMP interface displays erroneous number of h323 registrations. the parameters appear by themselves. The SNMP "ifSpeed" MIB object shows the wrong link speed: 1Mb/s (1000000) instead of 1000Mb/s (1000000000).Net-Net SD D6. exhausting the socket pool and causing EMS to be unable to discover the SBC. Defect: When a P-Charging-Function-Address header is present during establishment of a sip dialog (in the 200 OK) the CDR sent by the SD to RADIUS server does not include the Acme-Session-Charging-Function_Address attribute. 9200 is dropping packets when more than 2000 simultaneous calls are placed. For the PCFA and PCV. The 'show user' ACLI command intermittently does not display all logged in users. with only those parameters following a '. even when there are no physical links. the first parameter would always be skipped by find_param. Fixed the code to display the correct registrations. Defect: When both symmetric-latching and restricted-latching were enabled for a realm. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Wrong value of Call-ID in CDR on egress side "Acme-Session-Egress-Call" Add a check in MBCD to see if the call is spiraled and transcoding is enabled in the realm.' being found.0 Build Information . Proper handling of bursty traffic is implemented to resolve this issue. parameters follow a semicolon in the header. The tSFE task on 0. if so do not release the media.0 may crash when using TCP on networks with high data loss This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: The validation of the start-time and end-time attributes in the HDR's collect and group-settings elements is missing several types of invalid values. With 3 TCUs in a double active (2+1) scenario. Added a check in mbcd to ensure TOS marking is only applied to the TCU when the call is a spiral transcoded call. the SD sends to the same target more than once if the first attempt fails. iwf-config is single type object and it was behaving as there where more of them in the configuration. without a header body. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 24 of 40 . In this case. it was applying 'peer-ip' restricted-latching as though the endpoint was behind a NAT rather than 'sdp' restricted-latching as configured in the realm. Defect: NPU Invalid RX Frame Error when packets from DSP routed to invalid egress interface. a warning will come out with "Agent must have a realm". the Acme-SIP-Diversion value extraction in the NN9200 differs from that of the NN4250. if the configuration file was greater than 64k. However.Error should be OutErrors.0. Defect: Currently there is an option "retain-on-disconnect" for x1-agent->retention-mode. Defect: Used Port Maps not properly freed when internal protocol tracing is enabled for SIPLS. Only MediaProfile (if present) settings are applied despite what the SDP negotiates. Now this message has been changed to a warning "realm is invalid" and user has an option to fix it later on. Defect: Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 Hot insertion of PHY card results in UNASSIGNED state Xcode debug logging does not include Xserv logs There was a bug in deleting targets in a particular order that could hog CPU in LID.0 with PID xxxxxxxx is Stopped!". The issue was the maximum limit on binary buffer size. the Call-ID for egress side should have been generated to be different from the ingress side. Defect: dump-logs-on-failure does not include NPU logs Defect: Error logging level and console prints slowing down the NPU when invalid frames are received. caused by MBCD reusing a xsession ID after it had already freed the xsession. These wrongly programmed egress packets can slow down the NPU by exercising the error paths at the packet interval rates. This option was blindly ported from SD2 to SD4. as the code for displaying this parameter is not present. both SPUs Proprietary and Confidential Page 25 of 40 . because of the complexity in SD4. At the end. which makes user believe realm is mandatory. the the following alarm occurs: "** EMERGENCY ALARM ** Task tNATM on x. Defect: HDR has typo mistakes on the 1st row attribute name after comparing with MIB reference guide: 1. Call setup will fail if the egress interface is out of range. Defect: "dump" command does not include transcoding stats Defect: Potential call failure due to "500 Media Setup failure" sent by the SD after receiving a Re-INVITE. The CPU hog will force SPU to switchover.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: When SIP-config Dialog Transparency is disabled. Defect: Defect: /ramdrv directory disappeared during SFTP session Maximum transcoded session count limited to 7992 Defect: In Radius CDRs. Useful information will be logged to track the source of these invalid frames. With this fix. even though it is being configured and used by the system. this feature is unfinished and scheduled for future release. Corrected by modifying the code so that the first Diversion header is now used in the accounting record. and X1 client should attempt to reconnect and reprogram target database into SD3. This means target database will not survive after X1 socket is disconnected or SPU switchover.0. Defect: Currently if user does not configure realm for X1/X2/X3 agent. Console prints are removed and logging level is lowered to avoid this issue. However.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: When programming transcoding negotiated VAD settings (annexb for G729 and silenceSupp for G711) are ignored.InLastChange should be IfLastChange 2. Resolved by modifying MBCD to walk each linked flow and reset Xclient session ID after they are freed in XClient. where CDR still showed ingress & egress callid to be identical. Defect: When running IPSec phy cards and a 256K Fire CAM in the same system running SIP. it was not reflected in CDR. use will be warned of "retain-on-disconnect not supported in this release" and the retention-mode will take the value of "delete-on-disconnect". Defect: The 'acct-stop-on-challenge' parameter is the sip-config is not displayed.0 Build Information . Defect: Active and standby cards would not sync up correctly. which was used to store the configuration data read from the file.OutErrors should be InErrors 3. Defect: Targets of target-type = 'E. due to Match type was not stored correctly in "show li warrants". After the first failure. have target-type stored and reported incorrectly.x is Stopped" during an attempt to delete a NAT entry on the standby NPU. A lot of [MINOR] errors are recorded in syslog after activate-config. Newly standby SIPC was suspending/stopping when cleaning up the Media Session for a timed out SIP session. Defect: The time interval for sending OPTION messages for session-agent ping is not correct. The issue is related to 16bit cam-id index that is stored in the CAM table. Alarm of 'Task tNATM on x. the interval should start at ping-interval and double at each attempt until it reaches the max of 4 * ping-interval. SPI value for IPSEC security-associations cannot be configured for the full range specified by the RFC. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 The SD was populating the Request-URI and Route headers with Session Agent names that are not valid FQDNs.x.6.9148. Unnecessary Attributes in Disabled m-Line Added for Transcoding. Defect: H. Latching fails after about 32K Calls through the box. Defect: With 256K Firecam installed on the NPU.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes will be in RECOVERY state for a long time. Defect: Klockwork pointer de-referenced after check for NULL Status.1) is returning "No such Instance" Minor Misspelling in "show xcl session-byipp" Output Incomplete Help for "show xserv" and "show xclient" Commands Proprietary and Confidential Page 26 of 40 .1.164-Leading-Digits'.1.2. Banner functionality did not previously exist. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Transcoding Policy Results in Multiple Rtpmaps for G729 and G729A. The acme-source-routing feature does not always route the packet to the correct media interface ACLI history was persistent across SSH/Telnet/Console sessions.0. Occassionally packets generated by the two active TCUs got mixed up because of the incorrect flow ids and were dropped in the qGMAC.3.1. LI configuration errors for non-critical attributes (such as X1 realm.4.1. latching would fail.245 tcp listening sockets may slowly leak over time Defect: When total system allocated steering pool ports are greater than 450K combined. This defect has been fixed in this patch. If the new call allocated cam-id that is bigger than 65535 (16 bits). tMBCD spikes the CPU on the NPUs and causes both cards to go from Recovery to OOS. Corrected behavior so that error messages are logged for error conditions only. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. X1 IP/port and so on) were not allowed to save.0 Build Information . Defect: Defect: nnD600p4 9/5/08 LITID was not stored and reported correctly in "show li warrants". The OID apCombinedSessionAgentStatsEntry (1.2. Calls could lose RTP after a certain number of calls if 256K CAM is used in the system. Pointer 'offset' checked for NULL at line 663 will be de-referenced at line 667.Net-Net SD D6.3. 723 transcoding fails in H. Now apply this CLI command in the CLI editing context. MBCD will then forward this lru id information on which allows us to free up a trusted entry for new registration(s). dx240 has more buffering capapcity than the qGMAC.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: When there is a LI config change. and display the first 50 entries found.Net-Net SD D6. If the health score is set to zero. Flow control is removed once the traffic congestion is passed. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Problems with iLBC and Forced Ptime Values Session-agents do not come back in-service after unconfiguring session-agent ping. dx240 in turn exerts flow control once it runs out of its buffers. Defect: Acme-Disconnect-Initiator shown 0 for IWF (sip-h323) when call is terminated by originator. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 27 of 40 . Defect: Defect: Defect: Service outage after back-back upgrades.323 hairpin peering call.0. The command has been updated to now search the table up to the max entries. When a successful nat flow add is made and the current entry count is above the limit. Once the buffers in the qGMAC cross the high watermark it exerts flow control towards dx240. Non-applicable Data in Fax Session of "show xclient" Defect: Flow control is enabled in the qGMAC. but it will not result in a card switchover. the current trusted lru entry id is passed back to mbcd. Fixed the code to set the disconnect initiator for IWF calls properly. Defect: Description: When a gateway is unreachable a MAJOR alarm is sent from arpm which results in a phy & np switchover. an alarm will be generated. Additional health score value checks are now executed. It should work with or without any LI config change. Bad DTMF Settings in DSP Configuration for Transcoded Fax Calls Bad Tone Regeneration in DSP Configuration for Transcoded Non-Fax Calls Defect: A pre-ceiling limit for trusted entries has been added in natm when the logic to get the trusted lru is called. Fix Submitted: The health score parameter under gw-heartbeat did not change the behavior described above. When a gateway goes unreachable the health score value will now allow us to determine the severity of the alarm that will be sent up from arpm. Changed Traffic Manager configuration responsible for arp traffic.0 Build Information . Problems with G726 Transrating Codecs Inconsistent with Forced Ptime are Allowed/Added Defect: Crash of sipd while creating TCP/TLS connections with registrations. Standby RASM crashes when administratively disabling RADIUS server. Defect: Defect: G. The code now properly handles disabling a server with outstanding requests. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: H323 slow-start to fast-start conversion does not work in 100% of the cases following a save/activate config. control li verify-config didn't work until SD restarted. One can use "control li verify-config" to exercise LI config changes. a change in the health degrade value netted a phy/npu reset. Memory was being corrupted in the random number generation code of the security module. Offer with G726 rejected when rtpmap not specified In some cases ICMP responses over the media interfaces are sent with TTL of 1 Incorrect PT in "show xclient" When G726-32 Added with Dynamic PT Defect: ACLI command ‘show nat by-index’ would execute with no output. The input range is set to only display entries from search index 0 to 200 when a range is not specified: ‘show nat by-index’. Fixed the code to encode the G723 OCL's properly. Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: SEM was using binary buffer to store the data read from the configuration file. TCU consumes large static buffers. FPGA handle leak and cross connect table corruption for QoS enabled (collapsed) flows under load. ACLI was accessing NULL pointer in a log message. Defect: ATCP uses static allocation of atcp_sock. Defect: 500 Error returned by NATM (Media Setup Failure) in a transcoded scenario.0. Defect: Non-redundant IPSEC card would cause incorrect deduction to NPU healthscore. In some cases excessive memory was taken by the ATCP module. the fromURI and toURI were not restored to original one to responses When a registration matched more than one local-policy which each pointed to a different egress realm. Dynamic memory allocation is used instead of static memory allocation. Fixed the code to display the correct registrations. the wrong local-policy route was being trimmed An SPU in slot 1 would not properly assign the VMIP when an SPU is present in slot 0 and fails to boot. ReInvite was rejected when MBCD had a failure deleting a RTCP CAM entry in a complex call scenario. When translation-rules not applied in inbound request. The run-time list of servers is now properly managed by the code.0 Build Information . As a result active SEM would fail to sync up configuration files with the standby SEM. 'show xclient session-byid' displays Incorrect payload type for iLBC 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 28 of 40 . should be dynamic (actual name "sock_list"). Missing T. the media flows between 2 East Flows (Called Parties). regardless of whether or not they are used by that core. 'show xclient session-byipp' fails periodically 'show xclient by-sessid' shows wrong info for fax transcoded call Defect: Acli crashes on issueing "show running config collector" with logging set to DEBUG. Fixed the code to dynamically allocate memory. Defect: Defect: AUTH crashes when configuration changes made to authentication configuration. Added additional checks before trying to use the pointer.38 parameters in SDP Answer when Fax transcoding enabled. Defect: NPSOFT is consuming large static buffers to manage switch IDs. The static buffers currently take up memory on every core in the system. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: ACLI and SNMP interface displays erroneous number of h323 registrations.Net-Net SD D6. Modified code so that failing to delete a cam entry is no longer treated as an error.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: SIP Call times out when local-policy route is not found. Static h323 array bloating memory. In 3PCC scenario. The code had to be modified to detect 3PCC and set appropriate codecs for each call leg. but binary buffer has a limit of 64k to internal memory allocation. A log printout will be generated but everything else will function as though the delete was successful. Defect: During a 3PCC call audio stopped working after the 2 parties were joined together. Defect: Defect: Defect: off. Alarms of Generating Gateway Health Report when gw-heartbeat was not configured. Help strings missing from response-map recv-code config command for new internal error types. Transcoding code in MBCD always assumed the media would go from West (Calling Party) to East (Called Party). but the 1st message contains 2 headers and the 2nd message only contains one. SD will occassionally apply the result of number translation to the LRQ but occassionally will not. and low moss scores.Net-Net SD D6.0 may crash when using TCP on networks with high data loss Defect: HDR has typo mistakes on the 1st row attribute name after comparing with MIB reference guide: 1.0. the SD sends to the same target more than once if the first attempt fails. it was applying 'peer-ip' restricted-latching as though the endpoint was behind a NAT rather than 'sdp' restricted-latching as configured in the realm.38 Passthrough fax case fails when the answerer responds with codec list of t. Defect: Defect: Codecs that do not match m line's type are treated as valid. Defect: Even though allow * is specified.creating timer' log polluting sipc log at config activate time Transrating enabled in MBCD at Answer time instead of Offer time as all other forms of transcoding Defect: When both symetric-latching and restricted-latching were enabled for a realm. Proper handling of burtsty traffic and flow ids was implemented to resolve this issue. Changed the macro to accept packetization interval from 5 to 240 ms inclusive. Defect: The IWF flag in a sip dialog is not replicated to the standby. Defect: Defect: 'Realm::startTimer() . Added a check that we use only codecs from a set of flows that have xcoding enabled on them. Defect: For the same GK-GK call. In a spiral call where transcoding was enabled on one call. We expect CN to be 13. The subsequent call to is_good() in delete_media_session() reveals that the MediaSession instance has a bad value.OutErrors should be InErrors 3. 19 is antiquated. it will recompile all of the regular expressions even if nothing has changed in the manipulation rule. A MediaSession instance was accessed after it had been deleted.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: Asymmetric Media flow in a straight PCMA scenario.0 Build Information . Ptime of 240 ms not being accepted by parameter check macro (limit was 200 ms). the HMR will pick up the value from the 1st header rule incorrectly.38 and G711 Network Processor crash when media policing enabled for transcoded calls SBC fails the call when INVITE has PCMA/U or G729 and G723 with ptime=20 Defect: When a SipManipulation is loaded upon a save and activate.1. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 29 of 40 .Error should be OutErrors. high jitter values. transcoding discards CN codec with pt 19. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: The 9200 does not allow a sufficient number of HIP interfaces to be configured T.InLastChange should be IfLastChange 2. but still sometimes used. which is the industry standard. but not the other when programming the XClient we were using codec information for a call that had xcoding disabled on it for one of the call legs. Defect: For simulated traffic. Defect: When there are multiple matching local polcies for a request that have the same next hop. Defect: Cyclic tSIPC crash. Fixed code to replicate the IWF information in the dialog. calls fail the quality thresholds with large numbers of packets lost. This can consume many CPU cycles Defect: A SIP header which contains only a tel URI is not being stored properly using a uri-user element manipulation rule Defect: When two SIP messages are sent consectively which matches a HMR. Defect: Bad Packet Interval Configured for iLBC Call (ptime 30 to ptime 240). The tSFE task on 0. This was resolved by adding functionality to deal with G726-32 as both static and dynamic payload types. A sip-manipulation with an action type of ‘sip-manip’ combined with a comparison check causes the SD to crash. There was an issue where the parameter that holds the Percent Busy value for a Session Agent was not being updated properly. Defect: When attempting to SSH to the SD. Conversely. Internal point of 'From' user was not set. it will be added only if the G726-32 payload type is not 2. It has been disabled. Fixed the code to process the 2nd INVITE properly.323 hairpin peering call. If the policy wants to add both G726 and G726-32. if G726 is in the original offer and its allowed. the fax m line was added even though original m line is disabled. The default load limit for SFE was set too high. CDR reports incorrect Acme-Disconnect-Initiator with call cancels. The system would not accept G726-32 with a dynamic payload type. During transcoding of a fax call. Defect: G726-32 is a codec than can have both a static payload type and it can be dynamic. Defect: Defect: Defect: contact. this has now be implemented. if it already existed and was bigger than the new file being transferred.38 to G711 transcoding. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: G. if G726-32 is in the original offer and its allowed. There was a erroneous check in Xclient for payload type match.723 transcoding fails in H. this has been changed from 80 to 95. it will be added with dynamic payload type. the order of how it appears in the 'add-onegress' line matters. if G726 is to be added. the connection fails. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Fax image corruption during T. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Defect: Some CALEA logs that were auto-generated were unprotected.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name nnD600p3 Build Date 8/4/08 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: Performing an ACLI 'select' only displays a maximum of 500 configuration element instances on the NN9200. Setting 'G711FB:no' in Transcoding Policy doesn't disallow both PCMU and PCMA. it would put multiple rtpmaps for a single static payload type. NPU failover followed by IPSEC card failover would cause loss of traffic.0. Furthermore.Net-Net SD D6. Fixed the code to encode the G723 OCL's properly. but if both are added by the egress transcoding policy. If G726 appears last. it gets payload type 2 and G726 is not added. The maximum should be increased to 1050 to match that of the NN4250. Defect: Transcoding not enabled when codec added on egress returned in answer. G726-32 calls where transcoding was enabled are being rejected. The SD was populating the Request-URI and Route headers with Session Agent names that are not valid FQDNs. Defect: PropDist does not work as expected. if G726-32 is to be added. Task crash of tSIPLS process during SIP Torture packet flood. Defect: 630-0034-60 ENUM SAG Match feature was missing. G726 is added with payload type 2 and G726-32 is added with a dynamic payload type. and accessed illegally when trying to find user SD Answer Does Not Include ptime for G726-40 Transrated Call. The SSH key file transfer would corrupt the file. Modified the relevant code to use protected API so that CALEA logs can be generated only with the presence of an LI debug license and only if 'debug-cli' is enabled. Proprietary and Confidential Page 30 of 40 . If G726-32 appears last. H323 FS-FS calls with transcoding-policy defined incorrectly fall back to FS-SS.0 Build Information . H323 process is rejecting the second INVITE when doing route advance. when a new INVITE (not REINVITE) is received and sent.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The command to set load limit for h323 is inconsistent with similar command for SIP. Fixed to add ACK to the intercept path. Defect: Defect: Downloading IPSEC PHY co-processor could cause link state to be reported as down and cause a PHY switchover.1. MBCD did not take into account spiral calls when processing a modify flow request. In order to intercept. Only non-empty VSA ranges resulted in an update to the executing VSA filter. and so on. The program counter in the task check dump shows stack corruption caused by buffer overflow. no answer. Defect: After a resync from an active NPU that was previously switched over. Defect: nnD600p2 7/3/08 Under certain circumstances. busy.0. Defect: Configuring ftp-address with invalid IP causes intermittent high CPU usage (97%). This problem has been fixed in such a way that.0 Build Information . generates new intercept ID if there is match. Defect: Need to prevent exiting configuration edit mode with non-configured attributes that don’t have a valid default value. Defect: Audio issues with Call Hold and Resume in Spiraled Transcoded call. previous LI lookup is cleared. which is stored in a circular buffer to recycle the memory. telephone-event not added on egress. Heavy TLS traffic would cause SPU core 0. Defect: SIP was not switching to TCP when the message length was within 200 bytes of the network MTU. Defect: The X2 Pkt for "ACK" is missing (Busy Scenario). causing media not intercepted. The standby arp table shows that the configured gateway is unreachable while the active shows the gateway as reachable after bootup. sip-header-term and sip-header-redi.x to go unresponsive. The buffer is now limited to the last 100 commands. In our system xcoding applies to both MBCD / NAT flows. Fixed the "set h323" and "show h323 load" ACLI commands to work the same way as SIP. the standby ARP table gateway entries were unreachable.Net-Net SD D6. The root cause of the defeat was in MBCD. Defect: Defect: In some scenarios the socket descriptor for a TCP connection was being corrupted. Defect: The X2 Pkt for "CANCEL" is missing (No Answer). allowing infinite memory consumption. Fixed to add CANCEL message to the intercept path. and the new interception(s) is delivered as a new call. CANCEL is hop-by-hop message which is not intercept path. As such. Defect: Setting the account-config vsa-id-range to "" is not dynamic. sip-header-term and sip-header-redir. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 31 of 40 . thus a change in either flow should entail re-enabling of all flows to make sure latest info is passed to XClient and Cam entry. the same session is re-used and no LI lookup applied. The system now behaves properly when an IP address cannot be reached. sip-header-match should match against sip-header-orig. Defect: When a call is redirected to a third phone because of 3xx. SD applies LI lookups again. Defect: A configured gateway is unreachable on the newly active NPU after switchover during upgrade. SPU failover causes IPSEC phy-cards to cease sending traffic. This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Defect: The ACLI history buffer that stores all previously typed ACLI commands was completely unbounded. Advanced configuration check now applies to sip-header-match. sip-header-orig. the flow info from the directed call is not updated with LI. ACK for unsuccessful response is hop-by-hop message which is not in the intercept path. If nothing is matched. Defect: NPU switchover caused by a task tNpwbNpmRx crash on the active NPU. warning will be given so that users can fix header match in the LI configuration. End port was not properly encoded and thus was never sent to the standby. Defect: The time interval for sending OPTION messages for session-agent ping is not correct. neither of which are applicable to the NN9200. Modified MBCD not to update latch interface on the ingress and egress when a change in ingress and egress realms is detected. there was a problem that caused these calls to be intercepted again after falling back to the previous active NPU.0. because it could not clear an unused interrupt. This initial synchronization fails.0.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: One-way media if previously 'reset' NPU takes active role using 'switchover'. This was due to packets sent to a valid port of a sip port mapped interface being rejected by SFE. As such. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: SPU init occasionally failed at boot resulting in mastership change and card reset. Ported this feature over to the NN9200. Defect: The "via-header-transparency" option was not supported in the sip-interface configuration as it is in the NN4000 series. The active card returns the incorrect value to the redundancy subsystem. After the first failure. the SD will trigger a media guard timer. Defect: RASM for 6. and so redundancy between these versions does not work. two copies of SIP messages and media were intercepted. Defect: Error of "Cannot Process Packet. Defect: LI redundancy is not supported. Fixed to filter out redundant matches and ensure only one copy is built into intercept set.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: Defect: SIPLS LI logging was not working Re-entry to superuser mode does not prompt for password. user bandwidth is not released after a call ends. it synchronizes with the active card before beginning the standard replication process. Defect: Initial RADIUS synchronization stops prematurely. As a result. However. halting the process. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 32 of 40 . port out of range(5060:1030-0)" after SPU switchover. Defect: Defect: The encrypted fields auth-user and auth-password does not have ENCR-PBE prefix in XML X3 Pkt Loss on Transcoded Calls after TCU Switchover. but when some sip phones do not send media after sending reinvite call hold.0 Build Information . the SD still expects media flow going in one direction. Removed these from the XML. LI warrant lookup applied to both Request URI and To URI. The redundancy messages between 5. The SD2 would freeze with no access (except occasionally limited console) after a period of approximately 25 days of uptime. Defect: Although the call is on hold. Defect: XClient keeps the latest info for all sessions so whenever MBCD updates transcoding for a particular session. When an SPU transitions to standby. This would result in 403 Forbidden error. Defect: When configuring both request-uri and to-uri in the x123 application term-header match list. Problem was in encoding of the Redundancy Sfe Socket message. Defect: Due to a mismatch in the format of the password string between sd4 and EMS. and both results were built into west interception set. Fixed to reflect the same. Intermittently. Needed to apply this same behavior for XClient LI calls. PAI header for X2 streams doesn't reflect the target match.0 are not identical. Defect: The XML contains cdr-output-inclusive and cdr-output-redundancy.0. This delivery made sure calls will not be intercepted consistently after switchover. calls that was previously intercepted will not be intercepted after switchover. digest verification would fail.0.0 and 6. the interval should start at ping-interval and double at each attempt until it reaches the max of 4 * ping-interval. XClient would only send updates to XServ when something has actually changed.0.0.0 not online-upgrade capable from/to 5. Defect: The state of SIP sockets was not properly updated in the SFE when activating a configuration with changes to the sip-interface that enabled or disabled registration caching function. The standby NPU referenced a null pointer when replacing a flow anchor. Defect: CPU spike with tMBCD at 100%.0 Build Information . no matter what codec stream-selector is set to.0. if there is a matching warrant and call content is to be intercepted. Defect: Access lists used for granting priority to DNS replies prevent the internal DNS handler from receiving the responses.0.0. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 33 of 40 . this crash would happen. The Route header from the original INVITE request was not included in the CANCEL request. This problem was recently introduced by changes for D6.Net-Net SD D6. Configuring a media profile for a codec with dynamic payload type causes transcoding policy problems. SIP was not switching to TCP when the message length was within 200 bytes of the network MTU. The standby NPU referenced a null pointer when replacing a flow anchor. Defect: Defect: Defect: tMBCD crashing frequently on Standby NPU. This is a command line interface only enhancement. This has been corrected.x Defect: Using the same IP address on two VLANs will not allow TCP connections on both VLANs Defect: Wrong UDP destination port sending CANCEL SIP message. The code to copy the Route header from the INVITE to the CANCEL was looking at the new CANCEL request rather than the original INVITE request.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: Transcoding resources were leaking under certain traffic conditions that caused XServ modify errors. Defect: When symmetric latching is enabled. Defect: With route-to-registrar set to disabled on a sip-interface using registration caching.0. A uri-host which consists only of an IP address will successfully match against a sip-elem-rule with a match-val-type of type FQDN when it should not. Defect: If the timing was such that there was an outstanding "accounting on" request to a radius server (from the active rasm app) when a sync request came into the active rasm app from the standby rasm app. which caused media stream intercepted.323 transcoding fails for FS-FS calls because SD fails to send OLC in Setup message Defect: Trunk group routing was not working properly due to uninitialized ports in local policy attribute failing cases when checking for default port. This occurred because all trusted ACLs were added to the same session id. SD sends RTP packets from outgoing steering-pool to incoming SP. Corrected the code to copy the Route header(s) from the original INVITE request. Defect: There was a problem with D6. Response-map functionality remains unchanged. Defect: Defect: The MIU1 displays an invalid IP address when executing the cli command "show interfaces". Defect: The recv-code parameter of sip-response-map can now accept keywords in addition to the numeric codes for internal error types. this was causing exhaustive searches of current ACLs before adding a new trusted ACL. Defect: Defect: SNMP query for apEnvMonCpuCoreTable was not working properly. This fix applies only for DNS replies (source port 53) and transport-protocol set to UDP (transport-protocol of ALL will not allow DNS replies to the internal processes) Defect: Defect: SD terminates the call based on subsq-guard-timer when RTP is sent continuously with no RTCP. the INVITE is still performing a reg-cache lookup when it should instead use local-policy routing. H. This has been resolved by modifying the behavior to initialize port in local policy attribute class to zero. problem does not exist in D5. This fix will make interception behavior to be consistent with stream-selector configuration. XClient has been updated to prevent the Xserv modify errors from being reached and MBCD has been updated to catch the error condition. Missing SFPs should not make the I2C health scan for Fiber/SFP PHYs fail and cause Trusted allocation was limited to 98K. make the display difficult to read. Configuration did not support next hop SA configured with hostname.323 does not support SAG. Fixed the code to set the appropriate values for the Acme-Disconnect-Initiator The columns in the output of the "show acl info" command were not properly aligned. the 'show' command of the config would not display all codecs on a separate line (for example. Defect: alarms. PropDist does not work as expected. and when configuring the packet trace with command "start packet-trace interface IP local-port remote-port". it re-enables the codec upon forwarding. Now the limit is raised to 1000 concurrent calls. There was an issue where the parameter that holds the Percent Busy value for a Session Agent was not being Proprietary and Confidential Page 34 of 40 .0. the SD would send G729 after negotiating G711. H.0 (or 1.Net-Net SD D6. The 200 OK was not intercepted as a result of CANCEL (No Answer Scenario).323 call scenario. Defect: Local-port and remote-port of packet-trace are not taken into account when configured. Trusted allocation was limited to 98K. Call Failure With Transcoding When New Codec in Answer.0 Build Information . When configuring the packet trace with command "start packettrace interface IP local-port". Added support for this functionality. In a fax call scenario in which the SD receives a 200 OK with a disabled (port=0) fax codec m-line.0) after making various configuration changes. Modified the code to support SAG as next hop. G728 and GSM codecs were always displayed together on a single line). Defect: On transcoding policies which include many codecs in the add and order lists. The H323 translation feature was disabled in the code by default Acme-Disconnect-Initiator was showing 0 for every H. The ACLI priority has been modified so that the SD can at least be accessed through all forms of console/telnet/SSH when the ACLI is consuming ~100% CPU resources. Configuration did not support next hop SA with "*" realm-id. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 During certain transcoded call flows. Fire CAM now supports up to 120K trusted entries. Added support for this functionality.0. Unnecessary Attributes in Disabled m-Line Added for Transcoding. Traffic can't be processed on a HiFn phy card until 30 secs after it becomes operational. TCP connections on network interfaces are initiated with an incorrect MSS option Call Without rtpmap Fails With Transcoding Policy. Fire CAM now supports upto 120K trusted entries. Fixed to add 200 OK in the intercept path. Corrected behavior so that with '*' the SD will pass through all codecs unknown to it. H323 Transcoding failed when steering pool address is different from signaling address. Corrected ACLI to allow only one codec displayed per line.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The iAcli task was consuming 100% CPU on core 0. Defect: Defect: Defect: VSA. only the local port is taken into account.0. Defect: There was a problem in interception checkpoint which limited number of concurrent interceptions to 750 calls only. the local port is not taken into account. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: "Unable to perform health scan" on PHYs with any missing SFPs. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. This problem has been corrected. ptime is now removed. Transcoding may be programmed improperly when ReInvite is rejected by SBC. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul.323 does not set media address in the Connect message (forward) OLC for PMCU to G729 transcoding Missing SFPs should not make the I2C health scan for IPSEC SFP PHYs fail and cause alarms.323 SA that supports the non AnnexB flavor of g729. For the receiving side (as well as for the 9200) the mode takes precedence over ptime. and any Accounting-Request packet MUST have an Acct-Session-Id. Transcoding Policy Results in Multiple Rtpmaps for G729 and G729A. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Call is not rejected when top codec in Answer is not on Allow list of the transcoding policy. Call not torn down when SDP answer contains wrong codec under Late Media scenario. Transcoding Policy Fails to Add Codecs. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 35 of 40 . Transcoding: Order-Codecs With Implicit Anchor Fails. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Defect: When the option "NoG729AnnexB" is configured in the H.0 is Stopped when running 130CPS for a long duration. Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The Acct-Session-Id was not being sent in RADIUS records. Defect: Defect: H. Defect: The ACLI command "show radius accounting" improperly outputs the request waiting list.0 Build Information .Net-Net SD D6. Not all "well known" payload types are supported by 9200 Transcoding Policy. Transcoding: add-codecs-on-egress Not Working. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. NOTE: in this case. as in "show radius accounting verbose". Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul Transcoding not enabled when codec added on egress returned in answer. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. all start and stop records for a given session MUST have the same Acct-Session-Id. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. According to the RFC. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Transcoding policy can be fooled into accepting wrong codec. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. A g729 media-profile may be configured to change the fpp value the OLC (It's not required by default). Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. the SD will send "g729" in the OLC.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date updated properly. we would still send the received ptime even though it will not match with iLBC mode. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Task tNetTask on 2. The waiting list should only be shown when verbose output is enabled.0. By default the fpp for such OLC will be 3.0.323 transcoding fails because H. "Allow All" Transcoding Policy Does Not Allow All Codecs. Transcoding Policy fails when rtpmap not present in SDP under certain conditions. Transcoding Not Invoked When 200 OK Doesn't Contain Forced Codec.38. Bad request with add-codec-on-egress T. if at least one offered codec was kept. Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. Add G729 Policy Results in 500 for G729A Codec. Defect: For all codecs when no non-signaling (2833 Comfort noise) codecs from the received offer are kept in the outgoing offer. This is done by adding the keyword "verbose". Fixed as a part of Transcoding Policy overhaul. The 200 OK is sent immediately to t38 reINVITE even though egress transcoding policy adds G711FB. Defect: Occasionally. it was possible that the cleanup of the incomplete TCP connection might cause an invalid memory reference and a crash. This was a regression that occurred during code merge. The core states should transition to "active"/"standby" following bootup. Proprietary and Confidential Page 36 of 40 .1.x. Defect: snmpwalk will fail with "genError". the SD4 would display an error message regarding the HIP interface indicating that the if a variable was 0. crash Defect: When a remote box initiated a TCP connection. It has not been reported but this problem could have also happened on a SPU. if the snmp object in the MiBs supplied with the image is not excluded by the compiler and handles default cases with "genError".x.6. Defect: Defect: Defect: In some scenarios the socket descriptor for a TCP connection was being corrupted. This will give an insight into the message exchange between the devices and the host. duplex and speed settings could be removed by entering a pair of double quotes.0 does not yield a consistent system uptime. as it returns seconds instead of 100ths of a sec as MIB dictates.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name nnD600p1 Build Date 5/30/08 This patch contains the following changes/fixes: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The accounting VSA "Acme-Intermediate_Time" is set to an invalid date ("Jan 1 1970") for interim-update CDRs that are not produced using the periodic-interval accounting-config. SNMP Query on OID 1.1. Defect: After bootup.1.0. Defect: Defect: ACLI becomes unusable on active SPU console if successive commands are entered too quickly. Defect: Defect: Defect: Phy-interface configuration not being properly setup for IPSEC phy-cards SD not responding to Fragmented IPSec ICMP packets received.0 Build Information . Defect: Communication problem between peer cores. This problem at times caused a boot failure or communication timeouts on the TCU or NPU. Resolved by adding jumbo media frame support. Device message logging mechanism is implemented. This error message (which was harmless in this case) was generated due to a race condition on startup.3. Added support for Uri-first-semi match target type.3. The race condition has been remedied. Defect: In the PHY-Interface configuration menu.Net-Net SD D6. A regular host ARP entry appears under the "Gateway Status" in "show arp" output. and this message will not appear. Querying statistics from standby DSPs cause alert. This should not be allowed since the code evaluating these settings may interpret these settings incorrectly. Defect: 630-0034-60 CDR generation stops when no RADIUS servers are responding to requests. but did not complete it and the SD removed the listen socket due to signalling information. Defect: Defect: CDRPUSHER fails to synchronize when standby is reset. Associated URI Information need to be available in SIP Invite message. The fix is made such that information is updated into SIP message from registration cache all times.2. Defect: Defect: Defect: X2 Pkt for "CANCEL" is missing (No Answer) X2 Pkt for "ACK" is missing (Busy Scenario) That authentication parameter for X2 agent is not required. Added support for missing "show acl summary" ACLI command Defect: To intercept Anonymous calls. SNMP reports "becomingActive" and "becomingStandby" for apEnvMonCpuCoreState. Defect: This patch provides minimal redundancy support for SD4/LI. Defect: The session-cache-timeout value in the tls-config element is expected to have a unit of measure of hours but it were treated as seconds. in lawful-intercept->application-x123->x1-agent->“retain-on-disconnect†mode. however. any accounting records that were "deleted" by the active but never actually made it to the standby (never transmitted from the journal before it was cleared due to resync) will stranded on the standby. Added checks for m= lines with no codecs. On lawful-intercept>application-x123->x1-agent->“delete-on-disconnect†mode. Defect: SPU failover (due to tSIPC Stopped) during Transcoded calls. and set to ignore speed/duplex setting with auto-negotiation is enabled. Defect: Midplane IDProm Read failure. Defect: Fix inconsistent speed/duplex settings across all the PHYs.sipc. Thus we were stripping it out of the answer. The m= line with payload type 7 and no rtpmap was being received as the top Answer codec. so that. we do not have a default media profile for it. This left the answer empty but the code transcoding policy processing was assuming there would always be one codec and crashing SIPC. Defect: If the standby card decides to resynchronize with the active. A redesign has fixed this issue. Replicated PHY card role information was not resulting in the properly LED state being set on the Standby SPU. all warrants will be erased upon switchover and X1 client will have to reprogram warrants in order to intercept new calls.0.0 Build Information . On delete-on-disconnect mode. The value has been properly converted from second into hour. X1 client does not have to reprogram warrants after switchover and new SIP calls can continue to be intercepted after switchover. Defect: SD4 Status lights on PHY cards show all active. Fixed the memory corruption. in retain-on-disconnect mode. transfer files Spelling error in output of "show h323 registrations". the NAT entry to forward the RTP and RTCP from the sending endpoint to the receiving endpoint Proprietary and Confidential Page 37 of 40 . Defect: Intermittent Comm Fault on FAN Controller alarms. Defect: Memory corruption was causing the h323GkGw tasks to crash. Defect: A tRASM exception during "show radius accounting" shortly after reboot. and check different auto-negotiation enable bit. The scan following an SPU switchover is schedule to occur 30 seconds after mastership transitions so there were circumstances where the period between scans could exceed 60 seconds which causes the fans to trigger a comm inactivity alarm. we will reject the call and log it to the log. Defect: Standby SPU resets Active SPU during a reset of another card. "queue_callback: failed to convert POH to logical" messages observed in the secured log. Output of no registrations wrote "There are no current registrationa" instead of 'registrations'.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Defect: Defect: Build Contents & Bug Fixes Configuring accounting-config with max-files set to 1 causes cdrpusher to loop continuously. Removed a bunch of conditional logic from ChassisManager for scanning power supplies based upon MidPlane version number since this is now done within the I2C driver code. X1 client does not have to reprogram warrants after switchover and new SIP calls can continue to be intercepted after switchover.Net-Net SD D6. Defect: This patch provides minimal redundancy support for SD4/LI. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: H. all warrants will be erased upon switchover and X1 client will have to reprogram warrants in order to intercept new calls. Even though 7 is "well known". Defect: 630-0034-60 When a call was placed on hold with "sendonly" SDP. If one is encountered. A race condition was occurring where an SPU switchover or reset was occurring right before the scan of I2C devices. however. Standby CDRPUSHER doesn’t synchronize with active.245 socket fails to accept connection when dynamic port range is defined. DSP coredumps fail to complete. The command now functions properly when executed during system initialization. so that. Retransmit mechanism was implemented to overcome any temporary glitches in the transmit path. Defect: Cached registrations were not being invalidated in the SIPT front-end cache when a Session Agent went out of service preventing the rejection of requests from the registered endpoint. The h323 task Crashes when the max-calls of 5 h323-stacks is configured to 32K SIP.0 (which are the SPU controlling cores). Defect: Surrogate Agent is not using port of session-agent when sending registrations to registrar. it should not failover. Defect: In the presence of L3 NATs the LI streams need to be updated when the first RTP packet flow occurs. The logic should follow setting-up transcoding sessions. A redesign of the FTP process has addressed this issue.NOTIFY message is responded to with a 404 Not Found. The registration cache was not being checked for NOTIFY requests. added more detailed logs.0 Build Information .all targets should be intercepted. Defect: The "show xserv session" command not working as designed. The fix is made such that installed flows are in correct order. Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The media in target-to-target (Chained) for transcoded calls was not intercepted.0. These out of resource issues have been remedied Defect: Default phy-interface configuration does not work for IPSEC phy-cards. Defect: ACLI crashes when only one " double quote is entered after any configuration parameter in configuration terminal or after any non-menu command (ex.0 and 0. The streams are installed in incorrect order. When it doesn't find the session ID in the local xclient session table. it broadcasts a message to all active XSERV cores. Walking the mib fails with a "generror" message on SD4. a 'set' command). the acli.0.vxe in "/ramdrv/images/bin" (about 26 Mb of 48 Mb total). and improved the force-alert debug command for testing any DSP alert type. SIP messages with a request-URI set to the same host as the registrar but no port set will be forwarded to the default SIP port (5060) regardless of what the registrar-port is set in the sip-config. Defect: A little more than half of the available RAM drive space on the NPU and TCU cores is consumed by acli. It should display DSP session configuration as applied by the XSERV. it should always determine the exact XSERV it corresponds to and only send the message to it. When multiple LI streams are present this is reflected.vxe file grew in size from 15MB to 26MB recently and is taking up much more of the /ramdrv. The acli. as ACLI is only necessary on 1. This is not necessary. Defect: The "show xclient session-byid" command does not consistently find and query the correct XSERV for DSP configuration and session stats. so that if a transcoding session is established/modified/updated . Defect: Defect: Defect: File names have "minute" resolution with an additional character (a-h) for sub-minute resolution. with an option to query and display the configuration the DSP responds with. but rather log the session info for isolating the problem in the network. Defect: 630-0034-60 Performing an NIU failover by physically pulling the active card cause media/signaling traffic to drop There was an incorrect flush of the ARP cache on Proprietary and Confidential Page 38 of 40 . The failure happens for the IF-MIB. caused by packet loss during fax sessions.Net-Net SD D6. Modified logic. Defect: Defect: CDR FTP Push blocks configuration change and switchover.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date was not properly set up. Since this command takes a specific session ID as an argument. Since these alerts are not critical. Defect: Failover due to numerous type 0x0 alerts in the field. Defect: Auth-user & Auth-password should not have default values Defect: Acme TCP handled several out of resource problems incorrectly which may have led to the inability to connect to the SD4.vxe file gets copied to /ramdrv/images on every core.0. Additional counters and debug information are logged to debug why the transmit message is failing. speed must be modified to gige for the interface to work properly. Also. Defect: DSP communication timeouts due to message send failure in the driver from the host to DSP. 0 Build Information . the data (sip message) will be truncated. The X2 encapsulated SIP responses had incorrectly included 3 TLVs that are required only in the first intercepted INVITE This has been fixed. it will always send out SSLv2 client hello message for the TLS connection.Net-Net SD D6. it will respond with higher version and negotiate from that point.0.323 call failed to connect if Q. ReInvites carrying SDP changes were intercepted in error. Multiple warnings are printed when the dependencies are generated for microcode. the default (SSLv2 sent and negotiate the version with peer) behavior is used. previously LID attempted to send keepAlive even in standby mode. They will simply close the connection. if the 'SSLv3' is specified alone. If multiple cipher suites are specified. local-policy ACLI parameter "priority" should be "policy-priority" to be consistent with NN4250 When a second TCU in a 2+1 HA scenario is reset. some of the UAS implementations are really strict about the SSL version. 'register-service-route' could not be set to "never". As the result. This was a race condition. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: In the sip-config. and are not trying the "negotiate" at all. Alarms of "Power not Present on Power Supply" on older chassis' with 600 watt power supplies. so that we use the ip-address of the SA and avoid doing a DNS lookup for IWFcall. it incorrectly assumes the primary active role instead of the secondary active role. From now on. Defect: h323GkGw fails to find a matching egress stack for the egress leg of the call and the task crashes. Now LID in standby mode will not send keepAlive. if the UAS does not support SSLv2. Defect: When the SD acts as UAC. Added logic to not run interception logic on re-invites. Also. Normally. This race caused SD4 crash. The Default Value of parameter diversion-rule was not correctly set to "first-and-last" (while restoring an old configuration with incorrect diversion-rule Proprietary and Confidential Page 39 of 40 . This has been fixed by increasing the received buffer to 64K. the received buffer from the SSL layer is not big enough for the decrypted data. The X2 encapsulated SIP requests had incorrectly included 3 TLVs that are required only in the first intercepted INVITE This has been fixed. IPSec cards' health score degraded to 50 after switch over. Defect: Inbound H. LID in standby mode will not process any interception from signaling path which closes up this race condition. SIP URI match logic was not correct for target-type set to URI-First-Semi Fixed that Target add logic in X1 agent incorrectly required sip uri to have a user portion Fixed that. Similarly. the SD will send client hello with TLSv1. Unfortunately. causing all signaling and media packets to be dropped. Defect: There was a race condition when LID was transitioning to standby mode while interception was in progress. Updated code to send the right port in SDP Answer under Fax transcoding scenarios Defect: On receiving the ACK we were doing a DNS lookup based on the SA's.931 Setup was received prior to the acceptance of the redirected inbound connection by H323RasGk to H323GkGw. Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: Defect: 630-0034-60 This fixes SD4 simulator CPU hog when LI is enabled.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date Build Contents & Bug Fixes the NPU when the active NIU was pulled. This has been fixed by controlling the SSL version (when the SD acts as UAC) with the cipher suite in the tls-profile. Standby IP gateway is unreachable after deleting and restoring a config with an identical standby IP gateway. SSLv3 version will be set. Defect: In some cases. When the “TLSv1†specified as the only cipher suit. even though the ACLI help states that this is a valid value. Fixed the code. Defect: diversion-rule=first-and-last was not implemented correctly and followed diversion-rule=first-three path (which had its own defect 14688) This was fixed Build Contents & Bug Fixes Defect: The interpret set was rebuilt every time a new header was matched Thus.0. for a given call side (east/west) interception would occur for the last matched header.For Acme Packet Customer Use Only Build Name Build Date value ) This has been fixed. The SD was removing o= and c= lines from SDP with 0. Fixed the code to set the flag to wait for accept response depending on the socket role.0.Net-Net SD D6. only one will be successfully installed.0 Build Information .0. Defect: Defect: Defect: When two security-associations with the same remote-ip-addr and local-ip-addr and configured. 630-0034-60 Proprietary and Confidential Page 40 of 40 . This has been fixed.0 as the IP Address.
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