May 2, 2018 | Author: Eisa Ibrahim Eisa | Category: Electric Power Distribution, Cable, Transformer, Capacitor, Electrical Equipment



BUILDING ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS DESIGN & DRAFTINGEngineer : AMJED OSMAN ELSAYED INTRODUCTION design of the electrical installation in building used to be simple and straight forward . Such installations generally included electrical service from an electricity board company , power distribution within the building for sockets (receptacles ), air conditioniong and other electrical loads , lighting and few specialty system such as fire alram and telephone . Generation , transmission and distributions of electrical energy 500kV Yard transformer Regional Substation Secondary Transmission 60kV. 23kV 330kV. 132kV High Voltage Distribution 11kV.Transmission of Electricity  From power station to consumer Power Station Generation Primary Transmission 11kV. 33kV Zone Substation 230/400V Distribution Substation . 22kV. 17kV. high voltage distribution Three phase four wire distribution low voltage 230/400V Line 1(A) Line 2(B) Line 3(C) Neutral Three Phase Star System 5 .Distribution of Power High Voltage and low voltage distribution system Consumer 1 and 2: 230V two wire Bulk Supply Consumer Consumer 3 : 230/400V three wire Consumer 4 : 230/400V four wire 1 2 3 4 Delta/Star transformer Three phase. Blue phase or phase (C)  Phase system: There are 3 types of phase system : 1. Red phase or phase (A) 2.Three ø system or 3 phase system . Tow ø system or 2 phase system 3. Yellow phase or phase (B) 3. One ø system or 1 phase system 2.Types of phase: There are 3 phase types: 1. SUDAN:UK.QATAR.Oman.OMAN. Qatar .the principles used in electrical design and installation are know as electrical codes.UAE. .Sudan follow B. UAE.S (British standards) know IEC(International Electrotechnical Commission) USA-KSA:USA. Examples : UK.KSA follow NEC codes (National electrical codes) which is chapter no 70 in NFPA book (National fire protection association ) European countries: European countries follow IEC standards (international electrical technical commission ).ELECTRICAL CODES AND STANDARDS: Electrical codes :. K → U.S codes (also know as IEE regulation ) Normal voltages Normal voltage 230/400V 50Hz.K follow B.Voltages and codes around the world  U. 110/220 220/380 60Hz 60Hz  USA→ USA follow NEC (NFPA 70)  KSA→ KSA follow NEC (NFPA 70) Before 2010 KSA was having 2 voltages 127/220 V 60Hz 220/380 V 60 Hz In 2010 the ministry of electricity decided that new project after 2010 will have only one voltage through out KSA 220/380 60Hz . S Normal voltage 240/415v 50Hz .S Normal voltage 240/415v 50 Hz  Qatar → Qatar follow B.S Normal voltage 230/400v 50 Hz  SUDAN → Sudan follow B.Voltages and codes around the world  UAE → UAE follow B. SWITCH  used for on or off purpose of small equipment like light – ceiling fan –exhaust fan .socket – water heaters – washing machine – cooking range.window and split A/C – small water pumps.etc  Rating of switch : the maximum current which can flow through switch safety without any damages for switch is know as rating of switch . Standard Rating of Switch  5A  10 A  15 A  20 A  25 A  30A or 32 A Note  In Gulf we used 10 A switch for light only  In Gulf we used 20 A switch for W/H – W/M etc Types of Switch  One way switch  Two way switch  Intermediate switch back box In Gulf they are 2 standard back box size 1. 3×3 2. 6×3 Gang : represents no. of switch in back box 1 Gang 2 gang 3 gang Gang four gang 4G five gang 5G six gang 6G . UAE )  3pin → 13A general s/o → 15A s/o for A/C → 45A flex outlet for W/H . 127 V .Sockets Types of S/O in BS (Sudan . 220 V Receptacles →15A or 20A . Oman. C/R  K. Qatar.A : S/Os in NEC standard are know as receptacles Receptacles → 15A/20A .S. W/M . Double or twin S/O outlet : The back box has two s/o .Sockets  Other classification 1. the back box size is used 6×3 3. Single S/O outlet : The back box has only one s/o inside .Shaver outlet : (110_ 220 v) . 2.the back box size is used 3×3. Ex. over head lines in Sudan Units of wires and cables :  mm² → Sudan and B.S countries (UAE.WIRES AND CABLES: Wire : conductor + insulation (small size)  Cables : conductor + insulation + sheath (large size )  Bare conductor : only conductor (no insulation).SA. K.Qatar) OR  AWG →(American Wire Gnage )  mm² : it is cross sectional area of conductor without insulation . Equivalent of mm² to AWG MM² 1.5 mm² 2.0 mm² 1.5 mm² 4 mm² 6 mm² 10 mm² 16 mm² 25 mm² 35 mm² 50 mm² 70 mm² 95 mm² 120 mm² 150 mm² 185 mm² 240 mm² 300 mm² AWG 18 AWG 16 AWG 14 AWG 12 AWG 10 AWG 8 AWG 6 AWG 4 AWG 2 AWG 1 1/0 AWG 2/0 AWG 3/0 AWG 4/0 AWG 250 kc MIL 350 kc MIL 400 kc MIL 500 kc MIL REMARK AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA AWG For KSA . Single core cable (1c) 2. Multi core cable (a) 2 core cable (2c) . there are two types of the cable based on the cores of cables 1.CORE OF CABLES Core (c) represents the numbers of conductors in the cable . 5 core .CORE OF CABLES (b) Three core cable (3c) (c)Four core cable (4c) (d)3 ½ core or 3. 5 mm² → single core (1c) 2. 4c. 4c.5c) .5c) : : 300 mm² → (2c.3c . avoid single cables above 6mm² 1.5 mm² → single core (1c) 4 mm² → single core (1c) 6 mm² → single core (1c) 10 mm² → (2c . 4c.Run of cable:Run of cable represents the no .5c) 25 mm² → (2c . 3. no multi core for earth wire  We prefer multi core cables above 6mm². 3.3c .5c) 16 mm² → (2c . 3.3c .of single core or multi core  Always the earth is separate run and 1c only . 4c. 3.3c . 5 mm² 2.5 mm² 4 mm² 6 mm² 10 mm² 16 mm² 25 mm² 35 mm² 50 mm² 70 mm² 95 mm² 120 mm² 150 mm² 185 mm² 240 mm² 300 mm² Earth wire or cable size 1.0mm² 1.0 mm² 1.5 mm² 4 mm² 6 mm² 10 mm² 16 mm² 16 mm² 16 mm² 25 mm² 35 mm² 50 mm² 70 mm² 95 mm² 95 mm² 120 mm² 150 mm² .Earth wire sizing Earth wire is dependent on phase size Wire or cable size for phase and N 1.5 mm² 2. Conductor materials : 1. Copper (cu) 2. Aluminum (al) . PVC :(Poly-Viny Chloride) PVC insulated wires are used for smaller loads like light . s/o . w/h . w/m . . fans . w/h . s/o . c/r .  2.Insulation materials 1. fans . w/m . c/r  They can with stand up to 60 C. LSOH : Low Smoke zero Holagen LSOH insulated wires are used for smaller loads like lights . emergency lights .fire alarms cables .Insulation materials  XLPE : cross linked polyethylene  XLPE insulated cables are used as main feeder cable (service wire) for DB OR SMDB OR MCC OR T/F etc. and for heavy mechanical load like chiller – AHU – Boilers  XLPE cables can with stand up to 90º c  FR : Fire Retardant or MICC (Mincal Insulated Cable Conductor ) FR cable are professed for emergency load like lights fire fighting pumps . Armoured cable a) b) c) d) SWA (Steel Wire Armour ) AWA(Aluminum Wire Armour) SSA (Steel Strip Armour ) ASA (Aluminum Strip Armour) .Types power cable : 1.Un armoured cable 2. M. 1. L.V → Low Voltage (30 to 250 v) 4.V → High Voltage (above 1000 v) 2. . ELV → Extra Low Voltage (voltage less than 30 ac or 54 v dc) Grade of cable :  means the with stand voltage whether the cable is for LV or MV or HV.V → Medium Voltage (250 to 1000v) 3.Voltage classification :H. Color codes of cable PHASE In sudan or gulf New color code countries in europe Brown Black Grey Blue Y/G Phase (A) or (1) Red Phase (B) or (2) Yellow Phase (C) or (3) Blue Neutral Earth Black Green or Y/G . cu Y/G                 1 → run 4c→ core 10mm²→size XLPE → insulation SWA→ armour PVC→ sheath Cu → conductor material 0.V grade Earth 1 → run 1c→ core 10mm²→ size PVC → insulation PVC→ sheath Cu → conductor material Y/G → Earth .Cu. pvc /pvc .Final representation of cables : 1×4c×10mm² .0.V /L.6/1kv + 1×1c×10mm².XLPE/SWA/PVC.6/1kv → M. Electrical faults  Types of electrical faults : Over load Short circuit Earth –fault or shock Over voltage Under voltage . .1. Over load Over load mean current more than rated current of equipment  Ex : 10 A rated switch 2A→ safe 6A→ safe 10A→ safe 11A→ un safe (over load current)  When over load current passes then the s/w gets damage. this increase the temperature is know as short.circuit condition . Short circuit  When any phase of neutral or any two phase meet each other then infinite current flows through them.2. Usually thousands of current in 1 ms (KA of current in 1ms ). Good conductor Silver (best) Cu and AL All metals expect few semi.3.conductor Human body Water Bad conductor wood Rubber Plastic – paper – glass porcelain Air . ) some a mount of current passes in to ground through the earth wire or any conducting material  This current passing to earth from phase wire is know as earth – leakage current and the fault is know as earth – fault .Earth – fault or shock  When any phase meet earth wire or any conducting materials eg (metals – human body – water – etc. Summary  P + N → Short circuit  P – P → Short circuit  P – E or human body → earth fault – shock  N – E or human body → No effect  E – human body → No effect . s. UVR (Under Voltage Relay)→ protects from under voltage .c faults 3. Fuse → protective from over load only 2. Circuit breaker → protects from over load and s. RCBO or RCCB → protects from over load .c and earth faults 5.Productive devices The devices which protected from electrical faults are knows as protective devices Types of protective devices 1. RCB or ELCB or GFCI→ protects from earth faults or shock 4. circuit condition Standard C.Circuit Breaker : The CB is protective devices which can be operated manually and automatically it trips in case of over load and short.B Rating 5 A to 40 A MCB (Miniature circuit breaker ) 50 A to 600 A MCCB (Modulate Case circuit breaker ) 800 A to 3500 A ACB (Air Circuit Breaker) . B : 1. 6KA 2. 35KA 6. 10KA 3. 6KA 4. 50KA Example . 25KA 5.Standard short – circuit rating of C. ACB → Air Circuit Breaker other breaker used in H. OCB → Oil C.VCB → Vacuum C.SF6 .V (power plants and s/s ) 4.MCCB→ Modulate Case Circuit Breaker 3.B 1.B 6.B 5.MCB → Miniature Circuit Breaker 2.TYPES OF C. Types of MCB  B curve MCB  C curve MCB  D curve MCB . C. 2.D curve MCB is preferred for machine like (backing machine ). C curve MCB is preferred for small heavy like W/H – W/M – C/R 3.Application of B.D curve MCB 1. . B curve MCB is preferred for lighting circuit. Fixed or un adjustable MCCB . Adjustable MCCB: here we can set the tripping value normally 2.MCCB(Modulate Case circuit breaker )  Rating 50 to 600A Types of MCCB 1. Motorized with drawable ACB : Here the start and stop push buttons are operated by a motor which is required to be energized and after it is off we can with draw the ACB to avoid are flash 2.ACB : Air Circuit Breaker Rating 800 to 3500A 1.Motorized non_ with draw able ACB Here the start and stop push buttons are operated by a motor which is required to be energized and after it is off/on we need to with raw ACB . RCD or ELCB or GFCI  B.S (Sudan and UAE.Qatar) →RCD (Residual Current Devices ) →ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker)  NEC (KSA) → GFCI : Ground fault Circuit Breaker . 001A) Note: the RCD is provide with a test buttons to verity that RCD is working propyl . if the leakage current is equal to sensitivity of RCD then the RCD is trip  Recommended sensitivity of RCD :  For lights use 100mA RCD (0.03A)  For W/H.C/R use 30 ma (0.1A)  For under water lighting use 10ma RCD (0.1A)  For sockets use 30 Ma RCD (0.03A)  For A/C use 100ma RCD (0.Working principle of RCD  The RCD continuously monitors the current difference between phase and neutral .W/M. of poles : Since neutral is compulsory in RCD we have 1.Working principle of RCD  No . Two poles RCD 2. Four poles RCD Examples . C)  Note  RCCB or RCBO protects from all 3 faults (over load . S.C and earth fault)Since this technology is now they are very less used .RCCB or RCBO :  RCCB Residual Current Circuit Breaker  RCBO Residual CB with over current protection (over load & S. S/O . A/C  In Qatar RCD are minatory for S/O .100ma . W/M only not require for lights and A/C. .circuit rating  Note  In UAE they have both CB and RCD for all lights and W/H. W/H .  In KSA RCD are not used GFCI are minatory only for equipment inside bath room and kitchen.RCCB or RCBO  Ex : (C 40A .10KA) C → type of MCB 40 A→ rating of RCBO 100ma → sensitivity of MCBO 10KA→ short. Isolator or disconnect switch (D/S):  Isolator or D/S is not a protective devices is it doesn’t trip in case of any fault it is only meant for on and off purpose  It can look similar to CB with handle side handle or rotary handle Important note :  In sudan and B.S countries the isolator is used as main breaker knows as (main isolator ) inside the DB or final DB  Always install D/S near to every heavy mechanical equipment such as chiller . lights for maintains and repair purpose . AHU . Motor and pumps . STANDARD ISOLATOR RATING  NO .of poles D/S near the heavy mechanical equipment  SPN for single phase equipment  TPN for three phase equipment .OF POLES FOR ISOLATOR DB: 2P 4P  No. Wires and cables insulation methods  Majorly the wires of cables are said to be installed in two methods  Cable in air No 1 2 3 4 5 (2) Cable in ground Methods for cable in Air Free in Air conduit Cable trunking Cable tray Cable ladder Methods for cable in ground Directly buried or directly laid under ground cable Duct bank or electrical ducts Cable tranch . Conduit: (electrical pipe)  Material of conduit :  PVC  Metallic  GI/GS→ Galvanized Iron/ Galvanized Steel .  GI/GS or RGI/RGS are used as exposed conduits or the wall .Oman)  EMT conduits are used as exposed conduits on the wall or slab in KSA .S countries (Qatar . or slab in India and B. slabs .Conduit: (electrical pipe)  Material of conduit :  EMT→ Electrical Metallic Tubes  RGS/RGI →Rigid Galvanized Steel/ Rigid Galvanized Iron  Note  PVC conduits are used as connected conduit inside the wall . UAE . and floor screed. w/h . pumps and low current system like fire alarms wires . . CCTV telephone and TV wires.Standard size of conduits  ½ ´´ → 16 mm  ¾´´ → 20 mm  1´´ → 25mm  1¼´´→ 32 mm  2´´ → 50 mm  3´´ → 75 mm  4´´ → 100 mm  Note  ½ ´´ conduits are not recommended  ¾´´ (20 mm) 0r 1´´ (25 mm) conduit can be use for wiring lighting  1´´ (25 mm) or (32mm) conduit can be used for wiring of s/o . w/m . c/r . Conduits accessories:  Coupler : coupler used to join 2conduts  Bends : In gulf countries bends are made at site in the same coduit using PVC bending  Junction box (JB) or pull box (PB) :  There are 2 types of JB 1. Octagonal JB (used in KSA) . Circular JB (used mostly in Sudan and BS) 2. ceiling and exhaust and smoke electors  Types of JB circular JB  One way two way through two way angle two way U three way four way .circular JB is fixed near to every light point . Junction box  octagonal JB  back bax : are used for s/o flex outlet etc  adapter : use for fixing conduit to the back box . near the equipment . w/m .Standard mounting heights of wiring accessories  All switches → 1250 mm AFFL (After Finish Floor Level) Light . fan . A/C .  Sockets →450 mm AFFL  Tel/sockets →450 mm AFFL  Sockets in kitchen → 250 mm above kitchen plat form  s/o for w/h . w/m . w/h . conduiting  laying of conduit is knows as coduiting there are three stages for conduiting .  conduiting in slab  conduiting in wall  conduiting in floor . Cable trunking  Cable trunking is used to carry branch of wires (many wires )  Materials' : 1. Metallic cable trunking . PVC cable trunking 2. 300mm ×300mm (30cm×30cm) 7.Standard size of cable trunking 1. 500mm ×500mm (50cm×50cm) Note: other combination are also available ex : 300mm×100mm . 250mm ×250mm (25cm×25cm) 6. 50mm ×50mm (5cm×5cm) 2. 200mm ×200mm (20cm×20cm) 5. 150mm ×150mm (15cm×15cm) 4. 400mm ×400mm (40cm×40cm) 8. 100mm ×100mm (10cm×10cm) 3. Installation methods of cable trunking  The cable trunking can be installed is three method as per requirements  On the surface of the wall  Hanging from slab  Under floor trunking . Perforated cable tray : is preferred for carraying power cables 2.FF . Plain cable tray : can be used for low current system like TV .CABLE TRAY Cable tray is used to carry heavy cable  Types of cable tray: 1. CCTV . Metallic (a) Galvanized cable tray (b) Hot dip galvanized cable .Materials of cable tray: 1. No PVC 2. Standard cable tray size 50mm ×50mm (5cm×5cm) 150mm ×150mm (15cm×15cm) 200mm ×100mm (20cm×10cm) 250mm ×100mm (25cm×10cm) 300mm ×100mm (30cm×10cm) 400mm ×100mm (40cm×10cm) 500mm ×100mm (50cm×10cm) 600mm×100mm (60cm×10cm) 800mm×100mm (80cm×10cm) 900mm×100mm (90cm×10cm) Note: if more than 900mm cable tray is required then use two cable tray parally 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) . Floor mounted (on the floor ) . On the surface of wall 2. Hanging from cable 3.Cable tray installation  Cable tray can be installed in three methods : 1. Cable laying methods on cable tray  There are three methods of cable laying on cable tray  Flat formation – touching  Flat formation – spacing  Trefoil formation (only for single core cables ) . Cable trench .Directly buried or directly laid under ground 2.Duct bank or electrical duct 3.Cable ladder  Cable ladder are preferred only for vertical installation only in electrical shaft or riser  Cable installation in ground : there are three methods of cable tray installation in ground 1. Conveyors like .Coordination with mechanical system 1.lifts scalolar 5. Fire fighting 4. a) . Swimming pool. HAVC (Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning ) 2. Plumbing water supply b) drainage 3. Split A/C 3. Window A/C 2.Types of HVAC system 1.VRV or VRF system . Package A/C 5.Types of HVAC system 4. Central A/C – VAV system 6. Chilled water system . Water supply 2.Plumbing system 1. Central hot water system 3. Drainage system . Plumbing system  Fire fighting system  Duty and stand by pumps . c the lights shall be provide with 10ma RCD.Plumbing system Lift :  The installation works of lift etc is done by separate contractor know as lift contractor  The has to provide a D/S inside the lift room for supply to the lift system  Summing pool : are usually done by separate contractor knows as swimming pool contractor .  Sometimes the elec. . Engineer has to supply electricity to under water lights which is done at voltage not greater than 30 v a. Panel board  An enclosure with protection devices such as C.B and RCD knows as panel board .  Ex : MDB – MCC .  Ex : DB – SMDB – MCC – MDB (All are panel board)  Switch gear : a panel board including instruments is knows as switch gear. .  MCC has measuring indicating remote start indicates. manual selector switch CB and motor starters with remote terminal blocks.MCC (motor control center )  MCC is a panel board to which major mechanical motors or loads are connected. phase indicators motor run off trip indicating lamps auto .  Ex : MCC panel has ammeter voltmeter frequency meter power factor meter . L&T .SMDB – MDB – MCC ) are manufactured in separate factories knows as switch gear manufacturing company and these panel boards are delivered at site for installation Well – know switch gear companys : 1. ABB 2. Schneider electric 3. Mitsubishi 4. Siemens 6.Panel board The panel board and switch gear (DB. Merlin gerin 5. Bus duct system  Note : bus duct has a housing with bus bar insulated , bus bar is used to carry current of very high ratings , ex : above 600A only  STANDARD BUS DUCT RATING:  600A  800A  1000A  1230A  1500A  2000A  2500A  3000A  3500A  Bus way or bus duct riser : is used for power distribution inside the high building for each house IP PROTECTION  IP →Ingress Protection or International Protection IP is the number assigned to the electrical equipment and motors installed outside the building or in wall areas to protection from water and dust and object No 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Protection form object and Protection form water dust Not protect Not protect Hand protect Vertical water Finger protect 15º Tool protect 60º Wire protect Splashing of water Dust protect Low jets of water Complete protect High jets of water Immession Complete submersible TRANSFORMES  Types of transformer 1. steps up transformer 2. step down transformer Types base on phase system  single phase  three phase Types of transformer base on poling  oil cooled transformer  air cooled transformer TRANSFORMES  Note: for indoor transformer use air cooled transformer for outdoor transformer use oil cooled transformer in gulf countries the transformer are indoor type installed in separate room ex substation room or transformer room  oil cooled transformer are not referred inside the building .  air cooled transformer are used inside building  unit of transformer is KVA . TRANSFORMES  STANDARD RATING OF TRANSFORMER 1) 50 KVA 2) 60KVA 3) 80KVA 4) 100KVA 5) 150KVA 6) 250KVA 7) 315KVA 8) 500KVA 9) 630KVA 10) 800KVA 11) 1000KVA 12) 1500KVA 13) 2000KVA 14) 2500KVA 15) 3000KVA 16) 3500KVA . TRANSFORMES  Need of transformer Gulf countries Transformer is not require for building whose total max demand less than 400kva If the total max demand is greater than 400kVA then we require transformer Max permit transformer size 2500kVA Sometimes is 3000kVA . Transformer size = Total max demand with future load in KVA Transformer load (90%) Then select the standard size .TRANSFORMES  Steps to calculate the transformer size : 1.Add 10% as future load Total max demand with future load in KVA = kVA ×1.Total max demand of MDB in KVA = KW/cosø = KVA 3.10 4.Consider Total max demand of MDB = KW 2. 10=137. Add 10% as future load 3. 4 wires 50 Hz .90 = 157.7Kva  Standard T/F size = 250KVA / oil cooled  11kv/440v / outdoor T/F  Y/▲ / z% = 5%  3ø.TRANSFORMES  Ex : calculate the Transformer size for project inside whose max demand is 100kw  Solution : Total max demand of MDB = 100 KW 1. Transformer size = Total max demand with future load in KVA Transformer load (90%) = 137.8=125KVA 2.5KVA 4.Total max demand of MDB in KVA = KW/cosø = 100/0.5Kva/. Total max demand with future load in KVA =125 kVA ×1. 98 or . motor and pumps . ex (tube light.bulb.Capacitive load: current leads voltage  Phase angle: angle between voltage and current  Note: All loads in our daily life are resistive – inductive loads.96 (improve p. w/m .w/h.Inductive load: current lags voltage 3. Hence capacitor bank are required which are connected to MDB .  Sudan PF = 0. r/c).which improves the over all power factor of the system .80 (low PF)  Final PF = .Capacitor bank  Types of load: 1.f) .Resistive load: current is in phase with voltage 2. 98 .Capacitor bank Note  Capacitor bank is not require for single phase equipment or for small project  Capacitor bank required for project involving three phase equipment or here phase motors or MCC panels and this capacitor bank is connected to MDB.  Unity of capacitor bank: KVAR (Kilo – Volt – Ampere – Reactive) Formula to calculate capacitor bank:      Capacitor bank (KVAR) Max demand of MDB in KW {tan(cos-¹ø1) – tan (cos-¹ø2)} Where Ø1 → initial power factor = 0.8 Ø2 → final power factor = 0. Fixed capacitor bank 2. they become on and off depending on the load  Ex: If full load then all capacitor are on If half load then few capacitor are on If no load then very few capacitor on .APFC (Automatic Power Factor Corrector)  APFC: in this types the capacitor are automatic .Capacitor bank standard capacitor bank  Types of capacitor bank: 1. EMERGENCY BACK UP SYSTEM  UPS / Inverter (Un interrupted Power Supply)  DG (Disel Generator ) or stand by generator . CCTV)  Inverter is used for back up of electrical and electronic equipments  Ex → electrical (fans – lights w/m )  Ex → electronic (computer – CCTV )  Unit of UPS/Inverter → KVA (Kilo – Volt – Ampere ) .UPS / Inverter  UPS →Un interrupted Power Supply  UPS is used for back up of electronic equipment .ex(computer. 80 (80% or 85% loading) 4. UPS/Inverter size = total load in KVA UPS/Inverter loading = total load in KVA 0.Calculate the total load in KVA 3.UPS / Inverter Standard of UPS /Inverter Step to calculate UPS/inverter size: 1.Calculate the total load in KW 2. select the standard size . Ceiling fans = 80 w 3. printer = 200 w 5. (6) EPBAX = 50 w 7.UPS / Inverter  Wattages of load: 1. (7) CCTV = 50 w . Computer (a)CRT computer = 300 w (b)LCD computer = 200 w (c)LED computer = 160 w 4. router = 50 w 6. Tube lights = 40 w 2. S (Change Over Switch ) manually operated switching 2.T.O.Diesel generator The diesel generator can be connected in two methods 1. A.S (Auto Transformer Switch ) automatic switching Units of generator → KVA .C. Calculate the total load in kw = (SMDB Comm) 2. Select the standard generator size .Diesel generator Standard generator size Step to calculate generator size: 1. Total load in KVA = kw /cosø = KVA 3. Generator size = = total load in KVA generator loading (0.80) 4. Energy meter or Kwh meter 4.Electrical instruments (testing and commission): 1.F meter 5. Voltmeter 2. Multi meter . P. Phase indicators 7. Frequency 6. Ammeter 3. Earth continuity conductor (ECC) or protection earth conductor 2. 2.Equipment bonding conductor 1.Earthing and lighting protection system  Earthing : connection of wire to the ground is knows as earthing  Types of earthing conductor: 1.Earth continuity conductor (ECC) or protection earth conductor:  The earth wire passing to final loads and DB to SMDB or MDB is knows as ECC.Main earth conductor:  The earth wire connected to ground is knows as main earth conductor usually it is connected to MDB.Main earth conductor 3. . Pipe earthing 2.Electrode earthing 3.Plate earthing .Earthing and lighting protection system 3.Equipmential bonding conductor:  Every metallic part in the electrical installation shall be connected to ground (earth)  Types of earth pits: 1. Lighting protection system  lighting protection system is building above 15 meter  lighting system:  lamp → any device which gives light is knows as lamp  types of lamp: 1.Fluorescent lamps a) CFL (compact Fluorescent lamps) b)tube .Incandescent lamps 2. HPS(High Pressure Sodium) 6.Mercury vapor lamps 4.Metal halide lamps 5.Halogen lamps .Types of lamp 3. 36w) or CFL (24w .Types of lamp Note:  Incandescent lamps are not recommended as their efficiency is very low (high input current . . low output current  For indoor purpose the best lamps are fluorescent lampsas their efficiency is very good (less input current or power high out put light  The M.V lamps and metal . 36w) Lamp output: lamp output is measured in lumens .HPS lamps are preferred for out door street light. Lamp input: is measured in watts  Ex : tube light(40w. Luminaire or lighting fixture  Lamp fixed on a frame or reflectors is knows as luminaire Illumination: The lumen output of any luminaire falling on asq.Foot candle (F.C = 10 LUX .meter room area is knows as illumination  It is measured is 1.C 1F.C: 1 LUX = 0.Lux (Lx) if the room dimensions are in meter 2.C) if the room dimension are in feets Relation between LUX and F.1 F. also it depends on the work plane height Note:  for manual calculation consider cu= 0.45% .Recommended lux level for different rooms by IENSNA  IENSNA: Illumination Engineer Society North America      Bedroom = 50 lux = 5 FC Hall = 150 lux = 15 FC Kitchen = 300 lux = 30 FC Bathroom =100 lux = 10 FC Coefficient of utilization (Cu): The Cu depends on the reflection factors of ceiling wall and floor colors . Lamp lumen factor (LLF)  Lamp lumen factor (LLF) or lumen loss factor(LLF) or maintenance factor (MF):  Ex : tube light (40 w)  Today → 2450 lumens  After 3 years→ less than 2450 lumens  The LLF depends on cleaning of luminaire Note  For manual calculation for 3 years maintence consider LLF= 0.67 . Formula  Formula to calculate no.of lamps /luminaire )×(luminaire×cu×LLF)  Cu = .of luminaires = illumination (lux or FC)× room area ( No .of luminaire in room: No.67 Arrangement of luminaire: (x=2x)  X → distance from wall to luminaire  2X→distance between luminaire to luminaire .45  LLF = 0.
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