B.tech ECE_Syllabus 2015 Regulation as on 10.05.2016

April 2, 2018 | Author: JANARTHANAN | Category: Mosfet, Diode, Bipolar Junction Transistor, P–N Junction, Discrete Fourier Transform



B.Tech.(Full Time) - Electronics and Communication Engineering Curriculum & Syllabus Choiced Based Flexible Credit System (CBFCS) 2015 – 2016 FACULTY OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY SRM UNIVERSITY SRM NAGAR, KATTANKULATHUR – 603 203 Kancheepuram District, Tamilnadu. Telephone : 044-27452270, 27417777,27417000 Fax :044-27453903 E-mail : [email protected] URL : www.srmuniv.ac.in 1 DEPARTMENT OF ECE CURRICULUM 2015 REGULATION Course Code 15LE101 15NC101 / 15NS101 / 15SP101 / 15YG101 15PD101 15MA101 15PY101 15PY101L 15CY101 15CY101L 15EC101 15ME101 15EC102L 15EE102L 15EE103 15EE103L Course Code 15LE102 15PD102 15MA102 15BT101 15PY102L 15CY102 15ME105L 15CS101L 15CE101 15EE101 Category Category LEVEL 1 SEMESTER I Course Name English L 2 T 0 P 0 C 2 NSS / NCC / NSO/ YOGA 0 0 2 1 Soft Skill – I Calculus and Solid Geometry Physics Physics Laboratory Chemistry Chemistry Laboratory Basic Electronics Engineering Basic Mechanical Engineering Electronic Engineering Practices Electrical Engineering Practices Analysis of Electric Circuits Electric Circuits Laboratory TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS 1 3 3 0 3 0 2 2 0 0 3 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 1 4 3 1 3 1 2 2 1 1 3 19 2 4 22 LEVEL 1 SEMESTER II Course Name Value Education Soft Skill - II Advanced Calculus and complex Analysis Biology for Engineers Materials Science Principles of Environmental Science Engineering Graphics Programming Laboratory Basic Civil Engineering Basic Electrical Engineering TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS LEVEL 2 SEMESTER I 2 22 L 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 0 2 2 19 T 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 22 P 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 3 0 0 4 C 2 1 4 2 3 2 3 2 2 2 22 Course Code 15LE201E/ 15LE202E/ 15LE203E/ 15LE204E/ 15LE205E 15PD201 15MA201 15EC201J 15EC203J 15EC205 15EC207 Course Code 15LE207E/ 15LE208E/ 15LE209E/ 15LE210E/ 15LE211E 15PD202 15MA209 15EC202 15EC204J 15EC212L 15EE211 Category B B B P P P P Category B B B P P P P Course Name German Language I / French Language I / Japanese Language I / Korean Language I / Chinese Language I Aptitude I Transforms and Boundary Value Problems Electron Devices Digital Systems Signals and Systems Electromagnetics and Transmission Lines TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS LEVEL 2 SEMESTER II Course Name German Language II/ French Language II/ Japanese Language II/ Korean Language II/ Chinese Language II Aptitude II Probability and Random Process Electronic Circuits Linear Integrated Circuits Electronic Circuits Laboratory Control Systems Department Elective - I TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS Course Code Category LEVEL 3 SEMESTER I Course Name 3 L T P C 2 0 0 2 1 4 3 3 3 3 19 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 4 1 4 4 4 4 3 22 22 L T P C 2 0 0 2 1 4 3 3 0 3 3 19 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 5 1 4 3 4 2 3 3 22 P C 22 L T 15PD301 15MA302 15EC301 15EC303 15EC305J 15EC311L 15EC375L/ 15EC380L/ 15EC385L/ 15EC490L B B P P P P P P P Course Code 15PD302 15EC302J 15EC304 15EC306J Category B P P P 15EC390L P 15EC375L/ 15EC380L/ 15EC385L/ 15EC490L P Course Code 15EC401M Aptitude III Discrete Mathematics Microprocessors and Microcontrollers Digital Signal Processing Communication System Processor Laboratory Department Elective II Open Elective I Minor Project/ Seminar/ MOOC/ Industry Modules TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS LEVEL 3 SEMESTER II Course Name Aptitude IV VLSI Design Antenna and Wave Propagation Digital Communication Department Elective III Department Elective IV Open Elective II Industrial Training (to be undergone at the end of II year) Minor Project/ Seminar/ MOOC/ Industry Modules TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS LEVEL 4 SEMESTER I Category Course Name P Multidisciplinary Design 4 1 4 3 3 3 0 3 3 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 0 1 4 3 4 4 2 3 3 0 0 3 2 20 2 5 26 26 L 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 C 1 4 3 4 3 3 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 2 19 1 10 25 P 0 C 3 25 L 3 T 0 . 15EC403 15EC405J 15EC407 15EC409 P P P P 15EC411L P Course Code 15EC496L Category P Wireless Communication Computer Communication Microwave Communication Optical Communication Microwave and Optical Communication Laboratory Department Elective V Department Elective VI TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS LEVEL 4 SEMESTER I Course Name Major Project /Practice School TOTAL TOTAL CREDITS 3 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 3 4 3 3 0 0 3 2 3 3 21 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 3 24 P 24 24 C 12 12 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 T P C 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 24 L 0 0 T 0 0 12 LEVEL 2 ELECTIVE DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE I Course Code Category Course Name L 15EC221E P Nano Scale Devices 3 15EC222E P Opto Electronics 3 15EC223E P Electronic Testing 3 15EC224E P Electronics Packaging 3 15EC225E P Electronic Measurements & Instrumentation 3 15EC226E P Sensors and Transuders 3 LEVEL 3 ELECTIVE DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE II / DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE III Course Code Category Course Name L Electromagnetic Interference and 15EC321E P 3 Electromagnetic Compatibility 15EC322E P Fundamentals of MEMS 3 15EC323E P Embedded System Design 3 15EC324E P Introduction to Multimedia Communications 3 15EC325E P Digital Logic Design with PLDs and VHDL 3 15EC326E P Embedded C 3 5 . 15EC327E 15EC328E 15EC329E 15EC330E 15EC331E 15EC332E 15EC333E 15EC334E 15EC335E 15EC336E 15CS325E 15CS253E 15BM324E Course Code 15EC421E 15EC422E 15CS423E 15EC423E 15EC424E 15EC425E 15EC426E 15CS254E 15EC430E 15EC431E 15EE459E ASIC Design 3 CMOS Analog IC Design 3 Communication Switching Techniques 3 Radar And Navigational Aids 3 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 3 Advanced Microcontrollers 3 Communication Network Protocols 3 Micro Robotics 3 RF System Design 3 Adhoc and Sensor Networks 3 Digital Image Processing 3 Speech Recognition System 3 Bio Medical Instrumentation 3 LEVEL 4 ELECTIVE DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE V & DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE VI Category Course Name L P Multigate Transistors 3 P Microwave Integrated Circuits 3 P Software Defined Network 3 P Advanced Mobile Communication Systems 3 P Indoor Radio Planning 3 P Telecommunication Network Management 3 P Satellite Communication and Broadcasting 3 P Mobile and Pervasive Computing 3 P Cryptography and Network Security 3 P Photonics and Optical Networks 3 P Solar Photovoltaic System 3 Level / Semester Level 1 / Semester I Level 1 / Semester II Level 2 / Semester I P P P P P P P P P P P P P No. of Credits 26 23 22 Cumulative Credits 26 49 71 6 H / SS 4 3 3 Category B E 12 6 11 9 4 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 P 4 15 . EEE CSE.EEE EEE Course Name Embedded System Design Digital Signal Processing Techniques Principles of Communication Systems Introduction to VLSI Design Sensors and Transuders Content LEVEL 2 SEMESTER I LEVEL 2 SEMESTER II LEVEL 3 SEMESTER I LEVEL 3 SEMESTER II LEVEL 4 SEMESTER I LEVEL 4 SEMESTER II LEVEL 2 ELECTIVES LEVEL 3 ELECTIVES LEVEL 4 ELECTIVES 7 L 3 3 3 3 3 T 0 0 0 0 0 Page No 09 32 54 68 81 106 121 164 P 0 0 0 0 0 C 3 3 3 3 3 .No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Department CSE CSE CSE.Level 2 / Semester II Level 3 / Semester I Level 3 / Semester II Level 4 / Semester I Level 4 / Semester II Total 22 26 25 24 12 93 119 144 168 180 180 3 1 1 15 4 4 35 15 15 21 24 24 12 115 COURSES OFFERED TO OTHER DEPARTMENTS Course Code 15EC323E 15EC353 15EC252 15EC352E 15EC226E S. LEVEL 2 8 . g 3.D. By the end of Phase – I.Tech Students are offered German Language I during their PURPOSE second year. I. B. phonetics and the special characters in g German language 2. To introduce the language.6 3 Zahlen von 1 bis 1 Milliarde .24th March.2 UNIT II – WICHTIGE SPRACHHANDLUNGEN 6 9 C 2 .verstehen & sprechen 1 C 1 1 4 regelmäßige Verben im Präsens . 2016 Germany offers infinite opportunities for students of engineering for higher studies. 4. student will be able to 1. To enable the students to elementary conversational skills g Session Description of Topic UNIT I – WICHTIGE SPRACHHANDLUNGEN Contact hours 6 C.“sein” und “haben” 2 C 1. the students will be able to introduce themselves g and initiate a conversation.4 1.4 1. research and employment in Germany. To introduce German culture & traditions to the students. 5.2 5 Personalpronomen im Nominativ 1 C 1.LEVEL 2 SEMESTER I 15LE201E L T P 2 0 0 GERMAN LANGUAGE I Co-requisite: NIL Prerequisite: NIL Course Category G GENERAL Course designed by Department of English & Foreign Languages Approval 30th Academic Council Meeting. We endeavor to develop the ability among the students to read and g understand small texts written in German. Knowledge of the language will be helpful for the students to adjust themselves when they go for higher studies INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.2 1 2 Sich und andere vorstellen formell / informell 1 C 1 1.O IOs Reference 1 Phonetics – Sich begrüßen 1 C 1. 2 29 regelmäßige Verben im Perfekt – Konnektoren “denn.4.2.wo. aber 1 C 3. was usw 1 C 3. wie alt.4 1.2 9 Satzfrage (Ja/Nein Frage) Nomen buchstabieren 1 C 3.4 1. & Akkusativ 1 C 3. wer. wie viele.4 1.2 27 Modalverben im Präsens “ dürfen.4 1.2.kein . möchten” 1 C 3.mehr 1 C 4 1.2 26 Verben mit Vokalwechsel im Präsens 1 C 3. wie lange” –Possessivartikel im Nominativ 1 C 3. muss – Bezeichnungen Lebensmittel 1 C 3 1 20 Mengenangaben verstehen 1 C 3.4.4 1.4 1 7 Uhrzeiten verstehen und sagen Verneinung “nicht und kein” (formell und informell) 1 C 3 1 8 Wortstellung – Aussagesatz – W-Frage 1 C 3.2 11 Negativartikel im Nom.2 15 Personalpronomen im Akkusativ 1 C 3 1. müssen. wohin.2 16 W-Fragen “wie.2 23 wie viel.4 2 19 was man kann.6 25 Hobbys und Sportarten Anzeigen für Freizeitpartner schreiben bzw 1 C 3 1.2 UNIT IV – WICHTIGE SPRACHHANDLUNGEN 6 18 Sich austauschen 1 C 2.3.4 1.6 Telefon Nummern verstehen und sprechen 1 C 2.4 1.2 22 Wortstellung in Sätzen mit Modalverben Konnektor ”und” – “noch”.6 10 notieren bestimmter und unbestimmter Artikel 1 C 4 1.2 28 “haben und sein” im Präteritum 1 C 4 1.4 1.2 10 .4 1.6 17 Modalverben im Präsens “können.5 1.4 1.5 1.WICHTIGE SPRACHHANDLUNGEN 6 24 Freizeitanzeigen verstehen 1 C 2.5 1.6 21 Preise verstehen und Einkaufzettel schreiben 1 C 3. oder. wollen und mögen 1 C 3.2 UNIT III – WICHTIGE SPRACHHANDLUNGEN 6 12 Tageszeiten verstehen und über Termine sprechen 1 C 3 1 13 Verabredungen verstehen und Aufgaben im Haushalt verstehen 1 C 1 1 14 Genitiv bei Personennamen 1 C 1.2 UNIT V .2. No. I. writing. LES ACCENTS ET LES PHONETIQUES La francophonie – démystifier le français Comment se présenter.1 C 2 NIL NIL G GENERAL Department of English and Foreign Languages 30th Academic Council Meeting. g 2.Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 4 1 C 2 1. listening and speaking. To enhance their lexical competence g 4.D.24th March. TEXT BOOK 1.reading.(Kursbuch und Sprachtraining) MATERIAL FOR FURTHER READING: 3. 2 4 . les accents – é. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the semester. To help the students introduce themselves and focus on their g communication skills Session 1 2 Contact hours Description of Topic UNIT I – L’ALPHABET FRANCAIS. ê. Sometimes we use CDs for practicing of Native speaking. ç. l’apostrophe et trait d’union phonétique 11 C. ë. SRM University REFERENCE BOOKS OTHER READING MATERIAL 2 Studio d A1. German for Beginners. the course helps 1. To enhance their listening skills.O IOs Reference 1 C 3 1. è. Deutsch als Fremdsprache with CD. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% 15LE202E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% L T P 2 0 0 FRENCH LANGUAGE . To enable students improve their grammatical competence. 2016 PURPOSE To enable the student learners understand on a basic level how French as a foreign language functions aimed at the four language competences. g 3. 4 .4 9 La politesse. les salutations et la famille 1 C 1. Les pronoms personnels.3. 2 2 C 3.2 1. les ordinaux. 3.3 3 1. les adjectifs possessifs UNIT V – L’ORIENTATION Se repérer sur un plan objectifs.4 2 C 1. les verbes faire et savoir.3 7 L’alphabet Lexique Les mots transparents en sciences et technologie et quelques prénoms français. 3. 4 1 C 1.3.3 2 C 2.2 1 C 1. 2.2 1. 2.4 4 5 6 10 11 12 UNIT III – LES ARTICLES ET LES PREPOSITIONS Comment se présenter et présenter quelqu’un puis aborder une personne et remplir un formulaire.4 1.3 UNIT IV – LES ADJECTIFS. parler de ses activités et de ses loisirs et de ses goûts.3 1. 3 1 C 3 1 1 C 1.3 1. LA NEGATION Comment demander des nouvelles et parler de soi. No. l‘intonation lexique . les prépositions de lieu 3 C 19 Le logement et la ville.4 1. Les pronoms toniques puis l’interrogation la voyelle nasale les chiffres de 0 a 1000. les verbes de direction 2 C 13 14 15 16 17 Total Contact Hours LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 8 3 C 18 Le verbe aller au présent.4 1.3 1. les prépositions de lieu Les articles définis la liaison obligatoire et l’accent 5 5 2 C 1.3 1 C 2. comment s’excuser et comprendre un mail puis comment demander son chemin et indiquer une direction et décrire son logement.3 2 C 8 30 1.3 2. le féminin et le masculin. 2 1.4 8 Les articles indéfinis 1 C 1. 2 2 C 1. 2. TEXT BOOKS 12 1.3 1.dire son âge et comment poser des questions simples. 2. et “il y a “Phonétique. la négation les adjectifs possessifs et le partitif. Le verbe avoir et les verbes du premier groupe au présent.2. 2 1.4 1. UNIT II – SE PRESENTER ET LES SALUTATIONS Le tutoiement et le vouvoiement – la politesse ‘’à la française” Comment saluer et accueillir quelqu’un puis comment identifier et nommer une personne Le verbe être au présent 1 C 1 1.3 2. Goyal publishers 2. g 2.O IOs Reference Unit I – Hiragana Script 8 1 Chart 1 – 46 syllables 4 C 1 1.1. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 3 1 4 13 . student will be able to 1. 2 2 Chart 2 – ten-ten letters and chart 3 – combination letters. 2016 PURPOSE To enable students achieve a basic exposure on Japan. Session Contact hours Description of Topic C. Wiley publishing co. Inc. 2 Unit II – Self Introduction and Greetings 8 C Self introduction and greetings 2 C 2. converse in Japanese at a basic level g 3.I. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% 15LE203E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test Cycle Test Surprise Quiz II III Test 15% 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% L T P 2 0 0 JAPANESE LANGUAGE–I C 2 NIL NIL G GENERAL Japanese faculty of EFL dept 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. Tech French ( for Science and Technology) REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL French for dummies. Goyal publishers Version Originale. 2 3 Double consonants and vowel elongation 2 C 1 1. 3. USA. have a better opportunity for employability by companies who have g association with Japan. 4. To acquire basic conversational skill in the language. Japanese language and culture. 2 C 1 1. French made easy ..D . know about Japan and Japanese culture g 4. read and write the Hiragana Japanese script and a few basic kanji. No. Japan foundation 4. 3. 4 1 Total contact hours C 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 3 1 7 Land. language and culture 2 C 3 1 Unit III – Demonstrative Pronouns 5 8 Telling the time 2 C 2 1 9 asking the price 1 C 2 1 10. 2 C 2. Japanese for dummies. 3 1 13 Colours 1 C 2. Shoho-I.in Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test I In-semester tool Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 14 Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% . 4 1 16 Family – plain and polite forms. www. Wiley publishing co. 2 C 2. Kana workbook. 2 C 2. 3. 3. days of the week and months of the year 2 C 2. seasons 1 C 2 1 11 Kanji introduction 1 C 1 1 Unit IV – Adjectives 5 C 12 Introduction to i-ending and na-ending adjectives. SRM University REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. USA. 3 1 14 Locations 2 2. 3 1 6 Numbers. TEXT BOOKS 1. 3 1 Unit V – Counters 4 15 Some basic counters used in daily life. Japan foundation 5.. A basic course in Japanese.blogspot. Inc.learnjapaneseatsrm.5 Asking about someone and introducing someone 2 C 2. Listening . student will be able to 1. 3 1 10. understand scripts from the text book g 2. 3 1 9 introducing two people to each other 1 C 2. occupation. etc. 2 2 Reading. 2 UNIT II – GREETING 6 4 Expressions related to greetings 1 C 2.15LE204E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval L 2 KOREAN LANGUAGE–I T P C 0 0 2 NIL NIL G GENERAL Korean faculty of EFL dept 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. 2016 To enable students achieve a basic exposure on Korea. Writing. 3 1 15 . Listening .Hangeul 2 3 C 1.Consonants and Vowels 5 C 1 1.Hangeul 3 3 C 1. 3 1 7 Reading. Exchanging personal information 1 C 2. Writing.Hangeul 1 4 C 1 1. 3 1 5 Introducing yourself– About myself (name. Writing. make the students acquire basic conversational skill g 3. 3 1 UNIT III – INTRODUCTIONS 6 8 Introducing another person – obtaining personal information 1 C 2. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. To acquire basic conversational skill in the language. Listening . 3 1 6 Vocabulary – Occupations 1 C 2. create an advantageous situation for the students to have better g opportunity for employability by companies who have association with Korea PURPOSE Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I – INTRODUCTION TO KOREAN LANGUAGE 9 1 Introduction to Hangeul.) 1 C 2. Korean language and culture. 3 1 11 Reading. enable students to know about Korean culture g 4. nationality. 3. 16 C 2 . King Sejong Korean 1.. 3 1 1 1 2. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. Asking for more Vocabulary – food and tableware 14 12 2 C 1 C Reading. Master Korean basic 1-1. 2010 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% 15LE205E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Surprise Quiz Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III CHINESE PHASE-1 L 2 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 NIL NIL G GENERAL Chinese faculty by EFL department 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March . 4. No. R. 3.Hangeul 4 3 C UNIT V – NUMBERS 3 15 Numbers and Counting units 1 C 16 Reading. M. 4 2. COMMUNICATIONBOOKS. Seoul National University. Active Korean 1. 3. 2013. 3.. Cho H. 4 1 1 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Korean Grammar for Foreigners 1. Writing. 4 1. et al. Darakwon. TEXT BOOKS 1. 2016 To acquire phonetics knowledge and simple communication skills with simple Chinese PURPOSE characters for beginners with no knowledge of Chinese. 2006. 2013. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2.Hangeul 5 2 C Total contact hours 2. MOONJINMEDIA. Listening . etal. 3.Korean grammar in use beginning. 2005. Darakwon. 5. Ahn J. Writing. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. 2. Listening . 4 2.6 13 UNIT IV – RESTAURANT Ordering at a restaurant – Ordering food as directed. To help the students learn the Chinese scripts. major cities of china. 17 1 7 4 4 .3 1 6 8 10 Framming basic interrogative sentence.3 1 7 Pronouns Framming simple sentences 2 C 2. To enable students to know about China and Chinese culture.nces in past tense 3 C 2. 4. student will be able to 1. Session Description of Topic UNIT I –PRONOUNCIATIONS AND TONES 1 2 3 Introduction of China and Chinese languages Tables of combination of initials and finals in Putonghua(Mandarin) Introduction of syllables and tones STUDENT OUTCOMES G G G G Contact hours 8 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1 C 4 1 4 C 1 1 3 C 1. 3.5 1 8 Making sentences in S-V-O patterns.3.3. famous festivals of China C 4 1 9. To make the students acquire the basic conversational skill in Chinese. 2. To create an advantageous situation for the students to have better opportunity for employability by companies in association with China/ Chinese market.month.Practice basic conversations with mini dialogues.Making sentences UNIT IV – DAILY USING VOCABULARY Numbers counting in Chinese language with characters-Family relations- 11 Weekdays.3 1 13 UNIT V – BASIC KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CHINA Seasons in Chinese. To help students to acquire the phonetics knowledge. 5.5 1 3 C 2.3 1 UNIT II–BASIC STROKES AND GREETINGS 3 4 Introduction of Chinese characters 1 C 2 1 5 The eight basic strokes of characters Chinese characters with proper stoke orders.INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course.Direction s – 北,南,东,西 3 C 2.5 3 C 2.3 1 12 Chinese currency and monitory systems.3.Date-Time 1 C 2.Basic greetings UNIT III–GRAMMAR AND BASIC CONVERSATIONS 1 C 2 1 1 C 2. New Practical Chinese Readers Textbook (1) . No. grasp the approaches and strategies to solve problems with speed and e accuracy 3. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. gain appropriate skills to succeed in preliminary selection process for i recruitment 4.Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. TEXT BOOKS 1. d 18 C 1 . 2016 PURPOSE To give the right knowledge. skill and aptitude to face any competitive examination. student will be able to build a strong base in the fundamental mathematical concepts a 2. collectively solve problems in teams & group.Beijing Language and cultural university press Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III 15% Surprise Test 5% QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE AND LOGICAL REASONING I 15PD201 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Quiz 5% L 1 Tota l 50% 50% T 0 P 1 NIL NIL NIL G GENERAL Career Development Centre 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. 8-11 16. Probability 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Surprise Test I 1 UNIT IV: MODERN MATHEMATICS I 6 19. Profit and Loss 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Logarithms Rules 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Combination 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Types of numbers. Installments 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 2.8-11 10. Logarithms Intro 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Quadratic Equations and In-equations 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. LCM and GCD 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 4.Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: PURE ARITHMETIC-I 6 1. Probability 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 23. Linear Equations 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. surds UNIT II: COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC1ARITHMETIC-I Arches and Suspension Cables Percentage Intro 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Square root.8-11 17.8-11 11. Discount 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Factorial notation 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 18.8-11 14. 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Identities 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 UNIT III: ALGEBRA I 6 13.8-11 3. Percentage Problems 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 21.8-11 19 6 . Ages 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Fractions and Decimals. Permutations 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Compound Interest.8-11 5.8-11 6. Permutations 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Simple Interest 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 8. Unit digit.8-11 15.8-11 9. Divisibility tests 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Combination 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Cube roots. Remainder concepts 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8-11 22.8-11 24.8-11 7.8-11 12.8-11 20. Number of zeroes. com 11 www.com Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test InAssessment tool I semester Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 10% 20 Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 20% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% . No.careerbless. UNIT V: REASONING Logical Reasoning – Blood relations.R. Information Ordering . by Nishit K Sinha 3 Dr. 2012 7 Dr. Analytical Reasoning 1 C-I-O 1-4 6-11 30.Chand &Company Limited 2011 4 Abhijit Guha. Agarwal.achieversforce. Test Of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations.indiabix. Logical Reasoning – Coding and Decoding 1 C-I-O 1-4 6-11 27. S. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations. Directions. REFERENCE BOOKS 2 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT. 2011 5 Arun Sharma-Quantitative aptitude for CAT.lofoya.Analogy. Tata McGraw Hill. 4th Edition.Arrangements 1 C-I-O 1-4 6-11 28.Chand &Company Limited 2011 ON-LINE RESOURCES 8 www.S – A modern approach to non-verbal reasoning. Tata McGraw Hill 6 Edgar Thrope.com 9 www. Tata McGraw Hill. Information Ordering . Surprise test II 1 Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 3rd Edition. Agarwal.com 10 www. S. Math operations 1 C-I-O 1-4 6-11 29. TEXT BOOK 1 Dinesh Khattar-The Pearson Guide to QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE for competitive examinations.S – Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations. Cubes 1 C-I-O 1-4 6-11 26.6 25.R. operation. 2. Build a circuit. M: Medium correlation. 2. Give a specific design problem to the students. and presents appropriate circuit applications. b operating characteristics of the device / circuit. 2. 2. characteristics. Current2 Voltage relationship. It explains how each device operates. a semiconductor diodes and special diodes. diode current.6 1 1. Current flow in semiconductors PN junction theory: Equilibrium PN junction. Energy band structure 3 PN diodes: Ideal diode and its current-voltage 3 C 21 IOs Reference 1 1. Forward biased PN junction. H: High correlation. The lab course will help the learner gain better PURPOSE understanding of the principles of various semiconductor devices and to give them experience with instruments and methods used by technicians and electronic engineers. discusses device characteristics and parameters.5.6 . Capacitive effects in PN junction. with most emphasis their forward conduction properties. parameters and specifications of 1. which after completion they 5. 2016 ELECTRONICS The purpose of this course is to provide a basis for understanding various semiconductor devices. characteristics and parameters.5. Discuss the operation and performance of important applications of diodes. 3. then make functional measurements to understand the 4. 5 C potential barrier.24th March. b e and switching. b e Explain the bipolar and field-effect transistor construction. Calculation of depletion width. Student Outcomes Instructional Objectives The goals of the course is to ensure that the learners will be able to: H M L Understand the operation.5. Reverse biased PN junction. L: Low correlation Contact C-DSession Description of Topic hours I-O UNIT-I: SEMICONDUCTOR DIODES 9 Basic semiconductor theory: Intrinsic & extrinsic 1 1 C semiconductors.6 1 1.15EC201J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 3 ELECTRON DEVICES T 0 P 2 C 4 Nil 15EC101 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE Department of ECE 30thAcademic Council Meeting. will verify using modern engineering tools such as PSPICE to carry out k e design experiments. The main concentration will be on the devices themselves. as well as its application in amplification a. and presents appropriate circuit applications. PIN diode 2 C 1 4 8 PIN photodiode. D 2 1 13 Voltage multipliers 1 C 2 1 14 Zener diode voltage regulator 1 C. Collector-feedback bias UNIT-V: MOS FIELD-EFFECT TRANSISTORS 1 C 3 1. Gunn diode. 2. 3 16 Current-Voltage characteristics of BJT configurations 2 C 3 1. 2. 3 18 BJT circuit models (h-parameter & hybrid-π parameter) Classical discrete circuit bias arrangements for BJT and its stabilization analysis: Base bias. Varactor diode. characteristics. 3 2 C 3 1. 2. 3 19 20 21 Physical structure and device operation of E-MOSFET & D-MOSFET I-V characteristics of E-MOSFET.6 5 Backward diode. with most emphasis their forward conduction properties. The main concentration will be on the devices themselves. IMPATT diode. Laser diode 2 C 1 4 UNIT-III: DIODE CIRCUITS 9 9 HWR. 3 1 C 3 1. discusses device characteristics and parameters. Voltage-divider bias. Step recovery diode 2 C 1 4 6 Point-contact diode. Diode modeling. bridge rectifier 2 C. 2. D 2 1 10 FWR. 3 4 C. Terminal characteristics and parameters. It explains how each device operates. including derivation for drain current and transconductance 22 9 . The lab course will help the learner gain better PURPOSE understanding of the principles of various semiconductor devices and to give them experience with instruments and methods used by technicians and electronic engineers. 2. 2. precision HWR 2 C. 3 17 BJT as an amplifier and as a switch 1 C 3 1. Emitter bias.The purpose of this course is to provide a basis for understanding various semiconductor devices. Metal-semiconductor junctions 2 C 1 4 7 Tunnel diode. D 2 1 UNIT-IV: BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS 9 15 Physical structure and device operation of BJT 1 C 3 1. D 2 1 12 Clippers and Clampers 1 C. D 3 1. 2. 2. Avalanche photodiode. DC load line and analysis UNIT-II: SPECIAL DIODES 9 4 Zener diode 1 C 1 1. D 2 1 11 Rectifiers with filter capacitors 2 C. 2.I. 3 IOs Reference 1. 4 1. 3 3 C.O 3. McGraw-Hill Education. PN diode characteristics 2.O 3.O 3. 2.O 3.The purpose of this course is to provide a basis for understanding various semiconductor devices. 8 25 S.O D. 4 3. “Electronic Circuits: Analysis and Design”. 8 7. 5 7.4 7. 8 7. Voltage divider bias Total contact hours 1 C 3 1.O 1. MOSFET characteristics (either of the configurations) 2 I. 23 . Donald Neamen. 4 7. It explains how each device operates. LED.O 6. 4 1. No. I. Description of Experiments 45 Contact hours 2 C-DI-O I. 8 9.4 7. 2. 8 10. 2 2.3. 2011. 2015. discusses device characteristics and parameters. 8 11. “Electronic Devices and Circuits”. I. BJT & MOSFET switching 2 D. Zener diode voltage regulator circuit 2 D. The lab course will help the learner gain better PURPOSE understanding of the principles of various semiconductor devices and to give them experience with instruments and methods used by technicians and electronic engineers. and presents appropriate circuit applications. The main concentration will be on the devices themselves. Diode clipping and clamping circuits 2 D. 2.O 4. 8 7. BJT biasing circuits (any two circuit arrangements) 2 D. BJT characteristics (either of the configurations) 2 I. 3 23 MOSFET as an amplifier and as a switch 1 C 3 1.I. with most emphasis their forward conduction properties.I. 2.O 3. 8 12. O Total contact hours 7. 8 7.O 1. and Solar Cell 2 Simulation experiments using PSPICE 8 1. Self bias. Diode rectifier circuits 2 D. David A. 22 CMOS FET 1 C 3 1. Oxford University Press. 3rd edition. D 3 1. MOSFET biasing circuits (any two circuit arrangements) 2 D. 3 24 MOSFET models Classical discrete circuit bias arrangements for MOSFET:Gate bias. 8 7.4 7. Bell. Zener diode characteristics 2 I.I. 4 1. 2.I. 5th edition.I. 8 8.4 7. 2. Photoconductive Cell. 8 30 Learning resources (Text books / other reading materials) 1.O 5. 2.4 7. 2013. Muhammad Rashid. Laboratory Manual. 5. 4. 2nd edition. 9th edition. 2014. Department of ECE. Pearson/Prentice Hall.3.c M k L . “Electronic Devices”. Sedra. Cengage Learning. SRM University Muhammed H Rashid. 7. 6. 3rd edition. “Introduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics”. 24th March 2016 To develop a strong foundation in analysis. Floyd. Thomas L. Adel S. design and implementation of digital electronic circuits. 2013. Course nature Insemester Theory + Practical Assessment Method for Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Cycle TestSurprise Assessment tool Cycle Test-I Cycle Test-II III Test Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% Quiz Total 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% Insemester Assessment Method for Practical Component (Weightage 50%) Model Assessment tool Experiments Record Quiz/Viva Voce examination Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% Total 60% End semester examination Weightage : 40% 15EC203J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE DIGITAL SYSTEMS L T P C 3 0 4 2 NIL 15EC101 NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 8. 2010. “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”. Pearson Education. Smith. 24 H a. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky. Kenneth C.b. learner will be able to 1. 11th Edition. Pearson Education. OUP. Robert L. “Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis & Design”. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 2004. Understand and design combinational and sequential systems. “Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications”. look ahead carry generator). Analyse the synchronous logic circuits. PMOS and CMOS logic circuits.c k a. S. Metal Oxide Semiconductor logic families: N-MOS. Decoder. Noise margin. Multiplexer.5 8 UNIT-II: LOGIC FAMILIES 4.2. Minimization of Boolean Functions: Algebraic simplification. 4. Hexadecimal arithmetic. Master-slave RS flip-flop.4. Magnitude comparators. 3.D 1 1-5 UNIT-IV: SEQUENTIAL SYSTEMS 10 C 1 1-5 10.4. Schottkey TTL.D 1 1-5 3 C 4 1. T flip-flop.3. Logic Families: TTL Logic Family: Totem-pole. Understand concepts of digital integrated circuits. 3. Binary arithmetic. Supply voltage levels. 5 C. 6.5 5 C. Characteristics of MOS logic. JK flip-flop.3. Programmable Logic Devices. D flip-flop and latch. standard TTL characteristics.3. Error detecting and error correcting codes.b. QuineMcCluskey or Tabulation method. 2. Flip-flop and Latch: SR latch.4. 25 3 . Propagation Delay. No. 5. Encoder. Karnaugh map simplification. Code converters. 2 C. UNIT-III: COMBINATIONAL SYSTEMS 1. b.4. BCD arithmetic. Understand concepts of memory. n-bit parallel adder & subtractor.c k L—Low Correlation. asynchronous inputs. Comparison of MOS logic circuits(CMOS) with that of a TTL digital circuit.c k b. DIGITAL ARITHMETIC AND SIMPLIFICATION OF BOOLEAN FUNCTIONS 9 1.D 1 1-5 9.3. Arithmetic: Arithmetic number representation. Electrical characteristics: Fan-out.D 1 1-5 8. Implementation of combinational logic by standard IC’s. Masterslave JK flip-flop. Description of Topic Contact hours UNIT I: BINARY CODES. Demultiplexer.5 3 C 4 2 C 4 1.5 9 7. H – High Correlation. open-collector and tristate TTL. C-D-IO IOs Reference 2 C 1 1 2 C 1 1. M—Medium Correlation. subtractor. Power dissipation. 2 C. Operational voltage levels. Binary arithmetic units (Adder. Parity generators. 15.2 1-5 2 C 1.I.3 1-5 9 14.I. Implementation of combinational logic functions using standard ICs. Design and implementation of Synchronous Counters.I.D 1.O 1 6 2 D. UNIT-V: MEMORY AND PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC 13. 6. Analysis and design of synchronous sequential circuits. PROM as PLD.I.D 1. ROM. 4 I.3 1-5 4 C.D 1. 11. 3. 1. 12.5 3 C. 4 D. Characteristic table verification of flip-flops. Construction and verification of shift registers.O 1. Construction and verification of 4-bit ripple counter and Mod-10 / Mod-12 ripple counters. 4.4.3 1. Contact hours C-D-IO IOs Reference 4 D. C.2 6 8.2 6 Total contact hours 30 26 .2 6 9. No. 2. 2 I.O 1. Synchronous (Clocked) sequential circuits: Mealy and Moore model. Programmable Array Logic (PAL).O 1 6 2 D. Johnson counter.O 1 4 D. memory decoding.2 6 10.I. Ring counter. PIPO). Programmable Logic Array (PLA). RAM.O 1.D 1. Universal shift register.O 1.2 1-5 4 C. UpDown counter. Total contact hours 3 45 Description of Experiments Design and implementation of Adder and Subtractor using logic gates. Design and implementation of code converters using logic gates. State machine design with SM charts. PISO. 5. Modulus-n Counter. Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLD’s.O 1 6 2 D.3. SIPO. Counters: Asynchronous/Ripple counters. Design and implementation of 2 bit Magnitude Comparator using logic gates. Programmable Logic Devices (PLDs): Basic concepts. Design and implementation of encoder and decoder using logic gates. Design and implementation of Multiplexer and Demultiplexer using logic gates.I. Synchronous counters.Registers & Counters: Shift registers (SISO.O 1 6 4 D.O 1 6 6 7. 2 I. S.I. 5th Edition. 6 “LAB MANUAL”. and to mathematically analyze different types of signals and their associated systems. “Digital Principles and Applications”. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Michael D. Pearson Education. “Digital System Principles and Applications”. Ciletti. Larry L. No. Kinney.2016 To impart knowledge of fundamentals of signals and systems. Pearson Education 10th edition. Donald P Leach. Morris Mano M. Floyd. 4. Tocci. 2010. “Digital Fundamentals”. Thomas L. 2009. 2014. 24th March . Pearson Education. 2. Cengage Learning India Edition. 6th Edition. Department of ECE. “Digital Design with an Introduction to the Verilog HDL”. Charles H Roth (Jr). Tata-Mcgraw Hill. STUDENT OUTCOMES INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. learner will be able to H 27 M L . 10th Edition. SRM University. GoutamSaha.LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Albert Paul Malvino. 5th Edition. Ronald J. 2013. Course nature Theory + Practical Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Cycle test Cycle test Surprise Cycle Test III Quiz Total In-semester tool I II Test Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% Assessment Method – Practical Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Experiment Recor MCQ/Quiz/Viva Model Tota In-semester tool s d Voce examination l Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% 60% End semester examination Weightage : 40% 15EC205 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE L 3 SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS T 1 P 0 C 4 15MA201 15MA102 NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE SIGNAL PROCESSING Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 2008. 3. 5. “Fundamentals of Logic Design”. Discrete time signals. 12.D 1 1-4 2 C. Trigonometric Cosine representation and exponential. Zero state response and Zero input 28 3 .4 6 C. M—Medium Correlation. Deterministic and random signals. 5. 5. Symmetry conditions Properties of Continuous time Fourier series. a a a System modeling: Solution of Differential equation with initial conditions. L—Low Correlation. 8.D 1 1-4 1 D. Acquire knowledge of various classifications of Signals and Systems b Utilize the mathematical computing tool for analysis of signals and systems b Analyze Periodic and Aperiodic Continuous time Signals using Fourier series. Frequency spectrum Fourier transform: Representation of Continuous time signals. Energy density spectrum Analysis of LTI system using Fourier methods Programs using mathematical computing tool for Fourier series and Fourier transform of CT k a c a c C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C. 6.2 6 2 C. Session 1. Unit impulse. Time Invariant system causal system.I 2. 4. Unit ramp. LTI system Programs using mathematical computing tool for mathematical operations on CT. 3.D 4 1-4 2 C.D 3 1-4 3 C.D 3 1-4 2 C. 4. 10. Systems with and without memory. b Analyze and characterize the Continuous time system through Laplace b transform and Fourier transform. Complex exponential and Sinusoidal signals Unit step.D 4 1-4 12 12 12 UNIT-III: LTI CT SYSTEM 13. 2. Parseval’s relation for energy signals. Discrete time systems. Basic operations on Signals. Parseval’s relation for power signals. Representation of signals in terms of unit impulse Continuous time systems.1. DT signals UNIT-II: ANALYSIS OF CONTINUOUS TIME SIGNALS Fourier series: Representation of Continuous time Periodic signals. Even and odd signals Energy and power signals. Periodic and Aperiodic signals.D 1 1-4 2 C. 11. BIBO system. 7. 3.D 4 1-4 1 D.I 1. Analyze and characterize the Discrete time system through DFT and Z b transform and also realize Discrete time system using Z transform H – High Correlation. 9.D 1 1-4 3 C. 2.D 1 1-4 2 C.D 3 1-4 2 C. Properties of Continuous time Fourier transform. Linear system. Contact hours Description of Topic UNIT I: CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS Continuous time signals . Laplace transform and its properties Analysis and characterization of LTI system using Laplace transform Programs using mathematical computing tool for CT system analysis using LT UNIT-IV: ANALYSIS OF DT SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 2 C. Convolution integral 2 C. 2nd Edition.5 6 21. 4.14. No. Parallel. Programs using mathematical computing tool for DT system analysis using DFT UNIT-V: LTI DT SYSTEM CHARACTERIZATION AND REALIZATION 12 Unilateral and Bilateral Z transforms and its properties 2 C. 28.5 6 Inverse Z transform: Power series expansion and Partial fraction methods Analysis and characterization of DT system using Z transform Realization of structures for DT systems.” Signals & Systems”. Oxford Press. 2. Frequency response 1 C. “Signals and Systems”. “Digital Signal Processing. Frequency response.D 4 1-4 3 C.Ramakrishna Rao. John G. Convolution sum. 12 19. Pearson Education.D 5 1-6 1 D. 27. 2009. Shankar Prakriya.D 5 1-6 3 C. Schafer “Signals & Systems”. Algorithms and 29 . Solution of linear constant coefficient difference equations with initial conditions.D 4 1-4 1 D. Impulse response. Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) 1 C 5 1-6 20. Alan V Oppenheim.D 5 1-6 4 C. 23. Lathi B.I 2. Direct form I.I 2. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen.D 5 1-6 3 C. Representation of sequences.D 4 1-4 15. 18. Principles. Direct form II. P.I 2. 22. Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) and its properties 3 C. 25. Ronald W. John Wiley & Sons Inc.4 6 17. “Linear Systems & Signals”.D 5 1-6 3 C.P. 5.D 5 1-6 3 C. 24. Second Edition. BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIALS 1. Proakis and Manolakis. 2007. McGraw Hill Education.D 5 1-6 1 D. 4th reprint 2015 3. Cascade forms Programs using mathematical computing tool for DT system analysis using ZT Total contact hours 60 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.D 4 1-4 16. Convolution. 2nd Edition 2015(Imprint). Zero state response and Zero input response Impulse response. 26. 2nd Edition. 3 2 C. 2. Emphasize the significance of Maxwell’s equations a e 3. 24th March. Review of vector calculus 2 Coulomb’s law and field intensity: Electric Field due to continues charge distribution.2.3 30 C . .D 1 1. M= Medium Correlation.Nagoor Kani. Pearson Education.” Signals & Systems”.3 Electric dipole and flux lines: Energy density in the electrostatic field 2 C 1 1.2. 12th reprint 2015. Cylindrical and Spherical. A. 2007. L = Low Correlation Contact C-DSession Description of Topic IOs Reference hours I-O 10 UNIT I: ELECTROSTATICS 1. 4th Edition.Applications”.2. learner will be able to H M L 1. McGraw Hill Education. Acquire fundamental knowledge on transmission line theory and a e b impedance matching techniques. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 2016 PURPOSE C 3 To acquire knowledge on theoretical concepts and analysis techniques to find solutions for problems related to electromagnetic wave propagation and transmission line theory. 1 1. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% 15EC207 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Surprise Quiz Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle Test III Total 50% 50% L T P ELECTROMAGNETICS AND TRANSMISSION LINES 3 0 0 Nil 15MA102 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.D 1 1. 5.2.3 Electric potential: Relationship between E and V 1 C 1 1. 6.2. Gain knowledge on the basic concepts and insights of electric and a e magnetic fields 2. Interpret the wave propagation in guided waveguide a e 4. 3. Introduction to co-ordinate system: Cartesian.3 C. Electric flux density 3 Gauss Law: Applications of Gauss Law 4. H= High Correlation. D 3 1.3.3 9. Biot Savart Law 1 C 1 1.2.UNIT II: MAGNETOSTATICS AND MAXWELLS EQUATIONS 9 6. Power Transmission and Attenuation 2 C. Waves in general: Plane waves in Lossless dielectric. Good Conductor 3 C.2.3.3 10.D 1 1.3.3. Ampere’s circuital law: Applications circuital law 2 C.3 7. single stub Tuner 23.2. Magnetic flux density 1 C 1 1.5 21.2.3 8.5 18. Faradays law: Transformer and Motional EMF 1 C 2 1.2.4 16.3 UNIT III: ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND WAVEGUIDES 9 13.3.D 3 1. Time varying potentials 1 C 2 1.2.5 3 C 4 1.3. wave propagation in guide 1 C.D 3 1.3.4 14.3 Transmission line parameters 1 C 4 1.2.4 UNIT IV: TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY 9 17.5 UNIT V: TRANSMISSION LINE CALCULATOR AND IMPEDANCE MATCHING 8 3 D 4 24. Maxwell’s equation for static fields 1 C 2 1. Rectangular waveguide: Transverse Magnetic (TM) and Transverse Electric (TE) mode 3 C.2.D 4 1. Impedance Measurement using slotted lines 1 C 4 1.2. Power calculation for various cases 3 D 4 1. Smith chart: Solutions to transmission line and stub matching problems using Smith chart Impedance Matching using Quarter wave Transformer. 15.D 3 1.2. Transmission line Equation 2 D 4 1.5 31 . 22. standing wave ratio 3 C. Displacement current: Maxwell’s Equation in Final forms 2 C 2 19. Free space.3 11.5 20.3. Input impedance.2. Transmission lines as circuit elements 1 C 4 1.3.2. . Sixth Edition. Hayt. Kulkarni “Elements of Electromagnetics”. John D. 2016. G. First Indian print.Jr and John A. 4. Oxford University Press. “Engineering Electromagnetics”.Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Ltd. PHI. “Networks. 2009 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% LEVEL 2 SEMESTER II 15LE207E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: GERMAN LANGUAGE II NIL GERMAN LANGUAGE I 32 L 2 T 0 P 0 C 2 . V.S. 6th Edition. Nannapaneni Narayana Rao. Asian Edition. Pearson Education. “Electromagnetic Field Theory and Transmission Lines”. Sadiku. Lines and Fields”..N. Matthew N. 2015 2.Raju. S. “Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics”.Buck. 2012 5. O. William H. No. 8th Edition. 2006 3. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Pearson Education..Ryder. 2 Unit II – Wichtige Sprachhandlungen 6 1 Dativ Präpositionen 2 C 2. understand technical literature. 3.2 1. 2016 The Engineering students continue to learn German language in Phase II.Course Category Course designed by Approval G GENERAL Department of English & Foreign Languages 30th Academic Council Meeting .4 1 4 Possessiv Artikel 2 3. student will be able to 1.2 Unit IV – Wichtige Sprachhandlungen 6 33 C C .4 1.2 2 Partizip Perfekt 3 C 3.2 1.2 2 Modal Verben 1 C 1. By introduction of Modal verbs and Perfect tense in Grammar.24th March. Akkusativ Verben . As already stated.D.2 Unit III – Wichtige Sprachhandlungen 6 1 Akkusativ verbs 2 C 3.Wie lange 1 C 2 1 3 Untrennbare Verben 1 C 2. I.4 1 2 Wohin-Wann. Developing easy conversation. Wechsel Präpositionen . the g students will definitely be able to converse well in German.2 4 Wortschatz 2 3 1. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES PURPOSE At the end of the course.2 3 Trennbar verben 2 C 1.2 1.2 3. Konnektoren . writing e-mails and letters in conventional g German Language 4. Partizip g Perfekt. To enable the students to read. Session Contact hours Description of Topic C. the students will obtain extra profile in the field of employment opportunities in addition to their Engineering degree. O IOs Reference Unit I – Wichtige Sprachhandlungen 6 1 Wiederholung 1 C 1. read g German newspapers & short stories and also to write short notes 2.4 1. Wortschatz 1 C 3 1.4 1. Dativ Verben und Modal Verben. Dativ Präpositionen . 4 1. German for Beginners. auf.2 5 Dialoge 1 C 2.2.I G GENERAL Department of English and Foreign Languages 34 Surprise Test L 2 T 0 50% 50% P 0 C 2 . 3. Studio d A1.2 zwischen Total contact hours C C 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 1.4 1. 3.2 6 Prufungen Gesprach 1 C 1. neben. 1 3.2 2 Akkusativ prepositions 1 C 2. SRM University REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. TEXT BOOK No. (Kursbuch und Sprachtraining) MATERIAL FOR FURTHER READING: Sometimes we use CDs for practicing of Native speaking.sondern) 1 2.4 1 3 Personal pronomen – Dativ 1 C 2.4 1.denn.4 1 2 Dativ Artikel mit nomen 1 C 4 1 3 Das Prateritum 1 C 4 1 4 Wechselpreposition (an. in. Deutsch als Fremdsprache with CD.Wichtige Sprachhandlungen 6 1 Dativ prepositions 1 C 2. Akku & dativ pronomen 2 C 2.1 Dativ verbs 1 C 3.3 1. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% 15LE208 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : FRENCH LANGUAGE II NIL FRENCH .2.4 1.4 1 Unit V .oder. vor.4 1 4 Konnektoren(aber. über.3 5 Nom . hinter. unter.und. les adjectifs de nationalité et le féminin et le masculin des noms de métiers scientifiques.4 UNIT II – LES ADJECTIFS ET LES NATIONALITES 8 3 C 1. day to day conversation. Les noms de scientifiques célèbres. The learner acquires the concept of general French for everyday interactions 4. LES PREPOSITIONS DE TEMPS 8 Le calendrier universitaire français. 2. les adjectifs démonstratifs. 2 C 1.3 Le futur proche. Les noms de pays. Improve their oral and written skills through practice.4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Comprendre et présenter un emploi du temps et comment dire l’heure. les nationalités. proposer et accepter une sortie et un rendez-vous 35 . 2. 2 C 3 1.3.3. scientifiques. 3. The student get to know the particularities of French culture and life style Session Contact hours Description of Topic g g g g C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I – L’HEURE. les matières. 2 C 2.4 UNIT III – LES ARTICLES PARTITIFS 6 8 Les habitudes alimentaires et la cuisine française. 4 10 Les verbes manger et boire au présent et l’article partitif. 4 2 C 2 1.4 1.3 1.4 1. puis s’informer sur les horaires Le deuxième groupe des verbes comme finir et les prépositions de temps.2. 2 C 1. 24th March. Consolidate the knowledge of French grammar with examples provided from different angles: from present day literature. les spécialités 2 C 3 1.3 1. the course helps 1.3 3 C 1.2 1. 2016 Approval PURPOSE Language skills coupled with technical skills enables the French students in career orientation.4 1. 2 C 1.30th Academic Council Meeting. An advanced level of the language helps the students get to know to access information on the internet and to send and receive mails and are in a position to communicate effectively with any French speaker INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the semester. les métiers scientifiques.4 1. 3 Les jours de la semaine. 2 2 C 1. 3.4 9 Comment faire les courses et commander au restaurant.2. les mois de l’année. l’heure. comprendre une étiquette et demander le prix. exprimer ses besoins. . student will be able to 1. Goyal publishers 4. 3. read and write the Katakana Japanese script and a few more kanji.3 1. la nominalisation C 1.4 1. Inc. TEXT BOOKS 1. Version Originale. No. 2.3. Wiley publishing co. Goyal publishers Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15LE209E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 2 JAPANESE LANGUAGE II T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 2 NIL JAPANESE LANGUAGE-I G GENERAL Japanese faculty of EFL dept 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. have a better opportunity for employability by companies who have association with Japan 36 STUDENT OUTCOMES g g g g . 12 4 2 C 3. Tech French ( for Science and Technology) REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2.4 1. improve their conversational skill in Japanese 3. 2 Les prépositions de lieu et les verbes pronominaux. French for dummies. 2. USA. 2 Total Contact Hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 2016 To enable students to learn a little advanced grammar in order to improve their conversational ability in Japanese. 2 UNIT V – LA NOMINALISATION 4 13 Comment exprimer un souhait professionnel C 2.4 1. French made easy . INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. 2 C 2. know about Japan and Japanese culture 4. 2 14 Formuler un projet.UNIT IV – LES VERBES ET LES VERBES 11 PRONOMINAUX Les fêtes et les jours fériés français. 2 C 2. 4 1 Unit V – Verb Forms 4 14 Use of ~te form and ~tai form 2 C 2. Japan foundation 37 . Inc. 3. 3. TEXT BOOKS 1. affirmative and negative forms 2 C 2. 2 2 Chart 2 – ten-ten letters and chart 3 – combination letters. 3. time and objects.Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference Unit I – Katakana Script 8 1 Chart 1 – 46 syllables 4 C 1 1. 2 Unit II – Verbs and Associated Particles 8 4 Commonly used verbs and their associated particles. No. de and ga) 2 C 2. 2 C 2. 4 1 11 Combining two adjectives and contrasting adjectives (use of ~kute. 3. 3. 4 1 8 Kanji for verbs 1 C 2. 3 1 6 Verbs in past tense 2 C 2. 4 1 15 Kanji – ookii. 4 1 13 Kanji – time and people related 2 C 2. A basic course in Japanese. SRM University REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. 4 1 Unit IV – Invitation 4 12 Use of ~masen ka and ~mashou. gaku and go (language) 2 C 2. 3. 2 3 Double consonants and vowel elongation 2 C 1 1. chiisai. Wiley publishing co. 3.. Kana workbook. 3. USA. 3 1 7 Common expressions used in daily life 1 C 2. 3. 4 1 Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 4 1 Unit III – Adjectives 6 9 Introduction to i-ending and na-ending adjectives 2 C 2. 2 C 2. 3 1 5 Verbs indicating destination. Japanese for dummies. 4 1 10 Non-past and present. 3. 2 C 1 1. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. 2016 To enable students achieve a basic exposure on Korea.Asking the name of things with demonstratives Basic Conversation and Listening 2 C 1 1. Shoho-I.Expressing movement 2 C 2. understand scripts from the text book 2. Total 50% 50% create an advantageous situation for the students to have better opportunity for employability by companies who have association with Korea Session Contact hours Description of Topic STUDENT OUTCOMES g g g g g C-DI-O IOs Reference Unit I – DESCRIBING THINGS 6 Review of Vowels and Consonants Asking if someone has an item . 2 2 C 1 1.2 Unit II – SHOPPING 9 4 Asking prices – Selling and Buying items at a store 3 C 2.in Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15LE210E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L T 2 0 KOREAN LANGUAGE–II P 0 C 2 NIL KOREAN LANGUAGE-I G GENERAL Korean faculty of EFL dept 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. Japan foundation www. noun “place” 3 C 2. student will be able to 1.4. To acquire basic conversational skill in the language. 3 1 6 Korean culture “money” 3 C 2.Basic verb. 3 1 1 2 3 8 38 . enable students to know about Korean culture 4.learnjapaneseatsrm. To enable students to buy items at a store and talk about daily schedules 5. 3 1 5 Vocabulary . Korean language and culture. 3 1 Unit III – DAILY LIFE 6 Talking about daily life . 5. 2 2 C 1 1. Basic adjective.blogspot. make the students acquire basic conversational skill 3. 2013. About my friends 2 C 2. Cho H. 2006. No. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15LE211 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Course Category Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : CHINESE PHASE-II NIL NIL G GENERAL 39 L 2 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 2 .Talking about daily life -Expressing negation Basic Conversation and Listening – Describing a person or a thing 2 C 2. 3 1 Unit IV – INTERROGATIVE 6 12 Getting information about someone – One’s likes and dislikes. M. 2013. 3. MOONJINMEDIA. Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. et al. Darakwon.Expressing days of the week 1 C 2. 4 1 16 Basic Conversation and Listening – Expressing days of the week 2 C 2. King Sejong Korean 1. Ahn J.. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. 3. Darakwon.. 3. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. 3 1 Unit V – TIME 3 15 Telling time . Master Korean basic 1-1. TEXT BOOKS 1. 2. R. etal.Korean grammar in use beginning. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. 4. 4 1 9 10. 2005. 3 1 2 C 2. COMMUNICATIONBOOKS. 3. Korean Grammar for Foreigners 1. 2010 3. Active Korean 1. Seoul National University. 5. 4 1 13 Linking two sentences 2 C 2. THE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF THE KOREAN LANGUAGE. 4 1 14 Basic Conversation and Listening 2 C 1. Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference Unit I –INTRODUCING ONESELF 3 1 Introducing people to each other.,如果)Usage of the basic verbs and adjectives. To improve their employability by companies associated with China/ G Chinese market.2. sentence with a nominal predicate. To make the students improve their Chinese conversational skills.2.5 1 2 C 2.4 1 2 C 1 C 1.Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Chinese faculty by EFL department 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March.3 1 2.3. 2016 To acquire communication and writing skills for beginners with basic knowledge of Chinese INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 3. 4.4 1 2 C 2.5 1 2 C 2. student will be able to 1.5 3 4 5 Question and answer about nationality-Question and answers about places Expressing apology -Question and answer about timeMaking proposal-Expressing affirmation/ negation 6 Telling age-Making requests 2 7 Question and answer about postcodes and telephone number 2 Unit III–GRAMMAR 8 8 Interrogative questions 9 Sentence with a verbal and an adjectival predicate.Usage of (还是.2 1 2 Self-introduction-introducing oneself 1 C 1 1 Unit II–DAILY USING CONVERSATIONS 10 Receiving a guest 2 C 1. sentence with a subject verbconstruction as its predicate Unit IV – DAILY USING VOCABULARY 40 2 7 C 1 1 . 2.但是,可是, 以后,以前,后来,每.3.3 1 C 2.Verbal measure words-Optative verbs 10 11 C 2 Making sentences in future tense. conversations 2 C 1. G character writing skills and language knowledge. G To help students extend their Chinese grammar and vocabulary To enable students to improve their knowledge about China and Chinese G culture. the student will be able to 1. Sharpen logical reasoning through skilful conceptualization.除了。。。以外。 Total contact hours 2 2 1 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. semantics and logic 2.Beijing Language and cultural university press Course nature Theory Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II Cycle Test III Surprise Test In-semester Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% End semester examination Weightage : 15PD202 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval VERBAL APTITUDE Quiz 5% L 1 Total 50% 50% T 0 P 1 C 1 NIL NIL NA G GENERAL VERBAL APTITUDE Career Development Centre 30th Academic Council Meeting . usage. 24th March.Sports 3 C 2 1 Unit V – CONSTRUCTIONS 2 C 2. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. New Practical Chinese Readers Textbook (1) . Enhance lexical skills through systematic application of concepts and g i careful analysis of style. syntax.12 Colours . No.Different kinds of professions - 2 C 13 Name of the places.Vegetables and fruits 2 C 2 1 14 Body parts. TEXT BOOKS 1. 2016 To impart knowledge and equip with skills and aptitude that will enable PURPOSE learners ace competitive exams and placement tests with speed and precision. i 41 .从。。。到.是。。。 的. Build vocabulary through methodical approaches and nurture passion for g i learning new words 3.正在。。。呢.3 1 15 Introduction and application of few frequently used constructions in Chinese Language like 跟。。。一样. Antonyms 1 I. Odd Words 1 C. Total contact hours 30 42 . Idioms and Phrasal Verbs 1 C.4.4 1. Word Analogy 2 2.O 2 1. Sentence Completion & Text Completion 2 C.4 1.O 3.8 8. decision making. Sl. 4. Sentence Equivalence 2 I.3.8 14.I 3 1.3 1.17 12. 16. Contact hours Description of Topic UNIT I: CRITICAL REASONING -I 1.4. Introduction to Different Parts of an Argument in Reasoning Assumption of an Argument 3.3 1.4 1.O 2.O I.2 UNIT II: VOCABULARY ENRICHMENT 1 6 5.I . i d f C-DI-O g j IOs Reference 3. organizational behavior 4.16 UNIT VI: PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS 4 Case Study 4 C.identification of relationships between words based on their function.3 1.5 7.2 Weakening of an Argument C.I. Sentence Correction 4 I.O 3.O 5 15 15.9.I.13 9. usage and characteristics Hone critical thinking skills by analyzing the arguments with explicit and implicit premises to validate the author’s point of view Inculcate problem solving and decision making skills through case studies on work ethics.7.14.I. 1 C 1 C.4 1.9.O 1.8 11.17 UNIT IV: ERROR ANALYSIS 6 13. Same Word-Different Parts of Speech 1 UNIT III: VERBAL REASONING 6 10.O 2 1.2 4 2.D.10. Synonyms 2 I.I.5 6. 1.6 UNIT V: PARA JUMBLE 4 Logical Rearrangement of Sentences 4 C.7.D. No.O 2. Identification of Error/s 2 I.3. Overview of the syllabus.O 1 1.O 2 1.I.2 Strengthening of an Argument 1 C.7.O 3.I 2 1. VARC for the CAT. Norman Lewis. 19th Edition.Chand Publications. TEXT BOOKS 1. 15. 11. The Case Study Handbook : How to Read. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL Manhattan GMAT . Objective English. 3rd Edition. Sujith Kumar. Charles Harrington Elstor. R.S. Discuss and Write Persuasively About Cases Nishit K Sinha. Verbal Advantage: Ten Easy Steps to a Powerful Vocabulary. September 2000.Graw Hill Publication.Barron’s New GRE. 2nd Edition.Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide. Barron’s Educational Series. 3. Sam Phillips. S. Vibrant Publishers.Aggarwal. USA. Verbal Aptitude :A Quantum Leap to Empowerment 2. 16. GRE Text Completion and Sentence Equivalence Practice Questions. No. 14. 3000 Idioms and Phrases (English Improvement for Success). Large Print.LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. GRE Word List 3861 – GRE Words for High Verbal Score. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 43 Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% . Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction Guide. Mc Graw Hill Publication 10. Manhattan Prep GRE : Reading Comprehension and Essays. Inc. 9.A & Wolf Ira K. 5th Edition 7. 2013 Green Sharon Weiner M. 5th Edition 12. 2011 5. Mc. Pearson 13. 2015 17. Pearson Education. 2011. Word Power Made Easy. Reading Comprehension for the CAT. The Official Guide to the GRE-General Revised Test. Goodwills Publications. 2014 Ellet William. Pearson Publication. 2016 Edition 6. 2010 Thorpe Edgar and Thorpe Showich. 2012 8. WR Goyal Publications. 12th Edition 4. Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT. A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning. 2014 Sharma Arun. the learners should be able to do the following: H M L Analyse and design bipolar and FET amplifier circuits to meet certain 1. able to determine the type of feedback circuit required for a specific design b e application and to design a stable feedback amplifier. Analyse the frequency response of amplifier circuits.15EC202 L 3 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Nil 15EC201J Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE Department of ECE 30thAcademic Council Meeting. and determine the maximum 5. Correlates to Student Instructional Objectives Outcomes After completing this course. and to analyse and design various 4. to determine the bandwidth of the circuit.CB. Analyse three principle classes of power amplifiers.CE. b. c e possible conversion efficiency of each type of power amplifier. M: Medium correlation. b e audio & radio frequency oscillator circuits. b. Understand the characteristics of the various types of feedback configurations to be 3. CE . this course introduces basic circuits employing semiconductor devices and its utilization in switching and amplification applications. b e specifications. (analysis using hybrid-π model) Multi-stage amplifier configurations: CE . c e be able to design BJT and MOSFET current sources. b circuit capacitors. Common-Collector and single-tuned circuits.24th March. H: High correlation. CE . 1 C 1 1 3 C. Understand the principle of sine-wave oscillators. L: Low correlation Session Contact hours Description of Topic CDI-O IOs Reference UNIT-I: BJT AMPLIFIERS 9 1 Overview of DC analysis of BJT circuits and BJT models 1 C 1 1 2 AC load line analysis AC analysis of basic BJT amplifier configurations using classical discrete circuit bias arrangements: Common-Emitter. Understand how matched transistor characteristics are used in the IC design and to 6. CommonBase. such as diodes and transistors. 2016 T 0 P 0 ELECTRONICS This course deals with the analysis and design of circuits containing electronic devices. D 1 1-4 2 C.CC. taking into account various 2. With the assumed knowledge on physical characteristics and operation of Purpose major semiconductor devices. 1 1-4 3 4 44 C 3 . Common-Drain and Common-Gate circuits 1 C 1 1 4 C. D C. D C. D C C . D C.This course deals with the analysis and design of circuits containing electronic devices. With the assumed knowledge on physical characteristics and operation of Purpose major semiconductor devices. general feedback structure.CC amplifiers D C. and small-signal models AC analysis of basic MOSFET amplifier configurations using classical discrete circuit bias arrangements: Common-Source. D 1 C 3 1-4 2 C 3 1-4 Practical feedback amplifier circuits 1 D 3 1-4 14 Stability analysis 1 C 3 3-4 15 Frequency compensation 1 C 3 3-4 16 Oscillators: Principles of oscillation C C. D C. load lines. maximum dissipation hyperbola. heat sink 8 22 Class A amplifier 1 23 Class B and Class AB push-pull amplifiers 1 24 Class C amplifiers 1 25 Class D and Class E amplifiers 1 26 Amplifier distortions UNIT-V: IC BIASING & AMPLIFIERS WITH ACTIVE 1 10 21 45 2 C. properties of negative feedback Feedback topologies 13 8 C. such as diodes and transistors. and CC . Q point placement. 5 Frequency response analysis of a basic BJT CE amplifier 2 2 2-4 D UNIT-II: FET AMPLIFIERS 9 6 Overview of FET DC circuit analysis 1 C 1 1 7 Graphical analysis. 5 5 2-5 5 2-5 5 2-5 5 2-6 5 6 1 17 Audio-frequency oscillators 18 Radio-frequency oscillators 19 Crystal oscillators 20 Negative-Resistance oscillator (using tunnel diode) 1 2 UNIT-IV: OUTPUT STAGES AND POWER AMPLIFIERS Definitions and amplifier types. D C 4 1-4 4 1-4 4 1-4 4 5 C 4 5 C 5 1. D 1 2-4 9 BiFET amplifier configuration 1 1 1-4 10 Frequency response analysis of FET CS amplifier 2 2 2-4 10 11 12 UNIT-III: FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS AND OSCILLATORS Feedback amplifiers: Basic feedback concepts. this course introduces basic circuits employing semiconductor devices and its utilization in switching and amplification applications. Robert L. “Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory”. D C. D 45 Learning resources (books / other reading materials) 1. David A. “Electronic Principles”. 4 C. “Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications”. David J. 4 6 2. Albert P. Tata McGraw Hill. “Electronic Circuits: Analysis and Design”. 2010. this course introduces basic circuits employing semiconductor devices and its utilization in switching and amplification applications. 8th edition. “Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis & Design”. 3. 4. McGraw-Hill Education. 4 6 2. 4 6 2. OUP. Pearson Education. D C. Bell. 2011. Bates. Adel S. 5. 3transistor current source. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15EC204J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : LINEAR INTEGRATED CIRCUITS L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 2 15EC202 15EC201J / 15EE208 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE Department of ECE 46 ELECTRONICS C 4 . Muhammad Rashid. 4 C. D C. 2. Cengage Learning. 5th edition. 2013. and Multi-transistor current source FET current sources: 2-transistor MOSFET current source.This course deals with the analysis and design of circuits containing electronic devices. 2014. 2015. 3rd edition. Malvino. Boylestad and Louis Nashelsky. Oxford University Press. such as diodes and transistors. 6. 11th Edition. 2015. cascode current mirror and Wilson current mirror 2 2 30 Analysis of CE and CS amplifier circuit with active load 2 31 DC and small-signal analysis of basic BJT and FET differential pairs 2 32 Analysis of differential amplifier with active loads 2 Total contact hours C 6 2. “Electronic Devices and Circuits”. Donald Neamen. Kenneth C. Smith. Widlar current source. 2nd edition. 4 6 2. D 6 2. cascode current source. LOAD 27 28 29 IC design philosophy Bipolar transistor current sources: 2-transistor current source. With the assumed knowledge on physical characteristics and operation of Purpose major semiconductor devices. Sedra. triangular waves.Approval 30th Academic Council Meeting. H: High correlation. and 5. high-pass. terminals. and sawtooth waves. c k e several circuit arrangements for A/D and D/A conversions. linear and non-linear applications of op-amp and active filter synthesis. waveform generators and data converters. Describe the filter types. and discuss 7. which are low-pass. important op-amp circuits that have certain features or characteristics oriented to b. 2 6 Review of data sheet of an op-amp. b k e and IC voltage regulators. 24th March.Ideal op-amp & 2 1 C practical op-amp . analyse the four basic categories of active filters. 1 C 1 1. Much attention is given to basic op-amp configurations. 2 UNIT-II: OP–AMP APPLICATIONS 9 47 . M: Medium correlation. b. b k e band-pass. its frequency 1. b. Discuss the principles of voltage regulation. 2016 This is a course on the design and applications of operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits. L: Low correlation Contact C-DSession Description of Topic hours I-O UNIT-I: OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIER 9 CHARACTERISTICS 1 Op-amp symbol. Introduce data converter terminology and its performance parameters. and its internal schematic. b k e response and compensation. circuit model. square b k e waves. Correlates to Instructional Objectives Student Outcomes The goals of the course is to ensure that the learners become familiar: H M L Learn the basics of op-amp. 2 5 Basic op-amp internal schematic 2 C 1 1. c k e special applications. its characteristics. c k e of oscillator and communication applications. such as 555 timer and 565 PLL in a wide variety 4. and band-stop. Use popular integrated circuits. This course introduces basic op-amp principles and show how the op-amp can be used to Purpose solve a variety of application problems. types of oscillators produce various types of outputs including sine waves. linear regulator. including switched capacitor configurations. Describe the basic operating principles of oscillator and discuss how different 3. filter response characteristics and filter parameters. Analyze the operation and discuss the performance of several fundamentally 2.Open loop & closed loop configurations 3 DC & AC performance characteristics of op-amp 2 C IOs Reference 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 Frequency response and compensation 2 C 1 1. It also deals with oscillators. switching regulator 6. packages and specifications 1 C Block diagram Representation of op-amp. Switched Capacitor Filters. including switched capacitor configurations. Monolithic ADC Total contact hours 45 48 . Closed loop analysis of 12 3 C. Analog voltage multiplier circuit and its 9 4 D. Linear 14 Voltage Regulators using Op-amp. Ramp 16 Type ADC. Log and Antilog Amplifiers. IC Regulators (78xx. LM 317. It also deals with oscillators. UNIT-III: WAVEFORM GENERATORS AND PLL 9 Waveform Generators: Sine-wave Generators. Monolithic DAC Analog to Digital conversion: ADC specifications. Successive Approximation ADC. HPF. Operational Trans-Conductance Amplifier (OTA). Basic op-amp circuits: Inverting & Non-inverting voltage 7 amplifiers.D. Filter Approximations.D. Voltage follower. IC 555 Timer: Monostable operation and its applications. Voltage Regulators: Basics of Voltage Regulator. I 2 1. Voltage Controlled Oscillator.This is a course on the design and applications of operational amplifiers and analog integrated circuits. 723). Wave Shaping Circuits (Clipper and Clampers). Flash Type ADC. Square / 10 3 D. I 2 1. R-2R Ladder DAC and Inverted 4 C. Comparators and its applications. 15 Weighted Resistor DAC. Differentiators and Integrators Non-linear Applications: Precision Rectifiers. I 3 1-5 Triangle / Saw-tooth Wave generators. BPF and Band Reject Filters. 3 C 5 1-5 79xx.D.I 4 1-5 LPF.I 4 1-5 PLL. Design of 13 6 C. Summing.7 1-5 R-2R Ladder DAC. waveform generators and data converters. State Variable Filters – All Pass Filters. This course introduces basic op-amp principles and show how the op-amp can be used to Purpose solve a variety of application problems. V-to-I 8 3 D.I 6.I 6. Switching Regulators UNIT-V: DATA CONVERSION DEVICES 9 Digital to Analog Conversion: DAC Specifications. AC amplifiers Linear Applications: Instrumentation Amplifiers. Active Network Design . scaling & averaging 2 D. 11 3 D. I 4 1-5 Astable operation and its applications PLL: Operation of the Basic PLL. linear and non-linear applications of op-amp and active filter synthesis. LM 337. Sample and Hold circuit. 2 amplifiers.7 1-5 ADC. Much attention is given to basic op-amp configurations.D. Dual Slope 5 C. PLL applications UNIT-IV: ACTIVE FILTERS & VOLTAGE 9 REGULATOR Filters: Comparison between Passive and Active Networks. I 2 1. 2 and I-to-V converters. 2 applications. 2. Bell. M.2. “Introduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics”. 4th Edition. BPF and Band Reject Filters IC Voltage regulators R-2R ladder DAC Flash Type ADC Simulation experiments using EDA tools Total contact hours Contact hours 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 2 2 2 4 30 C-DI-O D. Pearson/Prentice Hall. Prentice Hall.O D.O D. 2. 2nd edition. McGraw Hill.O D. “Operational-Amplifiers and Linear Integrated Circuits”. 1993. 2013.4 1.I. Maheshwari.4 1. 2001.O IOs Reference 1. No. 2004.O D. 2006.O D.4 1. 2000.O D. D.I. Roy Choudhury and Shail Jain.O D. 4. HPF.2.4 1. 3rd edition.2. “Experiments in Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits”. Electronics”. “Laboratory Manual for Operational Amplifiers & Linear ICs”.O D. Sergio Franco. “Op-Amps and Linear Integrated Circuits”.4 1. 6th Edition. 5. Muhammed H Rashid.2.I.4 1.I. New Age International Publishers. K.I. 7.I. 3rd edition.2.4 1. 9.O D.I.4 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 6-10 Learning resources (books / other reading materials) 1.I.2. “Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs”. David A. SRM University David A Bell.2. Delmar Publishers.I.Gayakwad. 2001. David LaLond.4 1. M. Coughlin. “Linear Integrated Circuits”. S. OUP. Ramakant A. LABORATORY MANUAL. Anand. Course nature In-semester Theory + Practical Assessment Method for Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Cycle Test-I Cycle Cycle Test-III Surprise Test 49 Quiz Total .2. PHI.4 1. Department of ECE.4 1.I. 8. Frederick F.O D. “Design with operational amplifier and analog integrated circuits”. Prentice Hall. Driscoll.O D.I. 4th Edition.2. 1997 3. 6. L.2.I. Bell. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Description of Experiments Basic op-amp circuits Integrators and Differentiators Rectifiers Comparators Wave shaping circuits Waveform generators: using op-amp Waveform generators: using 555 Timer Design of LPF.S. “Laboratory Experiments and PSPICE Simulations in Analog 10.4 1. Robert F.2.A. 2014. L: Low correlation S. It also supports many experiments and new ideas which are evolved in the Purpose mind of students. No. 2 1–4 2. M: Medium correlation. 2016 50% 40% T 0 P 3 C 2 ELECTRONICS This lab course is to train thelearners to design and analyze the operation of discrete electronic circuits and understand their functionality. k e using modern engineering tools such as PSPICE to carry out design experiments. I 1. Design and analysis of RC oscillators 3 D. Provide hands-on experience to the students so that they are able to put theoretical 2. O 1. I. Design and analysis of MOSFET amplifier configurations 3 D. analyze and implement basic discrete electronic circuits such as amplifiers and 1. 2 1–4 4. O 1. Give a specific design problem to the students. which after completion they will verify 3. I. Contact hours Description of Experiments C-D-IO IOs Reference Using discrete components only 21 1. Design and analysis of BJT amplifier configurations 3 D. b c concepts learned in ‘15EC202 Electronic Circuits’ course to practice. I 1. More emphasis is given to trouble shooting which is designed to simulate realistic circuit faults.24th March. Design and analysis of multistage amplifier configurations 6 D. 2 1–4 50 .tool Test-II Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : In-semester Assessment Method for Practical Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Experimen Quiz/Viva Model Record tool ts Voce examination Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% Total 60% End semester examination Weightage : 15EC212L L 0 ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS LABORATORY Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval 15EC202 Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE Department of ECE 30thAcademic Council Meeting. H: High correlation. 2 1–4 3. b c oscillators using discrete transistors (BJT & FET). Correlates to Student Outcomes Instructional Objectives: The goals of the course is to: H M L Design. D.“Experiments in Principles of Electronic Devices and Circuits”. 3. “Introduction to PSpice using OrCAD for circuits and electronics”. 4th edition. Classes of power amplifier (efficiency calculation) 3 D. Bell. David A Bell. I 3 5–6 13. BJT current sources 3 D. 2006. I 3 5–6 12. I. Muhammed H Rashid. Berlin. 5. SRM University 2. O 3 5–6 11. O 3 5–6 10. 2004. I 3 5–6 Total contact hours 45 Learning resources (books / other reading materials) 1. I 1. Design and analysis of LC oscillators 6 D. “Experiments in Electronic Devices”. Design and analysis of BJT CE amplifier with active load 3 D. 4. Laboratory Manual. I 3 5–6 9. K. Design and analysis of differential amplifier with active load 3 D. Design and analysis of negative feedback amplifier configurations 3 D. 6. M. I 1. Maheshwari. Anand. Howard M. PHI. “Laboratory Experiments and PSPICE Simulations in Analog Electronics”. I 3 5–6 8. 1993.5. Course nature Practical Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Insemester Assessment tool Experiments Record Quiz/Viva Voce Model examination Total Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% 60% End semester examination Weightage : 15EE211 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category CONTROL SYSTEMS 40% L 3 T 0 P 0 NIL NIL NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE 51 CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS C 3 . 1998. 3 rd edition. Pearson/Prentice Hall. FET current sources 3 D. Prentice Hall. L. I. Design and analysis of basic BJT differential pairs 3 D. 5th edition. Design and analysis of FET CS amplifier with active load 3 D. 2001. David LaLond. Department of ECE. M. Delmar Publishers. S. 2 1–4 Simulation experiments using PSPICE 24 7.A. 2 1–4 6. “Laboratory Manual for Electronic Devices and Circuits”. convolution and impulse response. 3 1. Signal flow graphs Control hardware and their models: Servo motors. reference tracking. 3 1. Steady State and Stability Analysis 9 8. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 3 1. Basic modes of feedback control : Proportional. 2.2 1 2.2 . zeros Basic Characteristics of feedback control systems: stability. Introduction to Control Systems Modeling and mathematical description of dynamic systems in the time and frequency domain System classification: Continuous-time systems.4. Derivative 1 C 52 1. the student will be able to understand the basic components of control systems a gain knowledge in time and frequency domain tools for the design and a c e h analysis of feedbackcontrol systems k design compensators using time and frequency responses a c e h k understand the concepts of state variable analysis a PURPOSE 1. tachogenerators. 24th March.Course designed by Approval Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 7. 2. Transfer function analysis. disturbance rejection. 4. Time response of first and second order system 1 C 9. step response. Session Description of Topic UNIT I: Introduction to Control Systems 1. 5.2 1 1.2.2 1.2.5 1 1. poles. Block diagram algebra. 4.2.2. gear train Case Study. Contact hours 10 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1 C 1 1 1 1.DC motor Modeling using time and frequency domain. 3. Performance specifications in the time domain . 6.2 1 1.2 1 1.3 1. sensitivity and robustness Closed-loop systems. Integral.2 3 C C 1 C 1 2 1 1 C C C UNIT II: Transient. 3. 2016 To provide students an introduction to the basic principles and tools for the design and analysis of feedback control systems.Steady state error and generalized error constants 1 C 10. 4.D 1.D 21.2.3 9 19. Use of Nyquist stability criterion for stability analysis 2 17. State transition matrix.2.D. 3 1.4 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES 53 C C C. 3 12. State space feedback.2 1. State equation 1 C 4 1. Stability.2 1. Feedback compensation -Lead.5 1.2. Nyquist plot(Polar Plot).4.2.2 1 1. Tuning(Ziegler-Nichols tuning-Step Response and Frequency response method) and design of PID controllers 2 C.D 22. State variables.2.I 1. Gain margin and phase margin 2 18. Case study. 3 1. Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion and Root Locus 3 C 1.2.11.DC Motor Control –Stability Analysis 2 C.2.2 13. Observability 2 4 1. 3 1.DC Motor Control UNIT IV: Compensator Design using Time and Frequency Responses 3 C C C C C. Frequency response of dynamic systems. Lag compensation 1 C 20.I UNIT V:State Space Analysis 8 23.2.Case study.D.2. Case Study.3 UNIT III:Frequency Response Analysis 9 14.2. Pole placement technique. 3 1.2. Controllability.4 27. Design of control systems in State space 1 4 1. 3 1.D.4 25.I 1.2. Performance specifications in frequency domain. BIBO stability. 3 1. 3 1. Case Study – DC Motor Control 2 4 1.4 1. Control system design using Bode Plot 3 C.2 1.2. Bode diagrams.D 1.4 24. Nichols Chart 1 16.4 26.2. Constant M-circles. Control system design using Root locus 3 C.2. 3 1. constant N-circles. 3 1.Speed Control of DC Motor using PID -Simulation 1 C. 3 1.3 . 3 1. computation of eAt 3 C 4 1. Introduction to multiple input multiple output systems. graphical representation of gain and phase data 1 15. “Modern control engineering”. 2009. 5thEdition. Addison-Wesley. 5.2010. 1. R. New Age Publishers. N. 2010. B.S.C.6th Edition. R. BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL Nise.Nagrath and M. “Control Systems Engineering”. Golnaraghi. 5th Edition. “Automatic control systems” 9th Edition. 12thEdition. 2011.Sl. Prentice Hall. “Modern Control systems". 2008. No. Dorf. 4. Ogata.Gopal. Wiley. K. “Control System Engineering”. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Insemester Theory Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : LEVEL 3 54 Surprise Test Total 50% 50% . 2. 3.C and Bishop. Prentice Hall. F and Kuo. I.H.J. To develop comprehension and interpretation skills through speed reading and mind i mapping techniques To assess the logical correctness of texts through application of grammatical rules g i PURPOSE 2. empathy. Gain insights on building a winning CV (digital and LinkedIn profile) in alignment with g the employers’ expectations and creating an impressive self-introduction video To sharpen critical thinking skills by analyzing complex arguments with explicit and i implicit premises to validate the author’s point of view Actively participate in formal discussions and manifest their professional skills such as d g leadership. students will be able to 1. No. 3. 6. To enrich verbal reasoning ability for succeeding in competitive exams. 2016 To inculcate professional values and improve employability skills. Contact hours Description of Topic 55 C-DI-O IOs Reference .LEVEL 3 SEMESTER I 15PD301 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 1 COMMUNICATION & REASONING SKILLS T 0 P 1 C 1 NIL NIL NA G GENERAL COMMUNICATION & REASONING SKILLS Department of Career Development Centre 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. 4. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 5. S. time management and assertiveness Build confidence to encounter the real interview process through formal one-on-one i g assessment sessions with constructive feedback. I 4 3 18. 10.I 5 6. I. Determination of Correct Sentences 1 I. Personal Interview Assessment with constructive feedback 6 O 4 1.D.9 15.9 UNIT II: GROUP DISCUSSION 6 3. Knowledge. Determination of Incorrect Sentences 1 I.I . Inference of an Argument 1 2 4 9.O C. Recap of Critical Reasoning Strategies 1 C 2 4 7.O 2 4 8. What is a Structured Interview? Preliminary Preparation.I 5 6. Team Skills. SPELT Topics. Skills Assessed/Parameters. Sample Interview Video Projection 1 C 4 3 17. Summarizing and Evaluation of an Argument 1 2 4 UNIT IV: VIDEO PROFILE Instructions to present an appealing self introduction video – Sample video profile screening 2 1 C 1 10 Presentation of self introduction video for assessment 1 C.9 UNIT VII: INTERVIEW SKILLS 8 16.UNIT I: CURRICULUM VITAE 2 Importance of building a winning CV.8. O 6 5 13.2 4. Orientation to placement preparation & Do’s and Don’ts of CV/Inputs on LinkedIn profiling 1 C 1 8.7. Time management.7.D.I. Body Language. I.O 1 8. Assertiveness 1 C 3 1.D. Mock GD 1 I 3 5. Drawing conclusion of an Argument 1 C. GD Assessment 4 O 3 UNIT III: CRITICAL REASONING-II 4 6.8. 11. 2.O . Do’s & Don’ts of GD. Communication.O 1 10 UNIT V: SYNTACTIC ANALYSIS 2 12. Techniques of Active and Efficient Reading (Short and Long Passages) 2 C. Discussion of frequently asked questions in the interview 1 D. Total contact hours 30 LEARNING RESOURCES REFERENCE BOOKS/WEBLINKS 56 C. What is GD? Why GD? Types Of GD.D. O 6 5 UNIT VI: COMPREHENSION SKILLS 6 14. I.9 Preparation of an impressive CV 1 C. Analysis of Question Types 4 C. Do’s & Don’ts of an Interview. serial port. Hardware features of 8051 microcontroller such as parallel port. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES The objectives of this course is to provide learners with understanding the: H M L 1. “Brilliant Answers to Tough Interview Questions”. 5th Edition 6. system design and interfacing concepts. Douglas J. 5th Edition 7. Pustak Mahal Publications. The Official Guide to the GRE-General Revised Test.1. Sujith Kumar. Mc Graw Hill Publication 9. instruction set and b c d programming 4. 2nd Edition.com/curriculum-vitae/ 11.quintcareers. Reading Comprehension and Essays. 2016 This course covers the important features and applications of 8086 microprocessor and 8051 PURPOSE microcontroller with details on the internal architecture. Pedersen. VARC for the CAT. Pearson Publication.Critical Reasoning GMAT Strategy Guide. pin functions and operating modes a b d 2. 3rd Edition.hongkiat. Nishit K Sinha. 2. Waveland Press 3.youtube. Susan Hodgson. pin functions. 5th Edition 10. 24th March. 8086 instructions and programming c b a 3. https://www. Gerald M. Phillips. Manhattan Prep GRE : Reading Comprehension and Essays. Pearson Publications. https://www.com/blog/professional-linkedin-profile/ 12. programming. Anand Ganguly.com/video resume/ Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Theory Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II Weightage 10% 10% In-semester 15EC301 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Tota l 50 20% 5% 5% % End semester examination Weightage : 50 % Cycle Test III Surprise Test MICROPROCESSOR AND MICROCONTROLLERS Quiz L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 NIL NIL NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMPUTER Department of Electronics and communication engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Manhattan GMAT . 2015 8. memory organization. Manhattan GMAT Sentence Correction Guide. 8051 architecture. 4. http://www. d b c timer and interrupt 57 . 12th Edition 5. “Group Discussion: A Practical Guide to Participation and Leadership”. 8086 architecture. “Group Discussion for Admissions and Jobs”. 3.D.3.D 1 1.3. M-Medium Correlation.4 13 Intel 8253 Programmable Interval Timer 1 C.3.6 10 Interrupt structure and related programming 1 C.I 3 1.2.3 Register Organization UNIT II: Programming with Intel 8086 9 6 Addressing Modes 1 C 2 1.3.6 Pin functions 2 C 1 1. Interfacing DAC/ADC.3.3.2.D.6 11 UNIT III: 8086 interfacing with memory and programmable devices Interfacing RAM / EPROM chips 1 C.3.3.D.D 2 1.4 12 Intel 8255 Programmable Peripheral Interface.6 8 C. and 8086 & 8089 2 C.D.I 2 1.3.4 C.I 2 1.6 1 C 1 1.I 3 1.D. Interfacing 8086 / 8051 to memory and various other peripherals and d programmable devices H-High correlation.4 1 C.I 3 1.4.4 1 C.D 1 1.3.I 2 1.2.6 9 Assembly Language Programs (ALPs) Stack structure and related programming 1 C. Signals and Features 9 1 8086 architecture 2 3 b c C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C 1 1.I 3 1.6 7 Instruction set C.D.6 5 Multiprocessor system having 8086 & 8087.3. Interfacing switches and LEDs.4 C 4 2.5 Session 6 9 15 Intel 8251 Universal Synchronous / Asynchronous Receiver / Transmitter Intel 8259 Programmable Interrupt Controller 16 Intel 8257 / 8237 Programmable DMA controller 1 UNIT IV: Intel 8051 – Hardware Features and Interfacing 9 8051 architecture 1 14 17 58 .D.D. L-Low correlation Description of Topic (Theory) Contact hours UNIT I: Intel 8086 – Architecture.3.D.I 3 1.2.6 4 Memory Organization Operating modes (configurations and system bus timings) 2 C.I 3 1.3. Interfacing DC / stepper / servo motors 4 C. 5 27 30 Interfacing display devices: LED / 7-segment / LCD displays Interfacing DAC / ADC 31 Interfacing DC motor / stepper motor / servo motor 29 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES (BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL) K. “8051 Microcontroller Architecture.4.4.5 21 Instruction set C.4. McGraw Hill. Ray.5 1 D.I 5 2.I 5 2.2nd edition.5 19 Memory organization 1 D 4 2.D.Microcontroller and Embedded 2.5 26 Interfacing external memory: program memory and data memory memory Interfacing input devices: push-button / matrix keypad 1 D.4.5 24 8051 interrupts and its programming 1 D.J.4.I 5 2.4.Prentice Hall of India.5 22 Assembly Language & C Programming C. Tata McGraw Hill. 7th Edition.5 20 Special Function Registers 1 C 4 2. 2015 Kenneth.I 5 2. 3.18 Pin functions 1 C 4 2. 2007 Subrata ghoshal “ 8051 Microcontroller Internals Instructions .4. "Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals-with ARM and an 1.D 4 2.I 4 2.2007 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Cycle test I Theory Cycle test II 59 Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total . "The 8051 . Thomson.5 1 D.4.5 5 UNIT V: Interfacing of 8051 9 22 8051 parallel ports and its programming 1 D.4. M. Bhurchandi and A.4. 3rd edition 2015 Muhammad Ali Mazidi and Janice Gillispie Mazidi.I 5 2.I 5 2. 3rd edition. Glenn A. 3rd edition. Introduction to Microcontrollers and Interfacing ".Hall. systems".4.4.D.Programming And Interfacing”. Programming and Applications”.4.5 25 8051 serial port and its programming 1 D.programming and design”. Architecture.V. Pearson Education. edition Pearson 2010 Yu-cheng Liu. “Microcomputer systems: The 8086/8088 family6. 2011. “Microprocessor and Interfacing : Programming and Hardware”.4. 4.5 1 D. Doughlas.2nd 5.I 5 2.5 1 D.5 23 8051 timers and its programming 1 C. K.Ayala.Gibson.I 5 2.I 5 2. 1 Implementation of Discrete time systems.systems and modern digital processing as well as applications.Systems. 7. 5. 4. 6. Design FIR and IIR filters using several methods e c Understandthe finite world length effects that arise in digital filters.D C. b e Understand the DSP processors architectures and its addressing modes c e H-High correlation. DFT and FFT 1.D C. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.Weightage 10% 15EC303 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% L 3 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval T 1 P C 0 4 NIL 15EC205 NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE SIGNAL PROCESSING Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. Session Contact hours Description of Topic UNIT I. 3. M-Medium Correlation. 3.D C.D C. the learnerwill be able to H M L 1. 24th March 2016 To provide the fundamentals of Discrete time signals. 2 Analysis of Linear Time-Invariant systems in the Z domain 2 60 IOs Reference 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1-4 1 1-4 12 Introduction to Discrete time signals and systems. circular convolution Efficient Computation of the DFT-Divide and Conquer Approach to Computation of the DFT Using FFT N Point DFT Decimation-in-Time Radix-2 FFT Algorithms and IDFT N Point DFT Decimation-in-Frequency Radix-2 FFT Algorithms and IDFT C-DI-O 1 1 2 2 C C. 5. Introduction to Discrete Fourier Transform Properties . 4.LTI and Efficient a b c computation of the DFT by using FFT algorithm Utilize the power of computational tools like MATLAB or Scilabto implement sophisticated signal processing systems on their own personal e c k computers which gain confidence in the fundamentals.Introduction to Discrete Time Signals.D .D C. Acquire knowledge on frequency analysis of DT. L-Low correlation PURPOSE 2. 2. D 3 1-4 24 Frequency Transformations. Matlab/ Scilab programs for DFT and FFT 1 1.D 3 1-4 2 C.I 4 1-4 30 Filter Design and Implementation for Sampling Rate Conversion 2 D.Phase FIR filters 1 C 3 1-4 16 MATLAB / Scilab program for FIR filters 1 D.Phase FIR filters Fourier Series Method Design of Linear.Phase FIR filters Using Blackman Window 2 C.D 3 1-4 1-4 20 Design of Butterworth filter using Bilinear Transformation 2 C.D . MATLAB / Scilabprograms on IIR Filters 1 D.Phase FIR filters Using Hanning Window Design of Linear.I 2. D 3 1-4 15 Design of Optimum Equiripple Linear.Phase FIR filters Frequency Sampling Method Design of Linear.I 4 1-4 9.D 3 1-4 21 2 C.8.D 4 1-4 28 Multirate Signal Processing – Decimation and Interpolation 2 C 4 1-4 29 Sampling Rate Conversion by a Rational Factor I/D 2 D. I C.D 3 1-4 2 C.3 1-4 UNIT –III Design of IIR filters from Analog Filters 12 1 C 3 1-4 18 Frequency Response and Characteristics of Analog Filters IIR Filter Design by the Bilinear Transformation 1 C.Phase FIR filters Using Rectangular Hamming Window 1 C.D 3 19 IIR Filter Design by Impulse Invariance 1 C. 13 14 17 22 61 2 D.D 4 1-4 27 Round off Effects in Digital filters 2 C. I 2.D 3 1-4 2 C.3 1-4 UNIT IV FINITE WORD LENGTH EFFECTS AND MULTIRATE DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING 12 25 Representation of Numbers in Digital Filters 2 C 4 1-4 26 Quantization of Filter Coefficients 2 C.2 1-4 UNIT II-Design of Digital Filters Design of Finite Impulse Response Filters-Symmetric and Antisymmetric FIR filters 12 1 C 3 1-4 Design of Linear. 10.D 3 1-4 23 Design of Butterworth filter using Impulse Invariance Chebyshev Filter Designs based on the Bilinear Transformation Chebyshev Filter Designs based on the Impulse Invariance 2 C. 12. 11.D 3 1-4 3 1-4 Design of Linear. “Discrete Time Signal Processing”. Dimitris G. Principles.M. Venkataramani. Manolakis. Oppenheim. “Digital Signal Processing –A Computer Based Approach”. Algorithms and Applications”. 8th edition. 2003. 4th Edition.V DSP PROCESSOR AND APPLICATIONS 12 31 Architecture of TMS320C5X family of DSP processors 2 C 32 Addressing Modes of TMS320C5X 2 C 5 5 33 Instruction Set of TMS320C5X 2 C 5 5 34 Assembly Language Programming for TMS320C5X 2 D. 2nd Edition. Ronald W. McGrawHill Education. 4th edition. “Digital Signal Processing. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test I In-semester tool Weightage 10% 15EC305J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS L 3 T 0 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. McGraw Hill. . Pearson Education. New Delhi.Tata McGraw Hill. India.2013. No. Pearson Education. John R. A. Programming and Application”.“Digital Signal Processing”. Proakis. (India) . Schafer. Bhaskar. NagoorKani. 24th March 2016 62 50% 50% P 2 C 4 . 2014. Buck. REFERENCE BOOKS 1 2 3 4 5 John G. 2007 Alan V.UNIT .B.I 5 5 35 Applications on Speech Processing 2 C 5 5 36 Applications on Bio Medical Signal Processing 2 C 5 5 Total contact Hours 5 5 60 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. “Digital Signal Processors. 2011 SanjitMitra. Architecture. Frequency modulation. Generation of AM. D 1 1. L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic (Theory) UNIT I AMPLITUDE MODULATION Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Super-heterodyne receiver. FM transmitter 4 C 2 1. Phase modulation. 3 C 1 1.D 3 1. SSB-SC. Noise in two port networks. Comparison of various amplitude modulation systems.2 7.D 2 1. M-Medium Correlation.PURPOSE To learn the fundamentals of analog communication and analyze the performance of communication system. Understand the concepts of analog modulation and demodulation techniques 2. High Level Transmitter.2 2. Low Level. b k j H-High correlation. DSB-SC. Power efficiency relations 1 C.2 UNIT III RADIO TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVERS 9 10.2 C. Cascaded stages 63 9 3 . Relationship between PM and FM 2 C 1 1.2 3. Functions and Characteristics of radio receiver 1 C 2 1.2 5. Noise Bandwidth. Amplitude modulation 2 C 1 1.2 13. Classification of radio receiver. communication systems STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L a e c e e i e. VSB 2 C 1 1. Generation of FM. Indirect method 3 C 1 1. the learner will be able to 1.2 8.AM. UNIT IV NOISE PERFORMANCE OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Sources of Noise. Tuned Radio Frequency receiver 1 C. Demodulation of FM 3 C 1 1. Acquire the knowledge about the sampling process and pulse modulation Design and conduct the experiments to analyze the characteristics of the 5.D 2 1.2 4. Need for modulation.2 UNIT II ANGLE MODULATION 9 6. Types of FM 1 C 1 1. receivers 4. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course.2 11. Learn the radio transmitters and receivers Get familiarize with the basics of noise theory and performance of various 3. 1 C 1 1.2 12. Demodulation of AM. FM.2 14.2 9. 3 C. Direct method. AM transmitter . 3 IOs Reference 1.O D.5 3. 5.O D. Cengage Learning.I. 2015. 3. SRM University Course nature Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II In-semester Weightage 10% 15% Theory + Practical Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% Assessment Method – Practical Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment tool Experiments Record MCQ/Quiz/Viva Voce Model examination In-semester Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage : Total 60% 40% 64 . “Communication Systems.O D.15. 6. 2.I.O D. 2013 2. P & Sapre.2 16.5 4.5 1. Pre-emphasis and De-emphasis.2. 1. Illustrated edition. Multiplexing – TDM. Lab Manual of the course 15EC305J .O D.D 4 1. Noise in AM (Envelope Detection).I.I. Natural sampling. Donald L Schilling and Goutam Saha. Threshold effect. 2013. Seventh Reprint.3 18. 2011 6. Singh.O D.I. Department of ECE.2 UNIT V SAMPLING AND PULSE MODULATION 9 17. 4. John G Proakis. McGraw-Hill Education.I.” 3rd edition. Noise in PM and FM 3 C.” 4 th edition. PM and FM. Herbert Taub.5 1. “Analog Design and Simulation Using OrCAD Capture and PSpice”.2.5 4. Masoud Salehi.6 Total contact hours Sl. Aliasing.I.5 1-5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4. 3.” 5th edition. D. Description of experiments AM modulator and Demodulator DSB-SC modulator and Demodulator SSB modulator and Demodulator FM Modulator and Demodulator Pre emphasis and De-emphasis in FM PAM modulator and Demodulator TDM multiplexer and Demultiplexer FDM multiplexer and Demultiplexer Simulation experiments using P-SPICE and MATLAB Total contact hours 45 Contact hours 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 14 C-DI-O D. John Wiley & Sons. 4 5. No.3 19. Pulse amplitude modulation. Elsevier. Flat top sampling 4 C.O 30 BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL 1.5 4.2.O D. Comparison of Noise performance in AM. 9.D 4 1. “Communication Systems: Analog & Digital. Dennis Fitzpatrick.” 3rd edition.I. 3 C 3 1. Fourth Reprint. “ Principles of Communication Systems.D 4 1.5. 7. and Gerhard Bauch. Sampling.5 1.D 3 1.I. R. Mc Graw Hill Education. “Contemporary Communication Systems using MATLAB. FDM 3 C. Other forms of Pulse modulation 2 C. S. Simon Haykin and Michael Moher. 2016. 8.O D. 7.2. To apply knowledge of the microprocessor’s internal registers and operations by use of a PC based microprocessor simulator. PURPOSE 2.3 1 Program(s) to demonstrate string operation 3 I. Program(s) to demonstrate arithmetic operation 3 I. c d.O 1.2.2.O 1.O 1.3 1 Program(s) to demonstrate ‘parameter passing’ methods (8086) 3 I.O 1.3 1 18 3 2.O 1. 24th March. 2016 P 3 C 2 To develop skills in designing and conducting experiments related to applications of 8086 microprocessor and 8051 microcontroller. L-Low correlation Sl.2. No. Program(s) to demonstrate logical operation 3. k H-High correlation. Program(s) to demonstrate data transfer operation Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference I. M-Medium Correlation. b k 3.O 1. 65 . To interface the processor to external devices. Description of experiments PART-A: General-Purpose Programming using Intel 8086 / 8051 1.2. the learner will be able to H M L 1.3 1 5.15EC311L L 0 PROCESSOR LABORATORY T 0 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: 15EC301 NIL Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMPUTER Department of Electronics And Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Program(s) to demonstrate shift operation 3 I. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. To demonstrate program proficiency using the various addressing modes b k and data transfer instructions of the target microprocessor.O 1 1 I.3 1 4.2.3 1 6. Program(s) to demonstrate decision making and looping operation 3 I. O 1. 2016 PURPOSE To carry out a minor design project in one of the specializations of Electronics and 66 Tota l 60% 40% T P C 0 3 2 .O 1.2.2. 14.3 1 Programming serial communication 3 I.O 1.3 1 Interfacing LED / 7-segment / LCD displays 3 I.3 1 Programming parallel ports (8255) 3 I. PART-B: Interfacing 8086/8051 with peripherals and programmable devices 27 Interfacing switches / keypad / keyboard 3 I.2. 15.3 1 Programming DMA 3 I.3 1 Programming interrupts 3 I.2. 11.3 1 Interfacing DC motor / stepper motor / servo motor 3 I.3 1 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 10.3 1 Programming timer / counter 3 I. 9.2. 12. 24th March.8. 13.O 1.O 1.2.3 1 Interfacing DAC / ADC 3 I.O 1. 15EC311L Processor Lab Manual.2. Department of ECE.2.O 1. 16.O 1. REFERENCES 1. SRM University Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Weightage Practical Experiments Record 40% 5% 15EC375L Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval MCQ/Quiz/Viva Model Voce examination 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage : MINOR PROJECT L 0 Nil All professional courses studied till level 2 Nil P PROJECT / SEMINAR / INTERNSHIP Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.O 1.2. No. implementation and partial result Review – 3 Presentation of complete project work with results and discussion Demonstration of project work Minor Project Report Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. the objective and methodology and expected outcome of the proposed work. g.3 Report 20% 50% 30% End semester examination Weightage : Total 100% 0% Description of project work progress Review . d. Springer Journals 4. f.communication engineering with substantial multidisciplinary component INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. k i h. Reference user manuals. Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 10 C-D-I 1. 4.2 1-4 15 C-DI-O 1. Acquire hand-on experience / abinitio by carrying out a minor design project a. M= Medium Correlation.1 Weightage 0% semester Practical 15EC385L MOOC 67 L T P C . Apply the acquired knowledge to carry out a capstone project having a. in one of the specializations of Electronics and communication engineering d. h. H= High Correlation. f. leaner will be able to H M L 1.. b. Review – 2 Presentation of the proposed work design. 3. with substantial multidisciplinary component 2. j. L = Low Correlation Sl. 1. REFERENCES 1. b. Any open Access Journal. 2. e.2 1-4 5 C-D-I 1.2 1-4 15 C-DI-O 1. c. c.2 1-4 Review . etc.1 Minor design project identification. e. Elsevier Journals 3. g. k i substantial multidisciplinary component in higher/ VII semester. IEEE Journal 2. j. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Review . No.2 Review . Peer evaluation. presentation. 1 1. Improve their knowledge and skills relevant to their area of study a. tool semester Weightage The score obtained will be directly mapped for internal assessment End semester examination Weightage 68 Total 100% 0% .org 3.edx. L = Low Correlation PURPOSE Session 1 COURSE DESCRIPTION Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference This course is designed for the students to study high quality courses online with prestigious universities. the student must submit the completed certificate for credit transfer. Upon completion of the course.iitb. k H= High Correlation. The department has well in advance identified the courses and publicized to students. REFERENCES 1. e.in 4. f.I. h. Assignments.cousera. g. 1.4 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.2. 24th March 2016 The learners can enrich their knowledge and develop a lifelong learning attitude through global connection and personal networks with strong communities INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. student will able to H M L d. 45 C. www.it. b.Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Nil Nil Nil P PROJECT / SEMINAR / INTERNSHIP Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. No. The student has to choose online courses listed by the department and should undergo for the minimum period of 8-12 weeks. c. Any other online courses offered by reputed entity Course nature Practical Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment InQuiz.org 2.3. www. etc. projects. M= Medium Correlation.D. www. i j.ac. 9-12 4 Functions UNIT II: COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC-1I 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 2 Geometric Progression. grasp the approaches and strategies to solve problems with speed and accuracy 3. Arithmetic Progression 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Harmonic progression 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Collectively solve problems in teams & group.LEVEL 3 SEMESTER II QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE AND LOGICAL REASONING .II 15PD302 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE L 1 T 0 P 1 C 1 NIL NIL NIL G GENERAL Career Development Centre 30th Academic Council Meeting. gain appropriate skills to succeed in preliminary selection process for recruitment 4. Session Description of Topic Contact hours STUDENT OUTCOMES a e I d C-D-IO IOs Reference UNIT I: PURE ARITHMETIC-II 4 1.9-12 6 Calendar 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. 24th March 2016 To give the right knowledge.9-12 69 8 . skill and aptitude to face any competitive examination. student will be able to 1.9-12 5 Clocks 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. build a strong base in the fundamental mathematical concepts 2. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course.9-12 3 Sets 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 7 Ratio Proportion 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. 9-12 24 Trigonometry II 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 18 Pipes and Cisterns 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 20 Geometry II 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 9 Mixtures & Solutions 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 UNIT IV: GEOMETRY 6 19 Geometry I 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 UNIT V: MODERN MATHEMATICS 6 25 Data sufficiency I 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-12 26 Data sufficiency II 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-12 27 Data Interpretation I 1 C-I-O 1-4 7-12 28 Data Interpretation II 1 C-I-O 1-4 7-12 29 Data Interpretation III 1 C-I-O 1-4 7-12 30 Surprise Test II 1 Total contact hours 70 6 30 .9-12 17 Time and work 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Speed. Distance 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 10 Mixtures & Solutions 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 22 Mensuration II 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 15 Problems on Trains 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.8 Ratio Proportion 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 14 Time.9-12 16 Boats & Streams 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 21 Mensuration I 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 23 Trigonometry I 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Distance-Races 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5. Speed.9-12 11 Average 1 C-I-O 1-4 1-5.9-12 12 Surprise Test-I UNITIII: COMMERCIAL ARITHMETIC-1II UNIT III: ALGEBRA I 1 13 Time. 6 2012 The Pearson Guide to Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning for the CAT (With CD) by Nishit 7 K.lofoya.R.S – Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations. REFERENCE BOOKS 2 The Pearson Guide to Quantitative Aptitude and Data Interpretation for the CAT. To understand the digital systems design using verilog HDL and implementation using FPGAs / CPLDs. Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations. S.com 10 www. No. 2016 To Learn the technology. Tata McGraw Hill Edgar Thrope.indiabix.careerbless. 3rd Edition. by Nishit K Sinha Dr. TEXT BOOK 1 Dinesh Khattar-The Pearson Guide to QUANTITATIVE APTITUDE for competitive examinations. Sinha Publisher: Pearson How to Prepare for Data Interpretation for the CAT Common Admission Test by Arun Sharma 8 Publisher: Tata McGraw-Hill ON-LINE RESOURCES 9 www.Chand &Company 3 Limited 2011 Abhijit Guha. design concepts. Agarwal.com 11 www.achieversforce.com Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test Cycle Test Surprise Test Quiz II III 10% 20% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : 15EC302J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval VLSI DESIGN L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 2 C 4 Nil 15EC203J Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Tata McGraw Hill. 4th Edition. 24th March. electrical properties and modeling of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT PURPOSE 71 . Test Of Reasoning for Competitive Examinations. Tata McGraw Hill. 4 2011 5 Arun Sharma-Quantitative aptitude for CAT.LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.com 12 www. Task and Function 1 C 1 2 UNIT II : MOS Transistor Theory 9 Introduction and I-V Characteristics Non ideal I-V effects: Velocity saturation. M-Medium Correlation.3 9 1 1 C C 3 3 1. Understand the CMOS Fabrication process 4. Learn the design of CMOS Logic circuits and subsystems 5.3 1 C 2 1. 9. 72 . Junction leakage and Geometry Dependence CMOS Inverter DC characteristics Scaling: Transistor scaling.c d k f k Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. the learner will be able to 1.D 2 1.D 1 2 5. Basic Concepts: Data types .3 1 C 2 1.Hierarchical modeling concepts 1 C 1 2 2.3 1 C. VLSI design flow .D 1 2 6. implement and test digital systems using FPGAs / CPLDs. gate and drain formation and Contacts and 1 C 2 1. 11. Design digital system using Hardware Description Language 2. 14.OUTCOMES H M L At the end of the course.3 2 C 2 1. 16. Photolithography.Modules and ports 2 C 1 2 3.3 1. 6. Sub threshold conduction. mobility degradation and Channel length modulation Non ideal I-V effects: Body Effect. Gate oxide.D 1 2 4. 15.3 1 C 2 1. Data Flow Modeling 1 C. H-High Correlation. Acquire the knowledge of MOS Transistor 3. 10. L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I: Verilog HDL c e e c c e b. Gate Level Modeling 1 C.D 1 2 7. Apply concepts and methods of digital system design techniques through experiments.3 2 C 2 1.3 8. 12. techniques and learn state-of-the-art engineering EDA tools to design. Develop skills. 13. Switch level Modeling 1 C. Interconnect scaling and Impacts on design Static and dynamic power dissipation Implementation of complex logic gates/expressions using CMOS logic UNIT III: CMOS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Introduction to IC Technology CMOS Technologies: Wafer formation. Behavioral Modeling 2 C. 3 22.5.8 2.8 73 .D 4 3. Braun array multiplier 2 C.4 UNIT V: SUBSYSTEM DESIGN 9 29. Latch up in CMOS Circuits 20.4 28. CMOS with Transmission gate 1 C 4 1. 9 Total contact hours Sl. Dynamic circuits .6 6.Metallization 17. Barrel Shifter 1 C. Domino logic 2 C 4 1.D 4 3.D 4 3.5 32.D 4 3. Design of Multipliers. Description of experiments 45 Contact hours C-D-I-O IOs Reference Tanner Spice/HSPICE 1.7. Stick diagrams 1 C 3 1.4 27. Carry select adder 1 C.3 23.5.5 30.8 3.5 18.6 6.3 21.4 24. nMOS Fabrication 1.7.tub fabrication process.D 4 3.6 6.4 25. Pass transistor circuits 2 C 4 1. Carry skip adder 1 C.5.4 26. Dynamic circuits 4 D-I-O 1. Conventional CMOS latches and flip-flops 1 C 4 1.5 35.3 1 C 3 1. Carry Look Ahead Adder 2 C 4 3. n-well and Twin. Wallace tree Multiplier 1 C.3 1 C 3 2 C 3 1.3 19.7. Layout Design rules 1 C 3 1. CMOS Logic gate and circuits 4 D-I-O 1.5 34.5 33. CMOS latches and flip flops 4 D-I-O 1.5 31. Interconnects: Resistance and capacitance UNIT IV: COMBINATIONAL AND SEQUENTIAL CMOS LOGIC CIRCUITS Static CMOS 1 C 4 1.D 4 3. 1 C 3 1. Ratioed circuits 2 C 4 1. Booth multiplier 1 C. CMOS Fabrication: p-well. No. 5.7. “Advanced Digital Design with the Verilog HDL”.Pucknell. Kamran Eshraghian.6 6. Carry Skip Adder Multiplier: Braun Array/ Booth Encoding/ Wallace Tree Memory: RAM and ROM 4 D-I-O 1.6 6. David Harris.6 6. Wiley.5.6 6.5. Douglas A. 2rd Edition2002. 30 LEARNING RESOURCES (BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL) 1.7. Ciletti.7. Uyemura.7. Pearson. Course nature In-semester Theory + Practical Assessment Method for Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Cycle TestCycle Test-I Cycle Test-III Surprise Test tool II Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% Quiz Total 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : In-semester Assessment Method for Practical Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment Model Experiments Record Quiz/Viva Voce tool examination Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage : 74 50% Total 60% 40% . Pearson Education. 2rd Edition. 15EC302J VLSI Design Laboratory Manual. Barrel Shifter Switch level modeling of CMOS gates and Boolean Expressions Total contact hours 2 D-I-O 1. 5. Prentice Hall of India. Samir Palnitkar.6 6. SRM University.8 5.8 4 D-I-O 1. “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits Analysis and Design”.8 6. Reprint 2014.6 6. Neil H.7.2003. Michael D. 10. 3.Reprint 2012 2. 6.YusufLeblebici. “CMOS VLSI Design”.E. “Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis”. Carry Look Ahead Adder 2 D-I-O 1.8 2 D-I-O 1. “Introduction to VLSI circuits and systems”.5. Sung Mo Kang.8 7. Pearson. Department of ECE. 2rd Edition.“Basic VLSI Design”.6 6.3rd Edition. Reprint 2009. Education 2003 8.8 8.7. 7. Samir Palnitkar.Modelsim/Xilinx 4. 4. 3rd Edition.7. Tata McGraw Hill.8 9. 2003. 2 D-I-O 1.5.5. 2010. 3rdEdition. 2rd Edition. “Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis”. John P. Prentice Hall Higher Education. 2005.5. Finite State Machine 2 D-I-O 1.Weste. D 2 1.3 1 C. 9. measurement and application of antennas over the radio-frequency range. UNIT II:ANTENNA ARRAYS AND SYNTHESIS Point source. Linear arrays of n isotropic point sources: Broad side Array.2. e a 3 Understand the basic working of antenna.D 1 1. Binomial arrays 75 9 . Power Radiated by a current element Far field due to sinusoidal current distribution for half wave dipole and Quarter wave monopole.2 2 C.D 2 1. e a b 4 Analyze the various methods involved in the measurement of antenna e a b parameters 5 Understand the radio wave propagation in the atmosphere.D 1 1.2. L-Low correlation Contact C-D-ISession Description of Topic IOs Reference hours O UNIT I:ANTENNA FUNDAMENTALS AND 9 RADIATIONS 1 Basic Antenna parameters.D 1 1. M-Medium Correlation.2 2 C.D 1 1.3 2 C. Array of Two isotropic point sources Non isotropic similar point sources and the principle of pattern multiplication.2 4 5 6 7. End fire Array Phased arrays.2 1 C 1 1.2.2 3 Friis transmission equation Radiation: Retarded potential 1 C. the learner will be able to H M L 1 Acquire knowledge about the various antenna parameters. 8.4 1 C. Antenna field zones 2 C. c H-High Correlation.2. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To explore fundamental theory together with techniques for the practical design. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 10.D 2 1. Far Field due to an alternating current element.D 2 1.15EC304 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 3 ANTENNA AND WAVE PROPAGATION T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil 15EC207 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.D 1 1.4 2 C. e a 2 Enumerate the concept of antenna arrays and its radiation pattern.2 2 Antenna Reciprocity Theorems 1 C. Micro strip antenna 1 C. Radiation pattern measurement Beam width measurement.D 5 1 2 C. 2 D 2 1.2 15.4 Structure of ionosphere 1 C 5 1 Refraction and Reflection of sky wave by ionosphere.2 12. Polarization measurement. Folded dipole antenna 1 C. Impact of solar activity Multi-Hop propagation and wave characteristics 1 C.D 9 1 C 5 1 2 C 5 1. Ionospheric abnormalities.D 3 1. Helical antenna 1 C. 34.2 UNIT IV:ANTENNA MEASUREMENTS 9 21. Typical sources of errors in antenna measurement Numerical Techniques For Antenna Analysis: Method Of Moment (MOM). 24. LUF . Impedance measurement 1 C 4 1 22. 26. OF. Reflector antenna 1 C. 25.2 17.2. 1 D 2 1.2 13. Virtual Height and skip distance Relation between MUF & Skip distance. 9 1 1 2 C C C. Directivity measurement. Square Loop antenna and its Radiation Resistance 2 C.2 14. phase Measurements 1 C 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 C 4 1 2 C 4 1.2 19. 32. 28.D 3 1.2 4 1.2 18.3 29.D 5 1 1 C. Log periodic antenna 1 C. Ray path. 27.11.D 3 1.D 5 1 1 C 5 1 76 . MUF.2 16.D 3 1. Synthesis methods: Schelkunhoff polynomial method.D 3 1. Fourier transform method UNIT III:ANTENNA TYPES AND ITS APPLICATIONS Traveling wave antennas 1 C 3 1. Radiation resistance measurement. Yagi -Uda antenna 1 C. 33. Critical frequency. 23. Horn antenna. UNIT V : RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION Basics of propagation: Definition and General classification Different Modes of propagation 30. 31.D 3 1.2 20. Gain measurement.D 3 1. Antenna efficiency measurement. STUDENT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES At the end of the course. “Antenna Theory: Analysis and Design”. Ronald J Marhefka.Thiele. No. 3. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test tool I In-semester Weightage 10% 15EC306J Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test Surprise Cycle Test III Quiz II Test 15% 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : DIGITAL COMMUNICATION L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 2 C 4 Nil 15MA209. 15EC305J Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 3 rd Edition.Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. John Wiley and Sons 2012 4. Constantine Balanis. Warren L. John Wiley and Sons. “Antenna theory and design”. Books/Other Reading Materials 1. 2 nd Pearson Education/ PHI. M-Medium Correlation. Stutzman. k b c probability of error 4 Understand the basics of information theory and coding e b c 5 Apply the concepts of linear algebra to communication e b PURPOSE H-High Correlation. John D Kraus . 2006. 24th March 2016 To gain a comprehensive coverage of digital communication systems including digital transmission and digital radio. 3rd Edition. “Electromagnetic waves and Radiating Systems”. Gary A. k e communication techniques 2 Analyze the effect of ISI in baseband reception techniques and show the working of e k matched filter receiver and correlative coding 3 Understand various pass band transmission techniques and identify the suitable modulation technique for different application based on bandwidth. the learner will be able to H M L 1 Apply the engineering concepts that describes the functionality of digital e. A. L-Low correlation 77 . 2012. Ahmed S Khan “Antenna and wave propagation” 4 th Edition 2010 2. C. data-rate and e. Jordan E and Balmain. Signal Space Diagram. Probability of Error for OQPSK 17 Generation.D 2 1. Detection. Vectoral view of MPSK 1 C 3 2 UNIT IV: AMPLITUDE – PHASE MODULATION SCHEMES & ITS APPLICATIONS TO ADVANCED SYSTEMS 78 9 . Probability of Error for Coherent PSK 2 C 3 1.3. ADPCM & DM 1 C 1 1 UNIT II: BASE BAND DEMODULATION AND DETECTION 9 7 Demodulation and Detection Process 1 C 2 1.2 9 Matched Filter receiver. Detection.2 14 Generation.2.2 2 C 3 1.2 8 Maximum Likelihood Receiver Structure 1 C 2 1.2 2 C 3 1. Signal Space Diagram of π/4 QPSK 1 C 3 1. Comparison of PCM.4 UNIT III: PASS BAND DATA TRANSMISSION 9 13 Pass band transmission model 1 C 3 1. Detection.Noise in DM 2 C 1 1 6 Adaptive DPCM (ADPCM).2 18 M-ary signaling.D 1 1 4 Differential PCM (DPCM) 1 C 1 1 5 Delta Modulation (DM). Detection. Signal Space Diagram.D 1 1 3 PCM TDM signal multiplexing-Limitations of PCM system 1 C. DPCM.2 15 16 Generation. Signal Space Diagram. Probability error of the Matched filter 2 C 10 Inter symbol Interference – Eye pattern 2 C 2 1 11 Nyquist criterion for distortion less baseband transmission 1 C 2 1 12 Correlative coding 2 C. Probability of Error for QPSK Generation.Session Description of Topic (Theory) UNIT I: DIGITAL MODULATION SYSTEMS Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1 Sampling and Quantization-PCM Systems 2 C 1 1 2 Data Formatting -Noise consideration in PCM systemBandwidth of PCM 2 C. 4 21 Generation . 3 2.O I.2.5 5 28 Vector Algebra: Groups-fields-Vector spaces 2 C.19 Generation.O I.O I. Data Formatting 3 6. I 4.4 20 Application of QAM in OFDM Systems-an Overview 2 I 3 1. D.O I. 3.4 22 Generation and Detection of MSK 1 C 3 1. Probability of Error for Coherent FSK 2 C 3 1.D.O IOs Reference 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 . 79 C-DI-O I.5 5 25 Conditional Entropy & Mutual Information 1 C.5 5 27 Shannon Hartley Theorem for Channel Capacity 1 C.I 3 1.2.5 6 Total contact hours Sl.5 6 29 Linear independence and dependence. PPM) and its Demodulation 3 Pulse Code Modulation and Demodulation 3 DPCM and its Demodulation 3 DM and its Demodulation 3 5. 1.D.O I. Description of experiments 45 Contact hours Pulse Modulation Systems(PAM.2.I 4.I 4.I 4. QPSK Modulation and Demodulation.O I.(Theorems without proof) 1 C. M-ary QAM 2 C 3 1. Detection.D. I 4. PSK Modulation and Demodulation.D.I 4. Detection.2.4 23 Generation and Detection of GMSK and Its application in Wireless Systems 2 C. No.5 6 30 Gramh-Schmidt Orthogonalization Process. Inner Products 1 C. Probability of Error for QAM. PWM.I 4.4 UNIT V: INFORMATION THEORY & VECTOR ALGEBRA 9 24 Information theory: Information & Entropy 1 C.5 5 26 Shannon Fano Coding-Huffman Coding 2 C. 3 7. 4.2. Singh. Fundamentals and Application”. 7 Lab Manual of 15EC304J.O I. “Communication Systems: Analog & Digital”. Daniel Costello. “Error control coding – Fundamentals and Applications”. Tata McGraw-Hill. 4th Edition. DPSK Modulation and Demodulation. 5th Edition. 2000. “Communication Systems”. 2003. Shu Lin. NJ. Second Edition. 2008. FSK Modulation and Demodulation. R.O Total contact hours 1 7 1 7 1 7 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Upper Saddle River. Bernard Sklar. 4 John G. 5th reprint.P. Proakis. “Digital Communication. “Digital Communication”. Pearson Education Asia.8. 3 10. 5 2000.No.O I. BER performance analysis of various Modulation Schemes 3 I. 2004. 2nd Edition. McGraw Hill Inc.D. 3 9. & Sapre. 6 Prentice Hall. John Wiley & Sons. Course nature Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 50%) Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II In-semester Weightage 10% 15% Theory + Practical Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% Assessment Method – Practical Component (Weightage 50%) In-semester Assessment tool Experiments Record Weightage 40% 5% 80 Model examination 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage : MCQ/Quiz/Viva Voce Total 60% 40% . 2001. 2 nd 2 Edition. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1 Simon Haykin. “Principle of Communication Systems”. S. 3 Taub & Schilling. LEVEL 4 LEVEL 4 SEMESTER I 15EC401M Co-requisite: Prerequisite: MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN Nil All professional courses studied till current (VI) semester 81 L 3 T P C 0 0 3 . and a.Algorithm and Architecture Design 3 D. Understand the methodologies adopted to solve various issues in chosen domain in a.c e.d j 3. Hypothesis and Error Models to improve interaction in Human–Machine Interfaces 3 C 1-4 2 3. Capabilities and limitations of human that affect ability touse computer systems. I 3 1 9. Constraint. Evolve the methodology to solve the contemporary issue in HMI a.d b 5. Dialog design. Face-to-Face CollaborativeInterfaces 2 D.c e. Cognitive and communication model 3 C.D 1 5 2. I 3 7 8. Intelligent visual surveillance.D 2 2 6. Model of system 3 C.D 2 2 5. I 3 4 82 .b e also able to derive the design constraint based on the requirement for HMI 2. Apply his knowledge to follow appropriate standards for the chosen problem. Design process and design rule-achieving goals within constraints and trade-off 3 C. STUDENT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES At the end of the course.Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Nil PROFESSIONAL HUMAN MACHINE INTERFACE CORE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March 2016 P To acquire analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. Exploded on the various testing and evaluation technologies for HMI a. learner will be able to H M L 1.c e.d HMI 4. Human Reader: A Vision-Based Man-Machine Interface 3 D. Explored on the design optimization techniques for HMI k c PURPOSE Session Description of Topic Contact C-Dhours I-O IOs Reference UNIT I: DESIGN CONSTRAINTS AND STANDARDS 9 1.D 2 2 UNIT III: DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 9 7. Standards UNIT II: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 3 C 1 2 9 4. Task analysis 3 C. 2003 Jenny Preece. AHFE 2015.D. 17. 4th Edition . Cortes. No. Helen Sharp.D.IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS FOR VIDEO TECHNOLOGY. 1. NO. Yvonne Rogers. Member. CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS. ramonlopez-cozar Delgado. Robust Speech Recognition Under Noisy Ambient Conditions Recent advances in machine learning reliably recognizing internal user state during interaction with a computer Recognition system for human activity optimized by improved adaptive genetic algorithm and SVM Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Interaction. “Human-Computer interaction”. Alan. Ambient Intelligence”.I 3 1 UNIT IV: TESTING AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGY 9 12.I 5 8 15. et. Gesture Recognition and Interpretation 1 D. Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer 3. INTERACTION. IEEE. And Models 3 I 4 3 UNIT V: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 Optimization of hand-operated human-machine interfaces 2 C. Evaluation Studies: From Controlled To Natural Settings. 1998 2.Procedia Manufacturing 3 ( 2015 ) 5366 – 5372 Tsung Han Tsai. al.Information Fusion 29 (2016) 1–13 BenediktJannya. Hypothesis and Error Models to improve interaction in Human–Machine Interfaces. Ramon Navarro-Cerdan∗ . 3 I 4 3 14.I 5 4 2 C.wiley February 2015 Hamid aghajan. 23.Evaluation Techniques 3 I 4 2. Chung-Yuan Lin.I 5 4 3 C.10. Evaluation: Inspections. Using Gazeas the Interface 1 D. I 3 4 11. and Sz-Yan Li. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL Roberto Cipolla and Alex Pentland.D. JoaquimArlandis.Optimization of hand-operated human-machine interfaces for the elderly through internal grip force measurement. Analytics.D. Introducing Evaluation . juancarlosaugusto . 3rd Edition. COMPUTER VISION FOR HUMAN-MACHINE 1. Rafael Llobet. Thomas Maiera. Dix.Algorithm and Architecture Design of Human–Machine Interaction in Foreground Object Detection With Dynamic 7. Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2015) and the Affiliated Conferences. Scene. VOL.*.”Composition of Constraint.2010 J. JANUARY 2013 83 .6th International Conference on Applied 6. Academic Press is an imprint of Elsevier. Juan-Carlos Perez5.I 5 6 2 C.3 13.”Human-Centric Interfaces for 4. 18. Prentice Hall. 16. Jin Jiang ∗ .c e. 7. Ting Jiang. 2016 To apply the acquired analytical and design knowledge to solve contemporary multidisciplinary engineering problem with realistic constraint. Session Description of Topic UNIT I: DESIGN CONSTRAINTS AND STANDARDS 1. A novel recognition system for human activity based on wavelet packet and support vector machine optimized by improved adaptive genetic algorithm. 6. Physical Communication 13 (2014) 211–220 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Design In-semester tool Assignment .I Weightage 10% 15EC401M Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Design Assignment Design Assignment Total .II III 20% 20% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% L 3 MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE ROBOTICS FOR ELECTRONICS AUTOMATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. M= Medium Correlation. a.c e. and also able to derive the design constraint based on the a.b e requirement. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Need for Integration of Robotics in electronics manufacturing industries and its constraints 84 Contact C-DIOs Reference hours I-O 9 1 C 1-4 1-7 . 9. ShijunZhai. Evolve the methodology to solve the contemporary issue a.c e. learner will be able to H M L Apply his knowledge to follow appropriate standards for the chosen problem. 8.d b Explored on the design optimization techniques k c H= High Correlation.d j Understand the methodologies adopted to solve various issues in chosen a. L = Low Correlation PURPOSE 5.d domain Exploded on the various testing and evaluation technologies.8. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. I C. E22. SEMI (Semiconductor Equipment and Material International standard). March. Design of vacuum robot and its constraints Standards – ANSI/RIA R15. Jacek Nowakowski.D. E79.D. 2012 4. E32. Design of atmospheric robot and its constraints 2 C 1 1-7 3. Marco Ceccarelli. Italy.D. E101 UNIT II: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 2 C. Architectural design: Kinematics. Compliance testing.06:1999. E23. Semi autonomous Robot: Integrated sub assembly and complete assembly 3 C. Computer Vision in Robotics and Industrial Applications. Environmental testing. SCARA wafer handling robot design 3 C.D. I C. dynamics and control 3 2 1-7 6. University of Cassino.I 5 1-7 4. Karl Mathia Robotics for Electronics Manufacturing. Robots in Electronic assembly. Design optimization in reusable robot and interchangeability 3 C.E20.D 2 1-7 7. No. Frank Riley.D C. Robots in clean room automation 3 3 1-7 10. World Scientific. Dominik Sankowski. Cambridge University Press. Automated optical inspection.I 5 1-7 16. I 9 11. X-ray testing 3 C 4 1-7 UNIT V: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 14.D. Robots and Robotics: Design and Application.D 2 1-7 UNIT III: DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 9 8. 2010 3. Series in Computer Vision: Volume 3.I 5 1-7 15. In-circuit testing.2013 85 .D. Optimization in robot structure and gripper design 3 C. Solar cell assembly 3 3 1-7 9. Functional testing 3 C 4 1-7 13. Robotics in electronic testing automation 3 3 1-7 UNIT IV: TESTING AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGY C. Optimization in integration of robotics and communication interfaces 3 C. August 2014 2. E70. The Electronics Assembly Handbook Electronic Packaging and Production . Total contact hours 9 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.D 1 1-7 4 C 1-4 1-7 5. Analytical laboratory testing 3 C 4 1-7 12.2. Musits. 2. 1995 6. Carlos Martinez and Sönke Kock.I semester Weightage 10% 15EC401M Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Association Theory (Open book) Design Design Assignment . Vol. and also able to derive the design constraint based on the a. I606-1611. Bennett Brumson.d 86 . Senior Member. Lavin. Gregory Rossano. EOLSS. ZEEE. Biao Zhang. A. L. 2003. A. 944.robotics. R. 2011.c e. 1998 9. August. 2016 PURPOSE To acquire analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. 7. Hollis.II 20% 20% End semester examination Weightage : MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil All professional courses studied till current (VI) semester Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE APPLICATION –BIO MEDICAL Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting . 24th March. Automation and control in Electronic Industry. B. L. Miomir K. pp. Robotic Industries (http://www. no. Sensors for Robotic Assembly. 2011 8..951 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Design InAssessment tool Assignment . 42.cfm/Internal/Robotic-IndustriesAssociation/company/319). Control of Manipulation Robots Interacting with Dynamic Environment: Implementation and Experiments. Brennemann. 19.III Assignment . RodiC. pp. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Robotics in Electronics.b e requirement. D.5.org/company-profile-detail. learner will be able to H M L 1. vol.. Popovic.c e. Vision-guided Robot Alignment for Scalable. E. IEEE International conference. M. Proceedings of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics December 7-11. control system. Flexible Assembly Automation. Robotics and Automation. VukobratoviC. Understand the methodologies adopted to solve various issues in chosen a. 4. Evolve the methodology to solve the contemporary issue a. Apply his knowledge to follow appropriate standards for the chosen problem.d j 3. and Aleksandar D. Jianjun Wang. QRS and T waves in the ECG. Electromagnetic Compatibility: Requirements and Test Origin of Biomedical signals. Explored on the design optimization techniques 4.domain Exploded on the various testing and evaluation technologies. Power supply unit.D 4 5 . 3 C.D. Communication protocol between computer and ECG recorder 3 C. Heartbeat detection technique. Overall System error. 5.d c b IOs Reference 3 C 1-3 1 C 1-3 2 C 6 3 C 1-3 9 5. AAMI standard test load current. Pan-Tompkins algorithm for QRS detection 4 12. 2.D 2 4 7. input impedance. Filter design. Frequency and impulse response. Hardware Design. Optoisolator. Description of Topic Contact hours UNIT I: STANDARDS AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 9 Session 1.c k Classification of Electro-medical Instruments. Electrodes. I 5 UNIT IV: EVENT DETECTION 9 The P. Analog to digital converter. Noise Classifications. Lead weighting factors. Noise in event related potentials 2 C 3 5 9.The standard Lead system. Data Acquisition systems.D 3 5 10. RS-232 transceiver to USB. 3. Bioelectric Amplifiers 3 C. The first and second heart sounds 1 C 5 Derivative based methods. Standardizing voltage. a.D 3 5 11.D 2 4 UNIT III: SIGNAL PREPROCESING 9 8. system noise and overload protection UNIT II :ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY C-DI-O e. Time domain filters. Risk Current rating. ECG waveform . Electrical safety. Labeling and documentation requirements IEC 60601-1-2 (1993). Compliance with current requirements. wires and guarding circuit 3 C. Heart as a Potential Source. Applications: Removal of artifacts. 4. Maternal-Fetal ECG 2 C. Frequency domain filters . Adaptive filtering 2 C. 87 C. Lead definition Accuracy of input signal reproduction.D 2 6 6. fda.gov/downloads/medicaldevices/deviceregulationandguidance/guidancedocuments /ucm073943. 24th March 2016 88 C 3 .pdf 3. http://www. 17.intechopen.D 14. 4. 2. I UNIT V: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 16.pdf 2. “Medical Electrical Equipment. TEXT BOOKS /REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Collateral Standard: Electromagnetic Compatibility. Rangayyan. John No.edu/courses/bme484/AAMI_EC11_parts.Part 1: General Requirements for Safety.Requirements and Tests”. 2013 6.D.uri. Dicrotic notch detection 2 C.com/pdfs-wm/33847.I 5 5 4 C. Applications: Identification of heart sounds. Carr. Brown.ele.I Weightage 10% 15EC401M Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Practical Design Assignment Design Assignment . Joseph J.II III 20% 20% End semester examination Weightage : MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN L 3 Total 50% 0% T P 0 0 Nil All professional courses studied till current (VI) semester P PROFESSIONAL CORE DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. No. http://cdn. filter Case study 2 : Maternal interference in fetal ECG Case Study 3: Motion artifact in the ECG Case study4: ECG rhythm analysis Case Study 5: Normal and ectopic ECG Beats Case Study 5: Dicrotic Notch in carotid pulse 5 4 5 5 4 5 5 C. Rangaraj M.pdf 5. Case study 1: Power line interference in ECG signal.D. Heart-rate variability 1 C. http://www. 2011 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Design In-semester tool Assignment . “Biomedical signal analysis A case-study approach” Wiley. IEEE Press.I Total contact hours 5 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.D. “Introduction to Biodmedical Equipment Technology” 4th Edition. Detection of P wave 1 C. IEC 60601-1-2 (1993).13. Pearson Education Seventh Impression.D 15. H. Wiener Filter. 2. Motion estimation and compensation techniques.D C.D 2 1 UNIT III: DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION PATTERN RECOGNITION & CLASSIFICATION 9 2 C.4 C 1 5 2 1 3 JPEG . camera focus) DCT and Wavelet-based compression. Corrupting and Recovering an Image.c a. 4. unsupervised learning methods Bayes decision rule. JBIG2 Standards.d e. Error probability.D 3 8 3 8 8 9 10 Clustering vs. Predictive coding 4 MPEG Video Coding I: MPEG – 1 and 2 MPEG Video Coding II: MPEG – 4 and 7.c k e. Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees (SPIHT) 2 C 1 1 2 C 1-4 2. and also able to derive the design constraint based on the requirement. Non-linear Decision Boundaries (unequal covariance matrices) 89 2 C.7 C 1 3.d c j b C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: DESIGN CONSTRAINTS AND STANDARDS 9 Acquisition Constraints (Frame size. JBIG.b e a. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.261 Standard 2 3 UNIT II: ARCHITECTURE DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 9 5 Contract Enhancement.D 2 1 7 Image Segmentation. Object Tracking 3 C. JPEG2000. 3. Explored on the design optimization techniques Session 1 2 Description of Topic Contact hours a. learners will be able to H M L 1. Texture Segmentation and Filtration 3 C. 3 6 Deblurring Images using Constrained Least-Squares Filtering.c a.D 3 8 2 C. Apply his knowledge to follow appropriate standards for the chosen problem. Image Rotation.d e. Normal Distribution Linear Discriminant Function (equal covariance matrices). Classification Supervised vs. Evolve the methodology to solve the contemporary issue Understand the methodologies adopted to solve various issues in chosen domain Exploded on the various testing and evaluation technologies.PURPOSE To acquire analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering. 5.D . Embedded Zerotree Coding . bit size. sampling rate.6. K-NN Classifier . Prentice-Hall. 90. 1993. Yip. 2nd Edition. Ponomarenko. Astola.O C..D. Computed Tomography. 6. “A new fast and efficient image codec based on set partitioning in hierarchical trees”. A. Gonzalez and R. John Wiley & Sons. "Multiobjective Optimization using EvolutionaryAlgorithms". 14. Taubman and M. 2000. K.. 41. 2002. D. 1996. Vol. pp:105 – 108 Khalid Sayood: Introduction to Data Compression. Optimization andMachine Learning". IEEE Trans. http://gandalf.I . New Delhi.D 3 UNIT IV: TESTING AND EVALUATION EMTHODOLOGY IMAGE SYSTEMS ENGINEERING 8 9 12 Radar and Infrared imaging . 243–250. K.engnetbase.com. “Digital Image Processing”. 4. pp. 2007.D. 1336 –1357. Rao and P.Industrial imaging systems 3 C.I . Pearson Education. 3. R. Fuzzy Classifiers 4 16 Genetic Optimization Algorithms 5 Total contact hours C.com/ejournals/books/book_summary/summary. 9. Said and W. vol. “High-Quality DCTBased Image Compression Using Partition Schemes”. “JPEG2000: Standard for interactive imaging”.edu/~schrater/schrater_lab/courses /PattRecog07/PattRecog. Satellite imaging . 10. Kalyamoy Deb. Video Tech. pp..I . 2006. Feb.I . 7.O 4 UNIT V:DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 15 Neural Network Classifiers. on Circuits Syst. K-means clustering. N. IEEE Signal Processing Letters.11 Mahalanobis Distance..O 4 1-10 14 Computed Radiography . Morgan Kauffman Harcourt India.10 45 Reference books/Links 1. on Signal Processing. vol. pp.umn. Mammography and ultrasound imaging 3 C. Egiazarian. V. Woods.O 1-10 5 9. 8.".imageprocessingbook. Issue 2. Lukin. 2001. "Genetic Algorithms in Search. V. Proceedings of IEEE. 2003.D. “The Transform and Data Compression Handbook”.I . 2nd ed. 2. Pearlman. Multimedia computing and retrieval 3 C. Marcellin. Vol. Positron Emission Tomography scan. T. www.10 5 9. N. First Edition. Digital photography . Magnetic Resonance Imaging.psych. USA..asp?id=431 J.D. 6. O. 3445–3462. 90 .D. “Embedded image coding using zerotreesofwavelet coefficients” IEEE Trans. 5.html Goldberg and David E.O 4 1-10 13 Video surveillance and security systems. PCA and Kernel PCA 3 C. http://www. Shapiro. J. CRC Press. II III 20% 20% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil SPACE MISSION ANALYSIS AND P PROFESSIONAL CORE DESIGN: ASTRIONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th academic council. Estimation of Mission Needs. To acquire analytical ability in solving mathematical problems as applied to the respective branches of Engineering.c e.8 4.8 3.d Exploded on the various testing and evaluation technologies. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Spacecraft Design and Sizing Process 2 D 1-3 1.d j Understand the methodologies adopted to solve various issues in chosen domain a. 3. the learner will be able to H M L 1.Course nature Practical Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Weightage Design Assignment .D 3 1.8 91 . 24 th March2016 PURPOSE 2.I 10% Course Category Course designed by Approval L T 3 0 MULTIDISCIPLINARY DESIGN 15EC401M Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Design Assignment Design Assignment . 5. Evolve the methodology to solve the contemporary issue a. and also a. Requirements and Constraints 3 C 1-2 1.b e able to derive the design constraint based on the requirement. 4. Requirements Analysis and Performance Budgeting 2 C. Apply his knowledge to follow appropriate standards for the chosen problem.c e.c e. Definition of Mission Objectives 2 C 1-2 1 2. a.d b Explored on the design optimization techniques k c Contact C-DSession Description of Topic IOs Reference hours I-O 9 UNIT I: STANDARDS AND DESIGN CONSTRAINTS 1. “Onboard Computers. 10.3 2. edition. Wertz.D. Space Technology Library(Vol.D LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Revised ed. 3rd Edition 2. Design Process and Trade Studies 3 6. 4 edition.D 2 1.2 UNIT V: DESIGN OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUES 9 14. 4. Onboard Software and Satellite Operations”.McGraw-Hill Professional. Dennis Roddy. “Space Mission Engineering: The New SMAD”. Patel.UNIT II: ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN AND METHODOLOGY 9 5. Mukund R. 1st edition. 6.11 3 D. Jens Eickhoff. 3. 2004.7 13. I 2. 28). Marcel J.3 3. 5.I 5 1 15. CRC Press. Space Minimization 4 C.3 1. Cambridge University Press. “Spacecraft Dynamics and Control: A Practical Engineering Approach”. Springer Aerospace 92 . ButterworthHeinemann Ltd.10 On-board Computer Design 3 D. Batch Optimization 5 C. 7. James R. Charles Brown. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. 2 1 C.6 12. I 2. Howard Curtis. Software Memory Testing 3 I 4 1.7 UNIT IV: TESTING AND EVALUATION METHODOLOGY 9 11.2.9 C. Power Electronics and Distribution System 9.9 Communication System Design 3 D. I 2. “Spacecraft Power Systems”.D 2 3. Power System Design 3 7. Sidi. November 29. Radiation Effect Testing 3 I 4 1. “Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students (Aerospace Engineering)”.D. Ancillary Components Testing 3 I 4 1.I 5 1 Total contact hours 45 C. AIAA. “Elements of Spacecraft Design”. 3rd Revised edition. “Satellite Communications”. No. Communication Architecture 3 UNIT III: DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION 9 8. . A. The evolution of Wireless communication and basic cellular concepts a e 2.. Mody. Gupta. 2016.. Krishnamoorthy.. 11.. Various performance analysis of mobile communication system h i PURPOSE 93 .ccsds.. URL: www.. A. Pavuluri. Technology.J.8..II III 20% 20% End semester examination Weightage : WIRELESS COMMUNICATION L 3 T 0 Total 50% 0% P 0 C 3 Nil 15MA209 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic council meeting. J. S. Tekriwal.H. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES To understand and gain complete knowledge about H M L 1. Shrivastava..org Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Design In-semester tool Assignment .. P. A. Sharma. In AIAA Space 2016 (Submitted for publication) Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS).. 9. Electrical Power System of SRMSAT – 2. [Online]. In 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (p. K. SRMSAT: A Feasibility Study on Small Satellite Mission to Moon. Ohja. 24th March 2016 To understand the concepts of wireless systems and gain knowledge on mobile communication systems.. Tumu. S. Dhanasekharan. and Muthuswamy. 2012. Tracking and Command Subsystem of SRMSAT – 2. Radio wave propagation and mobile channel models h e 3. Prakash. A.K. Barad. Puntambekar. H. Sri Harsha Pavuluri. In 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting (p. A. Singha. 2016. L. A. 2016. 10. Bhate... P. Ratheesh... P. Naik.A. Namdeo. 695) Harsh Bhate. 1467). S.. S. K...I Weightage 10% 15EC403 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Practical Design Assignment Design Assignment . T.... Telemetry. Sri Harsha Pavuluri. 2. Channel distribution Information known 9 17.2.4 Types of fading: Rayleigh and Ricean Distribution 2 C 3 1. DIVERSITY AND EQUALIZATION IN WIRELESS SYSTEMS Capacity in AWGN. Simplified path loss model.2 UNIT II: MOBILE RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION (LARGE SCALE FADING) 9 6.5 8. Outage probability under path loss and shadowing 2 C 2 1. Interference and system capacity 2 C 1 1.2 5. Shadow fading 2 C 2 1.2.5 19. EGC. Trunking and erlang.2. Hand off. Selection combining.MRC 2 C 2 3.2 4. Description of Topic UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO WIRELESS COMMUNICATION Evolution of wireless communication and mobile radio communication j Contact hours i C-DI-O IOs References 1 C 1 1.2 9 2. Parameters of mobile multipath channels 1 C 3 1. Channel and System Model.5 18. Frequency reuse. Channel assignment 2 C 1 1. Capacity of flat fading channels.2.5 9.4.5 7. Cell coverage area 1 C 2 1.3 94 . UNIT IV: CAPACITY .3 13. Cellular concepts. Improving coverage and capacity 2 C 1 1. Capacity calculation 2 C 1 1. Time Frequency 2 C 3 1. Impulse response model of multipath channel 2 C 3 1.5 10. Empirical path loss models. RAKE receiver and Interleaving 1 C 3 1. Various Standards of Mobile communication systems Session 1. Free space path loss.4.3 15. Transmit and receive signal models 2 C 2 1.5 20.4.5 UNIT III MOBILE RADIO WAVE PROPAGATION (SMALL SCALE FADING & MULTIPATH) 9 Feedback.3.3.4 2 C 2 1.2 3. Small scale multipath measurements 2 C 3 1. CSI at receiver Diversity technique 2 C 2 1. Radio wave propagation. Ray tracing 2 C 2 1. Small scale multipath propagation 2 C 3 1.3 12.2.3 14. Reprint-2014 2. Aug 2005 6. New Delhi.21. McGraw Hill. 2009 4.C. PHI. 22. UNIT V: WIRELESS SYSTEM AND STANDARDS 9 GSM System Services.F. No.3. Forward and reverse CDMA Channel Introduction to OFDM system. Lee W. Pearson Education Asia Ltd. features and Architecture 1 C 4 1.Second Edition-2005. Second Edition.. 1995 5.”Wireless Communications:Principles and Practice”. Andreas. 23. "Wireless Communications".. Cambridge University Press . 1998 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester 15EC405J Co-requisite: Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : COMPUTER COMMUNICATION Nil 95 L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 2 C 4 . Wiley Publications. " Mobile Communications Engineering: Theory and Applications".Y.4 2 C 4 2. Generation and characteristics of PN sequence CDMA Digital Cellular standards(UMTS).S. Case study: IEEE 802. Andrea Goldsmith. 3.3 2 C 4 4 Discrete Sequence Spread Spectrum Technique and Frequency Hopping . Reprint 2011. 25. 24.T. William Stallings.5 2 C 4 3.Acquisition and Tracking Use of Spread spectrum with CDMA. 2nd Edition. Rappaport. Schiller. Feher K.. “ Wireless Communications”. Reprint 2012 7.2.Molisch. "Wireless Communication & Networking". frequency and channel specification. Pearson Education Asia. Pearson Education. REFERENCE BOOKS 1..4 2 C 4 2. "Wireless Digital Communications". "Mobile Communications". New York.11a Wireless LAN and Bluetooth standards Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Message & Packet switching 2 C 1 1-4 LAN. Serial and Parallel transmission. Understand the basic services and concepts related to internetworking. MAN & WAN. j i h 5. j i h 6.LLC 3 C 2 1-4 8. Data link control. Implement and analyze the various Networking concepts & Routing Protocols. L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I . k j h PURPOSE H-High Correlation. FDDI 3 C 1 1-4 UNIT II . Internet Protocol (IPV4/V6) 2 C 3 1-4 96 .Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMPUTERS Department of ECE 30th Academic Council Meeting.NETWORK LAYER 9 10. Ethernet. MAC. ARQ schemes 2 C 2 1-4 9. Explain the basic OSI model architecture and its lower layer functions. j h i 2. 3. j i h 3. M-Medium Correlation. HDLC protocol 1 C 2 1-4 UNIT III . Addressing 2 C 3 1-4 11. mechanisms and j i h protocols. 24th March 2016 To gain knowledge on the design and implementation aspects of basic computer communication networks. Flow &Error Control Protocol . Layered Architecture 2 C 1 1-4 Switching.OSI layer architecture. Token Ring. Analyze the various services and protocols in Application layer. Protocols & Standards. Explore the services and techniques of Transport layer. the learner will be able to H M L 1. 9 5. Acquire knowledge in various network layer concepts. layer functionalities of network models and the protocols involved in it. 4. Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 9 Data transfer modes. Network topologies 2 C 1 1-4 IEEE standards for LAN. 4. Network models . INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Circuit. 2.OSI LOWER LAYERS.DATA COMMUNICATION & NETWORKING BASICS 1. Data Link Layer 2 C 2 1-4 6. Error Detection and Correction schemes 1 C 2 1-4 7. Need for Internetworking . Token Bus. Cryptography 2 C 5 1-4 21.6 5 5. Implementation and study of Go back N and selective repeat protocols. Routing Protocols.APPLICATION LAYER 9 18. HTTP 2 C 5 1-4 22. 8. 2 I.O 3. 2 I.6 5 2 I.O 2.6 5 2. QOS . Transport layer .Techniques to improve QOS 2 C 4 1-4 C 5 1-4 C 5 1-4 UNIT V . To simulate CSMA/CA protocol and to study its performance and comparison with CSMA/CD protocols. Create a Socket (TCP&UDP) between two computers and enable file transfer between them. SNMP 2 C 5 1-4 3 Total contact hours 45 Description of experiments Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. 2 I. FTP. 4 I. Routing Issues. Frame based String Data transmission & Frame Data Transmission using Error check 4 I. Delivery.TCP 2 C 4 1-4 16.UDP. 4 I. Implementation and study of stop and wait protocol using NS-2 Network Simulator. Implementation of Link state Routing algorithm.O 1.O 3.6 5 3. TCP/IP Model 2 C 4 1-4 15.6 5 6. To simulate CSMA/CD protocol and to study its performance 2 I. To build and configure a simple wired network of four nodes connected with point-to-point links using QualNet Network Simulator. Forwarding and Routing 2 C 3 1-4 13.O 2. To simulate token bus and token ring protocols and to study the performance.12. No.6 5 4.O 1. 2 I.6 5 10. Distance Vector & Link State Routing 3 C 3 1-4 UNIT IV . SIP 19.O 4.6 5 Sl. Congestion Control mechanisms 3 C 4 1-4 17. Compression techniques 20. Implementation of Distance Vector Routing algorithm.TRANSPORT LAYER 9 14.O 1.6 5 9.O 1. 4 I. Email . 7.6 5 97 .O 1. 2013 “Lab Manual” . 5 th Edition Reprint. Total contact hours 2 I. Implementation of data encryption and decryption. Behrouz A. Pearson Education India.6th Edition. 4. 2013 3. “Computer Networking: A Top–Down Approach Featuring the Internet”. 2014. Mc-Graw Hill.O 5. Andrew S. Ross.Tanenbaum. 24thMarch. 2016 To acquire the foundational education in Microwave Theory & Techniques and to enable the student to become familiar with microwave devices & components used in Microwave communication systems. 5 th Edition. 98 . No. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIALS 1.11. Kurose.6 5 30 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Pearson Education.Fehrouzan. “Data & Computer Communication”. Department of ECE. 2014 2. “Computer Networks”. William Stallings. Keith W. SRM University 5. James F. Course nature Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 50%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II Weightage 10% 15% semester Theory + Practical Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% Assessment Method – Practical Component (Weightage 50%) MCQ/Quiz/Viva InAssessment tool Experiments Record Model examination Voce semester Weightage 40% 5% 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage : 15EC407 MICROWAVE THEORY AND TECHNIQUES Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE L T P 3 0 0 Total 60% 40% C 3 Nil 15EC201. “Data communication & Networking”. 10 th Edition. Pearson Education India. 15EC304 Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Gunn Oscillation modes 2 C 1 1.3.MICROWAVE GENERATORS Contact hours L a c b a a.4. UNIT III.4. Directional coupler. History of Microwave Engineering. 3. E and H plane Tee and Magic Tee 2 C. Analyze microwave communication system and its associated techniques Session STUDENT OUTCOMES H M 9 1.5 Rectangular and Cylindrical Waveguides 2 C 2 1.D 2 1. Field Effect Transistors 1 C 1 10. TRAPATT and Tunnel diode 1 C 1 1. UNIT II. 99 9 . Co-planar and Shielded strip line.4.5 3.4. Distributed Lines. TWT amplifiers.5 5.4.4. 2 C 3 1.3.4. Understand microwave measurements and associated techniques with equipment Description of Topic UNIT I.3.3. Attenuators and Phase Shifters 1 C 2 1.5 14. Microwave Circulators. Microwave transmission and Applications. Microwave Tubes.3.MICROSTRIP LINES & MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS Characteristics of Microstrip lines and Quality Factor Q of Microstrip Lines Parallel strip line. 4. Isolators 1 C 2 1. learner will be able to Gain knowledge on the theory of microwave transmission.5 3 C.5 Microwave Bipolar Transistors. 2.3.INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course.5 11. Analyze microwave passive devices and components.5 12. Magnetron oscillators 2 C 1 Gunn diode . High frequency limitations. & associated components.5 Klystron amplifier. IMPATT. Reflex Klystron oscillators 2 C 1 1.D 2 1. b b j e c b c k c j h C-DI-O IOs References 5.4. Power Dividers 1 C 2 1.5 7.5 2 C. Acquire knowledge on the concepts of microstrip lines and fabrication of MMICs 4.D 3 1. Maxwell Equations 1 C 1 1.4.2 2.5 6. microwave generators 1.MICROWAVE PASSIVE DEVICES & COMPONENTS High frequency parameters: S parameters and S matrix analysis for N-port microwave device 9 8. 5 20.2. Pearson Education. Pozar. Liao. Microwave Transmitter. Sisir. Signal Analyzer.2. Ground and Plasma Effects 2 C 5 1. Introduction with Substrate. Measurement of Scattering parameters 1 C. 6.2. E. Das. Hybrid Integrated circuit fabrication 2 C 3 1.4.4. “Microwave Engineering”.2.BP and BS filters. Insertion loss and Attenuation measurements 2 C. 4. Dielectric.D 4 1.HP.6 24.D 5 1. Passive LC Filter Synthesis Using Insertion Loss M Method 2 C. 2015 I. 2nd edition. Frequency and Q factor 19. David M.5 2 C.D 5 1.D 4 1.D 4 1. Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuits (MMICs). John Wiley & Sons. SNR and Figure of Merit.4. 4th Edition.4.4. Wiley.4. Reprint 2014 Annapurna Das. “Microwave & RF Design of Wireless Systems”.. 100 . Biological Effects and Safety 1 C 5 2. (India).2. 2001 Samuel Y. Measurement of Power. 3rd Edition. VSWR and Impedance measurement.D 4 1. MMIC Fabrication Techniques.5 23. The Institution of Engineering &Technology. Functioning details of Vector Network Analyzer. Pozar. Total Contact Hours 45 Hours LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 2012 2. Microwave Heating. Conductor. 1. “Microwave Devices and Circuits”. K. “Foundations for Microwave Engineering”. Microwave filters .3. David M. 2013 Robert. Hunter. Noise Characterization. Receiver Architectures 2 C.5 26. McGraw Hill Edu.2. 5.5 18.5 17.MICROWAVE RADIO SYSTEMS 9 22. 3rd Ed. “Theory and design of microwave filters”. Microwave Propagation: Atmospheric.15. Collin.LP.3.4.5 UNIT IV-MICROWAVE MEASUREMENTS 9 2 C. Spectrum analyzers 2 C 4 1.D 5 1.5 25.4. 3. “Microwave Engineering”. Resistive Materials and Applications 2 C 3 1.5 UNIT V. John Wiley & Sons. TEXT BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIALS No.4.2.2. Link budget calculations 2 C. Impedance matching.5 16.5 21. 4. Session Description of Topic 1. 24th April . 3. amplifiers and detectors and thereby build transmitter and receiver circuits Familiarize with optical measurements for performance analysis 5. student will be able to 2. 1. Optical Spectral bands 101 b e a.2001 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment InCycle test I tool semester Weightage 10% 15EC409 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 10% Surprise Attendanc Tota Test e l 20% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% Cycle Test III L T P 3 0 0 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION C 3 Nil 15EC201J Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.2. 2016 PURPOSE To acquire the basic essentials of Fiber Optical Communication STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. c e b a c j a j b b Contac t hours 9 C-DI-O IO s Reference 1 C 1 1.UNIT I-INTRODUCTION TO OPTICAL FIBERS 1 Elements of Optical fiber communication. Familiarize with the fundamentals of light transmission through fiber Understand how signal degrades inside the fiber due to physical effects and externally due to various factors like alignment.3 . splicing and connecterization Understand the operation of optical sources. a Design a basic optical communication system Acquire fundamental concepts on multichannel system and related components 6. 2. Modes and threshold conditions.2. LPM 3 C 1 1. 3.2. External Quantum efficiency.2. 4 . Modal equation.D 2 1.4 8 Attenuation: Material Absorption.3. SOA 2 C 6 1.2. Photonic Crystal fibers. LED Characteristics 2 C. 3. Fiber Splices Optical fiber connectors.D 3 1.D 1 1.2.2.D 1 1. Scattering.OPTICAL SOURCES.3.D 2 1.3 5 Wave Equations for Step index fiber. LED Structures. MM.D 3 3 102 3 1.2. Propagation characteristics of IR.4 11 Non linear effects : Non linear scattering. its limitations.3 4 Fiber types: SI.TRANSMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF OPTICAL FIBERS 9 7 Difference between bounded and free space optical communication. 5 13 Lensing schemes for coupling. GI. Quantum efficiency and power. Visible.D 1 1. Fiber couplers 1 C 2 1.2 12 Fiber alignment and Joint Loss.3 6 Special Fibers: Polarization Maintaining fibers.3 3 Overview of Modes: Cutoff wavelength and V number 1 C. 4 17 Fiber Amplifiers: EDFA. SM 2 C. Total Internal reflection.2. 4 15 Semiconductor Laser Diode.3 18 Modulation characteristics and Driver circuits 1 C.4 9 Overview of Signal dispersion in fibers .D 3 1. AMPLIFIER AND TRANSMITTER 9 14 Optical Sources: Light source materials. Kerr effects 1 C 2 1.2 Optical fiber structure. bending and core cladding losses 1 C. 3.4 19 Functional block diagram of a Transmitter module 1 C. Expanded Beam Connectors 2 C. Waveguide dispersion and PMD 2 C 2 1. Intermodal dispersion 1 C 2 1. LASER Characteristics 2 C.4 10 Intra-Modal dispersion: Material dispersion.D 16 Single mode Laser: VCSEL 1 C 3 1. Modes in SI fibers. Surface and Edge emitters. Light Propagation in Optical fibers: Ray theory . Dispersion compensated fiber 1 C 1 2 UNIT II .3 UNIT III .2. Skew rays 1 C. UV in Atmosphere and space 1 C 2 1. 2. RECEIVER AND PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENTS 9 20 Optical Detectors: PIN and APD photo detector. “Fiber Optic Communication: Systems and Components”. Basic Test Equipment: Optical Spectrum analyser. 3rd 4. Ugale.P. Khare.3. Responsivity and efficiency 2 C. 2007.2. Education Asia. Sunita P. 2015.D 5 1.6 29 WDM Components: Coupler/Splitter.OPTICAL DETECTORS .2 2 C.2 2 C.3 22 Fundamental receiver operation. Oxford University Press.6 Total Contact Hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. “Fiber Optic Communication Technology”. 2009 R. McGraw Hill 1. 6th Reprint. Edition. Senior. Optical Power meter. Rise time budget Overview of Analog links: Radio over Fiber.2 24 25 26 27 Measurement Standards. Mach Zehnder Interferometer. OTDR UNIT V-OPTICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM DESIGN AND CONCEPTS Point-to-Point link – Digital System and Analog system System design considerations and design steps Digital Link Design: Link power budget. “ Optical fiber Communications: Principles and Practice”.D 3 1. Isolators and Circulator. “Optical Fiber Communication Systems”. TEXT BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIALS Keiser G. 2013 Djafar. Mynbaev and Lowell and Scheiner. No.2. Error Sources.2 1 C. Key link parameters 9 28 Multichannel System: Need for multiplexing. 2013 John M. Operational principles of WDM. DWDM 1 C 6 1.D 5 1. Education (India). 9th impression. “Fiber Optics and Optoelectronics”. 2. Fabry Perot Filter and Optical MEMS switches 3 C 6 1. Wiley-India.3 23 Functional block diagram of a Receiver module 1 C. Pearson Education. decision circuit 3 C 3 1. 5. SNR. 5th Edition. Optical power attenuator. Detector Response time 1 C. Pearson 3.2.4 21 Photo detector noise . 1st edition. Front end Amplifier. Vivekanand Mishra.D 3 1.UNIT IV .D 3 3 2 C 4 1.K. 103 .D 5 1. Eye diagram tests. 2013 6.Rajiv Ramaswami.2 1-2 3 Impedance measurement by slotted line method 3 I-O 1. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool semester Weightage 15EC411L Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Cycle test I 10. student will be able to H M L 1 b c f b c f b.15EC409 Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 3nd edition. Characterize microwave and optical components/devices by measuring important parameters Design and Simulate devices/systems and study their performance Session Description of Topic MICROWAVE COMMUNICATION Contact hours 21 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1 Characteristics of Reflex Klystron 3 I-O 1 1-2 2 Study of power distribution in Directional coupler. Sivaranjan.2 1-2 104 . E plane. 2016 To acquire skills in measuring. d. Galen H.2 1-2 4 Gain and radiation pattern of Horn antenna 3 I-O 1. designing by conducting and simulating experiments related to microwave and optical devices/components and systems INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES PURPOSE At the end of the course.Sasaki "Optical Networks A practical perspective". Kumar N. k c f 2 3 Familiarise with basic Microwave and Optical measurements.% Theory Cycle test II 10% Surprise Attendanc Tota Test e l 20% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% Cycle Test III MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL COMMUNICATION LAB L 0 T 0 P 3 C 2 15EC407. 24th April . H plane and Magic Tee 6 I-O 1. html 6.3 1. SRM University Sisodia and Raghuvanshi – “Basic Microwave techniques and laboratory manual”.pdf Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Experiment Intool s semester Weightage 40% Practical Model examination 5% 10% End semester examination Weightage: Record MCQ/Quiz/Viva Voce 5% 105 Total 60% 40% . Laboratory Manual.net/ 5.ucsb.pdf 7.sourceforge.co. cp.literature.2 1-2 6 I-O 2 1 DC characteristics of PIN and APD photo-diode 6 I-O 2 1 8 Measurement of Numerical Aperture. http://optilux.agilent.2 1 9 Analysis of Analog and digital optical link 3 I-O 2 1 SIMULATION STUDY Design of RF Filters and Amplifier using computational tool Design of basic Optical Communication system using computational tool Total contact hours 6 3 D-I-O 2.Characteristics of filters. International.edu/~long/ece594a/ADS_introduction.com/support/learn-with-matlab-tutorials.3 1. New Age 2.5.com/litweb/pdf/5988-3326EN. www.7 3 D-I-O 2.6. http://in. Microstrip patch antenna and parallel line coupler 6 OPTICAL COMMUNICATION 18 6 DC characteristics of LED and Laser diode 7 5 I-O 1. REFERENCES 1. 01-Jan-1987-Microwaves.3.agilent.in/about/newsroom/presrel/2014/08may-em14069. No. propagation and bending losses of optical fiber 3 I-O 1.ece.mathworks.4 10 11 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. www. ECE Department. 3.html 4. LEVEL 2 ELECTIVES LEVEL 2 ELECTIVES DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE I 15EC221E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by NANO SCALE DEVICES L T 3 0 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 106 P 0 C 3 . a c PURPOSE 2. Basics of quantum mechanics . SOI MOSFET.4 4.4. that show significant advantage over ultimate FETs in power.24th March . Challenges for Nano MOSFETs. Familiarize with the scaling issues as the CMOS enters nanometer regime. Double gate MOSFET 1 C 2 1.5 2. Subthreshold Conduction. Analyze CNT based circuits are energy efficient with their superior carrier mobility Focus on new phenomena for logic devices where Spin property of the matter is used to represent information. M: medium correlation L: low correlation Session Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I : CHALLENGES IN NANO SCALE MOSFETS 9 1. copper interconnect and low-k interlayer dielectric 3 C 1 1.3 10.4 UNIT II : NANO SCALE MOSFET 9 5. Emergence of new materials. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Metal gate electrode 3 C 2 1. density. 2016 Approval To examine a subset of beyond CMOS technologies.3 107 . DIBL. Overview of MOS transistor 1 C 1 1. 5.2. learner will be able to H M L 1. Quantum Mechanics:Limitations of classical mechanics 1 C 3 1.2 8.2. Ferro electric FET 3 C 2 1. 4. Hi-k materials and its issues.2.5 3. Scaling of transistor dimensions and Moore’s law 2 C 1 1.Schrodinger equation 2 C 3 1.2 6. performance. a c a c a c a c j j H: high correlation.4. FinFET. metal gate. 3.2 7. Expose to the construction of the circuits represented by a cell operated using Coulombic interaction.30th. Hot electrons 3 C 1 1. Academic Council Meeting. Velocity Saturation. and/or cost to enable the semiconductor industry performance trends for information technology. Strained channel MOSFET. partially depleted and fully depleted SOI 2 C 2 1.2 UNIT III : QUANTUM TRANSPORT DEVICES 9 9.2. Hi-k gate dielectric. Understand several strategies introduced to extend Moore’s Law by increasing the electrostatic control over the channel. Mc Graw Hill Education. Geometrical structure. 12. Lokanathan. pp. Proceedings of the IEEE Vol. Electronic structure of CNT 2 C 4 1. 2. No.). “Challenges for Nanoscale MOSFETs and Emerging Nanoelectronics”. SpinFET 2 C 5 1 20. 2169-2184. 5. 12.11. Transport properties 2 C 4 1. pp.2 UNIT V: SPINTRONICS 9 18.2009 Yong-Bin Kim. Macmillan Publishers. Ajoy Ghatak and S. Principle of Spintronics 3 C 5 1 19.KIEEMETransactions On Electrical And Electronic Materials. MRAM 2 C 5 1 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Kerry Bernstein.3 2 C 3 1.Wiley-VCH. comparison of Si MOSFET with CNT MOSFET 3 C 4 1.2 UNIT IV : CNT DEVICES 9 14. 3. Fifth Edition. 2010. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test Assessment tool In-semester I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 108 Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% .2012. tunneling through single barrier and double barrier Quantum Transport Devices: Coulomb blockade effect. Magnetic Tunnel Junctions 2 C 5 1 21. Particle in a box. No. Vol. Spin valves. Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition.2 1 C 3 1. “Nanoelectronics and Information Technology”. “Device and Architecture Outlook for Beyond CMOS Switches”. “Quantum Mechanics: Theory and Applications”. Third. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL Rainer Waser (Ed.2 15. 98.Pradeep. Tunnel Effect . T. Carbon Nano Tube. 93-105. 3. No. 1. Single Electron Transistor Resonant Tunneling Diode 3 C 3 1. 2012. Electronic properties of CNT 2 C 4 1. “A Textbook of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology”.2010 4.2 16.2 17. 13. CNTFET. 11. Optical feedback. Device performance characteristics Laser: Operating principle. the learner will be able to 1. 2016 Description of Topic UNIT I: ELEMENTS OF LIGHT AND SOLID STATE PHYSICS STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L a a a a e j Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Energy bands in solids 1 C 1 1 3. Photo Luminescence. 24th March. Plasma Displays. Cathode Luminescence. Threshold Condition.5 UNIT II: DISPLAY DEVICES AND LIGHT SOURCES 9 6.5 2. Wave nature of light. Electro Luminescence. Emission and Absorption of Radiation. Polarization. Injection Luminescence 2 C 2 1 7. Numerical Display 2 C 2 1. Revive the basics of wave optics 2. 10. C 3 NIL NIL PURPOSE To gain insight about the electro-optic devices INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. Matriculate the concepts of optoelectronic integrated circuits and components Session P 0 LED : Choice of LED Material. Light output from LED. 9. LCD. Population Inversion.2 2 C 2 2 3 C 2 2 C 3 1 8. Optical processes in semiconductors 2 C 1 2 5.15EC222E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L T 3 0 OPTO ELECTRONICS NIL P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION 30th Academic Council Meeting. Semiconductor Lasers UNIT III: DETECTION DEVICES 9 Photo detection Principle 1 109 . Interference. Diffraction 2 C 1 1. Acquire knowledge on different types of optical detection devices and modulators 4. Understand the principles of various display devices and light sources 3. Conduction processes in semiconductors 2 C 1 2 4. Junction Theory 2 C 1 1. J. Pallab Bhattacharya “Semiconductor Optoelectronic Devices”.Optic Modulators 2 C 3 1 18. Photodiodes: PIN Photodiode. 5 13. 2010. APD 2 C 3 1. Interferometric Modulators 2 C 3 3 19. Detector performance parameters 1 C 3 1 14. 1.An Introduction to Materials and Devices”. Prentice Hall of India. S O Kasap “Optoelectronics and Photonics: Principles and practices”. Detectors for long wavelength operation. Jasprit Singh “Optoelectronics. 5. 2 nd Edition. TEXT BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL No. Charge Coupled Device (CCD) 1 C 3 1.3 UNIT IV: OPTOELECTRONIC MODULATORS AND SWITCHING DEVICES 9 16. 2014. 2nd Edition. 2nd Edition. Integrated transmitters and Receivers 3 C 4 2 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.An Introduction”. 5 20. Guided wave devices and Active couplers 3 C 4 2 24.5 15. 2009. Optical switching and Logic devices 2 C 3 2 UNIT V: OPTOELECTRONIC INTEGRATED CIRCUITS 9 21. Ltd. Noise in photoconductors 2 C 3 1 12. Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers 1 C 3 2. Pearson Education International. S C Gupta “Optoelectronic Devices and Systems”. Mc Graw Hill Education India. Wilson and J F B Hawkes “ Optoelectronics. 2 17. New Delhi. 4. 2015. 3. Hybrid and Monolithic Integration 1 C 4 2 22.11. Pearson Education Taiwan Ltd. Acousto . Electro Optic Modulators 2 C 3 1. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. 3 rd Edition. Photoconductors. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Cycle test Theory Cycle test 110 Cycle Test III Surprise Quiz Total . 2012. Slab and Stripe waveguides 2 C 4 2 23. 2. 4. wavelength selective detection 2 C 3 1. 3 UNIT II : FAULT SIMULATION AND TESTABILITY MEASURES 9 4. Emphasize the needs of fault modeling and simulation e 3. Gain knowledge on the basics of testing and the testing equipments e i 2. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To attain comprehensive coverage of various testing methods in Electronics INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Simulation for Design Verification 1 C 2 1 5. Errors. Simulation for Test Evaluation 1 C 2 1 6. Modeling Circuits for Simulation 2 C 2 1 7. Single Stuck-at Fault 5 C 2 1.I 10% Weightage II 15% 15EC223E Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L T P 3 0 0 ELECTRONIC TESTING Co-requisite: Prerequisite: NIL NIL Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval NIL 50% 50% C 3 P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION 30th Academic Council Meeting. and Faults. Levels of Fault Models. 2. 111 . 3. Algorithms for True-Value Simulation 1 C 2 1 8. the learner will be able to H M L 1. Interpret different testing methods of combinational and sequential circuits e f i 4. Functional Versus Structural Testing. Explore the delay test and IDDQ test e i Session Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I : TESTING PROCESS AND FAULT MODELING 9 Test process and automatic test equipment 3 C 1 1 Test economics and product quality 1 C 1 1 Fault modeling : Defects. Algorithms for Fault Simulation 2 C 2 1 1. Scan Path Technique 1 C 3 1. Delay Fault Detection 4 C 3 1. 3 24. Test Generation based on Circuit Structure 2 C 3 2 19. Path-Delay Test 2 C 4 1. FAN. Testing of sequential circuits as iterative combinational circuits 1 C 3 2 17. 2 21. Test Generation Techniques: One dimensional path sensitization. SCOAP Controllability and Observability 2 C 2 1 UNIT III : TESTING AND TESTABILITY OF COMBINATIONAL CIRCUITS 9 10. IDDQ Design for Testability 1 C 4 1 Total contact hours LEARNING RESOURCES 112 45 . 3 23. Automatic Synthesis of Testable Logic 1 C 3 2 15. Delay Test Problem 1 C 4 1. Three level OR-AND-OR Design 1 C 3 2 14. D-Algorithm. 2 11. Testable PLA Design 1 C 3 2 UNIT IV : TESTING AND TESTABILITY OF SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS 9 16. Detection of multiple faults 1 C 3 2 12. Limitations of IDDQ Testing 1 C 4 1 27. Partial Scan and Boundary Scan 2 C 3 1. IDDQ Testing Methods 2 C 4 1 26. Ad Hoc Design Rules 1 C 3 1. State Table Verification 2 C 3 2 18. Faults Detected by IDDQ Tests 1 C 4 1 25. Boolean Difference. The Reed-Muller Expansion Technique 1 C 3 2 13. 2 20. IDDQ Built-In Current Testing 1 C 4 1 28.9. PODEM. 2 UNIT V : DELAY TEST AND IDDQ TEST 9 22. 2 2. 2002. Agarwal. “Digital Circuit Testing and Testability”. Packaging Hierarchy 1 C 1 1 3. TEXT BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. P. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester 15EC224E Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L T P 3 0 0 ELECTRONICS PACKAGING Co-requisite: Prerequisite: NIL NIL Data Book / Codes/Standards NIL Course Category P Course designed by PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Total 50% 50% C 3 ELECTRONICS DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION Approval 30th Academic Council Meeting. h f Session Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: MICROELECTRONIC PACKAGING AND PROCESSING TECHNOLOGIES 9 1. thermal and mechanical design consideration in d a i electronic packaging. 2. Acquire knowledge on electrical. Functions of an Electronic Package 1 C 1 1. Springer. Comprehend the steps involved in electronic package assembly. Lala. Memory & Mixed-Signal VLSI Circuits”.Sl. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To introduce the basics and design considerations involved in Electronics Packaging INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Thin-Film Deposition 3 C 1 1 113 . 2. No. “Essentials of Electronic Testing for Digital. Michael L. K. Dimitris Gizopouilos. Driving Forces on Packaging Technology 1 C 1 1 5. 2006. Brief History of Microelectronic Packaging Technology 1 C 1 1. Springer 2006. 2 4. “Advances in Electronic Testing”. Explore the concepts of Multichip packaging. Understand the basics of electronic packaging. the learner will be able to H M L 1. 3. processing technologies and a i materials used. Bushnell and Vishwani D. Academic Press. 3. d i 4. Wafer Preparation 1 C 3 1 26. Die Attachment 1 C 3 1 27. Air Cooling and Liquid Cooling 1 C 2 1. Metals in Packaging 1 C 1 1 12. Transient Thermal Response of Components. Wire bonding 1 C 3 1 114 . Polymers in Packaging: Fundamentals of Polymers. Facilities and Component Handling 1 C 3 1 24. Power and Ground 2 C 2 1. 2 14. Stress. Patterning 1 C 1 1 7. Metal-to-Metal Joining 1 C 1 1 UNIT II: MATERIALS AND ELECTRICAL CONSIDERATIONS 9 8. Plastic Material and Creep 1 C 2 1 21. 2 15. Conduction in Various Shapes and Overall Resistance 2 C 2 1. Signal Integrity and Modeling 1 C 2 1. Failure Theories 1 C 2 1 22. Primary Classes of Polymers Used in Microelectronics and First-Level Packaging Applications of Polymers 1 C 1 1 11. 2 13. Heat Sources. Packaging Material Properties 1 C 1 1 9. Overall Packaged IC Models and Simulation 1 C 2 1 UNIT III: THERMAL AND MECHANICAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS 9 16. Electrical Fundamentals 1 C 2 1. Ceramics in Packaging 1 C 1 1 10. Surface-Mount Technology (SMT) Assembly 1 C 3 1. Constitutive Relations: Elastic Material.3 25. 3 17. Approaches to Heat Removal and Failure Modes 1 C 2 1. Analytical Determination of Stress 2 C 2 1 UNIT IV: ELECTRONIC PACKAGE ASSEMBLY 9 23. Heat Transfer Fundamentals: Heat Transfer Rate Equations. 3 19. Deformation and Strain 1 C 2 1 20. Crosstalk. 3 18.6. . “The electronic packaging handbook”. Trade-Offs Among Packaging Functions 1 C 4 1 34. Inc. Options in Multichip Packaging 2 C 4 1. Market Analysis and Product Specification 1 C 4 1 35. 2 37. Publication. 2 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 3. CRC Press LLC. Brown. History and Motivations of Multichip Packaging 1 C 4 1. 2006 Tummala. Rao R.. Design Concepts 1 C 4 1 36. McGraw Hill Education. TEXT BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. 2000 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% ELECTRONIC MEASUREMENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION 15EC225E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Theory Nil Nil Nil 115 L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 . William D.2nd Edition. “Advanced Electronic Packaging”. Packaging and the Electronic System 1 C 4 1 33. Three-Dimensional Systems 1 C 4 1. A John Wiley & Sons. State-of-the-Art Technologies 1 C 3 1 UNIT V: DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS AND MULTICHIP PACKAGING 9 32. No. 2 39. 2001 Glenn R Blackwell. Traditional and Modified Product Cycles. Flip-Chip 1 C 3 1 29. 2 38. 1st Edition.28. Package-Level Processes 1 C 3 1 31. Packaging Hierarchy and Taxonomy 1 C 4 1.” Fundamentals of Microsystems Packaging”. Package Sealing/Encapsulation/Coating 1 C 3 1 30. 2. 4 2 1 9 9 3 C. 2. e c Familiarize with the principle and operation of advanced measuring 4. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Vector Voltmeter.I st Order response for Step Input. c e based on VNA Contact hours Session Description of Topic UNIT 1: MEASUREMENTS AND ERRORS 1. equipments PURPOSE and advanced instruments used in electronic measurement. 8. Wave Analyzer.5 3 C 3 1 3 C 3 1 3 C 3 1 9 . 2016 This course introduces the learner on various types of measurement technique. Significant Figures. 9.zeroth order and first order time domain system. 3. Automation in Voltmeter UNIT III: SIGNAL GENERATION AND ANALYSIS 7. learners will be able to H M L Understand various types of errors encountered during measurement and 1. Recognize on the architecture of various signal generation equipments. Pulse and Square wave Generator Function Generator Analyzer.D 3 C 2 1 3 C 2 1. Guarding Techniques. Distortion Analyzer Harmonic Distortion Analyzer. Statistical Analysis. Limiting Errors Bridge Measurements (AC and DC bridges). Logic Analyzer. Sweep Frequency Generator. Spectrum Analyzer. Sine Wave Generator. 116 C-DI-O IOs Reference 3 C 1 1 3 C. 6. Series and Shunt Type Ohmmeter Alternating Current Indicating Instruments (Moving Iron instruments. e instruments. 4. Bourdon Tube. DC Ammeters and Voltmeters. Analysis of Linear Systems:Time Domain Response.D 1 1.4 3 C.D 1 1. electrodynamometer instrument) D/A and A/D Converters Digital Voltmeters. Precision. Accuracy. Acquire knowledge on computer based test system and the application 5. Obtain knowledge on the various analog and digital measuring 2. Types of Errors. Pressure Gauge. 5.Codes/Standards Course Category P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE APPLICATION Course designed by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Approval 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March. Ramp Input &Impulse Input UNIT II: ELECTROMECHANICAL AND DIGITAL INDICATING INSTRUMENTS PMMC Mechanism. c e instruments 3. and Measurement of Flow. e c able to analyze the system response. Cooper. Techniques”.7. 4 C 5 1 Microprocessor based System and Measurement case studies Interfacing transducers to Electronic control and measuring 14..DhanapatRai& Sons.2013. 117 .pdf Ludwig Reimer. [Online] 6. https://dl.VNA based testing and 15. Multi 12.8 study Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.cdn-anritsu.ch/cas/Denmark-2010/Caspers/anritsuVNAprimer%202009%20for %20CAS2010.il/. “Electronic Instrumentation”. A. 13. Instruments used in Computer Controlled Instrumentation.web.I 5 6. Testing a Radio Receiver. 1986. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL No. 8. A. H. Haim Matzner & Shimshon Levy.K. Kalsi. 1 C 5 1 system Vector network analyzer(VNA).D. Computer based DAS UNIT V: COMPUTER CONTROLLED TEST 9 SYSTEMS Testing an Audio Amplifier.Sawhney. Springer science media. August.McGraw Hill. S.Single channel. Analog and Digital Storage Oscilloscope Scanning Probe Microscope-Atomic Force Microscope3 11. 3rd 2. 2010. McGraw HillInternational 3. D. editions. Dual Beam.pdf Basic RF Technic and Laboratory Manual . Magnetic Force Microscope-Scanning Tunneling C 4 4 Microscope Data Acquisition Systems(DAS). edition. Dr. 2008.pdf Network Analyzer for Anritsu RF and Microwave Handheld Instruments. https://cas.Bouwens.Vector Network Analyzer Measurement. 3 C 4 4 Oscilloscope. 7. PHI. measurement systems Antenna and Filter characteristic 4 C. 2009. Dual Trace Sampling 10.2000 5. Fundamentals of Vector Network Analysis Primer. instrumentation”. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.Learning Private Limited 2010. “A course in electrical and electronic measurements and 4.ac.D. “Scanning Electron Microscopy: Physics of Image Formation and Microanalysis”. “Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement 1. Accessed on April 6 2016. 9. “Measurement Systems Application and Design”.upload/engineering/microwave_-_experiment_1_-_revisionnetwork_analyzer.com/en-us/test-measurement/files/Manuals/Measurement-Guide/1058000289H.hit. Earnest .Measurement Guide. http://www. 2015.UNIT IV: OSCILLOSCOPES AND ADVANCED 9 INSTRUMENTS Simple CRO. “Digital Instrumentation”. Helfrick and William.J.cern.O Doeblin. 3 C 4 4 channel. Albert. 5th edition. Classification of errors.3. classification. Wiley Publishers.3. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Insemester Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% 15EC226E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS Total 50% 50% T P C 0 0 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE APPLICATION Department of Electronics and communication engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.4 4. mechanical. the learners will H M L 1.10. Electrical. STUDENT INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Definition.2. Error analysis 3 C 1 1. a b d Acquire knowledge in mechanical and electromechanical sensors.2.3.4 3. thermal. optical. 2012. Static and dynamic characteristics of transducers 2 C 1 1.3. a b d Understand the working principle of capacitive inductive sensor and transducers. “Handbook of Nanoscopy: Vol. Contact hours Session Description of Topic C-D-IO IOs Reference UNIT 1: SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS CHARACTERISTICS 9 1. Obtain knowledge on the basic concepts of various sensors and transducers. Pennycook.4 2. 3.4 118 . 5. Performance measures of sensors 1 C 1 1. Characterization. biological and chemical 3 C 1 1. Gustaaf Van Tendeloo. 1”. Stephen J. Dirk Van Dyck. 24th March 2016 To impart knowledge on various types of sensors and transducers used in industrial automation. a b d Know the principle and operation of piezoelectric and electro chemical sensors. a b d Familiarize on the application of sensor and transducers a b d PURPOSE 2.2.2. 4. 2. 12. X-ray and Nuclear radiation sensors Electro Chemical sensors: Electrochemical cell. Micro scale sensors.2. 15. RADIATION. Magneto resistive sensors: Hall Effect sensor. Resistive sensors: Potentiometer. 11.3 2 C. Synchro. 14.3.D 2 1. Frequency modulating oscillator circuit.2.D 2 1.4 3 C.4 8. Microsync Applications: Pressure. Machine tools and Manufacturing process: Diagnostics of machine tool linear axes. Microphone.2. ELECTROCHEMICAL SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS Piezoelectric Materials and properties. Polarization. UNIT III: CAPACITIVE.6 6 C 5 5.2.3. Photo voltaic. Pressure.2.3 3 C.4 7. Inductive transducers: LVDT. Fiber optic sensors. Environmental effects.UNIT II: MECHANICAL AND ELECTROMECHANICAL SENSORS 9 5.3. Principle. sensor Electrodes UNIT V: APPLICATION OF SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS Film sensors.3.D 4 1. Eddy current sensors 2 C.D 5 5.3 3 C.3.D 3 1. Feedback type condenser microphone.2.2. Angle and Acceleration UNIT IV: PIEZOELECTRIC. Modes of deformation. 13. Dynamic capacitance Applications: Proximity. variation.D 4 1.D 4 1.3. Application: Accelerometer Radiation sensors: Photo conductive cell. Position. Aeronautics: Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems. Magnetic sensors: Types. Particle measuring systems Applications and case studies of sensors and transducers in Automobile: Fuel Injection System.4 3 C.6 9. INDUCTIVE SENSORS AND TRANSDUCERS Capacitive sensors: Capacitance circuitry. strain gauge and electrode elements 4 C.2. Requirement and Advantages 3 C. Photo resistive.D 3 1. RVDT. 10. Displacement 3 C.D 3 1.D 2 1.4 4 C. Multimorphs.4 6. Home automation Total contact hours LEARNING RESOURCES 119 9 9 9 45 . . Ian Sinclair. 2. Web resources: http://lit. Elsevier India Pvt Ltd. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 3rd edition. H. 2006 3.jsp?tp=&arnumber=6089941 http://www. Kalsi. “Sensor and Transducers”. “Electronic Instrumentation”. 2008..ie/News/News%20Documents/ETTA-ENGINEERING-TOPIC-2015-student. 2011. “A Course in Electrical and Electronic Measurements and Instrumentation”.Sl. Prentice Hall of India (Pvt) Ltd.K. S. DhanpatRai Publications.pdf http://ieeexplore.pdf Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test I In-semester tool Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : LEVEL 3 ELECTIVE 120 Total 50% 50% . 2012.org/files/phm_submission/2015/phmc_15_036.org/stamp/stamp. Puneethsawhney. Sawhney.org/sites/phmsociety. 3rdEdtion. “Measurement System. Doeblin.A. 6. Patranabis D. 5. 5th Edition. Application and Design”.ieee. 1.phmsociety. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd. “Sensor and Actuators”. Ernest O.. 4. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL No. 2010. Acquire the knowledge of EMI/EMC Fundamentals and EMI coupling principles 2. frequency assignment and spectrum conservation techniques 4. 24th March 2016 To understand the basics of Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility in System Design. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course.LEVEL 3 ELECTIVE DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE II / DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE III / DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE IV Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE L T 3 0 ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCE AND ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY 15EC321E P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. Know about EMC standards. the learners will be able to 1. Attain the knowledge of EMI control techniques 5. b h h . Understand the EMI Measuring Instruments and their usages 3. To understand the concepts of EMC PCB design and interconnection techniques 121 STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L a f h a f h. e a f h a a f f. 4. DO-160/ED-14.EMI/EMC CONCEPTS 9 1.3.5 17. Concepts of EMI and EMC and Definitions 1 C 1 1. Spectrum conversation 2 C 2 1 UNIT IV: EMI CONTROL TECHNIQUES 9 122 . Need for standards. EMI coupling modes . Open Area Test sites 1 C 1 1. EURO norms 2 C 2 1. Antennas 1 C 1 2. Conducted interference measurements: Characterization of conduction currents / voltages. VDE standards.5 5.2. EMC between and within systems.4 2. immunity to conducted EMI 3 C 1 1 11. CENELEC and ETSI 1 C 2 1.2 .3. Units of Parameters 1 C 1 1 3.3. conducted EM noise and power supply line.4.3. EMC analyzer 1 C 1 2. RS. Session L.5 16. reverberating chamber.5 4.2. Radiation Hazards 1 C 1 1. LISN 1 C 1 1.3 9.5 6. 1 C 1 1.4 19.FCC regulations.3 UNIT II: EMI MEASUREMENTS 9 8. M. ESD phenomena and effects 2 C 1 1. Examples of EMI. Frequency allocation and frequency assignment 1 C 2 1 20. British Standards 1 C 2 1. comparisons 1 C 2 1.5 12.Medium Correlation. Sources of EMI 2 C 1 1.Low Correlation Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I. GTEM cell 2 C 1 1. CS. RE.5 13. Transient phenomena and suppression 1 C 1 1 7.3. MIL-STD-461/462. Radiated interference measurements: Anechoic chamber.5 15.5 UNIT III: EMC STANDARDS 9 14.CE. CISPR/IEC.3. National and international standards 1 C 2 1.3.4 18. conducted EMI from equipment.H– High Correlation. TEM cell.CM and DM.4.4. EMI/EMC Standards in Japan. Classification of EMI/EMC .3 10.2. Paul. “Introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility”.3. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 123 Surprise Quiz Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle Test III Total 50% 50% . Measurements. 3 rd Edition. and Technologies”. PCB layout stackup. 1986.5. 6 Mark I. Cables and Connectors 1 C 5 2. 5 Tim Williams.D 5 2. EMC connectors.6 32.3. Grounding. IEEE press. Component selection and mounting 1 C 5 2. 4th Edition. Wiley & Sons.3.5 22. EMC Gaskets 2 C 3 1.21. CM Filter-DM Filter 1 C 3 1. 2009 4 Bernharo Q’Keiser. Opto-Isolators. and Grounding 3 C. 2001. Shielding 3 C 3 1.5. 2007. Digital and analogue circuit design 1 C.5. trace Routing. Power line filter design 1 C 3 1. Decoupling and Zoning 2 C 5 2. “Engineering Electromagnetic Compatibility–Principles.6 28. Artech house. 2nd edition.3 30.3. 2 Clayton R. Isolation transformer 1 C 3 1 UNIT V: EMC DESIGN OF PCBS 9 27. Electrical bonding 1 C 3 1.D 5 2. 1 Prasad Kodali.2.2006 3 Henry W. John Wiley & Sons. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIALS No.3 24.6 31. “Principles of Electromagnetic Compatibility”.“EMC for Product Designers”. PCB trace impedance. 2000.3.5 29. “Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems”.3.6 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Cross talk control and Impedance control 1 C 5 2. 2 nd Edition.5 26. Ott.Newnes.2 25. “Printed Circuit Board Design Techniques for EMC Compliance: A Handbook for Designers”.Montrose.3 23. Wiley-IEEE Press. Understand the concepts of polymer on optical MEMS. 5. fabricate and test the MEMS based components. UNIT II: ELECTRICAL AND MECHANICAL CONCEPTS OF MEMS 9 Conductivity of semiconductors . Mass fabrication with precision 1 C 1 1. Acquire the knowledge of MEMS and micro fabrication.D 1 1. a d j PURPOSE Session Description of Topic Contact hours C-D-IO IOs Reference UNIT I-INTRODUCTION TO MEMS AND MICRO FABRICATION 9 1. Characteristics of MEMS: Miniaturization 2 C 1 1. 4. Energy domain 1 C 1 1.2.4 2.4 1 C.4 1 C 1 1.4 5.points of consideration for processing Surface micromachining process. analyze. Understand the electrostatic and thermal sensing principles and actuating a d b. Micro fabrication process 1 C 1 1 2 C. Silicon based MEMS processes. various fabrication techniques and to design.4 3. 8.j actuating technique.15EC322E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF MEMS T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting .4 4. Sensors and Actuators. learner will be able to H M L 1. 6.2. a d 3. Micro electronics integration . 7. 24th March 2016 ELECTRONICS This course is offered to students to gain basic knowledge on MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System). History of MEMS Development.j technique.2. a d 2.D 1 1.3. Attain the knowledge of piezoresistive. piezoelectric and magnetic sensing and a d b. Understand` the essential electrical and mechanical concepts of MEMS. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.structural and sacrificial material. Crystal planes and orientations 2 124 .processing Anisotropic wet etching and Isotropic wet etching.4 C 2 1. Dry etching of silicon and Deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) New material and fabrication processing. 11. Thermal sensing and Actuations: Thermal sensors. Application of Piezoresistive sensors 1 C. deflection of beam. Piezoelectric sensing and actuation: piezoelectric materials properties.4 23.2 UNIT III: ELECTROSTATIC AND THERMAL PRINCIPLE SENSING AND ACTUATION 9 12. Stress in flexural cantilever and membrane 1 C 4 1 19.D 2 1.D 2 1. longitudinal strain under pure bending. PZT. pressure and tactile sensor.D 5 1 Total contact hours LEARNING RESOURCES 125 45 . Applications: Inertial. Design and fabrication of magnetic coil 2 C.4 14.D 2 1.D 4 1.2.4 16. 10. mirrors 2 C. Polymers in MEMS: polymide.3 UNIT IV: PIEZORESISTIVE.4 18.4 13. Liquid Crystal Polymer (LCP ) . Spring constant Torsional deflection. 2 C.D 5 1.2 3 C. Parylene .SU-8. Applications 3 C.D 3 1. ZnO.D 5 1 24. Resonance and quality factor 2 C. quartz.3. PVDF. intrinsic stress. comb drive 1 C 15.4 UNIT V: POLYMER AND OPTICAL MEMS 9 22.9. PDMS.4 2 C.D 4 1. Polymer MEMS Applications 2 C. lenses. PMMA . Deposition of magnetic materials. Magnetic actuation: Principles. Actuation for active optical MEMS.3 25.D 4 1. Stress and strain: definition.Fluorocarbon 3 C 5 1.3.D 3 1. Mechanical properties of Silicon and thin films Flexural beam bending analysis under single loading conditions: Types of beam. Optical MEMS: passive MEMS optical components. Parallel plate capacitor . Electrostatic sensing and actuation 1 C 3 1. Application: Inertial.3. PIEZOELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC PRINCIPLE SENSORS AND ACTUATOR 9 17. parallel plate actuator 2 C. Relationship between tensile stress and strain. flow and infrared sensors 3 C.4 21.4 20. Actuators 2 C 3 1. Piezoresistive sensors : piezoresistive sensor material 2 C 4 1. Introduction. Serial communication using UART . Embedded system Initialization 2 C 1 1 1 C 1 2. Charles P. SPI. M-Medium Correlation. 2. Reset and interrupt functions Parallel I/O ports. 4. “Foundations of MEMS”. Owens.Sl. the learner will be able to 1. Analog Interfaces AVR RISC Assembly language instruction set 126 . L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I . “Introduction to Nanotechnology”. Atmel RISC Processors Architecture. Understand the basics of embedded system development tools and Atmel STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L RISC Processors Write C programs for Microcontrollers Familiarize with the concepts of RTOS 2. 4. MEMS and Smart Devices”. “RF MEMS Theory.3 3 C 1 2.3 1 C 1 2. e a e e a d H-High Correlation.John Wiley & Sons.ATMEL RISC PROCESSORS AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 9 1. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. 5. Julian W. 3. John Wiley & Sons. Poole and Frank J. 2009. Basics of developing for embedded systems 2 C 1 1 2. John Wiley & sons. 1. 2012 Gaberiel M. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test Assessment tool In-semester I Weightage 10% 15EC323E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Test Quiz Total III 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% L T P C EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN 3 0 0 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMPUTER Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. No. Memory. Timer/Counters. 3. 2010. Second Edition. Rebiz. 24th March 2016 This course presents fundamental concepts of Embedded system design and programming. “Microsensors.3 3. Real time operating system.Gardner and Vijay K Varadhan. 2013. Pearson . BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL Chang Liu.Design and Technology”. Operators and Expressions 2 C 2 2 7. Real time methods 2 C. objects.D 2 2 10.ELEMENTS OF C PROGRAMMING AND PREPROCESSOR FUNCTIONS 9 6. I/O operations. Program the target device. Common design problems 1 C 3 1 Total Contact Hours LEARNING RESOURCES 127 45 . Structure and Unions. AVR code generator.RTOS INTERNALS 9 15. Memory management 1 C 3 1 25. services. Signals. Pipes.D 1 2 UNIT IV . Modularizing an application for concurrency 1 C 3 1 26. Project development: Process steps 1 C. Semaphores 2 C 3 1 18. Memory types 3 C 2 2 9. Standard I/O and Preprocessor functions 1 C 2 2 2 C 1 2 2 C 1 2 UNIT III . Control statements 1 C 2 2 8. Condition variables 2 C 3 1 UNIT V . key characteristics 2 C 3 1 16. Variables and constants. C Compiler Options Compile and Make Projects. Message queues 1 C 3 1 19. Timer and timer services 2 C 3 1 23.IDE AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 11. Example Projects 3 C. Event Registers. Pointers and Arrays.D 1 2 14. CodeVisionAVR C Compiler and IDE: IDE Operation.UNIT II . Other RTOS services 1 C 3 1 21. 12. Functions. I/O subsystem 1 C 3 1 24. Tasks 2 C 3 1 17. Atmel AVR Studio debugger 9 13. Exceptions and Interrupts 2 C 3 1 22. Introduction to RTOS: scheduler.RTOS SERVICES 9 20. 5. Images. digitized pictures 2 C. Graphics.MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION REPRESENTATION Text.MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 9 128 9 . Synthesized audio 2 C. Video. & O’Cull “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR” Thomson Delmar learning 2006 www. Digital video. 3. 2. Cox. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE 2. the learner will be able to H M L 1. No. D 1 2 1. Unformatted text. Audio. know the basic need of multimedia and components of multimedia i j. Digitized documents. 3. 1. D 1 2 UNIT II . 4. j understand the functioning of streaming a.Sl. D 1 2 4. CD quality audio.Atmel. Broadcast television. PCM speech. h implement the human communication through multimedia technology j f k understand the various multimedia standards e j employ the MPEG video compression techniques a. hypertext 2. Formatted text. UNIT I . Video content 3 C. D 1 2 3. To understand the multimedia communications and to know how communications and computing technologies bring new user experiences INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. j h Session Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL Qing Li with Caroline Yao “Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems ” CMP books 2011 Barnett.com Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test Assessment tool In-semester I Weightage 10% Cycle test II 15% Surprise Quiz Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle Test III L 3 INTRODUCTION TO MULTIMEDIA COMMUNICATIONS 15EC324E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Total 50% 50% T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATIONS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. 7. Human Communication Model. Memory. 4 1.2 1 UNIT III .2 1 2 C 1.3 2 C 5 1 17. Digital TV and Storage Media 3 C 2. 6. MPEG-4 Delivery Framework 2 C 5 1 3 C 5 1 2 C 5 1.3. Feeling. and Retrieval 2 C 2. Manufacturing and Marketing 2 C 1. Physical System. 20. Research and Regulation. Cognitive System 3 C 1. 4 1 15. Multimedia Conferencing. Multimedia Technologies. 4 1. Symbol Encoding.MPEG 9 13. Searching. MPEG Applications. Streaming Media. Quality of Service Framework Total contact hours 129 45 .2 1 Evolution and convergence Technology Framework. 9. IETF Multimedia Internet Standards UNIT IV .APPLICATIONS LAYER . 11.FRAMEWORKS FOR MULTIMEDIA STANDARDIZATION Standardization Activities Standards to Build a New Global Information Infrastructure (GII) Standardization Processes on Multimedia Communications 9 3 C 3 1 2 C 3 1 2 C 3 1 2 C 3 1 ITU-T Mediacom 2004 Framework for Multimedia Communications ISO/IEC MPEG-21 Multimedia Framework.5. 12. 10. Multimedia Networking. Technology and Education.2 1 2 C 1.3. Technologies for e-Content Standardization Framework.MEDIA STREAMING 9 Media Streaming . 18.MIDDLEWARE LAYER . End-to-End Architecture for Transporting MPEG-4 Video Over the Internet Broadband Access. Media Distribution and Consumption 2 C 2.4 UNIT V . 19. Multicasting. Convergence and Regulatory Issues. 4 1 16.4 14. Media Description. 8. Streaming Video Over the Internet Challenges for Transporting Real-Time Video Over the Internet. Multimedia Conferencing. and Interactive Broadcasting 2 C 2. LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL No. 1. K. R. Rao, Zoran S. Bojkovic and Dragorad A. Milovanovic, “Introduction To Multimedia Communications: Applications, Middleware, Networking”, Wiley Interscience, 1st edition, 2006. 2. Fred Halsall, “Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols And Standards,” Pearson education, 4th edition, 2009. 3. Chen, Chang Wen, Li, Zhu, Lian, Shiguo,Intelligent Multimedia Communication: Techniques and Applications, 2010, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 4. John William Woods, Multidimensional Signal, Image, and Video Processing and Coding, 2nd edition, academic press, 2012. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test Cycle test Assessment tool In-semester I II Weightage 10% 15% 15EC325E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : DIGITAL LOGIC DESIGN WITH PLDs AND VHDL L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting, 24th March 2016 Learning design of digital circuits is a fundamental necessity for designing practical systems. To develop standard design practices for digital circuits at a higher level of abstraction a hardware description language is useful. This subject provides necessary instruments to achieve that goal. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES PURPOSE At the end of the course, leaner will be able to 1. Apply advanced theorems to simplify the design aspects of various practical circuits. 2. Design State Machines. 3. Implement various digital circuits using Programmable Logic Devices. 4. Implement combinational and sequential circuits using VHDL. Session Description of Topic UNIT I - ADVANCED TOPICS IN BOOLEAN ALGEBRA Contact hours H M L b c k b b b c e d d k e C-DI-O IOs Reference 9 1. Shannon’s Expansion theorem and its application 2 C 1 1 2. Consensus theorem 1 C 1 1 130 3. Reed-Muller Expansion technique 1 C,D 1 1 4. Multiplexer logic as function generators 1 C,D 1 1 5. Implementation of Multiple output logic functions 1 C,D 1 1 6. Static and Dynamic hazards 1 D 1 1 7. Design of static hazard; free and dynamic hazard; free logic circuits 2 C 1 1 UNIT II: SEQUENTIAL CIRCUIT DESIGN 9 8. Mealy and Moore machines 3 C,D 2 1,2 9. Clocked synchronous sequential circuit design procedure; state diagrams; state table; state reduction; state assignment 3 C,D 1,2 1,2 10. Incompletely Specified Sequential Machines 3 C 1 1,2 UNIT III -DESIGN WITH PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC DEVICES 9 11. Basic concepts, PROM as PLD 1 C 1,3 1,2 12. Programmable Array Logic (PAL) 2 C,D 3 1,2 13. Programmable Logic Array (PLA) 1 C 3 1,2 14. Design of combinational and sequential circuits using PLD’s 1 D 3 1,2 15 Complex PLD (CPLD) 1 C,D 3 1,2 16. Introduction to Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA) 1 C 1,3 1,2 17. Xilinx FPGAs-Xilinx 3000 series and 4000 series FPGA 2 D 3 1,2 UNIT IV: INTRODUCTION TO VHDL 9 18. VHDL Description of combination circuits 1 C 1,4 3 19. VHDL Modules; Entity and Architecture description 1 C 4 3 20. Sequential statements and VHDL processes 1 C 4 3 21. VHDL Data types and Operators 1 C 4 3 22. Concurrent and Sequential Assignment Statements (All types) 1 C 4 3 23. Different types of Modeling in VHDL; Behavioral, dataflow and structural modeling 2 C,D 4 3 24. Variables, Signals and Constants in VHDL 1 C 4 3 25. Package in VHDL 1 C,D 4 3 UNIT V-DIGITAL DESIGN WITH VHDL 9 131 26. Combinational Circuit Design using Structural, behavioral and data flow modeling (Circuits like Arithmetic circuits, decoders, encoders, multiplexers, demultiplexers, code converters, 4-bit binary adders, BCD adder, comparator, ALU etc.,) 4 C,D 1,4 27. Design of Sequential Elements 2 C,D 2,4 3 28. Registers 1 C 4 3 29. Counters and Synchronous Sequential Circuits using VHDL 2 C,D 1,4 3 Total Conduct Hours 3 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Fundamentals of Logic Design. SEVENTH EDITION. Charles H. Roth, Jr. University of Texas at Austin. Larry L. Kinney. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities.2012 2. 3. A VHDL Primer. Jayaram Bhasker. American Telephone and Telegraph Company. Bell Laboratories Division. P T R Prentice Hall.2011 Richard S. Sandige, Michal L. Sandige,’ Fundamentals of DIGITAL AND COMPUTER DESIGN WITH VHDL, MGH, Edition 2014 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester 15EC326E Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 EMBEDDED C Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering -- 30th Academic Council Meeting March 24th -- , 2016 COMPUTER To explore embedded systems architecture hardware and firmware. This course uses a bottom-up approach in gradually building and optimizing embedded software. This course emphasis on C program for AVR microcontroller and several interfacing concepts. 132 Memory Addressing and Types 2 5. Flowchart. Pseudocode. Libraries 1 C 1 1 5 UNIT III: Optimizing and Testing Embedded C Programs 9 12. Structures. Data Types and Variables 8.INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. 2. Design Process: Product Functionality.i a d b . Acquire skills on AVR microcontroller architecture programming on Interfacing concepts. 4. Code Optimization Technique 4 C 2 1 13. Resource Management. Gain knowledge in embedded C programming and its Optimization techniques. and Operations 2 C 1 1 11. Storage Class Modifiers 10. Register Allocation 1 C 2 2 16. Resource Management Microcontroller Architecture and features: The Central Processing Unit (CPU). 1 C 2 2 UNIT IV: C Programming for AVR microcontroller 133 9 . Session Description of Topic UNIT I : Architecture and Design 1. the learner will be able to 1. STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L Contact hours 9 Benefits of C in Embedded Systems 1 Problem Specification: Product Requirements. Testing Choices 2 D 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 UNIT II : Embedded C Programming 9 6. I/O Ports 2 C 1 1 6. 2. 3. Timers. Software Architecture. Hardware Design. Profiling and Cycle Counting 1 C 2 2 14. Data Type Modifiers 9. Interrupt Circuitry. Endianness 1 C 2 2 17. Portability Issues. Obtain in-depth knowledge about microcontroller architecture and its a. Instruction Scheduling 1 C 2 2 15. C for Embedded Systems 1 7. C Statements. Hardware Engineering.c j C-DI-O IOs Reference C 1 1 C 1 1 C 1 1 2 C 1 1 design principles. StateDiagram. Software Design.b e k b k. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIALS 1.18. 2004 by Elsevier Inc. 2011 3. DC motor interfacing and PWM design issues: DC motor interfacing and PWM 2 C 3 3 31.500 Sansome Street. AVR hardware connection: ATMEGA 32 Pin connection 1 C 3 3 24. Data Conversion Programs in C 1 C 3 3 22. “The AVR microcontroller and Embedded system using assembly and C”. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 15EC327E Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : ASIC DESIGN 134 L T Total 50% 50% P C . Inc.2000 Andrew N Sloss. DS1307 RTC interfacing 1 C 3 3 Total Conduct Hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. DC motor control using PWM 1 C 3 3 32. Suite 400. Muhammad Ali Mazidi. CA 94111. Morgan Kaufmann Publishers 2. AVR fuse bits 1 C 3 3 25. LCD interfacing 1 C 3 3 29. Kirk Zurell “C Programming for Embedded Systems” R&D Books CMP Media. Loading HEX file into AVR microcontroller 1 C 3 3 UNIT V-Interfacing with AVR and PWM programming in AVR 9 26.publishing as prentice Hall. Symes and C. Wright. Interfacing an Optoisolator 1 C 3 3 27.. D. C data types 2 C 3 3 19. Data Serialization in C 1 C 3 3 23. “ARM system developers guide”. Logic Operations in C 1 C 3 3 21. is an imprint of Elsevier. ADC interfacing 1 C 3 3 30. Pearson education. No. Stepper motor interfacing 2 C 3 3 28. San Francisco.Inc. I/O Programming in C 1 C 3 3 20. D 2 1 135 . Static RAM 1 C 1. Programmable ASICs: Anti fuse 1 C 2 1 11.4 C 1 1 7. Introduction to ASICs. ASIC design flow 1 C 1 1 3. Combinational logic design 1. I/O cells: DC output.4 D 1 1 8. Types of ASIC 1 C 1 1 2. Attain basic understanding of tools used.4 C 1 1 5.Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE 3 0 0 Nil Nil Nil P ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting 24th March. Sequential logic design 1.D 2 1 14. leaner will be able to 1. 2016 3 The purpose of this course is to introduce the students the basics of designing and using ASIC’s. ASIC cell libraries 1 C 1 1 4. Session Description of Topic UNIT I: INTRODUCTION TO ASICs Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 9 1.2 1 12. 3. CMOS transistors 1. EPROM and technology 1 C 1. CMOS process theory 1.2 1 13. The operation of tools used in the design is also explained. Achieve basic knowledge of ASIC internals. H a M c L d c d i d i j 2.4 C. CMOS logic: CMOS fabrication process 1. AC output. Programmable ASIC logic cell: Altera flex 1 C. Clock input 2 C 2 1 15.4 D 1 1 9.D 1 1 6. CMOS design rules 1. Achieve impart knowledge on ASIC types and tools used in the design. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.4 D 1 1 UNIT II: PROGRAMMABLE ASICs 9 10. Interconnects: Actel ACT & Xilinx LCA 2 C. Iterative placement improvement 2 C. Logic synthesis: A comparator MUX 2 C 2 1 18.3 1 22. 1996. Low level design entry: Hierarchical design entry.3 1 32. min-cut algorithm. Inside a logic synthesizer 1 C 2 1 19. Boundary scan test 2 C 2 1 25.3 1 23. MRST algorithm 2 C 3 1 37. logic systems 1 C 2.3 1 Total Conduct Hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. FSM synthesis 1 C. Power dissipation 1 C 2 1 33. Routing: Global routing. Partitioning method: KL algorithm 1 C.16. Simulation: Types of simulation. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Floor planning: measurement of delay.D 3 1 36.2 1 UNIT V: ASIC CONSTURCTION 9 31.D 2.3 1 27. Automatic Test Pattern Generation algorithm: D-algorithm 1 C. Addison Wesley Longman Inc.D 3 1 20. Placement: goals and objectives. System partitioning 1 C.M. “Application Specific Integrated Circuits”.D 2. Fault simulation 1 C 2. Memory synthesis 1 C 2. UNIT III: SIMULATION AND SYNTHESIS 1 C 1. Faults 2 C 2 1 26. Built in self test 1 D 2 1 30.D 3 1 21.S. VHDL and logic synthesis 2 C.D 3 1 34. Static timing analysis 1 C. Smith.D 2 1 UNIT IV: ASIC TESTING 9 24.J. special routing 1 C 2..D 3 1 35. No. Simple iterative and constructive partitioning algorithm 1 C. PODEM 1 D 2 1 29. 136 .2 1 9 17. A simple test example 1 D 1. detailed routing.3 1 28. and Wong. CHARACTERISTICS AND ANALYSIS 9 1. 4. McGraw Hill. MOSFET DC circuit analysis 3 C 1 1-5 137 C 3 . Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15EC328E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 CMOS ANALOG IC DESIGN T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Electronics and Communication 30th Academic Council Meeting. BiCMOS c e a 4. CMOS comparator and analog multiplier. 2002. Understand and design RAM and ROM memories c e 5. Current-voltage characteristics. 1996. BiCMOS.K. CMOS. 24th March 2016 ELECTRONICS The purpose of the course is to introduce the design methods of op-amps. 2.C. Jan M. Analyse and design bipolar op-amp. Analyse and design 741 op-amp. Rabaey. Design manuals of Altera. 3. 2nd Edition.(Pearson Education Reprint 2006). Anantha Chandrakasan. 2nd Edition. “An Introduction to VLSI Physical Design”. Design MOSFET amplifiers c e 2. MOS structure. learner will be able to H M L 1. Xilinx and Actel. Prentice-Hall Publication. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Sarafzadeh.M. Analyse and design the nonlinear analog circuits such as CMOS comparator c e a and analog multiplier PURPOSE Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I : OVERVIEW OF MOSFET: DEVICE OPERATION. CMOS c e a 3. “Digital Integrated Circuits”. N-channel enhancement mode MOSFET 1 C 1 1-5 2. Borivoje Nikolic. 16. 7.2 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.D 1 1-5 UNIT II: OP-AMP CIRCUIT DESIGN-I 9 2 1 C. BiCMOS op-amp circuit: BiCMOS folded cascode op-amp circuit. User programmable ROM. Column-adder decoder. Small-signal parameters and equivalent circuits 1 C 1 1-5 4.D 4 1. CMOS comparator: Basic CMOS comparator design. CMOS op-amp circuit: MC14573 CMOS op-amp circuit. 741 op-amp circuit: Circuit diagram.D 4 1. Small-signal analysis of MOS differential pairs with resistive load and active load 2 C. 14.3. Smallsignal analysis. Dynamic RAM 2 C.D 4 1.5 2 C. TEXT BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL 138 . Frequency response and slew rate 5 C. DC analysis.D 2 3. Memory peripheral circuits: Sense amplifier. Amplifier based comparator.5 11. Comparator characteristics.D 1 1-5 5.D 3 1 UNIT IV : MEMORIES 9 10.5 9 6 C. Row-adder decoder.D 3 5 9.4. Small-signal analysis. EPROM UNIT V : NON-LINEAR ANALOG CIRCUITS 15. Graphical analysis. Small-signal analysis of BJT differential pairs with resistive load and active load 2 C. Basic memory architecture 1 C. CMOS current-mirror opamp circuit. Gain.3. Comparator using charge-balancing techniques.D 4 1. DC analysis. Latches. Bipolar op-amp circuit: Circuit diagram.5 13.D 5 1.2. Flip-flops. Pulse generation circuits ROM memory cells: Mask programmable ROM.5 12. CMOS cascode current-mirror op-amp circuit 4 5 C.4 3 C. Registers-its CMOS implementation 1 C.D UNIT III : OP-AMP CIRCUIT DESIGN-II 9 8. Load lines. Folded cascode op-amp circuit.D 5 1. RAM memory cells : Static RAM. Small-signal analysis 4 C. Classification of memories.5 6.D 4 1. No. Frequency response. Multiplier design using squaring circuits Total contact hours 3 C. Latched comparators Analog multipliers: Multiplying quad. DC analysis. Low correlation Description of Topic Contact C-D139 IOs Reference . Solve problems in single-stage networks. 24th March 2016 To study the fundamental concepts of switching. Wiley. Martin. 2010. Layout. “CMOS Analog Integrated Circuits: High-Speed and Power-Efficient Design”. David A. R. “Microelectronic Circuits: Theory and Applications”. 3rd edition. Analyze the concept of IP switching techniques and broadband networks. Gain the Knowledge on statistical methods for estimating the traffic in a e various systems and be able to solve the congestion problems. c PURPOSE Session H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L. the learner will be able to H M L 1. 2014. a e 5. Design the basic switching systems in Telecommunication network a e 2. Johns. “CMOS Analog Circuit Design”. signaling. Tertulien Ndjountche. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester 15EC329E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : COMMUNICATION SWITCHING TECHNIQUES L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. and traffic management in the context of telecommunication networks. “Analog Integrated Circuit Design”. 4. Sedra. strict-sense non-blocking c a e networks. Wiley. 3rd edition. Kenneth C. 5. and Simulation”. Allen. 4. Smith. CRC Press. Oxford University Press. Holberg. Kenneth W. and sectionalized switching networks in Grade of Service. “CMOS: Circuit Design. Adel S. Phillip E. Tony Chan Carusone. Douglas R. Understand the types of switch fabrics for high speed applications. Oxford University Press. Jacob Baker. 2012. 2011. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 3. 2012. 2. 3.1. Traffic measurement 1 C 3 1 12. Banyan and Knockout switches 2 C. Congestion . Gradings . Sectionalized switching networks. 9.D 3 1 UNIT IV.BASIC SWITCHING SYSTEMS FOR TELECOMMUNICATION 9 1.D 3 1 14. 8.D 2 1 3 C. Grades of service of link systems (2.D 2 1 UNIT III. Crossbar switching 1 C 1 1 2. Queuing systems 3 C. Lost-call system 1 C.3. Incoming traffic and service time characterization 1 C 3 1 16.D 1 2 UNIT II. Grades of service of Time division switching networks Strict-sense non-blocking networks. n-stage combination switching (2.D 4 3 20.D 3 1 15. Time division switching 1 C.5.D 1 2 4. Modeling switching systems 1 C.TRAFFIC ENGINEERING 9 10. Re-arrangeable Clos networks 1 C.D 1 2 5.D 3 1 11. Single and Multistage networks 3 C.D 2 1 2 C. Shuffle switch tandem banyan 2 C 4 3 6.D 3 1 13. 140 . 7. Hybrid time and space division multiplexes 2 C.SWITCHING NETWORKS 9 Single-stage networks . Electronic space division switching 1 C 1 1 3. Link systems 3 C.SWITCHING ARCHITECTURES 9 17.5.D 2 1 Call packing .7 stages) . Network traffic load and Parameters 1 C.7 stages) 4 C.D 4 3 19.hours I-O UNIT I. Grade of Service and Blocking probability 1 C. Issues and Performance analysis 2 C 4 3 18.3. 3.New York. Ltd. 24th March. “Switching Theory Architectures and performance in Broadband ATM networks”. UNIT V. Gain knowledge about RADAR theory and equations.22. 38th Reprint. Understand different types of RADAR and their working principles. ATM Standard . BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIALS Flood. Total contact hours 9 3 C 5 1 2 C 5 1 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. John wiley& sons Ltd. Pearson Education Ltd. 2.J. Traffic and Networks”.E. learner will be able to H M L 1. IP protocol and MPLS protocol 2 C 5 4 21. Large scale networks. Prentice Hall of India Pvt.BROADBAND NETWORK AND IP SWITCHING Local and wide area network. 1999 Course nature Theory Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle Cycle test Cycle Test Surprise Test Quiz Total In-semester tool test I II III Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% L T P C 15EC330E RADAR AND NAVIGATIONAL AIDS 3 0 0 3 Co-requisite: Nil Prerequisite: Nil Data Book / Codes/Standards Nil Course Category P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Course designed by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering Approval 30th Academic Council Meeting. “IP Switching Protocols & Architectures”. 1. Broadband networks. Second edition. “Telecommunication Switching Systems and Networks”. Integrated services digital network (ISDN) 23.IP over ATM 2 C 5 4 24. a E b PURPOSE 141 . INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. a E 2. 1998.. 4. Christopher Y Metz. 2012 Thiagarajan Viswanathan. McGraw Hill Professional Publishing. New York. 2015 AchillePattavina. “Telecommunications Switching. 2016 To understand the basic concepts in the field of Radar Communication and to learn about radar signal detection and propagation. 3 4 C 3 1. System losses and Propagation effects 3 C 1 1. 9. 142 . CW RADAR 3 C 2 1 4 C 2 1 2 C 3 1.5 14. RADAR frequencies .5 12. Automatic directional finder 2 C 4 2. RADAR block diagram . Surface clutter RADAR equation. FMCW RADAR . Decca Navigation System 2 C 4 2.Transmitter power 2 C 1 1. 4.5 13. Conical Scan and Sequential Lobing UNIT III: RADAR SIGNAL DETECTION AND PROPAGATION Detection criteria : Automatic detection Constant false alarm rate receiver.3.3 7. solid state devices used in RADAR 2 C 5 1. Detection of signals in noise 2 C 1 1.3 3 C 3 1.3.4 2. Operation & Applications 2 C 1 1. RADAR range equation.3.Instrument Landing System 2 C 4 2. 5.4 3. Non-Coherent MTI . 8. Delay Line canceller 2 C 2 1 6. Acquire information about RADAR transmitters and receivers Session Description of Topic UNIT I: BASICS OF RADAR b a c E Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs References 1. RADAR cross section of targets . Tactical Air Navigation . 10.6 15.4 4. Adcock directional finder . Introduction to Doppler & MTI RADAR. Gain knowledge on RADAR signal detection methods.3. Ambiguity diagram.4 UNIT II: -MOVING TARGET INDICATOR (MTI) AND PULSE DOPPLER RADAR 9 5.3. Linear FM pulse compression Introduction to clutter. Pulse repetition frequency. Ground Controlled approach . Anomalous propagation 9 UNIT IV: RADIO NAVIGATION 9 11.5 UNIT V: RADAR TRANSMITTER AND RECEIVER 9 RADAR Transmitter. Microwave Landing System 3 C 4 2. Tracking RADAR :Monopulse Tracking. Understand about radio navigation techniques. Solid state RF power sources . RADAR cross section fluctuations . Radio Compass .Linear beam power tubes . Brookner. learner will be able to H M L 1 Estimate power spectrum using non parametric and parametric methods.16. Artech House. Receiver noise figure. 1st edition. Course nature Theory Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 100%) Insemester Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 15EC331E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING L 3 T 0 50% P 0 C 3 NIL NIL NIL P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting 24th March . BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIALS 1.N. “Introduction to RADAR systems”. a e applications and RLS method 3 Acquire knowledge on multirate signal processing techniques and a e applications 143 . 17. “Elements of Electronic Navigation”. 3. 1st Edition. 18.2008. a e 2 Gain knowledge on adaptive filtering techniques using LMS algorithm . 1986. NadavLevanon. 2001.S. Mc-Graw Hill. Magnetron.1989. Richards. 2009.V. Electronic Engineering.Super heterodyne receiver Dynamic range – RADAR Displays Total contact hours 2 C 5 1. 4. Tata Mc-Graw Hill. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Technical publications. 1st edition.M. No. 5. Mc-Graw Hill. Bagad. 2016 PURPOSE To enable the students to understand advanced digital signal processing techniques.6 2 C 5 1. Nagaraja.I. Skolnik. John Wiley and Sons.A.S. 2nd Edition. Mark. 3rd Edition. 2. “RADAR Principles”.crossed field amplifiers – other aspects of radar transmitter RADAR Receiver. 2005. 6. “Fundamentals of radar signal processing”. “Radar Systems”. “RADAR Technology”.6 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 3rd Edition.6 3 C 5 1. D 1 1 2.4 13. 9.4 16. Filter design and Implementation of sampling rate conversion 2 C.D 1 1 5.D C. Decimation by a factor D 1 C. 2 UNIT III: MULTIRATE SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 12. Multi stage implementation of sampling rate conversion 2 C.D 1 1 4.D 3 1. Selection of AR Model order 1 1 1 UNIT II: ADAPTIVE SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 8. Welch method. Unconstrained least-squares method for the AR Model parameters 1 1 1 6.D C C. Adaptive direct form filters-RLS algorithm. Understand digital model .D .D 3 1.D 10.time domain model for speech signals and Linear predictive coding technique a e a e b H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L.D 3 1.4 14. Linear predictive coding of speech signals- 3 11.D C.NON PARAMETRIC AND PARAMETRIC METHODS FOR POWER SPECTRUM ESTIMATION Contact C-DIOs Reference hours I-O 9 1. MMSE criterion – LMS algorithm – properties of LMS algorithms Application: noise cancellation – channel equalization .D C.D 3 1. Black man and Tukey method 2 C. The Yule – Walker method for the AR Model Parameters 2 C.4 15.Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I: . The Burg Method for the AR Model parameters 1 C. Sequential estimation methods for the AR Model parameters 1 1 1 7.Echo cancellation 2 2 C.4 5 Understand the design of Lattice and Weiner filters. Non parametric methods: Barlett method.D 3 1. Interpolation by a factor I 1 C.4 144 C. Sampling rate conversion rate by rational factor I/D 1 C. Relationship between the auto correlation and the model parameters 1 C 1 1 3. IIR Lattice filter 2 20.Rabiner and R. Digital models for speech signal : Mechanism of speech production – model for vocal tract. 2014. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL TEXT BOOKS 1. 2008. 24.R.Hayes – Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling. IIR Weiner filter 2 UNIT V: SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING 9 22. 2009. 2 UNIT IV: LATTICE AND WEINER FILTERS 9 18. Roberto Cristi.Manolakis. No. Thomson/ Brooks/Cole. Modern Digital Signal Processing. Pearson Education.D C C.Proakis.D C. Principles.4 4 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 5 3 5 3 5 3 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.W. 23.Inc. 3. Pearson Education. DimitrisG. Applications of multi rate signal processing.D C.Schafer. Monson H. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test Cycle test In-semester tool I II Weightage 10% 15% 15EC332E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Theory Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : ADVANCED MICROCONTROLLERS Nil Nil Nil 145 L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 . Algorithms and Applications Fourth edition.D C. John Wiley&Sons . Digital Processing of Speech Signals. Digital Signal Processing. radiation and excitation– complete model Time domain processing of speech signal:. John G. L. FIR Weiner filter 3 21. 2004.Pitch period estimation – using autocorrelation function Linear predictive Coding: Basic Principles – autocorrelation method – Durbin recursive solution Total contact hours 3 3 3 C C. 2. FIR Lattice filter 2 19.17.D C. 4.D 3 1. 2 1. 14. Apply this knowledge to more advanced structures like MSP430 c b d microcontroller. 3. Architecture revisions ARM organization. Familiarize the instruction set of ARM processor and its programming c b a 4. c b a 5.2 1. ARM Processor families UNIT-II: HIGH PERFORMANCE RISC ARCHITECTURE AND PROGRAMMING Data Process instruction Branch and Load instruction Software interrupts Thumb instruction set. 13. 7. Interrupts.Pipeline Exceptions. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.2 1. 2.2 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 9 1 2 2 1 C C C C C C D 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 1. Understand fundamental operating concepts behind microcontrollers. 2016 PURPOSE To introduce the advanced features of Micro-controllers.2 1. 10.Course Category Course designed by Approval P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMPUTERS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Description of Topic UNIT-I: ARM PROCESSOR FUNDAMENTALS Registers. a b c 2. Learn the design aspects of RISC and MSP430. 5. 15. 16. 6. Vector table Core extensions ARM architecture.2 1. 24th March . 8.2 1.2 3 D 4 5 9 . Design microcontroller based solutions to real time problems.CPU.2 1. 4. learner will be able to H M L 1. 9.2 1.2 C C C C 2 2 2 2 1.2 1. 12. Appreciate the advantages in using RISC architecture in engineering a b d applications. 11.2 1. Session 1.2 1. 17.Binary sorting UNIT-III: MEMORY MANAGEMENT Memory Hierarchy Coprocessor and Cache memory Memory management ARM CPU cores NuvoTon Cortex M0(Nu-LB-NUC140) Architecture and supporting tools 146 Contact hours 9 2 2 1 2 2 C-DI-O IOs Reference C C C C C 1 1 1 1 2 1. 3.2 1.2 1. Thumb register usage ARM thumb network Stack instructions Basic ARM Assembly language programs. Bhurchandi and A. Chris Wright and John Rayfield. Sloss. 2008.D C. "Advanced Microprocessors and Peripherals-with ARM and an Introduction to Microcontrollers and Interfacing ".4 3 C 5 3. “MSP430 Microcontroller Basics”. 5. Architecture of MSP430 Processor A simple tour of MSP430. Tata McGraw Hill. 2016 147 COMPUTERS . Nuvoton Lab Manual (www. 3.Session 18. "Introduction to Embedded systems using Microcontrollers and the MSP430”. Communication Total contact hours Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C 5 3. Rogelio Palomera. K. Designing and Optimizing System Software”. 19.4 9 9 2 2 2 3 45 LEARNING RESOURCES (BOOKS AND OTHER READING MATERIALS) 1.5 4.com) Course nature Theory Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test Cycle test Cycle Test Surprise Quiz Total In-semester tool I II III Test Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% 15EC333E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval COMMUNICATION NETWORK PROTOCOLS L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.D C C 4. 3rd edition 2015. Digital in-outs Timer. 2004. Springer 2014.4 3.5 5 5 3. Elsevier. Davies.4 C.4 3. IsidoroConvertier. 25. M. K. 23.nuvoton. 24. Description of Topic UNIT –IV: MSP430 MICRO-CONTROLLER OVERVIEW Functional Block diagram of MSP430F2003-Memory Mapped CPU. 2.4 1 C 5 3. 20. 24th March. Exceptions. 21. Andrew N. John H. “ARM System Developer's Guide. Function Interrupts. Elsevier. 22.4 3.4 3 D 4. 4.5 3. Ray.Light LED in C and Assembly Language Read input from switch UNIT-V: INSTRUCTION SET AND ADDRESSING MODES OF MSP430 Addressing Modes of MSP430 Instruction Set. Manuel Jimenez. Dominic Symes. 2 3 C 3 1.Wide and LAN Network Models and Network Architectures. Multiplexing and Switching Protocol Layering and Protocol Framework (SP3). TCP Congestion Control. Connectionless Datagram Delivery 2 C 3 1. Understand the internet security and firewalls. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. TCP and UDP Internet Protocol.11 3 C 2 2 10.Internet Services . IETF and the Internet Standards Process H M L c i k c i k k k c i i i CD-IO IOs Reference 2 C 1 1.4 3 C 1 1. Network Building Blocks: Transmission. Connection Management.2 2 C 3 1. 8. Peers and Algorithms. 14. Protocol Design Issues. Information Protocol. IPv6 Protocol Design. the learner will be able to 1. Network Address Translation (NAT)IPV4 data grams . Forwarding IP Datagrams Routing Architecture –Core . 15.PURPOSE To introduce the emerging areas in internetworking and to acquire knowledge of different components involved in the seamless working of the internet.Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Routing within Autonomous systems-Routing . 4. 7. 802. Packet format.4 4 C 1 1. Link Level Protocols. Wireless Networks.OSPF 148 . different network technologies and network models. VLANs 2 C 2 2 11. Internet Addressing Internetworking and Routing. 3. 13. 5.2 12. Gain knowledge about the client server model. Understand the routing architecture and algorithms. Internet Protocol (IP) Design. Description of Topic UNIT I-REVIEW OF UNDERLYING NETWORK TECHNOLOGIES Motivation for Internetworking. Routing between peers.RIP.2 2 C. LAN Design and Implementation. IPv6 Addressing 4 C 2 2 UNIT III-ROUTING 9 Transport Layer Protocol Design. 2. D 3 1. Apply the Engineering concepts that describe the internet addressing and packet formats.4 Contact hours 9 UNIT II-INTERNET ADDRESSES 9 9. Network communication approaches. Session 6. Ethernet Switching. LAN Protocols. Understand the need for internetworking. 4 th Edition.IPV6 Source routing types. IPv6-Features and packet format.4 20. DNS messages and records 3 C 4 1. 4 th Edition. Sending and Receiving data-Handling multiple services 3 C 4 1. Vol.UNIT IV-CLIENT SERVER MODEL AND SOCKET INTERFACE 9 16. 2010. Domain name system – Distribution of name space. “TCP/IP Networking”. “TCP/IP protocol suite”. Behrouz A.4 17. Specifying local and destination addresses. No.). DNS resolution. BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIALS 1.4 18.S. Packet filter firewall. Course nature Theory Assessment Method – Theory Component (Weightage 100%) In-semester Assessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test II Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total Weightage 10% 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 149 50% . UDP echo server. 6th Edition. Principles. Firewalls and Internet access. M. Proxy firewall 3 C 5 1.4 UNIT V-INTERNET SECURITY AND IPV6 9 19.4 21. Douglas E. The client server model . I. 2014. Protocols and Architectures”. Peterson (David. 2011. Tata McGraw Hill.Narayanan. 2010. Tata McGraw Hill. Forouzan. 3. Douglas E.D 4 1. Pearson Education. 5 th Edition. 4. Secure sockets-Secure Socket Layer (SSL). 2. Comparison between IPV4 and IPV6 3 C 5 1. Comer.4 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. “Internetworking with TCP/IP”. Addison Wesley. Comer. Authentication HeaderEncapsulating security payload 3 C 5 1. M. Time and date service -Socket abstraction 3 C. Protecting resources – IPSec. “Computer Networks with internet applications”. student will be able to H M L Learn the basics of robotics. c. 3. d a Enhance his expertise in designing robots. d a Understand the concept of miniaturization in robotics.L T P C 15EC334E COMMUNICATION FOR MICRO/NANO ROBOTS 3 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval 0 3 Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE APPLICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting . 4.d a Perform robotics based projects. d c a Familiarize with the concept of communication in micro robots.24th March 2016 PURPOSE 1. 0 Nil Nil To explore and advance in the field of robotics and its communication.d c 150 . INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. a. with a flavor of built in multidisciplinary element. 5. 2. UNIT III: Visible light communication for micro/nano Robots IR based perception.D 1.2 2 C 4. STM Tips based sensor. flow sensors.2. Importance of synchronization of channels.5 1. Micro/nano fabrication techniques-Photo lithography.Ion beam lithography.5 2 3 C 3. electron beam. micro/nano robotic system: examples around the world:wall climbing micro robots. 10. chemical sensors. position sensors. resolver.2 3 C 3.bottom up and top down approach.6 C.2 2 C 4. 3. LIGA process.5 1.2. 2 C 4. Design. Influence of ambient light on communication/reflection.interruption.5 2 3 C 3.5 1.5 151 3 2 9 7 7. 7. 4.X-ray. D 3. Implementation.5. products.2. force and pressure sensor Strain gauge.5 Adhoc communication architecture. UNIT IV: RF communication for micro/nano Robots Communication between robots:point to point radio communication.2 1.5. fabrication. RF via IR.2 2 C 4. Protocols and 3 C.Session 1.D 1.6 2 C 2 1. Problems of hardware related protocols. control and applications. 7.8 wireless networking. 6.2 1 C 1. 11. 9. micromechanical flying robots. Robot swarm communication networks: Architectures. 5. Interferometric sensors. LVDT-Capacitive sensors. Zigbee technology in robotics. Encoder. 1 C 1. Recognition of communication signals by hardware .8 .5 1. 15 16 Description of Topic Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: Introduction 9 Micro/nano robotic system components. non linear radiation patterns .5 1. 14.characterization of micro gripper.2 1. Thermal sensor.2 2 C.6 UNIT II: Micro / Nano Sensors 10 Nanoscale sensor :bio sensor. open issues.2 2 C 4.5 7. 2 C.5 1.2 1. 13. Introduction to nano manipulation. appearance of communication dead zones. 12.2 C. 2. Kinematics and Dynamics of Robot.D 3.4. Gyroscopes. 5 1. Imaging sensors.D 3. Scaling effects at micro-nano scales. AFM: Visual force sensing Accelerometers. ”-2012 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co.R.”Robotics in small”-IEEE Robotics &Automation Magazine-2007.Applications”.FelixBeyeller. Li Zhang and BradelyJ. 3 C 2. REFERENCES 1. protein based nano motors and nano robots.Alfredo Franco-obregon and Bradley J. 3.Nelson. 7.kornienko “ IR-based communication and perception in microrobotic Swarms”workshop on collective and swarm robotics. McGraw Hill inc. 5. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 152 Cycle Test Surprise Test Quiz III 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% . 8. 2.”MEMS and Microsystem Design and Manufacture”.S.Nelson “Bio-inspired magnetic swimming micro robots for biomedical applications”-RSC publishing-nano scale 2013. “Mechanical Microsensors”. fabrication of helical micro structures. Actuation methods for swimming micro robots.Protocols.IEEE . Tai –Ran Hsu. nano robots in nano medicine.5 3. Medical nano robots feasibility.MinChen.4 45 Total contact hours LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.4 3 C 4.5 3. No.5 3.ShiwenMao“Robot Swarm communication Networks:Architecture. Springer –Verlag Berlin.5 3. Micro scale locomotion in fluids. UNIT V: Applications of Micro robots 17 18 19 20 10 Biologically inspired miniature space robots and performance models of nano and bio robots.Weinheim. 2002. 4.4 2 C 4. SoichiroTottori..controlled swimming and cargo transport.FaminQiu.And Bradley J. Michel Wautelet “scaling laws in the macro-micro.2001.Nelson“Magnetic Helical Micromachines: Fabrication. nano robots in drug delivery system.Krawczyk.4.2010 Ming Li.university of Stuttgart-Germany.4 2 C 4.and nanoworlds”-European journal of physics-2001 S.Applications. KGaA. swam control in biomedical applications. Elwenspoek.Abbott. Surgical micro robots. 6.M and Wiegerink.kornienko.2008. Katherine E peyer. ZoltanNagy.LiZhang. Jake J.KejieLu. c e 3.D C. Explore the RF view of Wireless standards and Architecture a j Session Description of Topic UNIT I – FILTERS & RESONATORS 1. Design and analyze various RF filters and basic Resonators.2. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.2 1. Cavity resonators Planar Microstrip Resonant structures UNIT II.2 . 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To familiarize with the modelling of RF system design in the field of communication system. 13. 8. the learner will be able to H M L 1. 2. BRF Special filter realizations Resonator parameters. 4.IMPEDANCE MATCHING 6.D C.HPF BPF.4 4 4 2 C 2 1 1 1 1 2 C C. 7.2. 11. Necessity of impedance matching networks and parameters Impedance matching using discrete components L section matching network Two component matching network T and Pi matching network Microstrip line matching network.Discrete components to Microstrip lines Single stub matching networks UNIT III. 12. 14.D C.2. 5. Design impedance matching networks for RF integrated circuits. 3.4 1.CHARACTERISTICS OF AMPLIFIERS Characteristics of amplifier Amplifier power relations and problems 153 Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 1 2 2 2 9 C C. Design and analyze the RF transistor amplifier and to understand the operation of c a b Oscillator and Mixer models.15EC335E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L T P C 3 0 0 3 RF SYSTEM DESIGN Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. c a b 2. 9.D 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 C 2 1 1 9 1 2 C.D 2 1 C C 3 3 1. 4.4 1.D C C 1 1 1 1 1 1. 10. Filter parameters. Filter configurations: LPF. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Stability consideration –Significance of Stability circles Stabilization methods for BJT Broadband Amplifier High power amplifier Multistage amplifiers UNIT IV-BASIC OSCILLATOR & MIXER MODEL Basic oscillator model : Design steps and Classifications High frequency oscillator configuration Types of oscillators Basic characteristics of Mixer Frequency domain considerations Single ended mixer design Single and Double balanced mixer UNIT V- RF PERSPECTIVE OF WIRELESS STANDARDS AND ARCHITECTURES RF perspective of Wireless standards: GSM,IS-95 CDMA Wideband CDMA, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11 a/b/g General consideration of transceiver architecture,OOK transceivers Heterodyne receiver architectures Direct conversion receiver architecture Direct conversion and Heterodyne transmitter architectures Total contact hours 1 1 2 1 1 9 C C C,D C C,D 3 3 3 3 3 1,2 1 1 1 1 2 C,D 3 1,2 1 2 1 1 1 1 C,D C,D C C C,D C 3 3 3 3 3 3 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1,2 1 2 C C 4 4 3 3 1 C 4 3 2 1 2 45 C C C 4 4 4 3 3 3 9 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Reinhold Ludwig, Pavel Bretchko , ‘RF circuit design : Theory and applications’, 2nd Edition, Pearson, 2009. 2. David M. Pozar, "Microwave Engineering", 4th edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011. 3. Behzad Razavi, “RF Microelectronics”, 2nd edition, Prentice Hall , 2011 4. Bahil and P. Bhartia, "Microwave Solid State Circuit Design", 2nd edition, Wiley-Interscience, 2003. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% 15EC336E Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : ADHOC AND SENSOR NETWORKS 154 L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30h Academic Council Meeting, 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To gain knowledge in concepts related to Adhoc and Sensor Networks INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the learner will be able to 1. understand and gain complete knowledge about Adhoc Networks and the various routing protocols used in Adhoc networks. 2. emphasis knowledge in various functional areas such as MAC Layer and QOS 3. understand and gain complete knowledge about energy management Adhoc Networks 4. emphasis knowledge in Mesh networks and routing configuration 5. understand and gain complete knowledge about application of Sensor network STUDENT OUTCOMES H M h,c a h,c j,h h j a L e j h Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference Cellular and Ad hoc wireless networks 2 C 1-4 1,3 2. Issues of MAC layer 1 C 1-4 1,3 3. Routing : Proactive, Reactive and Hybrid Routing protocols 2 C,D 1 1,3 4. Multicast Routing – Tree based and Mesh based protocols 2 C,D 1 1,3 5. Multicast with Quality of Service Provision 2 C 1 1,3 UNIT II: QUALITY OF SERVICE 9 6. Real-time traffic support 1 2,4 1,3 7. Issues and challenges in providing QoS , Classification of QoS Solutions 2 C C 2,4 1,3 8. QoS Aware 2 C 2,4 1 9. MAC layer classifications 2 C 2,4 1 10. Routing Protocols –Ticket based and Predictive location based Qos Routing Protocols 2 C,D 2,4 1 UNIT III: ENERGY MANAGEMENT AD HOC NETWORKS 9 Need for Energy Management 1 C 3,4 1 Session Description of Topic UNIT I: MULTICAST ROUTING 1. 11. 155 C 12. Classification of Energy Management Schemes , Battery Management and Transmission Power Management Schemes 2 C 3,4 1,2 13. Network Layer solutions 2 C 3,4 1,3 14. Data Link Layer Solutions 2 C 3,4 1,3 15. System power Management schemes 2 C 3,4 1,3 UNIT IV: MESH NETWORKS 9 16. Necessity for Mesh Networks 1 C 4 3 17. MAC enhancements 2 C 2,4 3 18. IEEE 802.11s Architecture 2 C 2,4 3 19. Opportunistic Routing , Self Configuration and Auto Configuration 2 C 4 3 UNIT V: SENSOR NETWORKS 9 20. Introduction – Sensor Network architecture 2 C 1,4 3,4 21. Data Dissemination, Data Gathering 2 C 1,4 3 22. MAC Protocols for sensor Networks, Location discovery 2 C 1,4 3,4 23. Quality of Sensor Networks, Evolving Standards 2 C 1,4 3 24. Recent trends in Sensor Networks 1 C 1,4 3 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL No. 1. Siva Ram Murthy C. and.Manoj B.S, “Ad hoc Wireless Networks – Architectures and Protocols”, Pearson Education, 2nd edition,2004 2. Feng Zhao and Leonidas Guibas, “Wireless Sensor Networks”, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 1 st edition, 2004. 3. C.K.Toh, “Adhoc Mobile Wireless Networks”, Pearson Education, 7th edition, 2002. 4. Thomas Brag and Sebastin Buettrich, ‘Wireless Mesh Networking’, O’Reilly Publishers, 3rd edition, 2007. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment tool Cycle test I In-semester Weightage 10% 15CS325E Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING 156 L T Total 50% 50% P C 3 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval 0 0 3 Nil Nil E DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE Department of Computer Science Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting, 24th March,2016 PURPOSE To acquire knowledge about the procedure of digital image data acquisition, processing, analysis, and their application INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course, students will be able to 1. Understand the digital image fundamentals. a 2. Improve their ability in image enhancement and restoration a e 3. Equip themselves familiar with image segmentation and compression a e 4. Familiarize with the image representation and recognition a e 5. Develop codes for various image processing techniques/applications using a b e MATLAB Image Processing Toolbox Session Description of Topic UNIT I: DIGITAL IMAGE FUNDAMENTALS 1. Introduction – Digital Image Processing and overview of syllabus Contact hours 8 C-DI-O C 1 C,D IOs Reference 1 1-7 1 1,3,4 1 1,3,4 3. Origin – Fundamental Steps in Digital Image Processing Components – Elements of Visual Perception Image Sensing and Acquisition - Image Sampling and Quantization 4. Relationships between pixels 1 C 1 1,3,4 5. Introduction to Image processing toolbox in MATLAB 2 C,I 1,5 2 UNIT II: IMAGE ENHANCEMENT 10 6. Spatial Domain: Gray level transformations – Histogram processing 3 2 1,3,4 7. Basics of Spatial Filtering–Smoothing and Sharpening Spatial Filtering 3 2 1,3,4 8. Frequency Domain: Basics of filtering - Smoothing and Sharpening frequency domain filters. 2 2 1,3,4 9. MATLAB code for histogram equalization, spatial and frequency domain filter. 2 2,5 2,3,4 UNIT III: IMAGE RESTORATION AND SEGMENTATION 10 2. 157 2 2 C,D C C C C,I C 10. Noise models – Mean Filters – Order Statistics – Adaptive filters – Band reject Filters – Band pass Filters – Inverse Filtering – Wiener filtering 3 11. Segmentation: Point, Line, and Edge Detection- MarrHildreth & Canny edge detector 2 12. –Edge Linking and Boundary detection Local & Regional processing – Region based segmentation 2 13. Morphological processing - Watershed segmentation algorithm. 1 14. MATLAB code for restoring an image after degradation using adaptive and wiener filter - Edge detection operators 2 UNIT IV: WAVELETS AND IMAGE COMPRESSION 9 15. Wavelets – Subband coding – Multi resolution expansions 2 16. Compression: Fundamentals – Image Compression methods --Huffman, Arithmetic coding 2 17. LZW coding, Run Length Encoding, Block Transform coding, Wavelet coding, JPEG standard. 3 18. MATLAB code for image compression: Huffam coding , Arithmetic coding, wavelet coding 2 UNIT V: IMAGE REPRESENTATION AND RECOGNITION 8 19. Boundary representation – Chain Code – Polygonal approximation, signature, boundary segments 2 20. Boundary description – Shape number – Fourier Descriptor 2 21. Patterns and Pattern classes – Recognition based on matching 2 22. MATLAB code for image boundary segments, Fourier Descriptor, Recognition based on matching 2 Total contact hours C C C C,I C C,D C,D C,I C C C,D C,I 2,3 1,3,4 2,3 1,3,4 2,3 1,3,4 2,3 1,3,4 2,3,5 2,3,4 3 1,3,4 3 1,3,4 3 1,3,4 3,5 2,3,4 4 1,3,4 4 1,3,4 4 1,3,4 4,5 2,3,4 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. TEXT BOOKS 1. Rafael C. Gonzales, Richard E. Woods, “Digital Image Processing”, Third Edition, Pearson Education, 2014. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods, Steven L. Eddins, “Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB”, Third Edition Tata Mc Graw Hill Pvt. Ltd., 2011. 158 3. Jayaraman S, Esaki Rajan S, T.Veera Kumar, “Digital Image Processing”, Tata McGraw Hill Pvt. Ltd., Seventh Reprint, 2012. S.Sridhar, “Digital Image Processing”, Oxford University Press, 2015. Anil Jain K. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2015. Willliam K Pratt, “Digital Image Processing”, John Willey, 2014. http://eeweb.poly.edu/~onur/lectures/lectures.html. 4. 5. 6. 7. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% L T P C SPEECH RECOGNITION SYSTEM 3 0 0 3 15CS253E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Computer Science Engineering 32nd Academic Council Meeting , 2016 PURPOSE To study the fundamental concepts and techniques for Speech processing and Recognition INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course, students will be able to a 1. Learn the fundamental concepts necessary for Speech Processing a 2. 3. 4. 5. Learn the various Probabilistic models Understand the Grammar for Speech recognition systems Learn the various Parsing techniques for speech recognition Analyze and apply the principles learned for Machine Translation Session Description of Topic UNIT I: INTRODUCTION AND FINITE STATE TRANSDUCERS a a a c k Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Introduction: Knowledge in Speech and Language processing 1 C 1,3 1,3 2. Ambiguity – Models and algorithms 1 C 1,3 1,3 3. Language, thought and understanding 1 C 1,3 1,3 4. Regular expressions – Finite state automata – Regular Languages 1 C,D 1,3 1,3 5. Morphology: Survey of English morphology 1 C 1,3 1,3 6. Morphological parsing 1 C 1,3 1,3 159 The porter stemmer . Earley Algorithm – Finite State Parsing Methods – 2 C 4 1 25. Viterbi Algorithm 1 C 3 1 18.2 17. Linguistically Relevant Concepts – Alternative Approaches to Meaning 2 C 4 1 160 . Dependency Grammars – Human Parsing 2 C. Mapping text to phones for TTS – prosody in TTS 1 C 2 1 12.3 8.D 4 1 27. Probabilistic Context Free Grammars – Problems with PCFGs – Probabilistic Lexicalized CFGs 2 C 4 1 26. Architecture – Overview of Hidden Markov Models 1 C 3 1.2 20. Speech Sounds and Phonetic Transcription 1 C 2 1 10. Combining FST Lexicon and rules 1 C 1.2 19. Parsing as Search – Top Down Parser – Problems 1 C.3 1.7. Phonological Rules – Transducers – Advanced issues in computational phonology 1 C 2 1 11. First Order Predicate Calculus 1 C 4 1 28.3 UNIT II: TEXT TO SPEECH AND PROBABILISTIC MODELS 9 9. Detecting Non-word errors – Bayesian method to spelling and pronunciation 2 C 2 1 14. 22. Minimum Edit Distance – Weighted Automata 1 C 2 1 15. Probabilistic models: Spelling errors 1 C 2 1 13. N-grams: Counting words – Smoothing – Back-off – Deleted Interpolation – Entropy 2 C 2 1 UNIT III: SPEECH RECOGNITION AND GRAMMAR 9 16.2 2 C 3 1 1 C 3 1.3 1. Acoustic processing – Acoustic probabilities 1 C 3 1.Human morphological processing 2 C 1. Speech Recognizer – Speech synthesis – English word classes – Part of Speech Tagging 2 C 3 1 1 C 3 1.D 4 1 24. Rule Based POS tagging – Transformation Based Tagging – issues Context Free Rules and Trees – Sentence Level Constructions – Noun phrase – Agreement – Spoken Language Syntax Grammars and Human Processing. 21. UNIT IV: PARSING 10 23. “Speech and Language processing” . Lawrence R. Schafer. R Rabinder L and Juang B. Martin.H “Fundamentals of Speech Recognition”. 31. 32. 3. James H. Pearson Education.29. 2009. Ronald W.”Digital Processing of Speech Signals “. 1978 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 161 Surprise Quiz Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle Test III Total 50% 50% . Prentice Hall. Prentice Hall. No. Daniel Jurafsky. 30. UNIT V: SEMANTIC ANALYSIS AND MACHINE TRANSLATION Syntax Driven Semantic Analysis – Attachments – Robust Semantic Analysis Dialogue and Conversational Agents : Dialogue Acts – Automatic Interpretation – Dialogue Structure – Dialogue Managers in Conversational Machine Translation : Language Similarities and Differences 8 2 C 5 1 2 C 5 1 2 C 5 1 Transfer Metaphor – Interlingua Idea – Statistical Techniques – Usability and System Development 2 C 5 1 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Rabiner. TEXT BOOK 1. 1993. 2 nd Edition. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. LEVEL 4 ELECTIVES 162 . a c 3. Expose to the advantages of multi-gate FETs and the challenges posed by the a c appearance of novel effects. 2016 PURPOSE This course describes the evolution of the SOI MOSFET from single-gate structures to multigate structures to improve the electrostatic control by the gate and hence. Independent Double Gated FlexFET 3 C 1 1.2.4 163 .LEVEL 4 ELECTIVES DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE V & DEPARTMENT ELECTIVE VI 15EC421E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 3 MULTIGATE TRANSISTORS T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting 24th March . learnerwill be able to H M L 1. Principle operation of FinFET.4 4. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Realize the issues associated with multi-gate FET manufacturing.2. Tri-gate 3 C 1 1. L: low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I : STRUCTURES OF MULTIGATE DEVICES Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Principle operation of Ω-gate. GAA transistor 2 C 1 1. Pi-gate. M: medium correlation.2. Familiarize with the applications of multi-gate device in regard to digital and a c j analog circuits for modern IC design. reduces short-channel effects. Analyze the behavior of electron mobility in different multi-gate structures a c 4.4 2. 2. H: high correlation. Principle operation of FlexFET.4 3. Comparison of Multigate devices with CMOS 1 C 1 1.2. Volume inversion 3 C 1. Intrinsic transistors gain . 2071-2076. “FinFETs and Other Multi-GateTransistors”. 12. SRAM design 2 C 4 1. 2011. Transconductance 1 C 4 1. Charge trapping in high K dielectric 3 C 4 1 19.UNIT II : MULTI-GATE MOSFET TECHNOLOGY 9 5.3 1 UNIT III : CIRCUIT DESIGN USING MULTIGATE DEVICES 9 Digital circuits. 2. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Elsevier. 4. RF circuit design 2 C 4 1. pp. 2D MOS Electrostatics 2 C 1.3 1 11. Jha. Prateek Mishra. “Multi-gate SOI MOSFETs”. 2008. Flicker noise 3 C 4 1 18. 23-54. Electron tunnel current 2 C 1.3 14.3 15. D.3 13. Matching behavior. 16. Springer Science+ Business Media LLC. Inter subband scattering. Transit and maximum oscillation frequency . Quantum effects.2 1 6.3 1 10. Mobility.5 8. Modeling assumptions. J. “Future of Nano CMOS technology”. Hiroshi Iwai. Mobility. Nanoelectronic Circuit Design. Colinge. e-ISBN 978-0-387-71752-4. No. Gate voltage effect 3 C 1.2 1 7. Semiconductor thickness effect . 164 . Asymmetry effect 2 C 1. Microelectronic Engineering. and Niraj K. Lederer.3 UNIT V : ANALOG CIRCUIT DESIGN USING MULTIGATE TRANSISTOR 9 Introduction to Analog circuit design: design issues. 2015. Oxide thickness effect .2007.3 1 9. 3. Jean-Pierre Colinge. Threshold voltage 3 C 1. Anish Muttreja. Elsevier. “FinFET analogue characterization from DC to 110 GHz”. Leakage performance trade off 2 C 4 1. Elsevier. Solid-State Electronics.5 17.Self heating. pp. Multi VT devices and circuit 2 C 4 1.2 1 UNIT III : PHYSICS OF THE MULTIGATE MOS SYSTEMS 9 MOS Electrostatics : 1D.56-67. Springer Science+Business Media LLC. Gate stack 3 C 1. 5. Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. multigate technology.P. ISBN 978-0-387-71751-7. pp. Impact of device performance on digital circuits 3 C 4 1. “FinFET Circuit Design”. Solid-State Electronics. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test In-semester tool I Weightage 10% 15EC422E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 MICROWAVE INTEGRATED CIRCUITS T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 NIL NIL NIL P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. filters circuits a.D 1-4 3 .pp. Apply the design of Passive and active microstrip line a. 2016 To attain in depth knowledge used in MIC techniques and operation of many microwave devices will be understandable.e i 4. active devices. PURPOSE Session 1. Apply the design of non-reciprocal components. Types of MICs and their technology. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.e i design of microstrip line 3. 2 165 C-DI-O IOs Reference C. Propagating models. 24th March. Understand Micro fabrication of MIC devices will be covered in order to understand the major MIC fabrication techniques and how they interact with i e system design strategies. 2005. Explore the concept of microstrip line and its interpretation in the analysis and a. 1488–1496. Description of Topic Contact hours UNIT I: ANALYSIS OF MIC 9 Introduction. the learner will be able to H M L 1.e i 5. Understand the different types of MICs and different transmission lines to be i used in MICs 2. 3 UNIT III: PASSIVE AND ACTIVE COMPONENTS IN MIC 9 9.5 1 20.4 2 C 3.D 1-2 1 1-2 1 1-2 1. Fabrication process of MMIC. Phase shifters 2 C.D 1-2 1 3. Comparison with distributed circuits.D 1-2 1 2 C.D 3. Microstrip circulators.5 1 17. Introduction to slot line and coplanar waveguide. Introduction to coupled microstrip 2 6.D 2-4 1 12.D 2-4 1 UNIT IV: MIC CIRCUITS AND ITS APPLICASTION 9 4 C. Microstrip Isolator 2 C. Introduction. Mounting of devices 2 C 1. Thick film and thin film technology and materials 2 C 1. Binominal transforms and Chepy-Shev transforms Design of Filters 15. MICs in Radar and satellite 2 UNIT V: FABRICATION PROCESS 9 16. Impedance transformers-Quarter wave transforms.D 1-2 2. Strip Line And Microstrip Line 2 C.3 4. Dielectric substances 1 C 1. Parametric diodes and amplifiers 3 C. 3 C C. Losses in microstrip.D 7.5 1 13. Branch line couplers.2.D 3. Total contact hours 166 45 . Ferrimagnetic substrates and inserts 2 C 2-4 3 10. 1 C 1-2 1.5 1 19.4 2 14. Encapsulation 2 C 1. Testing methods. UNIT II: COUPLERS AND LUMPED ELEMENTS IN MIC 9 5. Microwave transistors. Hybrid MICs 2 C 1.4 2 3 C. Design and fabrication of lumped elements for MICs 3 C.5 1 18.3 8.D 2-4 1 11. Even and odd mode analysis. Hybrid mode analysis and Analysis of MIC by conformal transformation 3 C. K “Hand Book of Microwave Integrated Ciruits”.2004 2. Leo G. understand the MIMO communication systems a e 4. 2nd edition.e j 3. apply the architecture and functionalities of 3G and 4G systems j e 2. edition. understand the principle of Cognitive Radio Techniques a. “Passive RF and Microwave Integrated circuits”. acquire the concept of millimeter wave communication a e PURPOSE Session Description of Topic UNIT I: 3G and 4G Standards 1.1987. 1975 Hoffman R. New York.LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Boston. understand the concepts of OFDM and it issues a. TEXT BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Pozar. 2 nd 3. John Wiley. No. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Insemester Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% 15EC423E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Surprise Quiz Total Test 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% Cycle test II Cycle Test III ADVANCED MOBILE COMMUNCIATION L T P C 3 0 0 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. Elsevier. 24th March 2016 To attain in-depth knowledge in concepts related to advanced mobile communication and standards INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVE STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. Overview of the legacy 3GPP cellular systems 167 Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C 1.e j 5.C and Amarjit Singh. Maloratsky. Artech House. the learner will be able to H M L 1. 2nd edition. Gupta K. David M.5 1 . “ Microwave Engineering”. “Microwave Integrated Circuits”. edition. 2 nd 4.. 4 13.5 3 24.5 3 23.5 1 4. MIMO Spatial Multiplexing :V.4 15. Introduction to MIMO. OSTBC 2 C 2. Principle of interweaving 2 C 4 1 18.5 3 25.3 1 10. Cognitive transceiver architecture 1 C 4 1 17.3 1 UNIT III: Wireless MIMO Communication 9 11.4 12.BLAST 2 C 2.3 1 8. LTE systems: Frame structure and its applications 1 C 1. Introduction to OFDM 1 C 2. Spectrum sharing 2 C 4 1 20. Frequency and timing offset issues 2 C 2.2.3 1 7. Millimeter Wave Characteristics.5 1 3. Development of Millimeter Wave Standards 1 C 1. MIMO Diversity: Alamouti.3 UNIT IV: Cognitive radio 9 16.3 1.3 1. receiver and Antenna 3 C 1. Emerging applications of Mm wave Communications 1 C 1. OFDM Issues :PAPR 2 C 2.3 1. MIMO:OFDM SYSTEM 1 C 2. Millimeter wave transceiver .3 1 9.5 1 5. Channel Performance at Mm wave communication 2 C 1.3 1.5 1 UNIT II: OFDM Communication 9 6.4 14. LTE systems: Architecture 2 C 1. Spectrum management 2 C 4 1 UNIT V: Millimeter Wave Communication 9 21. Channel model and SNR performance 2 C 2. WiMAX systems :Frame structure and its applications 2 C 1.5 3 22. WiMAX systems: Architecture 2 C 1. MIMO Channel Capacity 2 C 2. MIMO Channel Estimation 2 C 2. Spectrum sensing 2 C 4 1 19. Multicarrier Modulation and Cyclic Prefix 2 C 2.5 3 Total contact hours 168 45 .3 1. Modulation for Millimeter Wave communication 2 C 1. 2.2. Description of Topic UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO CELLULAR SYSTEMS AND NETWORK PLANNING Mobile Telephony. Understand Basics and functionalities of cellular systems c b 2. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I semester Weightage 10% 15EC424E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 INDOOR RADIO PLANNING T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL No.2.LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Cambridge University Press.3 2 C 1 1. Millimeter Wave Communication Systems : Kao-Cheng Huang. Identify the issues and achieve high quality data rate Radio networks e j F 5. Advanced Antenna Systems for HSPA and LTE Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 2 C 1 1. 2014 3. 2 nd edition.2. Introduction to GSM. Theodre Rappaport . Universal Mobile Telecommunication System Introduction to HSPA. Wireless Communication : Principle and Practice. RF Planning for Different Technologies c b J 3. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course .3 4. 2011 MIMO Wireless Communications. 2007 4. Optimize the Radio Networks k i J Session 1. Wiley-IEEE Press.Ezio Bigleri-:Cambridge University Press. 1 st edition. 2nd edition.3 9 3. The learner will be able to H M L 1. Design a different types of distributed antenna systems for MIMO application c b 4. Future trends towards a service driven network management 1 C 1 1.3 169 . 2013 2. Zhaocheng Wang. 2 nd edition. 2. Short Introduction to LTE 1 C 1 1. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To provide solid understanding of how to design and plan high quality radio networks. Wireless Communication: Andrea Molisch. 1. prentice hall. 14.5 1. UMTS configuration planning . Common UMTS Rollout Mistakes 2 C 1. HSUPA. System improvements towards higher packet data rate services 1 C.D 4.D 3 1. Passive Components 2 C. Advanced Analysis Methods and Radio Access Network.5 1.5. Electromagnetic Radiation.D 4.2. 15. Introduction to the Telecom Management Network Mode 2 C.2.2.4 10.4 UNIT III DISTRIBUTED ANTENNA SYSTEMS 9 11. 18.D 3 1.4 1 C.2. UMTS system and radio network planning UMTS introduction. EMR 1 C.2 1. The Basics of Indoor RF Planning 3 C 1. 19. 20.D 4 1. HSDPA. Indoor DAS for MIMO Application Using Repeaters for Indoor DAS Coverage Repeaters for Rail Solutions.2.5 1.D 4. LTE performance 1 C.4 13.4 22.4 24.D 3 1.D 4 1 C. UMTS coverage and capacity enhancements UMTS topology planning.4 25. Next-generation Mobile Communication 1 C 1 1. Introduction to Radio Network Optimization Requirements.2.2.3 UNIT II INDOOR RADIO PLANNING 9 7.2 1.2 Active DAS Data.D 5 1.D 3 1.2 2 C. Handover Control 2 C. Introduction to Radio Resource Management 1 C. Auto tuning 2 C.2. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) 2 C 1 1. The Passive DAS System.2 12.2.4 2 C.D 5 1.2 UNIT IV RADIO RESOURCE UTILIZATION 9 16. Power Control. Type of Distributed Antenna .5 1. The Indoor UMTS/HSPA Challenge 2 C 1.2 1.D 4.4 8.2. Designing with Pico and Femto cells Congestion Control . LTE system . Active DAS.D 4.4 17. Hybrid Active DAS Solutions 2 C.2 2 C.2.D 5 1.2.4 170 .D 3 1. Indoor Coverage from the Macro Layer 2 C 1. Tools in Optimization 2 C.4 UNIT V RADIO NETWORK OPTIMIZATION PROCESS 9 23. UMTS radio resource management and functionality 21.2 1.3 6.4 9.5 1. 24th March 2016 171 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 . Morten Tolstrup. 1. 4. 2006. UMTS and HSPA”.2. DCS. Jaana Laiho. “Radio Network Planning and Optimisation for UMTS”. Agbinya. Achim Wacker & Tomas Novosad. Automatic Optimization 1 C.4 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Ajay R.. REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 2. Mishra. By.4 27. 2012.Evolution to 4G” By.2010 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Insemester Assessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% 15EC425E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : TELECOMMUNICATION NETWORK MANAGEMENT L 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. I.D 5 1.2.5G/3G. Wiley Publication . By.26.D 5 1.. John Wiley& Sons Ltd. “Indoor Radio Planning: A Practical Guide for GSM. 3. John Wiley. Advanced Analysis Methods for Cellular Networks 2 C. By.2006 “Planning and Optimization of 3G and 4G Wireless Networks”. River Publishers . BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL No. J. “Advanced Cellular Network Planning and Optimisation: 2G/2. PURPOSE To acquire knowledge in Telecommunication Networks and its Management. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L 1. understand basic concepts of Network Management h j f 2. understand the standards, architecture of Telecommunication management h j f network 3. gain knowledge in various applications of Network Management h j f 4. know about Timing issues, network synchronization ,control and management h j a 5. understand telecommunication traffic and mathematical modeling to measure a h j traffic performance H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L- Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I:INTRODUCTION Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Overview of Data Communication and Network Management : Goals, Organization and Functions 2 C 1 1 2. Network Management : Architecture and Organization 2 C 1 1 3. Network Management Perspectives 2 C 1 1 4. Current Status and Future of Network Management. 1 C 1 1 5. Network Topology, Network Node Components, Transmission Technology. 2 C 1 1 UNIT II: TELECOMMUNICATIONS MANAGEMENT NETWORK 9 6. TMN Conceptual Model, TMN Standards 2 2 1 7. TMN Architecture, TMN Management Service Architecture 2 C 2 1 8. TMN Integrated View 2 C 2 1 9. TMN Implementation 3 C 2 1 UNIT III: NETWORK MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS 9 10. Configuration Management, Fault Management 2 C 3 1 11. Performance Management, Security Management, Service Level Management 3 C 3 1 172 C 12. Accounting Management, Report Management 2 C 3 1 13. Policy- Based Management. 2 C 3 1 UNIT-IV CONTROL AND NETWORK SYNCHRONIZATION MANAGEMENT 9 14. Timing Recovery:Phase locked loop,Clock instability 2 C 4 2 15. Jitter measurements, Systematic jitter 2 C 4 2 16. Timing Inaccuracies: Slips, Asynchronous Multiplexing, waiting time jitter , Network Synchronization 3 C 4 2 17. Network Control, Network Management 2 C 4 2 UNIT V: TELECOMMUNICATIONS TRAFFIC 9 3 C 5 3 3 C 5 3 3 C 5 3 18. 19. 20. Introduction: Unit of Traffic, Congestion, Traffic Measurement A Mathematical model, Lost Call systems: theory, traffic performance, loss systems in tandem Queuing systems: The second Erlang distribution, probability of delay, finite queue capacity, system with single server-queues in tandem, applications of delay formulae Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. No. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Mani Subramanian “Network Management – Principles and Practice”, Pearson, 2nd Edition, 2010. 2. John C. Bellamy , “Digital Telephony”, John Wiley &Sons, Inc., 4th edition,2010, 3. J.E.Flood , “ Telecommunications Switching Traffic and Networks”, Pearson Education Pvt.Ltd, 2007. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test InAssessment tool I semester Weightage 10% 15EC426E Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : SATELLITE COMMUNICATION AND BROADCASTING 173 Quiz L T Total 50% 50% P C 3 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval 0 0 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting, 24th March 2016 To make the learner understand the basic concept in the field of satellite communication. This subject gives the learner an opportunity to know how to place a satellite in an orbit. The learners PURPOSE are taught about the earth and space subsystems. The satellite services like broadcasting are dealt thoroughly. This will help the student to understand and appreciate the subject. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course, the learner will be able to H M L 1. Understand the principles, concepts and operation of satellite communication k a, e systems 2. Gain the knowledge of Satellite orbits and launching, link design, link c k a, e availability and perform interference calculations 3. Analyze the concepts of Satellite systems in relation to other terrestrial k systems. 4. Evaluate the performance of various channel access schemes k j c 5. Familiarize with applications of satellites and compression standards. k j c, e H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L- Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I: SATELLITE ORBIT Contact hours 9 C-DI-O IOs Reference 1. Kepler’s law 1 C,D 1,2 1,3 2. Earth - Orbiting satellites terms 1 C 1,2 1,3, 3. Orbital elements ,Orbit Perturbations 2 C 1,2 1,3 4. Inclined Orbits , Sun synchronous orbit 1 C 1,2 1 5. Constellation: Geo stationary satellites, Non geostationary constellation 2 C 1,2 2 6. Launching of Geostationary satellites 1 C 1,2 2 7. Antenna Look angles- problems, Sun transit outage 1 C,D 1,2 1 UNIT II: LINK DESIGN 9 8. EIRP, Transmission Losses 2 C 1,2 1,3 9. Link Power Budget equation 1 C,D 1,2 1,3 10. System Noise, Carrier to noise ratio 2 C,D 1,2 1,3 174 3 1 20. Reference bursts . Downlink 2 C 1. Pre assigned TDMA . Single Access 1 C 4 1 23.3 UNIT V: BROADCAST AND SERVICES 9 31.11.3 13. Power ratings 1 C 5 1 33. Frequency and Polarization . Network synchronization 1 C 4 1.Forward Error Correction 2 C 5 1 35. 1 C 1. Inter modulation Noise 1 C 1. TT&C Subsystems . MPEG . Direct Broadcasting Satellite 1 C 5 1 32. SPADE system 1 C 4 1 25.2 1.3 17. Antenna subsystem 1 C 1.2 29. Carrier recovery .3 1 UNIT IV: MULTIPLE ACCESS TECHNIQUES FOR SATELLITE COMMUNICATION 9 22. Concept of Broadcasting satellites . Transponders . Indoor Unit 2 C 5 1 175 . Concepts of Multiple Access techniques.Thermal Control 1 C 1. Altitude control 1 C 1. Outdoor Unit.3 16.3 1 21.Bit rate 1 C 5 1 34.3 1.Transponder Capacity .2 1. Station keeping . Pre assigned FDMA 1 C 4 1 24.Downlink analysis 1 C 4 1 26.2 1. Orbital Spacing . Demand assigned TDMA 1 C 4 1.3 1. Receive only home TV system 1 C 1. Community antenna TV system. TWT amplifier operation . Basic concept of Earth segment 1 C 1. Preamble. Demand Assigned FDMA. Effects of rain 1 C 1. Power Supply 1 C 1. types.2 28.3 12. Basic concept of space segment .Wideband Receiver 2 C 1. Postamble 1 C 4 1.3 1 19. Uplink.3 18.2 15. CDMA .3 1. TDMA 1 C 4 1 27.2 30.3 UNIT III: SPACE AND EARTH SEGMENT 9 14. CDMA throughput 1 C 4 1. Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum .3 1. 1st Edition.D 5 1 37. John Wiley and Sons . Services and Mechanisms.Uplink 1 C. “Satellite Systems for Personal Applications Concepts and Technology”. Publication. 2. the learner will be able to 176 STUDENT OUTCOMES H M L . 2010.VSAT. No.Jr. Dennis Roddy. Wiley-Blackwell. Downlink Analysis . 13th Reprint.”Satellite Communications Systems Engineering”. 2008 Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test Assessment tool In-semester I Weightage 10% 15EC430E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards 2Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : CRYPTOGRAPHY AND NETWORK SECURITY L 3 T 0 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMPUTERS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.2014. Madhavendra Richharia. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course. Louis J. 3. “Satellite Communications”. Ltd. GPS.36. Leslie David. 24th March 2016 To study various aspects of Network Security Attacks. Satellite Mobile services. 1st Edition.Ippolito. Tata Mc-Graw Hill Publications. BOOKS/ OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. 4 th Edition. 1 C 5 1 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Characteristics of advanced symmetric Block ciphers.2 10.D 1 1 3.Low correlation Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: CONVENTIONAL AND MODERN ENCRYPTION & BLOCK CIPHERS 9 1. 3. h a h a h h c h c e e c H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L. RC5.D 2 1. Block cipher modes operation 1 C 1 1 5. Security Services Mechanisms and Attacks 1 C 1 1 2. Elliptic Curve Cryptography 1 C.2 11. Key Distribution 1 C 1 1 UNIT II: PUBLIC KEY ENCRYPTION AND HASH & MAC ALGORITHMS 9 7. 4. UNIT III:AUTHENTICATION PROTOCOLS AND EMAIL SECURITY 177 9 . Steganography 2 C.D 2 1.1. 13.Hellmen Key Exchange 1 C. Modular arithmetic. 2. Principle of Public key Cryptosystems 1 C 2 1. Techniques. Classical Encryption Message Authentication and Hash Functions. Fermet’s and Euler’s theorem 2 C. Key generation standards and Digital Signature algorithm.2 8. Overview of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) 2 C 1 1 4. Multiplicative Inverse.D 2 1 2 C 2 1 1 C 2 1 12. RSA algorithm 1 C. Understand various methods of Encryption and Authentication. Hash and MAC Algorithms Digital Signatures and Digital Signature Standard. Gain the knowledge of Authentication Protocols and Email Security Evaluate the performance of internet security and application specific security Protocols and standards.D 2 1. Blowfish. 5. Analyze the concepts of Intrusion and filtering analysis. Network Security Model. Extended Euclidean algorithm. Data Encryption Standard (DES). Familiarize with the concepts of Number theory. Diffie .2 9. Number Theory. CAST-128 2 C 1 3 6. Overview of IDEA. Kerberos version 4 and 5 X. Secure Electronic Transaction 2 C 4 1 UNIT V: SYSTEM SECURITY 9 22.509 Directory Service .A. Tata Mc-Graw Hill. “Cryptography and Network Security”. “Cryptography and Network Security”. William Stallings. PHI.2 15.D.2 21. 3.14. 6th Edition. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test InAssessment tool I semester Weightage 10% Theory Cycle test II 15% 178 Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Total 50% 50% . Pearson Education. Intrusion Detection 2 C 5 1 23. Forouzan. 2014. Intruders. 1999. No. and Mukhopadhyay. Web Security Requirements. X. New Delhi. Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail extension 2 C 3 1 9 18. Malicious software 1 C 5 1 25. New Delhi. “Cryptography and Network Security”. 2012. BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. William Stallings. 2nd Edition.Security Associations IP security Key Management 3 C 4 1. UNIT IV: IP SECURITY AND WEB SECURITY IP Security Overview . Firewall Types and Configurations 2 C 5 1 27. 2nd Edition.509 Public Key Certificate format Pretty Good Privacy 2 C 3 1 17. 20. 3 C 3 1 2 C 3 1 16. Trusted System 1 C 5 1 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. Transport Layer Security 2 C 4 1. Authentication Header .B.Encapsulating Security Payload .2 2 C 4 1. IP Security Architecture. 2. Password management 1 C 5 1 24. Viruses and counter measures 2 C 5 1 26. 19. Secure Sockets Layer. Understand the interaction of photons and matter. Explore the operating principles of optical communication systems including wavelength division multiplexing.D 1 3. Review of optics. Understand the main types of architectures. semiconductor lasers.15EC431E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval L 3 PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL NETWORKS T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting .D 1 2. b c 4.3 179 C . 2.24th March 2016 PURPOSE To understand the fundamental concepts in photonics and optical communication networks. Fresnel's formulas. 3. Interference and interferometers 5.D 1 3. the learners will be able to H M L 1. detectors amplifiers and network Components. the propagation of light in waveguides and optical fibers.3 C. Polarization of light 1 C 1 2. Interaction of light with matter-emission and absorption of radiation 1 3. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course.5 1 C. the operation principles of light a c emitting diodes.3 7.Low correlation Session Description of Topic Contact hours UNIT I-INTRODUCTION TO PHOTONICS AND OPTICAL FIBER 9 1. Design simple optical communication link. Optical coherence 1 C.3 1 2.5 Diffraction. protocols and standards c b governing modern optical networks. Time division multiplexing a b and code division multiplexing concepts. Reflection and refraction of plane waves 2 4.D 1 3. H-High correlation M –Medium correlation L. Review of wave nature and particle nature of light 1 2.5 6. C-DIOs Reference I-O C 1 2. Material and Waveguide Dispersion 1 C. Metropolitan .2 19. Dispersion shifted fiber. 1 C.3 1 2. Signal Attenuation. Mach-Zehnder Interferometer.2 28.2 22. 2.D 1 2.3 1 C 1 2.3 UNIT III-OPTICAL COMPONENTS AND SYSTEM DESIGN 9 18. Quantum well.3 16.3 30.5 24.D C. Quantum Efficiency.point links 1 D 3 3.2 32. SONET frame structure 1 C 4 1.3 31. Laser Modes 1 1 2. optical switches 1 C 2 1. 180 1 C. SOURCES AND DETECTORS The propagation of light in optical waveguides 10.3 Optical feedback.2 29. Principle and Operation of couplers/splitters 1 C 2 1.D . Noise mechanism in photo detectors. System considerations.6 25.to. WDM MUX/DEMUX 1 C 2 1. Optical specifications. PIN and Avalanche Photo diode (APD) 1 C 1 2. Optical transport network Broadcast and Select networks.2 21. Single mode fiber 1 C C 11. 1 9 9. Photo detection. DFB.3 15. Rise time budget 1 D 3 3.2 20.8. Circulators. Injection Laser Diode (ILD).6 UNIT IV-OPTICAL NETWORKS ARCHITECTURE 9 27.6 26. Responsivity and Speed of Response 1 D 1 2. Semiconductor Optical Amplifier 1 C 1 3. Link Power budget 1 D 3 3. Fabry Perot Filters 1 C 2 1. Introduction to Nonlinear fiber optics 1 12. 1 C 4 1. Isolators. UNIT II-OPTICAL FIBER WAVEGUIDES. Stimulated and spontaneous Emission 13.Area Networks 2 C 4 1.3 17.D 1 2. SONET/SDH 2 C 4 1. threshold condition 1 C.3 1 3.5 23. Topology. Powerpenalty -Point. Classification of optical fibers. Laser Fundamentals.3 14.4 C 1 1. Optical network concepts 1 C 4 1. EDFA 1 C 1 3. Optical Link Design.2 2 C 4 1. 2 34.2 35. 6. Sixth impression. 2009. Routing and wavelength assignment 2 D 4 1. Pearson Education Asia. Seventhimpression. Statistical dimensioning models 1 C. 4. Pearson. John M. Sivaranjan and Galen H. John Powers. 9th impression. “OpticalNetworks – A practical perspective”. Fifth edition. 1. Tata-McGraw Hill.2 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.UNIT V-WDM NETWORK DESIGN 9 33.Pearson Education.D 4 1. Joseph C. “Optical Fiber Communication Systems”. TataMcGrawHill. Kumar N. “Fiber Optic CommunicationTechnology”. Keiser. WDM network elements 2 C 4 1. “Optical Fiber Communications –Principles and Practice”. 4th edition. Djafar.K. Mynbaev Lowell and Scheiner. 2.2011. 2012. 2010.2 37. 2010. Rajiv Ramaswamy. 2010. 2nd edition. Sasaki.Palais “Fiber Optic Communications”. Edition. WDM network design 2 D 4 1. 5. 3. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% 15CS423E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKS NIL NIL NIL 181 L 3 T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 . Elsevier.2 36. Senior.2 38. Virtual Topology design 1 D 4 1. 3rd edition. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL No. Cost tradeoffs 1 D 4 1. “An Introduction to Fiber optic Systems”. Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE Department of Computer Science and Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting.8 182 C.3.2. Differentiate between traditional networks and software defined networks a b 2. Expand upon theknowledge learned and apply it to solve real world a b e problems Session Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT I: INTRODUCING SDN 9 1.5 9. SDN Origins and Evolution – Introduction – Why SDN? 1 C 1 1.I 3 1.2.5 4.5. How SDN Works 2 1.VMware/Nicira 1 D.4.2.5 2.3 7. Layer 3 Centric .I 3 1.Nicira . an emerging paradigm in computer PURPOSE networking that allows a logically centralized software program to control the behavior of an entire network. Obtain skills to do advanced networking research and programming a b k 4.I 3 1.5 3.3.4. 24 March.Ryu Big Switch Networks/Floodlight 2 D. 2016 This course introduces software defined networking. The Genesis of SDN 2 C 1 1. Setting up the Environment and Implementation of Controllers in Mininet 4 D.2 1.General Concepts VMware .6 6.Plexxi .Trema .Mininet . Understand advanced and emerging networking technologies b c 3.D 2 1. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. OpenFlow-Related .D .4.5 8.Cisco OnePK 1 D.NOX/POX .3. Introducing Mininet 4 D.I 3 1.2.7 UNIT II: SDN ABSTRACTIONS 11 5. SDN Controllers: Introduction . The Openflow Protocol 1 C.3. Learn how to use software programs to perform varying and complex a b k networking tasks 5. Centralized and Distributed Control and Data Planes 2 C 1 2.2.I 3 2 10. student will be able to 1. 2 (2014): 8798. 1. SDN Use Cases 2 I 5 1. "Software-defined networking: A comprehensive survey. SDN . 2013 REFERENCE BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 4. Diego." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 44.5 13. NetApp Development. SDN in Other Environments 1 I 2 1 16. "A survey of software-defined networking: Past.I. Packt Publishing.UNIT III: PROGRAMMING SDN'S 8 11. Network Function Virtualization 2 I.2.Software Defined Networks by Thomas D.2 17. Software Defined Networking with OpenFlow By SiamakAzodolmolky. and Ellen Zegura. Final Thoughts and Conclusions 2 C 5 1.6 12. TEXT BOOKS No.2. 2013 3. The Open Network Operating System 4 D.5 1. 5.2.O 4 2.O 3 1.3 UNIT IV: SDN APPLICATIONS AND USE CASES 11 14. Feamster.6 21. Jennifer Rexford. SDN Futures 2 C 1. and future of 183 .4 1. O'Reilly. Software Defined Networks: A Comprehensive Approach by Paul Goransson and Chuck Black. Nick.5 18. SDN Applications 2 I 5 1. "The road to SDN: an intellectual history of programmable networks. Bruno AA. Kreutz.2 Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. 2014 2. SDN in the Data Center 2 I 2 1. present.O 3. et al. Network Slicing 4 I.2.1 (2015): 14-76. Nadeau & Ken Gray. Morgan Kaufmann Publications. et al. Nunes. SDN Open Source 2 C 2 1 20.O 2 2. Network Programmability 2 I. 6." Proceedings of the IEEE 103.3 UNIT V: SDN'S FUTURE AND PERSPECTIVES 6 19.5 15. Basics of developing for embedded systems 2 C 1 1 2.3 3 C 1 2. 8.3 (2014): 1617-1634. e e a d H-High Correlation. "A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined networks. and Nick McKeown. Bob. 4. M-Medium Correlation. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle test Intool I semester Weightage 5% 15EC323E Assignment Quiz s 10% 25% 5% End semester examination Weightage : Cycle test II 5% Cycle Test III L 3 EMBEDDED SYSTEM DESIGN Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval PURPOSE Theory T 0 Total 50% 50% P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE COMPUTER Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. ACM. Memory. Introduction. Analog Interfaces 184 . Christopher. Atmel RISC Processors Architecture. Embedded system Initialization 2 C 1 1 1 C 1 2. L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I ATMEL RISC PROCESSORS AND DEVELOPMENT TOOLS Contact hours C-DI-O IOs Reference 9 1. Monsanto. et al. Serial communication using UART . the learner will be able to H M L 1. "Composing software defined networks.3 3." Communications Surveys & Tutorials. 24th March 2016 This course presents fundamental concepts of Embedded system design and programming. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. 3. Timer/Counters." Presented as part of the 10th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 13). SPI.programmable networks. 2010. IEEE 16. Lantz. 2013." Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks. Reset and interrupt functions Parallel I/O ports. Real time operating system. 7. Understand the basics of embedded system development tools and Atmel e a RISC Processors Write C programs for Microcontrollers Familiarize with the concepts of RTOS 2. Brandon Heller. Message queues 1 C 3 1 35. Structure and Unions. objects. Atmel AVR Studio debugger 9 29. Event Registers. BOOKS/OTHER READING MATERIAL 185 . services. No. Example Projects 4 C. Operators and Expressions 2 C 2 2 7. I/O operations. Signals. Other RTOS services 1 C 3 1 37.5. Variables and constants. Functions.D 1 2 UNIT IV RTOS INTERNALS 9 31. Control statements 1 C 2 2 8. Introduction to RTOS: scheduler. Exceptions and Interrupts 2 C 3 1 38. Pointers and Arrays. Modularizing an application for concurrency 1 C 3 1 42. 28. key characteristics 2 C 3 1 32. Standard I/O and Preprocessor functions 1 C 2 2 2 C 1 2 2 C 1 2 UNIT III IDE AND PROJECT DEVELOPMENT 27. Project development: Process steps 1 C. Semaphores 2 C 3 1 34. Code VisionAVR C Compiler and IDE: IDE Operation. Tasks 2 C 3 1 33. Memory types 3 C 2 2 9. Timer and timer services 2 C 3 1 39. AVR RISC Assembly language instruction set 1 UNIT II ELEMENTS OF C PROGRAMMING AND PREPROCESSOR FUNCTIONS 9 C 1 2. I/O subsystem 1 C 3 1 40. Memory management 1 C 3 1 41.D 1 2 30. Pipes. Real time methods 2 C. Condition variables 2 C 3 1 UNIT V RTOS SERVICES 9 36. AVR code generator.D 2 2 10. Program the target device. Common design problems 1 C 3 1 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl. C Compiler Options Compile and Make Projects.3 6. Understand the finite world length effects that arise in digital signal e a b processing 5.com Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) InAssessment tool Cycle test I Weightage 10% semester 15EC353 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II Cycle Test III Surprise Test Quiz Total 15% 15% 5% 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES L 3 T 0 P 0 C 3 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL CORE SIGNAL PROCESSING Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30th Academic Council Meeting. Design of Finite and Infinite Response filters. 3. 24th March 2016 PURPOSE To provide the fundamentals of continuous and discrete time signals. analyze continuous and discrete signals and systems a e c 2. & O’Cull “Embedded C Programming and the Atmel AVR” Thomson Delmar learning 2006 www. Acquire knowledge about the architecture of DSP processors and e c k applications of DSP Session Description of Topic Contact hours UNIT-I CLASSIFICATION OF SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 9 186 C-DI-O IOs Reference . Correlates to program INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES outcome At the end of the course.transform and using e a DFT 3.Atmel. Know about Frequency domain analysis using z. Qing Li with Caroline Yao “Real-Time Concepts for Embedded Systems ” CMP books 2011 Barnett. Cox. Classify. student will be able to H M L 1. systems and modern digital processing as well as applications.1. a e 4. 2. Phase FIR filters Using Blackman Window (LPF.I 1 1-2 UNIT – II FREQUENCY TRANSFORMATIONS 9 z.BPF.4 1 C.D. Classification of Signals: Continuous time signals Discrete time signals 1 C 1 1-2 2. Unit impulse – Representation of signals in terms of unit impulse . Unit ramp. Classification of Systems: Continuous time systemsDiscrete time systems –staticsystem. 6.D 2 1-4 1 C.D . Periodic and Aperiodic signals – Even and odd signals 1 C 1 1-2 3.Phase FIR filters Using Rectangular Hamming Window Design of Linear.point DFT Decimation-in-Frequency Radix-2 FFT Algorithms Linear convolution using the DFT.D 2 1-4 1 C.4 1 C 3 3.D 3 3. 5.D 2 1-4 2 C.Properties of Z transform 1 C 2 1-4 1 C. 8.BSF) 20 Design of Linear.4 3 3.Partial fraction methods Analysis and characterization of LTI system using Z transformDTFT-Sampling of DTFT-DFT and its inverseproperties of DFT-circular symmetry property N.4 4. Energy and power signals Deterministic and random signals –Complex exponential and Sinusoidal signals Unit step.transforms-ROC.D 2 1-4 2 C.HPF. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Inverse Z transform: Power series expansion .HPF.point DFT Decimation-in-Time Radix-2 FFT Algorithms N.D 3 3.causal system – Stable system Linear system – Time Invariant system -Linear Convolution Matlab Exercises 1 C 1 1-2 1 C 1 1-2 1 C 1 1-2 1 C 1 1-2 2 C 1 1-2 1 C.4 2 C.Fast Fourier Transform UNIT III-DESIGN OF FIR FILTERS 19 Design of Finite Impulse Response Filters-Symmetric and Antisymmetric FIR filters Design of Linear.D 2 1-4 2 C 2 1-4 1 C.Phase FIR filters Using Hanning Window (LPF.D 3 3.Phase FIR filters Fourier Series Method Design of Linear.BSF) 16 17 18 187 9 1 C. 7.1.BPF. 2nd Edition.BSF) 1 C 3 3. New Delhi. 2003.4 24 UNIT –IV DESIGN OF IIR FILTERS FROM ANALOG FILTERS Frequency Response and Characteristics of Analog Filters Analog to Digital transformations techniques 25 Design of Butterworth filter(LPF) using Bilinear Transformation and Impulse Invariance methods 2 C.M.21 Design of Linear. 4th edition. Principles. “Discrete Time Signal Processing”. 1997. Programming and 5 Application”. TEXT BOOKS No.4 29 MATLAB programs for IIR Filters 1 3 3. Schafer “Signals & Systems”.D. Algorithms and 3 Applications”. Ronald W. 1 Alan V Oppenheim. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen.4 27 Finite word length effects in digital Filters: ErrorsQuantization of Filter Coefficients 1 C. John Wiley & Sons Inc.D 3 3.B.4 26 Chebyshev Filter (LPF)Designs based on the Bilinear Transformation and Impulse Invariance methods 2 C. “Digital Signal Processing.D 3 3. 2007 Alan V.D 3 3. Schafer.4 1 C.Phase FIR filters Using Hanning Window (LPF. Architecture.4 22 MATLAB program for FIR filters 1 C 3 3.V DSP PROCESSOR AND APPLICATIONS 9 30 Super Harvard architecture –Data path.D C. “Signals and Systems”.D 4 3.Tata McGraw Hill. Bhaskar. Dimitris G. Pearson Education. 8th edition.D 3 3. Opoenheim. 188 . Ronald W.4 1 C. “Digital Signal Processors. John R. 2011 Venkataramani.4 UNIT . John G. Proakis.I C 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.4 28 Limit Cycle oscillations 1 4 3. Manolakis.BPF. Buck.multiple access memory -pipelining 2 5 5 31 Architecture of TMS320C5X family of DSP processors 2 C 5 5 33 Addressing Modes of TMS320C5X 2 C 5 5 34 Instruction Set of TMS320C5X 1 C 5 5 35 Applications on digital signal processing 2 C 5 5 23 Total contact Hours 9 C. Pearson 4 Education.HPF. Pearson Education. 2 2007. 2. Phase deviation and Modulation index .D 1 1. L-Low correlation Session Description of Topic UNIT I: ANALOG COMMUNICATION 1. the learner will be able to H M L 1. Types of Amplitude Modulation Generation of AM waves. Know different types of radio transmitters and receivers e a 3. e PURPOSE H-High Correlation. Understand the concepts of analog communication techniques. Understand the fundamentals of various radio communication systems. 2016 To gain the knowledge on basic concepts of conventional analog and digital communication systems and to get knowledge on the importance of radio communication systems. Gain knowledge on different digital communication techniques. e 2. M-Medium Correlation. Linear Modulation. INSTRUCTIONAL OBJECTIVES STUDENT OUTCOMES At the end of the course. FM modulators. 2. CSE. Switching modulator.D 1 1.3 Contact hours 9 . Principles of Amplitude Modulation. Direct Method.Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle Assessment tool In-semester test I Weightage 10% 15EC252 Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (Common to IT. FM and PM waveforms. Frequency deviation and Percent modulation. 189 C-DI-O IOs Reference 3 C. EEE) NIL NIL L 3 Total 50% 50% T 0 P 0 C 3 NIL P PROFESSIONAL CORE COMMUNICATION Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering 30thAcademic Council Meeting.2.Types of modulation. 3. Introduction to Communication Systems: Modulation . Understand the concept of Pulse and data communication system e 4. Collector Modulation method.3 3 C 1 1 3 C. e a b 5.Need for Modulation . Non-linear Modulation. Balanced Modulator Angle modulation. 24thMarch . Principles of light transmission in a fiber. 5. TRF receiver. 15. Foster seely discriminator FM Transmitters. Comparison of various Digital Communication System. 13. 10. 11. 8. 8.General Packet Radio Service(GPRS). Indirect method. Modes in optical fiber waveguides. Channel Assignment and Hand off. Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM). Frequency modulated microwave radio system Fiber optical communication: Elements of an optical fiber.4.2 2 C 5 2. FM super heterodyne receiver UNIT III: PULSE AND DATA COMMUNICATION 7.Universal Mobile Telecommunication 190 9 4 C 2 1 3 C 2 1 2 C 2 1 3 C 3 1. Low power level and High power level transmitters.PTM. Advantages and disadvantages of microwave radio.8. Error Detection and Correction Techniques.2 4 C 4 1. Direct and indirect FM transmitters. Varactor diode modulator.3 2 C 3 1. Analog versus digital microwave. 12. Advances in optical fiber communication Mobile communication: Cellular Concept and Frequency Reuse. UNIT IV:DIGITAL COMMUNICATION Digital Pass band Transmission and Reception: Amplitude Shift Keying (ASK). Pulse Time Modulation (PTM) Pulse code Modulation (PCM). 14. Slope detector.Comparison of various Pulse Communication System (PAM. Data Communication Codes. Data Communication Circuits. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM).5 9 9 9 . 9.2 2 C 4 1.4 3 C 5 1 4 C 5 1.3 4 C. super heterodyne receiver FM Demodulators.D 3 1 3 C 4 1. UNIT V : RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS (ELEMENTARY TREATMENT ONLY) Microwave Communication: Introduction to microwave transmission. Frequency Shift Keying (FSK).Binary phase shift keying(BPSK) Quadrature Phase Shift Keying(QPSK). Pulse Communication: Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM).PCM) Data Communication: Standards Organizations for Data Communications. Linear diode detector. Comparison between AM and FM UNIT II: RADIO TRANSMITTERS AND RECEIVERS Demodulation of AM waves.QAM Bandwidth efficiency. AM Receivers. 6.PSK. AM Transmitters. A Basic cellular network. “Communication Systems”. EEE) 15EC352E Co-requisite: Prerequisite: Data Book / Codes/Standards Course Category Course designed by Approval Theory Total 50% 50% T 0 P 0 Nil Nil Nil P PROFESSIONAL ELECTIVE ELECTRONICS Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering. 2nd edition. Samuel Y. Tata McGraw Hill 5th Reprint 2015. John Wiley and Sons. “Microwave Devices and Circuits”. c. design concepts. 4. 24th March -2016 To get expose on the technology. 5. R. Inc. Pearson education Ltd.System(UMTS) Total contact hours 45 LEARNING RESOURCES Sl.b a 191 a e C 3 . United Kingdom 2012. “Mobile Communications”. Analog and Digital”.a e 3. 2.Sapre.Singh. electrical properties and modeling of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits Correlates to Student Instructional Objectives Outcomes At the end of this course.. 5th Edition. 4th Edition. 2001. 30thAcademic Council Meeting. Understand the MOS Process Technology c. Wayne Tomasi. “Communication Systems. 3rd edition. Liao. Simon Haykin. BOOKS / OTHER READING MATERIAL 1. Jochen Schiller. 2009.P. Understand the basic MOS Technology and its non ideal effects 2. the learner will be able to H M L Purpose 1. Gain the knowledge in concepts of modeling a digital system using Hardware Description Language. Pearson Education Asia. Pearson education. S. 3. “Electronic Communications Systems Fundamentals Through Advanced”. 2011 reprint. No. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Assessment Cycle In-semester tool test I Weightage 10% Cycle test II 15% Cycle Test Surprise Quiz III Test 15% 5% 5% End semester examination Weightage : L 3 INTRODUCTION TO VLSI DESIGN (Common to CSE.D. Capacitance 3 C 1 1.2 UNIT-IV: INTRODUCTION TO VERILOG HDL 9 15 Basic concepts.2 4 C 2 1.2 9 CMOS logic: Basic gates.2 5 2 C. nwell and twintub fabrication process Latch up in CMOS 1 C 2 1.2 1 C 1 1. modules and ports 2 C 3 3 16 Gate-level modeling 2 C. logic functions UNIT-II: ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES OF MOS AND PERFORMANCE ESTIMATION Pass transistor and transmission logic (Design of gates.D 2 1.Purpose To get expose on the technology.2 15 Layout Design rules 1 C 2 1. electrical properties and modeling of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits H: high correlation. multiplexer) nMOS inverter Pull up to Pull down ratio (Driven by another nMOS inverter.2 10 Interconnect: Resistance.2 2 C 1 1.carry look ahead .2 2 C 1 1.2 2 C 1 1. L: low correlation S.carry 9 4 C. D 3 1 2 6 7 8 13 192 9 .2 12 1 C 2 1. Enhancement and depletion transistors. design concepts. Driven by one or more pass transistor) DC characteristics of CMOS Inverter 1 C 1 1.D 3 3 18 Behavioural modeling 2 C. Ideal I-V characteristics 4 Non-ideal I-V effects 2 C 1 1.No 1 Contact hours Description of Topic C-DI-O IOs Reference UNIT-I: CMOS LOGIC DESIGN 9 Introduction to VLSI Design 1 C 1 1.2 UNIT-III: MOS TECHNOLOGY 9 11 Introduction to IC Technology 1 C 2 1.D 3 3 19 Switch-level modeling 1 C.2 2 C 1 1.2 14 nMOS Fabrication CMOS Fabrication-Pwell. D 3 3 20 UNIT-V: CMOS SUBSYSTEM DESIGN Design of Adder: Carry select . M: medium correlation. pMOS Transistor.D 3 3 17 Dataflow modeling 2 C.2 3 Review of MOS Transistor Theory: nMOS.D 1 1.2 16 Stick diagram 1 C. Pearson.Braun array 2 C. “Basic VLSI Design”. 2003. electrical properties and modeling of Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits skips adder 21 Design of multiplier . 2006. reprint 2008. Neil H. Prentice Hall of India.David Harris. D 3 1 23 Wallace tree Multiplier 1 C. DouglesA. D 3 1 22 Baugh wooley multiplier 2 C. 3.3rd Edition. Samir Palnitker. 3rd Edition.Westie. “CMOS VLSI Design”.E. design concepts. D 3 1 Total contact hours 45 Learning resources S. Course nature Assessment Method (Weightage 100%) Cycle test InAssessment tool Cycle test I Cycle test III II semester Weightage 10% 15% 15% Theory Surprise Test 5% Quiz Total 5% 50% End semester examination Weightage : 50% 193 . No. “Verilog HDL Guide to Digital Design and synthesis”.Purpose To get expose on the technology. 2. Books / Other reading materials 1.Pucknell.Pearson Education-2nd Edition.
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