B.tech & B.arch Brochure _2013-2014



Admission Brochurefor B.E./B.TECH./ B.ARCH PROGRAMMES for the session 2013-14 in The University Departments, Govt. /Govt. Aided/ Private institutions located in the State of Haryana Also available at: http://techeduhry.nic.in http://hstes.org & http:// hstes.in Issued under the authority of Haryana state technical education society Bays 7-12, Sector- 4, Panchkula. Toll Free Helpline - 18004202026 1 “To reorient Technical Education which shall be relevant to the real world-of-work, attractive to the students, responsive to the industry and connected to the community at large.” - Vision - 2 Chief Minister, Haryana, Chandigarh Message Technical education has been playing a vital role in the socio-economic development of the country in the present age of knowledge based economy. We have taken a number of policy initiatives for promotion of technical education in the State and the budget of technical education has been considerably increased during the last seven years. Our endeavor has been to further strengthen infrastructure in technical education institute in the State, so as to keep pace with the changing scenario. The network of the technical education institutions has been expanded by setting up new institutes and intake in the existing institutions has also been increased. To make technical education more meaningful, course curriculum has been designed to cater to the needs of industry/job market. We have taken effective steps to equip. technical education institutes with latest equipment and well qualified teaching faculty and supporting technical staff as per the revised curricula. Emphasis has been laid on imparting technical skills to the students so that they easily get employment. Efforts are also being made to cope up with the changing quantitative and qualitative requirements of trained manpower of industry and trade within and outside the State. I am sure that all the relevant information regarding admission, fees and various scholarship schemes of the Government has been provided in this brochure for the guidance of aspiring candidates. I wish all the students a bright future. (Bhupinder Singh Hooda) 3 The relevant information regarding admission. I wish all the students a very bright future. Technical Education Department has taken many initiatives to improve the quality of Technical Education to make degree / diploma holders employable from day one. It helps in emancipation and empowerment of poor and disadvantaged groups by providing them employable skills. Haryana. Chandigarh Message Technical Education plays an important role in the development of any nation and society. Our Technical Education system provides practical skills to students and prepares them for all sort of technical & managerial jobs. Haryana is the first State to introduce “On line off Campus” counseling. skilled manpower and economic development of any country. During the last seven years. fees and various scholarship schemes of the Government provided in this brochure will help and guide the aspiring candidates to seek admission in the branches of engineering/non engineering of their choice.Technical Education Minister. I hope that the Technical Education Department will continue to upgrade and update its course curriculum in time with the changing times so that all the students get placement and contribute towards the growth of the State and Nation and become responsible citizens. (Mahendra Partap Singh) 4 . It is the backbone of any industry and very essential for developing infrastructure. 21. Aided Instt. 33. 10. 22. 7. 19. School Toppers (for B./University Departments 5. 34.3 Counseling Procedure for Tuition Fee Waiver Quota seats 7. 12.2 Counseling Procedure for Kashmiri Migrants 7. 23. 4.Arch.3 Private unaided minority institutes 5. 25.2012 Chapter -12 Ragging Chapter -13 Instructions to curb the events of Eve-Teasing Annexure -I Character Certificate Annexure -II Haryana Resident Certificate Annexure -III Certificate of Employer Annexure -IV Scheduled Caste Certificate Annexure -V Backward Class Certificate Annexure -VI Affidavit by parents of BC candidates Annexure -VII Medical Certificate for physically handicapped candidates Annexure -VIII Freedom Fighter’s Certificate Annexure -IX Certificate for deceased or disabled or discharged Military/Para-Military personnel and ESM Annexure -X ESM Certificate Annexure -XI Medical Fitness Certificate Annexure -XII Merit Calculation Form for Haryana Govt. 30. 2.CONTENTS S.Tech Annexure -XV Application Form for Admission to Bachelor of Architecture(B. Description Important Information for the Session 2013-14. 32. 11. 27. 5. 18. 9. 14.guidelines regarding Appendix -D1 to Bonafide Resident of Haryana. 24.) AFFIDAVIT BY THE STUDENT(Ragging) Annexure -XVI Annexure -XVII AFFIDAVIT BY PARENTS(Ragging) Appendix -A Reservation of seats of various categories Appendix -B List of Backward Classes in Haryana Appendix -C List of Scheduled Castes in Haryana Appendix -D Bonafide Residents of Haryana. 35. 16.4 Counseling Procedure for 25% seats to be filled by the private institutes and left over/ unfilled seats of all institutes Chapter-8 Reporting of the Candidate at Respective Institute Chapter-9 Refund of Semester Fee deposited by the candidates in the allotted institutes. 29.1 Procedural steps for participating in online counseling 7. 36. 17. 5 . 31.Tech) Annexure -XIV Application Form for Tuition Fee Waiver(TFW) quota in B. 20. 26.Tech) Annexure -XIII Merit Calculation Form for Kashmiri Migrants (for B. Chapter -10 Scholarship Schemes Chapter -11 The Haryana Private Technical Educational Institution (Regulation of Admisiion and Fee)Act. Chapter -1 Abbreviations and Terms used Chapter -2 General Information Chapter -3 Eligibility and Basis of Admission Chapter -4 Information regarding Intake for the session 2013-14 Chapter -5 Distribution of Seats 5. /Govt. 13. 15. 8.1 Govt.No 1. 28.2 Private unaided non-minority institutes 5. 3.4 NRI Quota Seats Chapter -6 Information regarding Fee Chapter -7 Important Procedures for Session 2013-14 7.guidelines regarding D4 Page 6. 38.E/ B./ B. Appendix -E Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix -F -G -H -I List of self-styled Institutions/Universities which have been declared fake by the University Grants Commission and other Government bodies List of B.37. 43.Tech Private Institutes with different Eligibility criteria District-wise list of B.E. 40.Tech institutions Fee Structure Copy of Letter Regarding Migration Certificate Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme of AICTE Key dates 42. 39. 41. Appendix -J 6 . * Subject to increase by the State Governm ent.Tech.hstes. Candidates without depositing Rs. Admissions for B. in the account of Haryana State Technical Education Society. 6.nic.org or www. In the event of sharing of password.in.The difference between counseling fee deposited and increased fee shall be deposited by the ca ndidate at the tim e of reporting in allotted institute. 5.) category and under Haryana Government School Toppers(HGST) category shall be made on the basis of inter-se merit of percentage of qualifying exam through On-line Off-Campus counseling by NIC at www. 500*/. Candidates are advised in their own interest to deposit counseling participation fee of Rs. all choices filled earlier will be initialized and all choices will be required to be filled in again. In case any candidate changes registration details after submission of choices. candidates who do not lock the choices.Arch courses is Rs.hstes.gov. 3. Admissions for B. Counseling fee for B. Locking of filled choices is advisable. but before locking. (including candidates under TuitionFee Waiver scheme) shall be made on the basis of the inter se merit of JEE(Main)-2013 through On-line OffCampus counseling by NIC.IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 1.E/B.E/B.in . On registration.org or www.tehadmissions.E. for use in future logins./ B. 7. refer Chapter 7. The fee structure of various self financing technical institutions is available at AppendixH and on the website www.in.(Non-Refundable) before the Registration for counseling and to check display of their fee deposited entry on “Payment Status” link on website www. 4. however.in before filling the choices of branch and institute during online counseling. candidate will be solely responsible for the change of registration details. Candidates willing to participate in online off-campus counseling will have to register as per the dates mentioned in “Key Dates”. Candidates are advised in their own interest to see the fee structure of institutes on the website www.techeduhry.in. refer Chapter 7.Arch shall be made on the basis of valid NATA score conducted by Council of Architecture and marks secured in the qualifying examination in the ratio of 50:50. password has to be created by the candidate.in . 7 . A candidate shall be allowed to change his/her registration details on the counseling websites as and when required before locking of choices during counseling period.Tech. Candidates are advised to keep records of this password secretly for their own use only and not to disclose this to others. Registration for counseling would be done on www. 2.gov.Tech. For more details.hstes.techeduhry. For more details.(Non-Refundable) shall not be considered for counseling/ allotment of seat.M.hstes. 500*/.(Non-Refundable) only & shall be deposited by the candidate through www. for the candidates under Kashmiri Migrants (K.nic.tehadmissions. Admission for B. 500*/./B. their last filled choice would be considered as final. choices etc. The deposition of this admission fee will entail the candidate. Admission procedure for filling of choices of Branch/Institute shall remain the same. Candidates should go through this Appendix-G for preparation of his/her mind set for selection of preferences of choices to be filled by the candidate during online counseling. The DirectorPrincipal/ Registrarof the Institute will authenticate these documents/certificates/testimonials after comparing these from the originals and the originals will be returned to the candidate. Tech. 17. 9. where the candidate MUST get an online generated Provisional Admission Slip. failing which the candidate shall not be allowed to report in the allotted institute. order of priority only to upgrade. The candidate may seek admission at his/her own risk and cost and if he/she is found ineligible at the time of reporting. To participate in subsequent 2nd & subsequent counselling.8. 14.E/ B. at the time of reporting in the institute. For the guidance of candidates. qualification and percentage of qualifying exam. to confirm the admission in the allotted institute besides other formalities of joining/reporting in allotted institute by the candidates and verification of credentials. 500*/again. Under no circumstances the original certificates of the candidate should be retained by the institute. The institute will update the status of joining/non-joining by a candidate by simply tick marking the checklist online only by checking all the parameters of the check list.A candidate may not be eligible on the 1st day of counseling but may be eligible on subsequent days of counseling due to the reasons.t. whatsoever. After the result of first counseling. candidates will have to again fill (refill) the choices in the order of priority on the counseling website www. 12. The online generated admission slip shall be given to the candidate after successful joining.in without depositing the counseling fee of Rs. 13. After the result of each counseling. w. Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme of AICTE can be seen at Appendix-J. the earlier allotted/reported seat will be cancelled automatically & the candidate will have to report again in institute allotted in 2nd or Subsequent counseling. The candidate seeking admission will submit 3 sets of his documents/ certificates/ testimonials duly attested by the Principal/ Headmaster of the school/college last attended/any gazetted officer. One set of these documents/certificates/ 8 . the candidate shall report in the allotted centre alongwith the provisional allotment letter generated from the website alongwith all requisite documents/certificates/testimonials and password.tehadmissions.gov. Thus candidates are advised to fill the choices in 11. 10. as they may mislead or misguide you. List of Institutes along with branches and Intakes thereof is provided at Appendix–G. Fulfilling eligibility for B. Incase seat is allotted in 2nd or subsequent counselings. his/her entire dues shall be forfeited and his/her admission shall be cancelled for which he/she shall have no claim. Tuition Fee Waiver(TFW) and Kashmiri Migrant(KM) Counseling shall be done parallel to the general counseling as per AICTE guidelines. The Joining shall be deemed to be confirmed only after online reporting by Institute in the presence of the candidate. (subject to conformity through e-interface with HSTES). shall be proved by the candidate not at the time of seat allotment but during physical reporting at allotted institute. The candidates who wish to retain the reported seat shall not opt for subsequent counseling.r. For details of List of Institutes along with branches and intakes refer to Appendix-G. as per dates mentioned in “Key Dates”. Candidates are advised to Register for Online Couseling and fill choices from their own home or by going to participating institution and SHOULD NOT go to any cyber café or any outside unauthorized persons for the same. 15. 16. the candidate has to deposit one semester fee at the allotted institute. whatsoever. 18004202026. For refund of semester/admission fee deposited in the institute. 23. AICTE/DPG/06(02)/2009).gov. 22.Tech/ B. In case the institute does not refund candidate’s fee. if the affiliating University. 20.in . the candidate can complain to the BOARD/University and AICTE for further action. etc. Post Matric Scholarship (PMS) for SC/BC will be given to eligible SC/BC students. Anyhow.Arch courses. A Helpdesk at Haryana State Technical Education Society would be available to reply any query of the candidates during the counseling period. The student admitted in Online counseling in a particular institute. Candidates are advised to seek help & guidance for admissions. the Refund Intimation can also be given to HSTES before last cutoff date of admissions. while making correspondence regarding admission to B. In case. in case of admission cancellation. online counseling. HSTES does not have any right to change the allotted branch/ college during online counseling. Always quote your JEE(Main)/ NATA Roll No. for the purpose of registration. allotment. reporting. For the guidance of candidates./ Govt. Institute doesn’t provide the same. the original certificates from the candidate can be demanded through the institute of his admission for any purpose whatsoever these may be.tehadmissions. 9 . candidate has to give application for refund to the concerned institute well within time and get a receipt of the same from them. Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme of AICTE can be seen at Appendix-J. HSTES reserves no right to change the allotment of seat for any particular individual as the allotment is done purly as per the defined counseling procedure/ admission guidelines. 19. Help regarding counseling would be taken from the University Departments & Government Polytechnics in the state of Haryana for support and guidance of the candidates. if any. 21. Remember to apply for refund in case you don’t want admission in allotted institute before last cut-off date of admissions.Aided/ University Department/ self financing institute. but branch upgraded by that Institute (sliding within the institute) shall be considered as institute level admission for all the purposes and would also not be provided any benefit from HSTES including scholarships. No such request will be considered. choice filling. refund etc. No. 26. However./B. so desires. internal sliding within the institute shall be allowed on the basis of 1st semester result. 24.E. Queries. for which no original certificate shall be demanded.. The ultimate responsibility of refund the fee lies with the institute. as per AICTE public notice Advt. Institute-wise. Internal sliding is not allowed by any Govt. branch-wise first & last ranks of admission status of the session 2013-14 would be available on counseling website www. during promotion of students studying in 1st year to 3rd semester. (Refund direction/ Policy are issued by the AICTE.18. can also be made at Toll Free no. testimonials thus authenticated by the institute shall be deposited in the affiliating University. 25. M. xxxv) “M. xliv) “SBC” means “Special Backward Classes”.” “B.” “CFF” means “Children of Freedom Fighters” of Haryana.” means “Kashmiri Migrants”. 22/28/2003-3G.” xxxvii) “DCRU” means Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram University of Sc.” “Haryana Resident” means “a person eligible for grant of Resident Certificate as per instructions of Chief Secretary. refer to Chapter 3.” “HSTES” means Haryana state technical education society. Hisar.CHAPTER: 1 ABBREVIATIONS AND TERMS USED i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) x) xi) xii) xiii) xiv) xv) xvi) xvii) “AIC” means “All India Category”.Q” means “Minority Quota or the seats available for the candidates of concerned minority community of the Institutes”. xxxvi) “NRI’s Seats” means “the seats meant for Non-Resident Indians & their children or wards. “AICTE” means “All India Council for Technical Education. “GJU” means “Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology. “CBSE” means “Central Board of Secondary Education”.” means “Bachelor of Engineering.Tech.” “PH” means “Physically Handicapped” of Haryana. Panchkula “MHRD” means “Ministry of Human Resource Development.” means “Bachelor of Architecture”. xviii) xix) xx) xxi) xxii) xxiii) xxiv) xxv) xxvi) xxvii) xxviii) xxix) xxx) xxxi) xxxii) xxxiii) “HOGC” means “Haryana Open General Category”. “B. Haryana.” “ESM” means “Ex-Servicemen and their Wards” of Haryana. No. xli) “Allotted Seat” means seat allotted by NIC server. xliii) “TFW” means Tuition fee waiver scheme of AICTE. Haryana. Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University. xlv) “EBP” means “Economically Backward Person” 10 .” “NATA” National Aptitude Test in Architecture”. of India. “BC-B” means “Backward Class Block ‘B’ ” of Haryana. “Qualifying Examination” : For Qualifying Examination. “State Quota” means “the seats meant for Haryana resident candidates in terms of Appendix “A”. Murthal (Sonepat). Govt.Arch. “CCB” means “Central Counseling Board” “CCS HAU” means “Ch. Kurukshetra”. “Intake” means “Sanctioned Intake” “KU” means “Kurukshetra University.96. 62/17/95 – 6 GSI dated 3. Devi Lal University. New Delhi and State Unit. xlii) “Reported seat” means allotted seat confirmed after physical reporting at the institute. “MDU” means “Maharshi Dayanand University. “ICAR” means “Indian Council for Agricultural Research”. “ROM” means “Resident of Murthal. vide memo No.S. “BC-A” means “Backward Class Block ‘A’ ” of Haryana. 62/27/20036GSI Dated 29-7-2003.” “SC” means “Scheduled Caste of Haryana. “Department” means “Department of Technical Education. No. xxxiv) “K.” “CDLU” means “Ch. xxxviii) “SFC” means State Fee Committee. Hisar. xxxix) “PI” means the ‘Participating Institutes’. Rohtak.” “JEE-MAIN” means “Joint Entrance Examination-2013.III dated 30-1-04. & Tech..62/32/2000-6GSI Dated 23-5-2003 and No. “State Government” means “Government of Haryana” “University” means “Affiliating University”.” “NIC” means National Informatics Centre. Sirsa.10.” means “Bachelor of Technology”. xl) “HGST” means Haryana Government School Topper.E. “B. Chandigarh. 8. EBP. PH and merging all ESM (all priorities and FF) with 25% Horizontal Female reservation. Haryana Residents are also entitled for admission against All India Category seats.nic. SBC.Tech. BC (by merging BCA and BCB in BC).shall be done for all categories namely AIC. CCSHAU.org or www. he/she shall be liable to prosecution under relevant law as per Indian Penal Code. 10. / Govt. Two Counseling will be conducted for admission to all B. 3.E.2003 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Writ 11 . Haryana state technical education society and State Admission Committee constituted by the State Govt. Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme of AICTE can be seen at Appendix-J. Hisar. 6. EBP PH. 2. person or official engages himself / herself in any unlawful act that results or indulges in any kind of unfair means in the Test. KM. In the event of seats remaining vacant/unfilled ./ B. Admission Brochure can be downloaded from our website www.CHAPTER: 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Haryana.hstes. Any candidate who has been disqualified or debarred by the University or Board or any other Statutory Board shall not be eligible for admission to the polytechnics of Haryana State for the period he/she has been debarred. This Admission Brochure is for admission to B. BC-A. if any candidate. firstly on the basis of entrance exam merit and only thereafter on the basis of marks of qualifying examination. 2nd Counseling . HGST.techeduhry. 11. The admission to All India Category seats of B. 4. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited. BC-B. Nothing contained in this Admission Brochure should be construed to convey sanction or cited as an authority for which University regulations alone are applicable. shall be filled up by ICAR.E/B.Tech.Arch courses for the Academic Year 2013-14 only. HOGC. Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Counseling shall be done parallel to the general counseling as per AICTE guidelines. Its contents are subject to change without prior notice. same shall be filled up before final cut off date of admissions without any reservation.Tech for all the seats of Govt. 9. 12.(Agricultural Engg./B.shall be done for all categories namely AIC. 5. HOGC. SC. The private unaided institutions shall make admission against 25% of the sanctioned seats (including 15% seats for Children/ Wards of NRI’s) at their own level (refer chapter 5 & 7).08.in or www. The admissions made by private institutes at their own level are open for supervision and monitoring of Directorate of Technical Education. Further. HGST. in pursuance of the judgment dated 14.) of College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology. KM. ESM (with all priorities and FF) of all categories with 25% Horizontal Female reservation. Aided & 75% seats of Self Financing Institutes only (for details about counseling refer chapter 7) as follows : 1st Counseling .in . if any. SBC. After 2nd counseling no online counseling shall be conducted by HSTES and admission shall be made at Institute level counseling after merging the sub categories (including female) of a particular reserved category into the main reserved category. SC. 7.hstes. 14. Further. he/she shall be liable to prosecution under relevant law. (iii) withholding results. 350 of 1993 (Islamic Academy & Anr./ B. including the Indian Penal Code. they shall not be authenticated by the HSTES and shall not be registered by the affiliating Universities and they themselves shall be responsible for any such lapse. Candidates indulging in any such activity and/or canvassing may also be denied admission. person or official engages himself/herself in any act that results in the use of unfair means in this counseling. prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the State of Haryana or any officer of the State Govt. All disputes pertaining to counseling for making admissions to B. No suit. for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done for the purpose of on-line off-campus counseling. The punishment may also take the shape of (i) withholding scholarships or other benefits. 20. 19. his/her admission shall be cancelled and all fees and other dues paid by him/her shall be forfeited.). If the University authorities are not satisfied with the character. the Vice-Chancellor of the University concerned may cancel the admission of any student for a specified period. The decision of the Haryana state technical education society (HSTES) in all matters relating to the admissions shall be final. 18. indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance. The Haryana State Technical Education Society (HSTES) shall be the legal authority in whose name the State may sue or may be sued for this purpose. the number of seats available in a specific branch of an institution will be displayed as per eligibility/category. treating or handling with rudeness any other student(s). 21.Arch Courses for the session 2013-14 are subject to the jurisdiction of Panchkula only. past behavior and antecedents of a candidate. vs. State of Karnataka & Ors. Candidates seeking admission in private unaided institutions are advised to ensure that they are lawfully admitted failing which. hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in fresher or junior student(s) or asking the student(s) 12 . In order to ensure academic standards. 13. Ragging in educational institutions is banned and any one indulging in ragging is likely to be punished appropriately. (iv) suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess. as deemed fit. 15. which is found to be incorrect or false later on.Tech. 17. (ii) debarring from representation in events. suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period or fine with a public apology. or the NIC or Haryana State Technical Education Society. If the individuals committing or abetting ragging are not/cannot be identified. While displaying the status of availability of seats. against the candidate and his/her guardian in accordance with law. which may include expulsion from the institution. which has the effect of teasing. discipline and peaceful atmosphere in the University/Institute. they may refuse to admit him/her in the University/ Institute. The following will be termed as the act of ragging: any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act.E/B. All the rules and regulations for submission of migration certificate by the candidates who have passed the qualifying examinations from other Universities / Boards will be applicable as per the rules of the concerned university. collective punishment can be awarded to act as a deterrent. 16. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of the information submitted by him/her.Petition (Civil) No. The HSTES/ University/ Institute may also take further action. The nonavailability of the seats in a branch of an institution & the seats/institution for which a candidate is not eligible will not be shown to him/ her. if any candidate. and the like. which such student(s) will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student. 13 .to do any act or perform something. Note: 1./B.E/B.CHAPTER: 3 ELIGIBILITY AND BASIS OF ADMISSION A. it will be incorporated at the time of counseling. Chemistry/ Bio-Tech/ Computer Science. KU Kurukshetra of their intake in B.Tech. Bio-Technology. Inter-se merit for such candidates shall be calculated on the basis of marks of Physics. the candidates should be a pass in 10+2 examination with Physics and Mathematics or Biology as compulsory subjects along with any one of the following subjects: (a) Chemistry (b) Bio-Tech.E.Tech(Bio-Technology) course shall be filled by the candidates who have studied only Biology and thus could not take JEE-MAIN exam. Biology.e.E.E/B. New Delhi and Class 12th exam on All India Basis. If there is any change in minimum academic qualification in terms of percentage in aggregate for private institute for the session 2013-14. firstly by the candidates who have studied only Biology and thus could not take JEE-MAIN exam./ B. Basis of admission for B.Tech. institutes mentioned in Appendix-F) subject to the minimum eligibility requirement in B./B. (c) Computer Science Obtained at least 45% marks (40% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category i. 2. Biology. On the basis Inter-se-merit of combined merit of JEE Main-2013 conducted by CBSE.: Should be a pass in 10+2 examination from recognized Board/University with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the following subjects: (a) Chemistry (b) Bio-Technology (c) Computer Science (d) Biology For admission to B. Basis of admission for B. Remaining unfilled/ vacant seats of centralized counseling shall be filled by the institute.E./B.E/B.Tech (Bio-Technology): Admission during centralized counseling shall be made on the basis of the inter-se-merit of JEE-MAIN-2013.Tech and B. 14 . Minimum Academic Qualifications for B. Chemistry/ Bio-Tech/ Computer Science. Inter-se merit for such candidates shall be calculated on the basis of marks of Physics.Tech. (BioTechnology) respectively. MDU Rohtak and 50% Seats in UIET. SC category) in the above subjects taken together for B. Kashmiri Migrants are required to fill the Merit Calculation form available at Annexure-XIII.E.Tech.Tech: 40% weightage would be accorded for Class 12th exam and 60% weightage will be given for performance in JEE main exam. For Kashmiri Migrants relaxation in cut-off percentage upto 10% and for SC category upto 5% (for the Engg. 33% Seats in UIET. XII. For details about TuitionFee Waiver Scheme. Admission under AICTE Scheme of Tuition Fee Waiver is meant for economically weaker students. Kashmiri Migrants (KM). School of which the candidate is topper clearly stating the strength of class. refer Appendix-J. i.Tech Programme shall be filled on the basis of inter se merit of 10+2 (of 2013 only) out of each topper (having Minimum 2nd Div. subject to fulfilling the eligibility criteria.Tech. A(2). shall rank higher in order of merit./B.E. 50% marks in aggregate) of Govt. 15 . Kashmiri Migrants will be required to have the original certificate of Migration duly signed by the competent authority or Relief commissioner.Tech except Bio Technology): a. Haryana Govt. The candidate applying for TuitionFee Waiver Category will produce Parents Income Certificate from all sources from the organization where he and she is working or Affidavite of Income on stamp paper from Notary (Annual income of Parents/Guardians should be less than Rs. These seats shall be filled for all institutions approved by the council. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam and all relevant documents. Tie breaking criteria (i) The following under mentioned criteria will be followed to break-up the tie ( in case of KM & HGST for B. A(1)./B. will be supernumerary seats.Tech course.XIII. 4. School Topper (HGST) and Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Quota seats in B. Kashmiri Migrants seats for B.E.These seats may be filled by the respective Universities parallel to online counseling for B.in by Haryana state technical education society through NIC. School Topper (HGST).Tech courses: Minimum Academic Qualifications shall be same as mentioned in section A. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam and all relevant documents. The candidates shall produce a certificate in the support of their claim from the Principal/Headmaster of the Govt. on the basis of JEE-MAIN-2013 Rank through online counseling at www. Candidates are also required to submit Application Form available at Annexure. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam and all relevant documents. Seat reserved for HGST is within the sanctioned intake./Aided/University Department/Private Institutes offering B.merit of qualifying examination. Senior Secondary School offering Science Stream of 2013 are eligible.E. Candidates are also required to submit Merit Calculation Form available at Annexure. Haryana Govt. Tuition Fee Waiver seats for B.tehadmissions. Basis of admission: 1. Senior Secondary School offering Science Stream (Having Minimum 5 students on roll in the Science stream). will be supernumerary seats and will be filled separately on the basis of inter-se./B.e. seats in each branch in the Govt. Candidates are also required to submit Merit Calculation Form available at Annexure.E/B.E/ B.XIV. English and any one of the following (whichever is highest): Chemistry / Bio-Technology/ Computer Science / Biology. The candidates who have secured higher marks in Mathematics. The percentage shall be calculated on the basis of Marks of Maths. Physics. A(3).50 lakhs from all sources).gov.Tech. Note: Only toppers of Govt. the candidates who have secured higher marks in Chemistry/BioTech/Computer Sc. the candidates who have secured higher marks in Physics. shall rank higher in order of merit. (ii) Merit list shall be based on aggregate marks of 10+2 and NATA score in the ratio 50:50. d. the candidates who is senior in age. b.Arch: (i) 10+2 or equivalent from a recognized Board/University with Mathematics as a subject of examination with at least 50% aggregate marks. If tie still persists. If there is a tie even after that. However. the candidates who have secured higher marks in Chemistry shall rank higher in order of merit. Obtained at least 50% marks (45% in case of candidate belonging to reserved category i. all such candidates would be given the same rank. If tie still persists. Basis of admission for B. The candidates who have secured higher marks in Physics. c./ Biology (as the case may be) shall rank higher in order of merit. Minimum Academic Qualifications for B. If tie still persists. with not less than 50% marks in aggregate and with Mathematics as compulsory subject of Examination. if they all wish to take admission in same institution and there is only one seat left. all such candidates would be given the same rank. (ii) The following under mentioned criteria will be followed to break-up the tie ( in case of KM & HGST for B. the candidates who have secured higher marks in Biology/Bio-Tech (as the case may be) shall rank higher in order of merit. shall rank higher in order of merit. shall rank higher in order of merit. B. and then additional seats would be created for that year only to provide admission to the same rank holders. after 10 years of schooling. SC category) in the qualifying Examination.b. (iii) In order to pass NATA Test a candidate must obtain minimum of 40% marks. If tie still persists. If tie still persists.E/B. d. Or Candidates with 10+3 Diploma (any stream) recognized by central/ State Governments with 50% in aggregate.Tech in Bio-technology: a.e. c. shall rank higher in order of merit. if they all wish to take admission in same institution and there is only one seat left.Arch: 16 . If there is a tie even after that. Or International Baccalaureate Diploma. and then additional seats would be created for that year only to provide admission to the same rank holders. e. If tie still persists. However. the candidates who is senior in age. e.Tech. whatsoever. qualification and percentage of qualifying examination shall be proved by the candidate not at the time of seat allotment but at the time of reporting by the candidate at the institute for that particular counseling.in before submitting the Form. Tie breaking criteria for B.Arch. Kashmiri Migrants will be required to have the original certificate of Migration duly signed by the competent authority or Relief commissioner.Arch course.hstes.Admission shall be made on the basis of valid NATA score and marks secured in the qualifying examination in the ratio of 50:50.E / B.500*/. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam and all relevant documents. Candidates are also required to submit Merit Calculation Form available at Annexure.e. A separate Roll No. can also compete for counseling for B. The candidate may seek admission at his/her own risk and cost and if he/she is found in-eligible.(non-refundable) for each option through www. candidate getting higher marks in English shall rank higher in order of merit. 4. who are appearing in the qualifying examination this year and are expecting to pass the same. senior in age will rank higher in order of merit. his/her entire dues shall be forfeited and his/her admission shall be cancelled for which he/she shall have no claim. Rs. B(1) Kashmiri Migrants Quota seats in B. Candidate if any simultaneously applying for more than one option i. Mere possession of the prescribed academic qualifications does not entitle a candidate for admission to B. 3. the following under mentioned criteria will be followed to break- up the tie: 1) Candidate getting higher marks in Mathematics shall rank higher in order of merit. After the display of merit list. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam. 3) If tie still persists. will be supernumerary seats and seats will be filled on the basis of valid NATA score and marks secured in the qualifying examination in the ratio of 50:50.Tech/ B.t.Tech w.hstes. Haryana Govt. Kashmiri Migrants seats for B. 2. JEE-MAIN-2013.org or www.E / B. NATA score and marks secured in the qualifying examination in the ratio of 50:50.E / B. Fulfilling of eligibility for B. Candidates are also required to submit Application Form available at Annexure. whatsoever. candidate has to participate in Online Off17 .XV.Arch: In case two candidates secure the same marks i. 2) If tie still persists. Note: 1.e. A candidate may not be eligible on the 1st day of counseling but may be eligible on subsequent days of counseling due to the reasons.XV.r. Kashmiri Migrants (KM ) Quota and Tuition Fee Waiver Category quota are required to apply separately and deposit separate counseling fee i. Candidates. will be issued through this site and for that category the counseling will be done by that ROLLNO only.School Toppers (HGST). Basis of admission: 1.Arch courses: Minimum Academic Qualifications shall be same as mentioned in section B. NATA score Card and all relevant documents. Candidates would be required to fulfill other conditions as spelt out in the Admission Brochure. separately for each category.in .campus counseling by NIC through www. 18 .tehadmissions.gov. branch-wise intake for the session 2013-14 is available at Appendix-G. 6. One seat in each branch in all Universities / Institutes is reserved for Kashmiri Migrants for admission in 1st semester in B. 5. These seats are supernumary in nature and shall be filled through online counseling. for admission in 1st semester in B. The Institutes opting for Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) scheme are permitted to fill the seats upto 5% of the total sanctioned intake per course in the institutions approved by council. Seat reserved for HGST is within the sanctioned intake. 3.Tech. New institutions/disciplines and the variation of intake in the existing institutions shall be considered for admission for the year 2013-14.  The candidate applying for Tuition Fee Waiver Category will produce the relevant Income Certificate of the parents from all sources from the organization where parents are working or Affidavit of Income on stamp paper from Notary (Annual income of Parents/Guardians should be less than Rs.Tech. 4.E/B. 4. The admission to All India Category seats of B. 19 . as per guidelines of AICTE for the session 2013-14.CHAPTER: 4 INFORMATION REGARDING INTAKE FOR THE SESSION 2013-14 Institute-wise. if the approval from the competent authority such as AICTE/ Affiliating University/DTE is received before the start of counseling.50 lakhs from all sources). CCSHAU. shall be filled up by ICAR. Hisar. Institutions/ disciplines/ intake are subject to change by the competent authority. High Schools of Haryana (having minimum 5 students on roll in the Science stream). School Topper (HGST): One seat is reserved in each course/discipline in every institute for admission of toppers of science stream (having minimum 2nd division) of Govt. 1.) of College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology.Tech. For Haryana Govt. (Agricultural Engg. These seats are supernumerary seats. 2.E/B. / Govt Aided/University Departments: The reservation policy notified by the State Government Haryana is applicable to the AICTE approved Technical Institutions. it may be offered to the Exserviceman and their wards (1%) and the dependents of Freedom Fighter (1%). the reservation of seats in Govt.5% of total intake 20% of State Quota (17% of total intake) 16% of State Quota (13. For private unaided non.CHAPTER: 5 DISTRIBUTION OF SEATS For Govt. In view of Reservation Policy issued by Govt. 59. of Haryana vide notification no. B Block of category of Backward Classes will be given seats in the next academic year i.  Haryana Govt.2013. aided/institutes located in Haryana.35% of total intake) 10% of State Quota (8.6% of total intake) 11% of State Quota (9.55% of total intake) SC BCA BCB SBC EBP PH ESM and their wards/ Dependents of Freedom Fighters and / Freedom Fighter (ESM /DFF/ (FF) 3% Horizontal (1% each out of Haryana Open General Category. For example. Senior Secondary School Topper ( HGST):.One seat in each branch discipline in every institute is reserved for toppers of 10+2 (Science stream of year 2013 having minimum 2nd division).e.e. / Govt-Aided Institutions are as under (subject to change by State Government):Category [a] All India Category Seats [b] State Quota [b-1]Haryana Open General Category (General) [b-2] Reserved Categories of Haryana Scheduled Castes Backward Classes of Haryana (A) Backward Classes of Haryana (B) Special Backward Classes Economically Backward Person in the General Castes Category Physically Handicapped Code AIO HOGC Percentage 15% of the sanctioned intake 85% of the sanctioned intake 30% of State Quota i.e. year-wise rotational system will be adopted.5% of total intake) 3%* of State Quota (2.5% of total intake) 10% of State Quota (8.22/10/20131GSIII dated 28.minority institutions:- (ii) The sanctioned intake in a private institute shall be distributed as under:i) 25% of sanctioned intake shall be filled by the institutions. Further 3% horizontal reservation is also provided to Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighters and their dependents by providing reservation within reservation of 1% of general category. 1% out of Scheduled Castes and 1% from Backward Classes category for admission to the various educational institutions of the Govt.  25% horizontal reservation in all above categories shall be provided for girl students. As far as block allocation in Block-A and Block-B of Backward Classes category is concerned. ii) 75% of sanctioned intake shall be filled through HSTES The private institutes have voluntarily opted that admissions of 75% of sanctioned intake 20 .02. the next block i.e. SC & BC) * In the event of quota reserved for physically handicapped remain unutilized due to nonavailability for suitable category of handicapped candidates.5% of total intake 70% of State Quota i. 25. 2007 and so on. if Block A of Backward Classes are given seats in the academic year 2006. and Govt. The figures calculated in the above table are tentative only and may vary depending upon the actual sanctioned intake and no. 8 seats (2 seats in each branch) are reserved in JMIT Radaur for the residents of Chhotabans. These seats shall be filled by the respective institutes on merit by giving due publicity at their own level before 2nd phase of counseling. 1382 of 2003 & 10 (Ten) seats in CDLM Engg.06. 10 (Ten) seats are reserved for the bonafide residents of Murthal in DCR University of Science & Technology. 5. 25% horizontal reservation in all above categories shall be provided for girl students. All admissions shall be made firstly on the merit of JEE(Main) and vacant seats if any. Dhauj. Murthal (Sonepat). 3.in their institutes shall be done by HSTES from Haryana resident and All India open (AIO) category candidates. Minority Quota .5% (half for Haryana Open General and half for reserved categories of Haryana in the ratio as specified above).) Note: 1. at the intervention of National Commission for Minority.5% of sanctioned intake fixed by the State Govt. Faridabad and Brown Hills College of Engg. College. shall be filled on the merit of qualifying exam by the Director-Principal at their own level in transparent manner by giving due publicity. 2. if any. (However. Change. shall be applicable at the time of counseling. & Mgmt. Sirsa for residents of Village Panniwala Mota. Only the candidates having the permanent disability of not less than 40% (being otherwise fit for admission to the course) will be considered for admission as Physically 21 . & Tech. 4. iii. Balance. For private unaided Minority institutions – All India category including NRI seats not exceeding upto 15% (at the discretion of the management as above). (iii) i. 8 seats (2 seats in each branch) are reserved in Matu Ram Institute of Engg. Haryana Residents are also entitled for admission against All India Category seats. Rohtak for the residents of Bohar/ Garhi and migrated residents of these villages to Kutana/ Majra. Panniwala Mota.42.2004. ii. shall be filled on the merit of qualifying exam by the Director-Principal at their own level in transparent manner by giving due publicity. dated 25. Al-Falah School of Engg. 20/5/2004-4TE. Faridabad allowed to fill all seats at their level. All admissions shall be made firstly on the merit of JEE(Main) and vacant seats if any. 6.. of courses in a particular institute.42. vide notification No. So these will be filled strictly in accordance with the relevant decision of Hon’ble Punjab and Haryana High Court Civil Writ Petition No. the certificate shall be subject to verification by a Medical Board constituted by the affiliating university for the purpose. The decision of the Board shall be final. these shall be filled up from Backward Class ‘B’ & similarly other sub-category within reserve category of Haryana shall be inter converted.5 seats provided the number of sanctioned intake in the particular course is 30 or above. The reserved seat(s) of SC. shall be filled in accordance with relevant decision(s) of Hon’ble Court(s).5 shall be ignored. except that in Physically Handicapped. 0. Children & Grand-children of Freedom Fighters of Haryana are required to submit a certificate from the Deputy Commissioner of the concerned District as per Annexure-VIII at the time of counseling. The seats reserved for ESM category shall be offered in order of following priorities : a) b) c) d) Wards of Ex-servicemen died in action while in active service. Ex-serviceman himself. 12.Handicapped. 9.5 or above will be taken as one and less than 0. even if the share is less than 0. 11. The parents of BC candidates (Block A & B) for benefit of reservation for their ward shall also have to furnish an affidavit to the effect that they are not covered under the criteria of creamy layer.Candidates claiming reservation under Scheduled Caste will submit the certificate as per Annexure-IV and Backward Class (Block ‘A’ & ‘B’) will submit the Certificate on the prescribed Proforma as per Annexure-V. If the number of seats in any particular category is not a round figure. 10. 8. Disability certificate must be issued from Chief Medical Officer of the concerned District. Children & Grand-children of Freedom Fighters and Ex-Servicemen and their Wards Categories. The said affidavit shall be furnished by both father and mother of the candidate. the reserved seat(s) of Backward Class ‘A’ remains vacant. 7. Wards of Paramilitary Forces. at least one candidate will be admitted from all the three categories in total. whichever is applicable. Merging of sub-categories in the reserved categories and removal of ESM priorities of Haryana shall be made before 2nd counseling.The SBC and EBP category candidates are required to submit an affidavit for belonging to the category. Physically Handicapped candidates belonging to Haryana are required to submit the handicap certificate as per Annexure-VII at the time of Joining/Reporting. 22 . However. the candidates claiming reservation for these categories of Haryana are required to submit the certificate as per Annexure-IX in case of deceased/disabled and AnnexureX in case of discharged or serving personnel. at the time of counselling. as per Annexure-VI at the time of counseling. Wards of Ex-servicemen. If. So. 5 or more is to be ignored. not exceeding 15%. (iv) NRI Quota Seats: In compliance of the judgment dated 12. from foreign countries shall produce the equivalency certificate from the association of Indian University. The category of allotted seat may be higher than the actual category of the candidate.K. within the quota. State Fee Committee in the following format : 23 . Secondly. For that. (c) List of Institutions offering NRI seats & their fee structure shall be made available in due course of time.2005 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in PA Inamdar case. then he/she will be considered for reserved category as applicable. failing which. who applies for reserved category will be considered first in general category. should be utilized for benefiting students such as from economically weaker sections of the society. whenever. if any. Anyhow.8. comes to the notice of the competent authority.13. In case.e. Note : i) ii) iii) iv) v) Students in their own interest. the candidates passing qualifying exam. the educational institutions may admit on subsidized payment of their fee. Eligibility for such seats shall remain the same as mentioned in Chapter-3. if they fulfill the eligibility and other conditions prescribed in Hon’ble Supreme Court decision in PA Inamdar case. are advised to seek admission against NRI seats only. Nehru (Retd. he/she does not get a seat of his/her choice in general category. a limited reservation of NRI Seats. on well defined criteria. Haryana state technical education society and Chairman. it will be for the committees constituted pursuant to Islamic Academy’s direction i.) to regulate till suitable legislation or regulations are framed by the State. Overall total number of reserved seats shall not exceed the overall Quota. in whatever form collected from such NRIs. Applications shall be invited by the concerned institute for NRI Quota seats at their own level and the merit list of such candidates admitted by the Institute shall be displayed on the institute’s website by the institute before final cut-off date of all admissions with copy to affiliating University. shall be strictly done by the concerned institute at their own level as per the counseling schedule mentioned in key dates and strictly as per guidelines of Hon’ble Supreme Court Decision in PA Inamdar case. the merit should not be given a complete go-by. it is most likely that their admission may be cancelled at any later stage. it is made clear that no institute shall charge more or less fee than determined by the State Fee Committee. (a) The amount of money. Justice R. may be made available to NRIs depending on the discretion of the Management subject to two conditions: 1. under the Chairmanship of Hon’ble Mr. The fee shall be charged. whom. even a fraction of 0. A candidate. 2. as devised by the concerned institute and determined by State Fee Committee. Such seats should be utilized Bonafide by the NRIs only and for their children or wards. Counseling for NRI seats. However. 14. Such seats shall be filled on the basis of inter se merit of qualifying exam. (b) To prevent misutilization of such quota or any malpractice referable to NRI quota seats. in before final cut-off date of all admissions mentioned in “Key Dates”. No. passed %age of aggregate marks Name & complete address of NRI of which candidate is children or ward Amount of fee charged & Name of Currency Branch Allotted Remarks. Name of Candidate with complete address Father’s Name Mother’s Name Name of Board/ Univ.nic. from which qualifying exam.intrascbh.Sr. 24 . if any vi) The institutes must update their NRI admissions online on the website www. Student Fund. 9000/.in before filling the choices of branch and institutes during online counseling as there may be pending requests with State Fee Committee from some institutes for fee revision. gym and sports/necessary furniture & furnishings. Cost of A. one tie. Vs. Development Fund.Actual basis. computer.as per actual. vi) Insurance: .which shall include one Blazer. The Supreme Court guidelines stipulate that fee structure should be such that it is viable for the Colleges to function as per norms laid down by AICTE. The fee structure of various self financing technical institutions is available at AppendixH and on the website www.in. However. However not beyond Govt. Laundry and Canteen etc shall be on actual basis and optional. internet (Wi-Fi). the State Government had constituted State Fee Committee to fix fee structure of private unaided minority/non minority institutions for various types of technical courses.nic.CHAPTER 6 INFORMATION REGARDING FEE In pursuance of the judgement dated August 14. Candidates are advised to see the changes. Subsequent requirement optional and chargeable. 3000/. Vii) Uniform:. State of Karnataka and Ors.Rs.Chargeable only once (in final year) and should not be more than Rs. Caution Money i) Hostel & Mess charges: Rs. viii) Additional charges for items like generator. 45000/. may be taken only if these facilities are provided. 500*/-. v) Placement Brochure:.+ upto 50%. two socks. reading room. water & electricity. if any. etc.350 of 1993 (Islamic Academy and Anr.C. in the fee structure of institutes on the website www. two trousers. fare per km. ii) Transport: . work station. Book Bank (minimum 3 books) EDP.techeduhry. room would be separate which could be on an average Rs. boarding. iv) Prospectus:.Only once in the course and should not be more than Rs. it 25 .). etc. two shirts.techeduhry. Guidelines issued by State Fee Committee regarding charging of different amounts under various heads other than Tuition Fee. 2003 of Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in writ petition (Civil) No. but there should be no profiteering.per student which shall include lodging.to 10000/.nic. iii) University/Board and Examination fee:. However there can be a variation of 10% depending upon locale and specific demands.It has to be as per actuals. 500*/-.extra. should not be more than 5% of the sum total of the tuition fee + development fund and proportionately less as decided by State Fee Committee. 26 . Every institute is required to fix all the charges accordingly and reflect in their prospectus & on their website and must necessarily submit a copy of prospectus and placement brochure to State Fee Committee. in from any internet point preferably from any of the technical institutions in the states. Name. 5. In the event of seats remaining vacant/unfilled .hstes. candidate will visit the web site http://www.in. 9. EBP and merging all (ESM priorities in ESM) with 25% Horizontal Female reservation. Roll number. view general information about institutions profile. latest schedules of counseling etc. KM. registration.hstes.CHAPTER 7 IMPORTANT PROCEDURE FOR SESSION 2013-14 7. For any correction/ verification.in under the link “Information Brochures”.After 2nd counseling no online counseling shall be conducted by HSTES and admission shall be made at Institute level counseling after merging the sub categories (including female) of a particular reserved category into the main reserved category.500*/-. On this website. 6. For depositing of counselling fees of Rs.). you will get registration page for registering yourself as follows: 27 . if any.in and click on “Payment Registration”/ generate your Roll no. cut off ranks. To start counseling click on “New Registration” option and submit your details of Course. downloading of seat allotment letters etc. else your allotted seat can be CANCELLED at any stage and candidate would not have any claim on such allotted seat. http://techeduhry. HGOC.nic. If all information is entered correctly. Softcopy is available on the websites www. SC.hstes. 8. please check the details once again. same shall be filled up before final cut off date of admissions without any reservation. 2. submission of choices. you may contact HSTES on toll free number.1 PROCEDURAL STEPS FOR PARTICIPATING IN ONLINE OFF CAMPUS COUNSELING: 1.) 4. 2nd shall be done for all categories namely AIC. as they may mislead or misguide you).org or www. For participation in online counseling (ID Verification. This procedure is applicable for the candidates who want to take admissions through online counseling. and deposit the counseling fees by generating E-slip for cash payment at any computerized branches of Axis or PNB banks.tehadmissions. Date of birth (as per JEE-MAIN/ NATA admit card OR details provided by HSTES). application number. If any of the details are incorrect. BC (by merging BCA & BCB in BC). HGST. Candidates should go through information brochure for gathering information in details about counseling schedules and procedures.gov. 3.hstes. visit website www. (Avoid going to Cybercafes. 1st counseling is for all categories.org or www. 7. (Remember you have paid your counseling fee before proceeding for online counseling. SBC. firstly on the basis of entrance exam merit and only thereafter on the basis of marks of qualifying examination. After this. candidate will be redirected to “Registration Confirmation” page where all entered registration details are displayed for confirmation once again. Please check all the details once again. 11. After this. Candidate will go to fill his/her choices by clicking on Fill/Modify choice and fill his/her Choices priority wise by clicking on add choice button (+) in left frame. 10. 17. 16.Tech) ix) Name of School/ College from where eligible educational qualification attained x) Type of School/College xi) Location of School/College xii) Parental Annual Income (Exact income from all sources) xiii) Password and Re enter Password xiv) Security Questions xv) Security Answers xvi) Contact Address xvii) City/Town xviii) Home District xix) Pin Code xx) Telephone number xxi) Mobile number xxii) Email address etc. In exceptional case. Candidate will login the website http://www. 14. before submission. that can be corrected by using the option “edit registration details” otherwise “Click here to continue”. choice etc. To increase the probability of getting a seat. In the event of losing or forgetting of password. software will not allow you to submit. candidate will be solely responsible for the change of registration details. Registration confirmation is necessary for choice filling. You can generate a User ID and Password You are advised to keep records of this password secretly for their own use only and not to disclose this to others. In the event of sharing of password. 15. 28 . Once you proceed from the above step. the same can be retrieved by the candidate on replying the queries by the system on the counseling website. If you found any detail incorrect.tehadmissions. so click on “Registration Confirmation” page when all your particulars are correct. chemistry and maths (in case of B. if all the registration details shown are correct. you may have to visit/contact HSTES only. your registration details can’t be changed or edited. Candidate can also see his eligible choices and can take the print out of his/her eligible Choices.i) Gender ii) Eligible for Haryana domicile iii) Category iv) Sub Category v) Physical handicapped vi) Education qualification vii) % age marks in aggregate of all viii) % age marks in aggregate of physics. 12. 14.E.gov. 13. Candidate should save the filled choices also. Candidate will confirm his/her registration details and move to fill his/ her eligible choice./ B.in with his chosen User ID/ Password. In case your entered details are wrong. candidates are advised to fill maximum eligible choices. Candidate should take print out of this Provisional Seat Allotment letter.tehadmissions. After the declaration of result. sort his/ her choices in specified time period which is available on key date’s link (choice locking starts. my earlier admission/ allotment. On obtaining the Provisional Admission Slip from institute. then institute will give system generated deficiency letter to the candidate. After filling the choices. Candidate will deposit one semester fees in the allotted institute at the time of reporting in the institution. & Password and click on Provisional Seat Allotment result. Seat Allotment Result publishing date is available on Key date’s section on the website. After this. 30.in and click on the undertaking that I understand and accept that. if any. the system will generate two copies of admission slip one for candidate and other for the institution record. 19. Candidate is advised to opt for the choice (s) which is better than the seat reserved in previous counseling. Candidate has to wait for result of desired course. 29 .gov. If candidate wants to change his/ her registration details. candidate filled up choices. Branch allotted to a candidate. By changing registration details. For that the candidate will login on web site www. Allotment Status and reporting duration is mentioned. will be cancelled automatically. a candidate should participate in subsequent counseling. 27. 24. 26. Candidate can unlock his/ her choices and can edit. Locking choices means Candidate finally filled his/ her choice. choice locking ends) on the website.tehadmissions. If candidate has been allotted a seat then a page showing provisional seat allotment letter appears which shows Institute. For up gradation of the allotted seat. 28. 29. then candidate has to approach HSTES for modification in his/ her registration details. by participating in this counseling. Institute will first check candidate’s provisional seat allotment letter and verify all candidate’s document online. On obtaining the deficiency letter. Candidate will deposit the one semester fees in the institute allotted to him/her and in this way candidate can reserve a seat. Candidates have to check the undertaking and click on Accept Participation and Proceed to participate in further counseling. candidate will again submit the correct document to the reporting institute between reporting dates for that particular counseling and institute will again check candidate’s document and if institute found the documents correct then admission slip shall be given to the candidate. If all the documents shown by the candidates are found correct. and should personally visit the institute allotted to him/ her between specified reporting dates for taking admission.in by entering his/ her Roll No. would be deleted and eligible choices of candidate may be affected. For online verification of documents password of candidate as well as of institution is must. If some of the documents of candidate are not available/ correct. 21. in case I get new allotment to participate in next counseling. 23. Candidates who are willing to take admission in the allotted institution should carry along with them one semester fees plus all the documents along with them including counseling fee deposit receipt. 25. along with relevant certificates. if any. 22.18. 31. Candidate will lock his/ her choices. 20. Candidate should lock his/ her filled choice for seat allotment result.gov. candidate will log in the counselling website www. org 30 . After withdrawal. School Toppers for B.  In case a candidate upgrades to a new discipline in the same institution. These candidates can fill up the Merit Calculation Form available at annexure-XII ( for Haryana Govt. will stand cancelled automatically. if any.) They should also bring the original marksheet along with them during submission for verification by the HSTES officials. For all subsequent counseling’s. the allotted seat will also be cancelled. the candidate must report at the allotted institute and in case of non reporting by the candidate. School of which the candidate is topper clearly stating the strength of class etc. whereas in case of Haryana Government School Topper./ B.500*/. School Toppers) and annexure-XIII ( for Kashmiri Migrants) and submit the Form along with attested copy of marksheet of qualifying exam and other relevant documents at HSTES office (Kashmiri Migrants will be required to have the original certificate of Migration duly signed by the competent authority or Relief commissioner.2 Counseling for Kashmiri Migrants and Haryana Govt. the candidates will produce a certificate.hstes.  Once the seat in subsequent counseling is allotted.  In case a candidate gets a new seat in subsequent counselling. After allotment of seat in subsequent counseling. 7.E. Previously allotted seat will not be given to candidate by any means after allotment of seat in the subsequent counseling even if it remains vacant.(non-refundable) through www.32. the earlier allotment/ admission. step 14 to 31 will repeat. the candidate should submit a request in the concerned institution well before cut of date of admissions.Tech course shall be done online by NIC. one semester fees shall required to be deposited in the new institute also along with document verification and should submit fee withdrawal request in the previous institution  The candidates who did not get seat in previous counseling or who are not satisfied with the allotted seat may try in subsequent counseling for getting a seat or up gradation as per the case respectively. the previous allotted seat will automatically be cancelled. in the support of their claim from the Principal/Headmaster of the Govt. the seat shall be cancelled and shall be allotted to next eligible candidate. They are required to pay counseling fee of Rs. he/ she should report again in the allotted institution but need not to deposit one semester fees again. (Previously allotted seat got cancelled due to new allotment of seat in subsequent counseling and newly allotted seat got canceled due to non reporting) and that seat will be automatically offered to candidates in the next subsequent counseling.  If a candidate upgrades to a new institute. Things to Remember  For withdrawal of one semester admission Fee. as per annexure-XII. All institutions shall fill left over/ unfilled seats of online counseling at their own level in a just and transparent manner for which they shall invite the applications.org or www. The procedure shall be displayed by the Institute concerned on its website.Tech).XIV (in case of B. 4. For details about Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme.F.50 lakhs from all sources).3 Counseling procedure for admission to 5% seats of Tuition Fee Waiver (T. The candidate applying for TuitionFee Waiver Category must produce Parents Income Certificate from all sources from the organization where he and she is working or Affidavite of Income on stamp paper from Notary (Annual income of Parents/Guardians should be less than Rs. prepare and display the merit list. Annexure. The procedure shall be displayed by the Institute concerned on its website.) in B. duly attested alongwith attested copies of qualifying exam and all relevant documents. Private institutions shall fill 25% seats (including 15% seats for children/wards of NRIs) at their own level in a just and transparent manner for which they shall invite the applications.in 7./ B.500*/.and after the display of merit list for the eligible candidates. 4.gov.Tech course: Counseling for Tuition Fee Waiver Scheme seats shall be done online by NIC for all institutions approved by the council. TFW & HGST)”.XV (in case of B.gov. 2. 3. 7.in (in case of any change in Key Dates for KM.Arch). refer Appendix-I. Candidates are also required to submit Application form/ Merit Calculation Form available at Annexure.They are required to pay counseling fee of Rs. 31 .hstes.gov.E. prepare and display the merit list. All the institutions shall make these admissions before final cut off date of admissions.tehadmissions.hstes.in and after the display of merit list for the eligible candidates they are required to participate in counseling by NIC through www.(nonrefundable) through www.tehadmissions. The minimum eligibility condition for these seats shall remain the same as that for 75% seats to be filled by the Haryana state technical education society.in Note: Candidates may refer leading news papers for advertisement or counseling website www. they are required to participate in counseling by NIC through www.tehadmissions.W.4 Counseling procedure for 25% seats (including15% seats if any for children/ wards of NRIs) to be filled by the private institutions and left over/ unfilled seats of online counseling to be filled by all concerned institutes at their own level 1. 6.nic. seats remaining vacant. The wrong admissions.Arch. shall not be permitted. if any.in by the institutes by last cut off date of admissions. In case of B. whatsoever. the vacant seats may be filled up before final cut off date of admissions on the basis of NATA merit only i. The final list of admitted candidates (including the institute level admissions) should be updated online on http://intrascbh./ B. if any. 32 . so that the same may be forwarded online to the concerned Universities.e.E. 7. positively. valid NATA score and marks secured in the qualifying examination in the ratio of 50:50.5. the vacant seats may be filled up before final cut off date of admissions firstly on the basis of JEE-MAIN merit and only thereafter on the basis of marks of qualifying examination. In any case all kind of admissions shall be done before the final cut off date admissions (as mentioned in key dates) and the fee fixed by the State Fee Committee shall be charged as per the laid down procedure. In the event of seats remaining vacant in B. In any case higher fee shall not be charged.Tech course. 5. 4. 3. The candidate who has been allotted a seat in any institute during a particular counseling.nic. has to report for that seat during reporting period for that particular counseling at the allotted institute otherwise that seat will be cancelled automatically. The candidate shall print the provisional allotment letter from website www.SBC &EBP candidates). Such type of candidates can go for subsequent counselings by selecting again the choices priority wise & after the result of subsequent counselings he/she may report in allotted institute during the reporting period as per Key Dates.in and deposit the semester fees at allotted institute and shall report at the allotted institute as mentioned in the key dates (Refer to Provisional Allotment Letter for allotted Institute). Any candidate.in for each selected candidate in the presence of the candidate and candidate shall assure to collect the “Provisional Admission Slip” from institute during reporting.2 LIST OF DOCUMENTS TO BE BROUGHT AT THE TIME OF REPORTING IN THE INSTITUTE: The candidates.tehadmissions. will forfeit his/her claim to admission. 33 . Institutes would REPORT ONLINE on http://intraschb.CHAPTER-8 REPORTING OF THE CANDIDATE 8.1 REPORTING OF THE SELECTED CANDIDATE IN THE ALLOTTED INSTITUTE: 1. Selected candidates are required to report during reporting period for that particular counseling at the allotted institutes for which they have been selected. 8.gov. The candidates who have reported at the allotted institute will get a system generated Provisional Admission Slip from the allotted institute after completing the admission formalities. with the allotment letter generated from the web site along with all requisite documents/ certificates/ testimonials / proof of annual parental income from all sources (in case TFW quota candidates & BC. who fails to produce any of the required Certificate / Document / Testimonial at the time of reporting the institution. at the time of reporting must bring the following Original Certificates/Documents/Testimonials alongwith three sets of duly attested photocopies of these with them. 2. Residents Certificate as per Annexure-II. if applicable. xi. if applicable. JEE(Main) – 2013 rank card / NATA Score Card iv. xiv.Annexure-X. Certificate in respect of Physically Handicapped Candidates as per AnnexureVII. Certificate from wards of Deceased/Disabled/Discharged Military/ParaMilitarypersonnel/Ex-Servicemen or Ex-Personnel of Para-Military Forces – Annexure-IX. v. xiii. of Haryana. if applicable: Candidates. Admit Card of JEE(Main)-2013. 34 . 10+2/Intermediate/Senior Secondary School Examination. members of All India Services borne on Haryana Cadre. viii. who have passed the qualifying examination as private candidates should submit their Character Certificate. Employees of Statutory Bodies/Corporations as per Annexure-III. from School/College as regular students are required to submit the Character Certificate as per Annexure-I. vii. duly signed by a First Class Magistrate. Certificate from the Employer in the case of Employees of Govt. Note: (i) All Originals and 3 sets of attested photo-copies of all applicable documents/testimonials/certificates must be brought at the time of reporting. Certificate required to be furnished by the Children & Grand-children of Freedom Fighters as per Annexure-VIII. Matriculation/ High School Certificate.EBP candidates). Proof of annual parental income from all sources (in case of TFW quota candidates & BC.SBC. who have passed their qualifying examination from a Board/Recognized School located in the State of Haryana will be deemed to be Haryana residents and will not be required to submit certificates of bonafide residents of Haryana.i. (b) Private Candidates : Candidates. (ii) The original certificates shall be returned back after verification by the institute. Character Certificate: (a) Regular Candidates: The candidates who passed their qualifying exam. Scheduled Caste Certificate as per Annexure-IV.e. if applicable. x. Certificate from wards of ex-employee of Indian Defence Services/ ParaMilitary Forces. vi. Backward Class Certificate as per Annexure-V. ii. Qualifying Examination i. if applicable.Annexure-XI. ix. Certificate of Medical Fitness. iii. xv. xii. if applicable and affidavit as per Annexure-VI. For details about Tuition Fee Waiver (TFW) Scheme.  The candidates found eligible for admission. Institute are required to update the admissions online on http://intrascbh. in the support of their claim from the Principal/Headmaster of the Govt.in strictly as per Key dates so that the subsequent counseling may be conducted as per schedule.  Online Reporting of each selected candidate in presence of the candidate shall be done by allotted institute by simply selecting/ tick marking the checklist online for checking all the parameters of the check list.   After successful admission of the candidate. (vi)The candidates in TuitionFee Waiver Category must produce Parents Income Certificate from all sources from the organization where he and she is working or Affidavite of Income on stamp paper from Notary (Annual income of Parents/Guardians should be less than Rs.  All admissions by institutes including institute level admissions are to be updated/ reported online. (iv) In case of Kashmiri Migrants. Online reporting should be done as and when candidate reports at institute and not on the last date of admission.nic. candidates shall produce a certificate. 8. shall entail automatic cancellation of admission. failing which they will be fined heavily. the institute must give system generated admission slip to candidate. if found to be false. as per annexure-XII. refer Appendix-J. if not reported online as per Key dates/schedule.50 lakhs from all sources).(iii)The 3 sets of attested copies of certificates/documents/testimonials will be verified & signed by the Director-Principal or his authorized representative & will be retained for registration purposes with the HSTES and subsequently in the University. 35 . will be required to complete other admission formalities as per norms. 4. supporting certificates and original certificate of migration duly signed by the competent authority or Relief Commissioner alongwith the duly filled in application form available at Annexure-XIII. No permission of any kind would be provided for admitting students. The online reported candidates for centralized as well as institute level admissions would only be forwarded online to the respective universities. Any entry or information filled/ made by the candidate. School of which the candidate is topper clearly stating the strength of class. as and when they report/admit the candidates. (v) In case of HGST. Three set of copies of certificates etc duly attested by a Gazetted officer/ institution last attended shall be submitted by the candidate at the allotted institute.3 POST COUNSELING INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE INSTITUTES:  Verification of the credentials of the candidate will be done by the respective institutes at the time of reporting for admission. by comparing with the original certificates against which candidate has been allotted seat.   While updating institute level admissions online. The counseling would not be delayed because of them and no seats of institute would be filled after that. entry shall be made with JEE(Main)/ NATA Roll No. they should use the facility of nearby institutes or other internet points or cyber café for Reporting. No excuse from institutes regarding non-updation of admissions because of internet not working.  No excess admission shall be made by any institute. 36 . etc would be entertained in any case. for the candidates who have taken JEE(Main)/ NATA test. If institute’s internet facility does not work. The ultimate responsibility of refund the fee lies with the institute. AICTE/DPG/06(02)/2009) Aggrieved parents/students are advised to contact/communicate in this regard to: The Regional Officer.(Rupees on thousand only. 37 . candidate has to give the refund application to the concerned institute well within time and get a receipt of the same from them. In case. The entire fee collected from the student. The request of only that student will be forward to concern institute who get the admission through Centralize Counseling and apply upto above mentioned date (Which is the last date of admissions). AICTE/DPG/06(02)/2009. AICTE shall on its own or on receipt of specific complaints from those affected shall take all such steps as may be necessary to enforce these directions. Haryana State Technical Education Society. No.org or www.hstes.in before final cut-off date of admissions (Which is the last date of admissions). 500*/. Any violation of instructions issue by the AICTE. No.CHAPTER-9 REFUND OF SEMESTER FEE DEPOSITED BY CANDIDATES IN THE ALLOTTED INSTITUTE The counseling fee of Rs. 1310. 7 – 12. Institute doesn’t provide the same. Sector 42-B. the wait listed candidates should be given admission against the vacant seat. wherever applicable. For refund of semester/admission fee deposited in the institute. the Refund Intimation can also be given on our website www.Bays No. 1000/.2660179) under intimation to Joint Director. AICTE-NWRO. Sector -4. In case the institute does not refund the candidate fee the candidate can complain to the University and AICTE for further action. No. shall be refunded and returned by the Institution to the student/candidate withdrawing from the programme.deposited in HSTES is non-refundable. Refund of semester/admission fee collected by the institutes to the Candidate As per AICTE public notice Advt. shall call for punitive action including withdrawal of approval and reorganization of erring institutions. It would not be permissible for Institutions to retain the School Institution Leaving Certificates in original. 0172. the Institution must return the fee collected with proportionate deductions of monthly fee and proportionate hostel rent. (Refund direction/ Policy are issued by the AICTE as per public notice Advt.2613326 & 2661201 (Fax No.Tekniki Shiksha Sadan. Chandigarh-160 036 (Ph.hstes. Should a student leave after joining the course and if the seat consequently falling vacant has been filled by another candidate by the last date of admission. in the event of student/candidate withdrawing before the starting of the courses. 0172. after a deduction of the processing fee of not more than Rs. Haryana. Panchkula. Panchkula. Plot No. Benefits for S. Library. 2.00 Lacs Rs. Medical Examination and such other fees compulsory payable by the student to the institution or University/ Board.50 lakhs Annual income of parents from all sources Rs.0 Lacs */2.techeduhry.40 Lacs (The income ceiling is likely to be revised) Sons and daughters of parents whose annual income is less than Rs. Magazine. The benefits includes enrollments/ registration. In this scheme only the tuition fee is 38 .C. 2.4. 2.CHAPTER-10 SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES Various Financial Supports and Motivational Schemes S. Name of the scheme Post Matric Scholarship of Govt.4. of India (GOI) for SC students SCSP Scheme of Haryana Govt.00 lacs and does not exceed Rs.40 lacs per annum (latest scheme available on the website). In the scheme of Technical Education Department benefit is available to SC students admitted through central counseling only and whose parents / guardians income from all sources is more than Rs. For grant of Scholarship under Centrally Sponsored Schemes of GOI such as Post Matric Scholarship scheme for Scheduled Caste.50 lakhs per annum w. Union. 11017/01/2008-SCD-V dated 29. be excluded. 2. 2 lakhs to 2.in). candidates At present there are two schemes for SC welfare schemes namely Post Matric Scholarship of GOI.e. For SC students whose parents/ guardian income is less than 2. 2. For students admitted under this scheme. for SC student Tuition Fee Waiver scheme (TFW) Eligibility Annual income of parents from all sources should not be more than Rs. scholarship claims shall not be entertained (for details students may please refer Department website www. however.1.f academic session 2013-2014 vide letter no. of the applicant.50/. the application form has to be submitted by the students to the Principal.00 lacs are eligible under this GOI scheme (available on the website). and Scheme of Technical Education Department:The Post Matric Scholarship scheme of GOI is by Deptt. Without Aadhaar/UID no.nic. 4. HSTES Scholarship schemes * Annual parental income ceiling under PMS Scheme for Scheduled Caste has increased from Rs. games. Refundable deposit like caution money.lakhs from all sources shall only be eligible for seats under this scheme HSTES Scholarship schemes are under restructuring 3. Minority Scholarship Schemes etc. No. security deposit will.13 of Government of India. tuition. Of SC Welfare for the institutions in the ambit of Technical Education. of the beneficiary has been made compulsory for ‘Direct Benefit Transfer’ to the Aadhaar enabled bank Accounts of the beneficiaries. Aadhaar no. 1. per annum as course fee or actual fee (whichever is less) and a maintenance allowance @10.e.per annum for hosteliers and @5000/.000/.or the actual fee whichsoever is low.000/. 2010-11. 20. the selection is on merit basis and the continuation of scholarship in subsequent year will depend upon the successful completion of the course in preceeding year. The scholarship rate is Rs.50 lacs.000/. The eligibility is for minority students whose annual parent/guardian’s income from all sources upto 4. There are only 257 scholarships for UG/PG technical courses from recognized institutions vide the scheme transferred from Social justice & empowerment Departments to Technical Education w.per annum for day scholars.f. 39 .40. Xii Benefits for BC Candidates.reimbursable and the maximum ceiling of fee reimburse able for UG/PG programmes is Rs. Bc it enacted by the Legislature of the State of Haryana in the Sixty-third Year of the Republic of India as follows:CHAPTER 1 1. (c) “common entrance test” means an entrance test conducted by the State Government or any agency authorized by it. (d) “Council” means a statutory body by whatever name called. Technical Education Haryana. constituted by the State Government under section 3 of this Act for regulation of admission and fee in private technical educational institution. 23/2012-The following Act of the Legislature of the State of Haryana received the assent of the Governor of Haryana on the 6th September. other than a minority institutions institution including a university. 10.Definitions (a) “aided technical educational institution” means a private technical educational institution. In this Act. 1934 SAKA) PART 1 HARYANA GOVERNMENT LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DEPARTMENT Notification th The 10 September. (b) “Committee” means a State Committee. SEPT. Leg. 19.2012 HARYANA GOVT. This Act may be called the Haryana Private Technical Educational Institution (Regulation of Admission and Fee) Act. 2012 (BHDR. 2012 and hereby published for general information:HARYANA ACT NO. or an all India test recognized by the State Government. receiving aid or grant-in-aid or assistance in whole or in part from the State Government or the Central or any other local authority. 2012 No. GAZ. (EXTRA).CHAPTER-11 The Haryana Private Technical Educational Institution (Regulation of Admisiion and Fee)Act. 40 . Unless the context otherwise requires. constituted under an Act of the Parliament for regulating a technical course. 2012 Short title 2. (e) “Director General” means the Director General. 2012 AN ACT To provide for regulation of admission and fee for technical courses run by a private technical educational institution in the State of Haryana and for matters connected therewith or incidental connected therewith or incidental thereto. 18 OF 2012 INSTITUTION (REGULATION OF ADMISSION AND FEE) ACT. for admission to a technical course run by a private technical educational institution. body of body individuals. by notification. mess charges etc. society or any other legal entity and includes a private university established and incorporated by an Act of the Legislature of deemed to be university. (m) “sanctioned intake” means and implies the total number of seats notified by the competent authority for admitting students in each technical course of study in a private technical educational institution.GAZ (EXTRA. HARYANA GOVT. 10. (p) “technical course” means a course of study recognized and prescribed by the All India Council for Technical Education. 1956. association of persons. firm. 19. 1934 SAKA) Pharmacy Council of India or Council of Architecture and also includes all such other courses as the State Government or Central Government may declare by an order to be a technical course. (g) “management category” means a category of seats comprising such seats out of sanctioned intake of students in a private technical educational institution.2012 (BHDR. development charges. 19 of 2008).). tuition fee. 2008 (Act No.(f) “fee” means all kind of fee chargeable by a technical educational institution from student. as may be allocated by the State Government to the management. (k) “private technical educational institution” means an institution offering a technical course and run by an individual. (o) “State Government” means the Government of the State of Haryana in the Administrative Department of technical education. FUNCTIONS. defined under section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act. including inter alia admission fee. hostel charges. transport charges.(1) The State Government shall constitute a committee for regulating regulating admission and fee charged for a technical course by Committee a private technical educational institution in the State of Haryana 41 Constitution of . (j) “open merit category seats” means a category of seats except the seats allotted to management category. CHAPTER II THE COMMITTEE CONSTITUTION. POWERS DISQUALIFICATION 3. (n) “State Board of Technical Education” means State Board of Technical Education established under section 6 of Haryana State Board of Technical Education Act. (i) “minority” means a community declared as such by the State Government. SEPT. by whatever name called. company. (l) “qualifying examination” means an examination passing of which is mandatory for a student to get admission to a technical course in a private technical educational institution. (h) “minority institution” means a private technical educational institution established and administered by a minority. trust. GAZ (EXTRA. or any defect in the constitution of the invalidate Committee. namely:(i) a Chairperson. SEPT.2012 (BHDR. if he performs any act. (5) The Chairperson and the member may resign from his office by giving Resignation A notice in writing under his hand addressed to the State Government. Proceedings HARYANA GOVT. 1934 SAKA) Disqualifications 7. or (iv) has been convicted by any court for an offence involving moral turpitude.consisting of following . (v) An academician not below the rank of Professor in Engineering of Management as member. (3) The terms and conditions of the appointment of the Chairperson and Members other than Ex-officio Member shall be such as may be prescribed. if he. Seventy years whichever is earlier and. in case of any vacancy arising on account of resignation or removal or attaining the age of 70 years or otherwise. Removal of Chairperson And members 8. 10. In the opinion of the Government is unbecoming of the Chairperson or a member of the Committee: 42 . No person shall be eligible for appointment or continue as a Chairperson or member. who shall be a retired Judge of Hon’ble Supreme Court/ Hon’ble High Court or former Vice Chancellor of a University or has experience in public administration at senior position: (ii) Director General Technical Education (ex-officio) Member Secretary: (iii) A Chartered Accountant of repute as member: (iv) A person having wide experience in the administration of Technical Education as member. (1) The Chairperson and Members of the Committee shall be appointed Appointment of By the State Government. 19. The Chairperson or any member of the Committee may be removed by the State Government before the expiry of his term.(i) Has been associated with a private technical educational institution . or (ii) Has been declared by the competent court to be of unsound mind: or (iii) is an undercharged insolvent.. which. 4. Chairperson and Members and (2) The Chairperson and Members except ex-officio Member shall their terms and hold office for a period of three years or till the attainment of age of conditions. No act or proceedings of the Committee shall be deemed to be invalid Vacancy not to Merely by reason of any vacancy in.). the State Government may fill such vacancy for the remaining period of the term. 6. 19. Officers and Employees to be Public servants Functions Provided that the Chairperson or a member shall not be removed by the State Government. 11.Members of Committee. 10. shall be deemed to be public servants within the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code. (1) The Committee shall have powers to:(i) require any private technical educational institution to place before it. 1934 SAKA) The Committee may frame its own procedure for the conduct of its . the proposed fee structure for such institution along with all relevant documents and the books of accounts. SEPT. (2) proceedings. 1860 (Act No. members. (5) A private technical educational institution shall not be allowed to charge or collect any fee other than the fee determined by the Committee under sub-section (1) and shall not be allowed to collect the fee at a time. (3) The fee structure so determined by the Committee shall be binding on the private technical educational institution for a period of three years and the same fee shall continue further if the private technical educational institution does not approach the Committee for revision. more than the fee of one term from a student in an academic year.10. Powers. (ii) verify whether the fee structure proposed by such institution is justified. (4) The fee determined by the Committee shall be applicable to a student who is admitted in a technical course in an academic year and shall not be revised for him till the completion of his course in that private technical educational institutions. GAZ (EXTRA). officers and employees of the Committee while acting or purporting to act in pursuance of the provisions of this Act or rules made there under. without giving an opportunity of being heard.2012 (BHDR. The Chairperson. Notwithstanding anything contained in any other State law for the time being in force. (iii) approve the fee structure for such institution or determine a different fee which shall be charged by such institution for different course run by it: Provided that the Committee shall also approve the fee structure for technical courses run by the technical educational institution in case the said institution is not receiving any aid for the said course.45 of 1860). the Committee shall regulate the admission process and the fee structure for a technical course in a private technical educational institution in the State of Haryana and the matters connected therewith and incidental thereto. 9. Power of making 43 HARYANA GOVT. 10. (1) The Committee. (1) The Committee shall regulate the admissions in a technical course run by a private technical educational institutions. as may be prescribed by the State Government for a private technical 44 . SEPT.2012 (BHDR. (3) The State Government may.19. Other than minority institution. Shall have same powers as a civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure. 1860 (Act No.inquiry 12. (4) A private technical educational institution(i) shall make admission to a technical course under the open merit category. GAZ (EXTRA). CHAPTER IIII ADMISSIONS 13. manner of admission. In private technical educational institution. On the basis of the Common Entrance Test or the prescribed by the State Government. And (ii) may make admission to a seat under the management category.45 of 1860). by directly receiving application from persons who have passed qualifying examination and after following a transparent process of determining inter-se merit or any other method. Made on the basis of the merit secure by the student in the Common Entrance Test or by any other method prescribed by the Government. in respect of the following matters. (ii) requiring the discovery and production of any documents (s): (iii) receiving evidence on affidavit: and (iv) appointing Commission for examination of witness or for local inspection: (2) Any proceeding before such Committee shall be deemed to be judicial proceeding for the purpose of section 196 of the Indian Penal Code.5 of 1908) while trying a suit. for the purpose of making inquiry under this Act. Namely:(i) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any witness and examining him on oath. allocate seats for management category out of sanctioned intake. 1934 SAKA) (2) The eligibility for admission to a technical course in a private technical educational institution shall be such as may be decided by the State Government. by order. 1908 (Act No. Minimum qualifying standard for admission 236 HARYANA GOVT. Admission. Eligibility allocation of seats. 19. the private technical educational institution. Reservation of Seat 15. The State Government may. SEPT 10. namely:a) establishment cost of faculty and supporting staff: b) operation and maintenance charges: c) fee charged by Council. GAZZ (EXTRA. etc: Providing that services and facilities such as hostel.(5) educational institution or category of technical course or category of such institutions. No student shall be admitted in a technical course unless he fulfills the eligibility criteria including the minimum qualifying marks as prescribed by the State Government. (3) In case a private technical educational institution does not propose its fee structure. inter-alia. Void admission 14. As may be prescribed from time to time. parents or guardians and representatives of students already studying therein shall be given a reasonable opportunity to express their view point in writing with respect to the determination of fee. affiliating university and Haryana State Board of Technical Education: d) development fee to serve the following purposes. While assessing the fee. mess charges and transport charges. Every admission to a technical course in a private technical educational institution shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Act or the rules made there under and every admission made in contravention thereof. such as hostel. 45 . (1) Every private technical educational institution shall propose its fee structure for each course separately on the basis of the guidelines issued by the Committee and the proposed fee structure shall be examined. the determination of following expense are to be taken into account.). namely:i. approved and regulated by the Committee and the same shall binding on such institution. (2) Before determining fee. shall be void. 2012 237 (BHDR. the provisional fee structure as decided by the Committee shall be applicable to such institution. direct a private technical educational institution to make reservation of seats in admission to various technical courses in the manner. 17. laying and up-grading of infrastructure ii. betterment and growth of the institution: and iii. 1934 SAKA) (2 ) Different fee structure may be determined for different courses and for different institutions. HARYANA GOVT. (1) The fee shall be so fixed as to recover the actual cost of Factors for imparting education on recurring basis. mess and transport shall be provided on no profit no loss basis. CHAPTER IV FIXATION OF FEE Fee 16. special amenities to the students: e) other miscellaneous charges. as the case may be. (2) Before taking any action or passing an order. (1) Where the Director General. direct the concerned institution to refund the capitation fee or the fee charged in excess of the fee determined by the Committee. 2012 237 (BHDR. association of persons. University concerned or Council or the statutory authority for taking appropriate action against such institution. trust. organization. firm or any legal entity owing the private technical educational institution. company. Contravention of Provisions of Act. ii. 20. that a private technical educational Institution has charged capitation fee or fee in excess of the fee determined by the Committee. organization. organization. (3) The society. company.). Direct the concerned institution to refund the fee in case where the student withdraws from the course as per norms of Council/State Government. trust. on receipt of any complaint or suomotu. (1) Where the Director General. firm or any legal entity owing the private technical education institution shall be required to maintain separate accounts for the society. then separate accounts shall be maintained for each institution. is satisfied after due inquiry. iii. The provisions of this Act shall have effect not withstanding anything Inconsistent therewith contained in any other State law for the time in force. is running more than one institution. under accrual basis of accounting. the Director General shall provide a reasonable opportunity of being heard to the private technical educational institution.18. that a private technical education institution has contravened or violated any of the provisions of this Act or 46 Imposition of fine . SEPT 10. CHAPTER VI MISCELLANEOUS Act to have Overriding effect. (2) A private technical educational institution may charge development fee not exceeding fifteen percent of the total amount of tuition fee. GAZZ (EXTRA. 22. 19. 1934 SAKA) The development fee shall be treated as capital receipt and shall be collected only if the institution maintains the “Depreciation Reserve Fund” equivalent to the depreciation charges in the revenue accounts. CHAPTER V MAINTENANCE OF ACCOUNTS BY INSTITUTION 19. Recommend to the State Government. being I Action for otherwise. (1) Every private technical educational institution shall maintain accounts on the basis of accounting principles applicable to non-business organization. it may: i. 238 HARYANA GOVT. 21. No private technical education institution shall charge or collect or cause to be charged or collect capitation fee on its behalf from any student or his relative in consideration of his admission to or continuance in any technical course of study in such institution. not for profit organization that is it shall keep the accounts on “Fund Based Accounting”. trust. association of persons. on receipt of nay complaint or is satisfied after due inquiry. shall be recoverable as arrears of land revenue. by notification in the Official Gazette. with the provisions of this Act. as it may deem fit. The State Government may. make Make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act. (2) Before taking any action or passing an order under sub-section (1) above. Director General. thereunder. to any Institution or the Committee or the officer or official connected with the affairs of the Committee. rules or orders made thereunder and the Institution or the Committee or the officer or official shall be bound by such direction. 1934 SAKA) 23. Power to The State Government may. Committee. prosecution or other legal proceedings shall lie against the Protection of State of Haryana or any officer of the State Government or the action taken in 47 . No suit. Any person or private technical educational institution aggrieved by Appeal any direction or order passed under sections 21 or 22 of this Act. 2012 237 (BHDR. then a fine of rupees five lakh shall be imposed on such institution and for every subsequent violation of this Act a fine of rupees ten lakh shall be imposed which if not paid. from time to time. action taken or order 27.the rules made thereunder. may file an appeal to the State Government within a period of third days from such order or direction. The State Government may. as appear to it be necessary or expedient for removing the difficulty. 19. Power to No civil court shall have jurisdiction to entertain and try any suit or Bar of Proceedings in respect of anything done. rules. HARYANA GOVT. Jurisdiction or direction issued by the State Government. Providing that no such order shall be made after the expiry of a period of two years from the date of commencement of this Act. by order to be published in the Official remove Gazette. make such provision or give such directions not inconsistent difficulties. SEPT 10. or its officers in pursuance of powers conferred by or in relation to any of the functions under this Act. for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act. 28. 24. the Director General shall provide a reasonable opportunity of being heard to such institution. issue such directions Power of give Not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act or the rules made directions. GAZZ (EXTRA.). 26. If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this Act. 25. 29. and Legislative 48 . Haryana Law Department. From the date of the commencement of this Act. be done under this Act.Committee. all executive Supersession instructions issued by the State Government in respect of admissions and fee regulation in all private technical education institutions except minority institutions of the State of Haryana shall stand superseded: Providing that notwithstanding such supersession anything done Or action taken under the instructions shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the provisions of this Act and shall remain in force till the Committee constituted under this Act modifies the same. MANJIT SINGH. for anything which is done in good faith or inrended to good faith. Secretary to Government. Candidate are required to submit the following two affidavit to ensure that they shall not be indulge in ragging (above type of activities)  Affidavit by the Student (available at annexure – XVI)  Affidavit by Parents/Guardian (available at annexure – XVII) 49 . (iii) withholding results. which such student(s) will not do in the ordinary course and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame or embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of a fresher or a junior student. treating or handling with rudeness any other student(s). suspension from the institution or classes for a limited period or fine with a public apology. which has the effect of teasing. The punishment may also take the shape of (i) withholding scholarships or other benefits. hardship or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof in fresher or junior student(s) or asking the student(s) to do any act or perform something. The following will be termed as the act of ragging: any disorderly conduct whether by words spoken or written or by an act. (ii) debarring from representation in events. (iv) suspension or expulsion from hostel or mess. Ragging in educational institutions is banned and any one indulging in ragging is likely to be punished appropriately.CHAPTER-12 RAGGING 1. collective punishment can be awarded to act as a deterrent. indulging in rowdy or indisciplined activities which causes or is likely to cause annoyance. 2. which may include expulsion from the institution. If the individuals committing or abetting ragging are not/cannot be identified. and the like. CHAPTER: 13 Instructions to curb the events of Eve-Teasing 50 . . if any 3./Km./Smt son/daughter of Sh. Academic Distinction. Date : Signature Principal (with office seal) Good/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory _.ANNEXURE-I Name of the School/College _Session CHARACTER CERTIFICATE Certified that Sh. He/She (University/Board) held in and *passed obtaining under Roll No. UMC/disqualification etc. He/she bears good/bad character. fined for violation of School / Board / University / Hostel Rules. *Strike out whichever is not applicable. Brief particulars of disciplinary action by School / Board / University (including punishments such as expulsion. No. General Conduct during stay in the Institution : 5. if any 4. if any 2. School/College during the period appeared in the Examination of the has been a Bonafide student of this . 51 . marks out of . marks or *failed/*placed under compartment in the subject of 1. Co-curricular activities. warning. 62/17/95-6 GS1 dated 3. Date : Place : (Signature of the attesting authority) Name Designation (With legible office seal) NOTE : i) ii) The competent authorities to issue Haryana Resident Certificate will be as per State Govt.III dated 30. 62/32/2000-6GSI dated 23-52003. The candidates./Km.ANNEXURE-II HARYANA RESIDENT CERTIFICATE (For bonafide Residents of Haryana only) Certified that Sh. letter No. 22/28/2003-3GS-III dated 30-1-2004 under clause . Sh. iii) 52 .S. R/o (complete address) since and applicant for admission to various son/daughter of Engineering/Technical Courses in Haryana./Smt. 22/28/2003-3 G.96. 62/27/2003/6 GS1 dated 29.10.01. who have passed their qualifying examinations from the Universities/Board/Institutes located in Haryana are not required to produce Certificate of Haryana Resident. Haryana letter No. letter No. is a bonafide resident of Haryana State in terms of Chief Secretary.7. No. The certificate must have been issued on or after 31-1-2005. letter No.2004.2003. letter No. OF HARYANA./Smt. is his/her son/ daughter/dependent (if parents are not living)./Km. No. Dated : Place : Signature of Employer Designation (legible Seal) *Strike out whichever is not applicable./Smt. of son/daughter/wife of Sh. 53 . seeking admission in various technical courses in Haryana for the session 2013-14. Haryana / Members of All India Services borne on Haryana Cadre/Regular Employees of Statutory Body/Corporation established by or under an Act of State of Haryana.ANNEXURE-III CERTIFICATE FROM THE EMPLOYER IN THE CASE OF EMPLOYEES OF GOVT. he/she is posted as of Sh. at in the Department (place of posting)./Km. is serving as a Regular employee of Govt. Presently. EMPLOYEES OF STATUTORY BODIES / CORPORATION Certified that Sh. MEMBERS OF ALL INDIA SERVICES BORNE ON HARYANA CADRE. No./Km. 333(1)-97. No. _son/ resident of (Complete Address) belongs to Scheduled Caste by the Haryana Government . circular Letter No.01. Date: Place : Name Signature of the issuing authority Designation (with legible seal) 54 . that Sh. dated 25-2-97.2004 and letter dated 21-6-2004./Smt. 22/28/2003-3 GS III dated 30. Caste which has been notified as This certificate is being issued to him/her according to the Haryana Govt.ANNEXURE-IV SCHEDULED CASTE CERTIFICATE Certified daughter of Sh. 62/17/95-6 GSI dated 3rd October. caste.22/36/2000 3GSIII dated 9. 1996 and No.01. Haryana vide memo No. : Dated : Place : Signature of the issuing authority Name Designation (with legible seal) 55 . No. 1170-SWL1-95 dated 07. 22/28/2003-3 GS III dated 30. Haryana letter No. and is placed in Block Block ‘A’ or ‘B’). This Certificate is being issued to him/her in terms of notification issued by Chief Secretary.2004.2000).8.ANNEXURE-V BACKWARD CLASS CERTIFICATE BLOCK ‘A’ OR ‘B’ Certified son/daughter of Shri that Sh./Km./Smt resident of (Complete Address) belongs to Backward Class by the Haryana Govt. which has been notified as (mention Further certified that he/she is not covered in Creamy Layer (Reference from the Chief Secretary.06.95 & No. 06. Dated : Place : DEPONENT 56 .ANNEXURE-VI AFFIDAVIT (BY THE PARENTS OF THE BACKWARD CLASS CATEGORY CANDIDATES) I. of District Father/Mother of Tehsil Resident seeking admission to Engineering degree course in Haryana do Caste. I and my wife / husband are not covered under the criteria fixed by Haryana Govt.22/36/2000 3GSIII dated 9. 1996 and No. the Competent Authority will be entitled to cancel the admission. (Refer Chief Secretary.95 & No. I further undertake that in case the information contained in the above para is found false at any stage. 1170-SWL1-95 dated 07. Haryana letter No.8.2000) for excluding socially advanced persons/sections (Creamy Layer) from Backward Classes. Dated : Place : VERIFICATION DEPONENT Verified that the above statement is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. which is included in the hereby solemnly affirm & declare that I belong to list of Backward Classes Block ‘A’/ ‘B’ approved by the Haryana Govt. 62/17/95-6 GSI dated 3rd October. I further declare and affirm that. /Km.ANNEXURE-VII MEDICAL CERTIFICATE FOR PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED OFFICE OF THE CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER No. Certified son/daughter/wife resident of of that Sh. (Signature of the Applicant) Chief Medical Officer Dated : Haryana Place : (Seal of the above authority) *The handicap disability should not be less than 40% and should not interfere with the requirement of professional career such as Engineering/ Technician etc. District Sh./Smt. Dated appeared before the Medical Board for medical check-up. it is found that the nature of handicap/disability is % and (as applicable). Blind or Low vision 2. Hearing impairment 3. 57 . Locomotor disability/cerebral palsy Thus the candidate is physically handicapped as per standard norms of Haryana. On his/her Medical Examination. is as under : 1. resident of (complete Son/Daughter of Sh./Smt. father/grandfather of Sh. . Date : Place : Deputy Commissioner of District concerned of Haryana (SEAL OF OFFICE) 58 .ANNEXURE-VIII CERTIFICATE REQUIRED TO BE FURNISHED BY CHILDREN/GRANDCHILDREN OF FREEDOM FIGHTERS Certified that Sh. State ) is (Name Tehsil No./Smt. Freedom Fighter of Haryana (Identity No. of candidate) of Village/Town District Police Station . address)./Km./Km. III etc. Date Note: Only the certificate issued by the Officer duly authorized by the Army / Navy / Air Force / Concerned Para-Military Force Headquarters. 2) 3) iii) for Rank/Designation (in case of Para Military Forces) Reason of discharge/retirement Death whether killed in action 4) or any other reason If killed in action name of the war/operation Disabled: Whether disabled during the war/operation(name) Nature of disability i) whether permanent i. shall be entertained. as the case may be. has served in the Army / Air Name of the Para-Military Force) from and subsequently invalided out of service as under : Rank 5) 6) Case No. Force / Navy / to 1) Medical Category i) for JCO’s ii) for ORS : Shape-I. for life ii) whether temporary up to what extent) Next RSMB IS DUE Name of Records Signature of the issuing authority with designation and official seal and stamp Son of Resident of Village _Tehsil belonging to the State of Haryana.e.ANNEXURE-IX CERTIFICATE FOR DECEASED OR DISABLED OR DISCHARGED MILITARY/PARA-MILITARY PERSONNEL. 59 .II. EX-SERVICEMEN OR EX-PERSONNEL OF PARA-MILITARY FORCES Certified that Number Name Father of Post Office Distt. Rank S/o or D/o Resident of Village Tehsil belonging to the State of Haryana. as per his/her service record at (Name of and subsequently as per his/her service record. to Place Date Signature Officer Commanding/ Zila Sainik Board/ Competent Authority (with Official Seal) (Strike out whichever is not applicable) 60 . had served in the Army / Air Force / Navy/ the Para-Military Force) from discharged/retired from the service on of entry into service the home address given is ) Haryana. At the time (Distt.ANNEXURE-X CERTIFICATE FOR THE EX-EMPLOYEES OF INDIAN DEFENCE SERVICES/PARA-MILITARY FORCES Certified that Number Name Mother of Post Office Distt. Father/ the time of entry into service. ....................... ......................... Hernia/Hydrocele/Piles : .......................................................................................................... (FOR PRESCRIBED MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR ADMISSION SEE NEXT PAGE) PRESCRIBED MEDICAL STANDARDS FOR ADMISSION An Engineering profession demands good physique and stamina.................. He/she has no mental and physical disease and is FIT..................................................................5 metre for male candidates........................... Height : .. Signature of the Medical Officer with legible seal............................ R : ..... 61 ..................................................................................... Heart & Lungs : .............. and not less than 1. who has signed in my presence.............................................. Date : ................................... Weight ...................................................................................... He/she must fulfil the following medical standards : HEIGHT : Not less than 1................................................... (Please refer to prescribed standards given overleaf) Name ............................................................................................................................. Remarks : ...................... Medical Certificates issued by private medical practitioners will not be accepted........ Chest : ................... (in Block Letters) Father’s Name : Sh..... .......... Vision : L : .. An applicant who suffers from any organic defect or does not have sound health so as to bear the strain of the course which must be heightened in his/her professional life would be well advised not to take up the Engineering Profession......... I certify that I have carefully examined Sh............................................................................................................ Signature of the candidate Station : ................................../Smt....................................................................../Km................................ Colour Vision : ................................2 metre for female candidates................ANNEXURE-XI CERTIFICATE OF MEDICAL FITNESS (For admission to Engineering Degree Courses in Haryana) To be obtained only from gazetted Government Medical Officer/Medical Officer of a Government Undertaking.......................................................................... Hearing : ................................................................................................................ son/daughter of Shri .................................... Please note that this certificate in no other form will be accepted...................................................... approximately for female candidates.. HYDROCELE : : VISION HEARING : 62 .WEIGHT : 41 kg. it must be corrected. : Not less than 69 cms. it must be corrected to 6/9 in the better eye and 6/12 in the worse eye. Presence of these is a temporary disqualification to be & rectified before joining the course of study. : Normal. Eye should be free from congenital and other disease. Textile Technology & Textile Chem. approximately for male candidates and 37 Kg. where defective. CHEST MEASUREMENT HEART & LUNGS HERNIA. where defective. the candidates must also be free from colour blindness (inability to distinguish between principal colours).. No abnormality. Normal. with satisfactory limit of expansion and contraction for male candidates only. In case of admission to Mining Engg. ANNEXURE-XII MERIT CALCULATION FORM For Haryana Govt. 63 .500*/./ B. 7. Gender: 6. name of Bank (PNB / Axis Bank) Phone No.No. Have you paid counseling fees Rs.Tech (Bio-Technology): 1. 2.E. Contact Address: E-mail: If paid.org ) 4.E.Tech or B. 3. Date of Birth Day Month Year 5.e.hstes. 10+2 & 10th at HSTES.(non refundable) YES/NO (The photocopy of the proof of same is also to be attached. Roll No. 4.) 8. 1. 5.500*/. Panchkula ). Father’s Name 3./ B.org & the same has to be used for paying counseling fee of Rs. (Can be generated from www.hstes.School Toppers (HGST) Quota (To be submitted alongwith attested copy of qualifying exam i. Name of the Course (Applying for):B. Name of the Candidate 2. TOTAL Subject Maximum Marks Marks Obtained Board / University Note: Attach attested copy of qualifying exam & 10th certificate.through www. Marks details of 10+2 Exam S. Tech under Haryana Govt. on the basis of JEE-MAIN exam and HGST category.e. st (Name of candidate) has secured (i. If the candidate is allotted two seats.School Name) and strength of class is Principal of Govt.e. 1 rank holder) of the 10+2 Examination in Science stream conducted in current year (Govt.School (Signature.School Toppers. Seal & Name of the Principal) 64 . any entry or information is found to be false at any stage.School ) Certificate (For the candidate applying for B. then student will deposit admission fee against one seat of his/her choice and the another allotted seat will be considered cancelled.) Certified that Mr. in 2013) by the Board of School Education %age of marks Haryana ./ B. Place: Date: Signature of Candidate ( Name of Candidate) Verification by Parent: Signature of the Parent (To be filled in by the concerned Principal of Govt.Declaration: I declare that entry made by me in this application form are true in all respect and in case.E. from (in aggregate) and is topper (i. this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such action as the Institute/University/Board/HSTES may deem proper. Contact Address: E-mail: Phone No.500*/.Tech (Bio-Technology): 1.E./ B.) 8. Name of the Candidate 3. name of Bank (PNB / Axis Bank) (The photocopy of the proof of same is also to be attached.E/B. (Can be generated from www.hstes.E/B.Tech (Bio-Technology) course (To be submitted alongwith attested copy of qualifying exam i. Date of Birth Day Month Year 5./ B.E./ B.E.through www.Tech or B. Have you paid counseling fees Rs. (which so ever is highest) Total * Year of passing: Marks of 10+2 for B. (if applicable) : 3. JEE(Main) Roll No./ B.M.org & the same has to be used for paying counseling fee of Rs. Gender: 6.e. 10+2 & 10th ).hstes.Tech Marks Obtained Max Marks % of marks Pass/ Compartment Marks of 10+2 for B. Father’s Name 2.500*/.Tech & B.Tech. Marks details of 10+2 Exam Exam appeared/ passed: Board/Univ.org ) 4.: S# Subjects English Maths Physics Chemistry / Bio-Technology/ Computer Science / Biology. Name of the Course (Applying for):B.ANNEXURE-XIII MERIT CALCULATION FORM For Kashmiri Migrants (K. 7. Roll No.) in B.(non refundable) YES/NO If paid.E. Bio Technology 65 . No request for accepting of the late form will be entertained due to Postal delay. If the candidate is allotted two seats. Note :  Kashmiri Migrants will be required to submit the attested copy of Migration Certificate dully signed by competent authority or Relief Commissioner  Attach attested copy of qualifying exam & 10th certificate. Panchkula.S# Subjects Marks Obtained Max Marks % of Pass/ marks Compart ment English Physics Chemistry Biology / Bio-Technology (which so ever is highest) Total * *inter-se-merit will be generated based on this total marks obtained. any entry or information is found to be false at any stage. then student will deposit admission fee against one seat of his/her choice and the another allotted seat will be considered cancelled. Declaration by the Candidate: I declare that entry made by me in this application form are true in all respect and in case. on the basis of JEE-MAIN exam and KM category. HSTES will not be responsible for the postal delays. this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such action as the Institute/University/Board/HSTES may deem proper. Place: Date: Verification by Parent: Signature of the Parent Signature of Candidate ( Name of Candidate) Note: All the Kashmiri students are required to deposit the form with attested documents at the office of HSTES. 66 . this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such action as the Institute/University/Board/State 67 .hstes.org & the same has to be used for paying counseling fee of Rs. (TFW Roll No.hstes. name of Bank (PNB / Axis Bank) (The photocopy of the proof of same is also to be attached. 2.org ) 4. 9.E. Contact Address: E-mail: Phone No. can be generated from www.  Attach a copy of Haryana Resident certificate.through www. 5.  Attach attested copy of qualifying exam & 10th certificate. Gender: (Details for Sr.50 lakhs from all sources). 4. For details about TuitionFee Waiver Scheme. (in case of B.TECH (for Haryana Residents only who have appeared for JEE(Main)) 1. Parental Income from all sources: Rs. Declaration by the Candidate: I declare that entry made by me in this application form are true in all respect and in case.ANNEXURE-XIV APPLICATION FORM FOR TUITION FEE WAIVER QUOTA IN B.500*/.Tech JEE(Main) ranking will be used. JEE(Main) Roll No. any entry or information is found to be false at any stage. Have you paid counseling fees Rs./B.Tech) Date of Birth : Day Month Year 6.500*/.) 9. No. 3. 10. refer Appendix-J. For B.E. Name of the Candidate Father’s Name Roll No. Note :  The candidate applying for Tuition Fee Waiver Category will produce Parents Income Certificate from all sources from the organization where he and she is working or Affidavite of Income on stamp paper from Notary (Annual income of Parents/Guardians should be less than Rs. 1./ B.2 & 4 to 6 to be filled as per admit card of respective course).(non refundable) YES/NO If paid. Panchkula. If the candidate is allotted two seats. TFW category. No request for accepting of the late form will be entertained due to Postal delay. HSTES will not be responsible for the postal delays. on the basis of General. Place: Date: Verification by Parent: Signature of the Parent Signature of Candidate (Name of Candidate) Note: All the students who apply in TFW category are required to deposit the form with attested documents at the office of HSTES. 68 .counseling board may deem proper. then student will deposit admission fee against one seat of his/her choice and the another allotted seat will be considered cancelled. ARCH) Name of the Category (Applying for) (General/ Kashmiri Migrant): 1.through www. 500*/.ANNEXURE-XV APPLICATION FORM FOR ADMISSION TO BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE (B.org or www.org & the same has to be used for paying counseling fee of Rs. can be generated from www.hstes. Gender (Male/ Female): 7.(non refundable) YES/NO : If paid.(non-refundable) in order to participate for counseling. NATA Roll No.hstes. Father’s Name 5.500*/. 69 . 9. Contact Address: (DD/MM/YYYY) E-mail: Centre of Examination: Date of Exam: Phone No.500*/. Name of the Candidate 4. Marks) Year of passing: .500*/. 10+2 or 10+3 years Diploma or IB Diploma (Attach attested copy of result) Board/Univ.: Mobile No.) Note :  Kashmiri Migrants will be required to submit the attested copy of Migration Certificate dully signed by competent authority or Relief Commissioner  Attach attested copy of qualifying exam & 10th certificate.e. Details of NATA Score (Attach attested copy of result) Score: Candidate’s ID No. Roll No. Date of Birth : 6. name of Bank (PNB / Axis Bank) (Attach Proof of deposition of counseling participation fee of Rs. (KM Roll No. Details of Qualifying Exam i. : 8.: Out of (Max.hstes.through www./ ID (As per NATA Score Card): (Same has to be used by candidates (except KM) for paying counseling fee of Rs. Percentage in Aggregate : % Aggregate Marks (Total marks obtained on the basis of all subjects mentioned in Marksheet) : 10.hstes.org ) 2. Have you paid counseling fees Rs.in ) 3. Arch students are required to deposit the form with attested documents at the office of HSTES.Declaration by the Candidate: I declare that entry made by me in this application form are true in all respect and in case. 70 . Place: Date: Verification by Parent: Signature of the Parent Signature of Candidate (Name of Candidate) Note: All the B. Panchkula. this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides rendering me liable to such action as the Institute/University/Board/HSTES may deem proper. If the candidate is allotted two seats. any entry or information is found to be false at any stage. No request for accepting of the late form will be entertained due to Postal delay. HSTES will not be responsible for the postal delays. on the basis of General and KM category. then student will deposit admission fee against one seat of his/her choice and the another allotted seat will be considered cancelled. /Ms 1) having been admitted to (name of the institution) have received a copy of the AICTE regulations on Curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions. S/o / d/o /Mr./Mrs. Verified at (place) on this the (day) of (month) (year) day of month of year Signature of deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the after reading the contents of this affidavit.1 of the Regulation and am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against me in case I am found guilty of or abetting ragging. abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote. perused clause 3 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging. (year) OATH COMMISSIONER 71 . 2) I have. 3) I have also. and further affirm that.1 of the Regulations. in case the declaration is found to be untrue.ANNEXURE-XVI AFFIDAVIT BY THE STUDENT (full name of student with admission/registration/enrolment number) I. ragging. perused clause 7 and clause 9. if found guilty of ragging. or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging. 5) I hereby affirm that. without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against me under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. Declared this Signature of Deponent Name VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. 2009. in particular. 4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) I will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. b) I will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. I am aware that my admission is liable to be cancelled. (day) of month. (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations. I am liable for punishment according to clause 9. in particular. 6) I hereby declare that I have not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of. actively or passively. in particular./Mrs.1 of the Regulations. 2009. I am aware that my admission my word is liable to be cancelled. or being part of a conspiracy to promote ragging. (year) OATH COMMISSIONER 72 . 5) I hereby affirm that.ANNEXURE-XVII AFFIDAVIT BY PARENT/GUARDIAN I. 1) having been admitted to (name of the Institution). ragging./Ms. in particular. Verified at (place) on this the (day) of _ (month) and (year) day of month of year Signature of deponent Solemnly affirmed and signed in my presence on this the after reading the contents of this affidavit. without prejudice to any other criminal action that may be taken against my ward under any penal law or any law for the time being in force. my word is liable for punishment according to clause 9. (hereinafter called the “Regulations”) carefully read and fully understood the provisions contained in the said Regulations. and further affirm that. (full name of parent/guardian) father / mother/guardian of (full name of student with admission /registration/enrolment number). 4) I hereby solemnly aver and undertake that a) My ward will not indulge in any behavior or act that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. 3) I have also. if found guilty of ragging. abetting or being part of a conspiracy to promote. perused clause 7 and clause 9. in case the declaration is found to be untrue.1 of the Regulations and am fully aware of the penal and administrative action that is liable to be taken against m y ward in case he/she is found guilty or abetting ragging. perused clause 3 of the Regulations and am aware as to what constitutes ragging. actively or passively. b) My ward will not participate in or abet or propagate through any act of commission or omission that may be constituted as ragging under clause 3 of the Regulations. Declared this Signature of Deponent Name: Address: Telephone/Mobile No: VERIFICATION Verified that the contents of this affidavit are true to the best of my knowledge and no part of the affidavit is false and nothing has been concealed or misstated therein. 6) I hereby declare that my word has not been expelled or debarred from admission in any institution in the country on account of being found guilty of. Mr. 2) I have. have received a copy of the AICTE regulations on Curbing the menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions. (day) of month. followed by letters of even number dated 5.99 and letter No. if Block-A of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes are given seats in the academic year 2006. For example.3. On further consideration of the matter.99. 22/2/27/2004-2GSIII From The Chief Secretary to Govt. All Deputy Commissioners and Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil ) in Haryana State. I am directed to invite your attention to Govt. 73 .e.APPENDIX – A NO. B Block of categories of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes will be given seats in the next academic year i.2000 on the subject noted above. Dated Chandigarh. 2007 and so on. The Registrar.8. and Govt. the next block i. Punjab and Haryana High Court. Haryana institutions issued vide letter No. dated 7. it has been decided to allow 3% horizontal reservation to Ex-servicemen/Freedom Fighters and their dependents by providing reservation within reservation of 1% of general category. Chandigarh.5. wherein provision for reservation of seats in the educational. dated 19. To 1 2 3 All Heads of Departments in the Haryana State. 22/89/97-3GSIII. 1% out of Scheduled Castes and 1% from Backward Classes category for admission to the various educational institutions of the Govt. the October 20.e. 22/34/98-3GSIII. Subject: Sir/Madam. it may be offered to the Ex-servicemen and their wards (1%) and the dependents of Freedom Fighters (1%) Reservation for admission in educational/professional and colleges/ institutions. Haryana. 2005. yearwise rotational system will be adopted. aided/self-financing colleges/institutes located in Haryana. As far as block allocation in Block-A and Block-B of Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes categories is concerned. technical and professional institutions for the candidates of various categories was made as under:1 2 3 Scheduled Castes Backward Classes Physically-Handicapped 20% 16% 11% 3% * A Block B Block In the event of quota reserved for physically-handicapped remain unutilized due to non-availability for suitable category of handicapped candidates. These instructions should be brought to the notice of all concerned working under your control for strict compliance. the October 20. Chandigarh. General Administration For Chief Secretary to Govt. To All the Financial Commissioners & Principal Secretaries/ Commissioners and Secretary to Govt. Haryana. 74 . 22/27/2004-2GSIII * Dated. Haryana. Haryana. A copy is forwarded to all the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretaries/ Commissioners and Secretaries to Govt. Haryana for information and necessary action. Sd/Deputy Secretary. U.Yours faithfully. 2005 The Block A & B in Schedule Caste Category has been done away by the Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court. Sd/Deputy Secretary. No.O. General Administration For Chief Secretary to Govt. 61. 2. 38.A S. 3. 11. Shergir Soi Singhikant. CASTE NAME Ahir/ Yadav Gujjar Lodh/ lodha/ Lodhi Saini. No. Soni-Dawala. 71. 41.APPENDIX-B LIST OF BACKWARD CLASSES IN HARYANA STATE BLOCK . 30. Suthar Dhiman. Dhinwar. 5. 53. Baghel Garhi. Ramiya Bhuhalia Lohar Changar Chirimar Chang Chimba. 5. 57. 35. 18. Chimpa. 63. 40. Nath. 64. 8. 65. 2. Barhai. 37. 10. Sekka. 60. Mallah. 46. 28. Manihar. Kachera Lohar. Rehara or Re Raigar Rai Sikhs Rechband Shorgir. Thori or Turi. 39. 47. Sain Jhangra-Bhrahman. Heri. Gowala Gadaria. Khati. No. Zargar. Khewat. 20. Bhisti. 13. Bharbhuja Bhat. 27. Prajapati Kamboj S. Jangam-Jogi. Darzi Rohilla Daiya Dhobis Dakaut Dhimar. 17. 26.Yogi Kanjar or Kanchan Kurmi Kumhars. 24. Nais. 1. 7. 48. 45. Jogi. Shakya Meo LIST OF SPECIAL BACKWARD CLASSES IN HARYANA STATE S. No 1. Nilgar. 25. 42. 29. Nyaaria Bhar. Kashyap Rajpoot. 1. 19. 34. Singiwala Sunar.Tamera Teli Banzara. 52. 12. Nai. 54. Kahar. Ligar. 59. Aheri. 56. Tarkhan. 55. 51. 4. 4. 2. 32. Swami Sadh Battera Bharbhunja. 22. 21. Dosali Faquir Gwaria. Hari Barra Beta. Panchal Madari Mochi Mirasi Nar Noongar Nalband Pinja. Bhatra. 67. Hensi or Hesi Bagria Barwar Barai. 49. 33. Rajbhar Nat (Muslim) LIST OF BACKWARD CLASSES IN HARYANA STATE (Block-B) S. 6. 14. 3. 16. Banjara Weaver (Jullaha) Badi/ Baddon Bhattu/ Chattu Mina Rahbari Charan Chaaraj (Mahabrahman) Udasin Ramgarhia Rangrez. Naik. CASTE NAME Aheria. 4. 58. 3. Soni Thathera. Jhinwar. Sheikh-Abbasi Dhosali. Chhipi. Bairagi. Nishad. Ghasiara or Ghosi Gorkhas Gawala. 69. 50. 70. Mehra. CASTE NAME Bishnoi Jat Jat Sikh Ror Tyagi 75 . Lohar Hajjam. 44. 31. 23. 43. 9. 68. Lallari Dawala. Pal.Tamboli Baragi. Gauria or Gwar Ghirath Ghasi. Darpi . 36. 5. 62. 15. CASTE NAME Khanghera Kuchband Labana Lakhera. 66. Penja Rehar. Baddi Joginath. No. Bhambi. 31. Dhea Dhanak Dhogri. 17. Chura. 9. Meghwal Nat. Bhangi Bangali Barar. Doom Gagra Gandhila. 1. Sapera Sarera Sikligar. 19. Dhaya. Koli Marija. Barwala Bauria. Gandil. Ramdasi. 18. 24. 33. Ravidasi. CASTE NAME Ad Dharmi Balmiki. Manesh Sansoi Sapela.APPENDIX-C LIST OF SCHEDULED CASTES IN HARYANA STATE S. 3. 4. 20. Pasi Perna Pherera Sanhai Sanhal Sansi.Ramdasia Chanal Dagi Darain Deha. 27. 10. 13. Julaha Khatik Kori. 26. Chamar-Rohidas. Bariya Sirkiband 76 . 25. Rehgar. Marecha Mazhabi. 16.No. Burar. Jatava. 7. 36. 2. Berar Batwal. 23. 32. Balahi. 35. Jatav. 28. 29. Dhangri. 14 15. Mazhabi. 12. 30. Mahasha. 8. Siggi Dumna. 5. Badi Od. Mochi . Bawaria Bazigar Bhanjra Chamar. Bhedkut. 6. Gondola Kabirpanthi. 11. Jatia Chamar. Batoi. 37. 22. Raigar. Sikh Megh. 34. 21. Henceforth. The Registrar. b) Produce an affidavit to the effect that they or their children/wards (if parents are not living)/dependents have not obtained the benefit of Resident in any other State. Subject : I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Govt. Rohtak. Punjab and Haryana High Court and all District and Session Judges in Haryana. vii) Persons who were born in Haryana and produce a certificate to that effect. ii) Children / Wards (if parents are not living) / Dependents : (a) of the employees of Haryana State posted in or outside Haryana State or working on deputation. Delhi or elsewhere or in respect of Children /Wards/Dependents of pensioners of Haryana Govt.APPENDIX-D Copy of letter No. (c) of the employees of the Government of India posted in Chandigarh or in Haryana in connection with the affairs of the Haryana Government. Gurgaon and Hisar Divisions. vi) The wives of such persons who are bonafide residents of Haryana irrespective of the fact that they had belonged to any other State before marriage. employees who are posted at Chandigarh. 62/17/95-6 GSI Dated. 1996 From The Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To i) ii) iii) All Heads of Departments. Pradeep Jain vs.Guidelines regarding”. the following categories of persons would be eligible for the grant of Resident Certificate : i) Candidates. Chandigarh. or in respect of the Children/Wards/Dependents of the employees of the Government of India posted at Chandigarh or in Haryana in connection with the affairs of Haryana Government. (b) of the employees of the statutory bodies/corporations established by or under an Act of the State of Haryana who are posted in Chandigarh or in Haryana or outside Haryana. iii) Children/wards (if parents not living)/dependents of persons who after retirement have permanently settled in Haryana and draw their pensions from the treasuries situated in the State of Haryana. letters noted in the margin on the subject noted above vide which the instructions were issued regarding simplification of procedure for obtaining the certificate of Domicile for the purpose of admission to educational institution (including technical/medical institution). 2. who have permanent home in Haryana and include persons who have been residing in Haryana for a period of not less than 15 years or who have permanent home in Haryana but on account of their occupation they are living outside Haryana. Commissioners Ambala. provided that the parents/guardians (if parents are not living) of persons belonging to any one of the above mentioned categories are : a) Citizen of India. the 3rd October. who have passed the examination qualifying them for selection in an institution from a school/college in Haryana. All candidates claiming to be bonafide residents of Haryana should produce a Haryana Resident Certificate signed by the District Magistrate/General Assistant to Deputy Commissioner or SubDivisional Officer (Civil) of the District/Sub-Divisions to which the candidates belong. All Deputy Commissioners and all Sub Divisional Officers (Civil) in Haryana. wherein it has been held that instead of the word ‘Domicile’ the word ‘Resident’ be used in the instructions issued by the State Government and it has been decided to revise the Government instructions. iv) Children/wards (if parents are not living)/dependents of pensioners of Haryana Government irrespective of the fact that the original home of the retiree is in a State other than Haryana or he has settled after retirement in or outside Haryana. Union of India and others reported as AIR 1984-SC-1421. v) Children/Wards (if parents are not living)/dependents of persons. or in respect of Children/Wards/Dependents of the employees and retirees of the Statutory Bodies/Corporations 77 . “Bonafide residents of Haryana . Resident Certificates in respect of elsewhere or in respect of the Children/Wards/Dependents of Haryana Govt. The matter has been reconsidered in the light of judgment delivered by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in the case of Dr. a certificate of the Principal/Headmaster from concerned institution where the children/wards studied last should be considered sufficient.of Haryana established by or under an Act of the State of Haryana or a Central Act and located at Chandigarh. General Administration. if they have passed the examination from a school/college situated in Haryana. Haryana. may not be required to produce Resident Certificate. No. For this purpose.O. all fees and other dues paid up to the date of such removal shall be confiscated. ii) All Commissioners and Secretaries to Govt. should be by their respective Heads of Departments. ii) All Commissioners and Secretaries to Govt.. 3. the 31. which should be sufficient. For the purpose of uniformity for issuing certificate of Residence in the case of various categories to be issued by the competent Authorities. 62/17/95-6GSI Dated Chandigarh. Yours faithfully. Haryana. Candidates seeking admission in educational institutions (including medical and technical institutions) located in Haryana. for Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana.96 78 . Haryana. the student shall be removed from the institution. Sd/Under Secretary. U. If a candidate is admitted on the basis of claim that he belongs to the State of Haryana but at any subsequent time is discovered that his claim was false. for Chief Secretary to Govt. Haryana or outside Haryana. To i) All Financial Commissioners and Secretaries to Govt. These instructions may kindly be noted carefully for compliance and the receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged. Sd/Under Secretary. 5. proformas have been prescribed which are enclosed herewith. Haryana. A copy is forwarded for information and necessary action to: i) All Financial Commissioners and Secretaries to Govt. Haryana. The Principal/Headmaster of the institution shall be competent to issue such certificate.10. General Administration. 6. The Principal/Headmaster may take such other action against the student and his/her parents/guardians as he may deem proper in the circumstances of any particular case. 4. Yours faithfully. These instructions may be observed by all concerned meticulously. Maharshi Dayanand University. Guru Jambheshwar University. 79 .2003 Sub : Sir. No. Sirsa Dated. Chandigarh the 23. Punjab and Haryana High Court 4. Sd/Under Secretary General Administration for Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To All the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretary/Commissioners and Secretaries to Government Haryana. All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana 5. it has been decided by the Government to delegate powers of District Magistrates/City Magistrates/Sub-Divisional Officers (Civil) to Tehsildars to issue Haryana Resident Certificate to the claimant(s). Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University. 3.2003 Bonafide residents of Haryana – Guidelines regarding. Hissar.05. With a view to improve the existing system in public interest. Ch. The matter has been reconsidered by the State Government in view of the problems being faced by the public in general and the students’ community in particular in obtaining a Resident Certificate from the concerned authorities. The Commissioners Rohtak. I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Government circular letter No.APPENDIX-D-1 No. The Registrar. Hissar and Ambala divisions.O. U. 62/32/2000. Henceforth. The Managing Directors of all Boards and Corporations in Haryana 6. Kurukshetra University. dated 3. All the Heads of Departments in Haryana 2.1996 on the subject noted above vide which the powers of issuing Haryana Resident Certificate was vested with District Magistrate/General Assistant to Deputy Commissioner or Sub Divisional Officer (Civil) of the District/Sub-Divisions.10. Gurgaon. Hissar and Ch.05. The Registrars. 62/32/2000 – 6GSI From The Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To 1. the Tehsildars of Revenue Department are authorized to issue Residents Certificates besides the aforesaid functionaries. 62/17/95-6GSI. Rohtak. Devi Lal University. Kurukshetra.6 GSI Dated. Chandigarh the 23. APPENDIX - D-2 No. 62/27/2003 – 6GSI From The Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To 1. All the Heads of Departments in Haryana 2. The Commissioners Rohtak, Gurgaon, Hissar and Ambala divisions. 3. The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court 4. All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana 5. The Managing Directors of all Boards and Corporations in Haryana 6. The Registrars, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hissar and Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa Dated, Chandigarh the Sub : Sir, I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Government circular letter No. 62/17/95-6GSI, dated 3.10.96 and No. 62/32/2000 - GSI, dated 23.5.2003 on the subject noted above vide which the instructions were issued regarding simplification of procedure for obtaining the certificate of resident for purpose of admission to educational institutions (including technical/medical institutions) 2. The matter has been reconsidered by the State Government in view of the problems faced by the children and wards of accredited journalists recognized by Government of Haryana and it has been decided that the children and wards of the accredited journalists residing at Chandigarh and recognized by Government of Haryana would also be eligible for the grant of Residence Certificate only for the purpose of admission in the academic institutions of Haryana State. These instructions may kindly be noted carefully for compliance and the receipt of this letter may please be acknowledged. Yours faithfully, Sd/Under Secretary General Administration for Chief Secretary to Government Haryana A copy is forwarded to all the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretaries/ Commissioners and Secretaries to Government of Haryana for information and necessary action. Under Secretary General Administration for Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To All the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretary/ Commissioners and Secretaries to Government Haryana U.O. No. 62/27/2003- 6 GSI Dated, Chandigarh the July 29, 2003 Bonafide residents of Haryana – Guidelines regarding. 3. 80 APPENDIX-D-3 Copy of letter No. 22/28/2003 – 3G.S.III Dated, the 30th January, 2004. From The Chief Secretary to Government Haryana To 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. All the Heads of Departments in Haryana The Commissioners Rohtak, Gurgaon, Hissar and Ambala divisions. The Registrar, Punjab and Haryana High Court All the Deputy Commissioners in Haryana The Registrars, Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra, Ch. Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University, Hissar, Guru Jambheshwar University, Hissar and Ch. Devi Lal University, Sirsa Dated, Chandigarh the 30th January, 2004. Sub : Sir, I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Government letter Nos. 62/17/95-2G.S.III, dated 03.10.1996, No. 22/51/93-3G.S.III, dated 12.08.93 and even No. dated 14.10.97 on the subject noted above wherein instructions regarding the caste certificates (SC/BC/OBC), and Resident certificates have been issued. The policy has been reviewed keeping in view the various courts judgements and the hardships caused to the individuals in obtaining above quoted certificates. Government is of the view that the procedure be institutionalized by delegating powers at proper level for ensuring speedy disposal of work without any harassment or exploitation. The present modification of the policy also aims at simplifying the procedure for obtaining certificate by an individual falling under the reserved categories. 2. The matter has been reconsidered in depth by the State Government in view of the problems being faced by the Government employees in obtaining these certificates. With a view to improve the existing system in issuing various certificates, it has been decided by the Government that henceforth Circle Revenue Officers (Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar-cum-Executive Magistrate) concerned will be authorized to issue Resident as well as Caste Certificates (SC/BC/OBC) after getting the verification done through the subordinate revenue staff in case of applicants residing in the rural area and through the Executive Officer/Secretary of the concerned Municipal Committee/Municipal Council/Municipal Corporation concerned in case of applicants residing in urban areas. It has further been decided that in case of Haryana Government employees serving in the offices located at Chandigarh/Panchkula and residing at Chandigarh/Panchkula, the Resident Certificates and Caste Certificates to SC/BC employees and for their children, may be issued by their respective Heads of Departments also. 3. The validity of Resident Certificate issued by the competent authority shall be as long as the holder of this certificate maintains his residential address in Haryana State. 4. SC certificate once issued be valid as long as the caste is not removed from the Schedule of the Constitution and BC certificate shall be valid for life from the date of issue of the certificate or till the applicant does not fall into creamy layer category as defined from time to time. The applicant applying for BC certificate would also submit a self declaration on simple paper that he does not fall under creamy layer category. However, if the certificate has been obtained by fraud or misrepresentation or concealment of facts or by some other means, the said certificate shall be declared as invalid/non-est and benefit taken by the applicant will be withdrawn and a criminal case shall be registered against the applicant misrepresenting the facts as well as against the guilty officers/officials, if any. In addition, Social Justice & Empowerment Department, Haryana is being directed to finalize the modalities and procedure to constitute the Scrutiny Committee. The files relating to Caste and Resident certificate shall be retained for 10 years and Register shall be retained permanently. The proformae of the application form, Register and SC/BC certificates prescribed by the Government shall be followed by all the Departments/Institutions in letter and spirit as it has come to the notice of the Govt. that some Departments/Institutions demand such certificates in proformae which are at variance with the proformae in which these certificates are being issued by the competent authorities (Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar/HODs). It is, therefore, decided that the Departments/Institutions shall accept these certificates only in the proformae in which these are being issued by the competent authorities which have been prescribed by the Govt. itself. 5. To make institutional arrangements, it has also been decided that in future the Resident and Caste certificates will be issued to all the students studying in class 8th every year as per the time schedule given below :- To make institutional arrangements, it has also been decided that in future the Resident and Caste “Streamlining the procedure in the offices regarding issuing of Resident/Income Certificates and the caste certificate to Scheduled Castes and Backward Classes”. 81 certificates will be issued to all the students studying in class 8th every year as per the time schedule given below :- i. ii. iii. iv. Filling of application form by the parents/students. Verification by (a) Sarpanch/ Nambardar in case of rural areas and Municipal Councillors in case of Urban areas. (b) Verification by Patwari in case of rural areas /EO/Secy.(MC) any other officer/official authorized by the local body for the purpose in case of urban areas. (c) Head Teacher/Head Master Forwarding of application to CRO by Head Teacher/Head Master Verification & issue of certificate by CRO 1st Nov. to 10th Nov. every year. Upto 15th November every year. 30th November Upto 15th Dec. 31st Dec. Upto 31st January every year. 6. All application forms of a particular School may be sent to the Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar concerned preferably at one go so that the certificates are issued and sent back to the Headmasters of Government Schools/Private Schools for distribution to the concerned students. The Head Teacher/Headmaster shall be responsible for getting the application forms filled and files prepared of all the students presently studying in Class-VIII to XII will be issued these certificates during the months of January, 2004 to March, 2004. The schedule will be finalized by the concerned Deputy Commissioner in this regard. 7. It has been further decided that in case of SC/BC students claiming benefit under various welfare schemes upto Class IX, the benefits will be given by the Head Master/Head Teacher after getting the verification done from Sarpanch/Nambartdar/MC and a caste certificate issued by the CRO (Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar) may not be demanded for this purpose by the School authorities. 8. The matter regarding issue of income certificate to the students for claiming various benefits in educational institutions has been considered and it has been decided that in future the income certificate for educational purpose will be issued by the CRO (Tehsildar/Naib Tehsildar concerned) and income certificate for other purposes by the SDO (C) concerned taking into account income of the applicant from various sources including agriculture, trade, profession, salary etc. The verification will be got done through the subordinate revenue staff in case of applicants residing in rural areas and through the Executive Officers/Secretary of the concerned Municipal Committee/Council/Municipal Corporation in case of applicants residing in urban areas. 9. It has also been brought to the notice of the Government that when posts are advertised, fairly large number of candidates apply for such posts and Haryana Public Service Commission/Haryana Staff Selection Commission/Department demand attested copies of Resident/Caste certificates and other documents from the candidates. This creates not only financial problems for the unemployed youths but also increases the workload in the offices. Similar is the position in case of admission to educational/professional Engineering institutions. To give relief to the public, it has been decided that at the time of applying for job or for admission in educational institutions including technical/professional institutions etc. self-attested photo-copy of the certificate about the residence and caste status shall be sufficient and at the time of final interview/selection, original papers including castes and Resident certificate issued by the competent authorities may be obtained/examined/inspected by the concerned departments/institutions and attested copies thereof be kept in record. The fact may also be crosschecked/verified at the time of verification of the antecedents of the applicants before he/she joins the Government service. Similar practice will be followed for degrees/mark-sheets/other certificates of academic qualifications. Necessary action to amend/revise the application form in this regard shall be taken by Haryana Public Service Commission/Haryana Staff Selection Commission/Head of the Departments/Universities etc. at their own level under intimation to the Government. These instructions may be brought to the knowledge of all for strict compliance. Yours faithfully, Sd/Under Secretary General Administration for Chief Secretary to Government Haryana 82 To All the Financial Commissioners and Principal Secretary/ Commissioners and Secretaries to Government Haryana. 83 . in the sub-Clause (a). 62/17/95-6GS1dated 17. Accordingly.guidelines regarding dated 3. (b) and (c) of Clause (ii) in para 1 of the instructions in question. Subject: Sir. These instructions may be noted carefully for compliance. for the word “employee” the word ‘regular employees’ is substituted and should be read as such. Haryana addressed to all the Head of Deptt. 62/17/95-6GSI./Statutory bodies/corporations and Govt. 3 The matter has been examined by the Government. of India mentioned in the above instructions and not ad hoc/contract/daily-wages of these State Govt.Copy of letter No. & Org. 2 Several departments have sought clarification from the State Govt.96 regarding the subject mentioned above vide which the instructions were issued regarding simplification of procedure for obtaining the certificate of Bonafide residents of Haryana for the purpose of admission to educational institutions (Including technical/ medical institutions). / Statutory bodies/ corporations fall within the ambit of these instructions. It is clarified that only regular employees of the State Govt. whether ad hoc/contract/ daily-wages employees are also covered under these instructions. I am directed to invite your attention to Haryana Government circular letter No.98 from the Chief Secretary to Govt. 84 .10. APPENDIX-D-4 Bonafide residents of Haryana.7. 3. NOTE: The eligibility criteria from the current academic session i. John’s University Kizhanattam. 29.e. Gopala Tower.P. Nagpur Self Culture University. 8. Delhi Maithill University/ Vishwavidyalaya Darbhanga. 2. 19. 21. New Delhi Bombay Hindi Vidyapeeth. Bihar Takshila Kendriya Vishwavidyalaya. 27. 37. Kizhanattam United Nations University.D. Amritsar (Punjab) Arya University Srinagar (Jammu Kashmir) Bible University Ambur (North Arcot) Estern Orthoddox University Ambur (North Arcot) Blobe University of Science. 42.) D. 41. Uttam Nagar (New Delhi) Mahila Gram Vidyapith/ Vishwavidyalaya (Women’s University) Paryag.P. Gopalpur Village (Timarpur) P.) University New Jerusalem Kathuparamba Cannore (Kerala) World Social Work University Perunguzhi (Kerala) Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose University (Open University) Aligarh (U. 35. 5. 8J. 17.P. The issue regarding Fake University is in Court). 17.P.P. Mathura (U.P. Moti Park. New Delhi – 110003 Central Board of Higher Education East Patel Nagar. Model Town. Kumbaronam St. Gali No.) *Bhartiya Shiksha Parishad (U.P. 2013-14 and onwards will be as per AICTE guidelines and all the private self financing technical institutions will follow the eligibility criteria as specified by the AICTE in terms of percentage of aggregate marks. Delhi Western University of Kapurthala Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyalya Rosi Kalan.) National University of Electro Complex Homeopathy Kanpur (U. 9.) India Education Council of U.) Raja Arabia University.) Varanaseya Sanskrit Vishwavidyalaya Varanasi (Uttar Pradesh) Commercial University Ltd. Note: The names of fake Universities/ Boards will be considered as published by the concerned apex bodies on the day of counseling. New Delhi. Bhopal Vocational University Amritsar and DE Uttar Pradesh Vishwavidyapeeth Kushikalan Kesarwani Vidyapith. Delhi * (It is not recognized by the U.) Open Vishwavidyalaya Lucknow (U. 14. All India Board of Secondary Education. stay has been granted by Civil Judge Hawalee (J.C. 25. Jabalpur (MP) Delhi Vishwa Vidyapeeth. 26. Belgaum ADR-Centric Juridical University. Nagpur Urdu University. Delhi Testator Research University Bodihaya Ranur (Tamil Nadu) Sree Narayan Open University Quilon (Kerala) Gandhi Hindi Vidyapeeth Prayag. 38. 700. Kerala National University. 1 Aliganj (Kasturba Nagar) Kotla Mubarakpur. 20.). Tagore Park.APPENDIX-E List of self-styled Institutions/ Universities which have been declared fake by the University Grants Commission and other Government bodies 1. Delhi. 23. Central Board of Higher Education. 10. 40. 16. Delhi Badaganvi Sarkar World Open University Education Society.P. 22. Darya Ganj.D.110009 Board of Adult Education and Training Office. Gokak. 25 Rajendra Place.P.P. 4. 34. Sanskrit University Putur. 31. Delhi.S. 12. Allahabad (U. 7. 15. Lucknow (U. 33. 233. 18.) Maharana Pratap Shiksha Niketan Vishwavidyalaya Pratapgarh (U. 30. Delhi Vocational University. 32. 13. Bombay Maharshi Valmiki National University. Allahabad (U. ADR House. 6. Trichi.O Azadpur. (Refer AICTE website ) 85 . 36. 24. Tamil Nadu Amritsar University. 39. 43. 11.) Shrimati Mahadevi Verma Open University Mughal Sarai (U. However.P. 28. Bhawan No. Uttam Nagar. Lucknow.G. VPO Pathreri. Israna.College of Engg. of Technology. Faridabad.. *Subject to the minimum eligibility requirement in B.. Farrukhnagar. Gurgaon. Faridabad (1st shift) 3 MR College of Engg.. Bhadurgarh./ B. in aggregate) 1 Echelon Inst. of Tech. Bilaspur-Tauru Road. Jhajjar 10 World College of Tech.. Faridabad (2nd shift) 4 Gurgaon Instt.Tech as mentioned in Chapter-3 86 .APPENDIX-F List of Private Institutes with different Minimum Eligibility criteria in terms of %age of aggregate marks: S. & Mgmt. Israna 13 Faculty of Engg. Gurgaon 7 Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences. Panipat 6 Dronacharya College of Engg. Name of Institute *Minimum eligibility (percentage No.. Gurgoan 60% marks 5 N. Gurgaon 11 N. & Mgmt.C.Institute of Technology.E. Gurgoan 9 PDM College of Engg. Savera Group of Institutes.C. 55% marks Bhiwani 8 Gurgoan College of Engg. Israna. Panipat 50% marks 12 S. Sarai Aurangabad. 65% marks 2 MR College of Engg.. Institute of Tech.D.. & Mgmt. CCSHAU. (formerly USIC ) 094163-62401 Ph.Boora – Director Printing Graphics & Communication & Media Admission ConvenerPackaging Technology.gju.hau.dk.ernet. 289206 01662 – 289206 ( O ) 01662 228809 ( R) Fax: 01662 234952 01662 284306 Dr. www.com Computer Science Rohtak 01262-393291 and Engg. Sr.in Guru Jambheshwar Prof.). No. Sunita Khatak Engg.in University Institute of Engg.) Information Tele.Kurukshetra 01744-238310 (off.APPENDIX-G DISTRICT WISE LIST OF B.ernet.. Dharminder Kumar.com University institute of Engg. K.in Instrumentation Engg.nic.kuk. Chairman. 01662-263536 (Off.c Technology om Printing Technology gjuhisar@hry. Maharshi [email protected]. 01744-238191 Fax: 01744-238191 E-mail: sdhingra_kuk@yahoo.) 09255948762 [email protected] * Means 50% seats will be filled by institute directly Institute of Instrumentation [email protected]. Dept. Kushetra ail.com Packaging dr.in Engg. Bio Medical Engg. Pratap Singh (Dean) [email protected]. Kurukshetra Sunil Dhingra Engg. University. Name of the Institution/Status/ year of start College of Agriculture Engg. Bio Technology Fax:01262-274640 & Technology Kurukshetra Computer Science bidhankarambir@rediffm and Engg. & Technology. TECH. No. Dayanand University.in dcoaeg@hau. Communication Dr. www. Hisar (1992) Name of competent authority & Address Name of course Intake 45 2 2. 01662-284313.nic.in Agricultural www. Technology 154 (O) 01662-263473 ( R) Mechanical Engg. Kanwardeep Sharma . 1 S. University of Sc. Dr. Dean. 1. dr_dk_kumar_02@yahoo Printing and .co m Institute of Mass Prof S. INSTITUTIONS FOR 2013-14 * Any change in intake for the session 2013-14 will be incorporated at the time of counseling. Computer Science Hisar(2002) of CSE and Engg.com Total [email protected]. Food Engg. 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 [email protected]. & Tech.in Civil Engg.Khatkar (Director) Bio Technology & Technology.S. (I) University Departments Cont. Ph:01744-239155.mdurohtak. (2005) Email- 60 120 120 60 60 60 0 60 540 54* 108 108 54 324 60 40 40+20* 60 60 87 .P. 09416930148 Mechanical Engg.E./ B. K. Mobile No 9416080030 Electronics and Deputy Registrar Communication (Academic) Engg. No.U.com (2004) Electronics and 01744-239155.nic. 09416488758(Mob.in Total www.S.02@gmail. No. [email protected] www.in director@ymcaie. Electronics and Communication Engg.ac.dcrumstm. and Applied Research. Devasthali. of Sc.Murthal)/ (1987) www.in registrar@dcrustm. State College of (Ext.bpswomenuniversit y. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. & Sciences. Total 60 60 60 60 30 60 330 (III) Self Financing Institutes Con Sr. 01292242143-supdt 0129-2242141-TPO 0129-2242142-registrar [email protected] Univ. Panniwala Motta..ernet.in Murthal-131039. Distt. (2008) [email protected]. Devi Lal Memorial Government Engg.in panniwalamota@yahoo. Dr. BPS Mahila Vishwavidyalaya. 60 60 88 .in Fax: 0129-2242143 0129-2242141 (II) 10 1. Computer Science and Engg.nic. Ch. NH-10. . J. 01668-277598 e-mail: [email protected] o. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.ac. Sirsa (2003) 21 Km Stone. Mechanical Engg. Civil Engg.c om Electrical Engg.in. Fax No.in www.o rg 8 8 School of Engg. Sonepat. www. Panniwala Mota (Sirsa) www. Sharma.in Civil Engg. & Tech.cdlmec. 283006 9 9 YMCA University of Science & Technology. 0171-2828407 Bio Technology Computer Science and Engg. Fax.crscem.directoruietmdu@gmail. ttSr No.nic. Computer Engg.in. Total Bio Medical Engg. Dabwali Sirsa Road. Total Computer Science and Engg. Ashok Kumar. Khanpur Kalan.K. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.R. College. Mechanical Engg. 119) Engg. 09996644012 Phone No. Electronics and Communication Engg. Faridabad.in (Dir-Principal).ymcaie. Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. Fashion Technology Information Technology Total Computer Engg. 0130-2484003 Sonepat (Earlier known as Fax 0130-2484004 0130-2484007 to 10 C. Director Mobile No. Food Technology Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg. Total 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 480 60 60 60 60 240 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 7 7 * Means these seats will be filled by institute directly Deen Bandhu Chhotu Ram crscemurthal@hry. 01263 – 283779 01263-283001 283002. Dr. Bio Technology Chemical Engg.ac.org patoregistrar@dcrustm. No AMBALA 11 1 Name of College Contact Nos.ac.. 09911046757. 01668-277600.277597.ac. Courses Intak e Ambala College of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.in 01263 – 283626. galaxyglobaledu.global91@gmail. 18001801044 Fax: 0171-2830115 09254360444 galaxy. Total Civil Engg.global91@yahoo. Ambala [email protected] Telefax No. Tehsil Mullana. Electronics and Communication Engg.-01731-274540 info@gurunanakinstitute. District Ambala 17 7 Hindustan Institute of Technology and Management. District Ambala 01731-274540. Fashion & Apparel Design Total Civil Engg.co m. PO Bhadauli. Total 60 60 60 360 14 4 Galaxy Global Educational Trust Group of Institution Faculty of Engg. Computer Science and [email protected] Civil Engg.com Phone No. Vill Sohana.c om www.Ambala 0171-2830111. Vill. Tehsil Mullana.com Automobile Engg. www.emaxinstitute.Village Mithapur. 01744-229575 [email protected] m www.galaxyglobaledu. Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg.c om 09355547201. Electronics and Communication Engg. 0171-282202 09896765731. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 18 8 ICL Institute of Engg. Total 60 60 60 120 120 60 480 60 60 0 60 60 240 120 120 60 120 420 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 15 5 Galaxy Global Imperial Technical Camus.275640.com 16 6 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology.. Village Gola.global91@yahoo. Total Computer Science and Engg. PO Bhadauli.01734-269703 Electronics and Communication Engg.com www.Ambala (2011) 0171-2830111. Village Gola. Electronics and Communication Engg. 01712822001.iclhitech. 18001801044 Fax: 0171-2830115 09254360444 galaxy. Jagadhri Ambala Road. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg.hitmedu. Mechanical Engg. galaxy. Dinarpur. Total 60 60 240 60 60 120 60 120 420 60 120 12 2 E-max group of Institutions.com www. District Ambala (AICTE has not granted extension of approval to the institute) 0172-5012596 (Fax) 09355750428 09815500428 emaxcollege@yahoo. Electronics and Communication Engg.ShahabadSaha.ambalacollege. Electrical and Electronics Engg.com 09355703900.co m. Mechanical Engg. Vill. Barara. Total Civil Engg.com www. 09896030899.com Computer Science and Engg. and Applied Research.gurunanakinstitute. 2830254. Electronics and Communication Engg. 9896700040 Fax no. Dinarpur. District Ambala 13 3 E-max School of Engg. 2830254. galaxy. 01734-269702 Fax. 09971373300 Fax: 01731-276121 276122 hitm80@gmail. VPO Dheen. Electrical Engg.co m www. Civil Engg. Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg.com 89 .NH-73. Tehsil Barara. Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. Engg. S. Electronics & comm. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.org 01664-215925. and Technology.com Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.mahabiredu. Engg. and Technology. 09992500354 .nic. Vill Kalpi.org E-mail: [email protected]. Total Civil Engg.No.co m Comp. District Ambala 01734-398205. Bahal. Total 21 11 Shree Ram Mulakh Institute of Engg.mrm_hitecheducatio nsociety. Electronics and Communication Engg. info@shivalikgroup. Bhiwani bitsbhiwani@hry. Fax: 22393889 20 10 Shivalik Institute of Engg. Total 12 Maharishi Markandeshwar University.215930 Fax. Electronics and Communication Engg.co m www. Manpreet Singh (Principal) Ph no: 0171-2009201.co m 0171-3052625.in www. B. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. District Ambala shivalik. Haryana(India) Private University 13 Mahabir Engineering College Bullana Hisar Road.mmambala. Computer Science and Engg. Village Aliyaspur. Ambala Jagadhri Road. Total 60 120 60 120 420 30 60 60 60 60 270 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 90 60 60 60 90 420 60 60 60 60 240 19 9 Kalpi Institute of Technology. 0989604254 info@mahabiredu. 01664271444 Prof.C.202 Website: www. District Ambala Er.org 60 60 60 120 60 360 120 23 2 BRCM College of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.bitsbhiwaniindia. Principal.co m way2dheeraj4444@g mail. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Mechnical Engg. 09813501822 Dr.org Civil Engg. Shahzadpur.K.com 0171-3054600 to 99 Helpline: 096712-28002 0171-3054600 to 99 Fax: 01731-272154. Dosarka Sadhaura Road.com Tel. Computer Science and Engg.Goel (Principal)09815391019 srmiet@hotmail. 398219. District Ambala kalpi_campus@hotmail. 01734-208660 Fax No.and Technology.A. Binay Kumar Mob. Civil Engg. Sharma. Total Electronics and Communication Engg. Ambala City (Haryana) Dr.shivalikinstitutes. Punj(Principal) 09812333605 info@bitsbhiwaniindia. Vill Sountli.Moti Lal Jindal (Chairman) 09876866688 Dr.ambala@gmail. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Village Khora Bhara. 09729790477. SadopurAmbala-134007. Total Civil Engg.09416074287. Sc. Computer Science and Engg.com www.com www. Total Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Tehsil Naraingarh.net Civil Engg. 278680 (Fax) [email protected] sptayal@iclhitech. Civil Engg. 60 60 60 60 60 300 BHIWANI 22 1 Bhiwani Institute of Technology and Science. Mechanical Engg. 01734-258196 09813571928. and Technology. Electrical Engg. Electrical & Electronics Engg. Dr. Ext.238 Computer Science Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg.08059900243 Ph:-01255-265101-104.brcm.BalwanSingh.edu 90 . 01255-265217 Website: www.District Bhiwani Sh. Registrar. 120 120 60 Fax No. Electronics and Communication Engg. nic. 09992303000 FAX-01664210700 www. Total 120 540 Civil Engg.in [email protected]. NH-2. Fax: 01275-263793 Computer Science and Engg.RK Singh 9812324000.: 01664-242561-64 Fax: 01664-243728 Prof.992302000. Electronics and Communication Engg.Dube www. Information Technology Textile Chemistry Textile Technology Total PALWAL 26 1 Advanced Instt. Rishi Jamdagni (Director) Admission officer: Dr. Palwal Faridabad121105 (2007) Sh.in [email protected]. Mechanical Engg. Vill. Bhiwani127021 Ph. of Technology & Management .com. Distt-Faridabad (2006) Dr.titsbhiwani.S. Mukesh kumar +91-9812042562 +91-9992211406 E-mailadmission@titsbhiwani. 72 KM stone.com Mechanical Engg.aitm. Electronics and Instrumentation Engg.in www.in E-mail ID: [email protected] Website: www.org.. 9355688888. Total Civil Engg.in www.ac. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. (2nd Shift) Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Vipin Sharma. Electrical Engg.itsbhiwani.acmecollege. & Engg. Delhi Mathura Road.nic.Prof. edu.info@ itsbhiwani.M. 60 60 60 120 60 120 480 60 60 30 60 60 60 70 400 25 4 Technological Institute of Textile and Sciences.G. (2nd Shift) Electronics and Communication Engg. Delhi-Mathura Road.com . LL09992301000. 323300-02. Bhiwani Dir. Palwal.R. Electronics and Communication Engg.in 09996026727-728 01275-206009. (2nd Shift) 27 2 Applied College of Mgt. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Fashion and Apparel Engg. Mitrol. Computer Science and Engg. 120 60 120 60 120 60 60 600 60 60 90 0 120 330 60 28 3 Advanced College of 91 . [email protected] Total Computer Science and Engg.in 24 3 Institute of Technology and Sciences. info@acmecollege. Computer Science and Engg.com . Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 263371 01275-263789-92 Total Civil Engg.in [email protected]. Deputy Registrar 09729026730 01275-206009 acmefbd@gmail. Chaudhary / Dr.org.in 01275-263789-93.aitm. Bhiwani Rohtak Road. 70 K. Birla Colony.P. Electronics and Communication Engg.i n titsbhiwani@hry. and Management.org. Saveli. Electronics and Communication Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electrical Electronics Engg. (2008) 33 8 Rattan Institute of Tech. Computer Science and Engg. Mechanical Engg. Vill. Paramjit Singh. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 09868051149. Electronics and Communication Engg. 01275 – 302144-45.info@gmail. Electrical and Electronics Engg.dctm.in (Prof.co Civil Engg.com. Haryana. & Mgmt. DelhiMathura Road. Tehsil Hodal. (Dr.dctm.in 31 6 Delhi College of Technology & Management. 206212 [email protected]. Hodal.in [email protected] KM.com rattangroup. Total Automobile Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Director Principal 01275-263903.. 01275302142-43 Sh. info@ngfcet. Mundkati Chowk Vill. Civil Engg. 60 60 60 92 . Total 60 60 120 120 60 420 120 60 60 120 60 60 480 32 7 NGF College of Engg.NH-2. 09891303031 [email protected] www. Palwal121105 09810180014 09254302135 / 36 30 5 Shri Ram College of Engg. Aurangabad.in Dr.in www. Electronics and Communication Engg.ac.ngfcet.org. FAX-26390509355249402 0129-2220808 [email protected] . & Tech. Distt.. Hodel. Delhi Mathura Road. DCTM) 09810106190 [email protected]. Village Aurangabad. (2008) Automobile Engg. District Faridabad. Ashwani Prabhakar – CEO / CAO 09312238019. 70 KM Stone.) Pardeep Kumar (Chairman. Total 72 48 48 72 60 360 60 120 60 120 120 480 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 29 4 Satya College of Engg.0926818821 5 Fax: 011-46038997 09810106190 09312255472 Prof. Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg.srcem. 70th KM. 72 KM Stone. skngf@k. Palwal121105.Pardeep Kumar 09268188214. Total Civil Engg. Stone. Computer Science and Engg. 206212 Fax: 302142 09810362226 0129-3212390 09991003547. Teh. & Tech. NH-2. Civil Engg. Gudhrana. Fashion & Apparel Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Palwal.ac.0926818821 5 info@dctm. Distt.in 01275 – 302140-45. Distt.Technology & Management. Sharat Kaushik – (Principal – Director) 0999233481. (2008) www. Electronics and Communication Engg. Civil Engg. 77th Km Stone.in 09268188214. Tehsil Hodal.in www.. Faridabad. Total Computer Science and Engg. NH-2. National Highway-2.) Dr. (2008) 09354840807 Computer Science and Engg. (2008) Dr.edu. Delhi Mathura Road. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mitrol. Distt. Palwal. Electrical Engg.ac. com gfitm@hry. 4049953 Fax: 0129 .O. (2nd Shift) Total Computer Science and Engg. Total Civil Engg.nic. Naveen Prakash. & Tech. Computer Science and Engg. Mechanical Engg.org Computer Engg. Distt. & Mgmt.ritm.. Mechanical Engg. Zakopur.gfitm. Computer Science and Engg. Tigaon. 09810505304 36 3 Goldfield Instt.mrce. Mechanical Engg.bsaitm.co. Village Kabulpur. 09718312587. of Tech & Mgt. 120 120 60 93 .in www. (2nd Shift) Electrical and Electronics Engg. 09718312581 Telefax: 0129-2201040 Prof. Distt.co... Electronics and Communication Engg.uk 0129-2372850.com 0129-4165036 Civil Engg. (2nd Shift) Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg.acem. Electronics and Communication Engg.in www. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. (2nd Shift) Information Technology Mechanical Engg.. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg.in Fax: 0129-2202065 Phone:0129-2202064 www. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. www.in info@mrei. Faridabad 121004 (Haryana) (2001) www.nic. Tayagi (Director) Ph. R. Faridabad-121101 (2007) www.(Dr. Vill. Total 35 2 Echelon Institute of Technology (EIT). 09718312584. Singh (Principal). Total 60 60 120 420 120 120 60 120 60 60 540 120 120 120 120 60 540 90 0 60 60 0 0 120 330 120 60 120 60 60 120 60 600 90 120 60 120 270 FARIDABAD 34 1 BSA Inst.echeloninstitute. Near Vill.in & [email protected] 0129-2206750-753 Dr.m.Visvesavaran Pondurangan (Director). 0129-4268585 Fax -0129-4268586 38 5 Aravali College of Engg.ac.JasanaTigaon Road. P. Surajkund-Badhkal Road. 2372931. Faridabad-121004 (2005) 37 4 Manav Rachna College of Engg.com 0129-2201060. 2206946 – 952 Mobile: 9971992151 Fax: 0129-2206952 E-mail: bsaitm@bsaitm. Alampur. Tehsil Dr. BallabgarhSohna Road.P. Vill.ed u. of Tech & Mgt.co.: 0129-2206750 – 753. Computer Science & information Technology Total Computer Science and Engg. Director-Principal Tel No. (2008) 39 6 Rawal Institute of Engg. Sohna Road.net adlakha23@yahoo. Chhainsa.in Prof. 0129-4268500 Tel.Rao (Director) E-mail: [email protected]. Jasana Faridabad. Ballabhgarh. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg. Faridabad (2004). S. Electronics and Communication Engg.com admissions@rawalinstitutio ns.2372931 Dr. Electronics and Communication Engg. Aravali Hills . (2nd Shift) Electronics and Communication Engg.in www.rawalinstitutions.S.ac.in Information Technology Mechanical and Automation Engg. mrcefbd@hry.) K. Sector -43. Computer Science and Engg. [email protected]. (2nd Shift) Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 09999712064 info@aravali. Satyug Darshan Vasundhara. Electronics & Communication Engg. Faridabad. 8 Gurgaon Pin-122413 (1996) anuggn@hry. Delhi Jaipur National Highway No.info 0129-6526027 09811351353 09999615560 Electronics and Communication Engg.iitr. Faridabad. D. Faridabad (2012) Web. Firozpur Kalan. Singh www. 09812833583 fax. Pataudi Road. 45 12 Satyug Darshan Institute of Engg. Faridabad. Faridabad. Village Ladlyapur. Distt. Faridabad. Electrical Engg. (2009) Ishwar Institute of Technology & Research. Electrical Engg.com 94 . Faridabad122 002. Vill. College. Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg.Ballabhgarh. Total 120 120 540 120 60 60 60 120 420 60 60 60 60 240 60 60 60 60 240 60 60 60 120 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 120 90 60 60 450 00 00 00 00 42 9 Faculty of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Bhopani. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.R. Civil Engg. & Technology. Electrical Engg. near Bilaspur Chowk.. Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science & Engg.18 8447744310 46 13 GURGAON 47 1 Computer Science & Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Ghurasan. Total Computer Science and Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg. (11) Electronics and Communication Engg. (2) Anupama College of Engg. Civil Engg. Ballabhgarh. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total Civil Engg.in 43 10 011-27342709 44 11 Pt. Electronics and Communication Engg. Tehsil Ballabhgarh. (2009) 0129-4033725 09811155081 41 8 www. (9) Electrical Engg.org Telephone: 01292599517. Kanwara. L. Mechanical Engg. Tehsil Balabhgarh.anupamaengineering . (16) Computer Engg.nic. 01126121328 Dr. Electrical Engg. Kheri Manjhavali Road. Electronics and Communication Engg. (2009) 0129-4043643 09810160778 www.jbcollege. Civil Engg. Faridabad. JB Knowledge Park. Distt.P. Bhora Kalan. Electronics and Communication Engg. Post Office Tigaon. Nahar Par. (2012) Lingaya’s GVKS Institute of Management & Technology. Computer Science and Engg.lgimt. (2009) Delhi Engg. Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. Civil Engg. Electrical Engg. (2009) 09810630034 09654263676 40 7 Delhi Institute of Technology Management & Research. College of Technology (Technical Campus). Lalpur Road. Village Bhopani. Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Village Manjhavali.in 0124-3253176 09899283449(M). Electrical Engg. Vill. www. District Gurgaon e-mail: ace@anupamaengineering .. Comp. 0124-2275327 09910380104. Fax: 2275328 Civil Engg. District Gurgaon Prof. Mr. co. MDU Rohtak has also withdrawn the affiliation. Phone: 0124-3226806 E-mail: saverainstitute@gmail. Total 60 60 60 120 120 420 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 180 120 60 120 180 49 3 DPG Institute of Technology and Management. (13) Total 00 00 00 48 2 Civil Engg. Electrical Engg.nic.com www. Frukhnagar. Savera Educational Trust Group of Institutions. co. BM College of Technology and Management.) B.info 0124-2375502.504. Computer Science and Engg. Sector 34. Total 60 60 900 60 60 60 120 120 420 60 60 60 51 5 Faculty of Engg.M. Electronics and Communication Engg. 60 95 . Total 50 4 Dronacharya College of Engg.saverainstitute. Farukh Nagar. Farukhnagar. Prasad. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.in GITM Institute of Technology. Mechanical Engg.. Electronics and Communication Engg.S Chauhan M : 0935589355 8 info@gitmit. Total Civil Engg.K. Computer Science and Engg. Science. Electronics and Communication Engg.com Information Technology (3) Mechanical Engg.in www. 09910380122 info@dronacharya. Computer Engg.503. ECE Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Hailey Mandi Road. Near Hero Honda Chowk (NH 8).gitmit.com Dr. Electronics and Communication Engg. Gurgaon Mr. Electronics and Computer Engg. Mechanical Engg. D. Bilaspur Tauru Road. Village Khentawas.P. Sushil K Kaushik (Chief Admn Officer) 09268575006 Fax: 0124-4275103.dronacharya. Zakir Hussain (Executive Director) 09268575004. Mechanical Engg. Gurgaon 01246-465277 09212585277 09212385277 dpgitmggn@gmail. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. (Dr.in www. Bilaspur- Civil Engg. & Information Tech.Extension of Approval from AICTE for 2011-12 is awaited.info dronaggn@hry. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg.com Civil Engg. District Gurgaon 52 6 GITM Institute of Technology. Electrical &Electronics Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 2279569 Fax: 0124-2279568 Dr. Bilaspur Tauru Road. Aggarwal. Mechanical Engg. Khurampur.VPOBilaspur 53 7 Global Institute of Technology and Management.kiit.9355993559 Brig. (Director). Admn. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 09810198642 0124-3249342(O) 0124-2265249(f) 011-27011619. (2nd Shift) Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 09315993003. Haily Mandi Road. 9991114151 Website: www.. Sohna Palwal Bye Pass. Kamal Thakur Dean Academics. Computer Science and Engg.in gceggn@rediffmail. 2266667. Electronics and Communication Engg. Dua (Retd.co. Gurgaon 57 11 Institute of Information Technology and Management.). Total Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg.in (O) 0124-2279501-03 Fax: 0124-2279500 0124-4104377 Fax: 4051825 09310041378 09310041385 www.in kiitgurgaon@yahoo. Electronics and Communication Engg. District Gurgaon Dr. Bilaspur Tauru Road.iitmedu. Total Civil Engg. for Women.9355372020 . Farrukhnagar. S. 2016700.in [email protected]. Village Silani.ac. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Gurgaon (2010) 96 . Bilaspur Tauru Road.gce-edu. Electronics and Communication Engg. No. Computer Science and Engg.K.gitmgurgaon. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Sohna Bhondsi Road. (2nd Shift) Electronics and Communication Engg.Tauru Road.com www. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Officer 09050471632 0124-2279564 www. Gurgaon Jhajjar Road. Divya Tyagi Dean Academics Phn no. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Total Civil Engg. M :9315993006. Total Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Gurgaon 55 9 56 10 Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management.in Email-id: gitm2005@gmail. 7th Milestone.in 0124-2265265/66.in Mechanical Engg.S. Total Civil Engg. 2016800. 08053980006. Narender Singh.com global@gitmgurgaon. 60 300 60 120 120 60 120 480 120 120 240 60 120 120 60 120 480 120 60 120 60 0 120 480 60 60 60 60 240 60 120 60 120 60 420 60 60 60 0 60 54 8 Gurgaon College of Engg. 09811626767 Fax: 0124-2265249 59 13 SGT Institute of Engg. Gurgaon Gurgaon College of Engg.9315993005. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 3272727 Dr.27016744 www.gitm. District Gurgaon 58 12 KIIT College of Engg. 09991553806 Info@gitmgurgaon. Computer Science and Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. G. and Technology. Gurgaon Dr. Mechanical Engg. Mob.com 0124-2016600..com [email protected] 0124-2279564. 60 14 World College of Technology and Management, Haley Mandi Road, Farukhnagar, District Gurgaon 61 15 World Institute of Technology, Sohna Palwal Road, Sohna, District Gurgaon Dr. Narendra Singh Chairman 9818223864, 9810364333 [email protected] , [email protected] www.wctmgurgaon.org Tel: 0124-2016003, 092543643333, 09254362333 Fax:0124-2016004, 011-26139602 www.wit.net.in, [email protected], [email protected] Dr S.N. Puri (Prof)Dr.A.K Raghav09911447296 0124-23392563/ 64/65/ 68/ 71/73/74/75 Fax No. 0124-23392554 Automobile Engg. EEE Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total 60 0 360 120 120 60 120 60 120 600 60 120 60 60 120 420 HISAR 62 1 Manav Institute of Technology and Management, Village Jevra, Barnal Road, District Hisar Dr. C.P. Gupta 09416041751 01693-259114 [email protected] www.manavinstitute.com 01693-259214, 293118 Fax: 259214 Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electrical Engg. Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Printing & Packing Tech. Electrical Engg. Mechanical Engg. (Part Time) Total Automobile Engg. Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Footwear technology Electrical & Electronics Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 120 120 60 60 60 60 60 600 60 120 63 2 Om Institute of Technology and Management, 2 KM Stone, VPO Juglan, District Hisar www.oitmhisar.com [email protected] 09253328416, 09996789892 01662-253030, 01662-264281 (Fax) 64 3 Prannath Parnami Institute of Management and Technology, Near Panchmukhi Mandir, Rajgarh Road, Hisar 09729200072 01662-260641, 260642 FAX- 01662-260640 [email protected] 60 120 120 60 60 480 60 60 60 60 60 300 65 4 Shanti Niketan College of Engg., 12 KM Stone, Tosham Road, Ladwa, District Hisar [email protected] m [email protected] 97 66 5 Universal Institute of Technology, VPO Garhi, Tehsil Hansi, District Hisar 09254040403 09215777109 01681-259184 (Fax) 09896100407, 09254040403 [email protected] www.universalinstitutions. org Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. 2nd Shift) Total Civil Engg. ( 0 0 0 0 0 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 60 60 120 120 60 480 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 90 0 120 30 120 60 480 60 JHAJJAR 67 1 Akido College of Engg., Sahpur Bupania Road, Village Lowakhurd, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar 09354194800 68 2 CBS Group of Institutions, Village Fathepuri, District Jhajjar (2010) 69 3 Dalal Global Institute of Technology, VPO Brahana, Tehsil Beri, District Jhajjar www.dalalglobal.com 09813383087 09811083087 01262-216420 01262-216422 Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total 70 4 Delhi Technical Campus, Village Bir Barakthabad (Nayagaon), Badli Road, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar Website: www.delhitechnicalcampus.c om Email ID: delhitechnicalcampus11@gm ail.com [email protected] M: 09312806682 09416055222 Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Civil Engg. (2nd Shift) Total Civil Engg. 71 5 Ganga Institute of Technology and Management, 20KM Milestone, Jhajjar Bhadurgarh Road, Village Kablana, District Jhajjar Ph: 01251-239489-239488 (Fax), M: 08684000901 72 6 Haryana Institute of [email protected] 98 Technology, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar www.hit.net.in 01276-241158 01276-241158(fax) [email protected] M.L.Narula Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Food Engg. & Technology Total 60 120 60 120 420 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 120 120 60 60 360 120 60 180 60 60 120 60 60 60 60 840 60 120 60 60 60 60 120 540 73 7 Management Education and Research Institute(MERI),Asandh a,Near Sampla,Bahadurgarh,Di strict Jhajjar Prof. V.K Kapoor 09717791376 [email protected] n www.meri.edu.in 01262-264290-91-9293,01262-215111 01262-264290-38 74 8 PDM College of Engg. for Women, Vill. Sarai Aurangabad, Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar 01276-221700, 221701 F: 221714 75 9 PDM College of Engg., Sarai Aurangabad, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar Dr. Rajesh Sood Jt. Director Mobile No: 0986010701 Phone No:01276- 221744 Ms. Ankita Malik Registrar, PDMCE Mobile No: 09416056211 Phone No: 01276-221746 [email protected] www.pdmce.com Phone No.:01276 - 221761, 748 Fax No.: 01276 – 221714, 221743 Computer Science and Engg. Computer Science and Engg. (2nd Shift) Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. (2nd Shift) Civil Engg. Chemical Engg. ECE 2nd Shift Total Automobile Engg. Civil Engg. Computer Science and Information Technology Electrical Engg. Electronics and Telecommunication Engg. Printing & Packing Technology Mechanical Engg. Total 76 10 PDM School of Technology and Management (Technical Campus), Sec 3A, Sarai Aurungabad, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar PDM College of Technology and Management, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar 77 11 Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management, VPO Ladrawan, Tehsil Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar 09991187052 01276-270022 [email protected] Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. 60 60 60 60 60 99 iietjind. Bhiwani Road. S.com 01681-248416. Kaithal Hctm98@rediffmail. District Jind (2010) 80 2 Indus Institute of Engg.P. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. a unit of Ganga Techincal Campus. Subhash Sheoran 09812546632 iietjind@gmail. Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Dr. Total 300 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 420 60 60 60 60 60 120 420 120 60 120 60 120 480 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 120 120 60 120 JIND 79 1 BLS Institute of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.vdite. Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.com Computer Science and Engg. Electrical Engg.jiet-jind.9844 of 2012 interim directions in relation to the Academic Session 2013-14 are issued in favour of the petitioner institute jiejind@hry. Total KAITHAL 83 1 Haryana College of Technology and Management. Computer Science and Engg. VPO Kinana. Bahadurgarh. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Distt.com www. Bahadurgarh-Badli Road. District Jind Sh.hctmkaithal-edu. and Technology. And Technology.247714.nic.P. Sharma 09812412412 01683-275120 vite. (2nd Shift) Electrical and Electronics Engg.com www. Electrical Engg. Fax: 01681-246466.org 01746-280100. District Jind Dr. Civil Engg.Athavale (Principal) principal@jiet-jind. V. Gupta (Principal) 09996038003. 01744208774 Civil Engg. Total 81 3 Jind Institute of Engg. 280103 Fax: 01746-280711 Dr. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. and Technology. Total Automobile Engg. 100 . Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total 82 4 Vardey Devi Institute of Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 260667(Fax) Civil Engg. Jhajjar(Haryana) Delhi NCR (New Institute) Computer Science & Engg. 280102.com www. Ambala Road.. VPO Soldha. and Technology. Computer Science and Engg.bw@gmail. Village Igrah.in vinayeq@yahoo. & Technology. Village Brahamanwas. Tehsil Julana.com www. Computer Science and Engg.com 01683-260666. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics & Communication Engg. D. Jind In CWP No.Total 78 12 School of Engg.com Fax: 01683-220221 Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Civil Engg. Ambala Road. Electrical and Electronics Engg.C. Electrical Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. VPO Fatehpur Pundri. Electrical and Electronics Engg. (2nd Shift) Total Civil Engg. and Technology.org sbiet2008@rediffmail. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 2272338 2254670(Fax) Fax: 0184-2254670 Mobile: 09254000671 Total Computer Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. and Technology. (Landline) 01746-270503 Fax No. Dhand Road. Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Goyal Principal Phone No. Mechanical Engg. 88 3 Doon Valley Institute of Engg. No. 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 90 60 120 30 60 120 60 87 2 Doon Valley College of Engineering. Food Technology Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total 120 60 90 120 60 870 00 00 00 00 00 00 60 60 60 60 120 360 84 2 Haryana Institute of Engg. Computer Science and Engg.Ph. Kaithal (AICTE has granted approval for progressive closure of the institute w. Computer Science and Engg. New Fire Brigade Station. (2nd Shift) Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 09215038003 www.: 01746-270503 Mobile No. Sector 17. the session 2013-14) SB Institute of Engg.e.f. 9416323604 Fax: 01744-327899 Civil Engg.doonvalley. Principal 09254000671 0184-6451901 dietknl@yahoo. and Technology. Outside Jundla Gate. Mechanical Engg. (Landline) 01746-270503 Mobile No. K. Tehsil Indri. 6 KM Stone. Village Gorgarh. District Kaithal Ph: 0124-2222000.org 0184-6537304. 202(O) 01746-28094 I Electronics and Communication Engg. Computer Science and Engg.com www. 2225987 Fax: 0124-2225991 85 3 Phone No. Total Civil Engg.com Dr. Total Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.: 01746-280100-102103 (O) Extn.sbiet. Civil Engg. 094664-35856 KARNAL 86 1 Apex Institute of Management and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engg. 09215038001. 09215038002. District Karnal Ph: 01744-327899 Mob: 9896175215. Karnal Dr. Karnal 101 . Harish Abichandani. Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg. 09215678930. 4041152. Mechanical Engg. www. 09996909801 94 9 KURUKSHETRA 95 1 Geeta Institute of Management and Technology.com. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Computer Science and Engg.Total 89 4 Faculty of Engineering.rpinstitutions. Electrical Engg. Raman Gupta. 09996909803 / 01744-279800 Dr. Tehsil Gharaunda.com 0184-2001762 (Fax) 0184-2001762. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. District Karnal Dr. District Karnal 09814079006 0184-2220238 Fax: 0184-2220235 Civil Engg.com www. Electrical Engg. District Karnal Sh. Indri Road. 9215345170 93 8 Maharishi Markandeshwar Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus). info@gitmkarnal. Mechanical Engg. Soni. Total 60 60 60 180 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 240 90 60 90 240 gitmkarnal@rediffmail. Computer Science and Engg. Village Ramba. Electronics and Communication Engg. Computer Science and Engg.15 [email protected]. District Karnal RPI Institute of Technology. District Civil Engg.2220238 Fax:2220235 09814079006 Sh.D. Total Civil Engg.gitmkarnal. Nilokheri. D.org 0184-2388334(Fax) 09466241628 09416329592 92 7 Karnal Institute of Technology and Management. 9215345250. GT Road. N. Electronics and Communication Engg. Village Bastara.Tehsil Gharaonda.com Fax: 01748-251611 0184. Village Bhaini Kalan. Civil Engg. Kanipla. Sharma. Computer Science and Engg. Total 540 00 00 00 00 00 00 Withdrawal of approval by AICTE 90 5 91 6 Faculty of Engineering. 120 120 60 102 . 09416037661. Total Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Naraini Educational and Charitable Societys Group of Institutions. Kunjpura.com Automobile Engg. RP Educational Trust Group of Institutions. Fax: 0184-2261832 necsknl@gmail. 01748251611-12. Vill Bastara. District Karnal Galaxy Institute of Technology and Management. Electrical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Principal 09215678929. Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Karnal (Court Case) (AICTE has not granted extension of approval) 0184-2254152. 8th Mile Stone. Electronics and Communication Engg.org www. Attar Singh Sandhu 9215345250 [email protected]. Electronics and Communication Engg.kitmkarnal. Assandh Road. Principal. Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.skietkurukshetra. Fax No. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. 01744-279800 Fax. Electrical Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Computer Science and Engg. 01744-229309. Bhor Saidan.in davcetkanina@gmail. Rattan Dera Road. Kanina. No. Tehsil Shahabad. Vikas Chawla Mob. 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 60 120 60 60 420 120 90 90 60 120 480 60 120 120 60 120 480 60 60 60 60 0 120 360 60 60 120 60 60 97 3 Kurukshetra Institute of Technology and Management. Village Mohri. 229641 Fax : 01744-229641 Mr.Mehta. Total 120 60 120 600 96 2 International Institute of Engg.com www.nic.org Ph.com [email protected] gyankund@gmail. 094164-73577 [email protected] Phone No. 9215710391.teriindia. 35. Pehowa. Mechanical Engg. Tehsil Thanesar.org davkanina@hry. Total Computer Science and Engg.gimtkkr. and Technology. District Mahendergarh 01285-235126. 235104 Fax : 01285-235126 www.davcetkanina. of Engg. No: 09416065126 103 . Information Technology Mechanical Engg. OSD +91 – 9729074246 gyankund@yahoo. and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.com www.Kurukshetra 01744-279800 geetaedutrust@yahoo. Electronics and Communication Engg. P. Total Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg.J George Ph.229309.com www. Krishna Gopal. Computer Science and Engg. Kurukshetra MAHENDERGARH 101 1 DAV College of Engg. District Kurukshetra Ph: 0172-5045983 (F) M: 09216470100 09216870800 99 5 Shri Krishna Inst.org terikkr@gmail. 01741-283843 98 4 Modern Institute of Engg.kitm.in 01741-283841-842.R. and Technology. District Kurukshetra Dr. Electrical Engg.com Dr. Kurukshetra (1997) Dr. Village Samani. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Kaithal Raod. Electronics and Communication Engg. Kurukshetra Post Box No. 9416031269 Electronics and Communication Engg.com 01744-279800.co. 9th Milestone.01744-279801 M: 9254195001.01744224221. Principal Fax: 01744-274961 100 6 Technology Education and Research Institute. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.com 01744-274962-63 Dr.224221(O) 94165-66049 (M) skietkurukshetra@rediffmail . Total Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. & Tech. 01741-283841 Mobile.com www. Electronics and Communication Engg.J. Rajeev Singh. Total Civil Engg. Total Civil Engg. Kurukshetra Civil Engg.Nos. Tehsil Nuh. Technical Campus. District Mohindergarh Civil Engg. Total 360 60 60 60 180 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 90 120 120 390 90 120 60 120 60 390 90 60 90 240 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 240 60 60 120 60 60 103 3 Maharana Pratap Institute of Technology and Management. Mewat (2010) 109 3 104 . Tehsil Nuh. Computer Science and Engg. Village Rawali. Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Tehsil Firozpur Jhirka. Mechanical Engg.in info@mecw. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 01267-274753 Civil Engg. Computer Science and Engg. District Mohindergarh 105 5 Suraj College of Engg. Total 01285-222645. Moosa Palla. and Technology for Women. Tehsil [email protected]. Total 01285-220944 Computer Science and Engg. Dhanonda. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Distt. Village Balana.com Total Computer Science and Engg. Total Civil Engg. District Mewat (Minority Institute) 108 2 SD Mewat Institute of Engineering and Technology.mecw.in 01267-202212 09050090786. Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. District Mewat Deep Institute of Engineering Technology Group Institute. Electronics and Communication Engg.Phone No: 01285-235126 Mobile: 0941665126 102 2 KD College of Engg. and Technology. Total www. Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. and Technology. 104 4 Rao Pehlad Singh College of Engg. Patikara. Bucholi Road. District Mahendergarh MEWAT 107 1 Mewat Engineering College. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. and Technology. Electrical Engg. Mahendergarh 01285-221950 106 6 Yaduvanshi College of Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Pali. 9416150201 Civil Engg. Electrical Engg. Village Rithoda. Electronics and Communication Engg.ac. Kanina. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electrical Engg. Tehsil and District Mahendergarh 01285-240270 ssd. drcolleges. Tehsil Israna. Mechanical Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg.com 01734. Village Hathwala. Village Golpura. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.sddhitech. Total Civil Engg. and Technology. Mechanical Engg. District Panchkula www.com www. Electronics and Communication Engg. District Panchkula Computer Engg. Electronics Engg. Fax:01734-258197 Dr.Prabhakar. Total Computer Science and Engg.C.com director admin.balaji@yahoo. Electrical Engg. 09814102972 sdibarwala@hry. Electronics and Communication Engg. Y. Sarwan Gupta . Computer Science and Engg. Computer Science and 90 60 120 60 120 120 570 60 90 120 60 60 390 60 0 60 60 60 60 300 90 90 60 60 300 60 60 60 120 120 60 60 540 60 60 112 3 Swami Devi Dayal Institute of Engg. Village Golpura. Aeronautical Engg.258298. and Technology. Fax: 27418181 M: 09310193939 www. Total Civil Engg.. Tehsil Barwala. 4638756. District Panipat Ph: 011-27418182. Computer Science and Engg. DirectorPrincipal 09814851477.com. Gohana info@geetainstitutes. Barwala.swamidevidyalglobal. District Panipat 115 3 Nav Nirman Sewa Samitis Samalkha Group of Institutions. Mechatronic Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 111 2 Swami Devi Dayal Institute of Engg. Vill Mouli. Chairman 09814102972(Mob) Mr Y. District Panchkula Mr.nic.i PANIPAT 113 1 Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology. 09996640267 F: 011-27494909 116 4 Geeta Engg.o rg Ph: 01734-258196. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Chopra (Principal) Civil Engg. Samalkha. [email protected] PANCHKULA 110 1 Panchkula Engg.com 105 . College.in Phone : 01734 -258708 Fax :01734 .09896591389 pec. Panipat 114 2 DR College of Engg. Total Computing in Computing Computing in Multimedia Computing in Software Engg.R.Gupta. Civil Engg.co. Electronics and Communication Engg. President Prof. Computer Science and Engg. Village Kakoda. P. Electrical and Electronics Engg. 09310629666 principal:Narayana Sabhahit09355703363 fax:0180-2005800 ajaygoel@sgi. (Auto) Total Civil Engg.in www. Electronics and Communication Engg. pec. Electrical and Electronics Engg.97 Fax: 258197 sddie_panchkula@yahoo. Vill Naultha.258707 0172-2597475. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. 258266.ac.in 09811040267. Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.3059201.co. Computer Science and Engg. and Technology. 2579764 Fax: 2579678 Dr. 0180-2005771(O). Tehsil Madlauda.ncce. No.K. Fax No. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Samalkha. K. Vill Mohidinpur Thirana.sditm. Ph. Total Chemical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Village Gangoli.org www.(Dr. Electronics and Communication Engg. Tehsil Israna. Total 119 7 Panipat Institute of Engg.M.rncet. Electronics and Communication Engg. 2579764. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. P. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg. Computer Science and Engg.Raj Kumar Director-Principal 01274-201555(office) 01274-225255 (Fax) 09315244111. Total Civil Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. S. Total Computer Science and Engg. Village Balana.com 09255079985 0180-2665100 (Fax) Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.org 0180-2579061.S Sodhi Phone Numbers: +91 +180 2579678. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Rakesh Tayal 9354913020 Member BOG Ph. PO Saharanwas. Ramniwas Sharma 09215512171. 9996022268 M: 9896766601 Fax:0180-4001948 Engg. District Panipat Prof.3509202 Fax No.co. District Panipat (State NOC for closure of institute has been issued but AICTE approval is awaited) Dr. Electrical Engg. 0180-2569800 E-Mail:[email protected] m www.in Web.2569699. Total 60 60 120 360 60(12 0) 120 120 60 60 120 480 120 24 120 72 60 396 120 120 60 120 60 120 600 60 60 60 90 60 120 450 0 0 0 0 0 480 117 5 NC College of Engg. and Technology.piet. 09215512173 ram@rncet. Sinha (Director. District Panipat132107 (Autonomous Institution) Prof. 3059200. No 01802569700.) I . Computer Science and Engg.2569599.org 0180-3252064 Fax: 0180-2579004 Ph: 0180-2598606.in Sh. Textile Engg.-www. Israna. 09416067273 Email: REWARI 122 1 Mata Raj Kaur Institute of Engg.com www.nccew. 0180-2005590 (R) sdcharitable@rediffmail. and Technology. Khanna Administrator 9354713020 Sh. 60 60 60 120 106 . SDITM) Mobile No. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Balana. Paliwal Director 9354613020 Sh.edu www. District Panipat Ph: 9996623011. Israna. 2579835.K. Mechanical Engg. District Panipat 121 9 SD Institute of Technology and Management. Electronics and Communication Engg.K Pandey 0180-3252064 093153-77667 info@nccew. District Panipat 120 8 RN College of Engg. 09896266376 info@ncce. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.edu 118 6 NC Institute of Technology. 0180-2005771 Dr. Vill. K.(Dr) M. District Rewari Computer Science and Engg.. 9996010249.Road. Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Jind Road.riem. Director-Principal 09355565143. Computer Science and Engg. 261175 Fax. Information Technology Civil Engg.D. 0. Electronics and Communication Engg.in www.in [email protected]. Total Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. S. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Tehsil and District Rohtak Dr.org 01262-343501.com 01262-215781 01262-292007(Fax) Civil Engg. and Management. S. Dubbey. NH 71A. Dr. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Electrical Engg. Mechanical Engg. Rohtak Panipat Road.5KM Milestone. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg.org 123 2 Somany Institute of Technology and Management.Garg (Officiating Principal) 01262-249572. Rewari [email protected] Fire Technology & Safety Total Computer Engg.in www.com 6 Sh.com www. 5 KM. and Technology. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. IT Total Computer Science and Engg. 261191 Sh. Electronics and 60 120 60 60 107 .K. Taneja. Computer Science and Engg. K. Mechanical Engg. Rohtak Prof. 01262-211400 & 01262-213030 126 3 Rohtak Institute of Engg. Mechanical Engg.vcenggrtk. Principal 98121-97816 01262-343501 – 04 [email protected]. Computer Science and Engg. Subhash Garg Chairman09254211701 Abhinav kaushik-depty registrar.in directorsitm@gmail. Rohtak (AICTE has reduced the intake of the ins titute) Ph: 01262-295667.com www. Electronics and Communication Engg.in 01274-261444. 270335 Telefax: 01262-248443 Mobile: 09896324110 contact@vcenggrtk. Electrical Engg.org 01262-290500.com www.or g Website: www. Electrical Engg. And Management. 274667. Electrical and Electronics Engg. 231230 128 5 Vaish College of Engg. `Village Makrauli Kalan. I. District Rohtak 124021 (Minority Institute) [email protected] 01262-661166 01262-645153 127 4 Sat Priya Institute of Engg. and Management. 02. College.mrkinstitutions. Fax No. Asthal Bohar.P.principal@mrkinstitutions. 03 04.9254211704 info@riem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. Baba Mast Nath Engg..sitm. Delhi Road. Printing Technology Total Civil Engg.sbmn.rnemcrohtak. 274767.292585 09992000181 Fax: 295667 125 2 RN College of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Rohtak Mr. 01262-290500 spiet2007@gmail. S. Rohtak Dr. Bansal (Principal) e-mail contact@sitm. Behind Railway Station. Total 60 360 90 60 120 120 30 420 30 30 60 60 30 180 72 48 48 72 60 240 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 120 60 60 360 120 60 120 60 60 420 ROHTAK 124 1 Matu Ram Institute of Engg.org www. Mechanical Engg. Civil Engg.bitsonepat.in. Near kalanaur Mor Khurd.bmiet. Ajay pratap (Director Principal) Mobile no.).net www. Computer Science and Engg. Total 131 2 Bhagwan Parshuram College of Engg.jcd. Gurcharan Dass Principal 09416378219 (M) 01666-238106 (O) jnmcesrs@hry. Electronics and Communication Engg. 2233662. Behind Fazilpur Power Sub Station. bprcollege@gmail. Electrical Engg. 2233790..co m.com . Civil Engg.in www. 01263325396 binoddubey@indiatimes.. Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. and Technology. SONEPAT 130 1 Bhagwan Mahavir Institute of Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 09311038754 Computer Science and Engg. 09968821121. Sonipat (Minority Institute) 132 3 Bharat Institute of Technology. Mechanical Engg. District Sonipat Dr. Sirsa Dr. & Technology. 60 120 60 540 13 38 13 25 26 115 Electrical Engg. Rohtak124021 Private university Communication Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Mechanical Engg.org http://www.org http://engineering.bprcegohana. 2236911-14 Dr. Devi Lal College of Engg.Jain(Dir. Information Technology Civil Engg. Mechanical Engg.in Telefax:0130-2242163. District Rohtak Dr. Electronics and Communication Engg. Civil Engg. Sonepat Gohana Highway.K. Total Civil Engg. Barnala Road.in [email protected] 09355594010. 09812021696. Electrical Engg. bpcegohana@hry. Total 8 Maa Saraswati Institute of Engg.com Dr. Near 108 . Total Computer Science and Engg. Computer Science and Engg. 329771 Fax: 01263-210723 www. 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 90 60 90 60 120 540 120 60 120 60 60 60 480 90 60 60 120 60 390 60 60 Total SIRSA 129 1 Jan Nayak Ch.A.nic.2232193. Director-Principal. Bali Barahamana. engineering@jcdv. Gohana. Electronics and Communication Engg. (2nd Shift) Total Civil Engg.jcdv.7 Baba Mast Nath University. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.com 01263-325396.nic.org 01666-238106 (O) 01666-238109 (Fax) bmisonipat@hry. R.P. (2nd Shift) Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg.nic. Binod Kumar Dubey. Asthal Bohar. org. Total 139 10 International Institute of Technology and Management. Mechanical Engg.com ditmcollege@gmail. 09355594012.in 09996787090 09891265698 09416015104 2008gres@gmail. PO and District Sonipat www. Director Civil Engg. Sonepat Ph: 0130-2555871-876 09355594006.C Jain Director /Principal hce. Civil Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. S.net www..: 0130-3200053. [email protected]@gmail. Gannaur. Computer Science and Engg. P. Electrical Engg. Baraut. Electrical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Sonipat Dr. District Sonepat 134 5 Delhi Institute of Technology and Management.com Civil Engg. Gohana Sonipat Road. Parveen Aneja.S. and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engg. Gohana. Electronics and Communication Engg.com 9215353001. 2212551. Gannaur. 01127243059 0130-2218847(Fax) 098120-40120.com Ph.com 0130-2212756. Total 137 8 Innovative Institute of Technology and Management.com info@ditmcollege. Mechanical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Tehsil and District Sonepat Dr. Electronics and Communication Engg. Vishnoi (Director) 09215215180 www. District Sonipat 138 9 International Institute of Technology and Business. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. 64th milestone. NH 1. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.Mohana Police Station.com Civil Engg. Village Kaliana. Computer Science and Engg. Total 120 120 60 120 540 60 60 60 60 240 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 60 60 120 360 60 60 136 7 Hindu College of Engg. District Sonipat 135 6 Gateway Institute of Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg. 3200087 Mob: 09717550577. G. Village Jhundpur.ditmcollege. Village Fazilpur and Garh Sahahjanpur. 9215353002 Electrical and Electronics Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Civil Engg. Director Principal Dr. And Technology. 49 KM Dr. 09215215184 Fax: 0130-2460399. Electronics and Communication Engg. 109 .com hcesnp@eth. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. 2212755 (Fax) Civil Engg.i2tb. 09355594015 Fax:0130-2555875 E-mail: bit.vidyasonepat. K. 098124-46685 gietsonipat@gmail. Total 60 120 60 60 420 60 60 60 60 240 120 133 4 Darsh Institute of Engg. sonipat@gmail. 3202040. Automobile Engg.Stone. Electronics and comm.com info@pmkami. Village Kami. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.in 09812427894 09416260242 09416397852 Electrical Engg. 110 . Dilbag S. 09212110908 Fax: 0130-2340237 Prof M M Jha Ph. Sonepat Shri Balwant Institute of Technology..nic.com 143 14 Rukmini Devi College of Engg. Total Civil Engg. District Sonipat F: 011-2731168 09818007652 09310627652 skkes. Meerut Road. and Management. Computer Science and Engg.Khatri.in 0130 – 2340237.in 146 17 South Point Institute of Technology and Sh. 106 www.siem. Electronics and Communication Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Total Computer Science and Engg.in 144 15 145 16 Sonipat Institute of Engg.com dmeducational@yahoo. Total Civil Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Vijay Pal Nain. District Sonepat www. Village Baghru. Computer Science and Engg.in sbit@hry. Computer Science and Engg.com Mr.com 09810627652 www. Electronics and Communication Engg. Village Jagdishpur.iitmanagement. Aeronautical Engg. 9812020033. Near Railway Crossing.: 011-27472905 Email: info@sbit. Total Computer Science and Engg.rimt. Gohana. NH 1. Electrical Engg. District Sonepat www. Electronics and Communication Engg. Total 142 13 Royal Institute of Management and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Mechanical Engg. Computer Science and Engg.edu Ph: 01263-278751-55 09215512108 09215705625 Fax: 01263-278751-53 rimtgohana@gmail. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electrical and Electronics Engg. Pallri. District Sonepat www. Mechanical Engg. Murthal. District Sonepat (Minority Institution) PM College of Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.sbit. President 09416060201 09810095048 Civil Engg. Chidana. Total 60 60 60 120 420 60 60 60 120 300 60 60 60 120 120 60 60 540 60 90 90 60 120 420 60 60 120 60 60 120 120 60 120 120 60 480 60 60 60 60 240 120 140 11 Mahaveer Swami Institute of Technology. District Sonepat Ph: 0261-3947110 Fax: 2255299 Civil Engg. Engg. Total Computer science Engg. Total 141 12 0130-2285107 2285105. & Allied Sciences Bhahalgarh. Mechanical Engg.pmkami. Electronics and Communication Engg. District Yamunanagar 151 3 Ganpati Institute of Technology and Management. 9416026372 Dr. Tehsil Gannaur. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Sanjay Jindal.com Fax: 01732-282015 Civil Engg. Total 150 2 Faculty of Engg. Vill. College. Mewa Ram. Information Technology Mechanical Engg.co m 01735-306000 (30 LINES) .com 0130.Verma Ch. Near Sugar Mill. Rajni Bala 01732:200999. Village Nachraun. Tehsil Bilaspur. 94161:87070 01732:262000 (FAX) ganpati_sset@rediffmail. Electrical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg.com 01732:200999. Village Pipli Khera. 94160-22299. Electronics and Communication Engg.com Dr. Shahpur. Tehsil Jagadhri. District Sonipat 08554-221463.C.ganpatiinstitutes.com 300 Civil Engg. Total YAMUNA NAGAR 149 1 Asian Institute of Management and Technology. Total 148 19 Tek Chand Mann College of Engg.in Electronics and Communication Engg. Mechanical Engg.2460350 9999885350. 94161:87070 01732:262000 (FAX) ganpati2006@rediffmail. Electronics and Communication Engg. VPO Chirsami. Electronics and Communication Engg. Shree Siddhivinayak Educational Trusts Group of Institutions. Electrical Engg. Chairman 9812030342 Sh. 9896008302 Fax : 0130-2463300 Computer Science and Engg. 52 KM Stone. Total Civil Engg.. Computer Science and Engg.tcmengineering.com www. Sec 20.aimtynr. Electrical Engg.org. R. Information Technology 60 60 60 60 60 60 360 60 60 60 120 60 152 4 Global Research Institute of Management and Technology. Registrar 01732-282014.com www. Electrical Engg. 282015. Radaur. 01735:274862 94160:22299. Computer Science and Engg.ganpatis. Mechanical Engg. District Yamunanagar Dr. District Yamunanagar 111 . Total Civil Engg. Gannaur. S. Bhattacharjee. 9355688202 info@grimtradaur. Information Technology Civil Engg. Mechanical Engg. 01735:274862 94160:22299.Management. Sonepat-131001 NCR-Delhi 9812421919. Computer Science and Engg. Jawahari. Jagadhri.co m director@ganpatis. Electronics and Communication Engg.com www.sitm. Director Mob.. District Sonipat tcmcollege@gmail. 9416187070 Fax: 01735-306112 www. Electrical and Electronics Engg.com www. Computer Science and Engg. 09991354346. Computer Science and Engg. District Yamunanagar Sh. Total 120 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 90 90 60 60 60 360 60 90 60 60 60 60 390 60 60 60 60 60 147 18 Sri Venkateswara Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. C. Mechanical Engg. F: 247576 Civil Engg. Village Dhaurang. Purkhas Road. Civil Engg. 09991999964 omtrust@yahoo. NH 1.130-2216823 southpoint9@gmail. Bilaspur. Ram Gopal Gupta. No. 243833 09355242324 156 8 Seth Jai parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engg. Civil Engg. 247403 Dr. Old Chhachhrauli Road. Computer Science and Engg.hec.: 01732-248160 Mobile: 08295832904 e-mail: principal@hec. Fax no. 01732-284195 . Electrical Engg. Total Civil Engg.in website: www.org www. Near Jaroda Gate. District Yamunanagar 158 10 Yamuna Institute of Engg.Banjerjee Director Email ID: director@jmit. Total Civil Engg.com www.ac. Electronics and Communication Engg. Village Urjani.:-01732-246403. District Yamunanagar 01732-242324. District Yamuna Nagar Dr. P.com 01732-296104. Kalawad. Electrical Engg.283700. 60 420 60 120 60 120 60 0 120 60 60 660 120 120 60 60 360 60 60 60 60 60 300 60 60 120 60 120 60 120 600 60 60 60 60 60 300 120 60 60 120 120 540 154 6 Institute of Science and Technology.org Ph: 01732286750. Principal M: 09996116097 [email protected] Contacts:8295905209. B. Total 112 .www.edu.org 01735-260301. 296106 Fax: 01732-296106 153 5 Haryana Engineering College. And Technology.287074. Old Bilaspur Road. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. Jagadhari.S. Computer Science and Engg.287075 Total Civil Engg. College.284779 . (2nd Shift) Electrical Engg.283700 157 9 Shree Ram Institute of Engg. and Technology.283799 Fax: 01732-283800. Yamunanagar-135003 Website-www. Electrical Engg. Vill. Total Computer Science and Engg. Computer Science and Engg. Jagadhri-Ambala Road Vill Gadholi. Gill. J. Tehsil Chhachhrauli.in college ph.ac. Computer Science and Engg.District Yamunanagar133103(haryana) Dr. Rajeev Khanduja. Total Civil Engg.284778 . Mechanical Engg. Mechanical Engg. Information Technology Mechanical Engg. [email protected]. 302 F: 01735-260301 155 7 Maharishi Ved Vyas Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Jagadhri. Sub-Tehsil Mustafabad . Electronics and Communication Engg.istk.grimtradaur.in Mechanical Engg.ac. Computer Science and Engg. Total Applied Electronics and Instrumentation Chemical Engg. Electronics and Communication Engg. Gadhola. Electronics and Communication Engg. Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engg. Kuldip Singh (Principal) Fax no. Computer Science and Engg. Jagadhri. 01732-286745 [email protected]. District Yamunanagar Dr.edu.in.jmit. Principal. 09355584527. Mechanical Engg. and Technology. Electronics and Communication Engg. (2nd Shift) Electronics and Communication Engg. Radaur.yiet. (2nd Shift) Electronics Engg. Tech in ECE Total 60 60 60 60 240 113 . B. Distt. Tehsil Radaur. Yamuna Nagar (2012) B.159 11 Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Innovative Engg. Village Chhotabans. Tech in Civil Engg. Tech ME B. & Technology Institute. Tech in CSE B. District Karnal Sat Priya School of Architecture and Design. LIST OF B.398219. RP Educational Trust Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus). Farukhnagar. Juglan.ac.com .. Jhajjar Road. District Hisar Ganga Institute of Architecture and Town Planning . Brown Hills College of Engg.oitmhisar.in www.278680 (Fax) info@iclhitech@com Course Intake Architecture 40 Architecture 80 Interior 40 Design Planning 3 Om Institute of Architecture and Design.com www. Hailey Mandi Road. Rohtak Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology. . (2008) (Minority Institution). Faridabad. Bahadurgarh . District Gurgaon Contact Nos.iclhitech. 231230 [email protected] are being made by the following institutions / Deemed Universities / Private Universities at their own level: 1.crscem.com 40 Architecture 80 4 Architecture 80 5 6 budhacollage@gmail. & Tech. Shahzadpur.ac. & Tech. District Jhajjar Budha College of Architecture. Name of Institute No. Dhauj.com 01734398205.nic.in 0130-2484003 Fax 0130-2484004 0130-2484007 to 10 (Ext. INSTITUTES FOR 2013-14 Sr. District Karnal Faculty of Architecture. 6531004 09814079006 0184-2220238 Fax: 0184-2220235 Architecture 00 Architecture 40 7 www.co.in www. Murthal. 20KM Milestone.spmmet. krgcollage@yahoo. ICL institute of 1 Architecture and Town Planning. ARCH. Village Bastara.org 01262-290500.dcrumstm.budhacollage. Karnal Indri Road. Vill. Tehsil Gharaunda. Faridabad-121004 (Minority Institution) 2.Falah School of Engg.com 0184-6531003. Dhauj. Village Kablana. VPO Ramba. Al. 119) www. www. District Ambala 2 Savera Educational Trust Group of Institutions. District Sonepat 09253328416 01662-264282 253030 (Fax) [email protected] 114 Architecture 80 Interior 40 Design Architecture 80 8 . com cclsbarch2011@yahoo. Hassangarh.com Architecture 120 Architecture 40 Sh. www. Sonepat131001 NCR-Delhi (Established in the year 2012-13 as per affiliation list received from DCRUST) P. Dilbag S. 9812020033.in Architecture 40 Col. Sonepat (Established in the year 2012-13 as per affiliation list received from DCRUST) CCLS College of Architecture and Design.SamplaKharkhoda Road.9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Gateway College of Architecture and Design.com Dr. Near Sugar Mills.202 Website: www. Sector 20.) Architecture 40 (Chairman) Contact No.Rohtak) Rabindranath Tagore Institute of Architecture and Design.Jasana. Sonepat South Point School of Architecture.BhajanSaini (Retd. Narender Singh (Chairman) Contact No.org E-mail: [email protected] www. 09899040933 Dr. 098124-46685 [email protected](Haryana) Maharishi Markandeshwar University. Manpreet Singh (Principal) Ph no: 0171-2009201.Tigaon Road.org Architecture 40 Architecture 40 115 .sitm. Tehsil and District Sonepat Hindu School of Architecture.Khatri. Haryana(India) Private University 0130-2218847(Fax) 098120-40120.mmambala.cclsarch. Purkhas Road.com E-mail:cclsbarch2011@gmail. College of Architecture.org. 8950867466.in Architecture 40 www.spsa. Village Fazilpur and Garh Sahahjanpur. Kami road.130-2216823 [email protected]. Rothak -124404 (Established in the year 2012-13 as per affiliation list received from MDU.M. SadopurAmbala-134007. Industrial Area. 9812421919. Exam Fee Rs. 1000/-.Tech Courses Admission/Continuation Fee Development Fund Tuition Fee Exam. i) and ii) is payable once in a course duration i. Sr. Fee for TFW Category (for B. at the time of admission. Charan Singh HAU. 1000/.D. Radha Krishnan Fund. 5000 Library Security and Rs. 2000 University Security. Refundable and one time to be paid at the time of admission only) e-governance charges (one time) University Prospectus Charges Total (to be paid in form of Demand Draft in favour of “Registrar.00 Students Welfare Fund (Non Refundable) Rs. Refundable and one time to be paid at the time of admission only) e-governance charges (one time) University Prospectus Charges Total (to be paid in form of Demand Draft in favour of “Registrar. 4 Ch. 2000/. 70/-.Rs. 200/-. Fee Other Charges Total Fee Per Annum * 500 7000 30000 1500 11000 50000 i) ii) iii) *In addition to above. 1 2 1 2 3 4 Fee Structure B. 2000 University Security. 1265/Y. Devilal Memorial Engg. iii) is payable every year and the insurance premium is non-refundable in respect of the students whose names are forwarded to the Insurance Company. Hisar Institute of Engg. YMCA University Dev. Processing Charge Rs. (UIET. 60. College. Panniwala Mota YMCA Instt. Hisar All B. 3 Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Tech. & Technology MDU Rohtak Name of the Deptt.Rs. 60/Y.Rs. 1000/. the following amount is also payable as specified under:Rs.(one time). HHFRs. M. / Govt. Faridabad” payable at Faridabad.Security/Caution Money Refundable Rs. Youth Red Cross Society.e. I-card. Faridabad Tuition Fee Development Fee Admission Charges/Fees* (Non-Refundable and one time to be paid at the time of admission only) Security Deposits (Rs. Registration Fee.Tech for the session 2013-14 ( in Rs.Rs. Total Fee 30000 20000/4500/4635/7000/- 5 6 647/50/36832/- 1 2 3 4500/4635/7000/- 4 5 647/50/16832/- *Admission charges/Fees includes SAF.00 Student Insurance Scheme Fee at Nos.APPENDIX-H A. Aided/ University Department) Ch. YMCAUST. of Engg.No..sem. 50./Instt.) 14050 for Boys 9550 for girls 5 116 . YMCAUST. 20/-. Fee at No.Tech) Development Fee Admission Charges/Fees* (Non-Refundable and one time to be paid at the time of admission only) Security Deposits (Rs. 5000 Library Security and Rs.Rs. The risk coverage for students on roll of the University on the date of accident will be as per terms and conditions of the Insurance Policy. per student per annum) Institute Name ( Govt. Charges Rs. 20/Y.U. Faridabad” payable at Faridabad. Tehsil Farrukhnagar (Gurgaon) 11 12 B. Graphics & Packaging) Instrumentation B. Tehsil Indri.Tech (Instrumentation) 45400 40000/38904/- S. Jind. Faridabad. Bhiwani Brown Hills College of Engineering & Technology. Distt. Bahadurgarh Ambala College of Engineering & Applied Research.No 1 Institute Name ( Self Financing) Advanced College of Technology & Management. Sambhalkha. Karnal Applied College of Management & Engineering. Distt. Maitrol.M College of Technology & Management.B. Faridabad & 38000 50000 13000 15000 51000 65000 13 14 15 16 17 18 Bhagwan Mahavir Institute of Engineering & Technology. Village Aurangabad. Faridabad. Akido College of Engineering. Village Devsthali. Gohana.Gurgaon 63000 44000 38000 15000 11000 10000 78000 55000 48000 5 6 7 8 9 10 43000 38300 52000 55000 43000 38300 12000 8900 13000 15000 12000 8900 55000 47200 65000 70000 55000 47200 Apex Institute of Management & Technology. Village Hari Nagar (Dumha). Bhiwani Road. Faridabad. Village Jasana Faridabad Asian Institute of Management & Technology.Tech (Printing.Tech Programme. NH-2.Name of the Course:.Tech (SFS) Admission Fees Tuition Fees A. BPS Mahila Vishwavidyala. Near Mithapur. Behal. Bhiwani BLS Institute of Engineering & Technology.Fund Dev. 46000 48000 38300 40000 64000 38300 14000 12000 8900 10000 16000 8900 60000 60000 47200 50000 80000 47200 Bharat Institute of Technology. P. 70 KM Delhi-Mathura Road. Village Igrah. Power Sub Station. Fund Security Refundable Curriculum Charges Other Charges Total Fee 6 50 50000 240 10000 500 50 1974 62814 45800 DBCR University of Science & Technology Murthal. Ambala-Jagadhri Highway. Ambala. 7 8 1 2 School of Engineering & Sciences. Village Lowakhurd. Behalgarh Road. Shahpur. Kurukshetra Institute of Mass Communication & Media Technology (B.Bupania Road. Yamuna Nagar. Anangpuria Institute of Technology Management Alampur. Village Gorgarh. Note :. Anupama College of Engineering.The fee to be paid by the students admitted through LEET will be the same as applicable to their counterpart students admitted in the four year B. Pataudi Road. Distt. Distt. B. 117 . Sonepat-Gohana Highway. A Muslim Minority Institution) Dhauj. Sonepat Bhagwan Sonepat Parshuram Engineering College. Bhiwani Institute of Technology & Sciences. Tuition Fee 50000 Fee Fixed by SFC Dev Fund Total 15000 65000 2 3 4 Advanced Institute of Technology & Management.O.S. Bhora Kalan. Aurangabad. BRCM College of Engineering & Technology. Behind Fizalpur. Khanpurkalan Kurukshetra University. Haryana. Village Dhaurang. Near Mohana Police Station. Distt. Faridabad Aravali College of Engineering & Managment. Sonepat. Tehsil Hodal. 19 20 21 22 23 CBS Group of Institutions, Village Fathepuri, Distt. Jhajjar, Haryana. D.P.G. Institute of Technology & Management, Sector34, Near Hero Honda Chowk, Gurgaon. 40000 44000 46000 40000 38300 10000 11000 14000 10000 8900 50000 55000 60000 50000 47200 D.R. College of Engineering & Technology, College Campus, Vill. Kakoda, Tehsil Israna, Panipat Dalal Global Institute of Technology, Village & Post of Brahana, Tehsil Beri, Distt. Jhajjar. Darsh Institute of Engineering & Technology, VPO Kailana, Gohana-Panipat Road, Gohana, Distt. Sonepat 24 25 26 DAV College of Engineering & Technology, Kanina, Mahendargarh Deep Institute of Engineering Technology Group Institute, Village Rithoda, Tehsil Nuh, Distt. Mewat. Delhi College of Technology & Management, 77th Km Stone, National Highway-2, Gudhrana, Hodal, Distt. Faridabad. 50000 40000 53000 10000 10000 12000 60000 50000 65000 27 28 29 Delhi Engineering College, Village Ladlyapur, Tehsil Ballabhgarh, Distt. Faridabad. Delhi institute of Technology & Management ,Baraut, Ganaur, Sonepat 40000 58000 40000 10000 16000 10000 50000 74000 50000 Delhi Institute of Technology Management & Research, Village Firozpur Kalan, Tehsil Balabhgarh, Faridabad. Delhi Technical Campus, Village Beer Barakthabad (Nayagaon), Badli Road, Bahadurgarh, Jhajjar. Doon Valley College of Engineering, Sector-17, New Fire Brigade Station, Karnal 30 31 32 33 44000 44000 38500 75000 11000 11000 13000 15000 18000 12000 55000 55000 51500 90000 80000 65000 Doon Valley Institute of Engineering Technology,Outside Jundla Gate, Karnal Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon and 34 35 Echelon Institute of Technology, Village Kabulpur Kheri Manjawali Road, Naharpar Faridabad, Haryana 62000 53000 E-max Institute of Engineering & Technology, Village, Gola, P.O. Bhadauli, Tehsil Mullana Distt. Ambala E-max School of Engineering & Applied Research, Village Gola, PO Bhadauli, Distt. Ambala Faculty of Engineering JB School of Technology & Managment, Kheri Manjhavali Road, Nahar Par, Village Manjhavali, Faridabad Faculty of Engineering, Naraini Educational & th Charitable Society’s Group of Institutions, 8 Mile Stone, Karnal Assandh Road, Karnal-132001. (Integrated Campus). 36 37 52000 43000 13000 12000 65000 55000 38 40000 10000 50000 39 46000 Faculty of Engineering, Nav Nirman Sewa Samiti’s Samalkha Group of Institutions, Village Hathwala, Samalkha, Panipat.(Integrated Campus) 14000 60000 40 40000 Faculty of Engineering, Savera Educational Trust Group of Institutions, 1 KM stone,Hailey Mandi Road, Farrukhnagar, Distt. Gurgaon. 10000 50000 41 Faculty of Engineering,Galaxy Global Educational Trust’s Group of Institutions, Shahabad-Saha, Panchkula Highway, NH-73, Village Dinarpur, Ambala.(Integrated Campus). Faculty of Engineering,R.P. Educational Trust Group of Institutions, Village Bastara Tehsil Gharaunda, Distt. Karnal.(Integrated Campus) 48000 12000 60000 42 44000 12000 56000 118 43 Facuty of Engineering Shree Siddhivinayak Educational Trust's Group of Institutions, Shahpur, Tehsil Bilaspur) Distt. Yamuna Nagar, Haryana. Galaxy Global Imperial Technical Campus, SahaShahabad Road, Village Dinarpur, Sub Tehsil Saha, Distt. Ambala- 133102. 38300 8900 47200 44 44000 11000 55000 45 46 Galaxy Institute of Technology & Management, Vill. Bhaini Kalan, Tehsil Nilokheri, Distt. Karnal Ganga Institute of Technology & Management , 20 Km. Milestone, Jhajjar Bhadurgarh Road, Vill. Kablana, Distt. Jhajjar. Ganpati Institute of Technology & Management, Village Bilaspur, Near Jagadhari Distt. Yamuna Nagar Gateway Institute of Engineering & Technology, Village Fazilpur & Garh Sahahjanpur, Tehsil & Distt. Sonepat-131001. Geeta Engineering College, Panipat Village Naultha, Distt. 38300 42000 8900 10000 47200 52000 47 43000 12000 55000 48 60000 16000 76000 49 50 46000 42000 14000 13000 60000 55000 Geeta Institute of Management and Technology, 166 KM Mile Stone at NHI, Village Kanipla, Tehsil – Thanesar, Distt. Kurukshetra (Haryana) GITM Institute of Technology, Bilaspur-Tauru Road, Gurgaon 51 44000 11000 55000 52 Global Institute of Technology & Management, 6 KM Milestone, Village Khurampur, Farrukhnagar, Haily Mandi Road, Gurgaon, Haryana. Global Research Institute of Management & Technology, Village Nachraun, Radaur, Tehsil Jagadhri, Yamuna Nagar 46000 14000 60000 53 38300 8900 47200 54 55 56 57 58 59 Gold Field Instt. of tech. & Mgmt, Chhainsa, Faridabad Gopal Sharma MVN of Engineering & Palwal, Faridabad Village 40000 64000 72000 60000 60000 43000 10000 20000 18000 18000 18000 12000 50000 84000 90000 78000 78000 55000 Technology, Gurgaon Institute of Technology and Management, Gurgaon (2005) Gurgaon college of Engineering for Women, Bilaspur, Tauru Road, Gurgaon Gurgaon College of Engineering, Bilaspur Tauru Road, Gurgaon 60 61 62 63 Guru Nanak Institute of Technology, Village Sohana, (Near Mullana) Tehsil Barara, Distt. Ambala (Haryana) Haryana College of Technology & Management, Kaithal Haryana Engineering College, Old Chhachrauli Road Jagadhari, Yamuna Nagar Haryana Institute of Engineering & Technology, 6 Km Stone, Ambala Road, Kaithal 60000 55000 60000 50000 18000 15000 18000 15000 78000 70000 78000 65000 Haryana Institute of Technology, Plot No. 34/41, KM Stone, Village Asodha, DelhiRohtak Road, Bahadurgarh Hindu College of Engineering, Sonepat. Hindustan Institute of Technology & Management, 20 Km. Milestone, N.H. 73, Village Dheen, Distt. Ambala. ICL Institute of Engineering, Sountli, Ambala 64 65 66 67 68 69 48000 46000 55000 43000 40000 37000 12000 14000 15000 12000 10000 8000 60000 60000 70000 55000 50000 45000 Indus Institute of Engineering & Technology, VPO Kinana, Distt. Jind Innovative Institute of Technology & Management, 64 Milestone, NH-1, Ganaur, Sonepat. th Institute of Science & Technology, Klawad, Yamuna Nagar 119 70 71 Institute of Tech. & Sciences, 5 Km Stone, Bhiwani-Rohtak Road, Bhiwani International Institute of Engineering & Technology, Village Samani, Tehsil Thanesar, Distt. Kurukshetra. International Institute of Technology & Management, 49 KM, G.T. Karnal Road (NH-1), Murthal, Sonepat 38300 40000 8900 10000 47200 50000 72 73 74 40000 43000 40000 10000 12000 10000 50000 55000 50000 International Institute of Technology and Business, Village Jhundpur, P.O. Sonepat, District Sonipat. Ishwar Institute of Technology & Research, Village Ghurasan, Post Office Tigaon, Ballabhgarh, Faridabad. Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Innovative Engineering & Technology Institute, Village Chhotabans, Radaur, Yamuna Nagar. Jan Nayak Ch. Devi Dayal College of Engineering, Barnala Road, Sirsa. 75 44000 11000 55000 76 77 78 79 46000 55000 38300 40000 14000 15000 8900 10000 60000 70000 47200 50000 Jind Institute of Engineeting & Technology, Jind Kalpi Institute of Technology, Vill. Kalpi, AmbalaJagadhri Road, Distt. Ambala. Karnal Institute of Technology & Management, Kurukshetra Road, Fatehpur-Pundri, 6 KM. Via Air Strip Road, Kunjpura (Karnal) Haryana. 80 81 82 83 84 85 KIIT College of Engineering, SohnaBhondsi Road, Gurgaon Kurukshetra Institute of Technology & Management, Kurukshetra LES Files MVN Institute of Engineering & Technology, Palwal, Faridabad Lingaya’s GVKS Institute of Management & Technology, Kanwara, Old Faridabad, Jasana Road, Faridabad. 60000 53500 60000 44000 38300 40000 15000 12500 18000 11000 8900 10000 75000 66000 78000 55000 47200 50000 Madhav College of Technology & Management Village Ramba, Indri Road, Karnal Maharana Partap Institue of Technology & Management, VPO Dhanonda, Block Kanina, Distt. Mohindergarh. Maharishi Markandeshwar Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus), Village Ramba Indri Road, Distt. Karnal. Maharishi Markandeshwar Group of Institutions (Integrated Campus), Village Sadhopur, Distt. Ambala. 86 40000 10000 50000 87 88 89 40000 52000 45000 10000 13000 12000 50000 65000 57000 Maharishi Ved Vyas Engineering College Old Bilaspur Road, Near Jaroda Gate, Jagadhri Mahaveer Swami Institute of Technology, Village Jagdishpur, Near Railway Crossing, Distt. Sonepat. Management Education & Research Institute, Asandha, Near Sampla, Tehsil Bhagudargarh, Jhajjar 90 91 92 46000 38300 84000 14000 8900 15000 60000 47200 99000 * Manav Institute of Technology & Management, VPO Jevra, Barwala Road, Hisar. Manav Rachna College of Engineering, Sector-43, Aravalli Hills, Faridabad. * Rs. 27500 extra on account of A.C. Charges, International collaborations, R & D etc., Mata Raj Kaur Institute of Engineering & Technology , Vill. Gangoli, PO Saharanwas, Distt. Rewari. Matu Ram Institute of Engineering & Management, Opp. A.I.J.H.M. College, Delhi Road, Rohtak. Modern Institute of Engineering & Technology, Village Mohri, Tehsil Shahabad, Distt. Kurukshetra. NC Institute of Technology, Village Israna, Distt. Panipat. Balana, Tehsil 93 40000 10000 50000 94 95 96 38300 51000 68000 8900 14000 18000 47200 65000 86000 120 Distt. 104 105 64000 40000 20000 10000 84000 50000 106 44000 11000 55000 107 108 43000 40000 12000 10000 55000 50000 109 R. Faridabad. Near Sector56.M. Distt. Distt. Hisar. Village Mouli. Hodal Faridabad. 112 38300 8900 47200 113 114 115 116 117 46000 60000 44000 60000 44000 14000 18000 11000 18000 11000 60000 78000 55000 78000 55000 118 Sat Kabir Institute of Technology Management. Jhajjar. Sonepat. Faridabad. Bastara. VPO Juglan. Haryana P. Jhajjar. Faridabad. L. Haryana Satya College of Engineering & Technology. 38300 8900 47200 110 111 43000 60000 12000 16000 55000 76000 Rawal Institute of Engineering & Technology. Village Mitrol. Road.3 A. S.T. 70 Milestone.N. Memorial College of Engineering. College of Engineering & Technology. Savely. Sarai Aurangabad. Tehsil Firozpur Jhirka. Near Vill. V.D. Mohindergarh123029. Distt. SB Institute of Engineering. Panipat PDM College of Engineering for Women. Rohtak. Tehsil Hodal. Kaithal 43000 43000 44000 12000 12000 11000 55000 55000 55000 122 43000 12000 55000 121 . Sarai Aurngabad.5 Miles. Ballabgarh. College of Technology (Technical Campus). Rao Pehlad Singh College of Engineering & Technology. Panipat S. Sector.N. Village Kami.5 K. Distt. Village Rawali. Bahalgarh. Village Mohidinpur Thirana. Balana. Samalkha. Near Panchmukhi Mandir. Panipat. Pattikalyana. Rohtak Panipat Road. Tehsil Gohana. Hodal.D. 40000 10000 50000 119 120 121 Sat Priya Institute of Engineering & Technology. College of Engineering. Village Chidana. 0. RP Inderprashta IT. Assand Road. Village Bhopani-Lalpur Road. NH-I. Om Institute of Technology & Management. Prannath Parnami Institute of Management and Technology. School Technology & Management. Rattan Institute of Technology & Management. National Highway – 71A. Rohtak Institute of Engineering & Management 5 Km. G. Maukroli Kalan. Bahadurgarh Distt. Distt. Sohna-Samaypur Road. 46000 14000 60000 98 99 100 38300 72000 44000 8900 18000 11000 47200 90000 55000 101 46000 P. 43. Sonepat 55000 63000 12000 15000 15000 58000 70000 78000 102 103 Panchkula Engineering College. Zakopur.97 NGF College of Engineering & Technology. Panchkula Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology. Royal Institute of Management & Technology. Mewat Institute of Engineering & TechnologyTechnical Campus. Vill. Mile Stone. District Mewat. Jind Road. Bahadurgarh.M. Faridabad. College of Engineering & Management. Distt. Faridabad. Pundri Distt. Hisar Pt.P. Karnal Rukmini Devi College of Engineering & Allied Sciences.D. Tehsil Madlauda. Sonepat. Distt. Distt. Aurangabad. Rohtak. Jhajjar. Jhajjar and Teh. Ladrawan. Village Sarai. Rajgarh Road. Kaboolpur Banger. Haryana. Satyug Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology. Distt. Tehsil Ballabhgarh. Institute of Technology & Management Village Ballana. P.R.D. Village Aurangabad.M. bahadurgarh. (Technical Campus). Rohtak. Sohna Road.O. Bahadurgarh.12 Km stone. R. Tehsil Israna Distt. Village Golpura Tehsil Barwala Distt. Patikara.Village Golpura Tehsil Barwala & 136 40000 10000 50000 137 138 139 140 38300 55000 46000 63000 8900 15000 14000 15000 47200 70000 60000 78000 141 142 143 144 145 146 Swami Devi Dyal Institute Engineering. 147 148 60000 40000 14000 10000 74000 50000 149 52000 13000 65000 150 Maharishi Markandeshwar University. Village Aliyaspur. Near Sugar Mills. Mahendergurh Swami Devi Dayal Institute of Engineering Technology. Village & Post Chirsami. Tehsil Gannaur. Ambala Shree Krishna Institute of Enigneering & Technology. Vaish College of Engineering. Distt. Tehsil Chachrauli. Village Urjani. Hisar Shivalik Institute of Engineering & Technology. Distt. Ambala. Birla Road. Haryana World Institute of Technology. 12 KM Stone. Ladwa. Hisar. Distt. Village Baghru.123 Seth Jai Parkash Mukand Lal Institute of Engineering & Technology.G. P. 8 Km stone on Sohna Palwal Road. 52 Km Stone. Jind World College of Technology & Management.Rewari of Technology & 128 129 43000 46000 12000 14000 55000 60000 130 131 40000 55000 10000 15000 50000 70000 132 133 134 135 42000 55000 40000 43000 13000 15000 10000 12000 55000 70000 50000 55000 Sonipat Institute of Engineering and Management. Kurukshetra Shree Ram College of Engineering and Management. Bhiwani Tek Chand Mann College of Engineering. Radaur (Yamuna Nagar) SGT Institute of Engineering & Technology. Gurgaon. SadopurAmbala-134007. Sonepat 55000 60000 40000 52000 40000 48000 15000 18000 10000 13000 10000 12000 70000 78000 50000 65000 50000 60000 Universal Institute of Technology. 9th Milestone. Bucholi Road. Tosham Road. Village Pipli Khera. Faridabad. Sonipat. Vill. Tehsil Hodal. Farukh Nagar Haley Mandi Road. Kurukshetra 132119. South Point Institute of Technology & Managment. Suraj College of Engineering & Technology. Sonepat.000 60000 122 . Rohtak Vardey Devi Institute of Engineering & Technology. Distt. Sonepat-131001 Sri Venkateswara Engineering College. Purkhas Road. Tehsil Hansi. Teh. Tehsil Julana. Jawahari. 35. Haryana Shri Balwant Institute of Technology. Shree Ram Mulakh Institute of Engineering & Technology. NH-1. Distt. Gurgaon.) Institute Management. Tehsil Narnaul. Haryana Technology Institute of Textile & Sciences. Aurangabad. Village Pipli Khera. Village Gadholi. Pallri Road. Panchkula Technology Education & Research Institute. 39000 10000 49000 124 125 126 127 40000 48000 38300 48000 10000 12000 8900 12000 50000 60000 47200 60000 Sh. Yamuna Nagar. Distt. Naraingarh. Village Brahamnawas. Post Box No. Sonepat Somany (P. Sohna Gurgaon Yaduvanshi College of Engineering & Technology ( for Women). Distt.O. Tehsil Jagadhri. VPO Garhi. GurgaonJhajjar Road. Tehsil Gannaur. Yamuna Nagar. Baba Mast Nath College.000 10. Shree Ram Institute of Engineering & Technology. Mahendergarh. Distt. Haryana(India) –private University 50. Asthal Bohar (Rohtak) Shanti Niketan College of Engineering. Kaithal Road. Yamuna Institute for Engineering & Technology. DasarkaSadhaura Road. Village Khora Bhara. Gadhola. Distt. 9000/.Only once in the course and should not be more than Rs. Transport:. Prospectus:. gym and sports/necessary furniture & furnishings.which shall include one Blazer.Chargeable only once (in final year) and should not be more than Rs. 500/-. etc. Caution Money Hostel & Mess charges: Rs. Additional charges for items like generator. Subsequent requirement optional and chargeable. Student Fund.per student which shall include lodging. internet (Wi-Fi). Development Fund.i The other fee components which is common for all is as follows: Student Fund per year Caution MoneyCollege (One time refundable) Caution MoneyHostel/Mess/ (One time from Boarders/ Hostellers only. Placement Brochure:.to 10000/. may be taken only if these facilities are provided. whatsoever. However.Actual basis. two socks. and in any form. Insurance:.Minority Institution Name of Head 1st year 2nd year 3rd year 4th year 40000 2000 1000 10000 1000 2000 500 2000 200 5000 2000 65700 Tuition Fee Exam Fee (summer semester) Exam Fee (winter semester) Development Fund Registration (for both semesters) Magazines and Journals Internet Charges Sports and Cultural Activities and Medical Aid Degree Charges Registration for placement activities Subject Association Caution Money (refundable after 4 years) Total 40000 2000 1000 10000 2000 500 500 500 1000 8000 65500 40000 2000 1000 10000 1000 2000 500 2000 2000 60500 40000 2000 1000 10000 1000 2000 500 2000 5000 2000 65500 123 . reading room. The Institution shall submit the balance sheet alongwith complete information on prescribed Performa upto th 30 June of every year after duly authenticated and certified by Chartered Accountant to the State Fee Committee / Department. room would be separate which could be on an average Rs. 3000/.+ upto 50%. Cost of A. 1 Mewat Engineering College (Wakf) Fee Structure (2013-14). refundable ii iii 1500 2000 2000 The fee shall be chargeable on semester basis. etc. 45000/. However not beyond Govt. fare per km.It has to be as per actuals. computer. two shirts. However there can be a variation of 10% depending upon locale and specific demands. water & electricity. shall be well accounted for. viii) Every institute is required to fix all the charges accordingly and reflect in their prospectus & on their website and must necessarily submit a copy of prospectus and placement brochure to State Fee Committee. Guidelines issued by State Fee Committee regarding charging of different amounts under various heads other than Tuition Fee. work station. boarding. No diversion of fund from the institution shall be made. Laundry and Canteen etc shall be on actual basis and optional. one tie. Book Bank (minimum 3 books) EDP. it should not be more than 5% of the sum total of the tuition fee + development fund and proportionately less as decided by State Fee Committee. Uniform:.extra.as per actual. 500/-. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) University/Board and Examination fee:. Every penny collected from students. The head-wise accounts shall separately be maintained and included in college / institution accounts. two trousers.Rs.C. University as per the University guidelines. 1 Total Fee 45800 S. whatsoever. Sat Priya School of Architecture and Design Rohtak. Sadopur-Ambala-134007. No diversion of fund from the institution shall be made. VPO Ramba.No Fee Fixed by SFC Dev Fund 10000 Total 50000 40000 2 44000 44000 12000 11000 56000 55000 3 4 5 6 7 8 50000 44000 15000 11000 65000 55000 52000 40000 40000 44000 13000 10000 10000 11000 65000 50000 50000 55000 9 44000 11000 55000 10 44.D. & Technology Murthal.Arch for the session 2013-14 ( in Rs.per student which shall include lodging. Student Fund. Farrukh Nagar. Ambala Maharishi Markandeshwar University.000 55. Educational Trust Group of Institutions. Ambala. ICL institute of Architecture & Town Planning. 45000/. Guidelines issued by State Fee Committee regarding charging of different amounts under various heads other than Tuition Fee. Distt. Gateway Campus. Hisar . Industrial Area. Gurgaon. (Integrated Campus).No. The head-wise accounts shall separately be maintained and included in college / institution accounts. Karnal. Om Institute of Architecture & Design. Savera College of Architecture. Every penny collected from students. Ganga Institute of B. Jhajjar Gateway College of Architecture & Design. shall be well accounted for. Haryana(India) 11 Private University Sr. Karnal-Indri Road. Sonepat Hindu School of Architecture. Fee Structure B. Faculty of Architecture. Jhajjar Road. Sonepat. / Govt. Haily Mandi Road.000 11. Chandigarh Road. Juglan.Note: Any fee payable to the M. refundable ii iii 1500 2000 2000 The fee shall be chargeable on semester basis. R. Maharishi Markandeshwar Group of Institutions. and in any form. Sadopur.000 Other charges/ conditions: i The other fee components which is common for all is as follows: Student Fund per year Caution MoneyCollege (One time refundable) Caution MoneyHostel/Mess/(One time from Boarders/Hostellers only. Development Fund. per student per annum) Institute Name ( Govt. Karnal. Distt. Aided/ University Department) DBCR University of Sc. School of Architecture. Distt. Bahadurgarh. Kablana. Haryana. 1 KM Stone. Institute Name ( Self Financing) Tuition Fee 1 Budha College of Architecture. Shahzadpur .Arch and Town Planning. Sector 11. B. Village Bastara Tehsil Gharaunda. The Institution shall submit the balance sheet alongwith complete information on prescribed Performa upto th 30 June of every year after duly authenticated and certified by Chartered Accountant to the State Fee Committee / Department.P. water & 124 . boarding. Caution Money i) Hostel & Mess charges: Rs. Placement Brochure:. gym and sports/necessary furniture & furnishings. University/Board and Examination fee:. etc. it should not be more than 5% of the sum total of the tuition fee + development fund and proportionately less as decided by State Fee Committee. 500/-. ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Uniform:. internet (Wi-Fi). reading room.Rs. However there can be a variation of 10% depending upon locale and specific demands. Additional charges for items like generator. work station. 500/-. one tie. Book Bank (minimum 3 books) EDP. However. two socks.It has to be as per actuals.C. 3000/. viii) Every institute is required to fix all the charges accordingly and reflect in their prospectus & on their website and must necessarily submit a copy of prospectus and placement brochure to State Fee Committee. Insurance:. room would be separate which could be on an average Rs. computer. two shirts. Subsequent requirement optional and chargeable.+ upto 50%.electricity.extra. Cost of A. 125 . However not beyond Govt. may be taken only if these facilities are provided.Chargeable only once (in final year) and should not be more than Rs. 9000/.which shall include one Blazer. Prospectus:.Only once in the course and should not be more than Rs.to 10000/. etc. two trousers. Transport:.as per actual. Laundry and Canteen etc shall be on actual basis and optional. fare per km.Actual basis. Faridabad. to Govt. Govt. Haryana Technical Education Department Endst No. Ambala. Karnal. Mullana. In case authentication of he admitted candidates is required. Faridabad. Hisar. Sonepat. (vii) Central University of Haryana.Director General. (xv) Lingaya’s University. kurukshetra. Rhotak (ix) National Institute of Technology. (xiii) Maharishi Markandeshwar University. Faridabad. Reference on the subject noted above.Hisar. This provision is to be implemented with immediate effect. YMCA University of Science & Technology. (vi) Lala Lajpat Rai University of veterinary and Animal Science. Kurukshetra. (viii) Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences. Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Tech. Guru Jambeshwar Universiy of Science & Tech. 126 . (x) National Diary Research Institute. Panchkula. -sdSuperintendent. Sirsa. Sonepat. Rohtak. (iii) Chaudhary Devi Lal University . Exemption from submission of No objection certificate/Migration Certificate for diploma holders for admission to higher education system. Haryana Technical Education Department. (ii) Kurukshetra University.. To 1. (xi) Indian Institute of Management. (xiv) Manav Rachna International University. Subject: Dated. (v) Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agriculture University . 35/42/2011-2TE Dated:17-1-12 A copy is forwarded to the following for kind information and necessary action: 1. For Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary To Govt.APPENDIX -I COPY OF LETTER REGARDING Migration Certificate From The Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary. (iv) Bahgat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalya. Memo No. Khanpur. (xii) Maharishi Markandeshwar University. Ambala. 2. Hisar.Rohtak. Chandigarh. the university/Institution may send the list of admitted candidates to Haryana State Board of Technical Education. Mahendargarh. has decided to accord exemption from submission of migration/NOC for purpose of admission to university/Institution for the students qualifying diploma from Haryana State Board of Technical Education. Murthal. Chd. 3. Higher Education with request to direct other universities namely:(i) Maharishi Dayanand University. Director General. 2. HSBTE Panchkula with a request to direct all Principals of Polytechnics of Haryana to bring it to the notice of students.P Jindal Global University. Sonipat. Gurgaon. Gurgaon. Amity Universit .Tech courses. National Brain Research Centre. -sdSuperintendent. 3. O. Manager. (HSTES) Panchkula to include the copy of this letter in admission brochure for B. Haryana Technical Education Department 127 . Haryana. Gurgaon. For Financial Commissioner & Principal Secretary To Govt. JD. Technical Education Haryana/ Secretary. For compliance of the direction as above.(xvi) (xvii) (xviii) (xix) (xx) ITM University. Apeejay Stya University. Gurgaon. Admissions Procedure a Under this Scheme. These seats shall be supernumerary in nature. The Institutions shall publish in their brochure and web site the details of this scheme. d The scheme shall be mandatory for all Institutions approved by the council. 4.50 lakhs from all sources shall only be eligible for seats under this scheme b The Waiver is limited to the tuition fee as approved by the State Level Fee Committee for self-financing Institutions and by the Government for the Government and Government Aided Institutions. In the event of non-availability of students in this category the same shall not be given to any other category of applicants. These seats shall be supernumerary in nature.0 11. State Admission authority shall invite applications under this category. The competent authority to effect these admissions is the State Government or its designated Authority.1 Tuition Fee Waiver scheme (TFW) a Scheme shall be applicable to all approved Technical Institutions offering Bachelor Programs. Diploma and Post Diploma program of Three / Four years duration b Seats up to maximum 5 percent of sanctioned intake per course shall be available for these admissions.4 b c d e f g h 128 . Eligibility a Sons and daughters of parents whose annual income is less than Rs. All other Fee except tuition fees will have to be paid by the beneficiary. Competent Authority for admissions shall submit a separate list of the students admitted under this category to the Institute to which they are admitted for compliance. Procedure for Grant of Approval a The Waiver is limited to the tuition fee as approved by the State Level Fee Committee for self-financing Institutions and by the Government for the Government and Government Aided Institutions.Appendix –J (Extract from Approval Process Handbook of AICTE) Approval Process for Supernumerary seats under Tuition Fee Waiver scheme 11. All other Fee except tuition fees will have to be paid by the beneficiary b The Competent Authority for admissions shall be the same as for regular admissions and up to five percent of its sanctioned intake per course shall be available for these admissions. These seats shall be supernumerary in nature. make a separate merit list for this category and effect admissions on the basis of the merit list so generated.2 11. A letter in this respect shall be issued by the Competent Authority for admissions to each beneficiary student admitted under this scheme and he / she shall not be allowed to change Institution/course under any circumstances The Institutions shall also display information regarding admitted candidates in their web sites for information to the students and other stakeholders 11. up to five percent of sanctioned intake per course shall be available for these admissions. c The Competent Authority for admissions shall be the same as for regular admissions.3 11. org or www.techeduhry.gov.org .nic.tehadmissions.hstes.in (using NATA Roll No.org Online Counseling details for all the seats of Govt.hstes. Filling of choices./ Aided/ University Departments & 75% seats of Private Engg.00 PM) Physical reporting of the candidates at the alloted institutes after deposition of semester fee at allotted institute.gov.tehadmissions.in 129 .hstes. please visit websites: www.gov.in for revised dates In case of any query you may contact: Haryana state technical education society Call Centre at 18004202026 For enquiries click on “Email Help” link available on www.13 to 10.hstes.in or 11.hstes. www.(non-refundable) through www. Ist counseling 12-07-13 to 16-07-13 IInd Counseling 22-07-13 to 24-07-13 17-07-13 18-07-13 to 20-07-13 Upto 5PM 25-07-13 26-07-13 to 29-07-13 Upto 5PM 29-07-13 11:59 Midnight 15-08-13 01-08-13 Updation of vacancy position by 20-07-13 the respective institutes 11:59 Midnight Final cut off dates of all admissions (including institute level) and online updation (of institute level admissions by institutes). changing of choices and locking of choices upto 5 PM at www.07.tehadmissions.org and www.KEY DATES (B.13 onwards Details Online Registration for counseling.500*/.hstes.in) Online payment of Counseling fee of Rs.07. Institutes. 01.06. as per Admit/ Score Card) and Submission of Application Form at HSTES Panchkula (upto 5:00 PM) Display of inter-se merit on www. Start of Session for 1st year Counseling dates are tentative.hstes.in & www.org or www.13 www.hstes.in Result of seat allotment by NIC (after 5.ARCH)-2013 Availability of admission brochure and application form 05-06-13 onwards (Free downloadable from the website www. 08.2013 to 18.2013 to 22.07.gov.nic.org and www. Ist counseling IInd Counseling 19.hstes.hstes.06. Institutes.07.techeduhry.08. 05.07.tehadmissions. as per Admit Card) Online Counseling details for all the seats of Govt.2013 to 14.2013 23.2013 09. changing of choices and locking of choices upto 5 PM at www.TECH)-2013 Declaration of result of JEE-MAIN last week of June Availability of admission brochure (Free downloadable from 05-06-13 onwards the website www.in Result of seat allotment by NIC (after 5.hstes.2013 Upto 5PM 26.hstes.hstes.2013 15. please visit websites: www.org .in (using JEE-MAIN Roll No.gov.in 130 . www.2013 respective institutes 11:59 Midnight Final cut off dates of all admissions (including institute level) and online updation (of institute level admissions by institutes).in) Online payment of Counseling fee of Rs.2013 Upto 5PM Updation of vacancy position by the 18.in for revised dates For counseling schedule of Tuition Fee Waiver Quota and Kashmiri Migrant seats. Counseling dates are tentative.07.in In case of any query you may contact: Haryana State Technical Education Society Call Centre at 18004202026 For enquiries click on “Email Help” link available on www.07.tehadmissions.gov. Filling of choices. visit www.07.07.E.07.07.2013 (After 5 PM) 16.500*/.07.07.org or www.07.2013 11:59 Midnight 15.in & www.2013 (After 5 PM) 24.org or www.00 PM) Physical reporting of the candidates at the alloted institutes after deposition of semester fee at allotted institute.. Start of Session for 1st year .(non-refundable) through www.2013 01.hstes.13 onwards Details Online Registration for counseling.13 to 04./ B./ Aided/ University Departments & 75% seats of Private Engg.tehadmissions.KEY DATES (B.2013 to 26.07.hstes.
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