Bss Diploma in Medical Lab Technology (1)

May 28, 2018 | Author: zuhalmazood | Category: Bacteria, Infection, Public Health, Solution, Medicine



1NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY, PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FIRST YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-01 COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH AND COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Raju ..... the tallest in our class 2) The tiger ...... A deer 3) I would like to have ..... fruits. 4) You ....... Loved me. 5) Hybrid computer is used for ............ 6) -------------------------is called father of computer 7) DOS Means---------------------------8) To colour a picture used 9) Monitor of a computer is a ...............device 10) She is ............... graduate II. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Define adjectives? 2) Define some relative adverbs? 3) What are the types of Articles? 4) Degrees of comparison 5) What is the difference between Notepad and Wordpad 6) Write short notes on Super Computer 7) Explain Cut, Copy and 'Paste' 8) Explain Header and Footer 9) Auto text 10) Clause 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Explain RAM and ROM Title bar Edit Symbols and pictures Explain the Fourth and Fifth generation of computer? Additives Anticogulants Preparation of anaesthesia table 5 x 5 = 25 IV.2 III. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 15 x 3 = 45 Write a letter to your cousin congratulating him on his success in the medical entrance examination Explain the keyboard Classification of lipids Metabolism of lipids Classification of contraceptive . .... 4) Depending upon this solute and solvent it is denoted as . 10) Describe the mechanism of glycosuria.. 3) Air is circulated in the incubator by ....... 5) What is meant by PH? 6) Principle of colorimeter? 7) What is plasma? 8) Symbol of Mercury? 9) What is the value of high threshold in urine? 10) Sugar may be excreated in the urine this condition is called_______ II. PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FIRST YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-02 CLINICAL BIO CHEMISTRY ...3 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Blank solution is used to set the colorimeter ....... 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 .....I TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I. 2) Degree is used to maintain at incubator is ... DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Write any 3 examples of Indicator? 2) What is meant by an acid? 3) What is meant by common balance? 4) What is meant by phospholipid? 5) Define carbohydrates? 6) Aqueous solution 7) Normal solutions 8) Colorimetry 9) Defines Beer's law... 4 III. What are the properties of carbohydrates. 5 x 5 = 25 IV. Explain carbohydrate and its classification. Units of measurements with neat table. Write and explain the diabetes mellitus. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Cleaning of glass wares and cleaning method. Operating of incinerator Write the chemical examination of urine? Write the incubator with neat diagram Describe GOD. Explain the Measurement of solids and liquids. WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Separation of plasma and serum Preparation of glass wares cleaning solution? Explain Bilirubin metabolism. 15 x 3 = 45 . . 9) Who prepared the first Vaccine from cowpox? 10) Bacteria are ... 2) Define Actinomycetes. II. 3) Example for Acidophilic organisms----------. 4) -------------is the infectine agent of filariasis.. 2) PH means-------------------... PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FIRST YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-03 CLINICAL MICRO BIOLOGY .5 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Example for semisolid media is ----------------.. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Define Parasites. 3) Define pathogen.I & PARASITOLOGY TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I.. 5) What is mean by endogenous? 6) What is mean by Immunoglobulin? 7) What is other name of hypersensitivity? 8) Genes Causing Cancer-------------. 4) Define Infection? 5) List out tupe of hypersentivity? 6) Define Tyndallization? 7) Define Immunization? 8) Classification of immunity? 9) Define self antigen? 10) Write about Triple sugar iron medium(TSI)? 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 ... 15 x 3 = 45 . Give notes on Erythroblastosis foelatis. s about Hypersensitivity Write about penicillium Write about Lactophenol cotton Blue mehtods. Write about Hot air oven with neat diagram. WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Write about classification of bacteria based on energy source. Write about the collection of sputum for examination? Write about function of immunoglobulin The common ingrediants required for the preparation of media Hook worms? 5 x 5 = 25 IV. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Write about sterilization methods. Write about incubator. Detail.6 III. Write about microscope & draw diagram. 7 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY.. PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FIRST YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-04 HAEMATOLOGY. 6) Lymphocyte is an--------------------. 3) Red blood cell contains-----------------. study about blood.I TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I. II. 8) Prothrombin time anticoagulant is---------------.. 10) Frequency of blood donation . FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) --------------Is the study of blood. 4) Normal range fo Hb for female-------------.BLOOD BANKING & HISTO PATHOLOGY ..... 2) ----------------.? 2) For what purpose dropkins solution used 3) What are Agranulocyte? 4) Explain Haemolysis? 5) Write the main function of plasma 6) Write the cross matching purpose 7) Why half-moon bodies present in RBC 8) Describe about zenker's fluid 9) Write about MCH test 10) What is the differences between wintrobes and westergren tube 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 ... 7) -----------------is a cell counting chamber.. 9) Histopathology is a study of----------.4. 5) PH value of blood is 7. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Coagulation time.. WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Manual processing schedule.8 III. Describe the museum techniques Explain the parts of microscope with diagram. Explain Draw the picture of normal sperm Write about total leucocytes count. What is Deparaffinising? 5 x 5 = 25 IV. Diagrammatically describe the difference of Neutroophil and Eosinophil picture Explain about cyanomethamoglobin test. 15 x 3 = 45 . Explain tissue fixative types Explain the process of biopsy examination. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain about organization of Blood Bank. Write the type of malarial parasite? Write about donars screening. ........ 3) Urea is . 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 ......... mm 5) Letric index measures the ................... PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FINAL YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-09 CLINICAL BIO CHEMISTRY .. 10) Metabolic functions any two points...compound formed in the body in liver 4) 1 millimicrom is .9 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 2) Glucose oxidise method is used to estimate..II TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I................ 6) Kidney maintain _________ balance of the body 7) Unsaturated FA general formula is_______ 8) Certain bio-chemical parameters also helps in assessing____ 9) Kidney are the _________ 10) Assessment of________ begins with the appreciation II.....definition...... DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Clinical biochemistry 2) Bile salt 3) Standard solution 4) Molar solution 5) Flame photometry 6) 1 KA Units 7) Colorimeter 8) Creational normal value: male and female 9) Phenol red test. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Normal volume of serum bilirubin in the blood is... 15 x 3 = 45 . WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Explain Biuret method for total protein Describe the BCG method of Albumin estimation Describe microscope with the help of neat diagram Explain about the methods of serum uric acid Explain enzyme. WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Preparation of patients for GTT Lipid profile Incubators components Serum alkaline phosphate Cholestrol Estimation of serum amylase What is the serum PTB and BET levels and Disadvantage? Explain the serum T4 levels? 5 x 5 = 25 IV.10 III. 11 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY... PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FINAL YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-10 CLINICAL MICRO BIOLOGY ............. 3) ...... bacteria is seen in pairs... 5) Gram positive cocci is arranged in .. is a rod like bacteria 4) ..................... 6) Widal is used in_______ 7) The letters UDRL represents_______ 8) Tubercle bacilli is an example of______ 9) Varicelle was discovered________ 10) The disease may occur at any adult_______ II...........II TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I..... FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Washing of the hand after handling .......specimen 2) Widal test is done to diagnosis.... DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Basic dye 2) Microbiology 3) Bacteria in the intestine 4) Methylene blue 5) Aerobes 6) Hook worms 7) Microbiology 8) Sterilization 9) What is the shape of bacteria? 10) Define gram positive cocci? 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 ..... organism? Arrangement of cocci. bacilli and curved bacteria? 5 x 5 = 25 IV. WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Mac Conkey's medium Bacteria Physical methods of sterilization Round worms VDRL test Malarial parasites Define micro.12 III. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Describe the morphology of bacteria with pictures Describe about malarial parasites Describe about the method of sterilization Explain Bacteriological examination of water with picture Isolation and identification of bacteria? 15 x 3 = 45 . ........ PROMOTED BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA CENTRAL BOARD OF EXAMINATIONS BSS NATIONAL VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MISSION BHARAT SEVAK SAMAJ AHE001-BSS DIPLOMA IN MEDICAL LABORATORY TECHNOLOGY TWO YEARS (FINAL YEAR) EXAMINATION NOVEMBER-2012 AHE001-11 HAEMATOLOGY...............II TIME: 3 Hours INSTRUCTIONS * 33 questions are there in total * Write answers to each question in proportion to the mark allotted * During the first 15 minutes read the questions carefully I...lab 4) Normal haemoglobin in women is .... 6) The pulse rate required to a blood donor is ....... 8) Bone dimineralization is a specialized technique in ......... 5) Total Leucocyte count may be done on ....... 7) Circulatory overload resulting is ...... 9) Haemopoietic stem cell arise in the _________ 10) The red marrow contains totipotent cells is called______ II. FILL IN THE BLANKS 1) Fibrinogen is made in..... 3) Formalin 10% is used as fixture in .........BLOOD BANKING & HISTOPATHOLOGY . DEFINE THE FOLLOWING 1) Haematology 2) Biopsy 3) TC DC 4) Labelling tissues 5) Immuno haematology 6) Define poises-synthesis? 7) Platelet count 8) Stages of erythopoisis? 9) Definition for bone marrow? 10) What is serology? 2 x 10 = 20 1 x 10 = 10 Marks: 100 ..13 NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT AGENCY.............. 2) The Rh is taken from................ WRITE BRIEF ANSWER FOR ANY 5 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Plasma Functions of blood Designing of blood bank Examination of urine Neubauer chamber slide ABO grouping RBC Define poly eythemia? 5 x 5 = 25 IV.F physical and chemical examination.14 III.S. WRITE LONG ANSWER FOR ANY 3 QUESTIONS 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Describe Wintrobe method of ESR estimation with the help of diagram Explain total leucocyte count with the help of picture Different types of anemia. Explain cross matching 15 x 3 = 45 . C.
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