March 26, 2018 | Author: Sandeep Mohapatra | Category: Brand, Chi Squared Test, Computer Network, Public Switched Telephone Network, Chi Squared Distribution



“CUSTOMER PERCEPTION AND SATISFACTION, ROLE IN BUILDING BRAND EQUITY - A STUDY OF BSNL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES” Project Reportsubmitted by “SANDEEP MOHAPATRA” MBA 2nd year Enrollment No : 2254/08 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Business Administration SASTRA Under the Supervision and Guidance of DR.P.VAIJAYANTHI Professor, School of Management Shanmugha Arts science Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA) Deemed University Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur – 613 402. Shanmugha Arts Science Technology & Research Academy (SASTRA) Deemed University Thirumalaisamudram, Thanjavur 613 402. School of Management – MBA Programme Bonafide Certificate Certified that this project report entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FOR BSNL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND ITS ROLE IN BUILDING BRAND EQUITY FOR THE COMPANY.” is a bonafide record of work done by 1 “SARAVANA PERUMAL.G” Register No: 010771037 Batch: 2005-2007 In partial fulfillment of the requirements for award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration During the period May-June 2006 Internal Guide Dean, School of Management Submitted for Project Viva-voce examination held on _________ Internal Examiner External Examiner ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all I am thankful to BHARAT SANCHAR NIGAM LIMITED, Bhubaneswar for giving me an opportunity to get a practical exposure of business experience. I express my gratitude to Mr. S.Vaidhiyasubramaniyam, Dean, Planning and Development; Prof. K.S. Vijayaraghavan, Dean, School of Management for providing all the infrastructure facilities for the department which helped all the students in completing the project successfully. I express my heartfelt thanks to Dr.P.Vaijayanthi, Professor, School of Management, my first Marketing Guru who offered me valuable guidance and support in every stage through out the course of my entire project work. 2 I am grateful to Shri.P.P.Tripathy, Deputy General Manager RGMTTC Chennai, Shri.S.Aravamudhan, Senior Sub Divisional Engineer, RGMTTC Chennai, Shri.A.S.Egaya, Principal General Manager, Shri.N.Saravana Pandian, Deputy General Manager Coimbatore and Shri.N.S.C.Sekhar, Assistant General Manager Coimbatore and all other employees of BSNL who gave me all the moral support and care which made my project come true. Finally I thank all other Staffs of School of Management, Staffs of BSNL, my parents who were in full support and all my friends who helped me in completing this dream project successfully. SYNOPSIS The Telecom industry is one of the leading and fastest growing in the world as communication plays a vital role in the world and especially in India. It acts as a major catalyst for the economic growth. BSNL has good brand awareness among the people. This could be attributed to its long history in the market and continued support from the Government. In today’s competitive world, BSNL has to provide excellent services to attain a major market share and keep their Customers satisfied in all aspects. 3 This research study is useful for BSNL to understand the expectations and requirements of Customers and can serve them in a better way. This research was conducted from September 2010 - October 2010. The researcher has done the project at BSNL, Bhubaneswar in pursuance of determining the brand equity for BSNL and then the customer feedback on the various products. The samples of 250 respondents from among the universe of BSNL users at Bhubaneswar, Cuttack and Khurda were selected at random to conduct the study. The BSNL staffs who were contacted to learn about the various BSNL packages and policies were also the primary source of data. Questionnaire was designed after a pre-survey interview covering all the aspects of BSNL services. Data analysis and interpretation was done using the collected data with necessary tools including percentage analysis, five point scale was used to grade the opinion of the respondents regarding the various variables used, software like SPSS were also used to enable efficient analysis of data. The researcher strongly believes that this study would be helpful to the BSNL Management in knowing about the Customers Satisfaction, Customer Perception, Customer Preferences and Service Requirements and about the other competitor’s status in the market thereby helping them to improve their quality of offered services. 4 2 IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY 1.1 STATEMENT OF PROBLEM 1. CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES LIST OF CHARTS 1.6 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY 1.4 SCOPE OF THE STUDY 1.0 4.0 INTRODUCTION 1.0 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS 24 28 66 5 .3 OBJECTIVES 1.TABLE OF CONTENTS S.0 5.7 CHAPTER SCHEME 2.0 PROFILE 2.1 COMPANY PROFILE 13 PAGE NUMBER 1 3 5 3.NO.5 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1. 10.NO. Respondents by their Location and Network Coverage Respondents by their Location and Customer Care Respondents by their Cost and Migration from BSNL. 2. Customers using Mobile Services or not. Mobile Service used by the Customers. 13. 7. 8. Monthly Income of the Customers. Respondents by their Location and Migration from BSNL. 9. Customers using Landline Services or not. Occupation of the Customers. 5. Respondents by their Location and Landline. 16. 11. 15. Location of the Customers. Comparing BSNL with other Services. 47 49 51 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 41 43 6 . Landline Service used by the Customers. CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER 1. Age of the Customers. 6. 3. 12. 4. Familiarity of Customers with BSNL. Respondents by their Age and Mobile Services.6. 45 14.0 7.0 CONCLUSION BIBLIOGRAPHY ANNEXURE 74 76 78 LIST OF TABLES S.0 8. Chances of Migration from BSNL Service. Satisfaction level of Quality of Customer Service of BSNL. 57 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 7 . 19. 22. 23. 24. Satisfaction level of Customer Care of BSNL. 54 Respondents by their Location and Comparing with other Services 55 Respondents by their Location and Tariff plan Satisfaction. Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL. 25. Satisfaction level of Tariff Plan of BSNL. 20. Quality of Customer Service and Migration from BSNL.17. 21. 18. Satisfaction level of Network Coverage of BSNL. Satisfaction level of Additional Packages of BSNL. 26. LIST OF CHARTS S.NO. CONTENTS PAGE NUMBER 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Location of the Customers. Age of the Customers. Occupation of the Customers. Monthly Income of the Customers. Customers using Mobile Services or not. Customers using Landline Services or not. Mobile Service used by the Customers. Landline Service used by the Customers. Familiarity of Customers with BSNL. Comparing BSNL with other Services. Respondents by their Age and Mobile Services. Respondents by their Location and Landline. Respondents by their Location and Migration from BSNL. Respondents by their Location and Network Coverage Respondents by their Location and Customer Care Respondents by their Cost and Migration from BSNL. Quality of Customer Service and Migration from BSNL. 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 8 18. Respondents by their Location and Comparing with other Services 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Respondents by their Location and Tariff plan Satisfaction Satisfaction level of Tariff Plan of BSNL. Satisfaction level of Network Coverage of BSNL. Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL. Satisfaction level of Customer Care of BSNL. Satisfaction level of Additional Packages of BSNL. 56 58 59 60 61 62 6 3 64 65 25. 26. Satisfaction level of Quality of Customer Service of BSNL. Chances of Migration from BSNL Service. 9 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of Problem A study has been conducted in order to understand the customers opinion and satisfaction level of various Landline and Mobile Services in three cities of Orissa, research titled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION FOR BSNL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES AND ITS ROLE IN BUILDING BRAND EQUITY FOR THE COMPANY” has been conducted. 10 1.2 Importance of the Study In this competitive arena communication plays a vital role so the Telecom Industries are the major source for communication. BSNL, being a public sector obviously have to compete with various players like Airtel, Aircel, Reliance, Tata Indicom etc., with their stringent rules and regulations guided by TRAI. Hence in order to understand about the customers requirements their likes and dislikes preference is sine-quo-non for BSNL. 11  To ascertain the Customers Satisfaction level for Mobile services as well as Land line Services.  To suggest some guidelines to BSNL in order to provide better focused services.  To analyze the Customer opinion and satisfaction with specific reference to BSNL.  To determine the status of brand awareness and brand loyalty in order to conclude about brand equity.1.  To learn about the brand attributes and their preferences in BSNL.3 Objectives  To ascertain the Customers preferences of Land line and Mobile Services. 12 . Pollachi and Tirupur have been taken for this study.  This research was conducted from May 2006. brand awareness.  The respondents from Coimbatore. brand loyalty and preferences about the brand.1.June 2006.4 Scope of the Study:  This research study is useful for BSNL to understand the expectations and requirements of Customers and can serve them in a better way. 13 .  The brand equity was measured in terms of brand attribute preferences. Pollachi and Tirupur for this study.  The researcher had prepared a Questionnaire both open and close ended questions to elicit responses for the following areas: i. Data collection has been done through the use of Structured questionnaire.  The researcher has chosen 145 from Coimbatore. iii. Mobile Usage.  Researcher has taken respondents from Coimbatore. vi. Monthly Income. Mobile service Usage. 14 .5 Research Methodology:  DATA SOURCE: In this study Primary data and secondary data have been used. Personal interview technique has been used for conducting the survey. Secondary data have been collected from Internet.1. 56 from Pollachi and 47 from Tirupur.  SAMPLING: Convenient Sampling method has been adopted for this study. iv. Location. ii.  RESEARCH APPROACH: Primary data have been collected through surveys. Age. Occupation. v. 15 . Monthly Income. ii. Reason for Switching.6 Limitations of the Study:  Time was not sufficient to conduct detailed study.1.  study had been conducted only in a few areas of TamilNadu  For few questions researcher was not able to get proper response which are as follows: i. Chances of Switching. iii. Chapter II deals with the Industry and Company Profile.7 Chapter Scheme: Chapter I deal with the Introduction of the project work. Comparative questions. Chapter VI deals with the Conclusion. Objectives. 1.iv. 16 . Chapter VII deals with the Bibliography. Chapter IV deals with the Analysis and Interpretation. Chapter V deals with the Findings and Suggestions. which includes Statement of Problem. Importance of the study. Scope of the study. Research Methodology and Limitations of the study. Chapter III deals with the Conceptual review. 0 PROFILE 17 .Chapter VIII deals with the Annexure. 2. nation wide Network management & surveillance system (NMSS) to control 18 . Today.DIAS.9% of its exchanges digital. Its responsibilities include improvement of the already impeccable quality of telecom services. and widespread transmission network including SDH system up to 2.NEC etc. BSNL is the No.2.VPN. It has a network of over 45 million lines covering 5000 towns with over 35 million telephone connections. expansion of telecom network.EWSD.000 data customers . BSNL continues to serve this great nation . 2000 the Department of Telecom Operations.5 gbps.32 billion. Broadband and more than 400. Government of India became a corporation and was christened Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL). DWDM system up to 80 gbps.1 COMPANY PROFILE On October 1. 1 Telecommunications Company and the largest Public Sector Undertaking of India with authorized share capital of $ 3977 million and net worth of $ 14.FETEX. introduction of new telecom services in all villages and instilling confidence among its customers. 99. Today with over 45 million line capacity. With latest digital switching technology like OCB.AXE-10. BSNL has managed to shoulder these responsibilities remarkably and deftly.Web telephony. National Plan Target of 250 million subscriber base for the country by December 2007. BSNL is most trusted Telecom Brand of India. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd is a name to reckon with in the world of connectivity.14 billion) Add to which. Today. Organization Chart of BSNL: 19 .400 crore ( US $ 7.00. OBJECTIVES • • • • To be a Lead Telecom Services Provider. Contribute towards: i. 1.74 billion)  Turnover of Rs. ii. iii. Telephone in all villages.000 crore (US $ 22. Broadband customers base of 20 million in the country by 2010 as per Broadband Policy 2004.00. BSNL's nationwide coverage and reach. comprehensive range of telecom services and a penchant for excellence.000 route kms of OFC network. and you have the ingredients for restructuring India for a bright future. Consider the figures. Along with its vast customer base. BSNL's financial and asset bases too are vast and strong. 31.telecom traffic and over 4. iv Implementation of Triple play as a regular commercial proposition. as they speak volumes on BSNL’s standing:  The telephone infrastructure alone is worth about Rs. Provide Bandwidth on demand. Build customers confidence through quality and reliable service. Revenue 20 . The growth rate in 2004-05 was 6.18 billion) in 1986-87 to over Rs.862 Crores (US $ 14. 785 crores (US$ 0. the largest Public Sector undertaking of the Nation. This investment has been financed mainly by the internal accruals. is certainly on a financial ground that's sound. Buildings. 62. 21 .42 billion). 7578 crores ( US $ 1. Capital Investment Annual Investment in the network has increased from Rs. The planned capital outlay during 2006-07 is Rs.72 billion) in 2004-05. Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited.The Department of Telecom operations now known as BSNL has shown sustained growth in the last 15 years. which are in the form of Land. Apparatus & Plants etc.5%. 19431 crores ( US $4. Cables.29 billion). Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited has got fixed assets valuing more than Rs. 22 .000 crores (US $ 14. BSNL launched Data One broadband service in January 2005 which shall be extended to 198 cities very shortly.000 crores (US $ 2. Digitalized Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) with a host of Phone Plus value additions. other services such as VPN. 33.000 crores (US $ 1. it connects each inch of the nation to the infinite corners of the globe. The minimum speed offered to the customer is 256 Kbps at Rs.The corporation has a net worth of Rs 63. for web browsing and E-mail applications. BSNL is India's no. paid up capital of Rs 5. 10. to enable you to step into tomorrow.14 billion) and revenue is Rs.60 billion) in 2004-05.7 million for sancharnet service.27 billion). Subsequently. You can use your dialup sancharnet account from any place in India using the same access no ‘172233’. Keeping the global network of Networks networked. BSNL has customer base of more than 1.BSNL.450 crores (US $ 7. Video-onDemand. Driven by the very best of telecom technology from chosen global leaders. Countrywide telephone Service through 32. A company that has gone past the number games and the quest to attain the position of a leader. the countrywide Internet Services of BSNL under the brand name includes Internet dial up/ Leased line access.per month only. one solitary name lies embedded at the pinnacle . Multicasting. and much beyond.000 electronic exchanges. authorized equity capital of Rs.32 billion). 1 Telecom Service provider and most trusted Telecom brand of the Nation. the facility which no other ISP has. Video Conferencing. The service is being provided on existing copper infrastructure on ADSL2 technology. It is working round the clock to take India into the future by providing world class telecom services for people of India. When it comes to connecting the four corners of the nation. Here is an overview of the World Class services offered by the BSNL: Basic Telephone Services The Plain old. Broadcast application etc will be added. CLI based access (no account is required) and DIAS service. 250/. It offers x. Bandwidth is available on demand in most cities. CellOne offers all India Roaming facility to both pre-paid and post-paid customers (including Mumbai & Delhi). medium and low speed leased data circuits as well as dialup lines.BSNL also offers Web hosting and co-location services at very cheap rates. Short Message Service (SMS) both national and international. ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network Service of BSNL utilizes a unique digital network providing high speed and high quality voice. such as: Free Phone Service (FPH) India Telephone Card (Prepaid card) Account Card Calling (ACC) Virtual Private Network (VPN) Tele-voting Premium Rae Service (PRM) Universal Access Number (UAN) and more I-Net India s x. Voice Mail.25 x. Leased Lines & Datacom BSNL provides leased lines for voice and data communication for various applications on point to point basis. It has got coverage in all National and State Highways and train routes. Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN) offers flexibility of providing circuits with speeds of nx64 kbps up to 2mbps. x. E-mail. It offers a choice of high. GPRS. CellOne provides all the services like MMS.2 million. You can use CellOne in over 160 countries worldwide and in 270 cellular networks and over 1000 cities/towns across India. It can also facilitate both desktop video and high quality video conferencing. useful for Internet leased lines and International Principle Leased Circuits (IPLCs). Cellular Mobile Service BSNL’s GSM cellular mobile service Cellone has a customer base of over 5. Wireless in Local Loop This is a communication system that connects customers to the 23 .28 Dial up (PSTN) Connection) and frame relay services. Intelligent Network Intelligent Network Service (In Service) offers value-added services.25 based packet Switched Public Data Network is operational in 104 cities of the country. data and image transfer over the same line. unified messaging service (send and receive e-mails) etc.28 leased. 915 Transmission Systems as on 31. DLCs.IXP & Internet Data Centers (IDC) E-Commerce Telephone Basic Telephone (Bfone) Total Number of connections as on Connecting the remote and scattered rural areas.749 25.04.130 4.174 31.2006 Village Public Telephones Total Number of Telephones as on 31. Countrywide WLL is being offered in areas that are non-feasible for the normal network.196 24 . RLC etc.730 45.04.2006 Transmission Systems Digital (Route kms) Coaxial Microwave UHF Optical Fiber (Route kms) 6.807 5.024 63.Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) using radio frequency signals as a substitute for conventional wires for all or part of the connection between the subscribers and the telephone exchange. Limited mobility without any air-time charge PROJECTS RECENTLY IMPLEMENTED/UNDER DEVELOPMENT • • • • • • • National Internet Backbone of BSNL Voice over IP Broadband Services .64. Internet Exchange Points .2006 WLL (Tarang) Total Number of connections as on 30.LMDS.35.2006 STD Stations Number of STD Stations as on 31. STD and Highway) Total Number of Public Telephones as on 31.2006 3.325 Public Telephones (Local.03.ADSL & High Speed Internet Managed Leased Line Network (MLLN) Access Network . Helping relieve congestion of connections in the normal cable/wire based network in urban areas. 00 PM without any break for all activities.438 31.75.2006) MCPC-VSATs IDR Systems (2 Mb/ 8 Mb) Mobile Services (As on 30.92.021 45.730 Customer Care Several Steps have been taken at BSNL to augment the quality of customer care to international standards.03. so that customers can make payments 24X7 at their convenience.39.Satellite Based Services (as on 31. Customers can also make payments by cheque/Demand Draft to BSNL franchisees all over the country. Access round the clock help at following toll free numbers • • • Dataone Broadband '1600-424-1600' PSTN Call Center '1500' (in select states) Sancharnet Help Desk '1957' • CellOne all India Help '9400024365' All BSNL Customer Service Centers (CSCs) now remain open on all seven days from 8.04.00 AM to 8.2006) • 201 64/17 Total number of connections - 1.04.339 15.364 (As on 30. 25 . Cheque deposit machines have also been installed in many cities.2006) • • • • • District Headquarters covered Total number of villages covered National Highway covered (Km) State Highway covered (Km) Railway route covered (Km) - 592 1. Majority of the local network is built up on jelly filled and OFC for trouble free service. shifting and third party transfer. 26 . Payment of telephone bills being received on Saturday and Sunday through cheques in City Telecom Offices (CTOs). Accordingly. Extensive use of digital loop carrier (DLC)/Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) system for improving reliability of external plant. more than one Bfone connections can be applied on a single application form. More than one Public Call Office (PCO) permitted at the same premises. Remote Line Units (RLUs).With a view to simplify and offer customer friendly services. Procedure for restoration of telephones disconnected due to nonpayment simplified and powers delegated to Secondary Switching Area (SSA) heads. Shifting charges for local as well as all India shifting of fixed telephone (bfone) has been abolished. Application Forms for new connections have been made free of charge for all services. Internal Distribution Points (DPs) being provided in the customer premises to eliminate the faults arising out of overhead wires. Various application forms and procedures being simplified for new telephone connections. Establishing call centers across the nation to provide single window solutions and convenience to customers. Pagers being given to outdoor staff in a phased manner for speedy rectification of faults. a single demand note would be issued to the customer in respect of all the connections applied for. Remote subscriber Units (RSUs) being provided extensively to reduce the long lengths of copper cables. Countrywide Network Management & Surveillance System (NMSS) to ensure uninterrupted and efficient flow of telecom traffic. 27 . and maintain mutually beneficial exchanges with target markets. planning. and control of programs designed to create. It is the analysis. implementation. and composition of demand in way that will achieve organizational objectives. build. The marketing manager has the task of influencing the level.0 CONCEPTUAL REVIEW MARKETING MANAGEMENT DEFINITION: Marketing management is the practical application of marketing techniques.3. timing. These four dimensions guide brand development. however. and brand loyalty. perceived quality. brand associations.  Brand awareness: Brand awareness is an often undervalued asset. brand equity was defined as the brand assets (or liabilities) linked to a brand’s name and symbol that add to (or subtract from) a product or service. These assets can be grouped into four dimensions: brand awareness.  Perceived quality of technological superiority and market 28 . People like the familiar and are prepared to ascribe all sorts of good attitudes to items that are familiar to them. anyway? In Managing Brand Equity. awareness has been shown to affect perceptions and even taste. The Intel Inside campaign has dramatically transferred awareness into perceptions acceptance.BRAND EQUITY BRAND EQUITY BRAND AWARENESS PERCIVED QUALITY BRAND ASSOCIATION BRAND LOYALTY What is brand equity? The goal of the brand leadership paradigm is to create strong brands – but what is a strong brand. management and measurement. See Brand insistence.Perceived quality is a special type of association. product attributes. and price are exceeded. brand personality and symbols. The concept is to strengthen the size and intensity of each loyalty segment. Customer Satisfaction If the customer's expectations of product quality.  Brand loyalty Brand loyalty is at the heart of any brand’s value. Much of brand management involves determining what associations to develop and then creating programs that will link the associations to the brand. use situations. Brand Preference The stage of brand loyalty at which a brand will select a particular brand but will choose a competitor’s brand if the preferred brand is unavailable. Brand recognition. Organizational associations. service quality. a firm will achieve high levels of customer satisfaction and will create "customer delight. A brand with a small but intensely loyal customer base can have significant equity." If the customer's expectations 29 .  Brand associations Brand association can be anything that connects the customer to the brand. partly because it influences brand associations in many contexts and partly because it has been empirically shown to affect profitability (as measured by both ROI and stock return). It can include user imagery. are not met. customer dissatisfaction will result. And the lower the satisfaction level.0 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATIONS 30 . the more likely the customer is to stop buying from the firm. 4. 8 19.0 80.8 19.0 22.0 Valid Percent 58.PROFILE OF THE SAMPLE RESPONDENTS LOCATION City Bhubaneswar Valid Cuttack Khurda Total Frequency 145 57 48 250 Table 1 LOC TIO A N 70 60 50 40 30 20 Percent 58.8 100.0 Cumulative Percent 58.2 100.0 22.0 Percent 10 0 C IM AT R O B OE P LLAC I O H T UU IR P R LO TION CA 31 .2 100. 0 Valid Percent 20.4 40.0 18.0 100.2 8.8 92. a good majority of the respondent (58%) of consumers belongs to Coimbatore while Tirupur is the least (0.0 100.2 8.0 TABLE: 2 AGE 50 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 bet 20-30 bet 31-35 bet 36-40 bet 41-50 above 50 AGE CHART: 2 32 .4%).0 100.0 18.4 40.4 60.CHART: 1 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.0 Cumulative Percent 20.4 13.4 78. AGE Frequency Valid bet 20-30 bet 31-35 bet 36-40 bet 41-50 above 50 Total 51 100 46 33 20 250 Percen t 20.4 13. 0 9.8 .2 88.4 .2 79.4 100.0 Valid Percent 45.8 .8 95.6 98.0 Cumulative Percent 45.0 TABLE: 3 OCCUPATION 50 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 Managerial Business Clerical Student Retired Agriculture Professional Manual w orker OCCUPATION CHART: 3 33 .0%).2 34.INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.2 99.6 6.8 2.0 9.4 .8 .4 99.0%) were in the age group of (Between 31-35) while the age group of (Above 50) is the least (8. a good majority of the respondent (40.6 6. OCCUPATION Valid Managerial Business Clerical Manual worker Student Retired Agriculture Professional Total Frequency 113 85 24 17 7 2 1 1 250 Percent 45.8 .4 100.2 34.6 100.8 2. 8 52.3 4.8 24.2 98.8 4.2%) of consumers were Managers while Professionals and Agriculturalist were the least (0.2 94. Statistics MONTHLY INCOME N Valid 245 Missin 5 g MONTHLY INCOME Frequency Valid below 5000 bet 5000-10000 bet 1000015000 bet 1500025000 above 25000 Total System 27 132 62 11 13 245 5 250 Percen t 10.0 53.9 90.7 100.3 100.0 Missing Total TABLE: 4 34 .0 Valid Percent 11.4 5.0 Cumulative Percent 11.9 25.4%) each.0 2. a good majority of the respondent (45.0 64.0 100.INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.5 5. 35 .MONTHLY INCOME 60 50 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 below 5000 bet 10000-15000 bet 5000-10000 above 25000 bet 15000-25000 MONTHLY INCOME CHART: 4 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.9%) consumers monthly income is between (5000-10000). while monthly income between (15000-25000) is least (4. a good majority of the respondent (53.5%). 2 26.0 Cumulative Percent 73.0 Valid Percent 73.8 100.0 TABLE: 5 36 .2 26.8 100.2 100.MOBILE USE Valid YES NO Total Frequency 183 67 250 Percent 73. 2 100.2 100.0 TABLE: 6 37 .0 Cumulative Percent 94.8 5. LANDLINE USE Frequency Valid YES NO Total 237 13 250 Percen t 94. it is inferred that majority of the respondents (73.8 100.2%) were using Mobile phones while (26.MOBILE USE 80 60 40 20 Percent 0 YES NO MOBILE USE CHART: 5 INFERNCE: From the above Table.0 Valid Percent 94.8 5.8%) were not using Mobile phones. 8 31. it is inferred that majority of the respondents (94.2%) were not using Landline telephone.8 Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 26.6 38 .4 10.8 10.LANDLINE USE 100 80 60 40 20 Percent 0 YES NO LANDLINE USE CHART: 6 INFERENCE: From the above Table.0 .4 10.0 78.4 10.8 93.8%) were using Landline telephone while (5.4 68.4 58.2 58.0 14.8 31.2 .8 26. ANALYSIS OF BRAND PREFERENCE MOBILE SERVICE Valid No mobile BSNL Tataindicom Reliance Airtel Aircel Frequency 67 78 1 26 25 37 Percent 26.8 14. 2 100.2 96.0 Valid Percent Cumulative Percent 5. LANDLINE SERVICE Valid No Landline BSNL Tataindicom Airtel Total Frequency 13 221 8 8 250 Percent 5.2 100.4%) by considering 250 samples.6 3.2 3. a good majority of people (31.4 100.0 100.2 88.2%) are using BSNL.4 3.0 100.0 TABLE: 8 39 .BPL/Hutch Total TABLE: 7 MOBILE SERVICE 40 16 250 6.4 93.2 5.4 100.0 6.0 30 20 10 Percent 0 No mobile BSNL Tataindicom Reliance Airtel Aircel BPL/Hutch MOBILE SERVICE CHART: 7 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.2 88. while Tataindicom are the least (0.8 3. FAMILIAR Frequency Valid Very familiar Some what familiar Familiar but never used it Total 128 120 2 250 Percen t 51.0 Valid Percent 51.0 .2%) each.0 Cumulative Percent 51. while Tataindicom and Airtel are the least (3.8 100.2 48.4%) are using BSNL. a good majority of people (88.LANDLINE SERVICE 100 80 60 40 20 Percent 0 No Landline BSNL Tataindicom Airtel LANDLINE SERVICE CHART: 8 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.0 TABLE: 9 40 .2 99.2 100.2 48.0 .8 100. 2 39.0 10.6 26.8 88.8 99.0 Cumulative Percent 23.4 100.0 10.0 Valid Percent 23. while (0.0 TABLE: 10 41 .4 100.6 26.2 39.8 .FAMILIAR 60 50 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 Very familiar Some w hat familiar Familiar but never u FAMILIAR CHART: 9 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.2%) are familiar with BSNL.6 100.8 .2 62.8%) of people are familiar but never used. COMPARING WITH OTHER SERVICES Frequency Valid Much better Some what better About the same Some what worse Don’t know/Never used Total 58 99 65 27 1 250 Percen t 23. a good majority of people (51. 7% % 8 20 bet 31-35 30 12 42 .9 % 4 51 100. majority of respondents (39. while the least number of respondents (0.COMPARING WITH OTHER SERVICES 50 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 Much better About the same Dont know /Never used Some w hat better Some w hat w orse COMPARING WITH OTHER SERVICES CHART: 10 INFERENCE: As the Table depicts. AGE * MOBILE SERVICE Cross tabulation MOBILE SERVIC E No mobile AGE bet 20-30 Cou nt % withi n AGE Cou nt 10 19.0 % 100 21.6% Total BSN Tataindic L om 18 35.0% Relianc Airte e l 1 2.4%) opined “Don’t know/Never used”.3 % 26 1 2.6 15.0% 11 Aircel 8 BPL /Hut ch 2 3.6%) opined BSNL is “Some What Better” when compared to other services. 1 % 100.0 % 33 100.0% 8.4 % 12 36.5 10.0 % 14 30.4% 37 16 6.9% % 1 3.2% 6 18.4% 12.0% 26. Chi-Square Tests 43 .2% 8 40. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Age of the Customers and Mobile Service using by the Customers.0 % 25 3 9.0 % 46 100.0% % 3 5 4.0% 1 5.8% 26 10.0 % 10.0 % 2 10.2 % 1 .8% % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Age of the Customers and Mobile Service using by the Customers.0 20.0 % 78 31.0% 67 26.4 % 8 40.9% 6 13.0 % 7 15.0 14.0 % 20 100.0% 36-40 bet 41-50 above 50 Total % withi n AGE Cou nt % withi n AGE Cou nt % withi n AGE Cou nt % withi n AGE Cou nt % withi n AGE 30.4 % 250 100.0% 1 5.0 % 11 23.2 % 3 9.1% 8 24. 17 cells (48.08.654 250 df Asymp.63) higher than the critical value (36.e. TABLE: 11 INFERNCE: From the above Table.) there is a significant relationship between the Age of the Customers and Mobile Service using by the Customers. Sig. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i.038 a. calculated value is (37.Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio N of Valid Cases Value 37.42) at 5% level.625 37.038 24 . 44 . The minimum expected count is .6%) have expected count less than 5. (2-sided) 24 . 40 30 MOBILE SERVICE No mobile BSNL 20 Tataindicom Reliance 10 Airtel Aircel 0 bet 20-30 bet 31-35 bet 36-40 bet 41-50 above 50 BPL/Hutch Count AGE CHART: 11 LOCATION * LANDLINE SERVICE Cross tabulation LANDLINE SERVICE No Landline 7 4.8% 4 Total BSNL 127 87.0 % 57 LOCATIO N COIM BATO RE POLLA CHI Count % within LOCATION Count 45 .4% 145 100.1% 1 Airtel 5 3.6% 52 Tatain dicom 6 4. it explains about the BSNL Land line users in each location.8% 1 2.0 % 250 100.0 % 48 100.0% 2 4. 46 .5% 221 88.2% 13 5.4% 1.2% 42 87.0 % TABLE: 12 140 120 100 80 60 LANDLINE SERVICE No Landline BSNL 40 20 Count Tataindicom Airtel COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR 0 LOCATION CHART: 12 INFERENCE: From the above table.TIRUP UR Total % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 7.2% 100.3% 8 3.2% 91.2% 3 6.1% 8 3. 0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Migration of the Customers.4 % 16 6.0 % Neve r 74 51.0 % 57 100.0 % 250 100.LOCATION * MIGRATION Cross tabulation MIGRATION Total Cert ain LOCATION COIMBATO RE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Total Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 4 2.6 % 15 31.6 % 145 100. Chi-Square Tests 47 .0 % 48 100.8 % 65 26.2 % Not sure 24 16.1 % 2 3.3 % 8 3.3 % 5 10.8% 7 12.0 % 15 26.3 % 15 31.5 % 3 6. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Migration of the Customers.6 % 15 26.8 % Low chan ce 40 27.4% Hig h cha nce 3 2.3 % 104 41.3 % 57 22.6 % 18 31.3 % 10 20. 003 N of Valid Cases 250 a. TABLE: 13 Asymp.54.37) higher than the critical value (15.51) at 5% level.Value df Pearson Chi23.003 INFERENCE: From the above Table.) there is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Migration of Customers. 80 60 40 MIGRATION Certain High chance 20 Not sure Low chance Count 0 COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Never LOCATION CHART: 13 48 . 5 cells (33. (2sided) .3%) have expected count less than 5.442 8 .e. Sig. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i.374(a 8 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 23. The minimum expected count is 1. calculated value is (23. 6% 9 15.8 % 26 45.0 % 33 22.8 % 10 20.LOCATION * NETWORK Cross tabulation NETWORK Total Very Quite satisf satisf ied ied LOCATION COIMBATO RE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Total Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 92 63.0 % 250 100.4 % 14 24.8 % 30 12.0% 4.0 % 48 100.1% 4.8 % 145 100.0 % Quite Ver dissa y tisfie diss d atisf ied 3 6 2.8 % 115 46.2 % Neut ral 11 7.6 % 19 39.0 % 57 100.3 % 7 3 14.6 % 9 18.1 % 5 3 8.8% 5. 49 .0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Network using by the Customers. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Network using by the Customers.6 % 78 31.6 6.3 % % 15 12 6. e.51) at 5% level. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i. calculated value is (48. Sig.7%) have expected count less than 5.30.112(a 8 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 49.11) higher than the critical value (15.000 Pearson Chi48.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a. (2sided) . TABLE: 14 INFERENCE: From the above Table.) there is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Network using by the Customers. 100 80 60 NETWORK 40 Very satisfied Quite satisfied 20 Neutral Quite dissatisfied 0 COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Very dissatisfied Count LOCATION CHART: 14 50 . The minimum expected count is 2. 4 cells (26.Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp.503 8 . 7 % 22 38.5 % % % 43 28 32 17. 51 .2 12.5 % % 10 9 5 17. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL Customer care.6 % 9 18.8 8.9 % 11 19.6 % 70 28.5 15.8 % 77 30.0 % 48 100.8 12.3 % 7 14.0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL Customer care.LOCATION * CUSTOMER CARE Cross tabulation CUSTOMER CARE Total Very Quite satisf satisf ied ied LOCATION COIMBATO RE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Total Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 52 35.0 % 250 100.8 % % % 145 100.2 11.4 18.9% 14.0 % 57 100.0 % 46 31.8 % Neut ral Quite Very dissa dissa tisfie tisfie d d 16 10 21 11.8% % % 17 9 6 35.0 6. ) there is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL Customer care. 60 50 40 30 CUSTOMER CARE Very satisfied 20 Quite satisfied Neutral 10 Count Quite dissatisfied 0 COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Very dissatisfied LOCATION CHART: 15 52 .38.763 8 .000 Pearson Chi30.685(a 8 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 29. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i. 0 cells (.69) higher than the critical value (15.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a.Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp.e. (2sided) .51) at 5% level. Sig.0%) have expected count less than 5. TABLE: 15 INFERENCE: From the above Table. calculated value is (30. The minimum expected count is 5. 6 % 71 100.9 % 11 28.4 % 4 4.7 % 5 41.0 % 93 100.0 % 57 22.8 % 10 27.COST * MIGRATION Cross tabulation MIGRATION Total Cert ain COST Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfie d Very dissatisfie d Total Count % within COST Count % within COST Count % within COST Count % within COST Count % within COST Count % within COST 1 1.0 % 250 100.9 % 7 19.0 % Neve r 56 78.2 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Satisfaction 53 .9% 6 16.1% 3 7.7 % 16 6.3 % 3 25.0% 21 22.3 % 38 40.3% 65 26.0 % 12 100.3 % 1 2.8 % 3 25.0 % 38 100.0 % 104 41.8 % Low chan ce 8 11.4% 1 1.8 % Not sure 5 7.1 % 12 33.3 % 2 5.6 % 16 42.2 % 6 15.9 % 29 31.4 % 1 8.0 % 8 3.0 % 36 100.4% Hig h cha nce 1 1. of Cost of BSNL and Migration of Customers. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i.000 Pearson Chi104.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a. (2sided) . Sig.38. 60 50 40 MIGRATION 30 Certain 20 High chance Not sure 10 Count Low chance Never Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very dissatisf ied Quite dissatisf ied 0 COST CHART: 16 54 . calculated value is (104. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Satisfaction of Cost of BSNL and Migration of Customers.0%) have expected count less than 5.30) at 5% level. 12 cells (48. The minimum expected count is . TABLE: 16 INFERENCE: From the above Table.e.622(a 16 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 93.) there is a significant relationship between the Satisfaction of Cost of BSNL and Migration of Customers.631 16 .62) higher than the critical value (26. 0 % 27 35.0 % 66 100.9 % 8 22.0 % 9 13.5 % 24 100.9 % 10 28.9% 1 2.5% 2 3.0 % Good 3 4.5 % 76 100.9 % 15 42.0 % Poor 1 2.0 % Average 4 5.6 % 24 31.QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE * MIGRATION Cross tabulation MIGRATION Total Cert ain QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Excellent Count % within QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Count % within QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Count % within QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Count % within QUALITY OF Hig h cha nce Not sure 1 4.3% 2 2.2% Low chan ce 2 8.6 % 19 28.0 % 55 .8 % 33 50.6 % 19 25.3% Neve r 21 87.6 % 35 100. 5 % 49 100.3 % 3 6. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Quality of Customer service and Migration of the Customers.4 % 13 26. calculated value is (47.000 Pearson Chi47.0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Quality of Customer service and Migration of the Customers.99) higher than the critical value (26.0 % 104 41. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i.0%) have expected count less than 5.e.) there is a significant relationship between the Quality of Customer service and Migration of the Customers.Very poor Total CUSTOMER SERVICE Count % within QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Count % within QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE 8 16.2 % 57 22.30) at 5% level.1 % 15 30.0 % 16 6. (2sided) .77. TABLE: 17 INFERNCE: From the above table.6 % 250 100.897 16 . 56 . The minimum expected count is .6 % 10 20. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. 10 cells (40.8 % 65 26.985(a 16 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 47.4% 8 3. Sig.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a. 1 % 7 Don t kno w/N ever use d 145 100.4 % 17 Abou t the sam e Som e what wors e 8 5.8% 5 30 20.7 % 23 40.5% 12 21.7 % 16 28.1 % 19 1 1.40 30 20 MIGRATION Certain High chance 10 Not sure Low chance Count 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor Never QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE CHART: 17 LOCATION * COMPARING WITH OTHER SERVICES Cross tabulation COMPARING WITH OTHER SERVICES Total Muc h bette r Som e what bette r 59 40.1 % 5 8.0 % 48 LOCATION COIMBATO RE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count 48 33.8 % 57 .0 % 57 100. ) there is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL compared with other Services.51) at 5% level. Sig. The minimum expected count is .e. (2sided) . so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i.6 % 39.000 Pearson Chi33.0%) have expected count less than 5. TABLE: 18 INFERENCE: From the above table.8 % 1 .6 % 27 10. calculated value is (33.814 8 .19.0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL compared with other Services.4% 100.Total % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 10.6 % 65 26.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a.4 % 58 23.0 % 250 100. Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL compared with other Services. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp.4 % 99 39.2 % 35. 58 .28) higher than the critical value (15.279(a 8 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 33.0 % 14. 3 cells (20. 70 60 50 40 COMPARING WITH OTHER Much better Some w hat better About the same 30 20 10 Count Some w hat w orse Dont know /Never used COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR 0 LOCATION CHART: 18 LOCATION * TARIFF Cross tabulation TARIFF Total 59 . 6 % 14 7 5. Sig.3%) have expected count less than 5.2 % 24 42.0 % Neut ral 14 9.0% 7.Very Quite satisf satisf ied ied LOCATION COIMBATO RE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Total Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION Count % within LOCATION 71 49. (2sided) .e.0 % Quite Ver dissa y tisfie diss d atisf ied 3 3 2. calculated value is (41.0 % Hypothesis: Null Hypothesis [Ho]: There is no significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Tariff Plan.203(a 8 Square ) Likelihood Ratio 40.1% 2.3 % 40 16.0 % 57 100.34. The minimum expected count is 1.000 Pearson Chi41.7 % 94 37.3 % 8 16.0 % 7 14.086 8 . Alternative Hypothesis [H1]: There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Tariff Plan.6% 2. so Null hypothesis [H0] has to be rejected (i. 5 cells (33.1 % 17 35.5 % 16 33.6 % 54 37.7% 10 17.) there is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction 60 .0 % 250 100.4 % 95 38.1 % 4 4 7.0 % 15 26. Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. TABLE: 19 INFERENCE: From the above table.8 % 145 100.51) at 5% level.0 % 48 100.20) higher than the critical value (15.000 N of Valid Cases 250 a. 0 5.6 38.6 38. 80 60 40 TARIFF Very satisfied Quite satisfied 20 Neutral Quite disatisfied Count 0 COIMBATORE POLLACHI TIRUPUR Very disatisfied LOCATION CHART: 19 ANALYSIS OF BRAND ATTRIBUTES TARIFF Frequency Valid Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied 94 95 40 14 Percen t 37.6 97.of BSNL Tariff Plan.6 75.0 16.0 16.6 Valid Percent 37.6 91.2 61 .6 Cumulative Percent 37.0 5. 0 31.2 100.0 TABLE: 21 62 .2 12. NETWORK Frequency Valid Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Total 115 78 30 15 12 250 Percen t 46. while the least (2.8 100.0 77.0 Cumulative Percent 46.0 6.0 4.0 100.8 100.8 100.0 Valid Percent 46. it was inferred that majority of the respondents (38%) were “Quite Satisfied” with a special regards to the BSNL Tariff Plan.0 31.0 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very disatisfied Quite disatisfied TARIFF CHART: 20 INFERNCE: From the above Table.0 4.0 6.0 2.2 89.8 100.2 12.8%) number of respondents were “Very Dissatisfied” with respect to the BSNL Tariff Plan.2 95.Very dissatisfied Total TABLE: 20 TARIFF 50 7 250 2. 8 95.8 100.2 14.4 4.2 14.4 65.4 37. COST Frequenc y 71 93 38 36 12 250 Percen t 28.8 100.8%) were “Very Dissatisfied” with the Network of BSNL.2 100. while the least (4.0 Valid Percent 28.6 80. a good majority of respondents (46%) were “Very Satisfied” with the Network of BSNL.0 Cumulative Percent 28.NETWORK 50 40 30 20 Percent 10 0 Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied NETWORK CHART: 21 INFERNCE: As the Table depicts.2 15.0 Valid Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Total TABLE: 22 63 .4 4.4 37.2 15. 2 11.COST 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied COST CHART: 22 INFERENCE: As the Table depicts.2 100.0 Valid Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Total TABLE: 23 64 .8%) were “Very Dissatisfied” with the Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL.2 11.2%) were “Quite Satisfied” with special regards to the Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL. majority of respondents (37.0 Cumulative Percent 28.8 100.8 76. CUSTOMER CARE Frequenc y 70 77 43 28 32 250 Perc ent 28.8 17.0 87.0 30. 0 Valid Percent 28.8 100.0 58.2 12.0 30.2 12. while the least number of respondents (4.8 17. CUSTOMER CARE 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied CUSTOMER CARE CHART: 23 INFERENCE: From the above Table.2%) were “Quite Dissatisfied” with BSNL Customer care. it was inferred that majority of respondents (30.4 100.0 Cumulative Percent 17.8 38.2 4.8%) were “Quite Satisfied” with the Customer care of BSNL.4 95.2 4.0 Valid Percent 17.6 26. while the least number of respondents (11.0 13.6 100.0 13.6 44.4 82.4 100.6 26.0 Valid Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Total TABLE: 24 65 .8 38. ADDTIONAL PACKAGE Frequenc y 44 67 95 33 11 250 Percen t 17. 0 66.0 Valid Percent 9.4 100. while the least number of respondents (4.6 26.6 100.4 30.4 14. QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE Frequenc y 24 66 76 35 49 250 Percen t 9.0 Cumulative Percent 9.4 30.4%) opined “Very Dissatisfied” with the Additional Packages of BSNL.0 Valid Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor Total TABLE: 25 66 .ADDTIONAL PACKAGE 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Very dissatisfied Quite dissatisfied ADDTIONAL PACKAGE CHART: 24 INFERENCE: From the above Table.6 26.6 36.4 14.4 80.0 19.0 19.6 100. it was inferred that majority of respondents (38%) opined “Neutral” with the BSNL’s Additional Packages. 0 41.4 58.0 Valid Certain High chance Not sure Low chance Never Total TABLE: 26 67 .6 100. MIGRATION Frequenc y 16 8 57 65 104 250 Percen t 6.4%) were opined “Average” with special reference to the Quality of Customer Service.2 22. the majority of respondents (30.4 3. while the least number of respondents (9.4 100.0 Valid Percent 6.0 41.4 9.8 26.8 26.6 100.QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 Excellent Good Average Poor Very poor QUALITY OF CUSTOMER SERVICE CHART: 25 INFERENCE: As the Table depicts.4 3.6 32.2 22.6%) were opined “Excellent” with respect to the Quality of Customer Service.0 Cumulative Percent 6. 6%) were opined “Never” with special respect to the chance of Migration from BSNL.2%) were opined “High Chance” with reference to the chance of Migration from BSNL. 68 .MIGRATION 50 40 30 20 10 Percent 0 Certain High chance Not sure Low chance Never MIGRATION CHART: 26 INFERENCE: As the Table depicts. a good majority of respondents (41. while the least number of respondents (3. 5. while Tataindicom and Airtel are the least (3.2%) are familiar with BSNL. with respect to Landline. with respect to Mobile.  A good majority of the respondents (94.  A good majority of people (51.2%) each.4%) are using BSNL.8%) were not using Mobile phones.  A good majority of people (88. while Tataindicom are the least (0.8%) of people are familiar but have never used. 69 .2%) were not using Landline telephone.  A good majority of people (31.8%) were using Landline telephone while (5.2%) are using BSNL.0 FINDINGS AND SUGGESTIONS FINDINGS:  A good majority of the respondents (73.2%) were using Mobile phones while (26. while (0.4%) by considering 250 samples.  There is a significant relationship between the Age of the Customers and Mobile Service used by the Customers.  There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction level of BSNL compared with other Services. while the least (2.  There is a significant relationship between the Satisfaction of Cost of BSNL and Migration of Customers.8%) number of respondents were “Very Dissatisfied” with respect to the BSNL Tariff Plan.  There is a significant relationship between the Quality of Customer service and Migration of the Customers.  A good majority of the respondents (38%) were “Quite Satisfied” with special regards to the BSNL Tariff Plan.  There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Migration of Customers.6%) opined that BSNL is “Some What Better” when compared to other services.4%) opined “Don’t know/Never used”.  There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Network used by the Customers. while the least number of respondents (0. 70 . A good majority of respondents (39.  There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Tariff Plan.  There is a significant relationship between the Location of the Customers and Satisfaction of BSNL Network used by the Customers. 8%) were “Very Dissatisfied” with the Network of BSNL. while the least number of respondents (4. while the least number of respondents (9.4%) opined “Very Dissatisfied” with the Additional Packages of BSNL. while the least number of respondents (3.  Recharge card rates are very high so make some arrangements to make recharge cards available at cheaper rates. while the least (4.2%) were “Quite Satisfied” with special regards to the Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL.  A good majority of respondents (41.  Customers were felt that monthly rental was too high hence the reason that most of them were surrendering.2%) opined “High Chance” with reference to the chance of Migration from BSNL. A good majority of respondents (46%) were “Very Satisfied” with the Network of BSNL.  Some customers felt that when landline phone gets out of order.4%) opined “Average” with special reference to the Quality of Customer Service. while the least number of respondents (4.8%) were “Very Dissatisfied” with the Satisfaction level of Cost of BSNL. hence there was heavy business loss. it is not checked or corrected for even 1month.  A majority of respondents (38%) opined “Neutral” with the BSNL’s Additional Packages.  The majority of respondents (30.  A majority of respondents (37.6%) opined “Excellent” with respect to the Quality of Customer Service.6%) opined “Never” with special respect to the chance of Migration from BSNL. 71 .  In Pollachi network is not proper inside the house so Customers were very much dissatisfied. (Collecting amount from customers). lines are not getting connected since network problem was too high. because of irresponsibility.  Due to excessive rules and regulations for operating 1rupee coin telephones customers are not willing to buy and they are preferring Airtel and Reliance. the respondents were still charged for calls.  When phone went out of order. most of the customers surrendered BSNL and migrated to Airtel.  Customers perceived that the bills are always inflated.  Even after Surrendered the phone before 6months deposit amount was not yet received but receiving bill.  Regarding Cell one respondents complained.  Respondents felt that there was no personalized service to customers. In the evening.  Due to non-availability of CUG connections to all.  Customers are expecting more number of free calls.  During the rainy season noise in the instrument is a problem. Network is always busy with other mobile services.  Customers are very much dissatisfied with Linemen. 72 .  The extensive time lag between submission of application and receiving of a telephone connection had made some respondents switch over to other service providers.  Due to limited number of linemen. hence more payment counters should be made available. so effective media campaign is a must to enhance the awareness level. hence customers were very much dissatisfied.  Most of the people were not satisfied with the BSNL Customer Service for both Mobile and Landline. 73 .  It was brought to notice of the researcher that prepaid SIM cards took up to 10 days for activation. With regards to mobile services options are limited hence customers were switching over to other service providers.  Due to the maturity and easy availability of Mobile service most of the customers were surrendered their landline connection. faults were not immediately attended to.  The respondents felt that the number of payment service counters was inadequate.  Students are not much interested in BSNL Cell one because of nonavailability of SMS facilities.  Customers were preferring to replace their old instrument.  There is not much awareness among the Customer’s regarding the facilities which are provided by BSNL. 74 .  Even though customers were dissatisfied with BSNL due to Loyalty they are still using BSNL service (For only Incoming). as told by the respondents was that the communication instruments provided by BSNL were of poor quality and hence they had to face frequent problems with the instruments.  The respondents experienced network problems when they used roaming to cities. The respondents felt that The BSNL cell ones starter pack and recharge cards are in perennial short supply.  The respondents suggested that simple value added such as display of last call rate and balance amount should be made available by BSNL.  One of the major irritations.  Caller Id’s should be provided immediately after the Customers requisition. so BSNL may take some steps to provide recharge coupons at lower rates with various denominations. Quality discounts hence the promotional activities would further strengthen the market share of the Company. it has been found out that the Customers are very particular about the Quality of the Telecom services and hence they want BSNL to increase the Quality of BSNL services by providing the Customers an attractive instrument with new wiring connections.  Customer care of BSNL should be improved a lot. 75 .  Recharge coupons were available only at higher rates when compared with other brands.  BSNL may also introduce some sales promotion such as cash discounts.  Customers were unaware about the new schemes provided by BSNL. so effective media campaign is a must to enhance the awareness level.  BSNL may reduce the monthly rentals and also the service tax.SUGGESTIONS:  From the research study.  BSNL may introduce free service of SMS regarding Cell one.  BSNL may introduce CUG connection like other services so that they may retain their first position in the market.0 CONCLUSION Conclusion: 76 . 6. BSNL should take steps to curb the corrupt practices of the Linemen. have to understand about the Customers expectations. They also have to understand about their competitors and their nuances in understanding their Customers.BSNL being a public sector. in order to thrive and excel. 77 . Since Communication industry is a very competitive one it is high time for BSNL to understand about their Customers in Landline as well as Mobile services. in .com 3. www. www. DAY .RAJAN SAXENA MARKETING RESEARCH .DAVID A.KOTHARI C.PHILIP KOTLER .bsnl.GEORGE 78 . RESEARCH METHODOLOGY WEBSITES: www.7.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY BIBLIOGRAPHY PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING MANAGEMENT . 0 ANNEXURE 79 .8. BSNL. e. Tata Indicom. 36-40. Between 2. c. d. c. Under which category you belong to regarding your Monthly Income? a. Between 41-50. Which of these best describes your job? a. Managerial Professional Clerical Manual Worker Student Retired Agriculture 3. Between 31-35. g. b. c. No 5. And which of the following mobile services you are using currently? a. Above 50. b. 15000. e. Between 5000-10000. d.1. b. e. Between 20-30. Yes b. Between 10000- 80 . d. What is your Age? a. f. Are you using mobile services? a. Above 25000. Below 5000. Between 15000-25000. b. 4. Neutral 81 . b. Some what familiar (use it only some times). Reliance. Familiar but never used it. e. Airtel. c. b. e. d. c. Any other please mention 6. e. 7. b. b. Tata Indicom. Any other please mention. e. Very familiar (use on regular basis). c. Airtel. Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 10. How satisfied are you with the Tariff plan of BSNL? a. d. 8.c. b. f. d. d. BPL\Hutch. Never heard of service before. How satisfied are you with the customer care of BSNL? a. g. c. Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 11. d. Aircel. Very satisfied b. How satisfied are you with the network of BSNL? a. Reliance. How satisfied are you with the cost of BSNL? a. Quite satisfied c. e. Which of the following Landline Services you are using currently? a. Very satisfied Quite satisfied Neutral Quite dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 9. How familiar are you with BSNL Services? a. c. BSNL. d. Poor. Excellent. [b]. e. Neutral d. About the same. d. Some what better. Certain. Good. Compared with others would you say that BSNL is a. 14. Quite dissatisfied e. In thinking about your most recent with others was the Quality of the BSNL Customer Service you received: a. How satisfied are you with the additional packages of BSNL? a. [a]. Very poor. Never. 15. e. c. b. b. Some what worse. Quite satisfied c. All things considered over the next 12 months how likely are you to replace your current Service a. Average. Very dissatisfied 13. d. c. Much better.d. If you are looking to replace your current Service what are some of the reasons for doing so? 82 . c. b. Don’t know (or) Never used. High chance. Low chance. Very dissatisfied 12. e. Quite dissatisfied e. Very satisfied b. Not sure. d.
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