BSI Standards Guide



British Standards - Quick Reference GuideThe following British Standards are listed or referred to in this issue of Update Standards with the exception of those in ‘New Work Started’. BS EN 62395 ......................................................16 BS EN 62490 ......................................................11 BS ISO 14813 .....................................................14 BS ISO 24101 .....................................................14 BS ISO 8913 .......................................................18 BS ISO 9679 .......................................................18 BS ISO 10649 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11026 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11452 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11745 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11790 .....................................................14 BS ISO 12319 .....................................................18 BS ISO 12573 .....................................................14 BS ISO 14223 .....................................................14 BS ISO 15031 .....................................................14 BS ISO 15893 .....................................................14 BS ISO 16031 .....................................................18 Building and civil engineering BS 493 ................................................................17 BS EN 1536 ..........................................................8 BS EN 1538 ..........................................................8 BS EN 12966 ......................................................17 BS EN 15757 ......................................................10 BS EN 15758 ......................................................10 BS ISO 15686 .....................................................14 BS IEC 61892 ......................................................15 BS IEC 62526 ......................................................18 BS IEC 62528 ......................................................18 DD IEC/TS 62395 ................................................17 PD IEC 60079 ...............................................11, 21 PD IEC/TR 62362 ................................................15 PD IEC/TR 62627 ................................................15 PD IEC/TR 62630 ................................................15 Consumer products and services BS 2634 ................................................................8 BS 7857 ........................................................10, 20 BS EN 957 ..........................................................17 BS EN ISO 4180 ..............................................8, 20 BS EN ISO 13720 ..........................................10, 20 BS EN 24180 ..................................................8, 20 BS EN 50132 ......................................................16 BS ISO 17712 ...............................................14, 21 BS ISO 18911 .....................................................14 DD ISO/PAS 17712 ........................................14, 21 DD ISO/TS 16610 ................................................15 Engineering BS 1251 ..............................................................17 BS 3986 ..............................................................17 BS 4193 ........................................................12, 19 BS 5200 ..............................................................17 BS 7967 ................................................................8 BS EN 1559 ........................................................21 BS EN 3475 ..........................................................8 BS EN ISO 4254 ....................................................8 BS EN 4473 ..........................................................8 BS EN 4700 ..........................................................8 BS EN ISO 7963 ............................................10, 20 BS EN 10031 ......................................................21 BS ISO 17775 .....................................................18 BS ISO 23933 .....................................................18 BS ISO 23935 .....................................................18 BS ISO 26022 .....................................................15 BS ISO 26870 .....................................................15 BS IEC 60462 ......................................................15 DD ISO/TS 29001 ..........................................16, 21 PD CEN/TR 16017 ...............................................15 PD 5500 .............................................................17 PD ISO/TS 29001 ..........................................16, 21 PD IEC/TR 62061 ................................................15 BS 2C 11 ............................................................18 BS 2C 19 ............................................................19 BS 2F 128 ...........................................................16 BS 3F 128 ...........................................................16 BS 5M 23 ...........................................................19 BS 2M 49 ...........................................................19 BS 2M 53 ...........................................................19 BS M 55 .............................................................19 BS M 56 .............................................................19 BS M 57 .............................................................19 BS 2M 59 ...........................................................19 BS M 61 .............................................................19 BS M 62 .............................................................19 BS 2M 63 ...........................................................19 BS M 64 .............................................................19 BS M 65 .............................................................19 BS M 66 .............................................................19 Electrotechnical BS 2618 ..............................................................19 DD CEN ISO/TS 17575 ........................................15 BS EN 12352 ......................................................16 BS EN 50017 ......................................................20 BS EN 50073 ......................................................20 BS EN 50206 ......................................................10 BS EN 50329 ......................................................17 BS EN 50495 ......................................................11 BS EN 60034 ......................................................20 BS EN 60079 ....................................11, 16, 20, 21 BS EN 60086 ......................................................20 BS EN 60335 ................................................11, 20 BS EN 60512 ......................................................16 BS EN 60730 ......................................................20 BS EN 60794 ......................................................11 BS EN 60898 ......................................................20 BS EN 60947 ......................................................20 BS EN 60950 ................................................16, 17 BS EN 61000 ......................................................17 BS EN 61241 ................................................11, 20 BS EN 61558 ......................................................11 BS EN 61779 ................................................20, 21 BS EN 61788 ......................................................11 BS EN 61935 ......................................................11 BS EN 62271 ......................................................21 BS EN 10222 ......................................................21 BS EN 10226 ......................................................16 BS EN 10228 ......................................................21 BS EN 10243 ......................................................21 BS EN 10250 ......................................................21 BS EN 10254 ......................................................21 BS EN 10293 ......................................................21 BS EN 10295 ......................................................21 BS EN 13141 ......................................................10 BS EN ISO 13349 ................................................10 BS EN 13477 ......................................................10 BS EN ISO 13628 ................................................17 BS EN ISO 13680 ................................................10 BS EN 14399 ......................................................16 BS EN 15566 ......................................................16 BS EN ISO 19879 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 21457 ................................................10 BS EN 27963 ................................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 28781 ................................................10 BS ISO 1726 .......................................................12 BS ISO 4701 .......................................................17 BS ISO 5610 .................................................12, 19 BS ISO 7314 .......................................................18 BS ISO 8574 .......................................................18 BS ISO 8769 .......................................................14 BS ISO 8829 .......................................................18 Health and environment BS EN 530 ............................................................8 BS EN ISO 8362 ............................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 10993 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 11609 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 15001 ................................................10 BS EN 15725 ......................................................10 BS EN 15767 ......................................................10 BS EN 28362 ................................................10, 20 BS EN 60601 ......................................................20 4 Prices may be subject to change. Update Standards Nov 2010 British Standards - Quick Reference Guide continued... DD ENV 12718 ...................................................19 DD ENV 12719 ...................................................19 BS ISO 19250 .....................................................14 BS EN 1814 ........................................................18 BS EN 1815 ........................................................18 BS EN 1818 ........................................................18 BS EN ISO 2128 ..............................................8, 20 BS 7079 ..............................................................20 BS 7619 ........................................................10, 20 BS 7857 ........................................................10, 20 BS 7967 ................................................................8 BS 11000 ..............................................................8 DD CEN ISO/TS 17575 ........................................15 BS EN 433 ..........................................................17 BS EN 530 ............................................................8 BS EN 661 ..........................................................18 BS EN 662 ..........................................................18 BS EN 663 ..........................................................18 BS EN 664 ..........................................................18 BS EN 665 ..........................................................18 BS EN 666 ..........................................................18 BS EN 957 ..........................................................17 BS EN 986 ..........................................................18 BS EN ISO/IEC 15419 ..........................................10 BS EN ISO/IEC 15423 ..........................................10 BS EN ISO/IEC 15438 ....................................12, 16 BS EN 1081 ........................................................18 BS EN 1318 ........................................................18 BS EN 1536 ..........................................................8 BS EN 1538 ..........................................................8 BS EN 1559 ........................................................21 BS EN 1814 ........................................................18 BS EN 1815 ........................................................18 BS EN 1818 ........................................................18 BS EN ISO 2128 ..............................................8, 20 BS EN ISO 3211 ..............................................8, 20 BS EN 3475 ..........................................................8 BS EN ISO 4180 ..............................................8, 20 BS EN ISO 4254 ....................................................8 BS EN 4473 ..........................................................8 BS EN 4700 ..........................................................8 BS EN ISO 7759 ............................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 7963 ............................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 8362 ............................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 8502 ..................................................20 BS EN ISO 9554 ..................................................10 BS EN 10031 ......................................................21 BS EN 10222 ......................................................21 BS EN 10226 ......................................................16 BS EN 10228 ......................................................21 BS EN 10243 ......................................................21 BS EN 10250 ......................................................21 BS EN 10254 ......................................................21 BS EN 10293 ......................................................21 BS EN 10295 ......................................................21 BS EN ISO 10993 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 11609 ................................................10 BS EN 12103 ......................................................18 BS EN 12104 ......................................................18 BS EN 12105 ......................................................18 Information systems BS EN ISO/IEC 15419 ..........................................10 BS EN ISO/IEC 15423 ..........................................10 BS EN ISO/IEC 15438 ....................................12, 16 BS EN ISO 15423 ................................................10 BS EN 50325 ......................................................11 BS EN 61784 ......................................................11 BS ISO 3901 .......................................................18 BS ISO/IEC 14443 ...............................................14 BS ISO/IEC 15438 ...............................................12 BS ISO 15706 .....................................................18 BS ISO 15707 .....................................................18 BS ISO/IEC 19763 ...............................................14 BS ISO/IEC 24723 ...............................................14 BS ISO/IEC 25045 ...............................................14 BS ISO/IEC 29159 ...............................................15 DD ISO/TS 22789 ................................................16 BS EN ISO 3211 ..............................................8, 20 BS EN ISO 7759 ............................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 8502 ..................................................20 BS EN ISO 9554 ..................................................10 BS EN 12103 ......................................................18 BS EN 12104 ......................................................18 BS EN 12105 ......................................................18 BS EN 12373 ............................................8, 10, 20 BS EN 12455 ......................................................18 BS EN 13121 ......................................................19 BS EN 13245 ................................................10, 20 BS EN 13845 ......................................................18 BS EN 13923 ......................................................19 BS EN 14521 ......................................................18 BS EN 14565 ......................................................18 BS EN 14900 ......................................................18 BS EN ISO 20565 ..........................................16, 19 BS ISO 48 ...........................................................12 Management systems BS 6079 ................................................................8 BS 11000 ..............................................................8 BS EN ISO 14025 ..........................................12, 16 BS ISO 10668 .....................................................14 BS ISO 14025 .....................................................12 BS ISO 29990 .....................................................15 BS IEC 61710 ......................................................17 DD ISO/TS 10004 ................................................15 PAS 11000 ............................................................8 BS ISO 105 .........................................................12 BS ISO 2004 .................................................12, 19 BS ISO 9277 .................................................14, 19 BS ISO 11093 .....................................................17 BS ISO 11596 .....................................................14 BS ISO 18280 .....................................................14 BS ISO 28343 .....................................................15 DD ISO/TS 10867 ................................................15 DD ISO/TS 26873 ................................................16 PD CEN/TR 14548 ...............................................20 PD CEN/TR 15729 ...............................................15 Materials and chemicals BS 1902 ..............................................................19 BS 2782 ..............................................................19 BS 2869 ..............................................................19 BS 4359 ........................................................14, 19 BS 4994 ..............................................................19 BS 6057 ........................................................12, 19 BS 7079 ..............................................................20 BS 7619 ........................................................10, 20 BS EN 433 ..........................................................17 BS EN 661 ..........................................................18 BS EN 662 ..........................................................18 BS EN 663 ..........................................................18 BS EN 664 ..........................................................18 BS EN 665 ..........................................................18 BS EN 666 ..........................................................18 BS EN 986 ..........................................................18 BS EN 1081 ........................................................18 BS EN 1318 ........................................................18 PD CEN ISO/TR 20573 ..................................15, 21 PD ISO/TR 20573 ..........................................15, 21 Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards quoted in this issue BS 493 ................................................................17 BS 1251 ..............................................................17 BS 1902 ..............................................................19 BS 2618 ..............................................................19 BS 2634 ................................................................8 BS 2782 ..............................................................19 BS 2869 ..............................................................19 BS 3986 ..............................................................17 BS 4193 ........................................................12, 19 BS 4359 ........................................................14, 19 BS 4994 ..............................................................19 BS 5200 ..............................................................17 BS 6057 ........................................................12, 19 BS 6079 ................................................................8 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. 5 Alpha-numeric sequence of British Standards continued... BS EN 12352 ......................................................16 BS EN 12373 ............................................8, 10, 20 BS EN 12455 ......................................................18 BS EN 12966 ......................................................17 BS EN 13121 ......................................................19 BS EN 13141 ......................................................10 BS EN 13245 ................................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 13349 ................................................10 BS EN 13477 ......................................................10 BS EN ISO 13628 ................................................17 BS EN ISO 13680 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 13720 ..........................................10, 20 BS EN 13845 ......................................................18 BS EN 13923 ......................................................19 BS EN ISO 14025 ..........................................12, 16 BS EN 14399 ......................................................16 BS EN 14521 ......................................................18 BS EN 14565 ......................................................18 BS EN 14900 ......................................................18 BS EN ISO 15001 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 15423 ................................................10 BS EN 15566 ......................................................16 BS EN 15725 ......................................................10 BS EN 15757 ......................................................10 BS EN 15758 ......................................................10 BS EN 15767 ......................................................10 BS EN ISO 19879 ................................................10 BS EN ISO 20565 ..........................................16, 19 BS EN ISO 21457 ................................................10 BS EN 24180 ..................................................8, 20 BS EN 27963 ................................................10, 20 BS EN 28362 ................................................10, 20 BS EN ISO 28781 ................................................10 BS EN 50017 ......................................................20 BS EN 50073 ......................................................20 BS EN 50132 ......................................................16 BS EN 50206 ......................................................10 BS EN 50325 ......................................................11 BS EN 50329 ......................................................17 BS EN 50495 ......................................................11 BS EN 60034 ......................................................20 BS EN 60079 ....................................11, 16, 20, 21 BS EN 60086 ......................................................20 BS EN 60335 ................................................11, 20 BS EN 60512 ......................................................16 BS EN 60601 ......................................................20 BS EN 60730 ......................................................20 BS EN 60794 ......................................................11 BS EN 60898 ......................................................20 BS EN 60947 ......................................................20 BS EN 60950 ................................................16, 17 BS EN 61000 ......................................................17 BS EN 61241 ................................................11, 20 BS EN 61558 ......................................................11 BS EN 61779 ................................................20, 21 BS EN 61784 ......................................................11 BS EN 61788 ......................................................11 BS EN 61935 ......................................................11 BS EN 62271 ......................................................21 BS EN 62395 ......................................................16 BS EN 62490 ......................................................11 DD ENV 12718 ...................................................19 DD ENV 12719 ...................................................19 BS ISO 48 ...........................................................12 BS ISO 105 .........................................................12 BS ISO 1726 .......................................................12 BS ISO 2004 .................................................12, 19 BS ISO 3901 .......................................................18 BS ISO 4701 .......................................................17 BS ISO 5610 .................................................12, 19 BS ISO 7314 .......................................................18 BS ISO 8574 .......................................................18 BS ISO 8769 .......................................................14 BS ISO 8829 .......................................................18 BS ISO 8913 .......................................................18 BS ISO 9277 .................................................14, 19 BS ISO 9679 .......................................................18 BS ISO 10649 .....................................................14 BS ISO 10668 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11026 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11093 .....................................................17 BS ISO 11452 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11596 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11745 .....................................................14 BS ISO 11790 .....................................................14 BS ISO 12319 .....................................................18 BS ISO 12573 .....................................................14 BS ISO 14025 .....................................................12 BS ISO 14223 .....................................................14 BS ISO/IEC 14443 ...............................................14 BS ISO 14813 .....................................................14 BS ISO 15031 .....................................................14 BS ISO/IEC 15438 ...............................................12 BS ISO 15686 .....................................................14 BS ISO 15706 .....................................................18 BS ISO 15707 .....................................................18 BS ISO 15893 .....................................................14 BS ISO 16031 .....................................................18 BS ISO 17712 ...............................................14, 21 BS ISO 17775 .....................................................18 BS ISO 18280 .....................................................14 BS ISO 18911 .....................................................14 BS ISO 19250 .....................................................14 BS ISO/IEC 19763 ...............................................14 BS ISO 23933 .....................................................18 BS ISO 23935 .....................................................18 BS ISO 24101 .....................................................14 BS ISO/IEC 24723 ...............................................14 BS ISO/IEC 25045 ...............................................14 BS ISO 26022 .....................................................15 BS ISO 26870 .....................................................15 BS ISO 28343 .....................................................15 BS ISO/IEC 29159 ...............................................15 BS ISO 29990 .....................................................15 BS IEC 60462 ......................................................15 BS IEC 61710 ......................................................17 BS IEC 61892 ......................................................15 BS IEC 62526 ......................................................18 BS IEC 62528 ......................................................18 DD ISO/PAS 17712 ........................................14, 21 DD ISO/TS 10004 ................................................15 DD ISO/TS 10867 ................................................15 DD ISO/TS 16610 ................................................15 DD ISO/TS 22789 ................................................16 DD ISO/TS 26873 ................................................16 DD ISO/TS 29001 ..........................................16, 21 DD IEC/TS 62395 ................................................17 PD CEN/TR 14548 ...............................................20 PD CEN/TR 15729 ...............................................15 PD CEN/TR 16017 ...............................................15 PD CEN ISO/TR 20573 ..................................15, 21 PD 5500 .............................................................17 PD 25111 ...........................................................15 PD ISO/TR 20573 ..........................................15, 21 PD ISO/TS 29001 ..........................................16, 21 PD IEC 60079 ...............................................11, 21 PD IEC/TR 62061 ................................................15 PD IEC/TR 62362 ................................................15 PD IEC/TR 62627 ................................................15 PD IEC/TR 62630 ................................................15 BS 2C 11 ............................................................18 BS 2C 19 ............................................................19 BS 3F 128 ...........................................................16 BS 2F 128 ...........................................................16 BS 5M 23 ...........................................................19 BS 2M 49 ...........................................................19 BS 2M 53 ...........................................................19 BS M 55 .............................................................19 BS M 56 .............................................................19 BS M 57 .............................................................19 BS 2M 59 ...........................................................19 BS M 61 .............................................................19 BS M 62 .............................................................19 BS 2M 63 ...........................................................19 BS M 64 .............................................................19 BS M 65 .............................................................19 BS M 66 .............................................................19 PAS 96 ................................................................16 PAS 11000 ............................................................8 6 Prices may be subject to change. Update Standards Nov 2010 BRITISH STANDARD IMPLEMENTATIONS WILL BE SUPPLIED IN PREFERENCE TO EUROPEAN OR INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS. BSI has an obligation to publish all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards. Complete. An existing BSI publication bearing a number identical to one announced below is automatically withdrawn unless stated For this series. Aluminium pigmented coatings for fasteners. Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the European standard.00 members.00 members. Principles and guidelines for the management of projects supersedes BS 6079-1:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 59996 5 £93. ground. £162.00 non-members B/526 Aerospace series.00 members. £172. Technical specification no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65104 5 £43. Steel and heat resisting alloys. UNLESS OTHERWISE REQUESTED. shot-blasted. £142. Technical specification. grit-blasted and polished specimens supersedes BS 2634-2:1987 ISBN 978 0 580 69916 0 £35. Bored piles supersedes BS EN 1536:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 65238 7 £93.00 non-members ACE/61/-/48 Also available as part of KIT 3 8 Prices may be subject to change. £86. £70.00 non-members STI/32 BS EN 3475-100:2010 Aerospace series. £86. Test methods. £186. Steel and heat resisting alloys. Wrought products. electrical.00 members. Rotary tedders and rakes no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56154 2 £81.British Standards BS 7967-5:2010 Carbon monoxide in dwellings and other premises and the combustion performance of gas-fired appliances. £70. General rules for the compilation of performance test schedules supersedes BS EN 24180-1:1993 and BS EN 241802:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 60139 2 £62.00 non-members PKW/0/-/6 BS EN PUBLICATIONS The following are British Standard implementations of the English language versions of European Standards (ENs).00 non-members TDW/4/9 BS EN 1538:2010 Execution of special geotechnical works. In all other cases of supersession. member pricing is applicable to BSI and Energy Institute members.00 members. BS ENs.00 non-members TDW/4/9 BS EN 4700-002:2010 BS EN 1536:2010 Execution of special geotechnical works.00 members. Guide for using electronic portable combustion gas analysers in nondomestic premises for the measurement of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide levels and the determination of combustion performance no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 52969 6 £86. Technical specification.00 members.00 members. Forging stock no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55075 1 £62. Steel and heat resisting £172. bored. aircraft use.00 members. using the EN number.00 members. Non-destructive measurement by splitbeam microscope supersedes BS EN 12373-3:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 65994 2 £35.00 non-members STI/32 BS EN 4700-006:2010 Aerospace series. Diaphragm walls supersedes BS EN 1538:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 65239 4 £86.00 non-members AGE/32 BS EN 4473:2010 BS EN 530:2010 Abrasion resistance of protective clothing material.00 non-members ACE/12 BS 2634-1:2010 Roughness comparison specimens.00 non-members ACE/61/-/48 BS 2634-2:2010 Roughness comparison specimens. Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings.00 non-members ACE/61/-/48 BS 6079-1:2010 Project management.00 non-members GSE/30 BRITISH STANDARDS The following British Standard publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). Wrought products.00 non-members PH/3/5 Aerospace series. Safety. Technical specification. General supersedes BS EN 3475-100:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 64916 5 £43.00 non-members SVS/1/4 BS EN ISO 4180:2010 Packaging.00 members. Cables. £86.00 members. £162. BS 2000 series standards are also available from:– Library of the Energy Institute 61 New Cavendish Street London W1G 7AR Tel: 020 7467 7100 Fax: 020 7255 1472 Email: lis@energyinst. Wrought products. £124. £186. Specification for turned. £70.00 non-members B/526 BS EN 4700-005:2010 Aerospace series. £124. The publications listed below are new and revised British Standards that were made available last month.00 members. filled transport packages. Please order by the British Standard reference not the ISBN number.00 members. BS EN ISO 3211:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys.00 non-members MS/2 BS EN ISO 2128:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys. Specification for spark-eroded.00 members. Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidation coatings to cracking by deformation supersedes BS EN 12373-15:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 65993 5 £35. Bar and section no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53326 6 £71. details are given and a corresponding entry appears in the ’British Standards withdrawn’ section.00 non-members ACE/6 BS 11000-1:2010 Collaborative business relationships. £70. Preproduction and production forgings no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 55076 8 £62. milled. £124.00 members. This has led to a series of standards. BS EN ISO 4254-10:2009 Agricultural machinery. Test methods supersedes BS EN 530:1995 ISBN 978 0 580 61873 4 £43. Update Standards Nov 2010 . shaped and planed specimens supersedes BS 2634-1:1987 ISBN 978 0 580 69915 3 £35.00 members. A framework specification supersedes PAS 11000:2006 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 69562 9 £81. Vocabulary and definitions of categories supersedes BS EN ISO 13349:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 63396 6 £86. Portable monitors. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Acoustic emission. £124.00 members. £86.00 members.00 non-members CH/106/7 BS EN ISO/IEC 15419:2010 Information technology. £186. Foam devices no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64649 2 £62.00 non-members AW/9 BS EN ISO 19879:2010 Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use.00 members.00 members.00 members. £124.. Dentifrices.00 non-members CH/121/6 BS EN ISO 21457:2010 Petroleum. Pantographs.00 members.. Specifications for temperature and relative humidity to limit climate-induced mechanical damage in organic hygroscopic materials no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60906 0 £43. Technical delivery conditions supersedes BS EN ISO 13680:2008 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 70775 9 £93.00 non-members STI/32 BS EN ISO 13349:2010 Fans. Automatic identification and data capture techniques.00 non-members WEE/46 BS EN 15758:2010 Conservation of cultural property.00 members.bsigroup.00 members.00 non-members PSE/17/-/7 BS EN ISO 11609:2010 Dentistry. £70. Designation of PVC-UE profiles supersedes BS 7619:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 54281 7 £62.00 non-members MCE/18/-/4 BS EN ISO 10993-13:2010 Biological evaluation of medical devices.00 members. Compatibility with oxygen supersedes BS EN ISO 15001:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61769 0 £86. Subsurface barrier valves and related equipment no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57552 5 £86. Verification of operating characteristic supersedes BS EN 13477-2:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 61010 3 £71. Bar code digital imaging and printing performance testing supersedes BS EN ISO/IEC 15419:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 62688 3 £71. test methods and marking supersedes BS EN ISO 11609:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 59583 7 £62. Performance testing of components/products for residential ventilation. Enumeration of presumptive Pseudomonas spp. £124.00 members.00 non-members IST/37 BS EN 50206-1:2010 Railway applications. Test methods for hydraulic fluid power connections supersedes BS EN ISO 19879:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 70344 7 £62. General specifications supersedes BS EN ISO 9554:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 64420 7 £62. Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing.00 non-members RHE/2 BS EN ISO 15423:2010 Information 10 Prices may be subject to change.00 non-members FSH/17/8 BS EN ISO 9554:2010 Fibre ropes. Requirements.00 members.00 non-members WEE/46 BS EN ISO 7963:2010 Non-destructive testing. Identification and quantification of degradation products from polymeric medical devices supersedes BS EN ISO 10993-13:2009 ISBN 978 0 580 57719 2 £62.00 members. £172. Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVCU) profiles for building applications.00 non-members PSE/17/-/5 BS EN ISO 8362-2:2010 Injection containers and accessories. Ultrasonic testing. £124.00 non-members PRI/82 BS EN 15725:2010 Extended application reports on the fire performance of construction products and building elements no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59959 0 £62.00 members. £124.00 non-members GEL/9/2 BS EN 13245-3:2010 Plastics.00 members. £86. £172.00 members.00 members. £142.00 members. Exhaust and supply air terminal devices supersedes BS EN 13141-2:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 61453 8 £62.00 members. Equipment characterisation.00 members. supersedes BS 7857-1:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 61033 2 £43. Specification for calibration block No.00 members.BS EN Publications continued. Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or an abridged goniophotometer supersedes BS EN 12373-13:2001 ISBN 978 0 580 65997 3 £43. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Pantographs for main line vehicles supersedes BS EN 50206-1:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 63413 0 £62. petrochemical and natural gas industries. 2 supersedes BS EN 27963:1992 ISBN 978 0 580 70835 0 £43.00 non-members CH/194 BS EN ISO 15001:2010 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment.00 non-members B/560 BS EN 13477-2:2010 Non-destructive testing. £124.00 non-members IST/34 BS EN ISO 28781:2010 Petroleum and natural gas industries. BS EN ISO 7759:2010 Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys.00 members. Rolling stock.00 members. £124. £124. £162. £162.00 members. £124.00 non-members MCE/17 BS EN 15757:2010 Conservation of cultural property. £86. £86.00 non-members TCI/77 BS EN ISO 13720:2010 Meat and meat products. Materials selection and corrosion control for oil and gas production systems no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59223 2 £81.00 non-members FSH/22 To order visit http://shop. Procedures and instruments for measuring temperatures of the air and the surfaces of objects no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60907 7 £43. Characteristics and tests. tubing and coupling stock.00 non-members B/560 BS EN ISO 13680:2010 Petroleum and natural gas industries.00 non-members CH/212 BS EN 15767-3:2010 Portable equipment for projecting extinguishing agents supplied by fire fighting pumps. £86. Bar code scanner and decoder performance testing supersedes BS EN ISO/IEC 15423:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 62963 1 £81. Drilling and production equipment. Closures for injection vials supersedes BS EN 28362-2:1993 ISBN 978 0 580 56904 3 £35.00 non-members PSE/17/-/4 BS EN 13141-2:2010 Ventilation for buildings. £172. £142. £186. £142.00 non-members AMT/7 Specification for the testing of balanced and coaxial information technology cabling.00 members. £86.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 61558-2-3:2010 Safety of transformers. £186.BS EN 50325-5:2010 Industrial communications subsystem based on ISO 11898 (CAN) for controller-device interfaces.00 non-members GEL/31/14 BS EN 61784-3-14:2010 Industrial communication networks.00 members.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 62490-1:2010 ESL measuring method.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 61784-3-1:2010 Industrial communication networks.00 members. reactors.00 non-members GEL/86/1 BS EN 61784-3-8:2010 Industrial communication networks. Functional safety fieldbuses. £186. power supply units and combinations thereof.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 62490-2:2010 ESL measuring method. Equipment protection by encapsulation “m” supersedes BS EN 60079-18:2004 and BS EN 6124118:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 56290 7 £71. Cords as specified in ISO/IEC 11801 and related standards supersedes BS EN 61935-2:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 56602 8 £71.00 non-members PEL/96 Industrial communication networks. Safety.00 members.00 members.00 members. Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure “t” supersedes BS EN 61241-1:2004 ISBN 978 0 580 57359 0 £43. Functional safety fieldbuses. Functional safety fieldbuses. Surface mount capacitors for use in electronic equipment no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 63321 8 £43.00 members.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 60079-31:2009 Explosive atmospheres.00 members.00 members. Profiles.00 non-members GEL/31/20 BS EN 61935-2:2010 BS EN 61784-3-3:2010 Industrial communication networks. £142.00 members. Functional safety fieldbuses.00 members.00 non-members EPL/40X BS EN 60794-3-11:2010 Optical fibre cables.00 non-members GEL/31/17 BS EN 61788-14:2010 Superconductivity. Additional specifications for CPF 12 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72032 1 £98.00 members. Equipment protection by type of protection “n” supersedes BS EN 60079-15:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 59523 3 £93. Profiles. Additional specifications for CPF 8 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72031 4 £81. £186. £124. Profiles.00 non-members EPL/40X Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. £142. £86. Particular requirements and tests for ignition transformers for gas and oil burners supersedes BS EN 61558-2-3:2000 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 64543 3 £62.00 members. £142. Functional safety fieldbuses. General requirements for characteristic tests of current leads designed for powering superconducting devices no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64252 4 £62.00 members. directly buried and lashed aerial single-mode optical fibre telecommunication cables no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66571 4 £71. £186.00 members. Profiles. £142. Functional safety fieldbuses. power supply units for shavers and shaver supply units supersedes BS EN 61558-2-5:1998 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 64544 0 £43. Profiles.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 50495:2010 Safety devices required for the safe functioning of equipment with respect to explosion risks no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 70994 4 £71. Profiles.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 60079-18:2009 Explosive atmospheres.00 members. Test methods and data supersedes PD IEC 60079-20:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 61542 9 £93. Additional specifications for CPF 6 supersedes BS EN 61784-3-6:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 72030 7 £93. Material characteristics for gas and vapour classification. Functional safety fieldbuses. £234. Profiles. Additional specifications for CPF 13 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72033 8 £117.00 non-members GEL/31 BS EN 61784-3-13:2010 BS EN 61558-2-5:2010 Safety of transformers. Outdoor cables. Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation supersedes BS EN 60335-2-27:2003 which remains current ISBN 978 0 580 68062 5 £71.00 members. Additional specifications for CPF 14 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72034 5 £93. £196. £124. Additional specifications for CPF 3 supersedes BS EN 61784-3-3:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 72029 1 £112.00 members. £86.00 non-members GEL/31 BS EN 61784-3-2:2010 Industrial communication networks. Particular requirements and tests for transformer for shavers.00 members.00 members. £142. Capacitors with lead terminal for use in electronic equipment no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57797 0 £43.00 non-members EPL/46 BS EN 60335-2-27:2010 Household and similar electrical appliances.00 non-members AMT/7 BS EN 60079-15:2010 Explosive atmospheres. Functional safety fieldbuses.00 members. power supply units and combinations thereof. £268.00 non-members L/-/90 BS EN 60079-20-1:2010 Explosive atmospheres. 11 .00 members. Superconducting power devices. £86.00 non-members PEL/96 BS EN 61784-3-12:2010 Industrial communication networks. reactors. Additional specifications for CPF 1 supersedes BS EN 61784-3-1:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 72027 7 £93. Product specification for duct. Profiles. Additional specifications for CPF 2 supersedes BS EN 61784-3-2:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 72028 4 £134.00 non-members CPL/61/1 BS EN 61784-3-6:2010 Industrial communication networks. Functional safety communication based on EN 50325-4 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65883 9 £71. £162. £224. 00 members. No other information will normally be added.00 non-members PRI/50 BS ENs IMPLEMENTED BY AMENDMENT For the standards listed below see also the ’Corrigenda to British Standards’ and ’Updated British Standards’ sections of this issue of Update Standards. £70.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-14:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.00 non-members MTE/18 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO 14025 by amendment to BS ISO 14025:2006 BS ISO 5610-10:2010 BS EN ISO/IEC 15438:2010 Information technology. Note: The date referenced in the identifier is the date of the international standard. Mechanical couplings between tractors and semi-trailers. General survey.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 Implementation of European Standard EN ISO/IEC 15438 by amendment to BS ISO/IEC 15438:2006 BS ISO 5610-11:2010 BS IMPLEMENTATIONS BS Implementations comprise the ISO or IEC text without any national deviation and with front and back cover indicating the UK committee responsible.00 non-members PRI/22 BS ISO 5610-5:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. £70. Style K supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58866 2 £43. Determination of hardness (hardness between 10 IRHD and 100 IRHD) supersedes BS ISO 48:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 69658 9 £71. Style H supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58872 3 £43. Style S supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58870 9 £43.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-1:2010 BS EN ISO 14025:2010 Environmental labels and declarations. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. BS ISO 5610-8:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-12:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Principles and procedures SES/1/3 BS ISO 5610-9:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.00 non-members AUE/13 BS ISO 5610-7:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. £142. Style J supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58865 5 £43. £86. Tests for colour fastness. £124. Style G supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58864 8 £43. Style A supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58860 0 £43.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 105-F10:1989+A1:2009 Textiles. £86.00 non-members MTE/18 12 Prices may be subject to change.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Style F supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58863 1 £43. £86. £86.1:1998 ISBN 978 0 580 62641 8 £35. £86. £86.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-13:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Style B supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58861 7 £43. vulcanized or thermoplastic. Specifications supersedes BS 6057-1.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-15:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Centrifuged or creamed. correlation and determination of dimensions supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58859 4 £62.00 members. Requirements for semi-trailer contact area to fifth wheel no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58734 4 £35. PDF417 bar code symbology specification IST/34 BS ISO 5610-2:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. £86. £70.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.BS ENs Implemented by Amendment BS ISO 2004:2010 Natural rubber latex concentrate. £86.00 members. BS ISO 5610-3:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Multifibre no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65852 5 £35.00 members. Style L supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58867 9 £43.00 members. £70. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Style R supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58869 3 £43. ammonia-preserved types. £86.00 members.00 non-members TCI/81 BS ISO 5610-6:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts.00 members.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 48:2010 Rubber. Type III environmental declarations. Style T supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58871 6 £43.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 1726-3:2010 Road vehicles.00 members.00 members.00 members. £86. £86. Style V supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58873 0 £35.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 5610-4:2010 Tool holders with rectangular shank for indexable inserts. Specification for adjacent fabric.00 members. £86. Style D supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58862 4 £43. £86.00 members.00 members. Style N supersedes BS 4193-7:1999 ISBN 978 0 580 58868 6 £43. £124. Test methods supersedes BS ISO 18280:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 65167 0 £43.00 non-members AGE/6/1 BS ISO/IEC 14443-2:2010 Identification cards.00 non-members NCE/2 BS ISO 11790:2010 Copper. When to assess functional performance no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 54360 9 £81.and photon emitters no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72936 2 £62. Code and command structure no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57468 9 £81. £172. Advanced transponders. Radio frequency power and signal interface supersedes BS ISO/IEC 14443-2:2001+A1:2005 ISBN 978 0 580 58701 6 £71. £142.BS Implementations continued.00 non-members SVS/12 BS ISO/IEC 19763-3:2010 BS ISO 14813-5:2010 Intelligent transport systems. £162. £162. Alpha-. Calibration of surface contamination monitors. Service life planning. £142. £172.00 non-members CB/101 Information technology.00 members. £162. £124.00 non-members WEE/-/1 BS ISO 15893:2010 Space data and information transfer systems.00 non-members AUE/16 BS ISO 24101-2:2010 Intelligent transport systems.00 members. Brazing of metallic components no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 62132 1 £62.00 members. £86. Guidance on terms.00 members. Transport protocol (SCPS-TP) no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59774 9 £112. Systems and software quality requirements and evaluation (SQuaRE). Closing-curve test no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66380 2 £62.00 non-members PRI/42 BS ISO 14223-2:2010 BS ISO 10649-4:2010 Cutter arbors with parallel key and tenon drive.00 non-members IST/40 BS ISO 11452-11:2010 Road vehicles. £86. BET method supersedes BS 4359-1:1996 ISBN 978 0 580 62592 3 £71.00 non-members IST/17 BS ISO 19250:2010 Water quality.00 members.00 non-members ACE/69 Plastics.00 non-members CPW/42 Radiofrequency identification of animals.00 non-members EPL/278 BS ISO 11026:2010 Heavy commercial vehicles and buses.00 non-members ACE/68/-/7 BS ISO/IEC 25045:2010 Systems and software engineering. GS1 composite bar code symbology specification supersedes BS ISO/IEC 24723:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 71971 4 £86. Metamodel for ontology registration supersedes BS ISO/IEC 19763-3:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 63568 7 £81.00 members.00 non-members IST/34 BS ISO 11745:2010 Brazing for aerospace applications. Qualification test for brazers and brazing operators. Component test methods for electrical disturbances from narrowband radiated electromagnetic energy. beta. Metamodel framework for interoperability (MFI).00 members. abbreviations and acronyms no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 63279 2 £43. £142. £86.00 members.00 members. BS ISO 8769:2010 Reference sources. Tubing tolerances. £124. lead. Guidelines for the inspection of mechanical sampling systems no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 67747 2 £62.00 non-members AUE/16 BS ISO 15031-2:2010 Road vehicles.00 members.00 members.00 non-members NFE/36 BS ISO 17712:2010 Freight containers. Detection of Salmonella spp. definitions. £142. Contactless integrated circuit cards.00 members. Storage practices supersedes BS ISO 18911:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 59918 7 £71.00 non-members STI/53 BS ISO 15686-10:2010 Buildings and constructed assets.00 members.00 members. Requirements for monetary brand valuation no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64260 9 £43. Epoxy resins.00 members.00 members.00 non-members AUE/15 Information technology. Conformance test no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65781 8 £86. Inch series no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64200 5 £43. Evaluation module for recoverability no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66893 7 £81.00 members.00 members. Dimensions and designation of tool holders with 7/24 taper without automatic tool changers no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64792 5 £35.. Space communications protocol specification (SCPS).00 non-members LBI/37 BS ISO 12573:2010 Aircraft. Communications access for land mobiles (CALM).00 non-members EH/3/4 BS ISO 10668:2010 Brand valuation. £86. Mechanical seals supersedes DD ISO/PAS 17712:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 58150 2 £71. Test method for roll stability.00 members. Reverberation chamber no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60625 0 £71. Processed safety photographic films. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Sampling of precious metal alloys for and in jewellery and associated products no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57231 9 £43..00 members.00 non-members EPL/278 BS ISO/IEC 24723:2010 BS ISO 11596:2008 Jewellery.00 members. Application management. £142. £86. Requirements for architecture description in ITS standards no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58668 2 £71. Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics. Proximity cards.00 non-members IST/15 14 Prices may be subject to change. £142. £142.00 non-members TW/1 BS ISO 18280:2010 BS ISO 9277:2010 Determination of the specific surface area of solids by gas adsorption.00 members. £124.00 non-members MTE/18 BS ISO 18911:2010 Imaging materials.00 members. Update Standards Nov 2010 . £70.00 members. £162. zinc and nickel concentrates. no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 53204 7 £71. £224. Reference model architecture(s) for the ITS sector. 00 non-members MCE/3 DD ISO/TS 16610-31:2010 Geometrical product specifications (GPS).00 members. 15 . £172. £72. Charging no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65001 7 £44. £95. Determination of glass transition temperature by DSC no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59106 8 £43.00 members.00 members.00 members.bsigroup. Biometric calibration.00 non-members GEL/86/1 Electronic fee collection. Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems. £86. Profile filters.00 non-members GEL/86/2 Electronic fee collection.00 members. £86. Electrical installations. Characterization of singlewall carbon nanotubes using near infrared photoluminescence spectroscopy no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61382 1 £36. £124. £124.00 non-members IST/44 PD 25111:2010 Business continuity management. The resulting publications are ISO/TR 23849:2010 and IEC/TR 62061-1:2010. climatic or electromagnetic characteristics. £88. £72.00 members. Fibre optic connector cleaning methods no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72673 6 £43. £86. £142.00 non-members JPEL/18 DD CEN ISO/TS 17575-1:2010 PD IEC/TR 62362:2010 Selection of optical fibre cable specifications relative to mechanical.00 non-members TDW/4 BS ISO 29990:2010 Learning services for non-formal education and training.00 members.00 members.00 members. Communication and connection to the lower layers no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 65009 3 £44. Glass-reinforced thermosetting plastics (GRP) based on unsaturated polyester resin (UP). Heels and top pieces supersedes PD ISO/TR 20573:2006 ISBN 978 0 580 70993 7 £43. Gaussian regression filters no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57486 3 £36. £72.00 non-members EPL/278 DD CEN ISO/TS 17575-2:2010 PD IEC/TR 62627-01:2010 View BSI’s conferences at http://shop.00 members. ingress.00 members.BS ISO 26022:2010 Road vehicles.00 non-members TCI/69 DD ISO/TS 10867:2010 Nanotechnologies. £86.00 non-members EPL/278 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change.00 non-members NTI/1 BS ISO/IEC 29159-1:2010 Information technology. Process oils.00 non-members PRI/23 PD CEN ISO/TR 20573:2008 Footwear.00 non-members AUE/12 PUBLISHED DOCUMENTS PD CEN/TR 15729:2010 Plastics piping systems. Launch pad and integration site operational documents no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 57805 2 £62. Report on the determination of mean abrasion after a defined number of test cycles no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60021 0 £43. Performance requirements for components for footwear.00 non-members PRI/88/2 PD IEC/TR 62630:2010 Guidance for evaluating exposure from multiple electromagnetic sources no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 67860 8 £81. Guidance on human aspects of business continuity no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 71975 2 £95.00 members.00 members. these bodies have opted to publish the guide separately. Application interface definition for autonomous systems.00 members. £86. Application interface definition for autonomous systems. Photomultiplier tubes for scintillation counting. Guidelines for monitoring and measuring no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 59353 6 £44. £88.00 members. Simulated lane change test to assess in-vehicle secondary task demand no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 58376 6 £86. Test procedures no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 61287 9 £62. Mobile units supersedes BS IEC 61892-5:2000 ISBN 978 0 580 67921 6 £71.00 members.00 non-members GEL/106 BS ISO 26870:2009 Space systems. £ Conferences Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components.00 non-members BCM/1 DD ISO/TS 16610-28:2010 Geometrical product specifications (GPS). £88. Customer satisfaction. £124.00 non-members NCE/2 ISO/TC 199 and IEC/TC 44 have jointly developed this Technical Report in support of the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061.00 members. £142.00 members. Guidance no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 60713 4 £43. which are technically identical in content BS IEC 61892-5:2010 Mobile and fixed offshore units. Robust profile filters. Filtration. augmentation and fusion data.00 members.00 members. Filtration. £86. However.00 non-members ACE/68/-/3 DRAFTS FOR DEVELOPMENT PD CEN/TR 16017:2010 Guide to the use of EN 598 no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 69117 1 £43.00 non-members SVS/10 PD IEC/TR 62061-1:2010 Guidance on the application of ISO 13849-1 and IEC 62061 in the design of safety-related control systems for machinery no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 72793 1 £62. £162. Basic requirements for service providers no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66199 0 £62.00 members. Fusion information format no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 68459 3 £71.00 non-members TDW/4 BS IEC 60462:2010 Nuclear instrumentation. End effects no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 66342 0 £36.00 non-members PSE/10 DD ISO/TS 10004:2010 Quality management.00 non-members QS/1 BS ISO 28343:2010 Rubber compounding ingredients. British Standards which have been corrected via corrigenda are available on request. Apparatus. The following corrigenda to British Standards were made available last month. £86. dissolution and determination of gravimetric silica CORRIGENDUM 1 RPI/1 DD ISO/TS 26873:2010 Plastics pipes and fittings. Electrical resistance trace heating. PDF417 bar code symbology specification CORRIGENDUM 1 IST/34 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 & 2 and Amendments 1 & 11 British Standards Online at BS EN 62395-1:2006 BS EN 15566:2009 Railway applications.00 non-members PSE/17 BS EN ISO 20565-3:2008 Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method). Definition and construction procedures for reference lines no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 64291 3 £17. Safety. Wet chemical analysis CORRIGENDUM 1 RPI/1 DD ISO/TS 29001:2010 Petroleum. resistance tests.bsigroup.00 non-members PRI/88/4 BS EN ISO 20565-2:2008 Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method). General and testing requirements CORRIGENDUM 1 GEL/31/14 BS EN ISO 14025:2010 Environmental labels and declarations. Electrical resistance trace heating. Application guide for design. free of charge to past purchasers of the standard. Type III environmental declarations. £44. Conceptual framework for patient findings and problems in terminologies no current standard is superseded ISBN 978 0 580 56726 1 £22.00 non-members ACE/65 BS EN 50132-1:2010 Alarm systems. Warning and safety light devices CORRIGENDUM 3 EPL/526 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 & 2 BS EN 60079-30-1:2007 Explosive atmospheres. General requirements CORRIGENDUM 3 EPL/108 BS EN ISO/IEC 15438:2010 Information technology.00 members. petrochemical and natural gas industries. BS EN 60079-30-2:2007 Explosive atmospheres. Draw gear and screw coupling CORRIGENDUM 1 RAE/1 http://shop.Drafts For Development continued.00 members. General and testing requirements CORRIGENDUM 1 PEL/27 16 Prices may be subject to change. Principles and procedures CORRIGENDUM 1 SES/1/3 PUBLICLY AVAILABLE SPECIFICATIONS Publicly Available Specifications (formerly Product Assessment Specifications) are issued to provide an interim document where there is a market need but where a full British or European Standard has yet to be published. Hexagon fit bolt and nut assemblies CORRIGENDUM 1 FME/9/1 BS EN 60950-1:2006+A1:2010 Information technology equipment. Guidance for the deterrence. £126. Dimensions.. detection and defeat of ideologically motivated and other forms of malicious attack on food and drink and their supply arrangements supersedes PAS 96:2008 ISBN 978 0 580 70039 2 Only available as a free download from http://shop.F. Railway rolling stock. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Automatic identification and data capture techniques. reagents. Requirements for product and service supply organizations supersedes PD ISO/TS 29001:2007 ISBN 978 0 580 69494 3 £63. Taper external threads and parallel internal threads..00 members. Test 21a. All amendments and corrigenda to date of despatch are included within any main publication when ordered for the first time. Tests and measurements.00 members.00 non-members IST/35 CORRIGENDA TO BRITISH STANDARDS Most amendments are not issued separately. DD ISO/TS 22789:2010 Health BS EN 14399-8:2007 High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading. System requirements CORRIGENDUM 1 GW/1/10 BS EN 12352:2006 Traffic control equipment. tolerances and designation CORRIGENDUM 1 ISE/110 AEROSPACE SERIES BS 3F 128:2010 Specification for cotton webbing suitable for aerospace purposes (warp yarn nominally R 310 tex) supersedes BS 2F 128:1992+A1:2002 ISBN 978 0 580 68999 4 £43. System HV. installation and maintenance CORRIGENDUM 1 GEL/31/14 BS EN 14399-7:2007 High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading.F. BS EN ISO 20565-1:2008 Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing refractory products and chrome-bearing raw materials (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method). CCTV surveillance systems for use in security applications. £34. Those that make significant changes to a standard are incorporated into the standard which is reissued (see ‘Updated British Standards’).com/BSOL Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications. R. shunt resistance CORRIGENDUM 1 EPL/48 PAS 96:2010 Defending food and drink. R. Countersunk head bolt and nut assemblies CORRIGENDUM 1 FME/9/1 BS EN 60512-21-1:2010 Connectors for electronic equipment. Sector-specific quality management systems. Flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS) and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES) CORRIGENDUM 1 RPI/1 BS EN 10226-1:2004 Pipe threads where pressure tight joints are made on the threads. System HR. Design and operation of subsea production systems. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. 389 Chiswick High Road. BSI Head Office. BS ISO 11093-5:2009 Paper and board. Testing and measurement techniques. Contact: Simon Merriman Email: simon.00 members.00 MCE/18 BS EN 957-4:2006+A1:2010 Stationary training equipment.00 members. Determination of residual indentation after static loading PRI/60 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. confirmation includes all amendments published to date. additional specific safety requirements and test methods AMENDMENT 1 £ by 31 December.800. Confirmation indicates the continuing currency of a standard. General requirements and recommendations AMENDMENT 1 £134. Determination of size distribution by sieving CORRIGENDUM 1 ISE/58 BS EN ISO 13628-1:2005+A1:2010 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Determination of characteristics of concentric rotation CORRIGENDUM 1 PAI/11 BS EN 50329:2003+A1:2010 Railway applications. to identify and set in hand appropriate action.00 non-members GEL/9/3 BS IEC 61710:2000 Power law model. to establish whether it is still current and. £70.00 non-members PVE/1 BS 3986-2:1998 Methods of test for drying performance of agricultural grain dryers. Additional procedures and crop specific requirements AGE/32 Also incorporates Amendment 1 SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000 BRITISH STANDARDS REVIEWED AND CONFIRMED It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication. Safety. Fixed installations.00 members.00 members. Variable message traffic signs.00 non-members B/509/3 This standard has been re-instated.00 non-members SW/136/4 BS 5200:1997 BS EN 60950-1:2006 Information technology equipment.00 non-members B/519/1 BS 5200:1997 Specification for dimensions of hydraulic connectors and adaptors This standard was incorrectly announced in the October edition of Update Standards as withdrawn. if it is not. Application guide for system design. as it was withdrawn in error. Strength training benches. The correct status for this standard should be confirmed. installation and maintenance CORRIGENDUM 1 PEL/27 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 BS 1251:1987 Specification for open-fireplace components PD 5500:2009+A2:2010 Specification for unfired fusion welded pressure vessels RHE/28 UPDATED BRITISH STANDARDS The following standards have been amended and the amendments have been incorporated into an updated standard. AMENDMENT 2 £900. 17 . £142. £70. Contact: Sarah O’Neil-Shaw Email: sarah. A note of any objections to the proposals below should be sent to Debbie Stead. Reference to a particular amendment indicates that it is published concurrently with the confirmation.00 members. if it is not.00 non-members PSE/17/-/4 BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR CONFIRMATION It is BSI policy for every standard to be reviewed by the technical committee responsible not more than five years after publication. Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication.BS ISO 4701:2008 Iron ores and direct reduced iron. Product standard AMENDMENT 1 £93.merriman@bsigroup. to identify and set in hand appropriate action. £186. Damped oscillatory wave immunity test AMENDMENT 1 £71. Head of Committee Service Centre – EPL/108 BS EN 433:1994 Resilient floor coverings. London W4 4AL or via email to BSUKoperations. General requirements Specification for dimensions of hydraulic connectors and adaptors MCE/18 BS EN 12966-1:2005+A1:2009 Road vertical signs. to establish whether it is still current NOTE: Updated British Standards must be reordered as the amendments are not available separately. Traction transformers AMENDMENT 1 £71. Testing of cores. £268. £1. BS 493:1995+A1:2010 Specification for airbricks and gratings for wall ventilation AMENDMENT 1 £35.00 members. Goodness-of-fit tests and estimation methods CORRIGENDUM 1 DS/1 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 BS EN 61000-4-18:2007+A1:2010 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC). Circumstances may lead to an earlier review.00 non-members GEL/210/12 DD IEC/TS 62395-2:2008 Electrical resistance trace heating systems for industrial and commercial applications.o’neil-shaw@bsigroup. £142. 2010. Determination of exudation of plasticizers PRI/60 BS EN 14521:2004 Resilient floor coverings. classification 400 F/3000 psi (204 C/20684 kPa) and 204 C/21000 kPa (400 F/3046 psi). Procurement specification ACE/69 BS EN 1318:2005 Textile floor coverings. inch series. Procurement specification ACE/69 BS IEC 62528:2007 Standard testability method for embedded core-based integrated circuits GEL/93 BS EN 12103:1999 Resilient floor coverings. International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN). Cork floor tiles. Specification PRI/60 BS ISO 9679:2006 Aerospace. Determination of the apparent effective thickness of the backing PRI/3 BS ISO 7314:2002 Aerospace. Determination of volatile loss PRI/60 BS EN 13845:2005 Resilient floor coverings. Close tolerances for hydraulic systems ACE/69 BS EN 666:1995 Resilient floor coverings. Audiovisual work identifier IDT/2/18 BS EN 663:1995 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of the effect of loaded heavy duty castors PRI/60 Aerospace. Non-metallic braid ACE/69 BS IEC 62526:2007 Standard for extensions to standard test interface language (STIL) for semiconductor design environments GEL/93 BS EN 1815:1998 Resilient and textile floor coverings. International standard musical work code (ISWC) IDT/2/18 BS EN 665:1995 Resilient floor coverings. tolerances and size-identification codes. Specification PRI/60 BS ISO 12319:2006 Aerospace. Determination of curling on exposure to moisture PRI/60 BS EN 12105:1998 Resilient floor coverings. Inside diameters and cross sections. Qualification tests for bent tubes ACE/69 BS ISO 8829-2:2006 Aerospace. toilet-flush water and toilet drain ACE/69 BS EN 1081:1998 Resilient floor coverings. Determination of the electrical resistance PRI/60 BS ISO 3901:2001 Information and documentation. Metal hose assemblies ACE/69 BS ISO 8574:2004 BS EN 1814:2005 Textile floor coverings. Specification for corkment underlay PRI/60 BS ISO 15706-2:2007 Information and documentation. Polyvinyl chloride floor coverings with particle based enhanced slip resistance.. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Agglomerated cork underlays. Aramid reinforced lightweight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies. Tiles. Determination of the spreading of water PRI/60 BS EN 12104:2000 Resilient floor coverings. Specification PRI/60 BS ISO 15707:2001 Information and documentation. Determination of dimensional changes due to the effects of varied water and heat conditions and distortion out of plane PRI/3 BS EN 14900:2006 Textile floor coverings. BS EN 661:1995 Resilient floor coverings.. Determination of resistance to damage at cut edges using the modified Vettermann drum test PRI/3 BS ISO 23935:2006 Aircraft. Clamps for fluid systems. International Standard Audiovisual Number (ISAN). Floor coverings based upon synthetic thermoplastic polymers.British Standards Reviewed and Confirmed continued. classification 135 C/20684 kPa (275 F/3000 psi) and 135 C/21000 kPa (275 F/3046 psi). Hydraulic system tubing. Version identifier IDT/2/18 BS EN 664:1995 Resilient floor coverings. Procurement specification ACE/69 BS EN 662:1995 Resilient floor coverings. inch series. Specification PRI/60 BS ISO 16031-2:2003 Aerospace fluid systems. Determination of gelling PRI/60 BS EN 14565:2004 Resilient floor coverings. Test methods for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) inner-tube hose assemblies. O-rings. Potable water. Specification for smooth rubber floor coverings with or without foam backing with a decorative layer PRI/60 BS ISO 16031-1:2002 Aerospace fluid systems. Ground-service connections. Standard tolerances for non-hydraulic systems ACE/69 BS EN 986:2005 Textile floor coverings. Assessment of static electrical propensity PRI/60 BS ISO 8913:2006 BS EN 1818:1999 Resilient floor coverings. Inside diameters and cross sections. Resistance to fire in designated fire zones ACE/69 Aerospace. Determination of moisture content of agglomerated composition cork PRI/60 BS ISO 15706-1:2002+A1:2008 Information and documentation. ’P’ (loop style) clamps. Determination of conventional pattern depths PRI/60 BS EN 12455:1999 Resilient floor coverings. Environmental test procedures for airborne fluid system components. International Standard Recording Code (ISRC) IDT/2/18 BS ISO 23933:2006 Aerospace series. O-rings. Lightweight polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) hose assemblies. tolerances and size-identification codes. Fluid systems. Test methods ACE/69 BS 2C 11:1988 (ISO 11:1987) Specification for ground pressure test connections for aircraft pressure cabins ACE/69 18 Prices may be subject to change. Determination of the density of the textile fleece backing PRI/3 BS ISO 17775:2006 Aircraft. BS ISO 5610-14:2010 and BS ISO 5610-15:2010 BS 2M 59:1993 (ISO 7319:1992) Specification for interface of metric couplings. Where any standard in this list has been amended since publication. BS ISO 56102:2010.1:1998 (ISO 2004:1997) Rubber latices. BS ISO 5610-9:2010.BS 2C 19:1994 (ISO 9939:1994) Specification for pressure re-oiling connection (new type) ACE/69 BS M 64:1987 (ISO 8177:1986) Specification for dimensions of omega clamps (saddle clamps) for fluid tubing installations ACE/69 BRITISH STANDARDS WITHDRAWN If any standard in this list has been amended since publication. Leaktightness of thermoplastics pipes and fittings for nonpressure applications PRI/88 Superseded by BS ISO 5610-1:2010. domestic and industrial engines and boilers. BET method of gas adsorption for solids (including porous materials) LBI/37 Superseded by BS ISO 9277:2010 DD ENV 12718:2001 Medical compression hosiery CH/205/1 BS 4994:1987 Specification for design and construction of vessels and tanks in reinforced plastics PRI/5/1 BS M 62:1987 (ISO 7661:1984) Specification for design and qualification testing of clamp blocks for fluid system tube lines having axial alignment. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. Single point tool holders for turning and copying for indexable inserts. BS ISO 5610-3:2010. BS ISO 5610-10:2010. Marking to indicate fluid for which component is approved ACE/69 BS M 66:1987 (ISO 8479:1986) Specification for dimensions of ’Q’ clamps (centre-mounted clamps) for fluid systems ACE/69 Superseded by BS EN ISO 20565-1:2008. for aerospace fluid systems ACE/69 BS M 61:1989 (ISO 7315:1988) Specification for envelope dimensions of “P” clamps (loop clamps) for fluid systems ACE/69 This standard was partially superseded by dual numbered standards BS EN 1053:1996. BS ISO 5610-7:2010. seal and fitting end ACE/69 BS 6057-1. Specification for centrifuged or creamed. BS EN ISO 20565-2:2008 and BS EN ISO 205653:2008 BS 2M 53:1997 (ISO 6773:1994) Aircraft. BSI Head Office. Metric series ACE/69 This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as the corresponding European standard has been withdrawn Superseded by BS EN 13923:2005 and BS EN 13121-3:2008 DD ENV 12719:2001 BS 2M 63:1993 (ISO 7320:1992) Specification for dimensions of aerospace fluid system port connection. Specification and coding. BS 278211:Method 1112B:1996 and BS EN 1277:1996. This standard has been withdrawn as it conflicts with BS EN 60077-2:2002 BS 2869:2006 Fuel oils for agricultural. BS ISO 5610-12:2010. BS ISO 5610-13:2010. by 31 December. Chemical analysis of chrome-bearing materials RPI/1 BS 2M 49:1997 (ISO 3323:1987) Aircraft. Thermoplastics pipes. BS 2782-11:Methods 1112L M N and Q:1996. all amendments published to date are also withdrawn BS 5M 23:1987 (ISO 12:1987) Specification for an identification scheme for pipelines ACE/69 BS M 65:1987 (ISO 8278:1986) Specification for pressure compensated variable delivery hydraulic pumps ACE/69 BS 1902-2. fittings and valves. Dimensions MTE/18 BS M 57:1985 (ISO 7313:1984) Specification for high temperature convoluted hose assemblies in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for aerospace applications ACE/69 BS 2782-11:Method 1112A:1989 Methods of testing BS ISO 5610-11:2010. London W4 4AL or via email to BSUKoperations. Thermal shock testing of piping and fittings ACE/69 BS 2618:1975 Specification for electric traction equipment GEL/9 BS M 55:1984 (ISO 7257:1983) Method for rotary flexure testing of hydraulic tubing joints and fittings for aerospace use ACE/69 BRITISH STANDARDS PROPOSED FOR WITHDRAWAL A note of any objections to these withdrawals should be sent to Debbie Stead. BS ISO 5610-5:2010. The clauses which remained current are no longer considered relevant and are now proposed for withdrawal BS 4359-1:1996 (ISO 9277:1995) Determination of the specific surface area of powders. Chemical analysis (wet methods). 19 . Fluid systems. BS ISO 5610-8:2010. 24° cone. Hydraulic components. a proposal to withdraw also includes all amendments published to date. ammonia-preserved natural rubber latices PRI/50 Medical thrombosis prophylaxis hosiery CH/205/1 This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as the corresponding European standard has been withdrawn Superseded by BS ISO 2004:2010 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. BS ISO 5610-6:2010. 389 Chiswick High Road. Specification PTI/2 Superseded by BS 2869:2010 BS M 56:1985 (ISO 7258:1984) Methods for determination of density and relative density of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) tubing for aerospace applications ACE/69 BS 4193-7:1999 (ISO 5610:1998) Hardmetal insert tooling.2:1974 Methods of testing refractory materials. BS ISO 5610-4:2010. Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% methane in air GEL/31/19 Superseded by BS EN ISO 4180:2010 Superseded by BS EN 60601-2-37:2008 Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 20 Prices may be subject to change. filled transport packages. Powder filling “q” GEL/31/17 Specification for low-voltage switchgear and controlgear.British Standards Withdrawn continued. Particular requirements. Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidation coatings to cracking by deformation STI/32 Superseded by BS EN 60079-18:2009 Superseded by BS EN 60034-2-1:2007 BS EN 61779-1:2000 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases. Energy regulators CPL/72 Superseded by BS 7619:2010. Tests for the assessment of surface cleanliness. Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings. Control circuit devices and switching elements. General requirements and test methods GEL/31/19 Superseded by BS EN ISO 3211:2010 BS EN 60086-4:2000 (IEC 60086-4:2000) Primary batteries. Circuit-breakers PEL/17/2 Superseded by BS EN 60947-2:2006+A1:2009 Superseded by BS EN 50017:1998 BS EN 60947-5-2:1999 BS EN 12373-3:1999 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Safety. Protection by enclosures “tD” GEL/31/20 BS EN 12373-13:2001 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. use and maintenance of apparatus for the detection and measurement of combustible gases or oxygen GEL/31/19 BS EN 61241-1:2004 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust. Quantitative data PKW/0 BS EN 60730-2-11:1994 Specification for automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. installation. Powder filling “q” GEL/31/17 This standard has been withdrawn as the corresponding CEN and ISO standards have been withdrawn Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. 2 for ultrasonic examination of welds WEE/46 Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use. BS EN 13245-2:2008 and BS EN 13245-3:2010 Superseded by BS EN 60730-2-11:2008 Superseded by BS EN ISO 4180:2010 BS 7857-1:1996 (ISO 13720:1995) Methods for microbiological examination of meat and meat products. Non-destructive measurement by splitbeam microscope STI/32 BS EN 50017:1998 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres.. Anodizing. filled transport packages. Closures for injection vials CH/212 Specification for circuit-breakers for overcurrent protection for household and similar installations PEL/23/1 Superseded by BS EN 60898-1:2003+A1:2004 Superseded by BS EN ISO 8362-2:2010 BS EN 60947-2:2006 BS EN 50017:1994 Electrical apparatus for potentially explosive atmospheres. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Enumeration of Pseudomonas spp AW/9 BS EN 60730-2-13:1998 BS EN 27963:1992 (ISO 7963:1985) Specification for calibration block No.. Guide to test methods and other standards for the general requirements. characterization and safety of structural adhesives PRI/52 Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 Superseded by BS EN 60086-4:2007 BS EN 61779-2:2000 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases. Performance requirements for group I apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 5% methane in the air GEL/31/19 BS EN 60335-2-76:2005 Household and similar electrical appliances. Particular requirements for electric fence energizers CPL/61/01 This standard has been withdrawn as the corresponding European Standard has also been withdrawn Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 Superseded by BS EN 60335-2-76:2005+A1:2006 BS EN 24180-1:1993 (ISO 4180-1:1980) Guide to compilation of performance test schedules for complete. Protection by encapsulation ’mD’ GEL/31/20 BS EN 12373-15:2001 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Safety standard for lithium batteries CPL/35 PD CEN/TR 14548:2003 Adhesives. General principles PKW/0 BS EN 61779-3:2000 BS EN 60601-2-37:2001 Medical electrical equipment. Methods for determining losses and efficiency of rotating electrical machinery from tests (excluding machines for traction vehicles) PEL/2 Superseded by BS EN ISO 7759:2010 Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust. Anodizing. Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or an abridged goniophotometer STI/32 Superseded by BS EN 60079-31:2009 Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-2:2007 BS EN 61241-18:2004 BS EN 60034-2:1999 Rotating electrical machines. Particular requirements for the safety of ultrasonic diagnostic and monitoring equipment CH/62/2 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases. BS 7619:1993 Specification for extruded cellular unplasticized PVC (PVC-UE) profiles I/- BS EN 24180-2:1993 (ISO 4180-2:1980) Guide to compilation of performance test schedules for complete. Anodizing. Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls CPL/72 Superseded by BS EN 60730-2-13:2008 Superseded by BS EN ISO 13720:2010 Superseded by BS EN ISO 7963:2010 BS EN 60898:1991 BS EN ISO 8502-10:2004 (BS 7079-B10:2004) Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products. Proximity switches PEL/17/2 Superseded by BS EN 60079-5:2007 Superseded by BS EN 60947-5-2:2007 Superseded by BS EN ISO 2128:2010 BS EN 50073:1999 Guide for selection. Field method for the titrimetric determination of water-soluble chloride STI/21 BS EN 28362-2:1993 (ISO 8362-2:1988) Injection containers for injectables and accessories. Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings ISE/111 BS EN 61779-5:2000 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases. BS EN 10228-2:1998 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. Technical conditions of delivery. Tolerances on dimensions. Tolerances on dimensions. Alloy special steels ISE/111 Superseded by BS EN 60079-20-1:2010 BS EN 10250-4:2000 Open steel die forgings for general engineering purposes. Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% gas GEL/31/19 BS EN 10228-4:1999 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. General requirements ISE/111 Superseded by PD CEN ISO/TR 20573:2008 PD ISO/TS 29001:2007 Petroleum.5 kV and above PEL/17/1 BS EN 1559-2:2000 Founding. Ultrasonic testing of austenitic and austeniticferritic stainless steel forgings ISE/111 Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 BS EN 62271-2:2003 High-voltage switchgear and controlgear.BS EN 61779-4:2000 Electrical apparatus for the detection and measurement of flammable gases. Penetrant testing ISE/111 Superseded by BS EN 60079-29-1:2007 BS EN 10228-3:1998 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. General requirements for open die forgings ISE/111 BS EN 10250-1:1999 Open steel die forgings for general engineering Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead. Drop and vertical press forgings ISE/111 Superseded by BS EN 62271-207:2007 DD ISO/PAS 17712:2006 Freight containers. Weldable fine-grain steels with high proof strength ISE/111 ISE/111 BS EN 10254:1999 Steel closed die forgings. Sector-specific quality management systems. Tolerances on dimensions shape and mass ISE/111 BS EN 10243-2:1999 Steel die forgings. Additional requirements for steel castings ISE/111 BS EN 10243-1:1999 Steel die forgings. relating to the use of electrical apparatus GEL/31 BS EN 10250-3:2000 BS EN 10222-3:1999 Steel forgings for pressure purposes. Heels and top pieces TCI/69 BS EN 10222-1:1998 Steel forgings for pressure purposes. General technical delivery conditions BS EN 10222-5:2000 Steel forgings for pressure purposes. Data for flammable gases and vapours. austenitic and austenitic-ferritic stainless steels ISE/111 ISE/111 BS EN 10293:2005 Steel castings for general engineering uses ISE/111 BS EN 10228-1:1999 Non-destructive testing of steel forgings. revised or withdrawn. petrochemical and natural gas industries. Mechanical seals TW/1 Superseded by BS ISO 17712:2010 BS EN 10031:2003 Semi finished products for forging. Martensitic. Performance requirements for group II apparatus indicating a volume fraction up to 100% lower explosive limit GEL/31/19 BRITISH STANDARDS UNDER REVIEW The following British Standards implement International and/or European Standards which are currently under review to see if they should be confirmed. Stainless steels Help Us to Help You! Always quote your Customer Number Don’t know your number? Contact Customer Services 020 8996 9001 who will be happy to check it for you BS EN 10222-4:1999 Steel forgings for pressure purposes. Non-alloy quality and special steels ISE/111 Superseded by DD ISO/TS 29001:2010 PD IEC 60079-20:2000 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Seismic qualification for rated voltages of 72. Magnetic particle inspection ISE/111 BS EN 10295:2002 Heat resistant steel castings ISE/111 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to by 31 December. Performance requirements for components for footwear. Ferritic and martensitic steels with specified elevated temperature properties ISE/111 BS EN 10250-2:2000 Open steel die forgings for general engineering purposes. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. 389 Chiswick High Road. Upset forgings made on horizontal forging machines ISE/111 PD ISO/TR 20573:2006 Footwear. 21 . Requirements for product and service supply organizations PSE/17 BS EN 10222-2:2000 Steel forgings for pressure purposes. in order to be considered by the relevant UK Committee. Nickel steels with specified low-temperature properties ISE/111 Open steel die forgings for general engineering purposes. London W4 4AL or via email to BSUKoperations. 2010. BSI Head Office. it has not yet been allocated a standard number by the European standards body. disassembly and end-of-life processing (MADE). Cast unwrought copper products will supersede BS EN 1976:1998 NFE/34 EN 12365-1 Building hardware. Gasket and weather stripping for doors. Hydraulic presses MTE/1/1 will supersede BS EN 1838:1999 CPL/34/9 EN 1976 EN 890 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. shutters and curtain walling. Assessment of static electrical propensity will supersede BS EN 1815:1998 PRI/3/60 EN 12098-1 Controls for heating systems. Clothing to protect against heat and flame will supersede BS EN ISO 11612:2008 PH/3/2 EN 1645-1 Leisure accommodation vehicles. General requirements for the performance of procedures for the measurement of chemical agents will supersede BS EN 482:2006 EH/2/2 Resilient and textile floor coverings. liquid will supersede BS EN 890:2004 CII/59 Copper and copper alloys. Supplementary requirements for condensing air heaters will supersede BS EN 1196:1998 GSE/20 NEW WORK STARTED The reference number of the committee responsible for each item of new work started is given after each entry. Calculation method for full face gasketed joints PSE/15 BS 8887-240 Design for manufacture. Reconditioning TDW/4/7 EN ISO 11612 Protective clothing. Colour fastness to cycles of to-and-fro rubbing will supersede BS EN ISO 11640:1998 TCI/69 EN 1646-1 Leisure accommodation vehicles. Requirements and test methods for protective clothing for firefighting will supersede BS EN 469:2005 PH/3/2 Furniture. Colour fastness to water will supersede BS EN ISO 11642:1998 TCI/69 EN 1815 EN 482 Workplace exposure. Safety. Linear compression force test methods will supersede BS EN 12365-2:2003 B/538/4 EN ISO 8044:2000/A1 EN 1168:2005/A3 Precast concrete products. Protection against heat and flame. Test methods for the determination of stability. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Definitions and symbols will supersede BS EN 1264-1:1998 RHE/6 Soil quality. Fusion welding. EN ISO 11260 Soil quality. Caravans. Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections. Iron (III) sulfate. Tests for colour fastness. Performance requirements and classification will supersede BS EN 12365-1:2003 B/538/4 CEN/TR 7250-2 EN 912 Timber fasteners. Determination of the contact heat transmission through protective clothing or its materials PH/3/2 EN 693:2001+A1:2009/A2 Machine tools. strength and durability will supersede BS EN 1730:2000 FW/0/2 EN ISO 11642 Leather. Habitation requirements relating to health and safety will supersede BS EN 1646-1:2004+A1:2008 B/511 EN 287-1 Qualification test of welders. windows. Emergency lighting EN ISO 12127-1 Protective clothing. Basic terms and definitions ISE/NFE/8 22 Prices may be subject to change. Test method. Determination of effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation level using barium chloride solution EH/4 EN ISO 11267 EN 1264-1 Water based surface embedded heating and cooling systems.New Work Started EN 1196 Domestic and non-domestic gas-fired air heaters. windows. Where a work item has the temporary designation “BS EN XXXX”. Steels will supersede BS EN 287-1:2004 WEE/29 EN ISO 11641 Leather. Tables. Specifications for connectors for timber will supersede BS EN 912:2000 B/518 Basic human body measurements for technological design. Tests for colour fastness. Caravans. Guide will partially supersede PAS 11000:2006 SVS/1/4 EN ISO 11640 Leather. Tests for colour fastness. Inhibition of reproduction of collembola (folsomia candida) by soil pollutants EH/4 BS 8560 Code of practice on design for working at height B/209 EN ISO 11611 Protective clothing for use in welding processes will supersede BS EN ISO 11611:2007 PH/3/2 EN 1591-5 Flanges and their joints. shutters and curtain walling. assembly. Control equipment for hot water heating systems RHE/16 EN 1838 Lighting applications. Statistical summaries of body measurements from individual ISO populations PH/9/4 EN 12365-2 Building hardware. Colour fastness to perspiration will supersede BS EN ISO 11641:2003 TCI/69 EN 1730 EN 469 Protective clothing for firefighters. Hollow core slabs B/524 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Gasket and weather stripping for doors. Habitation requirements relating to health and safety will supersede BS EN 1645-1:2004+A1:2008 B/511 BS 11000-2 Collaborative business relationships. Fumigation-extraction method EH/4 Soil quality. sodium. Gasket and weather stripping for doors. Materials PVE/1 EN 15432-1 Winter and road service area maintenance equipment. Requirements and test methods will supersede BS EN 13229:2001+A2:2004 RHE/28 CEN/TS 16209 Furniture. windows. criteria. Safety. Conformance of the EN 13445 series to ISO 16528 PVE/1 EN 15621 Animal feeding stuffs. Upholstery leather characteristics. G1 and G2 in cereals. Ribbed floor elements will supersede BS EN 13224:2004 B/524 CEN/TR 16208 EN ISO 14254 Soil quality. and the total content of aflatoxins B1. Characterization of soil related to groundwater protection EH/4 EN 13445-2:2009/A2 Unfired pressure vessels. Gasket and weather stripping for doors. Principles. Principles. Protection against heat and flame. manganese and cobalt after pressure digestion by ICP-AES will supersede DD CEN/TS 15621:2007 AW/10 EN 13480-8:2007/A1 Metallic industrial piping. Guidance on the establishment and maintenance of monitoring programmes EH/4 EN 13224 Precast concrete products. material assemblies and clothing will supersede BS EN ISO 14116:2008 PH/3/2 EN ISO 16072 EN ISO 14240-1 Soil quality. indicators and verifiers for biofuels and bioliquids. Biodiversity and environmental aspects PTI/20/-/3 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. sulphur. iron. Deflection recovery test method will supersede BS EN 12365-3:2003 B/538/4 EN 13445-2:2009/A1 Unfired pressure vessels. Guide for selection of leather for furniture will supersede BS EN 13336:2004 TCI/69 EN 14988-2:2006/A1 Children’s high chairs. potassium. shutters and curtain walling. Winding machines for film or sheet. Determination of exchangeable acidity in barium chloride extracts EH/4 Biobased products. Overview of standards CII/58 EN 13229 Inset appliances. Measurement of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport information and control systems. High performance liquid chromatographic method AW/-/3 Protective clothing. Determination of the effects on growth by soil contamination EH/4 EN ISO 14116 EN 13135 Cranes. Thermoforming machines. Substrate-induced respiration method EH/4 EN 13155 Cranes. B2. Requirements and test methods will supersede BS EN 13240:2001+A2:2004 RHE/28 EN 16212 Standard on top down and bottom up methods of calculation of energy consumption. copper. energy efficiencies and energy savings SEM/1/2 EN 14988-1:2006/A1 Children’s high chairs. windows. Safety requirements CW/1/5 EN 16214-1 Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications. 23 . indicators and verifiers for biofuels and bioliquids. Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloys PVE/10 EN 12409:2008/A1 Plastics and rubber machines. Safety requirements MCE/3/2 EN 12599 Ventilation for buildings. Offshore cranes. Front-mounted equipment.EN 12365-3 Building hardware. Determination of calcium. including open fires. Determination of soil microbial biomass. Determination of aflatoxin B1. Limited flame spread materials. zinc. shutters and curtain walling. Determination of soil microbial biomass. phosphorus. Requirements for equipment will supersede BS EN 13135-1:2003 and BS EN 13135-2:2004 MHE/3/1 EN ISO 16050 Foodstuffs. criteria. Test methods CW/1/5 EN 13418 Plastics and rubber machines. Safety requirements will supersede BS EN 13418:2004+A1:2008 MCE/3/2 EN ISO 15007-1 Road vehicles. Test procedures and measuring methods for handing over installed ventilation and air conditioning systems will supersede BS EN 12599:2000 RHE/2 EN 13852-1 Cranes. Terminology PTI/20/-/1 EN 13336 Leather. General purpose offshore cranes will supersede BS EN 13852-1:2004 MHE/3/10 EN ISO 15952 Soil quality. Functional requirements and test methods will supersede BS EN 14428:2004+A1:2008 B/503 EN 13240 Roomheaters fired by solid fuels. Design. Classification for properties for furniture surfaces FW/0/1 EN 14428 Shower enclosures. Fixed front mounting plates will supersede BS EN 15432:2008 B/513 EN 12365-4 Building hardware. Definitions and parameters will supersede BS EN ISO 15007-1:2002 AUE/12 EN 16214-3 Sustainably produced biomass for energy applications. Non-fixed load lifting attachments will supersede BS EN 13155:2003+A2:2009 MHE/3/12 Soil quality. Recovery after accelerated ageing test method will supersede BS EN 12365-4:2003 B/538/4 CEN/TR 13445-9 Unfired pressure vessels. magnesium. Materials PVE/1 EN ISO 15175 Soil quality. nuts and derived products. Laboratory methods for determination of microbial soil respiration EH/4 EN ISO 16133 EN ISO 14240-2 Soil quality. fired by solid fuels. Effects of pollutants on juvenile land snails (helicidae). Functional safety. Fixed installations. Sampling of soil invertebrates. Welded unalloyed steel gas cylinders PVE/3/3 EN ISO 23611-2 Soil quality. Fixed installations. Sampling. Sampling of soil invertebrates. D. Sampling and soil extraction of enchytraeids EH/4 EN 50152-1 Railway applications. Single-phase disconnectors. Biological methods. Availability. Electronic equipment used on rolling stock will supersede BS EN 50155:2007 GEL/9 EN ISO 28706-5 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Environmental conditions for equipment. Chronic toxicity in higher plants EH/4 EN 50388:2005/A1 Railway applications. Hand-sorting and formalin extraction of earthworms EH/4 EN 50126-4 Railway applications. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion. Electric traction overhead contact lines GEL/9/3 EN 50526-2 Railway applications. Electric and electronic systems GEL/9 CEN/TS 16218 Transportable gas cylinders. Batteries for auxiliary power supply systems GEL/9/2 24 Prices may be subject to change. Particular requirements for A. Method using iodotetrazolium chloride (INT) EH/4 EN 50153 Railway applications. Effects of pollutants on insect larvae (oxythyrea funesta). Maintainability and Safety (RAMS). frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances will supersede BS EN 50065-1:2001+A1:2010 PEL/205 EN ISO 22030 Soil quality.C. Equipment on board rolling stock will supersede BS EN 50125-1:1999 GEL/9/2 EN 50547 Railway applications. Protective provisions relating to electrical hazards will supersede BS EN 50153:2002 GEL/9/2 EN ISO 25177 EN ISO 19258 Soil quality.5 kHz. Update Standards Nov 2010 .C. The specification and demonstration of Reliability. Technical criteria for the coordination between power supply (substation) and rolling stock to achieve interoperability GEL/9/3 CEN/TR 22411 Ergonomics data and guidelines for the application of ISO/IEC Guide 71 to products and services to address the needs of older persons and persons with disabilities PH/9 EN 50119:2009/A1 Railway applications. switchgear. Sampling and extraction of micro-arthropods (collembola and acarina) EH/4 EN 50126-5 Railway applications. Availability. The specification and demonstration of Reliability. Replacement of EEC Directive 84/525/EEC. The specification and demonstration of Reliability. Determination of content of hydrocarbon in the range C10 to C40 by gas chromatography EH/4 EN ISO 23753-1 Soil quality. Rolling stock. Field soil description EH/4 EN 50155 Railway applications. General requirements. Determination of dehydrogenase activity in soils. Guidance on the determination of background values EH/4 Soil quality. Maintainability and Safety (RAMS).C.. Seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders PVE/3/3 EN ISO 23611-1 Soil quality. Requirements and guidance for the selection and application of methods for the assessment of bioavailability of contaminants in soil and soil materials EH/4 EN ISO 23753-2 Soil quality. Replacement of EEC Directive 84/526/EEC.. Method using triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) EH/4 Railway applications. Maintainability and Safety (RAMS). Particular requirements for A. Availability. Fixed installations. Determination of acute toxicity EH/4 EN 50343 Railway applications. Seamless steel gas cylinders PVE/3/3 EN ISO 23470 Soil quality. Single-phase circuit-breakers will supersede BS EN 50152-1:2007 GEL/9/3 EN 16223 Leather. Value added services based on EFC on-board equipment EPL/278 EN ISO 23611-3 Soil quality.New Work Started continued. earthing switches and switches will supersede BS EN 50152-2:2007 GEL/9/3 EN ISO 17402 Soil quality. Functional safety. Determination of dehydrogenase activity in soil. Replacement of EEC Directive 84/527/EEC. Voltage limiting devices GEL/9/3 EN 50125-1 EN ISO 22892 Soil quality. extraction and identification of soil inhabiting nematodes EH/4 EN 50152-2 EN ISO 16703 Soil quality. Systems approach to safety will supersede PD CLC/TR 50126-2:2007 GEL/9 CEN/TS 16217 Transportable gas cylinders. Sampling of soil invertebrates. Guidelines for the identification of target compounds by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry EH/4 Railway applications. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems ISE/NFE/8 EN ISO 20963 Soil quality. Guidelines on the designation and description of leather in upholstery and automotive interior applications TCI/69 EN ISO 23611-4 Soil quality. Rules for installation of cabling will supersede BS EN 50343:2003 GEL/9/2 EN 50065-1 Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148. Rolling stock. CEN/TS 16216 Transportable gas cylinders. Software GEL/9 CEN/TR 16219 Electronic fee collection. Sampling of soil invertebrates. switchgear. Power supply and rolling stock. Fixed installations. Determination of effective cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations using a hexammine cobalt trichloride solution EH/4 EN 50126-2 Railway applications. surge arresters and voltage limiting devices. Welding procedure test. Requirements and testing methods for sectioning devices in the view of interoperability constituent GEL/9/3 ISO 4210 Cycles. single-use intravascular catheters. Fixed installations. Positive-displacement pumps. Central venous catheters will supersede BS EN ISO 10555-3:1997 CH/84 ISO 16115 EN 62146-1 Grading capacitors for high-voltage alternating current circuit-breakers PEL/33 ISO 10555-4 Sterile. Acoustic noise EPL/47 Sterile. Optical interface standard. Requirements and tests for general purpose washer-disinfectors employing chemical disinfection for bedframes. Framework for nomenclature models for nano-objects NTI/1 EN 61375-2-5 Electronic railway equipment. Overneedle peripheral catheters will supersede BS EN ISO 10555-5:1997 CH/84 Nuclear criticality safety. 50. Criticality accident fission numbers estimates NCE/2 ISO/TS 16195 Nanotechnologies. furnishings and surgical clogs CH/198 ISO 10555-3 EN 61988-2-5 Plasma display panels. Test methods.0um multimode fibre. Ballast water management systems. containers.0um multimode. single-use intravascular catheters. Organic components used as odorants. Implementation methods. Generic requirements for reference materials for development of methods for characteristic testing. Equipment and procedures AUE/12 EN 61755-1-1 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Removable memory. electrical and luminous requirements CPL/34/1 ISO 5145 Cylinder valve outlets for gases and gas mixtures. Basic removable-memory model will supersede BS ISO 12234-1:2007 CPW/42 EN 50XXX Railway applications. Strainer-type filters AGE/30 ISO 15007-2 Road vehicles. Fibre optic connector optical interfaces. transport carts. Balloon dilatation catheters will supersede BS EN ISO 10555-4:1997 CH/84 Development of provisions for manufacturing defects and manufacturing imperfections for seamless steel and aluminium alloy gas cylinders PVE/3 EN 62701 Reprocessed mineral insulating oils. Proximity cards IST/17 ISO 15883-7 Washer-disinfectors. performance testing and safety testing of nano-particle and nano-fibre powders NTI/1 EN 62702-1 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Piping and machinery. Safety requirements for bicycles GME/25 ISO 11711-1 Ships and marine technology. Fibre optic connector optical interfaces. Product data representation and exchange. Fixed installations. Degrees of protection provided by fibre optic enclosures (IP codes 65 and 67). Measurement of driver visual behaviour with respect to transport information and control systems. Train communication network. Dimensional. Filters. 25 . Optical interfaces for 50. Laser-arc hybrid welding of steels. Evaluation methods for the design of physical input devices PH/9 ISO/TS 14907-2 Road transport and traffic telematics. Test procedures for user and fixed equipment. bedside tables. Binary representation of EXPRESSdriven data AMT/4 ISO 15614-14 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials. Simulation tool for the validation of the design of power supply systems GEL/9/3 EN 60809:1996/A5 Lamps for road vehicles.EN 50XXX Railway applications. Measuring methods. flat end face. ETB. single-use intravascular catheters. General requirements GEL/86/2 ISO 10983 Timber structures. Conformance test for the onboard unit application interface EPL/278 EN 61535:2009/A1 Installation couplers intended for permanent connection in fixed installations PEL/23 ISO 9912-2 Agricultural irrigation equipment. physically contacting fibres GEL/86/2 ISO/IEC 10373-6:2010/A2 Identification cards. Specification PRI/70 Assessment of translations TS/1 ISO/TR 14786 Nanotechnologies. nickel and nickel alloys WEE/-/1 EN 61755-2-3 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Electronic fee collection. motors and integral transmissions. General and guidance GEL/86/2 ISO 10303-26 Industrial automation systems. Solid timber finger-jointing. Methods of testing and presenting basic steady state performance will supersede BS ISO 4409:2007 MCE/18 ISO 12234-1 Electronic still-picture imaging. surgical tables. Ethernet train backbone GEL/9/2 ISO/TS 9241-411 Ergonomics of human-system interaction. Production requirements B/518 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. Materials for preformed solid vulcanized structural gaskets. Selection and dimensioning will supersede BS ISO 5145:2004+A2:2008 PVE/3/1 ISO 13734 Natural gas. Re-refined oils and reclaimed mineral insulating oils for transformers and switchgear GEL/10 ISO 16117 ISO 10555-5 Sterile. Requirements and test methods PTI/15 EN 61362 Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems will supersede BS EN 61362:1998 MCE/15 ISO 14080 ISO 5892 Rubber building gaskets. Discharge sampling apparatus SME/32/-/3 ISO 4409 Hydraulic fluid power. XML schema implementation will supersede BS EN ISO 19135:2007 IST/36 ISO 16399-2 Meters for irrigation water. ISO 16424 Nuclear Safety and compatibility of materials. In-use studies of slippage and breakage CH/157 DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – NATIONAL BRITISH STANDARDS You may now comment on any National British Standard online. Evaluation of homogeneity of Gd distribution within gadolinium fuel blends and determination of Gd2O3 content in gadolinium fuel pellets by measurements of uranium and gadolinium elements NCE/9 CLC/TS 50126 Railway applications. All you need to do is register.New Work Started continued. Rolling stock. Clinical validation of automated measurement type CH/121/5 ISO 16399-3 Meters for irrigation water. Structural classification for sawn timber B/518 ISO 16694 Space systems... BSI British Standards has launched a Draft Review system which allows access to the drafts of all National British Standards. Specifications and test methods AGE/30 ISO 16507 Timber structures. Sustainability indicators. The deadline for the following drafts is 31 December. density and interface width of thin films by x-ray reflectometry. 2010 26 Prices may be subject to change. make comments more visible and move into collaborative working practices. Fixed installations. analysis and reporting CII/60 ISO 29943-2 Condoms. Open vented copper cylinders. Deadlines for receipt of comments on each of the individual drafts can be found at http://drafts. Code of practice covering electrical installations GEL/9/3 CLC/TR 50501-2 Railway applications. they are available for a fee from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2). Performance test methods for wood-based panel assemblies under concentrated (static and impact) and uniformly distributed loads B/518 ISO 51276 Practice for use of a polymethylmethacrylate dosimetry system NCE/2 IEC/TS 60034-25 Rotating electrical machines. Method to determine the flammability thresholds of materials ACE/68 IEC 60717:1981/A1 Method for determination of the space required by capacitors and resistors with unidirectional terminations EPL/40X ISO/TR 16335 Corrosion of metals and alloys. ISO 16208 Corrosion of metals and alloys. Technical contents of standardization work in the field of intercommunication GEL/9/2 ISO 16438 Agricultural irrigation equipment. Instrumental requirements. Installation and conditions for use AGE/30 ISO 81060-2:2009/A1 Non-invasive sphygmomanometers. This service is free of charge. Please note that the only standards available on this service are pure British Standards (National Standards e. Guidance on clinical studies. Male condoms. motors when used in power drive systems. Framework for the development of indicators for civil engineering works B/558 ISO 16413 Evaluation of thickness. data collection. Thermoplastic collapsible hoses for irrigation. Test method for corrosion of materials by electrochemical impedance measurements ISE/NFE/8 ISO 16697 Space systems. Disposal of orbital launch stages ACE/68 IEC/TR 62655 User’s guide for high-voltage fuses PEL/32 ISO 19135-2 Geographic information. Guidelines for selection of accelerated corrosion test for product qualification ISE/NFE/8 ISO 16698 Methods for estimation of future geomagnetic activity ACE/68 IEC/TR 61850-1 Communication networks and systems for power utility automation. European and international documents are not included at this time. The measured parameters at firing bench and flight tests of liquid rocket engines ACE/68 IEC 60294:1969/A1 Measurement of the dimensions of a cylindrical component having two axial terminations EPL/40X 10/30209509 DC BS 1566-1 AMD1 Copper indirect cylinders for domestic purposes.bsigroup. Test methods and equipment AGE/30 ISO 21929-2 Sustainability in building construction.g: BS XXXX). To enhance access of Drafts for Public Comment for the wider community. Procedures for item registration. Should you wish to receive these drafts in hard copy format. 2010 unless otherwise stated. Application guide will supersede DD CLC/TS 60034-25:2008 and DD IEC/TS 60034-17:2006 PEL/2 ISO 16598 Timber structures. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Introduction and overview will supersede PD IEC/TR 61850-1:2003 PEL/57 ISO 16699 ISO 16399-1 Meters for irrigation water. Requirements and test methods B/504 IEC 60301:1971/A2 ISO 16695 Earth’s internal magnetic reference field models ACE/68 Preferred diameters of wire terminations of capacitors and resistors EPL/40X Comments for the above document are required by 30 alignment and positioning. General requirements AGE/30 Space systems. A. you will now be able to comment on any National British Standard by visiting http://drafts. Intercommunication between vehicles and train/wayside. Corrosion tests in artificial atmospheres. 2011 10/30228272 DC BS 5395-4 Code of practice for the design of limited access stairs B/208 10/30202140 DC BS ISO 13207-1 Road vehicles. 2010 10/30197471 DC BS ISO 3087 Iron ores.00 non-members TS/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. Natural stone masonry units B/519/1 10/30173705 DC 10/30233750 DC BS 2S 201 AMD1 Carbon steel wire rod. Multicore cables GEL/20/17 10/30004212 DC BS ISO 11532 Aircraft ground equipment.00 to members and £20. London W4 4AL by 31 December. www. Drying tests. Code of practice B/208 DRAFT BRITISH STANDARDS FOR PUBLIC COMMENT – ADOPTIONS All Draft British Standards are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) Most drafts are charged at £10. Safety requirements and test methods FW/0/2 10/30201343 DC BS ISO 5794-3 Rubber compounding ingredients.10/30212801 DC BS 6180 Barriers in and about buildings. Test using a mechanical recorder STI/10 Are you signed up for BSI newsletters? Sign up for BSI’s sector-specific newsletter updates for news. patented cold drawn carbon steel wire and springs. 2010 10/30196983 DC BS ISO 24617-2 Language resource management. patented cold drawn carbon steel wire and springs. Comments are welcome and should be sent to Debbie Stead. Guidance on the selection and application of screening methods EH/4 10/30219800 DC BS 8509 AMD1 Childrenís beds for domestic use. Dialogue acts £18. 27 . for use in walls. High duty unground wire. 2010 10/30210869 DC BS EN ISO 9117-4 Paints and varnishes. Orbit data messages ACE/68/-/7 10/30210934 DC BS EN 60601-2-3 Medical electrical Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. 2010 10/30194376 DC 10/30233752 DC BS 2S 202 AMD1 Carbon steel wire rod. Registry of representations of geographic point location IST/36 BS EN 62585 Electroacoustics. Determination of the moisture content of a lot ISE/58 10/30210872 DC BS EN ISO 9117-5 Paints and varnishes. to be considered by the relevant BSI committee. 2011 Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. LED lamps used for direction indicator and stop lamps AUE/16 Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. Evaluation procedures in a mixed solution of styrene-butadiene rubber and butadiene rubber PRI/23 Comments for the above document are required by 12 January. High duty ground wire. Silica.00 to non-members. Clay masonry units 10/30228489 DC BS 8436 Electric cables.00 members. BSI Head Office. Specification ACE/61 10/30206672 DC BS ISO 19145 Geographic information. Safety GEL/105 10/30204395 DC BS EN 14894 LPG equipment and accessories. 2010 10/30203890 DC BS EN 771-1 Specification for masonry units. 389 Chiswick High Road. Specification ACE/61 BS EN 62282-5-1 Fuel cell technologies. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of short-wave therapy equipment CH/62/4 Comments for the above document are required by 24 January. 2010 unless otherwise stated. Specification for 300/500 V screen electric cables having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire. Code of practice B/515 10/30199632 DC BS ISO 12404 Soil quality. 10/30199146 DC BS ISO 10930 Soil quality. 2011 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. Draft standards may be modified before adoption and issue as British Standards. partitions and building voids. Head of Committee Service Centre – Operations. Methods to determine corrections to obtain the free-field response of a sound level meter EPL/29 Comments for the above document are required by 4 January. LED lamp characteristics for bulb compatible failure detection. new publications and developments. Measurement of the stability of soil aggregates subjected to the action of water EH/4 10/30212804 DC BS 8417 Preservation of wood.bsigroup. Portable fuel cell power systems. Drying tests. Graphical symbols ACE/57 B/519/1 10/30203906 DC BS EN 771-6 Specification for masonry units. Semantic annotation framework (SemAF). precipitated. hydrated. £36. Larger draft documents are charged at a higher price according to the number of pages and are priced individually below. Cylinder and drum marking PVE/19 Comments for the above document are required by 4 January. Modified Bandow-Wolff test STI/10 10/30197731 DC BS ISO 26900 Space data and information transfer systems. 2011 10/30208681 DC BS ISO/IEC Guide 63 Guide to the development and inclusion of safety aspects in International Standards for medical devices CH/210/4 Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. Universal financial industry message scheme. Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated information on pharmaceutical dose forms. Identification of medicinal products. Foam adhesion STI/27 Comments for the above document are required by 31 January. Universal financial industry message scheme. Universal financial industry message scheme. Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated information on substances IST/35 10/30212765 DC BS ISO 10502 Aerospace. Universal financial industry message scheme. XML schema generation IST/12 10/30229703 DC BS EN ISO 2812-3 Paints and varnishes. 2011 10/30218296 DC BS ISO 20022-4 Financial services. with a maximum capacity of 100kg/h. ASN. Connection between vehicle and test equipment AUE/16 10/30229864 DC BS EN ISO 11240 Health informatics. Universal financial industry message scheme. Measurement of silicon oxide thickness CII/60 10/30229295 DC BS EN 15430-1 AMD1 Winter and road service area maintenance equipments.Draft British Standards For Public Comment continued. Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP). Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP).. Data acquisition and transmission. 2011 10/30228342 DC BS EN ISO 20566 Paints and varnishes. IEEE 802. Universal financial industry message scheme. Determination of resistance to liquids. General design. Expanded (cushioned) polyvinyl chloride floor coverings.1 generation IST/12 10/30213501 DC BS ISO 14380 Water quality. £36.00 members. Identification of medicinal products. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of microwave therapy equipment CH/62/4 10/30214984 DC BS EN 13508-1 Investigation and assessment of drain and sewer systems outside buildings. 2011 10/30228230 DC BS EN 13001-2 Crane safety. Technical specification ACE/69 10/30218302 DC BS ISO 20022-7 Financial services. Registration IST/12 10/30229861 DC 10/30218305 DC BS ISO 20022-8 Financial services. associated safety devices and adaptors for butane. Test methods. Fuse-links. Diagnostic communication over Internet Protocol (DoIP). 10/30210942 DC BS EN 60601-2-6 Medical electrical equipment. Determination of the acute toxicity to Thamnocephalus platyurus (crustacea. anostraca) EH/3/5 Comments for the above document are required by 15 December. Universal financial industry message scheme. Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of units of measurement IST/35 28 Prices may be subject to change. naphthalene and volatile halogenated hydrocarbons. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Reverse engineering IST/12 10/30229858 DC BS EN ISO 11238 Health informatics.00 members. having a maximum regulated pressure of 4 bar. propane. 2010 10/30211650 DC BS ISO 8820-8 Road vehicles. Identification of medicinal products. Determination of the scratch resistance of a coating system using a laboratory-scale carwash STI/10 10/30211325 DC BS ISO 15009 Soil quality. Balancing machines. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of nerve and muscle stimulators CH/62/4 10/30215731 DC BS ISO 21940-23 Mechanical vibration. Hose assemblies in polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) for use up to 232 C and 10500 kPa. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. automatic change-over devices. 2010 10/30216796 DC BS ISO 3076 Round steel short link chains for general lifting purposes. Medium tolerance sling chains for chain slings. General requirements B/505 10/30228227 DC BS EN 13523-20 Coil coated metals. General information and use case definition AUE/16 10/30218293 DC BS ISO 20022-3 Financial services. round tubes for heat exchangers NFE/34/1 10/30212361 DC BS ISO 13400-2 Road vehicles. Rotor balancing. Load actions MHE/3/1 10/30210946 DC BS EN 60601-2-10 Medical electrical equipment. 2010 BS EN ISO 11239 Health informatics. UML profile IST/12 10/30212358 DC BS ISO 13400-1 Road vehicles.00 non-members GSE/24 10/30214832 DC BS ISO 27145-4 Road vehicles.3 based wired vehicle interface AUE/16 10/30218299 DC BS ISO 20022-5 Financial services. Modelling IST/12 10/30229550 DC BS EN 12451 Copper and copper alloys.00 non-members IST/12 10/30212265 DC BS ISO 14701 Surface chemical analysis. Grade 8 MHE/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 November. Implementation of World-Wide Harmonized On-Board Diagnostics (WWH-OBD) communication requirements. Network and transport layer requirements and services AUE/16 Comments for the above document are required by 5 January. and their mixtures £18. units of presentation and routes of administration IST/35 10/30228056 DC BS EN 16129 Pressure regulators. Fuselinks with bolt-in contacts (Type H and J) with rated voltage of 450 V AUE/16 10/30229043 DC BS EN 653 Resilient floor coverings. Method using an absorbent medium STI/10 10/30212364 DC BS ISO 13400-3 Road vehicles. £36. Metamodel £18. Gas chromatographic determination of the content of volatile aromatic hydrocarbons. In vehicle data acquisition B/513 10/30218290 DC BS ISO 20022-2 Financial services. Purge-andtrap method with thermal desorption EH/4 Comments for the above document are required by 13 December. Specification PRI/60 10/30218287 DC BS ISO 20022-1 Financial services.. Seamless. Enclosures and other protective measures for the measuring station GME/21 Comments for the above document are required by 5 January. Wettability. Service architecture. Determination of hydroxyl value and/or hydroxyl content PRI/52 10/30231844 DC BS EN 13225 Precast concrete products. Information viewpoint IST/35 Comments for the above document are required by 11 January. Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated pharmaceutical product information IST/35 10/30231781 DC BS EN 13537 Requirements for sleeping bags SW/136 10/30231838 DC BS EN 1965-1 Structural adhesives. Specific requirements for compaction machines B/513/1 10/30231859 DC BS EN 16154 Air traffic management. Determination of free formaldehyde in amino and amidoformaldehyde condensates PRI/52 10/30231811 DC 10/30229983 DC BS EN 500-4 AMD2 Mobile road construction machinery. Optical memory cards. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. SweRF and Size Weighted Respirable Fraction of Crystalline Silica. 2010 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change.00 non-members NFE/35 10/30231978 DC BS EN ISO 28721-1 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Digital imaging and communication in medicine (DICOM) including workflow and data management IST/35 10/30231708 DC BS ISO/IEC 10373-9 Identification cards. Identification of medicinal products. Linear structural elements B/524 10/30231808 DC 10/30229922 DC BS EN 686 Resilient floor coverings. Corrosion. Specification for plain and decorative linoleum on a corkment backing PRI/60 10/30231832 DC BS EN 14869-1 Structural adhesives. Solid individual and pre-assembled hardwood boards B/543 10/30229919 DC BS EN 655 Resilient floor coverings. Enterprise viewpoint IST/35 10/30230104 DC BS SWERF Size Weighted Respirable Fraction. 2011 Comments for the above document are required by 10 December. Specification for corklinoleum PRI/60 10/30231835 DC BS EN 1965-2 Structural adhesives. Fittings with press ends for metallic tubes ISE/110 BS EN 1243 Adhesives. Software assurance levels ACE/58/-/5 BS EN 1245 Adhesives. 2010 10/30231823 DC BS EN 1239 Adhesives. Determination of elastic behaviour of liquid adhesives (elasticity index) PRI/52 Comments for the above document are required by 31 January. Determination and classification of corrosion to a brass substrate PRI/52 10/30229870 DC BS EN ISO 11616 Health informatics. 29 . Semiflexible polyvinyl chloride tiles. Service architecture. Determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds. Computational viewpoint IST/35 Comments for the above document are required by 13 December.00 members. Torsion test method using butt-bonded hollow cylinders PRI/52 10/30231778 DC BS EN 688 Resilient floor coverings. SWeRFcs EH/2 10/30231817 DC BS EN 12705 Adhesives for leather and footwear materials. Data elements and structures for unique identification and exchange of regulated medicinal product information £18. Thick adherends shear test PRI/52 10/30231772 DC BS EN 12258-1 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Balance errors GME/21 10/30231820 DC BS EN 1238 Adhesives. Service architecture.10/30229867 DC BS EN ISO 11615 Health informatics. £36. 2011 10/30231940 DC BS EN ISO 12967-1 Health informatics. Tiles of agglomerated composition cork with polyvinyl chloride wear layer. Determination and classification of corrosion to a copper substrate PRI/52 10/30229916 DC BS EN 654 Resilient floor coverings. General terms £18.00 non-members IST/35 10/30231775 DC BS EN 687 Resilient floor coverings. 2011 10/30230603 DC BS ISO 21940-14 Mechanical vibration. Determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds. Quality requirements for apparatus. appliances and accessories STI/36 10/30231829 DC BS EN 828 Adhesives. Freeze-thaw stability PRI/52 10/30231953 DC BS EN ISO 12052 Health informatics. Specification PRI/60 10/30231802 DC BS EN 13629 Wood flooring. Rotor balancing. components. £36. Identification of medicinal products. Corrosion. Holographic recording method IST/17 10/30231826 DC BS EN 14869-2 Structural adhesives. Determination of the softening point of thermoplastic adhesives (ring and ball) PRI/52 10/30231948 DC BS EN ISO 12967-3 Health informatics. Test methods.00 members. Specification for plain and decorative linoleum on a foam backing PRI/60 10/30231853 DC BS EN 10352 Stainless steel plumbing fittings. Specification PRI/60 10/30231805 DC BS EN 1240 Adhesives. Terms and definitions. Determination of colour change of white or bright coloured leather surfaces by migration PRI/52 10/30231944 DC BS EN ISO 12967-2 Health informatics. Balance quality requirements of rigid and flexible rotors. Determination of pH PRI/52 10/30231814 DC BS EN 12962 Adhesives. Determination by measurement of contact angle and surface free energy of solid surface PRI/52 Comments for the above document are required by 5 January. Safety. Office equipment. Regenerative. General requirements and tests MCE/3 10/30231986 DC BS EN ISO 28721-3 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Ranges. Design of bolted steel tanks for the storage or treatment of water or municipal or industrial effluents and sludges STI/36 10/30234803 DC BS EN 61169-1 Radio frequency connectors. Electro-sensitive protective equipment. Rotary mowers AGE/32 10/30235496 DC BS EN 50065-1 Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148. Determination of the edge covering on enamelled steel plate to be used in heat exchangers STI/36 Comments for the above document are required by 24 January. frequency bands and electromagnetic disturbances PEL/205 Comments for the above document are required by 10 December. 2010 10/30234175 DC BS ISO 4251-2 AMD1 Tyres (ply rating marked series) and rims for agricultural tractors and machines. ovens. Specifications STI/36 10/30234777 DC BS EN 61982 Secondary batteries (except lithium) for the propulsion of electric road vehicles.. Flail mowers AGE/32 10/30235452 DC BS EN 61988-2-5 Plasma display panels. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials. Unprotected microduct for category S and A GEL/86/2 Comments for the above document are required by 5 January. Data projectors IST/3 30 Prices may be subject to change. 2011 10/30236476 DC 10/30233846 DC BS ISO 17101-2 Agricultural machinery. Particular requirements.Draft British Standards For Public Comment continued. Acoustic noise EPL/47 BS ISO/IEC 21118 Information technology. Generic specification. 2011 10/30235541 DC BS EN 61249-4-19 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. Sectional specification set for prepreg materials. Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non solid electrolyte GEL/9/2 10/30232407 DC BS EN 126 Multifunctional controls for gas burning appliances GSE/22 10/30235040 DC BS EN 61362 Guide to specification of hydraulic turbine governing systems MCE/15 Comments for the above document are required by 31 January. Thermal shock resistance STI/36 10/30234443 DC BS ISO 13887 Cold-reduced steel sheet of higher yield strength with improved formability ISE/109 Comments for the above document are required by 10 December. High performance epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly EPL/501 10/30231990 DC BS EN ISO 28722 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Thrownobject test and acceptance criteria. Connectors for LED-modules CPL/34/2 10/30235551 DC BS EN 60350-2 Household electric cooking appliances. Rolling stock equipment. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. Product specifications. 2010 10/30235537 DC BS EN 61249-4-18 Materials for printed boards and other interconnecting structures. unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards).. Characteristics of enamel coatings applied to steel panels intended for architecture STI/36 Comments for the above document are required by 31 January. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Tyre load ratings AUE/4 10/30235503 DC BS EN 61496-1 AMD2 Safety of machinery. Production of specimens for testing enamels on sheet steel. sheet aluminium and cast iron STI/36 10/30234790 DC BS EN 60838-2-2 AMD1 Miscellaneous lampholders. Luminaires with limited surface temperatures CPL/34/4 10/30231999 DC BS EN ISO 28763 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Performance and endurance tests PEL/21 10/30235547 DC BS EN 60350-1 Household electric cooking appliances. Designation and specification of resistance to chemical attack and thermal shock STI/36 10/30233871 DC BS ISO 17101-1 Agricultural machinery. Hobs. Particular requirements. Guidance standard for designing and selecting taxonomic keys EH/3/5 10/30235313 DC BS EN 50411-6-1 Fibre organisers and closures to be used in optical fibre communication systems. steam ovens and grills. enamelled and packed panels for air-gas and gas-gas heat exchangers. Capacitor for power electronics. Electric double-layer capacitors GEL/9/2 10/30233322 DC BS EN 16164 Water quality. General requirements. General requirements and measuring methods EPL/46 10/30235844 DC BS EN 61881-2 Railway applications. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants. Methods for measuring performance CPL/59 10/30232007 DC BS EN ISO 28765 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Thrownobject test and acceptance criteria. unclad (for the manufacture of multilayer boards). Rolling stock equipment. 10/30231982 DC BS EN ISO 28721-2 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. 2011 10/30234446 DC BS ISO 16363 Space data and information transfer systems.5 kHz. Audit and certification of trustworthy digital repositories ACE/68/-/7 10/30231994 DC BS EN ISO 28723 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Information to be included in specification sheets. 2011 Comments for the above document are required by 31 January. 2011 10/30235845 DC BS EN 61881-3 Railway applications. Capacitor for power electronics. Measuring methods. non-halogenated epoxide woven E-glass prepreg of defined flammability (vertical burning test) for lead-free assembly EPL/501 10/30234576 DC BS EN 60598-2-24 Luminaires. High performance. Methods for measuring performance CPL/59 10/30232003 DC BS EN ISO 28764 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Test method. Copies of the draft are available on request from the contact point (below). Sampling. as the revision constitutes only minor changes listed in the introduction. Determination of the compression strength after impact These standards have been circulated for CEN Enquiry vote. Determination of interlaminar fracture toughness energy. Requirements and test methods PSE/10 prEN 6037 Fibre reinforced plastics.price@bsigroup. Determination of notched. Contact: Alex Price Email: alex. The texts are available on request from the contact point (below). Test method. Test method. Appearance grading of hardwoods. cutting and inspection B/541 EN 459-1:2010 prEN 6034 Carbon fibre reinforced plastics. Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of PRI/42 EN 975-1:— Sawn timber.DOCUMENTS NOT ISSUED AS DPCs Comments can be sent by email or by post to named contacts at:– BSI Head Office 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL Tel: 020 8996 9000 prEN 2826 Aerospace series. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: csc@bsigroup. Determination of gas components in the smoke These standards have now been issued for FV ballot. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. 2010. Copies of which are available upon request from the Programme Manager (below). Methods for measuring the performance The above draft has been issued under the CENELEC UAP. which are due to close on 9 November. accessories and their joints for water ISE/65 EN 459-2:2010 Building lime. 2010 in ISO and 9 December. ECall. Determination of smoke density EN 998-2:2010 Specification for mortar for masonry. excluding powders for [email protected] EPL/278 EN 998-1:2010 Specification for mortar for masonry. Test method. Determination of in-plane shear properties (+/45 tensile test) prEN 6032 Fibre reinforced plastics. Masonry mortar B/519/2 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. Contact: Alex Price Email: Alex.stratton@bsigroup. fittings. Test methods. Burning behaviour of non metallic materials under the influence of radiating heat and ACE/65 CEN EUROPEAN STANDARDS EUROPEAN RATIFIED TEXTS The documents listed below have recently been issued by CEN but have not yet been published as BS ENs. unnotched and filled hole compression strength Ductile iron pipes. Mode I Gic Wood-based panels. PN and class designated valves CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 prEN 6038 Fibre reinforced plastics. Contact: Bob Stratton Email: bob. Test method. Mode II Giic Building lime. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Determination of compressibility in uniaxial compression This draft standard has been circulated for parallel ISO Final Draft International Standard ballot and CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure ballot. Copies can be obtained from the Programme Manager (below). The drafts are available on request from the contact point (below).com CPL/59 prEN 6033 Carbon fibre reinforced plastics. copies of which are available upon request from the Programme Manager (below). 2010 in CEN respectively. Determination of notched and unnotched tensile strength EN 545:2010 prEN 6036 Fibre reinforced plastics. Operating requirements for third party support This standard has been issued for DIS ballot. Definitions. 31 . Face-to-face and centre-to-face dimensions of metal valves for use in flanged pipe systems. Burning behaviour of non metallic materials under the influence of radiating heat and flames. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards. Oak and beech CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 to EN 975-1:2009 B/543 prEN 16102 Intelligent transport systems. Any comments should be submitted no later than 31 December. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: csc@bsigroup. specifications and conformity criteria B/516/11 prEN 6035 ISO 3927 Metallic powders. Test method. EN 312:2010 Particleboards. Determination of the isomer ratio in toluenediisocyanate This standard has been issued for FDIS ballot without a circulated DIS ballot. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: [email protected] ACE/65 to EN 558:2008 PSE/18/1 ISO 15064 MTE/13 prEN 6031 Fibre reinforced plastics. Contact: Committee Service Centre Email: csc@bsigroup. Specifications B/541 EN 12413:2007/A1 Safety requirements for bonded abrasive products The above has recently been issued under the CEN UAP. Determination of the glass transition temperatures EN 326-2:2010 EN 60456:2005/A1 Clothes washing machines for household use. Determination of interlaminar fracture toughness energy. Test methods B/516/11 Fibre reinforced plastics. Rendering and plastering mortar B/519/2 prEN 2825 Aerospace series. Determination of bearing strength EN 558:— Industrial valves. Test method. Copies of the draft text are available from the contact point (below) under document reference ISE/65_10_0126. Specifications B/510/4 EN 15930:2010 EN 13286-2:2010 Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures. Polyethylene (PE). 2 and 3.00 non-members EN 12697-44:2010 Bituminous mixtures. Fireworks. Determination of deoxynivalenol in cereals. £196. normal bi-hexagonal head. categories 1. coarse tolerance normal shank. Design rules for gasketed circular flange connections. Automatic dividers. long thread. Fireworks. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5 Multi-firing sauna stoves fired by natural wood logs. Interchangeability CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2010 EN 15947-4:2010 Pyrotechnic articles. 2 and 3.. 2 and 3. Determination of patulin in fruit juice and fruit based puree for young children. categories 1. categories 1.00 members. £162. Implementation guide no current standard is superseded £81. categories 1. Energy requirements for lighting CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 EN 15947-2:2010 Pyrotechnic articles.00 members.00 non-members EN 15890:2010 Foodstuffs. Minimum labelling requirements CII/47 to EN 1591-1:2001+A1:2009 PSE/15 EN 15432:— Winter and road service area maintenance equipments. Fireworks. cereal products and cereal based foods for infants and young children. Test methods.00 non-members to EN 4136:2009 ACE/12 EN 15821:2010 EN 12042:2005+A1:2010 Food processing machinery. Determination of electrical conductivity PTI/13 EN 13477-2:2010 EN 1555-3:2010 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Polyethylene (PE). Fireworks. Natural unexpanded aluminosilicates CII/59 CEN WORKSHOP AGREEMENTS CWA 16180-1:2010 The CEN ORCHID roadmap standardising information across the plant engineering supply chain. £142. Pipes PRI/88/2 EN 15938:2010 Automotive fuels. Test methods CII/47 EN 1656:— Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Requirements for construction and performance CII/47 to EN 1656:2009 CH/216 EN 15643-1:2010 Sustainability of construction works. Hot-dip tinned strip NFE/34/1 EN 15891:2010 Foodstuffs.00 members. step 1) CORRIGENDUM 1:August 2010 to EN 15432:2008 B/513/-/16 EN 15947-5:2010 Pyrotechnic articles. Bolts. Test methods TCI/24 EN 1555-2:2010 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Fittings PRI/88/2 Non-destructive testing. Crack propagation by semi-circular bending test B/510/1 32 Prices may be subject to change. Verification of operating characteristic WEE/46 EN 15947-1:2010 Pyrotechnic articles. Requirements and test methods RHE/28 CWA 16180-2:2010 EN 15886:2010 Conservation of cultural property. General framework B/558 EN 4136:— Aerospace series. Test method and requirements (phase 2. Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235°C CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 EN 15795:2010 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption. General PRI/88/2 Unbound mixtures. Colour measurement of surfaces B/560 EN 12043:2000+A1:2010 Food processing machinery. Test methods for hot mix asphalt. Categories and types of firework CII/47 to EN 15193:2007 CPL/34/10 EN 1591-1:— Flanges and their joints. Equipment characterisation. Calculation method CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 EN 15288-1:2008+A1:2010 Swimming pools. HPLC method with liquid/liquid partition cleanup and solid phase extraction and UV detection AW/-/3 CWA 16180-3:2010 The CEN ORCHID roadmap standardising information across the plant engineering supply chain. Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Terminology CII/47 EN 1555-5:2010 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Polyethylene (PE). Elasticity of fibres. Safety requirements. Test methods for laboratory reference density and water content. in alloy steel. 2 and 3. EN 1012-1:2010 Compressors and vacuum pumps. categories 1. Sustainability assessment of buildings.. Ethanol blending component and ethanol (E85) automotive fuel. Air compressors MCE/3/2 EN 13148:2010 Copper and copper alloys. Fireworks. Safety and hygiene requirements MCE/3/5 The CEN ORCHID roadmap standardising information across the plant engineering supply chain. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column cleanup and UV detection AW/-/3 EN 13285:2010 EN 1555-1:2010 Plastics piping systems for the supply of gaseous fuels. Standards landscape no current standard is superseded £98. Direction and framework no current standard is superseded £71. cadmium plated.CEN European Standards continued. Polyethylene (PE). Safety requirements for design SW/136/8 EN 15947-3:2010 Pyrotechnic articles. Intermediate provers. Front-mounted equipments. 2 and 3. Acoustic emission. Proctor compaction B/510/4 Fibres. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Fitness for purpose of the system PRI/88/2 EN 15193:— Energy performance of buildings. Test 23b. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 14781 GME/25 EN 60603-7-7:2010 (IEC 60603-7-7:2010) Connectors for electronic equipment. Cable clamping tests. Heatshrinkable.00 members. Heatshrinkable. Tests and measurements. Safety. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 14764 GME/25 EN 50180:2010 Bushings above 1 kV up to 52 kV and from 250 A to 3. Interoperability Regulation EC552/2004 ACE/58/-/5 EN 60401-2:2010 (IEC 60401-2:2009) Terms and nomenclature for cores made of magnetically soft ferrites. transmission and distribution SS/7 EN 60512-23-2:2010 (IEC 60512-23-2:2010) Connectors for electronic equipment. Safety-related communication in transmission systems GEL/9 Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements. semiconductive GEL/15/5 CEN/TS 15639:2010 Solid recovered fuels. Tests and measurements. CWA 16200:2010 A guide to the development and use of standards compliant data formats for engineering materials test data no current standard is superseded £117. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Air Traffic Control) for application under the Single European Sky. Tests and measurements. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 14765 GME/25 EN 60027-7:2010 (IEC 60027-7:2010) Letter symbols to be used in electrical technology. Particular requirements for pedestriancontrolled walk-behind electrically powered lawn mowers CPL/61/23 EN 60684-3-280:2010 (IEC 60684-3-280:2010) Flexible insulating sleeving.. Heatshrinkable. £234. EN 60512-8-1:2010 (IEC 60512-8-1:2010) Connectors for electronic equipment. Communication. Test 17d. The following will be implemented as BS ENs or as amendments to BS ENs shortly. Sheet 281. Methods for the determination of ash melting behaviour by using characteristic temperatures PTI/17 EN 60512-17-1:2010 (IEC 60512-17-1:2010) Connectors for electronic equipment. Cable clamping tests. Reference of dimensions EPL/51 EN 60684-3-282:2010 (IEC 60684-3-282:2010) Flexible insulating sleeving. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Suppression characteristics of integral filters EPL/48 CEN/TR 16043:2010 Bicycles. Particular requirements for appliances for skin exposure to ultraviolet and infrared radiation CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 CEN/TR 16044:2010 Bicycles. Test 17a. shielded. BSI has an obligation to adopt all ENs and to withdraw any conflicting British Standards (BSs) or parts of BSs. Checklist documenting the relationship between the Directive 2004/22/EC (MID) and EN 1434:2007 CPI/30/7 EN 60512-17-3:2010 (IEC 60512-17-3:2010) EN 50159:2010 Railway applications. Determination of mechanical durability of pellets PTI/17 to EN 60335-2-90:2006 CPL/61/7 CEN/TS 16071:2010 Interoperability of Flight Data Processing (Air Traffic Control.00 non-members CENELEC PUBLICATIONS EUROPEAN RATIFIED TEXTS The documents listed below have recently been issued by CENELEC but have not yet been published as BS ENs. signalling and processing systems. anti-tracking GEL/15/5 CEN/TS 15406:2010 Solid recovered fuels. Test 17c. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Static load. Sheet 282. polyolefin sleeving. Particular requirements for commercial microwave ovens AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 EN 60684-3-281:2010 (IEC 60684-3-281:2010) Flexible insulating sleeving. polyolefin sleeving.CEN Workshop Agreements continued. Cable clamp robustness EPL/48 CEN/TR 15760:2010 Heat meters. Determination of bridging properties of bulk material PTI/17 EN 60335-2-90:— (IEC 60335-2-90:2006/A1:2010) Household and similar electrical appliances. free and fixed connectors for data transmission with frequencies up to 600 MHz EPL/48 to EN 60335-2-27:2010 CEN TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CEN/TS 15405:2010 Solid recovered fuels. Determination of density of pellets and briquettes PTI/17 CPL/61/1 EN 60335-2-77:2010 (IEC 60335-2-77:2002) Safety of household and similar appliances. Cable clamp resistance to cable pull (tensile) EPL/48 CEN/TR 16041:2010 Bicycles. transverse EPL/48 CEN REPORTS CEN/TR 15404:2010 Solid recovered fuels. Cable clamping tests. Sheet 280. Detail specification for 8-way. Power generation. Safety. Replies to requests for interpretation of EN 14766 GME/25 EN 60335-2-27:— (IEC 60335-2-27:2002) Household and similar electrical appliances. Specifications for individual types of sleeving. Cable clamp resistance to cable torsion EPL/48 CEN/TR 16042:2010 Bicycles. Test 8a.. Static load tests (fixed connectors).15 kA for liquid filled transformers PEL/36 EN 60512-17-4:2010 (IEC 60512-17-4:2010) Connectors for electronic equipment. Stress control GEL/15/5 34 Prices may be subject to change. Tests and measurements. Screening and filtering tests. polyolefin sleeving. Notification of their implementation will be given in the BS EN Publications section of the relevant edition of Update Standards. Compatibility with axle counters CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 IEC 60079-18:— Explosive atmospheres. which are published as British standards. material requirements and system performance GEL/15/5 CENELEC HD 60364-7-702:2010 (IEC 60364-7-702:2010) Low-voltage electrical installations. Smoke obscuration.40 members. Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes. £42.70 non-members PEL/32 to CENELEC HD 639 S1:2002 £21. £216. Equipment protection by encapsulation “m” CORRIGENDUM 1:June 2009 EN 61512-4:2010 (IEC 61512-4:2009) Batch control. Tensile strength GEL/86/1 EN 62329-3-102:2010 (IEC 62329-3-102:2010) Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes.00 non-members PEL/32 EN 60793-1-31:2010 (IEC 60793-1-31:2010) Optical fibres.00 non-members JPEL/64 EN 61076-3-115:2010 (IEC 61076-3-115:2009) Connectors for electronic equipment. System interfaces for distribution management. Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household and similar applications). Shock and vibration tests GEL/9/2 CENELEC TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CLC/TS 50238-3:— Railway applications. £124. semi-rigid. Compatibility between rolling stock and train detection systems. Identification of terminals within a system GEL/3 IEC 60252-1:2010 HARMONIZATION DOCUMENTS CENELEC HD 639 S1:— (Edition 2) AC motor capacitors. Portable residual current devices without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar use (PRCDs) AMENDMENT 2:September 2010 IEC/TR 60269-5:2010 Low-voltage fuses.45 members. Rectangular connectors.00 members.00 members. Sheet 101. material requirements and compatibility performance. testing and rating. installations and equipment and industrial products. £135.00 members. Guidance for installation and operation £128. £42. 35 . Safety requirements. Synthetic testing AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 CENELEC HD 60269-2:2010 (IEC 60269-2:2010) Low-voltage fuses. Specification requirements for shape dimensions. Requirements for special installations or locations.00 non-members PEL/23/1 Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. £166. material requirements and compatibility performance. semi-rigid. unless otherwise requested. Specification requirements for shape dimensions. The following IEC publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) EN 61190-1-3:— (IEC 61190-1-3:2007/A1:2010) Attachment materials for electronic assembly. General guidance AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 EN 62271-101:— (IEC 62271-101:2006/A1:2010) High-voltage switchgear and controlgear. limited fire hazard.37 members.EN 60695-6-1:— (IEC 60695-6-1:2005/A1:2010) Fire hazard testing. Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by authorized persons (fuses mainly for industrial application). Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to F £21. Measurement methods and test procedures. General definitions and test requirements £205.16 non-members PEL/33 EN 61968-11:2010 (IEC 61968-11:2010) Application integration at electric utilities. Particular requirements for routers and trimmers CPL/116 EN 62329-3-101:2010 (IEC 62329-3-101:2010) Heat-shrinkable moulded shapes. polyolefin. Rolling stock equipment. Detail specification for protective housings for use with 8-way shielded and unshielded connectors for frequencies up to 600 MHz for industrial environments incorporating the IEC 60603-7 series interface. Particular requirements for the basic safety and essential performance of automated non-invasive sphygmomanometers CH/62/4 to EN 61190-1-3:2007 EPL/501 IEC 60060-1:2010 (Edition 3) High-voltage test techniques. General. Common information model (CIM) extensions for distribution PEL/57 Electrical accessories. Product requirements. Examples of standardized systems of fuses A to J £21. Batch production records GEL/65/1 to CLC/TS 50238-3:2010 GEL/9/1 to IEC 60079-18:2009 GEL/31 EN 61666:2010 (IEC 61666:2010) Industrial systems.26 non-members PEL/42 EN 61373:2010 (IEC 61373:2010) Railway applications. Variant 12 related to IEC 610763-106.00 non-members PEL/32 to EN 60695-6-1:2005 GEL/89 to EN 62271-101:2006 PEL/17/1 EN 60745-2-17:2010 (IEC 60745-2-17:2010) Hand-held motor-operated electric tools. £42. Safety. Push-pull type EPL/48 EN 62479:2010 (IEC 62479:2010) Assessment of the compliance of low power electronic and electrical equipment with the basic restrictions related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields (10MHz to 300 GHz) GEL/106 IEC PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards.00 members. Guidance for the application of low-voltage fuses £158. Performance. Requirements for electronic grade solder alloys and fluxed and non-fluxed solid solders for electronic soldering applications AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 EN 80601-2-30:2010 (IEC 80601-2-30:2009) Medical electrical equipment. Sheet 102. Swimming pools and fountains £62. material requirements and system performance GEL/15 CENELEC HD 60269-3:2010 (IEC 60269-3:2010) Low-voltage fuses. Heat-shrinkable elastomeric moulded shapes. 91 members. Determination of temperature rise and resistance to fatigue in flexometer testing. Time-dependent dielectric breakdown (TDDB) test for intermetal layers £59.20 non-members EH/1/4 ISO 6472:2010 (Edition 4) Rubber compounding ingredients. £26. vulcanized. Test methods £49. £63. Methods of measuring the performance £89.93 members.18 non-members FME/9/2 ISO 4126-10:2010 Safety devices for protection against excessive pressure.05 members. Determination of static adhesion to textile cord.11 members.81 non-members PRI/22 IEC GUIDE 104:2010 (Edition 4) The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications £77. £34.93 non-members (Edition 2) Rubber. Engineering methods for small movable sources inreverberant fields. Determination of time of dissolution of the binder in styrene £15.40 members. Operational and performance requirements.94 non-members B/517/1 (Edition 2) Rubber. methods of testing and required test results £128. Methods for measuring the performance £205.89 members..25 members. £135. £55. Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure. £51.43 non-members EH/1/4 IEC 60312-2:2010 Vacuum cleaners for household use. vulcanized.16 non-members EPL/80 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 4666-1:2010 ISO 2558:2010 (Edition 2) Textile glass chopped-strand mats for reinforcement of plastics.06 members.26 non-members CPL/59/6 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO PUBLICATIONS It is BSI policy to supply the UK version of all adopted standards. £85. vulcanized.10 non-members L/- AW/7 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 3741:2010 (Edition 4) Acoustics.72 members.28 non-members PEL/42 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 4666-3:2010 ISO 3632-2:2010 Spices. £101. Compression flexometer (constant-strain type) £31. £216.IEC Publications continued.19 non-members PRI/22 IEC 62376:2010 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems.40 members. £216.25 members.16 members. £81. Determination of temperature rise and resistance to fatigue in flexometer testing.45 members. Engineering methods for an essentially free fieldover a reflecting plane £65. Dry vacuum cleaners.16 non-members CPL/61/7 ISO 225:2010 (Edition 3) Fasteners.57 members.91 members. IEC 60269-6:2010 Low-voltage fuses.68 non-members L/- Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard 36 Prices may be subject to change. Comparison method for a hard-walled test room £49. Update Standards Nov 2010 .62 non-members CPL/59/6 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard IEC 60335-2-25:2010 (Edition 6) Household and similar electrical appliances.54 non-members PSE/18/6 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard IEC 62374-1:2010 Semiconductor devices. The following ISO publications are available from BSI Customer Services (see ’How to order’ on page 2) ISO 3744:2010 (Edition 3) Acoustics. £81. Basic principles £23. Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Particular requirements for microwave ovens. Definitions and requirements for test currents and measuring systems £222.57 members. unless otherwise requested..09 members. Determination of sound power levels and sound energy levels of noise sources using sound pressure. Symbols and descriptions of dimensions £57.42 non-members PRI/10 IEC GUIDE 116:2010 Guidelines for safety related risk assessment and risk reduction for low voltage equipment £141. £121.).76 non-members PRI/22 IEC 62475:2010 High-current test techniques. Symbols and abbreviated terms £33. £48.96 members. Safety. £39. £148. £135. Electronic chart system (ECS). H-pull test £28. Sizing of safety valves for gas/liquid two-phase flow £51.08 non-members EPL/47 ISO 4647:2010 ISO 1920-10:2010 Testing of concrete. including combination microwave ovens £128. Determination of static modulus of elasticity in compression £20. Terminology/reliability/design guide £205.86 members. screws. £95.51 non-members PRI/42 (Edition 2) Rubber. Saffron (Crocus sativus L.65 non-members PEL/32 IEC/PAS PUBLICATIONS IEC/PAS 62326-14:2010 Printed boards. Precision methods for reverberation test rooms £60.26 non-members EPL/501 ISO 3743-1:2010 (Edition 2) Acoustics. Device embedded substrate. Supplementary requirements for fuse-links for the protection of solar photovoltaic energy systems £115.16 members. which are published as British standards. Bolts.93 non-members EH/1/4 IEC 60312-1:2010 Vacuum cleaners for household use. £108. £94. £81. studs and nuts.45 members. Wet cleaning appliances. £234.32 members. vulcanized or thermoplastic.18 non-members IST/17 to ISO 7010:2003 £5.96 members. £30.12 non-members PRI/22 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10678:2010 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics. CMMs using single and multiple stylus contacting probing systems £44.96 members.76 non-members PRI/22 Injection equipment for medical use. Safety requirements. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Durometer method (shore hardness) £23. Recording technique. One-pointcut (OPC) ampoules £15. £74.70 non-members TDW/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 9187-1:2010 ISO 7010:— Graphical symbols.65 members.94 non-members TDW/4 to ISO/IEC 7811-6:2008 IST/17 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 8394-1:2010 Building construction.08 non-members ACE/68/-/7 ISO 7619-1:2010 (Edition 2) Rubber. Determination of extrudability of sealants using standardized apparatus £20.. £44. Jointing products..04 non-members CPW/172/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Resilient floor coverings. Safety signs used in workplaces and public areas AMENDMENT 6:September 2010 (Edition 4) Injection equipment for medical use.07 members.76 non-members STI/32 ISO 8536-4:2010 (Edition 5) Infusion equipment for medical use. Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating-sphere instruments £23.42 non-members CH/212 ISO 10360-5:2010 (Edition 2) Geometrical product specifications (GPS). £39.25 members.96 members. Safety colours and safety signs. £34. Automated ultrasonic testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) steel tubes for verification of hydraulic leak-tightness £20. Heterogeneous poly(vinyl chloride) floor coverings. £59. £71.64 non-members PH/8/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 9187-2:2010 (Edition 2) ISO 10537:2010 Space data and information transfer systems. ISO 6719:2010 (Edition 2) Anodizing of aluminium and its alloys.11 members. Use of main documents £20. £95. £30.91 members. £55.75 members.78 members. £71. Jointing products. £26. £34. £34. Determination of photocatalytic activity of surfaces in an aqueous medium by degradation of methylene blue £26.ISO Publications continued.08 non-members MCE/8/-/2 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard 38 Prices may be subject to change.08 non-members MCE/8/-/2 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 8394-2:2010 Building construction. £34. IRHD pocket meter method £18. Preparation of drawings for optical elements and systems.94 non-members ISE/110 ISO/IEC 7811-6:— Identification cards.86 members. Determination of indentation hardness. £9. Determination of extrudability of sealants £18.58 non-members RPI/13 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10332:2010 (Edition 2) Non-destructive testing of steel tubes.65 members. Acceptance and reverification tests for coordinate measuring machines (CMM). Ampoules for injectables £23. Determination of indentation hardness.51 non-members CH/212 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 10582:2010 ISO 10110-8:2010 (Edition 2) Optics and photonics. Non-rotary percussive power tools £42. Test methods.82 members.94 non-members PRI/3/60 ISO 7619-2:2010 (Edition 2) Rubber. Integrated circuit cards with contacts and related interface devices £57.86 members. Surface texture. Drills and tappers £42. Infusion sets for single use. High coercivity CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 11005:2010 Technical product documentation.42 members. £39. roughness and waviness £35.94 non-members B/547 ISO 11148-4:2010 Hand-held non-electric power tools. Magnetic stripe.86 members. £39.96 members. £71. advanced technical ceramics). Specification £20. gravity feed £33. Safety requirements.65 members. vulcanized or thermoplastic.76 non-members CH/212 ISO/IEC 10373-3:2010 (Edition 2) Identification cards.12 non-members B/547 Please do not send confirmation of orders placed by telephone as it can lead to duplication ISO 11148-3:2010 Hand-held non-electric power tools. Encapsulation service £42.07 members. Attitude data messages ISO 13007-1:2010 ISO/TR 11769:2010 Intelligent transport systems. £74. £44. Test methods for adhesives £46.07 members.ISO Publications continued.96 members.75 members.94 non-members B/539 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13680:2010 (Edition 3) Petroleum and natural gas industries. £108. Rudders CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 To order visit http://shop. Ignition source: match-flame equivalent £26.75 members. Technical delivery conditions £69. Terms. £34.94 non-members ACE/68 (Edition 2) Textiles. £34.86 non-members IST/37 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Assembly power tools for threaded fasteners £44.99 members.66 non-members PSE/17/-/5 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 11794:2010 Copper.96 members.96 members. tubing and coupling stock. £44. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Communications access for land mobiles (CALM). £134.18 non-members ACE/68 (Edition 2) Ceramic tiles. Corrosion-resistant alloy seamless tubes for use as casing.94 non-members FME/9/3 ISO 13007-4:2010 (Edition 2) Ceramic tiles.43 non-members ACE/68 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12952-1:2010 ISO 11382:2010 Optics and photonics. zinc and nickel concentrates. £44. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK ISO 12215-8:— Small craft. Grouts and ISO 13956:2010 Plastics pipes and fittings.75 members.72 members.58 non-members CPW/172/3 (Edition 2) Textiles. Safety requirements. lead.82 members.58 non-members TCI/100 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 13541:2010 Space data and information transfer systems. XML formatted data unit (XFDU) structure and construction rules £60.07 members.11 members.32 members.96 members. definitions and specifications for grouts £20.78 to 25 £26. Test method and performance criteria £18. Characterization of optical materials used in the infrared spectral range from 0. Data retention for law enforcement £18. Grouts and adhesives. Grouts and adhesives. definitions and specifications for adhesives £20. Terms. £85.06 members.76 non-members PRI/88/4 to ISO 12215-8:2009 GME/33 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard 40 Prices may be subject to change. Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information.86 members.58 non-members SS/4 ISO 13537:2010 Space data and information transfer systems. £63.54 non-members NFE/36 ISO 13007-2:2010 (Edition 2) Ceramic tiles. Grouts and adhesives. £115.bsigroup. Sampling of slurries £51. £63.58 non-members TCI/66/-/8 ISO 13527:2010 Space data and information transfer systems. £44.42 members.70 non-members MCE/8/-/2 ISO 12474:2010 Hexagon socket head cap screws with metric fine pitch thread £20.04 non-members FSH/21/15 ISO 13526:2010 Space data and information transfer systems. Evaluation of ductility of fusion joint interface by tear test £23.12 non-members AGE/29 ISO 13007-3:2010 (Edition 2) Ceramic tiles.94 non-members EH/3/2 Standard test method for assessing the ignition propensity of cigarettes £35.96 members. £101. Reference architecture for space data systems £80. £34.20 non-members ACE/68 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12952-2:2010 ISO 11462-2:2010 Guidelines for implementation of statistical process control (SPC). Glazing and panel materials used in operator enclosures for protection against thrown sawteeth. £59.86 non-members B/539 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 12863:2010 ISO 11349:2010 Water quality.32 members. ISO 11148-6:2010 Hand-held non-electric power tools. Gravimetric method £20.94 non-members B/539 to ISO/IEC 13818-1:2007 £38. £34. Hull construction and scantlings.75 members. Determination of low-volatility lipophilic substances... Assessment of the ignitability of bedding items. Decohesion test of polyethylene (PE) saddle fusion joints.12 non-members EPL/278 £57. £78. Tracking data message £65. £39. £30. Test methods for grouts £38. Assessment of the ignitability of bedding items Ignition source: smouldering cigarette £26.32 members.40 members. £30.31 non-members B/539 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 13818-1:— Information technology. Systems AMENDMENT 4:September 2010 ISO 11839:2010 Machinery for forestry. Optical materials and components. £95. Catalogue of tools and techniques £26. 12 non-members B/513/1 ISO/IEC 14496-2:— Information technology.78 members. Digital Multimedia Broadcasting application format AMENDMENT 1:August 2010 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/TS 14907-1:— Road transport and traffic telematics. Wire. Test procedures for user and fixed equipment. £9. £63. Visual CORRIGENDUM 4:September 2010 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard to ISO/IEC 14496-2:2004 IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 18437-2:— Mechanical vibration and shock. Auditory signals for consumer products £20.96 members.86 non-members IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard to ISO/TS 14907-1:2010 EPL/278 to ISO 18752:2006 £5. 41 . Physical characteristics £18.64 non-members PRI/66 ISO/TS 23647:2010 Vegetable fats and oils. £34. £59. £9. Classification £35. Resonance method AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 ISO 22647:2010 (Edition 2) Space data and information transfer systems. Critical substances potentially present in footwear and footwear components £51. Solid wire electrodes. Test method for the resistance to end load (AREL test) £20. £30.ISO 14171:2010 (Edition 2) Welding consumables.94 non-members PH/9/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Update Standards Nov 2010 Prices may be subject to change. Open Distributed Processing. Polyolefin pipes and mechanical fitting assemblies.32 members. Coding of audio-visual objects. Determination of wax content by gas chromatography £31. £63.64 non-members GME/21 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard to ISO/IEC 14496-5:2001+A10:2007 IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 23000-3:— Information technology.78 members.09 members. PE-HD). £85. solid wires and rods for fusion welding of titanium and titanium alloys. Multimedia application format (MPEG-A).81 non-members AW/307 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 15527:2010 (Edition 2) Plastics. tubular cored electrodes and electrode/flux combinations for submerged arc welding of non alloy and fine grain steels.78 members. £44.78 members. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials.78 members.75 members. Contact lens care products. Contactless integrated circuit cards. Microbiological requirements and test methods for products and regimens for hygienic management of contact lenses AMENDMENT 1:October 2010 ISO 18437-3:— Mechanical vibration and shock.58 non-members WEE/39 to ISO/IEC 19793:2008 IST/15 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 15693-1:2010 (Edition 2) Identification cards.12 non-members B/513/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 16532-3:2010 Paper and board.64 non-members CH/172/9 to ISO 18437-3:2005 £5. £9. Description of test procedures CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 ISO 18752:— Rubber hoses and hose assemblies.42 members. Characterization of the dynamic mechanical properties of visco-elastic materials. Accessible design. £9.07 members. Requirements and test methods £23.94 non-members PRI/88/4 ISO 24500:2010 Ergonomics. Space link identifiers £38. Reference software CORRIGENDUM 4:September 2010 to ISO 18437-2:2005 £5. Electronic fee collection.04 non-members WEE/39 ISO/TR 16178:2010 Footwear. Solid wire electrodes. £51.76 non-members PRI/75 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 19793:— Information technology.96 members.86 members.07 members. Classification £26. Multimedia application format (MPEG-A). £39. Vicinity cards.12 non-members IST/17 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 19899:2010 Plastics piping systems. Classification and performance £18.86 non-members ACE/68/-/7 ISO/IEC 14496-5:— Information technology. MPEG photo player application format AMENDMENT 2:August 2010 ISO 14729:— Ophthalmic optics. £30.94 non-members PAI/11 ISO 22448:2010 Earth-moving machinery.32 members.or textile-reinforced single-pressure types for hydraulic applications. Determination of grease resistance.64 non-members GME/21 ISO/IEC 23000-9:— Information technology.07 members.64 non-members IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard to ISO 14729:2001 £5. Specification AMENDMENT 1:October 2010 to ISO/IEC 23000-9:2008 £38. Compression-moulded sheets of polyethylene (PE-UHMW.96 members. £9. Performance requirements for non-metallic fuel tanks £18. Cantilever shear beam method AMENDMENT 1:September 2010 to ISO/IEC 23000-3:2007 £5.32 members. £34. £30. Anti-theft systems. £34. Turpentine test for voids in glassine and greaseproof papers £20. Coding of audio-visual objects. Use of UML for ODP system specifications CORRIGENDUM 1:September 2010 ISO 24034:2010 (Edition 2) Welding consumables.54 non-members TCI/69 ISO 21507:2010 (Edition 2) Earth-moving machinery. 18 non-members SME/32 ISO 26642:2010 Food products. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 29500-1:— Information technology.11 members. £134. Preparation of test specimens of thermoplastic materials using mouldless technologies. Guidance to avoiding vulnerabilities in programming languages through language selection and use £80. £30. £9. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion.96 members.32 members.07 members. and laser sintering of test specimens £26. Life cycle management £65. £108. £63.99 members.86 members.07 members. Determination of resistance to chemical corrosion in closed systems £26.64 non-members IST/41 ISO/IEC TR 24772:2010 Information technology.43 non-members IST/15 ISO 28279:2010 Sintered metal materials.12 non-members AGE/6 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO/PAS PUBLICATIONS ISO/IEC TR 29125:2010 Information technology.86 non-members NCE/9 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 29124:2010 Information technology.31 non-members EH/2/2 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 26322-2:2010 Tractors for agriculture and forestry. £85. Safety. Image coding specification £91. General test requirements for launch vehicles £46.86 members. £78. Procedures for the measurement of elemental impurities in uranium. Development of resilience in the supply chain. £44.94 non-members IST/5 ISO 28706-5:2010 (Edition 2) Vitreous and porcelain enamels.75 members. £78. £55. Determination of total carbon.76 non-members EH/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 26062:2010 Nuclear technology. £39.86 non-members IST/5 ISO 30011:2010 Workplace air.78 members.ISO Publications continued. £63. £26. Instrumental method £23. Document description and processing languages. Extensions to the C$ library to support mathematical special functions £38. £95. £9.58 non-members TCT/7 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/PAS 28002:2010 Security management systems for the supply chain. hydrogen and nitrogen content.99 members. heir environments and system software interfaces. £44. £151.54 non-members NCE/2 to ISO/IEC 29500-1:2008 £5. Programming languages.58 non-members PRI/82 Will not be implemented as a British Standard.75 members. Programming languages. Update Standards Nov 2010 . Determination of the glycaemic index (GI) and recommendation for food classification £33. Document description and processing languages.64 non-members IST/41 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard 42 Prices may be subject to change. £44. Performance criteria for radiobioassay £51. Office Open XML File Formats Fundamentals and Markup Language Reference AMENDMENT 1:August 2010 ISO 28218:2010 Radiation protection. Method by phospholipid fatty acid analysis (PLFA) and phospholipid ether lipids (PLEL) analysis £23. Determination of soil microbial diversity. Nuclear fuels.06 members.31 non-members ACE/68/-/2 ISO 28721-4:2010 Vitreous and porcelain enamels. Glass-lined apparatus for process plants.78 members.32 members.and plutonium-based materials by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry £38.76 non-members PTI/16 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO 24917:2010 Space systems. ISO/IEC TR 24748:2010 Systems and software engineering. Quality requirements for glass-lined flanged steel pipes and flanged steel fittings £18.. Determination of metals and metalloids in airborne particulate matter by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry £46.42 non-members AW/-/3 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 29199-2:2010 (Edition 2) Information technology. General principles.09 members. Determination of the level of cleanliness of powder-metallurgy parts £15..75 members.58 non-members STI/36 Will not be implemented as a British Standard ISO 29541:2010 Solid mineral fuels.51 non-members ISE/65 ISO/IEC 29500-4:— Information technology.32 members. £30. Requirements with guidance for use £57.91 members. £39. Office Open XML File Formats Transitional Migration Features AMENDMENT 1:August 2010 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Will be implemented as an identical British Standard to ISO/IEC 29500-4:2008 £5.25 members. Telecommunications cabling requirements for remote powering of terminal equipment £26. JPEG XR image coding system. Narrow-track and small tractors £18.12 non-members STI/36 ISO/TS 29843-1:2010 Soil quality.81 non-members IST/37 Help Us to Help You! Always quote your Customer Number Don’t know your number? Contact Customer Services 020 8996 9001 who will be happy to check it for you ISO 27547-1:2010 Plastics.
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