B.sc. Computer Science



B.Sc.Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) THIRUVALLUVAR UNIVERSITY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE B.Sc. COMPUTER SCIENCE DEGREE COURSE CBCS PATTERN (With effect from 2012 - 2013) The Course of Study and the Scheme of Examinations S.NO. Part Study Components Course Title Ins. hrs /week Credit Title of the Paper Maximum Marks CIA 6 6 6 3 4 4 5 0 Tamil/Other Languages English Digital Logic & Microprocessor PC software Lab (to choose 1 out of 2) A. Mathematics I B. Mathematical Foundations I Environmental Studies 25 25 25 0 Uni. Exam 75 75 75 0 Total 100 100 100 0 SEMESTER I 1 2 3 4 I II III III Language English Core Theory Core Practical ALLIED 1 Environ. Studies Paper-1 Paper-1 Paper-1 Practical-1 5 III Paper-1 7 4 25 75 100 6 IV 2 30 2 19 10 110 40 340 Uni. Exam 75 75 75 60 60 50 450 SEMESTER II 7 8 9 10 11 I II III III III Language English Core Theory Core Practical Core Practical Allied 1 Soft skill Value Education Paper-2 Paper-2 Paper-2 Practical-1 Practical-2 6 4 6 0 3 4 4 4 2 2 Tamil/Other Languages English Programming in C PC software Lab Programming in C Lab (to choose 1 out of 2) A. Mathematics II B. Mathematical Foundations II Soft skill Value Education CIA 25 25 25 40 40 Total 100 100 100 100 100 12 13 14 III IV IV Paper-2 7 2 2 30 6 1 2 25 25 10 10 200 75 40 40 500 100 50 50 700 1 B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Study Components Course Title Ins. hrs /week S.NO. Part Credit Title of the Paper Maximum Marks SEMESTER III 15 16 17 18 I II III III Language English Core Theory Core Practical Paper-3 Paper-3 Paper-3 Practical-3 6 6 3 3 4 4 3 3 Tamil / Other Languages English Programming in C++ C++ and Data Structure lab (to choose 1 out of 2) 19 III Allied II Paper-3 4 4 A. Physics I B. Statistical Methods and their Applications I 20 21 22 III IV IV Allied II Skill Based Subject I Non-Major Elective I Practical Paper-1 Paper-1 3 3 2 30 0 3 2 23 Data Structure Introduction to Information Technology CIA 25 25 25 40 Uni. Exam 75 75 75 60 Total 100 100 100 100 15 60 75 0 15 10 155 0 60 40 445 0 75 50 600 SEMESTER IV 23 24 25 26 I II III III Language English Core Theory Core Practical Paper-4 Paper-4 Paper-4 Practial-4 6 6 3 3 4 4 3 3 Tamil/Other Languages English Java Programming Java Programming Lab (to choose 1 out of 2) A. Physics II 27 III Allied II Paper-4 4 4 B. Statistical Methods and their Applications II Allied Practical Problem Solving Strategies Internet and its Applications CIA 25 25 25 40 Uni. Exam 75 75 75 60 Total 100 100 100 100 15 60 75 28 29 30 III IV IV Allied Practical Skill Based Subject II Non-Major Elective II Practical Paper-2 Paper-2 3 3 2 30 2 3 2 25 10 15 10 165 40 60 40 485 50 75 50 650 2 B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Study Components Course Title Ins. hrs /week S.NO. Part Credit Title of the Paper Maximum Marks CIA Uni. Exam 75 75 60 60 0 75 Total 100 100 100 100 0 100 SEMESTER V 31 32 33 34 35 36 III III III III III Core Theory Core Theory Core Practical Core Practical Core Elective I Skill Based Subject III Paper-5 Paper-6 Practical-5 Practical-6 Demo Paper-1 6 6 4 4 4 3 5 5 3 3 0 3 Database Management Systems Operating System RDBMS (Oracle Lab) VB lab Internet A. Computer Graphics B. Data Mining C. Digital Image Processing Visual Programming 25 25 40 40 0 25 37 IV Paper-3 3 30 3 22 15 170 60 405 Uni. Exam 75 75 60 60 75 575 SEMESTER VI 38 39 40 41 III III III III Core Theory Core Theory Core Practical Core Practical Paper-7 Paper-8 Practical-7 Practical-8 7 6 4 4 5 5 3 3 Open Source Software Multimedia Open Source Software Lab Multimedia Lab A. Network Security& cryptography B. Artificial Intelligence C. Data Communication &network A. Software Engineering B. Design of algorithms C. Internet and its Applications Mobile Computing CIA 25 25 40 40 Total 100 100 100 100 42 III Elective II Paper-1 3 3 25 75 100 43 III Elective III Skill Based Subject IV Extension Activities Paper-3 3 3 25 75 100 45 46 IV V Paper-4 3 0 30 3 1 26 15 50 245 60 0 480 75 50 725 3 B. & Others/NME Skill Based Part V Extension Total 4 .Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Part Part I Part II Part III Subject Languages English Allied (Odd Semester) Allied (Even Semester) Allied Practical Electives Core Core Practical Papers 4 4 2 2 1 3 8 8 1 1 1 2 4 1 42 Credit 4 4 4 6+4 2 3 (3-7) 4 2 1 2 2 3 1 Total credits 16 16 8 10 2 9 35 22 2 1 2 4 12 1 140 Marks 100 100 100+75 (I + III SEM) 100+75 (II + IV SEM) 50 100 100 100 50 50 50 50 75 50 Total Marks 400 400 175 175 50 300 800 800 50 50 50 100 300 50 3700 Part IV Environmental Science Soft skill Value Education Lang. Unit-III: Simplification of Boolean Functions The Map Method . UNIT-V: Microprocessor Microprocessors and Assembly Languages – History of Micro Processor . Unit-IV: Combinational Logic Adders . COMPUTER SCIENCE SYLLABUS UNDER CBCS (with effect from 2012 .Digital Logic Gates.Basic Theorems and Properties of Boolean Algebra .Sc.2013) SEMESTER I PAPER .Product of Sums Simplifications .Subtractors .SC.Octal and Hexadecimal Numbers .Canonical and Standard Forms .Synchronous Counters .Binary Numbers .Axiomatic Definition of Boolean Algebra .Shift registers-Ripple counters.Micro Processor Architecture and its operations – 8085 MPU.Compliments .B.Binary Adder – Encoder . 5 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) THIRUVALLUVAR UNIVERSITY BACHELOR OF SCIENCE B.Boolean Functions . Unit-II: Boolean Algebra and Logic Gates : Basic Definitions of Boolean Algebra .Registers .1 DIGITAL LOGIC AND MICROPROCESSOR Unit-I: Binary Systems : Digital Computers and Digital Systems .Flip Flops .Binary Codes .Two and Three Variable Maps .Four Variable Map .Don't Care Conditions.Decoders – multiplexure and demultiplexture .Binary Logic .Number Base Conversion .The Memory Unit.Integrated Circuits. 1996 Reference Books : Louis Neshelsky.S. Third Edition. Morris Mano. 1983. A. John Wiley & Sons.Sc.Ltd.Mathur. Introduction to Microprocessor.B. "Digital Logic and Computer Design".. 1990. Microprocessor Architecture – Programming and Application with 8085/8080A. Wiley Eastern Limited.1993. 6 . Digital Logic Design – Lloyd R. Third Edition. "INTRODUCTION TO DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY".Gaonkar. PHI. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Text Book: M. Tata McGrawHill Publishing Co. Skew-Symmetric . cosnθ. Chennai. 7 .Binomial. Recommended Text: P.Newton’s method to find a root approximately .Sc.Reciprocal equations .1 A.Simple problems.Udayabaskaran. I & II. Muhil Publishers. UNIT-III : MATRICES Symmetric . cosn θ.(1997) Allied Mathematics. cos θ. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED .Cayley-Hamilton theorem (without proof)-Verification and computation of inverse matrix UNIT-IV: TRIGONOMETRY Expansions of sinn θ.Eigen roots and eigen vectors .Duraipandian and S. sinnθ. tannθ . Exponential and logarithmic Series (without Proof) -Summation -Simple problems UNIT-II : THEORY OF EQUATIONS Polynomial Equations with real Coefficients .Complex roots.Leibnitz theorem (without proof) and applications – Jacobians -Concepts of polar co-ordinates-Curvature and radius of curvature in Cartesian co-ordinates.Transformation of equation by increasing or decreasing roots by a constant .Rank of a matrix -Consistency of equations . UNIT-V: DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS n-th derivatives . Vol.Expansions of sin θ. MATHEMATICS – I Objectives of the Course: To Explore the Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics UNIT-I: ALGEBRA Partial Fractions .Logarithms of complex numbers.Irrational roots .Orthogonal and Unitary matrices .B.1 PAPER . tan θ in terms of θ Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions . Kandasamy. I & II.Thilagavathy (2003) Allied Mathematics Vol-I. Chennai P. Tata McGraw Hill. New Delhi.Rajagopalan and R.Vol. P.Sattanathan.Balasubramanian and K. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Reference Books: P. I & II. Isaac.. New Delhi.Vittal (2003) Allied Mathematics .G.P.(2005) Allied Mathematics . II S. Palayamkottai.(1997) Ancillary Mathematics. Vikas Publications.Subramanian. 8 . S. New Delhi-55.Sc. Vol. K.B.R. Allied Mathematics.Chand & company Ltd. Marghan Publications. New Gamma Publishing House. UNIT-II : SET THEORY Sets. Associative. Applications of differentiation. UNIT-IV : DIFFERENTIATION Simple problems using standard limits. converse. 9 . Circles. lt xn-an. number of elements in a set. successive differentiation. pair of straight lines. Boolean algebra: simple properties. Functions: Types of Functions. tautology and contradiction. set theory and set operations. negation. Envelopes. Inverse. linary operations. lt sinx. Binary algebra.Differentiation. conjunction. Logical operators. Hyperbola. Permutations & Combinations. lt (1+n) 1/n x a x-a x 0 x x 0 x x 0 x n ¥ n 0 Differentiation. Composition of Functions. Leibnitz theorem. Properties of sets. partial differentiation.1 B. Partially and Totally Ordered sets. Cartesian product. relations & functions. relations and functions. logically equivalent. Straight lines. UNIT-I : SYMBOLIC LOGIC proposition. validity of arguments. disjunction. UNIT-III : BINARY OPERATIONS Types of Binary Operations: Commutative. Ellipse. MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS I Objectives To know about Logical operators. Parabola. lt (1+1/n)n. angle between two curves.Sc. lt tanx lt ex-1. Arguments and validity of arguments. set operations. Relations : Equivalence relation. Distributive and identity. Curvature and radius of Curvature (Cartesian coordinates). venndiagram. Maximum and Minimum values (Second derivative test).B. Contra Positive. Permutations and Combinations. Equivalence class. conditional and bi-conditional operators. Tangent and normal. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED – 1 PAPER . 1991.Sundaram & Others. sirkali. Mathematical Foundations . V. Chennai. U.Pair Straight Lines – Circles.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) UNIT-V : TWO DIMENSIONAL ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY Straight Lines . 10 . Analytical Geometry part I .. Analytical Geometry 2 Dimension .B.Publication. Rizwan.Viswanathan (printers & publication) Put Ltd. Chennai 3. Manicavachagom pillay & Natarajan.R.SciTech. 5. Reference Books 1.P.Duraipandian & Others.Emerald publication 1992 Reprint.Vittal. Mathematical Foundation . 4. 2. P.Margham Publication. Dircrete Mathematical Foundation A. P.Two Dimension S. data types . 2006 Reference Books: B. Pearson Education. Kanetkar Y.Files: Creating. Nested control structures . Assignment and Conditional Operators . for loop.User defined data types. Unary. UNIT-IV Storage Classes . 1988.M. PHI.W.B. Register Variables .Identifier and keywords . Processing.Automatic.Expressions . UNIT-II Data input output functions .PHI.T. if-else.Multi-dimension arrays .Programming with ANSI and Turbo C . New Delhi. while. External.if.Statements . Schildt. Opening and Closing a data file. 2nd Edition. M.Arrays .Flow of control .-unionsbitwise operators.Declarations . do-while. Text Book: Ashok N...Variables Declarations .Passing arguments – Function within a function-Recursion. Static.Structures . Let us C. H.Comma operator.Simple C programs . 11 . break and continue. TMH Edition.Switch.Library functions. 2000. go to statements . UNIT-V Pointers . 4th Edition.constants .Problem Solving in C .Arithmetic.Somashekara . Kernighan and D. Relational and logical . BPB Pub. The C Programming Language.Operation on Pointers .Sc.prototypes . 1999. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SEMESTER II PAPER – 1 PROGRAMMING IN C UNIT-I C fundamentals Character set .Ritchie. UNIT-III Functions -Definition .Defining and Processing Passing arrays to functions . C: The Complete Reference.Passing pointers to Functions .Kamthane . Mathematical. Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Creation of Charts Import information Export information 12 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) CORE PRACTICAL – I PC SOFTWARE LAB WORD Prepare a resume Prepare an application for a job Prepare an advertisement for a product Prepare a letter head Prepare a leave letter From Newspaper “appointment pages” take one Advt and type Mail Merge Concept Copying Text and Picture From Excel Creation of Tables. Editing Data in Cell Excel Function (Date. Statistical. Financial Functions) Changing of Column Width and Row Height (Column and Range of Column) Moving. Time. copying.B. Formatting Tables Inserting Symbols in Documents EXCEL Aligning .Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) POWER POINT Create slides with Headers and footers.B. 13 . Create a slide show with minimum 5 slides to Advertise a product.Sc. Create a organization chart for a college. Create a slide show with animation effect. Cretae slide s with different fonts and bullets. consonants. of vowels. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) CORE PRACTICAL – II PROGRAMMING IN C LAB Summation of Series: Sin(x) (Compare with built in functions) Summation of Series Cos(x) (Compare with built in functions) Counting the no. GCD of two Numbers Bubble Sort Linear Search Demonstration of pointer Arithmetic Finding the maximum number in a set Finding the minimum number in a set Merge two arrays of integers both with their elements in ascending order into a single ordered array. white spaces in a line of text and array of lines Reverse a string & check for palindrome.Sc. nCr in a single program. words. 14 .B. n Pr. triple integrals . Stoke’s and Green’s theorems(without proofs) .Sc. ò sinnx dx . problems only).B. volume -Fourier series for functions in (0. UNIT-IV : Laplace Transforms Laplace Transformations of standard functions and simple properties .Simple applications to area.Simple problem based on these Theorems. p). Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED – 1 PAPER – 2 A. MATHEMATICS – II Objectives of the Course To Explore the Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics UNIT-I : Integral Calculus Bernoulli’s formula for integration by parts . ò cosnx dx ( with proof & problems). properties of definite 0 integrals and simple problems. complete integrals and general integrals .Gradient .Four standard types .Line and surface integrals .Reduction formulae for: ò x meaxdx .divergence.Directional derivatives Unit to normal to a surface . curl .Inverse Laplace transforms Applications to solutions of linear differential equations of order 1 and 2-simple problems UNIT-V: Vector Analysis Scalar point functions .Vector point functions . 15 . Lagrange’s equations. p/2 ò sinmxcosnx dx (no proof .Guass. UNIT-II: Application of Integration Evaluation of double.2p) and (-p. UNIT-III: Partial Differential Equations Formation. Allied Mathematics . Vikas Publications.Subramanian. Tata McGraw Hill. I & II.Kandasamy. P.. I & II. New Delhi.B. New Delhi-55. Allied Mathematics. New Gamma Publishing House. Marghan Publications.Vol. Chennai Reference Books: P.Balasubramanian and K. Palayamkottai 16 .Sattanathan.(1997)Ancillary Mathematics. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Recommended Text P.Chand & company Ltd.(1997) Allied Mathematics.Udayabaskaran. P.Rajagopalan and R. Chennai.Vittal(2003). Vol.Duraipandian and S. New Delhi.G. Muhil Publishers.R.P. II S. K. I & II.(2005) Allied Mathematics .Thilagavathy (2003) Allied Mathematics Vol-I. Isaac.Sc. S. Vol. B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED - 1 PAPER - 2 B. MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS II Objectives To know about Matrix Operations, Symmetric, Skew-Symmetric, Hermitian, Skew-Hermitian, Orthogonal, Unitary Matrices. Rank of a Matrix Solutions of linear equations Consistency and Inconsistency, Characteristic roots and Characteristics Vectors, Cayley - Hamilton Theorem, Integration of rational functions, Integration by parts, Reduction formulae, Area and volume using integration, Planes, Straight lines, Spheres, Curves, Cylinders. UNIT-I : MATRICES Multiplication of matrices, Singular and Non-Singular matrices, Adjoint of a Matrix, Inverse of a matrix Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric, Hermitian and Skew-Hermition, Orthogonal and unitary matrices, Rank of a matrix, Solution of Simultaneous Linear equations by (i) Cramer’s rule. (ii) Matrix Inversion Method. UNIT-II: MATRICES Test for Consistency and Inconsistency of linear equations, (Rank Method), characteristic roots and characteristic vectors, Cayley - Hamilton theorem, matrix of linear transformations: reflection about the x, y axes and the line y=x, rotation about the origin through an angle, expansion or compression, shears, translation. UNIT-III Integration Simple problems, integration of rational function involving algebraic expressions of the form 1 , 1 , px+q px+q , px+q 2 2 2 ax +bx+c ax +bx+c ax +bx+c ax +bx+c ax2+bx+c 2 integrations using simple substitutions integrations involving trigonometric functions of the form 1 , 1 , 2 2 2 2 a+b cosx a sin x+b cos x Integration by parts. UNIT-IV Properties of definite integrals. Reduction formulae for ò xneaxdx, òsinn xdx, òcosn xdx , ò xm (1-x)n dx, applications of integration for (i) Area under plane caurves, (ii) Volume of solid of revolution. 17 B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) UNIT-V: ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY OF THREE DIMENSIONS Planes, straight lines, spheres. Reference Books 1. P.R.Vittal, Mathematical Foundations - Margham Publication, Chennai. 2. U. Rizwan, Mathematical Foundation - SciTech, Chennai 3. V.Sundaram & Others, Dircrete Mathematical Foundation - A.P.Publication, sirkali. 4. P.Duraipandian & Others, Analytical Geometry 3 Dimension – Emerald publication 1992 Reprint. 5. Manicavachagom pillay & Natarajan. Analytical Geometry part II - three Dimensions S.Viswanathan (printers & publication) Put Ltd., 1991. 18 B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SEMESTER III PAPER – 3 PROGRAMMING IN C++ UNIT-I Principles of object oriented programming (oop)-Evolution of C++ -key concepts of oop. Input and Output in C++-Streams-Stream classes Unformatted console I/O operations-Member functions of istream class-manipulators-manipulators with parameters UNIT-II Introduction to C++; Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Variables, Operators, Expressions and Control Structures: If,If..Else, Switch - Repetitive Statements- for,while,do..while - Pointers and arrays UNIT-III Functions in C++ - Main Function - Function Prototyping - Parameters Passing in Functions - Values Return by Functions - inline Functions - Function Overloading Classes and Objects; Constructors and Destructors; and Operator Overloading - Type of Constructors UNIT – IV Inheritance : Single Inheritance - Multilevel inheritance - Multiple inheritance - Hierarchical Inheritance - Hybrid Inheritance - Virtual Functions and Polymorphism UNIT-V Working with Files : Classes for File Stream Operations - Opening and Closing a File - End-of-File Detection - Updating a File - Error Handling during File Operations Text Books Ashok N.Kamthane, Object Oriented Programming with ANSI & Turbo C ++, Pearson Education, 2006 Bala gurusamy, c++ programming, TMH. 19 Program to implement the concept of fuction overloading to compute the volume of a geometric primitive (eg: cylinder. 20 . Implement PUSH. Binary Search tree traversals (in-order. pre-order. Program to create. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – III C++ AND DATA STRUCTURE LAB Program to implement classes. object. Creation.Sc. insertion.sphere etc) Program to implement the concept of operator over loading to compute addition and subtraction of matrices. and deletion in Singly linked list. and post-order) using Recursion. POP operations of stack using Arrays.write read a sequential file using error handling functions.multiple inheritance.B. Polynomial addition. delete operations of a queue using Arrays. Program to incorporate the concept of single . Implement add. constructors and member functions for calculating area and perimeter of a circle. Low Temperature: J.B. UNIT – III: ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM Electricity: Potentiometer – Principle – Calibration of low range voltmeter – Measurement of internal resistance of cell – measurement of an unknown resistance. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED – 2 PAPER – 3 A. Frequency – Steel Wire – Brass wire.K. UNIT – II: HEAT Heat: Specific heat – Newton’s law of cooling – determination of specific heat of a liquid using Newton’s law of cooling – Emissivity and Emissive Power. PHYSICS – I UNIT – I: PROPERTIES OF MATTER Elasticity : Hooke’s Law – Elastic Constants – bending of beam – Bending moment – Cantilever Depression at the loaded end of a cantilever – determination of Young’s modulus by non-uniform bending.Sc.C. UNIT – IV: SOUND AND ACOUSTICS OF BUILDING Sound: Transverse vibration of strings – Velocity and frequency of vibrations of a stretched string – laws – sonometer – A. 21 . Effect – Positive Effect – Negative Effect – Temperature of Inversion – Super conductors. Acoustics of buildings: Reverberation – Reverberation time – Sabine’s formula (definition only) – Sound absorption co-efficient of surface – conditions for the perfect acoustics. Ultrasonics – Production by Piezo – electric method – properties and uses. Torsion : Torsion couple – Potential energy in a twisted wire – Torsional pendulum – Time period – Rigidity Modulus – Determination of rigidity modulus by Torsional oscillation (without masses). Type I and II – Meisner Effect – Helium I and II. Viscosity: Viscosity of a liquid – Viscous force – Co-efficient of viscosity of a liquid – Poiseuille’s formula – Comparison of viscosities of two liquids by graduated burette method. Magnetism – Moment and pole strength of a magnet – Deflection magnetometer – Tan C position – Vibration magnetometer – Theory – Period of Oscillation – Determination of M and BH using the deflection magnetometer in Tan C position and the vibration magnetometer. Surface Tension: Surface Tension – Excess of pressure inside a curved surface – Synclatic system – Surface Tension and interfacial surface tension by the method of drops. B. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) UNIT – V: GEOMETRICAL OPTICS AND PHYSICAL OPTICS Defects of Images (Lens): Spherical aberration – minimizing spherical aberration by using two thin lenses in contact – chromatic aberration – Achromatic combination of two thin lenses in contact. First Edition (2005). Chand & Co. Chand & Co. (1999). Allied Physics – R. Heat and Thermodynamics – N. S. Books for Study & REFERENCE 1. 22 . Diffraction: Theory of transmission grating – Normal Incidence – Determination of Wavelength of monochromatic source and Wavelength of mercury line using a grating by normal Incidence. Chennai. 2. (2004). Elements of Properties of Matter – D. Chand & Co. Modern Physics – R. K. Murugesan S. Narayanamoorthy and other National Publishing Companies (1986). 6. Brijlal and Subramaniam S. Allied Physics – Prof. Chand & Co. Dhanalakshmi and others. Murugesan S. D. Mathur.Sc. 7. Thangaraj. Polarisation: Optical activity – Specific rotatory power – Polarimeter – Determination of specific rotatory power of a solution using the polarimeter. Physical Optics: Interference – Air Wedge – Description – Test for optical flatness of glass plate – Determination of diameter of a thin wire by air wedge. 4.S. Jayaraman Popular Book Department. Dr. 3. A text book of Sound – by M. 5. Allied Physics – Dr. UNIT-IV Measures of Skew ness Karl Pearson’s.spearman’s rank correlation .Tabulation of data . median. UNIT-I Introduction .classification of data . Standard deviation. mode. UNIT-II Measures of location : Arithmetic mean. co-efficient of variation. UNIT-III Measures of dispersion : Range. Note : The proportion between theory and problems shall be 20:80 23 . combined standard deviation. geometric mean and Harmonic mean and their properties.Diagrammatic and Graphical representation of data . mean deviation. UNIT-V Correlation . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 3 B. Regression Analysis: Simple Regression Equations.Sc. Quartile deviation.Karl Pearson .B.Graphical determination of percentiles and quartiles.scope and limitations of statistical methods . Bowley’s.concurrent deviation methods. kelly’s and co-efficient of Skew ness and kurtosis based on moments. STATISTICAL METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS I Objective To understand and computing statistical aspects. Dr. . Gupta .G. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics .K. oxford & +DII Elements of Statistics . & Cochran W.P. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Books for Reference: 1.Snedecor G.W. Gupta & V. 4. Kapoor .Sc. 2.B. 3.Prentice Hall Statistical Methods .Mode .Sultan Chand Statistical Methods .C.B. S. E.Sultan Chand & Sons 24 .S. UNIT-IV Trees: Binary Trees . Operations on Arrays.Recursive Tree Traversals.Representation of a Polynomial.publishers narosa publishing. UNIT-III Recursion. Ordered lists. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SKILL BASED SUBJECT PAPER – 1 DATA STRUCTURE UNIT-I Definition of a Data structure .Infix to Postfix Conversion.B.Operations .Edition 2000 25 . Polynomial Addition. Application . Types of Graphs.Definition. UNIT-V Graph . Queue.Dale. Graph Traversal .Applications of Stack . UNIT-II Stacks .Operations.primitive and composite Data Types. Arrays.Singly Linked List .operations .Operations . Data structure by N.Operations.Sc. Text Books 1. Doubly Linked List .DFS and BFS. Internet Addressing .Parts of Computer System .Introduction to HTML UNIT-V Information System .Internet Services .Pearson Education.Working of Internet .Sound -Video Desktop Publishing Basics .Hardware Devices .Microsoft Excel . References: Sanjay Saxsena. Vikas Publishing House. UNIT-IV Introduction to Internet .Sc.Computer Networking . ITL Edn Solutions .Management Information concepts .Control Issues and the MIS .1995 Neil randal “Teach yourself the internet in a week ”. 2000 Ron Mansfield.Tata Mcgraw Hill. “Multimedia in Action”. “Working in Microsoft Office”. “A First Course in Computer”.E-Mail Basics . 26 . 1996. Prentice Hall of India.Microsoft PowerPoint UNIT-III Introduction to Multimedia .Examples of Operating systems . 1997 Linda Tway.”Introduction to Computer Science “.Planning Issues and the MIS .Visual Editor. UNIT-II Microsoft Word .Web Development Tools . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) NON MAJOR ELECTIVE PAPER – 1 INTRODUCTION TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY UNIT-I Introduction: History of Computer . Sapphiro Pacific Lajolla.Organizing Issues and the MIS .Page layout Programs.Software Operating System .Images . Second Edition.B. Academic Press. JTextarea.JCheckBox. JButton. JComboBox.println()... 27 .Features of Java .file streams-Sequential file .Overriding methods .Throw and Throws .Runnable Interface .I Introduction to Java . UNIT.Access Control . UNIT..Constructors .Synchronization . and printf() methods. UNIT.B.Exception Handling .Overloading method .Interfaces .Key Event Handling.Access Protection . JTextfield.Using super.V Packages .Variables . TMH Publication Java How to Program by Deitel & Deitel . GridLayout. Random file.String Class .Importing Packages . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SEMESTER IV PAPER – 4 JAVA PROGRAMMING UNIT. BorderLayout.JoptionPane – JLabel.Adapter Classes.IV Mouse Event Handling . Text Books Programming in Java – 2nd Edition by C.III GUI components – Common GUI Event types and Listener Interfaces.Muthu.Arrays Operators .Objects .Static and fixed methods Inner Classes .6th Edition.Graphics contexts and graphics objects – color control – font control – Drawing lines.Inheritance .Inter thread Communication – Multithreading.Sc.PHI Publication 2005.Object Oriented Concepts .rectangles and ovals –jslider-using menus with frames.Thread . – Mouse Event Handling Adapter Classes.Key Event Handling.Control Statements-Input and output-Scanner and System class-print().II Classes . JPannel. UNIT.Abstract class – Type Wrapper classes for primitive types – Auto boxing and auto Unboxing --Recursion.Data Types . JList. Layout Managers – FlowLayout. string replacement etc.B. Determining the order of numbers generated randomly using Random Class.) Drawing Rectangles. Implementing GUI based applications using swing components (Jlabel. Jbutton. Use Scanner class. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – IV JAVA PROGRAMMING LAB Finding area and Perimeter of a circle. Implementing Thread based applications & Exception Handling. Application using file streams(sequential file) Application using file streams(Random file) 28 . JtextField) Implementing GUI based application using Layout managers and menus. Application using synchronization such as Thread based.Sc. Class based and synchronized statements.. Ovals etc using Applet. String Manipulation (Substring removal. Thomson’s Experiment _ Heisenberg’s uncertainty Principle – The position and moment of a particle. UNIT – V : ELECTRONICS Electronics : Zener diode – Characteristics – Voltage regulation using zener diode – LED – uses of LED. Fibre Optics : Principle – classification of optical fibres – fiber optic communication system block diagram. PHYSICS – II UNIT – I: WAVE MECHANICS Wave Mechanics – De Broglie Waves – Dual Nature – Experimental Study of Matter Waves – Davission and Germer’s Experiment – G. NAND and NOR gates – NAND and NOR as universal building blocks – Fabrication of a Integrated circuit by monolithic technology – Advantages and limitations of an integrated circuit – LSI. UNIT – IV : CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND FIBRE OPTICS Crystallography : The crystal structure – Unit Cell – Miller indices – Reciprocal Vectors – Properties of Reciprocal Lattice – Bragg’s Law. UNIT – III : ENERGY PHYSICS Sources of conventional energy – Need for non-conventional energy resources – solar energy utilization – solar water heater – solar drier – conversion of light into electrical energy – solar cell – merits and demerits of solar energy – wind energy – its conversion systems – energy from Bio mass – Bio gas generation – Industrial and space application. particle detectors – GM Counter Artificial Transmutation – Rutherford’s Experiment – The Q value equation for nuclear reaction – Threshold energy – Nuclear Reactions.B.Sc. UNIT – II : NUCLEAR PHYSICS Particle accelerators – cyclotron. OR. Biological effects of radiation – control of radiation hazards. Digital Electronics : AND. Conservation Laws: Conservation of Charge – Conservation of Nucleons – Conservation of Mass – Energy – Conservation of Parity – Quantities conserved and quantities not conserved in a nuclear reaction. NOT. MSI and VLSI.P. 29 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED – 2 PAPER – 4 A. Murugesan S. Bhattacharya. Introduction to Solid State Physics – C. 10. Allied Physics – Dr. Kittel. Dr. Chand & Co. (1999). Heat and Thermodynamics – N. Mathur. D. Electronic Principles and Applications – A.S. Modern Physics – R. (2004). A text book of Sound – by M. Dhanalakshmi and others.B. Elements of Properties of Matter – D. Narayanamoorthy and other National Publishing Companies (1986). 7. Jayaraman Popular Book Department. Brijlal and Subramaniam S. 3. Murugesan S. Chennai. 5th Edition Wiley Eastern Ltd. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Books for Study & REFERENCE 1. 4. First Edition (2005). 2. University Press (1999). Allied Physics – R. Calcutta. Thyagarajan and Ajay Ghatak. Cambridge. S. K. 6. Chand & Co.B. 5. 11. 8. 9. Thangaraj. Introduction to Fiber optics by K.Sc. Chand & Co. Allied Physics – Prof. Chand & Co. 30 . Renewable & Sustainable energy sources – Agarwal. New Central Book Agency. 2. 3. 18. (Screw Gauge is given). 11. 20. Construction of AND. Sonometer – Determining A. Surface Tension and Interfacial Tension – By drop weight method. Frequency. Determination of Co-efficient of Viscosity – Graduated Burette.Sc. Rigidity modulus – Static Torsion Method Using Scale and Telescope. Ridigity modulus – Torsional oscillation method (without symmetric masses). NAND / NOR as universal gate. 13. Figure of merit and voltage sensitiveness of table galvanometer. 17. Potentiometer – Calibration of High Range Ammeter. 6. Potentiometer – Calibration of Low Range Voltmeter. 15. Spectrometer – Refractive Index of a liquid – Hollow Prism. 4. 7. 5. 31 . Newton’s Rings – Radius of Curvature. Demorgan’s theorem verification.C. Specific Heat Capacity of a liquid – by Newton’s Law of Cooling. 9. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED PRACTICAL PAPER – 1 & 2 PHYSICS (Any 15 Experiments) 1. 16. 10.B. Youngs modulus – non uniform bending – pin and microscope. Sonometer – frequency of tuning fork. Determination of M and BH using Deflection Magnetometer in Tan C position and vibration magnetometer. 19. Air Wedge – Determination of thickness of thin wire. 14. OR gates using diodes and NOT by transistors. 8. Spectrometer Grating – Minimum Deviation – Mercury Lines. Zener diode – Voltage Regulation. 12. C. Kapoor – Sultan Chand 3. – Prentice Hall 32 . and L.D. Fundamental of Mathematical Statistics .one and two way classifications . Y = a x 2 + b x + c.Snedecor G. Poisson.S.confidence interval. STATISTICAL METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS II Objective To apply statistical techniques in real life situations (The proportion between theory and problems shall be 20:80) UNIT-I Curve fitting by the methods of least squares Y = a x + b. Statistical Methods . Chebychev’s Inequality. Books for Reference: 1.conditional probability Baye’s Theorem. UNIT-III Standard distributions .Addition and Multiplication Theorem .Basic principle of design of Experiments randomisation.C. correlation and proportion .G.Mode . Elements of Statistics . Gupta & V. UNIT-IV Test of Significance small sample and large sample test based on mean. R.D. Y = a x b. replication and local control . UNIT-V Analysis of variance .events .Binomial.B.K. S. oxford & +DII 4.W. Kapoor .B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 4 B. & Cochran W.B. Fundamental of Applied Statistics .D.S.Sultan Chand 2. normal distribution and fitting of these distributions. Mathematical expectation Addition and Multiplication theorem.K.S.probability ..R. E.D. Y = a e bx UNIT-II Sample Space .C. Gupta & V. Correlation and Regression 7. Gupta & V.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ALLIED PRACTICAL II STATISTICAL METHODS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS PRACTICAL Note: Use of Scientific Calculator shall be permitted for Practical Examination. R. L. Test of significance small sample and large sample tests 10. Diagrams and Graphs 3.D BOOKS FOR REFERENCE: 1.S. Sultan chand & Sons 3. y=ax2+bx+c.D. Formation of uni-variate and bi-variate frequency distribution 2.P. Normal 9. Skewness and Kurtosis 6. Fundamental of Applied Statistics .D.C. Poisson. y=axb. y=aebx 8. Fitting of distributions . Statistical and Mathematical Tables are to be provided to the students in the Examination Hall.B.Binomial.S. Analysis of Variance: one way classification. Two way classification Design of Experiments C. Measures of Dispersion 5. Gupta. Statistical Methods by S.B. Practical Statistics 2. Kapoor 33 .R. Measures of Location 4.K. ALLIED PRACTICAL 1. Curve Fitting : y = ax+b. linear Recursion – Non linear recursion – Mutual recursion – Recursive algorithm for Towers of Hanoi problem .“ How to solve it by Computer “--.Generation of the Fibonacci Sequence – Compute the n th Fibonacci number-Reversing the digits of an integer.Finding the square root of a number.dromey -. Text Book: R.Finding the minimum number in a set – Merge two array s of integers both with their elements in ascending order into a single ordered array.Sc.Printice Hall of india. UNIT-III Raising a number to a large power ( p= xn) –rearrange the elements in an array so that they appear in reverse order. UNIT-V Sorting by selection – Sorting by exchange (Bubble) – Sorting by insertion – Linear Search .Exchanging The values of two variables-counting. UNIT-II Sine function computation. UNIT-IV Finding the maximum number in a set .Summation of a set of numbers—Factorial computation.B. 34 .The smallest divisor of an integer-the greatest common divisor of two integers-Generating prime numbers.G.Binary Search. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SKILL BASED SUBJECT PAPER – 2 PROBLEM SOLVING STRATEGIES UNIT-I Algorithm – General problem solving strategies-Efficiency of algorithms. UNIT . P.other web browsers.Linking. Electronic mail Creating an E-mail id Sending and Receiving mails-attaching a fileInstance messaging. UNIT .NET Java-Webresources.M.Images-special characters and line breaks. Tata McGraw hill 35 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) NON MAJOR ELECTIVE PAPER – 2 INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATIONS UNIT.Sc.V E-marketing consumer tracking Electronic advertising search engine-CRM.credit card PaymentsDigital cash – e wallets – smart card.unordered listssimple HTML programs. Textbook Internet and World Wide Web Third edition H.Complete Reference Harley hahn.J.B.B.IV Introduction to HTML headers .Deital.Internet Explorer.I Introduction to Computers Programming Language types History of Internet Personal Computers History of World Wide Web .online help and tutorials.Micro software . UNIT .File Transmission Protocol (FTP) Browser settings.III Attaching a file.Goldberg-PHI Book for Reference The Internet. Deital and A. UNIT – II Web Browsers.connecting to Internet Features of Internet explorer6 Searching the Internet. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SEMESTER V PAPER – 5 DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS UNIT-I Purpose of Database .A Beginners guide TMH 36 .Structure .B. UNIT-IV Relational Database Design .DML. Pearson Education.Pitfalls .Nested Sub queries -Modification Of Databases .Tuple and Domain Relational Calculus.Formal Query Language .Embedded SQL.Corey-Oracle. function – Cursor management – Triggers – Exception Handling.Joined Relations-DDL .Basic Structure . DCL Commands) – Integrity Constraints – PL/SQL – PL/SQL Block – procedure.DBMS-Designing And Business Applications .First Normal Form-Second Normal Form-Third Normal Form-Fourth Normal Form And BCNF.Aggregate Functions . Numeric.J.Sc. Text Books Singh-Database systems: Concepts.Normalisation Using Functional Dependencies . and Character Functions .Entity Relationship Model -Mapping Constraints Keys .Sudarshan-Database System Concepts Mcgraw Hill Publication Gerald V. H.Overall System Structure .Korth And S.F.Set Operations . UNIT-V Oracle . Abraham Silberschatz. Design & applications.E-R Diagrams.Relational Algebra . UNIT-II Relational Model . UNIT-III Structured Query Language .Post .Introduction – SQL (DDL.Date.Mcgraw Hill Publications Michael Abbey And Michael. Single and multiple partitioned allocation – paging -segmentation .operation on process Inter process communication .Access methods . Galvin .Process concepts .system calls and system programs UNIT-II Process management .CPU scheduling .File concept .Sc. B.disk scheduling. Text Book Abraham Silberschatz and P.Directory structure .allocation methods .free space management .scheduling algorithms .B.operating system services .Virtual Memory Management . UNIT-V UNIX: Unix system .A Case Study. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 6 OPERATING SYSTEM UNIT-I Introduction .Addison Wesley Publication.types of operating systems .Deadlocks UNIT-III Memory Management .Demand paging and Page Replacement Algorithms UNIT-IV Information management . 37 .process scheduling .Operating system concepts . Functions. Functions with exception handling capability. 38 . Triggers. Not Null.B. Referential integrity). Sub queries. Joins (left. Built-in functions (Date & time. Procedures.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – V RDBMS LAB Table creation and simple queries. mathematical functions). forien key.right and equi joins). Cursors. Constraints (Primary key. B.Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – VI VISUAL PROGRAMMING LAB Building simple application Application with multiple forms Application with dialogues Application with menus Application using data control Application using format dialogues Drag and Drop events Database Management Creating ActiveX controls 39 . Physical input devices .Pearson Education. Malay k pakhira . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ELECTIVE PAPER – 1 A.Area filling algorithms Character attributes inquiry functions .Basic transformation Composite transformation .IV Three .circle Generating algorithms.Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics .Hidden surface and Hidden line removal .Viewing transformation .Two dimensional transformation . UNIT-II Attributes of output Primitives .B.backface removals.Sproull .Computer Graphics (C version) . UNIT.logical classification of input devices interactive picture construction methods.initializing lines .Video display devices. UNIT-V Three dimensional viewing .Visible line and surface identification .other transformations.Computer graphics. COMPUTER GRAPHICS UNIT-I Introduction to computer Graphics .dimensional viewing .McGraw Hill International Edition .line drawing algorithms . Text Books D.Baker .Matrix representation .Color and Grayscale style .Interactive input devices .M.Three dimensional display methods .line attributes .Hearn and M. 40 . Newman and RF.Projection .window.Multimedia and Animation .Printice Hall India.line function .dimensional concepts .Three dimensional transformation.Depth Cueing .to view port co-ordinate transformation .Graphics software .Raster scan Systems .Sc.parallel Projection Perspective Projection .P. UNIT-III Two .1979. W.clipping algorithms Interactive input methods .Random Scan Systems .Hard copy devices .Output primitives .implementation of viewing operations . 11) Author : Jiawei Han and Micheline Kamber Publishers : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers ( An imprint of Elsevier ) N.Process the Data Descriptive Data Summarization – Measuring Central Tendency Dispersion of Data Graphic Displays of –Basic Descriptive Data Summaries Data Cleaning Data Integration and Transformation data Reduction-Data Discriminatio .2009.B.Data Mining Techniques and Trends .P.Association mining to Correlation Constrain Based Association mining UNIT-V Applications Trends .2.Data Warehouse Multidimensional Data Model Data Warehouse Architecture Data Warehouse Implementation From Data Warehouse to Data mining UNIT-IV Mining – Frequent Patterns Associations Correlations .B.Data mining Applications Data mining – System Products Research Prototype Additional Themes on Data Mining Social impact of Data mining Trends in Data mining Text Book : 1. DATA MINING UNIT-I Introduction . Data mining .What is Data mining .Sivaselvan .5. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 1 B. Data Mining ( Concepts and Techniques ) Second Ed (Chapter 1.3.various kind of data Data mining Functionalities – Various kinds of Patterns Pattern Interesting Classification of Data mining Systems Data mining Task Primitives Integration of Data Mining System Major issues in Data Mining UNIT-II Data Processing .Sc.Basic Concepts Road Map Efficient Scalable Frequent Item set Mining methods Mining – Various Kinds of Association rules Analysis .Gopalan.important Data mining .Concept Hierarchy Generation. UNIT-III Data Warehouse OLAP Technology An overview .PHI. 41 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Reference Books : 1. Data Mining ( Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques (Second Edition) Author : Ian H. Data Warehousing. Stephen V.B. Sivakumar & Yesha Publishers : Printice Hall of India ( 2007 ) 2.Sc. Data Mining ( Next Generation Challenges and Future Directions )Author : Karguta. Data mining & OLAP (Edition 2004) Author : Alex Benson. Witten & Eibe Frank Publishers : Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (An imprint of Elsevier) 3. Smith Publishers : Tata McGraw – Hill 42 . Joshi. Walsh. Digital Processing System. Sine. Dither. direction smoothing. Color Images. Karhunen – loeve. 1-D and 2-D DFT. geometric mean filter. Image Processing Problems and Applications. Eye. Matrix. Theory Results. Image Quantization. back projection algorithm. inverse random transform. band pass filtering. Fourier Transform. Vision Camera. predictive techniques transform coding and vector DPCM. The Monochrome Vision Model. 2-D Sampling Theory. Brightness and Contrast. medium filtering. Hadamard. DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING UNIT-I CONTINUOUS AND DISCRETE IMAGES AND SYSTEMS : Light. color image coding. color image enhancement. Cosine. spatial operations – spatial averaging. Luminance.Sc. Singular value Decomposition transforms. edge enhancement using 2-D IIR and FIR filters. generalized cestrum and homomorphism filtering. back projection operator. Histogram equalization. UNIT-IV IMAGE RESTORATION : Image observation models. smoothing splines and interpolation. pixel coding. UNIT-II IMAGE TRANSFORMS : 2-D orthogonal and Unitary transforms. modification and specification. constrained least squares restoration. low pass. Random transform. Linear Systems And Shift Invariance. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 1 C. high pass. wavelet transform coding of images. Z Transform. UNIT-III IMAGE ENHANCEMENT : Point operations – contrast stretching. non linear filters. clipping and these holding density slicing. 43 . Slant. Haar. Block Matrices and Kronecker Products.B. Block truncation coding. Aliasing. sources of degradation. fan beam and algebraic restoration techniques. Lloyd Max Quantizer. inverse and Wiener filtering. UNIT-V IMAGE DATA COMPRESSION AND IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION FROM PROJECTIONS : Image data rates. Jain. 1987.Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing . McGraw Hill Inc. Pakhira – DIP and pattern Recognition .. “Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing”. 44 . Madineri A. Gonzalaz R. 1995. Addison Wesley.PHI.A.Joshi – DIP an algorithmic approach .Sc. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Book for Study : Anil K. 1995. Anil Jain. Sid Ahmed M.Printice Hall India.Chanda & D. Malay k.B.. B. and Wintz P. “Digital Image Processing”.Dutta Majumder. “Image Processing”.Printice Hall India. 2nd Ed. PHI.Printice Hall India. Digital Image Processing. Digital signature standards.Chinese Remainder Theorem.Example networks .Reference Models . UNIT-III Principles of public key cryptosystems .Data Encryption Standard.Testing of primality .B. UNIT-IV Authentication requirements .Security Services .Fermat’s and Eulers’s theorems . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ELECTIVE PAPER – 2 A.Network Software .Euclid’s algorithm . UNIT-II Security Attacks .Network Standardization . NETWORK SECURITY AND CRYPTOGRAPHY UNIT-I Introduction to networks and communication media: Uses .Steganography .Hash functions .Satellite communication.Wireless Transmission .Digital signatures .Basis for data communication Transmission Media .Key Management -Diffie-Hellman key exchange .Pretty Good Privacy .IP Security Overview .Authentication protocols .Prime and Relatively prime numbers . UNIT-V Kerberos .S/MIME . 45 .Sc.Network Hardware .Telephone Systems .RSA algorithm .A model for internetwork security – Conventional Encryption Model .Message authentication codes .Authentication functions .IP Security Architecture Authentication Header – Intruders – Intrusion Detection – Password Management. 2006 3. Simonds. Brijendra. 8. 2 /E . "Security in Computing". 46 . Singh.Sc. 1989. BAXER. "Information and Communication Security". "Internet Security". Hans. TMH.Cryptography and information Security. William Stallings. Derek Atkins. 10. 2.P. V.4/E. Springer Verlag.k. "Networking Security". Techmedia. 1998.Tanenbaum. 5. PHI. PHI. ”Computer Networks“.panchgare. 6. Zehrouz Forouzan. 2006. 1996.B. 2007. "Network Security". 9. 4/E. 1998. “Data Communication and Networking”. ”Network Security and Management”. PHI. PHI. Charles.Reference books: 4. PHI/Pearson Education. MCGRAW-HILL.” Cryptography and network security”. Andrews S. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Text Books: 1. 7.Pleeger. McGraw Hill. 1998. Mishra . Kevin knight. Dan W. Peter Norvig. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 2 B. Tata McGraw Hill Edition. UNIT-IV Symbolic reasoning – Nonmonotonic reasoning – Implementation issues – Breadth first search – Depth first searching – Statistical reasoning – Bayes’ theorem – Bayesian network – Fuzzy logic. 1991. 1990. “Introduction to Artificial Intelligence”. Reference Books: Stuart Russell.Sc.B. 47 . “Artificial Intelligence”. UNIT-III Using predicate logic – Representing simple facts. Second edition. UNIT-V Game playing – Minimax search procedure – Alpha beta cutoffs – additional refinements – Planning – Components of planning – Goal stack planning – Hierarchical planning. UNIT-II Heuristic search techniques – Hill climbing – Best first search – Problem reduction – Means end analysis – Knowledge representation issues – Representations and mappings – Approaches – Issues in knowledge representation. Eugene Charniak. “Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems”. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE UNIT-I Introduction: What is Artificial Intelligence – AI Technique – Level of the model – Problems. “Artificial Intelligence”. Instance – Computable functions and predicates – Representing knowledge using rules – Procedural versus Declarative – Logic programming – Control knowledge. R.PHI. Patterson. “Artificial Intelligence”. Second edition.2011. Drew McDermott. 2003.B. Problem spaces and search – Production systems – Problem characteristics – Production system characteristics. Books for Study: Elaine rich. Addison Wesley. 1998. MULTIPLEXING : Frequency Division multiplexing .Digital data Analog signals. Black Data Communications and Distributed Networks Third Edition . Prentice Hall of India. Forouzan: Introduction to Data Communication & Networking.Data Communications.Routing in packet switching .Gupta.Routing in circuit switched networks. DATA AND COMMUNICATION NETWORKS UNIT-I A communications model .1996. Prentice Hall of India.Data Communications .Analog and Digital . Data and Computer Communications Fifth Edition . 48 . 1997.Synchronous time . UNIT-II Data encoding .Transmission .Digital data Digital signals .Statistical time division multiplexing.Transmission Impairments . McGraw-Hill. Reference Books: Ulysess D. Prentice Hall of India.Data Communications Networking .Congestion control..Error Detection .Transmission media. UNIT-IV Circuit switching: Circuit switching networks switching concepts . UNIT-V Packet switching principles . Prakash C.Division multiplexing . Text Books William Stallings. Frame relay: Frame relay Protocol Architecture – Frame relay Congestion control.Error Control. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 2 C.B. UNIT-III Data link control: Flow controls . 1997.Sc. Analog data Analog signals Data Communications Interface : Asynchronous and synchronous Transmission.computer communication architecture . Tool box.T.B. UNIT-II Displaying information-Determinate loops.Visual Basic 6. Books for Study : Gary Cornell .Control arrays-Grid control-Project with multiple form-Do events and sub main –Error trapping.Writing a simple program . indeterminate loops -Conditionals Built in functionFunction and Procedure.Sc.Creating control-Name propertyCommand button-Access keys-Image control-Text boxes-Labels-Grid-Message boxes-Editing toolsVariables.2005 control-Menus-MDI forms-Testing-Debugging and 49 .0 From the ground up – Tata McGraw Hill – 1999 Noel Jerke – Visual Basic ( The Complete Reference) – Tata McGraw Hill – 1999 Deitel& Deitel .R. UNIT-III Arrays-List-Sorting and searching record . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SKILL BASED SUBJECT PAPER – 3 VISUAL PROGRAMMING UNIT-I Customizing a form. UNIT-IV VB objects. Nieto – Visual Basic 6 – Pearson Edition . data types.Dialogue boxes-Common Optimization -Working with Graphics. UNIT-V File and handling-File system control-File system objects. UNIT-V : PHP PHP Introduction – General Syntactic Characteristics – PHP Scripting – Commenting your code – Primitives.Loops .Creating Table. and Delete statement – Some Administrative detail – Table Joins – Loading and Dumping a Database. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SEMESTER VI PAPER – 7 OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE UNIT-I : HTML Introduction to HTML. Update.IV : MYSQL Introduction to MY SQL – The show Databases and Table – The USE command – Create Database and Tables – Describe Table – Select. Operations and Expressions – PHP Variables – Operations and Expressions Control Statement – Array – Functions – Basic Form Processing – File and Folder Access – Cooking – Sessions – Database Access with PHO – MySQL . UNI.Variable– Array – Operators and Expressions.Linking document frames-Graphics to HTML Doc –Style sheet –Style sheet basic-Adding style to document-Style sheet properties-Font-text-list-color and background color-box-Display Properties.functions – Dialog box. UNIT-II : LINUX Introduction : Linux Essential Commands – File system Concept – Standard Files – The Linux Security Model – Vi Editor – Partitions Creation – Shell Introduction – String Processing – Investigation and Managing Processes – Network Clients – Installing Application.List.B. UNIT-III : JAVA SCRIPT Introduction to Javascript –Advantages of Javascript –JavaScript Syntax-Datatype.MySQL Functions – Inserting Records – Selecting Records – Deleting Records – Update Records. Insert.Sc. 50 . internet & world wide web How to program.B. Mastering Javascript. Pearson Education I. Published by John Wiley and Sons. and PHP and Working Together”. BPB Publications. Complete Reference HTML (Third Edition).TMH. A. Javascript. Eric Filson. Pen CGI.Sc. 2002 51 . Jaworski. BPB Publications. Web Enable Commercial Application Development Using HTML. DHTML. Bayross. Deitel & Deitel . Powell. 2004. 2000 J. Apache. 1999 T. MySQL. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) Reference Books: “Setting Up LAMP : Getting Linux. Eric Resebrock. editing .file formats .recording .broadcast video standards .Multimedia and Animation . MM Video : How video works .Classification .development and editing .Gokul revised and updated second edition .MM skills .S.I Definition .planning and costing – MM team Reference Books: Multimedia Magic .Tay Vaughen 6th edition – TMH Kiran Thauras.audio file formats .Printice Hall India.B.digital video fundamentals .Working with MIDI .animation s/w tools and techniques.DVD.BPB Multimedia Making it Work .MM s/w .CDROM .sound cards . UNIT-V MM Project : stages of project .MM graphics: coloring .MP3 MIDI fundamentals .Computer graphics.digital imaging fundamentals . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 8 MULTIMEDIA UNIT.scanning and digital photography UNIT-IV MM Animation : Computer animation fundamentals .Printice Hall India.digital video production and editing techniques . 52 .MM application .file formats.adding sound to MM project.MM H/w .andleigu – Multimedia System Design .Sc.authoring .Prabhut k. Malay k pakhira .Digital audio technology .design concept .Kinematics . UNIT-III MM TEXT: Text in MM .morphing . UNIT-II MM Audio: Digital medium . Develop a program using cookies and session.Sc. date &time functions. The Practical External Examination is for 45 marks 30+45 = 75 marks. 53 . Develop a program and check file system functions. Write a javascript program to scroll your name in the scroll bar.B.update) records in a web browser.delete. Create a simple calculator in Java script. Create a student database table in MYSQL and manipulate records (insert. The External practical examination does not include the mark for Record note book). Create a web page with Frames and Tables. Create a web page incorporating CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Write a shell program to find the factorial of an integer positive number Write a shell program for checking whether a given string is a palindrome or not. Develop a program and check message passing mechanism between pages. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – VI OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE LAB (Internal assessment 30 marks includes the record mark 10. Marquee. Creating a gif image using image ready for web b.1 Colour correction. add text. Editing – resize. Converting black and white photo to colour photo. icon animation 8. add and edit layer style. Create a web navigation Image Animation : Text: Text floating into screen from outside the screen. Fade in fade out banners. Applying soft light effect.Sc. Photo Effects: Decolouring. resolution. 54 . Illumines text. Animation : Image: Animated lightening strike. Mobile wall paper c. brightness. 7. Shining text. change colour depth. Animated Banner using image ready/any other software. Transparent glass text. Changing background. Image Editing : D. Photo Retouching: 2. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PRACTICAL – VIII MULTIMEDIA LAB 1. Changing cloth texture and pattern. file format. adding blur effects to background. Create a digital clock Animation. Blending Images. Web Graphics: a. Digital banner.B. Text Effect: Creating Metatie text. Lasso and elone stamp tools(masking). smooth skin effects. Stitch and edit two images into single using selection. Creating simple Images. 55 .Modules And Modularization Criteria .Planning an Organizational Structure .Size Factors .Design Notations Design Techniques .Scoping Rules .Data Abstraction .Managerial Aspect Of Software Maintenance .User Defined Data Types .Coding Style .Design concepts .Configuration Management Source Code Metrics .Software Requirements Specification . PRESSMAN Publishers TATA McGRAW . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) ELECTIVE PAPER – 3 A.Software Cost Estimation Techniques . UNIT-V Testing And Debugging: System Testing .Sc.Formal Verification Software Maintenance Maintainability . UNIT. SOFTWARE ENGINEERING UNIT-I Introduction to Software Engineering: Definitions . Author: ROGER S. Walkthroughs and Inspections .Type Checking .Test Plans Milestones.IV Modern programming Language Features: .Design Guidelines Implementation Issues : Structure Loading Techniques .Quality and Productivity Factors Managerial Issues . UNIT-III Software design: .Design Considerations .Real Time and Distributed System Design .Documentation Guidelines. Text Books Software Engineering Concepts 1997 Edition Author: RICHARD FAIRLEY Publishers: TATA Mc GRAW-Hill Edition.HILL International Edition.Other Maintenance Tools And Techniques.Goals and Requirements Solution Strategy .Stating Level estimation .Software Cost Factors .Planning a Software Project: Defining the Problem .Separate Compilation .Planning the Development Process: Various Models .Standards And Guidelines .B.II Software cost estimation: Introduction . UNIT.Planning Activities.Exception Handling .Estimating Software Maintenance Costs Software Requirements Definition . Software Engineering VI Edition.Specification Techniques.Currency Mechanism Verification And Validation Techniques. K.New Delhi. DESIGN OF ALGORITHMS UNIT-I Algorithms. . Components of AlgorithmGraphs: Terminologies of graph-network-Stack data structure-Queue data structure-Linked link data structure. 56 . Design and Analysis of Algorithms –PHI Learning private Limited.Types of problem-Types of Solution Procedure/Algorithm.PHI Learning private Limited.B. UNIT-II Distance based Network Algorithms-Dijkstra’s Algorithm-Floyd’s Algorithm-Minimum spanning tree problem.. UNIT-IV Heuristics: Travelling salesman problem-Single machine scheduling problem – Heuristic for total covering problem.Basu. 2. Panneer Selvam. UNIT-III Search Algorithms: Variable based search algorithms-Branch and Bound Algorithms.Binary tree data structure.New Delhi. UNIT-V Dynamic Programming : Terminologies –Dynamic programming Algorithm-Application Areas of Dynamic Programming-Comparision of Alggorithm using optimal solution. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 3 B. Text Book : 1. S. R.Sc. Design methods and Analysis of Algorithms. B. "Internet and WWW". P.Deital. Interactivity.Complete Reference Harley hahn. 3.B. and site-blocking – Audio and Video on the web – Creating and Maintaining the Web – Web site creation concepts – Web Page Editors. Privacy. and Database-Driven Web sites – File Transfer and downloading – FTP – Peer to Peer – Downloading and Installing software. Tata McGraw hill 57 .I Connecting to the Internet – Domain Name System . Sorting Mail and avoiding e-mail viruses – types of viruses – Harmful effects of virus .Internet Explorer.Voice and Video Conferencing. INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATIONS UNIT. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) PAPER – 3 C. UNIT-II Messaging – Usenet Newsgroup – Internet Relay chat (IRC) – Instant Messaging .Chatting and Conferencing on the Internet – Online Chatting. 2nd Edition.Exchanging E-mail – Sending and Receiving Files . UNIT-III Overview – Web Security.Web Browsers.online help and tutorials. Margaret Levine Young.M.Goldberg-PHI 2. Internet and World Wide Web Third edition H.Browser settings.Fighting Spam. Tata McGraw Hill. Unit-IV: Optimizing Web Graphics – Web Audio Files – Forms.Features of Internet explorer6 Searching the Internet. The Internet.J. 2002. UNIT-V What is Intra net – Advantages and disadvantages of intranet – components of intranet – Connecting a small LAN to the intranet. Textbook: 1. Deital and A.Sc. 2.Sipra dasbit –Mobile Computing . Biplob k Sikdar . REFERENCES: 1.com/cseng 3.B.Mobile and Wireless devices. “Communications And Consistency In Mobile File Systems”.B.dect.ch 4. – Telecommunication Systems –GSM – System Architecture – Protocols – DECT – TETRA.Mobile Communication Market – A Simplified and reference model – Overview – Wireless Transmission – Signals – Antennas – Signal Propagation – Multiplexing – Modulation – Spread Spectrum.awl.Sc. assumptions. www.Destination sequence distance vector – Dynamic source routing – Hierarchical algorithms – Alternative metrices. IEEE Personal communication 2(6). www. HONEYMAN P HUSTON L. UNIT-II Medium Access Control – motivation for a MAC. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) SKILL BASED SUBJECT PAPER – 4 MOBILE COMPUTING UNIT-I Introduction. 58 . “Mobile Communication”. UNIT-V Mobile Transport layer. Dec 1996.Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol – ad hoc networks – Routing.Traditional TCP 292 – Congestion control 292 – Slow start 292 – Fast retransmit / fast recovery 293 – Implication on mobility 294. JOCHEN SCHILER .Entities and term logy – IP Packet Delivery – Tunneling and encapsulation – Optimization .SDMA – FDMA – TDMA – Comparison of S/T/F/ CDMA. UNIT-III Satellite system – History – Applications – BASICS – GEO 139 – LEO 139 – MEO 140 – Routing – Localization – Handover – Examples – Broad cast Systems – Overview – Cyclic Repetition of data – Digital Video and Audio Broadcasting. UNIT-IV Mobile Network Layer – Mobile IP – Goals.Applications-vehicles. Addison Wesley. TEXT BOOK: 1.Printice Hall India.History of wireless communications. 2000.Indirect TCP – Snooping TCP – Mobile TCP – Fast retransmit / fast recovery – transmission / time-out freezing – selective retransmission – transaction oriented TCP – WAP . publisher name for a particular book ~ Down load music from internet and play ~ Down load video from internet and play ~ Access the website of Indian railways and find out the train timings between any two railway stations ~ Access the website of any one Indian car company website and one multinational car company website and write down the difference between them with respect to design. Access the internet and read two newspaper ~ Access the internet and read two news websites ~ Access the website of any one bank in india and find out what is the rate of interest for three years fixed deposit ~ Access the website of any one online bookstore and find out the price.delete a e mail ~ Attach a word file to Your e mail and send to your friend ~ Attach a spread sheet file to Your e mail and send to your friend ~ Attach a graph file to Your e mail and send to your friend ~ Attach your photograph to Your e-mail and send to your friend ~ Redirect the mail you receive in your e mail ID to some other e mail ID. color.B. menus. ~ Access the internet with two different browser other than internet explorer ~ Use yahoo messenger ~ Start a chatting session by inviting your friend online ~ Accept others invitation for chatting ~Access the facebook. Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) DEMO – INTERNET AND ITS APPLICATIONS Creating an e mail ID (create two e mail ID with two different service provider)~Sending e mail to your friend Receiving e mail from your friend. user friendliness and content .Sc. author name. ********* 59 . Search the internet with two different search engines other than google ~ Search for the blog ~ Search for a news item ~ Search the internet to find the road route from vellore to Chennai and find out what is the distance in Km. 10 marks for record note book. Total 60 marks.Sc. Practical CIA University Practical Total – – – 40 marks 60 marks 100 marks 60 . Computer Science: Syllabus (CBCS) QUESTION PAPER PATTERN FOR PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS: Answer any TWO questions out of three (2/3) for each question 25 marks.B. 2x25=50 marks.
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