BSBWHS605A Dev Imp Maintain WHS Mgt Sys

March 30, 2018 | Author: Poorva Verma | Category: Educational Assessment, Bullying, Occupational Safety And Health, Sexual Harassment, Audit



BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of ManagementCOMPLETE ASSESSMENT DOCUMENT BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management BSBWHS605A Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems The following assessments are to be (a) completed and (b) submitted in accordance with the associated STANDARD INSTRUCTIONS ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET BSBWHS605A Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management To obtain the qualification of BSBHRM512A Develop and manage performance management process, the skills and knowledge required are as below: Skills Learner should have:   analytical skills to: o analyse relevant workplace information and data o contribute to the assessment of resources needed to manage risk and where appropriate access these resources o identify areas for WHS improvement communication skills to: o  conduct effective formal and informal meetings and communicate effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation o prepare reports for a range of target groups, including health and safety committees, health and safety representatives, managers, supervisors, and persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers consultation, facilitation and negotiation skills to:  o develop and implement plans o implement and monitor designated actions information technology skills to:  o download and upload information o use WHSMS and other software numeracy skills to analyse workplace information and data  organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe  project-management skills to achieve change in WHS matters. Knowledge  barriers to WHSMS implementation and strategies to remove them  documents relating to WHSMS, including: o regulatory authority WHSMS tools, standards and guidance o Australian Standard AS/NZS 4801:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – Specification with guidance for use o Australian Standard AS/NZS 4804:2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques o Standards Australia publication HB211-2001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems – A Guide to AS4801 for Small Business nature of information and data that provide valid and reliable measures of WHS performance and WHSMS, including positive performance indicators relevant commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, regulations, codes of practice, standards, guidance material and other relevant publications requirements for recordkeeping that address WHS, privacy and other relevant legislation WHSMS WHSMS certification and auditing standards, processes and requirements.      BSBWHS605A Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Assessment Part A Propose the WHS management system Performance objective The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to consult on and analyse workplace needs to: ● propose an appropriate WHS management system ● develop WHS policy ● build management commitment to the proposed WHS management system (WHSMS). Specifications You must: ● participate in presentation and consultation session (role-play) with board of directors and CEO ● submit a written outline of WHSMS core elements (revised if needed) including responses to: ○ Store Manager, Amanda Kaisig ○ worker representative, Pat Lee ● submit a draft WHS policy (revised if needed). Your assessor will be looking for: ● analytical skills to analyse relevant workplace information and data ● communication skills to conduct effective formal and informal meetings and communicate effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation ● consultation, facilitation and negotiation skills to gather input and build support for plans ● information technology skills to conduct research, create documentation and present information ● organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe ● knowledge of standards relating to WHSMS ● knowledge of relevant commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts, Regulations, codes of practice, standards, guidance material and other relevant publications ● knowledge of requirements for record-keeping that address WHS, privacy and other relevant legislation ● knowledge of WHS management systems ● knowledge of WHSMS certification and auditing standards, processes and requirements. Adjustment for distance-based learners Management role-play can be varied to take place by videoconference (using videoconference software such as Skype). BSBWHS605A Develop, implement and maintain WHS management systems BSBWHS605A Develop. Note: some relevant information may be gathered from the simulated workplace information provided below. Arrange a time with your assessor to complete management role-play in which you propose design of your WHS management system and WHS policy to the board of directors and CEO during a meeting. you will present a draft WHS policy for consultation. including core elements of the system: ○ ○ ○ ○ organisational requirements for WHS management responsibilities and accountabilities for WHS WHS risk management and procedures documentation and record-keeping requirements for monitoring and review and demonstration of compliance ○ employee capability and need for training. During the meeting. Procedure 1. Review the simulated workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd (below). risk management and recordkeeping. Amanda Kaisig needs to be reassured that the new system will deal systematically with all health and safety problems. Develop a draft WHS policy for Pitstop Pty Ltd. to support your proposal for the design of a WHSMS. Develop a written outline of core elements of your proposed WHS management system and your response to issues raised by Amanda Kaisig and Pat Lee: ○ Store Manager of flagship store. Pat Lee is willing to communicate the importance and benefits of the new WHSMS to workers.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Assessment description Using the scenario information supplied. you will conduct an initial review of the workplace. for example on: ○ Victorian WHS legal framework ○ NSW or Qld WHS Act. ○ Worker representative from former ISS stores. Conduct an initial review of the simulated workplace. that the board of directors is fully committed and will provide the required resources. 2. 7. Conduct any research necessary to support your proposal for the design of a WHSMS. ○ relevant standards for WHS management systems. in which you will propose the design of an appropriate WHSMS and consult with management. You will then participate in a management meeting (a role-play). 4. 3. implement and maintain WHS management systems . 6. Review the summaries of consultation meetings with organisational stakeholders to gain input into proposed WHSMS (you will need to address the stakeholder concerns in your WHSMS). 5. but only if convinced of the benefits to workers and that management has given its full commitment any new WHSMS. some information may be gathered through the process of consultation. BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management 8. Incorporate necessary changes into your WHS policy draft and design of WHSMS based on consultation. In a 10–15 minute role-play presentation and consultation session. implement and maintain WHS management systems . propose the design of an appropriate WHS management system and WHS draft policy to the board of directors and CEO. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records. including those related to record-keeping ○ WHS policy requirements ○ how policy will be communicated to employees ○ how design of WHS management system and WHS policy meet internal and external requirements ○ possible certification option and process of certification. Note that. BSBWHS605A Develop. during the presentation and consultation session. 9. you will need to: ○ answer questions ○ ask for feedback and input into the system ○ work to build support and ask for management commitment to policy and WHSMS. 10. Submit all documents to your assessor as per the specifications below. Ensure you lead the meeting and discuss: ○ core elements of system and proposed changes or additions ○ relevant standards ○ relevant legislative requirements for WHS management. codes of practice. you will develop and submit a portfolio of planning and implementation documentation for a pilot program at the Pitstop Pty Ltd Wollongong service station. including positive performance indicators ● knowledge of WHS management systems. guidance material and other relevant publications ● knowledge of the nature of information and data that provide valid and reliable measures of WHS performance and WHSMS. you will carry out a number of planning and implementation activities and role-play consultation with stakeholders. implement and maintain WHS management systems . and the WHS policy and management system design you developed for Assessment Task 1. To complete the Assessment Task requirements. standards. Adjustment for distance-based learners Role-plays can be varied to take place by videoconference (using videoconference software such as Skype). Regulations. Specifications You must: ● participate in two consultation role-plays: ○ meeting with the board of directors and senior management ○ meeting with the Wollongong manager and HSR ● submit an outline of plan containing outcomes of consultation ● submit an draft risk assessment and control procedure ● submit draft and final implementation/action plans for the Wollongong store Your assessor will be looking for: ● analytical skills to: ○ analyse relevant workplace information and data ○ contribute to the assessment of resources needed to manage risk and where appropriate access these resources ● communication skills to conduct effective formal and informal meetings and communicate effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation ● consultation.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Assessment Part B Performance objective The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to plan and to implement a WHS management system. BSBWHS605A Develop. create documentation and present information ● numeracy skills to estimate costs of WHSMS ● organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe ● project management skills to develop plans to achieve change ● knowledge of barriers to WHSMS implementation and strategies to remove them ● knowledge of standards relating to WHSMS ● knowledge of relevant commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts. Assessment description Using the scenario information supplied. facilitation and negotiation skills to develop and implement plans ● information technology skills to conduct research. Develop a draft risk assessment and control procedure. etc. 5. implement and maintain WHS management systems . and implementation of system. 9. BSBWHS605A Develop. 10. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the board of directors and senior management (in a role-play) to discuss the requirements of the WHS plan: identification and control of hazards.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Procedure 1. 8. Lead the role-play meeting with board of directors and senior management to: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ outline requirements of WHS planning. Note: Ensure you anticipate possible issues and objections and use communication skills to build consensus and support for system. 4. compliance. Make adjustments to implementation plan after consultation with Wollongong manager. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records. required activities under your plan. Lead role-play meeting with Wollongong manager and HSR to: ○ outline requirements of implementation. Arrange with your assessor to meet with the Wollongong manager to discuss implementation. Develop a draft implementation/action plan for the Wollongong store. Review the simulated workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd provided in this task. refer to appropriate standards discuss and consult on procedures to manage WHS risk discuss and consult on compliance and standards to adhere to discuss and consult on WHS targets and performance measures describe key elements of implementation to be piloted at Wollongong store. 2. for example training costs highlighted areas of integration with other management systems. Prepare to plan and implement elements of the WHSMS in consultation with relevant individuals and parties. performance monitoring. refer to appropriate standards ○ discuss and consult on procedures and processes to manage WHS risk ○ discuss and consult on key features of implementation included in plan Note: Ensure you anticipate possible issues and objections and use communication skills to build consensus and support for system. and capabilities of current employees – communication and consultation – monitoring and reporting. 6. such as regular safety audits responsibilities and accountabilities timelines targets resources and estimated costs. Develop an outline of plan containing outcomes of consultation. Include: ○ specific activities for: – initial launch of WHSMS including development of policies and procedures ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ (safety procedures. Review the WHSMS design and WHS policy you proposed in Assessment 1. 3. Submit all portfolio documents to your assessor as per the specifications below.) – ongoing activities – training: consider current activities undertaken by staff. record-keeping procedures. 7. health and safety representatives. Specifications You must: ● participate in two consultation role-plays: ○ meeting with the store managers on monitoring and reporting ○ meeting with the board of directors and senior management to review performance of WHSMS and make recommendations ● submit amended targets and KPIs. including health and safety committees. audit and reporting as a result of consultation ● submit a written report containing recommendations for improvement of the WHS management system. managers. supervisors. Your assessor will be looking for: ● analytical skills to identify areas for WHS improvement ● communication skills to: ○ conduct effective formal and informal meetings and communicate effectively with personnel at all levels of the organisation ○ prepare reports for a range of target groups. review and improve WHS performance. guidance material and other relevant publications ● knowledge of WHS management systems. codes of practice. procedures for performance management. BSBWHS605A Develop. including positive performance indicators ● knowledge of relevant commonwealth and state or territory WHS Acts. Adjustment for distance-based learners Role-plays can be varied to take place by videoconference (using videoconference software such as Skype). standards. create documentation and present information ● numeracy skills to analyse workplace information and data ● organisational skills to manage own tasks within a timeframe ● knowledge of barriers to WHSMS implementation and strategies to remove them ● knowledge of documents relating to WHSMS standards ● knowledge of the nature of information and data that provide valid and reliable measures of WHS performance and WHSMS. and persons conducting businesses or undertakings (PCBUs) or their officers ● consultation. evaluate. Regulations.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Assessment Part C Performance objective The candidate will demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to measure. facilitation and negotiation skills to implement and monitor designated actions ● information technology skills to conduct research into WHSMS systems. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Consider outcome and management KPIs. 3. Refer to appropriate standards. content of audits. Consult with managers on implementation of performance monitoring and audit procedures. performance management.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Assessment description Using the scenario information supplied in this task. Stress the importance of the process for continuous improvement of health and safety outcomes. You will consult with managers to gain input into and support implementation of monitoring and evaluation activities to measure WHS performance against organisational outcomes and individual performance. Arrange with your assessor to consult with managers (in role-play) on implementation of performance monitoring and audit procedures. Remember to seek input. you will undertake a number of monitoring and evaluation tasks. defend your processes when necessary or appropriate. Using data provided. Present data and recommendations. Note: if you have not already developed or considered performance measures. 6. Prepare to discuss: ○ The measurement and evaluation requirements of the WHS plan. What are the gaps? ○ Consider possible causal relationships between data and aspects of the WHSMS implementation. ○ Develop draft recommendations for improving the WHSMS. You need to: ○ Consider the relationship between the data and the WHSMS targets and performance indicators. 4. and planning materials developed in Assessment Tasks 1 and 2. performance management. amend targets and KPIs. present a draft report to senior management and provide a final written report containing results of analysis and recommendations for improvement of the WHSMS. BSBWHS605A Develop. Begin your presentation with an explanation of the review process. and reporting and audit procedures. Consider schedule for audits. ○ Consider existing procedures and ways to improve them. 7. Following consultation. ○ Audit and reporting process for managers. analyse information and data for the 6 month period postimplementation. tools such as checklists which may help implementation. Stress the benefits to the organisation and benefits to managers where appropriate. Arrange with your assessor to consult with the board of directors and senior management (in role-play) to present WHS performance data and recommendations. you will need to prepare or source draft procedures as the basis of consultation with managers. You will then analyse and evaluate WHS performance data. ○ Setting targets and KPIs for managers and employees in accordance with organisational objectives for the WHS. 2. Review planning materials you developed for Assessment Tasks 1 and 2. 5. and explain the most practical ways possible for managers to implement the procedures you have developed. audit and reporting procedures based on the information you have gathered through consultation. Review the simulated workplace information for Pitstop Pty Ltd. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Procedure 1. ○ Consider possible improvements to address root causes of performance issues. explain your reasoning and support with evidence). prepare a report containing: ○ Executive summary (briefly summarise report). ○ Conclusions (make conclusions based on analysis. Refer to standards and legal compliance where relevant to support recommendations 9. Ensure you keep a copy of all work submitted for your records. ○ Body (analyse data from scenario. determine root causes of performance issues). ○ Recommendations (At least 4 recommendations to improve performance based on analysis). Submit your report to your assessor as per the specifications below. explore possible solutions.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management 8. BSBWHS605A Develop. discuss possible causes. Based on your analysis and consultation with the board of directors and senior management. implement and maintain WHS management systems . He has operated service stations for most of the last 25 years and relies on his hands-on approach to monitor and instruct staff on what to do. chairman and CEO. Pitstop has raised sufficient finance to buy out the Independent Service Station (ISS) chain of nine stores across Victoria. Most employees. a retail shop. In the past eight months. Pitstop service stations are currently located in: ● Victoria: ○ Craigieburn ○ Bendigo ○ Shepparton ○ Wodonga ● NSW: ○ Ballina ○ Wagga Wagga ○ Wollongong ● Qld: ○ Coolangatta ○ Ipswich ○ Toowoomba. hot pies (heated from frozen on the premises) and cold drinks. A significant proportion has poor English literacy. have a high-school level of education. Store Manager’s office and stockroom. Jim Murphy.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Appendix 1 Simulated workplace scenario – Pitstop Pty Ltd Pitstop is a privately owned company that until recently operated one independent service station in Melbourne’s north. Pitstop has a workforce of approximately 60 employees. including poor reading comprehension. Including the retained staff from the ISS buyout stores. implement and maintain WHS management systems . The flagship store has an attached office space that accommodates the directors and senior management staff. oil. but not all. All stores have computerised point-of-sale terminals that are linked to the company’s enterprise resource planning and accounting systems. BSBWHS605A Develop. Jim plans to continue the expansion until the optimum target of 30 service stations is secured for the Victoria. NSW and Queensland market. supermarket goods. Pitstop service stations trade 24 hours. The employees come from a wide range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The owner. has run the company for the past five years. They typically include a vehicle access forecourt with at least six pump stations. a food bar. They sell fuel. NSW and Queensland and rebrand them all as Pitstop. gas. You also used the National Safety Council of Australia (NSCA) to train the managers about WHS responsibilities and obligations. in the interest of efficiency. Alan noted that. as far as is practicable. make sure you consult with and include the board.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Background to WHSMS You have been employed by Pitstop as the General Manager – Retail. In developing the WHSMS. but would rather you come back to us with recommendations on the resources required to do the WHSMS right. Alan said: With our expansion plans we have to be very concerned about our brand image. customers. I believe that work should be a happy place because a happy workplace is a productive one. from a single hands-on operation to a multi-store enterprise with plans to triple in size in the next five years. and the board takes the legal responsibilities we have as company directors in regard to WHS very seriously. implement and maintain WHS management systems . it tends to cultivate long-term employees. to ensure a workplace that is safe and without risks to the health of our employees. We handle a lot of hazardous substances in our service stations. You have been asked to design and develop a WHS Management System (WHSMS) to manage WHS for Pitstop as one of your initial tasks. I don’t want to pressure you. implement changes and develop reports. Also. We need a system that can be effectively implemented and monitored without me having to be there. it would be a good idea to integrate existing management systems with the new WHSMS. suppliers and visitors to the sites. Alan Harvey who explained that he leaves Jim to worry about the company operations while he concentrates on strategic planning. Absenteeism has gone up and I believe that it is caused by low staff morale connected to work health and safety. We can’t afford to have it tarnished by bad press concerning the way we care for our sites. But I can’t be in ten places at once. After the interview. Alan went on to say: This is a critical area for our short-term and long-term future. I was always very careful to tell my staff how to work safely and made sure any potential hazards were dealt with before they caused injury. BSBWHS605A Develop. Jim explained that: Pitstop has just gone through a tremendous transformation. This may involve adapting policies from other management systems at Pitstop or those legacy policies retained from the ISS buyout stores. Your response was that you had been involved the rollout of a similar program with Australian Petroleum. Jim introduced you to key investor and board member. but it is imperative that this WHSMS be in place in four months time when we meet with all key stakeholders of Pitstop. You may need to create or rewrite organisational policies as well as devise training schemes. You had used WHS consultants in areas where the company management required additional expertise. You think NSCA may also be useful for training the Pitstop Store Managers on WHS compliance as would St John’s Ambulance in certifying all managers with first aid competency. We want you to design and develop a WHSMS. Alan asked you about the way you intend to go about setting up the WHSMS for Pitstop and whether you will be needing any help in achieving the task by the due date. In the employment interview. We don’t want to set a budget. The board of directors has made me acutely aware that we can’t manage the present and future operations the way I have in the past. When I managed the single store we never had the injuries and time off work that we are having at the moment. BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Pitstop Pty Ltd organisation Pitstop WHS strategic plan 2014 excerpt Mission statement Pitstop aims to be the first-choice provider of fuel and snacks for Australian motorists. Pitstop organisational structure Board of directors and CEO Executive Assistant General Manager – Finance and Operations General Manager – Retail Senior Accountant Store Managers Records clerk Shift Managers and Cashiers BSBWHS605A Develop. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Pitstop is committed to providing employees and customers with a healthy and safe environment. Change display board prices. Employees ● ● ● ● ● ● Ongoing activities Serve customers. ● Receive deliveries of LPG and petrol. ● Coach/train employees. ● Aid employees where required. ● Reorganise reserve stock. BSBWHS605A Develop. Banking notes and cash register balancing. Weekly activities ● Measure the fuel volumes in the underground storage tanks. Store managers Ongoing activities ● Monitor employees under supervision.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Pitstop workplace operations Store activities list The following activities are carried out at Pitstop. inventory and banking reports for General Managers. ● Induct new employees. Mop and clean floors. Daily activities ● Sales. Move stock from reserve to retail shelves. shop and reserve. Replace water and supplies on the forecourt. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Receive and store frozen and refrigerated food items. ● Provide reports to senior management as requested. Resolve issues associated with use of petrol or LPG pumps. Heat pies. ● Receive and store retail products. Pick up all rubbish on the forecourt. ● Stocktake inventory items on forecourt. Once-a-day activities ● ● ● ● ● Clean all forecourt pumps. Yearly activities ● Performance Review and Development Program (PRDP). has compiled an incident summary report. Incident summary report for previous 6 months Incident type Work days lost Number Who affected? Fuel spill 33 3 customers with fuel on clothes 10 litre fuel spill into drains Fire in rubbish bin 2 Staff with smoke inhalation Slip on wet shop floor 3 2 employees 1 customer 6 Falling stock in reserve 6 6 employees 2 Trip 2 1 customer (cracks in concrete of forecourt) 1 employee (cluttered reserve corridor) 0 Burns (ovens) 42 employees 23 Fatigued legs 2 2 employees 2 Eye and breathing difficulties related to fumes from oven cleaner 3 1 employee 1 0 0. Amanda Kaisig. You have also conducted store visits to observe conditions and conducted a review of record-keeping systems.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management WHS initial review and data gathering One of the first tasks that the directors have asked you to perform was to review the existing WHS situation at Pitstop. implement and maintain WHS management systems .5 BSBWHS605A Develop. Pitstop’s most senior Store Manager. No stress mats for the cashier who has to stand on concrete floors for 7. hard hats. ● No record-keeping policies. ● Missing incident reports. No staff noticeboard for safety information. who is responsible for keeping all of Pitstop’s records. No emergency preparedness posters in the stores. No induction of new staff on WHS. Contractors and subcontractors not informed about their duty of care on-site. Material safety data sheets seem to be available for most dangerous goods such as petrol and LPG. No safety audits or inspections have been undertaken regularly. Register of hazardous substances and dangerous goods kept in store but not updated. No real training of staff – supervision more on sales and cost control. But not used all the time by staff. You discover: ● No training records are kept of employees and subcontractors to provide evidence of workplace competencies. Store managers have been given authorisation to fully stock first aid kits. Anti-glare screens have been installed on the computer and point-of-sale screens.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Store visits Your visit of the stores identified the following points: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Unwanted chemicals have been eliminated from the flagship store. Some goods are being supplied in quantities that make lifting them very difficult. BSBWHS605A Develop. First aid kits in every store – most fully stocked. ● Records relating to workers compensation claims are kept in an unlocked cabinet. implement and maintain WHS management systems .5 hour shift. ● Insurance policies are in place but may not have been appropriately updated after the buyout of the ISS service stations. Extensive Personal Protective Equipment including hearing or eye protection. ● In the files you discover some other relevant documents including the current policy and procedures that have been adopted from the buyout stores. safety vests. ● No rehabilitation policy. not WHS. ● Electronic data is backed-up periodically. ● Paper record-keeping is hard to use to compile WHS performance data for individual stores and the organisation. ● Archiving of records is practiced and appropriate. There is no planned schedule. Records You check with the Records Clerk. Only a few safe working procedures clearly visible or available. As a flexible and family-friendly business. and provide high levels of job satisfaction and a strong collaborative and collegiate culture while at the same time reducing stress and turnover. implement and maintain WHS management systems . A breach of this policy will be dealt with in the same manner as a breach of any WHS Policy and standard disciplinary procedures will apply. ISS recognises that its staff members have responsibilities and commitments extending beyond the working environment. ISS has a duty under WHS legislation. management will need to consider work requirements and the current and potential needs of others in responding. ISS is aware that these responsibilities and commitments can have a significant impact on employment opportunities and is committed to providing an accessible. Staff will be provided with a positive work climate where supervisors strive to meet expectations in accommodating life and personal responsibilities. Promotion and support of the balance of work and personal needs for staff will position ISS as an employer of choice. smoke inside buildings or premises or any enclosed workplaces. supportive and flexible environment for all staff. keeping in mind that the ISS seeks: ● minimisation of disadvantage(s) that may result from competing commitments ● an environment that is supportive and accepting of the responsibilities of caregivers and staff with cultural obligations. A designated area will be available where smokers will be able to smoke during scheduled work breaks. In responding to requests for arrangements relating to work/life balance. Areas other than those designated will be smoke-free to eliminate the hazards of environmental tobacco smoke. Employees may not. The designated areas will be away from flammable or other dangerous activities. to provide a safe working environment and to protect the health of all employees from any illness and injury arising from the workplace. initiate a high level of commitment from staff to the work and ideals of ISS. ISS smoking policy As an employer. at any time. BSBWHS605A Develop. as long as this does not cause harm or discomfort to other employees in the workplace.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Policy and procedures documents (retained from ISS buyout stores) ISS work/life balance policy ISS aims to provide a flexible and family-friendly workplace that reasonably accommodates external commitments and carer responsibilities. Sexual harassment may include such actions as: ● dirty jokes. It has nothing to do with mutual attraction or genuine affection between people. It should not be confused with genuine compliments or behaving with common courtesy. demeaning. implement and maintain WHS management systems . ISS considers sexual harassment an unacceptable form of behaviour which will not be tolerated under any circumstances. ISS alcohol and drugs policy ISS recognises the value of its employees and is committed to promoting and maintaining the health and wellbeing of every member of its work force. patting. touching or unnecessary familiarity ● persistent demands for sexual favours or social outings ● displays of offensive posters. Alcohol and other drugs can influence an employee’s ability to maintain safe work practices and can endanger themselves and others. offensive or compromising. contractors and sub-contractors have a responsibility to present for work and remain not influenced by alcohol and other drugs. undertakes to educate all employees on the issue of sexual harassment to avoid its incidence and to inform employees of procedures to deal with the problem should it occur. offensive written messages (email/text message). or offensive telephone calls ● leering. derogatory comments. pictures or graffiti. ISS. Such friendships.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS sexual harassment policy ISS recognises that sexual harassment is a serious issue and is committed to providing a workplace free from sexual harassment. BSBWHS605A Develop. pinching. whether sexual or not. It can be experienced anywhere in the workforce and by both men and women. Behaviour is against the law if it makes you feel: ● offended and humiliated ● intimidated and frightened ● uncomfortable at work. are a private concern. What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is any deliberate verbal or physical conduct that is unwelcome and uninvited. embarrassing. All employees. Working relationships and standards of behaviour between employees are important workplace issues. over time. physically or morally by (threat of) superior force. A variety of behaviours and acts may constitute bullying which. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Bullying may be perpetrated by an individual who may be a work colleague. a supervisor or any person who is part of the work environment. The ISS code of conduct sets out principles for behaviour required in the workplace. Bullying is physical or psychological behaviour or conduct where strength (including strength in personality) and/or a position of power is misused by a person in a position of authority or by a person who perceives that they are in a position of power or authority. These may include: ● threats ● verbal abuse ● shouting ● constant unconstructive criticism ● blaming ● sarcasm and other forms of demeaning language ● coercion ● punitive behaviour ● isolation ● deliberately withholding information that a person needs to exercise her or his role or entitlements within the organisation ● repeated refusal of requests for leave or training without adequate explanation and suggestion of alternatives. To bully is to oppress or persecute. create a negative workplace environment. A bully is a person who uses strength or power to coerce others by fear. namely that: ● all people should be treated with respect ● all employees should develop an awareness about the impact of their behaviour on others ● there is agreement about what is appropriate behaviour at work. ISS considers that bullying in the workplace is inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour and those employees found to have either committed or condoned such behaviour in the workplace may be subject to disciplinary action. peer-to-peer bullying is not uncommon and is an equally unacceptable behaviour at ISS. While bullying is normally associated with unequal power relationships. BSBWHS605A Develop.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS bullying and harassment policy ISS is committed to providing a working environment that is free from bullying. Policy Each Store Manager at ISS should provide support and guidance to their employees. The PRDP has the following aims: ● encouraging and facilitating high performance among ISS employees ● recognition of achievement and training ● facilitating feedback and consultation between management and staff ● identifying employee development and training needs. implement and maintain WHS management systems . all Store Managers will be trained in the principles and practice of PRDP to ensure effective implementation of the PRDP process. Responsibility Managers are responsible for ensuring that PRDP is implemented for all employees for whom they are designated supervisors. PRDP should be repeated over a twelve month cycle. Scope This policy applies to all employees of ISS. PRDP will be implemented in accordance with the principles of fairness. To describe ISS’s Performance Review and Development Program (PRDP).BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS performance management policy Purpose To support ISS’s commitment to providing a high-performance and satisfying work environment. Together. To facilitate the PRDP. Both will then negotiate how these plans will be implemented. each employee and their supervisor will develop a performance plan and a professional development plan. Store Managers should discuss performance and development. equity and in accordance with relevant legislation and various ISS policies. BSBWHS605A Develop. To this end. The induction process has two components ● ISS corporate induction ● local induction. Scope This policy applies to all employees of ISS. for example. BSBWHS605A Develop.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS induction policy Purpose To support ISS’s commitment to induction of all new employees. Inductions should: ● encourage commitment to the mission and strategic goals of ISS ● welcome and introduce staff members to the workplace ● provide any information necessary to enable new employees to perform their duties. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Policy Each employee should be systematically introduced to their job roles and should be provided with the information they require to succeed and develop. Responsibility Managers are responsible for ensuring that the induction process is implemented for all employees for whom they are designated supervisors. To describe ISS’s induction process. store induction. Stop pump. Keep access corridors to emergency exits clear. Place absorbent mats on the spill. FIRE. to you. BSBWHS605A Develop. Call for assistance as soon as it is appropriate to do so. Clear persons from area. 3. Supervisors and managers should endeavour to have a current first aid certificate. 2. to the casualty. Call for assistance and call out “FIRE. implement and maintain WHS management systems . 5. ○ Check for a RESPONSE ○ Check the AIRWAY ○ Check for BREATHING ○ Check for CIRCULATION 3. Follow CPR procedure where appropriate: ○ Check for DANGER. 2. 2. Assess the danger. to others. 3. FIRE” in a loud and clear voice. 4. 4.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS emergency procedures Fire emergency All fire exits should be kept clear of obstacles. Wheel prepared fuel spill kit bin to the affected area. Close door to the fire area if possible. 5. Attack the fire with the correct extinguisher or fire hose. Clear soaked mats and place them in the discard bin. First aid 1. In the case of a fire: 1. Fuel spill Fuel spills can happen when filling tanks. When notified of a fuel spill: 1. Assist anyone in the vicinity of the fire away from danger. Partition the hazard. BSBWHS605A Develop. implement and maintain WHS management systems . 6. 5. Clear area. Press hidden alarm. 5. Clear hazard if safe to do so. Stay calm. Talk in a calm voice. 3. 4. 2.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Armed holdup 1. Note as many details as possible about the person. Don’t argue. 6. 7. It is expected that each staff member will report and act upon potential workplace hazards. Report hazard to owner or manager. Process for identification of new hazard: 1. 3. 2. 4. Always give them what they want. Complete all documentation. New staff should be made aware of any hazards that exist within the workplace and the way ISS manages the potential risk from that hazard. ISS hazard control procedures All staff should be made aware of this policy and procedure within several months of commencing work at ISS. Report details to police. Identify hazard. by touching metal parts of your vehicle) before refuelling. ● Prolonged exposure to vapours can adversely affect health. saturate the area with water. Driveway safety ● Start your engine and move your vehicle only AFTER refuelling is completed and the nozzle has been returned to the pump. Children – ONLY adults (15 years or older) are permitted to fill fuel tanks. Using a mobile phone while refuelling can cause a lapse in concentration. wash immediately with soap and water. which may ignite vapours. Motorcycles – Always dismount your motorcycle prior to and during refuelling. Refuelling petrol vehicles – Take care. implement and maintain WHS management systems .BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management ISS safe fuel handling – Instructions for customers Car engines – By law you must switch off your engine before and during refuelling. static discharge from clothing may ignite vapours. Reduce speed and be aware of moving vehicles and pedestrians. damage your car. ● It is illegal to pour fuel into drains or sumps. Autogas (LPG) – If you detect an LPG leak press the emergency stop button and advise staff immediately.g. Filling containers – Fill only properly labelled containers which have been stamped to say they are approved to carry flammable liquids. ● If fuel splashes on your skin. ● If your clothing is splashed with fuel. Mobile phones – Dropping a mobile phone can cause sparks. you and your passengers are required to extinguish your cigarettes. ● Service station driveways are busy places. lead to fuel leakage and possibly cause a fire. well ventilated location out of children’s reach. ● Always label and store fuel in a cool. ● Pull-away of hose and nozzle may hurt people around you. Safe fuel handling – Please be careful when handling or storing fuel for any purpose: ● Contact with fuel can burn or irritate skin and eyes. Caravans and food vans – By law you are required to extinguish all pilot lights. ● Do not re-enter your vehicle during refuelling – stay outside. Smoking – By law. Prevention of static electricity ● Discharge static electricity (e. BSBWHS605A Develop. ● The large number of burns is worrying and also symptomatic of the lack of procedures and training for all processes. We advertise our responsibility to the environment. It hardly comes up in store meetings and agendas proposed by the managers of the buyout stores. As for training. I know that only a few of the buyout managers have this qualification. Jim was always very attentive to WHS issues in this store but I’m not so confident about the buyout stores. was very difficult to evaluate. We have not had any issues here. They tend to introduce the new staff to the potential hazards as they arise in the work activities. BSBWHS605A Develop. Despite issues with buyout stores’ safety. Jim did not have a lot of documented policy and procedures but he was very conscious of the importance of WHS for the staff. As you can see. Managers were just given an instruction book that was translated from Japanese.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Consultation with stakeholders Meeting with Store Manager – Flagship Store Amanda Kaisig Amanda is very concerned about the number of incidents since Pitstop’s buyout of ISS. because of time pressures. There is also a risk of failing to comply with environmental laws. I don’t think the new buyout stores concentrate on the induction phase with new employees. He trained me. That was part of the buyout. Amanda is concerned that. but I have never accessed it and I know he keeps a copy of the WHS Act and Regulations in his files because I have seen them there. the system that worked on a small scale is inadequate to deal systematically with the present size of operations. Safety performance. because of poor and antiquated record-keeping practices. implement and maintain WHS management systems . we have tended to adopt their policy and procedures until we can fully develop Pitstop’s own. since the Pitstop buyout of ISS. Jim never questions the money I spend to keep the personal safety equipment in full stock but I know they have been on a restricted budget in the buyout stores. however she was able to compile the summary report: ● Fuel spills could have catastrophic consequences. The staff members need to be very careful when using the oven cleaner as well. when all stores were fitted with the new LG MP9485S 34L Silver Colour Solar DOM (10amp) ovens and a pie warmer so that all the stores could sell Jim’s favourite multiple sale product – pies. There is also the risk of potential loss of customer good will. well Jim did it all. They were not trading very well before Pitstop took them over and I don’t think WHS was a key focus of those stores. He authorised resources for my St John’s first-aid course and actually gave me time off work to do it. Jim was always keen to show new employees the dangers that were specific to this job and the ways he wanted the risks managed and actioned. It can give off some very caustic fumes. I know Jim looks at the WorkSafe Victoria website. but the new stores had no training on the new oven. but I know that with all the increased activity he has not had the time to train the other managers as he would have liked. ● The workers are unsure if the issues raised by them actually make it to the General Manager or the board of directors. ● Workers would like to be represented by an elected HSR. ● Jim (the CEO) seems to be appreciated as a great oral communicator but the workers complained that they had no real written instructions. ● Poor morale is leading to absenteeism and presenteeism. Presenteeism is particularly worrisome because it can mean workers are more susceptible to injuries when they are not fully committed. ● Some of the workers have contacted their union representatives who have given their members information about WHS Act. WHS policy and procedures need to be included in induction or training. ● Few workers feel adequately trained to perform their role safely. They are not sure that their Shift Managers and Store Managers are that interested.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Meeting with workers’ representative former ISS stores – Pat Lee Pat Lee Pat Lee has met with 40 workers and managers from the former ISS stores. ● Workers that work in the late night and over night shifts complained most about not being informed about WHS issues. ● No one-on-one training was given by technical experts on how to operate the new pie oven and warmer safely. ● Store managers are unclear about reporting process and legal obligations. BSBWHS605A Develop. implement and maintain WHS management systems . He has compiled a list of their concerns: ● Few health and safety issues have been raised by management in the buyout stores over the past two years. NSW service station. with a representative workforce of relatively new employees and with only a few long-serving staff. implement and maintain WHS management systems . There are several key tasks to perform. NSW and Queensland.’ The key objectives for the WHSMS implementation are to: ● ● ● ● ● minimise injuries reduce number of days of lost work establish risk management process ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS ensure employee buy-in across the organisation. Pitstop Wollongong is the service station with the most WHS incidents to-date. As CEO Jim Murphy states. BSBWHS605A Develop. will mean that the effect of any successes or failures will be amplified – we may only get one chance to get this implementation right. You have now been authorised to plan and implement the system. Crucially for senior management. and replication of management structures and systems. ‘…the rapid expansion of our business. however. you will need to carry out planning and implementation in close consultation with stakeholders to ensure buy-in across the organisation. including: ● lead meeting with the board of directors and senior management to consult on planning ● develop a 1–2 page draft risk assessment and control procedure ● develop a draft implementation/action plan for the Wollongong store ● lead meeting with the Wollongong manager and HSR to consult on implementation.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Appendix 2 Simulated workplace scenario – Pitstop Pty Ltd In order to ensure that the WHSMS and its accompanying documentation will meet the needs and expectations of all Pitstop employees across Victoria. you are piloting your WHSMS implementation in the Wollongong. You have met with the CEO of Pitstop and all relevant Pitstop stakeholders to consult on the general design of the WHS management system. Senior management sees the implementation of the WHSMS as a great opportunity to build a self-sustaining and reinforcing culture of safety that systematically reduces risk across the expanding business. No previous managerial experience. Not sure how WHSMS could integrate with existing systems. BSBWHS605A Develop. Adequate knowledge of all safety procedures but unsure of risk assessment process.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Pitstop workplace current (pre-WHSMS) operations Store activities list {REFER APPENDIX 1} Wollongong store employee skills Employee Comments Store Manager 1 year managerial experience. No formal training experience. Limited knowledge of WHS legal framework – originally from UK. No understanding of performance measures. No idea how to use the pie oven. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Good written and verbal communication skills. Good knowledge of WHS legal framework. Adequate knowledge of safety and emergency procedures. Can use the pie oven. 2 years training experience. No first aid training. No first aid training. Certificate IV in Training and Assessment. otherwise familiar with all store procedures. Excellent verbal communication but poor written communication skills. Can write reports. Adequate knowledge of safety and emergency procedures. Shift Manager 1 18 months experience – 6 months as shift manager. Competent in all aspects of working in a petrol station. No knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Good written and verbal communication skills. Can use pie oven. provides informal training to new staff. Shift Manager 2 5 years experience. Poor written and verbal communication skills. Not yet competent in all aspects of working in a petrol station. implement and maintain WHS management systems . No idea how to use the pie oven. No knowledge of safety or emergency procedures. but adequate knowledge of emergency procedures. BSBWHS605A Develop. Good verbal communication but poor written communication skills. Competent in all aspects of working in a petrol station. Can use all in store equipment safely. Some experience with other pie ovens.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Employee Comments Cashier 1 2 years experience. Adequate knowledge of safety and emergency procedures. but unsure of outdoor safety procedures. No knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Adequate knowledge of safety and emergency procedures. Cashier 6 3 months experience. No knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Cashier 3 12 months experience. Good written and verbal communication skills. No knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Not yet competent in all aspects of working in a petrol station. No idea how to use the pie oven. No knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Good written and verbal communication skills. Adequate knowledge of emergency procedures. No knowledge of safety procedures. Competent in all aspects of working in a petrol station. Cashier 4 6 months experience. Can use pie oven. Good verbal communication but poor written communication skills. Can use pie oven. Adequate knowledge of WHS legal requirements. Cashier 2 18 months experience. The CEO has explained what the directors will require in your report: ● In your executive summary. you should summarise areas of poor performance and determine root causes. ● In your conclusions. ● In your analysis. ● In your recommendations. 2. Build a culture of safety in the workplace: ○ ensure employee buy-in across the organisation. you should provide solutions to poor performance and explain how your recommendations will work to improve the system. It is now time for a review of the WHSMS. The directors look forward to your report. Initial feedback from store managers and employees was positive. 4. however the implementation seems to have lost momentum. Provide effective risk management: ○ establish risk management process. you should relate the information about the WHSMS to targets and performance indicators. implement and maintain WHS management systems . you should summarise the main points of your report. BSBWHS605A Develop. The original objectives for the WHS management system appear below. 3. You have been asked by senior management to provide a written report on the performance of the system.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Appendix 3 Simulated workplace scenario – Pitstop Pty Ltd It has been six months since the implementation of the WHS management system across all stores at Pitstop. The CEO has asked you to prepare a 3–4 page report for directors on the performance of the WHS management system. Minimise illness and injuries in the workplace: ○ minimise incidents ○ reduce number of days of lost work. growing from a single store two years ago. The report should contain analysis of the data and recommendations for improvement based on your analysis. The number of employees has grown from 20 to 160 over the course of the implementation of the WHSMS. You should explore possible causes for poor performance and explore potential solutions. which will soon number 30 stores. The implementation has been carried out concurrently with the expansion of the business. 1. Signs are that the rollout has been moderately successful in about half the stores. Provide effective WHS management and leadership: ○ ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS. Data from incident reports. Project management report. Number of reported injuries and near misses in 6 month period. Data from incident reports. Documents developed and distributed in policies and procedures manual to all staff. implement and maintain WHS management systems Safety audits. Number of lost days in 6 month period. Skills assessment of workers.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Strategic implementation plan Key A strategic implementation plan for the organisation has been developed from the WHS management system objectives and appears below: IR Incidence Rate LTIFR Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate Objective Target Implementation Indicator/ monitoring Person To minimise injuries IR=<4 Skills assessment of workers. To reduce number of days of lost work To establish risk management process LTIFR=<6 All employees aware of procedure. Specific training on equipment and job roles. Store Managers Specific training on equipment and job roles. Store Managers Store Managers . BSBWHS605A Develop. All managers have initiated one safety audit and implemented process. Percentage of managers who have completed process over 6 month period. Management reports/training records. Percentage of employees who have completed training. Employee feedback survey on sessions.BSB60407 Advanced Diploma of Management Objective Target Implementation Indicator/ monitoring Person To ensure managers implement WHS policy and WHSMS All managers have performed a skills audit and conducted or initiated appropriate training for employees. Percentage of managers who have performed a skills audit. WHS Manager Manager’s report. Managers to conduct monthly sessions on with employees to explain WHS issues. Management reports. To ensure employee buy-in across the organisation All employees have attended an WHS information session run by managers in 6 months. consultative process. Training for managers on process. etc. implement and maintain WHS management systems Percentage of employees who have attended sessions. BSBWHS605A Develop. WHS Manager and Store Managers . 1 Slipping on floors 2 Employees slipping on wet floors while mopping. one day lost due to smoke inhalation by employee with asthma. 8 Burns 60 Pie oven burns. 20 Eye irritation 2 1 employee splashed fuel in eyes. 10 Lifting injuries 12 Employees injured while receiving and storing stock. 0 Fires 3 3 small fires due to employee and customer cigarette butts. 1 Overall IR=6 Overall LTIFR =12 Additional information Using the approved data collection plan. the following information was collected from various sources for use in the evaluation: BSBWS605A Develop. 4 Breathing difficulties 40 1 employee cleaning pumps with strong solvent. the following data and information was collected for use in the six month evaluation of the WHS management system: Incident report Incident type Number Description Work days lost Fuel spills 38 Some customers and employees with spilled fuel on clothes. implement and maintain WHS management systems . 15 Fatigue from standing 10 Employees complaining of back and foot aches from standing and serving customers all shift. quickly extinguished by customers or staff. 1 Falling stock 10 Employees hit on head. 5 Tripping 8 Employees tripping on exposed pipes and wires.Queensford College BSB60407 Advance Diploma of Management Data collected Using the approved data collection plan. some managers have initiated the use of nozzle guards and automatic pump shut off systems to reduce small and large spills. For example. Some stores have highly popular and informative sessions. however recently not much attention has been paid to maintaining the system. Other managers have chosen to post rules for customers in more visible locations. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Ability for designated staff to understand and follow written risk assessment process impeding progress. Training records 80 employees trained in job role. Managers reports Managers report 250 weekly safety audits of premises Nearly 500 expected. Also. Incident reports Incident reports are not always completed by managers. Employees at some stores complaining about recent introduction of strong solvents. Feedback through HSRs and informal consultation Employees feel that there was a lot of initial managerial enthusiasm for the new WHSMS. job roles and performance indicators set by managers don’t mention WHS. Project management reports 13 managers have completed a skills audit in 6 month period. Risk of serious incidents not being considered in review. Managers run regular sessions based on employee WHS concerns and WHS issues showing in management reports. risk of serious incidents not being reported to relevant WorkCover authority. These same stores have very few incidents.BSB60407 Advance Diploma of Management Source Information and data Employee data report from General Manager – Finance and Operations 160 employees Queensford College 20 stores 20 Store Managers Safety audits 10 audits completed Wide variance in approach to risk taken by various managers. BSBWS605A Develop. Employee feedback survey Employees generally like the idea of training sessions but feel sessions are often disorganised and incompetently run by inexperienced managers. managers at those stores dismiss concerns. at some stores. Employees feel that this send the message: WHS is not genuinely important to role at store. advice from WHS experts Barriers and engineering controls 50% more effective in reducing incidents than signage. Strong correlation shown between smoking rates at stores and willingness to promote a safe working environment. Strong correlation shown between smoking rates at stores and fire incidence. Stable causal link between increased frequency and repetition of safety messages and reduced injury rates.BSB60407 Advance Diploma of Management Queensford College Source Information and data Industry reports and independent scientific studies. implement and maintain WHS management systems . Policy and procedures documents (retained from ISS buyout stores) {REFER APPENDIX 1} BSBWS605A Develop.
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