BS&W Models 4528EZ & 4728 Monitors FMC
BS&W Models 4528EZ & 4728 Monitors FMC
March 26, 2018 | Author: Fernando Mendez | Category:
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Oil/Water MonitorsModels 4528EZ & 4728 Monitors Model CX-645 Probe Bulletin SSIS005 The INVALCO Model 4728 S&W Monitor, in conjunction with a Model 4528EZ Detector and a Model CX-645 Capacitance Probe is a continuous on-line monitor of percent water in a flowing crude oil emulsion stream. This unit displays percent of water in various ranges from 0-5% up to and including 0-20% on a digital LCD indicator. In addition, the Model 4728 provides a 4-20 mA analog output proportional to input range, and a fieldadjusted, time-delayed, limit relay for valve control or alarming. The Model 4728 utilizes CMOS circuitry for low power consumption, high reliability, and wide temperature stability. Features Real-Time Display and Retransmission of S&W - Allows quick response to upset conditions for downstream controls. Adjustable Delay of Relay Closure - Prevents nuisance alarms and “actuator overload”. Direct Analog Output from Model 4528EZ Detector - A 4-20 mA signal is standard from the probe without the need to include the Model 4728 monitor. NACE Adaptable - Can be modified for use in sour service. Model 4728 Monitor and Model CX-645 Probe Display Four digit LCD with decimal point. Analog Outputs 4-20 mA, 2-wire internally powered or 4-20 mA, 3-wire externally powered. Relay Output SPDT Relay, 10A, 250 Vac. 1/2 Hp 250 Vac, 10A - 120 Vac resistive. 1/3 Hp 120 Vac, 10A - 30 Vdc resistive. Time Delay 0 to 90 seconds adjustable in 10 second increments. Off-delay approximately 10% of on-delay time. Temperature Range -20°F to 160°F (-20°C to 70°C). Enclosures NEMA 4X, weatherproof. NEMA 7, explosion-proof, Class I, Division 1, Groups C and D. Applications LACT (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) Units Detect and reroute oil that has been contaminated by excess S&W. Pipeline Loading Monitor transfer of petroleum/condensate products from offshore loading facilities. Dehydration Equipment Determine and enhance equipment efficiencies. Fuel Oil Monitoring Determine contamination of fuel oil by condensation or other external factors before entry to engine. Storage and Treating Facilities Monitoring and early detection of undesirable conditions as well as interface detection during de-watering of storage tanks. Model 4728 Specifications Power Supply 18-28 Vdc @ 130 mA 115/220 Vac S&W Range 0-5%, 0-10%, and 0-20% range options. FMC INVALCO ! Fluid Control ! Stephenville, Texas 76401 ! Telephone: 254/968-2181 ! FAX 254/968-5709 !" Toll Free: 800/468-2526 This signal is designed to be used externally by the Model 4728 monitor or other control devices such as PLC’s or Remote Terminal Systems. Wetted surfaces are coated with a baked-on phenolic two-part epoxy. The probe is constructed of two concentric tubes. each independently dimensioned from respective engineering drawings.Model 4728 Ordering Information Model 4728 Dimensional Specifications Inches (mm) Note: Dimensions .and under-range conditions as well as an open or shorted probe. Model 4528EZ Detector and Model CX-645 Probe The Model 4528EZ Detector and Model CX-645 Probe provide a direct analog (0-5 Vdc and 4-20 mA) output of percent emulsified water (as S&W) in the process stream. The internal element spacers can be fitted with trimmer rods should it be necessary to adjust the base capacitance. All calibration and adjustments can be accessed through the front panel for ease of use. The Model 4528EZ detector offers the flexibility of a high or low fail-safe. This fail-safe feature guarantees the quality of the output signal from the detector chassis and will sense over.Inches to the nearest tenth (millimeters to the nearest whole mm). The detector operates from a 8-28 Vdc regulated power supply from within the associated monitor or customersupplied source. The inner tube is insulated from the outer tube by Teflon spacers and is electrically connected to a terminal within the sensor housing. . D. Stainless Steel available.1440 psig max. (Others by special order) NPT .350 psig Temperature Range -20°F to 180°F standard. 1. Trimmer Rod (if needed) Dimension “A” Probe Body (Outer Plate) Note: Dimensions . Probe Sizes/Length 2” I. 1440 psig max. each independently dimensioned from respective engineering drawings. . F. 0-10%.Inches to the nearest tenth (millimeters to the nearest whole mm). Threaded MNPT or Grooved (2” and 3”). Resolution/Sensitivity ±0. -20°F to 375°F optional.5% of full scale. and 0-20%. Probe Material A53 GrB Carbon Steel is standard. Dimensions . sizes are 32” face-to-face.Model CX-645 Capacitance Probe & Model 4528EZ Detector Model CX-645 Capacitance Probe & Model 4528EZ Detector Detector/Probe Specifications Power Supply 8-28 Vdc @ 130 mA S&W Range Field Selectable 0-5%. is 17” face-to-face. Measurement Accuracy ±1. Victualic grooved . Div.0% of full scale.CX-645 Specifications Inches (mm) 1. Probe Finish Baked-on phenolic two-part epoxy.4”. Groups E. Process Connections ANSI RF or RTJ Flanges to 600# (all sizes) (others by special order).25” FNPT Conduit Connection Model 4528EZ Exp. and G hazardous locations. 3” to 12” I. For -20°F to 375°F dimension add 6. Approvals UL/C-UL Explosion-proof certificate for Class I. Pressure Ratings As per Flange selection. Housing Dimension “B” Element (Inner Plate) Teflon Insulator *-20°F to 180°F dimension given.D. Groups C and D or Class II. MNPT G l l l l VICTAULIC CONNECTIONS (GROOVED) F l l l l FLANGED CONNECTIONS CODE OPEN l l l l l P l l l l l PHENOLIC COATING ( Interior ) l l l l l l Example: l l l l l CX . www.D. x 32" FACE TO FACE 8 l 8 INCH I.S. -20-180° F H l l l STANDARD MATERIALS/HIGH TEMP. 4 • SSIT042 Issue/Rev.D. A53B CARBON STEEL. Phone: 254/968-2181. FMC INVALCO Fluid Control Stephenville.D. x 32" FACE TO FACE 10 l 10 INCH I. Otherwise. PLC. x 32" FACE TO FACE 4 l 4 INCH I.645 3 60 B F P = CX-645-360-BFP Choose one code selection from each option group to build model number. Toll Free: 800/468-2526 Printed in U. 0. or DCS System. Local indication is provided and an analog output for other indication or control functions is available.com The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently in effect.to be used with Model 4528EZ Detector CX-645 PROBE MATERIAL: Carbon Steel l CODE PROBE BODY SIZE l 2 l 2 INCH I. -20 . FAX: 254/968-5709.375° F S l l l 316 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS. Ranges from 0-20% water .fmcinvalco. Percent Water Recording In this application the Model 4728 provides local reading on an LCD display and provides an analog output (4-20 mA) to a standard recorder. This configuration is used to monitor and control Separator and Heater-Treater efficiencies as well as other oil field and industrial applications. x 32" FACE TO FACE CODE END CONNECTIONS l l 00 l l SCREWED ENDS (to 3" only) 00 l l GROOVED ENDS/Victaulic (to 4" only) 00 l l 150 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 30 l l 300 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 60 l l 600 LB ANSI RAISED FACE (SCH 80) (FOR 8" AND 10") 90 l l 900 LB ANSI RAISED FACE and RING JOINT (SCH 160) (10") 05 l l 150 LB ANSI RTJ 35 l l 300 LB ANSI RTJ 65 l l 600 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) (FOR 8" AND 10") 95 l l 900 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) 115 l l 1500 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 160) CODE MATERIAL AND TEMPERATURE OPTIONS l l l B l l l STANDARD MATERIALS. TX 76401. CX-645 Capacitance Probe Ordering Information BS&W Probe. PLC/DCS System Solenoid Diverter Valve Percent Water Indication and Set-Point Control In this application the adjustable alarm may be used to operate a diverter valve should the water content exceed a preset percentage.Typical Applications Capacitance Probe Model CX-645 & 4528EZ Detector Four Conductor Cable Model 4728 Oil/Water Monitor Capacitance Probe Model CX-645 & 4528EZ Detector Analog Output Four Conductor Cable Model 4728 Oil/Water Monitor Analog Output Recorder. x 32" FACE TO FACE 6 l 6 INCH I. -20 -375°F CODE CONNECTION STYLE l l l l S l l l l SCREWED CONNECTIONS. © 6/05 FMC INVALCO All rights reserved.D.D.A. -20-180F T l l l 316 STAINLESS STEEL/HIGH TEMP.1 (2/04) . x 17" FACE TO FACE 3 l 3 INCH I.D. the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect. etc.Can be modified for use in sour service. Victualic grooved . Probe sizes from 2” through 12” are available. Normal variances are: +/-. process temperature or probe electrical value can be selected for viewing without removing condulet cover by use of a supplied magnet to operate an internal reed switch. Enhanced digital signal processing and full product temperature compensation are two of the technological advancements utilized by this device. providing a true water or S&W cut at any temperature up to 160°F.1%. Texas 76401 ! Telephone: 254/968-2181 ! FAX 254/968-5709 !" Toll Free: 800/468- . other hydrocarbons. for a 10°F change. which normally would be considered as water. 100 mA max. Dehydration Equipment Determine and enhance equipment efficiencies.350 psig Features NACE Adaptable . S&W Full Scale Range 0-25% Field adjustable to 0-5%. or other external factors. FMC INVALCO 2526 ! Fluid Control ! Stephenville. or by passing. and accuracy for water content determination in crude oil.Energy Systems The Model WCM 7300 is designed to provide the highest possible sensitivity. water cut and S&W measurements are significantly improved with the WCM 7300 technology. Pressure Ratings As per Flange selection. a typical curde oil may show a reading shift of as much as 0. The WCM 7300 measures product temperature and calculates a corrected cut reading. In oil and natural gas (condensate) production. alphanumeric LCD showing by selection: Water Cut Process Temperature Probe Electrical Value Red/Green LED showing good oil. resolution. Storage and Treating Facilities Monitoring and early detection of undesirable conditions as well as interface detection during de-watering of storage tanks.1440 psig max. (Others by special order) NPT . Pipeline Loading Monitor transfer of petroleum/condensate products from loading facilities. 4-20 mA and 0-5 volt outputs are available for remote readout.2 to . Accuracy Is defined as the variance observed between the 7300 reading and the water grindout of the oil. by monitoring the product and indicating water content. condition. WCM 7300 Water Cut Monitor Measurement/Monitor Specifications Power Supply 20-30 Vdc +/-10% @ nominal.05 from 0 to 5% water +/-. For example. Water cut.25 from 15 to 25% water Displays One line 16 character. This can cause traditional monitors to change without a variance in water content. Temperature Compensated Water Cut Monitor Model WCM 7300 Bulletin SSIS003 Product Temperature Compensation The base dielectric constant (Dk) of oils can change with changes in temperature. bad oil. 0-10%. 1440 psig max.15 from 10% to 15% water +/-. Fuel Oil Monitoring Determine contamination of fuel oil by condensation. Applications LACT (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) Units Detect and provide relay contact closure that can be used to reroute oil that has excess S&W. or other low dielectric liquids from a max of 25% to levels below 1000 parts per million (ppm). before entry to engine.1 from 5 to 10% water +/-. MNPT VICTAULIC CONNECTIONS (GROOVED) FLANGED CONNECTIONS CODE OPEN l l l l l P l l l l l Epoxy l l l l l l Example: l l l l l WCM7300 4 60 B F P = WCM7300 .D.BFP Choose one code selection from each option group to build model number and correct pricing.A.D. x 00 00 00 30 60 90 05 35 65 95 115 l l l l l l l l l 17" FACE TO FACE 32" FACE TO FACE 32" FACE TO FACE 32" FACE TO FACE 32" FACE TO FACE CODE END CONNECTIONS SCREWED ENDS (to 3" only) GROOVED ENDS/Victaulic (to 4" only) 150 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 300 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 600 LB ANSI RAISED FACE (SCH 80) (FOR 8" AND 10") 900 LB ANSI RAISED FACE and RING JOINT (SCH 160) (FOR 10") 150 LB ANSI RTJ 300 LB ANSI RTJ 600 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) (FOR 8" AND 10") 900 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) 1500 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 160) CODE MATERIAL AND TEMPERATURE OPTIONS B H S T l l l l STANDARD MATERIALS.375F 1 CODE CONNECTION STYLE S G F SCREWED CONNECTIONS.D. x 3 INCH I.com The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently in effect. 6 • SSIT042 Issue/Rev. -20 . -20 . Phone: 254/968-2181. -20-160F STANDARD MATERIALS/HIGH TEMP. WCM 7300 Probe/Monitor Assemblies Ordering Information WCM 7300 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l WATER CUT MONITOR.WCM 7300 Dimensions Inches (mm) Note: Dimensions . TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING.Consult factory for temperature compensation www.460 . Notes: 1 . each independently dimensioned from respective engineering drawings.D. FAX: 254/968-5709. FMC INVALCO Fluid Control Stephenville. x 6 INCH I.fmcinvalco.D. DIGITAL. the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.1 (2/04) . x 4 INCH I. A53B CARBON STEEL.375F 1 316 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS -20-160F 316 STAINLESS STEEL/HIGH TEMP. TX 76401. Toll Free: 800/468-2526 Printed in U. Otherwise. Ranges from 0-20% water PROBE MATERIAL: Carbon Steel CODE PROBE BODY SIZE 2 3 4 6 8 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 2 INCH I. x 8 INCH I. 0. © 6/05 FMC INVALCO All rights reserved.S.Inches to the nearest tenth (millimeters to the nearest whole mm). Fuel Oil Monitoring Determine contamination of fuel oil by condensation. etc.100 ppm Accuracy Is defined as the normal variance observed in the field between the 7300 reading and the water grindout of the oil. Pipeline Loading Monitor transfer of petroleum/condensate products from loading facilities. or other low dielectric liquids from a max of 25% to levels below 1000 parts per million (ppm). by monitoring the product and indicating water content. a typical curde oil may show a reading shift of as much as 0. Dehydration Equipment Determine and enhance equipment efficiencies. 0-10%.05 from 0 to 5% water +/-. For example.01% . FMC INVALCO ! Fluid Control ! Stephenville.25 from 15 to 25% water Applications LACT (Lease Automatic Custody Transfer) Units Detect and provide relay contact closure that can be used to reroute oil that has excess S&W. providing a true water or S&W cut at any temperature up to 160°F. Normal variances are: +/-. or other external factors.Can be modified for use in sour service. The accuracy statements shown are what is normally obtainable (based on many.Energy Systems The Model WCM 7300E is designed to provide the highest possible sensitivity. Enhanced digital signal processing and full product temperature compensation are two of the technological advancements utilized by this device. The WCM “sees” these changes and so indicates them. and accuracy for water content determination in crude oil.15 from 10% to 15% water +/-. or less. Features Nace Adaptable . other hydrocarbons.1 from 5 to 10% water +/-. process temperature or probe electrical value can be selected for viewing without removing condulet cover by use of a supplied magnet to operate an internal reed switch. This can cause traditional monitors to change without a variance in water content. which normally would be considered as water. etc. before entry to engine. Texas 76401 ! Telephone: 254/968-2181 ! FAX 254/968-5709 !" Toll Free: 800/468-2526 .1%. The WCM 7300 measures product temperature and calculates a corrected cut reading. In oil and natural gas (condensate) production. These observed variance numbers are larger than the stated sensitivity/resolution of the WCM because the Dk of the oil in actual field operations is not constant but is continuously changing due to varying amounts of trace contaminents such as chemicals. minerals. Sensitivity/Resolution . solution gas. many installations) in the field and not on controlled testing in a lab. This accuracy is seldom observed in the field because of the reasons stated above. Water cut. resolution. water cut and S&W measurements are significantly improved with the WCM 7300E technology. S&W Full Scale Range 0-25% Field adjustable to 0-5%. 100 mA max. These cause small changes in the Dk which is independent of the water cut. Storage and Treating Facilities Monitoring and early detection of undesirable conditions as well as interface detection during de-watering of storage tanks. In the laboratory the WCM easily detects and indicates changes of 100 ppm.2 to . Temperature Compensated Water Cut Monitor with Insertion Probe Model WCM 7300E Bulletin SSIS004 Product Temperature Compensation The base dielectric constant (Dk) of oils can change with changes in temperature. for a 10°F change. WCM 7300E Water Cut Monitor Measurement/Monitor Specifications Power Supply 20-30 Vdc +/-10% @ nominal. A53B CARBON STEEL.1440 psig max. 1440 psig max. CODE END CONNECTIONS 00 00 30 60 90 05 35 65 95 115 l l l l l l l l l l l l l 60 SCREWED ENDS 150 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 300 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 600 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 900 LB ANSI RAISED FACE(SCH 80) 150 LB ANSI RTJ 300 LB ANSI RTJ 600 LB ANSI RTJ 900 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) 1500 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 160) CODE MATERIAL AND TEMPERATURE OPTIONS B H S T l l l l l l l l B STANDARD MATERIALS.BFP Epoxy 1 Choose one code selection from each option group to build model number and correct pricing. bad oil. -20 . -20 . 3 INCH O.260 . (Others by special order) NPT .Measurement/Monitor Specifications Displays One line 16 character. -20-160F STANDARD MATERIALS/HIGH TEMP. or by passing. condition. Ranges from 0-20% water PROBE MATERIAL: Carbon Steel CODE PROBE BODY SIZE 2 3 l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l 2 2 INCH O.D. Notes: 1 .375F 1 316 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS -20-160F 316 STAINLESS STEEL/HIGH TEMP. Victualic grooved . DIGITAL. MNPT VICTAULIC CONNECTIONS (GROOVED) FLANGED CONNECTIONS CODE OPEN P l l P = WCM7300 .375F CODE CONNECTION STYLE S G F l l l l F SCREWED CONNECTIONS. alphanumeric LCD showing by selection: Water Cut Process Temperature Probe Electrical Value Red/Green LED showing good oil. Pressure Ratings As per Flange selection.350 psig Ordering Information WCM 7300E l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l Example: WCM7300E INSERTION STYLE WATER CUT MONITOR.Consult Factory for temperature compensation factor. TEMPERATURE COMPENSATING. .D. 00 REF 11.WCM 7300 E Insertion Probes Often it is more economical to use an insertion probe than an inline on large diameter Flow Lines. Not only is the initial cost less.38 REF . 8.45 REF 5.38 REF 5. The 3” face to end would be 18” instead of 28” 28.10 REF Note: These dimensions are for the 2” probe. but handling costs in the field are also greatly reduced. com The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently in effect.fmcinvalco. TX 76401.A. © 6/05 FMC INVALCO All rights reserved. 10 • SSIT042 Issue/Rev.www.1 (2/04) . the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect. Otherwise. 0.S. Toll Free: 800/468-2526 Printed in U. FMC INVALCO Fluid Control Stephenville. Phone: 254/968-2181. FAX: 254/968-5709. moves through displays in a forward direction. Total Oil.resets totals.touch switches used to scroll through screens and change values 1 . 1 .Self powered dry contact closure inputs for external monitoring using Modbus Communication.25% of input counts per unit volume.relay for Alarm or Error indication/control 12 or 24 VDC output Serial Communication RS 232 three wire.moves through displays in a reverse direction UP . FMC Energy Systems 2526 ! Fluid Control " ! Stephenville.dual thermistor probe inputs standard (LEMC #5507 probes) -20°F to 150°F standard +/-0. and net gas produced in a well test or similar operation. Optional external reset with dry contact using terminal block input where Reset switch is terminated also.BS&W input scalable 4-20mA (0-100%) 1 . Model 2100 Net Oil Computer Bulletin SSIS009 Features 3 Meter Inputs Four Line 20 Character Alpha Numeric Display Jumper Selectable RS485 or RS232 Communication Option Four 10 amp SPDT Dry Contact Relays One Megabyte of CMOS RAM Data Storage with Battery Backup. Reset . BS&W content.Net Oil Computer Specifications Energy Systems The INVALCO Model 2100 Net Oil Computer is used to determine net oil.relay NO or NC contacts 10 amp SPDT 3 .toggle switch for reset FWD .probe for emulsion stream temperature averaging.15°F Accuracy 1 .212°F or 60°F .Self powered dry contact closure input used as system reset integral with reset switch. 1-5 VDC (0100%) 1 .increases values on screens where user interface is required DWN .pickup coil (10KHz maximum frequency) (Any combination of the count inputs can be configured = 3 meter inputs total) Count Accuracy +/-0. Power 110-220 VAC 50-60 Hz fused at 2 ampre 12 or 24 VDC fuse type Littlefuse @273002 Inputs Counts 3 .decreases values or changes current option on screens where user interface is required. 4 .dry contact (16Hz maximum frequency) 3 .probe for gas stream temperature averaging.4 line by 20 character vacuum Florissant display.(down) .(forward) . 1 .relays used for volume pulse output (Net or Gross-tenths of a barrel or cubic foot) 1 . Even if Power is Interrupted Model 2100 Net Oil Computer Specifications Enclosure NEMA 4X fiberglass with clear hinged door.BS&W input scalable for 0-5 VDC. Texas 76401 ! Telephone: 254/968-2181 ! FAX 254/968-5709 !" Toll Free: 800/468- . Outputs 4 . Benefits Measure BS&W.Gas pressure input 1-5 VDC or 4-20mA Discrete 3 . net water. REV . Inner metal door allows easy access to wiring terminals and supports user interface.Pre-amp or photo pulser (10KHz maximum frequency) 3 .240°F) Analog 1 .Even in Low Light Conditions Communicate Directly with SCADA System Control All Your Needed Accessories Retain All Important Data.(reverse) . Optional higher temperature ranges available (32°F . or RS 485 five wire (Modbus RTU communication protocol) User Interface Screen . Total Gas Easy to Read . Memory Battery backed RAM memory storage of setup and data values for 10 years. Temperature 2 . Total Water. Probe Sizes/Length 2” I. 24 Vdc required for 4-20 mA output. Dimensions . Pressure Ratings As per Flange selection. each independently dimensioned from respective engineering drawings.CX-545 Specifications Inches (mm) * Size Dim A Dim B Weight (lbs) 2 INCH 17 (431 mm) 8. Victualic grooved .Can be modified for use in sour service.D. Detector/Probe Specifications Power Supply 12 Vdc @ 130 mA for 0-5 Vdc output. sizes are 32” face-to-face. 3” to 12” I. S&W Range 0-100%. is 17” face-to-face. 1440 psig max.1440 psig max. Note: Dimensions . Internal Probe Finish Baked-on phenolic two-part epoxy. Model CX-545 Capacitance Probe & Model 4528 Detector-100-IL Model 4528-100-IL Detector for CX-545 Probe 0-100% . For -20°F to 375°F dimension add 6. -20°F to 375°F optional. Process Connections ANSI RF or RTJ Flanges to 600# (all sizes) (others by special order).P513604 Features NACE Adaptable . (Others by special order) NPT .93" (227 mm) 20 3 INCH 17 (431 mm) 9. .16" (233 mm) 40 *0°F to 180°F dimension given.4”.5% Probe Material A53 GrB Carbon Steel is standard.350 psig Temperature Range -20°F to 180°F standard. Threaded MNPT or Grooved (2” and 3”).D. Stainless Steel available.Model CX-545 Capacitance Probe & Model 4528-100-IL Detector Measurement Accuracy ±1.0% Resolution/Sensitivity ±0.Inches to the nearest tenth (millimeters to the nearest whole mm). 3" & 4" only) 00 l l 150 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 30 l l 300 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 60 l l 600 LB ANSI RAISED FACE 90 l l 900 LB ANSI RAISED FACE(SCH 80) 05 l l 150 LB ANSI RTJ 35 l l 300 LB ANSI RTJ 65 l l 600 LB ANSI RTJ 95 l l 900 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 80) 115 l l 1500 LB ANSI RTJ (SCH 160) CODE MATERIAL AND TEMPERATURE OPTIONS l l l B l l l STANDARD MATERIALS.545 3 60 B F P = CX-545-360-BFP Choose one code selection from each option group to build model number.D.375° F S l l l 316 STAINLESS STEEL MATERIALS -20 .D. Three-Phase System with Three Meters .180° F H l l l STANDARD MATERIALS/HIGH TEMP. -20 . MNPT G l l l l VICTAULIC CONNECTIONS (GROOVED) F l l l l FLANGED CONNECTIONS CODE OPEN l l l l l P l l l l l PHENOLIC COATING ( Interior ) l l l l l l Example: l l l l l CX .375°F CODE CONNECTION STYLE l l l l S l l l l SCREWED CONNECTIONS. -20 . A53B CARBON STEEL.180° F T l l l 316 STAINLESS STEEL/HIGH TEMP.D.Consult Factory for larger sizes l 2 l 2 INCH I. X 17" FACE TO FACE CODE END CONNECTIONS l l 00 l l SCREWED ENDS (2" & 3" only) 00 l l GROOVED ENDS/Victaulic (2". x 17" FACE TO FACE 3 l 3 INCH I. -20 .CX-545 Capacitance Probe Ordering Information CX-545 PROBE MATERIAL: Carbon Steel l CODE PROBE BODY SIZE . x 32" FACE TO FACE 4 l 4 INCH I. 0. the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect. Otherwise.fmcinvalco.A. 14 • SSIT042 Issue/Rev. TX 76401.www.S. Phone: 254/968-2181.1 (2/04) .com The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently in effect. Toll Free: 800/468-2526 Printed in U. FMC INVALCO Fluid Control Stephenville. © 6/04 FMC INVALCO All rights reserved. FAX: 254/968-5709.
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