BS EN 12079-1-2006

March 29, 2018 | Author: Mursalin Allin'k | Category: Nondestructive Testing, Welding, Steel, Industries, Metals



BRITISH STANDARDOffshore containers and associated tifting sets - Part 1: Offshore containe Design, manufacture and marking The European Standard EN 12079-1:2006 has the status of a British Standard I CS 55. 180. 10 NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW Bri ti sh Standards BS EN 12079-1:2006 E-rj - - JL- - fDittI BS EN L2079-L:2006 National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN 12079-1:2006. Together wi th BS EN 12079-3:2006 i t supersedes BS EN 12079:l-999 which is withdrawn. The UK participation in its preparation was entrusted to Technical Committee TWl, Freight containers and swap bodies, which has the responsibility to: aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible internationaUEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK. A list of organizations represented on this committee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement international or European publications referred to in this document may be found in the BSI Cata,Iogue under the section entitled "International Standards Correspondence Index", or by using the "Search" facility of the BSI Electronic Cato,Iogue or of British Standards Online. This publication does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Cornpliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity frorn legal obligations. Sumrnary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN title page, pages 2Lo 34, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. Arnendments issued since publication Thi s Bri ti sh Standard rvas publ i shed uncl er the authori ty of the Standards Pol i cv and Strategy Commi ttee on 30 June 2006 tc; BSI 2006 Comments I SBN 0 680 48823 3 EUROPEAN STANDARD NORME EUROPEENNE EUROPAISCHE NORM EN 12079-1 April 2006 t cs 55. 180. 10 Conteneurs pour uti l i sati on en mer et di sposi ti fs de l evage associ 6s - Parti e 1: Concepti on, constructi on et marquage Offshore-Contai ner und zugeh6ri ge Anschl aggarni turen - Tei l 1: Offshore-Contai ner - Ausl egung, Herstel l ung und Kennzei chnuno Supersedes EN 12079: 1999 Engl i sh Versi on Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - Part 1 : Offshore contai ner - Desi gn, manufacture and marki ng Thi s European Standard was approved by CEN on 9 March 2006. CEN members are bound to compl y wi th the CEN/CENELEC l nternal Regul ati ons whi ch sti pul ate the condi ti ons for gi vi ng thi s European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-date lists and bibliographical references concerning such national standards may be obtai ned on appl i cati on to the Central Secretari at or to any CEN member, Thi s European Standard exi sts i n three offi ci al versi ons (Engl i sh, French, German). A versi on i n any other l anguage made by transl ati on under the responsibility of a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Central Secretariat has the same slatus as the official versi ons. CEN members are the nati onal standards bodi es of Austri a, Bel gi um, Cyprus, Czech Republ i c, Denmark, Estoni a, Fi nl and, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, l cel and, l rel and, l tal y, Latvi a, Li thuani a, Luxembourg, Mal ta, Netherl ands, Norway, Pol and, Portugal , Romani a, Sl ovaki a, Sl oveni a, Spai n, Sweden, Swi tzerl and and Uni ted Ki ngdom. E EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION COMI T E E UROP E E N DE NORMA L I S A T I ON TURo p AI SCHES KOMI TEE FUR No RMUNG Management Centre: rue de Stassart, 36 B-1050 Brussel s O 2006 CEN Al l ri ghts of expl oi tati on i n any form and by any means reserved Ref . No. EN 12079-1:2006: E worl dwi de for CEN nati onal Members. EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Contents Page 2 Nor mat i ve r ef er ences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 Ter ms and def i ni t i ons. . . . . . . . . . . 6 5. 4 Addi t i onal desi gn det ai l s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 13 5. 6 Cont ai ner s f or bul k so1i ds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 6. 1 St eel - Gener a1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . 16 6.2 Rol l ed and extruded steel s i n offshore contai ner structures....... .................. 17 6. 4 Non- met al l i c mat er i al s. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6.5 Materi al 7. 2 Test equi pment and cal i br at i on. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 7. 4 Ver t i cal i mpact t est . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 8. 2 Pr i mar y st r uct ur e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 8. 3 Secondar y st r uct ur e . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8. 4 Pr oduct i on t est i ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 8. 5 Fai l ur e of pr oduct i on cont ai ner s . . . . . . . 27 9. 2 l dent i f i cat i on mar ki ngs. . . . . . . . . . . , , , . . . . . . . . . 27 9. 3 l nf or mat i on mar ki ngs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 10 Cont ai ner Dat a P1at e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 10. 2 Cont ent s of Dat a Pl at e. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11 Cer t i f i cat e of conf or mi t y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 11.3 Gontents of the certi fi cate of conformi ty......... ................. 30 Annex A ( l nf or mat i ve) Cer t i f i cat i on Requi r ement s f or Cont ai ner s. . . . . . . . . . . 32 2 ! j ==" - l : r ; - ; l ' - . . ' - ' ; . . - EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Foreword Thi s document (EN 12079-1:2006) has been prepared by Techni cal Commi ttee CEN/TC 280 "Offshore contai ners and associ ated l i fti ng sets", the secretari at of whi ch i s hel d by BSl . Thi s European Standard shal l be gi ven the status of a nati onal standard, ei ther by publ i cati on of an i denti cal text or by endorsement, at the l atest by October 2006, and confl i cti ng nati onal standards shal l be wi thdrawn at the l atest by October 2006. Thi s document, together wi th EN 12079-3:2006, supersedes EN 12079:1999. Accordi ng to the CEN/CENELEC Internal Regul ati ons, the nati onal standards organi zati ons of the fol l owi ng countri es are bound to i mpl ement thi s European Standard: Austri a, Bel gi um, Cyprus, Czech Republ i c, Denmar k, Est oni a, Fi nl and, Fr ance, Ger many, Gr eece, Hungar y, l cel and, l r el and, l t al y, Latvi a, Li thuani a, Luxembourg, Mal ta, Netherl ands, Nonvay, Pol and, Portugal , Romani a, Sl ovaki a, Sl oveni a, Spai n, Sweden, Swi tzerl and and Uni ted Ki ngdom. EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 1 Scope This part of EN 12079 specifies requirements for the design, manufacture and marking of offshore frei ght and servi ce contai ners wi th maxi mum gross mass not exceedi ng 25000 kg, i ntended for repeated use to, from and between offshore installations and ships. This part of EN 12079 specifies only transport related requirements. Other parts of the standard are: EN 12079-2, Offshore containers and associated lifting sets - ParL 2. Lifting sets - Design, manufacture and marki ng EN 12079-3, Offshore contai ners and associ ated l i fti ng sets - Part 3: Peri odi c i nspecti on, exami nati on and testi ng 2 Normative references The fol l owi ng referenced documents are i ndi spensabl e for the appl i cati on of thi s European Standard. For dated references, onl y the edi ti on ci ted appl i es. For undated references, the l atest edi ti on of the referenced document (i ncl udi ng any amendments) appl i es. EN 287-1 , Qualificafion fesf of welders - Fusion welding - Part 7; Sfee/s EN 473, Non destructive testing - Qualification and certification of NDT personnel - General principles EN 571-1, Non destructive testing - Penetranf fesflng - Part 1: General principles EN 970, A/on-desf ructive examination of fusion welds - Visuat examination EN 1289, Non-destructive examination of wetds - Penetrant testing of welds - Acceptance levels EN 1290, Non-destructive examination of welds - Magnetic pafticle examination of welds EN 1291, Non-destructive examination of welds - Magnetic particle testing of welds - Acceptance levels EN 1435, Non-destructive examination of welds - Radiographic examination of welded joints EN 1712, Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints Acceptance levels EN 1714, Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints EN 1 0002 -1 , Metallic materials - Iens ile testing - Part 1: Method of test at ambient temperature EN 10025-1,, Hat rolled prcducfs of structural sfeels - Pari 1: Generai technicai tieiivery conciitions EN 10025-2, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non- alloy strucfural sfee/s EN 10025-3, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for n ormalize d/n orm alized rolle d weld able fin e g rai n structural sfee/s 4 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) EN 100254, Hot rolled products of structural sfee/s - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural sfee/s EN 10045-1, Metallic materials- Charpy impact fesf - Part 1: Test method EN 10164, Sfee/ products with improved deformation properfies perpendicular to the surface of the product - Technical delivery conditions EN 10204 , Metallic products - Types of inspection documents EN ' 1 O21O-1, Hotfinished structural hottow secfions of non-alloy and fine gratin structuralsfee/s - Part 1: Technical delivery requirements EN 10219-1, Cold formed welded structural hollow sections of non-alloy and fine grain sfee/s - Part 1 : Tech n ical de live ry req u i re m e nts EN 10250-2, Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Paft 2: Non-alloy quality and specia/ sfee/s EN 10250-3, Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 3: Alloy specialsfee/s EN 12517-1, Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 1: Evaluation of welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys by radiography - Acceptance /eyels EN 30042, Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its weldable alloys - Guidance on quality levels for i mper-fections (/SO 1 0042: 1 992) EN ISO 5817, Welding - Fusion-welded joints in steel, nickel, titanium and their alloys (beam welding excluded) - Quality levels for imperfecflons (lSO 5817:2003) EN ISO 7500-1, Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Paft 1: Tension/compression testing machines - Verification and calibration of the force-measuring sysfem (l SO 7500-1:2004) EN ISO 9606-2, Qualification fesf of welders - Fusion welding - Part 2: Aluminium and aluminium al I oys (/SO 9606 -2: 200 4) EN ISO 15607, Specification and qualification of welding proceduresfor metallic materials - General rules (lSO 15607:2003) EN ISO 15609-1 , Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure specification - Paft 1: Arc welding (lSO 15609-1:2004) EN ISO '15614-1, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure fesf - Paft 1: Arc and gas welding of sfee/s and arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys (lSO 15614- 1: 2004) EN ISO 15614-2, Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure fesf - Part 2: Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys (lSO 15614-2:2005) ISO 209-1 , Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and forms of products - Part 1: Chemical composition ISO 1161, Series 1 freight containers- Cornerfittings- Specification ISO 1496-1, Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 1: General cargo containers for general purposes EN 12079-1:2006 (E) ISO 1496-3, Series 1 freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 3: Tank containers for liquids, gases andpressurized dry bulk tSO 1496-4, Series I freight containers - Specification and testing - Part 4: Non-pressurized containers for dry bulk l nternati onal Mari ti me Dangerous Goods (IMDG Code) ATEX Directive 94l9lEC 3 Terms and defi ni ti ons For the purposes of thi s European Standard, the fol l owi ng terms and defi ni ti ons appl y. 3. 1 offshore contai ner portabl e uni t for repeated use i n the transport of goods or equi pment handl ed i n open seas to, from and between fixed and/or floating installations and ships. NOTE The unit incorporates permanently installed equipment for lifting and handling and may include equi pment for fi l l i ng, emptyi ng, cool i ng, heati ng, etc. Offshore contai ners are subdi vi ded i nto 3 categori es: 3. 1. 1 offshore frei ght contai ner offshore contai ner bui l t for the transport of goods NOTE Exampl es of offshore frei ght contai ners are: general cargo contai ner: A cl osed contai ner wi th doors; cargo basket: An open top contai ner for general or speci al cargo; tank contai ner: A contai ner for the transport of dangerous or non-dangerous fl ui ds; bul k contai ner: A contai ner for the transport of sol i ds i n bul k; speci al contai ner: A contai ner for the transport of speci al cargo e.g. garbage contai ners, equi pment ; boxes, gas cyl i nder racks. 3. 1. 2 offshore seruice container offshore contai ner bui l t and equi pped for a speci al servi ce task, usual l y as a temporary i nstal l ati on e.g. laboratories, workshops, stores, power plants, control stations 3. 1. 3 offshore waste skip open or cl osed offshore contai ner used for the storage and removal of waste NOTE Normally constructed from flat steel plate forming the load bearing sections of the container, with braci ng i n the form of steel profl l es e.g. channel or hol l ow secti on, bei ng fi tted hori zontal l y and/or verti cal l y around si des and ends. l n addi ti on to the pad eyes for the l i fti ng set, these contai ners may have si de mounted l ugs sui tabl e for use wi th the l i fti ng equi pment mounted on a ski p l i ft vehi cl e. 6 EN 12079-1:2005 (E) 3. 2 permanent equi pment equipment that is attached to the container and which is not cargo. NOTE Thi s may i ncl ude, e.g. l i fti ng sets, refri gerati on uni ts, shel ves, securi ng poi nts, garbage compactors. 3. 3 primary structure l oad carryi ng and supporti ng frames and l oad carryi ng panel s. Pri mary structure i s di vi ded i nto two subgroups: 3. 3. 1 essenti al l non-redundant pri mary structure mai n structural el ements whi ch transfer the cargo l oad to the crane hook (i .e. formi ng the "l oad path" from the payl oad to the l i fti ng sl i ng) and wi l l i ncl ude, at l east: top and bottom side rails; top and bottom end rails; corner posts; pad eyes; al though other pri mary structure may al so be consi dered as essenti al /non-redundant, 3. 3. 2 non-essenti al pri mary structure other structural el ements for whi ch the mai n functi on i s other than that descri bed i n 3.3.1 e.g. fl oor pl ates and protecti ve frame members. Si de and roof panel s, i ncl udi ng corrugated panel s, are not considered to be part of the primary structure 3. 4 secondary structure parts whi ch are not consi dered as l oad carryi ng for the purposes of the desi gn cal cul ati ons, i ncl udi ng the fol l owi ng components: doors, wal l and roof panel s; panel sti ffeners and corrugati ons; structural components used for tank protection only; i nternal securi ng poi nts. NOTE Not al l contai ner wal l s are corrugated. 3. 5 prototype equi pment i tem, used for type testi ng, consi dered to be representati ve of the product for whi ch conformi ty i s bei ng cl ai med. l t may ei ther be fabri cated especi al l y for type testi ng or sel ected at random from a production series 3. 6 owner l egal owner of the offshore contai ner or the del egated nomi nee of that body, EN 12079- 1: 2006 ( E) 3. 7 lifting set items of integrated lifting equipment used to connect the offshore container to the lifting appliance 3. 8 Vi sual i nspecti on inspection of the characteristics of a product and determination of its conformity with specified requi rements where appl i cabl e and based on professi onal j udgement where general requi rements appl y 3. 9 Vi sual exami nat i on exami nati on i n accordance wi th EN g70 4 Symbol s 1? rating i.e. the maximum gross mass of the container including permanent equipment and i ts cargo, i n kg; but excl udi ng the l i fti ng set; T tare mass i .e' the mass of an empty contai ner i ncl udi ng any permanent equi pment but excl udi ng cargo and l i fti ng set, i n kg; P payl oad i .e' the maxi mum permi ssi bl e mass of cargo whi ch may be safel y transported by the contai ner, i n kg; ,S mass of the lifting set in kg NOTEl P=R- T NOTE 2 R' I and P ate, by definition in units of mass, kilograms (kg). Where design requirements are baqed on the gravitational forces derived from these values, those forces are indicated thus: Rg, Tg and pgthe units of which are in newtons or multiples thereof. TD desi gn ai r temperature, i .e. a mi ni mum reference temperature used for the sel ecti on of steel grades used i n offshore contai ners and equi pment expressed i n degrees centi grade; oe von Mi ses equi val ent stress, expressed i n Mpa or N/mm2; Re speci fi ed mi ni mum yi el d stress, expressed i n Mpa or N/mm2. 5 Desi gn 5.1 General 5. 1. 1 An of f shor e cont ai ner shal l havesuf f i ci ent st r engt h t o al l ow l oadi ng and unl oadi ng f r om suppl y vessels offshore operating in a sea state with significant wave heights of -6 m and to wittistand imbiit from heavy seas. NOTE Local impacfs, e' 9. from hitting other deck cargo or rigid parts of the ship structure, may cause extreme l oads i n such condi ti ons. 5.1.2 To preventthe contai ners from overturni ng (ti ppi ng) on a movi ng deck, they shal l be desi gned to wi thstand ti l ti ng at 30 " i n any di recti on, wi thout overturni ng when l oaded at i ts maxi mum gl ross I EN 12079-1:2006 (E) mass, with the centre of gravity considered to be at the half height of the container. For dedicated purpose containers (e.9. bottle racks and tank containers) the actual centre of gravity shall be used. 5.1.3 Protrudi ng parts on the outsi de of the offshore contai ner that may catch other contai ners or structures shal l be avoi ded. Protrudi ng parts (doors handl es, hatch cl eats, etc.) shal l be so pl aced or so protected that they do not catch the lifting set. 5.1.4 Where contai ners are desi gned for stacki ng, and the l i fti ng set hangs over the si de of the top frame they shall be fitted with a method of protection for those exposed parts, e.g. corners raised to suffi ci ent hei ght above the frame and roof to prevent uni ntenti onal contact, wi th and damage to, the l i fti ng set. 5.1.5 Contai ners shal l be desi gned as structural frames (pri mary structure), wi th non-l oad beari ng cl addi ng where necessary (secondary structure). Onl y the pri mary structure shal l be consi dered i n the desi gn cal cul ati ons; however, on certai n types of contai ners, e.g. waste ski ps wi th trapezi um shaped sides, with only a non-stressed cover above the bracing where the pad eyes are attached, the whole structure may be considered as a primary structure, and the design calculations may treat such a contai ner as a monocoque constructi on. 5.1.6 Ip shal l not be hi gher than the (stati sti cal l y) l owest dai l y mean temperature for the area where the offshore contai ner i s to operate and i n no case shal l be hi gher than -20 "C. NOTE 1 For contai ners wi th exposed al umi ni um, the danger of sparks caused by the i mpact of al umi ni um against corroded steel (the thermite reaction) should be taken into account. NOTE 2 When preparing the specification for a service container, it is advised that the rating is chosen higher than the estimated fitted out mass, i.e. to specify a certain payload even if the container is not intended to carry cargo. This will allow for changes in the amount and mass of equipment fitted in a container during its operational life, and it may also be useful to be able to carry a certain amount of non-permanent equipment. NOTE 3 For containers with special features, additionaldesign requirements may apply. See informative Annex for gui dance. 5.2 Structural strength 5. 2. 1 Gener al The requi red strength of a contai ner shal l be determi ned by cal cul ati on and veri fi ed by type tests, as descri bed i n Cl ause 7. 5.2.2 Li fti ng l oads For desi gn l oads defi ned i n and, no equi val ent stress l evel , d, , shal l exceed the fi gure cal cul ated as o" = 0,85 C, where: for steel: C: Re for al umi ni um: Basd materi al C = Ro.z where: wflffi,rFliffiffi TFP:?inr:_r=r: _ r "' i?i_t'B.ffi Heat affected zone C --0,7 f R* EN 12079-1:2006 (E) R*i s the tensi l e strength of al umi ni um B i s 0,8 for ISO Al Mg4,5Mn-HAR/M5083-H32 B i s 0,7 for al l other al umi ni um al l oys and tempers (see Table 4) Lifting with lifting set The design force on the primary structure shall be calculated as2,5 Rg. g is the acceleration due to gravity (in m/s2 i.e. 9,80665). The internal load shall be taken as Q,5 R - T)S evenly distributed over the container floor. For tank contai ners, the actual di stri buti on of the tare mass shal l be used for the cal cul ati ons. Pad eyes shall be designed for a total vertical force of 3 Rg. The torce shallbe considered to be evenly distributed between (n - l) pad eyes where n is the actual number of pad eyes. To determi ne the resul ti ng sl i ng force on the pad eyes, the sl i ng angl e shal l be taken i nto account, so that the resulting sling force on each pad eye is calculated as follows: 3R. E - 6 ^ - , ' (n -l )cos v where: ,F is the resulting sling force, in newtons; r i s the actual number of pad eyes (for cal cul ati on purposes n shal l not exceed 4 and shal l be not l ess than 2); v i s the angl e between a sl i ng l eg and the verti cal , i n degrees and shal l be assumed to be 45' unless otherwise specifled. For containers with only one pad eye, that pad eye shall be designed for a total vertical force of 5 Rg. NOTE Containers without a roof may have insufficient strength and stiffness to pass the 2 point lifting test (7.3.3). In order to avoid building prototypes that will not pass the test, the ability of an open top container to withstand the load occurring in the 2-point lifiing test should be checked by a suitable calculation method. ln these calculations, the nominal yield stress of the material should not be exceeded. These calculations do not replace the prototype testing. Li fti ng wi th forkl i ft truck The wei ght of the l i fti ng set shal l be taken i nto account when cal cul ati ng the strength of the fork pockets. The desi gn force on the pri mary structure shal l be cal cul ated as 1,6 (R+S)g. The i nternal l oad shal l be taken as (1,6 (R+S)-I)9 evenl y di stri buted over the contai ner fl oor. Where fork pockets are i ntended onl y for handl i ng of the empty contai ner, the desi gn l oad shal l be taken as 1,6 (r+S,)9. 10 tffi f;€t F€ : I l''W1:3F<'1ltr' €?n!;@ffsG# te @:@ a-F--r'f'.# EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 5.2-3 lmpact loads General l mpact l oads are dynami c l oads of very short durati on. l deal l y, dynami c cal cul ati ons or tests shoul d be carried out to verify the ability of a container to withstand such loads. However, for most applications it shal l be suffi ci entto carry out si mpl i fi ed stati c cal cul ati ons as speci fi ed i n and and to perform a drop test for vertical impact on corners, in accordance with 7.4. When si mpl i fi ed cal cul ati ons are used, and each beam i s consi dered separatel y, any assumpti ons concerni ng support condi ti ons shal l be stated. Hori zontal i mpact The mai n frame structure shal l be di mensi oned to wi thstand a l ocal hori zontal i mpact force acti ng at any poi nt. Thi s force may act i n any hori zontal di recti on on the corner post. On al l other frame members i n the si des the l oad may be consi dered as acti ng at ri ght angl es to the si de. The calculated (static equivalent) stresses due to impact shall be combined with the lifting stresses resulting from static lifting forces (Rg) Equi val ent stresses shal l not exceed: oe=C( s ee5. 2. 2. 1) The following values shall be used for the static equivalents to an impact force: For container posts and side rails of the bottom structure: - 0,25 Rg For other frame members of the si de structure, i ncl udi ng the top rai l s: - 0,15 Rg Maxi mum cal cul ated defl ecti ons at these l oadi ngs shal l not exceed: For corner posts and bottom si de rai l s L 250 where: 1,, i s the total l ength of the rai l or post i n mm. For other frame members In 250 where. 1, i s the l ength of the shortest edge of the wal l bei ng consi dered. NOTE I n is a (nominal) reference length and will often be different from the actual span of a beam. For hori zontal i mpact on tank contai ners for dangerous cargoes see 5.5.4. 11 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Verti cal i mpact A vertical impact test shall be carried out in accordance with 7.4. ln addition, the side rails and end rails in the base shall be able to withstand vertical point forces of 0,25 Rg at the centre span. Equivalent stresses shall not exceed: oe=C ( see 5. 2. 2. 1) Calculated deflections shall not exceed: l n 2s0 where: 1, i s the total l ength of the rai l . NOTE Maximum vertical impact forces are likely to occur when a container is lowered onto the deck of a heaving supply vessel. lf the deck is at an angle, the first impact will be on a corner. Such impact forces cannot be readily simulated by static forces. As dynamic calculations would be very complex, it is usually sufficient to verify the strength by a vertical impact test as described in7.4. 5.2.4 Internal forces on contai ner wal l s Each contai ner wal l , i ncl udi ng the doors, shal l be desi gned to wi thstand an i nternal force of 0,6 Pg evenly distributed over the whole surface, without suffering any permanent deformation. 5.2.5 Mi ni mum materi al thi ckness The fol l owi ng mi ni mum materi al thi ckness (t) requi rements shal l appl y. a) for external parts of corner posts and bottom rai l s i .e. parts formi ng the outsi de of the contai ner: f or R) 1000 kg, / = 6 mm; f or R < 1000 kg, / = 4 mm. b) for all other parts of the primary structure: I = 4 mm; c) for secondary structure made from metallic materials: / = 2 mm; d) for waste ski ps of monocoque desi gn (see 5.1) wi thi n an area of up to 100mm from the si de edges: t = 6 mm; f ort he remai ni ng part s of t he si de st ruct ure: / = 4 mm. NOTE The thi cknesses may have to be i ncreased beyond these val ues to take account of speci al consi derati ons such as rati ng, desi gn, corrosi on al l owances, the need for i mpacttests of the materi al , etc. 5. 3 Wel di ng Essenti al and non-redundant pri mary structural members shal l be wel ded wi th ful l penetrati on wel ds. For other pri mary structure, the use of fi l l et wel ds shal l be j usti fi ed by desi gn apprai sal (i ncl udi ng cal cul ati ons and consi derati on of fai l ure modes). 12 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) lntermittent fillet welding of secondary structure is acceptable, however care shall be taken to avoid corrosion. 5.4 Addi ti onal desi gn detai l s 5.4.1 Fl oor Contai ners l i abl e to fi l l wi th water, e.g. open topped, shal l have a sui tabl e drai nage faci l i ty. 5.4.2 Doors and hatches Doors and hatches, i ncl udi ng hi nges and l ocki ng devi ces, shal l be desi gned for at l east the same horizontal forces as the primary structure. Locking devices shall be secure against opening of the doors duri ng transport and l i fti ng. Doubl e doors shal l have at l east one such l ocki ng devi ce on each door, locking directly to the top and bottom frame. Locki ng arrangements shal l be protected to prevent di sl odgement by i mpact. Hi nges shal l be protected agai nst damage from i mpact l oads. Doors shal l be capabl e of bei ng secured i n the open posi ti on. l f weatherti ghtness i s requi red, the doors shal l be equi pped wi th seal s. 5.4.3 Intermedi ate cargo decks When intermediate cargo decks are fitted they shall be designed to withstand a force of at least 0,5 Pg Y, uni forml y di stri buted where: Y i s the dynami c factor (= 3). When i ntermedi ate cargo decks are desi gned to support other than hal f the total payl oad, the desi gn requi rement shal l be cal cul ated accordi ngl y. 5.4.4 Internal securi ng poi nts Contai ners for general cargo shal l have i nternal securi ng poi nts. Each shal l be desi gned to wi thstand a force of at least 10 fN. NOTE 1 A mi ni mum of 12 i s recommended. NOTE 2 Hi nge type l ashi ng poi nts are preferred. 5.4.5 Fork lift pockets When fi tted, forkl i ft pockets shal l be i nstal l ed i n the bottom structure and shal l have a cl osed top, pass through the base and be provi ded wi th the means to prevent the contai ner from toppl i ng from the f or ks ( see al so 9. 1) . NOTE 1 Special requirements apply for fork pockets on tank containers for dangerous cargoes, see 5.5.3. NOTE 2 The bottom face of the pocket may be fully closed but it is recommended that openings be provided to facilitate maintenance and to minimize the risk of loose items being retained in the pockets which could subsequently fall out during lifting operations. These openings should be dimensioned and positioned so as to ffiFSF 13 EN 12A79-1:2006 (E) minimize the likelihood of the fork tines penetrating or seizing in the opening, or of damaging the free edges at the cut-out. The mi ni mum i nternal di mensi ons of the forkl i ft pockets shal l be 200 mm x 90 mm. Forklift pockets shall be located such that the container is stable during handling and driving with forklift truck. Container length, height, width and rating shall be taken into account. Pockets shall be located as far apart as practicable but need not be more than 2050 mm apart from the centre of pocket to centre of pocket. lf a container is fitted with pockets that are only for empty handling, the container shall be marked accor di ng t o 9. 1. 5.4.6 Top protection The top of atl open frame containers and of all open top containers with permanent internal fittings, machinery or other installations where crane hooks or forerunners may snag, shall be protected with grati ng or pl ates. Thi s may be fi xed, hi nged or removabl e. Top protecti on shal l be capabl e of bei ng secured. 5.4.7 Pad eyes In order to prevent l ateral bendi ng moments on pad eyes, they shal l be al i gned wi th the sl i ng to the centre of l i ft, wi th a maxi mum manufacturi ng tol erance of !2,5. Any di fference i n the di agonal measurements between l i fti ng poi ntcentres shal l notexceed0,2o/oot the l ength of the di agonal , or 5 mm, whi chever i s the greater. The diameter of holes in pad eyes shall match the shackle used, clearance between shackle pin and pad eye hol e shal l not exceed 6 % of the nomi nal shackl e pi n di ameter. However, maxi mum concentrated stresses at the hole edges shall not exceed 2 x R, at design load. NOTE 1 lt is recommended that the clearance actually provided be as close as practicable to the 6% limit. The tolerance between pad eye thickness and inside width of shackle shall not exceed 25 % of the i nsi de wi dth of the shackl e. Pad eyes shal l be so desi gned as to permi t free movement of the shackl e and sl i ng termi nati on wi thout foul i ng the pad eye. Pad eyes shal l not protrude outsi de the boundari es of the contai ner other than verti cal l y upward, and shal l as far as possi bl e be desi gned to avoi d damage from other contai ners. Li fti ng poi nts shal l be posi ti oned on the contai ner to precl ude, as far as practi cabl e, the ri sk of sl i ngs foul i ng agai nst the contai ner or i ts cargo duri ng normal use. Pad eyes shall be welded to the frame with full penetration welds. lf the lifting force is transferred through the thickness of a plate, plates with specified through thickness properties in accordance with EN 10164 shal l be used. NOTE 2 ll is recommended that pad-eyes be slotted into the primary structure NOTE 3 Where ISO-corner fittings are mounted in conjunction with pad eyes, the corner fittings are not intended for lifting with slings offshore. NOTE 4 Attention is drawn to the need for designers to be aware of the restrictions in permissible shackle types introduced in EN 12079-2 and particularly to the preference for bow shackles with bolt type pin with hexagon head, hexagon nut and split cotter pin. As a result it is necessary that the designer ensure sufficient clearance surrounding the pad eye to enable the fitting and removal of this preferred type. 14 etrffi€|@l:|sf, EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 5.4.8 ISO-cornerfi tti ngs Where |SO-corner fittings are mounted to otfshore freight containers they shall conform to ISO 1 161. NOTE 1 Lifting offshore with shackles in these corner fittings is not acceptable. NOTE 2 Where an offshore container does not conform to the dimensional requirements of ISO 668 it is strongly recommended that lSo-corner fittings are not fitted to the top frame 5.4.9 Equi pment Equi pment on offshore contai ners shal l be desi gned and i nstal l ed to wi thstand the dynami c l oadi ng and other environmental forces to which it may be exposed. The following factors shall be used: Dynamic factor (load factor) Y=3 Design factor against breaking (safety factor) s = 2 NOTE Equipment permanently installed on a container is consi dered to be part of the contai ner for certifi cation pu rposes. Any external connecti ons, e,g. protected agai nst damage. a suppl y of pressuri zed ai r, or an el ectri cal connecti on, shal l be 5.4.10 Coati ng and corrosi on protecti on Offshore containers shall be suitable for the offshore environment by means of construction, use of suitable material andior corrosion and paint protection. All offshore container roofs, including those constructed from chequer plate, shall be coated with a per manent non- sl i p medi um. 5. 5 Tank cont ai ner s 5.5.1 General In addi ti on to compl yi ng wi th other rel evant desi gn codes and requi rements, tank contai ners shal l be suitable for offshore service. 5.5.2 Frame In addi ti on to the desi gn requi rements al ready speci fi ed i n thi s standard, the frame shal l be desi gned to protect the tank and equi pment (val ves, man-hol es, etc.). 5.5.3 Tanks for fl ui ds Tank desi gn shal l conform to the rel evant secti ons of ISO 1496-3. Tanks for dangerous cargoes shal l ful fi l the requi rements of the IMDG Code, and shal l be desi gned accordi ng to a recogni zed code for pressure vessel s. A tank and i ts support shal l be abl e to wi thstand l i fti ng and i mpact l oads. l n addi ti on due account shal l be taken of fl ui d surge ari si ng from parfl y fi l l ed tanks. NOTE The IMDG Code has restrictions for loaded handling of tanks over a certain length, by forklift. Reference should be made to Chapters 4.2 and 6.7 of the IMDG Code. 15 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 5.5.4 lmpact protection on tank containers for dangerous cargoes On tank containers for dangerous cargoes, all parts of the tank and fittings shall be suitably protected from i mpact damage. l n addi ti on to the requi rements of 5.2.3, the fol l owi ng requi rements appl y: the top of the tank and its fittings shall be protected by beams, plates or grating and no part of the tank or its fittings shall extend to within 100 mm of the top of the framework; it shall not be possible for any part of the lifting set to foul fittings, manhole cleats or other protrusi ons on the tank; protective bearns shall be placed at or near the location where the tank shell is nearest to the outer plane of the sides. Beams shall be spaced sufficiently close together to give the necessary protection; at the maxi mum cal cul ated el asti c defl ecti on of any si de member, the resi dual cl earance between the member and any part of the tank shel l or i ts fi tti ngs shal l be at l east 10 mm; no part of the undersi de of the tank shel l (i ncl udi ng sumps), the bottom val ves or other fittings, shall extend below a level 150 mm above the bottom of the framework. Any such part extending to within 300 mm of the bottom of the framework, shall be protected by beams or pl ati ng; Tank contai ners desi gned wi th di rect connecti on between the tank and the si de or top frame el ements shal l be subj ect to speci al consi derati on. 5. 6 Cont ai ners f or bul k sol i ds Bul k contai ners shal l be desi gned accordi ng to the rel evant secti ons of ISO 1496-3 or ISO 1496-4 but shal l i n addi ti on be sui tabl e for otfshore servi ce. NOTE These may be either pressurized tanks or non-pressurized containers for gravity discharge. 6 Materi al s 6.1 Steel - General The chemi cal composi ti on, heat treatment, wel dabi l i ty, mechani cal properti es and i mpact energy properties shall be suitable for the purpose. Extra high strength steels, with RE above 500 N/mm2, shal l not be used. Materials conforming to standards other than those specified in this clause may be used provided they have properties that can be demonstrated to be equivalent. The standards referenced from this cl ause shal l be the reference standards. When materi al s of di fferent gal vani c potenti al are j oi ned together, the desi gn shal l be such that gal vani c corrosi on i s avoi ded. Wel di ng consumabl es shal l be accordi ng to the rel evant European standards for wel di ng consumabl es Tensi l e testi ng shal l be carri ed out accordi ng to EN 10002-1. ln order to avoid initiation of brittle fracture, the steels shall possess adequate fracture energy. Steels for primary structures shall be tested by the Charpy impact (V-notch) method according to EN 10045-1. Test t emperat ures shal l be as gi ven i n Tabl e 1. 16 l+t+ 42 40 l 8 36 ' r 3 4 32 l 0 ?8 25 Ul EN 12079-1:2006 (E) The average energy absorption for base_material specimens with their axis parallel to the final rolling di recti on shal l not be l ess than gi ven i n Fi gure 1, For speci mens wi th thei r axi s transverse to the fi nal rol l i ng di recti on the val ve shal l be two thi rds of that for l ongi tudi nal l y ori entated speci mens. Key X i npact energy, J Y speci fi ed mi ni mum yi el d stress (RE), N/mm2 Fi gure I - Charpy V - notch, val ues for steel 6.2 Rol l ed and extruded steel s i n offshore contai ner structures 6.2.1 General requi rements Where requi red, steel s for wel di ng shal l be made by open hearth, el ectri c furnace or the basi c oxygen steel process. Steel s i n the pri mary structure shal l be ki tl ed and fi ne grai n treated. Onl y materi al s wi th non-agei ng properti es shal l be used. 6.2.2 Groups of steel s Structural steel s for the pri mary structure shal l be carbon steel , carbon-manganese steel , carbon- manganese mi cro-al l oyed steel or l ow-al l oyed steel . 17 Table 1 - Charpy impact test temperature - Structural steel for primary structural members Mat eri al t hi ckness (t ) i n mm lmpact test temperature in "C t <12 12<t <25 t > 25 To + 1 0 Tp TD- 20 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) For hot rolled plates and profiles, material grades specified in EN 10025, Parts 14, which meet the requi rements i n 6.1 and 6.2.1 shal l be used. Hol l ow secti ons speci fi ed i n EN 10210 or EN 10219, whi ch meet the requi rements i n 6.1 and 6.2.1 shal l be used. 6.2.3 Steel forgi ngs When required forged carbon and carbon-manganese steels shall be used in the offshore coniainer structure. Such forgings shall be made from fully-killed and fine-grain treated non-ageing steel. NOTE lt may be necessary to verify the non-ageing properties by tests. For chemical and mechanical properties of alloy steels, reference shall be made to EN 1A250-2, Open die steelforgings for general engineering purposes - Parf 2: Non-alloy quality and special sfee/s and to EN 10250-3, Open die sfee/ forgings for general engineering purposes - Part 3: Alloy special sfee/s. The chemical composition shall be suitable for the thickness in question. Alloy steels shall be del i vered i n quenched and tempered condi ti on, The i mpact test temperature shal l be equal to the desi gn ai r temperature, 12 (see 4 and 5.1). 6.2.4 Steel castings in lSO-corner fittings The tensile strength of |SO-corner fittings (see 5.4.8) made from cast steel shall be not less than 430 N/mm2 and the yi el d strength shal l be not l ess than 220 Nl mm2. The chemical composition shall be in accordance with that set out in Table 2 and mechanical properties shall be in accordance with Table 3. Tabl e 2 - Chemi cal composi ti on (l adl e anal ysi s) a Chemi cal Composi ti on % C max Mn S, max P max S max Cr max NI max Cu max Mo max Alrotb min Cr+Ni+Cu+ Mo max 0, 20 0, 90 to 1, 50 0, 50 0, 035 0, 035 0, 25 0, 30 0, 20 0, 08 0, 015 0, 70 a The carbon equivalent shall not exceed 0,45% o Atuminium may be replaced partly or totally by otherfine graining elements as slated in the approved specifications 18 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 6. 3 Al umi ni um The chemi cal composi ti on, heat treatment, wel dabi l i ty and mechani cal properti es shal l be sui tabl e for the purpose. When materi al s of di fferent gal vani c potenti al are j oi ned together, the desi gn shal l be such that gal vani c corrosi on i s avoi ded. Al umi ni um al l oys used i n offshore contai ners shal l be made by rol l i ng or extrudi ng. Al umi ni um al l oys and tempers speci fi ed i n Tabl e 4 and 5 may be used. Use of other al l oys or tempers shal l be subj ect to speci al consi derati on. Table 3 - Mechanical properties Mechani cal properti es Yield strength Tensile strength El ongati on Reducti on of area l mpact Energy RoH [N/mm2] mi n Rm IN/mm2] As t%l min z [%] min KVA (Joul e) mi n at -20"C 220 430 to 600 25 40 27 a Average val ue on 3ISO-V notch i mpact speci mens acc. to EN 10045-1. One i ndi vi dual val ue may be bel owthe average val ue but shal l not be l ower than 70 % of the average. Tabl e 4 - Al umi ni um atl oys and tempers for rol l ed products Al l oy Temper tso 209 - 1 AA ISO / AA Al Mg 2, 5 5052 0 i 0 HAR i H32 HBR / H34 HCR / H36 Al Mg 3 5754 0/ 0 HAR / H32 HBR / H34 Al Mg 3,5 5154 0/ 0 HAR / H32 HBR / H34 Al Mg 4 5086 0/ 0 HAR / H32 HBR / H34 AlMg 3 Mn 5454 0/ 0 HAR / H32 HBR / H34 19 Tabl e 4 - Al umi ni um al l oys and tempers for rol l ed products Al l oy Temper tso 209 - 1 AA ISO / AA Al Mg 4, 5 Mn 5083 0i 0 HAR / H32 HBR / H34 Al Si MgMn 6082 0/ 0 TB I T4 TE/ T5 TF/ T6 NOTE M = American Aluminium Association. These references are included for information as users may encounter these references in practice. EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 6. 4 Non-met al l i cmat eri al s Ti mber, pl ywood, fi bre rei nforced pl asti cs and other non-metal l i c materi al s shal l not be used i n primary structures. NOTE Consi derati on shoul d be gi ven to strength, durabi l i ty, sui tabi l i ty and possi bl e hazards caused by use of t hese mat eri al s. 6.5 Materi al certi fi cates Materials used for the construction of offshore containers shall be furnished with documentation in accordance wi th Tabl e 6. Al l materi al s for pri mary structures shal l be i denti fi abl e agai nst the certificates. Tabl e 5 - Al umi ni um al l oys and tempers for extruded products Al l oy Temper tso 209 - 1 AA ISO ' AA Al Si 0,5 Mg 6063 TB/ T4 TF/ T6 Al Si MgMn 6082 TF/ T6 NOTE AA = American Aluminium Association. These references are included for information as users may encounter these references in practice. z0 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Tabl e 6 - Documentati on of materi al s 7 Type testing 7. 1 Gener al Any change of desi gn, speci fi cati on of materi al and method of manufacture outsi de normal manufacturing tolerances, which may lead to a modification of the mechanical properties defined in thi s standard, shal l requi re that the rel evant type tests are carri ed out on the modi fi ed contai ner. NOTE 1 Type tests demonstrate that offshore containers certified as conforming to the requirements of this standard possess the mechanical properties specified, The purpose of these tests is to prove the design, material and method of manufacture. A container selected for type testing shall be representative of the production units and not a hand bui l t pre-producti on devel opment contai ner. l t shal l be bui l t i n conformi ty wi th pl ans and data and usi ng tool i ng comparabl e to those pl anned for subsequent producti on. The tests described in 7.3 and 7.4 are required for all offshore container types, and shall be consi dered as desi gn requi rements. NOTE 2 Type testing may not replace design review, but may in certain cases be a partial substitute for strength calculations. Non-destructive examination (NDE) may be required after testing. The test masses/ test l oad shal l normal l y be evenl y di stri buted i nsi de the contai ner. l f i t i s not possi bl e to pl ace al l the test mass i nsi de the contai ner, some of i t may be pl aced outsi de or under the contai ner, provi ded that thi s gi ves a l oadi ng on the structure si mi l ar to the di stri buti on of the contai ner l oadi ng i n operati ng condi ti on. l f the contai ner has an addi ti onal cargo deck, the test mass/ test l oad shal l be evenl y di vi ded between the fl oor and the addi ti onal deck, see 5.4.3. l f the addi ti onal deck i s removabl e, i t wi l l be necessary to carry out the test wi th the test mass/ test l oad di vi ded between the addi ti onal deck and the fl oor, as wel l as wi th the whol e test mass/ test l oad, on the fl oor. NOTE 3 For contai ners wi th speci al features where addi ti onal desi gn requi rements appl y, sui tabl e tests shoul d be made to veri fy that those requi rements are met. See i nformati ve Annex for gui dance. 7. 2 Test equi pment and cal i br at i on 7.2.1 Test mass / test l oad The test mass (or test l oad) shal l be veri fi ed usi ng cal i brated wei ghts or a cal i brated l oad cel l and handset. 21 Structure Documentati on accordi ng to EN 10204 lnspection certificate 3.1 .C lnspection certificate 3.1 .B Test report 2.2 ISO-corner fittings X Pad eyes X Other primary structural members X Secondary structural members X EN 12079-1:2006 (E) NOTE Examples of appropriate means of application of test mass/ test load are: calibrated test blocks: water bags; sand bags; free weights; a sui tabl e test ri g. 7.2.2 Cal i brati on l f a l oad cel l and hand set i s used i t shal l be cal i brated annual l y, i n accordance wi th EN ISO 7500-1, to an accuracy of x2 o/o. NOTE 1 Should a load cell be overloaded or receive a shock load (e.9. from being dropped) it is recommended that the load cell and handset be re-calibrated before further use. Where used, test blocks shall be calibrated, as a minimum, every second year in accordance with acceptabl e i nternati onal or nati onal standards. The measured mass, i n ki l ograms, of each bl ock shal l be l egi bl y and durabl y marked on each bl ock. NOTE 2 Care should be taken in the storage of calibrated concrete blocks so as prevent the absorption of water having an influence on the actual block mass. 7.3 Lifting test 7. 3. 1 General The contai ner shal l be l i fted by a l i fti ng set wi th an angl e to the verti cal equal to the desi gn angl e. The contai ner shal l be cl ear of the ground throughout the test. NOTE Where the lifting set intended for use with the container is used for the lifting test, care should be taken to ensure that no overloading, deformation or distortion is induced in the lifting set. Should the lifting set normally fltted to the container be used for the lifting test it shoutd be visually inspected after the load test. The contai ner shal l be careful l y l i fted i n such a way that no si gni fi cant accel erati on forces occur. l t shal l be hel d for 5 mi nutes before measurements are taken. 7.3.2 Al l -poi nt l i fti ng The contai ner shal l be l oaded to gi ve a total mass of 2,5.R and l i fted cl ear of the ground, usi ng al l the pad eyes. NOTE This total mass may be obtained by putting in an internal test mass of 2,5 R-7. No defl ecti ons duri ng testi ng shal l be greater than 1/300 of the span of the member. The offshore contai ner shal l show no permanent deformati on or other damage after testi ng. 7. 3. 3 Two- poi nt l i f t i ng An offshore container fitted with four pad eyes shall also be lifted from only two pad eyes, situated di agonal l y opposi te each other, wi th a total mass of 1,5 R. The offshore contai ner shal l show no permanent deformati on or other damage after testi ng. 22 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 7,3.4 Post-lifting test inspection and examination On completion of the lifting test, a non-destructive examination and visual inspection of the pad-eyes, shal l be carri ed out. 7.4 Vertical impact test The container, with its internal test mass corresponding to payload P, shall be either lowered or dropped on to a workshop floor of concrete or other rigid structure, NOTE 1 This floor may be covered with a sheathing of wooden planks with a thickness not exceeding 50 mm. NOTE 2 lf the container is lowered from a crane, the suspending wire and hook may dampen the impact compared to a free-fall drop test. Therefore the impact speed should be greater if a lowering test is used. In both cases, the contai ner shal l be so i ncl i ned that each of the bottom si de and end rai l s connected to the lowest corner forms an angle of not less than 5 ' with the floor. However, the greatest hei ght di fference between the hi ghest and l owest poi nt of the undersi de of the contai ner corners need not be more than 400 mm. The i mpacti ng corner shal l be the one expected to have the l owest ri gi di ty. NOTE 3 On closed dry cargo containers this will normally be at the door end. No si gni fi cant permanent damage shal l occur. NOTE 4 Cracks in welds and minor deformations may be repaired. One of the fol l owi ng procedures shal l be carri ed out: a) Drop test An i nternal l oad equal to the payl oad (P) shal l be safel y secured and the contai ner shal l be i ncl i ned as descri bed above. The contai ner shal l be suspended from a qui ck rel ease noofl Wfren rel eased, the contai ner shal l drop freely for at least 50 mm to give it a speed at initial impact of at least 1 m/s. b) Lowering test An i nternal l oad equal to the payl oad (P) shal l be safel y secured and the contai ner shal l be i ncl i ned as descri bed above. The contai ner shal l be l owered to the fl oor at a constant speed of not l ess than 1,5 m/s. NOTE 5 WARNING: These tests may cause considerable tremors in the building! 7.5 Other tests 7.5.1 Open top contai ners wi th an overal l l ength of 6.5m or more, wi th fork pockets desi gned for l oaded l i fti ng shal l be l oaded to a total uni forml y di stri buted gross mass of 1.6(R+S)g and l i fted cl ear of the ground usi ng the fork pockets. No defl ecti ons duri ng testi ng shal l be greater than 1/300 of the span of the member. The offshore contai ner shal l show no permanent deformati on or other damage after testing. 7.5.2 Tanks for dangerous cargoes shal l be tested accordi ng to the requi rements of the I MDG Code. 23 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 8 Producti on 8.1 General Production shall be performed according to approved drawings, specifications and procedures. Production documents according to this standard shall be prepared and approved before production starts. The manufacturer shal l ensure the qual i ty of the procedures and faci l i ti es used through operati on of a qual i ty assurance system at l east i n accordance wi th EN ISO 9001. 8.2 Primary structure 8.2.1 General Duri ng producti on i t shal l be possi bl e to i denti fy the materi al s used for the pri mary structure and l i nk them wi th the correspondi ng documentati on. l f the marki ng i s not vi si bl e on the fi ni shed product, a l og shal l be kept of the components to i denti fy and ensure traceabi l i ty of the materi al s used i n the pri mary structure. 8.2.2 Approved wel ders Wel ders shal l be approved i n accordance wi th EN 287-1 and EN ISO 9606-2, as appropri ate to the materi al s bei no used. 8. 2. 3 Wel di ngprocedures Approved wel di ng procedures shal l be used for the wel di ng carri ed out on the pri mary structure. Prel i mi nary wel di ng procedure speci fi cati ons shal l form the basi s for the preparati on of wel di ng procedure tests, Wel di ng procedure speci fi cati ons, wel di ng procedure tests and approval of wel di ng procedures shal l be i n accordance wi t h EN I SO 15607, EN I SO 15609-1, EN I SO 15614-1 or EN I SO 15614-2 as appropri ate and wi th the requi rements stated bel ow. lmpact tests are required as part of the welding procedure tests. Test temperatures and test results shal l compl y wi th the requi rements gi ven i n 6.1 i ncl udi ng Tabl e 1. For t > 12 mm four sets of i mpact tests shal l be made: one set i n the wel d metal , one set at the fusi on l i ne, one set i n the heat affected zone (HAZ) 2 mm away from fusi on l i ne and one set 5 mm away from fusi on l i ne. 8.2.4 Exami nati on of wel ds 8. 2. 4. 1 Gener al Wel ds shal l be subj ect to vi sual exami nati on as speci fi ed i n Tabl e 7. The percentages speci fi ed i n Tabl e 7 shal l appl y to the total l ength of wel d for the type of structural assembl y i n quest i on. Wel ds between essenti al non-redundant and non essenti al pri mary structures shal l be exami ned as for non-essenti al pri mary structures. 24 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) When fuel gas welding is applied, ultrasonic and magnetic particle examination shall be required in addi ti on to radi ographi c exami nati on. Non-destructi ve exami nati on (NDE) methods NDE methods, see Tabl e 8, shal l be chosen wi th due regard to the condi ti ons i nfl uenci ng the sensi ti vi ty of the methods. Structural wel ds shal l be exami ned as sti pul ated i n col umns I to l V i n Table 7 with those in columns lll or lV being employed in the event that such is relevant. Tabl e I - NDE acceptance cri teri a Vi sual Magneti c Parti cl e Dye Penetrant Ultrasonic Radi ography EN I SO 5817 a EN 1291 EN 1289 EN 1712 EN 12517- 1 Level B Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 Level 1 " for al umi ni um EN 30042 8. 2. 4. 4 Non-Dest ruct i ve Exami nat i on(NDE)Operat ors NDE operators shal l be qual i fi ed, i n accordance wi th EN 473, to a mi ni mum of l evel 2. NDE operators shal l undertake non-destructi ve exami nati on i n accordance wi th Tabl e 7 and i ssue reports descri bi ng wel d qual i ty, contai ni ng the fol l owi ng i nformati on as a mi ni mum: Tabl e 7 - Non-destructi ve exami nati on (NDE) of structural wel ds Gategory of member Type of exami nati on I Visual examination l l Magneti c parti cl e exami nati on a ilt Ultrasonic examination b I V Radi ographi c exami nati on o Essent i al / Non-redundant Pri mary structure 100 % 100 % 100 % Pad eyes 20 % al l ot her 10% Non essential primary structure 100 % 2A% 20% 10 o/o Secondary structure 100 % :Y:t9'|1.ilghTr_llj,.r1''t : ;'jjl::ifffi'ft-'ilrr il , i i : r . : , : -Jl . ,;l i !j i ;11 i i :l i .r;.l ;,' :i j j a Dy" penetrant exami nati on shal l be used where magneti c parti cl e exami nati on i s not possi bl e. b Dependi ng on materi al thi ckness and possi bi l i ty. NOTE: The categori es appl i cabl e to the structural members shal l be agreed wi th the body certi fyi ng the contai ner i n each case. Tabl e 8 - Standards rel evant to NDE methods Vi sual Magneti c parti cl e Dye Penetrant Ul trasoni c Radi ography EN 970 EN 1290 EN 571- 1 EN 1714 EN 1435 Wel d acceptance cri teri a 25 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) number of repairs carried out to meet the specified acceptance standard; NDE methods and procedures used; NDE-parameters necessary for a proper assessment; confirmation of acceptance or rejection. 8. 3 Secondaryst ruct ure The fabrication procedure shall reflect the requirement that the secondary structure shall prevent cargo from falling out of the offshore container and, if required, prevent water from entering. Welds between primary and secondary structures shall be performed as for secondary structures and shal l be exami ned as such. The wel di ng procedure used for the secondary structure shal l be i n accordance wi th EN ISO 15607, EN I SO 15609-1, EN I SO 15614-1or EN I SO 15614-2 as appropri at e. 8.4 Producti on testi ng 8.4.1 Lifting test During the production of a batch of offshore containers, some, selected at random, shall be submitted to the al l -poi nt ti fti ng test descri bed i n 7 .3.2 and shal l meet al l speci fi ed requi rements. The number of contai ners to be tested shal l be agreed i n advance and i s dependent on the total number i n the producti on seri es. Tabl e 10 shal l be used to determi ne the mi ni mum number of contai ners to be tested whi ch shal l i ncl ude the contai ner whi ch was type tested. Tabl e 10 - Number of contai ners requi red for l i fti ng test Total number i n seri es Number to be tested a 1- 5 1 6- 10 2 11 - 20 3 21 - 40 4 >40 10% a The quanti ty gi ven i ncl udes the contai ner whi ch was type tested. 8.4.2 Weatherproofness testing lf a type of offshore container is specified to be weatherproof, the following weatherproofness tests shal l be carri ed out. For the prototype and 10 % of the contai ners i n a producti on seri es, the test shal l be carri ed out i n accordance with the weatherproofness test specified in ISO 1496-1. For the remai ni ng contai ners, the water test may be repl aced by a si mpl e l i ght test for whi ch the inspector shall proceed as follows: 26 I EN 12079-1:2006 (E) enter the container, require the doors to be closed and allow sufficient time to become accustomed to the darkness (at least 3 minutes); while a powerful light is directed at all external surfaces, examine the interior of the container for l i ght penetrati on; no l i ght penetrati on shal l be observabl e wi th the naked eye or wi th normal l y corrected vi si on. NOTE Appropriate provision should be made to ensure that there is no risk to the health and safety of the inspector 8. 5 Fai l ur e of pr oduct i on cont ai ner s l n the case of fai l ure of any contai ner to meet ei ther the wel d acceptance cri teri a (see or the l i fti ng test requi rements (see 7.3.1 and 8.4.1) the manufacturer shal l i denti fy the cause of fai l ure and rectify all affected containers, The rectified containers shall then be re-inspected andlor re-tested. Marki ng 9.1 Safety marki ng The tops of cl osed contai ners and the top rai l s of open and framed contai ners shal l be marked as follows: cl osed contai ners shal l be marked wi th a band of sol i d contrasti ng col our not l ess than 100 mm wide round the roof perimeter; if the roof of the container is recessed below the top perimeter rail, at least the top surface of the top rail shall be marked; open and framed containers, shall be marked on the top surface of the top rails with either hatchi ng i n a contrasti ng col our or a sol i d l i ght col our. Where a container is fitted with fork pockets designed for handling the container only when empty (e.9, on some tanks and l ong baskets) then the words "Empty l i ft onl y" shal l be cl earl y di spl ayed near each set of fork pockets i n characters not l ess than 50 mm hi gh. NOTE Al umi ni um contai ners may need to be speci al l y marked to warn of the dangerof sparki ng (see 5.1). The recommended marki ng i s' ALUMINIUM CONTAINER' on al l four si des i n l etters at l east 75 mm hi gh. 9. 2 l dent i f i cat i on mar ki ngs Each contai ner shal l have the fabri cator' s seri al number wel ded on i n characters at l east 50mm hi gh. In addi ti on, each contai ner shal l be marked wi th a uni que contai ner number, i ssued by the owner, as a pri me i denti fi er for use as the common cross-reference on al l i n-servi ce certi fi cati on and shi ppi ng documentati on. The contai ner number shal l be promi nentl y and i ndel i bl y di spl ayed on al l si des of the contai ner (as vi ewed from ground l evel ) i n characters of a contrasti ng col our, not l ess than 75 mm hi gh. NOTE 1 For open sided containers it may be necessary to attach panels specifically to carry the container number . l f a contai ner has a roof, the contai ner number shal l be di spl ayed on the roof, i n characters 300 mm hi gh or more, Where character si ze i s restri cted by the avai l abl e space they shoul d be as l arge as practi cabl e. The marki ng shal l be carri ed out i n such a way as to avoi d i ncorrect i nterpretati on (e.9. by underl i ni ng). Where appl i cabl e the l ower edge of the marki ng shal l be posi ti oned near the si de of the contai ner i n whi ch the door i s l ocated. 27 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) NOTE 2 In exceptional circumstances the owner may change the container number and re-mark the container accordingly, In this case the inspection plate should be replaced (Clause 10) and the certificate of conformity revi sed (Cl ause 11). 9.3 Informati on marki ngs Each contai ner shal l be cl earl y marked wi th: a) relevant electrical hazard classification and zone marking according to ATEX Directive (94/9/EC) b) rel evant dangerous goods ptacardi ng i n accordance wi th the IMDG Code. NOTE 1 Placarding should be removed when container no longer contains dangerous goods. c) maxi mum gross mass (i n kg) d) tare mass (i n kg) e) payl oad (i n kg) c), d) and e) shal l be di spl ayed i n characters of a contrasti ng col our not l ess than 50mm hi gh. NOTE 2 A matt black panel of appropriate size may be provided for the application of temporary information. lt is recommended that this panel be located on a door, where fitted. Other information e.g. destination may be added if desired. 9. 4 Ot her mar ki ngs lf the container is fitted with an intermediate deck the payload of the deck shall be displayed on the i nsi de of the contai ner i n a posi ti on where i t i s cl earl y vi si bl e at al l ti mes, i n characters of a contrasti ng col our not l ess t han 50 mm hi gh. The user of the contai ner may add addi ti onal i nformati on marki ng such as owners name, etc. However, to avoi d mi si nterpretati on addi ti onal marki ng shal l be kept to a mi ni mum. 10 Gontai ner Data Pl ate 10. 1 Gener al Contai ners shal l be fi tted wi th a pl ate carryi ng the i nformati on speci fi ed i n 10.2 The pl ate shal l be made of corrosi on resi stant materi al securel y attached external l y i n a manner desi gned to avoi d unauthori zed or acci dental removal . The pl ate shal l be fi tted to a door, or, on contai ners wi th no doors, i n a promi nent posi ti on. Al umi ni um ri vets have been found to be unsui tabl e as a fi xi ng method i n the offshore envi ronment and shal l not be used. The i nformati on on the pl ate shal l be i n the Engl i sh l anguage. NOTE Provi si on for an addi ti onal l anguage may be made. The text shal l be permanentl y and l egi bl y marked on the pl ates i n characters not l ess than 4 mm hi gh. 28 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 1O.2 Gontents of Data Plate The pl ate shal l be headed: "OFFSHORE CONTAINER DATA PLATE - EN 12079-1:2006 The pl ate shal l contai n the fol l owi ng i nformati on: fabri cato/s seri al number; month and year of manufacture; maxi mum gross mass i n ki l ograms excl udi ng l i fti ng set at the desi gn sl i ng angl e; tare mass i n ki l ograms; payl oad i n ki l ograms and i ntermedi ate deck payl oad (i f appl i cabl e); certificate of conformity number; desi gn temperature; ldentification of body issuing the certificate of conformity. NOTE 1 A recommended format for the pl ate i s shown i n Fi gure 2. NOTE 2 The data pl ate may be combi ned wi th the i nspecti on pl ate by i ncl udi ng the addi ti onal i nformati on speci fi ed i n Cl ause 5 of EN 12079-3. OFFSHORE CONTAINER DATA PLATE EN 12079-1: 2006 Fabri cati on no: Month and year of manufacture: Maxi mum gross mass excl udi ng l i fti ng set kg at # # Degrees from Verti cal Tare mass: Payl oad: Contai ner Intermediate deck Certificate no. kg kg kg Desi gn temperature: oc Fi gure 2 - Exampl e of Data Pl ate Layout 29 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) 11 Gertificate of conformity 11.1 General All containers to be used offshore shall be issued with a certificate of conformity to this standard. The certificate shall be retained by the owner. In addi ti on, certi fi cates of exami nati on and tests shal l be i ssued as descri bed i n 11.2. Contai ners, whi ch are requi red to compl y wi th the requi rements of the IMDG Code, shal l al so be certified in accordance with the IMDG Code. Each contai ner shal l have i ts own fabri cator' s seri al number as speci fi ed i n 9.2. 11.2 Documentation The certificate of conformity shall be based on the following documentation collated in an "as buitt" dossier, which shall be retained by the fabricator for at least five years: structural calculations; drawi ngs i ncl udi ng a general arrangement drawi ng; specifications for welding procedures (WPS); welders certificates: material certificates; report on traceability of materials, in the primary structure; report from fabrication inspection; report from dimensional control; report from non-destructi ve exami nati on (NDE); report from prototype testing; report from proof testing; report from final inspection. NOTE l t i s recommended that i nformati on from the "as bui l t dossi er" that i s not consi dered commerci al l y sensi ti ve shoul d be copi ed to the owner who shoul d retai n i t for the l i fe of the contai ner. 11.3 Gontents of the certi fi cate of conformi ty The certificate of conformity shall contain the following information: fabri cator' s seri al number; certificate of conformity number; descri pti on of the contai ner i ncl udi ng: 30 EN { 2079-1:2006 (E) a) external di mensi ons; b) number of tifting points; c) name of fabricator; d) month/year of fabrication; e) maxi mum gross mass excl udi ng l i fti ng set i n kg; f) tare mass excluding lifting set in kg; g) payl oad i n ki l ograms; h) reference to the as built dossier; i ) the total mass i n kg appl i cabl e to the al l -poi nts l i fti ng test for the batch of contai ners tested as speci fi ed i n 8.4.1; j) angle of lifting set legs (from vertical); k) mi ni mum nomi nal shackl e bol t di ameter. conformity to other requirements andlor codes; statement that the contai ner descri bed has been desi gned, fabri cated and tested i n accordance wi th EN 12079-1; fabricator' s serial numbers of those containers from the production batch subject to test in accor dance t o 8. 4, 1: remarks; signature on behalf of the body issuing the certificate of conformity. 31 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Annex A (l nformati ve) Certi fi cati on Requi rements for Contai ners Several international and national certification schemes are applicable for various categories of portable containers. Several of these certification schemes are or may be applicable for offshore contai ners as defi ned i n thi s standard. General certi fi cati on requi rements for offshore contai ners The International Maritime Organization. lMO, has issued guidelines for certification of offshore contai ners, i n ci rcul ar MSC/Ci rc.860. Thi s ci rcul ar i s i ntended to gui de nati onal authori ti es i n devel opi ng approval and certi fi cati on requirements for offshore containers. lt recommends that new offshore containers be approved, prototype tested and certified by duly authorized bodies. l nternati onal Requi rements for Frei ght Contai ners Frei ght contai ners, as defi ned i n the l nternati onal Conventi on for Safe Contai ners (CSC), are requi red to be certified to that convention. Offshore containers are usually not covered by the CSC. However, offshore contai ners that fal l wi thi n the defi ni ti on of a contai ner i n the CSC, and whi ch are used internationally for transport of cargo, must also be certified to that convention. Tank Contai ners for Dangerous Goods Al l tank contai ners i ntended for mari ne transport of dangerous goods need to be certi fi ed to the Internati onal Mari ti me Dangerous Goods Code (the IMDG Code). Tank contai ners bui l t after January 1' t 2003 must be bui l t and certi fi ed accordi ng to the requi rements for UN type tanks (Ch.6.7 i n the IMDG code). Tank contai ners bui l t before that date may be i n accordance wi th Chapter 13 of the ol der IMDG code (i .e up to amendment 29 of that code.) Tank contai ners that are certi fi ed accordi ng to these requi rements are al so al l owed for road and rai l transport, Addi ti onal requi rements for offshore servi ce contai ners ln addition to the transport related requirements covered by EN 12079 and the regulations described above, offshore contai ners may be desi gned or equi pped for speci al servi ce tasks, (e.9. l aboratori es, control stations, workshop, accommodation, stores, power plants, process units). Such servi ce contai ners, as defi ned i n paragraph 3.1.2, may be subj ect to safety regul ati ons appl i cabl e on the offshore i nstal l ati ons where they are used. The safety regul ati ons may appl y for vari ous types of i nstal l ati ons, systems and equi pment i n the contai ner. Thi s may i ncl ude, but i s not restricted to: Fi re protecti on Electrical equipment Gas detecti on systems Venti l ati on systems 32 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Alarms and PA systems Noi se and vi brati on Pressuri zed equi pment Emergency exi ts ATEX (EG Di recti ve 94/9) Thi s di recti ve addresses el ectri cal and mechani cal i ssues for offshore contai ners. 33 EN 12079-1:2006 (E) Bi bl i ography l1l f MDG Code, lnternational maritime dangerous goods code (r'ssued by IMO) l2l f MO/MSC/ Circ.860, Guidelines for approval of offshore containers handled in open seas t3l DNV, Certification Notes No. 2.7-1 - May 1995: Offshore containers t4l ATEX Directive tsl EN 1011-1 , Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 1: General guidance for arc welding 16l EN 101 1-2, Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Arc welding of ferritic sfee/s r l7l EN 12079-2, Offshore containers and associated lifting sefs - Part 2: Lifting sefs - Design, manufacture and marking l8l EN 12079-3, Offshore containers and assoclated lifting sefs - Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and tesflng I9l EN ISO 9001:2000, Qual i ty management systems - Requi rements (SO 9001:2000) [10] ISO 668, Series 1 freight containers -- C/assrfication, dimensions and ratings 34 BS EN 12079-1:2006 BSI 389 Chiswick High Road London W4 4AL BSI - British Standards Institution BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing British Standards. 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