BS 4465 (1989) Electric Hoists

March 18, 2018 | Author: Wong Yew Wei | Category: Bending, Structural Steel, Structural Load, Stress (Mechanics), Beam (Structure)



as 4465 : 1 989UDC 621.876.1-83:69.057.7 British Standard Specification for Design and construction of electric hoists for both passengers and materials iiiii !!!!!!! iiiii iiiii iiiiiiiii !!!!!!! (f) * * Conception et construction des elt~vateursde personnel et monte-charge electriques - Specifications Ausfuhrung und Konstruktion von elektrischen Personen- und Lastenaufzugen FRANKLIN OFFSHORE EUROPE LTD CONTROLLED COPY. THIS DOCUMENT WILL BE UPDATED WHEN REQUIRED FRANKLIN OFFSHORE EUROPE lTD CONTROLLED COPY. THIS DOCUMENT _WILL BE UPDATED WHEN REQUIRED NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW 1Im~1I -. - British Standards BS 4465 : 1989 Foreword This British Standard, prepared under the direction of the Mechanical Handling Standards Policy Committee at the request of the Health and Safety Executive, is a new edition of BS 4465 : 1986, which is withdrawn. This edition introduces technical changes to bring the standard up-to-date but it does not reflect a full review of the standard, which will be undertaken in due course. It specifies requirements for hoists carrying both passengers and materials used in construction work and applies to machines employing rope suspended cages driven by drum and traction, and also to rack and pinion drive machines. The primary object of the standard is to promote reliability and safety without placing undue restrictions on the general design of hoists or methods employed in their construction and erection. The standard follows closely the requirements specified in draft European Standard prEN 109. It was originally envisaged that EN 109 would be directly implemented as the revision of this British Standard but, owing to administrative problems, final publication of the European Standard cannot be anticipated for some considerable time. However, upon the publication of EN 109 this standard may be revised to implement that European Standard. The design practice in this specification is based upon that for cranes and thus the structural requirements specified in this standard are similar to those specified in BS 2573 : Part 1. Account has also been taken of BS 5655 : Part 1 for electric lifts. There are however some radical departures from lift design practice in this standard, these being necessitated by such factors as the open air environment of the hoist, and the need for its periodic dismantling, re-erection and extension in service. It is assumed that a base structure and other supports will be provided on the construction site which will support and resist all loads, moments and overturning forces which may develop due to the use of the hoist, wind forces and other .in.cidanal-fOfiteS , { ...~ ."" '6" lhe ..IClst mmNij . , \ \ i I 1 , __~ 11Hi'~klJo~ledQedA1i!i ~ ftbJ~t~~~ d to carry both ". ge larger than that passengers 1!tIdm3teri~JdD1ti_ carry bulky but not re~irecrtor-'~s~~~ers 9l1W.~, 9~~ l1ec:essatilyheavy objec~. ')15 eJ~r)ti., therefore, that users of these h()4Jt~'eilterc:~eQJa{e 'lSb'Ht l over their loading. C9.J1~ipl!ra1;j,p.Q~ouJd.l?egW8fI tPt'II\'t; stallation of is anticip~1~'t. at a code of practice wiJ1 be,prepared on-t~safem$'tmlaHo~ and use of the ~. ..boiUs.,eovar.eQ.ey.tnfs ~talldal 11:-'---- t BS 7212J!1!1.~~~~Q~el.d8tl~for the selection of r(11 J ' 3<10<lU3 I. ".J rpp~ji,'I1.Q.,t\(Pfst~i' Oj~"tUSClf&ltlVt!~ ng down safe systems A'H~ nd planning ofthe peration and mainte- _.~.- . ,,, _.,j.gA.II.!\t;oll,"1~stiri9. examinati0,q. ~ T\~3MU~OO:'\)n \ . \i n. ':1"in, ,.0"3t:. ".,,~ i ,. ",/lqqce ~CP~~ft~jf9~~clf~'41s ell as giving guidance \hE!'~~I!e~ty'0~4af1d t~)j1iJlRV¥"ertors and operators. .~~~diJ<]i{ tMs l\Jg\SI~fibn;"MgUla.\lons and related documents thatmay-be' dfJPtfCiib1e to electric hoists. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations. as 4466 : 1989 Contents Page Foreword Committees responsible Inside front cover Back cover E Basic formula for calculation of C, F Text deleted G Certificate of type test for safety gear Tables List of loads Load combinations I mpact factors Design wind pressures 6 Force coefficients Cf 6 Shielding factors q, 3 7 Basic stresses in structural members 8 Values of Robertson constant Q for struts of 6 various sections 8 9 Values of Fcrlp for steels complying with 21 BS 4360 10 Values of K1 24 11 Values of K2 29 12 Values of A and 8 to be used for calculating values of C, 36 13 Basic stress Pbc,b81 for different values of critical stress C, 36 14 Basic average shear stress Pq,b81 in stiffened 36 webs of steel complying with BS 4360 37 38 16 Basic stresses in welds 38 16 Basic stresses in rivets as a percentage of YRO.2 39 17 Effective lengths of parts in compression with no lateral bracing 39 18 Effective lenCl1:h 40 19 Maximum width of plates in compression 40 20 Projection of unstiffened compression flange plates 40 41 21 Values of P for fluctuating stresses for various classes of constructional details 41 41 22 Size of perforation or opening in cage enclosure related to clearance 42 23 Clearance betWeen turns of rope on helically grooved drums 24 Type of safety gear for counterweights 43 26 Governor tripping speeds 43 43 43 43 45 Figures 1 Conversion chart for wind speed and pressure 2 Definitions: aerodynamic slenderness, section ratio, solidity ratio and spacing ratio 3 Design throat thickness of fillet welds 4 Design throat thickness of deep-penetrCition fillet welds 5 Effective length with lateral bracing 6 Typical class E weld details 7 Typical class F weld details 8 Typical class F and class G weld details 9 Typical class G weld details 10 Angle of fleet Index 2 2 2 1 2 3 4 Page 50 50 61 Specification Section one. General 1 Scope 2 Definitions 3 Design considerations Section two. Structural design and construction 4 Loads and load combinations 6 Selection of steel, minimum thickness and working stresses 6 Stresses in structural components 7 Basic stresses in connections 8 Proportions of structural components, plates and web stiffeners 9 Fluctuating loads: permissible fatigue stresses Section three. Mechanical design and construction 10 Hoist cage and enclosure 11 Hoistway enclosure and gates 12 Interlocking of gates 13 Rope suspension 14 Rack and pinion suspension system 15 Driving machinery 16 Brake 17 Counterweights 18 Safety gear 19 Overspeed governors 20 Buffers 21 Hoist cage overrun 22 Safety switches 23 Guarding 24 Noticas Section four. Electrical design and construction 26 Mains supply isolating switch 26 Cables and wiring 27 Protection against the effects of external influences 28 Earthing 29 Control circuits, panels, equipment and systems 30 Suppression of radio and television interference Section five. Testing 31 General Section six. Instruction 32 General manual 3 3 3 4 5 5 9 10 11 13 13 15 16 18 22 24 24 26 27 27 31 36 38 40 40 iiiiiii !!!!!! iiiiiii iiiiiii iiiiiii (J) * !!!!!! * 6 7 23 23 25 32 .... .:J.) 21 36 37 62 46 48 Appendices A Legislation and related documents B Text deleted C Derivation of design wind pressures D The use of steels of higher tensile strengths than those of steels complying with BS 4360 49 49 49 49 1 13 ultimate limit switch. and when the cage(s) is at the lowest landing position and laden. 2 .6 progressive safety gear. 2 Definitions For the purposes of this British Standard the following definitions apply. 2. measured from the point of release of the stationary cage to the point of arrest.9 safety gear. A mechanical device for stopping and maintaining stationary on the guides the hoist cage or counterweight in the case of overspeeding in the downward direction. 3.4 out of service. Section one Section one. 2. 2. 3 Design considerations 3. of the hoist shall not 2.2 Accessibility The hoist shall be designed. 2. Any person. maintenance or repairs may be readily and safely carried out. tion is effected by a braking provisions are made so as to pended part to a permissible A safety gear in which deceleraaction. A condition when the cage(s) is in any position other than at the lowest landing position of its travel (whether it is laden or unladen). in whole or part. independently of the functioning of the operating control device. The speed of the hoist cage for which the equipment has been built and for which normal operation is guaranteed by the vendor.8 rated speed. 2.10 stopping distance. 2. A switch or combination of switches arranged to bring the cage to rest automatically at or near a terminal landing.3 mast. 2. transported by a hoist. operating environment and design life. and for which special limit the forces on the susvalue.1 in service.11 terminal stopping switch. A structure that supports and guides the cage (and the counterweight when provided) within the tower structure.12 tower. in the event of the cage travelling a predetermined distance beyond a terminal 4465 : 1989 Specification. They are primarily intended for the carriage of personnel but may also carry materials. An emergency switch arranged to stop the hoist automatically. 2. General 1 Scope This British Standard specifies requirements for the design and construction of hoists that are intended to be used as temporary installations during construction work.5 passenger. 2. including the driver. The load for which the equipment has been built and for which normal operation is guaranteed by the vendor. 2. NOTE. Materials used in the construction support combustion. The distance the cage will fall during a safety gear test. The maximum speed of travel of the hoist cage is 2 m/s. referred to in this standard are 2. testing. shall be appropriate to its intended use.1 Design features All components shall be correctly designed and of sound construction using materials that are free from patent defects and that are of adequate strength and suitable quality. The construction and reliability of the equipment. A condition when the cage(s) is at the lowest landing position and unladen.2 text deleted 2. A structure that supports and guides the cage (and the counterweight when provided) outside of the mast structure. constructed and installed in such a manner that periodic examination. The hoist cage is restrained against lateral movement by a guide or guides and is suspended or supported by either steel wire ropes or a rack and pinion(s). The titles of the publications listed on the inside back cover.7 rated load. Table 3. in knots. Two design wind conditions shall be taken into account in calculating wind loads on hoists. as used in the treatment for fatigue design as specified in clause 9.4. The structure as a whole and each part of it including ties shall be designed to withstand the loads listed in table 1 in the combinations given in table 2. Structural design and construction 4 Loads and load combinations 4.1 General. cage and auxiliary items when applicable Load due to out-of-service wind acting horizontally in any direction on the mast or tower.4. forces due to moving masses. mile/h and mis.3 Load spectrum factor. moving cables Rated load (L2 + L3) x impact factor (L2 x impact factor) + (L3 x impact factor x load spectrum factor) Load due to in-service wind acting horizontally in any direction on the mast or tower. 4. (b) Out-of-service wind. irrespective of height. Such factors can be in excess of 10.1.1. (a) In-service wind. shall be not less than the pressures specified in table 4.2 and kgf/m2 is given in figure 1. is the design wind speed (in m/s). e.1.1. 4.4 Wind load calculations. ropes. The wind loadings. L2 Loads due to moving components. in which the hoist is designed to operate. Load combinations (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (see 5.25 1. Take into account the kinetic energy of the drive Loads due to static components. For mc~t complete and part structures.2 Impact factor.2 Wind pressure.e. e. This is the wind pressure that a hoist is designed to withstand when in an out-of-service condition.1. i.g. and individual members used in hoist structures. cage and auxiliary items when applicable L3 L4 Ls iiiii !!!!!! iiiii iiiii (f) I I I L6 iiiii !!!!!! * * L7 Table 2.6 3 . Listof loads I Oescription of load Symbol L1 -e. 4. 0. cage. and q in Ib/ft2. the wind load shall be calculated from: F =AqCf where F is the wind load (in N). q is the wind pressure corresponding to appropriate design condition (in N/m2).':-.. masts.0 (b) masses of variable magnitude.3) L 1 + L4 L1+L4+L6 L1 + L2 + L7 L1 + L4 + L6 L1+L4+L6 L1 + L4 + L6 L1+Ls+L6 Hoist in use without wind Hoist in use with in-service wind Hoist in out-of-service condition Hoist being erected or dismantled Hoist cage in collision with overrun buffers (6) Hoist with application of safety gear (7) Fatigue check (for each member in which fluctuating stresses occur when tested in accordance with clause 9) 4. 1\1. which shall be assumed to be applied in the least favourable direction in combination with the appropriate service loads specified in 4.1. The appropriate impact factor shall be as given in table 3. shall be as follows: (a) masses of constant magnitude.1.1 Wind action.40 2. NOTE. 4.1. 4. payload.g.g. e. Impact facton Rope suspended masses Progressive safety gear application Rack and pinion suspended masses Collision with resilient buffers: (a) rope suspended cages (b) rack and pinion supported cages 1. The dynamic wind pressure shall be calculated from q = 0. This is the wind pressure.3 Design wind conditions. The load spectrum factors K p required to take account of the state of loading of the hoist throughout its lifetime. cages.0 see note Tab!e1.g. Aconversion chart covering V. 1.613V. In calculating live loads in members of the structure.4.1. For hoists used in the UK.4. It shall be assumed that the wind can blow horizontally from any direction at a constant velocity. A is the effective frontal area of the part under consideration. for the part under consideration. Cf is the force coefficient in the direction of the wind.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Section two. as follows. V. the shadow area of its solid parts projected onto a plane perpendicular to the wind direction (in m2).1 Loads and load combinations to be considered in d~sign 4. inertia forces and shock shall be multiplied by an impact factor (see table 1). counterweight.1.40 1.4 Wind loads 4. and that there is a static reaction to the loadings it applies to a hoist structure. the out-of-service wind pressures specified in table 4 shall be used as the basis of design. ties and other appendages unit when calculating the impact factor.2 where q is the dynamic pressure (ill N/m2). Design wind pressures Height Wind pressure In-service* All zonest N/m2 Parts of hoist under 30 m from ground level Parts of hoist over 30 m and up to 60 m from ground level Parts of hoist over 60 m and up to 90 m from ground level Parts of hoist over 90 m and up to 120 m from ground level Parts of hoist over 120 m and up to 150 m from ground level Parts of hoist over 150 m and up to 200 m from ground level 250 250 Out-of-service* Zone 1t N/m2 731 868 Zone 2t N/m2 1167 1384 Zone 3t N/m2 1370 1625 Zone 4t N/m2 1588 1884 250 940 1500 1760 2041 250 998 1593 1869 2168 250 1041 1661 1950 2261 250 1102 1759 2064 2394 *See appendix C for details of the in-serviceand out-of-service wind speeds and the methods used to calculate the design pressures.1. with the section ratio. Table 4. etc. The wind load on sheltered parts shall be calculated from: Fs = AsqCfcf> where q and Cf are as defined in 4. shall be as given in table 5. etc: shielding factors. or (b) the structure shall be divided into the horizontal zones of assumed constant pressure given in table 4 and the appropriate value used for each zone. cages. tZone 1: Greater London. 4. in the case of large box sections. the extreme south-western tip of Walesand most of the northern half of Northern Ireland (see also zone 41- Zone 4: Highlandsand Islands of Scotland and the extreme northern tip of Northern Ireland. The values for individual members vary according to the aerodynamic slenderness and. Zone 3: Lowlands of Scotland. 4 .4.1.1. It is acceptable for A and Cf for specific designs to be determined by full scale experimental testing. Where a frame is made up of flat-sided and circular sections. Aerodynamic slenderness and section ratio are defined in figure 2. cf> is the shielding factor given in table 6 according to the solidity ratio of the front frame and the spacing ratio. NOTE. these ratios are defined in figure 2. the wind load on the unsheltered parts shall be calculated from the formula given in 4.4. Zone 2: Remainder of England and most of Walesand the southern half of Northern Ireland (see also zone 3).4. In calculating wind moment for out-of-service conditions. machinery houses. Force coefficients for individual members. As is the area of the sheltered parts under consideration (in m2).BS 4465 : 1989 Section two NOTE. either: (a) the wind pressure at the top shall be taken as constant over the entire height of the structure.5 Individual members. Where parallel frames or members are positioned so that the windward parts have a shielding effect on those behind them.4. multiple frames. The total wind load on the structure shall be taken as the sum of the loads on its component parts. etc: force coefficients. taking A as the area in square metres of the windward frame or member plus the unsheltered parts of those behind it. single lattice frames.4.6 Multiple members. or of circular sections in both flow regimes (DVs < 6 m2 Is and DVs ~ 6 m2 Is where D is the diameter of the section in metres) the appropriate force coefficients shall be applied to the corresponding frontal areas. single lattice frames.4.1. 4. Fs is the wind load on the sheltered parts (in N). 1 0.55 1.95 1 0. Bib 0.5 m 1.9 1.7 Latticetowersofsquarecrosssection.45 0. snow and temperature variation shall be taken into account as appropriate.76 0.66 0. Shielding factors IjJ Specing Solidity ratio.9 0.2 0. 0.95 1.75 1.2 0.See figure2.88 1 0. which occurs when the wind blows on to a corner.88 0.7q (1 + 1jJ) for towers composed of circular sections whereDV.40 1.0 1.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 5. ~ 6 m2/s The value of IjJshall be taken NOTE 2.8 1.60 1.80 0. .1 1.7 1.8 0.0 [J) Circular sections: where DVs iiii !!!!!! * < 6 m2/s ~6 m2 Is where DV. shall be taken as 1.70 2.70 2.3 1.2 Loads due to climatic conditions and natural phenomena For conditions of service outside the UK.1 0. 4.8 0. Force coefficients Cf Type Description Aerodynamic slendern_l/b 5 10 20 or I/D. 30 40 50 Individual Rolled sections.75 0.35 1. In calculating the 'face-on' wind load on square towers.25 Circular sections: where DV.0 0.90 0.4.65 1.8 Fabricated box sections with b or d greater than 0. NOTE 1.1 0.2 times the face-on. A/A.55 1. * Rectangular clad structures 4.2q(1+1jJ) 1.59 0.0 0.68 1 according to the solidity ratio of the windward face. rectangular hollow sections.5 m Section ratio b/d* ~2 1 0.95 0.35 1.21 0.7 1. < 6 m2 /s where DVs ~6 m2/s iiii !!!!!! iiii iiii 1. The maximum wind load on a square tower.2 0.4 1.43 0.85 1.33 0.0 5. These should be the subject of agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer.0 2. 1.0 4.32 0. 0.75 1.3 0.0 0. the solid area of the windward face shall be multiplied by the following overall force coefficients: for towers composed of flat-sided sections 1.5 0.0 0.5 . fabricated box sections with band D not greater than 0.15 0. load.rces should ments end included is drawn to the fact that the may require the inclusion of be determined in accordance in the loads to be considered laws or requireearthquake forces.25 0.55 0.95 1 1 1 0. etc.See figure 2.92 0.6 0.<6m2/s where DV.1 0.75 0. with those requirein design. Attention ments of a country Such fo.75 1 .8 Flat-sided sections Single lattice frames Cages and counterweights. members flat plates.4q from table 6 for a/b =1 0.0 6.3 1.4 0. Table 6. 5 .5 0.1.2 0.6 1.75 0.5 1.9 0.63 0..4 0.75 1. loads due to wind.65 1. ratio.81 1 0.2 1. 3 Where hoists are to be used at that brittle fracture might occur.. . . The basic stress multiplied 1.11111111111111. the bearing members shall have specified impact properties.. . . . 1200 I lIfo . . .. low temperatures such material used for loadlow temperature the service conditions NOTE.1 Selection of steel. the impact value derived from standard test pieces shall be not less than that given in BS 4360 for the type of steel under consideration on the standard test piece.. .. I .. the incidence of corrosion in relation to protective coatings used. with the exception of the following. which shall not be used unless impact or other tests show that the material is suitable for service: (a) plates and sections above 30 mm thickness where brittle fracture might occur under tension loads.111111111111. I . . ..07.95.1111111111111111111111111111111111III. . . . I . . Attention is drawn to the requirements laid down in BS 4395 for the thicknesses of members at joints made with high strength friction grip bolts.1.. 1 . .. . I I I 35 I I I 40 I I 1. I 200 I 5 I 6 I 7 1 8 9 I I 10 I 500 I 15 I I I I I 20 I I I I I I. . .BS 4465 : 1989 Section two o 1 knots 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1.1. 5...1. 16~ 18fO 1 o 5 10 15 20 25 Figure 1. . .. This standard does not impose minimum thicknesses. .. . Conversion chart for wind speed and pressure 5 Selection 5. counter For further information regarding selection of steels to brittle fracture see chapter 2 of BS 449 : Part 2 : 1969. (c) Under load combination (7). I . 6 multiplied by the duty factor 1... (4). .. . minimum thickness of steel and working stresses 5. I I 35 I1IIIII 55 60 I I Ibfld Dynamic pressure q o I N/m2 o I kgf 1m2 1 I 50 I 2 I 3 I I.. (d) Under separate load combinations (3)... steels having no specified impact properties are acceptable. ..1111111111111111111111111111111. (5) by the duty factor and (6). vulnerability to accidental damage. . 5. adequate to meet inherent in the design.. 1 .1. . .1. I I I I 30 I ... The basic stress multiplied by the duty factor 0. provided that the hoist manufacturer shows that they have comparable properties to steels complying with BS 4360 and they have been subjected to equivalent tests. . . I I I I 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 . ..2 Minimum thickness of plates and sections The proportioning of members of hoist structures shall follow from consideration of the stresses engendered by service conditions.. NOTE.IIIul 85 90 130 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 m/s o 1. 5.. ..5 50 55 60 65 70 1111111. . . . 5. etc..5 50 55 60 65 .5 I 50 I I I . (b) plates and sections above 25 mm thickness where brittle fracture under tension loads would result in major structural collapse. and shall have regard to other practical considerations including the requirements of manufacturing processes. or (b) other steels.1 I I 10 I I 15 I I t I I 20 I 25 ...1 Steel shall be selected from either: (a) structural steels complying with BS 4360.. 25 30 I I I I.3 Permissible working stresses The calculated stresses in each part of the structure due to the load combinations listed in table 2 shall not exceed any of the following. . (2). 1 I mile/h o Veloc i ty V 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 1.36. . . .. .. . .. 40 2000 I 100 I 150 I 300 I I 400 I I I 600 I 700 I I I 800 9001000 I I I I I .. I .4 For temperate or tropical conditions. . ..2 Where thicknesses of steel are specified that exceed the maximum values given in BS 4360 for Charpy V-notch impact tests. I . (a) Under load combination (1)... 1 . The basic stress (b) Under load combination 5..1. .111111 75 80 111111.. The permissible fatigue stress.. b X1 (b) Solidity ratio Spacing ratio = distance between facing sides breadth of member across wind front 8 b (c) Spacing ratio Figure 2. section ratio.- - breadth of section across wind front depth of section parallel to wind flow =-d b slenderness and section ratio iiiii !!!!!!!!! iiiii iiiii - iiiii !!!!!!!!! b (/) * * Solidity ratio A -A. solidity ratio and spacing ratio 7 . Definitions: aerodynamic 4465 : 1989 Section two ~ Wind Aerodynamic slenderness = Section ratio (for box sections) (a) Aerodynamic length of member 1 1 K or breadth of section across wind front b D . area of solid parts (shown shaded) enclosed area :tAmember. 1.4 Members subject to bending (see 5.8 are allowed in cases where secondary stresses are calculated and taken into account in the design (see 6. the yield stress Ys is reduced by 25 N/mm2 .2 to 6. 6. tubes.4. but not less than zero). channels angles and tees.1 by the minimum radius of gyration r of any cross section within the middle third of the length.3) 6. For slenderness ratio less than so. as defined in 8. ) for rolled beams. and for plate girders with single or multiple webs with: d1 It steel ddt steel d1 It steel not greater than 85 for of grade 43.bas = 0. r is the radius of gyration about the appropriate axis.2.6Ys Ys is the yield stress of the steel under consideration (in N/mm2). NOTE 1.1.6F crip where F crlp is the applied stress at failure of a member (in N/mm2) subjected to overall flexural buckling due to axial compression as given by the equation: for plate girders with single or multiple webs with: d1 It greater than 85 for steel of grade 43. The slenderness ratio s for any strut shall be obtained by dividing its effective length 1 as given in 8.3. E is Young's modulus (= 205 000 N/mm2). The maximum widths of tension flange plates with stiffened or unstiffened edges are specified in 8. So is the limiting slenderness ratio for stub columns (= 0.4. 6.1.8. Pbt.1. cnp = 2 _ J{( YS+(1I+1)CO 2 ) 2 - Y.3).1. the specific' requirements of appendix D shall be met.1. This provision need not be applied to welded compound roiled sections or to rolled sections with welded flange cover plates. 6. The basic compressive stress Pac bas shall not exceed Pat bas as defined in 6. NOTE 2.C s 0} where Co is the Euler critical stress Ys is the yield stress of the steel under consideration.1. is the effective length relative to the same axis.2. The maximum widths of plates in compression shall be as specified in 8.baSfor the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 7.bas (in N/mm2) shall not exceed the value Pat.1 Basic stresses.1 Individual members.3). not greater than 75 for of grade 50. Tabulated values of Pbt. Ys is as defined in 6.1. Basic stresses for steels complying with BS 4360 for use in the application of this standard shall comply with 6. The basic tensile bending stress Pbt. Where the end fixing conditions of the strut in the X and Y planes are different.59Ys Ys+(71+1)Co F. Tabulated values of Pat. ddt greater than 65 for steel of grade Areas in compression 6. NOTE.2."yEIYs). the basic stress is expressed as a proportion of the yield stress of the grade of steel under consideration.2.1.2 respectively. 6. Tabulated values of Fcrip for the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 9 for the values of a: given in table 8. 6. its effective lengths in these planes will also differ. F crip = YS' The effective and maximum widths of plates in compression are specified in 8. Relaxations in some of the requirements of 6.1 Areas in tension. hollow sections and members with plated webs: verification relative to the yield stress 6. where Pbt. 71 is the Perry coefficient (= a: (s . square and similar sections Pbt. The basic tensile stress Pat. The formulae for deriving basic stresses and tabulated values are both given. Members subjected to secondary X 10-3.2. for sections fabricated from plate by welding. flats. 8 . In general.3 Members subject to simple axial compression (see 5. rolled sections. The maximum widths of tension flange plates with stiffened or unstiffened edges are specified in 8.65Ys bending about their minor axis. rounds.2.2 to 6.2 Members subject to simple axial tension (see 5.bas for the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 7.bas (on net section) where = 0.bas = 0.1. d1 It greater than 75 for steel of grade 50.4.1. a: is the Robertson constant from table 8.3).2 and d1 and t are as defined in table 7 for parts in bending.bas (in N/mm2) shall not exceed the following values: for plates.1 and 8.2 or the v~lue (in N/mm2) obtained from Pac.3.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two 6 Stresses in structural components s is the slenderness ratio (= lIr). not greater than 65 for of grade 55.bas = 0.bas= 0.1.1 Maximum widths of plates.62Ys If steels with higher tensile strengths than those of BS 4360 steels are used. f E 8 !.. ~ .. 5 . o!!!o 0.. e: o '. 'tI ~ ~ '" . e: '" ~ 5 ~ ....... o co N - E i -E!8 Z ..... .". Ole: 01 "''tI .. . . to U .... e: ... '" ~ . '" . .. . N QO .... . e: ~ i cq po ~ !i c. N . :: .. <1\ o 0 e: b~ a...r: .2 . .. ~ N .... ..... . .....E .. :: E o0 . .:: t: . :: o e: . .. ...- .r: ~ M iii >e:ii0. ~ '" .N II) E -N Z .. 0 e . o N N -E~ Z N to E N N ....0 . «~~ ..s ~ ~ .:~ :I ... .:. M N .I.r: .. ~ -s . o . .. ... ..~ - 9 .. to o co . e: 0. o co N * * . o U -S .~ g g> ~ . M co N o M . ::: GO '" e: r a. co N ... e '" U . co M N e: .....r:.Z to E E M N M N . o :: ~" ~ .g '" f U a. ...5 .....~ E :: o e u . > .. g 'tI e: o 0.... U . .. 'tI e: ::J . 0. ... o N M M ... N o ~o.g U 0 0 . e: .'... E ai o GO ~! !tnGO. .. ~ J!J e-~ Z . ... M iii :c ~ 2 U ..: . 0 m 'fi2 . 'x «I e: U 01 :::...r: . ~ ......" ..g o c: .r: .. ... to E 'B 1! 0 .. '0 ~ o N ...'f '" '" ~¥ 0..: E . o .... > °z . (I) co (I) >ii 0.... I-~ . "..r: ~ .. - ~ ~ ai ! e: '" 'Q. U ::: vi . .. o QO N to E o ... ..0 . ID '" 1-'.. ....Q ~ . N .M. '" XI E II ... U '" . e: ~ ~ U .r:"...r: =.. E E . c ... . '" . ... ie: :.. .. '> '0 .. > ii 0....r: ...r: . ~ ~ <1\ .:: '5 e: o U CII . .... e ~ ..-..r: '" ..... '" -E~ Z .~ ..c E E .. oo!!! 10 :. o 10 .. o ~ .i Q. r: o I ~ e: o 0. ...--: ~iilD t.r: '" ..: '" r ! ! e: e: f '" . ... '" 5 . 'tI e: ~i e: o . "'0.......... '" ID Z Z 8 Z ~ ....... . ". . :. . . U .. co N ....... ~ o . .:~ '" t.0 o 'w Q. . -... m .... .. N o . j '5 .. .: .~~'" . m 0 . '" ~ o . ~ '5 'C. '" 0 a.. .r:'" .. -o 'tI 0. .r:. 'tI e: ~ . CIIoZl ~ 1: ::J .o". ~ .. o M M e .." 'E ~ i W Nt W'tI M'" W .'6J_ f-E Ie 4465 : 1989 Section two to E Z E 0 . .. e: f 'm 2 t ..~ .ai .... 8 N ~ fA :: ~ . '" III' ..... .. > 'fi ~ ..:! .: e: '0. co . .. '" 0 r 1.. 'tI ..a r. E .ai ...... ::J " '" .:! .~ c» ..r:.~ ~~w:c . a. '" .0 o o ._ "'E -s ... . . .. (I) N . N M M co QO M E E 0 ~ Z to N o ~ N o co N o . ::J .. c: U o .0 '" 0 c .. N . .. ~o iiiii !!!!!! iiiii iiiii iiiii !!!!!! (J) z~ to E E 10 . .r:" eO ... (I) E '" :: E 'i ...S 'tI '= 'E .... N M (I) N co co N .= .§ . e: ..: g '" '§ .~ ~ Ol-'" e: 0. 0.... 'x ta .. :c . .:: a... iC i'" o -s .!! ~ .0 '" . o.. . .. .. .0 ..... . e -Ei Z N to .. N .. . o co M :c ..!! '5 e: ...: I..r:'" '" o QO N .r: U ......0 >. ii... . 1 Where Iy and Ix are as defined in 6.5 d1 It is not greater than 75. channel or tee sections back-to-back Two rolled sections laced or battened Composite members of closed latti ce construction ry Any 5. (a) Where the flanges have equal moments of inertia about the y-y axis C. Flanges shall not be reduced in breadth to give a value of N lower than 0.1. etc.0 3. I section plus channel.4. at the point of maximum bending moment. channels. = (1644 ~y Any except that the value of C. Any 5.2. a = 3. for steel of grade 55 complying with as 4360.2 and 6.5 8.2. K 1 X mean thickness of the horizontal portion of the compression flange at the point of maximum bending moment. 3 and 5) Rolled channel sections.3 For sectional shapes with I y smaller than Ix. Two rolled angle. at the point of maximum bending moment. shall be increased by 20 % for rolled beams. the category 'welded plate I or H sections' shall apply. d1 It is not greater than 65.2.5 for flanges over 40 mm thick. is the radius of gyration about the y-y axis of the gross section of the member. otherwise the category shall be taken as 'rolled I section' or 'rolled H section' as appropriate. For rolled sections.3. etc. 2 and 3) Upt040mm Over 40 mm 6.BS 4465 : 19B9 Section two 6.5 may be used for buckling about the y-y axis for flanges up to 40 mm thick and a = 5.2 For sectional shapes with I y equal to or greater than Ix. the critical stress Cs shall be calculated as follows.5 5. Where Iy is the moment of inertia of the whole section about the axis lying in the plane of bending (the y-y axis).5 5. Yield strength for sections fabricated from plate by welding reduced by 25 N/mm2. but excluding I sections where the thi.1.5 8.1. Any Any 3. i. NOTE 3. corresponding to C.bes as defined in 6.5 5.2..5 5. 6. for steel of grade 43 complying with as 4360. is not greater than 85.b8S given in 6.2. NOTE. is the overall depth of member.0 3.5 5.0 3.5 other flange.2 For sections with a single web.3. The coefficient K 1 makes allowance for reduction in thickness or breadth of flanges between points of effective lateral restraint and depends on N.5 . two angles or an I or H section and two plates but not box sections composed of two channels or plates with welded longitudinal stiffeners.0 NOTE 1.1. 10 .. UC) (see note 1) Up to 40 mm Over 40 mm xx yy xx yy xx yy xx yy xx yy Welded plate I or H sections (see notes 1.e.1. angles. for steel of grade 50 complying with as 4360.4. square and flat bars (see note 1) Compound rolled sections (two or more I. NOTE 4. the critical stress in the compression element (in N/mm2) calculated as set out in 6. To qualify under the category 'rolled I or H section with welded flange cover plates' the widths of the flange and the plate have to be within the greater of 25 mm or 25 % of the larger width.1. tees. For thicknesses between 40 mm and 50 mm the value of Fcrip may be taken as the average of the value for thicknesses less than 40 mm and the value for thicknesses greater than 40 mm. Values of Robertson of various sections Type of section constant Q for struts Thickness of flange or plate Axis of buckling xx yy a 2.1.ckness of one flange is more than 3 times the thickness of the Rolled I or H sections with welded flange cover plates (see notes 1 and 4) Welded box sections (see notes 1. NOTE 5. is the effective thickness of the compression flange.4. 'Welded box sections' include those fabricated from four plates.2.4. Table NOTE 2.5 3.1.5 D T Any 2.4. and plate girders provided that: 2.5 2. Any where is the effective length of the compression flange (see 8. If the smaller width is less than 25 % of the larger. and Ix is the moment of inertia of the whole section about the axis normal to the plane of bending (the x-x axis).) Up to 40 mm Over 40 mm Up to 40 mm Over 40 mm Any Any Any 3.1. H or channel sections. or the value of Pbc.1.~~) 2} =A Tit ddt is not greater than 2. the basic compressive bending stress Pbc bes shall not exceed Pbt.0 Rolled I section (universal beams.1.0 r j{ 1+ 2~ (. 6. UBI Rolled H section (universal columns. 5. T = K 1 X thickness given in reference books. For welded plate lor H sections where it can be guaranteed that the edges of the flanges will only be flama-cut. channels.4.5 5. the basic compressive bending stress shall not exceed the value of Pbt.3.4.4. d1 and t are as defined in table 7 for parts in bending.3). including I sections with stiffened or un stiffened edges. rolled angle sections and T -bars (rolled or cut from UB or UC) Hot-rolled structural hollow sections Rounds.4.5 3.2.1. the ratio of the total area of both flanges at the point of least bending moment to the corresponding area at the point of greatest bending moment between such points of restraint. ..5 (see 6.3. 15 N/mm2 340 337 329 319 306 288 262 230 198 169 144 124 107 93 82 73 65 58 52 48 43 40 36 33 15 N/mm2 355 350 342 331 317 297 268 234 200 170 145 124 108 94 83 73 65 58 53 48 43 40 36 33 14 N/mm2 400 394 385 372 354 327 290 248 208 175 148 127 109 95 83 74 66 59 53 48 44 40 37 34 14 N/mm2 415 409 399 386 366 337 296 251 210 176 149 127 110 95 84 74 66 59 53 48 44 40 37 34 14 N/mm2 430 424 413 399 378 346 302 255 212 178 150 128 110 96 84 74 66 59 53 48 44 40 37 34 13 N/mm2 450 444 432 417 394 358 310 259 215 179 151 129 111 96 84 74 66 59 53 48 44 40 37 34 19 (al Q 19 N/mm2 230 228 223 217 210 202 191 178 162 145 128 112 99 87 78 69 62 56 51 46 42 38 35 33 18 N/mm2 245 243 237 231 224 214 202 186 168 149 131 115 101 89 79 70 63 56 51 46 42 39 35 33 17 N/mm2 280 277 271 264 254 242 226 205 181 158 137 119 104 91 80 71 64 57 52 47 43 39 36 33 16 N/mm2 325 322 314 305 293 276 253 225 194 166 143 123 106 93 82 72 65 58 52 47 43 39 36 33 - 2. with a yie'd Itr_ in N/mm2 of: 215 Limiting Grade 60 Iteel with a yield str_ in N/mm2 of: 280 below which Grlde 66 lteel with a yield str_ in N/mm2 of: 400 415 430 450 230 l'end_nISI 245 ratio.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 9. 11 .Y.1. Values of Fcrlp for steels complying with as 4360 S'endern_ ratio l/r Grade 43 It.o 325 Fcrlp 340 355 .0 (see 6.31 iiiiii !!!!!!!!! iiiiii iiiiii (f) iiiiii !!!!!!!!! '0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 (bl '0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 Q N/mm2 215 213 208 203 197 190 180 168 155 139 124 110 97 86 77 68 61 55 50 46 42 38 35 32 * .31 215 211 204 195 186 175 163 150 136 123 110 98 87 78 70 63 57 51 47 43 39 36 33 31 230 226 218 209 198 186 173 158 143 128 113 101 89 79 71 64 57 52 47 43 39 36 33 31 245 241 232 222 211 198 183 166 149 132 117 103 91 81 72 65 58 53 48 44 40 37 34 31 280 275 265 253 239 223 203 182 161 141 124 108 95 84 75 67 60 54 49 44 41 37 34 32 325 320 307 292 275 253 228 201 174 151 130 113 99 87 77 68 61 55 50 45 41 38 35 32 340 334 321 305 286 263 235 206 178 153 132 114 100 88 77 69 62 55 50 46 42 38 35 32 355 346 332 316 295 270 241 210 181 155 133 115 100 88 78 69 62 56 50 46 42 38 35 32 400 390 374 354 329 297 260 223 190 161 138 118 103 90 79 70 63 56 51 46 42 39 35 33 415 405 388 367 340 306 266 227 192 163 139 119 104 90 80 71 63 57 51 46 42 39 36 33 430 419 402 380 351 314 272 231 195 164 140 120 104 91 80 71 63 57 51 47 42 39 36 33 450 439 420 396 365 325 279 235 197 166 141 121 105 92 81 71 64 57 52 47 43 39 36 33 * .1. o Grade 50 Iteel with a yield Itr_ in N/mm2 of: 280 below which Grade 55 Iteel with a yield Itr_ in N/mm2 of: 400 416 430 450 325 Ferlp m 340 355 Limiting.0 (see6.teel with a yield Itr_ in N/mm2 of: 215 230 245 ratio.5 (see6. 16 N/mm2 340 331 311 289 265 238 211 184 159 138 120 105 92 81 72 64 58 52 47 43 39 36 33 31 15 N/mm2 355 342 321 298 272 244 215 187 162 140 121 106 93 82 73 65 58 53 48 43 40 36 34 31 14 N/mm2 400 385 361 334 303 268 233 200 171 147 126 109 96 84 74 66 59 54 49 44 40 37 34 31 14 N/mm2 415 399 374 345 313 276 239 204 174 149 128 111 96 85 75 67 60 54 49 44 41 37 34 32 14 N/mm2 430 414 387 357 322 283 244 208 177 150 129 112 97 85 76 67 60 54 49 45 41 37 34 32 13 N/mm2 450 433 405 373 335 293 251 213 180 153 131 113 98 86 76 68 61 55 49 45 41 37 34 32 19 (e) Q 19 N/mm2 230 224 211 198 185 170 155 140 126 112 100 89 80 71 64 58 52 48 44 40 37 34 31 29 18 N/mm2 245 239 225 211 196 180 164 147 131 117 104 92 82 73 66 59 53 49 44 40 37 34 32 29 17 N/mm2 280 273 257 240 222 202 182 162 143 126 111 97 86 77 68 61 55 50 46 42 38 35 32 30 16 N/mm2 325 317 298 277 254 230 204 179 156 135 118 103 91 80 71 64 57 52 47 43 39 36 33 31 = 5.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 9 (concluded) Slenderness ratio 11 r Grade 43 .1.1.3) 215 207 191 175 160 145 131 118 106 95 85 76 68 62 56 51 46 42 39 36 33 31 28 26 230 222 204 187 170 154 139 124 111 99 88 79 71 64 58 52 47 43 40 37 34 31 29 27 245 236 217 199 181 163 146 130 116 103 92 82 73 66 59 54 49 44 41 37 34 32 29 27 280 270 248 226 204 183 163 144 127 112 99 87 78 69 62 56 51 46 42 39 36 33 30 28 325 313 287 261 234 208 182 159 139 121 106 93 82 73 66 59 53 48 44 40 37 34 31 29 340 327 300 272 244 215 189 164 142 124 108 95 84 74 66 60 54 49 44 40 37 34 32 29 355 336 308 279 249 220 192 167 145 126 110 96 85 75 67 60 54 49 45 41 37 34 32 29 400 378 345 312 277 242 209 179 154 133 115 100 88 78 69 62 56 50 46 42 38 35 32 30 415 393 358 323 286 249 214 183 157 135 117 102 89 79 70 63 56 51 45 42 39 35 33 30 430 407 371 334 295 255 219 187 160 137 118 103 90 80 71 63 57 51 46 42 39 36 33 30 450 426 388 348 306 264 225 191 163 139 120 104 91 80 71 64 57 52 47 43 39 36 33 31 '0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 12 .lendern_ Y.3) N/mm2 215 210 198 186 173 160 147 133 120 108 96 86 77 69 63 57 51 47 43 39 36 33 31 29 '0 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 (d) Q =8. :) '1+ ~: + K'~644 .3 0.3. Values of K2 1. 0. Le.8 0.7 0. Tabulated values of Pqp. For grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 Pq.3 -0..3 0. The basic average shear stress PqiJal (in N/mm2) on the effective sectional area of a solid web shall not exceed the value given in 6. For tees and angles.3.4 0. (f) * * K2 is a coefficient to allow for inequality of tension and compression flanges.5. For tees and angles M = 1. for the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 7.0 and K2 .0 1.2. Where the value of N calculated for the compression flange alone is smaller than that when both flanges are combined.b88 Values of K2 for different valuesof M are givenin table 11.0 0. the ratio of the moment of inertia of the compression flange alone to that of the sum of the moments of inertia of the compression and tension flanges.1. T is the effective thickness of flange..7 0.0 0. for different values of C.8 0. = 0.2 0.5 0.3I bl' ( 'I J pqP.4 0.1.0 0. (in N/mm2).4. angles and tees.1. Solid web plates and stiffeners shall be proportioned in accordance with 8.5 0.31 bl' 2001+%- (b)'I a J '. Values N Kl of K1 Valuesof K2 for different values of M are given in table 11.0 and K2 . Yc is the distance from the neutral axis of girder to extreme fibre in compression. T and K2 are as defined in (b).Section as 4465 : 1989 two Values of K 1 for different values of N are given in table 10.1 Rolled beams.5 0.37Y.=131 For grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360 Pqp.2.1. 0. at the point of maximum bending moment. rv and D are as defined in (a). C.6 0.) '] = 91 where I.0 0.9 0.0 1. where K 1 is obtained from table 10.6 0. C.3 For sections other than those described in 6.8 0. Table 10.2.. (c) Where the moment of inertia of the tension flange about the y-y axis exceeds that of the compression flange C.5.5. or (2) more precise methods. 1 + % . Yt is the distance from the neutral axis of girder to extreme fibre in tension.1.3 - bl' 180 1 + % a I en] 13 . channels. = 167 [ [ '. this smaller value of N shall be used. 6.9 0. M .0 1.3) 6.1 or that given by the following equations.2.5 Members subjected to shear (see 5.7 0.2: (a) where the section is symmetrical about the x-x axis.4.5 0... Table M K2 11. K 1 X mean thickness ofthe horizontal portion of the flange of greater moment of inertia about the y-y axis of the member at the point of maximum bending moment.= ~644 :Vrjf1+ 2~C:D)2} +K2~644 .1.1 0.3 0.5. and depends on M.b88 (in N/mm1) on the effective sectional area shall not exceed the value Pqp. For flanges of equal moment of inertia M . = [(1644 . (b) where the section is not symmetrical about the x-x axis. The basic average shear stress Pq.6 0.)' jh~ (:.2 -1.4 0.3.6 0. shall be calculated using either: (1) the formula given in = A + K2B where I.1 0. which will give conservative values.1.3.b) a For grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 250 [ . 6. Table 13 gives values of PbCp.2 0. rv and D are as defined in (a).2 Solid web plates.8 0. NOTE.5 and K2 . where Y..2.4 -0. O.2 0.1.4 0.1 -0.-1. C. NOTE. 6.9 0.2 -0. each calculated about its own axis parallel to the y-y axis of the member. shall be calculated from the formula given in appendix E.0 Table 12 gives values of A and 8 for different ratios of (b) Where the moment of inertia of the compression flange about the y-y axis exceeds that of the tension flange l/r and D/T to be used for calculating C.4.0 1.vY 6. is as defined in 6. 1. The design of members subjected to this type of loading shall take into account both the longitudinal and transverse bending stresses. between flanges (ignoring fillets). fec is the calculated maximum compressive stress due to bending about both principal axes.. b is the lesser clear dimension of the web in a panel.7. d is the depth of the girder between the flanges less the sum of the depths of the tongue plates or eight times the sum of the thicknesses of the tongue plates.3 and 6.7.bes (in N/mm2) due to a combination of shear and other stresses shall not exceed the value Pa..7.1. fbc.1.1.8 Members with flanges subjected to transverse bending stress. NOTE. The basic bearing stress Pb bal (in N/mm2) on flat surfaces and on the projected area of fixed axles and pins shall not exceed the value Pb. shall be so proportioned that the equivalent stress fa (in N/mm2 ) calculated from fa=. The basic equivalent stress Pa.2). Pbt is the permissible tensile stress in bending (see 5. (See also note 3 to table 7.7.bal for stiffened webs for varying ratios of depth of panel d to thicltness of web t and various spacings of stiffeners are given in table 14 for the range of steels covered by BS 4360..1. For webs with horizontal stiffeners. whichever is the less.1.7.1. not greater than 270t.1. 6.3 Members subjected to bending and axial tension shall be so proportioned that Pat where fat -+ fat Pbt - fbt ~1 Tabulated values of Pq. 6. where tongue plates having a thickness not less than twice the thickness of the web plate are used. not greater than 1BOt.4 Members subjected to shear and bending shall be so proportioned that the equivalent stress fa (in N/mm2) calculated from fa = .1. 6.1.7. Tabulated values of Pa.bes = 0.5 Members subjected to shear.4). where Y.j(fbc + 3fq 2) is not greater than Pa where fq is the calculated shear stress.1 Proportioning of members of stresses is the calculated axial tensile stress. t is the thickness of web.1.1. d is the clear distance between the tension flange (angles or flange plate or tongue plate) and the horizontal stiffener.3 and 6.1.7. where there are no flange angles.2.1 Members subjected to a combination of coexistent bending and axial loads shall be designed in accordance with 6. Tabulated values of Pb.1.BOY.1.2 Basic equivalent stress.1. 14 .1. Pa is the permissible equivalent stress (in N/mm2) (see 5.j(fb/ + 3fq2) or from 2 fa = .2 and 6.1.93 Y. those subjected to a combination of shear and other stresses shall be designed in accordance with 6. fbt and fbc are as defined in Members subjected to bending and axial compression shall be so proportioned that -+- fac fbc Pbc ~ 1 Pac where fac is the calculated axial compressive stress. 6.1.3).1.1.1.fbcfb +3fq2) is not greater than Pa where fb is the calculated bearing stress.2).3).7. 6. Pac is the permissible compressive stress in axially loaded compression members (see 5. is as defined in 6.besfor the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 7. where Y.4 and 6. 4465 : 1989 Section two where a is the greater clear dimension of the web in a panel.7. A suitable method is that given for the design of overhead runway beams in as 2853.1.1.4.j(fbt2 +fb2 +fbtfb+3fq2) or from fa =.1.1.7 Members subjected to a combination 6.3. The depth of panel d is defined as follows.7.1.bal = O. d is the clear distance between flange angles or.3 and 6.7.j(fbc2 +fb2 . 6.bal for the range of steels covered by BS 4360 are given in table 7.1.3 and 6.1.1. is as defined in 6. using the lesser value when bending occurs about both axes (see 6.2.1. Pat is the permissible tensile stress in axially loaded tension members (see 5.3 and 6.5.1. 6.7. bearing and bending.4)..6 Members subjected to bearing (see 5.2 respectively.) 6. fbt and Pe are as defined in 6. For webs without horizontal stiffeners.3 and 6.1. fbt is the calculated maximum tensile stress due to bending about both principal axes. Pbc is the permissible compressive stress in bending. as 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 12. Values of A and 8 to be used for calculating values of C. \ I/r\fIT 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 110 120 130 140 150 iiiii !!!!!!! iiiii iiiii 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 NOTE A (see notes 1 and 2) 8 N/mm2 5276 3919 3087 2534 2145 1858 1639 1466 1327 1212 1116 1034 964 903 850 802 722 657 603 557 518 484 454 428 405 384 365 348 332 318 305 293 282 272 262 254 10 N/mm2 4954 3616 2802 2266 1893 1622 1416 1256 1129 1025 938 865 803 750 703 662 593 537 492 453 420 392 368 346 327 310 294 280 268 256 246 236 227 219 211 204 12 N/mm2 4771 3440 2634 2107 1742 1478 1279 1126 1005 907 826 758 701 652 609 572 509 460 419 385 357 332 311 292 275 261 248 236 225 215 206 198 190 183 177 171 14 N/mm2 4656 3330 2528 2005 1644 1384 1189 1040 922 827 750 685 631 584 544 509 452 406 369 338 312 290 271 254 239 226 215 204 195 186 178 171 164 158 152 147 16 N/mm2 458r 3256 2456 1935 1577 1319 1127 980 864 772 696 633 581 536 498 464 410 366 332 303 279 259 241 226 212 201 190 181 172 164 157 151 145 139 134 129 18 N/mm2 4528 3205 2406 1886 1529 1273 1082 936 822 731 657 595 544 501 463 431 378 337 304 277 254 235 219 204 192 181 171 163 155 148 141 135 130 125 128 116 20 N/mm2 4490 3167 2369 1850' 1494 1239 1049 904 791 700 627 567 516 473 437 405 354 314 282 256 235 216 201 187 176 166 156 148 141 134 128 123 118 113 109 105 2& N/mm2 4431 3109 2312 1794 1439 1184 996 852 740 651 579 519 470 428 393 363 313 275 245 221 201 184 170 158 148 138 130 123 117 111 106 101 97 93 89 86 30 N/mm2 4399 3077 2280 1763 1408 1154 966 822 711 622 550 492 443 402 367 337 289 252 223 199 180 164 151 140 130 121 114 107 101 96 91 87 83 80 77 74 35 N/mm2 4379 3058 2261 1743 1389 1135 947 804 693 604 533 474 426 385 350 321 273 237 208 185 166 151 138 127 118 110 103 96 91 86 81 78 74 71 68 65 40 N/mm2 4366 3045 2248 1731 1376 1123 935 792 681 592 521 463 414 374 339 310 262 226 198 175 157 142 129 118 109 101 95 89 83 79 74 71 67 64, 61 59 &0 N/mm2 4351 3030 2233 1716 1361 1108 920 777 666 578 507 449 400 360 325 296 249 213 185 163 145 130 117 107 98 91 84 78 73 69 65 61 58 55 53 50 60 N/mm2 4343 3022 2225 1708 1353 1100 912 769 658 570 499 441 392 352 318 288 241 206 178 156 138 123 111 100 92 84 78 72 67 63 59 56 53 50 47 45 80 N/mm2 4335 3014 2217 1700 1345 1092 904 761 650 562 491 433 384 344 310 281 234 198 170 148 130 116 104 93 85 77 71 66 61 57 53 49 46 44 41 39 100 N/mm2 4331 3010 2213 1696 1341 1088 900 757 646 558 487 429 381 340 306 277 230 194 167 144 127 112 100 90 81 74 68 62 57 53 50 46 43 41 38 36 8 (see note 31 N/mm2 4324 3003 2206 1689 1335 1081 893 751 640 552 480 422 374 334 299 270 223 188 160 138 120 106 94 83 75 68 61 56 51 47 43 40 37 34 32 30 (I) iiiii !!!!!!! * * 1. The value of A is as follows. r 2 A = (1644-L) I 1 IT (_) V {1 + 20 ryD 2} cross section C. = A. NOTE 2. Where flanges are equal and of constant NOTE 3. The value of 8 is as follows. 2 B= (1644 ~y) 15 as 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 13. Basic stress Pbc,b81 for different values of critical stress C. (see also table 7) Cs Pbc,bas for steels complying with BS4360 Grade 43 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: Grade 50 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: Grade 55 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: 400 N/mm2 11 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 56 61 65 70 74 78 82 86 90 94 98 101 105 108 111 115 118 122 126 130 134 138 141 145 148 151 415 N/mm2 11 17 22 27 32 37 42 47 52 57 61 66 70 75 79 83 87 91 95 99 102 106 110 113 116 119 124 129 133 137 141 144 148 151 155 430 N/mm2 11 17 22 27 32 38 42 47 52 57 62 66 71 75 80 84 88 92 96 100 104 107 111 114 118 121 126 131 135 139 143 147 151 154 158 450 N/mm2 11 17 22 27 33 38 43 48 53 57 62 67 71 76 80 85 89 93 97 101 105 109 112 116 120 123 128 133 138 142 147 151 155 158 162 215 N/mm2 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 360 N/mm2 11 16 20 25 29 34 38 41 45 48 52 55 58 60 63 65 67 70 71 73 75 77 78 80 81 82 84 86 88 90 91 93 95 96 97 230 N/mm2 11 16 21 25 30 34 38 42 46 50 53 56 59 62 65 67 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 83 85 86 88 91 93 94 96 98 100 101 103 245 N/mm2 11 16 21 26 30 35 39 43 47 51 54 57 61 64 67 70 72 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 90 92 95 97 99 101 103 105 106 108 280 N/mm2 11 16 21 26 31 35 40 44 48 52 56 60 64 67 70 74 77 79 82 85 87 90 92 94 96 98 101 104 106 109 111 113 115 117 119 325 Nlmm2 11 16 22 27 31 36 41 46 50 54 58 63 67 70 74 78 81 84 88 90 94 96 99 102 104 107 110 113 116 119 122 125 127 130 132 340 N/mm2 11 16 22 27 32 36 41 46 50 55 59 63 67 71 75 79 82 86 89 92 95 98 101 104 107 109 113 116 120 123 126 129 131 134 136 355 N/mm2 11 16 22 27 32 37 41 46 51 55 60 64 68 72 76 80 83 87 90 94 97 100 103 106 109 112 115 119 123 126 129 132 135 138 140 16 BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 13 (concluded) c. Pbc,b.. for steels complying with BS 4360 Grade 43 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: 215 N/mm2 370 380 390 400 420 440 460 480 500 520 540 560 580 600 620 640 660 680 700 720 740 760 780 800 850 900 950 1000 1050 1100 1150 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 N/mm2 99 100 101 102 105 107 109 111 112 114 115 117 118 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 134 135 137 138 140 141 142 144 146 148 149 151 152 153 I 154 230 N/mm2 104 106 107 108 111 113 115 117 119 121 122 124 125 127 128 129 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 140 142 144 145 147 148 150 151 153 155 157 159 160 162 163 164 245 N/mm2 109 111 112 114 116 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 132 134 135 137 138 139 141 142 143 144 145 146 148 150 152 154 156 157 159 160 163 165 167 169 170 172 173 174 280 N/mm2 121 123 125 126 129 132 135 137 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 153 155 156 158 159 161 162 163 164 167 169 172 174 176 178 179 181 184 187 189 191 193 195 196 198 Grade 50 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: 325 N/mm2 135 137 139 141 145 148 151 154 157 160 163 165 167 170 172 174 176 177 179 181 182 184 185 187 190 193 196 199 201 203 205 207 211 214 217 219 222 224 226 228 340 N/mm2 139 141 143 145 149 153 157 160 163 166 169 171 174 176 178 180 182 184 186 188 189 191 193 194 198 201 204 207 209 211 214 216 220 223 226 229 231 233 236 237 355 N/mm2 143 145 148 150 154 158 162 165 168 171 174 177 180 182 184 187 189 191 193 195 196 198 200 201 205 209 212 215 217 220 222 224 228 232 235 238 241 243 245 247 Grade 55 steel with a yield stress in N/mm2 of: 400 N/mm2 154 157 160 162 167 172 176 180 184 188 191 194 197 200 203 205 208 210 213 215 217 219 221 223 227 231 235 238 241 244 247 249 254 258 262 265 268 271 274 276 415 N/mm2 148 161 163 166 171 176 181 185 189 193 196 200 203 206 209 211 214 217 219 221 223 226 228 229 234 238 242 246 249 252 255 258 262 267 271 274 277 280 283 286 430 N/mm2 161 164 167 170 176 181 185 190 194 198 202 205 208 212 215 217 220 223 225 228 230 232 234 236 241 245 249 253 257 260 263 266 271 275 279 283 286 290 292 295 450 N/mm2 165 169 172 175 181 186 191 196 200 204 208 212 216 219 222 225 228 231 234 236 238 241 243 245 250 255 259 263 267 270 273 276 282 287 291 295 298 302 305 308 iiii !!!!! iiii iiii iiii !!!!! (fJ - * * 17 The basic stress shall not exceed the value of Pat.2.2.besis 91 N/mm2 For steels of Ys = 230 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq.3d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 O.4 are allowed in cases where secondary stresses are calculated and taken into account in the design (see 6.7d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 88 86 84 81 79 77 75 73 71 69 67 O.2 and table 7) (a) Grade 43 steel complying dlt with BS 4360 webs of steel complying with BS 4360 Pq.For lattice box girders having an l/r y not exceeding 140 and a depth-to-breadth ratio not exceeding 6.2.beS given in 6.5d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 89 88 86 84 83 81 79 78 76 75 O.3). 6.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 14. The basic stress shall not exceed the value of Pac. The lattice shall be designed as an axially loaded strut using the maximum 6.bas shall not exceed the value of Pat.2 to 6.4d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 86 85 83 82 O.2 Lattice girders and trusses: verification relative to the yield stress 6.2d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 86 85 83 82 80 78 75 72 70 1.bas in stiffened (see also 6.3).2. The main tension members shall be designed as axially loaded ties.5d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 86 84 83 81 80 78 77 74 71 68 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 The stepped line applies to steels of Ys= 280 N/mm2 and 245 N/mm2 for which the maximum value of Pq. Relaxations in some requirements of 6. For lattice trusses. For lattice members.2. Lattice box girders having a depthto-breadth ratio exceeding 6 shall be designed as lattice trusses.3.1.1d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 86 85 84 82 80 77 75 72 1. Secondary stresses in lattice girders and trusses.baS is 77 N/mm2 6.1 Subjected to axial tension.5.2d N/mm2 O.4: (a) for the lattice as a whole.2 Subjected to axial compression.1 Latticebox girders. and lattice box girders having a depth-to-breadth ratio exceeding 6.3 and the effective lengths specified in 'S.2.1.2 The lattice as a whole 6.2 to 6. the basic stress Pat.6d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 89 87 85 83 81 79 78 76 74 72 70 68 O.2.3 for the lattice as a whole. The lattice shall be designed as an axially loaded tie. the main compression members shall be designed as axially loaded struts using the basic compressive stresses P8/C bas given in 6.2.bas and P8/C.2 Lattice trusses.1 Designprocedure. 18 .1. Basic average shear stress Pq.0d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 88 87 86 84 82 79 77 75 1. The girder shall be stiffened to prevent distortion of the cross-sectional shape when the girder deflects.3.1.3 Subjected to bending 6.1.8d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 85 83 81 79 76 74 72 70 O.besgiven in 6. design verification relative to the yield stress shall be carried out in accordance with 6.2.9d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 88 87 86 83 81 79 76 74 72 1.1.baS is 85 N/mm2 For steels of Ys= 215 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq.2. (b) for the individual members comprising the lattice. effective slenderness ratio s as defined in 6.4d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 89 88 86 85 83 82 81 79 78 75 72 69 66 1.2.2.bas for different distances between stiffeners O.3d N/mm2 91 91 91 91 91 91 90 89 87 76 85 83 82 80 79 76 73 71 68 (where 1 and ry are as defined in 6.2. NOTE.bel as given in 6.3. 6. .3 Individual members of a lattice 6.2d N/mm2 1.4 Subjected to axial tension and bending.3. Pbe is the permissible compressive stress in bending based upon the value of the basic stress given in table 7 for parts in bending (tension or compression). is 131 N/mm2 For steels of Y.7.2. 6.2.3d N/mm2 O. and axial compression and bending. = 340 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq.4d N/mm2 1.2.1 The basic stresses in the individual members of a lattice shall not exceed those given in 6..1 Pac where Pbe is the calculated axial compressive stress..2. Pet where Pbt in 6. The lattice shall be so proportioned that in the tension chord members fet fbt -+-:s. the total compressive stress in the member shall not exceed the permissible stress corresponding to the effective slenderness of the member between panel points as given in 8. ' 6. Pbt are as defined In the compression fac fbe chord members -+1. is 126 N/mm2 For steels of Y.1.3d N/mm2 1.3 In the case of an individual member subjected to a combination of bending stresses due to loads applied to the member between panel points and axial stresses due to fat.2.2. fbt. for different distanceo bet_n N/mm2 O. 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 14 (continued) (b) Grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 d/t Pq.9d N/mm2 1.. =355 N/mm2 for which the maximum value of Pq.b8Iis 120 N/mm2 The basic stresses shall not exceed the value of Pet bu given in 6. fbe is the calculated maximum compressive stress due to bending about the principal axes of the lattice as a whole.6d N/mm2 O.b8.b8.1-:S. Pat.2.7d N/mm2 O.1.0d N/mm2 Ud N/mm2 1.5d N/mm2 atiffener. 6.3.2. fae 19 .b.5d N/mm2 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 121 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 129 127 125 123 121 120 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 129 127 124 122 119 117 115 112 110 107 105 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 127 124 121 118 115 112 109 106 103 100 98 95 92 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 129 127 125 124 120 117 114 110 107 104 100 97 94 90 87 84 80 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 130 128 126 124 122 121 119 115 111 108 104 100 97 93 89 86 82 78 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 129 127 125 123 121 119 117 115 111 107 103 99 95 91 87 83 131 131 131 131 131 130 128 126 124 122 120 118 116 114 112 107 103 99 95 91 86 131 131 131 131 131 129 127 124 122 120 118 116 114 111 109 105 100 96 92 131 131 131 131 129 126 124 122 119 117 115 112 110 108 105 101 96 92 87 131 131 131 129 127 124 122 119 117 114 112 110 107 105 102 97 93 88 83 131 131 130 127 125 122 120 117 115 112 110 107 105 102 100 94 89 84 79 131 131 129 126 123 121 118 116 113 110 108 105 102 100 97 92 87 82 76 131 130 127 125 122 119 117 114 111 109 106 103 101 98 95 90 85 79 74 .1.1.4d N/mm2 O.2 In the case of an individual member subjected to axial compression due to loadings applied to the lattice as a whole at panel points.1.. 6. is the permissible axial compressive stress Pac corresponding to the maximum effective slenderness ratio of the lattice as a whole.2d N/mm2 O. = 325 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq.3. (I) * * The stepped line applies to steels of Y. 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 14 (concluded) (c) Grade 55 steel complying d/t with BS 4360 Pq. Pac.1.2.1 and and rigiditY of joints are defined as secondary Pat.1. Pat where 1. (b) Members subjected to axial tension and bending fat fbt -+ N/mm2 167 166 162 159 156 152 149 145 142 139 135 132 128 125 121 115 108 101 94 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 125 130 135 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 The stepped line applies to steels of Y. fac. For the purposes of this' is 154 N/mm2 For steels of Y.0 Secondary stresses shall be added to the coexistent (primary) stresses in the individual members and shall be checked in accordance with the following.20 Pat Pbt subject to the limitation that fat -=s.3d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 164 162 160 157 155 152 O.2d N/mm2 O. = 415 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq. 20 . fbt and Pbt are as defined in 6.2d N/mm2 167 167 167 164 161 158 155 152 149 146 143 140 137 133 130 124 118 112 106 1.1d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 164 161 158 155 152 149 146 143 140 137 134 128 123 117 111 1..1.7d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 165 163 161 158 156 154 151 147 142 137 133 128 123 119 114 109 104 100 O.6d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 166 164 162 160 158 153 149 145 141 136 132 128 124 119 115 111 107 102 O. Pac where 1.2 higher stress levels are permitted..4d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 165 161 158 155 152 149 146 143 140 137 134 O.0d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 164 161 159 156 153 150 148 145 142 139 134 128 122 117 1.3 Secondary stresses subject to the limitation that fac -=s.bas for different distenclS between stiffeners O.1.4d N/mm2 167 167 164 161 157 154 151 147 144 141 137 134 131 127 124 117 111 104 97 1. elastic deformation of the 167 N/mm2 For steels of Y. Pac Pbe 1.9d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 166 164 161 158 156 153 150 148 145 142 137 132 126 121 115 110 1. Where secondary stresses are computed and added to the coexistent (primary) stresses calculated in accordance with 6. the combined stress formulae given in 6. NOTE. stresses in the individual members of lattice or braced structures that are the result of eccentricitY of connections..2 and 6.7._ is 148 N/mm2 loadings on the lattice as a whole at panel points..20 N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 166 164 161 159 156 154 151 149 146 141 136 131 126 121 116 111 106 O.. = 450 N/mm2 for which the maximum value of Pq.1.5d N/mm2 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167 165 161 158 154 150 147 143 139 135 132 128 124 121 117 O.1.3d N/mm2 167 167 166 162 159 156 153 149 146 143 140 137 133 130 127 120 114 108 101 1.. 6.7.3 shall be used.. 1. = 430 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq. fbe and Pbc are as defined in 6. = 400 N/mm2 the maximum value of Pq. is 159 N/mm2 For steels of Y..0 (a) Members subjected to axial compression and bending fac fbc -+-=s.. The specified penetration from each side of such a weld shall be not lessthan 2v't' where t' is the thickness (in mm) of the thinner part joined. provided that the weld complies with 7.4. is the tensile strength of the electrode or iiiiii !!!!! iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii !!!!! U) * * 7. for example by automatic welding processes.1.3Us.2 The basic strength of a butt weld shall be taken as equal to that of the parent metal.1. or more than the depth of groove less 3 mm in the case of a V or bevel weld.2 Fillet welds shall not be considered capable of transmitting primary loadings between connecting parts the fusion faces of which form an angle of more than 1200 or less than 600.3. which can be exceeded subject to proof of efficiency (see appendix D of BS 5135 : 1974). intermittent are not to be used. the depth of penetration from each side shall not be taken as more than the depth of grooved weld preparation on that side in the case of a J or U weld. The effective leg length Sw and the design throat thickness aw shall be taken as shown in the figure. Where electrodes complying with BS 639 are used to weld steel complying with BS 4360 the matching electrodes for butt welds are as follows.2.4. each based on a thickness equal to the design throat thickness aw.2.3 Butt welds with partial penetration 7. where Sw is the effective leg length of the weld as defined by the figure (or the average if the legs are unequal). Where the weld metal is placed asymmetrically relative to the axis of the parts joined.1 Welds 7. 7. The effective length of an intermittent weld shall be taken as its overall length minus 2t'. All welding on loadbearing structures shall be carried out in accordance with BS 5135.4 The maximum stress in a fillet weld shall be taken as the vector sum of the stresses due to all forces and moments transmitted by the 4465 : 1989 Section two 7 Basic stresses in connections 7.4 Fillet welds 7. and the longitudinal space between the effective lengths of weld shall be not more than 12t'. A.4. A partial-penetration butt weld welded from one side only shall not be subjected to any loading that would cause the root of the weld to be in tension if failure due to such tension would be liable to be progressive and lead to structural collapse unless it can be demonstrated that proper attention has been paid to the detailed design of the joint.2.ba8 in a fillet weld.2 The throat thickness of a partial-penetration butt weld welded from one side only shall be taken as the depth of penetration and the adverse effect of the eccentricity of *Special electrodes may be necessary to suit weather-resisting steel. 7. 7. and testing and operational experience have shown this detail to be satisfactory. 7.4. However aw shall not be taken as more than 0. 21 . NOTE. except in the case of hollow sections continuously welded around the periphery. 7.4 The basic strength of a compound weld comprising a partial-penetration butt weld reinforced by a fillet weld shall be calculated as for a deep-penetration fillet weld (see 7. where Us.1.1.3. Steel grade in BS 4360 Classification of electrodes complying with BS 639 43 E43 R 50 E51 B WR 50 E51 B* 55 E51 B Electrodes for use with grade 55 steel shall have a minimum all-weld yield stress of 450 N/mm2 and a minimum tensile strength of 550 N/mm2 .1.1. Where fatigue is a design criterion. shall not exceed 0. 7. The specified penetration of such a weld shall be not less than 2 v't' where t' is the thickness (in mm) of the thinner part joined.3 Interm ittent complete-penetration butt welds shall be used only to resist shear.1.7Sw. 7. The depth of penetration dw shall be measured as shown in figure 4 and shall be at least 2 mm.1 General.3.1.1 All butt welds shall be made using a type of electrode (or other welding consumable) that will produce all-weld tensile test specimens as specified in BS 709 having both a yield strength and a tensile strength not less than that of the parent metal.1 A continuous partial-penetration butt weld welded from one side only or from both sides can be used provided that it is not subjected to a bending moment about the longitudinal axis of the weld other than that resulting from the eccentricity of the weld metal relative to the parts joined or from secondary moments.1.3.1. where the normal limitations are 150 0 and 30 0.3 Deep-penetration fillet welds shall be used only where it can be shown that the required penetration can consistently be achieved. Except where it can be shown that greater penetration can consistently be achieved. butt welds the weld metal relative to the parts joined shall also be allowed for when calculating the strength. The minimum effective length of any such weld shall be not less than 4t' or less than 40 mm.3) shall be taken as the maximum perpendicular distance from the root of the weld to a straight line joining the fusion faces that lies within the cross section of the weld (as shown in figure 3).3 The throat thickness of a partial-penetration butt weld welded from both sides shall not be taken as more than the total depth of penetration relative to the surfaces of the thinner part joined. the adverse effect of the eccentricity shall also be allowed for when calculating the strength of the weld. 7.1. 7.1 The effective throat thickness aw of a fillet weld (other than a deep-penetration fillet weld covered by 7.3). where t' is the thickness (in mm) of the thinner part joined.1. The basic stress Pw.1. based on a thickness equal to the design throat thickness aw.2 General butt welds 7.1. 7. the basic weld stresses Pw bes 7. A single fillet weld shall not be subjected to any loading that would cause the root of the weld to be in tension if failure due to such tension would be liable to be progressive and to lead to structural collapse unless it can be demonstrated that proper attention has been paid to the detailed design of the joint and testing and operational experience has shown this detail to be satisfactory.virt = 0.bas for the section of the bolt at the interface of the joint shall not exceed Pq.1.virt = 0. the number of bolts or studs required shall be determined in accordance with 9. tThis applies only when electrodes with a minimum yield stress of 450 N/mm2 and a minimum tensile strength of 550 N/mm2 are used.1. In such cases.2. bas at the root of the thread for these bolts shall not exceed Pat. Table 15.2 1. given in table 15 shall apply.2 Bolts tightened by controlled means.2. 147 N/mm2 for structural hollow sections of grade WR 50.2.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two other welding consumable based on all-weld tensile tests as specified in as 709.1.40YRO. 7.2. where t' is the thickness of the thinner part joined.7 Where the end of an element is connected only by intermittent fillet welds the transverse spacing of the welds shall not exceed 200 mm and the length of each weld shall be not less than the transverse spacing.1..1 Bolts not tightened by controlled means...2 Bolts in tension 7.2. 7.2 for non-fluctuating loads.. 2 and 3 and shall be fitted in accordance with as 4604 : Parts The virtual permissible stress Pat. the difference between the stresses corresponding to fmax and fm1n shall be not greater than 10 % of the ultimate tensile strength of the material and the mean stress shall be not greater than 15 % of the ultimate strength of the material. where Us is the minimum ultimate tensile strength of the parent metal.b8S shall not be taken as more than 0..2 Clallification E51 B Use Precision bolts Clallification E51 B Use . 550 N/mm2 N/mm2 126 144 141* 162t = 7.6 The space along anyone edge of an element between consecutive effective lengths of intermittent fillet welds (other than those interconnecting the components of back-to-back tension or compression members) shall not exceed 300 mm nor shall it exceed 16t' for elements in compression or 24t' for elements in tension. the number of bolts or studs required shall be determined in accordance with clause 9.4 Bolts subjected to combined tension and shear.2 is the yield stress or 0.3) shall be taken as 1. 7.0 irrespective of the hoist classification.8YRO.virt at the root of the thread induced in these bolts by external loading shall not exceed: Pet. 22 7.1.4. The basic permissible tensile stress Pet. Pat.4. Precision bolts shall be turned or cold finished and fitted into reamed or drilled holes whose diameter shall not exceed the diameter of the bolts by more than 0. Pat =r.1. Where electrodes complying with as 639 are used to weld steel complying with as 4360.7 except in the case of bolts or studs having a yield stress in excess of 250 N/mm2 .8 A single fillet weld shall not be subjected to a bending moment about its longitudinal axis that is produced by primary!lS 118 118 118 118 = 0.3 Bolts in shear.. (fal + 3fq 2) :s.5 The effective length of a discontinuous run of fillet weld shall be taken as the overall length less 2Sw' The effective length of a fillet weld required to transmit primary loading shall be not less than 40 mm or less than 4Sw' 7.1 General.1.2 for fluctuating loads. The basic shear stress Pq. Where there is a fluctuating load or a reversal of load across the joint. 7. A check shall be made that fat fq =r. In the design of joints using friction grip bolts. 510 N/mm2 N/mm2 126 144 141* 147 7..2 or less than 0. These bolts shall comply with as 4395 : Parts 1.2 Basic stresses for bolts. Basic stresses in welds Steel grade in BS 4360 Electrodes complying with BS 639 Clallification E43 R Use = 430 N/mm2 N/mm2 43 50 WR 50 55 * ' 7.48 YR 0.2.2 Where there is a fluctuating load or a reversal of load across the joint.2..2.2Pet . These bolts shall be tightened by controlled means so that the pretensioned stress Pat at the root of the thread is not greater than 0.1. However Pw.2 where Y R0.2 % proof stress of the material..2. the duty factor (see 5. An intermittent fillet weld connecting components subject to primary loadings shall extend to the end of the part connected.2.2.1 Friction grip!lS = 0..1 Bolts and studs 7.Pq .375YRO.4 mm.4. studs and rivets 7. 2 and 3.7YRO.2..4YRO. Design throat thickness of fillet welds - (f) * * Figure 4. Design throat thickness of deep-penetration fillet welds 23 .BS 4465 : 1989 Section two iiii !!!!! iiii iiii iiii !!!!! Figure 3. 8. For the purpose of calculating slenderness ratio 1/r for struts.1. or in joints subjected to fatigue.4 Y R0. Where there is a fluctuating load or a reversal of load across the joint. % proof stress for the bolt or for the joint material.5.2of the rivet or the joint material.2.1. Effectively held in position at both ends and restrained in direction at one end 0. For other applications of use the basic permissible stresses shall not exceed: P fIt.2 is as defined in 7.2 where Y R0.1 Effective lengths of parts in compression 8.2.2 Type In tension In shear % 40 40 40 % 43.9 YR 0.5L Power-driven shop rivets Power-driven field rivets Hand-driven rivets *The YRO. The basic stresses for rivets shall be as given in table 16. should be used to determine the basic bearing stress. whichever is the lower.2 Where there are no lateral bracings between compression flanges and no cross frames the effective length shall be as shown in table 17. .1 Struts.1.5 Bolts in bearing.66YRO. lateral end frames or other supports to the end of the compression flanges. plates and web stiffeners 8.n position and restrained in direction at both ends '/ '/ '/ Pq.85L [] .2. 1\ \ I I L Effectively held in o.2 and 8.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two 7.3.2 bearing where Y RO.2 shear where Y R0.2.bas = 0. in shear for joints in stress-bearing members.2.2. Effectively held in position at both ends but not restrained in direction 1.2 Single web plate girders and rolled beams 8.2. the effective length (1) given in table 17 shall be taken.1.3 Black bolts other than friction grip bolts. The basic permissible pressure Pb.5 40 36.1 The effective length (1) of the compression flange for buckling normal to the plane of the girder to be used as described in 6.1.1. = 0. Restraint against torsion shall be provided by web or flange cleats.3 shall be as given in 8. 7.2 Rivets. Pm.5 In bearing % 90* 85* 80* I] .2. 8 Proportions of structural components. in the hole shall not exceed the value Pb.2.4.0L Effectively held in position and restrained in direction at one end and partially restrained in direction but not held in position at the other Effectively held in 1.0L position and restrained in direction at one end but not held in position or restrained in direction at the other end 8.bas Table 17.33YRO. the number of rivets shall be determined in accordance with clause 9. Table 16. 7.2.2 is the yield stress or 0.2. where L is the actual length of the member as shown in the appropriate figure of table 17. Effective lengths of parts in compression Effective length 1 = 0. bas . IJ D .2 tension Diagrammatic representation Restraint conditions . Basic stresses in rivets as a percentage of YRO. 24 2. Black bolts shall not be used in main members. bearing stiffeners.2 is as defined in 7. whichever gives the lowest value. .bas = 0.2. 85 times the greatest distance between any two intersections when considering buckling in the plane of the mast or tower.3 Lattice structures 8. the effective length when considering buckling normal to the plane of the structure shall be taken as the span. and effectively connected to.3.3. Where there is no adequate lateral bracing.2. (a) Built-in at the support (1) Free at the end (2) Restrained against torsion at the free end by contiguous construction (3) Restrained against lateral deflection 1 = 0. 8.1. the effective length 1 shall be taken as the distance between the points of intersection and the centroids of the main members.3.1 Effective length of a lattice structure as a whole.2 For cases (1). another angle in cross bracing.1.4. or by their equivalent in welding.85 times the distance between centres of intersection with the main members for buckling normal to the plane of the mast or tower.1.4. as in either by riveting or by bolting with not less than two bolts in line along the angle at 8. (2) and (3) of8.3. and (b) 0.70 times the distance between centres of intersection with the main members for buckling in the plane of the mast or tower.2. the effective length shall be multiplied by a factor as follows.3.2 Effective lengths of the individual members of a lattice structure 8. 8.2.3 in which 1 is the length of the strut.1.4.3 Where there is effective lateral bracing direct to compression flanges the effective length shall be as shown in figure 5.1(b) shall be mUltiplied by a factor of 0.4 Cantilever beams without intermediate lateral support L Figure 5.1 The effective length (1) of cantilever beams of projecting length L to be used in 6. the effective lengths given in 8. Where there is no adequate lateral bracing.1. In calculating the slenderness ratio. Plan view each end.75L (J) * * and torsion at the free end (b) Continuous at the support (1) Unrestrained against torsion at 1 = 0.3. the effective length shall be taken as the span when considering buckling normal to the plane of the member.85 times the distance between centres of intersection of bracing members in the plane in which buckling is being considered. In the plane normal to the plane of the bracing. 4465 : 1989 Section two 8. For single-angle discontinuous struts connected to gussets or to a section. 25 . (b) Where the end is restrained against lateral deflection and torsion. the effective length in the plane of the bracing shall be taken as in 8. For bracing or web members aXially loaded the effective length shall be: (a) 0.2 shall be as follows.1.1(b) in which the cantilever end is not free but is subject to a degree of restraint. Effective length with lateral bracing 1=tOL 8. the eccentricity of the connection with respect to the centroid of the strut can be ignored and the strut designed as an axially-loaded member. and effectively connected to.3.2 shall be increased by a factor of 1.1. the radius of gyration about the appropriate rectllngular axis shall be taken for buckling normal to the plane of the bracing and the least radius of gyration for buckling in the plane of the bracing.1. This is provided that the calculated average stress does not exceed the allowable stresses derived from the basic stresses given in 6. For main mast or tower members the effective length shall be 0.3 For cantilever beams loaded on the compression flange.4.1. the effective lengths given in L the support and free at the end (2) With partial restraint against torsion at the support and free at the end (3) Restrained against torsion at the support and free at the end 1 = 3L 1=2 L 1=L 8.1. 8.4 Single-angle discontinuous struts intersected by.2 Bracing (or web) members axially loaded.1.3 Single-angle discontinuous struts connected to gussets or to a section.1 Main mast or tower members.4.85L 1 = (b) shall be multiplied by a factor of 0. In the case of cross-braced systems the effective length of a member shall be taken as 0. another angle in cross bracing. between the centres of the fastenings at each end.4. (a) Where the end is restrained against torsion by contiguous construction. (a) and (b) and 8. 8.4.3. For single-angle discontinuous struts intersected by.1. 8.4. the effective lengths given in 8. and r is the minimum radius of gyration. 14) (2) Usinggrade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 27. for bIt' > 23. the effective width = 34t'(blt' . bolts or welds connecting it to other parts of the section. (a) For riveted.. shall be as follows.2 Widths of plates -~ 1 = 1.0 L = = =E 3 -------1= 1= 1.#======~ 1 = 0.3. Effective length with no lateral bracing Load appl ied to the tension flenga Restraint conditions against leteral bending and torsion of section Load applied to the compr_ion flange and both load end flange fr88 to move laterally Ends completely restrained 1 = 0..10) 26 . the effective width = 45t' (2) Using grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 for blt'.. the effective width = b for bIt' > 40.12) (3) Using grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360 23. the effective width =b for bIt' > 35. in terms of its width b measured between adjacent lines of rivets.85L Ends unrestrained R=== 1 = 1.1. the effective width = 35t' (b) For as-welded members (1) Using grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 for bIt' ~ 30.1 Effective widths of plates in 40. the effective width = 40t'(blt' .2. For the computation of the effective cross-sectional area of a compression member subjected to the design checks given in 6.2 L (3) Using grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360 8.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two Table 18.15)/(blt' . the effective width of an unstiffened plate. bolted or stress relieved welded members (1) Using grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 for bIt' ~ 45. the effective width = b for bIt' > 45.18)/(blt' . the effective width = b for bIt' > 30.0L 8.85L E.13)/(blt' . the effective width = 30t'(blt' . the effective width = b for bIt' OS.7L Ends partially restrained 1 = 0.. the effective width = 40t' for bIt' ~ 35. the effective width = b for bIt' '" for bIt' > 27. 2 Maximum width of plates in compression 8. of steel to BS 4360 43 50 55 Riv. Projection of unstiffened flange plates Grad. 8.1. d1 is the depth of the girder between the flanges less the sum of the depths of the tongue plates or eight times the sum of the thickness of the tongue plates. t is the web thickness.3.1.2..1.1 Rolled I beams and channels.3. 8.eI to BS 4360 43 50 55 Riveted. whichever is the less.2.2 For vertically stiffened webs.lleved w.5.1 The width of a plate. The thickness t of the web plate shall be not less than: dd85 for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360. d1 /75 for grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360.2 Compression flange plates unstiffened at their for grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 or d2/190 edges shall not project beyond the outer line of connections for grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. d1/65 for grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. bolts or welds connecting it to other parts of the section.lded m.2.3..r. where d1 is the clear distance between flange angles or.lI..1.2. 1/270 of the greater clean panel dimension and d2/400 As.1. where d2 is twice the clear distance from the compression flange angles or plate or tongue plate to the neutral axis. For rolled I beams and channels.3 corresponding to a slenderness ratio of 1.1 Minimum thickness of web plates for open sections 4465 : 1989 Section two In (a) and (b). tension flange plates.3. Maximum width of plates in compression Grad.2 Web stiffeners for open sections 8.2. 1/270 of the greater clear panel dimension and d2/200 for grade 43 steel complyingwith BS4360 or d2/180 for grade 50 steel complying with BS4360 or d2/155 for grade 55 steel complying with BS4360.. loadbearing stiffeners shall be provided at points of concentrated load (including points of support) where the concentrated load or reaction exceeds the value Pac x t X Lb where Pac is the permissible axial stress for struts as given in 5. where t' is as defined in 8.1. 27 . Loadbearing web stiffeners 8. bolted or str. Table 19. where t' is as defined in 8.welded members 12t' 12t' 12t' - for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 or d2/360 for grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360 or d2/310 for grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. to the flange angles (or where there are no flange angles to the tongue plates) by more than the values given in table 20.1.7d3/t and ex= 5. and measured along the neutral axis. or the aggregate thickness of two or more plates provided these plates are adequately connected together._Idee! members 80t' 70t' 60t' 8.3 For webs stiffened both vertically and horizontally and with the horizontal stiffener at a distance from the compression flange of 2/5 of the distance from the com. In all cases.3 Web plates and web stiffeners 8. where there are no flange angles. The stiff portion of a bearing is the length that cannot deform appreciably in bending. 8. Lb is the length of the stiff portion of the bearing plus the additional length given by dispersion at 45 0 to the level of the neutral axis.ted.. of st. 8. between flanges (ignoring fillets).lded members 90t' 80t' 70t' A.1 For unstiffened webs.mbers 16t' 14t' 12.1.5t' compression 1/180 of the smaller clear dimension in each panel. where tongue plates having a thickness not less than twice the thickness of the web plate are used. The thickness t of the web plate shall be not less than: 1/180 of the smaller clear dimension in each panel. pression flange to the neutral axis. bolted or str. of the girder. the thickness t of the web plate shall be not less than: Table 20.3.2. d3 is the clear depth of web between root fillets.. shall not exceed the values given in table 19. unless effectively stiffened.r.3. 1/270 of the greater clear panel dimension and d2/250 iiii !!!!!! iiii iiii iiii !!!!!! (/) * * for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 or d2/225 8. where d2 is as defined in 8. shall not project beyond the line of connections to the web or tongue plates by more than 12t'. When there is also a horizontal stiffener at the neutral axis where t' is as defined in 8.2.2.ved w. measured between adjacent lines of rivets. stiffened or unstiffened at their edges.2.3 Maximum widths of plates in tension. t' is the thickness of the thinnest plate. and shall not be taken as greater than half the depth of the beam for simply supported beams and the full depth of the beam for continuous beams. The thickness t of the web plates shall be not less than: 1/180 of the small clear panel dimension. where d2 is the depth of the web as defined in 8.1. the moment of inertia of the stiffeners nead not be correspondingly increased. Unless they are connected to the flanges. When load bearing stiffeners at supports are the sole means of providing restraint against torsion.3.3. on one or both sides of the web. vertical intermediate stiffeners shall be provided throughout the length of the girder at a distance apart not greater than 8. When vertical intermediate stiffeners are subject to bending moments and shears due to the eccentricity of vertical loads. The radius of gyration shall be taken about the axis parallel to the web of the beam or girder and the calculated stress shall not exceed the allowable stress for a strut. or of a single stiffener about the face of the web.2. t 5t is the maximum permitted clear distance between stiffeners for thickness t. the stiffener shall be so proportioned that D3 T maxR I~ These stiffeners shall be so designed that d13 X t3 I ~ 1.2 is the reaction on the bearing. Where horizontal stiffeners are used in addition to vertical stiffeners they shall be as follows. Horizontal stiffeners shall extend between vertical stiffeners but need not be continuous over them.1. NOTE. loadbearing stiffeners shall be provided at points of support and at points of concentrated load where the web would otherwise be overstressed (see 8. To limit web buckling. or the stiffener spacing is made closer than the maximum permissible. Loadbearing stiffeners in which the concentrated load causes compression shall be designed as struts. the moment of inertia I of the stiffeners given by 8. The outstanding legs of each pair of loadbearing stiffeners shall be so proportioned that the bearing stress on that part of their area in contact with the flange and clear of the root of the flange or flange angles or clear of the flange welds does not exceed the bearing stress specified in 6.2. when not acting as loadbearing stiffeners. T max is the maximum thickness of the compression flange.1 Vertical stiffeners. can be joggled and can be in pairs placed one on each side of the web or single.2.2 Plate girders. Intermediate vertical stiffeners. assuming that the section consists of a pair of stiffeners together with a length of web on each side of the centreline of the stiffeners equal to 20 times the web thickness. 8.3. 8.6. or connected to them.2. 250W where I D is the moment of inertia of the pair of stiffeners about the centreline of the web-plate.2.2. is the minimum required thickness of the web. shall be placed on the neutral axis of the girder when the thickness of the web is less than: d2/250 for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360.2. they shall be kept well clear of the flange. This stiffener shall have a moment of inertia I not less than d:zt3 where I and t are as defined in 8. the web thickness provided is greater than the minimum required.3. For plate girders.3.7 times the length of the stiffener. where d1 is the depth of web as defined in 8.3. is the overall depth of the girder.2.1 and 51 is the actual distance between the vertical stiffeners.3. Where. Loadbearing stiffeners shall be provided with sufficient rivets.1.3.3 External forces on intermediate stiffeners. shall be placed at a distance from the compression flange equal to two-fifths of the distance from the compression flange to the neutral axis when the thickness of the web is less than: d2/200 for grade 43 steel complying with as 4360. assuming an effective length equal to 0.2.2. Loadbearing stiffeners shall be fitted to provide a tight and uniform bearing upon the flange transmitting the load or reaction unless welds are provided between the flange and stiffener for this purpose. or the action of transverse forces. on the basis of requirements of strength.1.5 2 5t where I is the moment of inertia of a pair of stiffeners about the centre of the web. Intermediate stiffeners 8. Loadbearing stiffeners shall be symmetrical about the web.3 Details of stiffeners.2. bolts or welds to transmit to the web the whole of the load in the stiffeners. R W 8. At points of support this requirement shall apply at both flanges.1).1 shall be increased as follows.1 and d:z is as defined in 8. where possible.3. is the total load on the girder. d2/155 for grade 55 steel complying with as 4360. d:z/190 for grade 55 steel complying with as 4360.2. on one or both sides of the web. and shall extend to the full depth of the web.2. 28 . One horizontal stiffener. The stiffener shall have a moment of inertia I not less than 451 t3 where I and t are as defined in 8.5d1 when the thickness of the web is less than d1 /85 for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 or d1 /75 for grade 50 steel complying with as 4360 or d1/65 for grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. they shall be kept well clear of them.3. Where the ends of stiffeners are not fitted or connected to the flange.2. d2/225 for grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360.2 Horizontal stiffeners. d2/180 for grade 50 steel complying with as 4360. Loadbearing stiffeners shall not be joggled and shall be solidly packed throughout.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two 8.1.1. A second horizontal stiffener.1. 8. for flats 12t for all steels where t is the thickness of the section or flat.50 and 65 steels complying with BS 4360.3.6.2. whether tension or compression. Pft or Pfc' from table 21. for all members of the structUre shall be 5 x 105. NOTE.5. 8. Using this factored load. the fatigue stresses permissible under this clause for any particular detail shall apply to all steels. 12. The value of fmax shall not exceed the appropriate permissible tensile or compressive fatigue stress.6 and the ratio fmlnlfm8x' The tabulated stresses are applicable to grades 43. shall be applied to the rated load to make an allowance for the varying loads handled by the hoist throughout its life.1 Table 21 gives the permissible tensife and compressive fatigue stresses.1 Loads.5MD2 increase of 1= Et For lateral loading on stiffener 3PD3 increase of I = Et where M is the applied bending moment. Care shall be taken to avoid sudden changes of shape of a member or part of a member.1. according to the state of loading of the hoist.3. where t equals web thickness (in mm) and h equals the projection (in mm) of the stiffener component from the web. 9. specified in 4. Where coexistent bending and shear stresses are present. of not less than t2 ISh.4 Method The nominal load spectrum factor. Under the specified loading combinations the elements of a structure will be subjected to a variety of stress cycles in which both the degree of stress fluctuation and the level of maximum stress will vary. 9.4 Connection of intermediate stiffeners to web. especially in regions of tensile stress or local secondary bending. primarily. the class of constructional detail given in 9. Memberssubjected to fluctuetlons of stress are liable to suffer from fatigue failure and this may be caused by loads that 29 . Pft or Pfc' from table 21. Intermediate vertical and horizontal stiffeners not subjected to external loads shall be connected to the web by welds or rivets in order to withstand a shearing force (in kN/mm) run between each component of the stiffener and the web.1. 9. Discontinuities such as bolt or rivet holes.2 Under no circumstances shall fmax exceed the permissible working stresses given in 9.2. welds and other local or general changes In geometrical form set up such stress concentrations from which fatigue cracks may be initiated.3. t is the thickness of web. to stress concentrations Introduced by the constructional details.3.5t for grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. The maximum stress level. are very much lower than those that would be necessary to cause failure under a single application. 9. 9. E is Young's modulus (= 205 000 N/mm2).2 or any lower stresses which may be required by other clauses in this standard.1. Kp. the outstand of all stiffeners from the web shall be not more than the following: for sections 16t for grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360.3 Loads and stresses to be considered 9. The degree of stress fluctuation shall be expressed as the ratio fmlnlfmax where fm1n is the minimum stress in the element during a cycle and fmax is the maximum stress in the element during the same cycle. Pft and Pfc' according to the number of stress cycles. The Inltletlon of fatigue cracks is due. The maximum stress thus determined shall be in accordance with 9. N. the principal stress at the point under consideration shall not exceed the appropriate permissible tensile or compressive fatigue stress.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two For bending moment on stiffener due to eccentricity of vertical loading with respect to the vertical axis of the web 1. and these cracks may subsequently propagate through the connected or fabricated member. corresponds to fmax' 9.3.2 Number of stress cycles For calculation purposes the number of stress cycles. Except where specifically stated to the contrary. D is the overall depth of girder.1 Detail design All details shall be designed to avoid stress concentrations likely to result in excessive reduction of the fatigue strength of members or connections.3 Outstand of all stiffeners.2. the ratio fmlnlfmax shall be determined for the extreme conditions of stress that occur in a single typical operating cycle due to the combination of loadings specified in 4.5 Permissible fatigue stress 9.2 Stresses. 14t for grade 50 steel complying with BS 4360. Unless the outer edge of each stiffener is continuously stiffened. P is the lateral force to be taken by the stiffener and deemed to be applied at the compression flange of the girder. A verification of the adequacy of structural members for fatigue shall be made on the basis of the load combinations specified in 4. -iiii i !!!!!!! (/) * * iiiii !!!!!!! iiiii iiiii 9 Fluctuating loads: permissible fatigue stresses 9.5. (a) Class A (1) Plain steel in the as-rolled condition with no gas-cut edges.1 Connections made with rivets and bolts. (5) Members of grade 43 steel complying with BS 4360 fabricated or connected with rivets or bolts. No allowance for fatigue shall be made in calculating the required number of rivets or bolts in a riveted or bolted connection. or both.9 Guides and guide rails 9. are described below and shown in figures 6 to 9. (3) Members with stud shear connectors. (2) Girder webs with stiffeners in regions of combined bending and shear. 9. except that all rivets or bolts subjected to reversal of stress shall be proportioned for the arithmetical sum of the load in the member corresponding to 'max plus 50 % of the load of opposite sign corresponding to 'min' 9. (9) The main chord members of a lattice girder or truss at the point where a bracing member is connected to it by a butt or fillet weld.1.6 Classes of constructional details The classes of constructional detail A to G.3. (4) Members fabricated with transverse butt welds in which the load is resisted by bending in the plate. (g) Class G (1) Members with intermittent longitudinal non-loadcarrying attachments butt or fillet welded to their edges. (3) Members fabricated with transverse non-loadcarrying fillet or butt welded attachments with the weld toe lightly ground. which shall be finished in the direction parallel to the direction of the applied stress. (f) Class F (1) Members fabricated with transverse butt welds made on permanent backing material. (3) Members of grade 50 or 55 steel complying with BS 4360 fabricated or connected with rivets or bolts.7.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two 9.2 and 10. (5) Members connected by load-carrying cruciform fillet welds. (d) Class D (1) Members fabricated with full-penetration transverse butt welds made in the shop in the flat position. (2) Members fabricated with transverse non-Ioadcarrying fillet or butt welded attachments with the weld fully machined. provided also that the members do not have exposed gas-cut edges. (2) Members fabricated with full-penetration longitudinal or transverse butt welds with the weld overfill dressed flush with the plate surface and the weld proved free from defects by non-destructive examination. (8) Members fabricated with transverse load-carrying fillet welds.8 Connection: load-carrying fillet welds Load-carrying fillet welds shall be designed such that the stress on their total effective throat area does not exceed the relevant value given for class G in table 21.1.7 Connections: riveted or bolted 9. (2) Members fabricated with transverse butt welds made by submerged arc welding or manually by deep-penetration methods. (5) Members fabricated with longitudinal non-Ioadcarrying fillet or butt welded attachments.2 Connections made with friction grip bolts. (2) Members connected by longitudinal load-carrying fillet welds. (e) Class E (1) Members fabricated with longitudinal non-loadcarrying fillet or butt welded attachments with the weld ends lightly ground. (3) Members fabricated with transverse non-loadcarrying fillet or butt-welded attachments. (c) Class C (1) Members fabricated with continuous longitudinal fillet welds made with either a submerged or open arc automatic process but with no intermediate stop-start positions within the weld length. (3) Members with partial-length welded cover plates. 30 . (6) Members fabricated with intermittent longitudinal fillet welds.1 Cage guides. Welds shall be dressed flush by machining or grinding. (b) Class 8 (1) Members fabricated with continuous longitudinal butt welds with full or partial penetration made with either a submerged or open arc automatic process but with no intermediate stop-start positions within the weld length.7. (4) The bracing member of a lattice girder or truss at the point where it is connected to a main member by a butt or fillet weld. guide rails and their fixings shall withstand all stresses produced by the normal operation of the hoist under the worst loading conditions given in 10. referred to in table 21. (2) Members fabricated with continuous longitudinal fillet welds with stop-start positions within the weld length. manual welds not giving deep penetration and automatic welds made by a process other than submerged arc welding. 9.9. No allowance for fatigue shall be made in calculating the required number of bolts. (4) Members fabricated with longitudinal non-loadcarrying fillet or butt welded attachments with the weld ends fully machined. (7) Members fabricated with full-penetration cruciform butt welds. 9. ........:: iJ u U m I E E NO(7) ..~ MMN N N N NO NN. .......... 0 i I ~1.....a :i CDN(7) "'CO... .........................O ..........: N 4D :g ...... MN... .. N... M(7)N "'NOO COMO ~~~(7)(7)0 .OO NN. ....... COLnv ...(7)00 ...... ON... ... ............... "'V(7) v VMN NLn............ "xii ......... . ..... ...... .... .... ... J w (f) * * CJ ... ... Ln..: ii :i ~.. 00 COM NNN COLnv "'CDOO N.COCO w u u u I . ...0... . J a ~CJ E NNO Z . > a.... (7) (7)0000 MN ..... "'LnN V'-(7) NN... .2' ..... J ..........N .. N.. 15 C')COCD ..c . . . vMN NNOO MLn(7) OOOOLn N(7)........ . OOOLn MNN LnvM VCO(7) .g I!! II> ........ ...... ............. 00(7) 00...N NOv ...00 .. N.. 0 (j J . vMN .. .... !II Q........ ... CII e! . .. CJ Z .. .. a...... vMN NNN OOOCO CONO "'MOO OOCOV ... MNN ... .... Z NN.e t- <:S!.. z MOOM VMM . .. E :J E E ... ...... .....Ln ~N"'" MN co... LnMCO .....:..... ... MNN . ...MCD CD CD 00 LnNO 000000 ~... vvM v.... CJ f c ! . I 4D . co 4J ~.. . .. ... 0 .Ln .(7) ~~~000.. = C 0 '. > . ........... :: >- ~'0:: ... NCO.gOO ~""'Ln . ........ .. 1..... . MLn......0 .......OO > '. .. ...... II> ... ... .00. V ..... .. .. E E E E .:.... ... .. .. MNN MMLn ..... .. N(7)N "'LnN MNN OOOCO LnvN .......... Ui 0 ..... NN... .... MLnO 00.CO O~N co Ln ~LnM VV ... .: ...fU)~ 0(7)00 . E CJ I&.LnM Lnv vvv I ..... .........!! x ..... MNN OOOON OOLnM ..... NLn... .. .. . 'in c ~(IJ (j 4J 4J :J '" ::I ....~O V N "'MCO "'0(7) .... . NLnO VMM .. CO . CO E II> CO ....... .....c I- x cl J.. CO Ovo N.... .. ........... ... II> C :J CJ CJ : " J . ...... "............. Q. "'0000 NO(7) OM... N M V N M V.OON (7) CO....... ...(7) (7)NLn .....2' 1.... E ... NNN VMM...... (7)00..... CO....COLn . Ln~(7) . Z .... .. "'0(7) ...... Z . MNN NNN CbC')~ 0(7)00 N.. ........ ...BS 4465 : 19B9 Section two .(7)... 0 ...COLn VMN ..(7).. NMv LnCO. . 0 Q..! oS "i! ::s .....O MM. E :J E a......... LnLn.. M(7) NN VM (7).. .. ":cici cicici cicici cioci ... c:J J J .. . OVO (7)0000 "'0(7) . M.. ...... 4D ::s ii '0 . VNN vCOLn OOLnM .M . ......... E E z E E ~. MOOLn VMM OLnLn NCD... vvM MNN ..E -. 0 II> ....M "'000 N. .... .M. . c .. ... II> > ".(7) LnNN 00..... c E . ....... IScofg ~N(7) .. (7) 00... . ......... NO MN VM N M V N..... E E . .... . i U c:J I ... Z .. .. m ~E '! 4D "g .. Z .: u ::s .. . ... ...(7) . .... VV CO 00 CO C')oov NN CONN . LnvM . ON ......... E E Z ...... u I . 'x . .:........ 8 U C I .. 00(7)0 I cicici cicici I I I I I I cici": I I 0 Z ui I- I 31 .. 'c 'E "tI c 0 E u .. ::s Z E N..... .. ... Z E NNN M(7)CO VMM MOO M... CD..... c . ... ell l u U i 0 I E E M. MN.......... CJ ~J ...... .............MN N ... E E CJ I&..(7)~N .. C '. (7) ....... Z vMM ... ...... . 00(7) Ln.... . E E N(7) M N 15 II> Z .. CON.. . .. . .. . 3 Where a safety gear operates on the face of a guide rail. when fitted. 9.9. of safety gear gripping elements to the sides of the mast members.2 and 10.1. as follows: (a) vertical load due to live load including impact. the wall thickness of the sections shall be designed to resist the most unfavourable combina- tion of the loads produced by the distribution given in 10.1. that face shall have a surface finish appropriate to the type of safety gear.BS 4465 : 1989 Section two 9. (d) horizontal loads due to cantilever moments of the cage or counterweight. Where vertical members of the mast or tower are used to guide the cage or counterweight and these members are made of hollow sections. (e) crushing loads due to the application.1. Figure 6.2. (c) horizontal loads due to wind. Typical class E weld details 32 . (b) vertical load due to own mass of the structure.2 If safety gears for either cages or counterweights operate on the guide rails. the latter shall be capable of withstanding the additional stresses produced by the brak ing force using the factors given in 4.3 all simultaneously applied.9. Figure 7 . T VPlcal class F wel d d etalls 33 .BS 4465 : 1989 Section two iiiii ~ iiiii iiiii (f) * * . . Typical class F and class G weld details 34 .as 4465 : 1989 Section two -0 Tubular la ttice '-Class F Angle lattice Figure 8. BS 4465 : 1989 Section two iiii ~ iiii iiii (J) * * Figure 9. Typical class G weld details 35 . .1 The cage shall be roofed with imperforate panels. 10.2 to 10.2 and 10. Gates shall be provided in the hoistway at every access point. 400 kg/m2). The opening shall be provided with a cover that opens outwards. shall be provided with a vision panel located at eye level.2. 10. The design of the hoist shall take into account the fact that loads could be such that their distribution will not necessarily be either symmetrical or uniform (see also clause 24(e) and clause 32(b)).1 Hoist cage 10.3. 12.. This vision panel shall have an area not less than 250 cm2 and shall be shatter resistant.4 Solid doors.13 Minimum clearance from adjacent moving parts mm 22 50 Table 22. 10. 10... For hoists of 1000 kg rated load and over. the floor surface and supporting members shall be designed to carry wheel loads equal to 500 kg anywhere within an area stated by the manufacturer (see clause 32(b)). 38 100 125 * When the opening is in the form of a slot the length of the slot may be longer than this maxima.5 The size of any perforation or opening in the cage enclosure and gates or doors. 10 >10. Size of perforation enclosure related to clearance or opening in cage > 13.1. giving access to the emergency opening. (including vision panels) related to the clearances from adjacent moving parts shall be as given in table 22. 11 Hoistway enclosure and gates Sufficient enclosure of the hoistway and counterweight shall be provided to protect persons from being struck by moving parts of the hoist. extending to the full width of the cage opening and to a height of not less than 1.2.98 m.98 m above the landing floor. shall be capable of withstanding a thrust of 350 N applied normally at any position without permanent deformation and without the gates or doors being sprung from their guides.2 The cage enclosure and gates.3 Cage/landing clearance The distance between the outside of the cage threshold and the landing sill shall not exceed 45 mm.4 Emergency egress An opening for emergency egress shall be provided in the roof of the cage.0 m x 0. 10. shall be permanently available inside the cage. . The hoist cage shall consist fundamentally of a frame which shall be designed to comply with the permissible working stresses specified in 5..2.1. on the basis of each person weighing not less than 80 kg (i. when fitted.2 m2 per person. whichever is greater. The height of the enclosure and the gates shall be not less than 1.1. This device shall be capable of being operated in the event of electrical supply failure.1.4. 32 > 32.e. The enclosure and the gates shall comply with 10. by means of a removable key and from the outside by a permanent handle. or doors.BS 4465 : 1989 Section three Section three. 10.2 Enclosure 10. and a single horizontal force of 1500 N both applied centrally. Each entrance shall be provided with an access gate.3 whilst carrying the loads given in 10. and an intermediate rail at halfheight. 10:5 Emergency audible alarm In order that passengers may call for assistance from outside an easily distinguishable and accessible emergency audible alarm device shall be fitted within the cage.4 Floor.3 Landing gate and cage threshold members shall be designed for a single vertical load of 40 % of the rated load or 500 kg. shall only be operable from the inside Maximum size of perforation or opening" mm .2.2. A safety switch complying with 22.. Mechanical design and construction 10 Hoist cage and enclosure 10.. 10. The sides of the cage unoccupied by the access gates shall be enclosed to a height of not less than 1.5 m and that the area of wheel contact is 150 mm x 40 mm.1. or door.'.2 It shall not be possible under operating conditions to open any landing gate from the landing side. and by a toe-board not less than 150 mm high. 10. 10. 12 Interlocking 12.98 m. A ladder.7 shall be provided to prevent movement of the cage whilst the cover is not in place.1.2.2. The roof of the cage including the emergency opening shall be protected by a railing consisting of an upper rail not less than 1 m above the roof. The 350 N thrust shall be applied by a rigid square flat face of 50 mm whose edges are a radius of 3 mm. when closed. or to open 36 ..2.1 Every gate shall be fitted with an effective electrical and mechanical locking device that complies with 12.1 Interlocks of gates 12.3 Load distribution for materials. 10.1 Basic construction. It shall be assumed that only one such load will occur with in a floor area of 1.1.1. provided its width does not exceed the maximum stated in the table.2 Load distribution for persons. The area of the cage floor shall be not less than 0. 13. shall be so situated or protected as to be normally inaccessible to persons from the landing.8 The removal of any detachable cover shall not disturb any of the lock mechanism or the wiring. 12. The angle of fleet between the rope and a plane normal to the axis of a pulley shall not exceed 2. Where springs are used they shall be in compression and adequately supported. 6 for counterweight suspension ropes used with rack and pinion hoists where F is the minimum breaking load of the rope. shall be not * 13 Rope suspension 13. 12. deleterious dust and other contaminants shall be contained within sealed housings. It shall not be possible for the locking flap to drop into the closed position whilst the gate leaf or leaves are in any position other than the closed position. 13. 12.2 Angle of fleet.2.2.5 All gate locking devices.6 The strength of the rope terminations less than 80 % of that of the ropes. together with any associated actuating mechanism and electrical contacts. 12. Electromechanical locks shall be encased and parts sensitive to water. Arrangements entailing reverse bends shall be avoided.2.2. unless the cage floor is within a :!: 150 mm zone of that particular landing.6 The locking devices shall be capable of resisting a force of 1 kN at the level of the lock in the opening direction of the gate. The failure of a spring shall not render a lock unsafe.9 The locking elements shall be held in the locked position by springs or weights.4 Rope speeds shall not exceed 2 m/s.1 Cage and counterweight support wire rope suspension or Maximum angle of fleet 13.3 It shall not be possible under operating conditions to start or run the hoist. The minimum ratio is considered sufficient to take account of the increase of load due to bending the rope and due to pulley bearing friction when the pulley.2.2.2 The wire ropes shall be not less than 9 mm nominal diameter in accordance with as 302 or as 329.1. independent of one another. 12. unless all gates (both cage and landing) are within 20 mm of the closed position.2. Angle of fleet 37 . 13. In the case of a vee or undercut drive traction sheave the minimum diameter shall be 31d at the pitch circle diameter of the rope in the groove. Means shall be provided to ensure load equalization between the ropes.1. as shown in figure 10. 12. -iiiii i ~ (I) * 13.1 All locking devices shall be fastened securely and the fastenings shall be restrained against working loose. The ratio of the minimum breaking load of each rope to this load shall be not less than 10 for cage suspension ropes or 6 for counterweight suspension ropes used with rack and pinion hoists.3 The working load on each rope shall be considered as being a static load.4 The electrical contacts in the gate locking devices shall be opened positively and independent of gravity. W is the maximum total static load imposed on the ropes with the cage.e. -+Drum =~: Pulley Figure 10..2 The locking elements shall engage fully by not less than 10 mm at right angles to the direction of motion of the part to be locked.50. 12.. NOTE. All detachable covers shall be retained by captive screws. sheaves and pulleys shall be 30d (where d is the nominal diameter of the rope). 1 for 1: 1 roping 2 for 2: 1 roping 3 for 3: 1 roping.1. and its rated load located in any position in the cage (including the mass of stored ropes) . The diameter of drums. shall be used for suspension. K is the roping 4465 : 1989 Section three a cage gate. etc. 10 for cage suspension ropes -FnK W . 13. 13.1 Minimum diameter.2 Drums. Designs requiring surplus rope to be stored shall not use rope connectors or fittings liable to cause damage to a section of rope that could subsequently become part of the system.2 Locking devices 12. 13. n is the number of separate suspension ropes. measured at the bottom of the groove. i..1 Not less than two wire ropes.2. sheave and drum sizes are not less than those specified in 13. 12.3 In the case of flap type locks the flaps shall overlap the gate leaves over the entire width by an amount sufficient to prevent the gate from opening. 12. The devices shall also be so designed that they cannot readily be made inoperative by unauthorized interference with their mechanism. traction sheaves and pulleys 13.1.7 Gate locking devices shall be designed to permit servicing.2. 12. This ratio shall be obtained from the equation: FnK W or . . Joints in the rack shall be accurately aligned to avoid faulty meshing or damage to teeth.6 shall also be fitted. The rope grooves in traction sheaves shall take one of the following forms. The angle of flare on the sides of the groove shall be 520.3.3) making no allowance for the effect of any dead turns. 14 Rack and pinion suspension system 14. the drum and the adjacent turn.2. The anchorages shall be designed to withstand the maximum working load on the rope (see 13.6 ~2. Clearance between turns of rope on helically grooved drums Clearance mm ~1. All grooves shall be smoothly finished and their edges rounded. 13.50 when plain.2 If two or more mechanically separate drives are used. 28 Drums shall be flanged at both ends. the metric module shall be not less than 7. 15. during normal operation.4 Nominal rope diamater mm . drive sheave or drive pinions by a positive drive system that cannot be disengaged.2 Drum NOTE. (b) Round undercut: in which the groove is the same as (a) but undercut. 13. When the rope is fully wound onto the drum the flanges shall project for a distance equivalent to not less than two rope diameters. Rope anchorages shall be protected by not less than three dead turns remaining on the drum when the rope is paid out to its maximum working length.1 General The rack and the pinion shall be manufactured in accordance with the dimensional requirements of as 436 : Part 2 and designed in accordance with as 436 : Part 3. 15. or leaving. The requirements of this subclause do not preclude the use of drums having grooves of non-helical form.50 from a plane normal to the axis of the sheave groove.5 times the nominal diameter of the rope. each drive shall have its own independent brake. Such means shall not rely upon the cage guide rollers.3.1.3 The drive motor shall be coupled to the 4465 : 1989 Section three The lead off angle from drums shall not be greater than 2. Pulleys shall have a groove depth not less than 1.3 Pulleys.2.1 General. 13.5 % nor less than 5 % in excess of half the nominal diameter of the rope. 13 .3 Racks The racks shall be made of material having properties matching those of the pinion in terms of wear and impact strength. The contour of the groove shall be circular over an arc of not less than 1200 and have a radius of not more than 7..5 :t 2. Undercutting of the teeth shall be avoided.4 Traction sheave grooves. Helically grooved drums shall have a groove depth not less than 1/3 the nominal diameter of the rope and shall be pitched so that there is clearance between neighbouring turns of rope on the drum. The pinion shall be affixed to the output shaft in accordance with 15. (c) Vee: in which the straight sides subtend an included angle of 37. (a) Round: in which the groove is a circular arc having a radius not greater than 5 % larger than half the nominal diameter of the rope and has a depth not less than 1/3 of the nominal diameter of the rope. particularly at their ends. and shall possess an equivalent safety factor. be raised 15. and lowered under power at all times. measured each side of a line normal to the axis of the drum.4 The cage shall.50. 14. There shall also be clearance between the part of the rope leading on to.5 Guarding Substantial guarding shall be provided to prevent the entry of any material that might cause damage to the rack or pinion.3. 13. this projection shall be not less than 25 mm. 14.2. In addition it shall not be possible for the pinion to move out of its correct engagement with the rack by more than one-th ird of the tooth height. 14.50 when grooved. 14. Table 23. The clearance between neighbouring turns of rope on a helically grooved drum shall be as given in table 23.2. 15. 15 Driving machinery 15.2 Driving pinion The driving pinion shall be machined from a material that will resist wear and provide a safety factor of not less than 6. In the case of traction sheaves the lead shall not deviate by more than 2.3 Drum and pulley grooves 13.2. The load imposed upon the rack by the pinion shall not cause permanent deformation of the rack. The devices used shall restrict movement of the pinion on its axis such that at least two-thirds of the tooth is always in engagement with the rack. Any machine enclosure door or gate shall be provided with a lock. An overspill switch complying with 22. . The racks shall be securely attached to the mast or tower.5 Driving machinery and associated equipment shall be so positioned or guarded to protect persons from injury.10.1 Each hoist cage shall have at least one individual driving machine fitted with a brake which operates immediately to arrest the cage when the operating or safety circuit is broken. or 1.4 Rack/pinion engagement Means shall be provided to maintain the rack and the pinion constantly in mesh under all conditions of load. 3 If the counterweight incorporates filler weights. (c) secured by means of machined fitting bolts to a flange forming an integral part of the shaft or driving unit. metallic fillers shall be restrained by a minimum of two tie rods.12 The brake. Means shall be provided to prevent the chain from leaving the chainwheel and riding over the teeth. 15. 17.10 Any separate sheave. Brake linings shall be of incombustible material and shall be so secured that normal wear will not weaken their fixings. deleterious dust or other contaminants.2 The hoist cage shall not be used to counterbalance another hoist cage. Sleeve bearings having ring or chain lubrication shall have ample reservoirs.1 The hoist shall be provided with a braking system that operates automatically: (a) in the case of loss of the power supply. 16. gear case and any bearings shall be mounted and assembled so that proper alignment of these parts is maintained under all conditions. worm wheel or brake drum shall be fixed to its shaft or other drive unit by one of the following methods: (a) sunk keys.9 Brakes shall be provided with means of adjustment.BS 4465 : 1989 Section three The machinery and equipment shall be readily and safely accessible for servicing and examination. Use may be made of belts for coupling the motor or motors to the component on which the electromechanical brake operates. for spur gears. 16. 16.5 Counterweights shall be guided by suitable shoes or rollers situated near the upper and lower extremities of the carrier frame.11 Bearings shall be of the ball. or for safe access to the lubrication point. A minimum of two belts. The brake shall not be released in normal operation unless power is applied to the hoist motor.8 The brake shall be designed to prevent the ingress of lubricants. circuit malfunction or residual magnetism shall prevent the brake from being applied when the power supply to the hoist motor is interrupted. The chainwheels shall be of cast iron or steel.4 To prevent the displacement of counterweights from their guides the guides shall be equipped with a permanent anti-disengagement device in addition to rollers or shoes. overrun 16 Brake 16.6 Allowance shall be made for counterweight at the top end of the hoistway. Gear cases shall be provided with journal and thrust bearings to suit the application. spur gear. It shall also be reasonably protected against damage from falling objects. (b) in the event of the loss of the supply to the control circu its. shall not be used with winding drum 17. 15.7 Means of releasing the brake in an emergency shall be provided and ensure the immediate reapplication of the brake as soon as hand pressure is released. 15. complying with BS 3790. 17. They shall be adequately supported and shall not be stressed in excess of 80 % of the torsional elastic limit of the material. Pulleys or sprockets and their shafts shall be so supported and retained as to prevent them from becoming displaced. * en * 17 Counterweights 17.3 No toggle or positive locking device shall be used to hold off the brake. rope drum. 16.6 No earth fault. 17. 15. sleeve or other replaceable type. or (c) BS 721 : Part 1 or Part 2 for worm gearing. 17. 15. or (b) if the rated speed of the cage is not greater than 1 mis.2 The brake shall be capable of bringing the hoist cage to rest under maximum conditions of load and speed and maintaining the cage stationary when fully loaded. as appropriate. Ball and roller bearings shall be arranged in dust-proof housings and shall be adequately lubricated. 15.4 Compression springs shall be used to apply the brake.7 A notice shall be displayed stating the total mass of the counterweight required and each individual block shall have its own mass marked on it. roller.6 Chains and chainwheels shall comply with BS 228. 16. water. shall be used. (b) splines or serrations. one of the following measures shall be taken to prevent their displacement: (a) the fillers shall be retained within a frame. 16. 16. provided with drain plugs and means to ascertain and limit the level of oil in the reservoir. or (b) BS 545 for bevel gears.7 All gearing shall be class 9 or 10 in accordance with: (a) BS 436 : Parts 2 and 3. Where access to a bearing for lubrication would otherwise be difficult provision shall be made for remote lubrication. 17. 39 .9 Keys shall be effectively secured against movement.5 In the case of drum brakes a minimum of two shoes shall be used. motor. have a minimum of 25 machine cut teeth and have a minimum of 6 teeth in engagement. 15. The wearing surfaces of brake drums and discs shall be machined and shall be smooth and free from defects. 16.1 Counterweights machines.8 Stress concentrations shall be minimized by forming adequate fillets where shafts and axles are shouldered. 11 When the safety gear is of the rack and pinion type it shall also comply with clause 14.16 Where safety gear of the gripping type is fitted on the cage or the counterweight. 18. to prevent unauthorized alteration.63 > 0.8 No safety gear shall be dependent for its operation on energizing or maintaining an electrical circuit. The correct tripping speed shall be marked on the safety gear. 18. Table 24. 18. 4465 : 1989 Section three 18 Safety gear 18.0 m/s Instantaneous Progressive J 18.13 A safety gear designed to grip more than one guide shall operate on all guides simultaneously. An overspeed governor may however be used to cause the motor control and brake control circuits to be opened in the event of overspeed in the upwards direction. Table 25. these surfaces shall be /:Ield clear of each other during normal operation of the hoist.17 In safety gear where the action is achieved by means of coil springs.3 x rated speed Tripping speed max.1 Governors shall come into action and trip the safety gear before the hoist cage reaches a speed exceeding the rated speed by the amount given in table 25.5 The safety gear and governor shall be operational during erection and dismantling work. 18. (e) maximum stopping distance.7 When the safety gear has tripped it shall not be possible to release or reset the safety gear by raising the cage or platform by means of the normal control.9 Pulleys used to carry governor ropes shall be mounted independently of any shaft that carries the suspension rope pulleys. 18. 18.4 The safety gear shall operate with a deceleration not exceeding 10n to arrest and support the cage with its contract load. 18. NOTE.1 Every hoist shall be provided with a safety gear of the progressive type attached to the cage frame and actuated by a governor. Under extreme conditions.10 If a safety gear is fitted to the counterweight type of safety gear shall be as given in table 24.2 > 1. 18. 18. If an ascending hoist cage is to be stopped on account of overspeed. 18. (b) model number. in the event of any failure of the hoist which results in the rated speed being exceeded other than a structural failure of the mast (see clause 19 and item 19 of appendix A).1.0 mls 1. Governor tripping speeds Rated speed mls < 0.63. 20 Buffers The travel of the hoist cage and counterweights shall be limited at the bottom by buffers that are designed in such 40 . < 1. < 1. Type of safety gear for counterweights Type of safety gear 19.3 Counterweights on traction drive machines shall also be fitted with a safety gear. (c) serial number.12 Where there is relative movement between the gripping and the braking surface. (d) governor tripping speed. 19.2 and shall be permanently marked with the following data: (a) maker's name. 18.0 m/s J J > 1. a lower tripping speed may be adoPted. 19 Overspeed governors 19.3 Ropes and rope attachments.14 Safety gears shall not operate to stop an ascending hoist cage. no component of the safety gear shall be used for both guiding or braking. then a safety gear shall be fitted to the counterweight for this purpose.6 The motor control and brake control circuits shall be automatically opened by a switch on the safety gear before or at the time the safety gear is applied. to governors shall be dimensioned and designed in accordance with 13. the 18.2 The safety gear shall be tested and certificated in accordance with 31.2 1. 18. Pulleys and drums that rotate only when the safety gear operates shall have a diameter of at least 15 x the nominal diameter of the rope.15 Suitable provision shall be made to prevent the safety gear from becoming inoperative due to the accumulation of extraneous matter or to atmospheric conditions.4 X rated speed 1. the springs shall be in the form of compression springs which shall be guided and in the non-loaded condition have a coil pitch of less than twice the wire diameter. for example very low speeds and very high loadings.2 The device that sets the tripping speed of the safety gear shall be located. NOTE. as far as possible. etc. 18. The nominal diameter of the rope to the governor shall be not less than 8 mm and the bending diameter shall be at least 30 x the nominal diameter of the rope for pulleys idling in normal service. 22. wheel.15 m on hoists operated by rack and pinion. 23.1 The hoist cage shall operate the ultimate limit switch before striking the buffers. The switches shall be directly operated by movement of the cage.. NOTE. 22. The guards shall be designed to permit easy access for routine inspection and maintenance work. The enclosures and their frames. so arranged that their operation will result in the hoist cage being automatically stoppped from any speed attained in normal operation within the overall travel range of the cage. In appendix A reference is made to statutory obligations affecting hoists when used for building operations and works of engineering construction in the United Kingdom. 21. 22 Safety switches 22. or are effectively guarded by parts of the structure. (b) 0.7 Cage roof access door switch The switch specified in 10. and shall be sufficiently rigid to resist distortion. shall be not less than: (a) 0.1 General 22. they will interrupt the main power supply to the hoist motor and electromechanical brake on all phases.1.2 Design of fixed guards Guards shall be of sheet metal (perforated or expanded). and (b) counterweighted rack and pinion hoists.5 m on hoists operated by wire ropes.1 General Effective guards shall be provided for gear wheels. the vertical distance the cage may travel after operating the ultimate limit switch and before meeting any obstruction to its normal travel or upper guide rollers reaching the end of the guides. For this purpose it shall be assumed that the buffers stop the cage from governor tripping speed. unless those parts are made safe by design or by position. brackets. etc. 22. The switches shall be so arranged that in the event of the cage overrunning the terminal stopping switches. It shall not be possible to override this switch from inside the cage. NOTE. In the caseof traction driven hoists the switches may be operated directly by the counterweight. 21 Hoist cage overrun 21.6 Overspill switch A non-resetting switch shall be fitted that will stop the winding motion and apply the brake should any part of the rope wound onto the drum project by more than half the rope nominal diameter above the drum flange.3 When a safety switch forms part of the electrical and the mechanical interlocking of hoistway and hoistcage gates. i.4 shall be so positioned that any movement to open the cage roof emergency door during normal operation of the hoist would result in the control circuit of the hoist being interrupted. 41 . shall be earthed in accordance with clause 28. Provision may be made to short circuit this switch specifically for the purposes of inspection and erection when the hoist control is transferred to the roof of the cage. collars. 22. When operating at rated speeds (v) greater than 0. wire mesh. or other suitable material and shall completely encase the moving parts concerned. or pinion.5 Slack rope switches A non-resetting slack rope switch shall be fitted on: (a) hoists utilizing a winding drum. NOTE.4 Terminal slowing switches When the hoist drive is of the multi-speed type.1. belts and chain drives. 22. 22.3 Ultimate limit switches Ultimate limit switches shall be fitted within the hoistway or to the hoist cage and shall be positively operated and be of the non self-resetting type.1. arranged so as to decelerate the hoist cage to the minimum speed prior to the cage reaching the terminal stopping switch. arranged to interrupt the control circuit of the control equipment in the event of any rope becoming slack. couplings.2 In all cases the minimum distance between the bottom landing level and the ultimate limit switch shall be such that the latter is not operated during normal service operation. Guards shall be substantially constructed to withstand the atmospheric conditions in the environment in which they are used.2 The enclosure for safety switches shall be weatherproofed in accordance with clause 27.2 Terminal stopping switches Stopping switches shall be fitted to each hoistway or hoist cage and shall be positively operated and of the selfresetting type. (J) * * 23 Guarding 23.85 m/s the above overrun shall be increased by 0.1 v2 m.1 All the safety switches described in this clause shall be of the positively operated type and shall not be dependent upon springs for their operation. a set of slowing switches shall be fitted at the terminal landings. the safety switch shall be mechanically coupled so that it cannot close the circuit whilst the gate is open.e. In the interests of safety this provision should not be used to facilitate the carriage of long loads. Guards shall be securely attached to a fixed support. revolving shafts. projecting set screws.3 The overrun of the hoist cage at the top end of the hoistway. Guidance on the design of guards is given in BS 5304. and bolts or keys on any revolving shaft. flywheels. 21. 22. wood. NOTE. 4465 : 1989 Section three a way that the deceleration of the cage does not exceed 19n. These switches shall be of the self-resetting type. This function shall be performed independent of the position of the control in the hoist cage. 42 . metal lattice. in kilogrammes. (h) Bolt material specification. and details of any limitations on the positioning of loads. (e) The rated load of the hoist.BS 4465 : 1989 Section three The thickness of metal guards shall be not less than 1. 24 Notices Each hoist cage shall have permanently fixed in a prominent position a legible and permanent plate or plates carrying the following information. (k) The rated speed. NOTE. It is dangerous to use bolts other than those specified by the hoist manufacturer. (f) The maximum number of persons that it is permissible to carry in the hoist cage and whether this includes the driver. (d) For rope suspended hoists. (a) The manufacturer's name and address. (j) A warning that persons trapped in the cage should remain in the cage until released under the instruction of a competent person. The minimum clearance between the guards and moving parts. or similar material shall be in accordance with BS 5304. the nominal diameter and specification of the suspension rope. (c) The year of manufacture of the hoist. (g) Information on whether it is necessary to reduce the rated load at extreme heights. (i) The mass of the counterweight. if fitted. (b) The model and serial number of the hoist.25 mm. and the size of the opening in guards or perforated metal. woven wire. The first digit defines degrees of protection against contact with live or moving parts and protection against ingress of solid bodies. in as 5490. 26. Disconnection of the heating circuit shall be by means of a separate switch marked 'electrical heating' which is situated adjacent to the supply isolating switch described in clause 25. 25. Guidance on the design of control systems in general and is given in as 5304. complies with the 25 Mains supply isolating switch 25. limit switches or push-button enclosures to be heated. connection boxes. the operating handle shall be accessible outside the cabinet.1.6 Precautions shall be taken to ensure the free and safe movement of the cage trailing cable throughout the full range of travel of the hoist cage. Where this switch is housed in a cabinet. 26 Cables and wiring 26. flexible cables. The outer sheath of the cable shall be led in and securely fixed at the lead-in point so that the cores are not subjected to harmful tension or twisting in the connection space. All live parts of the heating circuit shall be shrouded and identified. Electrical design and construction NOTE. shall not be used. NOTE.. When the cable is led in to motors.8 The control gear cabinet shall contain such drawings or documentation as are necessary to aid electrical maintenance and fault finding. have a degree of protection at least equal to that which corresponds to the symbol IP54 as classified in BS 5490. panels.1 Provision shall be made for a reasonable time lag between the stopping of the hoist cage and its being resta rted. 26. NOTE.BS4465 : 1989 Section four Section four.1 For each hoist there shall be a manually operated isolating switch or circuit breaker capable of isolating every pole of the supply network. In drafting this section it is assumed that the electrical installation latest edition of the lEE Regulations for Electrical Installations. is expressed in the form 'IPXX' in which a numeral replaces an X. Cables shall be connected and branched in permanentlymounted enclosed terminal blocks or by means of strong connectors intended for the purpose. where necessary. concrete. the supply for this heating circuit shall be connected to the live side of the isolating switch. The switch or breaker shall be capable of disconnecting the hoist motor starting current.3 All cables and wiring for the hoist shall be located and installed to provide maximum protection from mechanical damage that may be caused during the use of the hoist. equipment systems NOTE. e. dust and other dirt. e. 26.4 The positions of the switch shall be clearly marked 'off' and 'on'. this shall be done in an appropriate manner for each type of cable and in such a way that the cable is protected against the stresses occurring.7 If there is a requirement for contactor cabinets. The Index of Protection liP) Code.3 The handle shall open the contacts positively and the handle shall be lockable in the off position.1. a circuit diagram and a wiring diagram. Protection should be provided by suitable fuses or a circuit breaker in accordance with the hoist manufacturer's recommendations. 29 Control circuits.g. shall be effectively bonded to earth. allowance shall be made for the stresses to which the cable can be subjected as a consequence of mechanical action. apparatus. Loose clamps or jointing of cables.2 The isolating switch shall be positioned in an easily accessible position. These conductors shall not be contained within the same sheath as other wires. etc.2 The mains cable for connecting the hoist to the supply network shall be such that the rating and size complies with 26. motor frames and metal casings of all electrical equipment. and the second digit defines the degree of protection against ingress of liquid. including metal cabinets. 27 Protection against the effects of external influences All electrical apparatus excluding that installed in control gear cabinets shall be protected from the harmful or hazardous effects of external influences. 29. including starting.g. conduit and guards. Full information on degrees of protection offered by enclosures is given -!!!!!!! [J) * * 26. 43 . Trailing cables and flexible cables shall be protected against wear. breakage or tearing.1.2 The voltage of the hoist control and operating circu its shall not exceed 130 V with respect to earth and shall be connected to the alternating current network via an isolating transformer with separate primary and secondary windings and with the primary windings earth screened. in any other manner than by means of the devices intended for the purpose. 26. mortar. positioned to provide protection against rain. snow. 26. separated by insulating barriers. Normal sealing glands with packings are not regarded as meeting the requirement for relief from pulling and twisting. 25. i. 26. Power and control circuits shall be grouped and. 25.5 When positioning a cable.e. 28 Earthing The hoist structure.1 The size of all cables supplied with the hoist shall be such that the rating is adequate for the maximum current to be carried under all conditions of operation in service. 29.1 Control circuits 29. and where appropriate to the design. they shall also be marked according to the designation of the circuits.4 Terminals shall be adequately shrouded and incoming power terminals shall be covered and marked 'Live terminals'. inspection or erection requires the presence of persons on the hoist cage roof whilst the cage is in motion.4 Interlocking shall be provided.2 Cage controls.3 Cage roof control. power supplies shall incorporate means to prevent the motor being energized in the event of a phase failure or phase reversal. shall be so arranged that control can be effected from one location only at anyone time. 29. This control shall. in the case of multi-speed installations.8 The control system shall not depend upon energizing or maintaining the continuity of an electrical circuit for the interruption of the power supply to the hoist motor and the application of the machine brake to stop the cage when any safety switch (see clause 22) is operated. where necessary. including temporary controls (such as on the cage roof.4. relays and contactors 29. Every cage operating device shall be arranged to return to the 'stop' position when released.8 Hoists connected to polyphase a.1.3. or the discharge or failure of any circuit component.1.2.7 The opening of the circuit to stop the hoist at the terminal floors shall not be dependent upon the direct operation of a spring (see 22. 29. shall be directly connected to earth. Remote control facilities shall be provided only to facilitate testing. For three-phase systems the main contactor shall be triple-pole and switch all three phases. except open circuit faults. 29. 29. such a circuit shall have at least two independent contactors to afford double break of one or more main lines. a control station shall be provided on the cage roof.5 Contactors for reversing direction of travel shall be mechanically and electrically interlocked. will be faults to earth. Should threaded fasteners be used they shall be of the captive type. the key being trapped when turned and not removable until returned to the 'off' position.6 Switches shall not be connected between the earth and the control circuit operating coils.c. If any maintenance.1 Panels and cabinets shall be of robust construction and shall be protected in accordance with clause 27. Controls located inside the cage shall be placed in a position: (a) which will give the operator ample room for operation and a clear view of the landing levels. 29. independently of the protection provided for the main circuits.3 Main and auxiliary resistors shall be adequately supported and ventilated. which at all times shall be capable of stopping and preventing movement of the cage. 29.4. 29.4 All safety circuits shall be designed to prevent an intercircuit fault. 29.3 To prevent unauthorized access during normal use of the hoist.7 Each hoist motor shall be protected from overcurrent. 29.3). 44 .3 Control circuits shall be so arranged that any fault.3. or if a rectifier is connected to it one d. In the event of an earth fault in the control circuit of the hoist. 29. 29. Any faults. BS 5486 : Part 1 specifies general requirements for factory built assemblies. only permit movement of the cage at low speed. 29.1. A non self-resetting switch shall be provided on the cage roof. doors or covers that are provided for maintenance and inspection shall be secured by devices that require a spanner.4.6 Operators' key switch. The hoist controls.1 The control equipment shall be adequately protected to prevent accidental contact with live parts.2 The cabinets shall be designed and located such that where practicable an unobstructed working space of not less than 1 m deep and 1.5 Remote control. the circuit shall be disconnected as a result of rupturing a fuse or similar protective device.2 Electrical control panels and cabinets NOTE. a label shall be permanently displayed on the outside of the door or cover of the cabinet requiring the mains supply to the cabinet to be moved to the 'off' position before opening access doors or covers. and (b) that it is impossible to reach them by hand from outside a closed landing gate.c.5 Control circuits shall be protected by fuses or equivalent devices.1.1 Type of controls. pole.2.1. The switch shall be of a type that cannot be turned to the 'on' position until a key has been inserted. A switch to render the control circuit inoperative shall be fitted in the cage as a means of preventing unauthorized operation of the hoist.3.3 Control equipment.2.4 If the mains supply isolating switch specified in clause 25 is not housed in the control gear 4465 : 1989 Section tau r One pole of the secondary winding.1) or upon the completion of another electrical circuit.90 m high is provided for access for maintenance and inspection in front of the door or cover.6 Where contactors having metal to metal contacts are employed to open a circuit in order to stop the hoist drive. 29.4 Manual controls 29. key or special tool to remove or loosen them. e. shall not set up an unsafe condition. 29.2 Controller panels or their supporting frames shall be constructed of materials that do not support combustion. 29.3. 29. 29.g. 29. 29.4 Cage roof safety control. to ensure that the relays and contactors operate in proper sequence. 29.4. 29. see 29. starting or continuing cage motion when any safety contact has opened or is opening. 29.1. 29.1. 6 The wiring arrangements for the installation shall be such that control circuit wiring and connections are adequately segregated from other supplies. In addition to the relevant requirements elsewhere in this standard.5. Frequencies used by local radio.2 to 29.8 It shall be possible to check and test the function of cableless control units on site without energizing the main hoist motor control gear.5.5. 29. 30 Suppression of radio and television interference All circuits and electrical equipment shall be designed to comply with as 800 to prevent giving rise to radio interference in excess of local regulations.8 shall also apply. 29. 29.5 Non-conductive control system 29.4.5. 29. 29. All manual controls shall be clearly marked to indicate their purpose and the direction of travel resulting from their operation.5. The necessary components used to provide the required degree of suppression shall not be used in any part of the circuit where their failure might cause an unsafe condition. e.7 Marking.4 Failure of any relay or relay circuit to operate properly shall not give rise to potentially unsafe conditions. movement of the cage with the gates open.2 All cage safety interlocks shall be so arranged that in the event of any interruption of the safety circuits it shall not be possible for any movement of the cage to take place. (f) * * 45 .5.g.5.5.5 Any variation of supply voltage to component parts of the installation shall not give rise to unsafe conditions.5. television and h. a non-conductive control system shall be applicable to the control of the cage only and shall not be used for any part of the landing gate interlock system.5.f. 29.3 The signal level shall be such that malfunction due to the imposition of spurious signals shall not occur. heaters shall be avoided.7 All safety switches (see clause 22) shall operate independently of the non-conductive control system. 29. iiiii ~ iiiii iiiii 4465 : 1989 Section four 29.1 When used. the requirements given in 29. 31. All safety devices shall be tested to at least 10 % of the tests the pinion shall be engaged. evenly distributed over the platform.2. 31. Attention is drawn to the additional requirements of (a) the overspeed device operates at the rated speed.4. The functional test may be carried out by the manufacturer at his works or on site as part of his site testing programme. 31.4 Production tests Functional tests.2 The tests shall be conducted at the governor tripping speed specified by the hoist manufacturer and utilizing the design of mast or tower and/or rack which would normally be employed in normal service.3.2 to 31. determine that: NOTE.4 Electrical tests 31.4.3. NOTE 1.2). (c) operation of the terminal stopping switches causes the cage to stop within the limits of overtravel for the cage.6 On counterweighted hoists employing traction drives it shall be demonstrated that the hoist drive will maintain traction throughout normal operating travel of the cage in both directions whilst the mass of the counterweight is reduced by 50 % and the rated load on the cage platform is reduced by an equivalent amount. (see 31. of arresting the motion of the cage when containing 125 % of the rated load under the conditions specified in 31.4. 31.5 by the manufacturer.3).2.2. 31.4. 31.4.5 On completion of the above type tests the hoist shall be thoroughly examined and shall be found to be free from defect.3.3. NOTE.4 For rack and pinion hoists at least 10 % of the tests order to comply with statutory requirements is not precluded. The brake shall also be checked for correct adjustment and that the brake arrests the motion of the cage during the functional tests given in 31.4.4. Before the hoist is connected to an electrical supply the insulation resistance shall be measured between all leads in the power lines and earth and 46 .3 The total number of repeated tests shall be not less than the number calculated from the following. and the counterweight if fitted. 31.4.1 General All hoists shall be submitted (a) safety gear type tests (b) prototype proof tests (c) production tests (see to the following tests: (including governors) (see 31. Ld is the design life of the safety gear.1 General. Checks shall be made to ensure proper release and arrest functions of the brake at its rated current and voltage.2.3.1 A representative model of every new version of safety gear shall be tested to apply stresses to all parts equivalent to those resulting from drop tests loaded in accordance with tables 2 and 3.1 Brake operation. (e) the mechanical and electrical interlocks of all cage and landing gates and doors function correctly. 31. The necessity for subsequent repetition of certain tests in = 2No Ld No is the average expected number of operations of the safety gear per year.2. 31.2 Cage safety gear type tests 31.4 A further test shall be carried out by the manufacturer to demonstrate that the safety gear is capable cage without the assistance of any motor brakes and within the manufacturer's declared stopping distance when the cage contains the rated load as it is descending at the tripping speed of the governor.3 Although the full rated speed need not be attained during the tests it shall be demonstrated that the hoist is capable of operating satisfactorily with 150 % of the rated load. The hoist shall be operated in both directions at such minimum height as will allow adequate testing whilst the cage contains: (a) the rated load.3. The design life Ld of the safety gear may not necessarily be that of the complete hoist unit.4).6 Upon completion of the test programme a certificate of test in accordance with appendix G shall be produced and completed. 31.3.5 The stopping distance during all tests shall be not greater than the specified maximum. 31.3 Prototype proof tests 31.4. subject to an absolute minimum of 100 tests: minimum number of tests where 31.1. Although the full rated speed need not be attained during the overload test (b) it shall be demonstrated that the hoist is capable of operating satisfactorily with the overload.1 The hoist manufacturer shall submit the first complete hoist of any new design to a proof loading test of 150 % the rated load evenly distributed over the cage platform and 125 % of the rated load placed at the maximum eccentric positions in each direction as determined in accordance with 10. NOTE 2. (d) when the terminal stopping switches are overrun. 31. Testing 31 General 31. subject to a minimum of 10 operations. the ultimate stopping switches will operate and cut off the power supply to the machinery on all phases.2.3 Safety devices. Every production hoist shall be submitted to the production tests given in 31.4.1 whilst descending at the safety gear tripping speed.2 Insulation resistance. in years. Health and Safety Executive Certificate of Exemption CON/I-O/S1 11 which applies to certain rack and pinion hoists. and (b) 125 % of (a). (b) the safety gear is capable of arresting motion of the 31. 31.2 Each test shall consist of at least 10 full height runs up and down a mast that has been erected to the manufacturer's maximum free standing height. 4465 : 1989 Section five Section five. 31.4. shall be conducted with the drive pinion disengaged and in 31. cabinets and hoist structure is continuous and not greater than 0.5 Other tests and checks. (f) the earthing of all metal frames for motors. 31. Circuits containing electronic components. tests and visual checks shall be made to ascertain that: (a) all mechanical elements such as interlocks.1 D. etc. locks and enclosures are effective. rectifiers.25 MD. sequence controls and safety interlocks are wired and function correctly. with a minimum value of 0. instruments. (d) cable connections are tight and have adequate contact. The insulation resistance shall be not less than 1 kD. timers. The test shall be made with a megger applied to all applicable parts of the circuits so as to ensure that the hoist is correctly earthed.. To detect faults in materials and workmanship. safety switches.. control switches.4.BS 4465 : 1989 Section five all control lines and earth. iiiiii !!!!!!! (I) * * 47 . impedance with respect to the main earthing terminal. (b) conductors and cables are laid correctly. (c) devices are mounted correctly. (e) all interlocks.N in circuits carrying more than 50 V. shall not be subjected to this test. (I) A description of the drive unit. (v) Specification of bolts for assembling the structure. (5) number of falls. (4) minimum breaking load. including method of assessing wear. spacing of ties to the supporting free standing height of the complete (3) full load current (4) starting current (m) The type of brake. Instruction manual 32 General Eachhoist shall be supplied with an instruction manual which provides technical data concerning the hoist. . (g) The minimum distance (in mm) between the lowest landing and the lowest point of the hoist structure. examples of which are listed below. *(h) The maximum *(i) The maximum structure (in mI. (6) ratio of minimum (r) Installation details of terminal and ultimate stopping switches. (j) and (k) should be selected from table 4 to suit the zone of operation. (s) Full information on the operation and maintenance of safety gear. (t) Full information for the installation. (3) diameter. *(k) The maximum permissible height (in m) of the mast or tower above the top tie. Le.1. (p) The type of landing gate (e. (e) The access width into the cage (in mI. (2) construction. extension. hoist (in m) (to comply with IN SERVICE and QUT-QF-SERVICE conditions). (u) Full information to enable foundations.g. servicing and dismantling of the 4465 : 1989 Section six Section six.1. *(j) The maximum overall height of the mast (in mI.2 and 10. iii. (b) The capacity of the cage. (n) A description (in A). rising or outward opening). the rated load (in kg) and the positions of permissible loads (see 10. of the driving unit. (w) An electrical circuit diagram showing the operation (in the ready for service state of the electrical equipment and switched off). or for special applications. (a) The type and model. (0) The type and position of the control.: (1) power (in kw). (c) Hoisting speeds (in m/s). (q) Suspension rope details (where applicable): (1) number. For operation four scheduled zones.g. Hz and phases). breaking load/rated load. The dimensions required by (h). (in A). testing. (d) The internal dimensions of the cage. operation. ties and tie fixings to be designed in relation to the four scheduled zones of operation. e. the hoist manufacturer's recommended figures should be stated. width.3). outside the 48 . giving both the number of persons. length and clear height (in mI. (2) electricity supply (in V. (f) The minimum mast height required above the top landing. 15. CON(LO)/1981/1 'Rack and Pinion hoists'. 9. 739. 19.54)2 = 0. In all cases for steels having a yield stress greater than 82 % of the ultimate stress the basic stresses Pat.1. q and V. 226. and the design of the structure is verified by adequate testing. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Certificates (Amendment) Order. Copies of these documents may be obtained from: H. 1964 No. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Prescribed Particulars (Amendment) Order.205 = 1.90 X (34.145 = 1. & 0..1. Pbt. (e) Design wind pressure q kV.bas and P qC. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Certificates Certificate of exemption No. 94.1961 No. for fir . The Construction (Working Places) Regulations. 5. 1966 No. 227. The geographical v = 20 m/s V = 38 m/s V = 48 m/s V = 52 m/s V = 56 m/s \ locations In service. Text deleted 49 . 13. PM 27 'Construction hoists'.613 = = 38 = 0. 1962 No. No.1312. & O. 1962 No. 8. of the above zones are illustrated in as 7212. 16. 17. so. 5.1. 1944 No.1.5. 1. The Lifting Machines (Particulars of Examinations) Order 1932. using a probability level of 0.1. 1580. 1961 No. 5. 5. 225. 10. Pbc.90 for a period of exposure of 13 years. The use of steels of higher tensile strength than those of steels complying with BS 4360 The use of suitable steels with higher tensile strengths than those covered by BS 4360 is permissible.1. Health and Safety at Work etc. Hand 5 E Guidance Note PM 24 'Safety at rack and pinion hoists'. 18. Derivation of design wind pressures The design wind pressures in table 4 were prepared in accordance with CP 3: Chapter V: Part 2. 11. 5. Stationery Office 49 High Holborn London WC1V 6 HB Appendix C. 7. 1908 and 1944.R. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations 5. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Reports Order. as amended by S. S. factor S2 : Height above ground Om to 30 m S2 = 1. 5.' Pac.1.1 Over Over 60mt090m 90 m to 120 m S2 S2 iiiiii ~ iiiiii iiiiii = 1.01 Over 30 m to 60 m S2 = 1. building size and height above ground. 3.1581. 20. The working stresses thus derived should not exceed the permissible stresses calculated in accordance with 6. 2. 1962 No. 1747. The Factories Act (Northern Ireland) 1965. Out of service.54 N/m2 = 731 Appendix D.2 where k Example: V. 14. The Electricity (Factories Act) Special Regulations. Legislation and related documents The following legislation and documents may be applicable to electric hoists in the United Kingdom.1.BS 4465 : 1989 Appendices A.18 Over 120 m to 150 m Over 150 m to 200 m S2 S2 = 1. 1960 No.bas. Act 1974.shou Id be taken respectively as the basic stresses for steel of grade 55 Appendix B. The following values were used: (a) Basic wind speed: All zones: Zone 1: Zone 2: Zone 3: Zone 4: NOTE. (b) Topography factor S1 =1 (c) Ground roughness. Hand 5 E Guidance Note 531.R. 1382. C and D Appendices Appendix A. Factories Act 1961. 1963 No.1. 4. 5. 1949. 12. 5. provided that working stresses are rigorously analysed having regard to loading conditions.01 x 0.M. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Prescribed Particulars Order. Ship Building and Ship Repairing Regulations. The Construction (General Provisions) Regulations 5.613 = 34. The Construction (Lifting Operations) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1963.1908. The Shipbuilding and Ship Repairing Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1960.1.1. Wireless Telegraphy Act. = V X SI X S2 X S3 x 1 x 1. 1962 No.24 * en * (d) Statistical factor S3 = 0. 6. (c) For box members.3) The critical compression stress C. For sections composed of approximately elements. £ is Young's modulus (= 205000 N/mm2). K is the appropriate torsion constant. 2b2 d2 t K~d+b (d) For a plate or flat in bending in a plane parallel to its surface.2 K~ ~(Slt) where A. The formula in (a) above gives conservative values.)} Zx is the gross section modulus about x-x axis. 4A. Extreme care has to be taken in the use of these steels where the design criteria are crippling. (in N/mm2 ) for sections symmetrical about the x-x axis may be calculated from C. C = 410000 · Zxl j{ ( IvK Ifhe2 Kf )} rectangular K ~ ~ ( ) b~3 Appendix E. e. I is the effective length of compression flange.55 are the minimum ultimate tensile strength and the yield stress of grade 55 steel complying with BS 4360. and uniform thickness t. (a) For I sections. where where band tare breadth'and average thickness of each element. The above formula reduces to 1 + 12. f C =410000· lD where t is the thickness. are obtained by substituting in the formula in (a) above. Text deleted 50 .for I sections). = 21 j{ £I~GK ~ + ::. Conservative values of C. increased in the ratio Ys + Us Ys. Basic formula for calculation of C s (see 6. G is the modulus of rigidity (taken as 0.3 JJ. etc. Substituting appropriate values of K. width b. EIh 2 w is the warping constant (= =-. (b) For channel and Z sections.g. S is the length of each element of the periphery. he is the distance between flange centroids.3. If is the moment of inertia of the compression flange only about y-y axis of the girder. the effective thickness). 2 Appendix F. for a box of depth d. buckling. or lateral instability. in applications where the increased deflections resulting from higher stresses may give rise to critical conditions. I is the effective length of part in compression. is the total enclosed area of section. Ix x Iv Ix is the moment of inertia of the whole section about x-x axis.55 where UI. Iv is the moment of inertia of the whole section about y-y axis.=~.4£)..2. D is the depth. In all cases it is essential to ensure that any steel used has adequate properties in respect of impact at low temperature. weldability and fatigue. t is the thickness of each element (in the case of curtailed flanges.BS 4465 : 1989 Append ix E complying with BS 4360 in accordance with 6.55 and Y.1.55 + UI..1.4. JJ. UI and YI are the minimum ultimate tensile strength and the yield stress for the steel under consideration. of hoist upon which test was conducted: I Rated I load of that hoist: kg I I No. CERTIFICATE Name and address of maker OF TYPE TEST FOR BUilDERS' HOIST SAFETY GEAR Date of test: I 1 Safety gear model no. Ld (years): I I Average number of expected I I operations.1 * * Other models of hoist upon which this safety gear may be used: I Modelno. Certificate of type test for safety gear A typical type test certificate for safety gear is as follows (see 31. of repeated tests: I Design I tripping speed ] m/s I Design life.2. I the equipment and found to be satisfactory. iiiii !!!!!! iiiii iiiii iiiii !!!!!! UJ No Design stopping distance: I m I Actual stopping Index of protection code: liP I distances: I mmax. I Rated load I I was tested I kg I I kg I I kg I kg Declaration I/We certify that on and that the foregoing Signature(s) : I 19 is a correct report of the result.6). I I I I I Qualifications: Address(es): I I I Date: I 19 I If employed by a company or association give name and address: I 51 .: I I Model no.BS4465 : 1989 Appendix G Appendix G. 29.3 grooves 13.2.9 Hoistway 11 enclosure 11 gates 11 Impact factor 4.4 Brake 15. 15.2 terminals 26.2 time lag hoistway 11 interlocking Precision bolts 7.5 trailing 26.2 Gearing drive machinery 15.2 Lubrication of bearings 15.2 Notices see marking Bearings.2.4 non-conductive 29. 29.5 Guides 9.3 Proportions of structural members 29.7 lubrication 15.1.1 non-conductive control production test 31.4 marking Figure 2 Doors.11 belts 15.1.1 distribution in cage 10.5 Fatigue stresses 9 Fluctuating loads 9 Force coefficients 3.7 rivets 9.8 contactors 29.1.1 precision 7. protection 27 Fail safe control circuit 29.2.1 due to climate and natural phenomena 4.4 non.5 emergency roof opening 10.5.1. 29.3. 10.4 shaft fixing 15.5 Manual.1 voltage 29.1.5 in fatigue 9.6 external influences 27 Electrical safety switches and contacts see Safety switches Emergency audible alarm 10.10 Governor safety gear 18 tripping speeds 19 Guarding 23 construction of 23.2 Aerodynamic slenderness Alarm.7 in shear 7. instruction 32 Marking and notices 24 control gear cabinet drive machinery 15. 16 emergency release 16. electrical 26.1.8 Drum.7 safety gear 18.2. etc.1.3.8 Control equipment.6 component alignment 15. 19 testing 31.4.2 Locking devices.1.2 driving machinery 15.3 Loads 4.2 brake 16.3 Isolating switch 25 Legislation Appendix A Load combinations 4.3 notice 29.4.4 gates 10.1.12 drive 15. 10.2 Production tests Manual controls diameter 13.3 locking devices 12.2. cage 10.11 shaft fixing 15.7 production test 31.1. 4.2 Counterweights 17 overru n enclosure/structure 10. 10.10 Buffers 20 Cabinets.2. 29.1.3 Instruction manual 32 Insulation resistance test 31.4. 13.1.2 rivets 7. 29.7 Cables.2.3 Overrun cage 21 counterweight 21 Overspeed governor 18.8 earth bonding 28 insulation resistance test 31.6 Pinion.5 Drawings. Driving machinery 15 bearings 15.2.5 relays wiring 26 Electrical protection 26.2.4 switch 22.2.4. 10.11 Bolts 7.9 Guide rails 9.4 counterweight 29.3 friction grip 7.3.5 Connections.3 supply 29.1.6 remote 29.4 Enclosure cage 10. 29 circuits 29.2.10 stresses 15.2 in tension and shear 7.7 operators key shaft fixing 15.2 hoistway 11 External influences.1.3 manual controls 29. winding 13.7 egress from cage 4465 1989 Index Accessibility 3.10 Duty factor 5. 26.2 studs 7.3 spectrum factor 4. 26.3 gearing 15. prototype 31.3.2 cage roof 8 52 . cables 26.5.4 circuit protection 29.2 26.8 instruction manual 32 access to Out-of-service wind load 4.6.3 Proof test.2 welds shaft fixing Angle of fleet 13. 10.7 governor 19.1 Effective width (structural panels) load distribution 10.2.4 functional 31. gate 12.2.4. emergency 10.4.5 Effective length (structure) 8.4 manual 29.2.5 Friction grip bolts control 29.3 failsafe 29.4 electrical 31.2.7 production test 31.2 Bolting.7.5. structural basic stresses 7 bolts 7. 29.1. 19. 10.7 shaft fixing 15. 16 emergency release 16.2. electrical 26 flexible 26.7 welds 9. 4.2 In service wind loads 4. 29.1 Gates cage 10.2 black Diagrams.6 brake 15.3 in tension 7.1.1. 10.2 safety devices 31.6 Cage 10 construction 10.2. electrical 26.2. driving 14.1.3 overrun 21 Clearances cage/landing 10.1 pressures 4.4. 10.4 cage 29.2 Interference suppression 30 Interlocking of gates 12 non-conductive control 29.4 location of wind pressure 4.10 chains and chainwheels 15. 10.7 floor 10.2.1. 26.2.5 drawings and diagrams 26.2. basic stresses in bearing 7. electrical control 29.3 Earth bonding 28 production check 31.2 production tests Electrical cabinets 26.1 doors 10.5 rack and pinion 15.4. heating of manual controls 29.3 Overspill switch 22.5 brake release 16.1 fatigue stresses bolts 9.4. 1.1.3 shaft fixing working load 13.8 yield.10 Tripping speeds.2 secondary 6.3 Wiring.4.7 overspill 22.1.2 53 .3 working load 13. 19. control 29.3 Vision panel in doors 10.2 fatigue stresses 9.9 grooves 13.4 calculations 4.2 Safety switches and contacts 22 cage roof door 19.1.3 Solidity ratio Figure 2 Spacing ratio Figure 2 Steel selection 5.4 Voltage.10 Shielding factors 4.1. 19. 12.5 terminal slowing 22.3 reverse bends 13.3 Web stiffeners safety gear type 21.4 shaft fixing derivation of Appendix C Wire ropes 13.1 grooves 13.6 bending 6.2 diameter 13.3 prototype proof 31.4.4 electrical 31.2 Web plates 8.3 governor rope 18.4. inconnections 7 bearing 6.3 Terminals.1 combined 6.2 diameter 13. 13.1. electrical 26 30 iiiii ~ (J) * * 22.1.4 In-service functional 31. 12.3 rivets driving machinerY 15.1.2 transverse bending 6.1.4 Testing 31 production 31.1 grooves 13.6 slack rope 22.1. 19.1.7 Robertsons factor Table 8 Rope suspension 13 Ropes diameter 13.3 Rated load 2.3 Safety gear 18 type test diameter 13.5.3 reverse bends 13.2.2. general 7.2. 21.1 basic.6.7 compressive 6.2.4 shaft fixing Wind action 4.4.1 loads 4.1. 19.4.6. traction 13.2 Ultimate limit switch 21. partial penetration 7. safety gear 31.2 ultimate limit 21.4 guarding 14.2.8 fatigue 9 permissible working Section ratio Figure 2 Sheaves.3 production test 31.5 rack 14.7.2 butt. shear 6.2 Traction sheaves 13.2.1 Remote control 29.4.3 fatigue 9.1.2 Suppression.1 Reliability 3.1.3 speeds 13.2 type test certificate Appendix G production test 31.1 Stresses basic 6.5 Rivets basic stresses 4465 : 1989 Pulleys 13.3 safety gear 18.4 termination 13.5 Slenderness ratio 6.4 terminal stopping 22. 22. radio and TV interference Suspension rope 13 rack and pinion 14 Terminal slowing switches Terminal stopping switches production test 31.7 gate locks 12.1. electrical 26.6 production tests 31.1 out-of-service 4.1 butt.3 Welded connections and stresses 7.4 terminations 13.2.3 wire 13. design verification 6.1 diameter 13.10 Rack and pinion suspension 14 drive pinion 14.1.4 bolting 7.6 Slack rope switch safety devices 31.2.5 tensile 6.8 fillet 7.2 engagement 14.4 22. governor 19 Type test. pressure speeds 13. 19.2.5. 54 blank . (/) iiiiii !!!!!! iiiiii iiiiii iiiiii !!!!!! * * 55 blank . 56 blank . * t Draft European standard in preparation. excavatorsand generalengineering purposes Steelwire ropesfor electric lifts Spur and helical gears Part 2 aasic rack form. modules and accuracy (1 to 50 metric module) as 449 as as as as 545 639 709 721 Part 3 Method of calculation of contact and root bending stresslimitations for metallic involute gears The use of structural steel in building Part 2 Metric units Specification for bevel gears (machine cut) Covered electrodes for the manual metal-arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels Methods of destructive testing fusion welded joints and weld metal in steel Specification for worm gearing Part 1 Inch un its as soo as 2573 as 2853 as 3790 as 4360 as 4395 Part 2 Metric units Specification for radio Interference limits and measurements for household appliances.c. Part 1 General requirements as 4604 iiii ~ iiii iiii iiii ~ (J) * * as 5135 as 5304 as 5486 as 5490 as 5655 as 7212 CP3 tEN 109 to and including 1000 V a.and Classificationof degrees of protection provided by enclosures Lifts and service lifts * Part 1 Safety rules for the construction and installationof electric lifts Code of prectice for the safe use of construction hoists Code of basic data for the design of buildings Chapter V. Metric series Part 1 General grade Part 2 Higher grade (parallelshank) Part 3 Higher grade (waisted shank) Specification for the process of arc welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels Code of practice for safety of machinery Specification for factory-built assemblies of switchgear and controlgear for voltages up 1200 V d.c. .Publications as as as as 22a 302 329 436 referred to Specification forshortpitchtransmission precision roller chainsand chainwheels Wire ropesfor cranes. portable tools and other electricalequipment causing similar types of interference Rules for the design of cranes Part 1 Specification for classification. stresscalculations and design criteriafor structures * The design and testing of steel overhead runway beams Specification for endless wedge belt drives and endless V-belt drives Specification for weldable structural steels High strength friction grip bolts and associated nuts and washers for structural engineering Part 1 General grade Part 2 Higher grade bolts. and nuts and general grade washers Part 3 Higher grade bolts (waisted shank). Loading Part 2 Wind Safety loads and installation of builders hoists rules for the construction Engineers Regulations -Category I Institution of Electrical for electrical installations Referred to in the foreword only. nuts and general grade washers The use of high strength friction grip bolts in structural steelwork. issued since publication Date of issue Text affected British Standards Institution. Linford Wood. when making use of a British Standard. Committees responsible for this British Standard Department of Trade and Industry. 1989 First published May 1969 Second edition October 1986 Third edition January 1990 ISBN 0580 17857 9 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Committee reference MHE/6 Drafts for comment 83/79025 DC and 88/77702 DC British Standards Institution. It is important that users of British Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or editions. Contract requirements. BSI offers specialist services including the provision of information through the BSI Library and Standardline Database. revisions. having been prepared under the direction of the Mechanical Handling Standards Committee. is requested to notify BSI without delay in order that the matter may be investigated and appropriate action taken. Users of British Standards are reminded that copyright subsists in all BSI publications. encounters an inaccuracy or ambiguity. The number for telephone enquiries is 0908 220022 and for telex 825777.BS 4465 1989 This British Standard. supplemented each month by BSI News which is available to subscribing members of BSI and gives details of new publications. Milton Keynes MK14 6lE. 2 Park Street London W1A 2BS . Incorporated by Royal Charter. Milton Keynes MK14 6LE. telex 825777. In addition to the preparation and promulgation of standards. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Division Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors Federation of Manufacturers of Construction Equipment and Cranes Federation of Master Builders Federation of Wire Rope Manufacturers of Great Britain Health and Safety Executive Independent Engineering Insurers' Committee Institution of Mechanical Engineers The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Mechanical Handling Standards Policy Committee (MHE/-) to Technical Committee MHE/6 upon which the following bodies were represented: Associated Offices' Technical Committee BEAMA Ltd. BSI. and other services. Technical Help to Exporters. It is the UK member of the International Organization for Standardization and UK sponsor of the British National Committee of the International Electrotechnical Commission. British Standards are revised. telephone 0908 221166. Telex 266933 MHE/6 9001-9 . Advice can be obtained from the Enquiry Section. was published under the authority of the Board of BSI and comes into effect on 31 January 1990 @ British Standards Institution. by the issue either of amendments or of revised editions. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Revision of British Standards. in the course of implementing the standard. Details are available from BSI Enquiry Section at Milton Keynes. Any person who. Information on all BSI publications is in the BSI Catalogue. BSI provides an economic. of necessary details such as symbols and size. when necessary. Copyright. Telephone 01-629 9000 . individual and automatic standards updating service called PLUS. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without the prior permission in writing of BS!. No. Building Employers Confederation Construction Health and Safety Group Construction Plant-hire Association Amendments Amd. amendments and withdrawn standards. BSI. telephone 0908221166. BSI is the independent national body for the preparation of British Standards. Enquiries should be addressed to the Publications Manager. type or grade designations. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Automatic updating service. This does not preclude the free use. telex 825777.
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