brunei driving licence

March 24, 2018 | Author: api-30511625 | Category: Traffic, Traffic Collision, Traffic Light, Road Safety, Car



Brunei Driving Licence Practice QuestionsSECTION A 1 a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) NO REVOLVE NO LEFT TURN NO ‘U’ TURN NO RIGHT TURN NO OVERTAKING NO STOPPING NO WAITING NO ENTRY NO WAITING NO STOPPING NO OVERTAKING NO ENTRY NO STOPPING NO WAITING NO ENTRY NO OVERTAKING GO AHEAD KEEP LFT KEEP RIGHT LEFT TURN AHEAD PARKING AREA NO PARKING NO PERMITTED TO DRIVE VEHICLE NO OVERTAKING RIGHT TURN FOLLOW THE DIRECTION TURN TO RIGHT ‘U’ TURN TWIN WAYS SPLIT TRAFFIC TURN LEFT OR RIGHT TWO WAY TRAFFIC 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a) b) c) d) DANGEROUS AREA ACCIDENT AREA TOXIC WASTE AREA GRAVE YARD AREA 10 11 a) ANIMAL KEEPING AREA b) BEWARE NO FEEDING THE COWS c) ACCIDENT AREA DUE TO COWS STROLLING AROUND d) REDUCE SPEED DUE TO COWS SLEEPING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD a) ONE WAY b) TWO WAY TRAFFIC c) NARROW ROAD AHEAD d) NARROW BRIDGE AHEAD a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) PEDESTRIAN CROSSING SCHOOL CHILDREN CROSSING BEWARE BLIND PERSON CROSSING TROOP CROSSING AREA UNEVEN ROAD BEND OR CORNER AREA THE CHANGING LANE AREA SLIPPERY ROAD RIGHT CORNER DOUBLE BEND DANGEROUS CORNER REDUCE SPEED BEND AHEAD RIGHT TURN LEFT TURN ‘T’ Junction LEFT CORNER PEDESTRIAN CROSSING AHEAD SCHOOL AHEAD SCHOOL CHILDREN CROSSING SLOW DOWN ZONE, SCHOOL AREA HIGH WAY INSTRUCT TO LEFT OR RIGHT OVERTAKING AREA TWO WAY TRAFFIC 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) NO RIGHT TURN NO LEFT TURN NO TURN AHEAD NO REVOLVE KEEP RIGHT OR LEFT DUAL CARRIAGE WAY KEEP AHEAD NARROW ROAD END NARROW ROAD NARROW ROAD AT THE RIGHT SIDE NARROW ROAD AT THE LEFT SIDE RIGHT JUNCTION GIVE WAY INSTRUCTION AND ORDER WARNING AND INFORMATION INSTRUCTION AND INFORMATION NO RIGHT TURN NO LEFT TURN NO TURN AHEAD NO REVOLVE METAL STACKED ON ROADSIDE ROAD WORKS / ROAD REPAIR HALF ROAD CLOSED MEN AT WORK SPEED LIMIT BEGIN RACE TRACK END OF SPEED LIMIT SPEEDING AREA SPLIT TRAFFIC NARROW ROAD DUAL TRAFFIC WAY AHEAD DUAL CARRIAGE WAY END LEFT JUNCTION OUTER EDGE WAY DUAL CARRIAGEWAY END ROAD JUNCTION WITH ONE ROAD ON THE LEFT 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 a) NO PARKING FOR TRUCKS b) NO STOPPING FOR TRUCKS c) HEAVY VEHICLES NOT ALLOWED ON THIS ROAD d) NO WAITING FOR HEAVY VEHICLES a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) a) b) c) d) LEFT JUNCTION NO THROUGH ROAD / DEAD END RUBBISH DUMP AREA NARROW ROAD ON OFFSIDE GO AHEAD KEEP LEFT KEEP RIGHT RIGHT TURN AHEAD ‘U’ TURN RIGHT TURN AHEAD ROUND ABOUT RIGHT TURN ONLY ZIG ZAG ROAD DOUBLE BEND FIRST TO LEFT MANY DANGEROUS CORNERS TWO WAY TRAFFIC ‘T’ JUNCTION LOW BRIDGE UNEVEN ROAD KEEP LEFT OR RIGHT NARROW ROAD LOW BRIDGE NARROW BRIDGE LONG BRIDGE SPEED LIMIT 50 MPH SPEED LIMIT 50 KPH UMLIMITED SPEED OVER 50KPH REDUCE SPEED 50KPH 28 29. 30 31 32 33 34 35 A) SIGNAL TO TEH TRAFFIC MOVE FROM FRONT SIDE B) RESPECT THE FRONT DRIVER C) STOP SIGNAL - TRAFFIC COMING FROM THE RIGHT SIDE D) STOP SIGNAL - TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM THE FRONT 36 A) STOP SIGNAL TO DRIVER COMING FORM THE LEFT HAND SIDE B) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM BEHIND C) SIGNAL TO TURN LEFT D) SIGNAL FOR VEHICLE FROM BEHIND TO TURN LEFT 37 A) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM BOTH INFRONT AND BEHIND B) SIGNAL FOR TRAFFIC TO MOVE LEFT C) SIGNAL TO TURN LEFT ONLY D) STOP SIGNAL – FROM RIGHT HAND SIDE ONLY 38 A) SIGNAL TO THE TRAFFIC TO GO LEFT B) HAND SIGNAL FOR VEHICLE TO TURN RIGHT FROM LEFT C) TRAFFIC FROM RIGHT HAND SIDE MUST STOP D) SIGNAL TO COME ON TRAFFIC APPROACHING THE SIDE / COMING FROM THE RIGHT 39 A) SIGNAL TO TRAFFIC FROM FRONT TO MOVE RIGHT HAND SIDE AS INDICATED B) TRAFFIC SIGNAL TO TURN RIGHT FROM LEFGT C) SIGNAL FOR VEHICLE MOVE FRONT AND BEHIND D) STOP SIGNAL TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM THE FRONT 40 A) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM BEHIND B) SIGNAL FOR TRAFFIC TO MOVE TO THE LEFT C) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM THE LEFT HAND SIDE D) SIGNAL TO COME ON TRAFFIC FROM BEHIND 41 42 43 44 A) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM RIGHT, FRONT AND BEHIND B) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM RIGHT HAND SIDE ONLY C) SIGNAL TO COME ON FOR TRAFFIC FROM LEFT SIDE D) SIGNAL FOR VEHICLES TO COME FROM FRONT TO LEFT A) STOP SIGNAL – DRIVERS COMING FROM RIGHT AND LEFT B) SIGNAL TO COME ON TRAFFIC COMING FROM FRONT AN DBEHIND C) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM ALL SIDES D) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM FRONT AND BEHIND A) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMIGN FROM RIGHT HAND SIDE B) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC COMING FROM LEFT HAND SIDE C) STOP SIGNAL – TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM THE FRONT D) SIGNAL TO COME ON TRAFFIC TO MOVE RIGHT HAND SIDE A) STOP SIGNAL TRAFFIC COMING FROM RIGHT B) TRAFFIC CAN MOVE TO LEFT HAND SIDE C) HAND SIGNAL TO TRAFFIC IN FRONT TO MOVE RIGHT HAND SIDE D) SIGNAL TO TRAFFIC BEHIND TO MOVE TO THE RIGHT HAND SIDE 45 A) STOP SIGNAL TRAFFIC COMING FROM LEFT B) STOP SIGNAL TRAFFIC COMING FROM FRONT C) COME ON THE TRAFFIC COMING FROM FRONT SIDE D) STOP SIGNAL TRAFFIC APPROACHING FROM BOTH SIDES SECTION B 46. While you are driving along the road, suddenly you see a car stopped. What is your reaction when you drive close to the stopped vehicle? a) b) c) d) slow down and just look ahead use your horn to tell people you are coming through no reaction/problem may be the driver was sleeping precaution and beware may be pedestrians are crossing the road 47. What will you do or what actions will you carry out before driving? a) b) c) d) check the tyres are in good condition check the car steering is not damaged make sure your driving licence and road tax are not expired check your indicators are in good order 48. You stop your car at the side of the road or in a parking area. WHat should you do before you get out of the car? a) pull the hand brake and just get out b) look in the rear view mirror, check the hand brake is on, check the area outside is safe, get out and lock the car c) get out of the car without checking anything d) stop the car engine and get straight out 49. What are the best characteristics of a driver? a) b) c) d) driving at high speeds when you feel it is safe driving when emotional as long as you are not disturbing other drivers being patient and being fair and following the road regulations just drive without following or caring about police instructions and road regulations 50. When you are involved in an accident – What should you do? a) run away from the accident area, as someone may fight or hit you b) leave the accident area as you are afraid of the police c) stop at the accident area, help any injured people, report to the police station, fire brigade or ambulance as needed and make a statement or report about the accident within 24 hours d) settle all costs and disagreements at the accident area 52. What should you remember if you are driving on a dangerous corner or bend? a) b) c) d) just drive on the right hand side and try to avoid an accident reduce your speed and beware and cautious. Follow the left hand side of the bend/corner honk your horn to let people know you are coming change to the low gear to get through the bend 53. When tailing a car be sure to leave enough space. Why? a) b) c) d) to avoid knocking the car in front to let the faster cars go overtake to give us time to think in case we need to break in an emergency to give time to read the road signs clearly 54. What should you do if you are an experienced driver and have a headache? a) b) c) d) stop the car suddenly and seek help reduce speed so you can control the car safely, signal to the left, stop the car and rest keep speeding as you are an experienced driver turn on your high lights and ignore any risk 55. What is the function of safety belts or helmets provided by car manufacturers? a) b) c) d) to provide complete car accessories to provide something to play with in the car to reduce the risk of death or injury during an accident to avoid accidents or injuries 56. What should you do when a bus in front of you stops to off load passengers? a) reduce your speed, look in the rear view mirror and take precautions if overtaking the stationary bus b) use an emergency brake to avoid collision with the bus c) beware of any people who are crossing the road d) use your horn to warn people you are coming through 57. What should you do when overtaking? a) drive smartly, look in the rear view mirror and give a right hand signal, look ahead and overtake if it is safe b) give a signal if it looks safe to overtake c) just overtake any slow car in front of you d) signal and pass at a high speed 58. How do you use an emergency brake? a) b) c) d) press the brake pedal as hard as you can to avoid a collision press the brake pedal suddenly press both the clutch and brake pedals together suddenly check the rear view mirror, then press the brake pedal carefully. Also press the clutch pedal to release the gears. until slowing to a stop 59. While driving along a straight road, what should you do when you want to turn right? a) b) c) d) look in the rear view mirror and turn right signal and turn when you see a car approaching from the opposite side of the road look in the rear view mirror, givce signal, reduce speed and turn when it is safe just turn without signalling when you see a car approaching 60. While driving at an intersection with lights you cross the white line as the traffic lights turn yellow, what should you do? a) b) c) d) stop at the yellow box stop immediately and reverse to the white line look in the rear view mirror and go ahead if safe make a ‘u’ turn at the traffic light 61. How far shoudl we stop from 1) a junction, 2) fire hydrant, 3) bust stop and 4) pedestrian crossing? a) b) c) d) 10, 20, 30, 40 20, 10, 15, 45 20, 10, 30, 45 5, 10, 15, 20 62. At a junction who is give the right of way to go first? a) b) c) d) vehicles coming from the left hand side vehicles coming form both directions vehicles coming from the right hand side both left and right sides should give way 63. Who has the right of way at a round about? a) b) c) d) vehicles from the left hand side vehicles from the right hand side drivers who arrive at the round about first just enter the round about and others will give way 64. When driving at night, a vehicle from the opposite direction uses their high beams. What should you do? a) b) c) d) light up your high beams too look directly into their high beams look to the left hand side of the road and slow down indicate to the oncoming car to turn the high beam down 65. Can you drive if you are drunk? a) b) c) d) yes, if the police are not around no yes, if someone else is in the car yes, if the road is empty and no one is around 66. Are you permitted to overtake on a hill? a) b) c) d) yes, the the police and land transport department has a roadblock no, it is not allowed yes, if the traffic condition is safe yes, if you are having a road race 67. Can you park your car near a junction and block a signboard? a) b) c) d) yes, if the police are not around yes, if the car is carefully parked no, you can’t yes, only for a short time 68. What is the meaning of ‘double white lines’? a) b) c) d) reduce your speed immediately no stopping, no ‘u’ turn, no collecting passengers and no overtaking there is a speed trap in the area they painted the road wrong 69. Explain the single white line in the middle of the road? a) b) c) d) no overtaking and no waiting you can park your car near the road side it is a ‘u’ turn area parking is allowed on both sides of the road 70. What should you do if you are involved in an accident? a) b) c) d) report to the hospital report to the land transport department report to the municipal board report to the nearest police station within 24 hours 71. How often should you use your rear view mirror? a) b) c) d) always when you are goign to stop once in a while to overtake and make a turn 72. If there is a car in front of you making a left turn, what should you do? a) b) c) d) reduce the car speed, give a asignal and overtake when it is safe keep driving and relax overtake and accelerate your speed give signal and overtake from the right hand side 73. Are we permitted to overtake on a bridge? a) b) c) d) if there is no vehicle coming from the front we can overtake it is against the rules to overtake double white lines in the middle of a bridge yes, we can overtake if a collision or accideent is on the bridge we can overtake if the bridge is long 74. What should you do during a traffic jam? a) b) c) d) use your horn to move the cars in front of you get out of the car to see what is happening overtake on the grassy edge of the road be patient and be courteous 75. While driving you hear a siren from an ambulance/fire brigade or police, what should you do? a) b) c) d) have a race with them you can’t hear it because your radio is too loud follow the emergency vehicle at high speed to get to your destination faster reduce your speed and stop on the side of the road and give way to the emergency vehicle 76. What are the characteristics of a driver? a) b) c) d) be patient and fair to each other be fair to well known people only be patient with the beautiful young ladies only keep speeding and do not care about the surrounding 77.What does the yellow traffic light mean? a) b) c) d) stop immediately to show the red light is about to show just go ahead there is a danger zone and no parking aloud 78. What should you do when there is a green light? a) b) c) d) accelerate your car just go straight ahead slow a little, go ahead but be aware the light my change give a hand signal, and stop for the red light 79. Which car has the right of way if you are turning left at a road junction? a) b) c) d) if we are to the right we have right of way vehicles from the right hand side both vehicles on the right and the left vehicles form the left hand side 80. What should you do before you slow down, stop or change lanes while driving? a) look in the rear view mirror and do it when you think it is safe b) give a signal before doing it and stop, slow or change the land c) give a signal at the correct distance and sue the rear viewq mirror to make sure the driver behind you has seen your signal d) just go ahead and do it without considering other drivers 81. What does a green light mean? a) b) c) d) you are not allowed to go you must stop go ahead without paying attention to the road situation you may go when it is safe 82. If it is raining or there is poor visibility during the day time what precautions should you take? a) b) c) d) drive faster so you get to your destination quicker drive slower and switch on your lights drive slower and switch on your emergency lights switch on your high beam lights so you can see better 83. How many meters will it take to stop your car if you are going 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 kph? a) b) c) d) 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 feet 8, 18, 28, 38, 48 feet 5, 15, 25, 35, 45 feet 15, 40, 75, 120, 175 feet 84. Explain which car has the right of way at a round about? a) b) c) d) vehicles from the right hand side vehicles from the left hand side vehicles which arrive first at the round about anyone can go first.... but be careful 85. What parts of the car should be always checked to ensure your car is safe to drive? a) b) c) d) car engine car battery brakes, tyres, windscreen, rear view mirror, horn, signal lights, and head lights no need to check as the car is new 86. When are we allowed to use the horn? a) b) c) d) when we meet a friend during a traffic jam to make other cars move when overtaking on a corner or bend and to signal to on coming traffic if the visibility is poor or the road is bad we can use it to show that we are coming through 87. Are you permitted to overtake on a corner or bend? a) b) c) d) no yes, if no other vehicles are coming from the front yes, if you think it is safe yes, if police are not around 88. The traffic light is red but a policeman or traffic warden is indicating for you to move ahead... what should you do? a) b) c) d) stop for a while because the light is red stop and wait for the light to turn green stop and ask when the green light will come back on do as directed by the policeman or traffic warden as there may be an accident or emergency 89. If you are travelling at speeds of 15kph, 30kph, 45kph, 65kph and 80kph how much distance should you leave between you and the car in front of you? a) b) c) d) car length, 2 car lengths, 3 car lengths, 4 car lengths, 5 car lengths 1 car length, 1 car length, 2 car lengths, 2 car lengths, 3 car lengths half car length, 1 car length, 2 car lengths, 3 car lengths, 4 car lengths half car length, 1 ½ car lengths, 2 ½ car lengths, 3 ½ car lengths, 4 ½ car lengths 90. What must you do when you are overtaking? a) accelerate and return to the original lane when it is safe b) accelerate and continue driving to the destination c) accelerate and return to the original lane when it is safe enough and drive at the correct speed d) accelerate and return to the original lane when it is safe enough and drive faster 91. What does the GIVE WAY sign indicate? a) b) c) d) give way to pedestrians go ahead give way to vehicles on the major roads - let them pass we have the right of way to go 92. Are you allowed to drive with only a provisional licence? a) b) c) d) yes, only for slow driving yes, but put the L plate at the back of the vehicle yes, if you follow all road regulations no, it is not allowed 93. In what area are you not allowed to use a horn? a) b) c) d) in front of a Chinese, Muslim or Christian Cemetery in front of a government, school, hospital or mosque in a multi storey parking area on all bridges 94. What is the main function of the rear view mirror in the centre of a car? a) b) c) d) for the back passengers to use to see cars that are behind for the driver to see the back passengers for the driver to see other vehicles that are behind them we don’t usually use it unless in emergency 95. It begins to rain while you are driving and you realise you window is open, what do you do? a) b) c) d) stop the vehicle on the left side and wind up the window safely let the rain come into the car and keep driving go faster to get home before the seats get wet let the rain come into the car because there is no air conditioning 96. While driving your car suddenly breaks down. What actions will you take? a) leave the car in the middle of the road b) remain in the vehicle and wait c) push your vehicle to the roadside, switch on the hazard lights and put a triangle warning sign 45 meters from the car d) pick up the mobile phone and call someone to come and help you 97. What should you do when approaching a pedestrian crossing? a) do not overtake or park near the crossing, drive slowly and stop if there are people approaching or crossing b) honk the horn to warn people you are coming through c) drive normally and proceed d) reduce speed and go ahead 98. What is the best and safest way to drive on a dangerous corner? a) switch gears down and keep a safe speed b) look in the rear view mirror, slow down and change to an appropriate gear and keep to the left c) switch gears, hold the steering wheel with one hand and proceed d) switch gears, hold the steering wheel hard and brake immediately 99. What rules should you follow when reversing your vehicle? a) look in the rear view mirror and reverse the car b) look in the side mirror and reverse the car c) ensure there are no children, animals or vehicles behind you, and check there are no vehicles approaching d) look in the rear view mirror and side mirror to see no people are around the vehicle then reverse the car quickly 100. Why are you not allowed to park your vehicle near a fire hydrant? a) b) c) d) to prevent the fire hydrant from being damaged to prevent the water from splashing out if bumped so that the firemen can easily use the hydrant when there is a fire to make is easier for the firemen to fill the tank on the fire truck 101. When do you think is the best time to overtake a slow vehicle? a) b) c) d) when the vehicle in front gives a signal for me to overtake? when the road in front is not busy when the road in front is clear when the road in front become two way 102. When you read a traffic light that is not functioning, what should you do? a) b) c) d) proceed and speed through it you have the right of way to go first or give way to another car and be patient wait until the policemen or traffic warden arrives wait until the green light is fixed before you drive off 103. What is the best and safest way to hold the steering wheel? a) hold the steering wheel with both hands b) hold the steering wheel with your hands – imagine a clock face on the wheel and place your hands at 2 o’clock and 10 o’clock. c) hold the steering wheel with one hand and the other hand will hold the gear stick d) hold the steering wheel with the left hand and the right hand is using a mobile phone 104. What class of licence is required for permission to ride a motorcycle? a) b) c) d) driving licence class ‘1` driving licence class ‘2’ driving licence class ‘3’ driving licence class ‘4’ 105. What should you do when you are driving in heavy traffic? a) b) c) d) drive carefully and follow each vehicle very closely drive carefully and look to the left and right to see what buildings you can see drive carefully and be patient and don’t let other vehicles join from side junctions always be aware of cars around you and be careful that many things might happen 106. What is the age required to drive a commercial vehicle? a) b) c) d) 18 years old 19 years old 21 years old anybody can drive a commercial vehicle as long as they have a licence SECTION B For questions 107 to 111 – please give the correct answer to show which vehicle in the given pictures has the right of way to go first. 107 car A car B car C 108 car A car B car C 109 car A car B car C 110 car A car B car C 111 car A car B car C Driving Test A Please answer all questions in this book. Do not write on the book. Write your answers on the page provided.
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