Broiler Chicken Farming Project Report

April 3, 2018 | Author: ahmadmasood333 | Category: Poultry Farming, Broiler, Wall, Loans, Roof



Broiler chicken farming Project Report (1000birds) for bank loanBroiler chicken farming Project Report (4000birds/cycle) PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 4000 COMMERCIAL BROILERS PER CYCLE IN DEEP LITTER HOUSING Back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 224,000/- for a unit of 4000 birds ( Rs 296,000/- for SC/ST farmers and NEStates including Sikkim is available for this project. This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions: 1. Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be purchased from commercial hatcheries for every batch. 2. Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick . 3.Bio-security measures must be strictly adopted. 5. The farm must be managed by the entrepreneur on scientific lines. Deep Litter Housing for broiler chicken Floor – One square feet floor space per bird is required for broiler chicken. The floor of the poultry house should be concrete cemented, strong & rodent proof ,and have slope towards door. Plinth should be 2ft. higher than ground. Walls-lengthwise wall may be only one foot high, brick wall on sides,4ft wire netting above brick wall should be supported with angle iron. End wall of poultry house should be made of bricks. Maximum breadth of poultry house should be 27 feet. There should be partition in every 500 squire feet. Roof – Roof of the poultry house may be of asbestos or tile. It should 12-ft. high at the center and 6-8ft. high on the side wall with 3ft extension of roof beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering poultry house. Techno-Economic Norms 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. PARAMETERS Batch size Batch interval Mortality of birds Cycle size Cost of day old chick Cost of kg of feed Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc.) Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc. No of batches/year introduced first year No of batches /year(sold) VALUE 4000+5% extra 52 days(45 days cleaning period) 5% 4000 Rs.15 Rs.18.00 Rs.15/bird Rs.3/bird/batch 6 6 rearing +7days 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. No of batch introduced 2-5 years No of batch sold 2-6 years Cost of kg of live broiler Average wt. of bird at the time of sale Feed requirement to attain 1.8kg body weight Rearing period Cleaning period Interest rate Repayment period 7 7 Rs.50 1.8kg 3kg 45 days One week 12%/year 6 years ECONOMICS OF BROILER FARMING TO PRODUCE 4000 BROILERS PER CYCLE Sl no 1. 2. 3. 4. Capital cost Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq.ft/bird for 4000 birds @Rs.200/sq.ft Equipments for 4000 birds @Rs.15/bird Electrification & electrical installation Feed store 150sq.ft@200/sq.ft TOTAL CAPITAL COST (Amount in Rs.) 800000 60000 25000 30000 915000 Working Capital 1. 2. 3. 4. Cost of chicks 4120@ RS.15/chick (5% extra for mortality 2% free fro hatchery ) Cost of concentrate feed@3kg/bird for 4000birds @18/kg for first bath Misc, expenditure i.e. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. including veterinary aid @Rs,3/bird/batch Total working capital 61800 216000 12000 289800 Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund for ST/SC &farmers of north eastern states including Sikim 296000 Economics of broiler poultry farming with 4000 broilers /cycle Sl.e. @Rs3/bird /batch i 370800 ii 432600 iii 432600 iv 432600 v 432600 vi 432600 1 2 1296000 1512000 1512000 1512000 1512000 1512000 3 72000 84000 84000 84000 84000 84000 5 Total expenditure 1738800 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 . 8.18/kg Misc. Year Cost of day old chicks /year@15/bird Cost of feed for birds @3kg/bird CASH FLOW Project period (year) Amount in Rs. Total project cost Margin money 15% of project cost 1204800 180720 1024080 1024000 224000 Bank loan SAY Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund under general category 10. 9.5. 7. 6. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. expenditure i. 8 kg @ Rs.90/bird (1.50/kg) Sale of manure Sale of gunny bags Depreciation on shed and building etc@10%year Depreciation on equipments @15%/year Total Gross profit 2183600 2546400 2546400 2546400 2546400 2160000 2520000 2520000 2520000 2520000 2520000 b) c) d) 12000 11600 14000 12400 14000 12400 14000 12400 14000 12400 14000 12400 332000 e) 9500 f) g) 2887900 444800 517800 517800 517800 517800 859300 Calculation of BCR & IRR 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capital Costs 915000 Recurring Costs 1738800 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 Total Costs 2653800 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 2028600 .Income a) Sale of broiler @ Rs. 51. Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick .77 9468968.for a unit of 5000 birds ( Rs 370.58 1.for SC/ST farmers and NE States including Sikkim is available for this project.26 Broiler chicken farming Project Report (1000birds) for bank loan Broiler chicken farming Project Report (5000birds/cycle) for bank loan PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 5000 COMMERCIAL BROILERS PER CYCLE Back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 280. Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be purchased from commercial hatcheries for every batch.1 36. 2. (for details visit our Subsidy(PVCF)page) This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions: 1.Benefit 2183600 2546400 2546400 2546400 2546400 2887900 Net Benefit -470200 517800 517800 517800 517800 859300 Present cost @15% DF Present Benefit @ 15% DF Net present worth BCR IRR 8220853.34 1248114.000/.000/. . Plinth should be 2ft. high on the side wall with 3ft extension of roof beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering poultry house. . strong & rodent proof .Bio-security measures must be strictly adopted. Deep Litter Housing for broiler chicken Floor – One square feet floor space per bird is required for broiler chicken. End wall of poultry house should be made of bricks. brick wall on sides. Maximum breadth of poultry house should be 27 feet.3. Walls-lengthwise wall may be only one foot high.4ft wire netting above brick wall should be supported with angle iron. 5. higher than ground. Roof – Roof of the poultry house may be of asbestos or tile. It should 12-ft. The floor of the poultry house should be concrete cemented. The farm must be managed by the entrepreneur on scientific lines.and have slope towards door. high at the center and 6-8ft. There should be partition in every 500 squire feet. 19.8kg 3kg 45 days One week 12%/year 6 years days(45 day rearing +7dayscleaning period) .00 Rs. 15. 14.) Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc.3/bird/batch 6 6 7 7 Rs. 10.Techno-Economic Norms 1. of bird at the time of sale Feed requirement to attain 1. 4.15 Rs.50 1. 9. 8. 16. 6.15/bird Rs. 7. 18. 12. 13. No of batches/year introduced first year No of batches /year(sold) No of batch introduced 2-5 years No of batch sold 2-6 years Cost of kg of live broiler Average wt. 11.8kg body weight Rearing period Cleaning period Interest rate Repayment period VALUE 5000+5% extra 52 5% 5000 Rs.18. 5. PARAMETERS Batch size Batch interval Mortality of birds Cycle size Cost of day old chick Cost of kg of feed Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc. 17. 3. 2. Electrification & electrical installation 20000 8.ft/bird for 5000 birds @Rs.) 2500 5000 1000000 20000 20000 75000 6. 5. 2.ft TOTAL CAPITAL COST 30000 24000 1196500 Working Capital 1. Cost of concentrate feed@3kg/bird for 5000 birds @18/kg for first bath 270000 3. 3.5 acre Fencing @ 10000/acre for one acre for 0.ft Pipe lines to shed Overhead tank Equipments for 5000 birds @Rs.5 acre Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq. 4.ECONOMICS OF BROILER FARMING TO PRODUCE 5000 HYBRID BROILERS PER CYCLE Sl no 1. Feed store 150 sq. Wages for one labour @100/day(3000/month) for1.per acre for 0.15/bird (Amount in Rs.5month for first bath 4500 . 7.15/chick (5% extra for mortality 2% free fro hatchery ) 77250 2. 9.200/sq. Cost of chicks 5150 @ RS. Capital cost Land development @ 5000/.ft Office cum marketing room 12’x10’ @200/sq.ft@200/sq. e. expenditure i. Margin money 15% of project cost Say 1563300 234495 9. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. Misc.3/bird/batch Total working capital Total project cost 15000 366750 Rs.18/kg 1620000 1890000 1890000 1890000 1890000 1890000 3 Misc. i 1 Cost of day old chicks chicks/year@15/bird 463500 ii 540750 iii 540750 iv 540750 v 540750 vi 540750 2 Cost of feed for birds @3kg/bird Rs. including veterinary aid @Rs.4.1563250 7. Bank loan 1328805 1328800 Sl. expenditure i. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. 8. CASH FLOW Project period (year) Amount in Rs. 6. including veterinary aid @Rs3/bird /batch Wages for three labour @100/day3000/month Total expenditure 90000 105000 105000 105000 105000 105000 4 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 36000 5 2209500 2571750 2571750 2571750 2571750 2571750 .e. INCOME a) Sale of broiler @ Rs.50/kg) Sale of manure Sale of gunny bags Depreciation on shed and building Depreciation on equipments @15%/year Total Gross profit 2729500 3183000 3183000 3183000 3183000 2700000 3150000 3150000 3150000 3150000 3150000 b) c) d) 15000 14500 17500 15500 17500 15500 17500 15500 17500 15500 17500 15500 421600 e) 13500 f) g) 3618100 520000 611250 611250 611250 611250 1046350 Calculation of BCR and IRR YEAR Capital Costs 1 1196500 2 3 4 5 6 Recurring Costs 2209500 2571750 2571750 2571750 2571750 2571750 Total Costs Benefit Net Benefit 3406000 2729500 2571750 3183000 2571750 3183000 2571750 3183000 2571750 3183000 2571750 3618100 -676500 611250 611250 611250 611250 1046350 Present cost @15% DF Present Benefit @ 15% DF 10458178.90/bird (1.15 11839766.33 .8 kg @ Rs. 17 1.1 31.Net present worth BCR IRR 1381588.132.97 Year Loan Outstanding Gross Surplus Interest @12% Principal Total Repayment Surplus 1 1328800 520000 159456 144000 120000 90000 60000 30000 128800 288256 344000 370000 340000 310000 280000 231744 267250 241250 271250 301250 766350 2 1200000 611250 100000 611250 750000 611250 500000 611250 250000 1046350 200000 3 250000 4 250000 5 250000 6 250000 . 3. (for details visit our Subsidy(PVCF) page) This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions: 1.for SC/ST farmers and NEStates including Sikkim is available for this project. Plinth should be 2ft. There should be partition in every 500 squire feet.000/.and have slope towards door.000/.Bio-security measures must be strictly adopted. Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick . Deep Litter Housing for broiler chicken Floor – One square feet floor space per bird is required for broiler chicken.4ft wire netting above brick wall should be supported with angle iron. brick wall on sides. Maximum breadth of poultry house should be 27 feet. strong & rodent proof . Roof – Roof of the poultry house may be of asbestos or tile. high at the center and 6-8ft.for a unit of 2000 birds ( Rs 148. Walls-lengthwise wall may be only one foot high. 5. Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be purchased from commercial hatcheries for every batch.Broiler chicken farming Project Report (1000birds) for bank loan Broiler Poultry farming Project Report (2000birds/cycle) PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 2000 COMMERCIAL BROILERS PER CYCLE IN DEEP LITTER HOUSING (ALL IN ALL OUT SYSTEM) Back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 112. high on the side wall with 3ft extension of roof beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering poultry house. 2. The floor of the poultry house should be concrete cemented. higher than ground. It should 12-ft. . End wall of poultry house should be made of bricks. The farm must be managed by the entrepreneur on scientific lines. 8kg .15/bird Rs.1 Rs. No of batches/year introduced first year No of batches /year(sold) No of batch introduced 2-5 years No of batch sold 2-6 years Cost of kg of live broiler Average wt.Techno-Economic Norms PARAMETERS Batch size Batch interval VALUE 2000+5% extra 52 days(45 days rearing +7days cleaning period) Mortality of birds Cycle size Cost of day old chick Cost of kg of feed Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc.50 1.) Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc. of bird at the time of sale 5% 2000 Rs.00 Rs.18.3/bird/year 6 6 7 7 Rs. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc.8kg body weight Rearing period Cleaning period Interest rate Repayment period 3kg 45 days One week 12%/year 6 years ECONOMICS OF BROILER FARMING TO PRODUCE 2000 BROILERS PER CYCLE Sl no 1. Electrification & electrical installation 15000 Feed store 100sq. 4. Cost of chicks 2060 @ RS.200/sq.ft TOTAL CAPITAL COST 20000 465000 Working Capital 1. 2. Capital cost Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq.15/bird (Amount in Rs. 3. expenditure i.) 400000 30000 2.15/chick (5% extra for mortality 2% free fro hatchery ) Cost of concentrate feed@3kg/bird for 2000birds @18/kg for first bath Misc.3/bird/batch Total working capital Total project cost Margin money 15% of project cost 30900 108000 6000 144900 609900 91485 . 6.ft/bird for 10000 birds @Rs.e.Feed requirement to attain 1. 4.ft Equipments for 2000 birds @Rs.ft@200/sq. including veterinary aid @Rs. 3. 5. 90/bird (1. no 1 CASH FLOW Year Cost of day old chicks /year@15/bird Cost of feed for birds @3kg/bird Rs. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. expenditure i.18/kg Project period (year Amount in Rs.000 broilers /cycle Sl. Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund for ST/SC &farmers of north eastern states including Sikim 148000 Economics of broiler poultry farming with 2. 9. Bank loan SAY Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund under general category 518515 518500 112000 10.50/kg) Sale of manure Sale of gunny bags Depreciation on shed andbuilding etc@10% year Depreciation on equipment’s @15%/year Total 1080000 1260000 1260000 1260000 1260000 1260000 b c) d) 6000 58000 7000 6200 7000 6200 7000 6200 7000 6200 7000 6200 164000 e) 4500 f) 1144000 1273200 1273200 1273200 1273200 1441700 .8 kg @ Rs. 8. i ii iii iv v vi 185400 648000 36000 216300 756000 42000 216300 756000 42000 216300 756000 42000 216300 756000 42000 216300 756000 42000 2 3 5 Misc.7.e. @Rs3/bird /batch Total expenditure 869400 1014300 1014300 1014300 1014300 1014300 INCOME a) Sale of broiler @ Rs. g) Gross profit 274600 258900 258900 258900 258900 427400 YEAR 1 2 3 4 5 6 Capital Costs Recurring Costs Total Costs Benefit Net Benefit PW Costs @ 15% 465000 869400 1014300 1014300 1014300 1014300 1014300 1334400 1014300 1014300 1014300 1014300 1144000 1273200 1273200 1273200 1273200 1014300 1441700 -190400 258900 258900 258900 258900 427400 4778902. Ratio 1.74 PW Benefits @ 15% 4116948.C.R.16:1 I.62 NPW 661954. (%) 35.R.47% Repayment Schedule Year Loan Outstanding Gross Surplus Interest @12% Principal Total Repayment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Surplus 518500 450000 360000 270000 180000 90000 274600 258900 258900 258900 258900 427400 62220 54000 43200 32400 21600 10800 68500 90000 90000 90000 90000 90000 130720 144000 133200 122400 111600 100800 143880 114900 125700 136500 147300 326600 .12 B. 5.Bio-security measures must be strictly adopted. Walls-lengthwise wall may be only one foot high.4ft wire netting above brick wal End wall of poultry house should be made of bricks. The farm must be managed by the entrepreneur on scientific lines. Plinth should be 2ft. . higher than ground.Broiler Poultry farming Project Reports (10. The floor of the poultry strong & rodent proof . It should 12-ft. Roof – Roof of the poultry house may be of asbestos or tile. 2. Maximum breadth of poultry house should be every 500 squire feet.000birds/cycle) PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 10.000 COMMERCIAL BROILERS PER SYSTEM OF HOUSING (ALL IN ALL OUT SYSTEM ) This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions: 1. Deep Litter Housing for broiler chicken Floor – One square feet floor space per bird is required for broiler chicken. brick wall on sides.and have slope towards door. Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick 3. Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be purchased from commercial hatcheries for every batch. high at the center and extension of roof beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering poultry house. 15 Cost of kg of feed Rs.00 .18.Techno-Economic Norms PARAMETERS Batch size Batch interval VALUE 10000+5% extra 52 days(45 days rearing +7days cleaning period) Mortality of birds Cycle size Cost of day old chick 5% 10000 Rs. per acre for one acre Fencing @ 10000/acre dor one acre (Amount in Rs. No of batches/year introduced first year No of batches /year(sold) No of batch introduced 2-7 years No of batch sold 2-7 years Cost of kg of live broiler Average wt.Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc.50 1.10/bird Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc.000 BROILERS PER CYCLE Sl no 1.) 5000 10000 .8kg body weight Rearing period Cleaning period Interest rate Repayment period Rs.3/bird/batch 6 6 7 7 Rs. 2 Capital cost Land development @ 5000/. 1 2. of bird at the time of sale Feed requirement to attain 1.) Rs.8kg 3kg 45 days One week 12%/year 6 years ECONOMICS OF BROILER FARMING TO PRODUCE 10. expenditure i. Electrification & electrical installation 50000 9. 4.15/chick (5% extra for mortality 2% free fro hatchery ) 154500 2. Feed store 200sq. 10. 6. Cost of concentrate feed@3kg/bird for10. 12. 11.e. 5.ft/bird for 10000 birds @Rs.3. 8. 30000 .ft Generator Refrigerator TOTAL CAPITAL COST 40000 24000 75000 7500 2511500 Working Capital 1.5month for first bath 13500 4.000 birds @18/kg for first bath 540000 3.ft A bore well with submersible pump (45000+15000) Pipe lines to shed Overhead tank Equipments for 10000 birds @Rs. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. Wages for three labour @100/day(3000/month) for1.ft@200/sq. Misc.15/bird 2000000 60000 50000 40000 150000 7. Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq. Cost of chicks 10300 @ RS.ft Office cum marketing room 12’x10’ @200/sq.200/sq. 00 487425 Bank loan Rs.00 Sl. 8. 7. 9.2762075. expenditure i. including veterinary aid @Rs3/bird /batch 180000 210000 210000 210000 210000 210000 4 Wages for three labour @100/day3000/month 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000 108000 5 Total expenditure 4455000 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 . Total working capital Total project cost Say Margin money 15% of project cost 738000 Rs.18/kg 3240000 3780000 3780000 3780000 3780000 3780000 3 Misc.e. 6. i ii 1081500 iii 1081500 iv 1081500 v 1081500 vi 1081500 1 Cost of day old chicks chicks/year@15/bird 927000 2 Cost of feed for birds @3kg/bird Rs. electricity vaccine medicine insurance CASH FLOW Project period (year) Amount in Rs.3/bird/batch 5.including veterinary aid @Rs.3249500. 10/e) Depreciation on equipments @15%/year of Rs.90/bird (1.INCOME a) Sale of broiler @ Rs.322500 f) g) Total Gross profit 5459000 1004000 6366000 1186500 6366000 1186500 6366000 1186500 6366000 1186500 7274250 209475 32250 30000 29000 35000 31000 35000 31000 35000 31000 35000 31000 35000 31000 876000 5400000 6300000 6300000 6300000 6300000 6300000 2 1 Capital Costs 2511500 3 4 5 6 Recurring Costs 4455000 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 Total Costs 6966500 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 5179500 Benefit 5459000 6366000 6366000 6366000 6366000 7274250 Net Benefit -1242550 1186500 1186500 1186500 1186500 2094750 PW Costs @ 15% 21155641.16 .8 kg @ Rs.50/kg) b) c) d) Sale of manure Sale of gunny bags Depreciation on shed and building etc@10%/ 2190000yearof Rs. (%) 23695982.R.12:1 29.13 Repayment schedule Year Loan Outstanding Gross Surplus Interest @12% 1 Principal Total Repayment Surplus 2762075 2400000 1900000 1400000 900000 400000 1004000 1186500 1186500 1186500 1186500 2094750 331449 288000 228000 168000 108000 48000 362075 693524 788000 728000 668000 608000 448000 310476 398500 458500 518500 578500 1646750 2 500000 3 500000 4 500000 5 500000 6 400000 .PW Benefits @ 15% NPW B.56 1.72 2540341.R. Ratio I.C. Maximum breadth of poultry house should be 27 feet. brick wall on sides. Deep Litter Housing for broiler chicken Floor – One square feet floor space per bird is required for broiler chicken.for a unit of 3000 birds ( Rs 222.Broiler chicken farming Project Report (1000birds) for bank loan Hybrid Broiler farming(3000birds/cycle) PROJECT REPORT FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF 3000 COMMERCIAL BROILERS PER CYCLE (ALL IN ALL OUT SYSTEM) Back ended capital subsidy subject to a ceiling of Rs 168.000/.000/. Sale price of finisher birds will change in accordance with change in purchase price of feed & chick . Walls-lengthwise wall may be only one foot high. high at the center and 6-8ft.Bio-security measures must be strictly adopted. Plinth should be 2ft. (for details visit our Subsidy(PVCF) page) This project report has been worked out subject to the following conditions: 1. Roof – Roof of the poultry house may be of asbestos or tile. strong & rodent proof . It should 12-ft. 3.4ft wire netting above brick wall should be supported with angle iron. higher than ground. high on the side wall with 3ft extension of roof beyond wall to prevent rain water from entering poultry house. 5.and have slope towards door. . 2. Hybrid Broiler Chicks will be purchased from commercial hatcheries for every batch. End wall of poultry house should be made of bricks. The farm must be managed by the entrepreneur on scientific lines.for SC/ST farmers and NEStates including Sikkim is available for this project. There should be partition in every 500 squire feet. The floor of the poultry house should be concrete cemented. no PARAMETERS VALUE 1. Cycle size 2000 5.15 .Techno-Economic Norms Sl. Batch interval 52 days(45 days rearing +7days cleaning period) 3. Cost of day old chick Rs. Batch size 3000+5% extra 2. Mortality of birds 5% 4. Interest rate 12%/year 19.00 7. Cost of kg of feed Rs. Average wt.15/bird 8. Cost of kg of live broiler Rs. Rs.) Rs. 16. No of batch introduced 2-5 years 7 12.18. Cleaning period One week 18. of bird at the time of sale 1. Feed requirement to attain 1. Cost of insurance medicine vaccine etc.3/bird/year 9.50 14.6. Repayment period 6 years .8kg 15.8kg body weight Rearing period 3kg 45 days 17. No of batch sold 2-6 years 7 13. Cost of equipments( waterers feeders etc. No of batches/year introduced first year 6 10. No of batches /year(sold) 6 11. ft Equipments for 3000 birds @Rs. Electrification & electrical installation 20000 4. Cost of chicks 3090 @RS.ft TOTAL CAPITAL COST 30000 695000 Economics of broiler poultry farming with 3000 broilers /cycle Sl no 1.ft@200/sq. Feed store 150sq.15/bird (Amount in Rs.15/chick (5% extra for mortality 2% free fro hatchery ) 46530 .ft Equipments for 3000 birds @Rs. Capital cost Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq.ft/bird for 3000 birds @Rs.) 600000 45000 2.200/sq. 3.15/bird (Amount in Rs.) 600000 45000 2. Feed store 150sq.ft@200/sq. 3.Economics of broiler poultry farming with 3000 broilers /cycle Sl no 1.ft/bird for 3000 birds @Rs.200/sq. Electrification & electrical installation 20000 4. Capital cost Construction of Brooder cum grower house one sq.ft TOTAL CAPITAL COST 30000 695000 Working Capital 1. Bank loan SAY Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund under general category Back ended capital subsidy under poultry venture capital fund for ST/SC &farmers of north eastern states including Sikim 775625 775600 168000 10. 8.e. Total project cost say 912530 912500 6. 4. 9.3/bird/batch Total working capital 9000 217530 5. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. iii iv 324450 324450 Year 1 Cost of day old chicks/year@15/ bird i 278100 ii 324450 v 324450 vi 324450 . no CASH FLOW Project period (year) Amount in Rs. Cost of concentrate feed@3kg/bird for 3000birds @18/kg for first bath 162000 3. Expenditure i. 222000 Sl.2. Margin money 15% of project cost 136875 7. including veterinary aid @Rs. 50/kg) 1620000 1890000 1890000 1890000 1890000 1890000 Sale b of manure ) 9000 10500 10500 10500 10500 10500 Sale c of gunny bags ) 8700 9300 9300 9300 9300 9300 Depreciation d on shed and ) building etc@10%year 252000 Depreciation e on equipments ) @15%/year 6500 .8 kg @ Rs.e.18/kg Misc.90/bird ) (1.2 Cost of feed for birds @3kg/bird Rs. expenditure i. electricity vaccine medicine insurance etc. @Rs3/bird /batch 972000 1134000 1134000 113400 0 63000 63000 63000 1134000 113400 0 63000 3 54000 63000 5 Total expenditure 1304100 1521450 INCOME 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 Sale a of broiler @ Rs. Total f ) 1716000 1909800 1909800 1909800 1909800 2168300 Gross g Surplus ) 333600 388350 388350 388350 388350 646850 CALCULATION OF BCR & IRR YEAR Capital Costs 1 695000 2 3 4 5 6 Recurring 1304100 Costs Total Costs Benefit Net Benefit 1999100 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1521450 1716000 1909800 1909800 1909800 1909800 2168300 -283100 388350 388350 388350 388350 646850 . 81% REPAYMENT SCHEDULE Year Loan Outstanding Gross Surplus Interest @12% Principal Total Repayment Surplus 1 775600 333600 93072 75600 168672 164928 2 700000 388350 600000 388350 450000 388350 300000 388350 150000 646850 84000 72000 54000 36000 18000 100000 184000 204350 222000 166350 204000 184350 186000 202350 168000 478850 3 150000 4 150000 5 150000 6 150000 .02 997590.99 Present cost @15% DF Net present worth 6173249.16:1 35.97 BCR IRR 1.Present Benefit @ 15% DF 7170839.
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