Broen Butterfly Valves v9

March 22, 2018 | Author: bojanmiletic | Category: Valve, Mechanical Engineering, Building Engineering, Gas Technologies, Machines



eye-catchingheadings BROEN Butterfly valves Triple eccentric butterfly valves BROEN Butterfly valves Application Connections Butterfly valves type BROEN are used as a shut-off valves and regulating valves in many different applications: - district heating and district cooling systems - energetic systems - machine oil and gas installations - steam pipelines and installations - corrosive media installations Nominal pressure: PN 16 ... PN 63 ANSI 150 ... 600 Nominal diameters: DN 80 ... DN 3000 Seal: metal/metal Standard version: PN 25, Tmax: 425oC body: cast steel WCB disc: cast steel WCB lamella sealing: stainless steel + graphite Actuators: worm gearbox as a standard electric-, pneumaticand hydraulic actuators available on a request BROEN SA, ul. Pieszycka 10, 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.- 074 832 54 00, fax 074 832 19 20, e-mail: [email protected] - 44 Type Version AKW Interflanged „Wafer” AKFL Flanged AKBW Welded Tightness: - Leakage Class A according to ISO 5208 - Lamellar metal/metal seal + graphite - certified 0062 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS The shaft is sealed by graphite inserts and may be sealed . available in interflanged version (“wafer” type).pl INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. The solid and robust construction of butterfly valve has no parts that require periodic service. metal/metal seal is mounted on the disc of the butterfly valve. corrosion). which provide the mimimal move ability of the individual rings between each other during the closing of the butterfly valve providing the 100% tightness in both flow directions. Butterfly valves can be mounted anywhere in the heating network. BROEN Butterfly valves are standard equipped with the self-locking mechanical gearboxes. The sealing surface is hardened with the stainless steel overlay (see detailed scheme below). ie elements that need lubrication or any additional sealing. both in vertical pipelines as well as horizontal. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel. ul. cavitation). The butterfly valve’s disc is mounted rigidly on a single shaft by pins. Metal/metal sealing scheme Construction details The package of lamellar metal/metal seal is mounted on the butterfly valves's body in AKW version in diameters up to DN 500. Self-centering seat is mounted either on the butterfly valve’s body or on the disc. Pieszycka 10. The triple eccentric construction reflects on the highest tightness class at the low closing torque and also enables efficient opening of the disc at the maximal differential pressure. while in AKFL and AKBW versions. this construction solution eliminates the need of using discs of stainless steel. Stellit hardened sealing surface is also available upon a request.eye-catching headings Technical specification BROEN Butterfly valves can be applicable in pipelines as a shut-off and regulating valves. Moreover. as well as non-mechanical stress conditions (temperature. e-mail: marketing@broen. The shaft's mounting is resistant to temperature changes of flowing medium. BROEN SA. In butterfly valves of standard WCB cast steel version the seat surface is hardened with the 304 stainless steel overlay. fax 074 832 19 20.45 - . On a special request the stellit hardened seat surface is also available. with welding ends and in flanged version. as well as AKW from diameter DN 600 upwards. erosion. internal and external stress. In this construction stainless steel rings of lamellar sealing stay in direct contact with the hardened seat surfaces so there is no corrosion process and long-term durability of the seal is ensured. provided that it is in the closed position. BROEN Butterfly valves' seal structure is elliptical and the contour of the seal is a part of the surface of the cone whose axis is inclined relative to the axis perpendicular to the disk and passing through its center (see the figure below). BROEN Butterfly valves are resistant to the contamination of the pipeline network water and present class A tightness in both flow directions. accessible only after removing the valve from the pipeline. The repair of gearbox or replacement for the electric actuator can be performed without removing the valve from the pipeline. The butterfly valve's construction is resistant to mechanical stress (pressure. 074 832 54 00. Stainless steel rings are arranged lamellar with thin graphite layers.broen. which closing is provided by turning the handwheel to the right. . +530°C -196. wafer EN 1092-1 welded EN 12627 Body dimensions: flanged.... gas.1 MPa ANSI 150 LB . oil.. water. steam.. etc.. fax 074 832 19 20. wafer EN 558 welded EN 12982 Pressure test and inspection: EN 12266-1 EN 12266-2 * Realization according to other standards on request Available maximal working pressure regarding to the temperature for different material versions and types of butterfly valves BROEN SA.5 MPa Sealing test pressure: PN x 1. corrosive . +600°C water. ul.. Pieszycka 10... steam. steam Realization standard: EN 593 Connections: flanged.074 832 54 00.eye-catching headings Available material versions Nominal pressure: Nominal diameter: PN 16 . sea water. etc.. chemicals. gas. oil. +300°C -29. +150°C -15.600 LB 3” – 48” inch on special request standard version Materials Maximal work temperature Medium on special request Cast iron * Ductile iron * Cast steel WCB Stainless steel * CF8 Stainless steel * CF8M . 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.46 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www.PN 63 80 – 1200mm Body test pressure: PN x 1. +425°C -29. e-mail: marketing@broen. The disc loses contact with the seat immediately after the start of opening. In this way. Pieszycka 10. guarantees 100% tightness and long life of the seal. ul.the conical shaped sealing surface with the cone axis shifted by the „α” angle. While opening the butterfly valve's disc for a given angle. 074 832 54 00. which precipitate the "rock" limescale.eccentric . Leakage about 1% Kv for hard seated 8660 Cv flow coefficient depending on the position angle of the valve disc Cv coefficient (%) Flow regulation Opening angle of the valve disc Suggested area of ​​effective flow regulation is achieved between the opening angle of 25° and the angle of 65° (green field). This construction minimizes the torque value. EPDM.moving the shaft axis relative to the sealing surface axis.eccentric . moreover determines the selection of the smaller (cheaper) dimensions of electric-. In some cases it is acceptable to extend the range of angles between 20° and 70° (yellow area).1st . which significantly shortens the life of the seal. PTFE. The mechanical worm gearboxes mounted on the butterfly valves are fitted with disc opening angle indicator.eye-catching headings The overview of butterfly valves' types available on the market Available working conditions Description Centric butterfly valves PN 6 – PN 16 -10°C – +120°C Soft seal: NBR.eccentric . Frictionless triple eccentric metal/ metal sealing of BROEN Butterfly valves enables efficient opening of the disc at the maximum pressure difference. knowing the measured pressure difference ∆P [bar] at the valve and substituting calculated Kvm flow ratio into the formula below. fax 074 832 19 20. we can calculate the actual model-based flow rate Q [m3/h]: Kv flow coefficients for the butterfly valves Cv [Cv=1. Metal/metal sealing. α disk in the open position flow direction mounted on the disc Regulation curve BROEN Butterfly valves in addition to cut-off function may be used as a regulating (control) valves. Viton. Triple eccentric butterfly valves PN 6 – PN 100 -200°C – +600°C Only metal/metal sealing available. there is a risk for jamming of the metal/metal seated butterfly valves used for fluids.2nd .broen. The disc loses contact with the sealing after about 10% open. PTFE. Construction type Scheme Triple eccentric construction schemescheme Triple eccentric construction Description Sealing: first eccentric second eccentric opening direction BROEN Butterfly valves are proudly built using the achievements of mounted in the body the 21st century in the development of high pressure valve technology. PTFE. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.16Kv] DN mm (in) 80 (3) 100 (4) 125 (5) 150 (6) 200 (8) 250 (10) 300 (12) Kv 90° 164 250 414 682 1300 2220 3370 350 (14) 400 (16) 450 (18) 4432 DN mm (in) 500 (20) 600 (24) 700 (28) 800 (32) 900 (36) 1000 (40) 1100 (44) 1200 (48) Kv 90° 10320 16012 25235 31771 37594 54201 BROEN SA. e-mail: [email protected] . we're using the graph (on the right) and the table (underneath) to determine the approximate percentage of maximal Kv flow coefficient indicated for the appropriate diameter. which may cause damage to the seal. INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS . Single eccentric butterfly valves PN 6 – PN 25 -10°C – +120°C Only soft seal available: NBR. There is a traffic friction between disc and seal during opening and closing of butterfly valve. . The triple eccentric design ensures zero leakage using the smallest possible torque value. . pneumaticdisc or hydraulic actuators . There is no traffic friction during opening and closing of the butterfly valve. taking it as a Kvm. Viton. At the same time triple eccentric construction is protecting against jamming of the disc. In addition. EPDM.moving the shaft axis relative to the valve axis. Silicone. Double eccentric butterfly valves PN 6 – PN 40 -30°C – + 400°C Soft seal: NBR. The low torque is a factor influencing on the selection of preferably smaller mechanical gearboxes. EPDM. disk in the closed position third eccentric .47 - . During the opening or closing of butterfly valve the disc loses contact with the sealing after about 3-4% open. Viton or without 61614 99138 6411 1400 99138 www. During the opening and closing there is a strong traffic friction between disc and seal over the entire range (around bearing) which with the participation of impurities significantly shortens the life of such a seal. +425˚C -29. API609..+595˚C rature 7. Ring 3. Body 2. Seat** 5. ul. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.48 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. Pieszycka 10. Seat 16. oil corrosive media. Worm gearbox 12. fax 074 832 19 20. steam. Disc Alloy * Stainless steel * ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A217 WC6 ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M ASTM A105 304 304 316 ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A217 WC6 ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M 4.. PN 10 * weight for PN25 with worm gearbox.. Body dimensions for DN700…1400 ISO5752 EN 558-1 Series 16. Main dimensions are aplicable for versions PN 6.074 832 54 00. Bolt 14. Dimensions of butterfly valves in diameters above DN 1200 available upon a request. Nut / Pin 15..eye-catching headings Butterfly valves type AKW with the interflanged connection Butterfly valve DN 350 type AKW with the interflanged connection Construction scheme Description 1.broen. Mounting screw 17. Actuator mounting base 11. Lamellar sealing ring 13. Gland inserts . e-mail: marketing@broen. steam Working tempe-29. Distance ring 19. Shaft cover 18.. Screw 9. Cast steel 304 430 304 316 graphite Shaft ASTM A276 420 Aplication ASTM A276 420 ASTM A182 F304 ASTM A182 F314 water. DIN3202 K3.+600˚C * Material version available upon a request ** Stellit hardened seat available upon a request Triple eccentric butterfly valve type AKW PN16/PN25 with the interflanged connection PN16 PN25 D1 4 x Z-M D1 4 x Z-M Weight kg* 138 160 Ø18 160 Ø18 14 50 162 180 Ø18 190 Ø22 17 50 188 210 Ø18 220 Ø26 21 185 63 218 240 Ø22 250 Ø26 26 250 185 63 278 295 Ø22 310 Ø26 35 215 250 215 80 335 355 Ø26 370 Ø30 42 450 250 250 215 80 395 410 M24 430 M27 68 515 285 350 215 80 450 470 M24 490 M30 124 102 540 325 350 245 125 505 525 M27 550 M33 136 114 570 345 350 245 125 555 585 M27 600 M33 198 500 127 710 375 350 245 125 615 650 M30 660 M33 216 600 154 770 430 400 390 242 720 770 M33 770 M36 467 700 229 850 540 400 390 242 820 840 M33 875 M39 628 800 241 1010 710 400 420 262 930 950 M36 990 M45 830 900 241 1110 650 400 420 262 1030 1050 M36 1090 M45 1346 1000 300 1140 720 500 550 325 1140 1117 M39 1210 M52 1345 1200 350 1340 850 500 550 325 1350 1390 M45 1420 M52 1859 DN L H Ho Do A B 80 49 215 100 150 180 Ø50 100 56 245 110 150 180 125 64 285 135 150 180 150 70 305 175 250 200 71 370 185 250 76 410 300 83 350 92 400 450 D2 Body dimensions for DN80…600 ISO5752 EN 558-1 Series 25. BROEN . Funnel bearing 10.. Gasket 8. Ring -196. DIN3202 K2. Description Cast steel Alloy * 1 Body ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A217 WC6 2 Ring ASTM A105 304 304 316 3 Disc ASTM A216 WCB ASTM A217 WC6 ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M 4 Seat** 304 304 304 316 5 Shaft ASTM A276 420 ASTM A276 420 ASTM A182 304 ASTM A182 316 6 Gland inserts Aplication Working temperature Stainless steel * ASTM A351 CF8 ASTM A351 CF8M graphite water..broen.+600˚C 13 Ring Dn200< 14 Gland 15 Actuator mounting base 16 Groove * Material version available upon a request ** Stellit hardened seat available upon a request Triple eccentric butterfly valve type AKFL PN16/PN25 with flanged connection DN L H Ho Do A B PN16 PN25 D1 D2 Z-M D1 Z-M Weight* kg 80 114 250 90 150 180 50 160 133 8xM16 160 8xM16 23 100 127 260 100 150 180 50 180 158 8xM16 190 8xM20 26 125 140 280 110 150 180 50 210 184 8xM16 220 8xM24 32 150 140 310 150 250 185 63 240 212 8xM20 250 8xM24 43 200 152 380 210 250 185 63 295 268 12xM20 310 12xM24 65 250 165 395 235 250 215 80 355 320 12xM24 370 12xM27 80 300 178 425 265 250 215 80 410 370 12xM24 430 16xM27 100 350 190 480 300 350 215 80 470 430 16xM24 490 16xM30 150 400 216 535 355 350 245 125 525 482 16xM27 550 16xM33 210 450 222 570 380 350 245 125 585 532 20xM27 600 20xM33 266 500 229 590 395 350 245 125 650 585 20xM30 660 20xM33 310 600 267 675 450 400 390 242 770 685 20xM33 770 20xM36 426 700 292 770 520 400 390 242 840 800 24xM33 875 24xM39 590 800 318 840 590 400 420 262 950 905 24xM36 990 24xM45 780 900 330 915 660 400 420 262 1050 1005 28xM36 1090 28xM45 946 1000 410 1050 730 500 550 325 1117 1110 28xM39 1210 28xM52 1190 1200 470 1190 870 500 550 325 1390 1330 32xM45 1420 32xM52 2710 Main dimensions are aplicable for versions PN 6 and PN10... *weight for PN25 with worm gearbox Dimensions of butterfly valves in diameters above DN 1200 available upon a request. BROEN SA. Pieszycka 10. ul. steam. steam -196.+595˚C 7 Retaining bearing Dn200< 8 Lamellar sealing 9 Bolt 10 Screw 11 Shaft cover Dn200< 12 Bearing corrosive media. fax 074 832 19 20. e-mail: marketing@broen. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel..49 - . oil -29..eye-catching headings Butterfly valves type AKFL with the flanged connection Butterfly valve DN 200 type AKFL with the flanged connection Construction scheme .pl INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www..+425˚C -29. 074 832 54 00. Bolt 10..6 434 700 430 850 520 400 390 242 693.8 1038 900 510 1040 650 400 420 262 894. Description Cast steel 1 Body ASTM A216 WCB 2 Ring ASTM A105 3 Disc ASTM A216 WCB 4 Seat** 304 Shaft ASTM A276 420 5 6 Alloy * Stainless steel * ASTM A217 ASTM A351 ASTM A351 WC6 CF8 CF8M 304 304 304 304 316 ASTM A276 ASTM A182 ASTM A182 420 304 F316 Gland inserts graphite Aplication water.0 1016 1776 1200 630 1290 850 500 550 325 1195 1220 1977 Main dimensions are aplicable for versions PN 10 and PN16.3 . Retaining bearing Dn200< 8.eye-catching headings Butterfly valves type AKBW withe the welded connection Butterfly valve DN200 type AKBW with the welded connection Construction scheme No. Groove 7.+595˚C -196.8 406. ul. fax 074 832 19 20.6 609.7 39 150 210 305 176 250 185 63 159..7 323.0 96 300 270 450 250 250 215 80 312. Bearing 13.0 273.+425˚C corrosive media. e-mail: [email protected] 286 600 390 770 450 400 390 242 593. Screw 11.3 40 200 230 370 185 250 185 63 210.0 155 400 310 540 325 350 245 125 393. *weight for PN25 with worm gearbox BROEN SA.4 914. Gland 15.2 812.4 183 500 350 710 375 350 245 125 495.4 1339 1000 550 1110 720 500 550 325 994.7 139. oil Working temperature 316 ASTM A217 ASTM A351 ASTM A351 WC6 CF8 CF8M -29.4 508.. Pieszycka 10.2 769 800 470 990 590 400 420 262 795...3 32 125 200 285 135 150 180 50 131..4 359.5 88.+600˚C 12.1 219. steam.074 832 54 00. steam -29.50 D1 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS .broen.9 125 350 290 515 285 350 215 80 344.9 27 100 190 245 110 150 180 50 107. Actuator mounting base 16.. Ring Dn200< 14. Lamellar sealing 9. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel. Shaft cover Dn200< * Material version available upon a request ** Stellit hardened seat available upon a request Triple eccentric butterfly valve type AKBW PN25 with the welded connection DN L H Ho Do A B www.1 114.6 711.1 77 250 250 410 215 250 215 80 D2 Weight kg* 80 180 215 100 150 180 50 82. pl . 074 832 54 00.51 - .pl INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel. fax 074 832 19 20. Pieszycka 10.broen. ul.eye-catching headings Triple eccentric butterfly valve type AKW PN40/PN63 with the interflanged connection DN Dimensions (mm) D1 D2 Z-M L Ho H h A B Connection acc. e-mail: marketing@broen. ISO 5211 A B 80 160 138 4-18 64 140 345 45 18 6 F10 100 190 162 4-22 64 160 380 45 20 6 F10 125 220 188 4-26 70 200 440 55 24 8 F12 150 250 218 4-26 76 220 470 55 26 8 F12 200 320 285 4-M27 89 250 580 65 35 10 F14 250 385 345 4-M30 114 280 640 65 40 12 F14 300 450 410 4-M30 114 320 730 80 45 14 F16 350 510 465 4-M33 127 365 820 80 50 14 F16 400 585 535 4-M36 140 405 900 110 54 16 F25 450 610 560 4-M36 152 420 920 110 58 18 F25 500 670 615 4-M39 152 480 1045 110 66 20 F25 600 795 735 4-M45 178 570 1300 130 72 20 F30 h Kołnierz wg ISO5211 D2 DN H Z-M Ho D1 L Connection dimensions for BROEN Butterfly valves DN ISO5211 d1 d2 d3 N-d0 4*t E Connection scheme h1 h 80 F07 70 55 18 4-Ø10 4*6 11 3 40 100 F07 70 55 18 4-Ø10 4*6 11 3 40 125 F10 102 70 22 4-Ø12 4*6 15 3 50 150 F10 102 70 26 4-Ø12 4*8 18 3 50 200 F12 125 85 30 4-Ø14 4*8 22 3 60 250 F12 125 85 36 4-Ø14 4*10 26 3 60 300 F14 140 100 40 4-Ø18 4*12 30 4 70 350 F16 165 130 45 4-Ø22 4*14 34 5 80 400 F16 165 130 55 4-Ø22 4*16 43 5 90 500 F25 254 200 65 8-Ø18 4*18 51 5 120 600 F25 254 200 80 8-Ø18 4*22 62 5 130 700 F30 254 200 100 8-Ø18 4*28 80 5 140 800 F30 298 230 110 8-Ø22 4*28 90 5 160 900 F35 298 230 120 8-Ø22 4*32 98 5 170 1000 F35 356 260 130 8-Ø33 4*32 108 5 190 1200 F40 406 300 150 8-Ø39 4*36 126 5 200 1400 F40 406 300 170 8-Ø39 4*40 144 5 220 Torque values for BROEN Butterfly valves PN 6 PN 10 PN 16 Torque value [Nm] PN 25 PN 40 PN 63 80 130 130 150 180 210 250 300 100 170 170 200 240 300 400 600 DN PN 100 125 200 200 250 310 400 530 720 150 250 250 300 400 550 700 900 200 316 351 434 580 812 1016 1830 250 526 593 738 995 1480 1910 3385 300 798 908 1151 1563 2335 3052 5639 350 1269 1443 1803 2359 3052 4746 8319 400 1716 1971 2487 3328 5640 6686 11653 450 2193 2519 3310 4459 6814 9067 15722 500 2788 3236 4282 5804 9296 12572 22405 600 4238 5011 6477 9203 14742 20209 35646 700 5938 7081 7636 13657 22619 31072 64000 800 8139 9858 13423 17974 34066 47659 95000 900 10917 13590 18292 25689 45034 80000 135000 1000 14650 17973 25362 35736 62639 110000 190000 1200 24039 29842 42725 59861 108000 180000 320000 Security factor 30% already included BROEN SA. 3/GZ . BROEN Butterfly valves index system consist of the series of 15 alphanumeric characters. mechanical position indicator. which is the latest generation butterfly valve (B). similar to RAL 9007).3 DN 350 SA07. Selection of AUMA electric atuators for BROEN Butterfly valves at p 16bar DN Electric atuator DN 80 SG07. 1 limit microswitch for each end position OPEN / CLOSED. e-mail: [email protected]/GZ 200. Butterfly valve type AKW DN200 with electric actuator AUMA BROEN SA.3/GZ 250. operating temperature .2-GS 100.or pneumatic actuators. pressure version PN 25 (25) DN 300 (300). the valve connection according to EN ISO 5211. For butterfly valves with mounted electric.2-GS 200. work duty: S2 .3 DN 700 SA10.2-GS 125.15 min. Selection of regulating actuators AUMA type SGR and SAR with MATIC and AUMATIC modules available upon a request.074 832 54 00.3/GZ 160. manual wheel drive.1 DN 300 SA07. heater.1 DN 250 SG12.52 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. ul.2-GS 250.1 DN 200 SG12.3 DN 600 SA10. which can be divided into global module (10 digits) and version (material) module (4 letters). fax 074 832 19 20. anticondens. 6510325300-BPSS global module version module Sample index The sample index of butterfly valve shown above to the right belongs to the group BPSS.3 For dimensions above DN 1000 selection of actuators available upon a request Wiring on the AUMA plug.3 DN 1000 SA14. class F insulation.3/VZ 4.eye-catching headings Butterfly valves index creation algorithm By the inquiry whether ordering BROEN Butterfly valves due to specify a particular version of a given diameter of butterfly valve and its material version it is needed to use the index system. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.3 DN 900 SA10. it means the butterfly valve (65) with flanged connection (103). 1 micro switch for each opening and closing positions.6-GS 160. because drives are offered on individual indexes. According to the index creation algorithm. AUMA 3-phase engine. Pieszycka 10.3 DN 500 SA07. paint silver-gray (DB 701.1 DN 100 SG07. the most common among the butterfly valves for district heating and power industry. KN corrosion protection.. electric scheme: KMS TP100/001. thermal motor protection (other voltages at extra cost).3/VZ 4. Groups of characters in the various modules and their references are described on the right. the protection class IP 67 according to EN 60 529 (IP 55 for DC motor). Butterfly valves are standard equipped with mechanical worm gearbox. index remains unchanged.3/GZ 200.2-GS 160. Both modules are separated by a dash "-" and contain a group of characters that relate to the specific butterfly valve's parameters.3/VZ 4.broen.3/VZ 4.6-GS 125.2-GS 250.1 DN 150 .3 DN 400 SA07.3 DN 450 SA10. the rotation angle of 90 ° (swivels from 82 ° to 98 °).3 DN 800 SA10. with the body made ​​of cast steel WCB (S) and the disc made ​​of cast steel WCB (S).1 DN 125 SG10.3/GZ 250. designed for water and steam (P) .2-GS 200.25 ° C to + 80 ° C (70 ° C for 1-phase voltage).6-GS 100. 373Nm.IP67. Pieszycka 10. ISO 5211 DN 300 CAR200 Electric actuator. 230V. 274Nm.0-1F2AC/06 + MF15/F16/F10 F16 Ø45 2460 64 400 3328 F16 Ø50 MO 3 52000. Selection of REGADA electric actuators for BROEN Butterfly valves at p 16bar Butterfly valves details Electric actuator details Shut-off torque Operation time F ØA [Nm] [sec. F12 acc. 3P steering. 3P steering. 2 position switches.broen. fax 074 832 19 20. ul. F12 acc. connection F10. 3P steering. IP67. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel.0-1M2AC/06 + MF20/F25/F10 F25 Ø60 4180 69 600 9203 F25 Ø70 MO 3 52000. 3P steering. connection F14. ISO 5211 DN 150 CAR060 Electric actuator. ISO 5211 DN 200 CAR100 Electric actuator. IP67. 230V.3 F07/F10 Ø20 290 20-160 F07 Ø25 SP 2. INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. 3P steering.4 F10/F12 Ø25 590 40-160 F10 Ø25 SP 2. ISO 5211 DN 125 CAR 038 Electric actuator. connection F14. IP67.4 F10/F12 Ø25 590 40-160 580 F12 Ø30 SP 3. F14 acc. 2 signal switches. optical position indicator.eye-catching headings Selection of CLORIUS electric actuators for BROEN Butterfly valves at p 16bar DN Electric actuator DN 80 CAR 028 Electric . 1962Nm. F16 acc. connection F12. e-mail: marketing@broen. manual handwheel. 230V. MO . ISO 5211 Actuator details DN 100 CAR 028 Electric actuator. 1962Nm.0-122AC/06 + MF40/F35/F10 F35 Ø90 18870 154 DN Torque Connection [Nm] F ØA 80 180 F07 Ø18 100 240 F07 125 310 150 400 200 Actuator type + gearbox Connection Standard version: electric connection on the terminal board.5 F12 Ø30 1200 40-160 250 995 F12 Ø35 SP 3. protection class: P/SO . 230V.5 F12 Ø35 1200 40-160 300 1563 F14 Ø40 MO 3 52000. 074 832 54 00. 2 torque switches. F16 acc.53 - . IP67. 588Nm. connection F12 acc. F14 acc.3 F07/F10 Ø18 290 10-80 Ø20 SP 2./90°] SP 2. IP67. connection: mechanical. ISO 5211 DN 250 CAR200 Electric actuator. 981Nm. connection F12. 3P steering. 3P steering. flanged. connection F10.0-1F2AC/06 + MF14/F14/F10 F16 Ø40 1620 57 350 2359 F16 Ø45 MO 3 52000.0-1W2AC/06 + MF16/F25/F10 F16 Ø50 3485 41 500 5804 F25 Ø60 MO 3 52000.0-1M2AC/06 + MF30/F25/F10 F25 Ø70 9900 116 700 13657 F30 Ø80 MO 3 52000. ISO 5211 Selection of actuators for dimensions above DN 300 available upon a request. 230V.IP 55. Selection of pneumatic actuators for BROEN Butterfly valves at p 16bar DN REMOTE CONTROL DN80 RC230DA AD80 DN100 RC240DA AD100 DN125 RC250DA AD100 DN150 RC260DA AD100 DN200 RC265DA AD140 DN250 RC265DA AD140 DN300 RC270DA AD160 DN350 RC280DA AD210 DN400 RC280DA AD210 DN450 RC 88 DA DN500 RC 88 DA DN600 RCG 100DA CLORIUS Drive air pressure 6 bar BROEN SA. heater with the thermostat. IP67.0-1V2AC/06 + MF40/F30/F10 F30 Ø80 15096 154 800 17974 F35 Ø90 MO 3 52000. IP67.230V. 230V. Contamination can be removed by a light valve opening and rinsing it off from the sealing. It is also important to check if the valves has not been contaminated during the transport and storage. all steel and not painted surfaces should be at least once a year re-covered with the protecting anti-corrosion substance. BROEN SA. The leakage in the closed valve may be caused by the dirt on the sealing surfaces. The need of later maintenance can be reduced by the precision kept during the installation. STORAGE Valves should be transported on the pallets or in the boxes protecting from possible damage. Do not exchange the glands and sealing inserts when the installation is under pressure. If the valve is equipped with an actuator.. Lamella seat can be embedded in the valve body or on the disc.000 working hours.eye-catching headings OPERATION MANUAL OF THE BROEN BUTTERFLY VALVES CONSTRUCTION AND APPLICATION The triple eccentric BROEN butterfly valves are used as regulatory and shut-off valves. PACKING. Residues from welding and other contaminants remaining in the pipeline could damage the seals. ul. The lack of adequate compensation may result in the increased stress on the joints between the valve and the pipeline and may cause damage and leakage. Wide range of applications is possible thanks to various types of construction materials. In case of no result. In the working conditions including a maximum temperature of 425°C and the maximum allowable working pressure.check if the pipeline is adequately protected from the effects of the temperature changes The pipeline must be adequately supported. In standard valves are equipped with a worm gearbox. The butterfly valve cannot be used to support the pipeline. the pipeline should be thoroughly rinsed. With insufficient support the butterfly valve is exposed to additional stress which may result in joint leaks or noisy operation and vibrations. At long periods of storage. Pieszycka 10.074 832 54 00. dust and other contaminants. The sealing surface is hardened. so that nothing prevents the movement of the disc. the life of the valve is expected to . OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Butterfly valves are designed to long maintenance-free operation. Glands require regular checking.check the alignment of the pipeline and the valve . The shaft is sealed by graphite inserts and may be sealed additionally. check the condition of the sealing rings and possibly replace them. Valves should be protected from sand. The butterfly valves should be installed so that the main flow direction matches the arrow on the body It is recommended to install the valves so that the rotation axis of the spindle is set in a horizontal position. Thoroughly center the axis of the valve and the seals. Temperature changes cause thermal elongations which must be adequately compensated (eg by installing bellows compensators between the network fixed points). 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel. due to the creep of the material. An electric. pneumatic or hydraulic actuator is available on request. INSTALLATION Before mounting the valve. check if the switches has worked at the right . Valves should be kept in closed rooms with the air humidity below 70%.54 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www.broen. e-mail: marketing@broen. Surfaces mechanically machined are coated with an anti-corrosion substance protection . Do not loosen the glands because it may result in leaks. The disc is mounted rigidly on a single shaft by pins. The triple eccentric design allows high tightness the supports near the valve . Valves should not be lifted grabbing by the drive. Before the installation set the disc in the closed position to avoid the damaging of the valve sealing elements. During the installation: . fax 074 832 19 20. Wash off the protective substance right before installing the valve. 55 - . ul. Pieszycka 10. fax 074 832 19 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www. e-mail: [email protected] .broen. 074 832 54 00.eye-catching headings Thank you for your trust! BROEN SA. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel. ............................................................. .............................................................................. BROEN SA... ..................................................... Pieszycka ............ ........................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................. ......................................... .......... ...................................................................................... ...... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ ............... ........................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... ............................... ............................................................................................ ..............................................................................................................................................broen....................................................... .......................................... ............................................................... ......................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. .... e-mail: marketing@broen............. fax 074 832 19 20............................... ...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................074 832 54 00................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 58-200 Dzierżoniów tel..................................................................................................................................................................................... .................... ................................ ............................................................................................ ul.............56 INTELLIGENT FLOW SOLUTIONS www................................................eye-catching headings Notes ................................ ................................................................................................................................ ...... ..................................... .............................
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