Brochure Antifoams Defoamers Tego Antifoam

March 29, 2018 | Author: AmilaLakmal | Category: Emulsion, Surfactant, Industries, Materials, Chemical Substances



Antifoams / Defoamers TEGO® AntifoamMember Company of Fong’s Industries Group emulsifiers. Evonik is active in over 100 countries around the world. and reliability. corrosion inhibitors. We hold strong positions with antifoams. agro. tape and release liner manufacturing. and one of the largest private residential real estate companies in Germany. Evonik is a global leader in specialty chemicals. continuous self-renewal. an expert in power generation from hard coal and renewable energies. textile and tissue industry. rubber. label. construction. Our broad product range. 2 . lubricants. Energy and Real Estate. specialization.About Us Evonik Industries is the creative industrial group from Germany which operates in three business areas: Chemicals. The Business Line Industrial Specialties of Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH has its base in all kinds of organic specialty surfactants and organomodified siloxanes. hydrophobing and wetting agents. dispersing aids. technological background and application know-how addresses several industries like plastics. softeners and radiation curable release coatings. Our strengths are creativity. scouring agents. entering spreading rupture escaping gas 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 1.Product Range The textile industry is facing many conflicting challenges. the jet fills with foam and the production cannot proceed at optimum speed. Aside from the beneficial characteristics of surfactants (leveling agents. such as the need for higher efficiency. Care has to be taken that the applied antifoam does not negatively impact the fabric quality by staining the fabric. wetting agents etc. reducing cost through shorter product cycles while maintaining a high quality standard and continuously providing innovation. or added as an external antifoam. Our antifoam/defoamer product range comprises: • Concentrates • Emulsion concentrates • Ready to use emulsions Depending on the antifoam / defoamer. they are also responsible for the formation of foam during almost all stages of production. it can be either added as an internal antifoam – thus being incorporated into the textile auxiliary to prevent foam formation. Mechanism of defoaming = defoamer 3 . whereby being added at the occurrence of the foam to destroy it. or does not disturb the machine runnability.). For instance. excellent stability as concentrate. we offer silica and silicone oil free defoamers. Antifoam for jet dyeing. Antifoam for jet dyeing. In aqueous media. Predilutions have to be used immediately after preparation. the use of pre-dilutions (1:3 to 1:10 in water) is recommended. Pre-defoaming of surfactant concentrates. No silicone spotting. High stability as well as high efficiency during various textile application processes merge the advantanges of both organic and silicone antifoams. In addition. Emulsion concentrate with excellent jet stability and good electrolyte tolerance. for white water in nonwoven production using water entanglement. Predilutions have to be used immediately after preparation. TEGO® Antifoam 793 Non-ionic Liquid 100 TEGO® Antifoam 3062 Non-ionic Liquid 100 TEGO® Antifoam MR 1015 Emulsion concentrate based on organomodified siloxanes Non-ionic Liquid 70 TEGO® Antifoam 7001 TEGO® Antifoam 2290 TEGO® Antifoam PS 10 (Europe) TEGO® Antifoam 32 H 10 (Asia) Jet stable antifoam concentrate Silica and silicone oil free defoamer concentrate Emulsion based on organo-modified siloxanes and other ingredients Emulsion based on organo-modified siloxanes and other ingredients Non-ionic Liquid 40 Non-ionic Liquid 100 Non-ionic Liquid 10 Non-ionic Liquid 16 -17 4 . even at elevated temperatures. Pre-defoaming of surfactant concentrates with less than 20 % water content.Key Application Properties Evonik Goldschmidt offers antifoams/defoamers based on organo-modified siloxanes.g. No silicone spotting. Ready to use predilutions are available on request. No silicone spotting. Easy to handle as on line defoamer. no reverse effect on printability. Recommended for jet dyeing of polyamide. The following table summarizes the relevant property profiles of our antifoams/defoamers: Product Composition Concentrate based on organo-modified siloxanes Concentrate based on organo-modified siloxanes Ionic Type Physical Form Conc. Suitable for the production of ready to use dilutions. no silicone spotting. Easy to dilute. no reverse effect on printability. excellent stability as concentrate. Pre-defoaming of surfactant concentrates with less than 30 % water content. e. Excellent stability in alkaline conditions. Jet-stable. wt % Advantages and Application Suggestions Water dispersable. 3 % Dyestuff from Clariant 1.5 °C/min 70 °C 1. cool down to 70 °C (1.5 °C/min 40 °C 70 °C 40 35 foam height / cm 0 10 20 30 time / min 40 50 60 70 80 90 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 TA 7001 Comp. 1 Comp.Performance data and use recommendations for TEGO® Antifoam 7001 jet defoamer Jet dyeing of polyamide fabric in a laboratory Jet Dyeing Machine (Mathis) Parameters: Fabric: Liquor ratio: Recipe: Nylosan Red E-BNL Dymatic TBW-951 Acetic Acid Defoamer 0.0 g/l Adjustment of pH ~5 0. while the competition products do not suppress the foam sufficiently over the whole process. heat up to 100°C (1. 100 °C for 30 min 1.5 g/l (based on solid) pump nozzle 50%. reel speed 17m/min PA elastic knitted fabric 1:30 Foam build-up during dyeing process Add the chemicals at 40°C. 5 . 3 Comp. 2 Comp.5 °C/min).0 g/l Leveling agent from Dymatic (Alkylsulfonate) 1.5 °C/min) hold for 100°C for 30 min. 4 TEGO® Antifoam 7001 provides efficient foam knock down. 6%) TEGO® Antifoam 7001 Preservative 6 .10 parts 69.73 parts 50. 5 min).Recommendations for dilution Guideline formulation for stable. Start stirring at low shear rates until mixture is homogenous (approx.68 parts 2.59 parts 25.63 parts 2.75 parts 1. Add TEGO® XP 2226 and stir for 1 min.00 parts 0.42 parts 1. ready to use diluted emulsions of TEGO® Antifoam 7001: 10% active Demineralised water TEGO XP 2226 ® Production (at room temperature): Charge the water into the vessel. Stop stirring and add TEGO® Antifoam 7001 and preservative.00 parts 0.10 parts Caustic Soda (5. 20% active 46. Add caustic soda and stir until dilution is homogenous and thick. Stop stirring and discharge. 05%) / alcohol ethoxylate (0. For use in jet dyeing applications a Dosage recommendation fabric PA CO PES Surfactant(s) alkane sulfonate (0. The following table has to be seen as an orientation guide and is based on the lab jet results (% is based on actives).01 % predilution of antifoam in water (1 part in 4 parts of water) is recommended.025 % and 0. For preliminary trials we recommend a dosage of TEGO® Antifoam 7001 between 0. Further dilution in production process is possible.25 % (as is).02 % ≥ 0.05 %) alcohol ethoxylate (0. Dosage level for dyeing in jet machines also depends on the kind and concentration of leveling agents and dyeing systems. 7 .2 %) Dosage of TEGO® Antifoam 7001 < 0. Dosage level may vary in dependence of process conditions.05 % ≈ 0.Dosage / Handling TEGO® Antifoam 7001 can be applied as it is or in a diluted version.05 %) alkane sulfonate (0. The customer is not released from the obligation to conduct careful inspection and testing of incoming goods. Via Falconera. 3.: 21-09 . Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku Tokyo 163-0938 phone +81 3 5323-7441 fax +81 3 5323-7444 SOUTH KOREA Evonik Degussa Korea Ltd. Ltd.r. Sec.. which should be carried out only by qualified experts in the sole responsibility of a customer.A. Andheri (E). Chundong Road Xinzhuang Industrie Park Shanghai. Marwah Center Saki Naka. 133 Min Sheng East Rd. Box. 50A/8 phone +7 495 721-2862 fax +7 495 721-2852 EASTERN EUROPE Evonik Degussa Praha s. please contact the Evonik Goldschmidt Head Office in Essen or contact your local representative.O. (April 2008) THE AMERICAS MEXICO Degussa México. Reference to trade names used by other companies is neither a recommendation. Saki Vihar Road Mumbai 400072 phone +91 226 6 3070-70 fax +91 226 6 3070-71 SOUTH EAST ASIA Evonik Degussa (SEA) Pte.Tepepan 14610 México D. Ltd. Krislon House. We reserve the right to make any changes according to technological progress or further developments. BB Centrum Building Beta Vyskočilova 1481/4 141 00 Praha 4 . 914 E. it implies no liability or other legal responsibility on our part.F. no warranty.) phone +55 11 3146 41-60 (Direct) fax +55 11 3146 41-09 Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH Goldschmidtstraße 100 45127 Essen Germany P. 55. VA 23860 phone +1 804 541-8658 fax +1 804 541-2783 SOUTH AMERICA Evonik Degussa Ibérica S. 3 Taipei phone +886 2271 712-42 fax +886 2271 721-06 EUROPE AUSTRIA/POLAND Evonik Degussa International AG Post Office Box 130 1053 Vienna phone +43 1 966-6352 fax +43 1 966-6407 ITALY Evonik Goldschmidt Italia S. Youngdeungpo-ku Seoul phone +82 2 7847 963 fax +82 2 7855 247 INDIA Evonik Degussa India Pvt. Randolph Rd. International Business Park Nordic European Centre # 07-18 Singapore 609927 phone +65 6 890-6054 fax +65 6 890-6058 TAIWAN Evonik Degussa Taiwan Ltd. This information and all further technical advice is based on our present knowledge and experience.l.r. de C. Sant Julià 156-166 08400 Granollers (Barcelona) phone +34 938 6421-92 fax +34 938 6421-20 FRANCE Evonik Goldschmidt GmbH Goldschmidtstraße 100 45127 Essen phone + 33 1 6900 7990 fax +33 6 7896 9289 TURKEY Evonik Degussa Ticaret 03/2009 Inv. 45116 Essen phone +49 201 173-2757 fax +49 201 173-1990 www.o. In particular. whether express or implied. 7 26025 Pandino (Cr) phone +39 0373 975-11 fax +39 0373 975-260 UNITED KINGDOM Evonik Goldschmidt UK Ltd. 9 F. Arenal. Ind.evonik. Opp. or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended or implied. (Seoul Office) 8th floor Bookuk Bldg. 34-2 Yeouido-dong.V. However.A. 579-4 andar 01404-000-São Paulo-SP paBx: +55 11 3146 41-00 (Gen.ASIA CHINA Evonik Degussa (China) Co. Ltd. del Congost Avda. Performance of the product described herein should be verified by testing. nor does it imply that similar products could not be used. Box 1299 Hopewell. P. Ltd.-Nr..Michle phone +420 241 086-118 fax +420 241 086-518 SPAIN Evonik Degussa Ibérica S. phone +52 55 5483-1000 fax +52 55 5673-6649 NORTH AMERICA Evonik Goldschmidt Corp. Polig. Moscow Zemlayanoy Val Str. México-Xochimilco No. Istanbul phone +90 216 3959-961 fax +90 216 3959-650 For more detailed information or to obtain a brochure which addresses a specific area of interest. especially patent rights.A. Shinjuku Monolith 12F 2-3-1. S. Alameda Campinas.O. including with regard to existing third party intellectual property rights. 5149-Bis Col. Calz. Tego House Chippenham Drive. Kingston Milton Keynes MK10 0AF phone +44 1908 2895-42 fax +44 1908 5830-21 BENELUX Evonik Degussa International AG Goldschmidtstraße 100 45127 Essen phone + 32 543 344 85 fax + 32 475 454 977 RUSSIA OOO Evonik Chimia 109028. Ankara Asfalti Uzeri Kanli Mandira Mevkii Tuzla Kavsagi No: 68 34940 Tuzla. 201108 phone +86 21 6119-1125 fax +86 21 6119-1406 JAPAN Evonik Degussa Japan Co.
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