Brocade Departmental Firmware Upgrade Procedures - 1
Brocade Departmental Firmware Upgrade Procedures - 1
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EMC ® Connectrix Procedure GeneratorTopic Brocade Departmental Firmware Upgrade Procedures Selections Model: MP-7800B Current Version Family: 6.3 Versions Current 6.3 version: 6.3.2b Target Version Family: 6.4 Versions Target 6.4 version: 6.4.3 Additional Appendixes?: Screenshots Procedure Generated: 5/26/2015 2:04:29 PM Tobesuryhavtlcpdgnioewt,alyschYnkdifoutpaehlcrys. REPORT PROBLEMS If you find any errors in this procedure or have comments regarding this application, send email to Procedure
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Copyright© 2010 – 2015 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Publication Date: May, 2015 EMC believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. The information is subject to change without notice. THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS.” EMC CORPORATION MAKES NO REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND WITH RESPECT TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PUBLICATION, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Use, copying, and distribution of any EMC software described in this publication requires an applicable software license. For the most up-to-date regulatory document for your product line, go to the Technical Documentation and Advisories section on EMC Powerlink. For the most up-to-date listing of EMC trademarks, see the list of EMC Corporation Trademarks on EMC.com. All other trademarks used herein are the property of their respective owners. EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1.0.5 1 of 15 ...................... Limitations and Restrictions........................................................ 7 Task 3: Verify connectivity..............................4..........................................................3 for Departmental Switches.................3 Overview... 11 Task 3: Final changes..................................................11 Appendix A: Fabric OS 6...................................................EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Contents About this Procedure.............x....................................................................... 7 Task 4: Open a HyperTerminal or Telnet session..................................................7 Task 2: Obtain software..............................................................................................................................................5 Assumptions.......................................................................... 5 Preparation Tasks......................................................3 Departmental Upgrade Examples........................x................................................................................................................7 Task 1: Read and understand the procedure before you begin........................................................................................................... 4 Known Issues.........................................................1.............................................................................................................................................................................5 Migrating from FOS v6.........................................................................14 EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1......................................................................................................... verification.2_cee1............................... 4 Recommended Migration Paths to FOS v6...... 5 Migrating an MP-8000B from FOS v6........................................3 Firmware Package Information and Contents.............................................................................10 Task 2: Upgrade firmware.......3................... and backup................................................................................................................ 9 Upgrade Tasks...............................10 Task 1: Back up and save the current switch configuration.......................................................... 5 Migrating from FOS v6..........3 Site Activity and Event Record...............0......................2..............................................................................................................8 Task 5: Record and verify configuration..........................................................................4................................................................5 2 of 15 ............................ AUTION: hIfwistcparenVuolSgvsit. Topics for this upgrade include: Preparation tasks Upgrade tasks EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. As part of the effort to continuously improve and enhance the performance and capabilities of the Connectrix product line. You may also use the Web Tools or Connectrix Manager Data Center Edition applications. you may need to document this task activity. You may note critical information in the log area below: Table 1 Date/Time Task being executed Table 2 Switch Serial Number Task Information Switch Model Performed by Switch Information Switch Name Switch IP CP0 IP CP1 IP If applicable If applicable Overview This procedure explains how upgrade the Fabric OS on a Department Model B-Series switch using the Fabric OS command line interface. questions. For the most up-to-date information on specific requirements concerning your environment.prtisadPcuGenofmybpiltravces. or need assistance with an implementation. Site Activity and Event Record For your own change management practices.cnhaIVPLEXorRevtpislhfaduc’omen. EMC periodically releases new versions of its hardware and software.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator About this Procedure This document steps you through the completion of a Connectrix management activity that can be completed without the involvement of Remote Technical Support. please contact EMC Customer Support.5 3 of 15 .0. If you have any concerns. Please refer to the Web Tools Administrator’s Guide or the EMC Connectrix Manager Data Center Edition User’s Guide for more information. some functions described in this procedure may not be supported by all revisions of the software or hardware you have currently in use. refer to the Fabric OS Release Notes for your version and the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator on PowerLink. or qualifies various systems interoperability with the Connectrix product family. Therefore. regarding your environment or this procedure. 0b in order to upgrade.doc Known Issues. To check if this feature is enabled. and EMC’s Knowledgebase (Primus) on PowerLink for up to date information.4. you must disable it before upgrading to FOS v6.0. Contents: v6.zip package. The MP-7800B platform must be power cycled after upgrading from FOS v6. and limitations if you are also upgrading them. EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. frame drops may occur due to increased Hot Code Load (HCL) time.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Firmware Package Information and Contents BRCDFOS6_4_3. Limitations and Restrictions The switch must be running a minimum version of 6.3. You must consult the departmental upgrade instructions for any known issues. run the command bottleneckmon --status to display a list of enabled ports. The MP. please complete firmwareDownload on one node at a time before downloading on another node. If Bottleneck detection feature is currently enabled on the switch running FOS v6. Known issues.x.4.3. This is necessary to load the new FPGA image that enables IPv6 capability for FCIP links to MP-7800B.3.3 to FOS v6. Upgrading the MP-8000B from FOS v6. the E-Lab Interoperability Navigator.3.3 to a later FOS version will be disruptive to the IO through the switch.3 or from FOS 6. This firmware is only applicable to the following departmental class models: DS-300B DS-4100B DS-4900B DS-5000B DS-5100B DS-5300B MP-7500B AP-7600B DS-5832B MP-7800B MP-8000B If there are multiple node EGs (encryption groups) in a fabric.4. restrictions.0b or higher to FOS v6. Not performing this step will result in unpredictable behaviors on the FCIP links. and limitations listed here are only for departmental switches. restrictions.3. Always refer to the current version of the Fabric OS Release Notes. Enter Primus solution emc234016 in the Search the Knowledgebase field of the Search Support tab for a good starting place to find some important ETAs and known issues.zip firmware zip file 3CDaemon FTP Utility Read Me First.8000B does not support non-disruptive hot code loads (HCL). otherwise.3.5 4 of 15 . then run bottleneckmon --disable port/portlist to disable.4. This step is mandatory even if IPv6 will not be used on the FCIP ports.4. 1b is not an ESM listed release it should only be used on an interim basis as a stepping code from FOS 6. v6. b. Assumptions This upgrade procedure assumes the following: Before beginning the upgrade procedure.3.x stepping code is FOS For MP-8000B units operating at FOS v6.3. or console connection. or static PID binding servers) that need their area equal to the port numbers to login to the fabric successfully.1a the area field of the PIDs will be assigned based on the order ports are recognized and brought up by the system.1.1a. Each Switch port PID’s area may not equal its port number which may impact servers (such as FICON servers. Depending on the method you choose for firmwareDownload.3.0a. If a customer has DS-300B's. the switch must be accessible for establishing a Telnet.5 5 of 15 .x to FOS 6.x the following are the recommended upgrade paths. One additional exception is for new installations of DS-300B's.4.4.4. ote: Since FOS 6.3.3. FOS v6.3 with the exception of MP-8000B's.2_cee1.3. HyperTerminal. See details below.1a is the recommended stepping version except for the MP-8000B the recommended 6.3.x version is suitable to upgrade from 6. as PIDs are persistent across reboot and upgrade once they are assigned. Please contact your local EMC support representative to initiate the process to have this non EMC GA release installed (RPQ).x For switches currently running FOS 6. DS-5100B's. d.x to 6.1 and v6. please contact EMC Customer Support for advice before continuing. users should bind PIDs using the port address --bind [slot_number/]port_number [16-bit_address] command prior to allowing devices to log in to switch.2. This issue does not impact switches that are upgraded from FOS v6.c.x For switches currently running FOS 6.4.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Recommended Migration Paths to FOS v6.3.3.x version to upgrade from is FOS 6. or FOS v6. FOS 6.3.1. typically FICON. Migrating from FOS v6.0.3. Working knowledge of the Connectrix B Series switch product family.d.3.3. If these assumptions are not true. Please contact your local EMC support representative to initiate the process to have this non EMC GA release installed.b.3.x the following are the recommended upgrade paths: Any EMC Support Matrix listed 6. Migrating an MP-8000B from FOS v6.x to 6. DS-5100B's or DS-5300B's that came with factory installed versions of FOS v6. EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1.3.3 for Departmental Switches Migrating from FOS v6. ote: Since FOS 6.1b prior to migrating to FOS v6.0a.3. you must first use FOS v6. If your environments have devices that rely on the area of the PID to match the port number.3.2. For MP-8000B's the recommended 6.4. c.1.1b is not an ESM listed release it should only be used on an interim basis as a stepping code from FOS 6.x to v6. an FTP connection to an FTP server may be required.3. and DS-5300B's for Operating Systems that require persistent PIDs. Ptasydigrl EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1.0.5 6 of 15 .EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator AUTION: Thoepcdrauktsxyiml20-5nocep. please read through the entire upgrade procedure at least once.0. ensure that “Use folder names” is checked so that files are placed in their appropriate locations. [ ] Unzip the firmware file that was just extracted to the directory you created in Step 2. [ ] Open a command prompt on the host machine you will be using for the procedure and ping the IP address of the switch to verify connectivity. [ ] Download the firmware package file from the appropriate location. This time restriction therefore mandates there to be adequate bandwidth in the IP network for the firmware to download to the switch within the 30 minute time window. Task 1: Read and understand the procedure before you begin 1. ote: The FTP utility is included for your convenience in the event you (or your customer) do not have access to an FTP server. If using another utility make sure folders are created during the unzip process. ensure that “Use folder names” is checked. and to minimize customer downtime.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Preparation Tasks Before you start the actual upgrade. prepare by performing the tasks in this section. 7. 4. save time. Verify that the connections from the CP to the IP network will allow for adequate bandwidth to download the firmware. EMC Partners may use the EMC Partner’s site.ghemandlisrtvpof. Task 3: Verify connectivity 6.euhwascnigodrtC:\fpe. 5. [ ] Unzip the firmware package file that you downloaded in Step 3 to the directory you created in Step 2. Example: #switch:admin> ifmodeshow eth0 EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. Again. MPORTANT: Thexampsulndtioc. For some configurations half duplex connections will not provide adequate bandwidth for firmwareDownload to complete. contact Customer Support before you begin the upgrade. if using WinZip.5 7 of 15 . Slow connections may cause the firmwareDownload to time out. If you do not understand the upgrade procedure steps. If using WinZip. EMC personnel and customers with Enhanced switch support may download the firmware from PowerLink. Task 2: Obtain software 2. [ ] Create a download directory on the FTP server host machine that you will be using for your upgrade. Example: Windows hosts: c:\temp\brocade Unix host: /tmp/brocade 3. [ ] Firmware downloads are hardcoded that they must complete in 30 minutes after being started. If firmwareDownload times out you may need to change the switch’s IP connections.Rhcumnaiorytsvehncludi3CDamozpfrgtsni. [ ] To prevent errors. To check the type of connection to the CPs open a command prompt on the switch and issue the ifModeShow command for the Ethernet interfaces (CP). Right click and select the process BlackICE and select stop. you may be asked to change the default passwords.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Link mode: negotiated 100baseTx-HD. select properties. and change the startup type to Manual. If so. To reconfigure it. open a command prompt on it and ping the IP address of the switch to verify connectivity. Complete the firmware upgrade procedure. you may need to reconfigure it. you must change the startup type to manual and reboot. 4. may be required to be stopped prior to the firmware upgrade. link ok at Half Duplex} MAC Address: 00:60:69:D0:24:40 {indicates 100Mbs connection 8. Please refer to Appendix A for examples. ----. Go into services (under Administrative Tools in Windows). [ ] Record and verify the following configuration information before you begin the upgrade.Right click under services. 12. EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. Upon login.0. Example: # telnet {IP address of switch} Fabric OS (name of switch) Fabos Version (version number) FC_Switch login: admin Password: xxxxxx Task 5: Record and verify configuration 10. Restart the BlackICE service (or reset the startup type) when the upgrade is complete. refer to Upgrade Tasks. [ ] Execute the firmwareShow command to verify the version of Fabric OS currently running on the switch.5 8 of 15 . 3. If these are incorrect. If you are unable to ping the switch from the FTP host. 11.x VirusScan installed. such as Antivirus software. [ ] Execute the ipAddrShow command on the switch and verify that you are connected to the switch the customer intends to be upgraded. ----. By default. select Access Protection.If the service will not stop. and the password is password. You will need to enter some or all of this information during the upgrade procedure. please see the customer for the correct information. 5. to stop the firewall BlackICE: 1. there may be a firewall or other connectivity issue involved. 2. For example. Task 4: CAUTION: EMC Supplied Field Laptops and some Customer Sites see the information below The firewall service or other services. [ ] Launch HyperTerminal or the Telnet application of your choice and establish a session to the IP address of the switch being upgraded. and deselect “FTP inbound” Open a HyperTerminal or Telnet session 9. [ ] If your FTP server is on a different machine. go to the McAfee VirusScan Console. If you have McAfee 8. the login username is admin. 5 9 of 15 .0.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Hostname FTP Server IP FTP username FTP password Switch IP address Switch username Switch password EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. txt]: {Path to the file} i. EMC strongly recommends that you make a backup file anytime you have changed the configuration of the switch. Make note of where the backup was saved below. This includes zoning changes. Follow the next steps to back up the switch information and complete the upgrade of the switch firmware. You can name the file anything you prefer.. Example: FC_Switch:admin> configUpload Protocol (scp or ftp) [ftp]: ftp Server Name or IP Address [host]: {IP address of your host} User Name [user]: {Your login ID on the host} File Name [config. ote: If nothing has changed since the most recent cfgSave. Task 1: Back up and save the current switch configuration 1. ote: When typing in the path for the commands.e. [ ] Execute the cfgSave command in order to ensure that the zoning information in the switch’s flash is preserved following the reboot.txt Password: {your password on the FTP server} upload complete The /temp/brocade directory was created in Preparation Tasks.txt file will get created automatically when the upload takes place. 2. This file can be downloaded to the switch if the configuration ever becomes corrupted or the switch itself is replaced. Location of switch pre upgrade configuration backup: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. The origconfig.. you will receive the message: “Nothing changed: nothing to save. you must use the UNIX forward / even on Windows machines./temp/brocade/origconfig. [ ] Execute the configUpload command in order to get a good backup of the current configuration file contained on the switch. Example: FC_Switch:admin> cfgsave Updating Flash.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Upgrade Tasks Before you begin the upgrade procedure. returning…” 2. make sure you have completed all of the tasks described under Preparation Tasks.5 10 of 15 .0. [ ] Execute the switchStatusPolicyShow command to verify that the policy settings on the switch are correct. If not. such as number of power supplies. [ ] Wait approximately 5 minutes after you see the above statement about the HA Rebooting and start another Telnet session to the switch you just rebooted (your original connection may have hung).ndhue wgascitorC:\fp.admin New password: customer’s choice {EMC default is password} Re-enter new password: For username . [ ] You may be asked to change the passwords for the admin and user IDs the first time you login after the upgrade. Only if the versions are synchronized can you then reissue the firmwareDownload command to upgrade the system. Example: EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. 3. and backup 4. Example: login: admin Password: Please change your passwords now. The root and factory passwords should not be changed from the defaults.TheayuscnirtoldfwaehnyupzitlS5ofeParnTskcti. After logging in as admin you may see a message asking you to change the passwords. fans. Task 3: Final changes. If you want to keep your current settings. Please refer to Appendix A for examples. 6. EMC Global Services personnel need the ability to login as root to reset the passwords.user New password: customer’s choice {EMC default is password} Re-enter new password: Saving passwd. the firmware download process synchronizes the two partitions on the switch by starting a firmware commit operation. make sure an FTP service has been started prior to starting the download procedure. continue with the next step. The customer can use any password that they want for the admin and user IDs as long as they are a minimum of 8 characters. ote: This is an example of the settings. etc. [ ] Execute the firmwareDownload command to download the new firmware file onto the switch.done. Your switch model determines what options are present in the output. Wait at least 15 minutes for the commit operation to complete then use the firmwareShow command to verify the partitions are synchronized. Please refer to Appendix A for examples. skip to Step 10. If this procedure is being done from a Windows based system. For username .5 11 of 15 . Type <Ctrl-C> to abort.. This will happen for new switches or for switches that are being upgraded and have not had the passwords changed before.Rhdoumrfpysevtinchudl3CDoamzpfergnitsc.. but based on the customer's specific switch configuration and model. some items may change to more adequately reflect the hardware environment.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Task 2: Upgrade firmware MPORTANT: Thexampsulwdboincg.theamlsroivftp. If the customer looses or somehow corrupts the admin or user passwords. Please refer to Appendix A for examples. If a timeout occurs on a switch. ote: If the firmwareDownload takes more than 30 minutes to download firmware on a switch the firmware download process times out.0. [ ] Execute the firmwareShow command to verify that the new version of Fabric OS is running on the switch. verification. 7. 5. ** Simply hit the Return key.16) [0] MissingSFPs contributing to MARGINAL status: (0.5 12 of 15 .4) [1] Out of range Flash contributing to DOWN status: (0...0).2) [1] Bad Temperatures contributing to DOWN status: (0..EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator FC_Switch:admin> switchStatusPolicyShow The current overall switch status policy parameters: Down Marginal ---------------------------------PowerSupplies 2 1 Temperatures 2 1 Fans 3 1 Flash 0 1 MarginalPorts 2 1 FaultyPorts 1 0 MissingSFPs 0 0 8.0. [ ] switch.. ** the policy parameter is NOT applicable to the switch. for a parameter.16) [1] FaultyPorts contributing to DOWN status: (0.16) [0] MissingSFPs contributing to DOWN status: (0. means that it is NOT used in the calculation.. Down = Error Marginal = Warning Execute the switchStatusPolicySet command to change the policy settings on the Example: FC_Switch:admin> switchStatusPolicySet The current overall switch status policy parameters: The current overall switch status policy parameters: Down Marginal ---------------------------------PowerSupplies 2 1 Temperatures 2 1 Fans 3 1 Flash 0 1 MarginalPorts 2 1 FaultyPorts 1 0 MissingSFPs 0 0 Note that the value.3) [2] Bad Temperatures contributing to MARGINAL status: (0... The minimum number of Bad PowerSupplies contributing to DOWN status: (0.16) [0] EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1..2) [2] Bad PowerSupplies contributing to MARGINAL status: (0....4) [3] Bad Fans contributing to MARGINAL status: (0.3) [1] Bad Fans contributing to DOWN status: (0.1) [1] MarginalPorts contributing to DOWN status: (0.. 0.16) [1] FaultyPorts contributing to MARGINAL status: (0...1) [0] Out of range Flash contributing to MARGINAL status: (0.16) [2] MarginalPorts contributing to MARGINAL status: (0. if the range of settable values in the prompt is (0.. ** In addition. . Location of switch post upgrade configuration backup: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ MPORTANT: Foerminaftyhcdsuopier.EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator No Change 9. Example: FC_Switch:admin> cfgsave Updating flash .t EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1. per Step 2 .hwtalfnocdms. so it is available after a switch reboot or total power failure. [ ] Execute the cfgSave command to ensure that the updated configuration is saved to flash. [ ] Execute the configUpload command in order to get a good backup of the current configuration. FC_Switch:admin> 11. 10.ftBcaFbOSnAdoisrm’Gue. ayx. Be sure not to overwrite the previously saved configuration files by using different filenames..0.5 13 of 15 . [ ] Execute the switchStatusPolicyShow command again (as shown in Step 7) to verify that the policy settings on the switch are now correct. This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot.4.1. 3-SCP) [1]: Password: ***** Server IP: 10.0c Upgrade Tasks This section contains version unique examples of the commands used in the Upgrade Tasks topic. FC_Switch:admin> firmwaredownload Server Name or IP Address: <host IP address> User Name: <FTP Server User Name> File Name: temp/brocade/v6. Step 3 Example: ote: Brackets <> below indicate user supplied information. Do NOT include the <> in your commands.0c v6... System settings check passed..EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator Appendix A: Fabric OS 6.3. You can run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status of this command. but will require that existing telnet. Start to install packages. Example for Task 2.0.. 2-FTP. dir ################################################## ldconfig ################################################## glibc ################################################## ~ EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1.4. Example for Task 5.3.3 Departmental Upgrade Examples Preparation Tasks This section contains version unique examples of the commands used in the Preparation Tasks topic. Preparing for firmwaredownload. secure telnet or SSH sessions be restarted.. Protocol IPv4 Checking system settings for firmwaredownload. Do you want to continue [Y]: y Firmware is being downloaded to the switch. This step may take up to 30 minutes.5 14 of 15 .3 Network Protocol(1-auto-select. Step 11 Example: FC_Switch:admin> firmwareshow Appl Primary/Secondary Versions -----------------------------------------FOS v6.10.1.. Finished removing unneeded files. All packages have been downloaded successfully.. HA Rebooting .3 v6. Firmware has been downloaded to the secondary partition of the switch.5 15 of 15 . Example for Task 3. Step 6 Example: FC_Switch:admin> firmwareshow Appl Primary/Secondary Versions -----------------------------------------FOS v6. For username . Type <Ctrl-C> to abort.root New password: Example for Task 3... Step 4 Example: # telnet {IP address of switch} Fabric OS (name of switch) Fabos Version 6..0. please wait .EMC ® Connectrix Procedure Generator awk ################################################## Removing unneeded files.4.4.3 EMC CONFIDENTIAL version: 1.3 FC_Switch login: admin Password: Please change your passwords now.4.
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