Brill Formulation Manual v004



Brill Feed Formulationfor Windows Document Version 004 Last Revised November 29, 2000 6RIWZDUHDQG$XWRPDWLRQ'HVLJQ 102 Mill Street PO Box 416 Welcome, MN 56181 (507) 728-8214 2 Tab|e oI Contents BRILL FEED FORMULATION FOR WINDOWS Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Copyright ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Trademarks ................................................................................................................................... 11 Product Copyright ......................................................................................................................... 11 License Agreement ....................................................................................................................... 11 Credits........................................................................................................................................... 11 Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Product Overview................................................................................................................................. 12 Basic Feed Formulation Program ..................................................................................................... 12 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 12 Base Ingredient ............................................................................................................................. 12 Overlay Ingredient ........................................................................................................................ 12 Nutrient ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Formula Specifications ................................................................................................................. 12 Stored Formulas ............................................................................................................................ 12 Mill Mix........................................................................................................................................ 12 Ingredient Cost.............................................................................................................................. 12 Plant(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Optimization ................................................................................................................................. 12 Professional Nutritionist ............................................................................................................... 12 Batch Optimization ....................................................................................................................... 12 Least Cost Parametrics.................................................................................................................. 12 Additional Modules .......................................................................................................................... 12 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 12 Automated Plant Copy.................................................................................................................. 12 Archiving ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Ingredient Combinations............................................................................................................... 12 Formula Includes .......................................................................................................................... 12 Pellet Creation............................................................................................................................... 12 Swing ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Verification ................................................................................................................................... 12 Import/Export................................................................................................................................ 12 Price Threshold Maintenance........................................................................................................ 12 Automatic Premix Update............................................................................................................. 12 Formula Quoting........................................................................................................................... 12 Formula Issue Control................................................................................................................... 12 Data Lock...................................................................................................................................... 12 Tool Kit......................................................................................................................................... 12 Graphical Formula Pricing............................................................................................................ 12 Optimization ................................................................................................................................. 13 Multiblending................................................................................................................................ 13 Multi-Plant .................................................................................................................................... 13 Multi-Price .................................................................................................................................... 13 Floating Tonnage .......................................................................................................................... 13 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 13 Data Setup Sequence..................................................................................................................... 13 Keyboard Navigation.................................................................................................................... 13 Installation and Setup................................................................................................................................ 15 Upgrading ............................................................................................................................................. 15 3 System Requirements............................................................................................................................ 15 Hardware requirements ................................................................................................................. 15 Getting started....................................................................................................................................... 15 Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Book 1: Brill Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 26 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 26 Part 1: Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 26 Part 2: Edit Menu...................................................................................................................................... 28 Overview............................................................................................................................................... 28 Chapter 1: Plant Maintenance............................................................................................................... 28 Chapter 2: Nutrient Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Code, Nutrient Name, Short, Abbr. .................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Unit ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Factor, Ratio #1, Ratio #2................................................................................................... 31 Nutrient Decimals ............................................................................................................................. 32 Chapter 3: Species Maintenance........................................................................................................... 33 Species Codes ................................................................................................................................... 33 Species Code Names..................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter 4: Ingredient Maintenance....................................................................................................... 35 Base vs. Overlay ............................................................................................................................... 35 Base Ingredient Maintenance............................................................................................................ 35 Ingredient Overlay Maintenance....................................................................................................... 37 Chapter 5: Prices and Add-On Cost ...................................................................................................... 39 Price Unit .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Prices................................................................................................................................................. 39 Add-On Cost ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Chapter 6: Global and Ingredient Equations......................................................................................... 44 Global Equation ................................................................................................................................ 44 Ingredient Equation........................................................................................................................... 44 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 44 Chapter 7: Formulas.............................................................................................................................. 46 Formula Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 46 Ingredients .................................................................................................................................... 47 Nutrients........................................................................................................................................ 47 Swing ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Ingredient Combinations................................................................................................................... 49 Chapter 8: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 50 Chapter 9: Edit Archive Comments ...................................................................................................... 52 Chapter 10: Pellet Creation................................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 11: Setting up Pellet Creation.................................................................................................. 55 Plant .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Code.................................................................................................................................................. 56 Base Pellet Formula Code................................................................................................................. 56 Production Formula Code ................................................................................................................. 56 Base Pellet Ingredient Code.............................................................................................................. 57 Processing Charge............................................................................................................................. 57 Alt Plant for Ingredient Cost ............................................................................................................. 57 Plant for Cost+Charge....................................................................................................................... 57 Save Ing. To Base ............................................................................................................................. 58 Ingredients ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Delete the Current Record................................................................................................................. 59 Cancel the Current Operation ........................................................................................................... 59 Accept the Screen ............................................................................................................................. 59 Chapter 12: Login ................................................................................................................................. 60 Log In................................................................................................................................................ 60 4 Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 60 Font ............................................................................................................................................... 60 Login Picture................................................................................................................................. 61 Language....................................................................................................................................... 61 About ................................................................................................................................................ 61 Chapter 13: Exit .................................................................................................................................... 62 Part 3: Copy and Delete ............................................................................................................................ 63 Chapter 1: Ingredients........................................................................................................................... 63 Chapter 2: Prices................................................................................................................................... 64 Chapter 3: Ingredient Equation............................................................................................................. 64 Chapter 4: Formula Specs..................................................................................................................... 65 Chapter 5: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 66 Chapter 6: Copy Plant ........................................................................................................................... 66 Chapter 7: Delete .................................................................................................................................. 67 Part 4: Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 68 Printer Setup.................................................................................................................................. 68 Chapter 1: Plant Report......................................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 2: Nutrient Report.................................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 3: Species Code Report ........................................................................................................... 70 Chapter 4: Ingredient Report................................................................................................................. 70 Ingredient Report .......................................................................................................................... 70 Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 71 Chapter 5: Ingredient Overlay Comparison .......................................................................................... 72 Compare Report ............................................................................................................................ 72 All Plant ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Chapter 6: Ingredient Price Report ....................................................................................................... 73 Chapter 7: Formula Specifications Report ............................................................................................ 73 Chapter 8: Formula Spec Comparison.................................................................................................. 74 Compare Report ............................................................................................................................ 74 All Plant Comparison.................................................................................................................... 74 Side by Side .................................................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 9: Stored Formula Report ........................................................................................................ 75 Chapter 10: Where Used Report ........................................................................................................... 75 Part 5: Quick Update................................................................................................................................. 78 Chapter 1: Base Ingredient and Ingredient............................................................................................ 78 Chapter 2: Formula Specifications........................................................................................................ 79 Chapter 3: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 80 Part 6: Special ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 1: Formula Bulk Change/Replace ........................................................................................... 81 Chapter 2: Store Premix as Ingredient .................................................................................................. 84 Partial Premix Specification.............................................................................................................. 85 Original Formula........................................................................................................................... 85 Production Formula ...................................................................................................................... 85 Include .......................................................................................................................................... 86 Revert............................................................................................................................................ 86 Switch between ingredients and nutrients...................................................................................... 86 Cancel the Current Operation ....................................................................................................... 87 Accept the Screen ......................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 3: Mark Ingredient as Include.................................................................................................. 89 Modify a Formula Spec Using Include ............................................................................................. 91 Modify Nutrients in the Formula Spec.............................................................................................. 92 Chapter 4: Clear Premix Flag................................................................................................................ 94 Chapter 5: Force Update ....................................................................................................................... 94 Chapter 6: Verification Maintenance.................................................................................................... 95 Chapter 7: Verify Formula.................................................................................................................... 98 Chapter 8: Price Threshold Maintenance............................................................................................ 101 5 Chapter 9: Formula Compare/Combine.............................................................................................. 106 Chapter 10: Automated Plant Copy .................................................................................................... 108 Part 7: System......................................................................................................................................... 112 Chapter 1: Options .............................................................................................................................. 112 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 112 Precision.......................................................................................................................................... 113 Cost ................................................................................................................................................. 114 Chapter 2: Changing Languages ......................................................................................................... 115 Installing Languages ....................................................................................................................... 115 Language Definition Maintenance (administrative) ....................................................................... 116 Change Language............................................................................................................................ 117 Chapter 3: Import, Export ................................................................................................................... 118 Export ............................................................................................................................................. 118 Typical Exports........................................................................................................................... 118 MSRB Format Export ................................................................................................................. 119 Import ............................................................................................................................................. 119 Part 8: Mill Mix ...................................................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 1: Setup Groups..................................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 2: Edit Mill Comments .......................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 3: Define Mill Ingredients ..................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 4: Mill Ingredient Report....................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 5: Mill Mix Report ................................................................................................................ 121 Part 9: Custom........................................................................................................................................ 122 Chapter 1: Optimization...................................................................................................................... 122 Part 10: Help & Misc. ............................................................................................................................. 123 Chapter 1: Main Menu........................................................................................................................ 123 Chapter 2: Search................................................................................................................................ 124 Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 124 Index ............................................................................................................................................... 124 Find................................................................................................................................................. 124 Chapter 3: What’s This, About ........................................................................................................... 126 What’s This..................................................................................................................................... 126 About .............................................................................................................................................. 126 Book 2: Brill Optimization....................................................................................................................... 127 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 127 Part 1: Professional Nutritionist .............................................................................................................. 127 Chapter 1: Using Professional Nutritionist ......................................................................................... 128 Using Right-click Options .............................................................................................................. 130 Delete Selected Row................................................................................................................... 130 Add Rows ................................................................................................................................... 131 Disable Current Ingredient.......................................................................................................... 131 Enable Current Ingredient ........................................................................................................... 131 Edit Ingredient ............................................................................................................................ 131 Edit Nutrient................................................................................................................................ 132 Expanding premixes.................................................................................................................... 133 Expand as Premix ....................................................................................................................... 133 Expand All Premix Ingredients................................................................................................... 135 Merge Specifications................................................................................................................... 136 Edit Ingredient Combinations ..................................................................................................... 136 Create Comments........................................................................................................................ 136 Save Prices to Disk ..................................................................................................................... 137 Perform Parametric Analysis ...................................................................................................... 138 Fields within the Optimization window.......................................................................................... 139 Amount ....................................................................................................................................... 139 Min/Max ..................................................................................................................................... 139 6 Previous ...................................................................................................................................... 140 Lo/Hi Cost................................................................................................................................... 140 Rest ............................................................................................................................................. 140 UnRounded ................................................................................................................................. 140 Sensitivity ................................................................................................................................... 140 Optimize.......................................................................................................................................... 141 Store Solution ................................................................................................................................. 142 Parametrics...................................................................................................................................... 142 Save Formula Spec ......................................................................................................................... 143 Save Solution .................................................................................................................................. 144 Close Set ......................................................................................................................................... 144 Chapter 2: Creating Premixes ............................................................................................................. 145 Plant Code....................................................................................................................................... 145 Pricing Plant.................................................................................................................................... 145 Save as Ingredient ........................................................................................................................... 145 New Rounding Factor ..................................................................................................................... 146 Save to Base/Save to Overlay ......................................................................................................... 146 Place Ingredient in Stock ................................................................................................................ 146 Partial Premix Specification............................................................................................................ 147 Original Formula......................................................................................................................... 147 Production Formula .................................................................................................................... 147 Include ........................................................................................................................................ 148 Revert.......................................................................................................................................... 148 Switch between ingredients and nutrients.................................................................................... 148 Cancel the Current Operation ..................................................................................................... 148 Accept the Screen ....................................................................................................................... 149 Part 2: Batch Optimization...................................................................................................................... 151 Current Set ...................................................................................................................................... 151 Formula Listing............................................................................................................................... 151 Modify a Formula Set ..................................................................................................................... 154 Batch Optimizing............................................................................................................................ 155 Chapter 1: Weekly Procedure ............................................................................................................. 157 Setting up Weekly procedure.......................................................................................................... 157 Delaying start of Weekly procedure ........................................................................................... 157 Formula set ................................................................................................................................. 157 Current Printer ............................................................................................................................ 158 Solution Report ............................................................................................................................... 158 Custom Setup File....................................................................................................................... 158 Output Options............................................................................................................................ 158 Error Report .................................................................................................................................... 159 Output Options............................................................................................................................ 159 Options............................................................................................................................................ 160 Skip changed specifications ........................................................................................................ 160 Do not delete solutions................................................................................................................ 160 Skip O/S or deleted ingredient warning...................................................................................... 160 Logout at end .............................................................................................................................. 161 Beginning the procedure ............................................................................................................. 161 Testing of new solutions ................................................................................................................. 161 Part 3: Multiblend ................................................................................................................................... 162 Chapter 1: Creating a Multiblend set .................................................................................................. 163 View Formula Spec Lookup Screen ............................................................................................... 164 Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) ....................................................................................... 165 Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) ........................................................................................... 165 Select Formulas for Adding ........................................................................................................ 166 Deleting a formula ...................................................................................................................... 167 View Stored Formula Lookup Screen............................................................................................. 167 7 Fix................................................................................................................................................... 168 Lck (Lock) ...................................................................................................................................... 168 Plant ................................................................................................................................................ 168 Code................................................................................................................................................ 169 Spec................................................................................................................................................. 169 Price ................................................................................................................................................ 170 Formula Name ................................................................................................................................ 170 Amount ........................................................................................................................................... 170 PMO................................................................................................................................................ 171 Minimum ........................................................................................................................................ 171 Maximum........................................................................................................................................ 171 Sell .................................................................................................................................................. 171 Sell %.............................................................................................................................................. 171 Rest ................................................................................................................................................. 171 Low Amount ................................................................................................................................... 171 High Amount .................................................................................................................................. 172 Calc Sell .......................................................................................................................................... 172 Cost ................................................................................................................................................. 172 Formula........................................................................................................................................... 172 Multi-Price Ingredients ............................................................................................................... 172 Add Ingredients........................................................................................................................... 174 Add Nutrients.............................................................................................................................. 176 Substitute Ingredients.................................................................................................................. 178 Edit Bin Allocation Configuration.............................................................................................. 179 Plant ................................................................................................................................................ 182 Plant Tonnage Restrictions ......................................................................................................... 182 Grid Layout..................................................................................................................................... 183 Save Current Layout as Custom Default..................................................................................... 183 Restore Original Layout as the Default....................................................................................... 183 Apply Original Layout ................................................................................................................ 183 Apply Custom Layout ................................................................................................................. 183 Merge Formulas From Another MLS File ...................................................................................... 184 Save the Current Set........................................................................................................................ 184 Cancel the Current Operation ......................................................................................................... 185 Accept the Screen ........................................................................................................................... 185 Chapter 2: Optimizing a Multiblend set.............................................................................................. 186 Store Solution ................................................................................................................................. 187 Store all formulas........................................................................................................................ 188 Select which formulas to store .................................................................................................... 188 Tag all items................................................................................................................................ 189 Stored Date ................................................................................................................................. 189 Check to save as temporary archived formula ............................................................................ 189 Do Pellet Creation....................................................................................................................... 189 Accept the screen ........................................................................................................................ 189 Cancel the current operation ....................................................................................................... 190 Save Formula Spec ......................................................................................................................... 190 Store all formulas........................................................................................................................ 190 Select which formulas to store .................................................................................................... 190 Tag all items................................................................................................................................ 191 Update Formula Issue Control and Date..................................................................................... 191 Do Pellet Creation....................................................................................................................... 191 Accept the screen ........................................................................................................................ 192 Cancel the current operation ....................................................................................................... 192 Save Solution .................................................................................................................................. 192 Close Set ......................................................................................................................................... 192 Part 4: System Menu............................................................................................................................... 194 8 Chapter 1: Options .............................................................................................................................. 194 Model 2........................................................................................................................................... 195 Maximum Iterations.................................................................................................................... 195 Use Scaling Equilibration ........................................................................................................... 196 Chapter 2: Change Language.............................................................................................................. 197 Part 5: Grid Layout ................................................................................................................................. 198 Part 6: Reports ........................................................................................................................................ 199 Chapter 1: Usage Report, Setup.......................................................................................................... 199 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 199 Options........................................................................................................................................ 199 Sort.............................................................................................................................................. 199 Comments ................................................................................................................................... 200 Printer.......................................................................................................................................... 200 Create Export File ....................................................................................................................... 200 View, Margins............................................................................................................................. 200 Save Current Settings.................................................................................................................. 200 Usage Report................................................................................................................................... 201 Chapter 2: Summary Report ............................................................................................................... 202 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 202 Summary Report ............................................................................................................................. 202 Chapter 3: Shadow Report .................................................................................................................. 203 Chapter 4: Solution Report ................................................................................................................. 204 Report Comments ........................................................................................................................... 204 Print Nutrients by Species Code ..................................................................................................... 204 Tag Nutrients .................................................................................................................................. 204 All Nutrients ................................................................................................................................... 205 Override Species Code.................................................................................................................... 205 Include All Formulas in Report ...................................................................................................... 205 Select Which Formulas to Include in Report .................................................................................. 205 Details ............................................................................................................................................. 206 Print Amount............................................................................................................................... 207 Print Formula Cost ...................................................................................................................... 207 Print High/Low Cost ................................................................................................................... 207 Print Restriction Cost .................................................................................................................. 207 Print Stored Header..................................................................................................................... 207 Print Stored Amount ................................................................................................................... 208 Sort by Amount........................................................................................................................... 208 Restart Page Number .................................................................................................................. 208 No Page Numbers ....................................................................................................................... 208 Display Infeasible Warning ........................................................................................................ 208 Do Pellet Creation....................................................................................................................... 208 Ingredients ...................................................................................................................................... 209 Don’t Print Ingredients................................................................................................................ 209 Print Percents .............................................................................................................................. 209 Print Ingredient Price .................................................................................................................. 210 Print Min/Max............................................................................................................................. 210 Print Wide Name......................................................................................................................... 210 Do Not Print Name ..................................................................................................................... 210 Print Combo Summary................................................................................................................ 210 Print Rejected Ingredients at End................................................................................................ 211 Do Not Print Rejected Ingredients .............................................................................................. 211 Suppress O/S Rejected................................................................................................................ 211 No Ingredient Codes ................................................................................................................... 211 Identify Overlay Ingredients ....................................................................................................... 211 Nutrients.......................................................................................................................................... 212 Don’t Print Nutrients................................................................................................................... 212 9 Print Nutrient Number ................................................................................................................ 212 Print Nutrient Units..................................................................................................................... 213 Print Min/Max............................................................................................................................. 213 Print Short Nutrient Name .......................................................................................................... 213 Print Nutrients on Right .............................................................................................................. 213 Suppress Weight Nutrient ........................................................................................................... 214 Include Spec Nutrients ................................................................................................................ 214 Include Dry Matter Column........................................................................................................ 214 Print Stochastic Probability......................................................................................................... 214 Options............................................................................................................................................ 215 Dry Matter Column..................................................................................................................... 215 Save Custom Setup ..................................................................................................................... 216 Get Custom Setup ....................................................................................................................... 216 Adjust Field Lengths................................................................................................................... 217 Current Printer ................................................................................................................................ 218 Change Current Printer ................................................................................................................... 218 View Report on the Screen ............................................................................................................. 218 Top Margin (in lines) ...................................................................................................................... 218 Bottom Margin (in lines) ................................................................................................................ 218 Left Margin (in characters) ............................................................................................................. 219 Save the Current Settings................................................................................................................ 219 Cancel the Current Operation ......................................................................................................... 219 Accept the Screen ........................................................................................................................... 219 Chapter 5: Sensitivity Report.............................................................................................................. 221 Chapter 6: Compare Report ................................................................................................................ 223 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 223 Part 7: Custom and Help......................................................................................................................... 224 Custom............................................................................................................................................ 224 Help................................................................................................................................................. 224 Part 8: 225 Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 225 Module Overview........................................................................................................................... 225 Chapter 1: Setting Up 225 Using connection status............................................................................................ 226 Login........................................................................................................................................... 226 Register ....................................................................................................................................... 227 Request for Quote ....................................................................................................................... 228 Request for quote parameters...................................................................................................... 230 Browser ....................................................................................................................................... 230 Cancel the Current Operation...................................................................................................... 230 Part 9: Exit .............................................................................................................................................. 232 Book 3: Brill License Manager ................................................................................................................ 233 Part 1: Edit/Create RDEFAULT File...................................................................................................... 234 Chapter 1: Editing an RDEFAULT File ............................................................................................. 234 Location of CRMNU.EXE.............................................................................................................. 235 Location of data files ...................................................................................................................... 236 Default Plant ................................................................................................................................... 236 Default Pricing Plant....................................................................................................................... 236 Formula Spec Base Plant ................................................................................................................ 236 Dry Matter Nutrient Number .......................................................................................................... 237 Default Rounding Code .................................................................................................................. 237 Out of Stock Price........................................................................................................................... 237 Display Ingredient Restrictions....................................................................................................... 237 Temporary Files Location............................................................................................................... 237 Options............................................................................................................................................ 237 10 Cancel ............................................................................................................................................. 237 OK................................................................................................................................................... 238 Part 2: Modify Optimization License...................................................................................................... 239 Chapter 1: Non-Multiblend Version ................................................................................................... 240 Chapter 2: Plug Multiblend Version ................................................................................................... 240 Chapter 3: CrypKey Multiblend Version............................................................................................ 240 File .................................................................................................................................................. 241 Licensing Options ........................................................................................................................... 241 Authorize .................................................................................................................................... 241 Trial License ............................................................................................................................... 243 Demo License ............................................................................................................................. 246 Kill License................................................................................................................................. 247 Direct License Transfer............................................................................................................... 248 Register Floppy........................................................................................................................... 248 Transfer License To Floppy........................................................................................................ 248 Transfer License From Floppy.................................................................................................... 248 Display Current License.............................................................................................................. 248 Help................................................................................................................................................. 250 Help Options ............................................................................................................................... 250 About MPSIIILM........................................................................................................................ 250 Part 3: Read CRMNU Security File........................................................................................................ 252 11 CoµyrigbI ©1999-2000 Easy Systems, Inc.®, Welcome, MN. Printed in the USA. All rights reserved. Contents of this publication are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced, transmitted or stored in any form without the written permission of Easy Systems, Inc.® The information contained herein is subject to change. Revisions may be issued from time to time, and Easy Systems, Inc.® assumes no responsibility to advise customers of changes or additions. Unless stated otherwise, all names of companies, products, individuals and addresses are fictitious and are used solely to document the use of this software product. Trademarks Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is a product of Easy Systems, Inc.® ESI® is a registered trademark of Easy Systems, Inc.® ProducI CoµyrigbI Brill Feed Formulation for Windows, © 1999-2000 Easy Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. License AgreemenI Use of this product and this documentation is covered by the license agreement provided by Easy Systems, Inc.® on the installation screens of the software. If you have any questions, please call the ESI™ customer support line at (507) 728-8214. CrediIs This document was written by Russ Roberts and Kathleen Crowley Rosenberg with the assistance of ESI’s Brill product support staff. This document was prepared using a Times New Roman font for the body text and Univers headings. 12 PreIace ProducI Overview Basic Feed Formu|aIion Program MainIenance Base IngredienI Over|ay IngredienI NuIrienI Formu|a SµeciIicaIions SIored Formu|as Mi|| Mix IngredienI CosI P|anI(s) OµIimizaIion ProIessiona| NuIriIionisI BaIcb OµIimizaIion LeasI CosI ParameIrics AddiIiona| Modu|es MainIenance AuIomaIed P|anI Coµy Arcbiving IngredienI CombinaIions Formu|a Inc|udes Pe||eI CreaIion Swing VeriIicaIion ImµorI|ExµorI Price Tbresbo|d MainIenance AuIomaIic Premix UµdaIe Formu|a OuoIing Formu|a Issue ConIro| DaIa Lock Too| KiI Graµbica| Formu|a Pricing 13 OµIimizaIion Mu|Iib|ending Mu|Ii-P|anI Mu|Ii-Price F|oaIing Tonnage InIroducIion Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is a least-cost nutritional formulation software program designed for professional nutritionists and feed formulators. DaIa SeIuµ Sequence 1. You need a list of all nutrients. Put some thought into the organization of these nutrients. Nutrient values always appear in numeric code order. This order can only be changed via nutrient translation, an import-export function requiring major data changes. Nutrients can never be deleted. The basic system allows up to 200, but that can be expanded to 500 through an option available from Easy Systems, Inc. 2. You need a list of all ingredients. Again, put some thought into the organization of the ingredients. There are several opportunities in this program to search by range. If your minerals are ingredient code numbers 150-199, for example, you are able to pick all of them up in a range search. Similarly, you may want to place your grain commodities together to do a daily or weekly cost update. 3. Once the nutrients and ingredients are in, enter your ingredient cost. This is what the system defines as price. This data is needed for optimizing formulas. 4. Create your formula specifications once the rest of the data is entered. After the formula spec has been optimized, you may save it as a stored formula. Keyboard NavigaIion Tab: This key typically advances to the next line or accepts values as they have been entered. (You can use your mouse to click on the field, as well.) On menus, the Tab key highlights an entry. On some forms, the Tab key advances to the next entry position. To backtab in a grid, use Shift+Tab. Esc (Escape): The Escape key can be thought of as the exit key or even the master panic button. Under certain circumstances, the Esc key aborts data entry forms and 14 leaves them unchanged. When in a grid form, you may use Ctrl+Tab. Arrow keys: These keys are used to move the highlighting cursor around menus and for navigating within data entry fields. Once the selection is highlighted, an enter or delete function can be performed. Backspace: This key is used to erase information that has been entered into the field of a form. Press once to delete a character; hold the backspace key down for rapid deletion. Delete: The delete key is used to erase the contents of a data field. 15 InsIa||aIion and SeIuµ Uµgrading If you currently own the Brill Version 7 DOS Feed Formulation System, you are able to use the same database with your Windows version of Brill Feed Formulation. You may run both programs on your system and each keeps the other current through the shared database. However, there are a few requirements, which are not shared, such as list files and some SYS files. The upgrade from DOS to Windows requires no data conversion. Certain features in DOS have not been written in the Windows format, yet. Once you install the Brill Windows program, you can continue on from where you left off in DOS. SysIem PequiremenIs Hardware requiremenIs Brill Formulation for Windows requires the following minimum hardware configurations: Intel Pentium PC or 100% compatible. Pentium 133 megahertz (MHz) or greater (Win95) Pentium 200MHz or greater (Win98) Windows 95/98/NT Operating System 64 megabytes (MB) RAM 200 MB hard disk drive space available or more The average database size in the field is 100 MB. It is proportional to the number of ingredients, the number of formulations, and how many formulations are archived. GeIIing sIarIed In order to install Brill Formulation for Windows, you need: 1. A Brill for Windows installation CD, or a set of disks, or Internet access to the Easy Systems, Inc. website at http:\\ 2. Two files: RDEFAULT.DAT and CRMNU.EXE. You also may need some test data, unless you are prepared to start from scratch. 3. An installed copy of Btrieve 6.15. This software may be obtained from Easy Systems Inc. if you do not have a version of Btrieve 6.15 or another compatible Btrieve database engine. 16 4. Have your installation passwords for Brill for Windows and Btrieve available if downloading off the Internet. If you have the CD you do not need the installation passwords. InsIa||aIion Before you begin to install the program, you must create two folders. In your Windows Explorer program, left click once on your C: root directory. Then click once on File in the menu bar. From the drop down list, choose New, then Folder. Type the name BrillV7 in the new folder name field. Then press the Enter key. Next, highlight the BrillV7 folder with a left click and create a new subdirectory folder. Name this folder DATA. Copy the RDEFAULT.DAT and the CRMNU.EXE files to the BrillV7 folder. If you have received a test data file, copy this to the DATA subdirectory. Then unzip it if necessary. Instructions will be provided. To install the Brill for Windows program, place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive. Wait for it to auto- start. (You also may use installation disks in the A drive.) If you are installing from the Internet, download the Brill for Windows version to a Temp directory. From Windows Explorer, double click on the setupbw.exe file. This will begin the installation wizard. Do not install directly from the Internet. After you double click on the setupbw.exe file the InstallShield Self-extracting.EXE window appears. To cancel the installation, select No and you are returned to the window from which you initiated the installation. To proceed with the installation, select Yes and the password window appears. 17 Enter the password provided by Easy Systems, Inc. by clicking once on the field and then entering the password. Once the password has been entered correctly, select OK and the extraction progress window appears. The progress bar displays the percentage of files extracted and proceeds without any input from you. Once it is complete the Setup progress window appears. The Setup progress bar proceeds without any input from you and once it is complete the Welcome window appears. Note: If you are installing Brill Formulation from a CD, then you do not see the password window as no password is required when installing from the CD. If using a CD, the installation program skips the password procedure and moves directly to the extraction progress window. 18 Introductory information about the setup program is displayed and instructions on how to continue or exit the program are explained. To exit the installation procedure you select Cancel and the program is aborted and your hard disk drive is left as it was before starting the installation program. To proceed you select Next and the Software License Agreement window appears. If you do not want to accept the agreement you select No and the installation process is aborted. If you want to return to view the previous window you select Back and the previous window is displayed so that you can change a selection in the previous window. To accept the agreement, select Yes and the Readme Information window appears. 19 Additional information about installing this software is detailed in the Readme Information window. Scroll down the window and read the information about properly installing the software. To scroll down the window you can click on the arrows at the right and bottom of the window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the User Information window appears. Click once on the Name field and enter the name you want associated with this installation in the Name field of this 20 window. Click once on the Company field and enter the company name in the field of this window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Choose Destination Location window appears. The installation program defaults to the destination of C:\Program Files\Brill for Windows. If you do not want the program loaded there you can choose another location by selecting the Browse button and the Choose Directory window appears. Note: Easy Systems, Inc., recommends that you use the default destination location for the installation of Brill Formulation. This enables support personnel to provide fast and clearly understandable assistance when necessary. 21 Using the selection options of the Choose Directory window you can select a location of your liking. Once you have selected your directory you click on OK and you are returned to the Choose Destination Location window. You can proceed with the installation from that window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Choose Database Destination window appears. The default location for the database to be stored is: C:\Program Files\Brill for Windows\Data. If you want the database installed into a different directory, choose Browse and select another directory just as you did in the Choose Destination window procedure described earlier in this manual. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Setup Type window appears. 22 You have three types of installations from which you choose. They are: Typical; Compact; and Custom. Typical installs the program with the most common options. This option is recommended for most users. Compact installs the program with the minimum required options. Custom allows you to choose the options you want installed and this option is recommended for advanced users. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Select Program Folder window appears. 23 You have the ability to select a folder into which program folder the program is installed. The default selection is Brill for Windows, but you may select from the folders displayed in the Existing Folders window. If you want to change the Program folder, click on the folder into which you want the program installed. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Start Copying Files window appears. The Start Copying Files window provides a review of the settings you defined in the earlier windows of the installation program. If you want to change any of these settings you may use the Back button to navigate your way to the window in which you may want to make a change. Make any changes you desire and navigate your way back to the Start Copying Files window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the installation program actually installs the program based upon the settings you defined in the earlier window. After the program has completed the installation of the needed files the Setup Complete window appears. 24 You are given two options dealing with whether you want to restart your computer. Yes, allows the installation program to automatically restart your computer when you click on Finish at the bottom of the window. If you select Yes and Finish, the installation program automatically closes down any open applications and restarts your computer. No, allows the installation program to quit the installation program but leaves your computer running. You should at some time restart your computer before using Brill Formulation. After clicking Finish another window appears either after the computer restarts or if you elected not to automatically restart your computer the Setup Complete window appears. 25 You are given the opportunity to view the README file for the Brill Formulation program. Click once on the check box to view the README file and then select Finish. The README file appears and provides information detailing updates to the Brill Formulation program. After selecting Finish the installation program completes the setup of Brill Formulation and the installation program either opens the README file or automatically closes. You are now ready to begin using Brill Formulation after you close the README file. When your computer reboots you have two methods by which to start Brill Formulation. One option is using your Windows Explorer program to locate the BRMBW32.EXE file. Double-click on this file to start your Optimization program. The recommended procedure is to use the Windows Start button and then select Programs, then Brill for Windows, and then Brill for Windows-Maintenance. (You can start the Optimization program from the Maintenance menu bar.) The program requires you to log in. Type BRILL as the default user ID. Do not type in a password. Press Enter. The program asks you to point to a config file. Go to the BrillV7 folder and select the RDEFAULT.DAT file. Press Enter. If you are unable to log in, you may have a Btrieve error. At this point, you may obtain Btrieve 6.15 from the Easy Systems website and put it in your Temp directory. Use your Windows Explorer to locate the btr615.exe file and double click on it. It will self-install. You will need to enter an installation password almost immediately, so have it available, which you may obtain from Easy Systems, Inc. If you are using an Easy Systems, Inc. installation CD you can obtain Btrieve 6.15 from the CD and no password is required when using the CD version. Reboot your computer and start the Brill for Windows program. If you have any further problems, contact Brill support personnel. 26 Book 1. Bri|| Maintenance Overview Whenever you edit, copy or delete anything, you will do it in the Maintenance program. The name Maintenance reflects the purpose of this side of the Brill for Windows program. Here you maintain your plant data, user data, nutrient data, ingredient data, formulas, reports, etc. For security purposes, you will need to contact a Brill support technician if you plan to change users, passwords or set security to certain forms. ParI 1: GeIIing SIarIed The top line in this window - the title bar - says Maintenance, verifying that you are in the Maintenance program and not the Optimization program. The next line is referred to as the menu bar. By clicking on the options, e.g. Edit, a drop-down menu appears. The tool bar is located below the menu bar and shows a series of icons representing various functions in this program. Each of these functions can be performed using the options in the menu bar. The icons are shortcuts. The icons in this window are as follows: Plants, Nutrients, Base Ingredients, Overlay Ingredients, Prices, Add On Cost, Formula Specification, Stored Formula, Plant Report, Nutrient Report, Species Code Report, Ingredient Report, Ingredient Overlay Compare Report, Ingredient Price Report, Formula Specification Report, Formula Spec Compare Report, Stored Formula Report, Where Used Report. 27 The bottom portion of this window is called the footer. Here you specify which plant’s data you wish to use. Use the tab key to navigate from button to button in the footer. In the Current Plant field, select the plant from which you will review ingredients and formulas. To do so, click on the words Current Plant; a hidden button will appear which opens a popup window. If you know the plant code, enter it here and accept. To lookup the plant code, click your mouse on the top binocular. A list of plants will appear. Double left click on the select box next to the plant wish to use. Then click on the check mark to accept. Click on the X to cancel. You may use the Range to search for a plant. Select Range. Enter MA in the top left field and MR in the top right field. Click on the check mark. When you return to the search window, all plants within that alphabetical range (in this case MDC, MKT and MON) will be checked. Uncheck those you decide not to use, leaving one choice (here MKT). You can only see data from one plant at a time. Then click on the accept check mark. In the Alternate Plant field, you may specify the plant from which your pricing is taken. Use the bottom binocular to lookup alternate plants. If you leave this field blank, the system assumes that the pricing will come from the Current Plant. Again, you can only see the data in one Alternate plant at a time. What is a plant? A plant is a site. There may be one plant or 100 plants in your company. Current plants include the ingredient and formula databases, etc. Alternate plants are reserved for pricing, only. You may have an administrative plant that sets the commodity or ingredient costs daily, weekly, or monthly. Point your alternate plant to this pricing plant. You are not required to have an alternate site for your pricing. 28 ParI 2: EdiI Menu Overview The menu bar is designed in a task-oriented fashion. You will find navigation simple. In the Edit option on the menu bar, you find the basic form for all setup and maintenance items. CbaµIer 1: P|anI MainIenance You can create as many plants as you need. Click on the Plant entry in the Edit menu. Enter the name of the new plant code and press Enter. Plant codes are limited to 5 alphanumeric characters. A message appears stating that you have entered an invalid plant code and asking if you wish to create a new one. Select Yes to proceed. The Plant Maintenance window reappears with the cursor in the Plant Name field. Type in a name for the plant and press the Tab key. Note: In a “Plant Management” system, the Plant Maintenance window does not allow access to the item “Check here if this plant contains formula specifications.” In a “Plant Management” system, the formula specifications are maintained in the base plant set in the “Plant Management” system. 29 If your plant contains formula specs, be certain you check the blue box in the lower left-hand portion of the screen. Press the Tab key to continue. Select an alternate plant to assign as a default to this Plant Code. Use the Tab key to advance to the accept check mark. Press Enter or click on the accept button. To ensure your plant is in the list, use the lookup binocular in the footer. If your plant does not appear in the list, click on the first icon at the bottom - a computer icon. A message will appear regarding your decision to reload the lookup box. Select Yes. The box will refresh and present any new data. To delete a plant, select the Delete item on the menu bar. The last entry will be delete a plant. See Part 3, Chapter 6: Delete a Plant. For obvious security reasons, you may want to limit user access to this option. Once your new plant is set up with all the required nutrients, ingredients, and formula specs, you may want to use the plant as a template to create new plants. Some companies have chosen to create a pricing plant for each month. For more details, see Part 2, Chapter 6: Copy a Plant. 30 CbaµIer 2: NuIrienI MainIenance When you create a nutrient base, the nutrient is assigned to the respective code number. All reports are generated in code number order. Be sure that you have Weight always assigned to code 1. You may want to spend some time determining the order of appearance: moisture, dry matter, proteins...or you may want them alphabetically arranged. The basic system allows up to 200. However, with the purchase of an additional module, it is possible to create up to 500 nutrients. The factor and decimal fields have hidden drop-down menus. Click in the field to see the menu. NuIrienI Code, NuIrienI Name, SborI, Abbr. To create a nutrient, place your cursor in an empty nutrient name field. Type in a name. Tab to the next field. You may choose to leave short name and abbreviation fields empty. Some reports allow a short or abbreviated nutrient name. NuIrienI UniI In the unit field, enter the applicable unit of measure. Nutrients are typically defined in percent or some unit of measure per weight unit (ex. IU/gm or ppm.) Caution: Be sure to back up your database frequently. If you lose your nutrient database, you may have to recreate the database from scratch, so be sure to back up the data frequently. 31 NuIrienI FacIor, PaIio #1, PaIio #2 In the next column, the factor field, select actual or percent for most ingredients. Certain ingredients may require a ratio - selenium: vitamin E or calcium: phosphorus, for example. In this example, select either actual or percent in both calcium and total phosphorus factor. They must match. Create a new nutrient named Ca:P (Calc/Phos in the example). In the Ratio#1 column, place the calcium code number 30. In the Ratio#2 column, place total phosphorus code number 31. The actual ratio you use, i.e. 7 parts calcium to 2 parts phosphorus, will be set up in a formula spec. In that case, you would enter nutrient 75, and enter the value of the first number divided by the second number. In this case, it would be a value of 3.5. If the ratio were 5:10, you would enter a value of .5. These ratios appear as calculated values in ingredient and stored formulas. You may use a ratio in a formula specification to optimize to a ratio. An inverse factor may be used for a bulk density value or other non-linear nutrients. To create an inverse factor, enter the name, a unit of measure (here we chose pounds per cubic foot), and select inverse. To be able to use this nutrient, you must enter values for this nutrient code in each ingredient. The limestone value may be 100 (pounds per cubic foot) and the oats value may be 15 (pounds per cubic foot.) 32 This can be valuable when bags must be labeled with weight by volume, or when mixer sizes need to be determined. NuIrienI Decima|s From the drop down list, select the number of places to the right of the decimal point you wish to display on this nutrient. The maximum is 4. 33 CbaµIer 3: Sµecies MainIenance Sµecies Codes Species codes allow you to gather only the nutrient data specific to the animal species for which you are formulating. This code does not allow the species name to be displayed, but you can find it if you use creative nutrient naming. Once you have your list of nutrients, assign a code number to each species. In this example, Poultry is Code 1 (in column 1), swine is code 2, ruminant is code 3. Code 4 and code 5 are indiscernible from this table. 34 Sµecies Code Names A reference table for keeping track of what species code number is assigned to what species is provided in species code names. To enter a species code name next to the code number, click your cursor in the appropriate field. Type in the species code name. It appears in red. When you have added or edited the species code names, click on the Accept check mark. 35 CbaµIer 4: IngredienI MainIenance Base vs. Over|ay There are two types of ingredient records. A base ingredient record is available to all plants for optimization. This record contains the base nutrient values. The overlay ingredient record contains nutrient values specific to an individual production plant. For example, the base ingredient corn may be assigned an overlay of maize at a South American plant. Any time that plant uses a formula that requires the ingredient code 112 - here assigned to corn - the overlay ingredient values for maize will be used. This will allow the optimization process to take advantage of nutrient values specific to a production plant. Base IngredienI MainIenance To view an existing ingredient, select Base Ingredient and use the binocular to view a list of ingredients. Double-click on the box next to an ingredient you wish to view. Here we selected ingredient code 112 for corn. The first field is the ingredient code. The second field is the common name for that code. When an ingredient is modified, two things happen: a modification date is shown in the date field and the version number increases by one. Remember that even if you have an overlay ingredient on an ingredient code, you will not be able to see it from the Base Ingredient list. 36 In the Rounding field, enter the unit to which you will round. In a major ingredient, such as corn, you may choose to round to 5 lbs. In a minor ingredient, you might choose to round to .1 lbs. To create a new ingredient, click on Base Ingredient. Enter a new ingredient code number and press Enter. Select Yes from the pop-up warning window. When the Ingredient Maintenance window returns, enter a name for the ingredient and a rounding value. Enter the nutrient values appropriate for this ingredient. Then select the Accept mark. You may run into a couple of issues when entering nutrient values. If Stochastics is active, columns will be available to update the mean and standard deviation/variance data. If you are using nutrient factoring, you see a message stating “The nutrient has factoring activated. Do you want to factor?” Always select No when creating a new ingredient. If When creating a new ingredient, the focus must remain in the code field when you press Enter in order for the program to recognize your request. The Ingredient equation feature provides greater flexibility and is recommended in place of nutrient factoring. 37 you select Yes you get a fatal error. The factor is the new nutrient value divided by the old nutrient value. There is no “old” nutrient value for a new ingredient; therefore, a division by zero error is created. Once all of the nutrients have been entered and the ingredient has been saved, you may select Yes for nutrient factoring on subsequent updates of the ingredient. Certain nutrients may be a ratio; such as Calc/Phos - nutrient code 75 in this example. You may enter any value, but it will not be saved. Calc/Phos is a calculated value. This calculated value will appear the next time you open the window. IngredienI Over|ay MainIenance Overlay ingredients are plant specific. When creating an ingredient overlay, you must create it in the plant at which it will be used. If necessary, change your current plant in the footer of the main window before proceeding. To create an overlay ingredient, enter the base ingredient code to be updated or select it from the lookup table. An overlay name may be entered, but is not required. Enter a rounding number. Press Enter. At each nutrient, enter a new value for the overlay ingredient in the Value column. Press Enter. A value that has been changed will automatically check the overlay box in the next column. The original base value appears in the last column. If Stochastics is active, columns will be available to update the mean and standard deviation/variance data. There are only two differences between the base ingredient maintenance window and the overlay ingredient window. First, in the third line of the header, you will see “Overlay Plant” and behind it the name of the current plant. Second, there will be an extra column in the grid entitled “Overlay.” This is where you edit the nutritional values to reflect minor differences. You may notice that new values appear in red, but only in the fields with white backgrounds. In truth, the new values also are in red over the blue backgrounds, but it is sometimes difficult to see the difference between black and red on blue. 38 When finished, select the Accept mark and the values are saved. 39 CbaµIer 5: Prices and Add-On CosI Price UniI “Price” in this program refers to ingredient or formula cost. It is what you pay for an item. All ingredients in this manual are in cost per hundredweight (CWT). You may change this to cost/ton, cost/lb, cost/100kgs, cost/tonne, or cost/kg. You may change the ingredient price unit by editing ingredient ENEF 1 - Energy Factor. Leave the rounding factor at zero and scroll to the highest nutrient code number - FACTOR. In US Weights, to achieve cost/cwt, leave the value empty; for cost/ton, put 2 in the value field; for cost/lb, put 3 in the value field. In Metric Weights, to achieve cost/100kg, put 11 in the value field; for cost/tonne, put 12 in the value field; for cost/kg, put 13 in the value field. Select the Accept mark. Formula pricing is set under System/Options. Prices Select the Prices item on the Edit menu and answer Yes to the zero price edit message. This allows you to price new ingredients. 40 When the following window appears, select the plant where you wish to edit prices. You may choose up to 10 plants. Select the Accept mark when finished. When the following window appears, select the ingredients you wish to re-price. You may select all by clicking on the first blue list icon. Then select the Accept mark. Need to edit just a category of items? Use the Range Search. You may choose to edit only your vitamin and mineral prices. If you have a scheme to your ingredient code list, you might choose to pick a range from 201 to 299 for your minerals and 151 to 199 for your vitamins. This list may be saved. Select the disk icon. You will be presented a window to enter a name for this list of ingredients. Select Save. This list may be recalled by selecting the folder icon, then double clicking on the selected list. 41 Once you have entered your criterion, select the Accept mark and the ingredients will appear in an edit table with a column for each plant you selected. Each price you change appears in red. The S column allows you to indicate whether the ingredient is in stock. When the price gets to a certain ceiling, you may decide to uncheck the stock status box. Here, code 120 Barley was priced at $7.00 at the test plant. We have unchecked the box to make this high priced item unavailable for formulations. You may notice a pencil next to code 120 Barley. This indicates the focus in the grid. In this example we are editing the Barley price at the TST plant. The boxes in the footer of this window pertain to the focus field. If you put your mouse cursor over each footer box, a tool tip pop-up will give the title of the box. The top row, first box, indicates the current barley price is $7. The third box indicates current total price is $7. The fourth box indicates the difference from the previous price. The fifth box is the difference in percentage from the previous price. The second row of boxes displays information about the previous price for the ingredient. (See more on footer fields in Add On Cost.) 42 Add-On CosI In the price window, you will see a sugar cane price of $2 at the MKT plant and $12 at the TST plant. Now, presume you have to process that cane in some way before you deliver it. Add-On Cost is where you enter those charges for delivery, bagging, processing, etc. Select Add-On Cost from the Edit menu and enter the code number of an ingredient. You may use the binocular to look up an ingredient if you don’t remember the code number. Once you enter the code number, press Enter (or select the Accept mark.) The Add-On Cost Maintenance grid appears. You may enter a charge description in the first field, and a value per ingredient unit (cwt) in the second field. The first five lines allow you to add actual costs to your ingredient, such as $20 flat delivery fee per cwt. The sixth through tenth lines allow you to add a percentage. The last five lines are reserved for shrink. Add On values are calculated one at a time against the ingredient price, then added. The Add-On Costs are based on the same unit of measure as the ingredient (all $/cwt.) Shrink is a percentage. 43 Prices appear in price maintenance window. Add-On cost is plant and ingredient specific. If your focus is in the correct plant/ingredient field, the add- on cost appears in the second footer field. Footer fields are (from left to right, top down): Current Base Price Current Add Ons Current Total Price Difference (Curr-Prev) Difference % (Curr-Prev) Previous Base Price Previous Add Ons Previous Total Price Old Previous Total Price Last Modification 44 CbaµIer 6: G|oba| and IngredienI EquaIions G|oba| EquaIion A global equation is a nutrient value that applies in all cases. For example: 100-N28 is the global equation for determining moisture percentage in an ingredient. The equation means: 100 (or 100%) minus the value of nutrient code number 28 (which is dry matter). The resulting value is the moisture content. This value is calculated and displayed for nutrient code 76 Moisture based on this global equation. For practice, you might want to try another equation. NFE equals 100 minus (protein, fat, fiber, ash, and moisture). The steps would be: 1. Create nutrient NFE as a percent. 2. Create equation 3. If you want to put a condition, try protein is greater than 0. IngredienI EquaIion An ingredient equation works the same way as a global equation, except that it pertains only to one ingredient. For example, some nutritionists prefer to calculate the amino acids from protein. CondiIions Conditions may be placed on Ingredients. Most commonly, however, they are global. In the following example, we will find the undigestible protein in an ingredient. First, create the nutrient Undigestible Protein. Since the other nutrients in the equation will be percentages, this one must be, as well. Then, create the nutrient Equation. You can give the Unit no name or call it unit. In the factor field, put Actual. Second, create the equation under Global equation and make it Conditional: this means only ingredients with a value of 1 These are the mathematical equivalents for writing equations: * = multiply / = divide _ = subtract + = add ^2 = square N = nutrient 1/^2 = inverse square ^3 = cube ^4 = quad ^.5 = square root () = parenthesis You may use the following (singly or in combination) when comparing nutrients to values: < (less than) > (greater than) = (equals) <> (not equals) Be sure the equation result is in the correct units for the nutrient being calculated. If the nutrient is defined as actual, the result must be in units per pound or kg. If the calculated nutrient is defined as percent, the result must be in percent. Note: As you enter data into each field that a lookup or drop-down button appears to help you in entering the correct needed information. Click on these buttons when you need assistance at entering the criteria for your equations. 45 in nutrient number 74 will have the Undigestible Protein calculated. To do this, enter the nutrient code 74 under Nutrient No. Check the Conditional box. In the Nutrient 1 field, enter the number of the nutrient to be conditional. Next, enter the condition, then the value. Here the condition is Equal, and the value is 1. Then, enter the equation to be performed in the equation field. Here, we want the difference between Crude Protein (nutrient code 10) and Digestible Protein (nutrient code 11.) Select the Accept mark. Equations calculate from the top down. Order counts. If your ingredient shows the value for the conditional equation without the condition having been met, delete the values of the equation and the condition in the Ingredient Maintenance window and then Accept. 46 CbaµIer 7: Formu|as Formu|a SµeciIicaIions There are two ways to create a new formula spec. 1. Copy a similar existing spec to a new name and code number, then modify the formula. (See Part 3, Chapter 4: Copy Formula Specification.) 2. Create one from scratch by entering a new formula code in the formula spec maintenance window. Here we create one from scratch. Select Formula Specification from the Edit menu. Enter a code number for a new formula in the first window. Press the Enter key while your cursor is still in the code number field. Select Yes to create a new formula spec. The following window appears. Enter an ingredient code. Then enter the Minimum and Maximum percentage of this ingredient allowable per batch size. (If you wish to change the formula spec pricing unit, See System/Options.) For non-plant management systems: Before creating a spec, make certain your current plant shown in the footer of the main window is where you want the formula spec to reside. This must be a plant set up to contain formula specs. Use Plant Report if you are unsure of the spec status of the plant. Misplaced formula specs will not be available in the lookup list from a spec plant if created elsewhere. For plant management systems: All formula specs are stored in the Base plant. Be sure the current plant is set to the Base plant code before creating a new formula spec. All formulas in the Base plant are available to all production plants. 47 When you finish, your spec looks something like this: IngredienIs If you want to add a special ingredient that doesn’t exist in your ingredient list, you must save your formula spec as is and go create your base or overlay ingredient. In this example, we may want to include some brewer’s yeast or a brand name premix product such as Fast Trak. NuIrienIs To examine the nutrients in a formula spec without leaving this window, click on the list icon (second from left). This allows you to toggle your view between ingredients, nutrients and swing (an add-on option.) The last column in the formula spec grid indicates whether an ingredient is out of stock - signified by an O. Look for the stock status to be sure you have all ingredients on hand. The list icon may show Swing. This is an Add- On option. The third icon is for Ingredient Combination. This, too, is an add on. Check the Table of Contents for more information on these options. 48 To save your formula spec as a stored formula, you will need to optimize it in Professional Nutritionist and store the solution. This function is described in the Brill Optimization manual. Swing To examine the Swing definitions in a formula spec without leaving this window, click on the list icon (second from left). This allows you to toggle your view between Ingredients, Nutrients and Swing, which is an add-on option. Swing allows control of how quickly ingredients enter or leave formulas. The units are the same as ingredient restrictions on the formula spec. Swing uses the amount of the ingredient in the stored formula, then adds the swing limit to determine the new minimum and maximum for the ingredient. Restrictions on the formula spec are not violated. 49 IngredienI CombinaIions The ingredient combination option allows you to define another set of constraints in a formula spec. To set an Ingredient Combination, select a formula specification. At the bottom of the Formula Spec Maintenance screen you find the Ingredient Combination icon (third from left) that resembles an organizational chart. Select this icon to see the Ingredient Combination screen. 50 CbaµIer S: SIored Formu|as A stored formula is a formula specification that has been optimized and saved as a stored formula. Any operation on a stored formula is plant specific. You may edit the description, batch size, species code or ingredient actual or percentage amounts. However, if you edit batch amounts and want to restore the original values, you must close without saving (X) and reopen the stored formula. You are prompted to increment the version number when saving if the system options are set correctly. The Stored Formula Maintenance window can be used as a back door to entering known formulas into the system. Here, 51 you also may change known formulas and store the results simply by changing the actual amounts. Once you edit an ingredient actual amount, the window recalculates the new percentage as you tab off the line. It also recalculates the values at the bottom of the header. The first value is Cost When Stored, the second is Current Cost, and the third is the Current Batch Weight. By editing the value in the field, total percentage is no longer 100, and our batch weights no longer match in the header. If the formula was ordered at this state, the batch size would remain 2,000 lbs, but the formula would be proportionally reduced. If an alternate plant is set, the plant code is displayed on the screen. Ingredient prices are displayed. To change the batch size proportionally in a stored formula, enter a new batch size and select the Scale Amounts button (finger on button icon) in the footer. The light bulb icon allows you to edit comments on the formula. It is unnecessary to note the date or version number, as the system will keep track of changes for you in the header field. The blue list icon allows you to switch views between ingredients and nutrients in the stored formula. Once you have the formula adjusted to your needs, select the Accept mark. If you wish to revert to the former values, or close without saving, select the Close icon (X). 52 CbaµIer 9: EdiI Arcbive CommenIs The Edit Archive Comments portion of the manual will be completed at a later date. 53 CbaµIer 10: Pe||eI CreaIion Pellet Creation is an optional module of Brill Formulation and may be obtained by contacting your sales representative of Brill Corporation or Easy Systems, Inc. Pellet Creation enables you to create a pellet formula from a group of ingredients within a stored formula. The pellet, once mixed, is a package of ingredients that can be easily added to the other remaining formula ingredients to create the final ration. This option sets up a formula that you use to crate the pellet. It also lists the pellet as an ingredient (as it would any premix) that may be used as an ingredient in other formulas. It also creates a production formula that lists the pellet ingredient and the rest of the ingredients in the formula. This is the formula that you use to create the final ration once the pellet has been mixed. Only stored formulas are created as no formula specifications are made for these formulas. Pellet formulas are created in a process where you exclude ingredients from an original formula. The original formula ingredients are listed on the setup window and the ingredients that are not to be in the pellet are excluded. Any ingredients that are not excluded go into the pellet. You also have the option of using part of an ingredient in a pellet and excluding part of it. Partial amounts are excluded in actual amounts, not percentages. For example, if you have 10 units of limestone in your original formula and you wish to have eight units appear in your formula, you would exclude two units of limestone. The Pellet Creation option only sets up the codes for the base pellet formula, the base pellet ingredient, and the production formula. The actual formulas are not created until the original formula is optimized and stored. If the original optimized formula is not stored, then these pellet formulas are not created. However, each time this formula is optimized and stored, the pellet formulas are recreated to match the optimized formula. Once these pellet formulas are created, they are accessed with the codes you define in the Pellet Creation window. The base pellet ingredient may be accessed through the Base Ingredient Maintenance/Update option. Pellet formulas are overlays. They appear only in the Current Plant defined in the footer of the main menu when you create the pellet formulas. You may set up in a base plant any pellet formulas that may be accessed by all plants if you have plant 54 management. Simply make sure that the base plant is selected for the Current Plant when you create the pellet formulas. For another plant to access the base plant’s pellet code, make sure the other plant appears in the Current Plant field before you choose Pellet Creation. You can change the base pellet in each plant and have the changes appear only in that plant. If you make changes in the base plant version, however, every other plant’s version also is changed. To begin the process of creating a pellet formula, select Edit in the Maintenance main menu and select Pellet Creation from the drop-down menu that appears. The Pellet Creation window appears. 55 CbaµIer 11: SeIIing uµ Pe||eI CreaIion Brill Formulation can create pellet formulas for your formulation needs, but some information is needed to create the formula. You must determine a Base Pellet Formula Code Base Pellet Ingredient Code and a Production Formula Code. You can determine an alternate plant from which you can draw your ingredient costs. Other information has to deal with setting a processing charge for the pellet and determine which plant will be used to figure the cost plus processing charge. Once you have opened the Pellet Creation window you can select a formula for which you want to set up pellet formula information. Click on the View Lookup Screen button (binoculars) and the Select 1 or More Pellet Records to be Edited window appears. Choose the formula for which you are going to create a pellet formula by double-clicking on the Selected box next to the formula you desire. After making your choice, select Accept the Screen and your choice is displayed in the Pellet Creation window. 56 P|anI This field is for display purposes only and cannot be edited in this window. The plant code and description are displayed for the Current Plant selected in the footer of the main menu. Code The Code field displays the stored formula code selected. Beside the field is the description of the code selected. This field is for display purposes only and cannot be edited in this window. You select the code by clicking on the binoculars in the previous window and selecting the code from the look-up window that appears. Base Pe||eI Formu|a Code You determine what the Base Pellet Formula Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen to select the code, click on the look-up button. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. This code is for the formula for the pellet, the current formula with the “excluded” ingredients left out. You may want to use the original formula code with the word “BASE” attached to it so that it is easier to remember. For example, formula 11 could have the Base Pellet Formula Code of 11BASE. ProducIion Formu|a Code You determine what the Production Formula Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen 57 to select the code, click on the look-up button. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. This is the code for the formula that is the pellet plus the excluded ingredients. It has the same nutritional values as the original formula, but the ingredients are listed as the pellet plus whatever was left out of the pellet. The nutritional values are the same as the original formula. Base Pe||eI IngredienI Code You determine what the Base Pellet Ingredient Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen to select the code, click on the look-up button. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. This is the code for the pellet to have when it is stored as an ingredient. You may want to use the original formula code with an “I” added to it. For example, formula 11 would have a Base Pellet Ingredient Code of 11I. Processing Cbarge You can enter a dollar amount that is added to the cost of the formula for creating the pellet. This is stored in the Current Plant. To assign a cost, click on the field and enter an amount you want used in determining a processing charge. A|I P|anI Ior IngredienI CosI You have an optional selection to store the cost in an alternate plant you select in this field. To select a plant, click on the View Lookup Screen button and a look-up window appears. Choose your plant from the look-up window and select Accept the Screen. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window and the Alternate Plant for Ingredient Cost is displayed. P|anI Ior CosI÷Cbarge You have an optional selection to store the Plant for Cost+Charge in an alternate plant you select in this field. To select a plant, click on the View Lookup Screen button and a look-up window appears. Choose your plant from the look- up window and select Accept the Screen. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window and the Plant for Cost+Charge is displayed. 58 Save Ing. To Base If you select Save Ingredient to Base you are asking Brill Formulation to write the Base Pellet Ingredient Code to the base ingredient record. If this option is not checked, then the ingredient nutrient values are written to the ingredient overlay record for the appropriate plant. To select this option, click once in the empty check box to place a check mark in the box. To deselect this option, click once on the check mark to remove the check mark from the box. IngredienIs It is from within the Ingredients scrolling window that selections are made regarding what is to be excluded from the pellet formula and what is to be used for the pellet formula. You also may exclude specific amounts of any ingredients from the pellet formula. You should at first define any specific amounts you want excluded from the pellet formula. To exclude an amount of an ingredient, click once on the Excluded Amount field of the ingredient you want excluded. Enter an amount of the ingredient you want excluded. Press the Tab key and the amount is entered as the amount you want excluded. Next, you should exclude any ingredients for which you want the entire ingredient excluded from the pellet formula. Right-click on the line of any ingredient you want excluded and a drop-down list of options appears. The available options are “Exclude All from Pellet;” “Do Not Exclude from the Pellet, Put in the Pellet;” or “Restore Original Value.” To exclude the ingredient from the pellet formula, select “Exclude All from Pellet” and the Excluded Amount field displays “*All.” This indicates none of this ingredient is included in the pellet formula. If you have excluded an ingredient from the pellet formula before and you want to include it in the pellet formula now, select “Do Not Exclude from the Pellet, Put in the Pellet” and the indication that the ingredient is excluded is removed. If you have changed the restriction on a particular ingredient and you want it restored to its original configuration, select “Restore Original Value” and the ingredient is restored. 59 De|eIe Ibe CurrenI Pecord There may be a time when you want to remove a Pellet Creation record. Open the record by selecting the formula in the Pellet Creation window. Select the Delete the Current Record button (image of a document with a red X) Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion You may cancel your changes and leave this window at any time by choosing the Cancel the Current Operation button (X icon). If you have made no changes this window is closed. You are returned to the Main Menu. If you have made changes to this window a dialog box appears. If you want to change your mind and return to the Pellet Creation window select Cancel and the Pellet Creation window returns with the changes you have made to this point. If you elect to save the changes you had made despite selecting the Cancel the Current Operation button, choose Yes and the changes you made to the window are stored. If you do not want to save the changes and abort the operation entirely, select No and you are returned to the Main Menu. AcceµI Ibe Screen After you have configured this set of pellet formulas in the manner you desire and you are ready to proceed to the next step of creating another set of pellet formulas, choose the Accept the Screen button (check mark icon). The values you have entered in this window are then used to create the pellet formulas you desire. The Pellet Creation window opens again with blank fields for the next pellet formula. If you want to leave this window, select the Cancel the Current Operation button and you are returned to the Main Menu. 60 CbaµIer 12: Login There are three tabs on the Login main screen. Log In Enter a name and password to log in. Select the Accept mark to enter the program. Select the X mark to quit the program. Select the Help book to access the main help window. SeIuµ The Setup window is home to a number of functions. FonI The first function is Font. To change your font (the typeface for your entries) click on the folder just above the font field. Select the font, font style (regular, italic, bold, etc.), and the type size. In the script field, choose Western. 61 Login PicIure The second field is for the Login Picture. If you have a bitmap in your system, you can display it here. This could be a logo or a photo. Click on the folder above the field. In the Select Picture window, browse to the site where your graphics are kept. Select a file. When the file and path appear in the File Name field, select Open. This places the picture in the Login window. If you do not have bitmaps but have other file types, select a different type in the Files of Type field at the bottom of the window. Then browse your program folders again for an appropriate graphic to use. Select the graphic. When finished, select the Open button. You may use Cancel to abort the operation. Language You can change the language files for display from here. To do so, see Changing Languages in Part 7, Chapter 2 of Brill Maintenance. AbouI The About tab is for system information. For greater detail on your system setup, select the binocular, then System Info. 62 CbaµIer 13: ExiI To exit the program click on Edit in the Maintenance window tool bar and select Exit. The Maintenance program of Brill Formulation closes and the program is exited. 63 ParI 3: Coµy and De|eIe For bulk copying, use Copy Plant. CbaµIer 1: IngredienIs When creating a new ingredient identical or similar to another, Brill makes it easy to use one ingredient as a template for another. To copy an ingredient, select Ingredient from the Copy tab on the menu bar. In the header portion of the window, type in or search and select the ingredient you wish to copy. The green and red buttons at left allow you to choose whether it is a base ingredient or an overlay. Click on your selection and it will switch the green button on. If you want to copy the ingredient to a different plant, click on the blue box to check Copy Plant to Plant. In the main portion of the window, fill in the plant to which you wish to make your copy. Give the new ingredient a code number. Give it a new name to distinguish it from the original. Enter a rounding factor. Select whether to make the new ingredient a base ingredient or an overlay. If to an overlay, select whether you want it copied to all overlays at all plants. 64 CbaµIer 2: Prices Copying prices follows much the same process as copying ingredients. What you will accomplish is copying the ingredient price from one plant to the same ingredient at another plant. You may also choose to copy the stock status and price add-ons in the same process. You may not copy a price from one ingredient to a different ingredient. You may choose to copy all ingredient prices at once. To do so, use the lookup binocular at the ingredient code field and select all ingredients. Similarly, you may copy a range of ingredient prices - all minerals, for example - from one plant to another. CbaµIer 3: IngredienI EquaIion Equations are stored at the root of an ingredient and are available at all plants. Therefore, it is unnecessary to copy an equation from one plant to another. After all the work you put into the ingredient equations, you may choose to copy them whenever possible. To copy, 65 simply enter the ingredient code of the master ingredient in the first field. Enter the ingredient code of the recipient ingredient in the second field. CbaµIer 4: Formu|a Sµecs Copying a formula spec is similar to copying an ingredient. You are, in effect, using one formula spec as a template for a new one. In the header section, fill in the formula code that you wish to copy, or select it with the binocular. The first blue selection box allows you to copy over with the formula any formula includes. The second blue check box allows you to copy from one plant to another. Please note, however, that you must select the Copy Plant to Plant before selecting the formula code when you want to copy a formula spec to another plant. In the main section of the window, fill in the plant code to which you will copy. Enter a new formula code to receive the data. Enter a new name for the formula to lessen confusion. Enter a batch size. Enter a species code. The bottom four blue check boxes allow you to choose whether to copy formula comments, copy ingredients, copy nutrients, and/or copy all overlays. Once you have made your selections, click on the Accept mark to save the data as a new formula spec. 66 CbaµIer 5: SIored Formu|as You may copy a stored formula to another formula code in the same plant, or to a different plant. Click the Accept mark when ready to copy. CbaµIer 6: Coµy P|anI In Source Plant, enter the name of the plant from which you wish to copy. In Destination Plant, enter the name of the plant to which you wish to copy. To copy prices, ingredients, specifications and/or stored formulas from one plant to another in a bulk transfer, check the desired boxes. Ingredient prices may be copied with or without the add-on costs. 67 CbaµIer 7: De|eIe The delete windows are basically the same for everything. Simply enter the code you wish to delete (ingredient code, plant code, etc) mark “Prompt before each delete” if you wish to be notified. You may do a bulk delete by using the lookup binocular and selecting a range. This is an area that should be restricted by security access on User ID. When deleting an ingredient, mark the Base Ingredient box if you are deleting a base ingredient and not an overlay ingredient. Select the Accept mark to delete. Caution: Do not delete a Base Ingredient until it has been removed from all formula specs and stored formulas. 68 ParI 4: PeµorIs To print any report, you must first make a few selections. The Report Comments field allows you to attach a comment to the report. If you prefer to see the report on screen, click the blue box. Change any margin settings necessary for the report. PrinIer SeIuµ Brill Formulation uses the default printer setting in your system. When you first open a report selection, the center of the screen will show a small yellow printer icon behind the Current Printer heading. Select this to change your printer setup. Your printer selection is displayed in the field below the printer icon. 69 CbaµIer 1: P|anI PeµorI The Plant report gives you a simple run down of which plant code is attached to which plant name. It also denotes whether it is a plant that contains formula specifications, or whether it has an alternate plant for pricing. CbaµIer 2: NuIrienI PeµorI The report gives you a snapshot of the settings for each nutrient. The Type column refers to Actual, Percent, Ratio or Inverse. The Ratio column displays any ratios you have created in a nutrient. 70 CbaµIer 3: Sµecies Code PeµorI The species code report shows which nutrients are assigned to a species code. The report displays a list of the species and the code to which they are assigned. Then the report displays the Species Code Report that lists the nutrients, which are listed at left. Species codes are then listed across the top of the (here 1-16.) CbaµIer 4: IngredienI PeµorI Choose whether you wish to view a report on individual ingredients, or on an analysis of several ingredients in a comparison format. On the Menu bar, make your setup selections in Details, Price, Options, Nutrients, and Overlay Options. When your setup is complete, you can save it as a default report setup by clicking on the disk icon. IngredienI PeµorI Choose which ingredients you wish to view in a report. Select the Accept mark. The report will appear listing each ingredient individually. 71 Ana|ysis To see a nutrient analysis of the ingredients, select Analysis on the report setup screen. Below is the result. Nutrient codes are numbered across the top. 72 CbaµIer 5: IngredienI Over|ay Comµarison The report options in this section allow you various ways to compare the base ingredient nutrient values to overlay nutrients in different plants. On the Menu bar, make your report criteria selections in Details and in Nutrients. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as your report default setup. Comµare PeµorI Select as many plants as you want to display. Then, select the ingredient overlays you wish to compare. A|| P|anI Select the all plant option, then select the ingredient(s) with overlays you wish to review. 73 CbaµIer 6: IngredienI Price PeµorI Check the report options in the Menu bar of the setup window. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup. In this example we ignored the “print ingredients with zero prices” option. Instead, we selected all ingredients from the search screen. The report displays prices and price changes for all ingredients in the current plant. CbaµIer 7: Formu|a SµeciIicaIions PeµorI Check Details in the Menu bar for report criteria options. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup. Choose however many formula specs you wish to view from the current plant. The ingredient makeup is listed, followed by the nutrient makeup of each formula in sequence. 74 CbaµIer S: Formu|a Sµec Comµarison Check Details, Nutrients and Ingredients report criteria options in the Menu bar. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup. Comµare PeµorI The standard comparison report allows you to select as many as four plants to compare. In this example, we selected two formula specs to compare. A|| P|anI Comµarison Below is an all plant comparison report on code 10 quail starter formula spec. Side by Side In a side by side report, you will be prompted to select your first plant for comparison (TST here), then your first formula, then your second plant, second formula, etc. 75 CbaµIer 9: SIored Formu|a PeµorI Check Details, Ingredients and Nutrients in the Report Setup window Menu bar to select report criteria. The stored formula report allows you to print out a complete breakdown of a given formula in the current plant. The Stored Formula Report supports the exploding of premixes. CbaµIer 10: Wbere Used PeµorI The value of this report is in allowing you to find in which formulas a particular ingredient is used. First, choose whether to search through the formula specs or stored formulas. Next, check the boxes of other search options you wish to use. 76 The Create Formula List creates an MLS file (formula set) of the formulas that meet the user selection criteria. This formula set then can be optimized. Example: a user has changed the protein for soybean meal at a plant. The user wants to find all the formulas that have more than a selected level of soy meal to optimize. The user creates a formula list, then selects the Where Used Report. By selecting the Select Plants and the All Formulas in All/Select Plants, the user can search through all the formulas in any or all plants. This is particularly useful when searching stored formulas. Once the report criteria are set up, select the Accept mark. Next, enter the ingredient codes you want to report. Enter the ingredient code. Enter a condition and an amount. In this example, we chose to look for all code 70 (medication ingredient) that had a value greater than 0. You also may search out nutrients for this report. Note: Search criteria are in sets of two lines per set and there may be multiple two-line sets. If both lines of a set have criteria, there is a logical AND applied to these criteria. That is to say that both criteria must be met to be included in the report. A logical OR is applied between sets of the two-line criteria. That is to say that if any set of criteria is met, the item meeting the criteria is included in the report. The two- line sets are alternately colored white and blue. 77 When you are entering the fields of information you will see a lookup button (…) appear at the right end of the Code field. Click on this button to open a lookup window from which you may select your ingredients or nutrients, depending upon your selection of Ing or Nut in the second column. Click on the “?” in the upper right corner and then click on the grid for a description of using “And/Or” logic in the search setup. The resulting report shows you in which formulas at the current plant this ingredient is used, and where the minimum and maximum values are set. 78 ParI 5: Ouick UµdaIe CbaµIer 1: Base IngredienI and IngredienI The process for these two update selections is the same. However, choose Base Ingredient to edit all ingredients in the system. Choose Ingredient to access only those ingredients at the current plant. There are two processes available when updating any ingredient. Select Yes to Edit descriptors if you wish to edit the name of the ingredient or change the Rounding or Production Minimum values. Select No to Edit Descriptors and you may select all ingredients and up to 20 nutrients to update. When finished editing, select the Accept check mark. 79 CbaµIer 2: Formu|a SµeciIicaIions There are two processes available when updating a formula spec. Select Yes to edit descriptors to change the name of the formula, the batch weight or the species code. Select No to Edit Descriptors and you may select up to 20 ingredients and 12 nutrients to update for each formula. When finished, select the Accept check mark to save the changes. 80 CbaµIer 3: SIored Formu|as There is only one edit option available for stored formulas. Select which formulas you wish to edit. The update window will allow you to edit the description, batch weight and species code. 81 ParI 6: Sµecia| CbaµIer 1: Formu|a Bu|k Cbange|Peµ|ace The Bulk Change/Replace option is a fast way to add, delete or revise one ingredient (or nutrient) for another throughout a multitude of formulas. First, choose whether you want to change an ingredient or nutrient in the formula specs or the stored formulas. Each change can be verified or skipped by putting a check in the Verify Changes box. Next, mark update issue control if you have this module. Every time a formula spec is updated and saved, Formula Issue Control keeps a version number and the date. This information prints on reports and displays on certain screens. Enter the ingredient code or use the binocular to select the ingredient you wish to change. In this window, each field (except description, which defaults in) has a hidden lookup binocular. Click on the right side of the field to make the binocular appear. 82 Select whether you wish to change the nutrient or the ingredient value. In the Actions column, select what you want to have happen. In this example we will modify the maximums and minimums. You also may: replace the selected code with another, add a code if the selected one is present, add a code if the selected one is not present, or delete the selected code. The Combos column is for ingredient combinations, a separate module. In the Minimum and Maximum columns, decide whether to change these values manually, or to leave them the same. If replacing or adding a code, enter the code number of the item you wish to use as a replacement. When your selections are made, select the Accept mark. The following window appears. In this window, decide whether you want the changes to appear in all formulas or in selected ones. Make your selections and choose the Accept mark. If you checked the verification box in the beginning, the following window appears. As each selected formula appears, you may make the minimum and maximum modifications. You also may choose to skip the item (first icon) or skip updating the formula on screen (second icon) by choosing 83 these options at the bottom of the window. Hover your cursor above the icon to see the tool tip title appear. 84 CbaµIer 2: SIore Premix as IngredienI When one plant makes a premix or concentrate and distributes it through formulas in other plants, it may be necessary or prudent to save the premix as an ingredient. When you select this option from the Special menu, the following window appears. Enter the number of the formula code you wish to save as a premix. In Plant Code, enter the name of the plant that will use this premix as an ingredient. In the Pricing Plant field you enter the plant from which you use the cost of the premix in determining the prices from this plant. Save as Ingredient allows you to enter a new code number for the premix. The lookup binocular is there for you to check your ingredient list, not to write over an existing ingredient. Although you may rename your premix, it initially is named after the original formula with “Premix” added to the end. Enter a rounding factor for the ingredient. You may choose to save this premix ingredient as a base ingredient or an overlay. You have the option to mark this ingredient as in stock from this window by marking the checkbox. It is possible the purchaser has some of the ingredients on hand and wishes to purchase only part of a premix. If you wish to save this as a partial premix, click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. The following window appears. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix, then used to produce the finished product. This procedure will create a This function is also useful for diluting mill accidents into small amounts for feed redistribution. 85 stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. ParIia| Premix SµeciIicaIion You have the ability to save this as a partial premix. Click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. The Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window appears. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix, then used to produce the finished product. This procedure will create a stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. Origina| Formu|a The Original Formula fields are automatically filled in as the data is based upon the formula from which you are creating the premix. ProducIion Formu|a In the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window header, give the modified production formula a code 86 number. The lookup button is there for you to check your formula list so that you do not write over an existing formula. Inc|ude In the Include column you uncheck those ingredients that the producer is adding to the production formula on site. Only the items checked in the Include column are used in creating the premix formula. PeverI The Revert icon at the bottom of the screen resembles a curved arrow. It allows you to clear all changes and revert to the original formula. To revert to the original formula, click on the icon. SwiIcb beIween ingredienIs and nuIrienIs If you want to view the nutrient amounts in this formula you click on the “Switch between ingredients and nutrients” button at the bottom left corner of the window. The nutrient value information is displayed. To switch back to the ingredient listing click on the button again. 87 Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window, select the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and a dialog box appears. If you decide not to abort this procedure and you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window, select Cancel and you are returned to the previous window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and not save the changes you made in the window, select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and save the changes you made in the window, select Yes and your changes are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. AcceµI Ibe Screen If you have defined all of the parameters needed in creating this premix you can select the Accept the Screen button (check mark.) Your settings are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you have selected a formula that already exists a dialog box appears and offers you a decision of whether you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating. Select No if you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and select a different 88 formula code. Select Yes if you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating here. After you have completed making all of your settings in the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window you return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. At this time you determine whether to Cancel the Current Operation in the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you select Cancel you are returned to the Optimization window. If you determine that you want to proceed with the process of storing your premix as an ingredient, select the Accept the Screen button. If an ingredient already exists with the code you have used a dialog box appears. If you do not want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here, select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you do want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here, select Yes and the ingredient is replaced. 89 CbaµIer 3: Mark IngredienI as Inc|ude An Include ingredient is a special ingredient used by the program. It allows the formulator to use one formula specification to make multiple versions of that base formula. This can help reduce data maintenance since a change to the base formula specification will be applied to the variations by optimizing them. For example, one formula with many drug additions or combinations might be quite useful. To set up a formula to use it as an include, the user must create an ingredient with the exact same code as the formula specification. This ingredient does not need any nutrient values. Select the Special menu option, then select Mark Ingredient as Include. Enter an ingredient code, or use the binocular to select ingredient code(s) from a list. Use the Prompt Before Changing check mark to individually review and approve Include selections. If you wish to create a new ingredient as an include, enter the code number which corresponds to the formula spec you Once an ingredient is marked and used as an include, it requires several steps to delete. First, unmark the ingredient code as an include. Second, delete the include from the matching formula spec. Finally, delete the ingredient. 90 intend to modify. Select the Accept mark. You will be prompted to create the new ingredient by selecting Yes. To unmark an ingredient, use the same process and select Prompt Before Change. Always unmark the ingredient include if that ingredient is an active base ingredient. Once an ingredient code is used as an include, it cannot be used as anything else. 91 ModiIy a Formu|a Sµec Using Inc|ude Once you have an Include ingredient which matches your formula spec, open the desired spec under Edit, Formula Specifications. Click on the empty Code box at the bottom of the formula grid and add the Include ingredient number. Tab through the line. At the next line, add the ingredient code number of any medications or other ingredients you wish to include in this variation. Tab to the minimum and maximum amount columns and enter the appropriate inclusion minimums and maximums based upon this spec and the batch quantity. 92 ModiIy NuIrienIs in Ibe Formu|a Sµec In order to put a minimum and maximum on the active or inactive ingredients in an Include medication, make sure the nutrients are available to the formula spec. In Edit Ingredients, enter any active or inactive ingredient information as nutrient data, then enter the guaranteed analysis. Once the nutrients are available in the ingredient (in this case, Medication code 70), switch to the nutrient display in the Formula Spec and add those nutrients. Enter any minimum or maximum inclusion rates at this point. Select the Accept mark. 93 When the formula spec has been saved, the Include nutrients (active/inactive ingredients and guaranteed analysis data) appear in the nutrient display. 94 CbaµIer 4: C|ear Premix F|ag To eliminate the premix designation from an ingredient, enter the code number of the ingredient to change. Select the Accept mark. CbaµIer 5: Force UµdaIe Customers who use the Weekly function may need to ensure a formula is issued even when none of the normal criteria are met. The Force Update option allows the user to specify formulas that force the Weekly process to issue the new formula at the current plant. Each plant is set individually. In Brill Maintenance, select the Special menu option, then select Force Update. Enter the formula code by number or by selecting it through the binocular. Set the Force Update flags weekly prior to running the Weekly process. When the Weekly process is run, the Force Update flags are cleared. To clear the Force Update manually, select the forced formula and choose Yes to clear the flag at the message prompt. 95 CbaµIer 6: VeriIicaIion MainIenance If you have never verified before, begin with Verification Maintenance. Verification is a means of testing a formula to ensure it meets the formula specification. Before any verification can be performed, the verification records must be defined in Verification Maintenance. There are two types of verification records you can create. The first is by formula; the second is by species code. Should verification records apply on both a formula and on the species code, the formula record will take precedence. To create a formula verification, enter the formula code number at the top of the verification maintenance form and press Enter. The Accept icon is not be available. When the formula name appears in the next window, begin to set the verification absolutes and deviations. Enter the nutrient code number in the Code field of the grid. Minimum and Maximum Deviation are tolerance values used to set a warning flag on nutrients that are below the minimum deviation or above the maximum deviation, but still within the absolute minimum/maximum limit. Enter an amount just inside the safe Absolute Maximum or Minimum value you plan to enter. Nutrients that fall within this warning zone are marked in the verification record and are defined as a percentage of the restriction. Positive numbers are used as percentages. Negative numbers represent actuals. Nutrients that violate these tolerances are marked in the verification report with an asterisk (*). Verification is plant specific. You can have a verification record for MKT plant formula code 25 that is different from TST plant formula code 25. The tolerance limits may be set as percents or actual values. Numbers entered as a negative are used as actuals. Numbers entered as a positive are used as percentages. 96 Tab to the Absolute Minimum field and enter the minimum safe actual amount of that nutrient in that formula. In the Absolute Maximum field, enter the highest actual safe amount of that nutrient in that formula. Nutrients that violate these amounts are marked in verification reports with a pound (#) sign. Deviation above a minimum can be a percentage or an actual. It is the allowable deviation above the nutrient minimum listed on the formula spec. To set a verification record on an entire species code, leave the Code field empty and instead select a species code number from the drop down list in the second box. 97 In this example, an absolute maximum is set on salt for the entire poultry species code. When running formulas in Professional Nutritionist, verification automatically tests the nutrient values for the rounded formula against the formula spec and then displays a warning if any nutrient is out of tolerance. When optimizing formula sets, verification tests the rounded solutions against each formula spec. A warning statement is printed on the solution report for any formula with nutrients out of tolerance. During the Weekly process, the stored formula for each formula in the set is tested for nutrients that are out of tolerance. These formulas are flagged to be issued. Verification may be run at any time. The user may choose to run verification for the stored formulas in a plant, and create a formula set for formulas that do not meet the spec. The set of formulas then may be optimized and a new version stored. 98 CbaµIer 7: VeriIy Formu|a Select Verify Formula from the Special menu. To verify a single formula at a single plant, do not check the options in the Report setup window. To verify a number of formulas at multiple plants, select the options in the Report setup window. Select the Plants to be printed. If not selected in the Report setup, only the Current Plant is printed. 99 Select the Stored Formula(s) to be printed in the verification report. This list of formulas and plants can be saved as a set for future verification. Enter a name for the list and select save. A success message appears noting the creation of the formula list file. Select OK. There is no need to wait for the hourglass to disappear. The Verification report shows two things: The asterisk * denotes that the formula now fails to meet the minimum deviation tolerances. 100 The pound # symbol flags the nutrient as out of tolerance for the absolute minimum or maximum. 101 CbaµIer S: Price Tbresbo|d MainIenance Brill Formulation can compare the difference between the formula cost for a new solution and the stored formula. This can be used to set a range and issue new formulas that meet or exceed the set thresholds. When optimizing a list of formula specs, a warning statement prints on the solution report. Price thresholds may be set as actual amounts or as percentages. The system default is for actual amounts. To use percentages for price threshold, create a file named SWING.SYS in the Brill data directory. SWING.SYS may be created with Notepad or with EDIT at a MOS-DOS prompt. On line 1 of the file, enter the value .01 to make low and high price threshold percentages. To change this back to actuals, enter the value 1 on the first line instead. To set the outer price thresholds as percentages, enter the value .01 on line 3 of this file. To change back to actuals, enter the value 1 on line 3. Line 2 of this file may be left blank. Price thresholds may be set by plant, formula(s) within a plant, or by formula(s) across plants. Two types of thresholds may be set. The inner price threshold is used to test cost decreases or increases to issue new formulas. The outer price threshold is used to detect extreme price changes and print warnings so the user may review the formula and determine the cause of the extreme price change. To create a price threshold for a formula across plants, under Special, select Price Threshold. When the maintenance screen appears, enter a formula code in the first field and press Enter, or use the binocular to select a formula code. If you wish to switch to Extended Price Difference, change the selection from Formula Cost, then put the focus back in the Code field before pressing Enter. The Select icon will not be available. 102 Enter the Low/Ton, High/Ton, Outer Low/Ton and Outer High/Ton limits you wish to trigger a threshold warning. To set a threshold by plant, select a plant in the Price Threshold Maintenance screen and select the Accept mark. In the next window, enter the Low/Ton, High/Ton, Outer Low/Ton and Outer High/Ton limits. These values will apply to all formulas within the plant, unless you specify formulas in the grid below. To specify a single formula, enter the same formula code in Low Range and High Range. To specify a range of formulas, enter the lowest code number and the highest code number of that range in the Range fields. Then, continue to specify the Low Price Per Ton, High Price Per Ton, Outer Low Price 103 Per Ton and Outer High Price Per Ton on those specific formulas. Here’s an example of how a price threshold works. First, in the Brill Maintenance side, go to Edit Price and change the price of maize - an overlay ingredient in the MKT plant. In this example we drop it from more than $5 to $1.75. Price alone will not necessarily force a threshold warning, so we also edit the crude and digestible protein content in Edit Overlay Ingredient – raising it significantly to simulate a data entry error. Now, entering the Optimization side, select Professional Nutritionist and make sure our plant is MKT and the pricing plant is either blank or says MKT. Here we select formula spec 10 – Quail Starter. A message may appear that allows you to view an infeasibility report. Select No. Which Threshold Takes Precedence? In this example, the thresholds set on 61 have highest priority. Next, the thresholds in each range (codes 10- 50 and 60-100) would be used. For all formulas in the MKT plant that are not specified, the general thresholds in the top of the window would prevail. 104 Instead, choose Reports, Solution Report and select to view all ingredients on formula spec 10. At the bottom of the first section of Quail Starter report – which is now infeasible – there is a price threshold warning. To do this for a series of formulas, create (or select) a formula set, optimize that set, then view the solution report. Each formula in that set will be displayed in the report, along with any price threshold warnings that have been triggered. Extended Cost Difference is another option to figuring thresholds by Formula Cost. When extended difference is chosen on a formula, it will test the formula cost difference multiplied by the production tons. 105 To select Extended Difference on a plant, switch the window from Formula Cost to Extended Difference first, then select the plant. The extended difference on a plant will calculate and test the cost difference per ton times the production tons. Thresholds for Extended Difference are set the same way as thresholds for formula costs. 106 CbaµIer 9: Formu|a Comµare|Combine When you select formula compare, you will need to choose which formulas to compare. Then, the following window will appear listing your choices. Each of the columns (except Description) contains a hidden lookup binocular. In the Version column, for example, this allows you to compare a current or previous version of a formula. Once your selections are made, select the Accept mark. The Formula Compare window will appear. In the Display Mode drop down list, choose to display Ingredients, Nutrients or Prices. Each choice will have a different set of Options. The Ingredients mode allows you to compare by batch, by ton or by percentage. The Nutrients mode allows you to select a species code only. The Prices mode allows you to display price control per batch, percent of total formula price, or ingredient unit prices. 107 The printer icon allows you to send this report directly to the printer. The Combine icon allows you to combine the formulas into a new formula. The following window shows a combination in process. You will need to give the combined formula a new code number, a description, a species code and a batch size. In the last column of the grid, enter the percentage of the finished formula you wish each formula to comprise. The final percentage entry will require you to select a small 100 icon to figure the final percentage. 108 CbaµIer 10: AuIomaIed P|anI Coµy This feature is helpful to those who need to copy information from one plant to another on a routine basis. The process in this feature is to first create a file and set the instructions of what items to copy (price, ingredients, formula specs, and/or stored formulas), as well as from where – to where. It is also possible to clear the files in the destination plant in advance of the transfer. Only data selected to be copied are cleared. If the destination plant is not cleared, the new data will be copied, but unwanted data may remain in the destination plant. Select the Create New Control File icon (list icon at left). If you wish to edit an existing Control file, choose the Edit Selected Control File icon (writing icon second from left). To delete a control file, select the Delete icon (X’d list third from left) and choose Yes to delete at the prompt. When creating or editing a control file, the following window appears. For a new file, enter a control file name and description. Each control file has two lines of command entries. In the first line, click on the Plant field to reveal a lookup binocular for selecting the source plant of your automated plant data copy. The Description field fills in automatically. 109 Check the Clear Destination box to delete data in the destination file – Brill does not overwrite data, but only deletes data it is ordered to replace. Check the Copy Price box to have the prices from the source plant copied to the destination plant. Check the Copy Ingredients to have overlay ingredients copied from the source plant to the destination plant. Base Ingredients are already shared between all plants – only overlays need to be copied on occasion. Check Copy Specs to copy Formula Specs. Check Copy Store to copy Stored Formulas. Check Prices Only to copy the ingredient base price only without add-on costs. In the Destination Plant(s) field, click on the field to view the hidden binocular and then click on the binocular to select a Destination plant for the data fields you have checked. It is possible to create copy instructions for several plants in one control file. Likewise, it is possible to delete and edit instructions in the control file. To delete or move a line, highlight it by clicking on the box at the left end of the line. Right click in the line and choose to delete or move. When moving a line, simply enter the line number where you wish to place this command. 110 When the instructions are complete, select the Accept mark. Reports may be printed for selected files. To activate the copy instructions, highlight the desired control file and click on the Accept mark. Select Yes to copy at the prompt. Select No to abort the automated data copy. You can activate more than one control file at a time. When the copy is complete, the window closes. If you have checked Display Errors on Screen and/or Display Warnings on Screen, you will see these messages only if the data transfer incurred problems. 111 Each automated plant copy generates a log file. To see the log, click on the View Log File icon (magnifier on paper icon, fourth from left). 112 ParI 7: SysIem CbaµIer 1: OµIions You have three property sheets in the System Options window. They are Setup, Precision and Cost. To view any one of the three property sheets, click on the tab you desire and the property sheet is displayed. SeIuµ The “Debug mode” may be used when consulting with a Brill technical support person at Easy Systems. “Sort ingredients by the amount column” means to sort the ingredients by the number of pounds in the formula. Therefore, in a stored formula report, the ingredient with the most pounds prints first and the ingredient with the fewest pounds prints last. If this is not checked, the ingredients sort by ingredient code. You also may choose to be prompted to increment the version number within Stored Formula Maintenance. Select “Prompt to increment stored formula version” if you want the prompt. To select any of these Setup options, click once in the check box to either add or remove a check mark. If a check mark is visible, the option has been selected and is performed upon command of the program. 113 Precision To view the Precision property sheet, click once on the Precision tab of the Options window. The Precision property sheet appears. In the precision fields, use the arrows next to the field to select the number of decimals to the right of the decimal point. Amount Precision with a 4 in the field results in quantity values of 9,999,999.9999 (7 to the left, 4 to the right.) Price precision allows values of $999,999,999.9999. (9 to the left, 4 to the right.) Percent precision at 2 allows 100.00%. (maximum of 3 to the left at 100.00, two to the right.) 114 CosI The selection of the Cost property sheet allows you to set how to figure the cost of the formulas as well as how to choose to factor ingredients. Select the Cost tab and the Cost property sheet appears. Select whether to cost the formulas by batch, by ton/tonne, or by lb/kg. Click on the option button next to the costing option you desire. The option with the green indicator is the option selected. The options not selected have a red indicator. Choose to factor the ingredient by 1 unless it is desired to see costs on another basis. For example, select formula cost per lb/kg, then set the factor to 100 to see formula cost per 100 pounds or kg. 115 CbaµIer 2: Cbanging Languages InsIa||ing Languages Before you can change languages, you must have the language files resident in your Brill for Windows directory. These are available from the Easy Systems website: Select Brill for Windows from the directory, then Customer Source, then Brill for Windows/Updates. At the end of the Language Files area, you will find a list of foreign language zip files available free to download. Once downloaded, extract the files to the Brill for Windows directory on your hard drive. Once the files are extracted, you will need to enable them. To do so, move or copy the files beginning with BRLTL to your C/Windows/System folder. There must be one for each language. Look for the three-letter identifier just before the extension to identify each language. Eng=English. Rus=Russian. Chi=Chinese. Tur=Turkish. Esp=Spanish. Por=Portugese. You will not be able to run Russian or Chinese languages unless you have the corresponding Russian or Chinese Windows operating system. Next, go to the Brill Maintenance Log In screen. Select the Setup tab. In the third field, entitled Language, select the folder icon. The Select Language window appears. Choose the desired language file beginning with V7MNT. Click the Open button. 116 The file you select appears in the language path of the Log In Setup window. Once the language path has been defined, select the Accept mark. Select the Log In tab and log in as usual. Language DeIiniIion MainIenance (adminisIraIive) If you have administrative powers, you can make the languages accessible from the main window. First, log in as an administrative user. Then, under the System tab, select Language Definition Maintenance. The field in the upper right corner displays current language selections. Initially, 1 will be default and all others will be Not Initialized. To initialize, enter the name of the language in the next field. Here we typed in Turkish. In the language ID file, enter the three-letter language identifier used in the language files. Select the Accept mark. 117 Once you have initialized the languages, you can toggle languages using the Change Language selection under system. Any user can have access to the Change Language toggle. Cbange Language In the Change Language window, simply select the language you wish to be displayed on screen. Then, select the Accept mark. 118 CbaµIer 3: ImµorI, ExµorI Importing and exporting allows you to send data out of one Brill system and into another. However, the Brill system to which you are importing must have the same nutrient codes, ingredient codes and formula codes as the one from which you are exporting. It is designed to be a tool to take your data from your desktop to your laptop and out into the field. Then, when you return to the office, you update your desktop from the laptop. ExµorI Tyµica| ExµorIs Any file must be exported before it can be imported. To do so, make up a file name and give it an XF1 extension. Once you have an export file out there, you can use the binocular to look it up or select from several. If you have exported once in a day, the next export automatically will be appended to the first. Do not enter a translation file. Append if you have already exported once that day. Otherwise, create a new transfer file. Choose send all items if you want to export all nutrients, ingredients, and formulas. Check ignore (formula) names and ignore comments if you don’t want them to transfer. In this example, we appended an earlier transfer and selected only base ingredients to export. You also may choose to export only overlay ingredients, formula specs, stored formulas, ingredient prices, or all of the plant. Translation files are not built within the program. This procedure is used to translate one system’s nutrient codes to another system’s different code numbering. It requires special instruction from Brill Support. Please call for more details. 119 Once you have made your selections for exporting, select the Accept mark. When the export is complete, you will receive a pop-up success message. Select OK to continue. MSPB FormaI ExµorI If you are using the MSRB format to export a file it is recommended that your transfer files be named with a “.XFR” file extension. The transfer file lookup box defaults to “.XFR” when you set the export type to MSRB Ingredient before looking up the transfer file name. ImµorI To import, select the name of the file that has been exported or enter it manually. You may decide to delete the import file after the transfer is complete. Check the box if you want this to occur. Check ignore (formula) names or ignore comments if you don’t want to import this data. Enter a value in stored formula batch weight if you want to conform batch sizes (within the same unit of measure) to the recipient plant. The system will recalculate. The import activity will have no pop-up success message. Instead, you may view the entire import log. 120 To see the import log, select the log view icon next to the Accept mark. When the import is complete, the last line of the log will have a success message. 121 ParI S: Mi|| Mix CbaµIer 1: SeIuµ Grouµs CbaµIer 2: EdiI Mi|| CommenIs CbaµIer 3: DeIine Mi|| IngredienIs CbaµIer 4: Mi|| IngredienI PeµorI CbaµIer 5: Mi|| Mix PeµorI 122 ParI 9: CusIom CbaµIer 1: OµIimizaIion This item allows you to switch to the Optimization side of Brill Feed Formulation for Windows. In Optimization, you will find Professional Nutritionist and the least costing tools. 123 ParI 10: He|µ & Misc. CbaµIer 1: Main Menu Select the help entry you wish to read. Once you have an entry open, click on the Bookmark option and select define. You may rename the entry or leave the default name. Select OK. The entry will be listed under Bookmark next time it is opened. This can reduce search time. To change the type size, select Options, then Fonts. You may choose between small, normal and large fonts. Use the Print button to print whatever topic is on screen. Use the arrow buttons to advance and retreat through the help topics. 124 CbaµIer 2: Searcb ConIenIs There are several Help “books” available for you to read in Contents. Double click on an entry to open the book. Index The search engine allows you to the first few letters of the enter keyword entries and let the system find the topic for you. You can scroll through the entries, as well. Highlight the topic you wish to read and select the Display button. Find The Find search engine is a more flexible, detailed option. The first time it is used, you will need to allow the Wizard to set up a database for the help files. Select one of the options listed. You can minimize database, maximize search capabilities, or customize your search. Then select Next. Follow the Wizard instructions. 125 The Find window gives you the flexibility to request specific keywords. Highlight the listing you wish to read and select the Display button. Choose the Options button to modify the search actions. You can rebuild your Find search engine at any time. Choose the Rebuild button in the Find window to return to the Setup Wizard. 126 CbaµIer 3: WbaI s Tbis, AbouI WbaI s Tbis The What’s This selection gives you an active ? question mark icon. As you hover this icon over an item, the help file for that item appears. Not all items have help files. AbouI The About item gives you a quick view of what software version you are using. 127 Book 2. Bri|| Cptimization Overview If Maintenance is the meat and bones of Brill, the Optimization side of Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is the brains of the program. It is here you solve the formula specifications to obtain the production formulas. ParI 1: ProIessiona| NuIriIionisI The purpose of Professional Nutritionist is to allow you to make changes to an individual formula and optimize it without changing the database. A successful formula looks something like the following: 128 The success is judged by the system and is reported in the footer where it says Feasible. CbaµIer 1: Using ProIessiona| NuIriIionisI When you select Professional Nutritionist, a selection window appears. Enter the Plant code where the formula you wish to review is resident. Enter the formula code. The pricing plant will default in, but may be changed. Finally, select whether you wish to review the formula spec or the stored formula. Here we begin with a newly created formula spec. Before we even see the formula, the system warns us the spec is not feasible and offers a report citing causes and solutions. Select Yes to see a report. 129 This report tells us we cannot get enough crude protein from the existing formula to meet the required minimum of 16%. You may print the report, or choose to save or close. When you do so, the formula spec will appear in the Professional Nutritionist window. Infeasibles are calculated to show the nearest/cheapest feasible solution. Infeasible nutrients/ingredients are marked with a different color and an asterisk on the screen. In the header fields, you will see the formula plant and code number, followed by the formula name. In the footer, you will see formula spec batch size is 2,000 lbs., the species code is 10, the formula is Infeasible, and the current batch weight is 2,000 lbs. Also, formula usage is 1, and the current formula cost is $127.7803 per batch. Since this is a new spec, there is no previous cost or comparison data available. To check on what unit of measure your formula pricing is based, see Optimization/ System/Options. To view nutrient values instead of ingredient values, click on the drop down arrow in the header field (or the 5 th icon in the tool bar) To view formula percentages instead of actual amounts, click on the switch amounts icon (4 th in the tool bar.) 130 At the base of the grid is a scroll bar that reveals the columns beyond Min/Max. They are: Previous, Lo/Hi Cost, Rest, UnRounded, and Sensitivity. Using PigbI-c|ick OµIions When using the Professional Nutritionist you should keep in mind that some functions of the grid are available with a right-click on any particular field. This section of the manual details only the functions that are available only as a right-click option. Some right-click options are available in the menu bar also and are detailed later in the manual. The options available on all fields are: Delete Selected Row; Add Rows; Disable Current Ingredient; Enable Current Ingredient; Edit Ingredient; Expand as Premix; Expand All Premix Ingredients; Merge Specifications; Edit Ingredient Combinations; and Create Comments. De|eIe Se|ecIed Pow Click once on the gray box at the left end of an ingredient row that contains an ingredient you want deleted from this optimization. This highlights the line. Position your cursor somewhere on the line you just highlighted and do a right- click and select Delete Selected Row from the pop-up menu that appears. A dialog box appears to verify your actions. If you decide not to delete the selected ingredient, choose Cancel and the operation is aborted and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. If you want to proceed and delete the selected ingredient from this optimization, choose OK and the ingredient is removed from the optimization and you are returned to the newly configured Professional Nutritionist window. Note: The procedure Delete Selected Row described at the right for ingredients also applies for nutrients. The operation of this function is identical for nutrients and ingredients. Just switch the window’s view from one view to the other and the function operates the same. 131 Add Pows To add a new ingredient to this optimization you perform a right-click on the grid and select Add Rows from the pop-up menu that appears. The “Add new items to specification” window appears. To add a single ingredient click once on the Ingredient Code field and enter the code of the ingredient you desire. If you want to add one or more ingredients and you do not know the code, click on the lookup button at the left of the window and select the codes you want from the Select Ingredients window. After you select the ingredients you want from the the Select Ingredients window and click on the Accept the Screen button the ingredients are added and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. Disab|e CurrenI IngredienI To temporarily disable an ingredient for this optimization you perform a right-click and select Disable Current Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. The code N/A appears in the Minimum and Maximum fields of the ingredient, indicating this ingredient is not available for this particular optimization. Enab|e CurrenI IngredienI To enable an ingredient for this optimization you perform a right-click and select Enable Current Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. If the ingredient had been disable, the code N/A is removed from the Minimum and Maximum fields of the ingredient, indicating this ingredient is now available for this particular optimization. EdiI IngredienI To edit the nutritional information relating to a specific ingredient, perform a right-click on the ingredient line and select Edit Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. The Edit Ingredient window appears. Note: The procedure Add Rows described at the right for ingredients also applies for nutrients. The operation of this function is identical for nutrients and ingredients. Just switch the window’s view from one view to the other and the function operates the same. 132 Make the necessary changes to the ingredient in this window and then you save the changes by selecting the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window. You can save the changes to the permanent data file by selecting the diskette icon at the lower left corner of the window before you select the Accept the Screen button. EdiI NuIrienI To edit the information relating to a specific nutrient, be sure the Professional Nutritionist is displaying nutrient information. You then perform a right-click on the nutrient line you want to modify and select Edit Nutrient from the pop-up menu that appears. The Edit Nutrient window appears. 133 Make the necessary changes to the nutrients in this window and then you save the changes by selecting the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window. If you want to abort this procedure you select the Cancel the Current Operation button. Both options return you to the Professional Nutritionist window. Changes made in this window are saved by clicking on the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window, but the changes cannot be written to the permanent file from here. Exµanding µremixes In the scrolling window are the ingredients being utilized and information relating to those ingredients. If one or more of those ingredients are premixes you can expand those premixes into the ingredient listing displayed here. Place your cursor over the premix and right-click on your mouse. A pop-up menu appears and you have two expanding premixes options from which to select. One option is Expand as Premix and the other is Expand All Premix Ingredients. The options are explained in the following examples. Exµand as Premix Select Expand as Premix if you want only the premix you have selected expanded into this formula. Once you select Expand as Premix the Expand as Premix window appears. You have the opportunity to select the plant and formula code from which you want Brill Formulation to select the ingredient makeup of the premix. This function works for formulas in the buffer. If you want to change the selection from the default values displayed, click on the lookup 134 buttons next to the fields and select the plant and formula code you want to use. If you want to have the ingredient specifications fixed, select the check box next to Fix Ingredient Specifications. Select Cancel the Current Operation if you want to abort the operation and return to the optimization window. Select Accept the Screen to proceed with expanding the premix into the ingredients of the formula in which you are working. The premix is expanded into the existing ingredient window and you now can work on optimizing the formula. If there is another premix you want to expand you must first re-optimize the formula after expanding the first premix before you can expand the next premix. When you complete the re-optimization and you are ready to expand the next premix, select it and right-click on the line containing the premix and select Expand as Premix. You can expand any premix listed in the ingredients window. If you select an ingredient that is not a premix, a warning dialog box appears and asks if you are sure you want to proceed. If you do not want to expand the ingredient, select OK and you are returned to the optimization window. If you select OK the Expand as Premix window appears and you can then complete the process described above. You can perform the Expand as Premix procedure as many times as you deem necessary. If you have several premixes you can expand them one at a time. You also may have premixes within premixes and you can then perform the Expand as Premix option as many times as necessary to the premixes you want expanded. Keep in mind that you must re-optimize the formula after expanding each premix before expanding the next premix. 135 Exµand A|| Premix IngredienIs Brill Formulation also gives you the option of expanding all premix ingredients listed in your formula. To begin the process, right-click on any ingredient in the listing of ingredients and select Expand All Premix Ingredients from the pop-up menu that appears. The Expand All Premix Ingredients window appears. You have the opportunity to select the plant code from which you want Brill Formulation to select the ingredient makeup of the premix. If you want to change the selection from the default value displayed, click on the lookup button next to the Plant field and select the plant code you want to use. If you want to have the ingredient specifications fixed, select the check box next to Fix Ingredient Specifications. Select Cancel the Current Operation if you want to abort the operation and return to the optimization window. Select Accept the Screen to proceed with expanding all of the visible premixes into the ingredients of the formula in which you are working. The premixes are expanded into the existing ingredient window and you now can work on optimizing the formula. This function works for formulas in the buffer. However, if there are premixes within premixes you will need to run the Expand All Premix Ingredients if you want any premixes that were contained within other premixes. Premixes within premixes are not automatically expanded. You can run the option multiple times to expand down the premix layers. 136 Merge SµeciIicaIions To combine the specifications of multiple formulas, perform a right-click on the information grid and select Merge Specifications from the pop-up menu that appears. The Merge Specifications window appears. Select the plant you desire, the formula code and how you want the specifications merged with the checkboxes at the left of the window. After you have designated the information you want brought into the formula you are optimizing, select Accept the Screen button and the specifications you defined are merged. You are then returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. EdiI IngredienI CombinaIions To edit your ingredient combinations you perform a right- click on the field and select Edit Ingredient Combinations from the pop-up menu that appears. For an explanation of Ingredient Combinations, refer to Book 1: Part 2: Chapter 7: Formulas for a section on Ingredient Combinations. CreaIe CommenIs To add a comment to the formula spec you perform a right- click on the field and select Create Comments from the pop- up menu that appears. The Formula Spec Comment window appears. 137 Enter the comment you desire in the text box of this window and then select Accept the Screen. Your comment is saved and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. Save Prices Io Disk When performing a right-click on the Price field an additional option displayed in the pop-up menu is Save Prices to Disk. This allows you to make changes to ingredient prices in the buffer and then save those changes without returning to the Maintenance window of Brill Formulation. If you want to save the prices you have defined in Professional Nutritionist, simply select this option and the Save Prices to Disk window appears. 138 To save prices for specific ingredients, click once in the Selected check box for the ingredient price you want to save. After you have made your selections, click on the Accept the Screen button to store those prices directly to Brill Formulation without having to make the price changes in Brill Formulation – Maintenance. You are then returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. PerIorm ParameIric Ana|ysis Parametric Analysis can be used to test an ingredient price or the ingredient minimum or maximum. To perform the analysis, right-click on the Price, Minimum or Maximum fields of the ingredient for which you want to perform the Parametric Analysis. The procedure is detailed later in this section. Parametric Analysis also can be performed on nutrient minimums or maximums when you are viewing the nutrient screen in the Professional Nutritionist. 139 Fie|ds wiIbin Ibe OµIimizaIion window Next, we define the features and operations of each of the columns of the optimization window of Brill Formulation. AmounI The Amount column is divided into Amount and Price. Use the switch amounts icon (4 th in toolbar) to change from percentage of formula to actual ingredient weight in the Amounts column. You may edit the amount by percentage or actual. Min|Max The Minimum and Maximum columns allow you to give the program some flexibility in finding the least cost solution to the formulation requirements. In this example, we enter minimums on a number of ingredients to allow the program to meet the nutrient requirements. Use the switch ingredient/nutrient icon (5 th in the toolbar) to edit nutrient minimums and maximums. Enable/Disable Ingredient: If you need to give a preference to one ingredient over another, you may choose to disable the ingredient you do not want included. Put the cursor focus on the line of the ingredient you want to disable. Select the Edit menu, then Disable Ingredient. The optimizer will ignore this ingredient. To restore the ingredient, choose Edit, Enable Ingredient. You also may use a right-click to view a pop-up menu that also provides the ability to Enable/Disable Ingredient. Grid layout: To keep ingredients visible while scrolling through columns, click on double bar to the left of the ingredient code and slide it to the right. This will keep whatever is to the left of that line visible while you scroll. To return to normal, select Grid Layout menu, then Restore Original Grid Layout. 140 Previous The Previous column displays the last values before optimization took place. The Difference Column displays the difference in values caused by the last optimization. The Stored column displays the values in the Stored Formula. Lo|Hi CosI These are break points, here based on weight restrictions only: The Lo Cost is the price at which more of the ingredient would be used. The Lo Amount is the amount that would be used at the Lo Cost. The Hi Cost is the price at which the program would use less of an ingredient. The Hi Amount is the amount that would be used at the Hi Cost. These price points are valid if the price is the only change made. PesI The Restriction cost is what the program determined it cost to place a minimum on that ingredient. It can apply to maximums if the program would like to use more of an ingredient. It is the current cost of that ingredient/nutrient per batch minus the replacement cost. UnPounded These are the unrounded values. SensiIiviIy All costs displayed in the sensitivity section are based on the ton/tonne. The extra cost will tell you the difference per ton when the nutrient/ingredient is allowed to change to the number displayed in the EValue column. The savings column displays the cost savings when the ingredient/nutrient is allowed to change to the number displayed in the SValue column. Depending on whether you 141 are at a minimum or a maximum, the extra cost or extra saving will display the exact cost per ton/tonne of your restriction. OµIimize Optimization is the heart of the Brill Feed Formulation program When a formula spec is optimized, the system takes its ingredient and nutrient requirements and attempts to create the least expensive formula ration that fits the given parameters. From our feasibility report, we know we must look at crude protein. To change the crude protein, we need to change the minimum on one of the protein ingredients. Here we lower the corn minimum and select the Optimize lightning bolt icon in the tool bar or in the File menu. The system recalculates the available ingredients, reduces the amount of maize (the corn overlay ingredient at this plant), and presents a feasible formula solution. 142 SIore So|uIion Select Store Solution to create a permanent stored formula of the current spec in Professional Nutritionist. Select a Plant Code and Formula Code for the stored formula. These may be different than the formula spec plant and code. Select Check to save as a temporary archived formula if you do not want to replace the current stored formula being used for production. This will work only if the Archive option is activated. Select Check to edit stored comments if you wish to review any notes you have made on the spec before storing. Select Do Pellet Creation if you have defined a pellet premix and you want the pellet formulas saved when this stored formula also is saved. ParameIrics A parametric analysis is an opportunity to view potential changes to a solution in a step-by-step approach. You can do a parametric analysis on a price, ingredient minimum or maximum, or nutrient minimum or maximum. In this example, we called up a formula in the Professional Nutritionist, and clicked on the minimum field of the maize line in the grid to put focus there. Then, we chose the parametric icon. You also may access Parametrics by performing a right-click on the line for which you want to conduct a Parametrics analysis. To save a solution, the formula, or “set” of formulas, must be open and must be feasible. 143 In the setup window, enter a beginning value and an ending value for a range you would like to analyze. Then, enter the size of the step between analyses you wish to create. In this example, we set up a parametric to analyze the maize inclusion at 5% increments in this formula through a range of 40-60% inclusion. Select the Accept mark to review the parametric analysis based on your setup criteria. Save Formu|a Sµec To save a solution back to the original formula spec, select Save Formula Spec from the File menu. You may change the plant location for the spec as well as the formula code. 144 Select the Accept mark. When updating the original formula spec, the formula code must match. If it does, the following message will warn you that you are about to overwrite the original spec. Select Yes to overwrite. Cancel and change the formula code if you don’t wish to alter the original spec. Save So|uIion The solution file may be saved from the Professional Nutritionist. Reports allowing the user to print from the solution can be printed by selecting the BUFFER.MLS file. C|ose SeI You can close a formula set by clicking on File in the Optimization main menu and then selecting Close Set. Brill Formulation then verifies that you want to close the set by opening a dialog box. If you do not want to close the set and continue working on the set, select No and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. To close the current set, select Yes and the set is closed and you are returned to a blank Professional Nutritionist window. 145 CbaµIer 2: CreaIing Premixes When one plant makes a premix or concentrate and distributes it through formulas in other plants, it may be necessary or prudent to save the premix as an ingredient. Brill Formulation allows you to save a premix or a partial premix from the optimization buffer. If you have saved a partial premix, Brill Formulation – Optimization also allows you to directly reload the buffer with the production formula containing the premix. The production formula enters the buffer as fixed, but you can override it for further changes. When you select the Make a Premix option from the Edit menu, the Store Premix as Ingredient window appears. The code and formula name appear at the top of the window. P|anI Code Enter the name of the plant that is using this premix as an ingredient. Click on the lookup button to the right of the field to view the available plants. Pricing P|anI Enter the name of the plant from which you want to use the ingredient pricing information. Click on the lookup button to the right of the field to view the available plants. Save as IngredienI You must enter a new code for the premix in the Save as Ingredient field. The lookup button is there for you to check your ingredient list so that you do not write over an existing ingredient. Although you may rename your premix, it This function is also useful for diluting mill accidents into small amounts for feed redistribution. Note: You should save any price changes or ingredient changes before creating the premix. Current prices and ingredient composition are pulled from the database when doing premix creation. 146 initially is named after the original formula with “Premix” added to the end. New Pounding FacIor Enter a rounding factor for the ingredient that you desire. Click once on the field and edit the default value of 0.00000 to a value you have determined is needed. Save Io Base|Save Io Over|ay You have the ability to save this premix ingredient as a base ingredient or an overlay. To save the premix ingredient as a base, click on the option button to the left of Save to Base. To save the premix ingredient as an overlay, click on the option button to the left of Save to Overlay. The option selected is the option with a green option button displayed. To change your selection, simply click on the option you want selected. P|ace IngredienI in SIock You have the option to mark this ingredient as in-stock from this window by marking the checkbox. It is possible the purchaser has some of the ingredients on hand and wishes to purchase only part of a premix. This option is selected if a check mark appears in the check box. To place a check mark in a blank box, click on the box. To remove a check mark, click on the check mark. 147 ParIia| Premix SµeciIicaIion You have the ability to save this as a partial premix. Click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. The Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window appears. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix, then used to produce the finished product. This procedure will create a stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. Origina| Formu|a The Original Formula fields are automatically filled in as the data is based upon the formula from which you are creating the premix. ProducIion Formu|a In the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window header, give the modified production formula a code number. The lookup button is there for you to check your formula list so that you do not write over an existing formula. 148 Inc|ude In the Include column you uncheck those ingredients that the producer is adding to the production formula on site. Only the items checked in the Include column are used in creating the premix formula. PeverI The Revert icon at the bottom of the screen resembles a curved arrow. It allows you to clear all changes and revert to the original formula. To revert to the original formula, click on the icon. SwiIcb beIween ingredienIs and nuIrienIs If you want to view the nutrient amounts in this formula you click on the “Switch between ingredients and nutrients” button at the bottom left corner of the window. The nutrient value information is displayed. To switch back to the ingredient listing click on the button again. Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window, select the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and a dialog box appears. If you decide not to abort this procedure and you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window, select Cancel and you are returned to the previous window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and not save the changes you made in the window, select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and save the changes you made in the window, select Yes and your changes are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. 149 AcceµI Ibe Screen If you have defined all of the parameters needed in creating this premix you can select the Accept the Screen button (check mark.) Your settings are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you have selected a formula that already exists a dialog box appears and offers you a decision of whether you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating. Select No if you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and select a different formula code. Select Yes if you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating here. After you have completed making all of your settings in the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window you return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. At this time you determine whether to Cancel the Current Operation in the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you select Cancel you are returned to the Optimization window. If you determine that you want to proceed with the process of storing your premix as an ingredient, select the Accept the Screen button. If an ingredient already exists with the code you have used a dialog box appears. If you do not want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here, select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you do want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here, select Yes and the ingredient is replaced. 150 Another window that appears is the following dialog box. It will appear whether the previous dialog box appears or not. Brill Formulation allows you the option of immediately reloading the new formula into the Optimization buffer so that you may continue work on the new formula. If you do not want the new formula in the buffer, select No and you are returned to the Optimization window and the new formula is not placed in the buffer. If you do want the new formula in the buffer, select Yes and you are returned to the Optimization window and the new formula is displayed in the window and is placed in the buffer. You can then return to work on optimizing the formula you desire. 151 ParI 2: BaIcb OµIimizaIion CurrenI SeI In order to optimize batches of formulas, you must create a formula set. Select the Edit menu option, then Current Set. In the Recall Formula Set window, type in a name for a set of formulas. In this example, we enter KCR01 for a horse producer client. Select Open to create this set directory. When finished, select Formula Listing in the Edit menu to enter formulas into this set. Formu|a LisIing When the Formula Listing window opens, in the title bar you will see the name of the formula set you just created. To select formula specs to place in this formula set, click on the first binocular. To select stored formulas, choose the second binocular. In this example, we chose specs. The first window that opens will prompt you to select the plant from which to read the formula specs. 152 When you have selected your formula plant, click on the Accept mark. The next window is optional. It allows you to select a different plant to read the formula spec. In this example, we ignored this window. Once you accept the Plant to Read Spec window, the next window appears. Select a plant for pricing. This, too, is optional. 153 Once the plants have been established, select the formulas you wish to collect in the formula set you are creating. Select the Accept mark when you’ve chosen which specs to include in the formula set. These formula specs appear in the Formula Listing window. When the set is complete, select the Accept mark. A success message accompanies the save. Once a formula set has been created, it can be reused, modified, added to or deleted from. If you recently created a formula spec, but can’t find it in the list, select the reload icon (resembles a desktop computer.) This will refresh the list and include any new formulas. 154 ModiIy a Formu|a SeI To add or delete formulas from the set, select Current Set from the Edit menu. Select the set you wish to modify and choose Open. The set you choose will be reflected in the tool bar of the Optimization window. Once the set is open, you can highlight a formula by clicking the cursor arrow on the gray box at left of the formula. When the formula is highlighted, you can press the Delete key to remove the formula from the list. A verification message will appear. Select OK to allow the deletion. Select cancel to leave the formula in the set. To add formulas to the set, merely click on a binocular list, select the plants required, then choose the formulas to add. Select the Accept mark and the formulas appear in the formula set. If you change the first plant code in Plant, Spec or Price column, Brill Formulation asks if you wish to change all the 155 codes in the column. This makes it easier and faster to change the file for another optimization. Brill Formulation allows you to merge another MLS file into the file currently being modified. BaIcb OµIimizing Batch optimization is a tool that optimizes a set of formulas. It cannot access individual stored formulas or formula specs. To optimize a formula set, select the desired set in the Edit menu under Current Set. Then select Batch Optimization in the File menu. The current set will appear in the Batch Optimization window. Select the Accept mark to optimize. Click on the Log Off text to change it to Log On before Accepting the optimization if you wish to see a progress bar and a solution report. Select Ok on the Solution Message. If you have the Log Report turned on a Log Report is generated and the solution report is then saved. If you have the Log Report turned off the log is not printed, but the solution is saved to the selected location. The status of whether a Log is generated is displayed in the lower left corner of the window. To change the setting you simply click once on the button and the status changes. The following is an example of a Log Report that could be generated. 156 Once the solution is saved you can then print the various reports available in Brill Formulation. The reports include: Usage Report; Summary Report; Shadow Report; Solution Report; Sensitivity Report; and Compare Report. Each report option is available by clicking on Reports in the Optimization tool bar and then selecting the desired report from the drop-down list that appears. 157 CbaµIer 1: Week|y Procedure The Weekly procedure is used to automate the process of optimizing large numbers of formulas. The procedure will then apply selection criteria to determine which formulas need a new production formula. The Weekly procedure is used to implement new ingredient prices and nutrient values in production formulas. SeIIing uµ Week|y µrocedure The setup process requires several items of information. This setup information is saved and does not require input except for necessary changes. The first property sheet of setup (Start-Up tab) has the location and name of the “Formula set” file to be used and the default printer. This window allows the user to set the program to execute after regular business hours. De|aying sIarI oI Week|y µrocedure If you want to delay the start of the Weekly procedure, click the check box at the top of the Start-Up property sheet. A text box appears in which you may enter a time for the process to start. Formu|a seI You must enter the location and name of a Formula set file to be optimized. You may click the binoculars and a Recall Formula Set window appears. You may then select the set you want to optimize. 158 CurrenI PrinIer The Current Printer selection is displayed in this field. If you wish to change the printer to which the reports will be printed, click the folder with the printer icon on it. A Print Setup window appears where you may select another printer to which to send your reports. So|uIion PeµorI The Solution Report allows you to set up a Custom Setup File as a method of setting all Weekly configurations. The Solution Report also allows you to select to send the Solution Report output directly to a printer or to a file to print or view later. The custom configuration feature makes it possible to have multiple configurations and easily recall the setup file to set the configuration you want quickly. You also have the option to select how your information will be presented. Your options include a printed report or a report sent to a file. CusIom SeIuµ Fi|e You may enter a previous Custom Setup File or press the binoculars to open a Get Custom Setup File window. You may then use the window to select a previous Custom Setup File for your Solution Report. OuIµuI OµIions Click the option button next to “Send to printer” if you would like the report sent to the printer selected in the Start- Up property sheet. 159 If you would like the information sent to a file, click the option button next to “Send to file.” You may then enter a destination and file name. You may wish to save it to a location you have used before. You then click the binoculars and a Save Report to File window opens. You then select a destination and file name for your report. Error PeµorI The Error Report is a report of the formulas selected to be issued and the reason for issuing the new formula. This may be sent to the printer or to a file to be reviewed on screen or printed later. OuIµuI OµIions You may select from sending your report to a printer or to a file. If you want to send the report to the printer selected in the Start-Up sheet, click the option button next to “Send to printer.” If you would like to send the report to a file for viewing and printing later, click the option button next to “Send to file.” You may then enter a destination and file name or click on the binoculars to open a Save Report to File window. You may then select the folder in which you want to save your report and the name of the report. 160 OµIions The Options page allows you to set function options within the Weekly procedure. Skiµ cbanged sµeciIicaIions If you want to issue a new formula if the formula specification has been changed, do not select the option button next to “Skip changed specifications.” You then enter the number of days to check for a changed specification in the text box at the lower right-hand corner of this window. If you do not want to issue a new formula if the formula specification has been changed, click the option button. Do noI de|eIe so|uIions If “Do not delete solutions” is not selected, all solutions not selected to issue a new formula will be deleted from the Solution file. If you want those solutions saved, click the option button next to “Do not delete solutions” and those solutions will not be deleted. Skiµ O|S or de|eIed ingredienI warning Click the option button next to “Skip O/S or deleted ingredient warning” if you do not want to print warnings about out-of-stock or deleted ingredient warnings on solution reports. If you want to print the warnings, leave the option button blank. 161 LogouI aI end If you click the option button next to “Logout at end,” the program will completely close the Optimization module at the end of the Weekly process. Beginning Ibe µrocedure After the configuration is complete, click the check mark at the lower right-hand corner of the window to start the process. TesIing oI new so|uIions The following criteria are used to test new solutions to determine whether a new production formula should be issued. 1. All formulas in the Formula Set will have the current production formula checked by verification. All formulas that fail verification will have a new formula issued. 2. The cost change for each new solution is tested to determine whether the change exceeds the Price Threshold 3. Extended Price Thresholds may be used to test the formula cost change multiplied by the tons of production. 4. If the formula specification has changed. For formulas that contain an Include, the Master Formula is marked as changed to keep formulas synchronized. The Weekly procedure may be used at any time to optimize a Formula Set and test the new solutions to determine which solutions meet the criteria for issuing a new production formula. 162 ParI 3: Mu|Iib|end Feed Manufacturers at many times must allocate ingredients that are high quality but available in limited quantity. An optional module of Brill Formulation is Multiblend, which assists in the simultaneous formulation of several stored formulas vying for limited resources. Multiblend considers the variation in nutrient requirements among the formulas to be optimized and the total volume of each formula. For example, an ingredient in limited supply may be more valuable in one formula when formulated alone, but may in fact lower overall costs if allocated among several formulations or used in the highest volume feed. This program works in conjunction with the basic formulation functions of Brill Formulation. You must define your situation to the program through several menu options. First you must identify which ingredients must be carefully allocated. Then you identify which formulas are competing for these ingredients and how much of each formula is to be produced. After you define your situation you have the option of temporarily overriding the formula specifications, including the ingredients, ingredient prices and/or nutrient requirements. Next, you optimize this set of formulas with these restrictions using the Optimize Set function of Brill Formulation. You can print a solution report just as you can for a single least cost solution. If the solutions are feasible, then you can store them as production formulas or as temporary files in the archives. 163 CbaµIer 1: CreaIing a Mu|Iib|end seI The first step in optimizing the use of your limited resources for the formulas for which you want to produce begins with the creation of the set of formulas you wish to optimize. Begin by clicking on the File button in the Main Menu. The drop-down menu is displayed. From the list of options, select Open Multiblend Set if you are editing an existing Multiblend Set. If you are creating a new set, select New Multiblend Set and the New Multiblend Set window appears. If you elect not to create a new Multiblend Set, select Cancel and you are returned to the Main Menu of the Optimization program. To create a new set, enter the name you desire for this particular set in the field at the bottom of the window. Choose OK and the Formula Listing window appears. 164 It is in this window that you define from where the formulas, formula specs, prices and other initial information come. Once you define the initial information, then you can define the limitations you want placed on this particular Multiblend set. At that point you optimize the set and then make your modifications to achieve the balance of ingredient usage you desire. View Formu|a Sµec Lookuµ Screen Begin the process of selecting the formulas for your Multiblend set by choosing View Formula Spec Lookup Screen (left set of binoculars at bottom of window) and the Select 1 Plant for Formulas window appears. In this window are the plants from which you may select a plant you wish to use for getting your stored formulas. To make your selection click once on the line of the plant you want and then click again in the Selected box to make your selection. Then choose the Accept check mark at the lower right portion of the window to proceed to the Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) window. The following windows allow you to select the optional plant settings for obtaining formula specs and pricing information. Note: In this process, you can only select one plant at a time and then select the formulas from that plant you wish to optimize using Multiblend. However, if you have purchased the multi-plant option you also can continue after you have defined the formulas from one plant. You can add another plant to the set and then select formulas for that plant also. This gives you a set that incorporates multiple plants together. 165 Se|ecI 1 P|anI Io Pead Sµec (OµIiona|) You are given the opportunity to select a plant other than the one selected in the previous window for reading formula specs. If you do not select an alternate, Brill Formulation defaults to the plant selected in the formula plant selection in the previous window. After selecting a formula plant and choosing the Accept check mark, the Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) window appears. If you are selecting a different plant from which you want formula specs, double click on the line for that plant to place a check mark in the box. Next, choose the Accept check mark at the lower right portion of the window to make your selection. If you do not want to define a different plant for formula specs, do not mark any plants in the window and simply choose the Accept check mark and proceed to the Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) window. Se|ecI 1 P|anI Ior Pricing (OµIiona|) You also have the option of selecting yet another plant from which to gather your pricing information on ingredients used by Brill Formulation. The Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) window appears after you choose Accept in the previous window. 166 If you want to use the formula plant as your pricing plant, you do not need to make any selections in this window. Simply choose the Accept button at the bottom right of the window and proceed to the window in which you select the formulas you want included in the Multiblend set. If you do want to use another plant as your pricing plant, double click on the line for that plant and a check mark appears. Next, select the Accept button and the Select Formulas for Adding window appears. Se|ecI Formu|as Ior Adding Once you have defined your Formula Plant, Formula Spec Plant and Pricing Plant, you now can select the formulas you want added to your Multiblend set. The Select Formulas for Adding window appears after you choose Accept in the previous window. 167 Double click on the line of the formula you want added and this formula is marked to be included. Select as many formulas as you desire to be included in this Multiblend set. After you have selected all of the formulas desired, choose the Accept button in the lower right portion of the window to have the formulas included in your set. The Formula Listing window appears with the selected formulas displayed. After selecting formulas from a particular formula plant you have the option of adding to this list from other plants by selecting the View Formula Spec Lookup Screen button again and selecting a different formula plant and repeating the above listed procedure to add the formulas from another plant to this set. You also can place your cursor over the grid and perform a right-click on your mouse. A pop-up menu appears and offers you the selections of Add Row(s) or Add Row(s) With Stored Formulas. You can select one of these options and add a formula to the Formula Listing window. De|eIing a Iormu|a To remove a formula from the listing of formulas to be included in a particular Multiblend set, click once in the gray box next to the formula you want deleted. Press the Delete key and a confirmation window appears. If you decide not to delete the selected formula, choose Cancel and the process is aborted and the formula is not deleted from the set. If you want to proceed with deleting the formula from the set, select OK and the formula is removed from the set. You are then returned to the Formula Listing window. View SIored Formu|a Lookuµ Screen Brill Formulation allows you to select the formulas that you plan to optimize in Multiblend by starting with the Stored 168 Formula Lookup Screen. Click on the second set of binoculars at the bottom of the Formula Listing window and the Select 1 Plant for Formulas window appears. You then repeat the same procedure to select your formulas that are outlined above beginning with the View Formula Spec Lookup Screen. The preceding instructions have provided a listing of formulas in which we have defined the Formula Plant, Formula Spec Plant, Pricing Plant and Formulas to be included in the set. Next we define the quantities and limitations on production you want to include in determining the parameters for which we will optimize this set. Fix Select this check box if the selected stored formula has no formula spec. These types of formulas can still be a part of the Multiblend set and the ingredient usages are allocated in the optimization. To select this option click once in the check box and a check mark is displayed. To deselect this option, click once in the check box and the check mark is removed. Lck (Lock) When you use the criteria selection to select formulas to issue, you may select Lck to prevent the Fix column from being automatically changed. To select this option click once in the check box and a check mark is displayed. To deselect this option, click once in the check box and the check mark is removed. P|anI The Plant field information is automatically filled in when you select a plant when you are first defining your Multiblend set. To change a Formula Plant selection in the grid, double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. Once the plant code is displayed in the Plant field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. 169 If you want to change the Plant only for the formula on the line you are changing, you select No. Brill Formulation only changes the Plant for the formula you have just changed. If you want to change the Plant for all formulas in the scrolling window, you select Yes and all Plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. Code The Formula Code you select is automatically filled in when you select the formulas you want included in your Multiblend set. To change the Formula Code, you double click on the field and enter the code of the formula you want to include in this optimization. Sµec If you have selected a Formula Spec Plant that is different than the Formula Plant when creating your Multiblend set of formulas, this information is automatically filled in for you. If you have not defined a Formula Spec Plant this field remains blank. To change or add a Formula Spec Plant in the grid, double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. Once the plant code is displayed in the Spec field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. If you want to change the Spec plant only for the formula on the line you are changing, you select No. Brill Formulation will then only change the Spec plant for the formula you have just changed. If you want to change the Spec plant for all formulas in the scrolling window, you select Yes and all Spec plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. 170 Price A Pricing Plant is automatically displayed in this field if you have selected a Pricing Plant that is different than the Formula Plant you defined earlier in this window. If you have not defined a Pricing Plant that is different than your Formula Plant, this field is left blank. To change or add a Pricing Plant in the grid, double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. Once the Pricing Plant code is displayed in the Price field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. If you want to change the Pricing Plant only for the formula on the line you are changing, you select No. Brill Formulation will then only change the Pricing Plant for the formula you have just changed. If you want to change the Pricing Plant for all formulas in the scrolling window, you select Yes and all Pricing Plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. Formu|a Name The name of your formula is automatically displayed in this field after you have selected the formula for inclusion in your Multiblend set. AmounI Determine in tons the amount of each formula you want to produce. The amount for each formula can be different and be determined down to the 1/10,000 of a ton. Change the amount you desire from the 1-ton default amount to any amount you desire. Click once on the field under the Amount header and then enter the amount desired. 171 PMO This flags a formula that is a premix in a Premix Optimization formula set. Minimum Click once on this field and then enter a minimum number of tons of a formula you wish to consider in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. This sets a minimum amount of this formula to consider in optimizing a particular Multiblend set. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. Maximum Click once on this field and then enter a maximum number of tons of a formula you wish to consider in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. This sets a maximum amount of this formula to consider in optimizing a particular Multiblend set. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. Se|| You have the ability to set an actual selling price of a formula in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. Click once on the field and enter the price at which you want to sell this formula. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. Se|| % You also have the ability to set a percentage over the ingredient cost of a formula to use in calculating the selling price for a floating tonnage Multiblend set. Click once on the field and enter the percentage over the ingredient cost of a formula you want used in calculating the price. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. PesI If the number of tons to produce in a floating tonnage Multiblend Solution is a minimum or a maximum, this amount indicates the additional profit to be made by making one more or one less ton of the formula. In the Formula Listing window this field is left blank. Low AmounI Brill Formulation may offer a recommendation of the number of tons to make of a particular formula in this particular Multiblend set. In this field it is most likely an amount that is less than the minimum tons you defined in the 172 Formula Listing window. When viewed in the Formula Listing window this field is blank. Higb AmounI Brill Formulation also may offer a recommendation of the number of tons to make of a particular formula in this Multiblend set that is most likely an amount that is greater than the maximum number of tons you defined in the Formula Listing window. When viewed in the Formula Listing window this field is blank. Ca|c Se|| This field is utilized after optimizing a Multiblend set and displays the calculated selling price as determined by either the Sell or Sell % field of the Formula Listing window. If viewing in the Formula Listing window, this field is blank. CosI This field displays the cost of the formula based upon the ingredients used and their associated costs. Formu|a Selections from the Formula tool bar drop-down menu allow you to modify prices of ingredients, include additional ingredients, include additional nutrients, allow substitution of ingredients and give you the ability to edit the configuration of your bin allocations. To view the drop- down menu click on the Formula button and the menu is displayed. You can then choose the option you desire. Mu|Ii-Price IngredienIs There may be times when you want to allow multiple prices for specific ingredients to be used in your Multiblend set. To define the ingredient for multiple prices, select Formula in the tool bar and then choose Multi-Price Ingredients and the Multi-Price Ingredient Definitions window appears. Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Multi-Price Ingredients. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Multi-Price Ingredients Definitions window. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Multi-Price Ingredients Definitions window. 173 Once the window appears you may add, edit or delete ingredients for which you want to be able to use multiple prices in your Multiblend set. To add an ingredient to this window, click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears. Select the ingredients you want included in the multi-price function of Brill Formulation. Once you have selected the list you desire, choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Multi-Price Ingredient Definitions window. You may add names to the Multi-Price ingredients you have added. Click on the Name field and then enter the name you desire. When you have completed entering the information you want, select the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. To delete an ingredient from the window, click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the ingredient you want deleted to highlight the line. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. If you want to abort the process of deleting the multi-price ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the Multi- Price Ingredient Definition window. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient 174 is removed and you are returned to the Multi-Price Ingredient Definition window. Once you have defined all of the multi-price ingredients you desire, choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. If you want to abort the current process, choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. Add IngredienIs Brill Formulation allows you to include additional ingredients with your Multiblend set. Select the Formula button in the Formula Listing window and choose Add Ingredients. The Add Ingredients window appears. Once the window appears you may add, edit or delete ingredients that you want to be able to add to your Multiblend set. To add an ingredient to this window, click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears. Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Add Ingredients. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Add Ingredients window. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Add Ingredients window. 175 Select the ingredients you want included in the Multiblend set. Once you have selected the list you desire, choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Add Ingredients window. Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas. The ingredient code is automatically displayed under the Code header and the ingredient name is automatically displayed under the Name header of the window. Minimum allows you to select a minimum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in the Multiblend set if this ingredient is selected for use. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a minimum amount. Maximum allows you to select a maximum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in this Multiblend set if this ingredient is selected for use. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a maximum amount. To delete an ingredient from the window, click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the ingredient you want deleted to highlight the line. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. If you want to abort the process of deleting an additional ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the Add Ingredients window. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient is removed. You are then returned to the Add Ingredients window. Once you have defined all of the additional ingredients you desire, choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. If you want to abort the current process, choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. 176 Add NuIrienIs There are times when you want to add specific nutrients to your Multiblend set, which Brill Formulation allows. Select Formula in the tool bar and then choose Add Nutrients. The Add Nutrients window appears. Once the window appears you may add, edit or delete nutrients of your Multiblend set. To add nutrients to this window, click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears. Select the nutrients you want included in the Multiblend set. Once you have selected the list you desire, choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Add Nutrients window. Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas. Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Add Nutrients. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Add Nutrients window. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Add Nutrients window. 177 The nutrients code is automatically displayed under the Code header and the nutrients name is automatically displayed under the Name header of the window. Minimum allows you to select a minimum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in the Multiblend set if this nutrient is selected for use. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a minimum amount. Maximum allows you to select a maximum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in this Multiblend set if this nutrient is selected for use. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a maximum amount. To delete a nutrient from the window, click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the nutrient you want deleted to highlight the line. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. If you want to abort the process of deleting an additional ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the Add Ingredients window. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient is removed. You are then returned to the Add Ingredients window. Once you have defined all of the additional ingredients you desire, choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. If you want to abort the current process, choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. 178 SubsIiIuIe IngredienIs Brill Formulation allows you to substitute one ingredient for another while using Multiblend. To define your Substitute Ingredients click on Formula in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choose Substitute Ingredients. The Substitute Ingredients window appears. The Substitute Ingredient function is a quick way to offer an ingredient to a Multiblend problem when it is not in any of the formula specs. Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas in this optimization. The ingredient that will be replaced when you substitute ingredients is listed in the From Ing. field. Enter the ingredient code you wish to replace in the From Ing. field. The ingredient to be offered instead for this optimization is listed in the To Ing. field. Enter the ingredient you want substituted into this optimization in this field. In the From Ing. and the To Ing. fields the name of the ingredient is displayed in the Name fields to the right of each field. The Keep Org. field is a selection that enables you to keep the original ingredient in the list of available ingredients. If this option is not selected the original ingredient is locked out during the solution operation. Select this option by clicking once in the box and place a check mark in the box. To remove a check mark and deselect this option, click on the check mark and it is removed. Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Substitute Ingredients. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Substitute Ingredients window. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Substitute Ingredients window. 179 EdiI Bin A||ocaIion ConIiguraIion You have the ability to change how you have allocated quantities in your ingredient bins. To change your bin allocations, select Formula in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choose Edit Bin Allocation Configuration. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window appears. An example of the function of this window is to say we have two ingredient bins empty but have three candidate ingredients that you might want to use in your operation. The ingredients are in your system and the costs and other nutrient information is defined. What you could do is to allow the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function to determine which two of the three ingredients would be most cost effective to utilize in producing your feed requirements. Once the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window is open you add the candidate ingredients to the window by clicking the lookup button (binoculars) and the Select Ingredients window appears. Select your three ingredient candidates you want to consider. Once you have selected the ingredients, select Accept the Screen and your selections are then displayed in the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. In the following example, we have selected as our three candidates: Maiz, Soy Meal 49% and Wheat Midds. 180 Each row indicates the possible use of an ingredient defined in that row in any of the problems posed by the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. Each column with numerals as headers indicates the individual problem faced by the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. You can pose multiple problems to the Optimizer and allow the Optimizer to consider multiple bin allocation problems at once. List all of the ingredients you want to use for all of the problems and use the grid to select the ingredients that are going to be considered in each problem under each numbered column header. For this example we pose only one problem for the Optimizer to solve. You place a 1 in each field of the row for an ingredient under the first column heading to indicate you want this ingredient to be considered in the configuration for the first problem. Each problem allows you to select which ingredients to consider. In this case we are considering all of the ingredients listed and so there is a numeral 1 in each of the rows for the ingredients. Next you define the Group Minimum and Group Maximum. This sets the minimum number of ingredients to be selected and the maximum number of ingredients to be selected when the Optimizer is run. In this example we have decided that we want to be able to use a minimum of two ingredients and a maximum of two ingredients. A 2 in the Group Minimum sets that value and a 2 in the Group Maximum sets the other value. To enter a value in the field, click once on the field and then enter the value you want the Optimizer to consider. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window allows you to also consider minimum usages for each selection. Let’s say you don’t want the Optimizer to consider an ingredient if it does not recommend at least 20 tons of an ingredient. If you know that you cannot bring in an ingredient if you don’t plan to use at least 20 tons (or any minimum amount you determine) place that minimum usage amount in the Minimum Usage field. The Optimizer then only considers a solution feasible if it can meet the minimum usage amount you define. Click once on the field and enter a Minimum Usage amount in a number of tons. 181 In this example we are detailing here, the a previous optimization of a Multiblend set reported the following feasible ingredient makeup. This optimization had no limitation placed on it by limiting the number of bins. This particular optimization utilized the Maiz, Soy Meal 49% and the Wheat Midds in varying amounts. However, you only have space to consider two of those three ingredients. So you open the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window and define the problem as described above and then click on the Accept the Screen button. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window closes and then you click on Accept the Screen button of the Formula Listing window, the Optimizer runs and produces the following solution. In this solution you see that Wheat Midds were not used, thus allowing you to utilize the Maiz and Soy Meal 49%. Note: The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function is being performed in the optimization module and this calculation then ensures a least-cost solution. Please note, however, that when performing this function, the more complex the problems posed to the optimizer the longer it may take to complete the computations. 182 The Optimizer determined that if it could only use two of the three ingredients, the most cost effective ingredients to purchase are Maiz and Soy Meal 49%. Since space was limited, the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window allowed you to best utilize the available space at the lowest cost to your operation. Keep in mind that the above listed example only dealt with one problem. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function can accept up to 10 separate problems at once. You should also note that the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function can be performed on a formula-by- formula or plant-wide basis. If you decide to have the Optimizer consider the function on a formula-by-formula basis, click on the check box at the top left corner of the window. A check mark appears in the box and the selection is made. Continue as described above and the solution is then reported in the Solution Report on a formula-by- formula basis. P|anI The Plant drop-down menu contains a single operation entitled Plant Tonnage Restrictions. This allows you to define minimum and maximum restrictions on the tonnage capacity of the plant you have selected. This option is available only for floating tonnage optimizations. P|anI Tonnage PesIricIions Brill Formulation allows you to define specific maximum and minimum tonnage amounts for any specific plant. It allows you to define how little of an amount you want any plant to consider producing while at the same time defining what the maximum capacity of the plant might be. To define tonnage restrictions, select Plant in the Formula Listing window and then choose Plant Tonnage Restrictions and the window appears. 183 The formula plant you have defined in the Formula Listings window is automatically displayed in the window. If a value has been defined for minimum or maximum, the values are displayed automatically. If no values have been defined, the fields are blank. To enter a value, click once on the field under the header you wish to define and then enter an amount in tons that you want defined for a limit. After you have made your selections choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and your settings are saved and you are returned to the Formula Listings window. If you want to abort the process select Cancel (X) and your settings are not saved and you are returned to the Formula Listings window. Grid LayouI While manipulating the grid for use in the Multiblend process you have four methods of automatically handling the grid. The selections are Save Current Layout as Custom Default; Restore Original Layout as the Default; Apply Original Layout; and Apply Custom Layout. An option can be applied by selecting Grid Layout in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choosing the option you desire. Save CurrenI LayouI as CusIom DeIau|I Select this option if you want to save the layout you currently have displayed as the Custom Default layout for future use. PesIore Origina| LayouI as Ibe DeIau|I If you are working on a grid and want to revert to the original layout as the default, select Restore Original Layout as the Default. The window then reverts to the original layout, which you can then save. Aµµ|y Origina| LayouI If you simply want to view the window at this time using the original layout of the grid, select Apply Original Layout. The window is then displayed using the original layout. Aµµ|y CusIom LayouI You may have saved a custom layout style previously and been working on a different layout. If you want the current layout to be displayed using your custom format, select Apply Custom Layout and the grid is displayed using your previously stored Custom Layout. 184 Merge Formu|as From AnoIber MLS Fi|e There may be times when you have already defined a Multiblend set and want to include that set with another set you had previously defined. To accomplish this you first open one of the two sets in the Formula Listing window and then click on the Merge Formulas From Another MLS File button. The Select MLS File to Merge window appears. Locate the file you desire to merge into the one you already have open and then click on it to highlight the selection. Select Open and the second MLS file is merged into the one you already have open in the Formula Listing window. Both sets of files are displayed in the current set. You can merge as many files together as you need without exceeding the maximum number of allowable files for a Multiblend set. You then have the option of saving the current set or conducting a Save As Multiblend Set to create a separate MLS file that now contains all of the merged sets. Save Ibe CurrenI SeI If you have defined the set you desire and want to save the settings and definitions, click on the Save the Current Set (icon is a floppy diskette) button at the bottom of the window. Brill Formulation then saves the set as you have it defined and alerts you to the set being saved and displays the data path of where the set has been saved. 185 Choose OK and you are returned to the Formula Listing window and you may continue work on the set. Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion You may cancel your changes and leave this window at any time by choosing the Cancel the Current Operation button (X icon) and this window is closed and any changes you have made in this window since the last save is aborted. You are returned to the Main Menu. AcceµI Ibe Screen After you have configured this Multiblend set you are ready to proceed to the next step of optimizing this Multiblend set of formulas. You do not have to save the set before proceeding to optimization. You can save the set at any time before or after optimization. Choose the Accept the Screen button (check mark icon) and the values you have entered in this window are then used to conduct an initial optimization of the set and the program displays the initial results in the Optimization window. The following portion of this manual details the optimization procedure in manipulating a Multiblend set. 186 CbaµIer 2: OµIimizing a Mu|Iib|end seI After you have created a Multiblend you are ready to optimize it. The initial optimization occurs when you select Accept the Screen in the Formula Listing window. At that point Brill Formulation optimizes the set and reports whether it is feasible and the amounts to be used to manufacture your feed order. This example begins with a Multiblend set displayed in the Formula Listing window as shown here. Once you have selected Accept the Screen your Multiblend set is optimized with the settings you have defined so far. The results are displayed in the Brill for Windows – Optimization window. The information initially displayed is the global results for the entire set of all formulas. In the lower right portion of the window is an initial indication of whether the set has a feasible solution or an infeasible solution. When a solution is determined to be feasible it means that given the restrictions you have placed on the components that make up the formula set a combination of the given ingredients can be used to complete your order. However, if the optimization is determined to be infeasible it means that the restrictions placed upon the components make it impossible to manufacture the formula set. You must then 187 modify your restrictions in some way to achieve a feasible solution to the optimization of the given set. In either situation you now have the ability to manipulate the parameters of your restrictions. This enables you to determine whether your changes can bring about a greater savings for a feasible set, and for an infeasible set whether you can manipulate the restrictions to create a feasible set. Brill Formulation allows you to manipulate nearly all of the parameters that went into creating the set. The fields and their operation are identical to the optimization window described in Book 2: Brill Optimization, Part 1: Professional Nutritionist. Please refer to Book 2: Part 1 for information relating to the operation of the Optimization window. There is one major difference between the operation of the Multiblend window and the Professional Nutritionist window is the ability to manipulate each formula by selecting it in the drop-down menu at the top left portion of the window. If you want to alter restrictions for a specific formula, click on the drop-down arrow and select the formula ingredients or nutrients you desire to manipulate. Then you can make the changes in the fields as desired. Another difference is in the use of Parametrics. Parametrics can be used to test an ingredient price or the ingredient minimum or maximum tons and view the results over the range of the Parametrics analysis. Parametrics works the same in Multiblend as in Professional Nutritionist with the exception that no nutrient testing can be performed. Quick Update offers a quick way for you to view which formula in a set is using a particular ingredient and how much is being used. These are the major differences from a Multiblend use and a Professional Nutritionist use. Once you optimize a set of formulas the first group of values displayed are for the entire Multiblend set. Continue to manipulate the set until you achieve the desired set of restrictions and achieve the best optimization possible. At this time you will have made the changes you desire you will want to store the solution of this Multiblend set. SIore So|uIion Storing a solution actually creates a permanent set of stored formulas of the current specs in the Multiblend set that you created above. Click on File in the Optimization window and 188 a drop-down menu appears. Select Store Solution and the Save Solution to Stored Formulas window appears. SIore a|| Iormu|as If you want all formulas stored from this Multiblend set, click once on “Store all formulas” and Brill Formulation stores all of the formulas when the “Accept the screen” button is selected. If the option button is green this selection has already been made as a default. If the option button is red the “Select which formulas to store option has been selected. To revert back to the “Store all formulas” option click on the option button next to “Store all formulas” and the option is selected. Se|ecI wbicb Iormu|as Io sIore If you want to store only some of the formulas included in this Multiblend set, click on the option button next to “Select which formulas to store.” The Save Solution to Stored Formulas window changes to the following display. 189 A scrolling window of the formulas included in the Multiblend set is displayed. Click on the check boxes at the left of the individual formulas for which you want their stored formulas saved. A formula with a check mark beside it will be saved. The formulas without check marks will not be saved. Press the Tab key to close the scrolling window and view the remainder of the window again. The option button remains green and indicates that selection is made. Tag a|| iIems When you have the scrolling window open you may want to select “Tag all items” to have Brill Formulation place check marks beside all of the formulas. You then can deselect the formulas you do not want stored. SIored DaIe The stored date automatically defaults to the current date. However, you may edit this field and enter a date you desire. Click once on the field and enter the date you want associated with the newly stored formulas. Cbeck Io save as Iemµorary arcbived Iormu|a If you do not want save the newly formulated rations as stored formulas you have the option to save them as temporary archived formulas. Click on the check box to activate this option. To remove a check mark, click on the check mark and it is removed and the option is no longer active. Do Pe||eI CreaIion Brill Formulation allows you to do pellet creation when this procedure is activated. Click on the option button to place a check mark in the check box. Click on the option button to remove a check mark if one is visible and you do not want the option selected. Checking this option stores the pellet ingredient and price along with the pellet formula and production formula. The original formula also is stored. AcceµI Ibe screen After you have set the parameters you want for this window and you want to proceed with saving the stored formulas, choose “Accept the screen” (check mark). Brill Formulation then saves the stored formulas or temporary archived formulas and you are returned to the Optimization window. 190 Cance| Ibe currenI oµeraIion If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Optimization window, choose “Cancel the current operation” (X icon) and the operation is canceled. You are returned to the Optimization window. Save Formu|a Sµec To save the Formula Specs from within Multiblend you click on File in the Optimization tool bar and then choose Save Formula Spec. The Save Formula Spec window appears. SIore a|| Iormu|as If you want all formula specifications stored from this Multiblend set, click once on “Store all formulas” and Brill Formulation stores all of the formulas when the “Accept the screen” button is selected. Se|ecI wbicb Iormu|as Io sIore If you want to store only some of the formula specifications included in this Multiblend set, click on the option button next to “Select which formulas to store.” The Save Solution to Stored Formulas window changes to the following display. 191 A scrolling window of the formulas included in the Multiblend set is displayed. Click on the check boxes at the left of the individual formulas for which you want their formula specifications saved. A formula with a check mark beside it will be saved. The formulas without check marks will not be saved. Press the Tab key to close the scrolling window and view the remainder of the Save Formula Specification window again. The option button remains green and indicates the selection is made. Tag a|| iIems When you have the scrolling window open you may want to select “Tag all items” to have Brill Formulation place check marks beside all of the formulas. You then can deselect the formulas you do not want stored. UµdaIe Formu|a Issue ConIro| and DaIe If you select the Update Formula Issue Control and Date the program updates these items for the formula specification. A check mark in the box selects this option. To select the option click on the check box to place a check mark in the box. To deselect the option if a check mark is visible, click on the check box and the check mark is removed and the option is no longer selected. Do Pe||eI CreaIion Brill Formulation allows you to do pellet creation when this procedure is activated. Click on the option button to place a check mark in the check box. Click on the option button to remove a check mark if one is visible and you do not want the option selected. 192 Checking this option stores the pellet ingredient and price along with the pellet formula and production formula. The original formula also is stored. AcceµI Ibe screen After you have set the parameters you want for this window and you want to proceed with saving the formula specifications, choose “Accept the screen” (check mark). Brill Formulation then saves the formula specifications and you are returned to the Optimization window. Cance| Ibe currenI oµeraIion If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Optimization window, choose “Cancel the current operation” (X icon) and the operation is canceled. You are returned to the Optimization window. Save So|uIion You can save the current solution by selecting Save Solution. Click on File in the Optimization tool bar and then select Save Solution. The solution to this Multiblend set is saved and a dialog box appears. Select OK and you are returned to the Optimization window. C|ose SeI When you have completed the work on this Multiblend set you can close it by clicking on File in the Optimization tool bar and then choosing Close Set. A dialog box appears verifying that you want to close the set upon which you are working. If you decide you want to continue working the current set, select No and you are returned to the Multiblend set in the Optimization window. 193 If you decide you want to close the current set, select Yes and the set is closed and you are returned to a blank Optimization window. 194 ParI 4: SysIem Menu CbaµIer 1: OµIions Choose one of the first four options for submitting an ingredient to a formula if that ingredient is out of stock. If you choose to submit if out of stock, decide whether to check the first blue box, which will place a high price on the ingredient to place it low in the feasibility choice parameters. The Debug Mode is designed for use with assistance from a Brill Support technician. To have ingredients listed by greatest quantity first, check the Sort Ingredients by amount column box. If you have purchased the Swing module, check the Enable Swing box. Maximize your workstation memory as much as possible. Use 2 megabytes as a minimum. In the precision fields, use the arrows next to the field to select the number of decimals to the right of the decimal point. Amount Precision with a 4 in the field results in quantity values of 9,999,999.9999 (7 to the left, 4 to the right.) Price precision allows values of $999,999,999.9999. (9 to the left, 4 to the right.) Percent precision at 2 allows 100.00%. (maximum of 3 to the left at 100.00, two to the right.) 195 Leave the Rounding Code at 0 unless you wish to round the solution to the rounding factor placed on each ingredient. Select the Accept mark to save the settings. Mode| 2 The options available on the Model 2 tab of the System Options window are Maximum Iterations and Use Scaling Equilibration. Click on the Model 2 tab to view the options available on this tab. Maximum IIeraIions You can limit the number of calculation loops to be performed to find a solution to an optimization set or formula. To view the window in which you set this value you click on System in the Optimization window and then select Options. Click on the Model 2 tab of the Options window and the Maximum Iterations is visible. Maximum Iterations normally should be set at –1, which means unlimited. You should change this value only when instructed to do so by technical support personnel. To change the value, click on the field and enter the number of iterations you want set as a maximum number. Choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) to abort any changes made in this window and you are returned to the Optimization main menu. Choose Accept the Screen to save the changes made in this window and you are returned to the Optimization main menu. 196 Use Sca|ing Equi|ibraIion You are able to control the scaling option in the optimization routine. To enable the Use Scaling Equilibration option, click on the check box to place a check mark. If a check mark is visible the option is selected. To remove the check mark, click on the check box and the check mark is removed. During the optimization routine some models use quite small and quite large numbers. This can cause problems in solving the optimization. Checking this option performs an additional scaling routine to try to equalize this high/low variance. This option may reduce some ranging sensitivity. If you get OML errors during optimization, try checking this option. You must stop the program and restart in order for this option to take effect after you have changed the selection. 197 CbaµIer 2: Cbange Language To toggle to a different language display, select Change Language, then choose the language you wish to use. When the language you select appears in the selection field, click the Accept mark. If languages need to be set up, refer to Book 1: Part 7: Chapter 2: Changing Languages. 198 ParI 5: Grid LayouI This is only functional for the Professional Nutritionist and in Multi Blending. 199 ParI 6: PeµorIs CbaµIer 1: Usage PeµorI, SeIuµ The usage report is for batches, or formula sets, only. Make sure the set you wish to report on is listed in the header of the Optimization window. If not, open the desired set under Edit/Current Set. If a new formula set is opened, be sure to optimize before printing this report. SeIuµ OµIions The options list is located in the menu bar of the setup window. This list includes all report parameters except the sort options. Choose from this list to: *Show Actual, *Show Stored Date, *Show Cost, *Show Formula Listing, Show Percent, Explode Premixes, Show Ingredient Prices, *Show Solution Column, *Show Stored Column, Show Cost Percent, Save Custom Setup, Get Custom Setup, Display Infeasible Warning, Display amounts in Lb./Kg. The Save Custom Setup allows you to save any number of special report setups. Click on Save Custom Report, give the report setup a name, and choose Save. Then, select Get Custom Report to choose the setup you have saved each time you want it used. *The options preceded by an asterisk were used in the following report. SorI Choose a sorting option. This prioritizes the presentation. If your report won’t display, make sure you don’t have conflicting options selected in the Options setup. Once you have your report set up the way you want it to appear regularly, click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default. OR, use Save Custom Setup under options to create a number of report setups. 200 CommenIs The report comment shows on the upper left of each report just above the plant code heading. PrinIer Use the default printer listed or click on the printer icon to change the destination of the report. CreaIe ExµorI Fi|e The creation of an export file is for the purpose of taking a formula set into a spreadsheet. A Comma Delimited*.TXT file exports to an Excel spreadsheet. A Basic option is available in the “Save as type” field. Select Save to export the current set. You will not be able to select export files in this window. However, if you duplicate one, you will be notified and allowed to overwrite. Once the file is created, a success message will appear giving you the pathname. Select Ok to continue. View, Margins Click on View the report on screen if you want a visual report instead of a paper report. Change the margins to best adapt the report to your needs. Save CurrenI SeIIings The disk icon will save the current report settings as a default report setup. When creating an Export File, you may get a success message but still have the hourglass icon waiting on your window. Click OK on the success message to clear the icon and return to a normal cursor. 201 Usage PeµorI The options chosen resulted in the following usage report. It is based on the current set of formula specs, visible next to the toolbar in the Optimization window. With other details, the first page of this report displays the formulas included in the current set and the savings between the stored cost of those formulas and the latest optimization of that batch. The second page of the report shows the total of the ingredients in the batch, and the cost per ingredient by stored formula and by the batch optimization solution. Be sure to delete any infeasible formula specs from the current set prior to running the usage report. Failure to do so will result in an invalid report. 202 CbaµIer 2: Summary PeµorI SeIuµ The Summary report is for formula lists. Select the current set you wish to report. Under Options, select either *Formula Code in Header or Formula Name in Header, then select Print Amounts in Report if you want to display the percentage per part. *This report printed Formula Code in Header and Percentage per Formula since Amounts (percentage per part) was not selected. Summary PeµorI The summary report gives you either the amount of ingredient per formula (100%), or the amount of ingredient per formula part (1). 203 CbaµIer 3: Sbadow PeµorI The shadow report can be printed on a formula spec in the Professional Nutritionist window, or on any formula listed in the current set. Select Shadow report, choose the formula and select Accept. The report gives an overview of where the system would change ingredient amounts at what price. 204 CbaµIer 4: So|uIion PeµorI The solution report reviews the last optimization of either the formula spec in the Professional Nutritionist window, or all formulas in the current set, depending upon where you are and your report setup criteria. To view the Solution Report setup window, select Reports in the Optimization main menu and then choose Solution Report from the drop-down menu that appears. The Solution Report setup window appears. PeµorI CommenIs If you want to add a specific comment to the top of your Solution Report, click once on the Report Comments field and then type the message you want displayed on the top of your report. PrinI NuIrienIs by Sµecies Code To have the nutrients printed by Species Code order, select the option button next to Print Nutrients by Species Code. If the button is green, this option is selected. If the button is red, this option is not selected and either Tag Nutrients or All Nutrients is selected. Tag NuIrienIs To have the nutrients printed by Tag Nutrients order, select the option button next to Tag Nutrients. If the button is green, this option is selected. If the button is red, this option is not selected and either Print Nutrients by Species Code or All Nutrients is selected. 205 A|| NuIrienIs To have all nutrients printed, select the option button next to All Nutrients. If the button is green, this option is selected. If the button is red, this option is not selected and either Print Nutrients by Species Code or Tag Nutrients is selected. Override Sµecies Code To override species codes and utilize a code of your choosing, click once on the field and enter the species code you want used in generating this Solution Report. Inc|ude A|| Formu|as in PeµorI An option in Optimization is the ability to include all of the formulas in a Solution Report or select which formulas you want to include. To select to include all formulas in the report, click on the option button next to Include All Formulas in Report. If the button is green, this option is selected. If the button is red, this option is not selected and the Select Which Formulas to Include in Report is selected. Se|ecI Wbicb Formu|as Io Inc|ude in PeµorI Optimization gives you the ability to include all of the formulas in a Solution Report or select which formulas you want to include. To choose specific formulas to include in the report, click on the option button next to Select Which Formulas to Include in Report. If the button is green, this option is selected. If the button is red, this option is not selected and the Include All Formulas in Report is selected. Once you pick the option of Select Which Formulas to Include in Report a scrolling window appears and displays the formulas from which you may choose to include in the report. Click on the option button next to Select Which Formulas to Include in Report and the scrolling window appears. 206 Check boxes appear at the left end of each line containing a specific formula. If you want a formula to be included in the report, click on the check box to place a check mark in the box and that formula is included in the Solution Report. To remove a check mark, click on the check box once and the check mark is removed. To save the selections and return to a view of the entire Solution Report setup window, press the Tab key and the selections are stored and you are able to view the remainder of the window. DeIai|s The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific details that are printed with your Solution Report. Click on Details in the Optimization window and a drop- down menu appears. 207 In the previous graphic all Details are selected with a check mark visible beside each detail. To remove a check mark, click on Details in the Solution Report setup window and then click on the check mark you want removed. The drop- down menu disappears and stores the change in status for that particular detail. To place a check mark beside a detail in the drop-down menu, click on Details in the Solution Report setup window and then click on the detail you want selected for the Solution Report. The drop-down menu disappears and stores the selection of that detail for the Solution Report. The following are the available details that can be included or excluded from your Solution Report. PrinI AmounI To have Brill Formulation print the amount of an ingredient in the Solution Report, select this option. The amount column is then printed when a Solution Report is generated. PrinI Formu|a CosI You have the option of whether the cost of each ingredient is displayed on your Solution Report. Select Print Formula Cost if you want a column to report the cost of each ingredient for the formula amount optimized. PrinI Higb|Low CosI If you want the range of costs used in performing the optimization of your formula, select the option of Print High/Low Cost. Two columns are added to your report. Low amounts and High amounts are reported on the Solution Report. PrinI PesIricIion CosI To have the Solution Report display any results based upon restrictions on costs, place a check mark beside Print Restriction Cost in the Details drop-down menu. A Restriction Cost is a report that displays ingredients where the restriction results in an additional cost based upon a defined threshold. PrinI SIored Header You have the option of having the Stored Header information printed on your Solution Report. If you want the 208 information displayed, place a check mark beside Print Stored Header in the Details drop-down menu. PrinI SIored AmounI If you want to view the Stored Amount as a comparison to the Solution Report amount you select Print Stored Amount in the Details drop-down menu. SorI by AmounI To organize the report by ordering the ingredients based upon their amount in the formula, select the Sort By Amount in the Details drop-down menu. If you select Sort by Amount, the ingredient with the greatest amount is list first and the ingredients are then listed in descending amount order. PesIarI Page Number If using a Multiblend set, you can have Brill Formulation treat each formula as a separate report when the Solution Report is generated. All formulas for which you requested a Solution Report are printed, but each formula is printed beginning on its own page and the first page of that formula’s report starts with page 1. No Page Numbers If you select the No Page Numbers option, the Solution Report is generated without any page numbers. Disµ|ay InIeasib|e Warning If a formula is determined to be infeasible, selecting this option enables Brill Formulation to display a warning about the formula’s infeasibility. Do Pe||eI CreaIion The Solution Report can be enabled to explode the pellet creation in the report. If you select this Detail option the Solution Report prints three formulas for each formula with a pellet creation record. The three formulas correspond to the whole original formula, the pellet or premix formula, and the production formula. 209 IngredienIs The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific information regarding ingredients used in the optimization of your feed that are printed with your Solution Report. Click on Ingredients in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. Don I PrinI IngredienIs To disable the Solution Report’s ability to print any ingredients you simply place a check mark beside Don’t Print Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window. If no check mark is present, click on Don’t Print Ingredients and a check mark is placed there and the drop-down menu disappears. When the report is generated there is no listing of ingredients on the Solution Report if Don’t Print Ingredients is selected. When Don’t Print Ingredients is selected, you cannot select other items in the drop-down menu for printing. PrinI PercenIs To view a column of information that reports the percentage of each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Percents. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Percents. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. 210 PrinI IngredienI Price To view a column of information that reports the cost of each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Ingredient Price. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Ingredient Price. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI Min|Max Brill Formulation provides for an option to print the Minimum and Maximum cost values you placed on the ingredients for the optimization you have just completed. To view two columns of information that reports the Minimum and Maximum cost you defined for each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Min/Max. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Min/Max. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI Wide Name If you want the Wide Name displayed on the Solution Report for the ingredients used in this optimization, select Print Wide Name. To view the wide name on the report you must select Print Wide Name. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Wide Name. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Do NoI PrinI Name If you do not want the name of the ingredient printed you must select Do Not Print Name from the drop-down menu when you click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI Combo Summary If you are using Ingredient Combinations (an optional module of Brill Formulation) you may want to print a 211 summary of the ingredient combinations set for a formula spec. Print Combo Summary allows you to print that summary of ingredient combinations. PrinI Pe[ecIed IngredienIs aI End You have the option to have any rejected ingredients printed at the bottom of the Ingredients portion of the report for each formula. To select this option click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Rejected Ingredients at End. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Do NoI PrinI Pe[ecIed IngredienIs You have the choice to not have any rejected ingredients printed on the report for each formula. To select this option click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside No Not Print Rejected Ingredients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Suµµress O|S Pe[ecIed Most users set their system to not consider Out of Stock (O/S) ingredients during optimization. In a Solution Report, these items print as Rejected Ingredients. If you want to not print an O/S ingredient in the list of rejected ingredients, select this option. No IngredienI Codes There may be times when you want to print a Solution Report without ingredient codes. To generate a Solution Report without ingredient codes click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside No Ingredient Codes. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. IdenIiIy Over|ay IngredienIs Brill Formulation can identify any overlay ingredients that are a part of the Solution Report. With this option selected an asterisk (*) is displayed beside any ingredient that is an overlay ingredient in the Solution Report. 212 To generate a Solution Report that marks overlay ingredients with an asterisk click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Identify Overlay Ingredients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. NuIrienIs The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific information regarding your nutrients used in the optimization of your feed that are printed with your Solution Report. Click on Nutrients in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. Don I PrinI NuIrienIs You have the option of not printing the nutrients as part of your Solution Report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Don’t Print Nutrients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. When you select Don’t Print Nutrients the remaining options are unavailable as they deal with columns of information relating to nutrients in the Solution Report. The Don’t Print Nutrients option overrides the remainder of the options. PrinI NuIrienI Number To have the nutrient number printed along with the nutrient name in the Solution Report, select the Print Nutrient 213 Number option. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrient Number. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI NuIrienI UniIs You have the option of having the units of measure for each nutrient reported in the Solution Report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrient units. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI Min|Max If you want the minimum and maximum values that were defined for this particular optimization reported you can select Print Min/Max and the report includes two columns and displays the values that were defined. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Min/Max. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI SborI NuIrienI Name There are times when you want more information on the report and you begin to run out of space for the additional columns of information you need on your Solution Report. One option that provides a savings of space is the Print Short Nutrient Name option. This limits the number of characters displayed in the Nutrient Name column to 10. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Short Nutrient Name. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI NuIrienIs on PigbI Brill Formulation allows you the ability to have the nutrient information printed directly to the right of the ingredient information instead of directly below the ingredient information on the Solution Report. This option may limit 214 the number of columns that can be used in each portion of the report, but it shortens the overall physical length of the report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrients on Right. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Suµµress WeigbI NuIrienI To remove the display of weight as a nutrient you can select the Suppress Weight Nutrient option in the Solution Report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Suppress Weight Nutrient. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Inc|ude Sµec NuIrienIs You have the option of including Spec Nutrients in the Solution Report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Include Spec Nutrients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. Inc|ude Dry MaIIer Co|umn To include a column of information relating to the amount of dry matter for nutrients you click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Don’t Print Nutrients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. PrinI SIocbasIic Probabi|iIy The Solution Report has the ability to print stochastic probability values provided the mean and standard deviation/variance data is entered for all ingredients. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Stochastic Probability. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark, click on the option. To remove a check mark 215 from an option that has a check mark, click on the check mark. OµIions The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific options regarding the setup of your Solution Report following the optimization of your formulas. Click on Options in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. Dry MaIIer Co|umn You have the ability to change the factor that is used for the Dry Matter Column on your Solution report. To view the current factor, click on Options in the tool bar and you can see the value displayed in the drop-down menu that appears. If you want to change the value, click on Dry Matter Column and an Enter New Factor window appears. If you decide not to change the factor choose Cancel and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. To change the factor value you click on the field and enter the new value you desire. Choose OK and the factor is saved and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. 216 Save CusIom SeIuµ To save time in generating Solution Reports that you run frequently you can set up the parameters of how you want to run a specific Solution Report and then save those settings. Once you have customized the parameters for a specific report you click on Save Custom Setup. The Save Custom Setup File window appears. Enter a unique file name to this setup file so that you know what the parameters’ settings are. After you give the settings a name you can select Save and store the setup file in a location you defined when you opened the Save Custom Setup file. GeI CusIom SeIuµ If you have stored a setup file that has a unique set of parameters you use frequently in running Solution Reports, you must now be able to retrieve those setup files. Once you open the Solution Report setup window you select Options in the tool bar and then select Custom Setup. The ??????? window appears. 217 Locate the folder in which you have stored your Custom Setup files and then click once on the file you want to use. Once the file is highlighted in the window you select Open and the Solution Report window parameters are set according to the setup file you just opened. The Get Custom Setup File window closes and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. Ad[usI Fie|d LengIbs Brill Formulation allows you to change the length of fields used in the Solution Report. To view the window in which you can adjust the field lengths, click on Options in the Solution Report setup window and select Adjust Field Lengths. The Field Lengths window appears. Each line adjusts the length of the five fields listed above. The length is measured in the number of characters for each field. To adjust a length, click on the number for the field you want to change and then enter the length of the field you desire. You can abort the process of changing the lengths by selecting Cancel the Current Operation (X) and any changes you made are not saved. You are returned to the Solution Report setup window. After you have made your changes and you want to save these settings select Accept the Screen (check mark) and your settings are saved and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. 218 CurrenI PrinIer This field displays the printer that has been selected as the destination of any of your printed reports. Cbange CurrenI PrinIer Changing the destination printer begins with clicking on the printer icon at the right end of the Current Printer field. After you click on the icon a Print Setup window appears. Click on the drop-down arrow at the right end of the Name field. Any available printers are displayed in the drop-down menu. Select the printer from the drop-down menu and select OK and the new printer is selected and displayed in the Current Printer field. View PeµorI on Ibe Screen Select this check box if you want to view the Solution Report on your computer screen before it prints to the printer. To select this option, click once in the check box to place a check mark in the box. To deselect this option if a check mark appears in the box, click on the check mark and it is removed and the option is no longer selected. Toµ Margin (in |ines) The spin box next to Top Margin allows you to select how many lines of text down from the top of the printable portion of the page you want to begin printing your report. Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of lines and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of lines. BoIIom Margin (in |ines) The spin box next to Bottom Margin allows you to select how many lines of text up from the bottom of the printable portion of the page you want to end printing your report. 219 Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of lines and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of lines. LeII Margin (in cbaracIers) The spin box next to Left Margin allows you to select how many characters from the left edge of the printable portion of the page you want to begin printing your report. Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of characters and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of characters. Save Ibe CurrenI SeIIings When you have set the parameters you want for this Solution Report and you want to save these settings for future use, click on the Save the Current Settings button (picture of a floppy disk) at the lower right portion of the window. Brill Optimization then saves the settings for the next time you go to print a Solution Report. Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion If you want to exit the Solution Report setup window and not save any changes to the window, click on the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and you are returned to the Optimization window. AcceµI Ibe Screen When you have completed defining the Solution Report you want to see, it is time for you to print your report. Click on the Accept the Screen button (check mark) at the lower right portion of the window. The settings are used to generate a Solution Report and it is processed based upon the settings. It is either viewed on the computer screen or sent directly to a printer, as defined in the setup window. 220 Infeasible nutrients and ingredients are marked with an asterisk on the report. The Solution Report allows you to configure the nutrient name, ingredient amount, ingredient percent, ingredients cost and nutrient amount fields. The settings are saved. These adjustments permit you to print the nutrient information to the right of the solution information. The Solution Report prints stochastic probability values provided the mean and standard deviation/variance data is entered for all ingredients. The Solution Report may be configured to print a column labeled THERMS beside the Actual Nutrient column. The THERMS column displays the nutrient analysis, factoring all nutrients per 1,000 calories or THERMS. To print this column, create an ASCII file with a text editor. The file must be named THERMS.DTA and located in the data directory. Line 1 of THERMS.DTA must contain the nutrient number of the energy nutrient used to factor nutrients. The Solution Report setup screen allows the user to save many report configurations with names. These may be recalled to quickly set complex configurations. 221 CbaµIer 5: SensiIiviIy PeµorI Select a formula through Professional Nutritionist, or select from those in the current set. The Tag All icon selects all formulas in the window. To set selection criteria enter a dollar amount in the window. A 1 results in a report that shows all ingredients where the restriction results in a cost of $1 or more. Here we asked for a $1 threshold on both ingredients and nutrients. In the following report you see the restriction cost was $1.029 in the Vitamin Premix ingredient in both of the formulas we requested to review. 222 A report with no threshold shows all ingredients and nutrients and their associated restriction costs or savings. 223 CbaµIer 6: Comµare PeµorI The comparison report displays the detail on the formula selected and compares it to the optimized solution. Click on the Reports button in the toolbar and then select Compare Report and the Compare Report window appears. SeIuµ Choose the report criteria in Ingredient and Cost on the report setup menu bar. When you have defined the information you desire for the report, click the Accept the Screen button (check mark) and the report is generated. 224 ParI 7: CusIom and He|µ CusIom Select Custom, then Maintenance to open the Brill Formulation Maintenance window. He|µ Please refer to Book 1: Part 10 for instruction on the Help section. 225 ParI S: InIroducIion Welcome to the module of Brill Formulation. This module allows you to seamlessly connect to Easy Systems, Inc.’s on the Internet and place a request for a quote on ingredients you select in Brill Formulation. The module allows you to select specific items in your inventory for which you want to obtain price quotes. This part of the manual takes you through the different setup options for and then the operations for using Brill Formulation in conjunction with to obtain quotes and place orders for items of inventory used in manufacturing feed at your mill. Setup steps are organized in the order in which they should be performed for the minimum of duplication of effort. Steps are not duplicated, but they may be referred to more than once. Once you have completed the setup, you may refer to these sections when changing preferences in the handling of in your operation. Modu|e Overview Brill Formulation allows you to simply mark specific items of inventory that you want to use with the commodity exchange to procure quotes for items and also to purchase many of the items in your inventory. This process is a one-button buy procedure that is intended to lessen the amount of time it takes to obtain bids from suppliers. It also is designed to speed up the process by which you seek out those same quotes. Brill Formulation, working with, enables you to spend less time on the telephone or using fax machines searching for quotes and getting the best price for your ingredients. The exchange works for you in obtaining several price quotes for the ingredients you use. CbaµIer 1: SeIIing Uµ Before you begin to use the module, you must complete a series of setup operations. The following sections take you through the process that helps you set up and maintain necessary information in Brill Formulation. Once you have completed the setup, the manual takes you through the process of selecting items for which you want quotes and then making purchases. 226 Setup procedures generally need to be completed only once, but you can refer to this information at other times for instructions on modifying or viewing existing entries in Brill Formulation. Using connecIion sIaIus When setting up in Brill Formulation you must first activate the module of Brill Formulation. Another requirement for the proper use of is Internet access for the computer on which you are using Brill Formulation and Internet Explorer 4.0 or newer. Netscape Navigator currently is not a supported browser by Brill Formulation. Once you have all of these items, you may begin the process of setting up your account. To begin the process, select in the Main Menu of the Optimization window. The window appears. If you have not previously registered as a user the selections available on this window includes the Register option. Once you have registered with the site, the option to register is no longer available. Login Select Login to begin the process of logging into the Internet site. Clicking on this selection launches the browser you have selected in the Browser field at the bottom of the window and the Login To Internet page appears. 227 After you click on Login the browser opens to the Login To Internet page. At that point you enter your UserID and Password. You then navigate your way around the site as provided by your access privileges. PegisIer Select Register if you have not yet registered on the Internet site. The browser you have selected in the Browser field at the bottom of the window launches and the Buyer Registration – Profile window of the Internet site appears. 228 Enter the registration information sought by the site. When you have completed the registration process on the site you can then close your browser and the following Brill Formulation window appears. Select No if you want the Register button to remain active in Brill Formulation. You might want to answer No if you have not completed the registration process on the site or if there was a problem with registering on the site. Select Yes if you have completed the registration process at and you no longer need the ability to register for the service again. The Brill Formulation – Optimization window appears. PequesI Ior OuoIe If you are about to seek quotes on ingredients you should be sure to select the optimization you desire to seek the quote on ingredients. Brill Formulation utilizes the last saved solution. Based upon the amount of the formulas you defined for the optimization and the solution determined by Brill Formulation, the program has determined the ingredients you require to make the formulas in the optimized formula or set of formulas. Selecting Request for Quote allows Brill Formulation to automatically determine the amounts of the ingredients you require and prepares to solicit bids for the required ingredients. Once you select Request for Quote, Brill Formulation then launches your Internet browser and begins the process of posting the needed information so that suppliers may bid on the required amounts. If this is the first time you are seeking a specific ingredient, opens the My Ingredients window where you define your ingredients so that can seek appropriate ingredients for your operation. 229 Once your ingredients are defined for the site, Request for Quote information is generated for each ingredient being sought by you. The Post a Request For Quotes page opens and you define the RFQs you desire. The site then generates email messages to suppliers who have indicated they want to sell the ingredients you require. They can respond to your specific RFQ. You are then notified when sellers respond to your RFQs. You then review the quotes and select which quotes you want to accept and which ones you are going to reject. After you submit this RFQ another window appears in your browser. The Review My Requests for Quotes window appears in which your RFQs are displayed. At this time you 230 can edit or delete any of the RFQs you have displayed and have not accepted any quotes. PequesI Ior quoIe µarameIers The top field of the “Request for quote parameters” simply displays the last saved optimization for which you are now preparing to seek a quote for ingredients. This field cannot be changed in this window. The bottom field of the “Request for quote parameters” is a drop-down menu that displays the plants for which you might want to select the ingredients to be purchased. To select a plant, click once on the drop-down arrow and select the plant you desire. Browser This field is a drop-down menu from which you can select an available browser to use in connecting with the Internet site. To select a browser, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field and select the browser you want to use from the drop-down menu that appears. Cance| Ibe CurrenI OµeraIion. If at any time you want to abort the procedure you can select Cancel the Current Operation. You are then returned to the Optimization main menu. Any time you are using the “ connection status” window a field to the right of the logo displays the status of any connections connecting to When you close the browser you are then returned to the Optimization main menu, except in the case 231 of using the Register function of the “ connection status” window. 232 ParI 9: ExiI To exit the Brill Formulation – Optimization program you simply click on File in the window tool bar and select Exit from the drop-down menu that appears. A confirmation window appears. If you decide you do not want to end the program, select No and you are returned to the Optimization window. If you decide you do want to end the program, select Yes and the program ends. This feature helps to avoid inadvertent data loss in a situation where you have not saved a solution and inadvertently ended the program. 233 Book 3. Bri|| License Manager When you select Start, then Programs and then Brill for Windows, you notice a menu option entitled Brill License Manager. Brill License Manager allows you to change the configuration of Brill Formulation on a specific workstation. Brill License Manager allows you to view the CRMNU security file for easier communication with the Brill support personnel. Brill License Manager also allows you to edit and create RDEFAULT files. This enables you to manage some of the security features of Brill Formulation. Another of the functions is to allow you to convert a Multiblend system that uses the green security plug to software-based security that does not require a physical plug. With today’s fast computers, this should make it much easier to configure a computer to run the Multiblend module. Setting up a demonstration of Multiblend also is much easier. To begin using the Brill License Manager select Start, then Programs and then Brill for Windows and finally Brill License Manager. The Brill License Manager window appears. This window allows you select from the three basic functions of Brill License Manager. These functions are: Edit/Create RDEFAULT file; Modify Optimization License; Read CRMNU Security File. The other choices in this window are Exit and About. 234 ParI 1: EdiI|CreaIe PDEFAULT Fi|e Brill Formulation allows you to set your system defaults to suit your needs, which is the purpose of the RDEFAULT file. It is located in your program directory but can be edited using Brill License Manager. The file defines the following defaults: Location of CRMNU.EXE, Location of data files; Default Plant; Default Pricing Plant; Formula Spec Base Plant; Dry Matter Nutrient Number; Default Rounding Code; Out of Stock Price; Display Ingredient Restrictions as Actual Amounts or Percentages; Temporary Files Location; and a scrolling window of options to enable. CbaµIer 1: EdiIing an PDEFAULT Fi|e To make changes or create an RDEFAULT file, click on File in the License Manager window and select Edit/Create RDEFAULT File. The Choose RDEFAULT File Location window appears. The RDEFAULT file is located inside the BrillV7 folder. Using the Choose RDEFAULT file location window you should find the Rdefault.dat file and select the file and then open it. The BRILLV7/RDEFAULT.DAT Properties window appears. 235 LocaIion oI CPMNU.EXE To change the selection of CRMNU.EXE files you click on the lookup button to the right of the field. If you have more than one CRMNU.EXE file, this enables you to select the file to be used as the default CRMNU.EXE file. Click once on the lookup button and the Choose The Location of CRMNU.EXE window appears. Once the window is open, locate the CRMNU.exe file you desire and click once on it to highlight it and then select Open and the location of that file is then displayed in the Location of CRMNU.EXE field of the BRILLV7/RDEFAULT.DAT Properties window. 236 LocaIion oI daIa Ii|es You may want to select a default location for you data files to enable you to select from different data sets. Changing the location of your default data files can be made by clicking once on the lookup button to the right of the Location of Data Files field. The Choose Location of Data Files window appears. Typically the data files are located inside a folder entitled Data, which is inside the BrillV7 folder that is normally located on the root of your C drive. Locate the INGMATRX.DAT file and click once on it to highlight it as shown previously. Select Open and the location is displayed in the Location of Data Files field of the BRILLV7/RDEFAULT.DAT Properties window. DeIau|I P|anI To select a Default Plant that is initially selected in the footer of the Brill Formulation Maintenance window, click once on the Default Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected. DeIau|I Pricing P|anI To select a Default Pricing Plant for Brill Formulation, click once on the Default Pricing Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected. Formu|a Sµec Base P|anI To select a Formula Spec Base Plant for Brill Formulation, click once on the Formula Spec Base Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected. If you leave the field blank it indicates you are not using a plant management type of system and no base plant is selected. 237 Dry MaIIer NuIrienI Number You must indicate the nutrient number that holds the dry matter for an ingredient. To set the Dry Matter Nutrient Number, click once on the field and change the nutrient number to the dry matter nutrient number you plan to use in Brill Formulation. DeIau|I Pounding Code You can enter a rounding code that you want used as the default within Brill Formulation. Click once on the field and then enter the code you want used as a default. OuI oI SIock Price Enter an Out of Stock Price if you want a specific price entered as a default in Brill Formulation. Click once on the field and enter the price you want used. If you leave the field blank Brill Formulation uses its default value. Disµ|ay IngredienI PesIricIions Ingredient restrictions are displayed as actual amounts or percentages of the total formula. To change the default of how restrictions are displayed, click once on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field. Select from As Percents or As Actual Amounts from the drop-down list that appears. Temµorary Fi|es LocaIion There are four possible selections for your Temporary Files Location. They are: All Files in Temp Directory (Default); Tag List Files Only Made Global; Solution Files Only Made Global; and Tag List & Solution Files Global. The default selection is All Files in Temp Directory. To change your selection, click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field and then select the option you desire from the drop-down list that appears. OµIions The scrolling window displays the options available for your version of Brill Formulation. To select an option, click once on the check box to place a check mark in the box. To deselect an option, click once on the check mark and it is removed. Cance| To abort the process of changing your RDEFAULT file and leave the settings as they were before you entered this program, select Cancel. You are then returned to the Brill License Manager window and no changes are made to the 238 RDEFAULT file. Your previous default settings are maintained. OK To save the changes in settings of the RDEFAULT file, select OK and your alterations are saved and you are returned to the Brill License Manager window. When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program. 239 ParI 2: ModiIy OµIimizaIion License One of the functions of Modify Optimization License is to allow you to convert a Multiblend system that uses the green security plug to software-based security that does not require a physical plug. With today’s fast computers, this should make it much easier to configure a computer to run the Multiblend module. Setting up a demonstration of Multiblend also is much easier. If you are using a green security plug with Multiblend the Brill License Manager copies the MPSIII files to a standard location. The first time you run the Modify Optimization License, the program asks if you want to copy the files to this location. Choose OK. The MPSIII files still are in their original location. Copies of the files now exist in C:\PROGRAM FILE\BRILL FOR WINDOWS\PLUG. The license manager also revises the MPSIII.INI file to point to the new location of the MPSIII files. Depending upon the configuration of your computer, you have up to three selections to which you may switch your Multiblend license. The selections are Non-Multiblend Version, Plug Multiblend Version or CrypKey Multiblend Version. To begin the process of using the Modify Optimization License, click on File of the Brill License Manager tool bar and select Modify Optimization License and the Brill for Windows Optimization License window appears. The three selections available are: Non-multiblend Version; Plug Multiblend Version; and CrypKey Multiblend Version. Each of these options is described in the following pages. 240 CbaµIer 1: Non-Mu|Iib|end Version If you do not want to enable the Multiblend module of Formulation, select the option button of Non-Multiblend Version. The Non-multiblend Version is for single least-cost systems. This is the setting for clients who do not want to use the Multiblend module. Once you have made this selection, choose OK and you are returned to the window you had open prior to launching Brill License Manager. At this time you may start Formulation and use the application. CbaµIer 2: P|ug Mu|Iib|end Version You may select this option if you already own and operate the Multiblend module of Brill Formulation and have the green security plug. Brill Formulation allows you to continue utilizing the plug. Simply select the Plug Multiblend Version and then choose OK. You are then returned to the window you had open before launching the Brill License Manager application. Note: If you do not already have Brill Formulation with Multiblend running on your computer using the green security plug, this option cannot be activated. You most likely will use the CrypKey Multiblend Version to enable the Multiblend module of Brill Formulation. CbaµIer 3: CryµKey Mu|Iib|end Version If you are adding the Multiblend module or are installing Brill Formulation for the first time and plan to use the Multiblend module, select the CrypKey Multiblend Version. This also is used to convert clients from a green security plug Multiblend to a software-secured Multiblend module. The CrypKey Multiblend Version also is selected to set up a Multiblend demonstration. When you select this option and select Accept the MPSIII License Manager window appears. 241 The MPSIII License Manager window has three menus with options from which to choose. File is used only to Exit the program and Help is self-explanatory. The primary option is Licensing Options. This menu has several options, but only four are used often. Fi|e The only option listed in this drop-down menu is Exit. If you determine for some reason that you do not want to proceed with the functions of Brill License Manager, click on File and then select Exit from the drop-down list. You are returned to the window you had open prior to starting the Brill License Manager application. Licensing OµIions Licensing Options is the area where you decide the type of CrypKey license you are going to use. Discuss the options available with a Brill Formulation support department person to select the most advantageous option for your operation. AuIborize If you have obtained an authorization code from Brill Support you can activate the full license for Multiblend. In the MPSIII License Manager window select Licensing Options and then choose Authorize. The Full License window appears. If you decide not to proceed to view the license agreement choose Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. Select Continue if you want to agree to proceed to the license agreement and activate the full license for Multiblend. A second Full License window appears. 242 The license agreement is displayed. You may select to Display/Print the agreement, which first displays the agreement on your computer screen. You may then print the agreement. After you print or close the agreement window you are returned to the Full License window. If you choose to decline the license agreement, select I Decline and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. If you choose to accept the license agreement, select I Accept and a caution window appears. As the caution window states, this message is a normal occurrence when you are upgrading your license, either a change in license status (demo to trial, trial to full, etc.) or adding components (new MPSIII capabilities.) If you select Cancel you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window and the authorization process is aborted. 243 If you select OK, the authorization process continues and the Authorization window appears. The Authorizing Code field is blank when the window first opens. Click on the field once and then enter the authorization code you received from Brill Support. Note: Be exact in entering the new code. If for some reason you want to abort the process and leave this function, select Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. If you have entered the correct authorization code, select Apply and the new code is entered into the system. License Manager should then display a dialog box that indicates the process was successful. At that point select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager. You then select File and choose Exit. Now you can start Brill Formulation and use the Multiblend module. At this point you should no longer have to use the security plug to operate the Multiblend module. Tria| License If you would like a demonstration of Multiblend that lasts longer than 15 days, contact Brill Support at [email protected] and tell them the length of time you want to test Multiblend along with what Multiblend modules are required. A Trial License code will be returned to you by email. When you have the Trial License code start Brill License Manager and the MPSIII License Manager window appears. Click on Licensing Options and then select Trial License. The Trial License window appears. Note: At the end of the Trial License Multiblend stops working if you do not get an extension to the Trial License or a permanent license. You must then start the Brill License Manager and select Non- Multiblend Version and Accept. You are then able to use Brill Formulation as a single least- cost system without Multiblend. Note: Once you have used an Authorizing Code it cannot be used again on this or any other computer. Also note that once you have used an Authorizing Code the Site Code is automatically changed. When providing Brill Support a Site Code be sure it is the code currently displayed in the Display License window. You can only use the Authorization Code once and it is only valid for the computer on which the Site Code is displayed. 244 If you decide not to proceed to view the license agreement choose Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. Select Continue if you want to agree to proceed to the license agreement and activate the Trial License for Multiblend. A second Trial License window appears. The license agreement is displayed. You may select to Display/Print the agreement, which first displays the agreement on your computer screen. You may then print the agreement. After you print or close the agreement window you are returned to the Full License window. If you choose to decline the license agreement, select I Decline and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. 245 If you choose to accept the license agreement, select I Accept and a caution window appears. As the caution window states, this message is a normal occurrence when you are upgrading your license, either a change in license status (demo to trial, trial to full, etc.) or adding components (new MPSIII capabilities.) If you select Cancel you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window and the authorization process is aborted. If you select OK, the authorization process continues and the Authorization window appears. The Authorizing Code field is blank when the window first opens. Click on the field once and then enter the authorization code you received from Brill Support. Note: Be exact in entering the new code. If for some reason you want to abort the process and leave this function, select Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. If you have entered the correct authorization code, select Apply and the new code is entered into the system. License Manager should then display a dialog box that indicates the process was successful. At that point select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager. You then select File and choose Exit. Now you can start Brill Formulation and use the Multiblend module. Note: Once you have used an Authorizing Code it cannot be used again on this or any other computer. Also note that once you have used an Authorizing Code the Site Code is automatically changed. When providing Brill Support a Site Code be sure it is the code currently displayed in the Display License window. You can only use the Authorization Code once and it is only valid for the computer on which the Site Code is displayed. 246 At this point you should no longer have to use the security plug to operate the Multiblend module. Demo License This option is typically used first. Demo License creates the initial CrypKey code and is good for 15 days. This must be done as the first step to convert from a plug to a non-plug Multiblend version of Brill Formulation. It also is the first step for setting up a Multiblend demonstration. With this code, you are able to run Multiblend exactly as when using the green security plug, except that the plug may be removed. To obtain a permanent code if you currently own Multiblend, the temporary 15-day code must be sent to support personnel at [email protected]. Select Licensing Options and then select Display Current License. The Display License window appears. Near the bottom of the window in the Authorization box is a field labeled Site Code. Copy this Site Code exactly as it is displayed here. Select Close and then exit the License Manager. Send the site code to Brill requesting of the type of license you wish to use at [email protected] and a permanent code is then sent to you by email. When you receive a new authorization code, start the Brill License Manager and select Licensing Options and then select Note: At the end of the 15-day Demo License Multiblend stops working if you do not get an extension with a Trial License or a permanent license. You must then start the Brill License Manager and select Non- Multiblend Version and Accept. You are then able to use Brill Formulation as a single least- cost system without Multiblend. 247 Authorize. Then follow the directions described above in the Authorize example. Ki|| License Selecting Kill License uninstalls the current license from your computer and provides a verification code for Brill Support and Ketron. It is not necessary to do this just to move the license to a different computer. You only need to do it in order to allow changes to the license such as to activate or deactivate some of the MPSIII software components. As an example, after you uninstall the software license and send Brill Support the verification code, a license can be re-authorized with a different set of options. If you are instructed to kill the license from your machine, select Licensing Options in the MPSIII License Manager window and then choose Kill License from the drop-down menu that appears. The Kill License window appears. If you decide at this point not to kill your license select No and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. If you elect to proceed with killing your license select Yes and your license is deactivated. A Verification Code window appears and displays a Verification Code that may be required to obtain a new authorization code. Be sure you record this number carefully and keep it in a safe place. It may be required when attempting to obtain a new authorization code. After you record the code to verify that the software license has been deactivated select OK to exit this function of Brill License Manager. You are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. The Multiblend portion of Brill Formulation is no longer operational and you either have to 248 obtain a new authorization number or start the Brill License Manager program and select the Non-Multiblend Version of Brill Formulation. DirecI License TransIer This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. For information relating to this topic, please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. PegisIer F|oµµy This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. For information relating to this topic, please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. TransIer License To F|oµµy This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. For information relating to this topic, please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. TransIer License From F|oµµy This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. For information relating to this topic, please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. Disµ|ay CurrenI License There are times when you need information that is available in the Display Current License function of Brill License Manager. The most often need arises when you need the current Site Code to obtain another license. If instructed to get the current Site Code, select Licensing Options and then choose Display Current License. The Display License window appears. 249 Once the Display License window appears, you glean the needed information from this window. Record the Site Code and then choose Close. You are then returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. 250 He|µ You have two options under the Help drop-down menu. The options are Help Options and About MPSIIILM. He|µ OµIions If you have determined you need assistance with the operation of this application, select Help and then choose Help Options. The Help Topics window appears. To access the detailed descriptions offering help on certain functions you double-click on the book icon of the subject you desire. You then read or print the information you need. To exit the Help function select Close and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. AbouI MPSIIILM If you want to view the application version number and Copyright information for the MPSIII License Manager, select the About MPSIIILM selection in the Help menu. The About MPSIIILM window appears. 251 After viewing the needed information, select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. You can then exit this window and you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program. 252 ParI 3: Pead CPMNU SecuriIy Fi|e The CRMNU Security File is a file that activates the optional modules of Brill Formulation and the various functions of Brill Formulation for your use. At times it may become necessary to review the settings of this file when conducting business with Brill support personnel. This function of Brill Formulation allows you to quickly and easily inform Brill support personnel of which modules and functionality that are active on your system. Read CRMNU Security File is not an editing program that allows you to change any of the settings in the security file. Any changes in the file must come from the Brill support personnel. Read CRMNU Security File only reads the settings and provides a report of what those settings are. Click on File in the Brill for Windows License Manager and select Read CRMNU Security File and the Select the CRMNU.EXE to Read window appears. Typically the CRMNU.exe file is located in the BrillV7 folder located on the root of your C drive. Locate the CRMNU.exe file and highlight it by clicking on it once. Select Open. A report is generated that displays your CRMNU.exe settings. 253 You can print this text file, save the file or send the saved file to Brill support for their review. This information enables the Brill support personnel to more easily and quickly resolve issues involving your system options. When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program. 6CDNG QH %QPVGPVU BRILL FEED FORMULATION FOR WINDOWS Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 2 Copyright ...................................................................................................................................... 11 Trademarks ................................................................................................................................... 11 Product Copyright ......................................................................................................................... 11 License Agreement ....................................................................................................................... 11 Credits........................................................................................................................................... 11 Preface ...................................................................................................................................................... 12 Product Overview ................................................................................................................................. 12 Basic Feed Formulation Program ..................................................................................................... 12 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 12 Base Ingredient ............................................................................................................................. 12 Overlay Ingredient ........................................................................................................................ 12 Nutrient ......................................................................................................................................... 12 Formula Specifications ................................................................................................................. 12 Stored Formulas ............................................................................................................................ 12 Mill Mix ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Ingredient Cost.............................................................................................................................. 12 Plant(s) .......................................................................................................................................... 12 Optimization ................................................................................................................................. 12 Professional Nutritionist ............................................................................................................... 12 Batch Optimization ....................................................................................................................... 12 Least Cost Parametrics.................................................................................................................. 12 Additional Modules .......................................................................................................................... 12 Maintenance.................................................................................................................................. 12 Automated Plant Copy .................................................................................................................. 12 Archiving ...................................................................................................................................... 12 Ingredient Combinations............................................................................................................... 12 Formula Includes .......................................................................................................................... 12 Pellet Creation............................................................................................................................... 12 Swing ............................................................................................................................................ 12 Verification ................................................................................................................................... 12 Import/Export................................................................................................................................ 12 Price Threshold Maintenance........................................................................................................ 12 Automatic Premix Update............................................................................................................. 12 Formula Quoting ........................................................................................................................... 12 Formula Issue Control................................................................................................................... 12 Data Lock...................................................................................................................................... 12 Tool Kit......................................................................................................................................... 12 Graphical Formula Pricing............................................................................................................ 12 Optimization ................................................................................................................................. 13 Multiblending................................................................................................................................ 13 Multi-Plant .................................................................................................................................... 13 Multi-Price .................................................................................................................................... 13 Floating Tonnage .......................................................................................................................... 13 Introduction....................................................................................................................................... 13 Data Setup Sequence..................................................................................................................... 13 Keyboard Navigation .................................................................................................................... 13 Installation and Setup................................................................................................................................ 15 Upgrading ............................................................................................................................................. 15 2 System Requirements............................................................................................................................ 15 Hardware requirements ................................................................................................................. 15 Getting started....................................................................................................................................... 15 Installation ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Book 1: Brill Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 26 Overview................................................................................................................................................... 26 Part 1: Getting Started............................................................................................................................... 26 Part 2: Edit Menu ...................................................................................................................................... 28 Overview............................................................................................................................................... 28 Chapter 1: Plant Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 28 Chapter 2: Nutrient Maintenance.......................................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Code, Nutrient Name, Short, Abbr. .................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Unit ..................................................................................................................................... 30 Nutrient Factor, Ratio #1, Ratio #2................................................................................................... 31 Nutrient Decimals ............................................................................................................................. 32 Chapter 3: Species Maintenance ........................................................................................................... 33 Species Codes ................................................................................................................................... 33 Species Code Names..................................................................................................................... 34 Chapter 4: Ingredient Maintenance....................................................................................................... 35 Base vs. Overlay ............................................................................................................................... 35 Base Ingredient Maintenance............................................................................................................ 35 Ingredient Overlay Maintenance....................................................................................................... 37 Chapter 5: Prices and Add-On Cost ...................................................................................................... 39 Price Unit .......................................................................................................................................... 39 Prices................................................................................................................................................. 39 Add-On Cost ..................................................................................................................................... 42 Chapter 6: Global and Ingredient Equations ......................................................................................... 44 Global Equation ................................................................................................................................ 44 Ingredient Equation........................................................................................................................... 44 Conditions......................................................................................................................................... 44 Chapter 7: Formulas.............................................................................................................................. 46 Formula Specifications ..................................................................................................................... 46 Ingredients .................................................................................................................................... 47 Nutrients........................................................................................................................................ 47 Swing ............................................................................................................................................ 48 Ingredient Combinations................................................................................................................... 49 Chapter 8: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 50 Chapter 9: Edit Archive Comments ...................................................................................................... 52 Chapter 10: Pellet Creation ................................................................................................................... 53 Chapter 11: Setting up Pellet Creation.................................................................................................. 55 Plant .................................................................................................................................................. 56 Code.................................................................................................................................................. 56 Base Pellet Formula Code................................................................................................................. 56 Production Formula Code ................................................................................................................. 56 Base Pellet Ingredient Code.............................................................................................................. 57 Processing Charge............................................................................................................................. 57 Alt Plant for Ingredient Cost............................................................................................................. 57 Plant for Cost+Charge....................................................................................................................... 57 Save Ing. To Base ............................................................................................................................. 58 Ingredients ........................................................................................................................................ 58 Delete the Current Record................................................................................................................. 59 Cancel the Current Operation ........................................................................................................... 59 Accept the Screen ............................................................................................................................. 59 Chapter 12: Login ................................................................................................................................. 60 Log In................................................................................................................................................ 60 3 Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 60 Font ............................................................................................................................................... 60 Login Picture................................................................................................................................. 61 Language....................................................................................................................................... 61 About ................................................................................................................................................ 61 Chapter 13: Exit .................................................................................................................................... 62 Part 3: Copy and Delete ............................................................................................................................ 63 Chapter 1: Ingredients........................................................................................................................... 63 Chapter 2: Prices................................................................................................................................... 64 Chapter 3: Ingredient Equation ............................................................................................................. 64 Chapter 4: Formula Specs ..................................................................................................................... 65 Chapter 5: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 66 Chapter 6: Copy Plant........................................................................................................................... 66 Chapter 7: Delete .................................................................................................................................. 67 Part 4: Reports .......................................................................................................................................... 68 Printer Setup.................................................................................................................................. 68 Chapter 1: Plant Report......................................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 2: Nutrient Report.................................................................................................................... 69 Chapter 3: Species Code Report ........................................................................................................... 70 Chapter 4: Ingredient Report................................................................................................................. 70 Ingredient Report .......................................................................................................................... 70 Analysis ........................................................................................................................................ 71 Chapter 5: Ingredient Overlay Comparison .......................................................................................... 72 Compare Report ............................................................................................................................ 72 All Plant ........................................................................................................................................ 72 Chapter 6: Ingredient Price Report ....................................................................................................... 73 Chapter 7: Formula Specifications Report............................................................................................ 73 Chapter 8: Formula Spec Comparison .................................................................................................. 74 Compare Report ............................................................................................................................ 74 All Plant Comparison.................................................................................................................... 74 Side by Side .................................................................................................................................. 74 Chapter 9: Stored Formula Report ........................................................................................................ 75 Chapter 10: Where Used Report ........................................................................................................... 75 Part 5: Quick Update................................................................................................................................. 78 Chapter 1: Base Ingredient and Ingredient............................................................................................ 78 Chapter 2: Formula Specifications........................................................................................................ 79 Chapter 3: Stored Formulas .................................................................................................................. 80 Part 6: Special ........................................................................................................................................... 81 Chapter 1: Formula Bulk Change/Replace ........................................................................................... 81 Chapter 2: Store Premix as Ingredient .................................................................................................. 84 Partial Premix Specification.............................................................................................................. 85 Original Formula........................................................................................................................... 85 Production Formula ...................................................................................................................... 85 Include .......................................................................................................................................... 86 Revert............................................................................................................................................ 86 Switch between ingredients and nutrients...................................................................................... 86 Cancel the Current Operation ....................................................................................................... 87 Accept the Screen ......................................................................................................................... 87 Chapter 3: Mark Ingredient as Include.................................................................................................. 89 Modify a Formula Spec Using Include ............................................................................................. 91 Modify Nutrients in the Formula Spec.............................................................................................. 92 Chapter 4: Clear Premix Flag................................................................................................................ 94 Chapter 5: Force Update ....................................................................................................................... 94 Chapter 6: Verification Maintenance .................................................................................................... 95 Chapter 7: Verify Formula.................................................................................................................... 98 Chapter 8: Price Threshold Maintenance ............................................................................................ 101 4 Chapter 9: Formula Compare/Combine .............................................................................................. 106 Chapter 10: Automated Plant Copy .................................................................................................... 108 Part 7: System ......................................................................................................................................... 112 Chapter 1: Options .............................................................................................................................. 112 Setup ............................................................................................................................................... 112 Precision.......................................................................................................................................... 113 Cost ................................................................................................................................................. 114 Chapter 2: Changing Languages ......................................................................................................... 115 Installing Languages ....................................................................................................................... 115 Language Definition Maintenance (administrative) ....................................................................... 116 Change Language............................................................................................................................ 117 Chapter 3: Import, Export ................................................................................................................... 118 Export ............................................................................................................................................. 118 Typical Exports........................................................................................................................... 118 MSRB Format Export ................................................................................................................. 119 Import ............................................................................................................................................. 119 Part 8: Mill Mix ...................................................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 1: Setup Groups ..................................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 2: Edit Mill Comments .......................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 3: Define Mill Ingredients ..................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 4: Mill Ingredient Report....................................................................................................... 121 Chapter 5: Mill Mix Report ................................................................................................................ 121 Part 9: Custom ........................................................................................................................................ 122 Chapter 1: Optimization...................................................................................................................... 122 Part 10: Help & Misc. ............................................................................................................................. 123 Chapter 1: Main Menu ........................................................................................................................ 123 Chapter 2: Search................................................................................................................................ 124 Contents .......................................................................................................................................... 124 Index ............................................................................................................................................... 124 Find ................................................................................................................................................. 124 Chapter 3: What’s This, About ........................................................................................................... 126 What’s This..................................................................................................................................... 126 About .............................................................................................................................................. 126 Book 2: Brill Optimization....................................................................................................................... 127 Overview......................................................................................................................................... 127 Part 1: Professional Nutritionist.............................................................................................................. 127 Chapter 1: Using Professional Nutritionist ......................................................................................... 128 Using Right-click Options .............................................................................................................. 130 Delete Selected Row ................................................................................................................... 130 Add Rows ................................................................................................................................... 131 Disable Current Ingredient.......................................................................................................... 131 Enable Current Ingredient ........................................................................................................... 131 Edit Ingredient ............................................................................................................................ 131 Edit Nutrient................................................................................................................................ 132 Expanding premixes.................................................................................................................... 133 Expand as Premix ....................................................................................................................... 133 Expand All Premix Ingredients................................................................................................... 135 Merge Specifications................................................................................................................... 136 Edit Ingredient Combinations ..................................................................................................... 136 Create Comments........................................................................................................................ 136 Save Prices to Disk ..................................................................................................................... 137 Perform Parametric Analysis ...................................................................................................... 138 Fields within the Optimization window.......................................................................................... 139 Amount ....................................................................................................................................... 139 Min/Max ..................................................................................................................................... 139 5 ................................................................................................................. 162 Chapter 1: Creating a Multiblend set ..................... 147 Include ............. 148 Revert...................... 140 Optimize...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 147 Production Formula .......................... 160 Logout at end ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161 Testing of new solutions ............................................................................................................... 147 Original Formula. 148 Cancel the Current Operation ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 157 Current Printer ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 157 Formula set ...Previous ............................................................... 142 Parametrics............................................................................ 149 Part 2: Batch Optimization.......................................................................................................................................................................... 151 Modify a Formula Set ................................................................................... 167 View Stored Formula Lookup Screen................................................................................................................ 160 Skip changed specifications ..................................................... 157 Delaying start of Weekly procedure .................................................................................................................... 140 Rest ........................................................................... 140 UnRounded ......................... 145 New Rounding Factor .......... 146 Partial Premix Specification.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 145 Pricing Plant.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 151 Formula Listing...................................................... 164 Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) ....... 141 Store Solution ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 143 Save Solution ................... 140 Sensitivity .......... 167 6 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 144 Close Set ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 163 View Formula Spec Lookup Screen .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 151 Current Set ...... 157 Setting up Weekly procedure...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 161 Part 3: Multiblend ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 145 Save as Ingredient .................................. 160 Skip O/S or deleted ingredient warning ......................................................................... 158 Error Report ................ 146 Place Ingredient in Stock ...................................................................................................... 148 Switch between ingredients and nutrients........................................... 158 Custom Setup File................................................... 144 Chapter 2: Creating Premixes ........................... 140 Lo/Hi Cost....... 166 Deleting a formula ................................................................................................................................................................ 146 Save to Base/Save to Overlay ................................................................................................................................................................... 160 Do not delete solutions........... 148 Accept the Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 161 Beginning the procedure ...... 158 Output Options....................................................... 165 Select Formulas for Adding .................................................................................................... 159 Options.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 155 Chapter 1: Weekly Procedure ...................................................................................................................................................... 145 Plant Code.................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 154 Batch Optimizing ............ 165 Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 159 Output Options.............................................. 142 Save Formula Spec ................................................................................................................................. 158 Solution Report ...... ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 169 Price ...................... 182 Grid Layout..................................................................................................................................... 185 Chapter 2: Optimizing a Multiblend set................................................................................................. 169 Spec........................................................................... 192 Cancel the current operation ................................................................................................... 190 Select which formulas to store ................................................................................................................ 190 Tag all items....................................................................................................... 185 Accept the Screen ................................................................................................................ 174 Add Nutrients............................................................................................................................... 172 Formula.................................................... 172 Calc Sell.... 183 Apply Original Layout .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 172 Add Ingredients................ 172 Multi-Price Ingredients ........................................................ 189 Stored Date .............................. 170 PMO................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 182 Plant Tonnage Restrictions .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 183 Apply Custom Layout................... 184 Cancel the Current Operation .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 194 7 .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 184 Save the Current Set. 186 Store Solution ............................................... 192 Close Set ................................................................................................................................................................... 191 Accept the screen ............................................................................. 183 Restore Original Layout as the Default............................................................................................................................................... 171 Rest .. 171 Low Amount .............................................................................................................................. 171 Sell %............................ 183 Merge Formulas From Another MLS File .................................... 187 Store all formulas ............................................................. 189 Do Pellet Creation................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 189 Check to save as temporary archived formula ......................................................................................................................................... 168 Plant ................................................... 191 Update Formula Issue Control and Date ................................................ 168 Lck (Lock) ....................................................................................................................................................................... 190 Store all formulas ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 190 Save Formula Spec ........................................Fix ............................................... 170 Amount .................................................................................. 168 Code....... 189 Accept the screen ............................................................................................................................................................ 171 High Amount .................... 188 Select which formulas to store ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 179 Plant ................................................................................... 171 Maximum............................................................................................................................................................................ 178 Edit Bin Allocation Configuration ........... 192 Part 4: System Menu....................................................... 188 Tag all items.................................................................................................................................. 176 Substitute Ingredients.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 189 Cancel the current operation ...................................................................................................................... 171 Sell ...................... 183 Save Current Layout as Custom Default.................................................................................................................................... 172 Cost ............................................................................... 171 Minimum ................................................................................................................................................................................................... 170 Formula Name ................................................................................................................................................................................ 191 Do Pellet Creation.................................................................................. 192 Save Solution .................. ................................................................................................ 200 Printer............................................................................................................................................. Setup............ 202 Chapter 3: Shadow Report ................................................................................................ 200 Create Export File ........................................................................... 194 Model 2 ............................Chapter 1: Options ... 199 Options................................................................. 211 Do Not Print Rejected Ingredients .......... 204 Report Comments .............................................. 207 Print Formula Cost .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 199 Comments ................................................................................................................................................................ 204 All Nutrients ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 208 Do Pellet Creation......... 208 Display Infeasible Warning ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 204 Tag Nutrients .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 205 Override Species Code......................................................................................................... 211 Identify Overlay Ingredients ................................................................................ 202 Setup .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 205 Select Which Formulas to Include in Report ................ 205 Include All Formulas in Report ...................................................................... 207 Print Stored Header........................................................... 200 View................................................................................................. 209 Don’t Print Ingredients............................................................. 200 Save Current Settings................................ 195 Use Scaling Equilibration .................................................................................................................................................................................... 199 Chapter 1: Usage Report................................................................................................... 204 Print Nutrients by Species Code ........................................................................... 207 Print Restriction Cost ........................................................................................................................................ 208 Restart Page Number ............................................................................................................................................ 209 Print Percents ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 200 Usage Report................................................................................................................................. 207 Print Stored Amount .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 208 Sort by Amount............... 197 Part 5: Grid Layout ........................................................ 210 Print Rejected Ingredients at End...................... 199 Setup ............................................................................................................. 211 Suppress O/S Rejected .......................................................................................... 208 No Page Numbers .................................................................... 208 Ingredients ..................... 203 Chapter 4: Solution Report ...................................................................................................................................... 198 Part 6: Reports ....................................................... 212 8 .......................................................................... 210 Print Min/Max....................................... 211 Nutrients.................................................................................................................................................................................................... 195 Maximum Iterations...................................... 202 Summary Report .......................................................................... 207 Print High/Low Cost ............................................................................................................ 210 Print Wide Name........................................................................................................... 199 Sort................... 205 Details ............................................................................................................................ 206 Print Amount............................... 211 No Ingredient Codes .................................................................................................... 201 Chapter 2: Summary Report .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 209 Print Ingredient Price ............................................................................................................................................. 210 Print Combo Summary...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 196 Chapter 2: Change Language................................................................................................................... Margins............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 212 Don’t Print Nutrients........................................................................................................................................... 210 Do Not Print Name ............................................................ ..................................................................................................EXE..... 237 Options........................................................... 218 Bottom Margin (in lines) ................................................................................................................ 230 Part 9: Exit ....................... 226 Login................................................ 215 Save Custom Setup ......................................................................................... 225 Introduction............................................................. 214 Print Stochastic Probability............................ 213 Print Min/Max.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 234 Location of CRMNU..... 223 Part 7: Custom and Help ...... 214 Options.. 226 Register .............................................................................................................. 224 Custom .................................................................................................................................................. 230 Cancel the Current Operation.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 237 9 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 237 Default Rounding Code ...................................................................................................................................................................... 225 Chapter 1: Setting Up Feedbuy.............................................................................. 236 Default Pricing Plant............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 216 Get Custom Setup ................................................. 232 Book 3: Brill License Manager .....................................Print Nutrient Number ........ 234 Chapter 1: Editing an RDEFAULT File ........... 212 Print Nutrient Units............................. 223 Setup . 233 Part 1: Edit/Create RDEFAULT File.............................................................................................................................................................. 213 Suppress Weight Nutrient ............................................................................................................ 213 Print Short Nutrient Name .................................................... 225 Using Feedbuy................................................................................................................................................................................. 218 View Report on the Screen ...... 215 Dry Matter Column..................................................................................................................................... 227 Request for Quote .................... 230 Browser ................... 237 Temporary Files Location.......................................................................... 218 Change Current Printer ... 213 Print Nutrients on Right ......................................................................................................... 218 Left Margin (in characters) ............. 228 Request for quote parameters.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 236 Dry Matter Nutrient Number ................................................................................................................................. 236 Formula Spec Base Plant ...................................................................................................................... 237 Display Ingredient Restrictions.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 219 Accept the Screen ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 221 Chapter 6: Compare Report .......... 236 Default Plant connection status ................................................................................................. 235 Location of data files ............. 217 Current Printer .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 214 Include Dry Matter Column ............ 219 Chapter 5: Sensitivity Report........................................................................... 225 Module Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 218 Top Margin (in lines) ................................................................................................................................................. 237 Out of Stock Price........... 214 Include Spec Nutrients .................................................................................................................................................................... 219 Cancel the Current Operation .......................................................................................................... 216 Adjust Field Lengths............. 224 Help............. 224 Part 8: Feedbuy.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 219 Save the Current Settings................................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 239 Chapter 1: Non-Multiblend Version .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 248 Transfer License From Floppy................................. 252 10 ................................. 250 Part 3: Read CRMNU Security File.............................................................................................................. 247 Direct License Transfer................................. 240 File ................................................................................................................................................ 240 Chapter 3: CrypKey Multiblend Version........................................................................................ 243 Demo License .......................................................................................................................... 248 Display Current License........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 238 Part 2: Modify Optimization License........ 248 Help........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Cancel .......................................................................................... 248 Transfer License To Floppy.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 241 Authorize ................................................... 241 Trial License ...................................................................... 246 Kill License.............. 240 Chapter 2: Plug Multiblend Version .............................................................. 241 Licensing Options ................................ 250 Help Options ............................................................................................................................. 237 OK. 248 Register Floppy........................................................................................................................................... 250 About MPSIIILM........................................................ If you have any questions. 11 . Contents of this publication are copyrighted and cannot be reproduced. All rights reserved.® assumes no responsibility to advise customers of changes or additions. please call the ESI™ customer support line at (507) 728-8214.%QR[TKIJV ©1999-2000 Easy Systems.® The information contained herein is subject to change. Printed in the USA. Inc. Inc. MN. All rights reserved. Inc. Unless stated otherwise. individuals and addresses are fictitious and are used solely to document the use of this software product. Inc. . Inc. Inc. 6TCFGOCTMU Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is a product of Easy Systems. © 1999-2000 Easy Systems.® on the installation screens of the software. transmitted or stored in any form without the written permission of Easy Systems. and Easy Systems. Inc. Revisions may be issued from time to time.KEGPUG #ITGGOGPV Use of this product and this documentation is covered by the license agreement provided by Easy Systems.® 2TQFWEV %QR[TKIJV Brill Feed Formulation for Windows.®. Welcome. products. %TGFKVU This document was written by Russ Roberts and Kathleen Crowley Rosenberg with the assistance of ESI’s Brill product support staff.® ESI® is a registered trademark of Easy Systems. all names of companies. This document was prepared using a Times New Roman font for the body text and Univers headings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f your minerals are ingredient code numbers 150-199. This data is needed for optimizing formulas. the Tab key advances to the next entry position. Esc (Escape): The Escape key can be thought of as the exit key or even the master panic button. Under certain circumstances. put some thought into the organization of the ingredients. 2. You need a list of all nutrients. Nutrients can never be deleted. After the formula spec has been optimized. Create your formula specifications once the rest of the data is entered. &CVC 5GVWR 5GSWGPEG 1. you may save it as a stored formula. Similarly. (You can use your mouse to click on the field. 4. Nutrient values always appear in numeric code order. but that can be expanded to 500 through an option available from Easy Systems. you are able to pick all of them up in a range search. use Shift+Tab. the Tab key highlights an entry. This order can only be changed via nutrient translation. as well. This is what the system defines as price. Again. You need a list of all ingredients. Put some thought into the organization of these nutrients. -G[DQCTF 0CXKICVKQP Tab: This key typically advances to the next line or accepts values as they have been entered. enter your ingredient cost. To backtab in a grid. Once the nutrients and ingredients are in. the Esc key aborts data entry forms and 13 . There are several opportunities in this program to search by range. Inc.1RVKOK\CVKQP /WNVKDNGPFKPI /WNVK2NCPV /WNVK2TKEG (NQCVKPI 6QPPCIG +PVTQFWEVKQP Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is a least-cost nutritional formulation software program designed for professional nutritionists and feed formulators. 3. for example. The basic system allows up to 200. On some forms. an import-export function requiring major data changes.) On menus. you may want to place your grain commodities together to do a daily or weekly cost update. Arrow keys: These keys are used to move the highlighting cursor around menus and for navigating within data entry fields. Backspace: This key is used to erase information that has been entered into the field of a form.leaves them unchanged. an enter or delete function can be performed. you may use Ctrl+Tab. Delete: The delete key is used to erase the contents of a data field. When in a grid form. hold the backspace key down for rapid deletion. 14 . Once the selection is highlighted. Press once to delete a character. You may run both programs on your system and each keeps the other current through the shared database.easysystemsinc. An installed copy of Btrieve 6. Pentium 133 megahertz (MHz) or greater (Win95) Pentium 200MHz or greater (Win98) Windows 95/98/NT Operating System 64 megabytes (MB) RAM 200 MB hard disk drive space available or more The average database size in the field is 100 MB. This software may be obtained from Easy Systems Inc. unless you are prepared to start from scratch. there are a few requirements. you are able to use the same database with your Windows version of Brill Feed Formulation. The upgrade from DOS to Windows requires no data conversion. Inc.15 or another compatible Btrieve database engine. Certain features in DOS have not been written in the Windows format. )GVVKPI UVCTVGF In order to install Brill Formulation for Windows. or Internet access to the Easy Systems. website at http:\\www. if you do not have a version of Btrieve you can continue on from where you left off in DOS. such as list files and some SYS files. A Brill for Windows installation CD. 2. which are not shared. you need: 1. However. and how many formulations are archived.DAT and CRMNU. 5[UVGO 4GSWKTGOGPVU *CTFYCTG TGSWKTGOGPVU Brill Formulation for Windows requires the following minimum hardware configurations: Intel Pentium PC or 100% compatible. Once you install the Brill Windows program. 3. or a set of disks. 15 . the number of formulations. It is proportional to the number of ingredients. yet.EXE. You also may need some test data.15.+PUVCNNCVKQP CPF 5GVWR 7RITCFKPI If you currently own the Brill Version 7 DOS Feed Formulation System. Two files: RDEFAULT. ) If you are installing from the Internet. This will begin the installation wizard. Do not install directly from the Internet. double click on the setupbw. In your Windows Explorer program. select No and you are returned to the window from which you initiated the installation. place the installation CD in the CD-ROM drive. Next. choose New. From Windows Explorer. If you have the CD you do not need the installation passwords. To cancel the installation. left click once on your C: root directory. select Yes and the password window appears. Then press the Enter key. download the Brill for Windows version to a Temp directory. +PUVCNNCVKQP Before you begin to install the program.EXE window appears. then Folder. you must create two folders. Type the name BrillV7 in the new folder name field.exe file the InstallShield Self-extracting. If you have received a test data file. Then unzip it if necessary. copy this to the DATA subdirectory. Instructions will be provided.exe file. After you double click on the setupbw. (You also may use installation disks in the A drive. To proceed with the installation. Copy the RDEFAULT.4. From the drop down list. Have your installation passwords for Brill for Windows and Btrieve available if downloading off the Internet. Name this folder DATA. Then click once on File in the menu bar.EXE files to the BrillV7 folder. To install the Brill for Windows program.DAT and the CRMNU. 16 . Wait for it to autostart. highlight the BrillV7 folder with a left click and create a new subdirectory folder. Note: If you are installing Brill Formulation from a CD, then you do not see the password window as no password is required when installing from the CD. If using a CD, the installation program skips the password procedure and moves directly to the extraction progress window. Enter the password provided by Easy Systems, Inc. by clicking once on the field and then entering the password. Once the password has been entered correctly, select OK and the extraction progress window appears. The progress bar displays the percentage of files extracted and proceeds without any input from you. Once it is complete the Setup progress window appears. The Setup progress bar proceeds without any input from you and once it is complete the Welcome window appears. 17 Introductory information about the setup program is displayed and instructions on how to continue or exit the program are explained. To exit the installation procedure you select Cancel and the program is aborted and your hard disk drive is left as it was before starting the installation program. To proceed you select Next and the Software License Agreement window appears. If you do not want to accept the agreement you select No and the installation process is aborted. If you want to return to view the previous window you select Back and the previous window is displayed so that you can change a selection in the previous window. To accept the agreement, select Yes and the Readme Information window appears. 18 Additional information about installing this software is detailed in the Readme Information window. Scroll down the window and read the information about properly installing the software. To scroll down the window you can click on the arrows at the right and bottom of the window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the User Information window appears. Click once on the Name field and enter the name you want associated with this installation in the Name field of this 19 window. Click once on the Company field and enter the company name in the field of this window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Choose Destination Location window appears. Note: Easy Systems, Inc., recommends that you use the default destination location for the installation of Brill Formulation. This enables support personnel to provide fast and clearly understandable assistance when necessary. The installation program defaults to the destination of C:\Program Files\Brill for Windows. If you do not want the program loaded there you can choose another location by selecting the Browse button and the Choose Directory window appears. 20 Using the selection options of the Choose Directory window you can select a location of your liking. Once you have selected your directory you click on OK and you are returned to the Choose Destination Location window. You can proceed with the installation from that window. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Choose Database Destination window appears. The default location for the database to be stored is: C:\Program Files\Brill for Windows\Data. If you want the database installed into a different directory, choose Browse and select another directory just as you did in the Choose Destination window procedure described earlier in this manual. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Setup Type window appears. 21 To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Select Program Folder window appears. 22 . This option is recommended for most users. Typical installs the program with the most common options. and Custom. Compact installs the program with the minimum required options. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. They are: Typical. Compact. Custom allows you to choose the options you want installed and this option is recommended for advanced users.You have three types of installations from which you choose. If you want to change the Program folder. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. 23 . If you want to change any of these settings you may use the Back button to navigate your way to the window in which you may want to make a change. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the installation program actually installs the program based upon the settings you defined in the earlier window. but you may select from the folders displayed in the Existing Folders window. The default selection is Brill for Windows. To go back to the preceding window to change a selection there you select Back and the preceding window appears. After the program has completed the installation of the needed files the Setup Complete window appears. Make any changes you desire and navigate your way back to the Start Copying Files window. The Start Copying Files window provides a review of the settings you defined in the earlier windows of the installation program. To abort the installation process you select Cancel and your hard disk drive is left as it was when you started the installation program. click on the folder into which you want the program installed.You have the ability to select a folder into which program folder the program is installed. To proceed with the installation you select Next and the Start Copying Files window appears. You should at some time restart your computer before using Brill Formulation. allows the installation program to automatically restart your computer when you click on Finish at the bottom of the window. 24 . allows the installation program to quit the installation program but leaves your computer running. After clicking Finish another window appears either after the computer restarts or if you elected not to automatically restart your computer the Setup Complete window appears. If you select Yes and Finish.You are given two options dealing with whether you want to restart your computer. Yes. No. the installation program automatically closes down any open applications and restarts your computer. Inc. then Brill for Windows.exe file and double click on it. Use your Windows Explorer to locate the btr615. When your computer reboots you have two methods by which to start Brill Formulation. You will need to enter an installation password almost immediately. At this point. contact Brill support personnel. installation CD you can obtain Btrieve 6. If you are using an Easy Systems. which you may obtain from Easy Systems. Go to the BrillV7 folder and select the RDEFAULT. Do not type in a password. The recommended procedure is to use the Windows Start button and then select Programs. If you have any further problems. After selecting Finish the installation program completes the setup of Brill Formulation and the installation program either opens the README file or automatically closes.) The program requires you to log in. Double-click on this file to start your Optimization program. and then Brill for Windows-Maintenance. Inc.DAT file. Reboot your computer and start the Brill for Windows program. The README file appears and provides information detailing updates to the Brill Formulation program. (You can start the Optimization program from the Maintenance menu bar. The program asks you to point to a config file.15 from the Easy Systems website and put it in your Temp directory. Press Enter. You are now ready to begin using Brill Formulation after you close the README file.15 from the CD and no password is required when using the CD version. One option is using your Windows Explorer program to locate the BRMBW32. If you are unable to log in.You are given the opportunity to view the README file for the Brill Formulation program. 25 . Click once on the check box to view the README file and then select Finish.EXE file. Type BRILL as the default user ID. you may obtain Btrieve 6. you may have a Btrieve error. Press Enter. so have it available. It will self-install. Formula Specification. Stored Formula Report. Nutrients. you will do it in the Maintenance program. e. passwords or set security to certain forms. The icons in this window are as follows: Plants. ingredient data. Formula Specification Report. Base Ingredients. The next line is referred to as the menu bar. Ingredient Price Report. formulas. Edit. For security purposes. The name Maintenance reflects the purpose of this side of the Brill for Windows program. The tool bar is located below the menu bar and shows a series of icons representing various functions in this program. verifying that you are in the Maintenance program and not the Optimization program. Ingredient Overlay Compare Report.g. copy or delete anything. 2CTV  )GVVKPI 5VCTVGF The top line in this window . Overlay Ingredients.the title bar . Here you maintain your plant data. Prices. 26 . you will need to contact a Brill support technician if you plan to change users. Nutrient Report. user data. Species Code Report. etc. Ingredient Report. a drop-down menu appears. Where Used Report. Each of these functions can be performed using the options in the menu bar. Stored Formula. The icons are shortcuts. reports. nutrient data.says Maintenance.$QQM  $TKNN /CKPVGPCPEG 1XGTXKGY Whenever you edit. Formula Spec Compare Report. By clicking on the options. Plant Report. Add On Cost. Uncheck those you decide not to use. You may use the Range to search for a plant. You can only see data from one plant at a time. When you return to the search window. leaving one choice (here MKT). Click on the X to cancel. You may have an administrative plant that sets the commodity or ingredient costs daily. the system assumes that the pricing will come from the Current Plant. a hidden button will appear which opens a popup window. The bottom portion of this window is called the footer. Point your alternate plant to this pricing plant. click on the words Current Plant. Then click on the check mark to accept. you can only see the data in one Alternate plant at a time. Double left click on the select box next to the plant wish to use. Select Range. Alternate plants are reserved for pricing. Again. Click on the check mark. or monthly. In the Alternate Plant field. only. Here you specify which plant’s data you wish to use. In the Current Plant field. If you know the plant code. There may be one plant or 100 plants in your company. Current plants include the ingredient and formula databases. MKT and MON) will be checked. To lookup the plant code. select the plant from which you will review ingredients and formulas. Enter MA in the top left field and MR in the top right field. Then click on the accept check mark. etc. enter it here and accept. weekly. Use the tab key to navigate from button to button in the footer.What is a plant? A plant is a site. To do so. 27 . click your mouse on the top binocular. If you leave this field blank. you may specify the plant from which your pricing is taken. Use the bottom binocular to lookup alternate plants. all plants within that alphabetical range (in this case MDC. A list of plants will appear. You are not required to have an alternate site for your pricing. Plant codes are limited to 5 alphanumeric characters. In the Edit option on the menu bar. You will find navigation simple. %JCRVGT  2NCPV /CKPVGPCPEG You can create as many plants as you need. the formula specifications are maintained in the base plant set in the “Plant Management” system. Note: In a “Plant Management” system.” In a “Plant Management” system. 28 . A message appears stating that you have entered an invalid plant code and asking if you wish to create a new one. Select Yes to proceed. Click on the Plant entry in the Edit menu. Enter the name of the new plant code and press Enter.2CTV  'FKV /GPW 1XGTXKGY The menu bar is designed in a task-oriented fashion. you find the basic form for all setup and maintenance items. Type in a name for the plant and press the Tab key. The Plant Maintenance window reappears with the cursor in the Plant Name field. the Plant Maintenance window does not allow access to the item “Check here if this plant contains formula specifications. Chapter 6: Delete a Plant. ingredients. To ensure your plant is in the list. Once your new plant is set up with all the required nutrients. you may want to limit user access to this option. Press the Tab key to continue. Chapter 6: Copy a Plant. Select Yes. and formula specs. If your plant does not appear in the list. select the Delete item on the menu bar. see Part 2. you may want to use the plant as a template to create new plants. Select an alternate plant to assign as a default to this Plant Code. Press Enter or click on the accept button. See Part 3. For obvious security reasons.a computer icon. click on the first icon at the bottom . For more details. To delete a plant.If your plant contains formula specs. Use the Tab key to advance to the accept check mark. be certain you check the blue box in the lower left-hand portion of the screen. use the lookup binocular in the footer. The box will refresh and present any new data. 29 . The last entry will be delete a plant. Some companies have chosen to create a pricing plant for each month. A message will appear regarding your decision to reload the lookup box. or you may want them alphabetically arranged.) 30 . Click in the field to see the menu. proteins. dry matter. you may have to recreate the database from scratch. You may want to spend some time determining the order of appearance: moisture. Nutrients are typically defined in percent or some unit of measure per weight unit (ex. You may choose to leave short name and abbreviation fields empty. However. place your cursor in an empty nutrient name field. enter the applicable unit of measure. the nutrient is assigned to the respective code number. Tab to the next field. 0WVTKGPV %QFG 0WVTKGPV 0COG 5JQTV #DDT To create a nutrient. with the purchase of an additional module.. Be sure that you have Weight always assigned to code 1. 0WVTKGPV 7PKV In the unit field.%JCRVGT  0WVTKGPV /CKPVGPCPEG When you create a nutrient base. so be sure to back up the data frequently. All reports are generated in code number order. If you lose your nutrient database. Caution: Be sure to back up your database frequently. Some reports allow a short or abbreviated nutrient name. The basic system allows up to 200. IU/gm or ppm.. Type in a name. The factor and decimal fields have hidden drop-down menus. it is possible to create up to 500 nutrients. ) 31 . Certain ingredients may require a ratio . To be able to use this nutrient. Create a new nutrient named Ca:P (Calc/Phos in the example). 7 parts calcium to 2 parts phosphorus.selenium: vitamin E or calcium: phosphorus. In this case. and select inverse. In this example. place the calcium code number 30. They must match. To create an inverse factor. you would enter a value of . you must enter values for this nutrient code in each ingredient. enter the name.e. the factor field.5. In the Ratio#1 column. In the Ratio#2 column. If the ratio were 5:10. The limestone value may be 100 (pounds per cubic foot) and the oats value may be 15 (pounds per cubic foot. You may use a ratio in a formula specification to optimize to a ratio.5. will be set up in a formula spec. The actual ratio you use. In that case. These ratios appear as calculated values in ingredient and stored formulas. i.0WVTKGPV (CEVQT 4CVKQ  4CVKQ  In the next column. select either actual or percent in both calcium and total phosphorus factor. a unit of measure (here we chose pounds per cubic foot). you would enter nutrient 75. for example. it would be a value of 3. select actual or percent for most ingredients. place total phosphorus code number 31. An inverse factor may be used for a bulk density value or other non-linear nutrients. and enter the value of the first number divided by the second number. or when mixer sizes need to be determined. 32 . 0WVTKGPV &GEKOCNU From the drop down list.This can be valuable when bags must be labeled with weight by volume. select the number of places to the right of the decimal point you wish to display on this nutrient. The maximum is 4. but you can find it if you use creative nutrient naming. 33 . This code does not allow the species name to be displayed. ruminant is code 3.%JCRVGT  5RGEKGU /CKPVGPCPEG 5RGEKGU %QFGU Species codes allow you to gather only the nutrient data specific to the animal species for which you are formulating. Code 4 and code 5 are indiscernible from this table. swine is code 2. Once you have your list of nutrients. assign a code number to each species. In this example. Poultry is Code 1 (in column 1). It appears in red. When you have added or edited the species code names. Type in the species code name. click on the Accept check mark. click your cursor in the appropriate field. 34 . To enter a species code name next to the code number.5RGEKGU %QFG 0COGU A reference table for keeping track of what species code number is assigned to what species is provided in species code names. here assigned to corn . For example. 35 . you will not be able to see it from the Base Ingredient list. This will allow the optimization process to take advantage of nutrient values specific to a production plant. select Base Ingredient and use the binocular to view a list of ingredients. When an ingredient is modified. This record contains the base nutrient values. The first field is the ingredient code. Here we selected ingredient code 112 for corn. $CUG +PITGFKGPV /CKPVGPCPEG Remember that even if you have an overlay ingredient on an ingredient code. The overlay ingredient record contains nutrient values specific to an individual production plant. Double-click on the box next to an ingredient you wish to view. two things happen: a modification date is shown in the date field and the version number increases by one. To view an existing ingredient.%JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPV /CKPVGPCPEG $CUG XU 1XGTNC[ There are two types of ingredient records.the overlay ingredient values for maize will be used. Any time that plant uses a formula that requires the ingredient code 112 . The second field is the common name for that code. A base ingredient record is available to all plants for optimization. the base ingredient corn may be assigned an overlay of maize at a South American plant. In the Rounding field. If Stochastics is active. You may run into a couple of issues when entering nutrient values. To create a new ingredient. In a minor ingredient. If 36 .1 lbs. The Ingredient equation feature provides greater flexibility and is recommended in place of nutrient factoring. Do you want to factor?” Always select No when creating a new ingredient. enter a name for the ingredient and a rounding value. In a major ingredient. enter the unit to which you will round. When creating a new ingredient. Enter the nutrient values appropriate for this ingredient. such as corn. you may choose to round to 5 lbs. you might choose to round to . columns will be available to update the mean and standard deviation/variance data. Then select the Accept mark. If you are using nutrient factoring. When the Ingredient Maintenance window returns. Select Yes from the pop-up warning window. the focus must remain in the code field when you press Enter in order for the program to recognize your request. Enter a new ingredient code number and press Enter. click on Base Ingredient. you see a message stating “The nutrient has factoring activated. such as Calc/Phos . but it will not be saved. At each nutrient. This calculated value will appear the next time you open the window. 37 .” This is where you edit the nutritional values to reflect minor differences. you will see “Overlay Plant” and behind it the name of the current plant.nutrient code 75 in this example. Press Enter. You may notice that new values appear in red. There are only two differences between the base ingredient maintenance window and the overlay ingredient window. but only in the fields with white backgrounds. but it is sometimes difficult to see the difference between black and red on blue. you may select Yes for nutrient factoring on subsequent updates of the ingredient. columns will be available to update the mean and standard deviation/variance data. You may enter any value. there will be an extra column in the grid entitled “Overlay. +PITGFKGPV 1XGTNC[ /CKPVGPCPEG Overlay ingredients are plant specific. in the third line of the header. First. To create an overlay ingredient. change your current plant in the footer of the main window before proceeding. The original base value appears in the last column. When creating an ingredient overlay. but is not required. There is no “old” nutrient value for a new ingredient. a division by zero error is select Yes you get a fatal error. Once all of the nutrients have been entered and the ingredient has been saved. the new values also are in red over the blue backgrounds. The factor is the new nutrient value divided by the old nutrient value. A value that has been changed will automatically check the overlay box in the next column. Certain nutrients may be a ratio. Press Enter. If Stochastics is active. In truth. you must create it in the plant at which it will be used. Enter a rounding number. Calc/Phos is a calculated value. enter the base ingredient code to be updated or select it from the lookup table. therefore. An overlay name may be entered. enter a new value for the overlay ingredient in the Value column. Second. If necessary. When finished. select the Accept mark and the values are saved. 38 . Formula pricing is set under System/Options. cost/tonne. for cost/lb. All ingredients in this manual are in cost per hundredweight (CWT). In Metric Weights.%JCRVGT  2TKEGU CPF #FF1P %QUV 2TKEG 7PKV “Price” in this program refers to ingredient or formula cost. This allows you to price new ingredients. You may change this to cost/ton. You may change the ingredient price unit by editing ingredient ENEF 1 . put 2 in the value field. put 11 in the value field.Energy Factor. put 3 in the value field. for cost/tonne. cost/lb. to achieve cost/100kg. leave the value empty. or cost/kg. cost/100kgs. It is what you pay for an item. to achieve cost/cwt. In US Weights. put 12 in the value field. for cost/ton. 2TKEGU Select the Prices item on the Edit menu and answer Yes to the zero price edit message. for cost/kg. Leave the rounding factor at zero and scroll to the highest nutrient code number FACTOR. Select the Accept mark. put 13 in the value field. 39 . Select Save. You may choose up to 10 plants. Then select the Accept mark. This list may be saved. then double clicking on the selected list. select the ingredients you wish to re-price. You may choose to edit only your vitamin and mineral prices. This list may be recalled by selecting the folder icon. select the plant where you wish to edit prices. Select the disk icon. 40 . You will be presented a window to enter a name for this list of ingredients. you might choose to pick a range from 201 to 299 for your minerals and 151 to 199 for your vitamins.When the following window appears. When the following window appears. You may select all by clicking on the first blue list icon. Select the Accept mark when finished. Need to edit just a category of items? Use the Range Search. If you have a scheme to your ingredient code list. The fifth box is the difference in percentage from the previous price. a tool tip pop-up will give the title of the box. select the Accept mark and the ingredients will appear in an edit table with a column for each plant you selected. If you put your mouse cursor over each footer box. indicates the current barley price is $7. We have unchecked the box to make this high priced item unavailable for formulations. The top row. first box. The fourth box indicates the difference from the previous price. The S column allows you to indicate whether the ingredient is in stock. You may notice a pencil next to code 120 Barley. code 120 Barley was priced at $7. (See more on footer fields in Add On Cost.) 41 .Once you have entered your criterion. The second row of boxes displays information about the previous price for the ingredient. Here. you may decide to uncheck the stock status box. Each price you change appears in red. This indicates the focus in the grid.00 at the test plant. When the price gets to a certain ceiling. In this example we are editing the Barley price at the TST plant. The boxes in the footer of this window pertain to the focus field. The third box indicates current total price is $7. The Add-On Costs are based on the same unit of measure as the ingredient (all $/cwt. Add-On Cost is where you enter those charges for delivery. and a value per ingredient unit (cwt) in the second field. Select Add-On Cost from the Edit menu and enter the code number of an ingredient. processing. You may use the binocular to look up an ingredient if you don’t remember the code number. The last five lines are reserved for shrink.) The Add-On Cost Maintenance grid appears. Now. then added. such as $20 flat delivery fee per cwt. You may enter a charge description in the first field. you will see a sugar cane price of $2 at the MKT plant and $12 at the TST plant. The first five lines allow you to add actual costs to your ingredient. press Enter (or select the Accept mark.) Shrink is a percentage. Add On values are calculated one at a time against the ingredient price. Once you enter the code number. 42 .#FF1P %QUV In the price window. The sixth through tenth lines allow you to add a percentage. etc. bagging. presume you have to process that cane in some way before you deliver it. Prices appear in price maintenance window. the addon cost appears in the second footer field. top down): Current Base Price Current Add Ons Current Total Price Difference (Curr-Prev) Difference % (Curr-Prev) Previous Base Price Previous Add Ons Previous Total Price Old Previous Total Price Last Modification If your focus is in the correct plant/ingredient field. 43 . Add-On cost is plant and ingredient specific. Footer fields are (from left to right. some nutritionists prefer to calculate the amino acids from protein. In the following example. Then. the result must be in units per pound or kg. Be sure the equation result is in the correct units for the nutrient being calculated. Most commonly. try protein is greater than 0. this one must be. as well. The steps would be: 1. Since the other nutrients in the equation will be percentages. For example: 100-N28 is the global equation for determining moisture percentage in an ingredient. If the calculated nutrient is defined as percent. you might want to try another equation. Second. create the nutrient Equation. the result must be in percent. For example. and moisture). fat. %QPFKVKQPU Conditions may be placed on Ingredients. create the nutrient Undigestible Protein. however. NFE equals 100 minus (protein. put Actual. Click on these buttons when you need assistance at entering the criteria for your equations. Create nutrient NFE as a percent. If the nutrient is defined as actual. create the equation under Global equation and make it Conditional: this means only ingredients with a value of 1 44 . The resulting value is the moisture content. Create equation 3. The equation means: 100 (or 100%) minus the value of nutrient code number 28 (which is dry matter). In the factor field. +PITGFKGPV 'SWCVKQP Note: As you enter data into each field that a lookup or drop-down button appears to help you in entering the correct needed information. This value is calculated and displayed for nutrient code 76 Moisture based on this global equation. ash. If you want to put a condition. For practice. 2. except that it pertains only to one ingredient. You can give the Unit no name or call it unit. they are global.These are the mathematical equivalents for writing equations: * = multiply / = divide _ = subtract + = add ^2 = square N = nutrient 1/^2 = inverse square ^3 = cube ^4 = quad ^.5 = square root () = parenthesis You may use the following (singly or in combination) when comparing nutrients to values: < (less than) > (greater than) = (equals) <> (not equals) %JCRVGT  )NQDCN CPF +PITGFKGPV 'SWCVKQPU )NQDCN 'SWCVKQP A global equation is a nutrient value that applies in all cases. An ingredient equation works the same way as a global equation. we will find the undigestible protein in an ingredient. First. fiber. we want the difference between Crude Protein (nutrient code 10) and Digestible Protein (nutrient code 11. In the Nutrient 1 field. enter the number of the nutrient to be conditional. enter the condition. Next. enter the nutrient code 74 under Nutrient No.) Select the Accept mark. Here. Equations calculate from the top nutrient number 74 will have the Undigestible Protein calculated. Here the condition is Equal. Order counts. then the value. and the value is 1. If your ingredient shows the value for the conditional equation without the condition having been met. Check the Conditional box. 45 . Then. To do this. delete the values of the equation and the condition in the Ingredient Maintenance window and then Accept. enter the equation to be performed in the equation field. Misplaced formula specs will not be available in the lookup list from a spec plant if created elsewhere. All formulas in the Base plant are available to all production plants. Create one from scratch by entering a new formula code in the formula spec maintenance window. Then enter the Minimum and Maximum percentage of this ingredient allowable per batch size. Enter a code number for a new formula in the first window. The following window appears. Be sure the current plant is set to the Base plant code before creating a new formula spec. See System/Options. 1. Use Plant Report if you are unsure of the spec status of the plant. Select Formula Specification from the Edit menu. Select Yes to create a new formula spec. Chapter 4: Copy Formula Specification.) 46 . For plant management systems: All formula specs are stored in the Base plant. Copy a similar existing spec to a new name and code number. (If you wish to change the formula spec pricing unit. then modify the formula. Enter an ingredient code. (See Part 3.%JCRVGT  (QTOWNCU For non-plant management systems: Before creating a spec. Here we create one from scratch. Press the Enter key while your cursor is still in the code number field. (QTOWNC 5RGEKHKECVKQPU There are two ways to create a new formula spec. make certain your current plant shown in the footer of the main window is where you want the formula spec to reside. This must be a plant set up to contain formula specs.) 2. When you finish. In this example. we may want to include some brewer’s yeast or a brand name premix product such as Fast Trak. your spec looks something like this: The last column in the formula spec grid indicates whether an ingredient is out of stock . nutrients and swing (an add-on option.signified by an O. The list icon may show Swing. The third icon is for Ingredient Combination. Look for the stock status to be sure you have all ingredients on hand. +PITGFKGPVU If you want to add a special ingredient that doesn’t exist in your ingredient list. 0WVTKGPVU To examine the nutrients in a formula spec without leaving this window.) 47 . click on the list icon (second from left). This allows you to toggle your view between ingredients. too. Check the Table of Contents for more information on these options. is an add on. This. This is an AddOn option. you must save your formula spec as is and go create your base or overlay ingredient. click on the list icon (second from left). then adds the swing limit to determine the new minimum and maximum for the ingredient. 48 . you will need to optimize it in Professional Nutritionist and store the solution. Swing allows control of how quickly ingredients enter or leave formulas. Swing uses the amount of the ingredient in the stored formula. Restrictions on the formula spec are not violated. This function is described in the Brill Optimization manual. Nutrients and Swing. which is an add-on option. 5YKPI To examine the Swing definitions in a formula spec without leaving this window. This allows you to toggle your view between Ingredients. The units are the same as ingredient restrictions on the formula spec.To save your formula spec as a stored formula. +PITGFKGPV %QODKPCVKQPU The ingredient combination option allows you to define another set of constraints in a formula spec. 49 . To set an Ingredient Combination. At the bottom of the Formula Spec Maintenance screen you find the Ingredient Combination icon (third from left) that resembles an organizational chart. select a formula specification. Select this icon to see the Ingredient Combination screen. %JCRVGT  5VQTGF (QTOWNCU A stored formula is a formula specification that has been optimized and saved as a stored formula. if you edit batch amounts and want to restore the original values. The Stored Formula Maintenance window can be used as a back door to entering known formulas into the system. you must close without saving (X) and reopen the stored formula. However. You are prompted to increment the version number when saving if the system options are set correctly. Here. species code or ingredient actual or percentage amounts. You may edit the description. batch size. Any operation on a stored formula is plant specific. 50 . select the Close icon (X). enter a new batch size and select the Scale Amounts button (finger on button icon) in the footer. the window recalculates the new percentage as you tab off the line. total percentage is no longer 100. By editing the value in the field. If an alternate plant is set.000 lbs. or close without saving. The light bulb icon allows you to edit comments on the formula. Once you edit an ingredient actual amount. and our batch weights no longer match in the header. Ingredient prices are displayed. 51 . If you wish to revert to the former values. The first value is Cost When Stored. It also recalculates the values at the bottom of the also may change known formulas and store the results simply by changing the actual amounts. the plant code is displayed on the screen. the batch size would remain 2. It is unnecessary to note the date or version number. The blue list icon allows you to switch views between ingredients and nutrients in the stored formula. as the system will keep track of changes for you in the header field. and the third is the Current Batch Weight. If the formula was ordered at this state. To change the batch size proportionally in a stored formula. Once you have the formula adjusted to your needs. select the Accept mark. the second is Current Cost. but the formula would be proportionally reduced. 52 .%JCRVGT  'FKV #TEJKXG %QOOGPVU The Edit Archive Comments portion of the manual will be completed at a later date. the pellet formulas are recreated to match the optimized formula. It also creates a production formula that lists the pellet ingredient and the rest of the ingredients in the formula. Once these pellet formulas are created. The pellet. Pellet Creation enables you to create a pellet formula from a group of ingredients within a stored formula. then these pellet formulas are not created. Partial amounts are excluded in actual amounts. If the original optimized formula is not stored. It also lists the pellet as an ingredient (as it would any premix) that may be used as an ingredient in other formulas. Only stored formulas are created as no formula specifications are made for these formulas. The Pellet Creation option only sets up the codes for the base pellet formula. They appear only in the Current Plant defined in the footer of the main menu when you create the pellet formulas. you would exclude two units of limestone. However. The actual formulas are not created until the original formula is optimized and stored. is a package of ingredients that can be easily added to the other remaining formula ingredients to create the final ration. if you have 10 units of limestone in your original formula and you wish to have eight units appear in your formula. This is the formula that you use to create the final ration once the pellet has been mixed. You may set up in a base plant any pellet formulas that may be accessed by all plants if you have plant 53 . The base pellet ingredient may be accessed through the Base Ingredient Maintenance/Update option. and the production formula. You also have the option of using part of an ingredient in a pellet and excluding part of it. Pellet formulas are created in a process where you exclude ingredients from an original formula. not percentages. they are accessed with the codes you define in the Pellet Creation window. Any ingredients that are not excluded go into the pellet. For example. This option sets up a formula that you use to crate the pellet. each time this formula is optimized and stored. the base pellet ingredient. once mixed. The original formula ingredients are listed on the setup window and the ingredients that are not to be in the pellet are excluded. Pellet formulas are overlays.%JCRVGT  2GNNGV %TGCVKQP Pellet Creation is an optional module of Brill Formulation and may be obtained by contacting your sales representative of Brill Corporation or Easy Systems. Inc. select Edit in the Maintenance main menu and select Pellet Creation from the drop-down menu that appears. You can change the base pellet in each plant and have the changes appear only in that plant. make sure the other plant appears in the Current Plant field before you choose Pellet Creation. For another plant to access the base plant’s pellet code. If you make changes in the base plant version. To begin the process of creating a pellet formula. The Pellet Creation window every other plant’s version also is changed. however. Simply make sure that the base plant is selected for the Current Plant when you create the pellet formulas. 54 . but some information is needed to create the formula. You can determine an alternate plant from which you can draw your ingredient costs. Once you have opened the Pellet Creation window you can select a formula for which you want to set up pellet formula information. Choose the formula for which you are going to create a pellet formula by double-clicking on the Selected box next to the formula you desire.%JCRVGT  5GVVKPI WR 2GNNGV %TGCVKQP Brill Formulation can create pellet formulas for your formulation needs. After making your choice. select Accept the Screen and your choice is displayed in the Pellet Creation window. You must determine a Base Pellet Formula Code Base Pellet Ingredient Code and a Production Formula Code. 55 . Click on the View Lookup Screen button (binoculars) and the Select 1 or More Pellet Records to be Edited window appears. Other information has to deal with setting a processing charge for the pellet and determine which plant will be used to figure the cost plus processing charge. 2NCPV This field is for display purposes only and cannot be edited in this window. %QFG The Code field displays the stored formula code selected. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen 56 . You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen to select the code. formula 11 could have the Base Pellet Formula Code of 11BASE. the current formula with the “excluded” ingredients left out. Beside the field is the description of the code selected. $CUG 2GNNGV (QTOWNC %QFG You determine what the Base Pellet Formula Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. 2TQFWEVKQP (QTOWNC %QFG You determine what the Production Formula Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. The plant code and description are displayed for the Current Plant selected in the footer of the main menu. You may want to use the original formula code with the word “BASE” attached to it so that it is easier to remember. You select the code by clicking on the binoculars in the previous window and selecting the code from the look-up window that appears. click on the look-up button. This code is for the formula for the pellet. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. For example. This field is for display purposes only and cannot be edited in this window. formula 11 would have a Base Pellet Ingredient Code of 11I. Choose your plant from the look-up window and select Accept the Screen. To assign a cost. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. To select a plant. click on the look-up button. 2TQEGUUKPI %JCTIG You can enter a dollar amount that is added to the cost of the formula for creating the pellet. It has the same nutritional values as the original formula. click on the View Lookup Screen button and a look-up window appears. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window. This is the code for the formula that is the pellet plus the excluded ingredients. To select a plant. click on the field and enter an amount you want used in determining a processing select the code. but the ingredients are listed as the pellet plus whatever was left out of the pellet. click on the View Lookup Screen button and a look-up window appears. Choose your plant from the lookup window and select Accept the Screen. 57 . This is stored in the Current Plant. For example. $CUG 2GNNGV +PITGFKGPV %QFG You determine what the Base Pellet Ingredient Code is and click on the field and enter the code you desire. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window and the Alternate Plant for Ingredient Cost is displayed. #NV 2NCPV HQT +PITGFKGPV %QUV You have an optional selection to store the cost in an alternate plant you select in this field. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. 2NCPV HQT %QUV %JCTIG You have an optional selection to store the Plant for Cost+Charge in an alternate plant you select in this field. The nutritional values are the same as the original formula. You are returned to the Pellet Creation Window and the Plant for Cost+Charge is displayed. click on the look-up button. If a code already exists and you want to use the View Lookup Screen to select the code. This is the code for the pellet to have when it is stored as an ingredient. You may want to use the original formula code with an “I” added to it. Choose your code and select Accept the Screen. select “Restore Original Value” and the ingredient is restored. Put in the Pellet.” To exclude the ingredient from the pellet formula. You should at first define any specific amounts you want excluded from the pellet formula. Put in the Pellet” and the indication that the ingredient is excluded is removed.” or “Restore Original Value. To deselect this option. To select this option. +PITGFKGPVU It is from within the Ingredients scrolling window that selections are made regarding what is to be excluded from the pellet formula and what is to be used for the pellet formula. To exclude an amount of an ingredient. Next. 58 . you should exclude any ingredients for which you want the entire ingredient excluded from the pellet formula. If this option is not checked. Enter an amount of the ingredient you want excluded. You also may exclude specific amounts of any ingredients from the pellet formula. then the ingredient nutrient values are written to the ingredient overlay record for the appropriate plant. click once on the Excluded Amount field of the ingredient you want excluded. The available options are “Exclude All from Pellet.5CXG +PI 6Q $CUG If you select Save Ingredient to Base you are asking Brill Formulation to write the Base Pellet Ingredient Code to the base ingredient record. click once on the check mark to remove the check mark from the box. Press the Tab key and the amount is entered as the amount you want excluded.” “Do Not Exclude from the Pellet. select “Exclude All from Pellet” and the Excluded Amount field displays “*All. click once in the empty check box to place a check mark in the box. If you have excluded an ingredient from the pellet formula before and you want to include it in the pellet formula now. Right-click on the line of any ingredient you want excluded and a drop-down list of options appears.” This indicates none of this ingredient is included in the pellet formula. select “Do Not Exclude from the Pellet. If you have changed the restriction on a particular ingredient and you want it restored to its original configuration. You are returned to the Main Menu. The values you have entered in this window are then used to create the pellet formulas you desire.&GNGVG VJG %WTTGPV 4GEQTF There may be a time when you want to remove a Pellet Creation record. The Pellet Creation window opens again with blank fields for the next pellet formula. select the Cancel the Current Operation button and you are returned to the Main Menu. choose the Accept the Screen button (check mark icon). Open the record by selecting the formula in the Pellet Creation window. #EEGRV VJG 5ETGGP After you have configured this set of pellet formulas in the manner you desire and you are ready to proceed to the next step of creating another set of pellet formulas. 59 . If you want to leave this window. choose Yes and the changes you made to the window are stored. If you elect to save the changes you had made despite selecting the Cancel the Current Operation button. If you do not want to save the changes and abort the operation entirely. Select the Delete the Current Record button (image of a document with a red X) %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP You may cancel your changes and leave this window at any time by choosing the Cancel the Current Operation button (X icon). If you have made changes to this window a dialog box appears. select No and you are returned to the Main Menu. If you want to change your mind and return to the Pellet Creation window select Cancel and the Pellet Creation window returns with the changes you have made to this point. If you have made no changes this window is closed. etc. and the type size.QIKP There are three tabs on the Login main screen. In the script field. Select the font.%JCRVGT  . Select the Help book to access the main help window. Select the X mark to quit the program. bold. Select the Accept mark to enter the program.).QI +P Enter a name and password to log in. To change your font (the typeface for your entries) click on the folder just above the font field. 5GVWR The Setup window is home to a number of functions. . italic. 60 . choose Western. (QPV The first function is Font. font style (regular. select the binocular. Then browse your program folders again for an appropriate graphic to use. This places the picture in the Login window. you can display it here. select Open. #DQWV The About tab is for system information. This could be a logo or a photo. see Changing Languages in Part 7. Click on the folder above the field. If you do not have bitmaps but have other file types. You may use Cancel to abort the operation. When finished. In the Select Picture window. For greater detail on your system setup.CPIWCIG You can change the language files for display from here. To do so. select the Open button. browse to the site where your graphics are kept.QIKP 2KEVWTG The second field is for the Login Picture. Select the graphic. Select a file. . then System Info. select a different type in the Files of Type field at the bottom of the window. Chapter 2 of Brill Maintenance.. 61 . If you have a bitmap in your system. When the file and path appear in the File Name field. %JCRVGT  'ZKV To exit the program click on Edit in the Maintenance window tool bar and select Exit. The Maintenance program of Brill Formulation closes and the program is exited. 62 . Click on your selection and it will switch the green button on.2CTV  %QR[ CPF &GNGVG For bulk copying. In the main portion of the window. use Copy Plant. To copy an ingredient. The green and red buttons at left allow you to choose whether it is a base ingredient or an overlay. Enter a rounding factor. %JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPVU When creating a new ingredient identical or similar to another. Give it a new name to distinguish it from the original. Select whether to make the new ingredient a base ingredient or an overlay. select Ingredient from the Copy tab on the menu bar. If to an overlay. 63 . If you want to copy the ingredient to a different plant. select whether you want it copied to all overlays at all plants. fill in the plant to which you wish to make your copy. In the header portion of the window. type in or search and select the ingredient you wish to copy. Give the new ingredient a code number. click on the blue box to check Copy Plant to Plant. Brill makes it easy to use one ingredient as a template for another. use the lookup binocular at the ingredient code field and select all ingredients.from one plant to another. Therefore. 64 . it is unnecessary to copy an equation from one plant to another. To do so. Similarly. You may choose to copy all ingredient prices at once. To copy. You may also choose to copy the stock status and price add-ons in the same process. you may choose to copy them whenever possible.all minerals. After all the work you put into the ingredient equations. %JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPV 'SWCVKQP Equations are stored at the root of an ingredient and are available at all plants. for example . you may copy a range of ingredient prices .%JCRVGT  2TKEGU Copying prices follows much the same process as copying ingredients. You may not copy a price from one ingredient to a different ingredient. What you will accomplish is copying the ingredient price from one plant to the same ingredient at another plant. %JCRVGT  (QTOWNC 5RGEU Copying a formula spec is similar to copying an ingredient. In the header section. 65 . Enter a new formula code to receive the data. click on the Accept mark to save the data as a new formula spec. and/or copy all overlays. fill in the plant code to which you will copy. You are. The bottom four blue check boxes allow you to choose whether to copy formula comments. in effect. In the main section of the window. Enter a batch size. Enter a new name for the formula to lessen confusion. or select it with the binocular. however. Enter the ingredient code of the recipient ingredient in the second field. that you must select the Copy Plant to Plant before selecting the formula code when you want to copy a formula spec to another plant. fill in the formula code that you wish to copy.simply enter the ingredient code of the master ingredient in the first field. Once you have made your selections. copy nutrients. Please note. copy ingredients. using one formula spec as a template for a new one. The first blue selection box allows you to copy over with the formula any formula includes. The second blue check box allows you to copy from one plant to another. Enter a species code. enter the name of the plant to which you wish to copy. specifications and/or stored formulas from one plant to another in a bulk transfer. Click the Accept mark when ready to copy. In Destination Plant. Ingredient prices may be copied with or without the add-on costs. check the desired boxes. or to a different plant. enter the name of the plant from which you wish to copy. %JCRVGT  %QR[ 2NCPV In Source Plant. 66 . ingredients.%JCRVGT  5VQTGF (QTOWNCU You may copy a stored formula to another formula code in the same plant. To copy prices. mark the Base Ingredient box if you are deleting a base ingredient and not an overlay ingredient. 67 . When deleting an ingredient. etc) mark “Prompt before each delete” if you wish to be notified. Caution: Do not delete a Base Ingredient until it has been removed from all formula specs and stored formulas. Simply enter the code you wish to delete (ingredient code. You may do a bulk delete by using the lookup binocular and selecting a range. plant code. This is an area that should be restricted by security access on User ID.%JCRVGT  &GNGVG The delete windows are basically the same for everything. Select the Accept mark to delete. Change any margin settings necessary for the report. 2TKPVGT 5GVWR Brill Formulation uses the default printer setting in your system. The Report Comments field allows you to attach a comment to the report.2CTV  4GRQTVU To print any report. When you first open a report selection. the center of the screen will show a small yellow printer icon behind the Current Printer heading. Your printer selection is displayed in the field below the printer icon. you must first make a few selections. 68 . click the blue box. Select this to change your printer setup. If you prefer to see the report on screen. The Ratio column displays any ratios you have created in a nutrient. It also denotes whether it is a plant that contains formula specifications.%JCRVGT  2NCPV 4GRQTV The Plant report gives you a simple run down of which plant code is attached to which plant name. Ratio or Inverse. Percent. or whether it has an alternate plant for pricing. 69 . The Type column refers to Actual. %JCRVGT  0WVTKGPV 4GRQTV The report gives you a snapshot of the settings for each nutrient. Options. +PITGFKGPV 4GRQTV Choose which ingredients you wish to view in a report. Species codes are then listed across the top of the (here 1-16. or on an analysis of several ingredients in a comparison format. and Overlay Options. Nutrients. When your setup is complete. Then the report displays the Species Code Report that lists the nutrients.) %JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPV 4GRQTV Choose whether you wish to view a report on individual ingredients. The report displays a list of the species and the code to which they are assigned. Select the Accept mark. which are listed at left. Price. 70 . On the Menu bar. make your setup selections in Details.%JCRVGT  5RGEKGU %QFG 4GRQTV The species code report shows which nutrients are assigned to a species code. The report will appear listing each ingredient individually. you can save it as a default report setup by clicking on the disk icon. Below is the result. select Analysis on the report setup screen. 71 . Nutrient codes are numbered across the top.#PCN[UKU To see a nutrient analysis of the ingredients. On the Menu bar.%JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPV 1XGTNC[ %QORCTKUQP The report options in this section allow you various ways to compare the base ingredient nutrient values to overlay nutrients in different plants. select the ingredient overlays you wish to compare. #NN 2NCPV Select the all plant option. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as your report default setup. then select the ingredient(s) with overlays you wish to review. make your report criteria selections in Details and in Nutrients. Then. 72 . %QORCTG 4GRQTV Select as many plants as you want to display. The report displays prices and price changes for all ingredients in the current plant. followed by the nutrient makeup of each formula in sequence. In this example we ignored the “print ingredients with zero prices” option. 73 . Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup.%JCRVGT  +PITGFKGPV 2TKEG 4GRQTV Check the report options in the Menu bar of the setup window. Choose however many formula specs you wish to view from the current plant. Instead. %JCRVGT  (QTOWNC 5RGEKHKECVKQPU 4GRQTV Check Details in the Menu bar for report criteria options. we selected all ingredients from the search screen. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup. The ingredient makeup is listed. Click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default setup.%JCRVGT  (QTOWNC 5RGE %QORCTKUQP Check Details. we selected two formula specs to compare. then your second plant. 5KFG D[ 5KFG In a side by side report. etc. #NN 2NCPV %QORCTKUQP Below is an all plant comparison report on code 10 quail starter formula spec. 74 . Nutrients and Ingredients report criteria options in the Menu bar. then your first formula. %QORCTG 4GRQTV The standard comparison report allows you to select as many as four plants to compare. second formula. In this example. you will be prompted to select your first plant for comparison (TST here). Ingredients and Nutrients in the Report Setup window Menu bar to select report criteria. %JCRVGT  9JGTG 7UGF 4GRQTV The value of this report is in allowing you to find in which formulas a particular ingredient is used. Next. The stored formula report allows you to print out a complete breakdown of a given formula in the current plant. choose whether to search through the formula specs or stored formulas. 75 . check the boxes of other search options you wish to use.%JCRVGT  5VQTGF (QTOWNC 4GRQTV Check Details. First. The Stored Formula Report supports the exploding of premixes. Enter a condition and an amount. Once the report criteria are set up. If both lines of a set have criteria. You also may search out nutrients for this report. That is to say that both criteria must be met to be included in the report. 76 . the item meeting the criteria is included in the report. the user can search through all the formulas in any or all plants. Note: Search criteria are in sets of two lines per set and there may be multiple two-line sets. there is a logical AND applied to these criteria. This is particularly useful when searching stored formulas. we chose to look for all code 70 (medication ingredient) that had a value greater than 0. A logical OR is applied between sets of the two-line criteria. Enter the ingredient code. select the Accept mark. The user creates a formula list. This formula set then can be optimized. Example: a user has changed the protein for soybean meal at a plant. Next. enter the ingredient codes you want to report. In this example. The twoline sets are alternately colored white and blue. then selects the Where Used Report.The Create Formula List creates an MLS file (formula set) of the formulas that meet the user selection criteria. By selecting the Select Plants and the All Formulas in All/Select Plants. That is to say that if any set of criteria is met. The user wants to find all the formulas that have more than a selected level of soy meal to optimize. 77 . The resulting report shows you in which formulas at the current plant this ingredient is used. Click on the “?” in the upper right corner and then click on the grid for a description of using “And/Or” logic in the search setup. and where the minimum and maximum values are set. Click on this button to open a lookup window from which you may select your ingredients or nutrients. depending upon your selection of Ing or Nut in the second column.When you are entering the fields of information you will see a lookup button (…) appear at the right end of the Code field. However. choose Base Ingredient to edit all ingredients in the system. There are two processes available when updating any ingredient. 78 . Select No to Edit Descriptors and you may select all ingredients and up to 20 nutrients to update. select the Accept check mark.2CTV  3WKEM 7RFCVG %JCRVGT  $CUG +PITGFKGPV CPF +PITGFKGPV The process for these two update selections is the same. When finished editing. Select Yes to Edit descriptors if you wish to edit the name of the ingredient or change the Rounding or Production Minimum values. Choose Ingredient to access only those ingredients at the current plant. the batch weight or the species code.%JCRVGT  (QTOWNC 5RGEKHKECVKQPU There are two processes available when updating a formula spec. Select No to Edit Descriptors and you may select up to 20 ingredients and 12 nutrients to update for each formula. select the Accept check mark to save the changes. 79 . Select Yes to edit descriptors to change the name of the formula. When finished. batch weight and species code. Select which formulas you wish to edit. 80 .%JCRVGT  5VQTGF (QTOWNCU There is only one edit option available for stored formulas. The update window will allow you to edit the description. Each change can be verified or skipped by putting a check in the Verify Changes box. Click on the right side of the field to make the binocular appear. which defaults in) has a hidden lookup binocular. 81 .2CTV  5RGEKCN %JCRVGT  (QTOWNC $WNM %JCPIG4GRNCEG The Bulk Change/Replace option is a fast way to add. This information prints on reports and displays on certain screens. Formula Issue Control keeps a version number and the date. choose whether you want to change an ingredient or nutrient in the formula specs or the stored formulas. Every time a formula spec is updated and saved. mark update issue control if you have this module. Next. First. each field (except description. delete or revise one ingredient (or nutrient) for another throughout a multitude of formulas. Enter the ingredient code or use the binocular to select the ingredient you wish to change. In this window. Select whether you wish to change the nutrient or the ingredient value. If you checked the verification box in the beginning. add a code if the selected one is present. Make your selections and choose the Accept mark. the following window appears. or delete the selected code. In this example we will modify the maximums and minimums. When your selections are made. select what you want to have happen. The Combos column is for ingredient combinations. In the Minimum and Maximum columns. decide whether to change these values manually. In the Actions column. a separate module. decide whether you want the changes to appear in all formulas or in selected ones. or to leave them the same. The following window appears. add a code if the selected one is not present. In this window. select the Accept mark. you may make the minimum and maximum modifications. You also may: replace the selected code with another. You also may choose to skip the item (first icon) or skip updating the formula on screen (second icon) by choosing 82 . enter the code number of the item you wish to use as a replacement. If replacing or adding a code. As each selected formula appears. these options at the bottom of the window. 83 . Hover your cursor above the icon to see the tool tip title appear. In the Pricing Plant field you enter the plant from which you use the cost of the premix in determining the prices from this plant. enter the name of the plant that will use this premix as an ingredient. This procedure will create a 84 . The following window appears. In Plant Code. You have the option to mark this ingredient as in stock from this window by marking the checkbox. Enter a rounding factor for the ingredient. You may choose to save this premix ingredient as a base ingredient or an overlay. not to write over an existing ingredient. it initially is named after the original formula with “Premix” added to the end. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix. Although you may rename your premix. Save as Ingredient allows you to enter a new code number for the premix.%JCRVGT  5VQTG 2TGOKZ CU +PITGFKGPV This function is also useful for diluting mill accidents into small amounts for feed redistribution. The lookup binocular is there for you to check your ingredient list. It is possible the purchaser has some of the ingredients on hand and wishes to purchase only part of a premix. When one plant makes a premix or concentrate and distributes it through formulas in other plants. the following window appears. If you wish to save this as a partial premix. it may be necessary or prudent to save the premix as an ingredient. then used to produce the finished product. click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. Enter the number of the formula code you wish to save as a premix. When you select this option from the Special menu. then used to produce the finished product.stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix. This procedure will create a stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. The Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window appears. Click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. 2TQFWEVKQP (QTOWNC In the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window header. 2CTVKCN 2TGOKZ 5RGEKHKECVKQP You have the ability to save this as a partial premix. 1TKIKPCN (QTOWNC The Original Formula fields are automatically filled in as the data is based upon the formula from which you are creating the premix. give the modified production formula a code 85 . To switch back to the ingredient listing click on the button again. The lookup button is there for you to check your formula list so that you do not write over an existing formula. To revert to the original formula. The nutrient value information is displayed. +PENWFG In the Include column you uncheck those ingredients that the producer is adding to the production formula on site. click on the icon.number. 4GXGTV The Revert icon at the bottom of the screen resembles a curved arrow. Only the items checked in the Include column are used in creating the premix formula. 5YKVEJ DGVYGGP KPITGFKGPVU CPF PWVTKGPVU If you want to view the nutrient amounts in this formula you click on the “Switch between ingredients and nutrients” button at the bottom left corner of the window. 86 . It allows you to clear all changes and revert to the original formula. %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and save the changes you made in the window.) Your settings are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. select the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and a dialog box appears. If you have selected a formula that already exists a dialog box appears and offers you a decision of whether you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating. select Cancel and you are returned to the previous window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and not save the changes you made in the window. select Yes and your changes are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you decide not to abort this procedure and you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window. Select No if you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and select a different 87 . #EEGRV VJG 5ETGGP If you have defined all of the parameters needed in creating this premix you can select the Accept the Screen button (check mark. select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. select Yes and the ingredient is replaced. If you determine that you want to proceed with the process of storing your premix as an ingredient. If you select Cancel you are returned to the Optimization window.formula code. If you do not want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here. If an ingredient already exists with the code you have used a dialog box appears. 88 . select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you do want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here. Select Yes if you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating here. After you have completed making all of your settings in the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window you return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. At this time you determine whether to Cancel the Current Operation in the Store Premix as Ingredient window. select the Accept the Screen button. If you wish to create a new ingredient as an include. or use the binocular to select ingredient code(s) from a list. it requires several steps to delete. To set up a formula to use it as an include. unmark the ingredient code as an include. It allows the formulator to use one formula specification to make multiple versions of that base formula. one formula with many drug additions or combinations might be quite useful. delete the ingredient. delete the include from the matching formula spec. This ingredient does not need any nutrient values. then select Mark Ingredient as Include. Second.%JCRVGT  /CTM +PITGFKGPV CU +PENWFG An Include ingredient is a special ingredient used by the program. Finally. Once an ingredient is marked and used as an include. Enter an ingredient code. enter the code number which corresponds to the formula spec you 89 . First. This can help reduce data maintenance since a change to the base formula specification will be applied to the variations by optimizing them. the user must create an ingredient with the exact same code as the formula specification. Use the Prompt Before Changing check mark to individually review and approve Include selections. For example. Select the Special menu option. You will be prompted to create the new ingredient by selecting Yes. 90 . To unmark an ingredient.intend to modify. it cannot be used as anything else. use the same process and select Prompt Before Change. Select the Accept mark. Always unmark the ingredient include if that ingredient is an active base ingredient. Once an ingredient code is used as an include. add the ingredient code number of any medications or other ingredients you wish to include in this variation. Tab to the minimum and maximum amount columns and enter the appropriate inclusion minimums and maximums based upon this spec and the batch quantity./QFKH[ C (QTOWNC 5RGE 7UKPI +PENWFG Once you have an Include ingredient which matches your formula spec. Click on the empty Code box at the bottom of the formula grid and add the Include ingredient number. Tab through the line. Formula Specifications. 91 . open the desired spec under Edit. At the next line. 92 . make sure the nutrients are available to the formula spec. Select the Accept mark. switch to the nutrient display in the Formula Spec and add those nutrients. Enter any minimum or maximum inclusion rates at this point. In Edit Ingredients. Once the nutrients are available in the ingredient (in this case. enter any active or inactive ingredient information as nutrient data. then enter the guaranteed analysis./QFKH[ 0WVTKGPVU KP VJG (QTOWNC 5RGE In order to put a minimum and maximum on the active or inactive ingredients in an Include medication. Medication code 70). 93 . the Include nutrients (active/inactive ingredients and guaranteed analysis data) appear in the nutrient display.When the formula spec has been saved. enter the code number of the ingredient to change. When the Weekly process is run. To clear the Force Update manually. 94 . select the Special menu option. The Force Update option allows the user to specify formulas that force the Weekly process to issue the new formula at the current plant. Each plant is set individually. Enter the formula code by number or by selecting it through the binocular. select the forced formula and choose Yes to clear the flag at the message prompt. then select Force Update.%JCRVGT  %NGCT 2TGOKZ (NCI To eliminate the premix designation from an ingredient. Set the Force Update flags weekly prior to running the Weekly process. In Brill Maintenance. Select the Accept mark. the Force Update flags are cleared. %JCRVGT  (QTEG 7RFCVG Customers who use the Weekly function may need to ensure a formula is issued even when none of the normal criteria are met. The first is by formula. the formula record will take precedence. Negative numbers represent actuals. begin to set the verification absolutes and deviations. The Accept icon is not be available. When the formula name appears in the next window. begin with Verification Maintenance. There are two types of verification records you can create. 95 . You can have a verification record for MKT plant formula code 25 that is different from TST plant formula code 25. Positive numbers are used as percentages. Should verification records apply on both a formula and on the species code.%JCRVGT  8GTKHKECVKQP /CKPVGPCPEG Verification is plant specific. If you have never verified before. Before any verification can be performed. To create a formula verification. Numbers entered as a negative are used as actuals. Minimum and Maximum Deviation are tolerance values used to set a warning flag on nutrients that are below the minimum deviation or above the maximum deviation. the second is by species code. Numbers entered as a positive are used as percentages. Verification is a means of testing a formula to ensure it meets the formula specification. Nutrients that fall within this warning zone are marked in the verification record and are defined as a percentage of the restriction. Nutrients that violate these tolerances are marked in the verification report with an asterisk (*). but still within the absolute minimum/maximum limit. the verification records must be defined in Verification Maintenance. Enter an amount just inside the safe Absolute Maximum or Minimum value you plan to enter. enter the formula code number at the top of the verification maintenance form and press Enter. The tolerance limits may be set as percents or actual values. Enter the nutrient code number in the Code field of the grid. Deviation above a minimum can be a percentage or an actual. Nutrients that violate these amounts are marked in verification reports with a pound (#) sign. In the Absolute Maximum field. It is the allowable deviation above the nutrient minimum listed on the formula spec. leave the Code field empty and instead select a species code number from the drop down list in the second box. 96 . enter the highest actual safe amount of that nutrient in that formula.Tab to the Absolute Minimum field and enter the minimum safe actual amount of that nutrient in that formula. To set a verification record on an entire species code. verification automatically tests the nutrient values for the rounded formula against the formula spec and then displays a warning if any nutrient is out of tolerance. When running formulas in Professional Nutritionist. The user may choose to run verification for the stored formulas in a plant. A warning statement is printed on the solution report for any formula with nutrients out of tolerance. verification tests the rounded solutions against each formula spec. the stored formula for each formula in the set is tested for nutrients that are out of tolerance. Verification may be run at any time. and create a formula set for formulas that do not meet the spec.In this example. 97 . During the Weekly process. These formulas are flagged to be issued. The set of formulas then may be optimized and a new version stored. When optimizing formula sets. an absolute maximum is set on salt for the entire poultry species code. %JCRVGT  8GTKH[ (QTOWNC Select Verify Formula from the Special menu. Select the Plants to be printed. do not check the options in the Report setup window. select the options in the Report setup window. To verify a number of formulas at multiple plants. To verify a single formula at a single plant. 98 . only the Current Plant is printed. If not selected in the Report setup. The Verification report shows two things: The asterisk * denotes that the formula now fails to meet the minimum deviation tolerances. Enter a name for the list and select save. This list of formulas and plants can be saved as a set for future verification. A success message appears noting the creation of the formula list file. There is no need to wait for the hourglass to disappear.Select the Stored Formula(s) to be printed in the verification report. 99 . Select OK. 100 .The pound # symbol flags the nutrient as out of tolerance for the absolute minimum or maximum. enter the value 1 on line 3. under Special. or by formula(s) across plants. enter the value 1 on the first line instead. If you wish to switch to Extended Price Difference. To change this back to actuals. Price thresholds may be set by plant. Two types of thresholds may be set. To create a price threshold for a formula across plants.01 to make low and high price threshold percentages. The system default is for actual amounts. enter a formula code in the first field and press Enter. The Select icon will not be available. create a file named SWING. change the selection from Formula Cost.%JCRVGT  2TKEG 6JTGUJQNF /CKPVGPCPEG Brill Formulation can compare the difference between the formula cost for a new solution and the stored formula. When the maintenance screen appears.01 on line 3 of this file. This can be used to set a range and issue new formulas that meet or exceed the set thresholds. To change back to actuals. 101 . then put the focus back in the Code field before pressing Enter. formula(s) within a plant. Price thresholds may be set as actual amounts or as percentages. The inner price threshold is used to test cost decreases or increases to issue new formulas. On line 1 of the file.SYS in the Brill data directory. To use percentages for price threshold. To set the outer price thresholds as percentages. The outer price threshold is used to detect extreme price changes and print warnings so the user may review the formula and determine the cause of the extreme price change. enter the value . When optimizing a list of formula specs. a warning statement prints on the solution report. select Price Threshold. or use the binocular to select a formula code.SYS may be created with Notepad or with EDIT at a MOS-DOS prompt. enter the value . SWING. Line 2 of this file may be left blank. unless you specify formulas in the grid below. Outer Low/Ton and Outer High/Ton limits you wish to trigger a threshold warning. High/Ton. Outer Low Price 102 . enter the same formula code in Low Range and High Range. High Price Per Ton. Then. To set a threshold by plant. Outer Low/Ton and Outer High/Ton limits. enter the Low/Ton. To specify a range of formulas. High/Ton.Enter the Low/Ton. continue to specify the Low Price Per Ton. These values will apply to all formulas within the plant. select a plant in the Price Threshold Maintenance screen and select the Accept mark. enter the lowest code number and the highest code number of that range in the Range fields. In the next window. To specify a single formula. entering the Optimization side. Next. select Professional Nutritionist and make sure our plant is MKT and the pricing plant is either blank or says MKT. In this example we drop it from more than $5 to $1. Price alone will not necessarily force a threshold warning. Now.75. go to Edit Price and change the price of maize . Here we select formula spec 10 – Quail Starter. Select No.Per Ton and Outer High Price Per Ton on those specific formulas. Which Threshold Takes Precedence? In this example. First. the general thresholds in the top of the window would overlay ingredient in the MKT plant. the thresholds set on 61 have highest priority. Here’s an example of how a price threshold works. 103 . so we also edit the crude and digestible protein content in Edit Overlay Ingredient – raising it significantly to simulate a data entry error. For all formulas in the MKT plant that are not specified. the thresholds in each range (codes 1050 and 60-100) would be used. A message may appear that allows you to view an infeasibility report. in the Brill Maintenance side. 104 . then view the solution report. Extended Cost Difference is another option to figuring thresholds by Formula Cost. To do this for a series of formulas. Solution Report and select to view all ingredients on formula spec 10.Instead. it will test the formula cost difference multiplied by the production tons. At the bottom of the first section of Quail Starter report – which is now infeasible – there is a price threshold warning. choose Reports. When extended difference is chosen on a formula. along with any price threshold warnings that have been triggered. create (or select) a formula set. optimize that set. Each formula in that set will be displayed in the report. switch the window from Formula Cost to Extended Difference first.To select Extended Difference on a plant. Thresholds for Extended Difference are set the same way as thresholds for formula costs. The extended difference on a plant will calculate and test the cost difference per ton times the production tons. then select the plant. 105 . Each choice will have a different set of Options. or ingredient unit prices.%JCRVGT  (QTOWNC %QORCTG%QODKPG When you select formula compare. percent of total formula price. In the Version column. choose to display Ingredients. The Ingredients mode allows you to compare by batch. the following window will appear listing your choices. select the Accept mark. The Nutrients mode allows you to select a species code only. In the Display Mode drop down list. for example. you will need to choose which formulas to compare. by ton or by percentage. The Formula Compare window will appear. 106 . this allows you to compare a current or previous version of a formula. Each of the columns (except Description) contains a hidden lookup binocular. Then. The Prices mode allows you to display price control per batch. Nutrients or Prices. Once your selections are made. The following window shows a combination in process. 107 . a description. In the last column of the grid. The Combine icon allows you to combine the formulas into a new formula. You will need to give the combined formula a new code number.The printer icon allows you to send this report directly to the printer. The final percentage entry will require you to select a small 100 icon to figure the final percentage. a species code and a batch size. enter the percentage of the finished formula you wish each formula to comprise. In the first line. For a new file. formula specs. enter a control file name and description. as well as from where – to where. When creating or editing a control file. Select the Create New Control File icon (list icon at left). The Description field fills in automatically. the following window appears. If you wish to edit an existing Control file. If the destination plant is not cleared. It is also possible to clear the files in the destination plant in advance of the transfer. ingredients. Each control file has two lines of command entries. choose the Edit Selected Control File icon (writing icon second from left). click on the Plant field to reveal a lookup binocular for selecting the source plant of your automated plant data copy. and/or stored formulas). but unwanted data may remain in the destination plant. Only data selected to be copied are cleared. the new data will be copied.%JCRVGT  #WVQOCVGF 2NCPV %QR[ This feature is helpful to those who need to copy information from one plant to another on a routine basis. To delete a control file. select the Delete icon (X’d list third from left) and choose Yes to delete at the prompt. 108 . The process in this feature is to first create a file and set the instructions of what items to copy (price. simply enter the line number where you wish to place this command. Check the Copy Price box to have the prices from the source plant copied to the destination plant. Base Ingredients are already shared between all plants – only overlays need to be copied on occasion. To delete or move a line. It is possible to create copy instructions for several plants in one control file. but only deletes data it is ordered to replace. Check Prices Only to copy the ingredient base price only without add-on costs. Check Copy Specs to copy Formula Specs. Likewise. it is possible to delete and edit instructions in the control file. click on the field to view the hidden binocular and then click on the binocular to select a Destination plant for the data fields you have checked. Right click in the line and choose to delete or move. Check the Copy Ingredients to have overlay ingredients copied from the source plant to the destination plant. Check Copy Store to copy Stored Formulas.Check the Clear Destination box to delete data in the destination file – Brill does not overwrite data. When moving a line. highlight it by clicking on the box at the left end of the line. 109 . In the Destination Plant(s) field. select the Accept mark. When the copy is complete. Reports may be printed for selected files. highlight the desired control file and click on the Accept mark. Select No to abort the automated data copy. If you have checked Display Errors on Screen and/or Display Warnings on Screen. To activate the copy instructions. You can activate more than one control file at a time. you will see these messages only if the data transfer incurred problems. Select Yes to copy at the prompt. 110 .When the instructions are complete. the window closes. To see the log. click on the View Log File icon (magnifier on paper icon.Each automated plant copy generates a log file. 111 . fourth from left). click on the tab you desire and the property sheet is displayed. in a stored formula report. They are Setup. the ingredients sort by ingredient code. Therefore. If a check mark is visible. You also may choose to be prompted to increment the version number within Stored Formula Maintenance. Select “Prompt to increment stored formula version” if you want the prompt. 5GVWR The “Debug mode” may be used when consulting with a Brill technical support person at Easy Systems. To view any one of the three property sheets.2CTV  5[UVGO %JCRVGT  1RVKQPU You have three property sheets in the System Options window. click once in the check box to either add or remove a check mark. “Sort ingredients by the amount column” means to sort the ingredients by the number of pounds in the formula. To select any of these Setup options. Precision and Cost. the ingredient with the most pounds prints first and the ingredient with the fewest pounds prints last. the option has been selected and is performed upon command of the program. 112 . If this is not checked. 999.999.00. 4 to the right.00%. 4 to the right.9999 (7 to the left. click once on the Precision tab of the Options window. use the arrows next to the field to select the number of decimals to the right of the decimal point. In the precision fields.999.9999. The Precision property sheet appears.) Percent precision at 2 allows 100.) Price precision allows values of $999.999.) 113 . (9 to the left. Amount Precision with a 4 in the field results in quantity values of 9. two to the right. (maximum of 3 to the left at 100.2TGEKUKQP To view the Precision property sheet. %QUV The selection of the Cost property sheet allows you to set how to figure the cost of the formulas as well as how to choose to factor ingredients. The options not selected have a red indicator. 114 . then set the factor to 100 to see formula cost per 100 pounds or kg. select formula cost per lb/kg. Click on the option button next to the costing option you desire. by ton/tonne. For example. or by lb/kg. The option with the green indicator is the option selected. Choose to factor the ingredient by 1 unless it is desired to see costs on another basis. Select the Cost tab and the Cost property sheet appears. Select whether to cost the formulas by batch. Eng=English.CPIWCIGU Before you can change languages.CPIWCIGU +PUVCNNKPI . 115 . In the third field. entitled Language. Rus=Russian. extract the files to the Brill for Windows directory on your hard drive. then Customer Source. move or copy the files beginning with BRLTL to your C/Windows/System folder. There must be one for each language. Tur=Turkish. Look for the three-letter identifier just before the extension to identify each language. You will not be able to run Russian or Chinese languages unless you have the corresponding Russian or Chinese Windows operating system. Once the files are extracted. go to the Brill Maintenance Log In screen. Por=Portugese.%JCRVGT  %JCPIKPI . The Select Language window appears. Chi=Chinese. Choose the desired language file beginning with V7MNT. Select the Setup tab. then Brill for Windows/Updates. These are available from the Easy Systems website: www. you will find a list of foreign language zip files available free to download. To do so. Once downloaded. select the folder icon.easysystemsinc. you must have the language files resident in your Brill for Windows directory. you will need to enable them. Esp=Spanish. Click the Open Select Brill for Windows from the directory. At the end of the Language Files area. Next. Select the Accept mark. enter the name of the language in the next field.The file you select appears in the language path of the Log In Setup window. Then.CPIWCIG &GHKPKVKQP /CKPVGPCPEG CFOKPKUVTCVKXG If you have administrative powers. In the language ID file. The field in the upper right corner displays current language selections. under the System tab. you can make the languages accessible from the main window. Initially. Once the language path has been defined. Select the Log In tab and log in as usual. 1 will be default and all others will be Not Initialized. 116 . Here we typed in Turkish. . select Language Definition Maintenance. log in as an administrative user. To initialize. select the Accept mark. First. enter the three-letter language identifier used in the language files. you can toggle languages using the Change Language selection under system. simply select the language you wish to be displayed on screen. Then. Any user can have access to the Change Language toggle.CPIWCIG In the Change Language window.Once you have initialized the languages. %JCPIG . select the Accept mark. 117 . Otherwise. or all of the plant. ingredient prices. when you return to the office. the next export automatically will be appended to the first. Check ignore (formula) names and ignore comments if you don’t want them to transfer. This procedure is used to translate one system’s nutrient codes to another system’s different code numbering. create a new transfer file. You also may choose to export only overlay ingredients. Then. 118 . you can use the binocular to look it up or select from several. stored formulas. ingredient codes and formula codes as the one from which you are exporting. 'ZRQTV 6[RKECN 'ZRQTVU Any file must be exported before it can be imported. However. the Brill system to which you are importing must have the same nutrient codes. It is designed to be a tool to take your data from your desktop to your laptop and out into the field. Choose send all items if you want to export all nutrients. you update your desktop from the laptop. we appended an earlier transfer and selected only base ingredients to export.%JCRVGT  +ORQTV 'ZRQTV Importing and exporting allows you to send data out of one Brill system and into another. make up a file name and give it an XF1 extension. Please call for more details. In this example. It requires special instruction from Brill Support. and formulas. formula specs. To do so. ingredients. If you have exported once in a day. Do not enter a translation file. Append if you have already exported once that day. Translation files are not built within the program. Once you have an export file out there. select the Accept mark. Instead. Check the box if you want this to occur. you will receive a pop-up success message. The system will recalculate.XFR” file extension. Check ignore (formula) names or ignore comments if you don’t want to import this data. The transfer file lookup box defaults to “.XFR” when you set the export type to MSRB Ingredient before looking up the transfer file name. You may decide to delete the import file after the transfer is complete. When the export is complete. The import activity will have no pop-up success message. /54$ (QTOCV 'ZRQTV If you are using the MSRB format to export a file it is recommended that your transfer files be named with a “. +ORQTV To import. you may view the entire import log. Select OK to continue.Once you have made your selections for exporting. select the name of the file that has been exported or enter it manually. Enter a value in stored formula batch weight if you want to conform batch sizes (within the same unit of measure) to the recipient plant. 119 . select the log view icon next to the Accept mark.To see the import log. 120 . the last line of the log will have a success message. When the import is complete. 2CTV  /KNN /KZ %JCRVGT %JCRVGT %JCRVGT %JCRVGT %JCRVGT      5GVWR )TQWRU 'FKV /KNN %QOOGPVU &GHKPG /KNN +PITGFKGPVU /KNN +PITGFKGPV 4GRQTV /KNN /KZ 4GRQTV 121 . you will find Professional Nutritionist and the least costing tools.2CTV  %WUVQO %JCRVGT  1RVKOK\CVKQP This item allows you to switch to the Optimization side of Brill Feed Formulation for Windows. In Optimization. 122 . You may choose between small. then Fonts.2CTV  *GNR %JCRVGT  /CKP /GPW Select the help entry you wish to read. You may rename the entry or leave the default name. Select OK. Use the Print button to print whatever topic is on screen. To change the type size. This can reduce search time. select Options. The entry will be listed under Bookmark next time it is opened. Use the arrow buttons to advance and retreat through the help topics. normal and large fonts. /KUE 123 . click on the Bookmark option and select define. Once you have an entry open. You can scroll through the entries. detailed option. Double click on an entry to open the book. you will need to allow the Wizard to set up a database for the help files. You can minimize database. as well. or customize your search.%JCRVGT  5GCTEJ %QPVGPVU There are several Help “books” available for you to read in Contents. +PFGZ The search engine allows you to the first few letters of the enter keyword entries and let the system find the topic for you. Highlight the topic you wish to read and select the Display button. (KPF The Find search engine is a more flexible. maximize search capabilities. Then select Next. The first time it is used. 124 . Follow the Wizard instructions. Select one of the options listed. 125 . You can rebuild your Find search engine at any time.The Find window gives you the flexibility to request specific keywords. Highlight the listing you wish to read and select the Display button. Choose the Options button to modify the search actions. Choose the Rebuild button in the Find window to return to the Setup Wizard. As you hover this icon over an item. #DQWV The About item gives you a quick view of what software version you are using.%JCRVGT  9JCV U 6JKU #DQWV 9JCV U 6JKU The What’s This selection gives you an active ? question mark icon. 126 . the help file for that item appears. Not all items have help files. the Optimization side of Brill Feed Formulation for Windows is the brains of the program. It is here you solve the formula specifications to obtain the production formulas.$QQM  $TKNN 1RVKOK\CVKQP 1XGTXKGY If Maintenance is the meat and bones of Brill. 2CTV  2TQHGUUKQPCN 0WVTKVKQPKUV The purpose of Professional Nutritionist is to allow you to make changes to an individual formula and optimize it without changing the database. A successful formula looks something like the following: 127 . The pricing plant will default in. Here we begin with a newly created formula spec. the system warns us the spec is not feasible and offers a report citing causes and solutions. Enter the Plant code where the formula you wish to review is resident. select whether you wish to review the formula spec or the stored formula. but may be changed. Enter the formula code. %JCRVGT  7UKPI 2TQHGUUKQPCN 0WVTKVKQPKUV When you select Professional Nutritionist. Select Yes to see a report. a selection window appears. 128 . Before we even see the formula. Finally.The success is judged by the system and is reported in the footer where it says Feasible. 000 lbs.. formula usage is 1. Also.7803 per batch. click on the switch amounts icon (4th in the tool bar. the formula is Infeasible. followed by the formula name. and the current formula cost is $127. To view nutrient values instead of ingredient values.000 lbs. You may print the report. or choose to save or close. Infeasibles are calculated to show the nearest/cheapest feasible solution. the formula spec will appear in the Professional Nutritionist window. there is no previous cost or comparison data available. Since this is a new spec. In the footer. Infeasible nutrients/ingredients are marked with a different color and an asterisk on the screen. click on the drop down arrow in the header field (or the 5th icon in the tool bar) In the header fields. the species code is 10.) To check on what unit of measure your formula pricing is based. you will see the formula plant and code number. see Optimization/ System/Options. 129 . and the current batch weight is 2. When you do so. To view formula percentages instead of actual amounts. you will see formula spec batch size is 2.This report tells us we cannot get enough crude protein from the existing formula to meet the required minimum of 16%. If you decide not to delete the selected ingredient.At the base of the grid is a scroll bar that reveals the columns beyond Min/Max. Expand as Premix. and Sensitivity. UnRounded. choose Cancel and the operation is aborted and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. &GNGVG 5GNGEVGF 4QY Note: The procedure Delete Selected Row described at the right for ingredients also applies for nutrients. choose OK and the ingredient is removed from the optimization and you are returned to the newly configured Professional Nutritionist window. The options available on all fields are: Delete Selected Row. A dialog box appears to verify your actions. and Create Comments. They are: Previous. Edit Ingredient. This section of the manual details only the functions that are available only as a right-click option. Click once on the gray box at the left end of an ingredient row that contains an ingredient you want deleted from this optimization. Merge Specifications. Add Rows. The operation of this function is identical for nutrients and ingredients. Disable Current Ingredient. 7UKPI 4KIJVENKEM 1RVKQPU When using the Professional Nutritionist you should keep in mind that some functions of the grid are available with a right-click on any particular field. Rest. Enable Current Ingredient. 130 . This highlights the line. Lo/Hi Cost. If you want to proceed and delete the selected ingredient from this optimization. Edit Ingredient Combinations. Expand All Premix Ingredients. Position your cursor somewhere on the line you just highlighted and do a rightclick and select Delete Selected Row from the pop-up menu that appears. Some right-click options are available in the menu bar also and are detailed later in the manual. Just switch the window’s view from one view to the other and the function operates the same. click on the lookup button at the left of the window and select the codes you want from the Select Ingredients window. To add a single ingredient click once on the Ingredient Code field and enter the code of the ingredient you desire. &KUCDNG %WTTGPV +PITGFKGPV To temporarily disable an ingredient for this optimization you perform a right-click and select Disable Current Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. 'FKV +PITGFKGPV To edit the nutritional information relating to a specific ingredient. Just switch the window’s view from one view to the other and the function operates the same. To add a new ingredient to this optimization you perform a right-click on the grid and select Add Rows from the pop-up menu that appears. If the ingredient had been disable.#FF 4QYU Note: The procedure Add Rows described at the right for ingredients also applies for nutrients. The operation of this function is identical for nutrients and ingredients. indicating this ingredient is now available for this particular optimization. the code N/A is removed from the Minimum and Maximum fields of the ingredient. perform a right-click on the ingredient line and select Edit Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. 131 . 'PCDNG %WTTGPV +PITGFKGPV To enable an ingredient for this optimization you perform a right-click and select Enable Current Ingredient from the pop-up menu that appears. The “Add new items to specification” window appears. The Edit Ingredient window appears. The code N/A appears in the Minimum and Maximum fields of the ingredient. If you want to add one or more ingredients and you do not know the code. indicating this ingredient is not available for this particular optimization. After you select the ingredients you want from the the Select Ingredients window and click on the Accept the Screen button the ingredients are added and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. Make the necessary changes to the ingredient in this window and then you save the changes by selecting the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window. You can save the changes to the permanent data file by selecting the diskette icon at the lower left corner of the window before you select the Accept the Screen button. You then perform a right-click on the nutrient line you want to modify and select Edit Nutrient from the pop-up menu that appears. be sure the Professional Nutritionist is displaying nutrient information. 132 . 'FKV 0WVTKGPV To edit the information relating to a specific nutrient. The Edit Nutrient window appears. A pop-up menu appears and you have two expanding premixes options from which to select. If you want to abort this procedure you select the Cancel the Current Operation button. but the changes cannot be written to the permanent file from here. Both options return you to the Professional Nutritionist window.Make the necessary changes to the nutrients in this window and then you save the changes by selecting the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window. One option is Expand as Premix and the other is Expand All Premix Ingredients. If one or more of those ingredients are premixes you can expand those premixes into the ingredient listing displayed here. Once you select Expand as Premix the Expand as Premix window appears. 'ZRCPF CU 2TGOKZ Select Expand as Premix if you want only the premix you have selected expanded into this formula. You have the opportunity to select the plant and formula code from which you want Brill Formulation to select the ingredient makeup of the premix. Place your cursor over the premix and right-click on your mouse. 'ZRCPFKPI RTGOKZGU In the scrolling window are the ingredients being utilized and information relating to those ingredients. click on the lookup 133 . This function works for formulas in the buffer. If you want to change the selection from the default values displayed. Changes made in this window are saved by clicking on the Accept the Screen button at the bottom of the window. The options are explained in the following examples. The premix is expanded into the existing ingredient window and you now can work on optimizing the formula. You can perform the Expand as Premix procedure as many times as you deem necessary. You also may have premixes within premixes and you can then perform the Expand as Premix option as many times as necessary to the premixes you want expanded. 134 . If you select an ingredient that is not a premix. select the check box next to Fix Ingredient Specifications. Select Accept the Screen to proceed with expanding the premix into the ingredients of the formula in which you are working. If you want to have the ingredient specifications fixed. If you have several premixes you can expand them one at a time.buttons next to the fields and select the plant and formula code you want to use. You can expand any premix listed in the ingredients window. select OK and you are returned to the optimization window. If you do not want to expand the ingredient. a warning dialog box appears and asks if you are sure you want to proceed. Select Cancel the Current Operation if you want to abort the operation and return to the optimization window. If there is another premix you want to expand you must first re-optimize the formula after expanding the first premix before you can expand the next premix. When you complete the re-optimization and you are ready to expand the next premix. Keep in mind that you must re-optimize the formula after expanding each premix before expanding the next premix. select it and right-click on the line containing the premix and select Expand as Premix. If you select OK the Expand as Premix window appears and you can then complete the process described above. 'ZRCPF #NN 2TGOKZ +PITGFKGPVU Brill Formulation also gives you the option of expanding all premix ingredients listed in your formula. You can run the option multiple times to expand down the premix layers. This function works for formulas in the buffer. Select Cancel the Current Operation if you want to abort the operation and return to the optimization window. Premixes within premixes are not automatically expanded. The Expand All Premix Ingredients window appears. The premixes are expanded into the existing ingredient window and you now can work on optimizing the formula. select the check box next to Fix Ingredient Specifications. If you want to change the selection from the default value displayed. If you want to have the ingredient specifications fixed. right-click on any ingredient in the listing of ingredients and select Expand All Premix Ingredients from the pop-up menu that appears. However. if there are premixes within premixes you will need to run the Expand All Premix Ingredients if you want any premixes that were contained within other premixes. You have the opportunity to select the plant code from which you want Brill Formulation to select the ingredient makeup of the premix. To begin the process. 135 . click on the lookup button next to the Plant field and select the plant code you want to use. Select Accept the Screen to proceed with expanding all of the visible premixes into the ingredients of the formula in which you are working. Select the plant you desire. You are then returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. select Accept the Screen button and the specifications you defined are merged. %TGCVG %QOOGPVU To add a comment to the formula spec you perform a rightclick on the field and select Create Comments from the popup menu that appears. For an explanation of Ingredient Combinations. refer to Book 1: Part 2: Chapter 7: Formulas for a section on Ingredient Combinations. 136 . 'FKV +PITGFKGPV %QODKPCVKQPU To edit your ingredient combinations you perform a rightclick on the field and select Edit Ingredient Combinations from the pop-up menu that appears. After you have designated the information you want brought into the formula you are optimizing. perform a right-click on the information grid and select Merge Specifications from the pop-up menu that appears. the formula code and how you want the specifications merged with the checkboxes at the left of the window./GTIG 5RGEKHKECVKQPU To combine the specifications of multiple formulas. The Formula Spec Comment window appears. The Merge Specifications window appears. Your comment is saved and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. If you want to save the prices you have defined in Professional Nutritionist. simply select this option and the Save Prices to Disk window appears. 137 .Enter the comment you desire in the text box of this window and then select Accept the Screen. This allows you to make changes to ingredient prices in the buffer and then save those changes without returning to the Maintenance window of Brill Formulation. 5CXG 2TKEGU VQ &KUM When performing a right-click on the Price field an additional option displayed in the pop-up menu is Save Prices to Disk. Parametric Analysis also can be performed on nutrient minimums or maximums when you are viewing the nutrient screen in the Professional Nutritionist. The procedure is detailed later in this section. right-click on the Price. To perform the analysis.To save prices for specific ingredients. click once in the Selected check box for the ingredient price you want to save. 138 . Minimum or Maximum fields of the ingredient for which you want to perform the Parametric Analysis. After you have made your selections. 2GTHQTO 2CTCOGVTKE #PCN[UKU Parametric Analysis can be used to test an ingredient price or the ingredient minimum or maximum. You are then returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. click on the Accept the Screen button to store those prices directly to Brill Formulation without having to make the price changes in Brill Formulation – Maintenance. This will keep whatever is to the left of that line visible while you scroll. we enter minimums on a number of ingredients to allow the program to meet the nutrient requirements. The optimizer will ignore this ingredient. then Disable Ingredient. Grid layout: To keep ingredients visible while scrolling through columns. Enable Ingredient. #OQWPV Enable/Disable Ingredient: If you need to give a preference to one ingredient over another. Select the Edit menu. Use the switch ingredient/nutrient icon (5th in the toolbar) to edit nutrient minimums and maximums. Use the switch amounts icon (4th in toolbar) to change from percentage of formula to actual ingredient weight in the Amounts column. In this example.(KGNFU YKVJKP VJG 1RVKOK\CVKQP YKPFQY Next. You also may use a right-click to view a pop-up menu that also provides the ability to Enable/Disable Ingredient. we define the features and operations of each of the columns of the optimization window of Brill Formulation. The Amount column is divided into Amount and Price. select Grid Layout menu. 139 . then Restore Original Grid Layout. /KP/CZ The Minimum and Maximum columns allow you to give the program some flexibility in finding the least cost solution to the formulation requirements. click on double bar to the left of the ingredient code and slide it to the right. choose Edit. You may edit the amount by percentage or actual. you may choose to disable the ingredient you do not want included. To return to normal. To restore the ingredient. Put the cursor focus on the line of the ingredient you want to disable. here based on weight restrictions only: The Lo Cost is the price at which more of the ingredient would be used. 5GPUKVKXKV[ All costs displayed in the sensitivity section are based on the ton/tonne. The Difference Column displays the difference in values caused by the last optimization. The Stored column displays the values in the Stored Formula.Q*K %QUV These are break points. Depending on whether you 140 . It can apply to maximums if the program would like to use more of an ingredient. The savings column displays the cost savings when the ingredient/nutrient is allowed to change to the number displayed in the SValue column. 7P4QWPFGF These are the unrounded values. These price points are valid if the price is the only change made. The extra cost will tell you the difference per ton when the nutrient/ingredient is allowed to change to the number displayed in the EValue column. The Hi Cost is the price at which the program would use less of an ingredient. It is the current cost of that ingredient/nutrient per batch minus the replacement cost. . The Hi Amount is the amount that would be used at the Hi Cost.2TGXKQWU The Previous column displays the last values before optimization took place. The Lo Amount is the amount that would be used at the Lo Cost. 4GUV The Restriction cost is what the program determined it cost to place a minimum on that ingredient. are at a minimum or a maximum. Here we lower the corn minimum and select the Optimize lightning bolt icon in the tool bar or in the File menu. To change the crude protein. The system recalculates the available ingredients. 141 . From our feasibility report. 1RVKOK\G Optimization is the heart of the Brill Feed Formulation program When a formula spec is optimized. the system takes its ingredient and nutrient requirements and attempts to create the least expensive formula ration that fits the given parameters. and presents a feasible formula solution. the extra cost or extra saving will display the exact cost per ton/tonne of your restriction. we need to change the minimum on one of the protein ingredients. reduces the amount of maize (the corn overlay ingredient at this plant). we know we must look at crude protein. You can do a parametric analysis on a price. 2CTCOGVTKEU A parametric analysis is an opportunity to view potential changes to a solution in a step-by-step approach. or “set” of formulas. we called up a formula in the Professional Nutritionist. Select a Plant Code and Formula Code for the stored formula. These may be different than the formula spec plant and code. we chose the parametric icon. ingredient minimum or maximum.5VQTG 5QNWVKQP To save a solution. In this example. 142 . You also may access Parametrics by performing a right-click on the line for which you want to conduct a Parametrics analysis. Select Do Pellet Creation if you have defined a pellet premix and you want the pellet formulas saved when this stored formula also is saved. Select Store Solution to create a permanent stored formula of the current spec in Professional Nutritionist. Then. and clicked on the minimum field of the maize line in the grid to put focus there. or nutrient minimum or maximum. Select Check to edit stored comments if you wish to review any notes you have made on the spec before storing. the formula. This will work only if the Archive option is activated. Select Check to save as a temporary archived formula if you do not want to replace the current stored formula being used for production. must be open and must be feasible. enter the size of the step between analyses you wish to create. 143 . You may change the plant location for the spec as well as the formula code. enter a beginning value and an ending value for a range you would like to analyze. Select the Accept mark to review the parametric analysis based on your setup criteria. Then. select Save Formula Spec from the File menu.In the setup window. 5CXG (QTOWNC 5RGE To save a solution back to the original formula spec. we set up a parametric to analyze the maize inclusion at 5% increments in this formula through a range of 40-60% inclusion. In this example. If it does. If you do not want to close the set and continue working on the set.Select the Accept mark.MLS file. Brill Formulation then verifies that you want to close the set by opening a dialog box. 5CXG 5QNWVKQP The solution file may be saved from the Professional Nutritionist. select No and you are returned to the Professional Nutritionist window. 144 . Cancel and change the formula code if you don’t wish to alter the original spec. To close the current set. the formula code must match. the following message will warn you that you are about to overwrite the original spec. When updating the original formula spec. select Yes and the set is closed and you are returned to a blank Professional Nutritionist window. Reports allowing the user to print from the solution can be printed by selecting the BUFFER. Select Yes to overwrite. %NQUG 5GV You can close a formula set by clicking on File in the Optimization main menu and then selecting Close Set. but you can override it for further changes. the Store Premix as Ingredient window appears. it may be necessary or prudent to save the premix as an ingredient. The lookup button is there for you to check your ingredient list so that you do not write over an existing ingredient. Click on the lookup button to the right of the field to view the available plants. If you have saved a partial premix. Brill Formulation allows you to save a premix or a partial premix from the optimization buffer. Click on the lookup button to the right of the field to view the available plants. 2TKEKPI 2NCPV Enter the name of the plant from which you want to use the ingredient pricing information. When you select the Make a Premix option from the Edit menu. 2NCPV %QFG Enter the name of the plant that is using this premix as an ingredient. Brill Formulation – Optimization also allows you to directly reload the buffer with the production formula containing the premix. Current prices and ingredient composition are pulled from the database when doing premix creation. The production formula enters the buffer as fixed. The code and formula name appear at the top of the window. Although you may rename your premix. Note: You should save any price changes or ingredient changes before creating the premix.%JCRVGT  %TGCVKPI 2TGOKZGU This function is also useful for diluting mill accidents into small amounts for feed redistribution. When one plant makes a premix or concentrate and distributes it through formulas in other plants. it 145 . 5CXG CU +PITGFKGPV You must enter a new code for the premix in the Save as Ingredient field. To save the premix ingredient as an overlay. click on the check mark. To save the premix ingredient as a base. To remove a check mark. click on the option button to the left of Save to Overlay. 0GY 4QWPFKPI (CEVQT Enter a rounding factor for the ingredient that you desire. To place a check mark in a blank box. To change your selection. 5CXG VQ $CUG5CXG VQ 1XGTNC[ You have the ability to save this premix ingredient as a base ingredient or an overlay. click on the option button to the left of Save to Base.initially is named after the original formula with “Premix” added to the end. 146 . The option selected is the option with a green option button displayed.00000 to a value you have determined is needed. 2NCEG +PITGFKGPV KP 5VQEM You have the option to mark this ingredient as in-stock from this window by marking the checkbox. simply click on the option you want selected. This option is selected if a check mark appears in the check box. click on the box. Click once on the field and edit the default value of 0. It is possible the purchaser has some of the ingredients on hand and wishes to purchase only part of a premix. give the modified production formula a code number. 1TKIKPCN (QTOWNC The Original Formula fields are automatically filled in as the data is based upon the formula from which you are creating the premix. 147 . then used to produce the finished product. Click on the partial premix icon next to the Accept mark. The lookup button is there for you to check your formula list so that you do not write over an existing formula.2CTVKCN 2TGOKZ 5RGEKHKECVKQP You have the ability to save this as a partial premix. This procedure will create a stored formula for the partial premix and for the finished product using the partial premix. The Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window appears. This function also may be used to create a formula where part of the ingredients are blended in a premix. 2TQFWEVKQP (QTOWNC In the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window header. select Yes and your changes are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. 4GXGTV The Revert icon at the bottom of the screen resembles a curved arrow. If you decide not to abort this procedure and you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window. %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window.+PENWFG In the Include column you uncheck those ingredients that the producer is adding to the production formula on site. It allows you to clear all changes and revert to the original formula. click on the icon. select the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and a dialog box appears. select Cancel and you are returned to the previous window. The nutrient value information is displayed. Only the items checked in the Include column are used in creating the premix formula. To revert to the original formula. 148 . To switch back to the ingredient listing click on the button again. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and not save the changes you made in the window. 5YKVEJ DGVYGGP KPITGFKGPVU CPF PWVTKGPVU If you want to view the nutrient amounts in this formula you click on the “Switch between ingredients and nutrients” button at the bottom left corner of the window. If you want to leave the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and save the changes you made in the window. select No and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. Select Yes if you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating here. If you determine that you want to proceed with the process of storing your premix as an ingredient. At this time you determine whether to Cancel the Current Operation in the Store Premix as Ingredient window. After you have completed making all of your settings in the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window you return to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. Select No if you want to return to the Store Premix as Ing – Partial Premix Specifications window and select a different formula code. 149 . If you have selected a formula that already exists a dialog box appears and offers you a decision of whether you want to replace the previously stored formula with the one you are creating. If an ingredient already exists with the code you have used a dialog box appears. If you select Cancel you are returned to the Optimization window.#EEGRV VJG 5ETGGP If you have defined all of the parameters needed in creating this premix you can select the Accept the Screen button (check mark.) Your settings are saved and you are returned to the Store Premix as Ingredient window. If you do not want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here. select the Accept the Screen button. select Yes and the ingredient is replaced. If you do want to replace the ingredient with the one you are creating here. 150 . It will appear whether the previous dialog box appears or not.Another window that appears is the following dialog box. You can then return to work on optimizing the formula you desire. If you do not want the new formula in the buffer. If you do want the new formula in the buffer. Brill Formulation allows you the option of immediately reloading the new formula into the Optimization buffer so that you may continue work on the new formula. select No and you are returned to the Optimization window and the new formula is not placed in the buffer. select Yes and you are returned to the Optimization window and the new formula is displayed in the window and is placed in the buffer. (QTOWNC . 151 . In this example. choose the second binocular. In the Recall Formula Set window. type in a name for a set of formulas. Select the Edit menu option.KUVKPI When the Formula Listing window opens. In this example. select Formula Listing in the Edit menu to enter formulas into this set. The first window that opens will prompt you to select the plant from which to read the formula specs. Select Open to create this set directory. you must create a formula set. To select stored formulas.2CTV  $CVEJ 1RVKOK\CVKQP %WTTGPV 5GV In order to optimize batches of formulas. When finished. then Current Set. we enter KCR01 for a horse producer client. we chose specs. click on the first binocular. To select formula specs to place in this formula set. in the title bar you will see the name of the formula set you just created. The next window is optional. In this example.When you have selected your formula plant. too. click on the Accept mark. the next window appears. is optional. This. It allows you to select a different plant to read the formula spec. 152 . Once you accept the Plant to Read Spec window. Select a plant for pricing. we ignored this window. added to or deleted from. select the Accept mark. select the reload icon (resembles a desktop computer. Once the plants have been established. A success message accompanies the save. 153 . When the set is complete. Select the Accept mark when you’ve chosen which specs to include in the formula set.Once a formula set has been created. If you recently created a formula spec. select the formulas you wish to collect in the formula set you are creating. modified. it can be reused. but can’t find it in the list.) This will refresh the list and include any new formulas. These formula specs appear in the Formula Listing window. A verification message will appear. select the plants required. To add formulas to the set. select Current Set from the Edit menu. If you change the first plant code in Plant. Once the set is open. merely click on a binocular list. When the formula is highlighted. Select the Accept mark and the formulas appear in the formula set. Spec or Price column. Select cancel to leave the formula in the set. then choose the formulas to add. Select the set you wish to modify and choose Open./QFKH[ C (QTOWNC 5GV To add or delete formulas from the set. you can press the Delete key to remove the formula from the list. you can highlight a formula by clicking the cursor arrow on the gray box at left of the formula. The set you choose will be reflected in the tool bar of the Optimization window. Brill Formulation asks if you wish to change all the 154 . Select OK to allow the deletion. The current set will appear in the Batch Optimization window. 155 . To change the setting you simply click once on the button and the status changes. If you have the Log Report turned on a Log Report is generated and the solution report is then saved. Click on the Log Off text to change it to Log On before Accepting the optimization if you wish to see a progress bar and a solution report. Select Ok on the Solution Message. $CVEJ 1RVKOK\KPI Batch optimization is a tool that optimizes a set of formulas. Then select Batch Optimization in the File menu. but the solution is saved to the selected location. The status of whether a Log is generated is displayed in the lower left corner of the window. select the desired set in the Edit menu under Current Set. This makes it easier and faster to change the file for another optimization. If you have the Log Report turned off the log is not printed. Brill Formulation allows you to merge another MLS file into the file currently being modified. Select the Accept mark to optimize. The following is an example of a Log Report that could be generated. To optimize a formula in the column. It cannot access individual stored formulas or formula specs. The reports include: Usage Report.Once the solution is saved you can then print the various reports available in Brill Formulation. Solution Report. Sensitivity Report. 156 . Summary Report. Each report option is available by clicking on Reports in the Optimization tool bar and then selecting the desired report from the drop-down list that appears. Shadow Report. and Compare Report. click the check box at the top of the Start-Up property sheet. 157 . You may then select the set you want to optimize. This setup information is saved and does not require input except for necessary changes. The Weekly procedure is used to implement new ingredient prices and nutrient values in production formulas. This window allows the user to set the program to execute after regular business hours. The procedure will then apply selection criteria to determine which formulas need a new production formula. 5GVVKPI WR 9GGMN[ RTQEGFWTG The setup process requires several items of information. The first property sheet of setup (Start-Up tab) has the location and name of the “Formula set” file to be used and the default printer. A text box appears in which you may enter a time for the process to start. &GNC[KPI UVCTV QH 9GGMN[ RTQEGFWTG If you want to delay the start of the Weekly procedure. (QTOWNC UGV You must enter the location and name of a Formula set file to be optimized.%JCRVGT  9GGMN[ 2TQEGFWTG The Weekly procedure is used to automate the process of optimizing large numbers of formulas. You may click the binoculars and a Recall Formula Set window appears. Your options include a printed report or a report sent to a file. 1WVRWV 1RVKQPU Click the option button next to “Send to printer” if you would like the report sent to the printer selected in the StartUp property sheet. %WUVQO 5GVWR (KNG You may enter a previous Custom Setup File or press the binoculars to open a Get Custom Setup File window. click the folder with the printer icon on it. You also have the option to select how your information will be presented.%WTTGPV 2TKPVGT The Current Printer selection is displayed in this field. If you wish to change the printer to which the reports will be printed. You may then use the window to select a previous Custom Setup File for your Solution Report. 5QNWVKQP 4GRQTV The Solution Report allows you to set up a Custom Setup File as a method of setting all Weekly configurations. The custom configuration feature makes it possible to have multiple configurations and easily recall the setup file to set the configuration you want quickly. The Solution Report also allows you to select to send the Solution Report output directly to a printer or to a file to print or view later. 158 . A Print Setup window appears where you may select another printer to which to send your reports. 1WVRWV 1RVKQPU You may select from sending your report to a printer or to a file. This may be sent to the printer or to a file to be reviewed on screen or printed later.” You may then enter a destination and file name or click on the binoculars to open a Save Report to File window. click the option button next to “Send to file. You then click the binoculars and a Save Report to File window opens.” You may then enter a destination and file name. click the option button next to “Send to printer.If you would like the information sent to a file. You may wish to save it to a location you have used before. You then select a destination and file name for your report.” If you would like to send the report to a file for viewing and printing later. 159 . If you want to send the report to the printer selected in the Start-Up sheet. click the option button next to “Send to file. 'TTQT 4GRQTV The Error Report is a report of the formulas selected to be issued and the reason for issuing the new formula. You may then select the folder in which you want to save your report and the name of the report. &Q PQV FGNGVG UQNWVKQPU If “Do not delete solutions” is not selected. click the option button next to “Do not delete solutions” and those solutions will not be deleted. leave the option button blank. If you do not want to issue a new formula if the formula specification has been changed. 5MKR 15 QT FGNGVGF KPITGFKGPV YCTPKPI Click the option button next to “Skip O/S or deleted ingredient warning” if you do not want to print warnings about out-of-stock or deleted ingredient warnings on solution reports. click the option button. do not select the option button next to “Skip changed specifications. all solutions not selected to issue a new formula will be deleted from the Solution file. 160 .1RVKQPU The Options page allows you to set function options within the Weekly procedure. 5MKR EJCPIGF URGEKHKECVKQPU If you want to issue a new formula if the formula specification has been changed. If you want to print the warnings.” You then enter the number of days to check for a changed specification in the text box at the lower right-hand corner of this window. If you want those solutions saved. click the check mark at the lower right-hand corner of the window to start the process. The cost change for each new solution is tested to determine whether the change exceeds the Price Threshold 3. All formulas in the Formula Set will have the current production formula checked by verification. the Master Formula is marked as changed to keep formulas synchronized.” the program will completely close the Optimization module at the end of the Weekly process. 161 . If the formula specification has changed. $GIKPPKPI VJG RTQEGFWTG After the configuration is complete. 2. 1.QIQWV CV GPF If you click the option button next to “Logout at end. Extended Price Thresholds may be used to test the formula cost change multiplied by the tons of production. All formulas that fail verification will have a new formula issued.. 4. The Weekly procedure may be used at any time to optimize a Formula Set and test the new solutions to determine which solutions meet the criteria for issuing a new production formula. 6GUVKPI QH PGY UQNWVKQPU The following criteria are used to test new solutions to determine whether a new production formula should be issued. For formulas that contain an Include. an ingredient in limited supply may be more valuable in one formula when formulated alone. 162 . ingredient prices and/or nutrient requirements. An optional module of Brill Formulation is Multiblend. After you define your situation you have the option of temporarily overriding the formula specifications. First you must identify which ingredients must be carefully allocated. You must define your situation to the program through several menu options. This program works in conjunction with the basic formulation functions of Brill Formulation. Next. which assists in the simultaneous formulation of several stored formulas vying for limited resources. Multiblend considers the variation in nutrient requirements among the formulas to be optimized and the total volume of each formula. Then you identify which formulas are competing for these ingredients and how much of each formula is to be produced. including the ingredients. you optimize this set of formulas with these restrictions using the Optimize Set function of Brill Formulation. You can print a solution report just as you can for a single least cost solution. but may in fact lower overall costs if allocated among several formulations or used in the highest volume feed. If the solutions are feasible.2CTV  /WNVKDNGPF Feed Manufacturers at many times must allocate ingredients that are high quality but available in limited quantity. For example. then you can store them as production formulas or as temporary files in the archives. From the list of options. Begin by clicking on the File button in the Main Menu. The drop-down menu is displayed. select Open Multiblend Set if you are editing an existing Multiblend Set.%JCRVGT  %TGCVKPI C /WNVKDNGPF UGV The first step in optimizing the use of your limited resources for the formulas for which you want to produce begins with the creation of the set of formulas you wish to optimize. If you elect not to create a new Multiblend Set. select Cancel and you are returned to the Main Menu of the Optimization program. If you are creating a new set. enter the name you desire for this particular set in the field at the bottom of the window. 163 . select New Multiblend Set and the New Multiblend Set window appears. Choose OK and the Formula Listing window appears. To create a new set. However. if you have purchased the multi-plant option you also can continue after you have defined the formulas from one plant. 8KGY (QTOWNC 5RGE . The following windows allow you to select the optional plant settings for obtaining formula specs and pricing information. You can add another plant to the set and then select formulas for that plant also. At that point you optimize the set and then make your modifications to achieve the balance of ingredient usage you desire. prices and other initial information come. then you can define the limitations you want placed on this particular Multiblend set. To make your selection click once on the line of the plant you want and then click again in the Selected box to make your selection. you can only select one plant at a time and then select the formulas from that plant you wish to optimize using Multiblend.QQMWR 5ETGGP Begin the process of selecting the formulas for your Multiblend set by choosing View Formula Spec Lookup Screen (left set of binoculars at bottom of window) and the Select 1 Plant for Formulas window appears. In this window are the plants from which you may select a plant you wish to use for getting your stored formulas. Note: In this process. This gives you a set that incorporates multiple plants together. 164 .It is in this window that you define from where the formulas. Then choose the Accept check mark at the lower right portion of the window to proceed to the Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) window. formula specs. Once you define the initial information. If you do not select an alternate. If you are selecting a different plant from which you want formula specs. Next.5GNGEV  2NCPV VQ 4GCF 5RGE 1RVKQPCN You are given the opportunity to select a plant other than the one selected in the previous window for reading formula specs. If you do not want to define a different plant for formula specs. the Select 1 Plant to Read Spec (Optional) window appears. 5GNGEV  2NCPV HQT 2TKEKPI 1RVKQPCN You also have the option of selecting yet another plant from which to gather your pricing information on ingredients used by Brill Formulation. choose the Accept check mark at the lower right portion of the window to make your selection. double click on the line for that plant to place a check mark in the box. The Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) window appears after you choose Accept in the previous window. do not mark any plants in the window and simply choose the Accept check mark and proceed to the Select 1 Plant for Pricing (Optional) window. After selecting a formula plant and choosing the Accept check mark. 165 . Brill Formulation defaults to the plant selected in the formula plant selection in the previous window. select the Accept button and the Select Formulas for Adding window appears. you do not need to make any selections in this window. you now can select the formulas you want added to your Multiblend set. Next.If you want to use the formula plant as your pricing plant. If you do want to use another plant as your pricing plant. 5GNGEV (QTOWNCU HQT #FFKPI Once you have defined your Formula Plant. Formula Spec Plant and Pricing Plant. Simply choose the Accept button at the bottom right of the window and proceed to the window in which you select the formulas you want included in the Multiblend set. 166 . The Select Formulas for Adding window appears after you choose Accept in the previous window. double click on the line for that plant and a check mark appears. Double click on the line of the formula you want added and this formula is marked to be included. You can select one of these options and add a formula to the Formula Listing window. The Formula Listing window appears with the selected formulas displayed. If you want to proceed with deleting the formula from the set. A pop-up menu appears and offers you the selections of Add Row(s) or Add Row(s) With Stored Formulas. After selecting formulas from a particular formula plant you have the option of adding to this list from other plants by selecting the View Formula Spec Lookup Screen button again and selecting a different formula plant and repeating the above listed procedure to add the formulas from another plant to this set. &GNGVKPI C HQTOWNC To remove a formula from the listing of formulas to be included in a particular Multiblend set.QQMWR 5ETGGP Brill Formulation allows you to select the formulas that you plan to optimize in Multiblend by starting with the Stored 167 . choose the Accept button in the lower right portion of the window to have the formulas included in your set. If you decide not to delete the selected formula. 8KGY 5VQTGF (QTOWNC . click once in the gray box next to the formula you want deleted. You are then returned to the Formula Listing window. Press the Delete key and a confirmation window appears. Select as many formulas as you desire to be included in this Multiblend set. select OK and the formula is removed from the set. You also can place your cursor over the grid and perform a right-click on your mouse. choose Cancel and the process is aborted and the formula is not deleted from the set. After you have selected all of the formulas desired. . double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. To select this option click once in the check box and a check mark is displayed. To deselect this option. Click on the second set of binoculars at the bottom of the Formula Listing window and the Select 1 Plant for Formulas window appears. The preceding instructions have provided a listing of formulas in which we have defined the Formula Plant. click once in the check box and the check mark is removed. 168 . To change a Formula Plant selection in the grid. click once in the check box and the check mark is removed. To select this option click once in the check box and a check mark is displayed. Pricing Plant and Formulas to be included in the set.QEM When you use the criteria selection to select formulas to issue. Next we define the quantities and limitations on production you want to include in determining the parameters for which we will optimize this set. These types of formulas can still be a part of the Multiblend set and the ingredient usages are allocated in the optimization.EM . (KZ Select this check box if the selected stored formula has no formula spec. You then repeat the same procedure to select your formulas that are outlined above beginning with the View Formula Spec Lookup Screen. Once the plant code is displayed in the Plant field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. Formula Spec Plant. you may select Lck to prevent the Fix column from being automatically changed. 2NCPV The Plant field information is automatically filled in when you select a plant when you are first defining your Multiblend set.Formula Lookup Screen. To deselect this option. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. If you want to change the Spec plant for all formulas in the scrolling window. If you have not defined a Formula Spec Plant this field remains blank. To change or add a Formula Spec Plant in the grid. double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. Brill Formulation only changes the Plant for the formula you have just changed. %QFG The Formula Code you select is automatically filled in when you select the formulas you want included in your Multiblend set.If you want to change the Plant only for the formula on the line you are changing. you select No. this information is automatically filled in for you. you select No. If you want to change the Spec plant only for the formula on the line you are changing. Brill Formulation will then only change the Spec plant for the formula you have just changed. 5RGE If you have selected a Formula Spec Plant that is different than the Formula Plant when creating your Multiblend set of formulas. Once the plant code is displayed in the Spec field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. If you want to change the Plant for all formulas in the scrolling window. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. you double click on the field and enter the code of the formula you want to include in this optimization. 169 . you select Yes and all Plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. To change the Formula Code. you select Yes and all Spec plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. Once the Pricing Plant code is displayed in the Price field you should position your cursor on a different line and click your mouse. The amount for each formula can be different and be determined down to the 1/10. This stores the selection for this field and a dialog box appears and asks if you want the plant you just selected assigned to all of the formulas in this set. 170 .000 of a ton. you select No. If you want to change the Pricing Plant for all formulas in the scrolling window. (QTOWNC 0COG The name of your formula is automatically displayed in this field after you have selected the formula for inclusion in your Multiblend set.2TKEG A Pricing Plant is automatically displayed in this field if you have selected a Pricing Plant that is different than the Formula Plant you defined earlier in this window. Brill Formulation will then only change the Pricing Plant for the formula you have just changed. To change or add a Pricing Plant in the grid. double click on the field and change the plant code to the code of the plant you want. Change the amount you desire from the 1-ton default amount to any amount you desire. If you have not defined a Pricing Plant that is different than your Formula Plant. If you want to change the Pricing Plant only for the formula on the line you are changing. Click once on the field under the Amount header and then enter the amount desired. #OQWPV Determine in tons the amount of each formula you want to produce. this field is left blank. you select Yes and all Pricing Plants are changed to the one you just defined for this line. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. This sets a maximum amount of this formula to consider in optimizing a particular Multiblend set. Click once on the field and enter the percentage over the ingredient cost of a formula you want used in calculating the price. this amount indicates the additional profit to be made by making one more or one less ton of the formula. . /CZKOWO Click once on this field and then enter a maximum number of tons of a formula you wish to consider in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. 5GNN You have the ability to set an actual selling price of a formula in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. This sets a minimum amount of this formula to consider in optimizing a particular Multiblend set. In the Formula Listing window this field is left blank. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend.2/1 This flags a formula that is a premix in a Premix Optimization formula set. 4GUV If the number of tons to produce in a floating tonnage Multiblend Solution is a minimum or a maximum. /KPKOWO Click once on this field and then enter a minimum number of tons of a formula you wish to consider in a floating tonnage Multiblend set. 5GNN You also have the ability to set a percentage over the ingredient cost of a formula to use in calculating the selling price for a floating tonnage Multiblend set. This option should be used only when optimizing a floating tonnage formula set in Multiblend. In this field it is most likely an amount that is less than the minimum tons you defined in the 171 .QY #OQWPV Brill Formulation may offer a recommendation of the number of tons to make of a particular formula in this particular Multiblend set. Click once on the field and enter the price at which you want to sell this formula. Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Multi-Price Ingredients. (QTOWNC Selections from the Formula tool bar drop-down menu allow you to modify prices of ingredients. /WNVK2TKEG +PITGFKGPVU There may be times when you want to allow multiple prices for specific ingredients to be used in your Multiblend set. include additional nutrients. %QUV This field displays the cost of the formula based upon the ingredients used and their associated costs. When viewed in the Formula Listing window this field is blank. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Multi-Price Ingredients Definitions window. include additional ingredients. If viewing in the Formula Listing window. this field is blank. When viewed in the Formula Listing window this field is blank. %CNE 5GNN This field is utilized after optimizing a Multiblend set and displays the calculated selling price as determined by either the Sell or Sell % field of the Formula Listing window. 172 . select Formula in the tool bar and then choose Multi-Price Ingredients and the Multi-Price Ingredient Definitions window appears. *KIJ #OQWPV Brill Formulation also may offer a recommendation of the number of tons to make of a particular formula in this Multiblend set that is most likely an amount that is greater than the maximum number of tons you defined in the Formula Listing window. You can then choose the option you desire.Formula Listing window. To view the dropdown menu click on the Formula button and the menu is displayed. allow substitution of ingredients and give you the ability to edit the configuration of your bin allocations. To define the ingredient for multiple prices. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Multi-Price Ingredients Definitions window. To delete an ingredient from the window. edit or delete ingredients for which you want to be able to use multiple prices in your Multiblend set. select the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. To add an ingredient to this window. If you want to abort the process of deleting the multi-price ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the MultiPrice Ingredient Definition window. Select the ingredients you want included in the multi-price function of Brill Formulation. click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the ingredient you want deleted to highlight the line. You may add names to the Multi-Price ingredients you have added. When you have completed entering the information you want. Click on the Name field and then enter the name you desire. choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Multi-Price Ingredient Definitions window.Once the window appears you may add. click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient 173 . Once you have selected the list you desire. click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears. 174 . Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Add Ingredients. Once the window appears you may add. Select the Formula button in the Formula Listing window and choose Add Ingredients. If you want to abort the current process. To add an ingredient to this window. #FF +PITGFKGPVU Brill Formulation allows you to include additional ingredients with your Multiblend set. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Add Ingredients window. choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing removed and you are returned to the Multi-Price Ingredient Definition window. choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. edit or delete ingredients that you want to be able to add to your Multiblend set. Once you have defined all of the multi-price ingredients you desire. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Add Ingredients window. The Add Ingredients window appears. Once you have defined all of the additional ingredients you desire. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a minimum amount. choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Add Ingredients window. click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the ingredient you want deleted to highlight the line. 175 . Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a maximum amount. Minimum allows you to select a minimum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in the Multiblend set if this ingredient is selected for use. Once you have selected the list you desire. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient is removed. You are then returned to the Add Ingredients window. choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. To delete an ingredient from the window. Maximum allows you to select a maximum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in this Multiblend set if this ingredient is selected for use.Select the ingredients you want included in the Multiblend set. If you want to abort the current process. choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. If you want to abort the process of deleting an additional ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the Add Ingredients window. The ingredient code is automatically displayed under the Code header and the ingredient name is automatically displayed under the Name header of the window. which Brill Formulation allows. choose the Accept the Screen (check mark) button and the selections you made are displayed in the Add Nutrients window. The Add Nutrients window appears. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Add Nutrients window. Select Formula in the tool bar and then choose Add Nutrients. Select the nutrients you want included in the Multiblend set. Once the window appears you may add. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Add Nutrients window. There are times when you want to add specific nutrients to your Multiblend set. 176 . click on the binoculars at the lower left portion of the window and the Select Ingredients window appears.#FF 0WVTKGPVU Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Add Nutrients. To add nutrients to this window. edit or delete nutrients of your Multiblend set. Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas. Once you have selected the list you desire. You are then returned to the Add Ingredients window. click once on the gray box at the left end of the line of the nutrient you want deleted to highlight the line. Maximum allows you to select a maximum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in this Multiblend set if this nutrient is selected for use. 177 .The nutrients code is automatically displayed under the Code header and the nutrients name is automatically displayed under the Name header of the window. If you want to abort the current process. If you want to proceed with removing the ingredient choose OK and the ingredient is removed. Press the Delete key and a dialog box appears. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a maximum amount. Minimum allows you to select a minimum amount you want Brill Formulation to use in the Multiblend set if this nutrient is selected for use. Once you have defined all of the additional ingredients you desire. Click once on the field and enter an amount in tons that you want defined as a minimum amount. choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. To delete a nutrient from the window. If you want to abort the process of deleting an additional ingredient choose Cancel and you are returned to the Add Ingredients window. choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) and you are returned to the Formula Listing window. To remove a check mark and deselect this option. and the To Ing. In the From Ing. fields the name of the ingredient is displayed in the Name fields to the right of each field. If the button appears not to be already pressed in there are no items defined in the Substitute Ingredients window. Select this option by clicking once in the box and place a check mark in the box. click on the check mark and it is removed. Enter the ingredient code you wish to replace in the From Ing. The ingredient that will be replaced when you substitute ingredients is listed in the From Ing. The ingredient to be offered instead for this optimization is listed in the To Ing. To define your Substitute Ingredients click on Formula in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choose Substitute Ingredients. Enter the ingredient you want substituted into this optimization in this field. The Substitute Ingredient function is a quick way to offer an ingredient to a Multiblend problem when it is not in any of the formula specs. 5WDUVKVWVG +PITGFKGPVU Brill Formulation allows you to substitute one ingredient for another while using Multiblend. The Keep Org.Note: When you select the Formula button in the tool bar you see the icon for Substitute Ingredients. If this option is not selected the original ingredient is locked out during the solution operation. If the button appears to be already pressed in there are items already defined in the Substitute Ingredients window. field. Wildcard allows you to enter a specific formula or you can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard enabling you to select all or a group of formulas in this optimization. field is a selection that enables you to keep the original ingredient in the list of available ingredients. field. 178 . The Substitute Ingredients window appears. field. select Accept the Screen and your selections are then displayed in the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. 179 . What you could do is to allow the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function to determine which two of the three ingredients would be most cost effective to utilize in producing your feed requirements.'FKV $KP #NNQECVKQP %QPHKIWTCVKQP You have the ability to change how you have allocated quantities in your ingredient bins. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window appears. Once the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window is open you add the candidate ingredients to the window by clicking the lookup button (binoculars) and the Select Ingredients window appears. To change your bin allocations. we have selected as our three candidates: Maiz. The ingredients are in your system and the costs and other nutrient information is defined. In the following example. Soy Meal 49% and Wheat Midds. Select your three ingredient candidates you want to consider. select Formula in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choose Edit Bin Allocation Configuration. An example of the function of this window is to say we have two ingredient bins empty but have three candidate ingredients that you might want to use in your operation. Once you have selected the ingredients. You can pose multiple problems to the Optimizer and allow the Optimizer to consider multiple bin allocation problems at once. List all of the ingredients you want to use for all of the problems and use the grid to select the ingredients that are going to be considered in each problem under each numbered column header. Click once on the field and enter a Minimum Usage amount in a number of tons. In this example we have decided that we want to be able to use a minimum of two ingredients and a maximum of two ingredients. The Optimizer then only considers a solution feasible if it can meet the minimum usage amount you define. 180 .Each row indicates the possible use of an ingredient defined in that row in any of the problems posed by the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. Let’s say you don’t want the Optimizer to consider an ingredient if it does not recommend at least 20 tons of an ingredient. A 2 in the Group Minimum sets that value and a 2 in the Group Maximum sets the other value. To enter a value in the field. If you know that you cannot bring in an ingredient if you don’t plan to use at least 20 tons (or any minimum amount you determine) place that minimum usage amount in the Minimum Usage field. In this case we are considering all of the ingredients listed and so there is a numeral 1 in each of the rows for the ingredients. For this example we pose only one problem for the Optimizer to solve. Next you define the Group Minimum and Group Maximum. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window allows you to also consider minimum usages for each selection. Each problem allows you to select which ingredients to consider. You place a 1 in each field of the row for an ingredient under the first column heading to indicate you want this ingredient to be considered in the configuration for the first problem. Each column with numerals as headers indicates the individual problem faced by the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window. click once on the field and then enter the value you want the Optimizer to consider. This sets the minimum number of ingredients to be selected and the maximum number of ingredients to be selected when the Optimizer is run. the a previous optimization of a Multiblend set reported the following feasible ingredient makeup. however. thus allowing you to utilize the Maiz and Soy Meal 49%. Soy Meal 49% and the Wheat Midds in varying amounts. In this solution you see that Wheat Midds were not used. Please note. This optimization had no limitation placed on it by limiting the number of bins. Note: The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function is being performed in the optimization module and this calculation then ensures a least-cost solution. So you open the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window and define the problem as described above and then click on the Accept the Screen button. However. This particular optimization utilized the Maiz.In this example we are detailing here. the more complex the problems posed to the optimizer the longer it may take to complete the computations. 181 . you only have space to consider two of those three ingredients. the Optimizer runs and produces the following solution. that when performing this function. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window closes and then you click on Accept the Screen button of the Formula Listing window. This allows you to define minimum and maximum restrictions on the tonnage capacity of the plant you have selected. A check mark appears in the box and the selection is made.The Optimizer determined that if it could only use two of the three ingredients. If you decide to have the Optimizer consider the function on a formula-by-formula basis. click on the check box at the top left corner of the window. 2NCPV 6QPPCIG 4GUVTKEVKQPU Brill Formulation allows you to define specific maximum and minimum tonnage amounts for any specific plant. The Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function can accept up to 10 separate problems at once. Keep in mind that the above listed example only dealt with one problem. It allows you to define how little of an amount you want any plant to consider producing while at the same time defining what the maximum capacity of the plant might be. You should also note that the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration function can be performed on a formula-byformula or plant-wide basis. the Edit Bin Allocation Configuration window allowed you to best utilize the available space at the lowest cost to your operation. 182 . the most cost effective ingredients to purchase are Maiz and Soy Meal 49%. Continue as described above and the solution is then reported in the Solution Report on a formula-byformula basis. Since space was limited. 2NCPV The Plant drop-down menu contains a single operation entitled Plant Tonnage Restrictions. select Plant in the Formula Listing window and then choose Plant Tonnage Restrictions and the window appears. To define tonnage restrictions. This option is available only for floating tonnage optimizations. C[QWV CU VJG &GHCWNV If you are working on a grid and want to revert to the original layout as the default. After you have made your selections choose Accept the Screen (check mark) and your settings are saved and you are returned to the Formula Listings window. #RRN[ %WUVQO .C[QWV If you simply want to view the window at this time using the original layout of the grid. 183 .C[QWV CU %WUVQO &GHCWNV Select this option if you want to save the layout you currently have displayed as the Custom Default layout for future use. )TKF . Restore Original Layout as the Default. which you can then save. select Apply Custom Layout and the grid is displayed using your previously stored Custom Layout. An option can be applied by selecting Grid Layout in the tool bar of the Formula Listing window and then choosing the option you desire. 4GUVQTG 1TKIKPCN . #RRN[ 1TKIKPCN .The formula plant you have defined in the Formula Listings window is automatically displayed in the window. The selections are Save Current Layout as Custom Default. select Restore Original Layout as the Default. 5CXG %WTTGPV . To enter a value. If no values have been defined. The window then reverts to the original layout. the fields are blank.C[QWV While manipulating the grid for use in the Multiblend process you have four methods of automatically handling the grid. The window is then displayed using the original layout. click once on the field under the header you wish to define and then enter an amount in tons that you want defined for a limit.C[QWV You may have saved a custom layout style previously and been working on a different layout. and Apply Custom Layout. Apply Original Layout. select Apply Original Layout. If you want the current layout to be displayed using your custom format. the values are displayed automatically. If a value has been defined for minimum or maximum. If you want to abort the process select Cancel (X) and your settings are not saved and you are returned to the Formula Listings window. click on the Save the Current Set (icon is a floppy diskette) button at the bottom of the window. To accomplish this you first open one of the two sets in the Formula Listing window and then click on the Merge Formulas From Another MLS File button. 5CXG VJG %WTTGPV 5GV If you have defined the set you desire and want to save the settings and definitions./GTIG (QTOWNCU (TQO #PQVJGT /.5 (KNG There may be times when you have already defined a Multiblend set and want to include that set with another set you had previously defined. Brill Formulation then saves the set as you have it defined and alerts you to the set being saved and displays the data path of where the set has been saved. You can merge as many files together as you need without exceeding the maximum number of allowable files for a Multiblend set. You then have the option of saving the current set or conducting a Save As Multiblend Set to create a separate MLS file that now contains all of the merged sets. The Select MLS File to Merge window appears. Select Open and the second MLS file is merged into the one you already have open in the Formula Listing window. Locate the file you desire to merge into the one you already have open and then click on it to highlight the selection. Both sets of files are displayed in the current set. 184 . You do not have to save the set before proceeding to optimization.Choose OK and you are returned to the Formula Listing window and you may continue work on the set. %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP You may cancel your changes and leave this window at any time by choosing the Cancel the Current Operation button (X icon) and this window is closed and any changes you have made in this window since the last save is aborted. The following portion of this manual details the optimization procedure in manipulating a Multiblend set. #EEGRV VJG 5ETGGP After you have configured this Multiblend set you are ready to proceed to the next step of optimizing this Multiblend set of formulas. Choose the Accept the Screen button (check mark icon) and the values you have entered in this window are then used to conduct an initial optimization of the set and the program displays the initial results in the Optimization window. 185 . You can save the set at any time before or after optimization. You are returned to the Main Menu. The initial optimization occurs when you select Accept the Screen in the Formula Listing window. The results are displayed in the Brill for Windows – Optimization window. In the lower right portion of the window is an initial indication of whether the set has a feasible solution or an infeasible solution. if the optimization is determined to be infeasible it means that the restrictions placed upon the components make it impossible to manufacture the formula set. When a solution is determined to be feasible it means that given the restrictions you have placed on the components that make up the formula set a combination of the given ingredients can be used to complete your order. This example begins with a Multiblend set displayed in the Formula Listing window as shown here. However. Once you have selected Accept the Screen your Multiblend set is optimized with the settings you have defined so far. The information initially displayed is the global results for the entire set of all formulas. You must then 186 .%JCRVGT  1RVKOK\KPI C /WNVKDNGPF UGV After you have created a Multiblend you are ready to optimize it. At that point Brill Formulation optimizes the set and reports whether it is feasible and the amounts to be used to manufacture your feed order. modify your restrictions in some way to achieve a feasible solution to the optimization of the given set. In either situation you now have the ability to manipulate the parameters of your restrictions. This enables you to determine whether your changes can bring about a greater savings for a feasible set, and for an infeasible set whether you can manipulate the restrictions to create a feasible set. Brill Formulation allows you to manipulate nearly all of the parameters that went into creating the set. The fields and their operation are identical to the optimization window described in Book 2: Brill Optimization, Part 1: Professional Nutritionist. Please refer to Book 2: Part 1 for information relating to the operation of the Optimization window. There is one major difference between the operation of the Multiblend window and the Professional Nutritionist window is the ability to manipulate each formula by selecting it in the drop-down menu at the top left portion of the window. If you want to alter restrictions for a specific formula, click on the drop-down arrow and select the formula ingredients or nutrients you desire to manipulate. Then you can make the changes in the fields as desired. Another difference is in the use of Parametrics. Parametrics can be used to test an ingredient price or the ingredient minimum or maximum tons and view the results over the range of the Parametrics analysis. Parametrics works the same in Multiblend as in Professional Nutritionist with the exception that no nutrient testing can be performed. Quick Update offers a quick way for you to view which formula in a set is using a particular ingredient and how much is being used. These are the major differences from a Multiblend use and a Professional Nutritionist use. Once you optimize a set of formulas the first group of values displayed are for the entire Multiblend set. Continue to manipulate the set until you achieve the desired set of restrictions and achieve the best optimization possible. At this time you will have made the changes you desire you will want to store the solution of this Multiblend set. 5VQTG 5QNWVKQP Storing a solution actually creates a permanent set of stored formulas of the current specs in the Multiblend set that you created above. Click on File in the Optimization window and 187 a drop-down menu appears. Select Store Solution and the Save Solution to Stored Formulas window appears. 5VQTG CNN HQTOWNCU If you want all formulas stored from this Multiblend set, click once on “Store all formulas” and Brill Formulation stores all of the formulas when the “Accept the screen” button is selected. If the option button is green this selection has already been made as a default. If the option button is red the “Select which formulas to store option has been selected. To revert back to the “Store all formulas” option click on the option button next to “Store all formulas” and the option is selected. 5GNGEV YJKEJ HQTOWNCU VQ UVQTG If you want to store only some of the formulas included in this Multiblend set, click on the option button next to “Select which formulas to store.” The Save Solution to Stored Formulas window changes to the following display. 188 A scrolling window of the formulas included in the Multiblend set is displayed. Click on the check boxes at the left of the individual formulas for which you want their stored formulas saved. A formula with a check mark beside it will be saved. The formulas without check marks will not be saved. Press the Tab key to close the scrolling window and view the remainder of the window again. The option button remains green and indicates that selection is made. 6CI CNN KVGOU When you have the scrolling window open you may want to select “Tag all items” to have Brill Formulation place check marks beside all of the formulas. You then can deselect the formulas you do not want stored. 5VQTGF &CVG The stored date automatically defaults to the current date. However, you may edit this field and enter a date you desire. Click once on the field and enter the date you want associated with the newly stored formulas. %JGEM VQ UCXG CU VGORQTCT[ CTEJKXGF HQTOWNC If you do not want save the newly formulated rations as stored formulas you have the option to save them as temporary archived formulas. Click on the check box to activate this option. To remove a check mark, click on the check mark and it is removed and the option is no longer active. &Q 2GNNGV %TGCVKQP Brill Formulation allows you to do pellet creation when this procedure is activated. Click on the option button to place a check mark in the check box. Click on the option button to remove a check mark if one is visible and you do not want the option selected. Checking this option stores the pellet ingredient and price along with the pellet formula and production formula. The original formula also is stored. #EEGRV VJG UETGGP After you have set the parameters you want for this window and you want to proceed with saving the stored formulas, choose “Accept the screen” (check mark). Brill Formulation then saves the stored formulas or temporary archived formulas and you are returned to the Optimization window. 189 %CPEGN VJG EWTTGPV QRGTCVKQP If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Optimization window, choose “Cancel the current operation” (X icon) and the operation is canceled. You are returned to the Optimization window. 5CXG (QTOWNC 5RGE To save the Formula Specs from within Multiblend you click on File in the Optimization tool bar and then choose Save Formula Spec. The Save Formula Spec window appears. 5VQTG CNN HQTOWNCU If you want all formula specifications stored from this Multiblend set, click once on “Store all formulas” and Brill Formulation stores all of the formulas when the “Accept the screen” button is selected. 5GNGEV YJKEJ HQTOWNCU VQ UVQTG If you want to store only some of the formula specifications included in this Multiblend set, click on the option button next to “Select which formulas to store.” The Save Solution to Stored Formulas window changes to the following display. 190 A scrolling window of the formulas included in the Multiblend set is displayed. Click on the check boxes at the left of the individual formulas for which you want their formula specifications saved. A formula with a check mark beside it will be saved. The formulas without check marks will not be saved. Press the Tab key to close the scrolling window and view the remainder of the Save Formula Specification window again. The option button remains green and indicates the selection is made. 6CI CNN KVGOU When you have the scrolling window open you may want to select “Tag all items” to have Brill Formulation place check marks beside all of the formulas. You then can deselect the formulas you do not want stored. 7RFCVG (QTOWNC +UUWG %QPVTQN CPF &CVG If you select the Update Formula Issue Control and Date the program updates these items for the formula specification. A check mark in the box selects this option. To select the option click on the check box to place a check mark in the box. To deselect the option if a check mark is visible, click on the check box and the check mark is removed and the option is no longer selected. &Q 2GNNGV %TGCVKQP Brill Formulation allows you to do pellet creation when this procedure is activated. Click on the option button to place a check mark in the check box. Click on the option button to remove a check mark if one is visible and you do not want the option selected. 191 choose “Accept the screen” (check mark). Click on File in the Optimization tool bar and then select Save Solution. select No and you are returned to the Multiblend set in the Optimization window. A dialog box appears verifying that you want to close the set upon which you are working. The solution to this Multiblend set is saved and a dialog box appears. You are returned to the Optimization window. Brill Formulation then saves the formula specifications and you are returned to the Optimization window. #EEGRV VJG UETGGP After you have set the parameters you want for this window and you want to proceed with saving the formula specifications. 192 . The original formula also is stored. Select OK and you are returned to the Optimization window. 5CXG 5QNWVKQP You can save the current solution by selecting Save Solution. %CPEGN VJG EWTTGPV QRGTCVKQP If you want to abort this procedure and return to the Optimization window. choose “Cancel the current operation” (X icon) and the operation is canceled. If you decide you want to continue working the current set.Checking this option stores the pellet ingredient and price along with the pellet formula and production formula. %NQUG 5GV When you have completed the work on this Multiblend set you can close it by clicking on File in the Optimization tool bar and then choosing Close Set. 193 .If you decide you want to close the current set. select Yes and the set is closed and you are returned to a blank Optimization window. use the arrows next to the field to select the number of decimals to the right of the decimal point. The Debug Mode is designed for use with assistance from a Brill Support technician. (maximum of 3 to the left at 100.) Price precision allows values of $999. decide whether to check the first blue box. Maximize your workstation memory as much as possible. Amount Precision with a 4 in the field results in quantity values of 9.999.999. If you choose to submit if out of stock. In the precision fields. two to the right.999. check the Enable Swing box. If you have purchased the Swing module.) Percent precision at 2 allows 100.9999. Use 2 megabytes as a minimum.) 194 .999. (9 to the left.00. which will place a high price on the ingredient to place it low in the feasibility choice parameters. To have ingredients listed by greatest quantity first. 4 to the right.2CTV  5[UVGO /GPW %JCRVGT  1RVKQPU Choose one of the first four options for submitting an ingredient to a formula if that ingredient is out of stock.00%.9999 (7 to the left. check the Sort Ingredients by amount column box. 4 to the right. To view the window in which you set this value you click on System in the Optimization window and then select Options. Select the Accept mark to save the settings.Leave the Rounding Code at 0 unless you wish to round the solution to the rounding factor placed on each ingredient. Click on the Model 2 tab to view the options available on this tab. click on the field and enter the number of iterations you want set as a maximum number. which means unlimited. To change the value. You should change this value only when instructed to do so by technical support personnel. /CZKOWO +VGTCVKQPU You can limit the number of calculation loops to be performed to find a solution to an optimization set or formula. 195 . Choose Accept the Screen to save the changes made in this window and you are returned to the Optimization main menu. /QFGN  The options available on the Model 2 tab of the System Options window are Maximum Iterations and Use Scaling Equilibration. Choose Cancel the Current Operation (X) to abort any changes made in this window and you are returned to the Optimization main menu. Maximum Iterations normally should be set at –1. Click on the Model 2 tab of the Options window and the Maximum Iterations is visible. 7UG 5ECNKPI 'SWKNKDTCVKQP You are able to control the scaling option in the optimization routine. To enable the Use Scaling Equilibration option, click on the check box to place a check mark. If a check mark is visible the option is selected. To remove the check mark, click on the check box and the check mark is removed. During the optimization routine some models use quite small and quite large numbers. This can cause problems in solving the optimization. Checking this option performs an additional scaling routine to try to equalize this high/low variance. This option may reduce some ranging sensitivity. If you get OML errors during optimization, try checking this option. You must stop the program and restart in order for this option to take effect after you have changed the selection. 196 %JCRVGT  %JCPIG .CPIWCIG To toggle to a different language display, select Change Language, then choose the language you wish to use. When the language you select appears in the selection field, click the Accept mark. If languages need to be set up, refer to Book 1: Part 7: Chapter 2: Changing Languages. 197 2CTV  )TKF .C[QWV This is only functional for the Professional Nutritionist and in Multi Blending. 198 2CTV  4GRQTVU %JCRVGT  7UCIG 4GRQTV 5GVWR The usage report is for batches, or formula sets, only. Make sure the set you wish to report on is listed in the header of the Optimization window. If not, open the desired set under Edit/Current Set. If a new formula set is opened, be sure to optimize before printing this report. 5GVWR 1RVKQPU If your report won’t display, make sure you don’t have conflicting options selected in the Options setup. Once you have your report set up the way you want it to appear regularly, click on the disk icon to save the settings as the report default. OR, use Save Custom Setup under options to create a number of report setups. The options list is located in the menu bar of the setup window. This list includes all report parameters except the sort options. Choose from this list to: *Show Actual, *Show Stored Date, *Show Cost, *Show Formula Listing, Show Percent, Explode Premixes, Show Ingredient Prices, *Show Solution Column, *Show Stored Column, Show Cost Percent, Save Custom Setup, Get Custom Setup, Display Infeasible Warning, Display amounts in Lb./Kg. The Save Custom Setup allows you to save any number of special report setups. Click on Save Custom Report, give the report setup a name, and choose Save. Then, select Get Custom Report to choose the setup you have saved each time you want it used. *The options preceded by an asterisk were used in the following report. 5QTV Choose a sorting option. This prioritizes the presentation. 199 %QOOGPVU The report comment shows on the upper left of each report just above the plant code heading. 2TKPVGT Use the default printer listed or click on the printer icon to change the destination of the report. %TGCVG 'ZRQTV (KNG The creation of an export file is for the purpose of taking a formula set into a spreadsheet. A Comma Delimited*.TXT file exports to an Excel spreadsheet. A Basic option is available in the “Save as type” field. When creating an Export File, you may get a success message but still have the hourglass icon waiting on your window. Click OK on the success message to clear the icon and return to a normal cursor. Select Save to export the current set. You will not be able to select export files in this window. However, if you duplicate one, you will be notified and allowed to overwrite. Once the file is created, a success message will appear giving you the pathname. Select Ok to continue. 8KGY /CTIKPU Click on View the report on screen if you want a visual report instead of a paper report. Change the margins to best adapt the report to your needs. 5CXG %WTTGPV 5GVVKPIU The disk icon will save the current report settings as a default report setup. 200 With other details. Be sure to delete any infeasible formula specs from the current set prior to running the usage report. It is based on the current set of formula specs. Failure to do so will result in an invalid report. the first page of this report displays the formulas included in the current set and the savings between the stored cost of those formulas and the latest optimization of that batch. visible next to the toolbar in the Optimization window. The second page of the report shows the total of the ingredients in the batch. and the cost per ingredient by stored formula and by the batch optimization solution. 201 .7UCIG 4GRQTV The options chosen resulted in the following usage report. 202 . *This report printed Formula Code in Header and Percentage per Formula since Amounts (percentage per part) was not selected. or the amount of ingredient per formula part (1). Under Options.%JCRVGT  5WOOCT[ 4GRQTV 5GVWR The Summary report is for formula lists. 5WOOCT[ 4GRQTV The summary report gives you either the amount of ingredient per formula (100%). select either *Formula Code in Header or Formula Name in Header. Select the current set you wish to report. then select Print Amounts in Report if you want to display the percentage per part. choose the formula and select Accept. 203 . or on any formula listed in the current set. Select Shadow report.%JCRVGT  5JCFQY 4GRQTV The shadow report can be printed on a formula spec in the Professional Nutritionist window. The report gives an overview of where the system would change ingredient amounts at what price. 6CI 0WVTKGPVU To have the nutrients printed by Tag Nutrients order. this option is not selected and either Tag Nutrients or All Nutrients is selected. 4GRQTV %QOOGPVU If you want to add a specific comment to the top of your Solution Report. select the option button next to Print Nutrients by Species Code. If the button is red. If the button is green. 2TKPV 0WVTKGPVU D[ 5RGEKGU %QFG To have the nutrients printed by Species Code order. select the option button next to Tag Nutrients. To view the Solution Report setup window. If the button is green. If the button is red.%JCRVGT  5QNWVKQP 4GRQTV The solution report reviews the last optimization of either the formula spec in the Professional Nutritionist window. this option is selected. The Solution Report setup window appears. this option is not selected and either Print Nutrients by Species Code or All Nutrients is selected. 204 . click once on the Report Comments field and then type the message you want displayed on the top of your report. select Reports in the Optimization main menu and then choose Solution Report from the drop-down menu that appears. depending upon where you are and your report setup criteria. this option is selected. or all formulas in the current set. click on the option button next to Select Which Formulas to Include in Report. this option is not selected and either Print Nutrients by Species Code or Tag Nutrients is selected. this option is selected. If the button is red. this option is selected. click once on the field and enter the species code you want used in generating this Solution Report. this option is selected. If the button is green.#NN 0WVTKGPVU To have all nutrients printed. If the button is green. If the button is green. click on the option button next to Include All Formulas in Report. If the button is red. Once you pick the option of Select Which Formulas to Include in Report a scrolling window appears and displays the formulas from which you may choose to include in the report. If the button is red. 205 . To select to include all formulas in the report. 1XGTTKFG 5RGEKGU %QFG To override species codes and utilize a code of your choosing. 5GNGEV 9JKEJ (QTOWNCU VQ +PENWFG KP 4GRQTV Optimization gives you the ability to include all of the formulas in a Solution Report or select which formulas you want to include. +PENWFG #NN (QTOWNCU KP 4GRQTV An option in Optimization is the ability to include all of the formulas in a Solution Report or select which formulas you want to include. Click on the option button next to Select Which Formulas to Include in Report and the scrolling window appears. this option is not selected and the Include All Formulas in Report is selected. To choose specific formulas to include in the report. select the option button next to All Nutrients. this option is not selected and the Select Which Formulas to Include in Report is selected. If you want a formula to be included in the report. Click on Details in the Optimization window and a dropdown menu appears.Check boxes appear at the left end of each line containing a specific formula. To remove a check mark. 206 . &GVCKNU The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific details that are printed with your Solution Report. click on the check box to place a check mark in the box and that formula is included in the Solution Report. click on the check box once and the check mark is removed. press the Tab key and the selections are stored and you are able to view the remainder of the window. To save the selections and return to a view of the entire Solution Report setup window. 2TKPV *KIJ. The amount column is then printed when a Solution Report is generated. The dropdown menu disappears and stores the change in status for that particular detail. select this option. click on Details in the Solution Report setup window and then click on the detail you want selected for the Solution Report. Two columns are added to your report. 2TKPV 4GUVTKEVKQP %QUV To have the Solution Report display any results based upon restrictions on costs. To place a check mark beside a detail in the drop-down menu. 2TKPV #OQWPV To have Brill Formulation print the amount of an ingredient in the Solution Report. 2TKPV 5VQTGF *GCFGT You have the option of having the Stored Header information printed on your Solution Report. Select Print Formula Cost if you want a column to report the cost of each ingredient for the formula amount optimized. click on Details in the Solution Report setup window and then click on the check mark you want removed. place a check mark beside Print Restriction Cost in the Details drop-down menu.In the previous graphic all Details are selected with a check mark visible beside each detail. Low amounts and High amounts are reported on the Solution Report. The following are the available details that can be included or excluded from your Solution Report. To remove a check mark. A Restriction Cost is a report that displays ingredients where the restriction results in an additional cost based upon a defined threshold. The drop-down menu disappears and stores the selection of that detail for the Solution Report. select the option of Print High/Low Cost. If you want the 207 . 2TKPV (QTOWNC %QUV You have the option of whether the cost of each ingredient is displayed on your Solution Report.QY %QUV If you want the range of costs used in performing the optimization of your formula. the pellet or premix formula. selecting this option enables Brill Formulation to display a warning about the formula’s infeasibility. select the Sort By Amount in the Details drop-down menu. 208 . 0Q 2CIG 0WODGTU If you select the No Page Numbers option. All formulas for which you requested a Solution Report are printed. &Q 2GNNGV %TGCVKQP The Solution Report can be enabled to explode the pellet creation in the report. If you select Sort by Amount.information displayed. 4GUVCTV 2CIG 0WODGT If using a Multiblend set. The three formulas correspond to the whole original formula. but each formula is printed beginning on its own page and the first page of that formula’s report starts with page 1. the ingredient with the greatest amount is list first and the ingredients are then listed in descending amount order. 5QTV D[ #OQWPV To organize the report by ordering the ingredients based upon their amount in the formula. place a check mark beside Print Stored Header in the Details drop-down menu. If you select this Detail option the Solution Report prints three formulas for each formula with a pellet creation record. and the production formula. you can have Brill Formulation treat each formula as a separate report when the Solution Report is generated. the Solution Report is generated without any page numbers. &KURNC[ +PHGCUKDNG 9CTPKPI If a formula is determined to be infeasible. 2TKPV 5VQTGF #OQWPV If you want to view the Stored Amount as a comparison to the Solution Report amount you select Print Stored Amount in the Details drop-down menu. 209 . click on the option. When Don’t Print Ingredients is selected. click on the check mark. &QP V 2TKPV +PITGFKGPVU To disable the Solution Report’s ability to print any ingredients you simply place a check mark beside Don’t Print Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. If no check mark is present. you cannot select other items in the drop-down menu for printing. 2TKPV 2GTEGPVU To view a column of information that reports the percentage of each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Percents. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Percents. When the report is generated there is no listing of ingredients on the Solution Report if Don’t Print Ingredients is selected. click on Don’t Print Ingredients and a check mark is placed there and the drop-down menu disappears.+PITGFKGPVU The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific information regarding ingredients used in the optimization of your feed that are printed with your Solution Report. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. Click on Ingredients in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. 2TKPV %QODQ 5WOOCT[ If you are using Ingredient Combinations (an optional module of Brill Formulation) you may want to print a 210 . click on the check mark. To view two columns of information that reports the Minimum and Maximum cost you defined for each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Min/Max. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Wide Name. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. 2TKPV 9KFG 0COG If you want the Wide Name displayed on the Solution Report for the ingredients used in this optimization. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. select Print Wide Name. 2TKPV /KP/CZ Brill Formulation provides for an option to print the Minimum and Maximum cost values you placed on the ingredients for the optimization you have just completed. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Min/Max. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. click on the option. &Q 0QV 2TKPV 0COG If you do not want the name of the ingredient printed you must select Do Not Print Name from the drop-down menu when you click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window. click on the check mark. click on the option. click on the check mark. Click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Ingredient Price. click on the option. click on the option. To view the wide name on the report you must select Print Wide Name.2TKPV +PITGFKGPV 2TKEG To view a column of information that reports the cost of each ingredient in the formula you must select Print Ingredient Price. click on the check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the check mark. select this option. 0Q +PITGFKGPV %QFGU There may be times when you want to print a Solution Report without ingredient codes. these items print as Rejected Ingredients. Print Combo Summary allows you to print that summary of ingredient combinations. To select this option click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside No Not Print Rejected Ingredients. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. 2TKPV 4GLGEVGF +PITGFKGPVU CV 'PF You have the option to have any rejected ingredients printed at the bottom of the Ingredients portion of the report for each formula.summary of the ingredient combinations set for a formula spec. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. 5WRRTGUU 15 4GLGEVGF Most users set their system to not consider Out of Stock (O/S) ingredients during optimization. click on the option. If you want to not print an O/S ingredient in the list of rejected ingredients. +FGPVKH[ 1XGTNC[ +PITGFKGPVU Brill Formulation can identify any overlay ingredients that are a part of the Solution Report. click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To generate a Solution Report without ingredient codes click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside No Ingredient Codes. click on the check mark. 211 . With this option selected an asterisk (*) is displayed beside any ingredient that is an overlay ingredient in the Solution Report. &Q 0QV 2TKPV 4GLGEVGF +PITGFKGPVU You have the choice to not have any rejected ingredients printed on the report for each formula. click on the option. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the check mark. In a Solution Report. To select this option click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Rejected Ingredients at End. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the option. When you select Don’t Print Nutrients the remaining options are unavailable as they deal with columns of information relating to nutrients in the Solution Report. 2TKPV 0WVTKGPV 0WODGT To have the nutrient number printed along with the nutrient name in the Solution Report. &QP V 2TKPV 0WVTKGPVU You have the option of not printing the nutrients as part of your Solution Report. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. The Don’t Print Nutrients option overrides the remainder of the options. click on the check mark. click on the check mark. 0WVTKGPVU The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific information regarding your nutrients used in the optimization of your feed that are printed with your Solution Report. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark.To generate a Solution Report that marks overlay ingredients with an asterisk click on Ingredients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Identify Overlay Ingredients. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the option. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Don’t Print Nutrients. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. Click on Nutrients in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. select the Print Nutrient 212 . To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Min/Max. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. click on the check mark. This limits the number of characters displayed in the Nutrient Name column to 10. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. click on the option. 2TKPV 5JQTV 0WVTKGPV 0COG There are times when you want more information on the report and you begin to run out of space for the additional columns of information you need on your Solution Report. click on the check mark. 2TKPV 0WVTKGPVU QP 4KIJV Brill Formulation allows you the ability to have the nutrient information printed directly to the right of the ingredient information instead of directly below the ingredient information on the Solution Report. click on the check mark. click on the check mark. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the option. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Short Nutrient Name. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrient Number. 2TKPV /KP/CZ If you want the minimum and maximum values that were defined for this particular optimization reported you can select Print Min/Max and the report includes two columns and displays the values that were defined. This option may limit 213 . click on the option. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrient units. click on the option. One option that provides a savings of space is the Print Short Nutrient Name option. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark.Number option. 2TKPV 0WVTKGPV 7PKVU You have the option of having the units of measure for each nutrient reported in the Solution Report. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Include Spec Nutrients. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Suppress Weight Nutrient. click on the check mark. 2TKPV 5VQEJCUVKE 2TQDCDKNKV[ The Solution Report has the ability to print stochastic probability values provided the mean and standard deviation/variance data is entered for all ingredients. 5WRRTGUU 9GKIJV 0WVTKGPV To remove the display of weight as a nutrient you can select the Suppress Weight Nutrient option in the Solution Report. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. click on the option. but it shortens the overall physical length of the report. +PENWFG 5RGE 0WVTKGPVU You have the option of including Spec Nutrients in the Solution Report. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Stochastic Probability. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. click on the option. click on the check mark. click on the check mark. click on the option. +PENWFG &T[ /CVVGT %QNWOP To include a column of information relating to the amount of dry matter for nutrients you click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Don’t Print Nutrients. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. click on the check mark. To remove a check mark from an option that has a check mark. To select this option click on Nutrients in the Solution Report setup window and place a check mark beside Print Nutrients on Right. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To remove a check mark 214 . click on the option.the number of columns that can be used in each portion of the report. click on the option. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. To place a check mark on an option that does not have a check mark. If you decide not to change the factor choose Cancel and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. If you want to change the value. click on Dry Matter Column and an Enter New Factor window appears. To view the current factor. &T[ /CVVGT %QNWOP You have the ability to change the factor that is used for the Dry Matter Column on your Solution report. 215 . 1RVKQPU The Solution Report setup window allows you to select specific options regarding the setup of your Solution Report following the optimization of your formulas. click on the check mark. To change the factor value you click on the field and enter the new value you desire. Choose OK and the factor is saved and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. click on Options in the tool bar and you can see the value displayed in the drop-down menu that appears.from an option that has a check mark. Click on Options in the Optimization window and a drop-down menu appears. you must now be able to retrieve those setup files. The ??????? window appears. The Save Custom Setup File window appears. Once you have customized the parameters for a specific report you click on Save Custom Setup. Enter a unique file name to this setup file so that you know what the parameters’ settings are.5CXG %WUVQO 5GVWR To save time in generating Solution Reports that you run frequently you can set up the parameters of how you want to run a specific Solution Report and then save those settings. Once you open the Solution Report setup window you select Options in the tool bar and then select Custom Setup. )GV %WUVQO 5GVWR If you have stored a setup file that has a unique set of parameters you use frequently in running Solution Reports. 216 . After you give the settings a name you can select Save and store the setup file in a location you defined when you opened the Save Custom Setup file. The Field Lengths window appears. 217 . #FLWUV (KGNF . The Get Custom Setup File window closes and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. To adjust a length. Once the file is highlighted in the window you select Open and the Solution Report window parameters are set according to the setup file you just opened. After you have made your changes and you want to save these settings select Accept the Screen (check mark) and your settings are saved and you are returned to the Solution Report setup window. You can abort the process of changing the lengths by selecting Cancel the Current Operation (X) and any changes you made are not saved. Each line adjusts the length of the five fields listed above. You are returned to the Solution Report setup window. click on Options in the Solution Report setup window and select Adjust Field Lengths.GPIVJU Brill Formulation allows you to change the length of fields used in the Solution Report. To view the window in which you can adjust the field lengths.Locate the folder in which you have stored your Custom Setup files and then click once on the file you want to use. click on the number for the field you want to change and then enter the length of the field you desire. The length is measured in the number of characters for each field. $QVVQO /CTIKP KP NKPGU The spin box next to Bottom Margin allows you to select how many lines of text up from the bottom of the printable portion of the page you want to end printing your report. 8KGY 4GRQTV QP VJG 5ETGGP Select this check box if you want to view the Solution Report on your computer screen before it prints to the printer. Any available printers are displayed in the drop-down menu. 6QR /CTIKP KP NKPGU The spin box next to Top Margin allows you to select how many lines of text down from the top of the printable portion of the page you want to begin printing your report. Select the printer from the drop-down menu and select OK and the new printer is selected and displayed in the Current Printer field. To deselect this option if a check mark appears in the box. %JCPIG %WTTGPV 2TKPVGT Changing the destination printer begins with clicking on the printer icon at the right end of the Current Printer field. To select this option. After you click on the icon a Print Setup window appears. Click on the drop-down arrow at the right end of the Name field. click on the check mark and it is removed and the option is no longer selected. 218 . Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of lines and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of lines.%WTTGPV 2TKPVGT This field displays the printer that has been selected as the destination of any of your printed reports. click once in the check box to place a check mark in the box. Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of lines and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of lines. .GHV /CTIKP KP EJCTCEVGTU The spin box next to Left Margin allows you to select how many characters from the left edge of the printable portion of the page you want to begin printing your report. Click on the arrow pointing up to increase the number of characters and click on the arrow pointing down to decrease the number of characters. 5CXG VJG %WTTGPV 5GVVKPIU When you have set the parameters you want for this Solution Report and you want to save these settings for future use, click on the Save the Current Settings button (picture of a floppy disk) at the lower right portion of the window. Brill Optimization then saves the settings for the next time you go to print a Solution Report. %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP If you want to exit the Solution Report setup window and not save any changes to the window, click on the Cancel the Current Operation button (X) and you are returned to the Optimization window. #EEGRV VJG 5ETGGP When you have completed defining the Solution Report you want to see, it is time for you to print your report. Click on the Accept the Screen button (check mark) at the lower right portion of the window. The settings are used to generate a Solution Report and it is processed based upon the settings. It is either viewed on the computer screen or sent directly to a printer, as defined in the setup window. 219 Infeasible nutrients and ingredients are marked with an asterisk on the report. The Solution Report setup screen allows the user to save many report configurations with names. These may be recalled to quickly set complex configurations. The Solution Report allows you to configure the nutrient name, ingredient amount, ingredient percent, ingredients cost and nutrient amount fields. The settings are saved. These adjustments permit you to print the nutrient information to the right of the solution information. The Solution Report prints stochastic probability values provided the mean and standard deviation/variance data is entered for all ingredients. The Solution Report may be configured to print a column labeled THERMS beside the Actual Nutrient column. The THERMS column displays the nutrient analysis, factoring all nutrients per 1,000 calories or THERMS. To print this column, create an ASCII file with a text editor. The file must be named THERMS.DTA and located in the data directory. Line 1 of THERMS.DTA must contain the nutrient number of the energy nutrient used to factor nutrients. 220 %JCRVGT  5GPUKVKXKV[ 4GRQTV Select a formula through Professional Nutritionist, or select from those in the current set. The Tag All icon selects all formulas in the window. To set selection criteria enter a dollar amount in the window. A 1 results in a report that shows all ingredients where the restriction results in a cost of $1 or more. Here we asked for a $1 threshold on both ingredients and nutrients. In the following report you see the restriction cost was $1.029 in the Vitamin Premix ingredient in both of the formulas we requested to review. 221 A report with no threshold shows all ingredients and nutrients and their associated restriction costs or savings. 222 %JCRVGT  %QORCTG 4GRQTV The comparison report displays the detail on the formula selected and compares it to the optimized solution. Click on the Reports button in the toolbar and then select Compare Report and the Compare Report window appears. 5GVWR Choose the report criteria in Ingredient and Cost on the report setup menu bar. When you have defined the information you desire for the report, click the Accept the Screen button (check mark) and the report is generated. 223 2CTV  %WUVQO CPF *GNR %WUVQO Select Custom. *GNR Please refer to Book 1: Part 10 for instruction on the Help section. 224 . then Maintenance to open the Brill Formulation Maintenance window. but they may be referred to more than commodity exchange to procure quotes for items and also to purchase many of the items in your inventory.2CTV  (GGFDW[EQO +PVTQFWEVKQP Welcome to the Feedbuy. This part of the manual takes you through the different setup options for exchange works for you in obtaining several price quotes for the ingredients you use. 225 . on the Internet and place a request for a quote on ingredients you select in Brill and then the operations for using Brill Formulation in conjunction with Feedbuy. Steps are not duplicated. The in your operation.’s Feedbuy. The module allows you to select specific items in your inventory for which you want to obtain price module of Brill Formulation. Once you have completed the setup. you must complete a series of setup operations. Setup steps are organized in the order in which they should be performed for the minimum of duplication of effort. the manual takes you through the process of selecting items for which you want quotes and then making purchases. The following sections take you through the process that helps you set up and maintain necessary information in Brill to obtain quotes and place orders for items of inventory used in manufacturing feed at your mill. This process is a one-button buy procedure that is intended to lessen the amount of time it takes to obtain bids from suppliers. %JCRVGT  5GVVKPI 7R (GGFDW[EQO Before you begin to use the Feedbuy. Once you have completed the setup. Brill Formulation. working with module. you may refer to these sections when changing preferences in the handling of Feedbuy. /QFWNG 1XGTXKGY Brill Formulation allows you to simply mark specific items of inventory that you want to use with the This module allows you to seamlessly connect to Easy Systems. enables you to spend less time on the telephone or using fax machines searching for quotes and getting the best price for your ingredients. It also is designed to speed up the process by which you seek out those same quotes. com is Internet access for the computer on which you are using Brill Formulation and Internet Explorer 4. . If you have not previously registered as a in Brill Formulation you must first activate the Feedbuy. select Internet site. Once you have registered with the window appears. 226 . To begin the process. 7UKPI (GGFDW[EQO EQPPGEVKQP UVCVWU When setting up Feedbuy. Netscape Navigator currently is not a supported browser by Brill Formulation. Once you have all of these items. Clicking on this selection launches the browser you have selected in the Browser field at the bottom of the window and the Login To account. Another requirement for the proper use of Feedbuy.QIKP Select Login to begin the process of logging into the in the Main Menu of the Optimization window. The module of Brill Formulation.Setup procedures generally need to be completed only user the selections available on this window includes the Register option. the option to register is no longer available. but you can refer to this information at other times for instructions on modifying or viewing existing entries in Brill Formulation.0 or newer. you may begin the process of setting up your Internet page appears. You then navigate your way around the site as provided by your access Internet site. 4GIKUVGT Select Register if you have not yet registered on the Internet page. 227 . The browser you have selected in the Browser field at the bottom of the window launches and the Buyer Registration – Profile window of the Internet site appears.After you click on Login the browser opens to the Login To Feedbuy. At that point you enter your UserID and Password. Based upon the amount of the formulas you defined for the optimization and the solution determined by Brill Formulation.Enter the registration information sought by the can seek appropriate ingredients for your operation. the program has determined the ingredients you require to make the formulas in the optimized formula or set of formulas. Feedbuy. If this is the first time you are seeking a specific ingredient. Brill Formulation utilizes the last saved solution. Select No if you want the Register button to remain active in Brill Formulation. Select Yes if you have completed the registration process at Feedbuy. 228 . Brill Formulation then launches your Internet browser and begins the process of posting the needed information so that suppliers may bid on the required opens the My Ingredients window where you define your ingredients so that site you can then close your browser and the following Brill Formulation window appears. Selecting Request for Quote allows Brill Formulation to automatically determine the amounts of the ingredients you require and prepares to solicit bids for the required ingredients. The Brill Formulation – Optimization window appears. Once you select Request for site or if there was a problem with registering on the Feedbuy. 4GSWGUV HQT 3WQVG If you are about to seek quotes on ingredients you should be sure to select the optimization you desire to seek the quote on ingredients. When you have completed the registration process on the site. You might want to answer No if you have not completed the registration process on the and you no longer need the ability to register for the service again. The Review My Requests for Quotes window appears in which your RFQs are site.Once your ingredients are defined for the Feedbuy. You are then notified when sellers respond to your RFQs. After you submit this RFQ another window appears in your browser. Request for Quote information is generated for each ingredient being sought by you. The Post a Request For Quotes page opens and you define the RFQs you desire. They can respond to your specific RFQ. The site then generates email messages to suppliers who have indicated they want to sell the ingredients you require. At this time you 229 . You then review the quotes and select which quotes you want to accept and which ones you are going to reject. can edit or delete any of the RFQs you have displayed and have not accepted any logo displays the status of any connections connecting to connection status” window a field to the right of the Feedbuy. You are then returned to the Optimization main $TQYUGT This field is a drop-down menu from which you can select an available browser to use in connecting with the Feedbuy. To select a browser. 4GSWGUV HQT SWQVG RCTCOGVGTU The top field of the “Request for quote parameters” simply displays the last saved optimization for which you are now preparing to seek a quote for ingredients. The bottom field of the “Request for quote parameters” is a drop-down menu that displays the plants for which you might want to select the ingredients to be purchased. Any time you are using the “Feedbuy. click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field and select the browser you want to use from the drop-down menu that appears. %CPEGN VJG %WTTGPV 1RGTCVKQP If at any time you want to abort the procedure you can select Cancel the Current Operation. except in the case 230 . When you close the browser you are then returned to the Optimization main Internet site. This field cannot be changed in this window. To select a plant. click once on the drop-down arrow and select the plant you desire. of using the Register function of the “ connection status” window. 231 . 2CTV  'ZKV To exit the Brill Formulation – Optimization program you simply click on File in the window tool bar and select Exit from the drop-down menu that appears. select No and you are returned to the Optimization window. If you decide you do want to end the program. select Yes and the program ends. 232 . If you decide you do not want to end the program. This feature helps to avoid inadvertent data loss in a situation where you have not saved a solution and inadvertently ended the program. A confirmation window appears. This window allows you select from the three basic functions of Brill License Manager. then Programs and then Brill for Windows and finally Brill License Manager. Brill License Manager allows you to view the CRMNU security file for easier communication with the Brill support personnel. Read CRMNU Security File.$QQM  $TKNN . you notice a menu option entitled Brill License Manager.KEGPUG /CPCIGT When you select Start. Setting up a demonstration of Multiblend also is much easier. To begin using the Brill License Manager select Start. These functions are: Edit/Create RDEFAULT file. then Programs and then Brill for Windows. Brill License Manager allows you to change the configuration of Brill Formulation on a specific workstation. Brill License Manager also allows you to edit and create RDEFAULT files. This enables you to manage some of the security features of Brill Formulation. this should make it much easier to configure a computer to run the Multiblend module. The other choices in this window are Exit and About. The Brill License Manager window appears. Another of the functions is to allow you to convert a Multiblend system that uses the green security plug to software-based security that does not require a physical plug. With today’s fast computers. 233 . Modify Optimization License. Formula Spec Base Plant.6 (KNG Brill Formulation allows you to set your system defaults to suit your needs. 234 . Temporary Files Location. The BRILLV7/RDEFAULT. It is located in your program directory but can be edited using Brill License Manager. Location of data files.6 (KNG To make changes or create an RDEFAULT file. The Choose RDEFAULT File Location window appears.dat file and select the file and then open it. which is the purpose of the RDEFAULT file. Display Ingredient Restrictions as Actual Amounts or Percentages. The file defines the following defaults: Location of CRMNU. Dry Matter Nutrient Number.DAT Properties window appears. Using the Choose RDEFAULT file location window you should find the Rdefault. and a scrolling window of options to enable.EXE. %JCRVGT  'FKVKPI CP 4&'(#7. Default Pricing Plant. Out of Stock Price. Default Plant. click on File in the License Manager window and select Edit/Create RDEFAULT File. The RDEFAULT file is located inside the BrillV7 folder.2CTV  'FKV%TGCVG 4&'(#7. Default Rounding Code. Once the window is open.exe file you desire and click once on it to highlight it and then select Open and the location of that file is then displayed in the Location of CRMNU.QECVKQP QH %4/07':' To change the selection of CRMNU.EXE window appears.DAT Properties window. locate the CRMNU. Click once on the lookup button and the Choose The Location of CRMNU. 235 . If you have more than one CRMNU..EXE file.EXE files you click on the lookup button to the right of the field.EXE file.EXE field of the BRILLV7/RDEFAULT. this enables you to select the file to be used as the default CRMNU. Select Open and the location is displayed in the Location of Data Files field of the BRILLV7/RDEFAULT. Typically the data files are located inside a folder entitled Data. &GHCWNV 2NCPV To select a Default Plant that is initially selected in the footer of the Brill Formulation Maintenance window. 236 . click once on the Default Pricing Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected. click once on the Default Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected.QECVKQP QH FCVC HKNGU You may want to select a default location for you data files to enable you to select from different data sets.DAT Properties window. click once on the Formula Spec Base Plant field and then enter the plant code for the plant you want selected.. which is inside the BrillV7 folder that is normally located on the root of your C drive. Changing the location of your default data files can be made by clicking once on the lookup button to the right of the Location of Data Files field. &GHCWNV 2TKEKPI 2NCPV To select a Default Pricing Plant for Brill Formulation. (QTOWNC 5RGE $CUG 2NCPV To select a Formula Spec Base Plant for Brill Formulation.DAT file and click once on it to highlight it as shown previously. Locate the INGMATRX. The Choose Location of Data Files window appears. If you leave the field blank it indicates you are not using a plant management type of system and no base plant is selected. To deselect an option. Tag List Files Only Made Global. and Tag List & Solution Files Global. To set the Dry Matter Nutrient Number. The default selection is All Files in Temp Directory. They are: All Files in Temp Directory (Default). To change the default of how restrictions are displayed. To select an option. 1WV QH 5VQEM 2TKEG Enter an Out of Stock Price if you want a specific price entered as a default in Brill Formulation. If you leave the field blank Brill Formulation uses its default value. click once on the check mark and it is removed.QECVKQP There are four possible selections for your Temporary Files Location. You are then returned to the Brill License Manager window and no changes are made to the 237 . %CPEGN To abort the process of changing your RDEFAULT file and leave the settings as they were before you entered this program. &KURNC[ +PITGFKGPV 4GUVTKEVKQPU Ingredient restrictions are displayed as actual amounts or percentages of the total formula. Click once on the field and then enter the code you want used as a default. click once on the check box to place a check mark in the box. click once on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field. &GHCWNV 4QWPFKPI %QFG You can enter a rounding code that you want used as the default within Brill Formulation. click once on the field and change the nutrient number to the dry matter nutrient number you plan to use in Brill Formulation. click on the drop-down arrow to the right of the field and then select the option you desire from the drop-down list that appears. select Cancel.&T[ /CVVGT 0WVTKGPV 0WODGT You must indicate the nutrient number that holds the dry matter for an ingredient. 1RVKQPU The scrolling window displays the options available for your version of Brill Formulation. 6GORQTCT[ (KNGU . Solution Files Only Made Global. Select from As Percents or As Actual Amounts from the drop-down list that appears. To change your selection. Click once on the field and enter the price you want used. RDEFAULT file. Your previous default settings are maintained. 238 . Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. 1To save the changes in settings of the RDEFAULT file. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program. When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. select OK and your alterations are saved and you are returned to the Brill License Manager window. Depending upon the configuration of your computer. this should make it much easier to configure a computer to run the Multiblend module. The MPSIII files still are in their original location. If you are using a green security plug with Multiblend the Brill License Manager copies the MPSIII files to a standard location. Plug Multiblend Version or CrypKey Multiblend Version. the program asks if you want to copy the files to this location. 239 . Choose OK.KEGPUG One of the functions of Modify Optimization License is to allow you to convert a Multiblend system that uses the green security plug to software-based security that does not require a physical plug. and CrypKey Multiblend Version.2CTV  /QFKH[ 1RVKOK\CVKQP . Copies of the files now exist in C:\PROGRAM FILE\BRILL FOR WINDOWS\PLUG. click on File of the Brill License Manager tool bar and select Modify Optimization License and the Brill for Windows Optimization License window appears. The selections are Non-Multiblend Version. Each of these options is described in the following pages. To begin the process of using the Modify Optimization License. The license manager also revises the MPSIII. With today’s fast computers.INI file to point to the new location of the MPSIII files. Setting up a demonstration of Multiblend also is much easier. The first time you run the Modify Optimization License. The three selections available are: Non-multiblend Version. you have up to three selections to which you may switch your Multiblend license. Plug Multiblend Version. The CrypKey Multiblend Version also is selected to set up a Multiblend demonstration. You are then returned to the window you had open before launching the Brill License Manager application. choose OK and you are returned to the window you had open prior to launching Brill License Manager. select the option button of Non-Multiblend Version. this option cannot be activated. %JCRVGT  %T[R-G[ /WNVKDNGPF 8GTUKQP If you are adding the Multiblend module or are installing Brill Formulation for the first time and plan to use the Multiblend module. This also is used to convert clients from a green security plug Multiblend to a software-secured Multiblend module. This is the setting for clients who do not want to use the Multiblend module. Simply select the Plug Multiblend Version and then choose OK. At this time you may start Formulation and use the application. select the CrypKey Multiblend Version. When you select this option and select Accept the MPSIII License Manager window appears. 240 . %JCRVGT  2NWI /WNVKDNGPF 8GTUKQP You may select this option if you already own and operate the Multiblend module of Brill Formulation and have the green security plug. Note: If you do not already have Brill Formulation with Multiblend running on your computer using the green security plug. You most likely will use the CrypKey Multiblend Version to enable the Multiblend module of Brill Formulation. Once you have made this selection. The Non-multiblend Version is for single least-cost systems.%JCRVGT  0QP/WNVKDNGPF 8GTUKQP If you do not want to enable the Multiblend module of Formulation. Brill Formulation allows you to continue utilizing the plug. . You are returned to the window you had open prior to starting the Brill License Manager application.KEGPUKPI 1RVKQPU Licensing Options is the area where you decide the type of CrypKey license you are going to use.The MPSIII License Manager window has three menus with options from which to choose. Discuss the options available with a Brill Formulation support department person to select the most advantageous option for your operation. The primary option is Licensing Options. (KNG The only option listed in this drop-down menu is Exit. #WVJQTK\G If you have obtained an authorization code from Brill Support you can activate the full license for Multiblend. The Full License window appears. but only four are used often. If you determine for some reason that you do not want to proceed with the functions of Brill License Manager. This menu has several options. 241 . click on File and then select Exit from the drop-down list. If you decide not to proceed to view the license agreement choose Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. Select Continue if you want to agree to proceed to the license agreement and activate the full license for Multiblend. A second Full License window appears. File is used only to Exit the program and Help is self-explanatory. In the MPSIII License Manager window select Licensing Options and then choose Authorize. As the caution window states. You may select to Display/Print the agreement. which first displays the agreement on your computer screen. After you print or close the agreement window you are returned to the Full License window.The license agreement is displayed. etc. If you choose to decline the license agreement. this message is a normal occurrence when you are upgrading your license.) If you select Cancel you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window and the authorization process is aborted. either a change in license status (demo to trial.) or adding components (new MPSIII capabilities. You may then print the agreement. select I Accept and a caution window appears. select I Decline and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. trial to full. 242 . If you choose to accept the license agreement. When you have the Trial License code start Brill License Manager and the MPSIII License Manager window appears. You can only use the Authorization Code once and it is only valid for the computer on which the Site Code is displayed.If you select OK. the authorization process continues and the Authorization window appears. You must then start the Brill License Manager and select NonMultiblend Version and Accept. Note: Be exact in entering the new code. select Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. The Authorizing Code field is blank when the window first opens.KEGPUG Note: At the end of the Trial License Multiblend stops working if you do not get an extension to the Trial License or a permanent license. If you would like a demonstration of Multiblend that lasts longer than 15 days. A Trial License code will be returned to you by email. contact Brill Support at BrillSupport@easysystemsinc. Now you can start Brill Formulation and use the Multiblend module. select Apply and the new code is entered into the system. The Trial License window appears. Click on Licensing Options and then select Trial License. 243 . If you have entered the correct authorization code. Click on the field once and then enter the authorization code you received from Brill Support. 6TKCN . If for some reason you want to abort the process and leave this and tell them the length of time you want to test Multiblend along with what Multiblend modules are required. You then select File and choose Exit. Note: Once you have used an Authorizing Code it cannot be used again on this or any other computer. At that point select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager. You are then able to use Brill Formulation as a single leastcost system without Multiblend. License Manager should then display a dialog box that indicates the process was successful. Also note that once you have used an Authorizing Code the Site Code is automatically changed. At this point you should no longer have to use the security plug to operate the Multiblend module. When providing Brill Support a Site Code be sure it is the code currently displayed in the Display License window. If you decide not to proceed to view the license agreement choose Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. 244 . The license agreement is displayed. If you choose to decline the license agreement. Select Continue if you want to agree to proceed to the license agreement and activate the Trial License for Multiblend. A second Trial License window appears. After you print or close the agreement window you are returned to the Full License window. You may select to Display/Print the agreement. You may then print the agreement. select I Decline and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. which first displays the agreement on your computer screen. select Apply and the new code is entered into the system. If you select OK. If you have entered the correct authorization code. As the caution window states. select I Accept and a caution window appears. the authorization process continues and the Authorization window appears. etc. Also note that once you have used an Authorizing Code the Site Code is automatically changed. Now you can start Brill Formulation and use the Multiblend module.) If you select Cancel you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window and the authorization process is aborted. Click on the field once and then enter the authorization code you received from Brill Support. trial to full. At that point select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager. Note: Once you have used an Authorizing Code it cannot be used again on this or any other computer. License Manager should then display a dialog box that indicates the process was successful. select Cancel and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window.If you choose to accept the license agreement.) or adding components (new MPSIII capabilities. either a change in license status (demo to trial. If for some reason you want to abort the process and leave this function. 245 . You can only use the Authorization Code once and it is only valid for the computer on which the Site Code is displayed. When providing Brill Support a Site Code be sure it is the code currently displayed in the Display License window. this message is a normal occurrence when you are upgrading your license. The Authorizing Code field is blank when the window first opens. You then select File and choose Exit. Note: Be exact in entering the new code. At this point you should no longer have to use the security plug to operate the Multiblend module. When you receive a new authorization code. Copy this Site Code exactly as it is displayed here.KEGPUG This option is typically used first. The Display License window appears. Demo License creates the initial CrypKey code and is good for 15 days. You are then able to use Brill Formulation as a single leastcost system without Send the site code to Brill requesting of the type of license you wish to use at BrillSupport@easysystemsinc. You must then start the Brill License Manager and select NonMultiblend Version and Accept. Select Close and then exit the License Manager. This must be done as the first step to convert from a plug to a non-plug Multiblend version of Brill Formulation. Note: At the end of the 15-day Demo License Multiblend stops working if you do not get an extension with a Trial License or a permanent license. you are able to run Multiblend exactly as when using the green security plug. start the Brill License Manager and select Licensing Options and then select 246 . To obtain a permanent code if you currently own Multiblend. the temporary 15-day code must be sent to support personnel at BrillSupport@easysystemsinc. Select Licensing Options and then select Display Current License. &GOQ . With this code. except that the plug may be removed. Near the bottom of the window in the Authorization box is a field labeled Site and a permanent code is then sent to you by email. It also is the first step for setting up a Multiblend demonstration. a license can be re-authorized with a different set of options.Authorize. A Verification Code window appears and displays a Verification Code that may be required to obtain a new authorization code. If you are instructed to kill the license from your machine. If you decide at this point not to kill your license select No and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. If you elect to proceed with killing your license select Yes and your license is deactivated. -KNN . After you record the code to verify that the software license has been deactivated select OK to exit this function of Brill License Manager. You are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. It may be required when attempting to obtain a new authorization code. Be sure you record this number carefully and keep it in a safe place. The Kill License window appears. As an example. Then follow the directions described above in the Authorize example. It is not necessary to do this just to move the license to a different computer. You only need to do it in order to allow changes to the license such as to activate or deactivate some of the MPSIII software components. after you uninstall the software license and send Brill Support the verification code.KEGPUG Selecting Kill License uninstalls the current license from your computer and provides a verification code for Brill Support and Ketron. The Multiblend portion of Brill Formulation is no longer operational and you either have to 247 . select Licensing Options in the MPSIII License Manager window and then choose Kill License from the drop-down menu that appears. 248 . &KTGEV . &KURNC[ %WTTGPV .KEGPUG (TQO (NQRR[ This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. 6TCPUHGT . please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. For information relating to this topic. 6TCPUHGT . please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. select Licensing Options and then choose Display Current License. please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below. For information relating to this topic. For information relating to this topic.KEGPUG There are times when you need information that is available in the Display Current License function of Brill License Manager. For information relating to this topic. please refer to the Help menu in the MPSII License Manager window described below.obtain a new authorization number or start the Brill License Manager program and select the Non-Multiblend Version of Brill Formulation.KEGPUG 6Q (NQRR[ This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. If instructed to get the current Site Code.KEGPUG 6TCPUHGT This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. The Display License window appears. 4GIKUVGT (NQRR[ This function of Brill License Manager is rarely used. The most often need arises when you need the current Site Code to obtain another license. You are then returned to the MPSIII License Manager window.Once the Display License window appears. you glean the needed information from this window. Record the Site Code and then choose Close. 249 . The Help Topics window appears. *GNR 1RVKQPU If you have determined you need assistance with the operation of this application. You then read or print the information you need. select Help and then choose Help Options./ If you want to view the application version number and Copyright information for the MPSIII License Manager. The About MPSIIILM window appears. #DQWV /25+++. The options are Help Options and About MPSIIILM. To exit the Help function select Close and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. select the About MPSIIILM selection in the Help menu. 250 . To access the detailed descriptions offering help on certain functions you double-click on the book icon of the subject you desire.*GNR You have two options under the Help drop-down menu. After viewing the needed information. Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. You can then exit this window and you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program. 251 . select OK and you are returned to the MPSIII License Manager window. Locate the CRMNU. This function of Brill Formulation allows you to quickly and easily inform Brill support personnel of which modules and functionality that are active on your system.exe file is located in the BrillV7 folder located on the root of your C drive. At times it may become necessary to review the settings of this file when conducting business with Brill support personnel.exe settings. Click on File in the Brill for Windows License Manager and select Read CRMNU Security File and the Select the CRMNU. A report is generated that displays your CRMNU. 252 .exe file and highlight it by clicking on it once. Read CRMNU Security File is not an editing program that allows you to change any of the settings in the security file. Select Open.2CTV  4GCF %4/07 5GEWTKV[ (KNG The CRMNU Security File is a file that activates the optional modules of Brill Formulation and the various functions of Brill Formulation for your use. Read CRMNU Security File only reads the settings and provides a report of what those settings are.EXE to Read window appears. Typically the CRMNU. Any changes in the file must come from the Brill support personnel. save the file or send the saved file to Brill support for their review. You can then start Brill Formulation for use of the program.You can print this text file. 253 . When you have completed your work in this section of Brill for Windows License Manager you are returned to the Brill for Windows License Manager. Select File and then Exit to leave the License Manager program. This information enables the Brill support personnel to more easily and quickly resolve issues involving your system options.
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