
March 25, 2018 | Author: Ronix Ong | Category: Further Education, Teaching And Learning, Business



Republic of the PhilippinesRegion IV-A CALABARZON Division of Laguna District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOOL Brigada Eskwela 2014 PALATUTUNAN Unang Bahagi Brigada eskwela 2014 Parada . . . . . . .. ......... ........ Ikalawang Bahagi I. Pambansang Awit ..................................... Kendrick P. Maristela Guro, Baitang V at VI II. Panalangin ................................................ Ma. Angelita N. Maloles Prepared; Guro Baitang I at II DE JOSE Pambungad na Pagbati............................. ROMELDA Romelda O. DeO.Jose Pang-ulong Guro Head Teacher III. IV. Pambungad na Pananalita......................... Esmeralda E. De Castro OIC Tagamasid Pampurok Mensahe ................................................. Kgg. Rufino A. Maloles Noted; Kapitan, Brgy. Bagong Silang V. ESMERALDA E. DE CASTRO Ed.D. Ana Coscuella OIC Supervisor HRDistrict Sun Power Corporation Alvin Quiatchon Barangay Kagawad Komite ng Edukasyon VI. Pasasalamat ..................................................... Rosana Delos Reyes Pang.Pangulo Samahan ng mga Magulang Ikatlong Bahagi Paglilinis, pagpipintura at paakumpuni ng mga sirang kagamitan sa paaralan Ma. Angelita N. Maloles PROGRAM AND ATTENDANCE . HIGHLIGHTS OF ACCOMPLISHMENTS COMPLIMENTS WERE GIVEN To the following stakeholders and donors under . Randy Banzuela 10. UP Society of Agronomy 14.Greenwich Olivarez Branch Los Banos-Majo Sotomojo Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . of Bagong Silang Elem. 12.A. Oliva 7. Sun Power multi purpose Corporation 2. Dr. Mr. Marius Moran 11. Galva Steel Corporation 3.Hon. Rolusta 5. Municipal Councilor John Emmanual T. school 13..adopt-a –school program 1. Municipal Councilor Jay G.T. 4 P’s Members –Bagong Silang Los Banos Lag.Municipal Councilor Ricardo Bagnes 9. KFC UP Colloge Branch – Mary Ann Milagrosa 15.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL .P. Municipal Councilor Norvin Tamisin 6. Board member Rolly Bagnes 4.Municipal Councilor Julius Molinawe 8. . creative. and responsible in terms of school beautification. A short welcome remarks was given by Mrs. education committee Alvin Quiatchon and HR Manager and Administrative officer of SUN Power Philippines Miss Ana Coscuella. This is a one week activity in preparation for the opening of classes this coming school year 2014. Maloles. Head teacher of Bagong Silang Elem. Romelda O. A short messages were also delivered by the honorable barangay Captain Rufino A. School. . The school also complied with the brigada interest form for the . Kendrick P. Ange. 2014 Brigada Eskwela is geared in making our school a safer place in ensuring the protection of our learners. teachers and properties. ACCOMPLISHMENT A day prior to the first day of Brigada Eskwela. The specific objectives and strategies were designed to provide guidance to school personnel and education partners as they engaged in coordination of processes school planning for the coming school year. INTRODUCTION In connection with Addendum to DepEd No. Maristela. 32 s. It can be considered the guiding spirit of the teachers to be resourceful. II.maintenance week The opening program was presided by Mrs.lita N. and for the other stakeholders to be active participants in the development of the school as a conducive learning community. Maloles and followed by National Anthem led by Mr. the principal and teachers led the campaign of having a one week activities using announcement and posting tarpaulin near the school gate to ensure awareness of the whole barangay. de Jose .SY 2014-2015 NARRATIVE REPORT on brigada eskwela I. 00.000.00 took two weeks . trimmed some grasses .This school year’s BRIGADA ESKWELA 2014 the “The Sun Power Philippines and Multi Purpose Corporation” has extended its support to the school .000. Mothers from Purok 3 volunteered members of 4 P’s or Pantawid Pampamilyang Pilipino Program helped in cleaning the school surroundings. paint the new rehabilitated classroom and walls of other classrooms. Honorable municipal councilors also extended their support through cash donations. Other group from UP Society of Agronomy Major Students supported the school by donating complete set of school supplies to grades I to III pupils amounting to P 15. Joy Chamoro amounting to P 6 000. Roulsta Details of Donation School supplies Amount P 750. Name of donor Honorable Jay G. The representatives of the Sun Power Corporation continued cleaning the school surroundings. bags. umbrellas and tumblers with a total of P25. It also includes rain coat. distribution of school supplies to 100 pupils of Bagong Silang were done. together with the parents and other barangay officials. They painted the outside and inside the walls of the school and classrooms that cost P 10.00.00. helped in the renovation of the room.00 . 2014. The hauling of construction materials for the school fence and labor fee amounting to P 20. 000. LGUs and parents helped in hauling the construction materials from May 19 to 24. This enhanced pupils knowledge on computer literacy. It was on the same day that they gave the children of Bagong Silang school supplies . school supplies and paints.00. 2014.The group which is spearheaded by Ms. 000. umbrellas and teachers instructional materials and cleaning materials. Other groups donated school supplies and paints from the GALVASTEEL Corporation headed by Mr. Right after the whole day affair. Parents and pupils pulled out the tall grasses around the vicinity while other volunteered to repair cabinets.Regina Martinez the Administrative Officer I. A 3 days seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Literacy were also given to Grade 4 pupils last May 10 and 24. Mabuhay! Prepared: ROMELDA O.00 P 500. Randy Banzuela School supplies Paint Cash and school supplies Cash Cash P 750.00 P 750. Oliva Honorable Julius Molinawe Honorable Norvin Tamisin Honorable Bagnes Mr.00 spearhead by the store manager Ms Mary Ann Milagrosa and Ms Majo Sotomojo.Honorable John Emmanuel T.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. All went home with a smile on their face. Thanks to our valuable sponsors for making our school a safe and conducive to learning this school year 2014-2015. The much awaited closing program happened last May 24. A short program and accomplishment of reports were done.00 P 500. 2014. 2014-2015 Action Plan School Safety and Preparedness . DE JOSE Head Teacher Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A .00 On the other hand Greenwich and KFC los Banos also extended helped by providing snacks for the teachers amounting to P 1 500. Y.00 P 500. To facilitate the Brigada Eskwela 2014 the school and the planning committee developed the safety and preparedness chart to provide guidance to education partners in the different activities which are most applicable to the school. a. School site and building Repair minor classroom damages like broken windows. Prepared: ROMELDA O. DE JOSE Head Teacher . Prune trees to avoid accident. Make sure that corridors and pathways are safe from harm to students. doors and roofs. Pull grasses around the school surroundings to prevent snakes entering the school ground. Secure cabinets and drawers necessary for heavy or sharp objects. STATUS ACTIVITIES Completed Started but not yet Not done Remarks/Recommendations completed Opening Program Cleaning of the surroundings Removing of weeds and grasses Cleaning of dirty windows x x x x Finished Accomplished Accomplished Accomplished Prepared: KENDRICK P. 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week. 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 19 . Y. Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity. MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Noted: ROMELDA O. Cite reasons for non-completion. 2014 Date Prepared . At the end of each day.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. DE JOSE Head Teacher May 19.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . DE JOSE Head Teacher Bayanihan system was exercised. Cite reasons for non-completion. Y. ACTIVITIES Hauling of construction materials Putting out the unnecessary materials from the room Preparing the room for rehabilitation Cleaning of the surroundings Removing of weeds and grasses Classroom rehabilitation/Construction of the dilapidated room Completed STATUS Started but not yet completed x x ROMELDA O.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week. At the end of each day. 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 20. MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Not done Classroom rehabilitation requires more days to finish .CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity. Everyday cleaning is needed due to uncontrollable falling of leaves x x May 20. 2014 Date Prepared Noted: Remarks/Recommendations x x Prepared: KENDRICK P. MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Noted: ROMELDA O. DE JOSE Head Teacher May 21. 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 21. Cite reasons for non-completion.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . 2014 Date Prepared Classroom rehabilitation requires more days to finish Everyday cleaning is needed due to uncontrollable falling of leaves . Y. At the end of each day. STATUS ACTIVITIES Completed Started but not Not done Remarks/Recommendations yet completed Classroom rehabilitation/Construction of the dilapidated room Cleaning the surrounding Cleaning the rooms Hauling of construction materials x x x x Prepared: KENDRICK P. Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity. 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Noted: ROMELDA O. X Jalousies are to be built in CR and ceiling is still under repair. STATUS ACTIVITIES Completed Started but not Not done Remarks/Recommendations yet completed Classroom rehabilitation requires more days to finish Classroom rehabilitation/Construction of the dilapidated X room Cleaning the surrounding Cleaning the rooms Classroom rehabilitation Principals Office) X More dried leaves are falling everyday.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity. Cite reasons for non-completion. 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 22. Y. At the end of each day. 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . 2014 Date . x Prepared: KENDRICK P. DE JOSE Head Teacher May 22. 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week. x Prepared: KENDRICK P. 2014 Date Prepared . MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Noted: ROMELDA O. STATUS ACTIVITIES Completed Started but not yet Not done Remarks/Recommendations completed Wall finishing will be done the day that follows. Classroom rehabilitation/Construction of the x dilapidated room Construction and painting of bookshelves.: 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 23.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. Cite reasons for non-completion.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity. DE JOSE Head Teacher May 23. At the end of each day. Y. bags and umbrellas Wall finishing Painting the walls and ceilings of the rooms x x x x Prepared: KENDRICK P. At the end of each day. STATUS ACTIVITIES Completed Started but not Not done Remarks/Recommendations yet completed Closing Program Distribution of School Supplies. Please mark the appropriate column that corresponds to the status of each activity.BE FORM 06 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A . Cite reasons for non-completion. 2014 Instruction: List all the activities that needs to be undertaken for each day of the Brigada Eskwela Week.: 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA DAILY ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ( To be accomplished by the Program Implementation Committee ) DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6 May 24.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. MARISTELA Program Implementation Committee Noted: ROMELDA O. 2014 Date Prepared . DE JOSE Head Teacher May 24. Y. Officials and Stakeholders. Officials April. Officials School Head Teachers Pupils May 19-24. Brgy. recognition day and other school and barangay gatherings.Moni toring Activities  Announcement of the forthcoming Brigada Eskwela during Graduation ceremony.  Through Bayanihan  Solicitation of Donation to stakeholders  Personal endowment of school personnel.  Create and follow schedule for conduct of various activities  Schedule meeting to direct and monitor activities  Issuance of letter  Verification of the checklist in BE form 1  Timeline April 1-May 24.BE Division Form 1.End of Brigada Eskwela Pupils School Head Teachers Parents Brgy.  House-to-house dissemination of information during home visitation of the teachers.  Display of tarpaulin. 2014 Person/s Responsible School Head Teachers Parents Materials Needed Tarpaulin Budget None Letter of solicitation for Brigada Eskwela 2014 Brgy. 2014 Letter of Brigada Eskwela Letter of Brigada Eskwela Checklist None None .Advocac y and Marketing 2.Impleme ntation 4.CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SY 2014-2015 ACTION PLAN KRA 1.  Information and Letter dissemination to NGO’s.1 FORM 2 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A .Resource Mobilizati on 3. 2014 School Head Teachers April-May 25. etc. NGO’s.d. DE CASTRO E. DE JOSE Head Teacher Noted: ESMERALDA E.Repo rting Daily supervision  Inform parents.D. through closing program  Thank you letter to the donors.and Evalua tion 5. OIC – District Supervisor Php 100.  Documentation  Round table meeting with teachers May 24.00 . 2014 Prepared: ROMELDA O. Officials Pictures Narrative report on the concluded BE Date Prepared March 26. 2014 School Head Teachers Parents Brgy. T. A. Quiatchon Action complete Well done Action complete Well Accomplished Action complete Bayanihan Spirit Action complete Bayanihan Spirit Construction of 3 seaters C.R Hauling of cons. S. R. DE JOSE .CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL S. Ostrera Capt. R.A. P. Officials Sweepers/trimmer s 20 P.: 2014-2015 BRIGADA ESKWELA RESOURCE MOBILIZATION FORM Labor/ Skills/ Volunteers Needed Laborer/Mason Quantity Helpers 6 Key Persons/Organizations To be tapped Sun Power Corp./ Teachers 6/2 Strategies/Plan of Action Persons Responsible Status Remarks Class room Rehabilitation Rosana Delos Reyes Engr. Materials/ school fence Cleaning the school surrounding Prepared: KENDRICK P./Galva Steel Corp. Maloles Mr.A. MARISTELA Resource Mobilization Committee Chairperson Noted: ROMELDA O. Y./ Parents Haulers 10 Brgy.BE FORM 3 Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV A .T. Project/Training Duration : IV. Project Description : CONSTRUCTING SCHOOL FENCE : BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 WEEK ( May 19-24. Construction of school fence near the gate will diminished number of stray animals entering the school premises during class . Proponent III. Rationale It is natural for every school to give its best to its learners. 2014 during Brigada Eskwela) : BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL : a. Project / Venue V.Head Teacher Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV – CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA Santa Cruz BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SY 2014-2015 Project Proposal I. Project Title II. The reason why Bagong Silang Elementary School Teachers and Parents Association ( BESPTA) decided to have a project of completing the school fence in front and side of the gate. Stake holders initiative in promoting school development is an integral part of partnership in the filed of education at present. hours. This will also ensure pupil’s and teacher’s safety especially when they are inside the school. Conference with P. Parents the Search for Brigada . To give the school adequate facilities 3. Plan of Activities and Work Plan C. We will be joining Eskwela Implementers’ and Big Time Stake Holders (first timer) this coming May 20-24. to provide safety measures among students and pupils inside the school premises 2. The accomplishment of the project will be included in quarterly and annual report to be submitted to the division office. To improve the physical aspect of the school c. Methodology Strategies: A. Preparation of materials and other forms needed c1. b. It is the same as hitting two birds with one stone. Participants A. 2014.A on the activities of Incoming Brigada Eskwela 2014 B. At the same time.T. Teachers B. it will give the school a pleasant view and will meet one of the school’s need when it comes to physical aspect. additional knowledge and unforgettable experiences on the part of the learners and an improvement towards the school’s physical aspect. Objectives 1. n P.00 E.00 2000.00 20 000. Program of Work 1. 25 bags 5 cu 10 pcs. Pupils D.00 5000. BAYANIHAN (Manpower from Sun Power Corp. Plan of activities A. Personal Services 2.C. 1000 pcs 1 gal Description White sand Cement Gravel Steel bar # 12 Hollow blocks #4 Paint Php Php Php Php Php Php Unit Price 600 200 300 200 7 1500 TOTAL Php Php Php Php Php Php Php Total Cost 3000. Preparation of letter on Project Proposal B. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Quantity 5 cu. Budgetary requirements 1.T. Operating Expenses ◦ Materials Item No.A officers) 3. Plan of Action Objectives Persons Involved Target Date Funding Source .00 1500. stake holders / donors c2.00 1500.00 7000. Sending e-mail to stake holders d. Planning of Activities C. To give the school adequate facilities 3.March 2014  MOOE Fund .T.D OIC District Supervisor School Head Teachers Parents Pupils Stake Holders Barangay Officials Manpower (Sun Power Corporation Inc) GALVA STEEL Corp. .Teacher’s Association ______________________ SUSANA DELOS REYES P. to provide safety measures among students and pupils inside the school premises 2. School Head Teachers Parents Pupils May 20-24. MARISTELA President. Vice President ______________________ RUFINO MALOLES Barangay Captain Recommending approval: _________________________ ESMERALDA E. 2014  Donations from the Stake holders (SUNPOWER CPRPORATION)  BAYANIHAN  GALVA Steel Corp. Inclusion of the activity in the quarterly report Prepared by: _______________________ ROMELDA O. DE JOSE (09192827237) Head Teacher ________________________ KENDRICK P.1. DE CASTRO Ed. To improve the physical aspect of the school 4. May.A. have unanimously agreed to solicit your generosity and benevolence for a donation of cash or in kind for an urgent construction of school fence along and besides the gate of our school.Teacher’s Association ROSANA DELOS REYES P. and parents in our school (Bagong Silang Elementary School ) for the Incoming BRIGADA ESKWELA.” Prepared by: ROMELDA O. ! Lest we forget that “blessed are the hearts who finds joy in giving. teachers.A. we are currently forming a group of pupils. during the very recently concluded general assembly meeting. activities and needed materials for your perusal. we are extremely worried on the safety of our learners and teachers from stray animals roaming inside the school premises during class hours. 2014. 2014 The Management SUNPOWER Corporation Batangas City Dear Sir / Madam: Warm greetings in the sweet and mighty name of our Lord Jesus Christ! In the continuance of our journey to build a better future through well. To this writing.A. Cognizant of the need to improve the Physical Plant and Facilities of Bagong Silang Elementary School. It is a yearly activity in preparation of the next school year this coming May 20-24..T.Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Region IV – CALABARZON DIVISION OF LAGUNA Santa Cruz BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOL SY 2014-2015 March 18. DE JOSE Head Teacher KENDRICK P. the officers and members of the P. Along with this is the project proposal and program of work.T. We fervently hope for your very kind consideration and favorable action.rounded individuals. Vice President . MARISTELA President. 2014 Ika.7:00 ng Umaga G.D OIC District Supervisor Republic of the Philippines Region IV-A CALABARZON Division of Laguna District of Los Baños BAGONG SILANG ELEMENTARY SCHOOOL Brigada Eskwela 2014 Mayo 19-24 ./Gng. DE CASTRO Ed./Bb. __________________________ Ito’y silbing paanyaya .RUFINO MALOLES Barangay Captain Recommending approval: ESMERALDA E. Maraming salamat po. Sa inyong lahat na palaging naghahandog ng tulong at suporta.PASASALAMAT Kaming mga mag-aaral. guro at magulang nang Paaralang Elementarya ng Bagong Silang sa taong kasalukuyan ay buong pusong kumikilala na malaking utang na loob sa lahat ng mga taong tumulong upang ang palatuntunang ito ay maging isang ganap na tagumpay. . III. Parian Calamba Laguna together with Miss Tenorio as resource speaker . PICTURES The Grade 4 pupils during the 3 days seminar Workshop on Basic Computer Literacy held at Galvasteel Corporation. De Jose and Mrs.School. . Oliva sparaehaded the 3rd day of Brigada Eskwela by donating paints and school supplies to Bagong Silang Elem. Municipal councilors Jay Rolusta and John Emmanual T. the store Manager and Mrs Romelda O. Cristina Martinez during thE receiving of snacks from the management.The Greenwich Staff together with Miss Majo Sotomajo . Barangay officials during the construction of school fence . Trimming of trees was done by barangay captain Rufino A. While some 4Ps’ member volunteers to brush and clean the stone s around plants and pulling grasses . Maloles. .Some barangay officials and parents practiced Bayanihan spirit in putting up the school fence near the gate. Trimming and weeding of grasses of some parents . .P.A Officers headed by Mrs Condino joined other parents in painting the newly built-in fence .T. The new Comfort room The newly painted Comfort Room . . walls and fence of the school.Teachers and parents while mixing paint for the stones. Barangay councilor Mrs Jane Callao helped in cutting the bamboo . Barangay captain Rufino maloles together with baranagy councilor Mrs Jane Callao and Ronnie Javier helped in cutting the bamboo . . Parents participated in making the garden clean and safe from any harm . The Galva Steel with the pupils of BES Sun power Corporation donated school supplies bags.MABUHAY! UP student with the pupls of BES . The stake holders of Bagong Silang Elem School….. umbrellas. raincoat etc.
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