Brief - Coa-niasa Thesis Awards 2012

April 3, 2018 | Author: Kaushik Amalan | Category: Thesis, Business



NATIONAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS2012 PAGE 1/12 not later than 23rd July 2012. A copy of the awards guidelines have been filed with the Council of Architecture. FIRST FLOOR.7 The conditions for participation and registration form are available from the respective Colleges of Architecture. No registration fee is charged. Director. Director. NEW DELHI 110 003 NATIONAL AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2012 1.e. 1.COUNCIL OF ARCHITECTURE INDIA HABITAT CENTER. National Institute of Advanced Studies in Architecture. BOARD OF ASSESSORS 1.1 The promoter.3 APPROVAL OF CONDITIONS 1. No member of the promoting body or an associate or an employee or any member concerned with the preparation or organising of the competition shall be eligible to assist a student participating in the program. Examination at conclusion of academic year 2011-12. NIASA. with copy sent to the zonal coordinator.00 GENERAL RULES INVITATION 1. ELIGIBILITY 1. Pune (Academic Unit of Council of Architecture) has decided to promote a National Awards program for excellence in Architectural Thesis submitted for compliance to requirements of bachelor’s degree program in Architecture and invites Students to submit their thesis projects in accordance with the conditions and instructions set out below. The Registration form filled in and completed in all respects should be sent to the promoter i. CORE 6A. LODHI ROAD.2 The term 'Student' shall mean a bonafide student of College of Architecture.4 This awards program will be conducted in accordance with the guidelines of the Council of Architecture. who has appeared for Final year B. Arch. 1. Each thesis project must be submitted by the head of the institute/ Principal of the college. The awards program is promoted with an objective to encourage talent of students from across the country.8 The members for Zonal and National Jury shall be appointed on the Board of Assessors to advise on the conduct of the awards program. through Principal / HOD. ENTERING IN THE AWARDS PROGRAM 1. adjudicate on the thesis projects submitted and PAGE 2/12 . with consent from the student.6 No blood relative of any member of the Board of Assessors shall take part either directly or indirectly in the awards program nor be entrusted either directly or indirectly with work connected with the award winning thesis. Pune.5 PERSONS INELIGIBLE 1. which also apply in case of points which have not been specifically covered by these conditions. 00 each (Selected to the National Jury) The awards mentioned above shall have two components – Cash and Books SUBMISSION OF THESIS PROJECTS 1. PRIZES AND MENTIONS 1.00 pm on 30th July 2012.000 /. All drawing panels and CD should be packed together in a plain brown paper and sealed and bear the title.AWARDS FOR EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2012.+ Book each To the author of the next Eight thesis projects . 75. enclosed in an envelope. Submissions delivered by hand should reach the Zonal co-ordinator at his address given in 1. 4. 1.000.12 1.+ Book each At the National Event: To the author of the best Three thesis projects .00 pm on 30th July 2012. ADVISERS 1.17 . 20.Rs.13 1.14 1.38 not later than 5.B.Rs 5.16 1. No other symbol.000 /. Proof of dispatch clearly showing the date of dispatch shall be forwarded to the zonal co-ordinator separately with a covering letter informing him of the dispatch of the thesis project.9 If necessary the Board of Assessors may consult the advisory committee of the awards program. The appointments shall be made by the promoter from amongst the eminent architects.00 pm on 28th July 2012.Rs.make the award. The entire design project and all the documents of each competitor shall be dispatched in a single packet using the label. Each competitor must be prepared to satisfy the Board of Assessors that he is the bonafide author of the thesis project he has submitted.15 1. All drawing panels comprising a competition entry must bear on the back side of the panel a sticker provided by the promoter.000. To the author of the best Two thesis projects Rs 10.C) signed by the student and the head of the institution.00 each To the author of the next Seven thesis projects . Each thesis project must be accompanied by a registration/declaration/proof of identity in the specified format (Registration Form and Declaration Forms A. The advisory committee may be consulted on any aspect of the competition and one or two members of the advisory committee may remain available during the judging to give advice on various aspects of competition when he is invited to do so. Participants are advised to retain copies of the material submitted.11 Submission of the thesis projects implies acceptance of the awards program conditions. motto or distinguishing mark will be placed on any part of the panel except title of the project at designated location. Submission material sent through post or through forwarding agent must reach the Zonal Coordinator at his address given in 1. This packet will also include the sealed envelope containing the registration/declaration/ proof of PAGE 3/12 3. Submission material sent by post or through forwarding agent must be dispatched not later than 3. 2. Receipt with date and time of delivery will be issued by the co-ordinator to the participants.10 The promoter undertakes to accept the decisions and the awards of the Board of Assessors and pay the following awards: At each Zonal Event: 1.9 not later than 5. code numbers of whom will be listed and kept in a separate sealed envelope. These awards will be declared in the evening after completing all ten presentations. 1. No member of the Board or Technical Adviser or member of the promoter's staff or competition secretariat may disclose any details of the competitions. If the packet has to travel a long distance.B. At the end of first presentation name of the third presenter will be announced.identity forms (Registration Form and Declaration Forms A. 1.19 JUDGING PROCEDURE 1. It will consist of maximum of 15 minutes for the presentation on screen using projector only & 15-20 minutes for the question‐answers. The selection list will be announced and communicated to participants in the morning.21 PAGE 4/12 . The participants must remain present in person to make the presentation. deliberations or decisions. on the given date.20 The promoter will place a secretariat at the disposal of the Board of Assessors to minute their meetings and record their decisions.C). INSURANCE OF THESIS PROJECT 1. Each participating student will be given a minimum of 20 minutes & maximum of 30 minutes for the entire Jury. The deliberations of the Board of Assessors will be secret. (to be listed in order of merit). by draw of lots sequence of first two presentations will be decided and announced. each entry will be insured by him (the promoter) for the sum of Rs 2. before Stage 1B assessment commences as per the procedure stated below.00 till is returned to the competitor after the award. held in a public auditorium.18 Each participant is responsible for insuring his entry against loss.500. and only after presentations of other shortlisted participants are complete. Stage 1B (Zonal Jury) Authors of the Ten short listed thesis projects shall make a audio visual presentation to members of Jury (Assessors) in a public jury attended by eminent citizen. This will be closed door assessment and the list shall be handed over in the sealed envelope to the representative of the Promoter. This envelope may be opened only if authors of any of the ten shortlisted entries are not present at the venue. it may be dispatched in a wooden crate. damage or non-delivery up to the time of its receipt by the zonal co-ordinator at the address given in 1. 1.22 The judging of the entries are scheduled to take place in three stages as listed below – Stage 1A (Shortlisting) A team of two assessors will visit the zonal center a day prior to the date of Public Jury and short list Ten thesis projects for stage 1B assessment. in addition to the shortlisted ten.38 On receipt by the co-ordinator. The board of assessors may at its discretion select two entries as standby. public and students. Two thesis projects from zonal jury will be selected for National Jury. The decisions of the Board of Assessors are final and binding on the promoter. The representative of the promoter will open the envelope containing names of the shortlisted candidates 30 minutes before commencement of first presentation. and the end of second presentation name of fourth presenter will be announced and so on. held in a public auditorium.23 The promoter will announce the awards of excellence on 6th October 2012 in the evening after completion of presentations. The entries of 10 National finalists shall be retained by the promoter for records.31 All CDs will be retained by the promoter as his property. 2. After that the promoter will be free to dispose off the balance uncollected entries at will.15. Similarly. If received by the co-ordinator at the address given in 1. on 6th October 2012. All designs will be exhibited for three days (Third day being date of stage 1B assessment) at Public gallery at each Zonal center. If the participant attempts to influence any member of the Board of Assessors. 1. 3.38 after the last date and time given in 1.29 Names of all authors will be displayed at the exhibition of entries for the Final Jury. thesis projects selected for the National Jury will be exhibited on 5th and 6th October 2012 at a public gallery at the National center. program could be regarded as terminated and the promoter will on the advice of the Board of Assessors ONLY the consolation awards to all the thesis projects selected for National Jury.30 Within one month after closing of the exhibition at Zonal Centers. public and students. 1.28 RETURNING OF ENTRIES 1.38 by post or through forwarding agent after the last date and time given in 1. A copy of the report of the Board of Assessors will be made accessible for inspection to participants at the same time as the Board's award is made public.24 DISQUALIFICATION 1.25 The Board of Assessors may disqualify entries for the following reasons: 1. 1.Stage 2 (National Jury) Authors of the Ten selected thesis projects (two from each zone) shall make a audio visual presentation to members of Jury (Assessors) in a public jury attended by eminent citizen.. 1. 4.14 and 1.27 The promoter will publish the award of the Board of Assessors and inform the Council of Architecture after having first informed the authors of the award winning thesis projects. If dispatched by post or through the forwarding agent to or delivered in person at the coordinator’s address in 1. TERMINATION OF AWARDS PROGRAM 1.26 If against all expectations entertained by the promoter.15. PAGE 5/12 . If the participant disregards any of the conditions of the program. The participants must remain present in person to make the presentation. ANNOUNCEMENT OF AWARD AND EXHIBITION 1. the result of the awards program is such that none of the participants could be declared by the Assessor as the winner of the award. collection of the unsuccessful entries will be arranged by the respective colleges/ student authors from the zonal centers. RIGHTS 1. • scanned copies of the completed registration form and declaration forms A. for purpose of records and academic interest. promoter will have right to publish the projects received in architecture journals and as compilation of entries received.) To be submitted one day prior to the jury: 1.00 pm 30th July 2012 5.00 pm 30th July 2012 5. SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 1.34 The competition will be run in accordance with the following time table: Awards guidelines will be made available by the promoter Last date for Registration Last date for dispatch of Thesis project by post or through agent. double spacing in A4 portrait format. In the first section of approx. In the next 300‐600 words they may elaborate on the architectural and conceptual strategies to address the concerns stated above for their projects. AWARDS PROGRAM TABLE 1. (All the photographs and visualization shall be in jpg format at resolution of 300 DPI. however. 300‐600 words they should spell out the architectural concern of their project. • passport size photograph of the participant.1.C. 1.33 In the event of dispute not related to the judging procedure or the award of the Board of Assessors.32 Copyright of all thesis projects including the thesis projects winning the first prize will be that of the authors of the designs. • minimum four photographs of Model or 3D visualizations. A2 size drawing sheets mounted on 1 mm thick foam board. the settlement will be by arbitration without recourse to the legal authorities.B. PAGE 6/12 .00 pm SUBMISSION FOR AWARDS To be submitted at the time of registration (on or before last date of receipt of entries): 1. In the last 300‐600 words they may elaborate on the architectural language that they have achieved for their project. • Brief write up regarding the thesis project. Delivery of entries to the Co-ordinator by hand Last date for receipt of entries by post or through forwarding Agent by the co-ordinator Judging dates Shortlisting Zonal Jury National Jury (Tentative date) Declaration of Awards (Tentative date) To be announced for each center To be announced for each center 6th October 2012 6th October 2012 1st May 2012 23rd July 2012 28th July 2012 3.37 CD containing : • Design brief: The participant should give a brief write up of the project in minimum 900 words to maximum 2000 words as a MS word file in Arial 12 points.36 CD containing: • High resolution PDF files of submitted sheets.35 Drawings and Documents to be submitted by Competitors: minimum six but not more than ten Nos. co. site plans. 1. Zone . conceptual drawings. AWARDS PROGRAM FOR EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN ARCHITECTURE. S.• AutoCAD / photoshop / corel draw drawings: Drawings containing all finished plans. No. National Institute of Advanced studies in Architecture CDSA campus. Bawdhan Khurd. ZONAL CO-ORDINATORS : Details will be displayed on the website shortly.2a) Label stickers (to be pasted on the reverse of each sheet) for drawing sheets will be available for download on the website www. 2b) To.39 ZONES OF PARTICIPATION : Details will be displayed on the website shortly. NAME ADDRESS AND CONTACT DETAILS 1..38 PROMOTOR The Director. The Co-ordinator. elevations. PUNE 411 021 Tel: (20) 6573 1088 email: niasa_2005@yahoo. 1. model images. 58 & 49/4. rendered plans. sections.41 Label(stickers) for drawings (No.42 Label for Dispatch of Drawings (No. sections of the project in simple line drawings with line thicknesses (without render) in proper layers ‐ Purged files in AutoCAD format • jpeg/pdf files: 3d .40 Any changes in dates or details of zonal and national events will be displayed on the website www. • Power point presentation: A copy of the presentation to be made to the jury at the Zonals and National Finals. Pune-Paud-Pirangut Road.niasa. PUNE (Academic Unit of Council of Architecture) PAGE 7/12 . elevations should be in Jpeg images/PDF 1. Envelope (No. The Co-ordinator. 3) REGISTRATION AND DECLARATION FORMS To. PUNE (Academic Unit of Council of Architecture) PAGE 8/12 . Zone - AWARD PROGRAM FOR EXCELLENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL THESIS 2012 NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANCED STUDIES IN ARCHITECTURE.
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