Bridgestone Truck Data Book

March 29, 2018 | Author: Omar Cantón Leal | Category: Tire, Truck, Land Vehicles, Transport, Mechanical Engineering



Effective January 2010 Table of Contents Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Table of Contents Medium Truck Tire Size and Availability Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Light Truck Tire Size and Availability Charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Recommended Medium Truck Tire Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Recommended Usage of Premium Rib Patterns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Medium Truck Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Medium Truck Tire – Discontinued Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Tubes, Valves & Flaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Approved Wheels & Rim Widths. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Minimum Dual Spacing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Commercial Light Truck Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Commercial Light Truck Tubes & Flaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Commercial Light Truck Tire – Discontinued Products . . . . . . . . 55 General Technical Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Load & Inflation Tables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Technical Bulletins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Truck and Bus Tire Comparison Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 1 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Tire Availability Chart Load Range and Tread Depths in 32nds Indicate Availability PATTERN SMARTWAY VERIFIED & CARBCOMPLIANT PAGE REPLACES GOODYEAR G395 None G395 G169, G661, G662 G169, G149, G661, G662 XZE, XZE2+, XZE2, XZE* G169, G149, G661, G662 G362, G372, G305 G362, G372 G622 G392 G392 G182, G338, G622 G182, G338, G622, G124 G622 G647 G647 RSS G316 G316, G104 SM R287A/ R227F R287 R280 R260F R250F R250ED M720 M726 EL M726 GREATEC® GREATEC® M725 M825 DRIVE M711 M729F M895 M724F R197 R195F ✓ 8 9 ✓ ✓ ✓ 10 11 12 13 ✓ 14 15 16 17 ✓ 17 18 19 20 21 22 ✓ ✓ 23 24 MICHELIN XZA3 XZA, XZA3, XZE2 XZE2+ XZA-1+ XDA3, XZE, XDA XZE2+, ENERGY, XZE2, XDA, XZE* XDA5 XDA3, XDA5 XD2 X One X One XDA, XDA, XDE X One X One XDN2, XDE2+, M/S, XDA XDA XDE XDE2, XZE XDN2, ENERGY, ENERGY, M/S XDE M/S XD4 X One X One XDN2 XDN2 XZE XT-1, XT-1, XTA XTA ENERGY ENERGY SIZE 8.25R15 10.00R15 11.00R24 12.00R24 9R17.5 8R19.5 9R22.5 10R22.5 11R22.5 12R22.5 11R24.5 12R24.5 215/75R17.5 245/75R22.5 265/75R22.5 295/75R22.5 285/75R24.5 245/70R17.5 225/70R19.5 245/70R19.5 265/70R19.5 285/70R19.5 305/70R19.5 255/70R22.5 275/70R22.5 295/80R22.5 315/80R22.5 445/65R19.5 385/65R22.5 425/65R22.5 445/65R22.5 445/50R22.5 L-29 L-26 H-17 J-18 H-18 J-19 H-19 H-18 J-19 H-26 H-11 G-14 F/G/H-19 G-16 F/G-19 H-19 G-19 H-20 F-17 F-20 G-21 G-16 G-16 G/H-18 G/H-18 G-22 G-22 G-16 G-18 G-18 G-19 G-19 G-26 G-26 G-26 G-32 G-32 G-30 G-30 G-11 G-11 G-11 F-22 G-16 G/H-18 G/H-22 G-16 G/H-18 G/H-22 F-17 F/G-18 G-19 H-20 G-19 H-19 G-26 G/H-32 G-30 H-19 G-26 F-24 G-26 G-32 G/H-30 G/H-26 H-28 G-26 G-11 G-11 F-20 2 5 445/50R22.5 12R24. XZL SIZE 8. G289 G286.5 11R24.5 445/65R22. XDY-2.5 9R22.5 11R22.5 425/65R22. XZA1. XZY3 None XDL. G286 MICHELIN None X One XTA.5 385/65R22.25R15 10. G282 XDY3. G291 G647 G114 G287.5 215/75R17.00R24 9R17. ENERGY XZUS XZA None XZUS. XDL. XDY3. Marathon SM R194F GREATEC® R125 R196 R184 R294 R187F R180 M860 M843 M850 M840 M857/WB L320 L317 M775 M844F L315 ✓ 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 RHS.5 445/65R19.5 265/70R19.5 305/70R19.00R24 12.5 245/75R22. XZY G177 G177. XZY3.5 285/75R24.5 225/70R19. 3 . XDY-2 XZUS XZY3.5 295/75R22.5 8R19.5 265/75R22.5 245/70R19.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tire Availability Chart Load Range and Tread Depths in 32nds Indicate Availability PATTERN SMARTWAY VERIFIED & CARBCOMPLIANT PAGE REPLACES GOODYEAR G104 NONE G316 G114. XZY3 XZY3. G282 G178. G286 G178.5 L-14 J-19 L-24 L-26 J-19 J-23 L-23 L-24 L-30 H-12 J-22 G-16 G-16 J-16 H-15 G-16 G-16 G/H-26 H-26 G/H-26 H-27 H-24 H-24 G/H-31 H-31 G/H-31 H-33 H-34 H-33 F-16 G-14 J-23 H-20 J-31 J-39† † Not for highway use.00R15 11.5 12R22. XZY XDY-EX.5 315/80R22. XTE2. XZL. X One XTE XTE XTA.5 275/70R22. XZUS XZY3 XZY.5 285/70R19.5 255/70R22.5 10R22. XZA2 XTA2 ENERGY. XDY-EX. XTY2. G288 G288 G288 G286 G177.5 245/70R17.5 295/80R22. G949 RSA. XPS Rib None DURAVIS® R500 HD 48 DURAVIS® M700 HD 49 DURAVIS® 773 II 50 M779 50 DURAVIS® R250 51 ALL-STEEL CASING DURAVIS® M895 52 R265 V-STEEL RIB 53 BLIZZAK® W965 54 MICHELIN LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/70R17 LT265/70R17 LT245/75R17 LT255/75R17 LT235/80R17 LT275/65R18 LTX M/S II E-14 E-17 E-15 E-14 E-17 E-14 E-15 LTX A/S E-14 E-16 E-17 E-14 E-14 XPS Rib E-13 None E-14 E-15 None E-17 E-17 E-17 E-15 E-14 E-15 E-13 E-14 E-14 E-18 E-18 E-14 E-15 E-17 E-18 E-18 E-17/18 E-14 E-13 E-18 E-14 E-14 E-16 4 . SRA Wrangler ATT Wrangler Silent Armor LTX A/T 2 Wrangler Silent Armor LTX A/T 2 G949 RSA G947 RSS Wrangler SRA. G947 RSS LTX M/S II.2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Light Truck Tire Availability Chart Load Range and Tread Depths in 32nds Indicate Availability COMBINATION POLYESTER & STEEL SIZE PAGE REPLACES GOODYEAR Wrangler. Greatec Drive M726 EL. M860. R294. M857. R250 ED. M726. M720. R184. M729F. R187F. M711. M843. R250F. R250F M843. R250F. R280. R180.Effective January 2010 Recommended Medium Truck Tire Application Wear Slower Typical Application Long Haul Regional Haul Local/Pickup & Delivery Service Steer R287. M857. R250F. L320. R125 R197. Regional Pickup & Delivery. M711. R187F. R250F. R250 ED. R194F. M844F. R294. M726. M840. R250F. B Train Dolly Long Haul Singles or Tandems and other uses where superior irregular wear-resistance is needed. M725. R187F. Tri-Axles. M711. M726. M840. M844F. R196 Faster On/Off-Highway Special Service Note: Steer and trailer tires may be used in any wheel position unless otherwise specified. R195F. M843. R180. M840. R287 R195F R280 R197 R260F R196 R250F. M895 M775. R250 ED Trailer R197. Recommended Usage of Premium Rib Patterns Pickup & Delivery Local Hauling Long Regional Very Long Distance Line Haul Hauling Spreads. M895 R250 ED. M850. R194F. R125 R196. R196. M725. R250 ED. L315 M860. M720. R280 R287. R180. M850. M729F. R250 ED R250F 5 . M860 M860. M825. Greatec Drive M726 EL. R196. R195F. L317. M844F. M725. M825. R250 ED Drive M726 EL. R260F R260F. M729F. M850 R294. 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book NOTES 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 M844F On/Off-Highway Wide Base All-Position Radial. . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 M726 EL Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . 19 M729F Drive Radial . . . 38 M775 On/Off-Highway Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . Valves & Flaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 R180 All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . 23 R195F All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . 40 L315 On/Off-Highway Wide Base Drive Radial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 R227F All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 R280 All-Position Radial . . . . . . 44 Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 7 . . . 31 M860 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 R187F All-Position Radial . . . 24 R194F All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . 21 M724F Metro All-Position Radial. 11 R250F All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Approved Wheels and Rim Widths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 M720 Drive Radial . . . . . .Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires Medium Truck Medium Truck Tires Table of Contents R287A All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . 16 Greatec® M825 Wide Base Drive Radial . 18 M711 Drive Radial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 M843 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 R250 ED All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Tubes. . . . . . . . . 22 R197 All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Greatec® Drive Wide Base Radial . . . 37 L317 On/Off-Highway Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 R184 Trailer Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 M850 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial . . . . 35 M857 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 R294 All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 M725 Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 M895 Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Greatec® R125 Wide Base Trailer Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 M840 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial . . . . 36 L320 On/Off-Highway Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . 8 R287 All-Position Radial . . . . . . 44 Minimum Dual Spacing . . 10 R260F All-Position Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 R196 All-Position High-Scrub Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Medium Truck Tire – Discontinued Products . 15 M726 Drive Radial . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steer applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G395 Michelin: XZA3 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R287A 295/75R22.2 20.1 11. 8 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.5 11R24. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.3 12. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.2 43.25 8. • Innovative tread design and advanced tread compounds increase irregular wear resistance resulting in higher mileage. ** To be discontinued 1st quarter 2010. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.1 517 16 2800@760 6175@110 2575@760 5675@110 75 G G G G 185-723 185-672 185-638 185-655 114 121 109 112 8.25 8.2 18. • Side Groove™ and Equalizer Rib™ features combat the initiation and spread of irregular wear. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. .4 11.2 11.25 8.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R287A & R287 All-Position Radials Medium Truck Light Truck • R287A offers improved life and irregular wear-resistance.5* R287 11R22. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Stress relief sipes fight the initiation and spread of irregular wear on the main ribs by absorbing rib edge stresses within the footprint.0 18. Speed (MPH) G 224-626 109 8. • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.2 11. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.0 10.25 40.2 41.8 12.9 504 481 517 502 16 16 16 16 2800@720 3000@720 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 6610@105 6175@110 6175@110 2650@720 2725@720 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@105 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 295/75R22.3 12.4 12.25 41. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.8 19. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.2 11. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.2 40.8 19.5** 285/75R24.5 * Available 1st quarter 2010. 5 305/70R19.00 35. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R227F All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Unidirectional pattern and high-performance tread compound for long wear and reliable wet traction. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: None Michelin: XZA.3 16. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • Sidewall protectors for extra protection from curb damage.7 11. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.25 9. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. 9 .3 36.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. • Stress relief sipes fight the initiation and spread of irregular wear on the main ribs by absorbing rib edge stresses within the footprint.6 11.6 13.0 588 572 17 18 2900@860 3150@860 6395@125 6945@125 2725@860 2900@860 6005@125 6395@125 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.9 16. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Speed (MPH) H J 158-135 158-948 93 120 8. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. XZE2+ TECHNICAL DATA Light Truck General Technical Tire Size R227F 285/70R19. • Defense Groove™ and Equalizer Rib™ features combat the initiation and spread of irregular wear.3 10. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. 5 11R24.2 43.25 8.5 285/75R24.25 8.8 18.25 8. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.8 10.5 19.1 12.8 19.8 10.2 19. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R280 All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ designs combat initiation and spread of irregular wear on both main ribs and shoulders. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.2 20.9 11. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.5 285/75R24.2 40.25 41.5 295/75R22.5 11R22.9 11. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • Stone rejector platforms improve retreadability by preventing the retention of stones that can damage the casing.3 40.0 10.5 11R24.2 41.2 20.5 11. • Stress relief siping along main grooves fights river or rib erosion wear.25 8.2 18.8 10. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.9 504 504 481 481 516 516 501 501 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 2800@720 3000@830 3000@720 3250@830 2800@760 3250@830 2800@760 3075@830 6175@105 6610@120 6610@105 7160@120 6175@110 7160@120 6175@110 6780@120 2650@720 2725@830 2725@720 3000@830 2575@760 3000@830 2575@760 2800@830 5840@105 6005@120 6005@105 6610@120 5675@110 6610@120 5675@110 6175@120 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 295/75R22. XZA-1+ TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R280 11R22.9 11. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.5 41.1 11. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.0 11. .9 11.25 8.5 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.3 41.8 11. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G395 Michelin: XZA3. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. 10 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.8 19.25 8.25 8.8 10.2 43.9 12.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Speed (MPH) G H G H G H G H 183-819 185-281 183-802 185-298 180-861 185-621 180-844 224-762 118 118 127 126 111 112 118 118 8.5 10. 25 8. • Stone rejectors in main grooves resist stone drilling to protect belts and enhance casing durability.8 19. 11 . Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Speed (MPH) G H G H G G 158-846 158-863 158-880 158-897 158-829 158-812 125 126 134 135 121 125 8.8 10. G661.8 10. • Equalizer Rib™ design combats initiation and spread of irregular wear.5 285/75R24.5 11R24.9 12.5 20. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.6 40.25 8.9 11.5 20.9 501 501 476 476 512 497 22 22 22 22 22 22 2800@720 3000@830 3000@720 3250@830 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 6610@120 6610@105 7160@120 6175@110 6175@110 2650@720 2725@830 2725@720 3000@830 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@120 6005@105 6610@120 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 75 75 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.5 11R22. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.5 19.1 11.8 10.5 43. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.25 8. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.9 11. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering applications in: • Pickup & Delivery Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G169.5 295/75R22. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.25 8.9 11.1 19.5 11R24.25 8.8 10.5 19.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R260F All-Position Radial Medium Truck • High-scrub compound to enhance resistance to tread scrubbing and to increase tread life.7 11.5 41. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.6 43. G662 Michelin: XZE2 Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R260F 11R22. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.6 41.9 10. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.25 41. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.8 10. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • Sidewall protector ribs resist cuts and abrasions from curbing and impacts. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.0 18.4 9.50 7.2 11.5 265/70R19. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.6 41.5 10R22.3 9.8 19.6 18.4 33.7 11.5 9.3 40. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.4 33. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.0 9.75 6.0 40.8 12.3 37. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Speed (MPH) 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.6 10.5 32.4 9.6 10.8 11.00 6. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire specifically designed for special service applications in: • Pickup & Delivery Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G169.3 11. XZE* TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R250F 9R22.5 10R22.6 11.3 14. XZE2.3 15.7 10.4 38.4 34.5 265/75R22.5 8.5 225/70R19. • Protector ribs on both sidewalls to fight damage from curbing.50 8.5 11R24.4 9.4 9.1 12. G149.7 10.4 40. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa 2060@720 2360@690 2575@790 2800@720 3350@830 3000@720 1700@690 1650@660 1800@760 1850@660 2060@660 2180@760 2430@760 2120@760 2360@760 2800@760 3550@860 2800@760 Lbs/PSI 4540@105 5205@100 5675@115 6175@105 7390@120 6610@105 3750@100 3640@95 3970@110 4080@95 4540@110 4940@120 5355@110 4675@110 5205@110 6175@110 7830@125 6175@110 Max.4 10.0 10.3 10. G661.4 10.00 8.5 15. G662 Michelin: XZE.3 19.4 8.75 7.3 42.4 19.8 10.5 11.25 9.50 8. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.9 9.5 295/75R22. • Tough tread cap compound and solid shoulder ribs to resist maneuvering scrub.7 43.25 6.5 12R22.0 15.8 20.5 245/70R19.5 245/75R22.5 15.3 10.5 285/75R24.75 7.0 15.6 18.50 6.3 30.7 11.2 12.5 15.7 18.7 10. straight grooves for precise handling and excellent traction. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.00 8.00 6.5 245/70R19.2 11.5 8.75 6. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. 12 .25 38.00 6.5 225/70R19.5 245/70R19.6 Revs Per Mile 542 519 519 503 487 480 681 645 645 622 622 622 606 555 541 517 499 502 Tread Depth (32") 17 18 18 19 20 19 16 14 14 19 19 19 16 18 18 19 19 19 Max.8 9.8 9.5 295/80R22.2 32.25 9.7 19.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R250F All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Five ribs with four wide. XZE2+.5 11R22. cuts and abrasions.75 7.1 18. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa 1950@720 2240@690 2430@790 2650@720 3075@830 2725@720 1600@690 1550@660 1700@760 1800@660 2000@660 2120@760 2300@760 1950@760 2180@760 2575@760 3150@860 2575@760 Lbs/PSI 4300@105 4940@100 5355@115 5840@105 6780@120 6005@105 3525@100 3415@95 3750@110 3970@95 4410@110 4675@120 5070@110 4300@110 4805@110 5675@110 6940@125 5675@110 Max. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.5 215/75R17.8 8.0 41. Width Radius (Loaded) F F G G H G G F G F G H G G G G H G 292-885 292-680 292-729 290-661 292-850 290-696 199-867 153-028 226-955 299-898 227-261 227-295 297-518 292-869 292-877 289-086 292-834 290-726 86 103 104 117 136 126 62 63 63 79 79 79 85 93 99 115 131 122 6.2 33.2 41.9 17. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R250 ED All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Extra-duty cut- and chip-resistant compound enhances performance for severe on-highway, moderate on/off-highway and mixed service. • Five ribs with four wide, straight grooves for precise handling and excellent traction. • Sidewall protector ribs fight damage from curbing, cuts and impacts. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire specifically designed for steering applications in: • High-Scrub Pickup & Delivery Service Light Truck • Regional Haul Service • Mixed and Moderate On/Off-Highway Service Replaces: Goodyear: G149, G169, G661, G662 Michelin: XZE, XZE2, XZE2+, XZE* TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R250 ED 11R22.5 11R24.5 255/70R22.5 275/70R22.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) H H H J 206-973 206-990 216-568 216-585 117 125 95 110 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 41.4 43.5 36.7 38.0 10.9 10.9 10.3 10.7 19.3 20.3 17.2 17.6 12.0 11.9 11.4 11.8 501 478 567 547 19 19 18 19 3000@830 3250@830 2500@830 3175@830 6610@120 7160@120 5510@120 7000@120 2725@830 3000@830 2300@830 2900@830 6005@120 6610@120 5070@120 6395@120 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 13 Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book M720 Drive Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Low rolling resistance compounds and construction for superb fuel economy. • Innovative low rolling resistance casing helps save fuel throughout the life of the casing. • Continuous contact shoulders uniformly distribute weight and torque for even wear. Recommended Application A low rolling resistance drive radial designed for tandem axle drive applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G362, G372, G305 Michelin: XDA3, XDA ENERGY, XDA, XDA5 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M720 11R22.5 11R24.5 295/75R22.5 285/75R24.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) G G G G 199-748 199-765 292-923 292-931 125 136 118 125 8.25 8.25 8.25 8.25 41.8 43.8 40.6 41.9 11.3 11.2 11.3 11.2 19.5 20.4 18.9 19.6 12.5 12.3 12.4 12.3 497 475 512 496 26 26 26 26 2800@720 3000@720 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 6610@105 6175@110 6175@110 2650@720 2725@720 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@105 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. 14 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M726 EL Drive Radial Medium Truck • Up to 32/32" tread depth provides maximum traction and maximum removal mileage. • Rugged tread compound resists tread squirm and heel-toe wear for longer tread life. • Solid shoulder ribs distribute weight and torque evenly to fight irregular wear. • Stone rejector platforms help prevent retention of damaging stones. Recommended Application A mega-deep drive radial tire designed for drive applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G362, G372 Michelin: XDA5, XDA3 Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M726 EL 9R22.5 10R22.5 11R22.5 11R24.5 11R24.5 265/75R22.5 295/75R22.5 285/75R24.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) F G G G H G G G 199-884 199-918 186-114 186-131 186-777 199-935 186-165 186-148 89 108 135 138 143 105 126 138 6.75 7.50 8.25 8.25 8.25 7.50 8.25 8.25 38.8 40.5 42.2 44.2 44.2 38.4 40.9 42.2 8.9 9.8 11.2 11.2 11.2 10.0 11.3 11.3 18.2 18.9 19.6 20.6 20.6 18.2 19.1 19.8 9.8 10.8 12.3 12.3 12.3 11.0 12.5 12.4 535 513 492 470 470 533 507 492 24 26 32 32 32 26 32 32 2060@720 2575@790 2800@720 3000@720 3250@830 2360@760 2800@760 2800@760 4540@105 5680@115 6175@105 6610@105 7160@120 5205@110 6175@110 6175@110 1950@720 2430@790 2650@720 2725@720 3000@830 2180@760 2575@760 2575@760 4300@105 5355@115 5840@105 6005@105 6610@120 4805@110 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 75 75 75 75 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 15 Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Speed (MPH) H 297-585 102 8. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Recommended Application A radial tire designed for drive applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G622 Michelin: XD2 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M726 255/70R22. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • Center groove platforms help reject damaging stones to enhance casing durability. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • Solid shoulder ribs distribute weight and torque evenly to fight irregular wear.4 11. 16 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. . • For ply ratings see table on page 72.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book M726 Drive Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Extra-deep tread provides aggressive traction and maximum removal mileage. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.3 10.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.2 557 26 2500@830 5510@120 2300@830 5070@120 75 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.25 37. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.3 17. General Technical TECHNICAL DATA Load/Inflation Tire Size GREATEC® M825 445/50R22. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires Greatec® M825 & Greatec® Drive Wide Base Radials • Deeper. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.9 19.5 dual assemblies. 17 .200@120 - - 75 Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. wider tread design of Greatec® M825 offers extended tire life and superior irregular-wear resistance. • One tire replaces two for higher payload and better fuel economy. • Aggressive tread design for excellent traction. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.0 18.00 40.4 514 29 4625@830 10. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.00 40. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.5 520 26 4625@830 10. • Stone rejector platforms help prevent retention of damaging stones. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) L 233-500 188 14. Recommended Application A wide base drive radial designed for tandem axle drive applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G392 Michelin: X One XDA.200@120 - - 75 L 184-023 184 14. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Directly replaces 295/75R22. • Waved Belt™ design for enhanced casing durability.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.7 18.5 GREATEC® DRIVE 445/50R22.4 17.4 19. • Greatec® Drive is approved for SmartWaySM-certified vehicles and meets California's CARB requirements. • Long-wearing tread compound for high removal mileage. X X One XDA Energy Medium Truck Light Truck One XDN2. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum single load.2 17. 5 11R24. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.7 12. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.7 11.1 42.1 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. XDE M/S TECHNICAL DATA Tire Size M725 11R22.5 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.25 8. Speed (MPH) G H G G G 152-935 209-608 152-943 150-940 150-991 130 130 142 126 134 8. • Revolutionary Dome Block™ lug contour design to fight irregular wear. Recommended Application A drive axle radial tire designed for high traction and high-scrub applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G182.25 42.3 11. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.1 10. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.25 8.7 11. • Stone rejectors protect casing by helping to prevent belt-damaging stones from lodging in grooves. • Combines long-wearing cap tread with coolrunning base compound for great retreadability.7 11.1 19.7 10.25 8. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.6 20. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. .5 285/75R24.7 10.2 19.1 40. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.4 12.6 19.5 11R22.25 8.2 493 493 471 508 493 30 30 30 30 30 2800@720 3000@830 3000@720 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 6610@120 6610@105 6175@110 6175@110 2650@720 2725@830 2725@720 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@120 6005@105 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 295/75R22.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book M725 Drive Radial Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical • Extra-deep (30/32”) open shoulder tread design for maximum traction in all weather conditions and longer tread life.6 19. G622 Michelin: XDN2.7 11. 18 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.9 42. G338. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. 19 .9 10.5 11R24.6 20. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. G124 Michelin: XDE M/S.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M711 Drive Radial Medium Truck • Deep tread depth for long original mileage. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. G338. mud and snow. XDN2.8 12.25 8. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • Staggered tread block design distributes forces evenly to resist irregular wear. G622.3 43. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.25 41.6 11. Recommended Application A drive radial tire specifically designed for high-scrub applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service • Light to Moderate On/Off-Highway Service Replaces: Goodyear: G182.7 10.5 10. Speed (MPH) G H H G 265-225 283-681 265-241 265-233 125 125 143 133 8. • Aggressive traction pattern for solid grip in rain.8 496 496 480 473 26 26 28 26 2800@720 3000@830 3350@830 3000@720 6175@105 6610@120 7390@120 6610@105 2650@720 2725@830 3075@830 2725@720 5840@105 6005@120 6780@120 6005@105 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.00 8.2 20.5 11R22. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.7 11.25 9.6 19.5 12R22.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.7 11. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.8 11.9 43. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.9 41. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. XD4 Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M711 11R22.7 19. 50 8.7 67 67 75 87. Recommended Application A drive radial tire designed for single and tandem applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G622 Michelin: XDE2+.5 32. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.3 15.25 30.4 9. XDE2.4 35. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.00 6. • Sidewall protector ribs resist cuts and abrasions from curbing and impacts.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book M729F Drive Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Deep original tread depth for long tire life.1 15. . Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.5 285/70R19. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.9 16.9 10. • Casing construction and cap/base compounding improve durability and retreadability.8 11.00 7.4 10.7 32. XDE M/S TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M729F 215/75R17.3 9.3 9.5 8. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.50 7.5 225/70R19.4 8. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.5 8. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • Aggressive pattern improves traction capabilities in all weather conditions.6 14.4 15. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.6 668 639 639 622 604 587 22 19 19 19 19 20 1700@690 1650@660 1800@660 2240@760 2500@760 2900@860 3750@100 3640@95 3970@110 4940@120 5510@110 6395@125 1600@690 1550@660 1700@660 2120@760 2360@760 2725@860 3525@100 3415@95 3750@110 4675@120 5205@110 6005@125 75 75 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 265/70R19.5 15. Speed (MPH) F F G H G H 160-427 299-839 227-023 227-040 152-498 158-914 59.5 10. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 20 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.5 225/70R19.5 9.5 245/70R19.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.5 9.5 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.4 34.5 33.00 6.7 98 6. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. vans and moving trucks. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering and drive applications in: • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G647 Michelin: XZE Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M895 225/70R19. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Speed (MPH) F 226-989 67 6.5* Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.4 8. even on highways with rain grooves. • Stabilizing continuous shoulder design combats irregular wear for long original tread life. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.1 9. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. 21 . • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. mud and snow. • Superior handling with reduced noise and wander.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M895 Metro All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Suitable for both steer and drive axle positions on delivery vehicles. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • Block-rib pattern for outstanding traction in rain.5 15. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.4 642 17 1650@660 3640@95 1550@660 3415@95 75 * Available 1st quarter 2010. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.00 32. • Groove bottom platforms to fight retention of casing-damaging stones. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. 00 6.5 225/70R19. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.3 15. For ply ratings see table on page 68.4 613 637 620 20 20 21 1600@760 1650@660 2240@760 3525@110 3640@45 4940@110 1500@760 1550@660 2120@760 3305@110 3415@95 4675@110 75 75 65◆ ◆ May be operated at speeds up to 75 mph when PSI increased to 120.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.75 7.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book M724F Metro All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Suitable for both steer and drive axle positions for delivery vehicles. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • Aggressive tread pattern for a firm grip in rain.7 16. mud and snow • Sidewall protector ribs resist curb damage and abrasion.9 32. • Extensive lug and shoulder sipes cut through water films to fight hydroplaning. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering and drive applications in: • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G647 RSS Michelin: XZE TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M724F 8R19. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.7 9.9 8. see page 43.5 245/70R19. vans and moving trucks. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.50 33.7 9. For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.0 15. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.6 33. 22 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.6 8. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Speed (MPH) F F G 272-906 272-876 281-107 65 67 79 6.5 7. .6 10. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. casing and compound for reduced rolling resistance and superior fuel-efficiency. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Maximum tread width allows for longer tread life and full-size drive caps. Speed (MPH) G 208-265 104 8. 23 .25 39.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R197 All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Optimized tread pattern. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. XTA Energy Light Truck General Technical TECHNICAL DATA Tire Size R197 295/75R22. • Defense GrooveTM features promote even shoulder rib pressure to combat shoulder edge wear.3 18.5* Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.5 524 11 2800@760 6175@110 2575@760 5675@110 75 * Available 1st quarter 2010. Recommended Application A radial tire suitable for all-position use but designed for single and tandem axle trailer and dolly applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G316 Michelin: XT-1. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.7 11.5 12. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • Sidewall protector ribs resist curb damage and abrasion. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. 1 20.25 8. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.5 12.9 42. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ designs combat the initiation and spread of irregular wear.5 19.5 295/75R22. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.25 8. XTA Energy TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R195F 11R22.9 18.1 16.4 19.3 11.3 11. 24 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.25 8. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.3 39.5 507 485 572 522 508 11 11 11 11 11 2800@720 3000@720 2500@830 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 2650@720 6610@105 5510@120 6175@110 6175@110 2725@720 2300@830 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@105 5070@120 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 285/75R24. .1 11.5 11R24. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.25 8.3 12.1 10. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R195F All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Sidewall protector ribs resist curb damage and abrasion. G104 Michelin: XT-1.5 255/70R22.9 11. Speed (MPH) G G H G G 187-338 187-355 193-424 187-321 187-372 109 117 90 102 108 8.2 11. • Maximum tread width allows for full-size drive caps.9 36. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Recommended Application A radial tire suitable for all-position use but designed for single and tandem axle trailer and dolly applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: G316.7 40. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.5 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.2 12. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.2 12.25 40. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • Featured rib pattern with cross-siping delivers solid traction and handling. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Speed (MPH) H 290-777 90 8. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.3 10. Recommended Application A radial tire suitable for all-position use but designed for single and tandem axle trailer and dolly applications in: • Long Haul Service Light Truck • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G104 RST Michelin: None TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R194F 255/70R22. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.3 17.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R194F All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Sidewall protector ribs on both sidewalls fight damage from curbing.4 572 12 2500@830 5510@120 2300@830 5070@120 75 * To be discontinued 1st quarter 2010. • Casing may be used for both free-rolling and drive axle positions.5* Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.0 11. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. cuts and abrasions.25 36. 25 . Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) L 233-534 164 14.5 dual assemblies. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • One tire replaces two for higher payloads and better fuel economy. • Directly replaces 295/75R22. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum single load. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Recommended Application A wide base radial tire designed for single and tandem trailer axle and dolly applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service Replaces: Goodyear: None Michelin: X One XTA.6 18. X One XTE TECHNICAL DATA Load/Inflation Tire Size GREATEC R125 445/50R22. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Patented Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ designs combat initiation and spread of irregular wear.5 ® Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. • Sidewall protectors for resistance to curb damage. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.200@120 - - 75 Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Greatec® R125 Wide Base Radial Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical • New Greatec® R125 offers an optimized belt package for improved irregular wear resistance. • Stone rejector platforms help prevent retention of damaging stones.5 18. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Waved Belt™ design for enhanced casing durability. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 26 . Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.5 529 14 4625@830 10. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.5 17.00 39. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.9 11. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.8 503 480 519 501 16 16 16 16 2800@720 3000@720 2800@760 2800@760 6175@105 6610@105 6175@110 6175@110 2650@720 2725@720 2575@760 2575@760 5840@105 6005@105 5675@110 5675@110 75 75 75 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.8 11.3 18.25 8.5 11R24. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R196 All-Position High-Scrub Radial Medium Truck • Deep tread depth for high-scrub trailer service.3 40. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. solid shoulder ribs resist tearing and fight turning side forces.7 19.7 19.25 41.0 41.8 10. Recommended Application A radial tire designed for spread axle trailer applications in: • Long Haul Service • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G316 Michelin: XTE TECHNICAL DATA Light Truck General Technical Tire Size R196 11R22.3 20. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Wide. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.5 285/75R24. 27 . • Tough tread compounds fight scrub wear. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.8 10.5 10. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.7 10. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) G G G G 290-920 290-939 296-325 296-333 111 120 111 116 8. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.3 43. yet run cool for long mileage. • Computer-designed belt package protects against side forces encountered on spread and multi-axle trailers. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.9 11.5 11. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.5 295/75R22.25 8.25 8. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.4 10. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.5 245/70R17. Speed (MPH) R184 Trailer use only 215/75R17. Marathon Michelin: XTA. 28 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.6 31. Replaces: Goodyear: G114.5 H J 264-695 158-183 66 77 6.00 7. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. XTA2 Energy TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.2 14. XTE2. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.5 9. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. . • Multiple cross-rib sipes break up pocketed water for a firm grip on wet roads.8 14.50 30.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R184 Trailer Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Five-rib pattern designed exclusively for lowplatform trailers. Recommended Application A trailer use-only radial tire designed for special highload trailer service.4 8. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.8 679 662 15 16 2180@860 2725@860 4805@125 6005@125 2060@860 2575@860 4540@125 5675@125 65 65 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • Continuous shoulders help combat shoulder rib damage from maneuvering scrub. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.4 9. Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R294 All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Five-rib pattern for even load distribution in any axle position. • Rib sipes cut through water and road film for excellent control on wet surfaces. • Four wide grooves to channel water out of footprint for wet traction. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for special service applications in: • Regional Haul Service • Pickup & Delivery Service Light Truck Replaces: Goodyear: RHS, G291 Michelin: XZA1, XZA2 Energy, XZUS TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R294 315/80R22.5 † Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) J 286-265 142 9.00 42.5 12.3 19.9 13.5 489 19 3750@830 8270@120 3450@830 7610@120 75 † 315/80R22.5 requires the use of a 9.00-inch rim to carry loads over 8,000 lbs. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 29 Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book R187F All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck • Tough tread compounds resist the high scrub, heat and abrasion of urban pickup and delivery use. • Multiple cross-rib siping fights wear and bites through water for wet traction. • Sidewall protectors on both sidewalls to fight damage from curbing, cuts and abrasions. Recommended Application R187F An all-position radial tire designed for general use in pickup and delivery service. Replaces: Goodyear: G647 Michelin: XZA TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R187F 8R19.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) F 267-775 63 6.00 33.6 8.0 15.8 8.8 618 16 1600@760 3525@110 1500@760 3305@110 75 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. 30 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires R180 All-Position Radial Medium Truck • Five-rib tread pattern for even load distribution in any axle position. • Multiple cross-rib sipes cut through water and road film for excellent control on wet surfaces. • Four wide grooves to channel water out of footprint for superb traction. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for general use in: • Pickup & Delivery Service Replaces: Goodyear: G114 Michelin: None Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size R180 9R17.5★ ★ 3-belt construction. Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) G 272-914 64 6.75 33.1 9.1 15.4 10.0 628 14 1850@830 4080@120 1750@830 3860@120 75 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations, LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 31 • Stone rejectors in center groove combat stone retention damage. 32 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.00 42.5 † Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck M860 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial • Wider tread width for enhanced handling and deep 24/32” tread depth for long original mileage. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. G289 Michelin: XZUS.000@130 4125@900 9090@130 65 † Requires the use of a 9.8 12.9 13. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. .000 lbs.6 19. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. XZY3 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M860 315/80R22. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.00-inch rim to carry loads over 8. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • 65 mph speed rating allows higher sustained speed for on-highway driving. Speed (MPH) L 186-301 163 9. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steering positions in special service applications. Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Replaces: Goodyear: G287.9 485 24 4535@900 10. • Sidewall protector ribs enhance casing durability by fighting curbing and abrasion damage. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. 2 12. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.1 11.5† Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas.5 43. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steer.2 12.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M843 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial • Extra-deep tread for aggressive traction and long original mileage. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.5 12R22.5 11R22.25 8.1 12. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. center groove platforms with stone rejectors for enhanced durability. Replaces: Goodyear: G286. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.00 8.4 45.25 9.6 12.1 11.4 44.9 19. Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Self-cleaning tread for high traction. G288 Michelin: XZY3. 33 . Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.000 lbs. • Special tread compounds for resistance to cuts.2 12.5 315/80R22. XZUS Medium Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M843 11R22. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.6 12. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.5 42. Speed (MPH) G H H G H H L 287-849 287-857 287-881 287-865 287-873 287-903 151-300 139 139 151 149 150 162 163 8.00 42.2 20. • Split-belt construction for excellent flexibility to envelop road obstacles.2 19.5 11R24. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.25 8.1 11. chips.5 11R24.00 9. drive and trailer positions in on/off-highway service.4 489 489 479 468 468 458 480 26 26 26 26 26 27 26 2800@720 3000@830 3350@830 3000@720 3250@830 3550@830 4125@900 6175@105 6610@120 7390@120 6610@105 7160@120 7830@120 9090@130 2650@720 2725@830 3075@830 2725@720 3000@830 3250@830 3750@900 5840@105 6005@120 6780@120 6005@105 6610@120 7160@120 8270@130 65 65 65 65 Load/Inflation 65 65 55 † 315/80R22.1 11.5 12R24.00-inch rim to carry loads over 8.4 44.2 20. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.2 12.6 11. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.9 20. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.9 20.6 13.25 9.5 size requires the use of a 9.4 43. tearing and irregular wear.3 11.9 21. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96.0 10. • Stone rejectors in each major groove protect belts from potential damage.0 495 472 24 24 3000@830 3250@830 6610@120 7160@120 2725@830 3000@830 6005@120 6610@120 65 65 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. .0 44. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Speed (MPH) H H 186-267 186-284 130 152 8.5 12. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. 34 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Casing construction and cap/base compounding improve durability and retreadability. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. drive and trailer positions in on/off-highway service.5 20.25 8. • Special tread compounds provide resistance to cuts. long mileage and long wear. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steer. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. chips and irregular wear. Replaces: Goodyear: G288 Michelin: XZY3 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M850 11R22.5 11R24.0 12.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck M850 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial • An aggressive deep and wide tread design provides excellent traction.25 42.9 19. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.0 11. 5 12. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.8 13. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steer. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. • Combination rib/lug pattern provides a solid grip in any wheel position. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.25 8. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. chips.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M840 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial • Deep tread for reliable control and long tread life. 35 . Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.8 22. • Tough tread compounds resist cuts.2 541 432 22 23 3150@830 4250@830 6940@120 9370@120 2900@830 3875@830 6395@120 8540@120 65 65 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.8 12.1 10.4 48.50 38. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Replaces: Goodyear: G288 Michelin: XZY. XTY2. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.00R24 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. XZY3 Medium Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M840 275/70R22. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. tearing and irregular wear. Speed (MPH) J J 202-451 152-994 121 186 8.2 11. • Split-belt construction for flexibility in enveloping road hazards. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.1 17. drive and trailer positions in on/off-highway service. .6 19. chips and irregular wear. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Speed (MPH) H 289-779 158 8. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.00R24 M857 WB 445/65R19. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. logging rigs and refuse vehicles. Recommended Application An all-position radial tire designed for steer positions in on/off-highway service.7 11. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.6 491 19 4750@760 10. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.7 445 20 3750@830 8270@120 3450@830 7610@120 65 J 290-432 186 13. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.00 46. tearing.500@110 - - 65 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck M857 On/Off-Highway All-Position Radial M857 WB Wide Base • Designed for use on dump trucks. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.00 42. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. Replaces: Goodyear: G286 Michelin: None TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M857 11.8 19. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.6 17. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.5 21. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum single or dual load. • Tough tread compounds provide resistance to cuts. 36 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Thick undertread layer for penetration resistance and retreadability.7 12. XDL.8 10.5 10.5 11R24. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.4 44. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.3 20. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.9 12.8 10. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.8 12.25 8. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.9 13.4 48.7 22.5 11R22. G282 Michelin: XDY3.4 42.4 43.5 11R24.9 11. • Special tread compounds for resistance to cuts.5 12R22. XDY-EX. • Deep original tread for long life and outstanding traction.2 19. Recommended Application A radial tire designed for drive positions in on/offhighway service.5 11. tearing and irregular wear.00 8. XZY Medium Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size L320 11R22. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • 65 mph speed rating allows operation at higher sustained speed in on-highway service.8 20.6 44.5 12.00R24 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. chips.5 42.25 9. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.9 11. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.4 490 490 476 467 467 427 31 31 31 31 31 31 2800@720 3000@830 3350@830 3000@720 3250@830 4250@830 6175@105 6610@120 7390@120 6610@105 7160@120 9370@120 2650@720 2725@830 3075@830 2725@720 3000@830 3875@830 5840@105 6005@120 6780@120 6005@105 6610@120 8540@120 65 65 65 65 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 65 65 • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.7 20. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Replaces: Goodyear: G177.25 8. XDY-2.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires L320 On/Off-Highway Drive Axle Radial • Aggressive lug tread for powerful grip on or off the road.8 11. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. 37 .6 10.7 11.8 19. Speed (MPH) G H H G H J 208-350 186-318 211-019 208-333 186-335 193-373 143 143 163 156 156 202 8.25 8. Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. chips. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Speed (MPH) J 262-986 202 8. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Recommended Application A radial tire designed for drive positions. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck L317 Off-Highway Drive Axle Radial • Aggressive lug tread for powerful grip. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.9 13. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • Split-belt construction for resistance to road hazards.50 49. tearing and irregular wear. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44.9 421 39 4250@830 9370@120 3875@830 8540@120 50 † NHS: Not for highway service. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. XZY TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size L317 12.4 12. Replaces: Goodyear: G177 Michelin: XDL. • Deep original tread for long life and outstanding traction.6 22. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. .00R24 NHS † Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. • Special tread compounds for resistance to cuts. 38 Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Speed (MPH) H H H 202-604 202-621 157-767 141 155 157 8.7 44. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max.25 9.3 20.5 11R24. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. G282 Michelin: XDY-EX. 39 .8 11.9 12.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits. • For ply ratings see table on page 72. • Split-belt construction for flexibility in enveloping road hazards. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • Aggressive tread design for maximum traction on or off the road.25 42.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires M775 On/Off-Highway Drive Axle Radial • Extra-deep tread for long original tread life. Replaces: Goodyear: G177.00 8.9 487 476 465 33 34 33 3000@830 3350@830 3250@830 6610@120 7390@120 7160@120 2725@830 3075@830 3000@830 6005@120 6780@120 6610@120 65 65 65 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. XDY-2 Medium Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical Tire Size M775 11R22. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.6 43.5 12R22.8 19. tearing and irregular wear. Recommended Application A radial tire designed for drive positions in severe service.6 10. XDY3.6 10. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. such as logging and oil field usage. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.8 20. • Special compounds for resistance to cuts.8 11.7 11. • For minimum dual spacing and approved rim widths see page 44. chips. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum single load.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.400@120 5600@830 12.5 445/65R22. • Wide base design for higher payload and outstanding flotation.300@120 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim.00 42. Recommended Application A wide base radial designed for steer. chips. G286 Michelin: XZY3.6 17.8 45.4 19.5 489 467 456 23 23 24 4250@830 9370@120 - - 65 65 65 5150@830 11. • Protector ribs on both sidewalls fight cuts.3 18. Replaces: Goodyear: G178.75 12. • Self-cleaning tread for high traction and stone rejector platforms in every groove for durability. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.9 15.25 13. drive and trailer positions in on/off-highway service.5 425/65R22. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.9 20.5 16. • Special tread compounds for resistance to cuts.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical M844F On/Off-Highway All-Position Wide Base Radial • Deep tread for aggressive traction and long original mileage.7 21.8 44. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.2 16. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam. tearing and irregular wear. Speed (MPH) J L L 287-938 291-684 287-954 167 189 209 11. XZUS TECHNICAL DATA Tire Size M844F 385/65R22. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. 40 .2 17. XZL. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. snags and abrasions. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Replaces: Goodyear: G178. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum single load. Overall Overall Loaded Width Range Number (Lbs) Rim Diam.7 448 30 5600@830 12. • Wide base design for higher payload and outstanding flotation. tearing and irregular wear.4 19. G286 Michelin: XZY3. 41 . Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Speed (MPH) L 199-986 222 13. XZL TECHNICAL DATA Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical Tire Size L315 445/65R22. Recommended Application An on/off-highway wide base radial designed for all-wheel-drive vehicles. • For ply ratings see table on page 72.300@120 - - 65 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim. • Special tread compounds for resistance to cuts.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires L315 On/Off-Highway Drive Axle Wide Base Radial • Designed for axles carrying extra heavy loads in on/off-highway service.4 17. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Width Radius (Loaded) Revs Per Mile Tread Depth (32") Max. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. such as front-discharge cement mixers. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.00 46.9 21.5 Static Overall Load Article Weight Meas. • For load and inflation tables see pages 90 through 96. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Aggressive lug tread design for outstanding traction in drive positions. chips. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. 0 11.50 7.0 9.75 7.1 19.50 8.5 11R24.6 20.50 8.80 9.00 8.8 11.0 10.50 6.00R15 LR L H H H H H H J H H H G G G J J F G G G G H G G H G G H F G G F F G H H H H G/H H J H J F J F F G J J Replace With L315 L320 L320 L320 M775 M775 M775 M725 M725 M729 R250 M729 M726 M729 M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M726 EL M729F M729F M843 M843 M843 M843 M843 M843 M843 R184-245/75R R250 R250 R250 R250 - Meas.50 Overall Diam.6 34.25 8.4 11.5 265/70R19.2 11.7 16.5 12.3 20.6 32.25 7.6 14.6 48.9 18.3 20.3 11.6 9.9 8.1 11.70 15.7 12.6 10.5 265/75R22.9 9.6 10.00 8.70 9.5 12R22.1 19.5 11.5 225/70R19.5 19.5 11.5 38.6 20.2 16.7 44.5 45.2 11.25 9.2 40.1 14.5 12.0 11.7 19.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Tire — Discontinued Products TECHNICAL DATA Medium Truck Pattern L312 L317 L317 L317 L317 L317 L317 L355 M774 M774 M774 Size 445/65R22.6 10.70 15.8 20.8 15.50 8.6 15.25 8.3 10.5 11R24.8 32.5 12.5 305/75R24.6 19.25 9.50 7.00 7.2 13.1 11.8 10.4 11.5 20.25 8.25 8.6 33.5 245/75R22.7 11.6 11.7 9.00R20 11.00R15 225/70R19.5 245/70R19.00R20 285/75R24.5 9R22.7 31.7 9.00 7.5 40.7 45.0 18.3 22.20 16.7 10.8 13.5 37.8 10.50 7.00 32.6 11.4 10.8 11.5 295/75R22.50 8.6 30.25 7.7 14.25R15 10.5 11R24.3 15.1 42.8 19.0 17.9 19.9 18.4 8.1 20.8 11.4 12.5 11.5 385/65R22.10 36.50 8.5 295/75R22.25 11.5 12.00 8.5 245/70R19.5 215/75R17.5 225/70R19.20 15.25 8.50 8.25 9.50 7.70 10.0 12.6 42.1 12.2 18.2 16.30 33.6 10.00 7.6 18.9 9.5 10R22.5 11.25 8.1 21.7 11.00 7.1 44.2 15.5 12.7 12.7 10.25 8.6 19.3 8.3 42.5 Loaded Width 19.2 17.00 8.75 12.9 11.7 42. Overall Width 45.8 20.2 10.5 10.2 12.40 36.8 12.5 11.5 245/70R19.8 44.7 20.3 43.0 10.3 11.5 8.7 12.00R22 11R22.0 33.7 11.9 19.1 10.4 43.2 42.50 6.75 6.2 43.5 11.6 11.1 44.9 18.5 285/75R24.4 45.4 38.4 38.5 265/75R22.4 10.6 11.50 7.3 12.5 12R22.9 41.5 10R22.3 17.00 7.3 43.10 10.00 8.9 19.4 12.0 8.3 11.5 SLR 21.6 9.7 10.4 12.50 7.7 20.6 13.25 6.00R22 11R22.9 45.5 20.2 42.50 7.75 6.9 41.50 6.5 10.6 15.8 10.30 33.00 7.5 10.6 10.9 9.00R24 11R22.8 11.5 425/65R22.4 44.0 10.3 19. Rim 13.6 RPM 458 491 478 456 490 468 476 430 484 474 463 496 496 512 490 469 681 552 604 538 587 462 493 471 471 493 508 481 513 513 541 535 637 620 492 491 475 460 492 473 462 616 657 641 577 641 624 624 628 577 Tread Depth 20 31 31 31 31 31 31 26 33 34 33 26 26 26 22 22 19 22 20 21 21 23 30 30 30 30 30 28 26 26 26 24 20 21 21 22 23 23 21 22 23 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 14 16 Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins M711 M711 M711 M711WB M711WB M716 M716 M716 M716 M716 M726 M726 M726 M726 M726 M726 M726 M726F M726F M726F M726F M724F M724F M840 M840 M840 M840 M840 M840 M840 R180 R184 R187 R187F R187F R187F R187F R187F R187F 42 .00R20 10R17.00R22 11R22.00R20 11.5 285/70R19.7 19.8 20.9 43.0 11.3 10.9 12.9 43.9 20.30 16.1 20.9 40.8 9.5 11R24.5 42.50 6.2 10.80 9.00R20 11.50 8.00 8.4 9.7 10.7 10.5 10.2 12.6 42.8 10.0 42.40 33.3 11.50 8.6 35.60 15.5 235/75R17.5 11R24.00R20 11.50 7.1 40.7 12.5 11R22. 3 10.5 295/75R22.5 13.2 12.0 41.7 40.0 8.6 20.2 20.1 17.5 285/75R24.5 295/75R22.25 8.1 17.7 12.6 12.3 11.4 18.4 30.6 11.00/12.25 8.8 39.7 19.6 11.2 11.5 12.3 10.00R20 10.7 11.3 36.00R20 12.7 11.5 285/75R24.25 7.6 20.6 44.7 10.00/12.2 20.1 19.3 41.7 42.25 9.5 36.9 10.3 12.8 42.2 10.00 8.8 10.25 8.0 41.3 11.1 9.5 11R24.2 11.5 10.00R20 12.6 11.5 385/65R22.8 43.4 11.5 19.7 18.25 7.5 215/75R17.25 8.5 11.00R20 11.00R24 12.3 11.2 15.25 8.3 43.2 16.4 12.3 17.7 17.00R20 9.7 20.7 18.8 11.25 6.3 17.7 12.00R24 11.25 8.00 Overall Diam.25 8.8 11.7 19.00R15 9.6 19.50 8.25 8.3 16.5 295/75R22.8 13.8 Loaded Width 11.6 20.50 8.3 RPM 508 507 483 507 522 507 522 522 490 468 503 480 507 518 518 501 489 466 465 519 503 480 567 547 497 514 681 567 547 488 497 475 485 Tread Depth 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 16 16 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 Light Truck General Technical 20 18 19 19 18 19 22 22 15 18 19 19 22 22 23 Load/Inflation Tube/Valve/Flap TIRE SIZE 8.5 295/75R22.7 44.00R22 12.8 11.5 18.7 19.25R15 10.25 8.1 19.6 11.5 255/70R22.5 255/70R22.3 11.00 8.3 11.5 10.5 12.75 12.5 11.8 40.00 8.7 19.5 285/75R24.00R20 11R22.25 8.0 11.4 18.6 10.50 8.5 11R24.5 315/80R22.5 275/70R22.4 18.7 11.0 39.1 9.00R20 11.00R20 11.25 8.25 8.25 11.8 12.7 38.5 285/75R24.3 12.8 11.2 10.4 11.00R22 11.5 305/75R24.2 SLR 19.9 14.25 8.5 11R24.8 20.3 10.8 10.3 20.8 10.5 295/75R22.7 12.0 42.6 18. Overall Width 40.2 11.5 11R22.5 275/70R22.00 8.9 41.7 10.3 40.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tires Medium Truck Tire — Discontinued Products TECHNICAL DATA Medium Truck Pattern R194 R194 R194 R194 R194 R194FE R194FE R194FE R194WB R194WB R227 R227 R227 R227 R227FE R250 R250 R250 R250 R250 R250F R250F R250F R250F R270 R270 R294 R294 R294 R294 R296 R296 R296 Size 10.25R15 10.9 12.25 8.5 425/65R22.0 39.5 42.00 8.00R20 10.0 19.9 10.0 41.6 41.5 44.2 19.5 LR G G G G G G G G J J G G G H G H H H J G H H H J G G F H H J H H L Replace With R195F R195F R195F R195F R195F R195F R195F R287 R287 R287 R287/R280 R287 R250 ED R250 ED R250ED R250ED R250F R250F R250F M843 M843 M860 Meas.00R20 11R22.00R24 VALVE TR444 TR444 TR443 TR444 TR444 TR444 TR444 TR444 TR444 FLAP 15R7 Technical Bulletins 15R8 20R8 20R8 20R8 20R9 22R8 24R8 24R9 43 .5 10.2 11.3 12.5 11R22.25 9.0 43.00R22 11.5 11R24.8 11.50 7.1 40.1 41.5 13.7 41.7 38.00R15 9.00R24 TUBE 8.00R20 11.8 41.6 10. Rim 7.2 19.25 8.00R20 11.5 295/75R22.00R20 11.25 8.3 43.5 19. 6. 6. 9. 7.50. If design rim not used Minimum Dual Spacing must be adjusted per note 1 (below) for other rim widths. 8.00 7. 7.2 13.25-rim may be used if tire load is limited to 8.50 6.25 8.00 6.8 NA NA NA NA 12.25 7. 8. 8. 6.75. 8.5 245/70R19.5.75HC 6. 7. 7.5 445/65R22.Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Approved Rim Width & Minimum Dual Spacing Medium Truck Design Rim Width shown in boldface type. 8. 6.5 445/65R19. 7.5 265/75R22.00.50. 8. 6.25. 8. 12.75.2 13.25-rim is 13.25.00R20 11. 6. 7.6 12.25 8.25 7. 14.50 7.00 7.25RW 13.50VM.5 10.5. 8.00R20 12.2 14.5 315/80R22. 12. 8.00 8.0.50RW.5 ♣ Minimum Dual Spacing is listed for the design rim width.5† 385/65R22.25 14.3 11.5 255/70R22.2 13. 9.5 295/80R22.2 13.00 8.25.5 General Technical 11R22.5 12R22.25 11. † 8. 6.75HC 6.00. 9. Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommended maximum load and inflation.5 225/75R17.5 13.5 245/70R17.00 10.5 225/70R19. DUAL SPACING♣ 10. 7. single and 7.25.6 11. 8.5 10R22.5 9R22.5 8.5 305/70R19.5 265/70R19. 9.5 7.4 9. Note 1: New tire section widths and overall widths will change 0.25.75RW.25.0. 7. 6. 8. 7.5 425/65R22.5 215/75R17.00R20 11. 7.0. 9. 8.5.6 9.5 275/70R22.00R20 10.00 14. dual @ 120 psi.6 12. 8. 6.5. 8.75. 6. 6.5 Load/Inflation 275/80R22.5 8. 8. 8.5HC 10R17.00R24 12.25RW 7.75.50. 6.0. TIRE SIZE 8. 6. 7.75.50VM.5.0 MIN.5 Technical Bulletins 285/75R24.25 11.00R15TR 8.0.75 11.25.75. 9. 14.50VM. 7.75HC 7.00RW.000 lbs.00 8.1 10. 6.5 235/75R17. 8.00 NA 11.0 11.75RW 13.75HC 6.00.3 9. 9.75.5 305/75R24.50.0 8.3 10.6 12.50HC. 7. 13.2 13.50VM.50.0. 7.25-inch change in rim width.5.5.5 11R24. 6. 8.610 lbs.5 245/75R22. 7. 6.3 11. 8.5 285/70R19.5 6.1 Light Truck TUBELESS 9R17. Note 3: Do not use different rim widths in dual applications. Note 2: Use alternate rims only when recommended rims cannot be used.5VM. 9.0 8.00.0 7.50HC 6.0 11. 8.10-inches for each 0.2 12.50 5.5 9.5 13.50.5 10.00R24 APPROVED RIM WIDTH TUBE TYPE 7. 7.5 13.25R15 10.5 12R24.5 13.0.00 9.5 295/75R22. 44 .00RW.75RW 6. 8. 12.00. 6.25 8.6 9.5.0 7.50.0 11. 9.50VM.5 8R19. 8.5 445/50R22.00HC. 8.50RW 7.3 11.5 12. Note: The minimum dual spacing for 8. 7.4 12.5 13.2". 8.50VM.0.7 7.0.50. Medium Truck Medium Truck Tires Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 NOTES 45 . Medium Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book NOTES Medium Truck Technical Bulletins 46 Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Blizzak® W965 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Commercial Light Truck Tubes & Flaps. . 51 Duravis® M895 . . . . . . . . 48 Duravis® M700 HD/Duravis® M700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Duravis® M773 II/M779 (All-Season). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Duravis® R250 All-Steel Radial . . . . 55 General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 47 Light Truck Light Truck .Effective January 2010 Commercial Light Truck Tires Medium Truck Commercial Light Truck Tires Table of Contents Duravis® R500 HD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Commercial Light Truck Tire – Discontinued Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 R265 V-Steel Rib . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ice and wet traction.1 9.5 9. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.0 (8. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.7 9.0 (7. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs.0) 6. Replaces: Goodyear: Wrangler.) Rim Diam.5-7.3 12.5) 6.2 10.8 9.0 30.1 14.0-7.0 9.0-7.2 14. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.6 31. Mile (32") Max.7 6.Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Duravis® R500 HD All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck • Delivers long mileage with high durability.0 (6. Width Width Radius Spac.3 12.6 8.0) 7.0-8.0-7.8 11. cuts. SR-A Michelin: LTX M/S II TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size ® Static Min.1 13.5 30. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.9 10.3 29.0 14. and abrasions.5) 7.3 6.0 (6.0 (6.0) 6.4 8.5 31.0) 6.0) 5.8 11.0 14. • Stone rejectors protect against stone drilling to enhance casing durability.5 10.1 14.5) 6. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.8 10.7 14. • 3-D sipes improve dry traction while enhancing snow. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.1 6. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.6 7.2 32.0-8.5-8. 48 . • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.4 6.0 (7.9 7.7 6. • Dual sidewall protector ribs resist curbing.7 30. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI DURAVIS R500 HD BL BL BL BL LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 LT235/80R17 LT245/70R17 LT265/70R17 E E E E E E E E 115/112R 115/112R 120/116Q 120/116Q 123/120R 120/117R 119/116R 121/118R 191-826 192-659 191-843 191-860 191-877 191-928 191-894 191-911 41 41 47 47 53 47 47 53 (6.2 10.4 687 709 651 671 659 657 683 659 14 14 17 17 15 14 14 15 1215@550 1215@550 1380@550 1380@550 1550@550 1400@550 1360@550 1450@550 2680@80 2680@80 3042@80 3042@80 3415@80 3085@80 3000@80 3195@80 1120@550 1120@550 1260@550 1260@550 1400@500 1285@500 1250@550 1320@550 2470@80 2470@80 2778@80 2778@80 3085@80 2835@80 2755@80 2910@80 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins BL BL BL BL • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above).0-7.0 (7.6 31.8 14.0 11. 1 14.0 (7.5-8. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Replaces: Goodyear: Wrangler Silent Armor Michelin: LTX A/T 2 Duravis® M700 HD Duravis® M700 Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size ® Static Min.2 14.5 31.7 9.7 31. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.4 31.1 9.8 8.3 30.7 14. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs.0 14.7 10.0) 6.0 (6.4 14.3 7. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.8 10.0-7. • Stone rejectors help protect against damaging stone drilling.3 12. Width Width Radius Spac.5 11.9 9. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI DURAVIS M700 HD BL BL BL BL BL BL BL LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT235/85R16 LT265/70R17 LT235/80R17 E E E E E E E 115/112R 120/116R 123/120R 115/112R 120/116R 121/118R 120/117R 213-518 206-310 206-293 214-606 214-589 206-276 206-242 42 48 54 42 48 54 50 (6.) Rim Diam. • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.8 711 683 657 685 657 657 653 14 16 17 14 14 17 16 1215@550 1380@550 1550@550 1215@550 1550@550 1450@550 1400@550 2680@80 3042@80 3415@80 2680@80 3415@80 3195@80 3085@80 1120@550 1260@560 1400@550 1120@550 1400@500 1320@500 1285@550 2470@80 2778@80 3085@80 2470@80 Load/Inflation 3085@80 2910@80 2835@80 DURAVIS® M700 OEM BL LT265/70R17 E 121/118Q 190-840 48 (7.4 657 18 1450@550 3195@80 1320@550 2910@80 Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above).5 (6. 49 .0) 6. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.0 (8. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.7 12.7 14.0-8.9 10.0 31.2 11.7 31.Effective January 2010 Commercial Light Truck Tires Duravis® M700 HD/ Duravis® M700 • Closed shoulder slots contribute to long tread life.5) 5.0 (5.0-7.2 9.8 12.7 10. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.9 9.0 7.4 7.5) 6.5) 6.5-7.0 10.0) 6.8 7.5-7.7 30.5-8.4 10.0) 7.0 (7.5) 7.4 6. • Stepped tread block edges increase snow traction. Mile (32") Max. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.0 10.4 13. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.5 29.0-8. • Dual sidewall projectors resist cuts and abrasions.7 14.9 6. 0 30. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI DURAVIS® M773 II BL BL LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 E E 120/116R 123/120Q 208-231 185-230 41 48 (7. vans and moving trucks.4 14. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.2 683 668 17 17 1380@550 1550@550 3042@80 3415@80 1260@550 1400@550 2778@80 3085@80 M779 (All Season) Not Pictured BL LT215/85R16 E 115/112P 293-695 45 (6. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. 50 . Mile (32") Max.2 9.8 10.0-8.3 8.9 673 15 1215@550 2680@80 1120@550 2470@80 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above). • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.5 11. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs. snow and icy conditions.5) 7.3 12.0) 5. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.0 30. • SWP II: Enhanced construction for heavier-duty applications. Width Width Radius Spac.0) 6.5 8.Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck Duravis® M773 II/ M779 (All-Season)/ All-Position Radials • All-season on-highway design for traction in rain. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.5-7.5 (7. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.4 7. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.2 14.) Rim Diam.2 14. • Combination steel belts and polyester body plies for durability and long life.5 6.5 31.2 9.0-6. Replaces: Goodyear: Wrangler Silent Armor Michelin: LTX A/T 2 TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size Static Min. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. • Recommended for delivery vehicles. 3 10.8 6. Replaces: Goodyear: G949 RSA Michelin: XPS Rib Light Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size ® Static Min.4 31.7 9. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.5 29.5 (7.5-7. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.5-7.9 7.5 30. regional and long haul service.) Rim Diam.8 9. • Sidewall protector ribs resist curbing.8 30.0 9.2 14. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.2 11.3 14. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs.0) 6.2 13. cuts.0 (6.0) 5. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.0 (6. Mile (32") Max. • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.0) 6.0-7.0) 6. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.7 14.3 683 709 655 677 687 661 13 13 14 14 13 14 1215@550 1215@550 1380@550 1380@550 1250@550 1450@550 2680@80 2680@80 3042@80 3042@80 2755@80 1120@550 1120@550 1260@550 1260@550 1150@550 2470@80 2470@80 2778@80 2778@80 Load/Inflation BL LT225/75R17* BL LT245/75R17* 2535@80 3195@80 1320@2550 2910@80 * Available first quarter 2010.3 10. Width Width Radius Spac.5 9.2 10. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. • Designed for pickup and delivery.0) 6.5 8.2 14. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load.9 7.5-7.7 6. 51 .5) 6. Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above).3 31.0-7.0 8. and abrasions.5-7.8 11.7 30. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI DURAVIS R250 With sidewall protectors BL BL BL BL LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 E E E E E E 115/112Q 115/112Q 120/116Q 120/116L 116/113Q 121/118Q 206-327 206-361 206-378 210-815 223-555 213-501 54 50 60 57 81 81 (6. • An on-highway radial tire for service in commercial applications.9 10.5 (6.5 (7.Effective January 2010 Commercial Light Truck Tires Duravis® R250 All-Position Radial Medium Truck • All-steel light truck radial for on-highway use when heavy loads are required.7 14.1 7.3 6. 8 30.5 9.5 13.2 11.0) 5.9 7.5 30. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.3 7.7 10.) Rim Diam.0) 6. Replaces: Goodyear: G947 RSS Michelin: None TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size ® Static Min. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt. Mile (32") Max. Width Width Radius Spac.1 14. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.5-7.0 (7.5 (6.1 14.3 9.Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Duravis® M895 All-Position Radial Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck • All-steel belts and body ply for durability and retreadability.8 9.0-7.5-7. 52 .0) 6.5 8.9 10. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.8 711 684 685 656 14 15 14 15 1215@550 1380@550 1215@550 1380@550 2680@80 3042@80 2680@80 3042@80 1120@550 1260@550 1120@550 1260@550 2470@80 2778@80 2470@80 2778@80 Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above). • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. • Dual sidewall protectors resist cuts. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.0) 6.2 7. • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.0-7. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.8 6.6 14. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI DURAVIS M895 BL BL BL BL LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT235/85R16 E E E E 115/112Q 120/116Q 115/112Q 120/116Q 206-463 206-446 206-395 206-412 41 47 41 47 (6. • Closed shoulder design for long tread life.5 29.8 8.4 30. • Stone rejector platforms protect against stone drilling to enhance casing durability. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs.0 (7. curbing and abrasion. XPS Rib Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size Static Min.0 30. Mile (32") Max. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Replaces: Goodyear: Wrangler SRA. Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs. Width Width Radius Spac.5 9. 53 . Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.8 7. G949 RSA. • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.Effective January 2010 Commercial Light Truck Tires R265 V-Steel Rib • All-steel radial rib light truck tire for use on-highway when heavy loads are present.3 682 14 1380@550 3042@80 1260@550 2778@80 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above). G947 RSS Michelin: LTX M/S II.3 14.0-7. • Steel body ply and steel belts ensure stability and durability at highway speeds plus excellent retreadability.5) 6. Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI R265 V-Steel Rib BL LT245/75R16 E 120/116S 154-075 41 (6.4 11.) Rim Diam. Replaces: Goodyear: None Michelin: None TECHNICAL DATA General Technical SW Style Tire Size ® Static Min.3 12.7 6.6 29.8 9.6 8.0 (6.Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Meets the severe snow service requirements of the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) and the Rubber Association of Canada (RAC). Measuring Overall Overall Tread Loaded Dual Per Depth Range Description Number (lbs. Tire Load (Dual) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Blizzak W965 All-Season Winter BL BL BL BL LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 LT245/70R17 LT265/70R17 E E E E E E E 115/112Q 115/112Q 120/116Q 120/116Q 123/120Q 119/116Q 121/118Q 150-770 150-797 150-789 150-800 156-477 200-479 207-585 48 43 53 49 54 52 52 (6.8 30.5 30. • Tube multi-cell compound improves control on ice by cutting through thin layers of water. Bridgestone tires and tubes are subject to an ongoing development program.1 14. • Zig-Zag siping for improved ice performance.7 9.0) 6. • Loaded dimensions and RPM measured at maximum dual load. Width Width Radius Spac.0 (7.0-8.5 9.) Rim Diam.0-8.4 681 709 655 681 653 676 653 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 1215@550 1215@550 1380@550 1380@550 1550@550 1360@550 1450@550 2680@80 2680@80 3042@80 3042@80 3415@80 3000@80 3195@80 1120@550 1120@550 1260@550 1260@550 1400@550 1250@550 1320@550 2470@80 2470@80 2778@80 2778@80 3085@80 2755@80 2910@80 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins BL BL BL • All dimensions taken with tire on measuring rim (in parenthesis above). Tire Load (Single) Kg/kPa Lbs/PSI Max.8 14.0 (8. 54 .9 7.9 30.2 7. Blizzak® W965 All-Position Winter Radial Medium Truck Light Truck Light Truck • Winter grip for light truck commercial applications.2 11.0 (6.2 14.9 13.7 10.5 (7. Please refer to rim manufacturer’s load and inflation limits.0) 7. Mile (32") Max. Never exceed rim manufacturer’s limits without the consent of the component manufacturer.0 (7.0) 5.7 14.5) 6. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.5) 7.8 31.8 10.6 31.0) 6.6 10.5-7.4 14.9 8.5-8.6 8.4 31. LLC retains the right to amend specifications at any time without notice or obligations.0) 6.6 7.5-7.3 12.6 7. Revs Tread Load Service Article Wt.0-7.8 11.2 10.6 6.0-7.3 9. • For load and inflation tables see pages 97 through 101.2 14. 75-825 (6.00R15 7.0-6.9 13.0-7.5-7.0 Overall Diameter 29.8 10.8 SLR 13.9 13.5) 6.50R16.5LT 7.7 8.7 31.Effective January 2010 Commercial Light Truck Tires Commercial Light Truck Tubes & Flaps Medium Truck Tube Size 6.0 (6.0 (6.4 30.0) 5.2 9.5 29.8 9.3 9.0-7.75-825 (6.5 8.75) 6.9 13.0) 5.75 (6.0 (6.1 13.0-6.75 (6.5 14.00/7.2 RPM 728 796 709 709 682 687 687 660 660 709 709 682 682 641 641 677 708 675 703 703 672 672 638 677 674 720 685 711 651 681 Min.75) 6.7 10.0-7.75) 6.2 10.9 14.9 10.0 (7.4 14.8 13.0) 5.5 8.4 29.0 (6.3 8.4 29.5LT LT235/85R16 LT235/85R16 LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 8.7 10.75-825 (6.5 (6.3 9.9 30.0) 5.0) 6.0 (7.5LT 9.6 30.6 Overall Width 9.4 14.75) 6.75) 6.50R16.0 (6.5) 6.50R16.50R16 Article Number 539-155 539-147 539-163 938-068 Description TR150 W TR150 CW TR177A Steel Valve 20mm offset FLAP 20mm offset Light Truck Light Truck Commercial Light Truck Tire — Discontinued Products TECHNICAL DATA Pattern Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 Dueler 661 R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP R273 SWP II R273 SWP II R273 SWP II R273 SWP II Size LT235/75R15 LT195/75R16 LT225/75R16 LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT215/85R16 LT235/85R16 LT235/85R16 8.3 8.0 (6.1 13. Dual Spacing 10.0 (7.0-6.8 14.5 9.0) 6.8 8.5) 6.5LT 9.3 31.75-825 (6.9 8.8 14.5-6.3 9.5) 6.75) 6.3 13.0-6.5) 5.0-7.0-7.7 9.6 31.0) 6.2 8.0) 6.0-7.6 31.6 8.8 31.0 (6.8 11.6 30.8 10.0-6.50R16LT LT215/85R16 8R17.75R16.0) 5.0-7.75 (6.4 14.1 9.0 7.8 8.7 14.2 10.0-6.7 10 9.1 13.0-7.25-6.8 10.5 9.75R16.8 29.9 9.8 28.75R16.75) 6.3 12.8 9.7 30.5 14.8 9.0 (6.9 9.5 9.4 30.9 10.0) 6.8 8.2 11.5) 6.9 9.0) 6.5 LT235/75R15 LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LR C D C D E D E D E D E D E E D E E E D E D E D D/E E D E E E E Approved Rims (6.9 10.0 (6.4 30.7 14.7 14.0 (6.2 10.5) 6.5LT 8.0-7.6 14.5 8.0-6.2 9.7 8.1 8.6 31.50R16.4 29.0-7.0 (6.0) 6.0) 5.0 (5.2 29.1 13.5LT 9.7 8.6 30.9 9.0-7.9 10.0 (6.75 (6.5LT 9.0-6.5-7.5 9.0-6.5 30.9 9.3 Tread Depth 14 14 General Technical 14 14 16 15 15 16 16 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 14 12 14 14 14 14 14 55 .75) 6.5LT 8.75R16.8 30.5 29.4 29.2 14.5-7.7 14.8 14.4 14.0 (6.8 13.7 30.75 (6.50R16 7.7 10.0 (6.9 10.8 9.6 8.0) 6.5) 6.3 30.8 9.6 30.0 26.2 14.9 14.0-7.2 11.0 (6.50R16 7.8 10. 9 10.0) 5.0 (7.0) 6.9 13.0-6.0 (6.50R16LT 8.5 31.75-8.0 (6.5 LT245/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 7.8 8.0 (6.8 14.1 13.5 (7.8 10 10.3 13.0 (6.7 14.00R15LT 8.9 11.3 14.4 14.9 10.75 (6.25 (6.3 9.0 (7.8 SLR 15.9 31.0 11.5 30.0 13.9 10.8 9.75 (6.0-7.8 9.0 (6.7 9.0) 6.50R16LT 7.8 12.0) 5.0) 5.3 9.0) 5.4 31.8 8.7 14.75R16.2 9.6 28.1 8.25-6.0 29.5 9.75 (6.0 Approved Rims (8.3 8.5) 5.0 31.75 (6.8 10.5) 6.9 10.3 9.0 (6.5) 7.0 31.0) 5.0 (7.25-6.6 30.7 31.0 9.5-9.8 9.0-7.0) 5.4 7.7 10.2 9.9 14.0) 7.8 14.5-6.7 29.8 11.5 (5.0 (6.3 11.0) 5.50R16 LT235/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 LT225/75R16 LR E E C E E E D/E D D D/E E D E E E E E E E E G D F D D D E D E D E E E E D E D E E E E G D E E E E E (6.75) 6.0) 6.5LT 8.0 8.0) 5.75-8.3 14.5 LT215/85R16 LT235/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT225/75R16 LT245/75R16 LT265/75R16 8R17.0 (7.8 10.0-6. Dual Spacing 12.8 10.7 29.2 10.5LT 8.0-7.3 14.00R-16.8 8.0 (8.9 14.9 31.0-7.8 14.4 14.0-7.0 9.75) 6.2 13.9 31.25 (6.50R16.75 Overall Diameter 32.0 (6.5 (6.5) 6.0 (6.8 14.5 (6.0-7.5) 6.5-7.0 15 15 14.0) 6.5 7.1 32.8 8.3 29.1 13.2 11.0 (7.3 31.0-8.8 14.8 11.75 (7.0-7.75) 6.7 31.0) 6.0-6.0 (6.5 9.75) 6.50R16.2 9.50R16LT 7.50R16LT 7.0-7.6 30.9 9.0 10 10 10.9 32 29.0) 6.1 29.3 9.7 29.2 10.8 9.5LT 9.2 14.6 30.5-6.7 30.0-8.8 13.5-6.7 10.0) 5.7 8.50R16 7.2 14.8 10.3 32.9 10.0-7.0) 6.50R16 7.9 14.2 10.8 14.5-7.0) 7.4 29.0-7.6 29.7 31.5) 6.0) 5.5 8R17.7 10.2 9.0) 6.8 31.0) 6.4 9.0 (6.5LT 8.7 8.3 12.3 Overall Width 11.0-6.0 9.5 (6.25-6.0) 6.0 10.5-9.75) 6.0-6.0 8.75) 6.8 30.0 (6.0 (7.0) 6.9 29.8 13.0) 5.75 (6.0 (6.7 31.7 30.75 (6.8 30.5 8.5-7.1 13.0-6.25 (6.4 30.8 13.5LT 9.9 14.2 10.2 9.9 10.0-7.4 8.0 15.0-6.9 13.5 (6.75R16.9 13.8 RPM 649 649 716 651 711 673 704 637 633 699 699 668 668 670 671 685 711 651 683 651 659 659 659 706 743 743 712 686 686 659 682 682 674 674 674 659 709 709 677 651 673 654 654 654 657 711 660 711 Min.8 Tread Depth 14 16 16 17 17 16 16 17 16 14 14 17 17 14 17 17 17 17 17 15 12 14 14 13 12 12 13 13 13 14 15 15 12 12 13 14 14 14 14 15 18 18 18 18 18 14 15 14 Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck Light Truck R265 R265 R265 V-STEEL R265 V-STEEL R265 V-STEEL R265 V-STEEL R265 V-STEEL R250 R250 VSXA Technical Bulletins VSXA VSXC VSXC VSXC R187 R187 R187 56 .0 (6.0-6.25-6.5) 6.7 8.1 8.5) 6.5-6.5-6.0) 5.8 14.75-8.5) 6.5) 7.75) 6.0-7.75R16.Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Commercial Light Truck — Discontinued Products Continued Medium Truck TECHNICAL DATA Pattern DURAVIS R500 HD DURAVIS M700 HD M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP M773 SWP II M773 SWP II M773 SWP II M773 SWP II DURAVIS M773 II DURAVIS R250 R220 R230 R230 R230 R260 R260 R260 R260 R260 R265 R265 Size LT275/65R18 LT275/65R18 LT235/75R15 LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LT215/85R16 LT225/75R16 LT235/85R16 7.0) 5.0-7.5 (6.5 (6.6 15.7 7.5 9.9 31.7 14.3 12.5 29.5-7.2 10.0 (6.50R16.0 (6.3 9.1 8.0 9.8 11.8 10.3 8.5 14.5 30.3 30.0 30.75-8.50R16.8 8.3 14.2 14.0 (6.5LT 8R17.9 9.75R16.5 31.8 30.8 8.0) 6.75) 6.8 8.9 13.5-7.0-7.5LT LT235/85R16 LT245/75R16 LT245/75R16 8R17.5LT 9.3 8.25 (6.0 10.5LT 9.0 9.4 8.0 9.2 14.75) 6.3 8.5 9.0 (6.0 30.5-6.5 14.5 9.3 9.0) 6.7 14.9 13.4 14.4 8.4 31.0-7.3 30.0 (6.0 28.8 9.5 8.8 10. Medium Truck Commercial Light Truck Tires Light Truck Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 NOTES 57 . Commercial Light Truck Tires 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book NOTES Medium Truck Technical Bulletins 58 Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck Light Truck . . . . . . . . . 73 H. . . . . Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Technical Bulletins 59 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Radial and Bias Tire Construction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 V. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 General Technical G. . . . . . . . . . . . . Noise Regulation . Truck Type by Weight Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 M. . . . . Speed Symbol . . . . . . . . Inflation Pressure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wheel Alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 A. . . . . . . . Mounting/Demounting Procedures . . . . . . . . 79 T. . . . . . . . . . 82 W. . . . . . . 75 N. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Load Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 R. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 J. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 I. . . . . . . Low Profile Tires . . . .Effective January 2010 General Technical Information Medium Truck General Technical Information Table of Contents Light Truck Adjustment Treadwear Chart. . . . . . . . . . . 79 S. . . Irregular Wear of Radial Truck Tires . . . . . . . . 61 B. . . . . 69 C. . . . . . . . . . Repair and Retreading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Mixing . . . . . . 83 X. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 F . . . . . 83 Y. . . . . . . . . . . . 77 P . . . Large Truck Fuel Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Load/Inflation O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 E. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Q. . . . . . . Branding . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance/Runout. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Vibration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ply Rating/Load Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tire Mounting for Low Vibration. . . . . . Tire Inspection . . . . . . Regrooving . . . . . 79 U. . . . . 74 K. . . . . . . . . . . Tire Rotation . . . . Truck Tire Limited Warranty . . . . . . . . . 74 L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dual Matching. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. Use this percentage to calculate the customer’s replacement price. 2. Where the averaged tread depth remaining line meets the appropriate original tread depth column. Find the original tread depth in the price/data book. 2. measure the remaining tread at three points in the two center grooves and average the three measurements. Retailer Name 4. Rub across the DOT serial number so it can be easily read. Adjustment Claim Number 3. Using 32nds gauge. WITH A TIRE-MARKING CRAYON. the percentage of tread worn off the tire will be found. Make sure the customer COMPLETES and SIGNS the CUSTOMER section of the Adjustment Form! Technical Bulletins 60 30/32 31/32 32/32 33/32 34/32 .General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Adjustment Treadwear Chart Original Tread Depth Medium Truck Remaining Tread Depth 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Remaining Tread Depth Percentage of Usable Tread Wear Charges to the Customer 2/32 3/32 4/32 5/32 6/32 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 86 71 57 43 29 14 0 88 75 63 50 38 25 13 0 89 78 67 58 44 33 22 11 0 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 91 82 73 64 55 45 36 27 18 9 0 92 83 75 67 58 50 42 33 25 17 8 0 92 85 77 69 62 54 46 38 31 23 15 8 0 93 86 79 71 64 57 50 43 36 25 21 14 7 0 93 87 80 73 67 60 53 47 40 33 29 20 13 7 0 94 88 81 75 69 63 56 50 44 38 31 25 19 13 6 0 GAUGE REMAINING TREAD DESIGN DEPTH IN THESE GROOVES 2/32 3/32 4/32 5/32 6/32 7/32 8/32 9/32 10/32 11/32 12/32 13/32 14/32 15/32 16/32 17/32 18/32 19/32 20/32 21/32 22/32 23/32 24/32 25/32 26/32 27/32 28/32 29/32 30/32 31/32 32/32 33/32 34/32 94 88 82 76 71 65 59 53 47 41 35 29 24 17 12 6 0 94 89 83 78 72 67 61 56 50 44 39 33 28 22 18 11 6 0 95 89 84 79 73 68 63 58 53 47 42 37 32 26 21 16 11 5 0 95 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 95 90 86 81 76 71 67 62 57 52 48 43 38 33 29 24 19 14 10 5 0 95 91 86 82 77 73 68 64 59 55 50 45 41 36 32 27 23 18 14 9 5 0 96 91 87 83 78 74 70 65 61 57 52 48 43 39 35 30 26 22 17 13 9 4 0 96 92 88 83 79 75 71 67 63 58 54 50 46 42 38 33 29 25 21 17 13 8 4 0 96 92 88 84 80 76 72 68 64 60 56 52 48 44 40 36 32 28 24 20 16 12 8 4 0 96 92 88 85 81 77 73 69 65 62 58 54 50 46 42 38 35 31 27 23 19 15 12 8 4 0 96 93 89 85 81 78 74 70 67 63 59 56 52 48 44 41 37 33 30 26 22 19 15 11 7 4 0 96 93 89 86 82 79 75 71 68 64 61 57 54 50 46 43 39 36 32 29 25 21 18 14 11 7 4 0 97 93 90 86 83 79 76 72 69 66 62 59 55 52 48 45 41 38 34 31 28 24 21 17 14 10 7 3 0 97 93 90 87 83 80 77 73 70 67 63 60 57 53 50 47 43 40 37 33 30 27 23 20 17 13 10 7 3 0 97 94 90 87 84 81 77 74 71 68 65 61 58 55 52 48 45 42 39 35 32 29 26 23 19 16 13 10 6 3 0 97 94 91 88 84 81 78 75 72 69 66 63 59 56 53 50 47 44 41 38 34 31 28 25 22 19 16 13 9 6 3 0 Light Truck 7/32 8/32 9/32 10/32 11/32 12/32 13/32 General Technical Load/Inflation 14/32 15/32 16/32 17/32 18/32 19/32 20/32 21/32 22/32 23/32 24/32 25/32 26/32 27/32 28/32 29/32 CONVENTIONAL DESIGN CLEATED TREAD DESIGN HOW TO CALCULATE ADJUSTMENT PRICES 1. 4. Location of the service condition (circled). MARK ON THE ADJUSTED TIRE: 1. 12. Road hazards. Improper use or operation. or water or other material trapped inside the tire during mounting or inflation. of any new Bridgestone brand truck tire bearing a Department of Transportation (DOT) tire identification number indicating manufacture after January 1. Insufficient or improper maintenance. including. etc. worn down to the top of the built-in indicators in the original tread grooves) and within five years (seven years for certain tires. The cost of applicable federal. that specified or recommended for use by the vehicle manufacturer or Bridgestone. without limitation: Improper or inadequate inspection. 4. and local taxes. repair. balance. tire chain damage. bulge. material. improper tire mounting or demounting. without limitation: Improper inflation pressure.6 mm) remaining original tread depth (i. Tires subjected to severe under-inflation or runflat conditions. • The tire size. or other filler material that was not originally applied or inserted by the tire manufacturer. before wearing down to 2/32 inch (1. Tires purchased or used outside of the United States. C. 10. without proof of purchase date. 13. the tire and subsequent retread(s) must be inspected and retreaded by an authorized Bandag dealer only. without limitation: Puncture. Failure to follow any of the safety and maintenance recommendations or warnings contained in this manual. 2. including. and speed rating are equivalent to or greater than. 3. then within 12 months 61 . fire or other externally generated heat. tire/ wheel assembly imbalance. listed in a U. cut. snag. load range. impact break. state. Load/Inflation What This Limited Warranty Does Not Cover This Limited Warranty does not cover the following: 1. Contamination or degradation by petroleum products or other chemicals. This Limited Warranty is in addition to and/or may be limited by any other applicable written warranty you may have received concerning special tires or situations. misuse. equipment. defects. 8. Technical Bulletins No-Charge Replacement Bridgestone brand truck tires adjusted under this Limited Warranty will be replaced free of charge (Federal Excise Tax included) up to the first 10% of original usable tread depth or within 12 months from date of purchase (proof of purchase date required. or wear-out. Truck Tire Limited Warranty Eligibility You are covered under the terms of this Limited Warranty if all of the following apply: • You are the original owner. 11. see the section entitled “Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty”) from the date of tire manufacture. rapid wear.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information A. D. • For coverage under the Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty. or characteristics. Tire damage due to: A. without limitation: Wheel misalignment. no mileage warranty is expressed or implied. Irregular wear. Ride disturbance or vibration after tread wear use beyond 10% of original usable tread depth. Tires improperly retreaded. or for racing or competition purposes. 6. use of an improper rim/wheel. improper brake adjustment. • The new tire was approved for sale in the United States. Tires rendered unretreadable due to excessive tread wear or improper buffing. or other vehicle conditions. any eligible tire that becomes unusable for any reason (see exclusions in the section entitled “What This Limited Warranty Does Not Cover”) within the manufacturer’s control will either be repaired or replaced with an equivalent new Bridgestone brand truck tire on the basis set forth in this Limited Warranty. negligence. or original owner’s authorized agent. including.S. etc. B. stone drill. including. 7. Weather/ozone cracking after four years from date of tire manufacture. and purchased from an authorized Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer. preparation. bruise. 2005 (DOT serial 0105 or later). worn suspension components. tire alteration. overloading. tire/wheel spinning. misapplication. 9. 5. If tire damage is the result of sealant. price or data book. curbing. Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical What Is Warranted And For How Long Upon examination by Bridgestone.e. Tires that have been improperly repaired. Tires inflated with anything other than air or nitrogen. ” Nothing in this Limited Warranty is intended to be a representation that tire failures cannot occur. 295/75R22. To determine the replacement price. It is also your obligation to maintain proper wheel alignment and tire/wheel assembly balance. LLC. M726EL. and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. full Federal Excise Tax. the internet at www. you must present the tire to an authorized Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer. Obligations under this policy may not be enlarged or altered by anyone. The cost of mounting and balancing and other service charges. LLC disclaims all other warranties. • The tire size is 11R22. In accordance with Federal Law. or 285/75R24. loss of time. if any. then 12 months from the date of tire manufacture) has passed. disposal fees.5. Light Truck Consumer Rights This Limited Warranty gives you specific legal rights. including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and any liability for incidental and consequential damages.trucktires. 2007. To request an adjustment. or original owner’s authorized agent.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck from the date of tire manufacture).5. the casing credit will be as follows: ORIGINAL TREAD $130. 535 Marriott Dr. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. or M720 truck tire purchased from an authorized Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer in the United States. This Limited Warranty applies only to consumers actually using the tire in the United States. 2nd. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. If any tire eligible under the Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty becomes unusable for any reason (see exclusions in the section entitled “What This Limited Warranty Does Not Cover”) within the manufacturer’s control within seven years from the date of manufacture and within 3 retreads of covered service. loss of vehicle use. or 3rd RETREAD $100. the tire and subsequent retread(s) must be inspected and retreaded by an authorized Bandag dealer only. LLC Limited Warranty adjustment form and pay appropriate Technical Bulletins . • The tire was used only in over-the-highway service (for the entire life of the casing). this Limited Warranty has been designated as a “Limited Warranty. or 12 months from the date of purchase (proof of purchase date required. Pro-Rated Replacement Bridgestone brand truck tires adjusted under this Limited Warranty that are worn beyond the first 10% of original usable tread depth. the tire will. disposal fees. or applicable taxes are payable by you. • For coverage under the Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty. so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you. Where to Go Tire adjustments under this Limited Warranty will only be made at an authorized Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer in the United States. without proof of purchase date.5. • The tire was purchased on or after November 1. whichever occurs first. R280. Nashville. This Limited Warranty is given in the United States by Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. it will be covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. of a Bridgestone R287. and other service charges.” • The tire has been maintained in accordance with the maintenance and safety information contained in this manual.5--each size in either Load Range G or H.. The cost of mounting. or inconvenience. Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty You are covered under the terms of the Premium Casing Enhanced Limited Warranty if all of the following criteria are met: General Technical Load/Inflation • You are the original owner. balancing. Complete and sign the customer section of the Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. Replacement Warranty If you receive a replacement tire under this Limited Warranty. or call 1-800-815-9793 for the location nearest or applicable taxes are payable by you. at Bridgestone’s option. TN 37214. Your vehicle on which the tire was equipped must also be available for inspection. the percent of used tread wear is multiplied by the current selling price for the replacement tire(s). 11R24.00 1st. Conditions and Exclusions To the extent permitted by law. given on that tire at that time. Consult a phone directory (often listed in the Yellow Pages under “Tire Dealers”). • The tire has not come out of service for any reason listed in “What This Limited Warranty Does Not Cover. be repaired or replaced with an equivalent new Bridgestone brand truck tire on a pro rata basis.00 62 Owner’s Obligations It is your obligation to maintain proper tire inflation pressures as specified by the vehicle manufacturer and to operate the vehicle within tire/vehicle load capacity and speed limitations. The arbitration between you and Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information replacement price. In addition. or assigns. MN 55405. or any other warranties. • Over-inflation makes it more likely for tires to be cut. under the Code of Procedure then in effect. taxes. if necessary. Information may be obtained and claims may be filed at any office of the National Arbitration Forum or at P. S. Tires accepted for warranty compensation become the property of Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. hearing. arising out of or in connection with this Limited Warranty. LLC strongly recommends you read and follow all safety information contained in this manual. The vehicle manufacturer recommends the inflation pressures for the tires mounted on your vehicle. These situations can cause a tire failure. passenger. have your tires and vehicle evaluated by a qualified tire service professional. according to the formal dispute resolution procedures of the National Arbitration Forum. serious personal injury or death. which could lead to serious personal injury or death. The vehicle manufacturer’s recommended tire pressures may be lower than. but excluding claims for personal injury or property damage. impact damage. tire industry publications such as those published by the Rubber Manufacturer’s Association (RMA). acceleration. employees. the maximum pressure indicated on the tire sidewall. you will be responsible for all fees. above and beyond the fees required for document hearings. Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. we recommend periodic inspection and maintenance. including a failure of warranty and the validity of this arbitration clause. mileage. Consult the vehicle tire information placard and/or owner’s manual for the recommended inflation pressures. and tire mounting procedures published by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the U. LLC. even at a later date. The vehicle manufacturer’s specification 63 General Technical SAFETY WARNING Serious personal injury or death may result from a tire failure. bulge or irregular wear. including any of its agents. Your vehicle’s tire information placard and/or owner’s manual will tell you the recommended cold inflation pressure for all your tires. follow these important recommendations for tire and vehicle safety. improper inflation pressure may also: • Adversely affect vehicle ride and handling. Maximum Pressure Indicated on the Tire Sidewall: This is the maximum permissible inflation pressure for the tire only. punctured. Tire failure may create a risk of property damage. no matter how well constructed. Arbitration You and Bridgestone Americas Tire Operations. overloading. . be combined or consolidated in any fashion with arbitrations involving other customers. In addition to tire damage. consult your vehicle owner’s manual or ask a qualified tire service professional. Load/Inflation TIRE INFLATION PRESSURE Tires need proper inflation pressure to operate effectively and perform as intended. bumps. If you request any procedures beyond a document hearing. This arbitration will be conducted as a document Any tire. if any. For tractor/trailers. and cargo loads and transmit the braking.O. LLC agree that all claims. Many tire failures are preceded by vibration. The arbitrators will have no authority to award punitive or other damages not measured by the prevailing party’s actual damages. To reduce the risk of tire failure. Box 50191. Department of Labor. a placard is applied to each. except as may be required by statute. For questions about locating or understanding the tire information placard(s). or proceed in any form of class action in which the claims of numerous customers are considered together. shall be resolved by binding arbitration between you and it. • Reduce tire tread wear. by a qualified tire service professional. Technical Bulletins SAFETY WARNING Driving on tires with improper inflation pressure is dangerous. may fail in use as a result of punctures. • Check their pressure at preventative maintenance intervals and during pre-trip vehicle inspections. disposal fee. successors. disputes. or other conditions resulting from use or misuse. • Affect fuel economy. and controversies between you and it. or the same as. If a vibration occurs while driving your vehicle or you notice a bump. and economy: • Always keep the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressure in all your tires. or broken by sudden impact. express or implied. Therefore. bulges or irregular wear. improper inflation. Tires carry the vehicle. and service charges. Minneapolis. LLC shall not include any other customers. and turning forces. Medium Truck Light Truck IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION • Under-inflation causes excessive tire heat build-up and internal structural damage. including filing and administrative fees. including inside duals. Any award of the arbitrator(s) may be entered as a judgment in any court of competent jurisdiction. 80% or less of normal operating pressure) without a complete inspection of the entire tire. Consult a qualified tire service professional for an inspection.6°C) temperature drop. In 64 . Have your tires regularly inspected by a qualified tire service professional. This can cause a tire failure. the environment. • A difference of 5 psi (35 kPa) or more between duals is not recommended. Pre-trip vehicle inspections and preventative maintenance should include cold-tire inflation pressure checks. Medium Truck • If it is necessary to adjust inflation pressure when your tires are “hot. • If your tires lose more than 4 psi (28 kPa) per month. have it checked by a qualified tire service professional. damaging events such as punctures. Consult the vehicle tire information placard. it could be hurled into the air with explosive force resulting in serious personal injury or death. • The only correct method for checking inflation pressure is to use an accurate tire inflation gauge. Check their pressure at preventative maintenance intervals and during pre-trip vehicle inspections. Normal driving causes tires to run hotter and inflation pressure to increase. • Never release pressure from a hot tire in order to reach the recommended cold tire pressure. Kicking or thumping a tire will only tell you when a tire is totally flat. Department of Transportation requires a pre-trip vehicle inspection. • Check inflation pressure when the tires are “cold. Immediately have the tire demounted and inspected by a qualified tire service professional. • Consult your vehicle owner’s manual for load recommendations and special instructions (such as for carrying unusually heavy loads). among other criteria. the tire.” Tires are considered “cold” when the vehicle has been parked for three hours or more.e. A damaged tire can suddenly fail causing serious personal injury or death. leaking valve.S. If a truck tire loses more than 4 psi (28 kPa) per month. Over time and/or through use. Technical Bulletins SAFETY WARNING Driving on damaged tires is dangerous. certification label. A puncture. the condition of a tire can change from exposure to everyday road conditions. and owner’s manual for the recommended vehicle load limits and loading recommendations. Recheck the inflation pressure when the tires are cold. Pressure Loss: Truck tires can lose 2 psi (14 kPa) per month under normal conditions and can lose 2 psi (14 kPa) for every 10°F (5.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book of tire pressure is limited to your particular vehicle and takes into account your vehicle’s load. If you reduce inflation pressure when your tires are hot. If it bursts. including inside duals. TIPS FOR SAFE LOADING SAFETY WARNING Driving your vehicle in an overloaded condition is dangerous. valve. Never adjust the inflation pressure of a truck tire unless it is placed in a safety cage or is secured to the vehicle or a tire mounting machine. tube (if applicable). • Never exceed the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) or gross axle weight ratings (GAWR) of your vehicle. even at a later date. Don’t forget to check the inflation pressure of inside duals. • Never exceed the maximum load rating stamped on the sidewall of your tire. and handling characteristics. Since there may be several possible vehicle applications for a given tire size. which could lead to serious personal injury or death. a vehicle manufacturer may choose a different inflation pressure specification for that same size tire on a different vehicle. Never stand or lean over the tire or in front of the valve when inflating. TIRE DAMAGE AND INSPECTION Evaluation and maintenance of your tires is important to their performance and the service they provide to you. Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation TIPS FOR SAFE TIRE INFLATION SAFETY WARNING Inflating an unsecured tire is dangerous. You should visually inspect your tires during pre-trip vehicle inspections and inflation pressure checks. or if the vehicle has been driven less than a mile at moderate speed. Overloading causes excessive tire heat build-up and internal structural damage. ride. • Never exceed the maximum load or inflation pressure capacity of the rim/wheel. SAFETY WARNING Never re-inflate a truck tire that has been run at very low inflation pressure (i. Therefore. • Always keep the vehicle manufacturer’s recommended inflation pressure in all your tires. always refer to the inflation pressure specifications on the vehicle tire information placard and/or in your vehicle owner’s manual.” set their pressure to 10 psi (69 kPa) above the recommended cold inflation pressure. • Use valve caps to keep the valves clear of debris and to help guard against inflation pressure loss. or other damage could also cause inflation pressure loss. • The U. you may dangerously under inflate your tires. or rim/ wheel may be damaged. and other external factors. a week. Larger injuries. have your tires periodically evaluated by a qualified tire service professional when your vehicle is serviced such as routine maintenance intervals. have a qualified tire service professional demount the tire and inspect it for damage. Bumps or bulges may indicate a separation within the tire body. It may be necessary to have it removed from the rim/wheel for a complete inspection. Using only a plug/stem. Medium Truck TIRE MANUFACTURE DATE The tire manufacture date is determined by examining the DOT tire identification number.2 mm) or greater tread depth on vehicles over 10. but possibly produced in 1989. also known as the DOT serial number or code. • A patch must be applied to the interior of the tire and the puncture hole filled with suitable plug/ stem filler. and tire rotations. consequently. For example. Tires Produced Prior to 2000: The last three (3) digits of the serial code identify the week and year of production. The comprehensive procedures and recommendations for truck tire repair are beyond the scope of this manual. by qualified tire service professionals at a full-service repair facility using RMA-approved procedures. A complete inspection and repair of your tire in accordance with Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) procedures should be conducted by a qualified tire service professional. See “Limited Warranty” in this manual. • Repair and retread. inside and out. or using only a patch. which can be found on at least one sidewall near the rim/wheel. or cracked rim/wheel. a day. It may be necessary to look on both sides of the tire to find the entire serial code. When the tire is worn to the built-in indicators at 2/32 inch (1. or even months later. however. Some damage to the tire may only be evident on the interior of the tire. a tire with a serial code ending in “2406” would have been produced in the 24th week of 2006. consult a qualified tire service professional. Wear on one side of the tread or flat spots in the tread may indicate a problem with the tire or vehicle.6 mm) or less tread groove depth. like tires. if possible. Yet. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins • Tubes. • Inspect your tires for cuts. For example. if possible. or damage in areas outside the tread. Light Truck Tires Produced Since 2000: The last four (4) digits of the serial code identify the week and year of production. 65 . • The truck/bus tire puncture repair injury limit to the tread area is 3/8 inch (10 mm). A tire may not have visible signs of damage on the tire surface. splits or bruises in the tread and sidewall areas.6 mm) or less remaining in any tread groove. In particular. note the following tips for spotting tire damage: • After striking anything unusual in the roadway. should be evaluated and repaired. oil changes. • Inspect your tires for uneven wear. General Technical TIRE REPAIRS SAFETY WARNING Driving on an improperly repaired tire is dangerous.000 lbs (4536 kg) GVWR.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information addition. it must be replaced. The tire may suddenly fail. Any tire repair done without removing the tire from the rim/wheel is improper. note the following: • The tire must be demounted from the rim/wheel for a complete inspection. Consult a qualified tire service professional. the tire is dangerously worn and must be replaced immediately. This helps ensure that the interior of the tire is adequately sealed to prevent inflation pressure loss and prevents contamination of the steel belts and other plies from the elements (such as water) in the outside world. • Inspect your tires for adequate tread depth. chipped. causing serious personal injury or death. • Federal regulations require steer axle tires to have 4/32 inch (3. • Not all punctured or damaged tires can be properly repaired. • Never substitute a tube for a proper repair or to remedy an improper repair. tires having a tread depth of 2/32 inch (1. or the tire cord or fabric is exposed. the tire may suddenly fail without warning. • Inspect your rims/wheels also. Have your tire inspected by a qualified tire service professional. If you have a bent. cracks. If in doubt. is not a safe or proper repair. should only be repaired by a qualified tire service professional. Do not delay performing any necessary repair(s). a tire with a code ending in “329” would likely have been produced in the 32nd week of 1999. they must be replaced. • Any Improper repair voids the tire Limited Warranty. An improper repair can be unreliable or permit further damage to the tire. or repair. each time a new or re-treaded tire is installed. always use a new. causing serious personal injury or death. − Never tap component parts with a tool/ hammer/mallet while tire is inflated. Rims/wheels must be free of cracks. • Inspect the tire and rim/wheel. SAFETY WARNING Never put flammable substances such as gasoline or ethyl ether into a tire and light with a match/flame so that the resulting explosion seats the beads of a tubeless tire. • Never inflate a tire beyond 40 psi (275 kPa) to seat the beads. Always deflate a tire and wheel assembly completely before loosening any lug nut when removing a tire from a vehicle for service or demounting. both tires should be deflated and removed before any work is started. • Never adjust the inflation pressure of a truck tire unless it is placed in a safety cage or is secured to the vehicle or a tire mounting machine. demounting. Please leave these tasks to qualified tire service professionals. and rust. On dual wheel assemblies. • When inflating a tire after mounting on a rim/ wheel. punctures. C. and moisture. • For a tube-type truck tire. D. For example. chips. This is only a job for a qualified tire service professional. and equipment. it could be hurled into the air with explosive force resulting in serious personal injury or death. or new valve core and cap. • Always ensure rim components fit properly before inflating. foreign material. • Tires must match the width and diameter requirements of the wheels. The residue left by the substance could result in a fire or explosion which may cause severe injury or death.rma. Attempting to mount tires with improper tools or procedures may result in a tire explosion causing serious personal injury or death. If it bursts. always use a safety cage and an extension hose with pressure gauge and clip-on chuck. TIRE MOUNTING AND OTHER SERVICING SAFETY WARNING Removing and replacing tires on wheels can be dangerous.5 inch diameter tires must only be mounted to 22. • Use valve caps to keep the valves clear of debris and to help guard against inflation pressure loss. balancing. always install a new valve. General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Light Truck Only specially trained persons should mount tires. SAFETY WARNING If the tire has internal damage. • For a tubeless truck tire. SAFETY WARNING Inflating an unsecured tire is dangerous. Tires must be free of bead damage. This is especially important when the service operator inflates the tire. • Never stand or lean over the tire or in front of the valve when inflating. it may burst with explosive force. • Always stand well away from the work area when tires are being spin-balanced either on or off the vehicle. • Always stand well clear of any tire mounting operation. This practice is extremely dangerous and may result in a severe explosion or undetected damage to the tire or rim/wheel which may cause a failure resulting in severe injury or death.5 inch diameter rims/wheels. Radial tires must only be mounted to wheels approved for radial tires. proper size tube and flap each time a new or retreaded tire is installed. This manual is not intended to provide proper training or service procedures for tire mounting. • Use only vegetable oil-based lubricants in mounting or 22. − Never attempt to disassemble multi-piece rims while inflated. For proper mounting procedures. cuts. rotation. NW Washington. Never perform tire service procedures without proper training. tools. dents. 66 . Be absolutely certain beads are fully seated before adjusting inflation pressure to the level recommended for vehicle operation. SAFETY WARNING Never pour or spray any flammable substance into or onto a tire or rim/wheel for any purpose whatsoever. 20005 (www. consult the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) of the U S Department of Labor and procedures published by the Rubber Manufacturers Association.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book REMOVING TIRE/WHEEL ASSEMBLY FROM VEHICLE SAFETY WARNING Medium Truck Always follow the manufacturer’s recommend procedure for securing and raising your vehicle prior to attempting to remove a tire. 1400 K Street. Improperly matched tires may result in irregular wear. Never spin a tire above a speedometer reading of 35 mph (55 km/h). Washington.4 mm) of each other • Circumference: within 3/4 inch (19 mm) of each other Light Truck TIRE STORAGE Tires should be stored indoors in a cool. Consult your vehicle owner’s manual and a qualified tire service professional for proper tire replacement. rapid wear. Ontario L5N 1W1 www.S. The spare tire in your vehicle is intended to be used as a spare when needed. DUAL MATCHING Tires paired in a dual assembly should be matched in tire construction and dimension. Visit us on the internet at www. Tires should be placed away from electric generators/motors and sources of heat such as hot pipes. controlled conditions. including serious personal injury or Load/Inflation TIRE SPEED RESTRICTIONS Bridgestone brand truck tires have maximum recommended speeds. When you 67 . vehicle condition (including alignment). load. For radial tires. While these tests may relate to performance on the road.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information TIRE MIXING SAFETY WARNING Driving your vehicle with an improper mix of tires is dangerous. ice. • No tire. General Technical SAFETY WARNING Improper storage can damage your tires in ways that may not be visible and can lead to a failure resulting in serious personal injury or death. and premature tire failure. Plaza 4. Suite 250 Mississauga. regardless of its design or speed or wet grass can be dangerous. The spare tire carrier is not intended to be used for long term storage.W. Storage surfaces should be clean and free of grease. TIRE SERVICE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Normal tire maintenance and Limited Warranty services are available at locations across the U. diesel fuel. gasoline. a loss of vehicle control can result from exceeding the maximum speed allowed by law or warranted by traffic. or call 1-800-815-9793 to find an authorized Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer nearest you. Under some conditions. When replacing your tires. wear. tire condition (including damage). Failure to match tires in a dual assembly may result in sudden tire destruction. or road conditions. Your tire’s actual speed capability may be less since it is affected by Technical Bulletins TIRE REGISTRATION Registration of your tires is an important safety precaution since it enables the manufacturer to notify you in the event of a recall. HIGH SPEED DRIVING SAFETY WARNING Driving at high speed is dangerous and can cause a vehicle accident. Your vehicle’s handling characteristics can be seriously affected. a tire may be spinning at a speed twice that shown on the speedometer. snow. DC 20005-2403 www. weather. factors such as inflation pressure. dry place where water cannot collect inside them.trucktires. N.rubberassociation. Medium Truck TIRE SPINNING SAFETY WARNING Spinning a tire to remove a vehicle stuck in mud. and a sudden tire failure can occur if its limits are Rubber Association of Canada 2000 Argentia Road.A. • Regardless of the speed and handling capabilities of your vehicle and its tires. properly paired dimension tolerances are as follows: • Diameter: within 1/4 inch (6. Additional information on the care and service of truck tires is available from the following organizations: Rubber Manufacturers Association 1400 K Street. • High-speed driving should be left to trained professionals operating under controlled conditions.rma. You could have an accident resulting in serious personal injury or death. vehicle. A tire spinning at a speedometer reading above 35 mph (55 km/h) can in a matter of seconds reach a speed capable of disintegrating a tire with explosive force. and duration at which the speed is sustained. real-world driving is rarely identical to any test conditions. See “Tire Speed Restrictions. driving conditions. has unlimited capacity for speed.” the next section in this manual. The speed capabilities of truck tires are based on standardized laboratory tests under specific. check your vehicle owner’s manual and tire information placard and consult with a Bridgestone brand truck tire retailer for recommendations and information about tire speed capability. Refer to your vehicle owner’s manual for any tire pressure recommendations for high speed driving. or other substances which can deteriorate the rubber. This could cause serious personal injury or death to a bystander or passenger. Light Truck Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation General Technical 2. the retailer will provide a registration card on which the tire identification numbers have been recorded. You do not need to register tires which come as original equipment on new vehicles—the vehicle and tire manufacturers handle that for you. Some retailers may submit the registration for you. To the extent permitted by law. are expressly limited to the duration of this limited warranty. Legal Rights This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights. which vary from state to state. fill in your name and address on the card and mail it promptly. promise or agreement. including warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. loss of time. All implied warranties.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck purchase replacement tires. so the above such limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. dealer or representative has the authority to make any representation. which in any way varies from the terms and conditions of this warranty. Conditions and Exclusions 1. loss of vehicle usage or inconvenience. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. No Bridgestone employee. Bridgestone disclaims liability for any consequential damages. 68 . 3. g.00R20 tire is a radial. General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 69 . Radial and Bias Tire Construction Medium Truck Light Truck Radial Bias/Diagonal Radial tire body ply cords are placed straight across the tire from bead to bead. ALL radial tires have the word “RADIAL” molded onto the sidewall. called breakers. All radial truck tires also use an “R” in the size designation. which run circumferentially around the tires.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information B.00-20 tire is a non-radial. The type of construction can be determined by looking at the size designation molded on the tire’s sidewall. while a 10. Radial truck tire sizes have an “R” in the size designation while bias/diagonal truck tire sizes have a hyphen in the size description. radial tires have belt plies. The tires may also have narrow plies under the tread. with cords that lie in approximately the same direction as the body ply cords. under the tread.. In addition. In addition. For example a 10. 285/75R24. e.5. Bias/Diagonal tires have multiple layers of plies with the cords in adjacent plies running in alternate diagonal directions from bead to bead. They constrict the radial ply cords and stabilize the tread area. Tire Size Designation Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck .General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book C. Definitions Medium Truck Technical Bulletins 70 1. All dimensions measured following a 24-hour inflation period.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information 2. Truck Tire Dimensions Aspect Ratio Medium Truck Aspect Ratio = Section Height Section Width Overall Diameter The measurement of the distance of an unladen tire from tread surface to tread surface on opposite sides of the tire. including ribs and protrusions. Minimum Dual Spacing The minimum allowable distance between the wheel center lines in a dual arrangement. Nominal Rim Diameter Diameter of the rim from bead seat to bead seat in inches. Tread Width Distance across the tread face of an unladen tire. 71 . Rim Width Distance between the rim flanges. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Revolutions Per Mile (RPM) The number of tire revolutions in one mile. Loaded Width The maximum section width of a loaded tire under maximum dual load and inflation as stamped on the sidewall of the tire. Light Truck General Technical Tread Depth Distance from tread surface to major groove base at designated measuring point. Usually the same as section width on radial tires. Static Loaded Radius Distance from the center of the axle to the ground of a loaded tire under maximum dual load and inflation as stamped on the sidewall of the tire. Section Width Measurement of the cross section of an unladen tire across the casing only – not including ribs or protrusions. Overall Width Measurement of the cross section of an unladen tire. NOTE: Tires mounted and inflated to recommended pressure. measured at 55 mph maximum dual load and inflation (as stamped on the tire’s sidewall). Section Height Distance from the bead seat to the tread surface of an unladen tire. Corresponding loads may be found in appropriate load tables. truck tires are frequently marked with ply rating and equivalent load range.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book D. PLY RATING 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 LOAD RANGE A B C D E F G H J L Light Truck E. F. If the tire maximum load rating is only given in customary units. These markings are used to identify the load and inflation limits of that particular tire. See adjacent table for conversion of tire markings. convert that load to kilograms and select the closest load index equivalent (Kg) load. Ply Rating/Load Range Medium Truck While there is no industry-wide definition of ply rating. International Load Index Numbers LOAD INDEX 90 91 92 93 94 KGS 600 615 630 650 670 690 710 730 750 775 800 825 850 875 LBS 1325 1355 1390 1435 1475 1520 1565 1610 1655 1710 1765 1820 1875 1930 LOAD INDEX 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 KGS 900 925 950 975 1000 1030 1060 1090 1120 1150 1180 1215 1250 1285 LBS 1985 2040 2095 2150 2205 2270 2335 2405 2470 2535 2600 2680 2755 2835 LOAD INDEX 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 KGS 1320 1360 1400 1450 1500 1550 1600 1650 1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 LBS 2910 3000 3085 3195 3305 3415 3525 3640 3750 3860 3970 4080 4190 4300 LOAD INDEX 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 KGS 2000 2060 2120 2180 2240 2300 2360 2430 2500 2575 2650 2725 2800 2900 LBS 4410 4540 4675 4805 4940 5070 5205 5355 5510 5675 5840 6005 6175 6395 LOAD INDEX 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 KGS 3000 3075 3150 3250 3350 3450 3550 3650 3750 3875 4000 4125 4250 4375 LBS 6610 6780 6940 7160 7390 7610 7830 8050 8270 8540 8820 9090 9370 9650 LOAD INDEX 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 KGS 4500 4625 4750 4875 5000 5150 5300 5450 5600 5800 6000 LBS 9920 10200 10500 10700 11000 11400 11700 12000 12300 12800 13200 General Technical Load/Inflation 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Selection of Load Index Numbers: Select the load index number with the equivalent load of the tire (round up to midpoint). when used in a specific type of service. Speed Symbol The SPEED SYMBOL indicates the speed at which the tire can carry a load corresponding to its Load Index under service conditions specified by the tire manufacturer. Speed Symbol F G J Speed Category (Km/h) 80 90 100 110 120 MPH 50 55 62 68 75 Technical Bulletins K L 72 . Do not bleed air from tires while hot. providing tires on the same axle are of the same construction. SIX WHEELS: (e. D) TRAILERS: Bias or radial tires may be used. This will result in an under-inflated condition.. Inflation Pressure For optimum tire performance. The proper inflation pressure can be found in the load and inflation tables of this book. B) TRUCKS WITH TWO AXLES. FOUR WHEELS: Radials can be mixed with bias ply tires providing the radials are mounted in pairs on the rear axle. proper inflation pressures for the loads being carried must be maintained. E) WIDE BASE AND DUALS: Wide base and duals can be mounted together as long as overall diameter is within 1/4 inch. General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 73 . Tubeless tires can be mixed with tube-type tires. providing they are of equivalent sizes. Tires of different construction must not be used in dual fitments. Tires of different construction can be mixed in the following manner: A) TRUCKS WITH TWO AXLES. Under-inflated tires build up excessive heat due to over-deflection and may result in tire deterioration. C) TRUCKS WITH MORE THAN TWO AXLES: (e. For this reason.g. Air pressure of all tires should be checked and corrected weekly with an accurate inflation pressure gauge. single axle tractors) Radials can be mixed with bias ply tires providing tires of the same construction are mounted on the same axle. Trucks with multiple drive axles should have tires of the same construction mounted on all drive positions. tire pressures should be checked while cold. Tire Mixing Tires of different sizes or construction must never be mixed on the same axle. Any tire known or suspected to have been run at 80% or less of normal operating inflation pressure and/or overloading could possibly have permanent structural damage (steel cord fatigue). Do not exceed the maximum loads listed in this book without consulting a Bridgestone Technical Representative. Medium Truck Light Truck H. Operating on an improperly inflated tire will cause severe tire damage.g. Since air expands when heated. tandem axle tractors) The front tires may be bias or radial and can be run with bias or radial on the drive axles. tire pressures will increase due to the normal build-up of heat during operation. The inflation pressures given are the minimum pressures for the associated load.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information G. Dual Matching Limits Tire Construction Radial Diameter 0 to 1/4 inch Circumference 0 to 3/4 inch Light Truck J. rapid wear. L. Improperly matched duals may result in irregular wear. Regrooved tires should not be placed on the front axle. Tire Rotation Tire rotation is a practical means of reducing tire costs when irregular or rapid wear are prevalent. 74 . Load/Inflation Regrooving should be restricted to the tire’s original tread grooves. Branding Technical Bulletins The location for branding must be chosen carefully due to the thin sidewall gauge. General Technical K. Do not brand deeper than 2/32". may be run in either direction. Failure to match tires in a dual assembly may result in sudden tire destruction. Branding in the wrong location may result in eventual tire failure. There are no restrictions on criss-cross rotation. Rotation patterns. Regrooving Regroove only those tires marked “Regroovable” on the sidewall. Contact tire manufacturer for pattern-specific recommendation. or designated branding areas as noted in sketch at left. For many directional type designs it is permissible to change the direction of rotation after the first 3/32"–5/32" of tread wear. Dual Matching Medium Truck Tires in dual assemblies should be matched with regard to design and dimensional tolerances as noted below. Many sidewalls have branding panels. The casing. vehicle mechanical problems and premature tire failure. as the casing is not directional. It is recommended that the brand be located between the rim line and size panel. It is recommended that tires exhibiting severe irregular wear not be regrooved. Tires with a remaining tread depth of less than 2/32" should not be regrooved. Tires having directional type tread patterns should be mounted in the recommended direction of rotation for optimum performance. may be followed. Branding depth should be 1/32".General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book I. A minimum rubber gauge of 4/32" must be maintained between the tire’s top belt and the re-grooved grooves. such as those recommended by vehicle manufacturers. after retreading. If they are not parallel. Position drive axles perpendicular to the chassis centerline. 2. as a toe-out condition will develop. Alignment settings should be checked with the truck loaded. The distance on the axle centers on the right should never be shorter than the distance on the left. The wear pattern that will result from this situation is inside left front/outside right front shoulder wear. For tandem drives.125"). Wheel Alignment Proper wheel alignment is essential for optimum tire life and vehicle handling characteristics. Vertical C L Toe-in (Positive) A<B Toe-out (Negative) A>B Light Truck Toe-In King Pin C L Caster Angle Drive Axle Recommendations Misalignment of the drive axles may also cause rapid or irregular wear on the front axle as well as the drive axle due to constant steering correction. Drive axle alignment should be corrected before front axle settings are made. • Camber: set as close to zero degrees as the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations allow in loaded condition. the condition is referred to as “tandem scrub. Alignment adjustments can be made on an unloaded truck.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information M.” Our recommendation is the distance between the axle centers is set so the distance on the right is equal to or greater than the distance on the left by up to 1/8" (. General Technical Caster C LTire Load/Inflation Camber Angle in Degrees Front View Technical Bulletins Center Line of Tire Vertical Line Camber 75 . • Caster: set to the maximum positive setting which the vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations will allow. however. the drive axles should be positioned parallel to one another. Drive axles should be aligned in the following manner: 1. Do not set beyond zero. modifications in the vehicle manufacturer’s alignment recommendations may be required for proper “loaded” settings. Medium Truck Front Axle Recommendations • Toe-in: set as close to zero as vehicle manufacturer’s recommendations allow in loaded condition. then average the inside and outside measurements. Measure the radial run-out of the tire/wheel assemblies on the vehicle’s steering position. check for bent rims. Reposition the 76 . Measure runout at both shoulders of the tire (inside & outside) and record the results. 2. With the hub in this position place the tire/wheel assembly on the hub so that the high point mark is at the top (12:00). If runout exceeds these limits. Mark the highest and lowest points of the radial run-out on the tire with chalk or other marker. Runout of tire Runout of rim Light Truck Runout of Tire Due to Runout of Rim General Technical Proper Position for Measuring Runout Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Special procedure for improving steering tire run-out on vehicles with hub-piloted wheels If you suspect high run-out on the steering position and have hub-piloted wheels. 1. Vibration may also be the result of mismatch of the high and low spots of the tire and wheel. (Note: accuracy in these measurements is essential. rotate the tire 180° relative to the rim and remount.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book N. then balance accurately. then another 180°. If the vibration persists. remount the tire. cocked rims. Demount the tire. number both at 12 asymmetrical points. Balance/Runout Medium Truck Tire and wheel imbalance may result in irregular tire wear. The maximum suggested radial runout for a rotating tire/wheel assembly is 0. With the tire mounted on the rim. Steering axle and drive axle tires should be balanced dynamically for best results.095 inches for both front and rear tire positions. the runout of tire and rim should be measured. Matching the lowest average point of the rim to the highest average point of the tire. then matched in the following manner: 1. 2. tire flat spots. rotate the tire another 90°. improper tire bead seating. Remove the tire/wheel assembly and position the hub so that the gap between any two of the hub pilot pads is at 12:00. improperly tightened rim clamps and rear rim spacers. improperly adjusted wheel bearings. Carefully tighten one nut with a hand wrench until it is snug enough to hold the wheel securely. To resolve vibration problems. use the following procedure to improve the radial run-out. measure both sides of the rim for runout. 6. Note: If a runout dial is not available. 4. It may be necessary to repeat this procedure since the tire cannot be measured accurately while on an imperfect rim.) 3. record the results. 5. ) shown on previous page. General Technical On dual assemblies.020" are common and can greatly improve the ride. regardless of tire marks. 2200 Mill Road.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information wheel on the hub pilot pads while tightening. (Don’t use an air wrench to tighten the first nut. If the tire does not have a red mark. It will reposition the wheel and not let gravity keep the wheel in contact with the hub pads that are at the top). (White marks are factory inspection marks. User’s Guide to Wheels and Rims. use only the red mark during mounting. regardless of wheel type. and are not used in mounting or balancing. to aid in initial balance.truckline. Improvements up to . you will find there is clearance between the hub pads and the wheel pilot hole at the bottom and no clearance at the top (See Figure 7. place yellow mark next to valve stem. 3. If you have followed this procedure correctly. After the first nut is tightened with the hand wrench. Tire/Wheel Balance and Runout. (Information reprinted with permission from: RP ) Medium Truck Light Truck O. on aluminum rims or steel rims without dimples 77 . Recheck the radial runout to verify that it has been improved. All Bridgestone truck tires have yellow marks. gravity should have put the wheel in a better position with respect to the hub. (703) 838-1763). If the tire has a red mark. tighten all nuts according to sequence and procedure shown in TMC RP 222. VA 22314. install tires on axles with valve stems approximately 180 degrees apart. Tire high point mark (Red) Tire light static balance mark (Yellow) Load/Inflation Steel wheel low point dimple Valve stem Valve stems Technical Bulletins Tire high point mark (Red) Valve stem. Tire Mounting For Low Vibration Special Low Vibration Mounting For Bridgestone Radial Truck Tires Many new Bridgestone truck tires have red marks for use with specially marked steel wheels to help optimize uniformity. putting the high point at the top and re-tightening. in TMC’s Recommended Practices Manual. tmc. Alexandria. By locating the high point. repositioning the wheel.) Proper use of these marks during new tire mounting and installation can result in better ride and less vehicle vibration. Torque wheel nuts with red mark at “12 o’clock” position. published by the Technology & Maintenance Council (TMC) of American Trucking Associations. 3. Light Truck 2. Limit vertical stacking to a maximum of 5 feet in height. Always follow all OSHA. Keep compressed air sources for tire inflation free of moisture. correct truck tire mounting is important for proper bead-to-wheel fit. 8. 4. this moisture can permeate the casing of the tire and cause severe deterioration of the steel cords. C. B. Distances A. Technical Bulletins 78 . 6. A General Technical 3.). Steel radial tires may be severely damaged due to the presence of moisture inside the tire at mounting. Upon pressurization. re-lubricate and mount again. 2. Measure distance from molded ring on tire to flange locations. property damage and personal injury. solvent. 6. Keep tires away from electric motors and generators which produce ozone. Protect bare metal with primer or anti-rust paint to prevent further corrosion. 3.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Mounting Radial Truck Tires to Help Reduce Vibration and Irregular Wear Consistent. rust or corrosion that can interfere with proper seal or damage bead. Lubricate both tire beads and both wheel seats. 5. and D should be within 2/32". B C 7. Check the assembly for even centering. break down. RMA and manufacturer’s tire mounting safety precautions! (See Section on Mounting/Demounting Procedures in this data book. Do not store near petroleum products or chemicals (such as oil. D 4. grease. Failure to follow the above recommendations could result in sudden tire failure. 90 degrees apart. Allow to dry.) 1. Remove dirt. Storage All tires should be stored in accordance with the following recommendations: 1. Lubricate the wheel bead seat using vegetable oil-based lubricant approved for both tire and wheel. Avoid storing tires in direct sunlight. Important steps: 1. Prior to mounting. 7. and can help reduce vehicle vibration and irregular wear for better ride and longer original tread life. Store un-mounted tires indoors in a dry location. Avoid storing tires near a heat source or in the path of a direct flow of forced air. inspect the inside surfaces of the tire and remove all foreign material and moisture. etc. Inflate assembly to set bead and check for leaks around the wheel. Lubricate tire bead. If they are not. 2. gasoline. They cause rubber to deteriorate. Do not use petroleum or solventbased products. Clean and paint used wheels. 5. Load/Inflation P. Among those. Low Profile Tires Low profile 75-series tubeless truck radial tires may offer several advantages over standard 90-series tubeless tires. after correction of these problems is made. Bridgestone uses the Society of Automotive Engineering recommended test procedures SAE J366b (35 MPH) and SAE J57a (50 MPH). Drive-axle tires: An increase of 10-15 psi makes the tire less susceptible to irregular wear. If any damage is found. heat build-up inside the tire will turn water into vapor which may permeate the inner-liner and enter the steel casing cord. Lower vehicle height 4. If. objectionable irregular wear is still observed. During normal operation. Tires should also be inspected prior to mounting on a rim. Drive and trailer tires should be replaced when the tread depth reaches 2/32" or the wear bars appear since 2/32" is the minimum permissible legal tread depth on all axles except the front. Examine tires for cuts. Federal law requires that front axle truck tires on vehicles over 10. have the tire examined by a Bridgestone dealer. possible sudden tire failure. General Technical S. Load/Inflation T. Tread wear indicators are contained in the tread of Bridgestone truck tires and become visible when the tread depth reaches 2/32" in two adjacent major grooves. Increased tread life 2. deterioration. causing rust. bulges and penetrations. bruises. Repair of tire damage must be made as soon as possible in order to avoid further deterioration of the tire structure. Medium Truck Light Truck R. Forward movement of the fifth wheel within permissible range greatly reduces irregular wear.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information Q. It is essential that the tire be disassembled and inspected thoroughly prior to mounting to insure the inside surfaces are completely dry and clean. property damage and/or personal injury.000 lbs. Tire Inspection Prior to operating a vehicle. Bridgestone steel radial tube-type truck tires are shipped with the flap in the tire. Noise Regulation All of Bridgestone’s truck tires comply with the noise emissions standards of 80 dB for medium and heavy trucks. Differences in overall diameter. Technical Bulletins 79 . static loaded radius and maximum load carrying capacity should be considered prior to mounting lower profile tires. such as: 1. including the spare. cracks. an inspection should be made of each tire. Irregular Wear – Radial Truck Tire There are many factors that may trigger the occurrence of irregular wear. mechanical malfunctions of vehicles such as misalignment and uniformity of the tire and wheel assembly are the major factors. gross vehicle weight must have at least 4/32" tread depth. Lighter weight Care must be taken when converting to lower profile tires. Bridgestone recommends the following steps be taken: Steer-axle tires: Check thrust angle & apply higher inflation pressure within permissible range (100–115 psi). Positive handling 3. Water in casings of steel radial tires may cause tire failure. caps. • Progressively work the tire off the rim using the proper tire irons. oversized. • Turn the wheel over and unseat the second bead from the wheel. brazed or otherwise heated. Never use undersized.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book General Technical Light Truck Medium Truck U. Mounting/Demounting Procedures Proper mounting procedures must be followed or sudden tire destruction. New valves. personal injury or death may result. flap or rim parts. etc. broken. side-ring side up. • Lubricate both beads of the tire using a vegetable oil-based lubricant only. • Disassemble the rim parts carefully to avoid damage to the tire. New Bridgestone tubes and flaps must be used when mounting new Bridgestone tube type tires. Tire mounting must be done only by personnel trained. Cracked. Tubeless • Ensure that the tire is completely deflated before removing from the rim. or otherwise damaged rim components and wheels must not be reworked. Technical Bulletins 80 . Demounting Completely deflate tire by removing the valve core prior to removing the tire and wheel assembly from the truck. Proper size tube and flaps (if applicable) must be installed in the tire. Never weld a rim with a tire mounted on it or any other time. Prior to Mounting Clean and prepare rim or wheel – inspect the rim or wheel for damage. • Pry the bead loose from the lock ring using the proper tools. and O-rings should be installed with new tires. supervised and equipped according to Federal OSHA regulations. bead taper. or used tubes or flaps. tube. • Break the beads loose on both sides of the tire using a bead-breaking tool. Load/Inflation Remove tire and wheel assembly from the vehicle and demount the tire from the wheel in the following manner: Tube-type • Ensure that the tire is completely deflated before removing from the rim. Ensure that rim components are properly matched and that the proper size rim is being used (size. bent. cores. • Remove the rim from the tire. welded. Never mount a damaged tire.). • Place the tire and rim on the floor with the wide side of the rim down. Place the tire on the floor. • Assemble the rim parts making sure proper components are used and a proper fit is established. If beads have not seated by the time pressure reaches 40 psi. Slightly inflate the tube enough to shape it out. use remote controlled clip-on air hose. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 81 . This practice is extremely dangerous and can result in a severe explosion or undetected damage to the tire or rim which can cause severe injury or death. • Never stand over a tire while inflating. Place the tube inside the tire and install the flap. re-lubricate tire beads. Never tap component parts with a mallet while the tire is inflated. always place the tire in an approved safety cage or equivalent restraining device and use an extension hose and clip-on chuck. The residue left by the substance could result in a fire or explosion. • Lubricate the beads. deflate the assembly. Be sure tubes marked “radial” are used in radial tires. WARNING: Always replace a tire on a rim with another tire of exactly the same bead diameter as the diameter of the rim on which it will be mounted. bead seat. • When inflating. Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical Correct Rim Selection Bridgestone tires are designed to be used on wheels and rims that conform to the dimensions and contours shown in the Tire and Rim Association Yearbook for the year in which the tire is manufactured and that are designed as approved wheels and rims for each particular tire size and type. consult the rim and wheel manufacturer to determine rim and wheel capacities for the intended service. Always install new Bridgestone radial tubes and radial flaps in new Bridgestone radial tires. • Do not exceed the maximum inflation pressures shown on tire sidewall/rim. Do not attempt to seat rim components by tapping with a mallet when tire is inflated. and re-inflate. which could cause an accident. WARNING: When mounting truck tires. Never attempt to disassemble multi-piece rims while inflated. LLC for the particular application involved. ensuring that the flap is centered. re-lubricate and re-inflate. The load and cold inflation pressure must not exceed the rim and wheel manufacturer’s recommendations even though the tire may be approved for a higher load or inflation. If beads do not seat at 40 psi. WARNING: Never pour or spray a flammable substance such as gasoline or ethyl ether into a tire and light with a match so that the resulting explosion seats the beads of a tubeless tire. Always ensure that rim components fit properly before inflating. rim side of the flap and the tube base with a vegetable-based lubricant. dirt and foreign material is removed prior to mounting. Cautions Always inflate tire/rim assembly in an approved safety cage or equivalent restraining device. reposition the tire on the rim. Clean and dry the inside of the tire to ensure that all moisture. deflate. and inflate to pressure recommended by vehicle manufacturer. • Replace valve seals and stem. • Mount the tire. • Mount the tire over the valve side. • Lubricate both beads and both rim flanges. Usage of other wheels and rims must be expressly approved by Bridgestone Firestone North American Tire. Do not over-lubricate (inside of tire must stay dry). never use pressures above 40 psi to seat tire beads. For rims and wheels not so identified or for service conditions exceeding the rated capacities. WARNING: Never pour or spray any flammable substance into or onto a tire or wheel for any purpose whatsoever. rim humps. tube and flap assembly on the rim. Rims and wheels may be identified (stamped) with a maximum load and maximum cold inflation rating. • Inflate tire in safety cage to seat beads. • Work the tire over the rim flanges using proper tubeless tire tools. • Install the proper size tube and flap.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information Mounting Tube-type • Remove the tube and flap from the tire (if installed). Tubeless • Clean and prepare rim or wheel. Do not exceed the maximum inflation pressure on the sidewall of the tire. Use of Lubricants In Mounting and Demounting of Truck/Bus Tires Bridgestone does not recommend the use of petroleum products as a lubricant in tire mounting or demounting operations. bulge. Only a vegetable oil-based lubricant should be used. special care must also be used in the mounting of any 16" diameter tire sizes. have your tires and vehicle evaluated by a qualified service person. The beads should not be forced out against the rim flanges by using more air pressure. Tire Vibration SAFETY WARNING: Serious injury or death may result from a tire failure. Never exceed 40 psi when seating the beads on the rims. Rims of different diameters and tapers cannot be interchanged. WARNING: There is a danger in installing a tire of one rim diameter on a rim of a different rim diameter. as well as the 15. In addition.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Tire and Rim Matching Importance Remember the importance of proper matching of tires and rims. are recommended for (mounting and demounting passenger and truck/bus tires.) Acceptable lubricants such as Murphy’s. or a 17" tire on a 17.5" rims.5" rim. bumps. because this will break the beads and the tire will explode. The following diagram illustrates the difference between rims of two different tapers and diameters: Light Truck Medium Truck The following diagram shows how the beads of a 16" tire will not seat on a 16. a 16" tire on a 16. Many tire failures are preceded by vibration. any 15" size tire must be mounted only on approved 15" rims.5" rim. Technical Bulletins 82 . Do not use solvents or petroleum products as lubricants for tire mounting or demounting.5" and 17. or an anomaly not associated with normal tire performance. not on a 17. the adjustment will be disallowed by Bridgestone. The use of non-recommended (products or materials may result in deterioration of rubber and eventual failure of the tire.5" or 16.) Load/Inflation V. If an unusual vibration occurs while driving your vehicle or you notice a bump. not a 15. The 16" size tire must be mounted only on the approved 16" rims and not the 15. Ru-Glyde. bulges or other anomalies. serious injury or death may result. In particular.5" rim.5" rim and any 17" size tire must be mounted only on approved 17" rims. General Technical 5o 15 o In cases where a tire submitted for adjustment consideration for bead-related damages shows evidence of having been contaminated by petroleum lubricants or other non-recommended material. etc. Sliptac.5" rim. If attempts are made to mount and inflate a 15" diameter tire on a 15.5" sizes.5" rim. Some things influence use of this 40 percent of available energy more than others. For a detailed look at truck tire fuel economy. A nail hole repair of 3/8" or less in diameter may be made in the crown area of either radial or bias tires. Never use a tube as a substitute for a proper tire repair. Today’s trucks have an estimated engine efficiency of approximately 40 percent. If it is essential that the third belt be removed. then it must be replaced before retreading. The removal of the fourth (outer) belt is permissible. Therefore. Bias section repairs are made when the injury is either larger than 1-1/4" in diameter. Belt Removal 1. Repair and Retreading Improperly repaired or retreaded truck tires may cause sudden tire destruction. Damaged tires should be inspected by an authorized Bridgestone tire dealer. starting with some of the largest. is not perfectly round or perpendicular to the liner surface. Bridgestone truck tires should only be retreaded and repaired by trained personnel. This belt may be omitted when retreading. Nail hole repairs should be made only after demounting and inspecting the interior of the tire. a Real Answers magazine “Special Edition. only about 40 percent of the energy converted from diesel fuel reaches the axles. X. Y. ask your BBTS representative for a copy of Tires & Truck Fuel Economy. We’ll take them in order. Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical 2. Large Truck Fuel Economy A New Perspective Anything you do to save fuel will improve your profitability – if it doesn’t cost more than it saves. The removal of the third belt is more involved. 3.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information W. An inspection of each tire should be done before operating the vehicle. A section repair in a radial is required to repair any injury larger than a 3/8" nail hole. Bridgestone Bandag Tire Solutions (BBTS) has been studying the relationship of tires to fuel economy for over a quarter of a century. A puncture left unrepaired may result in further internal casing damage and eventual tire destruction. Never use plug-only repairs on Bridgestone truck tires.” You may also view this publication online or order copies by visiting BridgestoneTrucktires. What follows summarizes that Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 83 . 4. or when the injury is larger than 3/8" in diameter and combination patch plugs are not used. An interior patch with plug or other approved material is required. loads.0 miles per gallon that achieves a given percentage of fuel savings will save more fuel than a fleet with an average fuel economy of 7.000 100. How do we know how much we’re saving? First.000 7. roads.000 5. 1% Fuel Savings 2% Fuel Savings 5% Fuel Savings 7% Fuel Savings 200 400 1.500 5.0 20.333 100. And.429 133 267 667 933 1. on-board computer displays of fuel economy can be off by ±5% One method that’s real world is to take your fuel receipts and corresponding odometer readings.000 182 364 909 1.538 143 286 714 1.273 1. equipment and drivers. Pattern Compounding Type/Size Percent Wear Inflation Pressure Tread Depth Retreading On-board Computers Odometer Test Method Measurement Fuel Receipts Analyzing Results DOCUMENTATION Attitude Compensation Education Consistency Idle Time Engine Brake Use Habits Traffic Terrain Road Surfaces Weather Temperature Maneuvering ENVIRONMENT Alignment Transmission Configuration Parasitic Loads Aerodynamics Maintenance Long Haul • P&D Regional • Load Speed Fuel Quality Percent Loaded Miles Route OPERATIONS > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > FUEL ECONOMY Light Truck Factors Affecting Fuel Economy in the Real World How much benefit can we get? General Technical A fleet with average fuel economy of 5. that may not be as simple as it sounds. Tires are just one of many components affecting fuel economy. these displays can be in error plus or minus five percent.” so is truck fuel economy.250 Technical Bulletins 10% Fuel Savings 84 .077 1. but one of the easiest to change and test.167 1. the more representative your “average” is going to be. with weather. If it costs more than it saves.000 1.5 18.667 100. it’s a bad investment. And remember. Remember though.0 16. Scientific testing controls variables. test results can vary considerably from what you find in day-to-day operations.000 1.182 100.385 100.333 125 250 625 875 1. Fleet size and annual miles also have an effect.000 7.0 14.000 6. The more fuel you use. but you may not have that kind of control in the real world.400 2. in-truck on-board computers may not be your best guide. Sample Fuel Economy Calculations MILES PER YEAR MILES PER GALLON 100.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book TIRES DRIVERS VEHICLE Medium Truck What affects “real world” fuel economy? Just as trucking is “a business of pennies.667 154 308 769 1.5 13. Because it changes constantly. then divide miles by gallons.000 6. consider the cost of any fuel economy tactic.0 miles per gallon.000 100. The more data you have.0 12.5 15. you have to know what your fuel economy is right now.000 8.818 167 333 833 1. the more you have to gain from any improvement.286 Load/Inflation GALLONS PER YEAR According to TMC. because of the difficulty of controlling variables in the real world. According to TMC. If you can meet delivery schedules without running out of hours of service. Wide base tires weigh significantly less than dual pairs. It’s the most accurate “What if?”-way to select tires that will perform best. the remaining 40 percent of fuel is consumed by tire rolling resistance.1 MPG 5. INCREASE IN TRAVEL TIME — 15. the number of miles a driver can log each day. air resistance and all other mechanical losses. At 55 mph or below tire rolling resistance. Fuel Economy & Travel Time at Different Speeds General Technical MILES PER GALLON 5. and much of that results from air resistance. even with fuel-efficient tires. Effect of Speed on Fuel Efficiency Factors 39% More Fuel Required Running at higher speeds can also have effects: Tire fuel efficiency. increasing speed from 55 mph to 75 mph can take 39 percent more fuel. Technical Bulletins 24% 33% Tire Rolling Resistance Tire Rolling Resistance 46% Air Resistance 33% Air Resistance 33% Everything Else 30% Everything Else 7. and by accounting for differences in tire prices. but there are ways to increase payload – by decreasing non-paying load. 40 min. and therefore.1 INCREASE IN MILES PER GALLON — 18% 39% PERCENT FUEL SAVED — 15% 28. air resistance and mechanical losses each account for about 33 percent of the 40 percent of fuel from the engine efficiency.5% 36. 7 hr. while tire wear can be shortened by 10 to 30 percent. This program.1 miles per gallon at 55 mph. installation costs and tread life.0 7.2% SPEED 75 65 55 What consumes fuel? SPEED Every bit of energy produced or used by a truck comes from the fuel in the tank. this can allow increased payload. is severely cut. but what portion are for tread wear and what portion are for fuel consumed by the tires. engine manufacturers estimate maintenance costs may be 10-15 percent higher. and more revenue. casing values.1 MPG Speed also affects travel time. even retreads. Fuel Economy at Different Speeds Light Truck 5. vehicles went from 5. And. For example. 5 min. makes a true comparison by compensating for the fact that tire fuel economy changes constantly throughout tread life. Ask your representative to show you how much you can save. With 40 percent engine efficiency.2% TIME FOR 500 MILES OF TRAVEL 6 hr. tires from different manufacturers. And only BBTS has TLCC.1 miles per gallon at 75 mph to 7. TLCC will show you not only what the costs are.1 MPG 85 . 42 min. you must first run the engine to get power to the tires. With some cargoes. Load/Inflation What consumes fuel? LOAD No one would reduce payload as a way to save fuel. 9 hr. Medium Truck Speed affects other things too In tests.1 6. To move a truck. cutting speed can be an effective way to save fuel.1 MPG 6.0 MPG 7. 60 percent of fuel is consumed through engine losses.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information Advanced computer methods Your BBTS representative has an innovative computer program that accurately compares the fuel economy of different tires. Tire Life Cycle Cost (TLCC). but at a fraction of their cost. the fuel efficiency of the tire may end when it is retreaded. Technical Bulletins That’s one reason the BBTS TLCC program uses true average rolling resistance – not new-tire rolling resistance – to calculate tire fuel consumption. General Technical 35-50% Tread Compound Cap Base Fuel economy with retreads If only the tread is modified to produce fuel economy. 50-65% Casing Load/Inflation Wear effect on rolling resistance Since the contribution of the tread is large. unless it’s retreaded with a fuelefficient tread. Rolling resistance in the tire The tread contributes about 35-50 percent of the tire’s overall rolling resistance. In addition. can help you decide which tires deliver the best fuel efficiency. and when retreaded – especially when capped with a fuel-efficient tread – may offer superior fuel economy. while the casing contributes about 50 to 65 percent. wide base tires may also contribute to fuel economy.5% to (1⁄3 x 10% =) 3% decrease in fuel consumption. designs incorporating continuous shoulder ribs are so resistant to irregular wear that designers can use very fuel-efficient tread compounds. In general.or lug-types.General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book 181 lb per TIRE WIDE BASE LOW PROFILE 250 lb per PAIR Wide base tires can allow weight savings to be converted into revenue-producing payload and may be more fuel-efficient than ordinary dual assemblies. With drive tires. even if they started out quite different.5% savings Light Truck Tread design Tread design also affects rolling resistance. many tires become very similar in rolling resistance. 80% worn = 6. rib-type designs are more fuel-efficient than block. As they approach wear-out.5% savings If the tires they replace were not fuel-efficient. about ¼ to 1⁄3 of it is used to overcome rolling resistance. And. there are a number of fuel-efficient retread materials available offering fuel economy comparable to that of the best new tires. Computer analysis. rolling resistance decreases. many BBTS casings are specially constructed for fuel efficiency. as the tread wears away. 86 . a tire with a shallower tread tends to be more fuel-efficient. new Medium Truck 30% worn = 2% savings 50% worn = 4. like that of the BBTS TLCC program. Fortunately. So if rolling resistance decreases by 10 percent the result is about (¼ x 10% =) 2. Tire Contributions to the Fuel Bill Of the fuel used in moving the vehicle. tire life.000 lb. +2 +1 0 -1 -2 80 90 100 110 Pressure (PSI) 120 Light Truck Comparing fuel receipts with odometer readings is something you can do yourself. and recommend tires that will produce the lowest overall tire and fuel cost over their useful life. changing drive and steer tires probably won’t either. to help you make informed tire choices. the contribution of the tires on any given axle to overall vehicle fuel efficiency is roughly determined by the amount of load on that axle.000 lb. 18. If one department is trying to save fuel and another is trying to cut tire costs.” General Technical Limit your investment: Try trailer tires first.000 lb. 63% 64% 23% 20% 14% 16% . without forcing you to buy new wheels. Call BBTS for assistance at 1-800-847-3272. Here are some steps to take: Recommendations 1 2 3 4 5 6 Regardless of the type of tires you use. why spend the money? Try other methods: Driver behavior has a big effect on fuel economy. Consider all the variables: Fuel-efficient duals may save just as much fuel as wide base tires. on an ongoing basis. or better still. If that doesn’t work. Examine your priorities: Make sure everyone is on board. 11. Test things yourself: If you can’t convince yourself and your accountant.000 lb. Call for help: Your tire supplier can help you with advice and in conducting tests. Load/Inflation Axle Weight Distribution & Position Contribution to Fuel Economy 80. If you can’t benefit from the weight savings. In general. and fuel economy. you should probably try fuel-efficient trailer tires first. 34. What effect can fuel-efficient tires have? Generally you will only see about half of the scientific test results in the real world. trailer tires make the largest contribution.000 lb. Position contribution to fuel economy In general. Much of this is because of interference by other factors outside the controlled variables of testing.Effective January 2010 General Technical Information Inflation pressure effects Inflation pressure effects are relatively small. Driver training or incentives may be a better investment than new equipment.000 lb. 12. try fuel-efficient trailer retreads first. but you can expect about a 2 percent improvement in fuel efficiency over a range of 20 PSI below to 20 PSI above recommended pressure. what you’re saving may be too small to stand out from the “noise. WEIGHT 42% 43% 42% 39% 16% 18% weight percentage fuel consumption Technical Bulletins Try TLCC Remember. Your BBTS representative will help you analyze your current tires (even if they are from BBTS competitors). they may be working against each other.000 lb. maintaining correct inflation pressure for the load will optimize tire performance. to see if your fuel economy program is working. only BBTS has the Tire Life Cycle Cost (TLCC) program. any fuel economy method that does not produce at least a 2-percent improvement in controlled testing will probably not produce a measurable real-world effect. 87 51. Medium Truck Inflation Pressure Effect on Fuel Economy Percent Improvement Taking action BBTS recommends you conduct your own tests to determine whether your investment will achieve a satisfactory return. So. If you are evaluating tires. single trailer 34. General Technical Information 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Y. Truck Type by Weight Class Medium Truck Van Doubles Light Truck Liquid Tanker Dry Bulk Logger General Technical Platform Drop Frame Dump Load/Inflation Reefer Deep Drop Technical Bulletins Auto Trans Note: Trailer weight not listed. 88 . Medium Truck General Technical Information Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 NOTES 89 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Technical Bulletins 90 Load/Inflation General Technical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Load and Inflation Tables Table of Contents Light Truck Medium Truck Radials . . . 91 Commercial Light Truck Radials . . . kg. kg. lb. kg.00R24 SINGLE DUAL 12. lb. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON FLAT BASE RIMS Tire Load Limits (kg. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 91 . kg.00R20 SINGLE DUAL 12. lb. lb. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. kg.00R20 SINGLE DUAL 11. lb.00R24 SINGLE Light Truck General Technical NOTES: Letters in parentheses ( ) denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 1820 4000 1800 4140 2170 4780 2240 4940 2300 5080 2380 5240 2440 5390 2440 5390 2470 5440 2550 5620 2780 6120 2870 6330 1900 4180 1970 4350 2260 4990 2360 5200 2400 5300 2500 5520 2550 5630 2550 5630 2580 5680 2690 5920 2860 6390 3020 6660 1970 4350 2070 4560 2360 5190 2470 5450 2500 5520 2630 5790 2660 5860 2660 5860 2680 5910 2810 6200 3020 6650 3170 6980 2050 4520 2160 4770 2450 5390 2580 5690 2600 5730 2740 6040 2760 6090 2760 6090 2790 6140 2940 6480 3140 6910 3300 7280 2120 4680 2250 4960 2575(F)141 5675(F) 2725(F)145 6005(F) 2650(F)142 5840(F) 2900(F)145 6395(F) 2800(F)144 6175(F) 3075(F)147 6780(F) 2880 6360 3060 6740 3250 7160 3440 7580 2200 4840 2340 5150 2630 5785 2820 6205 2770 5095 3020 6650 2920 6430 3200 7060 3000(G)146 6610(G) 3250(G)149 7160(G) 3350(G)150 7390(G) 3650(G)153 8050(H) 2270 5000 2420 5340 2680 5895 2910 2910 2890 6350 3140 6910 3040 6690 3330 7340 3080 6790 3350 7380 3450 7610 3770 8310 2360(G)138 5205(G) 2500(G)140 5510(G) 2725(G)143 6005(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 3250(G)149 7160(G) 3150(G)148 6940(G) 3450(G)151 7610(G) 3160 6970 3450 7600 3550 7830 3890 8570 2460 5415 2600 5730 2840 6265 3120 3120 3080 6790 3350 7380 3250 7160 3550 7830 3250(H)149 7160(H) 3550(H)152 7830(H) 3650(H)153 8050(H) 4000(H)156 8820(H) 2560 5625 2700 5950 2960 6525 3240 3240 3160 6970 3450 7600 3350 7380 3650 8050 3350 7390 3650 8050 3760 8300 4130 9100 Medium Truck Tire Size Designation USAGE DUAL 830 120 2650(H)142 5840(H) 2800(H)144 6175(H) 3075(H)147 6780(H) 3350(H)150 7390(H) 3250(H)149 7160(H) 3550(H)150 7830(H) 3450(H)151 7610(H) 3750(H)154 8270(H) 3450(J)151 7610(J) 3750(J)154 8270(J) 3875(J)155 8540(J) 4250(J)158 9370(J) 11. kg.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures (kPa/psi). lb. RADIAL PLY TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb./lb. kg. kg.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Medium Commercial Truck Radials kPa psi kg. lb. lb. lb. kg. lb.00R22 SINGLE DUAL 11. kg. lb.00R15TR SINGLE DUAL 11. kg. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. 5 R250F Load Range “G” Only SINGLE DUAL 215/75R17. Tire Size Designation Usage DUAL kPa psi kg. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits at Various Cold Inflation Pressures 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 830 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 1380 3040 1450 3200 1650(E)125 3640(E) 1750(E)127 3860(E) 1430 3150 1520 3340 1720 3785 1820 4005 1480 3260 1570 3470 1790 3930 1890 4150 1520 3360 1630 3590 1850(F)126 4080(F) 1950(F)131 4300(F) 1600(F)124 3525(F) 1700(F)126 3750(F) 1920 4235 2030 4470 1650 3635 1750 3860 2000(H)132 4410(H) 2120(H)134 4675(H) 1700 3745 1800 3970 1750(G)127 3860(G) 1850(G)129 4080(G) 860 125 1800 3970 1900 4190 900 130 1850 4080 1950 4300 930 135 1900(H)130 4190(H) 2000(H)132 4410(H) 9R17. kg.Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Commercial Truck Radials Medium Truck RADIAL PLY METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. kg.5 * R184 Only SINGLE DUAL 245/70R17. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits at various Cold Inflation Pressures (Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load) kPa 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 Usage psi 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 DUAL 215/75R17. lb. lb. RADIAL PLY TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb.5HC SINGLE DUAL Load/Inflation 10R17. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. lb.5 * R184 Only SINGLE kg.5 M729 Only SINGLE DUAL 215/75R17. lb. kg. Technical Bulletins 92 . lb. kg.5HC R180 Only SINGLE NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. lb. lb. kg. kg. kg. kg. kg. lb. lb. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. kg. lb. 1215 2680 1285 2835 1250 2760 1290 2850 1285 28356 1360 3000 1325 2920 1370 3015 1360 3000 1530 3375 1450 3195 1530 3375 1750 3855 1860 4110 1400 3080 1450 3200 1400 3085 1610 3540 1520 3350 1610 3540 1840 4060 1960 4330 1470 3245 1520 3350 1500 3305 1680 3695 1590 3500 1680 3695 1940 4275 2060 4545 1550 3420 1600 3530 1550 3415 1750 3860 1650 3645 1750 3860 2030 4485 2150 4750 1600(F)124 3525(F) 1700(F)126 3750(F) 1600(G)124 3525(G) 1700(G)126 3750(G) 1720 3795 1820 4010 2130 4700 2260 4975 1790 3945 1900 4180 2220 4905 2360 5210 1860 4095 1960 4330 2320 5113 2470 5445 1910 4220 2040 4495 2420 5330 2570 5660 1990 4390 2110 4650 2510 5535 2660 5865 2060(H)135 4540(H) 2180(H)143 4805(H) 2575(J)141 5675(J) 2725(J)143 6005(J) 830 120 860 125 Tire Size Designation Light Truck General Technical * R184 FOR USE IN FREE-ROLLING TRAILER SERVICE ONLY. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (kg. lb. kg. Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load kPa 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 psi 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS.5 SINGLE DUAL 265/75R22. lb. 2575 2650 2750 2900 2970 3070 3150 3270 3450(J)151 5675 5840 6070 6395 6545 6770 6940 7210 7610(J) lb.5 SINGLE 295/75R22.5 R280 Load Range “H” Only Light Truck General Technical NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. 1430 1500 1600 1640 1710 1800 1840 1900 1950(G)131 3160 3315 3525 3615 3765 3970 4055 4195 4300(G) lb. Technical Bulletins 93 . kg. lb. RADIAL PLY METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. kg. lb. lb. lb. kg.5 Bridgestone M860 Only SINGLE Load/Inflation NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. kg. lb. lb. lb./lb. lb. kg.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Medium Commercial Truck Radials RADIAL PLY METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. kg. lb. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS TIRE LOAD LIMITS AT VARIOUS COLD INFLATION PRESSURES kPa 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 830 psi 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 kg.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures (kPa/psi). kg. 2800 6175 2575 5675 2800 6175 2910 6415 2650 5840 2910 6415 3030 6670 2750 6070 3030 6670 3150 6940 2900 6395 3150 6940 3260 7190 2970 6545 3260 7190 3370 7440 3070 6770 3370 7440 3450 7610 3150 6940 3450 7610 3590 7920 3270 7210 3590 7920 3750(J)154 8270(J) 3450(J)151 7610(J) 3750(J)154 8270(J) TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE 860 125 3560 7850 3900 8600 3795 8350 4150 9135 900 130 3750(L)154 8270(L) 4125(L)157 9090(L) 4125(L)157 9090(L) 4355(L) 10000(L) DUAL 315/80R22.5 SINGLE DUAL SINGLE DUAL 295/75R22. kg.5 SINGLE DUAL 285/75R24. lb. kg. kg. 1570 3470 1600 3525 1760 3875 2030 4470 2230 4915 1860 4095 2040 4500 1870 1435 2060 4545 1650 3645 1680 3705 1850 4070 2130 4690 2340 5155 1950 4300 2140 4725 1970 4340 2160 4770 1750 3860 1750 3860 1950 4300 2240 4940 2430 5355 2060 4540 2240 4940 2060 4540 2240 4940 1800 3975 1830 4040 2010 4440 2320 5120 2550 5630 2130 4690 2340 5155 2150 4740 2360 5210 1880 4140 1910 4205 2100 4620 2420 5330 2660 5860 2220 4885 2440 5370 2240 4930 2460 5420 1950 4300 2000 4410 2180 4805 2500 5510 2725 6005 2300 5070 2500 5510 2360(F)138 5205(F) 2575(F)141 5675(F) 2020 4455 2050 4525 2260 4975 2600 5740 2860 6305 2390 5260 2620 5780 2410 5310 2650 5835 2090 4610 2130 4525 2340 5150 2690 5940 2960 6525 2470 5440 2710 5980 2490 5495 2740 6040 2120(G)134 4675(G) 2180(G)131 4805(G) 2360(G)138 5205(G) 2800 6175 3075 6780 2575(G)141 5675(G) 2800(G)144 6175(G) 2575(G)141 5675(G) 2800(G)144 6175(G) 2660 5860 2920 6440 2800(H)144 6175(H) 3075(H)147 6780(H) 2870 6330 3150 6950 3000(H)143 6610(H) 3250(H)148 7160(H) Medium Truck TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE DUAL 830 120 245/75R22. kg. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS.5 All Bridgestone Tires Except M860 SINGLE DUAL 315/80R22. lb.Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Commercial Truck Radials Medium Truck TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION kPa psi kg.5 SINGLE DUAL 11R22.5 SINGLE General Technical DUAL 11R24. lb. lb. lb. kg. kg. lb. lb.5 SINGLE Load/Inflation NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures (kPa/psi) Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 1120 2460 1150 2540 1250 2750 1290 2840 1480 3270 1530 3370 1750 3860 1850 4080 1990 4380 2050 4560 2110 4660 2190 4820 2170 4780 2240 4940 2300 5080 2380 5240 1170 2570 1220 2680 1300 2870 1360 2990 1550 3410 1610 3560 1830 4045 1940 4280 2080 4580 2160 4770 2210 4870 2300 5070 2260 4990 2360 5200 2400 300 2500 5520 1215(D)115 2680(D) 1285(D)117 2835(D) 1360(D)119 3000(D) 1450(D)121 3195(D) 1610 3550 1690 3730 1910 4230 2030 4480 2160 4760 2260 4990 2300 5070 2410 5310 2350 5190 2470 5450 2500 5520 2630 5790 1285 2785 1340 2955 1410 3100 1500 3305 1670 3690 1760 3890 2000(E)132 4410(E) 2120(E)134 4675(E) 2250 4950 2370 5220 2390 5260 2520 5550 2440 5390 2580 5690 2600 5730 2740 6040 1310 2890 1400 3075 1460 3200 1550 3415 1750(E)127 3860(E) 1850(E)129 4080(E) 2080 4585 2200 4850 2360(F)138 5205(F) 2500(F)140 5510(F) 2500(F)140 5510(F) 2650(F)142 5840(F) 2575(F)141 5675(F) 2725(F)141 6005(F) 2650(F)142 5840(F) 2900(F)145 6395(F) 1360(E)119 3000(E) 1450(E)121 3195(E) 1500(E)122 3305(E) 1600(E)124 3525(E) 1820 4005 1920 4235 2160 4760 2280 5025 2460 5415 2600 5730 2580 5675 2770 6095 2630 5785 2820 6205 2770 6095 3020 6650 1410 3100 1500 3305 1570 3455 1670 3675 1890 4150 1990 4390 2240(F)136 4940(F) 2360(F)138 5205(F) 2560 5625 2700 5950 2660 5840 2890 6350 2680 5895 2910 6405 2890 6350 3140 6910 1460 3200 1550 3415 1640 3605 1740 3825 1950(F)131 4300(F) 2060(F)133 4540(F) 2300 5075 2430 5360 2650(G)142 5840(G) 2800(G)144 6175(G) 2725(G)143 6005(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 2725(G)143 6005(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 3250(G)152 7160(G) 1500(F) 122 3305(F) 1600(F) 124 3525(F) 1700(F) 126 3525(F) 1800(F) 128 3970(F) 2010 4425 2120 4675 2360 5210 2500 5515 2680 5895 2870 6320 2820 6205 3080 6790 2840 6265 3120 6870 3080 6790 3350 7380 2070 4550 2180 4810 2430(G)139 5355(G) 2575(G)141 5675(G) 2710 5950 2940 6465 2910 6405 3160 6970 2960 6525 3240 7130 3160 6970 3450 7600 2725(H)143 6005(H) 3000(H)146 6610(H) 3000(H)146 6610(H) 3250(H)149 7160(H) 3075(H)147 6780(H) 3350(H)150 7390(H) 3250(H)149 7160(H) 3550(H)152 7830(H) 2210(G)134 4675(G) 2240(G)136 4940(G) 830 120 USAGE DUAL 8R19. kg. lb. kg. kg. TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION 445/50R22. kg. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (kg. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES ARE USED AS SINGLES TIRE LOAD LIMITS AT VARIOUS COLD INFLATION PRESSURES 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 3330 7370 3410 7540 2880 6380 3430 7590 3720 8230 3610 7930 3060 6720 3640 7990 3950 8660 3750 8270 3150 6940 3750 8270 4125 9090 3520 7740 3960 8680 3350 7350 3980 8740 4320 9480 3660 8100 4100 9040 3470 7650 4130 9100 4470 9870 3850 8460 4250 9370 3650 8050 4250 9370 4625 10200 3990 8820 4410 9730 3740 8230 4440 9790 4820 10600 4130 9170 4540 10100 3850 8510 4580 10100 4960 11000 4310 9515 4750(J)162 10500 4000 8820 4750(J)162 10500 5150 11400 790 115 4450 9860 830 120 4625 10200 4100 9050 4880 10700 5290 11700 4250(J)158 9370(J) 5150(L)165 11400(L) 5600(L)168 12300(L) NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. kg.5 SINGLE DUAL 10R22. lb. lb. kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. lb.5 SINGLE DUAL 12R24. kg. kg. kg. 94 . lb. lb.5 SINGLE DUAL 12R22. lb. lb. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. kg. METRIC WIDE BASE RADIAL TIRES FOR TRUCKS.5 Technical Bulletins 445/65R19.5 SINGLE DUAL Light Truck 9R22. RADIAL PLY TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb. kg.5 425/65R22. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. kg. lb. lb. lb.5 445/65R22. lb. kg.5 kPa psi kg. kg.5 385/65R22. kg. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. kg.5 SINGLE DUAL 8R22./lb. kg. lb. lb. lb. kg. lb. kg.00R15TR SINGLE DUAL 10. kg. lb.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures (kPa/psi). kg. lb. kg.00R22 SINGLE kPa psi kg. lb.00R15TR SINGLE DUAL 9. lb.25R15TR SINGLE DUAL 8. lb. kg. lb. lb. kg. kg. kg. kg. Technical Bulletins 95 . kg.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Medium Commercial Truck Radials TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE DUAL 7. lb. lb.00R20 SINGLE DUAL 10. kg. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. kg. Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load 480 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 830 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 1030 2260 1060 2460 1250 2750 1290 2840 1220 2700 1260 2780 1480 3270 1530 3370 1460 3330 1510 3330 1750(D)127 3860(D) 1850(D)129 4080(D) 1660 3660 1710 3780 1990 4380 2050 4530 2110 4660 2190 4820 1070 2360 1120 2460 1300 2870 1360 2990 1270 2810 1330 2930 1550 3410 1610 3560 1520 3500 1580 3500 1830 4045 1940 4280 1740 3830 1810 3980 2080 4580 2160 4770 2210 4870 2300 5070 1120 2460 1170 2580 1360(D)119 3000(D) 1450(D)121 3195(D) 1330 2930 1400 3080 1610 3550 1690 3730 1580 3660 1660 3660 1910 4230 2030 4480 1810 3980 1890 4170 2160 4760 2260 4990 2300 5070 2410 5310 1160 2550 1220 2690 1410 3100 1500 3305 1380 3040 1450 3200 1670 3690 1760 3890 1650(E)125 3860(E) 1750(E)127 3860(E) 2000(E)132 4410(E) 2120(E)134 4675(E) 1870 4130 1980 4370 2250 4950 2370 5220 2390 5260 2520 5550 1200 2640 1270 2800 1460 3200 1550 3415 1430 3150 1520 3340 1750(F)127 3860(E) 1850(E)129 4080(E) 1720 4005 1820 4005 2080 4585 2200 4850 1950(F)131 4300(F) 2060(F)133 4540(F) 2360(F)138 5205(F) 2500(F)140 5510(F) 2500(F)140 5510(F) 2650(F)142 5849(F) 1250(E) 116 2755(E) 1329(E) 2910(E) 1500(E) 122 3305(E) 1600(E) 124 3525(E) 1480 3260 1570 3470 1820 4005 1920 4235 1790 4150 1890 4150 2160 4760 2280 5025 2030 4470 2140 4715 2460 5415 2600 5730 2580 5675 2770 6095 1300 2865 1380 3040 1570 3455 1670 3675 1520 3360 1630 3590 1890 4150 1990 4390 1850(F)129 4080(F) 1950(F)131 4300(F) 2240(F)136 4940(F) 2360(F)138 5205(F) 2110 4640 2220 4890 2560 5625 2700 5950 2660 5840 2890 6350 1350 2975 1440 3170 1640 3605 1740 3825 1600(F)124 3525(F) 1700(F)126 3750(F) 1950(F)131 4300(F) 2060(F)133 4540(F) 1920 4470 2030 4470 2300 5080 2430 5360 2180(G)135 4805(G) 2300(G)137 5070(G) 2650(G)142 5840(G) 2800(G)144 6175(G) 2725(G)143 6005(G) 3000(G)146 6610(G) 1400(F)120 3085(F) 1500(F)122 3305(F) 1700(F)126 3750(F) 1800(F)128 3970(F) 1650 3635 1750 3860 2010 4425 2120 4675 1990 4640 2110 4640 2360 5220 2500 5515 2260 4990 2390 5270 2680 5895 2870 6320 2820 6205 3080 6790 1750 3860 1850 4080 1700 3745 1800 3970 2070 4550 2180 4810 2060(G)133 4805(G) 2180(G)135 4805(G) 2430(G)139 5355(G) 2575(G)141 5675(G) 2340 5175 2480 5470 2710 5950 2940 6455 2910 6405 3160 6970 2430(H)139 2900(H)*145 5355(H) 6395(J)* 2575(H)141 3150(J)*148 5675(H) 6945(J)* 2725(H)143 6005(H) 3000(H)146 6610(H) 3000(H)146 6610(H) 1800(G)128 3970(G) 1900(G)130 4190(G) 1750(G)127 2190(J)* 4830(J)* 3860(G) Medium Truck Light Truck 860 125 1850(G)129 2255(J)* 4970(J)* 4080(G) 2120(G)134 4675(G) 2240(G)136 4940(G) General Technical Load/Inflation 3250(H)149 7160(H) * R187 For Free Rolling Trailer ONLY NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum.00R20 SINGLE DUAL 10. kg. lb. lb.25R20 SINGLE DUAL 9. lb. lb. kg.50R20 SINGLE DUAL 8. RADIAL PLY METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb./lb. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON FLAT BASE RIMS Tire Load Limits (kg.50R15TR SINGLE DUAL 7. kg. lb. kg. lb. lb. lb. lb. kg. lb. kg. kg. lb. kg. lb.5 R227F Only DUAL SINGLE DUAL 255/70R22. lb. kg.5 SINGLE 305/70R19.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures (kPa/psi). lb. kg. kg. kg. lb. kg. lb. • IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. lb.5 SINGLE 275/70R22. lb. lb. kg. Pressure Listed is the Minimum for the Load 520 550 590 620 660 690 720 760 790 830 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 110 115 120 1410 1470 1550(F)123 1580 1640 1700(G)126 1300 1360(E)119 3000(E) 3115 3245 3415(F) 3490 3615 3750(G) 2860 1500 1570 1650(F)125 1690 1740 1800(G)128 1450(E)121 3195(E) 3315 3450 3640(F) 3715 3845 3970(G) 1850 1900 2000(G)134 1550 1650 1700 1800(F)128 3970(F) 4080 4190 4410(G) 3415 3640 3750 1900 1950 2060(G)135 1600 1700 1750 1850(F)129 4080(F) 4190 4300 4540(G) 3525 3750 3860 1550 1650 1700 1800 1850 1900 2000 2060 2120(H)141 4675(H) 3415 3640 3750 3970 4080 4190 4410 4540 1600 1700 1750 1850 1950 2000 2060 2180 2240(H)144 4940(H) 3525 3750 3860 4080 4300 4410 4540 4805 1750(F) 127 1870 1990 2120(G)134 1550 1650 1660 3860(F) 4675(G) 4125 4390 3415 3650 3655 1850(F) 129 1980 2110 2240(G)136 1650 1700 1770 4080(F) 4940(G) 4370 4655 3640 3740 3890 1700 1780 1860 1950 2000 2000 2180(G)135 4805(G) 3750 3930 4095 4300 4405 4415 1800 1900 1970 2060 2130 2200 2360(G)138 5205(G) 3970 4180 4355 4540 4685 4850 1700 1780 1860 1950 2000 2170 2360(G)138 5205(G) 3745 3925 4100 4300 4410 4785 1800 1900 1970 2060 2200 2340 2500(G)140 5510(G) 3970 4190 4345 4540 4850 5205 2380 2570 1980 2000 2120 2150 2220 2300(G)137 5070(G) 5255 5675 4365 4400 4675 4735 4900 2600 2800 2110 2190 2300 2360 2440 2500(G)140 5510(G) 5740 6175 4645 4835 5070 5205 5385 2620 2725 2060 2120 2200 2300 2370 2450 2575(H)141 5675(H) 5770 6005 4540 4670 4860 5070 5230 5410 2870 3000 2240 2330 2420 2500 2610 2700 2800(H)144 6175(H) 6340 6610 4940 5130 5340 5510 5745 5945 2230 2300(H)137 1800 1860 1940 2000 2020 2090 2120(G)134 4675(G) 4915 5070(H) 3970 4110 4275 4410 4455 4610 2450 2500(H)140 1900 1980 2060 2120 2220 2300 2360(G)138 5205(G) 5400 5510(H) 4190 4370 4550 4675 4895 5065 2180 2300 2430 2500 2575 2725 2800 2900(J)145 6395(J) 4805 5070 5355 5510 5675 6005 6175 3175(J) 2430 2500 2650 2725 2900 3000 3075 7000(J) 5355 5510 5840 6005 6395 6610 6940 2180 2300 2430 2500 2575 2725 2800 2900(J)145 6395(J) 4805 5070 5355 5510 5675 6005 6175 2360 2500 2650 2725 2800 2900 3075 3150(J)148 6940(J) 5205 5510 5840 6005 6175 6395 6780 2390 2470 2575(G)141 2630 2725(H)145 2060 2130 2220 2300(F)137 5070(F) 5260 5440 5675(G) 5795 6005(H) 4540 4690 4885 2620 2710 2800(G)144 2890 3000(H)148 2240 2340 2440 2500(F)140 5510(F) 5780 5980 6175(G) 6370 6610(H) 4940 5155 5370 2180 2300 2420 2540 2660 2780 2900 3075 3115 4810 5080 5340 600 5860 6130 6390 6780 6860 2430 2560 2690 2820 2950 3090 3220 3350 3455 5350 5640 5930 6220 6510 6810 7100 7390 7610 2360 2440 2540 2560 2730 2830 3000 3010 3150(J)148 6940(J) 5205 5375 5595 5840 6025 6235 6610 6640 2575 2680 2790 2900 3000 3110 3250 3310 3450 (J) 151 7610 (J) 5675 5905 6150 6395 6620 6850 7160 7300 2430 2520 2620 2725 2820 2920 3075(H)147 6780(H) 5355 5550 5780 6005 6215 6435 2650 2770 2880 3000 3100 3210 3350(H)150 7390(H) 840 6100 6350 6610 6830 7070 2170 2290 2400 2520 2660 2640 2760 2880 3010 4780 5040 5300 5560 5860 5820 6090 6340 6640 2380 2510 2640 2770 2900 3030 3160 3290 3420 5251 5540 5820 6110 6400 6680 6970 7260 7540 860 125 Light Truck 265/70R19. kg. lb. kg. lb.5 DUAL R250 F/ED LOAD RANGE “J” ONLY SINGLE kPa psi kg.5 R250F ONLY 265/70R19.5 SINGLE DUAL 305/85R22. kg. lb. kg. lb. lb.5 M724F ONLY DUAL SINGLE DUAL SINGLE DUAL SINGLE DUAL 285/70R19. kg. kg. lb. 96 . lb.5 SINGLE 305/75R24.5 R250F Only DUAL SINGLE DUAL 305/75R22. lb. • International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range./lb. lb.5 SINGLE 295/80R22. lb. lb. kg. kg.5 SINGLE DUAL 245/70R19. lb. kg. kg.5 SINGLE 245/70R19. kg. lb. lb. kg. BUSES AND TRAILERS USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 15° DROP CENTER RIMS TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE DUAL 225/70R19. kg. kg.Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Commercial Truck Radials Medium Truck RADIAL PLY METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. kg. lb.5 DUAL M840 LOAD RANGE “J” SINGLE ONLY DUAL 275/80R22.5 DUAL R250F M729F LOAD RANGE "H" ONLY SINGLE 245/70R19. 480 70 1230 2720 Tire Load Limits (kg. kg. kg. lb. kg. kg. kg. lb.5 R294 Only DUAL SINGLE 3150(H)148 6940(H) 3550(H)152 7830(H) Technical Bulletins 3250(J)148 6945(J) 3550(J)152 7830(J) NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. lb.5 M729 ONLY Load/Inflation General Technical 2725(H)143 6005(H) 2900(H)145 6395(H) 2900(J)145 6395(J) 3150(J)148 6945(J) 275/70R22. lb. kg. lb. kg. lb.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures kPa 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE psi 35 45 50 60 65 75 80 kg. kg. TRAILERS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE RADIAL PLY TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (lb. kg. lb. 570 1255 625 1375 610 1345 670 1475 645 1420 710 1565 690 1520 760 1675 735 1620 805 1775 780 1720 855 1885 645 1420 710 1565 690 1520 760 1675 735 1620 810 1785 785 1730 865 1905 835 1840 915 2015 885 1950 970 2140 730(C)97 1610(C) 800(C)100 1765(C) 775(C)99 1710(C) 850(C)102 1875(C) 825(C)101 1820(C) 900(C)104 1985(C) 875(C)103 1930(C) 975(C)107 2150(C) 925(C)105 2040(C) 1030(C)109 2270(C) 1000(C)108 2205(C) 1090(C)111 2405(C) 790 1740 870 1915 845 1860 930 2050 900 1985 990 2180 875(D)103 1930(D) 950(D)106 2095(D) 900(D)104 1985(D) 1000(D)108 2205(D) 975(D)107 2150(D) 1060(D)110 2335(D) 1060 2335 1160 2555 1150(E)113 2535(E) 1250(E)116 2755(E) Medium Truck Light Truck General Technical NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. lb. lb. lb. 530 605 690(C)95 740 800(D)100 DUAL 1145 1360 1520(C) 1665 1765(D) lb. kg. lb. kg. lb. lb. kg. kg. kg. LT205/75R15 kg. kg. lb. lb. kg.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Commercial Light Truck Radials LIGHT TRUCK METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. DUAL LT215/75R15 SINGLE DUAL LT225/75R15 SINGLE DUAL LT235/75R15 SINGLE DUAL LT245/75R15 SINGLE DUAL LT255/75R15 SINGLE DUAL LT265/75R15 SINGLE kg. BUSES. lb. kg. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 97 . International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. 585 665 750(C)98 815 875(D)103 SINGLE 1260 1500 1655(C) 1795 1930(D) lb. Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Commercial Light Truck Radials Medium Truck LIGHT TRUCK METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb. lb. BUSES. lb.50R16LT SINGLE RADIAL PLY TIRES FOR TRUCKS. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. TRAILERS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE RADIAL PLY TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits at various Cold Inflation Pressures 250 280 310 350 380 410 450 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 80 SERIES 590 1275 650 1400 730 1570 800 1725 630 1360 695 1495 720 1545 790 1700 815 1745 895 1920 645 1395 710 1535 800 1725 880 1895 690 1490 760 1640 790 1700 965 1870 890 1920 980 2110 675 1515 740 1665 830 1870 910 2055 720 1625 790 1785 820 1845 900 2030 930 2085 1020 2290 750 1655 825 1820 925 2040 1030 2270 85 SERIES DUAL LT215/85R16 SINGLE DUAL LT235/85R16 SINGLE DUAL kg. 800(C)100 1765(C) 880(C)103 1940(C) 910(C)104 2006(C) 1000(C)108 2205(C) 1030(C)109 2270(C) 1120(C)112 2470(C) 865 1865 950 2050 985 2125 1100 2335 1115 2400 1225 2635 870 1985 965 2180 1000 2260 1155 2485 1130 2550 1240 2800 975(D)107 2150(D) 1060(D)110 2335(D) 1080(D)111 2381(D) 1190(D)114 2623(D) 1250(D)116 2755(D) 1360(D)119 3000(D) 1025 2210 1130 2430 1165 2515 1285 2765 1320 2840 1450 3120 1030 2320 1130 2550 1170 2645 1290 2905 1320 2980 1450 3275 1120(E)112 2470(E) 1215(E)115 2680(E) 1260(E)116 2778(E) 1380(E)120 3042(E) 1400(E)120 3085(E) 1550(E)123 3415(E) 810 1745 890 1920 1015 2190 1115 2405 825 1855 905 2040 1010 2315 1110 2545 875(D)103 1930(D) 975(D)107 2150(D) 1120 2470 1215 2680 1090 2560 1305 2815 1180 2685 1300 2950 1285(E)117 2835(E) 1400(E)120 3085(E) TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE kPa psi kg. 480 70 520 75 550 80 DUAL LT215/80R15 SINGLE DUAL LT235/80R17 SINGLE Light Truck General Technical LT255/85R16 SINGLE NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. kg. lb. 1050 1120(D)112 1160 1210 1250(E)116 1310 1360 2310 2470(D) 2560 2670 2755(E) 2885 2900 lb. Technical Bulletins 98 . kg. BUSES. lb. kg. lb. lb. kg. 925 975(D)107 1020 1065 1120(E)112 1150 1190 2040 2150(D) 2245 2345 2470(E) 2540 2630 lb. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. kg. 660 95 1250(F)116 2755(F) 1400(F)120 3085(F) 690 100 1450(G)121 3195(G) 1510(G)122 3330(G) NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. Load/Inflation TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE DUAL 7. lb. kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. lb. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. kg. kg. lb. kg. TRAILERS IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE MOUNTED ON FLAT BASE RIMS Tire Load Limits at various Cold Inflation Pressures kPa 410 450 480 520 550 590 620 psi 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 kg. lb. DUAL 6. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range. 680 720 750(D)98 795 830 510 555 600 650(C)93 DUAL 1435(C) 1500 1590 1655(D) 1750 1830 1120 1225 1320 lb.50*16LT kg. kg.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Commercial Light Truck Radials LIGHT TRUCK TIRES FOR TRUCKS. BUSES. IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. kg. Technical Bulletins 99 . IMPORTANT — ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETER AND CONTOURS. TRAILERS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE RADIAL PLY TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (lb. BUSES. lb. 1155 1220 1285(E)116 2835(E) 2545 2690 lb. TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION 8R17. TRAILERS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE MOUNTED ON FLAT BASE RIMS Tire Load Limits at various Cold Inflation Pressures kPa 500 550 900 psi 75 80 85 kg. 575 630 680 730(C)97 775 815 875(D)103 905 945 SINGLE 1270 1390 1500 1610(C) 1710 1800 1930(D) 1990 2080 lb.70*15LT SINGLE DUAL 7. 480 1060 550 1210 540 1190 610 1350 530 1170 600 1320 595 1310 670 1480 575 1265 650 1430 645 1420 730 1610 615(C)91 1355(C) 690(C)95 1530(C) 690(C)95 1520(C) 775(D)99 1710(C) 655 1440 740 1630 735 1620 830 1830 690 1520 780 1720 780 1715 880 1940 730(D)97 1610(D) 825(D)101 1820(D) 825(D)101 1820(D) 925(D)105 2040(D) 760 1670 860 1900 850 1870 965 2130 795 1750 900 1980 890 1960 1005 2220 Medium Truck 550 80 520 75 875(E)103 1930(E) 975(E)107 2150(E) 825(E)101 1820(E) Light Truck 925(E)105 2040(E) 925(E)105 2040(E) 1060(E)110 2335(E) NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum.00*15LT SINGLE kg. kg. kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after Load Range.5 LT M773 SWP Only Usage DUAL SINGLE Load/Inflation NOTES: Letters in parentheses denote Load Range for which boldface loads and inflations are maximum. 11225 1190 1250(E)116 2480 2625 2755(E) lb.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures RADIAL PLY kPa 250 280 310 340 380 410 450 480 520 psi 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 DIAGONAL (BIAS) PLY kPa 210 240 280 310 340 380 410 450 480 TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE psi 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 kg. General Technical LIGHT TRUCK TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb. lb. 6. LT225/75R16 kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after the Load Range. 740 1635 845 1860 730(B)97 1610(B) 850(B)102 1875(B) 950(C)106 2095(C) 1090(C)111 2405(C) 810 1785 920 2030 805 1770 910 2010 1030 2280 1170 2590 875 1925 995 2190 865 1910 985 2170 1120 2460 1270 2800 950(C)106 2095(C) 1090(C)111 2405(C) 925(C)105 2040(C) 1060(C)110 2335(C) 1215(D)116 2680(D) 1360(D)119 3000(D) 1000 2200 1130 2500 990 2180 1120 2480 1270 2810 1450 3190 1060 2330 1200 2650 1050 2310 1190 2620 1350 2970 1530 3370 1120(D)112 2470(D) 1285(D)117 2835(D) 1120(D)112 2470(D) 1250(D)118 2755(D) 1450(E)121 3195(E) 1650(E)125 3640(E) 1170 2570 1320 2920 1150 2540 1310 2885 1490 3275 1690 3720 1220 2685 1380 3050 1200 2650 1370 3010 1550 3420 1760 3885 1285(E)117 2835(E) 1450(E)121 3195(E) 1250(E)116 2755(E) 1450(E)121 3195(E) 1650(F)125 3640(F) 1850(F)129 4080(F) Medium Truck 660 95 620 90 1030(F)109 2270(F) 1180(F)114 2600(F) 1215(F)115 2680(F) 1360(F)119 3000(F) General Technical Light Truck DUAL 12*16. lb.00*16. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETERS AND CONTOURS.5LT kg. lb. lb. lb. lb. lb. TRAILERS. LIGHT TRUCK METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. International Load Index numbers are shown after the Load Range. kg. kg.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures RADIAL PLY kPa 250 280 310 350 380 410 450 480 520 550 590 620 psi 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 DIAGONAL (BIAS) PLY kPa 210 250 280 310 350 380 410 450 480 520 550 590 TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE psi 30 240 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 kg. lb. 625 685 740 800(C)100 840 895 950(D)105 985 1030 1090(E)111 1110 1150 DUAL 1380 1515 1630 1765(C) 1855 1970 2095(D) 2175 2260 2405(E) 2450 2540 lb. 100 .5LT SINGLE NOTES: Letters in parentheses ( ) denote Load Range for which boldface loads are MAXIMUM. lb.Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Commercial Light Truck Radials LIGHT TRUCK TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb.5LT kg. BUSES. 615 675 730 800(C)100 835 880 925(D)105 975 1020 1060(E)110 1100 1130 SINGLE 1360 1490 1610 1765(C) 1840 1945 2040(D) 2145 2240 2335(E) 2420 2500 lb.50*16. AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (lb.75*16. kg. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETERS AND CONTOURS. lb. 720 1545 790 1700 810 1740 890 1910 665 1425 730 1565 750 1610 825 1770 765 1695 840 1865 860 1910 950 2100 710 1565 780 1720 805 1770 880 1945 820 1845 900 2030 920 2075 1010 2280 750 1695 825 1865 850 1920 935 2110 910(C)104 2006(C) 1000(C)108 2205(C) 1030(C)109 2270(C) 1120(C)112 2470(C) 850(C)102 1875(C) 925(C)105 2040(C) 925(C)105 2040(C) 1030(C)109 2270(C) 960 2125 1055 2335 1080 2390 1185 2625 885 1950 970 2145 1005 2210 1100 2430 1000 2255 1100 2480 1130 2540 1240 2790 920 2075 1010 2280 1040 2350 1140 2580 1080(D)111 2381(D) 1190(D)114 2623 1250(D)116 2755(D) 1360(D)119 3000(D) 1000(D)108 2205(D) 1090(D)111 2405(D) 1150(C)113 2535(C) 1250(D)116 2755(D) 1135 2515 1250 2765 1275 2825 1400 3105 1050 2310 1155 2540 1190 2615 1305 2875 1170 2640 1290 2900 1310 2965 1440 3260 1070 2430 1180 2670 1220 2750 1340 3020 1260(E)116 2778(E) 1380(E)120 3042(E) 1400(E)120 3085(E) 1550(E)123 3415(E) 1150(E)113 2535(E) 1250(E)116 2755(E) 1320(E)118 2910(E) 1450(E)121 3195(E) Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation DUAL LT225/75R17 SINGLE DUAL LT245/75R17 SINGLE NOTES: Letters in parentheses ( ) denote Load Range for which boldface loads are MAXIMUM. kg. 700 745 795 880(C)103 930 970 1060(D)110 1100 1140 1215(E)115 SINGLE 1500 1650 1790 1940(C) 2060 2190 2335(D) 2440 2560 2680(E) lb. 955 1020 1090(D)111 1120 1170 1215(E)115 1260 1310 710 780 840 900(C)104 SINGLE 1985(C) 2110 2240 2405(D) 2470 2570 2680(E) 2780 2880 1570 1720 1850 lb. lb. 540 595 640 690(C)95 735 775 825(D)101 855 895 925(E)105 965 1000 DUAL 1195 1310 1415 1520(C) 1620 1710 1820(D) 1885 1970 2040(E) 2130 2200 lb.5LT SINGLE DUAL 10*16. kg. kg. lb. kg. TRAILERS. kg. lb. DUAL LT245/75R16 SINGLE DUAL LT265/75R16 SINGLE kg. kg. 8. DUAL 9. BUSES. kg. lb. AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE. kg.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures kPa 250 275 300 350 380 400 450 780 500 550 TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE psi 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 kg. RADIAL PLY TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (lb.5LT SINGLE kg. 635 675 725 800(C)100 945 885 975(D)107 1000 1040 1120(E)112 DUAL 1365 1500 1630 1765(C) 1875 1995 2150(D) 2220 2330 2470(E) lb. 8. kg. kg. 785 890 1000(C)108 1050 1090 1180(D)114 1240 1270 1360(E)119 SINGLE 1690 2010 2205(C) 2315 2460 2600(D) 2740 2875 3000(E) lb. General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 101 . 715 1540 785 1690 715 1540 785 1940 875 1885 960 2070 2130 935 2065 1030 2270 810 1830 890 2010 810 1830 890 2310 990 2250 1090 2470 1030(C)109 2270(C) 1120(C)112 2470(C) 1060(C)110 2335(C) 1150(C)113 2535(C) 1120 2470 1215 2680 1070 2360 1175 2595 1095 2420 1205 2660 1175 2585 1290 2840 1110 2510 1220 2760 1140 2570 1250 2825 1220 2750 1340 3020 1060(D)110 2680(D) 1215(D)114 2910(D) 1250 2755 1360 3000 1320 2910 1450 3195 1240 2735 1360 3005 1300 2865 1425 3150 1390 3060 1525 3360 1260 2820 1390 3100 1130 3010 1450 3305 1420 3210 1560 3530 1320(E)118 2910(E) 1450(E)119 3195(E) 1400(E)120 3085(E) Medium Truck Light Truck 1550(E)123 3415(E) 1500(E)132 3305(E) 1650(E)125 3640(E) NOTES: Letters in parentheses ( ) denote Load Range for which boldface loads are MAXIMUM.Effective January 2010 Load and Inflation Tables Commercial Light Truck Radials LIGHT TRUCK METRIC TIRES FOR TRUCKS. lb. lb. kg. 715 765 810 900(C)104 955 990 1060(D)110 1130 1160 1250(E)116 DUAL 1540 1690 1830 1985(C) 2105 2240 2335(D) 2495 2615 2755(E) lb. LT245/70R17 kg. lb. DUAL LT265/70R17 SINGLE DUAL LT275/65R18 SINGLE DUAL LT275/70R18 SINGLE kg. BUSES. kg. lb. kg. International Load Index numbers are shown after the Load Range. lb. lb.) at various Cold Inflation Pressures kPa 250 275 300 350 380 400 450 480 500 550 TIRE SIZE DESIGNATION USAGE psi 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 kg. kg. TRAILERS AND MULTIPURPOSE PASSENGER VEHICLES USED IN NORMAL HIGHWAY SERVICE RADIAL PLY TIRES MOUNTED ON 5° DROP CENTER RIMS Tire Load Limits (lb. kg. IMPORTANT: ALWAYS USE APPROVED TIRE AND RIM COMBINATIONS FOR DIAMETERS AND CONTOURS. Load and Inflation Tables 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book NOTES Medium Truck Technical Bulletins 102 Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck . Medium Truck Load and Inflation Tables Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 NOTES 103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 TBR Sidewall Repair and Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Bridgestone Firestone Chassis Dynamometer Test Guides for Truck/Bus Tires. . . . . . . . . . . 109 Aerosol Tire Sealer/Inflators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Mismatching Tire Bead and Rim Diameters . . 117 Technical Bulletins 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 Innertube Storage . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Aftermarket Tire Products and Additives in Truck/Bus Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Steam Cleaning Tires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck Technical Bulletins Table of Contents Light Truck Reference Number TB-2000-01 T9106TD T9502TI T9501X General Technical TB-2008-001 G-008-X G-004-X T9106PD T9101TD T8701GD Load/Inflation Date January 2000 April 1996 October 1995 October 1995 January 2008 October 1991 June 1991 August 1991 December 1990 October 1987 Title Page New 11-Digit DOT Number . . . . . . 113 Mounting Tubeless Truck Tires. . . 106 Extra-Deep-Tread Tires’ Lateral Stiffness Effects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 105 .Effective January 2010 Technical Bulletins Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. No. the CVSA agreed to accept the use of a blue triangular identification adjacent to a sidewall repair bulge. 106 . a radial sidewall bulge may be visible. In 1984. The inspectors. Action In October 1990. A vehicle will not be placed out of service if a tire repair bulge is 3/8" or less in height and is identified with an adjacent blue triangle. the Rubber Manufacturers Association (RMA) issued a bulletin stating that bulges up to 3/8" in height are permitted when associated with these repairs. in the past have had difficulty distinguishing between sidewall bulges due to repairs (allowed) and tire separations. The retread and repair industry will be incorporating these identification patches into their sidewall repair procedures. When damaged body cord is removed and a reinforcing unit is used in the repair process.Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN April 1996 Ref. T9106TD TBR Sidewall Repair and Identification Background Radial truck tires can successfully be repaired in the sidewall area. Light Truck Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation General Technical Issue The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) is responsible for inspecting commercial vehicles for safety defects and placing vehicles out of service if defects such as tire separations or exposed cord/fabric are found. The sensation the driver feels is the lateral stiffness effect of the extra-deep-tread drive tire compared to the worn tire being replaced and does not affect traction or warrant any concerns. No. Therefore. Reduced inflation pressure and deeper tread depth results in lower lateral stiffness. Both of these factors vary over time. and are sometimes sensitive to the ride dynamics of fitment changes of new tire designs on the vehicle. especially under full load or after replacing worn drive tires. This motion is the byproduct of what is commonly referred to as lateral stiffness. as well as the tire’s tread depth. The lateral stiffness improves quickly as the tread wears and a driver will become accustomed to the initial difference in sensation. LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 107 .Effective January 2010 Technical Bulletins Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN October 1995 Ref. Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. some users may comment on experiencing a slight swaying with newly installed extra-deep-tread drive tires. One of the sensations drivers notice is a side-to-side motion. T9502TI Extra-Deep-Tread Tires' Lateral Stiffness Effects Light Truck General Technical Many drivers are aware of the feel of the trucks used on a daily basis in fleets. The lateral stiffness of a tire is due in large part to inflation pressure. Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN October 1995 Ref. follow the recommended time period based on roller diameter as listed below: Maximum Allowable Time by Roller Diameter 8-5/8" Roller 18" Roller 3. II. • When it is anticipated that a test will exceed the time/test value established. Background Light Truck Vehicle manufacturers and many maintenance facilities conduct in-place vehicle testing on twin-roll chassis dynamometers. it is important that the following precautions be taken: • Do not exceed the time and speed restrictions listed in part II. should be directed to your Regional Field Engineering Office. Procedure To prevent excessive head buildup in the center of the tire tread. Questions regarding test procedures. more critical when the vehicle is tested without a load. etc. No. General Technical Load: These time restrictions apply regardless of the actual load and are. If the following procedure is not adhered to. in fact. Precautions To avoid the possibility of irreversible tire damage and/or failure during testing. T9501X Bridgestone Firestone Chassis Dynamometer Test Guidelines for Truck/Bus Tires I. a worn or “slave” tire should be used in place of the new tire for testing purposes. • Allow at least one hour cool down between tests. Example of Dyno Damage III. LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 Technical Bulletins 108 .5 minutes 6 minutes Maximum Allowable Speed is 55 mph. irreversible damage may occur to the tire. Testing is usually conducted over a short period of time on empty vehicles. Load/Inflation BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. loads. Medium Truck Technical Bulletins Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 109 . rim-mounted tires. may have combustible gases in their air chambers. G-008-X Aerosol Tire Sealer/Inflators Aerosol tire sealer/inflators have been used by large numbers of motorists each year and an undetermined number of tires now on the road. Light Truck TIRE OR RIM REPAIR SAFETY BULLETIN FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW. These ignition sources could lead to an explosion.Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN October 1991 Ref. if your establishment repairs or works on rims or on pressurized. Never add air to a tire treated with a flammable sealer/inflator without completely removing the flammable gas. Therefore. All tires should be handled as if a flammable tire sealer has been used. even if he advises you that one has not been used.. After the pressure has been released and before making any repairs. which can be poisonous. Do not permit smoking or any flame. Please read carefully and make sure all your employees read the attached publications that have been approved and distributed by the Rubber Manufacturers Association and the National Highway Safety Administration. PRECAUTIONS YOU SHOULD TAKE. Technical Bulletins BEFORE BEGINNING REPAIRS OR SERVICE ON ANY RIM OR TIRE. you should handle all of them as if they contain a flammable tire sealer-inflator. YOU SHOULD ALWAYS FOLLOW THESE SAFETY PROCEDURES: Remove the valve stem completely to release the tire pressure in a well-ventilated area. If you believe a sealer/inflator has been used. An explosion can occur if ANY ignition source is present. plug or any object which could cause sparks on a tire or rim without first completely removing the tire from the rim. remove the tire from the wheel rim. Always make sure that the repair area is well-ventilated so that any gases that are present will not accumulate. It is difficult to determine whether a tire has been inflated with a flammable aerosol type tire sealer/ inflator. Air added to a tire containing flammable gas may make it more explosive. Do not rely upon the customer.. even in the absence of flammable sealer/inflator. Customers may neglect to tell you or even may have forgotten they used a sealer/inflator. Allow the tire to dry before repairs are made. Load/Inflation Never weld or use a cutting torch on a wheel or rim without first completely removing the tire from the rim. Otherwise. 110 . Do not use a tire rasp. spark or other ignition source in the area where tires or rims are being kept. The gases in the sealer/inflator. away from sparks or other ignition sources. wash the inside of the tire with a detergent/water solution and rinse thoroughly. Even the insertion of a plug into a steel-belted tire could cause an explosion! General Technical Proper safety precautions to avoid ignition of flammable gases MUST be followed during the repair or maintenance of ALL tires or rims. are combustible inside the tire. No. which have been filled with these devices. Failure to follow these precautions and procedures may result in serious or even fatal injury. explosions resulting in possible serious or fatal injury can occur... No.Effective January 2010 Technical Bulletins Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN October 1991 Ref. G-008-X Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 111 . reseal the enclosure or repackage the affected tubes to prevent premature ozone crack damage on tubes. No. especially when folded. Exposure to weather. tubes stored in tires can be similarly affected if unprotected by a flap or rim. G-004-X Innertube Storage Innertubes should always be stored in a sealed enclosure. Light Truck BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. In addition. Tubes with ozone crack damage should be replaced. electric motors and fans can cause premature aging of the rubber compound. Do not place these in service.Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN June 1991 Ref. If the seal is damaged or broken. sunlight. LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 Technical Bulletins 112 Load/Inflation General Technical . open doors. Effective January 2010 Technical Bulletins Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 113 . Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY, LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 114 Medium Truck Technical Bulletins Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 115 Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN December 1990 Ref. No. T9101TD Mounting Tubeless Truck Tires Proper mounting practices are mandatory to help ensure uniform tire/wheel assemblies for application to heavy duty trucks which use 22.5 and 24.5 bead diameter tubeless truck tires. Failure to follow the industry recommendations for mounting uniformity may result in improper tire bead/wheel fit and can lead to vehicle vibration and irregular tire wear. Bridgestone recently conducted a tire mounting study involving tubeless tires of different brands, aspect ratios and bead diameters on new and used steel and aluminum wheels. Bridgestone tires included in this study were R299, R194-LP, R293 and R194 designs. Results of the evaluation showed that regardless of the item combination checked, uniform assemblies were obtained when the following three practices were performed: 1. Clean the wheel or rim General Technical Light Truck 2. Lubricate the tire and beads AND WHEEL/RIM BEAD SEAT 3. Check the assembly for concentricity 1. A used wheel/rim should be cleaned by wire brushing to remove rust, scale and build-up. Painting the cleaned metal with primer or anti-rust paint is recommended. 2. Before assembling tire and wheel/rim, lubricate tire beads and wheel/rim seat with a vegetable oil-based lubricant formulated for tire and wheel/rim use. Do not use petroleum- or solvent-based products, as they cause rubber deterioration. Failure to lubricate the wheel/rim as well as the tire can lead to a non-uniform assembly. The best initial balance is obtained by matching the tire's light spot (marked by a yellow dot or circle) at the wheel/rim valve. 3. To check the assembly for concentricity of a tire and wheel/rim, measure the distance between the tireflange interface and the circumferential ring molded into the tire sidewall at four locations (90 degrees apart) around the tire-flange circumference. Distances measured should be within a 2/32" (1.5 mm) range for acceptable uniformity. If the ranges in distance within the same side of the tire are greater than this, break down assembly, REMEMBER: re-lubricate and remount the tire. CLEAN! LUBRICATE! Following these practices will reduce vehicle vibration and irregular CHECK! wear occurrences. The first step in investigating these types of AND ALWAYS FOLLOW ALL OSHA, complaints should be the measurement of tire and wheel/rim RMA, AND MANUFACTURER concentricity to determine if non-uniform mounting is present, and MOUNTING SAFETY the probable cause. If so, break down assembly, re-lubricate tire and PRECAUTIONS! wheel and remount tire. Technical Bulletins Load/Inflation BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY, LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 116 a small spongy blister may appear on the sidewall. T8701GD Steam Cleaning Tires CAUTION: Steam cleaning can damage a tire and render it unserviceable. it is common practice to use “steam cleaning equipment” to wash trucks and tires.Effective January 2010 Technical Bulletins Medium Truck TECHNICAL BULLETIN December 1987 Ref. Nozzle temperature on steam cleaning equipment typically reaches 280°F. When a steam cleaning nozzle is held too close to the sidewall of a tire for as short a time as 45 seconds. Light Truck BRIDGESTONE FIRESTONE NORTH AMERICAN TIRE COMPANY. No. one will observe reverted rubber resulting from the excessive localized heat. When this blister is cut open. At many businesses throughout the United States. LLC Bridgestone Technical Hotline 1-800-847-3272 General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins 117 . Steam cleaning of tires can be harmful to tires when the nozzle is concentrated in one spot for a period of time. Technical Bulletins 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book NOTES Medium Truck Technical Bulletins 118 Load/Inflation General Technical Light Truck . Medium Truck Technical Bulletins Light Truck General Technical Load/Inflation Technical Bulletins Effective January 2010 NOTES 119 . Features include Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ features plus stone rejectors. Michelin XDE M/S. G338. G662 General Technical M711 A deep-tread drive tire offering excellent mileage and traction. R227F Unidirectional tread pattern and high-performance tread compounds. G288 Michelin XZY3 Goodyear G288 Michelin XZY. XDN2. G661. Technical Bulletins Wide tread to enhance handling and deep tread depth for longer mileage. R197 New premium trailer radial with sidewall protectors and advanced irregular-wear fighting features has improved fuel economy and longer life. XZY3 Goodyear G288 Michelin None Goodyear G286 120 . M895 All-position radial with superior handling and reduced noise. Stone rejectors help protect casing from damage. M840 An all-position on/off-highway radial. XZA-1+ Goodyear G395 Michelin XZE2 Goodyear G169. and irregular wear. G662 Michelin XZE2. all-season radial designed for steer and drive positions. XD4 Goodyear G662. long mileage. Tread compound features anti-chip and cut capability for use on unimproved roads. along with Side Groove™ and Equalizer Rib™ technologies promote improved fuel economy. R250F & R250 ED A five-rib design featuring wide.Medium Truck Tire Comparison Guide 2010 Bridgestone Medium and Light Truck Tire Data Book Medium Truck R287A & R287 Innovative tread design and compounding allows shallower tread depth for irregular wear resistance. Staggered tread blocks distribute forces evenly for resistance to irregular wear. Designed for metro or urban applications. Michelin XZA. G287 Michelin XZY3. wide and deep tread on/off-highway design provides excellent traction. Resists cuts. Usable up to 65 mph. M850 An aggressive. and long wear. Light Truck Michelin XZA3 Goodyear G395 Michelin XZA3. and outstanding wet traction in all line haul applications. XZY3 Goodyear G289. G149. long mileage. logging rigs. Features sidewall protector ribs for resistance to curb damage. XZE2+ Goodyear None R280 All-position radial designed for regional and long haul service. straight grooves and sidewall protector ribs for high-scrub regional service. G182. tearing. Equalizer Rib™ design and stone rejectors. XZE* Goodyear G169. Provides excellent long tread life and superior retreadability. rounded shoulders. M729F A drive radial featuring a convex block design to resist irregular wear. Features include Side Groove™ and Equalizer Rib™ technologies for higher mileage. Sidewall protectors resist scrubbing and curbing. Stone rejectors help protect casing from damage. sidewall protectors. and refuse haulers. XTY2. G661. Michelin XZUS. XZUS Goodyear G286. M857 A rib-lug tread design for use on all wheel positions in on/ off-highway applications such as dump trucks. XTA Energy Goodyear G316 Load/Inflation M860 M843 Extra-deep rib-lug radial designed for use on all wheel positions in all on/off-highway applications. M724F An all-position. R260F All-position radial featuring high-scrub compounds. G124 Michelin XDE2+ Goodyear G622 Michelin XZE Goodyear G647 Michelin XZE Goodyear G647 Michelin XT-1. M844F An on/off-highway wide base tire with a self-cleaning tread pattern designed for use on all wheel positions. X One XTE Goodyear None R196 A five-rib radial designed for high-scrub. high scrub-resistance and long mileage. G282 Michelin XDL.and chip-resistant. Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ features to combat irregular wear. M726 EL Up to 32/32" tread depth drive tire with solid shoulders and aggressive inner blocks to provide long. XZL Goodyear G178. Michelin XT-1. Wide base design for higher payload and outstanding flotation. Michelin X One XTA. G282 Michelin XZY3. Sidewall protector ribs offer protection against curbing and abrasions. refuse and construction industries.and chip-resistant.5 duals. Light Truck Michelin XDA5. tearing and irregular wear. G362. Special tread compounds are cut-. XZY Goodyear G177 Michelin XDY-EX. G104 Michelin None Goodyear G104 Michelin XTE Goodyear G316 Michelin XZUS. Long-wearing compounds. XDA Energy Goodyear G305. R294 A five-rib. low profile tire for use in positions requiring low axle heights. G286 L320 A deep-tread. XDY-EX. high-traction lug design for drive axles in on/ off-highway service. G291 Load/Inflation L315 Aggressive lug tread designed for axles carrying extra-heavy loads in on/off-highway service.Effective January 2010 Medium Truck Tire Comparison Guide Medium Truck M720 Low rolling-resistance drive radial promotes fuel efficiency. Greatec® Drive & Greatec® M825 Wide base drive tire replaces 295/75R22. XDA. and Waved Belt™ technology for enhanced casing stability. designed for the special demands of the logging. Technical Bulletins Michelin XDL.5 dual assemblies. Provides excellent control on wet surfaces.and irregular wear-resistant. G338 General Technical R195F A trailer radial with sidewall protector ribs. XTA Energy Goodyear G316. M726 Extra-deep drive tire with solid shoulder ribs delivers long tread life. Tread siping provides all-weather traction. tear. R194F A five-rib radial designed for free-rolling axles that delivers high resistance to irregular wear. even wear and high traction. G372 Michelin XDA5. Special tread compound resists cuts. XZA1. Michelin X One XDN2. XZE Goodyear G177. XDY3. Tread compound is cut. XDY-2 Goodyear G177. XDY-2. G286 121 . Innovative tread compound is cut. XZUS Goodyear G178. free-rolling axles such as spread axles and tri-axle trailers. maximum traction and even wear. XZL. Features Equalizer Rib™ and Defense Groove™ technologies to combat irregular wear and Waved Belt™ technology for enhanced casing durability. Center groove platforms reject damaging stones and a long-wearing tread compound increases tire life. XZA2 Energy Goodyear RHS. X One XDA Goodyear G392 M725 An extra-deep tread drive radial that provides aggressive traction. G182. all-position. Greatec® Trailer & Greatec® R125 Wide base trailer tire replaces 295/75R22. Solid shoulder ribs and aggressive inner blocks provide long. XDA3. XDA3 Goodyear G372. chips. even wear and high traction. M775 A deep-tread drive axle on/off-highway tire. Aggressive tread design for good traction. X One XDA Energy. chip-. high-traction lug design for drive axles. Michelin XZY3. G362 Michelin XD2 Goodyear G622 Michelin XDN2. XDY3. XDE M/S Goodyear G622. L317 A deep-tread off-highway.
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