Breeding Game Fowl is a Good Business but Not to Others

March 27, 2018 | Author: Jen Maramion | Category: Chicken, Selective Breeding, Public Health, Infection, Employment



Breeding game fowl is a good business but not to othersI would like to breed fighting cocks for business but from the day I started it up to two years it is not good for me. There is no return of investment (ROI) instead I spend forty thousand pesos in a year and I lost not only money but also my time and effort. It is very frustrating that all my efforts and sacrifices will end to nothing. I have question why there game fowl breeder who start in breeding a little and now they are successful and earn income in breeding of game fowl. I really love to breed game fowl and I want to produce quality battle crosses for sale so that I can earn money. I study and research how those breeders make good business in breeding of game fowl even they are only small time. What they do is to breed quality fighting cocks then look for a financer to finance the entry fee in a derby then if they can get a good winning percentage in the derby lots of buyer will come to them and buy fighting cocks. Another way on how a game fowl breeder earns money is to breed then sell the fighting cocks to a person who buys and sell fighting cocks. They look for a buyer that can buy volumes of fighting cocks. Their secret on how to make good money in breeding fighting cock is to breed and produce quality fighting cocks so that buyers will always come back and buy your fighting cocks. In that sense breeding of game fowl is a good business to you. If you breed and sell fighting cocks that cannot make a good record in a derby only few customers will come to buy and they purchase it at low price which cannot contribute to your expenses in breeding. Labels: Fighting Cocks Old line lemon and battle crosses One of the famous and legendary game fowl or fighting cocks bloodline is the lemon. Lemon are very good foundation bloodline that can be cross breed to any game fowl blood line like roundheads, hatches, sweaters, grey, butcher and other blood line. The lemon has a fighting style that is admire by every cockers. Lemons are vertical flyer and because of that characteristic it can cause a deep wound to its opponent cock. Lemons are also side stepper which is good because the opponent cock cannot easily hit a lemon. Lemon fighting cocks is also tricky and wise and have patience. One characteristic of lemon blood line that I like most is its ability to give his best during drag fight and to fight up to the last breath. The battle crosses of lemon blood line will give you more winning percentage. There are champion breeder who successfully become a derby champion that uses the lemon crosses like Juancho Aguire, Eddie Boy Ledesma, Joe Laureño, Lancey dela torre, Paeng Araneta and Others. In my case I cross my lemon blood line to dink sweater. The lemon sweater battle crosses give me more winning percentage. The fighting style or characteristics of this battle crosses are they are smart like lemon and they have speed and power. They break high and they can give a good shuffle. Other characteristic of lemon bllod line which do not like by some game fowl breeders are they are low to medium station and they are slower compared to other game fowl blood line. But the secret in the lemon blood line is the battle cross or its crosses. If you know which blood line you are going to cross breed your lemon blood line you can get more higher winning percentage. Game fowl breeding is like an experiment, so do your experint on which blood line the lemon can be cross breed better. Labels: Fighting Cocks Scratch box and flying pen Game fowl breeders and handlers have its own method of conditioning and preparing their battle or fighting cocks. There is several conditioning method like the traditional one that I used before which I used the table exercise. In this method I do table workout for my fighting cocks I used the table for running exercise of my fighting cock were I hold the fighting cocks and keep it running. I used the scratch pad so that the fighting cock can scratch their legs by holding the tail. This method is only good if you have time and you prepare few fighting cocks for battle. It is not good to use this method if you are preparing more fighting cocks for battle and if you have limited time. In modern days were fighting cocks derby is very popular like the bakbakan stag derby, world slasher cup, candelaria and other big time derbies it is good to use the rotation method in conditioning and preparing your battle or fighting cocks in order to become a champion in big time cock derby.In rotation method you need to have flying pen. The use of flying pen in condition your fighting cocks, it can help to develop leg muscle and wing muscle of fighting cocks. It can also help to reduce fats in fighting cocks. By using flying pen it can reduce the weight of fighting cocks while the good body formation is maintained. Having a fighting cock with good body formation and less weight is an advantage in a derby. Other conditioning material that I used in rotation method is the scratch box and chord area. My procedure in conditioning and preparing my fighting cocks for derby are early in the morning at 4:00 AM I expose my fighting cocks to light for 30 minutes, at 4:30 AM I put them in a scratch I would like to share to those beginners in the breeding of fighting cocks if you want to be successful in game fowl breeding you will invest in your breeding materials. money. The price of quality breeding materials is very expensive in a well-known farm. Many successful game fowl or fighting cocks’ breeders in Bacolod City or in Negros are gave more on their time. I acquired my dink fair sweater brood stag to a simple breeder but his chicken are of quality. at 5: 00 am I chord for 30 minutes. Good breeding materials will lead you to success in the game fowl breeding. at 3:00 PM I chord them. In my case. at 6:00 AM I feed them. I also buy a Alabama black hen to a small time breeder in Negros. at 4:00 PM I feed them. Labels: Fighting Cocks Alabama Black Sweater Cross Breeding The breeding of game fowl or fighting cocks needs more time. Based on my own experience. My advice is in order to get a low cost but very good breeding materials you can to some small time breeder in Bacolod City or Negros and you can select and buy quality and low cost breeding materials to them. A breeder needs to understand about genetics in order to become a successful game fowl or fighting cocks breeder. effort. scvjums4 Labels: Fighting Cocks How I maintain my Sweater gamefowl . effort and dedication. dedication and spending money in their breeding of fighting cocks. Cross-breeding is important to be understood by a breeder in order to produce a most winning battle cross. Then I repeat the procedure daily by starting to expose them to light at 4: AM and so on. A breeder needs to know about in-breeding and line breeding in order to maintain or preserve the original game fowl or fighting cocks bloodline. I cross breed the Alabama black to a dink fair sweater and I am very satisfied with their offspring in terms of cutting ability. breeding of fighting cocks is not an easy task you need to be experimental doing lots of trial and error in order to arrive in producing quality breeding materials and winning battle cross. speed and power. at 10:00 AM I put them in flying pen. In my case I have a simple way on how I maintain my sweater bloodline so that I can preserve it in long time. Labels: Fighting Cocks Eye color of gamefowl as bases for breeding The breeding of gamefowl is very challenging since there are many things to consider when starting up breeding gamefowl. Finally when their offspring become matured and ready to breed. Their offspring is composed of a 50% sweater and 50% Gilmore hatch. That is my way on how I maintain my sweater gamefowl blood lne. Chicks are feed 3 times a day one in the morning. I can see and observed every day the routines of the care taker or handler of game farm. You can apply it to different game fowl bloodline. Their offspring is composed of a 50% sweater and 50% lemon. I also make a different mark to their offspring so that I can recognize them easily. That is in the year 1985. Then I breed my sweater bloodline to lemon hen (single mating). Then I also crossbreed the sweater brood cock to Gilmore hatch hen (single mate). line breeding and crossbreeding. I mark the offspring of sweater lemon crosses so that I can recognize and identify then easily and record it in my breeding notes. The result is that their offspring become more or less a 100% sweater and it really looks like the original sweater brood cock in terms of looks and characteristics. Day feed the fighting cocks at 6:00 am in the morning and 4:00 pm in the afternoon. I learned also about the basic of breeding like in-breeding. I got idea from them and I used it today to maintain my dink sweater bloodline. My interest of fighting cocks or gamefowl started when I was 9 years old when a piece of land of my grandfather was rented by a gamefowl breeder and use as chord area of fighting cocks and also for breeding. In this method of maintaining bloodline I have my sweater brood cock and I want to maintain and preserve this bloodline what I did is first I selected two brood hens of different bloodline a lemon and Gilmore hatch hen. A winning bloodline and it is . fast and can replicate the bloodline you want to preserve. one at noon time and another one in the afternoon. As far as I know the things to be considered when breeding gamefowl are the foundation bloodline should have a good quality. I choose the best offspring (stag) from 50% sweater and 50% lemon and I also choose the best offspring (pullets) from 50% sweater and 50% Gilmore hate and breed them. what I like in this method of maintaining a bloodline is that it is easy. I called my way of maintaining gamefowl bloodline “in and in”.The breeding of fighting cocks or gamefowl is very interesting for me. I learned how to maintain a gamefowl bloodline through observation and questions to the farm handler or care giver. come from a well-known breeder. And finally I choose a stag from lemon x roundhead and I also choose I pullet from lemon x dink sweater. according to some breeder game fowl with light colored eye cannot see very well especially if there is a light example fluorescent light. According to some breeder they prefer to choose the gamefowl that has red eye because it can see clearly then a gamefowl with dark eye especially during night. IN my case I maintain my gamefowl bloodline by mating half brother and half siter. Some gamefowl breeder do this in order to preserve their original gamefowl blood line. so they prefer to breed the red eye gamefowl than the dark eyes. Labels: Fighting Cocks . For the brood hen the characteristics should be high station. The brood cock is high in station. The brood cock should be pure not a battle cross. After having a pullet from that breeding breed back again to her grand father(the original brood cock) or the stag is breed back again to is grand mother and so on… Another is to breed sister and brother. good body formation and better bone structure. good body formation and both brood cock and brood hen should be in good health. night time and even if there is a light. In this method I choose my best broodcock then breed to different hen. This article will short ideas on how you are going to maintain or preserve a gamefowl bloodline. For example line-breeding. There are also game fowl that has a light yellow eye. One thing that I am confused is about the eye color of brood cock or brood hen to be chosen. It is where the pullets is breed back to her father or the stag is breed back to his mother. To maintain my lemon bloodline I breed the lemon roundhead stag to a lemon x dink sweater pullets. With that I make a selection to the pullets and stags coming from the breeding of lemon roundhead and lemon dink sweater and make it as my new lemon stock. As we all know that all big time derbies are usually held during night time. My question is what eye color should be choose or should be considered when choosing a breeding material? I do some research and I found out that more game fowl breeder prefer to choose the game fowl with a red eye because a game fowl with a red eye can see very well during day time. if it is a battle cross it should be a multiple winner in bigtime derby. The line breeding is also a good breeding method to be used in order to maintain a gamefowl bloodline. Labels: Fighting Cocks How to maintain gamefowl bloodline Battle cross is only a product of cross breeding the original or pure blood line. For example my broodcock is Lemon I single mate it with the roundhead hen. The traditional way of maintaining or preserving a gamefowl blood line is by in-breeding. Original breeding material should be keep for the future breeding. then I also single mate my lemon broodcock to my Dink sweater hen. Pure game fowl bloodline need to be maintain or preserve. For example a game fowl breeder has a pure Lemon brood cock and a pure boston roundhead brood hen cross breeding the two will produce a 50% lemon and 50% battle cross. During big time derby lights are always shinning in the cock pit. The breeding of gamefowl needs more preparation because if a breeder is not wel-prepared your breeding of fighting cocks or gamefowl will result to loose of money.Season of breeding fighting cocks In the Philippines the breeding season of fighting cocks start from the month of October up to February of next year. Most of the fighting cocks or gamefowl breeder joins the stag derby that is why they start their breeding in the month of October and some of the breeder breed for stag derby purpose. Good breeding materials can produce quality fighting cocks with characteristics of high station. Having a good material before breeding is very important so that your breeding will end right because you start it right. time and effort. . Breeding during rainy days will cause to loose in the part of breeder in terms of money. The basic things you should consider in the breeding of gamefowl is that to have a good breeding materials that can produced better fighting cocks that can compete in small or even bigtime derbies like the bakbakan. Providing a better brood pen with enough space. Another point why it is ideal to start breeding in the month of October is that during when rainy season comes (Starting the last week of May to August) the breeding you produced is already a stag during rainy season and it can resist to heavy rains. delouse. Before mating the brood cock and hen make sure they are in good health and conditions. deworm. Before you start on breeding you need to select the best breeding material. Stag derby is popular in the Philippines like the bakbakan ang digmaan and when breeders start breeding in the month of October the breeding that they can produced will be banded and then later qualified to join in stag derby. You need also to find a place that is ideal to breed fighting cocks and construct a breeding pen and other things needed in the breeding. After setting your goals you need to find a handler or care taker that will take care of your birds. The eggs produced during breeding season (October to March) have a higher percentage of hatchability compared to eggs produce in summer season. trim and give vitamins like B-Complex and proper feeding by proving your broodcocks or brood stag and broodhen or brood pullets a better breeder pellet. sunlight and grass can help to have healthy environment to your birds. Labels: Fighting Cocks Breeding season for fighting cocks Gamefowl breeders are now preparing for the breeding season because from October up to March is an ideal to breed gamefowl or fighting cocks. The reason why October to February is ideal for breeding because the temperature between these months is not so hot and there is not much rain in this season. It is not Ideal to breed during rainy season and summer season because it will cause high mortality rate to your chicks. you need to do the following. good looking and excellent fighting style. Aside from having better breeding materials it is also important to set your goals for example you breed because you are going to sell your fighting cocks or you are going to join in a derby. candelaria international derby or world slasher cup. line-breeding. so always make sure that you give proper feeding. What I did to maintain bloodline is I select my finest brood cock for example I would like to maintain my Roundhead bloodline. In order to become a fighting cocks or game fowl breeder it is important that you have a knowledge on genetics in order for you to produce the best fighting cocks that can compete in big time derbies like candellaria. to do that chooses my best two hens for example a lemon and hatch. To maintain the roundhead bloodline I breed the stag composed of 50% roundhead and 50% lemon to a pullet composed of 50% round head and 50% hatch. There are many ways used by game fowl breeders to maintain the bloodline of fighting cocks. After you can produced out of your breeding don’t forget to apply vaccination in your birds. Breeding concepts like inbreeding. then bronchitis and fowlfox vaccine. The method on how to maintain a fighting cock or game fowl bloodline is very important to a breeder. You can apply this method to your own needs and on your own bloodline that you want to preserve or maintain. in the example is the roundhead. and cross-breeding. vitamins and vaccination to your birds. In my case I use the in-and-in method in maintaining my game fowl bloodline. I breed these two hens to my roundhead brood cock and make sure to identify the eggs off two hens for example the egg of lemon is identified and also the eggs of hatch. Giving vaccine to your bird can help to secure the health of your birds and it can prevent some diseases. In this method I did not mate offspring back to parents and mating full sister to full brother. world slasher cup. When the eggs of a lemon hen hatches and later grown up I choose the best stag (50% roundhead and 50% lemon). cross-breeding. In my case I start with B1B1 lasota. The result of that mating is an offspring with a high percentage of a roundhead. The breeding of gamefowl or fighting cocks for me is trial and error because you need to breed and cross-breed fighting cocks until you can find the best battle crosses that can give you more wins. line. For me that technic is good in preserving or maintaining a game fowl but I have another technic on how do I maintain a game fowl bloodline. A healthy fighting cocks is advantageous to the sickly one. The common is breeding of offspring back to parents or breeding of a full sister to full brother.breeding and others are also need to be .Meaning you need first to condition your breeding materials so that they give you a healthy chicks. And I also choose the best pullets produced by the hatch hen (50% roundhead and 50% hatch). Labels: Fighting Cocks My own method of breeding fighting cocks The breeding of fighting cocks is very challenging because you need more time doing trial and error. big time stag derbies like bakbakan and digmaan derby. In that way you made to maintain your game fowl bloodline. money and effort. Labels: Fighting Cocks How to maintain game fowl bloodline As breeder of game fowl it is very important to maintain the bloodline that is tested and give you a high percentage of winning and championship in major stag derby like bakbakan and cock derby like world slasher cup. You need also to know about genetics like in-breeding. then choose two brood hens example lemon and the other one is roundhead. I am thinking what kind of business I should start but I can’t think and find answer to my question. Then I cross breed my sweater brood cock to my roundhead brood hen to produce a 50% sweater and 50% roundhead offspring and called it as output B. At that time. My own method of breeding in order to produce a breeding material is I choose a brood cock for example dink fair sweater. I want to produce products and later sell it to the market but I can’t think of product to be produce. Knowing that reality in the breeding gamefowl is so difficult in terms of having more time and money to invest. As I read and study some of the concepts of breeding. This type of breeding is used to produce a battle crosses. Another type of breeding is the line breeding was offspring is breed back to his mother or her father.understand by the fighting cocks or game fowl breeding. The purpose of this is to retain the good qualities of a parent. the purpose of this type of breeding is to preserve the bloodline. deworm and do some bacteria flushing before start breeding them. Now I can produce battle crosses out of the output from cross-breeding output A and output B. All I need is a brood hen or pullet so that I can start the breeding. I learn that gamefowl breeding is not easy because you need money. In that sense if I can make the best fighting cock I can sell it and I can have more money. It is likely the same characteristics with my original sweater brood cock. One day I come to an idea to invest in gamefowl breeding and my goal is to produce winning fighting cock. Labels: Fighting Cocks Business in breeding fighting cocks Starting a business is not easy because there are competitors who are good in making money out of business. Cross-breeding is the type of breeding were game fowl bloodline is cross-breed to other bloodline like the cross breeding of lemon to sweater. In order to produce a brood stag to be use as breeding material I breed my sweater brrod cock to a lemon brood hen to produce a 50% sweater and 50% lemon offspring and called it as output A. You need to buy quality breeding materials like brood cock and brood hens and you undergo trial and error until you can find the best crosses that can have higher percentage of winning in the pit. I delouse. . The concept of in-breeding is that you are going to breed brothers and sisters. Then finally I cross-breed output A to output B. I went to my brother’s home and he has a Mc Clean hatch hen and he offer it to me I bring home it and in the following day I set up a breeding pen and prepare my brood stag and hen for breeding. One day I meet one of my friends who breed fighting cocks I talk to him that I want to breed fighting cocks luckily he gave me some advice and his dink fair sweater brood stag to me. time and effort in order to produce a winning line gamefowl or fighting cocks. I thing this business is not good for me to start with. then the offspring that produced by cross-breeding output A and output B is the one I use as my breeding material. I have brood stag to be used in breeding. Aside from that you need to find a farm to be used in gamefowl breeding. Producing a winning line in the breeding of fighting cocks is very difficult in the sense that you need to undergo several experiment. trial and error and you are going to spend more money and time. Original lemon gamefowl are low to medium in station. You can sell it online or in local buyer at your place. digmaan and other derby are very competitive. I found out that some of the well-known gamefowl breeder champion are using lemon as their foundation bloodline in order to produce a better and winning line battle cross. I sell my stags at PHP 3000 and my cocks at PHP 5000. and lemon hatch. As I experiment with the lemon gamefowl I found out the the power of lemon is if you know how to cross-breed them. lemon sweater. araw ng Davao. There are many gamefowl or fighting cocks breeder who use lemon as their foundation bloodline. In . but if you find the winning crosses you can have money out of it. Some of the successful crosses of lemon gamefowl or bloodline that are tested and up to now are still winning are the lemon roundhead. side stepper. world slasher cup bakbakan. I breed the four hens back to their father and I got ¾ dink fair swaeter and ¼ mc clean hatch. One of the breeder quoted this “ you are not a breeder if you do not have lemon in your game farm”. Today cock derby and stag derby like hari ng rueda. lemon grey. and has good cutting ability. Gamefowl or fighting cocks breeding is now one of the business that is growing. Labels: Fighting Cocks Experiment in lemon as foundation bloodline The breeding of fighting cocks or gamefowl in order to produce the most winning bloodline is very difficult. Labels: Fighting Cocks Most winning bloodline In cock fighting winning in the pit is very important because it involves money. I pit the two stags in hack fight and they win all with a little scratch. I breed back the stags to their mother then I got ¾ mc clean hatch and ¼ dink fair sweater. although their shank are short but their drum stick are long and that is one thing I like them because the lemon can cut very well. They cross-breed lemon with other bloodline in order to produce a winning line battle cross. Later I acquire hulsey lemon brood cock and I breed it to my hens and produce a 3-way cross the lemon x sweater x hatch. I also found out in my experiment of lemon gamefowl that the station of lemon that is low to medium is not a dis-advantage because the fighting cocks throw their punches like in hugging motion and being low to medium in station they can cut very will and produced a deep wound and their punches almost hit in the opponent. Lemons are like snipper they can kill their opponent easily in just one shoot.After several months I produced offspring from the sweater x mc clean crosses two stags and four hens. brainy. the business in breeding of fighting cocks need more time to produce winning battle stag or cock. Lemon gamefowl are old line and still a winning bloodline of today. As a gamefowl breeder I have experiment with the lemon gamefowl and I found out the the crosses coming from lemon are better and give me a battle cock who are vertical flyer. I tested this battle cross and give me more winning. Joe Laureño of JVL & Sons Gamefarm. Lemon is the foundation bloodline use by most Bacolod gamefowl breeder in Negross. digmaan and other derbies. When they already growing up and become a stag continue to give them proper nutrition. In the breeding of gamefowl the choice of good bloodline to be used in your breeding is very important. After pre-conditioning. roundhead. There are lots of cock fighting enthusiast that ask on how to become a champion in cockfighting derby.order for you to save time and money for the quest of producing a winning bloodline you need to find out what blood line are most winning. candellaria derby. line-breeding. lemon. The well-known breeder of kelso in the Philippines as I know are Biboy Enriquez of Firebird Gamefarm and Raffy Yulo of Rapapap game farm. If you do not know how to condition your fighting . and running pen that you can use in training of your fighting cocks. you can crossbreed kelso to any bloodline for example to hatches. A superior gamefowl blood line has a great factor that can contribute to you to become a champion gamefowl breeder. roundheads. The most winning blood lines are the kelso. To become a champion is not an easy task because cock fighting today is very competitive. If you find answer for your quest on what particular fighting cocks bloodline is winning you can acquire it to some known fighting cocks’ breeder who breed that wining blood line buy it to them and you can start your own breeding. And it is important that you understand genetics and basic breeding concepts like in-breeding. Lemon are good to be cross-breed with grey. Some of the breeders of lemon as far as I know are Eddie Boy Ledesma of Fire and Ice gamefarm. Kelso game fowl are very good to be use as your foundation blood line. Mayor Juancho Aguirre of JGA Gamefarm and others. After you can find a superior game fowl bloodline you need to condition your broodcock and broodhen. If you decide to join in derby you need to prepare them by giving a pre-condition program. Rounheads are also use by many game fowl breeders to produce the most winning line. give them proper nutrition and proper vaccination to insure they will grow healthier. and sweatrer. flying pen. The most winning line who record in some prestigious fighting cock derby like world slasher cup are the lemon crosses. As far as I know Lance de La Torre the “Master Breeder” is one among those who breed the Roundeads in his Redfoot gamefarm. hatches. and cross-breeding. and hatches family of game fowl. Labels: Fighting Cocks Factors on how to be a champion breeder The derby that I am referring in this article is about the factors to be considered in order to become a champion gamefowl breeder in cock or stag derbies like world slasher cup. kelso. bakbakan. Roundheads are very good to cross-breed with the lemons. After your broodcock and broodhen produced their offspring you need to take good care of their offspring. you can prepare them to start the conditioning using a 21-days conditioning method or whatever method that you want. a healthy breeding material will produce healthy offspring that will lead in your success and become a champion gamefowl breeder. In order to become a champion game fowl breeder you need to consider several factors like blood line. vitamins and provide them training. In order for you to produce the most winning bloodline you need to have a winning material like brood cock and brood hens. You can construct a scratch box. cock. it give you more win in the pit. In order to become a fighting cock or gamefowl breeder you should know about the concept of breeding and genetics. Kelso are best to cross-breed with sweater. speed and multiple shuffle or evasion tactics. grey. excellent timing and I like lemon because instead of ducking they side step. vertical flyers . cross-breeding. butcher. To become a successful gamefowl or fighting cock breeder it is important to have knowledge about the different bloodline like the kelso. In my own opinion. clarets. Although lemon is not beautiful in appearance but I believed that cockfighting is not a beauty contest. lemon-dan grays. hatch. smart. Manny game fowl breeder especially Bacolod breeder are still using the Hulsey lemon as their foundation bloodline. and other foundation bloodline. what is important is. You can cross breed lemon game fowl to any bloodline and it can produce a winning battle cross. . Some of the Negros breeder like Lance de la Torre. Some lemon crosses that produce successful battle cocks are lemon cross to hatch-claret. Labels: Fighting Cocks Kelso foundation for gamefowl breeding The breeding of gamefowl is not an easy job. I cross breed it with dink sweater. Lemon bloodline is also one of the best game fowl for me because of their gameness and fighting style such as brainy. accurate cutting ability. you can find a handler that will be in charge for the conditioning of your fighting cocks. hatch. sir Bob Cuenca. Lemon are my foundation bloodline. Eddie Boy Ledesma. Joe Laureño. lemon blue face hatch. Mayor Juancho Aguirre. Some of the game fowl breeders who became champion in the international derby who have drops of lemon bloodline in their game fowl use in derby are sir Paeng Araneta. They prefer kelso to be their foundation bloodline because kelsos have been known to be really smart fighters on top of power. brownred. There are gamefowl or fighting cocks breeder who use kelso as their foundation bloodline because kelso is versatile and can be cross-breed with the different gamefowl bloodline that can produce better battle cocks. You need to find someone you can trust to tie the “tari” in your fighting cock. white hackle. Lemon are low to medium in station but when cross breed to dink sweater who are high station will improve their station and produced a better battle cross with a fighting style and gameness of lemon and better fighting style in the air. sir Lance de la Torre. lemon-cecil greys. and other types of breeding. sir Peping Ricafort and sir Tony Trebol. Labels: Fighting Cocks Lemon foundation bloodline The lemon bloodline is still winning as of today and when cross breed to other bloodline like roundhead can compete against modern game fowl like the sweater. lemon-boston roundheads and lemon sweater. line breeding. roundheads. A gamefowl or fighting cock breeder should be knowledgeable about in-breeding. and roundhead. lemon bloodline is the past and the future foundation bloodline. Choy Ampil and others are among popular breeders who have Hulsey Lemon in their gamefarm. In derby or cockfighting the tying of gaff or “tari” is very important. It is a vertical flyer. The symptoms of NCD includes respiratory disease and gut lesions leading to poor growth. Hipraviar-clon which is live cloned NCD vaccine used for priming and booster vaccination. For gumboro disease some gamefowl breeder use the hipragumboro GM97 vaccine. Labels: Fighting Cocks Prevention of gamefowl diseases As gamefowl or fighting cocks breeder the prevention of diseases is very important because gamefowl are prone to diseases and when it hits on your birds it can cause too much money loss to a breeder. mouth drop. One of the vaccines that can be used in coryza is the Coripravac AH which provides protection against A. 2.Aside of using kelso as the foundation bloodline. Labels: Fighting Cocks Lemon gamefowl cross breed Last week my friend gave me a lemon pullet which came from his winning line lemon gamefowl he told me that I am going to cross breed it to my hulsey grey. Some are pure and some are cross-breed with other bloodline. Hipraviar-B1 which is a live NCD B1B1 strain vaccine used for priming vaccination. New Castle Disease or NCD is very dangerous gamefowl disease because there is no treatment for this only prevention through vaccination. an offbeat sense of timing that catches its opponent with powerful single stroke killing hits. The father of this lemon pullet is a five times winner and now a five year old cock. Personally I like kelso because of their smartness and fighting style who can make side-steps and wave. hatch. The symptoms of coryza is birds have swollen facial tissues. is known to sidestep and counterattack. nervous signs that include paralysis and twisting of the head and sudden death. Today kelso gamefowl are still winning in some major derby competition. Some of the vaccines that can be used against new castle disease are 1. I like kelso as the foundation bloodline in breeding of fighting cocks because kelso is best to be cross-breed with any bloodline that can produce a very competitive battle cock or stag that can be use in some derby. . Hipraviar-S which contain live NCD La Sota strain vaccine used for booster vaccinitions. and C serotypes of infectious coryza. This kind of vaccine for gumboro deisease is a live strong but safe vaccine which can be given even in the presence of high level of maternal antibodies . How to prevent gamefowl diseases? And what vaccination is going to apply in order to prevent gamefowl diseases? Some of the of the gamefowl or fighting cocks diseases and vaccination are gumboro disease which is a contagious viral infection of a young chickens. 3. Another type of gamefowl disease which is common is coryza which characterized by an acute respiratory disease which is fast spreading. and they are both good in air and ground assaults. lemon. NCD is a gamefowl disease caused by a virus. Lemon gamefowl are medium stationed known for its smart fighting style. The administration can be through eye drop. roundhead and clarets as their foundation bloodline. some gamefowl breeder also use the grey. drinking water or spray. nose drop. B. I like to cross breed sweater to Sid Taylor black because of the fighting style of black that is known for their speed and cutting ability. The hulsey grey and hulsey lemon are the winning line of some gamefowl breeders from Bacolod City. The green and white legged blacks fight as multiple hitting flyers or shuffler. As far as I know. Some say it lacks gameness but crosses with Albanies. one game fowl breeder in Negros sir Eddie Boy Ledesma of Fire and Ice is one of the breeders of hulsey lemon and hulsey grey. Labels: Fighting Cocks Sid taylor black sweater cross breeding It is true that the life of a game fowl breeder is full of challenges. it is good to cross breed it with Sid Taylor black game fowl to produce an all-around battle stag or cock. They have very long feathers. but infusions into their bloodline like cross breeding it to Sid Taylor black made them the most feared opponents they are today. . The sweater game fowl have excellent gameness and power that their relentless attacks simply overwhelm their opponent. Negross Occidental. They used to lack endurance. because the best lemon gamefowl are also come from the legendary gamefowl breeder Duke Hulsey. the black game fowl are very popular and they have good winning percentage in the pit. In my case I would like to cross breed lemon gamefowl to my duke Hulsey grey. There are many challenges that you can encounter when you are a game fowl breeder in order to have the best fighting cock crosses. while the black legged ones are known as stylish cutters that can hit anywhere with offbeat timing . Sid Taylor black also fight as vertical cutting flyers. In some major derbies today. they will continue to fight even they are heavily wounded. In the air they are a match with almost any air fighter but on the ground. I noticed that today there lots of game fowl breeder who breeds black like the famous Mel Sim black. Kelsos and Sweaters gamefowl will produce a better battle cock. They are red breasted and are yellow legged. They will never give up to their opponent cock. they literally trample their opponents to submission. especially at the tail. This breeding season I will try to cross breed the Sid Taylor black to a sweater game fowl. Since sweater are used to lack of endurance. The lemon game fowl are old line but still winning line as of today. flying straight up rather than at an angle. Some said that one dis advantage of lemon gamefowl is they are medium stationed but I believed that in cock fighting it is not on whether high or medium stationed.Lemon is also one of my favorite gamefowl bloodline because as I observed lemon gamefowl will fight up to their last breath. it is on the bloodline that are winning line and lemon game fowl is one of the winning bloodline as of today that can compete to modern gamefowl. resto bars. feeding materials and water container. for example (darag native chicken. Labels: Raising Chicken Pure Asil Asil chicken for sale in Bacolod City Negross Occidental. You do not need to personally take care of them every day. Raising of native chicken is a small business that can be manage even if you have a full-time job. In raising native chicken. they are called sometimes in other places of the Philippines as Jolo. red and wheaten. Chicken aging four to six months old have high demand and command a good price. The Asil chicken is considered as the strongest game bird in the world. If you breed asil for cock fighting. they can fight up to 1 and ½ hours. and native chicken binacol. neighbors . and their color are black. there are restaurants. the hens are big and tall.Native chicken supplier I am a small breeder who breeds native chicken and I am a supplier of native chicken in some of the market in Bacolod City Negros Occidental. they are good in terms of endurance. asil or jolo. Philippines. that is the reason why they are somewhat rare. tall and big in size. you need to start with choosing the type of breed you want. a capital to buy some materials for the chicken house. Asil or aseel are also breed for cock fighting purposes. There is no problem when it comes to marketing of native chicken. I cross-breed them in order to produce a high quality native chicken. and other hotels who are looking for the supplier of native chicken because they need it in one of their menus. and then a place where you are going to breed them. short and the feathers also split at the breastbone. They are always Pea comb. they are good source of meat and eggs. spangled. The asil has variety of color that is usually black breasted. they can adopt in all types of climates. they have strong bones. The asil or aseel chicken laid eggs seasonal and not frequent. fence. Asil or aseel chicken are very muscular. the color of the legs is yellow. and jolo). Middlemen. You can find some body who will watch over them and feed them everyday and just visit them every week. The Asil or aseel chicken is originated in India and they breed for cockfighting and some for ornamental. chicken tinola. Today the demands of native chicken is good. I breed asil or aseel chicken because they have high resistance in diseases. one characteristic that you need to find is that you are going to make sure that they have a long neck so that they can easily turn left and right when they are in the actual battle. The roaster that I have is red in color with some white spots in the breast. I started to breed asil or aseel with two hens and one roaster. Some of the popular menu for native chicken are native chicken lechon. Labels: Raising Chicken . native chicken barbecue or inasal. and their egg productivity is low. and kabir chicken. and walk-in individuals are the common buyers of native chicken. their feathers are hard. Each head may cost P160 for live and P180 for dressed. and muscles. white. one hen is yellow legged and the other hen is a green legged. market vendors. In my case I breed darag native chicken. for both their eggs and meat. Poultry is a good business and it is simple and easy to manage. After disposing your first batch of chicken you can then start to breed again and after 4 months you will have another batch of chicken to sell. then you have a gross income of 45.Asil Kabir Cross breeding Every year more than 50 billion chickens are reared as a source of food. Labels: Raising Chicken Free range kabir chicken One of the potential businesses that you can invest in Bacolod City Negross Occidental Philippines is to raise a free range kabir chicken. The Asil Kabir cross breeding is common in the Philippines because aside from selling their meet. Make sure that you need also to provide a chicken house while they are in the open range. heat. Outdoor access is important to allow the chicken to express natural behaviors such as foraging and dust bathing. For example you start to breed them in the month of August after 4 months (that is December) let say your target production is 300 heads. The chicks will stay their for 3 to 4 weeks. and other minerals found outside. you can also sell their eggs. Breeding Asil and Kabir chicken is profitable because selling their meat and eggs is a good business.000. Start your business now by breeding Asil and Kabir chicken and sell their meat and eggs. they are free to access the natural resources around. It is up to you if you are going to increase your production or not. You need to construct a chicken house for your chicks that is elevated from the ground. There are varieties of chicken breeds found around the world but for me. You can start in this kind of business by having 100 kabir chicks. It allows extensive production in which the chickens have access to open . and then by selling it means 300 heads at 150. Their meet has a delicious taste like our native chicken because they grow naturally in a the range. fresh grasses. sunlight. Manny people love to eat free range chicken and fresh table eggs because of its good taste. In this kind of business you can earn extra money while at home buy selling their meat and eggs. water. grass. My reason for breeding them is that Asil and kabir chicken are more resistant in stress. and fresh air. After 4 weeks you need to transfer your kabir chicken to an open range so that they can access fresh air. and other diseases and their meat has a good delicious taste. and waterer. The chicken house is equipped with a heater (bulb). I preferred to breed Asil (or Aseel) in our native language Jolo and Kabir chicken. You should have a waterer and feeders that is set up inside the chicken house so that they can eat their feeds and drink water if they need it. The reasons why free range chicken tastes so good because they are raised outside on pasture. feeder. you can buy them at 50 pesos per head. They have good body formation and they grow faster compared to other breeds of chicken. they have constant access to a natural diet with fresh air and sunshine. The manufacturing companies hire . There are investors who invested in this kind of industry like game fowl breeders. the breeder hires farm employees to help in the daily operation of the farm. Labels: Raising Chicken Kabir meat and eggs Kabir chicken is one of the good sources of meat and fresh table eggs. sunlight. I choose to breed kabir chicken because they grow rapidly. The feeding cost is low since kabir chicken can also survive by themselves. this will help them to reduces stress. The pharmaceutical companies manufactured and sale medicines and supplies for fighting cocks. Today in the Philippines. and fresh air. you can also earn money by becoming a producer and supplier of their eggs and meat. The manufacturing company produces and sale feeds. Kabir chicken is also resistant to disease and heat stress. The advertising company produced and sale magazines that contains advertisement of products and services in game fowls. the Kabir qualities are retained in the new breed. You can breed them during breeding season to produce kabir chicks. fighting cocks or game fowl breeding creates business opportunities. Kabir chicken is very popular today because aside from the reasons that they are good source of meat and fresh eggs. How game fowl breeding creates business opportunities? The breeders produce and sell fighting cocks and breeding materials like brood cocks and brood hens. Aside from that kabir chicken can be raised in the same manner as “native chickens” and their egg are low in cholesterol. I sold their meat for 150 pesos per kilo and their eggs are sold for 5 pesos each. When you are going to cross breed them with native chicken and Jolo or asil chickens. 2013 I have 100 heads of kabir chicken that is now producing eggs. Kabir chicken has a “native” taste and texture. feeds manufacturer. they have good body conformation and efficient feed conversion because they can survive by themselves. It is a breed of chicken from Middle East. In addition. The game fowl industry is one of the growing industries in the Philippines. Labels: Raising Chicken Business Opportunities in breeding fighting Cocks The history of cock fighting is old as our civilization. that is why I breed them. You need a small backyard and a small capital to invest in this kind of business and it is easy to manage. people in the past love to breed fighting cocks for leisure and entertainment. and kabir chicken is considered as the most in demand for backyard and small enterprise flocks. I continue to breed them for meat and The breeding season in the Philippines start from September to January. I am planning to increase my production this year so that I can cater the demands for kabir chicken meat and eggs. advertising and pharmaceutical companies. As of March 12. and during times that is not breeding season you can collect their eggs and sell it. fighting cocks industry also create jobs and employment because. Raising Chicken Jobs in Philippines Fighting Cocks Industry One of the growing industries in the Philippines is the fighting cocks. If your capital is enough. Fighting cocks industry also helps our small businessman. Because of that pharmaceutical industry also hire workers and it creates employment. Fighting cocks industries do not only creates business opportunities. Raising Chicken How to start a small business in live stock One good idea to start a small business in live stocks is to raise a native chicken. For example you have entrepreneurial skills you can create materials like cartoon case for fighting cocks. Pharmaceutical industry also manufactured medicines to be use in the treatment different kinds of fighting cocks diseases. you can also have your own business. many companies in the Philippines have invested in agribusiness because of cock fighting industries. medicines. You need to have a space in order to start this kind of business. vitamins. You can start a business by selling to your store products needed in breeding of fighting cocks such as feeds. If you have a small capital. You can sell them and it is one way that you can have an extra income. One entrepreneurial business that is connected to jobs in cock fighting industry is the making and selling of knife or “tari” used in cock fighting. You can earn money by promoting derbies. chords. the company needs workers and it creates jobs. for example the sales clerk is employed in a an agricultural supply store who sells fighting cocks equipments. some accessories like leather boots. and produce some battle cocks. conditioning feeds and supplement. waterers and feeders. Aside from making knife or “tari”.people to be assigned in manufacturing department to help in the production of feeds. vitamins and supplements. so you need to have 20 hens that are ready to lay eggs and 5 roosters. There are companies who manufactured feeds for fighting cocks. knife or “tari” case are also manufactured and available for sale. . your target is to produce 100 chickens with in the period of 4 months. It creates jobs directly because you can sell what you have produced out of breeding them. Aside from mentioned job opportunities above. cages. pullets. brood cocks and brood hens. stags. The things you need to consider starting this business aside from space is the roosters and hens that you are going to be use in your breeding. If you have a small backyard you can start breeding fighting cocks. but it also creates job opportunities and employment. You need to plan how much you are going to produced. marketing department needs worker to help in the selling and marketing of their products. feeds. In that sense. For example. It creates jobs directly and in directly. Labels: Fighting Cocks. The advertising companies will also hire employees to help in the layout and writing of the content of magazines about products and services in game fowl breeding. you can be a cock pit operator. Labels: Fighting Cocks. sparing gloves. Fighting cocks industry creates also jobs indirectly. They also manufactured vitamins and conditioning supplement for fighting cocks. The shanks and the toes are dry and birds have ruffled feathers Greenish-yellow or greenish white diarrhea. Control if mosquitoes within the premises and houses with effective insecticides. caponization and injection. you can also sell a native chicken egg so that you can have another source of income out of your live stock business. I don't think Avian malaria sufferers or survivors should be kept. Labels: Raising Chicken . Labels: Raising Chicken Chicken Avian Malaria Treatment Some notes for the treatment of avian malaria. 000 then you will have a net income of 15. for example 10. Aside from selling a four months old chicken. There is no problem in selling native chicken because in the Philippines. To prevent avain malaria. and native chicken barbecue. and shortness of breath. TRISULAK powder. and the liver and spleen may be enlarged. every 1st week of the month give PYRISTAT for 2 straight days.000 pesos. produce chicks after that. You can sell your native chicken at 250 pesos per head.000. you are going to take care of the chicks for four months and then at the age of four months the chicken are now ready to sell in the market. let your hens to lay eggs. And rid your yard of any stagnant water which is the breeding ground of mosquitoes that spread Avian Malaria. Birds suffer loss of appetite. depression. Some signs of avian malaria are severe anemia (paleness) extreme leg weakness. Prevention is still better than cure.In the first month.2cc on water the following dose for another two days. On the 3rd week. If you can produce 100 chickens in four months then you will have 25. In heavy infections death is common. Transmission: Bites of mosquitoes. chicken binacol. Proper drainage of stagnant water. Confer with the veterinarians. Follow the instructions for the dosage and administration of the mention medicine. quinine hydrochloride and pyrimethamine combinations were found effective. Give 0. You are going to less your expenses.2cc sulfaquinoxiline for cocks for the first dose. native chicken lechon. lots of people who love and wants to eat native chicken. Blood circulation to organs may be impaired. To prevent Avian Malaria. Anti malarial drops like plasmochin. The instruction is found at the back of the product package. mechanically by blood transfer as in mass vaccination. A bird that has symptoms from Plasmodium spp infection generally has many parasites multiplying in the circulating blood within a week of the mosquito’s bite. Then 0. emancipation and nervous signs like twisting of the head. include spraying the breeding places of mosquitoes. native chicken adobo. with anemia due to destruction of red blood cells. The usual menu for native chicken are chicken tinola. fever. weakness. use a good TMPS medication once a month for 3-5 days straight. The disease results in a decrease in feed and water consumption and an increase in the number of cull birds. bacteria. In severe infections the chicken will have a fever and will develop diarrhea or the greens and will lose weight. The most characteristic symptoms of infectious coryza include edematous swelling of the face around the eyes and wattles. Labels: Raising Chicken Treatment for halak Below are some notes for treatment of halak or tips on how to treat this kind of chicken disease. Halak is a complex respiratory disease (CRD) whose root cause is an infection by Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG). complete depopulation followed by thorough cleaning/disinfecting is the only means for eliminating the disease. Some of the symptoms are. there is a big possibility that fighting cocks can experience several infections. bacterial or viral. when worked.5 cc of trisullak injectable three to five days and also give three drops of laktamino XE (oral) for five days. nasal discharge and swollen sinuses. For stags and fighting cocks. Chicken. Prevention is the only sound approach in controlling infectious coryza. The MG infection is almost always accompanied with another infection whether. To increase the production of chicks and healthy broodstags it is important to have proper care and medication to your chicken to avoid diseases. healthy chicks up to the fight day. Watery discharge from the eyes frequently results in the lids adhering together. . Infectious coryza is a specific respiratory disease in chickens that occurs most often in semimature or adult birds. and fungi usually when there is a rapid climate change. From days old up to fight day. Chicken especially fighting cocks are prone to diseases because they are in the open range and because of that they are easily infected with viruses. It requires only separating affected or carrier birds from the susceptible population. If infection occurs. treatment for coryza is to give one trisullak tablet everyday to the infected chicken for five days and inject 0. It usually can be prevented by management programs that eliminate contact between susceptible and infected birds. The signs and symptoms are varied. depending on how severe the infection need to mix two teaspoon of trisullak powder and one tablespoon of laktamino XE in two gallon of water for five to seven days. In order to prevent the infection. bubbles in the eyes which can be followed by nasal discharge. have very little energy and will become blue headed if the disease is severe. introduce started or adult birds only from sources known to be free of the infection.Treatment for coryza or pisik Treatment of coryza for chicks. Always remember that. will be short winded. Vision may be affected because of the swelling. has a greater percentage of winning over the sickly one. chicken tinola. Among the above mentioned menu for native chicken. the main ingredients are coconut water (buko juice). The usual comment of some people with regards to these menu is that “Native chicken tinola is delicious than broiler chicken tinola”. I am a small breeder who breeds the following native or oriental chickens like Jolo and visaya. and very importantly. tomato. For native chicken tinola. Tylan is the drug of choice and will control the disease very well. be carried by wild birds and animals. Many people who really wants to eat native chicken than broiler because they are satisfied with the distinctive taste of it. Amtyl 500mg 1 tablet daily for 5 days is also effective. whether it is fighting cocks.5 to be injected in breast muscle. Labels: Raising Chicken Chicken Feeds for fighting cocks In breeding chickens. Labels: Raising Chicken Native chicken and egg for sale For sale native chicken and egg in Negros particularly in Bacolod City that possesses a distinctive taste compared to others like the commercial broilers and egg produce by commercial layers. and garlic. Aside from Jolo and visaya. or shoes. be transmitted by direct contact or by sharing feed and water cups. the most popular is the native chicken tinola. I feed them chick booster mash. Some of the best menu for native chicken are the following. Talisay City Negros Occidental. For fighting cocks that are days old to one month. It is passed thru the egg from one generation to the next. I feed my fighting cocks with . or broilers it is important to understand what type of feeds you are going to put in their feeders. chicken the powder version of amtyl 500 and it is use for the treatment of chicks. The disease can be carried thru the air for short distances. carrots. When they are one month old up to five months. The ingredients for native lechon manok and native chicken barbecue (BBQ) are the same with the ingredients used in cooking broiler and barbecue that is broiler. the main ingredients are papaya. My farm is located in Concepcion. by yourself on hands. onion. you can reach me in my mobile number +639093958061 if you want to have an order. native lechon chicken. Gallimycin and Tetracycline are also effective. onion. Other way of treatment for halak is with the use of the following medicine: Ambroxitil . I am also breeding kabir chicken. and garlic. one shot last for 5 days.MG is spread by many means. native chicken Barbecue (BBQ) and chicken adobo. potato. Spectam. At the age of five months and up. I feed them crumble booster mash. Tylan can be given by injection or thru the drinking water. lemon grass. Doxylak – Give 1 tablet doxylak 100mg daily for 5 days. leaves of siling labuyo. their flesh is firm compared to the commercial broiler. Terramycin LA injectible 0. LS-50. layers. Aside from a good taste of native chicken. clothing. For chicken binacol. I go to the feeds supply and ask for TRISULAK and inquire about the dosage for this kind of medicine. nasal discharge. I follow the advice of the sales personnel. I changed their feeds to ½ refined crack corn and ½ ordinary crumble booster feeds. The symptoms of this disease are the following. Ordinary chick booster mash are given to days old chicken. Asil or Jolo. native chickens are feed in different approach. same thing happened on the second day. and on the third day. Oriental chickens like. Different feed is given to them during conditioning and pointing stage. The sales personnel of the feed supply tells me that I am going to give one TRISULAK capsule every day to infected chicken for three to five days. Aside from giving TRISULAK during the period that the chicken suffered from coryza disease. The feeds that I used to my layers chicken when they are less than one month old. I changed their feeds to crumble booster mash when they are already more than one month up to four months old. Usually I used 50% Thunderbird Platinum pellets and 50% Sagupaan concentrate. after two weeks. I do some inquiries to my friends who also breed chickens. The usual disease of chicken that I have encounter in my poultry is the infectious coryza and I don’t know the treatment for this kind of disease. that is 3-days before the fight. orientals). During pointing. the sickly chicken is already treated.pre-conditioning feeds like Enertone. Electrolytes like aquadox are also given through their drinking water. For my broiler chicken. I feed them ¾ crack corn and ¼ pigeon pellets. Labels: Raising Chicken Coryza treatment ­ medication I am a small breeder who breeds chicken (fighting cocks. and swelling of the face under the eyes. I asked them on how to treat this coryza disease. on the first. I feed chick booster mash from days old up to one month old. I also inject the sickly chicken with complexor b-complex with iron vitamins. kabir. Their feeds are changed again to laying mash when they are five months older and up. Labels: Raising Chicken Raising Kabir Chicken .3ml. I give them 0. One of my friends tells that I am going to use TRISULAK in order to treat coryza. Immediately. and crumble booster up to the day that they are going to be disposed. I observed that there is an improvement with regards to the health of my chicken who suffer from coryza. sneezing. I feed them chick booster mash. I feed them ¾ crack corn and ¼ Thunderbird Platinum Pellets. It is also important to keep your sickly chicken in the cage so that they can hide if there is a rain or to much sunlight. When they reach one month old. usually when they are 45 days old. I have income coming from their eggs. clean feathers. In one week. and it will have erect posture. I have 700 eggs to sell. and dull eyed. feeding them is not enough. You need also to clean their waterer and feeders regularly. shrunken. After getting advice from a veterinarian or other professional. I have 120 kabir chicken and they lay an average of 100 eggs per day. Enough space is also important. I give them vitamin B-complex and electrolytes. bright eyed. separate them immediately to the group and give proper medication. Identifying the difference between a healthy chicken and unhealthy chicken is important. depress. The stool may be very dry and hard or just the opposite. A healthy chicken will drink plenty of water and eat with frequent eagerness. and full breasted. so make sure that you give proper care. and you need to observe them in order to determine the healthy and sickly chicken. Most heath problems can be avoided or kept to a minimum by following these five simple steps: 1. and clean nostrils. Successful poultry producers take care of many details to ensure that their chickens are comfortable. It will also appear listless.Aside for raising kabir chicken for meet. I raise kabir chicken for eggs and sell it. In my case I have ½ hectare space with fench for my 200 kabir chicken. Hatchlings should be obtained from a reputable hatchery with a history of producing healthy chicken. Buy only healthy birds from healthy flocks . and those that produce meat are broilers. I am planning to have additional kabir chichen from 120. follow that advice very carefully. Do you want to raise chicken for egg production or meat? Chickens for laying eggs are layers. While I am enjoying raising them. You need also to consider the shade so that they can hide if there is rain or there is too much sunlight. The stool is grayish in color with a white cap. An unhealthy chicken will have a decreased appetite and will not drink as much. a bright and full comb and wattles. In my own personal experiences. what is good is. in raising chicken. If a chicken appears to be sick. and vitamins to your chicken. A healthy chicken will be alert. Starting with healthy hatchlings and maintaining their health is extremely important. I you identify a sickly chicken. you can also raise them for eggs. In raising kabir chicken. Regular vaccination is also important. Open space is important so that there is a fresh air for chicken. In my case I give them vitamins since they are one day old up to the present. Labels: Raising Chicken Guidelines ­Tips in Raising Chicken Hopeful chicken producers can feather their nest egg and have the enjoyment of raising their own chicken by following some common sense guidelines. nutrition. Your time is also important. separate the sick chicken from other. A healthy chicken can produce healthy eggs. very watery and loose. I want it to become 200. you need to give them proper nutrition and care. Hatch. Feed is expensive. If you have a bit of space on a small farm. and like kabir chickens their eggs is also a good source of income for me. While the chickens do take a bit of work. Clean feeders and waterers at least once a week. 4. the chicken sets on the eggs to hatch them. My 50 kabir hens lays an average of 300 eggs per week. but there are many other varieties to choose as well. Feed. If you don't find and retrieve their eggs from the nest. and Grey. Decide what breed of chicken you want for your flock. Feed the chickens commercially-prepared chicken feed. don't expect eggs the very first day. heating bills and the cost of building space are just a few of the items to consider. Immediately remove or replace wet beddings Labels: Raising Chicken Layer hens ­ chicken for eggs Raising hens for eggs is a good source of income. If the hen isn't doing her job. This isn't such a big issue if you are just going to raise the laying hens for your own egg consumption. Chickens lay eggs in a series. Since you are raising these chickens for their eggs. 3. Instructions 1. you can count on having eggs so fresh that no supermarket can even come close. Your laying hens also appreciate a place to roost. Chickens also need grit to help them digest their food. 6. You need at least 3 square feet per layer. I also breed fighting cocks. Provide at least one nesting box for every four chickens. Clean coops at least once a week 4. 7. Bring the chickens into their coop. Build a chicken coop or adapt an existing building. she might as well be your Sunday dinner. Dom. Also. . Regardless of whether you bring in chicks or pullets. water. most of the bloodline that I breed are Butcher. In my case I have 50 Kabir hens that lay eggs. 2. I have 1500 pesos gross income per week. Keep track of the chickens that are not laying eggs. usually at least one egg every two days. White leghorns are popular laying chickens. you don't want them to set. 5.2. Plan a budget for your egg operation. Aside from kabir chickens I have also oriental chickens like asil or aseel that also lays egg. you can raise laying hens for farm-fresh eggs of your own. Watch the hens as they begin to lay eggs. Some tips on how to raise chicken for eggs. twice a week is much better 5. If I have an average of 300 eggs per week and sold it at 5 pesos then. Keep the coop clean at all times. Keep vaccination up to date 3. supply them with fresh water.
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