Brandon Carter - Keto Hacks

March 26, 2018 | Author: valente | Category: Ketogenic Diet, Ketosis, Dieting, Atkins Diet, Salad



1INTRODUCTION Yo what up what up, It’s your man Big Brandon Carter. I just wanted to take a second to congratulate you on getting “Keto Hacks” where I’ll be taking you through my step-by-step process to “hacking” your way to a stronger, healthier and higher energy life with Keto. As ya’ll know, I’ve been in the fitness game for over 15 years and have modeled for NIKE, PUMA, ADIDAS, and other major brands. I’ve been on the cover of fitness magazines, plus I’ve trained professional athletes and bikini models. In addition to all that, I’ve made over 1,000 videos online (that have been viewed over 100 million times) teaching people how to put on MUSCLE MASS and burn belly fat, always highlighting that the key component to both is your nutrition. Since it’s literally been my job for the past decade to stay ripped year round, I’ve tried every diet imaginable. Paleo, Atkins, Intermittent Fasting, Steak & Eggs, etc. If you can name it, I’ve tried it. My goal in trying all these nutrition plans is to find something that can not only get you shredded and help you make serious gains, but also keeps your energy levels high so you can stay laser focused throughout each day. As a fitness model, I need to make sure the foods I eat keep my arms pumped without compromising my abs and keeps my skin clear for photo shoots. At the same time, as a CEO of a supplement company and a consultant to multiple businesses, it’s imperative that the diet I follow keeps me sharp, alert and impervious to grogginess from a poor night’s sleep or the “itus” (aka the post-lunch food coma).   After nearly 20+ years of trying every diet I could find, nothing gave me the right balance of the needs I described above. I was either getting ripped but compromising my energy levels, or getting tons of energy but losing my gains. That was until I found what I believe to be the “Holy Grail” of all diets, which is the Ketogenic Diet. 2 When you’re in Ketosis, your body The Ketogenic diet focuses on keeping your body creates “Ketones” which are only in “Ketosis”. produced when you’re eating high amounts of fat, very I’ll get into all the details in the following chapters, but just low amounts of carbs know that once your body is in ketosis, your body will become and a gentle amount a god damn fat burning terminator. Just imagine a mini Arnold of protein. Schwarzenegger robot in your body, constantly shooting off your body fat throughout the day. While the scientists are a bit behind on conclusions (as they always are) study after study is showing the massive health benefits of doing Keto. These include higher energy levels, healthier skin, faster recovery from training and even cancer prevention. So you may be wondering, “Well, Brandon if Keto is so awesome, curing cancer and shooting off fat cells and sh*t, why isn’t everyone doing it?” That’s a great question, you skeptical, sarcastic yet conveniently well timed hypothetical spazz. There are two main reasons for the lack of Keto world domination in the fitness world. First, it takes some work to follow properly. To start you need to monitor your ketone levels which requires drawing blood, keep your carbs extremely low and consume more fat in a day than you normally do in a week. None of this exactly shouts “fun.” Second (and this is the main reason I took so long to try it) there currently just isn’t a super easy “Keto for Dummies” guide out there. Sure, there are a bunch of articles and peer reviewed studies by MD’s on Ketosis, but for simpletons like me, who want “Step 1 do X, Step 2 do Y” there is a massive void. Therefore, to scratch my own itch, I decided to make “Keto Hacks.” I am going to literally take you by the hand and tell you in excruciating detail the specific macros you should be consuming, the type of cycle you should follow and how to overcome plateaus. By the end of this program, you’ll know exactly what you need to do to reach Ketosis the easy way, including step-by-step breakdowns, exactly what to eat and what to avoid, and of course “KetoHacks” that will shortcut your way to Keto glory. So thank you again for joining me on your Ketosis journey, where fatigue and lack of gains are a thing of the past. Once you begin seeing what Keto can do, it will be the last diet you ever go on. 3 rice. These are your body’s primary sources of energy when not in ketosis. sweet potatoes.  Foods To Eat: -Protein: Fatty red meats (bacon. peppers.What is a Ketogenic Diet? (WHAT. etc. juices/fruit juices. full fat blue cheese dressing. kale. cereals 4 . grains. ribeyes. onions. etc. oils (olive. mackerel. candy. full fat ranch dressing. 0-carb sweeteners (Stevia. potatoes. walnuts. mushrooms. etc. most alcoholic drinks. eggs -Fats: Cheeses. etc. Swerve. chicken.). etc. asparagus. tomatoes. cucumber. sodas.) Foods To Avoid: Milk. turkey. avocados -Veggies: Leafy green and cruciferous veggies (broccoli. pasta. nuts and seeds (almonds. -Condiments: Salt. hot sauce. coconut.). chips. heavy creams.  When Carbs are consumed the body produces glucose and insulin. avocado.). mayonnaise. cauliflower. beans. cookies. HOW) A ketogenic diet is a diet that is concentrated with healthy fats and low in carbohydrates. butter. crackers. pepper. tuna.). etc. fatty fish (salmon. sweets. spinach. sugars. Erythritol.). most fruits. however. Extra protein in the diet can be converted to glucose in the liver. Higher Leptin levels also combat the hormone Neuropeptide Y that tells your body to continue to consume food and store the calories as fat for later use. BHB beta-hydroxybutyrate and acetone. this hormone travels to the brain and tells your body that you are satisfied. a keto diet helps to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and can reverse the affects of pre-diabetics. This. Ketosis has also been proven to reduce blood pressure and insulin secretions. These trace amounts of glucose are needed for the body to operate at its peak performance. The Ketones that are produced are separated into two types. How Can I Benefit From Ketosis While a ketogenic diet is amazing for fat and weight loss due to the fact that your body is now utilizing the stored fat for an energy source. This glycerol undergoes a process known as gluconeogenesis where it is broken down into glucose along with amino acids and lactate. 5 . One thing to note with a keto diet is protein synthesis. This is why most keto diets limit your total protein consumption to about 25% of total caloric intake. You can also expect your appetite to be reduced while in keto. BHB is the preferred fuel for the brain and after a while. your body is simply now utilizing a larger portion of the BHB that is available. However if you fall far below your requirement of protein your body will begin to break down your muscles to produce glucose. it also has many other benefits ranging from sustained energy to cancer treatment as a case study done by the Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center for the University of Iowa states. isn’t accurate. Higher levels of the hormone Leptin are released when you consume fats as compared to carbs.  Some studies suggest that ketones are nearly 70% more efficient than glucose molecules. Because of the low carb and low insulin levels. While your body does produce these two ketones it also produces a small amount of glycerol. This creates Ketones that the body can use in place of the insulin and glucose. you may think that you are slipping out of ketosis with the use of conventional testing methods. Fatty acids are broken down in the liver through a process know as beta-oxidation. How Does Ketosis Work? With lower glucose and insulin levels the body must switch to another source of energy. so if you plan to test often then the urine strips will be the cheaper option. This method is by far the most ketosis is between 0.25g mark. purchased at a specialized medical store. After the time is up you compare the strip to the results panel to determine the amount of ketones in your urine. For this example we would have a total of 1. Depending on how much water you drink and how often you use the restroom can change the results. What does this mean you may ask? Well. but keep in mind that the blood 6 ketone strips can get costly. Although very simple to test. Now remember. We will tell you a few hacks to help your body become keto adapted How Can I Get Into Ketosis? quicker and easier then if you were to just try it on your The biggest thing to know. You can usually pick up 100 strips for about $15. When you go to the restroom you simply urinate on one of the strips and allow the allotted time to pass that is listed on the instructions. this is per serving so it does not mean that you will be able to eat an entire container.0mM (millimoles). It is recommended to check your counter. When first starting out on a ketosis diet you initially want to limit your daily net carb intake to the 20. From there you can get an idea of which foods help and often have to be ordered online or you stay in Ketosis and which ones to avoid. as I’m sure you have figured out. however they are easily calculated. this method is vulnerable to many factors that skew the results. . Simply take your total carbs and subtract your dietary fiber. It is up to you how often you would like to test your ketones. Ketone strips for urinalysis and keto blood monitors. When I say reduce carb intake. over time your body learns that fats are a better source of energy for it to function at peak performance. the optimal monitor.5g net carb. Over time you will become more keto adapted. net carbs are not something that you will be able to find on a nutrition label. is to reduce your carb intake.5 and accurate method that is readily available over the 3. simply put. How Do I Test My Ketones? When it comes to testing your ketone levels there are two methods. Because of their specialized different types of foods to determine nature the test strips can cost about $2 a piece how they affect your body. this will leave you with net carbs. Many people initially opt for the ketone strips because they are easier and cheaper to use. Once you have become keto adapted (60-90 days) you can increase your net carb intake up to 50g. I am talking about Net Carbs. own. These monitors utilize specialized testing strips range for nutritional that read blood ketones. The monitor itself is fairly cheap however the ketone levels after consuming strips are a bit pricy. When testing your ketone levels with a blood ketone The seconds option is similar to a diabetics blood glucose meter. Now. The body will burn carbs but then quickly switch back over to burning fats for its energy needs. KETO HACKS • When experiencing the “Carb Flu” within the first few days. Many restaurant sauces hide carbs in the sweeteners they use to create them. With the low amount of vegetables your body will have lower fiber levels. 7 . or coffee while out to reduce carb intake. • Drink Bulletproof Fighter Fuel (See Recipe Below) instead of eating breakfast. This helps your body to adapt quicker by registering the ketones as a fuel source even before the body ramps up endogenous ketone production. headaches. What are exogenous ketones? They’re a supplement that has been around since 2014. Fiber is important for digestive health. • Consume water. Once again cheese has 0g of carbs and can result in a substantial meal. • Make an entire course of your meal cheese. and irritability. • Utilize exogenous ketones as a pre-workout for when you exercise. and helps to improve your omega 3 and 6 balance. ask for sauces on the side. Cheese sticks are high in fat and low in carbs resulting in an easy way to boost your daily fat intake. similar to the ketones that your body produces in the liver. By having the sauce on the side you are able to regulate how much you consume. these ketones are ingested to raise your blood ketone level when not in a ketogenic state. Butter that comes form grass fed cows typically has higher Omega-3 levels. • When dining out. Add a teaspoon of salt to a large glass of water. The high fat content and caffeine will super charge your metabolism for the day. • Replace quick snacks with cheese sticks. • Take a fiber supplement to ensure regular bowel movements. • Don’t eat breakfast… Intermittent fasting when paired with a ketogenic diet leads to greater fat loss and quicker keto adaptation. consuming additional water and salt can often cure symptoms of sluggishness. tea. • Top dinners with grass fed butter for added flavor and extra fat. Keep in mind alcohol will affect your fat loss. Smackfat Ketone Urinalysis Strips JustFitter Ketone Urinalysis Strips Precision Xtra Blood Ketone Meter Precision Xtra Ketone Test Strips How To Test Your Blood Ketone Levels 8 . This results in stabilized blood sugar levels. • Eat avocados to boost potassium levels and help to lower blood cholesterol levels. • If you go out for drinks. of water. • Keep stress levels as low as possible. • Enjoy a delicious Fat bomb for desert. • Over hydrate your system to curb appetite. stick to clear liquors and soda water. (See recipe below) • Drink a cup of chicken broth to increase sodium intake. • Add an omega-3 supplement into your diet to optimize triglyceride levels and reduce the risk for heart disease. • While fasting enjoy organic tea and Fighter Fuel with MCT oil to continue to produce ketones. Also Revolt BCAAs help to reduce the burning of muscles for energy. Reducing stress in your life will help to better regulate hormones that elevate blood sugar levels. Higher sodium levels help to increase water retention in the body as well as increase electrolyte levels. You should shoot for nearly half of your body weight in oz. • Utilize Revolt BCAA’s to reduce your hunger cravings. Revolt BCAA’s also produce neurotransmitters and are responsible for leucine-glutamate cycle for brain health. raspberries*. Tuna). Veal Nuts and Seeds*: Almonds. Broccoli. Mahi Mahi. Tilapia. Cabbage. Snow Peas. Herring. Bean Sprouts. Catfish. Onions. Avocado. Cod. Okra. Garlic. Turkey. Brazil Nuts. Brussel Sprouts. Shrimp. Duck. Celery. Eggplant. Walnuts 9 . Sunflower Seeds. Sesame Seeds. Sausage. Lettuce. Squash. Fish (Anchovies. Bass. Eggs. Bok Choy. Macadamia Nuts. Squid. Olives. Flounder. Pecans. Kale. Pheasant. Pork (Unglazed Ham. Pickles. Snapper. Sardines. Mackerel. Scallops. Tenderloin). Quail). Hazelnuts.Keto Food List Veggies: Artichokes. strawberries* Meats/Proteins: Beef. Salmon. Trout. Cashews. Sauerkraut. Goose. Shellfish*. Chia Seeds. Crab. Zucchini Fruits: Blueberries*. Haddock. Pork Roast. Bison. Lamb. Pumpkin Seeds. Bell Peppers. Green Beans. Orange Roughy. Lobster. Cauliflower. Tomatoes*. Asparagus. Pork Chops. Oysters*. Halibut. Spinach. Mushrooms. Cucumbers. Bacon. Scallions. Sole. Flax Seeds. Hot Peppers. Poultry (Chicken. Fats: Avocado Oil. Sunflower Oil Dairy: Cheeses. Cashew Milk. Sparkling Water. as they do contain SOME carbs and can kick you out of ketosis if you eat too much of them 10 . Heavy Whipping Cream. Tea Sweeteners: Erythritol. Olive Oil. Coffee. Coconut Butter. Xylitol *Be sure to limit your intake of these foods. Butter. Hollandaise Sauce. Stevia. Peanut Oil. Sour Cream Beverages: Almond Milk. Bone Broth. Sesame Oil. Swerve. Mayonnaise. Full Fat Greek Yogurt. Coconut Oil. Coconut Milk. Allow bacon to cool. With a fork. Crack a single egg into cup of a muffin tin.Recipes Breakfast: Bacon Egg Cups • Servings: 1 dozen • Total Time: 30 min. INGREDIENTS • 12 large eggs • 6 slices bacon • 3 oz. Bake bacon for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees. Shredded Cheddar Cheese Directions Start by cooking the bacon in the oven. Bake eggcups for 25-30 minutes at 350 degrees. Add cheddar cheese to each eggcup. 11 . break each yolk and stir the ingredients together lightly. Chop bacon into 1/4 inch pieces and add 1/2 strip of bacon to each eggcup. Break two eggs into a medium heat skillet with chorizo grease and scramble. INGREDIENTS • 2 large eggs • 1 link chorizo  • 1/2 ripe avocado • 2 tbsp. Add milk to make it fluffy. cheese. Place cooked chorizo on a paper towel and pour out some of the grease leaving some to cook the eggs in. tomato. sour cream and cilantro. cilantro  Directions Cook chorizo over medium-high heat in a skillet. Mexican Breakfast Bowl • Servings: 1 • Total Time: 20 min. Once cooked place eggs at bottom of a bowl. Serve immediately while still warm and enjoy! 12 . Top the eggs with chorizo and layer on the avocado. sour cream • 1/4 cup Cheddar Cheese • 1/4 small tomato • 1 tbsp. INGREDIENTS • 2 Cups Fighter Fuel • 2 Tbsp. Grass Fed Unsalted Butter • 2 Tbsp. Vanilla Extract (Optional) Directions Brew 2 cups of Fighter Fuel and pour into a mixer. Heavy Cream (Optional) • 1 tsp. Organic Coconut Oil (or MCT Oil/MCT Oil Powder) • 1 Tbsp. Bulletproof Fighter Fuel • Servings: 2 • Total Time: 5 min. 13 . vanilla extract. After you are done blending it is ready to drink. and coconut oil then blend it together. heavy cream. Immediately add your butter. Break the granola into smaller pieces. stevia glycerite  • 1 tsp. Low Carb Granola • Servings: 48 • Total Time: 30 min. Place the granola on a large cookie sheet. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool. cinnamon and salt. erythritol. seeds. Using a large bowl combine the nuts. Heat your coconut oil until it melts and pour over the dry mixture. cinnamon • 1/2 tsp. stevia. sea salt Directions Preheat oven to 300F. allow this to bake for 20-25 min. protein. Ingredients • 2 cups chopped pecans • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts • 1/2 cup slivered almonds • 1 cup sunflower seeds • 1 3/4 cup vanilla whey • 1/2 cup sesame seeds • 1 1/4 cup coconut oil or pasture fed butter • 1/2 cup erythritol  • 1 tsp. 14 . 15 . Bake for an additional 15 to 25 min. organic vanilla extract • 1 Tbsp. Using a kitchen knife cut into 1” squares. Using an electric mixer. This should create pliable dough that you can hand form into a small cylinder. Allow this to sit for approximately 5 minutes. Place the baking paper with the dough onto a baking sheet and bake for 15 min. begin to mix. fine Psyllium powder • 2 Tbsp. Remove the top sheet of baking paper. Next remove the oven paper and flip the dough. You are now ready to enjoy. After the 5 min has passed add the remaining ingredients to the bowl excluding the cacao nibs. Place this on oven paper about 11x 14 inches. Using a second piece of oven paper cover the dough. Raw Cacao Nibs Directions Preheat oven to 285F. Remove from the oven and allow it to cool. Using a large mixing bowl add in chia seeds and water. Utilize a rolling pin to roll until it is 1/8 to ¼ inch thick. hemp hearts • 1 Tbsp. High Fiber Cacao Nibs Cereal • Servings: 4 • Total Time: 1 Hour 10 min. At this point add in the cacao nibs. melted • 1 Tbsp. mix all of the ingredients until they are evenly distributed. coconut oil. Ingredients • ½ cup chia seeds • 1 cup water • 4 Tbsp. Swerve • 2 Tbsp. Low carb Mini Donuts • Servings: 36 • Total Time: 50 min. of the batter to each of the donut molds. Bake this for 8 minutes. Whole • ¼ cup Almond Milk • 1 tsp. salt • ½ tsp. Vanilla Extract • Coconut oil for frying • Powdered swerve for coating Directions Start off with heating the oven to 350F. melted and cooled • 4 large Egg. almond milk. Add about 2 tsps. Glucomannan • 2 tbsp. Nutmeg • ⅛ tsp. Take a mini donut pan and greases the inside. Swerve sweetener • ½ tsp. INGREDIENTS Crust • 1/3 cup Coconut Flour • 3 tbsp. baking soda • ⅛ tsp. 16 . Sprinkle konjac over the egg mixture and allow this to dissolve while stirring. and vanilla. coconut oil. Once finished baking dump them out of the pan after they have cooled. Coconut Oil. In a mixing bowl mix together eggs. Let them cool for 15-20 minutes. Ingredients • 1 Cup blanched almond Flour • 2 Large eggs • 2 Tbsp. Once everything combined. Spoon the mixture evenly into 6 cupcake liners that are inside a cupcake tray. and vinegar in another bowl. fold the chocolate and walnuts into the mixture. Erythritol • 5 Drops Stevia • 1/2 tsp. Slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet while stirring together. Chop the chocolate into small chunks. 17 . Mix the eggs. Breakfast Walnut Muffins • Servings: 6 • Total Time: 30-40 min. stevia. Combine almond Flour. apple cider vinegar • 1 Cup Walnuts • 4x Lindt 98% Cacao Squares Directions Preheat oven to 350F. baking soda and erythritol in one bowl. or until they are golden brown on the top. baking soda • 1 tsp. Bake for 15 minutes. Place on an oven safe pan. Low Carb Breakfast Sandwich • Servings: 1 • Total Time: 15 min. Next. or until cheese is completely melted. then the egg. Once egg is done. top with shredded cheese and oregano if desired. Guacamole • 1 Egg • Salt and pepper  • 1/4 tsp. cook the Roast Chicken slices in the pan with the bacon grease and cook until partially crispy. on a paper towel. Set aside. We want the egg white to be cooked through. but the yolk still runny. Enjoy! 18 . Next add bacon. then chicken. and finally. Turn on the oven to broil. Cook a sunny side up egg in the same pan as the chicken/bacon. INGREDIENTS • 1 Slice Keto Bread! • 2 Slices bacon • 1 oz. set aside. Slice a piece of bread and spread on the guacamole. Place sandwich under the broiler for 2-3 minutes. Oregano Directions Place bacon in a skillet or non-stick pan and cook until crispy. on a paper towel. Sliced Chicken • 1/4 Cup Cheddar Cheese • 2 Tbsp. Set aside. lime. Remove the avocado from the skin being sure to leave it intact. Place in a bowl and mix together with tuna cilantro. INGREDIENTS • 1 avocado • 1 tomato. diced • 1/2 can of tuna • Chopped cilantro to taste • A squeeze of lime juice • Garlic powder to taste Directions This one is very simple. 19 . and pepper. Once mixed spoon back into avocado skin and enjoy. Lunch Tuna Stuffed Avocados • Servings: 2 • Total Time: 5 min. Dice the tomatoes and avocado. Brown shaved steak in skillet then add onion/ peppers back in. Fill the pepper with steak and veggies Bake in shallow baking dish for 15 minutes at 350°F. halved and seeded • 5 slices provolone cheese Directions Preheat oven to 350. 20 . sliced • Garlic • Worcester Sauce • Pepper • 2 TBSP Brummel and Brown soft spread • 5 large green peppers. In skillet. INGREDIENTS • 1lb shaved steak • 1 pepper sliced • 1/2 medium red onion. sauté onion and the sliced pepper until soft. pepper and Worcester sauce. season with garlic. Remove the onion and pepper from skillet. Lay one slice of cheese in bottom of pepper. Steak & Cheese Stuffed Peppers • Servings: 4 • Total Time: 30 min. salt. set aside. Top with chicken and shredded cheese. Then fold in spinach. minced • 1/2 cup half & half or heavy whipping cream • 1/4 tsp. 21 . Spread sauce/spinach mixture onto your cooked pizza crust. Reduce to simmer when sauce starts to thicken. cook just until wilted. roughly chopped • 1/2 cup part skim shredded mozzarella • Sea salt & pepper • 1 keto Flatbed Pizza Dough Directions Preheat the oven to 425°F. Add garlic plus the xanthium gum with half & half to the skillet and bring to a boil. INGREDIENTS • 1 boneless skinless chicken breast • 1/2 tablespoon Olive oil • 1 clove garlic. Bake 10 minutes or until cheese is melted. Keto Spinach & Chicken Pizza • Servings: 2 • Total Time: 20 min. Remove the chicken and set aside. xanthan gum • 1 cup fresh spinach. Sauté the chicken in a skillet over medium heat until done. Coat both sides of chicken with flour. 22 .whisk egg and cream in a large bowl. Add chicken and let sit for about 10 minutes. INGREDIENTS • 8 ounces chicken breast tenderloins (about 6 pieces) • 1 cup almond flour • 1 teaspoon salt • 1 teaspoon pepper • 1/4 cup Heavy Whipping • 1 large egg Directions For the coating. season with salt & pepper. Dip in your favorite keto friendly sauce. Keto Chicken Tenders • Servings: 2 • Total Time: 16 min. Season with salt and pepper. Fry in small batches until golden brown and internal temperature reaches 160º. Next add almond flour to a shallow dish or pan. Grease a pizza pan. beaten • 1/4 tsp. Flatbread Pizza Dough • Servings: 1 • Total Time: 16 min. Bake for 12-14 minutes or until golden brown. garlic powder • 1/3 cup almond flour Directions Preheat the oven to 425°F. Add remaining ingredients to the melted cheese. add cream cheese and mozzarella. In a small bowl. It does get a tad bit odd here. spread dough out into a 1/2” thick circle. Mix as well as you can. 23 . because mozzarella turns to a big glob when melted. Microwave on high for 20 seconds at a time until melted. INGREDIENTS • 2oz cream cheese • 3/4 cup shredded mozzarella • 1 egg. and garlic. Using medium high heat place breast back in the pan and brown for 5 minutes on each side until completely cooked. cheddar cheese. and the pepper jack cheese. garlic powder Directions In a skillet place your oil peppers and onion. 24 . cumin. Oil • 1 red pepper • 1 green pepper • 1 yellow pepper • 1 onion • 3 tsp. Fajita Stuffed Chicken • Servings: 3 • Total Time: 20 min. Using a knife create a pocket in the chicken breast so that you can stuff the pepper cheese mixture inside. Ingredients: • 2 tbsp. You are now ready to serve. of salt and sauté until softened. Place the peppers and onion in a bowl and add cream cheese. Toss to evenly coat. salt • 4 0z cream cheese • ½ c cheddar cheese • ½ c pepper jack cheese • 3 chicken breast • 2 tsp. In separate bowl place chicken breast and sprinkle over the remaining salt along with the chili powder. Add 1 tsp. chili powder • 2 tsp. cumin • 2 tsp. Mix thoroughly and set to the side. Preheat oven to 350F. While the oven is heating zest 1 whole lime. Squeeze the limejuice over the shrimp. Lay the shrimp on the baking sheet. 25 . De-tail and de-vain them. Ingredients • Juice of 1 Lime • Zest of 1 Lime • 1 Tbsp. Bake in the oven for 12 minutes. Shrimp Directions Defrost the shrimp if you’re using frozen. Use about 2-3 Tbsp. Olive Oil to grease a foiled baking sheet. carefully season every shrimp with chili powder and lime zest. once seasoned. Chili Powder • 24 oz. Chili Lime Shrimp • Servings: 3 • Total Time: 15 min. Sugar Free Ketchup • 1Tbsp. Soy Sauce • 2 tsp. sliced thinly • 1 tsp. While the oven is preheating combine all the ingredients to make the meatballs. While the meatballs are baking. Asian Style meatballs Servings: 4 • Total Time: 20 Ingredients (Meatballs) • 1 lbs. Erythritol Directions Begin by preheating the oven to 400F. Form the meatballs by hand into 16-20 balls. Minced Garlic • ½ tsp. Sesame Oil • Juice of ½ Lime • 3 tsp. Minced Ginger • 2 tsp. Ground Pork • 2 Green Onions. Rice Wine Vinegar • ¼ Cup Pork rinds • 1 Large beaten Egg Ingredients (Sauce) • 2 Tbsp. Rice Vinegar • 1 ½ tsp. Chili Garlic Paste • 1 Tbsp. Spread the meatballs out on a foil covered backing sheet. Sesame Oil • 1 tsp. These will bake for 12-15 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165F. 26 . Erythritol • 1 tbsp. Lime Juice • 1 tsp. mix together the sauce ingredients. Chili Paste • 2 Tsp. Soy Sauce • 1 tsp. Once the meatballs are finished baking spoon the sauce over and garnish with sprig onion. olive oil. Ingredients: Dressing • ¼ cup mayonnaise • 1 tbsp. chopped • ¼ lb. Close the jar and shake before using. MCT oil. Dijon mustard • ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil • 2 tbsp. Cobb Salad with Fat-Burning Dressing • Servings: 2 • Total Time: 20 min. lemon juice. 27 . Lightly drizzle the dressing over top and enjoy. freshly chopped herbs of choice • Salt and pepper to taste Ingredients: Salad • 2 cups raw baby spinach • 4 oz. fresh lemon juice • 2 tbsp. MCT oil • 2 cloves garlic • 2 tbsp. cooked and crumbled • ½ large avocado. and Season with salt and pepper. cooked chicken • 1/3 cup chopped cucumber • 1/3 cup chopped tomatoes • 2 hard boiled eggs. To the jar ad the finely chopped herbs. pork. cut into small chunks Directions Peel and crush the garlic placing it in a mason jar. Add the mayo. Now to make the salad simply place the spinach in a bowl and top with the rest of the ingredients. nutmeg • 1 cup mayonnaise • 1 tbsp. Continue to cook the chops until they reach an internal temperature of 165F and remove them from the pan. balsamic vinegar Directions Preheat oven to 350F. Ingredients • 1 medium yellow onion. garlic powder • 1 tsp. Place the pork chops in the same pan and season each chop with garlic powder and the nutmeg. Brown each side of the chop. peeled and sliced • 1 (8 oz. washed and sliced • ½ cup oil • 3 boneless pork chops • 1 tsp.) package brown mushrooms. 28 . Dinner Fat Bomb Pork Chop • Servings: 3 • Total Time: 45 min. In a large skillets sauté the onions and mushrooms using the oil until they have wilted. This will create a thick sauce that is poured over top of the pork. Whisk together mayo and the vinegar and add to the remaining oil that sits in the pan. pickled jalapenos. ground black pepper • ½ cup sharp cheddar cheese. Loaded Nacho Meatballs • Servings: 16 • Total Time: 15 min. approximately 3-4 minutes each side. ground cumin • 1 tsp. Sauté until golden brown and cooked throughout. Place this in the oven on broil for about 1 minute so that the cheese can melt. salt • ¼ tsp. garlic powder • 3 Tbsp. Thoroughly mix all of these together and hand press into 16 meatballs. chopped Ingredients Toppings: • ¼ cup prepared salsa (sugar free) • ¼ cup sharp cheddar cheese. Place all of the meatballs on an oven safe dish. sour cream Directions Combine in a medium bowl all of the ingredients for the meatballs. 29 . Ingredients Meatballs: • 1lb. prepared salsa (sugar free) • 1 Tbsp. Cautiously remove and top each with a dab of sour cream and a slice of jalapeno. ground beef (80/20) • 1 egg • ¼ cup almond flour • ½ tsp. shredded • 16 pickled jalapeno slices • 2 Tbsp. shredded • 1 tsp. Top them each with 1tsp salsa and 1tsp of the shredded cheddar. skinless chicken breasts • Salt and fresh ground black pepper • 1/2 cup basil • 1/2 cup grated low-fat mozzarella cheese Directions Preheat oven to 375F. Place your chicken over the pesto and then top that with yet another ¼ cup of pesto. Place aluminum foil over the dish and bake for 25-30 minutes until the chicken begins to firm up. At this point the cheese is ready to be browned. After all of this has been removed Slice the chicken breast into halves. You should start off by removing all of the extra fat and tendons from the chicken that you had go. After this remove the foil and top the chicken with the cheese. about a ¼ cup. Ingredients • 4 boneless. Place the dish back in the oven and allow it to cook for 5 additional minutes. Easy Baked Pesto Chicken • Servings: 1 • Total Time: 45 min. turn your oven on broil for 5 more minutes being mindful to keep your eye on it. 30 . Coat a baking dish with non-stick cooking spray and then add a layer of pest to the bottom. 1 Cup of Cheddar Cheese • Montreal Southwest Seasoning • 2Tbsp. Salt (For Baking Pan) Directions Start off by preheating the oven to 400F or 375 for Convection oven. Bacon Explosion • Servings: 3 • Total Time: 60 Ingredients • 10 slices bacon • ½ Pound Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage • 3 cups spinach • ¾ . Next season weave with your favorite seasonings. Interlace the bacon to create a 5x5 weave. 31 . Place the Cheese and spinach on top of the sausage and tightly roll it into a log. Next roll out ½ pound Jimmy Dean Sausage on a sheet of foil into a square shape. This will then bake for 50-60 minute or until everything is well cooked inside. You can then season the outside of the weave at this point if you want. Place the sausage on to the center of the bacon weave using the foil to assist with the transfer. Transfer it onto a cooling rack placed inside of a foil lined backing pan. spread remaining mustard mixture onto the chops. Arrange chops on unheated rack of a broiler pan. Broil for 6-9 minutes more. depending on how thick your chops are. Rosemary Honey Dijon Pork Chop • Servings: 2-4 • Total Time: 20 min. stir together mustard. and rosemary. fresh rosemary. Broil chops 3 inches from the heat for 6 minutes. INGREDIENTS • 2-4 pork chops • 1 TB Dijon mustard • 1 TB honey (I love raw honey) • 1 1/2 tsp. Spread some of the mustard mixture on top of the chops. dried rosemary. honey. (It might take less. or 1/2 tsp. or until desired doneness.) Turn chops over. crushed Directions Preheat broiler. 32 . In a small bowl. garlic. Using sliced prosciutto. garlic to the pan. Once the spinach starts to wilt. skip this step. Dash Table Seasoning and fresh ground black pepper to taste. Season meat with salt and pepper to your liking. Otherwise. Roll the pork tenderloin with all of the fillings completely shut and then secure it shut with toothpicks or butchers string. Otherwise hold off on preheating the oven until you’re ready to use the pork. Let this cook for 30-60 seconds and then mix everything together. 33 . Make sure you have toothpicks or butchers string handy so you can secure it once it’s been rolled. move it aside and add 2 tsp. INGREDIENTS • THE PREPARATION  • 6-7 cups Spinach • 1 lb. preheat your oven to 450F. You do this by cutting either 1 or 2 slits through the meat depending on the size. + 1 tsp. Mrs. Dash Table Blend • 2 tsp. Add the spinach and let it wilt. Put plastic wrap over the meat and pound it to 1/2” thickness using the smooth side of the meat hammer. Creamy Spinach Pork Tenderloin Roulade • Servings: 4 • Total Time: 95 min. Add the cream cheese by ripping chunks off. Spoon the spinach and garlic mixture on top of the pork tenderloin. cover the entire pork tenderloin so no meat can be seen. Butterfly the pork tenderloin. store the pork tenderloin in the fridge. You want to be able to work with it later to roll it. Rub the outside of the roulade with 1 tsp. making sure that it doesn’t go too far toward the edges. Olive Oil to high heat in a pan. add a little brown mustard and olive oil over the top. Pork Tenderloin • 4 oz. Using the spiked side of the meat hammer. Begin to roll the tenderloin lengthwise. Olive Oil • 1/4 tsp. If you are resuming this recipe after you have pounded the pork tenderloin. If you are prepping this recipe is advanced. let rest in foil for about 5-10 minutes. Cream Cheese • 3 tbsp. Mrs. Cut pork tenderloin into 3/4” slices and serves. Bring 3 tbsp. Once the meat is done. + 1 tsp. If you’re using green beans. Bake the tenderloin at 450F for 20 minutes. lightly pound the seasonings into the pork. then reduce heat to 325F and bake for an additional 60-75 minutes or until temperature reaches 145F. 1/4 tsp. + 1 tsp. I normally sprinkle from the container until the whole tenderloin is covered. Minced Garlic • Salt and Pepper to taste • 5 slices Prosciutto Directions Preheat oven to 450F if you are cooking right away.  Sesame Seeds Directions Remove the shells of the shrimps but leave the tail part if you’d like (optional). Reduce heat to low. Stir until the sauce thickens up to own liking. grated • 1/2 small Onion. Add in 1/2 cup Heavy Cream and 0.3 oz. Add in the battered shrimp and coat well with the sauce. Once the butter has melted. Garnish with sesame seeds and serve! Goes well with cauliflower fried rice. Do these two to three at a time. Put on a cooling rock. add 0. Into the mixture. Gently cut the surface of the shrimps and devein. diced • 2 tbsp. generously coat the shrimps with the batter and pan-fry the shrimps. 34 . Add in 2 tbsp. Pre-heat a pan on medium heat. Water • 1/2 cup Heavy Cream • 1 large Egg • 1/3 oz. Mix well until smooth. Mix well. Creamy Butter Shrimp • Servings: 3 • Total Time: 20 min. water. Curry Leaves • 1 tbsp. almond flour.5 oz. baking powder and 1/4 tsp. Pat the cleaned shrimps dry with paper towels. Parmigianino • 2 tbsp. curry powder (optional). Curry Powder • 2 tbsp. Stir-fry everything until fragrant. Wait until the shrimps turn golden brown and then remove them from the pan. Almond Flour • 1 clove Garlic. coconut oil. mature cheddar (optional). Unsalted Butter Reggiano. In a bowl. add in 1/2 chopped onion. INGREDIENTS • 1/2 oz. Baking Powder • 2 small Thai Chilies. sliced • 1/4 tsp. Coconut Oil • 1/8 tsp. finely chopped • 1/2 tsp. Wait until the onion turns translucent and then add in finely chopped garlic. 1/2 tsp. sliced Thai chilies and 2 tbsp. grated Parmigianino Reggiano. unsalted butter. Mature Cheddar • 12 medium Shrimp • Salt and Pepper to Taste • 3 tbsp. Add in 3 tbsp. 2 tbsp. Pan-fry extra batter if any left. Pre-heat a pan to medium-low heat. curry leaves. Once the oil is hot. add in 1 egg and 1 tbsp. Clean well. Turn stove to p on to medium low temperature. After 30 min take out and enjoy. 35 . unsweetened cocoa powder 3 tbsp. Place this in the freezer. Melt and combine all elements until smooth. coconut almond butter 3 tbsp. grass fed butter 2-3 packets stevia Directions In a sauce pan combine all ingredients. coconut oil 4 tbsp. Pour into cupcake tin lined with cupcake wrappers. Keto fat bomb Servings 9 Total time 40 min Ingredients 4 tbsp. You have all the hacks. You’re going to have an uncomfortable adjustment period and that’s totally normal. do NOT spazz out in the early stages. recipes. As always. Reach out to me at brandon@brolaboratories. But after that first month or so. and information you need to become a Keto King or Queen yourself and begin living that rapid fat-burning. it will become second nature.Conclusion So there you have it. I’m here to help. intense muscle building and high energy lifestyle. As I said or any of my social media below~ Instagram/Twiter: Bcartermusic Snapchat: KillerCarter187 Facebook: Brandon Carter 36 . you’ll adapt and when the belly fat begins melting and you notice how alert you are.
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