Brahmin Gotra System

April 2, 2018 | Author: nieotyagi | Category: Hindu Mythology, Indian Religions, Hindu Literature, Religion And Belief



9/24/13Brahmin gotra system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The word "gotra" means "lineage" in the Sanskrit language. Among those of the Brahmincaste, gotras are reckoned patrilineally. Each gotra takes the name of a famous Rishi or sage who was the patrilineal forebearer of that clan. And each Gotra is addressed by the suffix 'sa' or 'asa' as relevant. The concept of Gotra was the sociodemographic-cultural coding by Brahma to classify His family, themselves among different groups. At the beginning, these gentes identified themselves by the names of various rishis (Angirasa, Daksha, Himavan, Atri, Gautam, Vishrava, Kashyapa, Bhrigu, Vashista, Kutsa,and Bharadwaja; the first seven of these are often enumerated as Saptarishis). The Vishvakarma Brāhmins who build temples and sculpt the forms of deities trace their lineage to five rishis ŗşhīs Sanaga, Sanātana, Ahabūna, Pratna, Suparņa who are mentioned in Yajur Veda Taittiriya Samhita (4.3.3).[1]Vishvakarma's five faces were differently named as Sadyojataya, Vamadevaya, Aghoraya, Tatpurushaya and Esanaya and from each of these he begot a son from Sadayojata Manu; from Vamadevaya Maya; from Aghoraya Twashtar; from Tatpurushaya Shilpi and from Esanaya Visvajna; known also as Sanaga, Sanatana, Pratnasa, Abhuwansa, and Supernasa Rishis respectively; From these five faces of Visvakarma the 5 Vedas were narrated and as per Vedas the Brahmins are the ones who sprang from face [2] of Purusha. [3] It is to be noted that Vishwamitra was initially a Kshatriya king, who later chose and rose to become an ascetic rishi. Hence the gotra was applied to the grouping stemming from one of theserishis as his descendants. Contents [hide] 1 Gotras 2 Gothras and Pravaras [4] 3 List of Brahmin Gotras 4 Implications 5 See also 6 References Gotras [edit source] Main article: Gotra Many lines of descent from the major rishis were later grouped separately. Accordingly, the major gotras were divided into ganas (subdivisions) and each gana was further divided into groups of families. The term gotra was then frequently started being applied to the ganas and to the sub-ganas. Every brahmin claims to be a direct patrilineal descendant of one of the founding rishis of a certain gana or sub-gana. It is the gana or sub-gana that is now commonly referred to as gotra. Over the years, the number of gotras increased due to: 1. Descendants of original rishi also started new family lineage or new gotras , 2. By inter marriage with other sub-groups of the same caste, and 3. Inspired by another rishi whose name they bear as their own gotra. Pravara is the number of the most excellent (-cf. reference, Sanskrit-English Dictionary,Monier-Williams) rishis who belonged to that particular gotra to which a person belongs. Gotra is the name of the founding father. In vedic ritual, the importance of the pravara appears to be in its use by the ritualist for extolling his ancestry and proclaiming, "as a descendant of worthy ancestors, I am a fit and proper person to do the act I am performing." The sacred thread yajnopavita worn on upanayana has close connection with the concept of pravaras related to brahmin gotra system. While tying the knots of sacred thread, an oath is taken in the name of each one of these three or five of the most excellent rishis belonging to one's gotra. The full affiliation of a brāhamana consists of (1)gotra, (2)pravaras (3)sutra (of Kalpa), (4)shakha. (Example :) A brahmana named 'X' introduces himself as follows : I am 'X', of Shrivatsa gotra, of Āpastamba sutra, of 1/6 Kalaboudha: Viswaamitra. kankshvadana. Gautama 1. Kalabodhana: Viswaamitra. Rathitara: Baaryhaspatya. Haritasa/Harita/Haritsa: Angirasa.Traasatasya 2. bruhaspati). Angirasa. Kalabhavasa 5. Viswamitra: Viswamitra. gautama. Rathitara 4.Kowsika 4. While the gotras were classified initially according to nine (?) rishis. Soral. Kalabodhana/Kalabhavasa(3 variations) 1. they believed that. For example. AAgamarshana. Kalabhavasa: Viswaamitra.wikipedia. Aarchanaasa. Chyavana. Yuvanasva 9. ousishya. Syaavatsyasa 2/6 . Vadula: Bhargava.9/24/13 Brahmin gotra system .Naidhruba 8. ayasya. Devasravasa. Daivala and Aavatsaara Gothras and Pravaras[4] [edit source] 1. oushaja. of five pravaras named Bhārgava.Barhaspatya. Powrukutsa.Avatsara. Atreyasa: Atreyasa. Kalaboudha 3. Devarata. the rishi Jamadagni was a descendant of rishi Bhrigu while the rishis Gautam and Bharadwaja were the descendants of rishi Angiras. Gautamasa: Angirasa. Aapnavaana. successor of that rishis are under Shiva(Shiv-Adi) gotra and well known as Rudraja Brahmin. Vaitahavya. Aurva. ref. cf. Jaamadagni Salankayana: Viswaamitra. Kaama kaayana Viswaamitra: one who has conquered lust: Vaishwaamitra. Owtala 1. Binju 2.e. they are originated from Lord Shiva. Āpnavan. Mowdgalya(3 Variations) en. Sarola brahmin) Bruhaspatya (i. Agamarshana. Devarata 1. Srivatsa: Bhargava. Dhanvantari: Angirasa. Kaundinyasa (Kaundinya): Vashista.). vaamadava:krishna yajurveda tiettereeya saakha 10.Wikipedia. The pravara identifies the association of a person with three or sometimes five of the above-mentioned rishis. Upreti 3. Kashyapa. Aayasyasa.Aghavarshana. Gairola (i. Kalabodhana 2. Agamarshana. There were a group of rishis(well known as yogi). Maitraavaruna. Kaundinya 7. Suryadhwaja: Lakhi (Mehrishi). gautamasa 7 sages. Chyāvana. Kowsika: Vishwamitra. the free encyclopedia Taittiriya shākha of Yajurveda. Saavedasa 5. Kashyapa Gothram has 3 rishis associated with it viz. bhriguridhdha. Angirasa. Ambarisha. Aghamarshana. Shatamarshana: Angirasa. Bharadwaja. Aurva and Jāmadagnya (This example is based upon the example given by Pattābhirām Shastri in the introduction to Vedārtha-Pārijata. Daivatharasa 6. the pravaras were classified under the names of the following seven rishis: Agastya Angiras Atri Bhrigu Kashyapa Vashista Vishvamitra According to the listing of authors included in the verses in Rigved. Kowravidha. Angirasa. Sandilya 4.Devaratha 1. Kasyapasa.Sowmavaha 17. Kapila: Angirasa. Brahma. Bharadvaj.Vandana. Mandhana. Sandeya/Sanatana/Sanandana/Sanaka/Sanasujata. Raibha. Daivala 3. Sandilya (4 Variations) 1. Kutsasa: Angirasa. Agastyasa: Agastya. AgniVaiwaswatha: Angirasa. Bharmyasva. Saaktya. Bhargav_Nandini. Sainya. Shaandilya 12. Tarkshya. Gargya/Garga (2 Variations) 1. Mahandatha. Raatitara 19. Mowdgalya 3. Aavatsaara. Vishwamitra. Rauksaayana:Angiras. Gautamasa: Aangeerasa. Saandilya 20. Kutsa: Angirasa. Ambarisha. the free encyclopedia 1.Kapilasa 31. Rebha. Devatarasa.Saankritya 2. Naidruva(Naitruva). Angirasa. Kasyapasa. Marichi. Pouru.Kowtsa 14.Paarshadaswa. Aavatsaara. Kasyapa. Dev. Naidruva(Naitruva). Angirasa.Saankritya 21. Parashara 16.Amahaiya. Srukva. Kasyapa (3 Variations) 1. Devaraata.Orukshaya. Parashara: Vashista. Bhadarayana: Angirasa. Mowdgalya 2. Yamdagni 2. Angirasa. Daivala. 30.Kowravidha. Sandila. Daivala. Agnivaiwaswathasa 24.Tardhachyuta. Kasyapa. Kaanva 15. Kasyapasa. Aavatsaara. 2. 3. Kasyapa. Sadhya. Sankriti (2 Variations) 1. Kutchasa: Harita.Bharhaspatya. gowtama 23.bharadwagasa.Kutsa. kutsya 22. Aavatsaara. Naidhruva. Angirasa. ayasya. Asitha 5. Mowdgalya 11. Rebha. Shandila. Kapisa: Angirasa. Naidruva(Naitruva).Maandhatra. Pingala 33.Mandhatha. Asitha_Videhi. Raibha. Aavatsaara. Kasyapa.Kowra. 29. Daksha_Kaamadhenu. Marichi. Kanva (2 Variations) 1.upadhyay 2. Kapilasa: Akshaya. Angirasa. Dev.Naitruva 13.Orukshaya. Naitruvakaasyapa: Kasyapa. Yuvanaswa. Dev. Kashyap_Aditi_Surya_Bhishma. Kapi: Angirasa.Matavachasa. Aavatsaara. Bharadwaja. Parashar 26.Bharadwaja.Aghamarshana.AAgamarshana.Kaanva 2.Wikipedia. Angirasa.wikipedia. Shaktri : Vashistha.Aavatsara.Ajameeda. Kashyap_Diti_Bali.Amahaiya. Bharmyasva. Sankhyayana:Vishwamitra. Gaargya 18.9/24/13 Brahmin gotra system . Dhavya. Kaamakayana. Bhrigu_Srivatsa_Khyati. Panchashraya 27.lohitasya en. Marichi. Brahaspthayasa. Shraumita. Shaktri. Ethi Pancha rushi.Baruhaspataya.Mahakshya. Shamryan 25. Marichi. Madhuvachasa 34. Viswamitra:Viswamitra. Angirasa. Dev. 32. 28. 3/6 . Mohiyals : Munjhals.Wikipedia. parthivasa : Bhargava.Mehta. Jamadagni: Bhargava.Aindrapramada. Gori 39. Upreti Brahmin [Mehlonia]. Aupamanavya:Vashista. Jaamadagneya 36. Aurava. Bhargava: Bhargava. parthivedi 44.Dutt.wikipedia.[Mahere][Atri][bajpayi]. Chyavana. Tvashta.Viswamitra.Bhardwaj. Jaabaali : [edit source] The following is a partial list of gotras found in the Brahmin community of Hindus: 4/6 . Daivaratasa : Viswamithra. Avudhala Mudgal : Mudgal gotra in brahmin 1. Lohitasa:Lohitasa. Punj.[tiwari][Khareria] List of Brahmin Gotras Agastya Ahabhunasa Angad Angirasa Arela Ashri Atreya Atri Bharadwaj Bhargava Charora Chivukula Chyavana Dadhichi Daivaratasa Dalabhya Dhananjaya (gotra) Gargas/garga Gautam/Gautama Harita/ Haritasa/Haritsa Jaabaali/ Jabali Jaiman Purohit Jaimini Jamadagni Kankar/ Kankariya Kanva Kapila en. Raivasa . Jaamadagni 37. Kapinjala:Vashista.Aindrapramada.(Ambareesha?) 38. Aurva. Bakshi.Mohan 42. Devgan.Lau. Chyavana.Abharadwasavya 40. Aapnavan. vynavya.Ashtaka. Daivaratasa. Vatsa: Orva. Vaithahavya. Chyavana. Chibber.[Tupria]. Aapnavaana. Bhargava: (2 variations) 1.9/24/13 Brahmin gotra system .Vishvarupa 2. pravaranvitha 43.Bali.Thrayarisheya. Aapnavaana.Bhargava. the free encyclopedia 35. Bhargava: Bhargava.Abharadwasavya 41. Mudgal) Mauna Bhargava Monash Niveriya Paluvoi Panchgour Parashara Parthivasa Pathak Pautamarshi Polistasa Ramanuja Ratitarasa Śakti (Shaktri) Salankayana Sandilya Sankhyayanasa Sankrithi(Sankrityayan) Savarna Shabaswa Shamryan Shandilya Sharma Shatamarshana Shaunaka Shiva(Shiv-adi) Soral Srivatsa Suryadhwaja Tiwari en.Kushika.Wikipedia. the free encyclopedia Kapinjala Kapisa Kashyap Kashyapasa/Kaashyapasa/Kashyapa/Kapil Katyayana Kaundinya/kowndinya Kaushal Kaushik/Koshik/Koushik.wikipedia.9/24/13 Brahmin gotra system .org/wiki/Brahmin_gotra_system 5/6 .Kausikasa/Ghrit kaushika]] Kutsa/Kautish]] Krishnatreya Kush[disambiguation needed ] Lomus Mandavya Marichi Markandeya Maudgalya (Moudgil. The fact that people belong to a certain gotra says nothing about their domicile.9/24/13 Brahmin gotra system .Wikipedia. A married woman takes up the gotra of her husband. a marriage between a man and a woman belonging to the same gotra (known as sa-gotra) is forbidden as it will cause anomalies in the progeny that come out of such a marriage. en. which can be known from than lower lever classification below gotra: pravaras.wikipedia. and belong to the same Brahmin caste. shakha and Haritash. and hence. In fact. sutra (of Kalpa).org/wiki/Brahmin_gotra_system 6/6 . mother tongue or family occupation. original place of residence. in theory. the free encyclopedia Trigunayat Upadhyay Upamanyu Upreti Vadula Valasha Vartantu Vashista Vatsa Vatsyayan Vishnuvardhana Vishnuvriddha Vishvamitra (sage)/Kamsi Yaska Billas beda (gaur brahmin) Vats Lohitasa (billas beda) Implications [edit source] Although people belonging to the same gotra are. a man and a woman belonging to the samegotra are considered to be a brother and sister. there may be very little else in common between them.Indoria. related to each other patrilineally. as per the Vedic system.
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