Brahmavidya Meditation

April 2, 2018 | Author: JigneshShah | Category: Omnipotence, Breathing, Exhalation, Mind, Meditation



Page| Bra hma Vid ya Basic Cours e Medit ation 20 10 20 11 Brahma Vidya 1 Brahma Vidya 2 Brahmavidya Namaskrutiya Madguroha Charnao Tatha ! I Bow to the Knowledge of Bramhavidya. New Marine lines Mumbai . Thank again and again. Page | Bramha Vidya Basic Course: Venue: SNDT College Church Gate Mumbai. Santushtoham Krutigyonham Kritagyonham Punah Punah ! I am Blessed and Thankful. (Maharashtra) India Teacher : Mr. Nitin Desai Course Period : Oct to March 2011 Sadhna Mandal Venue: Firoz Kazani Sun beam chambers. Vikas Pundit Guide: Mr. Gyana praptya Prasthanam Rajmarge Karomyaham ! I Proceed to Gain the learning Royal path of Knowledge. 6Th floor Opp Liberty Cinema. I Bow to thee again. Pran Nad Tejotitam Bramhavidyam Namamyaham ! The Breath that enlightens us The Brahmavidya. I Bow in feet of the teacher. I am grateful and I am blessed. I feel that I am happy.Brahma Vidya 3 1 The Opening Prayer Brahmavidyam Namaskrutya Madguroho Charanau Tatha! Dnyan Praptyartha Prasthanam Raajmarge Karomyaham ! Santushtoham Krutdnyoham Krutathoham Punaha Punaha ! Praan Naad Tejotitaam Brahmavidyam Namamiham ! Page | Having paid my respects to Brahmavidya and my teacher. I begin my journey on the noble path to gain (Self) Knowledge. sound and Light . which is beyond Breath. Again and again. Again and again I bow to Brahmavidya. See that. Simply watch the sensation. Do not interfere. Now take a deep breath. Take another deep breath. Do not try to control. facing upwards. Let all tension go away from the body. You are breathing in. that your body is relaxing more and more. smoother. As you exhale. Keep the palms. As you watch. or simply sit. of the flow of air.Lesson 4 . Feel the sensation. going out. Air is coming in and. Now. relax. You are very relaxed and at peace. You are breathing out. There all tension goes away from the body. in the crossed leg position. You can sit. The inhalation and exhalation will become balanced. Do not try to control your breathing. and the rhythm of breath. either on the floor. relax. You are breathing out. in your nostrils. and relaxed. Take another deep breath. At the same time. . You are breathing in. your body is correctly balanced. As you exhale. watch your breath. relax your body. It will become balanced. on your knees or on your thighs. you will observe. with your heels touching.Brahma Vidya 4 Page | PRACTICE OF MEDITATION ( Basic Course . your breath becomes. on the chair. and as you exhale.CD-Track 4) First sit-in the correct posture. will be established. Let your whole body become limp. Simply watch. say to yourself aloud PEACE… PEACE… PEACE I am at PEACE… PEACE … PEACE Now your body and mind.Brahma Vidya 5 Now pay attention. what you have done with your breath. If there are still some thoughts. Your mind will become still. Now we begin our true practice. quiet and peaceful. I am Still . like this. coming into your mind. relaxed and peaceful. you will find. We will do with the mind. Do not try to think. Simply watch. both are still. to your mind. All kinds of thoughts will come to your mind. not to think. Do not restrain. Just observe. As you watch your mind. Page | Do not try. Do not get involved in your thoughts. Now watch your mind. I realise that. now. wondrous. I am life. I am not subject to decay and old age. everlasting. I now realise that. why they are born. wonderful life. or old age. There is no death. subject to decay. and the doors. i know it. boundless. only one law. of my being. I am life. life. now developing creative wisdom through my imagination. AFFIRMATION The law of creation is life. I will to do whatever I desire to do. is the master. how this is done. of creation--the law of life. why they are happy. I am now solving it. And I will begin. I am youth. I desire. of my own. all negation is a mental concept. and not. DENIAL Death is not a law of life. and the ability. the master. I learn that. to truly. sickness. " I am. all negation is a mental concept. of my mind. I learn why men succeed. the greatest teaching. now revealed to my consciousness. I am free. Glorious. I am beauty. and why they fail. for the knowledge of. but now. vibrant. that I am. there is no decay. I learn why men die. in which. The riddle of universe is about me. limitless. with all the power. death is a mental concept. this wondrous truth. I rejoice! I did not feel this before. I am now developing. I now realise that. I feel it. and why. all success. All I am learning is the secret of existence. life I am life eternal. Creative channel is the light of my mind---I am free from all negation. to achieve whatever I wish. within me. the infinite spirit. now entering upon. power. a law of life. to live as long as. that man. are now open. free. I am a channel of creative wisdom. and not a law of life. And i thank. happiness and peace reside. never ending. free. that man is the author of death. and not a law of life. Now I am free… free… free… forever more. the power. (lesson 4 pages 37 to 40 and meditation cd track 4) I am the master of my own life. There is no old age. accessible to man. strength. and the ability to realise in my own life. live it. that I may learn. life. they are discontent. there is. man is not. I now learn. the one divine principle. the power." . and why they live. of his destiny.Brahma Vidya 6 FORWARD Page | I am. I am free free life. I have. in every part. closer. My nose. My knees. eyebrows. a picture. Now. Perfect me. My face. and every part of my body. by this light. perfection. and perfect. healthy. a picture of. lustrous and perfect eyes. I am still. joyous smile. My whole body is a radiating light. My throat. I can see it move clearly It is coming closer and closer. I imagine. is coming closer. young. are perfect and beautiful. I imagine. I imagine. with my imagination. are healthy. complete face. My feet. true me. I go on imagining. of my perfect me. . I see. around my body. totally unlined. Now I imagine. bright. is coming. is lit up with. My mouth. My eyes are. looking into. my lips. Now I imagine different parts. I imagine. I begin with. as if I am. In such. I am bathed. create. I imagine. relaxed condition.Brahma Vidya 7 (Lesson 5 page 46. young and beautiful. My head. radiant. beautiful. My arms and hands. Closer and closer. balanced and harmonious. My abdomen My thighs. of perfect me. a great halo. Now it comes very close. There is no movement. Now I will. of this light. 47 & 51 and CD -track 5) Page | NEW EXERCISE FOR VISUALISATION ( Lesson 6 Page61 & 62 . my head. up to my feet. my hair. I imagine. in all other organs. perfection. My eyes. anywhere. My eyebrows. and go down. healthy and youthful. to my mind. and peaceful.Meditation CD -Track -5 ) Now I am. unlined forehead. Coming closer. that perfect me. my forehead. from my head to my toes. My beautiful face. Now I see my complete body. very still.My chest. that. straight and beautiful nose. But there is no strain anywhere. is complete. slightly raised. My body. my teeth. what I had imagined. in the picture. .Brahma Vidya 8 It is absorbed in me. that. Page | Now I imagine. taking place within me. filled with light. of perfect me. I am. is actually. forever. I am accurate. contented & powerful youthfulness. luster & energy in my body. Thinking of this sphere. I am PERFECT. I think of perfection. . With this symbol in my mind. I think of STRENGTH. Page | Dynamic. I am capturing the vital and divine elements of Prana. By always breathing youthfulness and vigor. physically powerful. I am PERFECT. (2) I AM PERFECT: I wait for an appropriate symbol to come in my mind. Bliss. Gradually. My youthfulness is freely flowing like a river flowing from the mountain head. (3) I AM STRONG: I wait for an appropriate symbol to come in my mind. I feel that. effective. Eternally blissful. I am flawless. (Lesson16 . mental. STRENGTH. dynamism. radiating. mentally and emotionally healthy and divine. full of vigor and luster. bigger and bigger. I feel perfection. glowing and standing out.Brahma Vidya 9 MY MEDITATION ON YOUTHFULNESS I am evergreen youthfulness. NINE UNIVERSAL POSITIVES Lesson7 Page 66 to 69 CD Track 6) (1) I AM WHOLE : As I think of these words. This sphere is gradually becoming bigger. Bold and courageous youthfulness. as if I am eternally experiencing flow of youth and vigor. I am always overflowing with energy and dynamism. inspiring youthfulness. I imagine a sphere. I am enjoying physical. My youthfulness is all pervading. bright. Always shining. intellectual and spiritual energy and divinity. I experience. I feel. With this symbol. Ever ready and encouraging. Young in body and mind. I AM WHOLE. happy. this sphere pervades everything.“The Grand Rejuvenation Breath”). Every cell in my body is a complete power plant. that in which. Right in. Oh Lord of my Life! Oh Lord of the Eternal. My whole body. I think of balance. Come! I . (8) I AM HAPPY: Now I am very still. Page | 10 The creator is right here. (6) I AM HARMONIOUS: With a fitting symbol. Making itself known. Revealing. (4) I AM POWERFUL: With an appropriate symbol. the mind of me. working for me. I feel HARMONY. I feel POWERFUL. the being of me. (7) I AM YOUNG: Now I see innumerable streams of living lights. I live and move and have my being. is bathed with light. Right in. I feel HAPPY. order and harmony. I am YOUNG. I am sending out my thought from the top of my head. coursing down. I am LOVING. I think of POWER.Brahma Vidya I AM STRONG. Right in. (5) I AM LOVING: I am that LOVE of which the universe is made. the substance of me. from the top of my head to bottom of my feet. the heart of me. I think of the top of my head. and my body. Right in. I am HAPPY. I am POWERFUL. I am full of POWER. I am HAPPY. I see this LOVE going out of me to every living thing. youth. beautiful. Right here. in eternity now. AND THE CREATOR. strong. established in strength. free. radiant.Brahma Vidya wait! I listen! I am still! I look within me! Come! Reveal thyself! Page | 11 MEDITATION ON IMAGINATION & MAGNET (Lesson12 Page118 & CD Track 8) Denial : " I AM. free. I am. SELF-EXISTENT . IN YOUTH AND BEAUTY. IMMORTAL . old age and senility. and forever. Beautiful. strength and health. . I am. differentiating from all other life forms. beautiful. not subject to old age. IN THE SUBSTANCE OF BEAUTY " Denial : " DEATH IS NOT A PRINCIPLE IN NATURE " Affirmation : " I AM LIFE-I AM THE CREATIVE SPIRIT-RADIANT-BEAUTIFUL-STRONG-GLORIOUS-ANIMATEENERGY-FORCE-LIFE-ETERNAL LIFE " I AM THE CREATIVE SPIRIT (Lesson 13 Page 129 Track 9) "I.I AM. I am. that there is. I am eternal life. eternal . glad. I am exhaust less. I am free. I am. I am life eternal.I EMBODY MYSELF. in perfect beauty. health and joy. indivisible. sparkling. A MAGNET-I EMBODY MYSELF. IMPERISHABLE. I am. forever more. I am. I AM. Right now. I am eternal life. I am life eternal.I AM. free.I AM.I AM. ALL PERVADING" Henceforth. I am. I am eternal life now. no age. the Creative Spirit. I am. NOT SEPARATE. FROM THE UNIVERSE " Affirmation : " I AM. eternally young. forever more. I am. embody myself.I AM. embodied. I am. I am. THE CENTRE OF ATTRACTION. free. I rejoice. free. I am imperishable. I am life eternal. I am. decay. not subject to death. I am. not subject to. I am. the creative spirit. ARE ONE . THE CREATIVE SPIRIT. beauty. eternal life. I am wisdom. I AM THAT I AM. I am justice. I am. I am power. I am peace and peace dwells in me. youth. Page | 12 .Brahma Vidya love. the creative spirit. Therefore. embodied. I am life eternal. Right here. Page | 13 Since the universe. Right now. eternal now. existed for hundreds of thousands of years? Some say. May all beings be peaceful. I am. subject to death? I am. I give thanks for all that is. wisdom and justice. There never. will be a time. many millions. How is it possible. that I will. it was not. I am the Creative Spirit.Brahma Vidya MEDITATION ON CREATIVE SPIRIT This Meditation is Not Given In the Booklets given to us. that I am. has always existed. I am eternal life. it will not be. in eternity now. I question not divine love. I give thanks for whatever that has been. The truth is. the Creator. Since. I am. why should I think. I give thanks for that ever will be. a time when. Meditation CD: Track No: 10 The creative spirit. there is. there never was. I am life eternal. I am. . May all beings be happy. May all beings be blissful. ever cease to be. is all that. Has not the universe. interminable. Omnipotent All-powerful. Every so called "part”. Absolute. having All the Power there is. Everlasting. INDIVISIBLE. of the Indivisible ( the Absolute) is in touch. ETERNAL -Without beginning or end of existence. at the same time.all is one. OF THAT IS WHICH IS. endless. Page | 14 (b) I am. (3) I AM. intensity or excellence. without limit in power. Continuing. (a) I am. OF THAT WHICH IS. of the great Causeless Cause. not partial power. underived and indestructible. perfect. (2) " I AM. all knowing. of that which is. I am. OF THAT WHICH IS. unbounded. immeasurable. incapable of partition or separation. therefore. knowing everything. Omnipresent Present everywhere. outside the ALL THAT THERE IS. (c) I am. possessing all knowledge. of that which is. possessing unlimited power. having definite knowledge. always existing. with every other" part" and the WHOLE --. I am of the WHOLE. of that which is. infinite. limitless. ceaseless. INFINITE unlimited or boundless.Brahma Vidya I AM THE CREATOR Lesson 22Page215 & 216 Track11) (1) " I AM THE CREATOR EMBODIED IN HUMAN FORM" I am the Final. Omniscient All wise. (4) I AM. Never-ending thing that IS. illimitable. THE ALL THAT THERE IS Nothing can exist. perpetual. . in time and space. undivided. capacity.being the Creative Spirit embodied. (5) I AM. everlasting.
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