


Biju Patnaik University of Technology, OrissaM.Tech Syllabus in Computer Science & Engineering From 2009 -2010 Academic Session 1 0 3credits CSPR201 CSPT201 CSCV201 Software Technologies Lab.I Pre-thesis work & Seminar Total L-T-P 0-0-4 0-0-3 Credit 4credits 4 credits 4 credits 3 credits each Credit 4 credits 2 credits 24 Credits Second Semester Theory Professional Core CSPC201 Software Engineering CSPC202 Distributed Operating System Professional Electives .V (Any One) CSPE207 Cryptography CSPE208 Speech Processing CSPE209 Pattern Recognition CSPE210 Embedded System Contact Hours L-T-P 3-1.II Pre-thesis work & Seminar Comprehensive Viva-voce -I Total Practicals / Sessionals Contact Hours L-T-P Credit 0-0-4 4 credits 0-0-3 2 credits 0-0-3 2 credits 25 Credits 2 .0 3credits 3-0.IV (Any One) CSPE204 Mobile Computing ITPC201 J2EE CSPE205 Graph Theory CSPE206 VLSI Design Professional Electives . .0 3-0.0 CSPC102 Advanced Computer Architecture 3-1.0 CSPC103 Object Oriented System 3 -1-0 Professional Electives (Any TWO) 3–0–0 CSPE101 Real-Time Systems CSPE102 Computational Intelligence CSPE103 Service Oriented Architecture CSPE104 Computer Graphics CSPE105 Wireless Sensor Network CSPE106 Stochastic Process CSPE107 Formal Language & Automata Theory Practicals / Sessionals Contact Hours CSPR101 CSPT101 Software Technologies Lab. .0 3-1.TECH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING First Semester Theory Contact Hours Professional Core L-T-P CSPC101 Analysis and Design of Algorithm 3-1.0 Credit 4credits 4credits 3credits 3-0.M.III (Any One) CSPE201 Distributed Database System CSPE202 Compiler Construction CSPE203 Simulation and Modeling Professional Electives . Data Mining and Data Warehousing 2. ERP 3. Bio-Informatics THESIS Part –I Total Contact Hours L-T-P 3-0-0 Credit 3 credits 14 Credits 17 Credits Fourth Semester CSPT401 CSCV401 CSCV402 Thesis Part . Software Project Management 5. Digital Image Processing 4.Third Semester Theory Open Elective (Any One) 1.II Seminar Comprehensive Viva-Voce-II Total 20 Credits 2 Credits 2 Credits 24 Credits Grand Total = 90 Credits 3 . . matrix and polynomial multiplication. Multiprocessor architecture: Taxonomy of parallel architectures. CISC and RISC processors. K. “ Introduction to Algorithms”. measuring and reporting performance. 2002. Kai Hwang. Numerical algorithms (integer. Pearson Edu.Singhal and N. 3. Dynamic Programming (FloydWarshall Algorithm. and R. cluster computers. Recurrences. Primality testing). closest pairs). Divide and conquer (Merge sort. Henessy and Patterson. memory replacement policies. interconnections networks. “Operating Systems”. mapping and management techniques. Exception handling. Rivest. memory consistency. 1999. 4. Polynomial-time verification.Briggs. John Wiley & Sons. Longest Common Subsequence. data hazards.Hwang and F. Counting sort. Leiserson. Minimum cost spanning trees. Scalability. 2003. 2001. C. Instruction-level parallelism: basic concepts. Heap sort. 4 . Mc-Graw Hill. super-scalar. M. convex hulls. 1984. PHI. quantitative techniques in computer design. NP completeness and reducibility. array and vector processors. ADVANCED COMPUTER ARCHITECTURE Introduction: Review of basic computer architecture. “Advanced Computer Architecture: Parallelism. Quick sort and its correctness proofs) Lower bounds of sorting. Task scheduling). 5. Greedy Method (Single source shortest path. McGraw Hill. Internet algorithm (text pattern matching. UNIT. instructions and arithmetic pipeline.III Polynomial time. super-pipelined and VLIW processor architectures. Galgotia publ. extended Euclid’s algorithm). 2. “Computer Architecture—A Quantitative Approach”. Coherence and locality properties. Michael Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia.Analysis and Design of Algorithm UNIT-1 Algorithm paradigms. 3. H. pipeline optimization techniques. Hierarchical memory technology: Inclusion. Distributed shared-memory architecture. E. Rajasekaran. Cook’s theorem. Asymptotic notations. Ukonnen’s algorithm). M. NP completeness proofs. “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”. 2. virtual memory organization. Knapsack problem. Cormen. programmability”. control hazards and structural hazards. Matrix chain multiplication). 3rd Edition. “Data Structures & Algorithm Analysis in C/C++”. Books: 1. Centralized shared-memory architecture: Synchronization. “Computer Architecture and Parallel Processing”. segment intersections. Sahni. NP complete problem UNIT – IV Geometric algorithms (range searching. “Algorithm Design”. Books: 1. UNIT-II Randomization (Randomization quick sort. L. FFT. cache memory organizations. Pipelining: Basic concepts.G. techniques for reducing cache misses. Pearson press. techniques for increasing ILP. Horowitz. Mark Allen Weiss. techniques for handling hazards. “Advanced concepts of Operating Systems”..Sivaratri. India. tries. Crowley. 4.A. T. Tata-Mc-Graw Hill Publication. state chart diagram. concepts and principles. encapsulation. polymorphism. Object oriented programming language. use case driven object oriented analysis. instances. polymorphism in collaboration diagrams. James Rambaugh. advanced structural modeling : advanced relationship interfaces. use cases. roles. Addison wesey. concepts. 2000 3. UNIT-III Introduction to UML : The meaning of object-orientation. concepts. Advanced Behavioral modeling: Events and signals. generalized object oriented software. Architectural Modeling: Terms. modeling techniques for component diagrams and deployment diagram Suggested Reading: 1. Techniques for information gathering for RA. importance of modeling. examples. Management of Object-Oriented Software projects. object-oriented analysis of a real world domain object model. Basic structural modeling : classes. time and space. objects instances and concepts. UNIT-IV Class & object diagrams: Terms. object behavior model. use case diagrams. conceptual modeling of the UML. the distinguishing characteristics and metrics for the object-oriented design model. Mieiar Page-jones : fundamentals of object oriented design in UML. Collaboration Diagrams: Terms. differences between collaboration and sequence diagrams. depicting a message. principles of modeling. Dynamic behavior of objects. UNIT-V Behavioral modeling: interactions. Addison Wesley. Object and States. modeling techniques. common mechanisms. Relationship between objects: Association. process and threads. object oriented approach and technology. metrics for object oriented testing. Architecture. The intent of object-oriented metrics. identifying the elements of an object model. packages. UNIT-II Object-Oriented analysis: introduction. diagrams. Development cycle. activity diagrams. Objects and classes of objects. depicting synchronous messages with/without priority call back mechanism broadcast message. examples. Object oriented analysis. object oriented modeling. metrics for object-oriented projects. concepts. object identity. operation oriented metrics. information hiding. The notation of encapsulation and information hiding.OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEM UNIT-1 Real world domains. Concepts. use of self in messages. object identity: entity and attributes. domain analysis and generic components of object. genericity.oriented analysis model. Aggregation. state machines. 2. data and knowledge: The notion of inheritance. Grady Boach. class oriented metrics. Larmen 5 . class & object diagrams. relationships. Sequence diagrams: Terms. Generalization/ Specialization. iterated messages. Ivar Jacobson : The unified modeling language user gude. Professional Electives (Any Two) Real Time Systems UNIT-1 [10Hrs] Introduction: What is real time. [5Hrs] UNIT-4 Real-time Communication: Examples of applications requiring real-time communication. Qos models. Real-time Databases: Example applications of Real-time databases. Rate control. A basic model of Realtime system. A survey of contemporary Real-time operating systems. Performance comparison. Scheduling Real-time tasks in multiprocessor and distributed systems: Multiprocessor task allocation. Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP). Task scheduling. Highest Locker Protocol (HLP). Priority inversion. Dynamic allocation of tasks. Different types of priority inversions under PCP. UNIT-2 [10Hrs] Handling Resource Sharing and dependencies among Real-time Tasks: Resource sharing among real-time tasks. Applications of Real-Time systems. Some issues Associated with RMA. Hard real-time communication in a LAN.Important features of PCP. Real-time communication over packet switched networks. Routing. Priority Ceiling Protocol (PCP). Features of a Real-time operating system. Pearsons Publication. Some issues in using a resource sharing protocol. Modelling timing constraints Real-Time Task Scheduling: Some important concepts. Windows as a Real-time operating system. Real-time communication in a LAN. Basic concepts. Clock in distributed Real-time systems. Event-Driven scheduling. Unix as a Real-time operating system. Types of Real-time tasks and their characteristics. Real-time databases. Fault tolerant scheduling of tasks. Benchmarking real-time systems.POSIX. Earliest Deadline First (EDF) scheduling. Resource reservation. Issues in using RMA practical situations. Types of Real-time tasks. Review of basic database concepts. Clock-Driven scheduling. Handling task dependencies. Centralized clock synchronization UNIT-3 [5Hrs] Commercial Real-time operating systems: Time services. Rate monotonic algorithm (RMA). Unix-based Real-time operating systems. Commercial real-time databases. Hybrid schedulers. Characteristics of temporal data. Safety and Reliability. Qos framework. Characteistics of Real-time system. Soft Real-time communication in a LAN. 6 . Real-time Systems Theory and Practice by Rajib Mall. Books: 1. Bounded access protocols for LANs. timing constraints. Concurrency control in real-time databases. Learning methods that cross-fertilize ANFIS and RBNF. Hybrid learning rule: combing steepest descent and LSE. Hebbian learning. Adaline.Computational Intelligence Introduction to Soft Computing: Soft computing constituents and conventional Artificial Intelligence. Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing characteristics. More on fuzzy union. Reinforcement learning by evolutionary computations. temporal difference learning. nonlinear least-squares problems. Extended back propagation for recurrent networks. J. and complement. intersection. Adaptive Neuro-fuzzy inference systems: ANFIS architecture. Fuzzy Rules and Fuzzy Reasoning: Introduction. Least Square Method for system Identification: System Identification . Fuzzy Logic. Simulation examples. Fuzzy Inference System: Mamdani fuzzy models. other considerations. Adaptive Networks: Architecture. S. other network configurations.”Neuro-fuzzy and Soft Computing”.S. Recursive least-square estimator. principal component networks. LSE for nonlinear models. Jng. Set-theoretic operations. genetic programming. Incorporation of stochastic mechanism. ANFIS as universal approximator. Q-learning. and Genetic Algorithms. Analysis of adaptive learning capability. the method of steepest descent.:Neural Networks. Mizutani.T. Statistical Properties and maximum likelihood estimator. the art of dynamic programming. Recursive LSE for time varying systems. 2. Rajasekaran. Fuzzy Sets.A. Vijaylakshmi Pai.R. Back propagation multi layer perceptions. Downhill simplex search. Neuro-Fuzzy spectrum. C. MF Formulation and parameterization.” PHI. Fuzzy If-Then rules. Derivative-based optimization: Descent methods. Basic definitions and terminology. Tsukamoto fuzzy models. Step size determination. Extensions and advance topics. 7 . A cost path problem. Geometric interpretation of LSE. Coactive Neuro-fuzzy modeling: towards generalized ANFIS: Framework. Kohonen self-organizing networks. Sun and E. Learning from reinforcement: Failure is the surest path to success. PHI. Adaptive heuristic critic. Derivative-free optimization: Genetic algorithm simulated annealing. conjugate gradient methods. Supervised learning neural networks: Perceptions. Sugeno Fuzzy Models. Least-square estimator. G. World modeling. Analysis of quadratic case. Newton’s methods. Extension principle and fuzzy relations. and the Hopfield network. Back propagation for feed forward networks. Fuzzy reasoning. learning vector quantization. Hybrid learning algorithms. Basic of matrix manipulations and calculus. random search. Neuro functions for adaptive networks. Swarm Intelligence. Radial Basic Function networks. Books: 1. Unsupervised learning and other neural networks: Competitive learning networks. Technology and Design. Coordinate conventions: World coordinates. 4. surfaces and volumes by rotation of curves and surfaces. display of gray shades. Distributing service management and monitoring concepts Text Book : Service-Oriented Architecture: Concepts. Goraud and Phong shading. Hidden surface and Line Elimination: Elimination of back surfaces. 8 . clipping. Mel Slater. 2005 Computer Graphics Introduction: Display of entities. geometric computation and representation. Octree and Medial axis representation. SOA characteristics. circle. Stages of the SOA lifecycle. Mc. Books: 1. “Computer Graphics and Virtual Environments 1/e”. triangularization of polygons. polygonization of a point set. vector devices. line. isometric projection. 1986. 1981. Mc. view-port and window. Display of colors: Look-up tables. International Students Edition.Service Oriented Architecture Defining SOA. Mc. D. Volume and surface representation: Polygonal meshes. convex hull computation. S. 2. Cubic and Bi-cubic Splines. curves. Transformations in 2D and 3D: Translation. Prentice Hall Publication. Radiosity computation. polygon intersections.F. polygon. K. half toning. Binary space partitioning tree. Display and drawing of graphics primitives: Point. design activities. Rendering and visualization: Shading model. “Computer Graphics: Principles and practice”. by Thomas Erl. cathode ray tube terminals. 5. determining non-functional requirements. Graw Hill. Evolution of SOA. Scaling. Kogakusha. Capture and assess business and IT issues and drivers. Foley. Reflection. Sweep representation. “Procedural elements for Computer Graphics”. 2nd Edition. device coordinates. 6. concept of a service in SOA. SOA Delivery Strategies. Projection: Perspective and parallel projections. 1985. Harrington : Computer Graphics A Programming Approach. A. Working principles of display devices: Refreshing Raster scan devices. Pearson Education. service-oriented design process. Rotation. Transformation matrices. graphics environments. Computer animation: Fundamental concepts. Business Value of SOA. zooming and panning by changing coordinate reference frames. 1986. 3. Computations on polygons: Point inclusion problems. normalized device coordinates.Rogers. Ray tracing algorithm. Graw Hill. Voxels. service-oriented analysis. Fractal modeling. plotters. Newman and Sproull : Principles of interactive Computer Graphics. parametric curves and surfaces. Graw Hill. and texts. Painters’ algorithms. Plastock and Borden Kelly: Schaum’s Outline of Computer Graphics. constant. polygon filling. Unit II Localization: issues & approaches. Books: 1. Reliability and congestion control: Basic mechanisms and tunable parameters. Network-wide localization.S Raghavendra. Medium-access and sleep scheduling: Traditional MAC protocols. Daniel Minoli. 4. Victor Lesser. Unit III Wireless characteristics: Basics. Asynchronous sleep techniques. Charles L. Callaway. Key design challenges. Network topology.Wireless Sensor Networks Unit I Introduction: the vision. Morgan Kaufmann Series in Networking 2004. Kluwer Publications. Jr. Distributed Sensor Networks: A Multiagent Perspective. CRC Press. Network deployment: Structured versus randomized deployment. Routing to mobile sinks. Mobile deployment. SINR capture model for interference. Coarse-grained & Fine-grained node localization. Networked wireless sensor devices. Cambridge University Press 5. Taieb Znati . Wireless link quality. and Contentionfree protocols. Querying. Connectivity. and Applications: Kazem Sohraby. Reliability guarantees. Wiley Inter Science. Data-centric storage and retrieval. Auerbach Publications. Multi-path routing. Sleep-scheduled techniques. 6. Congestion Control. Theoretical analysis of localization techniques. Springer. Data-centric networking: Data-centric routing. The database perspective on sensor networks. Wireless Sensor Networks: An Information Processing Approach. Fine-grained clock synchronization. Networking Wireless Sensors: Bhaskar Krismachari.by Feng Zhao. and Milind Tambe . Ortiz. Leonidas Guibas . Geographic routing. Connectivity using power control. Radio energy considerations. Wireless Sensor Networks: Edited by C. Unit IV Routing: Metric-based approaches. Applications. Coverage metrics. Sivalingam. Krishna M. Data-gathering with compression. Sleep-based topology control: Constructing topologies for connectivity. Real-time scheduling. constructing topologies for coverage. Routing with diversity. Taieb Znati . Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology. Set K-cover algorithms. 3. Lifetimemaximizing energy-aware routing techniques. 9 . Energy efficiency in MAC protocols. 2. Synchronization: Issues & Traditional approaches. and Coarse-grained data synchronization. Wireless Sensor Networks: Architectures and Protocols: Edgar H. Protocols. recursive and general recursive functions. Lewis & Papdimitriou. Linear bounded automata and CSLs. Linear programming with applications. spectral representation. Narosa publications. TMH edition.Yates . Basic of OS programming process creation and synchronization. mean square estimation. A. Pillai. Recursive function theory: Primitive recursive functions and primitive recursive predicates. the concept of random variables. Godel Numbering. random walks and other applications. Reference Books : 1..Roy D. Languages and Computation”. Implementation of graph algorithms. U. Turing computability: Number theoretic computations by Turing machines and indexing. the axioms. Lambda calculus and applications. Prentice Hall Software Technologies Lab. entropy.Carl W. 4. functions and functionals. markov chains and markov processes and queuing theory. John & Sons. time and space bounds for recognizing CFLs. Object-oriented programming concepts and implementation of abstract data types. Type-0 languages. Reference Book 1. Probability. Some bounded operations. P. 2009 2. Helstrom . Verification methods. Papoulis and S. David J. computable sets. Random Variables and Stochastic Processes. Probability. 4th Edn. two and sequence of random variables. “ Introduction to language and the theory of computation” 3/e . 1999. Martin. “ Elements of the Theory of Computation “. decision problems. “ Introduction to Automata Theory. Ackermann’s function. TMH Publication 3. Time and Tape bounded Turing machines. their soundness and completeness. Computability and decidabilty: Computable functions. TMH Publication 2. Z. Axiomatic systems. Incorporated 2004.. Unbounded minimalization and μ-Recursive Functions. spectrum estimation. Hopcroft & Ullman. shared memory and semaphore shell programming. Random Variables and Random Signal Principles.Goodman Wiley. Probability and stochastic processes for engineers. 10 . 4th Edn. functions of one.Stochastic Processes Introduction to Probability. Peebles Jr. Macmillan Publication 2007 Formal Language and Automata Theory Formal languages and their related automata: Turing machines. Probability and Stochastic Processes: A Friendly Introduction for Electrical and Computer Engineers. Fix-point theory of programs. General Concepts of stochastic processes. Object Oriented Software Engineering. Jalote. 3. Software Maintenance. System Engineering. 4. Baude.2nd Semester Software Engineering Software Life Cycle Models. An Integrated Approach to Software Engineering. Behferooz & F. 11 . Managing software projects. R. Software testing Strategies. S. Fundamentals of Software Engineering. Text Books: 1. Software Project Planning. Hudson. Software Configuration Management. Design Concepts and principles. Requirements Analysis and Specifications. Software Reliability. Project scheduling and tracking. 2. Reference Books: 1. Pearson Education. A. Wiley. Component level Design. TMH Publications. Software Engineering A Practitioner's Approach. Press. Pressman. Software Quality Assurance. J. CASE tools. I Sommerville. Project management concepts. Software Testing Techniques. Risk Analysis and Management. User Interface Design. Technical metrics for software. Software Engineering Fundamentals. 2. Software Reusability. Architectural design. Mall. Prentice Hall of India. Software process and Project metrics. Narosa. R. P. Analysis Modeling. Oxford Univ. Software Engineering. Conventional methods for software engineering. P. Distributed processing. Commercial Systems: Tranclem’s ENCOMPASS Distributed database systems. Shivaratri. G. Parallel Programming with MPI. Operating Systems for parallel computers. Text Book: Ceri S. types of Data Fragmentation. Tata McGraw Hill. Remote Procedure calls. Dollimore & T. Integrity constraints. Morgan Kaufmann. H. 2-phase commit. Distributed Database systems Principles and Systems. Hughes. fault tolerance and security. features of centralized databases. consistent view of Network. 6. Pacheco. Parallel Algorithms. McGraw Hill. IEEE Press. Client Server Communications. check points and cold restart. Synchronization & Coordination. Pearson. Distributed Algorithms. Solving problems in parallel. Structures of parallel computers. Pearson. Distributed Database design – A frame work. research issues. Distributed operating systems. 3. Distributed Operating Systems. Pelagatti. 5. Special topics in distributed operating systems. Text Books: 1. 4. the design of database fragmentation. query optimization. Translation of global queries into fragment queries. Mc Graw Hill. Features of distributed databases. IBM’s Inter system communication. Singhal & N. 2. Hughes & T. Advanced Concepts in Operating Systems. 12 . Parallel and Distributed Programming Using C++. 2. Characterization of distributed systems. distributed deadlocks. concurrency control: fundations. Fundamentals of Parallel Processing. Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design. level of distributed transparency – Reference Architecture. K. G. 2. Buchanan. Detection and Resolution of Inconsistencies. Kindberg. commit protocols. DISTRIBUTED DATABASE SYSTEM 1. C. 4. Communication and computer networks. G. 3. Performance Evaluation of parallel computers. Jordan. Name Service. transaction atomicity. W. Heterogeneous databases: General problems – brief study of multibase. Instruction level parallel processing. 5. the allocation of fragments. P. Coulororis. distribution Transparency. feature of distributed ingres and Oracle. Access primitives. F. S. Reference Books: 1. File Service. Addison-Wesley. Reliability: Basic concepts. Distributed Transaction Management – A framework. Distributed transactions and concurrency control. timestamps. Distributed Systems and Networks. Parallel programming. Sinha.Distributed Operating Systems Introduction to parallel Computing. J. M. Design goals. goodness of fit. J. “Compiler Construction”. 2) Alfred V. Modelling and Simulation. Gustafson.D.R. Random. instruction scheduling. “Compiler Construction”.. input/output. etc. D. Discrete. System Simulation with Digital Computers.Dhamdhere. validation. 1978. A. MacMillan India Ltd. Ullman. G. error recovery and intermediate code generation. experimentation. dynamic. confidence-intervals. Leigh. “Principle of Compiler Design”. 3. estimating transient/steady-state characteristics. Loop optimization. Simulation Languages: Examples from SIMSCRIPT. D. W. Text books and references: 1) A. model building. R.. Probability and retargatability.. 4. Aho. 2. semantic analysis. implementation and documentation. 1976.Gordon. variance reduction. verification. D. validation. Mcgraw Hill. 1997 Simulation and Modeling Selected illustrative examples of simulation applications. Continuous. A. Code improvement – Peephole optimization. Deterministic. 13 . “Compilers”. model translation. Models: Structural. Simulation: Analog/Digital/Hybrid. 3) W. Peter Peregrims Ltd.Kelton.M. Bates. Galgotia Book source Publishers. procedural and interprocedural optimization. GPSS. GASP. strategic and tactical planning.COMPILER CONSTRUCTION Review of compiler fundamentals – Lexical analysis. Code Generation. 1990. Aho. V. Prentice Hall. System Simulation.. hypotheses testing. Runtime storage management. A. Simulation Process : Problem formulating.2 nd Ed. parallel and distributed programming and concurrency. R. optimization for memory hierarchy. M. Prentice Hall. SIMULA. verification. Narsing Deo. dependence analysis and redundancy elimination. data acquisition. Pearson Education. 4) D. Simulation Modelling and Analysis. Couch. 2nd ed. Data Modelling and Analysis : Population parameters. and J. multilevel. 1983. and J. Selected topics from Compilers for imperative: Object-oriented and mark-up languages. Lam.Narosa Pub House. parsing. Jeffery D. static.Law. analysis of results.M. 1982. Sethi. Ullman. Barrett. Process. References: 1. compilation for high performance architecture. Sebesta: Programming the World Wide Web. char. read-write problem. 1997. Changing state of the thread. Object-oriented programming. Schiller. int. Robert W. TEXT BOOKS: 1. Tata McGraw Hill. 2008. Type casting. J2EE Introduction: Java and Java applications. Byte Code. multiple. JScrollPane. Strings. Addison Wesley. Mobile IP. Applets: Classes: Classes in Java. A simple Swing Application. Charles Perkins. Class name. Applet Architecture. Overriding. Components and Containers. Data broadcasting. JTextField. Jump Statements. Inner classes . Event listener interfaces. Passing parameters to Applets. GSM System Engineering. JList. 4. Jlabel and ImageIcon. The AppletStub Interface. Creating and destroying objects. J. 14 . The Swing Buttons. Simple Java programs. Impact of mobility on algorithms and applications. producer-consumer problems. Mobile Communications.Mobile Computing Overview of wireless technologies. Classes. Bounded buffer problems. References: 1. Operator Precedence. Extending threads. 4th Edition. white spaces. Requesting repainting. Simple Applet display methods. An Applet skeleton. getDocumentbase( ) and getCodebase( ). ApletContext and showDocument( ). Event Handling: Two event handling mechanisms. arrays. A. The? Operator. TCP over wireless. Wireless multiple access protocols. Exception handling: Exception handling in Java. Bitwise operators. Multi Threaded Programming. Swings: Swings: The origins of Swing. Location management. 2. Output to the Console. Constructors. The HTML APPLET tag. Herbert Schildt: Java The Complete Reference. Synchronization. Implementing runnable. Addison Wesley. Wireless LANs: Medium access. Pearson Education. JTable. 3. Inner classes. Creating instances of class. Applet basics. 1999. The Applet Class: Two types of Applets. Inheritance.Inheritance: Simple. Data types and other tokens: Boolean variables. overloading. The Swing Packages. Logical expression. Using the Status Window. operators. Operators and Expressions: Arithmetic Operators. 7th Edition. Disconnected operation of mobile hosts. Access specifiers. Cellular systems: Channel allocation. Relational operators. 2000. Energy efficiency. Using the delegation event model. JComboBox. Exceptions. Sources of events. 2007. H. Declaring a class. Mobile agents. Two key Swing features. The Assignment Operator. JTabbedpane. Addison Wesley. iteration statements. assigning values.Control Statements: Selection statements. Artech House. Java Development Kit (JDK). Java is interpreted. The delegation event model. 2. Mobile ad hoc networking. Super classes. The AudioClip Interface. Adapter classes. . Create a Swing Applet. internet drafts and research papers. Mehrotra. and multilevel inheritance. 2000 Relevant RFCs. Event classes. Mobile IP routing. long. Event Handling: Multi Threaded Programming: What are threads? How to make the classes threadable.) Adhoc Networks. JVM. Charles Perkins (ed. literals. Deo. R. Kuratowski's theorem. 1st ed. Hamilton paths and cycles. the cycle space and the bond space. the Chinese Postman Problem. critical graphs. E. Trees: Equivalent definitions of trees and forests. Introduction to Graph Theory. Graphs on surfaces: Planar graphs. L. 2-cell embeddings. connectivity and strongly connected digraphs. West. graphs on other surfaces. theorems of Dirac. Leiserson and R. the Matrix-Tree theorem. Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science. Vizing's theorem. perfect square. H. N. intersection graphs. diameter and maximum degree. B. Prentice Hall of India. incidence and adjacency matrices. 2006. Ore. minimum spanning trees. the greedy algorithm. girth and chromatic number. 2. blocks. Networks and flows: Flow cuts. Petersen's theorem. Turan's theorem.Graph Theory Basic Concepts: Graphs and digraphs. Hall's theorem. 2007. Bondy and Chvatal. T. Extremal problems: Independent sets and covering numbers. Tamassia. Analysis. Prentice Hall of India. Springer Verlag Heidelberg. New York. circumference. Directed graphs: Tournaments. branchings. isomorphism. Konig's theorem. Wiley. Cormen. T. Algorithm Design: Foundations. Rivest. 15 . Max flow min cut theorems. perfect matchings. Tutte's theorem. the Welsh-Powell bound. 2001. bonds. and Internet Examples. the Travelling Salesman problem. Selected topics: Dominating sets. Tutte's f-factor theorem. 2004. chromatic polynomials. the automorphism group. girth. 2. Matchings: Berge's Theorem. Ramsey theorems. 3. factors of graphs (decompositions of the complete graph). cut edges. 3rd ed. Euler's formula. 2nd Ed. perfect graphs. 2005. duality. Reference Books: 1. Colorings: Brooks theorem. algorithms for matching and weighted matching (in both bipartitie and general graphs). Paths and Cycles: Euler tours. Introduction to Algorithms. the reconstruction problem. Advanced Graph Theory. Connectivity: Cut vertices. Prentice Hall of India. random graphs. shortest paths. Text Books: 1. Cayley's formula. directed paths and cycles. M. toroidal graphs. Diestel. C. D. Menger s theorem. Goodrich and R. Backend Design: Introduction to low level Design. Place & Route.ti. Floorplanning. Analog Design: Differential Amplifiers. Companies Involved in Communication chip design. Hardware Description Language. Mc Graw Hill (For Unit-IV) 5) Resources from Internet : www. Semi Custom Design and Programmable design. Photo & Ion Lithography. Current Mirrors. Fabrication Process (NMOS & CMOS) Wafer Preparation. Timing analysis. Introduction to Layout generation tools.Edit). Attributes. Inverters Digital Design: Static Logic & Dynamic logic design styles. TMH Publication (for Unit-II) 3) VLSI Design & Techniques. Behavioral Modeling. Synthesis: HDL (RTL description). Transiver ICS. Eatching. CIF & GDS –II formats. Ion implantation. Full Custom Design. Synthesis: translation Boolean Optimization. Synthesis tools : Synopsis. coder & Decoders. S. design of operational amplifiers. Technology Library. Configurations. Mapping gates. M. Diffusion. PHI (For Unit-III & Unit-V) 4) VLSI Technology. Demodulators. Front End Design: Introduction to high level design.VLSI Design Introduction to VLSI Design Methodologies. Suggested text books and references 1) Application specific Integrated Circuits by Smith (For Unit –I) 2) VHDL by Douglas Perry. VLSI Design Flow. VHDL: Introduction. data types. Design of Telecom Chips Introduction to VLSI Design modulators. Design Entry. Oxidation. Factoring. CMOS digital logic gates. Metalization. MOS Structure: Band Diagram. Constraints. (VLSI Software: Tanner L. High level design flow. Size. Introduction to SPICE (T_Spice) for circuit simulation VLSI Technology. NMOS.com 16 . Sequential Processing. Layout diagram and Layout of Digital Circuits. Synthesis. PMOS. Pucknell & Eshraghian. Sub Program & packages. Flattening. Front – end design and Backend design. Chris Bates: Web Programming Building Internet Applications. Goldwasser-Micali Encryption. CRC Press (Low Priced Edition Available). Relation between One-way functions and PRG. Pearson Education. A. REFERENCE BOOKS: 1. 2. Lecture Notes on Cryptography. 2006. 4.CRYPTOGRAPHY Introduction to Cryptography: Basics of Symmetric Key Cryptography. Springer Verlag. 2003. Hard Core Predicate.psu. Shaffi Goldwasser and Mihir Bellare. Signing and Verification. P. Part 1 and Part 2 5. 3rd Ed. 6th Edition. B.M.Modern Cryptography. The DES in the light of Luby Rackoff Construction Left or Right Security (LOR) Message Authentication Codes (MACs): Formal Definition of Weak and Strong MACs. Thomson. Y. Goldreich-Levin Theorem: Relation between Hardcore Predicates and Trap-door permutations Formal Notions of Attacks: Attacks under Message Indistinguishability: Chosen Plaintext Attack(IND-CPA). (Low Priced Ed. Formal Proofs of Security of Full Domain Hashing Assumptions for Public Key Signature Schemes: One way functions Imply Secure One-time Signatures Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme Formally Analyzing Cryptographic Protocols Zero Knowledge Proofs and Protocols References: 1. Hardness of Functions Notions of Semantic Security (SS) and Message Indistinguishability (MI): Proof of Equivalence of SS and MI. Foundations of Cryptography.edu/. Xue Bai et al: The Web Warrior Guide to Web Programming.) 3. Interrelations among the attack model Random Oracles: Provable Security and asymmetric cryptography. Pearson. Deitel. Application of the Luby Rackoff Construction to the construction of Block Ciphers. Construction of more powerful PRG. Oded Goldreich. Pearson Edu. Deitel. 3. Daniel Liang: Introduction to JAVA Programming. 2.Theory & Practice.ist. Hans Delfs and Helmut Knebl. 2004. Chosen Ciphertext Attacks (IND-CCA1 and INDCCA2). Available at http://citeseerx. Trap-door permutation. Using a PRF as a MAC. 3rd Edition. Variable length MAC Public Key Signature Schemes: Formal Definitions. 2007. Goldberg: Internet & World Wide Web How to Program. Pseudorandom Functions (PRF) Building a Pseudorandom Permutation: The Luby Rackoff Construction: Formal Definition. Introduction to Cryptography: Principles and Applications.J. Basics of Assymetric Key Cryptography. 17 . hash functions One-way functions: Weak and Strong one way functions Pseudo-random Generators (PRG): Blum-Micali-Yao Construction. Wiley India. Attacks under Message Non-malleability: NM-CPA and NM-CCA2. Wenbo Mao. Parsing. Structural Methods in Pattern Recognition North Oxford Academic. Techniques of Machine Translation. discriminant functions. Hart. automata realizations. Word level Morphology and Computational Phonology. delta rule and back propagation. Schalkoff. Introduction to Statistical. nearest neighbour rule. Pattern Recognition: Statistical. 18 . Neural Approach: Introduction to artificial neural networks. Basic Text to Speech. Indian language case studies. Lexical Semantics. R. Disambiguation. O. Neural and Structural Approaches. signatures etc. Pattern Recognition Introduction to pattern recognition and applications to OCR. Semantic Analysis. 1992. Representation of Meaning. J.Speech Processing Speech Processing: Introduction. London. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis. 1986. Unsupervised learning and clustering. R. Word Sense. Bayes decision rule. Hopfield networks and unsupervised learning. Linear discriminant functions: Perceptrons and training. Probabilistic Parsing. Miclet. Grammatical Inference. stochastic grammars. Feature extraction. feed forward networks. Valiant"s framework. Introduction to HMMs and Speech Recognition. 3. speech recognition. probability of error. Adaptive resonance architectures. Parsing with CFGs. Discourse understanding. Indian Language case studies. 2. 2. fingerprints. Natural Language Generation. Structural and Neural Approaches. computational learning theory. Commercial importance of applications. E. LMSE approaches. New York. Syntactic pattern recognition: Formal languages and grammars Pattern grammars and higher dimensional grammars. Brief Review of Regular Expressions and Automata. Pattern associators and content addressable memories. 1973. related techniques. Duda and P. Wiley. References: 1. L. Finite State Transducers. Wiley. Part of Speech Tagging. hardware realizations. Statistical Pattern Recognition: Patterns and classification. “Embedded real time system programming” By Sriram V Iyer. Universal serial bus. THUMB instructions. Pankaj Gupta. Unified Modeling Language (UML). USB Interface. Real time operating system: Hard real time. Brief history. SDL. RS485. Partitioning using genetic algorithm. TMH. firm real time. “Embedded System Design ” by Santanu Chattopadhay. RS232C. ************ 19 . PCI – X and advance busses. Low power embedded system design: Dynamic power dissipation. Kulwer Academic. Software interrupt. Data Processing Instructions. Serial peripheral interfaces. ISA. ARM: An advanced Micro Controller. IIC. TMH Reference Books: 1. system level power management. particle swarm optimization. Data Transfer Instructions. high level optimizations. scheduling algorithms: clock driven scheduling. Device drivers. Module – III (08 Hours) Software and programming concept: Processor selection for an embedded system. task scheduling. Instruction Set Architecture ISA: Registers. I/O devices. branch instruction. Hardware software co-simulations Text Books: 1. Multiplications instructions. State chart. “Embedded system architecture. ARM pipeline. CAN. PHI 2. Design matrices. 2. Power reduction techniques. Conditional execution. Swap instruction. sporadic task. soft real time. PCI. Module – IV (08 Hours) Hardware and software partitioning: K-L partitioning. “Hardware software co-design of Embedded systems” By Ralf Niemann. SOC and VLSI circuit. USB Connector IrDA. FPGA Module – II (12 Hours) Devices and device drivers. RS422. Embedded system design flow. Static power dissipation. Task periodicity: periodic task. programming and design” By Raj Kamal.EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Module – I (12 Hours) Introduction: Features of Embedded systems. Functional partitioning and optimization: functional partitioning. aperiodic task. event driven scheduling. Bluetooth. PetriNets.
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