Boy Scout Songbook (1979)
115 03 .50 BalhdsoftJieTrail -many chirdedfbrguitar BOY SCOUTS OF AMERSCA 1979 Printing Copyright© 1970 Boy Scouts Printed in of America U.S.A. ISBN 0-8395-3224-5 No. 3224 14M979 JE^Si.tiPio'^ics Soxx^s 42 70 ^Wes^evn ^AllAds Soxm^s o^ Ixxspix'Ci.'t^ioxs. HO 121 p^ii^e ^a^lla^ds choose one that is simple and known by the group. Try an old favorite as a warmerfirst upper.Singing is fun. and on hikes. good songfest is a part of most campfire programs. hikes. troop meetings. The songs in this book are the kind Scouts are singing every day at camp. Ranging from songs for gay moments to those for quieter times. Use simple deliberate up-and-down motions with one or both hands to fit the beat or the words. and learning to sing and lead songs is an important part of your patrol and troop program. Select your songs in advance and be sure you know them ease. For the well song you lead. they are the favorites of Scouts and Scouters across America. Songs are a natural for troop meetings. you don't have to be a professional singer or the campfire songs. camping trips. or when you and your buddies are simply working together. Around a blazing campfire you and your fellow Scouts will enjoy singing most. With practice you can develop director of a symphony to lead a style of your own. well enough to teach them with . A Songs will create enthusiasm and set a mood for your meetings. Song Leading Relax. You will receive too many suggestions and become confused. At campfires. even if it is provided by only a single instrument such as a harmonica or guitar. sing quiet songs.Set the pitch for songs by humming or singing the first few bars.and start over. through a couple of times so the boys have a chance to learn the words and tune. . sing of it. follow the fire as you lead songs. Begin with lively songs while the flames leap high. Loud singing a song to in good spirit is fine. instrumental background will help. Be enthusiastic and wear a smile as you lead songs. If you pitch your song too high or too low. This will make a nucleus for a good song session. Never ask the group what song they would like to sing. Guitar chords are An shown for each song. or songfests with songs that have a patriotic or inspirational flavor. It can learn new songs in advance and put them across when to organize a singing taught to the troop. so everyone will get the feel it To teach a song. Then try quietly singing it together. Close meetings. campfires. stop the song. Try group group in your troop. The way you feel will soon catch on with the group you are leading. get the correct pitch. but a group shouting make noise will soon get out of control. As the fire dies down. Get the correct pitch and the whole group will sing easily. Lasting impressions will be made as boys quietly sing a favorite closing song. the Gang's All ^ ^^ G> Here > :>G > all f Hail! Hail!— the gang's i ^ > J.^j. mind the weath - J er ^m Here !S' here.— — — Hail. NY. <*G > ^- r r ' '^all J. >D7 J Mj Nev - . . ^ >D7 I > . er J > . Hail.1 > right J'j Let the fun be - gin |J^o i> L^ now.. Used by permission of Bobbins Music Corp. > >G 1 Hail! ^ are * P > I we to-geth-er. J Hail!— the gang's here.— now. like a C C F ** I F i J' J J Z==K fi' \ S man. an - y-thing that F. . ' we can do for you? fjV 1 ' '" .1 ^m ^^ sbi . . Mis-ter .How Do You Do? I ^j'''»ii-i I C J J J-IJ . ' ' j' J j' I J J^ J ^ F.^ How do you do. ? How do vou do? Substitute name of person being honored in place of dotted lines. . . . How do vou do Mis-ter . bK I J' ! n )i 1' > . ? How do you do?— C P— P. ' ^^ C Is there F. } } p ^^. —We'll— do I the best we can —Stand by you I . lo. lo. Sing the middle part in unison.Hello! Hello! Kev:EFlat. Hel hel . hel - lo. And show your loyalty. May all your troubles be forgot. hel - lo. . Time: 4/4 Divide the singers into four groups.b - rg We're glad to ^ J Hel . your heart. lo.lo. ^^ We're glad ^ # # t - Ii^ lo. meet you. Be happy with the rest. Join in the songs we sing tonight. each sings one Hello and holds it through to the completion of the full chord. to greet you. We're Here for Fun Tune: "Auld Lang Syne" We're here for fun right from the So drop your dignity! Just laugh and sing with all start. ^ ^ Jnl eI> ^^ Hel - ^J #-i- f Hel . Let this night be the best. we're here. Tune: "Sweet Adeline" Time: 4/4 Boys use Dad. we're knows when ^ all £ c t - j^^ geth - to er a- gain.— O Dad O' Mine Key: B Flat.— D E We're we're here. I'll Dad o' mine (0 Lad o' mine). In rain or shine (In rain or shine). i we're 1 1 i here. Each night and day (Each night and day). Fathers echo Dad o' mine (0 Lad o' mine). v/ith Lad. N. always say (I'll always say).— r We're All Together Again.: . You're the best friend in the world. # All to-geth-er a-gain.' ^ ? we'll i be sing-ing G f — ^ ^ # . Witmark and Sons. We're Here m i i 7E i all } to - J geth - J er J a We're m m 4 gain. Dear Dad o' mine (Dear Lad o' mine). We'll stand as one (We'll stand as one). ^ i all to -geth - er a- i i ^ D7 5 here. Copyrijihted title used by permission of M.Y. we're here. And who ^ G gain. . the happier For your friends are we'll be. The more we get together. together. The more we get together. the happier For you know that I we'll be. the happier we'll be. together. know. The more we get together. The more we get together.The More We Get Together Tune: "Ach Du Lieber Augustine" Key of F The more we get together. my friends. the happier we'll be. 8 . together. And I know that you know. And my friends are your friends. together. The more we get together. Leader: Another has returned! Loud cheers Two wood pigeons. on . etc. wood pig -eons. etc. a i i tree. I i^ sit - J' . One wood pigeon. oh. Leader: Look! Another has flown! Group: Oh-h-h! Louder wailing pigeons. no wood pigeons. etc. one wood pigeon. Three wood eons ting Leader: Look! One has flown away? Group: Oh! Wailing Two wood two wood pigeons. etc.tiioxm Three Wood Pigeons S E three m ^r ^ ^ Three wood M ^ ^ pig - pig -eons. etc. Leader: Look! One has returned! Joyfully Group: Ah-h! One wood pigeon. etc. Rapidly and enthusiastically Variation: Three persons may represent the pigeons and "fly" in or out vjith comical antics. Leader: Oh. More rapidly Leader: Hurray! The third one has returned! Tremendous cheers Three wood pigeons. oh! There goes the last one! Group: Oh-h-h! Very loud wailing No wood pigeons. . All up All down Repeat several times. 10 . And when you're Everyone up up. each time getting faster. He marched them up the hill. Everyone halfway up You're niether up nor down. Everyone down And When you're only halfw^ay up. John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest. And they rubbed it up with camphorated oil. And when you're down. The grand old Duke He had ten thousand men. you're up. Everyone stands up And marched them down Everyone sits down again. Motions 1st time— sing straight through 2d time baby — omit singing "baby" and substitute motion of rocking 3d time— omit 4th ''cold" and substitute a coughing sound time— same as third only substitute striking chest for ''chest" 5th time— same as fourth only omit last line and rub chest The Grand Old Duke of York Tune: "A-Hunting We Will Go" of York. you're down.John Brown's Baby Tune: "John Brown's Body" John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest. John Brown's baby had a cold upon its chest.. the first time ju^t spelling out thv name B-I-N-G-0. until all five letters are clapped out.Ravioli Tune: "Alouette" A//. is added by the song leader. ^^ G - 0. Ravioli. spell out first three letters and clap the "G" and "0". shirt. Ravioli. 11 . I like ravioli. Point to the items (Continue as each tie. Leader: Yes. B I - - N LJ - G 0. B - I - ^^ - N G 0. it's the best for me. spell out first four letters and clap the "0". second time. Bingo i ^ n - There was a farm - er had a dog ^ r - And ^l-4r—J-Fr was his r - Bing name. Leader: All: On my chin? I On you chin. Ravioli.) I new word All: Ravioli. like ravioli. it's the best for me. floor. pants. it's I the best for me. third time. it's all over.o.. walls. All: Yes. And Bing - was his name 0. like ravioli. etc. Sing song through six times. got it on my chin? you got on your chin. it Leader: Have All: Yes. shoes. Ravioli. It is repeated by the chorus and all preceding verses are sung in reverse order. OH-h-h-h-h Ravioli. Leader: Is it all it's all over? over. G7 i t is Das C mine <f>^ p e M M P learned in c top-notch-er. bang on tables. ^^ boom-boom! Dat'swot I As you Point sing this action-fun song. u^ing the below. ya mama dear. point to the proper part of it your body when you mention to the top in the song. Try as many verses as you want. ya mac ma dear. going backward from last list item to first. ya C ma . Das is mine sweat browser. vas learned in der school. vas das here. topnotcher. Continue singing and add another part of your body for each verse and repeat others.c/ajD hands. Dat's wot 12 I points to mineself. G7 1 ^ '^ ^ Top-notch-er.) is das here. boom-boom! . For the boom — boom.I Points to Mineself G7 $ I FT^ F points to F ^ i: r is _ dear. For example: of your head as you sing topnotcher. ya mama dear. mm G7 Mf der ± school. top-notch-er. Chorus (Repeat after each I verse. Sweat browser. or stamp feet. Point to Sing Top of head Topnotcher Brow Sweat browser Eye Eye winker Nose Horn blower Mustache Soup strainer Mouth Lunch eater Chin Chin chowser Neck Rubber necker Chest Chest protector Tummy Foot Breadbasket Foot stomper 13 .Repeat chorus. — 1 She'll Be Comin' the Mountain Novelty arrangement 'Round in italics $i She'll be i •—# 4 y. scratch!. all the Whoa. "Whoa.^ 1 C ^ # the moun-tain. Hi. Babe!. hack!. "Whoo. She'll be m ^ ^ — . 14 . —^ i '^s^^ # com-ing 'round the moun-tain when she comes ^ G 9 ^ G W com-ing 'round the moun-tain when she comes — . For example: At Scratch. back!. motions. back!" Pull back on reins. She'll be comin' 'round the When she comes. She'll be com-ing 'round the moun-tain. I . yum!. hoo!" Pull do wyi on imagiyiary whis tie cord She'll be drivin' six white horses When she comes. —f—iJ j JJ i com-ing 'round She'll be C com-ing round the moun-tain when she comes. °' D7 J i| | 1 J i s^. Woo. Following the last singing of each stanza. the end of the sixth stanza you say Yum. hoo! and go through mountain twice. repeat sounds and gestures of all preceding stanzas. Sing each stanza and make appropriate gestures three times. She'll be Q . Hack. And we'll wear our bright red woollies When she comes. And we'll all have chicken 'n' dumplings When she comes. sirai/ing on the refrain and doing tfie appropriate motions for each rerse. left And. "HI. etc. we'll all to fight. 15 . and left and right. etc. La Swiss (Refrain) Tra m rf i ^ Tra I s la la la la la f la la la. And we'll kill the old red rooster When she comes. Babe!" Wave nght hand. and left and right. 3. etc. II la la la la (Sing the refrain at the beginning (tnd after each rerse. And up and down. and left and right. and left and right. palm front. la la la la la r I ^' ^"^ la la la. And in and out. hack!" Chopping motion with right hand. Tra. And in and out.- go out to meet her When she comes. "Hack. scratch!" Scratch ribs.) 2. "Yum. And up and down. la la la. \\ Tra ' ^ ' I r"f la. "Scratch. La. Tra la la la la la h 1. yum!" Rub stoynach. b r clap ''i. If you're happy and you know Clap your hands. Clap your hands. Clap your hands. Clap-clap If you're happy and you know it. Clap-clap happy and you know it. If you're happy and you know it. repeat first verse and substitute neiv words happy and you know it. If you're it. I I hap - py and you know it your hands. Then you really ought to show hap and Ab t? if you know ^ it If you're t clap t your F f- ~ — Db If • r If g you're I r M' F to m Mf m ^^ J hands hap-py and you Ab t J r r ought ^ show it ^ r If ^ you're I know it Then you real-ly Ab i2=r=F n I E^ ¥ I' A. Stamp-stamp 16 .^ If You're Happy Ab ^ If i - vou re hap —^ pv ^^ and you m =— — ^^ I ^/ '' \ * ^ l^k know it clap your hands- 1' r r . Stamp your feet. If you're verses. Clap-clap For following and motiojis. NOTE Words are accompaiiied by }}i()ti<)}is irith Ji)i(/er. stamping foot. j'^' j' J j'j' 1 ^ gay. Keep moving. one hand. M fin-ger. one thumb. one hand. Clap-clap. One leg 6. Do all stamp-stamp. you're happy and you three. Repeat three times. Two arms 5. Add in turn: One arm 4. tJiunib. Keep i' M' ^ (^Atp mov - J ing. standing-up and sifting-doioi actions. Keep ^-J- J -ing. hand. One fin-ger. one thumb. 3. J' t ^ 2. two hands.— And we'll all be hap-py and One finger. And we'll all be happy and gay. Keep f ing. Shout If HOORAY! know it. one thumb. 17 . 7. l mov One r one thumb. One Thumb t ^ 0- ^ One ^' I t •0 0- ^ one J hand. Two legs Stand up— sit down Turn around 8. > > fin - > mov ger. one hand.J If you're happy and you know it. HOORAY! One ^ # rj)-"'^ Finger. raising arms. !'• £ - ^^ did - sau er kraut Bb ^— and spec. He J was Ji . . ev er But one day he in - vent - ed a m won 18 - d der - i ful p sau - sage ma - chine. J' . 5- ? sau - made the fin - es - sa - ges ^ that He Cm i ^m - ? you did see.. Cm $ (l^ i name f # 9 t was John - nie Ver - beck.' i in •' i - ^1 ji a dealer sau sa - ges and i^'' ^. jH —i - g ^ his was lit tie Dutch -man.1 # Johnnie Verbeck Bb i There i^ ^^=^\ d' a }. she had a nightmare and walking in her sleep. How could you be so mean? I told you you'd be sorry For inventing that machine. The boy began and he whistled up a tune. And all the little sausages went dancing 'round the room. His wife. to For they'll be ground sausages In Johnnie Verbeck's machine. he climbed inside it to see what made so.Chorus Oh. One day the machine got busted and the blamed thing wouldn't go. So Johnnie Verbeck. She gave the crank an awful yank and Johnnie Verbeck was meat. Repeat chorus. 19 . Mister Johnnie Verbeck. Repeat chorus. He bought a pound of sausage and piled to whistle them on the floor. One day a little fat boy came walking in the store. All the neighbors' cats and dogs Will never more be seen. # oh ^^ Eb where is Su - sie? m Eb * I the i paw-paw patch. I oh oh is sie? ^^ Eb Where. Come along. Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch. Repeat chorus. boys. She's a queen of old Hawaii. put 'em in a basket. Picking up paw-paws. Way down yon-der in Chorus Picking up paw-paws. put 'em in a basket. oh where. Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch. and let's go find her. Come along. and let's go find her. Repeat chorus. Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch. Paw-Paw Patch h > is > Su - oh where sie? ^>^''i- J' J' ^ where. put 'em in a basket. 20 . boys. oh # where. She's a queen of old Hawaii. J' E where ^ Su - Where.m ^ Where. boys. and let's go find her. Come along. Picking up paw-paws. She's a queen of old Hawaii. N. pick-a. J'- J - J i j'jij'ji). Pick a bale ^ •r. and Alan Lomax. pick-a. turn a-round.^ j^ a day na i ^ ^ I' turn a round.» r )I fi f ! of f ^m cot-ton Oh.Y. Folkways Music Publishers. Me and Me and Me and Me and Gonna Gonna Gonna Gonna my wife's gonna pick a bale of cotton. my wife's gonna pick a bale of cotton. pick-a. Pick a jr ^S bale Oh. pick a bale a day. pick-a. pick-a. pick-a. pick-a. Repeat chorus. pick-a. Pick a bale of cot-ton. Collected and adapted by John A. Copyright 1936. pick-a. pick-a. pick a bale a day. pick-a. pick-a. Repeat chorus.i ji a bale J'- jump down. pick a bale of cotton.She can teach you how to hulu. She can teach you how to hulu. Used by permission. my wife's gonna pick a bale a day. > Gon - IJ jump J down. Way down yonder in the paw-paw patch. Gon-na . pick a bale of cotton. She can teach you how to hulu. my wife's gonna pick a bale a day. 21 . pick-a. Pick a Bale of Cotton Negro work song ytj. pick-a. Pick ^ <S. Lor-dy. Inc. a day. Lor-dy. pick-a.. cub. "men. Ja-a. zik. } (!J>^ } j i j' ^m fish - G7 n men. ham. name was Ja-a-cob. F ^' ^' i>' were three ' jol - f ly If fish - r er I'' men i)'J \l } ^ fish - } er". I-I. Abra. were three jol - ly er The The first one's one's first name was Abraham. The The third one's third one's name was Ja-a-cob. f J men. zik. ham. i' ^ "Fish - } er. name was Abraham." F P There "men. etc. The second The second one's one's name was name was I-I-saac. Abra. I-I-saac. men. s=s. cub. ham. Ja-a.Three Jolly Fishermen te ? There F E were G7 F three jol ^m ? men. G7 ^^m fish - er There F. # f^=^ f g "Fish-er. > fish - j er". men. etc. 22 . etc. I-I. cub. F men. zik.=5. Very softly and sing Variation: Divide into groups. (f. Thursday! Roast Friday! Fish. Repeat Jacob. beef. sh. Amster.. string beans. everybody happy? Well. Variation: to to Amsterdam. Jer-i. 23 . have each group rise one day's menu. Camp Menu Song F F. Hasenpfeffer. Jer-i. etc. sing this song. sh.j To-day F is i J j^-jiijiiJ^'iJ is J ^^ F h I Mon-day! To-day Mon-day! Mon-day Hasenpfeffer! F. etc. add a day each time until all days are Today is Tuesday! Tuesday.' J I I I J I I Ev-'ry. fisher this Have one group shout Amsterdam.' J^ . etc. They should have gone They should have gone Amster. cho. Fisher. C7 I i i . cho. Jericho. to Jericho. I should say! is is is is Today Today Today Today Today Wednesday! Sou-oop. Monday. should say! As you named. men.They They all all went up went up to Jericho. etc. men. etc. is Saturday! Payday. and a second group shout men. etc. and for Abraham. cho. Amsterdam. Sunday! Church. sh. Isaac.^ hap - py? Well. the C7 I ^s F F . 24 . z=z > J - i N r=s z=z went C7^ J^ ^. . 3 ^^ she got there a^ ^ the her poor dog 3 When C7 Q C7 • — ^-^ FF=^ — cup-board was bare.^ Throw It Out the Window ^ ^ . She threw it out the win-dow. the win-dow. Ji ^ f i . F She C7 wf threw p it f out m the m win - dow. ^. Sing as a group song using a new Mother Goose rhyme each time you repeat melody. Substitute She threw it out the window/or last line of each rhyme and make thromng motions vnth arms. ' win-dow. ^ h ^ Old Moth 3 rf er Hub-bard V to the cup-board to 3" m F get . She threw F h \ it out the I win-dow.- ^5 I " C7 ^^ a bone. C7 - — 3 ^^^ # got there the 5=5=4: # When she cup-board was bare. the window. Strike chest and back. nose. She threw it out the window. he knows how to wear a rose. then fold arms. fold arms. And everywhere that Mary went She threw it out the window.'lapel. Hip! Hip! Hooray for the Army! 'ear — Raise fists for cheers. 25 . did you 'ear about Harry? Strike chest. One team rhyme. As soon as one team finishes. its more teams. touch ears. Its fleece was white as snow And everywhere that Mary went She threw it out the window. He "chest" got back from 1 the Army. pat head. Chester. The window. Touch ear. Repeat four times. Variation: Divide the group into two or starts by singing a starts. is another A team eliminated if it fails to start singing as soon as turn comes. acting out an additional line each time.Mary had a little lamb. O Chester! Tune: "Yankee Doodle" Sing through once without action. Ham and Eggs Tune: "Tammany" ^ i^ 'll Ham J and J eggs. First group sings. C7 . I like mine fried nice and brown. l i°- J i i i 111- J I J like J mine ji J fried F J I J like ji fried mine ^ ^ ^ Ham and eggs. Ham and eggs. up G7 side down. Second group sings. 26 . ^ Ham F ^^ # and eggs. J j nice and brown. Ham and eggs. Tap knees rapidly to imitate frying. First group sings. Ham F g')'^ fi J p Ji p J p j l r Flip'em Flop'em Flop'em Flip'em Ham and eggs! Variation: Divide boys into two groups and sing a second time. and eggs. Second group echoes. 27 . Flop 'em Second group yells. Ham and eggs. Ham and eggs. Flip 'em First group yells. First group sings. Ham and eggs! Allsiyig. Flip 'em Second group yells. Second group yells.I like mine fried upside down. Flop 'em First group yells. The Paddle Song D minor throughout song ^^' i ^ Our ^ J' \ }. J dip. flight. dip. Flashing like silver. and swing. dip. Dip. pad-dies keen ^^ Flash-ing like ^ sil-ver. Some boys can sing throughout song $ J' dip. 28 . } and j bright. ^^ Swift as the iE5 wild 9E goose • flight. rE — r- f and 3 swing. Swift as the wild goose Dip. and swing them back. dip. i and ^ swing Dip. ^ A round Fm _^ . J none. J j' See how they run. . Time: 6/8 m i D A7 D ^-^rd ' D continue pattern A7 - D ± ^^ ^ ± ^#7^ i p ran ^ \ S'i Three blind mice. no - ho bod - y home. f — .—— Hi Ho! Nobody Three-part round . three blind mice. # t=i —— ^ off ^^ with af-ter farm-er's She J' cut J' their tails a ^hr ^ J knife. I c . C| meat nor drink nor P Yet Fm ^ mon-ey have Fm i^' f~i: will I rt be \r mer f Q n I I Three Blind Mice Key: D. ^ Home c i^ ^ Fm n = Fm ^ Hi. dj^Jsee iJ_ii run. \- !> They i r all g ^^ the how they I1'^-^ \ i wife. J ^ II your As three blind mice? 29 . ir ev - M er see J- F such a carv-ing Did you iSi sight J in J J life E Ij. Have part of group (very few) imitate sirens throughout the song. keys. Variation: And we have no wa-ter. Fire. ^ ^^ ? ^ - i ly s. tapping chair or table nith pen- Row. and others may imitate noise of fire equipment by shaking etc. mer-ri-ly.— London's Burning Three-part round # * m^ 1. (C())ifi}iue <))(€ chord) Eb ^ [W Eb 2. Lon-don's burning. 30 . mer-ri-ly Life is but a dream. ^ eyitire song Row. j l Mer-ri-ly. Fire. row. row your boat Gent down the stream. Row. Row Your Boat A round One chord D m=^ i — * i^H * ^. '"[' r r i r ^^ yon-der. Fire. Fire. Look 3. mer-ri-ly. ^frrh fyi^fH^l^\^-}\n. i cil. ^ ^^m — it Lon-don's burn-ing. look it # — yon-der. ^ Off ^^ One chord entire song '' I we go. ding ding dong! 31 . ' - f I r J i 1' 1 yr f I' f I ! ring-ing. $ ij i \ [ =i . See sta-tion- i mas-ter * J * lit-tle E turn the han-dle m E^ Chug. See the puff-er bel-lies Eb ^ in £ Ja Bt '7 }}. y''-^ r toot. are you sleep-ing?Broth-er John. Morn p B> p Morn-ing '' i' ' ^ S ing bells are i -tf* bells are ring-ing. Ding ding dong.Down ^' by the Station Eb I Lee Ricks — Slim Gaillard tz^za! gf)^^'^ -^ t 7^^ BY i the DOWN Eb THE STA Eb - TIOX ear-ly in ^ all $ ir i - 5 J- J' J- * lit-tle J- J' ^m J morn Bg ing. chug. row. the . Are You Sleeping? A round Key: F . fc3 toot. J ^ Are r r f you sleep-ing. Broth-er John. their i are E Oh. * a- "s^. f Go s ^p get way. ^ hair ^ a there's a on ba - by's chest. ^ will * wind the clock who G7 while I'm a- C i _79 way. a second-story window. the pavement. on the ground. While looking out the window. 4 J J J n is I r J I? :^^^ boy's best friend his mo-ther.! / . the ax. 32 . his mo-ther. I slipped and sprained my eyebrow on the S The Horses Run Around m ^ ^ feet c E The hor - ^^ a ses run round. Oh. his brother. tomato. who loves nobody else but you. I Want a C Girl Key: I want a girl. Oh. who cut the sleeves off father's vest. his middle. An onion. A good. the ocean. Oh. A-peeking through the knothole. She was a pearl and the only girl That Daddy ever had. just like the girl That married dear old Dad. N.. Willy wants a rub. leg. Copyright 1955. is a husky vegetable. a table. his vest. fit baby. Used by 33 . — renewed 1938 by Harry Von Tilzer Music Publishing Co. From The XeirSi»i{j Feat.Go get the Listerine. old-fashioned girl with heart so true. just like the girl That married dear old Dad. in the moonlight. And he wears a necktie around his middle. sister has a beau. One I want a girl. shingle. who has built the shore so near the Go get the alcohol. just because he has no hips. We feed the baby garlic so we find him in the dark. the bright and sunny She kissed me in the eye with a tomato. in grandpa's wooden ocean. will soon fit baby. She spanked him with a tingle. A snake's belt always slips. Copyrighted 1911 permission. and made his panties Because he socked his little baby brother. For grandma's teeth While walking moonlight. Used by permission.Y. Or to harass the foe in the rear. He could sing like Caruso. this bold "Young man. to in There were heroes plenty and men known to fame. "is existence so dull. I Named Ab-dul El • # Bul-Bul A - meer. quite the cream of the Muscovite bass. quite un ac - cus-tomed i>J i'j' i j J J of ij all J J a 1 ^ ^ I But the brav-est was m told. u'lr And * f r - I I r ^ to nfear. But none of more fame than a man by the name Of Ivan Skizavitzsky Skivar. both tenor and He could play on the Spanish guitar. For Abdul El Bul-Bul Ameer. Or storm a redoubt. He was looking for fun when he happened to run Upon Abdul El Bul-Bul Ameer. Who fought in the ranks of the Czar." said Bul-Bul. to That you're anxious 34 end your career? . In fact. they would set up a shout. team Was Ivan One day Skizavitzsky Skivar. Muscovite shouldered his gun And walked down the street with a sneer. ^1 man am If they wanted a man to encourage the van.# Ivan Skizavitzsky Skivar i^)2 JlJ The sons ^^ of ^ — har - i dy the proph-et were and jv^ bold. with Dinah. fiddely-I-oh plunk! Fee-fi-fiddely-I-oh. Fee-plunk. . . your horn! won't you blow. plunk." I've Been Workin' on the Railroad I've been workin' on the railroad All the livelong day. Can't you hear the whistle blowing? Rise up so early in the morn. "So take your last look at the sunshine and brook. won't you blow your horn. . Dinah won't you blow. For. won't you blow your horn! in the kitchen Someone's Someone's Someone's with Dinah. Dinah won't you blow. Strummin' on the old banjo. Can't you hear the captain shouting: "Dinah blow your horn!" Dinah Dinah Dinah Dinah won't you blow. in the kitchen I in the kitchen know. fiddely-I-ohhh . plunk! Fee .. . And send your regrets to the Czar. plunk. I've been workin' on the railroad Just to pass the time away. Fee-fi-fiddely— I— oh! Fee-fi-fiddely— I— o-o-o-oh! Fee-fi-fiddely— I— oh! Strummin' on the old banjo. By which I imply that you are going to die. 35 . fi-plunk. Mister Ivan Skizavitzsky Skivar. infidel. . know you have trod on the toe Of Abdul El Bul-Bul Ameer. fi . Strummin' on the old banjo. ± not I i got ^ my rice. at the Quar-ter-mas-ter's store. There are mice. snakes B7 nj ^ eyes are j-i ^ i ^ big as garden rakes. running through the the quartermaster's store. mice running through the At the At store. There are mice. Repeat chorus. ^ i i dim. rice. I I My B7 can-not ^ my B.The Quartermaster's Store ^ r 1i U J* There are snakes. 36 . snakes I'lj big M e^ jil ni ' T' store. at the E E =fet f store. I ^ ^ see. snakes. E i have specks with me. mice. . snakes.7 B7 ^^ not got ^^ I have E as specks with me. at the store. m A i i as gar-den rakes. ^ at the U i There are snakes. 37 . N. 5 the peo-ple f we al-ways shout. There are At the quartermaster's Repeat chorus. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt i^ John Jac - I ob Jin-gle-heim-er ^ Schmidt.da..da. rats. big as alley cats. i>' p r F is r i too.- There are rats. Inc. each time softer until. big as alley cats. rats. At the store. on the last verse. mouth the first four lines and end by singing Da. rats. store. ^ i His name my name When- M ev-er W i go out. Repeat four times. Music used by permission of Rytvoc.da da -dada. at the store.Y. "John Jac - ob Jin - gle - heim - er I Schmidt!" Da- da -da da -da- da -da. monk. J a monk.— ^ i: mM The el f ^ r ? f on ^ F his f knees. the monk.1' 1 i' - J - i i the fun ni est was J' monk. the monk.— ^' 'r old r I I' t' IT iT r ^ Was J He The ba-boon J' bv the light of the moon. - iJ^^ fair. a small group may sing the .— 'fc- 4 1' I' I' J' e - i phant's -<: climbed up the el - trunk. ii> The .— The Animal Fair m ^)i' ^j'^' (j.j' i I \\ h h } an - ^ i . -e -phant sneezed and fell And ^ #— be — - ~ ~^ 1^ -* (? I f monk? j ^ The Variations what came J' of the — r t J J > the i . J' - J au - J- comb ing his burn hair.— } The J went i' to the mal J±=i: J the J J^ birds and beasts ^' were there. When song 38 is sung through once. N.— — last line over and over as a chant while rest sing the song a second time. Oh! By How I Hate To Get Up in the Morning Irving Berlin Chorus "Oh! how I hate to get up in the morning. Other lyrics for the ''monkey" line: ''The monkey he got drunk. Used by permission of Irving Berlin Music Corp. and step upon it heavily. etc.Y. It isn't any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E. but will vanish It isn't like a bubble. There isn't any trouble. Third verse: It isn't any trouble just to L-A-U-G-H. 39 . Copyright renewed 1945 by Irving Berlin.. Someday they're going to find him dead I'll amputate his reveille. " and fell on the elephant's trunk. you've got to get up. Smile Song Tune: "John Brown's Body" Key: B Flat any trouble just to S-M-I-L-E. It isn't any trouble just to G-R-I-N. Grin. Oh! how I'd love to remain in bed For the hardest blow of all. You've got to get up this morning! call: Someday I'm going to murder the bugler. is to hear the bugler You've got to get up. Fourth verse: It isn't any trouble just to HA! HA! HA! Second verse: HA! HA! etc." Copyright 1918 by Irving Berlin. etc. And spend the rest of my life in bed. If you'll only take the trouble just to S-M-I-L-E. published by The Boy Scouts Association of Great Britain . my grave. r ain't f r u' like y But there no taste a ^ u' Bb r J > ? # — sb zzzx wat-er-mel-on rind. Chick-en and pos-sum are i ji might ^ - § fine.* r Drool Song r^ ^1^'' tf r> rs Bb f y-^ Just plant I a wat - er-mel - on seed up- i r on r ^ jjj and <^ fib ^3 juice my grave r^ let the run r^ #—#> ^ I ff ^ ^ through. From TlieSamter. That's p I J' 'i all I I ^^ — fib 1 ask of vou. Just plant a wat-er-mel-on seed up- i 40 ^ on 3 = ^ F —^-r^ let ^ ^^ my grave and the juice run through. . Just plant a watermelon seed up-on F. § w . Be -gin gan.Pink Pajamas Tune: "Battle I Hymn of the Republic" wear my pink pajamas in the summer when it's hot. He had whisk-ers on ^' } }\ }\ }i his chin-e-gan.'i The and they a-gain. And sometimes in the springtime and sometimes in the fall. Hallelujah. Balmy breezes blowing through you. . what's it to you. glory. With nothing on Michael Finnegan G 4'''} There I I ' li I ' ^ I' I I ' f 1' J '' was an old man named Mich-ael Fin-ne-gan. I Chorus Glory. ^m wind blew ]i h h ^ them off f grew in ^ . glory. I jump right in between the sheets with nothing on at all. Glory. at all. D i ^=s G E . ^f^ Poor ^ old J J I Ji Ji } } Ji } e - 1 41 Mich-ael Fin-ne-gan. wear my flannel nighties in the winter when it's not. J a. White. who i proud ' - J. the Stars <f>^ i*J J is Then mv heart a m ^^ drum wild - Iv beat ^^^ ^ ing. ^ So I j| J to J be U part J of J the r dream ^ proud — 42 .s:*tot^ic3 S The Stars and Stripes Forever Words by Bob Russell Moderately Music by John Philip Sousa $s There E a -loft ^ in a soft and friend - ly breeze Flies the - Red. Of the men who said.furled ii mem - o - ries ^ with ^ world of '• her I J . ly J "I ? love said vou. ^m and Blue ' a-bove !?|J vou. i)"^\' When '^ \H' I ^ r see 1 ^^ »^ and the m Stripes. I I ' ' And un.t. J J rus-tle Stars and ^'J Stripes for- i ev er.. Hill and Range Songs. XI- r ir I J be r will ^ . International copyrinht secured. Used by permission. Sole selling ayent in United Slates and Canada. J I Of those who r car-ry J ' I on the ^a Stars i and ^ J Stripes for - ev - er Copyright 1897 and 1925 by John Church Co..^)^'^ J That J is N al - \' g on the ^ ^1' J ways J march. Philadelphia. ev I J 'rv And bless -ed breeze.. 43 . Beverly Hills. I J the i l J pa- I'm part of gal - lant J rade. Inc. fj That J will I J fJ J the p J J. Sweet land of liberty. Sweet freedom's song. Let all that breathe partake. The sound prolong. and rills.America By Rev. love thy rocks My heart with rapture thrills Like that above. thee. Land of the pilgrims' pride. Of thee I sing. to Thee. Land of the noble Thy name I love. Our fathers' God. Long may our land be bright With freedom's holy light. Smith Key: G. And ring from all the trees. Great God. Thy woods and templed hills. Samuel F. Let music swell the breeze. Let rocks their silence break. our King. To Thee we sing. I free. Protect us by Thy might. ev'ry side My native country. Author of Liberty. Let mortal tongues awake. Land where my fathers died. 44 . From mountain Let freedom ring. Time: 3/4 My country! 'tis of thee. A. chairman: Ral()h G. litW trustees. n: My home Bb i sweet n: home Gm xz: God F bless ^M A F - mer-i-ca — i ^^ — Dm 2L sweet ^m 45 My home home.God Bless America By Irving Berlin Moderately F F c c iBE God C that ^ i bless —w - ^ ca A mer-i Land ^ ^^ F F F ix love i J Stand be G ^ - side her- ^ and C N J with J a IJ light guide her — Thru the night i r 3Z bove F Z From . God Bli-ss Tunney. Copyright IMVt. L'seil by permission of Irvinji Berlin Anu-riia Fund. . Bunche: and Gene Music Corp. i ^^ — To Vp F the moun-tains' C c ^ i white i from a - i to the prai - 1 ries - F F II 3r # - I with the C ceans y foam — F i God c bless m F Dm J - Gm ^ - A mer ca- — F p C y.L. Berman. - i - God El^ . For i am F - i ber waves ^' M \ -^ pur C ^ - of grain. the Beautiful By Katherine Lee Bates Kev:BFlat. mer - i - ca! ^ A I I 'i' J ca! - mer B^ . I J - J - ^^ for beau ti ful spa - cious skies. ! I .11 (V f i r^ thee. 46 . For pie moun F - tain F $ i 5: ji - r I' l r P AJ J' maj es - ties A - bove the fruit-ed plain. Time: 4/4 I ' M 0.America.1' J shed His grace on And crown thy good with l''i broth - I i i T J I ^^ - er - hood From sea to shin ing sea. In liberating strife. And every gain divine! 0. And crowm thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea. Across the wilderness! America! America! God mend thine every flaw. beautiful for heroes proved. impassioned stress. America! America! God shed His Grace on thee. beyond the years. Who more than self their country loved. A thoroughfare for freedom beat. That sees. And mercy more than life! America! America! May God thy gold refine. Thine alabaster cities gleam. 47 . Undimmed by human tears. Thy liberty in law! 0.0. beautiful for patriot dream. Confirm thy soul in self-control. Whose stern. beautiful for pilgrim feet. Till all success be nobleness. now shines on the stream— 'Tis the star-spangled banner. half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam. can fight. by the dawn's early light. Gave proof thro' the night that our flag was still there! say. As it fitfully blows. the bombs bursting in air. 48 . thro' the perilous say. does the star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave? O'er the ramparts On the shore. dimly seen thro' the mist of the deep. Time: 3/4 you see.The Star-Spangled Banner By Francis Key: Scott Key A Flat. In full glory reflected. we watched were so gallantly streaming. long may it wave O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave. half conceals. What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars. What is that which the breeze. Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes. o'er the towering steep. And the rockets' red glare. ^ 'J' I ward A-mer-i-ca. It's the land most ^ # m a i I 1 ^' dear to me. We will sing my country 'tis of Thee.Jj^p l f Jll^n'Jy - l f - I p J - Sweet land of Lib er - ty As we go For ward A ^.HJl. ^. It's my home and my 49 . m For - ^ ^ s ward A-mer-i-ca.# Forward America Music by Larry Corbett.j' I m try.HJf mer i i l f ^^ coun-try-try - ca. It's • and — coun- my home my $ r For - If Jn-j j.I. Jr. i J l^ l ffeFfl our goals are won champs with a win-ning way. t - We're the Boy Scouts of A mer-i - ca E^ B^ 1- B^ ^- B^ !• - B^ i Q » l . I K Scout-ing -'' I U. 50 . J. j^ Scouts of A^ A. E^ Efc. new.^ Boy Scouts of America ^ ^ ^^ fib Words and music by Jack Combs and Jimmy Clark nb e\> s.u ca. B^ nb all we set out to do.mer-iE^ y''" I J hand each day ^ ^ E^ fib We g B^ 1^ — plan hand in t To do bet-ter than need be done Fm Fm . We're the Boy E^ A^ B^ E^ (^f\> J. J i^ I J / E^ . U for things a B^ fib E^ Our F ac-tiv-i-ties lead to vic-to-ries in vi> F .1' E^ E^ E^ ^>^^ y jj till all t J- I h J. 'j. J . you Bb all the rb Fm ^^ ""^ E The Boy Scouts of A - mer-i- ^ E^' way E Fm ^ you all fib Q I . ^ ca fib will Stand be-side the way. we 3 Ab have to b say Join us and we'll stand be- ^ ^-^ — Cm i- Fm gb fib ^>^''' i # be - i side f side you.J # X i^3 \ d- d 4 to \ i ^ i and E^' Wr in-teg-ri-ty —b^ — We're loy-al pur-pose B^^ P is lb e'' E b J. 51 .b ikeep lb i- imer-i J- J I fib A J - ca strong. I ^ to verve and con.vic-tion we sing our song . -fP j' l ^fi"'.]. j Scouts of n 1.'JJ^'N ii' . A b Eb - merEb ^ i We're the Boy ^ Br : ^^^ and this Ab - ca.' i j f -^ Pledged to ^^ ^ ^ * l the Scout Oath e pb - ter-nal-ly fib With . ( ' 9 is fine. ^ He'll ^' ^' ^ F ^^ that . y F y r chance proud of the B^ gg r to I f ^^ it. There's i r f - m 4'' F some M' a - r a thing bout ^ ^ . He's G i 52 # ^ ^ a- G I r bout. # t 0- some-thing F a-bout F. Boy Scout L fine. of mer-it. i There's F Boy Scout. fine. wear He's learned to be preB^ B^ ' I I r the time. He I i i i X pared all time. F. time. He's F ^ m <ff/r F . ' ev-er up and he toes the line. r line. work for a badge . bI> f' J.— ' r ' There's Something About a Boy Scout Tune: "There's Something About a Soldier" by Fred Waring March tempo $ T ^ a - m bout a There's some-thing Boy Scout. will nev-er bI^ be an B^^ i ± r If he'll r - r r t Cm I i ^ ^ out-law bey the Scout Law. a . . A Boom! A Gee AEb it's great to be Bb Scout-ing. fine. m ^ Boom! Ab Boom! Gee it's great to be n L B7 Eb B^ Eb A out-ing.j:5 l).Y Boom! Boom! Gee To Be Scouting Eb It's Great ^^^ Boom! .Q Cm I Cm ZEU ^m t^ to Cm p best. Ftnm I'si'd hy piTiiiission. Cnpyriyht l!t. 1 J it's Gee great to be Scout - ing! 53 . That's e line. Boom! B? Eb |i-' 7 Boom! . There's some-thin^ ^^ is Bov Scout that tine. On his oath do his ^m m ^^ * nou^h. N. hik-ing and camp-ing all day long. /^-»//> WillSnii/. fine. Mills Music Inc.v Lawivncf Wiijiht MiisicCi). you know ('• I r f ' I' r a-bout a the rest. Allover me. I've got that Scouting Spirit.I've Got That Scouting Spirit Tune: "Joy in My Heart" I've got that Up in my Up in my Up in my Scouting head. 54 . Cooke. Down in my feet. etc. Continue as in first verse. Up in my head. Used by permission of John D. Scouting spirit. Continue as in first verse. Deep in my heart. all ways. spirit. Fve got that Scouting spirit. spirit. Fve got that Scouting spirit. to stay. Down in my feet. etc. Continue as in first verse. head. head. head. head. I've got that Scouting etc. Deep in my heart. I've got that Up in my Up in my Scouting spirit. I've got that Allover me. Allover me. j^ i ^^ C. i i in -0 ^ - Heav ^ a-bove us. I'. their E les-sons un-fold-ing J J i our vouth. the Scout Law.Scout Leader's Prayer Tune: "Marcheta" Key: E Flat Bv Talman H.. Ctilf Coiii. mot-to. may we C and teach F Great J of I '' 'J - 2k pray. our Good Turn.Dm ^ A. Dm A J i Dm r- i E r . 55 . . Trask m ^t Our C Fa - i ^s ask Thee F . Our ^mm r nr it r it. ing we ami I'si'd liy iH'inii>siun Kay i Kay Musir Cniii. The Scout ^ To . ro|iyri>ilu itwiUTs. ^ ther C. I Spir - it Scout I'uli. f give all Thee we _. # — —^. F dai - en C We F .. May C ^ C. i in . in num-bers ^^ 3^^ r live ^C un - told. forguid-ance F 1 1 I our C i ly task. Cliiratru.). of our ^ F ^ F^ thanks. Ni'w Vi>ik. <yr ^ r ^ f r ^ i f i m To vir-ture and manhood C stand strong-ly a-mongst us. Be Prepared $ Oh c X Be Pre-pared F J' ^ J ^j,^ J > a I J. ^ C7 Pre-pared Pre-pared, the M ' mot F - to of Boy Scout; Oh Be $ ^ pared F i Pre-pared, t the i mot - t to ^ of J » Pre-pared Pre- a eb P i Scout. c i *: ^ Pre - ± ^ Pre - i pared, i i the pared i mot - m to V ^ i ^ Pre- of a good Scout, Pre-pared $ pared, i^ IJ mot - J' J of i a Scout. the to We're on the Upward Trail We're on the upward trail, We're on the upward trail, Singing as we go. Scouting bound. We're on the upward trail. We're on the upward trail, Singing, singing, ev'rybody singing, Scouting bound. 56 . Hiking Tune: "Caisson Song' 4'i I iImJ 0-ver In hill, J' MJ ^ We You hik-ing ? E o-ver dale, will hit the green-wood ^^ D trail, and out, all a-round, A s; ADD i will nev-er see us *-"^ - t p T As the Boy Scouts go a - long, frown, As the Boy Scouts go hik-ing a long. — ^S^ Qtf > g>MJ_;';i[? i M ^ F me, And Bm I it's hi! hi! hee! The B. S. A. for E tPl' Qit 'f l f ji M it A l| A l| . D llll' ^ Shout out our name and shout strong. Where'er we go. O y A .L . i m . we will al-ways know That the Boy Scouts go hik-ing a-long. Philmont Grace For food, for raiment. For life, for opportunity, For friendship and fellowship We thank Thee, Lord. . . 57 Philmont Hymn mf i - ^m As c - Sil ver on the sage, Star - lit skies a-bove, 1 hills, _, i - pen cov-ered Coun c try that I love, $ ^ G i thee. ^i^ m .^^_ ^ Out in Phil-mont here's to Scout - ingpar C - a - dise, ^-5^ 1^^ to - God's coun-try night. ^^ i Ea - Wind G in whis-p'ring pines, « $ th * - V moun-tains rise, —: Pur pie A-gainst an a-zure sky, c ^^ C glesoar-ing high, m c i Scout-ing C « Out m par-a-dise, Phil-mont here's to thee, G i l i u I in God's coun-try to-night. 58 Y. brothers. N. And smile. Smile.. Will on your bosom shine. smile.. Inc. What's the use of worrying? It never was worthwhile SOOO! .Trail the Eagle Tune: "On Wisconsin" Key: C. all. and Broadcast Music. Pack Up Your Troubles Tune: "Smile. Inc. Morris Music Co. N. Trail the Eagle. Now we're a'hiking on the old Scout trail. Climbing all the time. will follow. . smile. on until we're Eagles Copyright by Edwin H. Smile. Keep climbing! Blaze the trail and we call. boys. Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag. MCMXV smile. . smile..Y. Smile" By George Asaf Pack up your troubles in your old kit-bag. And smile. First the Star and then the Life. Day & Hunter and used by special permission 59 .. Copyright in all countries by Francis of Chappell &Co.. Time: 2/4 Trail the Eagle. that's the style. Hark the Eagle's On. Inc. ^^ true. We will and build a Na-tion. - ry high the torch of true 3" o rri rs rs r> c t Scout c - ^ ^^ i G ii' i i i ? ing. . For-ward // ye sons ^^"3 If 60 r f '''f fJiI pre-serve f r I I might and main. ?> Know h - I ing that right m is p - dare and ev er E I MMr h r r ev i ^ - us Car - ry high the torch er Am _ \ ^ mar-ching. Worked C ^ ^ 3 i Na - t tion. and build ^"^T ^ will Now with ^"--^ cour - age we p C c Q ^ ^ with f r do.A. Carroll m For C - rs: J' jJ ye ^- ^ ^ of : ^m i ff ward sons men G who with <Jif f r fT^M' topre-serve c.The Torch of Scouting Words by O. rs Q rr\ Car c ^. Kirkham Music by V. »" ^ a might and main.E. Campfires are burning low. Good-night and may you rest. Scouts all are sleeping. send-ing. on dis-tant trail Camp-ward P g Bl^ F E fire ^ 11 B^ J^ i> J I J i J. Scouts sing their evening song. Rest when your feet shall F F Bl^ (}/i'ffJ'J'j^ij' - ^ r i f ^-^'ir r " pen air and pals and food and fire. Blankets warm and by soft sounds caressed. Joy nev'er end-ing. b*^ Birch \> and bub-bling stew e!^ Rich o-dors e!^ m ^ ^ Here Bl^ r I r f M. No longer leaping. is your heart's de-sire. f ^ tire. 61 . Sun sinks below the west.# Scout's Good-Night Song Tune: "Santa Lucia" ^^ m Foot-steps # — J ^^ are bend-ing. Shadows come creeping. C i Thank you O for the sun-shine ^m ^ F . C that shines through the rain. and I i the .ti - ful dav. Now c * the day is done. 1 J Lord hear m-y prayers to-night. Oh tf'r r "^iJ- 1. c O Oi i C J J J I ' = 3 I the trees in I Thank you for the moun-tains. i Oh O I thank you for this beau ^ - i day.A Boy Scout's Prayer Words and music by Gwen Beck c c $ i zr ^^ o f one. F C ' c and O J I I pray. And c ^m as 1 C m i 62 ^ r -* camp J i the trail Uraise J m\ eyes ^ to on to - night. C $ ^M for this G C Thank you beau . Boy Scouts one by o — E # # # in » prayer ^ . the lane. moon - lit sky. J thank you u J for j this i . c ^ IE ^ Bow your head to the Lord up there. «=Ce: ti-ful Oh Lord. ! It I On my hon i ' - n I'll '^^my best.. W may. On My Honor Words and music by Harry o Bartelt D7 iS i % ^ i D a- !^ - On my hon or I'll do my best to ^^^ du - r God. do my a ^^ to serve D. day To keep my G bod-y f ^ f i^ - strength-ened C and S To . i * keep G my mind a ^C wakened. f r i r j ^ m D.7 J J as I . TP J'^ W I If - r or F I'll S do my ty to On my hon A. D7 fol-low paths of O r right-eous-ness. or do 63 .— i beau - i P 31: i ti - ful dav A men. best my eoun-try D I' I ^ Ji to •fe^ w On my hon-or ^^ I'll G J' J^J best do my f do my Good Turn each I J J A p ^ i G E !S>f T r 'r . Here beside us— let us know Thy May we show the Brotherhood plan. — Father. Scouting friendships fashioned here today. Fading campfires 'neath a starry sky.t> - its light. e!? e^ Eb i e\> b^ pb ^^ P Scouts u - 1^ I ed i r for r nit - r a ^ free. where brave men have trod. world that's ^f E^ E^ EJ> sb B^ ^ E^ s ' e' . Silv'ry bugles sound their lullaby. E^ E^ eI> e^ nb eI^ eI^ yg As jt? ^ we meet in e'' J fel - JI J low - J J I i - ship to night. Bind us closer when we are aw^ay. McMasters i> E^? K^ e1? ^^ 5 Blaz - 3 ing camp-fires ^m vi> •i> .? light - I ed in ^ " ^ 1 Fires have our jam-bo-ree. 64 .— Camporee or Jamboree Hymn Words and music by M.Jt> make our spir B.H. guide us. of Man. Help us know the Fatherhood of God. tramp. I't: f' I 'l l me. tramp. tramp. Chicajfo. thir for - ty. I'm hap F ' - py when I'm hik the beat en F p i <Si*'' track. ( r - ^^ i ty. Used by permission. tramp. (Repeat tramp to end. J i r Out c - j'ljji pen F i j J in the o coun-try. tramp. i J J l ^iJJI^'i ^^ 65 Tramp. F 2^ \r hap - py when I'm hik ing.) Copyright by Neil A. tramp. F P $ ^^ day. tramp. tramp. pack up - Gm C7 ^' i ^i' I $ ± J - J ing 1^^ off ^ I ' on my back. With a true Scout-ing friend to the jour-ney's end. r fif - \ ty ^miles F S a ten. . twen-ty.. .. Kjos Music Co. tramp. if't f' . I'm Happy When Tm Hiking EnKlish hiking sonK ^ S^ ^^ F F ^ I'm C i\}' tf* * • — i f d w- Tramp. that's the place for Gm i' i 'i- l| ^ ^ I 'l | . i> i march - p es on. 3£ I y > y i To our home-land B7 FIGHT ON! F7 c(Ar I " | g loy - r g ing ^ al I" march - I" =a ev - er Seoul - es on Copyriiiht by O. i> *- XE. nz Till i the goal is true and won.B. Boudri'uu.- ^ Strong and read F7 - y. Scout-ing . ^ For the Daunt . Scout-ing march-es. O. 66 .ed cour - age . B'' ^A J J ^ stead-y.i> ^ <? -^ i f Scout-ing march-es. Mathuws and John T.Scouting Marches On John T. Mathews Boudreau ^^ ^ . ^ ^ right i> f nev - i er.b ev - er.B. I'si-d l)y piTmissinn. we I 'J J . Hail! Hail! Scouting Spirit. Loyal we stand.Scouting We Go ^ 4> 1 go.lit I } i- \ '^^ - Sun trails and lands where wa ters i flow ^ By the camp-fire's friend - ly. Hail! Hail! Scouting Spirit. We are prepared. 'i Scout - ^ ing J^ ^ go. i - we Scout ing we go. Hail! Hail! Hail! Ust'd by permission of Remick Music Corp. Onward and upward we're treading. copyri^hi owners. flam - ing C7 i Tune: i glow. Nrw York.. Best in the land. ^ - -* W Scout - i ing Scout ing we go. Always alert to make Scouting ready. Hail! Hail! Scouting Spirit "My Hero"— from The Chocolate Soldier Key: B Flat Hail! Hail! Scouting Spirit. 67 . You can tell him by his manner. Insert troop number. who are Who will Start fight for the right Scout hearted men. \Viimark& Sons. a Scout from . tell Time: 4/4 You can lines.V Scout Hearted Men Tune: "Stout Hearted Men" Give me some men. 68 . or camp name in place of dotted You can tell him by his talk. me with ten. liv M. This paraphrast. . .. . Long Trail" Key: A Flat. who are Scout hearted men. . Sonmitk-cupyriuhli'tl Lst'd hy iK'iniission. And I'll soon give you ten thousand more.uswl hy iKTmissiun. Oh! Shoulder to shoulder and bolder and bolder They grow as they go on the fore! Then — There's nothing in the world can halt or mar a plan Scout hearted When (. N. city. . Inc."opyri^ht men can stick together man to man! hy Harms. You can tell a Scout from But you cannot tell him much. By his appetite and such. . You can tell a Scout from You can tell him by his walk. they adore. You Can Tell a Scout Tune: "Long. NY. Here's to the Boy Scouts ^ meet. E §= be. Be e Pre- if F lis. And p jjU'iJii a Good Turn ev - r day! 1 'ry 69 . A sal-ute to ev-'ry Scout we _ ' I m Not a A7 I rr^'a^ '-^ - one shall know de - feat. S C7 i is pared our mot-to ev-er °7 Our em-blem the fleur-de- ^ ' % £^ we'll OurOathandLaw we 07 willo - bey. h Boy Scouts of I rti I Here's to the A mer - - i - ca! Here's to the ^ ^^ s Scouts where-ev-er they G7 may be. on ^J)J- J I j J J 1^ ^ a - ^ gain. Tot - in' four .0 ^ mv old fort - * v - range once more.Back in the Saddle Again Words and music by Gene Autry and Ray Whitley G7 it I'm J back tf # the ' ^ - J die i a - O gain ^^^ in sad $ z=z i * is S f^ a friend ^ &* —E the Out where a friend Where ^^ long-horn cat - i I' r r r the ^^ low-ly jim -son tie feed. Rid-in' the weed. I'm back in the sad -die i —^ ^ 70 izzzi «t . i I'm back in the sad -die a -gain. back CopyriKht bv Western . Co.— g> J 3r ^^ tf^ - 11 i ^ ^ Whoo-pi ti - yi - yo Rock-in' to and fro $ ^ * in i the back sad die a- ^^in.Music Pub. 71 .^J J ^Jlj J J J - l [- ^ on-ly law i is Where you sleep out ev-'ry ni^ht where the i^ right. Hollywood. Used by permission. Calif. ij Whoo i-c > ^ ^ -pi -ti ^ -yi i Ko ^ # e> -ya I my way G7 ^ J J in J the ' ^ sad -die a - ^^ gain.. On a ten I dollar horse and a forty dollar saddle started out a-punchin' those long-horned cattle. before it's I gets to sleepin' the old moon's shining bright. I'll you all my A B7 i (fy* . And I I'd went to the boss for to it He had So I figured out I draw my roll. sell my outfit just as soon as I can. was nine dollars and said I in the hole.n i i JJJTji . •0 -0 0- — 0- and lis-ten to m M tell ^ trou-bles on the old Chis-holm'. went up I to the boss won't take that And I'll slapped him in the face with my old slouch hat. quit punchin' cattle in the sweet by 72 . and by. boys. i come ^ a-long. I 'Cause ain't punchin' cattle for in the saddle no With my knees I'll and my seat in the sky.! The Old Chisolm Trail Lively Traditional as im f Well.yip-py yay ! . bacon and beans almost every single day sooner be a-eatin' prairie hay. mean boss man.y ip-py yay Come-atiyi yip-py . I'm up in the morning before daylight And Oh. i i ii Come-a ti y y ip-py yip-py yay .n ff'^jj I i . my tale. — 73 Co}i tin ued oh next pafir . J' f will f F ^ sweet We miss your bright eyes and m ^^ m ^^ M - ^ .: D '• >' t rr J And J' I J girl 1 ^^ the ^ Red Riv-er G J J" . the that has loved you so true. For they say you are c sun shine.e $ tak-ing the smile. But re- mem- F ber i I C G s. Refrain i i ^ s. i r sit F F r side if Come and by my you i =^ love ^ - ^ ^ Do f 1' E '' [ to I r f 1' me.— not hast -en bid me a ff ^1 _ ^' ^ If ^' dieu.s Val -ley." ^ G i bright - ^^^ D our path ^ That t ens way a - while.— Red River Valley Not too slow i ?S=i~\ From C E ^ M' val - F ley P this they say ^^ you r are G J' I j/> jj J go-ing. think of the valley you're leaving? Oh. how sad it will be. you are going. roll on. Roll on little dogies. Repeat chorus. But the road that leads down to perdition Is posted and blazed all the way. roll on. And the love we exchanged 'mid the flow'rs. Roll on. Roll on. Do you From this valley they say go. The road to that bright heavenly region Is a dim narrow trail. little dogies. Repeat chorus. Oh. 74 . so they say But who always makes room for the sinner Who drifts from the straight narrow way. Chorus Roll on. too? When you may your darling go. As you go to The Cowboy's Sweet Bye and Bye Tune: "My Bonnie" Time: 3/4 I Key: G. May you never forget those sweet hours that we spent in the Red River Valley. Would you leave her behind unprotected. roll on. how lonely. And gazed at the stars wondered if ever a cowboy Could drift to that sweet bye and bye. They speak of another Great Owner Who's never o'erstocked. Last night as I lay on the prairie in the skies. When she loves no other but you? your home by the ocean. roll on. Roll on. so they say. And the grief you are causing me to see. think of the fond heart you're breaking. ; They tell of another great roundup, Where cowboys like dogies will stand, To be marked by the Riders of Judgment, Who are posted and know every brand. Repeat chorus. Courtesy of Bill Pollock. Home on the Range (?/fi; Oh i ;°i'-^r me a J i jj i ^ r m Where the dis- give home where the buf-fa-lo roam, .|,'F } } J'. «;UJ j ].M'r Where sel-dom is deer and the an-te-lope play. C heard a G r G A',i'. i'? i'M|.^ And G I ''!': G ' cour-ag-ing word, the skies are not cloud-y all day. i ^ play c I O . ^ ^ f Home, home on f r J J Where J i i I } J' the range. the deer and the an-te-lope Sf ^5 - — 9 ' # sel ^ heard s a dis- Where dom is <!J>Mh Where the air is r ffnH' And the skies are ^'^ ^'^"i^ all i l cour-ag-ing word, not cloud-y day so pure, The zephyrs so free. The breezes so balmy and lite, That I would not exchange my home on the range, For all of the cities so brite 75 Clementine Kev:G. Time: 3/4 In acav-ern, in acan-yon, Ex-ca- vat - ingfor a mine, Dwelt a I I fe i I J J Ail his min-cr, For-ty-nin-er, And dauKh ^ - i - 4 ' 4 ^ ter, Cle men-tine. Oh my i s> (j; ^ J ^ p t¥^ ^ s # < # t m You are - dar-ling, Oh my dar-lin^, Oh my dar - lin^ Cle-men-tine, r lost r r^^ J '^- ^' N-;Ji^ ful sor-ry, Cle and gone for-ev-er, Dread - men - tine. Chonis Light she was and like a fairy, And her shoes were number nine; Herring boxes, without topses, Sandals were for Clementine. Repeat chorus. Drove she ducklings to the water, Ev'ry morning just at nine; Hit her foot against a splinter, Fell into the foaming brine. Repeat chorus. 76 above the water, Blowing bubbles, mighty fine; But alas! I was no swimmer, So I lost my Clementine. lips Saw her Repeat chorus. Old Paint ^ i My I'm a Smoothly Cowboy song c 'A 5 - ^^ I'm a-leav-ing I G C Good C by, old Paint, I Chey W - enne, GTI Ci C C i foot in i stir - i ± - '^37' the rup, my po ny won't stand; a - 1=1 ^=5==^ off to 3 leav-ing Chey-enneand I'm Mon-tan'. ^ G7 ^ - f - ^ leav - Good by, old Paint, I'm a ing Chey - enne, I'm riding old Paint and a leading old Fan; Good-by, little Annie, I'm off to Montan'. Good-by, old Paint, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne. Go hitch up your horses and give them some hay, And seat yourself by me as long as you stay. Good-by, old Paint, I'm a-leaving Cheyenne. 77 — —M<- I bed the close day It matters not. the pal- of a youth i ^ r » » F . Where the body lies when the heart grows cold. Yet grant. . "0 ^' p M me words " l '^ '^ M the lone prair- bur- y not on ^= ie". oh grant this wish to me: bury 78 me not on the lone prairie. ^ These ^- ^^ J . I've oft been told. On J his ^ dy ^ ing lay ^ ^ i 1^ f at ^ of .^.The Dying Cowboy Rather slowly m i . ' r-j' and J' i 5 who came low mourn-ful $ jl> ^ J From J ^' E F lid ^m 2=Ji lips ly. For they marked the spot where his bones were lain. With a prayer to Him who his soul will save. 79 ."0 bury me not" and But we took no heed his voice failed there. In a narrow grave just six by three. of his dying prayer. Fling a handful of roses o'er his grave. We buried him there on the lone prairie. And the cowboys now as they roam the plain. And blackbirds call so loud and sweet From ev'ry green-wood tree. As o'er the world we roam. Moller love to go a-wander-ing.The Happy Wanderer Antonia Ridge I Friedn W. I love to sing.. Inc. Oh. I My knap-sack on my back.Val-de ra. So joyously it calls to me. Oh. the skylarks wing. High overhead. Beneath God's clear blue sky! By special permission of the Sam Fox Publishing Company. wander by the stream love to That dances in the sun. They never rest at home But just like me.— Val-de ri— Val-de ra— Val-de ra— Val-de ha ha ha ha ha ha Val-de ri. they love to sing. may I go awandering I Until the day die! may I always laugh and sing. "Come! Join my happy song!" I wave my hat to all I meet.— And as I go. A-long the moun-tain track. 80 . And they wave back to me. My knap-sack on my back. To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts.— this land my land. This land was made for you and me. From Cal-i-for-nia— to the New York Is-land. A voice was chanting as the fog was lifting. As I went walking that ribbon of highway I saw above me that endless skyway. and the dust clouds rolling. and I followed my footsteps. From the red-wood for-est— to the Gulf Stream This land was made for you and me.— wa-ters. roamed and rambled. This land was made for you and me. I When the sun came shining. And the wheat fields waving. 81 .This Land Is Your Land Woody Guthrie This land is Gospel Tune is your land. All around me a voice was sounding. I saw below me that golden valley. than I was strolling. This land was made for you and me. at your nose 82 . There are cer-tain ^ patch - J through i: which J t± must crawl es we Some i ^ m spe-cies Stiff. ^^ Dm are ^ while lim-ber. ij J J brush tim-ber tall. where r ^ is .Chaparral Song ^ ¥ i ^ t ^=f § the In land ^ of 1^1 m the Dm Las - sen. . oth-ers are ^ J they JtL i r all ^ fly And will JT back |i I \ ^ with a biff. e .m ^ Oh. yo — .. hat was thrown back and his spurs were a jing-linK ^m G .« r Dogie Song Sung rhythmically to the swing of riding a horse Im m J' ' ^ ^^ r P ' — 17 p r i' 1^ ' J ^— ^ As I was a-walk-ing one morn-in^ for pleasure G . mis-for-tune <S)'r none '' " I f I ^ yi my own.tie dog-ie. c . ^ r> t ? he rs h h ij J ETzzjrzzrz:^ i DO Il ^h Vd=* — And as chorus nil G he ap-proached was O sing-ing this ' ^ It's N your i t [^ ? £ and long lit .• J II f that Wy-om - ing will your new home. be . Get a -long lit-tle dog I O O^ !i jh^. . w a ^ 0' w I O spied a bold cow-boy come D rid-in^ - lon^.'' Whoop-ee f ki ^ o i' '' I I f r i D7 J' J . Whoop c - ee ki yi yo Get i « ^ c of o J J' . P I' I . His G ifllt^^ I! I MJ. know 84 J' |: i: I' i . Oh. hey.sour - ^ long to hear you. I'll not deceive you. Shen-an-doah.^ | j. Shenandoah. And throw the dogies out onto the trail. Way. Way. Shenandoah. Shenandoah. you rolling river! Oh. Round up the ponies— load up the chuck wagon.n|f|. - ing y^'Jfi'l^' ? riverl ' S I J' Jjr Way.It's early in the springtime. Oh. Shenandoah. U $m hey. we're love your daughter. Way. bob off their tails. ^«=r# i.||J. 85 .¥ll. Shen-an-doah. Oh. we round up the dogies. I'm bound to leave you. I ^^ Way. long to hear you. hey. we ' re bound a-way 'Cross the wide Mis . I love your daughter. hey. hey. chorus Mark— and brand— and Shenandoah Slowly <J. hey. Way. you roll Traditional Oh. bound away 'cross the wide Missouri. we're bound away 'cross the wide Missouri. you rolling river! I Oh. Bg Bb F gj*''"" r You'll f r fib F 1? If 'N with me. .da Cm a And Ab he J # ^^^ i J - . come a-waltz-ing im 86 Eb ^ # ^ Ma . - J sang as he watched and wait ed till his bil ly boiled.. with me!" chorus. da.JLn^t. Al Waltzing Matilda put 1 Once } a } jol - ly E\> swag man Cm AP camped by a bil - la - bong Un - der the shade of I a rf'^''" r cool - M i r tree. ^ r til - sb? § § - ^E Ma . ^ Q I Eb r K[y Eb P B ^' i Waltz-ing Ma- da. i ^ AjT Ab ^ B ^ 1^ - bah And he sang as he watched and Q Cm I (jr" J' > - '' till j' ji bil - ji ly wait ed his boiled. waltz-ing Ma-til -da. fib Eb i f 'You'll t 1 F come a-waltz-ing.til Ab ^s W .til . Matilda. Inc.Y. with me.* "You'll with glee. with me." Repeat chorus. Down came the stockman." cried he.* "You'll come a-waltzing." Repeat chorus. And his ghost may be heard as you ride beside the billa- bong. riding on his thoroughbred. Matilda. with me.til - da with me!" Down came a jumbuck to drink beside the billabong. Down came the troopers one. you've got in your tucker- come a-waltzing. Up jumped the swagman and plunged into the billabong. N.8^7 e|> "You'll come a-waltz-ing Ma . he sang as he talked to that jumbuck in his tucker- come a-waltzing. Matilda. "Where's the bag?* "You'll jolly jumbuck. "You'll never catch me alive. ^Substitute this line for third line of chorus Used by permission of Carl Fischer." Repeat chorus. three. Up jumped the swagman and seized him And bag.. two. 87 . M at night \ ! f^^ the Walk ing - long mead f - - ow way. > I? > -^ h . ll J' I' JJ p- r be . Hey! 88 . side maid en gay. Zanzig m i i ff/ •f ^ f r- J' 1 ^' - } the J' Home from ^ ^ - Walk-in^ at night a long mead . pum. Sweetly it echoed over hill and dale. we heard the nightingale.en gay. t pum-pa. pum. Hey! f^ # # fczf but second time — t V MM* 4-V f h pp M F ^' ^ m > # Sto-do-le. pum-pa. sto-do-le.. ^^ sto-do-le.ow way. it echoed over hill and dale. we heard the nightingale. W t i ( a t be - Ss ? side the dance my maid . Nearing the wood.D. pum-pa. O p- > Sto-do-le. pum-pa.i ! pum. Nearing the wood. - I M my I'' I' i m i Home from the dance Much faster.— Walking at — 4 Night Translated version and Czech folk song byA.. sto-do-le. pum-pa. fcz±: ^ M \ F IM > f f ^ i? ^m > Sw:eetly Sto-do-le. Sto-do-le. sto-do-le. sto-do-le. 89 . For auld lang syne.. Birchard and and National Recreation Assn. Repeat chorus. And here's a hand. published by C. For auld lang syne. of love. Boston. We'll tak' a cup o' friend. C. We'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet For auld lang syne. kindness yet. my dear. so bright as her one word SiuqiiiQ America. my trusty And gie's a hand o' thine. never bro't to mind? Should auld acquaintance be forgot And days of auld lang syne? And Chorus For auld lang syne. Used by permission of pub- Auld Lang Syne By Robert Burns Should auld acquaintance be forgot.Many the stars that brightly shone above. Hey! Co. But none so bright as her one word Many the stars But none From lisher that brightly shone above. copyright owner.. of love. add a new word in the measure before the Oh! Have group repeat this and sing all preceding 3. Zum ga-li gal-li. 4. and sing. 5. Gen-tile Al ^ - ou - et - te. Le nez. Zum ga-li gal-li gal-li. Le dos. rai la tete.rn^ rn^-\mn \ i fTjin long. 90 . As we work we sing a song. We will dance. Zum gal-li gal-li. i ^ o E Al ou - ^ et - D7 \ G N Fine fi=3i te. Les pattes G m ^ Al - D7 «. ^ k ou et - te. 7. and be gay. 6. E - Le pied. i I J J J 'J 3^=^ ^ w mp \ \ Zum ga-li ga-li gal-li. Je j'° Je ! I - } - te plu me - ^ te f - plu - me rai. verses in reverse.Zum Gali Gali Palestinian Folk Tune Key: E minor Steadily . We sing it all day When we reach the end of the day. Le cou. Alouette French-Canadian canoe song Allegretto Each time you sing the melody. i the II : ( far r North - f w- f a- It's land that's ^- A) me J . I ^ I .. Et la tete. i iJ'^ ii J It's ^V-tr-rf=:t 4' d #— 4 ' the load. Oh! The Far Northland Tune: "Road to the Isles"— from Songs of the Hebrides By M. j' .. for-est in the ^^ ^ It's take with m\ pack-sack to the the call on ^^ me of the p As step r I ^ J' I pi for North with the sun-liKht my jH') load. Where you i\ U. If ^t=\ you're ^m your in-ner think -ing in heart there's Con tin ued on next page 91 . D7 DC Et la tete.J # <!f>^r Je ff If plu - p- ji |. By Lake Dun-can and Clear-wa-ter to jm WJ^' Bear-skin J. Kennedy-Eraser P'^ 1 ^>T J' I. J tete. te me - rai la chorus.] As j. wail. ^' ^ ^ call-inK a-way ite *fe i i ^& road.M I J'iOj^jJ^JrgF see the loon and hear his plain-tive will go. e. ^ - J - JL I U j' lee 0. " e. Yodeling Song i By an old Swiss mill. . p - ^ - Mr lee! J' f - U-lee U-lee 1^' loves 0! am f - »^/ F glad J to ^r know. On a spark-ling rill. JH J' - j J^. e. U-lee 4>' 92 » - f e. Lives a i^^' } maid J - ^ en J fair. " J! - '' i r e. J'i>- ii to I J. . f with j. ^. ^' ^ me jr ^ so. ^' ^ ^ I That she U-lee ?• [ y 4^'' i r - i r - ir - i f J - e. i' r ^' . It's r ^'. You've nev-er been a-lonj. / I I my pack-sack the road. 1 - In gar den rare. U pI lee ^' i^'' o. She f" - will wait for me. U I - lee 0! Tho i. U-lee- <!J/J i' i J J' - f cross the sea. the bor-rier Ml ^S^ P take I iJMrrr rf^^c the far North-land that's a-call-injj -'''f me a-way As trail.4 u 1 ' J : ^'>^' in i ^ 1 1 "1 i| I swag-Ker my step. > U - g lee i' M^ e. The Herdsman With spitit i^h'^ ^ 1. He — seek - eth — his — i^O flock ^ as — O he » I' .a. Ho - e a! milking on the hillside But at evening Belle calls him: In the is morning he till noon. "Come Hans!" "Coming soon. Ho - le'. Ho - m r le J' - t - a. t - at e''- r - I' f I ' I Ho-le-e e a. he -man — — mer - sinKS all day long. Ho-le-e- > if / t / ? a. Ho - le e m - e - e - a. Ho - i } le - >n a. chant - eth this song. The — Ho herds ^"^^ JL^' is 1 ^ ry. f - ! le - If - I I e - e - Ho - le a." 93 . Repeat chorus.Battle Hymn of the Republic Key: Folk melody B Flat. His day is marching on. Glory. glory! Hallelujah! Glory. to answer Him! be jubilant. I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps. He sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment seat. Time: 4/4 By Julia Ward Howe Mine eyes have seen the glory He He is coming of the Lord. have seen Him in the w^atchfires of a hundred circling camps. Repeat chorus. 94 . glory! Hallelujah! Glory. trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath of the are stored. Oh. my Our God is marching on. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never is call retreat. They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps. is His truth Chorus marching on. be swift. feet! my soul. hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword. glory! Hallelujah! His truth I is marching on. Hal - le - I u — jah! 95 . To hear Jor-dan roll. row the boat a shore.t> E^ ^ E^ e^ E^ B^ ^ my E^^ Oh. I Roll. Yes. Jordan. to hear Jor-dan roll E^ i 1. To hear Jordan Michael Row the Boat Ashore (jfAi' J jN' i jah! i' ^' f aI M shore. Q Et> E^ E^ Lord! A - sit-ting in the Kingdom. h ' ' m Mich-ael. * ^E want to go to Heav-en when E^ I die. Jor-dan. Yes. Kingdom. row the boat J Hal Jl - le y $ 3z: i J. preachers. Roll. lu- Mich-ael. i M^' Bi^ Bb I r F if ^ B^ bP B. broth-ers. you ought t'have been there. Oh. Jor-dan. my Lord! A-sitting in the roll. ^ B> ==5 I roll. Roll r^EC $ E 4= ? roll.Roll. you ought t'have been there. U dig J J my grave J. There's a starry crown up in I ain't a-gonna be here much longer. There's a starry crown up in Heaven for me. I ain't a-gonna be here much longer. Heaven for me. There's a golden harp up in Heaven for me. .You Can Dig My Grave $ i ± 9 You can dig W W— grave F7 my ^ with a 3 sil-ver spade. There's a golden harp up in Heaven for me. 'Cause 96 I ain't a-gonna be here much longer. There's a long white robe up in Heaven for me. ain't here much There's a long white robe up in Heaven for me. ^ 'Cause 'Cause fib /^^TN f Bb i a-gon-na be I J long i er. There's a golden harp up in Heaven for me. There's a long white robe up in Heaven for me. with a You can dig my grave with a sil-ver spade. There's a starry crown up in Heaven for me. Repeat first Jacob's Ladder Key: B Flat c » ^ 6f ' # - i ing -* * lad-der. I'd like to be a soldier. rings. ain't a-gonna be here much longer. Soldiers of the cross. Soldiers of the cross. We are climbing higher and higher. '— &- We are climb Ja - cob's We are $ climb s - ^^ Jac-ob's lad-der. verse. t We G are C s climb - ing ing $ ^ Jacob's ^ C t ^ # Sol-diers of ladder. 97 . think I'd make a soldier? etc. the Cross ^^ C Every round goes higher and higher. Do you Yes. Soldiers of the cross. etc. Soldiers of the cross.^ You can pluck one You can pluck one You can pluck one 'Cause I Heaven string and the whole Heaven string and the whole Heaven string and the whole rings. rings. etc. etc. Used by permission. Mj r ba J i |' fir thesha F7 i r - i f ^^ With Bb Stroll-ingthro' dy lanes. ^^ i That in You And r that's r a f ve - ry good sign Bb i she's 2 your C7 -(»- toot - sey woot - ^ sey the Eb -tf»- F7 B? II - i>'' ^ r I good old sum - mer time. Marks Music Corp.In the Good Old Summertime chorus lb *-=- 4^" 1 J In i' zr- ^ sum - the good old Eb I mer - time. Copyright Edward B. ^m y J ' Bb r the f r ir i - In good old Bb sum mer - time. 98 . I r £ i r your bv mine. i i)'' —o — b p her hand hold and she Bb holds yours. as she rides by. know I love you. So can see her. question: Will you be mine? question: Will you be mine? Answer my Answer my Build Will you be mine. dear. as she rides by. Angels in heaven. hear the wind blow. as she rides by. in know I love you. Write me a letter containing three lines. Know I Angels love you. So I can see her. I Roses love sunshine. dear? Will you be mine? me a castle forty feet high. dear.# — Down in the Valley D7 m Down in the ^— val - # 0- f val-ley i low. 99 . I I 'i: wind blow. dear. know I love you. ley. the so i i D7 ? Hang your i head ^ over. violets love dew. heaven. the $ t Hang your head ^ ^ o - I ver. D7 hear the I rj Hear . f hear the wind blow. As she rides by. i wind blow. .f p i i lil-y J 171 n Two two the white boys clothed and ^p rush-es. oh. Leader ^^ I'll sing you three Hos. ^. oh. the ri - vals. one and a-lone ev-er more ^ be-e what is your one One is and Leader all a-lone t^ more shall } be-e J'' i so. ^ i i Hos.!!. If '^'- -^^ J ^ £ E rush ^' - Green grow the Le(i(ler - es.i all j ij'-i ev-er All J } more shall a-lone and i^ be-e so. Green grow the Leadei what are your three p- ? Hos.Green Grow the Rushes. oh.pfp One 100 is M^^ all J and i'^-''' J ^ shall . . Green grow Leader the rush-es.' Three three (f. f f all in green ho. - Oh Lender All i I'll sing you one Ho. ^^ ? Ho! F M one F f F=K J ^ and ^ ev^. I'llsingyou two f two Hos! what are your ^^r p- P ^' HI ^ ^ IP' Two two the HP r^ all in y white boys clothed and green ho. (j>M One is M one and ii^. To Dixieland I'm bound to travel. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. Emmett Key: C wish I was in the land of cotton. away down south Away. away. This song a of fun and will prove popular with the crowd once they it. away down south There's buckwheat cakes and Indian batter. 101 . catch on to Four for the gospel makers Five for the cymbals at your door Six for the six proud walkers Seven for the seven stars in the sky Eight for the April rainers Nine for the nine bright shiners Ten for ten commandments Eleven for the eleven that went to Heaven Twelve for the twelve apostles Dixie Words and music by Dan D. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. in Dixie. away. In Dixieland where I was born in. Makes you fat or a little fatter.Leader continues lot to add one more verse while group joins is in singing hack through all of previous verses. I'll In Dixieland take my Hooray! Hooray! stand to live and die in Dixie. in Dixie. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. Old times there are not forgotten. Then hoe it down and scratch your grabble. I Chorus Then I wish I w^as in Dixie. Repeat chorus. Early on one frosty mornin'. Away. Look away! Look away! Look away! Dixieland. He's got the wind and the rain in His hands. in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. His hands. He's got you and me. brother. wide world J in J J J J 1 . roun' W His hands.|/i. brother. He's got the world m^ . He's got you and me. brother. He's got the wind and the rain in His hands. He's got the whole world His hands. He's got the little little bitty bitty He's got the He's got the little bitty He's got the whole world in baby baby baby His hands. I ^E=«rf the His hands. He's got the sun and the moon in His hands.1 ^g^ in His hands.1 . He's got the whole world in His hands. in His hands.He's Got the Whole World in His Hands Moderately fast ^^ ft in in E^ E^ ti > ^ I J whole world He's got the I I M He's got l| ^^ ^ big. in His hands. in His hands. in He's got you and me. in His hands. 102 . everybody here in His hands. Heab'n. I Got Shoes (^A^jJ I J (^ i J J 1 p ^^ p p J-p p got shoes.He's got He's got He's got He's got everybody here in His hands. Hfr Heab'n. Used by permission of the copyright owner. the whole world in His hands. j/^' ^ H' n n' n> go-in' there. ^A'f When nn I ^'^' p I ^^ ^ go to f r gon-na put on Heab'-n p r^' ^ E g ^ ^ a-bout \ walk all ob. Copyri^jht 1951. 103 . Mills God's Heab'n. He's got the whole world in His hands. -^'^' i r r all ^F^ -^--^^" i ^ Heab'n. He's got the whole world in His hands. He's got the whole world in His hands. you got shoes. everybody here in His hands. All God's chil-dren got shoes. Ev-'ry-bod-y talk Heab-n' ^A. Inc. Gon-na walk ob-er God's Heab'n. He's got the whole wide world in His hands. Gon-na Heab'n. ^^ ain't my shoes. i P —* Lord. And when the sun begins to shine. Lord. When the new world is revealed. And when the revelation comes. And when the revelation comes. 1 when the Saints go $f march c - ^ ing ' O in. how I want to be in that number. 104 . ^ I want ^ to i be in that num-ber. And when the new world is revealed. When the revelation comes. And when the new world is revealed. C When the C i Saints go march-ing ^ G7 i in. when c the f Saints go c march-ing $ in. how I want to be in that number. how I want to be in that number. Lord. i Oh. Lord. And when the sun begins to shine. When the sun begins to shine.When the Saints Go Marching In i c X ? Oh. Ini-. Isi-il li. man down! Oh. . iiu-. And when they gather 'round the throne. .Mills .\ iHTmissiini .. the I A7 ' I i Give us J I > l i I' I some time to blow the man down. i blow the P If ^' (? Way. Em m I^ ^ I ^ aye.Y.>. blow the man J' lad - I j) blow i' P man down. Blow the Man Down ^ } \ ftil J-|>- ^ ^ } lad-dies. Mills Music. how I want to be in that number. Lord. \ ^- ^ F Oh. N. Used by permission of Edwin H. Inc. ^ " 105 . down.. Morris and Co. When they gather 'round the throne._ Anaiijiiimnl n»|i\ rinlil !!•.And when they gather 'round the throne. dies.Mu>ii-. blow the man down. A7 blow the man down. ot. $ Swing F ^ low. l'^ w F i - J^ i to > cary - J^ g v^om in for ry me home.Swing Low. Sweet Chariot fe chwus s. E sweet :nar E w Swing low. ^ Tell Com-in' to car-ry When But F <5 ' I J ^' ^' J I'm I JMi com-in' ji^ji af-ter in' j^ me. . The I'm bright-est day up that ev-er saw. F /Vnf <!^>ui J' -in' ji J to J' i - . my soul heav'n ly 106 . p band all of an -gels my friends en wash'd comsins Heavstill my feels a - - way. MA sweet ^. 4'^ ii for ji i > Mr me home. bound. some -times and some- times down. char - . F F ^ 1 jf)^ I ^ Jp^i o-ver Jor-dan > IJM' i and be - looked what did fore I I I see. i - ot. i j-^. rz Com for car ry Bi> me home. If you get there do. too. don't you cry for me. Com - in' to Oh. The weather it was dry. Susanna By Stephen Foster Key: F come from Alabama. It rained all night the day I hft. come from Alabama. oh. With my banjo on my knee. I Repeat chorus. don't you cry. I'm coming from the South. I I'm going to Louisiana. With my banjo on my knee. I thought I saw Susanna A-coming down the hill. The sun so hot I froze to death. 107 . Says I. Susanna. I've Oh. I've had a dream the other night. The tear was in her } for jl ) car - i ry ^ me home. come from Alabama. When everything was still. oh. My true love for to see. don't you cry for me. The buckwheat cake was in her mouth. With my banjo on my knee. don't you cry. Susanna. Susanna. Chorus Oh. Susanna. Lord. Lord. i my Lord. Lord. lij J'Jjj j j-jj^^ Lord. . Someone's crying. Lord. Q r\ my Lord. Lord. 108 Kum Kum Kum ba yah! ba yah! ba yah! Kum bay a. Lord. Lord. Kum ^ Kum ba $ yah. Lord. Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah! Kum bay a. Someone's praying. Someone's praying. Lord. Someone's singing. J ^ ba yah! my Lord.KumBaYah Slowly ff)?^ Kum } N'ba yah. Someone's crying. Lord. Someone's crying. s Kum ba yah! ^ Kum ba C C i ^ yah. Someone's singing. Lord. Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah. Lord. Kum ba ya. Someone's singing. Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah! Someone's praying. Kum ba yah! Kum ba yah! Kum bay a. Lord. Max lit»i4. helpful. Kum ba va. 109 . Lord. loyal. Lord.SCOUT LAW VERSION (Repeat verse with score. Ohio. Kum ba yah! Lord. Lord. Lord. Lord. Kum ba yah! A Scout is reverent. is is is trustworthy. Lord. Kum ba yah! A Scout is cheerful. Kum ba yah! Lord. Lord. A Scout is brave. Kum ba va. A Scout is obedient. Kum ba yah! Lord. Kum ba yah! Lord. Kum ba yah! A Scout is clean. Kum ba yah! A Scout is kind.) A A A Scout Scout Scout Lord. A Scout is friendly. Lord. Kum ba yah! A Scout is courteous. Kum ba yah! A Scout is thrifty. Lord. These words ui-rt' iinn)duct.'(i al thi- National Cuuniil Annual Meeting held in Cleveland. Lord. Kum ba ya. Onward.til Onward. Glory. Leads against the foe. 110 . ye people. Christian soldiers. Repeat chorus. Blend with ours your voices In the triumph song. Christian Soldiers Key: E Flat Sir By Sabine Baring-Gould and Arthur Seymour Sullivan Onward. then. This thro' countless ages Men and angels sing.I>iK*£t. Marching as to war. Christian soldiers! Marching as to war. Christ. See His banners go! Chorus Onward. laud. the royal Master. Forward into battle. With the cross of Jesus Going on before. With the cross of Jesus Going on before. Join our happy throng. and honor Unto Christ the King. 4-r ? igf^'U us. day." Ill . Jif to J thanks and bless Help us do Thy will. Grace Song By Gen. i» i i tf # # g ^ may sil-ver and green and gold: Live that the sun-set ijjV' I ' 11 I -' f I ^ to find us worth-y His gifts hold. Lew Wallace and Laurence Danforth ^ $ ? ^ of all if ^ ^ have 'Tath-er God:- What we ^ i here is 1 of P Take Thou J i our Thee.=s.Grace Bv Marie Gaudettel ^^ i fcS ^ < ^^ J' > J J' a God has cre-at-ed a new # ^^ =i. M . ^^ n ni ^ M n MM i mal-chey ha I'-sho- m' lo-chim ha-ko-dosh bu ^ lom mal-a'-chev ^m s mal-a'-chev ^ g ha-sho-lo ^ m el von Mi me-lech j/ Qn .C.Sholom A'leychem Peace to You. L^^ ^ - D. Goldfarb Not iz too fast <fi>'l g Sho-lom J Jl- M iiJMJ i von y'" I Jjjil a'-ley-chem mal-a'-chey ha-sho-reys i ^'M'^' mal-a'-chev :e5 el ^ Mi ^ ^^ ^~V -me-lech ¥i p J '^ a ^' *fc i^ iJ' ma-chey ha-m' lo-chim Bo-a'-chem M J - ^ S ^^— ^V M H' ^ M * ^ ha-ko-dosh bo-ruch hu ^' ^^ rT~l Fine V£>V fi ^ g V- sho-lom mal-a'-chev ha-sho-lom r! a' - f mal ^ el iJ yon \ ^ - .. Angels of God. chev Mi me-lech i^ j/ g^ Bor-chu- p - '^ '' I i-B p > ji fi jii -^ ruch hu. 112 .dlFiue I mal-chey ha - m'lo-chim ha-ko-dosh bo ruch hu. A melody sung on Friday evening to welcome God's Angels to the home in accordance with legend I. Give Us of Your Blessings. joyful and triumphant. shalt Wipe from Banish care and silence fear. And to ov ^^ r di - I # Thou Speak of -^ f vine r ^ 'ry trou - bled breast P shalt be-hest. Gottheil and A. 113 . Binder Slowly ^^ Come.W. — rest! Thou ev'ry cheek the tear. O Sabbath Day A simple melody in keeping with the Sabbath. All things working for the best. shalt rest. and bring peace and heal-ing ^^ rir III - jA W i ^ J ^ I \ J 4 4 ' r I r I r I ^ 1 on thy wing. All Ye Faithful Tune: ''Adeste Fideles" Key: A all come. come ye to Bethlehem! Come and behold Him.Come. ye faithful. Teach us the divine behest. let let us adore Him. let us adore Him. the day of rest By G. born the King of Angels! come ye. i r1 J^^ r the Sab-bath day. Thou v rest. Thou shalt rest! O Come. Christ. us adore Him. the Lord. come. come. come. 114 . Whene'er we hear that glorious word. 1861 F. holy faith. living In spite of dungeon. abide with me! Faith of Our Fathers Key: G still. ^ ^ 3i: oth-er J help-ers and com- forts flee. Lvte. Change and decay in all around I see. its glories pass away. Mankind shall then indeed be free. Chorus Faith of our fathers. jA. 1847 ^^ A - bide with me! Fast is The <j)^'"" i J ^ dark-ness ^ J i J r ir i r r e - falls the ven tide.Abide With Henrv Me William H. Monk.} Help J of S a - the help. Thou who changest not. To win all nations unto thee. We will be true to thee till death. bide with Swift to its close ebbs out life's little day. how our hearts beat high with joy. And through the truth that comes from God. and sword. fire. Earth's joys grow dim. J I 1 >J a - deep-ens. with me ^ bide! | J I J r I When r fail. we will strive. Lord.less. Faith of our fathers. Repeat chorus. Faith of our fathers. O The wonders untold. We Thank Thee for the Night Bv Rebecca J. with its store of Hath stablished it fast by a changeless decree. Oliver l)itsiin ((nuiiaiix . it descends to the plain. ? And to all E that lJ makes the If dav ~| so fair. Prim. like a And round it hath cast.Father. we thank Thee for the night. piTmissidn of thv fniiyri^rhl duiUT. care mantle. recite? Thy bountiful It what tongue can it breathes in the air. Our Shield and Defender. It steams from the sweetly hills. shines in the light. and girded with praise. To be to others kind and good. care. 115 . Hr\ n Mawr. Help us we do. Thy power hath founded of old. in work or play. the Ancient of Days. F=K for ^ pleas-ant ^s rest the morn - ing For It and food and lov - ^ ing $ liuht. II do the things we should. And distills in the dew and the rain. Almighty. the sea. gratefully sing His power and His love. Pavilioned in splendor. Weston and Daniel Batchellor m i i In all Isi'd li\ P'U And tJ' J' Fa-ther. Worship the King Key: A Flat worship the King all glorious above. earth. To grow more loving ev'ry day. ev'ry tribe this terrestrial ball To Him all majesty ascribe. Who fixed this floating ball. (Repeat last two lines) Let ev'ry kindred. And crown Him Lord of all. while the day grows . ye morning stars of light.MJ. Work r while the dew is F F I ' F 4' 116 I i'l ' . And crown Him Lord of all. And crown Him Lord of all.Ni. C F f St Work B-^ B^ thru the morn-ing hours. Work mid spring-ing flow'rs. C. (Repeat last two lines) Oh. (Repeat last two lines) Work for the F Night fc Is Coming ^m Q F Work. Brin^ forth the royal diadem. HJ Work . for the ^^ night is ^ com F bI^ i ing. Now hail the strength of Israel's And crown Him Lord On of all. that with yonder sacred throng We at His feet may fall.! J spark-ling. We'll join the everlasting song. (Repeat last two lines) Crown Him.All Hail the Power of Jesus' Name Tune: "Coronation" By Edward Perronet and All hail the Oliver Holden power of Jesus' name! Let angels prostrate fall. might. come to the church in the vale. Rest comes sure and soon. - J the Un der glow-ing ^ sun. come. Church in the Wildwood There's a church in the valley by the wildwood. As the little brown church in the vale. is No spot As the so dear to my childhood. in the vale. for the night is is :^ i When man's work is done. for the ni^ht is coming. No spot is so dear to my childhood. Repeat chorus. for the ni^ht coming. come in the wildwood. Fill brightest hours with labor. to the church in the dale. come. No lovelier place in the dale. the clear ringing Its tones so sweetly are calling. ^m^^ Work. 117 . Give ev'ry Hyin^ minute Something to keep in store. list to a bright Sabbath morning. Chorus 0. come.i^ bright - ^J J er ] | :. Come to the church 0. Work. little brown church How sweet on To 0. bell. com-ing. When man's work is o'er. come. Work thru the sunny noon. Work. Ancient of Days! . Come and 118 reign over us. Thou Almighty King Key: G Come. O'er all victorious.Day Is Dying in the West Tune: "Chautauqua" Key: A Flat. Come. Lord God of hosts! Heaven and earth are full of Thee. Holy. holy. Help us Thy name to sing. is Time: 6/4 Day dying in the west. Wait and worship while the night Sets her evening lamps a-light Through Chorus all the sky. the night. the day. Lord of angels. Pass the stars. And shadows end. on our eyes Let eternal morning rise. Help us to praise: Father! all-glorious. Lord Most High! When forever from our sight. Heaven is touching earth with rest. Repeat chorus. Thou Almighty King. holy. Heaven and earth are praising Thee. house. my Father's house. 2C peace. is There's sweet communion my Father's house. in my Father's house. in In my Father's is There'll be my Father's house. To my F fath-er's house. peace. rr my Fath-er's ^^^ F house. Now rule in every heart.Come. 3£ J to * J ^ Oh. There'll be no parting there. m house. holy Comforter! Thy sacred witness bear In this glad hour: Thou. won't you come with w F C7 house. who almighty art. in 119 There peace. i There is 3E peace. Spirit of power! My Father's House i^ ^ ^m me C7 to P my fath-er's F to Oh. there. peace. peace. There's sweet In communion in there. won't you come with F me C7 my Fath-er's F i5 house. And ne'er from us depart. my Father's house. peace. in my Father's house. no parting there. peace. . in my Father's There peace. With Him My Soul Rests in Fearless Calm. V'ach-aray kich-los ha-kole L-vah-do yim-loch no-raw V'hoo haw-yah.C. 120 . v'hoo ho-veh V'hoo vee-veh b'sif-araw. zay me-lech sh'-mo nik-ro. traditional Jewish The hymn which ends the Sabbath and high holyday services Moderately Cm Cm $ n i: 1=3 .A'don Olom Lord of the World. B'yah-do af-kid roo-chee B'ace e-shan v'ah-eraw Vim roo-chee g'vee-yah-see Adonoi lee v'lo e-ra\v.=5 A' -don ^ 0lorn a'-sher mo-lach ^ Cm na-a'-so i B'- I Gm ^ Gm G te - rem-kol y'-tzir niv-ro L'-evs v'- Cm i chef-tzo kol £ A - m Cm Cm D. Who Reigned Alone While Yet the Universe Was Naught. There's a Long, Long Trail Key: G There's a long, long trail a-\vinding Into the land of my dreams, Where the nightingales are singing And a white moon beams: There's a long, long night of waiting Until Till my dreams all come true; when itf the day I'll be going down That I long, long trail with you. |)i'rmi»i()n X'll li.\ M. \\ iimaik ti Siiii>. N.V.. co|i.vrii:lu iiuniTs Around the Campfire Bright O.A. Kirkham jintj Oh! F i J. j^ J J i J J J 1 1 ;' P blaze. We'll store ^ 07 set the camp-fire burn-ing, Let's sit a-round the r^ ^ coming i good mem-'ries f" f up, ^ To J ^ E in ^m i w ^ -W7 use ^m days. bI> some right C7 J. pic- ; ture J A of good f J fac-es all U. light. 1^ i Who com-rades? With aJ. J I : J i J ? 121 sat be-neath the stars and sang, A-round the camp-fire bright. Tell Me Why ^^ Tell m me why G C ati:^:: JUF F u; Tell the stars do shine, ^^ why the ^^ i - vy twines, Tell ^ ^^ me why me the sky's so i' -'• r^ Tell r ^ ij ^ just i I blue, me (Camp) why love vou. Because God made the stars to shine, Because God made the ivy twine. Because God made the skies so blue, Dear old (Camj)) . that's why I love you. Campfire Medley Key: G will shine tonite, Our boys Our boys They're our boys will shine; will shine tonite, all down the line. all dressed up tonite, don't they look fine! When the sun ^oes down, and the will shine. lies lies moon comes up, Our boys My Bonnie My Bonnie My Bonnie over the ocean. over the sea; lies over the ocean, 0, brinK back my Bonnie to me. brin^ back my Bonnie to me, BrinK back, brin^ back, to me; brin^ back my Bonnie to me. BrinK back, brin^ back, Sailing, sailing, over the 122 bounding main, For many a stormy wind shall blow Ere Jack comes home again! Repedt. Key: F Goodnight, ladies! Goodnight, ladies! Goodnight, ladies! We're going to leave you now Merrily we roll along, roll along, roll along, Merrily we roll along, o'er the deep blue sea. In the Evening by the Moonlight James A. Bland Xot too sloir $ mW In the > > ^ by i J^ A h N ev-'ning the moon-light You could ^ G7 fib F ^ i m^J^ j'stJ hear those camp - ers ^?=t by ^ C7 i }. - } In E the sing ing, ^^ could ' ev-'ning the moon - light You J those ? J' ^ J F i'- J. ^ the hear ech - oes ring -ing. How !• A would J > it! > Ji camp fib i r sit ^ ^ - ers en -joy They would f lis - all night and C7 ten As F ^ we light. P G7 ^ in ^>0 sang ; the ) >• > by Ji l > itr-i ^=^ ev'-ning the moon- 12a ^ Vive rAmour $ A' ! £ Let '' ^^ ev - T good ^ fel ry low F7 now : . i - ve ^"^ . ve ?: la ? com - ^ pag me: ^ i i 1 ^ Vi ———— ^ ^ i^ ^ 9 i ^ 1^ f i r. *—* ¥ M ^ \ Suc-cess to each F7 oth-erand pass it a-long. B' Vi ve la - pag- i w $ f me. i V - ^ =^ P com '\ join in a song. B I? ^ ^ 1' 1 1' . F Vi - . While our campfire fades away Silently each Scout should ask: my daily task? Have I kept my honor bright? "Have I done Can I guiltless sleep tonight? Have I done and have I dared Everything to be prepared?" 125 .Now wider and wider our circle expands. Scout Vesper Tune: "Tannenbaum" Key: G. Repeat chorus. compagnie! We sing to our comrades Vive la compagnie! la Vive in faraway lands. Time: 3/4 Softly falls the light of day. is safely rest. gone the sun. Let us pledge each other that we'll keep we Scouting friendships. from the hills. Time: 4/4 Day is done. From the sky. God nigh. strong and deep. Soni. Round about the whispering trees Guard our golden memories so before And close our eyes in sleep. light Fading dims the sight. gems the sky. We have met in comradeship tonight. Gleaming bright.By the Blazing Council Fire "Till Tune: Key: We Meet A^ain" Time: 3/4 A Flat. And a star afar. From the lake. From drawing nigh. Falls the night. Till me meet usfd li.\ again. (•nii\ri.ihi nu iic Taps Key: F. 12() . All is w^ell.. By the blazing council fire's light. til If |iriiiiissi(in nf Kcinick Music ('iii|i. The 32 Boy Scout's Prayer. The Father. the Power of Jesus' Name 1 16 God Bless America Grace 111 111 45 Alouette 90 44 46 America Grace Song America. More We Get Together. A By the Blazing Council Campfire Medley How Do You Do' 126 f 5 You're Happy Got Shoes 16 122 23 103 I'm Hiking Camp Menu Song 'm Happy When 65 123 Camporeeor Jamboree Hymn Chaparral Song 64 n the Evening by the Moonlight n the 82 117 Good Old Summertime 12 98 Church in the Wildwood Points to Mmeself Clementine 76 113 1 van Skizavitzsky Skivar 've 34 35 Come.5 Abide With Me 114 120 Forward America 49 The 10 A'DonOlom All Hail Grand Old Duke of York. The 93 69 World Battle Hymn Republic 94 Here's to the Boy Scouts Be Prepared Bingo 11 56 He's Got the Whole m His Hands 105 Great To Be ScoutHi Ho! 102 Blow the Man Down Nobody Home 57 on the Range 29 Boom! Boom! Gee ing It's Hiking 53 of Home America 75 Boy Scouts 50 62 Fire Horses Run Around. The 38 31 Gang's All Here Are You Sleeping? Ham and 121 Eggs 26 Around the Campfire Bright Auld Lang Syne Happy Wanderer. Thou Almighty King 18 've 54 Cowboy's Sweet Bye and Bye. The Hello! Hello! 80 89 6 Back in the Saddle Again of the 70 Herdsman. The Day Is 74 Want 33 97 10 37 Dying 101 in the West 118 Jacob's Ladder Dixie John Brown's Baby Dogie Song 84 31 John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt Johnnie Verbeck Down Down by the Station in 18 the Valley 99 KumBaYah 108 Drool Song 40 78 London's Burning Michael Finnegan Michael 30 41 Dying Cowboy. The We thank Thee for the Night My Father's House 119 127 . Sabbath Day Been Workin' on the Railroad Got That Scouting Spirit a Girl Come. The Faith of Our Fathers 114 91 1 1 Row the Boat Ashore 95 8 Far Northland. Oh Hail! Hail! the 100 4 Animal Fair. the Beautiful Green Grown the Rushes. Roll 95 30 We're All Together Again. Long Trail On My Honor There's Something About Boy Scout Onward. Sweet Chariot 106 The 72 Taps Tell 126 122 121 a 77 Me Why One Finger. Row Your Boat Scout Hearted We're Here for Fun We're on the Upward 6 Trail Men 68 56 104 116 Scouting Marches On Scouting 66 When Work the Saints Go Marching In for the Night Is We Go 67 Coming Scout Leader's Prayer 55 61 Yodeling Song 92 96 68 Scout's Good-Night Song You Can Dig My Grave You Can Tell a Scout Vesper She'll 125 Scout Be Comin' Round the Mountain 14 ZumGaliGali 90 128 . All Sholom A'leychem Smile Song the Morn- Dad O'Mine Oh! 39 How I Hate To Get Up Stars and Strips Forever. We're Here Row. The Raviolli 36 Vive I'Amour 124 11 Walking at Night 88 Red River Valley Roll. La. The 42 48 ing 39 107 Trail. The Trail of Eagle 60 Pick a Bale of Cotton 59 15 Pink Pajamas Tra. Christian Soldiers Worship the King 115 59 110 52 This Land Is Your Land 81 Pack Up Your Troubles Paddle Song. 73 Waltzing Matilda 86 7 Jordan. The Oh. One Thumb 63 17 There's a Long. Row. Susanna Old Chisolm Old Paint Swing Low.Chester! 25 Ye Faithful 7 in Shenandoah 113 85 112 Come. La Quartermaster's Store. Star-Spangled Banner. The Three Blind Mice 29 22 9 28 Three Jolly Fishermen Three Paw-Paw Patch Philmont Grace Philmont 20 57 Wood It Pigeons Throw Out the Window 24 Hymn 41 58 21 Torch of Scouting.
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