Bosch Manual REXROTH BOS6000 Users Manual
Electric Drives Linear Motion andand Controls Hydraulics Assembly Technologies Pneumatics Service Rexroth BOS 6000 1070087074 Edition 01 User Manual Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Title Rexroth BOS 6000 Type of Documentation User Manual Document Typecode DOK-PS6000-BOS6000****-AW01-EN-P Purpose of Documentation The content of this manual refers to • the structure and the functionality of the BOS 6000 user interface. Record of Revisions Previous editions Release Notes Date DOK-PS6000-BOS6000****-AW01-EN-P 06.2006 Copyright © Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH, 2006 Copying this document, giving it to others and the use or communication of the contents thereof without express authority, are forbidden. Offenders are liable for the payment of damages. All rights are reserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design (DIN 34-1). Validity The data specified above only serve to describe the product. No statements concerning a certain condition or suitability for a certain application can be derived from our information. The given information does not release the user from the obligation of own judgement and verification. It must be remembered that our products are subject to a natural process of wear and aging. Published by Bosch Rexroth Electric Drives and Controls GmbH Postfach 11 62 D-64701 Erbach Berliner Straße 25 D-64711 Erbach Tel.: +49 (0) 60 62/78-0 Fax: +49 (0) 60 62/78-7 28 Abt.: BRC/PAW1 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH iii and Controls Contents Contents The BOS 6000 Help System................................................9 Software version.........................................................................9 Activating Help .........................................................................10 Description of the symbols in the menu lines ...........................11 Show (Unhide)/Hide.............................................................11 Previous (Back) ...................................................................11 Next .....................................................................................11 Start page (Home) ...............................................................11 Print .....................................................................................11 Show Contents (structure) view ...............................................12 Keyword search........................................................................12 Text search...............................................................................13 Use favorites ............................................................................14 Including topics in the Favorites list .....................................14 Displaying the topics in the Favorites list.............................14 Deleting topics from the Favorites list..................................15 Renaming the topics in the Favorites list .............................15 Safety Instructions ............................................................ 17 Why” and “What for”? ...............................................................17 Symbols used...........................................................................18 Proper use................................................................................19 Qualified personnel ..................................................................20 Safe working practices .............................................................21 Trademarks, copyright..............................................................22 Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface................. 23 Basics.......................................................................................23 Overview of the interface structure...........................................24 Meaning of important icons ......................................................26 Functions in the menu line .......................................................28 File | Para. data import/export | Export …............................28 File | Para. data import/export | Import …............................28 File | Exit ..............................................................................28 Edit | Programming ..............................................................28 Edit | Diagnosis....................................................................28 Edit | Setup ..........................................................................29 Edit | Correction ...................................................................29 Edit | Oscilloscope function..................................................29 Edit | Export record set ........................................................29 Edit | Autobackup.................................................................29 iv Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Contents Edit | Timer change..............................................................29 Edit | Copy ...........................................................................29 Edit | Firmware changing .....................................................29 Edit | Login...........................................................................29 Language.............................................................................29 Functions | Timer reference.................................................30 Functions | Spot reference...................................................30 Functions | Prewarning ........................................................30 Functions | Error table .........................................................30 Functions | Network overview ..............................................30 Functions | Protocol .............................................................30 Functions | Compare ...........................................................30 Functions | Parameter overview ..........................................30 Functions | Rights administration.........................................30 Help | Help ...........................................................................30 Help | About .........................................................................30 The available windows .............................................................31 Login ....................................................................................31 Timer Reference ..................................................................32 Add/ChangeTimer................................................................35 Connection set-up................................................................38 Programming .......................................................................41 Programming: Schedule ......................................................42 Programming: Seq. Pg.2 .....................................................55 Programming: Stepper.........................................................61 Programming: General ........................................................72 Programming: Electrode ......................................................80 Programming: Thyristor-Unit-Parameter..............................93 Diagnosis .............................................................................96 Diagnosis: Diagnostics I/O...................................................97 Diagnosis: Users Diagnostics I/O ......................................100 Diagnosis: Start Simulation................................................101 Diagnosis: Timer-Information.............................................104 Diagnosis: Last Weld .........................................................106 Setup .................................................................................107 Setup: Stepper curves .......................................................108 Setup: Tipdress curves ......................................................110 Setup: Fault-Setup.............................................................111 Setup: Communication ......................................................112 Correction ..........................................................................116 Correction: Correction........................................................117 Spot Reference..................................................................119 Prewarning.........................................................................121 Error table ..........................................................................123 Network overview ..............................................................125 Protocol..............................................................................127 Compare ............................................................................131 Parameter Overview ..........................................................133 Set Access Level ...............................................................134 FTP-Upload .......................................................................134 Backup...............................................................................136 Restore ..............................................................................136 Autobackup........................................................................137 .........................................................153 Delete timers from BOS 6000 ...............................171 Print spot reference ........141 Para...........................................................................................................154 Change the communication data of logged-in timers . 153 Exit BOS 6000..172 Delete spot references ................................................187 .....................177 Upgrade the timer firmware..................................................................................................................................................................172 Enter/change spot references .......................................176 Replace a defective timer..................................................................................144 Set Counter....................................146 Force calibration .............................................................1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH v and Controls Contents Timer change.................157 Export timer data (backup) ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................175 Import parameter data from ASCII file.................................171 Import spot reference ...........................158 Restore Timer data (download)............140 Firmware change ..............................................................................................................-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Restore)....-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Backup) ........................................................173 Show electrode status ...........160 Influence data comparison at program start..........................................................149 Detail Info............................................................................................................159 Compare Timer Data...............................156 Import Timer Reference ......................................139 Copy ..183 Perform current calibration .......................179 Reset faults .....................................................................153 Log in timers to BOS 6000 ...171 Export spot reference to an Excel file...........................................................................................................................................................166 Show / Print / Export logs ......172 Compare spot reference........169 Export spot reference ....................................................................................................166 Filter tables.......................................145 Current calibration ....................173 Confirm electrode change ..................................155 Export Timer Reference ................................148 Spot Comment..174 Set electrode counter .........167 Change parameters and transfer to timer ............................163 Copy the contents of a numerical input field ...............184 Perform force calibration ...........143 Para................................................................150 How to ….........................................................................................................................................................................................................156 Copy Timer Data ....................156 Print Timer Reference .......................................................147 Corresponding Programs..................................165 Sort tables ............................172 Display spot comments .162 Define access levels for individual objects ........................................................................................................................................................................................175 Export parameter data to ASCII file.181 Add fault information .............................................................................................................................................. .............................................................................203 Electrode dressed ......202 Stepper exceed ......................192 External Over-Temperature..............................204 ...........197 24V off/to low.........................192 Control stop .................................198 Supply Voltage Fault ................................................................................................................192 Power-Unit not ready..................................................................................................................................................... 191 Stop / No 24V .......................................................196 Half-Cycle Monitoring .................200 Weld internal ..................................................................................................................................................................................199 No Weld external.............................................................................................................................193 Transformer temp too high .....................................202 Dress-Request reached ..............................201 End of stepper ..............................................................................................................202 Prewarning reached Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Contents Fault messages .......................203 Max..194 Memory deleted............................................................................200 With stroke.............................................................................................193 Battery-Low .....197 Sequence externally cancelled..............................................................................................................................................201 Extended electrode life Near End of Stepper ......................................204 Cutter1: Dressing process aborted....................................................203 Tipdress prewarning.....195 I/O-Bus Fault .................................................................................................................................204 Cutter1: Max............196 Circuit Breaker Off............................................................................................................ with weld..................202 Electrode changed ................................................................................194 No schedule programmed .........................199 Weld external .................................198 Timer switched on ......................194 Data download started ............................................................................................................................................................................199 Power voltage off/to low receipt .....204 Cutter1: Cutter not running....194 Hardware Fault..............202 Dressing necessary.....................203 Electrode life tipdress .......................................................200 No Weld internal....... number of spots welded before dressing.................................................................198 Power voltage to high................193 Cooling temperature too high ...............................................198 Power voltage off/to low ......200 %I too large/Force/Pressure too high/PHA is too high .......................................................200 Extend stepping request............................................. no weld....................................................201 End of stepper ....................200 No stroke................................................................................................................................196 Synchronization OK................................................................196 Sync / Power Fault ..................................................................................................191 Weld without Command ......................................................................................................197 Start Inhibited ........... mill duration exceeded............................................................................................................191 Stop circuit closed .197 Program Parity Fault ..............................................203 Cutter blade changed .......................................................................... ...............211 Diode Over Current ..................................................................214 Weld Contactor Gun 2 Did Not Open ..........................................................205 Cutter2: Max...........................................................................................................................................215 Mains Power Balance Monitoring Ok .213 No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 1........213 No Water Flow Gun 1............................................................................................................................. primary current reached ................................217 Scaling: no measuring value received.........................................................................................................................................................................................................................210 Current measurement range exceeded … ...................................................................205 Cutter2: Dressing process aborted.................213 Isolation contactor feedback fault........................................212 Driver-Fault........HW ........211 Overcurrent or Earth-fault.207 Termination of Weld / no current ....216 Slave error............214 No Water Flow Gun 2...........................................205 Cutter2: Temperature fault ..............................209 Low Current-series of welds-… ....................................................................................................................................................................216 Welding-Fault Reset.............KUR Mode ...................................205 Cutter2: Cutter not running...................................213 No weld contactor enable................................................209 No current … .......209 Low Current … ..................................................................................215 Mains Power Balance Monitoring Activated ................................................................................................................................................................................................217 ....................................................................................206 Secondary monitoring circuit is open ...210 Weld time too long … .....................206 Phase Angle prewarning reached .......................................................................................................................................206 Maximum Phase Angle Reached .....................206 Cutter2: Motor protection trip...................................................................208 No Weld..........................................................208 Without regulation......................214 Weld Contactor Gun 1 Did Not Open ...........216 Scaling: no valid measuring value received ....213 No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 2................210 Weld time too short …..............................................208 Inhibit Monitoring Mode Active ................216 Current Measurement Range Exceeded...............................215 Auxiliary contactor monitor ........................................................................216 Scaling: Communication error ................................................................................1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH vii and Controls Contents Cutter1: Temperature fault .......214 Weld Contactor Gun 2 Open ........................................211 Diode defect ........214 Weld Contactor Gun 1 Open ........215 Fault-Reset..................214 Monitor contact open................................................208 Primary Voltage Measuring Fault ...........................................................................204 Cutter1: Motor protection trip.....................................209 Over Current … ....................................................................................206 Cutter2: Emergency-Stop...........................207 Secondary monitoring circuit is shorted ......................................................................208 Reweld By Timer Active .... without monitoring ....205 Cutter1: Emergency-Stop................212 Max............ mill duration exceeded...................207 No voltage 1...................................... ..............................................................224 PSQ memory deleted ...................................................................224 Glossary .219 Force monitoring: time too long........................................... 225 Index ...................... primary / secondary current too large .......................220 Error US measurement .........................................................223 PSQ not available....................................................................................................................217 Scaling: Sequence aborted .........223 USP communication error ......................................................................221 PSQ hardware fault ...........................................................223 PSQ sequence error.........................218 Scaling: result invalid..........219 Force monitoring: Force/Pressure too high ..........................................................217 Scaling: wrong mode..................................222 PSQ internal communication error . 235 ....................221 USP too low.......................................................................219 Force monitoring: Force/Pressure too low ...................................................................................................................................222 USP temperature too high....................................................................................................................................220 Error US control loop......................223 PSQ watchdog fault..........................................................................221 USP too high .............224 PSQ ok ...........................................220 PSQ Sequence Cancelled............221 USP not calculated..............................................................................................222 PSQ temperature too high...........................................................221 spot repetition with US ...........223 US measuring loop fault ............................................................................................218 Scaling: current out of range ..................................................218 Scaling: Diff.............................................................................................viii Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Contents Scaling: protocol fault .................................................................................219 Force monitoring: time too short..............................222 USP hardware fault ................................................................................................. 14.12. File History. version data Copyright 2002-2006.2004) Note: For more information on BOS: File Readme. you will find basic information concerning the BOS 6000 Help system.5 (20.05.0 (10. Software version Help version: 2.htm (English) or file History_GER. including applications for protective rights.2005) Valid as of BOS software version: 1. All rights reserved. installation.htm (German) (Directory "Bosch Rexroth AG"): Modification history of the individual BOS versions. via menu item Help | About…: Part numbers.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 9 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System The BOS 6000 Help System In this chapter. update or removal of the software.chm (Directory "Bosch Rexroth AG"): System requirements. . . input field below mouse pointer) is detected and a suitable help topic is called up when Help is invoked by pressing F1. The Help window displayed is divided into 3 major areas: • top: Menu line. the Help is “context-sensitive“. Note: In many areas. you may choose various Help functions. Activating Help The Help system can be activated in different ways: • via Help menu item in a BOS 6000 window • via Help command button (if available and not dimmed) • via F1 button if any window of the BOS 6000 interface is active. Keyword search. All information is provided for reference only and is subject to change at any time. Text search and Use favorites. • left: Display area for the following functions: Show Contents (structure). • right: Field for displaying the contents of the subjects. That means that the current system status (active window. Here.10 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Reproduction or distribution by any means subject to our prior written permission. No liability is accepted. Previous (Back) • While you navigate through the Help topics. the system remembers all topics viewed in the order they have been called. You can choose whether you only want to print the current Help topic or its sub-topics as well (if existent). Next jumps forward one position towards the end of the navigation path. Print • Opens the ”Print help topics” window. Start page (Home) • Jumps directly to the first Help topic.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 11 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Description of the symbols in the menu lines The following functions/icons are offered in the menu line of the Help window: Show (Unhide)/Hide • Shows or hides the left window area containing the “Content”. “Index”. Next • If Previous (Back) has been pressed at least once. . “Find” and “Favorites” tabs. Previous (Back) jumps back one position towards the beginning of the navigation path. Then you confirm your choice by pressing OK and follow your computer’s print dialog. enter the desired term in the “Find keyword“ field. the system will choose the lower next keyword from the list according to the sort sequence. you simply have to double-click on the book symbol. If the left window area does not appear. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. For this purpose. move the mouse pointer to the left window area. 2. 3. the system displays the description relating to the contents. For searching. To show/hide sub-topics. Note: To fully extend the structure tree or to close the branches except the main topics. Click on the “Content” tab in the left window area. . 2.12 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Show Contents (structure) view In the left window area. press the right mouse button and then select “Open all” or “Close all” in the pop-up menu appearing. If the left window area does not appear. The available Help topics are shown in a tree structure. Click on the “Index” tab in the left window area. All keywords are listed in alpha-numerical order in the keywords list. Click on the Show (View) command button to view the relevant description. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. If no exact entry match is found. it compares the string entered to the available index entries. Note: Book symbols represent a topic with sub-topics. The description relating to the topic can be displayed by double-clicking on an index entry. Keyword search 1. By clicking on a Help topic. the system will select a corresponding keyword from the index list. you can view the structure of all available Help topics. 1. 4. After each character input. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. Click on the “Find” tab in the left window area. you may use the wildcard character “*” for any possible string. 3. but not “2003”. OR. 2. If the left window area does not appear. 4. . For searching. NEAR. however. Click on the List topics command button to list all topics that match the query.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 13 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Text search 1. NOT operators and the bracket symbols “(“ and “)”. Use the check boxes in the lower left part of the window to define the desired search scope. The search itself is not case- sensitive. the operators have to be written in capital letters. enter the desired term(s) in the “Find term“ field. the relevant topics can be displayed by double-clicking on a list entry or by clicking on the Show (View) command button after having selected a topic. If necessary. The individual search terms can be logically combined by the AND. Now. Example: The query “help AND (version NOT 2003)” will find all topics containing both the terms “help” and “version”. 5. Use the functions "Contents (structure)".14 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Use favorites Topics that are frequently needed or especially important can be included in the permanent Favorites list that is listed in alpha- numerical order (and can even be given a different name there!). Click on the “Favorites” tab in the left window area. . the topics of interest are immediately displayed again. If desired. If the left window area does not appear. 4. In the lower left display area. Note: Alternative to Show (View) command button: • Right-click on the desired topic in the Favorites list • Select menu item ”Show (View)”. 3. "Text search" or "Use favorites" in order to display the relevant contents. Including topics in the Favorites list 1. you can change the topic name according to your requirements. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. 3. Displaying the topics in the Favorites list 1. after closing and re-opening the Help function. If there are any entries in the list. "Keyword search". 2. the system will enter the name of the topic in the “Current topic” field. Thus. The topics displayed can be included in the Favorites list under the name displayed by clicking on the Add command button. If the left window area does not appear. you can display the relevant topics by double-clicking on a list entry or by clicking on the Show (View) command button after having selected a topic. Note: Alternative to Add command button: • Right mouse click in Favorites list • Select menu item ”Add”. Click on the “Favorites” tab in the left window area. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. 2. If the left window area does not appear. 2. Enter the new name for the topic. Click on the “Favorites” tab in the left window area. If the left window area does not appear. Renaming the topics in the Favorites list 1. Note: Alternative to Remove command button: • Right-click on the desired topic in the Favorites list • Select menu item ”Remove”.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 15 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System Deleting topics from the Favorites list 1. 3. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. 3. Note: Renaming can be canceled by hitting the Esc key. . 5. Select the relevant list entry and click on the Remove command button to delete the entry. you can show it using the Show (Unhide) menu line symbol. 2. Right-click to select the relevant topic and select the “Rename” menu item 4. Click on the “Favorites” tab in the left window area. Acknowledge the new topic name with the Enter key. 16 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls The BOS 6000 Help System . These products pose no danger to persons or property if they are used in accordance with the handling stipulations and safety notes prescribed for their configuration. Information concerning • the mechanical construction • the electrical connection (24V supply and I/O) and • the functionality of the hardware addressable via BOS is described more in detail in the relevant manuals. and proper operation. Nevertheless. Store this documentation in a place to which all users have access at any time! Ö You should know and understand the issues at stake before installing. you should always contact your supervisor! . you will also find safety information that is important for product handling. mounting. manufactured and tested in compliance with the fundamental safety requirements of the EU machinery directive. there still is some residual risk! Ö Please note the information provided in the previous section in this context! The present information refers to the • Functionality of the BOS 6000. There.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 17 and Controls Safety Instructions Safety Instructions This section contains important safety-related information. Why” and “What for”? The products described were developed. Ö In case of uncertainty. connecting or commissioning the products or programming the system. the “Welding User Interface”. If a special order has to be observed. CAUTION Note: This symbol is used to draw the user’s attention to special circumstances. Ö This symbol indicates that you have to do something or have to create certain conditions. .18 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Safety Instructions Symbols used This symbol is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with instructions may result in personal injury. the relevant paragraph will start with a serial number instead of an arrow. DANGER This symbol is used wherever insufficient or lacking compliance with instructions may result in damage to property. and • are suitable for operation in industrial environments in accordance with the following standards: EN 50178. class A equipment may only be used if it does not inadmissibly interfere with other equipment. safe functioning of the product requires proper transport. in trade and commerce as well as small enterprises. or environmental hazards. storage. EN 50081-2. in Germany.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 19 and Controls Safety Instructions Proper use Our weld timers • serve for resistance welding of metals in connection with a welding transformer and the appropriate power unit. Any other application is deemed improper use! The consequences of an improper use include personal damages of the user or of third parties as well as damages to property – the technical DANGER equipment. the workpiece to be processed. . erection and installation as well as careful operation. In residential environments. please contact the Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (RegTP) or its local branch offices. The faultless. an individual permit of the national authority or test institution is required. our products should only be used for their intended purpose! Note: For operating the hardware in residential environments. EN 50082-2. The BOS 6000 user interface described here serves for • Operation and • Parameter input of weld timers of the PSS 5000 and PSx 6000 series. EN 60204- 1. in trade and commercial applications and small enterprises. Therefore. Such personnel are • those who. Our Erbach Didactic Center will be pleased to provide you with further for the latest information on training courses. .boschrexroth. Project engineering. Please note our comprehensive range of training courses. start and operation as well as the modification of program parameters is reserved to properly trained personnel! This personnel must be able to judge potential hazards arising from programming. or electronic equipment. program changes and in general from the mechanical. telephone: (+49) (0) 60 62 78 600. programming.20 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Safety Instructions Qualified personnel The present documentation is designed for specifically trained engineers with special knowledge of the welding technology. and the welding transformers. This may cause the death or considerable health damages! Therefore. teachware and training systems. the function of cardiac DANGER pacemakers may be disturbed. Risks for persons with cardiac pacemakers! Due to the strong magnetic fields arising from resistance welding. the power units used. electrical. They must have sound knowledge of the software and hardware components of the weld timers. Please refer to http://www. being well trained and experienced in their field and familiar with the relevant norms. these persons should avoid the welding system. are able to analyze the jobs being carried out and recognize any hazards which may have arisen • those who have acquired the same amount of expert knowledge through years of experience that would normally be acquired through formal technical training. moisture. the function of wristwatches..g. Note: Also note safety information that is important for product handling. . prior to fault reset.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 21 and Controls Safety Instructions Safe working practices Program start is immediately possible after fault reset! If the start signal is present when a fault is reset DANGER (acknowledged). For more detailed information. Therefore. EC cards) may be disturbed for ever. Provide suitable packaging to protect data media against hazardous external influences (such as dust. please refer to the relevant manuals: Tampering with the hardware or software and ignoring safety instructions/warnings can result in serious bodily injury or property damage. you should not carry such items on you while working in the immediate vicinity of the welding system. Strong magnetic fields! Due to the strong magnetic fields arising from resistance welding. the timer will start its program run immediately! This may result in dangerous machine movements! Therefore. you should not carry CAUTION any floppy disks on you while working in the immediate vicinity of the welding system. Loss of data/Damage to floppy disks/CDs! Never expose floppy disks to the effects of magnetic fields! Therefore. heat) or store them in a proper place. make sure that there is no-one in the hazard area of the welding equipment. CAUTION pocket watches or magnetic stripe cards (e. 22 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Safety Instructions Trademarks. • Reverse engineering of our software/firmware is illegal. The software may only be reproduced with our approval or in accordance with the license agreement of the respective manufacturer. all installed software is copyright–protected. unless described otherwise in the product documentation. are reserved to specialized personnel. Note: Interventions in the hardware and software of our products. . copyright • All trademarks of software installed on our products upon delivery are the property of the respective manufacturers. • Upon delivery. Note: BOS 6000 can be operated using either the mouse or the keyboard. you need to have a rough knowledge of the operating system (MS Windows 2000 or higher): • operating the mouse and keyboard • entering data with the keyboard into input fields. the welding user interface) can be used for weld timers of the PSS 5000 and PSx 6000 series. • changing the size/position of a window. there may be timer-specific differences in terms of scope of functions. please always note the documentation relating to your specific timer including the safety instructions provided there! In order to work with the user interface. or selecting data from lists. Basics The BOS 6000 software (i. Within the user interface. you will be familiarized with important icons and the functions of the menu bar as well as the structure of the user interface and the purpose of the different windows. .e. this may result in certain parameters/functions being invisible or dimmed. closing windows • changing paths to folders via a dialog box if your settings differ from the default. Ö Therefore. While this ensures an identical operating philosophy of all timers.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 23 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface In this section. and • its branch structure.24 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Overview of the interface structure The table below shows the following information for all windows within the user interface • the name of the window. Description of the columns: • Level 1: Contains all windows that can be open at the same time. Level 1 Level 1a Level 2 Level 3 () Reference</LABEL () > () (Timer</LABEL>) set-up</LABEL> the BOS 6000 main Schedule</LABEL> window Seq. • Level 3: Can be called up from level 2. In this way. Pg. The table entry “the BOS 6000 main window” represents a menu shown in level 1a.2</LABEL> ( Stepper</LABEL> Counter</LABEL >) General</LABEL> Electrode</LABEL> calibration</LAB EL> . If the window name is written in brackets ( ). • Level 1a: Contains all the menus that can be displayed in the BOS 6000 main window. you can find the path leading to a desired window quickly and easily. changing to another open window is not possible unless the relevant window has been closed. • Level 2: Can be called up from level 1. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 25 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface <LABEL calibration</LAB EL> Thyristor-Unit- Parameter</LABEL> Diagnostics I/O</LABEL> Timer- Users Diagnostics Information</LAB I/O</LABEL> EL> Last Weld</LABEL> Start Simulation</LABEL> Timer- Information</LABEL> Last Weld</LABEL> Stepper curves</LABEL> Tipdress curves</LABEL> Fault-Setup</LABEL> Communication</LABEL> Correction</LABEL> Reference</LABEL > ( ( Info</LABEL>) Counter</LABEL >) table</LABEL> overview</LABEL> ( Overview</LABEL> ) ( Access Level</LABEL>) () change</LABEL> () change</LABEL> ( Import/Export (Para meter-Backup) ) . Opens/selects the ”Timer Reference ” window. Opens the ”Login ” window. Opens/selects the ”Prewarning ” window. the background of the “Spot Name” field additionally changes from white to yellow. .-Data Import/Export (Para meter-Restore)) () ( Programs</LABEL> ) (Spot Comment) Meaning of important icons Within the BOS 6000 main window. Opens/selects the ”Spot Reference ” window. In this case. Opens/selects the ”Protocol ” window.26 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface (Para. opens the ”Corresponding Programs ” window. left) which has not been assigned as the only spot to a program. retrieving information or triggering certain functions by a simple mouse click. Cannot be selected unless at least one comment has been assigned to a spot (for assignment of comments: refer to Spot Reference window”). Opens/selects the ”Error table ” window. you may access a number of icons for opening other windows. Opens/selects the ”Compare ” window. Opens the ”Parameter Overview ” window. Can only be activated if a spot has been selected in the “Spot name” field (same row. Opens/selects the ”Network overview ” window. Opens the ”Spot Comment ” window. . Switches to the topic “Correction” in the BOS 6000 main window. the function has not been enabled by the Administrator for the user currently logged in. Switches to the topic “Setup” in the BOS 6000 main window. Can only be selected if an online timer has been selected in the “Timer” field (same row. Will not be displayed unless function has been enabled in the configuration tool. Note: If the icons described above are not shown or are dimmed. Switches to the topic “Programming” in the BOS 6000 main window. left) and a trouble-free connection has been established with this timer. Switches to the topic “Diagnosis” in the BOS 6000 main window. Will not be displayed unless the user has logged into BOS 6000 as Administrator.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 27 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Opens the ”Set Access Level ” window. Opens the ”FTP-Upload ” window. File | Para.-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Backup)” window. File | Para.28 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Functions in the menu line The menu line within the BOS 6000 main window offers access to a number of menu items for opening other windows. Edit | Diagnosis Switches to the topic “Diagnosis” in the BOS 6000 main window.-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Restore)” window. File | Exit Closes the BOS 6000 application (also possible by clicking on ) Note: To exit the application. Edit | Programming Switches to the topic “Programming” in the BOS 6000 main window. Note: If the menu items are not shown or are dimmed. data import/export | Import … Opens the ”Para. you must have the appropriate user privileges. The setting can be modified by an Administrator currently logged in using the “Set Access Level” window. Can only be selected if an online timer has been selected in the . Note: Many menu items can also be directly accessed via the keyboard. data import/export | Export … Opens the ”Para. The corresponding key codes are displayed by the system to the right of the relevant menu text. the function has not been enabled by the Administrator for the user currently logged in. retrieving information or triggering certain functions. Edit | Copy Opens the Copy window Edit | Firmware changing Opens/selects the ”Firmware change ” window. Edit | Timer change Opens/selects the ”Timer change ” window. .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 29 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface “Timer” field and a trouble-free connection has been established with this timer. Edit | Login Opens the Login window Language Immediately changes over to the selected language. Edit | Oscilloscope function Currently no function. Edit | Setup Switches to the topic “Setup” in the BOS 6000 main window. Edit | Correction Switches to the topic “Correction” in the BOS 6000 main window. Edit | Export record set Opens the Backup window Edit | Autobackup Opens/selects the ”Autobackup ” window. Functions | Parameter overview Opens the ”Parameter Overview ” window. Functions | Spot reference Opens/selects the ”Spot Reference ” window. Functions | Prewarning Opens/selects the ”Prewarning ” window.30 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Functions | Timer reference Opens/selects the ”Timer Reference ” window. Functions | Rights administration Opens the ”Set Access Level ” window. . Help | Help Opens/selects the Online help function. Cannot be selected unless the user has logged into BOS 6000 as Administrator. Functions | Network overview Opens/selects the ”Network overview ” window. Functions | Compare Opens/selects the ”Compare ” window.exe used when clicking on the “Module List” button. Functions | Protocol Opens/selects the ”Protocol ” window.exe and BOSServ. Functions | Error table Opens/selects the ”Error table ” window. and concerning the runtime libraries and the BOS6000. Help | About Displays information concerning BOS 6000. you can define whether and when automatic logout should be performed. . From the login.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 31 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The available windows In the following sections. the relevant user name must be deleted. Functions that are disabled are not displayed or will be dimmed. the “Everyone” user will be automatically logged in to the system after a certain time has elapsed without activity. Login Purpose: • at program start: • User login to system • to set the desired language (if enabled in configuration tool) • when BOS is already active: • to change user without exiting the user interface. you will be familiarized with the purpose of the individual windows. the system detects the functions of the user interface to be enabled or disabled. To deactivate this function. Note: Automatic login can be configured with the user administration function of the configuration tool. Note: In the configuration tool. a new user name must be generated and assigned to the “AutoStart” user group. If activated. For this purpose. Click on in order to select the desired language. or to import it into the internal database (Restore) .32 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Username Input the user name. Timer Reference Purpose: • at program start: • Display of basic communication parameters of all timers assigned to the BOS 6000. In order to change the language while BOS is active. Language Language selection. The language selection options can only be modified using the user administration in the configuration tool. Note: The ”Language” input field is only displayed at program start. Note: The user’s password can only be modified using the user administration in the configuration tool. use the “Language “ menu item in the BOS menu line. • to logon timers to BOS 6000 / delete timers from BOS 6000 • to define/change the ID and communication data of timers • to export (Backup) timer data from the internal database. Click on to select the desired user name from the list of users. Note: If the “Language” input field is dimmed. free language selection has not been enabled. Note: The user list can only be modified using the user administration in the configuration tool. For a description of the table columns. also refer to window “Add/ChangeTimer”). An asterisk “*” will be displayed for each character input. User-Password Enter the relevant password. • to save /print the timer reference • only when logged in as Administrator: to use the “Set Access Level" link to define the execution privileges (=write privileges) for command buttons and menu items in this window • to set the desired language using the Language menu item (if enabled in configuration tool) If the field in column “Software version” has a green background. a data record already exists in the internal database for the timer in question. Note: The check boxes cannot be selected unless the window is opened while the program is started. The check boxes in the “online” column are used to toggle the mode of the relevant timer between ONLINE and OFFLINE (for effects.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 33 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface • to save/restore/print the Timer Reference (table contents) • only when logged in as Administrator: to use the “determine user level" link to define the execution privileges (=write privileges) for command buttons and menu items in this window • to set the desired language using the Language menu item (if enabled in configuration tool) • when BOS is already active: • to display basic communication parameters of all timers logged into the BOS 6000. the corresponding field has a red background. refer to “Mode” in window”Add/ChangeTimer”). The check boxes at the left line margin are used to select timers for a desired activity. If no data record exists. Checking the uppermost check box will select/deselect all check boxes in the list. . . Note: The command is not available unless the window is opened while BOS is active. Import Recordset command button Opens the ”Restore ” window Note: The command button is not available unless the window is opened while the program is started. Continue command button Closes the window and pens the ”Connection set-up ” window Note: The command button is not available unless the window is opened while the program is started. Add command button Opens the ”Add/ChangeTimer ” window Note: The command button is not available unless the window is opened while the program is started. OK command button Closes the window.34 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: The check boxes cannot be modified unless the window is opened while the program is started. Export Recordset command button Opens the ”Backup ” window Note: The command button is not available unless the window is opened while the program is started. 1. click on . . Number of characters: min. In order to ping an IP address already entered in the timer reference table.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 35 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Add/ChangeTimer Purpose: • To define/change the ID and communication data of timers • To define the behavior when communication is built up if a discrepancy between the data of the timer and the database is noted. IP address Timer address within an Ethernet network. 48. • for TCP/IP link: to test the connection to online timers (ping) Timer name Input of a unique timer name. Timer comment Explanation text (optional). Number of characters: max. Prohibited characters: / | \ " ? * < > ' : Acknowledge your input by pressing the Tab key. Depending on the currently available hardware. the possible communication interfaces can be selected from a list box. Several identical names are not permitted in Timer Reference. max. Prohibited characters: ‘ Acknowledge your input by pressing the Tab key. Channel Communication port used. 65. All IP addresses assigned should be logged precisely! Timer address Timer address within a Field bus network. a serial address ID is automatically assigned to the timer. Make sure that an IP address cannot be assigned to several devices. Software Version Specification of the timer type and the necessary firmware version.36 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of malfunctions in the Ethernet network Entering any arbitrary address or changing CAUTION existing addresses may produce malfunctions in your Ethernet network! Therefore. the address is always “1”. . you should ask your systems administrator which address ranges have been reserved for the weld timers. Note: The permitted station numbers can only be modified using the configuration tool. COM port Defines the COM port (COM1. COM2) in connection with the V24 communication interface. Note: In OFFLINE mode. In connection with the V24 communication interface. the system tries to establish a connection with the timer under the given address. Operating mode ONLINE: When BOS 6000 is started. OFFLINE: In this mode. Diagnosis or starting program execution is not possible. The data of an offline timer is stored in the BOS 6000 internal database. program preparations and programming exercises can be made without a timer connected to the programming terminal. however. Station Station number of the timer within an INTERBUS network. Note: When adding a new timer to the timer reference. In ONLINE mode. Note: With “FW-Mode” you will have to remember that the counter statuses and actual values transmitted to the timer might not be up-to-date. the list box will not be shown. this check box will not be available. Actual values and counter statuses stored in the database will not be transmitted. • Timer -> DB: Default. Current actual values and counter statuses will not be transmitted. or in the course of a Firmware change (using the Save actual values command button) ! Note: In OFFLINE mode. Database data is transmitted to the timer. the system checks whether the data in the timer and in the database is identical. • DB -> Timer: Special case. Producing new data set Creates a new record with default values in the internal database for the relevant timer. The counter statuses and actual values will be updated in the database only when a record set has been created by the function"Timer change". Timer data is transmitted to the database. you can define the desired response here: • Selection: The system will offer a selection of further activities.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 37 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: This input must always be made in OFFLINE mode. • FW-MODE: Special case. Database data is transmitted to the timer. the list box will not be shown. . Actual values and counter statuses stored in the database will also be transmitted. The existing record will be deleted. Direction When establishing connection with an online timer. If it is not. The window is automatically opened/closed when communication with an online timer is interrupted/resumed.38 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Connection set-up Purpose: • at program start: • Status/error display . • when BOS is already active: • Self-acknowledging error display.Data match between the data in the database and in the timer . Note: If configured accordingly.Connection set-up to the online timers . a dialog will be displayed for a data mismatch between the database and timer data where further activities can be manually specified. .Database initialization for new offline timers The window will be opened as a status display during the starting sequence and is automatically closed when connection with all online timers included in the timer reference has been successfully established. the timers and their corresponding record sets are automatically synchronized in the internal database at once. green: Timer in question has been parameterized for ONLINE mode. yellow: Data match/communication set-up running. Timer data is transmitted to the database. the following dialog will be displayed in the event of a data mismatch: • Timer -> DB: Default. or after a dialog-controlled query. green: Record set is available. . BOS 6000 shows the data that does not match. • DB -> Timer: Special case. Possible field colors in column “Online”: blue: Timer in question has been parameterized for OFFLINE mode. Database data is transmitted to the timer.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 39 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possible field colors in column “Status”: red: Communication error. Response to data mismatch Depending on the configuration setting (refer to “Direction“ field in window "Add/change Timer"). If the query has been configured. Current actual values and counter statuses will not be transmitted. Actual values and counter statuses stored in the database will not be transmitted. • Display data: In another dialog window. The data match will start as soon as you have acknowledged the query by hitting OK.40 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Select the desired direction of the data match in this dialog and confirm your selection by hitting OK. . 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 41 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming Within the BOS 6000 main window. • Selection of the "Schedule" tab in order to program all fundamental. This function also displays information concerning the timer type (Timer-Type) and the current firmware version. the “Programming“ menu (selection by symbol ) offers the following options: • Selection of “Spot-Name”. setting the counts). “Timer”. pressure stepping).2" tab in order to program specific parameters for a welding program in connection with electrode force (pressure profile. • Selection of the "General" tab in order to define important settings that apply to the entire module. tip dressing. • Selection of the "Stepper" tab in order to program important functions of the electrodes used (stepping. “Program”. Note: In some cases. refer to “Explanations“ section. Note: For information concerning the Status line. • Selection of the "Thyristor-Unit-Parameter" tab in order to perform settings specific to the power unit. . or “Power-Unit” (the individual features depend on the selected tab). the settings are only possible at a certain user level. basic settings for a welding program and to display the %I-specific actual values during the last schedule of the relevant welding program. the signal characteristic of a freely programmable digital output and/or time monitoring. • Selection of the "Seq. • Selection of the "Electrode" tab in order to define important settings for the electrode gun and the transformer and to perform current or force calibration. Pg. “Electrode”. The %I-specific actual values during the last schedule welded with the electrode in question are also displayed here. 42 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming: Schedule Note: First you have to select the relevant welding program . Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. . "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer").indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. or .directly via the “Timer” and “Program” fields. - >Com. machine movements may be initiated even if “No weld” has been specified. Machine movements are also possible if Weld/No weld is deactivated If the WC contact is output at the end of the DANGER program run. execution of the program in question is not permitted. for example. Starting a program for which “Start-Inhibit“ has been defined will initiate the error message “Start inhibited". command button. . Note: The power unit will not be energized unless the following conditions are met: Parameter “Weld/No weld (P)” = “On” and Parameter “Weld/No weld (Global)” = “On” and (if existent) the “Weld external” input signal has been set. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when the welding program is started. refer to parameter “Start Inhibit (T)“. Therefore. Schedule Defines the desired sequence mode of the relevant program. Thus. it is possible to prevent a program that is not in use or to which no meaningful parameters have been assigned from starting. For inhibiting all programs of a timer. Start-Inhibit (P) If preset with the value “On”. Weld/No Weld (P) Defines whether the power unit is energized during the weld times of the relevant program (parameter value “On”) or whether it is not energized (parameter value “Off”). Also refer to parameter “Weld/No Weld (Global)“.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 43 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The values of the actual currents present can be accepted as new Reference currents for the relevant weld times using the Act. Any current portions included in the actual currents based on active Correction and Stepper values are previously stripped out. the timer will cancel the actual current pulse and start the hold time (HLD). Repeat: The weld timer initially responds to the start signal as in "single spot" mode and starts the welding schedule. the operator can pull on the welding gun towards the next spot. will be repeated for as long as the start input remains high. This parameter is relevant and displayed for equipment with thyristor power units only. Halfcycle Limit". Seam: Offers 2 fixed. starting with the pre-squeeze time (Pre Sqz). Note: The electrode-specific transformer inrush current can also be limited using parameter "1. Monitoring Defines the desired monitoring mode of the relevant program. For the next program start. 1. During the 2nd heat block. This schedule will be repeated for as long as the start input is high. if programmed. Standard: . For activation/deactivation of monitoring. If the start signal is still present after the end of the hold time (HLD). When the start signal becomes low. The Off time (OFF) runs. the Start signal has to be switched off and back on. the weld time (WLD) and a cool time (2. sequential heat blocks (1st and 2nd heat block) for each start event. and the welding schedule will be restarted .44 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Single: A high level at the start input initiates the welding schedule (or welding program) exactly once. Halfcycle after Pause-Time Limits the phase angle of the 1st halfcycle after each cool time (= transformer inrush current) for the relevant program. with the possibility of programming the duration and amount of current separately for each block. the solenoid valve will be energized again.CT). After the end of the OFF time. the solenoid valve signal will be switched off and the electrode gun is opened. refer to parameter "Current monitoring".this time beginning with the SQZ. During this time. The counts to be incremented by the timer in the course of the relevant program is also determined by this setting. Mixed: The rms value is measured separately for each heat block. Using this simple yet in many cases sufficient monitoring mode. Any cool times programmed will not be accounted for in the actual value generation for the individual heat blocks. however.. Electrode Defines the electrode (gun) to be used by the relevant program. .g. Note: Programs used for real welding should only use electrode numbers greater than/equal to 1. 2nd and 3rd heat block including cool times) is used for rms value measurement and determination of the actual value. any cool times and different current values existing in the individual blocks may change the measured result. Note: The max. This results in a greater transparency of the individual heat blocks. for a general reset of all electrode counters). Standard: The Regulation mode predefined for the 2nd heat block is applicable to all 3 heat blocks. The entire current profile (1st. the amount of data to be monitored remains small. Regulation Defines the desired regulation mode of the relevant program. Mixed: The regulation modes of all 3 heat blocks can be defined individually and independent of each other. compared to the relevant Reference current of a weld time and monitored by separate tolerance bands (for the 1st. 2nd and 3rd heat block). however. Electrode number “0” has been reserved for special applications (e. the amount of data to be processed becomes larger. compared to the Reference current for the WLD and monitored by a single tolerance band. number of electrodes supported depends on the timer type.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 45 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The complete current profile is represented by a single actual value. Pre Sqz The Pre Sqz is processed immediately following the Start signal in all three Sequence Modes ”single spot”.2 . you should also adjust the "Max. tab "Electrode") ! Otherwise. This function may possibly save user interventions. Time-Monitoring (Programming. Schedule) Defines the electrode force (in kN) used for welding by the relevant program.46 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Spot-Repetition Turns the “Spot repetition” function on/off for the relevant program. Note: A spot weld below the tolerance band (refer to "Lower tolerance band" parameter) is automatically rewelded no more than once if spot repetition has been activated. For more information. The settings can be made in the ”Correction” tab under the “Correction” theme . Note: In order to avoid undesirable side effects under certain system conditions. When spot repetition has been activated. and “seam”. there is no defined correlation between the value input and the resulting force at the electrode gun! I% and pressure correction displays Serve to display the parameters with the same names. Repeat Welds" parameter to your requirements. refer to sect. . Pg. Programming: Seq. the welding program concerned is automatically repeated once if Current monitoring has been activated and would respond by issuing the "Low current" or "No weld current" error messages." Base pressure value (Programming. Schedule) Turns the “Time monitoring” function on/off for the relevant program. “repeat”. its %I values must be within the tolerance band during the reweld. Note: The electrode force specified is only effective after proper Force Calibration or a proper input in parameters "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero-adjust" (refer to "Programming" menu. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 47 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface At the beginning of Pre Sqz. When welding repeated spots. The Pre Sqz precedes the SQZ in order to ensure that the electrode gun is completely closed even in the event of a long travel. If preheating is not desired. the working pressure of the electrodes is built up.. When slope is active.CT“.CT is relevant and can be changed only if a value greater than 0 has been programmed for the PreWld. the timer activates the solenoid valve signal to initiate the closing movement of the electrode gun. SQZ During the SQZ. The maximum permitted period of time can be limited using the "Programming" menu. the %I can be automatically sloped in the 2nd heat block. The electrode gun must be entirely closed at the end of SQZ. 1. the Pre Sqz will only be processed for the first spot of the series.CT. The following signals may prevent processing of the SQZ with individual timer types • Pressure contact • Pressure feedback from pressure control valve • NBS release PreWld Period of time for preheating the parts to be welded with the Pre Weld kA.CT Serves to reduce stress in the parts to be welded after the PreWld. There is no current flow. Slope Turns the “Slope” function on or off. tab "General". Note: The 1. The welding gun remains closed within the 1. with manual guns. Also refer to 1. No current flows during this period of time.g. No current flows during SQZ. this parameter can be set to 0. e. This “Slope” function is defined via the following parameters: UST (Slope-Time) . CT). also refer to 2. 2. The welding gun remains closed within the 2.CT“. Period of time during which the %I is linearly changed from the programmed Main weld current to the End slope if the “Slope“ function is active.CT. The maximum permitted period of time can be limited using the "Programming" menu. Period of time during which the current is linearly changed from the programmed Start-Slope-Current to the Main weld current if the “Slope“ function is active.CT With active pulse operation (Parameter "Impulse" has been assigned a value greater than 1) this cool time serves to reduce the stress in the parts to be welded after the WLD and separates the individual pulses (duration of a pulse: corresponding to the WLD). The DST always ends at the end of the 2nd heat block and is not interrupted by any cool times programmed in the 2nd heat block (refer to 2. DST Acts in conjunction with the "Slope" function. The UST always starts at the beginning of the 2nd heat block and is not interrupted by any cool times programmed in the 2nd heat block (refer to 2.CT). . There is no current flow. For more information. WLD Period of time during which the parts are welded together with the Main weld current taking a possibly activated Slope into account.48 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Start-Slope-Current DST (Down-Slope-Time) End-Slope Note: Activating/deactivating the Slope will result in a change in the heat balance! This effect may adversely affect the quality of the weld if the Main weld current is not changed accordingly! UST Acts in conjunction with the "Slope" function. tab "General". The welding gun remains closed within the 3. The timer resets the “solenoid valve” signal. There is no current flow.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 49 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: The 2. OFF Period of time until the next SQZ during which the gun is open in Sequence mode "Repeat" and can be pulled to the next spot to be welded. At the end of the HLD.CT is also active. the weld has been completed. Also refer to 3.CT. 3.CT Serves to reduce stress in the parts to be welded prior to the beginning of the PostWeld. tab "General". This is the only case in which the 2. the WLD is repeated corresponding to the value programmed for “Impulse”. Impulse Activates the impulse mode if assigned a value greater than 1. If post-heating is not desired. The duration of the 2nd heat block now depends on the number of WLD and the number of 2. Note: The 3.CT. the duration of the 2nd heat block exactly corresponds to the WLD. The welding gun remains closed during the HLD. In this way..CT is relevant and can be changed only if a value greater than 0 has been programmed for the PostWeld. this parameter can be set to 0. the weld complete contact (WC) is output. PostWeld Period of time for post-heating the parts to be welded with the . If necessary. the parts to be welded can be prevented from cooling down too quickly (due to the electrodes cooling). If impulse mode has been deactivated. HLD Period of time for cooling down the parts to be welded. . If impulse mode is active. The welding gun is opened.CT is relevant and can be changed only if a value greater than 1 has been programmed for the Impulse parameter (= impulse mode is active). There is no current flow.CT. The maximum permitted period of time can be limited using the "Programming" menu. End-Slope Desired base current at the end of the DST. In kA or %I. The maximum permitted %I is limited in the ”Programming” menu using the “Electrode” tab (via parameter “Upper current limit”). Pre Weld kA Desired base current during the PreWld. depending on the Regulation mode programming . The maximum permitted %I is limited in the ”Programming” menu using the “Electrode” tab (via parameter “Upper current limit”). . depending on the Regulation mode programming . In kA or %I. depending on the Regulation mode programming . The maximum permitted %I is limited in the ”Programming” menu using the “Electrode” tab (via parameter “Upper current limit”). In kA or %I. Main weld current Desired base current during the WLD. Pst Wld kA Desired base current during the PostWeld. The maximum permitted %I is limited in the ”Programming” menu using the “Electrode” tab (via parameter “Upper current limit”). depending on the Regulation mode programming . In kA or %I. Is influenced by the "Slope" function. Start-Slope-Current Desired base current at the beginning of the UST. The maximum permitted %I is limited in the ”Programming” menu using the “Electrode” tab (via parameter “Upper current limit”). depending on the Regulation mode programming . In kA or %I.50 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: The OFF is relevant and can be changed only if parameter “ Schedule” has been set to “Repeat” mode. Programmed %I values will be interpreted as command values for the power unit and input as %I. Also refer to parameter Monitoring. If a current sensor is available. the resulting current is largely independent of the conditions of the secondary circuit. it can be used to display the actual current and for Current monitoring. The resulting current exclusively depends on the conditions of the secondary circuit. Unacceptable actual values result in a fault message if the relevant Current Monitoring function has been activated. ref. A current sensor is not necessary. A current sensor must be available. PHA Programming the phase angle of thyristor power units or the pulse width of medium-frequency inverters. KSR Activates constant-current regulation. current” serve as separate command values for monitoring the individual heat blocks. current regulation is activated. No regulation is active. Furthermore. Note: The reference current cannot be programmed unless parameter Current Monitoring has been activated in the relevant heat block. The weld timer compares the measured actual rms current values (shown in the "Act. For this reason. Regulation mode Defines the desired regulation mode for the relevant program. current" fields) with these programmed values and interprets them as “good” or “bad” with respect to the relevant tolerance limits. Please note that actual current values are not monitored for programmed tolerance bands unless current monitoring is switched on! KUR (only available for some timer types) . Unless blocked by parameter "Control stopped". The Current monitoring function can be separately activated. Programmed %I values will be interpreted as command values for the %I controller and input as kA values. the "Monitoring" parameter influences the availability of the input fields for the 1st and 3rd heat block. taking parameter "Regulation" into account.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 51 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Reference current The parameters “Ref. Voltage feedback from the secondary circuit is necessary for this purpose. it can be used to display the actual current and for Current monitoring. The resulting current exclusively depends on the conditions of the secondary circuit. Note: The "Monitoring" parameter influences the availability of the input fields for the 1st and 3rd heat block.52 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Activating constant-voltage regulation. Programmed %I values will be interpreted as command values for the power unit and input as %I. A constant-voltage regulation is active for compensating line voltage fluctuations. the actual current values measured • are interpreted as good or bad (refer to parameters "upper tolerance band" and "lower tolerance band") • are monitored for a continuous decrease (refer to parameters "conditional tolerance band" and "repeat factor") Note: Current monitoring is influenced by the "Control stopped" parameter! Upper tolerance band Maximum permitted positive tolerance as a percentage of the Reference current. If this function is active. Turns the “Current monitoring” function in the relevant program on/off for the individual heat blocks (independent of the regulation mode). Current monitoring Note: A current sensor for measuring the actual current is necessary in order to use the “Current monitoring” function. A current sensor is not necessary. Programming the phase angle of thyristor power units or the pulse width of medium-frequency inverters. . Actual values above this tolerance limit generate the message type ”Current too high/Over current”. If a current sensor is available. If this value is exceeded. Conditional tolerance band Input as a percentage of the reference current. Must be smaller than parameter "lower tolerance band". Together with the "lower tolerance band". The “Repeat factor” determines the number of consecutive welds that may be within the conditional tolerance band. the timer will output the message “Series of welds below lower threshold point”. it defines a current range in the lower section of the tolerance band. Note: The "Monitoring" parameter influences the availability of the input fields for the 1st and 3rd heat block.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 53 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Lower tolerance band Maximum permitted lower tolerance as a percentage of the Reference current. Note: The "Monitoring" parameter influences the availability of the input fields for the 1st and 3rd heat block. . Actual values below this tolerance limit generate the message type ”Current too low/Low current” or “no current”. This parameter is used in connection with the "Repeat factor" in order to determine “creeping” faults of the system that cause a gradual yet continuous “decline” in actual values. schedule) The fields show the actual rms current values (in kA) measured in the individual heat blocks. refer to parameter "conditional tolerance band". the values displayed exactly correspond to the programmed %I values.54 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Repeat factor For a description. In PHA (and KUR) mode. schedule) Indicates the mean command value determined in KSR mode for driving the power unit (in %I) for each heat block. . The display fields right of the repeat factor (MIX … tolerance band error) indicate the number of consecutive welds already recorded within the conditional tolerance band. Middle PHA (Programming. Note: The "Monitoring" parameter influences the availability of the input fields for the 1st and 3rd heat block. Active reference current (Programming. there is no defined correlation between the value input and the resulting force at the electrode gun! .indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 55 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming: Seq.2 Note: First you have to select the relevant welding program . or . tab "Electrode") ! Otherwise. Pg. Pg. "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). Seq. Base pressure value (Programming.2) Defines the electrode force (in kN) used for welding by the relevant program. Note: The electrode force specified is only effective after proper Force Calibration or a proper input in parameters "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero-adjust" (refer to "Programming" menu.directly via the “Timer” and “Program” fields. Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. If the value 0 has been entered there.Stepper-Phase • "Count" additionally for the stepping phase with activated tip dressing Dressing-Curve Pressure after last Dressing Pressure for new electrode Acts program-specific in conjunction with the "Pressure stepping" function during the start phase. During the further development of the start phase. the pressure is linearly changed up to 100% of the program-specific base pressure value of a weld. It is enabled or disabled for the respective electrode parallel to the "Stepper" function via parameter "Stepper" (refer to "Programming" menu. the count and the tip dress counter. . no start phase will be used. you should enter 100% as “Pressure for new electrode”. tab "Stepper"). It depends on the parameter settings whether or not the (enabled) function is eventually active: for the start phase: Pressure for new electrode • "Count" for the stepping phase Stepper curve Pressure at end of 1.56 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Pressure stepping The “Pressure stepping” function automatically changes the pressure value (electrode force) between two consecutive phases (start phase and stepping phase) depending on the current program. In this case. The parameter defines the pressure (in % of the program-specific base pressure value) to be used for welding at the beginning of the start phase (normally when the relevant electrode has been replaced). tab "Stepper"). The length of the start phase for pressure stepping depends on the electrode-specific parameter "Count" (refer to "Programming“ menu. Its end is defined via the electrode-specific parameter "Maximum count" (refer to "Programming" menu. tab "Stepper"). . The course of this change (during the stepping phase) can be influenced by parameter "Stepper- Curve".Stepper-Phase“ is set to 100 (%).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 57 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Pressure at end of 1. In the course of the stepping phase. a Dressing-Curve is additionally active during the stepping phase. Note: If parameter "Pressure after last dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). The starting point of the stepping phase for pressure stepping depends on the electrode-specific parameter "Count" (refer to "Programming" menu.Stepper-Phase Acts program-specific in conjunction with the "Pressure stepping" function during the stepping phase. the pressure is increased up to the value entered for this parameter (in % of the program- specific base pressure value). starting from 100% of the program- specific base pressure value. no Stepper-Curve is active during the stepping phase. Note: If parameter “Pressure at end of 1. tab "Stepper"). Seq.e. . It initially determines the complete pressure change desired in the course of all dressing cycles until the last dressing (in % of the program- specific base pressure value). no Dressing-Curve is active for pressure stepping. The parameter serves for automatically calculating any pressure changes to be activated after a dressing cycle. The pressure change will be performed after each dressing cycle and will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). Pg. It will act in addition to a pressure change generated by the Stepper-Curve. A pressure change will be performed after each dressing cycle and will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). Pressure after last Dressing Acts program-specific in conjunction with the "Pressure stepping" function during the stepping phase. Seq. Pg. Note: If parameter "Pressure at end of 1. no stepper curve is active during the stepping phase.2) Defines one out of 10 possible curves (0 to 9) for calculating the pressure changes after a dressing cycle. the pressure change after dressing) can be influenced by parameter "Dressing-Curve". tab "Stepper curves". The course of this change (i.Stepper-Phase" is set to 100 (%).2) Defines one out of 10 possible curves (0 to 9) for calculating the pressure change characteristic within the stepping phase. The curve shape (pressure change as a function of counts) can be programmed in the "Setup" menu. a Dressing-Curve is additionally active during the stepping phase. It will act in addition to a pressure change generated within the stepping phase by the Stepper-Curve Note: If parameter “Pressure after last dressing“ is set to 100 (%).58 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Stepper-Curve (Programming. Note: If parameter "Pressure after last dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). Dressing-Curve (Programming. pressure changes can be input during execution of the relevant welding program. Time x. . FPO (freely programmable output) Note: This function is not available for all timer types. Note: If parameter “Pressure after last dressing“ is set to 100 (%). Pressure profile Turns the “Pressure profile” function on or off. The freely programmable output generates a digital output signal for driving external additional devices.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 59 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The curve shape (pressure change as a function of the dressing counter) can be programmed in the "Setup" menu. no Dressing-Curve is active for pressure stepping. The corresponding time spans are defined in parameter "Time x. Off-time" to "3. If the total of the programmed on and off times is longer than the time from the beginning of the Squeeze time until the end of the Hold time. Force x. the output will be automatically reset at the end of the Hold time.PV" and "Time x. tab "Dressing curves". Turns the “freely programmable output” function on or off. If the total of the pressure times is longer than the entire schedule duration from the Squeeze time (SQZ) until the Hold time (HOLD). The pressure profile including the pressure value and pressure time can be programmed in 10 steps (parameters "Force x. It starts with the squeeze time (SQZ) and ends with the hold time (HOLD).PT Periods of time (in ms) during which the corresponding pressure value ("Force x. Afterwards. Its signal characteristic can be freely defined for the relevant program from the beginning of the SQZ based on the order of the related parameters (1. only the Base pressure value) will be active.PV Pressure values (force in kN) for the "Pressure profile" function.PV") is output in conjunction with the "Pressure profile" function.PT").On-time").PV". If this function is active. the pressure profile will be cut off at the end of the Hold time. tab "Last Weld". Pg. Seq. Reference time Reference time (in ms) for the "Time monitoring" function. Parameters 1.Off-time and 3.tolerance (in ms) for the "Time monitoring" function. 2.2) Turns the “Time monitoring” function on/off for the relevant program. Tolerance standard +/.Off-time serve to define a maximum of 3 periods of time during which the freely programmable output is reset.60 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Off-time Acts in conjunction with the "freely programmable output" function. 2. If this function is active. Note: The actual time (time span from the beginning of the PreWld until the end of the PostWeld including all cool times) is displayed immediately after the end of the relevant welding program in the "Diagnosis" menu. Note: Switching program-specific time monitoring on/off is also possible under Programming: Schedule. .On-time serve to define a maximum of 3 periods of time during which the freely programmable output is high. A response of the time monitoring function initiates the "Weld time too long" or "Weld time too short" error message. On-time Acts in conjunction with the "freely programmable output" function.Off-time.On-time and 3. the timer monitors that the duration from the beginning of the PreWld until the end of the PostWeld (including all cool times) does not exceed or fall below a configurable Reference time within specified Tolerance limits. Time Monitoring (Programming. Parameters 1.On-time. you should first select the relevant welding program (via field “Spot-Name“ or via fields “Timer“ and “Program"). Refer to sect. "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). Using the Set counter command button. but also the program-specific Count- Factor. Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 61 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming: Stepper Note: As this window is used to program not only electrode- specific data. "Set counter". The electrode-specific data displayed always belongs to the electrode that was parameterized in the welding program selected (display in field “Electrode”). the Count and the Dressing-counter of the relevant electrode can be manipulated. Both functions are enabled or disabled for the relevant electrode (in parallel to the "Pressure-Stepper .62 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Stepping and dressing In order to compensate for negative effects of the electrode wear on the quality of the welded spots. • Ensuring the current density in the spot weld by gradually increasing the %I and. the wear count and the tip dress counter between two consecutive phases (“start phase and “stepping phase”). It depends on the other parameter settings whether or not the enabled functions are eventually active: for %I and monitor stepper in the start phase • %I for new electrode • "Reference current for new electrode" • "Count" for %I and monitor stepper in the stepping phase • "Stepper-Curve" • “Pressure at end of 1. if necessary. the pressure. depending on the objective.function") via the "Stepper" parameter. The “dressing” function outputs various signals to ensure that electrodes are mechanically worked on by external devices in configurable time intervals. which can be separately used during the electrode life. 2 principal strategies can be applied. but may also be combined: • Ensuring a desired welding diameter through periodical preparation of a defined electrode contact surface.-Current at end of 1. The “Stepping” function automatically changes the %I value (%I stepping) and the reference current (= monitor stepper) subject to the current program.Stepper-Phase” • "Ref.Stepper-Phase" • "Count" • "Maximum Count " • "Prewarning Count" . This strategy is normally referred to as “Dressing”. This strategy is normally referred to as “Stepping” or “Stepper”. %I for new electrode Acts electrode-specific in conjunction with the "Stepper" function in the start phase.-Value Displays the currently active %I stepping as a percentage of the base %I. Step. The parameter defines the %I (in % of the program-specific base %I) to be used for welding at the beginning of the start phase (normally when the relevant electrode has been replaced). If the value 0 has been entered there. Press.-Value Displays the currently active Pressure stepping as a percentage of the base pressure value. you should enter the value 100% as “%I for new electrode. no start phase will be used.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 63 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface for activating dressing as well as %I and monitor stepper in the stepping phase with active dressing • "Dressing-Curve" • "Pressure after last dressing" • "Reference current last dressing" • "Count" • "Dressings" • "Tip dress request" %I Step. In this case. . During the further development of the start phase.-Value Displays the currently active stepper value for the Reference current in % of the base reference current (Monitor stepper). Monitor Step. The length of the start phase depends on the electrode-specific parameter "Count". depending on the actual count value. the %I value is linearly changed up to 100% of the program-specific base %I of a weld. The start phase is normally very small (approx. the count status of the relevant electrode is reset to “0” after the “Tips have been dressed” input signal has become high. That means that the start phase is carried out a single time when an electrode has been replaced. If the value 0 has been entered there. galvanized sheets. the count is set to the value of the "Count" parameter after each dressing cycle. no start phase will be used.. In this case. the start phase may be used to “run-in” a new electrode. Otherwise. the individual stepper values will be linearly increased to 100%. 5 – 50 spot welds) and only has to be programmed for special applications. If activated. In combination with tip dressing. During the further development of the start phase. Count Defines the maximum count at the end of the start phase for the stepper. e.g. Within the span indicated here. The length of the start phase depends on the electrode-specific parameter "Count". After each dressing Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. The parameter defines the reference current (in % of the program- specific reference current) to be compared to an actual current at the beginning of the start phase (normally when the relevant electrode has been replaced). you should enter the value 100% as “Reference current for new electrode. taking into account the tolerances. .64 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Reference current for new electrode Acts electrode-specific in conjunction with the “Monitor Stepper" function in the start phase. the reference current is linearly changed up to 100% of the program-specific reference current of a weld. monitor stepper and pressure stepper function. That means that the start phase is carried out after each dressing cycle. In the course of the stepping phase.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 65 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Stepper-Curve (Programming. no Stepper-Curve influences the %I value during the stepping phase. a Dressing-Curve additionally influences the reference current during the stepping phase. no stepper curve for changing the base %I is active during the stepping phase. Note: If parameter “%I at the end of 1st stepper phase“ is set to 100 (%). Note: If parameter "%I at the end of 1st stepper phase" is set to 100 (%). %I at the end of 1st stepper phase Acts electrode-specific in conjunction with the "Stepper" function in the stepping phase. The course of this change (during the stepping phase) can be influenced by parameter "Stepper-Curve".-Curr. The length of the stepping phase depends on the electrode- specific parameter "Count". last Dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). no stepper curve for changing the reference current is active during the stepping phase. tab "Stepper curves". the %I value is increased up to the value entered for this parameter (in % of the program- specific base %I) subject to the current count value. Its end is defined by the electrode-specific parameter "Maximum Count". current at the end of 1st stepper phase" is set to 100 (%). If parameter "Ref. a Dressing-Curve additionally influences the %I values during the stepping phase. The curve shape (percent change as a function of wear) can be programmed in the "Setup" menu. Stepper) Defines one out of 10 possible curves (0 to 9) for calculating the change characteristic of the base %I and the reference current within the stepping phase. Note: If parameter "%I after last dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). . starting from 100% of the program-specific base %I. If parameter "Ref. Note: If parameter "Ref. the reference current is increased up to the value entered for this parameter (in % of the program-specific reference current).Stepper-Phase Acts electrode-specific in conjunction with the “Monitor Stepper" function in the stepping phase. a Dressing-Curve additionally influences the %I values during the stepping phase. . New electrodes always start with a Count of 0. The actual count is incremented by the program-specific Count-Factor after each spot welded. Ref. Note: If parameter “Reference current at the end of 1st stepper phase“ is set to 100 (%). Counts Indicates the current Counts of the relevant electrode. In the course of the stepping phase. no Stepper-Curve influences the monitoring during the stepping phase. starting from 100% of the program-specific reference current. The course of this change (during the stepping phase) can be influenced by parameter "Stepper-Curve".-Curr. a Dressing-Curve additionally influences the reference current during the stepping phase.66 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: If parameter "%I after last dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). The beginning of the stepping phase depends on the electrode- specific parameter "Count". last Dressing" is set to a value other than 100 (%). taking into account the tolerances.-Current at end of 1. The parameter defines the reference current (in % of the program- specific reference current) to be compared to an actual current at the end of the stepping phase (immediately before a dressing cycle or before replacing the relevant electrode). Its end is defined by the electrode-specific parameter "Maximum Count". refer to parameter Dressings"): Defines the End of Stepper of the relevant electrode. Increasing the Count further will not change the stepping values. Increasing the Count further will not change the stepping values. When the maximum count has been reached. it is also possible to program a reset to “0” (set parameter "After each dressing" “ON”).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 67 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Maximum count Effect when dressing has been deactivated (for activation/deactivation. a programmed Stepper Curve will be processed. Within the span indicated here. When the maximum count has been reached. With some timer types. Within this span. a programmed Dressing-Curve is processed. monitor stepper and pressure stepper values will be increased from 100% to the relevant target values. Within the “maximum count * Dressings" span. Prewarning Count Defines the number of counts prior to the End of Stepper for which the “Prewarning” signal is to be output for the relevant electrode. . the timer will output the “Dressing” signal (increasing the count further will not change the stepping values). The “Electrodes have been replaced” input signal resets the count and the Dressing counter of the electrode in question (to “0”). During the last cycle. and “End of Stepper” will become high. This results in the following End of Stepper: maximum count * Dressings + 1. the individual stepper. The desired number of these cycles is defined by the expression: Dressings + 1. the “Prewarning” signal will be reset. the timer resets the “Prewarning” signal when the maximum count has been reached and outputs the “End of stepper” signal. The “Tips have been dressed” input signal causes the timer to set the count of the relevant electrode to the value programmed in parameter "Count". Effect when dressing has been activated (for activation/deactivation. refer to parameter Dressings"): Defines the maximum permitted counts of the relevant electrode between 2 subsequent dressing cycles. no Dressing-Curve is active for %I stepping. Note: If parameter “%I after last dressing“ is set to 100 (%).e. It will act in addition to a %I change generated within the stepping phase by the Stepper-Curve. Note: If parameter “%I after last dressing“ is set to 100 (%). no Dressing-Curve is active for changing the base %I. A %I change will be performed after each dressing cycle and will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). It will act in addition to a change generated by the Stepper-Curve The curve shape (percent change as a function of the product of dressings x count) can be programmed in the "Setup" menu. If parameter “Reference current last dressing“ is set to 100 (%). tab "Dressing-curves". a Stepper-Curve additionally influences the %I values during the stepping phase. %I after last dressing Acts program-specific in conjunction with the "Stepper" function in the stepping phase. The course of this change (i. The change will be performed after each dressing cycle and will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). the %I change after dressing) can be influenced by parameter "Dressing-Curve". It initially determines the complete %I change desired in the course of all dressing cycles until the last dressing (in % of the program-specific base %I). Note: If parameter "%I at the end of 1st stepper phase" is set to a value other than 100 (%). no Dressing-Curve is active for changing the reference current. . Stepper) Defines one out of 10 possible curves (0 to 9) for calculating the change characteristic of the base %I and the reference current after a dressing cycle.68 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Dressing-Curve (Programming. The parameter serves for automatically calculating any %I changes to be activated after a dressing cycle. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 69 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Reference current last dressing Acts program-specific in conjunction with the “Monitor Stepper" function in the stepping phase. . Actual value (Dressing counter) Indicates how often the relevant electrode has already been dressed. taking into account the tolerances. The course of this change (i. It initially defines the reference current (in % of the program-specific reference current) to be compared to an actual current after the last dressing. Note: If parameter "Reference current at the end of 1st stepper phase" is set to a value other than 100 (%). no Dressing-Curve is active for monitor stepper. the reference current change after dressing) can be influenced by parameter "Dressing-Curve". Dress-Request Defines the number of counts prior to the "Maximum Count" for which the “Tip dress request” signal is to be output for the relevant electrode. Dressings Indicates how often the relevant electrode should be dressed in the course of its life cycle (including first tip dress. A reference current change will be performed after each dressing cycle and will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). The parameter serves for automatically calculating any reference current changes to be activated after a dressing cycle. Refer to "Dress new electrode"). a Stepper- Curve additionally influences the monitoring values during the stepping phase.e. Note: If parameter “Reference current last dressing“ is set to 100 (%). It will act in addition to a reference current change generated within the stepping phase by the Stepper- Curve. “First tip dress” is used to ensure a defined condition (diameter. Only when activated will electrode-specific signals (“End of Stepper”. the timer calculates the number of remaining parts that can still be manufactured using the relevant electrode (refer to "Prewarning" window). Also refer to parameter “ Stop at end of Stepper. the counts correspond to the spot count.0 are used. If only count factors of 1. . “Dressing” and “Dress new electrode” functions have been enabled for the electrode in question and operate according to their parameter settings. Dress new electrode Note: This function is not available for all timer types. Indicates the number of wear counts that will be accepted before the timer is inhibited when the relevant electrode has reached its End of Stepper. the “Stepper”.) of a new electrode. Turns the “first tip dress” function on or off. From this value. etc. etc. “Prewarning”. Extended electrode life Note: This function is not available for all timer types. the electrode can be automatically used under optimum conditions even when welding different sheet thicknesses or materials. shape. When set properly. Wear per component Defines the wear experienced by an electrode when manufacturing a part with the electrode in question. Count-Factor Program-specific definition of the amount by which the count of an electrode is incremented after each spot welded.) be generated or checked by the timer.70 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Stepper If activated. The count factor is an experimental value that may be adjusted to the individual welding task. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 71 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Active reference current (Programming, Stepper) The fields for the prewld to pstwld show the actual rms current values (in kA) measured in the individual heat blocks. The “Standard” field shows the mean actual rms current during all 3 heat blocks. Average/Middle PHA (Programming, Stepper) Indicates the mean command value obtained in KSR mode for driving the power unit (in %I) for the prewld to pstwld. The “Standard” field indicates the mean command value of all 3 heat blocks for driving the power unit (in %I). In PHA (and KUR) mode, the values displayed exactly correspond to the programmed %I values. 72 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming: General Note: First you have to select the relevant timer - indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field, or - directly via the “Timer” field. Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). Stop at end of stepper If assigned the value “ON”, another welding schedule is no longer possible using the relevant electrode if this electrode has reached its end of stepper condition. Exceptions can be programmed via the "Extended electrode life" function). Max. %I correction Defines the maximum %I correction (increase) of the relevant timer (refer to "Correction" menu, tab "Correction", parameter "%I correction (x)"). 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 73 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Min. %I correction Defines the maximum %I correction (decrease) of the relevant timer (refer to "Correction" menu, tab "Correction", parameter "%I correction (x)"). Max. Pressure-Correction Defines the maximum pressure correction (increase) of the relevant timer (refer to "Correction" menu, tab "Correction", parameter "Pressure correction (x)"). Min. Pressure-Correction Defines the minimum pressure correction (decrease) of the relevant timer (refer to "Correction" menu, tab "Correction", parameter "Pressure correction (x)"). Start-Inhibit (T) If programmed as “ON”, starting any program of the selected timer will initiate the error message “Start inhibited". Also refer to parameter “Start-Inhibit (P)”. Weld/No weld (Global) Defines whether the power unit can generally be energized when running any programs of the selected timer (parameter value “On”) or whether it is not energized (parameter value “Off”). Also refer to parameter “Weld/No Weld (P)“. Note: The power unit will not be energized unless the following conditions are met: Parameter “Weld/No weld (P)” = “On” and Parameter “Weld/No weld (Global)” = “On” and (if existent) the “Weld external” input signal has been set. Machine movements are also possible if Weld/No weld is deactivated If the WC contact is output at the end of the DANGER program run, machine movements may be initiated even if “No weld” has been specified. Therefore, please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when the welding program is started. 74 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Max. welding time Limits the maximum weld times that can be programmed for the prewld, WLD and postweld for the relevant timer. Control stopped If programmed as “On“, this function will inhibit KSR mode (refer to parameter "Regulation mode") for all programs of the relevant timer. This condition will be symbolized by a red frame surrounding the timer symbol in question in the Network overview. If the current sensor or the connection cable is defective, Control stopped may be activated, e.g., for emergency operation. Possibility of incorrect welds When control has been stopped, the current in the secondary circuit is no longer regulated CAUTION with respect to the programmed value. Therefore, changes in resistance in the secondary circuit (since the last weld of a program with operative regulation) will directly affect the quality of the spot weld! You should never activate Control stopped without good reason! Make sure that all spot welds are checked if Control stopped has been activated. e. If the current sensor or the connection cable is defective. the current in the secondary circuit will not longer be CAUTION compared to the programmed Reference current. . Max repeat welds (max. Possible consequences include direct effects on the quality of the spot weld! You should never activate Monitoring stopped without good reason! Make sure that all spot welds are checked if Monitoring stopped has been activated. this function will prevent a response of Current monitoring for all programs of the relevant timer.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 75 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Monitoring stopped If programmed as “On“. Monitoring stopped may be activated. repetition in series) In order to prevent the Spot repetition from responding all the time (in the event of “creeping“ system faults). Possibility of incorrect welds If current monitoring is inhibited..g. for emergency operation. Actual currents outside the programmed tolerance bands will no longer be signaled in this condition. This condition will be symbolized by a red frame surrounding the timer symbol in question in the Network overview. this parameter may be used to specify the number of directly consecutive welding programs for which the spot repetition may respond. or after any welds. the timer can verify. In connection with the WC signal. Possible settings: • Off: no parity check. To select the type of parity check. WC Period If the start signal is no longer present in “Single spot“ Mode at the end of a welding schedule. also refer to parameters "WC Period" and "WC Start time". this time must always be shorter than the currently programmed HLD. • Odd: Parity check on. This allows you to reduce constant delays in the subsequent handling sequence.76 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Choose parity Note: This function is not available for all timer types. • Input < 0: The positive edge of the WC will be output before the end of HLD. 1000 ms with respect to the end of HLD. • Even: Parity check on. . • Input > 0: The positive edge of the WC is delayed by max. the WC will be automatically reset after the period of time defined in this parameter. Although 1000 ms can be maximally programmed as the time period for accelerating the WC. WC with error Defines whether the “WC” signal is to be output after the end of a welding schedule for “good” welds only. If the parity check has been activated. whether or not the “Program selection xx” input signals have been properly transmitted. The number of active input signals “Program selection xx” must be even if the “Parity” input signal is not high. WC Start time Influences the time when the WC is output. through the additional “Parity” input signal. • Input = 0: The positive edge of the WC will be simultaneously output at the end of HLD.. The number of active input signals “Program selection xx” must be odd if the “Parity” input signal is high. you can prevent the current rise from influencing the rms measurement of the actual current.. Maximum permitted burden: 500 Ohm • 0.20mA: The desired electrode force can be output as a current value within the absolute limits of 4 to 20 mA.. Fade-out time Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types.20mA: The desired electrode force can be output as a current value within the absolute limits of 0 to 20 mA. Time span immediately after current activation by which measurement of the rms value of the actual current is to be delayed. Defines the physical influencing variable for generating the electrode force at the timer’s pressure output..1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 77 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Mode pressure output Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types.10V: The desired electrode force can be output as a voltage within the absolute limits of 0 to 10 V.. .. Using this function. • 0.. Maximum permitted burden: 500 Ohm Note: The characteristic for converting the electrode force into the relevant manipulating variable is influenced via the "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero adjust" parameters. Maximum output current: 20 mA • 4. Using this function.78 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface For other possiblities of influencing the rms value measurement. Note: The fade out time must match the corresponding settings of the external current meter for comparative measurements (current calibration). Note: The programmed fade out time is identical for all weld times and for all welding programs! Therefore. you can prevent the current drop from influencing the rms measurement of the actual current. Trail current Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. Defines whether the current drop caused by the very operating principle at the end of a weld time is to be included in the rms value measurement of the actual current. refer to parameter “ Trail current". you should make sure that the fade out time is always shorter than the shortest programmed weld time. . rms value measurement of the actual current will stop exactly at the end of a weld time. If defined as “Off”. CAUTION the system will not be able to detect any errors in the sensor loop.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 79 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface For other possibilities of influencing the rms value measurement. but transformed into secondary current values for further processing (e. easy to implement. This option is cost-effective. If this check reveals an inadmissible volume resistance. Possible consequences include direct effects on the quality of the spot weld! Therefore. Compared to the “secondary” option. and suitable for weld times longer than 1 second as well as seam operation. Note: The fade out time must match the corresponding settings of the external current meter for comparative measurements (current calibration). the measuring loop check must be deactivated. the timer will cancel the running program and generate an error message. refer to parameter “ Fade out time".g. Note: This setting is identical for all weld times and for all welding programs. Current supervision Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. Measuring loop check If defined as “On”. the external current sensor circuit will be checked before a weld time is started. you should activate the measuring loop check if you use external current sensing equipment. Defines the type of current measurement for the relevant timer: • primary: Actual currents are determined by a current sensor integrated in the primary circuit. Note: If no external current sensor is used. Possibility of incorrect welds If the measuring loop check is deactivated although an external current sensor is used. it has higher tolerances for . for display in BOS). or . Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect.g. . An external current sensor (e. Click on the Force calibration command button to open the "Force calibration" window. Calibration should also be performed for primary current measurement.indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. integrated into the welding transformer) is necessary in order to measure the secondary current . In connection with current calibration.directly via the “Electrode” field. Programming: Electrode Note: First you have to select the relevant electrode . "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). Click on the Current calibration command button to open the "Current calibration" window. this option ensures highly precise secondary currents yet is not suitable for weld times longer than 1 second or for seam operation. • secondary: Actual currents are directly determined in the secondary circuit using an external current sensor.80 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface the boundary regions of the output current range. Toroid sensitivity Specifies the toroid sensitivity (in mV/kA) of the current sensor for the relevant electrode (gun). Upper current limit Limits the maximum configurable %I values for the electrode in question.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 81 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface %I Limitation Limits the maximum permissible %I values for the electrode in question. Note: The program-specific transformer inrush current can also be limited using parameter "1. This parameter is relevant and displayed for equipment with thyristor power units only. 1.00 kA are not possible. Halfcycle limit Limits the phase angle of the 1st halfcycle within the welding schedule (= transformer inrush current) to the value input for the relevant electrode. Note: The value input is limited by the value of parameter “%I Limitation”. Halfcycle after Pause-Time".8 kA Maximum %I stepping: 120% In input fields for %I values. In order to determine the maximum configurable %I values. %I Prewarning Defines the current in %I for the relevant electrode which is to trigger a %I Prewarning. the system may strip out any %I compensation from the value input. inputs greater than 14. Example: Input value: 16. . Note: The value input must not be lower than the value of parameter “%I Prewarning ”. an external sensor can be used to check the plausibility of the current measured by primary current measurement (refer to "Programming" menu. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the value displayed! Electrode range Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. Note: As the accuracy of current measurement is subject to this value. it is necessary to manually enter the toroid sensitivity (in mV/kA) of the relevant current sensor with respect to the electrode (gun) in question. When using third-party sensors. . you should in any case use the "Current calibration" function! Possibility of incorrect welds! The value is automatically adjusted by the timer in the course of current calibration. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the value displayed! 2. The sensitivity of our sensors is 150 mV/kA. When using third-party sensors. Possibility of error messages! Arbitrary changes of the 2nd toroid sensitivity may result in recurring error messages! CAUTION Therefore. With some timer types.82 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The sensitivity of our sensors is 150 mV/kA. In these cases. "Current supervision") parameter. tab "General". CAUTION Making arbitrary changes to the toroid sensitivity will render current calibration useless. manually enter the appropriate sensitivity in this parameter. The accuracy of current measurement is no longer guaranteed. Therefore. the appropriate sensitivity can be programmed using this parameter. Toroid sensitivity Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. 0 2.5 0.0 Electrode ranges with PS 5000 and medium-frequency inverter: measurable currents in kA with given toroid sensitivity Electrode range 50 100 150 500 1000 1500 mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA 0 2.0 . this value may be programmed separately for each electrode (gun).0 * 12 1.0 – 60.0 – 60.0 – 1.5 – 25.0 – 16 160 * Lower values are displayed with an undefined accuracy. Electrode ranges with PS 5000 and AC power unit: measurable currents in kA with given toroid sensitivity Electrode range 50 100 150 500 1000 1500 mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA mV/kA 0 1.600 40.0 0.4 – 24.0 – 10.0 * 15 8.0 * 16. .5 0.8 – 8.0 0.5 – 5.750 37.8 – 48.2 – 12.7 0.0 0.5 2 30.0 – 30.0 1.0 1.0 – 160 4.4 – 24.2 – 2.7 – 7. the electrode range must be manually entered here.0 4.0 1.0 Electrode ranges with PS 6000: measurable currents in kA with given toroid sensitivity Electrode range 150 mV/kA * 10 0.5 – 75.2 0.4 – 4.0 – 40.5 * 11 0.0 – 0.0 3 75.5 – 15.0 .5 – 15.250 8.3 – 2.2 –12.0 – 40.0 3 120 .0 – 75.0 – 480 24.6 – 6.0 – 120 6.1 – 1.0 – 120 6.0 2. Input of the appropriate current value that is generated by the inverter (PSU) at 0 %I with a linear current control characteristic.7 – 7.0 – 10.0 0.0 .7 – 37.25 – 2.0 – 100 3.375 25. For timers with a programmable measuring range. Current at 0% I Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types.0 * 14 4.0 2 48.0 – 40.0 0.0 .0 3.0 0.0 – 0.0 1.0 – 80.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 83 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface The electrode range depends on the welding transformer used and on the current sensor.8 1 12. depending on the toroid sensitivity.6 – 16.0 – 20.0 4. therefore.7 – 37.5 – 3.4 0.5 – 25.0 – 0.0 2.0 – 150 10.0 – 240 16.400 12.7 0.999 60.5 – 5.5 0.5 1 7.0 .0 3.0 0. Timers offering automatic measuring range changeover display the currently active measuring range in this parameter.0 1.0 – 300 15.0 * 13 2. of parallel Diodes Possibility of damaging the transformer! The timer derives additional important information from the transformer type CAUTION specified here that is necessary for safe operation. Therefore. In this case. Type (transformer) Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. you have to select the “Other transformers” option. the following information must be additionally entered: Transformer ratio Nominal current Type of diode and No. If the proper transformer type cannot be selected from a list box.00”).g.84 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Current at 50% I Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Type of connection (transformer) Note: This parameter will not be displayed unless values greater than “1“ have been entered in "Number of transformers". Input of the appropriate current value that is generated by the inverter (PSU) at 50 %I with a linear current control characteristic. You specify whether the transformers on the primary side are connected in parallel or in series. The necessary information is shown on the nameplate of the welding transformer (e. . Serves to select the welding transformer for the electrode (gun) in question. “PSG 3100. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Number (of transformers) Note: This parameter is only relevant for weld timers of the PSI 6000 series. Therefore. the electrical characteristics of these transformers must be identical. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! . Number of welding transformers connected.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 85 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. Therefore. Ö Use connection leads of the same conductor area and length for all transformers in question. Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. Ö If several welding transformers are connected. Therefore. This information is normally shown on the nameplate of the welding transformer. tab "General". refer to "Programming" menu. Therefore. Transformer ratio of the primary transformer used. Nominal current of the welding transformer in kA. This information is normally shown on the nameplate of the welding transformer. "Current supervision" parameter). you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Nominal current (transformer) Note: This parameter will not be displayed unless “Other transformers“ has been selected in Transformer-Type. Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation.86 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Primary transformer ratio (transformer) Note: This parameter will not be displayed in conjunction with PSI 6000 unless “Other transformers“ has been selected in Transformer-Type. The timer limits the maximum welding current to the value specified in this parameter in order to protect the transformer. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! . The timer needs the transformer ratio information for converting the primary current into the secondary current (for primary current measurement. Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. we strongly recommend to leave diode supervision active at all times! Type (diodes) Note: This parameter will not be displayed unless “Other transformers“ has been selected in Transformer-Type and "Diode supervision" is active. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! . the system checks . Possibility of damaging the transformers! If diode supervision is deactivated. the diodes may be destroyed in the event of overload.whether the (internally calculated) junction temperature of the diodes (value displayed in field "Diode temperature") exceeds the "Switch-off temperature" configured. the welding sequence is immediately aborted.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 87 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Supervision (diodes) If activated. Diode type used for the welding transformer. Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. If yes. CAUTION Therefore.with reference to a cooling water temperature of 30 degrees Centigrade . Therefore. For this purpose. the high-current diodes in the transformer’s secondary circuit will be monitored for excessive junction temperatures. parallel (diodes) Note: This parameter will not be displayed unless “Other transformers“ has been selected in Transformer-Type and "Diode supervision" is active. . you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Switch-off temperature (diodes) Note: This parameter will not be displayed unless “Other transformers“ has been selected in Transformer-Type. Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation.88 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface No. Number of diodes used for each secondary branch. Therefore. Refer to parameter Supervision (diodes). the system strips the Final values of active stepper data configured or the maximum permissible pressure correction data out from the input value. pressure correction (+): 10% .9 kN Maximum pressure stepping: 120% Max. Maximum pressure Limits the maximum permissible electrode force values for the electrode (gun) in question. Therefore. In order to determine the maximum configurable values. Example: Input value: 3. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Diode temperature Displays the calculated junction temperature of the high-current diodes during the last weld performed with the relevant electrode (gun).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 89 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of damaging the transformers! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. Mains voltage Displays the mains voltage during the last weld performed with the relevant electrode (gun). 00 kN can be made afterwards in the relevant input fields.90 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface No input greater than 3. there is no defined correlation CAUTION between the programmed force and the resulting force at the electrode gun! For this reason. You should never make any arbitrary changes to the value displayed! . Possibility of damaging guns! Before pressure calibration has been properly carried out. the value input cannot protect the gun unless pressure calibration has been properly completed. Possibility of damages to guns and/or incorrect welds! The value is automatically determined by the CAUTION timer in the course of pressure calibration and entered in this parameter. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the value displayed! Examples: Input value “1”: the timer converts a programmed force into the force-influencing variable at a 1:1 ratio using a 45 degrees characteristic. By making arbitrary changes of the parameter value the defined correlation between the value input and the resulting force at the electrode gun will be lost! Therefore.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 91 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Conversion-Factor Determines the slope of a linear characteristic that defines the resulting gun force as a function of the force influencing variable (refer to "Programming" menu. The following relationship applies in general: F(St) = <Conversion factor> x St + <Zero-adjust> where F is the resulting force in kN and St the force-influencing variable. . Parameter"Mode Pressure Output") parameter. tab "General. By making arbitrary changes of the parameter value the defined correlation between the value input and the resulting force at the electrode gun will be lost! Therefore.92 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: Also refer to parameter Zero adjust". Possibility of damages to guns and/or incorrect welds! The value is automatically determined by the CAUTION timer in the course of pressure calibration and entered in this parameter. Zero adjust Determines the offset by which the linear characteristic (refer to parameter "Conversion-Factor") intersects with the force axis (F). you should never make any arbitrary changes to the value displayed! . "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer").1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 93 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Programming: Thyristor-Unit-Parameter Note: First you have to select the relevant welding program .indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. tab "Schedule"). Nominal voltage (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) Note: This parameter is only shown in Regulation mode "KUR" (refer to "Programming" menu.” field are only possible if the timer is capable of driving several power units in parallel.” field. or .directly via the “Thyr. Input the nominal voltage of the power unit. Note: Entries in the “Thyr. . Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. you should nevertheless enter the calculated turns ratio. On : Contact is closed if overtemperature is present Off: Contact is opened if overtemperature is present. Therefore.833. Thyristor-Unit-Type Note: This parameter is not available for all timer types. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Thyristor-Unit temperature Note: This parameter is only available for timers with an external power unit. Adjusts the timer to the power unit connected. tab "Schedule"). . Possibility of damages to the plant! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. A feedback transformer is used for voltage measurement with the KUR regulation mode. If your transformer is designed for a higher voltage. Indicates the type of temperature contact at the power unit.94 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Turns ratio (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) Note: This parameter is only shown in Regulation mode "KUR" (refer to "Programming" menu. Example: 380 V : 24 V = 15. Enter the turns ratio of this transformer in this parameter. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Ignition Type Note: This parameter is only relevant for connection of CNOMO power units. . Standard (Burst): Default CNOMO (Pulse): Special case Possibility of damages to the plant! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. Therefore. Therefore. Software-Version (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) Displays the firmware version. you should never make any arbitrary changes to the input value! Timer type (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) Returns the exact timer type.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 95 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of damages to the plant! The timer derives additional important information from this parameter that is CAUTION necessary for safe operation. It is needed to set the control method for the AC power unit. refer to “Explanations“ section. Note: The “Diagnosis” menu can only be activated for online timers.96 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Diagnosis Within the BOS 6000 main window. . • Selection of the "Diagnostics I/O" tab to display the condition of all I/O signals. • Selection of the "Start Simulation" tab in order to start any desired welding program with/without ignition.Information" tab in order to display various types of information concerning the timer status. If the timer is in an error condition. or in order to output the WC contact. the settings/functions are only possible at a certain user level. • Selection of the "Users-Diagnostics I/O" tab to display the condition of all I/O signals. customized names (set by the configuration tool) are used for the signals in this case. In contrast to the other tabs. the “Diagnosis“ menu (which is called up by the icon) offers the following choices: • Selection of “Spot-Name” or “Timer” to change over to the desired timer. Note: For information concerning the Status line. a “Fault reset” can be performed before. • Selection of the "Last Weld" tab in order to display various types of information concerning the last welding schedule performed. • Selection of the "Timer . Note: In some cases. or .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 97 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Diagnosis: Diagnostics I/O Note: First you have to select the relevant timer .indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field.directly via the “Timer” field. . .98 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Using the New or Standard command buttons. you can switch between the alternative types of display for the input/output signals. Signal status: 0: Signal is low (white background) 1: Signal is high (green background) • If the signals are shown in binary format. you can click on a bit field in order to display the signal number. signal type and signal name in line “Description”. the following applies to the identification of the signal types: E: Signal is present at a hardware input A: Signal is present at a hardware output S: signal is transmitted via the field bus I: Signal is influenced/generated within the timer . transmitted via the field bus “discrete”: present at a hardware input/output ”internal”: is influenced/generated within the timer • If the signals are displayed in table format. starting with the lowest signal number) or one below the other (in table format). For this purpose. Program (display field in “Diagnosis” menu) Shows the program number currently active at the digital inputs as a decimal number. Inputs / Outputs Returns the current status of these signals. depending on the type of display selected. all signals are cyclically updated and displayed either in binary format (line by line from left to right.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 99 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: The signals displayed are timer-specific and may be different for your relevant timer. Note: In contrast to the other tabs. Click on the Timer-Information command button to call up the data available on the "-Information" tab in a separate window. The information contained in the tables corresponds to the description in the previous section.directly via the “Timer” field. or .indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. . "Inputs / Outputs".100 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface • Diagnosis: Users Diagnostics I/O Note: First you have to select the relevant timer . customized names (set by the configuration tool) are used for the signals in this case. Click on the Last Weld command button to call up the data available on the "" tab in a separate window. Possibility of immediate welding schedule start after “Fault reset with reweld”! If the start signal is present when a fault is reset DANGER with reweld. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when fault reset with reweld is started. or .indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. the timer will set the “WC” output signal as soon as the fault has been reset! This may result in machine movements. machine movements may be initiated even if “No weld” has been specified. the timer will immediately start repeating its program run! Welding will be repeated! Therefore. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when Fault reset with WC is initiated.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 101 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Diagnosis: Start Simulation Note: First you have to select the relevant timer . Machine movements are also possible if Weld/No weld is deactivated If the WC contact is output at the end of the DANGER program run.directly via the “Timer” field. Therefore. Possibility of immediate machine movements after “Fault Reset with WC”! If the start signal is still present at “Fault reset DANGER with WC”. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when the welding program is started or the WC contact is deliberately output. . Therefore. Therefore. When hitting Reset with Reweld.102 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of delayed welding! Under certain conditions. The timer can be reset to “Ready” state and the WC contact can be output by hitting the Reset with WC command button. you should ensure that no-one enters the hazard zone for as long as the messages “No Schedule” (“Interval” field) or “OK” (“Status” field) are not displayed in the “Actual Cycle” area. the timer will automatically extend the SQZ before DANGER proceeding to WLD (waiting for pressure contact or pressure feedback). and the faulty welding schedule will be restarted if the start signal is still present. the timer will be reset to “Ready” state after a current fault of the type “Low current” or “no weld current …”. . Start Simulation Additional information concerning the active interval. Indicates the current condition (e.cont. Start Simulation) Ö Please note the safety instructions in the beginning of section "Diagnosis: Start Simulation"! • Radio button “On” : chosen program starts without ignition • Radio button “Off” : a start signal previously given by the “On” radio button is removed. Start with ignition (Diagnosis. Start without ignition (Diagnosis.g. 1/2". Start Simulation Indicates the section of the welding schedule that is currently being processed by the timer (schedule display). . Start Simulation Ö Please note the safety instructions in the beginning of section "Diagnosis: Start Simulation"! • Radio button “On” : chosen program starts with ignition • Radio button “Off” : a start signal previously given by the “On” radio button is removed.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 103 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Interval (Diagnosis. Last weld program chosen Display of the program no. of the program that was started last in the relevant timer. Weld program chosen Input of the program number of the program to be influenced via the "Start with ignition" or "Start without ignition" radio buttons. “Waiting for press. Status (Diagnosis. “No schedule”). “WC on”. the timer will be reset to “Ready” state after a current fault of the type “Low current” or “no weld .directly via the “Timer” field. tab "General".104 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface WC (Diagnosis.indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. • Radio button “Off” : a WC signal previously given by the “On” radio button is removed. "WC Start time" and " Period" in the "Programming" menu. or . The timer can be reset to “Ready” state and the WC contact can be output by hitting the Reset with WC command button. also refer to "WC with error". Start Simulation) Ö Please note the safety instructions in the beginning of section "Diagnosis: Start Simulation"! • Radio button “On” : WC contact is output. For the WC parameters. Diagnosis: Timer-Information Note: First you have to select the relevant timer . When hitting Reset with Reweld. Timer-Information. Indicates the current condition (e.g. 1/2". Timer-Information) Indicates the section of the welding schedule that is currently being processed by the timer (schedule display). Timer-Information. Timer-Information) Number of the program that was last started in the relevant timer.cont. “Waiting for press. Timer) Additional information concerning the timer message displayed. Timer-Information) Displays the firmware version of the relevant timer. Actual Cycle) Additional information concerning the active interval. . Timer-Information) Display of the message text. Status (Diagnosis. or an additional message text. Software-Version (Diagnosis. Program (Diagnosis. Timer-Information) Display of the exact timer type of the relevant timer. Addition (Diagnosis. “finished”). Timer-Information. Timer type (Diagnosis. and the faulty welding schedule will be restarted if the start signal is still present. Interval (Diagnosis. “No schedule”). electrode number.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 105 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface current …”. Timer) Displays the active type of message: • Ok (no message is active) • Warning • General fault • Welding fault Code (Diagnosis.g. Timer-Information) Active schedule status of the program that was last started (e. Schedule (Diagnosis. Status (Diagnosis. Displays either the program number. “WC on”. “Welding fault” or “OK”). Diagnosis: Last Weld Note: First you have to select the relevant timer . Timer-Information.106 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Addition (Diagnosis.indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. separately for each WLD . Last Weld) Additional information concerning the last weld (e. The following information will be displayed for the relevant weld timer: • welding program that was started last and spot name • Time of the last weld • Wear counter status of the electrode in question • Reference current and actual current.g. separately for each WLD. or as an average value for all WLD (“Standard” line). or . Reference time and time actually needed • the necessary/programmed phase value.directly via the “Timer” field. Note: For information concerning the Status line. • Selection of the "Stepper curves" tab in order to define up to 10 different stepper curves (0 to 9). • Selection of the "Tipdress curves" tab in order to define up to 10 different tipdress curves (0 to 9). • Selection of the "Fault-Setup" tab in order to define messages as faults or warnings. refer to “Explanations“ section. the “Setup“ menu (which is called up by the icon) offers the following choices:: • Selection of “Spot-Name” or “Timer” to change over to the desired timer. • Selection of the "Communication" tab in order to display various communication parameters of the Ethernet interface. Note: In some cases. ..1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 107 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Setup Within the BOS 6000 main window. the settings/functions are only possible at a certain user level. 108 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Setup: Stepper curves Note: First you have to select the relevant timer - indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field, or - directly via the “Timer” field. You can transfer all stepper curves to the timer by hitting the Apply command button. Each curve (0 to 9) influences the %I, reference current and pressure and defines the desired change of all these quantities subject to the electrode count during the stepping phase. Select the desired curve in the “Curve number field. You may enter remarks concerning the curve in the input field to the right of the curve number. • The starting point (%I change of 0% with a count of 0%) refers to the respective base value of the %I, Reference current and Pressure. • The final point (%I change of 100% with a count of 100%) refers to parameter "Pressure at end of 1.Stepper-Phase" for the pressure, to parameter "%I at end of 1.Stepper-Phase" for %I, and to parameter "Reference current at end of 1.Stepper- Phase" for the reference current. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 109 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface • The starting point and the end point of a curve (white points) are always fixed. A total of 8 intermediate points are available between the starting point and the end point for influencing the curve characteristic. For this purpose, you must drag the black points with the mouse to the desired position, or enter the corresponding values right below the “%I change” and the “Count Value” parameters. For reasons of plausibility, count values can only be entered in ascending order into the input fields from left to right. Linear interpolation will be carried out between any 2 intermediate points. In a first approximation, these curves approximately resemble the shape of an e-curve, rising sharply in the beginning and becoming flatter afterwards. The actual shape of a %I stepping curve is an experimental value. Normally, it does not really depend on the actual heat value, or the electrode shape used by a welding program, but rather the electrode alloy and the parts to be welded. Therefore, two curves – one for sheet steel and one for galvanized sheets – are normally sufficient. 110 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Setup: Tipdress curves Note: First you have to select the relevant timer - indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field, or - directly via the “Timer” field. Input window as in "Setup: Stepper curves". You can transfer all data displayed to the timer by hitting the Apply command button. Each curve (0 to 9) influences the %I, reference current and pressure. Based on the curve, the timer defines the change of all quantities specified after a dressing cycle subject to the electrode count. The change will remain constant until the next dressing cycle (stepper function). It will act in addition to a change generated by the Stepper-Curve Select the desired curve in the “Curve number field. You may enter remarks concerning the curve in the input field to the right of the curve number. • The starting point (%I change of 0% with a count of 0%) refers to the respective base value of the %I, Reference current and Pressure. • The final point (%I change of 100% with a count of 100%) refers to parameter "Pressure after last dressing" for the pressure, to parameter "%I after last dressing" for %I, and to parameter "Reference current last dressing" for the reference current. • The starting point and the end point of a curve (white points) are always fixed. A total of 8 intermediate points are available between the starting point and the end point for influencing the curve characteristic. For this purpose, you must drag the black points with the mouse to the desired position, or enter the corresponding values right below the “%I change” and the “Count Value” parameters. For reasons of plausibility, count values can only be entered in ascending order into the input fields from left to right. Linear interpolation will be carried out between any 2 intermediate points. The purpose of a dressing curve is to provide shape compensation for the many shape changes of an electrode due to repeated tip 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 111 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface dressing. Again, the optimum curve shape is an experimental value which depends on the type of electrode maintenance concept. A linear adjustment (ramp) may be used as an initial approximate value. Setup: Fault-Setup Note: First you have to select the relevant timer - indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field, or - directly via the “Timer” field. Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). For each message shown, a type can be defined. • Checkbox “Fault” is active: The message will be signaled as a fault. In contrast to a Warning, the timer will not accept a start signal until it has been restored to Ready state (refer to section “How to..“, "Reset Fault" paragraph). • Checkbox “Warning” is active: The message will be signaled as a warning. The timer will continue working. Any schedule-specific warnings will be cleared by the next start. Note: The information displayed is not relevant for all timer types.directly via the “Timer” field.112 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of downtimes and misinterpretation of welding results on the system! CAUTION Arbitrary changes to a message type may lead to undesirable downtimes and to a misinterpretation of welding results on the system! Therefore. you should make sure that changes do not affect the intended.indirectly via the “Spot-Name” field. proper behavior of the system! Setup: Communication Note: First you have to select the relevant timer . Displays information concerning the Ethernet interface. . or . For more information concerning Ethernet. For more information concerning Ethernet. Communication) IP address stored in the flash memory of the Ethernet adapter. For more information concerning Ethernet. For more information concerning Ethernet. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: . please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: Standard gateway IP address of the standard gateway stored in the flash memory of the Ethernet adapter. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: Port Number Port number stored in the flash memory of the Ethernet adapter.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 113 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface IP Address (Setup. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: Subnet mask Subnet mask stored in the flash memory of the Ethernet adapter. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: SMTP Address SMTP address stored in the flash memory of the Ethernet adapter. For more information concerning Ethernet. 114 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Address mode Address mode Comment DEF_IP_SWITCH If Anybus switch bank == 0: IP. High-IP. subnet and gateway from object NO_IP_SWITCH always: IP.0 GATEWAY == 0. High-IP from Basic address switch.255. subnet and gateway from flash If Anybus switch bank != 0: Low-byte IP from Anybus switch bank: High-IP == 192. If Basic switch banks != 0: IP = Basic switch banks. Subnet and GATEWAY from object ALL_IP_SWITCH If Basic switch banks == 0: as LOW_AB_IP_SWITCH.0.255. Subnet and GATEWAY from object MIX_IP_SWITCH always: Low-Byte IP from CPU switch bank. High-IP from Basic address switch. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: . subnet and gateway from flash If Anybus switch bank != 0: Low-Byte IP from Anybus switch bank.0. simplex Fixed.0.0 LOW_CPU_IP_SWITCH immer: Low-Byte IP from CPU switch bank. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: Mode Mode Automatic Fixed. Subnet and GATEWAY from object Baudrate Baudrate Automatic Fixed 10 MBd Fixed 100 MBd For more information concerning Ethernet. subnet and gateway from object LOW_AB_IP_SWITCH If Anybus switch bank == 0: IP.X Subnet == 255. duplex For more information concerning Ethernet.168. Server Server MAC-Adress Display of the worldwide unique MAC address of the Ethernet adapter.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 115 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Functions (Setup. For more information concerning Ethernet. Modbus. FTP-Server TELNET. Communication) Informs in binary format about the status of various server services of the timer. Ethernet SMTP Server /TCP. . • Bit x is high: Service/function is active Bit 0 Bit 1 Bit 2 Bit 3 Bit 4 Bit 5 WEB. please refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”: DIP switch Displays the setting of the IP-ADR switch bank (on the front side of the Ethernet adapter) in decimal format. refer to “Explanations“ section. the “Correction“ menu (which is called up by the icon) offers the following choices:: • Selection of “Spot-Name” or “Timer” or “Program”. • Selection of the "Correction" tab in order to make temporary.116 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Correction Within the BOS 6000 main window. Note: For information concerning the Status line. . the settings/functions are only possible at a certain user level. process-related %I and force changes quickly and without altering the individual base values. Note: In some cases. but also any electrode-specific corrections. Note: As this window is used to program not only program- specific correction data. "Changing and transmitting parameters to the timer"). tab "Schedule". Note: The current parameter settings will be displayed in the "Programming" menu. The electrode-specific correction data displayed always belongs to the electrode that was parameterized in the welding program selected (display in field “Electrode”).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 117 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Correction: Correction Purpose: • Program. Use the Data ----> Timer command button to transfer modified parameters to the timer (refer to sect. • Program. you should first select the relevant welding program (via field “Spot-Name“ or via fields “Timer“ and “Program").and electrode specific %I correction within permitted limit values (in %).and electrode specific electrode force correction within permitted limit values (in %). . The permissible correction value also depends on parameters "Max %I-Correction" and "Min %I-Correction" within the "Programming" menu.) act in addition to each other.) and the %I correction (Elec. tab "General "". The %I correction (Prg. The permissible correction value also depends on parameters "Max %I-Correction" and "Min %I-Correction" within the "Programming" menu. The %I correction (Prg. Pressure-Correction (Elec.) and the %I correction (Elec. The Pressure correction (Prg.) act in addition to each other. tab "General "". Pressure-Correction (Prg. In order to enter correction values for other electrodes. tab "General "". %I Correction (Elec.) act in addition to each other.) Corrects the demanded %I of all programs using the electrode displayed by the percentage indicated.) Corrects the electrode force (“base pressure value” parameter) of the relevant program by the percentage indicated.118 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface %I Correction (Prg.) Corrects the demanded %I of the relevant program by the percentage indicated.) act in addition to each other. The permissible correction value also depends on parameters "Max Pressure-Correction" and "Min Pressure-Correction" within the "Programming" menu.) and the Pressure correction (Elec. In order to enter correction values for other electrodes. The Pressure correction (Prg.) Corrects the electrode force (“base pressure value” parameter) of all programs using the electrode displayed by the percentage indicated.) and the Pressure correction (Elec. The permissible correction value also depends on parameters "Max Pressure-Correction" and "Min Pressure-Correction" within the "Programming" menu. tab "General "". you must select a spot/a program that has been assigned to the desired electrode as described above. you must select a spot/a program that has been assigned to the desired electrode as described above. . change and delete spot names. • To transfer the spot names from the spot reference table of BOS 6000 to the relevant timer (without comments!) using the Spot-Table --> WT command button.xls) for further external processing.WT command button. Note: The electrode force specified is only effective after proper Force calibration or a proper input in parameters "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero-adjust" (refer to "Programming" menu in tab "Electrode") ! Otherwise. Note: Automatic comment generation completely deletes all comments already existing in the spot reference table within BOS 6000! • only when logged in as Administrator: to use theSet Access Level" link to define the execution privileges (=write privileges) for command buttons and menu items in this window . To Export the spot reference table to an Excel file (*. To Compare the spot reference data of the logged-in timers and the spot reference table in BOS 6000. Note: The spot reference table existing in BOS 6000 is completely replaced by this process! To Backup/Restore the complete spot reference table on/from a storage medium. • To transfer the spot names from a timer to the spot reference table of BOS 6000 using the Spot-Table <. • To automatically generate a comment for the “comment 1” field from the spot name using the Auto comment command button if activated in the configuration tool. This function is absolutely necessary in order to use spot addressing and must be performed for all online timers whenever the spot reference has been changed. Correction) Defines the electrode force (in kN) used for welding by the relevant program.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 119 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Base pressure value (Correction. there is no defined correlation between the value input and the resulting force at the electrode gun! Spot Reference Purpose: To Add. . “Spot name” field). the spot reference table contains the “spot name”.120 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Spot names serve to quickly address/identify all spot welds which can be welded by the logged-in timers. Several identical names are not permitted in Spot Reference. Spot name Input of a unique spot name. If a spot weld has been entered in the spot reference table of BOS 6000. Number of characters: max. Comments for a spot can be displayed by clicking on the icon in the BOS 6000 main window (refer to window “Spot Comment". Comment 1 to comment x Comment field for describing the spot weld. Note: No comments will be stored in the timer. Timer comment Timer comment entered in Timer Reference. The number of comment fields can be specified in a configuration tool parameter. 48. WT Name of the timer used to weld the spot. Prohibited characters: ' Sched Number of the program used to weld the spot. Sort and Filter operations can be carried out for the spot reference table. program number. Therefore. The information as to the timer and program used to weld this spot is automatically taken from the spot reference table by the welding system. timer name. the spot name of this spot can be used within BOS 6000 in connection with operation/programming (input/selection in the BOS 6000 main window. timer comment and a number of user-specific comment fields for entering further information with respect to each spot. Sorting the table is possible. The check boxes at the left line margin are used to select electrodes for a desired activity. Update To update the display manually. . • To acknowledge tip change (reset counts) • To set counts and dressing counter to certain values (using Detail Info) • Only when logged in as Administrator: To define the execution privileges (=write privileges) for command buttons in this window using the “ Set Access Llevel" menu item. Checking the uppermost check box will select/deselect all check boxes in the list. Normally.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 121 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Prewarning Purpose: • General overview of the status of all electrodes with a count of more than 0. and this setting should not be altered for reasons of performance. Color codes of the electrode bars (count column) green: Electrode status without specific message yellow: Prewarning limit reached red: End of stepper without timer stop dark red: End of stepper with timer stop bright orange: Tip dress request orange: Dressing necessary without timer stop dark orange: Dressing necessary with timer stop Note: The electrode status is also displayed in clear text. the display is automatically updated once per minute (parameter can be set in configuration tool). "Stepper" field. Refer to window "Detail Info". the system also indicates the maximum count and the maximum dressings of the electrode in question. spot counter. spot and dressing counters of the electrodes in question are set to 0. dressing counter). CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! Therefore. Acknowledges an electrode change for all electrodes selected.122 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Detail Info Can only be activated if precisely 1 electrode has been selected. The following activities are also possible with respect to the currently selected electrode . Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. In addition to displaying information about all important counter statuses (counts. CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! Therefore.set counts and dressing counter manually. you should make sure that an electrode change is not acknowledged unless the electrodes have actually been replaced! You should never make any arbitrary changes to the counts or the dressing counter values! Electrode changed Can only be activated if at least 1 electrode has been selected.acknowledge tip change . you should make sure that an electrode change is not acknowledged unless the electrodes have actually been replaced! . Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. The counts. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when fault reset with reweld is started. any self- acknowledging faults will automatically disappear as soon as the cause of the fault is no longer present. For this reason. Possibility of immediate welding schedule start after “Fault reset with reweld”! If the start signal is present when a fault is reset DANGER with reweld. . the timer will immediately start repeating its program run! Welding will be repeated! Therefore.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 123 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Error table Purpose: • To obtain a general. The detail display also offers the following possibilities: Fault reset with WC (Weld complete) or Fault reset with Reweld Refer to section "Reset".warnings and other important statuses (yellow background).faults (pink background). color-coded overview of all currently active . • To call up the detail display by double-clicking on a line (only available for lines that contain a fault). More detailed information concerning an entry is available there. The display is cyclically updated. Note: Whether certain events should be interpreted as a fault or a warning by the timer can be defined in the "Setup: Fault Setup" window. All other faults must be reset by the operator. . the timer will immediately output the “WC” signal. This may result in machine movements. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when Reset with WC is selected.124 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Possibility of immediate machine movements after “Fault reset with WC”! If the start signal is present upon Reset with DANGER WC. . Therefore. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 125 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Network overview Purpose: • Status overview of all logged-in timers. refer to section “The timer symbol” further below. For a description. Note: The “Diagnosis” menu is not available for offline timers. Double clicking on the timer symbol of an online timer will open the “Diagnosis. When the timer name display has been deactivated. Note: You can define in the configuration tool whether or not the timer names should be displayed together with the timer symbols. “Diagnosis”. “Setup” and “Correction” menus. the corresponding name can still be viewed using the “tooltip”. . • Quick selection of the BOS 6000 main window with the “Programming“.Timer Information” menu. Right-clicking on the relevant timer symbol will open a pop-up menu containing further options. Double clicking on the timer symbol of an offline timer will open the “Programming” menu. 126 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface . especially in the event of welding lines comprising many timers.g. Note: The weld current protocol can be deactivated via the configuration tool because it may cause extensive network traffic.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 127 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Protocol Purpose: • To Display all available protocol memories (including sort and filter) • To Export protocol data to an ASCII file in which the fields of a protocol line are optionally delimited by the “. Weld current protocol: contains all schedules that have been started including all important command values and actual values. Data change protocol: contains all events by which data were changed. Protocols are permanently recorded in the background while BOS 6000 is active and cover all online timers logged into BOS 6000 including data changes as well as all events of any kind occurring (e. Weld fault protocol. Error protocol: contains all events occurred with the exception of weld faults. faults. data changes by the user and actual values. only includes the weld faults occurred. .“ or “. • To Print protocol data (including preview) • Statistical evaluation according to duration of fault and frequency of fault (via Statistics menu item) • only when logged in as Administrator: to define the execution privileges (=write privileges) for command buttons and menu items in this window via the "Set Access Level" link. warnings) or current values.“ characters. The size of the ring memory can only be configured when installing the BOS 6000 (40000 to 100000 entries). No checkmark means: Protocol entry is an event or a warning. Date/Time Time the entry was made. or other causes of the fault in the event of welding faults.. Note: Whether certain events should be interpreted as a fault or a warning by the timer can be defined in the "Setup: Fault Setup" window. … specifically for the Error protocol Description Cause of entry in plain text. Fault Checkmark means: Protocol entry is defined as a fault. . … specifically for the Weld fault protocol Program Program in which the weld fault occurred.128 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface All Protocol memories are designed as ring memories (first in. Addition Additional message. for all protocols: ID Sequential numbers of the protocol entries. Depending on fault. Timer name Name of the timer (as assigned in Timer Reference) that caused the protocol entry. Monitor status Message of the current monitoring function. it includes the program or electrode number.. The configuration tool is needed to empty the individual protocol memories. first out). Description of the table columns… . … specifically for the Data change protocol Parameter Parameter that has been modified. Active reference current Current measured./Elec. . Actual time Actual time span between the program start and the end of the hold time (HLD) in ms. Programmed time Maximum permitted time span between the program start and the end of the hold time (HLD) in ms. Entry is only made if time monitoring is active. Entry is only made if time monitoring is active. Prog. New The parameter value after the data change. Number of the program in which the parameter was changed. or number of the electrode that is affected by the modified parameter.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 129 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Reference current Current value that is the basis for monitoring. Spot-Name Spot name (as assigned in the Spot Reference table) for which the weld fault occurred. Station number Username Username performing the data change. Count Count status of the relevant electrode at the time of occurrence of the fault. Old The parameter value prior to the data change. Unit Physical unit of the modified parameter.Nr. Addition Additional message concerning the weld executed. .-Mode Setting of the “monitor” parameter used for the schedule. Monit. Monitor status Message of the current monitoring function in connection with the weld executed. Count Count status of the relevant electrode at the time the schedule was executed. Schedule Status of program schedule.s RegStd Setting of the “regulation” parameter used for the schedule.s tAct. tDem. Count in % Relevant electrode wear (in %) at the time the schedule was executed. Setting of the “spot repetition” parameter used for the schedule.130 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Comment Comment text that was entered on the occasion of a data change.11 Setting of the “reference current” parameter used for the PreWld of the schedule (in kA). iDem. Spot Repet. … specifically for the weld current protocol Number Number of the last welding program executed. Spot-Name Name of the spot (as assigned in the Spot Reference table) welded. iDem. iDem. PHA Std PHA1 Mean phase value in the PreWld (in %I).3 Actual current measured in the PostWeld (in kA). PHA2 Mean phase value in the WLD (in %I).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 131 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface iAct. iAct. Compare Purpose: . Reg2 Setting of the “regulation mode” parameter used for the WLD of the schedule. PHA3 Mean phase value in the PostWeld (in %I). Reg3 Setting of the “regulation mode” parameter used for the PostWeld of the schedule.12 Setting of the “reference current” parameter used for the WLD of the schedule (in kA).1 Actual current measured in the PreWld (in kA). regulation1 Reg1 Setting of the “regulation mode” parameter used for the PreWld of the schedule.2 Actual current measured in the WLD (in kA).13 Setting of the “reference current” parameter used for the PostWeld of the schedule (in kA). iAct. . refer to section "Comparing timer data".timer-specific data For the procedure. .132 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface • To find out differences between 2 timers in the areas . and .program data.electrode data. .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 133 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Parameter Overview Purpose: • To display corrections activated in the selected timer • To display invalid parameter values in the selected timer Use the list box to select the desired display. 134 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Set Access Level Purpose: • To define/change the user level for individual objects. The remote services are visualized using specially created html sites in compressed zip files which can be uploaded to the timer via an FTP Upload when necessary. For the procedure. . menu items or command buttons can be protected against unauthorized access. functions. A http server has been integrated into the timer (depending on timer type) which provides a number of different remote services via TCP/IP through port 80. FTP-Upload Purpose: • To load specific html sites into a timer. In this way. refer to section "Defining user levels for individual objects". The path and the filename can be modified for the selected timer using the … command button. Loading new websites If the correct files have been entered in the filename column for the relevant timers. the FTP upload can be started for the timers selected with the checkboxes. Condition: Timer with a 100 MBit Ethernet adapter Filename Name of the zip file containing all html files necessary for the relevant timer in compressed format.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 135 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Note: The “FTP-Upload” function can be activated/deactivated via the configuration tool. The check boxes at the left line margin are used to select timers for the FTP upload. . Checking the uppermost check box will select/deselect all check boxes in the list. For the procedure. . Restore Purpose: • To configure the restore function.136 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Backup Purpose: • To configure the backup function. refer to section "Restoring timer data". refer to section "Timer data backup". For the procedure. target directory of the backup data .additional backup of the Timer reference table . . you should use the All timers command button in order to integrate timers in the autobackup. Date/Time Time at which the autobackup will be/has been performed for the first time for the timer in question.filename prefix for the backup files (station name) Note: For as long as the autobackup function has not been configured. Filename File name under which the timer backup data is stored in the target directory. Note: More settings for the autobackup function can be made via the configuration tool: . there will not be any entries in the table.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 137 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Autobackup Purpose: • To configure the automatic. time-controlled backup function. Next schedule Next time the autobackup will be performed for the timer in question.additional backup of the BOS 6000 Spot reference table . In this case. Description of the table columns… WT Timer name for storing the data via the autobackup function. The relevant timer is no longer taken into consideration for the autobackup. OK Activates the autobackup function and closes the window.138 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Last cycle Time at which the autobackup has been performed for the last time for the timer in question. Status gray: no backup has been made so far green: backup was properly made in the last cycle. . then queries the time of the first backup and the desired backup interval and finally includes all online timers into the autobackup. Meaning of command buttons: Delete Deletes a selected line without further queries. All timers First deletes all existing lines. communication with the timer to be replaced must still be operative (“Status” field in “Timer change” window must be green).1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 139 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Timer change Purpose: • To copy all parameters and settings including the updated electrode data (e. For more detailed information and the procedure.g.. V24 at X1).g. . Note: In order to use the “Timer change” function. refer to section "Replacing a defective timer". you should try and find out whether communication still works using another interface (e. counter statuses) and other actual values to a timer of the same type. If no communication is possible via the currently selected communication port.. 140 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Copy Purpose: • To configure the copy function. For the procedure. refer to section "Copying timer data". . please click into the corresponding field. the system will display the timer type including the current firmware version loaded in this field. Status red: no firmware has been loaded to the timer memory. To select a firmware file. For a description of how to perform a firmware update. File File name of the firmware to be loaded into the memory of the relevant timer using the Load FW command button. Checking the uppermost check box will select/deselect all check boxes in the list. Description of the table columns: The check boxes at the left line margin are used to select timers. refer to section "Updating the timer firmware". . Click on the … command button and select the desired firmware file. Timer type (memory) If a firmware has already been loaded to the timer using the Load FW command button. Timer type Timer type including firmware version as defined in the Timer Reference.hex) must be available to perform a firmware update. green: firmware has been/is being loaded.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 141 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Firmware change Purpose: • To update the timer firmware Note: A suitable firmware file (*. Welding can be continued during the firmware load. If no firmware has been loaded into the memory of the relevant timer using the Load FW command button. Change Copies the firmware loaded into the timer RAM to the timer’s flash memory. the Change command button appears dimmed.142 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Meaning of command buttons: Load FW Load the firmware file displayed in the “File” column to the RAM of the corresponding timer. This process will only be performed for the timers selected via the appropriate checkboxes. Note: To activate a firmware loaded into the timer’s RAM. it must be transferred to the timer flash memory by clicking on the Change command button. This process will only be performed for the timers selected via the appropriate checkboxes. . If no firmware has been loaded into the memory of the relevant timer using the Load FW command button. This process will only be performed for the timers selected via the appropriate checkboxes. Saving actual values Writing actual values and counter statuses of the corresponding timer to the database. the Save actual values command button appears dimmed. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 143 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Para. Possible data includes: • Data of all programs/electrodes • Data of certain programs/electrodes • Data of all released programs (parameter "Start-Inhibit (P)": Off) or all electrodes with active stepping (parameter "Stepper": On) • To output the parameter data into an ASCII file Using this function. "Exporting parameter data to ASCII file". For the procedure. program/electrode data can be configured/completed independent of timers and transmitted to the desired weld timers using the "Parameter-Restore" function. refer to sect.-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Backup) Purpose: • To select the desired parameter data. . 144 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Para.-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Restore) Purpose: • To import parameter data stored as an ASCII file- Note: The structure of the parameter data necessary for importing the data corresponds to the structure of the Export. refer to sect. For the procedure. "Importing parameter data from ASCII file" . Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 145 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Set Counter Purpose: To Set counts and dressing counter to specific values Note: The program number is not displayed unless the dialog is called up in window "Programming: Stepper" (and not in window "Detail Info"). CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! You should never make any arbitrary changes to the counts or the dressing counter values! . However..146 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Current calibration Purpose: • To adjust all components of AC or DC systems involved in current measurement to a reference current meter. "Performing current calibration". provided they have been calibrated using the same reference current meter. • More precise comparison of currents of all calibrated systems.". error to values below +/-2% with respect to the real value of a reference current meter. • Reproducibility of logged current values (ISO 9000). refer to section “How to . the benefits listed above are not reached in this case at all or to a limited extent only. For the procedure. Note: Welding is even possible without current calibration. provided they have been calibrated using the same reference current meter. • Reduction of max.. Benefits: • Homogeneous spot weld quality. • Direct transferability of currents to other calibrated systems. . 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 147 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Force calibration Purpose: • To adjust all components involved in force generation to a reference force meter. Benefits: • Homogeneous spot weld quality. • Direct input of gun force in kN. • Reproducibility of logged force values (ISO 9000). • More precise comparison of forces of all calibrated systems, provided they have been calibrated using the same reference force meter. • Direct transferability of forces to other calibrated systems, provided they have been calibrated using the same reference force meter. Note: Welding is even possible without force calibration. However, the relationship between the programmed force and the resulting force at the electrode gun must be manually defined using parameters "Conversion Factor", "Zero-Adjust" and "Maximum Pressure" in this case. For the procedure, refer to section "How to...", "Performing force calibration". 148 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Corresponding Programs Purpose: • To display all spots welded with the program displayed in the “Program” input field (BOS 6000 main window). If the background color of the “Spot name” list box in the BOS 6000 main window changes to yellow, several spots are welded with the program displayed in the “Program” input field. By clicking on the icon, you can then display all of these spots in the “Corresponding Program” window. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 149 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Spot Comment Purpose: • Display of the comment fields (from the Spot Reference table) of a selected spot. For the procedure, refer to sect. "Displaying spot comments". 150 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Detail Info Purpose: • To display detailed information concerning the electrode selected in the"Prewarning" window. • To Acknowledge replacement of electrodes (reset counts) • To Set counts and Dressing Counter to specific values Stepping Display of the electrode status in plain text. Counts Indicates the current Counts value for this electrode (= Counts). Spots Indicates the number of spots already welded by this electrode (= spot counter). Dressings Indicates how often the electrode has already been dressed (= Dressing Counter). Start tip dressing is not accounted for in this case. Max. Count When dressing has been deactivated (Dressings = 0.0): indicates the maximum permitted electrode count. Can be configured in window"Programming: Stepper". When dressing is active (Dressings > 0.0): indicates the maximum permitted electrode count between 2 dressing cycles. Can be configured in window"Programming: Stepper". Dressings Indicates how often the electrode may be dressed until the end of stepper. Can be configured in window"Programming: Stepper". . CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! Therefore. The counts. spot and dressing counters of the electrode in question are set to 0.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 151 and Controls Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface Meaning of command buttons: Electrode changed Acknowledges an electrode change for the electrode displayed. Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! You should never make any arbitrary changes to the counts or the dressing counter values! Cancel Close “Detail Info” window. Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. you should make sure that an electrode change is not acknowledged unless the electrodes have actually been replaced! Set counter Sets the counts and dressing counter of the electrode displayed. . 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 153 and Controls How to … How to … In this section. The “ Add/Change Timer” window will be displayed.exe) running in the background are closed. . Close BOS 6000 and restart it. Log in timers to BOS 6000 Note: This function can only be invoked in the course of program start. Enter the relevant data. etc. 1. In the “ Timer Reference” window. changes. 4. 1. you must have the appropriate user privileges. In the title bar of the BOS 6000 main window. Note: As an alternative to the Add command button.) is also terminated by exiting BOS. click on or select the File | Exit menu item in the menu bar of the BOS main window. Exit BOS 6000 Note: To exit the application. 2. Accept the data in the window by hitting OK. Note: Logging of the plant condition (faults. click on the Add command button. The setting can be modified by an Administrator currently logged in using the “Set Access Level” window. The BOS 6000 user interface and the BOS 6000 server application (BOSServ. you will learn how to carry out important activities within BOS 6000. 3. 2. you may also right-click and then select the “Add” menu option. The descriptions are focused on the handling and operation of the software. Then confirm the query "Are you sure" by hitting OK. select the timers to be deleted. Delete timers from BOS 6000 Note: This function can only be invoked in the course of program start. 4. For online timers. Confirm the query “Are you sure” by hitting OK to delete the selected timers. or for which continuous logging is necessary! 1. 5. Use the check boxes at the left line margin for this purpose. Note: BOS 6000 can no longer access a timer that has been deleted. a data comparison will be carried out. Note: The system behavior in the event of data mismatch can be selected in the “Direction” list box of the “ Add/Change Timer window. Parameter input. Close the “ Add/Change Timer window by hitting the Cancel command button. 6. This shows you that the corresponding record has not yet been generated in the internal database.154 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 5. . In the event of a data mismatch between the database and the online timer. Connection setup will be started next. 2. In the “ Timer Reference window. diagnosis and logging are not possible for deleted timers! Ö Do not delete any timers from BOS 6000 which you will still need for programming or diagnosis. Close BOS 6000 and restart it. Hit the Continue command button to start establishing the connection. The system creates a new record for the new timer in the internal database. 3. The field in column “Software-Version” initially has a red background. Right-click with the mouse in the “ Timer Reference” window and select the “Delete” menu item. Click on Continue in the “ Timer Reference window to start the connection setup. The new timer will be displayed in the “ Timer Reference window as a new line in the table. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 155 and Controls How to … Change the communication data of logged-in timers Note: This function can only be invoked in the course of program start. 1. Close BOS 6000 and restart it. 2. In the “ Timer Reference window, select the timer whose communication data is to be changed. Use the cursor keys CursorUp/CursorDown for this purpose. You may also left- click on the relevant line. The currently selected timer is shown as a line with a blue background. 3. Right-click with the mouse in the “ Timer Reference window and select the “Change” menu item. The “ Add/Change Timer” window will be displayed. 4. Change the relevant data. 5. Accept the data in the window by hitting OK. 6. Click on Continue in the “ Timer Reference" window to start the connection setup. For online timers, Connection setup will be started next. In the event of a data mismatch between the database and the online timer, a data comparison will be carried out. Note: The system behavior in the event of data mismatch can be selected in the “Direction” list box of the “ Add/Change Timer" window. 156 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Export Timer Reference Create a backup copy of the table shown in the“ Timer Reference" window. 1. In the “ Timer Reference" window, select File | Export Timer Reference. 2. Enter the directory and the filename under which the timer reference is to be stored and confirm your entries by hitting the Save command button. The current timer reference will be stored as an ASCII file with the filename extension *.txt. Ö Never change this file manually. Otherwise, you may experience problems when restoring the data! Import Timer Reference Note: This function can only be invoked in the course of program start. A previously exported timer reference is reimported into BOS 6000. Ö Please note that the current timer reference is completely deleted by this process! 1. In the “ Timer Reference" window, select File | Import Timer Reference. 2. Confirm the query by hitting Yes and select the directory and the name containing the timer reference to be imported. Confirm your entries by hitting Open. The selected timer reference is imported. Print Timer Reference 1. In the “ Timer Reference" window, select File | Print. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 157 and Controls How to … Copy Timer Data You may copy data both within one and the same timer (e.g. program or electrode data) or from one timer to another. 1. In the BOS 6000 main window, select the Edit | Copy menu item from the menu bar. The “ Copy” window will be displayed. 2. First mark the data to be copied using the radio buttons provided. 3. Select the “Source” from which timer the data is taken from the list box. 4. Select the “Destination” to which timer the data is to be copied from the list box. 5. If program or electrode data is to be copied, specify the program or electrode data to be copied in the left numerical input field (“Program” or “Electrode/Stepper”). Here, you must enter the relevant program/electrode/stepper number. 6. If program or electrode data is to be copied, specify the destination program or electrode data in the right input display field (“Program” or “Electrode/Stepper”). Here, you may also enter more than one program/electrode/stepper number(s). Use the “-“ and/or “,” signs to define contiguous number ranges or separate numbers. Example: to copy the data of a program to programs 10 to 21, 41 and 52, you would write: 10-21,41,52 7. Confirm your entries by hitting OK. The ”Data --> Timer” dialog is opened. You may specify the reason for copying in the “Comment” field. The text entered here will be shown in addition to the change event in the data change log. Note: At this point, the data has not been copied yet! 158 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 8. Start the copying process by hitting OK. Wait for the BOS 6000 message that the process has been completed and confirm the message by hitting OK. 9. If no more data is to be copied, close the “ Copy" window by hitting the Cancel command button. Export timer data (backup) All parameter settings of one/several timers are saved in a backup file. By this process, all relevant data of the internal database is stored in separate compressed files (*.zip) for each selected timer. Note: This function does not affect any active welding processes. 1. In the “ Timer Reference" window, click on the Export Record set command button. The “ Upload" window will be displayed. 2. Select the timers the data of which should be included in the backup. Use the check boxes at the left line margin for this purpose. Checking the uppermost check box will select/deselect all check boxes in the list. 3. The backup path may be changed, or a new backup directory may be created, using the … command button. Note: As a standard, backup files can be stored on any available drive of the BOS 6000 computer, provided that the user has the proper access privileges. As an alternative, however, they may also be stored on any FTP server because BOS 6000 already includes a suitable FTP client. This function can be activated and configured via the configuration tool. 4. Hit the OK command button to start the backup procedure. From the right list box. . the system displays important information concerning the backup selected and the specified target timer record set. Hit the OK command button to start the restore procedure. select the relevant zip file using the … command button and confirm your selection by hitting Open. First.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 159 and Controls How to … Restore Timer data (download) Note: This function can only be invoked in the course of program start. click on the Import Record set command button. The “ Download” window will be displayed. 1. you select the timer whose data record in the internal database is to be replaced with the contents of the zip file and confirm your selection by hitting OK. 3. 4. In the “ Timer Reference" window. 2. For more details. refer to window “ Connection setup".zip) is restored to the internal database of BOS 6000. The complete timer data contained in a backup file (*. In the “Import Record Set Comparison” window. 3. . Select the timers to be compared.160 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Compare Timer Data 1. Use the “Timer 1” and “Timer 2" list boxes for this purpose. Hit the Compare command button. select the Functions | Compare menu item or click on the symbol . 2. The differences between the two timers will be determined. The “ Compare" window will be displayed. In the BOS 6000 main window. you will see the details of the differences.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 161 and Controls How to … 4. Sort the table according to your needs. In the “Detail view” tab. . . Note: This setting can only be made in the course of program start. In the event of a data mismatch between the database and the online timer.162 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Influence data comparison at program start In the course of the program start. 2. 1. select the timer whose communication data is to be changed. 3. 5. Accept the data in the window by hitting OK. You can predefine the desired system behavior in the event that differences are detected. Click on Continue in the “ Timer Reference window to start the connection setup. Close BOS 6000 and restart it. 6. Use the cursor keys CursorUp/CursorDown for this purpose. The effects of the possible list box entries have been described in section “ Add/Change Timer". Change the “Direction” field according to your requirements. Right-click with the mouse in the “ Timer Reference" window and select the “Change” menu item. In the “ Timer Reference" window. The “ Add/Change Timer” window will be displayed. The currently selected timer is shown as a line with a blue background. Connection setup will be started next. a data comparison will be carried out. You may also left- click on the relevant line. 4. For online timers. the system will compare the data of a timer and its corresponding record set in the internal database (refer to "Connection setup") window. 2. Only those users whose access level is identical to or higher than the access level just assigned will be able to access the object accordingly in the future. Select “Set read level” or “Set write level” as well as the desired level in the pop-up menu. Note: Each user can be assigned an access level in the user administration of the configuration tool.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 163 and Controls How to … Define access levels for individual objects Note: This function is only available to logged-in administrators. 3. command buttons etc. Defining access levels of menu items and command buttons: 1. The access attributes may be assigned “Access levels” from 1 to 9. Move the mouse pointer to the desired numerical input field and right-click on it. A user may access those objects/functions only for which at least the same or a lower access level has been defined. Defining access levels of numerical input fields: 1. Only administrators may access objects for which access level 9 has been defined. .). Log in to BOS 6000 as administrator (refer to sect. Log in to BOS 6000 as administrator (refer to sect. "Login"). the system decides whether or not a logged-in user is entitled to read or write access for a certain object. Based on these access attributes. with access level 9 corresponding to the highest security level. access rights can be defined. "Login"). For many objects/functions of the user interface (menu items. 3. in the window "Timer Reference"). 4. In the BOS 6000 main window. Only those users whose access level is identical to or higher than the access level just assigned will be able to access the object accordingly in the future. Use the tabs to select whether the access level of a menu item (“Menu” tab) or a command button (“Button” tab) is to be modified in the calling window. press the Cursor-right key. The “ Set Access Level" window will be displayed. the window "Set Access Level" can also be called up via a link (e. select the Functions | Rights Administration menu item or click on the symbol . 6. Confirm the current settings by hitting the Update button. Note: At some points within BOS 6000. Repeat the last two steps in order to assign all relevant objects the desired access levels. If is not displayed. The “Table” tab is only available in conjunction with a pop-up menu which can be activated by right-clicking in the calling window. Select the line containing the relevant object and click on to select the desired access level.g.. . 5.164 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 2. the system will display information concerning the parameter to be copied. and 8. Use the “-“ and/or “. Example: to copy the value to programs 1 to 3. . Example: 3. If program or electrode data is to be copied.8 5. a pop-up menu will be displayed.” signs to define contiguous number ranges or separate numbers. Select “Copy” from the pop-up menu In the upper area of the next dialog window. Move the mouse pointer to the desired numerical input field and right-click on it. Electrode: Copy to programs working with the electrode displayed. Program/Electrode: copy to certain programs/electrodes. If the copy function is available at this point. Here. First select the destination to which the parameter contents are to be copied: All programs: copy to all programs.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 165 and Controls How to … Copy the contents of a numerical input field 1. 4. specify the destination program or electrode data in the next input field. 2. The copying process is immediately started by hitting OK. you may also enter more than one program/electrode/stepper number(s). you would write: 1-3. move the mouse pointer to the line that separates two adjacent column headings. Instead of the column headings. • Columns containing strings will be sorted in alpha-numerical order. you can invert the sorting direction. If permitted by the column width. Filter tables Some tables (in which the Show filter command button is offered. The command button text changes to Hide filter.g. Then keep the left mouse button depressed while dragging the line to the desired new position and then release the mouse button. By clicking on the same column heading again.e. • Numerical columns will be sorted in numerical order by the system. When filtering is active. Filters are activated by selecting an entry from one or several list boxes.166 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Sort tables Most tables can be sorted according to any criteria. in some logging tables) can be conveniently filtered according to topics. Click on the heading of the column containing the sortkey for sorting the table. its appearance will change. all entries in a column are automatically included in a list box by the system which also avoids redundant entries. a symbolic arrowhead will inform you of the current sort direction: ascending: descending: Note: In order to change width of a table column. e. . 1. list box items will be displayed where activated. only those table lines are displayed/printed/exported that meet the filter criteria selected. Select the Show filter command button.. 1. The filter topics are dynamic. i. When the mouse pointer is on a separation line.. Instead of the list box items the column headings will reappear. In the BOS 6000 main window. Repeat the previous step for all columns that require a filter. in order to print the protocol displayed: Ö Select the “Print” menu item. The currently active filters can be inferred from the text color of the entries in the individual list boxes: black: Filter off blue: Filter active. select the “Update” menu item. or “Weld current Protocol”. In the next dialog window. . select the Functions | Protocol menu item or click on the icon. The filter becomes immediately active. In addition. 3. 4. All active filters are deactivated. you can now export or print the filtered table. Select the uppermost list box entry (“…(*)”) to deactivate the filter for the respective column. click on the Hide filter command button.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 167 and Controls How to … 2. 2. you may either preview the printed protocol (Preview button) or define the print parameters (Print button). Select the desired protocol using tabs “”Error Protocol”. “Data Change Protocol”. In the relevant column. click on to display the available topics and select a topic. “Weld Fault Protocol”. To deactivate all filters. The “ Protocol” window will be displayed. If necessary. 4. Show / Print / Export logs 1. Use the Show filter command button to limit the protocol data to be shown/printed/exported to certain topics. Use the “Start” and “End” date input fields to limit the scope of the protocol data to be shown/printed to a certain period of time. Ö To exit the filter function. 3. All active filters act as a logic AND operator. The protocol data will be stored in an ASCII file. Enter the path and the filename and confirm your entries by hitting the OK button. you may enter the destination path and file name (“Store values” tab) or select the separator (“Setup” tab). . In the next dialog window. in order to export the protocol displayed: Ö Select the “Export” menu item.168 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … In addition. data change”function must have been activated in the relevant programming terminals using the configuration tool. the “Ext. . Note: We recommend accepting single parameter changes to a timer only. you may access all DANGER parameters. Do not change any parameters without reason. you can automatically visualize all data changes made by any other programming terminal in a table. Do not change any parameters without knowing the consequences. and thus the fundamental behavior of the connected timers. you can ensure a defined control status at any time. Note: If a timer can be addressed by several programming terminals (with BOS 6000 running on each of them). For this purpose. you should always contact your supervisor! To change parameters. • Change several parameters and then accept the new settings to the timer. you may proceed as follows: • Change a single parameter and then accept the new setting to the timer.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 169 and Controls How to … Change parameters and transfer to timer Arbitrary parameter changes may lead to dangerous conditions at the system! Using BOS 6000. In this way. In case of uncertainty. Note: In the configuration tool. Enter the reason for the parameter change in the ”Comment” field. if several parameters have been changed one after the other: At this point.. you can define whether and how many characters must be entered at minimum in the comment field. Hit the OK command button to transmit the changed data to the timer. The new data made will become effective in the system upon the next program selection. 3. Press the Enter key or click on the Data --> Timer button. 4. The text input will be displayed in the data change protocol in addition to the change itself. if a single parameter has been changed: . 2.. The ”Data --> Timer” dialog screen is displayed (Example): . Change the desired parameter(s). it is still possible to define the change to be actually transferred to the timer by selecting the check box on the left margin of the table.170 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Procedure 1.. .. The current spot reference will be stored as an Excel file with the filename extension *. Confirm your entries by hitting Open. select File | Export --> Excel Tab. . In the “ Spot Reference" window. .txt. . Select the directory and the filename under which the spot reference is to be stored and confirm your entries by hitting the Save command button. select File | Import…. Ö Please note that the current spot reference of BOS 6000 is completely deleted by this process! 1. 1. 2.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 171 and Controls How to … Export spot reference To create a backup copy of the table shown in the“ Spot Reference" window. Confirm the query by hitting Yes and select the directory and the name containing the spot reference to be imported. Otherwise. 2. Note: Saving a spot reference to an Excel file cannot replace regular backups of the spot reference. The selected spot reference is imported. In the “ Spot Reference" window. 2. Select the directory and the filename under which the spot reference is to be stored and confirm your entries by hitting the Save command button. In the “ Spot Reference" window. The current spot reference will be stored as an ASCII file with the filename extension *. . select File | Export….xls. A spot reference that has been saved in an Excel file cannot be retrieved to BOS 6000! Import spot reference A spot reference previously exported to an ASCII file is reimported into BOS 6000. Ö Never change this file manually. you may experience problems when restoring the data! Export spot reference to an Excel file 1. Enter the relevant data. The “Add/Change spot” window appears: Note: As an alternative to the Add command button. Display spot comments 1. In the “ Spot Reference" window. you may also right-click and then select the “Add” menu option. 4.172 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Print spot reference 1. In the “ Spot Reference" window. 1. 2. To add/change more spot references. Close the “Add/Change Spot” window by hitting the Cancel command button if you do not want to add/change any other spot references. Accept the data in the window by hitting OK. first click on the Delete command button and then continue as described under point 2 above. 3. select the spot reference to be changed and select the “Change” menu item. Enter/change spot references 1. In the BOS 6000 main window. select File | Print. select File | Compare Spot reference from the menu bar. click on the Add button to create a new spot reference or in the “ Spot Reference" window. Compare spot reference Shows the differences between the internal spot reference tables of the individual online timers and the BOS 6000 spot reference table. In the “ Spot Reference" window. The new or changed spot reference is accepted to the spot reference table. select the desired spot from the “Spot-Name” list box. . In the BOS 6000 main window. Delete spot references 1. By this. Note: If the “Prewarning” window had already been displayed before. right-click and select the “Delete” menu item.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 173 and Controls How to … 2. you may use the Update command button. Click on the icon . Show electrode status 1. The “Prewarning” window will be displayed. select the spot reference to be deleted. Note: The icon cannot be selected unless at least one comment has been assigned to a spot (for assignment of comments: refer to “ Spot reference" window. Confirm the query “Are you sure” by hitting OK to delete the selected spot reference from the table. . you ensure that the BOS displays the most current condition without a time delay. select the Functions | Prewarning menu item or press key F2 or Click on the icon. The “ Spot comment" window will be displayed. 2. In the “ Spot Reference” window. 174 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Confirm electrode change Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. In the BOS 6000 main window. CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! Therefore. Hit the Electrode changed command button. 2. 3. The counts. The “ Prewarning” window will be displayed. spot and dressing counters of the electrodes in question are set to 0. you should make sure that an electrode change is not acknowledged unless the electrodes have actually been replaced! 1. select the Functions | Prewarning menu item or press key F2 or click on the icon . Use the check boxes on the left line margin to select the electrodes you have changed. . Use the check boxes on the left line margin to select the electrodes you want to manipulate. . In the BOS 6000 main window. 4. select the Functions | Prewarning menu item or press key F2 or click on the icon . 6. and the “Dressings” input field serves to specify a dressing counter value. In the input field (top right). Hit the Set counter command button. As a default. The counts of the electrode displayed can be set to a desired value in the “Count” input field. Select the timer containing the source data from the list box (top left).-Data Import/Export” window will be displayed. the file name is taken from the timer name.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 175 and Controls How to … Set electrode counter Possibility of incorrect welds! Arbitrary changes of the counters of an electrode may result in incorrect welds. 3. Export parameter data to ASCII file 1. 3. 4. select the File | Para. In the BOS 6000 main window. . The “ Detail-Info” window will be displayed. 5. 2. The “ Set counter” window will be displayed. To change the default destination path. you should change the file name to which the ASCII data is to be saved. if necessary. Use the “Program” or “Electrode/Stepper” tabs to select whether you want to export program or electrode data. use the … command button. Hit the OK command button to activate the new values input. 2.-Data Import/Export | Export menu item. Hit the Detail-Info command button. The “ Prewarning” window will be displayed. The “ Para. CAUTION defective workpieces and the cooling water leaks at the electrodes! You should never make any arbitrary changes to the counts or the dressing counter values! 1. If you select the “Program” or “Electrode/Stepper” button.8 6.-Data Import/Export | Import menu item. enter the desired numbers.-Data Import/Export” window will be displayed. Select the timer to which the data is to be imported in the “Timer” list box of the BOS 6000 main window. the file name is taken from the selected timer name (refer to step 1). Hit the OK command button to import the data. To change the default source path. . you may also enter more than one program/electrode/stepper number(s). use the … command button. The “ Para. you would write: 1-3. 2. In the BOS 6000 main window. Example: to export the parameters of programs 1 to 3. and 8. Import parameter data from ASCII file 1.” signs to define contiguous number ranges or separate numbers. Use the “-“ and/or “.176 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 5. 4. Make your selection more specific via the radio button. As a default. the system will query whether or not the existing file should be replaced. Here. Hit the OK command button to save the data. Note: If a file with the same name already exists in the destination folder specified. select the File | Para. . Enter the name of the ASCII file to be imported in the input field. 3. The system will retrieve all current counter statuses and actual values from the relevant timer and update the BOS 6000 internal database with this data. The BOS 6000 internal database now contains all data that is required for the timer change. the “Timer change” procedures include a transfer of the currently active parameter settings and all current electrode data (e. If no communication is possible via the currently selected communication port. Therefore. counter statuses) and other actual values to the new timer.. no other data has to be obtained from the relevant timer. you may use the “Timer change” function for this purpose. 3. Note: In order to use the “Timer change” function. .g. select the Edit | Timer Change menu item.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 177 and Controls How to … Replace a defective timer In addition to the possibility of importing an existing (Backup) from the previous timer into the new one (Restore). The “ Timer change” window will be displayed. V24 at X1). Since the BOS 6000 internal database always shows a synchronous data map of all connected timers. you should try and find out whether communication still works using another interface (e. In contrast to Backup/Restore. text of the OK button changes to Timer change). Click on OK command button. The BOS 6000 indicates this status by the message “Change timer” in the “Description” field and waits for the communication to be interrupted (“Status” field becomes gray.g. Select the desired timer by clicking on the relevant line. it is not necessary to replace electrodes immediately after a timer change. 2. 1. In the BOS 6000 main window. communication with the timer to be replaced must still be operative (“Status” field in “Timer change” window must be green). Make the necessary switch settings on the new unit (e. 7. 6. Repeat force and current calibration. and replace it. please make sure that the personnel is not at risk at any time when accessing or staying in the hazard zone! 4. ADR switch. Therefore.”). 5. safely isolate it from supply.g. NEXT/END switch for Interbus network).The complete timer-specific record set will now be automatically copied from the BOS 6000 internal database to the timer. . you must ensure that units are always replaced by properly qualified staff only! Possibility of welding sequence and machine movements! At this point. Wait for the status messages at the end of the data transmission (“Function was finished successfully. welding sequences and machine DANGER movements are possible if the timer to be replaced is in READY condition.178 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Dangerous mains voltage is present! Possibility of electric shock through inadvertent and inappropriate handling of the DANGER inverter/power unit! Therefore. Select the Timer Change command button from the “Timer change” window. Switch the defective unit off. Turn 24V logic supply on the unit on. 8. first you have to load the firmware to the RAM of the corresponding timers. Check whether the entries for all selected timers in column “File” are now correct! 5. The firmware is now loaded into the RAM of the selected timers. proceed with step 6. Select the desired timers by clicking on the relevant check boxes. and select the proper firmware file (*. In the BOS 6000 main window.hex) must be available. if recommended by the service technician. For this purpose.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 179 and Controls How to … Upgrade the timer firmware The firmware of a timer normally need not be changed. . a firmware update may be necessary to correct errors. Procedure: 1. However. you should click into the corresponding field in the “File” column for all desired timers. select the Edit | Firmware Changing menu item. confirm the command button … displayed there.hex). The correct firmware must be displayed there for the timers in question. • the functionality of the new firmware must be compatible with the existing application. Otherwise. Hit the Load FW command button. stored on an accessible data medium and match the hardware in question. the name and version number of the firmware loaded will appear in the “Timer type (memory)” column. Conditions for the firmware update: • the firmware file (*. Check the information in column “Timer type (memory)”. Welding can be continued during the firmware load. 3. If this is the case. 4. Select the firmware file(s). A status bar in the “Status” column shows the progress. The “ Firmware Changing" window will be displayed: 2. When the complete firmware has been loaded (“Status” column: 100%). . Select the desired timers by clicking on the relevant check boxes. 8. The system will request you to restart the BOS 6000. 10. Welding can be continued during this process. Make sure that the relevant timers are no longer involved in a welding process and confirm by hitting Yes. In column “Status”. Hit the Save actual values command button. Initiate the firmware change. the new firmware will be permanently stored in the relevant timer (even after a loss of RAM power supply/backup power). The system will restart the relevant timers and BOS 6000. In the timer reference displayed after the login. welding is still possible. 9. Save actual values and counter statuses. 7. The firmware previously loaded into the RAM will be copied to the flash memory. Select the desired timers by clicking on the relevant check boxes. the system will temporarily set the timer-relevant fields in column “Direction” to “FW-MODE”. Hit the Change command button. you will receive the message “Actual values have been saved” when the function has been completed. At this point. The actual values and counter statuses of the selected timers will now be transferred to the BOS 6000 internal database. Now.180 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 6. The Connection setup will be started. If there is a difference between the data in the timer and the internal database. provided that window “Error table" is not yet active. Functions of the command buttons offered here: . 3. 2. select the Functions | Error table menu item or press key F3. all relevant data including counter statuses and actual values will be loaded from the database to the relevant timer. 1.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 181 and Controls How to … 11. click on the Continue/Next command button. Call up the Detail information (double click or “Enter” key). the errors that occurred last can also be reset in the “Diagnosis“ menu. In the BOS 6000 main window. In the “ Timer Reference" window. Reset faults Note: As an alternative to the method described here. Select the line that contains the relevant fault (left click or cursor keys “up”/”down”). tabs “Start Simulation" or "Timer Info". This may result in machine movements. Possibility of immediate welding schedule start after “Fault reset with reweld”! If the start signal is present when a fault is reset DANGER with reweld.The timer is restored to “Ready” state. please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when fault reset with reweld is started.The timer is restored to “Ready” state. Depending on the desired behavior. . . Possibility of immediate machine movements after “Fault reset with WC”! If the start signal is present upon Fault reset DANGER with WC. the timer will immediately start repeating its program run! Welding will be repeated! Therefore. Therefore. the timer will immediately output the “WC” signal. Help: Opens the BOS 6000 Help function containing more information concerning the error displayed. 4. Cancel: Closes the "Detail info” window. click on the Reset with WC or Reset with Reweld command button in order to reset the fault.The Weld Complete contact is output if the start signal is still high. .The program sequence is repeated if the start signal is still high.182 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Reset with WC: . Reset with Reweld: . please make sure that there is no- one in the hazard zone when fault reset with WC is selected. \Help\User subdirectory. Enter the user-specific texts between the <BODY> and </BODY> delimiters. the “My notes” link is provided for each fault message within the Help window. Click on the “My notes” link for the relevant fault message in the BOS 6000 Help window. 4. This link leads to a fault-specific HTML file that may be designed by the user himself in order to provide his own. Cancel the write protection of all files in the .</BODY> : Own formatting instructions. .. colors. This will start the Windows text editor. detailed instructions and methods for troubleshooting. For this purpose. 5. In very simple cases. Right click in this screen area and select Show source in the pop-up menu displayed. The file provided for user information will now be displayed in the screen area in which the various contents are shown within the BOS 6000 Help window. Save the modified file under its original name in the \Help\User subdirectory and close the editor. the information entered will be displayed. you may proceed as follows to add your own information: 1. 3. Example: : <BODY>This is my own text. When the function is called up the next time. 2.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 183 and Controls How to … Add fault information You may integrate your own information concerning fault messages into the BOS 6000 Help system. fonts or graphics may be included in the user-specific information if programmed in HTML format. How? • With the electrodes shorted. Based on this data. Two test welds are performed at different programmed %I values while measuring the actual currents flowing in each case (in kA) and entering the current values measured in the timer. the timer will automatically adjust parameter "Toroid sensitivity" to the necessary setting. The value last used can be viewed in the “Middle PHA” display field in windows "Programming: Schedule" or "Programming: Stepper". For calibration and checking the calibration. The respective calibration program must have been allocated to the electrode to be calibrated. The working range of the welding system must be known (which %I value is normally used to drive the power unit). %I data are not relevant for current calibration. 2. The welding current meter used must be set to identical values for these parameters. the setting at the reference ammeter must be identical and match the relevant system.184 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Perform current calibration When? • Whenever an active component (relevant for the current) has been changed. The programmed WLD and electrode force should be in the same range as for the real welding program (weld time may be selected a little longer than in reality. Use the same reference ammeter for all systems to be calibrated. 3. 4. 5. each electrode (gun) must be calibrated. The following settings are of special importance: Type of current: PST: AC current. are in the position intended for calibration. . but not too short). Separate programs whose sequence is not inhibited for calibrating the electrodes (guns). The electrode gun and the robot. Fade-out time/trail current: the welding current exhibits a transient behavior upon making/breaking which is being accounted for by the timer in parameters "Fade-out time" and "Trail current". Conditions: 1. if any. PSI: DC current. Click on OK command button. . select the Current calibration command button in the “Programming” menu. In the BOS 6000 main window. you can cause the timer to present the values input without the need to re-enter them when calibration is repeated for the relevant electrode. “Electrode” tab. Enter suitable %I values for the 2 test welds into the two %I fields. Move the sensors of the reference ammeter to the proper position and check the setting of the reference ammeter. The “Calibration” window will be displayed. 3. 2. Select a suitable calibration program. Check whether the appropriate electrode number is displayed! 4. please make sure that there is no- DANGER one in the hazard zone when the button is activated.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 185 and Controls How to … Procedure: 1. Close the electrode gun. 6. The next window of the current calibration function will be shown. Possibility of welding schedule start immediately after hitting “Schedule” button! Therefore. By activating check box “Store values”.The upper %I value should not exceed the working range of the welding equipment (refer to conditions listed above). 5. The lower %I value should be in the lower working range of the welding equipment and should be at least 20 %I lower than the upper value. Hit the Continue command button. Hit the Start Wld command button. Hit the Continue command button. Read the actual current flown at the reference ammeter and enter the value into the upper field “Measured current (kA)”. The number of inputs already performed will be displayed to the right of the input field. The number of inputs already performed will be displayed to the right of the input field. Read the actual current flown at the reference ammeter and enter the value into the lower field “Measured current (kA)”. Hit the Start Wld command button. the timer will calculate the necessary calibration values. The system will calculate the mean value of all values entered. Repeat this step 2-3 times. 8. A spot is welded with the (lower) %I value specified before. calibration has been completed. Accept the value by hitting the Enter button. The system will calculate the mean value of all values entered. Accept the value by hitting the Enter button. check the calibration with the help of a KSR test weld. A spot is welded with the (upper) %I value specified before. Now.186 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … 7. Afterwards. . 10. 9. Repeat this step 2-3 times. How? • Two measurements are performed at different programmed force values (in kN) while measuring the actual forces present at the electrode and entering the measured values in the timer. The force working range of the welding system must be known (which kN value is normally used for welding). The “Calibration” window will be displayed. Conditions: 1. Separate programs whose sequence is not inhibited for calibrating the electrodes (guns). Use the same reference force measuring device (e. pressure pickup) for all systems to be calibrated. The electrode gun and the robot. . e.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 187 and Controls How to … Perform force calibration When? • Whenever an active component (relevant for the generation of force. proportionate control valve) has been changed. 4. Procedure: 1. each electrode (gun) must be calibrated. 3. are in the position intended for calibration. In the BOS 6000 main window. The timer will use this data to automatically adjust the "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero adjust" parameters to the necessary settings.g.. gun.g. The respective calibration program must have been allocated to the electrode to be scaled. 2. “Electrode” tab. select the Force calibration command button in the “Programming” menu.. if any. 2. 3. Now. you should initially use low values when starting the calibration process. The lower input value corresponds to the force-influencing variable that causes the highest force used for welding. Click on OK command button. maximum possible value of the influencing variable) into the two % fields for the 2 test measurements. Select a suitable calibration program. Electrode gun closes! Therefore. . By activating check box “Store values”. you can cause the timer to present the values input without the need to re-enter them when force calibration is repeated for the relevant electrode. and increase these values in further calibration cycles until you have reached the working force. the timer will output the previously entered value of the (lower) influencing variable. please make sure that there is no unauthorized person in the hazard zone. The two values should differ by at least 20%. The upper input value corresponds to the force-influencing variable that causes the lowest force used for welding. Enter the amount of the desired force-influencing variable (in % of the hardware-related. Move the reference force measuring device to the proper position. The next window of the force calibration function will be shown. you should only use programmed values by which CAUTION the gun is not mechanically overloaded! If you do not know the behavior of the electrode gun. DANGER 5. Check whether the appropriate electrode number is displayed! 4.188 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … Possibility of damaging guns! In the course of the calibration process. . Read the force present at the reference force measuring device and enter the value into the upper “Force” field. Note: If the timer proposes to automatically raise parameter "Maximum pressure". Otherwise. calculated force characteristic. The timer will use this data to automatically adjust the "Conversion-Factor" and "Zero adjust" parameters to the necessary settings.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 189 and Controls How to … 6. Now. 9. a force parameterized there will be replaced with the force that can be theoretically achieved using the maximum force-influencing variable and the new. Click on OK command button. Click on OK command button. you should answer "No". and calibration has been completed. the timer will output the previously entered value of the (higher) influencing variable. Read the force present at the reference force measuring device and enter the value into the lower field “Force”. 7. 8. 190 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls How to … . 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 191 and Controls Fault messages Fault messages Please note: • Due to the large number of different applications. “How to …”. • Any active faults will be included in the "Error Table". Detailed instructions for troubleshooting cannot be given in all cases for this reason. This message only appears in the log . • For fault reset. • Some messages are type-specific and not available for all timer types! • In some cases. • For a description of how to add your own fault information. paragraph "Add fault information". “How to …”. Stop / No 24V Possible cause Remedy No +24V at the stop circuit input Close stop contact Check +24VDC supply at the stop circuit terminals Stop circuit closed Possible cause Remedy OpenStop circuit was closed again None. refer to sect. the messages can be configured as a fault or a warning "Setup”. tab “Fault Setup". refer to sect. paragraph "Reset faults". the Help function can only provide some general clues to possible causes. 192 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Weld without Command (Transformer Primary Current without SCR Firing Signal) Possible cause Remedy Voltage is supplied to the primary side of the welding transformer outside the weld time: Thyristors defective Replace PST or thyristor unit Welding transformer improperly Check connection connected Effects of other welding currents Check: is another timer welding on the same part at the same time? Note: This message is not output by the PSI models. . you should verify whether the Thyristor temperature sensor parameter matches the temperature contact of the power unit. Control stop Possible cause Remedy Function that is influenced by the Customer-specific application “Ready” input Power-Unit not ready (SCR or PSU Power Supply Fault) Possible cause Remedy Message of the power unit Check cooling temperature contact Check duty cycle/load Check cables/connectors For PSU: correct this unit’s fault message Note: After a re-installation. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 193 and Controls Fault messages External Over-Temperature (External Device Over Temperature Fault) Possible cause Remedy Message of an external temperature input: Cable between timer and Check cable/connector temperature sensor broken Insufficient cooling Check cooling circuit Excessive welding %I/duty cycle Reduce welding %I. Check the output and the fan by directly applying 24V to the fan Check temperature inside switch cabinet and/or cabinet cooling Transformer temp too high (Transformer Over Temperature Fault) Possible cause Remedy The temperature of the welding Check cooling transformer is controlled by thermostatic switches: Cable between temperature sensor Check cable/connector and timer broken Insufficient transformer cooling Check cooling circuit of the welding transformer Excessive welding %I/duty cycle Reduce welding %I .Power Unit Heatsink) Possible cause Remedy Heat sink is too hot (more than Check cooling 70°C) or Ambient temperature is too high (more than 70°C): Check duty cycle/load Air cooler: If the heat sink temperature reaches 55°C or more. the external fan is switched on via X4/13 (+24V) and X4/14 (GND). shorter duty cycle Cooling temperature too high (Over Temperature Fault . 194 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Battery-Low Possible cause Remedy The voltage of the timer’s buffer Replace battery battery has dropped Note: All data of a weld timer may be deleted if the battery voltage is low and there is no supply voltage! Memory deleted Possible cause Remedy All data has been deleted from this timer: New firmware was copied to timer: Copy data Battery is low or defective Replace battery and copy data Note: If the error occurs repeatedly. cycle power to the timer. replace timer! Data download started (Data Restore to Timer In Process) Possible cause Remedy Backup data is transmitted from If the Restore/Download function programming terminal to timer invoked from the GUI is still active. No schedule programmed Possible cause Remedy Wrong program selected Check program selection Invalid spot selection Check spot selection Invalid parameters in selected Check value range of the following program parameters: power unit number. program number . electrode number. wait until data transmission is finished If the Restore/Download function invoked from the GUI has been aborted. the timer can not be reset to Ready state by a "Fault reset". The following code has the following meaning. a group message will be output. e. Replace module up which does not match the firmware: A firmware was copied to the timer Copy proper firmware to the timer which is not permitted for the existing hardware Additional code for hardware fault: Bit code: Decimal: Module: 0x0001 1 Damaged flash 0x0002 2 Damaged RAM 0x0004 4 Analog module 0x0008 8 Additional analog module 0x0010 16 Power supply module 0x0020 32 I/O module 0x0040 64 Additional I/O module 0x0080 128 Field bus module missing (missing module is not a fault!) 0x0100 256 Additional_module_I 0x0200 512 Additional_module_II If several hardware errors are detected.Replace Timer / Inverter) Possible cause Remedy Defective module Replace module or timer A module is detected during power. Fault message 132 Field bus module 128 Analog adapter fault 4 = 132 Note: In the event of a hardware fault. .g.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 195 and Controls Fault messages Hardware Fault (Hardware Fault . and check is not in the range of 50 or 60 Hz +. check all mains phases system Fuse in welding system tripped Check synchronization voltage . response 5% Disturbances in welding power Reset fault. or Switch welding power on. two subsequent half-cycles with the same polarity were detected: Synchronization voltage too low Check synchronization voltage Thyristor unit defective Check thyristor unit and fuses Current sensor or connection cable Check current sensor and defective connection cable Circuit Breaker Off (Main Breaker Tripped by Timer) Possible cause Remedy The timer has energized the main switch relay: The connected main circuit breaker tripped Sync / Power Fault (Loss of Synchronization Voltage to Timer) Possible cause Remedy Welding power was switched off.196 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages I/O-Bus Fault (Serial I/O Bus Fault) Possible cause Remedy The serial I/O module has signaled Replace I/O module or timer a bus error to the timer Half-Cycle Monitoring (Transformer Half cycling Fault) Possible cause Remedy During the welding process. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 197 and Controls Fault messages Fuse in power unit defective Check all fuses of the power unit. select proper program . cable. connectors. and active” input was reset to 0 during proportionate valve the weld schedule Program Parity Fault (Parity error) Possible cause Remedy The parity bit does not match the Check parity setting at the selected program: programming terminal (“Parity” parameter) Check program selection. select proper program Sequence externally cancelled Possible cause Remedy The signal at the “Prop. valve Check input. or replace power unit Synchronization OK Possible cause Remedy Welding power has been None: This message only appears in reconnected. the log Also refer to Sync / Power Fault Start Inhibited (Weld scheduled stopped) Possible cause Remedy The schedule of the selected Enable program at the programming program was inhibited: terminal (“Start-Inhibit” parameter) Check program selection. 198 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages 24V off/to low Possible cause Remedy The 24V supply for the internal logic is too low (approx. The mains voltage was above approx. 870V for the high-voltage version PSI 6xxx.xxxL1 or above approx.AC input voltage too high) Possible cause Remedy An excessively high mains voltage was measured at the DC link level. 680V for units PSI 6xxx. 19V): 24V supply is too low Check the 24V supply Connection fault in the area of the Check connections 24V supply 24V supply switched off by operating process Note: This message is only output by PSI / PST variants! Supply Voltage Fault Possible cause Remedy The 24VDC supply for the internal Check the 24V supply logic was missing or switched off: Check connections Timer switched on Possible cause Remedy 24V supply was reconnected Control reset was triggered from the GUI Power voltage to high (DC Bus voltage too high .xxxL2: Mains overvoltage or mains Check mains power supply transient . the next 10 mains cycles are measured. A phase loss will not be detected.AC input voltage low or off) Possible cause Remedy The mains voltage is too low or no Check mains power supply longer available. For a mains voltage of 380V or more. The mains voltage is monitored at the DC link level. The DC link capacitors store sufficient energy to bridge the missing phase. If the voltage values decrease steadily (indicating a steady discharge of the DC link electrolyte capacitor). this message is generated in order to avoid welding without mains power.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 199 and Controls Fault messages Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! Power voltage off/to low (DC Bus voltage too low . Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! Power voltage off/to low receipt Possible cause Remedy Acknowledgement of the previous None: This message only appears in message Power voltage off/to low the log Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! No Weld external Possible cause Remedy External weld signal was Check signal at the Weld external deactivated input . 200 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Weld external Possible cause Remedy External weld signal was activated None: This message only appears in the log No Weld internal Possible cause Remedy Weld signal switched off at Check setting at the programming programming terminal terminal (“Weld/No weld (Global)” parameter) Weld internal Possible cause Remedy Internal weld signal activated None: This message only appears in the log With stroke. with weld Possible cause Remedy Schedule with ignition and with Input “Schedule with stroke. with solenoid valve (gun closes) weld” is high No stroke. without solenoid valve (gun does with weld” is low not close) %I too large/Force/Pressure too high/PHA is too high Possible cause Remedy The programmed %I or pressure value is too high . no weld Possible cause Remedy Schedule without ignition and Input signal “Schedule with stroke. too high %I) or base pressure %I/pressure correction too high Check Correction values Extend stepping request Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached the Extend Electrode Life Near End of Stepper/Waiting condition: The counts have exceeded the Replace electrode programmed end of stepper Extended electrode life Near End of Stepper Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode was set to Extend Electrode Life Near End of Stepper/Waiting condition: The counts may exceed the Replace electrode soon. depending on the programming of parameter “Stop at end of stepper”.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 201 and Controls Fault messages %I/pressure increase in stepping is Check inputs in %I/pressure stepper too high (Stepper) %I limitation /Pressure limit too low Check parameters of the corresponding limits Base %I or Base pressure value) Check base %I(programmed current. because the programmed end of stepper by a programmed end of stepper may be specified number of spots exceeded by a specified number of spots only End of stepper Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached the End of stepper condition The count value has reached the Replace electrode programmed wear until end of stepper Note: Continued welding may or may not be possible. . 202 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages End of stepper Possible cause Remedy The weld timer was stopped by End Replace electrode of stepper Electrode changed Possible cause Remedy The electrode change was None: This message only appears in acknowledged externally the log Stepper exceed Possible cause Remedy An external request was made to Replace electrode exceed the end of stepper Prewarning reached Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached the Prewarning condition: The count value has reached the The electrode will soon reach the programmed wear until Prewarning End of stepper condition Dress-Request reached Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached the Dress-Request condition The count value has reached the Dress electrode programmed wear until Dress- Request . number of spots welded before dressing Possible cause Remedy The weld timer was stopped by Dress electrode Dressing requirement Electrode dressed (Stepper tip dressed) Possible cause Remedy The electrode tip dress was None: This message only appears in acknowledged externally the log Tipdress prewarning Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached The cutter blade should be replaced the Tipdress Prewarning condition soon Electrode life tipdress Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has reached Replace cutter blade the Electrode Life Tipdress . depending on the programming of parameter “Stop at end of stepper”. Max.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 203 and Controls Fault messages Dressing necessary Possible cause Remedy The specified electrode has exceeded the Dress-Request condition The count value has exceeded the Dress or replace electrode programmed wear until dress request Note: Continued welding may or may not be possible. duty cycle Check cutter. cutter motor Check programmed duty cycle Cutter1: Temperature fault Possible cause Remedy The temperature contact was Check “Cutter temp. mill duration exceeded Possible cause Remedy The programmed rpm was not Check connectors and cables reached during max. opened during dressing connectors and cables Check cutter motor temperature. . contact” input.204 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages condition: Cutter blade changed Possible cause Remedy The cutter blade counter was reset None: This message only appears in the log Cutter1: Cutter not running Possible cause Remedy Cyclic signal at “rpm counter 1” Check connectors and cables input missing rpm sensor failure Check cutter. cutter motor Cutter jammed Cutter1: Dressing process aborted Possible cause Remedy Inputs “Start cutter 1” or “Close gun Check input signals 1” became low during dressing operation Cutter1: Max. duty cycle Check cutter. mill duration exceeded Possible cause Remedy The programmed rpm was not Check connectors and cables reached during max. cutter motor Check programmed duty cycle . cutter motor Cutter jammed Cutter2: Dressing process aborted Possible cause Remedy Inputs “Start cutter 2” or “Close gun Check input signals 2” became low during dressing operation Cutter2: Max. opened during dressing connectors and cables Check cutter motor Cutter1: Emergency-Stop Possible cause Remedy The stop circuit of the weld timer Check weld timer stop circuit was opened during dressing Check connectors and cables Cutter2: Cutter not running Possible cause Remedy Cyclic signal at “rpm counter 2” Check connectors and cables input missing rpm sensor failure Check cutter.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 205 and Controls Fault messages Cutter1: Motor protection trip Possible cause Remedy The motor protection contact was Check “Motor protection trip” input. 206 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Cutter2: Temperature fault Possible cause Remedy The temperature contact was Check “Cutter temp. opened during dressing connectors and cables Check cutter motor Cutter2: Emergency-Stop Possible cause Remedy The stop circuit of the weld timer Check weld timer stop circuit was opened during dressing Check connectors and cables Phase Angle prewarning reached Possible cause Remedy The limit set for %I prewarning was Check the phase value setting in “%I reached/exceeded Prewarning” parameter. Cutter2: Motor protection trip Possible cause Remedy The motor protection contact was Check “Motor protection trip” input. contact” input. Also refer to Maximum Phase Angle Reached Maximum Phase Angle Reached Possible cause Remedy The maximum phase angle setting Check secondary circuit/cables for was reached wear Check the phase value setting in “%I Limitation” parameter. Mains voltage dip Repeat spot weld Welding transformer/power unit Use higher next transformer tap rating too low . opened during dressing connectors and cables Check cutter motor temperature. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 207 and Controls Fault messages Note: The current phase value can be viewed under “Middle PHA”. Secondary monitoring circuit is open (Current measurement circuit open) Possible cause Remedy Broken sensor cable Replace cable Detached plug-in connections Check plug-in connections Incorrect connector assignment Check connector assignment Defective sensor Replace sensor Secondary monitoring circuit is shorted Possible cause Remedy Squeezed-in sensor cable Replace cable Incorrect connector assignment Check connector assignment Defective sensor Replace sensor Termination of Weld / no current Possible cause Remedy No current was measured at the Check closing mechanisms (robot. Note: The message will be active until the electrode has been replaced! Note: Excessively high values achieved by % correction and % stepping can also trigger this message. beginning of the weld for 40 ms (the machine) schedule is aborted) Check position and pressure of electrodes Clean sheets Check conductivity Check connector assignment Replace sensor . No Weld Possible cause Remedy Weld signal was switched off during the schedule .KUR Mode Possible cause Remedy A primary voltage of more than Check turns ratio of primary voltage 200% or less than 50% of the transformer.208 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages No voltage 1. Check the programmed mains voltage Reweld By Timer Active Possible cause Remedy The spot weld was repeated Refer to %I fault signaled Inhibit Monitoring Mode Active Possible cause Remedy Schedule for which monitoring Check programming of Inhibit stopped has been activated Monitoring Mode/Monitoring stopped (P) and Inhibit Monitoring Mode/Monitoring stopped (T). programmed voltage was measured during KUR mode.HW Possible cause Remedy No primary voltage was measured Check KUR connectors and cables in KUR mode Primary Voltage Measuring Fault . clean sheets Bad electrode positioning Improve positioning Welding transformer underrating Change over or replace welding transformer Over Current … Possible cause Remedy Current measured exceeds tolerance band: Programmed value step-change to Select broader tolerance band. Check programmed value. e. control stopped (P) and control stopped (T). lower %I values reduce programmed value step- changes Handling of different sheet Use several programs with different thicknesses or sheet layers parameters .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 209 and Controls Fault messages Without regulation. No current … Possible cause Remedy Electrodes not closed Check closing mechanisms (robot.g. clean electrodes Contamination of sheets Repeat weld. machine) No electrical contact at the point to Check position and pressure of be welded electrodes Contamination of sheets Clean sheets Sealant used Check conductivity Low Current … Possible cause Remedy Current measured is below tolerance band: Tolerance band too small Check tolerance band Programmed value too high. stepper because of stepping values Contamination of electrodes Repeat weld. without monitoring Possible cause Remedy Schedule for which monitoring Check programming of Inhibit stopped and control stopped have Monitoring Mode/Monitoring stopped been activated (P) and Inhibit Monitoring Mode/Monitoring stopped (T).. use NBS Current measurement range exceeded … Possible cause Remedy The current measured is above the Select more appropriate measuring programmed measuring range range Check current for excessive fluctuations Weld time too short … Possible cause Remedy The permitted time tolerance is not Check setting in Time Monitoring reached External termination of weld/No Check signal current Fault signal Also refer to Weld time too long . higher %I values reduce programmed value step- changes Handling of different sheet Use several programs with different thicknesses or sheet layers parameters Change in electrode pressure Check electrode force system conditions Change in resistance conditions in Ensure constant conditions secondary circuit Mains voltage fluctuations Select broader tolerance band. ensure constant conditions. use NBS Low Current-series of welds-… Possible cause Remedy Current measured is below the limited tolerance band after n repetitions: Programmed value step-change to Select broader tolerance band.. shunt circuit Mains voltage fluctuations Select broader tolerance band. ensure constant conditions. e.g.210 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Change in electrode pressure Check electrode force system conditions Change in resistance conditions Check secondary circuit (impedance) in secondary circuit. Diode Over Current (Transformer Diode Over Current Fault) Possible cause Remedy The computational emulation of the welding diode temperature has determined a junction temperature of more than 150°C.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 211 and Controls Fault messages Weld time too long … Possible cause Remedy The permitted time tolerance is Check the "Reference time" and exceeded "Tolerance" parameters Note: Changing a weld time presupposes a modification of the related reference time if time monitoring is active. taking into account a safety margin with respect to the stationary limit: Excessive welding %I Reduce welding %I or use longer welding breaks in order to reduce the duty cycle Duty cycle too long Switch off diode monitoring (Loss of guaranty/warranty!) Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! Diode defect (Transformer Diode Defective) Possible cause Remedy A defective welding diode is detected in “Measurement: Secondary” mode due to the saturation current peaks caused by the welding transformer that has been shorted by the defective diode: . This value corresponds to the power limit (mainly caused by alternating loads) of the welding diode. or there is a major earth leakage current (no personal protection): The transformer supply line or the Replace transformer supply line or welding transformer has a short. primary current reached Possible cause Remedy Primary current is cut off by internal Check transformer settings primary current limit at a value higher than 25% of the half-cycle Check: Has the maximum capability of the system been reached? Check: Does the system produce current overshoots ? . pretending a lower actual current to the inverter. the current may become too high. which results in an overcurrent response due to the regulation mode Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! Max. Reduce %I or work in KSR mode For weld times above 1s.212 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Welding diode defective Replace transformer (PSG) Note: This message is only output by PSI variants! Overcurrent or Earth-fault (Transformer Diode Defective) Possible cause Remedy The inverter output current is in excess of 110% of the maximum current. the integrator for duration of more than 1s current measurement may drift off. welding transformer circuit or an earth fault Output current too high In PHA mode. currents at Change over to “Measurement: the power limit and ”Measurement: Primary” mode for currents with a Secondary” mode. if the fault can only be reset by cycling power to the unit. Pressure gun contact 2” is missing . cables and electrode at input “Weld enable. Defective power transistor inside Replace timer inverter. if the fault can simply be reset. cables and electrode at input “Weld enable. the feedback Check input. please call technical service No weld contactor enable Possible cause Remedy Weld contactor enable input signal Check input and wiring missing Isolation contactor feedback fault Possible cause Remedy The feedback signal from the Check input.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 213 and Controls Fault messages Driver-Fault (Transistor Fault or External Short Circuit Fault) Possible cause Remedy A fault was detected in the IGBT power transistor control which indicates a short-circuit or overload. Pressure gun contact 1” is missing No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 2 Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. the feedback Check input. wiring. and contactor welding circuit contactor is missing No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 1 Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. or external short-circuit. cables and main switch signal at input “Weld switch contactor 1 closed” is missing Weld Contactor Gun 2 Open Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. the signal at Check connector. cables and main switch signal at input “Weld switch contactor 2 closed” is missing Weld Contactor Gun 1 Did Not Open Possible cause Remedy The timer has switched main switch Check output. cables . connectors. the main Check connector. connectors. cables and cooling input “Water flow gun 2” is missing water Weld Contactor Gun 1 Open Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. the signal at Check connector. cables and cooling input “Water flow gun 1” is missing water No Water Flow Gun 2 Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. but and main switch the signal at input “Weld contactor 1 closed” is still high after 100 ms Weld Contactor Gun 2 Did Not Open Possible cause Remedy The timer has switched main switch Check output. cables 1 off via output “Main switch 1”.214 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages No Water Flow Gun 1 Possible cause Remedy After the Start signal. the main Check connector. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 215 and Controls Fault messages 2 off via output “Main switch 2”. cables and elcb Mains Power Balance Monitoring Ok Possible cause Remedy The “ELCB” input signal is OK None: This message only appears in the log Auxiliary contactor monitor Possible cause Remedy The “Auxiliary contactor monitoring” input drops from 24V to 0V and the stop circuit does not follow within 5 seconds Check auxiliary contactor and time- delay element Check inputs . which signals a closed gun or attainment of the programmed force to the timer Mains Power Balance Monitoring Activated Possible cause Remedy The “ELCB” input signals a fault Check connectors. but and main switch the signal at input “Weld contactor 2 closed” is still high after 100 ms Monitor contact open Possible cause Remedy At the 24V pressure input. cables and feedback signal is missing after a pressure/gun switch waiting time of 5 seconds. the Check connectors. 216 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Fault-Reset Possible cause Remedy ALL faults have been reset None: This message only appears in the log Welding-Fault Reset Possible cause Remedy Welding faults have been reset None: This message only appears in the log Slave error Possible cause Remedy Display in master-slave operation Check slave that the slave inverter is not ready Read error from slave Reset error in slave Current Measurement Range Exceeded Possible cause Remedy For PSI with third-party control: The Set proper measuring range current measured is outside the measuring range Check: Has the maximum capability of the system been reached? Scaling: Communication error Possible cause Remedy Error in data telegram received from Switch weld current meter on. select the external weld current meter proper operating mode Use proper weld current meter Check display on weld current meter: are values plausible? . Use suitable cable. meter. Also refer to V24 in the terminal diagram of the timer Switch weld current meter on Install current measuring belt Check trigger setting on weld current meter During pressure calibration.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 217 and Controls Fault messages Scaling: no valid measuring value received Possible cause Remedy The weld current meter signals an Repeat scaling incorrect measurement in the data telegram transmitted Scaling: no measuring value received Possible cause Remedy No signal was received during Connect cable to RS232/V24 port of communication with the external the timer and the weld current meter weld current meter. Scaling: wrong mode Possible cause Remedy “Secondary” measuring mode was Set to “primary” measurement set for current calibration. no Check connection and cable for force voltage was measured by the force sensor: 24V supply and reset signal measuring outlet: available? Use force sensor with 1 kN / Volt Check programmed force values Check pressure control valve Check pressure build-up at the gun Scaling: protocol fault Possible cause Remedy A fault was detected when changing First connect weld current meter. from the Bosch protocol to the V24 then reset fault message and repeat protocol of the reference current scaling. Calibration is aborted. . last scaling repeat scaling if necessary The values for fade-out time. was aborted (e. Check transformer selection Check toroid sensitivity Scaling: Diff.. trail Check fade-out time. primary / secondary current too large Possible cause Remedy During current monitoring. the difference between the primary current and the secondary current is outside the programmed tolerance band: Secondary circuit shunted Check secondary circuit Secondary sensor and connection Repeat scaling have been changed since scaling was performed for the last time Changes in secondary circuit. Scaling: current out of range Possible cause Remedy The primary or secondary current Check the sensor on the secondary measured deviates from the side and its connection programmed value by more than 30%. repeat have been changed scaling . a welding process fault was signaled with the additional code “Calibration aborted”.218 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages Scaling: Sequence aborted Possible cause Remedy A fault has occurred during a Read the fault from the Error table program run by which the schedule and correct it. Repeat scaling gun replaced without scaling Toroid sensitivity or transformer Check welding transformer selection selection have been changed since and current sensor responsiveness.g. e.g. Fault Reset and repeat calibration Furthermore. Emergency-Stop). trail current and current or current measuring range current measuring range. Check programmed pressure value Worn electrode gun Check electrode gun Force monitoring: time too short Possible cause Remedy The time required for building up Check the values for 1. the electrode gun is too slow in building up the force. force is shorter than the pre. Check programmed pressure value Check electrode gun Force monitoring: Force/Pressure too high Possible cause Remedy The calculated final force value is Check programmed force value and above the tolerance band for the tolerance band . That means.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 219 and Controls Fault messages Scaling: result invalid Possible cause Remedy Force scaling and subsequent Check programmed force values processing of the force values measured yielded inconsistent results: No rising force characteristic can be calculated between the first and the second force measuring point Check connection and cable for force sensor: 24V supply and reset signal available? Check pressure control valve Force monitoring: time too long Possible cause Remedy The time for building up force is Check the values for 1.SQZ/PreSqz.SQZ/PreSqz . That means. longer than the pre-squeeze time SQZ and ”Force monitoring before plus squeeze time less “force end of squeeze time” monitoring before end of squeeze time”. SQZ and ”Force monitoring before squeeze time. the end of squeeze time” electrode gun is too quick in building up the force. refer to additional fault message. Repeat scaling Check force sensor Check pressure control valve Replace electrode gun Error US measurement Possible cause Remedy Fault in ultrasonic measurement Refer to additional fault message Note: This fault message signals a fault in the ultrasonic measurement and occurs together with an additional fault message. For remedial action. . refer to additional fault message. For remedial action. Repeat scaling Check force sensor Check pressure control valve Force monitoring: Force/Pressure too low Possible cause Remedy The calculated final force value is Check programmed force value and below the tolerance band for the tolerance band programmed force value. Error US control loop Possible cause Remedy Fault in ultrasonic control: the timer Refer to additional fault message changed the regulation mode from USR to KSR during the weld Note: This fault message signals a fault in the ultrasonic measurement and occurs together with an additional fault message.220 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages programmed force value. and fit transmission curve cannot be calculated USP too high Possible cause Remedy The transmission curve indicates Checked programmed limit value too low temperature for weld “Max. USP” Check weld USP too low Possible cause Remedy The transmission curve indicates Checked programmed limit value too high temperature for weld “Min. Check for welding splashes: check but the ultrasonic point of the pressure. USP not calculated Possible cause Remedy An ultrasonic signal was measured. USP” Check weld spot repetition with US Possible cause Remedy The spot weld was automatically Check programmable parameter repeated “spot repetition” . For remedial action. electrodes. refer to additional fault message.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 221 and Controls Fault messages PSQ Sequence Cancelled Possible cause Remedy Ultrasonic measurement/control not Refer to additional fault message possible Note: This fault message signals a fault in the ultrasonic measurement and occurs together with an additional fault message. repeated after Fault Reset with Reweld Note: In this case. no other faults specific for ultrasonic mode will be output. Even if the welding process fault “Spot repetition” was defined as a warning. it is not possible to record a meaningful ultrasonic transmission curve.222 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages The spot weld was automatically Use “Fault Reset with WC”. Ö Check spot welds! PSQ hardware fault Possible cause Remedy Initialization fault when switching the Check firmware version of the US timer on controller board of the timer Hardware fault of US controller Cycle power or Reset timer board PSQ internal communication error Possible cause Remedy Communication fault between the Check firmware version of the US timer and the US controller board controller board of the timer Cycle power or Reset timer PSQ temperature too high Possible cause Remedy Temperature on US regulator board Let unit cool down is higher than 60°C USP temperature too high Possible cause Remedy Temperature inside front-end above Let unit cool down 70°C . Check front-end and CAN end did not perform measuring loop connection test. PSQ watchdog fault Possible cause Remedy Timer detected that US controller Reset Fault board no longer responds Cycle power or Reset timer PSQ not available Possible cause Remedy US controller board has not yet Extend spot interval to approx. 1 completed the previous schedule second when next schedule is started PSQ sequence error Possible cause Remedy In the beginning of schedule: Front.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 223 and Controls Fault messages USP hardware fault Possible cause Remedy Hardware fault in front-end Replace front-end. During schedule: no values from front-end USP communication error Possible cause Remedy Communication between the Check voltage supply to front-end ultrasonic controller board and the and links with front-end front-end is disturbed during the schedule . 224 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Fault messages US measuring loop fault Possible cause Remedy The front-end does not receive an Close electrode gun ultrasonic signal. direction of polarization Note: Use the “Test measuring channel” function for this purpose. during the measuring loop test Electrode caps are not upright Bad fit of sheet Check sensors: Transmitter and receiver Defective front-end Check US parameters: gain factor. sensor spacing. PSQ memory deleted Possible cause Remedy New US controller board installed in Re-program parameters or restore the timer. parameters with Download function Different memory structure after firmware update PSQ ok Possible cause Remedy No faults in the ultrasonic system None: This message only appears in (PSQ) the log . or a very low signal. A group of check boxes is used for an “m from n” selection. When a welding program is executed. the counts are incremented by the value of the count factor. It is defined as 100% and serves as a basis for calculating the %I correction and %I stepping. Count factor Program-specific value that can be configured in “Programming: Stepper” window. Configuration tool Separate program for the administrator that may be used to adjust many features of BOS 6000 to your specific requirements. Data link between the ultrasonic controller board and the front-end Check box Square object used to activate/deactivate a function. . CAN Controller Area Network. Base %I Programmed current in kA or the phase value in %I for a weld time. Count Refer to Counts.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 225 and Controls Glossary Glossary AC Alternating Current. the relevant function is blocked or cannot be activated for reasons immanent to the system. DST Down-slope time. In contrast to the spot counter. but rather by an adjustable. Indicates how often the electrode has already been dressed (first tip dress not included). press and hold down the left mouse button and move the mouse. .In this way. Drag the element to the desired location and release the left mouse button. the counts are not incremented by the fixed value of 1 for each spot welded. program-specific count factor. ED Duty cycle. dimmed The relevant object or a part of it is shown in gray color. CT Cool time.226 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Glossary Counts Electrode-specific counter. Indicates the current Counts value of an electrode. shortly press the left mouse button twice and release it immediately afterwards. the electrode count can be exactly recorded even when welding different sheet thicknesses or materials. DC Direct Current. In this condition. double click Move mouse pointer to the desired element. Dressing counter Electrode-specific counter. The mouse pointer drags the element along as it moves. drag Move mouse pointer to the desired element. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 227 and Controls Glossary First tip dress Is used to obtain a defined contact area when new electrodes have been installed. %I Phase value (%I). 1070 087005. the icons draw the reader’s attention to specially important safety issues. Also refer to our documentation on “Programming field buses”. The address consists of four numbers between 0 and 255 each separated by dots. I/O Input/Output. IP address Address of a timer that communicates with BOS 6000 through an Ethernet network. Icon Small symbols shown by the system instead of windows or entire applications. HTML HyperText Markup Language. Front-end Electronic equipment used in connection with ultrasonic welding. IP Internet Protocol. kA kilo-Amps. . Programmed %I for PHA mode. HLD Hold time. In connection with the safety instructions. no. Menu line Line containing a number of commands/functions for selection. Menu List containing a number of commands/functions for selection. WLD. A left-click on this text will open a new window or invoke a function. underlined text. PostWeld are treated separately for the purpose of monitoring and regulation. the PreWld. Mixed mode In contrast to Standard mode. List box List containing options for selection. Link Blue. shortly press the left (unless specified otherwise) mouse button once and release it immediately afterwards. Refer to shortcuts. . KUR Constant-voltage regulation. Drives the power unit so as to ensure that the programmed current is reached in the secondary circuit.228 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Glossary Keyboard control Operating the BOS 6000 via the keyboard. KSR KonstantStromRegelung (constant-current regulation). mouse click Move mouse pointer to the desired element. kN kilo-Newton. Popup menu Menu that appears after a right click at the mouse pointer position. PHA Non-regulated timer mode as compared to KSR and KUR. Function designed to prevent an overload of the welding network caused by simultaneous welding of several timers. PSI Weld timer with integrated medium-frequency inverter. PST Weld timer with integrated thyristor unit. The welding %I (programmable as %I) is determined by the phase value (of thyristor power units) or the pulse width (of medium-frequency inverters). OFF Off time. mV Millivolts. PSU Separate medium-frequency inverter unit (without integrated control logic). PSQ Ultrasonic quality assurance system.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 229 and Controls Glossary ms Millisecond. . NBS Mains load limitation control. or Cursor up increments/decrements the numerical value displayed. Important shortcuts: Alt+<x> To select menu items via the keyboard. Shortcuts Many commands/functions can be invoked by pressing a key or by pressing several keys simultaneously. . F1 Calls up the Help function F10 Selects the first item in the menu bar.. Home In text/number field: Places the cursor in front of the first character. By moving it.. and finally release both keys. then press the key indicated after “+”. a window or a list box). Print Copies the current screen display to the clipboard Enter key Executes a command. in order to display more information). you first have to press and hold down one of the keys Ctrl. Space bar Selects or deselects an element from within the checkbox Cursor down Selects an element from a list box. you can shift the contents of the object (e. In order to trigger a key combination. Alt+Cursor up Alt+Tab Selects a currently active application and brings it into the foreground. End In text/number field: Places the cursor behind the last character. Scrollbar A bar at the right and/or bottom margin of an object (e. Alt+Esc Brings the next currently active application into the foreground. A group of radio buttons is used for a “1 from n” selection. <x>: Wildcard character for the character underlined in the relevant menu text. Alt+F4 Closes the active window Alt+Space bar Opens the system menu Alt+Cursor down Opens/closes a list box selected.g.g. In list box: Selects the first entry in the list. In list box: Selects the last entry in the list. Alt or Shift.230 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Glossary Radio button Round object used to activate/deactivate a function. Slope Linear %I change in the form of a current slope.g. Shift+End Selects all characters to the right of the cursor in a text/numerical field. . due to %I stepping). Indicates the number of spots already welded by the respective electrode. The spot counter is only displayed below “spots” in the “Detail-Info” window. Timer communication status: green: online. Shift+Cursor down Selects several consecutive elements from Shift+Cursor down within a list of choices Shift+Home Selects all characters to the left of the cursor in a text/numerical field. red: fault Date. Status line Is located at the lower margin of the BOS main window and contains the following information: Name of the parameter that can be modified in the current input field (containing the cursor) and its applicable input limits (important for dynamic limit values. Ctrl+X Deletes selected characters. Ctrl+V Pastes the last string copied to the clipboard with Ctrl+X or Ctrl+C to the left of the cursor. Shift+Tab Selects the previous object/input field. Tab Selects the next object/input field.1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 231 and Controls Glossary Ctrl+C Copies selected characters.. time and key conditions. e. Spot counter Electrode-specific counter. SQZ Squeeze time. WLD. In contrast to the counts. the spot counter is incremented by the fixed value of 1 for each spot welded. blue: offline. PostWeld are treated jointly for the purpose of monitoring and regulation. Standard mode In contrast to Mixed mode. the PreWld. a relevant explanation appears in a small window. PostWeld: Post-heating weld time.g. etc. Time in which the power unit is activated.. for example. timer. WT Weld timer. minimizing or closing the window. WLD Weld time.232 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Glossary UST Up-slope time. if available. Three different weld times can be set in the timer: PreWld Warming-up time. controller module. Prevents parts from cooling down too quickly The duration and %I of all 3 weld times can be configured separately. . Tool tip When the mouse pointer remains motionless on an input field/object for a moment. for those windows which are not active. For heating up the parts to be welded. WLD: Main welding time. The PreWld and PostWeld are optional. ÜK Monitoring contact US Ultrasonic. module. Other names include. e. USR Ultrasonic control Waiting/Extended electrode life Counts range between the end of stepper and the point where no schedule can be performed any more with this timer. Is dimmed. Title bar The horizontal bar on the upper edge of a window or dialog that shows the title of the window or dialog and the command buttons for maximizing. It normally causes the robot to move on to the next spot weld. Whether weld complete is output for faultless welds only or independent of the welding result can be selected in parameter “WC with error". .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 233 and Controls Glossary WC Weld complete contact. Signal that is output by the weld timer after a welding schedule. 234 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Glossary . Halfcycle limit 82 Choose parity 77 1.-Data Import/Export Basics 23 (Parameter-Restore)</LABEL> 145 Battery-Low 194 Baudrate 115 > Book symbols 12 >%I Step. Stepper) %I Correction (Elec. Correction) too high 200 120 Base pressure value (Programming.exe 31 >Monitor Step. Toroid sensitivity 83 Compare Timer Data 160 2. Seq. Timer-Information) 106 2 Compare 133 Compare spot reference 172 2. Copy the contents of a numerical input field 165 schedule) 55 Copy Timer Data 157 Active reference current (Programming.-Value 64 BOSServ.-Value 64 C Change parameters and transfer to timer 169 1 Change the communication data of logged-in 1.CT 48 Circuit Breaker Off 196 Code (Diagnosis.CT 50 Conditional tolerance band 54 24V off/to low 198 Confirm electrode change 174 Connection set-up 39 3 Contents (structure) 12 Control stop 192 3. Pg. Correction 117 Stepper) 72 Correction 118 Actual value (Dressing counter) 70 Corresponding Programs 149 Add fault information 183 Count 65 Count-Factor 71 .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 235 and Controls Index Addition (Diagnosis. Last Index Weld) 107 Addition (Diagnosis. Timer-Information. Halfcycle after Pause-Time 45 timers 155 1. Timer) 106 Address mode 115 % After each dressing 65 Autobackup 138 %I after last dressing 69 Auxiliary contactor monitor 216 %I at the end of 1st stepper phase 66 Average/Middle PHA (Programming. Timer-Information.2) <LABEL ID=207 REF=YES 56 TOPIC=YES>Para.) 119 72 %I Correction (Prg.) 119 %I for new electrode 64 %I Limitation 82 B %I Prewarning 82 Backup 137 %I too large/Force/Pressure too high/PHA is Base pressure value (Correction. Schedule) < 47 Base pressure value (Programming.CT 50 Control stopped 75 Conversion-Factor 92 A Cooling temperature too high 193 Activating Help 10 Copy 141 Active reference current (Programming. Step.-Value 64 >Press. 236 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Index Counts 67 DST 49 Current at 0% I 85 Current at 50% I 85 E Current calibration 147 Current Measurement Range Exceeded 216 Edit | Autobackup 29 Current measurement range exceeded… 210 Edit | Copy 29 Current measuring/Current supervision 80 Edit | Correction 29 Current monitoring 53 Edit | Export record set 29 Cutter blade changed 204 Edit | Firmware changing 29 Cutter1 Edit | Login 29 Cutter not running 204 Edit | Oscilloscope function 29 Dressing process aborted 204 Edit | Programming 28 Emergency-Stop 205 Edit | Setup 29 Max. Stepper) 69 Filter tables 166 Dressings 70 Find Dress-Request 70 Text 13 Dress-Request reached 202 Find keyword 12 Driver-Fault 213 Firmware change 142 .2) 59 File | Para. mill duration exceeded 204 Edit | Timer change 29 Motor protection trip 205 Electrode changed 202 Temperature fault 204 Electrode dressed 203 Cutter2 Electrode life tipdress 203 Cutter not running 205 Electrode range 84 Dressing process aborted 205 Electrode/Stepper 46 Emergency-Stop 206 End of stepper 201. mill duration exceeded 205 End of Stepper (refer to maximum counts) 68 Motor protection trip 206 End-Slope 52 Temperature fault 206 Enter/change spot references 172 Error table 124 Error US control loop 221 D Error US measurement 220 Data download started 194 Exit BOS 6000 153 Define access levels for individual objects 163 Export parameter data to ASCII file 175 Delete spot references 173 Export spot reference 171 Delete timers from BOS 6000 154 Export spot reference to an Excel file 171 Deleting topics from the Favorites list 15 Export timer data (backup) 158 Description of the symbols in the menu lines 11 Export Timer Reference 156 Detail Info 151 ext. 202 Max. Pg. data import/export | Import … 28 Dressing-Curve (Programming. data change 169 Diagnosis 97 Extend stepping request 201 Diagnostics I/O 98 Extended electrode life Near End of Stepper Last Weld 107 201 Start Simulation 102 Extended electrode life/Waiting 71 Timer-Information 105 external data change 169 User Diagnostics I/O 101 External Over-Temperature 193 Diode defect 212 Diode Over Current 211 F Diode temperature 90 DIP switch 116 Fade-out time 78 Display spot comments 173 Fault messages 191 Displaying the topics in the Favorites list 14 Fault-Reset 216 Dress new electrode 71 File | Exit 28 Dressing necessary 203 File | Para. Seq. data import/export | Export … 28 Dressing-Curve (Programming. %I correction 74 Import spot reference 171 Min. Start Simulation 104 Network overview 126 Interval (Diagnosis. number of spots welded before dressing Hardware Fault 195 203 Help | About 31 Max. repetition in series) 76 H Max.PV 60 FPO (freely programmable output) 60 L FTP-Upload 135 Language 30 Functions (Setup. schedule) Ignition Type 96 55 Import parameter data from ASCII file 176 Min. Communication) 114 Force monitoring Isolation contactor feedback fault 213 Force/Pressure too high 220 Force/Pressure too low 220 K time too long 219 time too short 220 Keyword search 12 Force x. primary current reached 213 History 9 Max. Timer-Information) 106 Next 11 .1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 237 and Controls Index Force calibration 148 IP Address (Setup. Pressure-Correction 74 Help | Help 31 Max. welding time 75 HLD 51 Maximum count 68 How to … 153 Maximum Phase Angle Reached 206 Maximum pressure 90 Meaning of important icons 26 I Measuring loop check 80 I% and pressure correction displays 48 Memory deleted 194 I/O Signals 97 Menu line of the Help window 11 I/O-Bus Fault 196 Middle/Average PHA (Programming. Pressure-Correction 74 Import Timer Reference 156 Mode 115 Impulse 50 Mode pressure output 78 Including topics in the Favorites list 14 Monitor contact open 215 Influence data comparison at program start 162 Monitor stepper 64 Information concerning the last welding Monitoring 46 schedule performed 97 Monitoring stopped 76 Information concerning the timer 97 Inhibit Monitoring Mode Active 208 N Inputs / Outputs 100 Interval (Diagnosis. %I correction 73 Half-Cycle Monitoring 196 Max. Communication) 116 Last weld program chosen 104 Functions | Compare 30 Laufzeitbibliothek 31 Functions | Error table 30 Log in timers to BOS 6000 153 Functions | Network overview 30 Login 32 Functions | Parameter overview 30 Low Current… 209 Functions | Prewarning 30 Low Current-series of welds… 210 Functions | Protocol 30 Lower tolerance band 54 Functions | Rights administration 30 Functions | Spot reference 30 M Functions | Timer reference 30 Functions in the menu line 28 MAC-Adresse 116 Main weld current 51 G Mains Power Balance Monitoring Activated 215 Mains Power Balance Monitoring Ok 215 Getting to know the BOS 6000 user interface 23 Mains voltage 90 Max repeat welds (max. KUR Mode No Weld 209 208 No weld contactor enable 213 Print 11 No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 1 Print spot reference 172 214 Print Timer Reference 156 No Weld Enable or Weld Pressure Input Gun 2 Program (Diagnosis. parallel (diodes) 89 General 73 Nominal current (transformer) 87 Schedule 43 Nominal voltage (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) 94 Seq. 20 Power voltage to high 198 Readme 9 Power-Unit not ready 192 Ref.238 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Index No current… 209 Prewarning 122 No schedule programmed 194 Prewarning Count 68 No stroke. Timer-Information) 106 214 Program (display field in 100 No Weld external 199 Program Parity Fault 197 No Weld internal 200 Programming 42 No.Stepper-Phase 58 Reference time 61 Pressure for new electrode 57 Regulation 46 Pressure profile 60 Regulation mode 52 Pressure stepping 57 Renaming the topics in the Favorites list 15 Pressure-Correction (Elec.Stepper-Phase 67 Pre Sqz 48 Reference current 52 Pre Weld kA 51 Reference current for new electrode 65 Pressure after last Dressing 59 Reference current last dressing 70 Pressure at end of 1.2 56 Number of transformers 86 Stepper 62 Stepper/Electrode 81 O Thyristor-Unit-Parameter 94 Proper use 19 OFF 51 Protocol 128 Off-time 61 Protocol memories 129 On-time 61 PSQ hardware fault 222 Over Current… 210 PSQ internal communication error 223 Overcurrent or Earth-fault 212 PSQ memory deleted 225 Overview of the interface structure 24 PSQ not available 223 PSQ ok 225 P PSQ Sequence Cancelled 221 Para.) 119 Replace a defective timer 177 Previous (Back) 11 Reset faults 181 .) 119 Repeat factor 55 Pressure-Correction (Prg. no weld 200 Prewarning reached 202 No voltage 1.-Data Import/Export (Parameter-Backup) PSQ sequence error 224 144 PSQ temperature too high 223 Parameter Overview 134 PSQ watchdog fault 223 Perform current calibration 184 Pst Wld kA 52 Perform force calibration 187 Phase Angle prewarning reached 206 Q ping 36 Qualified personnel 20 Port Number 114 PostWeld 50 R Power voltage off/to low 199 Power voltage off/to low receipt 199 Range of training courses.-Current at end of 1. Pg.HW 208 PreWld 48 No Water Flow Gun 1 214 Primary transformer ratio (transformer) 87 No Water Flow Gun 2 214 Primary Voltage Measuring Fault . 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 239 and Controls Index Response to data mismatch 40 SQZ 48 Restore 137 Standard gateway 114 Restore Timer data (download) 159 Start Inhibited 197 Reweld By Timer Active 208 Start page (Home) 11 Rights Administration 135 Start with ignition (Diagnosis. Timer-Information. Pg. Timer-Information. copyright 22 .PT 60 Slope 49 Time-Monitoring (Programming. Start Simulation 104 current out of range 218 Status (Diagnosis. Start Simulation) 104 Safe working practices 21 Start-Inhibit (P) 44 Safety Instructions 17 Start-Inhibit (T) 74 Scaling Start-Slope-Current 51 Communication error 217 Status (Diagnosis. Seq. Timer-Information) 106 Sort tables 166 Timer type (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) 96 Spot Comment 150 Tipdress prewarning 203 Spot Reference 120 Tolerance standard 61 spot repetition with US 222 Toroid sensitivity 83 Spot-Repetition 47 Trademarks. Schedule) 47 SMTP Address 114 Timer 36 Software version 9 Timer change 140 Software-Version (Diagnosis. Pg. Timer) no measuring value received 217 106 no valid measuring value received 217 Stepper 71 protocol fault 218 Stepper exceed 202 result invalid 219 Stepper-Curve (Programming.2) 59 Sequence aborted 218 Stepper-Curve (Programming. Actual Difference primary / secondary current too Cycle) 106 large 218 Status (Diagnosis. Timer Reference 33 Information) 106 Timer switched on 198 Software-Version (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) 96 Timer type (Diagnosis. Timer-Information) 107 Stop at end of stepper 73 search keyword 12 Stop circuit closed 191 Secondary monitoring circuit is open 207 Subnet mask 114 Secondary monitoring circuit is shorted 207 Supervision (diodes) 88 Sequence externally cancelled 197 Supply Voltage Fault 198 Set Access Level 135 Switch-off temperature (diodes) 89 Set Counter 146 Symbols used 18 Set electrode counter 175 Sync / Power Fault 196 Setup 108 Synchronization OK 197 Communication 113 Fault-Setup 112 T Stepper curves 109 Tipdress curves 111 Termination of Weld / no current 207 Show (Unhide)/Hide 11 Text search 13 Show / Print / Export logs 167 The available windows 32 Show Contents (structure) 12 The BOS 6000 Help System 9 Show electrode status 173 Thyristor-Unit temperature 95 Show structure 12 Thyristor-Unit-Type 95 Signals 97 Time Monitoring (Programming. Seq.2) 61 Slave error 216 Time x. Timer. Start Simulation 104 S Start without ignition (Diagnosis. Stepper) 66 wrong mode 218 Stepping and dressing 63 Schedule 45 Stop / No 24V 191 Schedule (Diagnosis. Start Simulation) 105 WC Period 77 WC Start time 77 WC with error 77 Wear per component 71 Weld Contactor Gun 1 Did Not Open 215 Weld Contactor Gun 1 Open 214 Weld Contactor Gun 2 Did Not Open 215 Weld Contactor Gun 2 Open 214 Weld external 200 Weld internal 200 Weld program chosen 104 Weld time too long… 211 Weld time too short… 211 Weld without Command 192 Weld/No weld (Global) 74 Weld/No Weld (P) 44 Welding-Fault Reset 216 Why 17 Width of a table column 166 With stroke.240 Bosch Rexroth GmbH | Electric Drives BOS 6000 | 1070087074 / 01 and Controls Index Trail current 79 Transformer temp too high 193 Turns ratio (Thyristor-Unit-Parameter) 95 Type (diodes) 88 Type (transformer) 85 Type of connection (transformer) 86 U Upgrade the timer firmware 179 Upper current limit 82 Upper tolerance band 54 US measuring loop fault 224 Use favorites 14 USP communication error 224 USP hardware fault 223 USP not calculated 221 USP temperature too high 223 USP too high 222 USP too low 222 UST 49 W WC (Diagnosis. without monitoring 209 WLD 49 Z Zero adjust 93 . with weld 200 Without regulation. 1070087074 / 01 | BOS 6000 Electric Drives | Bosch Rexroth GmbH 241 and Controls Index . Bosch Rexroth AG Electric Drives and Controls P.O.-Dr. 2 97816 Lohr. Germany Phone +49 (0)93 52-40-50 60 Fax +49 (0)93 52-40-49 41 www.svc@boschrexroth. Germany Printed in Germany 1070087074 DOK-PS6000-BOS6000****-AW01-EN-P . Box 13 57 97803 Lohr.
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